Newspaper Page Text
\ \ V liiici S coh , A Halt in tlie Upward Stock Movement?Prices Generally Lower. ? GOLD 112 1-8 A 111 7-8 A 112. * Money ou Call 2 and 21*2 Fer Cent?Government Bonds Steady?Railroad Bonds More Active and Firm?luvest meat Shares sieauy. Wall Sthsbt, 1 Thcksdat, July 0?4 1'. M. ( The tendency of the slock market to-day baa I, be?D downward, in spite of tbe efforts of tbo few bulla wbo bare taken the bit in tbeir teetb for the purpose of causing an advance. In fact, tbere are not \a few intelligent observers, disconnected trout any in ( rest and therefore not likely to be biassed in tbelr Judgment, who believe that the engineers of the late rise are now adroitly selling slocks and pocketing the profits that have been gathered in their several nets. It is but natural that a reaction should occur. The temper of the street is not luvorable to a protracted campaign on the long side of the market in the abseuro of the reserve forces, which In ordinary times Inspire confidence in a forward movement. Mere skirmishing by a hall dozen sharpshooters is not by any means a prelude to a genoral engagement, and, hence, when T they cease bring quiet Is restored In the camp and little or no barm is tbe result outside of tbelr own coterie. In tbe oontest to-day only 77,000 shares found u mar ket, and the majority of brokers contented themselves with simply looking on. Western Union and Lake Sbore, as usual, were sent to tbo front The former vh wounded to the extent of % per cent., declining from 71ft to 7U*g, and closing at 71. The latter stood Ire aitriHe better, tbe highest price of tbe day being 68',, the lowest 68*4, and the close 118*,. Michigan Central likewiso drooped from to 61V I.ate In the day Jersey Central was forced Into acllou at about 731,, and made a brief stand at 74*g a 741,', but retired from tbo Held Scoring 73S <t 73\'. Delaware and Lackawanna, as somparod with yosterday's figures, suffered a loss of S per cent. The Li ranger stocks were comparatively One would suppose that with tbe abundance ol capital awaiting employment tbe Investment share* would attract attention, but beyond a transaction here and there, at price* which have varied only u trifle tor many days, this deuartmeut shows unchanged dulnoss. In Tact money is seeking use more in government and first class railway bonds, on which no default has been recorded, than iu the speculative lanclea, which have become mere footballs to bo tossed about with every whim ot a close corporation of wealthy stock gamolers. It is, perhlps. well enough to state here that see of the causes assigned tor the movement in Jersey Central was the rumor that the company had sue* ceeded in negotiating the remainder of its consolidated bonds. Theso sold in tbe open market to-day at 102. 1HK SALSH TO-DAT. The transactions at the Stock Exchange to day aggregated 78,700 shares?Erie, 1,000; l.nkc Shore, 33,400; Cleveland and Pittsburg, 100; Northwestern, 1,000; Northwestern preferred, 1,300; Rock Island, 200; PaciBc Mall, 1,400; St Paul, 2,100; Sl Paul preferred, 1,400; Uhlos, 700; Weatern Union, 21,400; Wabaen, 300; Union Pacific, 400; New Jersey Central, 5,070; Michigan Central, 2,S00; Delawaro, Laclcawauua and Western, 75a \ OPSKISU, UIOHB8T AXD LOWEST PRICES. The following table shows the opening, highest and lowest prices of the uay:? Openiny. Highest Lowest. New York Central 108 '4 108>, 108% I Harlem 139% 142% 13# % trie 14', 14% 14% pake Shore 58', 58'% 58% Wabash 2% 2', 2% Northwestern 42', 43', 43', Northwestern preferred... 00% 00% 05% Rock Island lows 109% io#% Pittsburg 93% 93% ?3>, | Milwaukee and St. Paul... 411, 41% 40% ' MiLaudSt. Paul pref..... 71 71 70% , Hblu and Mississippi 17% I'.'k 17 lew Jersey fentral ;* , 74% 72% | tel.. Lack, and Western... 105 105 104% Union Pacific 04 04 04 '.,0. audi. C 4 4% 4 Postern Union 71% 71% 70?^ ttlaniic and Pacific Tel.... 18% 18% 18 % faci tic Mail 20% 20% 20% fan am a 137 137 137 CLOSI3U PRICES?3 P. M. PatlCt Mall... 2ii% .. -?% C.C.CWI... 44 a 40 W est liii 'I el. 71 a 71% IMA it'. 3% a 4 All.' Pat lei. 18% a 18% I>al, LtWu ltli'k a 1U?% t,ulcl??tlTer.... 13% a li. brie 14% a li?, asickailser at 10 a :1 Han A Bt Jo... 14 a 14% larLAMin 7% a . 8% HwOtJopL i8% a 23 her La A pi.. O a lu Lake obore.... 50% a 10% luemtKi .l'9%alb% U tcli Central 51% a fl% In erican Px 58% ? 58^ 8 Y Jr iiarlam 189% a 14.'% 1 8 Bxpresi 74% a 75 N H i it K .100% * 100% 5 i i.?-r ata r.x 05% 0' N J Ceu 73% a 78% Chic A Ah.. 1<2 a 103 Ohio k Mlis.. 17 a 17% lievAPitt. 13 a 3% Panama E- u 157 11) ><-?.> VI .. 4*'t ft 41'S Tol A Wftb. 29f ft 2\ I M? .\ * W pf 06 v (6l4 lulam Pacific.. 63 a 64 ChleARL Him a IWfc Mieaearl Pae 7 a 8>6 Lo.t.iaul 41 ? 41', Pro P Co 119', t 11 S Mn a M r pi 7<??i 71 } ADVAKCB AND DlCtlNB. The following ore the change* In closing price* compared with those of yesterday :? Autabcb.?Atlantic and Pacific preferred, New Jeriey Central, 1>,; Rock Island, Dkclikc.?lioid, ; Western Union, 1; Union Patitle, X; Wabash, >% ; SL Paul, V: do. preferred, ?, ; Producers' and Petroleum, ?,, olno and Mlsaiamippi, I,, Northwest common, ; Michigan Central, ',; Lako Shore, %; Erie, ; Delaware and Lackawanna, S;C., C., C. aud I , 1; C., C. and I. C, \; New York Central, The rest of tb* market was stationary. TUB HOBBY MAKKKT. Money was fully supplied at 2 and 2 >4 per eeut Prime piper Is quoted at 4 and 5 per cent, with lew till* ottering The loilowing are the rates of exchange ?n New York at the undermentioned cities to-day:? larannah, premium: Charleston, selliug 3-16, buybg Ml Cincinnati quiet, 6 per cent premium; Nsw Irleans, commercial, 4. bank. ?,; Chicago, 2Sr. preuium, and at Louis, 25c. premium to par. The lorL ugn exchange market was strong lor sterling bills on * -AHidou, and the best names could be bought only at a tllgbl concession Irom the posted rates. Sterling? lixty days'sight, 4.87J, a 4.88',; demand, 4.89?, a .hut,; cable transfers, 4.'.<0t, a 4.91',; commercial, 1.85\ a 4.80,'-s. Paris?Sixty days' sight, 0.14% a ? l&t; demand, 5.11', a 5.13', ; cable translers. 5.10 a l.ll'?; commercial, 6.18', a 5 21',. Keichmarks? Sixty days' sight, 9ia 961,; demand, 95'f a 96; cable translers, WO', a 90', ; commercial, M4\ a??. TMK GOIeD MAKKKT. I Gold closed at 112, the two extremes or tbe day having been 112% and 111',. 1 he tarrying rates were 1 %. 2 and 1 l?er cent. Loam were ulsu male fl?t. ol'I.KA rlclSS or TH8 OOLU gXCHAMUK BAB* Gold balance* $1,094,433 Currency liulai.ree 2,1.13.4*6 Gross clearances 20,331,000 CtURIW HOL'SIC HTA1KWKNT. Currency exchangee td4,24U.V2s Currency balance* 3.327,422 void exchanges 7,326,475 Sold balance*. 1.460,090 I TUB 9XITED STATES TREA SCS T. 1 The Assistant Treasurer paid out $472,000, gold, lor lere?t and $11.U0U In redemption ol' Ore twenty >on?la Tbe Sub-Treasury released $14,400, aileer coin, I( today. Internal revooue receipt# to-day, $200,000; lustvma receipt# to-day, $300,000. uomnsMBST aosos. Government bonds closed steady at Ibe following quoaliuns?United States currency nixes, 12d a 127; do. liiva, 1881, registered, 119% a 120; da do., doc, coupon, 120*4 120*,; do. do., do., 1*66, registered, UC, a 110%; do. da, do., coupon, 110*, a 110%; da da, da, new, registered, 117% a 117%; do. da, do., coupon, 117% a 117%; do. do., 1887, registered, 11V% >4 a 119% ; da do. ,da. coupon, 119 % a 119% ; do. da, 180$, registered, 121 a 121%; do. da, do., coupon, 121a 121%; do. ten-fortiea, regutered, 118 a 118%; da do., toupon, 118% a 1181, . do. lives. 1881. registered. 117% eU7\, do., do., do., coupon, 117', a 117%. KIlLltOAO MONUK. Hull road bond! at the morning board were generally trni, With the largeet bueineia In the Wealern ii.iues. There waa a good demand lor the Milwaukee and St. i Paul consolidated (Inking luuds, which advanced to ^ W>4. In the other St. Paul laanea La Crosse division told at lu.!Chicago and Alton Orata were IIrin at , 117, and the Chicago and Nonhweatern unking funda \ alloy, and conaolidated plain at 10:1%; tbe consult* dated gold coupon, were lower, telling at V3<% a MV Baunibal and St. Joveph convertible roae to 80%. New Jar any Central convertible fell off to Wbig. Cnlon 7 ' NEW Pacific flints brought 102\, and Central Pacifies 107 VIn the afternoon, on brisk aemand. Union Paolfle land grants advanced to 102V, stoking funds to V2Si. firsts to 102T{. Milwaukee and St. Pant, I.a Crosse dt~ vision, to 101 V, and Rock Island firsts lo 108,ex interest. Albany and Susquehanna firsts sold at 112 V, Wosteru Pacifies at Uilt,, and Ohio and Mississippi consolidated at 06, all ax Interest The lollowing were the closing quotations for Pacifio railroad bonds:?Union firsts, 102V to 103; do, land grants, 102V to 103; da sinking mods, 02V to ?*<*; Centrals, 107 to IOTA*. STATS BOS IML In State bonds Mew York coupon bounty loan sold at 102 and Missouri long sixes at 104both ex interest District of Columbia 3 OS's rose to 72V- A sal? uf Arkansas Funding act sixes was made at 30 and of tisorgla sevens, gold, at 103. UiVK ilABKM. The oily sale* ol oily bauk shares war* 10 UsrtnanAmerican al 66 anil 60 KepuMIc al 70. in* stocks. lnveatmeat abarea brought the following prices:? Chicago and Alton, 102'? a 102 a 102 V; Chicago, Burlmglon and Qulncy, 116; Jersey Ceuiral, 72.V a 72V ? 721, a 74V a 73 V a 78V ; Delaware and Lackawanna, 106 V a 104V a 104V; Pittsburg, 03V; L'nion Pacific, 64; Weil* Kargo, 86, American Express, 60; Producer* aud Petroleum, llt\allBV; Delaware and Hudaon, 106 V >>?w York Central, 108V; Rock Ialand, 100 VTHK roKSIOIf MiBlKT. Tile London advice* report conaola Arm and a fraction nlgher. United Stale* bond* were also firm and a fraction higher in some case*; but al Paris renus were somewhat lower. The specie In the Bank of England Increased ?231,000 sterling during the past week, the proportion or reserve to liabilities being now 62V P*r cenlagainst 63V '??l week. The directors of the bank made no change to-day In Us rate of discount, which remain* accordingly al 2 per cent. The apecio in the Bauk of Prance has Increased 10,740,000 francs during the week. At Pranklort new lives were quoted at 102. The following arc half-past four P. M. quotations:?Consols for money, 08 V *04; do. lor account, 03V a 04, 66s. old, 106V; 67s, 108>, n li)8>,; teu forties 107 V ; new fives, 106V a 107; Erie, 18),; Erie preferred, 18 a 10. Silver Is quoted ui48d. per ounce. MlSINa IXTKLLIUKKCK. We present n bird's eye view ol mining operations in Colorado. The main shall ol Nalivo Silver Compuuy la down 300 leal, and Iroru that to a second shall, eighty loot deep, three connecting levels have been run tn ore that has paid continuously. The Spencer Uine turns out ore that Is said to run 417 ounces silver lor tlrst class und 143 ounces lor seoond. Mill returns of ore taken from Monitor Mine show 1 >4 ounces gold aud 180 ounces silver to the ton. From the Lizzie Brown Mine the ore has paid Irom the snriacc. The Logan is worked day and night and has a main shaft 100 leel doep, the ore Irom which commenced to pay at a depth of sixty feet One woek's work on the Roebuck brought to view a body of tellurium, sylvanilo aud tree gold that is said to astonish Its owners. The Oeuver is down twenty-seven feet, showing ore that assays $600. The Muskededo produces ore that will mill $100, the crevice being lourteun inches wide. Ore Irom the Frederick, at twelve feet deep, assays $112. Home Lode Is down lourtcen lost, yielding ore worth |120. Or* Irum the Cascade Mid* produced au average of '250 ounces allver. the Pocahonlaa Company employ* ninety-two men and propose* soon to increase the number to 300. The principal shall* are 400 leet doep and the oro I* hauled to Black Hawk at great expense and still yields a profit. In the old counties ol Boulder, Gilpin and Clear Creek the mines are nearly all improving as lower depths are attained. The following are the closing otllcial prices ol mining stocks at Ban Kraucisco to-day:? Consolidated Virginia 62 \ Crown Point 9% Caiiioruia 70 Veliow Jacket So Segregated Belcher... 72K Alpha ??S Ophir 48\ Belcher 17 >? Chollar 76 CouUdence IS Savage 21 Sierra Nevada 14 Consolidat'd Imperial b\ exchequer 17 Mexican . 26 H Overman 66 Gould 4c Curry 16\ Justice 22\ Best 4c Belcher 46>4 Caledonia 8H Bale & Norcroes 0 rnibaniLPHiA stocks. The following are the Philadelphia stock qnotations at three o'clock this day :? Bid. Atktd. City sixes, old...... 105 lo6ta City sixes, new loslos?. United Companies ol New Jersey 137 1381. Pennsylvania Kailroad 52*< 63 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad 44'? 44'; Lehigh Valley Kailroad 67 S? 6716 Catuwissa Kailroad prelerred 42 ? Philadelphia and Pr e Railroad 17\ 18%' | Northern Central Railroad 84 34', i Lehigh Navigation 44 % 44% ] Lebigh Navigation, gold loan 103 liu\ niMOSASBA. A Washington despatch says tbat the Banking and Currency Committee to-day discussed tbe repeal ol tbe Resumption act, but adjourned without taking action. Monday has been set lor tbe final disposition of tbe question. Tbe Merchants' Bank has notified tbe Mayor, Comptroller and Chamberlain of this city that, after July 10, it will not allow interest on city deposits. This action Is based on tbe ditllculty ol lending money, even at very low rates of interest, aud the bank could not allow tbe city tbe usual rate witbout losing tuouoy. KAILBOA0 SAMM.NOS The following shows the earnings of the St. Louis, Kansas City and Northern Railway Compauy:? June 24 to Uoth $32,688 43 Corresponding period last year. 30,307 60 Increase in 1876 813,*00 74 Total this mouth to dale:? June 1 to 30th $228,719 03 Corresponding period last year 178.332 32 Increase in 1876 $30,387 13 Total Irom January 1 to dale:? January 1 to June 30 $1,400,736 02 Corresponding period last year 1,236,031 22 Increase in 1876 $262,824 80 | viwi ourninffi uf Kim Ttiiadu Poftrid and Warttw Rail. ! way lor the urai half el 1870, w compared with lb* Ural ball ot 1876, ara reported aa follows:? 187a. 1870. January 971,430 97 $V?,2U? 42 February 61.808 83 112,239 79 March 72.804 72 lo2,730 06 April 74,809 35 118,042 94 May 70,692 23 126.208 79 Juue 77,903 04 136,937 86 Totals. 3429.416 14 |093,364 46 .Sbowiug a gain In 1870 ol $383,949 31. Tbo Chicago, St. Paul and Milwaukee Railroad Company to-day reports its earnings for 1876 and 1870, which compare with those ol 1874 aa follows:? 1874. 1876. 1870. ! Fourth week June $278,000 $209,114 $226,000 ' Month ol June 88ti,9uO 742,168 877,671 j Since January 1 4,481,946 3,392,442 3,960,390 Compared with 1876 this shows aa Increase of 816,880 lor ths week, $136,403 lor the month, and $667,964 for tlx tnonlba Compared with 1874, however, there la a decreaae of $68,000 lor the week, $9,329 lor the month, and $617,649 for the six months ; The following ure the earnings of the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad lor June:? 1870 $014,006 00 1876 670.082 28 lucre see $37,932 78 The fultywiug are the earning! of the Chicago and North western Kail road for Juno:? 1*76 $1,237,843 lit74 1.062, WO Increase $184.86* The following are the earalnga of the Chicago and Alton road:? i fourth week June, 1470 $02,873 41 fourth week June, 1*74. *l,6?4 40 j Increaao $4.3*8 01 1 Month June, 1*76 $441,380 27 i Month June, 1*76 3*2.232 4* | Inrreaae June, 187S $68,147 *8 | Prom January 1 to June 30, 1870 $2,237,no* 58 from January 1 to Juae 30, 1*76 2,113,806 64 | Increase. 1870 $124,042 84 ! The following are the earning* and txpenees of the ; Union Pacific Kallroad for tho month of May:? tiros* earning* $l,2ul,B64 01 Expenses 401,007 04 Surplus $700,8*7 60 Included ta the operating expenses are'$18,4*4 30 for taxes, and $74,104 75 for ?lcei rails NEW YORK STOCK*EXCHANGE SALES Tbobsdat, July 0, 1*741 BKFOIih tALL?lu A. M. $140181 C A S W ? e s h 20" iba LM ttf. . e 40% 3 81 all* Mich Can. I* 52 2?UU uu ..43 6ft*t 10>.? do *3 62% 3UO lie ao-. 1(10 4u it 62 14UP do ...a 50lt YORK HERALD. FRIDAY, * 60I Wait Ub Til , 7lft HO do -.?S too do a 7i110.1 do JOO do >3 71 *? 10 < Mor A E?? RH 1011, 300 do 71 c W < Mil .< hi r *K . dl.S jo I do ,.?3 7IH ;>oo do ?lx4 100 Poe Moll 88 W, In. do 4I'? IO. do 2?lj 2 0 do. 41 loo do 26*2 Hill Kt P RR pf. 71 loo do ?3 JtO, 4U0 do T|?J. 200 I Ho if R 1?C JOii do 70?i 10.1 C'tal A N W RK.bS 42? AO Dftl.L A W Kit., c 10..', 100 do 42'. So All A For |>l -*? 20.) Chi A > W IO ' oblo A M KK. e 17?, lfJO Tol 4 Wib UK. iS 23ft 100 do .. >3 17', 10:14 AND 11:1'* A M. too O C H 6'i.'Sl.r.b ? 130W ?IOJO U B?-2O.c.'07.. ll?>, 10000 do I JO 2SOO do be 110', ll*>>L< N '.-JO n 11714 IIIIU I'fl 0.20.C121', sonoo US i-au, e. "07... 119* 19 >0 do auiall 111 MKhi HiiAilll?10:3?? L M. S100U Ark 6'a, fend. . 80 1U) aba Pac M 8S 26* 1 naai Mi, ?' . I o. .xi l<>4W Sil do at}', SUUU NY I 102 ?4I Mich l a. Ktt. bo 61* l o u nit uoi a o.. 72V aou tm iik. i4'? 1000 Chi A Alt lat.. . 117 ?J0 do b W 141, SOU MA ?P lat.i.aC. 101 4?> do U . lOO" M A Mt P COB a f * \ MOO do b3 14', 3OO0 do 90'. 3"" du 14*, 0 a a' du be 9" 16 *> LS a X oKR.bc MS1, luo.i do 90', liO do aa a*?, 10110 N J Can cou? u?*, lui do c 68", OU*l do ... US', Mi do M 6s* woxj c im.c lie lua sou do asjf luooChi IN W at . lo9 sal do b? :>s', aotKj Cbi 4 S W COS.. I03JK lOX) do Wi 2UUU II A S J S'a. eon So*. 200 do IS1, ;aouoc?d r a M lat.. s?', s o uu ba as*, 1 uit d X W e o L[ I). US', luoo do ;s?, 4000 do uo, Kki do ba ass I too N J Sou lit. .3 13 do as.', 1000 M Y Ceu S'a, aub 101 lluO do 6-* 1'00 Can I'ac j b. 107* 3 41 do ba 36* lOOOO OHIO .t JUtW.'a. M9?, 1300 do "8* 3OU0 do 09* ??' do as', 3e4IU Odd cou I. xl 97 MOO do.. ...a3 59', S*> I. l'ac 111 lit.. 102* SOU L'n Par RR.. .be 04 1000 Win 4 St P 2d.. 75 10 Olar A P <td .b 93* luOuAlt A TII iue ... 74 'JUlCbi A KW HRpfbu 06 9"0O North Mo lit.. 95 I'lo do 05', auu Hal A II r, 91. . llot, .mju do 69 2'AJO Mar 7'a, |{ld, ron l'4i* 2uu Chi 4 -S 42* 1 '?b?l.?r Am Hk. . 05 Si' do 4a1, SO Bk of Republic.. 79 3i4J do b< 42*. 100 Marl. A Miu. be 9* loo do a? 42', ao I Cou Coal. .be 40 200 D, L A W Kl .be.aS 105 100 do .. 40 214) do I "6 25 Dal A U Ca?...' c 0>9>, 36 do.. 1"4* 10U P C L A P Co.. be 1191, 1'4J N J Cen P.R 72', 100 A A P Tel be 19', 4U0 do 72t, 15 Wrlla-F Kx..bc.xd 96 7U do 5 Aiuar Kx be 59 3 i do a3 72 , 200 Weal Co Tel.. .b a 71* luO do 72'.. 2"0 do ... oJ 71*. 2CO Tol A Wob 2* 5 41 Uo 71* 10 St L, I Mt A S be 19 10J do. *3 71* 1'KiMll A si P 4U>, 3.41 do 7H. 300 do 4'. I loo du c 71)i l'JU du 41 500 du b3 71)* 100 do b3 40'? 800 do c 71'4 lot do 4 3i loo do 71', lOJ do ?i ?0?, 700 do 7.>, 7o>, 3UO do 7 l,N 4?) do 70?, ;?.jO do o3 71N Oil (Mil, U 4 y IIR ... 115 7 *> do 711, 23 Mur .* K?? Hit. .be lUl', 200 do 71*? loOCUi k Alt RR..b c 10il'? 2*1 do ,3 71 4 10O do 102 too do 71', 30 do 102% 10O0 do 711, SOC.C.C k I RR..bc 44 2U0O do 71s 1UU All ? Pac pl.bc.b3 2J, 20>> Pac Mail*3 2t.', 10 i uuio A ->l UK. c . 17>, 20O do 2?S au I do 17S 800 do 26', 1U? do 17 BKK'UlK OALI.?iai?t? P. M. 300 oha W oit I t ToL . 71S "*? *b? l.iil M B. iJ 581% 31X1 do 71', ltXJO do C?l, 501 do 71'-, OOO do 58*,, 3 > I do ,3 71>2 100 do ?3 5HJ, 100 do 71', 5o i do 5?o, SOO do 71?, 17 >J do 58', 2O0 Pac Mail 8S ..?15 2ti'4 loo do c 5S', 300 do UJ 2t?N 500 do ' S'4 10t| do 2d*, 10 J Un Pac UK ?3 84 100 Frin KK I4?, luOPIil 4 N W BRpl.. iHP, 7jo Mlcb Oen KR 61N 100 Mil k St P KK.... 4u?4 4 m do >3 3lS S P. M. $10U) 1/ BUN.e. '81... 120*4 $20000 I'SS'a.O.'SI 117*, lOOOO U S 5-20,c, 't7.. llu?, SKOOND HOARD?1 P. M. $10UO lla Ti, 105 10 ibi American Ex. 58?, 1000 Alb A Sd? lit.xi 112N' 10 du 58*, 5oou C. K 1 A P i'a.xl lOSl4 5.1 du .be 58 . 3000 do 108?, 12 do 58', 10000 11 A StPlit.LaC 101W UUl'SKj 74', 30UO do 101\ 25 du 74?, 5000 M A S P cou t. sot, 210 do 75 mm ( I.n.t n..rk liltu lift 1'llll.W I kl SBB I... f.Ml. 8UOO Mor^k Ka 7's,'7i lO.'i* 200 do 3d* 4UOO do loO* 60? du J*;4 ?OOU Mich Can 7's.... 103 12 H) do.. W*i 6U.W Olilo A 10" do aS > * 8O0O W Pee bda.. *1 W?* 620J do 6M* tdV Ua fie Kit IK.. 1' 2% SKM do ..a3 6d* UXJU I'd Fig 7't, 1 v.. 101* lOUaPacRR b? 04 fOJUO do 1?'* a? '*' ? 2dli In mr iluiio, Wli lUuCINU RR..bc.a3 4_* 2000 Pec of Mo 2d. . HlJa Mo do ltd 42* 1UOO do be S2 101 do 42* 10 > elie blU Cau. be HO loo do 42* do 100* bOOChld xw KRpfbc W?* SOU P C L d PCo be 11#* 6oC.CC d I 44 20* 10 > Mild St P be 40V "i.O Mic I it llll be 61* 2<?> * c H>4* Od Won Ci 71* 100 do e 104* 5O0 do 71* 100 NJ fen KK..bc.?3 72* 24 O do 71 300 do 7.* 22 XI do 70* 600 do 7.* 001 do .71 100 do. i3 72', 100 do 71* 1U0 do b3 73 mil do 71* 100 do 78* 10*1 do 71* 100 do 7.1 100 Ohl?.\ Mlst.bc.b3 17 100 do 72* i:80 rn < t\ M. $4000 M * 8 P 111, LC 101* loo she x J Cam RR... 74* 20O0C. HU P7'a... lUd ? 100 do 74* 6 olia Dal a 11 Celt.. 107 hot do 74* 300 Waal In Tel 71 lot do 74* 1110 Chi I1TKK.. . 42* 200 do 74* ( 200 Cbl * N W MR pf.. WJ* &00 do .... _.4 200 Erie RR a3 14* 1U1 do ?3 tS* 10/juleb i ea KK. b'J 61* 2UJ do 73* Iuj do ad 61* 200 do bS 73* 2UU do ... 61* 100 do jl?* IO.iLddMSKR. a3 6h* 300 do t?* &JH do 7Hk OOJ do . b3 6M* 200* do .3* 100 do alo 6d* 1 O do a30 73* HJO do 6 * 100 do '6* 2 0 do . . .a3 .'Ki* 2noChl A K I RR 10#* SOON/CsaRB 73. 20 ) Mil d 8| P KB ... 41 400 do 73* 1U0 do 41* 200 do 78* COMMERCIAI. REPORT. cotton: spot was 1-8c. lower, futures were l-8c. a 7-3'2c. lower?flour doll?wheat hull?corn lower?oats steady?pork dull ?lard dull and heavy - whiskey dull ? petroleum firm ? tptval stores quiet ? oiijb steady ? obocebieh item ? freights firm. Thirrday. July 8?S P. M. Hdslneaa was light in all Its dcpArlmeula, the mart, .11 k..? nniaeaa.lln <4 nil will, alnao ndh. ttiuuily fluctuating, though really changing but little. On 'Change flour waa Mill dull, but without decided Chang*. Wheat waa dull and nominal lor atrictly private prlcea, other aorta lavoring the buyer. Corn waa la moderate rebuilt, but cloaed decidedly lower and dull. Oata were ateadr. Whiakey waa dull. Pork waa dull. Lard waa dull ami heavy. Fraighta were firm. Cotton on tbe pot waa lgc. lower; lliturea were lye. a 7-SJc. lower. Uro eerlea were firm. Naval atorea were quiet, Olla were ateady. Petroleum waa flrin. Corraa.?The market for Braaila waa quiet but firm. MlpJ cotfee waa quiet. During the paat week 644 baga Maracaibo. Ml do. Mexicac, ISO do. Hi Dotulngo and 13H do. Saeanllla aold In Iota lor contraption within the range; alao 835 baga t'oata Rica abippcd to ho rope hy Aral bauda. Tba atock of mild eolTee In Brat banda ia aa lollowaJava, graaa mate, Ho.iaW; Ceylon. ll.MHbagi; Maracaibo, 33,lv?4 do.; Laguayra, 3.7M do.; tit. Domingo, 3.047 do.; Porto Rico. 13*1 do.; Coata Rica, 4.334 do.; African, 074 do.; Mexican,373 do.; Havauilla, 3.437 do Total atock. 31,l'JU bag! aud 80.080 mat a Java. We quote Ordinary "argot*. 13'4c. a 13tye.; lair do., 17c. a I7bc.; good dc.. l7l.c a l?>4c.: prime do.. 18c. a 1H'4c. ; eatreme range for lota, 13a4c. e 10'4c.; Hantoe. fair to good, lUtpc. a 17V4c.. gold, ninety daya: Java, government baga, -Jltc. a 22c. ; do., graaa mata, 2l>c. a 33c., Singapore, do., lrtc a 30e. . Ceylon. Iri^c. a I8l,e.; Maracaibo. HV,e. a 18c.; Laguayra. lUSc. a 1714c.; Jamaica, 13c. a 17*; St. Domlagn, 14V a 13c.; rorto Ktcu, IHc. a IHtjc.; Coeta Rica, 17e. a IHc.; Meaicao, l?s? * 18c.; Manila. 17c. a 18c.; Angoetura, 17c. a 10c.; savauilla, 14\c. a 18c.; Caracoa. 14*.c. a 17c Corroa.?Tbe market for *pot cotton waa qnlet and quotatioua were agelu marked down ',c Futuraa ware quiet ami about Sc- *' 33c lower, the market. Iiowever, rloaiug ateady at tbe decline. Tbe cloving prieea today compare with Wedneaday'a price, u follow,:? Wnlnr*0ip, July 5. ThurnLiy. July 6. July.. 11 31-33 a 11 11-10 July 11 17 32 a ? Aucuit. 11 23 32 u IIV August.. II 0 10* 11 0 33 Sept. 11 31 13 a II 1110 Sept .11'. all 17-33 (Ictuber II1, a ? October. II 5-16 a ? Nov ..lis a? Nov II 7 Mil a II', Dae.... IIS ? ? I??c. ... II 7 32 a lis Jau ... II 17-33 a II 0 16 Jan il'. a II 1332 fob. . 11 II 16 a II 23-32 Fab 11 17-32 all nil March.. 11 27-33 a ll't March. II II 16 a 11V April... 12 a 12 1-10 April.... 11 27 32 a 11 30 33 May . 12 3-32 a 12 7 32 Mav II 31 32 a 12 Jaua... 12S a 13 5-10 June 12 I 10 a 13', - Quotation, ara bated on American ucudard of clean tee tiou am] on cotton In atora running In qeallly aol mora than half a grada above or below the trade quoted VpinHtU Ahtbumn. A. urfraaa TVroa Ordinary * 3-10 " 3 16 ? 5-ld 3 3 10 Strict ordinary W'? 0S 0S w't Hood ordinary. 0 11-10 0 11-10 0 13 10 0 13-16 Strict goed ordinary. 10*. lit1, lot, 10^ I-uw middling It! 13-10 1115-16 II 110 11 110 Htriet low talddliag. IIS US US' US Middling IIS US 1115-10 1115-16 liowl middling 12'., 12?, 121, 12,\ Mrlct good middling US 12ft 13 13 Middling (air I8)J 13S 13V ldS Fair Id', IdS ld'J -Stained- Hood ordinary, H',c ; etrlct good ordinary, 0Se- ' low middling, 10c., middling, Ufge. Spot ealaa warn ae follow, ? Tu Uny. LaM Brmi tag. 7'utai. Conanmptiou 256 5U 30 Speeulatiou So ? 65 Totals 3d3 30 303 ?Delivered on contract. 600 bale**. ?For tutura dellvary the tele, woro a> follow, Yoetorday, after two P. M. ? Auguot, IUO at llVc.; September, 5U> at 11 11-lOc. ; October. ?A< at 11 15 3-Je.. 3UU at 11 Sc.; No vein bar, loo at ll',c. Total, l,3UO bale. To-day. * to two P M July. IIJU at II 21-32c.. 0UO at 11 . 1,300 at II 10 33e.. 300 at U 1732c.: Aagnat, 600 at 11 1116c., I.3U0 at 11 2132c., 700 at llVd-. I"0 at II 10 32c., 10O at 11 ftlbc, 2.1 O at U 1632c ; Septambor. l.dUO at 11^*.. 000 ?t II 10 32c., 3UO at II O Itie., KAI at II.Sc . I'?) at II 17 32c. ; October, MOO at 11 716c. 20" at II 13 33c., 6UU at II 7 16c, I 2UO at i I Sc. 10' at U 5 16c.. *10 at U H-33e., at I II.VIHc,; November. 800 at II I13.C. 3U) at II 5-IHr.' | loo at 11 1132a . 0UII at U 5 16c.. 1<A3 at 11 0-33C, 0UI? at II i-oaa. ; UKHiDir. iw 11 11 11 jjc . i>?i ? 11 .1 itx , I<?J at 11 ll-.f2e., w?> at II & Ida.. .Vai*tll'4e ; January, :?JU at II ll llt. Total, ld.dUU balaa. ()ran<l total 2l.7m> balaa Tha rocolplt at Iba porta wara at tolloara rt-Oalaatton. 71 balaa; Naw Orlaaaa. MM; Moblla, 41; ttavannab, All. l.'barlaaton. 23; Wilmington. 17; Norfolk. H; Haiti mora. 4; Ho.ton IH4. flilladalphU. IW Total, M3& Thiaday laat traaa. 1,:>4J. Ttiia day laal yaar. S.02I. Total afoot oaptambar I. 4,iabi.irt'.l balaa Cotton fValirhta cloaad aa fo.Iowa.?To Ifaara. by ataani, , aompraaaad ; to Hamburg, by ataare, *,c , ootnprawaU, to Braman by ataam. \c , compraaaad: to Llaarpool. 3 Itld . by a la am . by aail. b '120 l-Loua a*u iJnain. ?Raaafpta?Klour, W 437 bbia ; wbaai. 13I.JU3 bu.bala. worn natal, tlu bbla , oata, 15.270 baabaia; corn. 72.00(4 da ; ry a. 2.4UU do.; bar la r malt. 27.UM4 da Tha JULY 7. 1870.?TRIPLE Soar market wam dull, but there via no change in prices. i The iaU> were about bbla. including ** e?feru | and Southern. At the Annexed Quotation*. Kye flour was j steady, with sales of :*M bbls. at *4 7ft a $ft lft. t'oru tueal j was quiet; about bbK Aold at *t a $? lor lirandt I w n?\ and 42 05 a $3 for Jersey and Western y allow Vie j quote : ? Ko. J Mate.. f'J *dft ?|:i <*) hup'Ttiue state 8 ftl) a 4 UJ KxiraMate 4 9U a o H? Choice Suae 5 2<r) u H (X) Superfine Western.. 8 jOi 4 O) Eitra Western 4 ftO a ft <>U Minnesota ft DO a 8 6b Hound hoop Ohio, shipping brands 4 7o a > W) Hound hoop Ohio, trade mauds ft "Jo a 8 <H) Family s ftO a H t>0 si. IajuIs low extra. ft UO a 9 Oil "< ? -i- - ? - nnu tl *n ! ok lA'uin, ?ir?i.ui film w " r; 8t. Louis, choice double extra 6 .VI a J W M. Louis. choice family ** Q} * ? Kye Hour, fine tu superfine.... . 3 7<l a 4 20 Southern, No. 2 '2 70 ? 3 :j Southern. stiperfiue.... 4 00n 4 2? Southern. extra 5(H) a #75 Houtheru, family 7 0U a 1? tiO Corn meal. Western 3 U) a 3 25 foru meal, Jersey . 3 (1 > u 3 25 Corn lueal, Hraudvwine 3 20 a 3 35 Corn meal, nuuehuoas 20 0> a 20 *() ? Wheat was very dull, and In the absence of suit* prune No. 2 spring was entirely uumiual. The sales comprised ab% ut 150,(110 bushels at 90c. a$l lor unsound ?|n lug ; HI 03 a $1 <6 lor uusoiind No. 3 Milwaukee- HI 13 a II H 1 for Minnesota; HI 25 tor poor No. 1 ; $1 30 tor white; HI 30 tor Shebovgan, ana 90c. a i*5c. for no grade spring. Corn was iu moderate demand but lower, closing at about Me. for prime mixed. I he sales were ahoitt 135,0(10 bushels, at 52c. a 55c. tor damaged ami heated: 5Hc. for mixed aud low do ; 5UJ>te. a 57c. tor steamed; tt c. for graded >ellow; 3Uc lor ungraded do., and 50c. for No. 1 graded. Hye was unlet. Barley aud barie mult wer# also quiet. Oats were ste "dv. The sales were about Tt.lJO ^bushvU. at 38c. a 41c lor t he range of mixed: 3.V\ a 44c. tor the rang* of white; 40c. for No. 2 Chicago; 35c atO^c. tor Western mixed: 35t*c. * 42c. for Western white; 4 Je. a 44c. fur white Statu, aud 33c. a 33\c. lor rejecte d. Hani* and .J I'Ttt- ? 1 no market was quiet. We quote:? Auiuricaudre sed.$l9<?a H2U0 for single. &!'? a 1225 for double and H> 20 a tl25 tor rough; Manila hemp, 1 %c .gold; ltussia, clean. H200e #21 . gold . Italian, H-'7.? *|M?, gold ; lute, 4*ac. a 5?-c., currency ; Jute butts, 2?4c., cash. nisei Ileum. 4 Sc.. gold; Istle. i^c. a 5jr??.. gol# JIOI.ASSliS ?l*ailt. AboUt ItH'UUlN. ACW V/HCail* SU'U at 52c. a 57c The sloe* Is 2.088 hhds. Cuba, 1,787 do. Porto Kfco, 3.142 do. Kngllsb Island, and l.tfJO bbls. New Orleans. W e quota: ? Cuba. ceutriiugul and mixed, -2c. a 28o.; clayed, 2Ue. a33c.; do. muscovado refining, 3Uc. ? IHc.; do. grocery, 32c. a 40c. ; Porto Hico. 35c. a 50c.; Kuglisb Islands, 32c. a 5<>e. ; New Orleaus, fair to good. 48c. a52c.; prliue to cuolce. 55c m 5Kc N AVAL Stoickm.?The market for spirit a of turpentine was quiet, bill steady: about lOJ bbl*. sold at 29)fcc. Kosin was quiet. We quote spirits of turpentine at 20^0. a 3Uc. Kosin-Common to go??d strained, frl 7?>a#l SO. far?Wash iugtou $2 25: do. Wilmington. $2 37*% add 50. Advices Iroui Wilmington were us follows: -Rosin firm; strained, $1 25: good strained, 30. Tar steady, $1 80. 'lur pontine steady; hard, II; soft, |1 85; virgin. $'2. Soirits steady, 27c. Oil*. - We note sales at New Bedford of about l.UUO bbl*. trade sperm lor export on private terms. We uuote Lm seed, casks, 5dc.; cottonseed, c: title. 38c. ; Southern y eltow, 48c. a ode.; yellow winter, 50c a 58c.; white winter. doc. ; lard, p csent ;r ake, 85c. a 88c ; sperm, crud , yI 35; do., bleached winter, $1 Oo: do., natural do., II 00; whale, crude NurtU. rn. flOe.; do. Southern, 55o. ; bleached witter, 70c. a 72c.. olive, casks, $1 17', a II U2?a: do., eases. 35 a ?4 40, wiutir bleached Ash, 48c., crude llth, 35c. a 37c. PkTKui.Kt'M.?'The market was quiet, but prices were uu changed. Ttie closing prices were as follows: -Crude, In bulk. 0c.; do.. In bbl*., I2*gc. a I jy., refined in bbls.. 157gc. a 10c.: do., in cases, Ilk*. Nuphtba, M'4fc. Refilled at Philadelphia, ; do. at Baltimore, I5^c. Ad>ices froiu the Creek were as follows: -Parkers' United $2 12>i; shipment*, $'2 30. Oil City weak; $2 l-U, bid; United ship luent, |'2 32 *g a |2 35. Pkovimo.v* ?Receipts? Pork, 1W7 bbls.; lard. 040 tierces; cut meats. 770 packages, bacon, 8V* tierces and 2 558 boxes; beeT, 33 tierces, 20 bids, and 125 cases. The pork market was very quiet, but prices were without uoteworthy change, closing at the second "call" as followsJuly. { $10 off bid, I'JO 54* asked; August, $.'<> 10 bid, $JU *40 . asked; September. 2ft bid. $20 NO asked; October, $ O ldd. ?21 asked. 2,OJO bbls. sold at $20 15 for August and j ?2U 3> for September. 4lld bbls. iness sold at j I 0 lo a $.!<> 25, cash. Cut meats were steady | lit loruer price* Sale* were 7<*> pickled hums ut l ie.: uOO pickled ahouluer* hi *V'. ; ?'1 boxes clear bolltes hi 12.1*0., Hud IH.faJ I lb*. pickled be.Ilea. 12 lb* average, ut lOf.c. I'rrlb Iihiui weru quoted hi lu'.c. u 12c, freili liel Ilea ut b,',c. h 10c.. picked huuia ut ll\c. u 12c.. pickled bell lea at #t*o. u I0?,c. aid boxed bcllfe* at HlaS, a ll'^c. Hacod was >t*a ijr win, aale of l<*> boxea cltv Ioiik clear at 10?,c. Meet was quiet, but unchanged; IUO tierce* Philadelphia burl aoldoii private term*. We quote Marrtla. extra luvaa, #11 a #12; plalu ineaa. #? a #10: packet. #12 a #12; tlcrced, city extra India, #22 a #22; India me**, #21 , prime mess, #20. Beef ham* were steady ; Waj bid*., lair, sold ut #24. Smoked meats were quiet at I4*ae. for liuiua uud O'j u lOe fur aliouldera. Lard was dull and declining; business was eery xuiatl, comprising about l.faxj tleicea at $11 57j, a #11 60 for Julr; #11 #7,', *#11721-2 lor August, spot sale* were )# J tierces city at 11 .2-1 tic and 150 tierce* Western at #11 7o 'I be closing "call" price* were aa fob Ion*:?July. #11 571, bid.#11 05 asked; August, #11 05 bid, #11 7o asked. September, #11 70 bid. #11 Oil asked, October. #11 r2l* bid. ;ll 00 asked. Kalltied was quiet; buuieree* sold lor the Contluent last evrnlug at ll'gc. Ilutter auil clieeac were steady. hli'k. ? The market wit* steady, with it fair jobbing demand, lite stock of Kangoou in bond ia 2.0U0 bag*. Wa quote:? Carolina, fair to prima, 5%<?< a 0\c.; Louisiana. lair to good, f?V4c. a >\c. : do., prime, 13c. a UV ; Kangoun, lair to good, 0'4c. a tilsa.; Ham a. good. 71*0. a 7Se., gold; Kangttoo. in bond. 2?*e. a 2l*c., gold Scuaa.?Iba market for raw whs Brra and fairly active. We nolo sales ut 781 bbds. at Be. for molasses, B',c. lor fully fair refining and BigC. for luw ceutriiugal; 220 bbds. Cuba at #?xe. and #00 do. ceutriiugal on private terms. me sioca in rnw su^ar is as ioiiows iiku. thucm. iSm/t. Mtlado. Stock (ascertained by actual count, Including speculation;. July 1.1878 90.71* 50,822 201,028 4,101 Receipts Mac* July 1 4,1:9 2.HHJ 829 ? total* 04.H47 03,815 201,007 4,101 Sale* tinea July! 3,480 ? ? ? Stock thl* day. July 0,1878. 08,333 03,015 201,007 4,101 Comparing with stock Jmy 8, 1870 171,043 44.010 20.0,044 14.171 Com par In u with Hock July ?. 1874 152,223 1)0.870 :'ir).7l8 1,390 Comparing with itock July 1?J, 1873 108,101 07,712 2.12.338 10,471 ? quota:-fair to gnml refining, 8J,c. a ?*,c.; Cuba, grocery. .air to choice. MKc. a 8',c.; do.. centrifugal, hfids. auU boxes. No*. 8 to 13, ?*,? a P3,c. 1 do., molasses, htids. anu bote* 7o. a 8c.; Porto Kico, refining. common to prima, 7>?c. a 84,e.; do., grocery, lair to choice, H*te. a 8T*c.; renned, ttuudard A, inc. a lo',c.; ofl A, M^c. a W?7,c.; crutlied, H)?,c ; powiiered, I''Sc. a luJ,c.; granulated. 10 fc. a lose.; second qualltr do., lj'uc. 11 ln',0.; cut loal. 111'.:* Smtaixa ?llecclpls?20 tierces and 13 tasks. 1'he market was steady; On tierces sold at 11c. Tallow.?Receipts?IO lihds and 133 bbla. The market wut quiet, with soles of 3U.OJO lbs. at 8ltc. Wiiisukt.?Receipts?0?3 bbls whiskey end 108 bbla alcohol. l'he market was quiet: 00 bblt. sold at$l 12 rata. t Kkiuuts ? A good demand ruled or peSroleuni aad grain touuaae. the latter both for charter aud 011 the berth per steamer ana sail, with rate* stronaly maintained In the lace ul a scant supply ot vessels. Petroleum tonnage lor Keltic ports was most lis requasi, that is. ol this dascrlptiou. Tba market lor chartsriug tonnage remained firm, and a lair business was transacted lu petroleum aud cratu vestals. Berth room wa? iu good request at steady price* generally. The engagements were ;?Te Liverpool, par steam. M.tsst bushel* grain at Sd.. standard; 3).<x>U boxes cheese at fihe., StW boxes bacon at 40*. a 46*. To London, hjr nail, 34,lA*i bushel* grain at 8d., 1 ,.'MAJ bids. Hour at 3*. iHl., and per ateaiu. 8.000 bushel* grain at S)?d.. VI lbs. ; 3,<kJO boxes cheese at 5ih?. To Gtesgnw, per staaiu, 4?,l?AJ bushel* itraiu at b>*<L, du III*.; .'OA*i boxes cheese at 50*. To Bristol, per steam, 30.1id bushels grain atod., standard; 3.UAI boxes cheese at l*is. To Biittoruaiu, par s asui, 34.l?*i bushel* grain u* private term*. The charters eoihraaed; The Italian brig reported la our last to the Coatlueut, with 3.1 k quarter* grain, was at tt*. tin. te Kolterdaiu or Aoistardaiu ; an Italian bark, hence to Cork for orders, with 3,300 quarter* do. at *'<*.; ?u Austrian bark, beuee to Cora lor orders. with 3.6U0 quarter* do. at da. 3d.; the Itallau ori|t aud Italian bark raported la our last, with araiu, without continuation, was at 10c. per bushel to lisbou; A German bark, trom ttaltiiuore to Cork for orders, with 3.7UU quar ters irrain. at 7s., an Italian bark, Irotn Philadelphia to fork tor order*, with J.|iA> quarters do., at Oa.Ua.. and an Austrian bark, theuoe for saiua royagu, with 8,30 I quarter* at tie. ttd.; a Swedish brig, hence to Itlo Jaueiro. with 3.BUI bbl*. Hour at or about $1 per bbl.; an Austrian bark, | 7*1 ton*, laid on the berth fot London, taking the grain reported a* part ol cargo; an Italian brig, 4Io tons, hone* to Alexandria with 11,UAI eases refined petroleum at 43c.; uu Italian brig, hence to Naples with H.J'iu rcaes do. at 3Uo. ; a British bark. Pitt Ions. Irom Philadelphia t? Hremcu or Antwerp with O.jOU bble. rehnsd petroleum el 4a. tM.; e Kussien bark irumored but not oontirmed), hence to the Baltic with a.PO i bbls. do. at Se. 8d. ; a Norwegian bnrk, hence for sama voyage with 3,300 bbl*. do. et6a. Ud. ; *n AmeriCiin brig, from Philadelphia to a direct >panlth port with P.ixxl rates refined petroleum si 35c.; a Norwegian baik, hence to the Baltic with 3,70 i bbl* do. at 5a. Ud.: to Crousladt. option of other ports, at St.; a Swedish barken* lhie (to arrivei from Baltlinnra to the Beltiu with 3,500 bbis. at Us. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Skw ORLgsns, .Inly n. 1870. Cotton quiet; middling, lll*e., low middling, 10J,c. ; good ordlr.ary, P\?c- receipts. 88 belt*; gross, KXJ. fcxporu to t'rmnce. 3,803; coestwise, 1,757. Sales, 750. Stoek. 85,284. MoatLH, July ?. 1870. Cotton weak, Irregular; middling. IOt*c. a lie.; low midtiling, PV. a It*. . good ordinary, Hl(c. Net receipts, 41 bales. Itxporta coastwise, SO. Balei, 350. Sleek, 8, UH. Bava.vxsm, .1 oiy 6. 1?7U Cotton dell; middling, lo*?c.; low uiiddiing, 10c.; good ordinary, r>igC. Net receipts, ArJ bales. Kxports to Branca, 1.0u7. Sale.. 75. stock, 1 .Wo* I'll (HLKJTOS. July 6. 1S7H Cotton qolet. middling ll',c. . la* middling. IUl,e.; food ordinary. B?,c. Net receipt*. .'3 bales, kxporli coast al.a, 1.IWI. Kal. *. 130. Mock, 4,310. OsLTktTOjr, July 6, 1870. Cotton dull, nominal! middling, Il^e.; low middling, 10,c.. pood vrdinary, u',c Nat reojlpls, 71 bales; Sre>L 74. Kxpoils coastwise, 1.543. Males. 113. block, .037. ToLkDO. July 6, 1878. Kloer qolet. Wheat quiet; No. 'J while Wsbesb, (133; Ru. I a bus Mieliiirun, 81 3d; eiulier Michigan, spot and July, fl Itrtf. Auiriikt. new or old. $1 Iwt, . No.J red winter, #1 Iki,; No. 4 Ueytau aud Michigan. red. tMiqc. Corn tinner. high tuixod. spot and J uly, oJ'aC., August, held at ft . ft3',c. offered, low da, 4UI?c. . whit* held at tot,'- ; damaged, Mc. Out* uulet; No 3.43a.; while, *dc.; Niche goo. 33a . rejected, 3o*. Kecelpts. ? 130 bbls. Hour, itl.uuu bushels wheal, 3U.IMI do. com, 4.',lkX> do oeu. Shipments?JUU bhls. Hour, l.UUO bushels wheat, 3.0U0 do corn, 3d.DUO do. oata Oswrco. July 0, 1470 Clour auobeured ; tales 1,400 bbls. Wheat dull; No. 1 Milwaukee club. 41 3M; extra white Michigan, 41 ON. Core nriuer at niq. a 3?c.. the better lignre far high mixed. Cora meal unchanged. Mill Teed unchanged. Canal trelghtt an changed. Lake race I pte? Lumbar, 4KM.uuu feet. Canal shipments? Wheat, 7,iW buehele; lumber, 3*11,000 leet. IJrain on the caual from Buffalo aud Oswego lor tido wator yesterday noou ? VVbrat, 1.141,000 bushels , corn. tkM.i <17 do. . oats, 348.000 do.. Ball, WI.3UI do., rye, IS.7U0 do; peas. 43.ISUU da _ Bb-rrsbo, July ">, 1*7?. Lake receipts ? Klour, lO.ftOO hbls ; wheat, S3.1ri busbelt: corn. 333. IJU do ; oata, ftl.OOO do Kol.rood reeepts ? oata. C,W?J <lo.; barlay. 2.40U oo (,'anal ablpmaBIa for ltd w?it>r?IVliaat. 47,t*W bushala; curs, A.IJUIJ do.; oata, l4.UU.ido. Railroad itlpniiu-Kloar, >, !< bbli; htit, i.l> O buabala; uoru, I2.UAI do.; oata. s.UUU do., barlay, 1 Mil do. Canal frrlgbla Arm Whaat, d'4e. ; aura. ?V-: uatt, 4e., to Maw York, lolla ladadad. Climr lira; aaiaa MOO hbia at uuchaiigad prlcaa. Wliaat doll aad uroopiag; buje?a bidding efT; aalat 2.UU0 buabala Mo. '2 Mllwaukaa al l 11; waklug $1 2.1 lor No I. Corn dull, bol ttaauy*. talaa 4.0UU buabala rajartad al 4Hlf a 4tf; a law cara Mo. 2 al 52c. Oata dull; aalaa 2.1MI buabala Waatara al &ba. a ? %. Kjra liald at about 7de , with no damand Cork Arm. al 40o Jt lor liraar tuaaa Lard flraa at ll}*t. * 12c. Illgliwlnaa uom loal at CI la I'Hltaoo. Jcly U, 1H7A Clour autl and unchaugad. Wliosl In fair damand, bat I lower; No. 2 Chicago aprlug. CI UBJd a CI "21. apol; CI I tl July; $1 ot Auguat; fl oil, haptambar; Na S da, ?7e. a ; rejectad, OUu l or.. In lair daraaad. but lowar; htgu niiaad, 47',c a 4rv ; Mo. 2 at 47iie. a 47l,e. apol; 47 tea. bid July; 47?#c. bid Angaal; 4rO,a lud Haptaai bar; rrjactad, 44c. Oata dall, aaak and lowar; No. 2. 2?4,c. spot and July; 2WJ,a., Aaguat: rajrulad, 24c Rya dull and u uulual; No. 2 at ttbc Uarlay talrly artlva and a abada liiglirr, .No 2 apring. Ma. apol aad July. bt?c bid Auguat. Pork In lair datuand. but lowar. f IU <J a Cl? ?> apol. cut 4" a CIU 4b July . CIO bu a ?lu Augual; $10 7b naptaiubar Laru In fair demand bat lowar; Cll Jo a $11 2b rput aad Jal); CI 1 Jn Augatl. CI 1 a CI I *1%. Catitaaibar. Ualk uaata ataady with a lair damaiiC?thoulaara 7hc. a 7t?a. . abort lib mlddlaa IIM t SHEET. nor! clear middle*, lft^f Whiskey?Demand light bat holder* firm at $1 10.4, Keeeipu? Flour,10.OU0 bbla. ; wheat, W7,Um> bushel*, corn, 1. I,ie*J do.; oat*. 7t>jO) (io.i rye. 4JJU0 do , barley. J.OOO do. Shipiueut* ? Flour, b'li.; wheat. lO.feW) htn?heU; corn. do.; mu?( 79.t*? do.; rye, 1.0 U do At the afieriiMn cm I of toe Board Wheel active mid a Niiad** higher; $1 Oj^e duly, $1 <M?t A11 /nil <'0111 quiet aod a ehede easier, 47l4c. July. 4HJ,c. September; 40*#c. a -WjC. Auuiint. Dale quiet and a shade emer; -U'wc, a 2WjC. cash aud Ju > , 2 JS^c. August. HAVANA MAliKET. li.TAH., July S. 1H70 Hpauish gold. H17l4 a HI7*4. Exchanj;e_ in lair demand; eu the l ulled Slate*. tiO days' currency. 7^4 a 7 d??c??uiil ; .1.1 ttL: ? *t <t. > 1 .in il^.' .r.j.i u. a premium . abort slant do.. 4*v a o urcmium; ou Loudon, 10 a lti^g premium ; ou Paris, 2>a a 3*4 premium. EUROPEAN MARKET. I.OKDO* PuoDl'Ck MikHkT ? Losdo.*, July 6? Evening.? i Lluned all liJ. per rwt. ? WIN AIVCl Alk. j A.- J. A W. AILUillAN A CO., 20 brond ?t . New York Utuo Letter* of Credit to Travellers, payable ia auy part of Kun?|?e. Asia, Africa, Australia and | America, draw tiillt of Exchange and make Tel 'graphic Transleis of Honey to Kutope and (California. T~~KK AKi> N A H L K KATKii-MON'KY ON LIKE A N D Endowment insurance Policies. Mortgages and other eeurlties: Insurance of ail kiuds effected with hest coin, j panics J J HABMlf'U k c? ? i 11 - tMlwr*y. Alex peothtkoiiad 2 coti banki ks. 12 wall ; st.?Heliable Puts and Calls. Send !ir explanatory | circulars. A GENTLEMAN OK LEGAL EDUCATION, WlfB business and adoiiuiitrative experience having maiiv Triends here and abro id and some capital, oesires a position I as officer of a tlnancial corporati??u. A tidies*. witii toine par- | titulars, KINANCi . iio* i. Hhl Pott oi>t. Bowery 8ayina?ba^.i^andtso bowery. i Nkw York, June 12, 1*70. A Setui-Aiintial Dividend at the rate of six. per cent per > annuin on all sums ot $6 xnd upward, and not exceeding i AlJMk', and of five per cent per milium ou all siiuis in excess { of $1.U0" and not exceeding f 1.0UU, which shall have been deposited at least three mouths ou tlio 1st (lav of Julv next. will Ik* allowed to Him depositor*. au.1 will be payable on or after MOND4Y, July 17, I87d. iu accordance with the pro visions of the byliw? Hy order of the Trustees. Still'Eh T. BUUWN. President. G. II. CoodKSHXl.L, Secretory. ClOMMIitaioXKKS' NOT 10 h ) bri'lOP or <'omml*si0*kktf. i Xo.htcumfcuy, Ala.. June 27. Ib7d. S Pursuant to the provision* of an act of the General As soinbly of AUbiiuiA, approved jr 23. 1876, uu ofliee w.U l?o opened in the elt> of New York, on the 241 It dav of July next, for the exchange of bonds iu accordance with the toruih of said act. The boude to be exchanged In New York are those issued under tbe following named acts, to wit:? An Act ' to provide tor the issue of State bonds," ap proved lfith I>. cciuoer. An Act to renew uud extend the time of payment of cer tain bond* therein named, approved January IS. lm.4. Aii Act to provide tor the payment oi interest on the bonded debt of tbe Mate of Alabama," approved Pebiuary 1J, I8d\ Ad Act "to renew and extend the time of payment of err taiu bonds therein named, approved bill February. 1867. An Act "to uuihoiixe tbe issue of Stole bonds," approved 12Hi August, An Act " to provide for tbe extension of certain State bonds due and payable iu Loudou on tb? fir?l day of June, 1870 " unproved 17th February. 1H7U. An A?.t "in relnlioti to the Stale bonds of Alabama," approved loth February, 1872. An Art "to renew and extend tbe time al payment of certain bonds therein named,? approved Ht'i Feb uary I S c.', An 1 ct "to provide :or the payment of interest dun and unpaid on the v..lid da ms aguiu*t the State on account of the (allure ot the Alabama and hatauooga hailroxd t'um pany to nay said Interest." apt rived nth March. 1*71. I he exchange of bonds Issued under the folio wing usmed i acts can be made at the office of tne Commissioners, in tlio ; illy v Montgomery. on and after the ti lt duy ol* July next, in accordance with the provisions of >*a?d act of -3d Febru | ar.v 1878. to wit : An Act "to relieve and regulate tbe finances of tbe State." I approved 15th liecember, l8il. ,\n Act "to uiamtaiu the credit of Alabama," approved 25th Februnrv, 187-t. An Act "to provide for the substitution of Stat bonds to t!<# amount of $',0M per mile in leu of Mat" Indorsement of bonds f .he various railroad compuuies of this State," approv d'ilst February. 1H73 GEO. 8. HOl'STON', l,fc> 1 " b\n L.?it, I. D. UETHBA. Cum lulssioucra. jJKY DOCK SAYINUS BANK. 341 AND 34J BOWEUY~ corner ul 2d at. Tie Trustees of this iriatitullua have declared tha semi anuual dividend ou all deposits entitled thereto July 1, 1X70, aa followa : ? Six par caut par annum on nil auina of $-',UU0 and under and Hra par cent par annum on tha excess over $2,000. Deposits made on or before July 10 arlll draw lntaraat from July 1. 1878. ANDREW HILLS. President. William V. Wkbstkr, Sacretary. LIFE ADO LOAN AMOCIATIOM, 10.' IIHOAD way, loans on Life Policial; aauia purchased: irifur aucea effected in bear companies E. II. JON p.m. Actuary* North river sayinus hank, corner 8th ay. aud West 34th at. DIVIDEND. ? A semi-annual dividend at the rate of tlx par caut per annum on all sums from $5 to S5.LMJ, will be paid on aud alter July 17, 1878. Money deposited on or before the 10th of July will draw Interest Iroin July I. Bank open daily trom 10 A. M. to 3 P. M., also on Monday, Wednesday and .Saturday areulnn from > to 8 o'clock. JOHN HOOPER. President. Wis. B. STarroKo. Sacretary. 0~ KPICE OP THK ' Jxaaxr ClTT IvSL'KANC* COMPAirr, ) 33 ukamd 8t , v Jxkskt Citt, June 30, 1878. > Forty-eecmid Dirideud. Tha Board of Directors of this company have this day declared a semi annual diridend of tan (101 par cent, payable on demand. NATHANIEL FOOTE. Secretary. mo or THE LA ICE SHORE AND michiqaA Southern Railway Company, Saw York. July 3. 1870. The Directors ol this company have declared a diridend of two par cent upon the capital flock thereof, payuble on the let day of August next, at ilia office of Messrs CliAaE A ATKINS, No. 18 Broad St.. New York. The transfer books will be closed at 3 o'clock P. M. on Saturday, the 8th Inst , and will be reopened on tha morning of Wednesday, tha 2d day of August next. K. D. WORCESTER, Treasurer. SA PETNVESTMENT ~ paying an lutcrast of 7 S-lu PER CENT. 7 3-10 PER CENT. City Bonds, Wntar i oan of tha 8late of Naw York, for aale by E. M. NEWBL'KN, Banker. .V) Broad at. Trust moxriT to loan on" city property" Any amount for Bra years. T. P. HYATT, 14o Broadway Time loans made upon fine stocks and other satisfactory collhterale. JOHN B. MURRAY. M Broadway _ <fel) 7wW7 WANTETT-ON CHATTEL MORTUAOK, ipritCuU security $8,OOJ; liberal bouus. Address C. V., box 108 llerald office. $<k IWWI TU LOAN IN SI Ma OF <IUJ, A*?i. A">0 > oK to suit. Anply lu person to W. BALDWIN", hi8 Washington a*.. Brooklyn, between 8 und "> o'clock. A. . 1 - , , , t 77 IS' A .Th lk 'C If !?' A U/tVI.' lUul CI lit ^zo.uuu Property outside of city line* of Newark, N. J., worth at least ?7 a moderate omius will he paid Ibr an Immediate transaction. Addreai S. P., If tralu oliiea. OlttiifBU OI'POHriMI'lKh. A HARP. CIlANt'K-AS uTu ANl> W Xi. *?fl AM liehud Drug Business for kale, U W. STHICKI.ANli. M Beekman et. AHKKMAN. WklJ. A'JC^I.AINTI l> WITH 1 IIK wlioleeale petroleum trade, out through tai*iorttine tint having money enough. wishes a partner wltli abuut t '.<*? ; business is cash and prollu very fair; lefereuce. Address UOOUWILL, Herald office. A man mavino capacity pok k t > t > k k k ic p7 x ti and correspondence, possessing a tew hundred dol art. reference*. Ac., wanted, to Investigate business. Address SI .Mulberry et, Newark, N. .I. Apaktxkr wanted?to nrrSrr * >>> cans equally with iuy*elf; biggest opening in thl* ronulrv. Mll/1 il WIt'k. 47 Ureal J una a si. N hXPKRlKXOBD HUMlNhSS MAN WILL 1NVkd T Al.OtiUor $g,iAA' in an established hnslneas and lake charge of finances Ac. Address TKb'TII, bus Idl Herald Uptown Branch office. A"" tlKNTL.hH AN WILUNU TO '[NVE*T mSwuTaN spcur* a position as treasurer; fair salary; lurtber prospects Origin. Uoly men of good cbsrecter epply at J IV. MUUIiKTl'd l.'onimeieial Agency, 2J hast li.tbst., over Bank of Metropolis ART! PICIAT, HL'TTKR ?STATK RIUH fd AM) M reuses for sal*, to manufacture a pur* and odorless oil Ilruru annual lata. by the beet patented jacket kettle Hue In iim. I will guarantee It to render 'lyMi Int. |>er hour. Aid the bett patented pruceae lor meniiraemriiig the above oil Into butter Addrea ?. K. AMiRKVV. patentee, Slrt Weal t.M at , New Vork cite. partxkk wanted -is a sakk. i'komtabi.k, caah bualneaa; prlee ef belf the atoek and flxturea, A jACIiSliN. MMH. BARUAlXH-KOK 8ALK I/)W PART K.XCliANOl.TX thriving village ol New Jeraey, Hardware aad lluu*e Kurniahlug (7ood? Hutine<a; eatabllahed four jreara. Addreee (?. A,, box 4.3HH I'oat oltice. BKIMI Alt.H I' Ki.TIIUMI KitOM HI eINKb.S. I offer my l.ucketnltli and I'luiubltig Eatabllabment. alto my right, tor tale ; eatabllahed live year*; beet location. Addreaa A. <4 . Ilerald I'ptewn Hraneh oBlce DIXIXO BGCfli PUS >A1.K- IlliWN TOWN , M'l.KN .lid location: will auit anr man wanting boatneaa; tertna eaat. Ad'treaa I M M It III ATM, Y. box Id J Heral.l uttlce. Hitliu .vi a IC .h.-a IPLBNOIU OPKXiXU PUB A good practical workman with a little capital. Apply tu KOmKKT 8. WALK Kit, ?? Broadway IWAjrr tO AHKAMiK Willi a KKMPUNAlBLB rvinlture hoave to mauuracture a new article ul houaobuld - " "> S NORTON. 3U Day it. A N IK I> ? A I-aKTV WITH t'AI'l I Al. TO TaKK AN latimt la a |uo4 paying nieuitiactoring bmlaau; aleo a party to take a half latere*! In a liotrl, reelaorant ur lien, with ftall *?r?leee. A HOTT, 7.V9 Hroailway. WISHlNu TU KXTKMD THE Bl'Stl.N KSft I WOII.D glee an Internet t? a Handy man willing to inriet 600; bualure* eatablOhed end paying wall. Apply at Coninerrtaj and Collection Agency, to Kaat I bib at., oaar the book. "TITAXTBD?A PARTNER WITH A SHALL CAPITAL TV to Join tba patentee iu the manufacture or a uteful article, or will eell Hint* right#. a fortune la New Turk ally. Addreai J W., Matnaronerk, W eitebeeter ceaaty, K. V. &U/WI -PARTNER WANTkO-WITH ?H00 I N I A>H. IpOUo. to Join adeertleer la a reepartabt* aaab biieiueee ont of towu, pa)Ing $fnri per month nil profit. No idler* need apply. Call lor it It A V, 44 Weet 3Jd et. OCEAN MAILS. 1 be ocean tleuniar* woicti tailed from the port of Now York yeetorday earned IW.kM lotlera, SU regta tared lotlore and 44 papar Inw. # 9 ! BUSINESS TROUBLES. Mti.ra. Kodllch .fc ftcbiiii/er, deiltra in leaf tobacco, of No. 1 Cedar street, have suspended piymeot. Only about sis weeks ago aa emanate ot #160,000 wa* rnu.le ol their a-?cts. ami il was tnought that that amount would mora lliau covar their liabilities. Their present assets anil liubililirs cannot be learned Immediately. Toe following drins have made assignment* (or tha benefit o tnoir creditor*:?Mayer it Samson, whole, ssle liquor ueulert, of No. M Warren street; Bamberger & tnauulacturera of ludic*' wear, ot No. U Canal street, ami A. Kicgclstock, d< aier In Bait, of No. 12 Bridge street It Hi* County Clerk's oflloe there were tiled yesterday the assignments ot Henry (Jreve to Bernard Metsger and Elisabeth Uilz to Ju-upb liunncy. A petition in bankruptcy ha* been tiled against Verplain k ,v Irwin, dealer* in coal at No. Ill Broadway, bv seven creditors, the principal ones being Duncan k Son, fs.041 ; K. T. ltobiujou. nsa'gueo, $d,s.'tb; Edward " uuger, |4.di, '? uiatvu niiii, s, ? ,t $1,040. Tli>* claims ot the petitioning credited j mount U' $26,hOU. I'eler Milter and Andrew J. Lent, contractors, bar* been thrown into butt I. r 11 itr y uu ttio petitions of Patrick Ureuuau. .:ouu O'Brieu aud Michael Hughes. U N FORTUNATE S PECULATIONS. A. A. Seluver, a well known Wall sireot operator aa4 director in various railroad and other companies, has gone into bankruptcy. H>? liabilities amount to $ >tiu,oou. The loilowing ate the secured creditors:? Wllliaiu It. Duncun. trustee, $204,500 62; Dickinson A Co. $ loo, 670 72; the Mutual l.ile Insurance Company $100,000; Dwell, Stout h Co., $64.026 00; C. K. Uarri. sou, {16.000. The claims ul the unsecured creditors aggregate about $126,000 Trenor W. Park lias a claim ol' $25,000; Harvey Kennedy 4 Co., $15,000; Nevr loretn. - BOABD OF HEALTH. Tim following ia tha wa?kly report ef tbo Board of Health received at tboir meeting yesterday:? During tbe weak eodlug July 1, 1870, tbero were 038 deaths reported in this city, being an increase ol 1M aa compared with the previous week, and lu more than were reported during toe corresponding week of 1876. i Tbe actual mortality for tbe week ending June 24 wna ! 407, which wan 70 below the average number ol deatba lor Ihe corresponding week during the past live years and represents eu annual death rate of ?1.88 per 1,000 persons living, the population estimated at 1,001,344. Tbe total numbor ol deaths reported during the week Included U Irom emallpox, 30 Irom diphtheria, 23 Irotn scarlatina, 4 from measles. 4 from whooping cough, 2 irom membranous croup, 4 Irom malarial levers, 2 from fever, 78 Irorn phthisis pulI loonnlts, 44 from pneumonia and bronchitis; 333 ol I .hia,.n under ft ?>ri ol ace ami 34 ol Dursona 7C ' yours of-age or mora. | J ho lolluwing m a comparative statement of cum 01 . contagious disease reported at thia bureau for the two i wreck* ending July L, 1S78:? r-W?k ?. J <*"' -4. J uty 1. , Typhoid fever 8 5 I Scsrlst lever 30 M ! Csrebrv-spiual meuiuKltli 3 1 Manila* S? 17 1 Diphtheria 40 M , Muallpox 17 4 THE POLICE HOARD. I The maetiog of tho Board ot l'ollce yesterday morn log will b? their laat public otie. tommisa.oner Erhard! having o tiered a resolution, which waa unanimously adopted, rescinniug that or 1874, by which the meeting* were mad* public. Reporter* and otbar* will, tbaiaforu, be azcludeU iroiu their luture mostmg*. ; A reaolutlan was adopted railing lor nomlnalloB* for : inspectors of aleciiou and poll clerk*, to be received uunl Auguat 10, which will be published iu the C'Wj j H".onl Patrolman Philip Smith, of the Twenty-ninth pre | clnct, wan dismissed from the force lor having direct** a airange woman, who award biui where the could ebj Uin loaning*, to a bouae ol prostitution. i THE DOMINION JOURNALISTS. The eourtaale* extended to the Canadian Jouroaliatt by the New York Press Club, the Mayor, Posttnaatof Junes and othera yeatardav waa ot a hearty character, j At noon the visitors were received by the Prer* Club ai I their roorna, In Centro street, where they were wel comod by Prraident Bladen and other member* In i abort addreaaos, which were happily responded to by ! Mr. Cameron. Proaideut of the Cauauian Association; Mr. Jani.s Sotnenrill^ of the Dundaa Banmrr, and Moo. Mr. Cretgbtou. Member of Parliament aud editor of tbt 1 Owaa Sound Finses. A collation followed. Among IDs distinguished member* of the elnb who welcomed tbl stronger* wore Commissioner Wales, ol the Dock l>? I partment, and President Iaswib, ol the Board of Aldermen. Cater the visitors were received f?y Msyot Wlrkham at hi* office, where he extended to them a cordial greeting. They subsequently were eacorted through the Poat Ottlce hv Mr. James, who collected all the employes In the main room and < ailed lor eheort for the Canadian visitor* They were moat oiithoila* I tlcally given, and brief speeclto* were insd<- hy Uesara Cameron and Cre gbton. lu the ovi-niug tho party, soj com panted by their ladles, visited Hilmore's Harden. DJ Invitation, aiu i>i>r gipiwcu m> mpiri... v, eral of the new<papor offices. Thoy will leave ;or LuM via th* Kris Railroad at nine o'clock thu morning. KT. ALOYS I US' ACADEMY. Tha annual commencement at SI. Aloyaius' A cad em f, In oharge of the Sister* of Charity, on Grand <treat, Jeraey City, look plaoe laat evening. The display wal a moet oredltabla one. The opening of the programme waa a cborua entitled "Columbia * Flag ia Waving a Welcome to All," Miss Alice C. Lavurly being attired a* the Goddess of Liberty. Mi#*e? Lull* K. Kelly and M. K. Deem piayod a sacred inarch aa the children were inarching to the platform The ?iugiug and recitations were loudly applauded Among ihoso present were Key. J. Mdjumdw. H. J. ; Key. Father Mar.chal, S. J.; Key. J. l?e Coucllio and J. Mct'ar.liy, of St. Michaels, Key. Father MoUahau, ol St. Bridget's; Key. ! Father Moymbau, of St. I'airiea'a, Kay. Fatbei . Sclineiuer, ol I'aesuic , It- v Father (J'lteitly, ol His- A annrt; Hugh w. McKay, Them an Keiiy, FrofMnnr Hanbrouck, John Garrick, Patrick Farrclly, John M*> Aiicruey auu Robert Smyth. A NAKltoW tsOAl'E. I Yesterday afternoon, at three o'clock, James H waa driving a acroee the track of tbn at Warren street, Jersey City, tthen^fl H inwtiyt dnohad by. Bell hsd auffiotnni to tbe last moment affi^H fne a agon wsa dragged t smssbed to iragmentn. by the broaklag the harness. combe ti Co., $10,000: Ki|inUblu I.lie Assurance Society, $10,000; W. K. Shirley, S10.UUU Hi* assets embrace the pro; eriy at No*. AM and All Hro.idway, valued at $300,000, subject to a mortgage ot $100,000, and conveyed to YV. H., and subject tc tlii' claiina ol Dickinson x Co. aud Kurell, Stout Ac Co.; oitc-ulili internal in tbe personal property o( tIte Hsrleni Kxlcusion Railroad, par value $'20,000; oue-flftll intercut in tUa lienuingion Ac Rutiatid Car Company, par value $00,000; one Ullb intereai In tbe capital stock of tbo Bennington and tllnatenbnry Railroad Company, par value $100,000; 1,500 shares Harlem Kxtchstun Halroad, 1,180 share! Lebanon Spring* Railroad und interests in tumiug companleu ot Nevada, THE MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK. Mr. Wliliatu K. Aldncti, Receiver of tbo Mutual Beueill Saving* Bauk, bled yesterday a report ol big receipts aud disbursements ua receiver. Tbe receipt* are given ua $2(3,55 2 10, aud disbursement* $lo<.).o'2'2 03, touting u ciab balance on baud ol $:14,5'20 07. Among the disbursements are $104,419 l'l, tbe Ural dividend to depoaitora, aud $00,(16 41, tbe aecoud dividend to depositor*. DANIEL DREW'S BANKRUPTCY. Next week bus beon Uxcd upon by the couusel for the assignee in tbo matter of tbe baukruplcy of Daniel Drew fur tbe exuninat ion of members aud clerks of tbe tiruiof Robinson. Chase .V Co., brokers, who truusncted busmen* tor Mr. Drew, and to whom he intrusted rnunj ihou.-utnl dollars' worth ol aucuritn-s. Representative* ol the lirma ol Musgruvo At Co., ketivou, Cox & Co., U. K. Runs ii Co., Webati-r A McDonnell and hall a dozes olhur brokerage concerns will be called upon to stats what bOMIM of Mr. Drew's property. Profes-ional aei-ouutaats are at work ou Daniel Drew's accounts so far as they can be not at. CUSTOM UOUSE NOTES. The nomination of Mr. James Hoffman, Assistant Cashier of the Custom House, to be Cashier, by tht Collector, wits, it Is reported, sent ou to Washlngloi last night, vice W. D. Kobiusou, deceased. The salary of Cashier Is )5,000 and Assistant Cashier $3,600. ' Strenuous otforts have been made by Messrs. J. J. O'Brien, J. U. Patterson, chairman of the Contra! Republican Committee, and Excise Commissioner Biglia, and others, to have Major Wlllard Ballard nominate! to the vueant post, out the Collector Is said to have tol! the gentlemen that Mr. Robinson, who has been con nerted with the Custbm House since the 10th of April, 1654, was lully entitled to tho position of Cashier toi his la'lhful services. A sale of nlnety-llvo hits of unclaimed goods la announced to lake pluue next weok at No. 06 Water street. Recent Treasury orders to the Cnatom Houie prescribe as follows:?Whetstones made ol emory end other substances are to be rated to twenty per cent ad valorem. Swords complete?blades, grips and scabbards?re> quiring only to be fastened together, are to be neld dutiable aa swords at forty-live per cent ad valorem. India rubber bulla, painted In colors for playing I irnmea hula dutiable as toys at Bfty per cent ad va>