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lportant Debate and Resolutions j on the Currency Question. jiprooity in Lighthouse Dues Asked from England. kLISH FREE TRADER'S VIEWS. ?ard of Trade resumed lt< session at May morning, Mr. Edward Fralcy, of ' i? chair. Mid that the Executive Coancil MOQ tho previous night to cjnslder tho | I and matters re:errud to tliem by the Con- | resolution offered by Mr. Xourse, of Dostoa, at Congre^ be petitioned not to make silver a legal 1 ader in any sum exceeding $0, wus considered by ! t Executive Council, and recommended by them to : printed and placed on the programme lor the iuvor le consideration of the Convention. Iu reference to | e resolution by Mr. Price, of Scranton, the Executive i uncil reported that it is inexpedient at the present ae to recommend the resolution. The Executive uncil re-elected Charles Randolph as Secretary and easurar i f the Board for the next year. They also ?lded that the next Conrcntioniof this Board be held Milwaukee. In reference to Mr. Conkhng's resolution, the Execu te Council report adversely, as this Hoard has no to oomrnumcale with foreigu governments on ide question* They can simply confer with trade *rds and organs In other countries. Mr. Xourse said that tho new sllvor dollar not worth more than eighty-four and a If cents, and was likely to be worth still s* The greenback dollar Is worth eighty-nine ti a half cents?live cents more than the silver liar. The Committee on liauKini; and Finance ougnt In a bill to the Senute reporting favorably on aking silver a legal tender for an amount as large as Ml, and ona Senator moved that it be made a legal ..^ls^lor any amount. This was passed by a vote of to 14; "but fortunately there was not a quorum* nu If tho present silver dollar could thus made a legal tender for $20 It would be tnooa in the extreme to the community In general. >e one reason advanced, uud that a specious reason, aa that It would uiako a markot for the mines o( evada. The poor will be compelled to hold most of e silver if the limit is not made $5, lor if it be $-0 My can be paid by their employers in that coin, hlch will be a gain to the employers and a loss of five to ten per cent to themselves. It waa said in ngreiw tnat the country lequired $80,000,000 worth subsidiary coin, but never iu tbe most exciting lea did the country use over f.T?,l/OO.OoO worth of ctioiiai currency, li the bill pabsed it would be u death low at ttoa savings oank system. Iho only resource ihe workingmun holding coin fifteen per cent below old vaiUe would be to deposit It iu saving banks, and e general amount ol money tn su< u banks ol this (Ml 11 try would augrc^atu $1,000,000,000. Now, us the nka p?y out their moneys in large soma or gold, and ceive tilem in small muis or silver, it would soon be coewMtry lor such Institutions to refuse 10 t:ike in 'Ver coin or lose considerable In brokers' lees. If a workiiumun whs compelled to get rid of his s Iver in, Im; would have to pay It to Ins grocer or other sit trader, and such dealer would add A.teen per t to h.? profits ' Mr. tieoi :e opdyke. of New York, and Mr. Buchanan, renton, spoke in support of the resolution, and u ?tton mime b> Mr. Hucnunan to telegraph the reso iion to tho ."venule ami House of Representatives at iiniimiftoii wus unanimously adopted. Mi. John V., of Boston, by consent, ought up the subject ol lighthouse) dues and oflercd luilou (u: resolMtoaa:? a- at th ? request of tills Board the President of tIts nited .sinu>> ha.<-Wi'ii to Congress aud to tho public tlio rr> o[W>iii! nee wtrfeb pluee during the years K>0 to HVJ between I lie yo* < >'uil of tile Uuiteil Siates and treat Milium retain ; to kilo collection of lighthouse duo i the poits ui I lie I uited t\i uitduui liym merchant ?hip inc. lb" request having been w.ide with a view in renew. Nj the application ol our owi: <ov< rumrnt, at the proper line Inr tlie relief of American .-Lipping froui iheoe charges! nd whereas ut ili? lerminaticn of the corre?i>on<Muce re >rr*4 to th? Hod.- Abbott Lawrence, then Ameri aa Minister at the l uurt of St. Jamei, writ n* te tli* liepanuienl of Male at Washington, aid . he application *i< not success ul, but at the same Ime it waa not net br a positive refusal, und I am not with at hope, since other toreltfii Powers i well a* British fchlp worn are uu ted with us. that at an early day a way will ? lamtd for effecting title relorni; and whereaa the slilo ?Faera of <>ie <t Britain are uniting to urge upon Llielf oreraaient tho expediency ol defraying the com of the lrllt.ll ltclitbou?e system from the puolie reveuues, in ac with the established policy of the United btates nd other maritime nations; thereiors IMsolved. Hull the National Hoard of Trade would very opolfel y a>k the 1'rsatiem or ttia Called States to in duct tbe preMiit American .Minister at toe Court of St. aaiea to reopen tbe correspondence on thl* subject at tlie aril eat lavoraule opportunity, and to secure, II possible, munnlty at least for tlia shipping o! tba I nited States Iroiu la limber payment of lighthouse duaa In the ports of tbe nlted Kingdom. Tba ar^'i id on is of the different "speakers on thla roso tion were to the oiled that aa the national govern ntoi this country paid its own lighthouse duos dm the entire coast lor the beneOt of Kngllsh as well oifeer shipping, the English government should ac tho same privilege to other shipping. Tbe resolution was passed ailor a short discussion. Tlia following resolutions submitted by the Hoard of rade, 01 Boston, tbe day previous, aud recommended tho Executive Council, then came up lor Un>cus [l{4?.lved. That the National Board of Trade reaffirms am i-ally its long chenaurd and fit repo.ted eouvlctwn il.?> linanrial and Industrial prosperity ol or country Is ly incompatible with the employment or an Irredeem ?<)d di-pieclated paper eurrnicy, an.t that ttie onlv |ud.. lor existing commercial distress depression and is to be loand in tbe resturaltoc of a Just and sound lard of value. hits That the apseut stagnation of bosinea* and abundauce of i<lV capital, which are the arceasary pi ol luttatliin anJ extravagance, ending in collapse, a most lavorabl* opporinnitr lor replarlug tbe pe transactions ol tbe peopla uu a sound basis, by rawing from circulation tbe large surplus ol levul r notes which cannot be maintained on a par with and we call earnestly upon tno Congress ol fie led Ktatei to delay no longer the aaewtaiy elepe tar 1 ng i r otherwise redeeming and cancelling these notes ' thuee which remain in circulation (hall ba at par with <ee resolutions provoked a gen oral debate which d for over two hours and a ltaiH Busby, ol Philadelphia, ?|*>ke against the re toa of specie ipyuiuiil. ? Opdyke said that what wo needed was a lion ot cutitldcnce, aud not a contraction of rrea? J. A. Price, of Scranton. ascribed tbe present nile* IB Pennsylvania to the want ol the ctrcu medium lie did nut boh.-vo in coniractltig the 11 tt was going to starve the people. Nunie. of Boston, gave a detailed history of the lion and resumption ol specie payments by the ol Kugiaod the period between KB7 nod during tbe Napoleonic wars, and the period alter tjil 1?J, when til* crisis occurred. J. Austin Stevens, ol Ibo Chamoer of Commerce, that coin is money and paper was valuable only ar as Its relative rulio to coin ?*? good. In the ted States tho ratio is lew than twuo. coin tosoven of ar. In the firm > car <>. the war the country bad 14.U00.ISN) in paper earMSJ anil about till 01X1,000 n coin. Now there is hardly f-UO.OtsMKiO In coin to JUU.OOO.OUO in paper. Somebody must tako that _ier and it lutut l>a routracteil. With a limited Vitiation of paper money wo "will have the nds-st flnancc In thi nor id It is not ibe want utdenca amoug ourselves that makes trude so dull Inias so hard, but the want ol confidence in us by 01 Kurope, who have money to len<t on any ( like a sale invcetmciit. but our w)M speculations r<- irtgateaod loreigu eapitsl. '* " Ofiar, ol Boston. ri a| oudid 10 Mr. Buzbr, ol tabis. IB a long, interesting speech. eitierell, ol i'uiladciphia, was in lav rof some ite mode ol resumption. und he ottered a re*olu to the effect that the Council sliculd w up s plan to be presented 1oCongress on the basis ring |3,i<u0,uoo worth ol currency every month, ?xebaage lor long bonds at as low a raio ol interest acucaole. ba rinMtooB this and the former resolution was long, was ioat and r?coii?idon>u, aud t c second ol theorig reaolutKHis was ioat and reconsnleied, till the resold altered by the Boston Board ol trade were llnaily by a iwo-tbirus vote, with the lollowing Might <01, leaving out the words "bv withdrawing circulation the large surplus ol legal tender notes Mil cannot be maintained on a par with coin." ioro Miese raaoiatioua wore adopted Mr. Kunny, Chicago, aaid that he wished to say to the (,'onvea a that the pvople ot Chicago were iu lavor ol tba re ption ol specie payment. Mr. crowell, of Kansas. said the large majority ol peopie in hw part of the couniry were in lavor of reaumption ol specie payment*. These remarks in an answer to Mr. \emon. of l.ouis. who that the West waa agaiast ail contraction of tlia ncy. r. Candler, ol Boston, then asked lor a suspension rulea in order to bring up (he eighteenth and nth articles ol the programme 111 regard to nan reciprocity, submitted by the boards ol da ?i Bostou and t. hicagu. be rule ocing sus|>ended, Mr. CanJler made a long li in favor ol a reciprocal treaty, auu iho follow redMUt.oDM were the.i oOered aud approved: ? Keaolved. That the National Board of Trade most heart f approves sail urges upon Congress Hie eariy adopt .on of .JM MWtisil joint resolution, h liicn ? a> IniriMhiced into the House of Kepresentatives oil 1'eceuiber il, Info, to Kesolte . by the >euat? and llouse ol Kepreseatstlees or I niteo Mate*, In Congress assembled, fbat the I'tesi toi ibe I nlte Mates t>? and he la hereby authorised to tat three romnnsaioaer*. uy and with th<- advice sad eent ol th<- senate, to runfer with other coiuaiissioaera It autboni'd by geveraaieat of <>reut Itritam, or aevi-rit shall app srtobs ilas- srlsii of that gov.rnment int eucli com>nls?ouers. aad to Investigate and as m what basis a west/ ef reciprocal trade lor the mutual benefit of tki people of the I'nltad State* aad the Unalai. n of Canada can be n.-R<>tiaird." Tbe talk on this question ?m quite lively. Mr. An drew Robertson and Mr. Wbito, ol tbe Dominion Hoard ol Trade, made interesting aprecbea tbowing bow often the Canadian authoriliea had tried to bring about ibe consideration of* reciprocal treat* ainc* the abrogation ol tbe original one In ISM, and tbat n>>w a strong lev.lug bad i!r?wn up in Cauada In favor of ma Lin 2 a aystem of differential duties that would operate ngalnst tbe Interests of tbe I'mted States Following these gentlemen came Mr. Frank Wright, of Birmingham, England, who made a regular free trade speech. quoting largely from John Bright. r>' whom he said ho waa proud to be a constit uetit. Tftu t'ouvention listened courteously to the ad dreas. )>ui Mes-r*. Buchanan, ol Trenton,' and Wetn erell. of Philadelphia, made abort apeer-be* afterward, saying tbat they were protectionist* at present and they did not consider tbo Convention the place to ven tiliite tree trade theories. The meeting then adjourned till ten A. M. to-day. BANQUET TO THE BOAliD OF TRADE. LAIIGI AHSF.MBLAOE OF DISTINGUISHED MEB CHANTS YBOM ALL PABT8 OV THE COUNTRY? VIEWS ON AMERICAN COMMERCE There assembled last night at Delmontco's a large and Influential body of gentlemen, representing the great commercial bouses of the United States, Canada and England, with tbo object of tloin^ honor to tbe National Hoard of Trade. With professional punctual ity tbe merchants were gathered in Delmonico'aelegant parlor some time before the hour appointed, and aa old frieuda met and greeted each other there waa a war mill and evident good fellowship tbat promised an agreeable reunion. A few stragglers came In Just aa the general body began filing to their places In the banquettlnjt room, but in justice to tbe mercantile community it must be stated ibattbey were lawyers? invited guests. The large room In which the banquet took place was neatly and appropriately decorated with tbe flags of various nations, and tbe service of the tables waa in Delmonico'a beat style. Indeod, that fa nious rettaura/eur seemed to have exhausted all bis art catering to the appetites of bis distinguished guests. Aud it was evident that these effort* were thoroughly appreciated, for tbe gueats addressed themselves with such good will to the good things placed belore them that lor nearly an hour tbe ouly sound bearJ in the room was the clattering or the clinking of glasses. But even au exquisite menu will be exhausted, and though the merchants came to oat, evidently they also came to talk or to bear others talk, and the chairman, Mr. .Samuel Babcock. President of the Chamber of Commerce, rose and proposed tbe lirat regu lar toast, "Tbe President of the United States," which was received with ontbusiascn. Thfj following toasts were then given:? J "Her Majesty, Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Delender of the Faith and Kmpress ol India," Response by E. M. Archibald, Esq., British Consul. "Tbe National Board oI Trade.?Its well earned and Increasing influence is a proper aubject of congraiula tiou by tbo nation." Response by Frederick Fraley, Esq., President, of Philadelphia. ? our Guests from Abroad.?Let us rejoice that the oceau no longer divides but now unites the civiiUod world In common brotherhood." Response by Frank Wright, Esq., of Birmiugham, England. "Tbe Neighboring Dominion of Canada?Tbe St. Lawrence must not divide tbe English-speaking race on line Continent." liesponae by Thomaa White, Esq.. of Montreal. "American Commerce?A well-directed fntnre may richly repay any loases in tho past." Response by Mr. A. A." Low, "of New York. "Our Country?Gloriously animated and reanited by tbo spirit of '7(1." Response by Mr. Benjamin Lggleston, of Cincinnati. "Gold and Silver Coinage?Its proper adjustment will lask the efforts of the wiseat statesmen ol the world" Response by Mr. Joseph & Ropea, of Hostou. "The 1'reas?Interpreter and advocate of the laws of Trade." Response by Mr. David M. Stone, of tho New York Journal of Commerce. "Cheap Transportation?The vital necessity of the commercial world" Reaponae by Mr. John R. Beusle.v, of Chicago. 'The Ceuturiul Years of the Future?It Is certainly possible that tbe men of 1976 may be as wise, as honest and quite is modest as ourselves." Response by Mr. R U. Bayard, ol Unlit more. Amoug the distinguished gentlemen present were:? Franklin Ednon, Chairman of Chamber of Commerce; U J. N. Stark, Yiucent H. Parker, J. 8. T. Strauahan, 8. D. Babcock, President ol Chamber of Commerce; L Bradford Prince, Stewart L. Woodford, Samuel B. Rug glee, llenry O. Armour, Colonel Edward lliucken, Keok Meiasener, Abraham S. Jewell, J. H. Boynton, A. S. Sullivan, Leonard Hazelton, George C. Martin, Hon. S. B. Chittendi n. Peter Cooper, Cburles Wa'rous, Elliot C Cowdln, Colonel F. A Conkllng, A A. Low, Frastus Brooks, Charles Opdyke. Several clever speoches were made in response to tbe toasts, but tho most importsnt, as reflecting tbo well considered views ol the nicrclianta on the condition of ?lie country and the business prospects, was tbat de livered b? Mr A. A. Low In response to the toast, "America# Commerce. .liter a tew preparatory remarks Mr. Low said:?H la but natural that, iu a year wbon the thoughts of all tne people are turoed back upon tbe paat or our nation's history, my own should revert lor a few mo ments to tbo' tlina?half a century ago?when I entered upon my mercxnilie career as a clerk in the counting houfe of a respected merchant in tbo town ol Sateui. Mass.; and it uiaybe interesting to glance very briefly at some ol the changes that have occurred during tbo years that have intervened. At tbo period reterted to the town of Saleui was a place ol great commercial activity. It was distinguished lor tbe en terprise of fts merchants, lor tbe intelligence and skill Ol Ita i-upercarguea and captains and lor its extended commerce to all parts ol tbe world Its merchantmen visited the principal ports in South America, Africa and tho East Indies, as weil as those of Europe; always loading "on owner's account," und returning from Bombay, Calcutta. Canton, the Phillipino Islands, Java, Sumatra ami oiber ports aud place* with the teas, Silks and other various products ol the East, all of wblch were to And temporary rcstlug placo in the warehouses of the merchant*. Venice, tu her watery bed. Is not more tranquil to-day than 1* tiio city of Salem, with its shallow harbor and its deserted wharves. Ships from ttio Tar Kast no longer visit it* waters; but the traditions of its pant renown are fondly cherished, and It drawn a new life Irom tho mauulacturlug Industrie* established with the fruits of ltd comiuercial enterprise. 1 am reminded that the sentiment to which my at tention has been Invited directs our thoughts to the luturc as well us to the past. Whatever may become of the "old fashioned merchant," 1 apprehend there la little reason to doubt that the rising generation will adapt itselt in someway to the new order or tblngB, and that every instrumentality for facilitating our in tercourse with other commercial coumriea of the world will be turned to proiltaMo account and made to pro mote the general good There is much, to Im sure, In the present aspect of thing* to dikcourage enterprise. There is a want of fallh in the tuturo that restrains nil effort. The ques tion is everywhere a:>ked. When are we to see an end to the exiting state of depression? untl few arc wis* or bold <-noU|fh to give an answer, lieu are prono to forgot that every greut crisis in the history of oar com merce hus been followed by tunny years of prostration and by a great shrinkage of values in every kind or property. They arc not disposed to gee, in the general distress of the present lime, the natural result of u prolonged period or pros perity. They are uuw tiling lo truce the evil to it* true source?tho overabundance of Irredeemable paper money. The contraction that Secretary McCui loch initiated. If it had been pursued, would have pro duced in earlier crash, hut It would have saved us irom how much misery! Numberless enterprises that have led to the rum oi their projectors aud involved a multitude of their menus and lollowers would never have been undertaken, and tbe extravagance in mu nioiput and persouoi expenditures and the growth In corruption, which b:w brought such dlshouor on our national n.tmc, would have been checked long ago. Nor would it be wholly fair to treat the present crisis in commercial afflurs as peculiar to our own country; for there are curtain general causes alfecilug business Inmost if not all or the great commercial nation^ of the earth. It Is trae that ours lies been a great cus tomer ui all the rest, and It is also true that the wnole arc so bound together by ties or mutual interest that when one suffers all sutler. Thero is a common complaint of overproduction throughout the world. The uso or labor saving ma chinery in all departments of industry Is general Nor is there another country which lias turucd its Inven tive genius to better account than our own, whilo none ha* been more ready to absorb the sallied labor of other and older com in unities. Our power to produce is gotting io be nmro than commensurate with our power lo consume, sud it is idle lo attribute to a protective tsriff, as some sre disposed lo do, a . unwillingness to buy wust there is no chalice to sell. When lorty mill ions of people alianiion habits ol extravagance and ca ter upon a ujur.?e ol rigid oeojnmy it Is time toc<-ase speculation. ami to let prices go down. long they will lin<t their level. Ihlsiaihe lesson of the hour. How are we to profit by the lessouf Not, surely, by distrusting the law ol reaction, which hts run through a.i the centuries. Not by doubting mat the ti<iv which is longest receding will return io its highest flow?lilting, mils upward course, much that has been leit aground. Tbe man- who would cominaud success iu the lutnre will need to cherish habits or Industry and eoo ouiy; nor will he fail to i.nd incentives to nu up right me in the homage that Is always paid to truth, to justice and to virtue. Within s short period convention* have been held at Cincinnati and ?(, laiuis, and, tu the way that is deemed politic, they have declared their adhesion to ceriam general principles; tbe one body, disreg irdlug the oiher, rejecting the "Kesumpuon act"?tho only remedial measure yet adopted by Congress tor the res toration oi a sound currency. Let cnatnbers ot com merce aud boards ol trade, let us who are her* as sembled. openly iiesnaud that tbe nation's honor shall be restored and ina.utaincd and kept pure and bright as the diamond's lustre. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The female departm. nt of Grammar School No. It held its closing exercises yesterday afternoon A large audienc* was present, composed of lb* friends and relatives oi the pupils. dialogue*, recitations, addresses and songs by the pupils lortucU an interest ing ? u.ertaihment. Fifteen schoiais graduated Irom tbe male depart* mem of liratntnar school No, 10 yesterday, and eight medsia were uistrlbuted. Au catertammeut ol unusual merit was prepared lor tbe guests ol the sellout on me uccsslon. lK>ciam?tiou?, ? horuses sad lb* pro sentstion of cerliilcai?s luadn np tbe |>rograimiia. Tho graduating exercises 01 the lemsie department ol Grammar school No. 23 look plac* yesterday. I Ire young ladies graduated on the occasion. NEW YORK NORMAL COLLEGE. 81VENTH AVKUAL COMMKSCEM**T ZXBBCXSS8? OBADCATE8 AMD CLASS HONOR*. The concluding exercises of iki seventh uidiI commencement of the Normal Col leu# ol the City of New York wore held yesterday ssornlng In Ike chapel of tbo college building. It ?u In *11 rev pec la the moat successful exhibition ever given by the mstltu tlon. The chapel was noil tastefully and elabonMljr decorated with banting, and the galleries were hi tooned with the national colors. In no pert of the house waa there standing room, and it la estimated that about 3,000 persons were present. On tlie platform sat Mr. Thomas Hunter, P real dent of the college, who conducted the exercises, sur rounded by the invitea guests. Among those present were Mr. William Wood, President ol the Board of Education, and Messrs. Lauraon N. Fuller, James M. Hslstead, Albert Klamroth, Edward Scbell and J. Greenville Kane, Committee on Normal College; Pro lessor Scott, or the College of the City of New York; Rev. Dr. Armitage, and a host of others. After the singing of a chant the Scriptures were read, and the programme proceeded as follows:? HYMN (WRDEB). When the ran gloriously eomee forth from the ocean. Making eiuth beautiful, chasing ahadows away. Then do we offer Tliee our prayer of devotion, liod of the fat herieai. iruid* ua, guard ua to-ilay. Salutatory?Isabella Sullivan. "Welcome be t'hou Ligut ol Heaven," Curschmann. Kccitatrau, "Tbo Pace Against the Pane"?Ida A. Smith. Solo. "Think ol Me"?Pauline Vergnes (Qrst prize). Essay, "Eu lightened Laziness"?Henrietta Hart. Quotations Mom xraduates. "Erlkflnig" (ballad by Goethe), Schubert. Recitation, '-Searching Araotg the Slain"?Clara Pollock. Violin solo, "Souvenir de Hsydn" (Leonard)?Miss Elcke. Essay, "Success Organized out of Defeat"?Ann B. Burrows. "Viva I'Amorica" (by the bouse), Millard. Awurd ol licenses to teach. Superintendent Henry Kiddle. Award of diplomas, Commissioner L. C. Fuller. "The Uooil Ship Alma Mater"?Q. Wangold. Award of modals and prizes, President William Wooa. Solo, "O, II; Fernsnd"?Annie F. Csssidy. Essay, "Oaks and Mushrooms"?May I) ulltig. "Angels Serenade," witu violin solo, Braga. Recitation, -The Famine"?Stella A. Barnaby (first pri/.e) "The Warbler of the Forest," Benedict. Valedictory?Ella F. Kirk. "Come, Holy Spirit," Millard. Just bt*lore the distribution of diplomas Superinten dent Kiddie w*s Introduced by President Uuuter and made a short address to tlie audience aud the gradu ates. Ho paid very high compliments to President Hunter and the ladies under him lor the efficient man ner in which the work intrusted to them bad been performed. He welcomed the new graduates into ibe great army of metropolitan teachers and wished them the same success as teachers that they had acquired as scnoiars.' He assured them there was plenty ol' room for them In tbe schools and pieuty ol work lor them to eo. The following ladles were tnen given their diplo mas:? TBI OBADUATKS. Henrietta Hart, Emma Louise Becker, Amanda Schoonmaker, Corrie Sayles, Mury Etuina Lovegn>ve, Sarah Elizabeth Nicholson, Mary Jane Kuiph, Henri etta Uerlitz. Jeunie Monks, Felicie Annette Scrre, Elizabeth Devcreux Blake, Belle tiugenheim, Lily Lederer, Eva M. E. Wurd, Rosa Woelfier, Sarah Edilu Kich, Theresa Funk, Eugenie Cieminuna Lerie, Emma Julia Horn. Johanna Loch, Lizzie W. Bauer, Sophia F. W legand. Mary Louisa Van Wart, Catharine A. Hyrnes, Mary Marcel la Madden, Catharine Agues Ciaucey, Maria Helndsmann, Kate Augusta Parsons, Elleu Ce cilia Theresa Rooney, Adelaide Forsyth, Marsaret E. Cody, Christina Augusta Sanger, Lizzie M. Uooner, Margaret Elizabeth Cul.en, Anna T. Keener, Johanna Roese, Olive Kstelle Fowler, Wary Monks, Mary Ellen Sermon, Mtrgaret Anne Satlifl'e, Irene Lawrence. Amelia Haas, Julia Frauds Fernandez, Mar suret Maria Hughes, Lucie Cleopbas Buck ley, Sarah A. Jackson, Anna Malvina Payne, Louise Scbaeler, Kitty Howard Murphy, Lily Brush, Pauline Frank, au*unne E. Browne, Ade laide Eikus, Pauline S. Freedman, Annie E. Mackey. Helen J. Carter, Ben ha Adlir, Emma Hawthorn, Adrienne Minuelli, Nellie Wolisbruck, Margaret Camerou Campbell, Catherine Wyinan Drummond, Clara Went worth Miner, Adelo T. Robin; Kmhcrlne Jievcreux Blake, Lottie C. Hic^ok, Clara Pollack, Marie liOuiae Warner, Elm Wilson Brock way, M. Louise tirahaiu, K Justina Lobdeli, Eliza Caroline Fessendon, Margaret Allison Muir, Hattie lauie Hoimes, Anna L. Wagner, Josephine V. Delany, Katio W. Flanders, llary E. Heary, Sarah Maguuigal, ldeil M. Part mine, s. Florence Se trie, Abble K. Hutch, Annie H. Kessier, Mary F. Jarvts, Stella A. Crawiord. Adele M. Saunders, r lorence Hillier, Jeannie Liraulonl Eld ridge, Mary C. Bergen, Sarah Klcian, Hebe Adele Herriei, Katie Maude Bti-gel, Hyacinth O. Masson, Agnes Jones, Nellie Uray Cone, Hannah M. Donobue, Flora J. Stein, Ella J. Knk, Aune K. Burroughs, Lilie It. Cohen, Emuia Burnett, Kmma A, Klauser, Elizabeth ti. U.nsella, Car rie W. Pitkin, Laura Popper, Ella A. Conklin, Elizabeth M. HamlHou, Clara Hamilton. Anna Lohsen, Florence Vail, Jam* Vioodgatc, Jennie K. Hirsh, Jeanuetre Kyle, ; Pauliue Kraeiner, Funny Fester, Mary E. Mcllroy, Mary Muir, Elvlna M. Bradley, Mtrtha S. Thompson, Louisa Hagemeier, Aunle C. Joyce, Orvetta C, Bill well, Laura Stork, Carrie V. Ward, Maggie K. Uuy, Lizzie .Smith, Surah A. McEibeany, Julia l.uecke, Fannie 1. Conlioy, Marie O., Anne J. ca.-sidy, Grace Harris, Bella K. Bccker, Bridget F. O'Brien. Bella Friend, Deborah Kieincrt. Annie Levy, Alice W. Nicholson, Mary Ter hone, Mathilda May, Bertha W. .Sanies, Helen A Dully, Stella E. Barnaby, liertba Stevane, Ella A. Donnely, Katie C. t arley. .Mary W. Book, Isabella Mnlivan, Maggie Adair Hulk ley, I-aura Mor rison, Catherine T. Provost, Margaret J. McLaughlin, Mary E. Harrington, Emma Amelia Johnson, Rose A. | l.uby Keillv, Harrietine Kothsculld. Anna Gertrude Mumou, Margaret Mary Coakley, Wealthy H. Aibro, Jennie Gugenbcim, Ellen M. T. l.ou^hlin, Anna K. Mynen, Annie K. V an Tine, Amy Kmc ?. idgley, Ida Wood, Isabel M Flohr, Emily McCsrthy, Cbarluite A. 1'aubury, Juim Omnia Davis, Josephine Adelaide Kigunra, Cbrt-tina Murray, Jessio Esteils Smith, Ellen J. .Nicholson, Surah Auu Corrigau, Mary Carolan, Emily N. Uenni'ii, I.oule Byrusall, Jennie Louise Sin nil. Annie Male Folsotn, Ueile C. Buck, Hattie Wal lenaieio, Maggie Lou&sbery, Anna Maria Smith, May Dealing. KllaJ. Wilsoa, Louise U. Pettingell, Mar paret S. Neely, Virginia Waliaoo Mhiud, Katharine Bevier. Banua Fisher Purdy, Marion Smith, Kloise De voe, Frauds Antoinette Dole, liertruile C. Sears, Pruline Vergnes, Alma Adeiia Fuller, Helena Lucy Davis, Lizzie Kossmau, l<la Acbeson Smith, Henrietta Huntsman, Alice Maud Giles, Ida Kieuuor Pond, Maria Lanccr, Carrie Wilson, Mary Monica Meyner, taary Augusta Hennossy, Ada Modena Knocplel, Elizabeth C. A. Kelly, Annie Cuibell, I.iliie Livmiston Getler, Laura Phoebe Adair, Cyuthta Heceman Dentson, Jen nie Marie t'ampbeil, Alberta Lilian Irwin, Elizabeth Lindsay MeCletsh. Annie Lawrence Diss, Ma Frances Maxwell, Hannah Caroline I'eil, Mary Aebeson Mctiay, I/xuse llaiken, Florence Hunoe, Sarah Elisabeth Hinds, Julia Harrison Smith, Clara Van Itiderstine, Fannie Louise Moore, Asuncion Toscano, Mary Dudley Stevens, Jennie Adams, Klla D. Langs troth. Laura Charlton, Murtha Kenuedy. Tbe following is a list ot ci..*sa hoxors. Ottendorler gold medul tor Herman?Johanna Hoose, ottendorler stiver medul |?aoic)?Clara Hamilton. Keliy suver medal, Methods In Tc.<ubiug?Clara W. Miner. Kelly bronze medal (same)?Harriett* HirL Baron prize lor elocution ($60 In gold)?Stella A. Barnatoy. Barron prize (or singing ($60 in gold)?Paulino Ver ge ues. Alumnm prize for physics ($60 in gold)?Marion Smith. Kano gold medal for physiology?Maggie A. Buck ley. Hunt gold meilal fur Latin?Lillio Cohen. K trkood gold watch and chain lor French?Isabella , Sullivan. no*oK RTrni^Ts, | who received an average o. ninety-Ave per cent or : over:?Klla J. Kirk, May Dealing, Maggie A. Buckley, Louisa C. I'vtttugill, I.0.11M Cohen, Virginia W. Mason, 1-shell* Sullivan, Liny Brush, Ella J. Wilson, Ann K. ; Burrows, Margaret S. Neely and Emuia Burnet. About wrrtli 01 lion ers, made up mto all sorts 01 bouquet!*, were distributed among the graduating class by their mentis. SPIRITUALISM EXPOSED. A SEANCE IM PLTMOCTH CHURCH LAST MIGHT. There was an unusual gathering in Plymouth church, Brooklyn, list evening of ladies and gentlemen, tbe ocuiMon being tho threatened exposure of the mys teries of Spiritualism ty a young gentleman named W. Irvin^Bishop, wno hud volunteered for the sake of a flower chanty to nnve.l the unseen. Some of the pretty belles ol Plymouth were present, and they and their partners were all agog with excitement as the organist, Mr. W. F. Muller, took his seat in front of the hig pi ins ami performed the overture to *'7.ami<a." There was a screen framework open to thr audience, tho irnme being in the shape ol a hail ruomboid, anil in tins Irame W. Irving Bishop was to perform. Mr. Cyril Soarts, a t.ill, good looking young gentleman, intioduced young Bishop to tbe audience in a very neat speech, and mauaged vtie nance during the evening with success. Alter the chorus of the Assyrian priests in ??semiramide" had been given Mr. Bishop was tteu at the wrists by strip* ot unoienched cotton, and Ins wrists were tbeu fastened to a circular staple, which was in turn fastened to an upright Wooden post. His neck also bad a laateuiug made ot the same material, whicti Was aiso tied to toe up ri.kt. then it became Mr. Bishop's business u> show what a aw.udle all spiritual uiauifesUtious were, and tne iew spiritualists wno were present, anu wtio on ibis occasion old not sit in front and pound the ll?or witb green cot to.? u more lias, a-> is usual with theui, were struck with di<-mi.v. i ho organ, whose vo' humana stop became quite plaint ve as Mr. Bishop we>. iu ti e box. played John Brown's hymn wwn ell/i It will lie retnetuoered that BisbOp was tied last. et to the h?rror ?l the spirit ot Kaly King, which*es suppose" to be prevent ami pendant lu the lulig *ous atmosphere, youug Bishop, Wlto is quite good Hrrflag. played a llute. ctim kett a tambonnu and sluu t??ur cuiimii"?Im inukman - bells ov-r the cowering ' *a<l.s of 8e audie'lice, " mo t'orouati u Marc' irotti e ?I'ropiiete"' sa d a medical gentleman, wb next the IlKHaLu reporter. Tben it,shop tleo ring nor ruwe i from a committee man, while the >creen waa drawn, and jet his hands WOr? u*d nit / the tin*, mmlloui to my. Hl? fee* ?*[* also tl?d, two coins piacod on his ahoe? and a ht?ui red oord was placed over the stage and the and of II oHerod to tbe Hkrald reporter by Mr. Cyril saarla, who in turn declined It. and handed it orer hia shoulder to two belie*ur* in tbe Koran, who aat six prnes in the rear. There were rarioui oilier drea-llul tricks moat ingeniously performed by Mr. Bishop, one of tbe ra*iaat bring when he druulc a glassful of reu ink, the ami dn*dftil trick appearing to mortal eve waeu be tired foe abou from a revolver at the Hbrald teporier. the flashes coming directly from tbe white screen bat no bullet* were expelled. At the close of the perioralance Mr. i.ishop was loudly applauded. II. STALL ATION OP A PASTOR. Rev. llsnry 8. Powell waa formally Installed aa pastor of the Old Bush*ick rhureli, Williamsburg, ye.lurday. an old lady drowned. About twenty minutes paat ten o'clock last night an old lady walked off tbe bridge of the Houston street lor. v, at the loot or Grand street, Williamsburg, and whs drowned. Her body was recovered. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN 8TEAMER& DAT1S OV BWABTCBBB FROM NJIW YORK FOR TO MOST* OF JL'LT. | &K?S. City ul berlin. Italy Ethiopia. 1J , IJui V1*!" Donau IJuIt Labrador |Julv Wyoming iJulv Ai'V-Mina... iJuiy Wleiat.o July WA Schoiten 'Julv t' Nil Mil it jJUlV Ccrnuir IJuiy iDe tyueen |J?IV Victoria...... An Ita Rheln.............. tluenla. Htat* et Pennsyl'a Kimta Otty ol Coaster... tM tr..... Bolivia .. America* Celtic Sbai" ? ..? Idtlo Srytbia...... Baa* - fimbria Utopia City ol Richmond A irntla Min Kuelaad. Ht. I. an rest. Stat*of Vlrglul*... IJuiy ?7. ISellert HU,T Britannic I July 29. Jut July H. .Inly 8. July 1 . Jn v IS. .Inly 13 July la. July 10. July 1 . July IS. July IS. July IS. Iv in Julv 19. y JO. July JO. July 29. I.I* 22. Ju'y Jul 2' Ju'y -2. .Imy 2 . Julv 2 Liverpool.. Iiverpooi.. tilMKOW-.. Urtm?i... t Havre [Liverpool.. I Liverpool. | Hamburg.. I Uott*rdam . i'l?vr* . I.ivprnoot.. , il.ivrrnool.. I.I?(UW. .. I.mutun... llremen.... I.mrpooi.. tilasenw... Ham urc.. 1.Iverpooi.. Bremen.... lilasuow... H avr*. Liverpool.. Liverpool.. Liverpool. Liverpool Rotterdam Hamburg. '?nil. _ Liverpool. Glasgow .. Hreroen... Liverpool. Havre Liverpool. Glasgow.. Hamburg. Liverpool. 15 Hroartva, BVi Broadway 7 Howling Greea V Bowline Oreea !&.'? Broadway 12V Broadway 14 itowiiaeureea 1 Hrnadwav >SO Broadway !.V> Broadway Ih7 broad war iOH Hrnadwav 7 Bowl I or Oreea 7 Bowling lireen V Bowling Green 4 Bowllnr 'iraoa 72 Broadway HI Broadway IS Broadway 2 Bowling Oreea 7 Bnwllr V Oraaa SS Bn>a.lwav 37 riroadway W Hrnadwav UP Broadway 4 ltowllnirUraea ?IO Htnartwav ?1 Broadway ! Bowline 'ireea 15 Broadwav 7 Bowline Greea V It. wl!n? I ireaa i v Broadway f.r? Itroadwav 2! Hroadwav r> Hroadway HI Hrnadwav 871! roadway kv-kotice to captains or vessel in tub COASTING AND TORKION TRADE?Captains ?r offlcef* of vessels engaged in Vie coasting or foreign trade, oi.wrvtng the displacement or removal of sea buoys. ara ra^uesi.d a com. mumcata the laet to the Hbbald. so that it uiay be broaght publicly to the attaatloe ol the proper aathorltlas. A letter addressed "to tbe editor of the Hkbald, New Yorn elty." riving aa accurately aa possible the number and petition of displaced buoys or the cans* of their removal, will sallies In all cases observed along the Atlantic and Pacifi* coani ft the American Continent. When they are obaei ved oa the coast of European coantries or In the Mediterranean It <s requested that information be acnt either by telegraph or letter to the Londoa efHe* if tbe New Yobb Hbbalo. ? Elect street, London, or to the Paris oBtee. 61 Avenua d? I'Opera, Paris. Where tbe telegraph Is asad despauhss ?ay be addressed "Bennett. 46 Meet street. London." er -Bennett. ?1 Avenue del'Opera, Parte" Where oases of displaeemeat are observed la the waters or countries beyond the reach of the telegraph, as In Asia or Africa, captains may communicate with us upon reaching the first convenient port. This InfortnatloB will be cabled bee of charge to the If bra LP and published. ?-NOTICK TO CAPTAINS OF VESSELS ENTERING THE POET OF NEW YORE AT NIGHT.?TheNBW Yob* Hbbalp has adopted a distinguishing Coston night signal for use on bonrdthe Hkrald steam yacht, showing while burn ing the colore red. green, red. changing from one to the othsr In success!oa. and can be seen several miles dlstaat. Cap tslns of vessels, upon seeing this signal, will oblige as by preparing any marine news they may have for the Bhtp Mews Department of tbe Hbral? Persons desirous or communicating with vessels arrlv lag at*N?w York oan do so by addressiag to suen vessels, esre ofHsuts news yacht, pier No. I East River. New York. Letter* received from all parts ofths world and promptly de livered. Duplicates pre required. ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAT. ?m ABB MOO* I W* WAT* San * s* I I??BV>....?no?? 3 05 San tots 7 35 I Sandy Book...morn 2 20 Moos sets. ....tnoiB 12 20 | HeU Gate morn 4 iO PORT OF NEW YORK, JUNE 29,1S7C. abbivals. KXrOBTO IT TO BBBALO BTBA* TACBTS ABB BBBALP WU1TBBTOSB TBLtOUAPH LINK. Steamer Vanguard (Br>. Bailey. Cow Bay 5 days, with co?I U. Ptirklna A loh; veasel tn R ll ?'urrie. Steamer Henelactor.Jonea, Wilmington, NC, 3 days, witb mdse and passengers to Wm P Clyde * Co. HieamerOld Uuuiinto . Walk*., iticbiuimd, CTtv Po'nt ann Norfolk, with indue and passengers to the Old Domiaios "'sfparair llatteraa, Mallett. Norfolk, with mdse and pas sengers to tbe old Dominion Steamnbip Co. Steamer S C Knight. Chlchenter. Georgetown, DC, with mdne and jiaa?enger* to J L Itoome, Jr. Hark Trafik (Nori, Jacobaen, Dublin May 0. In ballast to master. Is anchored in tbe lower bay for orders. Bark Samuel Weleh. Snear, llaraua 10 days with sugar to order: veaael to J S Cngraliain. _ Brig Nnova Provldansa (Ital), Manganaro. ConstanU nople March 14. and CaMellamaM April 21, wltn ra*s to Dulhil k Co: ves-el to Kunrii. Kdye A Co. Brig Cooresinne Immacnlata (Itall. Tromhetta. Genoa 00 days, with marble and rag* to J B Phillips * Sons; vessel to Beahara and Boyesen. Passed Gibraltar May v!l. Brig J w Hunt. Hunt. Progreso via Delaware Breakwater 20 days, with liemp, Ac. to 11 V Metcalf A Co. Brig Lena Tburlow. Corbett, Cardena* June 13 via Dela ware Breakwater 27th. w.t'.i sugir to Brott, Son A Co. Hehr Mary Haley. Haley, Virginia. Is bound to Boston, Srhr Jennie llali, Ashoms, TirRlnl| J W Morris, Longstreet, Virginia, SchrEmma, raatiuan, Virginia. Sclir M E Bvard. Camp. Virginia. hchr II R Tlltnu, Cranm*r, Georgetown, DC. bloop M R Drew. Ockis. Virginia. PASSED THROUGH HEU. SATK. BOUND SOUTH. Steamer City of New Bedford, Kith, New Bedford for New York. Steamer fialatea. Wildm. Provirtence tor New York. Steamer Holivar. (Jeer. New London and Norwicti for New Yora. f-chr Newport <Hr), Miller, Windsor. NS, for New York. Schr Pelro, Willard, Sbulee. NS, tor New Vork. Scbr J t! NuaU, I rowiev. M John. N B. fur New Yuri. Schr olive, Ki-vuold*. Grand Meuan lur New York. Schr P .M Wbeatoa. Harnett. Kennebec for Sew Vork. Schr * K Krricki-on. Lynch. Cold Surlni; lor New York. Sclir Katie .1 ll"> t. Itenuey, Kennebec Ijr ,N>? Vork. hrhr .1 Clark, Clark, Kennebec lor New Vork. tichr Ckae II Moree. Mote, Bath lor New Vork Srhr B F Woolaay. Tirrall, Lynn ttar New York. Schr Murium, Uet, Providence Tor New Vork; Srhr Ellen I'erkina, Mitchell. Camden. Me, tor New York. Srhr Ilavid 8 Slaer. Kennebec lor New York. Scbr Kntinie k Edith. Wilaon. Uelfant for New York, Sclir >arah Jane, Nonlham, Norwich for New York. Hrhr Reading rt K No dW, I.It tie. Kalrhaven tor New York. Scbr John Stnrkham. Hart, Providence lor Net- York. Sclir A W Biili, Kertusnn. Belfast for New York. Scbr Wm Kllnt. Howdolnbam fur Now York. Srhr Kmlly, Hralatart. hew Haven for New '? ork. Kctir Win A Mitchell Kelly, Plymoutn for New York. Schr Abble lngalia. Ingalla, New Haven fi; New York. Sr' r Alice Oak*. >:ar?iien. Gardiner. Mc. tor New Vork. Schr John Kanuolpb, Parker. New ort f< New Vork. Schr Liaaio Cocbrone, Hopkins, Kichnrond, Me, for New York. Scbr Sophia Wileon, Wilson. Kennebw for Philadelphia. Scbr Mary. Holme*. KlliWortb for K<ndi>ut. Scbr Cornelius, Morgan. Norwich Jri New York. Schr Marv II Smith, atone, Tnouiaion tor New York. Sclir fclla Jane. Kelly, Brldgepori tor New York. ?*cbr AnniO Chaee, <)ib?on, Uree'port for New York. Scbr S S Kendall, Kendall. Han or lur New York. Schr Ney. < liaae. Mew ilavaa f r New York. ?<iir l> II Ingram, Aiaoa. Kock<and for New Vork. Sclir tieo U Jewett. Jewett. ibrdiiier for New Vork. Sclir Aluoiua. M I >on, (ieorg * Banks lor New Vork. Scbr Marv II Mifflin, Kerrta. Providence for New York. Scbi K 0 Waaltbura. Mecle Providence lor ilaveratraw. Schr Copy, Miller. Port Je-er?on for New Vork. Schr Sterling. Hall. Bridi -port lor Now Vork. Schr it S Dean, White, 'Munton lor New York. Sciir Cerea, Kelly, Dorr _fcr New York. Scbr Lout* Wal?b. Nev Haven tor New York. schr Mall. Miller,Uar.lner. Mj. for New Vo.k. Schr Abby t.ale, Par y. MalflM tor New York. Sclir llatlie S Colli", Tribhla. Prornli-oce lor Naw York. Schr K P Kill/. HIk en. New Haveu lor New Vork. Scbr ban. Campbell. Stamford for New York. BOUND EAST. Steamer Eleanrra. Johnton, Now York for Portland. Steamer Tillie Kwln*. New York tor New Londoa and Hrlg Kobt D'lon. l>avii. New York for Kin Janeiro. .-cur E k I Oakley, Nuwuan, PortJobnaou for Prorl .-rhr Saral Maria. Atkins, New Vork for New Bedford. Schr A U^awn. n. Mebrhof. Ilaveratraw lor Protideuce. Scbr He*" Mar. Waru. Port Jabaaon Inr Pniri len< a. Hour Peicodato. t'aawell, Koadout for Narraffaaeatt Pier. CLEARED. Stfiuer Luting (Oer), Ludwig, Hamburg via Plymouth? Kun ardt k Co. Sranier Columbna. Reed. Havana?Win P Clyde k Co. j<earner City ol I'ailaa, lllnea, r ernaudma via Port Koyal, Si ?C II Mallorv k Ua Steamer Magnolia, Daggett, Savannah?Murray, Ferrla A ' 'o. Steamer Richmond, Kellev, Norfolk, City Point aad Rich ?oiond?Old Dominion Steamship Co. Steamer Philadelphia. Dana. Philadelphia?Jae Hand. Steamer Kle?no??. Jolina?r>. Pn*Uana?J k Ames Meaiuer Ulancna. Hear**. Brwton?II K Dlmocr ship .-viiator Jatf.ey. ..iverpool ?ArBetl. Fnfta k Co. Mark Tuomaa Kletcher, Pendleton. Arjor?Ciiai L Wright A Co. B^rk Lillian X Vijna (Br), Ylgm, London?J I Whitney Hark Ormm. rihackfofd. Hrlatol. E? Brett. Son k Co. Mark Prnbo iltali, l*e Martino. Cork lor ordera?Lauro, Mlorey k Co. lor uraera a?Kuncu, Mara Memory (Nor), Oltea. Rotterdam?Kuncu, Kdje k t'rig Lain (Br), tllvoa, Padatow, K?Blakealee k Cald well. Bri* New Bra (Br), McPbeo, Cork or Pal month?Oerhi k Hrewer. Hri* Alvin Kelly (Br), Kelly, Rle Janolro aad Baal K Ward k Co. ^Brig Robert Dt|>n, Davit, Rio Janeiro?Thoa Norton t BHb Virr K Holland. L?lon, Mooter Bij, Ja?A. H Solomon * Co. Bri? "*ty Kno^ton. McKee. Port on Prince?B V Kit ??If* Co. Brig Mnnllai (?). Todd. Xuwu- Wavdeli k Co. Sehr IOlpalM (f), Rountree. Ueiita. llou-Leaycraft k Co. Sehr J W Tott (If. Ili'.ijr. St John. XB? A T lienor. Sehr Phot H Ko v. Gray Fernandln*?R P Buck k Co. Rckr Virginia "iilon, Ralon, Brunswick, Oa? Warroa Rav. fctir Only Ana. fonpton. Baltimore ?W Chalmers. Sehr Joha Snow Leary, Perth Anibo), XJ ? Wilson (Jod trev. Hrhr S J Plnkhai. Pinkham, Rootbbay, Mo-Ioaae R Pta plot. ttrbr D C Poitn. Pedruk. Pairhavtn, Matt -Rackett k Bro. Hchr Sarah Marr, Atklo. D?rby, Ct?Raekott A Bro, SAILED. Steamert Letsit. (fler1. Tor Hamburg; Newton (Br). Liv erpool (tailed 2ft >: Stat* of Indiana (Br). Qlatgow; Co lmubut. Havana:Cltv of Dallat, Pernandlna, Ac: Magno lia. Savannah : H:hmond, Klchtnond. Ac: thipe Now World' London: Dnnm>> (Hr). Liverpool: North American, Ha a Prta itco; bark* Cillarnev (Br), Peaartb Roa.1t; Aurora (Br). Cronttadt: ?ui>ro Kmelia i"tlettina fltal), Lisbon: Mary l> iAnt). Bitimore; Anna A Kich (Br), do; brigs Ella (Bri. Cork : Mo Carlo*, Malpat, R. Wind at mniet. <K. Barometer at a'ltet. 90.06. maritime miscellany. Schr J oh* Sows, which tailed from Portland. Mo. 24th Ian on a fit in.' cnlao. returned next day, having broken maiaboom while jblng. 8rn? CovHKKi i. Woodman, from Spmo? Head. Me, for New York, which >nt Into Newport 28th leaky, resumed her voyage (ante aiteiio?n, the leak baring been stooped. Schr BnwixiiN, Randall, fmm Portland, slid away from th" wharf at St .lo tt XB, 2ttth Inst, tearing away a portion ot the whsrf an I >Hkinir and damav ng the sehr fellen lightly. The llow-oln tuatalaed but little Injury. Scur Abbv \\ isoit. Orav. from New York for St iohna. NP. went eahnre ?# Murder Island near Yarmouth, N8. but came off irain ifter ditehargtug 8<>0 bbls floor, and was towed Into Yanuooh'JiHIi ln?t. The vessel and cargo are in a damaged condtion (another desnato'i states that the earjro It to he told '* the beneflt of all concerned), 8rn? S M RykkS'*. 44 tont. while lying at anchor near Fro?t't It)and. Ar/lo Sound. Ns. havlntr discharged her car.'O of flsh, srat turned to the water's e ge about 10 o'clock on thr ni/hiofJune 13. Intnred $800 In the Marine office, Yarmouth. NS. Svnnrr. CH. Jw --'?Bark Janrak Waltbolm. from Nor way. bound lor tjl port. 3<t davt out, met with very foggy weather on tiie ltnand we't athore on the tnutborn rockt of Scattarle ami be. ?me a total wreck. Tha crew landed on the island on the '?m. and received every attention Irom the snperinuniirtt Immediately after the bark struck tha punipt were noiitltd ?na four .eet of water found in the bold. Sho It tire years old, ar.d regittored 040 ton*. WHALEMEN. Arrived >( New BhIMJum 28, bark Roman, Cobb, New London, tn III lor v lalitig. ailed fhn'i Jm? 29, tohr Flying Fish, Hulmea. tor South Atlantic (seallnv). Artlved at Barbells Mm 9, briif Rosa Raker. Thomp son, from a cruise. ?'ih HObbln oi! (and tailed June 3i ; J una achr Loulta A amler, On, with 100 bbli oil (and lailad 7th whaling). In port Jim* 10, larki E H Adams, Brownell, from a orulM, arrived 4ay 30, with llObbls nil; Spartan. Tripp, from do. art I TO'1 M?? HI, with 135 bliU nil; Janet. (iartland, from do. arrived ?)*? 1, with 260 bMs oil: Clarice, Mer chant, do with 'T> b ils oil; Andrew Illck*. I low land, from do, arrived "d, t>*> i> >1* oil. Lydia, Praro. do, arrived ffth, 250 do; 8er?l> II till . flloctini; Pioneer, Tripp, and Lancer, Dowdeu; bri? A.t> 1 <.>:i Lawrence, I'aatel. (rem a croise, ar rived 3d, 50 bbls oil. SPOKEN. Shi] pool.. ?Sir Charleston (or buTRWrli Bark Otcar. frjtn Ghent fo. Ion 41 24 Brie Adeline RlcHardson^ (ton, Ja, Jme 23, NOTICE TO ilia, from Mobile for Liver t John for Liverpool. J una , from Pernambuco for lat 5 42 N, I?n M 15. more, Jane 23, lat 45 IS, sVo, from New York for King tW_15. A^TS AND CAPTAINS Mernbanta. chipping >|M t that by telegraphing to li ind thl pinasters are informed . _ HtlukUt London Bureau, ad dressing "Bennett. Mo. 4? Imi itreet, London." or to the i'trle offlce, at ..vssing "H tout, 61 A venae do 1' Opera, Pirte." the arrival* at and li-partoros fr?aa Faropean and Bsu era ports qf American tod >11 torsi-n vessels trading with the United States, the tsme will bs oabled to this coun try tree of charge. Captains arriving at and saillni[| rom French and Medi terranean porta will 0nd the I'trtjiBee the more economi cal and expeditious for -telerraphlg news. OCR CABLE SHIFING NEWS. AtrrwMM, Jnne 24?Arrived, lip British Empire (Br), from ?% bark Abbie B (Br). *811, New York. Bristol, |?ne 29?Arrived, bet Annie W Wet ton. Wln sor, Boston. Belfast, Jute 28?Arrived, fciks Brelderblik (Nor), Jor gensrn. Baltimore; Kate Saacfi (Br), Carver, St John, NB; ' VHh. ship Ussie Ross <B|)Do?le, Philadelphia. Sailed 28th, brl? Chlertain (f, Oliver, North America. Barckloka?ArKved, bark .raneo (Sp), Blera, New Or leans. \ Calais, Jnne 24?Arrived,t)ax Ktdomo (Nor), Jacobsen, New York. \ DraLtf, June 29? Arrived.!lurk OhssCox (Br), Goody, St John, NB. V Da XT* to, Jnne 24?ArrivedAerk Rusoer (Nor), Olsen, Baltimore. \ FALXom, June 29?ArrtvedLhips Reims (Nor), Peder sen, New York; Blackwall (Br)Jole, Lobus; schr C B Ben son, Duff, Montevideo. Gloi-ck*trr, Juse 29?Sail e4 brig La Plata (Br), Bray. North America \ Crkkxocs. June 29?Arrive! bark Mary K Campbell (Br), Gray, Weymonth, NS. | Gknoa. June 26?Arrived, barkWltagracia (Bp), Dome nich, Baltimore. Hotlk, E, Juno 28?Arrived,; >ark Mary Ann Holm an (Br), Holman, New York. Hatrk. Juno 2B?Arrived. harlAnna (Noe), Myhrvold, New York. LivaarooL. June 29?Arrived, n-amer Cordova (Br), Long, New Orleans; ship Louisa Fie cher (Br)., Morris. Pen sacola. Sailed 29th. barks Robert Morr^nn. Frltilnger, United States; Freeman Dennis (Br), Fletther. North America Loxpom, Jnne 39?Cleared, bark llertha (tier), Raoi), United States. Lsrra, June 29?Arrived, bark Hoppet (Swe), 'ndsen, Pensacola. Lisbok, June 24?Arrived, barks Marls- VII (Port), De Carvulho, Philadelphia; Peppino il\ Paturso, Now York. Nrw*T, Juno 28?Arrived, bar>?emma (NorV, Olson New York (not at before ropot); Holmestrauu (Nor), Boe, Baltimore. Plymouth, June 29?Ait* bark Giuseppe ? (Itai), Volpe. New Vork. \ Qrkrxstow.t, .lone jftirrivi. steamer St Olaf (Nor), Petersen. l*hiln<Jelphla^'?. be A* Stella (Nor). Jacobsen, New York; Aquila <Nof Gerrat* do; KalHoto (Nor), Tel lefson, do; Batavia. Boatih; brig Isa, Chandler, Greenock lor DeneraW"*8 lwlow)l Strttix. June 27?bark Uperick Las*. Syperlck Philadelphia. Scillt. Juno 23- A shin Gerhail ,Ger), Klamp. New York for Antwerp iyrk Uessner (Get,. Christoffers, Baltl more for Bremen. Arrived in tbe^fllsh Channel 2<kh,tark Fortune (Nor) Chrietensen. N??fork tor Rotterdam. Trskl, June -J-Bailed, brig Redo w a, V* all ace, Naw York. QtT>RW*TOW!?i'BR* 29?The brig Ita Chandler, from Greenock lor Bierara. before reported poken dieabled, arrived at thle rt with lost of foremasthoid and maintop mast. WEATHBB B SPORT. Falmouth.nne 29-?Wind N, Bristol, J>? 29? Wind NK. FOREIGN PORTS. Adceuak NZ. M?j 6?Suited, ship Brodick r'aatla (Br), Thrn. s?'iauciaco. Hakiaw. May 2*?Arrlv d. brtan (ilaure Br), IIIll, Demerar?(*nil aaiied June i lor Martinique and New York); "Jfi. Kxawple, Lewis, Boston (and sallni JuneM for Lagura); June tt, bark kilbel Martin, Port E liabotb. Sailed me B. hri* Kva (Hn, McOoaxall, .it Lacia; tfth, schr A dentine. Potter. Boston. In port one Hi. bark Lytlla Cordell (Br). Todd, torn Bal timore, jrHed 2d. di?c. hrl?e Daniel Trowbrhlire, Ko^rra, | from N# York, arrived ">th, do; Hieing Sun, Oriffla,. lrom do. arri-d Mb. do; Harry A Aubrey, llrlKK>, from ito, ar rived m do; eclirs C A Farnawortb (Br , Bryan, I om St Lucea, rived 7th; Mabi'l I.unl iBri. Wyman, from Bear Kiver, rived Htli; Mary Helen. Sanborn, lor Bmlon. Hat/ami. June *J7?Arrived, schr Maad Barboar. Pa buke, uxillo. UafcxA*, Jane 27?Sailed. brig James Millar, Patker, New' 'rk. Jane 1?? Arrived, ichr Elma M Wrifbt, Frefan, Aspinwall. rikr.-d?Schr l.ucjr Wrlxht. Elsev, New York. IV-oixi.r, Mar ."it?sailed, bark, Kamoi (Haw). Bra il i el Juiie \ Yooriut < Dutch), HI eh. Has Francisco via Net-anile, HsW. ivA.HA, Jane 28?Sailed, steamer Liberty, Sundber*, Nf Yolk. Itlirax. Jane 29?Arrived, steamer lirmnda. New York vfi Portland. tT-i.iiA.a. JnDe 27?Arrived, l>rlc Malaga (Br), Kerr, Ht J to. MM. ailed 2*th. biic Romeo (Br), n??11i of llatteraa. Ioktbkal, Jnne 27?cleared, steamer Sardinia* (Br), Uitun. Liverpool; barka l.alnetar, UniUitad. IJueenstown; Mngerton. Thnnu>?on. C?rk. M wi'istu. N>W, May 3?Sailed, bark Blenheim iBr), C-rner. San Franrisoo. Mb, abipa K.len Uoady (Mr), Perry, 4: "lb, t'omnmaaeeltli Br., I'owper. do; bark Celaoa in, Uilte'* do; 11th, ship Ardour (Br), do; lith. bark ta l.ormi. Loiinir Yi keliame; MMi, ahins Warwick trtri. tard. Sin rancl?cu; l.ith. Firth ol' Clyde iBn, h.omits, n; t ontliit i Br. Har4v. ilo; ? ark S M stetson. Rollins, do: :lth. berk Fmnrola rail ?Fri. San Pedro. North syd;?*v. t'B, Jun 2H?Arrived, barka Bmmti <Bri. "ox, lAiudon (r -porta waaolT Utsr Itaco 7 days in atnlck ?p an I aurroMtied by ire); Cali-doala iBr), Farrell, fc.x 'loutli. K. ', June 27?Sailed, bark Norah, Hall. New ork. Vi xart'. Juno 27?Arrived, steamers Circassian. Wrllo. .iverpool; Mlaelaalppi. Llndal!. do; bark Kuby, Petr, Bar i ado*. l.eanvi 27th. ship* Alt Lovitt. Wiley, Belfast; Tort law, Anderson, Hreenork : Agnes, UavW, Hull; barks Maud, Mrlhinald. Ply m.uitb ; rnniiaam, Oaiilel. Liverpool; Coluia bgt, Burrows, Iruro; H Cburshill, Hontrh, I.undue; Kath leen, Harper, do; Alexandria. Fariem, Sliloth Uoek. Stdkkv. N>W, May In?sailed, ship. Cltr of Atnens (Br), Cam*Kban. San rrancisco; 2lst, James Altkeii (Br), Nol ? in, do; bark Aool b (Ueri, do; Juno 1, ship City of Niex po i B . heddie, do. st Jon*. NB, Jnno21>?Arrived, brig Mary (Br), Dodgo, New York. ?ohrs Leara, Pawtaakel; Martha A (Br), Per kins. Now York. Railed C?th. barks M A McNeill, J a load (Nor), Holyhead; Mr M?M (Br ("la*red "Mb. hrlgs John Good (Br', The schri Edna M Grerurv <Br), Barrow, R: F? Bedford; Aurora Bora all* (Br), Providence. Tkui Stetaaa. KK. Jena 28?Arrived, (Br). Jobaakoa. Windsor; Amalie. And -raoa. L Sailed sad. bark B'omidon (Br). Potter. Cor Vicroau. J una .1-ArrtfM, bark Sulla Hib FrtDtioco. Sailed -'l?t. steamer Cltv of Panama, Nelea.1 Yiiaom. N8. Jaaa 28?Arrival steamer] (Br), Clamaa AMERICAN PORTS. ALEXANDRIA. June US-Arrived, achre BJL York; Twllleht. New London: .1 M Uarlow, W I Ta Barnaul. W M WUaoa, aad S J Port, ? ova. tiailad?Schra Lola Aiumermaa, Hobokaa; Lyd too. Newburg. NY; Ell wood Barton, Boatoa: II Jennie A Sbeppard. Bat'la M Hawaa, Qao H Emma Arar (from Geor :etown), ? APPONAUU. June .7-Arrived, aebr ? C Knight, ley. Georgetown. DC. BOSTON, Jaaa IS-Arrlwd, steamer Naw York ; aebr Habaoea H Queen, Cain, ' proceeded ro Oulttrr). Cleared?Hark Woodalda, Montgomery. Portland. -?tttb?Arrived. itaamar Jobni Hopkins, Hallett, nO mora; barka Albeit Ruasell, Nichols, Snnpota; Peplti (Uer), (ialjen, Bio Granda; brim John Kendall, Jamea Aliroa Bay; Beta (Br). Sellg. Gnj aallla, PR; aebrs Anna 1 Valentine. Poller. Barbados; Pioneer, Baasett. Surinam. DA J Laa. Lee. aad Bva E Pettenrill, Yark. Philadelphia. Cleared?Barks Cevlon, Kelley. Honolulu; Albertina Up ten. Cape Cons! (Africa); T H Armstrong. Mauratt. Wes| Hartlepool, E; John F Rottmaa. Ray. Msrrow-la-Puraesa E; Sadie. Greg<rv, Cork or Falwoatb ?er e (tew; lasma C Baal. Bailer, Bristol, K; achrs Uan Conner, 8beta. Mt Thomas; ReuJ Young. McDonald, Port-au Priaae; L k > Ennwles, Harrington, Philadelphia. 1 Balled lUrk.i Ceylon, aad Athenian. t ALTIMORK, Jaaa -**?Arrlreo, aebr J D VUHaat Pearc-e. N?w York. 28th?Arrived. steamer Jaeephlne Thomeoa, Moore, Nea York, schr Alioe X Allen, Brigbaia. Barecoe. Below?Steamer NovaScotlau (Br), Rltehla, pool. Cleared?Steamera Baltimore (Oer). Brd Win Lawrence, Howes, Boston; Martha Stereos, Chance We-v York; ship (Gar). Horn, Bremen, bark Lavfl ratio Succ-ro (Ital), Qlevanl, Dublin; aebr Helen Mar, .Vlcfl arson Newport. HRI'NmWICK. On, Jane2B?Arrived,steamerCaroadelet, Fairclotb. Keruandlna for New York. Cleared 28tb, brig Lanra Gertrude, Rlak, Naw Yolk: aahl Nellie Treat, do. H AN(iOR. .Lane '27?Arrived, aebr L M Stroat, Whitne/ Perth Amboy. Cleared?ifchr 8 D Hart, Rargese. Newark. NJ. 2Hth?sailed. acbrs Isabella. New * ork. Abby 1 WItlaf4 and R Maaoa. do. BATII, June 27?Arrived, schr Plereaee N Tower, XsmsJ South Amboy 2Hth?called, aehr Cora Etta. Pendleton; Plora X Crow lay. Crowley; Z L Adams. Nlckerson; A D Henderson, Hen derson. and Albert Dalr, Maaou, Philadelphia; Abb 8 Brown. Cmwell. and >? mma L C Wlnoor At wood. ?? . CHtRLKB ON. Jane 29?Arrived, steamer EquatflC, Hinckley. Philadelphia. Sailed? Sleuner ' 'leop-tra. Bulkier, New York. CHESTER, Ta, June 2tf?Arrived, aehr Emma Mi March. Kernandlna. DELAWARE CITY. June 2?-Sailed. scbrs L 0 K 'llv. Boston; 8 Purvea, Lisle do. FERNaNDINA, June 23?Cleared, achrs Mima A Stroat, Uueenstown for orders; Edward Jehnaon. ~ Wm G v' o<eley. Abbott, Philadelpbla. FORTH ESS MONRO!'.. June 28?Arrived, bark Ioa from Santos for orders; brigs Horota. Richmond fo Janeiro. wtg crew; Georgia, Field. Norfolk lor Darners' Passed in?Bark Albertina (Nor). Gluetstadt, Merss for Baltimore; brigs Romance, Craig. Navasas for do: P? tomac i Br). Wilson, Demerara for do; also a ship, name un known for do. Pasaed oat?Ship Nevada, and barks Jobaaa, for Bretasm Senna, lor Qaeenstown; brig Castllian for the Baltic. PALL RIVER, June 27-Arrived. aehr Tboa Borden, Oku. back. Philadelphia. 28th?Sailed, schrs Stephen Morgan, Hay net, Georgetown DC; Fred Merwln Bunce, and Entlra, Klnnear, New York. GALVE8ION. Jane 23-Cleared, aehr 8 8 Buckingham, Williams, Tuxpan. 24th?Cleared, sohrs I Grace Andrew*, Andrews, PensaesAa; Leoaard Daniels. Mack. Tamnieo. Sailed?Schr Leonard Daniels. Yaefc. Tampleo. GEORGETOWN. SC. June 22-Cleared. schr B I Hassrd, Rowland. New York. MOBILE. June 29-Cleared, bark Monde-n, gehumactfei St Thomas. MILLBRIDGE. June 22?Arrived, brig? .Ua, Wytr > Boston. Sailed 26th. scbr Milwaukee, Wallace, New York. MACHIAS, June 2a?Sailed, scbr Viola, >laaon, N?> York. NORFOLK. June 27?Arrived, aebr Chaa a k Salt 1 .1 ?on. New York. w ofj*? P'*K Demeram (a<id ? led PMl NEWBURYPORT. June 28-Arrived. m> .? leopard Albertson, Philadelphia; schr B L Eaton, Grlerson, hawkea. 27th-'chr> J Fxbaas, Reed. Mayairnes. . NMVT BhDFoRD. Jane 27?Arrived, schr Wm D Marvel] O'Keel'e. Georgetown. DC. 29th?Arrived, schrs W F Washburn, and Sea Bird, 1 ?traw. flailed? Schrs M H Read, Philadelphia; Helen. New Tort NEWPORT, June !!7. PM?Arrived, schrs Luna. Welto Providence for New Vork (and sailed 28th) ; Kloretta C. Co Till. Yarmonth for do; Alexis, Hancock, Kail River for do, 2Htli, AM?Sailed, rchr C C Smith. At wood, Taunton f Philadelphia. A _ PM-S .Hed, schrs David O Floyd. Clifford. Tad Little D vid, Bradloy, New York: Delmont Locke, P?nd etoa. aa Empire, Hatch, Providence for do; Artist, >'orre?ter. Boa ers?t for do. , NKW LONDON. Jnne 29?Sailed, schr O F Baled Starkay. Hi John. KB. PA?CAUOlrLA. June 22?Cleared, bark Carlo Borrnm (Ans;, Conte. Amsterdam: schr Mabel, Alberts. Key * " 24th, bark Najadeu r.->we?. Danieleen, L'Orieut. PKNHACO'.A. June -'3?Arrived schrs Morton I Smith. New Orleans; 24th. River Uoeen. Ulbha, do. Clear d 22d. schr* A U Srull, Kranibes. New York ; 1 Joseph Souther. Watts. St John. NB; 24th, Anson Stin. Sloraan, Philadelphia. Cleared 2Sth brig F T Merrrman. Lecraw. Matansas. PHILADELPHIA, Jnn? 2k?-Arrlved, steamers Norfr Ford, Kali River; Anna Ellin, Richards, Sew York:b%, Carrara (Ital). Poutrcmoli. Lisbon; John Pearson, Ta>, Salt Cav; hrlg Olgn (Nor). Laraeu, Liverpool; icfcra Dcs Mayo. Vallhourat, Baraco* ; D V Streaker, VanGf rien; Jennie MI<!dleton, Whltta'ter, Gardiner. Also arrived, steamerm Harold Haarfager (Nor), Newcastle, K; Per lomen Pierce. Naw York; scl Ellen, Smith. Gardiner; Wm Todd, Wood, C< Simmons. WilV.aua. H? -m; Clara Merrick. Artia Garwood, Sioveas. do; ?'arrie LGodfra Cleared?Steamer Beverly. Wallace. New 1 dependence. Valparalro: brlics Me hai son Portland: I llowlsad. Lafcaman. Boston Garrison. Hallowall, Ma; Taylor k Mathis. C" ton: Jas A Shindler. Lea, Marbleh-sad. Also cleared, steamers WilHaiasport, W barks Mariano?ale (Ital', Beuvamato. West blsaola P (Ital). Kaacottl, Cork or Pal month (Br), Jenkins. Bellast; S W Holhrook, Mlti srUrs W F Green. Cuinmlngs, -oiharset; J Weymouth; A B Gundman, Bacon, George* Shav. Tllton. Charleston; Grace Van Dnsety W Towns'mi. Towasend. do. Sailed? Maamers Ohio, and Willie! Nkwcajtlc, Dal, Jaaa 2#?Pi Lisbon. I.kwks, Del. Juaa IfcXj marie. Glbbs. Naw Yor?^^ PORI.J"HN8.S?AdL 27?Arrived coner. Wilson, a^,,., M(ur dance. di| Arrived, steamer Alt ? schrs Sarah A ftl* Ward, Boat and lor Prasfs POBTUb, Me. Jaaa 27-CWared, eehr Hattle Bat-; Washington. DC. 28th?Arrived, achr E G Wlllard, Philadelphia. L'Wth?Arrived, eehr Irene > Messervey, New York. PORTSMOUTH, Jaae 2ft?Sailed, schrs Wellington, Bs^ boar. Kaaaebea, to load for Naw York; CornolVa, Oralis Rockp?rt. to load for N'aw York. P4HVIDENCR, Juan 28?Arrived, schrs Calvin P Harris. Benton, Gaevgaaown, DC; George Edwin, Sammls, ?ew Below?Schr Frances C Smith. Smith, Port Johnson. Sailed-Steamers Toaawaada, Shermaa, and Fdilla,! Howe, Philadelphia; schrs George L Fassenden, Beebe.l G orgetown, DO; Rachel Saamaa, Seaman, Philadelphia;! Storm. Staab. Trenton; Amos Briggs, Dana. Haverstrawr R H Wilson. Clark; Jennie C Buss, Norton, aad Phebe Elf abeth. Mapet. New York. 1 RICHMOND, Jnne 27?Arrived, barks Arlstidss (No Anderst*n. Antwerp, to load for Europe; Margaretha Bia (Ger), Pramuarg; Dordrecht, to load for K a rope; brig lervo (Rns). Hell strain, Amsterdam, to load lor Eur schrs 8 W Bnnnell, Knnnell, New York; Henry P Has lVaree, do; John A t'nrtls, Quillan, do; Mary 8 Slainm Gandy, Providence; Billow, Kales, Rockland; Baagal. "? do. Sailed?Steamer Old Domiaion, Walker, Mow York; 1 Bogota. Johaeoa, Rio Janeiro. 8AN FRANCISCO, June 21?Arrived, ship Grace Darli Gllmor, Tacotna. Sailed-Barks Kno'-h Talbot, Peahalloa, Seattle; Ha Bock, Sorraan, Victoria aad Port TownaeM; brig Sea r Su.lth, Portland. 'JSth?Arrived, steamer Australia (Br), Cargill, Sydasyl NSW. Cleared?8bIp Dexter, Maasoa, Qnaenstown. SAVANNAH. Jnne 29?Arrived, steamer J aalata, Oa riae, Philadelphia. Arrived 2Xth, steamer Saa Salvador, Nlckeraon, He York. SlONINOTON. June 27-Arrlved, schrs H P Ely. I Providence for Naw York; Wm H We ,b, New York I videnoe. 2rtth? Sailed, schrs C.?o H Mills. Tlllotaon, Alai P Ely, and Wm H Webb. VINEYARD HAVEN. Juaa 27-Arrlved, achrs Salisburr. Havana lar Huston; Uncle Turn. U " Aniboy for do; Lnnat. Iliads. Philadelphia for Dresden. Coffin, Shulee for New York; Thomas Pott dr. and Katia Mitchell Eastmaa, Gardiner, tor dot Nichols, WrinaM Bangor, for do; Dwlght Davldi man. Boston for Philadelphia; L A Burn ham. Ma for Baltimore; Satilla. Rivers, do for Charla ror Baltimore; fauna, itivers, do ror uuariastoa Blackwood. Two Rivers, for orders. Sailed?8ehra PaciSc, May Day, George * Albs M Condon. Julia Cllach, Samnel Oilman, Nellie B Tom. aad Dresden. .lhert.T ? Bella,I 2*tb, AM?Arrived, schrs Elvle Davis, tlaad, L , for Boston: Kllta B hmery, Wleks. do ror Newbaryport-J Sailed ? All veeaals belora reported exceptiag dridge i erry (disgi. aad Lnnat. WILMIMOTOn! NC, June -S-Arrlved, steamer tor. Doane. New York. > WISCASSK'f. Jnne 27?Cleared, bark Jose Kodr1{ pat. White, Havana (aad was towed out same eveaL M ARKH.vM, Jnne 2S?Sailed, schr Naiad Uoaea. New York. A i'ACHTR. MT BAM BOATS. Sec. I-ino aLX kiiTK and siifcS??i . Liiabuata. ipoou oar*. cbrtD. :*w Snath at., near < B?orillp:___ HThPHKlt tfoBKH AHTTHKOLD KStTbUsTThD PLACE. Nt urn. near Catharine Market?Metallic I Hoata, all kind*. . JOHN CTaTboat. a? kkkt lono.inriiur cl, J lor Mli-vkaap. ln<|oire tor particular* Jmnw ally, toad atora. | C~Vol'PRK PA.STK.VEI) RUWdOAT Pti J now, with walnut flniah, 15 toet loaf. \WOKoPP. 151 Wait loth at. IHV)K SALE OR CHAR*PR-NEW 25X1 1 countar atarn Yacht, Id eoiasleta ordai call at coal olRrt Stt Orand it., Wlllla>. ibor??. Light drai'ijht Ij^H ire I KKKIUHT PKOPKLl liarirala, *ait*bl* tor peaeh trade ur other I laiit hooaa on (lack; 14-1 tout Apply t.aadi THKO. SMITH * RKOTHKM. foot of Keaei at , Cltjr. UTSAM LAUNCH POR 8*LK. 33 PKET, new. O draaa MORQvN'8 Steamboat Work*, Noaak. Conn. r? charter?with ~C R b W OA HIM ftbOOPj Nina. Apply i<r WM THOMPSON afa^ Km Hirer. W" artrd?a pTr5t (-lass y u i> rl week; with cabin accommodations latg box S..'n?W l'oat office, <i?li g particular* Including craw. WANTED?A nTRAM LAUNCH teat la lenrth; prira and partU-nlare, W BCKI AW be in fcrnuil order., RY HAIICt fllMCELLAJlKUl ABHOLlTK 1)1 VDiU'KS UUTUN b(> '01 State*. lor numdrntia cauaaa, lejtai everywhere t no char^i In ulranoe; J I JL IIOl/SK. J DlYOKCr.S fraa; par 71 Aator tiooi QllKn.Y IN whan aecarwX AMI