Newspaper Page Text
5 SITUATIONS IV A1TKU?riCTI\L,KS. Cooks, dir. OQ W KST 13TH ST. ?A RK8KECTable WOM AN TO cook, wuli und Iron; no objection to s hoarding i home ; citv or country ; good city retereuces. I R7 WEST lira >1 \ vol's.: woman a- com. *J I piieni sssk; will a>?lal Willi washm* , do rclereii. e ifir ibtb m r! it nuf clIS ?i?i cook . thoroughly uuderei and* her business ; no oh lection to a private hoarding house heel city re rrence. I WKCT aSTH ST.?A TOPNU WOMAN AS UOOO 1?'?? cook; good baker, excellent waioer and ironet; city reference. Vl |i" WKBT 18TII sr.; TTk7t~kloor.? A "re". -It " speclahla woman ae cook or aa conk, washer and lroncr; three .years1 host city reference Irom last place. 1 i r? H IDiON ST., CORNER LAIGRT.?A 1B0R 1' '* I outrhly competent woman as cook or laundress or to do plain cooking and assist In the laundry; hi at city refer ottces. sM'd K.vsr WH HT . I.N STOKK - A WOMAN TO ailO cook, wash and iron In a private lauiiiy ; country preferred. WEST ISTtf ST., I;kaiT"ITOUsK, NEAR btii ' *.?JL first cla?? roiuuu iook, bolel or boarding house ; city or country. 4 (iS WKsl STM 81 AS COOK is A BOARDING jtVJO houM? or re*l?urnnt. city reference. i nn luuenna in*. OT EAST 1RTII ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL ' I to do chamberwork and ironing or 10 take care of children. Cm 0Ht it iMrprtNot ttmplujrar't. RA81 B8YH 8T PRlCSENl EMPLOYER'S A young girl a* chambermaid a yd waitress; city or country. 711 9TH AT.?A BBBEEOTABLITCOLORED UIRL I 11 to do chain l>?*rworK *ud waiting or in washing aud ironing iu a private family. Call lor two days. ( fneral lloaifwnrk. etc. *> A WEST i:rrn st. ?A protestant young wo* 'X man to do housework . la willing to go in the couutry. FF UNO K1 A P BOTE ST AN t WOMAN TO DO housework in a small family: good city reference. mWB8T ,MH SI'. N K \ it ?1?! A \ Tt? !?<> general housework; good washer and ironer and bread tnaaer; good city relerence. IOl BAST Till >i A RKSPRCTABLI YOUNG Ol girl to do general hausework in a private family; good washer and irouer and plain 006k ; be#t reference*. IOl WE8T i'm II ST \ YOUNO 01RL TO DO *1 house work in a private family: in a good washer and ironer and plain cook : good cit? reference*. OA I BAST 44TH ST v RESPECTABLE GIRL TO ' l do general housework iu a private family; no loarding house. oTTt "KASTS'JI) ST JTTTE^KNT KM iM.O Y KKH.?A m 1') respectable young girl lo do general housework. iioQ WMS1 I l? 81 \ RBSPjM l AHi.h GIRL TO awOO do geueral housework ; city or Couutry ; good city reference. k) >(\ WBST J7Tif sr."55C<>ND KbOOA-A YOUNG Protestant woman to do general housework in u ! private family; city or country; good reference. J 1 I Wi si j 7 1 H ST.?A RESPECT ABLE YOUNG ? '1 L woman to do general housework; good references; city or couutry. Can be seen lor four days. QlO WEST JGIil sr. NKAK HTIi AV PKKSKNT 'IO employer's).?An American girl to do dowUMairs or general house work in a small family: best references. 4TJJ WEST 19TB" sr. A YOUNG GIRL TO !?<> Mr general housework in a small family in tho country ; best references. STr East !ilfrrST.-A RESPECTABLE AMERICAN t/x tl girl ' Protestunt 1 to do general housework in a small family; city or country; two years' reference. Houieaeeiiers. At. XQ BOND ST.. NEAR BROADWAY. THIRD FLIGHT.? O A young lady, aged IS, of good address, as housekeeper; widower's family preferred. WEST"TINT 11 ST . UP ONE FLIGHT, FRONT.? a<OU A young French lady, aged I'd, as housekeeper; not seen alter 7 o'clock. M I.S3 VAKShEN. Laanuressei. dttAO KING ST., SECOND FLOOR, REAR.?A REIO specluble woman wants washing, to go out by the day or tske home; good reference. i'j'j west si'.?a respectable woman lOO as laundress; two years' city reference; city or MOM Mlrj. T)i /* wkst"-8TH 8T ? A FTEST CLASH jLAI MUTKSS * 11) wishes some more washing; ti aeries and liutin^ doue. Xurses. Q MONROE ST., NEAR CATHARINE, IN THK 0 store.?A respectable married wornuu as wet nurse. Call or address. W KST 15X11 ST.?A t <JUNG WOMAN AS NL'KSE aiul chambermaid; is a good seamstress; city 1 OO WEST 21ST ST.?A YOUNG PROTECTANT GIRL lOO a* nurse or chambermaid. 1"!11 WEST f>4TH"~KT -AN EXPERIENCED NCRHE ? )' ' in any*, lady.or gentleman; best reference. Call or address *)t | ( P W EST I ST 11 ST.?A VoUMi AMERICAN woman as child's nur-e. a |resp<*ctable home deaired inore thuu high wages; cilv reference. mO WES Sfu 8I . IN THK REAR.- A RESPECT*10 able colored girl as wet uurso in a private family; good city relerence. *) 1 / "east :iTSt sr.?a girl, h years old, to fill) t.ia.- < are a child and do . ifcht hdUHVOlk. Jo f W|, I 44111 s \> WET NURSE; AFTER Oa*T losing her tlist baby. Apply for reference to i>r. MASON, corner Slat st. and Lexington av. 40I WERT jfiTH *T -ENGAGEMENT AS MONTH* Ol ly nurse; is now disengaged. I C?J - in v \. v PROTEST AN! UIRL TO TAKE tt OU care of children ; country preferred. KE^pf<'iAiii.K i.iRL WANTS a >itu Wii>N to attend to children; has a fair education; can do plain tewing; is willing and obliging and attentive to duty; any lomuiuuication m ill be thankiuliy received. Address MIL LiNt.K, lie raid uftioe. 31 licellaiteoiis. A USEFUL PERSON WISHES TO TRAVEL WITH a taiuuy through Europe and return witii them; good reierocceM; speaks French, l.uglisb and German. Address KINUEr.GAlt 1 EN, Herald I mown Branch office. Vi'ANl?.L v. e?lTl ATION as SALESLADY IN A O taucy store. Address M. O , Herald Lptown Biaucn ittca IIKLP W A.%TEB-FK >1 V i.Es. A FRENCH M USE. OK ?iNK sPi.AklNG FRENCH, for growing children ; good relerruces required. Call ?l 136 V\ Ml l-ln *1. y bmmpbctablk wbt nur b wanted immb" ft. diately; milk alout two months old. Apply at No. 91 \ e?t ftOth at. > TKONu. CAPABLE OIRlT FOR GENERAL houivwork; colored or German preferred. 1(X> Weil 3tb at. :M)Ok kSD LAUNDREHB WANTED IN A fcMALL \J laiul v ; inuat bo emper euced and well recommended, kpply. Alter 7 o'clock P. M., At N wport Apartment House, lat C, corner Broadwa> and ftk'd ?L MI DDLS \. i> WOMAN in l>?? THE HOI REWORK of 3; good home end $0 a month. 319 West .iota si. OPERA TOMB ?N WILLCoX A GIBR8 MAC HI mb w anted Apply At t*9 Grand at.. third floor. pAMTtti COOK WANTED?Elkiftt CLAfrM ONLY. FOB L xunnucr hotel in the country; also a plain iuunurvM. All .Saturday morning At 29 West 3Jd at. 11'AMI.' A wfct M KM., ro GO A PEW MILKH V ? in the country. Apply to-day At 41 VV eat 49th at., he ween 11 and 3 o'clock. 117ANTRD 1 Q1BL BETWEKN 1ft AND 16 YEARS v old to take charge ot a baby and make herself other rise naoiul. Apply, with good city reiereuce*, at 241 Lust j Eld st. \t ^AN T h I k?A KI RsT CLASs PANTKY COOK. SUE ft roust he wiliir.g to make herse.l generally useful iti ; Jtcheu. Call Holiday, at 11 A. 11., at room 10, --'J Broader. 117ANTED A YOUNG LADY n? ADDKK88 KNVKL ft ope* auil newspaper wrap, era, must write rapidly aud fell. A d;e?? boa 4,?K) Post office. New York. \%f?sr U-A UIHL TO Do (JENERaI. HOLUKWOKK j f f ami the washing aoa ironing ot a small private latuily; good city reference required. Apply, beta t en 9 aud Id O'clock A. M., at 03 Weat ft id at. Ur ANTED? A GOOD Gf KL TO IH> HOUSEWORK; roust be a good washer and ironcr Come prepared to fork mi No. .<9 rrosprci place, hetweeu 1st aud id avs., 4-d u a sis . >ew l.-tk UParted i compbtent, kind %nd neat yonng woman as nursr and seatrHtr ?a on Willcoa A | dibba' machine . child 3 ycara; mutt er ar cap; city ret* ' trence* required. Apply at Gramercy Hotel, room I"3, tolay, between hours id 9 and 1J only. \17 ANTED \ OIKL FOR G SEttAL IYOUSKB MTK Vf iu a private family. Bra. GKLGOUY, 317 Weat lttU u. ; YyANTED-A PERSON TO TAKE t IIakGK i>F A | ?? ?...? ?? r.^wui.nuriH, muif? out out* wmpflfri need apply. AUUiesa K. ii., Herald I'ptowii j Hrauch nftic*. IV* AN fED V LADY AM BoOKKhl IN A FIKMT If cUm privftte dre??uj iking e?i4bii?hniPtii. Adtirets, ?y letter, K. u.t llerald I piuwu iir?ncli oilier. IVAN rEt>~A HhsPhCrABI.K HIUL WHO UNDER* IT Niaoui tailti* care of children; luutl b- willing nud | PllglBf No. 311 We II it * i .,x.. li'ANii.l# LADY'* m VII' I.hi; AN ? FRENCH, f? who unaertionde droeninakitiir and hairtlre??inf; beat eierence required. Call ?t . JotRh av., up fttaira. 11r ASTKl?? A MlUULB Ai.KI* I'KOTK. I ANT WOMAN II to do csneral housework. l'uli bell twice at 2K) fca?t |Hik >t. ITtATlOMH WAvlbU \KKsPld TAHI.K KSiii.lHIl MaS ? ASIS KMI'LoVrueut on a gentleman'! place; could take charge of lorae, cow and attend to k.llieu itardtn ?r I. le id atending to an Invalid gentleman. Address l> >J llcau ?l , Irouklyn. ! RWrkt'TAHU MAS WISHES A POSITION AS i arkeeper In a spertalde house, reference unaxcep oonalile. AddreM I>., Herald uthie. AIOVTH Ok' I*. S.??A>1? II (SUM Mi K A SI) yllcic el figure., desires a re?|>ectab,e situation. Addresa S., I mix lot' licraid i ptown brmicu office. MB OLE Vol SO Mas MASTS a sITI ATI!)* as* liter In a pri.die lauil'jf; j int disengaged. j fears' beet cttjr relerem-e I runt last employer; no olfaction lu the country Address K K . 4.1!'6th av. HOTEL CI I Be -A YOl SO MAS OK IITIML veers' experience wlshea to procure a petition ?. card (ii,i billiard room inan. or hall or night valrhinau. or any ro alt ton wbare irilat and continence are rs.eutial. A .don IT,, Heraldedfae. (l,i;itK> AM) MAi.KM.MKSi. AV rti-r:..IKSCfci? ha1.i-.smas k'oK Lack. T.oTibs i and mOlngl. Ihose having trade only need address. Mating last situation, M., Ilerald ?>?. A FIRST CLASS BI'SIXESS .MAS'. WHO IIAS HAl) experience a. manager in a re.ail business mar bear nf a good .ifnation on appl iliac by letter, with to ' JullS MAXaMaEER. FlnladeipBia. I A HVKKTIK R-ACTIVF.. SOBER ASH INTKLLI2\ cent mint hare employ meet; expc em-ed, r ntine OI hhoie.ale Hade, aiixiou. to serve vegetarian.. Address A. WHerald ediee. AUKliltilsT. MHO IIAS PASSED IMS EX A >ISA Hon. speak- Oermin and English, with 12 years' egpertence. .le.ire. a situation; country preferred, beat reler^ ence. Addie.s ti, Siill.vS, Hempstead. L i. I A TilOHOl'OH DOt'HLB KsTHY BOOKKEEPER I wills#* 4 shudlioR; 22 *ears , nmr/, <*.*>. Ad- j dill! J. i LOW , PUithp?burg, N. J. | # 1 fl.KHKS AND SU.KSMKV C<OLl2cT6k"-AN KNbuGfcTIC M A.N.' HXviSii t eight Min' experience in the collecting business, would like a iitu*tloii m ?uch; reference and security yiven. AildreuCULLKi'TOK, No. ii P?rkplac?, New York, j ntt) GOODS, NOTIONS AC.?ADVk HTIbEK SEEKS a re engagement as salesman or traveller; i? pr pared j fur either oily or country trade; any tirm rcqmnn^ a push ing man ai a low salary, and with highest references, ad dress F. W. L.. box 1U0 Herald office. Di;VQ CLERK WvNTKD \s aV* 1ST A ST APPLY to G P TAPLlNii, 1,7 46 I ultou et., Brooklyn. IN YB8TIGATI NO AIVOIMA.M. JOHN V. UNDER HILL, office, National Park Bank building, 214 Broadway ; books opened and balanced. rp I IK K V ENIN G ~TE LEG HAM, WITH ALL THE LATEST NEWS, is the only Evening Paper thai is read by all classes for two . cents. il' ANTED BY A VARNISH MANUFACTURING IT house, a competent traveller who can coin maud a good traue. Address, with refer uces and full particulars, \ B. C., box I2tt Herald office. Ur ANTED-AN EXP BIRNCKD SHIPPING AND BR celving clerk. Address, for three days, X. Y. Z, llnald office, stating expectations and rsRltMSi TITANTED?BY A YOUNG MAN. OF GOOD ADDRESS TT and education a position of trust in some mercantile house or office; has had tive years* business experienca; can turiiisli best possible references. Address, lor one week, JOHN K , btt I IB Herald office. \\r ANTED?JUNIOR 5A1.h 6M tR IN DOMKeTU AND TT dressgoods stock ; must have lirst class city reference Apply between tt and II A. U. at KOCH'S. 6th av and 20th street. COACH9WN AND GARDENERS. t viii mi kVni.luii vi a v in (\u *mI vi i i.s ov - V age, wanted, to take care of a pair of horses and two carriage* la the country, 40 miles fruui the city ; none need j apply unlrM th\v understand the care of bor??s thoroughly and are good driven, uiuat be sober and steady; wages, ? O a month and boa d Address, witti references, m m m., . Herald Uptown Branch office. / 1 AUUh.NKK S SITUATION WANTED BY A MAN VT who thoroughly understands his bus ue?s; beat city rel. cc Address T. K., box ll>4 Herald office. Uf ANTED?B Y A PRO T K 81A NT YOITNU MaN. A situation as coachman and gardener; i* a brat class uiau : strictly temperate ; best refan no*. Address LI., box H I Herald office. \\*"AN ri i) \ SITUATION AS I:oa? IIMAN AND It gardener ; understands his work in both its branches and the handling of young horses to suit tne owner is a good milker if required; steady, sober and willing; three years' good relereuce. Address US Hester st., corner of Bowery. HELP \\ \\Ti;D-.n\LKS. A" NUKLL'S MfKHSa AM' I.OMAN BATHS, til Lh\ ington av., want an Americau, under 25, ior baths and office. YOUNG MAN To OPEN OYSTERS and TO assisl barkeeper. Corner 7th av. aud 38th st. h. knubel. A~~~ (ients wanted?in town and country, to ell our pure teas to families, hotels and large consumers; best terms and largest Mock in the country. Apply to THE WELLS '1EA COMPANY, "Jul Eullou at., between Church and Greenwich, New York. , GENTS FOR CITY AND COUNTRY; MEN MAKIM3 from $15 to $20 a day at 327 Grand st. Agents makk"$io~to teo a "day selling my goods. Queens County Land office. 82 Broad war. fakmkk w.\ntex>?to take oliakqe of^a furm ill Westchester couuty on shares; best references requ red. Address A., station t, New York. IF ALFRED HUBIJI and His WIFE. WHO lived two yean. ago at Bye, wl I send their address to 30th st. they can again have their old situations. \\r ante D - A CO M p KT EN T AND RELIABLE MAN Iv as slews d and superintendent or mauairer tor the Chicago Club; suitable inducements will he ottered to a strictly first class man. Aoplicatiou must state experience and reference very fully. Address Roofu 32U Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago. TIT ANTED -A SCOTCHMAN. ENGLISHMAN OR GBRI v uiao, with wife and no children, to go a short distance in the country; man tnust be a good botanist and vegetable gardener, aud wlfo a good cook, who understands dairy work; references required. Address box 4,215 Post office. \ITANTED?A YOUTH IN WHOLESALE ~8TORE; ft must write a good hand, be quick at figures .mi well recommended; salary nominal lor lirst year. Address box 1,041 Post oEm. AN TED?A HEAD WAITER FOR SUMNE iT fIOUSE; oue that understands managing girls. Address box 181 Herald office. TX7 ANTED?AN IN fELLIORNT OATH OLIO YOUTH if to tend a cigar store ; must have relereuce. Apply at 187 Chambers st. \Vr AN I K D?A N A ME ElCAjf IToV, A BOUT 16. IN AN VT oft tee ; salary $2 a week. Address P., station E. THE TRADES. T^SliiNKKK WANTKII -APPLY ONLY BETWEEN lo Pi hi>(1 Id, to KAFEEKTY A WILLIAMS, 44tli ?t. and tut River. I 1TT|OGKAPIIIC ? PRINTER WANTKII.?A GOOD J ateaiu pre** printer can tlnd a p-mianem tilu itiou by applying to CLAY, COSA. K A ? O., Buffalo. N. V. rro TAILORS, A<\~A FIRST CI.ASS CUSTOM CUTTE1 I X will *hortly b open lor a re en .'agemeut; ik a thoi o.i,. h practical tailor Rngiia : married; aged 2S. Adore** i TULok AND Ut'TTKK. Hera d office. YXTANTKD?SITUATION AM VI >T HAND IN TAPES- ' 11 try weaving mom ; lour years' reference from present pniplovfr as to ability aud character. Add rem box SI Poet office. Medlord. Mam. TIT AM TE D?AN E NOINEKR "6 P ~E X PEKIENCK IM 11 aettlug up laacbiuery. well acrjua uied with Spauiah I .ugiiage. to go to South America; muet hare good re.erces a, regard* skill and ?nbriotv. Ac. Apply immediately to J I AN li. KIBoN, 144 and 14ti let ?t., Jersey City. <1|\ COOPERS WAN TED-TO MAKE NEW CYPRESS aw A' molasses barrel* at 00 cent* per barrel, and In good trimmer* on uiolassea barrel* at $3 per day. A. S. KRIiiOS, 6t Rutger* tilp. New York. ECltOPEA.I steamships. ONI.Y DIRhCf LINK IO Kit iNi'K TlIK OKNEKAL TRANS .TLANTIC COMPANY'S Mall. HTEAMKRs BETWEEN NKW YORK AND HAVRE, I'Al.LINO AT PLYMOUTH (U. H > for the lauding oT pa*?eneera Tbe splendid ve?*el* on tlii* favorite route for the Continent (cabin* provided with electric bellaj will ?ail from pier j 43 North River a* loilow* ST. LAl'RENT <L icheauei) Saturday. July 22, 8:?.) A. M. FRANCE iTnidelle) Saturdav, July 28, 11 A. M. l'ER IRE iDaurel Saturday, Aug. 0. 4 P. M. PKlfr. OK PASRAGk IN OOLD ilncluding wioel: Pint Cabin, till) to 1 *, uccnuliig to accommodatioh; Second, $72; Third Cabin,#40. Return ticket* at reduced rate*. steerage. $-'*>. with mperier accommodation*, including wine, bedding and utenaila, without extra charge. Steamer* marked ihu**dn not carry steerage namengeri. Loi'lS OK BKRlAN. Agent, .di Broadway. N ational pii-.k 44 and 47V. it KOR LONDON DIRECT. CANADA. Saturday, July 22, 3 P. V. for yc knstown and Liverpool ENGLAND Julv 22. 3 P. Mil. Al.V Aug !>. 3 P. M. EGYPT. July .8. 11 :?)A ?l | THE yl KEN. Aug 12.KIA M. | Cabin pa*?age. #7(1 and $-<?. currency Return ticket* at i reduced rale*. Steerage pa*?ace. #2d, currency. Dralta j company'? office, 69 Broad* ay. f W. J. HUR>T, Maaager Si x rk LINK. _ NEW YUKK TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, Dl'BLIN, B LKAST AND LONDON OKKRY, Dora pier 4'2 North River (foot of Canal at.) a* follows:? STA1K OF VI Kill MA Thursday, July 27 STATc. OK N E V A l>A Thursday, August :i ' 8TATS OK INDIANA Thursday. August lO j and every alternate i'hursaar thereafter. Klrst cabin. $15 , to $HO, according lo acc mitimdationa; return tickets. $I'J5. Maeand cabin. *50; return tickets |B>ii Hleerag ut lowe# i rate* Apply to AUSTIN BALDWIN A 0 Agents, No. 7*-' Broad* or New York. SIKKRAGK 1ICKKTS at 4r. broadway and at j this company's pier, foot ok canal st., north KIYEK. Most diri ci and economic i <>i ir. ro hol. LAND. BELGIUM, Tilr, RHINE, aWI TZEKLAND At .. AC . VIA Rol DAM. Steanirr M A AS July JO Steamer HOT I KRDAM August 'I Tlieie beautiful steamers, carrying the I ailed State* mail to the Netherlands, are great favorites with the public. Trip* regular, rate* low. comfort and living perfect. }or Height, Kor passage. U NCII. KDYE A CO. L. W MORRIS, .*?<? Broad w a jr. \ NCHOK 1 l M UNITED STATES** ATl STEAMERS. i\ NKW YORK \ND Oi.ASt.oW AI.SATIA . July jj. 3 i*. M . I Ca LI KORMA.Aug5.6A.M. ANCIIORlA.Julv js.ll A.M. | ETHIOPIA Aug. 1J, 10A.M. .nU.w York and London. UTOPIA....July jj. j P M i LLYSI v . An*. 19.4 P. M. Ai HI CALlA la \ M INULIA Brat iL 8 t M. Anchor Line. Piers'Jo mil 21. North River, N?*w Yyrk. NKW YORK TO ULAMiOW. LIVERPOOL. LONDON OR I.O.N DON Dr.KKY. Cabins, $?> "> to 0. currency, according to aerorntnodatious. Excursion ticket* < n favorable term*. Steerage. $JS. currency ; informed ate. currency. Drafts issued for .nv amount at current rate* HENDKK.mjN BRorilERS, Agent*. No 7 Bowling Green. UAMBURtl AMEBIC \N PACKE COMPANY .S LINE tor PLYMOUTH, CliRKBoU KC. and II AMBU G, LLERT Iu:y *J7i SUeVI x vuju^i fO j POti.MhKANlA ... .August .i j HAMMONlA . .Au.u*tl7 tales of passage to Pljrinoutlt, l.n don. Cherbourg. Hum. bur; and all points in England, Scotland and Wales:? Cahtn. first saloon, geld ?1 O Cabin, second aabHiit. gold ?*> Bteerage, currency . ... hi) Ki MI \RD1 A CO., an RICH tRD A BO iH General Xgenta. lienor 1 Paggengcr Agents. f?l Broad st . Ne* York. HI Ilroadwav, New Ynrk. CI UNA I: i I : n K B IND N I H ilk Clk " J NOTICE. \Vitfi a view to diminishing the chances of collision, the steamers ot this line take a specific c??ur?e tor *11 seasons of Ml year. <?n the outward passage from Queenetown to New York or Boston, croMing the meridian ot .?U a: 4.i latitude or nothing to the north 01 4J. Or the homeward passage. cretain* the meridian of 00 at 42 latitude, or Hot leg to the north o 4J. from nkw york for i.iv KKl'ool AND QUKBNSTUVV S. AI A# K I< IA Wed...Inly til ABYSSINIA. Wed.. Aug. 9 BOTHNIA .....Wed . Aug. 2 I Mil NSIA ...HM.. Aug. 16 Steamer* marked do not carrr steerage pa?s-tigerv Cabin passage \ $li<0 and $i:*?. gold, a. cording to ac* com mod at. on Return ticket* ??n favorable terms. Steerage tickets to and from all part* ot hurope at eary low rate*. Freight and passage otTlco No. 4 Bowling Green. t ii \KL > < I Kw kl.\s Agent UrILRON LINi iok HOI 'tiiamfTon and IILLL-^ >ailing from pier 3 North River, as follows: Ol II F.LI.u ....August 2 | NaVAKINo Angus* 2r III N IMKI August 12 i colombo ... .September 9 Kiret rablu, 970, currency; second cabin. $4.?. turrener. ( Excursion tlcset? on very lavornble terms. Through to kefs j Issued te Continental and Baltic porta. Apply f?>r t : $ i>*r- : til . 4 r?to I II 1RLI HI WRIGHT M CO M (to it) N'oktii ukkman Lloyd steamship link between nr v York, SOlTllAWPTON AND BREMEN t'ompau ' pier Iwl of 2d at , llobosen. MAIN .. Satumav. Julv .2 j <? ? KI. >aturday, August "? NECkAll.Saturday, Julv 29 I DONAl" Saturday. 12 Ratea of passage from New York to Southampton, Havre or Bremen: Kiret Cabin RIOI, gold; Second Cabin, $tk>, gold. Steer age. $.*?. currency. Return ticket* at re-faced rates. Prepaid Steerage Certificate*. $32. currency. For freight or passage apply to oKLKICffs A CO.. No. 2 Rowling Green. / VIUCAT WKSIKKN SffcA .-.ill' 4.IN... VT TO BRISTOL (I. Nil LA N f >? DIRECT, snllittg from pier lb East River at follows: ? SoMKRSK T, Weateru ... .Tuesday, July 23 A KB AGON, Symona Wednesday. August i? Cabin passage. $73; intermediate. $#6; steerage. $*vi, currency excursion tickets, $12 ? prepaid steerage certifl ; cates, fJ'V Appij to W. D. MORGAN. Agent. 70 South at. I STEW YORK HERALD, SA1 vbonui steamships. tsmajt I.i.nk maii. >tkamerk, 1 KOK O U K K N sTOW.> AND LIVERPOOL. J ,'ITY OK RICHMOND Saturday. July XI. at NP. M. CITY UK MuNTuKAl Saturday, August S, at J P M, I'l IV UK I'll i Kit Saturday, August 10, at S P. M. CITY uK KICHMuND....Saturday, Aueuat -At, at It. A M. Cll V UK BLtU.l .. .Saturday. September 0, at ? ::*J A. m. Krotu pirr 45 Nortlt itlver. Cabin, $H0 and $ luo. cold. Katurn ticket* on favorable linut. Steerage *28, currency Drafts at lowest rues. Saloons, staterooms. smoking and oath rooms amidships. john tl UAUt, Aaeot. I > aMlSS Hroadway. New Yurk. U~NITEU sTA'l KS M AIL LINK.?STKAM TUUl'KKNSTtjWN AND LIVERPOOL. Salliup ou TUESDAY, from pu r 4?> North Ktver. nevada. ..july 25. u a.m i w yominu.aup. 33.skp.x. WISCUS.SIN Aul'.S.:'H P M. | IDAHO Sept. 5, d I'.m. Catuti. $05. $7ti and $Htt, rarrency. luturinediate. :W>; steerage. 12U. Passent^ra boosod to and Irmu Paris, IIatuburc, Norway, Sweden, .sc. Drufls on Ireland, knulaud, Krauce and Uermany, at lowest rales. WILLIAMS A (.LION, 211 Broadway. QPKOtAL NO I ICR IIIL sI'l.KMtID mail ' stham* O ship NKVaD.i sails from pier 40 North ttiver, foot of hiuk' >t.. for (Jueeostowii and Liverpool, on Tuesday. July 25. at it a. m. Kor passage apply to williams a ul'iun, 2W Broadway . *V IIITK STAR LINE lM K ult UUKKNSTOWN AND LITERPOOL, CAKItYfNO I'llK UNITED STAIKS MAIL. The st amera ol this line take tbo Laua Route* recommended l?v Lieutenant Maury, U. 8. N. going south ol the , hanks on the passage to Muecustown all the year round. HKII ANN If July Jit. at 11 A. M. p GERM iMl' August 12. allO A.M. ! >' CELTIC August 18, at 3 P. M. HRlTAN'NlC September 2, at .1 P. M. 1 GERMANIC September IB. at a P. M. J Prom Wlilta Star Docks, pier 52 North Itlvur. u Kales?.saloon, i ami SUlO iu gold ; return tickets on j 1 reasonable term* Steerage, $28 1 | Saloou. staterooms. i>mokiuir and bathrooms are placed amidships, where the noise and motiuii are leaat, aflordiug | ;i a degree ot rnnimrt hitherto unattainable at eon. | ( For inspection of plan** ami oilier information apply at the Company's office, 27 Broadway, Now Vork. i K. .1. CURTIS, Agent. , j UED 8TAK LI N IL ' ! i Appointed to carry the Belgian and ITnlted States ! v mall*. The following steamer* are appointed to aaili TO ANTWERP! | J From l'hlludelnbla. I From New Vork. ' . VADEKLAND August 7 KENILWOKTH luly-fl NEIJEKLAS D... .August 31 I SW11 Zt. It LAN 1). Auguat lb PRICES OF PASSAOK IX CURRENCY. Firat Cabin pi* i I Second Cabin $rit) Steerage ticket* to mid Iroiu nil point* at tne lowest rwtea. Passenger accommodations for ail classes unsurpassed. For passage, rate* of ireittht and other in'ormatlon apply , to PETKR WnlUHT A SONS, General Agent*. 1 07 Walnut at.. Philadelphia. GEORGE W COLTON. 82 Broad at.. New York. 1 JUI1X McDONALD, Passenger Agent, Xo. s Battery place. New York. OST DIRECT AND ECONOMIC KOI' 1'r. In IfOL- i LAND. BELGIUM. IIIK KllINE, SWITZERLAND, At;.. AC., VIA ROTTERDAM. Steamer KOTIKKD M Angnat 3 Steamer CALAND August 17 t These beautiful itramrrt, carrying the United state* mail , to the Netlierlaiida. are great Isvorites with the public I Trip* regular, ratea low, comlort and living perlect. For Ireight. For pa-aace, FUNCU. EDVE A CO. L. W. MORRIS. i SO Broadway. Of DON'OVaN' ROSSA'S STEAMSHIP PASSAGE AND * Kaiiroad ticaet office, and ilrafta on Kiiginnd. Ireland mid Scotland O'DONOVAN ROSSA'S Uotel, 182 Chatham auuare. New York. COASTWISE NTK.VUSHI~ . 1) ANAMA TRANSIT iXU PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP LINKS. For CALIFORNIA. JAPAN, CHINA, AUSTRALIA. NEW ' ZEALAND. BRITISH COLUMBIA, OREGON. Jtc. ? Sailing Irorn pier 42 North River. ' For SAN FRANCISCO, via ISTHMUS OF PANAMA. ? Steamship AOAPULCO Saturday. July 29 coniiecling lor Ceuiral America and South Paritic port*. From SAN FRANCISCO to J APA.N and CHIN A. ' Steamship ALASKA I ueadny. Auguat 1 I t roiu SAN FRANCISCO to SANDWICH ISLANDS, AUSTRALIA Hnd NEW ZEALAND. Steamship CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO.Saturday, Aug. 19 Fur freight or paasuge apolv to WM. P. CL.VDE A Co. or H. J. BULLAY. Supartntendant, No. S Bowliug Green, pier 42 North River, foot Canal st. n >'EW VORK AND HAVANA III It EOT M A Il7 IIN hf? v i These Drat class atenmships will suit at 3 P. M. from pier 13 North Klrer, foot of Cedar at., for Havana direct, aa I follow*.? WILMINGTON Tucaday. Auguat 1 COLUMBl'S Thursday, Uignat 0 For freight aud passage, having unsurpassed accommodalioiit. auulv to WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. No. 0 Bowling Green., Li LING A CO., Agents iu Havana. NY., HAVANA ANI) MEXICAN MAIL SS. 1,1 NE , Steamers leave pier No. 3 isorth River .at 3 P. M. s FOR HAVANA DIRECT. \ CITY OF HAVANA Tuesday, July25 ] CITY OF VERA CRUZ Thursday, July 27 j FOR VERA CRUZ AND NEW ORLEANS, via Havana. I'rogreao, Cumpeiichy. Tuspau and 'lamplco. CITY OF HAVANA. .Tuesday, July 25 t For freight and passage apply to s F. ALEXANDRE k SONS, 31 and 3:1 Broadway. j Steamers will leave New Orlsan* July 30 and August 20 ( for Vera Crur. and ail the above potts. MORGAN'S NEW Vol K. NEW ORLKANsTaND TEX AS steamships. ? Mo QAN CITY will sail Irom pier 3B North River on Saturday. July 22, at 3 P. M., for New 11 Orleans direct, transferring Texas freight there to Mnr gun's Louisiana sud Texas Railroad for .Morgan Cltv, thence i per Morgan's steamers to Texas ports. Through bills ol lad- I lug signed to ull point* on tbo Mississippi River, Mobile, i Galveston. Ind.anola. Corpus Christ!. Rock port. Brazos I Santiago, Brownsville nnd to all poiuts on the Galveston, llurrisburg and San Antonio. Houston and Texas Central, International and Great Northern Texas Pacific and Trans- 1 t ontinental railroads, freights for St. Mary's and Pulton landed at Rid|ft Lighterage and channel dues at Corpus Christ! and Brasos Santiago at the expen*e and risk of cousiguee. Insurance can be effected tinuer open policy of C. A. ? Whitney t Co.; to New Orlean*. \ per cent; to Texas ports. \ per cvtit- l-or freight or further In'ormstiou apply to IIIARLKH A. WHITNEY A CO., Agents; ofiice. pier N'orth River. OTAR BALL LINK. . 0 UNITED STATES AND BRAZIL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, sailing monthly Iroin Watson's anart. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1 for PAKA, PKkS'AMHUCO. BA111A and KIO JANEIRO, j calling at St. John's, Porto Rico. NELLIE MARTIN, Wednesday, July 12. JOHN BKAMALL. August ?. Passenger accommodations lir*t class. For freight and passage, at reduced rates, apply to J. S. TlOaKK Jt CO.. Ageuta, Pine st. FOR NEW OKLhANS DIRECT. ' I ' THE CROMWELL LINE. ' j The teaumhlp , KNICKERBOCKER, Captain Ketuble. i ou SATURDAY. July ?( R o'elvik 1*. X., . t Irnni pier No It Nortli River. Through billa of ladiug given to Mobile and all principal I point, on the Mia.i.mppi River. 1 Cabin |i*,??av,#.Vi; steerage, $ !.' . Apply to clark a sKANaN. 88 Watt It. rraXAB link FOR OALVKsrov TOtfOMlKQ at key 1 W e?t. carrylug the Cnited Mitten wall. Tbe iti.rair CITY UK HOUSTON. Captain Deering, will (ail on Satur* j day, July 22, at 3 P M , from pi(r 20 Katt Klver. Through bill* of lading' given to all puiuK on tbe linunton anil Texa?, I Cantral international and lircat Norihern, tialveaton, ,, llouitoii and llendcraon, and tne Ualve.ton, llarriahurg ? and >au Antonio railroad. I n ight and In.uranca at iuwe.t ? ratea, For freight or pasMtga. having (iiporlrr aecorcniodatloiin. apply to C. II. MAl.LO V till., 153 Maiden lane. p FOR .VASSAL. N I'.?REilL'i.AK MAIL STEAMSHIP * LKO leaves New York .1 u y '.'U. MURRAY. KEKRI8 A CO., 63 South at. OLD DOMINION 8TKAM.MIIP COMPANY, ~ J aaiilnir troui nier J,. Nortli River I *J For Norfolk. City Pointand Richmond, Tuesdays, Thnrt- '2 day* and Saturday * At 3 F. M., connecting with the Virginia t and TenoinNi Air Lin-, Atlantic Coast Line, Piedmont Air t Line, Chesapeake .uid Ohio Railroad and with the coin patiy't steam lines to interior jaunts in North Carolina and Virginia. Newbru and Wa?lnngt jii. N. C. (\?a Norfolk), | every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday LewfS. Del., Monday, Wednesday a -d Friday at 3 P. M., con ii ret In ir with M tryUnd an.l Delewore railroads. Passenger accommodations unsurpasM-d Through p*?*ng* tickets and bilis ol lading to all points at lowest rate*. Insurance to Norfolk. JEc., per cent. Freight received daily at i?ier ItT North Kiver. General offices, 197 Greenwich *t. S. L. McCKIiADY, President. trav bhlikrh1 omul. V ^HIGHLANDS OK TilK HUDSON HY DAYLIGHT. I he M AKY POWELL, lor West I'oint. Newbnrg, Poughkeep?ie, Kondout and Kiugatun. landing at t)otuna\ . Cornwall. Mut- n mid No* Hamburg. and Marlboro by ferry. * will leave pier iff* North Kiver (Vestry ?t ) daily. Suudaya . excepted, at '.tiiii I* M Connects at Poughkecpaie with evening trains for the North. a LB A NY -PKOPLF/S I.I N K.-STF AM BOATS LEAVE j\ pier 4 i North lit-, er daily. Sun-lav excepted, tit B P. 4. lor Alnany and all p< Inis North an S West. great reductions i.i fare Excursion ticket* to Ait any Saratoga, Montreal ' and return. Meal* on European plan. J VLB A N Y AND TROY llY lL\Y BOATS C. YlllBAKD i and DANIEL DREW.?Leave Vestry ?t. pieratSrlO and 34th at. ats:?fA. >1 landing at Nyack and Catrt town (bv ferryboat), West Point. Newburg, Poughkeepsic, khtnebeck Cats*ill an I IIudeoii Close connection at Ali'anv I with new train ai s P. M. f?r the West over New ' York Central, and bv special train to Saratoga and Hound ^ Lake To We?t Point and New burg ar.d return saino day, ' $1 ; Ponghk eepsie. sF 1 Jkk Brooklyn, nkw york and nkwbvro, by steamboat ARMKNIA.-Leave Milton m., Brooklyn, * at 9: Vestry si.. New York, at 9 and 24th *t . at 9;fN I ' A. M<% 1 .tiding at Yonkers lona Island, Corset)*, West Point and Cornwall Returning, arrive at Brooklyn. 7 P M I fesets lor tbt round trip, f I; to lona lalane and return. To cents. J /s era kill crei-'.k un^-stkamkks xkw cha*. j \.J PluN ??r WALTKK BRETT dai y. from Canal sk, pier 4 j North Rift r. it p. m. I art, tyo Berth* IhNk * /1ITISBNR* LINK KM UNI KTKAMBOATH fOR \ rioy. Saratoga an 1 all points North. East and West leave daily, except >*tur,lay. at t? P. M . from pier 49 North i 1 Kiver through fare t? > traioga only $230; excursion 1 (,.r 'UI.I.V. iJ J ^AII.Y I.IXK TO NORWALK. ? KAUK KKDUORD. i Hj: lh.' >t?u?r A HltWSMirH, U.vlng Jfw.ll wharf, Brooklyn. it t1? I* M ; pier >7 a t Kiver, 2 I'. t M , and loot of 33?l ?t. 3 I' M He turning leave* \ or walk , Hi 7 :?1U A. M., daily (Sundays excepted*. ronne.ting way wuh the Daahiiry ?im1 Nor*.,-k and Nov* Haven rail- f road*. Fare. :tf? cents; excursion ticket*. NO cents. Fall riykr link to boston, via Newport and Kali Hirer The world renowned steamboats HRI8TOL and PROVIDENCE leave pier JR North River, foot of Murray ?t daily (Sunday* included), ai ft P. Vf. Tbrouvii ticket* aold at all the principal hotels in 1 J tlMtltJ I Cy>R HALIFAX. S AMI .11 JOHN*. X. K. r CRnMWKI.I. t>TbA\|.-.|lir 1.IXK. >teamers leave pier H) North lliver following days, at 3 ; P. M : ? OhoRGK CROMWELL. Tuesday, August 1 UEOttoK WASHINGTON Friday* August 1,1 1 iioftt direct, rtuic*'?t an J cheapest r ute to Novo scotia. 1 Newfoundland and the Lower t Lawrence, hxeellent passenger accommodations. For freight or passage apply t. i LARK A BR \\I\n, NH VS est *1 j N'hW YORK TO MONTREAL AND KK1T RN KOR $ 15 'JO by rail all the way. $13 by Citt/en*' line of st -smbe t* to Trot; thence in tb??se favorite linen, the Troy , an.I Huston an>l Vermont Central railroads, tickets good ; until September I. For furth-r particular* apply at Cttl- ' reo*'line .?ffi?e. pi r 41' North River; Overin* express j office. B3 M est l.l *t and No. 4 Il oiston *t . corner Broadway, and at St. Charles Hotel. ??4* Broadway. ONLY DIRECT LINK KOR FLORIDA.?WEEKLY line for Port Ro) al, N V.; Fernaitdina, Kia.; i ron* I sailing every Friday Irom pier .0 East River' The steamer CITY OK DALLAS, Captain Hiues, wil, sail Kr day, duly 28. at It P. M. Through ticket* issued to all p. n-* lor freight or passage apply to 0. II. MALLoRY A CO., 1ft3 Malum lane. ctoxinotojt link FOR boston. Steamers RHODE ISLAND and NAKRAGANSETT, from , pier 33 North River. fool .? .lay ,t , ?| j |\ Providence Line, from pier 27 North River font ??f Park place. Steamships I KLbCjKA and GALA I KA. at 4 . HJ P. M. I * FURDAY, JULY 22, 1S7G. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. i PENNSYLVANIA ItAlLKOAD. " UKlAT TKl'SK LINK AND UNITED sTATE> M AIL ROUTE. "rain, leave New York, via liedrroeae. and Cortlandt Ireet lerrie*. at lollow,: ? ?zprt? for Harri?burg. Plttahnrg. the West and Sooth, with h*illi mail palace cart altarhej. V :30 A. M., 6 and N .JO P M. Mintlar. 6 an I 8 Jo P. M. 'nr Wllliaiuvport. l.ockhaveu. t'orrr. and Erie at 2:4(> aa>l H :3 P. M., connecting at Corry tor Tiluiville. Petroleum Centre, ami the Oil liet uiil. ''or Baltimore. Washington and the S,mill, "Limited Vt'athinutou Exprea."' of Piillaiau parlor care dailjr. esc pi holiday. It:J > AM: arrive Washington 4 :lO P. M. Kegular at 8:40 A M.. 2:4U and 1) P. M It P. M. tspreea for Philadelphia, 7;30, 1:411, W:Jt A, M.. 112:34, 2 :40, J, 4, 5, ti, 7 h: jo, 9 P. M. and 12 t ight. Accommodation 7 A. M. aud 4 lit P. M. Sunday S A. M., 3. 6, 7, 8:30. and It P. M. Kmicraut and aecond rla?? 7 I*. M ror Centennial depot at 5:30,0 :3o, 7 :3 ', 8 A. M.. and J P M. Un Sunday 8 A. M. Keturulug, leave Centennial depot at I. 4 :4S, 5 30. 6, and 7: 5 P. M. On Sunday 7 JO A M uiid 7 P. M. "or traiue to Newark, Kliiabrth. Kuliway. Princeton, Trenton. Perth Atnboy. Kleuiington, Helvidere and other point,, aee local m-hedire at all ticket otlicea. rraiu, arrive;? Krout Piltahurir, tiidl ami |o:J0A. M. and . Ill go P. M. daily ; in :1U A. M. ind i> :5o P. M daily, except 1 Moudey. Kroiu Wnahinglou an 1 Baltimore, 0 :.n> A.M., 4 :lu. 5: 10 and HI :2u P. M. Mittday. ti :30 A. U. Kroiu I'hila- , dclphia. 5: 5. 6:20. 6:30. 111:10, 11 :2<?, 11 A M.. 2 .10, 3 Ti i 4:10.5:10,6: 0,?:V>, 7:35 7:4<l.S: 0 and IDiJOP. M. -unday, 5 JJfi, 0:JO. 6:30. 1U:10. 11:5) A M..6:50aad i III:*) P. M. Ticket olticaa. 526 and lt44 Hroudway. So. 1 Aator Home, ml loot oi lie,tim?ara and Coriiandt ate.; No. 4 Court at., IrtKiklyn ; No, 114, llOaud 118 Uudaon at., Iluboken ; I>eiot. Jeraey City. krui-rant Ticket OSice, No. 8 Hettery lace. D M. litlVlt. J it., (icuerul Paaaenger Aceut. Krahc Thomson, lieueral Manager. L New Jersey Southern Railroad. ?Fare lower thanby uy other route, commencing June 19. I*7d. l.eave New fork Iroiu pier 8 North River. tout Rector *t., 0 :4ft A. VI. lor .rug Branch and Seabright. Ac.: ! :4ft A. M lor Pblladeliliin, Long Itranch, Tome River, W'arntown and Vine land; 1 :dtl 1*. .M. for 1'liiiadelplila Long Branch aud Tilckertown ; nil' M (or I .on IT Branch. Toms Klver aud War town; . :8il P.M. via Ircight boat and |>ai> tender train tor Lung (ranch Sundays, U-.JO A. M. lor Long Branch, returiiiuggit . I'. M. W. 8. S.N EDEN, u. M. ' AKATuoa.?THE MOST POPULAR AND DIRECT c route ia by the splendid etoamere of the reople'a l.iue IRKW and mT JOI1N. leaving daily Iroiu pier 41 North liver, at (J P. M. Great reduction in far# oy excursion ickels to Albany, Saratoga and Montreal KXClUSlONs. V~?ROCKAWAY BEACH EXCURSION!*. TWENTY MINUTES ON THE ATLANTIC OCEAN. FOUR KXl.T RSIONS DAILY ir the favorite and commodious excnra on steamers, ' AMKKICUS AND NKVERMNK. dusical entertainuient by the celebrated OKPIIEl S OLEK CLUB AND THE BISHOP OUARTET CLUB. AMEKIcUS LEAVES :4th et., N. R., I 10th at., N K.. I Ve*ey at.. Full, at., Bkln., A M. P.M. A.M. P. M A.M.P.M. A.M. P.M. W Al and 1 :15 I 8 :4 ft and I:2ft I :* :< *? 1:40 ?:2o and 2:00 NEVEUSINK LEAVES EAST RIVER. ?th at., K. K., I Wtnahg. I tirand sc. N.Y., I Brooklyn, A. M. P. M A. M. P. M A. VI. P. M. A. M. P. M. trim A 12:4ft | 8:1ft and 1 ** | 8:tt> nnd 1:10 11> :00 A 1 :30 The WILLIaM COOK, with niuaic. leavea daily. 24th at., V'orth Klver. al 10:S(l; Weal 10th *1., 10:13; pier No. 2, 11, md Brooklyn, 11 lo A. M. Steamers leave Rockaway at 11 A. M., 4:10, ft and ?:1ft P. M H are, 3ft cents. Excursion tickets, ftO cents. Return tickets good on either above boats. NOTICE.?No ilclav Irom low tide. Only boats making the upper landings at Rockaway. A ?EXTRA ROCKAWAY EXCURSIONS. I /V, The mammntii pleasure steamer william cook, vlth apaclona decks and broad awnings, will loave every ] lay, Sunday* included, from West 24lh St., at 10:110: West | It nil at. at 10:1ft. pior No* 2 North Kiver at 11 and Brooklyn 1 it 11 :10 A. M. Proceeding directly down the harbor and out on the ATLANTIC OCEAN o the most popular watering place in this country, where rasseugcr* are allowed THREE HOURS TO ENJOY THE COOL BREEZES ON THE BEACH. Returning, leavea Kockuway at 4:20 P. .M. Fare lor the whole excursion 50 cents. CONTEKNO'S CELEBRATED 22D REC.T. BAND PHILLIPS' t?4.EE CLUB: PROFESSOR SOLTAU, DIE RENOWNED CORNET PLAYER AND PIANIST, rill entertain passengers on the trip. Return ticketn are good on the AMEKICUS end NETER sl.NK Tor those who desire to slay on tne beach later. V?rockaway excursion extra! Seven excursions on Sunday, Jnly 23. In addition tu the regular steamboats AMKRlCUS nnd N E VEKS1 > K (see nilveri isement in thi. column), he swift and coiniuodloua steamboat ARROW SMITH rill leave 24th St.. North River, at 0:20 A. M. and 2 P. M.; .Vest 10th at. at 9:8 ) A. M. and - :1 P. M.; pier No. 2 North liver. 9:4 > A. M. and 2 P. Ai. t Fulton ferry, Brooklyn, 10 V. M. and 2 :3 > P. M. The mammoth pleasure steamer WILLIAM COOK, he favorite excursion steamer ol New York, will leave 24th I , raorin nivfr, as in:.w; iu.un., .aurtn mv.-r, mi i":? U M.; pier 2 North River, 11 A. M.; Pulton ferry, Brooklyn, it 11:10 A. M. CONTEKNO'8 TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT BAND enil PHILLIPS' GLEE CLUB rill furnlih mnaieel entertainment. Passengers ceu returu from tho Beach by boat! leaving at 1:3U, 5. & :J0 und (i. Pare, 3"> cents; excursion tickets, SO cente. Return tickets good on any of the above lucntioaed boats. ^TLANTIO OCEAN AND ROCKAWAY BEACH " TWICE EVERY DAY. INCLUDING SUNDAY'S. JAKRKTT A PALMER'S palace or the sea. the PLYMOUTH ROCK, will TO DAY and everv day. intruding Sundays, make TWO ORAM) TRIPS to IOCKAWAY BEACH AND THE ATLANTIC OCEAN M UKIC TWO br the Madriiral Ilu.trs. Mozart Olee Club. Church Cbiiues. Ac TRIPS Ry the MORNING EXCURSION over SVERY DAY, four hours'stay at the Beach. INCLUDING By the AFTERNOON EXCURSION passengers will also have ample time for SUNDAYS. bathing in the delicious ear! and lor luncheon. MOP.NINO?Leaves the foet of T-'d ?t.. North River, at 8 'clock, utid pier No. 2. North Itivcr, at 8:3U o'clock. APTKRNOON?Leaves the loot or 22d St.. North River, at i . :bo o'clock, and nier No. 2, North River (adjoining the Batery). nt 2 o'clock. ARK FIFTY CENTS i tingle Trip Tickets, to or from Itocknwnv 36 cents All tickets must be purchased ou the piers. I PLYMOUTH ROCK: EXTRA, j GRAND 41ALA TRIP. THIS SATURDAY, July 2J, the palace hotel steamer | 'LY'MOUTIl ROCK Mill make her regular trips to I iOCKAWAY': tut In the altemoon. on her homeward mir*e bedecked from ateiu to stern with a myriad of flags. ! iit'f presenting a ruauuiticeni apDearance, will leave Rockiway at 6 o'clock and proceed to LONG BRANCH, lasting close in front id the beech, givinc a clear view o he hundreds of gay ei|iiipair<-a on the OCEAN DRIVE, and alining the guests ol the numerous hotels. BOAT will leave New Y'ork lor Kockawsy as nsttal, In the IOKNING fro at loot of CM at.. N R., at 8 e'eleck, aid piee t, N. K.. at H:3t?o'clock. In ilie AFTERNOON from foot ol yd si.. N K , at I :'*> o'clock, and pier 2 N. K. ladj'duing be Hattervi, at 2 o'clock. No extra charge > A it PI FT* CENTS. ? -A.-A.-A.-TO NEW BURG UN SUNDAYS. The first class and favorite steamer SYLVAN DELL, ' lor Newiurg. girts pn-seogers 2 tours at Newhurg. 2x-t hours at Cornwall. 3 hours *r Cold -pilng. JtU, hours at Coz/.ens Landing. 4 hour* HI inn* lilumi. and arriving iu Ne\? York on return at 6'. I'. M. I.envoi Harlem Bridge at 7 pill A. M ; 120th at.. 7 !T?; uttlll M , 7 :4t); r.nat 2>(d( kt , 7 "??; Kent at.. tiree updnt. liC?; Grand at.. New York, h.JV.IVcU allp, * to. Wet Dili at.. S A*?; Weal 22d at.. U an I Manhuttanvil e. H Fare. >1 t r pie round trip to any punt above Y'onker*. No apirituoua liquors -old on the boat. * ?A. DAILY am> RUN DAY KXCUKftlONd TO A* Fort Lev. I'iaaaant Valley and shady aide. ? Steamboa'f ! chvo tJanal it. daily atB:4'?and IDA. M. ; 2, SjlA aovl 7:|.i \ M. Sundae at It, ID and II V M.; 12 ML, I, 2,3, 4/1 and i I*. M ; lauding at 24tn and 34th *ta. rl-.ilv and Sunday? Hi iniiiu t ei later. Knuu 1 trip. 2 *c. ; children bait price A-( llOLLHA BANKS, SATURDAY v It HIT, JULY 22. ocean ateamer >1 I II LidY, An't.*r??n Colwcil ill t. leaving llnrtriMfU at. N. R.. 12 M.; Hkh *t.. N. It 2:Mt; Kth , K. K.. I2.4U; pier 27. K. K.. 1 A. M. IVkeU. fJ Steam* r WILLI Ad I'LE D II Lit to I hliig Hank* Sunday, July 23. AL U FosTKR. Xlanarer. \?FISHING BAN KS I.VKKY LAY. SA I LRU AYS excepted; <?eeiin ateamer SM'II Lo\V, leaving liar ! ton it.. N. R.,?i :H; Hth at., K. H.. 7: pier 27. L It., 7 1 >; 10th at.. N. H., 7:40; pier th N It.. s a. M iicketa. Si. AL < i Fd.iTKR Ma ii at; er. AUK KX(H*R<T(TN?C SALOON SI \ MKR \N YUMI lug; bargei Republic, Chicago Baldwin. Caledonia and tnua; tlriental, KxceSlor, Kantan Hen h, Aldernev Park, 'old Spring and lj?na l?land grove*. Address, or apply to, at 184 Weal it., oppoaiift Cliri*topher >tn et Ferrv. II. B. ; ROSS K I T. A?A. ?TO CHARTER. S T* K AM BOAT PORT LKR; will accommodate 41** p**>eiv?r?; price $f>n to ?l?JU >er dar. Apply in the afternoon at 47 Fulfill at. -KlK.Hl r LASS ROt K AWAY \ i >. 1 N it A I . No mm. but plenty offnn. The clipper ateamer >l'N* sIIINK. Captain Jobn It. llolmet, wRl make DAILY mid tt >OAY EXCURSIONS to Ro* K\W\Y REACH Irrnn lliirlem and Morriaaain, leaving 2d av. and litttli at >it i;:i?i; New lla\eu Railroad dock, H llRtli at.. H to; -t-ltla ?t . S;"iU. 33d at., W; Grand at., t?;lo; Pulton Ma Wet Blip. B Returning. leave* Rock away at 4 I*. M Muxic aud re* Y abment* on board. Fare, 7'3 cent*, hxrurvioa ticket*, j di een11. Children over ten yean, (nil fare. { H. LONGS REhT, Pn prletor. ii* RBK D tl I Xoi H.MO.Na ro IIj ill BKil) II ? A void the erowde I I oat* Take .Mormnia bott? at ' Fnltoa aud Grand xtreet*. thence by i team era ill.KG MIA and MOSES TA? LoK to Iligh Bridge. Kxruioma iicketa tot the whole trip. Imm New York to High Bri.ed i and ret urn, lb o ? L<'N?i>IKKl I tiper men enl PLKASA.N1 EXCURSION CP fTTi Sol 41) MAT be had by going on board the SKAWAMIAKA e>ar\ ; ^Ninrdav afternoon intl return the Minr evemn lit j ?ea('lilt tilen I'oec mnl Uiaiyn. I'he bom Irmri IVrk M|> it #. M. U4 SU M., K. K.. at 4:15. Kurt. .'air. tor on id trip ^ ? KOl'xtak sunday mokninu boat ~ or Keyport, lauding it Lllaabetbport, Komvllle ?ud Perth Amboy, will leave New York from pier 31, North Klv#r. foot if Uirrlton ?t., at 1' A M. On returning leave* Kriport t JO P. M . maklnit * pleaaanl family excariiun. The Si A I' ThAWAN lenvee pier 34. N II., itnily at 4 P.M., returning Iroin Ke port on Saturday. it 7 P M. Vitj \HO i \ l It.* ION n> avtoria,", , MnrrUnnia and High Bridge I lie etianieri MllKKl.'A.MA, HAItLEM and HIIAUV Hi OK l.eite Fulton Market Slip | I.emc klorriiaiila. U:JO a. M. 3:15 I'.M. I H :15 a m. 3 .<* P M 10 ;O0 a. .m. 4 "l ' p. M. 0541 a.m. 3:45 p.m. 111. a m. 4:10 PM. | P:4.'> a.m. I'M. 12 .-01) m. fi:Jo P M . |o -.#i a m. 4 to p.m." 1 -m P M. ' ' P M. Ill 15 A.M. :JO P M 1:15 P.M. < :l > P.M. 11 :l . P.M. 0:15 PM. 2 lo P.M. M :00 P M \ I : >1 P.M 7:1)1' *. Lending *t (Iran.I ?t 23<l at. and IInth at. Connecting with hoit? lor liigli Bridge. I'it?i.n?'r? by tota line will be iitmitted lo the ureal tub marine eacateliona u drr Hell i.ate. c. u LONtkS i khet. Superintendent. KXCL'RSIOWH. 4 ? fthlVCLAB BUNDAY MOAT FOK NBWAKk. At On and nfter SUNDAY. May 7. thy fax ?n t well known sienmbcat THOMAS P WaY will make her retrular Sunday trip between New York and Newark, leaving Commercial Dork. Newark, at H A. M ; leaving New York, pier No. 21 North Kiver. foot ol Veaey X.. at |0:JU A. M , stopping at Bergen Point each way. Fare -S cents. ?Oil A NO K Or flsTKT-flfK FAVUKITK sTr.AMKK . l.ONO HKAN'CH, t'aptaiu Curtis, will coimuetice her regular Sunday trio* to Newbura lor the season, on ani alter .1 unr 11. Leave lout of ~>th st , lloboken, 7 :M<> A.M.; Fulton ferry. Brooklyn, at a. M.; We?t lOth at.. M A. M. : Writ iMtlt si., it: Wi A. M.; landing at Yonkrra, lona laland, Weat Poiut, Cold spring and Cornwall. KeturuinK laavea Nawnnrg at JtlNP M. War.a lueuls and rclrtshmenta served on hoard at reuaonablc ralra. I' are for round trip, $1. Clook's Todii T<? IIIK WH1TB HOOSTAIMs J ny every route and to owrv point of interval in the mountain?. Circular tickets, erabrariiiK the White Mountains, Lake Clian.plain. Lake Ueorge Saratoga. Nlmura Fall*, Watkins' tilen. Ac , Ac., at reduced rates. Cook's hotel coupons, available at all principal places. including Niagara and the While Mountains, at est .VI par day. These coupons are supplied only to h. nlera ol Look's tickets. For lull particulars apple at th- chief American nllire. COOK. rt>. ,v ,i k iv i s s ji.i Broadway. / i HAND "KXIIlBITln.S VT SKaMIDB KOCKAWltY A T' beach, near surf, ol Centennial liioundi and Views this nu i er?ry ween a?r nriernoou (; Ihe fAhon. 10NA ISLAND, WEST POINT AMI NEWBURU.-SIK advertisement ot steamboat Armenia. LAI RKLTON HALL COLD MPRINO H ARHOR. L I.? I lie lust steam yacht RaRITAM. leaves Pier 41 East Hirer m 3 :AI P. M. andXldst. at 3:30 daily (Suudays exeepted), direct In l.aurelton, stopping at Wbltestone, Lloyd's and Junes dork* Leaves Luurelton at H Ml A. M.. arriving In New Vork at 0. Chartered Inr the season. by )H XI EltS ,t MO KUAN, Proprietors l.aitiel on llall. N'uTK h! ?aFTI If sAI I liD AY. JULY' 22. It*7?. TlIK steamer GENERAL Kr.UliWICK will discontinue Iter trips tii W ldtrstoue, ilreul Neck, Send*' Point. Ultn Cove, Bcu Cliff. Mutt's Dock and Glen Wood, ami will commence daily tripe to Kockaway, Wednesday, July 2tl, 1X76. Nutice hereafter. ROlt LAW A Y BEACtf. Change <?r time. Fare reduced. Movie tin..eta. J:> ecu In. Excursion, 40 cents. The favorite and well known steamer TWILIGHT leaves everyday, Harrison at.. North Kiror. at 9 A. M.; lltid d., Nortli Klver. B:30 A. M.; loth It . North River, B:4Y A M : pier No.'J. North it.ver. lo A. >1 : (Irand st., East Klver. 111:13 A. M.; Kultou terry, Brooklyn, 10:110 A. M? making all laatlin :? at Kockaway. Music and refreshments. Returning, leive Kucaawav at S K. M. UBAWANHAKA monday BXOCRSIONM k? to College Point, Gnat Neck, City Island. Sand's Point, Ulen Cove, Boa Cliff. Olenwood and Itnslyn. The steamer SKA WAN H A K A leaves Peck slip every Sunday at it A. M'., 9th st. at IMiS A. M. and 33d ft. at 0:ltY A. .M. for the above places, returning to the city about 0 P. M. Dinner and refrcshiiiems on board. SEA SURF BATUlXo! Change of time. Ilourlr Trios to coney Island. Every hour from 9 A k.Yo 4 P. M. North Hirer landings only I'lie steamers IDLKWILD. ELIZA HaNOOX an 1 PILOT HOY' will make dally excursions to Couey Island Bench us lollows:? 24th st.?ti, H.IIA1I., 12 M., I, 2. S. 4 P. M. lOtli st -0:10, 10:10, 11 :lO A. M.. 12:10. 1:10, 2:10, 3:10, 4:10 P. M. Franklin st.-0:2O, 10:20. 11 :'20 A. M? 12:20, 1:20, 2220, 3:2ti, 4:20 P. M. Pier 2-9 l. 10:30. 11 :30 A. M., 12:30, 1:30, 2:30. 3 :3J. 4:3<i mid 5:10 P. M CTKAM i" It Fi.iTltA LEAVES Kl l.ToN KRUKY. 0 Brooklyn, and the Hatlerv, New York, for McCluskry'k Itxih P rk. touching at Fort Hamilton. via. :?Fulton ferry, 10A. M.: Battery. 1(1:10 A. M ; Fulton terry. 2 P. M.: Battel! . 2 |u P. M.; Kultou terry, 6 P. -M.; Batteiy, .'i;lO P. M. Sundays?Fulton ferry, HI A. M.: Battery, 10:10 A. M ; 1 ulton lerrv, 2 P. M.; Battery, 2:10 P. >t Fare 15c. Excursion tickets, 2oc. rjpo long BRANCH on SUNDAYS. The line steamer CRYSTAL WAV B, of the New Jersey Southern Kallr >ad Line, leaves pier 4 North River, foot of Rei tor at.. 9:110 A. M. Returning, the train leaves Long Branch 3 P. M. W. B MNI.DEN, O. M. J. liENElt.AL SEDGWICK leave* Yeser at., M:30; Kultnu lerry, Brooklyn. 8:4ft; Grand ?t.,9: J tU ( , E?t Kiver. il :lo A. >1., landing ul Lighthouse l'oint on the wtr to and trom New lluveti: those wishing to slop at the J'oiut will have ail lioor longer ashore. Reluming. leaves New Haven a M > P. M., arriving at New York BtauP. M. Music by l)e\ercuii's Thirteenth Regiment Maud. Refreshments oa board. Tickets for the excursion, XI. "11/EST POINT, NEWBCRG7 POTGTTKv.EP.S1K AND Y? return suiue (lav. by duy line steamers. FUR.VlTUKiu^ " ~ A ?Wlsftk LY AND'MONTHLY' PAYMENTS TATCK!? TV tor furniture, Curp t? and Keddtng at B. M. COW. PKKTHWAITA CO.'S, 155 and 157 Cn at ham at. An Immense Stock at low Dricea. Good secondhand and misfit carpets, oil cloth, cocoa Mattings, Ac., very cheap at the old place II- Pulton at.; price list sent Tree. M. J. KENDALL. M1SCKLLANEOIS. ? IJOSTAGK ST A M PS.?W HOLKSAI.h DKALKB3 i.S pottage stamp*. especially .North, Central and South American, are r quested to send their price list* to tlie undermentioned address; if touud convenient conitideruoie cjn ?niities will be demanded; payment in ca?h or in used or unused Chill stamp*, cards. Ac. Address E. 1'. KUKltHAKDT, linprei. ta ?lei Universe. Valparaiso, Chili. S. A. BIliliiAHila. AMKRICAN STANDARD BEVEL MILLI ARD TABLEi*; also a Urge Stork of Malls, Ones. Ac., at reduced prices; second liund Tallies at great bargains. W. H. QR1KP1TH A CO., 40 Vasey at CN O LLENl?KK'S WtTAN DAKD AM K RI OA N BEVEL J IlilliiirM Tiil)ldWr\ith the calebrateil Plielnn A Coiiesuur combinatiuu cushions, lor sale in this city only at 75S Broad wy. (OVh \M> YViHJU. U'IMI-,11 M PPLljtfs ill I KI.SII MINED c6XlW? YI uishud to lamilles and others during .Inly and Aucust at wholesale cargo rates: satisfaction giiaranteud. Address i ii.ii.. ho\ .Pastsace. SASilsl .dAVT^hn. At pricks never approached b'eForS ~ blule and .Marble Mantels. Largest a?s >rtraeot in the city. f'KNKliYN bLATa COMPANY, 50 Union square. 4th av and 17th St.. New York. Manufacturers of all kinds of .slate Work. KXCHANGK. <r?i ATwy -i:\ciiAN..i; for h ?k>i-.s or cow8 JpIaWuvt .*1 years' Ideate, Stock and Fixtures of one o the best Chop House* hi the city; trade no better. Address LAU UA, Herald ofllce. FINE A It I S, SoH 8ALK?"CRY* ANI> ALCYO.\E,m AN OItUllNAL ' oil painting, by K. Wilson, to be Seen at 82M (dh av.. iw.pnar 4T?1? .t MATltlMOMAl,. AX ASKD LADY, OF KM INF. XT RESPECTABILITY ftitil ?c 1th. having AUatain ?d mortal injuries by u 'nil from liar carriage. wishes to bj troth her on y and orphaned granddaughter. who it unrnphbtiCMied, young and lovaiy, to a Kriitli'liiiii t mature years, Kpotle** lute rity and high honor. Address Mrs It. L. !.- b Bra tdway. ASTROLUttl. % WONDERFUL CHILD; <i!FTfcD WlTfi t&COND iV sight, tell* everything without quebtiouing. Near Broadw n \. 1 id West 4( ?t it st. ASTKOLO .Kii-PKOFfcS-OR LISTER. 31H "tlTII AV Send for circular. Addrcs* bo\ 4.42H Post otlice. New \..rk. Ill Six! SS and MKDK'AL ( L UR\ OYA.M NOT PO J J be equalled. No. 150 SS e-t Joih st., between Oth and 7th av?. MRDK vi.. Aim: \Ni? mm. <; .is;. | . ? w.i flrfrtl ST. Confidential consultation ort all female complaints. 4 -MRS. WORCESTER, PHYSICIAN; BOARD AND A? nursing 140 ? hnries ?t.. bet. Washington and West. A - MMK. KKSTKLL. mFdW i K SINCE l > V> t Ka?t5id?i.. lira door Ir.oii >th iv Advice tree. V -DK. MAI Kh'hAl . t?? YEARS PKiCllOK. oF flee 1-0 Liberty *t. i enisle complaints a specialty. l^EdALfv fOMi'UlMS hP ClALlY-ALL *t'A>KS r guaranteed; advice free. Dr. I..MIIV, 3.'.h Last lMh ?t. Mus. lyo s. fl.mall imiyhuun. puke* all complaints; no c ure n > pay. 4?? Kant JOth at. Successki l cures o? akavikkd.?all casks by Dr. or .\lron. WEST, 45 Ricecker st.. near Broadway BUSINESS TKOUBJ.ES. A voluntary petition iia? Uorn filed in bankruptcy by Move* Amberiz, ?u*r, at Xn 55 Murray elrcet. The principal creditor* aro A. Fricdentwrir, $6,tW6 (i'J tlcuiU Brut tier*, $6,:vh4 III, Hunt, 1 liliughaai K Co., $4,ti01 40; Sullivan, lludd K t'o., $3. .'>13; Metropolitan National Bank, ftl.KSl -0. The total ImOiliiic* are $dd.o.iO. and the um>?Ms are merely nominal. Seven creditor* ol Max ,1. loss and I.mils Foav, dcale.-a In wool it No. 44 Kaal Broadway, have tiled n pei :iioil to hav-% the tlrin declarecl bankrupt. The clmum ol the petitioning creditor? amount to $7,740. WAR HANTS SIGNED. Comptroller Urecn stoned warrants yesterday ou the following accounts, and transmitted the same to the Mayor lor bis counter signature, Interest on the City lielit Jl.OVJ /iO I'm,un., Stationery u?,i HI,ink Hooks 7.:i X.j Conll, gcneira?Clerk Common Council :?> 7(1 KeluiiUing liixeajaiu iu error 6- * . salaries?City ? oiirls 71 :sl riitnl District Court House fund 2, Hat bfl Public CUatitles alei Correct on 10,770 7ii Repairing anil Renewal ol Pipes, stop Cocks, Ac. Election Expenses 410 cii I'oiice M"i on House,- ? Alterations, lining np and Repairs 1,606 M CleaUlDg Strecia under Poll, e Depart in est... Co.410 ?>l Supplies lur I oliCe li.OIki 'Si Pmice Fund 266,MW ?l Judgment Fund hbu 7,1 Compiroller t.reen npproved vsterdav the stiretict ou tbe proposal of Messrs. Dunham, Huckley & Cm, (or luriitsbing 6,000 y. rds ol prison cloth, 2,000 yard! ol tUnnel to tbo Department of Public Cbaritlea aud Cor lection. IMPORTANT TO DEPOSITORS. MkcHamics asi> Ikaukiis' Satisos IxatiTrno*, 1 gkj Uowery. J To tub Editor or thk IIkkacD'? I earnestly desire ilial all of tbo depositors ot this bank wlio cab l e reached should present their piss books for comparison with tbo "dealers' ledger" and to be balanced, This should bo (tone at once; otherwise I shall nut be a be to make a sir.illy trustworthy siuirinent ot I he liabilities, winch will determiao tin percentage that depositors should receive. I bo bank w ill he openoatly Irotn ten A. M. to ihroe P. M , sue next week opuB slso ou Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, irom six to inBe o'clock, to sccoiniuo date Itiosc who cauuot call during the day. Respect lull/ yours, WILLIAM J. BEST, Receiver. -i SJffl THE (Ml I Further Efforts of the Doctors ot 1 Behalf of the Little Ones. i A Grief-Laden Monotone of Poverty, Disease and Despair. NO MONEY, NO MEDICINE! Tbe rescue of the poor littlo ones of the city from tbe clutches of ilcadly disease has been recognized as the paramount duty oftho hour. Tbo record of death among iho infant population of New York, givon in theHeaaLO ; a few days ago. struck the public with genuine dismay, Tbe little sufferers, powerless to plead for themselves, | have found their advocate in the great heart of the I public, and the righteous cry has gone l forth, "Save the children 1" Res|>onslve to it 1 tbe Board of Health has taken the mos, | energetic measures to arrest tbe terribli i mortality which was sweeping off in auch unnreee denied number* the children of the city. Yesterdgf, as will be seen below, excellent work was done by the doctors, about 3,f>00 visits bavins been made. Cholera Infantum Is the prevailing scourge, and this Is attributed, next to bad loud, to the want of Iresli air. The universal complaint ol the mothers 01 the little sufferers is that ttiey have no inonev to buy medicine, ana caunot, therelore. avail themselves ol the doctors' prescriptions. 1'eoplo ure beglnn ng to ask whether, t?r this reason, these childreu arc to be allowed to die. The au.-wer to this would naturally beau emphatic "Not" Irom the Board ol Health and the adoption of prompt measures lor this extreme emergency. Below 1 will lie lound some details gathered yesterday by ' Hekald reporters, which will give a fair insight Into the present condition of the Inlant population ol the poorer districts ol lUo city. The picture is not a cheering one, but has to be looked resolutely In the face. a 1>av with the doctors. A Herai.d reporter went yestcruay with Dr. Gottlieb Stein, ol No. East Twenty-third street, through the district allotted to him, which ruus Ir .ui Kmugioo to Grand street and from Cannou street to the rtver. Dr. Stein commenced hit work about half-past oleven o'clock In tne morning on the south side of Kivingtuu street, east 01 Cannon. On the block between Cannon and Lewis streets there Is n row ol large tenement bouses. Through all these bouses the doctor and reporter went from floor to floor, and, though there were numbers ol young children in the houses, no cases of disease were lound. The mothers, most of whom were German, on being questioned, wined to (eel proud to suv that their children were all healthy. If any of them were delicats they all ascribed it to the one cause?teething. On passing No. 315 itivinglou street it was noticed tbut white CRAPS Ht-RO OS TIIK KIM. HANDLE. On the second floor ol that house u child three months . old died the night previous or cholera internum. It was asoerlained that the child had been regularly attended during its illness by a competent physician. Through Kivlngtou street to the river the Doctor proceeded, going into each house and through every floor, but the answers were always the same, "No child sick here." Alter getting through this block tho Doctor remarked, "Tins neighborhood seeins remarkably healthy. 1 suppose it Is because it it so near tho river. At nil events one might nollco that ' though the people are poor everything is romurkubiy clean." In Lewis, Irotn Kivington to Grauil, all the houses were similar y inspected, and the same gratifying results were observed. At No. My Delancey street a child about eleven months old was treated for CHOLKRA INFANT I' M and an excursion ticket lor the St. John's Guild Floating Hospital was given the mother. At No. 3d Cannon street two rbtl iren, aged six and thirteen months. wor? treated for tho same disease, aud at No. 'JH Cannon street two children, aged sixteen mouths and thirteen mml is, were fi tted suffering Irom cholera infantum. Ail iuvse children were fortunately in a luir way of rec iverv. At No. f>46 Grand street, after Inquiring from floor to floor, two sick children, who had nod no medical ut tendance, were louud on th? fourth floor. Tnoy had been suffering for a week from (be prevalent complaiuu l>r. Stem gave tho molhera the tie essary prescription and soino appropriate advice, also excursion ncketa The toothers of (he babies, who wero French women, were proiuse in ihoir thanks to die Doctor and promised to iiilill his instructions 10 the letter. This was tbelast house visited, and though a number of deaths 01 \oung children that occurred within the last week in the nei.hhorhood wore heard of, tbo-e mentioned were the only ones of actuai suffering from cholera infantum thht were encountered. TKNKUKVT TKKR0K8. Early yesterday morning auother Herald reporter accouipiuied ouo ul the pnvsicUus iu charge of an east side district, Tho leuouieuls were neuriy all douoll houses, the narrow halis running through ihc middU and the upartmcnt doors openrng to the right aud led at the front and rear ot the passage. Most of then contained twenty-lour families, hew held less thai sixteen families, the households averaging four souls. Starting at K-sex and urauu streets, tin.- physician, who was earnestly striving to give timely aid to th? suffering cbildron, commenced his work. Carefully stepplug over the groups oi partly clad children and their noiay playmates, the Spitz and cur dogs of IDS neighborhood, Iho Doctor nude his way to the rear doers ou the Ural tloor. In answer to his raps the doors w r opened. "Have you auy sick chilureu here?'1 wan n-k -d at every dour, in the language boat understood by the occupant of the room. I p the long llighti | ul stairs, through dark and narrow hallways, where both doctor and rcportor loll over the children sitting still lb tUe dark; stepping back tor breath, wiu-n some suddenly opeurd door guve lorth a wave ol vapor with an ancient and lisblikc smell," the search went on. In >o. 35 Essex street tlfty-two cbildreu unoer Ave years uld were found. Mauy of ihem were suffering with eruptious caused by the heat. The houae was occupied by tlcru aus and was clean. In the rear bouse adjoining. In a.liot room uudcr the root, a little sufferer was found almost beyond numan help; no carpets were ou the Hour, aud the dining rootu answered lor parlor und ,-icepiug room. Tho room was cleuo, but very hot. Entering the tenement ou the east sice of - Essex street, next to the north side ot Hester, the hulls ' aud stairways were seen covered with il.thot all doi scriptlotia. All the rooms were occupied liy I'olish I tanors. The clatter ot sewing uiachim was dealetniig. 1 In ojc o( the halls w s a woman cleaning llsh. Sour her, on a broken ctiair. black with dirt and grease, was a pile of meat, partly covered by a basket lid. Beneath { the chair was a bucket of KSKI'SR AjtU OARH.IOX. 1 Tho atmosphere of this dwelling aud workshop for nearly u dozen ul peoplt was beyond description bomble. Little children were creeping aliout tbe floor. iho I pareuis answered -'no" to every question put to them, | siul did not ivcm salisQeu until left to their squalid ' misery. J'.issing through He ter sireet toward Lud low, tho women and children irotn the tenetnenis wers crowded about the ha kou ol hard, green apples exposed for sale. At No, do Ludlow i sir set a case of senrlel fever was found and the proper remedies prescribed. In a small frame ' ouse nl No. 44 Ludlow street, with low ceiling* to the rooms, dirty walls and biokeu plaster, a disconsolate looking woman was found on ibe stairs, with IO?r babies play11 it about while she nursed an Iniarit stricken w ith ino prevailing disease. She gladly took the medical ftdvicc proffered and promised to lake tho children on tbe terry boats. Tbis bouse has a stable in tho ri ar. Continuing the investigation, every room in very tenement house along the line of the di tnct to Hronmd street was visited. Those occupied by U rmsn lumiilea, were, as a rule, scrupulously clean and the children healthy, lu same cases tho parents at first refused lo rep.y to the physician, evlilentiy le.irlsg that the children won d be tuken awsy from them. During tho afternoon tho physician visited those whom be found unwell on the previous day. Oao mother had not given tbe medicine prescribed. occnuse s neighbor had ordered something else. .Many had obeyed the directions of the physician anu bad lakenthe children on lite lerry boats during the evening trips. Tbe streets in the lower part ol the Tenth ward are hi a tilihy condition and need immediate attention. Tho inspectors ol the Hoard of lloulth will report at the Central Oillco at ten o'clock tins moruing. TIIS ITALIA* qt'AKTKBS in Crosoy stieei were vl-lled yesterday by Dr. Early, i There aro a number of little two story and attic bouses | here literally packed with human lieinga. Italians, negroes and while people sre all Huddled up together. ; Without exception these liou-os a-e the d'rtiost in the 1 cur. The occupants are nil by trade rag pickers and nl ! whcu itie raking* "I theday are brought in for assortment, un l (lie garbage ut the day la thrown lalo tin- gutter. mora loiil and u .illumine dwellings wore nevor se> n The areas are pucked Willi old iron, ihe , basement with rv- ind oil paper and canvas, lbs 4 mru and woman wash their hands and lacrs once week?on Sunday morning.-!?and llin tbey lerm uressi icg. ; The Doctor in the first house he entered found II occupied b> forty rive people, young and old, in the d rti*-t appartmei.u possible locnnceivo of, ano yetihe people seem to thrive in It, lisopig*. All were well, and the bail desen lull* children, each with one garment on, grovelled around in apparent health ami hap! piui-aa. As a remarkable evidence of the Hircmrib of the llalian stomach und Iota of dirt IIiin settlement tend* out strongly. How people could be healthy IB surli a place pugcled the Doctor. In r>pring strt-et Dr. r.arly lound nine cases of cholera mi nium, ail among children betweeu two and three years ol age Five had family physicians and lout were prescribed for by tin- doctor, ami all were provided with excursion tickets for Ihe Flouting Hospital. The average uuiuhi-r ot visits paid by eacn doclor In a day i? sixty-live. Several doctors made over seventy, other* but lory, Dotting Hie average at sixty-live, tbo titty physicians made J,2ii? vi.its yesterday. BAVK THK CIIILDRXN. New York, July 21, 187fc To thk Kditou ov Titr Herai.p:? l II you would insert a notice n the HkBALD, addressed to the drugg sts ot the city ol New York, guaranteeing I payment tor ail prescription* signed by assistant ; sanitary 1us|mcIoi upon presentation at your ofllee ' ! (say at ill# end ol the ?*aSon), and asking mbseriptioim i i Irutn the public lor a luml lur sucli purpose. I am sure ; i the response would bo, il not. "shake a reel " ' , I out ol Hi.a w bite ve-t of yours, Mr. K'lnor, and give that log heart of yours n Ik tie- play, f guess It would uot trouble you much lo loot the bill yourself. - i Fcrhapr some ether papers would folio v suit. Yuuia i respectfully. MaV&MWOOU.