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TH "WHOLE NO. 14,565. DIRECTORY FOR ADVERTISERS. 11EKALP BRANCH OFFICE. I.2B.T BROAPWAE.? OPEN l>AV AND NIOIIT FOR RECEPTION Or ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES OK PAPERS. AMUSEMENTS?2d Pack? Dl ?nd 2d col*. ABTUoLOUY-12tii Pack? Uth rol. BII.I.IAKDn?2p IVui JJ col BOARDERS WANTED? IMl Pic*-3d col. BOARD AND LoDoINU WAN I ED? 12th P*cr.-3d col. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE EOK SALE?1st PACK-Oth col. RU" I N ESS OPPORTI NIT1KX?mil UCS1NESS NOTICES-7tii Pack Oth col. CRN I ENNUI. EXHIBIT.? lrr pic?-dth col. CITY REAL estate for sale?1st Pagk?flth col. clerks AND salesmen?12th Pir.t-2d col. COACHMEN AND OAKIIKNKRS-1-th Pack?2d eoL COASTWISE sTK A MS HI PS- 12th Pack -MIi col. COUNTRY" BOARD?I-'th Pack?lid and lth . ols. DRY OOoDS?1st Pack?Oth col. european stk a Ms hi PS?12th Pace -4th and 5th col*. EUhOPK?2d Pack?d coL Excursions?12th pack?oth eoi. riiiAKCUL-Vrx Pack. i FOR SALIC 1st Pack?Bill col. FUKM8UED ROOMS and APARTMENTS TO LET? | 117t11 Pack?3d col. FIRM ri'Rfc?I'D Pack?2d col. HELP WANTED? females?12th Page?lit and 2d col i. i I HELP Wanted-MARK. ? I2tii P auk-3d col. HOUSES. CARRIAGES, AT.?1st Park?4tli ?nd 5th coll. HOTELS?12th Pack?3d c?l HOUSES. ROOMS. AO.. WANTED?2d Pack? 2d eoi INSTRUCTION ?2d PA?.k-2d col. IiO T AND FOUND?Irr PAcr-3d col. MACHINERY?1 kt Pack?Stli coL MARBLE MANTELS?1st Pack-6th col. MEDIO A L?I2tii Pack-2d col MILLINERY AND DR BSM AKIXO?1st Taob?6th col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?IOtu Pack?6th col MUSICAL?2D Pack?2d col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?"tii PAGK-?th col. PERSONAL?1?t Pack-2d and -Id cola. PIANOFORTES. oro.iNS, AC.?2d Page?lit coL POLITICAL-2n Pack?-d col. POST OFFICE NOTICE?2n Pack?2d col. I* PROPOSALS -2i> I'ai.b?2<1 col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALES12th Pack -Ut col PROPERTY OUT OP TIIF. CITY FOR SALE OR TO KENT?1st Pack?Bin col. REAL ESTATE TO kxciiA>OE-1?t Pack?6th col. REAL ESTATE WANTED?1st Pack-nth coL RKI.IOIOl S NOTICES-Irr Pack?3d col. REWARDS?1st I' col. BALKS AT AUCTION?1st Paub? 5th and 6tli cols. HtTUATIONS WANTED? FEMALES? 12th Pack?1st col. SITUATIONS WA NTED?MAl.KS?12TU Pack?2d coL SPECIAL NOTICES?1st Pack? 3d nod 4th col*. SPOUTING?DOCS. BIKDS, AC.?1st PAUK-4th col Sl'MMKR RESORTS?I2th pAUB-4th col. THE TRADES? 12th Pack 2l> col. THE TURK?1st Pack?4lh col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS rURPOSE8-I2TH Pack?3d col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?12th PAOr.-lth *nd Oth colt. UNFt KNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 1-tii Paok?3d col. WANTED TO PURCHASE?2d Pack-2i1 col. WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.-I-'tii PACK-2d col TACUTS, STEAMBOATS, AO.?IOth PAOK-Bth col. HERALD PARIS BLACK AIL. fpHE NEW YORE HERALD PARIS OFFICES AND AMERICAN READING ROOMS. 61 AVENUE DB L'OPEBA. The following 1* a Hit of the principal paper* and periodicals rcceWodnew voRj? All the Daily Papers New Tork city, Wecklv Times New York city. Weekly Albi n New Yolk rliv. Weekly Mercury New York city. M eekly Courier New York city. Weekly Nation New York city. Weekly Freeman's Jourual New York city. M e. kly Tablet New York citv. Weekly Irish Citlxen New York city. Weekly Home Journal New Y'ork city n eraiy nnnuu s .lit .-uuiu?? i ura UIJ. Weekly Irish-American New York city. Weekly Scotsman New York city. Weekly South New York city. I Weekly Na* York Era New York city. AVeekly Dramatic New* New York city. Weekly Christian Intelligencer New York city. Weekly Christian at Work New York city. Weekly Clirietinu L'niou New York city. Weekly observer New York city. Weekly Methodist New York city. Weekly Independent New York city. Weekly Hebrew Leader New York citv. Weekly Jewish Messenger New York city. Weekly Jewish Times New York city. Weekly Independent Hebrew New York city. Weekly l atent Right lasette New York city. Weekly Maritime Register New York city. Caveriey's Weekly Age New York city. Weesly Turf, Field and Farm : New York city. Weekly engineering and Minim' Journal New York city. Weekly Heart and Hand New York city. The itoad New York city. Dally Eagle Brooklyn. Daily Argus Brooklyn. Sunday Sun Brooklyn. I Daily Times Troy. Budget Albany. Argus Albany. heview... Albany. The Yonkers Statesman Yonkers. The Evening Times Yonkers. The Sunday Press Yonkers. ' Weekly Journal Yonkers. Commercial Advertiser Buffalo. Express Buffalo. Cornwall Times Cornwall. Hough Notes Klnderhook. liaiette Yonkers. Mohawk Valley Register F--rt Plain. Dally Times Bingham ton. Kings County Rural (Jazette Flatbush, L. L Spirit of the Times Ratavla. The Helping Hand Hudson. 7 Massachusetts'. Dally Herald Boston. Pailv Advert lie Boston. Daily Evening Journal. Bunion. Boston Weekly Journal Bunion. Sunday Herald ......Boston. Weekly Transcript llonnn. The Hanker Hill Tiraea Huston. Salem liaicttc Salem. New England Partner Bomon. Maasachunelti Weekly Spy Worcester. Evening Garotte Worcester. Republican Springlield. Cape Ann Advertiser Olouoeater. PENNSYLVANIA Dally Ledger I'liiludelpliin. Dally Praia Philadelphia. Daily Time* Philadelphia. Dally Inquirer Philadelphia. Daily North American and United Staten (iar.ette Philadelphia. k Daily Bulletin Philadelphia. Daily Evening Star Philadelphia. Daily Evening Telegraph Philadelphia. Daily Evening Chronicle Philadelphia. Dally Evening Itom Philadelphia. Sunday Kepuhhc Philadelphia. Sunday Despatch Philadelphia. Sunday Mercury Philadelphia. Sondav Timei Philadelphia. Sunday Transcript ,.. Philadelphia. All Da'y City Item Philadelphia. The Talagraph tierinantown. Allegheny Evening Mail Allegheny. Titnsville Weekly Herald Titiuvllle. Dally Examiner..... Lancaster. Catholic Journal.... Lancaster. Catholic Intelligencar Lancaater. Weekly Telegraph Ilarlshurg. Dally Telegraph Ilarrishurg. Evening Leader Pittsburg. Daily Commercial Pittsburg. Daily Leader Pittsburg. tsvening vuromcie. rn'soorit. Daily Despatch Wttsl.urg. Catuollc' Journal Pittsburg. Catholic Times and Dispute!! (doily)..Heading. Catholic Times (daily) Scran ton. Tamaqua Courier Tniuai|iia. Daily item Tamaqoa. NEW JEKSEY. Evening .lonrnal leraey City. Argus leraey City. i Daily Jnnrnal Newark. Somerset Gaiette Somerset. i Wooditnwn Kegister \\ oodstown. CONNECTICUT. Conneeticnt Courant llartfard. Hartford Daily Timea Hartford. Danbury Newt Danbury. New England Ledger Mer'.den. h RHODE ISLAND. Rhode Island Country Jonrnal. MAINE. INDIANA. Wi,C"T,tDally Sentinel Indianapolis. Dally Evening News Indianapolis. Evening Osteite ...Terra tianto. I DELAWARE Daily Commercial Wilmington. OlllO. Daily (iaiette Cincinnati. Dally Star Cincinnati. Daily Enquirer Cincinnati. Weekly Enquirer Cincinnati. Werkly Commercial Cincinnati. Dailv Made Toledo. Tri weekly Commercial Toledo. Morning Commercial Toledo. Pathetic luicerme Cleveland. Leader Cleyelnud. ILLINOIS. Daily Toot And Mail Chicago. l "Dally Inter Ocean... Chicago. Daily Tribune Chicago. Cairo Bulletin Chicago. The Held Chicago. I.auillurd and Tenant Chicago. t The Adeocate Chicago. The reningraph liioomingtca. lOW A. Weekly Telecraph Dobuque. WISCONSIN. The Evening Wiiconiin Milwaukee. Daily Republican Leader La Crosae. The Weekly Ih mocral Liberal La Croaae. Slate Journal Medlion KANSAS Common*calth (weekly).. Tnpeka. American Vnung Folk* Topeka. Kama* Farmer Tnpeka Investor* tiolde Ti.peka Time* Leavenworth. ALABAMA. Meteor Tuakalonea. Daily Advertiser Montgomery. Weekly Adrertiiet Montgomery. , Mobile Weekly Register.... ..Mobile. | Ar.KANSA.-v. Weekly (Duetto Little Rock. OEOROI A. Morning News Sayennah. (inquirer....... . Colnmbue. i. elegriipti and *le?i*ensrer ... Macon. Tho Farmer'* Friend Orilfln. Kl.N ft t.'KV. Dailv Courier doiirnal Lmi'uyllle. Daily l're?? l-eiingtou. MISslSSiri'l. Dally Tlmee Jackson. Daily liar,.id Ticko.nrg. Weekly Democrat Satchel. M ISSOC Kl. Daily I.lobe and Democrat St. I noil. Dauy Republican .Si. I.oma Commercial St I.on,a Weekly Tlmci St. Louia. ,/ NORTH CAROLINA. C Weokly T,me? Newborn*. NOtJTII CAROLINA. Newe and Courier chorion ten. < [E NE NET iiKitAM) p \iiis nruuv. FLORIDA. f Th? Weekly Florida Union Jacksonville. NEBRASKA. ! The Omaha Bee Omaha. ? MARYLAND. < Daily Sun Ilaltimore. ^ Daily American Ilaltimore. Daily Imaette Kaltimore. Week y Sun Haltituore. ' Journal ut Cnnimerre Halliinore. I Maryland Journa Towbontown. , TENNESSEE. ' Daily Avalanche Memphis. ,1 Daily Appeal Memphis. m TEXAS. Daily X?e? Ualveslnn. Weekly News Galveston. ' COLORADO. Mirror Denver. UTAH. Dearret Nawi Salt Lake City. VIRGINIA. ; Daily Ku(|tiirer KlrlnnoixL I <iuiUo ami News Richmond. Day Hook .Norfolk. Landmark Norfolk. a Norfolk Viriflntan Norfolk. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. | * naiiy t apitai vt usningtea. I l>uily Evening Star Washington. Daily Gazette Washington. ,J Daily Chronicle Washington. Daily Telegram Washington. National Republican Washington. Corner's Sunday Chronicle Washington. j The Sunday Herald Washington. s The Card Basket Wanhiiiuton. t The l'astitne .... Washington. ? LOUISIANA. I'icayune New Orleans. Morning Star New Orleana. z Christian Advocate New Orleans. Sunday Delta New Orleans. t IIIr Mouie .lournal New Orleans. Weekly Budget New Orleans. ^ CALIFORNIA. I Dally Reeord Union Sacramento. ^ Daily Chronicle San Francisco. Daily Evening Bulletin Sun Francisco. Daily .Morning Call Sun Francisco. j Daily Alta California ssn FraucDca. I .< News Letter San Franclaeo. t Journal of i'nnini?rce San Francisco. ! v Cotntnercial 11 raid San Franciaco. Weekly Examiner Sao Francisco. , g County Reporter Napa. I MONTANA. : u The New Noitliwcst Deer Lodge. IDAHO. 1 Idaho Weekly Stntestnnn. I INDIAN TERRITORY. n Oklahoma Star Caddo, C. II. I ' CANADA. / The Nation Toronto. I ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION. Standard and River I'lato News. Buenos Ay re*. NEW GRANADA. i The Star and Herald I'aname, C. A. I COLOMBIA. El Boletln ladustrlel Bogota. CUBA. Eoletin Commercial Havana. Havana Weely Report Havana. ; ENGLISH JNEWSI'AFEKS. Dally Tpues London. ' Daily Telegraph London. 1 Daily News.. . Lonuon. Daily 1'itll Mall Gazette London. i Daily Hour London. | Daily MornlnglAdvertiaer London. H Evening standard Glargow. Spectator Lonuon. Hullionlst London. ] 'I he Rink..' Loudon. I The Mail -Livernool. * The Daily Journal Newcastle. Daily Chronicle Newcastle, I North Brltiali Daily Mail Olasituw. Ciallcnant's Messenxer Earis. '' HERMAN NKWSEAEKKS. j * New Yorker Tapes Narlirichtro New York. -| New Yorker Deiuokrat New York. J New Yorker Bellrtristiclies Journal..New York. ? lleirnths Anseixer New York. Snnntups Nachrichten New York. I New Y'orkar Haiidela Keituux New York. J l>er Deutsche Correspondeut New York. Woelienolntt des New-York Journal..New York. ? TaElleber Baltimore VYccker New Y'ork. Koiulache Zeilunx Cologne. I TURKISH JOURNALS. 1 Levant Herald Constantinople. " Mamboul Constantinople. t EB ? N 0II NEWS 1?A I'EKS. J Message r franco-Aniericain New York. |! Bulletin New York. [ L'Abeille New Orleans. | Journal Olhciel funs. \i Figaro Earis. I Debuts Earls. \ Ordre I'aris. o Eatrie... I'uris. ? Journal de Earis Earls. n Fepir'llque Krancaise Earls. j Temps Earis. * I.atiaxette Earis. f, K-tafctte Earis, n Soir Earis. Journal des Ktranxers Eau. V ANOLO AND FRANCO AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS. k Anglo American Times London. ,1? American Register Earis. J> Anglo-American Nice. v ITALIAN NEWSPAEi-.KB. t L'Eeo d'ltalla New York. P SEAMS1I NEWSPAPERS. \ El Cronlsta (Dailyi New York. Kl Comerrlo. New York. fl L I L*. ...I.. K.U. V.,.* La Independenda .New York. SWEDISH N KWSPAPK KS. d Nordstjornnn New York. Nordeii New York. POLISH NEWSPAPERS. Knrier Nowojorski New York. FINANCIAL AND TgADE JOURNALS. , Well Street Journal New York city. Amerienn Commercial Times New York city. , American Railroad Jonrnal New York city. . Mauiifartiirers' Trade Journal New York city. Advertisers' tlasette New York city. 1 United States Ecnnomiat and Dry I Hoods Reporter New York city. The Insurance Times New Y'ork city. I The Music Trade Keriew New York city. , Kmmeti Wells' Weekly Hop Circular..New York city. I Tobacco lien!' New York city. J Wholesale Druggist New York city. ri IUuicss and Carriage Journal New Y'ork city. 1 Bonlort's Wine and Liquor Circular..New York city. | The Tottchetone New Y'ork citv. ? Billiard Cue New York city. Watch and Jewelry Trade Circular. ..New Y'ork city. d Linthiciim's Journal of New York Fashions New York city. I Bulletin and Auction Record, New Y'ork cliy. J ." award's Coal Trade Journal New Y'ork city. The Clothier and Hatter New Y'ork city. ^ till. Paint and Drug Reporter New Y ork city. I The Painters' Sign Magazine New York city. ' Tho Carpet Trade New York city. J1 The American tirocer New Y'ork city. 1 TI10 Brewers' Gazette -. ..Nea- Y'ork city. 1 The Jo'wcllers' Circular New Y'ork city. J Millinery Trade Review New York eity. h Shoe and Leather Reporter ? ..New York eltr. N The Confectioner New Y'ork city. The Millers' Journal New York city. Shipping and Commercial List and t Price Current New Y'ork city. w American Standard Register New York city. " Sewing Machine Journal New York city. .Monthly Importer New York city. js Maucli Chunk Coal Gazette Mauch Chunk, Pa. C Miner's Journal Pnttsvllla. l'a. Portage l.aae Mining Gaaotte. .Michigan. <j Mining Ret-low Georgetown. Col. 't Commercial List and Trice Current...Philadelphia Pa. ti The Bulllonlst London, huglaad. 1 AMERICAN ILLL'STRaTKD JOURNALS. A Illnstrated Weekly New Y'ork. J* Daily Graphic .New York. ,j Free Lance New York. _ Harper's Weakly New York. Harper's Bazar New Y'ork. A Lo Beau Moode New Y'ork. J] Frank Leslie a Illnstrated Newspaper. New York. ni The Jolly Joker New Y'ork. r< Frank Leslie's Chimney Corner New Y'ork. a' Frank Leslie's Budget ot Fun New Y'ork. Frank Leslie's Lady's Jonrnal New York. () Novo Mundo New Y'ork. " American Artisan New York. , Arcadian New York. Rod and Gun New Y'ork. Rural Now Yorker New York. New York Ledger New York. Oor Animal Friends. .....New Y'ork. Irish World New York. AMERICAN PERIODICALS. ? Galaxy. Harpar'a New Monthly. Lippincott's Magazine. . T he National Vuarterly Review. . Arthur's lliuairated Home Magazine. 11 Appletuo's Journal. Technological Induztrial Monthly. _ Godey's Lady's Book. , Aquatic Monthly. J American Aifrieultnriit. i; Insttratica .Journal. ? Insurance Monitor. t Coast Hesiaw ? Tbe Korniu iU* Review). ' Domestic Monthly. Deiuorest a Illustrated Portfolio. Detnoreat'a Illustrated Monthly. ^ l|]n-lriiled Ifbnsehold tla.'uiua. Hankers' Maesritie. how York Insurance Chrnniele. The Hub American Dbaekar Player. EUROPEAN PERIODICALS. La Rani Gautala Brussels. DIRECTORIES. 1 Parta Diractorr. London 0 rectory. United States Business Directory. Trow'a Now York City Directory. Lam's Brooklyn Directory. rj liopsill's Philadelphia City Director*. | Philadelphia Dtrei tory. /" Itoatoii Directory. -t. I.onh Directory. , Clercland Directory, i'ittabnrg Directory. I'inrinnati Directory. T Directory. | Detroit Directory. Milwaukee Directory. San Francisco... Directory. 1 New Orleans Directory. J Murrain Director*. , f.onlaviIle Directory. | District of Colnillbla . Directory. pr.u MIAL. S? PhKMOlT' VfliiPtAN <ilt K 'i.VFtiftMA'ffoN about Mr Loria. of Brownsville. Texas, wbo was loat on steainor Veruna, between New York and Oeireatnn. on October Jt>. If7". will b? suitably rewarded by addressing A J. BLOMBBKd lTJi'hnrch at... New York, or JEANKTTK I.OltlA. Shifferatadt, Bavaria. 1 TJtVKR DAKI.INO WIFE?PIT I f WITH ALL FOR t Jj my sake; It will be a short time . pity nr. p PROSPECT PARK AND WALL BTKEET. ? /a ROBERT. BOMBER1.1. PEER MOMER (79 | I r. Weat Hooaton st , New Terk) a-t il blen diirero son poRaon * PIE HOC III NUB J sMim DODOR WILL BE IN BIB OPftCB THPBB ] . days. Fridaya and Saturday! only lor July. Augaat and o Heploinher. IU to 3. i ^JYEKS-iCALL AT J'J 4TH AY.; IMPORTANT. J. J OLD COINS?WILL TIIK TWO LADIES PLEASE call again iu reference to ?ld colna. at 47 and 41) L'nlrerslty place, arid oblige* PBT?WRITE MF., CARK OF CHESTNUT STREET " Theatre , am torry I could not reply to yourt of tha 3d 1 lust. I. J W YO V YORK, SATURDAY, JU PERSONAL. rHK oUntlemax is caruiaoT whi*'if~ brokk i di>M-n (ho young nuu'k buggy on the Mound in O* trnl I *urk Thursday afternoon will confer ?n honorable furor br I cnulns Lib addrv a to II. L>. S., Herald I'piowu liranrh lUcc. 11' 11.L H l? MAK1B I'KlhKSKN. Will) WaA in co ; n pmliagen winter ot 1S74A ideate toud her present iMmiile Um Misd ?Im mlclid htr t . i 7 ham Sot beard arytiiino okTkrSonTn ' r J# black tinoe Ilia return, and at lenut tidlcilt the lator I t being allowed to a<ik pardon lor the error of U?t Wedtiee- ! j 5t 1 lO?aw. VTIUL BK IN TOWN TODAY iHATUR l )?/, day): nnreriniu where to go next; probnbiy will j i are next Friday I i ?'*/<* 1/' 14)1 - X f I'l I < ' IT w 1 ! ' AT WASHINGTON sol? A RE METHODIST EPISCO 1 lb pa! Church?Rev. William Llojril. Morning. "Ood'i wecteninic Troc for Life'* Hitter Waters." Evening. "Tho ircainesx of GihI'm Merry, Communion in the morning. 4 XIEUK AN FltKK ('Til KCH. UNIVERSITY BUILD- ' ,1 ing. Washington square.-R? v. C. P. McCarthy at II. The Letter Killeth." Ac. : evening at K, "The Bible's Diine Inspiration." i RRMAKKAHLI PKOPHCOI -BISHOP SNOW" (timl'* ?p vial in esse infer) will preach In the Medical 'ollege. l?:id >i. and 4th a v.. ??n Sunday at '< IV M. Subject, iauiah'a Message Concerning America,** Sent* free. \LI. SAINTS* ITIOTKSiANT PTTSM?OPAL" CHURCH (Rev. William Dnnnell, rector). Ilcnrv *t., corner of oammel. New York.?Services everv Sunday morning at , 0 :.'iO and every Sunday evening at 7 The rector will ; reach. IT PLIMPTON hall, rirffi univbrbalibt fV Society.? v veraion tr.r the hot weather; a para bio; The Voyagers, or 1 he Stream of Time " Services at 11. A T FREE '! AHKKN4CLK METHODIST EPISCOPAL I 'V church. Wc't B-lth at., between 7th an-l H|h nva.? | reaching by tho p^ator. Rev. .1. Johns Morning- Subject, ieheiniah. ill. S. hvoniug?.Subject, i. Tho?a .Ionian*. v.. Meat* free. \T BP RING 8TKRET PRKhB YIK Kl A N CHURCH.? Tho >er ice* of Ordination and Installation of Rev. ilfrvd I!. Mmnent. ut Primctm College, a* pastor, will kc place Sabbath evening, at 7 :l.~> I* M. The ifev. J. I). fiNon. of tho t'cntral clinch; Kev. Mr. i'hapon. of Greene 1 reel chnrcli, and lie . Joseph Wild. D. !>.. of the CongrcHtioualict clurtli. Brooklyn, taking part in the ceremony, tli the oht uifuii.e.a and luunds oi the cungregation aro oarestiy invited to be prenont with ub. I > 1.!; ii K ? R s r RI I T UnTvEIW a I iiSl "51 rK7ROR, IJ corner of Downing at.?Rev. l'hebe A. Maun a lord will reach tomorrow morning, at P>:4"j. Subject?"Songs of )ehverancc.)' No evening service. 1IIKIST cnuirn. :.TH a v.. co'knkii tviii sr. J Rev. Dr. Jsred H Plagg will preach morning and even | uk. Sort ices In1,j A. M. and 7 :4.'> I'. M. "1HCHCH OF OCR SAVlOt rt ~ (Sixth I'ni versali-t Society), r?7tli mi., near Nth av. lame* M. i'lillninn, pastor. Sunday murnuiK at II, "The Higher Ministries of Life." No evcniDg service. rVR. ARM IT Ai 11!. I'A.VrOH. I'IKfH aVi.NI'K II lI'TIST I " church. West 40th at., will prcuch Snndu.v morniu,' at >)? o'clock. Subject?"Sealed to Kodomption." Alt coriall> welcomo. [>IHST BBrOKVKD BPIKCOPAL OITURI5h, XADI r sou av, and-17th st.?Divine nervices at 10:3o luoruliii? nd 7:4.rt evening. Rev. Willium T. Saoine, rector will i reach. Pkee baptist church. wni sr.. near tmi hv. Iter. Mr. Kowell. pastor, will prcseh at 10jg, 'Walking in t'hrist," and 7?.?, "Eittle Tilings." r\PEN ALL SUMMER.-CHURCH OF THE STRANG ers. Mercer st . near Waverloy place. Rev. Dr. Deems . to preach to morrow, at 10 :J0 A. M. and 7:4A I'. M. All cats t se. IJKV. SAM L'EL M. IlTMILTOhTPASTOR OK SCOTCH IV Presbyterian church, 14th St.. between 5th nnd Oth vs.. will preach to morrow nt 10 did A. M. DEV. J. iT LIUHTBOURN WILD PBBACU IN I7TH I i> st. Metliodi-t Episcopal church, between 1st and I'd avs. objects?Morning?"It Is Finished." Evening?"The Immortality ill Character." I |)KV. J AMhS M KrNtTVMI.LT PRKACII IN THE ST. IV John's Mctlioilist Episcopal church, Sid St., near Broadray. morning and evening. 1 Tea cliff- union camp-meeting, in the 1 J groat Tabernacle, commencing Saturday evening, Nth int., to continue ten dare. Rev. J S. Willis will preside. ' 'lie rollowing ministers are expected to preach next week :? i tev. Dr. Armitage. Bishop I cater : K. II. Tyng. 'r.. D. D.: i I'illmm Lloyd, Frederick Brown: William Butler. D. D.; I >r. Duncan, ot the Methodist FpDcopal Cliurch. South: Ciihnm C. Steel. J H. Light bourn. James M. hlnic aud there. Hev. John M. Reid, 1). 1). ; (teorre Lansing Taylor, ' nd J. M. Thoburn. missionary from India, will preach to- < lurrow. The singiug will be conducted by T. t. Perkins, l*q.. assisted by Professor Schribor with the cornet. Tho j lentner General Sedgwick will leave wharf next to Fulton , 'rry. Brooklyn, daily, at 9:15 A. M.; Grand at.. New York, < t9 30. and Slid st. at 9:S0 A. M. * , JTANTON STREET BAPTIST CHURCH.-WILLIAW j J llayne Leavell. pastor, will preach at I0;.'to A. M. ; sublet, "Death Preferable to Birth" At 7:45 P.M.; sub- \ ?ct. "The Goodness and Severity of God.'* Strangers in- , M 'T. IGNATIUS CHURCH?40TU ST., BBTWBBN Sfk j j and 6th avs. Services 7 A. M.. lo'^-ll (choral), 5 P. I. (chorah. The Rev. Mr. Noyes will officiate during July. rHK COLLKt?1 ATE RK FOKM K DDL TO 11 IDUTKCH BS at Latavette place, corner of 4tli st.; 5th av., corner of 9th st . and 5th av , corner of 4*th st., will all ho open for ivine service at tho usual hours on Sunday. July 9. lH7fl. IjO.nT AKD riii \D. LOST-ON "WEDNESDAY N1GIIT,'JULY 5, IN" A Pullman sleepiug car, between Washington and Jersey 'ity. a yellow leather Travelling Bag, marked "C. r. H." n the side. A liberal reward will be given aud no qnesion* aakml if returned to WOODWARD, BALDWIN & CO., i and 45 Worth . FO0T?YK8TRRDAY, IN BROOKLYN ORNEW YORK* [J stone out cf Seal; crest, a thistle; motto above* Cave;" a reward will bo given. Address 11. 8., box ISO lerald office. f OST^A SATCHEL MARKED P. 8., (>N BROADWAY* \J between 55th and 2Ild sts.. on Thursday afternoon. A sward wi.l be paid fur its return to 51 and 5B White st. f OST-ON THUR8DAY, A irUKCkToN~THR MARKET IJ National Bank, dated July 5. to order, unindorsed; avment of which has been stopped. A reward of |L? will e paid for its return to the person to whose order it is rairn at No. OS Wall fct 0?T.?REWARD for THE RETURN OP A BLACK lJ Memorandum Book, ot no value but to owner. WM. O. HOWARD. 804 M nr. ' U8T YKSILKDaY. ON BROADWAY. BBTWBBN J -j;M and M5th sts., a Photograph of lady in black. The inler will be liberally rewarded by leaving it with tbe jani- i ir at No. 4 East 23d St. [ 08T?ROW BOAT "KATIE," XI FEET. IRON OAR IJ locks; outside, light drab, red stripe ; Inside, light green ; ad cushion* and ours, lie ward paid on return to W. MILL PR. loot 110th st.. Kast Rtvr hkVvARbb. fr RKWAK6.-L<VsT. t)N TlfU K.rtDAY, JULY li. A 5U bale Key, No. :0.:i7K; ?ir.e. !i H. JACKSON, 477 I'eitrl It., New York. ii n hxwaeld.?l0?t. a phy8i0ia1c8 yisitlko ' >LU li.i H HI I'I'l . M. P.. 1J7 Thompson ?t. I il o RBWAKD will BB PAtO FOB A BHD IRISH \ *1"/ Setter; haa white no.e, white Feet and white on re chest: answers to the name ot I)on. K. W. bONNEONN, 414 Brontwny. _____ ?t>/\"kkwahii.?i.nsr, about i ocloik. wiiii.b Rolnir from I'ark ula-e and Chambers ?t., ? roll of Ilia, if r.-turued to FREEMAN A WOODRUFF the finder III receive the strove reward. I > -o REWARD?LOST IN PHILADELPHIA, JULY i 4, lK7d. uold Watch, hunting ease, Ilfnry Capt i laker. No. i'rt.Hrt, monu.ram L. 1,. S. on rase. The above ward will lie paid on the above daaerihod wateli heinit lelt I t No. .7(1 Weat Jth st.. New York. No questions asked. I S P10CI Alt NOtlCBk. , AMERICAN oBOORAPHICAL SOI IKTY. ? i. 81'IM IAL MEETING AT CllICKEFtING MALI/, comrr 18th st. and 1th av., ' MONDAY, duly I". 1 41 8 I*. M. I RECEPTION OK DOM PEDRO D'AI.UANTA :A. (Empororof Rrsrll). DR. A. PKTKKMANN, of Gotha. the German Geoaraphev. . Dft A. E. NORDKXKK.IOLD. ol Stockholm. the Arctic ' xplorer. DK. C II. BP.RKNDT, tlia Cenirsl America* Ethnologist. A paper will lie read by llr. Ilcrrndl on the ' lianpr iphal Distribution of the Ancient ( antral Americnn Cirllixn ons," and sihlresse* made by Kev Dr. Adama. Dr. i. I. yea. Bayard Taylor. I ha I'reidUar.t, and others. fcLIAS K. HA 1,1.. Recordinir8ecratary. j j i RBBPKCTAJILK LAWYBR Of KXPRKIKNCR, I , \ being about to reside In California. would undertake : 1 ny business ol a le^ai character In that State. Address OOD REFERENCES. Herat I office. -ISAAC tt. BOYok DtTBIOAUWAY LaWYKR.? i Divorce* obtained promptly, without publicity:, Incnmpatibliity. habitual drunkenness. inndrllty. mumau treatment, conviction of lelonr Paasport* obtained. 4 ?ROYAl. HAVANA LOITKKY. A, Klrit prire $IUO.?**\ Next drawing. .luly l">. P.oynl German (iovarninant Lotteries, Otic prlie to every two ticket*. Poll explanatory circular! free. I HI N*?<?u at. I tiihoiMiiti*. zsonorn. i ?PARKS. EMBRAO NEC O. V- Kentucky 2ti/a Lotteries, drawn dally. * Koyal H*v*a? l,uJ*er) , drawn e?erv 17 dar*. Kentucky Single Nu.nber Lottery, drawn July 29. 1978. I Prise* caahed. Information lurnisbed and circular* free. Aodreta as above. 181 Broadway, room A 1 ?SMirirs KENTUCKY >IAIK I.OITI-.KIBC J. avettn ar. KXTaa rt.ay*S27?roa IHTtl. I. 27, 68, 41. .'8, 8, 60. .14, 38. 87. 61. 69. 8 sks rccxr, clam 628 ?roa 1878 K6, 88 SO. 47. -4. Ml, 37. ret. 32, ti \ 7. SR. a; enter* edereia B. HAT BAN, i ** i Broadway. VIHEABKR "I MP. \ SPECIALTY. " / IIKMtY A. DANIELS M D.. 144 Iwxla;ton ad., ' e*r 29th ?t. Office bour* Irom 8 to 3. 7>LEC! KICITY APPLIED ON ANv'PAtV-BlsBOTRtO J ilalh* applied at Mile. HANSON'S. 418 4th *v. f aUCBIRi BROTHERS, Cotton Broker* and General Commlasion Merchant*, 10 William at , New York. I A VAN A I.(>TT K K y7?N E XT IIKAWINli JULY IS. 1878, $(*> i.CW In prises. Addrea* It. MARTINEZ A O., Banker*. loWall ?t.. haaement. New York. Spanish v old and Havana bank bill*bought and sold; draft* on Ha- t ana Issued. 7 ?CHRONIC CATAKMII. DKAPNR8B: 1MPROVBD method , Instantaneous relief permanent enre*. ' Dr STODDARD. No. 8 Wett 14lb*t. \ K.VI L'CkY SI A1 K siNOLK LOTTERY V. SIMMONS A DICK I N SON'S ? Draws J uly 2D eveiy , tbar lickut a prise. For circulars address J. CLUTK, 163 t niton st. I TK.VrUCKY STATE LOTTBKIK.H DRAWN DAILY. \. Kentucky Siste Grand Distribution drawn Jnly 29. 30.330 prises out of SO.ISSI llrkela. < Whole tickets. $10; halves, $." . pearlers. ?'J 7i(>. I Royal llavsns Lottery? IIrand Drawing Jnly 16. i Address all urdera lor ticket* to JACKsON A CO., Hankers, 3fO Ilroadway, New Yefk. I IUENKKD VENDER* CAN RE SUPPLIED WTTII A ) t Li ataple article of ready tale at ! Barclay at., up alalia. | i RK H LY 8, 1876?TRIPLE SI I EI si'Kd.vii BtrtiCMM. ! vro. a-'NOTit'B :? MAUVNfcKH. -.1 Iriiib liirlitlioiiM'K, eini conki of Irelnnri. Alterations not utMitioii* in tlia liuoruje of Uurford, Kith, It: tan Lights Oikhk. Di'iiliji, June in, 1876. The Commissioner* of Irish Lights hereby give notice thnt I the chances In the buoyage of the above mentioned hanks. I notified by twOm in February last, have lukeu place, ?nU the buoys are in the following positions ? ISi V.-ird North Bnoy is a first elass conical buoy, with Mad and globe. pniute-J black au.l white checkered an before, and in liie tame position. Bur ford South Buoy Is >biftod (io4 cable to the weatward of its former position, painted the same color t* hitherto, but the stuff and globe Is removed, rnoored in four and a half fathoms. 1 The Kish, Bray and ( odliug Banks wiii tn future be eon- * tide red as one danger. ! And the following alterations are made in the buoyage;? ! ? Kish Bank. North or No. 1 Buoy. j I A first clas* conical buoy, painted black, with staff and i globe, marks the northern extremity of these banas. Its I ^ position li "in- ?'>ir \ \ w '2 vs ..t liififfntf petition, moored iu six fathoms water. I f Kish Hank. No. 'J. l A first class can bnov. painted black. Its position Is:? Bailey lighthouse N. by \V. VV. Mapas Obelisk, N VV. by W., W esterly. ( Kish Hank, No. 8. I A first class enn buoy, painted ulack. is moored in about | seventeen lathnms water, in a position K. by S. >, S., six , cables Irnm thu position of the first c'ass conical huoy tor- , inrrly marking the south end of the Kisli Bank, which buoy is removed nd has the following cotupass bearing* :? , Maps* Obelisk, N. \V. '4 N. (treat Migurloat, VV. by N. Kish Hank, No. *1. A first class can bttpy, pointed black ; i* moored in aboifl eight fathom*. Its compass bearings are a* follows:? n tireat . Migsrloaf. X. W. uy VV. \ VV. < Wick low head. S. VV. l4 VV., Westerly * 'I he first class can huoy. painted with black and white vor- t. tical stripes, formerly mark! g the east side ot Codling Hank, has Iveu removed. I KlVn Bank. s. 12. Extremity, or No A first class conical buoy, puiuied black, without staff and j globe, is placed on the south extremity of thu Co llitlg Bank. Compass bearings are as follows:? J - ureal susarioaf. .V \>. \y >\ Wlcltlow Head, S W. 1?v W. West, Westerly. KthI? hank, S. vV. Kvtremit\ or No 0. A Out cl;t>s conical buoy, without flat! an I glob*, painted black uud urhtla vertical stripes, is moored in aht,ui twenty i rnibotin entor. Compius t>oariur? ur-n* follow*:? t (treat Kuifarioof, N. \\ W Wick low Head. S. \V. l,| S, i 1 The South tfldge and India iinnk will in future oc e n ' I side red as oiiu danger. J < South Kidico and India Hunk. ; 1 The north end ??f the Ridge i* marked with a flrot class j i ronlcm buoy, with atair bud globe, paint" I with black and * white hori/.ottfal wands, and moorcu in about eight fathom*. I The compass hearings are mm lollows :? ) rcat auvuttlouf, N W. by N. 1 Wicklow Head Lighthouse. S. W. hv W. \ W. 'Ihe Nouth end ot the Itidi.i Hank Is mai led with a brut 1 rluaa conical bouy. without staff and globe. p tinted witu ' black and white horisental hands. Its position i*i ( real Hugarloaf. N. N. W., Westerly. I Wicklow Head Lighthouse, \V. 34 .*> 1 These hearing* nro magnetic awl front the buoy*. I This noticu ii to he substituted fur that issued In in thii < oflice in February, 1870. i Hy order. WM. LKKS, Secretary. \TKKVl>U8 EX HA U8TION. K MEDICAL Is>av j 11 comprising a series of lectures delivered at Halm's < Museum of Anatomy, New York, ??n the cause nud cure of } Premature Decline, showing indisputably how U at liealilt | j may be regained, affording a ciear synopsis of the inipedi- j menu to marriage and the treatment of nervous and physl- , cal debility, being the result of 20 years' experience. Price 25 cents. Address tho author. Dr. L. J. KAllN. oflice and j residence hi East 10th it., New York. ' i\ ?OFFICIAL DRAWINGS KKNTCCKY STATE LOT- 1 V? terles.?SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Managers. KENTUCKY, KTTRA CLASS No. 410?Jl I.Y 7. 1S7(J. 81, 68, 39, 23. 41. 5, r?:j, 30. 45, 4, 7. 5I?, 49, 15. H KENTUCKY, CLASS NO. 420?JULY 7. 1870. 68, 55. 73, 28, 74. 07, 8. 44, 23, 19, 45, 36. HKNNY, rXTKA CLASS NO. 319?JULY 7,. 1*70. 43. 63. .*0. 14. 3. 38. 40. GO. 49. 8. 9. 1 HI SItY. CLASS NO. 320 - JULT 7. 1876. 30, 29, 17, :trt. til, lU, 71. 8. 1 Full inform Ht ion by apply in# to or addressing J. CLUTK | " ft CO., 2O0 Broadway. rear room, first floor. O-taUMXM IN I'HIZKS?l-VKRY OTHER TUrKBTA ! I prise.?SIMMONS ft DICKINSON'S Single Number i Kentucky State Distribution, to be drawn July 29, 1876; prizes out of 50.000 ticket*: also Royal Havana to I t?e drawn on July 15. 187rt. J. CLUTK ft CO., 200 Broad* way, rear room, first floor. ORDERS TAKEN FOR CLEARING HOU8R0 OF ALL , J kinds of insects, and the preparations sold wholesale and retail at II. S. DANZIUEK'S office, ;>7 Bowery, basement. rIOYAL HAVANA UlTT8RY.-SSU0.000 WILL BE I C drawn on July 15. I'ri/.es cashed: orders filled: infor- j; matioii tiiruisbed; highest rates paid for Spanish bills, gov- n Brntnents. ftc. TAYLOR ft CO.. Bankers. No. II Wall st.. New York. ^OMETHINC NKW.-ItllODK ISLAND CLAM BAKB | ^ Crounds, 59th at., between 6th and 7th avs.; Eastern I ] .Mams in New York and Rhode Island stylo every afternoon md evening. 1 AMAK JNDIRN-A LAXATIVE FRUIT LOZKRCML i agreeable to take; specific remedy for constipation anu ts consequences. F. <1KI CLOT. 27 Rue Rambateau, Far!*; lepot, CASWELL. HAZARD ft CO., New York. $300,000.- zr" J Kentucky Suite Distribution j Drawr., Saturday. July'JO, ; 30,.130 prises. Kir.t prlr.B, $.'3,000, Other. tram $2U,lOOto $100. I Send for rircular. j Tli'aets,>ftt;>', Qoartors, SJ 30. j TUOMAS 11. HATH A CO.. I ti'J7 Hruailwny. TUIKD LOUISIANA8TAT K GOLD DISTRIBUTION' New Orleans. July Jit, 1876. $">OJ..r>00 IN GOLD DISTRIBUTED. 30,000 tickets; $V> currency; coupon. In proportion. For Information, Ac., apply to WILLIAMSON A CO. | Prises cashed at lliia oflice. 317 llroanway. New York city. SPORTING?UOUl, III una, <Vi . FlOlt HALF. OR r.XCH ANGK?A THOROUGHBRED 1 .*?ette" Doir, in niiuiihs old; beautifully marked; price, i PMI; or would trade with a Shnrpe's )oii|r range Creeonioor Rifle. Address box 55 Fost oflice, Fort Richmond, S. I. g T>OOL8 SOLD THIS AFTERNOON AT NEW YORK ] ( A Turf* Exchange. 15 West 28th st , on llartford vs. Chi 1 rago. Athletic vs. Cincinnati, St. Louis vs. Hostou, Mutual | l vs. Louisville. *IKBERT ft McCLOUD. W~ANThD CHEAP?TO IIIKfb OR FURCHA8K7~A I Ren in ,'ton or Smith ft Wesson Sporting Rifle : also breech loan in it Shotgun. Address, with particulars, K. II. i B . Herald office. s THE TI KF. i \l< THIS AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD ALLDAY AT " New fork Turf Exchange, 15 and 17 West JHtli St., ?n | \ the I-oii;; 1 ranch running ace* ; French pools. $J and I'rompi attention given order* by mail or tne.senrer. KELLY. HI.LSo A CO. Vl'CTH If?FKhNC 11 AND C OM HI NATION POOLS f sold tliii day at JOHNSON'S Rooms, corner Broadway I ' sud .'iMtli 4., on llie races at Long Hranrli nnd all ball ' <sine?. Frinch tickets. $3 and combination tickets. $3. J; All orders ly mail or messenger will receive particular at- , leniM.n. T. H. .1 OIINsON. ' 1* oNtTBiANrii-BACKS * J JULY 1, 4, U, 8, 11. 13, 1.1 and 15. THUS. MURPHY, J IV*. E. Rartroit, President. lecretary. Boat eatf* pier h at 9:45 A. M. and special boat from root of 24tbst. at 10:45 and pior 8 at 11 A. M. ^ARATOIA RACIM> ASSOCIATION ROOMS, "" J 0 No. 1,2:59 Broadway. J Auction and French Mut.iel Fools sold every day -* ind eveuirg, on Momnotnh I'arK races and upon the | \S roneral remit of the Presidential election and on ( ** die result m the State of New York, also upon all , -* he principal sportfntr events in the country. Ordom j I >r inquiries from anv part of tho United State* by mail 1 .*f >r otherwise, will receive the moat thorough and fouipt at* % icollsR JOHN MOKKlsHBr k CO. ]l ,J,ATIElfSkI.L'S TL'ltl' ACiKNCY, 1.227 HHOADWAY? j w 1 'I ha iiMtast and coolest room in the city ?Auction and | * French Poos v$l tickets* ou all event*, llooks on allim- 111 sortnnt racit. No combination pools sold here. $5 ou our ^ French pooli pay : P. I/orillard, $11 15; Ballet. # 19 4**. I w McDoUUALL A CO. I j ft^E?S?. CAHRIAttKh. " J A NY PRISON WANTING A FIRST CRASS PAIR OP in ii rarriaie Horses, luto from the country, 15\ hands, 8 rears old. stand and kind, call ou or address OoODWIN, L iio-tsraore louse, Broadway. 42d ft., three days, from Hi ^ K M. to 2 1* M.; will be sold at some price, as I base to tsv6 tha 0V. | N 4 'i!. vi ,i:\ian'> BKOvTh road mark. :> YIaM of a i old; trtn fa*t. Can be *eeu iu fleet* ood track stables. ' ? i qn ra (,?r lr. WM. BROOKS. J X| t PoTmlS si nks HORSKtR HCTrXBLfc FOR dr .'\ . farm I tr. grocery or any bnslaeae; price, $35 to$l3.?. i Hit South f4i av.. near Grand it. | T lo wiRK HOIiftRS. MIM Hi; SOLD WITHOUT | 22 'egar. to price. t'allnt57 Great J ones *t. flu VNKW A Nit TWO HKCO.SII HAND COT PBS AT I ?" barcala 111 n?w anil >?ronil lian.l top Hucffiin and ! ro 'baetoaa attost; Wagons to let 094 aa t 4 TO pi ND ofKKPONY ril AX TONS. BXTBRKIOaX ' ?V To pi aetons; Ton and Open Depot Wagons; 2U Top | ind open P|ad Wagons. Vv best city r abort; Geffrey's Sal- I V.? eya. In aiweights; Harness of all styles; Sheets. Rap i Just era, Wlips. Nets. Ac. rr WILLIAM 11. G l.A Y. and 22 Wooster at. J'J ^ -^ec?ndTiXnd cXnkiaobs7 ~~ * Latlau, high wheels, very light, nearly new, * Bret, suiianie for country use. bigh wheels, *l Rod it w a v for six perrons, in splendid order, | *u' hurt Curt on four wbeeW. ?nr unik*. lio.l Wagon, with ?ertiml *tael pUte in atfBfc j V J if BRKWhTKH A CO.. ; J Yareroonv 6th ar. and 21?t at. of Uf?ta sL. j |,u \!f Mv'AIV FITK HORVE8~ MUITABUI FOR ,,r iarrtiif or miv bn**ne?fi purpoM; trial allowed Ap- ' * 11 In v 70 and 178 Ho??i y j y VDT^K (IRAY MARK, BAY WORKHORSE, f' ? mnr and hi. d. fnp Hi my. IUrni?M. 01 Canal it. , \ i;hauk to hi;y uhkap-two i.k.ut i-Tiak- j *? ,'Y ti?n?.un? mat* fonr pTiom . Inll apriug ten Wagon; Ki via Knr ip (l--? lb*.) Head Wagon. all nearly new; beat ga Hjr nakn rrlmlc "tablf f?7 l-.aai "'Id el. ?4 ? (LAVIN(rt;ITY) KLKOANT Tor POSY PHAE- ]V iV? ton.wng low. !at?**t atria, pet hay Pony, Unmeet, HI <??he, Ac. ,t?"?0. Hock away, f? '?. 511 7th a*., near iffHh at. Pa VVKR STYLISH UK AY MAItF, 15W HANDS IIIOH. 1 ' 6 yew old, beautiful Urlrer; n t afraid of anything; \ rarranterikinnd and kind. also handsom<> top 1'nny i'has- JV on, coat tip): great bargain. No. West Kith ?t HI 111 - ' ' I hoi l RADt.?', MAKK. IT IlANHS IIIUH. WAKKANTKD Hi fY aeerWaT; ?i?n Imported Xoiluli Saddlo nut Brtiilo, I Hh ogrthpr f separately. at No. "2' H West IKkli et. ? ?10 Vauons. fhom ??i fiu for kx- V /V. prts Kroeers. Inkers. butcher , milk., delivery, bust- IV iras i.od alvetlising, ai 11 AGON m ANU FACTORY, 39M hi IfllH et.| . HP A B A M AIN IK SOLD THIS DAY-BAT IIOKsK, ? ^V. l.">)iainds. 7 years; alylleti. good roadster; kind In \i ill bkrne>; warranted sound . Wood Gibson llameaa. top j A*, ' BS.'iU. mat f'.kui, .. good aa new, separate >" f'rei|Oire Htalile lilS Wont :i|ai ?t ('o BROWAIOKMK. Ifl HANDS HIUH. 7 ISAM OLD} tml kmifnd trim In all harness, ir*e from vtre; lady or Cn liild rai?D?o him , fears nothing. IIarneas, light Kipreai, pui be.: Kip bad Wagon*cbtao. led Cherry li, lite York. lie ERA MUM, OAMUACUH. ?'. At bahkku .v MOK't. CI TV AI'CTION MAKT AND NKVV VOKK TATTKRSALIj'S. C((KNKll OK Hro**lwnv and :it>th it. M V.I OR CHaKI.KS W li A ItK KIt. AlVTIO.VKKK KKOCI.AK SALKS every Wednesday and >aiurday. TWKNTY KOUK hour* allowed fur trial. THK (IN'-Y driving Dark in tlia Mat*.; ok sai.k this day AT 11 O'UMICK, lioirinninc ?ith THK THIRD EXTKAOKDINARY SAI.K OK Till', futeit Or en Trnttrr* in America, THK I'KOKI- KTY ol COL. C. C Bl'KNS. of Henderson county. Kentucky, AND comprising PRN TIFAD, consisting of the bur Mare Alex inder't Norman; can nbow a J .'.HIUAIT Tbe gray lie!'1 ng JSOW HTOKM. 10 high ; can trot in 2:33 The cli<>er?.nt elding sol"! RRh L ; can trot in 2 :.H\ ['.levant pair of I<> ligb bar COA()U HORSES ami the balance the heat broke ot of combined SADDLE and driving Hornet offered to lie public iu pome time. All warranted sound and kind Dl'KINd YESTERDAY thin Mock wna rode alter and il'libbKI) by a large number of gentle men, and were proiiMinred even FASTER than ??piearnted. CATAUHirKS. with full pedigree*. at sale IMMEDIATELY AFTER abnre, the entire balance of ? ATTAIN tiKhltilK I) II AN NAN4 unequalled Kentucky ot. c?nat?tin*?r SIX I1KAD of the laatem UHEKN TR? ?T PKHH. family, road and saddle horaea, and cnmprialng the ?ick out of twenty head; all warranted wound and kind and ill to be closed out WITHOUT KAIL to the highest bidder. TOT DKTOT Wagon, n"arlr new, built by Webb, prop rtv of the late William Hart*on, Jr. : scats four. TOT TONY Thaeton, by Howard. LAR(*E LOT new anu second hand Harness. TIIK BEAUTIFUL combined Kentncky bred bay saddle md harness mnre T v* IN IvLK. Oanley ^trader's American lav. .1 r . 15'., high. 7 yeara old; roes all known gait* under addle; fine iu harness; h*.i trotted in 2:33, and is sold to lose ati estate. TWENTY OTHER top and no top Road Wagons; Depot, ixpresH. liti.dnes* Wagons, Carriages, Ac. SEVER v L OTHER Horses. FULL DKSUIII TTION at aula. SALES N EVER postponed on account of weather. \ ?MAJOR I'H AS. \V. BARKER. AUCTIONEER. THE STEED WARRANTED. THE STEED OK EVERY HORSE Ul' A RAN TEED AND SHOWN COLONEL T. J. CONNELLY, of J13 Queen at.. Herman own. Til., announces his fourteenth grand sale of the \\STESr OKKK.N TRO ITKRS In the world, Jurt arrived ront K'.NTUl'KY. to take place at BARKfili V sttN s 'if v Auction Mart and New York TntteraalTs. corner of trondway and 39th at., on Wednesday next, July 12. at II Tciurk, and comprising TEN llEADof the richest bred in America, consisting of hay uiaro IILOSSOM, 13 high, oaled 'Ht?9, got i>v Lewis' \f?*lb mirno. can heat 2:40; c'.iest?ut gelding FA>f FRIEND, 13?^ high, foaled 14811, got bv Iktivoy'i (tolddiist. ran bent 2 :4U single or drtiblv : I.lark riding t A SIM), ! hitrb, fouled I860, pot by Mam?riin?. ran trot in 2:40; black mare LADY I1RKR, 10 hip!), foaled ISRft, pot by Claybrhio; ran boat 2 4'i; roan Gelding GOLDXOH, 1H liiph. foalod 18HR: pot by Sur,i1hr; can beat 2 :4'' and trot quarters in lis seconds. Pvir *)av Geldings TOM AND JKKKY. 1?'4 high. foaled H*W; rot by Alexander's Hay Chief: are one of the most extraordinary matched teams in tho country: groat style, action and appearance : can trot in : 10. brown Gelding II AID VKY, 1H high, foaled 18/1; put by Forest King; can trot lose to M minutes Above aro all warranted sound and kind, and are now on exhibition at tlto mart tor trial. 1/OLoNJSL CONNELLY request* everybody to come and RIDE HEIII.ND and TEST HIE SPEED and driving qualities of uny of the lot BEFORE the time of sale. Catnogue* at the Spirit of the Times office, or at tho mart. Sale without rra>rve or postponement. pilKAP PONY Bl'lLT HOUSE. NEW TGP~EXPRESS 17 Wagon and Harness, together or separately. No. 124 Weat l'th st. EpXPRKHH WAGON*.?TWO LAUOE EXPRESS OR J Furniture WaKontt tor a tie ; In fair couditiou. Apply at 142 Pearl st. CTLEaANT LIGHT ROCKAWAY8, $140: PHAETON8, Fi $110; BuggieM. $140; Depot Wagoua, $115; cut under KockawavK, Ac.; Harness, every description, substantial ind stylish. $10 to $2?K>; Lap Dusters. Nets, Horse Cloth up; Bottom prices. JOHN MUiiiiM, 37 tvurren it. Fior hack - a Fair op small bhetland ponies; kind, sound; Harness. Wairnns. Sleigh. SMddle, Blankets, complete. Address SHETLAND, KUtahelh, H. J. UH>R BALR?A FOCRIN HA5 |TDSAO. APPLY TO r Mr. BROWN, No. 1 Hum 3Hth , t. I7IOR HACK-ONE KIM, SI'll I Nil TOP-wagon, 1? pole And shaft* ; And one side bar lop Wagon, pole ami diafts; tioili nearly new. 137 West 51st at. tpofl SACK ONK HA V IIOitSK, 15\ II AXi>S~H Diliin a pood pole horse, can beat 2:40; one sorrel Mure. 151., hands high, poml polo mate, ran aliow 2 :35 palt; one irnw-n Mare, 15 hand* high , 8 year* old, can trot In Mill, rood roadster. All the above sound and kind. 210 West 1Mb *t. LAOi: SACK <111'.VI' -BAY IIOKSH till II AN DS III ("l II. r H year* old). Truck.and Harness; sold on account of the oss oT work; separate it together. 73 Vandam St., uenr ludaoti. MIKTKKN KKt'O.N I) HAND I.OAD W A HONS. ' V some with tops and some with Hrewster A Oo.'s (oT irooina si.I patent aide harem plings. A. S. KCANDKAU'S Carriage Warerooms, 37 and 374 Broome st. {old stand ol Brewster k Co.) HA ItNp.nS. ?CUBABEST llAlt.NKSS 8TORB IN NEW York; good Huggy Haines*, hand made, $15; pood iroeers' Harness, $25; Pood double Team Harness. $311; a piod Horse Blanket,$l In). J'loa*e cnll and examine lor ourselv a. .t OSBOllN, Manuraeturers. 71 Barrlay ?t. L~KS$ THAN HACK (OST-ONK ECKUANT TOP Pony Phaeton, by Miner. one snnerior top Wapon, by Bradley Pray, ono lino sinple Harness, one line double, inrdly sollod. Private stable first door west of 5th a v., on 15th ft. CRT OK DOl'RLK II AltXESti_ioit SA I.K? M Kill KM i weipht iBuuicomb's), new, at a bargain. Call at U.I Kust 53d St. rWO KINK SEi O.ND HAND I.A N DA I CF.TS-(iNKfTN perfect order and built by Hrewster A Co., of Broome st. A. S, KCAX DltALI'S Carriage Wareroum*. 372 and 374 Hrooine st. (old stand of Brewster A Co.) i?K 0KA~PO.\Y WANTED ?KOKTWII MuNTH.n IN excliaupe lor pood care. Address PONY, box 124 lerald office. DtTANTRD?a dark (R&d) RAT punt prom Uldrenfl, with full particulars, box 14,854 Post oflbc. WAX no?A WELL BRKD, WhLL BKOKKN HADdie Horse, over 15 bunds. Address S. M., HlH United dates lloiel, iAIXtOfl, N V fc f fill c A8H.-H AOHI r IOB-A BDALLAII BAY Pxl'v Mare, Phaeton, Harness, Kobe, Whip. W. H. S., 184 Broadway. SALES AT AUCTION. A ?A.?? 1)1 Niil\F, Al ITKINKKII, Wil.I. giiLL O.N 1 l'V. Monday, July 10, at II o'clock, at No. 'J We*t i'.th i . one door Iron) Mh ay., all tlie IIoiimIioIiI Knmlture, 'arpel*. Bedding. Ac., in said hstak For lurther parti u ara aee tomorrow and Monday's paper*. Catalogues at (tic, of the auctioneer, 4t) Broad at. and at tint kMNM lie .aorniiiK of aulo. * \UCTION ? I- XTKA UKliK III*( SMIOLI)TcKNL lure 'ale. this (Saturday! morninir, commencing at ID 'clock, at residence lOo Last 13th at., near 4th a v. Velvet, Iru'aels. in (train Carpets; Parlor Halts, in aatiu, brocade, eps and haircloth ; Pianoforte, Paintings. t'nrtaina. t'locka, llrrors, Vases, Bed'teads, Hnreaua, Washstands, Dressing Intel, Wardrobes, spring and hair Mattresses, l.ounirea. holding. Extension Tallies, Sideboard: 2UI lots (ilasa, lilna, Oliver Ware, Cutlery, Ac. Hoods packed and deityred lor purchaaera. K. KDI II. Auctioneer. 4 -Tuxis Johnson" auction bnn. " 1 Old stand, 37 Nassan st. On TUF.SOAT, at lo1, o'clock, LARGE SALE OK HOI HKIIOt.D FUKMTURB. Alto a large lot uf Trunks. Baggage, Ac., from one of our drat ciasa hotels. 1Y IAIDORR J. iw ANXKOPr. AUCTIONKBB, J sells 3 o'clock. 34 av. B, large 'lock Furniture?ele ant Bureaus, Bedsteads. Kanir-s. Ac.; also tauey iiooda, allies' Hulls. Hosiery, Machine*, Ac. IV ISIOOKK I SWAKZKOi'F. A I'C floNKK l~J Large, peremptory sale of Kortuna llall. 2'JU and J.I! i 1st,, vis. Elegant Bar and Back Bar icost originally f.'kSI)- flne Billiard Tables, 1 rosewood 7', octavo iann. Icehouse, splendid Tables, Chaira. nicely cut Glassare Engrsvlngs, Clocks. Ac.; also entire Fixtures and urniture of dining room and Kitchen-I aplendid Kangt id Killer large stock Crockery, Ulaasware, Cutlery, nnper and Iron, Kitchen Utensil*. Ac. Positively In Iota, ithout reserve. Goods must be removed to-day. IV JSIIiOKF. J. SWARZKOPF. AI'CTIONKKR fflUA ) nig o'clock, 02 Diehard at.. Bar. back Bar, lectin*, ihles Chairs, Glassware, Ae.; positively in lots. Dealers Tiled. nXBRCTOMI BALE.?BKN.T. P ACO- I J tinnrer. will Mil on Bonder. Jul}- 1(1. I XT' . at 10 A. B., KXt I'linrlee (.. the celebrated trotting home Tommy ! onre; aim road Wagon aud Sulk;; lima and podlgne I udo known ill place o( aale. Hy order of tlia Executor* I tha hatale ot Loaiuler lleeoe. deceaard. lOK -ONE DYK PRESS. TWO EMERY Orin era. two I.athe?. shafting, Belting, .to.. *< _ Ad r H m ' ill on if W cII am HERI.Alx. 1'. 11L-'" . Of... x. a. IK X It Y UKKIIKR. AUCTIONEER. UI7IOR ?11ST ?t.. will aall thla day. at 10W o'clock. at Portana Rail, m U<1 ?t.. fine fine black walnut llountnr and Back Bar, oaa la roan wood Piano, two Billiard lablaa, Chairv Ta lea, of kfrr. lilaaawaro and Kllrhrn Utenall*. Range and large pper Boiler, Ac.. Ac. Sale poaitire in lot*. H. WKl.XHKittlKR. AUCTIONBhR.?Af)l|ixi8TRA I . tor'a aale nt llou-ohold Eurnltnre and I'rraonal Effort*, la day, at I"1-, o'cloca, at aalf-arnom 73 Bowery ; Piano, 4 , wing Machines. genteel llonaehold Knrnllnra. Carpet*, irt-aua, licrta and Bedding, Refrigerator. Klour. Ac By | iter ot Win. Boone. Ailmialatralor Alao gooeral Mar andlae. allk and cotton L'mbrnlla*. Paraanli. Cigara. 1 uuari. Eaaeiteea, Ac. Dealera eapecially Inrltod. CAAC c. tioLDBTKlN, Al i'TIONKKK. SE1.LH AT 10 I o'clock, hy rirttie of lorRClnanre of a chattel mortgage, a,I.V> :id av . near I lBth at., elegant fixtures of a Hulrher I op; marble top Countera , lee limine. H?nch. Illock. Ac. ' order HANIJnl. KCKSTBlN, Attorney for Mortgagee. AM KB C. KADI K, AUCTIONEER, Wll.l, SELL, ON Monday, .Inly lO, at la o'clock noon the Stock and Pi*rea ..( Liquor store No. I.Stl Union place, noar Liar at., enpoint. lease for flea year* If dealred , ator a adapted for lakeryalarge oven. p fitavkk. mokihaoe -nTk . thisday. at 10Wo'cloak at kv(iraai Jam* (t.flOf* i and in anil factoring Sewing M achinea of Uiflrrent ninne ; tnrera; liai woo.) Chaira, Parlor Sulla. vt ?i l<ounge?. Bnreana, Itedateada. M*tlri-i*r*, Store*, 1 tetien Furniture, Ac. A. BARNARD, Attorney for More j fldd AJtSHAL'B SAI.K - I >1.1.H AI iik:;. Al I rin.NKi.K, I will sell thla day. at lot* o'clock, at Xo H i rincton at. (neitr Bowery). 4 barn of Bagging, ihaleaof per and 1 large Scale. Al?e II caaea of l.eaf Tobacco and I 're**. LOUIS LKVT. Marahal. [ORTOTAIIK HALE.- f SEEM ten RK. Al i HONKER. , will aell ihie diy, at 11 o'cbick. al aalearoom No. tt ; vingtnn at fnear Bowery). th? Furniture of a flrat claaa . arillltg bniiae, conalaling of tlr.latea la. Looking filasaea, x elra, Tablea, rofaa. Cnrtatua, Carpet a, Baoa, Battretaea. ' eeta, Clock a. Ac Sale poaitire F.OI'IS LEVY. Attorney for Mortgagee. f AKS1IAI. s SALE ? .1 sKKflACHEIl aI'i 'HONKER. : L will aell thla ilay, el aalearoom Xo. t> lllrlngtoo at. tar Bowery i, at II o'clock. 114 ponnda o' Lead I'lpe, 3 (era. Tinware, I ice Box, Ac. Tints. Ol'BXIXOHAM. Merahal IOETOAtfB BALE ?HENRY DRRHRR, AOlfftON rer. office Jti latat , will aall thla da>. at 12 o'clock, el . lit 3d at, Fixture* of a Hrat class Bakery, consisting of iinter and Hack Fixtures Show Caaea. Jara. Pana, fught and one t'airbank Scale. Ac Ac.. alao furniture ef d place, consisting of Bad, Bedding and Badateada, ockary, Ckalra, Table*. Store, Wardrobo. Ac . Ac Sale nilee la Iota. By order ef B. P. UAbkllt, Attorney tar rigagea. LD. PRICE POUR CT<:\TS.' SALES AT AUCTION. ' r>KIXTBRS. ATTI .vriOS.-WoKTiiACK i J \V villi PKTTfNohR. Aiictloii-.r, will aell ilua ii?y is?vun".Hy). hi IJ o'clock. Ht II Spruce ?i_. nn??l|:blh ni?dliim (ii>r>l?D Kraaklln frvM. in (lr?i cl??? order. Bjr ordpt . ol luurtCAk'*!*' j Cin.KIKI -i SALK or V ROSKrtOoi) IIA NO.?(JEiC i Altll HKTTA, (ilicnfTV Auctioneer, will sa 11 tlil? "l?y iSiitnrilatri, JnlT M, a| I I o'clock, at lot IV irl ?t , out I wooil i'ianu. Marvesnn A* son, niaker?, New- York Mai<K LaMOIN Ih ti t > \V\|. i i DN.iKK, Hbertir. OHKkTkIp >ai.i OK v >"??,: AND HlloK BfORK.? i ' a ItAivD HKTTS, Sheriff's Auctioneer, will *ell thlf day. Saturday. Jul* H, at II o'clock, at ?!? Broadway, Stuck hihI Fixtures ol a Boot and Siioc Store; also * quantity of Leather \VM. C. CONNER. Sheriff. Wm. II Bi'itx*. Deputy. OIIKRIKTS > V'.!. <" KTOCK OK (JKOO K RIBS 0 CKItABD BKTT8. Sheriff's Auctioneer, will sell thlf , day. Saturday. July h. *t II o'clock, at northwest corner ol ! 43d >t and llili nr.. Stock and Fixtures of a Oroeer storof mNo mil llorae and Wayon. WM. C. CONNER, Sheriff. Jamkm If. Sunn*, Deputy. UTI LI I \ M ABBOTT. A UCTIONK KB. " Office No. :j ( liuinberN nt., will sell on tlii* day. Ht lot, o'clock. the content* of the Liquor Store 378 \V uahinffton ft., corner of Beach it., onf splendid four pull Ale Pump, Mich Mirror, t haudeliet *, wire >rrecti*. Enirravinira. <? I a saw a re. Ac fJli'% REAL EHTATb ^'OU SALE. ( entral. (\An ?A PERFECT OEM OK A llOUsB, TV vlUiUUo, r?Ut st , near Broadway; medium bi/e, brown stone : tastefully frescoed an in perfect ord?r; lot full depth. Apply to E. 11. LUDLOW A CO., No. 3 Pine sfc Knsf Side. TTtOR SALE OR TO LET?THE BUL K DWELLING 1 House No. ill 2d st. Inquire of II. MAilLSl'ADT, sj 2(l st. VNPRECKDKNTKI) BACK! KICK RUBT BE BOLDi anew four story brown stone IIouno, 18*50x100, N<n 435 East MMtli st. Open all day. MiNceliuneous. 4 SACK! KICK. ?HOUSES. BUSINESS PROPERTY. i\ Lots or Mort^aqes In ?verv section New VorJc and Brooklyn at foreclosure prices; will exchange. JACOB V. 0 iVYCKOl'K. 30 Pine si. BROOKLYN PROPKRTV POK SALE AND TO LET. f^OR RENT?A PLEASANTLY LOCATED TWO SToRf t ?uu rr'iiru r<?oi f\icn?n?'i ira'iin nousr. rimiiiifit with ail improvements; has vestibule door*; front and side entrance*; cemented cellar. with co a I hunk* and water I clwsetK. is In perfect order, having lust been painted ar.d j papered; kitchen, dtnin r room ami parlor on first floor; situate 1.1' * Pacific at., near Franklin an., Brooklyn ; Jiml I 1)0 minute* by two Utica of corn ; rent will be rented ! cheaper from now to May 1. Apply to HAWO A llOTTBft, HO mid 32 Barclay St., New York. PKOPE11TV OUT ->F THUS < 1TY FOlt HA LR Oil TO RENT. V SPLENDID FARM AND COUNTRY RESIDENCE combined - 1**0 acres: handsome now two atory houae, with 10 room*, beautifully located in tho most pictur -*>qQl ; and healthful section of the Stat#, near schools churches, Ac., and overlooking two lake*. with yachts, steamboat, Ac., and with Hue. larco stream through tho premises; only 1CW# mile* north of New York city and but 3 ? minutes from railroad depot; 4 acres in grain ; balance in meadow, pasture and woodland ; prico only per acre, wifli all tho crops, .seven choice cows nn I nonae partially furnished, and will give immediate possession cn*b. balance to suit; will bo at linrle's Hotel, New York, until Jtanday noon. tl. M. WILLIAMS. y r^vTT. STE vvAKTs (";A'RITKN'CITY, L. I. To let, several elegant and convenient Dwellings, fitted for winter snd summer residences, with all the modern improvement*. gardens. Ac. fr.m. tM ?1 (Ml 1 nor .nniim Appiv to W. It. HINSDALE, Manager, at office adjacent to the Railroad Station. \T MOItrtl.-tTOWN.-fo l,KT, t'NTU, SKI'TEICIlEli 15. $25H, a very cool, plou-ant Place: 1-'room*: nlj convenience*. Mr. WITT IK, IU John st., or Or. DoDOE, lS Went 20th *t. A LA HUE. IIANDSOME llbi sk. STABLE AND ONS acre: high nuil hoalthy location, on the Hudson, at Siiuyten Ouyvil. one linnr from City Hall; shade, fruit and vines ; for sale, with immediate pots ssiou ; terms easy. Ad* dress box 2,*19 Post office. 1/10 R SALE.?-1,809 ACRES I IK A VILY WOODED FIRS* 1 growth Timber Laud: pine, suruce, ash, hemlock, black cherry, tamarack, birch, l>oaih. maple and cedar; l,OJ7 acres situated northwest corner township '-'2, on Ua? quctte l'? n 1. hail' a mile above the datn. and acres on Anpessunt Lake, where Prof -ssor Agtssiz built his hall of science, and is in the northwest corner of township 27, both in Franklin County, N. Y.: both parcels on two beautiful I lakai; tarmalnw. Address M. O.W., box 100 BtraM ofici, Foil SALE AT A MOST DECIDED HAROAIN. EYE* for hardest times, one of the most charm ng Country j Seats In Stamford. Conn. Apply to J. C. U'CONOR, oa | premises, or at 78 Pine si. Gioob HOMES LOW PRICKS, NEAR CITY, OH Ms T stalment plan ; circulars free. I R, KKLLOOO, No. S Biurtik|l? rpo LET AT NEW ROOIIELLK. A NICELY FUR. 1 nUlted House; rent $75 per month for three months. Address or apply to JOSEPH LA M 1IDEN, Now Roc hello, To Li.l CHEAP V T CHAN FORD, N. J., A NEW CCHW t 'K''. with barn and large garden. W. J. COLE, ORE 0ih uv.. New ) ork, T'~0"LET?MURRAY HILL If 017 S E~ A T~~ DEM A REST, N. .1. Apply to or address PROPRIETOR as above. TO LET?AT TARRY TOWN," I MMTTDUTK POSKER* ( Ion A beautiful finely furnished House; all conven* iences; R bedrooms, parlor, dining room, kitchen, laundry, Ac.; garden, stables, Ac.; rent $LiO per month hv seasont $1110 per luotith by year. Address OWNER, box I HO llerald Uptown Hranch office. rpo LKT?#l.<i. A BEAUTIFUL HTONE COTTAGE* 1 Orange Mountain : fine air and water views; mile from depot; omnibus. Address Post office. Orange, N. J. 1 nnn house*, residences farms, fao* 1 *? ries. IO.OOii acres Florida Orange Lind, free; New Jersey, Illinois, Iowa, free. II. L RIDER, 150 Front si. _ HEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE,-3 IP OR KAI.K OH KXFH ANOE.?A MODERN BUI ft I Hotel in Chicago. conafdete in every detail, 125 rooms' rapacity, with stores, billiard room and bar er shop, doing % good leaving business For particulars address the owner, JOHN KELLER, 132 Dearborn st., Chicago, III. T^OifsVLEOIt EXCHANGE?A VALTAULK MFnKRAU F Spring Property, with improvements. O. If. PIKIL HON, No. 5 Pino st. V\rANTEb-SOl; THE K.N OR WESTERN FARM WITH Tf stock and free of incumbrance. for Brooklyn Lots, worth in cash $25.(Oft. Address BROOKLYN, Herald office, KU-Wll-Af. BROOKLYN. N. Y "-WATER ~AND 9)9)97 sewer; value #2.,**L will exchange for ProvL deuce, It. I.. Property, or take $7? 0 iu Lots as part cash, L. KKANZ. REAL ESTATE \VA.\TKD. ^ HOUSE WANTED?.'11 TO 22 FEET. DININO ROO'ft extension value ($40,000), for smaller one. free. Ad* dress box 3.910 Post office. It* ASTRO To it I Y FOR CASH A COUNTRY PLACi n on the Hound; shore Iron!; either Long Island of Westchester; owners must give description and price. Ad* dress P. II. M., Herald office. FOH HALS.. A FINE CORXSR I.AOEK HF.KR SALOIIX FOR sale, great bargain; also corner Liquor Stores, Hotels. Rest a or ants MITCHELL, 77 Csdtr il? A SHOOTING GALLERY FOR BALE CHEAP OW account of other business. Call, after 7 in the even* ing, 4*7 nth av. or 3?7 Mtla hv. FIViTyKAKS * Ll. I8K OF A PKOJff\ENT OOIU ner on Broadway, caj.tral oration. with Slock nn<| Fixture* of first cln?? Liquor and Cigar Store, with Cellar, for ?ale : together with ten other Rooms in building well let, leaving rent of eslaon less than $9<iO per annum: proprietof going into other bttsiress: only malt customers; tin agentf uenlt with. Address MRKCIIaNT, box 100 Herald Uptown Branch office. VDOWN TOWN liININii ROOM DOING A GOOD hnsineas for tale cheap. Addreaa RESTAURANT, llerald office. t ari;<t st<)rk in brooklyn?excellent reptf" .1 J tation : no fair cash offer refused ; owner haa other bn*l? nets. Ad ireas K. B.. box lO'l Post office, Brooklyn. TjlOrri ALE?LB ABE AND FURNITURE OKA GHOICB F medium sired Motel. For information apply to W. M, STEWART, Stewart's Hotel, Broadway and 12th at. tpOR BALK-STATION K RYAN !> TOY STORE. ON TH8 best avenue in Brooklvn; good reaaona given for tell* agents need ariawer. Addreaa. for one week, bog 1?>I llerald office. YjfOR S A L K?LUNCII COUNTER. AC~"~OlTafirsf JF clava excursion. Apply at S* Carmine at. tpOR SALK?FIRST CLASS CORNER UQUO) r Storo, on Weal at., opposite fkrry and steamship line* Applv, ertwoen ft and 3 o clock, at No. fifl3 Oreenwich at lfotftalr a U Ks I a i CAM. DOING GOOD HUsf r ween: terms rash. (11 4th av.. between iHh and loth smw TMTQIJOR" "STORK" for SALE?in THE best I/OCA* JLj tlon In West St.. doing a large business. OAFFNKY A SMITH. Auctioneers, 17 Centre fA Marble soda water and root beer appa? rams, all styles, for sale below cost. .1 M WllITf I ELD A SON. 2*2 Water sA Opportunity seldom offered, -for salS^ at less than half it1* value, the first claas and old e*tab? lleiied Liquor Storo 33 Oliver at., corner Madison, do ng a good and paying bnnitie**, reason for selling, death of owner. Apply to Mrs W M BURKE. 4M Jat-.tes %%. TWO KIMSKN ELEtrTRICAL PENH FOR SALE?AY i alow price Address M II . Evening Telegram ullra, TIFF IP >TKU. RESTAURANT AND BAR NO 23 wF*f 3d at, elegantly furnishrd. Oils day cheap, or aqrtiof Monday; own era leaving for Europe LLOYD. Auctioneer. 29 Broadway. WILL BUY AN OLD ESTABLISHED VoiC tpti'/v ner Liquor .Store, best business location, av. . owner must sell. P OAFFNKY. Agent J87^ Howory^ ~ >IACIIOKItl. Fort sam: a sti l and . um mn. with al'C ttinn?i:lKim; in [irrlrrt working order; nlmoit ?> ; enpoolty gnlli.nn. weight r?|.|.?r. I'l.miO ibn. i In I.a anld I... At II) I tiill ... ulrlt... ............ r.'ft IV... .1.1 it.~ r'ooXi'." DRY li(Nll?. WII1TK ANt) BKOWTThlffifct/Nug; I J TatoU LilMi, Napkin*. Towalt. Toweling*, Piqaea, wl?? .facoftetii, ?tripen nml plaid Muslin*. M and Kerch Ufh, Ac.. from the Urge auction *aie of Cochran, McLean A Co., at very low prices WM. M \TIIKWS, 54 Catharine st. ~ MU.I.UKHV AKD DltKNNMAKlMtoT^ A_marif.tii,mas.op ptkis, impoRTKr. orrKttt Inrnr ??"rim?nt of I'arlalan Sumnirr Bonnet#, MilIni.ry *n<l l Crape*. 4-3 8th ??.. near IMKh ?l IADIKS ok TASTK WlHllIJCO STYLISH IMI'ORTRD J Hunn.ln or round ll.U at jrreetly reduced price* will flnd It to lliolr advent**# to call at Mma. CAM1LLR OM * Lack's, *?.!>, Umii1.a.r. near lut* at < KMKJOIAL fcXHtllTk. ' TnjStT-J?lfnXlAlSH.~~16 A VI KACfCttfc**" 09 13 Pr???e?. Ole* and apceial Machinery, 187 to 173 npw ooth >t. Brooklyn AARSLC At rRICK.S NKVKK AI'I'KOACUKD iKKtfRi'"""'** Main and Marble Mantel. Larked aaeortnr.nt In lha rttj. PKNRIIY.N hLATK COMPANY. 90 Union eqnara, 4th a* and 17th at. Now Tnrh. Mean loot vera of nil klada at SUM Weak. A