V 10 THE LYIIIKITM. . Sunday Opening Discussed Before the Centennial Commission. The Michigan State Building Opened. A GLANCE AT TOE AMERICAN JEWELRY. I'UILAUKLflllA. July 6, 14TB. The United Stator Centennial Commission met Id Judges' Hull at eleven o'clock this looming. Alter the calling of the roll Mr. Donaldson arose anu staled that he desired to call attention to a paragraph In the report of the Executive Committee which he regarded as being unduly biased. The subject referred to was road, as follows:?"Numerous petitions, memorials and resolutions have boon received from all parts of the country sustaining tho action of the coranilsslon in closing the Exhibition on Sunday, and similar documents upon tho other side of the ijuo-lion have also been received, which emanate tuainly Irom He objected 10 tbis because on Its face It Insinuated that the wbolo country indorsed the closing on Sunday, and tbat people of Philadelphia nlnne were in favor of opening on tbat flay. In order tiiut the speakers, who would appear betoro tbo commission at two o'clock, might have a basis lor their remarks, ho otterod the tallowing resolution:? Kemolved, Tliat ihe Exhibition of ]H7n shall be opened to Visitors eui'b ami avert day of the week, provided that no exhibitor shall be compelled to he present upon Sunday i neither shad steam he used In Machinery llall on SonJuy. A motion was made to lay this on the table, but Mr. Donaldson slated lie did not ask action upon it, as lie ?uly desired to present it as as a tias s for those who would appear at two o'clock. The motion to lay on the table was not agreed to. rns kocrth of jri.y ciu kbratiox. Mr. Latrohe, of Maryland, chairman of the comimttce appointed to prepare the resolution of thanks lo tboie gentlemen w ho volunteered their services In the opening ceremonies on the occasion of the Fourth of July celebration, presented resolutions of thanks to the following:?William M. Kvnrts, Itichard Henry l.ee, Itayard Taylor, Mr. F. Whittier, Sidney Luunler, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and a resolution requesting Hon. llainiltou Fish to express the thanks ol the com mission to the Emperor Hum Pedro ol lirazil lor the anthem written under hU direction by Seuhor Curios Gomes. suggestion by Mr. Donaldson to add the name of Vice President Kerry, for the admirable manner in which be proslded over the Kourtu of July celebration, led to a discussion in which it was contended by uiauy ol tho Commissioners that, as the celebration had been 1 given under government patronage and the Vice President had represented the President in his otllcial ca, pacity, a formal vote of thanks would bo superfluous During the discussion several mouthers expressed j their disnppo.nUueut in the absence of President Uraui on the occusiou. Mr. Donaldson finally with- i drew his motion, alien the commission wont into j executive session and subsequently took a brief recess. ] THK SUNDAY qlK-TlON. At two o'clock tbe com mission reassembled, Presi- i lent Huwley in ibu chair. The unusually large uudi- I incc present included many gentlemen' prominently denuded in Philadelphia and elsewhere Willi the dunlay opening question, the consideration ol winch had l>vcu assigned as the special order of business. Tho < subject was introduced by the staieineut of the Chair lu calling alien turn to a petition containing ho,u(X) I names, which hud just beeu presented by members of | the i omimUco ol Thirteen appointed at me Philadelphia : Sunday opening meeting ol May 24; also coiuiuuuica I lions expressing the sentiments ol deliberative ; bodies?viz.. one from the National i.iberal I.vague in lavor ol opening, ouo irom the National Kctorm , or lteligiuus Amendment Association and one from the National Sunday School Convention in lavor of keeping the Exhibition closed. Upon the unnouuecineut lieing made that a number of representatives of these bodies were present and uesircu 10 oe ucaru a uiscusmuii er>ucu us 10 wio length of tiiuo to be accorded ouch speaker. Fifteen minutes unit tin It an hour were suggested, ninl the latter limit finally determined upon the llrst speaker, Mr. Ueorge W. Kiddie, ol 1'btladelphit, remarking that ho would not occupy one-half of tit icon mill mor. Mr. Kiddle, the spokesman of the Committee of Thirteen, in opening the discussion in hthall of an open F.xhibiliou on Suu I ?v, said that, la view ol Ilia very luli argument on the subject made by htm beloro the Kxeculive Committee some tin weeks ago, he would refrain irotn entering upon tho uhstracl uterus f the issue, His associates and himself were present as the representatives ol tho GU.UOO petitioners whoso names wore appended to the paper already referred to, as also of the signers of separate petitions of legs rn.ip | uiludc, one containing llic names ol 500 holders ol Centcunial stock. He had been instructed aud, Irom the churaclor of those from w hom he acquired the instruction, believed that these were ail genuine slgna lurw. The opponents of opening had asserted with somo ?arncstt>ess that their petitions represented the scntiBiculs ot more than halt a million oersons, notwuh tauding that the signatures were not otic-hall so uuaie.cusas were tbo-e of the other side and upon the lame rea.-omi)K the speaker held that the 00,000 petitioners could salely claim that they represented tho sentiments of 'i 000,000 of people. In support ot this claitn he satd the names of the latter had been obtained without any special or extraordinary eflort and without tne co-opcrat'ou of great organizations ready mane such as (hose which had given their lntlueiice and l.,lmn In >i.l ,il L Mf. 11 i> i/ tl... hll.il i,.n VI.. only organized etlort lor opening wu (imply such its Mr Wilbur. Ibo secretary ol the Committee of 'Ibirtecn, had made liy way of di-piovlngthe assumption o( the other side tnal the laboring < lus*es themselves did uot ask lor the opening ol Iho Kxluhuion ou Sunt y. the speaker staled, as ihe losull ul an investigation is to the standing ot one laboring establishment?the Baldwin Locomotive Works?that out ol a total ul" Ll'oO employes, l,13i> signed the petition tor opening, tie believed that throughout the ritv a division ol nil iperalives upon this question would show the same tropuriion. As illustrating the character of the I ;ia,-?ea ol uien represented among the Sunday opening tetilioucrs. he mentioned Iroitt amoug the rest the tames ul a lew ol the besl known, among whom was rir. John A. Wright, acting member or the lirm ol , ?eter Wright M Co . a lirm through whose ability, i sapllul and enterprise Americans were enabled to say that at least one lino ol IrausatIan;ic steamers floats ibe American (lag. Another was Mr. Hlankenburg, a Herman by birth and citizen by adoption, who, in Una matter, repreteuledat least lUO.Obo of his fellow citizens Mr. BlanlCtnburg followed in lavor ol opening, contending that Ihe sentiment of the working people was emphatically in this direction. He said that in only one of the workthopa viaitcd by the members of ihe committee in the lower part ol the city had the operatives nut signed, and this shop, which employed only twenty Lien, was lb- ouly one to which the committee jiud been refused ad unfa too. He also made an appeiu in iwiimi > ?wkui; women rm^iu\ni irom Monday morning till .-Mtiui ?J?-titi*U Ibem by tbe iuuday closing. In Ibis conucclMu if called attention to a petition (w Inch he preacntcdi signed be .'{44 working womi'u. He proceeded to argue llial if tbe Kxbibilion wa? demoralising or injurious and to be kept closed mi one din nt ibo week lor lliat reason, it < ihould be closed entire!.' . but H calculated to do good it should Im- opened every day in tlie week, t oncermug the Objection that the mw did not allow tbe opemug on Sunday, be expressed the behrt that, .1 rcterred to the Solicitor, tbat question would be decided, a* was J that ol tbe sale ol liquor witbiu Ilia grounds, in nip port ol tba authority ol the < oinnuaslou Wilbin the , preclude set apart by national staiulo. Alter (urther il.acusaioii by tlie ir.euds ol the Sunday clo.iDg arrangement, it was linallv ordered that a deciaive vote upon tlie question would b? taken at twelve o clock 11. tomorrow. Adiouri.ed. tmk Mica mas arii.oino open an Tbe Michigan Mate iiui'dibg was formally opened testerdav aiternoou by lioyernor -I. J liagley, ol 1 iichigan. who lie.U u reception at the building Iroin twelve to three o'c ock Tbis structure is one of tbe most artistically designed and ftnely flnu-ned State buildings n tbe grounds, tbe airy aud gracciul proj-oruons of the , uporairucture culnnnul.iig in a ntgli ri'la lower on the aouib side. Tbe budding is made cunre.y of native , woods, aud tbe interior is adorned wtib rich engravings I si oil?d and jsoiishid wood of every variety grown m the state. Iii? handeomeiy though not extravagantly furnished throughout, and the parior on the second j floor is a gem 0: couiiort and good taste. At the opening of the building yc-tcrdav It was almost immediately thronged witn visitors, a large proportion of whom were Irvtn Michigan. Uovernor Hagiey look a )>o-ition 011 the west side ut tlie Assvinbit Room, in front of a banner l?eur.ng the Stale coat farms, and courteously welcomed the \ mitora as they were presented. Among tbe more prominent gentlemen from tbe State noticeable in tbe tbroog were Ad lUtanl General JoDn Konmsoo. yuarteriuaster ueuerat P. S. Mathews. Inspeuor Untnl U S irowbridge, Burgeon Harrowrmtn, Co.ouei John rueford. Colonel U. K Wortner. midp ami J. H Hopkins, military eeoreiary of the Uovemor's Staff, Colonel tV. H. McCreary. Mate Treasurer of Michigan; V. P. Coiyer, Slate ' ommlsaioner; W.J. Baxter, 01 Ibi Kmi* Hoard ?l Education; Colonel Sylvester l.arue, and many tthera. ran rautca brraorr cadsts At half-pant twelve o ciovk III* I'rlouz Detroit Zadeta, commanded by Colonel J. & Itogcrs, I nurd Itatea Arnty. arrived froru their em ampuicm on Ho.-oalHiK The cadeis, numbering Id* muskets, were tm pan ted by their l>an<1 ot twenty pieces and orpe of "twonty druinioera They were up in line on Slate avenue, and, alter arms, entered the bnlMlBf, where 1 cordi illy received by Coventor Haglev. who I ) ed the organization on ihelr fine appear- . t dlerly bearing In the grand parade on the t resent were served with light refresh- I jg the remainder of the reception the J I NT5W ^ ceo* ww enlivened by martial multc. The recaption, though lu lusiir respects luloriuat. was very enjoyable and will duubtloas long be pleasantly remembered by tbe panic.pacta. ' ma raorossn Musical, coxruar. Tbe contest of all tbe leadiug bands In tbe Cut ted States, was announced to cotne otr this afternoon at the Music Paviion, tu tbo Lansdown ravine, but although all tbe judgea, constating of I'rolexsora ( lleury K. Oliver, of Salem, Moss. ; Judus , ebeiuiuayvr ol Germany; Acbclle Parlee, ot . 1 Italy; 1'ierre Julian of lioetou, and Victor Dordlt, i i of Farm were ail present ami ready lor tbo delicate task ol decldiugon the merits ol the musical performance, tiot a single baud wbicb bad entered for Ibe con- 1 lest put in an appearance. Among other reason* assigned lor the disappointment was an intimation that the content* were not sufficiently advertised, us also ibe tact that, the engagements of nearly 1 nil the military bands beiug governed entirely by ibe regiments to which tbey are attached, "the convenience ol the latter was not audi ciently consulted, General Bradley, ol the military band management, who was called at a later moment to talto charge ol tbo matter, lound tliat only eight band* hail entered tor the contests, uud altera ard two ot these withdrew because they would not be able to bo in I'hiladelplna on the 5th" ol July. Two others failed to report, and yesterday morning two of tho remaining four were obliged to i leave with their regnuenls. Why the remainder did not appear at the mus.c stand could not be asccrialned, j hut It is probable that the impossibility ol having a satisfactory contest under the circiittauces caused their sudden change of plans. It Is still believed, however, that tho contests can be arranged for at a later dute, as all musicians sre Interested in ibe enterprise, and many have already promised to do all in their power to lorwurd the project. THE XDUCATOKS. A mooting of the educationalists present at tho Centennial Kxpo.-illon was held ttus alteration in Ihu I'ennsylvsuia Educational building, State Superintendent Withers haul in the chair. Trio secretary presented a report from General Katun. Commissioner of the I'tnted States Bureau ol Kducution, saying that lie hud cxutniued the plans presented for making the Exposition more effective in an educulional sense by providing guides lor the educatioual departments, arranging u proper system lor making the proper examination, Ho., and though be liuil not time tor taking active steps in the matter, be Mould do all tu bis power to lorward the project. Mr. 1>. Motto, Commissioner ol Kducntion from brazil, tbcb continued bis address on tbe subject of education iu that country, showing tout not only bod tbe system been greatly perfected, but that tbe educators themselves were under tbe direct supervision of tho government. rut CKXTKSMCL XATIOXAL IN'MTITtTK. Tl.e exercises of the Institute were resumed at eight o'clock this luoruiug with music by tbe Hutcbliisou family. Hon. b G, Northrop. Nonrotary ol tho State Heard ol Kducatiou of Connecticut, delivered u lecture on " The N?m' Era id Kuiope." l'roiessor II. V. DcGrull, ol Nutv York, delivered the lions, In* subject beiug ".-school Discipline." lioii) lectures were discussed briefly by Messrs. BaJdwui. ol Missouri; Boss, of Now York, unit Jones, of Kuglund I'roiessor House, ol L'orlhind, N. V., will lecture lo-morrow on "Morals and Kohgion In Amen can Schools," anu Professor Dell raff will conlinuo the discussion tff "School Dirciplitie." TUR ADMISSION'S. The whole number of admissions to-day was 52,040. 01 llieso 40,051 were paid, and 5,089 exhibitors, attendants, &c, AUKKICAX JKWRLRY AND ARTISTIC 81LVKK WORK. The line pavilion occupied by Messrs. Tiffany 4: Co., of New York, is one of Iho great attractions ol the Main Building. Front morning till evening it is tilled with delighted crowds. A more artistic and valuable collection ol Jewelry and silverware, probably was uever exhibited. The grand point of interest is the case in which is shown a diamond necklace the value ol which Is $80,000 in gold. This resplendent circle dazzles like the constellation of Orion in the sky. The diamond is a gem like u rising star on a wintry sky, and here are diamond winch an i empress might he proud to wear. Beside this marvel- | lous ucckUco is a pair ol earrings, eucli adorned with a single diamond, lurge, lustrous and pure, the cost of which is $16,000. There is an aigrette, exquisitely finished, the price ol which is $15,000. and a superb string of pearls which anybody cuu have who has $13,000 to spare for such luxuries. There are many nlber ornamental miles ol the kind In the same case, the total contents ol which are worth $350,000. This I in,ght well ha called "iullnite riches in a little room. " c lu tlo space ol a cubic yard Is a fortune. Kvery j kind ol precious stone is represented in this display by magnificent specimens. The diamond sparkles,, the ruby burns, sapphire deepens, the emerald shines, the opal melts Iroiu shade to shade, tne topaz glows, the amethyst pales, and the pearl beams like the halo around the summer moon. The ladies who throug ibis collection reflect lis glories In their eves. 1 ha blue eyed inuidru the sapphire, (ho brunvtto looks f love to the passionate ruby, the greed eye ol (ho . envious woman answers the look ol the emerald, aim the blonde replies to itio pearl. The silver d eplay is a equally line, though not so valuable. Of course (he v vase presented to the venerable poet Bryant, presented by his lrieuu8 on his eightieth birthday, is always surrounded by a crowd. There Is a set of silver oyster loras with a golden tinge which aro novel in design and excellent in execution. Each one of the twelve pieces dlf!ors Irotn the others. lino lork represents a tlsb. auotber a snail, another a slarllsh, another a crab, another an oyster. Xhe artist taxed ~ his powers ol invention in this eifort. Another case * coutaius a number ol' yacht prizes und racing cups, loaned by their owners to the tlriu which mude them, lor the purpose uffhowing in the Centennial Exhibition the pcriecuon tn this dillicull art whicn Americans have already reached. There aro vases and cups wtiicb are already historical souvenirs in the uunals of the sports of sea' and land?pedestrian ism, y icliilug, , shooting and rowing. A splendid array ol swords made by Most.ru. liduny Ac Cu, lor presentation to distinguished soldiers uud satiors, recalls the glories ol the Hrniy and navy. They bang pencelully now in ihoir rich scabbards, and we may hopo they will never bo again the emblems ot war, but lather the sheathed trophies ol peace. Vnici Ir taOrt dt mon pirf. There is the sword ol llraut, the sword ol Sherman, with the stainless blades ol llurnside, Harragui, Schuy- j ler, Hamilton, Howlaud and Orayton. Hack ol the swords Is a display of luiicy stationery, which " suggests tho line, '-The pen is mightier than the 1 sword.'' A pair ol blue satin slippers decorated with I " rows of large oriental pearls with pendants ot double . . pearls, made by order lor Mrs. Aslor, would have [ > mused Cinderella to grow rale will) regret. there Is u V tuble of Mexican onyx, with superb ornamentation, which wils sold to Mrs. Crocker, ol Call lorn la, lor $&0b. Tlio color ol tbo top Is dellchIo in tone, with rich veins ot brown, resembling a night sky with "moon lints of purple uad pearL" The plstedwnre which is cxbibiied in this pavilion ot Messrs. Tiffany & Co., is won I* oUiy oue exeeptiou to Ibis honest laltor, uud that is j the lac simile ut a champagne bottle, in stiver ainl cn- , Daniel. which (i. H. Muunn Co. prcseulcd to V. do . Harry ii Co., their areola iu ilio Ciuled States. There I ik on lit.a deceptive bottle an exact imitation ol the < label ot the wine merchants of Hbeuna. and the title, J "K.xtra Dry, ' is provoc ative ol a thirst which neither ; silver nor gold could satisfy. . THK CKI.ASKATKU Ot 1ST COACH. 1 The display ol carriages in the exhibition is, as you I are already 'inlortned, remarkably lino. One of 'the ' beat and moat admired specimens of workmanship is | 4 the ?| lendid couch ntaouiaclured by klillleu timet, oi Paris, dtplume d'honnur aim winner ol the liret medal at the principal exbibttioas ol the world. This road ; f ilrau '* splendid iu design and execution. It corah.ues 1 strength with lightnt ss, and reoout ilos economy of apace t with plenty 01 room anu comiori lor the travellers. r m coach will hold lour per&ohs easily iu the Inside; and il they will be kind euou .h to ail "bodkin.'/ six. | f Die uUUlUe lias ample room to seal teu with per eet ! 1 reunion?unless it ruins; but then there is an umbrel.a s -taud. executed 10 basket work, provided lor iiic event 1 oaulllulty couilrueted, ai.d is liuod inside Willi cloth and son. sltiii, excellently but simply dressed, rue upper puuel# ul tbe body nro black und | ' the lower * re > dnrk end rich preen picked ! r with red. The wheels and tbe rocker are painted red, I li and tbe same color is given to tno lunch box, which | :an bo opened aud makes n Inblc. To furnish the |. lablc with the luxury nud necessity ot life, are an lee :>vx to mahogany lined with tine, a hamper and a " -li.uii|.ar ue chest? beside* a horn case, made or hop ikin, in which the horn is kept, as in old Peunsy leauia <1 arm houses, to tali the people to lunch. t Plio body hangs low on the wheels, with c xact adjustment of balance. At the hack of ;be coach is a folding ladder to assist lad o.< in uscsnd- J ng to Hi" roof. 1 did not nonce a cook, nor a kitchen, lor a parior, nor a church on this marvellously conrived wagon, but bate not the leas: doubt that M. i 1 iuiet, had he chosen, could have provided them oil. i f It would be a plsaxurc to drive aroubd the world lu hisiehiclein the style which Mr. Kdward hvereit 1 Hall describes in one of his i.inuung tales. The price if the tlulet coach Is only h.obO. aud it Is cheap at , ' hat. It THE BLUE AND THE GRAY. ] I Tlie recent v'slt of our veterans to their old-lime an- p iiiuuuta "south of the line" is to be reciprocated to- a lay, whoa tt.p Wiiablngtoii Light lotantry, ol Cbarlru- 1 on.!?. C., aud ibc t .uich Kiflee. ol Auguata, tin., wilt, ! | u company with the Uvalou Lulu InlaUtiy, o( Miau:bua*lia, visit tbia my on iheu return Ironi I'biutdci ilua. I cry will he received b_v the Old Guard, who * ire ordered to aaaemble in lull uniform m (be A*t< r iouae at noon (or tli.it purpoie. A abort atay only i rill be in.ido in New York by the vleiliuf troop*, but ' rlule it laaia it will be made plcaaaut by Ilia coruml * loapitnlity ol the .Surinam veterans. 1 CLEVEK ESCAPE. I 1 At an early hour yeaterday morning Jamca ML Clair, he man who waa shot on bunday night by Margery ' loore, whom he had (tabbed In the tare a*. No. Va lo wery, made liia eat ape Ironi bellrvue lloapltal to a I .oat in tbe Kaai River. In which were aeTeral of bia ' rienua. who rotted luni toward the Brooklyn aboro rbe ponce are aearcbit/g lor tbe mgiiiv* ( e YORK HERALD, FRIDAY CANAL BOARD MEETING. " iancbllatiom or conthactij fob kxtbaobdinabt canal Ltl'AlKH. Albany, n. Y.. July 6,1878. At lb* men I mi of the Canal Hoard to-day, the report ol the Stale Engineer ou pending contracts Tor extraor diuary repair* on the canals, submitted at the last meeting of the Board, and laid on the table, was called up. The report recommends the filial settlement and cancellation of all these contracts. tractors, presented ]>rotcst against tbe report, so far as they are concerned, motion tbe point that theirs is not a pending contract, lor the reason that the work has been completed, and notbiugfis pending except payment for tbe same. Treasurer Koas ottered a resolution that in pursuance of tbe recommendation of tbe Slate Kugiueer and Surveyor, the moneys held by tbe Slate as security for the faitblul performance of the several contracts for extraordinary repairs named below ho returned to the several contractors emitted thereto. Nothing, howover, herein contained shall ho deemed to waive any claim which the State may huve lor detective work, nor sball it be considered as a precedent binding on tbe Caual Board in any other case. The resolution wus adopted 'I he following are the con'acts, the terms of which hare been complied with, covered by tbe resolution ? K. II Van Duzer, daied Decern nor !W, 1871; 8. sw.irtz. (laled August 17. 1872; J. M. Darnell, dated October 10, j 1873; John Kictiardsou, dated October lu. 1873; Harris A Lucca, dated November 12, 1*73, and 1332; J. H. Decker. October 31, 1873; John Huugtierty, April 22, 1874; John F. Thomas, April, 1874; Finurgan \ Field, December 8, 1874; V. F Wluttnore. Seplcrubcr 21, 1*72; Charles Nicnols, September 13, 1873, and 1324; Oliver Cornell, October 14, 1873, and Thomas Flood, October Itl, 1873. Treasurer Hoss offered a resolution that in pursuance or the recommendation of the State Kugtneer the .several contracts mentioned below be cancelled, and the securities deposited lor their luithlul performance be returned to tbe contractors thereto on their roleasitig the State trout all liability that may be incurred by such cancellation. The resolution was adopted. The tallowing are the contracts cancelled by the resolution:?William W. Sheldon, contract May 15. 1873, lor swing bridge at Clinton; appropriation, $2,000; security, |2U0. Henry D. Demson, contract March 28, 1871. lor removing wall benches on tbe long level; appropriation, $85,000. 1,. J. Dennett, contrac t October 14, 1873, fur repairing tbe Ohio street bridge, Clurk k Skinner Canal, ILilfulo; appropriation, $900; security. $100. K. K. Dodge, contract July 14, 1*09, lor deopeuing tbe Oswego Canal at Oswego; appropriations, $13,000 and $27,0(8). Slate Knginecr and Surveyor Van Bureti offered a resolution that the manor of tbe claim under toe contract of H.J. Mowry, dated December 18, 1872, No. 1,276 for building a dam at Cuzcnovla, lie relerrod to toe Comptroller and Auditor lor report thereon us to the legal rights and liabilities of the State thereunder. Adopted. FAILURE OF A MANUFACTURER. Sruixorni.u, Mars., July 6, 1876. F.W.Adams, of Slockbrldge, manufacturer of cotton warp cassimorcs, has fntlod for some $40,000, with assets ot between $20,000 anil $.10,000. MOLLY MAGUIRE CASE. PorrsriLtK, Ta.. July 6, 1876. The Voat murder trial, which was Interrupted last mouth by tho death of a Juror, was reached this afternoon and argument heard for a change of reuue. CLUBBED TO DEATH. CaMDRX, N. J., July 6, 1876. Last night George Biddle, aged thirty-Qvo years, was ittackcd with a club and Instantly killed by Robert tinltb Black, tn South Camden. Black Is from Philalelphia and la in custody. M L KUiiK U Uit A U1UJNK. Stkaci'SB, N. Y., July 6, 1878. Last night Lewis 11. Jones, proprietor of a hotel at larlvllle, Madison county, was shot through the heart >y an Irishman of that village to whom he bod refused drink. Mr. Jones was thirty-Ore years of age and ras highly esteemed. The murderer was arrested. KILLED WITH A BALL BAT. Pkovidrxcb, R. L, July 0, 1876. George Prentice, who was struck with a base hall iat by Kdward F.gau, on Tuesday morning, died to day. Igan lias uol beuu arrested. DROWNED FROM A SAIL BOAT. Boston, Mass., July 6. 1876. A son of Augustus N. Morso, of Hath, Me, was ; nocked overboard by the boom of a boat in which he ras sailing last evening and drowned. BODY FOUND. Nkwiicru, N. Y., July 6, 1876. The body of Robert H. Allen, who was drowned in he Hudson River while trying to swim across on Money last, was recovered yesterday. He was an archied, ooing business in New York city. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. iatbs of naraaTuaaa from saw tork fob tk> movtbs of jl'ly and acul'mt. ttMMT. | BatJt | /'MMmtflna. | Ofitm. nnd* jJulv K.|tl?vr? !ftf> Krnndwar iarmaaic I July 8. j l.lvernooi.. 187 hroadwaV In* va*ea |Julr 8.1 l.lveroool.. |BW Hroariwar I'iciurie iJmy 8. jiilairnw... 17 Buviln*Or*** m >11a Jtnv H. 11,n .. 7 Bowling Ureen tbatn.............IJnly K.| Bremen.... jBowline <>reea / WWIJ ..M.m'rTKioi., v pnwunr ijrial I vtate ol I'enuvyli Juiv 18. |(ilaagow... 72 Broadway 'rial a July 13 | II amourr.. til Broadwav 3lty ol Cnaatar.... July la. Liverpool 16 Broadwav Mar July 10. Bremen.... 2 Howling Ureen iolivla July 10. Ulaarew... 7 Howling Hrean t iifriiite Inly 15. Havre U Hrn?.lwi> ItU ............. July 10. Liverpool.. 37 Broadway pair;.. ... July 10. Liverpool.. P.i Broadwav dabw... Jnlr In Liverpool.. 29 Broadway cyihia............ July 1H. l.iverpooi.. 4 Bowline tiroes ifaaa July 311. Rotterdam. 00 H road war 'tinbria..... July 20. Hamburg.. 61 Broadwav ,'topla July 22. London.... I Bowline'ireea ["Ity ol Richmond. .Inly 22. Liverpool.. 16 Broadwav llaatia July 33. Hlaacow... 7 llowling ilreea tain I ill v 22. Hrrnteu.... 2 Bowline i.reea Knglaad. July 22. Liverpool.. 69Broadwav It. Laurent. Inly 22. Havre ... V> Broadwav Nevada Julv2~>. Liverpool.. 29 Broadwav I'goria July 2?L Liverpool.. 4BowlingHreen itateef Virginia... July 27. Illaairow.. >6 Broadwav ielleri lulv 27. Ilauaburg.. 61 Broadwav Irltannle Jnly 29. Liverpool. CTHrnadwav veckar Juiy 2:'. Bremen... 2 Bowling lirean Igypt Juii 2'1. Liverpool.. 69 Broadway iBchorla July 29 London... 7 B-wlin- i.roan 6'nronvio vug I. Liverpool 29 Broadwav Mate of Nevada. Aug 3. Ulaagaw.... 72 broadwav 'ommerapia tug 8. Hamburg PI Broadway "lir of Barlln Aug 6. Liverpool.. 16 Broadway *?-NOTIO!t TO CAPTAINS OK VKSSKL8 IN TUB 'OASi INU AM) KOKKIUN TKADK-Captains or olllcera of reesels engaged in t "1? muting or foreign trMr. ttbserrtng tha llsplacetnr nt ?r rem oral ot sea buoys, are requested to com. uunicato the fact to the Hsrald. ?o that It may be bronchi inbliely to tbo attention of the proper antliorities. A letter iddressed "to tha editor of tha HaaaLD, hear York city," riving aa accurately at pnaaiblo the number and poeltton of lieplaeed buoys or the rauee of their removal, srill ealUee in ill run obeerved along the Atlantic and Pacific couta af he American Continent. When they are ohaetred on tha 'out of kurnpeaa countries or In the Mediterranean it la equeeted that information be tent either by telegraph or attar ta the London office of tha Naw Yoaa Hbiiai.o, 46 fleet street, London, or to tbe Paris office, til Avenue da 'Opera, Paris. Where the telegraph Is used despatches av be addressed "Bennett. 46 Kleet street, London." or 'Bennett, 61 Aeenae de I'Opern, Paris" Where cases of replacement are observed In the waters of countries beyond be reach of tba lalsgraph, as In Asia or Africa, captains may | ommunicale with us np?n reaching the first conranlent ort. Tills Information will be cabled Ires of charge to tha lausi.n and published. J^-.NOTICR TO CAPTAINS OP VK8SKLS FVTKniMO IIK PORT OP NSW YORK AT NIUHT ?The Nnw You I malp hes adopted a distlngnlshlng Coston night signal for sa on board tha UnasLb staaru yacht, showing whlls burnng tha colors rad. graan. red. changing from one to the other , Is sneeaallM ffiftrf PSD lift MSI) ISVtrkl BuIM dllLSuL I!Sf> alaa of kmU. bdoii raalmr Ibla aiirnal. will oUliy. ua br raparlnp aor manna naart tbry may bar# for tha liblp iaw* Darartmant of tha lliliLb Hjy>raraoaa detirooa of rommaalaatlnr with raatala arrla f at N*w York ran da to br addraaatny to anrn raaaata, ara ofllaaaLD nana yacbt, piar No. 1 Kaat Kirar, Sow York. ' rllara rarnirrd from all part* of tba world aad promptly doIratad. Dabllcaiaa ara raqalrad. LLMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAY. nr axp moor I If ran WAT an Inn nan 4 Si | Got. Inland.... inorn 8 S3 inn aata 7 33 i Sand/ Hook...morn s 08 laoa nana ova 8 39 J Hall Uala. mora 10 38 :'0RT OF SEW YORK, JULY 6, 1876. ARRIVALS. imiTU BT Til MBRALP (TEAM YACHTS AH a H an ALP WHirai.ro*a nuaiAri una. US ablp Happly. Haywaid. W aaUbftoa i day*. Haa a raw of W otBc.ra aad man. i I , JULY 7, 1876.?TRIPLE Steamer State of Pennsylvania (Br), Knight, OImiow I June -3 itud Lame 25th, with indae and pHsneiiicer* to Au* ' flit. Baldwin X Co. Na t variable breeiea. varying from \> SIV til W.WV, With fo*irv weather the eutire pannage; July I, Ut 41, Iud ti7, an American schooner bound j eaat. alio*-iiitr signal JMVO; name time, spoke bark Ceylon, troiu Button for Honolulu ; 5th, iat dO *>. lou HH 20, saw a brig rigged steamer bound eaat, supposed of the (?ui?n line; name day. Iat do 3d, Ion 71 21, paaaed achr Aneroid, ol Camden, hound went. Meanier Acadia (Br). Craig. Bordeaux Juno 21, with mdse aud passengers to Ifoudcrson Bros. Steamer Old Dominion. Walker, Richmond, City Point ann Norfolk, with uidye and passengers to tbe Olu Pouiinios Steamship Co Mourner E C Knight. Chichester, Georgetown, DC, with mdse and passenger* to?i L Rooiue. Jr. Kark Paolo Kevello (Ital), Kevello, Limerick 48 daya, in ballast to J 0 Seager. Bark Gustavo (Ital), Trapanl, Girgentl 61 days, with sulpbur to order. Panted Gibraltar Uav -H. Hark Kerreri (Ital). Lsoosiio, Marseilles, 44 days, wlta mdse to .las Henry. Panted Gibraltar Jane 5. Hark (San Luiui (Dull. Trapaui, Almiria 38 days, with tudte to l.aiinio. Moncv A Co. Bark W h Clowes. Dickerson, Campeacby UO days, wiUl hemp and logwood to J \V Wilson : vessel to master. Hark G H (Span). Garcia, llavaua 7 days, witb sugar, Ac, to K Puig. Brfg Roanoke. Mehlinan, Porto Cabello 14 days, with coffee Ac, to Dall'tt, Bolton A Co. Brig Stall Lodge (of Halifax. NS.) KIrbv. Cardinns 12 days, with sugar to S A \V Welsh ; vessel to Gerhard A llrewe. Brig Onnlaska (of Boston), Hurt, Sngun 7 days, with sugar and molasses to order; vessel to Pardons A Loud. Brig lfarrr Stewart oy?W ilsou Godfrey. Schr Artist, Forrester, Superset. Mass-Vargason k W.fcd. Schr Win C Bee, Chester, Stonlnieton, Ct?J D Fish k Son Cleared 5th?Ship Admiral (Ger), Uaesloop, Bremen?II I Burlier. Bark Rocket, Atkinson, Porio Caballo?Theo Foulke. | SAILED. Steamer* Wieland (Ger). (or HamKarir; W A Sclmlten (Uuicli). Kotfenlani ; t'ftr ol Mexleo, lilvm; KHpidati, Navauuab; khmond. Klcbmond. Ac; Aliip?i Borneo, Lon don; Balmetract (Nor), fork; 1'hi.s II Mar*nnil. Nmi Fran | ci*ro; bark* M C Hale, Stettin ; Stga (Nor), Loudon Wind at >uDt?t. N\V ; ai mjdniglit. calm. Barometer at kunud , JQ.07; at raidnijfbt, 3>).03, MARITIME MISCELLANY. Smr Jon* (iLAliarosi (Mr>. Locke. (mm St Julia. NB, far ! Liverpool, put into Halifax July a leaking bauly. She will probably have to dlacharge. Slur PbRiTa.s, Iron. Liverpool for Calcutta, wrecked oa Ranger Ialand, war iuiurad In Bottoi. for *.'16 UO Si-Hit Darin K. Siwtsr, from Virginia lor New Turk, | with pine wood, arrived at l.ewev Pel. July :ao (Br). Hraurcomb, from Sackvllle. N. H.. I June -O. for yucen?to?n, reinrned to St. John, N. H. July ?>, lor repalra. Nature ami extern of damage* not Mated hoe-row. July B?Srhr I.lly iBr>, Norri*. hence for Marea retville, wan in contact with the nclir J Mlddleten laet night I oil the Caatle, and lout lorenia?t and boaraprit. CiUIUtfOlt.Jaly II?Tneachr Ktlwan, at tbia port fr.im Raltiiuore, reporta being in company on Sunday. June J4. with tit" achr B N llawkln*. Wyatt, Irom New York, and VI Wllletta, tro.o Baltimore, both furthla city. There we-e al*o a large number o| vee#*n : Helen Mar. Uauldry. t'acifle Ocean; Sea Kaaper, Klander*. Atlantic Ocean . Mara Klua, Ulmoiid. oi NH, called elf Norfolk Uland May . 12; bad only taken S> hbl* for two year*' *p; Mirer, llallett. 1-WkJ *|i. and La ' god a, 1-ea I*. 12>?i *p. In port refilling. A letter fr>nn i'apt Biikna. ?l bark Ware, of NB, report* liar at Barbed". Kay Id. wub I In bid* tp oil laat teeemi. spoken?J una 2D, lat HU to. Ion 75, *abr I'niok, Baratow, I fill, Ciaaii. SPOKEN. Steamer City ef Sydney. l>oro, Saa Iraaclsco for Sydney, I NSW. June 2*. lat ?2 N. lou life W. I SHEET. Ship Sacramento. Kelson, New York Fsb 9 for Rao Francisco April 9. lut 44 S, lorn 61 tV. Ship A ti mi 'inter (Port), Sam oar d, from New York lor Oporto, .lone *29. let 39 SO, Ion 69. Bar* Tordenaktold iSor), from Europe for Philadelphia, July 5, lut 40 30. Ion 70. Itark Johann l.udwitr (Gar), Irom Bromon for Baltimore, July 4, lat 39 40. Ion 72. Hark Lelf. from Bio Janeiro for Falmouth, K, June 15, lat ?. Ion SO W. A British bark, showing letter* NQMF (EJm Holme), 27 day* from Londou tor Bri?bane, Mav 28. lat 14 43 S, Ion 31 o:i w. Brij; Sabra (Br), Charlton, from Belfast (and wa* ordered to Baltimore), J uiy tt. 10 mile* KofSaudv llook lightahip. I Briir ( lytie. Dow, irom New York for Trinidad, J uue 26, I lat 3> 25, Ion 3'J. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND CAPTAINS j Merchant*, shipping ageut* and shipmasters are Informed thai by telegraphing to the ~hkmald London Bureau, addressing "Beuuetl. No. 40 Fleet atreet, London." or to the i'arla office, add rearing "Bennett. CI Aeenoe de I'Opera, Parte." the arrivala at and departure* Irrnn Knropean and Kaetern porta of Ameriean and all foreign veaaela trading with the l uited State*, the aame will he cabled totbie country free of charge. Captain* arriving at and telling from Frenoh and Mediterranean porta will Hjid the Pari* office the mora economical and expeditiou* for telegraphing news. OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Axtwkrp, July 5?Arrived,ateamer Knight Templar (Br). Kirby. New York: alilp Nile (Br). Newcotnh, Philadelphia Sailed 4tli, bark Honor (ltal), Maregll a, New York ; 5th. thip Cyclone, Treat. Philndelphia. Hnmow. July 5?Arrived, bark A M Bchweigaard (Nor), Johnson. Pernandina. Railed 5th, bark Wave Queen (Br), Wilton, North America. ilKLraaT. July 5?Arrived, bark Emanuel (Nor), Molbach, Philadelphia. Hhi.stoi., July C?Arrived, ship Anuie tioudey (Br), Bent, New York. Railed 5th, alilp Speculator (Br). Pitman, North America; Ctb, steamer Somerset (Br), Western. New York. Dcaux, July 5? Arrived, bark Zeffiro (Hal). Knsso, Baltimore; Clh, ship Wm Wilcox, Killman. Philadelphia. WI-UI tlVMlB, *> HIT 9 -AfriTfU, UMTK. UIITH r?|icciws? hin;, Dodero, Philadelphia. Okcknock, July 0?Arrived, bark Jas R Boyd (Br), Ba ker, Fensecola. Havkk. July 6?Arrivrd, (teamer St Oermaia (Fr), Reculoux, New York via Plymouth. Liverpool, July 5?Arrived, ship* Big Ronania, Stanley, San Francisco; (lib. Lady Palmerston (Br), Mills, Mobile; Otmara (Br), Simpson. New York; Otto k Aotoine (Nor), (lundersen. Now Orleans; barks J B Newcomb (Br , New comb. St John, NB; Qaape (Br). Thompson, Now Orleans; Tata*. Pettis. Portland, Me; Annandale (Br), Stephen*, Darien. Aleo arrived 6th, steamer Caspian (Br), Troeka, Baltimore. Arrived 3d. steamer Polyneaian (Br), Brown, Quebec. London. July 6?Arrived, ships Sir Robert Peel, Larabee, New York; St Petersburg (Nor), llaueen, do; bark Ceylon (Br), Reynolds, do; Wesley Y Seymour (Br), Knowlton, Philadelphia. Limxrii-k, July 6?Sailed, bark Tewkibury L Sweat, Griffin, I'nitrd States. Lisbon. July I?Arrived. bark Laukoskl (Rui). Reldell, Philadelphia. Mai.kia?Arrived, echr Joseph Wilde, Reed. New York. Napi.ks, July 1?Arrived, bark Klleu Stevens, Stern, Baltimore. PrxaRTH, July 5?Arrived, bark CDW (Sw), llallgren, Boston. Pltuoctii. July 6?Sailed, bark Risorioxione (Ital), Slsnu, New York. QfkKNsrowN, July 5?Arrived, barks Assecuradeur (Br), Slteehan. Darien; Ansirar (Dan), Pie, Richmond; Mtmer (Nor). Soerensen, New York; briir Nuovo 8t Mlchele (Ital). Slano, do; 6th, b?rks Unlro (Ital). SrhialUno, do; Titania /VA?\ it....tr Sm. u..iue?..,) /lt-ii ir- v u-i.i bri k oard the rrew of the British hark Nova Seotian. ('apt Hatfield, from Hamburg June "23, for Sydney, t;II. which was lost at sea. WEATHER REPORT. rAL*otrT*, July U?Wind BW. moderate, thick and ! rainy. Houtiikad, July 0?Calm; barometer 29.944. FOREIGN PORTS. Auckland, NZ. June 3-In port alilp La Escocest (Br). Fvkim. for Newcastle and San Kranctaca Auklaiuk. Mav 2?Arrived, ?chr Pioneer. KentiUon. Mnu rltius. Suited May 17, ship Golden Sea iBrt. Fereuion, Ca!lan. Bkioi.kw atku. NS. July 5?Sailed, bara Cha? Murduck (Hr . Campbell, Queenstown. (!?irnr?. July 5?In port ship Staffordshire (Br), for New .York. trtr. Cai.lao. Jnne 14?In port ahipa Lyra (Brt. Crocker, from Rio J anient. Arrived IHth. to load tmnn for Kurope: truerIra No 5 (Heme). Bar ier. for l'u(?t Sound; bark Helena, Snow from linn* Kons. arrived 1'Jth. Cardkna*. JuIt H? Arrived, bark Dlrieo. Blair, St Thomas; 4tti. a hr Kuth Darling. Swaacy. Halt!more. CiKltrt'KQoa, July "J? Arrived, achr L A Kdwardt, Miller. New York lloNOixi.r, June 7?Arrived, brie North Star. Davla, Nanaimo; Oth, hark a W C I'arke (flaw). Hlackstone, Port Gamble: llRb, Colombo iBr>, Krner. Hone Kone Sailed lat. ateauioi /ealandia (Hrl. Kerrlea (from San Franciacol. Sydney, NSW; lid, bark Mattle Macleav (llawl. Pope, Portland; !M, brie Pomar* (tlawi. Hatfield, Victoria; 15th. bark Camden, Robin?on. Port Gamble In pnrt June 17. bark Vary Relle Roberta, Gray, for San Francisco, and the above arrivals, diag. Havana, July 4?Arrived, brie Ytldora Rlonda. Plnmmer. Rt .Tobu, NB; tltli, eteauier City of Havana, Phillips, Vera Crut. Sailed 5th. ateatner W fl licwea, Korean. Indian.da IIalikax, July 5?Arrived, barka John Gladstone iBri, Locke. SI John. N 11. for Liverpool (see Vlacellaneoiu) ; Medhor (Nor), Jen?en, Genoa- brie Matilda B (Rri, Hack ett. Philadelphia: ecure inn. nariiadoa: Krouie j nader iBr). ?t Marline: >?riit Daia* (Bri, We?t Indie*. Cleared M-1, hark Idun iNor>, Click Baltimore I.tVKRPitoL, Jul* B? Arrived, ehlp General DomviUe (Brl. Cruik thank. St John, N B. I.YTTi KTOK, N'Z. Ma* 31?Arrived, bnrk Stlllman B Allen, Taylor. New York via Dnnedln. Mtuaocnae. Ma* IV-lu port (hip Lightning (Br), Wation. from New York, arrived t>th. Sailed May 31. hark Chattanooga. Freeman, Neweaatle. Cleared .Mey 3. ahlp Samar, Miller itroin Boaton), AdeMttimtS July 5?Sailed, bark Llabon, Dunning, north of Maltcrae. MorrRt.il., July !??Arrived, atoamer Memphie, Mellio, London Cleared 4th. ttearoert Cireatsian. t\ ylie. I.iverpool; Mlt ilt-loni. Undali. do: hrig Avon, Crimp, Cork. NtwraaTl.it. NSW. May '.'n Sailed. I.ark S M Ktet*on, Curtia mot Knlllna), San Erancltcu: lilet, ahlpa Mabel iBr , Wrirnl, and Mitredale iBn. Brown.do. In port June'J. ehlpa Mvatie Belle, l'luniiner. rrom Mel hnnrti*. arrived Ma* JH. for Java; Hlair Movie (Brl, 11 lit trine; City id Nankin
nri >ld. and Caatlebnlme (Br>-, Sawle, for Sail KranHaco: h*rk?Jotin Rnnyan. tlravea, unc; Jacqoea I'artlor (Krl. tlulon, for San Kranetaeo, N irfri.AnreKi. Jnna Jtl?In port aebr Bonanza. Sandi, from San Kraneiaco via I'etropanlakv. l'oiat Lonoa?In port to June 14, ahip M-igua Charta (Br'. M*l>tie>. Callao. Sal'ed to June It, bark? W T llurtvard iBr Dowler I Fill ope; J II ll??er>. llarknrta. Saratov: Chaliurlte' Watie. Ann'*: Donald Kereu-on tBr), Koaa, Europe. 1'aat.Li.oN nt. Dura-Sailed to June 14, thlpa Saratoga. Rr ndall. Oneenalown ; Alida, . Enr.po I'tna. June ArriveJ, aclir Mary K Douelatt, lt?If New York ria Maranham (and allied previoua to 14th lor New Y'orki. arrived pre, lout to June 14. aclir 11 II Seavr, Tratk New York , I'ORTO I'anatUJ. June i-> ?in port nrnr set Hird Br), I from New VorW, (jcilli'. Jul* 4?Arrivrd, barka Prince II attoo. (iatton. Newport Tor Montreal. Eltl'Vol.l, f'eiler.eu. London; Hal mor.ll Ktierd?e . Kiii?tle: Vldfarme. Matlie'en. do Cleared Mil. ahlp' Bolli i? (Bri, Murphy. Liverpool; 4tlt. Arillla. Sheerer. Cardiff: tied Jacket. Hiifl m, London; II are wood, Blanche shield'- Cort Ailler. Avvl'en, Troon; Si Alb*n'. Heck. London; tiarka Amsterdam, Kuan, Liverpool; Adriatic. I'ottec. Uranton ; Cordelia MrllUrmld, Lie erpiH.I; Ocean Pearl. NY interna, t arrtlff; Johnnn.t, uo ; tiaril.nldi, Ra*an?)iorir. Tlirce Kiterv Liverpool. Ilndaoii, (ireenoek; hqutno* Redhead, Wet II art.epool; tlilfe, Tarnatrom. London; favorite, rlettwood - i< niarrrn, N It, June _'! ?Sailed, barka Herbert f Hall (Br . l>a*la, for Fleetwood, and Electa (Hi), Cro'b*. l.?r portamonth. sypsi v, NSW, May Sailed, ~.-lir Henry I .j.pcll, Hovrea. Uriah .ne, 'J7(b, ahlji Buckingbamalilro iBrj, liar land, A'torla. In port June "J, ahlp* Akhar, Lamaon. from Melbourne, nnc; Iron Duae llr>, \l, Klnler; RuCand'turo iBri, IN one. aud llooparoll Br>, Sandberir, fnr San PrancDon; knrka I'apillon (FV). Uomn. lor do; Oluttee, >icaeraon, Irom Ada. laidc. arrived May Jil. , Barba- I do* ; Oth,.I W rAroit llr , Hale). New York. i 'leered Sth, aenra Dum I'edro. lor???: Otb. Ilattlo E : Kiuc. lor Nea York. V *lp?nai'o. June 1 ? Arrived, 'hip Injamar 'Rr), lAbl, Rio Janeiro; bark Loulta Mairolni Bri. Itubcrlaan, do. Sailed May IB. ablp Lillian iltr . Hall dr mi Loboa, hevlnq repaired1, Hampton Koadt; oi?th, harka Barnara I'reve ilial Preve ilroni liuau , San fraueitco; J'Jd, Quilloia (Kr). Walker. Liverpool. Vii-yoNia. VI, J line ?N-Sailed, bark Stortny Petml (Bri, j lived. Valparaiao. j Y inaniTn. NS..Ioly o-Arrived, ateainar Dominion ^BrJ, Cienieuta, HO'l >n. AMERICAN PORTb. BOSTON, .Inly (V ?.\rrl?ed. bttk TIUdIi (Nor), *lbretli-. ?tu, Plllmi; 1>Hk* E A Hantard. Wlillbr. >a*ua; Oimlina (Mr), Orowall, i itfuluero*; ?nr? S VVarrnn, Jolm?on. Skint*: A l'al?a. :ThIpt ; J nil* K Frail, Crnwell; Hva C Y>M>, Vitu, and S H WI)P?t*r. Ondlrey. I'lilla.lrlphi*: F.lwmnl Burton. Vria* : itanri;!* t'Ur* K?nlfii. and A (lor on, i?oiltr?J, Alexandria; Mary 1. Raskin, Fuller, 1'ert JllllW. 1 AI?o arrived. steamer William Crane, Howes. Baltimore; -ei| erhrr J Viddleton, Jr. Tawusrnd, Philadelphia: Marietta Jl Tilton Peiuiiwall, do; Thutnas W Haven. Scull, do; 2 T '1 Little. Crawford, do. Cleared-brig Crace Lotbrup, At wood. HhtiI; echr* Bushrod ff Hill. Hi.'gins. 1'enartb Koade. for orders; C U Kabens. K-en, Baltimore via Keuuebec Hirer. Sailed?harks Sarab and Keynard; brigs Joeefa and Beta. BALTIMORE, July tl?Arrived, bark Spotless, Chapman, Ri Janeiro; Ha)tha?ar (Aval, Mcolich, Belfast; Mtriner ( Hr), Ti.urinott, do ; Matilde. Hodiola, Havana: briir Italia (Br), Crow el I. \iocibn, P R; xclm Sadie Milleoti, Barker. Little Curauoa: Euoe it Philips. Baker, Kennebec: L A Buriibani. Hrsrls, do; Umde. Baiter, do; Kibe J Sininiuiia, Harrington, do. Cleared. ateaiuer Johns llopkins, llallett, Boston: bark Hoylotad (Nor), Aanousen, Cork: A O Vinge (Nor), Uenricksen, Belfastt Rolando Seeondo (Ital), IWuudo, Lynn, England; acbrs K St ( lair Edwards. Htaumo-a, Ouine. Point: llattie Page, llodfrev, All) as Point; Kate M Hilton, Adaius, Boston; / Salted?Harks Lessepa, Rodamisto; Mlda; Nuevo, Manila: Brothers, Hnvlestad; sehr Adel dde. > KI LL RIVr.K. .Inly 1?Arrived, bark llero (Rut), Ueudricksen, Kio Janeiro. i lib?Sailed, bark Glenlelfon (Br\ Tallock, I'uiled Kingdom. BATII. July 3?Arrived, brius Liberty, Devereanx Port land, to load for Baltimore: Win II I'arks (of Charleston, SC . passed up, sehrs Ira I) Stunria Johnson. Philujcloliis for Augusta: Sallie W K (ol Great Kkj llurbur, NJ> : Allie Burnltaui. and .1 (I Babcock, Bo-t in, to load tor Philadelphia: Annie I* Chase. Poole. Satilla River Sailed?Schra J B Marshall, Butler, .New York: Soarsville, Ilart, do: Kminu Heather, lltnlnin. do: llarrtvt Fuller, Mr Unocal, do; Carrie Belle, and J C Tralton, Oliver, do; . .1 C CottinyliaiH, Philadelphia. Pawn. Kelley. Newark. *1 Hh?Arrived, brig Acadia, l'ye, Juggins. NS; scbrs White " Foam, New York: Win Arthur. Ilarkott. South Amboy; Bessis K Dickinson. Dickinson, Satilla Ktver. Sailed?Scius Sunlight, Ktheridye. New York: John It Tracv. Meservey. do: Win L Abbott, Lndlam, Philadelphia; aj Lirile Carr, Teal, do; Allda, , do; Annie K Babcock, H Lee. do. _ .. II CHARLESTON, July 3?Cleared, schr Sallie Biaeell, I Palmer. Salem. NJ, vin Georgetown. SC. | .r>tli-Arrived, ursni-r Virriu n, Hunter, Philadelphia. | Sailed?Steamer (?uir Stream. Holmes. New Y >rk. titb?Cleared, ship J P Wheeler, Thompson. London; bark Express (Nor), llalvoraen. Hamburg. CALAIS, June 2tt?Cleared, sebr Annie Murchie. Glbbs, Madeira. DHiHTON. July 3-Arrived, etbr* 8 W Hlake. Hriggs I'oughkecpsie; lluuier. Fly. do, and sailed 4th for New York. 4th?Arrived, achra Sylvester Hale, Coleman, Philadelphia: Phil Sheridan, Murpliv, Poughkeepsie. FORTRESS MONROE. July ' ? Passed ont. ships Crusader. for Antwerp; Stella, for Bremen; barks Concepvioue, and Die llemaih, fov Cork; Lubra, for Rio Janeiro; schr . Equator, lor West Indie'. Oth?Passed in for Baltimore, bark Amason, from Rio. and a Russian hark. ) Pasa'd out. Nova Scotlan, for Liverpool; qrly Annie Ingram, (or I'urto Rico. FALL RIVER, July 4?Arrived, sclir Forest Home, Kent, Pascagonla. GEORGETOWN. SC. July 2?Arrlred. achrs Jos Pudd, Anderson. New York ; K V Glover. Ingersoll, do. MACIIIAS. Juno 27?Sailed, hark Bonny Doon, Cole, Shulee. as. X i-.W OKLBANS, July .r??Arrived up. iteimert Oberon CHr). Liverpool via Jamaica; City ol Merida, Reynolds, New York via Havana and Vera Crux; brliraCarme a (Ital), Curlaxliolu. Marseilles; I'rairie Roae, (ireenleai, Caroenas. Cleared?Steamer New Orleans. Dearborn, New York; ahip Crescent Oilv. Delano. Havre. a Also cleared, steamer Murraret, Raker, Havana via Kay J Weal; schr Sarjrent S Day. McFarland. Lucia. Ja. V tilli? Cleared, ship Oettysbnrit, Alexander, Bremen. I Passm. July .1?Sailed. sclir Mary L l'eters. I (1th?Arrived, schr Louise P Muilory, .Stetson, New Or* ] leans. sailed?Steamer New Orleans; schr 8 S Day. XBWBURYPOKT, July H?Arrived, sohrs Jas Nellson, , Kimball. New York; Abble llodi;man, Lebrhtou, do; Ann I Kclra, Mayo, Delaware City. ,1th?Arrived, schrs Florence V Turner, Walker, Wee* haw ken; Clara, Norberry, Baltimore. NEW BEDFORD, July 11?Arrived, bri;{ William A AnIhonv iBri, Webb, 8t Ifelenu: sclirs J Crowley, Crowley, liaverntraw; tltaa Ann, Cousins, Perth Am boy , M Yassar, Jr. heiley. new ior*. 4th?Arrived, scbra Yonng Teeter. Facemlre, Philadelphia; C 1 Errickson, Jayne, l'ort Johnson; G L, Lovell, Rondont. 5th?Arrived, tehr Electa Rtlley. Smith, Philadelphia. Sailed?Sclira llattie Porrv, C'hase. Philadolplila: l.aura Robinson. Kellev, do; WD Mangam, Chase, New Yerk; Hay Htowe, Bacon, do. NEWPORT. July 4,1'M?Arrived, schrt John W Hall Jr. Ghent), Philadelphia; Casper Dawson. Crowley, Stony Creek. Also arrived 4th, sclirs E Flower. Hubbard, Fall River for New York; Tillie K. llaakint, Dighton for do; Stephen .I Watts. Waits, Sands Kiver. NS, lor do; Geo E Prescott, Guptlll, Rockland (or do E l> Pitts, Overton, New York tor Somerset: Express, Emery, Fall Kiver for New York (and all tailed 5th). ... J Sailed?Schn I C Errlckton, Jayne, Port Johnson for New ff Bedford; Hiackttone, Wickson, Provideuce for New York; I R L Tay. Brown, Calalt lor do. f 5th. AM?No arrivals. ' Sailed?Schr Emma. Cook. Taunton for New York. \ 4 I'M? Arrived, tobrs J S Terry, Kaynor. aud Julia Ann, De Witt, Kondont (both at Torpedo station). Sailed? Scl.rs John Maulove, Barker, Taunton for New York : Zoe, Sears. Providence for do: American Eagle, Rose, Diirhtmi for do; Harry A Ned, Chambers, do tor do. NEW HAVEN, July 5?Arrived, brig Thos Tiirull, Bates. Ponce; sclirs Oliver Scofield, Dissoway, Baltimore; Ida I? Latham. Georgetown; Willie Luce, Luce (or Spear), Charleston; Nellie H Benedict, Thompson, Philadelphia; A W Parker Dean. do. l'OKT GAMBLE, June SO?Arrived, ship Gen Butler, Wrbh. Sun i- ranci?en via rort townsmen PHILADELPHIA. July .1?Arrived, steamers Rattlesnake, Snow. Hilton: Arhllles, Bacon, Kali River; acliri V Mclviu, Roberts, I'ort Antonio: .1 B Austin, Williams, Kennebec River; L S Barnes, Sturirls, Boston Guide, Col Her. Ker West and Jacks nvillo; A A is llonper, Church, Brunswick: C J Willurd. Wallace, Portland; H B Metcalf, Boston: Geo Washington. Roll'. Haracoa. KtU?Arrived, steamers Knnita. Howe, Providence; Norfjllc. Ford, Fall River; Beverly. Wallace. New York; schrt David L Taylor, hay ton, I'ort Autonio; L T Wliitiuore, VVIiitmr.ro, Gardiner: II W Godfrey, Jamison, itockuorl; \S in .Marshall, t'ain. Bath. Also arrived, bark Miranda (Nor), Anderson, Liverpool! sclirs Mary Nowell, Nowell, Mstanzas: 8 L Burns, Rroabv. Windsor. NS; K K Emerson, 8-ars, St Genre*. Me: S H Lndlam, Ludlatn. Gardiner; S Mc.Vlaneruy. Walls, Fali River; Ann Elisabeth, Doane, Norwich: Carrie, Johnson. New York: Kiuiua tit-Alum, Moore. Fernandina; Henry M V Hill, IIiil, Elizabeth City, NC; Emma L Oottiuicharri, Stealman. Gardiner. Cleared?Steamer Mayflowe,Davidson, New York'.setara Minnie IfeDplier. Shaw, Genoa; Babel H Irons, HoncSe, Gloucester; Mary D Cranmer, Horner, New Bedford| lienrv Cole, Chadwlck, Newport. Also cleared, steamer I'erkiomen, Pierce, Boston; sebn Kate V Aitken, Brower, Boston ; George 8 Marks, Mark^ do ; Lizzie Ybunit. Vounic, do. .-ailed?Steamers Pennsylvania. Liverpool; Rattlesnake, Perkiuinen. Isaac Hell; yachts Helen and Wanderer. Lkwks, Del, July f>? Bark Larry G Reed, Iroui Dublin for 0?tu. itli?Arrived. Steamer Albemarle. Gibba, New York; ship Acadian iBri, Consent, Bellast; biiir Atlas, Powers, Uuentaaem. Sailed 6th?Brie Ernestine, for New Y'ork. Wind light WNW. Also sailed Oth?Barks Lnnponckido (from Oenoal, Phlla dclnhia : Guis-eppe Verdi ifrom Gloucester), do. ii/iurr i l n I..i.. 1..I...I ..I,, Inl,,. Ui.a r~n.l.L more. ith? Arrived. barka Macule (Br). I rqnhart. Plctou: S W llotbrook. Miicbell, Philadelphia; aclirn Welcome Home, New York; Mary Eveline, McLearn, I'blladelpbia; WliHa Martin. do. Sailed?Brie Gipav Qaeen. PORTSMOUTH, July 3?Arrived. achra Starlight, Jonea, Georgetown. DC; 4th. Llaile M Stewart. Stewart. Baniror; Eliza J Staplen, Strout. Sontb Am boy; Lizzie Oupilll, Smith, Rockland; nth. Free Wind, Friable, New York; LoelUi, ' Amee. Rancor. a PROVIDENCE. July 4?Arrived. achrJ J Moore. Rnoketi. Georgetown, DC; h lira A Bcriblier, Smith. Pbiladelpbia; llonoa Anna, Whaley, do; Julia Raker, Raker, Fori Job neon. Sailed, ?clir Helen Mar, Ward. New York. .' Hi?Arrived, eclira Earl PMavuii, Nickrraon, Oeorcetown, DC;John L Colby, Wilcox, Philadelphia; Luey Graham, Smith, do; Hetney A Ann, Clark, Klizabelhport; Kate Kcranton. Palmer. New York. Sailed?Steamer* Tonawanda, Sherman, Philadelphia! Fanlta, Howe, do; achra George W Whitford, Rryant, Ponce, F i; Marion K KockliilL Kiarkliill, Oeorcetown. DC llan nah K Hrowu, rackett, Yerplank'a Point; Ainericau Eagle, Bennett, llaveratraw; Hrandvwin*. Koncar, South River. NJ ; Prudence, Ilalaey: .lohnoio .Meraerre. French; Anna: Mtirch. Woodward; Helle R Hull, Rrueb : lmogene Divert? Gandv; Gloiicrntar Hurley; Franklin, Young; and Sigual, Satterlv New York. KOOkLANI). June 28?Arrived, achra Win S Farwell, Loru, and Win <' Hall. Tolruau. New York; 30th, S J Llndaey. from do; July 1, G W Glover, from do; 2d, brie Lucy W Snow, Hall. Roaton. Sailed July 1, achr* I.ucy Amen, Hinhop, and E L Gregory, Thorndike, New York; 2d, Addle li Snow (new). Lord. do. SAN FRANCISCO, June 2H?Sailed, bark Emerald LoTgren. Port Gamble. July tl?Arrived, bark Edward May. Johuruu, Pliiladet i. phi a. ri SAY ANNAII, July .?-Sailed, aclir Joneph Allen, Rutnell Darien. Dili-Sailed, ateanier Magnolia, l)a/cett, New York; achv Wapella, Walton, do. SALKM. July 3?Arrived, erbrn liricadlcr. Norton, Port t.,1,. . win,-.,, n ,r?., u.,.i? l. i; soMKRSKT, .luly 3?Arrived, ?ehr? Th?>tna. Slnnoektoo, ' Dicker.on, Mini .lame. Ponder. Flatter. Philadelphia: S 1 lhartre, Trefelhtn, South Antboy; S w aihhurn. Hathaway, New Y tirk : Caroline .V Cornelia, Staple*, do. Sailed lit?Schra .1 M Leonard Crowley. lieorjetowa, PC; 3d, Carnline A ( irnelia, Stnplea. for .New York. YINKY \FCI HAVKS. July ft?Arrived, eeltra Flta 4 Barter, Baltimore Tor Boston; Delment, New York lot Linn; Mary I.yntebnfnir, Ktrckpnrt, Me, for Charleston, St': Star. Kiclimond. Me. for New York-. Addle K Snow, Hurricane lalaun lor New York; (Joclteco, Itockpurt. Mc, foi do; I.uey Amet. Rockland for tin; lanheltn Thompson. K:tu. nor lor do: Mettle A Hand. I'ittatoo lor tIeorKetown, lit'; Tl 1! tlrnham. (iardlner for Philadelphia. Sailed?Sclira Cnsli. Boac, YVrsterloo, R .Mason. Prl, Seveniy-?ix. Rebecca Carter, Thos P Cooper, Abbiet'or?on, Alexander Yonnir, Oornn, Whitney l-ony, Mary Pick- / ard . Hr), lltitlilander. K <; Knnkin, Kvcrelade. Sea Nymph, dM M t' t'arrnll. A M Acker. Judge Feoiiey. Adele Truedeli, J .1 Little, and Delmnnt Locke tith?Arrived. schrs. Ilattle I). Dow, Philadelphia. for Roitun; Loduskla. Fertli Am boy, lor do; Sea Foam. Philadelphia lor Thoinaaton: Saml Fish, Janice river, lor do; John Some*. Philadelphia, for Piniai|uld; Lir/ie, do lor Cohaaiett; Hrisbt star iBri. New York, lor St. John. N B; Kion l.odire, Portland, for New Y'ork; Jno, ft. tlriftin, liloncliester, tor do: Frank Maria.Hanttor. lor Portland. Li. Sailed?Schre Ilattle ti. Dow, Bright Star (Hri, and Etta XI. Barter. WII.MlN'tlTON. NC, July ft?Arrived, ateatner Benefactor. Jonei New York. YACHTS. iTKANUOATS, ?tt;. \T TIIK OLD ESTABLISHED PLACE. ADA YVATF.K at., nea' Catharine Market, metallic and woodei Ho?U. all kind* JotIN T. SMITH. ? fkI "boats. NRYV AXDSFCOND HA N DTcHEAP' / nil kiuU* Mti?l ?!/ ?%; >|?.?nu < Ur\ metallic Life Hoal* !ttW Muiltb Et ?*..*P 1 Vprueilk -II.V VrKPHhN HOHKRTS. AHAHUA1V?KOR WALK. A HA ROB. NOW K? built, in wooo order; carrier 12 > tonr lu 7.11 ft WAter; price, or tvlli ocV'tue for improved Real Rotate i>r barter; l*ii rtoowr for rale. JO* SI and jOsBD. Inqiiiro of owner. .1 Oil S Illolll'i'ON, 11' Conovar m., Souili Brooklyn. Krte barlu. elUPPKH-FAsTBNF.D ROW BOATS. .NEW WALNUT ) Hnlili, real Ion*, for rale cheap. Apply to R. \\ YCKOI" K, l il ? e?t Ititn at. b' AOR BALK?CABIN HI.OOP YACHT, "l?C ?'I complete III evory rripeet. AO ltiuadway, room 41. SLOOP YTCHTT>?KV PAST, KORBALK; I.ENOTU laim Hi feet. Llc? at HTKI'II R N ROBERT'S hoai building ah I<|>. loot of I AW el.. Harlem Hirer. Price $7i*X 11'AM Kl>?A II VHEN I'OWKI.l, PAPER CA.NoK ? r Advirevv. with particillan ami lowevl price, R. T. 11. bo* '.VU'.! Port office, New York II'AMKII?A VA4IIT, .* '> TO ft'i FRET. IN F.\ IT rh*n*e lor dium..uJ?. Ailrtrata bo* J.imM Ne* Yora Post oflica. utakiko a yacht, in txriuxi-.E forcmuiib w 77 Address YAi'lIT, Horaldoffice. _ ^ niacKtUNRocs. ~ #j a DIVtiRCM fun vim i? PRulT Dl# p? A. tarcnt Msiaa. for iinmrrou* emus, without publicity latial rvarv wl.rrc , urm? saunlacUirjr: *