Newspaper Page Text
TH WHOLE NO. 14,566. lUlilXTUIIl FOU ADVERTISERS. ??? HEKAI.D BRANCH OFFICE. I.2AS BROADWAY ? OPKN DAY AND N1UIIT FOR REOKFTlO.N OF ADVERTISES! F.NTS AND SALKS OF FAFKKS. , AMCSEMKNTR?2o l*Acr?.'(in and Otn cols. ASTROLOGY-ll'TH Fiilk-lilh *oI. Iill I litlli<-l.. Mi,'., ml. ?..! BOARDERS WANTED?I2tii Pack l?t and 2d col*, t BOA Kb AND LODGING WANTF.U?I-th Page -2d CM BKOOKi.YN HOARD?12tii Page?2d col. HROOOKLYN RE a1. k>TaTE FOR SALE-2d PageItt col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNtTlBS?Htii Page. I BUSINESS NOTICES?7th Pack?Olh cut. CENTENNIAL K XIII BITS?1st Page?3th col. CITY HKAL ESTATE I Oil BALK 2d Page?lit cal. CLERKS ASI? SALESMEN IItu Page?2d and 3? col*. CLOTHING?2? Page?tith col. COACHMEN AND i AHDF.N KKS?1 Im PAOK-3de?l COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?llru Pack?4th ?ud 5th col*. COPAHTXERSHIPH-RTII Page. COUNTRY BOARD?P-'th Pack?2d. 3d. 4th and 5th ool*. dry GOODS?l*T l'agk-4th aud 5th coU. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET, PURMSIlED AND UNFURNISHED?2d Page?3d ool. , EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?I1 Til Page?4th coL EXCHANGE?tint Page?5th col EXCURSIONS?Htii Page?5th and tith col*. KINANCIAL-stii Page. * FOR BALE?Pt* Page?Btli coL furnished rooms and apabtmunts to let? i 2d Page?3d and 4th col*. FURNITUKB?2d Page?tith coL , , HELP WANTED? KEMALES-llrn Pace?2d col. V HELP WANTED?MALES-Hth Page?3dcol. HOKSEs, OaRKIAOES. AC ? 1*t Page?3d aud 4th col*. HOTELS?12tu PACK-2d cot. HuUSbS ROOMS. At'., WANTED?12tb Pace?6th col, INSTRUCTION? inn Page?5th col. LOST AND FOUND?l?r Page?1*1 and 2d cola MACHINERY-'*!! Pace?Htli col. MARBLE MANTELS?Wth Page -ftth col. MATRIMONIAL? I2ru Pack?t'tb col. MEDICAL- 12th Page?tith col. MILLINERY AND DKKHSMAKING-Iet Pace-MIi col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVBRTISKMKNTS-IOth Page??th col. MISCELLANEOUS?llTn Page-GiU col. t MUSICAL?1?T Page?tith eol. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7tii Page?tith coL I PERSONAL?1st Pace?l?t col. PIANOFORTES. ORGANS. AC.-2U PAGK-tith col. POLITICAL?brn PAGE-tlth col. I * PROPOSALS?2D I'AGK-tith cd. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?PEMALF.S? IlTB Pack?2d rol. PROPKRTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?2d Pack?I*t and 2d col*. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d Pack?2d col. REAL ESTATE WANTEl)-2n Pagk-'-M col. RELIGIOUS NOTICES?1st Page?lit col. RhWA RDS ?1st Paok-2iI col. BALKS AT Page?Ctli col. SITUATIONS WANTED? FEMALES? lltu PACK?1st anu 2d roll. SITUATIONS WASTED?MALBS?11th l'tck-2dcol. SPECIAL NOTICES- 1st Pack 2d aud 3d coll. STORAGE?11 Tit I'ACE-dUh col. SI MMER RESORTS?12th PiuF.-Sth and 6tli cola THE TKADEH-IItii Pack?3d col. ?- TIIK TL'HK?1st Pack?3d col. I TO LET l'Oll BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d Pack?2d and 3d roll. 1 TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?11th Pack-ftth col. k UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET2p PACK-4th rol. WANTED TO PURCHA8E-0TH PiiiK-Oth rol. WATCHES, JEWELRY. AC.-IIth PafiK-3droL WESTCHESTER Ool'NTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OB TO LET?2d Pack-I it rol. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS. AC ? 10m Pack-BHi col. ? PERSOIAL. Li'IIA?REMEMBER YOUR PROMISE. AND NEVER doubt. PUG. Brown"ryes-and plaid dress, fourth ave nur car, Saturday morning. from 27th hC to 23d it.; Dotirod lilonde gentleman on car . would like to make no quaintancu. Address J. K.. Herald ?Rlre. B**"?COl'LD NOT KEEP APPOINTS!KNT FRIDAY"; won't fail; Opening Ball, Argylo Boom*. to-morrow light, MINNIE B?~*. BW.?CAN BE SEEN AT 117 32. IDA W. Buff linen, blur striped, broadway oar, quarter to live.?Neighbor in oppmtte corner would be * pie lied to aee yon If agreeable. Addren A. P. T.. Herald Uptown Brunch office. "nUiMMi \VIKK. ?AM IIAI'l'V, FOhTT KM)W Y()T' I l.r "loci Hie mine a* I do.'' Will soon be toiretber for (ver, when you alouo will posses* "Thrllllnt: Voice." My Brst, my only, only love. HUSBAND l'ET. FRED. H.-OOMK AWAY KI'.OM III AT DOCK. YOU nro wanted at the doctor'*. THE J CARRIERS. I R"THIS SHOULD MEET THE EYE OFrMHiSF ANKIR Baker. form?-rlv of Jersey City, or any of her acqnaiut luces knowing her address, please send It to LAURIE K. rox, box f>7s New York Coot office. INFORMATION WANTHD-oK MARGARET BODE.vj native of Belfast. Ireland. Address ROBERTO'REILLY, 172 Heuderson st . Jersey City. 19 .MINNIE LKK. FORMERLY OF 18 WALTMAM ST^ Boston, will write to A. ADAMS. Herald office, l'hila lelnhla. she will hear from an old friend. I" AUHA?DECORATION DAY; W? I'LACE; LHTJ ter for you in 12th at. from Staten Island. M"aiYy ANN WAl.I.lS, FORMERLY OF EmmX England, is earnestly reipiested to communicate at nice with the undersigned respecting her sister, Mrs. Wild. Or should any one know of the whereabout*, or death ot Mary Ann Wallls. and will furnish such information, the { service will be suitably acknowledged. McKENDRICK A WALKER. No. 3 Mate St.. New York. L l8jf AMMY.?880MYKD TOPE LETTME: All TMT ifl happy; love you more than ever. Address Z., box Itt.'i Herald Uptown Branch office. | VT"ED.-wii,i, BE AT NO. 4rt ON MONDAY FROM To 11 nntll 3 o'clock * do not disanrmiiit mo ninln V LOUISE. PS.?LEA VK HOTEL TO-NKHIT FOR fllfc VKsL ?fl: have not toon anybody or mad* any arranpekienta about retin-nlnc yet. Reply It poaalble. AM?Till; PARTY STARTS lT O'CLOCK FOR THE Argyle opening hall to murrow nlxht, CLUB HOY. S* Tar ?i have akkanokd to "oktthe mirror and pictured repaired and stored at JOII1T S. WII.LARD'S new more. WILL. WILLIAM U1KSTON. WHO HOARDED IN cTIKYSTIK. at., near llestar, in 1H5I 52, address R. II. R.. Herald ofRre. kiriLL SI D. MARIK PETERSEN. WHO WAS IN CO. TT penhageo wluter ol 1S74-6. please aend her preaeut tddreaa to the friend who assisted her ? IVTANTED-TO ADOPT. A FKMALKOMILD, FROMT yf to > year* old. good looking and heallhr; best relerHice gisen. Address L. II . Herald Uptown Branch oltico. WORTH V-HAVE SENT YOU THREE LETTERS. " without oiii' word of reply; have you recelred tlieinr Write me two or thro# linoa and get letter at Post Office on ' Monday. J. M. 7f1 -HARRY. W ill>NKSI>AY AFTERNOON. ( 44. v p. | * UkhlGioi S XOTH Kb. I 'ASSOCIATION OF SPIRITUALISTS. HARVARD I Rooin*. Reaerrolr Park.?Conlerenre. Sunday at U'. ' P. M. ; free circle at s o'clock. All cordially invited. " j a mericTn tkmrera nok union, hlkecker /V Huildlnir. rornrr Morton and RioeeLer *t* ?Tol* aft..* toon, at 3,o'clock. I ev. Stephen Merrltt will addrean the Meeting. Brim: your Moody nntl Sankev livmn book". J. M III KKS. Pretident. TnnMAt McTahoabt. Secretary A"" LL SOCI.S CHI Ki ll. ATM AT.. CORNKR ROTH AT.? Kev. Kohert Eaird Collier will prearh this morning it | II o'clock. The public lire cordially Invited. pncacM or the iu. wk.m.y rbkt. sm at", t./ at ore 4'itli ?t.?Rev. I>r. (lowland, rector. Morning I tervlce 11 A. M. pHURCIl OF TIIK DISCI I'l.KS. MA III SOX AV.. COR. | \J ner 4.rith it.. Her. Oeorir * II. Ilepwortb.? Morning, "?lod'? Way* and Our Ways;" evening, "Saul and the Witch." libit date at A. I, pHCRCII or TI1K MEDIATOR. UTH A v.. BETWEEN c V' ft I at and d ?t?. (Proteatant Kpiacopal). ? Service at n>4 A. M. and 8 IV M Mr. Harrington w ill preach in the niorniuK and John O Rache ill the evenlnir. Seats free. Xl* MHURCH OK THK ASCENSION. CORNER OK .VIII U' at. and lnth it. ?Divine services tlii? ,'Snndar) mar. / line. Jnlv II. at II o'clock, with holy communion, and ft I y I'eloec r M I Ki-CII'MS OK I'll 1ST -jsril ST.. NEAR BROAD. I 1 " war Pmtr??or John Shackelford, of Kentucky Cni. I 'eraity. will preach in the morning. YOS are invited CMRST REFORMED EPIsroP a I. I'lll'KCH, MADtr ton av, and 47th it.?Divine "crvicet at IO:3 morning tnd 7:46 eveninir. Rev William T. Sabine, rector, will trench. j^KV. STEPHEN ~H7~rYMI. JR.. D. D.,~"wiuE reach to the Irish I'rotntanu of this cltv and vicinity iu ' he Church of lloly Trinity. Madison av. and 42d St.. on Inndav morning at II o'clock. . flRR RRT V X BRAD WII.E pfsKAt'll IN THK V 1 Wesl Kilty third "treel llaptiit cburch Sunday morning | trtnltg. I IiOST A ?ii Mil Sir. IK PERSON WHO POIND PARCEL OK PAPERS AND docil'iient" rolled in a tiew.pat er and left on Ka.l Brnadray car which left City IIall about half pa.t ten Saturday orenoen will leava it at car depot, corner 4'itli St.. nr give II m day conductor igrcrn or blue carl, .Sunday, lie will irr. ally shlige Paper, are needed lor immediate use. Address 11. t, Herald thee. 1 Durxn A POciCF.TBOOK. WITH HOME MONET. 1/ Owner can have it by applying at 480 and 48'J .'id av.. In iwre. I I I OST OK v FlfB KOMdOWTNa D^CKtBKli ^ ' l_i BuridfcTen ilO) firBt mortgage can noli dated M- iul*. )M ,tMjn each, of tin* and Naahvillc KhIIroad Corn >an>. Nm -W. I .TIKI. 1.704, 1,7U?. 1.7? Hi 1.7m, A, 7i * , 1.71-. 1.7IT!, 1.715; next coopnn attached duo April I, IH77. six <t?) Ur*t morVKX|r? consolidated 7 p?*r cent Honda. M/|Kiearh, of the Chicago and Northweatern Railroad II uninfunr, * i ;?4. .?>*?. ?.r?' 1.7. 4. ? * in1 ierent pavnMc quarterly; next c<?npnn ntt?r|i d ?Jtn I I* f nturr I. 1*77 All p? rv?ni ir* berehir fAtmorieri nirmn.t ourclmninK ??r n?irotl<Coi; the above de?c*ribed beaiix A liberal reward will bo paid f<?r their recoverv Applr to JUH.N* SYMI Si. Nicholaa Hotel, or to PR\.Nt;iS M. , JKNOK i: Wall -.t , : oral li * n i 12 Iinrr- ??n' ruuKMDAv! a uuy r hold dropYar i i x. with fcina'l utone Cameo. More than value aril. >? paid on return ill1.'. I'll INKA> SM 11 H. I IB Cham erv il I BLACK >T BK UNA lilt I mm.. M.NK \m.MIIM ? li old. had leather vtr.ip and flu* on : answer* to hn>h. | V *uit. i *?i ! w ill be p ?i?1 f -r bun .it J I'J tN .?t '.1 st I OSTEON hill i i A Y MltJHY. AHol I Htl.i PAhl 10. Li Itltf# tr 111 1'oat odire |? Oiml st Mm *k R i*?ia I Iter Pocketbo ?k. ennt-tiniug about $unit Baltimore t)hio Railroad ti> kit to Chicago. Liberal reward paid If retunihiK to I- l?\\ AKI# II. NRRNNAN l" Ihiane ft I ? ?*T W: |,N ' ' O. .1 I.. V l.\ I 1 STAT.K OK street. mi the ?*y Irosn 4a,| .1 and Hrmolwai to -out It u geatlenian . .Solitaire l>t?mra<i I'in The flatter will Mow" return it to thu at. Claud Hotel anil rereive the re eard , | 0*r?A I'AlJKAllK I IK THlHTKI.K tlllKONS. CIS IJ eliinatl. and Railroad I o, ainiint9B ina lo Jet'.'.. the l.n ler will i,?. suitable rewarded 011 their y 'aturn Apt ly to HM It. llRKKN Mo. 'aw I'lue ?t I I IIM-I.N HA It 1.1 *. HMALI. IkLlilV KUX ftOiT, I 1J hutbi tail, name hrl?re* reward IniWot I' llt St., i * I l!urd flat. I M A :e ne NE WIST AND VD1* Nil. j Ju.ST-#1?>*K!-:? \IU> "A SMALL Bl.l li SKVK TKli- ' t J rier, July 7. No. 1'J Lexington If. I I I <JST-rr:. ~ KI WAItUHOWAKU GOLD WATCH 1 A mill Chain, number of movement M.2.MI. cum number 1 1,U69 Xitivt w i 11* dttortitjn, cornir 6?itr? in^L>Qiwd. Iosf- ill nth or KKYA WITH i:?Ni.. NARKIO J "J. Martinet Hern/.," between Post office and Kn hang* place. A liberal reward will bit givea by returning lo jU Exchange place, room JO. IOSI > VIi RDAY AKrKaMM.N. JULY BUJICM J oi Kerv going fioui New York to Orange. Please return to address on ring. vtotiuk TO FaWNBKOKKKS. jewelers and it other*.?stolen. while bathing ut Court Island, gold Watch ; Graham. maker. Londou ; gold Chain attached. Anybody giving notice lo Mr. HKR.MAR, <17 South at.. New I York, will be handsomely rewarded. rpo PAWN11KOKEKS. JRWKLLKKsT CLTjCK AND X watch makers ? Lost ($J-> reward), u lauy's small Watch, limiting ease. with glass upouing on one aide, and engraved in the inside, "Zuidee. frvin Mother, XtiiH*. 1H74 " The above reward will be given aud no questions aaked upou return to No. 17 West 38th at., or any iiifurrnation. 1 rpllK PAKTY THAT TOOK TI1K WATCll ANDTiTlAlN X by mistake from hotel, corner 8th at. and Hroadwuy, on i 4th oi July laat will receive $l(k> and no question* aaked by applying to J. P. MAf I'HhWS, Diamond Broker, <1711 Broadway, cornet Ith si. UK V\ ARUM. aJ?4> REWARD.? I.osr, SIMMY JOITX FROM 17J O ? West -3d st.v a Canary; left wing tipped with black; \er> tame <Jk\~ REWARD. ?LOHT, YE8TKKDAY MORNING* *To from 'JO Lexington ?v., a >mall black and tan Slut* with red riobon and b.*ll attached arouud the neck. d[~~ REWARD FOR THE RETURN OP V'HP*' AN tjpc) old half-bred black Spaniel, red collar, lost Thursday, J uup 29. to .">1 East 78th at. &1 h REWARD.?LOST. A WHITE TE1UUEK BI'ICH; O I U short tail; two brown spots on hack and u spot on each ear. Above reward will be paid on Iringing it to 62 Went 9th *t. Affjjl REWARD?LOST IN PHILADELPHIA. JULY iP?)U 4, 1876, gold Watch, hunting case. Henry Cupt maker. No.'.*8,1 IS, monogram L. L. S. on case The above reward will be paid on the above describe I watch being lell ut No. HO West 9th St.. New York No questions asked KB WARD? NO QUKRTIONB ASKrD TAKEN 'P^oo from room in Slur levant House, oil 26lh June, a detui chronometer Watch, heavy gold cases, monogram P. C. engraved Inside ctu?es, Cupt. maker, Geneva, with heavy I gold link Chain. Above reward will be paid by EDM L N D VENN!. No. 0 Naaaan al. , SPECIAL NUTlt'Eb. A." = SPECIAL NOTICE. Kirn Grand Drawing ol the KENTUCKY CASH DISTRIBUTION CO., SATURDAY. AUGUST 31. 1878. Hop. Thou. P. Porter, Ex-Governor Kentucky, Manager. $600,000 I.N CURRENCY GIVEN AWAY. 11,156 Cash Gifti. from $100,000 down to $1U.? SEND CUICK for Programme and Particulars. Ticket*. $12; Halve*.$0; Quarter*. $3. T. W. HARROW * CO.. Eaatcrn Ageuta, 710 Broadway, New York. MKRICAN GKOGRAPlUCAL."sOCIETY. SPl.ClAL .MEETING AT ClllCKF.KINil I1ALL. corner lsth at. and 5th av., MONDAY. July HI. 1870. at 8 P. M. RECEPTION OP DOM PEDRO D' ALCANTARA. (Etniieror of Brail!). IjII. A. PKTKKMANN, of Gnthn, the German Geographer. DR. A. E. NORDENSK.Hu.D, ol Stockholm, the Arctic Explorer. DR. C. II. BERENDT, the Coutral American Ethnologist. A paper will be read br Or. llerendt mi the ' Geographleal oiHiribtiiiuti of the Aucient Central American Civilian tiona," and addresses made by Rev Dr. Adams, Dr. I. 1. tiuyes. Bayard l'uylor. the President, and others til.IAS P. II ALL. Recording Secretary. A?PARKS. EMERSON A CI). . Kentucky Stnte Lotteries. drawn dally. Royal Havana Lottery, drawn every 17 days. Kentucky Single Number l-otlery. drawn July 2l>, 1870. Prizes cashed. information furnished and circulars tree. Address as above, 181 Broadway, rooui 4. A"" -ISAAC O. KOYCE. 2H7~ MRU A J) WAV. LAWYER.? Divorces obtained promptly, without publicity; desertion, incompatibility, habitual urunkennusa, infidelity. inhuman treatment, cnoviCP'uu of felony. Passport* obtained. AN INVALID FRENCH LADY. IN tiRK AT I US- j treas. appeals to the charitable for means to enable Iter to return to F'rauce. Address Mine. BUiOf, No. 42 Last Mill si. A-ROYAL HAVANA lottery, a First pri/.e $1<SI.I*KI. Next drawlnir, July LI. Royal Herman Government Lotteries, One prize to every two tickets. Full explanatory circulars Tree. 118 Nassau st. THEODORE ZSCROCH. ?SMITH'S KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERIES. . lk.ntuckv. kxtka class 520?run 1878. 08. 11, 33, 22, 43. HI. 87, 34. 57. 28. 2U. 12, 54 78. Ilk -STUCK V. CLASS 530-KOK 1878. 10, 85, 31. 58, 1, 13, 4. 81, 58, 33. 44, 41. 55, 8 All orders address B. NATHAN, lsl Broadway. BY-IF You WANT NEW YORK'S BKoT "AITC. TIONKKR." one that has Teen tried and well kuowo employ C AMPHELL Jr., No. 7 West 3d St., near Broadway. See 'sales this week. nISKASES OF MEN A SPECIALTY. | HENRY A. DANIELS. M. D. 144 Lexln?ton av., | near 'JUtli st. Office hours Irnm 8 to 3 J.'LKCIHICITY applied O.N ANY pain elect RIO j Baths applied ut Mile. HANSON'S 418 4 .b nv. HAVANA lottbet.-nbxt DRAWINO july ib, 1878; $80i.<Ky> ill prises. Address B. MARTINEZ- Jt CO.. Bankers, |nWal< st.. basement. New York. Spanish j pnUI and Havittia bank bills bought and sold; drafts on Havana Issued. I KP.Nri'CKY STATE i.O TEH! lis DRAWN daily" i Kentucky StateOrand Distribution drawn July 28. I 311,3311 prizes out of fkl.tJHO tickets. Whole tickets, .f ID; halve*, $5; quarters. $2 ."81. Royal Havana Lottery? Orand Drawing J uly 15. Address all orders lor tickets to JACKSON A CO., Hankers. 2trj Broadway, New York. K -CHRONIC catarrh. deafness: IMPROVED s method ; Instnulniieniia relief ; permanent cures. Dr. STODDARD No. H West Mthft. Kentucky state single number i^ottkry? SIMMONS A DICKINSON'S?Draws Jnly 28; every other ticket a prlr.o. For circulars address J. t'LL'TE, 153 Fulton st. 1 eoal claims prosecuted and collections j Jj made by an experienced lawser, no eharire unless sue i iTftftful; other law bu?mc?? carefully anil promptly managed l?y T FRANCIS ClHHoSs. Uw, No. V2 West 4tl? st., near Broadway ; olflce open from M A. M. to h p. M. It you cannot call, write. 1ADIKM IIAVINH AN l NN A 11 RAL GROWTII OP J hair on luco or arms ran have it permanentlv removed in two days, without Injury to the skill. Also Madame PKIN K'S wonderful method lor removing pits, lreckles, moles: punitive cure guaranteed. litHIfd av, Life size citts, in colors, ok llase* and Wheeler, and lilden and Hendricks, taken from the ''est photograph*, designed for postern and transparencies. Republican club* applied at the lowest rates. METROPOLITAN PRINTING COMPART, Herald Huildiug. JIh it road way. MRP m. o BROWN s scalp RBN01 ATOB l< TUB best article lor the scalp, hair and entire constitution cter wife red in this or auy other market, the application is luxurious, as safe tor the infant as for the adult Depot '?] Jlond st. Druggists sell it in two sixes. Mrs. connku.ys iiaik sai.vatioN: so lkad nor silver; restores grayest hair; $1 bottles dellv* : ered tree to any address. Ladies, drop postal. 17 West 4lh st. I N'KRVofs i:\ii\rsTlo.v-a MKDICaL kssay j comprising a series of lectures delivered at Kahu'* Museuru of Anatomy. New York, on the en use and cure of Premature Decline, showing indi?putahly how lost health inav he regained affording a eiear synopsis id the impedi ' I. . !.!. to .i. u rrlu i#i* un.l t I... fi.'of ami ..I .< ml debility. beltiK the remit nl .11 yrare' experienriv I'rlce rrnti Addrea* the author. Or. 1.. J. KAllN. offl.e and ttddeiM .'>1 K?<1 Hull M.. New York. 0 -OFFICIAL IHlAtVlNOfl KKNTCCK5 STATE LOT- I terlra ? SIMkll.V.s a UICKI.NMIM. Manaurra. KKHTVCIIV. RXTK* I'UII NU 421? JUT " IHTll. ltl, II. II. 54, 4i. 24. HO. 40. 72. 2H, |3, 73. UITOCM.CLHIIO. 422?JULY H. IH7H. 31, 40. H. v.. 13. 0, 40. :i 70. 10. Ill HI, ac. lit* a*. UTUl OLUl AO. 321 ?Jt'lr H, IKTli. JO 2>. 7H. 45. O. OH. H. 35. 52. 13. IIR.aitV, I'LAMt AO 322?JOLT 1. 1H"0. 57. ?<i, 3, 4H, it. 50. 2, 7. 22. 44 Fall Information by applying to or addreaaing J. CLt'TK A (x)., Hruftilair. rn?r room. Gr*l Hour. O-ICk?>.!*?i IS I'ltlZKK? KVKKY OTIIRK TH'KRT A i . prur ? >IM MOSS A HICK INKO.Vh Mligle Sumlier ] Kentucky .HUtr Diitrlbullon, to br drawn Jul* 20. I*7tt. :*i,S? prllct onl Hi &i.lMl lirktia ; alau Moral Havana to be draw* <>n .lal* 15 IH7H. J. CI.CTK A l/o., 21*1 Hroadway, rearroom, Prat floor. ? \RDRRS IAKKS FOIl CI.RARIMI IHlfSKS OF AM. \J IiIr?!i i r iii^cd, Mil thr preparation* Mild wholesale mid retail at If. s DANZhlKIl S office, I>7 llowrry, haaamen i. _ I PARTTKS Wil l Wltfll TO Mi V FINE WINK- IN J aiuall qanntitte? at tt-fmlvtalo price*. pleaae adilrcs* UKTIKINU M KMCII AN T, Hera d office. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO TIIE TREAT 1 | niftit and core of di*ea*ea; iiumIIcIiios adapted to ill 1 disease*; Dogs noatdad. trained, cropped, trimmed in the J neate*t manner. lour fir?t data Setter*, three Pointer-*, tboroughIy broken ; one Pointer Slut and euhl Pup*. I | challenge anv *i?ort*mHn, in city or country. to *how their j equal ,1. ll. OAUDNBIv. t orner 5t'th at und Ifmadwav. I j / \UKEN'A Ri'.OA1TA. .ILLY 10.?THE RAPE ' '/ itoatpotted until lurtlier nolle- Ticket* iMUfd lor the r? o on steamer Long Mr: n h will tie good when the race take* place, ol which due notice will be given. KOYAL HAVANA*> WILL ME i drawn on July ?.r?. Pnxea cashed : order* filled : Information furnished; hi. heat rate* paid lor Spanish bills, gov | eminent*. Ac. i } TAVlJilC A CO.. Bankers. No. 11 Wall at . New York. ? - , OilAYNKAt O. NVILL OKPK MONDAY. JlLY 10. t ' IUU dote it .Men* Minim r list* at f I, JCJ and ?d, are- | duct loo Af irum $l to $'J a hat 'I he celehrnted hairoune\ only $2 SO | Wal ack s Theatre Building. Broadway and tilth J " W Y O :\V YORK, SUNDAY, JUL SPECIAL MFI U K*. ^KYKNTll GRAND RXTHA1 ?K1>I N KKY S1M.I.K , 0 Number Drawing, to lake place at Laramie city. Wyoming, positively 1 July 24, 1*70 To be conducted by sworn commissioners. *345.UUU to be distributed. 1 Grand Cash I'ri.-e $100.<?) i k Grand Cash Prise. ' * .!*> 1 k Grand < asli Prise aj.'? (n?> I Graud Cash Prise 20.1ILKI I Grand Gash Prise l-YOno 1 iiraud (-ush Prixe lO.lSJO Tickets, $1 eucb . nix for R!Y For further particular* address all orders to EMORY A CO . Brokers. 3k Park row (.opposite Post office). New York city. , T~0~sllTp oWNh.KS AND MAHTEUR. I Ipposltion. Towing donu by the California Tug Company's powerful tow bouts Vailejo. Kavorllu and Jos. 11. Redmond; vessels taken to the docas, to sea. to Oakland him Vailejo at the lowest rates; the patronaico ot masters and owners of vessels visitiux the t>ort of San Francisco is respectfully solicited : vessels towing hy ihe California Tug Company's boats will save from 30 to 50 per cent. JUS. li. KKl>\luND, | Agent. No. HW Stewart *t.. San Francisco, Cal. Third Louisiana statk gold distribution. . New Orleans. July 1876. *54J2..VJO IN GOLD DIsTIUBlM'KD. 20,000 ticket*: 850 currency, coupon* It; proportion. For information, Ac., apply to WILLIAMSON A DO. Prises cashed at this ottice. 317 Broadway. New York city. Thbir is not a sun i-im.ii is thkCrrv on i out of the city that may not bo cured by Mrs. M. U. BROWN'S Metaphysical Discovery. A $1 set will bring physical salvation to the child Apply at 51 Bond st. $300,000.- ? Kentucky Stale Distribution Drawn, Saturday. July -0, 110.330 priira. Kir.t priaa. $J3,'XXX Ulbert from $Jii.taJO to $100. Send for circular. Ticket!, $10; IIaire. ?5, guartera, $-' 30. TliOM ns II IIays a DO., .;i?7 llruadva;. _ 1 SPOKT1NO?DOOM. UliU)!, dir. KOK SAI.K. A I'Alll OK NO LIS II 3KTTK.R Don, well broken; Sltja and Dmulie Uinmonl Tarrlura, the llneat in lit? country . aim oil other breed, of l'ojj. ; Malice Oati and Ktltoiit. Medicine. Inr all ut MI'.Yhll'S, No II Weal .<1 at., near Itroadwuy. i D1RONDAOK.-..?VKRY KINK SKfoND HAND WRSY .mi Itilte uud shot nt a bargain II. O. Sgi'IRKH, No. l i lortlandt at. Fm>K~SAf.7;TH;71;i.K i.i. Mi) s A N D W'IIITK >KTTKR Dot*, 3'j years old*. well broken on woodcock, quail and snipe. I I'KNNliY, .V? Van Brunt St.,.South Brooklyn. I la^OR SALE OR bXOIlANGK?A TIIOROl'OIIBRHD 1 Setter Dog, lo tnoiitbs old. beautifully marked; price, j $1'<); or would trade with a Sharpe's long range t'reeunioor I Kille. Address box 57 Post olhcc, Port Richmond, S. 1 I Til Fa Tilt*. i K'lION KKKM'II AND COlt HI NATION PomI.S ! JV sold on Mouday evening at Johnson's Kooius, corner of | Broadway jtnd ^Hth st., oil the races at L"iig Brunch, j T. U. JOHNSON. ! "'jiinuS AND FKKNOII Pool.S m>I.D To MoHUoW ' u. 4 yeaning. at New York I urt Exchange. l.r? and 17 Went i 2ml iw, uu the Lou it Brunch running races; French Pools, ; *2 uud $5. Prompt attention given orders hy mail or mus- I icti^er. KKLLV, BLISS 4 CO. i IONG BRANCH RACK J JULY 1. 4, U. 8. 11, L2, 13 and 15. THUS. MURPHY. Wm. E. Ratnuk, President. | Secretary Bout eaves pier 8 at 0:45 A. M. aud special boat from | foot of 24th kt at 10:45 aud pier 8 at 11 A. M. ______ I Saratoga"k a cinh associatTon rooms, No 1.230 Broadway. Auction and French Mutnel Pool# aold every dny ! and eveuing. on Moiiiuouili Para races and upon the general result of the Presidential election aud on the result in the State of New York: also upon all the principal sporting events in the country. Order* or inquiries front anv part of the I'nited States, by mail or olh-rwUe. will receive the most thorough ami prompt attention. JOHN MnKiilrsSKY X i o. TATTRKB ALL'S TURK AGENCY. 1.2.7 BROADWAY.? Monday, opening night of auction pool sales; all pool* told this evening are lYee of commission. French pools ou ail eventa; ticket* $1. Alto hooka on all important race*. McDOl HALL A CO. HOUSES. CAHniAOKH. ?b. ? MA J OK CI! AS. \V. BARKER. AUCTION MS It. THE SPEED OF KYEltY HOUSE GUARANTEED AND slloWN Colonel J*. J. CONNELLY, of lis (Jueeti at.. Herman town. Pa., iinnouiic<'N his fourteenth UtiA.Nl> >ALE ol tne fastest HltEKN TROTTERS in the worhl, just arrived I from KENTUCKY, to take place at Barker A Son'a I City Auction Mart aud New York Tattcrsall's. corner of Broadway and Both st.. on WEDNESDAY next. July 12. at i 11 o'clock, and comprising 1<> head, iucluditig ai\ of the . fastest and moat promising GltKEN ONES to he found, | that can trot in from 2 45 down to 2 .35, and all of the beat KENTUCKY trotting hlooil; alao uu extraordinary pair of Ult'll STYLED, lfll4 high, inaliogauy bay COACH f HORSES. unequalled by any ir the State; nil warranted ' sound and ki ud ; stork now at the mart tor exhibition ami trial. All are invited to coiue and HIDE behind aud TEsT , TDK SPEKh aud drividnof miy ut the lot before i the time of sale. Catalogue* at the SPIRIT OF THE TIMES office, or at the mart. Sale without reaervo or postponement. I Auction house or arch. Johnston. 11', 21, 23 aud 25 <3tb if, ucar University place. SALES OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES ARK HELD X EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. O ? ON EVERY HORSE WARRANTED SOUND ? FROM 21 HOURS t'o 3 DAYS FOR TRIAL. 3 THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELIABLE HOUSE IN THE CITY. f GENTLEMEN HAYING HORSES OR CARRIAGES ~ to aell, or those wishing to buy. will find our business continued ou precisely the name strict and honorable ^ principle* which have always characterised the dealing* of our house and won tho respect and confidence of the ! I business community, as well as the public at large. AT AUCTION, TURBO4V, JULY 11, AT 10 O'CLOCK, BY VAN TASSKLL A KEARNEY, 1 AT T11 KI': MAR I', 11U und 112 EAST PITH ST.. KLKti AN I' PONY IT KNOTT. DAPPLE lllloWN PONY. 15 hands high, 0 yearn old; kind and true i:i all In r ne?%; tree from vice ; superior under saddle; a grout traveller: prompt und stylish driver; fears nothing; a jn?rlect fHiuily pet, und warranted sound. SKT KINK HAKNKSs. ami PONY PHAETON, WITH CANOPY AND RUMBLE, | neurlv IIV. PARK PIIAKTON. THRKKgPARTER CLAKKSCE. 1 Top Pony Phaeton Top load Wagon. by Brewster A Co. Top Witjrou, by Brewster A Co. Si\ sent 1'bsl ton, Roekawu>* Carryalls, Ac. HirilM. Saddle', Bridle* and Slid t<. AGMNTLKMAM'H BROWN ROAD MARK, .? YE ARB old; trots fa-t. Can he seen in Fleetwood track maAxes, inquire for Mr. W.M. BROOKS. A TO UNO BAY MABR, PART, JUST FROM 1HB country ; worth $7<KJ; s.dd for w 11 OR URAAF, 87 Bowery. r CKN1RAL PARK HIDING SCHOOL, Sales, Training nd Hoarding Stables, Till a.. and oKth si. For sale, m number of well bred and trained Saddle Horses, which also go well in harness, and some speed, at reasonable prices; also a pair of well matched bay*.; a tine road team. KRRI>. J. KMJKLIIABDT t FOR BALE, A PI! ALTON AND SPANISH PO V. JV, 12 hstid* high, with .saddle, Harness, Ac.; suitable ioi lady or children; very stylish. Address O. H., boa 2t?l Herald cRw. Y t M' M i~~ W1 DOW LA Y7 W H iT HAS li ECO M K embarrassed, desire* to meet with a gentleman who will take good care of a favorite horse for its use. Address .Mr'. M. m , boa 184 Harold dMb 4 I I N I . LINK OK LAI* DC > I KK>. IIOKMK HIIKKTS, i'V Fly Set*. Harm***. Bridles, Whips and every thing in the 11rae of horse clothing cheap, at K. iiA li f j LETT's, Manutacturer, 02 Warren St., corner of College place. VSI PKKB TKAN JhT IILACK lluKSKS. FINEST IS the city, I0l2 hands; long ueck?, young. kind aiid warranted sound; nino I'lmlloii bv vV o??d. new ?II amess by Wright. Blankets. Ac. ; out $J.2U0; will be sold for Ipu than , ball MU1T h t?bl ?, I III Wcai ^3d si. I TANDKM LKAOKK POR ilhK WONDKKFT'L ;\ hifih knee action; price In*. Apply at No. 47 East j MM ?i. \Si3u WILL BOY AN KLKGANT FOP Bt'GOY: cost Hait month: a I an a II rat clan* extension top ; Phaeton le*s thau hall' value; a double and single Humes*. 1 At stable firet door east of I'ulver-ity place, in 12th st VHAKUAIN POK C kttftf IIA NPSO M K BAY Horse; beautiful top l*ony Phaeton and Harries*: the ! uiost t>11alt and handsome turnout in ti e ritv lor a lady or I gentleman's driving. Private stable No 12 West 27th *1, I between Broadway and ,'nh a v. |T AM ii ?N J. iii \i? OOIAN PUXIKM, but ;\ mustang* or Texas ponies, but well broken Indian ponies i ?w East 24ll? ?t.. Wednesday aillo*clook A l A M 11.)S. \ hrOKI. Jli'C% 13 IB llfc.AU PURE breed Pottawatomic Indiin on ground* of Newport lab, Thursday, July 13, P M V~" Cool) lloll-K AND THI CK FOB HALK CIIK.t P.? Apply at 4MS 2d ?iv. or 1? Outre *t. OAFFNhY. Vnv person WaN'TINO a FIRST t |.As> palk (TP carriage Horses, late Item the country, l'??4 hands, rt rears old. sound and kind, rail on or address llnhlBt l.N, UowMuort* House, Broadway. 42d si., tiiree days, from l<> a. M to 2 p. M. , will tie sold at some price, as 1 have to I\ ? tkl city. VRCII. JOHNSTON, \t < i imnkkk. AUCTION Mart, IB to - "? Thirteenth at., near University placo. Nortira.'ee's Sale.?One drah lined Clarence, one bine lined I larence, one drib line.I Poach, one pair hay Horses, knwn a* xiid IMck . to be sdd hi auction ? u Tuesday, July II. at 10 o < lock, at the above Mail, by o.*,tr of the Moriir?K??* rf i O.N K BKKWriTKK HIPK* HAR V\ two SiIv ti", three Ouitnlmry'i. di in per order. aluo i>uu t'uupe; iiiunt bo iold. 1-4 and r.'ii M eat "J 111 ?t i OBKTLRMAK** TURBO I'T FOE HALS CHKAP.? JV One l>'*ir ot Toting aofrel lior?r*. one net of double IIarneat. \Vo??.| (ilbaoti nukf one M.tIIii toach. one Victoria tiiitl one Wlndaor I'hii'Mnn, nl. made iv lirewMer. it,, ? .(I nearly n?w will be told |n^etli*>r or ftL'parateljr. ai IK U'hY'S ttahlew. ?;d at.. near Madiaon av. | j 4 rft.1 m in ERA WACOM*. 9* l<? |I15 KI *i |ir?o, (lrm^r'?, llutclior's. Bakers, Milk, Laundr), I'mck Hue, Ad vert i tin if, lie pot, delivery Wagon*. Uiftt i (prill* ?t. I \SU I'KKloK ROAD oi: PARK IIOKSF. FOR SALF.? Park brown. |f??a band*, h year*; can l? *! to pole or hilt* III 'J mill wai ranted. 4 an be aeeii ill I'litr* fttaide*. |.V> mid 1 ;VJ Jane at I flAKKlAOL* OK ALL Kl MIR.?TOP HI'OLIIH. \J Powv I'haetnna, flock a way?. He lit isUDilim tep foar leal I'ark Phaefooa ?mi other atyle*. all m> own tnakc and warranted. at in ami I act grew' price*. Look at mv 1 ar- \ 'iage? In Philade phi:i Centennial Kxhihltion, No. 7.11*7 i . OKl'HK, IIHii 1 an d at , New York. MlfKAP RAllOU'lIK KO.( MaLK-aT MIlXHKLl.M 1 U lllllf, LlHli d., we el 01 !id a* j I RK H V !). 1878.- TRIPLE SHEE' initKRK rinui ir.Ki. <U'. CI AIIK1 AO K REPAIRS.?WK AUK NOW PUKPAKKH J to rrcelve wiutor oarria/e* tor repair*. deliverable in tbt Mtumu; ?il citrlft^A lliiiUi?d with Valentine'* Ainerii'hb varnish. superior t?- all of fore .jtu mauufBrlurr in dura billty a11<t brilliancy: ciliiUMtoi furnished. Order* left at j SV?i?iimini, 5th u\ and 1 Ith at., or at fartory, llr.aJwny and 47th ?t. H RKVVSTK K 1 t'O., of Broom* *t h^XKfl'TOKS SALE It EN J. P FAI KOIILl), Alt' 1 4 tli'ii -cr. will m?I1 4?n Moiidut. Jul) 1". IN7H. at IO A. M . at lui Charles st . the celebraletl iruttliiK liorw Toinni) Moore; uUj road Wu^ui and Sulky; tun* unit pediaree i made kuowu at place <>l sale. Hy order the Executors of the Estate ot Leauder hrvoa. deceased. f.VVflKE Tl/RNOI'T?lloksE, TOP PHAETON. HAR. Hi itroi, Ac., for nale at a ereat sacrifice horse perfectly i Hound, kind and reliable: phaeton and harness by first class | maker*, in tine but one year and In ap eudid order. Ftir further particular* apply to or address It.. .'141 East .Vuii *t., or j JOHN MOORE. '?< tN**r.-u -t }j4VKKY OKnTlHHAN 8UOI LD WKAB iHAYNB'J 4 hall ounce Hat. Just the style lor driving; siyli*li and comfortable . nrtces hiw. at SllA YXh'S. Wall ick's Theatre liulliliii;. Broadway JpXI'KKSS WAtiONS?TWO I.AKliK KXl'UKSS oil J l-'umiture Wagon* tor sale ; In fair condition Apply at \ 4 til PmH Ht I NO ft BALK?A YOLUNTRRfl sTALUuN i.Ma HANDS hIItti. out of a thoroughbred mare. color browr and war i ran tad sound, kiml sud ice title; u good stopper and nut e foal ire tier Alan a three-quarter seat Road Vt a iron, made l?> Dueenburv A Yanduscr. and in good order; can be teen at C ub Stabler 1?M* K iat tilth at "ClOtt SALK- \ UoUK IN IIANII I>KA<# APPLY if) r Mr. BROW n. No l Kail 3Hth *t IpOR svi.F- \ VHKV DBS! K A BLR I.IVKKY'aNI) Boarding Stable Business very low for cash or part exchange; location tine; business profitable. COKVkhli -t7 Park row. room in. Foil Va'i K-ha?KkT i'll a I- Ton. WOOD It rom- j make, at u bargain; in good order Address B. M. B.' * IS** Chatliaiu square IjioTt AALR \ COMPLETE rURNOUY: tram OP | bay Horse* warranted auund . Harness and Curriagc&. Can be neon at tW$ Creeiie av.. lirookl n. 1iH)K BALK v PIK8T OLA** BXPIIKHS Rio WITH | Concord Wegou, to be Men at 1.137 3d a v. t.aori sal.k-.a vkkv kink imported irish 01)k 1 Pmiy. 7 yearn old 13 to 14 handi blab: used to saddle and harness Miilable for "Polo;*1 took prise for leaping at j the tlublln ll< r-e Show ; warranted in evorv way al"N> verv | stylish Ladles' Phaeton and Harriets. by be-t Dublin m vkert. Apply to TtlOM \S I URMY I II. 144 Weat 2N|h at. 1/RHt SALB?ON K PAIR TRUCK HORSKK.~OSE largo Express Truck, one small do.- two attitrie* Wagons, I one and one b*\ Home, two sets double Hum**** and two nets single do., 'fugle or touotber Apulv to HKOVKK j A It A KKlt Sewing Machine Comoanr, 7>et itioadway. fjloil SALE THRBB LiVmBKK TRUCKS. BUILT BY 1 tli *t class maker ; one double and t wo single : one of , the sinirlo truck* has polo urn! abaft*. all made to lit rruck. j Applv ut lumber yard corner 1'olumbla ami Baltic ?t?., Brooklyn. P ?K SAI.K PAIR IX T K A H \ N I >SO \| K. r] OSELV .P matched bey. Kentucky bred. 1-V'J llorifi; vcrv desir i uble Address 1*. L . box IOA Herald Uptown Branch office. F??U BALK A BAY MXKK ISM 11AM>S HIOM year* old: warranted to trot In three minute*: suitable for coupe, and will be sold for $*2ft(i. Apply at J7o Yurick at. Fob saij: a piiakton! duhfnbury a nelson, makers: ha? been u*ed only a few time*, and will he aold cheup for want of use. Apply At 170 Yurick at. TjV> K STITF^H A N DSO M K fA IR OK <' 1/ >SR LY P matched roan and buy Mate*; can show three minuten to pole : 15 hand* IIIt?li. H and 1) years. Address L. IV, box lft 11.'raid Uptown Branch office. TJIOR SAI.K- A (iIMI.KM\N s OOMPLBTR TORN out, cor?*i*tiiifir of haudaonie dapple irray llnrw. 15^ hi ?h : warranted sound and kind: D.isiibury . Van 1)iix?t sid^ bar top Wiitfon. w ill t o e and shafts: Dun-comb Harness : both a* irnod hb now: will s-ll to a quick buyer all for Address L. s. B.. station II. TpOR BALK OUBAP-HOU8K. TRtJOlC AND 1UK.VKSS. r separate or together: must ho sold. C all at 104 North Moore at. FIOR SAI/K CIIKAI'-Tor KI'tiUY. IN EXCELLENT order; Long A Silsby, makers. Apply at No. 8 Battery place. TpOR BALK OR TO LET?TWO GOOD HORHRH, AN P op?*n Barouche, one full spring top W?K ?n, #l'if?, co t 1 $ i7*? Horse for $100; sound. tr?tule; a child's Pony anil I'll acton, $2V). Residence, I IB West ftOth at. TjV)R SALE VERY rilKAP"-!.rather top pony P Phaeton, Almost now; also HArneaa. 112 Newark St., Hobokeu. "|A| F 1'KKN SECOND HAND ROAD WAHONS. P some with tops and ?otue with firewater A Cii.,i (of i Broome at.) patent side bar couplings. A. S. KbtN'DKAU'S Carriage Warerooma, j II7J and 1174 Hr omc st. (old stand of Brewster A Co.) IN KNTLX \I AN18 TCRNOrT-L XROK BAY HOUSE, IT top Wnitoii and IfarncM ; creates! sacrifice ever known. liOVNTON, in dry coimIi it ore. 1! 7 Kth av. and ' 7lb it. / N UK AT BTRGAINM.- BDSINRftft WAilOKH, BIN OMI \T Truck* Coal Carl*. Top Bifiie*. Harnett; trrott vnriotv Repository. corner ilud*oti hihI 13th *ti?. HAKNr.sS ? CHE APKST II \ KNKSS 8TOKK IN NEW Y'-rk : good Huvirv llatiiet*. hand 11m !<?, $l"?: I'iKici [ Grocer*' llarne**, $?' ' iroml'i'inhle Team iUriifti. a g??o t llor*e HI anket, fl ."ill. Please call ami examine lor >ourselv * FIS1I Ell A ORBORN, Manufacturer*. 71 Harc>av *t. ISABKAl > 11 AI U NETS FOB Til 10 FRONT HAIK.IV visible Oimpt made of natural <u lv lair, ami a large n??ortment ofBr^fd* (liirU.Ac. 'Jl'nloii square ami No. 1 Grand I'll'.on Block. Saratoga Spring*. N. Y. 1ARGK KEDUTloN*. CARRIAGES tOR COUNTRY J and fitv! elegant light Kockaway* $HO; Wi?nnt. #l4f?: Biffftda. $1M); Pliuetnn*, $1 lit; cut under Rofkuwavrt, Ar.: Parnate of every description, *nb*tantial and vt.vlUh, Bin to $ <*> lfor*e Clothing. Lap Duster*. Ac.; fluent leather Net* In the world : hottom price*. JOHN .MOORE, 57 Warren st. mVfK NEATEST WAGONETTE. BEATING FOUR, SUIT I uble lor park or country: pric.* $150. Apply at private ilable 117 Weit 1 IIIta *1. IHnc bell. rWO KINK SECOND HAND LA Ml M' LETS?ON K IV | pet feet order and built bv Brrwip r X Co . o' Broome ?t. , A S FLA NORA U'8 Carriage Warerooun. :i7.? and .'<74 Broome st. (old stand of 8rcw*ter A ho.) vrgRY N1YLIRH WM1KAWAW. TIOTOEIAR, PARK 4 ami Pony Phaeton* and B< a I Wagon*; several aecond band Carriage! at reduced pricei. J. COLYKK A CO.. 594 ! Broadway. IIrANTED?A STYLISH PONY FROM V2 TO 13 M band* tale for children to ride or drive; must be wall broken, perfectly kind and'tuu.nd Addre** (). M. A , b ?x 1 4,475 Pott office. with full de-cription and correct price. IY7 ANTED?A WELL BltKD, WELL BROKEN s \ r>vY die Hnr*e, over 15 hands. Addrett S M.. 819 United State* Hotel, Saratoga. N V T1TANTKD?A GOOD TEAM. 13 HANDS; PONY PIIAEYY ton. Huggv llarneat and how*. In exrlring* for tir^t cla** Sewing Machine*. Address MAC I! INKS, Herald uflice. WILL EXCHANGE FOB COUPE OK SELL II\NDif gome bay Mare. 1 hand*: trot* in three minute*; sonii'I mover and kind. Andrea* II A LL, 'A) J ana ?t 1AT ANTED TO BUY A IIOQII 8 BOON D HAND it doiitde Flour Truck ; nm?t be cheap; also pair of good Horse*. rail tit stable -??? m auiaon n. IlfAMKI)-A YorXU DONKHY. SMALL AND SAFE I for children to rid?* and drive * ddres** with price mH particulars. DOtNKKY, Herald Philadelphia Branch otltce. ii^antkii? fob lady* vhk. a morse aboi t ir ?f hands lilcJi. bay preferred; must be (rvntle, veil bred and perfectly sound. Address It., box Post oflice. (%7 R| IU -XI LlOHt VVAtiOS I'OI.KS; ALSO 5) jP | set* Harness. cheap. at \'2 I Wont 19tli at. r\ WILL Bl'Y A GOOD LOW PHAETON, IN JJ I i) good order. Stable I I'M'arroll *t . Brooklyn. I HI Witt PUftGHABB A ONE HOHMB KXftCB* V I M' siun t< p Park Phaeton, iti yoo I order, seating four i? moai, Apply at ll'wi WtM 41st st ?WHS RIO ft KBW LI ITHKB TO t rnw pl?)lr. Phaeton; gold mounted Harness to match, $30. j Apply for two day at 1.40I Broadway. MY GOOPP, ~ A? I Wonderful success of our now Invention, 1 THK M AKOKKKI i'A WAVK. L which forms ('OIKKt'ltK for Ir.'iti and I, (hock; can he a. Justed without a single hair I, jpin and will not rip or tear, from $ '! jp- ' L ward. h j INVISIBLE FRONTS in law variety, ' I. | very stylish, and improving the looks of nil J LLLLL * ladles instantly. per Inch on real patent t hair lace; $1 per inch on imitation hair lac*. 8SSS 'I he largest assort meiit S S 111* MAN 11AIK GOODS. H positively ret lied at wnolc**lc pi ices. SSSS 11AI It SWITCHES of the Illicit quality I S of ti ftr end tTJKl,S. warranted to he uattr , 8 h rally early. In Immense quantities, in prices hSSS to suit vcryloHiy. NEPS for tlie front liair? 25c. and rate. II H iMi'li. II II COMBINOS made up in the* moat ap II II iprovtMj manner. J5c. .<ud <lp, per ounce. IIIIIIIIII |LATKSI' MKTIIOII. HOOTS AM, ONE II II WAV. II II n \m taken in exchange. II U OKAY II Alt: A SI* UAl.rV: Onr <111nIil\ of hum.hi hair good*cannot A he excelled. The beat proof In the world, AA highe?i premium awarded by the Amer|. A A can Institute A A |? Ml AW'* unrivalled HEALTH1 YING A AAA liA/,AAK. A A A A f'RKMK III.ANCIIE, or the Magic llcaulitier, for tlie complex W W W ion. imparts a brilliant transparency, la W WW W deliirlitti.ilv ct.olmg and an indispensable I W W W W article. lor |h?* toilet table : warranted to ho I W W W W absolutely harmless #: per box WW WW All superfluous hair on the lips, cheek VV VV chin, arms, Ac., removed without pain, and W W ' effectually, or no charge. K. l." odd my'? celebrated AURORA, to . jbleach hair of any color a fine golden NO 54 WKS'I Idondc without I?ij*ir\ to the hair, I'rh'ii for three ounce bottle, fl 50; for six ounce 14TII ST., bottle. $2 0 .1. R rontanes wooderlul preparation. DKR.M ATI N h. h sure cure near 6th av., to remove all wrinkles from the face, fj per bottle. A larue assortment of all mod New York. cm hcautily ing t'oSMhl lt^l KS on tiand Onr new illustrated price It*t now ready \?MRS M I'KDDIE'H RENOWNED GORKKIK; j perfect tit guaranteed. try them once and always, f a. How cry KEEV H CM'HTOM SHIRTS MADE TO MKASl kl ? The \erv best. ?t for f1>. not the slmhtest obligation 111 fake or keep any of KKKI' ** shirts umeo perfectly satis* factory. 571 Hro*dwa\ and R2I Arch at.. I'btladelptiin IIT 11,1 BOYS' sl VllfKR H A rs-l'RIGES KKDLCRD i J .f t hat* lor *1 75; $2 hats for 41 25; fl 50 hat* fur at, . $ I hats for ft Itlr At SIlAYNE.'S (W attack's 1 lieatre}, droadwuy. corner I nth at. nLAfttXti ul U.I. KINDS slllRRINi; KVItCnl I ilrrlux. Bull?nh"l??. lr sTKVKS> A I'll . 114 Kail IJtliM >*w York A 's'lciiiy of Jluilr. i do iriil ! > Ill<11 or ri-lurile.i |?uni|>tly. KKK.P* P?*TKN I PAKTLl H A l> h Mil KT*fho verv im?l, ti|brf?. pun ba flhl>h?d '40 ex Iv n> I ? linmUf ro!i pi Ml Hrxitiloay ami IC'l Arch it., Philadelphia. 1 [ERA] r imc y cioods. (ilosi ng oi i salk. i'<V company? lotinu out CONK LING *1 roMI'AKV. Closing out sol*. CONKMNli A t'UMI'ANV. | ('losing out soie. ??? Cluilliguut ImU. No Tiki Broadway, Closing out sale. ??? riiiiiuK tldl sale. betaeeli Hill and VH L ?l* , I'laiiun wui iMle. ? Closing out sale one block nelow A. 1. Stcvirt A Cu/i, rioda^ out iNlr. Clotiug out tale. be|? to announce their ( losing out *alc. l.'luklnir out Ikltf. CiltRAT I'bOSlNb <)l I' SAl.K, I'Iuiiuk uui IIKKaT OiiUHlNU OCT SAbK, (losing ? ul sale. ilHKA r CLOSING Ol'T SALE. Closing out pale. fluting out sale. prrfinui to stoek taking. Closing out sale. previou? to st ck taking, i I'luiiiiK out iul?. previous to stock taking, fluting out sale. Cloning out tale. of Closing out s.le. ?? Closing out nale. SILKS, Closing out sale. ? ( -'iotiug out sale. DRESS (iOOI)S Closing out sale. and CLotiug out sale. BLACK IKON FUaMK GltENADINEtt. I'losing (Mil -ulr. ?? Closing out sale. KXTKAOKDINAK V REDUCTIONS. Closing rut *ale. EXTRAORDINARY KKDl'CTlONii. Closing out sale. E X lit AO l< 1)1 N A K Y REDUCTIONS. I osi 11 g' "Ml isli, Closing out sale. SILK DEPARTMENT. Closing out sale. - | (Musing out sals. (Musing out real Lyons black grot grain ' closing out sale. Silks ol the must reliable make*, sua Closing nut sale. wurraulcd to wear, at Hot*.. UOc.. $1, (Musing out sale. $1 $ l fgj, $1 70 and f'_\ all lull/ lo (Musing out sile. pur cent below last week's prices. Closing out tale. Closing out sale. A suporior quality Lyons Gros Grain, Closing out sale. (Musing out sale. satin finish, the celebrated make of (Musiug out salo. (Musing out sale. Uuinet, $2 2N, former price $J. Closing out sale. Closing out tale. FANCY SILKS. Closing nut sale. Closing out sale. Closiug out the balance of our Fancy Closing out sale. Mtks. without regard to cost, elegant mIk i.m* at 7\~ faLw. ! Cloning out sale. Clucinit oiu ?nIh. KI'MMKk RKKSS (IOODS. Closing out nale. Yard wide printed urguuoius and Uwm, j Closiugont Mle. 12*fcc. . former price, 2Ue. j Cloning out mile. - I < inning out wale. Striped, plaid mil figured Grenadines I Closing out tale. cloning out hi 5c . *>c., 10c., 1?c. ami Closing out *alo. 25c., about hull former prices. Cloning out sale. Closing out sale. Allliueu liatisto Cloth, I2lac., 15c. and I Cloning out sale. 25c. Closing out sale. ?? Clotiug out na.e. India Madras Cloth, laco striped, 12);c. Closing out sale. Irte. anu 25c. closing out h de. i' ? Closing out sale. Host yard wide French l'ercalen, 12**c.; ! Closing out sale. former price, 25c. Cloning out sale. Closing out nalc. WORSTED DRESS GOODS. Closing out sale. Closing out mile. Summer cumel'n hair Serge, for travelling Closing out sale. suits, 15c ; former price, 30c. Cloning out tale. Closing out sale. Splendid quality all wool Dcbcige, 25c.; ' i'losiug out s ilt*. former price, 4<k\ Cloning out sale. Closing out sale. All wool plaid Debeige, 25c.; former ; closing out sale. price, 40c. Closillg out Ml i o. Closing out sale. Silk and wool plaid Foulards, HOe. ; loriuer j Closing out sale. price, tfc?c. Closing out ?aie. Closiugout sale. An elegant lino oi' Hamburg I.ace Nett i Closing out sal*. lor Nacque* and Ovcrskiru, I'olunaUe, Closing out ?ale. 43c., 30c., 75c , 85 .. $1 and $1 25. luily | Closing out sale. 'Jo per cent below last week's prices. Closing out sale. Trim in i iij< Laces to uiatci. tba* above, | Closiug out sale. l'JlBc. 15c., 2l)c. and Joe. Clotting out "ale. Extra line pure Mohair. lor travelling I Closing out ale. suits IN?.; former price. 30c. Cloning out sale. I Closing out "ale. IILACK IKON O UK N A DINKS. Closing out sale. IILACK IKON GRENADINES. j Closing out sale. IILACK IKON ORKN ADiNi'.S. Closing out sale. ???Closing out sale. Closing out our eittirs stock of black out sale. Iron Grenadines at about half cost. Closing out sale. Closing out sale. LOOK AT Til K TRICKS. Closing out a do. A good quality. lji^c., worth 2<>o. i losing out sale. A superior quality, inc., worth 35c. Closing out stile. A iiiugniticefii uuallty, 25c.. worth 5 c. Closing out salo. A sublime quality, silk and wool, 37ltfc. ( losing out sale. and .?(H. . worth t? ?c. and 75c. sale. MEXICAN GKKN A DINES. Clo-dog out sale. A very hund-mme Mexican grenadine, t'h sing out sale. 23c , worth 50c. Closing out sale, hi eg a in satin striped Grenadines, 15c., Closing out sale. worth '* K\ Closing out talc. rm.inu nut hh'k. liLAilK KKF.NCH CASHMKftE. Closing out sale. Closing out sale. We will open on Monday 27"? pieces Closing out ule. black French Casiiiucrc , in tine grades. Closing out sale, the cheapest goods ever offered in this rlo'intf t in sale. city, at Dbc., worth $1 25; at *1, worth Closing out sale. $1 50. Clnsin - out sale. Closing out sale. MAKE NO MISTAKE; OUR NUMBER IS 7U3 ONLV. JOHN K. K AUG IIRAN. ) CONKLXNG A CO.. F. W Clf I v'VIS. ; No. dr.uidwny, W. II. CUNKLIKQb ? betwn il Nih uuii bth avM. |^1N/1.\ .> CLEARING SALE. Ladies' Underwear selling at lcs? titan cost of materials. KTNZKY'S. Valenciennes Laces less than cost, T-iuuuitig Laces below cost. KINZEYS. Yory tine linen Collar*. 5c. Very line linen Cutf?, liic KINZEY'S. Hamburg Kmbroiderios, 3c. to 73c. Closing out our I'aresui stock. KIKZEY'S. Rustle shade Hats reduced to 10c. Our $10 aiid $50 Kreuc.t Bonnets. $10. KINZEY'S. j Seven inch Kssli Klbhons. 10. . J5c. yard. Cord edge Ribbon*, 2c., 5c., 7c. yard. KINZEY'8. . real ??le ol Ilonierr *nii (ilnve*. KINZKY'd.* Fancv striped Hose, closing I2*ac. pair. Ladles' tit.ale colored lloso, 13c. pair. 1'. 1 Full regular Ilalbrlggm*. 2V pair. Fine Lisle thread Hose, pair. KINZEY'S Ladies' node colored, "Ilk embroidered, Ble. Silk embroidered lialhriggaiu, 31c. KINZEY'S. Ladies' regular made llose, 2llc. pair. Muh'?' hni;iisli striped, lull regular, 25c. KINZEY'S. Special bargains in Halt llose. Lisle thread, very line, lf?c. pair. KINZEY'S. English Halt llose. full regular. 19c. Extra fHic fciiKllali Ll?le. pair. KINZEY'S. I Silk embroidered ltallirictraii?. 3le. Silk, embroidered in color*. ut 31c. KINZEY'S. Extra Alio llalhricitan". worth 75c., at 33c. Kii?|i.h full regular. ttrlpeJ. 35c. KINZEY'S | Ladle*' ami ini??e?' Berlin Glovex, lie. Laritc or Glove. t.r) low. KINZEY'S. ; 1.1 lien Kan? <doting out from If up. HllO JepallC.C FhD> ClOtlUli, 5C. Up. KINZEY'S. Price* r.uuead lu all our deportment*. WILLIAM KISZET, 7?!7 and 7HH Uroadwar ^ T. SThWAltT ,k r<? flat iug completed tliclr kvml annual inventory, will offer on Monday. July in, 1S70. aud through the weak SPECIAL BARGAINS IN FOREIGN AM) DOMESTIC DRESS GOODS, SILKS AND VELVETS. LINENS AND WHITE GOODS, j HIIIHONS, FLOWERS AND MILLINERY GOODS, j lacks. lace articles, I RIM MINOS AC., SHAWLS. 81'ITS, CLOAKS, AC.. | NOTIONS AND SMALL WAKES, HOSIERY-. GLOVES, AC., i GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S KKADYMADK SUITS, j MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SLITS. FOREIGN and DOMESTIC WOOLLENS, j FLANNELS AND BLANKKIS. BLEACHED AND BROWN DOMESTIC COTTONS, rtVI'li'.Til !'IM!nmTI/WV A Ml li.k sKKUKSISHISU UOODfl, To wlilcli thev invite tlio uttciiti in of their friend*, cut- I tomvr*, fttrnnirvri nnd residents of nelfUooring cities. HKOADWAY. 4TH AV. *?T!I AND lOfli ST.4. .Ill l.l.l \ Kit* .1*1* IlKKHNMAHlAU. ' A-MAKIRTII.MAV.OK !* A Kl >. IMI'ltRTKK. OKPKKS ' * Inrar m.iit ?>l l'*rl?lan Summer Koiinrti, Mil- j littery mot I.ii|^Ii?li I'rspvt. t'J I Oth sr.. neur 26tl? it. 4 ?MA I SON WALTO.V. H.ti HKOADWaY. ABOVK J\ i uiott ??|iliire *11! iji of the helnnco of fheir stock lit reduced price* previous to departure tor Knrope AT MMK. roMJJOT l>KK**M AKINO KsTABLlHtf I tiietil. *JH We't I ltlt St., Isdie? run rely on getting P*,r lert fitting l?re-s??* mede, trimmed in luteal J'urisinn style; ladies invited to cull. Dllhrtn khimok*. i okii6 ami> Ta**F.UI merle to order in ell style* and colors nt j at?ksox's Factory, 113. 117, I IB nod I -1 Kilt lilili ni., tiesr 4tli sr. VCONOMY ? DKF.HHKs ft T. AMD LOOPED; I j stfumstrea* *?ut out; ailit* umde on short notice; styio und work tn ?t clues . Southern trade invited. knit* h? rr \Ki?. i"i 14th st . corner 6th ?v. MMK. DKCOKADY. 172 VVKST \lM) ST. LEAVING next W'?-k Inr Paris, uffin ui great sacrifice lier sine* I i rim in * '1 Millinery; lauies' elegant JfonnetA mid round , II lit* MS low HS if 10. | MIIS KIllMlN, KKOM I .JO. I BROADWAY. MAkTTs i UsIiioiiuM j Hummer Suite for fit, 4rtft Hfh ae., above J*il> it \j MIC DKLLAC. IH WEST ?4TH ST., II AS NICK PAT iff t^rrm for welkin; suit* mill dinner dresses from Paris; | ni*o it white genie l>res? for dinner for sale Ml u very low pflf? ___ ' liLAlTINU UK ALL KIND*; slllKKlM.. LMhKoL I tiering. Mutton Holes, ?. sTKVKNH A l)U, 11<4 i Kmi I fi*i it , New \ork. opposite Acidc'tny of Music. Hood* si*iiI l?\ mail or express reimned piomptly. CK XTKVVIAI, K XIII HIT*. HIJSS k WILLI A Ms, M %M KAt^TUKKllS <>K Presses. Dies and special Machinery, 107 In 173 J'ljrm vutlt s| . 0r?'.?ki > u. I { LD. PRICE FIVE CENTS. *1 1 I I \v I I IIM. A J HLKECkhli a >OV AI Of JO .\KEKS, WKDNE>D W. July 19. ut l'i M , hi Exchange SulciiotMii. Ill Broad war, x handsome Pulludelphia brick <1 <um * at M.trlmi, N. J , thro* ?tori*a high. Lui-Ued wilii all modern cuiuuuioiu'ii mid cm h one a* cum pit* ic hi il in uu elegant neighbor hoot in New York Hly No pains litvi1 im-mi spared i?? inukc these house* fnuitles- in >tyle mid lirii?ti. Marion i? about Jii minutes from New York ?idv of the river: irn iu daily ; c tin mi: let iou about 7 ceiiu. M?|in ami |)4rtiruUr? at 1*9 iirourtwii) VDMINISTB \TOR'S HAl,K -Il()USKHOlJ? FUKNfturc BENJAMIN IV FAIK0I1ILD. Auctioneer, will sell >it auction on Monday. July ! >, at II o clock, at No. 1i?l West . d late Amity) street the Contents of said house coo*i?ting hi part ??t rosewood Piano, rosawood and black walnut Parlor Suit*, pier and mantel Mirrors, oak arid mahogany Bedroom >ull*. Mattresses. Pillows, Holsters. Bedding, OUlua and Glass, Hrrt*cl? "aud ingrain Carpets; also, |,.t ut \\ < arm* Apparel Jewelry. Ac., Ac. 11 v order ot E. It WILLIAM*. administrator. Ac., of H. H. Williams, deceased. \ ? A.?sT~J>INGEK. AUOTION E KK.~ * iV. w III sell on MONDAY July 10. at 11 o'clock A. M.. at private dwelling So. J Visit .'ftUit at., all the Nous-hold Furniture, Carpet*. Bedding, Ac. in said house, consisting in part of handsome Parlor, Library. Chamber and Dining Boom Furniture. Carpets. Bedding, l'ier and Mantel Mirrors, Ac Catalogues at the office of the Auctioneers, 49 Hroad St., and st th * home the morning of the sale. A?TUNIS JOHNSON. AUCTION KKK, " old stand,.17 Nassau st. On Tuesday, at inh' o'clock. LARGE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Fine Bedstead*, hair Multri and lledding. Carpets, pier aud mantel Mirror-. Refrigerators. Oilclotbs. Ruga ituHi*th, aud Extension Tables; Hue l'arlor aud Hedrooia Furniture. Also a tine library of Standard Books, including a set o; French's Minor Draiuas Also, by order ol the National Hotel, about 100 Trunks, Valises. Ac., sola to pay charge*. BY ORDER or NEW YORK supreme OoUfCT?TlfB iiudorftigned will sell at public auction, by JOHN A. DUNN. Auctioneer on the l'Jtli day of July, Ih7B, at Bl o'clock A. M.. and the following nays until sold, at No. J5.lay st.. Now York city, the Stock, Prooctv. Machinery and Fixtur s of the Metropolitan Collar Company, consisting of Cloth and Paper iu mils. Combining Materials, cioth faced Paper iu roll*. Collar and Cuff Blanks. Steaiu Engines. Steam Boilers, Combining Machine, Machinery, Pump*, Knicr*. Belting, and miscellaneous lots of Office and Factorv Furniture Full d?>c; lotion of above uroncrlv msv he obtained of Mild receiver at No. 2ft Jay *t , where same may seen until kale. 1'atmlopuea uow ready B. II B \LH\VIN. Receiver. HKKNAKU SMYTH, AUCTIONEER Ml OKDHK Ot the executor* ol' the cstite of Joseph lU^edf, tie tensed. peremptory sale of No. 'J.'O Mulhtrn' It. ; lot 2ftx Itm. with frout and rear buil dup* JOHN HAYES, Esq , attorney for executor*, 10W Broadway. BY JOSEPH IIKYKMAX A tJO.?MONDAY," JULY U?7 at 10 A. M., at ;i7* Adelphi st.. near (ireetie ltoMCwood I'iaiia, cost with mimic viand and eiu broidered cloth cover: hh pood a* new. walnut Parloi Suite in drab: rich velvet nud hiipllsli Brussels Carpet* with general assortrueut ot other Furniture. BY JOHN A. in N\. AUCTIUNKIA-8KIU TO* morrow (Monday), hi', o'clock, 017'hi av . the stock und Fixtures of llrst cla*n corner Liquor Siore. Particulars, Monday'* Herald. C1AFKNBY A sMIill, AUCTIONEERS. OKPICI No* T 17 Centre at., sell Moudav next at 11 o'clock, the Leas*. Stock and Fixture* of the Ik rat clam Liquor .store corner ol Cannl and Mulberry Ma J~P. TR A V KRS, AIH/ IT O N 1*1 EH, \V 1 LI * SELL ON Saturday, July 1 A, at 11 o'clock, at l.'JVs Broadway, corner 32?l at., a very handsomely fitted up Saumle Kooiu, Lease aud Fixtures. RILLEKN, AUCTIONEER; 22 EAST ]STH ST.. MKLLfV Monday gcueriil line Household Furniture. ten Uu? Carpet*, lot Painting*, Bi'dstcud*, Bureaus, Ac. Bee Hun day * Herald. MNU8SB \ r M, AUCTIONEER, 2ttl HOWKRf, HELL} Monday. Furniture of saloon* and hoardlug housi tla r?o:iiH). elegant Bur. Icehouse. Bagatelle, Uauge. Ac., Il lots only, Particular* to-morrow, jyjORTUAllE SALE. I tvill anil < in Ifnmiav .lulv III 1 RT?t at Wl A U nt tin Stables 2Jtf and 22H titn *t., near Sid av., K> Trotting, Boat Mud Ru*lne*M llursei, t >)) anil 110 tn;i Road Wagons, of S<11 vers. Brewster and ntlier city makers: one Coach. Park Mini top Pony Phaeton, koveii set* ot Mingle und double liar; nnm, Blankets. iloots. Whip*, Office Furniture. Jtc. Sale positive and in lot* Mock mlist ne removed immediately alter the rile. Among the .01 is no Mure, can trot iu J :'U> tiir. o otiicm run trot better tliiin 2 : ?<?; one Ponv, -Hi Inches und Saddle I*. DAI LEV. Pity Mar*hnl. On Tuesday, 11 tli in*t., I will noil 1J Work llunm, Carts Hemes*, Ac., nt .?.*?th st. und 11 tli av. See Herald ot thu diiy. Mortgage sale. p"eteu bowk, AUurioNilyt *ells Tuuidity, July II. hi 11 o'clock, at corner Vurich hiiiI wutts >ts . the Pont lit* of a Liquor Store, consisting ol Id nek walnut Bar und Hack Har. one four-pull Ale I'liinu. G'.usswnrc, Stove, Tables, Chairs, Ac., Ac. lly order Attor ney lor .Mortgagee. 1> \WNBROK F ICS <ALLS - I A M KS AL AK. AlCTION* I ecr. will sell at - a'esro a t * 3H New liowerr mid No. 9. Oliver at.. Monday. July It*,.ten's and woiucu'a Clothing; by order of G. Cudlipp. Last 12th nt. Friday, Jul* 14. men'* and women's Clothing; by order ol D. 0. Ferguson. Bro ?me *t. PAWNBROKER'S MALE.?R KIKLD. GENERAL vi e' tioiieer. HH|e*rooin No Hit Bowery, will *--ll on Tliurs day, July 13. 60 Mots men's and women's Clotliinrr. I>re**e*. Shawls, Ac : also Coats, Punt* and Vent*. By order or .Mrs S. Full an. West 3Wth *t. nAWNHKoKi;.; - SALES BY TIIOH. I McGRATIi" J Auctioneer. K>8 Chatham st.. corner Mulberry.-Monday?Men'* and women'* Clothing bv order M. Levy, Grand sf Wednesday?Men's snd women's clothing. by order II. C. I#ewiv. 2d av. Hit IIAim WALTERS' SONS. AiJlJT1t)NKKKS ? < Groceries, Ten*. A ? Marshal'* sale will sell, Mond*y at Hi o'clock, at 27 East Broadw ay, 5o barrels ot fine Flour, U"? boxes of fitmllv Soan. Castile, Spire*. Tea*. IM-kles, canned goods, Coff*c*. Gil*. Extract*. H? rase* conden*e< .Milk, Ink. 1<? cave* t 'laret. barrel* and dotnijohu* of Port ant Sherry Wine, Bourbon Whiskey, Ire Box***, Ac. DANIEL O'BRIEN, Marshal Abo. at If# o'clock, an assortment ot p trior and bedroon Fin-nilure. Carpets, Mirrors. Tables, Ac 1 country pedtar'i 'Wagon. RICHARD o. Walsh. Marshal. 1VKCEIVBK's SALE OK STEAMBOATS AND BARGES IV As receiver of the Albany and Canal Tow Boat Com paiiy I otfer tor >ale, together or separately, a complet* Towing Line, consisting of four large and powerful Steam er?. with a tonnage and powor a* billows, vir St e Miner Syracuse, *ksi horse power: tonnage, Hi>8 ton* Steamer General McDouald, 4<*? home power; tounage. I .VII toll*. Steamer Austin. 4**) horse power; tonnage. Hh| ton*. steamer nui<<. .wKJ horse innrrr; t? no aire, ???h ton?. I also offer for sale s'Veil (7) strong and commodious Freight Barge*. with a tonna :i? u* follows, vix Hnr/f Uwl* Roberts. doulih* decker: tonnage, 211 tone. Barge Buffalo, single deck ; tonnage, tons. Barge George Monteath, single deck ; tonnage. iMii tons. Barge Tompkins, single deck *. tonnage. 1 T?t tons Barge Charles T. Colt. single deck ; tonnage. tons. Barge Marshall. single deck : toimsxr, 1 ?"? tons. Harare Thaddeiis Jov. single deck : tonnage. 217 ions. | AH?? three large t'oal Barges, vix : ? Barge Washington, birg" Vose. barge Clinton. Also one Won i Barge. vix:?The John Adam*. ' ntf?r ell of the above described property for sale on reason i hie terms In order to close on the affairs of said c out.any ut once For further particulars please call on or address the undersigned, at his office. No 44!t Itmadwuv, Albany, N V. J II. TKV KVf'K. Hecelvtr. Ac CJIMON ABRAHAM, Al/t'TIONKKH-HKLLS TO-MOK u row, at 11 o'clock, large Stock Toys, randies, Pmin tain. Showcases, Counters, Icebox, Tables, Ac. I'articulan to morrow. liritXUN KKNNKLLY. tfHKKIWM M\ FIOXKKR If will sell at auction, on Monday July Hi. tin Kx change salesroom. No. Ill Hrnadwar, at 12 o'clock noon. tli? valuable Lot situate on the south sloe of I'Mth st . com mondng 2'? feet we*t of Icxintrtou ar . and helug 2."> leet front by 1(f) feet de *p; this is a fine lot. bslnr near the Central Turk and llarl on depot. an?l must be sold. For maps and information apply t<? said nuctioneer or to J. WOOL^KY SIlKCAKIi. "?1 Chambers st.. .special Guardian. WILLIAM K KN.N KLLY. rf Ileal Kstate Auctioneer, office .Vg flue st, Yalttahh* Improved Melrose Property. K&eciilorV Kale. WILLIAM KPNVPLLY. Hhcrtll'a Auctions#, will tell a> auction. on M<?n?U\, Julv lo. 1H7H. at 1 J o'clock nnoi. ( the Exchange s*l?*ro???n. No. Ill Broadway, New York (Trinity Bui ding?, bv order of ilia executors of Thomas lliii'hm. deceased. tin* four valuable Loin. situated on the no ii tli Midi* of Hon won or 149 th st., runinfncmr lfnO feet west of ('oil rt Ian (It av.. in the town of Melrose, w th the buildin.'* and stables thereon Tina it growing property, and in list i.o vary valuable In time. There In a house on each lot. Map* and particular* at auctioneer's office, No. .V; Pine at., nr DENIS (JUINN, fciq , Counsallor-at I.#w, SI Chambers at. \1'M s MOUNT. ISO AND 153 DC ANN ?T.. TUBS DAY. ? .Inly II. at II o'clock, assignee'* wale of a Ketai Stork, comprising a toll assortment of gentleman's Pur fiialiintr Goods. MISKAI, Am i'K.kiok i'ivmstk ladY p hum ahkoac desires to give lesson*; city or country; lilirheet refer cncea. Address CLASSICAL, Herald Uptown Branch office GENTLEMAN OP OKKAT EXPERIENCE IhIVKH instinotion on pianoforte, or4an. harp and harmony at pupil's residence; f|0 quarter reference. Address. with reference, TEACHER, box 139 Herald Uptown Branch office. BTn.IO. (ilMT vkTvToLIN. HONG AND da vcf. .fro mid Clog Dancing taught by II. DORSON, 4H6 mil a\. /IAKD PIANO. OKOAN. VIOLIN. GUITAR. SlNOlug.?Private Lesson*. 3*J Kant 14th at. Circular* mailed. Address I'K'iKKssliK. /naiid.-a german pianist, well schooled, gives first class instruction on the nianoforte at pupil'# residence for per quarter, or 4*V. per fasten. Address IMSTRt CTlOS. box I Id Herald Uptown Branch office 1NSTKI ? TloN GIVEN ON PIANO A Nil IN HINGING 1 at #7 per quarter (practice free>, by a lady thoroughly qualified, at 31 Second av. A I UHL . DO NOT PAV 3(1 ('.'.NTS WHEN YOU CAN Ail irei It for IO cents, send stamp fur catalogue. iiAiuM.iu .*?, nowRry, uppoMifl i niic (. MChIC 1-a rail XOXTII fOR ixmtrcctio* on Piano, practice free . * opportunity tor Iruprova men I through vacation <41W. ?t :*Hh -t. Ill A NO ANI> .sINOlNO I.KSHt ).\S - BY PIIWT ?;EANS trotiilenian teacher, 41 leaaoa during rniumrr. i'ARItK'H piano wararooma. lo7 Writ '2JM at. W A.NTI.O?VlKST CLASS Mil* KAMI KOiThIMNKK ff garden roiuerta. Addrtaa. with larina. Aft. WAN. AOKK. 1,224 Citron at., Philadelphia. HILLIAUI^. t MKKIi'AN HTANl>AKf> HKVKI. HII.LIARD J\ Tablaa; ala,? a large Stock of Italia. t'uea, Ac., at ta?111c>**I price* ; aacotnl Iimii.I Tuhlea at great bargaina W. II OKI KPITII A PO.,4i? Yettyat. BILLIARD l KBLK, Sk\ I LLI I> i OMPLKTfv BAlUk Ac., in perfect order, cheap. tVALKKfl. 47 Kaat 12th at, C10f.f.KNI>KK'.S STANHAIIO aMKIMCaN HF.TKL / Hillimd T*l>l??. with ill. ( I.brai.'t I'll.Inn k <'oll?ad*r r.ittiIiiiiiiIiiiii euililum, fur ? !? in thl. ciiy only ni7JH Mroftd* * ay. rpvru ana hkvki.lku himliahd hki.ks. ?.v. 1 mill lir.i rln.t. ? 11 III* Mid Chans 'of ; caik al j>iauo war, ruuiua, 21M bail -Jd ?l