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W 12 _ imATIOSg WANTKIV-rKMALKS. ('onkii. <S>4'OK WURT 44TH ST.?A RKSPKI'TABLT* TOUKU *til ax food cook Mod lattndreae: thoroughly under tande her biu\D?va : city or coon try; tlm claei city refer ocei "kjt* "S I. - i i . M - i AH FIRST T'TaSH UOoif; UN +mrfO derrtand* cooking in all ita branches; hotel or bnarditK bouM?; city reference. Ul) WB*1 3UT 8T PRESENT KM FLO Y EK'8). ? O4U A young, itrong jjirl a& c*?ok , wa*her aud iroiier, or to io treneral hou?cwork ; heat reference. 5 EAST A'JD 8T PRESENT EMPLOYE!^ \ O lady d#Mn? a litietiun torn competent ?irla?c?ok aud laundreaa in a private family ; city preferred 79 "king"ST.?AH liOUh t'OOK VNI> MAKER IN I the country; known now to make butter; good reference; a mi turner Uou?e preferred. CKOSBY ST.. Sfc.COM> KLOOK.- A tJEUMAN Ui >;irl as cook, or to do xrucrnl housework. OQ CHRISTOPHER ST.?A RKsPECTAB!.K WoMAM Ot" as cook, washer ami Ironer; la willlutc atwl eblipinif. I (\Q HUM BOL.OTMT.7b ROOKLY N IWOK :-rEi T XV/O able ifenuan fjirl>: nur k cmk. the other to take corn of children and assist with the ironing: three years' reference. II *) WKsr inn; <r . KKAE-A WOMAN TO OOOK. liiJ wash nuit iron; iinrinstand* lier businrwi thoroughly; country prefer red: cit) retereore. 11 A WB8T :tSI) ' ST.- \ Nhvr IKD COMPETENT 1.1 X itlrl m* excellent cook ami linker .n n -mall orlvate family; will assist with the washing uu<l Iron lug; good city reference. *1 O?/ EAST 4TM~ST \ WOMAN AS OOOK, i AaJ washer and ironer; no objection to the roiiutry; food reference. ?o"fr UHEESwfoirAV!? AS ITRST ( LASS COOK; nnderstande cooking in all its branches, roups, meats, pastry, dessert, Jkc. . wnnld live in u hotel or lirst class boarding house; no objection to the country , best reference. Can he seen for lao days. "I (1Q WEST 19TH ST., HE AI'. ?A COMPETENT Ira*' woman as cook in a j in all private family ; beat city reference. I'hT*WK8T-i?rn sr."-?"a KKsrinvrabiTiT'vfoman JLOsa as cook, washer and ircoer; city or country; Rood city reference. "1 OO WKST_'8T11 HT^TWtrbTHI.s'. ONBAS COOK* J OO washer and ironer. and the other as cbembemieid And waitress; no objection to the count ry ; rood retei rncr. Wlff 17TK BT.-A VKOTFST ANT WoMAN' understands ail kinds of family cooking; no nbjeciion to a country hoarding I MM gooi icfcrence. | .t[i WEST 19TI1 ST.?A TOUNO <il :I. AS COOK, J f" washer and ironer; will do housework; pood city afere nee. 1 A /\ WEST_ 19T l7~ 8TJ?A R ESPKCT A BLR WOMAN Jtv as cook, wnskor mid ironer; willing to po in tbe country; best city reference. fiT~KTKST 10TH ST . KKAK.-A RKSPECTAB"L"B ITT girl to cook, wash and Iron; three years' reference pom last place. BC~ KABY" fHTH rtTrrPRESENT FIMPLOYF.ICtij.?A i) young girl at pood plain cook aud first class washer And Ironer; best city reference. Call for two days. pcV WEST hTTil sr.. SKCONK rLOOR.-TWO S15* fly 4 tere, together; one us good cook, washer and ironer;' the other at chambermaid and waitress; city or conntrr. |C7~WEST -7TII ST. As FIRST CLaEb COOK; A?J 4 undarsfaads all kinds of meals and game; is an IsperiuaeeJ pastry baker; pood referent e. Call lor two ?)<kO wi:*8T 'J7TH 8T. KKAK7TH AV.. H ASESI iiNT.? ^lUt1 A rcipocUhln woman n? first class rook; tinder(tands all kinds of English and American cooking; no ol>fction to a boarding house ; city or country; wages moderate; good city reference. 0|~0 WAVKKLE7 PLACE. A RS8PECTARLE woman as good plain cook and to do plain washing and ironing in a respectable private family in the city; best reference. Hi - DIVISION sr (THIRD FLOOR). A RE8PECTmJ L?' able Protestant girl to cook wash and iron in a uri rate family: best city reference. Call tor two days: no cards received. 4)~\ri east 'ivrii st?a pkotkstant girl as mmJl*) good cook and to assist with washing; excellent bread and biscuit maker; country preferred. i;m WEST lTTli m. To DO GENERAL HOUSE mj 1 O work, or as good plain cook, washer nnd irouor; good reference. *3tq west 16th 8t a pbotestant woman 1 'J as cook or laundre*a in a boarding house ; no obiectioti to the country ; city reference. non WRST 55th ST.?a respectable woman uOw an cook in a private family; willing to nasi st with arashiug and ironing. Dill 1I3I> ST. BETWEEN 7111 AND sTII A VS. jtv/ (present employer's).?An excellent cook; would io some washing; would go a short distance in the country; best reference. Call at basement door. i>j| i; wrst :t:.i) 8t a competent a < ?i no MTtJ womau as first class cook, washer and irouer;is trilling and obliging; five years1 reference from last place. j~WibT 4UTI1 ST ? A Ul SPM'TAIIDK W O.MAN Ov/jb as cook, in city, and to do light housework; city reference jio 7th a\ , near ssth st? first flight*? 010 An intelligent woman as thorough conk : is an excellent meat and pastry cook ; country preferred in a summer hotel t reference. 5l 7 EAST Hill ST.. BETWEEN*IST AMD 2D AVR? 011 A respectable young girl in a private family ; is a good plain cook, good washer ami ironer; good bread and biscuit maker; willing ami obliging; over ouo year's best reference. No cards answered. *hh; KABT~isTH~rtT. \ M-. \ i AND COMPETENT OmU gill to cook, wash ami iron or to do housework ; is an excellent lauudres*, good baker; good reference; city or country. /on WEST 41 sTST.?A WOMAN AS GOOD MEAT OOaJ and crder cook in a restaurant; good reference. oou east v.hi m second floor a re OOO Kpeetable girl, in a small private family, a* cook, washer and irouer, willing and obliging, country preferred; j food reference. 5Tr WKSf~;t.vriI ST.-A RKsPaCTaIiLK WOMAN , D*lu as cook, washer nnd iroifer; no objection to uo a thort distance in the country , best reference. ?j7:0 WEST ltiTII ST < It h A it ?A GO.M PKTENT OtJaJ woman as good cook aud first class laundress , good reference given. i/*U west 5ifH Si. rop flooTT front two OOv German girls; one as cook, washer and irouer. the titer to do upstairs work ; references. inn west 24tii st a toln< woman \s Tvl?7 good plain cook, washer and irouer; two years' ftty raft?oe. C1C KITH IV.. IN rHE STOKE.?A \ OUNG PRO )lt/ test ant giri as cook ; will assist with the washing; eity referen. pl'jii 55 a\ . lop floor, back.?as good U I v cook, washer and irouer; bttt ciiy reference. 'ftlift""2D ~~ AV.?TWO KKSPKCTABLK YOUNG 0" JO women to go a short dlHtance in the country; one as tlrid class cook, tne other as first class chambermaid and waitress; best city reference. t ail or address for two x Myk / FWi\r UTIl AV Ml TWH- \ AMTII ANIIlftTP ?k i u?) l'rotestaiit woman a? plain rook hdu first clasa ! laundress; undei stand* all kind* of French fluting and ' pvllibioc q"(Y iTr7l a\ ? A YOlTN<? woman a"s cook, 01JfJ w??h?*r and ironer or to do general lion.*eaork; uu- j ierstands her bn?ine?* thoroughly , oty reference. N lvNiiMSH I'ROTKSTANT WOMAN \S FIRST rlni< 1 ranch and KurlUb cook; good citv reference. | Andrews COOK, box U?- Herald I'ptown itranrh office. lliambertitkltlii. ?Wc no WEST mil ST. ? AN h\l?EKIKNrED FIKST elans cfiambeiiunid . is an excellent wattre**; capable of taking either rapacity. |n ? objection to a boarding h<>uce ; ritjr or country; city reference. 5| oftbknwlch av v rb8pbctable youho l/v irirl an chambermaid and waitre**: would go in the , country : good city reference. Jrtj WBMT I7TH M I'M -I N r KMTLOVKK;.S)7- A8 #JO chambermaid and -eattreat; no objection to the country. fjft W&T 36th 8i \ youiio gikl lately i 11' landed to do chamber work in a plain toinily ; no ??o- I (action to go in the country lit) WK8T UT! I ST.?A <?1RL AS* tJlA MB t KM AID 11^ and to a*?i?t with washing; city reference. 1 ilaiT S T. VfkFSKNT KmVloY hK'SK?A | l^o young airl mm ci.aiubcrinaid: willing to assist wita rlilidirn; city or country. I J i WlSf 4UTH -i A COLOftfcD OIHL AS Xi * ciinmberniaid; cuv ?r country. r ~BAHT 1HTII ST PltKsKM KM Pl.OVKK'Si.?A L^r'J young gtrl chambermaid and a?io?t ollli tlie nailing and ironing; ben city relcrence. fall lor two day?. i'cy~weit ihr11 st.-a iikkpk?'table mm. as J.*yO chambermaid ami lauudreaa. city ur c uulry; beat I reference*. 011k'fcAKTMTll ST~ VlK.-T F1.OOH.-A KkSPBCT wlU able young ;*lrl ,v chambermaid as>l * aitrera or naru and ecamatreta m a private family; good city rrfao oca. 01 r :..! I \ M'i so ..I.ti, A.N I li am iill) bcrmaid and aaitraaa in a private family ; c-ty or oonuiry. ?>?JU >AST 3STH r:r.?A YOtfib WUMAX AS FIRST aiAU claaa cUamoormad cinl waitrc .a; Clly or <ountry; | reference Vi o kamt Bab st.?a yoimj mm. \.s km am. OXO barmaid aud wailremn a -mall prirata family. <r to take cara of children , no uoje -lion to llin country . oblig lug; good refereoce. IMII| WKH1 aoTII FT.?A KKsPM.TaH1K Flu)TK8 uOv tent young aoinan to do ligiit member .vork ind plain tawing. n? objection i? tba country, ailiing aud bilging, good reference. Kail on or addre?? M M ?,- I III I'M >N sr - t K L.S I'K OTAH LK ill III,, mi Ot/jt ly landed, aa chamberai aid and waitreaa or to do henaework. r*MJ KABT 31 HI M v vol N?? til iii. 18 ciiam rJiul/ hermiud and wailretl or to n?*i?t in the waibing; ) n? objection to the country; beat ciiy rrirrtncr. tall or add reaa. tz*)(k kasr .iisr sr.?a yoinu .ihi. as kikam barmaid ami waitre** and la ivi.l with tlia ?aah lag; na objection ia tha connlry. bail my refute nor t ali m add raw i*\~A -l? *i . KOI Kin KlAJOK a HI >l*l. l IBLK Ol. TIT voting Rirl a? chambermaid and wuitrer* and to ntairt with the w aching; good . iiy reference QQ | JD AV.?A YOI XU <ilKI. As I'H VMHKK.VAID , Cl/x and to narlrl with w??hing and ironing; city referMtHA _____________ ]4J1 7 3U a> , nil' ri.uun. a iui .hi, 1 | a* chnrabrrmatti or to du gi iterul bov.'cwuik . Ue*i city r#faronca?. llrriMiiuki'rt nn?t NMmitn>Mr>. 1(1(1 IHMT ?T.?a hkawkwtrss to UO Ol't , J.U" by li..- <i?y ?r Webb ?? do family ?c? mc i|ki ka?n miii iJt nki'onji jlook. \m 1UI Mr***; can cut and tit; tihdtr$t*ndf V\ heiHet A fVil k.'ti * niNchir.d; will attend to children; want* to jto to the country; rffirtncf. ] 111 HA*T t tiMI'M KHr H i;v>\ hi ( AJ"" do dr? <*?!?nkm.' rinrlli l . r?U ?? *p\oi. ? a |i>? ?i mtlvr, dtfef and ??|ivr*t. f w .?.M ..i , b% lite ?ta> ! >!! **. ;? loTII *T I'UKKVT I. U J'LOY > K'-< JLtP"." \ raap?tatV? ??H't *iri r . do >tnd cHam | '.#r.anrk, t>rui n?! children; U?( city i -foien*. . I": *K?T .-.'11 <T. A HI Sl'tt rAWI.fc ri KSo*. 9 wh ) uti'tir>uiHli ctilliti; RXl litliiif. ni , limy, r rrk or ummkIi ; l?e?t city ri lercmca. *t:*r 3hrn bt.-as lady-:: maid and .nirtrtti or Va iaka vara oi growing cbildrt* and fartaaa. I \ NEW BITTWTIOXM WAWII Drmmkki<ni and W?wwmm?? ?)1?) 7TII AV NKAT AMKRICAN AS BKAMSTRKSB; ' J ) run aprrntn ; would do cliamberwurk or lolad irrow ioc vliililrrii; good city relrrrucr | 7||7' 7T!t \\ AX ACCOMPLISHED DRKSS1IAKER I 4 " * I ?v<*uld like ? few en?airpnif*ntB in prirHte families ; by the wrck or aionlh; ui.derManiis all kinds of luuiily i sewin#; no objection to the country. si i?FfnTait~and KXPPJuTfNrED dukssmake* will cut bftttP un<i loop, and prepare for fini*hinr; order* lor elegant work exci uird at home or by hour or any ; wi old ??i short distance Irntn tlio city. Address li. MOD- J 1STE, Herald Uptown Branch office. AK1IWT t'l.ASS PKKSnMAKKK. FORMERLY at Worths; If Id position* 1*'? years cutting. titling and designing. wiahuMo go to families or do business at home; references front loading houses. AddreNS A. M., box lU'J i Herald Uptown Branch office. tienfml llousftrork. Af. RANK ST. i PRESENT KM PLOVER S).-A FIB- ! >I spec-table girl to do general housework or cook, wash and iron in a small privet*' family. A k) JANK sr.?A GIRL TO l?(> GENERAL IIOCSB'Tm work in a *niall private family; good reference. /T 7 U EST 1HTH ST.?A RKsPfet-TAHLK WOMAN TO / I do general housework in a stuail family; a home preferred heioro waxes; city reference. lift MACDOCGaL ST. KIHST FLOOR.?A HE LIU able young woman to do light housework ; best city reference. Apply to M. FAG AN. | v> ~ W i\ hi:I FY PLACE PRESENT* EMPLOY I t I er'? A middle aged Protestant woman to do ^esera! housework in a small family; good reference. ion vrKHi 28TU 5r bakert \ respectable voting girl to do general housework lit u small private family: best city reference. 1 | (| WEST till ST. PRESENT" EMPLO YKR) I .L't ' Two young girl* to do the work of a family, toj gather; ?it| n ceiiin. 1 OTi 1 BAST 47TI1 l HOI SB WORK BY A STEADY ; aud very competent trtr 1 with good reference. t 4>| \ -7 BAST 7BTH s i.. NEAR <I> AV.?A YOUNG ?' ' I girl to do light housework in u small family. Call ! i two days i X< X WKUT 33i) ST.?A YOl NCi WOMAN TO i>0 -Ufl general housework; best city reference. 9] 1 WENT - tlT 11 ST.. ROOM J. ?A YOUNG WOMAN | ' m 1 L t?? do general housework or hi chambermaid and ; waitress; willing and obliging: best reference. 4>Un KAST 4-r> NT-A GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK in a email private family; city or country; is a j good plain cook. xva<ber and frotier; city reference. <)?>() EAST HOfll ST., SECOND I LOOK. FRONT-~A I respectable girl to do general housework ; willing and obliging; good city reference Gall all day. t) pi ~wI.ST *9D >T. ? A RESPECTABLE YOUNG ajTT 1 girl to do general housework; trood city reference. Od Tv WEST : 3D ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO ?JT?) do general housework in a privato family; best | city reference. ??1 I girl to do general housework; willing and obliging; reforencc. >9"r nt?i " av! IrnTsT belu.-a ]respectable ?;?? ) Scotch girl to do general housework in a small f i w lly. BAST 47TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG ?)w I woman (or general housework; good washer and , irouer; plain cook. Y V> E ASfTvrU ~ST.?A VOL' NO \V OM A N T<J JM") t1*j light housework and mind children : city reference. 1 LI ,AST ,7TH ST ROOM 7. A RESPECTABLE TIT girl to do general housework ; is a first class cook < and laundress; city or country ; bent city reference. OO WEST 171 H ST.- A BESPECTaBLB YOUNG ?)?j girl to do general housework ; good reference. A t\Q. WEST rvlvi~Rt7?-A VOLNO~GIR L~ TO l7oGE~NTtt JO eral housework : beat city reference. F(V(\ 32D sr.; NEAR* JOTII AV -A GIRL (LATELY e.J'M* landed) to do generul houaework. 7 1ST AV. A KK>PK<'TABLE YULNU WOMAN ' * J L I to do geueral houaework: city or country; best city j reference. 1 E90 MAST UTH ST.?A YOUNG MOM AM TO DO ; general housework ; is a washer anu ironer; city 1 reference. -O7"" WKSr"33r> ST~IN' TMK REAR.?TO DO QEN- ! | t)mJ I eral housework. Call for two days. C07 WKsr 61ST ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG j I JO I girl to do general housework. Call lor two days. ~ i i\ AV.. CORNKE h>'i II ST.?A RESPECTABLE I jTv/ ruling gi rl to do gcnm*! housework in it respect1 able family; city or country: best city reference. Call or I address. ('Vj'j ";?! at. ?a iiesi'ecta r lk~ ? i kl~to ~do I *)?jO general housework in a small family; city reference 1 "1 9QJD AV-A AOING (ilKI, T?t DO LIGHT housework in a small family, city relerenco. i 1 LI 7 20 At"?.a REsi'Kfrr.ABMi young girl iiT 1 I to <!o general housework in a small family; city | reference. I ,\~N K \ 1' ERIE N (' K11 AO I Mi KNGI.t s ll~AAOM AN TO | I 1V do general housework: Aitona. I.. I., preferred. Ad- I ; drees bos 192 Herald Uptowu Branch office. Honsekeepere. ike I 1 (T WEST I3TII PT.-A YOUNG I.ADA". OF CHEER I 1'/ (ill disposition and pleasing address, as housekeeper iu a widower's family. Call ail week. X7 BOND SI . HASEM KN'T ? A RESPECT A BcE ITii J T I man as liousekeepur in a small laniily;no objection to the conntry. Of? BLKKCKKR ST. SECOND FLOOR?A YOUNG ?_?U French lady us housekeeper. Call ail the week. I.naiiuressrs. <ki . I 79 WEST 531) ST.?AS LAUNDRESS OR CHAM- I ?, bennnid. Cat. be seen at her last employer's. 199 WEST a?TH sr. isiiok STORE)?A IMtoi'Ksest) tant woman as laundress in a small private taiuily; j city or country; notes not answered. I - 7 AVKST 27 TH ST?A RESPECT A HLK Wl TAIAN 1?J I to go ojt washing or housecleniiiug by the day; go.Hi reference, ?M7 Till ay?a YOUNG GfHL as LAUNDRESS; Ov best city reference. ' 117 'AST 37TH ST~ ROOM Hi?AS FIRST CLAM ) 1 I laun.irc-sc thoroughly understauds her business in all its branches ; I Sst city references. *)A <1 EAST -'i Til .-I MUST t'l.AsS LA UN- ' JT^j dress in a private family; best city reference. "till :u> AW. CORNER :wTH BT A FIRST OLA S 'It'' laundress to go out the t wo tirst days of the week : can do flotilla porting and polishing; best reference. Call ' on or address LAUNDRESS Atirses. die. 97 WEST 45TI1 ST.-A RESPECTABLE OI" L AS J I nnrse; can take entira charge of au infant; six years' I reference. CE WEST 2D ST.?'TWO UIRLS, TO UO together 19 or sepurale; one to care clilldreu and do plain sewing; the oilier as chainhertnaid and waitress; will make themselves generally useful Y7~W EST 1ST 11 ST.-A YOI NU PROTESTANT GIRL I I us nurse and to do chainberwork ; city or country; good reference 0(t WEST I ITII >1 A RESPECTABLE WoMAN AS OH wet nurto In a respectable laiully ; baby living (lour ! weeks old). J 30 woman rr nurse or chambermaid: i<< willing to go lo I the country or amy in the city. i nn he seen at any time. mwkst *ilD sr. ?a i'ko i i st vnt wom an as nurse : crii t \kc care ?r a baby from its infancy , is willing and obliging; good seamstress ; country preferred. mail A V.?AS KXTKHIRNCKD NtKsE IN ANY kind of sickness: best reference. Mrs. HAMILTON. iFA i ROT MfH ST.-AN i Ai'Mlll Nf KI> MHSK !. )' f in any sickness, lady or gentleman ; be>t reference. , Call or addreh .. OOQ BA8f StM > I . Ft ROT FLOOR. BACK A ??/ young woman an invalid's nurse and seamstress; understands 'iressmaking and sewint^ou machine ; no objection '.ii t;.o country; city reference. OOi BAOT A4TM KT RING 5?fi BBLL.?WOT W?)"I Dttra# ! taaf a baby at her ?wn bOMt. J I t)/? J .Mil t\ \ IHOROUcThlV COMPETENT : <^1)t nurse sf* nstress tcr growing children or to : wait on a lady; cuts and fits; wtuld go to the country; best | city re fere tec. ! )<! ) wt-M' RT. V RKBPB0TABL1 TOUXQ I OUO woniAn, having lost Iter baby, would g?? out as wet I nurse. Mrs. o KhILLY. KAliT PiD 8T A YOUNG WOMAN A8 WOT I Out) tiurte. home preferred to high wages. I O ^ EST 20 Til -T.?A Vol Nti WOMAN ToTAKK , fit)*) rare of children or to do l:gbt housekeeping; will- I tng and obliging: l ost city reference. o7*1 WKOT Stm 8T > YOT'NG WOMAN AR )U1* nur?e anc seamstress; can operr.te on V\ hoeie** A Wilson machine 1 est reference J mBAHt 1T; 11 81 \ HKSPKCTABJaE YOt'NG girl in take care of children and sew on tbo lus| ^hine. I ( wt ?.; ]! . KCOND FLOOR, FROM * \ M NO I Jr 'vl person, speaks Krench, v nnrto, companion ?-r | maid; accustomed to travel in Knrope hDv? tit* tutted i States good talker Call mi at address Mist LISBON. ! | | ' w 11 m\' A ? , ft .1 A I VI'.IU Uinii II I I x*.LcV'.1T mind children: willing and obliging; reference. WaitressfM, dir. mWKfT f?21> ST . NKAK ?>l II AV.-A RKSPKCT able colored girl ** waitress in a private family or ' waitress and chambermaid; thoroughly understand* tier 1 ounarii. Call or addre**. \ i i PR ?.\i KMPLOYRR;i \ I I 4^0 first class waitress; willimr to do rhantberwork; city or com.try. i;>m vn sri 5rih st.. hahkmkxt atyovnu uihl mOVs us waitress, chambermaid, or w**l?er and Doner; I Oermau family preferred, Oall tor two days. *11*41 wis r11 \- riftHT <i.v>* WAFT* resi and chambermaid: willing t - go to the couu- ) gy; best city reference Iron: Iiaet place )Tu KAH'f 1HT11 8T.-A N> AI.Yol.No t.lRiTAS t J I O waitieta and cliauibcria iid; city or country ; best city rolerence*. "! O I HUDSON sr.. BA*RMi:vr -A HMART AMI-HIrlOX can g?M, *g"d 14, wattis * w Iioin* /{Qf* nil AV ?A YOl Nt; WOMAN AS PlRST CLASH fJOU waitress. ?u th? country; go >d reierome. >1 IsffllaiuoKS. HQ 0Tn AV. ?A LADY Ol YEARS' EXPF.iUJ J t* cure as keeper of tenement hoax,*. est city relcr* enee. 1*>I WF.s'i 4NTII *\ (I'KI.SKM KM P LO Yt R>)7H .1 mT A lady going to En rope wishes to find u place i?n tier _firI Qiji* W EST 't 'Til sT V RKSPK.CT VBLK WOMAN m j;r? ..nt by tbe day or wi eW , a ill <!? .inj kin 1 ol work, t'all For two day*. JOI VMsT wrii SI A Ht SI'Kl'T A RLE WIDOW O* 1 L woman wDb** ? ; ! ?< . ???* <?r ? ??.?! y , would like to take her boy. * >ear* of a,:e . willing ?t>d oo.igtn,;. I ?)( I WKM 'I II I.. I Ol* v iMrin ?"l| ????! l?t I .IK 11 4 \ , v *-? ! f..? cm * \rK??r)-i\M iKi 1 .i?\ * .?? ? \>i? i*Hui? I f' ? I ( ' jh4 c i. >?if * ?tr?ftiuakitt \?Mm- I . \ !? ? |t#r .1-4 I . ? ?>? ft;?? ??'? utfuv * 4 N rv.i iMi LkliY \ ?: ; \? ? \ \r l? * I tiu * . i* Httu ainii t lio-itrkt* t > t i * i i??iiit>a to ft l?'i/; i? tluinni^hl.v j:r??r:.i .n :?ift ktmi- ?*r fancy anil nlaiu ntttllcwoik, n ml i# ttu **[> rivnc i rc.t o vr; liftt excellent rt fort acta. A?ldt??? M.. < ?,g UroaU M., >t?uk, A. J. 1 YORK HERALD,. FRIDA"1 PROKKSSIONAIeHITr ATIONS WASTED? FKMALE?? AN ACt-OM 1M.ISHKK AND AMTaBCK YOU NO lady. speaking English and Spanish fluently, wishes a position at travailing companion lor the summer months, or looser references eiclsanged. Address Miss A. K., 33# Baal fMih .v IIKIjP WIVTED-rKHALEfs. A COOK WANTED?IN A RESTAURANT. APPI-T it KHAN K KKITZ'S, 3 and 3 Kerry place, opp'sita 11 sin 11 ton Terry. Brooklyn. A tilKI, WANTKli?O.NK THAT CAN COOK? WASH J\ end iruu; good rsTereiscs required. Apply at 176 East Nhn si. \Olitl, WANTED -AS COOK, W VHIIHH AND 1 oner; must couae well recommended. Call at 143 vt en entli ?v \l,LAIN,rNTELLIUENT GIRL TO DO GBKKBAL houeeanrk : two in family ; $J per week. Apply at tit Weat loth at., hall door. iNOOK WANTED?MUST BR A GOOD UDROUM J ami have beat relerenceL Call, after ? o'clock, at 52 Vat thin at. I /MKlf WANTED "(PROTKrtTA.NT)-FOR GENERAL , v T houeework, to ao Jo mllea In the country; niuat know low to milk. Applt at SWT lib ae. PALAIS ROYAL, 4M '.Til AY.?YOBTT TODKO | I 1ad y attendanta; Kiand Vocal and Inatrumental Concert, troin 7 until 1 o'clock. AUtnlaalnn free. "PESPHCTABLK AMERICAN OR GERMAN GIRL IV wautnu. aged l(i to ltt, to attend an infant. Ac. Apply at 9.'i Jd itv. CALESLADY WANTED?IN FANCY DRY GOODS; ALSO t ' two young ladies to Ic irn. Apply, after 10 A. M., at I M Bowery TO M KID.'II \ N TS -WANTED. BY A Vol NO MAN. AS driver, Ac ; city rclrreuce ; any amount of aecurity. Audre-v MACK. Herald I ptiiwn llraiirh olflce. ANTED DKi LADIES KOK Til E_N'EYY SFKOtaeio at Mblu'a Harden. Apply at tlie atajte door, Crosby at., on Friday uiorninu. between Id and 12. I\r ANTfc.J>?AT NO. 66 PARK AW. TWO GOOD SWIM* I vv nrli; i" na i oak. mm Itr bMNMiki \VTANTM>~TW<> I* HOT KMT A N'T WON KN.~ABOUT -HO; ? f one lor chamberwork ami sewing; the other for down- I stHire work, ('all at 21 K.tnt 24th >\ , alter lO o'clock. \Y'AN I KU-A M IISK FOR AN IN V A 1,1 iMiKNTI KTV man; place permanent for the rlclit sort of man: tiiitkt have food recommendation*. Address F. K., box 106 llcra'd ottice, and slate wage* expected. WANTKD-A COLORED WOMAN As'fVoOD ThAIX | TV cook . must not apply unless neat and honest, (all at 1 13u Hast 27th st. j WANTED AN BXPBR1BNGRD N0RSB fOR THRBB TV small children in a private family near N'#w York; references must bo unexceptionable. Address IH'DSON, Herald office. W.\NTKO?iN A small FAMIITV.'"?;O"617 I.VTv dress and chambermaid, only such which can come I well recotnmeudcd need apply, ut No. 124 Kast 70th St., near 4 th av. WAKTfcD-A YOUNG LADY (FRENCH PBKPBKBKD) M to attend in s:ore. (.1OLLY A M>N, i)">6 Broadway. "IV ANTED? A TRKNCU WOMAN TO WAIT ~ON~A m lad v ; none hut those who can dress hair well need ap ply. 44 Kant Huh st. WANTED A GIRL GO A SHORT DXlTAKCR IN TV the country to cook, wash and iron. Applv at 124 ! EaatASthst. J. <' nPROIJL. WANTED- A STRONG^ WILLING GIKL FORGKNoral housework; Polish, Swedish or German preferred; i mu?t bring city reference. \pply. from 11 A. M. to 4 I'. M., lor two days, at 4* VI'< .?t 2HtU st.. near Hroadwav. IV ANTED?AN AMERICAN WOMAN FOB IIOUHETV work for a family of two adults: one who prefers a good home to high wages. Address, with reference, HOME, station C. 11 a.> i r.u?\ut niijnaa i;u<m aai? mi ?? assist in the washing and ironing; must coine well reromnnftidfil, Applv at 4.rK> East. H4th *t rnf AN TED-A hoisBKKPEtt FOK A TENKMKNT T house. Apply, witn reference, to B. S. LEVY, C04 ; 8th uv j WANTKD-IN^TFRIVATK AMKKIOAN KAMILY,~A Jr competent wuniHii to rook, wash and iron. Apply, ' with rt fart nee, -it *ilO Weat 4t)th st. TirANTKU?AGERMAN OK AMKRICAN OIRL IX A M small favnilv ; our who can wash anil iron ; wajfes $>. 810 \N J4th Nt. Al' ,\NThl>-l\ A WORSTED aMi FANCY GOODS ?? store, a first class saleswoman, accustomed to taking < orders; must have good taste and be willing to make herself ! useful. Apply at 1,1*11 Broadway. wantku-a wkt n i usth kefekknck re- j TT quired. Apply iuiiueiliiitely ut 3<i7 West 4Jth St., near Nth av. llTANTIsb?A GIRL TO DO OHAMBBSWOftK AND | it wsitiuf iii h pi-mite kowrilai It oas,, -it greenwich at. [ virANItli-a .-mart. Mi at ami Tib* ulkxi as TT t-li?iiiin-rni;tid anil waitreu at djo k??t 14th at., Iia?cluent dour, niter r o'clock a. m. \\t a xt t'.fl- a i'oiik, wasmkk am) 11< <) n k k ; cttv , TT reference required. Apply at 2'J Kant 21th at. S ITt: ATIOS!* V* A.Vl'KO?.il/itir.n. A voi kq kiu:m iiman. "with" i.'ood ki-.m-.u ences, wants a place an waiter or anythiug else. Apply mi .til Green* ich at. a~X" A M KR it' XX. SIMil.i:. agkii .III. THOrTh.GII il farmer, wishes a permanent situation on a farm in Central New York. MOnKIS. New PrtTidence, N.J. *A FAITHFUL. INDUSTHIOL'S PHtHKSTANT MAN J iV desires u situation ut any kind of common labor; ; would tafco cure of premises (or |*eople who are away; in ex- j pericueeu as a night and day watchman, ln<|oiro of Kev. hrastus Seymour, iti the church, Oth at., near av. D. i rui.Iahi.I-: SIMil.i*. Man. agKH jn, si'kaks | il English and (iermun fluently, wishes a situation an collector or other position of trust or employment in a , wholesale establisiinieut; best references or security. Ad- ( dress J A MK8, Herald office. A RESPECTABLE C< ILORED MAN WOULD /V. like a situation as cook iu hotel, restaurant or boardtntr house ; has cooked tor 21 years; best reference frotn last place. Call at or address 4'2,7 West ttSth st. |)Y A YOUNG MAN~PoSlTlON AS CARVER; AGE J3 22. Engli-b; miderstarda raw meats, saladf. Ac.; not anaid of work. Address CARVER. box 1*4 Herald office. Hllltsr CLASS MAN COOK (COlA)KKD: WANTS A situation iu a hotel, restaurant or first class house; best reference. Andreas, for three days, or call on A. E. N., 41)5 7tb uv. QtTI atlon W vS IED--B Y A LAD OF 14. BB8IDIMG with his parents; writes a good hand: willing to make himself generally useful. Address DILIGENCE, llerald Uptown Branch office. SITUATION "WANTED AS WAITER; CITY OR COUNt? try; goon relerence. Call on or address E. P., BIO Gib av. <}Ai WF.ST 21)Ml ST ?A FIRST CLAMS COLORED ^X T waiter, in private family ur boarding house: city or country ; city reterenee. I'liKKKS AN D S VbKS ?K!V. A KI UST Cl.A.-S HAl.KMIAX. OF l.oXU LM'fcKIencc In tlie watch, jewelry and maalral instrument business, desires nn eticairrment. either in or nut nt t he citr; i first clasa reference. Address SAl.tSM a.N, box 'j(i9 Herald office. Yorxu max as cuntx ix a OMOIM ol ! iii|uor stnre. good rslntMt. TWttkar. GOOD CTTY M \s AXI> OMR FOR THK WKST TO I sell collars and cuffs, riiftiinirs, Ac., to the jobbing and 1 first class retail trade. Address 1? H. It.. Ilcrald office. jyiUJo" CLKK~K. WASTED.-ATI'LY AT 1,050 UD~AV j D?RUG CLERK WANTEUV tlKKMAN-rRRFERKBD. ' at Xu. HOO.'ith at., south Brooklyn. IXVKSTltJATINU At'UOUNTAXT?BOOKS "oi'KSRD i and supervised. Address, by letter, JOHN l\ UNDER1111,1,. earn National 1'arlt Hank. "I AW CLERK.?A YOU SO MAN" WHO HAS BERN IJ engacod for the past live years iu one of the first nfliees in town, and who Is also a commissioner ot deeds, desires employment. Address COURT. Herald office. 1> UBL.TO AlVIIINTASI' AM) KXI'KRT .?books opened or eloeed, thoroughly examined. written up, balanced. Ac.; tertu* reasonable JOII.N 11. CoXNOIt, l? Murray at. W AM I l> A SITUATION AS SAI.K-M AX. IT AX TT anise young man of 111 year*' experience in an Al wholesale dry good* establishment in t anuria: tirat i lea* reference*. Addreea, for two day*. KOOTCII.M AX, ;IS6 Bedford av? Brookly n. "llf ANTKl! ? A Ynl Nii .MAN WITH ~TI(UKF. TEARS' T T experience In the retail daeiren a position in a wlioletale dr> good* house; first rlaas recommendation front pre* ent employe:. Address, for threa dais, 0. S. B., Herald . ufflce iitaxtrd a RaPIU, acci kate snORT-HAEO TT writer, who i* also a llr-t rate business penman; i strictly mll-lactory recommendations required: salary, | Sl.OtAi. Addret*. by latter, C. t'. I) , box id.UWH Xew York l'ost office iwAxtid cmfthibg sman -on i, who ix ! T ? derstands the wholesale boys' clothing business; has ? Western acnnaliitance, and can gitc unexceptional references. Address or eommanicuto with hDVV.AKI) W1L- j I.IAks. b'lt'J i'hnreh st. 4 \ t* AN T h [> It t A Yor.Nii MAN 61 UOODwADDKESM ?T slid education, w ith lour y ear*'businrs. experience, a position in sotr.e mercantile house as salesman or bookkeeper; can furnish heat possible references. Address JOHN II., bos 111* Herald ofhi e. WAXTKD-A DKI fi A'LKKK. APIM.Y TO CUARLE8 , TT All ("ANN. 4-11 t'anal st (OA(ll>IKA \MI> OA.RDBNK KM. V~rkoi i it o r nil m; man wihVii ; > v >itcati-'U an ri?n?-b in ah and cnnlf tier ; J* a first rlas* hih*i; I strictly temperate, with the best reference. Address J. II., bo* 1 Herald office. OOODToaRI>V.NK K WANTED?TO TAKE CARE j of n small ftdwer and vegetable garden; single men ' with g<>odr eference*. At l.ldl Bergen St., near New York | nv , Brooklyn V coachman and oakdknkks sTtvatdTn ! ? intr?l ll> a single man; understand* lus business; j can mil*, willing mbH obliging; good reference Address R?. box 204, Herald office V..?Atif\t\N \\i? llVkDKNfcK'S MT! ViloN wanted, by a young: man: can milk; willing to mike | liltn-e.I u -'-lul ; good reference. Address COACHMAN, box i JM M'- did oflln vl W.1HKD COACHMAN. lHSKNti A(7KD, AT 2,\ C.irriiK' Wnrero??in*. 14th si. .md ">tli nv. (TO AC II MAN \M> OAKDKN Kit?I'.V A HK.STCl.AS8 > 7 num.* nmn : nndfr.t?nil? evrrylhln* on * L'rntl.m.n't 1 pirn? . Inno rrtrrrnrn mil rrrilly. A ndr.M, lur ion dura, I r?M I 111. 11 or m I <1 uBl.r. / V. II MAN \ M? it v ?:. 1 Ml; M\ V HI SPECTABIJl " ' "iTitfle m nn; nnflcrntanU* nit tiu*iii*ft?> thoroughly; I moderate vnifri, good rfftrenc?. Ad-Ire** V\\, to\ 1|*J ! Herald office. I '<> WIIV.?\-l!V . lO.M'IK IWHI.I HINlil.K Vol'NO \ Protectant. ;Imronifhlv underftnitiU the proper care ..nil tirnttucti. ofliorMM. cui'Mage* ami li*rne*?; city or (ountrv, hc?l rc'ereucc. Addie** W. P., Herein L'ptowu H raucit office. <MIAHIIMAN AMl> iiR(HiM-UV SlXfiLK VOl.'Xll MAN: J understand* care hnraex; thoroughly Hccnattmad to | * iiv driving or country ; will make liimnelf u?i*tul ; ffvo year* | rtltioiict, AiidreM, i!OAi fi.MAM, -I'l Herald otlloe. /MKI'F\K? Kf I "I.VSn |N \|,|, HKINCURS OK " I .01 *, j .ifk, nLf ..ire of lie liorte; beet ?-? -i . t ?i?t. r?* V it'll A I* I. tm t Herald of ire /*?KI?hNKl: i.lll.KMHH >K* ??;; II'KKIKS. Ktli.M ? I . 11 ! > ' i i r * - . i, 11f*jit *' ? ;. 1 Acv, *t i k. Ac. .1*1 'if 1 t i f ! * I > \ t.iikr I \ . I lit < It VI t\ I MihliSI VMH i. IllI b-1? i??. ii I in l^iu in e, r-iH v r?r#r?iice Address *.i ILI.lA m, ie?\ liin licrnhi I |ito*n Itmurh office IV* ANIKD SITI tl luN vs COACHMAN Oil VTATCIIH roan; best citv refsrjme from lati empiPytr. Addreit LDK AKil U r>UAtUllMLzHY, 4.4 Eait V tb sU j r, JULY 7, 1876.?TRIPLI COACHIHEIY AJTD UARDENKR8. Vtf AN?k1>?A~riTTtfATi'oJ#TfV~ A Vol NO COLORED " men u coachman ; fire yeara at hi. laat place ; e?n bit. flr.t data relerrncu. Addreu WILLIAM A. JEKFEBSON, 167 Hlaerker ?t. OZ\?? MOTT "ST.~ A MAN AND WlIK K~WI S ll" RITU A OlKU tioiiH la a private family; the man a. vegetable rarilener and to take eara nf hom.t aud cow.; the wile to rook, waeh and iron ; cnnd reference.. I1KL.1* WAVTKII-MALKS. A OEMS WANTED-To SKI.I. A NEW ARTICLE; NO cbroinoa; no hunihuc. Call from H to 12. WILSON. 121 Liberty et., .econd floor. OV WANTED-A BOUT 1. YEARS OK AliE.BY A whole.ale alio. houee. Addraaa, la own baadwiDing, box 2,o5S I'nat oflico. UIMT CLASH riBBMAM WAJCTHD-AT THE AXIOM r I'lano Factory. l;VHh at. tXott tlavea); moat bava good reference** from last piece. pXKMAII HOY WANTED IN DRUG STORK; HOIMT, \T hardworking; wane*. $1. Addren PHARMACY, HeraM Upt iwn Branch office. F..N Of GOOD ADDRESS WILL BK III YEN STEADY employment nt a lair salary. to Mil a new article. VI Efc.Ns COUNTY LAND OKKICK.HHJ Broadway. TWO'SMART. ACTIVE MEN AS CANVASSERS ; 4 TO > P. M..68 Faltoa si.. Brooklyn. IITANTK D?oO FIRST CLASS TR AI NED C< >LO RED TV waiter* for a neighboring seaside hotel; bring reference*. Apply at mil Broadway, between 10 and 4. ~\\fANTED~AN OFFICE 1lOY. ABOUT 1H YEARK"OP TV ace. in an Ainerlean steel bonne; salary $5 per week. Address A. H., Herald office. IVANTED-TWO SMART. ACTIVE HOY8. ABOUT 16 TV years old. as errand boys in a Jobbing house AddrissS.. box Itll Herald office. WANTED- Alii K rti SI N o C.\ N V AsSKBS . MEDii M' VI new and taking; liberal arrangements will be made with first class parlies Call, after U A. -M , at SAWYER'S Agency, 74 Fulton st. Wanted-a man cook, who t.ndkkstands iiis business thoroughly, a* cook and carver: no other need apply. TERENCE Dl'NNIOAN. southeast corner 114th si. and 11th av. WAN TED-"-THREE MEN To t,D I'll IRAINS A.VD TV steamers lor i rnukfort House, - "J William st. WANTED?A M AT. HKNTEEL, TEMPERATE MAN as oyster cook . must thoroughly understand cutting out oy-lers and making up stock lor a lirsr class place; J AM K>. IIirtM dIN. \lfANTED?A YOUNO MAS RKslDlVo WITH HIS II family. ns second class barkeeper. Hi Clinton place. "Mf ANTED A MAX TO TAKE THE POSITION AS if foreman inn yellow pine lumber yard: mint tlior nuuhly understand tlie busmen*. Address LUMBER. statiun C. _ THE TRADE*. JEWELLER'S" MKLTER WA X T . O ?ON K ~E XPEfiTeured and capable ; nono other need appiv. Address, eiiii references, box 4,5111 Past elet. New Tent. rjio Wool." II XT MA XI K At IT U It E Its.-A MAN OF 1 lonij experience desires a position as superintendent. Address \V. II., Herald office. \yANTE 0?A MAN WllO THOKOlUtl I.V IN UK It ff stand* fur bat mixtures of every description and is acquainted with the best manufacturer*. Address, statiuir terms and reference*, HATTER, Herald office. EliaOPEAJI STEAJISIIII'N. OTATB I.INK. O NEW YORK TO OLAStiOW, LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN, BKLKAST ANI? LONDONDERRY, from pier 42 North River ifoot of Cunal st.) as follow* STATE ok PENNSYLVANIA Thursday. .Inly 13 state ok virginia Thursday. July 27 STATE OK NEVADA Thursday. August :t nnil every altrrnato Thursday thereafter Kirst cabin. $R5 to BSO, according to accommodations: return tickets. $125. Second cabin, $S0: return ticket*. $BO. Steerage at lowest rates. Apply to AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO., Aleuts, So. 72 Broadway, Now Vork. _ HTr.KRAtiK TICKETS AT 45 BROADWAY AND AT THE COMPANY'S PIER, FOOT OK CANAL ST., NORTH RIVER. ANCHOR LI NET NITED'S rATES~MAlL STEAMERS. A NEW YORK AND OLASOOW. VICTORIA. ..July 8. 3 P. m ALSATIa...July 22, 3P. m. BOLIVIA. .Jul* 15. 11 A M. | ANCHOIU A.July 2U, 8 A. M. NEW YORK AX1> LONDON. ANliLIA Jul* H. 3 P. M. | AUSTRALIA. Aug. 5,6 A. M. UTOPIA July 23, 3 P. M I KLYSI A.... Aujr. 111. 4 P. M. Anchor Lino. Plers20 and 21 North River. New York NEW VOIIK TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL. LONDON oh londonderry. Cabin*, $*V> to $so. currency, according to acloromodationsKacurtlon tickets on favorable terms. Sterrag , $23, currency; intermediate. $35. currency. Drafts issued lor an* amount at current rates. HENDERSON BROTHERS, Agents, No. 7 Howling Green Most direct and Tconomic (route to holI.AND, BELGIUM. THE RHINE, SWITZERLAND. AC., AC.. VIA ROTTERDAM. Steamer SCHOTEN ..J ulr 6| Steamer MAAS July 20 'I hese benutilul steamer*, carrying tiie United States mall to the Netherlands, are great faroritea with the public. Trips regular, retea low; comfort end living perfect, lor freight. For passage. punch. ED YE a co. L. w. MORRIS. 00 Hr iedway /TuBA I WESTERN STEAMSHIP LINK" \jt to bristol (england* direct. sailing from pier IS East River as follows: ? CORNWALL. Stamper Tuesday, Jnly 11 bOM KRSET. Western Tuesday, July 25 Cahiu passage, $75; iiiturniediate, $45; steerage, $30, currency; excursion tickets. $12t); prepaid steerage certificates, $2i>. Apply to W 1>. MORGAN, Agent, 70 South rt TITHITK ST A It LINK W FOR QUEKNSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. OAKUY1.SU THE UNITED STATES MAIL. The steamers of this line take the Lane Routes recommended by Lieut. Maury, U. K. N.. going south ot the Bank* on the passage to Oueensto srn all the year round. OEKMAMC July 8, at 4 P. M. CELTIC. Inly 15. at 11 A. M. BRITANNIC Inly _ !?, at 11 A. M. GERMANIC August 12. at 10 A. M. CELTIC August 111. at 3 1?. M. From White Star Docks, pier ">?, N..rth KIt r. Kates?Saloon. $80 and #HD. in gold; return tickets on reasonable terms steerage. Salixin staierooms, smoking and bathrooms are placed amidships, whcro the noise and motion srelr.esi, affording argroe of comfort hitherto unattainable at sea. For inspection ol plans and oilier information apply at the Company's office. 37 Broadway, New York R. .! C0BTI8. Agent. WILSON S LINE FUR SOUTHAMPTON AND HULL. sailing Iroiu uier 53 North River, as lollows:? COLOMBO July I ? 1 N VVAKI.NO August II OTIIKLI.O luly 20 | Hindoo August 26 First cabin. $7i>, currency; second caliin. currency. Excursion tickets on very favorable terms. Through tickets issued to Continental and Baltic ports. Apply for full partlculars to CHAULKB L. WRIOHT t CO., 50 South St. N_tATIoNAL LINK.?FROM I'lERS 44 AND 47 V. X. FOR LONDON DIRECT. ERIN Wednesday, .Inly 12, U:8U A. M. FOR QUEENSTllW X AND LIVERPOOL, TilEQUt KN..jnly 8. .3 I*. M. I KNiiLA.ND .Jnly 23. 3 P. M. BPAI.s. .July 15. II ;.3ti A. M. | EGYPT July29, 11:30 A. M. Cabin passage ?7 and $811, currency. Return tickets at reduced rates. Steerage passage. $28. currency. Dralts issued (roin 11 upward at current prices. Apply at the company's office. 60 Broadway. F. W J. HURST. Manager. C* TI'NARH LINE.-B. AND N. A. K. M. S. S. Cli.'"" J NOTICE. With a view to diminishing lliu chances of collision, the steamers of tills Hue lake a specific course for all seasons of tlie year. On the oatward passage from Qneenstown In New York or Boston, crossing the meridian of 50 at 43 latitude or nothing to tin* north ol 43 On the homeward passage, crossing the meridian of .pi0 at 42 latitude, or nothing to th* north oi 42. KKOM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEENS TOWN. RUSSIA Wed., July 12 I ALGERIA....Wed.. July 26 Si'YTIIiA WeiL. July 191 BOTHNIA....Wed , Aug. If Steamers marked * do not carry steerage parsongets. Cabin passage $HO, $I*JO and $130. gold, a< cording to accommodation. Return tickets on favorable terms. Steerage tickets to and from ail parts of Europe at very low rates. Freight and passage oflice No. 4 Bowling Green. CHARLES FRANCKLY.N. Agent. 1NM VN LINK M \IL 8TK.AMERH~ " FOR Ql EKNSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CITY OF CHESTER Saturday. July 1ft. at 11:30 A. M. CITY OF RICHMOND Saturday, duly 22. nt 3 P. M. CITY OF BERLIN Saturday. August 5, at 3 P. .\i. CITY OF I'll ESTER Saturday. August 1H. at 3 p. M. CITY OF RICHMOND . Satur ay. August 2?. at 10 A. M from pier 4ft. Noiih Riser. Cabin, $SO and $100, gold. Return tickets on favorable terms*. Steerage, $2*. currency. Drafts at lowest rates. Saloons, staterooms, smoking and hath rooms nmidsbi ?. JOHN (i. DALE, Ageut. 1ft and Xi Broadway. New York ONLY blRECT LINK TO FRANCE. THE UKNKRAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL STEAMERS BKI'WE' N NEW YORK AND HAVRE. CALLING AT PLYMOUTH tU. li t lor the lauding ol passengers. The sp'.^nd.d vcs*oU on this favorite route for the Continent (eahip. provided with electric hells) will sail irotn pier 4M North Rivvr. foot of Barrow si.. as follow? CANADA, Frangeul Saturday, duly H, at 1 P. M. AMEKIQUK, Potttols Saturday,.)uly IN, at 12 noon. ST. LAI KEN I . Lachesues. .ht?jr 22, atli}a A. M. PRICK OF PASSAUR IN CHILD (Inclttdlng wine) First cahiu. ?110 to $131. according to accommodation. Second. 872; Third cabin. $**?. Return ticket* at reduced rateSteerage. $20, with superior accommodations, including wine, bedding and utensil*, without extra charge. Steamers marked thus do not carry steerage passergen. LOUIS DE BKHlAN, Agent. So Broadway. Hamburg amkrican packkt company h i ink for PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG and HAMBURG. FKISIA I uly 13 ! GKLLhKT Julv 27 ClMBhLA Juh 2H PoMMRRw \ %?tn :t Hates of passage to Plymouth, London, Cherbourg, llam bnrr and all points in England. Scotland aud Wales Cabin, first satoon. gold $100 Cabin, second saloon, gold, tV> Steerage, ctirreney 30 KUNIfARDT .% CO.. C. H KD'll ARII A BOAS, General Agents. General Passenger Agents, 61 Broad si . New York. 61 Broadway. New \ ork. XTORTH GERM t.N Ll.tiYD IK rtTKAMSMir LINK HKTiYRF.V NKW YORK, SOUTHAMPTON AND MRKMa* Company'* pier foul ofild *t., Iloboken. R1IKIN. .. >niiir?ln). .Inly sj M AIN.... >*lwnUy. Jnly 22 ODKK Saturday. Jul? 1 *? | NKl KAK HatuHAj, Jele'itt Kates of passage from New York to soutkamptou, Havre or Bremen ? First Cabin $100, gold; Second Cabin, $60,|etd; Steerage. $ <0, currency. Keturn iicktU at retluriid ratea Prepaid steerage FerllHcatev. $J.! currency. For freight or p??i?ge apply to OKI.Kit lis A t'O . No. 'J Rowling Oreen. r'jjlTKD st.vtk.s mail i,ink hi f. kxi To yiTkn7 town and i.i v kkpool, railing every II h.-DAY from pit" t>'< North River. IDAHO Inlv IK. it I' XI. | Wist oNMN.Ang 8. 3 30 P. XI. NEV ADA ..Inly .'.*> !?A. V 1 VVV oMISt; . Attn. ."J,3:30 P.XL Cabin. ftv>. $7o hdiI $ko, currency. Intermediate. ?? !; vtrrrage, Par'Oltger* bonked lo hid! trnm Pari*. I lieu In: ru'. Norway, Sweden. Ac. Ilrxlltun Irelattl. England, France mod tiermany at Invreet rateXVII.1.1 VXIS A i.l ION. .?! Rrnadwav COAST WISE XTEA Miami's. 1?as.xx|\ 11; n n -11 v n i * rxi mr MAIL 1 steamship i.inks. For OAI.IFOH.NI X. JAPAy ? 111N A. AUSTRALIA. NEW ZEALAND. HKlrihll t'OLI'MHIA, OKKt.oN, Ac Sailing Irom inert.' North River. For SAN Fit XNCIbCO via istllmls OF PANAM A, Stcnmahtp I'HLON Saturday, J*ly IX Meaniahtp Ai'aPI'I.oo Saturday, .Inty W connect illy tor Central Xmi-rlca and South Pacific porta From SAN FKANf |sf 11 to t t PAN and I'll I N X. Steuii.'?ltl|t t 'I I X til' PEKIN. ... Saturday, July 1. or freight of pa?*aite I XX XI. P. l,'l,X Dp. A Co or II. .1. Hl'LLAk ~ up.i o.troJrut. .\o. ?. Hoaltng ilcerti. pier 4'J North hire.-, tool ('anal at. 0~M.X 111 IlKt'T LINK I (Hi I l.oKIO k ?XX KEKI.X Una 'o- Port Koyal, s. c.. I'arnattilina. Fla ; Hruna wtc't. tia Stall in e evert Friday Irom pltr Jit Kaat River. Thr "learner t'AllON OKI.KT, Captain 1 aircloth. will aall Friday, July 7. at HP. M Through tlckrta leaned to all polnta lor freight or paiaege apply to C. H .MALLOKY A CO., Ifril Maiden Due. ? SHEET. " COAST WISH STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK AND HAVANA DIKHCT MAIL LINE.There flrat daaa aleainrbipa will (all at 3 P. H from pier 13 North Klrar, foot of Cedar at., lor Haraaa direct, aa followa ? WILMINGTON Tueadar, July II COLUMBUS Th'jradar, July 20 Par freight and paoeage, having nnanrpaaaad accommodation t. apply to ttM. 1-. CLYDE A CO.. No. # Bowling Groan. McKELLEU, LUL1NG A CO., Agcntaln Havana. Texas line pok galvebton. touching atTEy Wrat. carrying the United Mater mail. The etaaiuer CITY UK ALoTIN, Captain Htarena, a III aail on Saturday. Julys, at 3 P. M? from pier JO Eart Ktver. Through tiiila of ladinr jciven to all pointa on the llonrton and Texaa, \-ciiirm international ann (treat xortnern. l.anrslon, Houston and Henderson, and the UalnaKm. liarriaburg and Nan Antonio Railroads. Freights and insurance at lowaal rataa For freifcbt or passage. having superior accommodations. apply loC II. MaLLoHY if CO., 153 Maiden Inn*. I^ORNBW OKLKA N8~DIRECT. ~ 1 'fUK tlKOMWKLL LINE. The tteantelilp HUDSON, Captain (lager, on SATURDAY". .Inly H. at 3 o'clock P. X., from pier No. t* North Hirer. Through hllla of lading given to Mobile and all principal points on the Mieaiaalppi River. Cabin passage, fkl. Steerage, 9-5. Apple to CLAKR A SEAMAN. H6 West at. NY.. HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL 88. LINE Steamera leave pier Xuf 3 north Kiver at 3 P. M. for Havana direct. CITY OF VERA CRUZ. K-tturdny. Inly 8 CITY OF NEW YORK.. Thurtwlev. July 13 FOR VERA CRUX AND NEW ilHI.K A xd vie llavan.-t, Frogreso, Campeacliy. Tuspau and I araptve. CITY OF HAVANA Tueaday. July 35 For frt ighl and passage apply to F. ALEXANDRE A SONS, 31 and 33 Broadway. Steamers will leave New Drl-ans July R and July So for Vera Crui and all the above porta MOKUAN'S NEW" YOUKT NEW ORLEANS- AND Texas steamships.?ALCIKRS will tall from pier 3d North River on Saturday, July H, at 3 F. M.. for Sew Orleans direct, transferring Texas freight there to Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad for Morgan City, thence per Morgan's steamars to Texas ports. Through bills ol lading signed to all points on the Missi-aippl River, Mobile. (Jalveston. Indianola. Corpus Christl. Itockport. Brazos SanI tiago, Hrnwnsrillo and to all points on the (ialvetton. liar i rlstnirg and San Antoni.i, Houston and Tdxas Central. In 1 ternational and Oreat Northern Texas I'arific and TransI Continental railroad*. Freiohta for St ilsrv's mil I'nlins I landed at Hockport. , ! Lighterage and channel duo at t'arpua Clirlstl and Brasos . Santiago at the e*pen-e and risk of consignee. Insurance ran he effected uua*r open poller of C. A. Whitney A Co.; to New Orleans. J, per cent; to Texas porta, /.percent. l-'or freight or further information apply to CHARLES A. WlllTNEV A CO., Agents; office. pier So North River. J ICR NASSAU. N. I'.? REG L l. A It MAIL STEAMSHIP LEU leaves New York Juiy 2P. Ml KHAY, KEKRI8 A CO.. ?2 Sonth at. fr'ok'HAMfAX. N. S7ANU ST. JOHNS. N. f\ r cromwell steamship link. Steamers leare pier 10 North Kiver following days, at S GKOkOE CROMWELL Tuesday, July 11 gkorgk Washington KnuaV. July 21 Most direct, quickest and cheapest route to Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and the Lower St. Lawrence. Excellent passenger accommodations, for freight or passag - apply to CLAlMv ,t SEAMAN, St> West st. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CoMPANxj sailing front pier 37 North Kiver. forNorlolk. City Point and Richmond, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdav* at 3 P. M? connecting with the Virginia and Tennessee Air Line, Atlantic Coast Line. Pledmout Air Line, Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad and with the cnni1 pany'seteam lines to lutcrior points in North Carolina and j Virginia. Newborn and Washington, Jf. c, ivta Norfolk), et cry Tuesday. I hnrsday and Saturday. Lewes. Del.. Monday. Wednesday and frlday at 3 P. M., connecting with Maryland and Delaware railroads. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Through passage tickets and hills of lading to all points at lowest rules, .uturaiiue to Norfolk, Ac., V per cent, freight received uaily at uler 37 North River. General offices, 1117 Greenwich si. N. 1 . McOKKADY, President. STEAMER foil VALPARAISO, touching at Montevideo lor malls and passengers. The Al. now steamship CITY Of SANTIAGO. Darke master, will leave lioston July 15. for passage or a limited amount of freight lor Valparaiso apply to HEMEN WAY A BROWNE, No. 37 Lewis' wharl. TRAV BLLER5' GUIDE. A?CATS KILL CREEK DAILY LINK.?STEAMER NEW CHAMPION Mondays, Wednesdays and fridays; steamer WALTER BRKTI' Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6 P. M., from pier 42, loot of Canal st., connecting at Cstskill with Western stages, fare. f>cc. ?HIG H L AN DS O f TI IK H UDSo" N BY DAYLIGHT. The MARY POWELL, for West Point. Newburg, roiiitntceepale, Knndout and Kimraton, landing at Cniaena', Cornwall. Milln and New UatnbnrK. and Marlboro by ferry, will leave pier III) North Ulver (Yeatry at.) dally. Sundaya excepted, at 3:30 I*. M. Connecta at Puuchkeepeie with eventDE traina for the North. ?SARATOGA?DIRECT ROUTE, VIA CITIZENS' . Line. Lleyant atenmera leave pier 49, North Ulver, foot Leroy at., daily, except Saturday, at tt I*. M. Through fare only $2 .'<0; excnralon tlckete, yood for SOdaya, 94 50. LBANY AND TU'iY~nY DAY KOATSl3." VIBBARD and DANIKTi DBBW.?Leave Veatry at. pier atS:l> and 24th at. at 8:30 A. M., landlnirat Nyack and Tarrvtoan thy ferryboat). Went Point. Newbitrir, I'oughkrepaie, Rhinebeck. Catakl I and lludaon. Cloae connection at Albany with new traiu at.6 :3() P. M. for the Weat over New York I (!i>ntrul. and Pi?inm?nrinfr Jiiha hr anAoial ?a fiiRl TOOA and ROUND LAKE, To Wiftst l'nitit and Nevburg aud return lame day, $1; Pnughkcepsie. 91 .'<<"> A" ~lbany.-^Fkoplf/s" lineT^steajTboath leave pier 41 North River daily. Similar excepted, at C P. M., lor Albany and all prints North and West; groat reductions in fare. Excursion tickets to Albany. Saratoga, Montreal and retnrn. Meals on European plan. Brooklyn," new york and newburg.- by steamboat armenia.?Learn Hilton St., Hronklyn, I at 9: Vestry St.. New York, at 9:20. and 24th St.. at 9:15 i a. M? landing at Yonkers. lona Island, L'usr.ens, West I Point and Cornwall. Returning, arrise at Brooklyn, ? P. M. Tickets for the round trip, 91; to lona Islane and l return, 75 cents. CYITIZBNt? line STEAM BOATS FOR TROY AND ALL J points Northeaat and Wost, leave daily, except Satur| day, at R P M., from pier 49 North River. j J)AILY LINE to NORWALK.-FAitB REDUCED. i By the swift steamer AKROWSM1TH, leaving Jewell's I wharf, Brooklyn, at -:3d p. ; pier 117 East River. 2:45 P. \ M.. and loot of 33.1 St., It P. M.; returning, learns Norwalk at I 7:50 A. M., daily (Sundays excepted!; connecting each way | with the llanbury and Norwalk and New Haven railroads. Pare. 55 cents; excursion tickets. NO cents. Fall river line to boston, via Newport and Kail River.?The world renowned | steamboats BRISTOL and PROVIDENCE leave pier 28 I North River, foot of Murray at . daily (Sundays included), at 5 P. M. Through tickets sold at all the principal hotels in | the city. For kondiut and'nn ctino with the Ulster and Delaware Railroad, landing nt Highland I Kails (West Point). Cornwall. Nrwburg. Marlboro, Milton. ! Pmiglikeopsie, Ksopus, steamboats THOMAS CORNELL j and JAMES ff. BALDWIN, lrom pier foot of Spring St., I North River, daily, at 4 P, M. OLD ESTABLISHED LINK KOI! STKYVESANT CATS kill and intermediate landings.?Steamer ANDREW j HARDER, lrom Kranklin at. (oier 55), Tuesday. Thursdav i and Saturday ; steamer MONITOR, Monday, Wednesday and I Kriday. at 5 P. M. Pln nsylv ani a r a1lroa d. ' ?i r e at trunk line and vnitkd states mail route. I Trains leara New Yn^. via Desbrossvs and Cortlandt | street ferries, as follows : Express for Harrlsburg, Pittsburg, the West and Sonth, I with Pullman palace cars attached, 9:30 A. M. .Hand ] 8:1*) P.M. nuuday, S and 8:5<i P. M. For Willlamspo", Lock Haven, Corry and Erie at 12-.30 P. ! M. and 8:5!) P. M.. connecting at Corry for Titusvilla, i Petroleum Centre and the Oil Regions I For Baltimore, Washington and the South, "Limited Wash liigiou ftxprrm ??t rmiman p.trior car* uauy. except Sunday, 9:30 A. M ; arrive Washington 4;l<? I*. M. Regular at H:40 A. M.?*3 ami 9 P M. Sunday, I) p. M. Express for Philadelphia. 7, 7:3t?, M;40, 9:^OA. M., 12:30, II, 4, 4 .10. 5, H. 7. h :3U, 9 P. M. and 12 night. Sunday, 5, S. 7. B :3Ciand 9 P. M. Emigrant and second clans. 7 P. M. For trains to Newark, Elisabeth. Kahway, Princeton, Tranton. Perth Amhov. Flemington. Belvldere and other poiuts. see local schedules at all ticket offices. Trains arrive from Pittsburg, >-.55 and 10:30 A. M. and 10:20 P. M. dally : 10:13 A M. and H 50 P. M. dally, except Monday. From Washington and Baltimore. 6 :'20 A. M., 4-05, .?:lft ami 10:25 IV M. Sunday, H:20 A. M From Philadelphia, 5:1". ?;JO.?f:5ft, 10:15, II :20. 11:54 A. M.. 2 .15, 4 ov ft ;15, ti 10. 0: iO. ? : 14 and lO :2ft P. M Suoday. ! ft:lo, 0:20,0:?ft. 11:54 A. \L, ?;50 and 10:25 P. M. Ticket offices. 52# and 1H4 Broadway. No. I Aitnr Hoase, and loot of Desbrotses and Gortlamit s???.; No. 4 Court at., I Brooklvn; Nos. 114, 110 and II* Hudson st., lloboken. Emigrant ticket office. No. ? Battery place. I FKANK THOMSON. 0. M. BOYD, Jr., General Manager. General Passenger Agent. I T>HIL ADR LP11 IA~V7A LONG BRANCH AND TI1E j .1 New Jersey Southern Railroad. Fare lower than by j sny o'lirr muio, c'liint ncingJune 10, 1^70. Heave New York from pier H North River, foot Rector st., S *45 A. M. for I Long Branch and Soabrigbt, ?te.; 9:4ft A.M. for 1'hiladeL phla, Long Branch, Toms River. Ware town .Mid Vineland, .i .Mti P. M. for Philadelphia. Long Branch and Tnckertown | 4.R' P. M lor Long Branch, Toms River aud Waietown. 5;.'X) | P. M. accommodation for Long Branch. Sundays, 9: O A. M. for Long Branch, returning at 5 P. ,M. W. s. SNEDKN, G. M. ! ^ARATOGA.-THE MOST POPLLAU AND DIRECT 1 O route is hy the splendid steamers of the People's Line J DREW and ST. JOIJN. leaving daily from pier 41 North j River, at t> P. M. Great reduction in fare by excursion ' tickets to APiauy. Saratoga and Montreal I ^TOMSOfuN LINK FOR BOSTON. " 1 ^ Steamers RHODE ISLAND and NARRAOANSETT, from ! pier 33 North Kiver, foot of Jay ?l , at ft P. M. Providence Line, from pier 27 North Hiver,-loot of Park place. Steamships KLhCTK v and GAL v I K at 4 'k? p M TICKET* FOR Pllll. VHKIPJMLONG H BANC if, Saratoga. Boston. Newport. White Mountains, at OVEKIN'S Express. S3|West 3: d st., cotner Broadway. EXCXhSlOII. ^ I \ -ROCKAWAY BEACH EXCURSION* twenty minutes Ontthe atlantic OCEAN. roi'K excursions daily br the farorlte end rommmtiou? ttcnulm <te?mtn, AMEKICUH nil NKVEKSINK. i Muilcal entertainment nir the rrlehratcd OKI'IIKUS ulhk club and tiik bishop vuahiette club. amkkmts LEAVES 24th ?t., N. K. Huh et . N. K | Yrtev ?t I Eultnn*t., R'n. i * m iv x v m p. m. a. h. p. m. a. m. p. m S -.3H and 1 .15 * :? end I I l?i*i I m li-.?i and 2 :U0 NfcVkllSINK LEAVES EAST III VKR. Itth ?t.. K. It. i S. I?t. Wm-b n. | (ireml ,t . N Y. | Brooklyn. a. m p. m. a. m. p. ?l 1 a. m. p. m a m. i* m PAH) I a 4. | 1 1"? end tO<|H..H? end 1 :1?> I f* S I |:JI Steamer* Irerc Kncknway et II A. M., 4 Kl, A end 5 :l.'? P. M. Kate, ;4f? cent*. Kxcenlun ileketi, M e.'nh Return ticket* itihmI on dilier nliore Imate. I notice ? Nodelet from low tide. Only limit * tniikiltc the upper landintr* et Rnekaoay. i iic ? iiiiii.i n ' " /n . it ii i, in ii?it, lent n nail v. jam at. , ] North Kivrr, hi I :*>; loth m . 111:?.'?: Pier II, mill Brimklin. 11:10 A. M. FOR KXPl l>lllNS-PAI.OO!( STKAVJF.H WVO . minrf. h*ru?? Republic, I'hlcatro. Baldwin, Caledonia end Ann*: Orirntitl. Kveetelor. Knritmi Be?eh. Mdrrney Park. Pol I Nprlnc and lima Mind (imvM. Addreee or lu<|uire at 3M4 Writ it., nppoalta t'hrletoplier iirrrt Irrrr. II H OKOBBKTT. ^ ?ITTd. ? KOII Pi INKV ISI.AXH MAlI.Y-.-75I'tir nrw ?t? amrr I DI.K1V I Lli will ma to toner Inland on and attar Sunday. June II, every day. leavinit J id at., V K.. l? A. M.. IJ M hi,ill iv.| ; Iml, it.. N. K? ? l'?. 1-:!<> and it: ItJ P, >1,; 1'rniiklln at , .V K., li:2tl, IJ ;XU add 3:- ) P. M.; pier 2 \ II.. ' HI. I "J Jtl ami It:* P M. Tho Pi I.I I T III)! lea.ri 23d >t . N II , 1 l"l and * i" P V l"tn ?t N It, I' *: A V I pi an.I A ?" P M . Franklin it., N. I!.. III:.." I :V' and ? a. P. \| pier 3 \. It.. 11 A. M t and A P. M Kl.l/.A llAXPtlX, trom I .AM KIVKK, will l?a?r did at, w A. t| , IJVP. and :i:ii IV M ; .:id at.. !?:!<? A. M? I 2 .nd :i 4" P. M. ; Nth at.. ?:*? A. M . I 12 : aland 3P M liraml it , " :t" A. M . I and 4 IV M , Knltoii terry. Hruklvn. H A. M., I VP. and 4:4 P. M. A- A -To I'll A11T K It. STKAMKOAT FOKT LBE; will arm in mod at r 400 paaeenaera; price $00 to fluu i par day. Apply la Uta atternooa at 47 Fait jb ?u / EXCURSIONS. ^TUXTI(ToCE A N~AKD BOCKAWATISXEirtlfffl TWICE EVEttT DAY. JARRETT A PALMER'S superb pslut of the sea, the Data! steamer PLYMOUTH ROCK, will TO DAY, and every day horeatter, make TWO QBAND TRIPS to BOCKAWAY BEACH AND T1IB ATLANTIC OCEAN. GRAND MUSICAL FESTIVAL by the Madrigal Boys. Mo tart Glee Club,a* TWO lect String Orchestra, Church Chimes. TR.IN R. Ih. IfORN'IVC trri'mimVnuan nva will have four hour*' stay at the Beach EVERY By the AFTERNOON EXCURSION passengers will also have ample time for DAY. bathing in the delicious surf and Cor ? luncheon. MORNING?Leaves the loot of 22d it.. North lliver. at 8 o'clock, and pier No. 2. North River, at 8:30 o'clock. AFTERNOON?l.cavca the foot of 22d St.. North River, al 1 :b0 o'clock, and Pier No. 2. North l'-lver, at 2 o'clock. FAKE 777777. FIFTY CENTS Single Trip Tickets, to or from itockaway 33 cents \ N KVENlNtTON THE ATLANTIC M'JONLIGUTTJN THE OCEAN. The magnificent palace steamer PLYMOUTH ROCK will make her lecond grand moonlight e*cor?ic% THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING. JULY 7. 1878, down the beautiful harbor and ont upon the OCEAN. A more charming sail could not be desired, the oool hreeias of the Atlantic forming a delicious contrast with tha superheated atmosphere of the city, and the waters of the noble harbor and the crested wares of the Atlantic being silvertipped by toe raye of a bright, full moon. Tha PLYMOUTH SOCK Is reuownad for hor beanty, capacity, comforts and conraniaucrs. and to add to tbo OStractions of tbo occasion, the usual dally GRAND MUSICAL FESTIVITIES will l>o continued. Refreshments in abundance. Will leave the foot of2'.'il st. North River, ut H o'clock, and pier 2. North River, adjoining the battery, at 8:90 o'clock, j and will return to tha city about midnight. Tlrkets lor the whole excursion. FIFTY CKNTR. Tickets most bo purchased ou the docks before going en hoard. The regular trips to itockaway will be given during the day. -EXTRA ROCK A WAY KWl'RSIOIf* The maminuth pleasure steamer WILI-ITM" COOK, with spacious decks and broad awnings, will loave every day, Sundays included, from West 24th St., at 10:90; West l'Hh st. ut 10:4.'). pior No. 2 North River at 11 and Brooklyn at 11 :10 A. M. Proceeding directly down the harbor and ont on the ATLANTIC OCEAN to the most popnlur watering place in this country, where passengers am allowed THREE HOURS TO ENJOY THE COOL BKEBY.ES ON THE BEACH. Returning, leaves Hockaway at 4:3U P. M. Fare lor the whole excursion 30 cents CO.NTKHNOS CELEBRATED 23D RKGT. BAND. PHILLIPS' tJLKK CLUB; PROFESSOR SOLTA0, THE KKNOWNEl) .CORN KT PLAYER AND PIANIST, will eutertain passengers ou the trip. Return tickets are good on the AMEKICDS and NEVER SINK for tho-e who desire to stay on tha beaeb later. ?FISHING BANKS EVERY DAY. SATURDAYS , excepted.?Oceau steamer SETII LOW, leaving Harrison St., N. R., 0:30; 8th st.. K. R., 7; pier 27. E. K., 7;15| 10th at. K. R. 7:40: nier 0 N. It.. 8 A. M: tickets SI. AL. U. FUSTEIt. Manner. ?A.?DAILY AND SUNDAY ~e XOURSIO NS TO . Fort I^e, Pleasant Valley and Shady Side.? Steamboats I leave Canal it. daily at H :45 nnd 10 A. M.; 2, 5:15 and 7:1S i P. M. Sunday at 9, 10 and 11 A. M.; 12 M., 1, 2, 3, 4,6 and | 7 P. M.; lauding; at 24th add 34th ate. (daily and Sunday) I 10 luiuutea later. Kound trip. 25c.; children hair price. A FIRST CLAMS ROCKAWAY EXCLUSION BOAT; nn rum, but plenty of fun.?The clipper i-teamer BUN. nIK K, Captain John li. Unimex, will commence her daily excursions mi Kockawar Bench irnm llarlem and Morri-anii ou Sunday, July 0. leaving 2d av. and 120tb ?t. at 8;3 )t New Haven Railroad Hock. 8:3ft; llOili et., H:U; Httli st#. 8:50; 33ui>u.H; Urand at.. 0:! "?: Fulton .Market slip, 9:30 A. M : returning. leaves Kockaway at 4 P. M.; music anu refreahmenta on board; tare, 35 cents: excuraion ticketa, 5C centa; children over lOyoars, lull fare. C. H. LONOaTRBET, Proprietor. Daily family's xc'Frs ion to fi s h i nob a x ks Cool breezes! good fishing.?The popular and well known steamer TWILIGHT leaves daily (Saturdays excepted), Harrison at., N. R., 8 A. M.: Grand at.. E. K.. 8:15; pier 27 E. It., 8:30; loth ?t., N. It;, 8:45; pier 2 N. R., 8 o'clock.; returning by 5 P. M. Rait and fishing tackle on board; music nnd refreshments. Fare for gentlemen, SI; ladiea. 50 cents. This steamer is handsomely lilted up with staterooms and all accommodations of a tlrst class hotel. JilXCUKHIONH TO FORT HAMILTON.?EXTRA CAR! "J will run Friday. Saturday anil Sunday afternoons Irec tiprht rope performances by the wonderful one leggei Professor De Hume. TOOK KXC U RSIONS?THE LA ROE FIRST "CLTSS^FA 1 vorlte Stoamboat* Sleepv Hollow, now called the LONfj BRANCH, and MKTAMORA. Kngleswood, Alpine, Dod ley'e. Spring Hill, Mycra' and lona laland Grovee. with Barge* and floats of all kind*. J. MYERS, corner Morton and West its. I OKA IS LANK, WES r POINT AND ~N E W B U KG.?SEE advert iaement of steamboat Armenia. ONG BRANCH RACES. ????During the July meeting, Oth, 8th. 11th, 12th, 13th and 15th, the Una steamer* of the New Jeraer Southern Kail- ? road line, the J ESSE 1IOYT and CRYSTAL WAVE, will leave as follows:?11:1.1, 9:46 and 11 A. M., front pier 8 North River, foot of Rector at.; aud 10:46 A. M. from foot of 34th St.. North River. Connecting trains run direct to the Park, and return 20 minute* after the clove of the race*. Fare for the round trip, includiug admission. $3 SO. \V. S. SNKDEN, G. m. OCR AW AY BEACH.?STEAMBOAT ~ MARION leaves daily, 34th at.. 9 A. M.: Sth St., Hoboken, f>:3Q A M.; Franklin St., 10 A. M.; .Morris St.. Jersey City, lOM A. M. EST POINT~ NKWBDRG, POUuHKEEPHIB AMI retnrn same day by day line steamers. FUR EAlsJU. A well Paying bar and dining room. neaM Broadway, will sell cheap or take a perlner. lloyd, k9 Broadway, ^ "i DISTILLERY LIQUOR STORE. ONE OF Till Jx. best iu this city, for eale at great sacrifice. MITCHELL. 77 Cedar st^ WELL LOCATED SAMPLE ROOM AT THE GOLD Exchange for sale. CiAFFXEY A SMITH, Anctioneers, 17 Centre st. FINE RESTAURANT AND LIQUOR STORE, (IPoslte depot. fcr sale cheap; also Hotel and I< dginj House. MITCHELL. 77 Cedar st. LAGER BEEttSALOON DOWN TOWN, FOR SALE cheap; also corner Liquor Stores. MITCHELL. 77 Cedar it. ?BAK F.KI Ks. CONFECTIONERY, CIGAR STORES . Stationery Stores, Commission Bakeries, Meat Mat kets: Corner Storea to let. MITCHELL. 77 Cedar St. FIRST*CLASS"i.lQCOR""STORE FOR-SALE OR exchange; location unsurpassd. MALONE, No. 3 | Doy ft. A HAY AND FEED STORE FOR "SALE?PRICE SHOO; splendid chance to prompt buyer. MALONE, No 5 Day st A? ONft ur I lift uftufta i uuimiunn itAii'bn Kooms in thin city lor sale; owner retirlug. Apply to | LLOYD. -II Broadway. DOWNTOW>l""l?ININfV I BOOM, D01NG~A GOOD business, for sale cheap. Address REST A UK ANT, | Herald office. FIRST CLASS MILK ROUTE FOB SALE-PRICE cash. Address W. U. FOWNER, M .lane st., . | New York. A OROOERY STOKE i OK 8ATE?INy L IKE AT "5:>a | j.V Iisst "?4ih Hi. A' VKKY KbKllAS'T CORNKK LlgUOK SRORK FOB sale?Doing h splendid business; cheap for cash. I Apply at KERR'S Brewery. M.'l West ISlh n. A1 Five years' li ask ok a prom inknt'ook ner on Broadway, central location, with Stock and ' Fixtures of first class Liquor und Cigar Store, with Cellar, for tale ; together with ten othor Kooiua in building will let. leaving rent ol saloon lets than $901) per annum: proprietor going Into olhrr l>u?ire??: only cash customers; n > agents j dealt with. Address MERCHANT, hox 100 Herald Uptown Branch office. poll BALK-aTiRST class'"bakery.-<02 1ST av For sale?a~ hasdsome " barkoomTTn of the best tlioroughfares doan town. Apply II j C'o-ntles slip. i I/Tor HALE-NEWS 8TAND AND STORE 56 7TH AT. ' J for less than cost of stork and fixture*. Apply oa | the premises. I-r*OlT SALE?it Nfh LIQUOR STORK, DOING A 1 good cosiness, in the Thirteenth ward; will h? told cheap.on easy terms. Apply to OWEN O'ROl'RKE, No. 12 1 .lacksnust. Call for three days. FOR- S A EE?ONK Of' T11 E~B EHT~IJQ UOK AND DIN. ing saloons in Broadway; reason for selling, the owner j is leaving the business. Address E. H., box 123 Herald Uptown Hrsncli ullfir. fiH)R MALE AT Al.KfAT 8ACRIFICK?A RK8TAUrant and 8upper Rooms, or will let them cheap. Call at 112 West 31st tl. M~ ARBLR BITDA "WATER AN DKOOTBE ER A PI* Aratus. all styles, for sale below cost. ! J. M. WHITFIELD k SON. 2C2 Water si I'l'OKTI'NITY SELDOM ~OFFBRKD.-FOR 8ALB, at less than half Its value, the first class and old estab1 lislied Ll'tuor Store 3.3 Oliver St., rorner Madison, doing a good and paying business; reason lor selling, death of owner. Apply to Mrs. WM Bl"KKK, 4lf .fames si TO LEASE ONh OF THE FINEST COKNKRTHJITOB Mores on Wett Broadway, containing all fixtures. Is ] fine order, now doing a good business; price low. Annlv ts I'll AS. STERLING, OB Warren st. i -tiri.NK ANl* LlqCOR STOKE KUK HALE?Ml'HT BR VY anld t? day ; aplendld location. Apply lit 4HB Sth a*., I corner Roth ?t. _ (tOhft^RAKK OPPORTUNITY1.?KOK SALE, AX ?P^i_)U. excellent corner lower Heer and Milliard Room, on *th ar. Call at :*M Wc?t '-'flth at., Ixemrtil. >i vi iti ? a;til. BOILER FOR LAIUiK TEMPLAR, OK M<>1) arn ennitruetlnn. Apply .1 I KSLIK BOII.KK WORK s, I :?i I'earl at., ncroaa l'euuay iraniiv U.illtuad, Jcraey City, j ne?r ilia ferry. SSoR Al l A STI l and column, with all r roniteetlon? complete; in perfect working order; allium i new ; capacity fl.JUi fellntu, uoixln ul copper. UMAX) Iba. I to be anlil for SI,MTV Call or addrtaa premiaea 5:t:t West 41>l ,l. M COO AN INOR~~SALE-ONK PRATT A WHITNEY NH API NO ' Machine, H Inch ilrekf; one l.altir ami .41 mac Tool 1 t'orapanv'a Lathe. 8 feet bed. IN* turli sowing: one ;t feat l.allin. one Emery \\ Ileal; little n.eiL NEW YORK >11,K JIAM'TL'lllNtl COMPANY, .'i-T and frit* W oat !Ud at. ISOR ?A Life HEAP?A I HORSE POWER E, M, i \ ( , r With Boiler, Atnrtceeot pretaure Klower, Belting, Hearing. ,tr Addre-a II. .I.. Herald lice. JEWELLERS TOOLS A NO .MACHINERY KTIRHALK cheap. Call or ndilreaa HO Heater at., in lager beet aalnon. Al EblU AO. V-.Mrt> WOKCr.alT K. PllYMI IAN; HoXrD AND lAaraina. 14d Cliarlea at., bet. Washington and Weak A' " ? NMK. KP.srKLL. MI'lWlr'K SINCE I spy My. l" a K ??t i.'dat.. hot .! .: ">lh n? Adx. e tree. A I KNTIO.N : lilt. .1 A' OH i 1, V IK OK PRUSSIA); lire: prlv?l.< ,,ltlcv. Ml Meeker at. A? l?lt. ANII \l Al I . OKI Ml I.E. 14.' WEST -Mill ST. Coii Bile n 11 al con-mi hi cm no all Inmate complaints. A -dr. AN l> mme bott-CoNKIHKN ital oox _ . anilatlon on all female cnmplaioia 47 We?l Lhh at. t Dr. whitehead, aoa east .with st near so at,?Ketuaie cuaplaiuta safely treated le* #Mt