Newspaper Page Text
TH WHOLE NO. 14.579. DIKt.CTOllY FOR ADVERTISERS. AMUSEMENTS?1st Pact?Otb coU ! ASTIlOLOUY-Jo Pack?5th coL 1 BILLIARDS?2u Pagk?Mli cut. 1 BOARDERS WA.VltU-liT Pag*? 4th col ? BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES-Tnt Pag*. ' BUSINESS NOTICES?3th Pack?Oth cuL i CLERKS A NO SALESMEN?2t> Pagk-i.t *nd 2d cola I ooaijiimen and G.vKl'KNHRS?2d Pacb?2dcoL COAL ANU wood?2d Pagk? col. < coastwise steamships?2d pau*-3d e?L < COUNTRY B0ARD-1st Pags?4th col. I DWELLING UoUSES TO LET. UNFURNISHED?lv ? Paut?dlli eul. < EUROPEAN STKAMSIIIP3-2d p ao?-2d And 34 colA. < EUKoPK?1st PAUK-?tb coL EXCHANGE ?2d Pagk?5th col. EXCURSIONS?2d Pack?4tU And Slh cols. FINANCIAL?7th Pagk. FINK ARTS?2d pagk-5th eoL FOR SALE?1st Pag*?5lb coL FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LBT? I 1st Pau??4tli col. 1 1 FURN1TUKK-2d Pag*-5th r?L HELP WANTED?u KMALES?2D Paod-ISI col HELP WaNTKD-MALKs?2d Pag*-2dcut. ' HORSES. CARRIAOKs. AC.?Ut Pack?3d AAd 3d oola. i aiv pwi r-1- macs- ? ?. cca! Bouses. rooms. ac.. wanted?in paos?sib ml INSTRUCTION?I?T PACX~?th coL LOST ANI> POUND-UT PACB-I.iooL MAIRIMoNIAL-2d Pack?ftth col. MEDICAL?2d Paub?.Wh col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?8tm Fa??-?th 1 col. MISCELLAN ROUS?20 Paci?'5th col. HEW PUBL1CATI0NS-Sth Pass?6th coL PERSONAL?1st Pacx? 1st rol. FlANOPOKThS. OKOaNS. AC.?1st Paob?6lh col. FOST OFFICE NOT ICE-1st Pack?0lli col. FKOFRKTY out Of THE CITY FOB SALE OE TO RhM?1st Pack?3d col. BEAL ESTATE TO KXCUaNOE-Ist Paob?34 coL BEaL ESTATE WANTED?Ibt Paob?3d coL RELIGIOUS NOTICES-Ist Pass? 1st coL < REWARDS?1st Paob?1st col. RALES AT AUCTION?lm Paob?5th col. ! SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?2d Pac*-1?1 coL SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?2d Paqb-1*( ool SPECIAL NOTICES?1st Paob?1st and 2d cola SPORTING? DOOS, BIRDS, AC.-1st Pack?2d coL SUMMER KESORTS-Ist I'AUB-dtb and 5th cola THE TRADES?2o Paob-2d col. THE TURK?1st Paob?Jd col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES-Ist Paob?3d , col. i TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?2d Pacb?3d and 4th cols. , UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 1st Pack?ttli col. i WATCHES. JEWELRY, AC.-Ist Pack?llh col. YACIITS. STEAMBOATS. AC.-STH PAUE-Sih co>. pjK|OBj^? ? J A~~ny Tfsitso.v "Who caiT give infbritaflon about Mr. Lorit. ? Brownsville. Texas, who whs lost ou st.auur Yaruuft. I.otwesn New York aud Galveston. on October 20. lH7i>, will be snitably rewarded by addressing A. J. BLOMBEKG. 172 Church st., New York, or JEAN- ' KTflK LOKIA, Shiflerstadt, Bavaria. ' DICK?I ACCEPT CHALLENGK: H ND PERSONAL j addreaa of yourself or Joe'a No bluff. , NELLIE TRAIN. ' Lulu?meet mk on balcony at cenkal fake < Garden this evening. Elegant dancing floor. , REMINGTON. < NELLIK K.?YOUR CIIICAUO IrtlKNU1S HERE. Send your address or meet him at Mrs. B.'s. jack u . TfTZss-BK HONEST AND RECTIFY MY MISTAKE i ii made between Albany and New York. Address WINDOW. Herald oMea. ( ' RELIGIOUS NOTICEk. ' ASBOffXTiOft 'Of 'SPIRITUALISTS, HARVARD j Rooms. Reservoir Park.?Conrerence Sunday, 2)a P. M.; I M-nnce by Mra Blakealey and other mediums at 8. All in { tlted. "TTWASHINGTON SQUARE METHODIST EPISCl). ii pal churcn?Morning, lluws xir., .1, U, 7; evening, | ''Christ's Many Crowns.'' This Is Mr. Lloyd's Inst Sabbath : autil September. ' American free church, university build- i Ins. Washington square, Rev. C. 1*. McCarthy.?at II, "The Dangers of the Deep, with Reflections on the Mohawk Catastrophe.'' At 8. "Cotnlort lor Weeping Mothers? I You Snail Know Them There." i A' LL SA.INTSM'ROTEriTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH ] (Rev. William Dunnell. rector). Henry St., corner of Scamutel, New York.?Services every Sumiay morning at If?:Llt? anil every Sunday evening at 7:80. The rector will j preach. A T~PLl.MPTON HALL. t?TH ST., NKAtt SD AV. - j A Fitib Universalis! Society, 11 A. M.; "Parable of the ! Prodigal Sou." Seats free. All are invited. ALL 11A1 L~-T 11K LAST OALL~?THK "NATIONAL Camp Meeting" at Shelter Island commences Sunday, | July 3tt; closes August t>. Ample accommodations on the grounds at low prices. Cars from Hunter's Point at 9 A, j M. ; fast train at 4 P. M. Steamboat trout Feck slip Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday at 5 1*. M, F. S.?Baggage tree Baturday and Tuesday. A" "terek tabernacle mituodist episcofal church. West 34th St.?Preaching by the pastor. Rev. 1 J Johns; morning. 10:30: subject, Psalm 29,11; evening, . f: 45; se.vice of sonif. ("vUURCH OF OUR SAVIOUR : i J (Math Universalis! Society), * 57th st.. near Sth av. . James M. Pullman, pastor, will preach on Sunday morning, at 11. , This church will not ha c!?ec, d_.-Ug the summer. j IjllFTH AVENUR BAPTIST CHURCH, 40fH ST., DR. . 1 Armllage pastor.?Service holiday morning 10:3(i; Inbject lor discourse, "The Uuspel, the Power of God to Baivatioii." REE"baptist CHUIKClf. 2?th st., KKAR~?t5 1 av.?Rev. Mr. Howell will preach at ll))i "The Humble odd," ana at 7:45 "Life for tbe Dry hones." HF.Xir Y E THE-ROD '?B IS HO F SX ()?'." OF ~M O U NT < Zion. will preach in the Medical College, corner of 23d ? St. and 4th av.. on .-uuday. at 3 F. M. Seats tree. Subject? | "The Destruction ot the Ottoman Empire. The Lust Truraftt Now Sounding.'" RF.V. HAMUKL~M. II AM I ETON, PASTOR OK SCUTCH I'reshvteriau cliurco, 14tb St.. between 5th and Otb vs., will preach to morrow at 10:311 A. M T>KV J. H. LIOHTBOURN WILL PRKAOH IN THS XX Seventeenth street MethoJisl Episcopal church, between lit and 2d a vs.. at U>,'j A. M. and ? P. M. straugets always welcome. oka <11.1 rK.?iif;<;i"hAii sa bh.vtu services Tn ! O the Tabernacle on Sunday, 23d Inat. CT. JOHN'S METHODIST EPISCOPAL CIIIKCU, , O r.3d St., near Broadway.?Services. morning at 10*, and venine at 7:45. Kev. J. M. King will preach. rpiJE COLLE (HATE Kb FORM El) DITCH CHURCHES, J at Lafayette, corner ol 4th at., and 5th uv , cor?er 4Sttt at., will he open for divine serrlce at the uaual kuurs on Sunday, J nljr 23. | j L6hT AMI r Ul.tb. i j IOST?IX OLENHAM HOUSE WASHROOM. ON I J Thursday evening, ?u amethyst Rlac: $l.? reward by i sending It to addnvs which can be obtaiiiad at office of tha j ( UlsnU.uu House, >th nr., below 2d ?l. I t L~bsT?Y"KSTKRDAY KvKxiSOON-THK WAY EROM | ? the t'aeiiio reataurant. Central I'ark, tu the Seventh i * avenue entrance, a red Kusaixn leather IVi ketbouk. eon- a gaining in cash. Kinder will pleura deliver aauie at 350 < Weet .<2d at. against a reward. L" OaT-A POCKETBOOli CONTAIXtMO SOTBI AND an ICrie Hailwav pavx Tito person r-turriinc t o anion will be tairly rewarded ino question* at J. \V. SHKDDEN A CO.'8 drug store, corner 34tli St. and Broadway. 1"~T>st-om s. ventTi "avenue (Tar, about e J o'clock, a I.adr's Hold Watch. Kinder will receive fjn reward by applying at MB \V est 11 tb st. KfeWAiti)?.~ #??? REWARD ?WAS TAKE.V KROM CAHKIAliK ON P'J Broadway, near Ieird A Taylor's, a Travelling Satchel, tiurked with owner's name The above reward will be paid lor its return to .No. 2H West 22d St., und no questions asked. f?e HEWABll WI 1,1, ItK PAID KOR THB~RBTURN ptJ of a blue silver Sky* Terrier tu 14 East llitb tt. ears ancut: bad on a red collar, and en-were tu "Jack;" Itrayed Away on the 2<>tli Inst.; was laat aeeu in Unlun quare. *1 41 RhWARD.-KUSr tlit sTOEKN. THURSDAY j ipii' evening, on ttcuiuer Plymouth Hock, uu uld cylin- | 4er gold Watch. Kor return of sauic it isward of (It) will be i paid at 215 bowery (hasetuenti. and no questions asked. I d?7'^ KB WARD. AND NO V BSTIONH ASM i>, FOR j. P I J the (t?il i Witch anil Chain lost at flannel gale on j Tlmrrnliy; owner's iimuo on inside cam*. A(lire.-? 35i? H Broadw j. I *wwt reward.?810 iten Ut< )m 5o:i It Hi ia it. r tjll'/l" way, Thursday, J uly 2'. a Bold W itch eiiilt'liain ; | Wicket attached; fliJli reward will b? i>?ld if returned, audfeo questions asked. Adilres. IIAItKY UXX, 0(0 Br adurwy K* IViBD roK Ki-.n kn UK unit) w a re ii tail * liahi (OeurKc I'lieunliiq maker. No. ? ! mnr.nicnt 18.868, No of cams 31.U67) lu E. >1. M AKT1N. 148 Weil >1.. turner Barclay *t. 0 MPKt'lAli AO'i'HT.!). "jT^IrtAAG BoYCK. -117 HROADWAY, LAWTKII./V? Divorces obtained promptly, without publicity : de?eriou. Incompatibility, habitual uruuheiiness. infidelity. in J inmao treatment, conviction of telonv. I'aifporti obtained. SATURDAY. July 29. ' $2.">,0i>0 lor only !l0. Kentucky St ile Distribution. ^ 30.430 price*. AJio.nOO each. T Only lu day* led. Bay to day. Oau to two drew*. I.l.vr. 1 Price of $r'.,000, 1 Prise ,7 f'JOfUO. 1 Price or 16,000. 2 J*1 Prlcoc of fio.icsi. 2 Prices of f '?,ic*>. 5 Prlseeof B2,ic*i, 2u ' Prliec of SUM). 2<> Price* of fra* > Ml Pnre. of f-jl?>, SU> V.1 flu), 26.IMI Price* of $> end 3,020 Price, amount- . Intf to SlO.iAC). All pavabie in full. Tickets, flO; halves. ?6 ; quarter*. f2 .'Si i J Send for e circular ami adildrcs. order* in the Eastern n. tcentt, tllum v. ii. hays a co.. i ,s| tM7 Broadway, New York. ,t A" ZFOYAL UAVANA LOTTKKY. I Plr?t erlie 2 Next drawinir, Auirii.t 1. Royal Herman (iotc rnwent lotteries. One price to every iwn I.cel.. . Fnll explanatory circular. Irrc. I III Nanaasc ?r tiikodokk icsciioch. 1' B?SMI III'* KIMIiKY STATEIATTTRHIES. . KKSTI'CSr-EXTRa CI.*** .Vil. t'liN |e7U. I 16. 28, 77, >), 78. 611. +8. ijj, |k _.? 44 I Kl NTCCKT?CLAS* 6.VJ, rim 1878. ' f, IP. 7-'. 5. 7. 1.1. 23. .'ID. 37. 12. rat, 27, 61. 80. AU order* address H. NATHAN, 181 Broadway. 1 n IS P. ASKS OK MEN " A HPKl lAl.TY. * IIK.NRY A. DANIKI.S m II 114 l.exinuton ar? ' tear 2Wih si. Ortice hour* Horn 8 in :i m a GOULARD. I. VI K PROPBHBOK IB PARIS, 1.47* 1 Broadway.?Norton* Debility. Ac., speedily eradic.tcil, 1 Concnltntlon Ireo. I) to 3. r? Havana i.ltieky.-M'.xi dkawiso auuumt 1. > 1878; fOOlWU in prices. Address B MARTINEZ A J L't>.. Banker., |i> Wnll st . basement, New York, . panlsb P< gold and lleeena bank hills buutflit aud cold; draft* on li_- al eaiia iuned. 3 :e ne SPECIAL NOTICES. Tbs KENTUCKY CASU DISTRIBUTION COMPANY. :haru>r?d by it special net of the l.sifl-laturo of Kentucky, mil uuiler Ills mautgemeut of BX-GOYKKNOR THOMAS '' POUTER and ulbnr iliktineuiaLeil clliieu*. WHO WOULD .SHRINK FROM H AVI N.. THEIR NAMES .ONNEOTKD W ITH ANYTHING UNFAIR OK UNJUST, will ua Thursday. August 31, 187U irlve their araml drawntr for tli. benefit ut the PUBLIC SCHOOLS OK KKaNK fO KT, ai follows :? LIST or QIFTS. Dae Grand C??b Gilt $100,(100 Jae Grand ('u?b Gift 50,000 One Grand Cash '.lit ?. $.1,000 line Gritu.l Cash Gilt 1X1.0 (1 law Grand Cash Gilt 10, 00 ju* Grand fash ('.Hi O.O (1 5" Cash Gilt- of $1,000 each 60,00 ' I(IUOh*Ii litlt* of Mllvttch ' .IMKJ |i?i'??h Gifts of 40(1 each |im t'a*h Gill* of 3 <J each hO.iu'fl Girts of 20O each JO.iHXl emiiikGitiaff im**ch o .(*?! IO.UO i i ash liili* of I'i uch 120.H0G fetal, 11.156 Gift*. all cash OU.OOC PRICE OK TICKETS. Whole tickets, (12; halves, (ti; quartan. (3; 9 tickets, MOO . 27,Si tickets. *JOO; 4?*i ticket*. $500; 95 Ja licketv M.OUU U. W. BARROW A CO.. Urnrml Sulnn Arents. 710 Hroulway. JT" KXTI' C KV STATK i'.INOM;" M XBKlt DlSTRlBU IV tiou.?Simmon* A DUkluwu*. July 20; every >otliei lumber a prize. Eur Information apply to J. CLUTK, 1.77 Kultou it. IT?KENTUCKY STATE l.OTTER IKS DR A W NI) A1L Y. IV. Kautucky State Distribution ilrawz "alurtlay, July 20. 30,330 prir.ea nut of 50.0011 ticket*. Whole ticket*. (10; halve*. $.7; quarter*, (2 50. Royal Havana Lottery?Grand Drawing August 1. Address all order* lor ticket* ami informal on to JACKSON .t CO., Banker*. 2<)2 Broadway, New Vork. P'ESTIIOKV STATU SINGLE XI.M1IKK UI ST K IB [T IV tion*. - Si ruin on* and Dickinson's. July 70 livery itlier number a priie. Kor iniurmatlon apply to P. t. DEVLIN, stationer and tieneral Agent. 21 Park row. oom 5. 17 -CHRONIC CATARRH. DEAFNESS: IMPROVED IV. Bethod; inatantaneoua relief; permanent cure*. llr. STODDARD. No. S Went 14th?t. VJ-EKVOUS KXIIA 1'STION. ?A ~Mli 1)1 <' AL h SSA V iv comprising a *arle* of lecture* delivered at Kuhu'a Museum of Anatomy. New York, on the ennae and cure ol Premature Decline, showing Indisputably how loat health nay be regained, affording a clear (ynopai* ot the impediinrnt* to marriage and the treatment or uervon* and pny*l ?1 debility, being the renult of 20 year*' experience. Price 15 cent*. Address the author. Dr. I.. J. KAli.N, ofllc* and MMmM 61 Eait 10th si.. New York. VTOTICK TO THE PURLD' NEW YOUK. .Ihl.V 'Jh .1 1870.?The undersigned notUie* that, by hi* own free a ill. the Aasociasione lJnnnarumina will hereafter cease torn being denominated after him. FILIPPO DOXNARUMMA. DOYa 1. Havana lottkry. - will be Is drawn on August 1. Priae* cashed; order* filled; Information liirnished; highest rate* paid for Spanish bill*, go?irnuieut*. Ac. TAYLOR A CO.. Hauker*. No. 11 Wall at.. New York. 3 WfMCIAL DRAWINGS 'lOi.viX'CKY STATE LOT3. teries?SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Manager*. IMTCCIT. aZTRA CLASS HO. 443?JULY 21. 1878. IS, 10, 70. HI. 2, 44. U, 14, 43, 35. 50, OS, 6S. ROTUOKY, CLASS HO. 444? JULY 21. 1878. 13, 70. 70. 72. ti. 27. 34, 45, 29. 33, 54. 4, 57. RBHRY, HXTKA CLASS NO. 1143?JULY 2 I, IS76. 64. 58, OH. 11. 21, 23. 4H. 49, 16, 24. BRHRT. CLASS RO. 344?JULY 21.1876. 14, IS. 30, 43, 25, 13. 44. 3H, 75, 67. Full Information by applying to or addresalng J. CLUTE 1 CO., 2<J0 Broadway, rear room, first floor. J -4300,000 IN PRIZES. 3* Grand scheme To be drawn on Saturday, Jnlv 29, 187H. SIMMONs A DICKINSON'S Single Number Kentucky State Distribution. 30,.i3O Price* and only 50 ticket*. Wbolo Tickets, 4>lo. .shares in proportion. Aiso Itoyal Havana, to be drawn on AuguKt 1, 1876. Send In vour orders. ,1. CLUTE A CO. ,20ii Broadway, first floor, rear. a EVENTii I iRA X D KXTKA<>K111X A R V SINI iUTNUMber Drawing, to tak* place at Laramia Ciiy, Wyoming, iisaitivaly JULY 24, 187& By authority of s special act of the Legislature, the draw niK* are u> mm piace in puouc, nun to oe conuuctea oy worn commissioners. S34;>,t<0 TO BR DISTRIBUTED. SOW IS the T1MK TO INVEST TO GAIN A FORTUNE for LIKE. I Grand Cash Prise. $100,001 1 Grand Cash Priie 50.0011 I Grand Cash Prlxe 2.5,100 1 Grand C?*h Prlxe 20,00(1 I Grand Caali Prlxe 15.1*1(1 I Grand Cash 1'rixe 10,000 Ticket*. SI each; *lx tor $5; twenty flvo for $2.1. Prite* cashed; Information furnished; order* filled. Apply to or add res* EMORY A I'll.. Broker*. Ill Park row (opposite Po*t office). New York city. Third lo u is i an a-st ate gold DisTitiiiUTio.v " New I irleans, duly 20, 187(1. $502,500 IN GOLD DISTRIBUTED. 20,(00 tickets; $50 currency; coupons in proportion. For Informatlou, Ac., apply to WILLIAMSON A CO. Price* cashed at this office. 217 Rroanwar. New York eity. rllK (lELKUHAIED K(ISTON SELF-CLOSING K A Ucot, a perfect guarantee against overflow or waste nl water; ev rv cock warranted. ADI'.E A DKLKKKK, Agents, 27.5 Pearl at. 11AM A K lNDIEN.-A~I^x"ATrvir^tir LOZENGE agreeable to take; specific rented* >r i puMipalion and te eon*e<|ueiice*. P. GKILLOT, B7 It J3*..?'.ii..*wau, Paria Depot. CASWELL, HAZARD A CO.. New York. JTHE EVENING TELEGRAM, with ALL the LATEST sews, the only Evening Paper that is read by all claaies for twt cent*. ( WWI ^10 , *"X)- WtO.OOO. $<00.0 )0, pOvu,UuU uistributed in premiums, distributed in preiuiuni*. SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1876. Be ?nre and buy a ticket in the KENTUCKY STATE DISTRIBUTION. 30,430 ca?h Prite*. : 0,430 cash Prite*. ONE TICKET IN EVERY TWO DRAWN. Shares, $10; Halves. $.5; Quarters. $2 50. C.. 41..* tl-L.I 1- r. I., Oam *k- I. ....... k _....*. THOMAS II. MAYS A CO.. ' 607 Broadway, New York._ "" SPUKT1NC-IHKJS. BfliOS, iWi. POOLS SOLD AT 318 KUTLKDCK ST. NEAR I XIO.N .rounds, this afternoon. on Hartford vs. Mutual, vt< ,'nlnn grounds. St. Louis vs. Cincinnati, at St. Louis: Chi ago vs. Louisville, at Chicago , New Haven vs. Athletic, at 'hiludelpliia. HK1BKRT A McCLOl'O T1IK TLIlr. Jakatooa hacks. ~ ? Two Meetings, 1S76. First Meeting?Tuesday.-otii. Thursday, 27lh; Saturday, l<vh duly ; Tuesday, 1st. and Thurs lay. 3d August. Second Meeting?Tuesday, Htlt: Thursday. loth; Ka'urlav, 13th : Tuesday, loth: Thursday, t'th, and Saturday, i>th August. Kaccs promptly at 12 o'clock, each day W. K TKaVKRS, President. JOHN MOKKiSaKY. Lessee. C. Wmkatlky, Secretary. l'OOI.S SOLD every day and evening, at the Saratoga Ltsociation !* >>! Rooms, 1,238 Kroadway, New York. All ntries telegraphed directly to tills room. HOUSES. t AKUIAUKS. ?t. V" MARSH AL'S RAUL my VIRTUE OK a ORRTAIX EXECUTION* TO MR UHKCTKD 1 WILL SELL AT public auction. THIS jay (Rati rdayi, jily 22. at 11 o'clock in IlK FORK NOON, AT TIIK PRIVATE STABLE .no 38 VEST 12..TII .-T.. BKTWr.EN ..Til and tftii AYS.. IlK FOI.I.OWIMi VALUABLE TROTITNU HORSE. VAOON AND HARNESS:Very fast dark hav Trotting Mare LADY" THOMPSON, 5', hands high, 8 years old . trotted at Deiivillc. N Y , in :34 V healing Is ride, Tom tt alker and a licld oflour she s sired by Rv sdick's 11 ainbletonian. dam by Clay: she is cry pure gaited wears no hoots when trotting, is not exliable in company, has great enuur?nce ; shu lias greatly improved In speed, as she trotted six weeks ago. May 7. oil 'leetwood Track, a mile In 2with but one week's raining: site is warranted to trot in 2 and repeat all iter eats inside ot :4D, and warrinted sotiml and kind. I Side bar top road Wagon, pole and slialls, built by K. M. itieers. 1 Set of double and 1 sel of single gold mounted Harness, iheels. Hoods. Sweat Miankets. Ac., Ac V B? TIIK A Ml IY i sTtiCH Is NOW ON EXHIBITION i' 1 o time of sxlfc. takk t1ik third avenue >R kioii r fl avkmk iiorsk t' a its IO pj.vm si. knd I2.MM st. CARS i'ass the door. OK the 11:3.% train to llanlkm FRO It (IRa.M) central >kpot. 4.d st. and 4111 ay rem km Br k sale osnrve. rain on si! inf.; no postponement. n sah kdAv. '22 U inm\. at 11 o'clock. BY order of john t. keilly, CITY MARSHAL. \ ?major CltAA. w barker. auctioneer. TO-DAY, to-day, lodaj. Tfi 111V * sati it d a \ . a i i 1 o'clock, 1 * > hati uda\ . nt II o clock. M AJOR Barker* CiRKAT Regular HORSE Mini Camn/e Sale, AT DARKER A Son'* CITY AUCTION Mart and Now Yor. TatteraftU'S, ('OWNER OF BroMdwuv and 39th ?t. THE STOCK cuniprUoK it large number of ROTTKKs (with and without record*), roa HsTF Its, FAMILY. HusinfKi nnd Work Homes, OP AND NO top Road XYitgons. depot. express and Business Wago as, PONY pilaetons. Carriage* Ac., Ac. IJ IT Of double and single if.true**. I ELL DESCRIPTIONS at sale. SALE WTTHl)! I rrvrve oi postponement. INCLUDED in the above will >.? the fast and well known lack trotting Oe ding DD'KINH >.N, got by fhomas .letter m and bred at Hartford. 1 ?'4 high, 7 star* old. allele ?nl and \erv ganiv driver; h i* t otted In "J ;."?(i over LLFTWOOD PA KK to 12<> pound r*>ad wagon ; is gentle r a lady t*? d'ive ami i* warranr?J sound and khi 1. t l'ction hale rnia Day" ai i i o'clock, oi V new and s/coiid hand T-.p KiiK^irs, Phantom*. Rockarays, Husine** Wacom, Single a- u Double !lurn??*t Saddle*. Ac., by C<*LK A Ml'KlMIY,<i7|i Knlton ., Brooklyn. i ?si. VEN (.'o*?D horses. Ml sT BE SOI D ~NO V. reahonab'.e otter re u ?ed. .?7 t?re*tt Joties st. * sKCo.n d hand cocpk. kockaway landttj V by Brewster A Co.. nt Broome st. . Coupe bv Marsh; rerai top and open Road \X agon*. i,y h*~t city maker*; on> Plisotoii, f11; Harness. sheets, H liipi. Net*. Ac. \\ M II. OKAY, 20 and 22 Woo*ti'r *t. i ? KoR SALE hvb woRKINd a n d RlslNKsS V. IL*r*e?: al*<? double Truck and Harness. Apply in far of 37 i.nd 37S Bowery. i HE A I'TIFL'L EXTENSION MIIHTNO TOP V I'liaeton. seat* four person* two light Peuy Phietom, m side bar top .itroii*. one 1J lb. Komi Wagon best city akers; below panic price*. 33d at. atid 4tb av. t yeky icTYLfsHI ?A1 VIOR R 16 HARM HIOf1, V H year* old: ore of tiie finest iior*ea in the city; war* mted sound and kind. No. 3 XX'est l.ltb st. t -to pay advances ivvo handsome top V* side bar Wagons: oi.o full spring Wagon; uue top any Ptcieton; thru* art* single, two diruble Harness; I hr*t class Mini nearly new; no offer refused. BERN* TKIN'S stables, 35tb st . near Broadway. :w yo NEW YORK, SATURD HORSES, CARRl ACES. ?K? . ARAfeK' '?:HANCK.-KltYtiT HliKSKti, SUIT ~EARM"Ing, grocer or truck ; will tell cheap. lBh South 5lh ??., between liroomu and Grand tit. AT<TILSKV HOUSE BTAULKS. 37 WE^T 3??TH ST.Side bar top Wagoa at a bargain. Inquire lor Walter. \-MIST UK RObD; NO OKIKK RE El SED; VEKV stvliah brown Mare, six year* old, tound ami kind: top Wagon Run I'naelou tingle liaruett. all new; separata it required. ISM Wott Slat it. 1JI LEO ANT "TOP WAUUN. I'OLE AND SHAFTS. $^Od; J line bay Mare, ton nil. kind tpeedy, 3-IUO; double Har> nets. Private stable 115 Kaat liJd it. ! TtTkOANT leather" "top Ttl'ogy. flii; PHaEHi lout. 31111; llepot Wagon*. S14U; Kockawavt. fKM; i Ha*neti, imutente variety, from $10; l.ap Ousters. Sheets, i i Nets, Ac. o'OllX MOO Kg. 57 Warren it. TjlXt'llANUK?HUKKOlNil MARK iSPEtllV! LITTLE | Hi lame). Wagon and Harnett, low price, lor Oiamouds or oilier Properly or gentle Koad UorsS. I Mr. RAT. 41 Liberty tt. t TTt'lik .tA LI-.--AN EXTENSION Ti. E EAR K I'll A E I ON* H in rood order, with Eole and Sbalts; a light Kxprett or liepot Wsgun, nee ; one set olTighl double Hemes*; alto a tlngla Truck luqu'rc at 1-L1 E'ranklin street, corner of Oreenpoini ay., Brooklyn, EL U. fj*?r pale-ten amd marnbs* com1? pi etc; also Hvo flrst clats t'oachen ?l one o! Ilia oldest livery stables in lb- city. Inquire a: 7< Mott ?L For balk, kooj pair extra uahdhojut. closx- i lv iiiHiiiird 15L bay Kentucky Horses. Apply to WILLIAM, stable 15 Ksst :10th tt. ttior sale? oheae-a handsome eink i i lull norins tup Wagon, at No. 5 ft vat l&tli at. ISOR SALB-OKK OP THE PINEST OdCPS HOB888 J. In I He. city: 1 > Intuit* hlyh, M yam old, sound arid kind; prim ?AXJ. Inquire lor Mr. CHARLES NORKE, 3tSU We? d-d tt. ; TjHrit sA i. oa Pad: up slack I llur-ve, Ill'j hau la iiiifli. It unit 7 year* old ; warranted uund and kind, inquire at Mailisuu Park Ptabln, No. ? East 'JOtli el. HARXESS.~wliIPS.~NETS. AC. Balance of Stock at prcut bariralna. tlnniuiocke. Garden lioae. Steamer Chairs, vauo scat and back. $4 MX Great variety Chair* and OBicu Puruituru, cheap. 1 . TUNI.a JOHNSON, NS Liberty it. IN CONSEQUENCE OP LlPsiNU MYHOUSE. l~wiLL all toy extra llue leather Lip Puny Pliuuton. arid Uarneaa nut aolled, for hull price, Mrs. HAMILTON'S, at private atable No. ."> ft'e.t loth at. O Toil A UK Kuir UAKIUAUEST | O in our building, 740 Broadway; terms reasonable. WOOD it KO I'll hits. SECOND HAND.?TWO LANDAUS, POOR LANDAU- | lets, Clarence and Coach; all in good order and low 1 prices. A. S. PLANDRAlI. 879 nnil :i74 Krnontr at., old stand of BrOWStef \ Co. ANTED A 11AV CARRIAGE HORSE. \l>\ HANDS"; must be yuuug. true and very cheap. AdureasCASlI, Herald oltlce. TITAN T h 11?A PAIR OP HOUSES. CHEAP PGR TT caab, about 15 bands; one to be a s'.'Od Suddle llurau for ladies. Parties having such aud wauling to sell will nteet with a prompt buyer by addressing P. U. A., Herald ollice. WANTED?A TLYK GLASS LANDAU POR CASH. Apply to II. H. SIKKK. llrandrcth House, New York. GOOD ""WORKING HORsES AND*" TWO WAGONS lur sale cheap. lni|ulre at 898 1st ST. : ?7? -STYLISH RAT HORSE; PINE DRIVER; V I sound and very gentle; stands without tying. L'ltj Weal lilstat. ' PHOPEttTV OUT OP THE CAT if' FOIt SAJUB Olt TO KENT. 4 T A. T? STEWART'S GARDEN CITY,' L. 7. To let, several elegant mid convenient Dwelling*, fitted for winter mud Hummer residence*, with all the modern improvements, garden*, Ac. Kent trom fr.'UO to $1,000 per annum. Apidjr to W. K. 111NSDALE, Manager, at office adjacent to the railroad stution. ' 4 SPLENDID i'AKM AND COUNTRY KEWDKNCK A. combined. with iroin Ilk) to 100 acre*: handsome two story house, with 10 looms, beautifully located in the inuftt picturesque and hcalthtul section of the .*tate, near schools, churches, Ac., and over ooking lake*, with yacht*, ?teainboats, etc., and a ft no large hi res in through the premises, ! only HJO tulle* north of New York city aud hut .T.j minute* from county seat aud railroad station, with through cur* ) from lirand Central depot; *J0 acres in grain, balance iu ) meadow, panture and woodland: three good hams, with i Ktaoling for 4U head* of stoca; one Hheep barn, cattle abed, j i wagou house ana shed, bog house, large oheeno house, with I i nettles iin j drying ana curiug r ioms, spienuid water; iiuinii tome, first cImm meadow*; mow all with machine; price | only $&> per acre, with ail the crops, seven choice cows, j and will sire immediate possession ; ?3,0 j(i cash, halauce to j suit. The owner will ha at Kurle's Hotel. New York, from Monday morning until l'uesday noon. This property is offet ed at a great sacrifice, and must he sold ; no exchanging. II. M. WlJLLlAMB. A CHEAP FARM AND GREAT BARUAlN.-250 acres rich productive land, only one mile from station, 3)3 hours frotu New York, in most romantic and healthy part of Pennsylvania near rvtroudshurg and Delaw aru VV atcr Gap; 7o under high -tale of cultivation; excellent grass land; f neat dwelling, large barn, abundance of truit. logo titer with all the stock, crops hiiU farming implements;'J horse*, ;< cows, 2 heifers. 2 fartu wagons, cuttiug box, now buggy and harness, axes. h??cs, rakes. Ac.; price, including everything. only ?2.M< K?; terms. cash, balance yearly, Adl dress W. .1, THOMPSON, Ea.A Strouasbtirg, Pa. A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE?WINTER AND 8UMmer. high and healthy location, on the Hudson, at bpuyteu Duyvil. within one hoar oi Wa*l at.; one acre, with large, handsome house, stable, Ac.; one or two acres nddi if desired, for sale, with immediate possession, on t easy terms. Address l?<>x 2,818 Post office. IjINGLKWOOD, N J.?FOR MALE AT A BARGAIN. A J large, fine Residence, with stable and five acres of land, bcuiitifutly situated on high ground, near depot, hiivk iug a view uusurpass. d by any in the town; hous. finished in hard wood; hus 15 rooms, with all modern improvements; will exchange for paying i'ity Property, lightly encumbered. Address GOltHAAi A JaCIwaUM, Real bsUle Brokers, En* i glowoou, N. J. j LMK-T CLAMS FARM KOffsALK-- NHAR~TUB CITY 1? of Annapolis, MO. ; tills farm is on navigable water, )z ; mile from city by water ?1>4 miles by country road; con1 talus 435 acres 01 highly Improved land, abundance of tinti her, large brick dwelling, tenant's house, barns, granaries. I Ac., in excellent touditioii; much choice fruits, including about 7(10 pear and apple tree* uud li.'AJO peach trees in fun bearing, the crop from which alone, iu 1N74.sold t?*r over only two hours from Baltimore and Washington by ! rail and steamboat, while it* v.ciuity to the city und Naval I Academy supplies churches, school* and the best society, ! location very healthful; no property in exchange price, including <?iie half growing crops, !M> per ucro, ot which j $7.o O in cash, residue in one and two yt-ats, ti per c 111 interest. For lurtber particu.ars address lock box 224 Annap ' oils Post oflicu, Md. i^oj: hale-witii stock andhkoph. on liberal I I1 terms, a beautiful Oouutry Meat, situated on the Jfcrili I Pennsylvania Railroad, quarter ot a* from Uuakertown, 1 1 i .....ri.r .il .. Kill.. Iroin till' r.intHiiiln>r Xl', u,'rM. .1 -i I. i I laud; traius passing set en liiue* daily; ittiorove mom* con- ' 1 ! ?l?t of all rooui dwelling, stabling lor r? horse* and l.'lwwi, i largo wagnu house*, all other outbuildings; extensive Inwu*. ! ; beautiful shade trees and shrubbery; iruit ?u abundance; ' plenty or water in house and barn, with pumps on the porch ; ! i I dear of encumbrance. po>e*Mon at any time Fur terms and lurther information apply to Ho v. J. AA IS>KLM AN, J Qutkurtowu, Biwiii covsi)f, rt. I I 1 > AKK CilANCB!?8PLKK1HD FARM, <IU ACRKS, ? I Ji/ Stock, Cmus, Ac., for sale?a great bargain; charming ! location, aojipning large village, Po*i office, stores, clmn ho*, 1 | | schools, Ac. ; J. miles from thriving borough oi Quaker* town, Huck* county ; most hoaithy, be.<u:llul patt or Peno- ' J sylvnnia ; 1 hour to Philadelphia; 14 trains daily ; 4 hours \ I from New York ; very rkh Rand; highly cultivated;acres 1 Muodland; Ir.r^o stoin* Dwelling, IO roeuis; large pi n?r.n; i , large shade tree* around ; splendid barn . extensive stahliug: [ I carriage, hog and poultry house*, good a* new . stone spring ! t house: celicnms water; 100 choice fruit tree*; price, inclun J ^ | lug valuable Crop.,, Wheat. Rye, Corn. Oats. I'otutoe*. 11**, ; Ac., 2 iitie Horse*. H 4'owh, 3 Hogs, liiti Chicken*. t 'sr.dn o, ' a Wujfnm, Harness, Mowing Machine and Heaper, Hay Hake, : | i Threshing Machine, horsepower, I'ortablo t#ri%t Mill, Feed ! ,] Cutler, Corn sheller, Plough*. Harrows, Cultivator, .u- , i j oiiIt $8.^ -b term*. SU.<XJO cash, balance very easy; liu ; ! mediate posstealeu . ta*e H:4f? A. M. train from loot of Lib j eitv st , New York, New Je sey Central Kuiiror.di?? Hcthli* 5, Pa.; there take North Pennsylvania Railroad Quakerstowu, Pa.; arrivo before 1 o'clock ; can return '? P. ] 1 >1. ln<|tiiie at IHukie's llotei for U. i?. WALKiiU; eat riuge 1 1 WAlSWIIb ? 1 (JpilE EVKXINU 7>:i.KUKA*~ I WITH AI.L T1IK LAT ST NEWS. > ' U tlio o'.i)j Evening P?p?r thul ii r ad bjr all claiaoa Tor two | cents. I ( I mo LBT-A BOARDIMO DDIIM OX THK NHSKITS- ] J bury Klver: will accommodated); only five oiiuuies* l walk Irorn the depot; a era id location for ico cream nml , 1 lag? r beer garden. Apply to C. LKHiiliuN, Red Rank, 1 1 j ? T<i\lt\ 1. M77. -NEW. ! ! I: N I -! 11.1? > ,)i " 1 taire, clu*:* to water's edge, near Hard av., on : north shore. Statrn Island; rallied and unexcepiionab lu ; j* j neighborhood, nut lour minutes' walk f'rotn bailor's Hung llsrbor landing. Apply at 2?*i Hronuway, ro??in J ! KKAb KSTATE TO K XCHA \ GK. i>6k su.i-. hi: kx<*iian*>ik?a moiikiin iumi.t ( ! I. Hotel in c'hit*ago, complete In every fiauil, 1J5 nximi h ; capacity, w it li more*, Lilt in rd room nod barber ?l> ,o, iJmiijc ti j a good paving Wo nine it. For particular", ad. ra< ibo owner, ! |j | JoilN KKi?Ll?t?, !3< Dearborn 11 I cngo, III ! rpo Exi ii vmih? kakm, hl'iloixoV; ( J. plenty or triitt near depot an i village. ^ SI'ENl'KK C. D?JTV. on to r. U lTnion square I c ; & > lliill ?what will yor i \i ii t.vui Foil ' f ihc Fork II u*e, Kuthertord Park. N. .1 , | J j located opposilo Krie Kiiilroad depot, eight miles front j, I firry, cleiir oi encumbrance*? Adortsi tV.. box I1H llerMld ^ I office. heal estate waited. j j y in- i.swiim,. lo \> ^ > r i.:? (vlvi Lot mi-pv, ! ' j prica "mil u'ldrai* lor lulorvtrw, or call on ULllllUt , j w'jou, Atloriiey, -l <7 Kultu.. ?i , Hrooklrn. ! all a.niJ.D-a Hot 'k. lilt'hv.s ?t?>Nk. hetwuem i t? 4j>: p pup i 59lh mi . 5th t > luii ay.: iroo.l loop. itv : nrico ' not abov* -smi.tkkt. audrtm, ilalinji iirici nml (particular., ' j. k.. Ilaralrl uhiw. i j icamkii-at a ca-ii m Alii; a in. an hi#ROVfcl> j j n I* mil!, ?!' about lift acre*, good buildings, well . watered, with Stork, Crop*. I rnplcrnrTiM. A'-., wttnhi lo < n.u a .i| >? .c Vo;k city. \ddre?.?, Mating nil particular*, 1 I li. A. S.. ntalionV, .Ntw York. ^yyrzz.-r- ... ~ ? - p 'it/ Pi.l h'MC tst -*|4?IMS.S i t fc i |?l-..nnl.l i hi ii.kino. ~ 1 j j) k'lTcprnof. 1 Located on Naasau. Ann end Fulton ni j HrM Floor to let. auiteble lor banker*. itnuir*nce offices or ,i i lawyers. Will lo- let toy ether or in parte; be altered to suit t I tenant* II deni-ed . adaptca lor oftu.*e? or *toret? Reasonable renin 1 I /l?o ?ome eligible Law ollur> to let AFl'l-Y O.N I II K I'Kl.ii IS Ell. S lake the elevator. Inquire for janitor rpo LET sFLF.AiDlD FLOORS. 4 >XH.\ WITH hTKAM 1 I X vlit t*' r, | iter, i iil Wiiil HHh st. | ; fciik hvcninu TKI.kfiuAM, * Willi ALL TilK LATEST XF.Wa. * l> tlia only Kramng fapar thai la read by all daaaaa for twa .1 tenia. ^ fit 7 HTlt a v.. STORK AND BA8KMKNT; 36 tJTU C i l)v) I iv. Second Flour. S. RICH. 74 Murrar at. RK E AY, JULY 22, 1876. vwuun Room to lk-i. rnfurnlilird. ')') WK8T 4.VT1I ST.?TO LKT. Kol'R KTOUY HROWN 00 iIihh. near btii av.; also iki. tlir. .lory. To day und Monday trom |l) to 4. pi hmsiiki) uoomh a m> ai'akt.mests TO LKT. _ A" -8' COTTAGK Pl.At'H, NEAR RI.KECKKK ST. Nicely turni.hod Kuoms tor gentlemen; all convenImmm;copying, mm iiakpik At tits east isfii sr. near irvinu place? Furnished Rpom* tor geullemcn. sli and $.* per week. HANDSOMELY itknimiko ROOMS. EN si UK OB singly; nil conveniences lor housekeeping. SOI Weal U4lh at., neur Elevated Kntlrnud: summer price.. IAROK, cool? m-.mi v painted and papkrkd J Rooms: also large hall Kooiu ; Path; tortus moderate. --4 '.'u av., near I4tli at. U. ROBIXHON. II M lOIAlN AV . It AS PLEASANT nila of Apartment, and almrlo 14-joui. to lei, trauaieutly orolberariae, at summer price.. WlciU Kl'llXlSHKK ROOMS To LKT FOR URN* tlriuen or light housekeeping; nnrata house. .No. lid West d4th it. ?)jk 1' NI VKKSITY FLU'K. - FI N KI. Y VII KM *ilK O ?d"' Tar.or Floor, with piano, four rooma. pjfi; second lloor. two large UiMiina and hatli; third door, largo and ainalt Roorn.; tortus low; references. 7? K AST IDT it SI'.?OK Silt A ulk FURNISHED i Second Floor if?ur rooma), with Kitchen: olhar Runma; all Iniprovemctita: balli. 1 4>/? K AST .'.III ST.-ITK.NISHKD ROOMS To XT;?: l_v' prices tuoderato ; relrience 1?J -._ E AST 4'<"ni ST ELKO A \i l.V " I I It SISI1 LP 'ti r Rooms, with all modern improvements, from to $? tier week. 1 / 7 utu av.-kcrfc!shed rooms to lkt, m(ith l'J I gue and hath. Inquire for three days. '71 r\ 'WH sr.. nkak rrii av._ktrnTshko Zj I / front and back Raioir.a to let; nut and cold water in rooms ; hith a"d ii'>. ratVRNXMHKD KOOMS A \ l> APARTsncvra TO LET. TO I.Tt-FrRST CLASS FRENCH KLATtC 9~TtOt?MS?, wltli all modem improvements. within aim block from Washington (quart. Apply tu K SIMON. Jtj'> Broadway, or on promises, 177 Macuuncnl at., between 9 and ID A. M 19C ?FLOORS Or K1VK LIGHT BOOMS. IN 1'kTvate house Xn, Leroy at.. MM Hleecker st. BOAROKRS W VNTKIJ. 1 ELEGANT PARLOR FLOOR.ALSO OTHER BOOMS, with lirsl class Hoard; transients accommodated. l!U and 28 Katl 23d at., MadUon square. 10R TWO ILKAsANT KKONT ROOMs"fo' LKTwitli Board, U24 Lexington av., between a-'td and 54th 111 rtii AvTras,?elroan r suits and singliTkooms * on tlraL mid second floor*, with or without Board; hulls* Hrat clatx; term* moderate ; ret. reneea. <s?- and i i'Waki>-ki;kmshkd"kooms to let, P?> with Hoard, at MCltllN place. dw; TO $-*l'KR WEEK FOR SINGLE BOOM& T1'' Families arenmoiodated equally low. 26 Clinton place. Traiiaient boarders taken. 1 /\ W AVERl.EY PLAGK, NEAR BROADWAY.? i." Front Ho 'nix, $12; fit for two; aiuitle Boouia, $7. Trausient people taken, lab.e board, $4. IJ Til ST . WKST. S3. 35. 37 ? F.LEC.ANT ROOMS, J T with Hoard; permauent or tranaient; $: per day; kept by BagUak lady. "I/?ril sr.. 148 WKHT.?NIOi I.Y FURNISHED llooMs! J II with Hoard, to let, St) to 7; doable rooiux. $14; furniture new. in WliST 31 ST ST.~ SEW LY FURNISH ED ROOMS, _l 1 en suite or jluglo; first class Board; gentlemen $10. Keferencea. R5" WEST 81RT ST.?BANDSOMBLT FURNISHED iO Ko.uiix, with tirst class Board, either periuaneiit or tranxleut; references. Of) JANK~NT . TWO BLOCKS BELOW 14tTTbT.? aut* I'leasatit Boom a; excellent Hoard; all improvements; uo children ; terms low. nn BAST -'1ST ST.?A FEW SELECT BOARDERS ij'' can be aeeoiumodated; permauent or tranaient; strictly lirst clots 5l WEST WITH sT . HKTWKEN ' ' H KM A DW A Y "AND ill Mil av.?Eleyantly lurnished Rooms, eu suite or singly : house appointnieiilx hrat claas: with or without Bourd; summer prices. ') ) 35. 37 WEST 1ITH ST. ?ELEGANT ROOMS. It I, with Hoard; permanent or trausient; $2 per day; kept by Edflilll lady. 7c siiktii Washington syrare?pleasant 'xtl luriiixbed Itooma IrontinK ou park, to let, with good Hoard; French spoken; references. r.'i and r.& sr. mark's"p lack.-furnisiip.ii t JO Rio'os, I nice and small, tu let, with Hoard; teruia low : transient persons $1 per day. Q ( I CLINTON I' L A C K. ? Fl' It SIS11KII ROOMS TO Q?' let, wltlt nr without Hotrd. i jii) 4tii a v?working ladies and gentle men desiring a c"'"l Boarding House with l.oine conitorlx. good utioiiiloii aud your uiealx tu suit your time ; terra a. $4 to $?. VWI I " r.i?i 'IVMI ^ . ? A i UDAHA.I i ri.uAniiliU )?jVF liuoiu to let. suitable for one or two goBtlemeu, with or partial, Hoard; private family, 7 jo HO AV.-A ?Rf RfcSPBCTABLK MEN CAN I he accommodated with Hoard. (ii:vrKN.\l\L visitors WfftNlNG TO AVOID TffK J noiso and conf a<?iori of crowded hotels cuii find first class Acromniodatioos in a choice locality; central; street car* to all points; terms moderate. Mrs. 1*. J. M., 1,(112 Summer it.. Philadelphia. IIOIKhV A""TP svw K\<;I.\M> IIOTKL. SO MOWKKV-AI.L lijrlit. single Rooms; lodgings, 50c. nightly, $i weekly; for centletueu only. Cventhal tiorltu ass canal ht.. between ) Marie's Hotel and Broadway.?-Good llooius fiOc., 7.'*c. and $1 daily. $.'i and $r? weekly. 7Jir\~h(7rkl.r bitoai?wa"v and hth ht. rooms V and Hoard, $2 per day; Rooms, $ < a week; family Room*. $7 a woek and upward. ST.GKBM A IN. OTH NY..JJO sr. HROAHNVAY.-rVsurpassed locatiou, coolest in elty*. surrounded by above streets; rooms al! front; on Kuropean plan. $1 pur day and upward ; American plan, rooms and hoard. \SM tJ. TOMPKlNS, Proprietor. QPIXQLRR HOUHK, I NK)N *QU ARK.?Choice Rmm, 0 fruiting the suuaro, at uiadorau prices; transient rates reduced to |3 Mr dir.^ OOUNTR1 HOARD. Bn,\i:i) at i'ok.nwall on wi i?min.-a and elegant farm house; fine la arts and shade; high ground and good far* ; terms low. Apply to JOIIN i'akr. 1 >47 *ih ttv , or WILLIAM ORR. Cornwall, N. V. FTuUKTBr BO n Ito.- KAM I LIRH CAN HAVE GOOD Vj Heard ami targe airy Rooms, in a fine hou?e. on Rockland Lake, t all on or address \V. ||. MKLIl'K, 421 H road way. New York. /ccmkn BUAkY>; I'IN'uNli', L. I.?SIX IJOLLAB8 KJ per week. Addicsa Mrs. M. 11. HACK LIT. pOl NTRY HOARDERS WANTED?AT A BKAUTIKtTL Lv' tarrn. ar JVckskill: terms, $7 per week. Particulars ?i X1 1*4 II ELL, 77 Cedar at. poCNTRV BOARD ON HIE llCDHO.N -FIXE ItlVRR Vj and mountain views; l oatinir. bathing, fishing. Ac.; liooins for v.ix. or eight neiaons . g< od board al from to ,er week.*a .MAl'LK (ii;OYb, Imjx II Post oAic# kalJcil. X. Y. r UK'NTRY KOA KK WANTED?KOh (iKSTLKM\X, I wilo and child. years; convenient lor bathing, oa liclifiesot terms moderate. Address U. LI TDK, to* : o(D<e, New V i K r 1 f>CNTRY 11QA I'D WANTED?ON THE HOUND, NOT over an hour tram the city. I r three tadies, two clit I Iren aud coa-hmun; stable nc ? mmodatiou*; rooms and are must he excellent; farm house or r rfvate family ; ih n;y sh.ida an;l near good bathing if possible. Address mmodlataly, with aii particulars, W. NY. \V., C8 Last rjiIKST CLAIM BOARD- IS ROCKLAND COURT?; L" boat in?; an 4 bathing. Call for circular* at Hi! West " <1 h m. LMn.?T Class board-l irok rooms, hbautirut* I location; t?rin? reasonable. Addrjac box Do I'nst uttice, \ crnon, N Y M;01) COl NTKY HOARD, IN AN EXCELLENT LOX cation; term* moderate. Addim A. A. RYDKK, ornwuil. Orange coiihtj . N. V. Refer* to Chai h. Kiost, A7 Fulton hi, and Mrs. Ktadeimair, 42 South Oxford *t., irooklyn. (j \oiiock Tforrifcitwont, ro< kTTand coi n (I v, v i i I'uv iiiiu Jerry. ? l.urji, airy Rooms; excellent lo?rd ; 0 At I* I ii k. boating and U-hiug; icm* and S?*< per reek. Iu'litre oil premises. [> (-or.NTY CONN'Zi?\]-; ()7t TWO IJ laiiiilicN (adult*) t?n be ir> niultioiliitail with Drat class h.ard at atnnniiini i?rm on Lake WHramanit; house new; i.oitm large; driving. Imblng mot tailing unequalled. Adre** box '?! l'o?v oltlro, Now )*r. mon. Conn. w.M.V rKv MILE* KlfOM TIIIf.ADKLFIUA.02C HMW M rk road; coolest Ihmm), Inrro* room?, tilipi ceilings, rcc/v, liiK'.v, close to station and Delaware River, hourly rain*, tri lailr steamboat:-, orciard. grove, croquet, bitarils. Ac.; terms modern r?. N. S. KF. AO. Riverside, V J. \SK HOCK FROM* clTY-A l l.W ADI LTH CAN OH* / tain ploasaBt. airy and well fnriii?h*d Rooms a:ol v*mk1 hi rd. at hy applyinjf iuimediately In .Mrs. W. H., M?Ut* latr. N. A hs. li'h BOARD HOUTH iuDK uf LOV1 ISLAND, ^ two lion r? from New York: lour triiin daily each way. oat in ft, fishing, oathing, Ac. ; terms to Mill the times. Ad- 1 rro II. J. Hl.illOl', 1'ntchoiiie. 1. J. JMK J'VKNINO IELKO RAM ~~ , WITH ALL Til K LATEST NEWS, i the only Evening Taper that in read by all cUmci for two cent*. hf A VI KD?BOARD ! s K TKYVATK VANILY. WITH' \j in one h.?ur or one butir and a ball of city, tw? large uoiio, nle?i:v of tliniit!; fair price* paid for good acgomiau* aiioiH for gentleman. wife. uiirao and two children. Iringtoti, Tarry town or on Oruitrc Mountain preferred. Ad re?n I) t?. V\., Ileratd office. L\TAN 1 KD-t'UlMKV IV1TII A OK K MAS rf family, for two adit* and three children ; eeaehnre re.erred. Addreaa aiatnia teim?, which u?u?t be moder* te, A b M . Herald ntttct. [ITANTRD ji(IAKl) TOR * FAMILY i>P TWO m adult*, four children ag- % 8. 41,. year * and ouo ^mnntlii; a ?o for two acrrantf. Henkfmre preferred Adre**, -rating full particular*. mn. m. a. d., Herald I'p iw n Hra.ich ofiler. ,1'ANil l' BOARD NBAtt RBArtHoRK; RKOTIIKR, m ni<>. her and children, aged ten, nine, aeveu. Addrant KA&llOKK. .vi* Went .:ui ?t si HNKH KKM?in>. r>ATM. I.. I ? 1 -0?'I >1 J.KOVK HUTli'lV AND P*A [> vilion date raaidetira of et Mayor , with an (hlitioual winy, containing .V? mom*, fronting tlie ha\ and fcan ; cxcKlent hathing, U-hing, homing. A* i'or Board pp?y on the premise* or try Nolo io .1 <>11M tlOOPK. I>Vi kini ham 11*r'pi'.i.. .tiiiMir t:iry. l> Toptlar rare*. PKII-.K.s A c;o . late ??t New York. 4 LI. VN WOO ft floTKL. Mfl.TOV, IIL' MMiX.?BOAT _T 111*, bathing, fWldng, drlolnir; terra* ?n?xlerate. Refer* uce-Captaiu Andersen, Mary Powell, pier ilH North Hirer. W ii. noiVA. Proprietor. # [ERA] SDiMKH KKSOItrn. ^ W-.iKK.NUON HuTKL. 8*ratc^H Spring*. Popular price*. Good accommodation at $21. $25 and $2H per week. Transient. #4 50 per day. 1?AOLISWOOD PARK HOTKL J M. i n. iri b m/ly J J situated on the Kiiritan Kiver, at Perth Auiboy, N. J., midway to I .hut Branch: 5l> minutes by rail, toot of Liberty at. , tiue ground*, shudy drive* and walk* and charming scenery; Uiluuj{. boating. Hilling. Ac ; families and ot hern seeking retirement, quiet and freedom. at n-aaoriabie price*, will tiud tin* to re a moat desirable pla?e Circular* and particular* on application Addre** .lAMES WAKKKN, I Proprietor, Kagl*?wood, Penh Ambor, N. J H amilton fiouse. stamfokd."conn~iYa's and | i water In every room ; broad piacr.a; line drive* and | i good bulking; perfectly healthy. Hotelkkn i moeK " Ot?e*o Lake, CooperMown. N. V.. now opeu. Address W H. MOW'AUl). Manager. Cooperetown. or W. II. HAKMOltK, UWi 5th *v., curaor 30tu it., where plant of the hou?e can be examined IacKMCS S COTTAGK, LONG BRANCH. ADULTS, $10; live minute* walk froiu depot, and ocean conveyance to bathing Iree; reference, Mr. SEUVOhS, Fourth National Hank 1KB ANON H0U8K, CORN Mr ALL. ON TBI lin>><).\\ J now open ; shadv, pure mouutaiu air ; fine ttiihliiig; live minutes' walk from landing; term* moderate. Add res* NATHAN CLAKK. MANSION HOUSE, ROSLYN, 1. 1 MUST CLAN# hotel; boating, bathing. Ushlng , elegant ly shade <i \ ctojuet gruiiuit, splendid grove ; Que urlve*; $1D per week. J. ItIVK.N8, Proprietor. VKWMAN SPRINGS?A BOUNTIFUL TAULK AT J.* Leighto i House, on the Shrewsbury Kiver, one tulle I from KedHunk; term* for permanent hoarder* very low; transient. $2 a day ; If* hour* iroui New York by Loug iiiuii'h Ku-lroad or by boat* to Ited Bank; alindy rambles, ruatic arbor*; iron, tulphur aad crystal turiogw; bathing, boating and tithing. K. DYKK, Proprietor. uu?T?iv?u .1.? iiici IW.M X* large family hotel near New York price* low. Apply to F '1 KEITH, Eroprielor. OiaoUOMA HOUHI. MAKTHAS YIN R YARD, ! M??, ? I his new hotel in now open for permanent j boarders or tiaiihieut guests; good fishing, boatiug and sale 1 bathing ; also Cottages to let. Address ATWOOD A CO., Post otficc, Vlueyard Haven, Martha's Vineyard, Mas*. j [M akkana LAKK HOUII, ON Hib~BKA UTIPUL " lako of that name in the inonutaius above the Hudson: 4 hunting. fishing, heating; terms $|(l and $12 per week ; reference. Bl'SHNKLL A ALBRIGHT. 2$< Broadway. A Hi J A H LKK, proprietor. Peekskill. N. Y. PARK HOTEL. WHITE HULPUUR BPINGB. SARA*' toga Lako, is now open for the reception of guest*. Connected with this h??tel are the finest white sulphur baths in the country. Address StM. LKLAND A CO., Saratoga Springs. PALMER ' ilOUS^ NYACK, ON ItIK HUDSON.?A few desirable Rooms can be had by August 1 by applying at oiico. Rock grove iiou 5k, pompton jixcno.v? Healthy and beautiful location; 27 miles front city; junctiou Montelair aud New Jersey Midland railroads, tuning, boating,pleasant drives; terms from $S to $10 per week ; reierence, KIdVAKD li. CLOSE, H8 Wurren st. C. , ADAMS, proprietor. , SOUTH BIDE HOTEU Aniityville, L. I. Board, $ it) to $12 per week. Mrs. K. C. KING A SON. E BST K R " H Ot [ s R, OATH KILL MOUNTAINS,?P R f vale house tor summer hoarders; large rooms, bath room, hot aud cold water; Board first class; $7 to $10 per week ; "tabling t* r horses; livery attached. Address J. li. WEBSTER. Cairo. Greene county. Y V SALES aF Alt nuS. K yTsidork i. swa bz k 6 p f . auotionkkr?bells. 2 o'clock, 34 avenue H, large quantity Furniture. Bureaus. Sofas; aim Hewing Machines, two Billiard Tables, Ac.; Fancy Goods. Dealers invlti d. TBNOLRWOOD ?EXECUTOR'S SALE. ? <' J. DEMAJi VJ i.ST, Auctioneer, will sell on Monday, Juiy 24, at two o'clock I*. M..on the premises, 8k acres land and the large, untlnished stone Mansion at Highland statiou. Northern Railroad, situated on cast side of Knple at., about one mile north of Palisade av. and adjacent to Rev. T O. Wall's ltsidence; hoii-e was built by the late John Duffy, mason; j . the exterior construction is of iiAtive brown stone. French 1 and slate roof; dimensions, about 42 foot by 44 feet; large tower and bay windows, all in an ornamental aud substantial manner, with broad halts, high ceilings, stoned roads and stoue pillars at gateways: the land rolls; the locatiou is desirable in every respect for a gentleman's residence; j trains leave Chambers st. at 1 o'clock I*. M. ( FCOLTON AUCTIONEER. Large and important sale of rich Household Furniture, In Clinton place. Ten or 12 French plate Pier and kfautel Mirrors, rosewood Piano, rich Carpets. Ac., on Tuesday, July 25, at the large double residence No. 17 Clinton place (Bth st.), between Broadway and University place; the entire very rich Furniture, alt made to order by Koiix. Marcotttfc Belter; elegant Carpets. Iron Bate, Ac. \ Detail* on Sunday and Monday. X, It.?Catalogues can he obtaiucd on Monday, at the auction room* f?3 Kaat l'Hh it., near IImad way. ?~1 AFKNEY A SMITH, AUCTIONEERS, 17 CENTRE \_X *t.,"wlll tell this day. at 2 P. M., at 131) 3th St., uear | ft road w ay, a nearly new Milliard Table. HliKnSSMANN, AIVTlnXKKR. SELLS TOTMY. 10^ o'clock, at No. 754 3th a v.. all the Furniture aud t'a pets Ot a live story iiou*o. Plilfft invited. S. WEINBERGER. AUCTIONEER. ? ADM I S I sfuT- 1 . lor 's sale thi. day (Saturday), July 22, at IOl. o'clock. ' at salesroom 73 Bowery, ol Fancy Cosiumes and Woman'. i and Misses' Shoe* and Gaiters. My ordor ot EM A.N UKL | 1'ISTKA, Administrator. Alao Household Furniture. Cloth I Inc. Clocks, Dry Goods, Straw llata, 33. (AX) Cigars, Wines unit Lh| nors. clear Mould.. I'ipcs. r~TRAVER.' AUCTIONEER.?MORTGAGE SALE 1 this day, ui IO>i o'clock, liy virtue ol a chattel mnrtcace. at 51) (.real Jones at., three Sue Parlor . suits, Brussels ! 1 atnl other Carpets, El Agere, Library, Centre and Side ' Tables, Pictures, Mirrors. Clocks, wnlnut and other Bed- I | steads. Bureaus and Washstands, Bookcases. Wardrobes, Solas, leiunitos. Tables, Chairs, Mattresses, Pillows, Bed- 1 diup. Pillar ?iid other Kttension Tables. Sideboards, wal- > 1 nut Dioiuu Chairs in leather, Maltinc Kitchen Furniture, > Stores. 3 Counters. 5 Showcases, Sate. 3 fine Desks, Id I ? Benches for club room, wood Chairs, Ac. > ISAAC SINK. Attorney for Mortgagee. rjiim evening telhuham' ~* j i WITH ALL THIS LATEST NEWS, is tbo only Evening Paper that is read by all claseet for two 1 routs. 11'ILI.IAM J. SHE K WOOD, At'CT IONKKR.-HV I It LaMNON A SON, auctioneers and roal estate brokers. oBco 170 Brosaway, assignee's sale of tine Cabinet ' Furniture, to be sold at auction on .Saturday. July 23. lS7d. I at 1.1H2 Itr.aidway. between 27th and 2Stti sla., at 10 o'clock ] j A.M. Catalogues m day of sale. ' FOK BAJUJB.: A" N OLD ESTABLISHED JEWELRY BUSINESS FOR i sale?Would tskn a partner; reason tor retiring. Ill liealth; will sell very lew. Address JEWKDKY, New Brunswick Post oflico. V ,1. j *A - FOB SALE, I.ACER BEEK SAL IONS. sPLr.Nili did Billiard suloons, restaurants, Hotels and Baker ies. Ml ICIIEI. S. 77 Cedar ?t. 1 A FIRM' CLASS CORNER LIQUOR SfoUli liiTt sale near steamship docks. Call at FABkl LR'S. Canal I and Washington ?t. ( Business chance.?for sale at a bargain? 1 A flr*t corner Liquor Store, on M?1 adoing n I K'.iod buMUv^A. Inquire at UAKF.NKY Jl SJU1T118,ITCcntro ft * | fnuakuoal and charcoal dust for salf.-at \J II. \V. MOOjtli'S, My Toiupkins ?t i aow.n town dimn(i room, doino a good ( j J 7 busiucNM. will he xnlil cheap, a* owner )ixaa other bmi- I r : ! . *?. AddreM D1N1.NG KOOM. Herald office. nliri. STORK FOR ISALK?CAl SE OF MBLLIMU another business. Address JOHN PKTRIE, Jr., J I fiiebire CtrfitRtSs 141 Chain hart ?t. I " EI1KST CLAIM ?TBAM BAKKRY FOR .sAhK-sm; r uted in iliu city of Albauy, 4o?ni( an extenxi%'? biiNiue?? j una I- iivnij,' uii 01 '.hp iiinut'rii mwcuirm y . i ii/iih1 ana imiier, J.'i fiorM' power; Reel Oven. Cutting Machine. Hrak**, l^utiKh Mixer, Snap Machine, .tc. ; being verv centrally liM'ittnU it hx" a decided Ndv*oUrit in dcllraririir ^imkIh to 1 nil parte ol the city end to the railroad depute and boat*. ' For fort iter in format ion apply to J till N CLARKE 114 I lad- f RDM AV>? AlMNf? N? V 1 Ijnw sale uquok STroHR for rXkficuLAKrt I 1 inquire of I). H. RlClTTON, til Par* piece. fe r^Uli ftMi-FJNK i HOI' HOlSh. tiOOII MC'SlXFSH aud five > ears' Lease; l-#rifc double h>?u?e. an corner; | " rent mnsl i??i| iinmcdlnt *ly; bargain for eome . ' the ie.4?e mid Uxiuree well worth Address 2'K.M I i HKUTON. Ilareld office. ] ilUlt SAX. i: AN ESTABLISHED KriCIT sTOKR. J I Stock and Fixtures; win he wold ruaeoua In; cause lekBosa. i.i*? Hleecker el.. .New York -j Uni{ A ALL?AN OLD KKI AitusllKI> COAiTy ARD. \\ J" doing a kmo<1 buiinea*. Apply at "?14 West :;0th *t. j noli SAM - V LAKOK XTKAM HKICk Y A HO, 30 j * P miles from .New York, with g?n?d Farm of about I'Ni a a? re?, halt mile from river front, uino feet water at dock large d'T'Ox t? valuable potter's elar. Will axclianre for ! I Property ?* Central Pennsylvania Koad or Vessel Property, i ii JOHN I I HTIII, m Waal at. * ! I.VJK -All. MA SAi'lMHi'li -nV ACCOUNT lit , I it .|il?11.1 ici cornel I.iiimir Store in Went ti? j | opposite ihr Jnwj City furry; will be sold rhoi.p fur i ?.li j or mi ilbaral !trm.; rent low: lease 21 years. Apply to J, i'oi CK IHiitniraii.. New Yom. \| Ml I!I.K -<>!?A tM> I'.OIIT HUfcK AI'I'A ; 1 l?l rains, SJI rifles for sale. iu-iotr cutt. y .1 M. Wlllli'lhLtJ F su.A.vw Wiuril. it l>AKf\ I.KAMMi < M Y AVIl.L KAi itlKICti KLATKI> . X Miser AA nrj and I'lilim. 7 AA'e.t -tJd ?t. fPllh KYhNINU rKLK.NKA.AI. " ' 1 ' WITH ALL Til K LATEST NEWS, | ^ 1. tlx only Krcnin* I'uper that Is roitil by a!l cIimci for two cen!?. J A<WWl >V||,L BI V roMKKi'TIONKKY ANI> ('(OAK I V Kltro, wortlll'illi Willi trndo <>f? Inr^a college. J ' Ailnt'< but i'<j l'u?t "rtlro. Kufiiii Orange. X J. WATCH KH. JKUKUY. At. AT 77 lit,KK? Ki R ST VKtll HROAIIWAV.?MONKY ! I advanced on Diamond*, Watch#., Jewelry. Ac.; al.o I Pawnbroker*' Ticket* b lit of Dlamonda, Watcho*. Ao. I ,? 77 Htaockar at. ______________ T (107 BKOAlM?AYi IOK>KK dTJI ST.-DIAMOND*. f M'alchre, Jewelry Silk., I.ace* and l>rvm?i Property ' ol aver. dcarriuiion hoilubt and ?uid. I.nan. iiuantialea. JAM KM P. m ATf IlKtVH. t 1 >im broadway, mrak J1MT T. ula- | J\ It. Watrlie*. Mold mid Silverware, Bilk*. I.ace*. ( ariiel > II air sl>a a Is, .?< , hougbt ami aold. Loan* ueiro f 11 a i " i by J T. Ml Wli 1 Vt bkoadway, urromTR iith kt.-Ma , laende. Wutchee. .lawalry, Ac , imaglit and aold: loans n?r<*l*d. ROBhRT J. ItO.aKNTil At. Musky On diamonds reus. ac ?diamond*. a * alfhfi. Jewelry, blWcraar.. l auiel'i Hair shawl*, o-al ~ aci|uc, (,a"'\ Hlika, Ac., UhikIii. and aold back al a 1 aery email okokukc. ALLKN, Jeweller. 1.190 Broadway, eeer guih tt. h LD. PRICE FOUR CENTS. AML'MKMBKTni. KKI.LV A LEOM'b OPERA IIOl'HK?KID MI. KKI.LV * LEON'S MINSTRELS. Vint appearance of the relc'irttp I corue'iia.ia, MB J W S i A XD KKWs Mil. UKoltCK WARREN. Ptret repreaentaliou of l.ococq'a Romantic Operetta, TIIK ISLAND OK BACHELORS OABRIP.I.LK THE OXLV I.EOH ^yALLACK'i." MIOHTY DOLLA* Eighth week ?f Che .ntinltubhr artists. Ml. AM) MRS. W ,1 KI.OIIKNCB, in Wi.oira American comedy ot the MIOHTY OOl.l.A K Performance terminate. IO:A). Muiiuees discontinued. The auUltorium ot'thia theatre i? rendered UKLItSIITKl I.LY COOL by or .IOIINSON s PATENT VEXTILATINO APPARATUS. / llLMORK s CONCERT O kRDRM. IT Madiieo mid dtb ave. ami JtitU ami L'Tth ?t?. *, "On theae sultry evrnimra there ia not a resort iu the irietropolia where one can lorcot more readily the drscourfnrta ?t the terrible heat.''?New York Herald THIS KVKNl.NO AT EILIIT O'CLOCK. 1 Overture "Nabucco"' . .Verrll J. Kin*!** trom "Lucia" Donizetti 3. Cornel nolo, CAstlua ironi "Attila" Aroou Mr II A It BUCKI.E. 4. Overture, "Remlramlde" Koaaiul 5. Aria frum "Oberou" Weber Mine. eugenie PaPPKN'IIRI.W. 0. Capriee Hongruiau, "Tlie Awakening of Itin Lion" K out ski 7. Part sung. "The Tar*'Snog" limine TltK SYMPIIOMA QL'ARTKI' 8. Cornet aolo, "pantalsie Ruaae" J. IIan mm Mr. J. LEVY. 9. Part ton it, "Ever True" Ilnttoi VOCNG APOLLO CLUB. 10. Concert waltx, "Giluiore's t.ardeu" Flamam 11. March, "Inuiau Line" Warren Admission .'iOcenlr Hove-. .Apia.- .- t ?u.l i I pfvUK MATINF.B TIO DAY. AT - O'CLOCK. J~AST NIGHT Mir BIX. ,-fu AVENUE THEATRE. BROADWAY ANP V'STII S1\ tJ Proprietor and Manager Mr. ACGUSTIN DAI.I FARKWK1.L MATI.VKK TO DAY. AT J. TO-NIGHT AT B. I.A.ST BUT SIX OP rpppp II QQQy U V KERB P P II Q Q IT C B PPPPP II <3 W U If KKS P IIQQQU UK P 11 UITCU KKKE A PLAY OP TODAY!) ACTED 2S0 TIMESII MONDAY, July 31. Mr. SOI'IIKEN as PINDRKARY. WOOD'S MUSRUM. WOOD'S. THIS DAY. M ATI N K K AT J. | K V K NINO AT 8. K. T STETSON in MOSE, and NOTHING BUT DEATH. AKIsiAN~VAHII.TIEK. J OKAND MaTINEB ARISIAN VARIETIES. { TO-DAl AT IflTll. Sr. AND BROADWAY. Coolant theatre) Parted zerocjuitiarei with others. 100 HKI I.I.I ANT ARTISTS, i EVERY ACT NEW. LIVELY, FUNNY AND IKENCHY. Mysterious Sex; Or, Ciinluilun nf Genders. LESSONS IN THE CANCAN. Voluptuous uud Sensational. THE MCK-APOOH Vlvturrelll Bros. I Sharltley Bros. | Wills ami Router, lieunett and Kernel!. | John Gourlay. I Harry VauettL Annetti Savor. | Minnie Hall. [ Blanch Klberts Mile. Bertha. | Senor Novtssirun. | Mllet. Young and Clitlurd George Atkins and our array ot popular favorites. Very best und most popular enierluiuiuriil ill Auierh-a Evening* at K, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. rONY PASTOR'S NEW THEATRE, 58n and !>S7 Broadway, opposite Metropolitan Hotel. ORAN0 GALA OCCASION. THIS SATURDAY EVEN 1 NO. JULY 21. The entire roiDpanv in GRAND PROGRAMME OP NOVELTIES, The dashing M'LLK. EMOULEW in Leap tor IJfe. The PARKER SlsTERS In Moonlight flirtatious. NED W.AMBOLD in two good Sketebes. EDNA MAKKLEV'S beautiful Ballad. CHARLES DIAMOND'S Harp Solos and Danrea. LITTLE TODDon the Column ot Hold, TIERNKV and t'KONIN'S Song und Dance and Jlga. IIARRY PIIII-I.IPS and JOHN GILBERT. Ureal atttuctlona next ween. MATINEES TUESDAY ANH PBTDAT. rKKKACK GAKDK.V SATURDAY, JULT 33 Grand Summer Nk'lif Festival ut the arion SOCIETY. concert. opera, ball. 1/AFRICA INK. Romantic Comic Operetta by Curl Hoprner. All the soloat a anil lull chorus of tlie Society, wlili an excellent or elicit ra. Ticket* (one gentleman and Iadv>*-$1; oxtra ladlea, 53 eenli: reserved acuta, 25 cent* extra. Doors npen nt 7 ; concert to cotumenen nt 8 I*. M. N'ew york centennial ART EXHIBITION. The inoit Important collection ol modern Paintlnga, by the treat European master* aver brought to Ibis country. Now open daily, front 8 A. M. to 7 P. M.. at tbe LEAVITT ART BOOMS. 817 BROAD WAT. Admittance. 35c ; Ticket one weak. liDr. ; one month, NEW YORK CENTENNIAL loan exhibition. The great collection* of Art Treasure*, aeleeted front th# private galleries of New York, now opeu at tbe NATIONAL ACADEMY OK DESIGN, comer 23d it. and 4th av . and ilia metropolitan museum op art, I2H Wait mil it.. Day time only. Tickeli, 25 cent*. oal.ais royal." 4?o eru a v.?forty touno I lady attendant*. Orand rocul and inttrumentai Concert from 7 until 1 o'clock. AdmGslou true. Lxrand summer matinee sociables, central T Park Harden. .">8ili it. and 7ib av . every Saturday kliernooti and evening and Tuesday evening*; root, plenaint. line floor: beautiful gardeu and balcony; elegant mu lie: taalilunable resort: admission, rule. ; ladlea free. Kurrud oncert every Sunnay eveninr; admission, 25c; reierved icata in bexaa on balcony, 5<>r CARTtBR A BUSH, Manager*. jitil "evening telegram, with all tii"k latest news. a tbe only Evening Paper that is read by all clauaa for two ceuta. I'IAXOEOHTKn, OKt.AYN. OWa,. A ""-FOR RENT! UPRIGHT, SQUARE AND ORAM* I'ianoa of our own make;nl*o lor sale and rent, a lumber ol One second band I'ianoa. in perfect order. WILLIAM KNAliK A I'll.. No. 113Sail av.. above Kith ALAUY WILL sELL r O ft A N KLKUAM rosewood Inl ?id upright Planotorto; cost |60U. 29 tiast liit kt., near 2d nr. A BEAUTIFUL ROSEWOOD 8R\ IS OCTAVE Pianoforte, modern improvements, $100. if 10 East bull At., near Mil ftv. BAKU AI Nb. -1 'IAN OH, rvo7~S5>r $7^7 7 OifA VK, SHMI; upritrhl, $125; rents. $?i quarterly ; double reed irxnn, fttf OOKDOS A SON, 1M Bast 14th ?t. H RF.AT BAIUiAINS AHK OKKEUKO IN NKW OK l.T recoud hand square and upright l lano* or Organ* lor rash, ou instalments, or to rent in cilv or country, extremely o?. IIOIIACK WATI.US A SONS, 4*1 Broadway. PRIVATE FAMILY. O EAST fiTII SI.. OFFER FOR L* 0 magnificent 7 l-M raioWuod I'linolortr; cwt I80Q ant March; speculator or dealer can make money on it. MUSICALS r 1AKi>. ?PRIVATE LESSO.V-h PI ASu'V'ioi.l N,' <iif. IJ tar. Singing. Clrculara mailed. Instruments free lor tract ice. J. JAY WATSON, Director. Mil Kn%t 14th at. INM KI ( TION. rVuEOAKAY* INSTITUTE ~ - -- - ? \j treopens Wednesday, He ut em her 20), fur JOUII3 ladle* and tuisse*. Boarding and Day School, Latin, Lmrli*h and French. French is the language of the family. l,f?27 and 1.521) Spruce it.. Philadelphia, Pa. >i iff 1) II KKV ILLY. Pi iticipal. IRVING INSTITUTE, TARBYTOWX. 7) N HUDHO.V[ No* ; no extras ; the Sent advantages ; moderate ernis. Address A. AKMAUNAC. Principal. |)knn>VI.VAM\ VIILirtRY ACADEMY, ? riEMEK I Pa.. op'?nt 8 *ptc:nher 1M?Cirll an^iueerinc, tlie clas irs and i polish thoroughly taught. Cor circul irs apply to . M. BOfSKRT, Esq., So. 1 Nax*ati St.. New York. Colonel THKO. HYATT. President. PONT OFFICE NOTICE. L>OST OKFItJK NOTICE.?THE FOREIGN VI \ ILS KOH I ihe week coding Saturday. July 22. 187U, will clone al his otlice on Tuesday, at 12 VI., for Europe, per steaui hip Idaho, ria (Jucenntown; on Wednesday. at tJ M., ?r Europe, per steamship Sevthla. rls (Jueenstowo; oi 'hurwday. at 11 MO A VI. for K a rope, per eteauinhtp <'imnria ia Plymouth. Cherbourg and Hamburg; on Saturday, at A M. lor France direct, per steam-.hip Laurent, vis lavre, ami at 11 :Ito A. M.. lur Getmany, Denmark, wedeu mid Not way. per steamship Main, via Soilthaniptoi nd lire men. and ut 12 M. tor Scotland direct, tier steamhip Ainatia. via Glasgow, and at 12 VI. for Kurotie pei teauisllili 1 iiv nf RiiliinuiKl vin III <\irT.?? ondence for bcotland. Kraur.o ami (iernisnr to go by iliii learner mmi be specially addressed. '1 he mall* lor China, c . will leave San franchro August 1. Tin luuile for Aoa* raliu, Ac., will leave Han Francisco August 10. T. L. JAMES. Postmaster. KlIlllPK. I OXO'H HOTEL, M'.W BONO HT ANI> fLlKKORD i J *.?TW* well known comfortable hotel for fa in II it * and eiitlemeii, the only one in this central situation, has now out commodious and luxuriously appointed -tn-nim: ant >?adlug loom. wiiU a large buy wluctow commanding u tuosl lieerful view of tills Impnri ant and fasoiouabla thorough ?re ; your viaiL In solicited should you not already have inadl hoice of a hotel in the Went ICnd of l?oudno. L'nder tin taiiauemetit of w. i. and mm. Chambers. J ALU OK Tl\K *rCHATKAI! NVAKTEUlf" " ~ near Rorschach. on the Lake of Constance, Switren iiid, the property of II. K. li. the fluke of Parina and el u?i i uuut do Hardl; one of .the larittit, finest and beet loated princely |i< -sessions near the Lake of Constance / nmpnae* tlio oid castle, witli modern addiimuN, containing no lar/e nalooii* and about -Mi r"?mo, new onthouse. in wis* style, with about lo room* ; a newly restored chapel ml parsonage. a gardetinr house. with two dwelling* and back kitchen, two large tariti houses, with Coach shod* nd stables. Ac. ; a bathing house adjoining the lake. Tba remises aro situated in the eeiitre of a well r<>uipled and Idled territory, covering en area of about Id hectares, ipictulld niuadowe and orchards, park and garden Kor further Information apply t? Mr. IJ ' Z. Attorney, In themeck. canton of et. (,ail. Hwttrerland, agent of II. It. I. the Tittle of I'artna. __ _ _ hot nkk, it?h> >1 s. .. t\ \ vi ko. I vi i?ia< it v and Hrookivti. \YOI nd m a Kill mil couplk with out childreu, wish a woli lighted, airy Room, witbont ward. net ween doth and 40tli eta. Address 0. A. HUTU. '-? Iroadway. iira> rki>-hy"a nuxll f amily ok amlth, an r unfurnished Kilt or floor, with bath, closet, Ac . fut ght housekeeping, tieer Mil a v. and uot above doih st address H. B. H., bol IHi Herald ofUcc. i\T ART BD?TWO FU RNIsllKD ROC MR, MODKRV If conveoleaces, with privilege of light housekeeping; roia must be low. Address Mrs. W.. No. JOB West J** ? m