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mag strong or explicit od the ouireacy, thj cotutry ?UK judge by the candidates, una they bold that Mr. rtlden'e twvi are more docided tbau tboee of Uor smor Haves. The nomination of Mr. Hendricks m generally acknowledged to very greatly strengthen the iemocratio ticket and give Uiat aide a chance 01 carry lag Indiana. It cauuot be aald that Mr. Tilden'* nomination haa ?TOi.Oi groat enthusiasm. Many democrat* were m sliund to make the Ught lor Wei-tern Stales, aud those oow say ttiat 'the ticket substantially surreuders the ITest aud stakes the issue oa New York, which had long bocu regarded oy politicians as a very uncertain State. "To loae it now would be latitl to us," said a Southern dem<?rat. "and it was hardly wiao to set so much upon a single -late; but, H is, alter all, a strong ticket, and fur my part, if we can elect Mr. Tilden, 1 would rather have him any other man." One thing gives general aatislactlon to the re >1 dem ocrats. "Tilden is a democrat Ilo uevcr was 'iiiytbiag else. He was raised In camp, ami 11 we can wiu with hla wo shall have a democratic party on democratic principles once more. Our party has been cursed oy the ruio ol old whigs. Now there is a chance oi getting away iron thero." So spoke a genuito democrat to-day. In this aspect the nomination ol Mr. Tit<>en gives real s;>t<siuctlon to that Urge number ol men who would have accepted Jaage Davis or General Hancock. II either ol these had been nominated, with a sort of despair at not, alter all, being allowed to make the fight under their own ban. ner. These now feel and say that even il they are beaten tbey will have a real democratic party and not a mixture. It is a Uttlo carious that among Southern republi cans the tan* thins Is said, bui with a d ff. rem view. Theae men are in the main whigs, and tbey know tho strength of the old whig leellng and tradition* in the Booth. They are glad that the St. Louis Convention nominated an oat and out democrat, for they believe that in such Stales as Virginia, North Carolina, Louisiana and, perhaps, Arkansas, it will now be easier than be fore to draw away the whig vote Irom tne democratic ranks, and to divide the white vote of those aud olhor States. This matter is not yet openly discussed, but it Is tfe*suh)<JCtof a good deal 01 private coaversatioo, and II tha republican leaders know how to take advautagH of tha old whig prejudice in the Southern States against the name, principles and traditiona or the democratic party, they mar bo able to effect a split down there, abieh, even if it did not materially help iheru in this election, would be of great service to tho eouulry Colonel Mosby U ui.dcrstood to say that in Virginia (he old whigs can be brought into the support of Hayes and Wheeler, and ho means himsoll to stump ihe Stale for that ticket. North Caro.inu Is awhigSiato, and it is already said here that it will be carried by the whigs Tor Hayes. In l/Oulslana, Warmouth, it Is as lorted will be able, If he is nominated, tooarry at least 10.000 white voters to the republican side. At the last election less tbau 5,000 votod that ticket. It would be !in odd, but also a happy c>rcuinstance, If the nomina tions now made, Tilden a very decided democrat, and Hayes Just as decided a whig, should result in a re irrangemcnt of parties upon the old and true basis, the one struggling for non-lutcrfereuoe by the govern ment, the other holding, as whigs, to internal Improvo 3i tits and a g nerally parental system. there bavo been tugus In the House all winter thai Ibe democratic leaders who bavo the courago of their opinion-. and who stand by their principles, were once uo o jiru.-piug the rein*, and if Speaker Kerr bad not x-o.i an invalid tbo^e who bold with biui would have :o D even more forward in assarting their leadership than thev have been. In such a rolmsion, II it , jhould come about, certaiu of the Southern Stales trould naturally turn to the whig or republ-can side, Ml Louisiana, which desires protection tor her sugar srop, and the States which domand large appropriations from the general government lor their levees. At the Cincinnati Convention it warf commonly said by dele gates and others irom the Lower Mississippi Stales, "We must nomtnate a man we can elect, because the democrats, if they get in, will never give us any lovee appropriations." A law words spokt-n by Governor Hayes at the Itheus Univer.-l'y Commencement, the other day, are pleasantly appreciated here, and especially by Southern democrats. He urged that the canvass should be car ried on in a kind and candid spirit and without bluer Best or excitement. Such words, coming from the bead of tho party, lead to the hope that there will be ao bloody shirt raised this time, and though the hope la probably valB, there being a large number oi old war horses in the party who would be oonuemoed to silence If they could not bowl about the bloody snlrt. I be teneral beiiot that Governor Hayes is averse to such a course has cicsed an expectation among Southern sen that they will uot be held up to execra (Ma Is this campaign, as la previous ones, is rebels and monsters. The wiser republicans are in stioed to discourage such a policy ol abuse in the com lux campaign. Tbey are no more certain about New To. k than their opponents, and they know that they may lose some ol the Western State*- Indiana aud Wiscou tin, lor instanoo. It would mako them very coralorta ?le ir they could carry two or' three Southern Stales, sod experience has taught them ttiat the bloody shirt, while It has lost most ol its i tllcacy in the North, is ?are to driTo tf.e whois white population of the South ibio ih? ?.autocratic rink*, and to make thot-e States, ixcept South (Jarollra, hopelessly democratic. There is a general doiirv among the republicans bore that Svveruor Hayes shall write a strong and decided letter ?t acceptance, empha?ising those parts of the Cincin nati piailorm which tbey ail feel to be woa*. Such a letter would be useful, It is thought, both as giving the couutry some more deQnllo conception ol Governor Hives'own ideas ana policy than It now has, and of sireagthening by his utterances the position of the party bolore tho country. To* nomination m Governor Tilden was spoken of ! to day by leading democrats as a most astonishingly soooesslul piec- of p<>lli>cal engineer ug. "Tho old is >b had bis agents all ti rough our cmutry," sa:d a Southern democrat *-I came u, on their tracks overy where, aad they just captured our people lie had Or. Gwyn, the old Duke ol Sonora, to help bim, and did not tail anywhere. He w< certainly a great manager.'? "He had gool helpers at St. Louis, as John Kelly and Tammany Hull,'' said another. "It was very abrawd of the old man to quarrel with Tamir.any as he did. The opposition of Kelly Just made linn shoals of friends; f?r ibe Souilierb and Western men don't like Tammuny Hall, aud when it caino to St. Louis to beat Tllu<'B we jsat unew he was the right man. It made him lots of friends, sir, tbat opposition of Tammany." "Ttldea was uot really popular," said another. "We would Just as >o\,n have bad Hendricks, in J we would ever so much rather bavd had .Seymour or Tom Bayard or rhurmaa. intact, almost all ol u< lelt that wo would prefer a man wbo had seen moro public than !\ dvn and had more ol the kind of experience in tcd ersu alf.urs that Tuurman and ltayard have; but the old man workrd his ruse tip so completely tbat when the Urns catue there was nobody but be that had a chance." This is not a very bigh kind ol prune from one's tri?:>us; t ut tbo conviction is general and op-nly spoken of among the democrats here tbat Mr. Tilden g v the nomination, not bocause bo was want-d, but be ca iby the most adroit aud skilful generalship, he captured it. "He I* evidently a determined manager sf men, and If he isolectcd he will manage Conj:rr-s.said one, "I should not le ir if be louud himself confronted by n soft { money majority bo would make b;msell their masur , and make them do his b.ddlng. And as his idoa* are sound I am g ad tbat he was nominated. He will rule ths country, tor be evidently likes to hsvo bis owa way." This Is a lair picture of the gssslp of tbe day here la Washington. Neither party ts enthusiastic. Both are hopeful, and both own that tbo struggle will be ardu his. Pot one conelupioa t? universal, and afford* per laps tbo most general sain-taction to all. Both tickets irs good, aad the couBtry is safe, whichever side wins. The Haaain's leader to day, which gave expression te this ireling, was generally praised as having bit tbe most important sad satlslactory point in the political fall?. PliOBABLE ACCEPTANCE OF HEN DUCKS. he is waitoho to consult tu Indiana DELEGATION. l5Di*KArous, June ?, 1878, ibe fol.awlag latervlew wsa bad with Governor Hen -Jnoks to-night r.reokr**?I usderstasd you receive a lane numbor of telegrams stfaagiy urging yon is allow your name to Im prspi ssd far Vloo Pres.dent. Will you permit , ?us to MMlle the tel.-grams for selection of name* of ' the scatters as an Item of news ? Govsraar Bssoaiciu?l received about a hundred | telegrams strongly and moat persistently begum? me to allow aiy name to be place<l in nomination. Oi all tbe Mleframa received during lUe laat few laya and last night uuly four d*| recuie i my entering the race lor tbe -econd place on tbe ticket. I would, us lur aa I am personally concerned, wllliugly allow you to pe_ ruse the telegrams rece ved, but I do cot know if that would bo agreeable to tbe aendora. Kkioktkr?1 would like to boar from yon if ynu have altered your former decision aud agrevd to accept the nomination f Governor Hkmpkicks?I have not yet determined whether 1 ahull accept or do<:ltne the nomination. 1 cannot iorm ? decision until alter 1 ha.e seeu tbe In diana delegation, wilh whom 1 kball hold conicrente. Then, alter I have consulted with theiu, 1 shall counsel id my own iniqil what is duo to my own honor and that of the party to which I belong I tha'l aUo consider it its best interonts w 11 be subserved by my acceptance. In i'a< t, 1 eiia.l be guided in my de c.hion by wuat is neciecary to bu done to secure ibe success ot the ticket and {.lattorm. During the interview a growing number of the Governor's personal litends caino in to oiler tbeir con. gratulutions. The unpresaiou made by the Governor's manner aud replies to qiesiious aildrei>sod to him is that h? ?U1 unuoubudly accept the honor coulerrcd upou hi in, A NOTIFICATION OV Hid NOMINATION Fi.OM MKM. bCHiiLL AND KELLY. 8t. Loiis, 'June 29, 1878. Tho following despatch has been sent to Governor Hendricks:? The Convention hat nominated yon hy a unanimous Tote fur the uB:ee ul Vice l'raiideut of tne United stales. We urge your acc ptHii-e. e ho|ie lobe ?t j our city ul halt u?ni nvs to-morrow eveniUk'. A CO U B rL i? aCilJiLL, JOUN KKLLY. GOVERNOR SEYMOUR'S VIEWS. NEW TOaK NATURALLY A DEMOl KATIC STATE? 8Ui Ci>8 IN NOVEMt EIl I ltOl HESIED. Uric a, N. Y., June 29, 187& The representative of tbe Hkkald callcd upon Gov ernor Seymour to-day at his rusideuco in the country toa-klus views on Uie St. Louis nominations. Mr. Seymour wan lound (uttering Iroiu a low lover which baj conllued him iohi<> place lor the last ten day a. His physicians prescribe rest and object to his rending or writing or any physical exertion. In answer to in quiries about tho action of the -St. Louis Convention he said he knew less than most men, for during its sessions and lor some days beioro he bad been cut off from intercourse with others uu I the usuul sources or intelligence. Of coarse lie knew less about other Stales than those who had met their de.egates at Si. Louis. A? regard* tbe State of New York, irom his futiiil arny with its poil.leal attairs, be could repeat be bad said at all times that it is A UKilUUKATIU KTATI, and ready to support tho ucuuus oi tho flt. Louli Con ?ventiou; that it wouiu give its electoral vote to any one presented by that houy. He said that previous to eucb oi tbo two late Conventions the Iriends ol cundi datas in their exoiiemenl liad mauo claims lor their favorit"s or had raised olijucilous to those to whom they were oppos'd w hich were somewhat exuberated. It was uuiust to all ol the eminent men umiej at Su Louis or tlie office ol President to say that certain in dividual^ only could carry the State oi New York, as that rai.-ed an umouuded dnuot a- to the ability ul any democrat to coaimand its vote. A* to tbe excitements which now exist it must be homo iu mind thut tney die away a- all the State and local candidutrs are brvugut into the tield. lu this State, its 6,000.000 ol people and its great cities, THK PKLSIPKNT1AL CA5V488 does not cxcitu aK much murest witu we mass ol the voters as the local ticket. tins interest be lory the olo?e of Hie uauvass aiwavs brings the voter* 10 act in accord wuli tho political organ./.ution lo which tliey belong, eveu il they are discontented with a particul ?r candidate. Their anxiety lor the success ot the peat number of other candidates leads tbetn to act in bur inony with the party. Ttie interest tor State and county, city and town nominations wilt, alter a little time, ab-orb tbe reeltugs wilh regard to tbo Prostdeu tial candidate, and both parties wilt he brought to tho test ol the relative strength ot their organizations. Mr. 8eymour concluded by adding, emphatically:? "You nmy bay 1 ili uk we are going to carry the State of New York, because it is naturally a demo cratic 8 late." Mr. Seymour says that by and by. wben ho has re covered iiis iicaltii. bo will give his views at length on tho political situation. GOVERNOR PARKER'S VIEWS. HE BELIEVES TIL DEN WILL ("A KEY THE COUN TRY ON THE liEFOBM ISSUE?A HEARTY SUP PORT PROMISED IN NEW JERSEY. Freehold, N J., June 29, 1876. In the cosy library ot his comfortable residence at Freehold, N. J., ex-Governor Parker sat yesterdny lor half an hour and chatted with a Hkkai.o representa tive on the result ol iho St. Louis Convention and the ; prospects Of tbe now lalrly opened campaign Form man who stood nearly, it not quite as (air, a chance of securing the nomination of bis party lor tbo Presidency as did Governor Hayes atone time, but had seen his hopes melt into lb in air, he presented an sppearunce of composed resignation, il not of ga.vety. It was 'plain to be seeu, owever, that a tingo ol disappoint ment coursed bouoath the smiling surface ol the Gov ernor's good naturoa lace He was entirely eatislled with tho ro alt, he said. For hiiuseli h bad no regret*, though he must confers lor his trends' sake?those who huii now and always ktood by hira so warmiy and handsome y?bo would liko to buve hU<:ce> dcd. Ho believed, however, that Providenoe controlled these tilings, unit therefore he was entirely resigned. As regards tbo nouiiuution of (Governor Tilden. noihing, it seemed to him. conld be fairer or more strictly in accordance with time-honored democratic practice- It was quite c.e r thai thu great ib-uu upon which Mr. Tildeu was nominated was TIIK KKfuKM IHSl'K. It was not to be denied thnt on that point Governor Tilden had a splendid ciiauce to show his mettle. Neither was it to tie denied that ne hud used hi- u, por>' in ? manntr that tave assurance to tho people ol his sincerity and his loarlcsffiiess in tbe Murk of reform "1 know Governor Tilden," continued Mr. Parker, ?'to be a mau ol gre. t ability, und to bo possessed ot all tlio n?i e.< ary executive experience and llrmuess to ! luily qualify him tor tbe rOte ot a real reloruier. I believe the desire ol the people lor a chunge is so great that auy lair man nominal- d a St. Louis would be elected. Tho poptiiat demand Is 'or a lew set of hooks at Washington, and a new set ol officers. Governor Haves is doublje-s a very exec.lent man, but he lucks that firmness which the emergency d< man ic. Ho is not strong enough In character to carry the odium or Granuetn through the lirnsent contest The loui record ol his p.rty is more than tie can carry Therefore I feel the utmost contl dence that Governor Tildes, known and tried as ho is as a man who can lay the unite to ttie caucer ot cor ruption, wherev- r ionnd, can ? arry the ciiuntrv on tbo retorin ssuo. I can say lor myself, and lor my friends also, that we will give him as KTtmsuimc strrroaT. "The e'eitoral vole ot New Jer-iy may bo surely counted for bun. This \ ear u will ho dnlerent Iroin former years with the opposition. They w.II hot have the lavish snppoM lormi rly assured to thorn by tho whiskey ar.d other rings. We shall have a lairerflgbt In New Jersey! As regards New York, I see no reason whv Mr. Tilden should not carry It this year us be d.d two years ago. I 'amy ilmt now tho nominations are made the local tronde* will disappear ami harinmv set in. I be nomination of H* ndrick* lor Vice President greatly strengthens the ticket, lam confident It will win." Yesterday Governor Parker telegraphed tbe follow, ing to Gi veroor Tilden .? Kiikmiolo, X. Jane 20. 1870. T<> Governor S J. i. Albany, X. Y.: - I coimratulai. jou. N w Jrr?e> will give you an enthusi astic support and her electoral vote. _____ JOKL pahkkr. OHIO REPUBLICAN VIEWS. Cott uses. June 29. 1S7<1 The nominitlon ol Hendricks lor second place on the St. Louiii ticket had done much to rcmova the had feeling that existed last night among tho democrats here, and it Is now likely that the ticket will receive about the usual vote, unless, perhaps, in some of the mining districts, where the ultra Inflation Idea pre vails. While the republican* concede that tho ticket has been somewhat strengthened hy the addition of Hendricks. ye> tha Hepnblican State Committee to* night say Hayes' majority in Ohio will lie very large. I> S. Hob iison. candidate on the republican ticket for Lieutenant Governor af Indiana, is here calling on Governor Ha\e* to.n;ln. He Mates that Hendricks' nomination will not strengthen the democratic ticket ?o much in Indiaua us wan expected by the Conven tion. Ho nays llendri< Its' < ourse on the temperance question bns displeased both ultra tetnperauce and the saloon element, flnbiheoh estimates ihe republicans will carrv Indiana tn October anywhere from fi.ono tip ward. The Indiana campaign will commeti<:>? Jiilv M I with meetings in all or the pr nelpal cities of the State. CHESS COMMENTS.. The Boston l"o l thns comm ntJ en the eomina- i Hon: ? Mow wo can catch a glimpse of batter limes. Tbe morning l? brosking. Wo tee tbe way opening to pure and etmpie government, economy in expenditure, reduced taxes, a sound currency and the revival ol in dustry Tilden pod reform is tbo phrase thst clears up all this log and makes an opeu sky for the country. Business men feel a singular cer tainty now that something has been done for them. They knew that tbe koell haa aounded for this long night of waste and extravagance, Jou bery, abuses and corruption. With a government squandering tho people's money at an unparalleled rale, they would be kept perpetually poor by taxation. With ring*, and monopolies, and syndicates, und subsi dies o carry, they i ould go on only in the direction of bankruptcy. Tilden s nomination at St. I.ouin pnU a , new face upon everything. 'I hern i- asinllo this morn Ibg oo the face of nature ittelf. Kverylwly tMtine , ' lively look* happy except those who prefer 10 be mis- j erui>i<" uk ihu *ure;y defeated mil-portc;* ol an uurepub syefem. The Bucion Herat4 says:? lu toiue n;p? is Governor haves might Iw a more promising oanuidute lb in Goveraor I'lldeu; but Haye.-, i il electeo. would lie more likely to be bsMptrotf aud eouireilod by Ike iraiments ol the old nu;s nod iho ! barnacle* of Grant - ilminislrutini; wh?reas rilueii j would enter up >u the work of retersi. nuviog uo attlu- ? atluns ili tL would warp hi-. judgmutii or load lii:u lo ; withhold iiis relorir.m/ and chosMNMr li mil. A* mit- j : tars now stand, we tlunk the nomination of Tilden j 1 will pretty evenly divi .e tbe independent vote. I The Huston fraily Oiotr has tbe lollow lug:? The democrats have surprised thct coimtrv by select ing their siroiuo-t ra n in le-ad (he tickct. This uu- ? 1 exi oeu-d action will materially a fleet political <? ileum | tiioisaud make the campaign more exciting uml the ? Otleat closer than H would have boon II a i compromise ticket, wlih nejotlve rather than ; 1 positive qu-tlttiM, had been put for It. The lact can not he questioned thai Governor Tiulen i- the most con-picuous in in iu tbe democratic parly to-day, I and ti.e ouly one ? hose Name curr es with it ih? pre*, tijje oi re orm. No matter how brief may be Ins record a." a relormer, how sandy may he the Inundation on wb ch bis reputation as a reformer rest.-, he st?n s conspicuously i elore tbe couoiry to day ii\ tbut char acter The Journal, of Boston, siys:? "Speaking from the republican point of viow, we can t uly <^y ol ihia action ol the St. Lout* Conven tion. so lar so pood. We ure pleased lo recognize that Mr. Tildeii h a man ol (air persoual charactt . ot uood habits, deoro'is in language and respectable in all bis social relations. This lact ought to unite with the character ol the Cincinnati nominations to Impirt a somewhat bigker tone to the campaign tb <n has alwaya been observed. Again, we catidwly tliinK that a stronger cipponeui ol tbe republican party mignt have been selected. Gen eral H inco k would h ive proved such, and so would Gove nor fnrker, of New Jersey, and so. it he could have secured the support of his owu party, would Senator Tburnian. ol Oh'o. The Louisville Courier-Journal lays:? Trie nomination ol Governor TiIU<-ti inark?i a new era in American politics. It Is tho effect ol tho exertion oi posttivo forces, not merely tho resit t of con co*--ious ? of poworiul rivals who wonld not yieid to each other, and ?o let tno uouiiuatiou drop to the lower plane ot ability and prominence in order to mutual.y spare each others toelinus Tho nominee is the representative of position, not negative merits, and ihccimpatgn tnus tnounurateo will be one of organized ideas, not one ol heterogi neons elements combined lor the selCsn purpose ot securing to them selves the public spoils. Tho Nashville (Tcnti.) American says:? While wo shall not atiempt to disguise or deny our regrc at the deleut of lleudrlcks. yet, regarding the plauorm ay a protest against further contraction, wo shall cordially support Tilden in opposition to tbe ticket of the cotilrari.onists and corruption's. The Chicago livening Telegraph say*: ? The Con vent tou at St. l.ouis might iiavo done better and worse. As it is. It has dune well. Its nom i luce is tbe embodiment of practical retorm, at.d, without such a candidate reform planks are so many broken timber*. Ho is a man ol proved administrative ability, of great Intellectual force and of txceliom surroundings. If called lo iho a tmlmstration oi the government ho will bo the same cool, tireleiK, disinterested officer; the same earnest aud aggres.-lvo lorco that he Is in tho .chicl magistracy oi the foremost oi tbe States. It accepts Mr. Tilden irrespectve ot the agency which presented bis uaine. and will give htm Its earnest sun port a.s, in every w?y, the better of the two candidates which tb? choice of a President for the next four years must be made. SERENADE TO GOVERNOR TILDEN. SrZECH BY HI3 EXCELLENCY?TBI EVILS UN DER WHICH WK LABOR AND THEIR REMEDY. Albust, June 20, 1876. The s ronade to Uo\ernor Tilden to-night of the Jackson,an* was a great success. Not leas than ft.000 cillssens surrounded tho Executive Man-ion. Many privute dwellings were tlltinrnatctl and decorated with (lavs and Chinese lanterns. Every window In the Argut building whs illutninaUd and decorated with ll.ig*. presenting a brilliant and edoctivo appear ance. Long before the band which preceded the Jnck soniuns and thu long procession following them had reuched the Mansion people gathered about the grounds, and when tre procession readied the tcvue nearly every available spot was occupied. Large num bers entered tUo Mansion to congratulate ?!ie Governor. As soon as lie conld release himself fr..m theso Ue stepped out on the porch and addressed tne concourse, as follows OOVKU.NOK TILDKK'S SPXKCH. ? GtC.NTl.KUkN ?>K TUK JaCKSO.X CuMIH:? I (OrdlSlly thank you for tb s manilesUi ion 01 your kindness. I do uot lot tet tliiit year you enrolled me among you as an honorary member. 1 regard with sattslacti^n and prior your excellent uiscipliue au?i traiung a* a inMttary body. I recognize among yoa many Hiprcaqunttirvsof the workingmen ol A Ilia y;tM?lvu I any Uorktngmcn 1 do uoi forget that iu our c"Vinwy the number who live upon the income nl what thev have accumulated or inherited is extremely small, aud that nearly every> of our vast Kepuhlic nves on llio produce ol Ill's dally toil. In America we are Hourly ull working men, therefore the tinniest and prosperity ol thai das* may almost be said to tie thu interest alio prosperity of all. (Applause.) No country that the pud over shone upon has had so many bleeaing* as our own. Stretching from ihe Atlantic to the I'.icillc and from the lakes of tho North to the Gulf ol Mexico, with a genial climate, with Ion lie soils, with excry nat ural ami artillciul laciluy for travel and transportation, with all tho arts and industries ol old civilization planted aud flourishing amid lhe boundloss uaturul wealth 01 a virgin comment, we ought to bo to-day tne most prosperous, the most happy and contented peo ple in the world. Hut what Is our actual condition ? VII business depressed, every Industry lan guishing, labor without employment aud tho woli at tho door ol nearly every homo in the laud, gsunt and hungry. (Applause.) What is the matter ? Wo know that lor the last elevi n years, since ihc peace, the earnings ol labor and the income ol capital have ueen consumed or wusted in governmental expenditure.'. The taxes drawn from tne people of tho tinned States have been larger than the entire net savings ol the whole M.uoo.oi.o. These taxes have increased within a short period four old, and the inlluence is felt upon every business aud every industry and in every hotno throughout our bro..d land. What next do wo find in the ,.utii e ad ministration everywhere? Abuses, peculations, frauds and corruption, until we are almost li 'com ng ashamed . Of thn institutions of our country, and ins ead <d hold ing them up as examples lor thu oppressed people of other countries wo are conlcsslng Ihcin ns a scandal ! in tho eyes of manklrd. What elso do wo Unit? We hud tho oftlce-bolding class have become Fo numerous, power, uI and unscrupulous thai ttiey nssuuio to control ihe elections; and, If the people aro indifferent, or at an equally divided, are able to exert a corrupt influence sufficient to perpetuate their own power. At laat we are reaching the worst condition or tbecountri'S of tlio did World The govvrumcut no longer exists tor thu people; tho people exist only lor the government. Our centennial product Is tho wrougs, license and evils to escape which our an cestors abatixontd thoir hutnes in the Old World and planted thrrnxo vos in a wilderness. Now, I a-k what is the renieuy for t be-e public evils, for this private distress, for this disorder in business, winch carries suffering inio every household? (A voice in the crowu??' I he election ol Tildcn. " Applause.) It Is comprised in ono word. "BiroEM," reform of ihe public administration. (Cheers.) Upon this subject there is a uifloreuco ol "pinion, one class say elect Ihe nominees ot the party un4cr which these evils have gr'>?n up, by means ol tb?< ofllce-holding class, which is interested in perpetuating these abuses and wrongs. Adopt negatives on whom nil the con lending faction* could agree without danger of harm to any or to the system by which they fatten on the sufferings of thu people. That is one opinion. Thore Is another opinion, and that opinion demands a change, a rhango o| men for the sake ol reform in administration. heliow citi/. ns, I do not intend to argue tne ques tion. I isteud to siniplv stain it and leave it to your .ludgnvnl and 10 the judgment ol the people. 1 am heartily with yon in sympathy and action. 1 am happy to meet yon-to-night. 1 trust I shall have an opportunity ot seeing you nerna;ter. (A Voice?-"Next November." Cheers.) Again thank ing you lor your kind attention, I bid you good evening. Alter leaving the Governor's tho corps, with a largo concourse ol citlzrn*, proceeded to the Argu* offlco, where they were ndiirosaed by !>. Cad> Herrtck. A serenade was also given to Mayor Banks, Eli Perry and General Franklin Townscnd. CONGRATULATORY TELEGRAMS. A i s *.sr, N. Y., June 20,1879. Governor Tilden baa received the following:? OiisrrsQFA. X. Y.. June 39, IH7<1. The Greeley household and It* lrlsnd? are all tnr yon. NICHOLAS .SMITH. Nrw Britain. Conn.. June 2?, 187H His Kxeellency ft.tntki .1. Tn.Oks:? t'ordiul con<ratnlailon?. tVe, liertnan* of the Slate of Connecticut, are ?ure for I.Y'kkt r?te? for you and reform. JACOH HECKEK. Councilman, fourth ward. Rmi rs, L ?., Jnne 21*. IHjii, Hon. S. J. Tit.***:? Ihe man is llie platform, and the Ring breaker nf New Turk will pr??e the Ring breaker of the n?lins. All who realljr de?tre V>ne?t money, dimiiiiahod taxe?, pure admin Ulrstioa. unlettered trade and the restoration nf a true national feeling III the plaea nl a ?r*lihe<l neriitinalinni will rait) toM> ?npp??ri. I'AIIKK OOP WIN. WASBITUTOS, P. C., Jnne *."!?, IH??s Hon Kitrci. <1 Tlt.wsi I tender my renzratalatioas. Von win hear Imui my di? trltl in November fur democracy and reform N. lloI.MEA ODKLL. Indianapolis. Ind., J .ne -f??l^:S0 A. M. Govmor*:? I congratulate you and earnestly d??!re your election. T. A. HENDRICKS. New Tom, Jane 2U, 1M78. Tlla Kstelfeney Oevarnnr Tltnuw:? Ae ept the insrascs of the French support. WM. McCl.BLLA*. Secretary Kreneh Democratle Clab. Alkxan dbia, Va.. Jane an, IS7M. His Excelieaey Aawvsi. J. Tit on*:? The Bfst illden an-i llendrleki flag in thla State was flung to the breese at two o'clock. Virginia in goo-t tor ?j:..UUO Majority. K KM I'KIL Ataios, If. V . Jane ?0, 1670. Qavsmor Tttnrjt:? We congratulate yea en your nomination. Orleans e?p?ty s did a? in '74. We ratfty to-nlehi J. I.hK. GEOBtiB M. TAT LOB M<?< en. THE NEWS IN THE COUNTltY. OCSS ON AH OT.D BATTLE OBOUND. Whitk Puam, N. v., Juue Sv, 1878. Guns were flred on tt.e old VltW Plain* battle ground i in lionor ot TiJden'j nomination. GENERAL DEMOCRATIC rejoicing. Jobxhowk, N. Y., Jane 28, 1876 Tilden'? nomination w >s received with iMknilMiu, Tb*ru was general democratic rejoicing and musifi by a baud. THE NEWS AT bing sing. Sihu ciaa, June 29. lSTri. A s.Mute of 100 guns was flrod hero last night ou the receipt ol the news of Tllden's nomination. There , was great enthusiasm among our eUllcns, and thu iire w<<rks ami music were continued until three o'clock thin morning. THE OLD LINE DEMOCRATS FIR* GONS. Pov'iHKKErsiK, N. V., June 29. 1878. Fpon the reception of the news last night of the nom ination ef Tilden. the old lino democratic*, repre sented I'jr lion. Juki Murkin. tired 100 guns. i';a,;s were dismayed Irum the ollice of the Oaily Prest. CONSIDERABLE ENTHUSIASM IK ELMIRA. Ki.mika. N, V., June 29, 1870. Tbe nomination of Tildeu was received here with con siderable enibttsa-m. A number of houses wore illuminated last, a street meeting was held and I 100 gut!* wore bred. Omtkoo Depot, N. Y., June 29, 187A. BonOres were lighted on every bill on tbe reception of the news o! Ttlden's nomination. One hundred guns were tired ut Owego. GRAND DEMONSTRATION IN WHITEHALL. Whitehall, N. V., June 29, 18T6. A grand demonsiration is ttkmi place bere to-night, cannons bein: tired, i<ands (paying, Ua.. in honor ol j tbe nomluaiion ol Tildun and Hendricks. BINGHAMTON BRILLIANT WITH RCD LIGHT*. Hi nuiiam rov, N. Y., June 29, 1S78. Tbe democrats are celebrating tbe news from St. . Louis. Two brass bands are parading tbo streets and the city Is brilliant with red lights, rockets ami Roman : candles, while cannon tiring adds to tbe cxsiiuuieuL bonfires AND SPEECH-MA KINO IN BATH. Bats, N. Y., Juue 29, 1876. The nomination* of Tilden and Hendricks were re ceived here with great enthusiasm. One hundred guns were llred and bands of music paraded the streets, followed by hundred.'* cheering and shouting fur tbo St. t.ouis nominees 'i'o-aight bonfires aud apeooh-raaklug are the Icuturcs. ANIMATED DEMONSTRATION IN BUFFALO. BrFFAt.0, N. Y., June 29. 1876. The news of the nomination of Samuel J. Tilden was received here with great enthusiasm. One hundred guiiB were flrod at tbe Arson*! and 111 ty on the Court House lull. A band of music, ioilowed by a number ol citizens, paraded the streets, and in frontot tbe Demo cratic Central Club rooms the assemblage was ad dressed by Hon. W. !?. G. Smith and K C. Bobbin* In terms of congratulation. Alier a brilliant display of fireworks tbe procession mo robed to the Courier nffloe. where, in response to enthusiastic culls, Unvid limy and Tliomrv- Kesn. ot that paper, addressed the nsseni lilugo. The demonstration was an animated on., in dicating that ilie democracy liere are delighted with the result of tbo St Louis Convention. CANNON, MCSIO and SPE! CHES IN OODENHBCRG. OoDKNVitrno, N. Y., June 29, 187(1. The democracy of Ogdensburg bad an enthusinstic celebration of the nomination ol Tilden last night, with cannon, music aa speeches by leading demo crats. A SALUTE ACCIDENT. Whitsiiau., N. Y., June 20, 1870. During the firing o! s salute ibis afternoon at l'laits burg, N. V., In honor ot Tidon and Hendricks, a cannon exploded on l dangerously Injured Joseph St Dennis and Jo cpli tiovreli. ENTHUSIASM AMD A kALTTTE IN VERMONT. Bckliwoto!*, June 29, 1876. The St. Louie nominations were received with rnibu. si asm br the democracy hero. A salute ol one hundred guns wis fired, fljg* are living and 'there will be a rousing ratification medm,! to-uTght. DEMONSTRATIONS THROUGHOUT MAIMS AND MEW HAMPSHIRE. Boston, June 20, 1376. The democrats generally throughout Mntnc and New Hampshire demonstrated to-day their approval of tho St. Louts nominations. On- hundred guns were flrod in Portsmouth. Nashua, Manchester, l'ortmnd, Augusta and other cities. COMIMO RAT1FIC VTION MEETING 1M WASH INGTON. Washington, June 29, 1878. The democrats of the District of Columbia have fixed upon the evening ot Thursday, July 6. (or a grand rati fication ni etlng, and will occupy the snmo platform at tho City ILiIi used at the Haven' and. Wheeler raiiUca ttou meeting. UNBOUNDFD ENTHUSIASM IM DETROIT. Dktboit. Mich., June 29. 1870. The enthusiasm here over Tlldun's nomination Is un bonnded. Immndl iteiy npou the reception of tho news ol the secono ballot George V. N. Lathrop af-cended tho steps in Irontof tho telegraph otllce and mudo a congratu latory aIdress to the assembled ornwd. warmly euloy U tnc Tilden. The crowd, headed by prominent demo crats, nlierwurd assembled on tbo l-nnou* Martins, wliero addresses warmly iudors ng Tildeu's nnmiiu tlon were delivered. QUIET SATISFACTION IN CINCINNATI. CutcixsATi, Ohio, Jane 29, 1878. The news of the nomination of Tiiden was received here with quiet satisfaction by the lisrd money demo crats, and with evident disgust by tho greenback wing of the party. VARIETY OP SENTIMENTS IM CINCINNATI. CixcmxATT, Jnne 29,1878. Tilden's nomination is reccivod here with Intense enthusiasm by bis supporters, while tbo friends of tho other candidates genorally accept the situation and will support htm. DISAPPOINTMENT IM INDIANAPOLIS. Indianapolis, Ind., Juno 20, 1876. There Is among the democrats a universil feelins of disappointment at the result of the St. Louis Conven tion, not only on account of the defeat of Mr. Heud ricks, but more especially upon the apparent abandon ment of tho West in the adoption of n distinctively bard money platform. Tho Srntirt'l awaits I be final r> sult of the Convention heforo it deiluet its position on the platform and candidate. WILD DEMONSTRATIONS OF DEL'CHT IM RICH MOND. RtcnwntD, June 29,1876. The newt of Tilden's nomination has been received here with the wildest demonstrations of delight The {Conservative Kampaign Klub fired a saluto ol 100 guns In honor ol I bo event lsst evening. A congratulatory tclesram was sent to Tilden hv the rlnb. I.arge and entnusiastic crowd* were assembled around the news paper ofttccs last night, and universal *atistartinn was expressed. A Tilden clubol young men was Imme diately organised. REFORM POPULAR IN FRKDERICKKBURO. JitKnuaicKsni so, Va, June 29, 1178. The St Louis nominations were received here with great enthusiasm. National colors are flying on which ' are inscribed kVo h h,"ke f'( jum" "ujits' a'nd'h knd u Ic k -t f Steps are now being taken for a grand ratification meeting. ALABAMA AGAIN., Ala., Jane 90, 1876. The news of Governor T.lden'n nomination was re cclved wlik the greatest entbnalasm here. A national ' salute was it red and congratulations exchanged on all sides. ENTHUSIASM OVER TUB NOMINATIONS-HRIMO I OP OURS. Nsw Orlbaxs, Jane 29, 1876. The democratic citizens are enttaustnstlo over the nomln itionf. One hundred guns were Ored. ftantraroar, June 29, 1876. Thirty-seven guns were fired here to-day tor Tilden and Hendricks and great enthusiasm was manifested. SATISFACTION WITH THE ANTJ-CHiMf St PLANE IM CAUPOBMIA. Sa* P^Axmoo, June tt, 1876. | The nomlnatloa ol Tilden Is well re eived here, mainly on account ol bis bard money proclivities. One ? hundred guns were fired and a rut I.1 ration meeting will toe held ta ? few dajk The ?uti Chinese plank la toe j ? ? ; \ f'Uuortn gives aailataction, and prou.iucnt ?.? mocrata j asean that iie can carry tb<? State on thai iasue. ItATIFK ATION AT ST. LOUIS. Sr. i.f.ii-, June liiTtf Vv".wittiataa(Vng a slight but aieady rt u Ue iire?M to-nlgUt ire perfectly throned with people ud everv b is nearly wild with enthusiasm ami ?x< temeut. Aa illummaii'o on the hue of Kocrih ami ?ir?ctl ?xteuda for Marly a i-.i ic, an J ail ol llie arc j-iylynnd yr&(as<!>ly dceorawd wan U igK, |ihiib- rs, mottoes anil dev;<- cl virion 4 km da. Moaaier ni< ettngH are I* iig h-ild hi the ea?t and weal (routs of ihe Court Hou>e and another at tbo Republican otu :e. Hubert U. Marr ot New Or leau?, apo.e at oae o< tho meetings, iuj -all: ? MKKi'ii ilf Jill. JUKK. Why la it thut *U'li a ?ca ol pfoplo are here to-nIbt? Why is 11 that nearly i very c:iv :n the I'uloa is anl'ize with ll.hta and the air Ulled w,th mu.-.e and t!i ?ImUi of a |U peop.? v it i- b-o?aee tbafn ?* a j?rv.? pect now, a bri,hi nope en*.lulled ia the hear 14of ihu eutire people, tuat the admiin-tr tun or tho federal gov eminent, which has br.>uj{liI d!egrai ? upon tlio Ame~icau name, 1- about 10 beabollshe , and th?i we .-li.'li see it j tfo Mown iu -arkticca au night lurever; that miaeraiilo, ' wicked parly, which has wro.ight (.ecuiiiirv ruin, |ml 1 Ufai ram, moral ruin airi 1 egradatiun throughout tlio land. The evils Uiat result Irani such a miserable misgoverned government aa we have liad lor the lasl eight years. ire not c(vn flncd 10 tbo mere pecuniary Uaaters wnn h afflict the ikhuiIv; and in iu moral aspects it in lor more dta aairotia, ruinous. i'urutnary d Waaler, loss of lortune, tic., may be redeemed i>v pafletii toil, Industry and economy, hut what can redeem a people from thai inoril degradation ; whi li crop* out in ihu sliap*- ol whiaitey ring-, rail road rings and all those corrupt combinations 01 in. n 1 by which the public treasury haa been pluudered and tne people tinnuvcmhed t Hy what process are we to regain thai good narao and character which wo have borno heretofore when we Quit at tlie head ot the government ol Hie I'niit-d Htatea , u man who una acquired, very Justly, the sobriquet ol \ ".ill laker," and who, probably, lit possessed 01 tliiu.s ! winch, though not gilts, h. ve .been aiiaiood through a apeetes of speculation. of sioek jobbery, i Wbictt u a di-gra e to Hub great nnliou, when we And a Jlabcocfc who rescued iroin the penitentiary by a I too-partial Jury through the Indirect influence of ( the ioder.1 government, when we Dud al the head o! the War Department one Uelknap, who makes bis fortune in poat tvader ahiita, and when we aeo the late Speaker ol tbo Honae ol Kepreaemai vea degrading hia poaitlon aa the dead or dy .ug Hinine bus doue 1 There la another evil tbat thla miserable administration has wrought in this land, tgainm which I doairS 10 aol etttfdy proteat, and I aak thai you will tako it 111 and deal wnil 11 summarily. The great curse ol this land has hceu *c. iiona.i.sin. He then re'errcd to the elfect of this evil in hia own State?l/oulai.itia--ant the disa-iter and ruin it had wrought t:iere. He Imu seen aectionai feeliniia cropp ng out here. He had heard men f<ay that the Weat is not to be dictated to by the East. 8e<i tioua or territorial lines abuuld noi be c usliicred, in placing men 111 high positions, but integr ty and ability should he thn atundarii to mviuoire men uy. Mr. Murr eotitinuod at <onaidernhle length and held the attention of hio audience ch^ely, and frequently Aliened hearty applaUfe Gcorge I?. Smiib, of Wisconsin, and others followed Mr. Marr. all speaking most hopclully 01' the ovont of the coming political struggle. Kvery alluRioti to tho work of the Convention was met by prolonged anJ 1 hearty cheering, uud the best of leclixig prevailed throughout tbo meeting. THE NEWS IN THE CITY. The newa of the nomination 01 Governor Hetidricka, ol Indiana, for Vice I'resideni by the St. Louts Con volition was received with great satisfaction hy the democr.ita In tha city. At the hotels, the cluba anil other placos of public resort tho opinion was very generally expressed that the ticket wag a very airong one. uud oven the atuncbciit Tammany men professed tneir determination to give li a hearty suj> pori. Tne ati11- Tammany men wore naturally very Jubilant over tbo defeat of John Kelly, and will work lor the nomtneea with redoubled zeal on account of their leaders having bad aome lutluaoue in determining tbo choice ot the Convention. Most ol ibo meetings held yesterday were merely local ones preparatory to a mure general exprcaMon of pub lic feeling alter the parly leaders return to the city; but independent of the prolei-anmal politicians ana their banger- on the feeling among the democratic masses Is, undoubtedly, one ol genuino suusiactlon. Tho bunting on tbo City Hall waa displayed during ihe day, and there was great rejoicing among tho.-e who paaa a good deal of tli?V time around that building. COMPTBOLI ER OBEKN'S VIEWS. Comptroller Groen, la conversation with a repre tentative of the Hkrald last night expressed his un alloyed sitl?lnotion with tho St. Louis nominations. Governor Tililen he had known long and well and ha believed bun to bo a thoroughly honest nnd capable man. "Mr. Tlken," said he, "has had a long and ollk clent training In publlo afT.iirii. From his youth he has been a studont or financial and politico economic questions, and I believe ho stands to-day on* of the loremoKt statesmen of the lima. No one I think will question his litucss lor tho position of Chief Magistrate, anil thoro is not ino slightest doubt tn my mind thut ?i?- will he triumphantly elected to it. If he were to be del>'atod it would be a blow struck nt r form In our politics No stronger m?u could have been placed on the ticket Irom Maine to Callfocnia." [it rop'y to a question us to whether Mr. Tilden's tieint' a bachelor'would alloct his ntianceii,while wouien cannot vote, the Comptroller laughed and replied. "1 don't leol at liberty to nuswer that, cor am I compo- I toni to do so, being In the snrao tnyseli. Perhaps It will scare lor him the support or tn.iny eligible sin gle Inoies wbo would in ease ol his ole tion have a chance to marry a President of the United Stales." OENERAIj JOHN A. DIE said there was no occasion for lengthened remarks concerning tho nomination ol Samuel J. Tilden for tho l'rosidencv. lor it was enough to say. positively, tnat he was unfitted for the position, anJ that lor far mora than one exceedingly definite reason. MB. JAMES o'BBIEN. Mr. James O'Brien said:?"I think there Is so choice could be made which would more strongly ap> peal to the svmpathies of tne peoplo than that of the St. Louts Convention." ANTI-TAMMANY. INDOBSINO TBK PLATFORM AMD CANDIDATES LAST NIGHT. A meeting of the Executive Committee of the New York county anil-ruin many democracy was held last evening at Irving Bail. A number of tho leading lights arc still tn St. Louis, or en rasfe humo, hut tho meeting was woll attended. Mr. Charles W. Brooke olferrdthe following preamble nnd resolutions, which wcro unanimously ndopteu:? Whereat tin deiuoci ?.y of the country, assembled la na tional enunrll, appreciating the sentiment* of the Ameri can people in the intereM* of good iroveriinieui anil political r terra, have nonumied lor fie Presidency ot the United Stair* iliut aterlniK champion of national Iniecrltynnd pion eer hi ihi warfare against e?rmption In place* ol pnhllc tru?t. ami in tho dlancruce aad pualalitnnntof tlomn ? ho abneed the confidence ot tho people und publid oltt. e hot amentia el private plunder, tiainucl J. Tilden ; and whereat. In further accord wltn national sentiment, they have I en presmted lor the -uflVa.e of the psopie an the candidate Inr tne Vice Presidency that puro, couicien tlaaie and able italetimnn. Thomaa A. eudrloaa, Heaolved, Tn at witti the c a/nutate* and enthnilairn which spontaneously spring from the appreciation thai in Mich action tlie way to a return ol national prosperity mid a pur? administration of the conntrv la opened. t? heartily plfd|te th? democracy ?f this county to inch a support of |tionominee! a. shall remit in a majority In Novomber without parallel in onr political Mil ry. Resolved, Dial a call ho limed to the County Committee ot thl* organisation to lAeeinhl* in ma? niaeiini: with all other* wlio may doilre to unite with them at tnli# lloll, on natarday evening next, at eight o'clock, to rainy tiio ?e tton of the National Oonvnntl n not only In the selection ol Its ranoidalcs, bnt la the lull htor>?ni?l of Hie also and Judicious plaitorin of democracy presented in the reso lutlon il tti adoption. Another resolution was olTere'1 tondiog the thanks ol the Kxecutive Committee to the Hon. John Morriaeey lor bis hourly cflorts toward securing the nominal on of Samuel J I tl u n. An auiondinent was oftorcd naming several others who took part with httn. Both gave way to a now resolution, extondiug the thanks to nil members of tho organization Who were present without mentioning nntneu. A committee nt live was appointed by the Chair to complete arrangements for a proper celebration ol the ono httndreth anniversary ol our nation il independence. It is announced that ,1 odgc OtMwilosvo will preside on the occasion, and j iho oration ol tbo day will be by the Hon. Kichard j O'Oormaa. Tho meeting adjourned after transacting some minor | business. RVilFrCATiON MEETINGS. A meeting of th? N Meller Association of tbo ' first Assctiitily outtrlci was held yesterday afkraoon 1 at No. IKO tirecnwich street, with Mr. II. McKocarney I m tho cli.iir and Mr. Kdsard Dougherty actings* sccre tary. Speeches were made tustalning the nominations for the Presidency made at the fit. lamis Convention, after which the members of the association, beaded by I i band of mestc, marched down to the Battery, wnero ! a saldte of 100 guns was fired io honor of Tlloea and i Hendricksi A large cro.Ml was assembled, and Ire quentiy choered tbo nominees la the Interval* between the firing of the gnne. At the Headquarters ot the Aotl-Tsauasay Associa- ' tion of the filth Assembly District, Na ill 11 ml.on | street, several politicians of tho district were gathered, and all were Jubilant over the nominations, but were ! moro enthusiastic, over the defest of "Boss" Kelly st HL Louis. Manv of tb< m predicted that upoa his returs here he would be deputed | fr?. u the k-adereuip of Tuatnny Hail, aud tint organisation ??>ul! I ? thorc iably W'<'*4?nuod :<n4 perilled. ft 9 ni Ti?ber< of tUua -oci ,i, j vull hold a ratiflestiou tue> 1111; 10 morrow nij>f, and made arrsBgefueots for a /rand XUd- n and !? judrlc?s Jo'.ti. cation. ! lie SantielTildeti Association ut the Filth V1- ??in My tt. lrn t ruel tl N , ^^.1. lludsou .-trcet, aud pu.-.-o.l tli<' following i.' ution; I: - ivotllbat *??, (ti# i I<IUI<PIT< o(:llie Sou... I I Tilda Huliof t'?: Kiltii Auea.My di-?-i i. r. l!!v tli* intiin.t lliiu ii'.imW ut ?f. ti .M. . .rune .>! lium.. .1. ItM n tui i'!;r ue\i Pr>-iUoiH. A tu< 'in ; ..rcitizens <?' tills <t;;r ?? ". in ;??-.? beiJ at Nil. ;????! lino ; i:j ( and Ttlden campaign Olub was or ram ? d. Tho dfinouats of the ?<r'.euth \ >cwijly district liuv. or. ifii.'.c I .i < ? I.:: an : ii.-t.dr ?!?? ? i ib !;i toe K:f Ul'iiiU <;.nl HUli a; No. 41 \t>. t I'onriu -tree'. It. < r.-timer i'l? - 'li nt, I'h.; club i* owupo>ed to a largi < \ rot?u? : ?.a?. a!: ? ar< di -appointed wit# the < iii.mhh:ii iionitnaiiwi-. ami who i i cier, a* tli y ? !i?'i . .-h ? ? o\| rc J I'. "Ti :< ii utvl r> lonii ' io Haves a ad Whiter. A ix'* aiut (o-tiy banner has lin r. urUurcl uitJ '.I mi \j.. clod (u b ruij) early next wee k, Wtien a g< nor; I on mwWiijr w II t"1 held. A now banner in honor ot the notinuaiion ot 1'ildon and Hendricks wasiiuued i .si evening. iu tins district, at So. 61 Howry, uireuily opposite the Bowery The atre. with appioprtate ceremntias. f he banner is iu wrHml wi b tbo nain< .4 ofTiMen ami Hendricks. nn<l is u runIIy goo 1 pmc > 01 wurl> The democrats ot this district e.\pi thoni? .-lvos as high .v pleased with the retail 1 t ' Louts ('o'.vaii'.uin. TltC democrat', ol the Kightci nth Assembly district (?lioui'.i then fealty to the sit. l.oui- candidates iu?t evening o> raising a large Intuitin-ur.bcd with tbo names ?.r 1'iideti aud Ht'ndnoka st tUcir bouilquiirters, "I'hB Niitiouil," No. Third avetiua. Tin? .itteud anee was write ana tliu pmcucdiugs passed oil amid the utni >s| etilhngi isni. There was h large displ iy ol Artworks and sMMbes wore AMI by prominent cMi> /?'tis ol the district indorsini,' the nominations of Tildea ami Houdrtcka A very l*r}:e number of the democrats of this district assembled hut evenm? to r.itily the nominations aud to participate in tin* te-? 11 v111: s stiemlant to the ruihing ol tbo new l il'!en and ileiuirickx baunar The place of tueetinn w"s Orient Halt, No Third avetme, and lo'ip before the nioettug was culled to oruer or the tian n T raised over 5nO portions had assembled, the lar*;o m .joriiy of ? hoin wore by no moans backward in <-x l>r>s~it>K their decidcd prulrrunee for the 8U l/ttita ticket. A noticeable feature of the 00. cu-ion was the fact thai u larse number Ot the Kelly Tammany faction were preeent aud vied with the alauoebesi of DIdea's old friends in tho:r en thusisnm. Speeches were tnndo by ex-Judge Hponoer aud others, and were loudly upplanded. The allusions to tin'stand 111 ido on the pl.aiorm with rciereuce to tho Dnaticlal qtio-tion were loudly cheered. Thohtuuer which hears tl.o names of Sam uol J. Tlldeu and fbomas A llondrtcks Is a very elegant ouo and a crcdit to tho district. The headquarters of the Yoang Men's I'emocrstio Cltt?> on L'niun Kqiiure was thronged lasi evenlug aud the genora: fecttiig was one or pleasure tbuiXr. Hen drcas had received the nomination !or Vice President. To 11 i ll! the club will he brilliantly illuminated and a sp ?? lal meeting he d to celebrate both tne St. I.ouis nominations and the twcnty-lourtb anniversary of the cluu. IS IIKOOK1.TX There w?' great rejoicing upon every sldo among democrats iu Hroulclyn yesterday over the nominatioa of Tlldeu a Hen ItIcks lor l'resident and Vice fr ai dant, ami banner aud transpaioncy was ?'xnibtlcd from the Democratic (leiteral Committee headqtiMrters, and a salute ol lutl t uua was fired fruit i'ori lirceuo in honor ol tin* oveiit It was claimed 1 >y ex-Beuistrar Mul.ii Mel.nashlln that if Tiidcn curries tbo statu of New York be is tin uext President. He Maid it Ttlden cstinoi carry this stale, then the people don't want to fcav? -~?orm. The repubitcsns, on the other haud, pretend to U- deligbtrii because they say tlmy can Uuat rttdeii 111 re readily than auy other mnu thai could bo named. THJ4 hEWS IN NEW JEKSEY. To suy th it tbo democracy of Jersey Ulty received Uie news from St. l?uie yesterday with Inlenso sat isfaction would be a poor expression of the fcel.Dfl that pervaded every qu .rter of tho city. There was 1 genuine enthusiasm, bom ol a conviction that th?. ticket waa so strong It could not bo beaten. Covcrnor Brdle's shrewd foresight a week a -o, when ho pre* dieted tho nomtn.ttou of Tildou and Hendricks, stamps him as n keen politician. His views on the uc^et, as published In yesterday's Hekalu, were so gonorally accepted that the nomination of Renurlelc^ was re? eardei as a certainty Irom an early hour in the foro noon. Tho llrBi sUitifiuaiii leamro ol 1.0 camp iga was iho raising ol a large banner lor TTlden and ten drtcks by William l>. UurreUon, at N'o. 2t51 Warren street, ut eleven o'cloilc in tho forenoon. T'tis was the first democratic Providential banner rulsed in any part ot thnHtute. The second movement was made by the Gorman Dcmouratio Club of the Kuurtb d sirict ol whtati M.uor A. H. Harris is president. An immense meeting wns hela at Turner Hull, on Palis <de avenn-, uud a largo banner hung across the avouue bearing the in scription, '?I'be Spirit of '7? St?ll Lives. <io<l Bless tho Ola Thirioeu States Kor President, Kamnel J. Tiiden, of Now York. Kor Vice Pro Went, Thomas A. Hendricks, ol Indiana" Stirring speeches wero de livered, aud a campaign committee was appointed to confer with other oiubs tbrouyhoui the country. A lodite mcuiitiK of iho <>. A. U. organization was held t<< consider tho grave charge ilmt Hayes is of Irish (vtreutagn. Ureal disappointment wu manifested that Tbooaoro F. Kandolph <tnt noi recoive a single vote In the Convention. Tim lo.lge adjourned to meet again next Tuesday eveniug and rsoori on ttio must advisable course to bo pursued during the campaign. Salutes were tired during tho evening in every quarter of the city, and fireworks were displayed on Newurk, Palisade, Conimunipaw and Central uveuue?. Tue Herman Democratic Club of the Third dtatrict Hold a meeting at <>ertnanla Hall and resolved to organize a campaign club immediately^ I he P iteraon democrats are jubilant over the nom ination of Tildcn and ileudrickii. A aalute ol thirty* seven nuns was tired tbig evening in honor ol the ton* (nation The s'ewark Young Men's H- publican Club dedicated ? handsome transparcn ?>' at tbolr headquarters, ta Hr.i?d street last n^ht. General Joseph C. Jackson, el New York, delivered Uu address I bn rrcoipt ol tbi> news that Hendricks had been nominated lor Vice President on the ticket with Tildon eroked increased enthusiasm among tho Newark democracy yesterday. While there, as ttiruughont the State, tho desire to nee Parker nominated was genuine. It is now conceded that on the vlial Issue boloro the country, administrative reform, Tlhien is undoubtedly the man demanded by the popular voice of tho democracy. In Morristown tho tickot was approved by tho flrinirof 100 g mix. An immense meeting was held in Trenton last owning to ratily tho nomination of Governor Tiiden. Speeches were made byG"vernorJ. I). Hedio, Attorney General Jacob Vaunatta, Henry H. Little, Clerk In CltMtvonr. and others. Tho meeting wasentnsaiasiia. Tt>eiw?vn:i ? prolusion ol flreworks. MR. WHEELER AT HOME. THK CITIZENS OF MALOXX WELCOME thx CIN CINNATI CANDIDATE FOR THE TICK FRESI DENCI?HE TELLS TOE 8TOBY OW HIS EABLT LUTE. Malum, Juno 39, 1876. Hon. W. A. Wheeler returned to Maione thia mom? ing. He was welcomed at tho depot by cheers of ban* dreds of his toinsmen, by musio and firing oleannon. A procession was lormed, headed by a band, and fee was escorted to his home. He spoke briefly, under great excitement, with M much of pathos as to claim the attention of tho vaal crowd present, and to bring tears to many eyes. Ho said lite honor of tho nomination belonged not to bim, but to tho people ol Maione. Ho was eftosen Town Clerk by them white yet ta bis mtuoriijr, and when the emolument* of tho place, thirty dollars a year, were of more value to him than tho thousands tie has possessed. He bun t ela.ned the confidence of tho people steadily since, and has been the recipient of r-Deateit honor* from them. He owes to their ateadUst adherence, their warm support and tholr efforts what ever ol success he has aobicvad. Personally he would have preferred to remain where he Ie, lor what is the honor to him, standing in tho thtttow of lilt desolate home t I'o the young meu, so w?ny of whom were present before him that be had the right to spook to them, be would say he knew every phase of i lie struggle of the young man Mteklng to mnke his way and to make his mark in Hie. lor, years ago, bo bad trampled through the storm* and snow* ol winter to his tirst district school in an adjoining town, in the log house* of the neighborhood, through the shrunken roofs ol the hum''ie fsrmers' houses. he had at in-lit, literally been a star gazer: but in bis wildest dreams and highest building of castles in the oir, so complete a eSSeese in life, so great an achievement hud never occurred to bim. Thla result Shows that in this beneficent country every man of character wne the equal of every ether msn. Ho ehould inane no political speech that morning; the addrem w?s hut a family talk, but whatever may be tho result in November it should bo accepted as htueaN good and loyal citizens. Political feeling would aeeert itself delta* tho campaign, out lie ho|>?>i the personal rela tion* existing between them would remain nnobaaged, as his .'roatc.-l desire was to retain ibe eateem and re. spe. i of Ijtf. immediate fr enda and neighbors. Mr. Whewler retired amid hearty applause. Re wag deeply a itemed as be referred to the desolation which had come noon hi* home and in the sympathy shewn l?y the audience might he reed the ostiout and love in which bo was held. LOUISIANA STATE COflVENTIOK. Nkw Oulmans, June W, ffTd The Convention to-day degenerated into ? p r ect beer garden, aaJ about hail-past lour t>rok<j up in a row. To-night the wire-workers are hard <?t it, oan n it probable a ballot will be resetted to-morrow, i t* wsr of factious lias grown m> bitier that a compromise candidate is Kiiggosted by the more -eaioole as i?e oui* solution. With this view It is n?t unlikely that <>eneriji McMillan or Ueneral ituesy will i>e b veeu inrwarJ. The delay has certainly ii.jurcd Warm /ill's pn>-p?cU sad somewhat improved Ludolisg'a, t'aeu?rd an i vru deraon ind iiu their own fcxtr ordin.ry eiio. u v* ill be lua ? to-liight by I oth la< lions to *e*li,ce vacl* oiher'? delegate-, in whh U all the usqal menu w.ll < a Used ircety, Kel oft s d P*< ward openly declare ll?*ff Inientlon to reptj late the nominaltoa is ones of Wat asih'ssusesM