Newspaper Page Text
C iDSTER'S HOME i! c e Contributions of Patriotic Waiters > of Two Cities. j ; . <i I i A MAPiYLADDER'S SUGGESTION. ! t i? The following subscnjftions to the ("oner Xatlonal ( donument Fund wero received a( the Hkkai.d oltlce <| fciterday FBOM THE EXHIBITION. A riiiLAPKi rnii, July 19, 1876. 1 y To to* Editor or tiik Hkkai.d:? 1 v We, tbu uudersigncu, employes in the main rostau- i t rant ol Mam Building, iu the grounds ol tbe Centennial j a Exhibition, desirous ol expressing our appreciation of | s tourage, fidelity heroism ol lite late General f'u* e tor, a* displayed in hit> military services for hie < ouu- ] ry imU the sarrilico ol Ins llle in dcleucoof |,er flag, do ; u tuhacriDc Hie following amounts toward ihe erection a ?! a monimienl lu comacuioratiou of In. courage, n rnihusiusm a till |>utr.?li?ui:?James O'Dough- | >' irty, ji; Wa ter II aging, .*>0 cents; II. W. i i Biory, 2o cents; Jot.n Moflait. 2o cents; j George Mil no, $1 of); Eugene Cuslttnan, 60 eon*; j s George H. Kichardson, od cents; I'aui llenson, on ' t en is; Howard Morgan, 50 cent*; I sat tireottbaum. 26 | It tents; John Roonrv, 25 cents; J. Wolf, 26 cents; j fi iiiurjcs sic.myrc, go CfnU | v?. iv. " neaiou, -o ceni?; l>. M. Rlazir, 26 n-nis, A Hensman. 'Jo cents; W. II. o Casey, 25 cents; IV K. Reckon, 'Jo cents; J. ii Welsh, 25 cents; Lady Friend, 50 routs; proprietor of main ^ restaurant. $5; Jnscpn W. llruwo. Jo cents; James F. M sltell, 50 vents: Daniel T Francis, 'Jd cents; Helvlllo 'lorn kins, 50 cent*. C >1 Tomkins, 50 cuts; lliomus Carm icb.iel, 25 cents ; Lewis W. Kindlnss, 50 cents; II Bhori, 'J5 cents; Henry Harris. Jo cents; E. K. Do H Silvers, 60 cenis: Frank H.uscomh, 25 ceuts; Samuel Loyd, 25 cents;' Jolio Delsuy, J5 cents; Krtlz Itstt, 25 cents. Total, $18. Hoping litis will be acceptable and cnrourago otners, wc remain, respectiully yours, MITNX k HIGH INS. wrsT nninnTosiTus CONIHIBUTINO. a rsi- Rriiintov. S. I., July 21, 1878. To THK EniTOK iii' TIIK ItllKALU'? I (| PI ase flnJ enclosed is, subscribed lor Hie Custer I ii Monument, by the following residents ofthistowu:? n Captain J M .-.levins, $1; I*. J Oouollv, $1; N a. 1 n Hunger, il; George Newman, 60 cents; Peter ii union, p 25 ceme; Edward Stewart, 50 cents; Tboinas Morns, , p 25 cents, Frank dctpiade, 50cents; Autoin Joseph, Jr., ! T 50 cents; John McQuadu, 'J5 cents; Thomas Hirming' ! ? ham, 'Jo ceils; Thomas Mealey, "J5 cents; Antotn n Jnsepb, Sr., 'J5 cents; John Prassa 25 cents; K. A- s fiuuin, 25 cents; James Sruncn, 'Jo ceuts, F. 1'. Shut- u tuck, 2.5 cents; Jutau Key oolds, 25cents; Frank Adams, d 25 cenia. P J. COS SOLLY. i Tu* Oaks. Howard Co., Md., July 20, 1878. p To rnr or thk IIkkai o ? Fleam hud eurloscd III for llio Custer monument. t! 1 lliink bit admirers n Maryland, as well as other n Plates besides New York, might uo something to per- i, petuate tils memory. Kespectiully. ? F. R. DENNIS. o VARIOUS SUBSCRIPTION*. |, The following contributions were received st the w Hkrald otltce yesterday:? I j, A. U. Ilall, Morrisaniu, f >. I p lloorgc U. McClcnuau. Jr., Cohurg, Canada, $2. . o Waiters ol Dceau Hotel, Lnug lir.iuch ?L It. Alston, s C. J). W right, .1. Matthews, \\ LI rooks, David Jackson, " b. \litcbell and W. Rlanurd, ft tlO. 1 n IV II. O , Uoboken, N. J., it. j k George K Kirkbam, llockviile Centre, L. I., $l. o, E. A. liill, $1 a "His (tut qui," Ate., h'lmlra, N. Y., fl. ii, Dutchess county, N. Y.. fl. ! h M. C a d U. S. IV, inoomsourg, Columbia county, < b Pa, flitv ce..ts 1 a P. 11. Truvers, Hrooklyn, tilty cents. aii admirer, lllly rents. D >1. N., Philadelphia, lllly cents. u Lillic. Kitty, Mary K. and Frederick Ellsworth, of ! v Red Hook, scud each ten ceuts. I s. Jesse I.eaman Brooklyn, -ends twenty-live cents, as j 11 to also each oi tbo loilowiug rsons:?J. II It., New d Haven, Conn. ; A. E. W. ; Lew Raker; 8. U., Castile; J. ; " nenoril inn Ainu r.niuguiii. .uaouu, i.a ! " 11. K. tends liticen cents and ibe following person* I ui ten coots oat h :?0. K. C., J. It. Thompson, J. K. Ford, J r< Johnny. Toor Clgarmaker, I.lule Beriue, Henry Kent " snd U. Conrad, live cents oac.h. '< , ci ltBCAPlTCLATIOS. " Km ploy de ot main restaurant (Kxhlbitlon) $18 00 ci t, 11 Ih-nnt* 3 00 A. ?. Hall 6 01 T U. 11. McCleiiuun. Jr 2 00 t? Waiters. Ocean llutcl 1 00 n N. 11 tt 1 0u it (i. K. Kirk hunt 1 00 ol V. A. Hill 1 00 tt "Bis Oat"' 100 It Armenia I 00 c. M. C and C 8. D 50 g< P. 11. Travers !>0 j ?' An Admirer so ] o1 M. H 60 ?' I,lllie, AC *0 I P1 Jcaaa Leaman and others, aa above 2 60 Total $.'t? mi ? Previously acknowledged 3,204 W1 : di Grand total $5,11X1 MS ? CUSTER AM) THE SOUTH. ? [From the Raleigh |Jf. C ) News, July 19.) w Hon. A. M. Wadoeli did a graceiui act in the introducnon ol a bill iti the House of Representatives tor the erection ol u statue to Custer in Washington. This will meet with a hearty re?pou*e throughout the w fcoatli. Nowhere In the worhi la bravery more aonured It than in our country. The men of the southern Stales tl are ever rendv to do honor to the memory ot a gallant w a..hilar TI.m Smith alll .,1.1111, ll. .? It a appropriation lor a mouumcul 10 Cuslsr. H KITIING BULL'S CHIEF. n hi I CI THE-M IK- rAVr-OIKS-lX-THE-MIDDLE. II [Kruio the SL l.ouls lllobe Democrat, July 19. J The late reports ftoin the Sioux country announce ' tbai Sitting Mull, The Hall, and Milburn, aliaa Charles K. tinmen, a discharged olilier ol the Twenty-second " L'?ilnl Stales iulaiitry, wer?i among the Willed on the u I Oil tan Mile in toe iistilo on the Kosebiiil. As we have >ren reading audi numerous accounts of tliu laie u seneral Milling Hull, I judge It may not be altogether n tut oi place to speak u word of h.s lellow companion ou >< ait expedition to the happy huutiug ground. ^ Tbc Man that goes in-lhe-Middle (Clio cob-ea-moms), u or, as he is known best by ihu whites, I he tiall (Rezec) is indeed a very Inttcr pill, a war chief ut the I ukpapa' '' Hand ui &tous, and perhaps tlie moat wondertul char- w icier in ihuluatiou 11 is deods oi va.or ami horseman- , ilitp nre excelled oy untie, and lie lias been particularly luccesslul in Ills raids against the soldiers, and Ins i 111 ie?p sealed entnity toward them is not vriihont cause. I'kzzk J1 Is about thirty eight years old, live feet seven inches ^ Ingii, and oi llic moat pcrtcclly developed lorut, siual handa and leet. short joints, active as a ml and tough tl and strong at a grizzly. He has a clip Iroin a bavooei on the bridge of bi? nose, that marr> Ins line looking, !y brazen l ice. The eto is dark brow n and sparkling, and : lis hostile, gcorniul ga/.e, says he has iak>-n your mea- r ure. mat your dam waa a slut and you a Use, and no re s the big .og. He shakes jour band as III.ugh you ia(1 a Ol and be wains to bring you out o. it. He " laima that no wlnte man ever looked him in the lac Wl elthout wtucing lie it very polite, and ran b? very .greeable to gain Ins point, acd always leaves the * uieuuy vvil supplied with aniliiunilion and the best " Jenry rltle. Hi? general manner s aorupt, blurt and lurlv. Hceiys lirnrral Harney told bliu if He asked se should rneive, and i( lie did u?t receive to lake it. Tbc I'e/.ee made h :iu-ell very nunozious about furl *'r Union in lMWt and il a soidier would goto the woods ai liuut or chop Want, I'e/ee would br on hand, take Cl' lis gall an J go oil and havo a aoAi.r uasea Ual the long lane has a turn sum* lime, and 1 will a,I you ab ut lU.? one. Mr. I'e/ee and narly were in die woods below the toil waiting b> gel a victim I lie , light was dark and cold, deep snow on the ground, .si IVsan in. real less There was renin ol Inatiulv 1-giUlboiue.-. outaidc tho lorl, ami I tic I'ezee tin i?J to uni 'ellows lit' had a In. ml in IUi- camp and would go 11> and swap items with bun. an I und out the prosper I ur ?ca11 ? oil Ilia morrow Dare uevll 1' ?.. ..a ;oo<1 a* tiia word, ami proceeded to tha lodge ol lua "5 Aseiuibuiuc Irirn . Ilia Iron.I waa ver> glad lour tun, and gave lb* w in it to hia but to |.> to t tic tort and ,r .alt lua Interpreter. Ilia commanding olllccr ??nt a iq.iad Willi Ihe interpreter in liul haatv to surround ,be tepee and rapiuie or lull I'eaee. The tepee ?.?a uirmtiuded, and the hoy* in blue were ready, al a _. diarge bayoiie , in c*l?h hint on tbn fly. The inter, ircier entered, and Hie 1'raaa out jtitli hi* kutie, rut hrough tbo tepee and waa received on Ilia haponcia y, tad pijijrrn to rii* ?ROtmt>. p'crcrd through the hraaat, and leil fllll and bleeding zr Mark niisnd, in Ilia .?nu\r. f. uic wanted to hammer ,, Iti* brain* <>ul, lu make ,?ure, but the sergeant .-aid nor, u bo w aa rla.ol l'o/eo lolrl me tliat during the whole trial he did not n< In* seusea, bu feigned unatb, and wra? di'tenninoit ? to eiah ilie ttr?l man that would atrik* inm on the bead. After the vohliera left him In' ||ol up aud went o flnil lua 11 Companion* n the wood, but tiny bad zon*. ami ho , ri waa weak and pc I Inn, lor water. Ho item to the 1 rittr aud cliupped a li'de in tha ice, ami lav their and drank till he la Mid, and during the ourht hi* coin. 10 (union- found Inm, and removed him to a camp about i vi im. : iv m.lea .1 -i .ni. where he -ri-iiu-li re. overed. ?ti nd became as strong. hearty and more desperate than b ?ver ol Katber l?e timet on hie vlalt to the hostile ramp in lid*. io bring ihe Indian* to fori Htoo lor treaty, met ai .be Gad, ami they mi great friend*. Pezer ??w r? ibal it waa a good cuancd lo mpoaa on the old black ei Iuard and < oiiimi a.oaer at Kurt Kiev and raise a good In riake by being iriend.y. ai raviKR ok awiT tt made him the 't.t. il ird bearer ol tlie returning party, .|< and srosented b.m with a beautiful large blue eilk liar, iu p rlth a figure of the Virgin Mary on It, and n.ade l>y i be Young Ladles' Modality ot St Lotna, and preetiled to Rav. father K J. Oc Smet, *? a token of heir esteem lor biw and interest in lua mt-s;ou of mlization. Peato Oo'nj well supplied with present* and well quipped ?tilt a gun ami plenty of aininumtton, with ho lit titty bucks, proceeded up Hie river about til ern IIilea iu the Painted Wood*, a largo body ot limber on Or Missouri Hirer. A party ot twelve \outig :uen irotn It. I.oui? ii id landed ott the nU-uiucr Pcntnah. intendeuding to start a wood yard there to supply the llcuoii It at*; also to trap and poi-ou wrolvrn. kill bears, leer, eagles, Ac., and haye a lug time generally. They iad u splendid oulhl ot guns, traps, ammunition and ill uccessaries to secure all the fur, feathers md scalps in tbo Territory. I hey ha<l built i luce log bouse ot three rooms, s t their raps; game wag plenty, and they seemed do ntbied wiin ibeir new occupatiou. Tney riiouuced uy life and heuan to leal masters <<( ail they surveyed, tm. jounce, they bad not becu tried yet, and nobody lispuled their claims; but now tho ot pori unity or Mr. low .all ii Co. to distinguish themselves was at hand, ilr I'ezee nod huc?s appear upon the scene and say in . voice ol terror 10 Mr. Dowdall .V Co., "What tr be do ou belong to? How oauic you here? All ibis land, later, wood and sky belong to mo Depart your souis o i ell, and your P"dics and scalps must sulfer th<' pen lty They cued mercy, hut i'czee says:? "Yen bowed me no mercy at I'uiou and il you aro bravo tioueli to hunt foxes wiiv on vnn crv V" Tn<- llall h ays ihey u :<1 nut ft re .1 shot, but died kueel- j in. at their prayers. Tlio Indian- burned the bouse nb possessed themselves 01 the line outfit, which dited to the boutitilui supply receieeil at Kurt Kico Vree cut a notcti on his tlagpote as victory No 1 ttuder he pco'e policy. As per agreement Captain Manly, ol tlie Pemnalt, ' topped on m.s return Irom Benton to wood up with tlio ms lie whistled, but no appearance on shore; so ho tinted and went to (he huruing cabin, and louitu lus , Mints passengers where they lay, scalped and torn. He beard the Urendlut war whoop, tno Sioux shout f scorn?Ox shii a 1 iNOTHEB STATEMENT FROM STURGIS. IE AQAIX MODIEIES HIS CRITICISM ON CUTER? AN OPINION or THE INDIAN DIPF1CULXII.N ? A PERSONAL EXPLANATION. [From the St. Louis Clone Democrat July 19.] Tito following is au ox wart irom a long interview lib Colonel Sturgis published in lbs VloOc-Lxmorat: Oii uciug asked why be was not with his regiment at ' lie time ol the disaster the (ionorui staled ihal when . lie regiment was first ordered to Dnkotn provision ' a t not beeu made lur all (ha companies, and lie was duceu to hsvo his headquurers at St. Paul. As time lugresaud, however, he lelt the irksouieness ol that omiioii, and urged upon Ucoeral Sheridan and Ueneral erry both the propriety ol allowing him to take peronal coinuiaud ol uis owu rogimtut But as he lulled 11 ibis, he then applied to be placed on the rocruiltng ervice 111 St. Louis, which is a dctuil givou to colonels I cavalry "uly m their turu. What ho especially eprccuted was tlio manner iu which such papers as he Nkw York Hiikai.p sought lo make a demigod out I Custer, and lo erect a monument to Custer only, I ol to his soldiers, and cited the lacl that on tno 1 KiKi.ii ok nil he bodies of .'too or more soldiers were found piled up II a little ravlue, while bemud were lound those ol Cus ' r nud 111s little baud ol chosen ulllcers. When the { lib ers ol these men tell,'" said ttic lieneral, "w ho was hero to rally ihein 1 Why were not some ol the oilier Mirers sent lor ward with litem? 11 relief had come 11 the puriy between these two points, what a sight it 1 quid have becu lo litul JiHJ suhtn rs collected on the ; no side, and in the rear tne commander ol the little ' tree surrounded by his ulllcers. Mind, I do not imago their bravery. I know each und every one 1 Uiein, and 1 would not, lor any consideration, say it)thing thai would laruisn their lair lame. Kach i t them 1 knew to he bravo and gallant. I hero were j one lienor in the service. All of them wcio well ! now 11 to mound my lumily. 1 had slept with them, ] at with them and fought with them, and it would bo most extraordinary circumstance lur me to question j Heir soldierly qualities. Custer was a brave man, but ! e was also a very selfish mail lie was insanely ant- 1 ilmus of glory, and the phrase, 'Custer's luck,' afiords | good clow lo Ins ruling idea. The public OPINION KKUAHOINO CI STKK 1, to a great extent, loriued Irom his writings and cwspaper reports, ami peoplo having read these are j er.v apt 10 rclusu a hearing lo the contrary Maiciuent. ! tying, in ellect, 'Oh, we know heller than that;' and j . is on account ot this 1 emu re m public opinion that 1 0 not desire to put myself 111 a lal.-o 1 out ion. People I ty. Oh, yes, Ueneral Sturgis has liad his sou killed; j e leels il, au I wmlo Iho Icoliug lasts is liable to ox- j ggeraliuu. then, too, bo was at the head 01 th.s rgimrut and unxious to be seut out Willi it, hut was 1 01 sent. Custer was sent 111 his stead, and now lie ! els hurt.' But that isn't it altogether;'whul 1 would riuctse is the want ol judgment which led these men tlo a irap. ' I!.?fitt.? tlw? tttr l1.#?rA WMi? soma nf fit* *rmi' * - - J VUlsrs who bud made reputations AS IM1IAX FIUIITXKS. he record will show the more successful of these I nil- ' in lighters, aud, without toy undue conceit, 1 think I 1 ley claim a place on that I ml. 1 never went alter i icm that 1 didn't culch them. The report I the Secretary of War in i sriu will allow tat 1 followed the lowas end Comanche* bo 1 tat their camps wore entirely brokeu *!?, aud they ' I'lsed no inrther trouble. Oaken and llazcu were also jod Indian lighters. Hot ibu war is over. The old | jihorilies that knew us are all cone; a new sot of j Ulcer* has arisen, and a young America Las grown up ! i the same time. Indian warfare is no picnic, a* some j eoplc regard it THE SIOUX in raise d.000 or 7,0"0 men at any lime and are quite formidable toe. castor, you see, talked tvilh Shcri- j nu iroiu day to day and begged lum to guo him a lance to go on au expedition. Hie lact la, the origin , I the present diOlcullies may be ouni in tuo lirst ex- I edition to the lliack Hilih, which was brought about I j the persistent eitorts oi (ioutral Cu-tcr, who craved ir an opportunity to bring himself beioru Lhe public. | "A* an illustration ol tbo icctiug with which Custer | as regarded let me tell you a abort story. Two years go 1 was at St. Paul, and Mr. Robinson, ol the Ttmrt, tine in me at the time Custer was making his cxpedion to tbo Black Hills. "lie asked me about the propriety ol setidlag his son ith l'rolessor Wiuchel, Slate Geologist, wno was ?oig to ancumiiany ih% expedition. I toid him freukly nut tbo world wa> mistaken m Gen. nil Custer, lie 1 as no Indian lighter; he bad no cxpenencc, and lligl the Indians deter mined to repel any tuvasion of the deck Huls that they would treat Ctt.-ter just us tney lould aeluld, and that, in rnv opinion, st, no other ; ian uuu d grt back to tell ot it; that under no nrcum 1 ian> e would I trust my son to Cutter's care under the 1 ii \ u i |f l v7 *i in*- wuru ji i . ((i||||||>uu icaut jia stateuieul, should 11 ik; p>ibiistio>i. lie will rcmetnr the circumstance thankfully. 1 told Imn Irankly ml what I Tell, Cutter, in organizing ami conuoting expedition, was rosily iiuxtim; a rititiT ith the Indians lor bin owu glorihcat on; that I did't eiiave Ccsier knew suiDcieiu ol itie Indian character > light the trims to advantage), hut wita liahlo, iu con>i|uence of hi* uudrrr-tiniatiun v' Indian resources id hit overeat i mat ion ?| his nun skill, 10 lie led into irap, in which case I told tlie gentleman lliere would [ uo one lell alive to loll the tale. As a result ol that ilervicw the party cuiiloiiiplatlng the excursion did id not leave St. I'aul. It is Iruo ilicro tvas tin attack i that campaign, but now, at the tirsl important altck, the prophecy >eemol tiillllled. When I knew mat my hoy had cone out, and that eneral lerry w is in command. I constdcre I iliat we ere lolerah.y lortdnato lerry ha* a matured iudg- j ienl, and I looked lor the campaign to he conducted ii good nil itary principles, Instead ot which Custer ?de his attack kiccklksslv, irlier by thirty-six to lony-eight hours than lie should i ive done, aud with men ured out by lorced marc lies. j hy, II they had caused the Indians to retreat they j nut not possibly hate lollowad lbeta. I leel, loo, that when Hie news is received Irorn In- | tiduals ol mo rcgitneul it will fully sustain the posi>n I lake. Custer was not u popular in u among ilie oops hy any mean*. He was urann cai aud had no gard h>r toe suid*ra under him. " "iieiirral, do you ihink it will he necessary for lhe vcrntuent lo call out volunteers to quell the Indian ir?" Ihey have not enough regulars, not enough cave, to light the Italians, end so would require tlic J ol moixtku volistikh to are familiar w to the tactics ol Indian warfare ' "How uiauy troops do you think i. would impure to OM-cuie this w.<r to a successful termination ?" W eil. 4.1KSI or i.uuo men at least, wall mounted and uippcd. My conviction la that it will ho necessary to ounl ihat number ol moil, pm them oc the trail nnd I >ep Ihein there, 'I'lio troops w ill have lo lie kept to- , liter ll will he impossible to cope with the wily e oux J ith small cumhiiialionaol tro.-p* coming together Iroiu (Terentdirections Ihey would be beaten .n detail. I no iitaa should i* incessanlly followed. I hey should i allowed uo tints lo iiuol I am sura a perniaueul iace can be assured id uo other way " llo you think the war. iu its inception. Is justified r the smi* ill aflatrs ..I the litu* ' "Tnat is a i|nr?iiou which ii m not proper !or me to | i into. Iv would laKo ? luuj; trno lo tally explain 1 .??, I do not think the Intiuns have been lairly I eatrd. THK INDIAN QUESTION. EM)ELI. PHILLIPS INI) GENERAL S It E li M A X. X?.w York, July no, 1ST0, I TDK KniTOR OV Till HrilALI): ? The letter of Wendell I'Diillpa, an ''American ctti? 'ti," addressed lo tlcneral Sherman, can be an. wcred | xl il? aaauntplioua reluied II the General, look.tig iwn (mm Uia exalted position, should condescend lo Mice it. l'crhai* a lew word* from an olncuro I mrce, if in point, may nm be out ?>l plate, especially they eotn* iron* one who speak* iron* actual export, ice. Mr. I'b.llipN speaks from a theoretical aland- { tint, without warrant of I acta, He n*>uiue* to be j aater ol a subject whereof he Is totally ignorant, and iciouely, in a tribunal ol hi* own cri-atenn, trie*, eontin us and punlihe*, ex parte, those who wilier from int an I whose duties give tin ut practical knowledge | f i he question. He onguiatlrally assigns a* a euro 'or the evils lildcd lo a policy tested and found watu nig n every ; qinsite of success. Either he is not capable of ills- I i-sing the matter borause ignorant ol It or, pos-e-sig aeowiedgo. lie wiliuhy m arepreaeala iho aituatiou id Uiatorta the circuit)staDi-ea to cotu< mo ? nh hi* pet irory. Hi* sole shout end echo i* oar cruel ai d tini?t neage of Hie Indian, whom ho represent* aa an inocent lamb uc >erei by a voracious woii?via, hit , new YOTCK HERALD, SA1 white hrotber: that every attribute of virtue, peace nil was unusually voted in the savag-; [ ererv concomitant of barbarism now hit wan imparted | tu bint by our civili/ed people, wlio hare schooled liitn | ! tu hta art* of blood. What at it the facte f That the Indian? have been lib ; I treated is a im.tied, hut that I hot r to called retaliation . in a lust or necessary sequence is emphatically ?h ntt-o. They wou.d act precisely as thev do, no matter what ; nnghl ho the nature of lhmr treatment, 'the natural instinct nnd |>r?|H n*ity ol too red man is lur blood. | The great st en t entirely ov rlooked by the setl-st) leu i pi:Haiithropist- ii. that the iudian considers torture, killing <nd mill latiou ol the human body a deed roorit- j tug reward nil promotion. The Indians now belon- our troops will eventually be cornered and conquered. Will they be destroyed 1 No, the government will repeat the eame old story? j ri&. order their capture, (alien them up duriug the wittier to gtiod fighting trun, supply them with the | Very latest and bos firearms uLd make a paper treaty wilh them. Next summer, well equipped, they will lake the warpath, butcher the families ol the settlers sud nxtermuintn our soldiers, who may be sent to the slaughter pen with short-range arms, to meekly drive these wnd heas s on their reservations. 1 he Indians laugh, the peace |x>licv people smile, and the public 1 are shocked. Next season lh' tragedy is repeated. i The subscriber charges Mr. rhillips:? I. With unchristian sympathy tor the butchers of our soldiers aud tbe wives and babes of our frontier 1 sillier* | '? With .in unpatriotic attack on oar heroic dead and mutilated living victim! of lux adrocrted policy. I i. Wuh being hu acceaaorr, baloru and after the I fact, to ibe massacre, the natural consequence of the ; doctrines inculcated hv hitu and bis follow enthusiasts. He and they sPould be delutlcd to settle tho Indian I question by personal contact witb thoir allies, the I Moux, and when thoir si alps shall tiraco the bells I ol their dusky friends, the community may feel as- ! >ured ol a tirm military supervision mid protectorate ; over the savages, und a consequent era of peace. W. P. PARKER, j late Thirty-first United Slates infantry and of the | garrison of Port Bulord, Dakota Territory. I A PROTEST AGAINST MR. PHILUrS. To thb Editor op thk Hrkald:? Will you allow mo spaco In your columns to protest, in tho nam* of honor, manliness and every other sol. dierly quality, against tho letter, published In your paper of to-day, Irora Wendell Phillips to the Boston Transcript f 'I he other ono to General Sbermau is bad enough, but tho "Old War Horse" is abundantly able to answer any quertea put to hire on tbo Indian question, or any other where wars or rumors of wars are i concerned. But in tho letter to the Transcript, Mr. ' Phillips exceeds, und not for the flrsl time, either, the 1 limits ol public toleration. Mr. Phillips says he knows 1 tho "privilege of foul words always granted to the , weak and whipped," but ho has not even the poor | apology of belonging to that class when he speaks?with | uo provocation, save that his btlo is stirred by what, in ' hts judgment, is a wrongly used word?ol a dead soldier, | dead liko iho "First Grenadier of Prance," on the field > ol bailie, us a "disgrace to his uniform and to the tlag ! he bore." Mr. Editor, during the earlier part of the rebellion, j when President Lincoln in ihe Whito House was biding his tune and helping his country on to her salvation, when young Custer was curving a name for himself and sinking tho upholders of rebellion wherever lie I on u d them, and winning golden encomiums Irom such > gallant soldiers mid gentlemen as Terry, Meade and i Sedgwick, Mr. Phillips was abusing Lincoln lor not at once proclaiming emancipation, and the army lor not violating Its oatns and forcing him to It. Do.'g it behoove hnn now to inulit'D our dead hero? > In tho names ol the English troops who (ought against the tanners ol Coucord and Lexington in 1775, und ol those lartn-rs; in the names of those who fought on both sides at Bull Hun, Ball's HIu 11, Gettysburg and Alilielnin, which Mr. Phillips dies, 1 protest against their soldierly battles being compared to tho butchery ol the Little iiorn. against their conduct being likened to thut 01 Iho incarnate (lends who cut the heart Irom the body ol one of ll o Ousters to dance arouud it und toro tho" beard Irom tho lace of tho gallant fallen Cook Lot Mr. Phillips add to his library two hooka. Sitting Bull's history written by himself and Custer's " l.llo on t lie Plains," snd ponder well over them and tho old quotations which Uo wrote in his copy book at school. Pt morlutit nil nisi bonum" and "/dure rt iWcnrum est pro palria mori," A MOtJRXEK. New York, July 10, ISitl. GENERAL CCSTfiB'S HOUNDS. [From the Spirit o( tbo Timer, July 22.] We are In receipt of the following letter lroin a gentlcinau of St. I'aul, Minn. :? St. Paul, Minn.. July 14, 1874 Plak Srsr.iT:?I am to day in receipt of a letter trom Mrs. Custer, widow of General Custer, asking me tf I could provide homes for a puck of stag hounds and a park of fox hounds. Our State laws torbid the runniog ol deer with dogs; besides, the Indians shoot them, so that Bounds are uo use here; but 1 hare written Mrs. Custer to ship thein all to me at once, as she wishes to leuvo the fort us soon as possible. Can yon, to oblige Mrs. Custer, send inc tbo names of some gentlemen who would like the dogs, and pay the expre-s charges on them to New York, and provide thein with a good homer 1 will ship the dogs, on your recommend, to any gentleman yon may suggest, provided they are Hot disposed ot before 1 hear trom you. Yours respeotfullv, | C. W. McINTYRE. j We trust that we will at onee receive a response to ! this letter from some party who cau conveniently take j cure of such packs ol hounds. The animals could bo I used in New Jersey when the lox-hunting season i opens, and any person who takes the dogs can feol that | he is doing a genuine service to the widow ot the dead i hero. TROTTING AT FLEETWOOD PARK. , The attendance at Fleetwood Park yesterday wan 1 very good. The programme lor tbo day Included a sweepstakes ot $!i0 encb, with six entries, of which only three started, and two matoh race*. The following is a summary:? Klkbtwood Pahs. Nkw York. Jrtrtl, 1874?Sweepstakes each, mile heat*, best d in S, in harneas. Ai. C, Whitson's e. ro. Madge 1 1 2 1 8. Van Brunt's blk. g Doctor 2 2 12 J. Ja)'s b. g Blind Hoy dis.* M. McNamara's b. m. Rote dr. J. Minsinger's blk m. Bess dr. J. Murphy's r. g. Gideon dr. TIUK. Qnarttr, Half. Milt. Firstheut 40', 1:211,- :.'>o Sccuud boat 41 ', 1;24>, 2:60 Third hnjt J.t 1 >-. > Fourib beat 43', 1 :U7 2:54 Distanced lor foul Urincx*t. Day ?Mutch i loo, mile heats, best 3 in 3. J. Drcrv's p. g Wnlv (In harness) 12 11 Dan lire's b. m. Kitty Alien ,io wagon)... 2 12 2 TIME. Quarter. Half Mile. first heat 41 1:21 2:52 Second lieut 43>?' 1:24if. 2:64 Third lie.n 411, 1:23 2:51'? Fourth bent 4R1, 1:27 2:54 Same 1>*y. ? Mutch J100, mile heats, host 3 In 6, in harness. T. Inrable'sg. g. Culver Boy Ill 1>. SpuuldiligH In it. g. Black 11 u wit 2 2 2 rlMK. Quarter. Half. MiU. First heat 41 1.24 254H tMrcotid 42 1:23 2:67S Third boat 42 1:23', 3:03S?* INTERNATIONAL STALLION T1IOT. A PtT.BF. OF TKN THOCBAND POM.ABB IN (From the Turf, Field and Furin, July 21 ] in the ?hole history ot ihe trotting turl could excite ?o much luteresl uinong breeders una .una teurs us u lair trial ot speed betwecu tie famous Rut-' slan Orloll trotters ami our own. Solicitous to bring ibis about, we have opened a correspondence with Mr. Mornder, the s cretary of the liencral Directory ol the Imper al Studs ol Itussia. Without making any pledge, that gentleman holds out tne hope that a match between a given number of Russian and Amencan trotters may be arranged. The Kussiau - tall tuna have uot shown as last time as some ol our American aiallious have done, bill they have labored under certain disadvantage*. The tracks ot Kna<ia are not as perleel a- ours, and our light harness rig would nstouish the breeders ol that country. Bring the nrioils to America and harness them in the same manner that we harness our horses, and they will trot lower down in the seconds than they have ever done at home, l itis is not only our opinion, but the opinion ol intelligent Busman gentlemen now in this couutry. I he people ? ho recoguixe the aulhurny of the i zar are the only people outside of America wno have made the trolling pruidem a national study und who have j ore tied a breed of trotters. It is. therelore. hioblv an. I preprints- that the horses ol tbo two count*ic? should | he brought together iu fr endly rivalry. IJy a tr al of | a prod v\a Will be able to conlraat in* |iolntl of tho anlinali-and decide who hna made the moat progress, i nert* has b. cn no little talk to this end, winch ha# awakened interest n the matier, hut which would not he productive ol grand rcaulia il decided action weie not taken. We prupose vo do something more than taU We have received assurance# which enable us to oiler the following puree:? ttntvn intkMationaIi rrtLUos tkot. The Tar/ n+l farm ufsrs fiti.O U In gold, for a race at Philadelphia, in October. le*i> (?tay t? he named herealt* r lulh- heats, three (n live; rules rf the National Autot laiinn t? aesein; 9ft.t*sl to tha rrst. tJ.'rsd in tha second, SI,i *t to the third A 1.1 SSI to i he loiirih . to nam* and close at the Bice of the Tir/, ftrl I ami farm. No 37 Park row. New Vork, September l&. IM7H; tear entries re (uireu to till, not le?t than two ol wbleil shall he Iroin Itu-rU. and which shall start Tins is the rentecnml year, and u Ihe International K.shtbit'on la held in rhiladelphia, the loterbational aiatl.ou ra'e rbnuld also he bcld there. Were we to name a later day than October lor the race, the weather might interrero. November i# a treacherous month * ih us inr outdoor sport. We tall aitenfoil ?d VIr. Moerdrr u> ib.a proposition If he will go earnest y and i r tnplly to w <rk. he will have plenty ol time to select and send to America a number of iho reprr.-entapve stallions ol Itn-si# bcloro the Sep eml>or days are gone. Wc will protoi-o hint and whoever ! may i onir with him a warm welcome; and ihoitln an j orlod wiu nrsi in .nvy, he will hear the victory loudly cheered. oi:r ?o.o aim in offering the above on ran Is ' to tin I out v h ih of the two trotter-breeding countries ha* ma te the most progress nntplT .TTTT.Y 22. 1876, SARATOGA RACER THE lirm NEXT WEEK?THE HOBOES AHD TIU HOTELS. Pabatooa Sramc;*, N. T., July 20. 1870. The "seaann" at Saratoga boa opened slowly tbli year, ao,l until tbe laat week the profile of tbe largi hotel* were not at all in proportion to their iplendu accommodation*. Tb<i arrival* have oeeu vory no meruit*, however, duriug tbo week, slid ibe hotel pro prietors ran now, with good grace, Loa.-t ol large nuru be is o( guests. Tlie college regatta ha*, of course, con iribuled to swell the number* of visitors, anil tbe ract meetings over the Saratoga course are already drawinj large numbers to tint locality, tbe tirst uieetiug being advertis'd to commence on luesday. 2&tli in si. the number ol race horses to participate in tin meetings tviil be very large. Including aliout .evenly five which were not at the Long nruiicb meeting. Al the "good ones" from all sections ol the country nievl at Saratoga, and superior racing la one o .1.. .......... U.K.. Ik. I. ......i . always extended by (be public to tbo Sara toga courae, about the only one in the country whirr ti. i been able to sustain itsell without the ant of a club Its attractions have been much increased ibis ?ea.-ot by tlic addition ol another rxco to each day'$ pro g(atiime. There are already at the course the stable! ol Messrs. Belmont, Dos well k Cam muck. P I.orlllard, G. L. Lorillard, McDiniel. Clabaugb, Heed, Longsiall, Burton, Davis, Ay res, Donahue, McCarty, McGratti, Puryesr k Co., lirnsn, Bowre, G. B. Morris and others, an i the stables ol Messrs Pryor, Oarr k Co., Astor, Ciiambcrliu, Green and oiburs are hourly expected tc arrive. The sport will bo rich ou the tlrst day. Th< opening race will be an "Introductory scramble," loi all ages, live lurlongs, and the speedy class will doubt less oh numerously represented in it. I ho second race w ill bo for the great Travers Slakes, for winch ihero are .orly-eight nominations, anil it li expected a g.oJ held will start. Among the probable starters tor this rich prize arc Mr. Uelmoiit's Piddle sticks (a derided lavorne), w ith the am of either hu big colt Bertram or. possibly. Clematis, who has not ret earned bis oals, but is here evidently lor business Sir. P HortHard's Barricade, winner of the Kobbim Stakes, and bis tine coll Fugitive; Colonel McDauiel's Brother to Ba.-sell, Mr. G. I? loirlllard's Siliihurst and Ambush; Mr. Doswoll'a Kappahanuock; Mr. Haruev'i Lilliu Belle (a very dangerous liily) ami Frederlckslown, a reliable everyday horse, and perhaps others. 1 be larortte. Fiddlestick.!, is In line health, and will doubtless come to ibu post folly - Hi." though some think him a little loo lull iu the body. I hu third race will b< the Sweepslngos, lor a.l ages, one inilo and a quarter, wlih twenty-one nominations, including, as probable starters, such cracks as lout Ochiltree, Olittpa, Parole, Shirley, Madge, Virgin us, Khudatnanlhus, Kingbolt, Viator, Meku, Aaron Pennington, Weaibcrby, Ascension, Qrinstrad. Ac. The sam< race last year produced one id tlia most brilliant contests ever witnessed, and itie list above given will ccr taiuly lurnish euough actual sinners to secure a rous Ing race. The lourth race will bo a selling race of n mile and i h:>If, and, as usual for sehing racer, a good field may he expected to start. Peop c ol tho crowded cities should esteem It a great privilege to eocapc Iroin business and hot vv lis to the cool shades ol Saralog.t, aud not only avail themselves ol the unequalled mineral waters but enjoy tDu sports ol the turl, now hero more agreeably presented. Saratoga is, indeed, a most enjoyable summer resort, and strangers who visit the place for the Ural time are always surprised by lit many attraction* And especially its grind hotel accommodation-. Tho enterprise of its citizens has gone far beyond their means in splendid improvements, but there is a recuperative Ina in the origin little city which will secure good returns lor the mouey and credit Invested. Of this me lastuouablo crowds uow at the hotels present conclusive evidence. r?o long as health is desirablo and people have the good sense la promolo it by relaxation Irotn business and pleasurable enioyments Saratoga must contiuuo emp haticaily the watering place ol America. SARATOGA ASSOCIATION. The following are tho weights assigned by the handlcappcr to the horses entered lor the Summer Handicap. Ursi day of the second meeting, 1876:? Tun Si'MMkh Handicap?For all ages, fad each or S20 it declared out. with $si)0 added. The sccouu horso is to receive out ol the stakes; weights to be an nounced J uly *0 mid declarations to be made by 1st ol August; closed 1st ol .March, nud tho race lo be run at the second meeting, 1876; oue mile and tUrce-quariors. NOMINATIONS. Lb*. 1. G. L lyorlllard's b. c. Tom Ochiltree, 4 yearn. K.. I -l..m f.lAwo 1.>c 2. G. j? Loriiioru's ch. c. Warlock, 3 years, by War Dance. aaui Uudine 94 3. A. Belmont s U ti. M?tu<lor, 4 y tars, by Glailiatcur, d?m Nonpareil 110 4. A. Bclinoul's imp. b. L Dauntless, 3 years, by Macaroni, dam Artless 88 6. P. Lorillard's br. h. James A., 4 years, by Leamington, nam Maiden 112 0 P. Lorillard's ur. U. Sanger*, 4 years, by Ucadsroan, dam Glrasol 110 7. P. Lorillard s br. c. fugitive (late Berirain), 3 years, by LcatningtOD, oam Ulrica 92 8. K. B. Chew's cu. e. Odd Socks, 3 years, by King Lear, dsni Solitaire, by Commodore 90 9. D. McDaniel's b. c. Vigil, 3 years, by Virgil, daui Kegau 91 10. D. Me Daniel's bik. c. Virginius, 3 years, by Virgil, nam l.ute 96 11. 1). McDaniei's cb. c. Willie Burke, 4 years, by Baywood, dam Katinka 112 12. D. McDauiel s cb. f. Maine A., 4 years, by Australian. darn Mlunto Manclleld 107 13. J. O'Donuell's cb. c. Kildare (lormerly Milner), 4 years, by Leamington, dam by Lexington, out of Kate Auderson 112 14. U. Longslall's bik. & Ubadamuntbus, 4 years, by Leamington, dam MSIMMS Ill) 16. G. Longslall's b. in. Countess, 6 years, by Kentucky, out ol Lffdy Blessingtou 116 1J. Doswell k Cammuck's b. b. King Boll, 4 years, by Lexington, Jam imp Klibam Lass 110 17. 'Doswell k Catnm.tcx's b. L Invoice, 4 years, by Lexinglou. dum Volga 104 15. B. A. ClabaugU's oh. b. Dublin, ft years, by Keotucky, dam laidee 114 19. Denms McCariy's cb. g. Weatherby, 4 years, by Planet, dam imp. Weatherwitcb 107 20. K. J. Baldwiu's U II Griublead, 6 years, by Gtlroy's dum, smlcr to Kuric 122 sakatoua ukttino books. The following aro the changes in the odds on the Travsrs aud Kcnuer stakes at the Saratoga Kaciug Association rooms, 1,239 Broadway; ? Traveks Starrs.? Olio miio and three-quarters. Taktn and Offered. Off'rrd. Bertram 2 to 1 Rappahinnock.... 12 to 1 Brother to Hassetl. 3 to 1 l'auie colt 16 to 1 Barricade tt to 1 Osaeo 2u to 1 A jerue 6 to 1 Bed Coat 20 to 1 Suuburst 8 to 1 Plash ol Ligtumg Berlin 10 to 1 ceit 26 to 1 Aiarlc 10 to 1 Dundreary 30 to 1 Frederick town 10 lo 1 Crab Orchard 3d to 1 Dadgastaa 10 to 1 Donougn 30 to 1 Skylight 12 to 1 Kkxssr Stakes.?t wo miles. Fiddlestick Kveu. Compliment 16 to 1 Brother lo Bussctu 4 lo I Dinlguaian 16 to 1 Aigerine ft to 1 Gaih 2u to 1 Barricade 0 to 1 Coal 20 to 1 Ambush > lu 1 Panville 26 la 1 Herl u h to 1 Oseoo a') lo 1 L!ll!? Hello 12 io I Victory coll 26 to 1 Skylight 16 lo 1 Douough DO lo 1 Alaric 15 to 1 Crab orchard DO lo 1 Dundreary 40 to 1 CANADIAN RACERS AT SARATOGA. ???? ? Tor o*to, Ont, July 21.1S7& Archie Fisher haa left tor Saratoga with his horses Keiso and K.iiy 1'., am Charles Boyle Ins leit with l>r. .Smith's Inspiration. Several other animals owned in Canada will be present at the meeting next week. CORNELLS VICTORY. HOW THE PEOPLE AT llOMB AKK FKXrAF.ING TO WELCOME BACK T1IE CHEW. iTliACA, N. Y.. July lt>. 1STO. A large and very enthusiastic meeting of citizens and friends of Cornell University was held io night at Journal hall. Mr. B O. Jay no was chosen President and sevcutccn oilier proiuiuvnt citizens vice presidents of the meeting. Music was gratuitously furnished by Grant s Brans Band. The officers of the . veniug were constituted a committee ol arrangements lor an ovaiion on the reiurn ol the crews. The following despatch trom l'rcsulcut White was then read:? Mraaccia, July IB?4:26 P. M. To Professor Wii laro Kisrk Fifty tuns were tired here lu honor of our victory. I oun graiulale.ihe citiaens and students of llhac t upon it and recret mat I Canno; he present at their inretiu.; this eve nine. A.NBHKW U WMllK Vigorous rslls being made lor I>r. Potter, be look Im place upon the ptailerm and made a speech which w is very wartniy received. Cornell s victory in iasi year's regatta, tier success in the intercollegiate literary contest last winter, and her present sweeping victory were ........ II n r mr ll... >,.u l.lsrn.t- ...... I ' - -1 - - - ................. ..... lesis are moil llattcriug. mud the Poctor humorously suggested dial a nan ilng committee un ovations u nredeJ. The great auiprise is. said lie. that no iti-ntu lion ao young as Cornell, having existed l<nt tight years, should gam so many and .so v,clones over colleges which aro 100. sonio of them rroro th in 2iK>. years old. Yet. he thought, th< study of the princ.plci imd metnods adopted by young Cornell would explain the secret. Captain Ostroin, in the care ol the crews, had brought scicno* <o bear <n thoir training. The proper lion which should exist between the mu.-culsi development and the size ol ilia body, and Malty similar problems, had been care fully studied by Mr. ii?trurn. as the Poctoi knew from personal consultations made The fact thai Cornell is now entitled 10 row against the college crew Irom England and that trom Ir land at the Ccntennia was spoken ol, and much hope lor Cornell's succesr exprei ed. M< ney wsa liberally subteribad to meet the expensr ol the ovanon ou the return ol the crews. The crcwi are expected to return Kriday eeeniug next Tlio lowi will he completely illuminate.I, A large torchlight pro ceanion will march up the bill to the university, can non will De fired, and a pyrotechnic display on a largi scale will be made. Nothing thst can be devised ti make the ovation commensurate wnh the vic'ory wil l>c lell un one, the sympainy between tne town am the university being now. as always, entire. THE VICTORS OOlNrt HOME. SvBAcrsa. July 21, H7& The victor.oris Cornell crew* arrived in this ciiy thl I ojernoon, en route for Ithaca, and wen received al the depot witb come demonstration. Several public buildiuas in view of the car* were decorated. The 1 wwnta wtll be tendered a reception at Ithaca to-night. REAL ESTATE. > I B ^ The sales of real estate under foreclosure mado It the ICaehange Salesroom yesterday were as follows:? William Kounelly sold by order ol Daniel W. Clarice, reieree, the lot, 25x100, ou the i-ouih aide of Kaal j Ninety-second street, 200 feci east ot Fifth avenue, ; for $i,300, to the Kmigranl Industrial Savings lienk. Bernard Stnvih sold by order ot Kay H imilion, ret; I eree, a building, with lot 17.2x71, 00 the oast side ol avenue B. 7S.10 north of Klevoutb street, for (6.000, ' ! and the lot adjoining ll on the north for $8,000 to WillI | lam Milisr; also a building, with plot 30.4x70, on avel | nue 0, southwest coruer of Tbirteeuth streot, tor ( ; (ii.SOO, to T. 11. Young; also a building, with lot i | 20.3x96, on the north side of Fast Fourth street, 256 | icet west of avenue D, to A. F. Stern for $7,700. i Tai.\?rKHS. 5eth nt 270 ft. e of Hth it*., 30xli*>,5; A. M. Davie* and a lie and others to A. Downner 926.000 10th at., ? 442.1 It. w of Oth *r.. 43.4x73-Bx |rreenter; Charles C. Voict to J. C. Hasan and others Nom. 10th ?i , a. a., atioc property J C. Hawaii and oiliera to I* Hawaii .... 22.5O0 20tb at., a. a . 235 tt. a. of 3d *v.5>)x98.9; S. Van Nostrum: and others, oxeculn-s. to P. H. t'nrllng 12,000 Kate* at., w a. (No. 37). 25*87.ti; E. L. Hao* and wile to C'nthariur (serber IP,.1!**) Hudson St. w. a (No "13). 30.5x17* Irregular; .lessie Clark and hnaband to S. t rycler ? Greenwich si., a w. corner Luight. 2U7'jx.?8; K. 0 Huardm.ra to J. o'Hair Nom. 47th at . a. a., 275 ft. w. of 1st it . 25x34, J. Holier and wile to Henry A. Cladderinann S.OTW Greenwich at., a. w." corner Hal.-ht. 2'i.7V,*.Vt; J. t> Hair and wile to K C liollrdinnn Nora. . 5lh av . a. a . SO 5 ft. a. of OAili at., .'8)*10); A. Cottier I to W. t>. Killmer . Nom. i 31st at., a. a.. 122.Hft. a. of 2d a?? 43x98.9 alao IBth I at, a. a., 145.0 ft., r. of or. A, i'dHUJ; Juliii B. ; Forrest and witc to Thome* L. Forrest Nom. | 31ai at., a. a.. 107.6 It. o. ol 20 av.. 45x98.9; alao Idth at., a. a., 170.6 a. of av. A.. 25x103.3; same to Sarah C Correal Nam. ! 31 at at., a a , 237 0 ft. r. of 2 I av . 45x118 9; also l.'ttli at. Enet (No. 622), 25xl< >3.3; a me to P. 11. ">rreii Nom. | 31st . KaatlNoa. 318 and .120), (5x98.9, alao Hit It at., | hast (No 622), 25x103.3; Thomas L. Correal nod i wife and other* to aaina Nom. | Slat at . East (Sua 31o and 312). 45x03.9; alao 13th at., bast (No 5IO), 25x103 3; aam to 9. C. i-orr-et. Nora. Front at . n. a. i.No. 276i, 26 4x72 5; A. Walker and wi.a to New York and llro kIjii Bridge Corn prut .. 9,&f>0 11th av., a. a., 49.5 ft. a. of 36th at.. 22xl(M>; John T. aesman and wlla to Tliomaa Scully 1,300 31?tsl. a. a., 28(i 14. a of 2d av., 22.6x98.9; J. T. M ciiowan (rrfrree> to Ft II. Correal 8,0t)0 3let st . a. a., 257.6 ft. e. of 2d av., 22.6x98.9; same to aaina 8,000 Slat at., a a. 190 ft. a. of 2d av., 22.6*9.1.9; same to Sarah P. Correal 8,000 31st at . a. a , 167.6 ft. a. of 2d av . 22.6x99.9, aaina to same 8,000 Slat at., a a , 122.6 ft. a. of 2d av.. 22.6x98.9; tame to Thomas L. orri-it 8,(00 31st St., s. a, 145 ft. a. ol 2d av., 22.0x98.9; tiinig to same 8,0(0 llltli at . a. a. 300ft. a. of 2d av., 25x100.10; W. Sinclair ireferee, to J. J. Lading 6,000 31 at at., a. a. 3O0 ft o. or 9th av.. 16.8x98.9; II. D. Purroy (referee) to K. Samuels .... 2,700 MOkTGAGKS. ,African Union church to Jacob 1>. Odall, a. ?. of 3d av., a of 84th st. ; 5 years 600 Houckcr, Crank W.. to Clara Decker, n.s. of Cliff at . a. nf Concord av. (23d wurd) ; ihstalinsnt* 300 Carllng. l'hilip II.. to Stephen Yau Nostraud, a s. of 2t*tn st.. betwaen 2d and 3d ava.: 3 years 6,000 Crygier, Sarah, to Jnssio Clark, No. 613 Hudson *1.; 4 years .. 3,325 i Forrest. Thomas Is., to Genre* G. Da Witt a.ul others (trustees;, a *. ?f31?t st.. c. of 3d av.; 3 yoars.. . 6,000 Same HI same. a. s of 31st su, a. of 2d av.; 3 years. 6,000 Forr^^ -larah P. and husband, tu same, s. a of 31st si.. . J' 2d av. ; 3 years O.fKIO Same to same. a. a of 31st at.. a of 3d sr.; 3 years.. 6.OM0 Forrest. Philip It., to E. II. Owen (executor. Ac.), a. a. of 3lat at., n. of 2d av. ; 3 rears. 6,500 Same to C. V. S. Knoaevalt, a. a ol 3lat at., a. of 2d av.; 3 years 6,500 liardinan, Hugh. to George W. Hughes, a a. corner loth av. and 57th st.; I year 11,000 Same to tame, a. e. corner 10th av. aud57lhst.; 2 year* 10,211 I.avy, Adoiphy. in r. liattarman. w. a ol 7tb av., between 23d and 24th att; 6 vo ire 6,000 Letting. Jahn J.. to C. 8. .Miller, n. a. of 11 lib at. a. 01 2d av.; 3 year* 7,000 1 MeKeruan. Tlx mas, to Mutual Ufa Insurance Company. a. t. ol 3d av., n. of 105th st.; 1 veer 12,000 Nue . Augusta, to ndmluiat raters of do la daces et Pruden.a. Ac., n. a. of Wuverley place, w. of Mac O'It air, J amen and wife, to Patrick Dickie. w. corner (troon-rich and [.sight sta ; 3 year* P.OUO kpilnn, Bridget M. and husband. to William B. jacitckt, a. of 140th at., a. of 3d ar.: 3 year* 2,500 Rivelt, Kllr.a, to E. K. Floyd, n. a. of 37th at. between 7th and 8th an.; I jeur 1,000 Gchaeler, Charlca ami wile, to llanry Schneider, a. s. of 7th at. a., of a*. A.; 4 1,000 MARRUUm Afll) burns. MARRIED. Eiilir?Bcffet?On July 20, 1878, by the Rev. H. Hacgmcr, G. A. Edlf.k to Miss Kuuema c. BcrrET, both of New Vorlc. No card.* tM HoLiioRu? Berugvist.?In Bayonne, N. J., on July 17, by tlia Kcv. W.J. Gallaway, .iksrk ScnoLBoHU, of Snvaiiuali, Ga., to Eveline, daughter of G. Berggvist, Esq., of New York. No cards, savannah paper* pleaso copy. .Sparks?Gai.liek* ?On Tuesday evening, Juiy 18, ; 1876, by thn Kev. George S. Chambers, of Murray Hill I'rrHbyterinn church, at the residence ol the bride's mother, Wili.iam Sparks, Esq., of Brooklyn, to Eugenie Elizabeth Galliers, ot New York city. London (England) papers please copy. DIED. Beach.?On Friday, July 21, Edward I,., Infant son ol William W. and Sarah Ucucb, ased I year und 1 month. Funeral services on Sunday, at four P. M., at the residence ol his parents, 144 Java at, Ureenpoint, Brooklyn, E. It. Relatives and trieuds are respectfully invited. Bkdkll.?Friday morning. July 21, 1876, Jessie, daughter ot Daniel S. und Jennie E. Bedell, aged 15 luouibs and 11 day* Funeral ironi ihe residence of her parents, Huguenot st, New Koctielle, Monday, July 24, at a quarterpnst three P. M. Carriages will be in waiting at the dopot on the arrival ol tbe 2:20 P. M. tram from Grand' Central depot Bkaut. ?On Friday, July 21, Charles, son of William 11. and Emma Brady, aged 17 years and 24 day* Relatives and friends of the family ?ro tuvlted to attend the tuaeral, Iruin the First Baptist church at Kackensack, N. J.,Suudny. at two I'. M Train leaves New York, loot of Chambers st, at 8 -4ft A. M. Brady.?Suddenly, on Thursday, July 20, Patrick Brady, aged 3s years. Tne relatives and trisnds of the lamily are invited to | Ailed the Mineral, frum ino residence of bis brother, i 133 East l.iib SL, ou Sunday, 2dd insl., at two P. M. | tlRoouriBLD.?On Thursday, July 2(1, 1870, William I Hihiomviklj, in ilia doth year n( bis age. I Kuneral nu Sunday, July 23, al oua o'clock, from bll ; late rosnlenco, 231 fast 341 b si. friends aud relatives I arc lorued to alluud. Dkrnopt ? In Brooklyn, on Thursday, July 20. I Thomas UkkuodV, a n.ilve ol Itailynonty, parish of Killeiianll, comity Tlpjierary, Ireland, a?od 40 ycara I tic Iriends ol the laiuily are respectfully invited la attend llic lunural, f om bis lain residence, 15 Kapelyea al., Brooklyn, on Sunday, al two I* M. IIICRKRMa.v? Al East Windham, on July 20, Grobok Howard, only s n ol Kllnrd and Nellie A. Dickerman and grandaoti ol George Krigga, aged 6 years, 4 months ! aud 20 days. Relatives and Iriends are invited lo attend the 1 funeral, from No. 162 Kast 127lb sk, on Saturday, 22d iusi.. at tan Ire o'clock. HonwoKTH.?On Thursday morning, Mrs. Ki iaanaTii Postkk, widow of Iho tale Thomas Dodwurih, In thu SMb yaar of ber age. funeral ?n Saturday morning, July 22, al ten 1 ! o'clock, from bar late residence at Morrisania. ' Pooi.RY.?On Juiy 21, at ber resuleuc.e. IOC East 11 th i St., Katk K. Hooi.iiv, in the gsth year ol her ace. I The relatives and Iriauds of the lannly arc invited to ; attend tbo funeral, oil Sunday, at two o'clock. Down,?On Wednesday, Ju y in 1S70, Thomas Dowd, native of County l.ongionl, Ireland. The funeral will lake place I ruin his realdanee. 44 v, i ] Brojinc su. this (Saturday) allernoon, at one o'clock | sharp. The Iriends and relatives of the family and ] Ann and Maiy l.nddy and Thomas Sheridan and wife I arc invited to a i tend, i Pt'KuaM.?At lTuckomin. N. J., ftiikraaii K., youngest son ol Thomas K. and E. Mary K. Durham, ol Jersey City. r'ARSRO.? Suddenly, at Kaston, Ta., on tlie2oth Intl., i KnTAKO, son ol Jaiues 1*. Karreg, In (uc 3'Jd year of bis age. funeral servlcea will lako place on Sunday, the 231 . mat., at two o'clock 1*. M., at the residence ol his , , parents, No. 3d Kusn sl, Brooklyn. E. I), behalves 1 j and Irien is respect)tllly invited to attend. f*isiikb.?On Thursday, July 2o. at Bergen Point, Chaauiitr. eldest dauglilor ol John Kueler and Wile of Marcus & fisher, aged 22 years, 3 months and 14 days. The Iriends ol the lamtly are respectfully Invited lo attend the luurral, Irom her Into residence. He gen Point, ou Minday, July 23, at eleven o clock, or moat i at South ferry oti arrival at had past twelve; thence lo i l Greenwood. i Gaknch.?on Thursday, 20th Inst, William T. Gab >kk, net<1 :?n ycari. Funeral on Monday, '.'4th, at one P. M.. from bu fate residence, New Brighton, S. I. Special steamer will Inrc foot M liltehill *1. at twelve o'clock. i | (iar.xkr on lliur-day. anth jnit., M arcklmtb M., wile ol William 1 tiaroer, aged 32 year*. \ l-'uncral on Monday, 24th, Irom her lata residence. New Brighton, si. I. Special steamer will leare foot Whitehall ?l at twelve o'clock, i t?AMULu ?III Jersey City, on Thnrada.r morning. , July I'd, Bbisih, daughter ui Willlant ana Olivia (.amI j bl<. aged 1 year and S tumults. Relatives and tnrnds are respectfully Invited lo at| tend the itinera), irom the residence of bar parents. Palisade av , near Newark (old Harrison estate), Jersey Cut lle-ghts, on Sunday, July 2d, at three o'clock r P. W. I i.hat ?On Thursday, July 20, Joax (Irat, In the r 37tli year ol his ago. I The rolatiTes nnd Irtends of the lamtly. also Amerti cut Idxlge. No 636, K. and A. M . are respectfully in ailed to attend the funeral, from his late residence, JOfl i Mast Broadway, m Sunday, July 2U, at half-paat ouc , P. M. ! Uavward. ?In Brooklyn, on Tboradav. 20th Inst., I.lTHRR Johx, son of l.utberC. and Klizabeth Haytvard, agen 1 year t>nd 7 davs. ? Keleuve* and fr.ends are Invited to attend thn fune > ral, Irom the rosideuco of bis parents, ?'.?' > Atlantic av., I ou Suuday lour o'clock, j Hi At Keyporl, July 19, CoRXKMCB lit uvr, In his 43d year. Funeral at the Hutch lteiornioJ churcti at Koyport, N. J , ou Friday, ju.y 21, at throe o'clock P. M lh? r?i.itues aud Ir oi.d-ar-Incited to attend. Interment in Cypress IMN OHMMrf, IttlNtf, ill] tS, ?l s l eleven o'clock A. M. IHctchiitoa? Ob Thursday, July 20, mm Catnmmtww H. ill, relict of Charles S. Hatchings, Sr., I* the 7?lh year ol her agei | Relatives and friends are respectfully requested to attend tier funeral, on Saturdiy, 22d insL, atone i o clock P. M , Irotn the residence ol tier son-in-law, i Hcnrr L. Browning, No. 120 Sipp ar., Jersey City | Hewitts Jaucith.?<iu the 2<>th mat, at Colchester, Conn., a. i j H infant tun of Horace J. and Mary a. Jnquilh. aged 5 month* and IT day* * Funeral this afternoon, .'id m.-t, at one o'clock, ; from No 83 (old No. 57) Grand St., Jersey City, N. J. i .Icimh.? On Friday, July 21, S. II. uslbkrt J u n a h. Notice ol funeral hereafter. Kavaxauii.?Kulkn Kavaxagh, the beloved wife ol John K. Kavanagh, u native of tialllnaaloe, county Galway, Ireland, aged 30, , Tnc relatives and friends of the family are respert lolly invited to aliend the funeral, from her late residence. No. 181 8th sl, Williamsburg, on Sunday, at three P. M. Kidpkk.? In Brooalyn, July 21, Sarah A., only child ?( Luther H. and Julia A Kidder, aged 18 mouths The relatives and friends ol tne fsmily are respectfully invited lo attend the luneral, Irum tho residence ot her parents, No. 100 Spencer St., on Sunday, July 23, at one o'clock. Kixtr.?On Thursday, July 20, Jon.x J. Kixo, In the 20th year of his age. The Irleudn ol tho family ara requested to attend the luneral. Irom Uh late rcsuleuce, No. 226 Kast 29lh St., on Sunday, Juiy 23, at one o'clock. Knapi-.? Suddenly, at South Norwelk, Conn., on I 1 Wcdnesuay. July II), Catiihrink R., wife of John H. ' Kuapp and daughter of the late Andrew M. Whitlock. Funeral from her laic, on Saturday, July 22. at two o'clock. Train leaves Grand Central doj>ol | at twelve o'clock. Kvnr At Ui.ilfurd Westchester connlv. N. Y.. on ' July 20, 1876, Hkwsux, Wile of Peter H. Knox. The relatives and friends ot Ibe faintly are invited to attend the luneral, at her late residence, on Saturday, July 22. at hall-past ten A. M. Carrlagos will l>o in watting at depot to meet tho 8:30 A. M. train cars of Harlem Railroad. Kkilukr.?(lu Friday, July 21, MaROArkt Jaxi Krikokk. tho beloved wile o! Norton J. Kneger. The rolativea and friends ol the family are respectfully Invllt-d to ullend the luneral. from her lato realdeuce, 69 Washington St., on Sunday, July 23, at lw? o'clock. K hooks.?Jomkpu J. Kkooks, on July 20, at Corona, L. 1., aged 21 years aud 6 months. I.aii%?Ou Thursday, July 20, William Skxtox, tnlnnl aon of William J. and Kugenla >1. I.add. Funeral from West New Brighton, Stat, n Island, on I Saturday, July 22, at two o'c ock. Boat leaves loot of Day at. at 12:30, Whitehall el. at 1:16. Lkks.? In Brooklyn, on Thursday evening, July 20, i Mary K., eldest daughter ol Thoin.a K. aud Sarah K. : Lees, aged 28 years. Funeral from tha residence of her parents, 67 Pineapple el., Brooklyn, on Saturday, July 22, at halfpast three P. M boc'Kwoon. ?on Friday, the 21st Inst., of cholera Infantum. Hkssir Fokshay Lockwood. infant daughter ol Frederick and Jnscnhinc Lockwood, aged 6 months. Relative* aud friends are rospcclfuliy invited to attend tho funeral, from tho residence of her parents, No. 418 Fa t 68lb sU, on Saturday, the 22d mat,, at ball past one o'clock P M. Interment ui Oreenwoed. MAi.nnY.?Ou Friday, 21at inst.. at Tarrytown, T. Baciik MalLary, intant sou or Theodora and l.ydia doIVitt Mallaby, aged 13 months. Maiirx.?On 1'hursaay, July 20, Mary A. MantR. the beluvcd wife ol Edward Mailer, in the 33th year of her age. The funoral will take place on Saturday, July 22, Ironi her late residence, 614 West 3.1th at., atone o'clock. The relatives and frieuds of the lamlly are respccllully Invited to tho luneral. Mkadr.? On Friday. July 21. Mrs. Kt.ns Mxadk. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral on Sunday, at three o'clock, (root the residence ol ber sou, James M. Meade, 187 St. James place, Brooklyn. Mhhss.xukii ?At Walton, Delaware county, X. Y., on Thursday inormug, William S., youngest sou of ibe late Rev. John F. Messenger and nephew of Thomas ami Harry Messenger, aged 34 years. The Irirndsol the family nre" respectfully Invited to attend his luneral on Monday alternoon, the 24th, at halt-past four o'clock, from HI. Ann's church, on the Heights, Brooklyn. Mills?tin Thursdtr, July 20. 1876, A note E. Mills, daughter of ibo lato Joseph T. Mills, aged 22 years aud 5 month*. Relatives aud Iricnds are respectfully invited to at. tend the luneral. Irora No. 663 Lexington av., on Satiir- * day, at two o'clock P. M. Moorb.?At Hartford, Conn., on Friday, tho 21at inst., Jong T. Moorr, o) Long Island, agon 63. The remains will arrive at tne 42il *l depot on Sunday, at six A. M , and will be taken to Greenwood lot interment. Further notice in even ng papers. Morris?In Corona, I. I., on Tnursiay, July 20, William Husky, ton of William and Bella Morris.*aged 10 months and 14 days. Fuucral takes place Sunday, 23d inst., at half-past eleven o'clock. Train leaves' Hunter's l'oint at 10:33 a m. Mkrsk. ?Suddenly, in New Orleans, La, on July 17, S. Arthck ri. Morsk, hi the 27th year of his age, son 01 the l*te Protestor S. F. B. Morse. mrrrat.? At his residence, iu Goshen, n. V., on Friday, July 21, Wisxbr Mierxy. son ol Ambroso d. Murray, In the 33d year of his ago. Funeral services at Si. Jamas church, Goshen. Sunday. J u ly 23, at half-past three P. M. Sunday spi-ctal tram via Erie Kaiiway leaves foot of Chambers si al 8:30 A. M. j returuing trains leavo Goshen al 4:21 sntf 6 :45 P M. Muki'Hy.?On July 20, Klizarbth, youngest child ol Jaine. and Jeunie Murphy, aged 0 mouths and 20 days The funeral will take place Irom mo residence of hci parents, 309 Fast 23d st.. on Saturday, at two o'clock. Met: a be? On Thursday, July 20, Peter. the vouagesi son ot Patrick and Mary McCabe, ot ti e parish at Street, county Wcslracnlb, Ireland, aged 23 years. The relatives and lriends ol the deceased ?ro respectlully invited to attend the funeral, Irom his late residence, 680 8th a v., al one o'clock P. M., on Sunday, July 23. .McEvot ?Thursday, July 20, Mary A. McEvot, ii the 22d year ol her age. ltelativcs and lrluue of the families are invited to attend the funeral, Irom her late residence, 400 West 334 St., on Saturday, the 22d lust., at halt past one o'clock. McKcussv.?On Friday night, 21st inn, Cu a.milks Mrhkl*ky, aged 62 to.trs. Funeral services at his retidence, Jersey City Heights, on Saturday. 22d iusL, at eight o'clock A. M McLauuulu*.?In Jersey City, ou Friday morning, 1 July 21, Catiikiiisr McLxrtiiii.i.v, relict ol tho late Michael Mcl.ntighlir, inllieiOiti .carol her age. Kolattves sud friends are invited to attend the funeral, Irom her late residence. No. 104 York sL, on Monday, tho 24tli lust., -it half-pasi nine o'tlock; from thcucu to St. Peter's church, corucr of Graud and Van Vorsl sts., where a solemn inas< of requiem will l>? o[Tored up for ilio repose ol her soul; Irom tjieoce to the cemetery at Weal Mdo tor lulcnuont. Nbstmab. ? On Friday, July 21, at Iter residence, 304 J F.ast 12th sk. Mrs. Sakaii Amnk Xkwmax. Fuueral on Sunday, at two P. M. Friends respect fully Invited. O'Nbii.l.?On the 23th of July, 1S70, after a long an4 painful UluesK, David, youngest an J only surviving sol of tho laie David O'Neill, late ol Btitieranl, County Cork, Ireland, aged 2d years, 8 mouths and 21 days. The relatives nud lriends ! the lamily aro most respectfully invited to attend his funeral Iroin the residence of his sister, Mrs. Annie l.ynoh, 6fl Henry St.. ou baturday, the 224, at nine A. M., without further notice. Cork and Ltinerirk (Ireland) papers please copy. O'Toulk.?Ou Thursday, July 20 at his residence. 417 East lutb *u, Jour O'Tools, lu the 60ih year of his age. The relatives nnd friends of his family, also bis brothers-in-law, Thomas, John and FranciirHonoey, are respectfully Invited to ititoud his Mineral, from lbs above residence, on Saturday, 22d lust., at one o'clock | snnrp. At n meeting of the ( Committee of the SlxI t'-entli Assembly district (Now York county dorooc1 racy I, hold at Irr>ny Hull, on Thorsday evening, July 'Jit. It wits unanimously resolved that this committee attend In ahndy llio luueral of our Into associate, friend and lei low member, .lonn O'Toole. (tKOKUK Y. WHITSOX, Chairman. . !;KTKRI o" ""V* ! Secretaries. Taos. M. I iiiLroT, ) I'akk. -On Tburaday, July 20, at bis late residence, Mean-rialc, Wcslcboster county, N. Y., Johs I'ark, iu ; the 87th year ol his age. Kn,alive* and IrienUs are invited to attend his ! luueral, Irom the Kvlorrned cbureti ofUrecnsburg, Suu? day uiornlng, at ball-past ten o'elock. 1'i.auk.? On Thursday, July "JO. after a short Ulnes#, ! Ukorus <>. Flauk, in the 32U year ol Ins aye. Relatives and Irieuda, also the ineniliers of the New I York MchnUeu Corps, sre respectfully invited lo atlond i tho lunersl. on MSnday, July 23, Irom his lata residence, No 22V Kast I Hi 1 at., at ball-past ono o'clock. Inter* ' nioni at Greenwood. Kobitscukk-?on Thursday, July 20, at No. 30 Magnoli ?t..Jersey City llclylits, altera short illness, 1 Martha. youuue-l datiyliicr ol Joseph and Bianca Hohu*ctur, aged months and 3 day*. Kvaasos. ?At llarleui. ou i bursday, O'iiari.kt HkeI iikrt, mlaat son ol (ivortpt V. and Annie K. Kyerson. | Kuncral service will take place on Saturday, July 22. 1 at lour o'clock 1*. M . irom the residence of hta grand, lather, No. 29 Weal 12'Mh St. | Srovs ?At Kahway, N. J., on the 20th Inst., A , wile ol J. Henry Stone and daughter ol Henry 1 Spear, ayod 3i year*. The iricn-ts of the family are Invited lo attend the luneral services at tier laic residence, rtt. Ocorge's av , Kaiiwav, on .Saturday, July 22, at lour I*. M. Carriages on the arrival ol the 3:10 train. Strata?on Friday, July 21. Mara Steals, wife of Lazarus Straus, in her o4tti year. The luneral will take place on Sunday, July 23, at nice o'clock A. M., Iroin her laic residence, 220 Wo?t j n h . f a ? - . - , ..... ... .......... ... ..... ui .lit- laimiv arc inviicu lo attend. STSAr*.?Members of Tempi* Heiliel arc requested l to attend the Itinera! of ,<lrs. 1. gtrutis, troiu lo r late ! residence, No. '22u Weat 4'Jlb *l, on .Sunday, I bo ??M, at nine A. II., without further notice. By order, C. N. JOdKPHSON, >eireiary. Tatloiu?On Friday morning, duly ill. ol cholera infantum. J a to.-, only rou of Alexander, Jr., and F.tnny Tavlor. . Funeral Saturday afternoon, at lour o'clock, Irom the residence ol hie parent*. Walsh.?On Thursday, July 'JO, 1.H71, I.orrtta CammuiWtlAH, be ot ed daughter ol Maurice J. and Mary C. Walsh, aged 1 year, mom Its and 11 day *. A bud on earlli to bloom in heaven. The relatives and irienda ol the (amity are re?pecttullv invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, July :M, at one o'clock P. )(., from ilia residence ol licr parents, bbu l.cxinflon av. Wai.tos. -On Friday, July 21, Jons rsaw.r.a, onlv child of Charles and M try Walton, asud 'J years, J mouths and ti days. f i Funeral on Sunday, 2:id itist., at one o'clock, from the resuio' c ol his parents, 4<) lla 1 >2d at., > ea York. West.? In Brooklyn. July 21, Kb*x?*eh WnaT, la I the 71st year of his age. t Kelatlves nnd Irlends nre invited to attend the Ptt nerai, 'rum h < lite r< deuce. No 1.12 lTili st.. hoaill Brooklyn, st hall-past ouo o'clock P. M.