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tliv XJ11I I'll V I U I V , I TEE FACTION FIGHTS OF THE TWO PARTIES. ; Intrigues for the Control of the Coming State Conventions. DISSATISFACTION IN INDIANA Reisous Assigned fur the Removal of Postmaster General Jewell. THE INTERNAL REVENUE COMMISSIONER Retrenchment in the Senate and Dismay Among the Democrats. w _____ WASHINGTON. : i The Peculiar Political Situation in 1 i llifl Pmnir# Sinlo FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. Washington, July 12, 1S70. STEW tobk iii THE FOBTHCOMING political campaign?THE faction fights in both parties ?IiKTTKU KEELINO between THE friends ash opponents ok mb. conklino? tammany hall AND tub democrats? probability op mu. skymoib's nomination fou governor. The peculiar condition of New York attract* more and more here the ullentlou of both democratic and republican politicians. The Importance to each party of carrying tlie Staio In November la so great that It is ?iaoiy iu ihj uiu eivuu ui e\iraoruiuary viiuiu luia uui. At present neither party is harmonious. The New York republicans have divided into two lioslilo camps since tho Cincinnati Convention, each tuoro bitterly nnd aggressively hostiio to tho other than before tho Convontion. Tho null-Coiikltng men are undoubtedly greatly elated at tho defeat of Mr. Conkllng's aspirations. They recount with a chuckle of delight tho number and characlor of Senator Conkling's humiliations. "Ho nover Attained to llK) votes in tho Convontion," they suy; ho could not prevent u rupture in his own delegation, iittcen or eighteen of whom had determined to vote against him if his nomination should ut any time become possible; he was openly and bitterly denounced lu tho Convention by Mr. George William Curtis, as tho "common dispensor" of patronago iu tho Stato of New York, and, thereioro, mo eorrupior 01 tin pontics. wnon uo was mniscil dolcated his friends risked tho nomination of Mr. Woodford to the Vice Presidency, and this also was conleui]itously refused, and Mr. Whvelor, Mr. Coukling's rival in the State, was nominated, and finally, tlioy say, to clinch tho matter, when Mr. d-'oukllin: desired his friend Mr. Cornell to ho mado chairman of tho National Committee this, too, was refused. Ills even reported here thai at a meeting of tho Natiooal Commitieo In 1'hiladelphia the other day a letter was Shown to tho members In which Mr. Curtis declared that It Mr. Cornell was mado chairman of tho commit, tec he would boll the ticket. While Sctiaior Coakliua's opponents thus rccouut their success and his humiliations he and Ins Iriouds do not conceal their uecp Irritation nor their deter. Mln.imii Innmn. il,o,? -.1 --1 1 .1.-1. opponents to submit lu sonio conspicuous manner. Sev.ruI o! Mr. Coukling's most faithful lrieuds and followers nave been m town during tbe last ten days ana ibey look to tlio Stnto Convention to rcliova their losses uud muku tlioir opponents eat liumblc pie. Ihtv cou it largely upon thu lack o. d sciplinc and coherent) ol Mr. Coupling's opponents. Mr. Wheeler's frieidi, ' they hold, must keep out ol tho battle us a mailcr o prudence, (ioveruor Morgan and his allies ol tho U.noii Leaguo Club they profess not to fear gr< ally Mr. Itusicd aud Judge Kobertson they hops to ciu?h, with all thoir allies, aud as for Mr. Curtis, they only hope that his name may bo mentioned In connuctioo wah the Governorship, for, if It Is, they will retort ujhju him tbe humdiatione ol tho Cincinnati Convention. It la probable that the Conkling wing will put forward Mr. Cornell as their caudidate for Governor, and will Insist upon making the Statu ticket regardless of tho wishes ol the other wing of the party. Thus thoro Is n prospect, unless the anli-Conkliug men sarronuer withtut a struggle, of a bitter light. Ilut this will he fought tut, as far as possible, before tbe Convention In tho priinary meetings, whore Mr. Conkling's fitends hope to defeat their opponents so badly that they shall nuke but a lame itud nnpotent show in the Convention. All tnis. ol course, does not puss without tb? observation of the New York democrats. Hut wliite they rejoice over tbo strife in iho ropublieun camp tboy have troubles of their own, though less serious Tbo Tammany democrats sulk. They do not sec what they are to gum by the election of Mr. Tnden. Tbey have no hope of federal patronage or support from film. They ay that his favorites are among liberal republicans like Messsra. Dorsheimer and lligclow, and that tins clues ol supporters, though they may be few in hum- j ber, are quite ready to monopolize all tbo offices and patrouagc. Tboy have been made to feel that Governor Tiideu, like General Grant, tolerates no opposition tohia imperious will, and that ho will never forgive those who, with Mr. John Kelly, opposed hia {'residential views Tboy assort that he is really weak In the State, aud that his zealous followers are numerous only or mainly in those parts of the Slato which givo rcpub lit an majorities In the elections; that he secured tbo State delegation by delegates chosen on the repubheau part of tbo ?lalc, and that the auli-Tildcu strength lies In New York and lfrooklyn. where the democrats must get their majority. 11 anywhere. Mr. Kelly has been hero several days looking over tho Held, getting the promise of prominent Senators and members to apeak ut bis great Tatuuiuny ratification meeting and quietly trying to discover where ho is likely to tlauJ in tho Slato Convention. 11 Is probable that ho would make a clean surrender to Mr. Tilden if be were a less obstinate inan, and If such a surrender Could replace him where be was in the last Convention. But be probably sees that lie can enter tbo coming Convention wuh oaly half a delegation under nay circumstances, and that he will havo to bare with hit rival Mornssey, and nitu rally this outlook Is not pleasing to him. The democrats daro not cast oil Tammany entirely, but it u pretty certain tliat they will even do this rather than allow Mr. Kolly and Tammany the control they had la?l spring. They do not forget that Tammany has no place to go la 1: la conft lontly expected here that Horatio Seymour Will be renotumated for Governor, and that ho will accept the aonination. If he does the democrat! count undoublingly upon carrying New York In November. And, wben ouo considers the divisions In the republican party, tbe possibility that Mr. Conkhug may Ioko Internet in the campaign, and the present coarse of General tlruul, it does look very much like democratic 1 success in New York. DISSATISFACTION IN INDIANA* OYER THE NOMINATION OF MR. ORTH?THE TROUBLX ABOUT THE VENEZUELA CLAIMS?LOADS THE REPUBLICAN TARTY IS COMPELLED TO CARET. News comes here that there is a growing diasaiisfactlou In ludiana over the nomination of Mr. Orth as Governor. The Foreign Affairs Committee ot tho i House btve damaged hiui by evidence, mostly bis own, which showed that while be was a member of Congress : and of thai committee In tbe Forty first Congress, the ! i commute* reported favorably upon the Venezuela | ciainil; that Mr. Orth thereupon appeared before the i est Congress, of which he wan not a member, I aa the attorney of Still well, Minuter in Venezuela, whe had $80,000 of those claims, and Talmadgo, the American Coiiiniissiouer, who audited tho claims, and, according to Mr. t?nh'e account, owns a larger amount then StillccIL Mr. Orth was elected to the Koriythird Congress In October, 1871, and after his dealt? cad daring the winter of 1871-3 h? NEW YORE :arne to Washington, in tho service ot the name parlous, to lobby uu act through Congress, ratifying the llnol award* of tba commission, Tor wtilcti be received 17,000 ;Di hi* expenses. This is forbidden by section 1,781 of the llevisod Statutes, which makes such services performed by a member of Congress a penal ufTenre. It Is said here that when the report on this Venezuela business is made public it will noud some:hin.' ni ne thuu the appointnieut of Mr. Tynor us I Costuiasler General to strengthen the party in Indi- I ana. Orth, in Indiana, and Marshal Packard, in i anu. tiro heavy loads lor the i>arty to carry. UOVLHhOlt T1LS0 AND CIVIL BKLVICE REroam? a proposition to hid iuuheii tuam HAYFK. ' Several of tho moat influential democrats Lore are urging Governor Tildtn to declare iu lis letter of ao ceptnnce unequivocally for civil scrvico reform, and |irouii?e that ho will uot niako removals in tho subordinate of!Ices if he should bo elected, except lor Incapacity or corruption. This movement startles inauy members who arc hardly prepared lorsich u millennial promise, and would rather have it deferred ' until they pel their own people in. Hut the meu who urge it are the most tntluentiul In their party Lore, and they are In earnest. They want their candidate to bid higher than Governor Hayes, and it Is certainly a promising sign In politics when the wisest and most influential men In both purtlos see that tho way to success lies in the most specillc pledges ol good government and ol reform in the public service. ml. hewitx's lit rut speech?reitblican PROMISES AND PEItPOUMANCE8 CONTLABTFD. Mr. Hewitt, of New York, has prepared a brief speech to bo delivered to morrow comioscd almost entirely of limitations front republican platforms. pi uuiiscs of civil service relorm ami messages of General Grant on the same subject. His intention is to contrast the trc<|iient uud ubumlant promises with tUo very tneagro performance?. HIS DISMISSAL or THE LATE rOSTMASTKB aKNEBAL?CABINET MINISTERS WITH TOUGH 6KIX8 WANTED. The sudden dismissal of Mr. Jewell remains a topic | of discussion, and It ia reported to day that bis brother, who is Commissioner of the Court ot Alabama Claims, will soon lollow hi in. ' Didn't Jewell have rather short notice irons the President?" some ouo asked u personal Irlend of General Grant's to-day, and tlio reply was:? "Well, yes. It was a little rough on tho old tutin. Ho might very wisely dissemble his love, but ho ought not to kick him down stairs." There Is an Impression thai tho President was disappointed at the voluntary resignation ol Mr. Hrislow and llluford Wilson, and took it out of poor Mr. Jewell Meantime, persons of delicate sensibilities will hardly expose themselves to such treatment, and the President will huvo to seek Cabinet ministers hereafter, if ho should need others, among tho toughskinned sort, who do not mind being shown tho door. FROM OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT. Wabiuxutox, July 12, 1870. THE BIY?B AND IIABBOH HILL?HETULNCIIMENT BY Tim SENATE?A BOMLSHILL IN TILE DEMOCBATIC CAMP. The KIrer ami Harbor bill, as reported to the Senato yesterday Irotn the Senate Committee on Appropriations, ik a bombshell In the democratic cutnp. Tho bil was passed by tho Uouso a good whilo ago?in fact, it] was among tho very (list of the Important bills paused by that body, but It was kept back In tho Senate Com. mltiee room until tho democrats had committed themselves to the policy ol retrenchment In other and more important measures. The ltlvcr and Harbor bill Is one in which every Congressman must get inserted at tho risk of personal popularity an appropriation for evory stream and Inlet, little or greut, within the boundaries of his "deestrick." Failing Ihla, be may say adieu to big hopes lor luribor uongrossiooal houoia. What was the dismay of the average Congressman this morning, therefore, tvben ho learned that the Seuato had "tired out" all the little two pcuny appropriations of this kind, enlarged tho allowances to a few of the more im|iortant rivers and harbors and at tho same tlmo effected a reduction of many million* In tho House's own bill A very ugly dilemma, ma it will he seen, was presented by ttiis action of the Senate. Tho virtuous Bilcklors for retrenchment In the Treasury clerks' salaries and fast mall expenses must eitbor lace tho wrath of their constituents on tho evo ol nominating conventions by assenting to this obviously proper economy or go upon the record ns Inconsistent oud insincere. The Senate watted until this late day to make the point against their opponents, and a good deal of amusement Is afforded by tho predicament the latter are in. lly an inadvertence the bill, with its alterations, was reported in this column yeslorday as having been agreed upon in coniorenco, when Its poaitiou was as above stated. Tho following are the Senate amendments to tho bill:? Appropriations for tho lollowing Improvements have been stricken Irom the bill:?For Ibc harbors of Dunkirk. Olcott. l'uiiiicyvilic and Ureal Sodus Hay, in New York; Kraukforl, Pentwuler ami White ltiver, Mich. ; Menominee, Wis.; New Raven, Millord ana UousutoDlc Jtivor, t uuu. ; Taunton ltiver. Kail ltiver, Now Bedford; Merrunue River and Salem Harbor, Maps.; Hlchiuond Island, Me. ; Ire llnrbor, at Chester, Pu.; l'assaic ltiver, X. J. ; Klk llivor, Md. ; Occoquan Creek, Acquis Crouk ami Noniiny Creek, V*a.; French Broad Kivor and l'uulico River, N. C. ; i Itiich River, llcawassoe River, l'owell River and Cumberland ltiver, bolo* Nashville, Tenn.; lor work in Cypress P.ayou, Sabine Pass, Triuity ltivor, Puss Covellu and Arkansas Pass, Texas; Toniblgbee River. Alabama; Breakwater at Wilmington and Monterey llarnor, Cat; 1.title 8odus Bay, New York; Delaware ltivor, botween Trenton and White Rill, X. J. ; harbor ol Bridgeport, Conn,; Saugatuck, Mich, nud Wadduiglnn, N. Y. ; Mickey's Kerry, N. C.; l'ascngoula l!av, Mississippi; Ocuiulgoo River and part oi Darieu, Georgia; Mnttaponv and Patnuukey rivers. VirpBls; dredging Hudson ltiver in tront of 1 Jersey City; improvement ol the channel between Staten Island and Now Jersey; Osage ltiver, Missouri: I harbor at Raclno. Wis.; lor e\anmiaiion and survey or ' rivers and harbors, and several small amounts tor int- 1 provemouts in some of the smaller rivers m the Southern Mates. The lollowlng itoros havo been added:? Repair of Kast pier at Cleveland, Ohio $8,000 j Removal of Beaver and Nailor Ueud rocks, in I.ittle Kanawha, West Virginia 7,300 Improvement ol Missouri River above the mouth of the Yellowstone 35,000 Improvement of llig Sandy River, In Kentucky and Went Virginia '. 15,000 Repairs ol plors at the mouth ol Black River, Ohio 6,000 Removal of a bar in Mississippi River, opposito Dubuque, Iowa 18,000 Total $89,500 The Secretary of War is also authorized to cause examinations and surveys to bo made of several additional rivers, and $?0,000 la appropriated therefor. The I'oilnwiug appropriations have boon increased:? Harbor ul lluiltlo, N. Y., Irnm $75,000 to $100,000. For removing obstructions in the Kast River and Hell Gate. New York, from $->00,000 to $325,000. The harbor at Green Bay, Wis., Irum $3,000 to $12,00a i ,.i <i.. * "" wi.un,?vii. "???- | ford, from $20,000 to $.V>.l*K>. The James K:ver, Virginia, from $110,000 to $75,000, Oucnitn Klver. Arkausae, from $>1,000 to $1.'1,000. j Cedar Keys. Kla.. from $10,000 to $20,000 Lower wililamclto and Columbia rlvorit, from Port- 1 land, Oregon to the sea, from $!.' ,000 to $.'(0.00Ji I p|ier Willianiotlo, from (1.5,000 to $26,000. Hudson Itiver at Now Vorc, from $'25,000 to (tifl.000. I Saginaw River and Harbor, ilich., from $11,000 to $2.5,000. Ko* and Wisconsin rlTora, from $100,000 to $050,000. 1 llarlx>r at Krie, I'a , from f-to.ow to (50.000. lire,ikwater at Block Iilnnd, U. I., $20,000 to $40,000. Harbor at RondotH, N \.. $80,000 to $50,000. Hock Inland Rapids, Mississippi Itiver, from $20,000 j to (50, tOO. Mouth of tha Mississippi (liver, from $100,000 to $ l.SO.OOa There have also been several small reductions of ap- ! proprlaiioba, another blow at thk commercial supremacy i of new tore?a proposition to remove the bhira from our wharves to the , coast or lono island. Another blow was aimed at the commercial supremacy ol New York in a resolution introduced to-day by Mr. | A. M. Ulna, ol Brooklyn, providing that the Secretary Ul nx bubii v.ur\ > ?" ? ?i ?-""B I.I.U.I, b-twccn Qrmveaend H?y and llorkuway. and report upon the necc>sity of a breakwater between those 0010U fur the protection ol commerce; also wbal int prwvemonU can bo inada to tho cliannala of Sheopaboad and Canaraie bay* and tho cost of tho improvement* that may bo recommended. Tlie objact or tb* resolution la to havo tho fudgment ?f the engineer* on the practicability of Improving j iboae two cflannola ao a* to allow vessel* to |>asa ol [reater tonnage than is at present poaaiblo and without ha trouble now experienced In following the rballow, j ortuoua channels, and to ascertain the legibility of mproromonla by wuteb tho otherwise natural advaa> j : HERALD, THURSDAY, J ugea ot thai part of Klngi county for manufacturing I purposes may bo utilised and at the same liuio to open up a new way of supplying Brooklyn and other localities with all manner of merchandise from that point. It is urged by tbe residents of Kings county as not altogether Improbable that auch a breakwater or other improvement may bo made oil' tho coast ot Long Islaud by which vessels from ail parts iuhv find lint null/ Il.,11.. mnlul Inn lull u IIn TOW'S FEJEND3 TO BE FUItNISHED FO* THE PliEfllBENl's KCALTIUO KNIFE. It is .understood this evening that still lurtber removals aro to tulco place in the Treasury Department, prominent among which are mentioned that or Mr. Oouaut, Assistant Secretary, and that of Kluier Wushburue, Chief of tho Secret Service Bureau. It is said that, under instructions, a list is being prepared lor the President of tho names of all otllcialsand clerks in tho Treasury who were iu sympathy with ex-Secretary Ilrlstow. The list Is to be handed in to him to-morrow and the President has already slgnitled his intention of acting promptly on lliotn, through Secretary Morrill, who will give the necessary order. Thero was manifested considerable trepidation and upprcheusion atuoug me several Duroaus 10 uav ana cacti omciai ana employe wag anxious to kpow if lie was to bo among . the deprecated. Ill a few days Mr. C. C. Adams is to be replaced by another appointment. THE KKl'EAL OP THE RESUMPTION ACT. The Banking and Currency Committee will moot to-morrow, but may not lake up the resumption repeal question. 11 they should It will probably fuiL Should a vote bo forced, however, Mr. Gibson, of Ixiulsianu, will insist upou coupling the ropeal bill with his bill requiring the Treasury to reserve $1S,000,000 of specie yearly aud to resume specie payments when the speclo accumulation has reached thirty per cent of the outstanding paper. MB. JEWELL'S BESIGNATION. MB. WILLIAM OBTON'S DENIAL OP ANY CONNECTION THEREWITH. New York, July 12, 1870. To tub Editor or The Herald:? The statement published as a Washington special in tho Evening J 'oil of to-duy, to tbo clloct that 1 was concerned in or had knowledge oi tho removal of Tostmaster Uoneral 'Jewell, is absolutely faiso. Mr. Jewell und myself were warm personal friends long before ho becamo Postmastor General and nothing has occurred that I am nwaro ol during his official term to disturb our relations in tho slichtost degree. it ts made by law tho duty of the Postmaster General once a year to fix tho rates which the government shall pay upon Its telegraphic business. This is usually done at the end ol June in each your, and Binco Mr. Jewell lias been Postmaster General ho has given mo notice of the tune when he would consider tho sub-. Jeet, lu ordor that 1 might be heard it 1 should so desire. Some three wueks ago he called my utteuiion to the mutter, as ho had done the year before about the same lime, und in a communication to me on the subject spoke of a reduction ol rales. Wo liad somo correspondence about tlio mutter, during which he stated that he proposed to bring up the subject in a Cabinet i meeting. Thereupon I sent the President a coiumucation by telegraph to bo considered at the saino lime, giviug brieily the reasons why I thought the government rates, which are considerably below ibe uvoruge rates nald bv the liublic. should "not lie luiLhor re. duccd' This messuge was Lot scut 11 true to lie con- i sldered at tho meeting. A lew days later 1 went to Washington lor the purpose ut comcrring with the 1 Postmaster General on this subject, and the rosull of tlio cotiierenee was ati arrangement of the rules substantially on the basis of last year, which was eutiroly satisfactory to me. I liuve not only not been a party, directly or Indirectly, to uny movement looking to the removal of Mr. Jewell, but 1 have hud no knowledge whatever that any such movement was on tool. oi courso I am not a competent witness concerning what is douo at Cabinet meeting*, but us the telegrapu rules lor the current used year were lixed by the Postmaster Gcuernl voluntarily there was no occasiou lor an uopoal to the Cabinet to overrulo him, anil no such an seal was iniiilo to uiy knowledge, and it may he assumed, therefore, that ho was nut overruled. WILLIAM ORTON. NORTH CAROLINA REPUBLICANS. THE BTATE CONVENTION YESTERDAY?JUDGE SETTLE NOMINATED FOB GOVLKNOB?THE CONVENTION ADJOUHNED UNTIL TO-DAT. Kalkiuh, July 12, 1878. The Republican Slate Convention was culled lo order at 00011 by Colouol Thomas li. Keogh. Chairman of tho ' St.iic Executive Committee, who api>oiuied for temporary President Right Itev. J. W. lie id, a bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. A turbulent sceoo followed. A motion authnrizthg the President to appoint a Committee on Permanent 1 Organization, was violently opposed by Mr, Pool's adherents, but ultimately passed, whereupon the President read a cul-and-dried list of committeemen. A Committee on c redentials was appointed, also, during the retirement ot these committees. Various inetloctual motions were made and great conluslon prevailed. Speeches were uiaUo by Judgo Tourgoe, * Hon. Jotiu Pool, Judges 1). 1- Russell and Samuel \V. Watts. Uou. Samuel T. Phillips, Solicitor General of tbo I'uiteii Status, who bad been selected for permanent President, th?n ipoks at considerable isigtk. lion. Richard C. iladgor tlirn put in nomination lor Governor lion. Tbainas Settle, one ol the Supremo Court Judges of North Carolina, characterizing him as one of the truest, most manly and chlvalrtc republicans In the State Hon. Owen II. Dockerv uained lor the candidacy by Judgo Russell. lion. John Pool advocated Mockery as en old line whip. Alter remarks from several persons in support tiuii, tli? roll wan vailed. Settle received 173 voir* to fii lor Mockery, wber upon Mockery apixuiod upon tho platfoiin, proponed lliroo cheers tor North Carolina and moved to make tho nomination unanimous. V'or l.ioutouHiit Governor, ox-Congressman William A. Smith nod A11rot Mow, negro, were named. I'tudinff a vote thereon. Judge Settle wax conducted to the ptaMurm .'.ml Hiinounreil In* acceptance of tlio nomination, with itt re-pousiblhiicit; ho hrielly aUlml Hint he would forthwith resign In* judicial oltico and cotnniroro a canvus* ol tho Stale, jointly with Governor Vance, I rum the mountains to the soaltoard. lion, William A. South wa* thvn nominated lor Lieutenant Governor, receiving all but twenty-sawn voles. ttie Secretary o| State being next in order, Alien Rutherford, J. Kdward West, W. H. Howarton, Judge Satnuul \V. Walla and Colonel William A. Albright were aevernlly named. Without taking a Tola the Convention, al ten minutes past aoven I*. M., adjourned lo ten A. U. to morrow. land ami unload their cargoes at or near it, instead of being compelled to go alongside the crowded wharves ol the metropolis, under tbo disadvantages that In many cases cow exist THE COVET OK COMMISSIONEB8 OP ALABAMA CLAIMS?ITS EXISTENCE CkOElt THE PKES1 KNT LAW Ari'liOACUINO A TEUMINATION? INFLUENCE* OPl'OSINO ITS PBOLONOATION. Ten days heuce?namely, on the 224 of Jul)?the Courtot Alabama Claims will go out of existence unless Congress In tbo meautime does something to prolong its life. Tbo chances ot a prolonged existence are not, it must be confessed, very promising. In the first place, somo of the democrats are mean ouough to say that 11 thoy elect Tildcn for President they can revive the Court next year and let him nominate democratic Commissioners. Then, again, the Insurance com names, who are left out In tho cold in the new Award bill passed by the Uouso tho other day, are opposing the bill tooth and uatl, because It prolongs the present Court one year, alter which timo they know they will never havo a chance ol having their claims ad muted. Hence It is to their interest to hare the present court die and a new one created next winter by n new hill. In which they can mako a fresh end, thev hojie, succosslui ellort to havo their claims recognized. The hill as passed admits only the suderers by the exculpated robtl cruisers and tho socullcd "war premium men." Tho bill Is In tho -Senate, wlnro It Is likely to slumber, as Mr. Edmunds Is In charge ol it, and Iho policy of thut gentleman is regarded as fatal lu all closio.x of claimnnts except those recognized under existing lawa Tho most ho will do is to consont to prolong tho present Alabama Court uutil the 1st of November next, and his committee has a bill to do this. There are now about 350 cases ot tbe old kind upon tho docket still uuheard, and us tho Judges must hear each case very deliberately, probably 300 of these cases will not be rouched if tho Court goog out of existenco ou the "2d iusL This matter Is among tho many pieces ot snarled legislation which Congress will fail to disentangle bcloro its adjournment the INTERNAL ltBVENUR COMMISSIONEliSHIP? Thames mentioned for the succession. Among tho candidates spoken of to-night for tbe succession to Commissioner Pratt are the present deputy commissioner, K. H. Whiting, of Illinois; Colonol Tom lirudy, of Indiana, a friond of Senator Morton, and Colonel Sewoll, who commandod one of tho New York engineer regiments In tho war, and is now in chargo of the bureau lately In charge of liomor T. Yuryan. more removals to take place in the treasury department?a list op biu8 ULY 13, 1876?WITH STJ] SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMEB8. datm or mrABTUKBa rnu? ?i* tobk worn m Monrua or JILT AMD A CO CUT. Summer. Ila4i*atiim. j Plata ul I'euutyl'a July IX. Illastrow... i 72 Broailway Kruuu Jul* 13 liiiuiburr..|lll Broadway City ol Chaster July la. i.iverpooi.. 115 Broadway Oiler July l.r>. Bremen.... IllKowllntr Groea Bolivia ...... July 15. Glastrow ... 7 Bowline llraou Ainariuua July 15. Ilurra. li>5 Hroa.twar Gbltto .. July 15. Liverpool.. |37 Broadway Spain - July 15. Liverpool.. |i I) Broadway IdaLo July IH Liverpool.. VP llrnuvn> Seythiu Julr 10. Liverpool.. J Bowlineilrpea Maae .Inly JO. Rotterdam. i Broadwa ? fimbria July JO. Hamburg.. Ill Hroadway Utopia JulyJJ. Uiudou i Bowling 'ireoa City of Riehraoud. .lulr JJ. Mverpool.. 15 Broadway Alautia .... July VJ. Illukirow ... 7 Howling lirwaa Mum Julv 3V. Bremen.... 2K"wllnu urenn Kugland. July 22. Uverpool.. W>Broadway Ht. I.aureul. July 22. Havre...., 55 Bromlwav Nevada Julv 25. Liverpool.. 21-Hruadwur Algeria July 20. Liverpool.. 4 Howling (Iraaa Htateol Virginia... Julv 27. illaacow.. Broadway Uellert.. July 27. Hamburg.. <11 Broadway Britannia Julv 21). Liverpool.. 37Uroadwav Marker July 20. Ilreioen 2 It< w)iul; iiraaa Egypt Julv 20. Liverpool.. HO Broadway Aiifluirla July 20 Looiiou... 7 H. ? lm? lireen franco July 20. Havre 55 Hrnadwny Bothnia. lur 2. Liverpool. 4 Howling (irenn State til Nevada.. Aug 3. Glaayow.... 7vhreadvay Pommeraaia...... Aug 3. Hamburg HI Broadway Rotterdam Aug 3. Uoiterdum. '*) Kromlway City ol Berlin Aug 5 Liverpool. |5 Broadway Italy Aug 5. Liverpool.. HO Broadway M ae Aug 5. Bremen .. ?H?wllnir (IrOWU California Aug 5. Llaagow,.. 7BowlingOraau Auriralia Aug 5. Lodoi 7 llewllugdrawn 1A laeonaia. Vug H. Liverpool. 2o hroadway Carmaate 'Aug 12. Liverpool.. b7Broadway ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAY. M7* AKO MOO* I mon WAT KB San rises 4 40 | Oor. Inland evo 12 51 Btin bets 7 39 j Sandy Rook evo 12 06 Moon rises eve 10 68 | Roll Gate. ore 2 36 PORT OF NEW YORK, JULY 12, 1876. ARRIVALS. KXrOSTPP BT TUB U a BALD HTE AM TAOMTB AMD HBBALD WIUTBHTOIB TKl.KUBAFU LISL Kteuiuer Aiaxtia (Br), Camphell. (ilaagow Jnly 1 and Moviile 2d. with mdae and 13!) paaaengeri to llendoraou Hroa. July 7. lal HI 50. Ion 41 30, rand sluamer Ktlilopla (Br), hence lor (Jliisgoiv; loth l>tl4120. Ion 05 20, bark u- r..,,,, D^.n, r,? York. Steamer fimbria ,Uerj, Brandt, lluinbtirir June 2* nnd 11 uvro July I, with nulae and 270 paaaenr'-ra to Knnliardt .t I'd. bail wcatorly wiuila, with a high head awoll nail dump, futrgy weather to the Hunk* Iroin tliouce flue weather. July let 4ft 28. Ion 27 59, pu?uod i'unurd ateuiner bound rant; Hth. Int 44 lo. lou 47 37, u Union ateninor bound eMt; lUh. Ut 43 t.'l. Ion 55 14, tlirnalled ?hlp Itinjclrad.r from Liverpool for Ilnllltnore : 11th, let 40 85, lou fht 45, berk Kranela liilrerd llri. from Dublin for Lewea. Del. Steamer Olympie ilir , Vuunc, Alinerlu May 3D. tlenoe Juno 7. Meraellle* 10th. Ijephoru 13th. Nnplea 14th. Meaatna lltth, 1'iilerino 2'Uli, Mentone 24th nnd Olbrelter.'.'ftth, with mdae and paaaengert to lienderaon liroa; had at roup, wcrterlv winda. Steamer Ktna (Br). Sanaom, Port au Prinee June 20. Saraullla 30th, Aepinwall luly 2 and Xava-aa Oth, with indxe and passengers 10 run, rorwnou ? ?/<>. nrst tour day* had strong hoad winds and heavy head seas; duty 7. (iff Castle Island, passed steamer Alps <Hr>. hence for Port r.u Prince: off Great Egg Harbor, echr Chas A Kemp, bonnd north. Steamer Colnmhni, Reed. Havana July H. with mdse and passengers to We P Clvde A Co. Steamer State of Texas, Bulger, Oalvestnn J ulr 5 and Key West Hth. with mdse and passengers to C H Mnllory A Co. July 11. lat Itr. 4'. Ion 74 40, spoke bark Deri lit;, from Matansaa for New York. Steamer New Orleans. liearBorn. New Orleans July U, with mdse and passengers to Clark A Seaman. Steamer Aioeraarle.UlbDa. Lewes. Del. wltn mdse to the Old Dominion Steamship Co. chip John Mann (of Windsor. NSi, Gibson, Liverpool 41 dav*. with mdse to J K Whimsy A Co. llark Kstolla lot Yarmouth. NS), Poole, Trieste. 80 days, with empty barrels to Hrett, Hon A Co., passed Gibraltar May 27. Rars Jan Ktcrdln (Bwe), BJoberg. Santos May 12. via Hampton Roads, with cofl'eo to B G Arnolds: vessel to Denham A Koyesen. Crossed the Equator May 81. In |?p 83 50. Schr Light of the Kaat llarpcr. Port Spain (Trinidudl 13 days, via Delaware Breakwater, with molasses to Maury Bros: vessel to Jed, Krye A Co. Schr Millie Trim (of Bangor), Drinkwater. Barbados 18 days, with stiKar dint molassus to 11 'Stowbridge's Sons; vessel' to H W Loud A Co. Schr Francis French, Candy. Virginia. Jnly 11. 10 PJ(. while laying at anchor off Coney Island point.was struck hv liirhtnintr. which shattered the mainmast liadly: a small sloo)>, which lay at anchor close by, was sunk at the same time. Schr W P Davis. Fleming, Virginia. Sclir Three Brothers, Bsvles, Virginia. Srhr Sea Bird. Curlis. Virginia. Schr Ennua, Rastinan. Virginia. Schr J A Curtis, Qaillan. Virginia. Schr Two Marys, Crowley, Vlrvlnla. Schr Annie Craamer. Brsrir, Virginia. Schr Kliodella Blew, Scull, Virginia. Schr W P Phillips, liawkius, Georgetown, DC, for Norwalk. Schr J C Craft. Oreely. Rockland, Me, 5 days, with paving stones loEM May In; vessel to master. tiy Hark Saga (Nor), from Westport,which was anchored in the lower hay. passod up to the city 12th PM. PASSED THROUGH HELL GATE. BOUND SOUTH. Steamer Eleaiiora, Johnson, Portland tor New York. Steamer City ol Fitchburg, Springer, New Bedford for New York. Steamer Klectra. Young. Providence for New York. Schr American Kagle_ Brown, Deer Ddatidjor Now York. Kclir Hanrnu. neeki, rroriiienre lor Mew lurk. Schr Henry May. Hatch. Providence for Mew York. Sclir Frank Herbert. Allen. Ronton lor hew York. Schr Emily lleutin. Klntr. Kennebec for New York. Schr N ' l?ay, Kowe. Hauk?r Tor New Yore. Schr W Freeman. Wriitht. Kockpnrt far New York. Schr Maud Webeter. Manliall, Providence for New York. Schr C .1 Errikvnti. Javne. Nrw Bedford lor New York. Prhr Harriett Fuller. Lewi*. Ilaniror lor New York. Schr Ilaie, McNaiucc. Greenwich Tor New York. BOUND BAST. Steamer Tlllte. Ewiur, hew York for Now Lendea and Norwich. llark Jamea McCarthy, Gould, New York for Buenoi Ayren. Schr J B Baker (Br), Owene. hew York for Windsor. N8. Schr Newport (Br), Miller. New York lor St John. NB. Schr John Boyuton. Hill. New York far Calala Schr A II Hurlburt, Griffing, Georgetown. DC, for New naves. Sclir o F llawlty. Barrett, Port Johnson for Bn?tnn. Schr Blarkstone. Wickaon. New York for Providence. Sclir D C Bnrdrtt. Rogers, New York for New Haven. Scht J Hurley, h'orthnp, Baltimore for Rockport. SchrIsabel Albert". Tooker, New York tor Port Jefferson. Schr Planter, Hamlin. New York for Derby. Schr F Merwin. Unnce, Port Johnson for tall River. Sclir John Stockhaiu, Hart, New York for Providence. Schr Hannah K Brown, Sackelt, New York tor Providence. Schr O F Hawlev, Rayles. Port Johnaon for Providence. CLEARED. Steamer Dorian (Br), Smlthwirk, Glasgow?Henderson Bros. Steamer Nellie Martin (Br), Grnen, St J ohm, PR. Bahla, Pernaiiibueo nnd Klo J unelro?.1 S Tucker A Co. Steamer tlen Barnea, Cheeemau. Savannah?Murray. Per. rl? A Co. Steamer GulfStream, Crow oil, Charleston?J W Qulntard A Co. Steamer Annie. Steen. Wilmington. Del?A Ablaut. Steamer Anthrarlte. Grumlev. Phlladelnhia?Jas liana. Ship Klwell. Hantow. San Francltco?Sutton ft Co. U..W Ul...aiii. I? I In.I Perovlel, T-ooiton ?Sl.,.-..vtek A Co. Hark Viol* (Nor), Olll, Birkenhead, K?Punch, Edye A Co. Hark Akyab (Ital). Dodero, (jneenatown or Palmonth for order*?llenhain A Beveeen. Bark Elinor (Nor). Thor?*n, Arendal?O Tobias A Co. Berk Duqiieaclin tPrj. Cerette, Elainoro for ordora?Ed Cnkart. Hark Carrie E Lour. Park, Dunkirk?.1as K Ward A Co. Bark Washington iltul), t alloro, LUbon?Lauro, Storey k Co. Bark Reindeer. Decker, Georgetown, Dem?II Trowbrirtge'e Son a. Bark Sanauol Welah, Spear, Richmond, Ta?Iohn S Ingraham k Co. Hark Rlalto (Br), Linden. Baltimore?Ja* K Ward k Co. Brig Tula. Morgan. Heliae, lion?Wm Jex k Co. Brig Harry k Aubrey (Br), Brigga. Barliadoa?Dwight k Piatt. Brig Ollrer (Br). Week*. Cape Haytl?It Murrav.Jr. Brig Sophia (Br), Long, Newark, NJ?Boyd k flincken. HchrE A Sanchea, Benaou, Port Spain (Trinidad)?Jamee W Klwell A Co Schr Annie Bell, Rice, St Pierre, Mart?Danl Trowbridge k Co Schr Tarn O' Shanter, Buleff, Anx Cayea?B J Wenberg k Co. Schr O M Pennington. Harding. Gonalree?Wtlaon k Aaron*. Schr Roaalle (Br), Jobnaon, Harbor I aland?J aa Douglaaa A Co. Schr Milwaukee. Wallace. Sand River, N-, via CherryHeld, Me?Miller A Houghton. Schr Charlie Cobb, Keunedy, Rockland, Me?B J Wenberg A Co. Schr Sarah Hrrnice, Proctor. Maehiaa?C L Snow. Schr Mott Haven. Collin*. Calaic? .led Krye A Co. Hrhr Ocean Ware, Ruaaell, Portland, Mo?Havlland k Preaaey Sclir Jordan L Mott, Brown, Newburyport?B J Wenberg A Co. Sehr Hiawatha, Toblaa, Newburyport?Ablel Abbott. Schr Onward. Wheeler. Hartford?Prank I'idgeon. Jr. Schr S I" Godwin, tV illlama, Stamford?Stamferd Manufacturing Co. Hchr Idn Palmer, Palmer, Stamford?Stamford Mannfaetnring On. SAILED. Steamer* Rimla (Hrl. for Liverpool; Erin (Br). London; Nellie Martin, Kin Janeiro, Ac; Gen Harnea, Savannah; unu PirpRm, Lii?rtp?iun; snip noxriie ion, i.iverpooi, hsrks Eureka. Anjar. Mary Agnes (Br). 'jneenatawn; Nevcrmlnk ,'Danulc; brig A it Jewett, Marseilles. Wind at onusut. S<E : al midnight. NNW, light. Barometer at sunset. 3<MM; at 10 PM, 3li.tM. MAlilTIME MISCELLANY. Rtkamkr Bkrks, from Philadelphia (or Boston, want ashore yesterday on tha flatsiu the bight at -Now Caatla, Dal. but got off and proceeded. Shit Sr*R. Vlanello, from Lohos, with gnano for Europe (before reportadi. w*? ahaudoneil on or about May 1 off Chlloe Island. The rraw took to tha boat*. one, cointuunded by the captain, with eervti man. and the other by tha mate, with eleven men. The mntr's boat, ou the third datr, came tu sight of tho Island of t'hiloa, when tha woather came ou thick and rainy, and in attempting to land tha boat wa. swamped ami knocked to placet by a targe roller, and all hau l, extent a < olorod tailor were loat. Tha tailor wat thrown upon tiie beach Insensible Smr t'ltT or Bostow. Crosby, from Hoaton April 29 for Bombay, put into Babia Jane 11 iu distress, of what uatara not alated. Hnir Prarcix P Sagr. 12X4 torn, built at New York in KtVI, metalled In 1S74. now at tliie port, hat been aold to go under tha Portuguese Hag. al a private price. Haux ST I'LtCU, 28J tone, built at Baltimore In 19-Vt. metalled la IH74, now at Ihie port, haa burn told for Norwegian account al ffMUfm. Hum Ktitru iBri, I.ewia. from Boston via Barbados, for Lagusyra, was totally wrecked ou the 2ltt of Juua on the Spanish Main. No paniculate. The K was 1*3 tons register, owned ill Pictou, where she was built in IHtgi. 8<*hr Rill thu llrrrnxu. at San Francisco. July 4. from Boweu's Landing, reports!?At midnight. Juna 3U, was run Into by steamer City of Panama, striking us ou the port side; ha cut tha ecbr well dowa, whieh shortly after ililed with PPLEMENT. water, and she wet obliged to throw overboard her deck )oa?t of lumber; the wait ?>ub*e<jueut)jr picked Uy up schr Three Sliitri, who towed her saffly into port. Hncu Lot*ima. from New London for New York. In ballaat, was run into yesterday morning, near Mark Point, by Hie I nit*d States steamer Cactus and badlv damaged. she was towed back to New Lond m by the Cactus, and lies on the (lata, near Crocker A Davison's railway, full of water. A dense fog prevailed at tho time of the collision. Seine Lkma <t Kdwaiiiin. which was ashore on Illack on May U. and was afterward taken to New London fr.r rwimin ad.K.lil l.v lh? :.l tl.ut liluve rtiterdty fur li.ttttt YV 11 Wheat on, o( Capo Mu.\, N.J, m m the purchaser. S<"iiK M A IfvKR. wlilch -lit into Charleston some we'ks sine in a leaky condition while on her ps?M^e from I'ort Antonia, Jamaica. to N>w York, and * as repNirni there, afterward took in a freight of tbl.fMk) feet of lumber at that point and sailed for Bridgeport, Conn, since which site ?nriinx aleak Nt s a and ran into Ocraeoc*e Inlet, Ni , where she tilled vrnh water and sunk. Sritu S S HrifKiXtitui, from Galveston for Tnxpan, was j at Brains Santiago July 5, having put into that port lu con sequence of the foremast being sprung; expected to resume her vo> age in sbout a week. SriiK Isabkl Ai.uv.kto, was the schr in Citllisioii off Boothbay, wtth srhr (Jem. Bass IJakbok. July 11?Schr Sunbeam. of Calais, reported ashore at Cranberry Isles, has bocu condemned, and is uow in the hands of the wreckers. Norfolk, July 11?The schr S K Lewis sailed for Florida yesterday to recover timber from the ship Western Kiupurn, sunk some time ago on that coast. Nkwiu wrpORT, July 1*2?Schr lien a J Collins, of New York, coal laden, rati ou the rocks at Duck Hole, near Merrltn ic I'ort. and sank to-day. She now lies on her beam ends. The cargo will he saved. Wiscasikt, July 1)?Schr Challenge. Cspt Davis, went ashore on Damans Cove Island Bill inst, where she remains. K1m? has been stripped and will probably go to pieces. All hands saved. Shiphuilimm;.?Messrs C B Wyman X Co. of Brewer, aro now building a small vessel of llfld tons. The frame Is of hard wood and juniper, the deck frame of hard pine. I h i length of keel U lUl feet, width of beam 28 leot, and depth of hold 9 feet. Capt J C Nichols, of Searsport, Is building a vessel of I MX) tons. The frame is up aud the lower hold partly celled. The tramo is of white oak. WHALEMEN. Arrived at Panama June 24. hark Sea Fox, Hamlin, of KB, with Ik? bhls so oil. Sailed from Talcahuano April 10, barks Nautilus. Lake, NB; John Carver. Deans, do: 2">th, Mary X Susan. Handy, do; Falon, Heuendeen, do; Morning Star. Lewis do; Napoleon. Turner, do. May 21. Vigilant, Gilford, do; June 3, Mars. Alton, do (all to cruise). A letter from Mr. DoiiaDon. first officer of brig Herman Smith. Cook, of Boston, reports her off tne west coast of Florida, with 50 bhls sp oil. Simken?July S, lat 40 30, bark Sea Hanger. Flanders, NB, 2 days out. SPOKEN. Bark Wm Owen (Br). Brown. North Svdnev for Lewos. .1 ii I v 11 M 3<) I'M Ahkecomh lit* Mri it if WNW lo miles. Sloou Hittie (uIjout 1U feet long). Monilan, from Now York lor Europe, July 8, r?j miles hSE of Sandy Hook. OUR CARLE SHIPPING NEWS. Berwick, July 11?Arrived, brig Watch (Br), Robin, New Orleans. Belfast, July 11?Arrived, bnrk Carmella (Aus), Vecearina, Baltimore. Buemkm. July 11?Arrived, barks Aukathor (Nor), lleudrickson, New York; Jenny (Ger), (Jrote Philadelphia; Joliann Kepler (Ger), Spille, New York. Beruen, July 5?Sailed, bark Floka (Nor), Nickelten, United Statei. Cardiff. July 13?Arrived, bark Frank Marlon, Eldridgo. Bangor, Me; sshr M P Champlin, Freeman. Calais, Me. Calais, July 10?Arrived, bark Armonia (Ital), Caemo, New York. Co.N.HTAMTtNOFLB, June 39?Arrived, bark Rosa (Ital), Cacace. Now York. Cadiz. July 5?Sailed, bark Emma J Partridge, Partridge. United States. I)kal, July 11?Arrived, barks Johanno (Ger), Guttavus. New York Tor Hamburg; Euro (Aus), Ilreglicb, do for Rotterdam; Marie Antoinette (Dutch), lleiiumens, Pensacola fot Kmdon; Burgermelster KcistelnfGer), bhrenreich, Wilmington, NC, for Rotterdam. IH'BLIX, July 11?Arrived, barks San Domcnico (Ital), Pescio, Baltimore; Athlete (Br>, llutchinson, Philadelphia: Litsy Pox (Br), Pox, New York. Palmoutu, July 13?Brig Usstpee, llaake, from Bataria has been ordered to Amsterdam. Glaxuow, July 10?Arrived, steamer Phoenician (Br), Scott, Montreal; ship Chippewa (Br), Milne, do. Udv.Horu Jnlv lO?Arrived hark Mnnthluneaa bury (lir). Henderson, Savannah. Ubxoa?Arrived, bark Funny l<*1> (Br), Edward*. New York. Hamburg, July lO?Arrived, barki Brage (Nor), Christen en, Wilmington, NC; 11th, Jupiter (Ger), Lutke, New York. Uilvoit, Jnly 11?Arrived, barke Hurra (Nor), Hansen, New York; Hermann Uelmrich (Ger), Oostereicb, Wilmington, NC. liavitK, July lO?Arrived, ship Wellington (Br). O'Brien, Philadelphia; barks Unldfaxe (Nor), Jaeobten. Phlla. delpltia; JolinOetidlo (Br), JaeKaon, Charleston; 11th, Prociosa (tier), Baltimore; l'.'th, steamer Labrador (Kr), Sanglier. New York via Plymouth. Livkrpool, July 12?Arrived, barks Edwin (Nor), Christopherson, Hlchmond, Va; George Henry (Br), Ntckerson, Darlen ; brig Ellen Mitch :11, Eaten, Shales, Nb, via litoniasport. Sailed 12th, 2 FN, steamer Lord Ciive (Br), Urquhart, Philadelphia. London, July 12?Cleared, ship Hudson, Knight. New York. Lami, July 12?Arrived, brig Kir as (Nor), Pedersen, New York. Lahlash, July 12?Arrived, scbr Seth W Smith, Marshall, Calais. Me. Londonderry, July 10?Sailed, bark BJergvln (Nor), Olson, United States. Loitcrswillbt, Jnly 10?Sailed, bark Gaselfe (Nor), B-nn, United States. Malaga, July 5?Arrived, scbr Joseph Wilde, Reed, New Y'ork. Psxartb, July 12?Arrived in the roads, bark Elsinore, Losberg. New York. IAAAAIIKx?ArriTou, oris Hyperion, <iara, new ion. Piluo. July 7?.Sailed, bark Farewell (fur). New York. Qi-keimtowm. July 11?Arrived, barke Carina (Ital). Itennatl, Baltimore; Nuovo Monde (Ital), Savareae. Philadelphia fer dllloth; Principe dl Kapoll (Ital), Magna, Ndw York; Bona (Ital). Poggl, Baltimore; 12th, Byfoyet Chrietenaen (Nur), Thoraen, New York; alao the Puraeverauee. from Chicago. Arrived uff Faatnet 12th, J AM, ateamer Italy (Br).Webater, trom New Y'ork for I-lverpool. Rottkbdam, July lO?Sailed, bark Hilda (Nor). Oamendaen. Now York. Rochevobt, July 7?Arrived, bark Kebo (Nor), Hern, Paacagoula, July 7?Sailed, bark Llbnma (Nor), Gunnlfaeu, United Statea. 1 irvvihini .Tnlv 12?TKa Atnatru'in kKin Uanhtal l!ant Sborman, from St John, NH, (or this port, before reported ashore 111 tho Mersey at Birkenhead, wae floated to-day apparently without aeriou* damage. I.ordor, July 12?Bark Deinarchl (ItaO, Bertolotto, from Baltimore, via (jneenstowu for Hilloth, la atraaded at the latter port and la making water. Gibraltar, July 12?Brig Alice (Br), VIret. from Ideate (or New York, which put Into Uoquetaa Bay leaky, haa been aurreyed and muat discharge cargo to repair. WEATHBB BXPOBT. 3Holtb?ap, July 12, PM?Wind SW. moderate. Qffixx* owe, July 12, PM?Wind 8, very light; dull. FOREIGN FOUTSa Bcrraro Irlrt, Jane 29?Sailed, bark Wellington (Nic), Honolulu. Bur so* Atrks. Mat 24?Arrived, achr Lncerne, Bogera, River Channel; Slat, bark Sarmiento. Moody. Montevideo. Baiiia, June 12?In port ship City of Koatuu. Croaby, Hoaton for liombav arrived 11 tli. in distress; bark fclfin (Hr), Mathews, (or Sew York; aehra Ida A Javno, Mills from Richmond, Va, arrived Sth; llauaa (tier), Uordla, from Richmond, Va. Barai-oa, July 1?In port, achr Caloh Eaton, Savage, for Boston alt Is Cali. ao. J one IB?Sailed, ship Gardner Colby, Stroeter, Pacaamoyo. CARUKisaa. July B? Arrived, brig Goodwin, Craig, Marseilles CiasrrKCoa, July 9?Arrived, brig Atalaya, Cole, Kingston. J a. Sailed Hth. brig* Melauia (Sp), Arenia, Baltimore; Panchito iSp), St John, NX. Caibakirr, July 7?Arrived, brig Purees Hinckley, Small, New York. Sailed 7lh. bark Adelia Carleton, Packard. New York. I lav asa, July 6?Arrived, brig Torrent, Neill, Philadelphia. llALiraX. July 11?Sailed, steamer Nova Scotian (Br), luriliiniwn ' i ruui u?uui<m?>, m #phu, nr, LtsloM, Juno -5?Arrived, brig Express (tier), Fretwurst, Dnrlen. I.oi'kpokt, NS, July 10?Sailed, sehr Ranger (Br). Weit Indies. Mort?tid?o. May 28?Arrived. tchr Anne 8 Conant, Stafford. Pnrsnn for Falmouth land proceeded). Sailed 28tta, brig America*. Baa*. Marseille*. In port J una I. bark hrama Fraud* (Ur>. Uurnt, for Maw York. MosTRCAL. July 10?Cleared. Humeri Amelia, Pottlnger, London; Corinthian. Meurle*. Hlasgow ; Lake Champlain, llernson, Liverpool; bria tieorgle. King. Cork. Mirakkiii. July 4?Arrived, bark Albion (Nor), Lane a. Syrl >er. CB Sailed July 1, bark Kate Crosby (Br, Liverpool, In port June .10, bark Carrie Delap ihri, McKae, for Liverpool. SUxaimo. Junb 25?Railed, brig Deux Ami* (Fr), Roberta, Ran rrancisco. I'lrroi-, Julv 7?Cleared, bark Laura. Foster. Olascow. tjCKeac. July B? Arrived, -.eame sielvlo. Itredley. h'ewcaalle; hark Tamar. Thompson, Sydney; loth, steamer* 'I IIsou s. Campbell. Iiondon Moravian, tiraliain, Liverpool; ship St Bernard, Uorton, Liverpool; bark Agatha, Hansen. Hull. Cleared 10th. barks Norwoginn. Rogers, London ; Equity. Kordsirom. Dublin; Ida, Morris. Cardiff; Axel, Tollessen. laimlnn; Louise, March. Liverpool; Alezina, Mernler, Caernarvon; Madura, for Amsterdam. Kio Haazna. May ikb-lu port, brig Neptune's Car (Brl, Hike, for New York, completing cargo; tjlpsey lDan>. Jayne, une; schr Ella Mitchell, for Boston, ready. Kio J ASKtno. June S-ln port, ships tialatea. Harder, lor .Newman llallillr). Slater, ; baiks May tjneen, Hprlngster, Imm Baltimore, arrived 1st; Serene, segemun. from do. arrived-tth; David A Preston. Hail. nnc. Talisman (Brl, Blackford, do; Cochin iKrl. Dorvell. Ircm tireenoek, arrived May 5. lor Portland, O, ready lor aea: brigs Mary r. Lrlghton, one; "A'aler Lily. Teuksbury. from Monte video, arrived May ill. for Parenagua to load lor Biver Plate; Dido (Sw), Anuereson. for tlalveston, loading; Krowp von Preussen (Her), Klein, for do do; schrs Curtis Ackerlv, Norton. use; Willlainlne. Scott, troni t ampana, arrived May 2U; S C Kvans, Brewster, fVom New Y'ork, arrived June rt. Mailed May MO, brigs .I A Horsey i Br), Cofllll, Santos (with Inward cargo). June it; ship India (Port). I<essar. New Y'ark ; 4tli, brig Mentor II (Port), Verrlnlio, New Y?rk;Mb, bara Christina (Br), Andrews, Barbados; Bth, brig CM | Paaaard, Anaibury, Baltimore. I SiViiriLLA 30?In port, achr F.tunie Pike. Robklu for PeusAColtt. *hh |o have leit June I. but wu detained coMM*?|iif nc# of the removal of the Custom House to Her* ramtuilla. < Smear. CB. July 3? Arrived, bark Capri (Br). Me Loan, Londonderry. Id jr. (or Montreal, with coal. St SrartiKX, NB, June 27?Cleared, schr Latnoine, Leach, Uio J aueiro. 8? J oh*. XB. oatjr II?Arrived, alii p Ellen (Joodsnead, Morse. Liverpool: brier Victor, Voltjrhal; 12tli, schr Bright IM?r ?*>?', .IlIU'ltT. W.?. Cleared IItil. bark Brigadier. Havre. Sailed 11th. *hip J - hn Brvce. Mor*e, Liverpool; bark fH Nicholas lUr). HaU'idjr*. I't iinrih Road*. Victoria, Jiiiio JO?Arrived, brig Poiuare (Haw), from Honolulu. Sailed .lime .'IO, hark Johan Irgvn*. San Francisco. Valparaiso. May 28?Arrived, ship Ingnmar (Hn. Long, Hin Janeiro; June 1. bark Louisa Malcolm (Br), Robertsou. do. in nort Nth, ship* Alnor J Ban von. Watts, from Pabellom a.' Pic*) for (Jtieen?tow n, reloaded, ready avid to tall 6th5 Kdwurd O'Brien. Smaller, from Mcjilionet* for Liverpool, finished rep air* nd reloading; Belvedere Kirby. from IDdependeucia Bay for Hampton Roads, diacbargibK for farther survey. Yamrocth, NS, July 12? Arrived, steamer Dominion (Br)9 Clciuouts, Boston, AMERICAN PORTS. ALEXANDRIA. July 11?Arrived, schrs Frederick Half New York and nailed same day for Middle town - ; TTTasker. for Washington; Calvin P IIarils, Henry Parker and Kaehel Seaman, fo tie* raetoau. Hailed?Steamer K C Knight. New York; schrs Joanna Doughty. Hiistni; Ellen Tobin. Jersey City; Louisa Hi idwall. U rot on; Pohas-?.t, Htonlngtou; L (J C Wlshart and Lemuel IInil 'from Georgetown) . BOSTON, July 12-Arrived, atpaine Neptune, Berry, Few York; brig Varuum II Hill, Patrick, Kayal; schrs Harab B Joues. Handy, Hoboken; Mary Louisa, Sauuders, KI Isabel "port. Cleared?Steamers Somerset, Broun, Savannah; Romrn, Crowell, Philadelphia; General Whitney, llallett. New Y rk; brig John Kendall (Br), James, London; srhri Sarah W Perrv, Smith. Haytl; Marv E Smith, Green, Philadelphia; Klla T Little, Crawford, do; Maggie P Smith* Grace, no. Sailed?Steamer Unman and bark I tunas. BALTIMORE. July 11?Cleared, steamer Octorars, Reynolds. New York. 12th?Arrived, steamer Saragassa, Hooper. Savannah; *Mr. V IV* ,U? P?. I) a 11 <11V . K.-fcr U>r? I* / 1?.\ (iliflianovlch, Dublin ; britf Sahra, Charlton, Belfast; Ma* dina, Verde. Sayua la Grande lOohai. Also arrlvad, steamers Sail Marcos (Br), Burrows, Llrerpool: Vlneland, Hnwrn, Sow York: schrs Readeen, Howard, Troy: Louisa I) Uitthhiirn, Crowell, Sew York; Alfred W Fisk Keller, Pittston, Me: Louisa, Fish, Bath, Mai Cora S Viin Gilder. Cherry, Ainrusta, Me. Cleared?Steamer Win Woodward. Young. New York) barka Anniti Garibaldi (Ital), Koxsiti, Queenstnwn or Kal* month: Halthasar (Aus), Nivollch. England: brigs Margie Vail Brl. Ford. Bordeaux; Potomae (Br). Wllaou, Detnerura; schrs Cha> F Sampaon, Gage, Boaton; Hattle M Crowell, C owell. do. Sailed? Harks Duo Pratolll, Sator; hrlga Romanca, Maggie Vail, and Potomae. BRAZOS SANTIAGO. Julr 5?In port, achr 8 8 Buck* iuirliuto fioni Galveston for Tuxpau (aoe Miscellany). BRUNSWICK, Oa. July 12? arrived,barkGrenada, Hod* don, Boaton. IS AS - IIA RROR, dulv ti?Arrived, achra J K (Sartor, Pray, Sew Yo k; 7th, Ocean Wave, (lalley, Calais for Newark (and sailed Wth); V K Gates, Holmes, do for Philadelphia (and soiled WHO. BANGOR, July 11?Sailed, achr Laura II Jones, Now York. a IIATII July ID-Arrived, sclira A P Newell, trom for Philadelphia: Marv 11 Stockhaiu. Reed. Alexandria. Sailed?Scltr Sallle Muir, Powell. Philadelphia. Cleared?Ship Thrasher, Uosworth, Baltimore to load for 8nn Krancikeo. 1 ltli?Sailed, bark Helle of Oregon. Mctrlraan, Wlscaaaet to load deals tor Knvl ind; sclirs Cohasaett, Bowdotnbain lor New York: Clio Chlleott, Kullerton. for do; Telnniah, Bennett, lor Philadelphia. BRISTOL. July 11?Arrived, achr Amos Falkettbtirg, Early, I'hlladelpliln. CROAK KliYS, July 7?Arrived, acltr Joseph W Wilson, Soniers, Note York. CHARLESTON. July 12?Arrived, steamer Equator, Hinckley, Philadelphia; brig Pathfinder (Br), Odell, New London. Sailed?Steamer Ashland. Crowell. Now York. EOOARTOWN. July B?Arrived, schr Adrisnna, Morrill, Baltimore. llRb?Arrived, schr James Holmes, Ryder, Sew York.for Boston; Clam Sawyer Itranseomb, do for do; Llule K, Waters, do lor St John NB. FORTRESS MONROE. Julv 12?Passed in. barka Gipsy Queen (Br), Montgomery, from Dnndalk; Andreas nils (Nor). Salvoson. Iroui Newry; schr Wtllle, from ??, all tor Baltimore; also passed in. an Italian bark. Passed out?Bark A O VIntro (Nor), from Baltimore for lixiraut. T. Sailed?Brig Alexander (Br), Spray (from Rio Janeiro), New York. FALL RIVER. July 11? Sadod, steamer Norfolk, Fordt riiiladelphla; scbr Daniel Brown, Emerson, Georgetown. DC. . Arrived Htli. schrs Mediator. Davia, New York; I II Borden. Baker, Hoboken: Fair Wind. HALVE TON. J nlv 7?Arrived, steamer San Antonla (Br), Kea. Liverpool via Mexican ports. Sailed?Steamer San Jacinto (Br). Rtcter. Liverpool. JACKSONYlL< E. July tt?Cleared, acliri Annie L MoKeen. McKoen, New York. KEY WEST. July S?Arrived, sehra Arietla, Low, New York; Rebecca Shepherd, Robinson, Bangor, Me; Llllie, IaitfB. New York. LL'BhC, July 9?Arrived, acbr Paragon, Moraag, from Eaatport to load for New York. NEW ORLEANS July 11?Arrived, steamer Vanguard (Br), Gill. Liverpool; C W Lord. Cultou, Havana; bark St Genevieve (Fr), Demeuarrant. Bordeaux. I'.'tli?Arrived, atsamer Clinton, Staples, Havana; scbr Mary A Power, from Portland. Cleared, steamer Knickerbocker. Kemblo. New York. Pskmks, July 12-Arrived, stearanr Ariel (Br), Liverpool. Sailed, steamers Brsahesr, New York; Frederieo (Sp), Llvernool. NORFOLK, July 10?Arrived, aehrs Alexsnaer Wiley, Berclier. New York; Mary R Hickman. Kobinsou, do; John Brill. Kod /era. do. NEW BEDFORD, July 10?Arrived, acbr Hase, Eldridge, Trenton, NJ. 12th?Arrived, schrs WS Baker, New York; Jaa Hay, Philadelphia. Sailed Sclira E C Baker, Philadelphia; Electa Ballov. do; Amos Brigga, Heverstraw; Mad Anthony, do; lloriaon. do. NEWPORT. July Id, P M?Arrived, achra Henry Glbbs, Coffln. New Bedford for New York via Htonlngton, with lor New Bedford 11th, sailed?Sclira Millie Frank. .1arris, from Fort Jefferson fur Oak Klufls. In port, brigs John Pieroe, Townsend, to lay up; tcbre Ilenry Cole, t'hedwick, for Pbiladolpbia; Sarah (Mark, GrilUn, do; James M llayles. Arnold, for New York; Thomas P Cooper. Hogau. and J S Terry, Kaynor, for do; Forest City, tloilgklus. for Philadelphia: Nellie Crowell, Phelps, New York lor Philadelphia, repairing; Sarah Jane, Sleeper, for New York; Watchful, Gill, Dresden, Me. fordo; lirerte, Uartlett. Fall River tor Newara, NJ. NEW CONDON. July 11?Arrived, sehr Ellen X Baxter, Bath for New York. Hailed?Sclira Louisa, New York ; Corneline. do; Zoe, do. NEW HAVEN, Julv 11?Arrived. sebrs Harriet, Overton, E'.lsabetbDort; Jaa E RaTles, Dickinson. Baltimore; Marin Louisa, Poughkeepsie; Ann Amelia Elisabethport. PORT BLAKELY, July 2?Sailed,bark Brontes, San Fran* rlsco. PORT GAMBLE, July 1?Arrived, bark David Hoadlny, Habler, Kan Francisco. 2d?Sailed, bark Atalanta Han Francisco. PORT TOWNSENI). July 2-Soiled, ship Dashing Wave. Nickels, Sau Francisco; bark Sanioset. Martins, do. PENSACOLA. Jnly 7?Cleared, sehrs Morton L Smith Smith. Baltimore; Traveller. Hodge*, Ptulaueiph-a. PHILADELPHIA. Julv 12?Arrived, steamer Mayflower, Davidson, New York : barks Monto Tabor (Ital), Repetto. Hllgo; Tordenskjold (Nori, Pedersen, Ivigtut; sehrs J 0 l^ittlnirhnni Avrssu IkPlitlnliiT Hivnr Itfl iufpr k I 'nrtsir TomliII. do; hinma lleiither, Hudson, do; W I, Abbott, Ludlaic, do; Agile* I Grace. Stnalley. do; K F Cebada, Swain, Boston; Fanny llanmer, Hrouki. Nautuckst; HA Tabor, Ronton, Near port. Also arrived. steamer* Rattlesnake, Snow. Boston; Alibi (I)nu). Ivigtut; schr*.|Kben Kl?lier, Reynolds, Uoaton; I* and M Knowles. liari iugtuu, do; Thomas Clyde. Fisher, f ardena*. M 11 Kand. Kinney, do; .led Frye. Langley, Pawtucket; l'rovldenee, Rico. Providence; K <1 Irwin, Johnson, Newport; J H "larlon, Gilford. Norwich: Young Teaser, Faciiuire, New Bedford; Addie Walton. Arey, h'enuvbee Klver; Isaac Orbeton, Gardiner; l.oidy. Habcnck, do. Cleared?Steamers City of Limerick (Br), Jamison, Liverpool; Neriuan. Nlokerson, lioston; Catharine Wbitinv. Ilardirg. Providence; Florida, Crocker, do; Philadelphia. Davis. New Yora: barks Concord (Nor), Anderson, Sunderland; Sues (Nor), Pcdersen. Westport; Francisco U (Ital). lie Bonis. Dublin; Scud. Wilson, Naples; brig Koniola (Br), P.dgett. Ireland: schrs Charles Carroll. Kelly, Denispnrt; Ileiirv Allen, Tatent, Dlgbton ; L A M Reed, Cavalier, Brunswick. Also cleared, steamers Berks. Pendleton, Boston; Panther, Mills, do; Leopard, Albertson, Providence; brig sagua. .Muodny, sagua; schrs Annie Freeman, Harris, Booth Bay; Fannie llanmer. Brooks, Nantucket; M A Mc iattn, Call. Newport; A A K liooner. Church, Charleston; Jennie Middlelon, Wblttaksr, do. sailed? Steamers Berks, Leopard, Panther, Norman and C Whiting I.kwh, Del, July 11?Arrived, bark Bnrniide, Smith. Belfain. Me. 12th ?Arrived, bark Exile (Br), I'earce, Belfast, Ireland, for orders. Sailed?Brig Vela (Aust), from Sligo, for Philadelphia! schr F J Collins. New York. Bark Buruside is nrdseed to Philadelphia. PORTLAND, Mo, July 10? Arrived, schrs Mary () Farr, Con well, and Win K Thomas. Winsmore. Kennebec for New York; Nettie Walker, lngalla, Bath for do. Cleared?Schr Henry Adalbert, Heady, Kennebec to load for New York. 12th?Sailed, brig Addle Ilale, Matansas. PORTSMOUTH. July II?Sailed, schrs Proe Wind, Fritblo. Kennebec to load for New York; Mabel Rose, Allen, do to load fur Philadelphia ; J B Anderson, lliggs, Philadelphia. PROVIDENCE. Jnly 11?Arrived, schrs Joseph P Rose. Green, Rondout tor Pawtucket: John K ilorst. Cook, Port Johnson: K II lirasoe. Kaynor. Wcehawken ; Veranda. Pond, New York Sailed?Schrs J J Moore, Raekctt, Georgetown, DC; A (A Lawson, Mehrhof. Hacken?ack. NJ. It II Wilso i, Clark; Flight, Wilson: Sarah L Tliompson. Hull, and U P Shuitis, Young. New York: sloop Fred llr wn. Hall, d . At the head of Long Island Sound loth PM, hound east, schrs Wm O Irish, Wa Whitehead. Amelia and others. PaWTI'CKKT, July II?Sailed, echrs Monmouth, Anderson, Philadelphia; Anthony Burton. Joiinson, New York RICHMOND. July IH?Arrived, steamer Old Dominion, Walker, New York; schr Jessie Wilson. Ilartlett. Huston. hailed? Bclir llnratlo Ichola. linnet New York. sAN FHaNCISCO. July 12? Arrived, ahlpa Sapphire, Contrdon. Celiac: Commonwealth, C oper, Newcastle, NS\V ; bark Delta rBr*. Kvana. do. 8RA1TLK, July 2?Hailed, bark W H Daiti. Kndlcott. 8am F nineteen. SAVANNAH, .Inly 12?Arrived, ataaraar Sao Salvador, Nlckerann. New York. Sailed?Sahr Ward J I'arka, Hogart. Naw Tork. TACOMA. July 1?Arrived, alilp Shirley, Mathawi, Saa Pranriaco. VINKYARD HAVEN, Jaly II?Arrived, aehra W B Steal* man, tleorye'owu. In'. Tor Button . Daylight. Waehawkem tor llaverhl.l; Ada Amoa.dofur Hurricane I aland; A Hammond, I'erth Ainboy lor Saco ; I'onrreaa. do for Hardiner; Helen Mar. Ilobokrn tor Koolli Bay; Rabacca II Uwea, Haiti for Philadelphia; HenJ Whiting. fnr Sew York. Sailed?Scnra ittianipion illri, for Norwich; Col 8 if Ada Amea and Congrua*. 12th? Amvad. echra Mail. I|ab >kan for I'ortamouth : Mary Klla, tjenrgotown, DC, tor .lo; Mary Ktlay. New York Tor Hath ; H S VYooUer, Holdout for Nantucket; William Todd, I'tniaOalphla for Hrlttal, Me Sailed?Schra William Todd. B P Wooleev, M irr Riley, Mary Ella, Mail, Helen Mar, A Haninmud and IV H steel. "'ivil-MINOTON. NC, July II?Arrived, ateamarDJ Foley, Prl'f. Baltimore. 12th?Arrived, ateamer Regulator. Doane, New York. Plnaliam. New Tori. 7th ?Arrived, aclir Vletor Pol*. Plnkliatn, New Vnrk. WAKKKN, Joly ll-o*ll?a, Mhr hvcryraen Turner, Hi* Turk. VAfiirs. imiMOAW, Ac. ff niK <>I.I? K - I \ It 1,1 > 11 HI i PLvi K. hit VVaTK# Jx el., near Catharine Market, metallic and woodea bualB. all kintln. JilHNT. SMITH. IjlOK SALK-A X>7w fKUoTsTP.AM LAVMUIFTM PERT F l?nr; epeed. 17 mllea. Inquire of NKAK1K A LBVT, Philadelphia Foil sai7k-iiik 5k7\ past sHoop taoht h*eria. complete and read; fur Immediate aNv Apply to II W. M. .">TI Kiifcs, 2<i lieadtf >t Full saI.K i WilN SLOOP V ICHT, J. Bf hi. to*, plot# in every raapect 4'i Hro idway. room 41. WASTKII-A I HIST C|,ASS VAOIIT. with IR10B aeronimodatioti tor III on a croiae of a weak to * day a. Addreaa 11., lex Ul lleraid oSlca.