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NEW YORK HERALD BROADWAY AND ANN STREET. JAMES GORDON BENNETT, PftOPK 1ET0R. THE DAILY HERALD, published every day in the year. Four cents per copy. Twelve dollars per year, or one dollar per month, free of postage. All business, news letter* or telegraphic despatches must be addressed New \ore Letters and packages should be properly ?ealed. Rejected communications will not be re turned. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE?NO. 112 SOUTH SIXTH STREET. LONDON OFFICE OF THE NEW YORK HERALD - NO. 46 FLEET STREET. PARIS OFFICE?AVENUE DE L'OPEllA. Subscriptions and advertisements will be received and forwarded on the same terms as in New York. TOLPM* ELI NO. 182 AMUSEMENTS TO-NIGHT. wood'S MUSE'-'*. RARIiWiY AMO.nGTHK BKIUANDS, at 8 P. X. lata itJP.IL UNION SQUARE THEATER. THB V0K8S FAMILY, at H P. M. PARISIAN VARIETIES. at ? F. M. FIFTH AVENUE THEATRE. FIQOE, at 8 P. M. Faaajr Davenport. Wallace's thf.atrb. THB MIOHTY DOLLAR, at 8 P. M. W. J. Florenea. UILMORE'S GARDEN. GRAND CONCERT, at 8 P. M. KELLY A LEON'S MINSTRELS. at 8P.1L OLYMPIC THEATRE. HCMPTT dumpty. at 8 P. M. PAKE THEATRE. THE KERRY GOW, at 8 P_M. _ BOWERY TH RATES. FATAL MARKSMAN, at ft P. M. CHATEAU MARILLE VARIETIES, at 8 F. M. THIRD AVK.NUE THEATRE. VARIETY, at 8:1ft P. M. WITH SUPPLEMENT. WW YORK, FRIDAY. JUNR 30, 187?. From our reports this morning ihc probabilities art that the u eat her to-day %Dili be partly cloudy and foggy. During the summer months the Herald tetS be sent to subscribers in the country at the rate of tventy-five cents per week, free of postage. NOTIC* TO CoUNTBT N EWHDEA2JEBS.?Tor rrumpt and regular delivery of the Hiiilo by jast mail train* ori.ert must be tent aired to this office. Postage free. Wall Stbeet Yestebdat.?Stocks were firm and active. Gold opened at 112 1-8 and closed at 112 3-8. Money on call was supplied at 3 1-2 and 3 per cent Government bonds were strong, railway bonds generally Bteady and investment shares, with the ex ception of New Jersey Central, steady. A Pigeon-Shooter's experiences in Eng land, as related in an interview elsewhere, will yield some pleasant information to oar wing shuts. The Anti-Tammanyites are out already with enthusiasm for the St Louis nomina tions. The hall with the big Indian on top is still silent and gloomy. Bedloe's Island is to have the greater part of its gunpowder taken away, so that the nervous citizens who have not slept easily since the Bergen tunnel explosion h >ve a prospect of some repose. The Fbench Wohkinumen who form the aixint gardt of the labor delegates from France have gone about the work of seeing tho city in a manner not calculated to alarm in the least M. Buffet himself. The Detectives of the Secret Service Bureau have made an important capture of counterfeiters in Brooklyn, where these artistic engravers of "bogus" bank bills were doing a thriving business. The Preparations for the Yale-Harvard race at Springfield to-day show that no pains have been spared to make it interesting. Our despatch in another column describes and comments on the latest practice of tho rival crews. The North and South have united to ' celebrate the famous victory of Fort Moul- j trie, won a century ago in the harbor of Charleston, S. C. It is pleasant to note that the memories of our recent fratricidal war *re being completely obscured by those of the struggle that ushered in our national independence. The Ibish 11iflemkn have been busy with i the work of selecting their team. Of the I ten names given in our special cable do- 1 spatch as having made the highest scores in two days' competitions but two are those of the Irish team that came here in 1674. The records made by the others are very high. Mr. Fenton, whose name is second on the team list i* the winner of the American Challenge Cup. Diminished Temperattre, due to the west erly after winds which follow the movement eastward of areas of low barometer, such ns that which has passed off our Atlantic coast, gave ns a breathing spell yesterday which enabled us to recruit alter the exhausting experiences of the previous five days, al though by comparison with the records of last year we find that tho weather is now normally warm. Still, the change from oinety-fivo degrees at three o'clock on Tues day afternoon to eighty-four degrees at the same hour yesterday is a dccidcd relief. The eases of sunstroke reported probably origi nated during the recent hot days, and the system, being weakened by a steady increase \of heat, was unable to resist its intiuence. The Sad Stobt of a poor woman who has suffered wrong at the hands of a sowing ma chine company which we publish elsewhere ?bows that the case of Bridget Barry is by BO means a solitary one. She paid fifty dol lars in instalments on a machine sold to her ! for sixty-five dollars, and probably costing the manufacturers not more than fifteen to 'twenty dollars. Her machine was taken away on a temporary stoppage oi the instal ?K'ftts, and when afterward sho offered the fifteen dollars balanoe was told she should pay in addition six dollars and a quarter for ??removing the machine." As this was out ot her power she has neither seen machine nor money since. If this is not extortion ftom the poor we should like to sea a defi nition of tho term. I* Tk? Democr?tle PUtlbrra aid Csadi datw. The St. Louis platform differs from ordi nary party manifestoes of the kind in the marks it bears of perfect unity of composi tion. In point of fact it is the work of one skilful hand?that of Mr. Man ton Marble? and was adopted almost precisely in tho form of his original draft It is framed with great artfulness, especially on the financial ques tion, all the ingenuity of the author having been exerted to give it the appear moe of a compromise while making it substantially a hard money declaration. Mr. Marble's refusal to serve on the committee was a diplomatic stroke for shielding the plattorm from suspicion, and the protest signed by Mr. Dorsheimer and other Eastern delegates was conceived in the same intention of smuggling a wooden horse into the soft money Troy. Mr. Ewing was astute enough to detect the arti fice, but powerless to frustrate it Behind the concession on the Resumption act, which was intended as a mask, the platform com mits the democratic party to a resumption of specie payments. This is apparent both on an analysis of its artful lnnguage and in the circumstances which attended its adop tion. W? will first consider its cunning phrase ology. It denounces "the failure for the past eleven years to make good the promise of the legal tender notes, the non-payment of which is a disregard of the plighted faith of the nation." This arraignment of the re publican party for its long neglect to redeem the greenbacks is an implied admission that resumption of specie payments has been too long delayed and an indirect promulgation of the hard money creed. There would be no sense or consistency in denouncing the re publican party for its failure to redeem the greenbacks unless redemption is regarded as sound policy. The platform goes on to "denounce the improvidence which in eleven years has taken from the people thir teen times the amount of the legal tender notes without accumulating any reserve for their redemption." This virtually commits the democratic party, if it comes into power, to accumulate a reserve for paying the legal tender notes; for if the neglect is a reason for displacing the republicans the democrats are bound to adopt a different course. The platform further proceeds to "denounce the financial imbecility and immorality of that party which, daring eleven years of peace, has made no advance toward resumption." These three separate denunciations involve mach needless repetition, the idea being identical in them all and the rhetorical vari ations adding nothing to its force. It would have been bolder and better to have said once explicitly what is said so often by im plication. If the platform had unequivocally pledged the party to begin at once the accu mulation of a stock of gold for the redemp tion of the Legal Tender notes, and to repeal the legal tender act as soon as this stock be comes sufficient, it would have established a more Bolid claim to public confidence. But in this courageous form it might not have been adopted, and so a wholesome medicine is sugar-coated with the artfal rhetoric and diplomatic finesse whjch made it more easy for the soft money patients to swallow. It is, nevertheless, a very tolerable hard money manifesto. If there could be any doubt on this point after an examination of its language the doubt would be removed by the opposition made to the platform both in the committee and the Convention. The text, both of the republican and the democratic platform, re quires some commentary to fix its meaning, and the best commentary is found in the action of the respective conventions. The Cincinnati platform demands "steady progress toward speoie payments," bat when a motion was offered to make thi* vague declaration more explicit by committing the party to resump tion in 1879 it was voted down by a large majority, which was an abandonment of the Resumption act. The democrats stand on precisely the same ground although they have reached it in a different way. They openly demand the repeal of the resumption clause in that act and virtually pledge their party to accumulate a stock of gold for re sumption. The opposition of the soft money men shows that in their view this is the real dritt of the platform. Although the two platforms are substantially alike on this sub- j ject more praise is due to the democrats be- ' cause St. Louis made an advance and Cin cinnati a retrograde movement in reaching the same position. The republicans made a virtual retreat from the Resumption act, whereas the democrats got a better and more united expression in favor of hard money than they have been able to secure during the session from their members of Congress. Both parties stand on the same groan d, but it is more creditable to have reached it by an advanco than by a retreat. The question can have no effect on the oanvoss, and Governor Tilden and Governor Hayes being both sound hard money men there is no reason lo fear a revival of the soft money craze, let the election go as it will. The only other part of the democratic plat form which is of any significance in the can vass is tho declaration on "the Heathen Chinee." St. Louis has outbid Cincinnati for the vote of the Pacific States, and the abhorrence of Chinamen being a fierce and pervading passion on tho Pacific coast very 1 likely some political capital can be made out of it. The civil service declaration in the St Louis platform is mere cant. The author of the platform would be laughed at if he should seriously expresa the opinion that Mr. Tilden, if elected, will retain all the republicans in subordinate offices against whom no objection oan be made but their politics. This election will be but slightly affected by tho platforms; it will turn chiefly on party spirit and zeal and the personal strength of the candidates. The second place on the democratic ticket was given to Hendricks with reference to the October elections. Governor Tilden is tho most un popular candidate that could have been se lected for running in Ohio and Indiana, and it was the aim of the Convention to impplo* ment him with a man who is more accept able to the democracy of those States. There ia probably no expectation of carry- j ing Ohio against Governor Hayes, but if { Indiana can be saved Hendricks has a bet- I ter chance of doing it than any other second name that conld have been pnt on the ticket If Indiana goes democratic in Octo ber it will break and soften the blow which is pretty sure to come from Ohio ; bnt if the party lfeses both of those States it will have scarcely a chance of carrying New York, and the contest will be virtually decided before any State votes for Presidential electors. We see no reason why Mr. Hendricks should hesitate to accept the nomination, for if he is beaten he can attribute his defeat to the unpopularity of Tilden in Indiana, while, if he succeeds, he will have the credit of saving the State, and the dignity and salary of a very high station. Except in Ohio and Indiana Governor Tilden is probably the strongest candidate everywhere outside of New York which the Convention could have nominated. Whether any other candidate would make a better run in this State is a point on which opin ions have differed and will continue to differ. Almost any other democrat would have cor dially reunited the party in New York, but no other has such a thorough knowledge of the State or could approach Mr. Tilden in the political activity and dexterity with which he will conduct his own canvass. His extraordinary capacity as a party tac tician will make him formidable, and his success in managing State conventions, and more recently in outmanoeuvring all rivals and opponents at St. Louis, will inspire great confidence in his resources. His skill as a politician will give his party faith in their leader, and this is sometimes worth as much in politics as in battle. He will have a powerful coadjutor in Governor Seymour, whose unbounded popularity and persuasive eloquence will be potent in healing the recent dissensions. Highlanders do not follow the chief of their clan with more devotod zeal than the New York democrats follow Horatio Seymour. And yet, with all Tilden's dexterity and Seymour's speaking, the contest in this State will be close and doubtful, with the chances rather against the democrats. PriiM Milam Takes the Field. Prince Milan, of Servia, is a mere youth, but the eyes of Europe are following him in his march from Belgrade to join his army on the frontier. The announcements of Mr. Disraeli and Lord Derby to the English Par liament yesterday upon the matter keep the point in view that the blow has not yet been struck which may precipitate a European conflict, but the believers in peace at any price cannot gather bope from the tone of the Ministers' remarks. By far the most im portant conclusions can be drawn from what they did not say. We find no as sertion that in the event of war Eng land will feel called upon to interfere openly. For all the display of energy that Disraeli has made, it woald seem that prudence has advised a neutral atti tude so long as the war 4,s only between Turkey and the small Canubian States. Perhaps the English Cabinet believes that Turkey is still able to cope with her revolted subjects and vassals. If so'she is likely to be rudely undeceived. That the Turks can fight is beyond question ; but that in face of their failure to crush the rebellion in Herzegovina and Bosnia they can success fully face the Servians as well is very doubt ful. It must be remembered that Russia is secretly behind the Servians and rebels, and that she can aid them with money without inconvenient qnestions being asked ?at home. Foiled in het first plan to crush out Turkey under the weight of three em pires, by the resoluteness of Disraeli, she has fallen back on the safer but less direct mode of setting the Servians to pull her chestnuts out of the fire. In the events since the rejection of the Berlin note by England the work of hidden hands reveals itself on every side. When the inner history of the over throw of Abdul-Aziz on one side and the declaration of war by Servia on the other comes to be written it will be seen that the era of subtle and unscrupulous diplomacy did not end with Talleyrand. These events are moves on the Eastern chessboard made respectively by England and Russia playing under the table, but beyond the fact that Sultan Mourad and Prince Milan change their positions in the game the general pub lic is at a loss for the true details. In the mo ment of suspense before the first gun is fired there may intervene another of those myste rious moves. We should not be surprised to see Montenegro, the other Russian pawn, moved over the Turkish lines, while, if Ger many is about to make a deal with Russia, Roumania may be put forward. This last move is questionable as yet; but from the i first crossing of Turkish and Servian bayo nets we may recognize that England and Russia are at war, although vicariously. Thjc Champion Jokk of the horse car com panies is that made by Judge Comstock yes terday in arguing against a rapid transit road on Sixth avenue. Having painted all the wrougs the company would endure if a road were built he drew smiles of pity from the listeners by saying The defendants propose to run noisy trains of cars over head, and the plaintiffs claim that their passengers should not sutler from this nuisance." Never before has a man got up with a solemn face to express such tender ness on behalf of the companits for their passengers. Wc fancy we see a horse car j director weeping at the thought of the pas ; sengers in a sardine-packed car having their I ears tingled by the noise of a car over head. Jam them in, crush them together until decency is outraged, health endangered and their fares collected, bat let there be no noise over head. With such stuff as this the chartered plunderers of New York seek to stop rapid transit. A Ccmots Qvestion is Law arises out of the loss of the City of Waco, in Galveston Bay, in November, 1875. A husband and wife named Rogers were among the ill-fated passengers, and the heirs of both are con testing a claim to a sum of money left in bank by Mrs. Rogers. The case turns on the question, Which died first, the husband or the wito ? If the former, then her next of kin can claim the pioney. If the latter, then the husband bccame her heir-at-law, and his next of kin has the best claim. It is a diffi cult matter to settle this ease under the cir cumstances. Some Hints to thfl Campaign P*U. In the nominations for President and Vice President the interests of the stamp orators have been better looked after than those of the campaign poets. When the lqte Horace Greeley said, sarcastically, to Tliurlow Weed after the Convention of 18(50, "Let me write the campaign songs of a party and I don't care who makes the nominations," there was more poetry than truth in the Suge of Chap paqua's remark. The founder of the Trib une wrote some versos in his youth, but never claimed to be a poet. He was, how ever, fond of singing? W Hat mean* tins great commotion. Motion, motioo. Thu whole lend through T ending up with "Tippecanoe and Tyler too." And as he hummed into Mr. Weed's ear? For Van la a used up man, we have no doubt the latter turned away in disgust Turning from those musical mem ories of the log cabin and hard cider time to the cacophony of "Tilden and Hendricks" and the rhyming difficulties of "Hayes and Wheeler," we shed a tear for the campaign poets of our day. The howling radical upon the stump can divide the unmusical demo cratio ticket on his lips if he cannot conquer it at the polls ; he can roll out " 'Bah for Hayes and Wheeler" like a bugle blast The whooping democrat can put "Samuel J." before his Tilden and "Thomas A." before his Hendricks, though he may not put either in a rosy light before his hearers. But the poets, alas ! they must double and squirm around their respective tickets to project them into the heaven of verse, as the salmon takes his tail in his mouth to jump up a waterfall. For the past ten days the republican poets, although hard at work, have been unable to grind out a "Hayes and Wheeler" refrain. Bhymes for Hayes they found plenty as blackberries, and, despairing of iinding a decent rhyme for Wheeler, they have let loose upon us an avalanche of poems?bless the mark!?which ran from "blaze" until they ended in "craze." There has been a perfect fog of long' *a" rhymes since this Scotch Hayes has covered the land. Now, however, with two tickets before the people, the poets are on their mettle. We have received two poems already on Tilden and Hendricks, which we publish as terrible examples to warn our poets forever from wrestling with such jaw-breaking subjects for verse. One is from a republican ; the other is from a democrat. They are equally infamous. The republican monster writes:? The fight they'll all get killed in, Tlio' they dodge about aod blend tricks; We'll scalp old Sammy Tilden ADJ likewise Tommy Hendricks. The democratic demon utters the follow ing discordant shriek:? Oar ticket wants no gildln'. In the chine we'll Hike the ttn trick*;. Hurrah lor Main my Tiideu And a tiger lor Tom Hendricks. The last line of the democratic horror be trays its source. The Tammany tiger was all along for Hendricks, and is now repent ant enough to hurrah for Uncle Samuel. Another democrat has dodged the full names on his ticket and taken refuge in the first syllable of our respected Governor's name. It is altogether too free and easy, and takes the liberty of speaking for Mr. Tilden in a manner he could not approve. It begins as follows I'm happy as a clam; My name is Uncle Sara, And 1 don't care a button For Wheeler or lor Hayes. Now for our hints. We advise the poetB not to put either the easy rhymed Hayes, the sinister rhymed Wheeler, the mutilat ing Tilden or the impossible Hendricks at the end of their lines. Hide them safely where quantity alone is to be wres tled with. Unfortunately, they must be crammed in somewhere, or Hamlet would be out of the play and the poets lose their occu pation. Let them, therefore, fasten like bar nacles upon some catching, sonorous word to rhyme with, and then they need not trouble about putting any sense into their verses. At a tremendous outlay of handkerchiefs to mop our forehead, with three small boys gracefully waving enormous fans and a swift succession of cooling drinks, we have evolved the following as a hint to the dem ocratic poets. We give them their catch word. It is:? Reform! Reform 1 Give it 'em warm. Tilden sweeps over the 1. nd like a storm. Glioma it, boys. Irom the Ka?t to the Wert, Tilden and Rindrtcas, that ticket's the best Oo to the White House we'll mar h lnasvraim, Singing ror Tildon and shouting ?'Reform 1" We would willingly have furnished a sim ilar specimen for the republican poets, but the handkerchiefs and small boys have given out, and further iced drinks might deieat the very purpose we have in view. K?w York and Parts. The bill allowing Paris to raise a loan of twenty-four millions of dollars to improve the city has passed the Senate. This seems to be a large sum, especially t? saddlo upon a city that hits been burdened like Paris. Then one would think that the French capital was already so beautiful that further expenditure would be gilding refined gold, but the French are wise ! The alert men who govern that wonderful land know that every dollar expended upon the improve ment of their capital will come back twenty fold. Trade will revive, capital will come, the city will continue its supremacy and ever}- day new advantages will accrue. New York has corao to a standstill. While Paris, notwithstanding lier bombardments, her tirea, her Commune insurrections, spends this vast sum. New York does nothing. A few thieves like l'woed gained power and Stole some money. B^eause ol that we have I resolved to spend no more. We are like the merchant who allows his business to go to the bad because a clerk ran away with the cash box. Our city is in many ways a disgrac e to civilization. The streets are shameful. Sanitary precautions are neglected. We offer a premium to malaria. Contagious diseases are on the increase. We have given typhus and diphtheria the freedom of th? city. Docks and wharves are postponed. With the exception of a few boulevards, which we owe to Tweed, we have nothing to ahow in the way ol city improvement It was well enough to stop tho leaks, but why should the policy of robbery give place to the policy of garroting ? Tweed robbed us, but Tweed's successors are stifling us. Every interest suffers because of this policy. The time has come lor it to end. Let com mon sense prevail here aa in Paris. Let ns elect men to office who will spend the money honestly, and then let ns give them fifty millions and say-.? "Take this money and make New York the metropolis of the Union. Give us good streets. Give us rapid transit Bnild the Brooklyn Bridge. Surround the island with docks and piers like those in. Liverpool. Improve our parks. Tunnel the Hudson River, so that the great trunk lines shall ome on our island as the Central does, and not drop their fatness in the Jer seys. If the fifty millions will not do there are a hundred more. All we want is to have New York metropolitan." A policy like this may seem fantastic and extravagant, but it is the policy of economy and growth. Bee what we have lost in the past lew years by tTade going to Baltimore and Boston, by population going to New Jersey and Long Island. Whilo the Jersey towns have grown with prodigious strides we have stood stilL Beautiful Westchester and the region around Harlem and Manhattanville seem to have fallen* into a paralysis. Now and then some at tributes the cause to malaria. But there is no more malaria in Westchester than over the rivers, and we all know that it disappears before settlements and high til lage. The evil is not one that can be cured with quinine. It is a political evil. We have neglected the great city, and we are now Buffering for that neglect The time has oome for the people to take the matter in hand. Let New York, instead of talking about a canvass for the Presidency, go into a canvass for Metropolitan Existence. That is the fight in which we all have an interest 1( our people are wise they will begin now and fight to win. Paris gives us a noble ex ample. Th? Extradition Question. We have a prolound respect for Mr. Fish. He will carry out of the Cabinet the blue ribbon of the administration, as the one Minister whose fame not even slander has Btained. But the fault with Mr. Fish is over-sensitiveness, a tendency to suspicion, to lose his temper. He is easily huffed, as was shown in the Catacazy case and the treatment of the Grand Duke Alexis, which almost terminated diplomatic relations with Russia. We fear the Secretary is falling into an irritable mood with England on this question of extradition. We have rumors that he finds ugly gaps in the printed Eng lish correspondence ; that he thinks Lord Defby and Sir Edward Thornton have suppressed something. He has been com paring dates to see if there has been foul play, and it would not surprise us to hear of a spicy despatch to Mr. Pierrepont or ? peppery interview with the British Minister, "asserting the dignity of the government" If Mr. Fish is to fall into one of his un amiable moods we shall lose extradition. There is no necessity for temper. Extradi tion is a bridge between the two countries in the service of morality and justice. It is to the interest of both nations that it should be kept intact Outside of -Newgate and Sing Sing there is no body of Englishmen or Americans who do not view the abrogation of the treaty with alarm. We do not want the United States to become the asylum of English criminals. England certainly does not wish to harbor ours. The difference be tween the two countries is technical, arising wholly, it seems to us from a careful perusal of the British Blue Book, from the obstinacy and narrowness of Mr. Cross, the Home Sec retary. England says:?"We cannot allow the hospitalities of our flag to be invaded. We cannot surrender the right of asylum. We cannot allow you to take a man from our soil on a charge of burglary and try him for treason." This is high, patriotic ground, and England would dishonor her flag if she surrendered it But no one asks her to sur render it Her claim is the common law of international intercourse. England claims what everybody concedes ; what certainly no civilized nation denies. So Mr. Fish might say as to extradition:?We mean to protect our own right of asylum and to respect that of other lands; we do not need "stipula tions" on the trabject Extradition has fallen because Mr. Cross insisted upon dealing with America as he would deal with some half civilized Power. Instead of trusting to our honor to respect the right of asylum, instead of waiting at least until we had violated it he insists upon a "stipulation." So far Mr. Fish has a sound position. He is sustained by the English press, by such men as Sir William Harcourt, by the common sense of both eountries. There will be a Parliamentary battle over it, and Mr. Cross will have a hard time in defending his ground. But Mr. Fish must not let his opponents spring a new issue upon him. He must not allow the English to any that he proposes to menace the right of asylum. '1 hey will say this if he loses his temper and goes to writ ing angry despatches. His true plan> would be to ask Sir Edward Thornton to dinner, with plenty of roast beef, plum pudding and fine old port, and when it comes to the' wal nuts and the wine the two diplomats can go over the whole ground and arrive at a sensi ble conclusion. Eugland wants extradition aud so docs America. We want a compact closely woven treaty that will hold every scamp. Mr. Fish should not leave the de partment uutil we have such a treaty. It will do him tar more honor than an angry correspondence aud bitter misunderstanding. The National Board of Trade Baaquel. The banquet given last night at Del monico's to the National Board of Trade was a brilliant success. The large room was crowded and the assembled merchants were as jolly os though they had never a venture on the seas. The coming together of the business men of this country for tho pur pose of discussing the conditions and pros pects of our commercial relations cannot but hijve a happy influence. From the speech of Mr. Low, who may bo re garded as in some sort the official spokesman of the assembled merchants, we judge that our business men look with confidence to the future. The partial dis tress existing in business is attributed by them to its true cause?the overproduction which has taken place throughout the civilized world during the last decade, aggravated in our case by the sudden return of forty-rive millions of people to economio habits. But the merchants believe in the return wave of prosperity which must come I as a reaction from natural mums, and which will leave the business of the country on ? better and sounder basil than it ever before occupied. The Cakaa Wu> The telegraphic news from Cuba is as lit tle reassuring as ever. Though we hear lit tle of the insurgents their presence makes itself felt in tlie burdens imposed on the commerce of the country by the heavy war taxes, which seem to have reached their ut most limits. Yet the war seems further from a termination than ever. Measure* of re pression are now adopted with the utmost severity in the jurisdictions of Sanctus Spiritu and Remedies. Fonr years ago the insurgent cause seemed lost. The Cinco Villas had been abandoned, the troops of Agramonte and Cespedee were separated by a barrier that the Spanish gov* eminent deemed impassable, and it was an* nounced confidently that the extinetion of the insurgent bands was merely a question of time. But since that period the Cuban revolution has taken new life?it has broken through the much vaunted trooha and swepfc westward until it has reached the very out skirts of Havana. Now, when the close of the civil war promises to allow Spain full uae of all her resources to reduce to subjection the restive "Queen of the Antilles," yellow fever steps in and threatens destruction to the newly arrived soldiers. In the meantime the insurgents, though quiet, are not idW They are taking advantage of the truoe im posed by nature on their enemies to restore wasted supplies of ammunition and enjoy needed repose. Ill fortune continues to at tend their naval expeditions. The Spaniards report the capture of a launch bringing from Jamaica ammunition and arms. But prob ably the patriots will not allow this misad venture to deter them from trying again. Feris and Fibewobks will be among out principal dangers on the Fourth of July. Superintendent Walling has issued a general order to the police regard ing the discharge of firearms, the use of cer tain dangerous fireworks and the prompt re porting of cases of fire. The small boys are already exploding their crackers, and a case was reported -at the Hebau> office last evening of an ignited cracker being thrown into a Third avenue cai coming down Chatham street, its explosion covering a lady passenger with sparks and burning embers. It would, there fore, be well for the police to keep a sharp lookout for these dangerous young offenders before as well as on ths Fourth. Our citizens should acquaint them selves with this order to the police. Eabthquakss have oocurred at classio Corinth, and Maryborough, Queensland, which latter locality is now experiencing the antipodal winter, and caused consider able alarm in both places. The phenomenon at Corinth will probably precede a period of heavy rainfall and storm in that region and will be followed by a possible eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which forms the greal terrestrial safety valve of Southern Europe PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. Mr. Hayes m bora la Kiintuotcy. The liberal party ia entirely played oak The latest la England is bnttoned stoektnga. Democratic Oongraiamaa Naal, of Ohio, wlB support Hayes. Mr. George J. Eager, the artist, win Burner en th? Fa?i in, The Fortnightly Meview wants to abolish marriage Telia Well, let 'em go. Congressmen will probably meet la Independence Hall, Pbllaaelpbia, July 4 Storey, oftbe Chicago Timet, would make an enter prising Governor lor lllinola Frank Moulton was In Chicago on Monday and wag asked ont to drink a good many times. Mulligan says that Blaine read every syllable In the Warren-Flake leiters, and tbla lets Blaine go. _ Two Icelanders deeoended into the crater Aakya 3,000 feet below the upper margin and foand n lake of wetblng hot water. Oregon salmon are shipped direct to Liverpool, where the flab, in cans, bring from sixpence to n ahiU ling (Knglish money) a pound. A oable telegram from Pau, France, under date of yesterday, brings the following announcement:?"The wife of Don Carlos Uas been delivered or a daughter. '* One c orgy man, who has a living in a mid and town, England, not Tar Irom the hardware capital, baa made as much as $1,200 in a single season from a single rose tree Mr. D. O. Mills, President of tbe Bank of California, succeeding Balston, is at No- Jhn. Mr. Mills Is ihe owner of the fine piece of statuary of "Hagar Going into the Wilderness." Norrielown Herald:?J' 'In Lapland a native would not tbink o( taking even an icicle not hisowa without aaklng for it* That is because be haa never been a member of Congress." London fJuncA:?"X ursc?1 wanted to go into town tb'a afternoon, If you could sparo me, to get a new bonnot; and, I admire your taste In bonneta so aich, mum. I was a tbinkin' I couldn't do better than go t? tbe same shop I" Februarv, 1877, is tbe bicentenary of Spinoza's death, and It Is proposed to erect a statue of Splnota at Tbe Hague, if possible. In slgbt of the spot where he spent the last ton or twelve years of his short life and wrote the works that were to be bis iegaey to mankind. Wben. recently, tbe Derbyshire magistrate fined Mm Duke of Portland $'<25 for allowing a traction englae to go along a road without a fla.mao ahead, and tbe Duke's steward said that His Grace wonld be dlsaatis. fled with tbe decision, tho Justice said he coald not help it. GcbemI Jubal Early sa/sGovernor Mayes served only once with the Army of the Potomao, and that waa st South Mountain, in Cox's division, from Western Virginia. Ills other service was la tbe Army of West Virginia. His military caroer was so obscure that his name is not even mentioned in tne published ropons, and though now be is represented to have done wonden under Sheridan In tbo valley 1 never beard of him be fore in that capacity." Hon. W. X. Wheeler, republican candidate fbr Vioe President, says the Baltimore Sun, took very effectual rceans for returning hia Congressional baclt pay inte tho Treasury of tlie United State*. He had opposed tbe bill in the House earnestly, and therefore to take tbo increased pay be declared did not comport with hia views of consistency or propriety He bought with the funds twenty-live bonds of tbe United States and assuncd them to the Secretary of tbe Treasury lei cancellation. Tbe two elder sons of tbe German Crown Prince, now pupils at tbe puDlic gymr.isiura m Casa#l, attract much popular sympatby by their natural and unpre autning ways and their easy camaraderie. The newest stor.v about them, which has given great satisfaction in popular circles in Berlin, wb re tbe Israolite ele ment enjoya a certain prevalence, is that they have struck up aa ardent friendship with a young Jewish lad, tbo son of a poor woman, the widow ol one of the ill-paid teacuera at a German public school Lapland mothers are not in tbe habit of staying at home with ibeir babies. The Laps are a Very religion* people, and take long journeys to hear their pastern Aasoon aa the family arrive at the little waoden church, aad the reindeer are f ecu red, the fathei shovel* a snug little bed m tho anew, and the methei wfnpe tbo baliy in sktna and deposits it iheieta Then the fbther piles tbo snow around it, aad tbe dog la set on guard, while tho parents go decorously into tbe akareh. Often as many as thirty bablse may ha sees laid away In the snow about a church.