Newspaper Page Text
TH WHOLE NO. 14,563. DIRECTORY FOR ADVERTISERS. AMUSEMENTS?2 n Page-Ik cut AMTROLfkiY?2? Pace?2<1 out . Mll.1.1 AltUS?s)tii Page?(>th cot ?<ui{ni ?n wlvthl-kf i*.. m?1. BOARD AND LODUINO WANTED-Xt PAfiK-Sth coL bum ness oPPOKTUMTIKS-uth pack. BUSINESS NOTICES?Vrii Pack?tttb cl. centennial exhibits?i?t Pauk-WHicoi. CITV REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-XT Pack?4 th coL CLERKS AND SALESMEN-7TU PAiiK-5th col. CLOTHING?20 1'aub?2d eol. CoaCII M RN AND QaRDKNKKS-7*h Pack?5th ud6th COASTWISE 8TEA.MS1I IPS?2d Pagk?34 and 4lb coU. UOPaRTNKRKIMPS-STH Pack. COUNTRY sua EI)?It Pack-HtheuL i?RY HOODS? lit I'ACK-Bth col. wei.lino houses to let. furnished and unfurnished? 1*T I'ACK ?Ub Col. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?2U Pass?3d cot EUROPE?;>th Pack??th col. EXCURSIONS?2u Pack?Ith and 5th cola. FINANCIAL?9th 1'agk. FOR SALE?2d Pack? 2d col. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? liT Pag*?4?h and 5th coU. FURNITURE?2b Pagk-2?I col. t , FRENCH ADVERTISEMENTS?7TB PagB?6th col. HELP WANTED?FEMALES?7iu FAU?-4th and Oth cols. SELP WANTED-MALES-7th PAOi-?*hcot. ORSES, CARRIAGES, AC.?1st 1'auk?2d, 3* aad 4th cols. HOTELS?1st Pack?5th nnd ?th cols. HOUSES. ROOMS, AC . WANTED?1st PAOl-5th coL INSTRUCTION?wth Pack? col. LOST AND FOUND-1st i'AUit-llt col. MACHINERY?2p Pack- 2(1 cot. MARBLE .Man I ELS 2D Pack?2d col. MEDICAL?2d Pack?2d col. MILLINERY AND dressmaking?1st Paok?Oth col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?IOtb Pack?Oth and cth cola. MISCELLANEOUS?2d Pag*?2d eoL MUSICAL?Ifth Pack?Bth col new FUBLICATIONH-Otii Pack?Cth col. PERSONAL?1st Pack? Xt col. PIANOFORTES. ORGANS. aU.?Mb Pa??? lit col. POLITICAL?!?tii Pack?(It U col. PttST OFFICE NOTICE??th PARK-6th coL PROPOSALS?2d Pack?2d col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY POK SALE OR TO RENT?1st Pack?till col. REAL ESTATE WANTKD-Iit Pack?tlh col. REAL ESTATE To EXCHANGE?la*Pack?4th CoL REWARDS -Ut Pack?lat cot 4ALKS AT AUCTION?7tii pack-flth col. Situations wanted-fkmales-ttk paun-itt, 2d, 3d and 4th cnl?. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?7tii PAOK-5th coL BPFCUL NOTICES~XtPack?lat and 2d coll. BrUKTlMi? LMMiS, IIIKIIS. AC.? 1st l*iGk?2U COl. BTORAGE?1st Pack?rich col. 6PMMEK IE SORTS-1st 1*?i.r-lUh col. Til K TRADES?7th Pack-BUi col. THE TURF? 1st I'aum-Jd col TD LET FOR BP8INESS PURPOSES?lrr Pace?4th col. TRAVELLERS' OUIPK-2D PACK-4UI coL UK FURNISH ED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 1st Pack?5th col. WANTED TO PURCHASE?Uth Pace?flth col. watches. JEWELRY. ac ?2d Pack-Im col. WES I CHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET-1st Pack?4tli col. TACIITS. STEAMBOATS. AC.?lOTil l*AUU-6th en> . PERaOKAL. rlOUSlN .rri.K - Yol'R WELCOME letter was J received too lute to answer. Leave town to-day; re* turn Monday night. .Am woil. JIM. IP OITHTC 5 A SULK K, LATKOK :UlT ST.,~KO H ME R L Y J Iroiu Long Island, pleuse address at once, 11. K. M., Herald office. T*bORKNOK?WOULD"YTkK T(J 8BK YOU~iFRIDAY 1? afternoon. a ida. 1" F THR~PBFKAOS WHO~TOOK THK BATH^R^M ROOM 69, Evening Post Building, will return the same, with contents, he will be liberally rewarded and no questions isked. MISS SI'81fcf VOLE. ~ AN N I K (>R HE SSI K K EN NK Y will send their address to A. B. 0., station A, they will Sour of something to their advantage. DAW YOU AT GILMORB'S-"" LOVK YOU AM MUCH i? as ever: never out of my thoughts: must we thon inert as strangers? Answer through Personals, SMALL AD' HIRER, Herald office. SISTER?AM VBBY BLUB; GOD BLBM8 YOU ABO may you always be happy; don't doubt. BROTHER. WILL U. I). MAR IK PETERSEN, WHO WAS IK Copenhagen winter ul 1S74-5, ph-itse seud bar premeat fcddress to the friend who assisted her * Z" wX's'oiTT OK TOWN. ANI) CIS'I,V ItEOEIVF.? THE ante addreuMMl to lilm, Brunswick Hotel, later ihuu the hour mined, lie w ill be In town tomorrow evening late. ?WAS AFRAID TQ TRAIL YBtsTERDAY: DO , understnnd : I a Wall ordere. DEMI. L.OST AND f tii DUOPPKD-YESTKRDAY. "IN " FULTON 8T.7~A gold Locket. eugt uvrU, with child's photograph on one tide aud Inilr on the other; the liuder w ill be suitably rewarded by bringing the aaiuw to HJ William it. IOST-POLH'EMA.VS SHIELD. NII. I.'.W. IK FOUND J please return to Eighteenth preeiuet, New York, and receive a reward. LOST?HON i? AY EVENINti, NEAR 86TH ST. AJfD mh uv., red Pockethook, containing note*, Ac. A liberal reward given. Foundry, 145 Perry at. Lost-a bank hook. no. ok grke.v widh Savings Hank. Please return to hank. IOST-ON BROADWAY. JULY S, BETWEEN J Kulten and Cedur sit., a silver Watch; a Mailable reward to finder. Return to T. J. TEMPLE. Western Uniou telegraph Btildlnf. LOST-A * HOLD HUNTING CASH UUOUBNIN Watch, III ItiK'kawa.v, third lauding, or oil steamer Keversink. A liberal reward to the tinder who delivers same at Til Cedar st.. store. I OST?ABOUTTHE JOTH OF JFN'K, SOME PAPERS J (documents), of no value to others, liy returning the same a liberal reward will be paid by C. KIEL. 74 Fulton St. Iost?Last evkmnu, in a cakrFaok, \ LAOrti J red Russian I'ucaetbook. hound in gilt.| Kinder can retain It by returning papers to 48 Clinton place. LOST?OS MONDAY. JULY S. A BAEN jl WITH inscription "Alcyone. June. 187b, and moling mm i A. H. O., blue ribbon attached. The Under will bo liberally ; wfitiid by rtlarainy It to JOHN K. BOOMB. 244 libit 10RT-ON TUB KVBNING OK JULY STA OOLTTS\H J ring. with coral Ncttiti^. somewhere between 44Kh it. Ami P.?*t office. Hcturn to A. X. BLoIMjKTT, 262 Pearl it.. Xew York. A liberal rewurd offered. ltKU Al(l)>. KKWAUD KOU KKTIJKN OK BLAt'k AN'I* TAN ?pO Slut, H years old, called Lillr. lost Juuc JH; return to B61 West 34th it , or to ROBKKT COTTIER, 132 Prince st. frtm REWARD.?Loir. ON~tTIK" SIXTif AVENI K qP ?d" Railroad, on the night of the lid. between Bleeckor tud 22d its., gold Hunting Watch, with flcur* of horse intide Return to 146 West 20ib st. No questions asked. Money waiting. $*""0(4 KBWARD.?LOST, FROM :$7 VBMTRY sr.. &\j Wednesday evening, June 28, n Black and Tan Slut, answering to the name of h lora; large body, long curs; white tips over nails aud land teet. Return to the above number. fel RKWARD-KOQUESTIONs A^KKD-STOLKN J* from mom in Sturtevant house, on the 20th of 'une. a Dcmi-Ohronoinctor Watch; lieavv gold cases; monojrain 1'. C , engraved inside the cases; ? apt, maker. Or* | isvs, with heavy void linked chain; above reward w.ll ir paid by KUNl'BD V KNNI, 9 Nnsatt -t SPECIAL sM/IKEb. A~-A.-A. DISEASES OF MEN. The Importance of the healthiness of the nervous ! tystetn cannot be overestimated; it* power over life | and death and the direct bearing which it ban on human happiuc** seems to he recognised; ite capabilities, . Its qualities and its powers; the importance of it* healthful preservation, it* moderate unci, the danger of overtaxing it, whether through thought, stud?, or intense application j in mental investigation and research; whether by the absorbing attention necessary to the conduct of complicated and momentous business intercuts, or by the e*costive Indulgence ol the appetites and propensities of the system All these are proper subjects lor onsblerntinn. as also the knowledge of what is moderation, what is excess, ami when these exist the absolute necessity of promptly seeking advice from an expert who. lor a long scries of rears, nan devoted his whole time and attention to the study, Investigation and treatment ol all the maladies of tills important department, to accurately determine the diseased conditions, their nature, causes and origin, whether arising from the want of exercise, it* irregularity ??r excess. and who. , from his experience and practice, has learned to discover at once the derangement and as promptly apply the remedy, ! thus avoiding the paintiilly slow feeling alter the truth, *e rouimon to the inexperienced and so annoying to the patient, who. eery naturally, wants to know without delay what Is the matter, the extent n? the deranircmsiit. the probabilities of recuperation and the time required. A striking example of the value of experience and practical observation, as well as the usefulness of the prompt application of suitable remedies, is found In the important statement, coming, not from one, but adofeii public institutions. not only at home tint abroad, that a very large proportion of those who suffer from mental disturbance and aimolute insanity permanently recover, who are placed under treatment within a year alter the first symptom* have manifest e?l themselves. if tne intellectual deportment of the braiu has become exhausted by intense mental application. depriving it ol the power ol connect #-d thought, it can only recover its strength d> being proper)v fed ana nourished by the use of certain ItPU'lllXlIC mrillVUI. Il I? ? ' 111 C?ri I I"pnrtvnent. whether ol appetite. propensity or pefttdon, t*Mh reontrlni? ? different renieuv l??r it? recuperation and ?lifl erent means for brinslmr thrm up from thrir overworked rtou exhausted condition*. 1 lie imporudr# id thin branch ol rue.ilr*l practice cm ir*rcelv l>e ottnaicd. for it reacbea evru to the perpetuation nl family nnmrr the -ecririntr of hereditary title*, and the retention of relate* in the ??tne family. Froin a limr and larir* experience in tin* direct ion I have been ahle toroinmniu! I?T mv *ucc<**? the thankful apprccintion of soine of the ttr*t families in the city mj<! nation ; and 1 certainly cm communicate rumh to cultivated mlftd* ill connection with rtn practical xperieuce in what pertain*, to theo\er exercise of rver\ department of the nervou* vwtem and the mean* of recovering 'heir powera, whether ol train, appetite, propensity or powtion. 11 km uv a. Daniels, m d.. 144 Lexington ?? , Bear 'J0tU it. llonrt, 8 to3. ?royal Havana l<hti:i:v . i-'ir.t pri?" Nf\i driwliitf, .1 uly 15. Hoyrii (?t*r in mi liur.'riinpnl Lotttriex, i'in1 prirr ti? i*vtry iiv.? tltfKiti. Kail explanatory circular! ire*. I i'> N>">lil. riimiuuh /si'hocn. rA KKS, KM tvItSi IN A CO. K?n'..<ti Mnii l.otirri-, drawn daily Loyal Mmin* Lillrry. drawn every 17 iln.VN, Kentucky Single N inn Iter Lollviy, drawn July U9, IS76. ! 1'ritf. f nfiirniiit mil luriiinlird wnd circulars free. Adinc* hk hIihvc. I* ftiromtw ay room 4. B~~' smiths kk.ntC'i'ky siatk lottbkikjc . kkntci'kt ryTm i um .' 33, run 1*7* til. .VI, Hi, ??. 111. AS. |;,. II. js. 31, 43, 111, :a, 14. rxtfc?y--?'l4?.< <JA. roil is7is. 45. m 49. in. 43. -1.1 i'. hi, ."3, is, 19. '3*. c9, 2c. AilonbrMdiliwiB. isATUAN. 1st Uruadwny. ^ :e ne NEW H SPECIAL. NOTICES.^ QOSscifPTION. INDIGESTION AND WASTING DISEA.SE& Ttia mod aWoncloui remedies ?ro PANCREATIC KMULSIUN" AND PANCREATINE. Tbe original and genuine prepared only by BiVOBT k MOORK, 143 lit* Bond at., Londou. Sold by them aud oil chemiats and atorokoopoa throughout the Putted Stain* *nd Canada. 1USKASKS OK M EN A sPKClALTVb I t It KNKV A DAN'IKLS. M. II. 144 Loxiagtou a*., near 28th *l. OtUoo hour* Iroru s u> 3 (GERMAN KM PIKE BRKWKRV, HKKMKNr Tlii* boor received In Philadelphia tbe flr?t prim. Sold in original barrel* nod by ,juarl and pint botlloo la all tbo larger Uotol* and groceries IIOL.LKSUKK k CO. Sol* Agent*. Trjon Row. Liberal discount for tbe trado. Havana lottkky.-nkxt drawing jcly i.v ls70; JUKI 1,1**i in prise*. Addrea* h. MAKTINKZ ?% CO., Hanker*, in Wall ?i.. basement. New York Spani?li gold and Havana bunk bill* bought aad odd ; draft* on liavaua Waned. H~?OKKICI a1. DRaWISOS KENTUCKY STATE LOT. teriea. K.MMoNS A DICKINSON. Manager*. KKNTOCK V. KVlh* CLas* 415?JULY 5. 1676. 77. 63. 50. 54. 4J. 71. lO 3M. 43 46. 37. 44. 47. KKNTtmar. CL?aa MO 416?dl'LT 5. IS76 7, 56. 5J 31 4. 46. TJ. 73 S. fill 6. 37. 69. intKRT. mxtua ci. a a* an. 315?julv 5. 1*76. 56. 34. 411. 73. 57. 3*. 41 31. <W. MKKRT. Ol.AH.a MO 316?JULY 3. IS76 IS. 71. Gil. II. 3D. 11. 53. 31 57. Full Information by applying to or addressing J. CLUTB k CO.. 3011 Broadway, rear office, first door -ttUU.tUl IN' PK18KS?KVKRY oTHKIt TICKET A . Prise-SIMMONS .t DICKINSON'S Single Number Keuturky State Lottery to be drawn July 39. IM7K; 3D.33D prlre* out of 5D.ilDi> ticket* alao Koval llavena Lottery to be drawn on July 15. IS76 J. OLL'TE k CO., 30 i Broadway. first floor rear room. IMPOUND PILSKN BBKU, Irom the first Aeilen Brewery In Pll?en. This borr received in Phlladelpbla the aecond prir.e. and we recommend the aamo lor tile hot dava ot the auinnier a* the moat agreeable, light mid vet mmrUhlttg beverage S?M In oriiriuai barrel*, a* well a* in quart and pint bot- 1 ties, in all tbn larger hotel* anil irrorerln*. HOI.hF.NDh It .1 en.. Sole a Kent*, Tryou Row, Liberal ditcount forth# trade. K -CHRONIC CATARRH. DEAFNESS: IMPROVED method; instantaneous relief: permanent cures. Or. STODDARD .No 8 W.?t ltthit. KliNTt CKY STAT' SIM.I.K NUM IIKII LOTTERY.? SIMMONS A DICKKNSuN'S. Every other tieltet a Iiri/.e; drawn July 'Jit. For circular* addrea* J. CLUTE, 153 Fulton ?t. KENTUCKY STATS LOTTERY.?DRAWS JULY 2& 30,3 O prises oat of 5!).<NXl ticket*. Whole tickets, $!<?: halres. $5; quarters $J 50. Royal Havana Lottery draw* July 15. Whole tickets, $-0; halves. $l<?: twentieth*. $1. JACKSON Jk CO., Hauker*. 'JOS Broadway, New York. N~ BRVOUS EXU AUSTION ? A MKliHML ~FSSAY comprising a series of lectures delivered at Kuhti's Mo so it in of Anatomy, New York, on the enuso and cure of Premature Docline. showing indisputably how lest health may bo regained. alfuroinir a clear synopsis ol the impediment* to marriage and the treatment ol nervous and physical debility, being the result of JO year*' experience. Price 'Jo cents. Address the author, llr. I.. J. KAll.N.oRica and residence 51 East loth at.. New York. OFFICE INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION COMPANY. | No. J40 Hkoapway. Nktv Yoitlt, July 5. 1870. j This is to certify that at the ulnth series allotments of the Iudustrlal Exhibition Company, bald publicly this day, at 5:30 P. M., the following series were selectod to be redeemed. principal and interest, on 4th September, 187B:? 5K">, 1,351, J.O40, J.JJU, 3.836, 5.JM8. 5,565, 7,70.', 8,038. tai. Uoval Havana . lottery -$ WILL BU drawn on July I. Prises cashed; orders filled; Information furnished; highest rates paid tor Spanish bills, govarunieut*. Ac. TAYLOR A CO.. Ranker*. No. II Wall ?t.. New York. SULPHATE OF HAKYTE?55 TONS FINE ENCLIsii" Plumbago?35 ton* English lump, for crucible*, Ac. Portland Cement?550 bbls. line quality. Yaullla Beau* ?Mexican Due quality. Culamata Dry Flir*--Extra front >yra. Greece. French Cognac?7 casks ii. bond, select 1S4U Ditto?15 casks do. do., IH5S. Old Kentucky Bourbon?I bid. Blue Crass, 1867: 5 bbls, ISilS, consigned to ami tor Sale bvSAML R. MACLEAN. Hanker and Commission Mercliaiil, 'JO Broadway, northeast corner Wall st.. New York. millKD LOUISIANA STATE COLD DISTRIBUTION! J. New Orleans. July 2l?, 1876. $.V/.\500 IS GOLD DisTUIHUTEJ>. 20,d00 tickets: R.VI currency; coupons 111 proportion. Fur iiifurmtuiou, Ac., ujiply to WlIiLlAMSOS A CO. Prizes ctllnd At t hi * office, 317 Broadway. New York city. TAMAR IM>1 EM ?A LAXATIVE Kiel IT LOZENGE, agreeable to tuku: specific remedy for constipation and its consequences. F. GKll.l.oT. 27 Rue Kambiitcau, 1'aris; depot, CASWELL, H tZARl) A CO., Wen York. ttmUE LATEST AND BEST." I THE KENTUCKY CASH DISTRIBUTION COMPANY. chartered by the let" lnt?ro i. the State for the benefit ef tl,A P ( ' ou ol Frankfort, will, under the t>ui*?*r\ i.*ion of prominent citizens of Kentucky and the management t>f HON. TllOk AS P. POUTER, ex Governor of the State, distribute to ticket holder* the sunt of *4100.000 in cash. 1.15H irrand Cash Gifts, ranging from $100,000 to $100, and 10.000 approximation*! Tickets. $12: sold in halves and quarters. Fir-t drawing Thursday. Au.'tut 111, 1870. No postpuuemunt. No postponement. No postponement. For circulars, information and tickets apply to G. W BAKkOVY ?t CO., General Eastern Agents. 710 Broadway. 8POKTING-DOG5. BIRDS, Ac. POOLS SOLD AT NEW YORK TURF EXCHANGE, 15 West 28th st. tills utter noon. Chicago vs. Hartford, at Chicago: M. Louis vs. Huston, at St. Louis: Athletic vs. Cinciiiuati, at Cincinnati; L >uisvilo v* Mutual, at Louisville SRIBBRT A McCLOUD. THE Tl HP . Auction ani?>kk.n?:h i*oof.ff ~soli>Xi.'i.'l>ay Mt New York Turf Kxchuntre. 15 .ml 17 Weut '.'Ktli .1, on tin- I.hii? lirnnrh runti race.. French puul. J iiud 1'romiit mieiith.u |rt*eu order. bjr mail or mr.M-nuer. KRL.LY. IU.I.-.S ,t CO. UCTION.-PRENLII AND COMBINATION K)OUl .old tin. d.v nt Johmmu'u K iini*. corner Hiu. Iwhv and 'd-tli Kt , on the race. hi Lou c Hrmich uml all 'imII tfuuiei-. French Ticket.. f t mid $ '?; t'nmhlumhin TIcK.ti, 8." All order. Li mull or ineanenKer will receive iiivrthulitr ettentinn T. H JOHNSON. LOJia BRANCH RA<'Kt. JULY 1. 4. O, 8, 11, 12, 13 end 15. TlltM. MURPHY. >V?f. to. KATIfOtt, President, ho cretary. Boail <iv?t pier H at 9:4.~> A. M. and special boat from foot of iMtll M? hi 10 4 ? and pltr H lit 1 1 A. M. TATIKhS % LL's T0RK AOKNCV. 1.227 BRoXhWAY? The neatest and coolest room in the city.?Auction and French Pool* ($1 ticket*! on all events. Books mi all imfNirtMnt riu'n No combination pool* sold heie. $?"? on oor | French pools pav :?l*. l*orillard, $ 11 ! '?; Bullet. $19 4?'. MCDOUGALL A CO. IIOHSIIS. <AIlItI\(.EV cvt.. A-M UOR CIIARLl S w H VKKLK. A ICTIoM-.i:K Colonel P. J. ruNNKI.I.Y, of 1 I* Queen at.. Herman* I Uiwn, I'm . aonouuces his fourteenth (HUM) SALLof tlio . fastest (illKKN TltoT TICKS in the world. just arrivod from \ KhNTLVKY. to take place at Barker A Son's < Ity Auction | Mart ami New York TattersxIPs, corner of Broadway and , HOlli ??.. on \VK1>NESD \Y nstt, Julv I'd, at 11 o'clock, and eotuprfidng lO head, including six or the fastest and most ' promising tiKfcK.N ONI-.S to he found, that can trot in from ' 'J i'i down to 'J iHo, an i all < f the hem khNTl'I'KY trotting i blood* aUo an extraordinary pair of KlCll ST YtoKIl, Itl^ high. mahogany hay HOAI'll MollsKS unequalled by ane i?t tli?* State , all warranted sound ami kind : stock will arrive itt the mart it -morrow morning for exhibition ami trial, when mII are Invitw?l to come and Kll>r. behind and IKsT Tllr. >PKKP und driving qualities of any of the lot before the time of sale. Catalogues at the SPIRIT OF THIS TIM KB office or at the mart. Sale without leservo or postponement. \?.4AJOU OHAKRKS u UAKKKTR AUt Ih-NM R. Til I Kh ! XTKAOlU)INAK\ Sale of the tamest UKKF.N TKUTTKKS Iii America, tlo* property ol fOU, t\ t\ BUHNS, of llenderaou county. Kentucky, at Barker A Son's t-itr Auction .Mart and New York I ut:ersalls. corner Broadway and UPt h st.. on SATUKI>aY next, Jul) S. at 11 oclocK. the sinek comprise* IKS 11 t A I), consisting of the hay Mure FLORA, by Alexander' Nnrinaii < mu show a 1!; (?ti ) IT I ho j:rsy l teldlttiX SNOB' >1 PllM, IB high . can trot hi d :33. The chestnut lidding >Ql 1 It III-. I.; can trnt in J :t ?. Decant pair of IB h<*h buy I ??\i'll liOKSKS at.d the balm ce the l est broke lot of combined SAtiiil.K ami driving Horses oilvred to the public In sotuc time. Ail war ranted iuiiikI mi I Wind. >? ill ?rriv? <?t III** Mur( lor exhibition ntid trial tu rning. when mil arc r?- I qiitMrd tn ciiatf mitt KIDK AND PKIVK *i.d t? ?t the . s.tdd.e t|M.?l itit*'* a lid -peed of mi v of tli*i lot HKKOKh dio time f Mil**. S*l? without re?orve or tM?*t tenement. l -I Of AMIIH'I.N i'ON\ I'll \ KTO.NJ4; KXTKN>1o"" , At T?i|? Hiartoitw; Too mi?t Ojhhi 1?1 ToS Miid opi-ii KomiI W auons, t?v he*t city nake^; I'oftrey'a Sulp Wyw. In nil weight*. IUiimm ol nil rtyltt; SUrelw. Lap l)u>tcrs. \laliii>?, Acta, *i\\ iLLlA.Yt II. uinl J J \Vof?ter si. k -V() K SAl.K-ShVKN IIOICHKH. M'llABLK FOB i . tannine, prover> or any business; price, #.k'? to 9I2A. I Ml South ?tli av . nejir tarand st. \ >l?)Knih> Pi?MV I'lUICloN. LltJIlT I Kockaway, ahiftni? weals, f*C>. denol two n at Wagon, ! t>:al. first claws side bar top Huifitjr. $ ill!*. *'?l I 7tli a?. V>; CLAKKNI'IC, ?sT *l,40t). KOrt $OoO; SLV'F.ltAL , second hand ('arrt^n, taken in exchange; I'liactotm, j Depot \V t^on*. Landm*. I-audaulets, penally reduced. II AM'a, ???d ?t mad way. VMl'LKM II) FRf.Sli MILK t uW POM, MALL? Milks IS *|uartw ol milk per day. 4-M Muwt IMfh wt. j % _fitto MAY Mousy. 7 \h\HH ?TKOTR J\ f.wale for ?i?y !?? tu orirv; warranted ?oiind mid , kind ; togeth r wiui 1 on t'miv I'lineton. Millie llnrneaa, Lap Huh*, Blankets titd U h 11, making complete turnout . coat a short time */?? tbree 1*mo* *? mucU. VJutuwl Club stable, ! |.iHM>d3lli it \KAIil CIIAM'K >1 \ ItOKtfKS, >; IIABLK KOR UnniNK ur 1101 iiiiiin?*fit purpose. Appit in rear 370 ! tttil 37H Miitcrjr, 1 4 FoK HAl.t ONK |7?HAK.MKHH V S1? KX j\ Wmumii mid >ine Kh??( llorto; Miund and kind I.t l.fl Ml the ?l*illd, :iUH Mild 3<u VI a.MUtftoll n(.( lor iiin'f dmi. I ? VRllV KINK M I.I. sntJM, I.. ? \\ 41.O.N Allsil j\ ltmnli?i'u? Intfh wheel (? ) P??ny Phaeton; Un?- g?*lii II, anted dnnhle Harness; one Rue oinirli Harnfii; nil near- ' ly a*n and by be*t city hnllder*, at mImiiiI half coat, at i?ri i.ite in I'll* no. I Writ I ?tli at. All information received from 'I <? d Use coachman. a HK^r 1 -LAS-% TI UNOI T~.II ST TI?F. THIN.; PUK i j\ m lady; tl?or?.Mirhhre d Pony; ? nnd and kind. hixnI iiii der Middle ; Pun* Pbaetmt by Ptandran ? all at I. ?17 I Broadway ur 1 ? Rata 2Htl? at. A N KLl i. WT I ? I I HPRINO TOP ~WAO.)N AND j\ *iHkle llariit'M; bold ilir ln?4i nnd nearly new. Mill I l.o sold clieap ai No 4 U rtl JWIi *t. VilAPf'liK OKA) MARK.' 5olTKD aM? KIM). i? vac*. IT'1, hands; also buy florae, top Bugg}, fine | ??t Harness, cheap. lul* Division st. (grocery). t W YO rORK, THURSDAY, JULY HOUSES, CARRIAGES. Oil. AlT'KXKcrTOK'SHAl.K- " AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO-MORROW, rniiMi. .M 7, A l Klifcvr.> u uijtjtiit, AT THE PRIVATE STABLE, 115 EAST 221). ST., BETWEEN LEXINGTON AND 4TI! A VS.. OK THE WELL KNOWN TROTTING AND FAMILY DORSES, CARRIAGES, WAGONS, HARNESS. AO., AC., OK IlKNKY BKKVoOUT ESQ . DECEASED. SPEED AND ALL RKPKEBEKTAT10N8 WARRANTED AND AMPLR TIME ALLOWED FOR TRIAL AND EXAMINATION. Jtouuiitul buy adding Breese, raised in Orange county, X. \.. aired > Volunteer, dmu by Corninx't Harry CI*/; was seven year* oM la*t Spring . 15*. hands high. Trolled ni Pile*, N. V.. in 2:27l?. - -Vi 2 :JU. healing Great Eastera, Calmer *nd seven others, For other perfoi inauee* see Wallace's Tarf Register. since which lin.e he baa been driven on (lie road, lie it very pure trailed, does not wear bonis wlien speeding. is not excitable in companv, does not pull, is a go?d poleburae, safe lor an/ ordinary driver, and U warranted to beat 2 3ti. and is sound and kind. Heaulihil hay trotting Mare, Lady Backus, raised at Auhuru. N. Y., aired l>v Champion, datu by American Star, is seven years old. I.V; hands high; trotted ovar McManus' halt mile track, Brooklyn, in 2 MO, 2 :31. 2 :2#>. healing Little Fred. Lady Rosa. St. James and six others, since which time she has been driven on the road, and has greatly improved in *peed. hi site wan driven a halt mile at Fleetwood Park this spring iu 1 without any training; she does not pull or sbv : is a very pleasant driver, a good pole |inare and is warranted sound ami kind. Handsome Mown trolling mare, Josephine, raised at Fort Edward. N. Y., aired by Parrisli's llauihletnninn. data by Rattler. 7 years old, 15V, hands high; trotte.i there when uurchascd in 2 :3f? and .. IIHL: she is cxtriordinai ill stvlish in harm.***; very prompt, freo driver, with fine kuee tetion; doe* not pull tir any: safe lor anybody t?> drive, and can pull a road w a iron equal to any horse iu the city, nud i? warranted sound and Kind. The liiiust coupe or road Horse In the city, 16 hands high, 7 years, hoiuitttul dark bay; he is very stylish in harness lint pa extraordinarily line knee action, is perfectly broken, does not pull or shy, is a very prompt, pleasant driver, and is safe lor anybody to drive; can beat 2 :.V>, and is an extra I fine lead hone on a tnudeni team, and is warranted sound and kind. Verv decant high bred saddle or harness Mare Carrie, raised at Lexingtou, Kv.. sired bv Denmark ; lias taken several premiums at fairs in that State as being the ttnest I saddle tnare shown ; she is broken to all the different saddle gaits; guide* by motion . is ssfe tor a lady to ride ; is per- I fectly broken to harness', is extraordinarily stylish: does not shy or pull and can beat three minutes, ami is warranted j sound and kind; will stand without tying, and tor family , use she has ii<< superior. Very pretty hay Mara Nellie, sired by llcntxei's II ambletouiau, dam by Ktlian Allen, 7 years old, 1M* hands high; I trotted at Albany last fall In 2 di. J ;34K ft&4 ;Sit ibl is a very pleasant driver: does not pull when speeding, is not j excitable in company; is an extraordinary pole mare; sate tor any ordinaty driver, and warranted sound and kind. The prettiest and *afcii Phaeton M.ire in the city ; Nettie. 6 years old, 14 hands high ; has alw ays beeu uscu by ladies and cliiidreu ; i? perfectly broken und?r saddle; stands without tying; is safo under all circumstances; is uot afraid of cars or anything else; can be driven by anybody that can bold reins, and without exception she It the prettiest and best broken mare In the city; is a .very prompt, pleasant driver and Is warranted sound and kind and can trot close to three minutes. The L'sri-iiirui include an elegant Park Phaeton. Wttb ex* Million tup. pole aud shafts. ) elegant canopy lop I'ouy Phaeton. 1 lop W a^on, pole and sliatls. with the patent springs; built by J. 11. Brewster A Co. I top Wagon, built by Stivera. single uud dmitile Harness, manufactured by Onaconib, Stilling A Grossman. Alan Blanket*, Kobe a, SUaata, Wliipa, Ac., Ac. N B.-TIIK ABOVE STOCK WILL BE ON EXIilHITil IN AT ALL TIMES rilloR TO SALE. WHEN TOLL INFORMATION CAN Br. OBTAINED. SALE POSITIVE TO HIGHEST HI llliKll. BY OKDEIl OK HENRIETTA BltEVOOKT. F..MKCUTKIX. CIIAS. It. McCLAKK. EXECUTOR. T AUCTION, TOMORROW (KKIDAY), JULY 7, AT 10 O'CLOCK, BY VAN TA33KLI. A KEARNEY. AT TUE1K MART, 110 and lid East 13th at, HANDSOME TEAM BLACK MARES. KENTUCKY brad. 1 \ bands high, s years old; kind and true ill all harness; tree Iroiu vica; liavu Una a'.ylo and action, tear nothing. buvo been used by a private family aud are sold only for uant ol use. Silver inouuted double llamaaa, made by Campbell, aud ELEGANT I'ONY TURNOUT?1'AiR BAY I'O.sIES, 45 iucliea Ingli, s y ?r? old . kind aud true in ail harness, extra Hue under saddle; Iroe from vice or trick ; very stylisb aud perfectly gentle fur children to ride or drive. Also set Harness and NO TOP PONY PHAETON, NEARLY NEW THREE yUAKTER CLARENCE. IN PERFECT ORDER, built by Miner A Stevens. BAY COUPE HORSE lli<4 HANDS IIHill. B YEARS old ; kind aud true In all harness; free frum vice : very stylish, u prompt driver fears nothing; In every way a first class coupe or carriage horse. Set fine city made ll .muss and LIUHT OPEN PHAETON. W ITH POLE AND SHAFTS, in good order, built by Wood Bros. OPEN FoCRsKaT I'll A ETON. BY BREWSTER A cj. TOP SIDE BAR ROAD WAOUN. BY KKEWSTEIt A Co. TOP FULL SPRING WAGON. BY BREWSTER A CO. six seat Park Pliaelon, by Crittenden A Co. Four-seat Park Pliaet by Miner A Stevens, Flue top Pony Phaetons. Kockaways, Harem lies and Road Wagons. Harness. Saddles and HiTiles, Ac , Ac. A" "fUl'lON HOUSE OF ARCH. JOHNSTON. Ill, 31, J3 and i3th St., near University place. . SALES OF HORSES AND CAKKIACES ARE HKLD f. EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. O t ON EVERY HORSE WARRANTED SOUND s FROM 34 HOURS TO 3 DAYS FOR TRIAL. 3 THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST ALU A -v BLE HOUSE IN THE CITY. 3 GENTLEMEN HAVING IIOKSRS OR CARRIAGES w to sell, or these wishing to buy. will find our business ? . conituued uii precisely the same strict and ln.noral.lo S ?l., m. I. i i* I. Isnvm mIwhvn c li it St'll* r i led the deailuirs . I ol our limine aud wou the respect aud confidence ol the 1 j business community, as well an Hie public at large. A" VALUABLE STALLION AT I'lHLli.' MA1.B - i Home lover-, attention.? Very line dark bay Stallion. I.YJvi band* high, tl year* old LAST Al'KIL; SlRKD HV I llA.Hkb Wr.HSTKR, OUT of a llamhlctoiiiau mure, loiiud, kiuu. without laull or IILKMISII ; ONE (IK Tllh HAND SoMI-.sT AMI HhST bred alalliuii* lu the country; can trot a mile to beat 3 minuter; uLo brown Mare. I.v., lianda high, 7 year* old, and a sucking dolt; to lie nolil lie order of I the executrix, at auction, nt AKCII. JOHNSTON'S M ?KT. HI Til go Til I ItTKKN I'll at., near Cuiveraity |iluee. Kriday, 1 July 7. at in o'clock, un exhibition To ITMKoi- stl.K A chance to m y ( iikaF-two lmiiTphaE. : ton* ; uuc seats Tour persons Two full spring aud ai< a bar top Wagons; one light Road Wagon. Private stable .'>7 Kaat IBM si ?POUR UOODDklvlNO AND SIX IIOOO WORK j Horse*. Irom $.H>lo$7.Y. .17 IIrent Jones at. BY JOOPH K. WKHIERT. AUOTIONIK*.?WILL sell this day, commencing 10', o'clock, at Hanover ' regular auction sales' stables, 141 and I4J West 37tli ?t , ! roan Horse, on account of former purchaser; also sella top Huggy Wapon aud no top Buggy Wagon, to puv dej.oslt money, d Ucb-ncy and oilier ensrges; ulso sells two l'ony I'liaetoiis. new itoad Wagon, sorrel .Mure, bay Pacing Mare, single itnd doublo Harness; several Horses, lu pood cuuill tooi; two slue bar VTsenm, aud one Krewstrr side bar top Wagon, to pity advances; I'oupn Kockaway, Ac. Hovers invited. WKIUhKT A IAuctioneer*, 141 Sib st. BOHIXIM Tl' KS O C T-flP* I. -11A S DSIIM K RAY Horse, new llaruesa, new light top Express Wagon. 1J4 West I'.uli -t. Bargains is second hand Fariiiahkh. ?two I.andaiis, ('our l.nndauleta. Clarence, Coach, two sixseat I'haetons. lour Cabriolets, extension lop Phaeton, three Coupes, two six seat Kockaway*, two Coupe Rockuwats, lour hall top Phaetons, three T Carts, three Pony Phaetons, large stock ol top and no top Wagons. Koine of the above nr?i in perfect order, and souse built bv llrowster A Co.. of Kroon.n si. A > KI.A N'DKAU, 37'J and 374 Broom* si., old staud oi llrowster A Co. ^AKRlAOhS at pklvsytk SALE. " Stanhope Phsulon, by llrsw-1 lloulde and single Harness. sler A Co. | l.andaulet. by Hani. Landau, by Brewstwr A Co. i Barouche, by Miuer A KteSixseat Kockaway, by iirew I rent tier A Co. | Top Road Wagon, by BreirTo? Moad Wacon hr j. H sler A Co Hrewnter A Co, i Three roups Rofkmrt/i, Full tprinii Vt ftjroD, by Brew J Two new Lunduu?. cheap. ter k Co. I - wheeled f>ng Curt. Top und no top Pony Pbae I Extension top Phuetont. ton* | Suddlos und lindlos, Ac., Ac, 4 wheeled l>og Caits. HY VAN TAStfKEL A KEARNEY, AT Til KIR MART, i tommd i tsl Kaei i <tii kt. I^XKClJTOItS hALkT?BKN J~ I* KAI"kcH!LD. Al'Ci tioneer. will sell on Monday. July III. 1N7H, >*t |0 A. II , I hi lo t Churles si.. the celebrated trotting horse Tommy J Moore; nUo roud Wagon and Sulky; time und pedigree ' mudc known hi piece *?f sale. Hy order of the Executors i of llie Estate of Rounder Dovoe, deceased. Fiok SAI.I; \ mm IN luvit DKAU. ai'I'I.V TO Mr. KKOWN, No 1 Kill 3?tli it FNOit S VLK--A VERY HANDSOME DAPPLE OKAY ! Hone. 7 yenre old, l"?'t hands; \ery blockr und war runted In every respect. Private stable. US West 44ili at. t.loK SALE?A KINK IIOKSh AND SHIFTING Bt'UflY i' lit* up lii<|iiire mi t? It AY'S Eltery Stable, corner of | had Hr nidwuy und (iouvertieur tie., or ut 3'.KI Cruud >t. ipOlt HAI.K rlOAP IIAY IIOKSK III IIAXDS UfOtl. I 1 if )ctrn old). Truck und Harness; ?old on account of (lie ; Idm oi work; separate * r together. ?J Vuuduni ?L, neur j llu'Uon. nAKNkhH CIIKAI'KSI liu:M? s'loilK Is NI-.W York; good kin my Harness. Iiuad mnde, #15; ir?H?d Umeere llernee*, |1 ciwl tkmbit IVmd Htnsvt, $UU; a poo i Horse Blanket,*! '+> Please cull und examine lor ' }our?i'lv I'lsflKIt A HSBOKN. Manufacturers, 71 Ifurcluy st. IAltY'S ( DM PL It I K TCKNOLT SOLD AT A SACKTJ (ice hUWAKLW A INN, Eureka tluble. U&th st. and -41Is ae ^ j T)4H?KAWAY W1NTEJ>->:<? WIU Bl PAID FOR Ik it,.. .,r ? rinlaiii .ItSil lliirkawtv for lHIU.ta l\?ll mi or adilreia T. X.. 112 Itcadu il. SACRIFICE. ? PIlAfcTON. ^ HARNESS. Sheet*. Whip, htildlr. Itridlc, uiler ll^bes. h., Eureka ittlilv, l-oth m. and 4tli a?. mil m 57wi ' Mali it ? imi ik ifpiiliib 1 for al uun*. a perfectly new K&pra*i covered V%a^oit, i , i,. a* , ,.t i ndertilli - in It, Lafkytif plana am<i -?t rpop dkih7t waYjon si Pour lhkd only I three lime*; built be Webb; coftt $K?0; price, 41 ; | property of the late William ll*rtaou. Jr. t'Miibeaeeu al Muj.t liVltKKK's. corner Hroidwujr mid :wth it. 1H?P Po.W PIlAEToN, L1ITLK ISKl#. H?K HALKNplendid order ; li^Ut and handiotaa, a bargain. 124 M arreti >t yi'WIKi' v II.ill. i(A^I K l \ \ I N11. kTRONO IT i oiiw* Kockitway mid set of Hffht Double Ma ne*?, for lonall home*. Atldreaa, with de??riptiou and price, A. ROGERS. ?lat(on G. O SKt'OND HAND I Ica? K Hl'IiKKYM, all bjr food nik t) am; I Op Depot Wagon, 41MJ; lop Tony Phaeton. $IUO; i-*eal Rockaway.06 . W11.LI AM !.. GRAY, 20 and 22 Woottar it. Ay*" SPLENDID hay MOlC^K. H years; LY hand*. nound. kind anil gentle for lady. No. 210 Waal ill ft at. < .1*1- H)K IWJI'ND HORsE. lOP GKUt.KKY VI Wtifun foii Haritaae; bay Mora*, tail coupe or carriage, half value 4IO We?t HtHb ft. il 111 m,k two elegant no ror rosy if 11'' haakftt and paiivl f'liaetona of superb defi/n and tinGi. built to order by tiro II. L'loaa. Apply at BARKER A BOVB, iiitli at. aim lined way. dh | 11 ?KlNK MI)R BAR TOP ROAlTWAG65"; VltiO, lifdwin'i uiaka; coil R43U; eatra ardar. 124 Waal linb at. iRK H 8, 1876.?WITH SUPPLEM HOltSK*. (AHKIAGfcS. ?C, 41 71 wlr-i' Bur A HOOD FAMILY HOKSK. LOir vH ?' Flutoa .?via IImum m 110Carrollst, Brookl) ? iiu.i-tiuiu ... V- Vi , 1J L- l>L UIFVPTr V aouud. footle and kiud: Huffy. Fhaelun. liar- i neaa, Klaukel*. Itoboa nod Wliiu; all food a* new. Addreae J, R W? Herald office. vj>?> ONI CAHll WII.L HI Y A I.IVKIIY HUH MKSS Id niio ot tbe best auiuiuer reaorla uu llie lludeon; will eull Half Intereat to tbe riflil kind or a mail. For particular* apply to K. V. SMITH, J47 Waihlnptoa at. ill' % HK.YU KSi'A'l'a <\/.1 kALE. ( rlltriat. A? LARGE ANI) SMAI.I. HOUSES AT SPECIALLY reduced prieea. for ante nnd to let. V. K. STEVENSON, Jr.. Not. 4 Hue nnd S3 Kaat I_7lU at. I WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY PGR SALE AMU TO RENT. A NICELY FURNISHED I'OTTAOK IN'TA'KRYtown; low rout: aeaaon or veur. A DA [LEY, HflR Hth ??. PROPERTY OUT OP THE t IT* FOR KALE OR TO RENT. yT A. T. 3TKVVAFIT'S GARDEN CITY. L. I. 1 To let. tcveral elegant nnd convenient Dwelllnfi, fitted ft>r winter anil auoimer reaideucea, wllb all tbe rnoderu impioreinenta. garden*. Ac. Hoot from i to #1.001) per nnnum. Applv i.. VV K HINSDALE, Manager, at office adjacent i to tbe Railroad Station. V I'lil MKY STORK, II I.' KSM IT II SI It) I * AND i iV Dwelling to let?Near New York; ratnbli.lied '-'0 year*; low rcn: to n gouu party. Apply to C. A. lil-.KFlCtl A CO., tf.1 Mercer at. , 4 COUNTRY* HOME AT A GREAT 1IARGAIN.?A U.M. ueailllltll * OIUCI! IIOUSc HI \ IllltlU. J ., Oil** llOlir from City Hull; lite house contain* ion room*, with nil modern Improvements: supplied with pur? spring water; two acres of I.and, handsomely laid out. fruit, shade and ornu- | I mental tro* s. icehouse, hennery. Maiding and gardener * j house ; on the place ir a beautiful lake of pure spring water; ? three nu l Ave minutes' walk from two depots; terms liberal. At'!'i\ teC. (i M v itii \. n.i j i* Broadway. f^LBYKN ROOM HOI Ih EVERY IMPROVEMENT; < J J seven minutes from Liberty street ferry ; sea balhinir, with bath houses: boating nud fishing very near; on Herpn II eights; $2f? a month to May 1 next. Address OWNER, box 130 Herald office. I?OR KALE AT A MOST 1) K CI DK 17 B A KOA INTTLVEN I for h.tides', times, one of the most charm lit; Country I Seats in Stamford. Conn. Apply to J. C. O'CONOK, ou premises, or at 711 Pine at. IMMENSE SACRIFICE HPLENDID FARM. STOCK and Crops; VI acres choice, smooth rich laud in Rucks i county (the garden of Pennsylvania!, near large, thriving t town: rash market: every convenience; one hour from Philadelphia ; 14 trains daily: splendid building*. cost over largo stone dwelling, 1) ro?*ins; unmeuse stone barn, extensive stabling; carriage ho/, poultry aud lee house*, 1 good as new; plenty fruit; nice running water; very ' healthy, beautiful country; price, including valuable crops, six fresh cows, handsome horse aud carriage. onl> S*?.-r?0 I; terms $ i.UKi cash; balance very easy. Take R A. M train , liwt Liberty st., New York, New Jersey Central Railroad, to Bethlehem. Pa.. there take North Pennsylvania Railroad to Gu-?ertown. Bucks countv. Pa,; arrive before 1 o'clock ; can return f> P M Inquire at IIinkers Hotel for G. Carriage waiting. < dMJA A MONTH AND BOARD FOR ORB FRRBOrf r"/ ?tht* owner) tor comfortably Inrnished Cottage, one hour in New Jor>ey ; purtectly healthy. Apply at *J.V> West J3d sc. RKVL KSTATK TO EtCHANOS. i^XCIlANGR FI EST CLASS TE A ANI> COFFEE VJ Store, equity Sl.OtX), lor good located brown stone House iu city , will add cash. A F. W. KLINx 132 East *2?th st. J FOR~K Al.K, KKNT, (IkTxi'H A NUK KOIt SKVV YORK 1 city Property, elegant large House, witli all modern lui- i provemcnt*. with half acre ; near depot, at Ro?elle; free and | clear; will assume mortgage on city property for half its i value. O. G. BENNETT, 111 Broadway, room 11, from 1 to 'J P M. _ TIT ANTED?A BROWN STONE HOUSE IN NEW M York or Brookly u for Country Place, free : also a llorae aud Carriage and Furniture for First Mortgages. DEMARKST, otlico Grand Trunk Railroad, 2H3 Broadway. \\7 ANTED A HOUSE <>R BUSINESS PROPERTY IN 1? exchange tor a free and clear placo of 10 acres at Hvc. Westchester county ; fronting ou Sound: stock and implements; $25,000. ALBERT BELLAMY. No. H Pin# at u;amkh real estate, in exchange foeconJ? trolling Interest ill mannfacturing company in operation. Address OPPORTUNITY. Herald ..Mice. \lrAMKD-FURNITURE AND CARPETS (NEARLY It new) for a three Ntory aud basement Hou*e, Id feet frout by ?V>. Addres?, with particular*. giving prices, which must be reasonable, box 2.W32 New York Pos; office. & 1 IUWl ?HOUSES, RESIDENCES. FARMS, facvl*UUw* tori?'*, lo.iXM acres Florida Orange Land, tree; New Jersey, Illinois, Iowa, tree. 11. L RIDER. 180Froat ft. REAL KSTATK WANTED. /GREENWOOD CEMETERY LOT WANTED.?MUST \T he cheap for cash. Address, for one week, JANE WOOD, box 147 Herald office. 117ANTED TO PURCHASE FOR CASH?A FARM !? within ))9 hour* of Wall St.: house must be comfort** iiml LipmlIiiii liiirli and ht*allhv uricn sImiuI A* 1*1 . Adiifeee FARMER, Herald ojjiN. TO LET KOK iMHEia FLUPOSICS. Bennett building. Fireproof. Located on Nassau, Ann and Fulton ate. Hnf Floor to let. mumble lor bunkers, insurance o(fleet or lawyers Will lit- let towelher or in porta: be altered to suit tenants 1> desired : adapted lor offices or storos. Reasonable rents. Alio aoiue eligible Law offices to let. APPLY ON" THK PREMISES Take tlie elevator. Inquire lor Janitor. Buichkks and bakers. a tt k n ti o n.? >i av7, corner liHth at., with Fixtures I'or liutcber; Bakery, lint miljllilid. In Wpllll ntnalai order: both at very moderate rents to prompt, trend men. BAMlfBL KlI.PATRICK. MOM av. STUBS no M74 so A v. TO let-pub am ml-siuess not now on the block, except tbo liquor business. Inquire of owner. KOHKKT I. BROWN, .11 Nassau at., room 711. rnil LET?SPLENDID ? LOOKS. 4ii\k:.. WITH STEAM J. elevator, power, ,t c. I'M'. West ll'th st. rpo LET? LARGE BASEMENT, ON A PROMINENT J corner of Broadway, near Klftfi Avenue Hotel, wttti Uestaurant and Fixtures. For particulars apply to K. 11. LUDLOW A CO.. No :i Pino ?t. DWRLUNG HOUSES TO LET. K it r it I sited. All houses at kkhuckd rents, v. k. ste i VhNSOX, J r.. Not 4 Pine and (I I Ea t 17th st riijkt bargain.?vkry NICELY and FULLY VI lurnlsiied three story high stoop House lor suintuer months, or longer ; munlhiy rent. jHU. 74 Lexiuglou av. l>iifuriiii<t?e<l. All houses at rkim ckd rests v. k. steVKNSO.N, Jr., No. 4 Pine and 3.7 East 17th st. 4 BARGAIN?ONLY ? *;? PER MONTH, THREE 1 A story high stmiu Philadelphia lo'ick; excellent, central 1 location; near Broadway; perfect order. POTl'ttK [ llKOTIIERR, No. 4 Warren st. 1 roomi: conveniences, mantel mirror; rent $oO per month. j Call between 11 and 4. riV I LST?THK VKKV C< tllT AHI. K HOt SKsTTi I 1 I'.Try st , :72 and 374 Waft 4tli at in pod ??r<ler ; 12 rooms each; inducements offered!" private families A. SOL BI rous, 294 Mh IV. fpo LET A HOUSE or i I rooms" WRLL a I a FT11 > 1 for a boar liuu hmiio : location, 2d a*. ; more thuu half the rent tam-n in board. Furniture for sale cheap: cause of selling, death. Address M. T. U.. Herald Uptown Branch office. _ Ktlt.MSIIKD ltOOMS A * L> AHAKTMENTA Ml LKT. NICELY FURNISHED HQL'AKK ROOM. f 3; ALSO hall Room, $J per week; private house 322 Kaat 14th at. AMICE, COOL KffON I ROSTi. F RMISHRD, FOR housekeeping. nn l alcove Bedrooin, at '210 West 47th ?t., two doors from Broadway. AT 1M RAST lSrU 8T -FOR OKXTLKMIN, BEAU* tifulla furnished hall and square Koom-t. light und air/; terms $3 >%<i $.'? a week ; references. rURKUIIKD "SKUONU FLOOR (FLAT). FIVE rooms, housekeeping convenience*. 113 West 11th st. Illiiu second hell. AN KLIOANT "parlor, F1RKLY FURNISHEO. best location, tor man and wits or two gentlemen, summer price, at lirst class house 21 West 9th st. \ NI08LY Ft KMSHKH {KMALL ROOYL WITH ever* convenience; |3 per week. 113 West 32u sU, near Broadway. A II liYV.IIl II IM i ( i VI I i. I I'T IV I I! IV ATP A Iioiino IRi Weil I lilt *t.. to a gentleman. 1 nKHIKABLF Ft RN1HHBD ROOMS ff> UT TO UK If* i " tlemeii, without board, iu tint cUn house J? West 11 Hi. UAKIMOMRLY FURNISHI U ROOMS, SKAR RKflR rulr I'nrk. with attendance; a tloor or single romn*. Apply tlIHtub iv. Handsomely fTjrniuikd room* ro obntlr men or (or housekeeping; family private, terim mod* rate RfT Wnt I ?th st.. near Htl? as. Nr IOKLY FITKNISII Kl> LAItOK FROM f ROOMS FROM f:t to $ ? weekly; hall (loom f - . housekeeping privilege; private residence ii'Jo K??t I 4th *l OEVKKAL HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ItOOMH, EN I? suite wr singly. to gentlemen or for housekeeping. 3 *1 \\. ni 34tb ?L, iitir klevttod Knilraaf. rpo LET?FURNISHED OK UNKURNI8IIKD, SECOND 1 floor of private house; healthy location ; ample einiet room, bath, hot and Cola water. l.itii II road way, between 4Wth ii<t oOth sts rpo LhT F11RNI Si I h D?A VERY 1*1 JS AN A NT WHOLE i 1 or Fart of recotid Floor; every convenience for bou?e* keeping; good location. 410 Wast 43d it. mo LR1 IT WIDOW LADY. NARD0OMBLY EUR1 ni.lird llooai*. Ill lir?l chiM location, tu i|ulrt parlies. Address H.. bum 14ii Herald I'pbiwn Branch other fro LET?IX A PRIVATE HOUSE, A i.AKlIB, HANI)L *1)1111 fin uitlifii Boom. for liirtit housekeeping; tu a respectable party. per week. '-idii We-t Mill ?l. WIDOW LADV WII.L LET FURNISHED ROOM# ?? ? <( Hoard tur lady only. Addr*? II. A., Herald Uptown Branch office. / KASTM7TI1 ST.?FURNISHED ROOMS. Bl.NULY OR 0 en ?lie nit Est jbtii sr ouuu kTed bv sr. James Hotel.)?Suits end single Kuuioa; alsu Kooms for traasleais WEST 401II >T -KDMi \nt ROOMS. NEAR THE Windsor, in rent tu gentlemen. wlthuut board, or wltb breakfast. References. V7XH ST. I"4 EAST. bhtwkks UNION SQUARE 1 I and Irtlnit place,? IIaiidaomely lurnltlied Rooms, | ?. itkM board, for gentlemen 1(1 EasI' WTH -I It KI it KEN BROADWAY AND J *' N1I1 ay. ?Furnished Rooms un parlor Itoor; alao other Rooms; term* low. a >| | UNIVERSITY PI.AUK.- PARI.oR FLOOR. FuCIt Ae'* ruoiue, turnialied e niplelel) ; eaa keep liouee or Hoard; ntlier Rooms. large and aoiall. Una bath; but and cold v.alee; terms lour ; relerenr'a. i)*) WEST BOTH #r KI.KUaNTI.Y PIKNISIIED ] eO Uoouis, en aulte or singly , releraocos. ERA] ENT. KIKM.SHKI) UOOMn i:.a APAltT- ' 9fB5fTH TO LET. .in * Est 9111 ST., BKTWKK.N .VI II A NO r.TII I i y av*.? rwo iiu nitiieil 1IH1I Bedrooms, t> i nmlfJ r>(?. | yo union sou are. ?ooolz airy hand i lomely furnished Rooms; permanently or transiently ~AH Vi hsr WASHINGTON I'i. \ffv -KI HnTsHBD i I room Cor gentlemen, without board. aud up ward per wvek. A/f WRBT 39TU si private HOUriK LA ROB i I and small furnished front Rooms; southern exposure; | terms very low. rj Sill ST., NEAR BROADWAY ?A LARGE NEC'' I oiid story front Ktom, suitable tor young meu or light housekeeping ; also a large back Kooui. MADISON AV.-K LRU AN TLV KIKNISIIKO 4 large cool Rooms aft summer prices; also ball Roojui. 1 WRmT 22D if -Til BEE ROOMS KCRNISliED a'Ovr suitabla for housekeeping; terms moderate, will divide if necessary. KQO TTH W NEAR 42D~HT \ VERY ELEGANT lv furnished H ick Parlor, and Road il desired, lor a lady: terms moderate I \ Ft It\ INII KI) ROOMS A % i> AF YKTHKSTH TO laKT. A ?FLATS. KIOIIT LIGHT ROOMS IN NEW FIRST claaa biMwn stone house. 82*2 West 4Mb at . chutide lierv Hftationa > tubs. bathroom, dumb waiter, door openers, speaking tubes, window shade*: halls and ?tuir* carpeted, lighted: separate gas mate rs . rent $ito and #4<>. \fiS5? glahn flZt to lrt cheap, ?outh west corner .Y'id st. and Htl? av , over a splendid tea tore. ? Kvery convenience ; M room*, III closets. Apply to janitor or J OIKS DoYLK, builder. t.M.MS??4 WYCKOFP aV. BROOKLYN; IO ROOMS $4<); 7 room* f.'Wi and whole house $1,000. rO LET?A FLOOR OF SIX ROOMS. IN THE PRIVATE house No. IJii Sullivan st., near Broadway; in good urder; rent very low to desirable family. I /j west StQ sr. BETWEEN 5TH AND OTH UX * 1 av*. ? Hack Parlor and Extension, unfurnished ; all mnveniences; moderate ront. IIOt SKS, booms; iW .. WAITED. In ttit? Cltf ami lirooklvn. 4 PARLOR FLOOR, TIIKKK OK FOUR ROOMS A furnished or partly furnished. wanted by tt very mini 1 laiuily of adults near tit." hv. ; rent not over $f??? per uionth. Address bo* .ri,H79 Post office. A MNTXEMAK WlHflKM A NRATLY FURNISH BD 1V Room, without board; neighborhood ol Madisou iquare. Address, stating term*. H., bo* US Herald Uptown branch office. VL\dy. in RBDUOKO OfRCUMHTANOK, WIBHBH to meet a liberal party willing to assist her in routing s furnished house; references. Address H., box 214 Herald idtue. UTAHTRD?H Y A OBMTLKM \ s YsiT WJFi. a i lJIt" f ni.nhod First Floor in private bouse, with bath, Ac., , sud partial board for lady, near .Madison or I'uioii square. Address, with particulars, S. N. It., box lsj Herald office. \l" ANTKD-A FURNISH fcD ROOM, wrilloi'T f f board (bath au absolute condition), in a treated bouse uf central location ; terms not to exceed $U0* mouth. AdIreu, with full ptrtleaUri, A. it., box 1M Herald office. WANTKD-TWO OK TIIRKh FURNISHED KoOMS for light housekeeping AdRreni, stating terms. Ac., PERMANENT, box l 80 Herald uflN. WANTED-NICE I'NKI KNISIIRI) ROOMS WITHOUT Hoard. lor a lew gentlemen with a respectable Jewish laiuily; reference* exchanged. Address 11., box l.'ti Herald office. \itaktbd two oh" thrbb comfortable IN furnished Itoonia, on suite tor a gentleman, in a house with the modern convenience*; location between dd aiidtUh av* .. Kh and L'3d st*.: reut not more than $.1*1 (including cnieof room) a year : occupation to begin iu October. Ad dn^a II X. V . Herald office. WANTED-A rLAt OB PART OF A Hoi's k, COX* prising fmr to six rooms, location uptown, in good neighborhood; terms not to exceed $25 per mouth. Ad* drcHN X. M. li., Herald Uptown lir inch office. , l)~ 7 WhST -J 1ST HT.-A I.ADY WISH F.H Ull AKtiK ij*) I of a furnished house during the absence ot owner; references and security git en if required. Aduress hi. 1'AKKKK. In tin* Countrv. V WATER WANTKD?-OF SEVENTY FIVE horse power at leant; no objection to larger power; improved or unimproved: within tw ihot rxof the ritv. Address. with full description, box 815 Font office. New York. "117 ANTED-n> HIKE (OK IF FAKTIKS A<iKKK TO If buy). hy a gentleman and wife (and no chtldreu). a small furnished Cottage. iO or 111) utiles from New York. Address L'OTTAO K, Herald office. TtTANTKD v SMALL FlfliNlHHBD IIOU8B. WITHIN ? one hour ot city : rent not over $000. Address MEKCHANT, box KM Herald office tfOARb BUS W 1VTR'.). 18KOOND FLOOR AND OTIIKR AIRY ROOMS; (rood table; trausiciits accommodated; lol and IU3 103 Wavtriey place, corner Washington square. O BLOCKS FROM HROADWAY ? LARGK AND SMALL & Rooms to lot. with Hrit clrna Hoard. 03 Last 4th st. O BLOCKS FROM BROADWAY?20 CLINTON place. ? I'lcasaut front Rooms, with Board; also tine single Room* ul summer rates; house newly paiuteu aud furnished throughout. ,-TH AY , 273 -BLEU ANT Al'AKTMKMS LN SI I rK ?) or singly. with or witliout Board; transient truest* accommodated ; private table it desired; summer prices. rtll AV , lUM.-FARriKs" Y1SIT1NO TIIK CITY CAN ?J be accommodated with double or single Rooms, with or without Board; references. rTii a v., 7h. near urn >r.-handsomely fcrt) III shed Roams lo let. with Board; suL able for families or gentlemen: summer prices; also transient boarders. Q LAST 32l> ST.?DESIRABLE R )OMH FOR FAM 0 llies or gentlemen, with Board; transients taken ; references. *l/\ WAVKRLKY FLACK. NBAS BROADWAY^ Xv' Front Room, Tor two, #12. $1 I and S.'O with Alnari: single Rooms, f7. transient people taken; table Board, $4 19 LAFAYETTE PLACE PLEASANT ROOMS. WITH 1 ?j or without Hoard; also good table Board. I 4 Til ST.. IIH AND 1 IN, WEST ? WITH BOARD. F.LK IT gan ly furnished Rooms, on second and third stories, front, for families or single genii ?men; term* eer> moderate for the summer; transient and table boarders taken rea j son ably. if "I WXVERLKI PLACE, NEAR BROADWAY^ ^ 1 Fleasunt and handsomely furnished K ins with Hoard, for families or single persons, by the day or week ; location central. qAtH sr. ?j WBffT KIN COOL ROOM*. EN ) suite or singly, with good Hoard, from to #10 per week; permanent or transient; splendid location. OCifil ST.. WKST. tuT ? H V M?SO >! KLV KI' HSIS11 K I) Rooms with Hoard, single or en unite; water and large closet in mourn; term* to suit tho times. (W\ JANK N'r.. TWO BLOCKS HKLoW liTII ST.? I'leasant Rooms, good Hoard; all improvements; n?? children ; terms low. Table boarders. no ;t?. :i7 WKST 14Til ST. ?ELKOAN r ROOmST ?) ), with hoard; permanent and transient, 92 per day; kept by i?njll?)i lady. or ckamkkcv purl Tiai bast soni m 1) La r ire. handsomely fn rn I abed front Room, with first class Hoard for gentleman and wile or two gentlemen ; also feinaller Koom. I (\ WKST T2I) ST ?TURN I SHE R ROOMS, $t TO flo i ' per week, witii or without Hotrd; breakfast per* maneiit or transient; reference. | ( t WKST 1HrIf sr.. HKTWKKN Mil AN0 HTH AVS X*' lland-onieiv furnidiad (tonus, with Hoard; permanently or transiently; terms moderate. ffO WKST J^TII SI LA RUB: URY ROIlMi! W I r?f ?) ) good Hoard; permanent or transient; also table Hoard; references. ffo and ? it mark's Flack. Furnished t)?9 Romus. iarga and soialLto let. with Hoard, permanent and transient; transient. $1 per day r | LKXI NOTON AV . NEAR a5TII ST.?FURNISH KR )"I Rooms to rent; ala?> one Room suitable lor two; all convenience*. ~ 7 WEST I-Til >1 WITH OK WmicVuT HOARD, # ) | Third Floor; bathroom. Ac. : table board. ry WKST WTII ST. ?N It' K L V F U U N1S11K D KOO M S, #fO with Baaed. WEST 4 11 11 si SUPERIOR ACCOM MOD A J ?) ) lions; good, pleiitilol table; house and location tir?t class; terms very low; reh rences. 1 111 K \ST t:*i> ST.-HKNTLKMKN C AN HK ACCOM- I IT?' modeled with fir?t c hm? Hoard; pleasant cool I rooms; privuio family: $7 to $10 per weok. 1 ri*J VVI*:si 4isr Sf ?A LADY, OCCUPYING t'OR 1 ) t tier floor, would let nice front K?otn to two gentlemen or lady iui'1 ire nt I mi ii. with or without Hoard. n/j/j wi*;st 4rll st ? kikmsiikd rooms to ^1UU I *t, with or without Hoard ; terms $.'* and f-7 por week. Oil7 WKSI 430 *T FCRJfC.sHKD M'VKIMIMS. ^1/ I with Hoard in private family ; first class house, location and table; no oilier bunraers; term* moderate. no I WEST 22D sr.?A PLEASANT ItOOM. WITH ^50+ Hoard, to two jreiillewii. for $12. i WKH1 34TII ?T KOOMH TO l.l- I WITH a?f)r Hoard, to families and geotlemen, truiiiient and permniu-nt; term* moderate i)C I WI>T 230 >T Sl'IIS OF HANDSOME lluotio, with or without Hoard; summer price*. il/i' WEST :?iril i?T ?A I'AKTY OK OK * I SOLE )")?/ uciilhmi'ii ran ho acrouiuiodatrd with large and ?mall comfortably luroished llooui* and Hoard; lowest possible term*. Philadelphia hoarding mem makdkman 222 West Kittenhoune square; rholco Apartment*; superior location ; 2D minutes to i cntennlal. 1)111 LA DELPHI A.?PRIVATE BOA KDIKO, $2 PER day, #* to $t 2 per week It AN KINS 2* Vt e*i 21Hb ?l. 1 )AKT1 EH DKSIK1NU ALL THE CONVENIK.NCEs OF J the f lllli Avenue Hotel at lt**s e\peti?o- apply at .'5 West 23*1 st.t two doors from hotel; also taole Hoard. Large Kootnt, ru suite or single, without board. ftlDAKI) AND LDDDINU WANTED. \l,Al?V. Willi IS A Klltvr fl.AS.-a HHP. SB I r.iakar. will irlve thrp* ink for board nurlo* [ the momli> "I -Inly Anm*t. Addraaa J., box 172 Herald L'pman Branch ofllc* TfANTKD-ROAHD WITH A KKHI'KCTA?LK JKW Tf Mi or Kreucli family. Addroit l.bXl.Milu.N AVK : NIIK. Herald I ptown Branch office. IM/I'KU. XT N KW KNlil.ANM HOIKI*. 30 HciWKKY aCLI A IIkIiI. alnple room a, lodging, 50 ceutx nightly; $.1 weakly ; fur Kri?ll#ni^n only 4 LWAYH OPKN ? KKANKKOKT IfOL'MK, COBUKR 1V Frankfurt ntul William iu., 35e., Jiic., $1, grutlinirn, flNBlliti I /IITT lIHTKIo HKOAIIWaV AMI! STH It HOARD I ' and Kooni t- par da> . Iloowia (3. Ufa III Ko-tna 97 weekly. location uuaurpaaied. f ranch reaianrant attached. (H.K.MUM IIOTKI,. 5TM A\ MHTWl.hN iHSTAKiO ! JT -fJd Hi. I'rlrai reduced, both lu rnotna and reaiaurant. | tu meet the da nun da of lli* timea N. P HARRY, Manager. MAXWKLL, UUTKL., 174 RLKKCkPR " Rf.-BIWT I houae In thecify for the money, 91 IH'xndlf > ! day, I ceutraily located uear broad-fay. LD. PRICE FOUR CENTS. 1IOTKL8. ' i kumi sti ievavi' hook. city."??5kc IJ tiou and accommodation* uriaurpaaard. prioca rodured to mil the timet; (3 50 and 94 per day; Kuonat only $1 per day and upward. lewis A okokiik s. LKLAND. qouthbbn llo i'kl- -american i'lani 92 a dat| O try it once. 67tt Hroadway, corner of 3d tl. (JT, (iKKMAIN^5TI1 AV., 2JI? ST.. AND BROADWAY k3 lootus, suites. iUI trout. lio board, one aouar una up-ward ; elegantly furnished ; location unequalled ; arc**** 14 entire city : elevator, baths. WILLIAM u. TOMPKIN8. COUNTRY BOARD. U 4 VKKY S" KATONAH, WKST< 'IIKSTKK COUNTY. il Musooot .Mountain*. Lakes Mabopac and Croton; picturesqite scenery; extensive verauda?; piuuo, or4;an ; milk. egg*. chickens. from the farm; term* $*'< and \T YONKKKS. lift* WAUBURTON AV . OVERLOOK* III/river?Delightful rooms with good board for families. Terms moderate. AT STATKN Ls L 4 N D -H OO1 * ~I A XT AT ION^ PL K A ?ant K001111, liberal table, with private family (adult*) ; to fl?>; shade lawn, bathing. Address COOL KBTltKAT. Herald office. nOABD 41 CORNWALL THK MOODNA HOUHK IS Aj now roudy for summer boarders For particulars and circulars ap|d> t<* JOHN PAKK, l>47 Mth av , or WILLIAM OBB, Cornwall. N. Y. BOAliD W \NTKD-ON STATliN ISLAND. HV A KaM- 4 ilV of three adults and child (H years), with a private fuiuily. where there are no other boarders; terms not to exceed per week. Address, stating location, A. W. F. V.# Herald Uptown Branch office, BOAIU) KOK TWO KA.MILIKS OK SINULK PBRtfOVH. stiady grounds ; milk and vegetables from larui. Call on or address A. IIKN DRU'KSON, Turrytown. I^OAKI* AT SAIOKKTIKS. ON TMK~IIL'fLSON. NEAR from to (10 |i<*r week Address. by letter, IIKNitY Tl KCk. -augertlea, N. V.. i>r personally to J. U. THOMPSON. No. Hlfi Hroadway. Near fork BOAKI) AT LONO HHAN'IMI?COTTAOE SITUATED halt utile troll! beach, live tiiimilea from depots; beautiful lawn and abade 111 abundance: plenty of milk, eggs, Ac Fur particulars address KUWAItU K. SLOCL'M, East ||N| Branch. N'. .1. BOAUU-IN KOCKLAND COUNTY. ON A F A It M ON K mile Irnm Spring Valley depot, one bour by rail; boatIns: and ballon (. For photograph and particulars call at 1 4J West 1Mb at. BOAKll ON IIAULKM KOAIi. l lltsi STATION AHOVK White I'lnliii: atuall farm ; four good room*. Inquire at No, I Hurcluv at., tailor ature. 1) V VS1I' 11:1', 1. 1.? I" AS A NTalKt io MS: SKA aTk"; J) g noil li:at It i ii it. boat in;: and hailing. Addresa P. II. l'l.CK WFiLL. Kayahore. L. I. Itufcrs to VV. II. liurtuoll, 57 Fnltnn at.; T. J Cox. 7U1 Oth ar , New York. /"COUNTRY Boa itli on t 11K ilUOSON hi M1NUTKS \ from landing: high ground. abundant ahade; eight miles above Netvburg: stuMii ,. croquet, piano: plenty of milk and vegotkhlea; teima $7 to (Ilia week. Address J AS. S. KM AFP. Mm loorough, I'latvr county. N Y. (TOCJNTKY llOAIlD.?FAKM HOUSE, MOI'NTaTSTaIK, J hcaiitilul acenery, pleaaaut ronma: terms (?i per week. Addresa ELY 1'Ab.VKK, Coeytuan'a Hollow, N. Y. / tOl'NTRY HO A Kit IN KINOSToN, N. Y - HOUBK Urge anil airy: good table; well shaded grounds; croquet lawn mid good stabling For particulars addrcaa Mr*. C. F. UKILL, box BS~> I'oat nfllce, Kingston, N. V CTOl'NTltY BOAKI) ? FOR A FAMILY OF FOUR J adults, from July 17. to September 1; n ust be witluu 1 h-uir ot the city. Addresa, with reference, box -11 Herald ollice. /torN'TliY Biitlin can UK HAD of A PRIVATE x.7 family, near tVhlle I'lalna. Call on or adilrdsa J, Si'OIvY, :rti 1'nlveraliy place, corner IJtli st , be I ore J I'. M "TYKLIOnTrUL ACCOMMODATION FOR MOARDKKS 1J iu a farm house amoug the i'atakills; beat city reference. l'ersoiinl interview at 0*10 Oth ar., uear OHtU at., N. Y. City. i/iikst Ci.ASS COUNTRY B(iaki> ON UTNB OK JP I'later mid Helawitre Railroad.' healthy location: plcu?kmt virww; terma, 7 t?? per week. Addreet M. J. llAKDKN Bl'ltti II. Weil Henley. L'Inter couuty, N. V. FIHKST CLASS BOARD M AY UK HAD AT TIIK FOOT ' or'Oat-kill Mountain*; scenery iiuaurpsaaed I no tnosiiiilMiae price $7. Addrrs* (iKOKi.K A. SA.NDFORD. South Ourlmin, llrenneenuiitv. N. Y. T7IIR8T CLASS Boa It I * IN TUB COUNTRY AT A 1 farm huuso unuinu'Hie mountains; I'. hours Irom city; re O'er* nee*. Apply, 10 till 'J, at I Hroadtrav. room U. riUUT ci.ASS BOARD on a Farm NKar I.oNd I lalnnd Sound.?Spl.udld bethink. ?h*ile, pleusanl drive*; *tnbllr.k free: term* $7 per week. Joll.N I. Vol NO., L. I First class boarij stcikn olanihls iiioh Itrniiud-. Uiin lawn splendid view, plenty of coiintrj products. Terius reasonable Addrea*, NUltTll SHORE, box :i, UJ I'o.t olliee. New York. / tool) Cod N TRY BOARD ? PBIVATR fVmTlyT II Oreenvllle. (ireene county, neer Hie mnuntelii*; e??y access; lark" houee. sliadv grounds; term* low. Inquire of Or. WILLI AMS, k.'d! We?t U4th at . New York. 7ith. Ht!? and 7tli iu*t. ; IV. H, DAYTON, ?>;! Fulton it., Brooklyn, or 11. J Mt'CABK, iireonvllle. N. Y. IO.Nt) BRANCH.?LEVY COTrTliK. CHKLHKA, J neiir Oceen **?.; desirable room*, with unuxceptionnld table. lit reasonable rate*. Apply at cotlsku or to N. W. HI.OSS, U7 Liberty ?l? New York ION*i HKANTII -Mlts. WAIiH II AS TAKEN I'AOH'* J I milage. l.'licliea nv , clnae tu beech nud depot; ready for Kiia<ta; excellent table: atabllm: . raferencea. PUKE COUNTRY Allt?WKST MU ST.. NEXT ('E.Ntral I'ark ; private family will let a lurelaliad Croat, had liooiu adjoining. with Hoard, lor tlia aiiiumer* cat and water in lue lioiiae ; Eighth avenue railroad peaaaa the atreat. Ad drvai X Y. a, Herald oEaa PARTIES liKSIHINti A HOUSE IN THE CHI'Strv In a end, lieallhr locality, can tlnd It on a farm 4L unlet. Croiu .New York, ill Weatcheater eountr one mile from tntioii: good board and plenty of(bade: alio excellent accommodation* for bornea lr deaired. for |iarticular? addrea. iOJIKOKT, tor two daya, box 3,872 l'ott office. New Yoik. ___ _____ RDIMi IIOMK EAKM HOI >K SITUATED ON HIHK S:ojad. witli pleaiant surrounding*. ?ix mllea Iroiu tutsklll; inonutalu air: I1r?f data Hoard and nirv Kuoina. IIaKMON Co EE, Sou^h Cairo. Orerne county. UI'MMtK SoAKOEKS WANTED IN 1IIK ril.ts" ii ant village of Knelt ir lllll. N. J.; iplenlld solution; tenia reasonable; livo iiilnutea' a alx Iroiu I' K. It. depot. Adrireaa JOSEPH II. VAN KI.KHT, Koclty Hill, Somerset county, X. J. , * rpiloSK IlKSHtlNO HO Alt H Kolt THE SI' M H Kit f.\N 1 lie inn at a farm liftuse. In a g >od neighborIuhmI and lienithi location, on reaaonaiiln term.. Addiaat tlr?. XI. J. M., box 111 I'oat efliea, W aslnugioiivllle, Orange county, X, Y. KUMMBR K EC HURTS. AMERICAN IIOTKE. sin.. si Mi. ON HIE in 5 on. Newly lurnialied and lenovated. large. airy r >enia; It now opi-ii for tli r 'ception of gueata at moderate price*, ('amp meeting cumnieuraion tlia l!5th In*:. Addret* box H7I I'oat oltlee fc. 11 DlSBKOW. PI EACH HOUSE, I sir A filRT V J NOW OPEN. l. u. maltry. BV TilK HE A?OCRAN 11KACM N..I.?NKW HOC*E, new furniture. ocean and till salt water bathing, good fishing, crabbing, sailing and rowing; I" minute* to Long llr.iuch; two trains per hour by Centra! Rsit-oad of New Jersey. Charge* moderate. Address, J. L. IIill*POCK. Cio/./.l..\> HAMILTON HO( >i . 8TAMFOKD. OOKN.J Water and can in every room: broad piasxas. good bathing; period )t?althfulue*?; high ground*. (SaRLKYS IIoTKL-ON TIIK mII >l AN IMt AILKOA 0, J at Fallibtirg station, now open for summer boarders; the he-1 fishing and hunting in the Stale; Canal and llrown pofids, mile; Pleasant Lake and Sever sink Itiver. one mile; rooms well ventilated and every attention to guests guaranteed; three hours' ride from the city. /'RUMANIA HOTEL. SUMMER UARDIvN~AND~RKS IT taurant. Long Jiranch, X. J. Cll. HOQii. Hotel stages at d-pots Hotel kknlmork. Otsego Lake, Coop.-rstown. N. Y., now open. Address W II. llOYVAItll, Manager. Cooper*town 01 W II H tRMOKK. Rtni f?th av.. corner 36th st., a here plans of the house can ->e examinedORIENT PoTNT llui SL -N<iW OPKN LOCATKD ON the extreme eastern end of Long Island, fronting the Sound and ilardinor's Ray; spleadid driviui.. boating, bathing and fishing; reached by Long Island Railroad aod steamer W. W. Colt from Peck slin, terms moderate. Send foi circular. M R PARfMlNfl A CO.. Orient, L. I OKMSHN S FAMILY HOTEL. CENTRAL AT.?CIM Rake July 0. 4 o'clock. Three quarters of a mile from Macomb's darn. 1>AKK HOTEL] WHITE HULPHCR 8PIR04. HAKiL I fi. r lh- r..P..T.I?,.n Connected with thin hotel are the finest white sulphur baths hi the eo mtry. Address HIM LKLA.N'JJ A CO., .Saratoga Spring*. pAVII.lOV II OTP. L. NEW IIRIOHT?7n. >. I -Solf JL open; accommodations for single gentlemen. $12 our week ivtad upward. Cell or addrus* H. F. COLfc. RIlXihFIKLI) I'AKK IIOTKL?fclNUTK* FRO* city, via New Jersey Midlnnd Railway; hosting. bath)>.c. fishing * KANt IlloVKY. L.ttio Ferry. N. J. THOMSON HOC8K 1 and RKNOVO IIOTKL, on the Philadelphia and Krie Railroad. These superior anil popular resorts haee been thoron?hlf refurni-hed and prepared for the entertainment of guests during the centennial year. Located on one of the principal mute* of travel between the Northwest and the Centennial exhibition. in the midst of beautiful forest scenery, where the air and water are the purest, they will be found all ractive and beneficial resorts for health and pleasure ekers. as well as convenient rest in if places lor tourists and travellers. The country adjacent to these splendid hotels affords the finest trout fishing and Running in tlie Kastciu States. For circulars ol Information, Ac., address * R. M. N. TAYLOR, Proprietor. -Thomson llouse, Kane, Pa. JACOB II. tfCllANHACHLlt. Proprietor. Kenoyo Hotel. Kettoyo. Pa. milK DOTTKNBR IIO I'SB, FOLK VILLK. KUHSBX 1 county N J lit sntifully situated at the base of the Bine Mountain*, one mile from highest point of land In New Jersey; hunting and tilling abiiiidant; terms, Jul per week. Add re** J H. LOTTEKKR, or C. C. HICK, W> Beefcoiau ? St., New York. DKV CHHIDh. | \RFSS <iOOl>H. Will ffc AND BROtVjT MlhKllNUH* \) i.?' i neis, Napkins rowels, rowellnics. Planes, A hwlmJm n i* strlpeu and plaid Muslins, Haadkerchlefh, Ac . from toe large auction sale of Cochran, McLean A Co., at very low prices Wk. M ATHKWN, .V4 Catharine st. NlliLMKHt AND UHKHKMAKOt*. 1'l.VOVOX Y."?STRICKT CIMTNMKH M\I)K IS Fi -hurt notice ; dresses Cut, finished and looped ; full In.. t.. MnTt.MKI'VAKn. 101 Mth !. onrnr r ]?DIR?I HTYMAH IMroHTifl j Hu..nrl? or ri'tinU llxta grvitlljr rrduead ttud It tJ Ihidr ( Miup. "HI it. bxhihithJ^^^^H 1 MAM , U'TI B^ D l'r*?w?. Ulx* Bad *>??<?> MaehlMrjr, uu iii _ AhtoKauk I lur arMd rouuit. CHAKblUt M.