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TK WHOLE NO. 14,578. DIKECTOUI fOK ADVERTISERS. BBRALD BRANCH OFFICE. 1.265 BROADWAY.? OPEN DAY AND NIOIIT FOR RECEPTION OP ADVERT1SKMENTS AND SALES OP rAPBHS. AMURBMBNTK-Ist P*ur??th col. ASTROLOGY?2d Paok-34 col. BILLIARDS?Ikt Pack?hih col BOARDERS WANTeu-Ist Pack?5th col. BOARD AND LODGING W ANTED-Ut Pack?Sth ooL BUSINESS OPPORTL'nITIE8?7th Pack. BUSINESS NOTICES?5th PAGK-tith col. CITY REAL ESTATE POK SALE? 1st Pack?Sdool CLERKS AND SALESMEN?2D Pack-MooI. COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?Jo Pass?2d and 94 COAL AND WOOD?lot Paok?4th coL COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?2? Pace?tth tad 9th eob. COUNTRY BO t RD?lar Pack?5th coL DENTISTRY?2d I'age-Sd col. DWKLL1NU UoUSES TO LET. UNFURNISHED?If* Pack?4th cut. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?2d paok?tlh col; EUROPE?I it Pack?tllh ooL EXCURSIONS? 2b Pack?5th mod ?th ooU. PINANClAL?7th Paok. POR KALE?lit Pack?4th eoL FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LBT? lrr Pack?tch col. FURNITURE?1st Pack?Sth col HELP WANTHD?FEMALES?2d Paod- Jd coL HELP WANTED?MALES-JD PACK-Sdeoi. HORSES. CARRIAGES. AC.?Ikt Paok-2?1 and 3d cob. HOTELS?1st Pack?5th col. MOUHES. ROOMS. AC.. WANTED?1st Pack?Sth ooL INSTRUCTION?1st PACK-Uth col. LOST AND POUND-ut Pauk-i.icoi. MARBLE MANTELS-1st Pack?5th coL MEDICAL?2d Pack-3d col. MISCKLJaANKOUS?1st Pack?Sth coL y IISITAI 1st pici?fith col NEW PUBLICATIONS-5 pauk-Otb eoh PERSON AL?1st Hack- I at vol. PIANOFORTES. ORGANS. AC.?1st Pacs-6th col. PROPERTY OUT OK TI(K CITY POR HALE OB TO KKNT? 1st Pack?M and 4th eols. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?1st Paob?4th ooL REAL ESTATE WANTED- 1st Paok?4U> col. REWARDS?1st Pass?1st col. SALES AT AUCTION?2p PaoE-Sd col. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?2s Pass?1st tad -d cols. HiTUATIONS WANTED?HALES?2d Paax-2d ooL SPECIAL NOTICEH-lST PAUS-lst mod 2d cols. SPORTING-DOGS. H1KDS, AC.?1st P auk?2d coL SI MNIKK lESOKTS-l.1t Pauk-IRii col. THE TRADES?20 Pauk-AI col. THE TURK?1st P ask?2d col. TO LET KOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?Is* PA0?-4tli col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?2d Pack-IHi ool. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 1st Pauk?4th col WATCHES. JEWELRY, AO.-2d Pack-M col. TACHTs. STEAMBOATS. AC.?Hth Pass?8th col. ~ PERiONAU Ci HARLSsT). L. V.?riVE~irfRKETS below. 154, J Emmy LIZZIE ACKEKMAN._ Electric belts-have lost pamphlet and address. Scud soother to P. T. THOMaS, box No. 5 Post office, Philadelphia. FXPTH AVENUE AND ATLANTIC AVENUE OAR TO Nevios St., Wednesday evening, 111 o'clock. Send mo address where a letter will reach you to WELLINGTON, Herald office. New York. KOKGE?COME OVER TO-DAY. HAMILTON. <k\f "?WHERB CAN A LETTER REACH YOU ? ill. Write. P. GIBBS. RS, EDWARD8. ?TilB ELEGANT TITREE-HTOKY high stooo browu stone House to 50th St., partly fnrBisiied, Is not yet lat. Address DESIRABLE, Herald Uptown Branch office. ORANGE COUNTY EXPRESS, MO^DAFMOKNTNG^ Will the young lady who got uut alone on the left side In the tun. In Iront of vming inau and b it. and carried black valise, addrees ADMIRER, Herald office ? PIN ION?THANK YOU. BW, HP. CHI YOU EVER net la anxious to see rou. Call soon. po sible plans. RESUME A.-BKOTUEIl ALE. IK YOir AUK the one I tliluk, please cell or itete explicitly where 1 can see you, end oblige EMERALD. ILL THE PARTY WHO HAS WRITTEN SEVERAL letters to A. 8. B. a* "Sincere Friend" please tend address? The time has coiue. ?>{ W? -FOROIVBllE.MY LOVE, M'JST UK MY EX Oi'U, cute. Thinking and waiting makes uie almost crtuty _ ~~ LOST AMi ruist?. FOUND?ON~ GREEli W1C HT~8TT7 A POC KETBOOK, which the owner can have ou identiHeation by applyag to PKTLK MILBOl'KNE, 1U3 and 103 barren at. L~ost-four oeuttkicatks of stock op the Illinois and St. Imuis Bridge Company. viz.:?Certificate C., No. r?N>. dated Mih July, lS7tt. lor 10 shares; Certificates D.. Not. 2IJ7 to 2011. dated llth July. 1876, for 100 share*each?say 316 shares registered in my name; trunsfer of same has been stopped. The Under will be suitably rewarded upon returning seine to B. D. MORGAN A CO.. 54 Exchange place. 11. H. BISHOP. IOST OK ITOLEN-ON MONDAY NICiUT, JULY 17 J I rem yacht Kiuiua T, lay In/ at HUth at. North River, a 12 feet Yawl, green bottom, white top and bright gunwale A liberal reward will be paid for the return of the eajne and no questions eased. L"6sT?ON MONDAY. TIIK 17TH INST., A LADIES' diamond Ring between the Thirtieth atreet depot and lUlh si.. A suitable reward will be givnu lor its return to No. 00 Dnan# at., corner of Kim at. L~fiST?COTPON on BOND~82b. new JKRSBY CKSfl tral KailroHd; payment stopped. Reward paid ou reluming It to FIKULITZ A SPKCHT, 42 Mercer at. Lost-slack andtan slut, having a nickel plated eollar engraved P. C. Kahle. No. 2|East 4Jd it. It returned to P. C. KAi.LlE, 3W South William ak, 93 will be given aa reward. L"(1ST-WEDNESDAY." lWTilTPROBABLYlTTA MADIson avenue stage. between Metropolitan Hotel and I2J St.. a Roll containing about $37o iri large hills Piudar till aiuuly apply at Wall street stage office, 41 Eaet doth at. ^TOPPED?TliOCKKT, WITH" MONOGRAM. APPLY IB Chatham at. Kl.VtAKUs. t'r will be PAlt? "by MR. JOHjt^l'P. FISK, 49 William at. to lli? finder of a Mnall diamond Mud with black enamel. Ife7 t\ REWARD. AIID NO VJl BSTIOXS ASKED, FOR ? i 'J the licl I Watch anil Cualn lu;t at flannel sate on Ilurxiay: owuer's name on Inside cue. Address .T5!? Broader y. XjTkWABD <85?KOB KKTl'KX OF liOLD WATCH XV and Chain (George Chanuing maker. Nn. ol inurement lti.GT.8, Ao. ot cum 31,957) to K. II. MARTIN. 14? West el., corner Barclay el. ' IPBClAli HOT 1CE?. -ISAAC II. BlIVCK. 207 BROADWAY, LAWYER. Divorces obtained promptly. without publicity ; desertion. Incompatibility, habitual drunkenness, iufldelity, in baroaa treatment, conviction of felony. Passports obtained. ? A -^Sw.UClO TN prizes. ~ ~~ A. Grand scheme. To be drawn on .-aturdat Julv _tt, I87lk SIMMONS A DICKINSON'S Single .number Kentucky State Distribution. 50,330 Prises and onlr fai.takr tickets. Whole Tickets, Silk Shares tu proportion Alto Koynl Havana, to he drawn nn !, August 1. 1876. Send in your orders. J. CLL'TE .fc CO.. JOO Broadway, Brat floor, roar. A?BOTAL HATANA LOTTERY " First prise $11*1.000. Next drawing. August I. Royal Oerman (jovernmeul Lotteries, Due prire to every two ticaeta. Full explanatory circular* free, lift Nassau tt. THEODORE Z8CIIOCH. A -OFFICIAL I.KAW1NOS KKNTCCKY BTATK~LOT A. terlea. S.MMONS A DICKINSON. Managers. kbmtcckt. ttxraa class mo 441?ablv -O. 1870. B. 04. 4.'. 50. .8. 05. 15. 31. 63, 51. :t?. 71. 5. KBMTCCKT. CLASS MO 442? jrt.V 21 J, 1.476. 13. 49 38. 18. 70. 13. 3. 5. 20. 51 55 1. -JO Hfl ur.iuT. kxtka cum ho. 341?jcit 'JO, 1*78. 46. 41. 40. 74. 8, 16. 10. 75, 51, 60. Kit RT, CI.AKS SO. 342?JILT Lit, 1H70. 85. 42. 60. 61. 45. 1. 7, 34. 07. 32. 64, 34. Pail Information by applying to or addreaatng J. CLUTE ft CO., 200 Broadway, roar roooi. Ilrel Hour, ?ftMlTirft KKNTUCIifsTATK LOTTERIKR aKHTI'f ?Y--t XTlia CLAIS V>o. rOH 1676 18. 71 .21. 45. 3U, 14. 64. 6, 8.'. 51. 10. .a KkXTL'CKT?CL4M 542. I'OH 1876. 46. 11. 8. 25, 63. 10. 14. 51. 70. 44, 26. 1. An order, addroia B N ATI I AN. 141 Broadway. BP.Foke i.n tiik or N'Ti; v you SUOUL*D OltDKR rIIK KVKMNii I'KLKliR VM ; 4KNT TO YOU It ADDRESS FOlt FIFTY CENTS A MONTH. POST PAID. Diseases op men a specialty! IIEMIT A. DANIELS. ,\l D? 144 Lailnyton nr., near 2Vth tl. Office boura Irutit 8 to 3. D*~ a ooitlard7late profes^iiTin paris. 1.479 Broadway.?Narvoaa Debility. Ac., apeodily eradicated. Uoutiiiiailon ir?e. ? to 3. F* AIR AND KQUARK. The KKN TtCKY l A.-ll H1STK1lll'TH>X COMPANY, (bartered by a act of ilia l.eirl-latura ?r Kentucky, lad undar ioc meiia|[cin*i.l ?t t'.X if > VKKNOK AS P ft^KTKK and ulnar dlalitt uuiabwtl litllent. WHO ROf II) SHRINK KltoM IIAllMl Til KIK NAMES CONNECTED WITH ANYTHING I'.NKAlK OR DNJIST, alll uu Nmradny. Augu*! 31 IsTU, civ* their trend drawng fur Hi* banafll .>rtl.e PUBLIC SCHOOLS OK KKA.Ni K PORT, aa folluwi LIST OK OIKT8. Dm Grand l'n?h Olft $1'0,U*> Una lirand I'aali Olft Mi.tkJU On* (iranil I'aali i.lft 'J ,iaai On* Uran.l f aah Hilt 3t>,0 O On* Hrand C**h Hltt ID. DO Ou* <-rand t'aah Olll fi.O O Mi Caihlim.?r W,OnO each !?,?>> lUUCath Hilla of MM aaelt ,IXX) liMCtah HI ft a of dUUencli 40.1*1 I'M I'aali Hit** of S Oaach Ml.OtO ?f M Caeh Hill* of 3""**ch an.iaai C OCath Hlfl.nt I'M each II.IOi IO.IOM aah Hllliul I'.' (ar'i I'.O'W Total, ll.lMHIfl*. all eaab 'O'.OU) PKiCK OK TIl'KKTS. Whole ticlcata, $13; halve*. $H; quart *r?, $.1; 0 tickets, RU flat, 37% ticket*, $9UU; 4?i\ Uckcta. *MJ"; IO?* ticket*. li.uax H. W. BARROW A CO., Of neral Eaatarii A emu. 710 Hroadway. TT a Vara lottery.? next dra wTnu acoistT. XI Iktli; $utk>ia*i In prise*. Addre** B. MARTINEZ A i CO., Hanker*. 10 Wall at.. ba?t'in?nt. New York, .-pnniab pil'l and Havana bank btlla bonglit and aold: draft* oa tall', van* laiutd. K 1' I..STUCK V r A T K >IS..I... M'MIIKi: UISIRTSU'. a/ IV tion.? Simmon* A Dlcklnanna. .Inly 30; every other jK) aauib -r a prtao. Kor ioforuiatloi. apply to J. Cl.ClK, I si F'it Knlton n. iPI ITKNTL'CKY STATK sI.snl.K NUMBER HIHTRIBC.I IV tiona.- Mmi.iona ant III klaoie'. .lair .M Every I rtnrr number a pr're Kor luI..mixtion apply to P. . j DEVLIN, Mailon*r and Haneral . cut, .'I Park row, mom i. ? r ?taovKw CASH niKrs I IV Kentucky Mat* siugle Distribution. 3U.:i.< ' Prlr.a* and n!y M?.<?M tick* la. I SIR HONS A mi'VINSON. M anatrvr*. Whole* $1" Share* in proportion. Kotal llavaii . to bo drawn Ancnrt I, IS HI. Addrrta PARKS. EMERSON* A CO., Hankarv HP'Broadway, room 4. [ENE SPECIAL. NOTICES. K -CHRONIC CATARI!!!. DE A I'NKSNV 1M PROYBD malboJ ; inateotauaous relief. permanent curat. Dr. sTODDAKD No s Wv.t Uibil K?KENTUCKY NT ATE LOTTBRIBH PRAWN DAILY. Kautncky Hula Distribution draw* Hiturdir, J uly 'Jtt. :?>,:?.*> prlifa out of fjO.U t) ticket*. Whole ticket*. $10; lielv*'. $6; quarter*. f- SCI. Royal iiavaae Lottery?lined Drawing August 1. Address all order* for ticket* end in format on to JACKSON A CO., Uaukera, AKi Broadway, New York. kbvouk KxliauntionT?a medical essay comprising a soria* of t*ctures delivered at Kaiin'a Muaenui of Anatomy, New York, on Ihe cauae and cure of Premature Decline, showing Indisputably how loat health may be regained, affording a clear synopsis ot the impediment* to marriage *ud the treatment of nerrnuK and physical debility, being the result of .O years' emparlance. Price lt> cauls Addr.a* the author. Dr. L. J. KAIIN. office and residence 61 Ee.t loth at.. New York. Royal uavana LOTTERr-$euo.(ro~ will rb drawn on August I. Prise* cashed; orders IIHod; information tnrnishrd; hi.-heat rate* paid for Npaatsh bill*, goeernmeut*. Ac. TAYLOR A CO.. Bonkers. No. II Wall at.. New York. EVENTII OEAND KXTRAOM 1)1 NAKY BlNliLK NUMber Drawing, to lake place at La rami a Cliy, Wywuiiug. JULY 24, 1S7U. By authority af a special act uf the Legislature. the drawings are to take place ia public, anil to be conducted by worn ooniratseioBer* $345. MO TO BK DISTRIBUTED. NOV IS TlIK TIME TO INVEST TO OAJN A FORTUNE FOR LIFE. 1 Urand Oath Frixe lI'dfltRi 1 Grand Caah Prime Oidi 1 Grand Cash Prime go.MIO 1 Oraud Camh Frlao............. SivWJ 1 Graud Caalt Prime 1.">.WX> 1 Grand Camh Prime 1O.U0U Tickeu, $1 each; mis lor $5; twenty five fnrfUi*. Prises cashed; information furnished; orderm Sited. Apply to or address KliuRY A CO.. Brokers, :il Park row (opposite Poet oBn), New York city. THIRD LOUISIANA HATE GOLD DISTRIBUTION. New Orleaua. July 29. IH78. $302,500 IN QOLD DISTRIBUTED. 20,(00 tickets: $50 currency; coupons in proportion. For Information, Ac., apply to WILLIAMSON A CO. Primem cambed at ihlm oSice. 317 Hroaawar. New York city. TO SHIP OWNERS AND MASTERS. Opposition. Towing done by the California Tag Company'i powerful towboatm Vallejo. Favnrito aud Jos. II. Redmond; vessels taken to the ducam. to mea, to Oakland imi Vallejo at the loweet rates; the patronage of masters aud owners of vessels vimitluK the port of San Francisco is respectfully solicited ;Temeeli towing bp the California Tug Company's boats will save from 30 te 6?l per rent. JOS. II. REDMOND, Agent, No. 11*1 Stewart sL. San I'rancltco, Cal. fTHlK CELEBRATED" BOSTON SELFCLOSING FAUA ce , a period guarantee against overflow or waste of water; tr rv cook warranted. ADEE A DKLEKKK. Agents, 27o Pearl at. SPORTING?IJOGS. BlllDS, ?Sb. " A NICE PET DOR. TWO YE.tRS OLD, F<>R SALE Call upon or writ# to l'ETKR McMAUON. Outtenherg, Hudson comity, N.J. P" DOLE BOLD AT 318 RUTLEDGE ST.. NEAR UNION Grounds, this afternoon, on Chelsea vs. Ar Incton, on Union Urouuda. Hertford vs. Athletic, at Philadelphia. SEIBKUT A Met:LOUD. TflS~f?EF. X'rKLETfWuoli VAIUC* OR KTS AiflArSr'f'^ JX. 21. Sweepstakes $250. M. MoMamone name* b. in. Ruse. J. Jay namea It. g. Blind Boy. J. Mengengor nnmes bL m. Bess. S. Van Bruut namea bL g. Doctor. John Murphy names r. g. Gideon. Mil# heats, best three In flvn, in harness; catch weights. Race In commence at 3 o'clock, und will be governed by Iho rules of the National Asm elation. GATES II. BARNARD, President. SARATOGA RACING ASSOCIATION. No. 1,239 Broadway. A action. Frennh end Combination Pools sold every day aud eveulug on all running and trotting races and ball games; orders by mall or messeugsr will roeelre prompt at taction. JOHN M0KBI88KY A C0._ HORSES. CARRIAGES. dib._ a UCTION HOUSE OF Alt'JH. JOHNSTON," iv. 10, 21. 23 end 2f. 13th St., inesr University plaoo. ny horses aki> caruticf.r ire nvr.n every tuesday and friday at 10 o'clock. OK EVERY 1IO113K warranted KOl'NL) > FROM 24 HOIKS TO 3 DAYS FOK TRIAL. 50 ? THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST KELIAF BLB HOUSE IN THE CITY. u THIS DAY, at 10 O'CLOCK. X BAT PATCHEN TR01TINO IIORSE Frank, 16 hand* 3S high, 8 yoars old; kind in all harness; tree from ft vice; can trot a mile In 2 50. has trotted in 2:10; ? it a tree, prompt. stylish driver; not afraid of a / locomotive or anything elte; In every way tborJ unghly reliable and a first class roadator; wld for want of use; warranted sound. TOP ROAD WAGON, In good ordar, by Long A Bels* berg. > ELEGANT TEAM BLACK PONY HOUSES. IS bands Z high, S and 0 years old; kind In ail harness and tin der saddle: bare not a vice or trick of any kind; drive as well single as double; aro perfect pets; ? are good, fast travellers; very bandtoine: nave been ridden and dri< en by ladiee and children; are not afraid if anythiug. and are In every way re2 liable or a family pen; team, and warranted sound. SET PONY DOUBLE . UIKBSA, made to order. K POKY PKAr.TOK. In gta d order, nearly new. elegant 6-SEaT B It KT I", in good order, by Miner A ? Stevens. $ FINE BAY COUPF. HORSE. 16 bands, 8 years old; X kind In all harness; Iree tromvlce; trots in 31, minutes; is a prompt, free, stylisb driver as road" ri rnage or eonpe horse ; has been used In city and Zi country single snd dnnble. and Is la every way re liabl .<; warranted sound. ROUND FRONT COUPE. In good order. by Wood liroa. I 2 LIGHT BAROUCHE,aatiu lined, by J. R. Lnwiwueo. j x ELEGANT KENTUCKY CUB.STNUT MARK, 15^ ! > hands. N years aid ; kind In all harness and under *6 saddle; free from vice: equally good oiovle or ! doulilo. very spirited, but gentle; Is an excellent ; c roadater; trot" close to 'A minutes: needs no whip i V. or cheek; is not afraid of a locomotive or anything ~ else; does not shy or pull, and is in every way a -J brat class rtuid or family mare; good lor any use; j- warratiteu sound. % SET MNOLh ii A KNHSS. made to order by Dalton. 5 TOP SIDEHaK HOAD WAGON, bnilt to order by ?< F rank Ashe. BEAUTIF UL TEAM DARK BAY PONIES, long muuei and tails, 14 hands high, 8 years old; kind in all 2 harness; free from vice ; extra fine under saddle: ^ are good, tree, prompt drivers ; not afraid ol anyCj thing, and in every respect a first class team of poi W nies lor faniilv use. and warranted sound. * set pony i)ol hlk harness. PONY IMiAETON, POLK AN1) SHAFT, in good ori x der. I > ELEGANT DAPPLE OKAY HORSE, sired by "Ed j" ward Everett." 10 hands high, Tyears old ; has not " a vice, fault or trick of any kin a ; has great endurance: i* not afraid of anything; !s uuustiully T showy and stylish and an wo cumin only fine Iiwrae for coupe, carriage or fuuily use. and sold only on Kf aint of owner going abroad. 3 kxtknmon TOP I'AKKTHaKTOK, nearly new, by ? llatUi'ld t Jerkeon. ! X GERMANTOWN ROCKAWAY, LIGHT BAROUCHE, X LIGHT HKE IT. KKKNC'H CdlPK, LlGItT VICTORIA, ti top Puny Phaeton*. TWENTY-ONE OTHER HORSES. d>*crlptiou? time of >al?. tbi> <Uy. at AKi'll JOHNSTON'S Mart, It) to 13th ?t.. near rn.vor.nty piece. Weather nevW interleree witli our it ALES A I' lit O'CLOCK. MARSHALS SALE. BY VIRTt'K OK A CERTAIN EXECUTION TO ME DIRECTED I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION. Ml MORROW (.SATURDAY). Jl LY ii. AT II O'CLOCK IN VIIF. FORENOON. AT THE PRIVATE ST A HLK NO. 38 WEST ljvril .sr., BETWEEN r.TII AND ?T1I AV.s., THE FOLLOWING YaLCAIILE TROTTING HOK.sE. WAGON AN1) HARNESS:? Very l'a?l il?rk b*y Trotting Mare LADY THOMPSON, I 15t- hand. htuli. 8 yrars old ; trotted at Denvllle. N Y., In | 'J :34,S< hunting Carrie. Tom Walker And a field of four: she It Sireu uy n? S'iiv* I* ?j aw vivvuii 11*11, ?.*ui U.V V imy ; 18 very pur, trailed, wear* no boots alien trotting. I* not fl* citable In company, has great endurance ; she ha* ttreatly Improved in ?peed, a, (lie trotted ?i* w?ek?' ago. Ma; 7, nil Kloetwood Track, a mil, in 'J reHVi, with but one week'* training; *b? i? warranted to trot In g ;3."> and repeat all tier lieata inside ul - :40, and wurrtnted aound aud kind. I Side bar top road Wagon. pole and abalta, built b; 11. M. Stiver*. I Set of double and 1 art of single cold mounted llarneas, Hlierl*. Meoda, sweat Blanket., ,kc., Ac N B -THK ABOV- STuCk IS NuW ON EXHIBITION 01* TO TIMK OK SALE. TA KK Til K Til IKD AVENUE I UK KltiHTII A VKNI'E HOURS. CARS TO 12T.TI1 SI. i 1 AND I-5TII ST tIAKS P AsS TIIE DUOII, OK TIlK ; III 3T TRAIN To HAULEM. ORAM) CENTRAL i DEPOT. 4-1) ST. ANli 4111 A> ItKM K MBKI'. SALE I POSITIVE. RAIN tut SHINE; Ml POsTPuNKMEN I. j ON SATURDAY. --JU AT M OTLdCK. BY ORDER UK JOHN T. KEILLY, ritt marshal V' rKEMEMB^K MAJOR (lit-. W BARKER'S GREAT KEOl LA It HORSE AM) CaKKIAUE Sale TO-MORROW. -slurd*;, *, inoirow, AT ELEVEN o'clock, br .tnp;Ir. AT RAKKKK A SUN S CITT AI'CTIUN Man and New York Tatteraaffi. CORNER UK ISKUAUWAV ud Jwtli -a SEE ADVERTISK.VBNT In to morrow a Herald. I en IKIES for above dose at 111 A. M. to morrow morning. THK SALE Wll.L larinde among the cariiagrt EVERY STYI.K of vehicle known to tli* riding nubile AMONll THE IIOKHhM a number of S AnT TROTTERS. ' witti and without records, lergv uuinber of Kamily and III .->1 N i.s - Hone, Ac. \:t \ it til am e.-kiuTt horses, .-i it k aiim In.-, groi or or trunk ; will aell cheap. ISt) South 5th | a?? between Hronnie and Orand ata. ?two skt'.ini) hash out i'ndtk-risk ] . aa.11). in line order; one open Pony Phaeton Vie I toria. la line order; two light Uoaehea; two alx.ieat Itnek ewara one Lanrlae, by llrewater A Co., ul Hrooiue at. . Ilaraeav, Wklpa, Neta. Sheets Ac. WM. II. URAY, 3D and'J'.'VYooster at. A?PUR SALE. KIVE WO KINO AND BUSINESS . lloreca; aleo double Track and llarneaa. Applv in rear Kik and .i7s Rower;. A -three horses; suit trick. liRtR'KR, a farming. Ar. . *7" $sei, Sl;tS. M . Maili.on at., atable. A-4M0 WILL HI Y AN KI.Ki.ANT TOP BUOOY, . not $4.'S) last spring; a beautiful top Punr Phaeton, I |I75; a line Ham***. Ill; at atable let Ktat l-to at. A-fltki WILL Bl.'Y A BEAUTIFUL Tup PUNY a Pheoton ; coal Sttei; a good Top Wagon. fl.VI; ? tine llarneaa. $.'?>; all good aa now. At privaia atable. No. 13 Weal -7lh at., between Broadway and '.tl a v. Alt!. W I I r i i. K \ TK N.?IUN .- 111 I I ; . i, I HP Pnnotoa. aeala four perannt; tarn light pony Phaetona, two aide bar top Wagon-. ou, IX) lb. Road Wagon ; boat city maker*; below panic price* Ifcld ?t. and 4th av \LL I HEAP NEW AND SECOND HAND BI'HTNKSS W / n. Kaurles. I rocks, Catta, llarmeaa Kepj? llury. Ilndaou ai . eornrrol l.tli. I l.'itm fit UK STYLISH RAY ilOKSKS, .A. I \a hand*. * irar- , perleetly matched ; everv war reileld* . hell laiuc i.ieu a family llorae. Ill hands, cheap. J. VV. I'i I N r.l S alabtea, I.M and I.V.'r Kaat 3gd at. ABARliAlN ?THREE SECOND llAMK I.Attk.NCES, two Coaches litre It's), ten lop Wagone. thrco Coupee, threa li>.rtoe, for tale cheap. 400 3d av. I W YO NEW YORK, FRIDA _ HOUSES, CAHftl AOKS. jBt. t'CTlON MOUSE O^'VAN TASSKLC 4 KSARNB* 11U AND 11J hAST l.lTll ST , NEAR 4TU AV. REGULAR DA LBS or HOUSES AND CARRIAGES KVKKV TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. On vary hoiae that ia warranted aotmd or kind and true In barneaa, (rum una to thrae daya la glvau to taat warrantee. CATALOGUE 0? TI1I8 DAY'S (FRIDAY) SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK. bay horse. ie hands high. 7 years old; kind and true In all haruaaa; free from vice: baa bean driven to a dog cart and aa leadar lit a taudora taaui: haa extra fine and aery high knee action, and ia oua of tha moat atyliah aad high atapplng boraaa to be aeen oil tha road or In tba I'ark : alto ael tandem liar new and rOUK WHEEL DOO CAST IN GOOD ORDER BROWN GELDING, GOT BY VOLUNTEER. 1? HANDS high, H yeara old; kind and true in all baraee*; fraa front nee; la nntralned, but can trot In 3 minoloa and ia aery prumlatug: baa a Una open gait, and la a pl*e?ani and raay drlaar; be ia alao well broken to Middle, anil l? warranted aouud. Alao act aiuglu llarneaa and TOP KIDK-BAR ROAD WAGON, BUILT BY BREWSTER A < -o., oF 11 room a at. : BAY MARK. GOT BY JUDGE COULTER'S PATCI1EN; dam a thoroughbred; lft>, hunda high, H veare old; kind and true In all harueaa; free Iroui vice; a very prom|it and pleaaant driver; haa never been handled fur (peed, but can trot in 11 minute* now; la alyluli aud liaudsoine; tale for a lady to drive or ride, and la warranted -nun i. Al*o *ot single Uarnuae and top koad wagon, nearly nkw. CHESTNUT MARh, GOT BY YOUNG woful, DAM I1Y Abdallali; bred by Richard Caldwell. I *u . Orange county; la 16Lj band* high. 7 year* old; kiud and true In all llarneaa: Iroe from rice; a ?ijli?li anil prompt diiver: can Hot in - :t-? to-day, R a perlecl roadaler lor gentleman ? uae and la warranted aound. Alto a eel single llarneaa end | TOP ?UAI? WAGON, NEARLY NKW. | SORREL TROTTING MARK. MINNIE II, got BY Denmark, daiu Itnae; bred at Milburn, Ky. ; 15 ltande Idyll. H year* old; kind and true in all liariioaa; free front vice ; U a to<il. prompt aud pleaaant driver; la warranted to trot a full inile to-day In 2 A>: in lair condition can beat 'J :4U; ahe I* atrald of nothing, and a lady can drive tier with perfect safety, and la in every rvapert a flrnt claaa road inar.i. Alao act single llarneaa and NO TOP ROAD WAGON, BUILT BY BEMDON k COStello; In food order; weighs ISO lb*. PAIR BAY HORSES, Kl'LL BROTH EES, 15V HANDS high,ri anil 7 year* old; kind and true in all harncaa; free from vice ; are prompt and bandy driver*; bate great bottom and endurance. can be driven by any one and are in every way reliable. Alao let double Harness anil POUR skat PHAETON. Bl'ILT BY BREWSTER k CO.. of Broom a at. OOLDKN StlRRKL HORSE. GOT BY THE c'klkbrated Wetiuore lioreo of St. Jolitia, New Brunawick. diiin a thoroughbred mare, 14>g linnda nigh, 5 years old; kind and true in all harness, free from vice; very hawliome and atylian; Ik* Due nanay ana prompt driver; perfectly broken every way and aafe for any one to drive; lie 1* aim broken to all gait* nnder addle; Una a loll tall, touching tbe ground; la remarkably gentle and docile, and ia warranted bound. Ainu tet single llarncaa and TOP PO.NY PHAETON. GOOD AS NEW. BAY MAKE 15* HANDS HIGH, 5 YEARS OLD; kind and truo in all barneaa; free front vice ; baa been dnveu by a lady ; can trot lu II ;3tt; la a good, prompt driver; lain ewryway tafe and reliable, and la warranted aound. Also net tingle llarneaa and NO TOP PONY PHAETON, IN GOOD ORDlsK. BAY MAKE, 10 HANDS HIGH, 7 YEARS OLD; KIND and true In all liarueaa; free from vie*; alrve. prompt and handy driver; doe* not thy or pull; I* bailable for a coup or expres* wagon ; ia In every way bale and reliable, imd L warranted aouud. Ala? aet kingle liarnee* and TOP FULL sPRINO WAGON. BUILT BY BKEWSTKB A Ua. of Broome at. BROWN HORSE, 10* HANDS IUOH, 0 YEARS OLD; kind and true lu all harntaa; free Trout vice; It a flue. Tree driver; baa Hue vtvle and action; lb a Brat claaa honor for coupe or carriage work, and I* warranted aouud. Alio aet single llurnrai and EXTENSION TOP PIIAKTON, I.N PERFECT ORDER. PAIR OKAY CARRIAGE HORSES. IK HANDS HIGH, 7 attd N year* old; kind itnd true lu all barneaa; free from vice; very atyliah; have beau uaed by a private family lu tho city; are lu every way bale and rellabla, und bold only lor want of use AJaoaet Hue double Harness, stiver mounted, made by Koroe A Currie, and ELEGANT FOUR-SEAT PARK PHAETON, BUILT BY Brewater A Co., of Broom* at.; but little uaed. VERY HANDSOME BROWN PUNY, 15 HANDS IIIGIl, rt year* old; kind and true In all barneaa; au extra saddle borao. free from vice or Hick; bus extra Hue action; can be driven by a lady with aafety, and la warranted aound. Also aet single llarneaa and TOP FULL SPUING WAGON, BUILT BY MINER A Stevens. ALSO 17 OTHER ROAD, FAMILY AND BUSINESS Horses; full doaciiption at sale. COUPE ROCKAWAY. BUILT BY WOOD BROS OPEN "G" SPRING BASKET WAGON. BUILT BY Dibble. EIGHT TOP ROAD WAGONS, NEW AND SECOND hand. by grod Duuder*. ! POUH-sKAT PAUK PHAETON. BhUTINa TOl'. USED niil.v a lew tlmea, built by Bie ester <1 Co., ot llrootue I . audcoal $I.25U JOB LOT OK SHEETS, LAI* ROBEES, SHAWLS, KI.Ynete, Ac.. Ac. A" Height iiokskb, m< ar be sold to cutse paituerahlp; $55 to 8150. 57 Ureal Juno at. CNIIEAP C A R HI AO EH. H L'GGl ES, PON Y I' "ITABTONS", J Rnckawaya. Ilslit extension top lour nod six aeat Dark Phaetons and otber styles, all my own make, at fire* or manafaetnrer'e prioex. CHARLES GKUBE. 580 Canal It F~oTl SALE ? KAItb: ~C ILANV K?KKTI KB KAMILY turnout consisting of line, atyllsh team ?f bay Horace, : I three-quarter Clarence, l'ark Phaeton, Sleigh, llarorax. | ltobea, Ac. No agent* or tradora need apply. Ill I'.aet Houston at. For salk-a.*Textknsion top park phaeton. In good order, with Pole and Shafts; a light Kxpres. or ! Depot W agon, new ; one aet of light double llarueea; alao a 1 ingle Truck, luqu'.re at 142 Kraufclln itreel, corner of Greoupolnt ar., Brooklyn, E. 11. iriOR SALE-SIDE BAH TOP ROoD H AIIO.I, nearly J new, citj make. No. 58 1\ cat 15th rt. IMS SALE-BLACK HORSE, t; YEARS ULD. IB ' bands high: heavy built; warranted aound and kind. | 592 Waahlngtou at. For sale-one valuable ihicnk ok a m"ake little eure, *45; one hne chunk, very email, $46. 88 New Chambers at. tlOR SALK. *?!0>.?PAIR EXTRA ITTNTISITSE. CLOSEr lv matched I'd. bay Kentucky llursos. Apply to WILLIAM liable 15 Eaat 20th at IPIOK sale-TEN HORSES and harness com' plcte: alto Ave Qrat claaa Coacbea of one of the oldeat livery .table* in the city. Inquirn a; 7s Mott M, noit BALE?NOTHING To Do?THREE HORSES. T auituhle for ice wagon, grocer or any bnaliicaa; warranted aound. 115 Barrow nt , near Greenwich ?t F70K SAI.K.-VKKY CHEAP-A HANDSOME KINK lull eorlug top Wagon, at No. 6 Wot litli at Jjidk SALE CHEAP- KIKTP.KN SETS OK ft I'M P (TaR 1 Car Wheel* and Axles. Apply to A. KLEMM, 18 Hroad at.. room 5.4. I70K 8AI.K ok KX0I1 ANUfcT-A PAIR OK BLACK ' llor?e>, f<4', hand* high. tl and 7 years old: warranted onnd and kind. Inquire at Madison Park totablea. No. 48 ' East asth ei. For want ok"use-thrkkti>xy built horses; price $1' i, $50. $d.'t; eacrlflce. Liquor dealer. No. 2 7th ! it. H ANNUM.?CHEAPEST HARNESS STORE IN NEW York; good Muggy ftarneaa, baud made, $15; good Grocers' Harness, $25; good double Team ilaruo-t. $3t?; a I good liorae Blanket, $1 5o. Please call and examine lor youraelr a. I'lSIIKIt A OSHORN. Maniilacturera. 71 Harclav si IN CuNSEQI ENCE ON LOSING MY lloRSc, 1 WILL aell my extra tine leather top Pony Phaeton, and Uar I ! nee* not soiled, for ball price. Era. HAMILTON'S, at I prieate atablo No 5 West l.'tih at. I~ iuht rup depot wagon, seats pour, nor J aale low. Apply et BARKER'S, corner Broadway and , i 3t>tb at. MO KTt I A; )K SALhT ^C. W. BARKER, AUCTIONEER, will aell tomorrow (Saturilayi. July 22. at II o'clock \ in the lurciioi n ut .f.nli et. and Broadway, two uo tup Pony I Pliactoua, one panel and one beaket: one -et Track llarueea. llv order ol C K CARROLL, Mortgagee. CACHI ICK.-KOt R Holts) s Hilt ANY WORK. TOP I 0 Expreaa Wagon*. double Truck, ell kindi of Uarneae, | Kockaway; cheap. 207 West 19th at STORAGE KOR CARRIAGES. lu our building, 744) Broadway ; terms reaaonable. WO-jD BROTHERS. SECOND HAND.?TWO LANDAUS, KOl'K 1LANDAU- I lota, Clarence and Coach ; all lu good order and low prices. A. S, I LANDKaU. 572 and 574 Broome et.. old eland of Brewster A Co. rrwu I'KAIIIK,' TEAMS. I'oMES. HI,At' K A.nTi 1 BAT S, IT AND 14 HANDS. TO HE col.D THIS day i riioUT kesekvk, at akcii. joiinston s 1 MART. 19 I'O 2> EITil ST. NEAR UNIVERSITY PLACE. AT I ) O'CLOCK SKK CATALOGUE. \kTANTED?A "sTIYKK's LIGHT No Top lio.tD M Wugoni in it -t be in perfect order. Addreas D. Bl' rtis, Jr.. 2418? onover at . Brooklyn, L. i. nr. vTcn a givfc ril.awh Itvn.r vi>u i-a.,n V? A|ipW to II. It. SI UK, Hrandrelh l!ouid. Now York. JvllWt FOU CUNY. UNCLOSED l?KY tJOOUH OR pJ.t/U Trk M'wuli, and HtrncM; Horse, tup Urocary Wagon md Harness. cbeap. No. dint lltb ka. ill) IIK YL. KSi'Alfc "Mil sAl.K. it sal Kltla. yMXTII AVINUK PltOI'F.RTY AT A CiRKAT BAR | ,1 gain; ntw four ttory atono Mora mid Ifweil | intf. with I art. nam ' -U >1. ; *i,OJU cadi only; bmance may roomlii ou mortgage. t?. A. KISsaM, 1'iua at. Mlarr iimiit-ouaHROWS STONR HUt'SK "COLUMBIA UOl.I.FoK leateliold". in .VHh at.. ^OiMllllO; hardwood buiali; I perfect order; clioaneet yet offered; only fU.CAkicaali 11 II. MKItKlLL, Olo oth as. PKOPKH'l' 1 OIT t)Y illK I.IT t FOR 1 IALE OB K? RRI9T. Y I A. I . HrKtfAKt'S tl tRI>KN OITV. Lir l\> let, vereral elegant and convenient flwollitiga, fittad for ?inter mid anuinier residence*, with all the modern ini- I prevementi, itrdaai, Ac, Kent Horn e&?U to I.UO per annum. Apolt to W K. HINSDAL.K, Manager, at ollica adjacent i I to tba railroad atatiob MONTCLAIR. N. J.. AT A HARUAIN. AND trrui* rut. a desirable Kevtdeiiee, 1J room a, Willi ga? *"d billiard room, 'J'4 acres of hlithly rultlvated lead, vegetable garden. Irnlt tree a, Ane (table and outiionaaa; all in prr>ert order; IO minute. wa k Irotn depot and :*> niiituie. by rail frout New \ ork : more land if re- > quired Inquire at Id Murray el . totond floor. rro lkt-aT fort Hamilton, some coumo. 1 dfons llimae", wltn gardens; location healtliy; plendld K-a view regular tomtit unirathiti with New Y'ork and Brooklyn bv ateainlMiat and ho.'ae oarat rente low. Apply to KDW Aim AltM s fK? i N t;. ga Walker St., New York, or to WILl.l V ?l ill.1.1, on the premise*. atO LKT?FURNISHED (SEW'i FIRST (LARS IIOUSK at Brick l.'hareb. Ornngw. N. J., ill Koonis; erertr iD'Ulern improvement; Ieur minutes Iron depot. Apply at Aid Broadway or Ualitad at., Orange. T W. BKaCHKN. >RK H Y, JULY 21, 1876. PROPERTY OUT U? TIIK CITY FOR 1 NAL.K OR TO RENT. Rark chance'-splendid parr. ?o acres. Stuck, Crone, Ac., lor sale?a great bargain : charming location, adjoining large \UI ?gt. Po?t ollice. stores. churches, schools, Ac.; 'J miles fruiu thriving boioughof Ouakerstuvo, Rucks county ; most hcaithr, beautiful ritart or Pennsylvania; 1 hour tu Philadelphia; 14 tr?ln? dally : 4 hours from Nnw York ; very rich l.^nd; highly ciiltlvamd; 5 acre* Woodlai.d; large atuur Dwelling, 10 rooms; largo platan; large shade Ira", around; splendid harn ; extensive atabliua; carriage. hog aud poult rv house-. good aa new: atone spring houae: delicious water; ilk)choice fruit traaa; price. Including valuable Crops, Wheal. Rye. Corn. Gate. Potatoes. Ilav, Ac.. 'J Rue llora-s. 8C..wv, :i Hoge, 150 Chickens. Carries*, Wagons. Ham*,,. Mowing Macliiua ana Reaper, liar Rake. Threahlng Machine. hor?e power, Portable (Irt't Mill. Food Cutter. Corn shelter. Ploughs. llarrowa. Cultivator, Ac., otilv $S,5i1); trrnts. $l.iit).i rash, balance vary eaair liramediate paiiaatslan ; take S :45 A M train 'ropi tout of Liberty St., Sew Yurk. New Jeiaev Ceatral Railroad to Bethlehem. Pa.; there take North Pennsvlvanla Railroad tj Quakeratowa. Pa.; arrive belore I o'clock ; can return 5 I*. M. Inquire at lllnkle's Hotel (or O. L. WALKER; carriage waiting. ATKK FROM! OOTTAGR NINE ROOMS (BATHING and boating); to rent, f7<> per tnonlb . flWX> until May 1.1H77 very desirable lor wluter. Address Mre. BETSEY LYMAN. Korwalk. Corn. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANUE. INXOHANUK?PKICK HOODS OH READY MADE Li Clothing fur Place oil Lung Inland. Dwelling "" Atlantic ??.. Brooklyn unit rmh. for business I'roparty In New York ; alio Boulevard Lot- mid cash for vitr Pronerty. NICHOLS A I'AI rERTY, No. OH 4th av. To"exch\n(!k- one or Till: most VALUABLE Mineral springs In this State, with improvements, for a Motive in New York or vicinity. Ad tress O. N., box 103 Herald Uptown liroi.cli oOicc. "flfANTED?IN KXi'HA.ViK FOR A THREE STORY Tf brick lloutu, value a stuck ol Dry or Fancy floods : a bargain. Address C. 0. CHURCHILL, St; Fair St., Peterson. in (WW) ACRES VALUABLE TEXAS LANDS KoH Atf.vMM/ sale or exchange for Merrliandisu. Vpply to S. W. WALLACE, at the office ol Mood) A Jennlsco, 133 Pearl St.. New York. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WA'NTKI) TO PU Kt II ASK?A TIIKKK SiOICY AND biueinent Dwelling House west of fith av., between 4th and I3tli sts. . must be in a respectable neighborhood ; immediate possession required. Send location, aiie, price, Ac.. to JAMES CARS. No. 107 llowory. WANTED?Slot KKIi I'A KM, NEAR cm\ WITH I good tsuililiisife. Send full particulars. Address oux Itts Poet office. illouuiOeld, N. J. WANTED TO l'UKCllA.SK A THREE STORY* HIUQ stoop Dwelling House, between 14th end 34th sts. and 7th uv and Broadway; price about SMS.tXW. oue-tlilrd cash; respectable locality. Owners address A., box 1UJ llcrald Uptown Hr.vnchnffiee. TCI ?.? : s KtSsX ll< Sl.\ESS i t KPIISES B" KNNKTT BUli.DINfi Fireproof Located on Nassau. Ann and Kulton sts. First Floor to let, snitnble lor bausers. insurance offices or lawyers. Will be let together or In parts; be altered to suit tenants H desired; adapted tor otl'.cei or storea. Koasonablo runts. Also tome eliKtble Law others to let APPLY ON THE PREMISE*. Take ths elevator. Inquire lor Janitor T~ HE STOKE HJII .IT 11 AV . CORNER 44TH ST."; RENT BttT> monthly. Int|uira of tlie owner, 334 8th sv. TO LKT-A STORK ON WEST SIDE OF BROADWAY, betweon 2Uilt and 30th sis., marly opposite (iiltey House; a Qrst class situation tor an uptown railroad office. Apply at 1.313 Broadway. JHO" 4TII AVr~TO LET, WITH E\lfKVT~HlNu"iN eJr/O it In good order requisite to open a snue store; boxes, drawers, glass cases, gas fixtures, carpet, Ac.; ready to occupy without spending a dollur. rrTTsw "KTH AV.-ST()UK, UASEMENT AND-APARTUO 4 meiils; Hit tllli av., second Floor, S. RICH, 74 Murray st. flWlEgfC HOUBKIB TO LET. lllful'lt lull I'll. s vnirn.fiToirv uitntvv srn\v iinnsH to i.kP? A 55 Wot 3Hth at., near Broadway. WILLIAM TLCKKIt, 'J305th ir. KlllMKllKl) 1LOOA1S A A 11 Al'AltTMENTS TO LB'l. _ A T l'->8 "EAST IBTII sr.. NEAR IKVINO PLACE.? A Furnished Roodm for gentlemen; 53 and 1(5 par week. PRIVATE FAMILY WISH TO LKI. KI llffcR transiently or permanently, two handsomely furnished Bedroom* and l'arlor; terms vary moderate. Apply at 14 Irving place. HANDSOME FURNISIlr.D IWOvL ALSO ONE $"> par week : private house. II'Jl" Kut 14th at. Sill' OK ROOMS ON SECOND S POKY, NEATLY furnished, tu let, together or sRtgly. to adult* only; tarmi low, 4U:t Weal 33d >t. ifoi'PLK OK PlrH>!I.">lTEI? LOOMS. AT *13 Plat week, fur gentlemen; also a back Parlor; pas aud bath. *57 West 3t>ib. St.. near Htb av. 1 SMALL. NEATLY PURKlSIIKlT KOOVI TO LET*; A root, $7 par month. Apply at 7.'t5 Hroadway, third tlour. C1UOL~EXTRA LAKUK KUKN1SIIKD BACK PARLOR, ) spacious varanda; hot aud culd water. No. 0 St. Maik's placa. ELKO A NT1.V iT K\IS.I hl> FLOOR, KN SUITK OR siuicly; housekeeping or gentlemen; private family; summer prices. 3U7 West 4"ith at. Fop" llOUSKKKKPI Nil? PL RNISIILD ROOMS -*.t. an; hall Rooms #1 50 up; for ladius or gentlemen. Hd West 3d st. fKUHNUIIKD ROOM Til E OHKaPKRT IN NIK r city ; clean, light, elry end cbceriul; g*e, baths, hot and I Culd water, Ac.; reference* required. 317 Eaat 13th St., I uear 3d av. L-ARiiK AND"55A LL RbOMl VITIODT BOARD; I bath, gas; summer prices, el Wast Washington place LAKOh, AIRY. NICSLY FDRNUHKD FRONT ROOM, with all conveniences, on llrst floor. IMS Kuat li'tb st. NICKLY FURNISHED ROOMS TO LKI I OR OKN tlernen or light housekeeping: private house. No. 150 Writ 24th it. S KCOND FLOOR FURYISHKl>. TO gentleman ml wife, with private hath and dotal. 40H Wast 24tli it SPLENDID LARGE COOL FRONT ROOMS, WKLL O furnished. lur housekeeping or light business; rent from 52 to $7 per work; wnter aud (at iu the ruomt. 1,20a Broadway. near 3.1th st i?X" WKMT'iaTM ST.?FURNISHED ROOM* TO LKT, UT without board: permanent or transient; lummur priori. on w??t~1otii ftt.?rfioioK ok handsomely ; 00 lurniihail Ko us. large and Miiall. without board: all , ronrenirncri; modern houit, exrallrnt looation; very low | to daairabla perties. IKFlHMIbHKU ROOMS \.\i> APART- ' MKVTS TO LET. A FLOOR OK 7 ROOMS-TWO FLIGHTS I !'. 1?7 W everlev plare. $3 I; 6 roume. 21 2 Wararlry place. < $2N, both between Charles aud Wait loth ita ; 6 rooms lob 10th it.. 523: others. Oil 17 Abingdon square. F" I.tTS IN NEW III lUsKS ON LKXINUTOX AV.IVk"twaan 0?th and 70th ita, at reduced rent* to iruall families: locality flrat olaaa 'Oil SALsXT. A FINK I.IQI OR STORK DOWN TOWN AT A great taeriBre ; alio Uenaurints. Hotels. Cigar Mures. MITCHELL, 77 Cedar it. A? FOR SALE, llAKI-.ltli S I.N Tills CITY AND s Brooklyn; alio Confectioneries, Butter Store*. MITCHELL. 77 l edum!. HOTEL?40 TURN 181! ED ROOMS, HANDSOME bar and iiitauiaat. coiuptato; a bargain, si owner must leave the city. Kb VMOLDS A THOMPSON, ISO ilroauway. 71bNIC OK THE BK8T LIQUOR STOKES ~!jTTil IS . citv for sale; through owner's slaknesa. LLOYD, 21) Broadway. A FIRST CLASS SAMPLK ROOM ON BROADWAY, near a theatre; n?* opposition ; cbeap reut; inuit be told. Apply at HI Cedar at., room 28. TTBNTlOlff MUaT UK HOLD.?BIDS KKCKlVKD for the purchase of ritalloiiery and Music Store W5 Hth av. until Tuesday, July 2 WIDOW "oTkFiits A ]12 Yh A HS ESTABLISHED L?>ck?mUh, Bellh uipjIiiK and llou*efurtiisljlutf Uusilicit; bent permanent ciihioiii ; rare opportunity. JaMKM OAiBiKY, 15 Abingdon equara (Rib av ). Bt'HlNKSH CHAKCK.?FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN? A firat clans corner Lii|Uor .Store, on 3d ??., domic a icood butlnett. Inquire at GAFFNhY A >M ITU'S, 17 Centre at. 1 VftUU STORE IN BROOKLYN?UA.NDHOMB BIDES: J/ gund location ; aell or exchange lor ? otl*ne or tin all Farm ; worth $.',r>00. Address VY.. Ilerald office. rvRUG ifoRE FOR SAlsh <Al>K OF SELLING, J " another I.mine*#. Address J NO. PKlKIL.Jr., Flechore Perfumes. 144 Chambers st. ttoit sale liquor store roB particular! ( inquire of D. H. MKlTTON,Ul Park place. F*om RALR^A MM ALL 8TOC K O r.BUI LDE K8 hard- ' ware, c'ieup for cash. Apply to TllO.H. CIIaLMKKS' SON, 7;? Varick at. ,u male?large pebpkct, portable io! | " l?ox. suitable lor butcher Onli or restaurant; cost 81 JO. i Address J. S. II. A CO., 29 finally place, Brooklyn. SALE?PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY; FINE light; good location; no opposition; cheap rent;fMlr Address IIEN NIG A II'S GALLERY. No* Ho chelle. N. Y. Frw>it SALK-TIIK STOCK, KIXTI'KKS AND UAH 1 1 ?f immn ?i nwOfitw EHnltv Idoot mcmi i Oliror and Cliatiiam atrrota. Apply on the pn tt.ii.ea. U"OR RALK-AN Ksr ABLlSliLI) I'AI'RK. WITH P complete appurtenant o?, type, Ac., reasonable. Ail ilrtMUU AMD, Herald nllrt. fit OR RALK?KK-ifAUKANI, DOING KIKRT CI, AN* r bualneae, eatnblialied many rem: limited on a Irad log avenue, near retimed depot. Apply to MARK LKVV, corner Attn at. end Bill a v. IjlOR KALB -THIS PAKK LAUNDRY. TO UK BOLD AT r a great eaeriOce; the reeeon lor selling. proprietor wiahea to return to Europe. Kor further pertleulera apply et I.Htoa Hroadwny. Mo agents need apply. Termacarh. LV?R BALK CIIHAP ELEGANT ITKHT CLAM (.AN r fixtures. aultahle tor Kilt It aveune hntite ; al.o a combination" Marvin Safe , will be void very low. Apply, between 11 and 1 o'clock, to P. It. sMI Dl, 115 Broadway, room 7. j Ftoll saI.K OR TO LET-THK OI.O ESTABLISHED Kliaki'?p?ato Saloon, HdU II.oedway, fully turnlehed. j Apply ! W. II. GIBSON. mi the premleee. MAKBI.E HOD A WATER AND ROOT BERK APPA j rataa, oil rtylee. for aale below coat. J. M. WHITFIELD A SON, SRi Water at. I rpwo BABCOCK PIKE EXTINGUISH Kits in per" 1 feet order, will be void for want of uee, for $.0 each. Ii,,|ulre of W. II. HAKYI.V 170 Broadway. WK HAVE A KIKHT CLASS DOWNTOWN SAMPLE Kooni and Keetaurant;a bargain KLYNoLL>s A THOMPSON. ISP Broadway COAL A MO WUOU. \i-IMKK St; I'I'I.I KS of KlihSII M I N K ll COAI. n It VT utebed to familUe and otbera during .Inly nnd Auuuat at wholoeale cargo rntea; aatlafaetlon guaraoiood. Addreee j COAL, box &.3U3 Poet ofllca. t [ERA! UUVKDIkrts \\ \ V l'KU. 1EI.KUANT PARLOR FLOOR. ALSO OTI!KIt ROOMS, | | with hr*l rkia l??* rtl: transients aeroinuiodated. Utt , and 311 h as: .''J ?t . MUlaoa square. A- TO #it PKR WEEK ?-BOAKit. WITH I.AKUh AnTi 0?) email Room*: neatly furniahed: air*. cointnndlnna; I suitable lor families, iceutleineu ur ladies. It'll Kaai 33d at lit tVKHl.KV IM.Ail.. mi b roadway,? 1'" Front llo nil, ?1J <14 fur two; single Rooms, f7. Traudent people taken. Table beard, $4. I 1 Til ST WKnT. 31. 33, 37.?KLKO A NT ROOMS II witli Hoard, peruianant or tranaiont, $3 per day; kept by Kngitali lady. -|7*TH s: i is WKsr -Nit: I.Y H'ltMsllKtfitooMR J") with Board, to lat, J" to 7; double rooms. $14; lur future new. WKSr 31ST ST SI?ITS AM) SISOI.K ROOMS witb or without Board QOD T . No '43 WMT.-aooli To LKT, WITU Hrat class Board; terma moderate; reference. 4)71 JANK 8T~ TWO BLOCKS UKLOW 141'li ST^> wf' I'leusant Kootna, excellent Board; all Improvements; no eltildren; terms low. II WKST mm ST.-BO A Kit. l.AKOK. I'LhAS >BT 11 Kooma. on second and third Boora. parinanant or traitstrut; hall Kooma; references. Vi(i Wf.s: 47Tii sr.-A private Family would 11*" rent, with Board, a accoud atory. loruiale d. Anulr. with referencaa. a? nOove. 1 OA EAST IHTII ST.?HANUHOMB ROOMS. jS 1_iW nuite ami .lujily, with Hoard ; alao table ?tiJ tranalaat; summer price*. Iro WAVBrUeY Pl.ACB.NKAt: 6TH AV SICKLY i)^ luruiaUed Rooma, with lluaru; moderate terms. O l\AA ABOU 5t . PHILADKLniTiT-slTPBRtdi i.''TT accnmniodallo i? on reatuuahlo tariiia fur Centennial visitor.; location un.urpaaiird (n.NTKNsni. visitors wisiiin.. 10 aohd 'the J noiae and confuaion of crowded hotel, can BinJ rirat rlaai Accommodation. in a choice locality; central: alreet care to all point.; teruia moderate. Era. L J. M., l.tild Summer at.. Philadelphia. UdAHU AND LObeililV WANTED. BOARD WANTED-**; " I'ARMANNVILI.K. KJRT Washington, Audubon Park; noar awiminlu* and rail way station or steamboat. Addreaa UKNTLKMAX, Herald office. XKTAMTBD?POR TUBBB ADCLTS, KI KSISHKU H Klal or Salt of ltooma. with private table, vicinity of Park. Addreaa II. H.. Herald office HOfKIffi. AT NKW KNOLASD IloTKL. :?> itoWKlc Y?ALL llitht. aliiKln Koouii; lodifluid, 50c. ni|(htly, $; weekly; for Kenllomeu only, Always 'opkn.-prankpout ~iiolse7 cornkr Frauklort and William ata., 35e., 50c., $1; Keutleinun, faiulliea. CiH'TifERN HOT KL.?AMERICAN PLAN: SJ A DAY; O finest location In city. 07M liroadway, corner ltd at. ST. QKBMAJN. 5TH AV..XU) ST , BMOADWAY.-CK aurpaaaed location, coolest In city, surrounded by above streets ; room, all Ironl; on European plan. $1 per day and upward; Amerlcau plan, fit. rooms and hoard. W.M U. TOMPKINS, Proprietor.^ cotntry board. Apkw persons can bk accommooatRd"w"ith good country Hoard in a healthy locution, one hour's ride froui Hudson Hiver; ttve minutes' walk from depot; table supplied with fresh vegetables, vcr*. milk and Irult* hady luwns; fine view of the i'ataktll Mountains; terms iuoderate; Address D. 1*. A I)A MS. Olive Bridge. Ulster county. N. Y. T ICR A. KlilZAHKTl! UN'DEKH ILL'S FAItX M Amnion House, Locust Valley, Lour Island, about one hour's ri ' from hast 34th st.: lias every accommodation tor summer boarders; larice beautiful farm. AOENTLKMAN AND WIFE OK TWO OKNTLKMKN can Ix' accommodated with Board on the Shrewsbury River; Hfteen minutes' drive to l-oug Brunch. Address Mil IlKWSBC KY, Herald office. KRKNOU I'lUVATK FAMiI.Y WANT BOAKDKKS; healthy looms end dood table. Addnn J. M.. I'ust office box Hti, ."south Oraupc, M. J. A "FIRST CI.asm dkntist~wants boakd in the country lu exchange tor Dentlatry or partially eo; lushest Wtn Oilnls. Address DENTIST, 1ST llth uv. nw HOARDHR* can BR accomvionvriin with irood Board, at a latin house. 30 mliea ironi city by Krle Hallway, bye minute*' walk from depot, where six trains leave dully: surrotindlnrs Une, with plenty shade und plasma; also piano. Call to-day at 1.13.' 3d *v. BOVKD WANTED AN1) SKA IIATIIIN.i WITHIM TWO hours of city lor lady and throe children; preter Long Island. Address, piviiijt term* per mouth and lull particulars, box 150 Herald office. Boakd"amono riik oatskills at a farm house?Table not to be exeelled : hunting. fishing and boating: terms $7. Adureaa ADDISON Dhl'OK, Lexington, Greene connty, N. Y. BOA III* C AN III. IIAD AT A PLEASANTLY lAK.'uKD house in the CatsUilU; Halting. shade. 4c. -purtleulars address C. K. WHITE, Acra, Uwei* eouniy. N. Y /MM'MltY BOA lit*.?M AJ*LET(?K MANSION. NEAR \. Kingston.?A lew noire hoarders wanted. Call at or address 1 '> Henry st.. Biooklyn. / Vol'NTHY ItOAKH FOR I 011.1)111 N. W I TH IN*. KJ HiructluD it desired; will receive coiulorts of a home, auil host tit care; healthy location; of easy access; terms very reasonable; references. Addre-i Mr>. H. II. SEYMOUR. New OWMSi Oo?B. IOC NTKY BOAKD?IN A ~Ui >N NKI TICI T "FARM J Iioum; fresh eggs, butter, milk nml vegetables: dalijfliilul locality; stage run* to the house : term* moderate ; rolerence Iter. S. II. Piatt, dlkt Dekalb av., Brooklyn. Address Poataflka box 'ill Mow HUM,Com. / tOUNTKY HOARD WANTED?BY A PAM1LY OK \.J three adulta and two children, within two or three houn of the city; a id aunt location with water near the house desired. Address, stating teriua, Ac., M. B., box 'J2ti llerald office. _______ C'ioUNT&r BOARD IS TkaiiH imliK AT SUKJ tern, 31 miles from New York, Hi minutes' walk from station: mountain air; good table and good rooms Apply to II. A. WAXMAKKH, Huflern. Hock land c.ouuty, N. Y. ( COUNTRY BOARD* A MONO TH K ~HIGH EST PKATCS \ ' of the t'ntsktlli? Large farm hnttao : good table, milk, vegetables, fruit; boating and bathing half mile from house; daily mails; only one milo from depot. Ulster end Delaware J Railroad ; tornis, $?1 weekly ; Germans and Americans pro foired. Reference, Kahrbas A Pitshke. 173 Broadway, New York, or address PHILIP If. LASIIER, Brown's Mtatlun, Ulster coaniy, N. Y. CIOUN rBY HOARD-A Fa7:M~lit)USIC, noTttTFAMP J ton l?. I.; lea persons accommodated with good Hoard and Rooms healthy pure air; near ocean and Ashing ponds; accommodation tor nomas and carriages. Address THOMAS ARCHIBALD TjIIRST CLASH BOARD -GOOP ROOMS, PLENTY OF r shade. Address Mrs. HARRIET bMlTlI, Cornwall, N. Y. Fnirst class hoard?large rooms, beaumful ' location: terms reasonable. Address box UA Post office. Mount Vernon, N. Y. IONH BKAM'II. S LI it'I'M COTTAGE. i'IIKLHeX, ! J n-ar Ocean av. ? Excellent accommodations: stabling. I Apply to Mm. JONES, at Cottage, or N. W. BLOSS, U7 , l.lberty ft.. New York. OM.YTK.ii wii.ts rmm nni,AHM,nin.(i.\ nkiv i York rued; cooleat liouae, largeat rooma, high ceiling*, hreety, ahady, clue* lo nation und Delaware River. hourly ! tralua. trl-ilaily ateainboata, orcoard. trove, croquet, blf I llarda. Ac.; terma niudereie. X. X. KRAI). Kivereidc, N. J. SUADY~Vlkw KAKM IIOI SK-OXK VILK KKOY I "Mineral Xprlngt." aplendid view of the hille and Hudnun; guu.l Hoard; low prlcea. Addreaa H. W. Hl'I.SK. I Mouutalnvllle, Oringe county, X. Y. SKASIDK HOARD?SOI'TII SIDK OK LONH IHLAMI, two honra from Sew York; lourtralna dal'y naeh way; boating, flablng. bathing. Ac.; terma to ault the limea. Addrcas II. J. It t > 1101". I'atchogue, I.. I. TUoHK DBS! KINO (.O >l> HO A III) AT A HARM ' liuuae, near Sulfern, :*) mile* by Krie Railroad, plenty | nhado. high Kroanda, inoiintain air, good rooma. no chllla, fever or nioaqultona. may call lhl? day on the proprietor at , 4H4 6lU av. or addraa A. (.'OK, Sufferu, X. V. IITAM KK <1)1 NTKY HOARD OX KAU FOR OBK* ! Tf Ilemat). wile and three children, ai(ea 8, 10 and Id, nut j over tlireo boiira from Sew York, by boat |ireferrod, Imm Aumat I to about October I, where there la good Bailing, ' gouulng and plenty or ahade. ^rtdreea, giving full paitlcu- i are, U. V. W , box 2'2."> Herald oflice. W'axtkd -"hoard kok a Family or Four T? adnlta. two ainall children and hur?e, four rouina. with In eait acceaa from XeW Y'ork ; reaaoriabla terma. Addreaa P. o. bos 2,347. WA XT E D-HOARD IS A I'KIVATB FAMILY. WITHIn oiia hour or one hour and a half of city, two large rooma. plenty of ahade; fair prlcea paid for good accommodation! for gentleman, wite. uurae and two children. Ir vlngtou, Tarry town or on Orange .Mountain preferred. Addreaa D. <>. W? Herald oflice. titanted two ok tiikkk < mTddukv in boarTT I IT at a farm liouae at llickavllle. I.. I.; kind treatment; terma moderate. Inqnlre at 472 Canal at., up ataira. MlMMBIt IlKHOUrn, Bath. i.. f.?loci sr oitovk norm, ami pa villon ilate real lence of ex-Mayor Ountf.eri, with an additional wing, containing IX) rooma, fronting tbc bav and ocean ; excellent bathing, ttahlog, boating, Ac. Kor Hoard apply on the promiiea or liy note to JOHV IIOOPK. /itiKXXWooD HOTKD. -Il.TOX, HUDBON.?BOAT IT lug. bathing. A?hlng. driving; terma modorete. Reference -Captain Andaraon, Mary Powell, pier 3H North Kiaer. W. II KOWE. Proprietor. n AMI I T< i\ IIOI -v.. STAMKOHD. COMM. OAS AXD . water In erery room; broad plaaxa; Dae drlvea and good bathing; perfectly healthy. JACKHOXTi COTTAOK,- LONG HRa N CH. - A DUI7tS. $|i.i. live mlnutea' walk from depot, end ocean conveyance to bathing Irea; reference. Mr NF.ItVOAS, fourth Nntionnl Hank. I 11MI HKAMI1. OCKAN AV.-MK.S OMVKK's. mil. I J inerly Chllil?'. Cottage : elegant Koouia, with etrirtly tirat rl<M Huanl; it aiding. Ac MOUNTAIN MoUBfc, ~ ~~ Delaware H'nttr U?p, Pa?Tfrrn reduced : flrat claaa, central location and cheapcat bouae at the Cap; term a from $xto$l2 par week or SI HM? S'i .V< oar day TIIKO. ilAL'nt.K. Proprietor. | N' "'KPTUjfit HOL'MK HOI KAWAV HKACII. L I Kainillea d??lrln< Hoard tor the eeaenn 'cheap;" all the comforte of.a home; a grand place for children. For tarma addreaa aa above Captain V. It SAM I'F.I.t.X, Proprietor >~"OKWi?OI? llnl'SK, MiKH'iJOII N I MIK BEST I large family hotel near New York ; prtraa loar. Apply to P. T KEITH, Prof rtotor OKIaOHOHA HUt'HKi MARTHA'S VIMRYARD, Mean?Thla new hotel la now open for permanent hoardert or tran-leat gucata; good flailing. boating and aafe bathing. alto Cottaeea to let. Addreaa ATW'IIIJi) A CO., I'oal office. Vineyard Haven, Marthe'a Vineyard, Mae, I' >AKk lioTKI., WHITE Kll.PHcit SPINUM. SAKaT toga I.aka. la now open for the reception of (arati Connected with thla hotel are the flneai white aulphur hatha In the country. Addreaa SIM. LKI.ANU A CO., Saratoga Springe. Pai.mkk iiouSk, Stack, o* tup. hudsok \ few dealrahlc Rouma can l>a had by Auguat I by apply. law at eaea. nAHtfl.K .tlAtfM.a. CTKWARTH MI.ATK. MAKBLK AMI) W6O(VM"AMO tela, new and elegant dealgna. from #10 up; the trade liberally dealt with SSI and li'2 Waat 2.Id at. MtMtAI.. CIAKII PlllVATK f/KMSolfc PI A V \ li M.I V i.ll. I tar. Singing Clrrnlara mailed. Inatrnmenta free for practice, J. JAY WATSON, Director, JJ heat Itih at. LD. PRICE FOUR CENTS. AMUSGMSXTk. Tony pastors new inka tkh, V<7 Hroadwgjr. TDK ONLY V A 111E I't' THEATRE IN NRW TORK. OKA.NI> Mile. KMOCLKW. i the beautiful Cu mil Oyiuna.t. In her wumierfitf FAMILY T LEAP FOR LIFE, f <e> <e> MATINEE Thadaalnng Dnetlai? una Maaleal Artist*. THE PAKE Kit NlSTIt US. Til IK The coining funnr ui*n, the great lamrliaof the wntero theatres. FRIDAY, NED W AM BOLD. ? The great Oeruiaa Woader, ATP. M LITTLE TODU. KBLLY A LEON'S OPERA llo. >K-f:iU s,. ' KELLY A LEON'S MINSTRELS. Firet appearance of the celehrate 1 coniediiuia, UK. J Vt Mc ANDREWS, Mil. UKOKOK W VllllKN Pint r*pre?#ntatloii of L*coc<|'* Koinaatlc <>p*r*tta, THE ISLAND OP BACHELORS OABRISI.LH TUB ONLY LEO* TE^AL LACK'S. MMHTV DOLLAA Eighth week ef the Inlrnltahln artlata, MR AND MRS W. J PI OKKNCB. id WoolTe Aiiierienn comedy ut lh* MIOUTY DOLLAR. Performance terminate* 10:10. Matin*** dlacoatlauad. The aadiioriiiui of tliia theatre I* rendered DKLIOIITPULLY IMOI. hr the nae of JOHNSON'S PATENT VE.NTILATI.NO APPARATUS. /IILMOi.K'S CONCBBT i.AKDKN W Maditon and 4th ava. and Jdtli and '.'7th ?ta % (.mi tlicae aullry uvemnpa mere it not it re- .? -a* metropolis where one can forgot more readily l1 diaco w forte of the terrible boat "?Herald THIS EVENING AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. I. Overture, "Klrnal" .Wegae? "i Paraiihraae, "Loraly" Neavndba 3. Cornet aolo, "Le Frill Tambour" David Mr. M. Arbackle. 4. Overture, "Jubel" Weber 5. Aria from "Krnaiil" Variil Miuu. Eugenie i'aiipenlielm. U. Selection. "Macbeth" Verdi 7. Cornel aolo. Air and variation. Truck Mr. J. Levy. 8. I'Lino tola Kowalekl Mr. II. Kowalski. II. Pert cong, "A Legend of the lihine" Sir U. Smart Voung Apollo Club. 111. "Mnrcha, Trlomphalu" Kud Aonaon Admtaeioe, 90s.; Bom? four placea $'t and #4. CTH AVKNI K TUBATRB, BROADWAY AND MTMIt t) Proprietor and Manarer Mr. AUUUSTIN DALY Last two weeka of the eeaaott. Laat night but aevou of PPPPP II QQQCI U U KIKI P PIIQ QC UK PPPPP II Q U U If KKK P II Q V <3 U UK P II UUUU KBKE ? FAREWELL MATIN'KR OK PIQUE. SATURDAY. AT 2 Monday night. July 3i, firet time in two veer. ol Mr. SOTHKRN aa DUNDREARY. VtTALLAlIK s. MIGHTY DOLLAR. VT Eighth week of the Inimitable Article Mr. end Mrs. W. J. FLORENCE, lu Wolfa American Comedy of the MIGHTY DOLLAR! which will be preaeuted EVERY EVENING. Performance terminates 10:30. Matiueee discontinue^ The auditorium of THIS THEATRE It rendered DR. LitsllTr ULLY COOL oy the uaa or johnson's PATENT VENT! 1.ATI no APPARATUS. OOD'S MUSELM." ~ " WOOD'S. THIS DAY, E. L. STETSON, MATINEE AT 2, I EVENING AT 8, io IN MOSK THE SEA OF ICE. | AND NOTHING BI T DEATH. Parisian varieties, ( grand RATINES akisiaN varieties, < to-morrow. mm. Sr. AND BROADWAY. ? Coolest theatre! Perfect serocnmnarej with others, luo BRILLIANT AKTISIS I EVERY ACT NSW. LIVKI.V, FINNY AND FRENCHY. Mysterious Sox; Or, Contusion of Gamier*. LESSONS IN TilK C VSCAN Voluptuous ami Sensational. THE KICK-APOO& Vlctorrelll firo?. | Miarkley Bros. | Will* anil Routar. Beuuett an.I Kernull. | John Uourlay. | Harry VunettL Annettl Savoy. | Minnie Hull. | Blanch Elbert*. Mile. Ili-rtlin. | Srnor Noviislnm. | Miles. Youmr *nd Clifford. George Atkins ami our array ol popular lavoiite*. Very bent ami most popular eutortaiuinent iu America. Evenings nt S. Maltnoes Tu?*d*y, Thursday ami Saturday. N"~ ew'york "ceniknnial * art exhibition. The most important collection ul modern Painting*, by tne great European masters ever brought to this coautry. >ow open uauy, irom ? a. m. 10 < r. >1at me LEAVITT ABT ROOMS, 817 BROADWAY. Admittance. 35o.; Ticket one weok, SUo.; one month, 91 Till. ONLY I TONY PASTOR'S NEW TIIKATJtS Variety Matinee A oRcND COMPANY in tlio city to-day. I AN1I UKK1T BILL. XTKW YORK CENTENNIAL i\ LOAN KXltlHITION. The groat collection* of Art Trenaure*. (e'eeted tt?m th* private gullerie* ?>f New York, now open at the NATIONAL AC A OEM Y or UHSION. corner 23d ct. and Atli av.. unti the METROPOLITAN MUSEUM Of ART, 128 VV t*at 1 Itb at.. X)av tlniu only. Ticket*. 25 ccnte. /1 KANT'rt | V'IS ITS" TONY "PASTOR'S IJT SON MATIMKR Kit ED J TIII8 AKTl RNO0S. /VRANI) SI MMER MATINEE SOCIAHLKS, CKNTKAII IT I'ark iiarden. 5tll!i *1. and Till av,, every Saturday altcrnoou aud uveiilnir aud Tuesday evening*; cool. plea, ant, line tloor: beautiful garden and balcony ; elupant inu* Ic; faatiloii.ibie resort. Hilinisslon, 50c ;iadie*fr*e. Sacred concert every Kutinay venine; admlMiun, 25c; reserved seat* la box?a on balcony, fek\ CAKriER A HCSII, Manaircra. Vf 188 KAN NY HINT, HA VI NO RETURN ID PROM ivl Long ISranch reroverod from ber late demieroo* lib neae. will reauine ber dramatic Instruction. Removed frua No rt L'uion square to 311, Ml Ml N LI oil T | SEE Til EM ~AT " TONY PASTORS KLISTATIONS. I M A1TNKK TO DAY. T)ALAIS ROYAL. No. tSH I.HI AY.-KOKTY YOCN'3 L Indr Htteiidmits: irraud vocal aud i net rum en 1*1 con* cert from 7 rniil 1?? o'clock ; adinln?i<iU free. 1M AMlKlli'.TKs." OIU.ANS, Av. A' ?FOR RENT. "CPltlUliT. HqV AKK aIid UKAnU Pianoa of our own make;al>o lor aeie end rent. A number of tine second lian l Pinioit. In perfect order. WILIe> lAtl KNAHE .t CO.. No. Ilj.'itli av above HlthaL | 'icr.Ai OAniM A.iif PM IMU ua.>U VX Pianos, liest quality, low lor cash. 423 and 423 Wert 2Htli at. Ho face watkks a s7i.\s, ?-h bkoauwat, aeb offering one of the largest and finest assortments oi Piano* and Urgent lu tliia city, at prices tlial defy compel!* tion. Inatruniunta to rent extremely low. la city or ceuntryj PKIVATK KA.MILV. M~hAlrr'wTH ?l.. U?PBrt Pol A.'U) mairniflceiit 7 1-3 rosewood I'lanolorte; coat ?U4 luat March; (peculator or dealer can make money ou It. INNTHICTIUA. P'ks .m a nsii i i' am? hiiiik KKKi'Ts'tl. ^ntTV.vfi lessons at pupil's residence during summer months. Apply at rooms, 70 West 43d at., corner of titb ay. GUUMJOT& KUliOPk. Boarding school in okkmanv. To pirtMl IHhSH to have their sons educated la Uermauy the boaruing school of a preacher in a country town not far front Hamburg. favorably known since man) years, can be warmly recommended. The reasons why tno same is preferable to boarding echoolt in large cities are at follows; -A greater purity of manners) education In n happy family circle; a more apecial in. structioii of the single pupil; taluhrlout air and substantial nourishment Resides Herman, also t'reoch, English and S| av.lsb are spoken in the uonse. Por further particulars, inspection of documents concern, lug the establishment, it-., apply to Mr.* J. IJ. LAU, 7R Chambers street, tew York. Captain II. K. Scliweiisen. Hamburg steamer Pommerania, will liaro the klndnese to personally escort pupils to thd boarding school. IOC IB COLAKD, * J P*l>fl?unt d'Armss, Liege. HOLMKS, HOOMff, dU? \V A Vl'KD. lu tltl* Cltv at it a Brooitivn. ' * tie t VTI'll UK I .f ill' lieru US' ei noil oe j os unua rooms, furnished for hon?ffkr?pinj)[;btth tod lifts. Ad dress. Klvin* full particulars. CASH. box l?"? Herald ufflct. ai'antkd-a storc. huitablk roi<?8ALK or f? U.lie> f?ii?r K'><?l<: >th nr. or Broadway; up tow* pre Or rod; would bnjr atoek If raid cheap. Addrea* CASH, box IM Herald office. 11" AN TKI)?BY A I ADY Will) IS OCT MOST 1)5 v? the time. 000 farnolitd Room ; state terms. Addrtft O. A. 8.. Herald Uptown Branch ofllce. MIHC KM,A\K?l?. "* POSTAOR STAMCS - ^iiocksack ' u?AL'kES "TS p?TSt?(r#? stamp*. especially North. Central and South American, ara^auested to send their price lists to tha tinillrrnsntluiiud TWdn-n; if found convenient conslderaola ijiirtiititles will be demanded; payment In cash or In used of uoused Chili stamps, cards. Ac. Address R. C. KMKKIIA HOT. luiprenta del Universe. Valparnlso. Chill. 8. A. rpKAH at VN IIOI.KSAI.K I'KICKH. I.N yCA*NflTiE7 1 ill It pounds And ujtwkrd, cheaper than Mr Iioum in tb< city, at me ? TKA I Dll'AXI 'lt, Wl fnltd* It., b* tween Church slid Uraenwicb. UlLLiAKUH^ AMRKICAN HTA.NDAKI) BF.VRL M(LMAIU) TAHLKHI alao * lar*e Slock of Hall*. Cum. Ac., at reduced price* . arcood (land Table* at rrrai bargain*. w II oKiTkITII a co. ?lV(Nrit. f TOLLE*OKRVH KTAXHAHD am Kill CA* BRTKIa I ' Milliard Tallin, with the celebrated Chelan A Collenuer cnmhiaalion euatilona, for aale in thl* city only aifJH Broadway. LHAK HALE?TWO K1KMT CLASH IIII.LIAKO TABLKB I aliBuat new. Apply at 47 Kroad at.. Maw York. I N CoNHSqURNCK OK RKMOVAL OK MY WARB 1 room* to lector/ corner of loth ar. and :ailh at . I ?ITc| lor a few dayt tho Billiard Tablaa at my present warcrooma, 36 Kaat 14th at., very low IIKOHuR K. I'll hl.A.V Kl K\ITU UK. A -WKKKLV~A.hU illNfrt .*\ lor Kumitare, Carprta and Madding at B. M. COw. CKKTHWAIT A CO H. 1511 and 157 Chatham at. An law ineuaa Htock at low nrlcea lm:hmtcrk. carpktb, mirrors, pakujk bcjits, r lladrooni nata. Armonra. Cablnata, Hookcaaea, Dank a, Ac at private aale at anetlon price*. otf and 41 Kaat 1M at, FjU'KMTI KK ?OWNKKH M HT~SRLL; LABOR AR 1 aortment all kind*, rich and eommou; prlrata aaiai auction price*. KaVOR'K Auction tlouee. 13 Kaat 14th at. r'OOli UtCOND HANI) AND MIhKIT KNi.i.lHU BKL'tK T aela. Three plr and Ingrain Carpet*. Oilcloth*, Ac., very cheap at tlte otd pla<?, 113 Knltoa at. OFKICK KCRNITL'KK WAXThO?ONlT LoHQ DRMK 10 laet 8 lnrhca; office Ueak*. with Chair a, Hafa, Ad Addraaa ATTORNEY, care Thalinaalnjar A Co., 8B7 Araad way. a