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DEATH ON A TIGHT HOPE. [CONTINUED FROM EIGHTH PAGE.] illy feet, when It became evident the cable vu hurting bis feet. As if to reel them, be swung bis feet from the wire aud sustained tbe weight ol his body with his hands alone lor several minutes, and then began to struggle as if trying to raiso himself up to the wire again. But his strength or courngo had deserted him, and, after a few more Ineffectual effurls to regain his position on tbe cable, his bunds lo2t tbeir cunning, j and the crowd suddonly bad us surfeit of tragic horror. , items noit) was broken, Uie cable cave a percepuuio bound upward, and a human body shot down to the earth with the speed of a rocket, alighting with a sickening "thud" on the eloping bank of the river, about twenty feel from the water. In the frlghtlul descent the body had partially turned, so that it tell sideways oa the hard ground, and the spectators rushed to the assistance of the mortally woundod atroct musician and amateur rope-walker. ! Dr. Elliot was summoned and found Ben breathing ! when be came, but pronouueed tho injury mortal, and I in a lew momenta Ban o Ben bad breathed his last, ! eomo of those near him averring that in hia uuconacious state, ho laintly murmured the words he had often spoken In his lite, "Uutlty, Your Houor. " The writer knows no other name for this dead man. He was not vicious, but an overpowering bubit bad j mastered him completely, and lie bus lor years led a | vagrant life, alternating m quick rucccssioo Irom police aialtoos to that liberty which enabled him to win whiskey by thumping tliat baujo which bad given hiiu a name and principal accomplishment, lie has been a vexing problem to the authorities of the cua! cities, but that has been sadly solved by the catastrophe of yesterday altcrnoon. In the morning bo had entered complaint against two other colored men for stealing a , ' mouf organ," but Bun has wUbdruwn it In a higher | court, ucd tho dead body will ho decently, but eco- i nomlcally, interred nt the public ex per. re. Ben's "many trials and bard tribulations'' are ovor, j and there is no cruelty in the absence of tears. ; financiaTand commercial ! a ! I Stocks Irregular, with Exceptional Firmness in Lake Shore and Western Union. GOLD 111 3-4 A 111 5-8. Money on Call Loans 2 and 2 1-2 Per CentGovernment aud*Railway Bonds Generally Steady?Foreign Eichange Firm. Wall Stkkkt, ) Weo.MaDAT, July 12?0 B. M. J Tho active speculative securities to-day were u trifle firmer. Other stocks were baroly steady aud showed no sympathy with tho loaders. On the whole, the market was Irregular and tame, destitute of feature and not cucouraglng to a movement in either direction. Between the heat of the wcatbor, the absence ol operators and tho uncertainty which uttonds speculation, the lat- { tor is restricted and seeins likely toromatn so, notwithstanding the clTorts ot tho fow who are endeavoring to inject something of their own faith into the mind of the outside world. Western Union opened at 69% advanced to 70%, receded to 70, and then gradually roso to 702s', closing at 70%. Lake Sboro opened at 65% aud ended at 65%, the extremes meanwhile being 65% and 5d Michigan , Central udvanced from 4!M, to 60%, aud closod at 49%. I'aciflc Mall was quiet at 26% a 25% a 25%. Erie at 14%. St. 1'aul common at 41 a 40% and the preferred at 71% a 70 a 70%. Northwest preferred advanced from 60% to 66% a 60%. Jersey Central remains comparatively steady at 72 V a 72% a 72%. Delaware and Lackawanna brought 1007, a 100 V 101% The rest of the market waa generally steady. Express slocks were llrm. rnit HALES TO-DAY. The transactions at the Stock Exchange to-day aggregated 62,400 shares:?Erie. 200; Lake Shore. 26,000; Chicago and Pittsburg, 200; Northwestern, 000; Northwestern preferred, 1,000; Pacific Mall, 2,000; SL Paul, 2,200; St. Paul preferred, 1,900; Ohios, 200; Western Union, 10,300; Wabash, 100; I'nion PaciQc, 100; C. C. indLC.,260; Michigan Central, 2,900; Now Jersey Central, 1,600; Delaware, Lackawanna und Western, 1,300. Ol'KXIKO, IIIUIIKST AND LOWEST PRICES. Tbo following table shows the opening, highest and lowest prices of tho day:? Opening. JKfjhetl. Lowmt. New York Central lo7*? 109 107 % Marleiu 139 >4 110 V 139% Erio 14 V 11% 14 V l.ake Shore 66 V 6?i 66',' Wabash 2% 2% 2'., Northwestern 42?, 42', 42',' Northwestern prcierred... 60 V 66'; 66 V Hock Island 109 109>4 101', Pittsburg 94 91 91 Milwauk'e and SL Paul... 41 41',' 40 V llil und SI Pan I nrnl 71 ir 71 71'. I Ohio and Mississippi 10:, lb', lb ', Ktw Jersey Central 72", 72% 72", Del., Luck, and Western.. loO7, lul 100:, Union I'acitic. 03 03 03 C.. C. auil 1. C 3% 37i 3% Western Union 09'4 706u>? Atlantic and faciliu Tel... 18% IS ^ 18'4 l'ucitic Mail 23 j, 2u,'4 23 J, l'anatna 137 137 137 CLOStVO PRICES?3 p. ML Pacific Mall.... 25% a 20V M , a Ht P pf.. 7134 a 71V Wnl?rn Ualuo 7o?, a 7(i>4 C, C, 0 A i ... 43 a 44'., All A Pac Tel. 18 , a 18>. C. ? a 1 C. 3*4 a 4>, Quicksilver .... 13 a l.ril4 Dal. L A W.. ..101 % a 101>, Ouicksilvor pf. 18 a 2I'4 Krle 14 a I41, Mar L A Mln .. 7', a 8<4 llan A 8t Jo ... 14'4 u 15 MarLAMpt.'H a t* H A St J opt. . 24% a 25 Adam* Kx. 11" a 11 >4 Lake shore.... 55?, a 55% American Hx.. 58 a 58Mich Central 4!"% a Ml L 5 Kxpre** .. 75 a 75 , KYI ilarlaoi. ISO1-, a 14"'i WalUJarroEx 85% a 88 MC1H K..107V * lo<-% Chi A Alton .101 a 102*4 N J Can 72% a 72% Clrv* A Pitta.. U3V, a 84Ohio A Mia* li>% a It!1; Chi A N W 4234 a 4.'% Panama ? a 13. Chi 1KW pf.. (IDS a iO>, 7ol,t Wab. 2 a 2% Chi AMI 1(ih?4 a ltiti'4 Union Pacific.. 62% a 13 Mil A hil'aut. 4(1% a 40% MiMouri Pan U!? a 8 advance and decline. The followlnp are the changes in cloning prices compared with those of yesterday:? Advance.?Delaware and Lackawanna, Illinois Cent'al. 1; Lake Shore. ',; Michigan Central, >,; Northwestern. ;4 ; prelcrrcd, .%; Ohio and Mississippi, 3a: western Uoiou, V. i, a.u . e. U...I .. j- I ui(.u?L?uuiu, , ow ruui vuuimuu, , uu. pre- i lerred, S ; Erie, XThe remainder of the market was stationary. IXVKSTMrlXT SHARES. Investment shares were steady. Chicago, Burlington and Quincr brought 115 a 114; Chicago and Alton, 102al"2X; Morris and Kssex, 102 a 101,7?; Delawaro and Lackawanna, 100'g a 101 V ; Jersey Centra), 72'? a 72 H a 72 X ; Illinois Contral, 98A? a 98 >, ; Cleveland and Pittsburg. 94 X; Harietn. 140X; Producers' Land and Petroleum, cx dividend, 11JX a 113 a 113,'?; Delaware and Hndson, 107; United Slates Express, 70 a 70; American, 56 X ; Wulls-Kargo, 85'4. the xoxst market. Money was freely supplied at 2 ar.d 2X per cent. Discount paper Is quoted as unchanged. The lollowIng are tho rates of exchange In the undermentioned cities: ? Savannah, X premium; Charleston, scarce, nominally selling X premium, buying premium; St Louie, 75c. to 90c. premium; Chicago. 75c. preroiutn; New Orleans, Comn.crcial X> Bank X> 410(1 Cinctunati, selling, 120 a 110. Foreign exchange closed steady at the following:? Sterling? Fixtv days' Eight 4.8.8 a 4 89 Demand 4.9QXa4.9l Cable iransiers 4.91',, a 4.92 Commercial 4.86 a 4.87 Parts? Fixtv days' sight 5.14-, a 5 1ft X Demand 0.117? a 5.Id1,' Cable iranslers a 511', Couimercul 6. l*x a 5.21'4 Keirhiusrka? Sixty days' sight 9ft X .95', Demand 95% a .9f.', Cable trunslars .90'., a .90', Commbrcial 94 >, a .94,!,' Gold opened at lll'i ' closed at 111%, all the sales of the day hiring boon at these figures. Tbo carry.n g rales were 1, l.S, and 2 per dent. Loars wero tlso made flat. The ?|>eoie shipments to Europe tola y amount to $<><0,000, with engagements (or to-morrow of $400,000 more. clkarixo noes* statebswt. Currency exchanges $42,*07,!?9$ Currency balances... 'JOS,605 Gold exchanges 3,643,1.11 | Gold balances "4j,5US OfkRATIOXS AT TMR HOLD kXCIIASOR BANK. Go'.il liaiaucet $934,."i^S Currency balances...! 1,1*6,963 Urea* clearances ?. 22,102,000 TBI rxitKD STATUS TRKARVRY. The Assistant Treasurer paid out to-day $373,000 gold on account of interest, and $9,000 in redemption j f flvo-tweuty bonds. The Sub-Treasury released $23,*00 ailver coin to-day. Hevenue rece pts to-day, $200,000; customs receipts, $300,000, bank notes received, $900,000. TUB rOKKtOX MABKKT. the London advlesa report rumors of an armiotic# &EW YORK. between the Turkish ud the Servian troops, and a t belter leellng ta linancjal circles In consequence. Consols and United States bond* hare advanced at London ( and rentes at 1'arU; ?288,000 went into the Bank ol i England to-day. j Silver is quoted at 47\d. The following are the tire P. 11. quotationsConsols for money, MJs; do. for account, 04',; 1865's, old, 10474; 1867's, 108.V , ten-forties, 107X a 107%\ now j fives. 107?; a 107 k: Erie. 12'4 u 13: Eric preferred. ' 18.'4- ~ 1 1 Kontes In Pari*. 1Q6C 25c.; exchange on London, ! Mr. 32 c. i GOVKBMIKXT BOS1J8. j Government bouda closed strong at the following i quouitoua:?Dolled States currency sixes, 125'? a ' 126^ ; do. da, 1881, registered, 119*4 a 11?X; do. do., s do., coupon. 120 a 120*,; da do., 1805, registered, ] U6>4 a 116*4; do. do., do., coupon, US1* a 116f,; ] da do., do., new, registered, UTS' * 1US I da do., da, coupon, 117*4 a UTS', do., da, 1H67, registered j 110 \ a 119)4; do. do., do., coupon, 119*4 a 119',; ao. do , 1868, registered, 121*, a 121 >4; do. do., do., cou- j pon, 121 .1 121H; do. ten-forties, registered, U7'4 a U8S ; da da, coupon, 118', a US),'; do. lives, 1881, ; registered, 117)4 a 117*4! do. da, do., coupon, 117*4 a * 117*;. KULKUiU BONUS. Railroad bonds wero strong, with the Chicago and ] Northwestern gold sevens tho special features, ad- ' vanctng to M>,'. The Chicago and Northwosteru consolidated advanced to 164, a rise ol >4- Alter these the Milwaukee and 8L Paul issues were most active. The bonds of thexo companies were depressed by the granger attacks on the roads in Wisconsin, and have since been gutting back to tlio prices at which other first class bonds rulo; they are yet, however, tnucb lower than other bonds which aro no belter. The other chanpes were an odvanco ot .1, per cent in Michigan Central sevens ami l'ucitic liailroad ot Missouri llrsts, \ in New Jorsey Central convertible, in North Missouri firsts, and }, in Michigan Southern sinking lands. The latest bids were as follows:? Albuuy and Suaq let 1121, Clese. P'villo A A new.104 Albany and Suaq 7d. .Ion Detroit. Mniirou * l'ol i'di'a Ho*, llart A Erie 1st.. . IS Huff A" Erie new .'...1051* ltur,CKi.M I.lTia 4li Hull A Slate l.ine 7's.... 101 Chicago A Alton 1st... .116 Lake Shore dividend.... 103'$ Chicago A Alton inc .. 103 Laku Shore eon cp l?t..IoStJ St L, jack A Chic 1st.. H>4 Lake Shore eon rg 1st . 100 Chtc, Hur A y s p c 1st . tlii Mtch Cent con 7's. 1002.107 K Chi, H 1 A Pac 1st 7'a 108)* Mich C 1st It's,'83, a r.,112& C, K I A P f In 6'i,'95.lug N J Southern lat. 7'a... '71 Central of N J lit new.. 114 N V Cen 6's, 1883 lOo Lehigh A W B con p'd.. 8ff N Y Central 6's, 1887... 103 Am Hock and Imp hds.. 98 N'YCenlstc 170 Ti Mil ASP 1st. H'a. I' D..lJ8>i N Y Con Ut m. r 11H Mil A S 1* 7d, 7 3-10, PD100 llurleni 1st, coup... 110W Mil A St P 7's. g, K D . hW'i North Mo 1st 97 Mil A S I* 1st, La C dlv.lOH* Ohio A Miss oon a f. 90'4 Mil A 8 P 1st, C A M.... 97 Ohio A Miss con 90 Mil A S Pcuii a f 9013 Cell Pacific gold bouds..ll>h*? | Clii A N IV sink fend... .100 Crn Pacific, sau .1 br. . 97S \ Cht A N W Interest 103 t'en Pacific, Cal A 91 i Chi A N IVcon bds 103?i Western Pacific hda.... 99 Chi AN Wist 103', L'uion Pacific 1st 103U | Chi A NW cp troldbda... t'r,'a I nion Pacific I p, 7's.... 107i Galena A Chi ex 10"l aiou Pacific sink fund. 04V4 Peniusirhi 1st, con 1<S) Pacific Kit ot Mo 1st.... 903j , l Chicago A Mil 1st.. ..101 FHts. Ft W A Chi Int...11* , C, C, C A I l?t, 7'i, a f . iOO l'llts, Ft WA Chi Hd...tU8 J Del, Lack A West 2d.. .104 Clove A Pittn cuu si....10812 <i Del. Lack A W V*. con.lOH Clave A l'itls. 4tti 1031, i Morriii A Essex 1*1 1 IK O, C A I 1st 45 Morris A Essex 2'I 110 St I.ouia AIM 1st Ill- 1 Erie 1st m, ex .110 Hell A S 111 1st ill 8's... 1HJ 1 Kiie 2d, Vs. 1S7!? lo.HJ Tol, I'co A War. K D ... 84 Erie ad. 7 s, 1883 103>J Tol, Feo A War. W 1) 82 Erie 4th, 7a, 1880 ... 100>, Tol A Wab 1st, axt 02V ? Bull', N Y A Erin 1st, '77 80 Tol A Wab 2d U? , Huff, N Y A E, larire 8* Hun A Naples 1st art Una A St Jo con M)j? Croat West 1st, 1888... BI.I4 ; lud, Uloum'n A W 1st.. '.II Croat West 2d. 18811.... 03 | 1 Mich South 7 11 c. 2d ...102*4 Oulnor A Tol 1st, 1890.. 5.V*? Midi 80 A N I s f 7 p c.107-, 111 A So Iowa 1st 65 - Clove A Tol ?I lial llun A Cen Missouri 1st. S5t( I ' Clove A I'ol now b ..1"3*4 West Union lots.1D00. e. 00', j Cleve, F'vllle A A. old . lo'J West Union bds. lttUO.r. tfo | ; BANK SHARKS. j Bank shares were dull, tho only sale being 20 shares ; ol America at 89. The latest bids aro annexed:?City, 200; Commerce, 112'V; First National, 200; Fourth National, 86 >,; German American, 67; Importers ana Traders', 185; Manhattan, 136; Market, 108; Mercantile, 100; Mercnanis', 110; Merchants' Kxchango, 96; Metropolitan, 120; Now York, llO.'j; Ninth National, 78 ; North America, 89; Republic, 79; St. Nicholas, 100, philadelphia stocks. The following are the Philadelphia stock quotations at three o'clock this day:? J!i<f. A tknl. City sixes, new 106'; 109 United Companies of New Jersey L>6'4 138M Pennsylvania Railroad 521, 62', Fhiladelphia and Heading Railroad. ... 44'4 44J, Lehigh Valley Railroad 67.', 57*; Catawista Kailruad, preferred 42v, ? Philadelphia and Erie Railroad 16 18', Northern Central Railroad 33*4 24 Lehigh Navigation 44<-4 44?; Lehigh Navigation, gold loan 103 103.'4 S.N I'RANCISI'O STOCKS. The following aro the closing prices at San Francisco to-duy;? CALIFORNIA MINTNO STOCKS. Consolidated Virginia 40 Crown Point 9 Calilornia 66*4 Yell ow Jacket 27*4' Segregated Belcher.. 63 Alpha 38% Opbir 45J4 lieicher 17,'4 Chollar 74 Conliilonco 1624 Savage IS Sierra Nevada 13*4 Consolidated Imperial 6*4 Exchequer 14*4 Mexican 27 Overman 63 Gould and'Corr.v 13*{ Juetioe 21 Best und Belcher.... 40>4 Caledonia. 7>, Hale and Narcross... w. MEMORANDA. The following secmitios were fold at auction today:?500 shares Pullman Southern Car Company, 60; 250 shares Brooklyn Gaslight Company, 183 a 185; 6 United States Firo Insurance Company, 164*.;. The transportation question seems lurther than ever from reaching a solution satisfactory to stockholders ol railroads. For the Oral time in the history of lake | navigation the rates on corn from Chicago to Buffalo I aro quoted at 124 cents per bushel. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES Wednkndat, July 12, 1870. BKF0KK CALL?10 A. M. (juOOC a N Wcegli. !>4 2' O'Jsits LR A AI 8. .. 66*4 701*) do ... m*4 atfl do ..63 56*4 ;?000 do M , 8 0 00 ,3 55?, ran At d? ?15 IMS lis* do 55*, 5UOJ Mo. K A T f..l3 54'a 1000 do 55', 21XX) L A W B con... 1-7 v, in 5>', I 3" slis o?t in I*L. tt'J'4 2.00 do 55*, i M do Oo , 70i do ?:i . , 100 Uo 70 luO C. C A I 0 Hit .,3 S?, mi d.. b3 7il Sum hiA S\V I.R d:i3 It 4J) do bJ "O-, I *.) Ouio * MiwKik.ft3 It)*, . till do 70',' 33 ' Mieb i au iiK... 4!)-, , 31 m Uo 7. >4 3D0 do 49*, C 300 do 7Uta 100 do. 49", ( iiOO do >3 70 4 400 Uo 49 , . 5 hi do 700 jim X J Con KR.. ?3 73', . 1U0 do 7o)? IOO do <10 73'4 , 700 do 70 luu Mil A Si Y Hit 41 , luu do b < 70 loo Nit .. Mr* it 11 pi.. 7I>4 t luu Pac Mail S3 ? 3ft,S 100 do 71',' c IOO do 3.7 V 300 Clll A Alt UK 103 (l 100 Brio ltd.... 14.', g 10:1} AKI> ll:?l A M. " $10000 II 8 r a, r.'81.. 119V^ $10000U8 5-30,r, '07. 119S 1 J; 10UUII do llWH ltdKjO do 119 , ! 10UOOU8 J-3U.C, es.. llUfJ loot) L> "-30.C. '<>7 ilu", 300 ' U It 7.30. r.tiS.n 117 , ll'AJO U 910-40, e. 118-, I < itHO do 117', 10000 Lnb'o.o. 'o.. 117', , 1UUU0 US b-30,e,'dd.a. 117,', 4 fllUr B0A1U??!0:3?> L ? | J flilOO MoC'i, Impbdi. lU' '4 50 iln I" S Ex | ^ IDtl lli d'?. \t) 1 lu b. IU1 h tiuit t.t fed 4 Alb * du? 3d . luf '4 33 ?t oita-Kaivo ttx.bc *>'4 I ( 5.410 C. It 1 ? V 7'*... Ii>"'4 IO llarleiu ,tR k Id ,', 1 j, 4uU0 N .1 Can lit. n.. I >4', 17tXi C. A *1 o Kll. b? oft", : <j 3UUU N J I *1. 97200 do bJ I ivmo M A bi* T?, cold nm ? ?> do 56>, ' j l&UUO .* it SlP Ul,l.?l, 101 r? no do ?3 56j luiix 4 ?l f ton 1 9 '4 3|?I 0.1 ... .. bJ 5>", f{ lbuO da.... 9. V>i do '>'<S * llOO'Cbl d N W ton.. 1"4 13-10 do 5.7 , I ,, 1'XJtAJ C ? M W a a x b. imftuo do 56V . i imrn Mor A Kl*?X lit 118 71X1 do ?3 55?i [ ft 2 X a' 11 Jt o J >' . coll olj 3UU do ...03 56 >, .. 1 <??> I.a W It con... h7 1U3) do 6ft , 9*10 Mlcli boutii if lu7\ 3 ij Uo 56L, f ICXXi Mich Can 7V . 102*. luu d<. b3 3 bUOON V Cau lit, c. 131 3$ III Can RR bo Wf4 4, 3IXJ0 C y lit. n .1 br,. x'.'V 4oimc . tau lU b( 49 , \ lixm Well l'*i bono. 99 , 30 1 do ....... .?3 49>, 4 1000 W CnTal c.lllUO lixi 20J do 4?-4 lt?XJ In Cue itrt lit. 1(?'4 00 do 49', 5, fttmo du lti.f, luu do 49\, ? l?i So I'arbdanr Mo HI l'l Claa * I* gtd . .b c 94V tl IMV Han X C Mo lit. K.">S luui In t > Vt ilK u? 4:', % ftutX) 11 A >0 111 I at t,e 1>> lUOCbldNW P.Rpfbec tfi", $ IKm .North .Mo lot.. 97?4 luu bOJ 6?iS l< 4uUUPaco! Mo I it be* 9.'.', 5'XJ N J Cca ilK. ...0 c 731, T 2u ill! ?*nk of S Am HU lot) do ...alO 73*. $ 100 four Co bexd II3 '4 ltX) do 73?, 1U0 do. 1133, 100St L, K C 1 N..b c ft'-, , Ml ao 113 4 >i Mil it itt J* 41 v 1U 1>?I A M Con...I, c 107 luo do 4IH s 301 VI oil Ca l'oi.b t.?3 70 :tm Mil a st r 71V a 103 d" 7i I'm do "IS c 3" no bd 70S 103 Dal. 1. 1 W li?", $ IolO uo 70', 8iiu do 101 b lut do |3 7li'4 luO dto 101S d WW do bn 70', I3O rt> IOI ft 1JU do ...16 70), 2uO do 1D1 >4 103 no 70, 3)Mord !.< Ul! !"3 ft luu do e 70 , NO do !>? lOiJj )i 1 *) do aJ 7U.V 10U Clil A 1"- I li I ..i 'to 70U H do ... I??*a I :,nu Paellle Mall did.ho ai?, 5 CM, B A Q P.K.b o 113 t |i?> no -k;, do '. H41! a ItluO do 2i? lOOllhln l? I n loo do b3 * /, 1'A) C, C k I C illt. be 3', I s BfcMKK OAliL?K:3it P. M. I * $2000C* NWaegb. 04'; 3O0 aha L tl * M R.. al .'>* '? ? jim .Ma si' lai.l.aU. lot', uoii do I?3 I 4'MiX .i afcuail.. #n'; HoJ do . ... SdV | e 1U??J do C WO-, 1(A) do ...a3 >\ I " * J <>a W7', 10 'Chi A S vr KK.b3 4.', $ 14'aai t,<K lleon... b" KX) do 4J'i ii KXIU . n fac a l.iuu. . M l'O VJ ( en ItR 7j5? a 100 alia Mich Can 4WT< loo Mil A HI P KR. .b3 41', i JIO 4l? I > ?! MA) do 41 'i II ;JIA> do I?J 7.1', lO.) do boo 41', * 111) do 7'Ik, lno do a-4U 41 a 100 do bJ 7.i', In do 41'a fl 10) do IOj VI 4 St t' pi U3 71', n 100 do .... 7111, loo da 7),1, 1 100 do .al 70S 1'OTolAWab IIK .. I 2 P. M. ; $3r<rx)C3 H7\ fionou R.vao.r.'rsbc lai.S <j iiOoo L db-ao.o. di, a 111 A laoooU d k'a, UMo, a. Udj* L HERALD, THURSDAY, J1 >0000 US 5-30.r' MO* 6000 US 6'e. e,'81.... 117)4 < 00 jo b-30. c. '67.. b e 119'] i SKOOUD HOARD?I P. M. j (1000 0. R I k P7'?... 108\ lUOahi Un Pec RR.b e 63 I I50U) Ml SP cou >r .. B"', 50 ill Ceo RK .bo OH i luce 0 N W con c K b. MS 1000 L 8 A M S '-Mi I mono do 944, ltX? do ?8 6?J? I 1000 Olll con if... 9tlK lOUi do bJ 56 1 3 00 C P Int. CAOor. 91 lllOJ do S6 MXA) Mich Cen 7V. 1U3J4 ?*? do 557,' 1 5000 do 103 lO.lO do ... #3 53', I 10OOWU Tt, 1000... 10034 i>4 UX)?b? Mar 1. A 8 200 Cbi A N\V KR. 4-S < a.POMPCo bo li:ilk 10> do ... b.? 4iS I 100 do 113'4 2t)0 Obi 1 KA' RKpfbo W\ 1 IIX) Air Tel bo 18S, 100 do ?4 ?" ? I 100 Wett Uu nJ 7'V 100 do alt) Wi\ KXi do b3 70V 200 do *3 Oft'. ' 00 do 70^ iOO do 0*7ij I (10 do bJ 70V H4V J Oca UK. 72?, >.<1 do 70S 300 Mil A 8t P RK be 41 ^ ' (OO do 70H 11X1 do ?1<> 40V 1 100 do *5 70)2 lOJ do 1 'i I 10 Amrr Kx bo 58), 3"" Mil A HI P pf.. .be 71 V !?U L SKapros*. 75 BOO do 71 \ I MO Par Maloe... .be 25* BOO do 71< 100 Mieh CeuRR...bc SOW 2O0 Del.L A W Kit b e 1"1 *, 100 do SOS JI do lol', KX> do SOW 3D' do 1013, .-00 Micb Cen Kit So loo Ohio .t M KB he 1 100 do 40V 100 lien dSJo be 14), i 100 do bS 4?? 2:30 TO '? P. M. ! JS0008 P8>.lnt, I.C.. 101V 2tM aha LSI E S.a.ur S5S lO o VI A 81' con II.. 0U>, 500 do 55 s 15000 PacerModd. . HI V lOO do 5S*i 100 ilia Mar Lilt pf.. 8 loo Chi Jk > W KK pi.. HB\, 1X1 Hi eat 0 ft Tel 70W 100 N J Ceu Kit....?I<> 7^V KXl do 70?, 10O Mil * HI t KK..bS 40), 1 ton Pao Mall 88 23? 400 do 41 i too ?ri lilt 14V lO ) Mil A Bl P pf...?S 71 III)III Can KB b3 08 HX1 do 7IS' luXIL 8 .t: M 8 KR.?3 55V 200 Del, V Jt W BR .. 101), 100 do SoX j COMMERCIAL REPORT. J , cotton: spot was firm, futures were 1-8c. A C-32& HIUI1ER ON THE EARLY AND 1-32C. A I 1-lGc. HIGHER ON TUB LATER MONTHS? FLOUR DULL AND IRREGULAR?WHEAT DULL I AND 1BUEOULAK?CORN LOWXR?OATS LOWER? J POKE QUIET?LARD QUIET?WHISKEY QUIET? i PETROLEUM STRONGER?NAVAL BTOBES J FIRMER?OILS STEADY?GROCERIES FIRM? FREIGHTS STILL STRONGER. Wednesday, July 12?6 P. M. j llustnraa vai everywhere dull And nricea nominal , ind fluctuating. On 'Change the condition of broad- J null* waa no improvement upon yesterday. The marrnl for hnili flniir unit urhunt wnfl ilnll itnH irro.truIitr situ tbo general tendency downward. Corn was lower, ia were oats. Whiskey ouiei. Pork quiet. Lurd quiet, >nt a trifle firmer, freights were active. Cotton on the ipot was firm. Futures ruled higher. Groceries continued j inn. Naval stores were firm. Oils wsre quiet and steady. ] Petroleum was stronger. Cori'KK.?The niarkot fur Brasils was quiet, but steady; t,OUU bugs Rio, ex John Huay, sold lute yesterday on prlvato arms: 1,000 bags ltio, ex-Francis Jane, euld at Baltimore , | in private terms. We quoteOrdinary cargoes, lo'4c. a | ; fair do., 17c. a 17>4e.; good do., 17tgc. a 17^0.; I irimo do., 18c. a 18>4c.; extreme range for lots, 15!4c. a , 9.14c.; Santos, ftlr to good. 1 fi^c. a 17'4c.. gold, ninety ) la>s; Java, government bags, 20c. a 22c.; da, grass mats, ! 10c. a 2Jc.; Singapore, do., 18c. a 20c.; Csylon, KlJ.jC. a I8)?c.; Maracaibo, M?4c. a 18c.: Laguayra, 18>ac. a 17'ac ; | I lamaicn. Ilea 17c.; 8t. Domingo, 14KC- 11 15e.; Porto I ' itico, I'm", h ib\c. ; t'liiH iuci, iio. ii ivc. ; maiicttn, I t ItSo.; Manila, 17c. a 18c.; Angostura, 17c. a 16c.; Sara j : lilla. 14\c. a 18c.; Curacoa, 11 lac. a 17c. j I Cotton.?The market fur spot was quiet hut firm. Ku- I lures gained a 5-32c. un the oarly, and 132c. a 116c | j >n the later inontlu, the market closing steady. The fol- i owing prices to-day compare with Tuesday's prices as tol- ' ,ows:? Tur-tluy, Ja/p 11. ltVi/nr*7ay, Jul;/ 17. ' Inly ... IP.i a? Julv... ll?a a 11 20-32 1 August.. II 23-32 a 11^4 August.. 11 1*7-33 a 11?. ' Sept 11 17-33 It? 8ept .... 11 10 33 a ll? 1 Llctohcr. 11 5 16 a 11 11-33 October. II1, a 11 13-33 1 Nov 11 7-33 a 11 Kov 11 0-32 a 11 6-16 I 1 Deo ll)? all 9-32 Dec II 5-18a? I ! Ian 11?? all 1332 Jan 11 7-16a ? Keb 11 17-32 a 11 0-16 Feb 11 10-32 a ? j March... 11 23-32 %? March... 11 23 32 a 11V April.... 11 27-33 a I1X April,... 11 27-32 a 11?.? - 1 May 11 31-32 a 12 1-32 May 12 a 12 1-16 ! 1 Juno. .. 12), a 12 3 10 June.... 12 5-32 a 12 3-lM I ' ?Quotations ara based on American standard of classifies- 1 tiou and i n cotton in store runuir>K in quality not more than ' naif a grade above or below the grade quotedj I'jtituul AluUima. A". Orionim. Tcxtu 4 Ordinary 8 3-18 8 5 10 8 5-18 8 5 18 I Strict ordinary 0)? U), 01,' 0',,' ? lood ordinary 0 11-10 ? 11-16 0 13 16 O 13 18 Stilct (Hill ordinary. 1()J2 10', 10)2 lub, Low middling... 10 13-16 In |5-1G 11 1-16 11 110 * Strict low middliug... II5, 11)2 11', 11), Middling 11,V II;, 1115-16 1115-10 ' nod middling 1'2\ 12>, 12),' 12)* ? strict good middling. 12,4 13 i 1 viiouiiug lair ! >', i<i d i.i , i.e. Kair 14 14', 14>4 14L - Stained?Oooil ordinary, BJ,'e.; strict good orH itiary, ; I on- middling, 10c.; middling, l""?c. (tpol sales wen n i ullow?:? To Ikxy. Lrut Kcnitvj. Totol Consumption 621 -4H 870 Speculation 210 ? 21'.) ' Total* 831 240 J.OHO ?Delivered on contract, 500 bale*. For future delivery the tale* were a* tullow* Yesterday, alter two f. M.?juI lot> bate* at 11 \c.; August. 1**1 at 11 23-32c ., 100 at ll\c.; September, 100 at 11 O-lUc.; October, 260 at 11 ll-32c. ; November, 400 at 11 9-32c.; February, 200 at 11 0 1 He.; March, 100 at 11 23 32c. Total. 2,100 bales. To day, up to two f. M.?July. 100 bales at 11 25 32c . Um at 11 20-32C.. 500 at 11 ?-,c.; August, LOO at II 25-32c., 1,200 at llj.c., 300 at 11 20-32c.. l.OOOat lIKe.. 200 a? 11 27.32c? 100 at 11 13-16c. 200 at ' 11 27.32c.; .-ept? mber, 300 Kt 11 10-32c., 100 at 11 21 32c., JtO at 1 lf,c.. 12W0 at 11 10 32c : October, 50O at ll'.c., 2 0 I St 11 7-ltlc.. 3tX> at 11 13-32c.; November, 1,000 at 11 5 16c., It*' at 11 D-32c., l.OOOat 11 5 16c., 1,000 at 11 !t-32c.: De | ember, raw) at 11 5-lbc., 31)0 at 11 1132c? 800 at 115 16c.; I lanuarv. 400 at 117 16c.: April, l.OOl) at 11 27-32c.: May, i SO at 12c. Total. 15.700 bales, liraud total, 21,8u) bales. The receipt* at the port* wore as follows:?Oalvestou, 17 bales: New Orleans, 897: Mobile, 25; Mavannah. 64; I 21iarlestoti, lO; Norfolk. 58; Baltimore, 1811; New York. 4; : Boston, 127. 't otal, 1.472 bales. I bis day last week, 1,887 >ales; ibis day last year, 1.108. Total since Sepierajer 1, 4,1)73,532 bales. Cotton freights closed as follows:? | lo liavre, by steam, k,c. compressed; to Hamburg, by I team. %c. compressed; lo Bremen, by steuui, \V. compressed : to Liverpool, 5-1 d. by steam ; by aail, ti-3Ld. Ki /. i] u iwu liuai* ? Itaeeints-Klour l.'. J7J> I.I.I. ' 1 147,852 bu?hels; corn meal, 1UO bbl*. and 221 sacks; oats. bushels; corn, 188,712 do.; rye. 7.50U do.; barley it alt, 924 do. Flour was dull lor must kinds. and irregular; , 1 (hipping extra* aud choice super* ware full a* firm and were J mante l for export. The first setup e of new wheal flour ' From Tennessee we* exhibited by L. II. Finch ? S??n*; qu .1- ! v ty Hue. Salua wore about 15,<*X> bbls., inc.tiding Mate, IN e?tern and Southern, at the annexed quotation*. ?,*orn i neal wan steady, with sale* of t*X) bblt. Brandy wine at f ?3 .*>. Bye Hour wm quiet, with sales of 250 bbls. uiM uU ifi 15. t'orn meal was quiet. We quote ? J o 2 Statu ~ $J00a$30? 1 Supclinu Slate .*1 40 a 1 10 c Kxtrn Slate 4 SO a 6 IO .'holce State 5 25 a 5 75 P -upertliie Western 3 40 a 4 00 I'.x.ra Western 4 50 ? 5 00 Minnesota 5 OO a 0 50 toiind hoop Ohio, shipping bianda 4 5<? a 5 OO tound hoop Ohio, trade brands 5 25 a li 00 'siuily 0 .'da Hi*) ?t. 1/Oilis, low extra. 5 03 a (i ib ; r it. Louis. straight extra ti Oj a d TO ' ? It. l^>uis, choice donb<e extra 6 .Via 7 75 | it. Louis, choice family ... 8 Ou a 9 00 . iy4 Hour, tine to superfine 3 70 a 4 25 ' outhern. No. 2 2 75 a 3 25 ! " outhern, superfine. 3 75 a 4 25 I lout hern. oxtra 4 75 a 7 uO | ioathern, family 7 00 a 8 25 1 e ;om uieul, Western.., 3 UO a 3 25 I 5 ?orn meal. Jets#, 3 00 a 3 25 I 'urn meal, Bruuaywine 3 2*.) a 3 35 i /Orn meal, puncheons 20 UO u 20 50 1 g -Wheal was dull aud entirely nominal for straight No. 2 st ? 8 iboiit $1 o5a?l 07 lor Colcago and $1 08a$l 11 for Mil raukee. lint sales, mostly in small lots, were about 70,0**) -tisliels at NX*, up to $1 25 for r d aud amber wlotor, ac- 1 ordiu* to quality and condition ; $1 U5 tor .No. 2 Chicago, b ?5c. for No. 3 Milwaukee, DUr. a 03c. for No I bicago, >1 14 lor mixed spring, $1 24 tor umber Toledo. Si 25 for iew amber I'elawarr. Corn was less active and lower. Using at about 53c. a 55c. for steamer and sail mixed. ? e c u>te sales of lOO.OOU bushels at 42c. a 48c. for heated. 47c. a d for uusO'iud, 53c. a 54c for steamer. 55c. for mixed. 57c. V or New York graded yellow, and 59c. for half August tud 1 N lepttmbcr Oats w ere and lower; No. 2 Chicago ' rere nnmltial. We note sale* ??f UO.cOU bushels at 2*c a | Ic. tor the rstqeoF mixed; 33c. a 42c. for the raiiue of ihite; 34c. for No. 2 graded; H4Vc. tor So 2 wb'te, 28c. a b 9c for rejected; Hoc. a line, lor Western uiised: 5c. a 42e? i jr Western white; 36c. a 41c. for mixed btate, aud 39c. a j, 3c. for wilts Hi ?:e. Kye was quiet at 82c. a 85c. tor | V] 'auada. in bond; 7.1c a 7->c. for Western, and 82c. 45c. | r, if Statu aud Feuusyleania. Barley and barley malt were \ ull. I ^ 111 ?? !/ W'm nnl? af I I CVl '1^ -,!1- ? ? . !?.. . 1 3^e.. eash. i a llsar anu JtlTk.?We note sale of 2.'<0 ha baits at 2.V'.., i j line. We quote ; ?American dresbed. fit*! a S'JtVi fur single, j ? INK> a $-2o lor double And fl' u fIJ.t lor rough; Manila j (; rmp. 7c . gold , Hueala, clean, f3UU a t-l'J. uuul Italian. \t 375 a 5-AT. gold; Jute. 4l4i:. a 5'4c.. currency, lute ' jj utU,-Jic.. colli; Slaal heniD. 4\c. fold; Utie. 5>,c. a 5*?e., ! old. I ^.j Mot ?<?? wee steady. with a lelr business. We quote ? 'obit, centrifugal end mixed, i.e. a 2ek.: cloyed. 2l>c. ? ' He., do. inus In refining. :ioc a 54c ; do. grocery. 3.'r ? J w Ire.; I'orto Ki ic. a l*jc ; English Islands. 33c. * 50c.. ; . j. e? Orleans, loir to good, 4Mc. a 33c.; prime to choice, 35c. ' q. iiSc. I ? Natal Stonr?. ? The market for spirits turpentine firmer; j p, U bbls. told at IWt|C. Kosiu?We note rale ol 700 bbls. ,<| trained on private term>. VVe quote apirita ot turpen- \t ioe at 3o;ac. a die. Kosin?Common to good ctrained, n, i a $1 no. Tar?Washington, f- 3.1. do. Wilmington, q, 3 nj|C. a (3 51 Advice* from VAiltaiaglon were a* lol era:?Koeiu firui; strained, hi 3U: good strains i. $1 25. ar strong: $1 tAJ. Turpentine Irregular: hard, $1, suit, \| i 85 a *1 1*>; virgin. S3. Spirits firm at 27e. Oilx.--Ws note aaloa at New Hedlord ef30rt bbls. whale ^ nd -r311 bbla. sperm lor ntanulaclnrlng on private terms. je He quoteLinseed, casks, .'etc., cottonseed, erndo, 3Mo. ; 41 onthern yellow, 4*c a 5<>e . yellow winter, .Vic. a 5Mc. ; p iliite w.nter. H5c.; lard, present maka. Most a HHc. ; sperm, do; do bleeched wlnisr. fl tt5; do., natural do. ?' 1 110. whale, crude Northern, HOc.; do. Southern. 00c.; leached winter, 7l?e. a 71e. ; ollre, casks #1 17.1, a fit 22 !i; ? n. .rates, ft 35a $4 40, winter bleached fish. inc. ; crude j;, ah, :tic. a 37c. \t I'kTRoLt'on ?The market was firmer and active. A sale of y ,i*ai obla. retlaeJ was made In the furenoon at Iti'.c., and |,i tier In tba day Id.jUibbls. sold at lH14c.. and 5,1AM bbla. p, igh teat si l/'sC. The closing prices were as lollowa:? tp rude, in bulk, b^r, . do. 111 buis, 13**0,, rnitnnd In hols., li'4c , do. in cases. lP',c a 3ur Naphtha. lOe. I'.etined .11 t Philadelphia, llltgc.. do. at Kaltlmore, IH',c. Advicca 41 rom the Creek were as follow, ?Parker s t'nited. J2 15 bid, 2 ld'?. ahlpraunt, (J U?>. a $J 40 I'ROfiJio**.?Kecoipte-Pork. 17* bbla.; lard, t.l4^4 Irrcea mid 40 CM*a; rut meat*. WW packagee. tuwi, ti irrcea and I.*47 boxrt; beef, |.t4 tiercel. Kt tibia, and >"4 a??i 'Ihr pork market waa quiet. cloning at lb* ecc..nil a rail" a? fmlowe:?July, lilu Sli eektd: Auttttat |AI M4, , JO 10 naked, September, (JO 1.7 bid, (2U Ju aakrd Oi tonr. (Jo 41 eaked. halea writ X.Uki bbia,. at dJ", (2ll US * ind fjo 1 j for Aujtuat, nud (JO .A) a (Jo ;c> lor September m a. hbla. meet auld at (JU IO vault Tut inrata were quirt; I HO pickled lianta ?ol>l at M^r and .'??> do. alinaldn? at I ii4a. reali liama were quoted at l(J>,r a l'J ., flraati balltra ; t '".er a lor., plrklad heme at U'4r , pirklad brllira at |',C a He. and boxad balliaa at u),.'. a l;c Hnvnnwae P [Uirt and ataady at lo ,r. a lu'.c. for city long claar and ol o',c. tor Weatern: lloo hoxee city long ciaar aoid at lOjC. 5 Ircl waa quiet, wltli aalaa of 40 blila. tnraa within tna ti ante. Ha quotaHarrela, extra inoa?, (11 a$IJ:pla>a neat. (0 a (10; packet, (1J add; or red. nity extra In- X lie. 8JJa?J3; ludla were, (Jl, prima ??'?, (JO. Itaaf T iaata ware quiet at tOJ a CM tor utlma Wanaru. ULY 13, 1876.?WITH SU1 Smoeed DitM war* quiet, at 1<V for hunt *ud H>e. for ; il otildcre L.r.1 wa? * little firmer, with u fxlr demand, j ill 26 asked; August. $11 J bid. $11 115 asked ; September, $11 3(1 bid. $11 35 asked; October. $11 40 bid, $11 5O tsked. The sales wtre 5,500 tierces, at $11 17^. $11 20, Pll 1i'2\ and $11 25 lor August, and $11 25 a $11 lio for September. Spot sales were 150 tierces city, at 11c.. and 160 do. Western, at 11c. a like. Retiuwd?We note sales of 100 tiercos for Cuba, at 10Jac. ; ICO do., city No. 1. st 10){e. : 150 do., for the Continent, at 11 6-16c.; 200do., ou private icrms. Kirn.?The market was unlet bnt steady. We quote:? Carolina, fair to prime, 5jfc. a 6*?c. : Louisiana, fair to good, 5l^c. ao^'c. ; do., prime, 6c. a 6*4 c.; Rangoon. fair to pood, 6Wc. a6?ac. ; 1'at 11 a. good, 7}^c. a 7>?c., gold ; Kan toon, iu bond. 2?fcc. a 2\c., gold. Si'tiAU.?'fbu market lor raw was firtu but quiet. Refined was fairly active and firm. We quote :?! air to good reining, H-He. a 8ffc.: .1'uba, grocerv, fair to choice. S|j>c. a H7,,c ; do., centrifugal, hhds. uuu boxes, Nos. 8 to 13, k*bC. a iMac. ; do., molasses, hhds. and boxes. 7c. a He.; Porto |!ico, refining, coninion to pritue, T^c. a 8J?c.; do., grocery, fair to choice. H*gc. a 8%c.; letined, standard A. If^stC. a lt?*fc.; off A, 10Jac. a lOtpc.; crushed. lP.c. ; powlered, lie. a lll?c.; granulated, ll^c. a 11V.; second quality dr>.. lie. ; cut loaf, ll'^c. Stkauink?The was quiet at 18%'c. a IS^e. Tallow.?lUccipU?35 hhds., 253 tiorccs and 23 casks. The market was quiet. Wuiakkv.--Receipts?247 hbls. whiskey aud 150 bbls. alcohol. The market was quiet; 75 bols. sold at $1 13. KkKUinra?The market was exceeding!.* active iu petroleum and ^rain tonnage tor charter, with rates 111 every Instance further advanced. The engagements embraced :?To Liverpool, per steam. Hd. bid for grain room and refused: 12,0 k) boxes bellies at 50s, 35U boxes bacon at 40*. To Loudon, per steam. 16,000 busbels grain at 8d. To Glasgow, per steam, 16,000 bushels grain .at Ud., ti*> lbs. The charters comprised ?An Italian bark, hcuco to Cork for orders, with 3,IIU0 quarters grain ut 6s. I'd. und ?IO gratuity; a Norwegian bark, hence to Rotterdam, with t|uurrrr% uu. at l*S. ?U. H <&.. iiccouiiuk lo lay (tufa; an Austrian bark, hence to Bristol Channel direct, with 4.0U0 quarters du. mi 8a. 3d. , an Italian bark, hence to Cork lor orders, with 1.5 xjquar ler* at 8*. tkl.; u Norwegian bars, hence to Continent (ex Amsterdam) with 4.0?)U bbls. refined petroleum at 5a. 8U.; a Norwegian hark, henoe to Rotterdam. with 4,U*)0 bbls. do., at 5?. bil.; u Noiwcgiun bark, hcuce to the | Baltic. with 3.200 bbla. do., at 8*.; a Norwegian hark from Philadelphia to lite Mediterranean with bbls. and ca?u* do., ou private terms; au Italian bark, hence to the Itultic. with 2.rt( JO bbls. do. at rtg.: an American bark, Irom Philadelphia t<? the United Kingdom or Continent, with 2.700 hble. refined petroleum Dr its product* on private term*; an American bark, hence lo the Continent, with 2.-00 hhl*. rctliifd petroleum at 5s, t?U.; an American bark, hence to Hot* Lerdam or Amsterdam, with 3.Out) bbls. do. at 5n. 3d.; a British bark, Irom Philadelphia to the Halt ic. with 2,300 buls. do at He;; an'Amcricau bile, hence to Malta lor orders, with 9.00U cam s do. ut 35s ; uu American bark, 310 tons, Iroiu Philadelphia to lierioa. with l,5t*i bids. do. at 4s. 9d. and balance c not at 28c ; u Daulsh brig, hence to a Danish port, with I,UN) bids do at , Js ; a Norwegian bark, hence to the Comment, with 3.GOO hbls. do at 5s. (hi. ; an American schooner. Irom Philndtd [>hi* to the Mcdiuct rauean. with 1 l.iX) > rases do. on private iertus; a British shin (to arrive), reported hence to Antwerp or Bremen, with 8,000 bin*, do., particulars uukuowu. NEW YORK CATTLE MARKETS. Wkpn-kjday, July 12, 1878. lUCCKll'TS rot TWO DAYS. Vtala atvl Shnep <?a 1 Yar<\*. Heax4. Voiet. (XUec*. L<u*i*. Utj*. Sixtieth strcot ... 1.400 5 1.888 1,8 48 ? Forty-eighth street ? ? 405 372 ? Fortieth street.... ? ? ? ? 3,712 Jersey City 1,131 ? ? 8,172 2,318 Totals 2 531 5 2 5*1 8,592 8,030 Bkkyks. ?Trade on this forenoon was slow, but prices wore uistained on a moderate run of aeuerully coarse quality ' turned cattle; the herds to hand were sold oil' by noon, and fetched hen Me. a l kfe j?rr n> , vii|bMi 6 owt. u cwt. Froiu 55 lbs. a 37 ll>?. ha* been a lowed u-*t; general sales, on 58 il>* not. At Sixtieth street tards T. 1* Kustniaii sold lor sell 38 cars of liorned cattle; sales as follows88 Illinois steers ut ?v P?r lh., weight cwt.; 89 Illinois steers ti U'4c. per lb., weigh' 7 cwt.; 92 Illinois steers, at lOc. a lO^e. per Ib , weight * cwt., smut; 107 Illinois moor* ut 444c. h K>.\ per lb., weight 7cwt., iimur; 33 Illinois it vers at 1UW. per lb., weight 7}u cm t.; 14l Illinois steers, it lU^e. per ib., weight 7'j cwt.; 42 Illinois steers at lUc. a 10*40. per lb., weight H cwt , nenut. Sieget A Meyer Hold for Morris A; \\ aixels L'Nti Illinois mouth at ItHj. a li .^c. per lb., weight 71^ ewt.; 2H Illinois steer* at 10'ac. i [?er lb., weight rt'.| cwi. M. Louterbaoh sold lor Moiris Jt j tY aixels 711 Illinois steer* at 10c. per lb., with $1 on per 1 Fiend, weiirht tf*4 cwt.; for Klapt'er A- Co. 14 Illinois steers at | rM?c. per lb., with $1 oft* per brad, weiirht 7*? cwt.; 1H 1111- | hois steers ut 9Jyc. per lb., with $1 on per head, weight t?\4 | jwt.. scant; 49 Illinois steers ut l()c per lb., wt'li $1 off nor i lieed, weight 7',. cwt.; 89 Illinois steers at i<hSjC. per lb, sritli $26 oft' the herd, weight 7 cwt. l?. V\.'Yall sold for self 32 Illinois steers at lOHiC. per lb., weight 7 cwt., ilrong. S. llealy sold for self 34 Illinois steers at 9*4c. per lb., weight (J*{ iwt. T. (lilies sold fur self 40 Illinois steers it 10c. per lo., weight 7 cwt., >trmg; lit Illinois steers it lOc. per lb., with 60.\ on per head, weight 7V* cwt. J. Moid sold for Carter Hrothcrs 1ft Ohio steers ut lUc, per lb., weight 7 cwt., scant. llleryr A Cnry sold for solves 30 Illinois steers at H^c. per lb., weight 7 ewt. Coon k fhnmpson sold for Evan A Co. 17 Illinois steers at 9A4'c. per ib., with $i off per head; 32 Illinois steers at tV^c. per ib., reight 7\ ewt, with $1 on per head; 3d Illinois iteer* at HV^c. per lb., weight H*-4 cwt.; 23 Illinois iteers at lOc. a 10)4c. per Ib.. weight 9 cwt.. scant. At Jersey City yards?A. \ ogle sold for Morris k Waixels 19 Illinois steors at>lo>.,e. per ib., weight 71+ ewt. Dndloy fc 'folfoy sold lor Morris & Waixels 17 Illinois steers at 10c. >er lb.. with a fraction off per lb., weight (I cwt.; 30 Illinois itcers at lOc. per lo.. weight 71. cwt, scant; 32 Illinois iteers at 10'xv per lb., with $1 off per head, weight 7 cwt.; pi Illinois steer# at 10*4c. per Ib., woight 7*-+ cwt.; >4 Illinois steers at lOc. per lb.. with 60c. on per head, weight r?4 cwt. ; 39 Illinois steers at IO.lac per lb., weights H cwt., icant a H cwt.; 16 Illinois steer* at MVfcr. per lb., with a frac. ion on per lb., weight 7 cwt.; Irt Illinois steers at l'O^c. ler lb., weight H*4 cwt. M (loldschtnidt sold for Heirs fi. He>er and Co. 7 Illinois st?'iirs at H>^r. per lb., weight 7 wf.. scant; 17 Illinois steers at l<?',c p*r In., weight 7 ! wi.;."?3 Illinois steers itt l'Cjc. per lb, wcjght H cwt. icanl a H cwt. strong. Coney A Mel heraon sold I or J Holme* ?<> Illinois steers at 9*jC. a 1 f4c. per lb., j ireighta *1 cwt. n 7 cwt. ; for f). McPliersou 50 Ohio steers ut | I1.i- m lll'-c. tier lb.. UfiL'litN H'. cwt a H cwt : for Mi>. I A I*ce i:? Olilrt steers hi IU'^c per lb., weight * I rwt.. scant Samuels A Boge ostein hold lor l!er*cli, Meyer | fc Co. hm Illinois steers at 10c. a IO)?c, per lb., | re ght* B1 j cu t. n 7*? cu t. Mivrtin Fuller A Co. hold ior J. K. We ten 31 Missouri steer* ut lO^c, per b.. weight 8 cwt., scant; had due 0 can of horned cuttle. | \ O. Bunnell sold tor K. \V. Allertou 0 Illinois steer* at per lb., with $1 on per head, weight ? a cu t. ; til IliluofM steers ar t^a.. with $1 on per head a lo?j.*. per lb., weigh} . ?*4 cwt.; IB Illinois alters at b^Lc. per lb., uith ?Oo. on per head, weight (>,54 cwt.; 14 Illinois atcera it lOc. per lb., weight 7 c wt.; s Illinois steer* at 10c. per lb., with $1 on per head, weight 7'4 cwt.; S. IV. Sherman odd tor S. W. Allertou 17 Illinois *t?er* at9',c. per lb , weight 0 cwt.; ?>4 Illinoia steer* at l>\c. a 1<H4c. per lb., veigbt 7 cwt. ; 30 Illinois steers at 10c. per lb., uith <11 ou jcroead, weight cwt Shkkp and 1. amp..*.?Trade very alow in hbeep at 4\e. a ??4c. per lb. Lambs in slightlv better deniaud at tl*,c. a Be. >er lb. Kose A t'idcock sold 204 Ohio sheep. weight 19,4 HO ba., at ."??4C. per II).; W) Ohio ?lieet>. weight H.50 ? lbs., at i',c. per lii.; ??2 Ohio sheep. weight 91 llm. per head, at o'.c. )?r lb*. : 48 Kentucky sheep, weight 90 lbs. per head, at 4\c. >er lb.; 57 Kentucky sheep, weight 99 lbs, per head, ut 4'4c. >er lb.; 253 Kentucky luiiibs, weight?? Mb*. per head, at t>V. ler lb.: IBS Kentucky lambs, weight 80 lha. per head, at per lb. Judd A Buckingham told 22J Ohio steep, wight IU.4B0 lba., at 3c. per lb. J. Kirby sold | >4 Ohio sheep, weight 5.801# lba., at 5,l^c. per b. S. Mciiraw sold 08 State lambs, weight | I.SOO lba., at 7c. per lb.; 21 State ?h?op, I,320 lbs., at* 5c. per lb.: ifnaie A Elliott so!d 121 'an ml a lamb*. weight 7,500 lba.. at 7c. per lb.; 133 Ken uckv lambs, weight 3,240 lbs., at 7c. per lb. ; 143 Slate nmbi. weight lbs., at TJlfc. per lb. ; 138 Ohio sheep, reight 12.04O lbs., at 5J-C. per lb. ; 244 Ohio shcop. weight | II.890 lb*., at 5*?c. iter In. Milcii Cows,?Trad? still alow at 842 a 90? per head, I aires include*!. Vkalm amp Calve*. ?Trade alow and no advance on la*t touday's rates. Sniooto quality veals sold at 7I4C. a Sc. per ! b. ; gras*? calves at $5 *x> a $6 70 per head ; buttermilk fed J alve* at !M4c. a Be. per lb. Hcxis.?Flitf two hrad of Ohio hogs, lire weight 173 lbs. er head, told ut 7'^c. por lb. DOMESTIC MARKETS. (jAtrrsro*. July 12, lH7rt. dnll : mliMllnir lie In. lib- I rdfuary, 9c. Ntt receipts, 77 bale*, hales, 41. Slack, ,27U. Nkw Oulkos, July 1 2, 1*70. Cotton In fair demand : middling. 11V-; loir middling, O'gC : ifood*ordinary, DU'c. Net rocelMn, 897 bales. Kxurta toast wise. 676. Sales, SOU. Stock. 54,297. Mobimc. Julr 12. 187ft. Cotton nominal: middling. 10?4'c.: low middling, 9Vc.; ood ordiuary, 8(4c. a H>^c. Net receipts, 25 bales. Hales, 0. Mock, 5,tKJ . Satankah, July 12. 187ft. Cotton unchanged; middling. l ''4c.; low middling, 9J-c.; o?k1 ordiuary. s]ac. Net receipts, 94 bales; gross, 134. alow, 29. Stock. 1.981.*. July 12, 187ft. Cotton unlet: middling. 11c. a llldc.. low middling. '?V* ; good ordinary, 9t,'c. a 9\c. Net receipts. 10 bales, alee, 3UU Stock, 3.426. OfWKOO, N. Y., July 12, 187& Flour steady; No. t spring, $ > 75 u $7, amber winter. $7 97 26; white do.. $7 25 a *7 50: douMo extra. Y7 76 a $8; Micessiona are made on large lots; sales 1 <100 Obis. Wheat nil and lower; No. 1 Milwaukee Club. $1 24; extra white ? ( chlgan. 1 47. Corn unchanged. Corn meal unchanged, (ill feed unchanged Canal freight* unchanged. Lake resiuta noue. Caual shipments?Lumber, 4..5,00.) foot. Hi pkalo, July 12, 1870. Heceolpta?By lake - Flour. 4..KJ0 bbls . wheat. 97 000 ushels ; corn, 106,' 0 > do. ; by railroads ? t lour, S.H.ri bbls. ; heat. 12.0U0 hu-bcla: corn. 18,00 du.; oats. Il.tNJO do.; arley. S.iUO do.; ryo, 2.000 da. Shipments - By canal to id# water? Wheat. 23,000buOiela; corn, 82.000 do.; by miliiads - Hour. a.HtK) ibis.; wheat. 171.UUTO bus lie Is; corn. i?rt.<sxi do. .oats, 28,000 do. . barley. 3.000 do. ; rye, 18/* X) 0. Canal freights weak, shading *j'4c for wheat. h'jC. for ru and iij9c. t?.r oats to New York. Floor in good demand ud steady, 1,000 bbls. sold on rauge Wheat unsettled and ilficuit l?>a?eartslti eorrect quotation* which are therelore milted: d.UUO bu shelf No. I lmrd .Milwaukee solo privatelv. or 11 dull and easy; inlet of l'J/*JU bushels No. 2 mixed festers at 5<H! a hie. Oats inactive. Uye neglected, arlejr noglccted- Fork quiet and firm; $20 50 for heavy 1 eta. Lard quiet at ll^c. lilghwiuoe nomiuaCy ft 13, it> mud*. 12. 1876. Flour quiet, but steady; No. 2 white Wabash, fl 27; No. 1 bite 22; ex rs do., 41 30; amber Michigan. 1 111?; July aud August, fill; September, #1 12; No. 2 0.. 82c.: Nu. 2 red winter. $1 12; August, fl 11. Com net. but steady; high mixed, 50c. ; August, 51c.; 80 tctn rr, 52c. : low du., August, 4?lac. : 110 grade, 48c. ; damaged, i He. Oats quiet: No. 2 ana Michigan. 32c, Heeelpta? 1 rbeat. 9JXX) bushels : corn. J.OO') do ; oats. 7,?rKi do. nlilplenta ?rlour. I OH bbls.; wheat, 4.000 bushels; com, 1,100 a.; oau. 28. uuO do. Ciiirsco, July 12, 187ft. Flour In fair demand, bat lowerspring extras, ft* a K? 50. 'heat unsettled, but generally higher; No. 1 Chicago ring. 99c ; No 2 do., 97c. a 97ltr . spot DByf., Aa*u?t; f*Mc. aW^c., .September; No. 3 Chicago spring, 88c ; reeled, 68c. Corn quiet, hut firm; No. 2 ft! 4ii*s?. 1 44V*., September. Oata firmer; No. 2 at 28V.. ?P??t. K>e rru and unohapged. Harley firm and unchanged. Fork ^eue.l strong and higher; closed at limbic prices: It# ?<l a $10 85, spot, fill *0. Btpt#inb?r. Lard ilrly active and a shade higher; flO 90, spot; III 92S flO 95. August: fll 02\ a fll Oft, Urn and aiichungcd. Itallroad I'reightn?Now | ork, 2Up. Kecripta Klour. 7,'iW} bbl*. ; wheat, H5.0K) unbolt: corn, 11 <* > ?io.: oatt. N3.U0O do.; rye, 2.SOO do.; trley. AMI do. Shlpmenle?Klour, H.ixtj l.ol*.; wheat. I.INK* hu.hela; corn, 1.14,'XH do.; nnln. IH.iUi ilo ; barley. .?? do At the afternoon coll of tko Hoard wheat lower: to. a 5MJ,c. August; W', t., September. t orn lower; t',c a 4o"4'c., August. 4tfS? a 4<r,c.. KrntrinUer. (Jet*. is,e.. caah and August. Pork and lard unchanged. HAVANA MARKETS llarawa. .Inly 12. 1H7B. Spanish gild, 217'i a 21 s. Kxchenge?On the hulled late*, amy daya. currency, d a It', ahort algtat a, 5 a 4), dincount: *IXtr daya, gold, *> a .'>la premium; Oft light do,, <1 a U1, premium . on London, 17), a It produra , uu Pari*. 4 a *!, premium. EUROPEAN MARKETS. ! I.irrtreom Pnont'o Mararr ? I.itaxrooi. .Inly 12. M.--Prw(rtaiwlta ? Chaaae, 4t?a. per cwt. lor I he hett L-redea I American, l.ard, 31a. per cwt. Tor Aiueneau Haeon, la. per cwl tor ahort clear ntiddlee. Produce?Spirit# or irpentlne, 24a per cwt. Lovpo* Km.ncra Maittrr ? Lotting, Ju'y 12, 3 .10 P. I.?Produce ?HrBned petroleum, ll)*d. a II, ad. per gallon, allow. 4tta, per cwt. laveaul, J uu aJ?lirtacn*.-Uuaead ?.l 33*. 34. Ml 4WV , | ELEMENT. [ FINANCIAL.. l A T REASONAHLK KAXKii.?Mo.N k~V ON LIVK 1Kb XX Ludowmuiit ln.urauca Pollute*. Mortgage* and othar o.uritm; uiauruuco ut all ?in<U clliclol ?tll bMt ooittpanle*. J J IIaHKJi'H A CO. 1>7 Itrnadway. LKX. KAOTUINt.HA MlTc fTT," BINEKM. HI W A EE it.?Keliabl* Put* and Call*. .Send fur eaplanatory drcaliit A XV AMOUNT nasi rUMUM TO LOAN O X mortgage. city or Hrooklyn. LKAVI IT k Wfil.COTT. 10 PI no fit. \rl T OR ( ALL rOK 828 13; 8PRKAU, * >" straddle. $10"; I'M* niiurm stock, each 011 responsible puttie*. TGUBUIDUK A CO.. Iiioktrs.1)2 Broadway, Sew York. BOWERY HAVINGS BASK. 128 AND IbOBOWBBY. Niv YOM, JIM i-. 1170 A Semi Annual Dividend at the rats of >i& por cent per aunuiu on nil suius of 85 <ud upward, and not exceeding ll.UOn, noil of five per coot per auumti on ell buiui in oxcvm of $l,(JOu mid not exceeding $ i.OUO. uhicli thall liftvc been deposited at least three mouths <>u iho l?.t day of Julr next, will be *1 lowed to the depositors. und will be payable on or niter MONDAY, July 17. 1H7?1. iu accordance with tho provisions of tho bylaws. Br order of the Trustees. SAMUEL T. BROWN, President. G. 1!. Co<;CK5tllALL. Secretary. "DOMD AND MORTGAGE YKttY LA ROM AMOUNT .1) trust funds to loan st lowest rates on choice Real Estate Address immediately. with particulars, EXECUTOR, uox 8,008 New York Post ?Am fS5S BALK?POOR PURCUAttR MONEY MORTGAGE*. on Mod city property, each troiu ? to $1 |,0U>. Nouo but principals need address C. II.. Herald office. 1 "ALWAYS BATB WONKY TO LOAN UN MORT ira^e New York city property; citr railroad blocks and Boniikouvbttn4td(L IL L. GRANT, i4o Hrosdsty, j^TVKRM67lE.CLEWS .t CO.. ~ Bankers, No. 'A N tssuu st.. Dottier* iu Government Bouds and other Investment Securities; Stocks, Bonds and (foldbou^ht and sold'on com Iikk a \l> endowment INSURANCE rouonti J purchased, or limns made on atiiui; olher securities M|WMKi. 'i 1DK A CO , 17.1 Broadway. Money to' %NKD on Ymproved new york properly at U nuif 7 per cent. At lowest expense; Second Mud LuMiiMliolil Mortgages lit easy terms. UEo. w, STAKE. ISO Brouhny. OVuCIi OK TuiT ltUNOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD Company. M?w York, June 21. 1878. A dividend of tour par cent bus been declared by tliie company, pay able uu Ilia let duv of August uoxt, to tliu bondholder ol lull paid share*. registered Ml tlia aloes of Ilia 1 >ili dm of July next, after ? liiiTi mill until the !>tli day of August lbe truuefvr book* will lie closed. L. V. If. RANDOLPH, Treasurer. STkkinvkst.m knt. " paying mo luleraet ol 7 a-l<? PER CENT. 7 J-10 1'Elt CENT. City Bonde, Water i omu . of the State of New York, lor (Mle at 85. K. B. NEWBORN, Baukcr NO Broad ?t. SVKK AND DKSlRAlFl.E INVESTMENTS. Texas Mute Bonds, Houston and Texas Central Railroad Bonds. l exas Lands. iiOO acres Lands, near East St. Louis, 111., well adapted lor gardening or gritting purpose*. Kor sale by WILLIAM BRADY. Dealer in Texas securities, :>;t William si.. N. Y. TUB INCREASING CIRCULATION OF TDK EVEN. 1 INU TELEGRAM "AS NOW BEACHED A DAli.Y AVE ItAtiE OK 28.1*10. THIS Is THE LA BO EST KNOWN CIRCULATION OK ANY EVENING PAPER PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES. rjl P. IIY AI rTTdBKOADWAY, LOANS MONEY ON X Mortgage, five years, on choice city property. YV'ANTED?PEOKTA and RU RI.AT VA I.LE i n A11!" YY read t'oiupauv's eight percent Stock. Wisconsin Cell* tral Lund Orants. UKOi.OE H. MARVIN A CO., UN Wall t., New York. "T7Y PER CENT Kl UST MORTGAGE RON IIS, *vj*i III oseb ; Interest Seuii annually; secured on No. 1 wheal lauds: lor sale at 1 per com premium. HORATIO 8ILAS BROWN, loom A Trinity Build.n t. i fi! I iWWt w.??x?. to loan on moktJp't.UUU, fc'Aijn; Uve yean. i1ikmax ft SON, 25 i'iue at. VWiH wanted--ON Hiino aNU MOMOftOI ?|PU,U" '\J on lariu and tiur Uuiliiini;n worth thiee timci the Amount, nrar New Hmnawlck, N. J.: t xpenaea puid of uny person "out to eamuine. it thoroughly good investment. Inquire ofMOUKlS W1LK1NS, No. 3 i'ine at.. Now York oily. $'?r ildll WANThl) KOlt six MONTHS on UN i)ii.U\/U questionable collaterals itod good paper; Inir commission uaid. Address TKNNESSKr., llerald olface. J.O/k ||im TO LOAN. AT "?IX~H'Klt "l-I NT ?J?OU,vf UU interest?for Ave years, on good improved City J'roperty. in sums to auit. Applv to J AMES it. U1B SON, Jr.. or RUTEAXP m. oaruettson, 77 Cedar at. Sl.OOO.OOO ,,s ******** 73 V K. STEVENSON, Jr., No. 4 i'ine it. ' m si > Ess dPftJHTi'iHl'1'lKh. I'AUTNKIt WANTED?WITH IN' KUCIT torn and sample room on Broadway; thorough in veatigaticn solicited. SHAY A KISIIKlt, 114 Nassau at. OK THE NEW YORK COTTON KX* change, fully conversant Willi all liranclira ol the trade, 1 posapaaiui ol taluable eonuctioiia in this country and Ku- i rope, desir's a partner, either active or lilem. who can rontrlbute some eapiial to he used In the extension of a strictly j comiuiaauiu huaineaa. Address A. X. M., Huraldoflice. A CONTRACTOR." won KINO i'ROKITAHI.B CON- ' XV irrtciH. wanip mi ns?ociaie with about $1,01X1. Addrem ZKUU, Htnia offit*. A MANUKACTUUI.NG llOUSL. DOINO THK LAKUKfcTr ! bn?ines? of lis kin I iu tbi* section, wuut h partner, with Jf'i.V*) to competent tor financial petition, pplj to UKIGQti A CAKL&ToX, Ufl Broadway. PARTNER WANTED TO INVEST 'CASH. I 1V equally with myeull; blgge t opening 111 tlila country. Mil I'll\V11'K. 17 Ureal J one* at. BKFols a Of IfO IN THK COUNTRY VOU I Sllol'Ll) ORDER TIIK KVKV1NO TELEGRAM; SUNT TO YOHIt ADDRESS FOR FIFTY CENTS A MONTH, POST PAIR CIAS II BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OK MKUCHA3T I ) itlao bought, anil Good* aold on coiuiniasioii. ?LL. MILLER, SS Broad at For sale?an evangelical religious week | ly Paper, baring n large aubacrlptlon Hal anil advertia- i til IT patronage, together with Hood Will and Appurteuaucei. I Apply to iprlticipuW only) A. 1- KOIII). box ?.?H New York fart ?eo. i,bii: salk, ok Would kxohanuk for out op I r town Property, two valuable Patent*. together wltb an j Iron Foundry doing a good baalneaa. Addraaa WILSON, Herald ottice. LIGHT DRAUGHT FREIGHT PROPELLER, VKRY I low; MH ton*; freight houae on deck. TI10S. SMITH i A BHD., foot of Kasex at., Jcraev Cltr. M"'EDiUAi;-WANTKO. ItV AN KNOLI<11 GENTLE- ! man. n parmerjlip; would have no uojpctlon actlnir I a* aaaUliiut or taking charge of a praatlcj during abaenee of 1 principal. Addrea* J. SMITH, Leonard'a Hotel, WasliingIon aqnnro. PARTNKIt?AN ACT1VK, ItKUAIILK MAN. WITH i l.OOO to #-',Vi i, to Join the adrertlaer In a new. aalo, legitimate and very profitable bualneai; can demouatrata lor it aiipurlor and controlling advantagra, demand and ca>h aaiei. Willi large prollta lor light investment. Addreaa, Immediately, O.. Herald ofka. 1)A KTN Kit WANTED?SMALL CAIMTAL, AS tumbler; money luaklng, travelling bualnuaa. Apply to foreman ofatablra No. s Raat liouaton at ?Partner wantku. with ?ujo in*cash*. iPUl'U. to Join advertlaer equally In an eaay eaah buiL ncas out ul town ; positively paying$o,t>JO yearly oat prodtx, CalUorGUAY. ft TIIK FINEST LOCATION I.N THK~0ITYTO DO A largo Irnde in lager beer, lunclie*. dairy, pie bakery I or aliv othar Lo.lliaa. >1 No I llha TTfANJ'KD?IN hovik THRITINO town ON UM U of Harlem. Xo? llurnu'or lludaun Ulcer Railroad, a Slurp, lur iruueral hardware business, dhrrij liter* U no competition. or would liny out party about retiring. AddrpM. atalinx lull particular*. IJUSINK.Sti, bos 141 llsrald oflieu. II* ANTKD- A I-UtTNKU, WITH _OASl'f IN II the pruritiion hii?iii*ai: good chance to the right part;. Addres* 1'Hlll lelUNH, llcraid office U'AMV.n A sKKtMAL, t'AKTNKli WlTlI " FROM VI fln.tiju to $j'i,iHtti to extend a manufacturing )>u-1 n--?? down town: satahlislird over II yeara: to the rapitaliat who l? willing to iltveat, he can roaltae at leaat at) per rent per annum; tbc hualneaa le auhatantlal and can be tully In veatljraud. Addruaa, with real naute, LKATlibK, Herald offlco. WANT&U-A NAN IN TI1K KKTaIL rXOYUIUM Uu-iiir,i. one who can furuiah AJJiicaah, well secured. Addreat PROVISIONS, Herald office. A] nil ?any HONEST BUfUNEER MAN WITH TRIC tplWU, a noiini I will establish lit a uiuuey staking bualueta which dull tiiaea u?*ra*t aff-i t. HARDIMi, till Broadway Jitj ?|||| - \ NTKADY III 41xiu MAN a.- PART pO.UvM". ner wauled; the beat opportunity nter offered to make uoii-y; rea|icctable, ?efe. permanent; references. Addieaa CKItTAIN 1 Y, box I'M lie raid office, BUSINESS "TKOUBLES. Mr.tsrs Seih M. k Walter E. Corwlo, cloak manufacturers. uf No. 194 Church street, liavo been adjudicated bankrupts, on tbotr own petition, by Register WillUut*, of No. 4 Warroa street. Their misfortune vu pt capitated by the depreciation of real estate In ibis city. Their liabilities, according to Ihclr insolvent schedule, aggregate annul $00,000, the lollowlog being a list of their largest creditors:?R. A. Brtlton, flff.TTB 94; H. B. Ciaflm k Co., $(1,917 J7; L. D. Knell, $.'i,600; Korniuanu k Slepalh, $'4,760 64; l'.odanl k II lines, $4,144 94; Ninth National Bank, $3,.T2&; Enrlc, Kgglssion k Wheeler, $4,466 66; leister A bommerhof, $4,'.)64 16, I). Haas' Bona, $1,906 la Tho a*sots include 1,000 ssrex of land in Virginia, stock in trade valued at $10,000, and about $3,000 in debts. A second dividend of eight and a half per cent In the i matior ol Jaine* R. Hutberwuy A James K. Kerr has been declared by the assignee at a meeting of the creditors held before Register Allen, ol No. 164 Broadway. In the matter of James I. Human, bankrupt, a rtrst meeting of tho creditors was bsld yesterday, beiore Register Allen, when William K. Stevens wss elected assignee, fix debts weie proven, the largest being IhoKii ol tbo l'oopn.'s Bank, (4,600, slid Henry .% loan, $;j,T0O. A nr?i meeting of tho crcdltora of Mortimer Hendricks wee held yesterday, before Register Fitch, of No. 446 liroadway, when Mr. laaacs was electee assignee. Mr. Hendricks' principal creditors are us Inflow* ?M. M. Hendricks, $14. liO, U < . Flornnce, Jtj.Uoo, lie Jonge A Co., Jl. ri.l, Mr. I<s*cs, $l,l?.V>; I K. T. Hell, 11.644 41; bpeyars it Morau, pi,goo; ! 'luoms* i.urtnnn, f l.:u.i lu. At a meeting ui the creditors of Millard U Phelps, held before Megtrler Pitch, the a*slgnee, Mr. William J Murtia, declared a Oral <11vKiwncl of one and one eighth per rent. Mr. Martin elated that to euable him to pay even this amount It was necessary for him to forego a portion ol Ola feea. As th e aclioa weand ap the estate the essence was u.saber gad. 9 MAKiUAGEi AJfO DEATHS. MARRIED. Blasck?Bikcu.? On Thursday, June 29, bjr the Rer. Theodore A. Eaton, Tuos. J. Blajick to Sams K, youngest daughter of the late Joseph Ilirch, Esq. Hoick?Ciuhma.v.?Ou Wednesday, July 12, at the residence ol the bride's sister, Waddtngton, N. Y., Mr. William Hasukoitk Hoick, of New York, to Mih? Bai.Lt S. Ciiii'.man, ol Washington. Sami'kls?iiouiBM Sunday, July 9, by the Rov lir. Uotlheil. Mr. S L. Sami klm to Miss Ida (jOLDbainun, both ol this city. .No cards. DIED. Alt*an ?On Wednesday, July 12, Mounts AltxaX, III the ayih year of his ago. The luueral will take place ou Friday, 14th Inst., at elirhl o'clock A. M. orrcifi'lv Irmn lilt imIm lovoil daughter of Francis Kcaliug, la the l'Jth year of her ago. Tbo iclu'.ivca ami mends jf tbo family, and alio tho teachers ol primary school So. V, are respectfully invited to at lend the lunerul, ou Friday at one o'clock I'. M., from the residence o( bor father 307 Xal av., thonce to Calvnry Cemetery. Brooklyn, on July 12, 1870. Mrs, Cathaiunk Kkiuiicj.uv, widow of Joliu Kerrigan and mother ot James, Charles, John, William, Tbomaa, Francis and Micbnel Kerrigan, Mrs. William Munlross and .Mrs. William Burns, aged 76 years. The relatives and iricnda of the family arc requested to attend the funeral, trout her late residence, 248 York street, on Saturday, hi lime o'clock, to St. James' Cathedral, where a rcquftcui mass will bo ollered lor the repose ol ucr soul; tbouce to tbo Ccmotery of tbo Holy Cross. Molosky.?Suddenly, on Wednesday, July 12, Joui Jnjutrn, the boiovcd sou uf Thomas aud Margaret Molouoy, aged 7 months and 18 The relatives and Inends ol tho family aro respectfully Invited lu attend the lunerul, on Friday, tbo 14th, at ouo o'clock, from tno residence of bla parents, So. 210 Must Tilth st. Moriiki.i*. ?On tho 12th Inst.. at Stamford, Conn., muitY Mnnr.KLt., son of John H. and Jennie Morrelg in the lllli year of nia age. Funeral services Irotn tho residence of the late Dr. Iloyt. Atlantic at., uour depot, on this day (Thuiaday), at a qnurter to two 1*. M. friends of tho family are invited to attend. MrLlKKMorT ?On July 12, 187d, after a abort iilneaa, widow Jan* McDKitsioTr, in her Osih year Her luuerul will take place irom Iter late residence, 23V tith St., Brooklyn, K. D., on Friday, July 14, at on?> n'rlfif'Lr Tint frittntlu of t t\m luimlir urn inwii ?! to attend. Oliver.?On Monday evening, July 10, 1870, alter a sovero Illness, Catharine, wile of the late Patrick Oliver, lu Iho 4?ilb year ol nor age. Relatives and Iricuds ol tliu larntly aro respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, tbia (Thursday) afternoon, at two o'cloelc, front tlio residence, ls6 Sth av. O'Skill.?On Tueaday, July It, Michael O N kill. Sr., formerly of Mullaghadiwi, lu tbo vicinity ol Dungannon, county Tyrone, Ireland, lu the 75tU year of hi* age. Relatives and friend.-; of the family nro respoctfully Invited to attend Ufa funeral, on Thursday mommy, Irom his Into rosldence, .Vi3 We?t 33d si., at half pait nine o'clock, to SL Colombo's church, Went 25lh at., where a solemn requiem muse will he ottered for the repose of his soul; thence to Caivary Cemetery for interment. Peek.?On Tuesday, Jnly XI, 187H, Herbert Morrison Peek, iutun l aon of George and Addlo Reek. Kclativva and friends of the family are reaped fully invited to attend tlio funeral, Irom the residence of hla parents, '-*39 Weal 30th st., on Thursday afternoon, at one o'clock. Rl'sskli.?Suddenly, on Tuesday, July 11, 1S70, Ciikstkk I). Russell, son of the lute Robert Russell, lu tbo 27th year of his age. Funeral on Thursday, July 13, at half past ten o'clock, at the rusideuce ol his mother, 342 West 46111 St. th ui.KKKt?On Tuesday, July 11, Charles Schlegrl, in the 32d year of bis age. Friends ol tlio latnlly aro Invited to attend bis funeral, on Thursday, July 13, at two o'clock P. M., from big residence, 204 William at. Tamilaxy Hall General Committee,) Second Assembly Distiuct, > Wedersiiay, July 12, 1876.) Whereas It ban pleased an all wise Providence to remove irom our uildsl by the Imud of dontli ono of our number, who, by bu fidelity and genial disposition, bad nndvied himself to all, bis sudden domise while apparently rutuluinr the vigor of youth casts a feeling ol sorrow among us which cannot be readily removed; mere.ore, be It Ri soivcd. That in tlio death of Charles Schlegel the Tammany Hall General Coinmitloo of the Second Assembly district has lost a faitblul and worthy member. Resolved, That we tondor to tbo bereuved family of deceased our heartfelt sympathies for their great loss, ar.u mat mm ueoerai oommitipc attend oii) funeral la a body. MlCJiAKL W. UOWKN, Chairman. Scott.?On MTodneadar, July 12, 187(5, Sarah E. Wimkkk, wilo of Albert E. Scott, agod 27 year* and 4 month*. Funeral service* at bcr lata residence, Baldwin av., near High *t. Jersey City Height*, on Friday morning. at ten o'clock. Tuko Court Uonsa car*. SHirrku?In Brooklyn, on Tneaday, July 11, Joan Shistek, in the Odd year of hi* ago. Relative* aud Irieiul* ?ro respectfully Invited to attend ilia tuneral, lrom III* late residence, No. I'M Aunty IL, Brooklyn, oii Thursday, July 13, at 4 o'clock F. M. Smitii.?Suddenly, ut Babylon, !? I., on tke 11th In*u, Jar\ is I. Smith, in tho? 31st year ol his age. Funeral at Babylon, Thursday, 13th mat., at two o'clock 1'. M. train* leavo Hunter's Folnt at 8:30 and 11:32 A. M. Smith.?On Monday night, 10th, Catr-arisr A. Smith, tn tbe 80th yoar of har age. Her Irienda are invited to attend her funeral thla (Thursday) aliernoon, at four o'clock, from the bouse of her nleco, Mrs. Albert 8. Ely, No. 129 Union sL, Bergen, N. J. Stkilex?On July 12, William, infant aonofAuguat and Rachel Stolen. Funeral at one o'clock this day at SI Horatio ft. Kuwait. ?July 11. a*.*a I- M.. wilaol Henry stacks, after a short illuo..s. aged 2S years. The relatives and friotids, aiso tlio Loxstedter Kranken rnterstutxmfc* Verain, the Hertuuoos I.odga. Na 2tts, F. and A. M.. and the Knickerbocker Vorain are raapecliully Invited to attend tbe luueral, July 13, at two o clock F. 11., from her lata residence, Na. 42 Brand nl. Wrlhi.? On Monday, July 10, William Wrltr, of tba Arm of F. Derby A Co., in the .Vgd rear of hia age. Relative* and friend* of tlia laioiiy are reapectiuliy Invited to attend the luncrul, lrom bis ialu residence. No .1 Clinton nlsco on fhursdav. Julr 1.1. at tan A. If. Woonm. rr.?iiii Wednesday, July 12, Scsak, lllllll dausblcr ol llayard ami Kiu Woodrufl Funeral sorvico Mt lbo rrimlence ol her parents, So. J4H Mitb ol, on Friday. July 14. at hair-past one o'clock. Fri?nds ol ibo ismtiy ure Inrited 10 attend. WoKKM At toffln'o .summit, Dutches* county. It Y., on Tuesday, July II, 1170, alter u protracted UlaMfi Rlixanrtn, bc'iorod wile ol Waller Woicll Funeral oei vice on Friday, 14th, SI one t, M. Duiolioaa and lireene county papers please copy. Wo?i.on ?iin Monday, July It), 187#, of paralysis, Ri:?rc<'a WodLOM, widow ol t'aptaln A. C. Woglom. Keiaiire* and irienda are roopectlully incited to at* tend ibo luuorai, irom ber late rettdetioe, No. 438 final l'JOtli ?L, ou Thursday, at hall past ten A. 11. fie* saint win be taken to Woodrow, butcn Island, tor law tvMBl; ssrrioe there at fear r. k. 230 Went 'J-'I si. Relatives and triends are invited. Huston p iper* please copy. Haunch ?Of pneumonia, July 11, Robert C. UabM M, U(tl-d ail. VVill bo buried this day, July 13, at Worn! lawn Cemetery. Train will leuvo Forty second street depot, Harieiu Railroad, at 2:30. funeral service at tlie cemetery. Friend* are invited. Hutliso.?At New Kocbelie, on Wednesday morning, July 12, M.utv 1,., wile or KUenezvr O. Hurling. Notice or liinerul boroutler. Ci.aukk.-ou Tuesday. July 11, Akmaxd Ecu em, beloved and only child or A. Eugene and Maude K. ClarKe, ag?d 3 mouth*. Funeral services ut the family residence, 31C East 4'Jd St., Thursday evening, 13th lust., at 7 o'clock. Private interment at tircouwood Friday tuorniug. Collins.?On Tuesday, July 11, John Collins, after a short ami severe illness, lu the 4Sih year of bis age. Tbo Irlends ol tho lannly are respectfully invitedr to attuud his funeral from his late rosidi-iico, No. 33 Eighth av., on Thursday, July 13. at ono I'. M. Cos ?At Newark, N. J., oil Sunday, July 9, Pukbi Ca OKI's, wile of David Cox, aged tlS years. The remains were Interred on Tuesday aftornoou In tho littnily lot at Mount Pleasant Cemetery. 1)k Cokoova.?At Vynck, on tho Hudson, on Wednesday, July 12, JriinH, the beloved wilo of bolomon do Coidova, lu tho (Mm year of her ngo. , Fuuerul from her lute residence. No. t>0 West 53d st, ou Friday, July 14. at hall-past A. M, Di .sn. ?At East lrviugtou, on the Hudson, William iH'.xx, ageu s.i years. Relatives and friends, and likewise the member* of tbo Motropoliluu Police Mutual Aid Association. ure rospccttully invited tu attend the luncrul, this day (Thursday), July 13. at l wo o'clock 1'. M. Du.vsioax.?On Tuesday, the 11 111 Inst. Mrs. Drxxiutx, widow of William Iluntiigun, a nativo oi the parish ol Killtoritli, county l.uitnm, Ireland, aged 38 > oars. I no relatives and friends ure respectfully Invited tu attend the tunerul, Horn liar late residence, 667 loth av . on Thursday, ut ouo o'clock. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. Flvxs.?July 12, 1870. Anmk M., tlio beloved daughter ol Thomas Flynn, in the 20th year ol lier age. The tricnds ol the family uro respectfully invited to attend the luucrul, ou Friday, July 14, Irom the residence ol her lather, 43U West 41st st, at one o'clock, 1'. II., without further notice. (Iraxorr.?On Tuesday, tbo lltli Inst. Axxm Acxcs, youngest daughter ol'Francis and Itosa Granger, aged 8 mouths and 10 days. Friends are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents, 281 Bridge st, Brooklyn, on Thursday, at two o'clock. Havkmxvkh. ?Ou Tuesday. July 11, Mrs. Catharim nAVKMKVKK, iti the 93d year of her uge. Funeral service* will ho held on Saturday morning, at ten o'clock, at tho University place church, corner 10th st. Relatives and friends uro rospectlully invited to uttend. Interment at iSrccuwood. Hocruax. ? On Monday. July 10, William Hock max, late of Now York city, and sou of William llockmun, deceased, in the 49th year ol his uge. Relatives una irieud* uro respectfully invited to attend the luneral front Ins late residence at Red Bank,' N. J., on Thursday altertioun, the 13th Inst, at two o'clock. Brunswick, N. J., papers please copy. JoHvttox.?In Brooklyn, on Tnesttay, 11th Inst., Sakaii, wilool'R. It Johnson, luthotiid yearol her age. Relatives and friends ol the family ure respectfully Invited to attend tho funeral Irom her late residence. No. l.'iO Nelson st, on Thursday, 13th Inst, at two o'clock P. M. ItKATiva Julv 15 nf r.on Milium inn avyb f! ih? h?.