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WAyrmo-FaatMiM. Cook*. ST.?A KKstM < TAUI.B WOMAN TO ?h anil I ram; ubk-eiion U>'lie country nk rwkkx '.'.Tii aKD "trrH \V*. -as |.k w..u!d d? turns wishing; would go In the Iwrt'TMC. fliy FEW (iKNTl.EMKX AND he accommodated with ltoard table MTU ST. (PRESENT KM P M >TE*'KJ.?AS a woman of fir-t rilf character and a *ood liv>i?I In waallinc and iroulnit. b? ST, KOOM 4.-A >k6tESTANT WOMAN od en' k in a private fxmily; nu oi>|eeitou tu aa -Hint; and (rosing; C>'?1 bread baker. f?~l?ra kVT?A LADV.""lK.VTIKO" TOWN, fhes to obtain a place for a cook. now in her em ?tu she cau recommend; will assist with washing tag. r EST HT TprJSSKN T KMPU)lfEHS)? fM# Toons girls; una as goad cook and excellent "*e uther *a goad chambermaid a'id waitreea; both Her,t wa?t?er? and Ironers; two food girt*. "Ka'sT 50TH ST.-* YOPNtf\VOMAN~A8 COOK", washer and ironer; city or country; beat elty refer MADISON AV lPRESENT EMPLOYER'S).-AS c'lnaicut cook; would assist with washlm- if re tell for two days. 2WE<T ISTH ST.. REaR.-AN~EXPER!KNCEF> *? Ant data cook; la an excellent baker; elty r*terene<-. S^KAKT OTTjfSf -7v RF'SPKrTABLE WOMAN AS A rat cl?-? cook : no objection to the cwuntry; tind*' ill muk unit butter; reference. 7 .WEST 4I8tVt.Ha' WOMAN AS ~COOK ; WIU, aaalgl wilb washing and ironing: Is nn excellent t of hraad anii biscuit; well recommended from laat p: conntr. prelcrred. WEST -OtT stT-A KES f* P.i:TABL.K al liL AS UjL tr i'Ki cook, waelK-r and Ironer; beat of reference; y country. _ __ J/| ;WEaf ismt ST. niiTWKEJf HTlf *.NI> 7TH 7\J a\a , two stairs up ?A ?-cntch Protestant woman a? ?k; thornugblr under*t.inrln irer business. bread, biacuit ili^a: also meats. soups and Jellies; capable of tak'.ng i^c* Af a dairy; li??t references from laat home; no ob liou in the country. ill west" iirrn sr.. stoRE?AYOUNo "woman OJ. a.4 koo'1 cook: excel'ent bilker; no objection to a *rrtint house; my or country ; beat reference. 'iv^'orn"st.T'bktwekn ef?TANt> rrHAVs-AS excellent ;iliair. cook and puod baker: cood home (erred to wages; city or country, good rcfeuencc. .WEST ISTH ST.. T1IIRI) FLOOR. FRONT.?AS cno( (n ?\ private family; city Or country; will alstst waahlng and Imnlnir. tfAST SOTIi" RT^Ta"nksPEOTABhK UtRis TO cook, wasti and iron in n small family; city relcr m 01 f\.-: WKBr -JOTIl ST.?A MIDDI.E AOF.D OOI.ORED 'ft) xn|n<U| ia cook; wmild a??ist with wishin? iml mine, or lo do i'etienil b-'nncwork in a priyate-family 1 ore the could take uer buy, l'J yean old. /Ui " WEST 27TII ST.? V I'ROTKSTAXT" WOMAN"; UU can <lo all Kin.Is of cooking; no objection t<f the intry bent city rffereuce. A?? west siirr sr.-A scotch protest ant "jrO woman an llrat elaas cook ; will naatn with waah t: city refiirenre. OQ EAST 25TU ST7-o1)OK* . ~ WAS if" A NU I RON s ?jCj 'no objection to n npeetable boarclinj bouse; city tercno >: wa?n no object. Oil-EAST 41ST ST.. BF.TWKKN US AND 3D AVS^H VT A Suedlah woman aa firtt clan cuok in priviile fun reference ??/?**AST aSTH ST.?AS FtKSt CCiAftS CdbX; KO (O'' objcotioiia to waah and iron ; good cltv reference 07 WF.ST arriT st.?a younu woman as >) I cook. wn*hrr and Ironer. TfTEAST S7TH BT.-A RErFf.CTaJSLE YOUNO T Vf jrfrl wlsbea it situation with a private family 11a (0J1 or (jpnerAl tioiiscwork ; jtood reference from l??t place. jr*J SaDISON AVJ ri'UKSKXT EMPLOTKR'^i.-A ? JO jronnz woman, who incompetent, aa family cook a prlvatu family; nndvYftanofl Kn^liMli and American M.kluir. c. ? . >??? 7TII AT.?a VOI XC WOMAN AS FIIIRT (TEaSS cook; thoroughly understands her business: will waslilii),' nnrl ironine; i?oed city reference IVoin last place. >Z?9 wkst i?tic"kt.-a ki:spkctabi,e "woman a- cook and to do plain waahing lu a private farn y; Best reference. 'fo""KA?r"4?TU " ST.?A kShFrCTaKk WOMAN ' LO Ka cook lui i assist uitb the wnahing. Can be seen (c two dn.vs; kooi! city reierence. E A ST ~3nTI I ~ST.- A FIRST CLASh MEAT and paalry cook In a hotel, club or boarding house, WEST JflTII 8T.T ReXR--A S GOOD-PLAIN conk or would do general housework. 120 m SIXTH AV.-HKT\S'fcEN ?D AN'O J3D STS.-A . , lady Ir iriiin the rlty wishes to secure a place for br excellent cook; will assist with washing. lit BAST 17111 ST.-as'VlRST"i.:LA"ss COOK FOB til n hotel or boarding; house nud restaurant. ? aTfAST HTH ST -A YOUXO WOMAN U 0000 rttT opoit, wjisbcr and Ironer; good city reference from at employer. 7 Hi" EXIT i.vrrV~ ST.?a ?yopncT woman* as iOt cook; thoronirhly understands her business; good (faience froiu last place. 'OQ ~WEST ?>Tir~(?T.?A RKSI'ECTA^OII YOC*G fOO woman to rook wash und Iron or do urnerat ?work: willing to to the country: good reference last place. ?TH AY -A BBSPEt"TABLE VslBL AS GOOD cook, washer and Ironer; best city reference. 2D AY."- A~ RES 1'KOT A It t.K TOUjtO WOMAN as good rook, washer and Ironer; best city refer i: ctiy or country. iti '1T" AV.?A UIRL AS COOK, WASHER AND It/ ironer In a private ramlfj ; bo?U rlty refereuce. ~ 11 A 1ST A v. . SK AR 88? ST." 18EGOND BELL).?A )J.U young woman as t^ood cook attd laundress; city |reuce. LuT AXIt'llAKVAUU. THE COLLEGE RACE TOUAV. ICIAX/ DESPATCHES. WITH THE RBS1LT, IN THE EVENING ThLEi.RAM TO DAY. Chambermaids. Ac* I WEST 37TH ST.-A Ynl'NO GIKL. 17 YEARS [old, to do upstair* work and assist in the care of chi! 1 Can be seen lor two d*v* between 10 and 12 o'clock. TEST p .ST. iPRESENT KMPlA) Y EK'8).?A .respectable Kiel ?>? chambermaid and waitress or aa and aeamstrexs. Can bo ?een to-day ,GREENWlOIf A\*.?A R expectable YnUNC, ^pirl as rltambrrmaid and waitress; would go in the it city reference. WH^T14.7fWl|^ (PRR8EVT EMPLOYER'S).?A i I..a n,c* elr' ** ehwPfcrmaid and waltrese; capable and 1 willing; city or countrv7\ ShobatroTsr-A VnTSifi aifcL as chambeb ipix f cityor^.mrytgood city refer ifjq" mawson a v. i^dftwrtT, H'v resnretnhle rlrl m? cban.barmaid ?bildren. Call for two days. ft)A 5>st :?;tl. ST \ vol?>??;' WOMAN AH CTTAM |?i l>ermalrl and waitress in n |i I frjti ftWltj- but ' (afaren ??. jTT"WESf 43TH sr.-A L W)T. <inlN<f?o EUBoFI', JT wilt mcntnmend Iter *irl aa a first class ehamVar ?r nurse; i? willing and obliging. Call at praw '*? east m ? rsjr < p r esent ~e * p'l'oyb B'stIThL youn? girl as chatabermald and laundress; cosit re. k\"sT 1TTH ST~(j?BESKNT EM.PLbYEB;S)T^A. Otrman girl as chatubennald and waitress in the pantrj. ["I" EAST 40T1I ST. ""(PRESENT TiMPLOYElmi-A . /I respectable clrl tod . i.amlierwork and ugitlju'" cold assist w'th tie srathiug and mining. ' HAS: 4UTH"ST-A-Fk"kS*CH bermaid and to do uoe waahlr.g In a private family. w i?TH sr.. SOUTH BROOKLYN.?A KRBNCJI younif woman aa t hambermaid and aeamstresa; city ntty; reference Call, after for three day*. iwest lirru sr -a kespkctahi.k oibl as r chambermaid and waitreas or lanpdresa; undar all ita branches , willing w go to the coantry; best ft teference. S)R EST lm II hT ? V PROTESTANT YOUNO woman as first clasa cook in a private family no ?hjfetlon to assist with washing; willing an- ^blicine baat sef'rr uce. WEST ?>TH ST.?IWO YOU.NO OIBIjS TO dn chambcrwork and washing; no objection to tbe nnvy; cfty reference from their last place.. Ijj BAST ISTtt ST-A YOCSO WOMAN AS iTX chambermaid and lanudreaa; good rlty reference. 919 WEST 47TD ST.?A YOHNfJ KIUfI<ISH PROT. H'tiJ ?atant ai chambermaid and to taka care of chil taiu : has naver lired out. OA A WEST UTH ST. (PRKSENT EMFt-OTEB'S). t*x A chambermaid and waitress; city rMerences. |/K east artTii' st -a~yocno" <;jrl as cham ?f'v lermeid ?nd waitress or to do line washing; no ob [ebtloa to * lie Country; tood Mty reference. mEAST n^D ST.-A rorso GIRL TO DO Oil A*, i if work and sewing or light housework and sewing; coantry p^'tsrei: good reference. J>ST anb st. ?a be^ecta^ijs oSbxan rl as chaaibermald or to do washing and ironing; 7ef?ren'?. .TH AV. (PRESENT EMPt.OyifS)._A, RA. spoctable cirl as> chambermaid and to do ^Uin 14 Dressmakers and Vramttresaei. EAJT 4JS* ST.. CORVEft 5TH AY.-AS PRKNCH first class dressmaker and seamatress; seven years' ref ?cc from phrsrjit employer.^ all ~"aV.?A~ YOL'jiU LADY AS SEAM ST RESS. |t5 ilddres* MAY WMST ITT 11 ST.- AS SEAMSTRESS MR'LA Drs maid; wonld do shamborwark and aewlag; would Kia tba country. ^ IW BLr:E'"KER ST WKaT, CORHEK OF WOOSTEB Jjl St.?A French woman (?ood d easmakeri ae aeaw aad to take earn of oae gronu child. I'aii ur addresa "WahT SdTH ST.-A rfBST fll.ASS DRERS makrr aad seamstreaa would like t'< go in tka try ?itb a prisate iamlly, wages no ikjitl. Call or tduress. _ _ I a9 *T (Tn Till STORE).?A KIRdT OUH I dreseMakar by the day , work caa be seen. "7.TH AV -A YOUNG"<ilRi7 WISHES A PEW more fttr<(t?niti hv the day; Is a first class ?rataron Wheeler k ffllaen'i machine; ladloe'aad In I's oatiils aad children s clothes, dressmaking; reler General lluusework. Ac WEST 47TH sT A RESPECTABLE OIBL TO DO Itonsaworii. city er conutry. hf trrtt at.?a oilts i-atbuV lasded. to do I 1 general bousewcrk. Can ba aeen |?t present em ploye r"s. in j iftif sn -t -a itoCNr. oirl to do 11/I housework in s sin all family; it a good conk, waaher kadireaer; city referanrv i V7 wiif mil st. in tub stobr.?a BKiirfcof. LI I abla girl to d.> i:raaral hous-itrork In a prleaie Wf- . 1.1 | WKsr ?TH si K YOL'NU WOMAN TO no gaaeral lioo>ew.irk In a small Atuarlgaa family; ^aad eity rr(rrrnr? Call ' >r tw > d . WmT'mO ST.-aTES P K CTA BLR Q|BL T'Tdo ganaral brtisawnrk or as laandrees; no objection to good city reference*. m SITUATIONS W KUAIiKR. Grnrral Hon?fWorli. "lftA OTH AV. BETWEEN IOTII AM) ?.?OTtl KTS.?A lQU respect able girl to do general housework; j> good plaiu cook, wasfeer sua kroner; b?i elt.r tsferenee. nTy kan ?' ietH sr?a youjmj wom an would 't like to (to housework for ? small private funtily or at cook and lu asilat la walking and Iruuing; ;o?d cllj r?f rrracn. *>11 ?'Kl?V'?TH HT.-A r.KSPKOT\HI.E PKOrErt' wii taut woman to do neural housework , good refer ence. Call i r addreas. mwr nTu ht. hktwekn tth aid htii mIO ava. ? A yvunt girl to do general housework in * private Tamil; ; goml city reference (Ynn flUT 17 in ST-AI.IKI. TO 10 lilVhKAL ZlmiZt honaework : referencea. ?>?>?? KAST "HTIT RT.-A YiH Vfl WOHtN ,<) 1)6 ^<)l) general bjuaawurk ; good reference; country pre feried. ' ? )f Q~ KAST UoTIIST.?A YOCNO tilRL LATELY iTn liuided to do guttural housework , can be aeon at present employer's. Call for two days. i?rj WMr mTh St.". i r.ovr basemen t.-a ^?/T resectable girl t? do housework or chambei work; beat city reference ?VJ?) WKHT sivTH HT.?A KBSPKCTABLK YOU NO giitnaii lotlo wneral house*prk in a ?uiail laiuily ; beat riur reference from laat place. OA { west sefii St a girl to ro oenekal eJ"*X hotter work: no objection to go with a family to the luunlcy. fall it her presi-nt employer's. ?Jli I EAST -tul lT ST.-a" YOLKifulKC TO IK) okjT Oi\r eral nnnsewnrk; good plain cook, washer and irouer; excellent bread baker. O] 7 BAST mTtII ST.?Ar"Mli)bT7ir^7iKlV WOMAN OX I U> do general homework; no objection to the coun try. Hall or aadresa Of Q KAsf'Sfftt ST.?A~ RESPECTAiW.K GIRL TO ej 10 dojpajaeral bouaework In a small family; good city rafarencr. ?I'll) KAST ;u?tT| ~HT\-1a BKMPRCTABLK Vol NO Ot)?i woman for general honaework; uo objection to a boarding bouse; goou wa->Uer and iroi??r; city reference. Wl\7 WE.S~T~33.TH "ST.?A K HifF EOT A H l7li YOCNO TU I woaaan to da general bouaework in a s-nal! fanr ily . city or country. yen far ay. corker ihth sri?a uuTl "for Owt' lionaework; la a good co k. wather, and Ironer; K'?hI baker; good reference; city MtMMf. Q.-Q &UR -wril 81?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG CjUO girl to do general liouaework; good washer nut Ironer; chr or country ; jri'xl reference. Moa??ker|ieri. ?W*. "I C WEST l-TTU ST.-A YOCNO I,At)Y. OK CHEER JL*J fill disposition and pleasing add>e?s, as huutekecper In a widower's randy. Call all tbe weak. 6T;i AV.?A LADY AS "ll OUSE KEE I'E K. CALL for one weak. ?>7141 BLEKCkKR ST., CP HTAlttiT?A~WIDOW, fm, OUij well educated, aa housekeeper, copriat or ?hut maker. ''HAMPTON. AN~KLDEKLV ENGLISH LAKY WISHKS A SITUA tion aa houaek'-eper in a family without children. Address Mrs W , box 2J'J Post office. Mount Vcrnou. X. Y. 'WIDOW LADY '.US HOtiSEKKKPEK: .No OHJEC tlon to tbe country. Adlr aa, lor one week. WIDOW, Herald office. La?uUreasns. a.V< . f'*J WEST HOTII HT. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).?A UO young woman aa laundress or to do chamberwork and line washing, (las be aecn for two days. WK.ST aoTU ST., THIKD FLOOR.-A COLORED girl as |M?dr?s<. 00 r"*\VKST ltiTH~ST., BKTWKEN 7TU AND OTH a vs.?A French woman to Iron lino cloibna In all Ua branches. In a private family. II. (). T<)j[l ~Wl?T7pTH 8T.. MELOND f'LOOK.?Aii pfKSr Twu class laundress, to go out by tUo day; good refer etu*. BETWKEX"55tH AND "s 1ST 8TB.? A.Taiu A respectable married woman wishes some larally washing at her own roaidence, or would go out by the day. Call or address. 1 A WEST &0TU ST.?A LADY tVISH.ES TO PROCURE It a place for a worthy Scotch Protestant wom.iii niln fant's nurse >tnd arnmatre^s; is experienced anil willing to work; no b< me or ties; beat referencea; will leave city. A_i\ We.ST a8TH ST. tl'BKSKNT PLACE) A BK J:U specytblu psraon as nurse; competent t?l' taitlng care of a baby from ItH birth. /*~j KAST "BROADWAT. FIRST"' FLOOR-A RE UJL tpcctgble .middle jigod woman .to take otre or a baby ami aasisl In light housework; city or country ; city reier ence. i'O WEST 431) ST ?A RbSPEt'TARLE <11 i:u. LATELY UO landed, as narse for city or country. I OQ WEKT Ktl) SI", tPRESENT i:\lI'LOVKR'sT-^A young girl, 17 year's of ago, to take care of a child and to do chamberwork and waiting. Call for two days. 3D~AV.-A NL rTsE Tn ANY KlrfD OF HICK ness; beat city reference. Jlrs, JIAMILTON. 7Tn^AV.?A_YOUMi WOMAN Ar" NUBBE ;~fs capable of ta|(iiig care of a baby front ita birth or growing cbildron; uo objection to the country; good city reference. onu west iarxi sr.?as and seam iSUO stress; cltv or country ; best clft reference. (in WEST 8MSH MT./-A XOQSf ?HRL TO MIND 1 children; f?n j^r4 foo<i refcryic*. 1 O v '^f V.VTli ST~ ROOM ill. fOP FLOOR*-A RK _1 i_Oy,.eciable woman Quarried), *-d 24, as wet nurae; city orfountry. J _ Old EAST 47TH |r.-A IfKADY COMPETENT JU 1.0 woman 4o lake cdre ol rhllpreu; can read to amuse tlu-in or dn plain s*win{;;fo obi< reference siren. B In the country ; 'good t)??l WEST iSTH >T.?aj tOUNO PROTESTANT jjOL girl, 14 yean old a* natu and to make hersetr use ful ; beat ref.-reuce. T ? ?T7~4 WEST aofH " trTpv" YOBNG WOMAN AS eblltt ? uucOe.ftty # noun try;,good relerepqe. ojtg so" A v.?AT. TI/iKOLU H LY COMPETENT OUU nurie to taktt falfio charge of children auil do j travel with ? family : will ho h? ; good releteuce Call or all No. 2. fitaln sewing: no ntij nuod callable Mid t addrau for two days. TTx westTorn TTt) take care ol| wilUus and obliging; 1707 ora aV -j 4 O I child's nut YOCK'ff r*kl children; best | town Branch office. I?A YOUNG OIRL OK Itt TO Idrennr do light homework; is 'I city refereuce. "COMPETENT WOMAN AS j yearn' reference from lam place | woman to" iakk cakk of ence. Addreu F. B., Herald t.'p "ilEALTHY WOMAN AS WET NIT UK: milk to be abqnt 10 months old. Call at once, with baby, at 151 Went Jit lit SIY.UAT40N WAJi'EO?BY A RESPBCTABLE French womu. 4 nurse to children or to do Mo ini in a private faaillv. jL#fe? B. I?. II. box 167 Herald Up town Branch office. VnitnoMii 4t. -|Z*0 MADISOlf /? (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).?AS lut) first el :ts*w? ress ; understands her busiueea thor oughly; good city ft ence; uitv or country. t)I\A WMTW ST. (i'rehent f"mfiV)YEK'Si \ yl'T As waitMfin a private family; willing and obllg n#*: beet city reftfice; country preferred. Call for two "*** THE STORE.?AS KCRST CLASS chambermaid and waitress; city or or private boarding house; live ^pmplnyer. DEMOLISH PROTESTANT litres* or as chambarmaid a nd 4#7 vsmssBG, ? ft westH >vt* 7*' keeper or as>, no trlflers.' MS VSTi 208 618 J THOMV0O* ?. 11<M AN LADY OP RESPECT own resources as house preferred; best ralerance; [ ?r;"mm!"?a rrsp bctable WmBt YAT floor.-a French wo 1, In a private laoily asgea r? ST. ?A respectable WIDOW her boy (Syearsj, city or country, to FKENCU LADY, JOST arrived, m Wl ? companion; no objection to travel. Address Mft OHALUER. or7f~ w?a OUi woman 1 do aaythia*. ATH Avf (TRESEST EMPLOYER'S).?A NORTH Uermaiv(irl ?a lady's maid and seamstress'; bast references. ANTED-rf.rA LAD yta S1 TO ATI O V Art TRAYEL ling comfpniou to aJady an the Continent or abroad; best reference /iven and required. Address boy T, Republi can office, Springfield, Ma-?. T"rWE^ \VASTEP?FEMALE 'Y~Ht6L l> cVffit^fXWvSC^ti J\. also on/ for wpiUng; wages $12 and $1U. Apply at jJJ West UMtb 1 01 kl'ft'ANTED?TO Do GENERAL UOt'sEWORK in a prfv ue family. I2.i West JUth H. oirI WANTED?FOR~uene KAl.lT6X"SE WO RK; Hi list b? a good laundress. Apply at West 4Atli <t fijtst A?TSE<:i>Mi"T C<?0K~wantkd IMMfc? dlettely?Single, withoot encambraijce and with f.r-t class lietel experience at.d recomrnenaatiou Apply at Park tlousc, Newark. N. J. /roipetent MAID WANTRD-KOR LITTLE GIRL, \J px yaari; also goad cook, washer and ironer for IsmUy 01 tl?rae. Apply, with best city reiereacea, at I OS East 4Jih st., tear Legnigton av. wanted-to do (literal hocskworc; mast be a good waaher, iroBar and plaia cook. Call at West Jitli -t /((MEDIATE employment GIVEN TWENTY LA dias: I hose who have never bee a la baeiaaes riven the lame advantages as Uiosa wua have, i'sil on or addrvee the AM iiUCANCOMP amy'S AGENTS. !W atoaOi Wllnam s*.. from 9 A M. to 1J o'clock noon. " <iiOOO ,r ANTED?A NURSE. REKERENOK HE s. II. mall, imliiisv IN A fivinj txtabted-a FIRST CLASH SALESWOMAN, IS TY fancy goods and embroidery store Address, gii reference, O P. L. Mareid 1'ptown Hraach otlce. w ANTED-A YOUNG lilltL TO Oo r.rkaN'ds AND do light work aronnd the bonse 157 West 4_'d st. xtrANTEii?to t%lc"ic Fkk6 o# 'ciiiEoRenTT Tv strongyouag girl, oat town; a c?K>d home, tint loir wagee. Call Friday, alter 10 o'cloc*. at 78 Fraakltii st., ap Main. ?ftTAJJTEb-tWO UIRL?: 0.'(E TO cook. wliH and v r iroa ; on* as ehanrhertaald and waitress, in a private family. Call at 2 East 73d st . references repaired. nfiNTED-i.v" A SMALL*PRIVAT>/fAMfLY.1TUKR. if man. Swede, or Daatsb girl who can speak English aad hae good elty references, to do up stair* werk, assist in taking ear* of a child and aaa do plate sewing. Apply at IX< East St*th st. WAjifjEi^AiriRX POK ij'ENE'iAL MOMfeWOBK*; yoaag preterrtd ; city relereure Addree* Mo Mi West ?&tb st. _ YtrA*TtO-AM EXPERIENCED uaTHOLIC COOK. ft Apply at 427 West '-tlth st. WANTKD^A OOoD JWOK. WARMER AND IKONER. Yf Apply eerly, with city references, at SlU Weil (Id <1 WANTED-A YOL'N'G Gl l. To I AKK CHARGB" oP MMt. Ac.( M_B ."ilst si., irnin 1" in % WANTEO IMMEOIAT'. LY-A GIUL 1'tiK tiEN eral hoiweweilt; g??d cook, washer and iroaer. 44 West Uith st. \LrI*fEi>-i cook and "kikst~ci7ass "tscB". v v dress, with excellent city n icrence (. all, from 11 till >, at 121 West 44th st HKIjP WANTEO-FUUlLEb. Ty\\$TKr>-KiKST OLA** HAND PLBAfKM ON '' niching- Onlv experienced bands ueed apply to ASHER A RKDMCH. 84 Walker .t. SlTlATIOJfS H ARTEU-.UAIiKi). \OIVU, E.VUINKRR KAMU.IAR WITH KUI.KOAD ouii'truciliin aud the opening or towaplols. Is ojien fijr ?n enrnpenient. Adilran W s. stioTT, C. E.. car* of W. B. Scutt k Co.. S4, Now York. A 00#. INDMtSTANDK Al.SO 1'ASTh.Y AND IBB ct Amu, cood certificate*. wUhes a position In h fuiuHy or hotel. Addra?? KLIE BUlBT. Weil UnuittNi it. A"* TOHNO MA^ AS HARTKNDKR. UENERAI. OR" eerv; vhoromrtily understand* them in lU *^'r branches: lately lsuda'1: done btwinrM in this cmnMT ]??? fore. Tall on or address for two aays, T. K. T., 77J n St., Hrooklyn. A RKSI'KCTABLK <.'OI O IED XA.N WJSIIKtt A SIT J\ nation as waiter la a private lamllv or re taorent or hotel; nnderttands bis business thoroughly : bo ot?>??l'u? to takiug rare of burse* ; six years' ?o-<d c>ty refera'tof" ,r"m l?K rmwyir. fall on or addresa WAITER, 2t0 Sotb at., between 7th and frth ??s. COUi nR O M A S W ASTft A_8rrOA*ION' AS waiter : private or board!Die house : referfB*? Aildrtu C. H.. No. 7i> Kinjc *t. SITl' VtH >N MV a VODNC MA#. If. TO WORK nround a doctor's houso and .Hliee. or to ??" to an invalid. Addres. W. B S . 202 liudsou ar , Brook I mi. AOOOU. SOBER MAN V:0l?K WtHllBS A f*ITt*A tl' ii; understands raising, hotel or roataurant. Ad dress OOOK, 4W Canal ?t. YOCNO OOLO&itO' MAN WANTS a SITUATION a* waiter: citv or country; good reference. No. 2511 VTe*t 47th ??.. top floor. lor two days. __ / totURKD "man* as waiter lN~X i'iti vate kaH V/ llr Apply at present employer's. 9^' East 50th ?l. j U'ANTRD-a'HITfATION. by~a youno Man. not ? ? alratd of hard work : l? a trood writer and bookkeeper; car. ma-k and make himself reneralwjtaetul: excellent r?f erence siren. Call on or address P. *?. HOMAN, BS East 4th ?t.. New York. ? VAlIr, AND 11 \HVAHb7~ ~ ~ 1 Til I' OOM.KOB R A< K TO-DAY. SI'KBIAIj DESPATCH**. WKM THE 1IKSCLT, IN TIIK EVKN1NO TBbBOlUA* TODAY. ? CLERKS ANOSAl.JBS.lIEN. Yol'NO MAN, i on MANY YEARS COfJNE'iTED witli a ilrrs. iroods Importlnr hon?e. want? n "oalllon an salesman; references A1 Addreas K., box 2,420 I*oit ofllce. wifo (iHUAUR DRO'J HursK WANTS a city traveller; mn?t come wall recommet?d?d andeoromand n rood trifle. A<ldro?? BOI'AX. Herald offlci. a kFrsf"olTass^Sh awi/salksm aN. wfrh "ten yirart' reference Irom one hoi,** in thi? cUjr, )? deairoim of obfairlnc a ;:ituaiien. Addrtw ALPHA, H. raid Uptown Branch office. AN BXHBRlBlfORD S U.K8MAN W A NTEtl-TN~ A Cih a-r. retail m?n'? fnrnl.liinr irnv>d< mote. Addre?s. with reference*. SHIRTS, ho* IHH Herald ofUce. Ti*XPERIKNOEl?' S.WiEi?MKN WANTED I.MMB I Ti diatoly pcrci*?*ut pn?itinn and trood par t i the rich*, partle-. Pi>Ot,E A CO., 8XV Broadway. ! QtTtTAT!t)N ''WANTRD-IN A_RHTAT7. BOOT a'jTd i O ?ho^ i?ori>, hy a competent ?ale?man of long eiperiooce. j Addroim SHOES, h"* I8S Herald wflloe. TtTANTRB?BY A CQMPRTENT~MAN, A r"(?iTTFoN Vf ai b?rer of notion? and trlmmlnB? for an out-of-town home. Andrew H., box SO<1 Herald ofllaf. tttantk.i'-aIiTi.ksman\v(:qdaVstmTwith the VV L-ro<ory trade In New York city and ylelnlty. Addrnu, atatinir r/feronca and lalarr expected, box 130 Post office, Lanalnbiir/. N. Y. ?ufAN tK D-T RAV KW'.INlI SAX.K&MKN TO RKI.1. \\ ?perl*lty ii*?d I'V fancy sooda and notion trade. Ad dress OKIENT. Herald oflire. ANTBD-100 RaLKBMIBN: SaM^RY flt TO *20 PER .lay onicc till Broadway, room 4. "jeOACHMES ASiD G A COACHMAN'S .SITUATION WANTED-BY A >V yoimc nian: nnderatanHs cardenlnir: nan milk: will m?ke lilm>elf iisntnl: he?t references. Addroas OfMUIl MAN. box St'.'I lferalil ofllce.'orciH V:oaclimanih ^irlrATiWwantki> bv a <inffle roune nv?n: e|ty or country; roiupotent totakefnil charco ot' a centleiuan'v country *e*t: seven yrart' flrsl claw raference. Addresa LONQ, box 1S& Herald ofllce. A ""'MAN and" WIPE." WITir NO~ PAMlf-YrWISH to ci>; plaoes: man as coachman and (troom : wife aa rook, washer and lrnner: cood refervneea. Addresa O. L., Hensld I'ptown Branch oflico. f)ACHMAN~ANr> UROOM-UY a sinolk youno \J man: understands care and treatment of horses, car riages: Hccii?tnined city jlrlver: will make hiijianlf iisqful; five years' reference. Addreas P., box S'lfl Herald olBce. (1 OA tTlBl A N. (J ARDENER AND MaE S XYfUE!>P J useful on h Knitleinao'a place ; tenns nio leratc; refer ence. Address Im>x HH Herald oflicc. pOACHMAN'S SITI ATION WANTKD-HY A>IN(VUE * ' man: understands irardeninz: can milk; willine to make liiisvaelt" HH-?ful; three years' reference. Addreee H.. Loa 173 llcrsld office. /IOAGHMAN AND GROOM?BY A HESPEOpfARLE, \J honeat. sober mnn: understands his business; good city reference. Adrlress .IAMES. 134 West 4?>tli *t.| ~ HELP WAVTEIX-MAliES. ~~ E.vrs WASTED?TO CANYASS KOK THE -WAttH AV iiiKton Memento Modal;" salary apd oooin\luion p^id d applv. J DEI.AN, 3"i7 Grand st. Only porties of i:ood address need anp iv. " T. X" _ AT THE WUAIAMEN's HEADQUARTKRS. 109 x\. S ?nth at., wanted, for abort vo.vaues, coopers, cooper'a mates, boatsteerrrs. ordinary ^eutuen, coQks, stewards. Apply to .1. MoK1>ON. I A OK NTS?THE W ATllH PROTECTOR DEFEATS A pickpockets completely. J. T. It ILLY EH, 306 Broad ?*y. ADVKRTIBIRC AUENT. WITH GOOD CONNECTiiAN, wants en nt; newspaper preferred. Addreas A. Herald olUce. 5?swf~WANTKJD JW TOWN AND COUNTRY TO . xell our pur# teas; 1'itintllea, huwli and large unn?um ere: best terms and largest a'.nt'k In the country. Apply to TIHS WELLS TEA COMPANY, 901 Fmton at,. between Chnrcli mid Ureenwieli ???.. New York. A'"*" KEWFIRBT ( LASS CANVASSKKS WAX FK0"I75b Newark, .terser City and Ilohoken: salary or commis sion paid. Office -<Ai Mnrkit-at.. room 1. Newark, V. J. C^OOK WANTKIt?IIE Ml?ST UNDERSTANDI) MEATS J end pastry. Apply at CliestcrOeld llnuan. M08 Otli av. Know i,euoe w" foweh.--we mare most money setlliu? teas for Canton Tea Company, 14* Chambers at." WARTED-CAN VASSKtuT"FOB A 'LITERARY PIB vT llcation; term? liberal. Address box 4,057 Foil offic i. Mm York. ijTANTED?M1ENT8~~ru CANVAHtTpOR-THE AtT TT thetitlc and complete "Life of Governor Hayee," our next President, bv Colonel K. H. Cnnwell, now la' ilie op portunity; tbe people are ready for It. Addreae H. B. ItUS SKLL. Publisher, Bps ton, Mesa. ?fir ANT ED-A"VorNti man'tocook and"6pen ?t T oysters aud elans. Apply between 9 and It) o'elock at 9&w :w ??. "117"ANTED?f OK Till! COUNTRY, A PROTESTANT TT young man who hae been accustomed to the oare of cattle, a good milker, end a rood and willing worker gen erally. Address LOUIS Ht-'BSCH. bos 3,806 Po?t office. \jl7ANTED-SIX EXPERIENCED COLORED WAITERS T T for the M and 4th of J nip. Apply at nnrn at IIKDRN ? BFBfl'S, Tee Cream Garden, ft,872 Broad at.. -Newark, N. 3 WANTED-A YOCNI; MAN TO OPEN CLAM8, WAIT on In nch counter and make himself useful; alae one to assist/it tbe bur. Apply at PARKER'S. Broadway sod Mtli St.,'from 10?o Mn'clook "Mf AKTBD-JP?P? FIRST fM<AB8"WAltFRs7JWHO CAN TT open oyslea, at Manhattan Honae, botb at. and Htb 0f. "ifr ANTED? A MAN-'AND HIS ~ WIFE To TARE TT eharge of a farm of aboat 400 aeree, with 14 to IS cowa; they must both understand sallklntt: tbe man under stand fanning in all Its branches aud be willing to srurk; no others neeil apply; a mau from to 40 veara of age. Apply to BATES, sau <fcb ?r . trom ? A. M. to 2 P. M. _ _ jijift THAURR, X^vofwo wiiS'Koh'n tU'WraiXiflHI J\ a wanatrer of wood pulp factories in Norway, wiahea a situation aa manacer, forent sn w eugiaoet; can preaent tbe very beat oertlfleatea for ability and <? od behavior. Ad drops Mr /ESFERSE*. room 4. No. 19 Sooth William et.. or box i4"> Post ofiee. SITUATION WANTED -BY A FlRST CLASS O butcher, In town or country. Address J. K. H., Herald office. ! \LT~ANTE D?A PR aT-TI( AiT C It em i*t.~~orao oat* TT of the School of Mice*. Columbia College: a young man preferred. Addreas boi J60 Buffalo (N. Y.) Post oflioe. ?ranted" a youhg man" with okktTficam te run a Baxter engine and make himself useful on cylinder aud Gordou presaet. Apply at O'JIKIEN'S. S9T i 4lh ar. Ttrantkd?a relIablb ma*. rub ohm drops. TT licorlee an<l A. B work i steady Job. if ea*l?factury. Addreae CONRRCTIONER, Herald oliet, tor one week. ij F1R8T Ci ASS BirrOHBR* WANT SITI ATIONS"; it city r country. Addreae !<?? Weat at.. New York. " RijRjtlTt'&K.""1" I'A1 ill. A^#B?kLr^D~Ml?vrHLf'p1f?1i?N?W^ fx.. fi r Furnitare, Carpets and Bedding at B. M. COW PERTH WAIT A CtJ. 'R. IUuJ 157 Chatham at. Aa im ui 3use Stock at low pricee. Tuition rTmims."?? kast urra>r ?fitknTti'Icb! 1\. Carpeta, Mirrors, Pianne, Bedroom Scte. Parlor Saiae, ; Armolres, llcsks, Ac., at prlraii' sale at an tion prices. $JO i BiLI.~WIXir~m:Y~A~MAtlNiriCENT CKliif son catelkia Parlor Salt, is test style: also BedrnoM NalU, Pianoforte. Dreaaing Cases. Bareaua, Washataad, Carpeta. .VK-. per yard. Call at rcildenco il East 90th at., near Braadway. Lt7~THE ifANlMOME U(7tK?U(>LU KURNlfURB at tbe private residence l"5 Kaat l ">th ft., aecond door from 4th av.. a aacriflce. fur sale.? Brocade Parlor Suit, coat C475. for f 1VI; oneadn.. $?C.; resesrood Pianofnrle. rep and baireii'iti Saita. 1)5 up: Chamber Hum. with Urasamg Caaaa. $4.r> np; Mattresses. I'aintlnfta. Curtains, Rstrnelnp Tables. SldeboarU. "MO lota Otana, CWir.a, Stiver Ware; 19 Carpeta. Ac. t.ail immedlauly. (Tenternial furnitor*. oarpjitr. miarom. J >pring and Parlor Beds, Ac., at centennial [VIres and on centrnnlal terms p1 payment, at OSORGB A. CLAKRE'S. 747 Broadway. yiAYOR'S ACCTI0N HorsE, l? East I4TII ST?ALL F klnda Furniture, rlrti and o<imii >n . private sale; auc tion prices; owner wanta monoy. Inreitigate. G_ OOL? 8KCON O MA.VI) A > DM IF1T CARP FT1' OIL clotlis, Ac., very cheap, at the old place. II - Milton at. Send for prtee list. M. i. BENDALL. ZERO RCFRMKXATOR1, ICS* CHESTS, FOLARI* Coolers, Newport and Saratoga ? oolcra. Refrigerators repaired. LKSLt.Y. Weet Ad at. if:H\II (ilfi 1 worth or ifckvitiTrf. aRD Car. ipIUU.UUU pets at greatly re .need prices: aow la the time to buy I'bamher suits from 914; Parlor Malta. (3D; walnut Bedsteads. #>., walnut Barcus. 9S; Ejitansioa Tablee-W: Hrusaela Careet $1. CoWt'KKTII WaIT B. I and Ift7 Chatham et.: three bulldtars, thirteen warerooms U ATt^HES. /EWELllY. *6V. A"T 77 BLEKClf^;R"sf.TNlirAK^R()\nWAV.-llONEY JV advanced on Dlaaienda, Watehea, Jewelry, Ac.; alae Pawnbrokers' Tickets b>egbt of Diamonds, Watches, Ac. 77 Bleeeker at. American officb? ea. Jewelry, Silverware. Valuables. Ac., bought, a.ild sni excbanired. Loaas effected. EeMbtishod IBM J. 11 Bn.RRINGKR._Dealer 73.% Broadvajr ?B?AOW Ay7 CORNER *TU pT.-DIaMonDR, Watches ..ewelry. Sllka, I.aoesand Fers?aal Properly of every uesenptiea bourkl and anld. Loan* negotiated James p. Matthews AAKliLE H= CTEWarVj slate, marble and O new aavelegant designs, 'nm fin up: the trede liber ally dealt rlt^ x?) aad Xu Weet KSd et. Kl'RUPEUI STEAMSHIPS. ?fTAMHLIUi AMERICAN PACKET t'OMPA.V V-fClNS n for PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG Mid II AM SI'RG. WlRLAND Join H I CIMBi.IA JuiyJO JNtlSlA... July 13 I GKLLEKT Jui.v 37 Rates of juiu|i (O Plymouth. London, Cherbourg. Ham Mr g ami all point* in Euflaud. Scotland and W alee Cabin. first saloon. gold ......$100 Cabin. second saloon. gold, ?' ai#or???, curroocv HO KlNHARDT A CO., C. B. KICII ARD * BOAS. U?it?ra! A(?nu. Uwwtl Pasaepgvr Agent*. 61 Broad at.. New York. HI Broadway. New \ ork. C1UNARD LIME.?U. AM) N. A. R. M. & B. CO. J . _ NOTICE. With a view to fUmlnialtinif the chances of collision. the ?ti-amrrs ol tbii line take a (pacific course for (Ui mmu ol tlx year. On tbeoatwasd passage from Ouaonstovn to Sew York or Boatua* Croatia* the me Idlau ot'Ju *t 43 latitude or nothing to live north of 4-'!. On the homeward passage. crossing the merlduau of So at 42 latitude. or nothiiiie to the north of 43. prom new York pok Liverpool and querns Tt'WN. ABYSSINIA... Wad.. July 11 ->i YXIUA Wed., July Itt ?jiUS.SiA Wed..July1-I ALGEKtA. . Wad.. .July .6 Steamer* marked * do not carry >teerag? passengers. Cjtbin i'*?s^e, #ti'. Slot and S1J". cold, according to ac commodation. Return tickeu on lavoraole terms Steerage ticket. to and irvm all partaol Europe at eery low rates. Kratsht and passage olUce No. -t How I Inn Green. CiURUeS u KRam:K L YN. Air-ut. OTATE LINK." 0 Ni-.W YORK TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL,, DUBLIN, BULKAST ANU LONDONDERRY. (rum pier 42 North River (foot ofCaual at.) a* follows STATh OK PENN>Yi.VANIA Thursday. July 13 STATE OK VIKGlNl/t Thursday. July 27 .STATE OK NEVADA Thursday, August 8 aud every alternate Thursday thereafter. Kirat cabin. >?5 toSHO, acoordlnc to ncciunmodutioii*: return tioketa. ?125. Second cabin. 4S0. return ticket-. *'.n>. Steerage at lu?e>t rate*. Apply to AUSTIN BALDWIN A ''O., Agcnt?, No. 72 Broadway, Naw York. . ST.liRAGE TICKETS AT V, BROADWAY AND AT (9 *E COMPANY'S PIER, POUT OK CANAL ST., NORTH %*?ER. 1 | KM AN LIN.KMAIL Sf tAMEKS, 1 KOK UUKKNOTOWN and LIVERPOOL. CITY OK BERLIN Batur ay. .Iiily I, at 1 P. M. CITY OK CHESTER Maturity. July IX at II UK? A. M. CITY OP richmond Saturday, July as. at d P. X. CI I Y OP HEREIN Jtaturday. August 6, at J P. M. CITY OK CHESTER Saturday, August ly,at3 P. M. Krotn pier 4.">. North River. Cabip, fbO and (ion, gold. Return tickets on favorable terms. Steerage. f2.->, currency. Dralta at lowest rates. Saloons, staterooms. smoking and bath room, niaidt'd s. JOHN G. DALK. A-rem. li? and 33 Broadway, Naw Yor? TTNUED STATES MAIL LIVE^Sa^AM Tog^UhNsT U TOWN AND LIVRRfOOL. sailing every TUESDAY, from pier t?!. North River. WYOMING.. Jnlv 4. 4 M IKKVADA . .Jui* 25, B A. M. IDAHO Inly 18, a F. M. I WlSOtUtSIN. Aug. 1.3P.JL Cabin. H>tlo and ?<*?. curiency. Interioeiliate, $41); ateorage, $ t< PaasenfOrs hooked to an 1 liom Paris. Hauiburg, Norway, Sweden, Ac Drafuon Ireland. Knglau'i, !? ranoe and Uer rnau.v at lowest rate* WILLIAMS A iH'ION. 2? Broadway. SPECIAL NOTICE.-THE SPLENDID MAIL STBAM ship Wyoming sails from pier 4' North River, foot of Kliiit st., f.>r l^uconatown and Liverpool, no Tnaaoay. July 4. At 4 o'cluck A. M.: (sastenco t toeiuhark Monday evening. Per pasaage apply to A'll.LlAMS A LlHON. 2U UroMlway. MbSr"DlilKtjT AND hCfXNOMlC tRO17I K ~TO HOL LAND. RKLOIUM. THE RHINE, SWITZERLANO. AC.. AO.. VIA MOVTEUDAM. Steamer SCUoTKN ..July ii | Steamer MAAS July 20 I lie so beaut ilul staainera. cwrylug the United State* mail to (he Netherlands, are great favorites with the pnbllc. Trips regular, rates low.comlort and living perfect. Kor treiirlit. Por paasage. PUNCH.-?DYE A CO. L. W. MORRIS, 60 Broadway. ~jrATIONAL I.INK -PROM" PlTRrt 44 AND 47"n. R. KOR LONDON DIRECT. AHl>Lt*ANl>. Saturdaff. July 1. .12 M. tXJti QUEEN'.-.I'OWN AND LIVERPOOL, ITALY . ..July 1. 1JP.M. I SPAlN .July I.\ It :30 A.M. ' THE yUKJ(N..JulrS, 3 P.M. | ENULAND.. July 22. S I' M Cubin pansuico. $iD and $S0, curreucv. Return tickets at reduced rates. Steerage pastage, $^. currency Dralta Usued from XI upward at curroat price*. Apply at the aoinpaqy's office, 60 Broad ? ay. K. W. J. UL RST. Manager. TiriLSON'sTlNE PUR SOI THAAIPTi>N AND HULL, Vt sailing from pier A3 North Rlver,4b* follows:? HINDOO July 1 | OTHELLO luly 2t? COLOMBO July 151 NA'ARINO August 12 Pjrst cabin. <TU. currency : secoud cabin, $4.'i, currency. Excursion tickets on vary favorable terms. Through tickets issued to Continental uud Bailie ports. Apply for full par ticular* to ohakles l. wrioht a go., wt soutirst. tTreat western steamsiiTP' line ? r TO BRISTOL iENiILa.VI)) DIRECT. sallimr from pier 18 East River as follows : ? CORNWALL. Stampor Tuesday, July 11 SOMERSET. WesUt'ti Tuesday, Julv :'."i Cabin passage, $7.~>; intermediate, f4">; steeraife, currency; excursion ilckets,fl2<>: prepaid steeruge cnrtill oates, IW1'. Apply to W D 'MORGAN, Agent. 70 Sonth >t A~ N CHOR LINE UN if E i) sTaTES~MaIL 6TEAMEUS. A NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. E I HIOPIA... .il uly I. Noon I BOLIVIA J uly 15, 11 A M victoria.. July 8, 3 P. M. I ALSATIA . .July 22, a P. M" NEW YORK AND LONDON. ANGLIA fitly S, S P. M. I AUSTRALIA Aug. fi.fl A. M UTOPIA....July 22. 2 P. M. ELYsI A... Aug. 19, 8 P. M. NEW YORK TO GLASGOiV, UVERPOOL, LONDON OR londonderry. Cabins, $tV> to 8H0 currency, according to accommodations. Excursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage, 5-8. euriency; Intermediate. W>, currency. Drafts issued for any umount at current rates. HENDERSON BROTH i.RS. Agents, jto. 7 Bowline Green ONLY DIRECT"LINE*TO PRANCE. THE GKNRRAL TKANSATLANTIO COMPANY'S Mail steamers reiwe^n new york^and Havre, calling at pltmoutu cg. B.) for the latidln^: oi passenger*. The splendid vessels on tUU tnvorite route for the Conti nent (cabins provided with electric belli.) will sail trom pier 43 North River, fool, of Barrow St., <u follows LABRADOR. Sangiter July 1, at 1 .P. M. ?CANADA, Kranjroul Saturday, July 8, at 1 P. M. A.M.ERIOUE, I'outols Saturday. J uly !?"?. at 12 noon. ??8T. LAT RENT, Kachesne* July 22, at A. M. PRICK OP PASSAGE IN' (>OLD (including wine, Kir?t cabin. SI 10 to $130, according to acootnmodation. Second. $72; Third cabin, $40. Return ticket* at seduoad rates. S tee rare. 936, with superior accommodations. Including wine, bvaditiK and utensilr, without extra charge. Steamers marked thus * do not carry steerage naasengors. LOCIS DE BEB1AN, Agent. & Broadway. N WMITB star link. ff FOR OUEBNSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CARRYING THE UNITED states mail. The ateatner* of till* line take the Latio Routes recom mauled by Lient. Maury, U. K. N.. going eimtli of lh? Banks nn the passage 10 Queenstoirn *11 the veer round. GERMANIC Jul* H, si 4 F. M. CELTIC luly l '?. at 11 A. H. BRITANNIC July 2?, at 11 A. M. (SERM AN1C August 12. at 10 A. M. CELTIC August IB. at 3 V. M. Eroin White Star Doejia. pier W. Nuctli Hlv r. Rates?Saloon. $90 ami fitOO. to gold; return ticket* on reasonable terms. Meer^ge. S2S. Saloon stateroom*. smoking and bath room i are placed amidships. whore the noise and motion are least, affording a degree ofaosnfort hitherto unattainable at aea. For inspection ofpUn* and other Information apply at the company'* office. 37 Broadway, New Vork. R J. CORTIS. A?*Dt. N ORTH UKKMaN Li.l>YD 8TEAMSII IP LINK BETWEEN NBW YORK, SOUTH A HPTON AND MR KM KN. Company's pier foot of at., Uobokan. DONAU Saturday, July 1 | ODER SaV'rday, July 15 KM KIN ? Saturday, July H| MAIN Saturday, July 23 Kates of passage Irmu New York to Southampton. Ilaere or Bremen Kirst Cabin. $100, gold; Second ??bin, 9B0. gold; Steer age. >'0, ourroncj. Return ticket* at reduced ratea. Prepaid steerage Certiflcatrs. &JJ earrencjr. For freight or passage apply to "TCLRllHli I CO OF.LKfCtI*> 4 CO . No. 1 Bowling Green. Ne COA8TW ISK STKAMSHUrs. T)ANAMA TRANSIT AND PACiriO HAIL X STEAMSHIP LINES. For CALIFORNIA, JAPAN, CHINA. AUSTRALIA. NBlT ZEALAND. BRITISH COLCMHIA, OREOON, Ac. Sailing from pier 4il North Hirer. For 8aN KKaSCISCO via l-TUHL'S OF PANAMA, Steamship COLON' Saturday. July IS Steamship ACAFULCO ..Saturday, J my 29 connecting for Central America and South I'acflc aorta. From SAN KRAK<'IS<v, to JaPAN and CHINA. Steatobip CI IV OF PKKIN Saturday. Uuly t. For freiglil or passage ?t>pl? to WM. P. CLYDE A CO ur H. J. BULLA Y. Superintendent, No. B Howling <ir*en. ?ierd2 .Sotth utrer. foot Canal at. IT?OB NASSAU. N. RBOULAB MAILBTRAHSHIP J LEO leases New York July I. MURRAY. KB KRIS * CO.. 62 South it. "LK>* NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. r THE CROMWELL, LINK. Tn<' steamship KN"TCEJt RBOCK.ER. Captaio Xsmkle, an SATURDAY, July I. at 3 o'clock F. H.. from pl?-r No. ? North River. Through bills ol lading giren te Mobile and all principal points on the MI?<i<*Jppi Hirer. Cabin passage, t&>- Steerage. t"Jft Appiy to _ CLARK A SEAMAN, 86 W*st ?t__ Y.. HAVANA AND MEXICAN HAIL S.N LINE Ste.iioelf lease piar No 3 North Hirer at 3 P. M. KOR HAVANA DIRECT. CITY OK MEXICO Thursday. July ft . CITY OK VERA CUUE Saturday. Jaiy ? FOR VERA CRUZ AND NEW orleans, wta Havana. Progreso, Cam peachy, TuspSn and Tamplco. CITY OF MEXICO Thursday, July S t or freight and pasaaiie apply to F ALEXANDRE A SONS. 81 and 3S Broadway. Steamers will leave New Orleans July # and July jo Cut Vara Crui and all the above port*. New 'ioRK and Havana direct maii.i4ne.? Tl>ei>? first claea at**!r?l>lps will sail at 3 P. M from pier 13 North Ulr?c, foot at Cedar at., ft* Havana direct, aa follows ? WILHINO I ON Tuesday, July 11 COL0HBi:s Th i'sdar, July 20 For freight and passage, having unsurpassed accommoda tions. apply to WM. F CLVDB A CO . No. ? !! ?? l ne Creen. HcEBLLEit, Li'i^N'. A CO., Agents in Harana. Stkahek Kon Valparaiso. lunching at M?ntn> ide? for malis and passengors. The Al. new steamship (*ITY OKSANTIAOO, Drake mas tar. will Ifave Ko*tou July 10. For paasave or a limited ?t of freight I? ? r Valparaiso apply to R KMENWaY A i KOWNE. No. ,i7 U?is' wharf, till Jaly a_ ERMUDA. Ml TIIUMAS. WEST IXDIRS.?TIIB . Royal Mail at?iinubi|> CANIMA. intended to sail from New York Jaly S. ciiiiurctink" at Iternmda with the Royal Mail staamer for St. Tbetnae and We*t Inaiea. forming the I moat direct and cheapest rout* m the w eat Indira. For pas sage apply to QCr.BKC AND OULK PORTS nTEAMSHIP CoHFANY. Broadway. rpEXAS LIRE FOK UALVEsTON TOUCHING AT KBY L West, currying the I. nited States mail. The ateamar CITY Or SAN ANTONIO. Captain PatiningVm. will silt a* S**nrday, Jaly 1. at 3 F. H.. from pl*r V* East Rlrer. Throagh bills of lading gioan to aH points on the lloaston a?d Texa*. Central International and tireat Northern, Oal rastoa, Honeton and lle?dcr*oq, and the Ualveetor.. Ilarria bnrg and San Antonio Rallroatfa. Freights aud ln?ur >n> a at lowest rates Fur freight or psssage, baring superior acrommooailutis, apply t* C. H. HALLORY A CO.. 153 Maiden lane. MOHOASm NEW wrk. nbw obleans and Tdxas steaiushlpt.?Ttie IIRASHRAR will ?all from pier 36 North Rlrer on Saturday. Jaly 1, at 3 F M.. for New Orleans direct, traaafarrtag Texas freight there tu Morgan's MO' BRO w Louisiana and l exas Railroad for Morgan City, thence n< Morgan s steamers to Texas posts. Through hills ol .adir signed to nil pwluts on the HIseltrMl Rleer, Mobile, <ial restou. Indiaoels. Curpas Christ'. Rockport. Hrasaa San tiago, rtrewnsr.l ?? and to all points on the Oalee?ton. liar risbnrg and Sen Antnnlc. Hnnatna and Texas Central. In ternational and Oraat Northern Texas I'adHc and Trans C??tinent*l Railroad*. Freights lor St. Harys ?n?l Fallon landed at Keckpart. Lighterage and channel dees at Corpus Cbristl and Drasoa Santiago at sb* expenae sad risk ot cunsignoe. InsuraM* eaa t>e effected under open peilcr ef 0. A. WUituey A Co : to Naw Orlaane. \ per cent, te Texas porta. per tont. ['or freight or farther Inlerniation apply te CHA1U.ES A. WHITNEY A CO., Agents, e&te. pier Sd North Rlrer. point* Northeast and Wost, leave dolly, except Satur . at ?1 P. St., front pier 40 North River. I FKN.N8YA.YANIA RAILKOAD tilth AT TltlWK IJSli AND UN IT hi) STATES MAIL ROUTE. Train* Leavo New York, Tin Desbrosses and Courtlendt Ktntti Kerrle*. in liillows Express tor Uarri?biirg. Pittsburg, the Wmi anil South, with Pullman Palace Cart attache'!, t?:30 A. SI., b and 8:30,1*. M. Sunday. i> and 8 ;J0 P. M. Fur Willlaiusport, Luck Haven, Horry and Erie at 9:30 A, SI. and 8:30 P. M.. conncotiugat Corry for Titusrllle, Pe troleum Centre and the Oil (legion*. For Baltimore, Washington and tut South, "Limited Wa*h Ington Expreas" nl Pullman I'artor Cam dailv. except Sutidav. 0I A. M.; arrive Washington 4 :li? P. M. Regu lar at 8:B> A SI.. H and I' P. M. f>un!ity !? P. M. Express for Philadelphia. 7. 7:??, 8 -Hi. ? m A, SI.. 13 :??. M, 4. 4:10. 5, 6, 7, * :M) OP. M. and I- night. Sunday H. 7. 8 UK) and 0 P. M. Emigrant and second clow, 7 Fu'r Centennial Depot at 6 :30. 6:30. 7:30, 8AM.. and 3 P.M. Katurulu*, leave Centennial Depot at 1, 4i46, 5 -..'Hi. 0 and 7 <10 P. M. , For trains to Newark. EH*abeth. Kahway. Princeton, Tren ton. Perth Amboy. Flomiugtsju, Bolvidere aud ?tlier point*, see local Mhedalo* at all ticket ofllre*. Trains arrive:?From Pittabu'g. HsiO and 10:30 A. M. and 10:J0 P. M. dally ; 10-JO A M. and ? HO J'. M. daily, ex cept Mondar. From Washington and Baltimore. ti-.lfiA. St.. 4. S> .10 and 10.20 P. M.; Sttuday A. M. I'rom I hiladelphla SMS. BdO.eaO. H>:10, 11 M. 11:40 A. M? 2:tt>, 4, 5:10,0:10.0 AO, 8:40 and 10:*) P. M.: Sunday, 6 KVi.Ham, li jSO. 11 :5(l A. SI., t) :S0 mid 10HO P. M. Ticket Offices .'ilM and 944 Broadway. No. I Alitor lIon?e. and foot of Deabrusse* and Courtlaivat rta; No. 4 Court at., Brooklyn: Mo* 114. 1AU aud Its Hudson at., Ilobokeu; depot. Jeney City. Emigrant Ticket Office, No. 8 Battery PhlCFBANK THOMSON, D. M. BOYO, Jr.. Ueueral Manager. General Passenger Agent. COASTW 1BJC ITEASUHIM. ! IIALIFAX. N. n., and si. JOHNS ,v V. ~ I CROMWEI.L STKAMSHIP LINE. ^Staaaiera leave pier 10 Notlh River iolloving day*, at 3 liKOK(>E WASH I NOT UN Friday. Juue ?> OEOKG h CRi >M W ELL I ueaday. July II Mo.t direct, quickest and eheapest route to .V va Stotla, Newfoundland aim the Lower m. Lawrence Excellent pas seugei a?cotuuiuiU(ion<. For iraigbt or passage appi> to , 1.1. AUK A SE A M AN. 8ri West *t. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP ClMPANi. """ """"' tailing irotu pw>r 37 North River Kor Norlolk. City Puiiu and Klchuivud. Tueidays. rltar*. data and Saturday at 3 P. SI., connecting with tii- Virginia and lanneaeee Air t ine, Atlantic ( n*?i Line. Piedmont Air Line. Chesapeake nnd Obio mid with the com nany'?-eteam line* to Interior points in North i aroliua and Virginia. Newborn and Wasnmgtou, N. r. tvia Norlolk). every Tuesday. Thutsdny and Sat' Lewea. Uel.. Monday. W dnasilay and Friday at a P. St., eonuvctiug with Maryland aud Delaware rallroada. Passenger accommodation* uuaurpa-aed. Through paaaaite t okcit aud bills ,?f lading to all points at lowest rales, insurance to Norfolk. Ac.. \t p>'r cenL r racoivml ilnily at nler 91 Nortu Bi>er O. uoral adioee. IW Uraeuwlch st. N. L Moi llh.VL?\.I'refcideut. raAVKu.EKv (iiiDfc.J ~ A^-t'ATSKll.L 1'iihhK DAILV LINE.-STEAJIEK . NEW Bit AMI'ION Stoudays. Wcdiie>dajra nou Frl ilaya: sleauiar WALThK HKKTI' Tuasdaju, 1 Uuradaya nnd haiuidays. at 6 I'. M.. tr.iui pier 42. lout of C?nal si . cuu nectiug ui Catskill with Western standv Fare. .'iOc. "I LBANV? PEOPLK'S""line.?STBAjmoATS LEAVE Jx pier 41 .North Kiver d.tlly, t?undl>r excepted, at 6 P. M . lor Albany and a" I" !"'? North and We?t; crcat redoclions iu I are Excursion llekett to Allany. Harato^a, Montreal and rat urn. Meals on European plan. "X LBANV ND TROY BY DAY BOATS O VUlltAlU) A and DANIEL OREW.? Leave Vestry at. pier*t8;lo and Wth st, at S :30 A. St, landing at Nyaek and I arry town ,?by lerryUoati. Weat Point. New urg. Pouxli!>eep*ir, Khinnbeci. CataXill and Hudson. Close conucct.ou at Albany with new train at 6:-W P. M fqr Vlie Weat. over New York I'cntral and commencing June '.*(> by apecial train to .SARATOGA and ROUND LAKE. To West Point and Newburg and return a >me da v. ft, Pnnghkeepsle. $1 5ti ~iU0iU,ANi?S OF"THE' HCdSoITBY DAYLHilff! . The MAHY POWELL, lor West Point. Nawbnl*. Poughkeepsie, Kondont and Klnuaton. lundiuj. at Coxcens', Cornwall, Milton aud New Haaibnrg. nnd Marlboro by ferry, will leave pier .iH North River (Veatry at.) daily. Sunditya exccptud, ut J;:Ki P. M. Counectaat PoiiKhkcepste witii evepint; trains for the North. ?8 A R AT OfJ A?DIR h C T R t) I! T K, VIA CiriZEMS' ? line Elegant steamers iea?e pier 4U. North River, fool Leroy at., lUllv, excaot Saturdav, ?t li P SI Through fare only $11 '>0; excursion tkkeu, good for 110 days, f 4 30. Brooklyn';" hew-York and new b 1 rU~ by Stoainboat ARMENIA.?Laavo Fulton si., Brixiklyn. at 0; Vestry st.. New York, at '.?:J0. and J4tli st . at V: A. M? landing at Yonker*. lona Island, Coitens, Wo?t Point ami (Cornwall. Returning, arrive at Brooklyn, 7 P. M. Ilokeu for the round irip.fl QITIZENS* LINE STEAMBOATS FOR TROv'aND ALL day. ....... JjjAlLY LINE TO NORWALK.'-FAKE REDUCED. By the swift ateamer ARROWSStlTH, leaving Jewell'* wharf. Brooklyn, ut :M> P. .M.; pier 37 Kast Rlvor, V r45 P. v.. and foot of 33d st.. 3 P. .M.; returning. Uaves Nora .ilk at 7;.>0.V. ?.. <l?ily Sundays excepted) i conneutlug each way with the DabMuy and Norwalk and New Haveu railroad*. Fare. 33cenU; excursion tic-Nats, jo cents. xcl'.HSlON TICKETS" FOR PHILADELPHIA. NEW Line nnd Lung lirancli* at Ovariti s Expreat, 03 West d st . corner Broadway. "CULL IIIVF.R LINE TO BOSTON. J? via Newpoit and Fail River ?The world renowned steamboats BRISTOL and PROVlDhNlJIi leave pier -8 Nurth River, foot of Murray st . daily (Sundays Included), at 9 P. M. Through ticketa sold at all the principal hotel* in the elty. fpOR WtllTE.STONE. " LLOYD'S DOCK. "( OLD ' Spring. I<aureltou and Ov*tor Bay. Stemner Golden Gate uai'.y i?xuept hnurtay) from pier H. East Elver, toot Pike *t.. at 'J P. St.; 3:td St., East River, 2 UK). For bondout and Kingston" conn ctinu with the Ulster and Delaware Kailroad. landintr nt IHglituni Falls (Weat Point), Cornwall. Nswlmii:. Slarlboro, Slllton, Poit^hkseptic E*o|ius. steamboat* THOMAS CORN'hLL and JAMES W. BALDWIN, Irom pier loot of Spring St.. North River, daily, at 4 I*. M. OLD JMSTABLIAIIED lVnEFOR STIJ YVESAN'r7cATS kill and Intermediate lan lings ?Steamer ANDREW HAKDKR, Irom Frattkllu at. (ninr 35), Toeaday. Thur<da? and Saturday; steamer SIONIToE, Slcuday, Wednesday and Friday, at P. M. ' 0" NLY "dIRE<;T LINE FOR FLoiilDA.?'WEEKLY line fo" I'or.t Royal, S. C.; Fernuudimi. Fla. : Brunt wick. Gtt. Sailing every Thursday Irom pier "JO hast River. The iteaner ?CAiloNDElJ'. T. t.aptaln Faircioth. will *ull Thursday, J uly l3. at 3 P. Sf. Throuirh ticket* issued to all points Kor treiclu or passage apply to C. H. MALLORY A CO., 153 Maiden Inue. FmLADKLPHIA VIA-LONG BRANCH AND THE New Jersay Southern Kailroad. ?Fare lower than by any othor,route, commencing June 1!87<3. i/?>ave Now York Irom pier S North River, loot Rector st.. 0:4% A. M. for Lonu Branch aq?l Hne?ri?:hl. Ac; ,0:45 A. M.. for Philadel phia Long Branch, Toms River. Waretoan anil Vineland, 8:30 P.M. tor Philadelphia. Lone Branch.'aud Tucxerlon; 4 :40 P. M.. lor I?ot)jf Branch Toms River aud Waretowu, 5: >1) P. M. accommodation lor L<Hig Branch. Sunday* 0:30 A. M. for Long Branch, returning at 5 P. M. R 8!iKJ)E> Q M STONINOTON LINK FOR BOSTON. deduction at Fare Steamer* RHODE IaLA.NO and NAHRAOA.NSBTT, fram pl?r 33 NortU Klvtr, liml of Jny ?t, *t 6 t>, X. Providence Line from pier a7 North Itiver, foot uf Park place. Staamihlp* KLECTRA and GALATEA. at 4 :?> I'. M. GK(K*IOK?. "A ?bELIOHTFUL EXCURSION ' A.. tU-BAt AND EVERY IIAV THIS ffKRK. JAKKKTT A PALMER'S PALACE STEAMER PLYMOUTH HOCK. FOB HOCK AM'A V BEACH und the ATLANTIC OCEAN, ?RAND~*1**CAL FESTIVAL, M?drirnl Boy*. Monart tilce Cloli, Select Hiring OriHe-tra. Church Chiton, llomn Wealou. hanjoiat, Ac. AFTERNOON trips ONLY THIS WEEK. Leave foot nfXJd |L, N. R.. at I :!?' o'clock. Lost* pier No. 2, N. R.. >12 o'clock. KAKK, for the whole excursion FIFTY CENTH Mingle trip ticket* (to or from Hock aw ay) 30 conti NEXT SUNDAY, July 2. nad everv day thereafter, tba PLYMOUTH ROOK will make TWO TJUl'8, ? morning aud afternoon excursion. "I tInoeb ToTriiK A PM'MOI'TH ROCK will he rnn from the Now lor* But Uiver pier. Willlami burg aud Boooklvn E*>.RY NORNINO AND EVBNMWJ after July 4. connecting will) the PLYMOUTH ROCK at pier 2 North River, on lier ItOCKAWAY BKACtl and AT LaNTIC OCEAN trip outward anr". hutuvward Tin- will ba an accommodation to tlionian<l? ol raaidi'tn* of U iiliam* burg. Brooklyn and of the m>i alda who dr?ire a tail on "tha pride of New York harbor," Ike moat auperb plaaaara ateamer Id Oie world. ; *?* For part mo lan of time of landing, Ac., aee next ?Kk'i aanonucotuenta. | i TH OF JULY.-THE SUPERB BTEAME* PLYMOUTH j 'X ROCK will make her two raj:iW.?r nip* to Kockaway ' beach ana tli' AtUutic Ocean, and in tlie .veutiiu a i OI'.aND MOONLMIIT EXCURSION arnni.d New TOTk | Harbor, affording pataenger* an unrivalled rie^ ?I the won darfnl Conteaaiai illumination ol tin- ntetropnlia and ?ur rounding place* Full particalari In future advertisement*. I J^ -ROCKaWaY BEACH EXCURSIONS. TWENTY MINDTKS OnThe ATLANTIC OCEAtf. FOUH EXCURSIONS DAILY bt tba favorite and rnmmodlona exenreion ?teamart AMEK1CU8 and Nl.Vi KSIML MuaicaJ entertainment by tin- ceilbrat- J ORPHEUS OLEK CLUB. AMBK!CCS~~LEAVB?J 34th a*., X. R. j Kill, at., N. R. I Taaar at. I Fulton ?t.. B'n. A. M IV M. A. V. P. M. A. wTV M. A. M. P. M B -Jb aad 1 :K.1? 4'. aad I 35 \ :? wt 1 ?> | :? .*1 aad j vo NIIVKHSINK LEAVE* EAST HIVKR. ?th at.. F.. K ; S. l*t, Win?b a. ; Orand at.. N Y I Br.wltlrn, A. M r. M. A >1. P M I A M p. * A M. P M. H.-OU 12 -4.11 ft :l > aad 1 it. I ? SO and I .-m | H-m If) htffamera laava Rockaway at II A M.QandS II P. M. Pari*, J.? nua. Kseiuaioa ticketa. JO c mta. ?etum Ucketi gaud on I'itlier abova boata RoTlCK ?No delay from low tide, OMy l>?at? maklnf the apper landlan at Rockaway, Oa SINDaVH tin atramrra WflXlAM CfM)X aad ARItOWsMITH will make axcariiun to Rockaw^T in coanactlun with the above boa%a A -EXTRA ROCKAWAY EXCt'RSIONH. Tbe aaarmotli pleaanra ateamer WIU.1~am" COOE, with apaeiona dock* aad broad awnhirv will leave evory day. couimencuig Tu?aday, Jaae 27, from Wa?t 'J4th ot., at ia^>l; Wrat Hub at, at 10 4-V pior No. 0 Korih River at U and Hrookiyn at II 10 A. M. FroreeUlnc direct i) down the hatbor and oat on I bo ATI.ANTIC OCEAJI to the moat popular watering place in tbta country, a hare paeoaacrr* are allowed THIlfcK IIOI KS TO BNJOY THK COOL HKKKZKrl ON THE BEACH. Roturnin.-. I?a?-? Kockaway at 4 ?l I* M. No cruwii?ovary paaaengcr guaranteed a eomfortaUa, ?hady aeat. Far* tor III* wbulo exmrai.m'VI conta. CONTEIINO i:ELKBKaTKI> UD REGT HAND PHlLLIPs OLEE CLUB: FKOFRSftDR HOLT AC, TUB KBNOWNBO CORNET PLAYEH AND I'!ANIhT, will entertain paaaoatert on tba trip. Return ticketaara good on the AMKRICl'S and NEYER 81NK for thoaa who rteatre to atay on the bearh later. A ?FIRHINO BANKS EVERY DAY (XATURDATB /\ . exccpfA).?Ocean ateamer HE III LOW. laavlar Harriaon at.. North River, U:JU; Bth at.. Kaat Itiver, 7; alar 27 Eait Biver. 7 15t lOtti . North River. 7 Kh plar d North River. 8 A. M. Ticket*. ?! Al?. O. FOSTER, Maaager. A?CHOLERA BAN KM. SATURDAY NI0HT. -ULT ? 1. -Ocean ateamer HITII LOW, pilot Captain ham. tfreaawond, leaving Harriaon *t . V irMt Rn-er. I J M. . Iiitu ?I. North tlvvr, Il':H?: ?th at.. RaM River. I - ?'i. pl*r 27 Ea*t Rivar, I A. ticket* 13 fl?*m?rWILUIAM FLETCHER la plaoo of KatL Low to Fi.hini; lixiik*. !*aa day.Ju.y- AU O. 1 OSTr.R. Managar. A -A.-DAT|Ty~AND RCNDAf EXCURSIONS TO Ai Fartl<oa. Plaaaaat Vallay aad shadr .Mda.? Maantbaaaa t?a*a Uanalat. daily at A ts and 10 A. I. ; 2. Ills and T :lA F. M. Sandar at tt, 10 and II A. M.: 12 M. I. 2, .1. ?,? aad 7 P. M.; :andtnga*M(b aad 34th eta. idnlr aad flandaF) 10 Mnratal Mar. Bra>4 ma. fta.; cktlArc a half yrwa. Iii" i. Ion* Ismud and ^ ? ~ "A. M.; I2Utn ?t? 7 Jl! 7 Xtb; U. iii >t., Oreenpu H J.*>: Peek stilt, H H , mi Maahstlativillt). U-.tS. Krfrr fi lor i ?? r . ,n.| trio to an.rlM^pbove'Yonker*. Returning, loaves Xewburg at J I1. V 111?177d.?FOK COSEV ~iiLASD~ DAILY?137i? Ilia m->? steamer 1DLKWILD will run to Conor Island ?D and after Sunday. June 11. everyday. leaving'J id at., K. K.. 9 A. M? 12 M. ana t P. Si.; Mtli*t.. X. K. l? :lu. lilO anil a II' P. M.. Franklin ?., M. R.. 9 30, UjHOiid 3:Jd M.; pier 2 V K.. !?: ?'. 12 tnand 3:3 P. M. The PILOT HOY I'ain 33d nt.. N. K.. 10: *). 1 :3o and 4 ::?> P. M.: l'HU H . N K 10:40. I H and ?:?**> P. M.: Franklin St., X K.. H> ?. 1 :Vi and M : pi t 2 X. K.. II A. M.. X anil 5 P. V. ELIZA HAXCOX. June IS. Irmo EAST RIVER, will leavo 3 )d st . t? a. M , 1. ?:& i and 3::n>P. M.; v:?d st . ft:K>A. M . 12:40and9:40 P. M.: i?th ?t.. ?:?) A M., 1 - ?'1 aiul 3:50 P. M . 1 ulion ferry, Bro.iklrn, 0:116 A. M., 1 *?*ud4:0& P. M. J~~Z.?pl9 OH A RTE R,' ST E AM BOAT ~~F ORT LEE; . Will accommodate 40) pas-enters; price (SO to $100 par day. Apply in iba afternoon at 47 Fultiu st. A ?FOR t.Xi L'KslDNS -j?ALOON S TEAM EH ~W T 6" il. mmc- Barge? Republic, Chicago, Ualdwin, Caledonia inu Anna: Oriental. hxceUior, Barium Beach, Alderney Park, Col J Spring -nd tuna Island Groves Address or inquire at 384 West it., opposite CbrUtomber street furry. II. fi. CRnSSETT. Daily pa wily exit rsion to fishino"baxrb Cool breeies! good llsinii.:.?Tbr popular and knoirn steamer iWII.IGIll' I aves daily 'Saturdays e*pti-<11, Harrison #t . X. R.. 8 A- M : Grand ?t.. E. B-. S :f pier .7 E rt . - t'i loth st., X. R.. 8:44; pier 2 X. R.,1 o'clock.: returning bv 5 I'. M Kaiv nnd tubing tackle board; music ami relr -lini uts Kara for gentlemen, ! ladies, ;.u con:-. Tlii" nrsnicr i? handsomely fitted with staterooms and ?il accommodations of a Aral cl?s hotel, Daily" kxoui?imon" _to wuitkhtoxe. (ireat Nock, .'?atid's Point. (Jlen Core, Sea Cliff, Mutt's Dock and (Jleu Wood ? On and alter Mondar. .luly 3. 1876, the steamer Geutral hedttwiok will leave as followsJewll'n wharf Brooklyn, 0:13 A.M.; 4:30 P. M. (irand at.. New Yock, 9iSM> A. Si : 4M P M rctd ?t., Xew York. ?:W> A. M.; 4'4T> P. M. Leave Sm? CUtf 7 A. M , 2 P. M. Le??e Glen Core tire minutes later. jnxiTuRsioxs' kx.k>yeo" wi riiorf sea sickness JlJ by u*inir the auro premntivn lor that distressing malady. Fur sale by J. L.l.MULilT, 1,147 Broadway, up stairs. For kxim'ksio.vs -Tut lakok first class"fa voritc Steamboat* Sleepy llollow. now called the LOX'i HKANCii, and MKTAMOKA Kugleawoud, Alpine, Dili ley's. Spring Hill. Myers and lonn Inland Groves, with Uargon and Uoat-i ol all kind*. J. MY LBS. corner Maeton and West sit. QKAX u OCR AX KXCi: KS10X TO WBF* CEXTeS" MAL. an f.xcei.lknt opportunity for families. TWELVE HOCKS AT SEA Tbe magniilecut sidewbeol stoamer ISAAC BELL, 1,000 ton*, will leave Pier 37, Xortti River, Xew York, *4 *1* P. M., on Satnrday, July 1 and H, for Philadelphia, remaining there at Race street wharf, convenient to car route*, from Sunday noou to Thunday P. M., giving four full da#s?i Philadelphia.. Table supplied with tbe beHt the market alforda, dinner, 4 to 7 P. v.; stateroom passengers only will bo taken, to th? number of lion, to avoid a crowd; rate lor the uutire trip, including stateroom accommodation and meals, $20; the ship call lie inspected at pier 37. For tickets, cabin plan. Ac., apply at office of OLD DO MIXION STEAMSHIP COMPANY, 197 lireenwlch at., corner of Kulton. or nt ticket offices u'20 and 803 Broadway, or COOK. SON A JEXK.IXS' Tourists offices, 281 Broad way. _______ ION A I> I.AN L) WKST POtXT tAXO XEWBURG.?SEB ?dvertleement of uteamboat Armenia. Life sizE~cUTs7 ix~colors."" of Hiivcs and Wlieider. end Tilden aud Hendricks. taken from the beat photon raphs. designed for posters and traiiiiparencive. Hi-publican clubs supplied at the lowest rates. METBOPt'1,1 TAX I'KlXTlXti CtlMPAKY, Herald Building. 218 Broadway. MAliXIFICE.VT BARGE HUlH ENOT, CAPABLE OF hoi .1 nk 1,000, to let. cjtuept Snndars. Apply to J. A, MI'RPHY. ;tlth ?t., Noiili Itiver. on board. R~oi1ka5ay"1BRAOH-STKAMeb"mARIOM LEAVES ?laily from ;i4tll St.. at 9 A. M. ; t rnukliu St , at lu A, M. : lare 3,'i uuuts; oxcursiou ticket* SO cants; leave tbi Beuoh at 4;30 P. M. SELECr EXCUi:sf0X.~'jULY 4. T0 XEWUAVBK. tbe beatttilul "City ol Elms. "?New and elegant aMtmet C. H. leaves l'eck slip at 8 A. M.. 23d St., Ea*4 River, Bt8:1.% A M. and Xew Haven, returning at 11 :30 P. M. Tim view along Long Island Sound and around Xew Ilsvsn Bay makes the tr p unsurpaesed. Far* foi round trip. $1 ->0. No charge for berths. ''piIK M AtVxiFIClixT S I KAM EiTtIIOM A.8 PO^YELLj I ol tbe Troy line, will make an esuarsion UP THE HUD80X TO NEWBURO, ?topping at lona Lland, Xomchii' (West Point), Corn wall aad N e wburg, on the i ^ r?'0UAA0F JULY. Panties desiring to *p??k iFtednv away from tb* noise and excitement incideut to tiX fourth will And this an excellent uppnrtuuity tor that puriute. MAPS, giving an elaborate description of tbe principal point* ol Interest along tbd^ rmi'e. wilt be lurnUbed the ex cursionists FREE. Musii-tand tefrnshftient* on board. No vluskey will iw so.d jn tl^lkioat. The Powell will n:ake the folli-wing bindings:?l^'njjny'i Leroy St., N. 1C. 8:80 A. M.: i-'ulton terry, 1 rooklre. 0 a. M.; Tenth *t., m. O .oO A. M ; '-'2d ?t.. M.sR., Hi A. M. FARE FOR THEfROLXD TRIP ONE DOLLAR. WEbT ~POIXT~NPWBURt?. POi uHKEEPSIR AND return name day by dtsy line stoamers. "V ALE A X L) HAltYAID. J THE COLLEGE RACE TODAY. SPECIAL DESPATCHES. WITH THE BEKCLT, 1* THE EVK.NIXG TELEGRAM TODAY. FOR SAJiR. _ FIjTE rSsTA U RA Xf*|0 R S A Lfi~AT A SAC ?tl t:ce.? Nowiv flttod tip aad doing a good buiioeu; sell ing on account ol ii, husltu. J. HART, 34 X*w Church at. "HOTEL AX ii KESTAl U aNT FOR S ALR'c'HEAJP Now doing a good busines*. M1TC HELL, 77 Cadar at FIXE CORNER Llyt OR STORE FOR SALE?At a great saoriiice ; also day ."ample Rooms, Cigar Sturaa, Bakeries. M ITC U ELL, 77 Cedar U. * ?SPLENDID CORNER LIOUOR STORE FOE A? ?ale ?Will be sold tuf one third It* valae. Apply t* JOSEPH WIL80V, 19. South st. 4 HAY AND KKED STOKE. HORSE. WAQOX AND A all complete, S MIO. Also stationery and Bakery Storea. M ALONE. Xe. 4 Day st. F F n F f ARESTAI' RANT?BEST location UPTOWN. DO inir a ?|?Icndid limine**. open to thorough lnre*tlc?* tlon; ownar eucagt>d in bmliicx MAL' Iley ai. AIJl|i 11 K SlUtlK-l'IMMINKM I'llKNKR; 1.A RGB bu-iiiraa don* . rhcap, through dla?olutl>n or partner ? nip. U<OVD, 'M Broadway. A k'Slkua; t' sam plF boom."' on"west mdk~op Hr .>adw*y . ram uitly $1 ,i!?*H price fl.iKJO; ohaaped place in i In ft cily : nitt?t be 'old immediately to aiitlafy mort p?;e. Apply to CARSTAIKJi A MrCALL, :(H Hrn?d*?j. Amm uarT>v~flao poles]"all sizes." por~salb. at JOHN ffAUtl S. eurnaror Clarfctna and ft, BHIUU AMl UK.STAUitANT.NKAK BROADWAY? H?R *al?; ao rein to pay : large bu?looae protcd ; aatlrlac tory reaaou* for aelling. Apply to LLOYD. -H Broadway IpOU SALE?LOliknM IT!I AMD RELLHANUINU F Bnalneaa. antamialird rcara. with coinple** fixture* for wirawork; reaaou lor aciliug, death In ibe family. Ap ply at U?* Ud ?v. J1K>H PiAI.K-U.NE OK Tui ' I KiCKKK AND r Biacult Bakrrir* In the city, on raaaonahla term*. Ap ply to TliOMAn BhNNIiTT, :'IJ Kit I ion at.. New York. FOR SALE-sToGK AND KIXTUKKS OK best" obo cory Store; In good locality; doiae good bualnea* il properly attend'il to No. l&d Wert 41m at. OK FUhK?AN OLl> ESTAHI7*HM> OOaL YAH4> completa. LIPPK A BKO.. 444 ?tb a?. oil s"aI,E-KKA,. ESTATE * COAL MUMMEs* separately nt together; payment in root alt reqnirad. HANKISS.2* WeatJWih.t K SALK-A~ BAKI4IIY, DOtKU A OOOD~SAPB trade, for particular* apply at 74 Catharine at. ,MKST CLaSS BAKERY I'OK SAI.h. OOOD LOCV tion. Inquire of K. KKOKHEB, fKI 2d av. OK SAI.h I MB VI'- A KAMOT amd TKIMMI.NO More in one of tha moat llaurithlng >?wna la Soath ?laney; good reaaona u,van for t-elllug out. Addraaa STORE. box 115 Port ofnce, Yineland. N. J. mi hale-a candt akd tot store; kellino r ?at on accoaut of otuer fcaaiiira* to attrui to. Mo. JU9 .-tooth jili ??. Good paying tf r<m kky Vtoiie koh s ai.k-onlI one in block: etlwf ba*ine*s reason ftnr eelliag. WEIMKKI .v CO A i. tiounera. 141 Hth a*. Rake chance -kor sale cheap', old estah" Halted Shoe ???tore, doing a r<oi aula bnameea; katla lactnrf rraaoa* for aeliing. Apply at No. 5 ad ar.. a ear llouitoa at. ..-,-7. Rare cuanck por a physician to buy a drpo Store rery cheap, (Knitted in tha moat p*?nlatad part of the fit*; rent $17. MU Ea?t 14th at. il ACrilM KU %. Inoii kalM?KNofSk. isxir. can Bit keen mubT. 1 ntnj( at 113 Pulton at.. New York. r?K HALE-TWO .VJ HOR.SE boilers, 4X15 PRBT. I1 with 4 lach tnbea; alxo. lot of Watadworklac Marltin ery, Plaatac MochtaM aad Kea saw. Corner r>eBt and Kooaeeelt. Machinery kor sale.-Pair op hkavt cBi sn In* Whee!?. with Cie?rlnir and Troach rnmpleie; Paper Maker*'Cylindrical Hterl Roll*, ready for ??e . l.fkKI load a ol cleau Aaiim'and Cinder* wanted. H4t> Waet Mat at. Wamted-bkcobd hand hydraulic prksb capat'ity #) to IOU tona. Addrcaa I .(J31 Piae It, Pkila. f ANTED?A COMPLETE SET STIIAM PITT1N0 Tool a. Addreaa STKAMIITI EK. Ileratd oOioa. n HOUSE POWER PORTABLE HtllsTINli DOt'BLI EnKinr and Hollar, at a oanrain ; in perte<-t order; twa or leur drum*. TUEO. SMITH * It KOI IIKK. foot af Eaaat ?t, Jeraay City. _ ^ AOTHOUH.V. 3 "A WoNDKRKt'L CH.'LD." OIKTED Wffft BECO#li J\ ilKhl, tella4* rything without t|ueatl<ml?ic. 133 Wed 40th at., near ltr'i?d??y. ""HTK0L00ER.'-Pit0KK*j?0K LI?TKRT?i? HTH AT. L Send far circular. Addrea* boa 4,119 Pae* aBoa, N*? York. A No !M!' ? .11 o\ ..RLATEST Rr>INKS? CLAIM ? voyant. Mr* POSTER, 54 Lexington a* , near ^*5tk ai.; i'<?. to At*. | HI' SIM IS S A N D mbdical CLAIilVOYAXT JJOt to be a lualled name*, likeuau, Ac. Offlce 150 Wart 2->tb at., between Sth and Tth ar?. w A! IIKDll'AU A -Whs tfo*cf:*rEK, ptrVsTdTA*;'"ks3uw XlTft W?*ta? 14? Clurle* at . hat. WathincMtl aid Was A. A. ?M M E. RE?THLL' mYO WI i E #iN OK Eaat 5J.1 ?t., flr*t djor tr im *tU ?? Adtri. a rr??. Idk. ~AND MMil B*r?rT?COMflDM^rtlAL odij ??illation on all lamale cnmplalnta. 47 Va<t ISth ??I TlB- WBTTt.ITK.AD. 3UU EAST WTM iT, NRaR J / ar -All femala Complalnta *afaly fcrlK. SUOOIUWPUL CUKKS" tU! ARAN rKRD-ALiTCAKKA ?y Dr. or Mat. WEST. 45 Bieackar M., a?wB?Mdwajr,