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FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Tbe Stork Market Still Dull, but Prices it the Close a Trifle Firmer. GOLD STRONG AT 111 3-4 A 111 7-8. Government Bonds Quiet and Steady?Railway Bonds in Fair Request?Money on Call 2 1-2 and 2 Fer Cent. Wail Strkkt. 1 Friday, July 21?0 P. It J The stock market, although sluggish, snowed a reaction at the close or the day, and prices were generally firmer. To a considerable degree Ib's improvement was in sympathetic obedience witb an advance In St. Paul stocks, which was in tnrn alleged to be due to a | statement by a railroad expert whose name has been identified with damaging revelations concerning the Eastern (tlansaebusetis) llallroad and the Michigan Central His last exhibit in St. Paul, however, contains nothing but ? copy ol the company'a ligures, with no attempt at criticism or relerenco to matters on which the speculattvo public wish to be enlightened. It served its purpose iu compelling a considerable covering of the outstanding short interest ana a consequent advance In the price ol the stock from 39 V to 40 for the common and lrotn 70s, to 71;\ lor the preferred. l,ako Shore, the most active stoclc on the list, opened at 03% and closed at 54, with sales meanwhile at 53>,' am! 04 V Sales were also made at 53 V a 53*;, seller sixty days. Michigan Central moved Low 45V to 46V, and all the fluctuations were between these figures. Western Union was marketed at 70V a 70'? a 70**, and Inaily at 70V- Northwestern common sold at 41V a IIV ; the preferred advancing irom 65'* to 66 V'. P*- J eiflc Mall brought 24', a 23V a 24?*. We learn that ; the brokers ol Mr. Trenor W. Park. President ol Pan- j a'tna, are selling thirty day "puts" on Pacific Mail at t per cent below the market. Ohio and Mississippi auflened trom 15 to 15 VThe rest of tlie market requires no comment, investment and other securities being generally unchanged. THK SAI.KM TO-DAT. The transactions of the Stock Exchange to-day aggregated 42,466 shares:?Erie, 000; Lake Shore, 16,800; Northwestern. 300; do., prolerred, 800; Pacific Mail,3,300; St. Paul, 1.500; do., prelerrod, 4,^00; Chios, 1,050; Western Union, 4,800; Wabash, 100; C., C and I. C., 900; Michigan Central, 4,100; Now Jersey Central, 1,200.. OPKX13Q, Hlunxsr AXD LOWEST PRICES. The following lablo shows tho opening, highest and lowest prices of tho nay: ? Opening. Miaheit. Lcncett. Harlem 140 140 140 Kne 141* 14 V 11V Lake Shore 53 V 541, 63 V Waliusli 2 V' 2 V 2,V Norihwesteru 41V 42 41.V Northwestern, prolerred.. 65V 00V 66V Milwaukee and St. Paul... 39V 40 ?u>4 Mil. and St. Paul, prel.... 70V 70V 70V Ohio and Mississippi 15 15v 16 New Jersey Central 72V 72*, 72 V Del., Lack.' ana Western... 102 102 v 102 C? C. and 1. C 4 4 V -1 Western Union 70V 70V 70V Atlantic and Pacific Tel.... 18',' 18V 18 v Pacific Mail 24 24 V 22 V Land and Petroleum 113 113 113 CLoSlXO PUiCSS?8 p. M. ps?ifl. ' ?>' . 24V -4V C.CCA I. ... 42V a 48V Wert Union.... 70V a 70V C.CAlC... . 4V a 4V , 1 Itut, ISV ? 18V liel.L A W....102V ? 1?2V Uucktilver.... |o a ;5'4 Erie 14V a 14V Vuieksilven pt. 10 a IS HauASlJo... 13'.' a 14' XarJ.aidAM 7V 1 9 II *n A St Jo pi 24 a 25 MLAMinpf.. s V a 10 LakeSboro.... .'4 a 54V /. earn* ti IlO'j n 110 V Mich Central.. 4 V ? 4?? Ainer Kx 56', a 59.1* N Y A Mar 139V * 14' I > Express - 74 ? 75 K 1 l! t U K..10.>V a lO ?4 V a l?-rai(.iih 84 a 84,V X J On 72V ? 72', Chic* Alton ..101 V a 102,V Old.. A ML.. . 15 V a 1'4 lie' lilts... U-iV * 98 Panama ? ? 187 Chi A N W 42 a 42'* To! A Wab 2 a 2J, tk,. ' tV pi 66'g * 6'V Linlon Pacihc.. (V 'V 61 C ill A ltl .108V k lOOV^ Viaeourt Pae Btg 7'* ??**.? . i ?? ? i rou r?t i/U. .,110 m uo;4 kit. OtFpl 71?i 71 \ ADVANCE AMD DBCUKK. The following are the changes in closing prices compared with those of yesterday:? Adxaxch.?C., C. and I. C., Jf; Delawaro and I.ackaWinna, 1; Erie, Si Lake Shore, ; Michigan Centrul, Northwest common an 1 preferred, ?, ; New Jersey Dntral, >? ; Ohio aud Mississippi, % ; Pacific Mall, ; 6t Hani, Ji; do. preferred, 1,?,; Union PaciUe, ; tVeatern I'uiun, }'t. Dmclimm.?New Vork Central,. t4; Land and Petroleum. '4 ; Kock Island, t4. The rest 01 the market was steady. TUB MOM BY MAKKKT. Money Is easy, and on call la supplied at 2J? and 2 per tent. Commercial paper la discounted at the ratea last looted. Tba following wero the rates of exchange on New Tork at the undermentioned cities to-day:?savannah, \ premium; Charleston, ofleringa light, H' a >4 premium ; New Orleans commercial, >4 ; bank, \ ; Chicago, Mc. premium; St. Louis, Tic. premium, and Cincinnati (uict, l-2o a 1-10 premium, selling. Foreign exchange was steady, with business at 4.88 [or bankers' long and 4.90 a 4. HU'4 for short. The asking quotations are unchanged:? Sterling? Flxiy days' sight 4.88 a 4 89 Demand 4.90 u 4.91 Cable transfers 4.01 <;u 4.92 Commercial 4.86 a 4.87 ParisSixty days' Fight 6 15 a 6.17% Remand 5. 12% a 5.14% Cable iriiUsler* 6.12% a 6.13% Commercial 6.18% a 6.21% lteicbmark*? Sixlv day a' sight 96 a ,05V Demand 66% a .W> | Cable transfers H6%a Wi% I onimercial 04% a -04% tux oolu mahkkt. * Gold opened at 111% and closed at 111%, all the tales of the day having been at these figures. The carrying ratea were % and 1 lyer cent and the borrowing flat to 2 per cent. clkarixo bocsx statkmx.nt. Currency exchanges. $46,073,415 Currency oa.uncus 2,211,852 , Gold excnauaes 4,623,914 i Gold balances 073,400 j The specie engagements lor to morrow's European steamers amount to $800,000, all gold coin. orkkatioxs or TUX U0I.0 xxcha.8UK Ba.MK. Gold balances $831,762 Currency balances 022,401 Gro-a clearances 12,716,000 thk i'xitkp statf.s tkkascry. The Assistant Treasurer paid out to-day $202,000 gold n account of Interest, and $21,000 In redemption of Ire twenty bonds. The Hub Treasury released to-day $26,900 silver to In. Revenue receipts to-day, $360,000; customs receipts, $400,000; bank notes received for redemption, $1,000,00a cuvkr.vnr.nt roxds. There was a moderate demand for government bonds ! this afternoon, and some banks and otber institutions ' were in tbe market for round amounts. Prices ud- j vanctd % a % per cent, and the supply offering was j limited. The demand extended through tho list, but , was most marked tri 1867's and ten-iortira The following were tho latest quotations:?I'nited States currency sixes, 126% R 126%; da. do., 19S1, registered, 119% r 120; do. do., do., coupon, 120% a 120%; da do., 1866, registered, 116% a 116%; uo. da, do., coupon, 116% n 116%; do. do., da, n-'W, registered, 118 a 118%; da do., do., da, coupon, 118 a 118%; da da, 1867, registered. 120 a 120%; do. do., do., coupon. 120 a isw, j no. oil., iivov, rvgisicrcu, ni.j; 00. do., da, coupon, 121 >i a 122; do., ten forties, registered. 118?g a 118 S; do do., do, coupon, 11# a ll#l?; da, Qvce, 1881, registered, 11C:, a 117', ; do. do., do., teupon, lis a 118 V kailboad 110 vi, a Railroad bonds wcru sieady, w.lh tho exception of Chicago anil Northwestern couaolidatrd coupon gold bouds. which advanced to yd, and IIrate, which rose to 107; da consolidated aold at 104 ',; Lehigh and Wilkesbarro consolidated brought 87 >? a 87>?; Central l'aciflc gold bonds, 107,^ a 107 1,; I'd inn Paoitic tirala, 103', ; land grants, 102 ; Western PuclJcs, #9 a 9Va Vj; New York Central sixes 01 1887, 10&'? and Milwaukee and St Paul old sevcus, 100, sinking funds advauclug 10 vol,. Intbe late dc. inga Central Pnclflc# advanced ! to 107V. Unh>n Pacific Ursts to 103',, Si. Paul sinking fundi to V0J< and St. Joseph eights to II. Ch cago and Northwestern consolidated gold coupons sold at 00. The lollowing were the closing quota lions lor Pacillu Railroad bonds:?Colon firsts, 103', a , KW.'s ; L'nton land grants, 102a 102,lf ; Union sinking > funds, ?4't; Centrals, ld7 <? a 107/fc OHY OOODS IMPllOTa Tho Imports of dry goods st the port ol Naw York | K lor the week ending to-day were $1,636,127, and the I amount marketed $1,366,413. The total import* ?iuco January 1 were $47,106,COO, and the total aiuount marketed $47,862,314 THK rORKIGN MAKRKT. The London advices report an advauce In consols to 97a 97 '? and a subsequent reaction to 96V United Stales bonda were all strong aud a fractiou higher, but Erie common Buffered a decline ol per cent. ?63,000 bullion went into the llank of England on balance to-day. At Paria rentes advanced to 1061. 66c., but afterward reacted to 1061. 42},o. The quotations made lor consola at London to-day are tho highest for many years. London advices report silver up to 49t,d. per ounce. This la the natural reaction of the lato heavy decline. The iollowlug are the prices at Uve P. M.Consols lor money, w?*, ; consols for account, 96Tg; live twenty bonds ol 1666. old, 100 V 7 five-twenty bonds of 1867, 109t4 ; tcn-lorly bonds, 108; new lives, 106}, a luu ; Erie common shares, 121, ; Erlo preferred shares, 20. mVRSTMSNT SHARKS. JU lUVl'b'lllirai pikics iuik vviihui uiwu^u. 106", ; jersey Central at 72X a 72\ a 72.S ; Delaware and Hudson Cunal, 104; Harlem, 140; Pittsburg and Fort Wayne, 103 a 102 V, Delaware and Lackawanna, 102', ; Chicago and Alton, 102 a 101V Chicago, Burlington and yulncy, 1171,; Wells-Fargo Express, 84)*; United States, 04>,; Hock Island, 108 rniLaDKLrHta STOCKS. The following are the PniladelpUia stock quotations at three o'clock this day:? Bid Asked. City sixes, old 1041^ ? City sixes, new. 106'* 109 United Companies ol New Jersey 130 140 l'ennsylvauia ltailroad 52 X WS Philadelphia and Heading Kailroad 44tg 44>4 | Ix'high Valley Railroad 57 J4 67'? 1 Philadelphia and Erie Railroad 18 18.S , Northern Central Railroad 34 35 Ldhlgh Navigation 45 >*' 46)$ Lehigh N avigJtlon, gold loan 103 103>, j MINIMI STOCKS. The following are tho closing prices In San Francisco j to day Consolidated Virginia 5314 Crown Point 10 Call lorn la 57.', Yellow Jacket 251% I Segregated Uolcher.. 03 Alpha 37 Ophir 44>; Belcher 17)4 C ho liar 75)* Confidence 1 ?>j Savage 18 Sierra Nevada 1314 . Consolidated Imperial 5'g Exchequer 14 J4 | Mexican 29)4 Overman.., 65S Could & Curry 14>, Justice 21 Rest fi Belcher. 45 Caledonia. 0)4 Hale 4c Nurcross 8)4 STATS RANKS IK NBW YORK CITT. Quarterly siaterneuts of tho nalloual banks ol the city of New York on tho 30tb day of June, 1876:? , Li abilitiet. , Hay 12. June 30. Comparitont. Capital $66,400,000 $66,500,000 Inc. $100,000 Net profits.... 27,154,400 26,391,900 Dec. 762,500 Circulation.... 16.467,800 16,700.400 Dec. 767,400 Duo banks 80,245,300 84,614.200 Inc. 4,368,000 j Duo deposit's. 114,456,000 125,016.200 lnc 10.560.200 Unp'd dlv'ds.. 191,100 1,510,700 Inc. 1,326.600 Totals $304,010,600 $319,744,400 lnc$14,827,300 . ktumrct1 , Loans and discounts $176,745,800 $175,996,600 Inc. 250,800 U. 8. bonds on hand 15,834,200 17,263,500 Inc. 1,444,300 U. 6. to secure circulation . 19,682,500 19,387,500 Dec. 195,000 Other stocks^ bonds and mortgages.. 9,375,800 10,142,500 luc. 766,700 Premium on stock* 2,828,700 2.867.000 Inc. 88,360 Real ostato.. 8,702.400 8,706,100 Inc. 3,700 Due 1'in b'ke. 14.364,200 15,426,800 Inc. 1,062,600 Cash Items 4: bank notes. 3.716,000 4,055,300 Inc. 339.300 Specie 16.016,200 17,990,400 Inc. 1,983,200 Legal tenders. 38,695.000 47,344.200 Inc. 9,149,200 Uvordrafls.... 65,800 50,500 Dec. 15,300 Totals $304,910,600 $319,744,400 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES Kr/oat, July 21, 1874 RHKOKl", iALL-IU A. M. 500 aho Wait U> Tol.. 70S I603 ?ln 1.8 A K 3.. . 6V,' 7 10 do 70?, 4O0 do '? 5:h, aXI Poc Mail BS 23^ 30 1 do OS 53.S 200 do 24 loo 00 &:!?, 10 -Y C iH It RE..0 10t.?j IX) do., |5 ass j 200 Krlv R 2 <? d?. 53? aoo n J Coa RR. (S 72, loo do * .c ass 10 1Mb I 111 4ft)i 1<IU do as7, aoo do 45*, 401 do 0 as% 100 do >3 45*4 500 On IS ''4;, 100 do c 4 ), W"0 da o? 54 10O do 45S 100 do c 54,S 2O0 do ?S 46), SOO do l)S 54 100 do 45-, 141) do 54 600 do 45 >4 10 Chi A K 1 KK. ..? 1 ?S 200 do 45'j SO ' Mil A Hi P KK pf. 7l'S 100 do b:? 45', 100 do hs 7 Ji 100 do US 45*4 OOO do 711, illLi i ? ?> kii....e -Sli 1203 Ohio A Mill RR.. 15 il?:U AJIL> 11:10 A. II. 3600) 0 8 6-10, r.'dS.u 118 ttUbT UOA!U??10:?> L IL (5 * 0 Tenn 6'?, old.... 45 2' ihe H* A 53V lOOUO L A W R con... 1-7'4 Son do 53', 5>XA) do be 87S 1100 do 5,'4 liM) do ?7S 3X1 do bS Oojju 1000 Chi A N W Int.. 107 3.41 uo bS 63, Dixie* aw 11 c g o 15J4 200 do ?8) 53'4 . 3: UO do 9.?4 1I?X) do 63?, I 21X11 do..... 00 10' do >80 53', lOUtlChi ANW con. c 104S 2lD do 53', KID Krio 2d in 1 3s, 5d do US 54 2000 N V Con8'a.*a7. I05S 1 HO do 53'j 10000 M A MP7'l, gold 1011 0X1 do 53j, DO' ri loi goiuu. !<7>j 211 Uo 54 11X11 do 107*, 100 N J Cm 721, H ID North Mo lit? 98>? 7 do 72;S 1IDU M lit I'oc boudi. DD 2 D ill >00 16W 200' do IDS ll? do. .... 45', HDO do DOS 10) do 40s l'UO do ID UO do , 45*, 20iD Un l'?e RR lit. 103S' 3 ?' do 7 45*, 111 41 I'll Pit I |f. HI2S 3 11 ilo 40 IO0OAltl 74 HD Tel. \VA W . .bc.bS 2', DO ilia I) A H ConbtiJ 104 20 P. o 4 C /I. be c 103 2UU 11 til l u be 70S 10 Chi A Alt KK..b c 102 |ipj do o-i 70*, Hi# i do 101s Kl uo i"7| ' ? ' *11 a n?i Iinpi J * ? 700 do 7')', 7>J do 71 KNi do 70', l MMli 4 M P KK. bu XV'i | a?o do ud 70>, 100 do 03 ?u>, i 100 U 8 Ex 74,', lOO do 30', ! 12 W'elU-Kergo Kx . 84>, KM) tin ... 3", 30.Pnc?tnU.> lSOCbl, 11 A Q RK.bc 117,', ! |ji do 24 loo II 4 M Jo>3 k4 I ,? 0 23', *? do 24 lOJ do ... 23, & I Ohio * M KM .bp IS', j 3 >| do 23'i 1< U do oBO 15',' 203 do b3 2..J, HOU do bJ 1.7), II do 23;, ?OC, C4 10KK.. 4 ! 21J4) do ... 24 2'JO do be 4', ' luo Erie KM... bc.b3 14, 10 Chi A * W Kll.n r 4I>, 2d) do Hl4 100 d6 ,3 41.-*, ] 200 lldrlem KK 140 HHP IIIK 0ALI<?liiiiil P. M. ?5 00 M 4 St P eon f not^ 100,be Mich Ceo Kit . 4)1,' In ,Ui P C L k 1' Co. 113 2*p o * II o KK 3*, 1141 All 4 P?c Tel.... 18S, 10 do ,3 S3', 10O Pdc M Sri 241, 2i<l .N J Con KK 71', lUO.ritKK b3 i4\, 4UU|1. I, 4 Willi 111 , 3O0 do 14', 2O0C, C4 1CRK 4>, u P. M. $100)0 U 8 5'?, 10-40. e 110 iKOOUD BOARD?! P. M. I $3000 Mo S', I bd* 1 'jo1, &OJ ibi L s k )l S KK.. &4 I 2 iw Al? B'e,'sd...b e 31'; lu) do... ..bJ 04 l.tO i m ft r eon ? I.. l? \ 13iXI do + 03'; 4,00 do be Wl*J 200 Chi 4 JiW RR. .be 41', , .',141X1 .1 M run i I .. *? > I'XJ CUil N W pi... .be 0 !<.">, OOUO II 4 M Jo 8 ?. c M 1<? do .. ? ? >', ddJCeu I'iki b.. . 1"7J$ 3 o Mil 4 St P 33 , 24MJO do 107?, 20) do 3?3, j .'iOO?l do b3 1074, 100 do 30-, , 44 ' if l u I ?c KK lei.. I< 3>, 1 -ii Mil k Si f 71', I 1000 Pecol Mo 1,1.. . I'M 100 do 71', 1 O ebe Win TuMbibli 70,'; 2 k) do. 71', \ 2'JO do 7'?, lb U do 71 , 20 C K K,pret, 74 114 P, )'t \V 4 C tculbe K>2', Huo I'nciBr Mnil 24 10) do 102'. loo L S 4 M S KRbce 1 1 3?, loo do n?), bOi do bi S3', lool)el.L4WKK.bc 102, kUt .V4 12 117', loO do ... 53,% 2O0 C, C 4 I C K.i.b o 4.1, :*l fi .1 .1! $1SOJO I'8 ft'e.e.'Hl.. 121 1 Mlebt Mil 4 81 P RB 314', loOO'l'8 5-20, e. 't>7 . 12" 400 do 4 200 o O 4 S W c c t b. loiMil 4 MP UK pf.. 71', 2UUOO do... #?; Km) do 7i?, ? 41 ,1m W ?t| l Til,. 7o'4 IiOo do 71', 70" do 03 7- U 7o i d? o3 71', r.i il'llf 711 OKI .1.. 717. 0 x. far wail 8S H4'4 IOJ Obi i N W pf ..bJ a>I)ll.l-**KK, lUJt, l> .la loomet! Oaa EE 4-1 J'O do 1 O do ..*3 4d 1?I a.. b3 wi', I 1CM* do 4Ut{ 1?? do ! :?'?J do 4?', liuu M J KR... 73?, I !WU do 4- l4 I ?i b3 " 11 ! lt>?> do i'I 4tl', 100 do "->J , UO > L ? A M KK.b.3 .'H'4 luo ao 7..?, I loOO do Mi, lOoObla A M Kit bS 14*, loo ao .? 54 COMMERCIAL REPORT. 1 COTTON: SPOT DULL; FUTURES CLOSED STEADY? I FLoUR DULL AND IRRhuULAR WHEAT KoMI- ; NAL?CORN HT>.ADY?OATS IRREGULAR?roRK I QUIET AND XOMINAL?LARD QUIET AND NOMINAL WHISKEY DULL AND LOWER? PETROLEUM FIRM ?NAVAL STORKS QUIET ? OILS STEADY?OBOCKBIES: COFFEE QUIET; SUGAR STEADY? FREIGHTS STEADY. Fkidat, JulV HI ?fl P. M. The current week b?* been on* of great irregularity In commercial circle*, and value* have been mora tban usually lluciuatmg and uncertain. Nowbtr* has tbero born any activity to speak of, merchant* generally m?nlle*Ung a decided dialncllnaiion lo inveat largo amounts wblle value* remain so fluctuating and ilia foture is so altogether uncertain as it now appears Quick roiurns arc impossible nowadays, hence tbo raiuctanco with wbieh investments calling lor conaiderable expenditure* are made The chief feature In tho dry gnoda trad* during the week ta the great auction aale ol Manuel*, which proved a succcma Indeed, occurring Juat at tbla season, when tho fall trad* la about to eouimenoo. It would not hava doa* to let this large sad attraclir* tela prove a failure, :EAV YORK HERALD, SA o<l the large repreaentation from the principal houaea in town at the aale. i n I (he freedom with which the.r purchaneti, | ruvrd that thi* (act waa geuerallr appreciated. The fall trade would hare been irreparably injured by the failure ol (hi* I * rye aud attrac(ire ealo. and it it well that (he large city kouaei, which have ao ninch a( ktake, made *uch liberal purchaeee and rendered (he aale a aucceaa. Ou(aide of thia aale. however, (he market naa been very quiet. The depreaaion in breadatuffa haa continued, and price* have fnrtber la galy declined. Almoat every day haa brought over mure unfavorable cable newa. while the Chicago market haa, lor the nioat pan, been unsettled aud declining. Added to (hia, the great bulk o: the wheat here la out nf condition or not atrictly prime, to that. In view of all the facta in the case, chipper* have had no encouragement to purchaae to any great extent, and the traiianctioua from day to day have been very moderate, aud in tuoat case* aoperinduced by the eatr-nielv low price* current. lorn ban been more Head v, prices bavin* fluctuated but little. Provision* have ruled quiet lor the imst part, and prices have fluctuated comparatively little. * u Change to dav tFriday the situation was about a<? unsatisfactory aud the markets about hk duil and noiniual as they could well be. Flour was dull and irregular. Wheat was wholly nominal There was nothing of coumqu'nue uone, the sale* consisting of small lots at all sorts of prices. Prime spriti.' whoat was not to he found, and price* were wholly nominal for even such a? was offered. IJoru was steady, witn a fair inquire. Dais were dull and irregular Wins key dull, lower aud nominal. Provlsious were nominal, the market being at a complete standstill. Freights were steady. Cotton on tho tpol was dull; futures closed steady. Coffee wt-s quiet. Sugar was steady. Naval stores were quiet. Oils were also quiet. Petroleum wai firm. Ashks remained quiet and steady at sv4c. a 5t?'c. for pots, aud pearls were uominal at a 7c. Antimony was una at 1?V a ltlc. gold. Hr.ks'wax ruled steady at iSJlac tor Western aud 34l^c. lor Southern. Broom Coiin was dull. We quote:?Bed, d.S'c a5e.; red tipped. Sc. a He.; ludian, 7kc. a He. Candlrs were steauy. Vve quoteSperm, 28c.: sperm, patent. 38c. ; stearic, acid <18 01.), 21c. a 23c. ; adamantine (12, 11. Id OS.), 12c. a ltlc.; puraltiuc t4's, 8's and Ill's) 18c. a 2Uc. Corrta.? The market for Krasila was quiet and nominal. Mild coffee was also quiet. We quote: ? v cargoes. 15c. a ]5S*o ; fair do., 18$^?. a 17c.; good do., 17!4c. a 17ke; prime do., 17$4'c. a 18c. ; ox Vrcnic range tor lots, 15c. a 18c. ; Santos tair to good. IHVrc. a 17c.. gold, ninety days; Java, government bags. 20c. a 22c.; do , grass .mats. 2<>cf a 23c.; Singapore, no, 1 He. a 2(X*. ; Ceylon. 16l-c. a 18t,o. ; Maracaibo, 14\c. a 18c.; Lagttavra, 18t?c. a 1 7 ^ ; Jauia ca, 15c. a 17c ; St Domingo, I4)?c. a 15c ; Porto Kico. lHc. a 18^c.; Costa Kica 17c. a 18c.; Mexican, IG^c. a 18c.; Mauila, 17c a 18c.; Angostura, 17c. a 18c.; Savauilta, 14,^c. a 18c.; Curacoa, 14SjC. a 17c. UoOPBRAOk ffTOCK was dull. Wo quoteMolasles shook* 32-incli. with heads. ?1 Ik) a $2 JS: sugar shooks. with heads, 38-iucb.$2 3' > a $2 b-r>. do., do..3ft-iucb, $1 O . <2: box ahooka. 75c. a SOc.; runt do., $4: pipe ao.. ftia$i> SO: ?mpt> huqaheitd*. $1! 50: hnon*. 14 fort, ordinary to prlmo. #.f) h $37, boo pa. 12 Let do.. S30 a $33 per M. I'orrtu. ? I lie market wae quiet, but Brm. We uote 9?1*?. in tola, of about lOfKHi-n lake at 20c. a 2U',c. Cordau-k rai unchanged. We uuoteManila (large aud ainall aiie), par lb . 13?fr. a 14?ic.; do. cordage, bolt rope yarns, 10c. a 17c.: tarred Ma ila, 14c.; slaal rope. Hie-, a 11c.; New Zealand, ll'.c a 12t,c ; Itua.ia hemp, tarred. 14c.: American do.. 14c.: ltuseia bolt rope. 17c. Cotton.?Tli# market for apot >< very quiet. Future* cb?ed ateady. Tbe closing price, to day compare with Thursday's price, at lollow. 2 hurx'tuy. Jtiiy 20. Jlnuhiv. July 21. July .... 11 11-IH u 11 23-32 July 11 23 32 ? ll^ August . II ll-lll a 11 23-32 August .11?, a ? Sept 11 9-16 a 11 19-32 Sept.... ll\ a 1121-33 October. ll*g a ? October. 11 13-32 a 11 7-16 Nor ll>4 a 11 tt-32 Nov.... 11 5 IS a 11 11-32 Dm ii (Mi ii ii o io Dm 11 11-32 a n1, Jan 11 13-32 a 11 7*16 Jan 11 15212 a II1. Fob II H-16 a 11% Feb. . 11 \ it 112132 March... II 23-3: a 11 25-32 March.. 11 25 32 a 11 13-10 April... II7, a 11 15-10 April... 11 15 32 a II 31 32 May ... 12 1-16 a 12 3-32 May . .. 1J .132 alJtj June ... 12 3 16 a 12Juue 12', a 12 9-32 ?(Quotations are baaed on American atanaard of elaaaiflcatlon and ou cotton In atore running in quality not more than halt a ;"?de above or below the grade quoted Upland*. Altioama. Jt. Orlnvu. Texa*. Ordinary SV, sv, SV, hl. Strict ordinary 9 1-10 9 1 10 0 1-10 9 1-16 Uond ordinary 94j '. * f)?i 9J2 Strict Kiiud ordinary. 10 5-10 In 3-10 10 7 10 10 ,10 l.OW middling 1"', 11 11 Strict low middling. 11 516 H 7 16 11 9 It} 11 9-10 Middling lill-ia 11 ll'i ll? Good middling 12 3-19 12 6-16 19 7-ltl 12 7-16 Strict good middling 12 11-16 12 13-16 12 15-16 12 15-10 Middling fair 13 1 16 13 3-16 13 5 10 13 5-10 Fair 13 15-10 14 1-16 14 3-16 14 3 16 ?Stained?Good ordinary, 8 5-lOc.; strict good ordinary, 9 7-lOc. ; low middling, 9 15-10c. ; middling, 10 13 16c. Spot talcs were as follows To-day. Lad Kcaiiiu/. Total Consumption 282 44 326 Speculation...,. 303 ? 303 Totals ... 585 44 639 ?Delivered on contract, 7UJ bales. For future delivery tlie sales were as lollows:?Yesterday, alter two 1*. M. ? August, 100 at 11 1116c.; December, 100 at 11 S-lllc.; .lautiury, Hal at 11 7-16c.; June. 100 at 12 7-32c. Total, 4O0 balct. To-day up to two P. M.? Julv. 100 at 11 'ic.; August, loo at 11 25 32c., 60" at 11 28-32C., 3,000 at 11 1116c, 800 at 11 23 32c., 1,200 at llJat. SOU at 11 23-32c., 100 at 11?ic.. SOU at 11 23-3JC.; September, IOO at 11 *ic.. 600 at It 10 32c., 100 at 11 21 32c., KX> at liv , at 11 21 32c . 4<>0 at 11 *ic., 1.61 JO at 1121 32c.; Uctober. 300 at 1 llgc.: 000 at 11 7-lbe.; Nor ember, 500 at 110-32C., 3U) at 115 16c.. 4(?) at II ll-32c.; Decetuber, 100 at 11 5 16c., 400 at 11 1132c. Total, 11,500 bales. Grand total, 12.Ho* bales. The re. ceipts at the ports were as fellows'.?Galveston, 43; New (Jileans. 501; Mobile, 124; Savannah, 4; Charleston, 56; Wilmington, 11; N'oriolk. 15; New York. 114; Kustou. 51 ; Philadelphia. 140. 'total. 1.1 >8 bale*. This day last week, 1,160. litis day last year, 538 Total since September 1, 4,081,321 hales. Cotton freights closed us follows:?To lluvre, by steam, Jg'c , compressed. To Hamburg, by steam, Jjc., compressed. To Uremcu, by steam, *41'., compressed. To Liverpool, 5-I6d. by steam; bv sail. 5-lid. Unucs. Ac.?The general market was quiet and prircs were not matariallv changed. Opium was lirm at 4> 25. gold. In hond;job lots were selling at 66 87hi. currency, and powdered at $;? 12*4 currency. Gil vitriol was quiet at 61 75 per cwt. for large loll aud 2c. a a>*e. per ib. tor small lou. Camphor was steady at 27c. lor retlneil lu bids Cream tartar was quoted si 30c. a 32c., gold, for American and French and 34c. for powdered In bbls. and 35c. lor do. In boxes. Alcoholics?Chlorolorui aud ether were steady at UUc. for the former and 54c. a 64c. for the latter. Horax was steady at 11 '4c. n llt*c. for rtftned city aud MSsC. lor do. California. Halsam tolu wai tinner; quoted at 2 25 a$'2 .'si. currency. Burgundy pilch wus quoted m 7c. aif^t Uuarana was entirely nominal el $2 30m $31 Manna was stroug; uew crop was quoted at 65c. a 70c. lor thnridev wtr# quiet at 25 ? il SO. Mbcllnc was quiet at 3Wc., gold, for D. C.. and -tic. a 30c.. fold, lor Kngltsh. Llvl die! was arm at ?75 par tou. Caleb war qnlet at He., fold. Pmnalate potaali quiet at 25e. a'.'He.. ? to quality. Micbroumte potai-U wee dull at lie. Sal ammoniac ?a> dull at lO'.c , gold, lrlab uioae a an quiet attire, a 7c. Oainbler wai quiet at cold hpvooi aalva were la lair demand at Jc. Huinae Waa tiriu at (1 35. Argun were gteady at Jrtc. a JJ?.e. gold, according to uuvlliy. (tenlian root waa llriu at ?>>,c. a7c. I'aaaia Ouua were quoted at 3Hc. a 3H',c. Colombo root wat quoted at be. for wnola and Ida. lor powdered. Hum iredda waa Orui at He. a He. : do. I'alet. He. allli,c. J umper berrlea were <luli at da. a^y. lorordiuarv Italian Orange peei w < quiet at H%e. a flk,c. Venice turpeutina waa dull at 17Kc a life. Caelile toap?Conn wnlte waaquoted at ii>c. a ltl',c. <pul and l->Vc. lo arrive, and >1 araeinea pure mottled at I lie., gold, and do. common ?t "r. a * r Koche.le aaila wore ateadv at Wl'.e. lor bhla and 31 Kc. tor bnr.ea. y muni# waa active at 92 JO. Blue vitriol waa atead' at > '.e. Morphine waa active aud him at dt 6<>. Iodide potaali waa active and Orni bi #2 42 bulk and $2 .Vi b. I. Alum?l.umpconiinuad In fair demand al2,*ac. a 2?.C- Cbloraie potaali waa in lair <leinand at Jlc. a21'4c.. gold, and 22c. lor greenback!. tartaric acid waa quiet el 42',c., cold, lor eryatal. and V*c. a 4Ha. lor oowdered. Citriu acid waa Arm at 7*c. a 7lbi. Licorice root wai quiet at lortner pricea; quoted at rroiu He. to lie.. currency, lor aclecled. Lioorice p.ale, i alaoria, at Sle.; Spaaiab aolld at Joe. a Jrtc., gold; Bignatelli *i34e. ; ainall Untniiua at 32c.; large Omnium at -fir.; I*. A it. tmall at 3Be. a Jfi'.c. . I'erigllann waa very acarce ; lam lot waa told at 43o. t.'uitletteh bouet ruled ateadv at 3<>c. Balaam copaiba waa quotrd at .>7Sc. BOc. HaBron waa tleady at 22c. !or American and #H a 912 for spanlaii. Helengal root waa quiet I 4e. u t l,c. Cod liver oil waa In luir demand i! $1 00 for Newfoundland and a (>? tor XorweKInn. Ilbuunrb quiet ut prices ranging from 71 &> 10 (J 7>. Aioot were quoted at He. a 5 Dinger fgi steady at iHc a Jtt*aC. tor Jamaica bleached. Lrjrot was ease at el lu n $1 25. guicksnver wai quoted at oic. a (i Jc. Leaves were quiet, but steady, quoted At 2>c. lor belladonna. I lc lor comutu And acouiie, 2Uc. ? 2Je tor henbane Aud lei 2b lor rose. Ar?eoic waa In tair demand at 3l*c. a . gold. lor wuite oowdered. aud 13c. a 13*vc. tor red do. Seeds were quiet. We onoiet- Mustard ? Yellow C alifotnia, 7>^c. a ?c. ; brown do.. 7fac. a fc ; aud brown Trieste, \?i#e. a Hie.; yellow^ Kngiish, He. \ euary ? Prima Huieb wan quoted ?' # "? and buiyrti* was firm aft $7 J?>. Iloiup waa quiet at $1 H2ft Caraway wan flrru at 12c a 12fie. Coriander waa uuoted at o'^c. Chamomile Rowers were quiet at l.*>e. a 2&c. til.vcenne was in tair demand and Arm at Hie. a Sweet marjoram was quiet at 20c Orris root waa steady at 12' ,c. a i.Vc., accord ltig to uuality. lonca beans were lower; qu ?ted at $1 tor Angostura. A.tbea root was quoted at 2r>c. tor white cut. (ium arable wa? qtiotea at lire, for prime sorts and lie. ior Second do. Angostura bark was quiet at 'iDc. mwhItm bark was quiet ut 8c. Squills were quiet at 14c. Lavender dowers were quiet at tft$c. V alert ail r *ot was quoted at 25c. tor huglisii and 15c. lor Jeruiao. Albumen was steady at b&e. s7Ut for blood and $1 a $1 lo tor egg. Sarsapartlia was quiet but steady. We quote: ? liojiduia* common at 34c. a ?J7c.; do. do. tor export, doc. a 37c., gold; Mexican. 13c. a 15c. Jalan was quoted at 12c. a 1.1c.. itold. (ium daiour was quiot at Hie. alv. tiambofe was jno ed at ti7c \?saf<rlidA was sieadT at 15e. a 17e. Carbonate ammonia continued f.saentiai oils were quiet but s eadv. We quote:?Oil berca mot, *4 124?; oil icmou. >ander?oiT9,?3 'Jo; Ibiuseu's finest 011 rose.St) .it fi . oi anise. $1 7 ?. aUxoid; oil carawav. ^i 4? f $2 5t i; oil crotoa. 9 - O; oil citronrlla, 7"kj. a V'x., oil lanndar. 75c. a 92; do. do. (Mitcliam), 912 5u; oil clore., 92 H5; oil wiiilercreer $2 H5; oil aaesalrat, iueluxivr.Vic.; oil pennyroyal. 9'a 94. all currency; oil of bar, 9in:*) a 9-A. EngileU cnouiicait woro quiet; w auto >ale? .if An ton* aoM aab *i 91 nT1, a IS, in i >m; AOdriMi eautil cad i at 94 45 , 25 tout ?al aovla. to nrrira. at I .Vim- 1 <j bicarb, od.t at 4),'c. a 4'4r., all cold, ami An c?*k? bleaching pnwler at l',c.. current-* We quota:?-eda aali rdinary to irood brand*. 91 05 a 92, aal aoda. 91 31 '< a9< 3A; caoatic aoda. 94 40 it .r4 4.%; iilcarltoiiaic aoua, <4 12 , a 94 25. all cold; bleaching powder. 91 U.',. ear reney; xuper carbonate aoda. Joha Liwight A do. a ua aeae). 4c. curreacr. Ka.atHt.KK wore quiet ami .toady at a 5S_>g'e. for prime and 3 c. a 4.ic. lor tuizeJ. I-1 - it. -1 Ut- geeeral tone of tlic ninrket vraa ataady. but bu.iur.s we. light. We quote Old Shore No. I mackerel, 91 a a 9 J", new do. No. 1, fid a $IH; do. do. ,>n. ,, targe, 912: do. do., medium No. 2. 910; do., I era* No. 3. 910 a 911; do., medium No. 3. 97 'rI a 9" . acaled barring, 22c,; No. 1. Ki.oca a sd OualH.-Kacidpta? rioqr, 7,745 bbla,; wheat, .*iH,7Vi buthala; corn me il, 7<AI bbla. and 217 aac?a;04tt. V>, I lb b .ihrio; corn 12W.01 i do.; ry?. 3,201 do. , barley, 5,152 do. I ue tiiiui market waa dull and pilcra were in nuniaroua inetaticee noiniual. The aalot were lo.,ar i bbla., including State Weeiern nud Suiitliern, at the aiiutxeu Quotation* Kyc tl'oq. waa quiet, wltnaalea of 200 bbla. at 94 .5-1 aki I A. lorn meal waa quiet. K.uur, olth a a let ol ikki nbla. at 91 ill a 93 311 lor lirandtwlne, anu 9- ft) a 43 lor Jaraey and W-?tern yellow. We quote;? No. 2 Slate $2 00 a $2 75 superfine Mala 3 25 a 3 75 Kxire Stale 4 5 1 a 4 75 i lioiee siete 5 in a 5 25 Superfine We.iern 3 2.? a 3 75 Extra tVeeteru 4 25 a 4 75 Miaueeota 5 mi a 1123 Round Hoop Kliio. blppiitg brand! 4 in a 4 75 Kouod hoop Ohio, trade orande 5 mi a 5 75 family ft 5<J a 7 5.1 M. 1.utile low extra. 4 75 a 5 75 St Louie, utralitbt extra ti mi a U AO St. Loon, choice double extra 0 So a 7 ,'ul St. Louie, ahoica family. H mi a 8 75 kye Hour, One to eoperfloe 3 7<ia 4 25 Southern, Mb. 2 2 5" a 3 m? southern, nuperflue 9 91a 4 mi Houthern,extra 4 55 a ft 75 Southern, lamlly ti 75 a S 25 Corn meal. Weettrn 3 mi a 3 2.5 Corn meal, Joreay 3 <1 a 9 25 Corn meal, BrenUrwino 3 id a 3 35 Corn meal, oanchanne 20 mi a 2t> 5 ) ? Wheal ?a< dull and wholly nomiaal. Nothing prime and nothing approximating to it wat eolil, and price may be cuuntuored wholly nominal. The nalee coiii|iri?ed about 7D.0M) hueliele, at Me. a hoc for xniall lot. onto >nd winter red, 91 20 lor e lot amber Jereey, Hoc. lor No. II Mllwankee, H5c. lor Mlnnetota, 91 II for .oft No 1.91 14 a 91 IS lor prime do Corn w.te Ann under a fair demand, saiee were about IuO.OjU bueholx al 5dc. a 57r. lor eioauier. 55c. a 5dc. for graded jillot, 53}|d. fur grided mixed, 02c. fur i YTRDAY, JULY 22, 1876. I Southern. 59v4c. fur do. yeUnw. unci 4V a55c. for ungraded rui\?d. Kre ma? quiet, it ilHr for Western. 7"v. a 7- c 1or j Stm? ami reuusylviiiuk, and 7V. a 7 c. lor t'unadi in huud. Oats were dull Mini irregular; sales were 6n,t?iO bushel*. at j 25c. m 2-c. lor the rauge of mixed, die. u 4iic- for Vhi range ' of while 21.k*. for No. - Chil ian miked. 3H.- m S.\ lor Suito 1 mixed, H4c. a 4 ^e. for white Vi eciiru, 4?> a Hie. lor white State, ifilc. for No.-' graded white. and 2 ?Aa?- ,or No- - I ' gi u led mixed. | r ItOIT. ?There wai inure demand lor raiaius at the dej chile. Turkey prune* were entire'? neglected. Other kind* were dull. We rjuote * ? Laver raisin* par box. $2 O ; ! quarter do.. *,6c. . new loose muscatel. $2 56 a $2 85 . j per hox. aeefir?lii|.; 0 quality; new needle** raisins, f i per frail; Valenciarai-int. tic. per it.; imuua do.. 1 1 .c. for new; Turke> prunes, u. lor Servia and Hosuia: new Kitucb do.. 4c. 11c., according to *>se and quality. Ourreui*,.\vC., according to quality. Leghorn citron. JDlac. Kig*. 14c. lor layers. Dates, 5\,e. llrasil nuts. tiV?c. Preserved ginger. *7 a) per case Domestic dried wu* quiet and prnv* were not ma e mil* Onauml. We quote .-?Apples, Stats, quarters, 8c. a 8Vgc. ; do., siloed, j S'jjC. a vie. . Southern, quarters, 7l4 . a s?c . do , sliced. Sc. i a t?c. do,, fancy. l?k\ all. Peaches, peeled Deorgia, priuio to fancy, lOc a 15c.; unpeeied do., quarters, nuuij uially llMac.; liaires, liyje. a Die. ttaspberries. 28c. a 27c. Cherries. 14c. a I he Plums, Southern, lie. a l?o. ; do.. State, l ?c. Hlackberrie* 8c a 7c. Peauqis ] quiet. We quote :?t irdmary Virginia. $1 25 a 61 50; ; prime do.. $1 *15 a $1 7U; choice do., to fancy do.. $1 75 a $ Domestic gren apples me with m 4,0jd demand at prices rattyiu. from $2 25 a 4?- 75 per bin. and tl 7*? a $2 per hull obt crate. Cr.x.xiKs. ? \Ve note sales of 1.500 rolls baggicg at 12\c. d 12>?c. II av and Stkaw. ?The market was quiet at former price** Wo quote ; ?linlo hay, shipping, 8<ic. a 85c.; retail quadties, new. 85c. a Juc.: old do , 61 a #1 10. straw-Cony rye. new. 85c.; do o.d, 61 I Hkmp ino Jutk.-Ws note *ale* of 800 hules butts nt 254* ., 1 0 o.iles tine jute at 5l4c.. currency* and 200 bale* low crude at4\c., currency. We quote American dressed. $ IOJ a $2t>? lor single, $2(*> a $?'2o for double uiid -tI-O m $12 lor rough; Manila hemp, 7c . gold; Kttasia. clean, $2**1 a $2 In, gold: Italian, $275 a $280, gold; Jute. d'}4c. a.V4c , gold; bbic U ?^c., gold. iIioks ?The market wm quiet. We note sulci* of 600 greoii salted Corpus ChriMi sips, 25i) Mexican kip*, 1.1M) illy %\ tughier*. 4<K.? wet Halted \> esteru, ami 3.8?M? green salle i Uueuos Ayres, Sal arc do, 52^a lb*.; Malamoro* ami l(AiU Honduras, ah on privu.c terms. We quote:? Buenos Ayres, 20 to 24 lb*., 19*40. a 20c. . d ?., 24 to -21 lb*.. 19c. a 214te.; Montevideo. 2U to 22>? lbs . lB^c. a 20c.; Corriente*. 21 to .3 lbs.. 18c.: Kio Grande, 20 to 22 lb*.. 18\c. a 19c.; Orinoco, 2?4 to 22 lbs., lSlj|C.; California, xl to 26 lbs.. Ilk.; Central American, 18 to 21 lbs., 16c. ; Matuiuor * uud Mexican, 22 to 26 lbs.. 16c.; Vera Crus, 18 to 19 Ins., 13c.; Bogota. 18 to 20 lbs., 13c. a 1 4c., nil gold, selected ; Texas. 28 to 31 lbs., 11c. a 12c.; dry Texas, Me. a 10c. ; Southern, 24 to lbs., lOc. u 1 lc., curreucy, as they run ; city slaughter, ox, 0U to 80 lbs.. 8?4c. : ooe*. 45 to 80 lbs,, 8l?c.. currency, selected. lluf*.?The market was very quiet; quotations unchanged. From Mr. Kinmet Wells1 Weekly lioo Circular :? Keceipts and exports?Keceipts lor the week, 28<i bales; total nice September 1, 1875. 81,801; total receipts lor *atne period in 1874, 42,014; export clearance* lor the week, none; total export* since -epivmbur 1, 1875; 48.791; total exports Tor ill* name period In 1*74. 15.088. Wo quota*?New Vork State, loc. a 17c.; Eastern, 8c. a 1 c.; Wisconsin. 8c. a 1 c. ; yearlings, 8c. a 10c.: olds. all growths. 4c. a 8c.; Oaliloruia. u-uiiualU 15c. a 18c. lito.s.?'l'lio uiaraet lor Aiueiicau and .*coicu pi : was quiet, but prlc* w re i?? t litmt? ri.*11> cb iige<i We quote*? : American pig. No. 1, $22 a $23: do.. No. 2. $2<> a $2l ; do., lorge, $1* a $2U Sootch-Coltnes*. $30 ?o; Gakisberrie.$30; Gteugarnock, 828 5u ;? $29; hlgiiuion. $28; scrap, wrought, i $28 a $3J; i alls, steel. $80 per ton; do. .iron, 83. a $34 per ! ?oc l.xan was quiet but steady at CJ^c., gold, for domestic, and 6**c., cold, lor foreign. LkAiuxK. ?Hemlock sole was helling only to supply the immediate wants of m inulacturer*. out when riock was neeued the ruling prices were readily puid. iliu* for t:.e week were 58,881 side* aud 1,443 bales. I ho exports lor the same period were 10 000 side*, 14,000 . of which wcut to hnglumt and 1,?K*) *|o ttie t'oulliieut. ! Wc quoteHemlock Light Buenoa Ayrcs. 20c.: do. California, 2<>c.; do. common hide, inc a "Jik;.; ; middle Buenos Ayres. 2io. a 23c.; do. Calltor nta. 21c.; do common hide. 20c. a 21c.; heavy Buenos Ayres, 22c. a 23c.; do. California. 2 c. a$l>vc.; do. com* iuoii uide, JUe. a 21c.; good damaged Buenos Ayres, 18c. a 19c.; do. California. 18c.; do. common hide. 17c. a I8e.: poor, damaged commou l?id?. 15c. a Inc. MoLaask*.?New Ortcaus was steady and fairly active. Foreign Was firm. We quoteCuba, centrifugal and mixed, 2-c. a due.; clayed, 30c. a 38c., do. muscovado refining. 3Uc. a 37c. ; do. grocery. 32c. a 40c. \ Porto Uico, 38c. a 50c. ; hnglish Islands, 32c. a .'?Oc ; New Orleans, fair to good. 46 . a 50.-.; prime to choice, 52c. a 68c. Naval Stokx.*.?The market wan quiet. f?uu bids. South Carolina good ?traiued sold at 1 77>a. We quote spirits of turpentine at 30c. a 30.tac. Hostn?Cominou to good strained, $1 70 a $1 90. Tar?V\ ashiupton, $2 6 ? a $2 75; Wilmington, $2 7.5 a $3. Advices from Wilmington were as follows:? Hosiu dull?Strained at $120. good do. $1 25. far?None offering. Turpentine unchanged. Spirits firm at 27>*c. Oils were quiet. We quote:?i.insead. cask*. 56c.; cottonseed, crude, 38c. ; Southern yeliow, 48c. a 6Uc. ; yellow winter, 68c. a 68c.; white winter. 85c.; lard, present make, ?;>c. a 88c.; sperm, crude. $ I 35; do., bleached wiu ter,$l85; do., natural do.. $1 tk); whale, crude Northern, HOc.; do.. Southern. 55c.; bleached winter, 70c. a 72c.; olive, cask*. $1 !<>a a $1 22>$; uo.. cases, $4 36 a $4 40; wiuter bleached tlsli. 48o., crude fish, 3.?c. a 37c. 1'gTKoi.KLn. ?1 he market wan firmer, with sales of about | 15.UOO bbl*. refined at l7Jfc. a !7^|e. The closing price* , were as follows -?Crude, Iu bulk, 9>ac.; do. iu bbis., 13l4c. ; refined, hi bbls., 17>ac.; do., iu ca?es, 2U ,c. a ?.'0^c. | Naphtha, P'^c.; refined at Philadelphia, 17l4c. ; uo. at M u I f i *ii ura lo.c nivi.'Oi from Ilia Cra.-k rntrx m 1..I lowsParker '* tirir., $2 267a bid; United, $2 i7)| naked; $J 25 iiid, *2 nnked inion, shipments, $2 e.jif bid; Oil City llriu; $ bid Uuited; shipment* uoiuiunite $2 43. i'Koetuoft*.?Receipts?Pork. iSObbls.; lard, 882 tierce* and 50 bbla.; cut meati, 246 packages; baron, 0 tierce? and i>91 boxes; beef, Kb tierces, 150 bbls. and ik) canon. The pork market wkm quiet hikI nominal, closing at the second "cull" us follows: ? July, $19 bid, kJ<) naked ; August, $19 7o bid. $19 IHI asked; i .september, *1990 old. $19 95 aafced; October, $19 h?j bid. i $20 do asked The sale* were 250 bbla., at $19 Ik) fur Augu^; 30 bbls. mess sold at $2<) cash, ami KM for export on private term*. Cut uienia were Meudy; solos were 4,WX> lb*, pickled bellies. light. at 18c.; 3,(XH>lb*. do., 15 in*. ?v i eragc, at l"l0'c. and 1J.600 lbs. do., 11 Ilia, tivarare at 11 >40. a 11V. kre*h ham* were quoted at 10>3c. a 12c , iresii beiiie* at 9>ac. a M?c., pickled bum* at 12c. a i->ac,, pickled bellies at 9*4c. a KBfcC., and board belli** at 9>ac. a 12>yc Bacon waa quiet at lo,Jae. a luj?,r. tor city and lt>'4c. tor Western loug clear. Beet wa* inactive aud nominally unchanged. We quote: ?Barrel*, extra mess, $11 a$12;pluiu mess. $9 a $K?; packed, $12 n $18; tiercedcitv extra India, $22 a $2.1; Inula mesa, .21: prime mess, $20. Beet hatna were dull at $3U tor priuie Western. nuioked meat* were quiet at I4^c. a ltu^c. lor Iihui* und l"*ac. a Ur. for abouldera. Lard waa dull and nominal, not enough being done to establish quotation*. The cioslug "culT* prices were h? loliowa:?'inly, $11 25 bi I, $11 ^masked; August, $11 IH) bid. $11 3y>a asked; September, $11 42>a , bid, $11 47f? asked; October. $11 55 bid, $11 37la asaeu. We note sales of 50 ) tierces at $11 45 fur September Spot I sales were 75 tiercea Western at $11 37>? mid 1.'Hi tierces | do. at $11 85. After 'Change l,UUtl tierces sold itt $11 3U j for August. Kofined was quoted at l2\ie tor south Ainer- ; lea, 11V. for Continent aud 11 )*c. for Cuba ; sales were 50 tierces Cuba at 11 l4u and KM tierces city So. 1 at 10Jac. Mutter was steady at 2.c. a 2*c. tor fair to flue State, and 14c. a IHe. fordo. Western. Cheese was easy at 9*4c. for , strictly fancy. Rice was quiet. We quote -?Caroline, talr to prime. 57ac. a 6%c. ; Louisiana, fair to good, f?l4c. a 5\o.; do., prime, 6c. a 644c.; Kaugoon, fair to good, 6*4c. a 6?a?i.; t'aina, good, 7v4c. a 7)Mc.. gold; Rangoon, in boud. 2Sc. a j;'4c., gold Srn.Tin was dull at 7*40. ~}*c-. currency, for domestic and 7)4'c., Kold. for forego. Hiresmint.?Kecelpts. 11 bbla. and 4 casks. The market was dull at 13lac. a 1 >4C fur prime to choice. 8ugaK.? The market for raw era* quiet ttud steady. 57 ' tihds. centrifugal sold at 9*4c. Kettnod was tirm We 1 quote:?fair to good rehuing, 8,4ac. a *%'e.; Cuba, ' and boxes, No*. H to 1 ?f. %. ?i l*?4c.; do., molasses, iihds. and boxes, 7,',c aH'.^c. ; Porto Kico. reflnit?K. common to prime. : 7 V-'- 5 . grocery, loir to choice 9c, h H'gc.; retim-d, standard A, 11c. o ll'#c. . off A, l?'Jtc. a lie.; crushed, i H>jC.; powdered, I!Sc. : granulated. IISc. a 11 Sc.; second nuality do., 11 J|c. h 11 y,v. ; cut loaf. 11 '?c. Tallow.?Kecelpts. UO Uhda., *UO bats, n id 4 cask*. The market was quiet, with sales of about 25,(xn lbs. at 8,l4c. ,or prime. Tt.w.?'The market was firm. We quoteBancs. 22c.; Hraiu. IT'jC ; English, 17--C., all gold. i'lates?Charcoal, i nominally <7 AO: coke, $d 39 a $*> (38; tome, 4? 1- ? ' *8 37'.. Ioaacco. ? The tn trkct for Kentucky leaf tui firm; 4(H) hlids. Moid at unchanged prices, herd leal w:i? quiet: we note sales ofJUJ ca?e? sundries at 7c. a 2 ?c., It?? do New England, crop 1874, at 15c. ; UU5 do. Pennsylvania, crop j 1875, on private terms; 35o do. Ohio, cr*>Ds 1*74 t?nd 1875, i at '?'ar. a tic., and IKNI bale* Havana, at 85c. it $1 lb VVHHllir.?Receipts?443 obis, whisker and 50 t?bla. alcohol* The market was dull and n tuiual at $i 12 a ! $1 12,V Wool.?The market was fairly active and steady. Rtislnen. a* at Philadelphia and Hoft"ti. was reporter active, ' and we hear of sales at Ho ton of lot XX Ohio | tie ecu at ilk. a itic.. and 50,(RjU Ihs. Michigan do. at 2H.Sc. Sales here were 50,(J(JiI lbs . XX Ohio fleece nt "bout 'He . 25.?m?) lbs. spring clip California wool at J'k- a . 3e., 3<l,(s*j j lbs. do at 17c a iHc.. .:6,(> *> lbs. Texas at 1*0. to 23c., 2,5**1 lbs. combing at 4*>c., ft.(NM) lbs. Texas at Hi^e.. and 1 on pr.vate terms, 40.iXS?lbs fall cllo California, 12.oMMbs. Texts, I5,0U> lbs. do., 0,1 XSJ lbs. scoured do. and 2,UUJIb*. ' China. Kkmlhtx.?'There was a light movement accomplished in all classes o tonnage, but rates were Qrtnly held In the chartering line, and for room to Liverpool per steam aoiur what sinfer. Tlie engagements inc.uded : ?To Liverpool, per steam, 18,0(11 bu- hels grain at Hal., standard. To Im?m don, per steam. H.db bush Is grain, "to Ml." on private terms To Hristol, per steam. cheese at U"s The chart*re wore : ? Au Italian bark, reported l.enre with II.(KM quarters grain, ptriicular* unknown ; a Norwegian bark, kence to Cork for orders, with 2,9uO quarters do. at 7s. I 'jd.; mi American brig, hence to Plymouth, with 1,5mI buis napntlia at 5s, Dd. : a Kussia bark. Irotn Baltimore to I tho Baltic, with 2 508 hbls. refined petrol* um aids dd. ; an American brig, licnce to the Baltic, with 2,(*jU Obis, do nt *?s ; ! an Italian bark, hence to (aibraltar for orders, with 3,*MJ I bl la. and cases retltied p -troieum at 5s. dd and 27e. to tho Mediterranean, ili. 3d. and 32c to lb? Adriatic; an American bark, tWl toia, hence to Oenoa. Leghorn or Naples, ; with Kentucky tobacco *1 42a. dd. ; a Norwegian steamship (to arrive from London), from Baltimore to United Kingdom or Continent (ex Dunkirk), with 10,000quarters grain at 7s. NEW YORK CATTLE MARKETS. Kill PAT, July 21, 1873. iCKirrs roR two pats. Leu * <1* J Sheep fin I Tarrfa. Uteres. Cox*. Osloee. Latn>u Hoj*. Sixtieth street ... 1.184 8 3m> did ? ! I Forty-eighth street ? ? ? 418 ? j : Fortieth street.... ? ? ? - 2,(Ml j Jersey City 1,074 ? ? 5.107 l,9ul I Totals 2.258 8 38i> 5,941 3,934 ! Bklsks.?Trade in horned cattle was s'ow on this (ore i noon, without, however, any falling (T on the rait* of our | j last weekly report. Pitce* rauged from 7^c ? l<)'4c. p*r lb., w 'ignis cwt. ttfhjtwt.. I rem 5o lb*. a 5? lbs. was ailfW-e i net. At sixtieth street yards T. C. Last in an s<?ld j for i*e.f 17 cars of homed cattle, sales as follows73 lib ( noia steers at 9*4c. pi r lb., weigut 7l4 ? wl., scaui; 79 Illinois steers at 9Vke. p*?r lb., with a friction on per H? , weight 1\ c t. ; 80 Illinois steers ut H*tc. a i er lb., w? Igtit , | 7 cwt . strong; 27 Illinois steers at 9\c. u lt?'4c. per lb., weight 8'4 cwt.; fori*. L. hast man, 2?> Illinois steers at 9l4c. per lb., welg t 7k cwt.. t oon A li.omp- n sold for | t ooii A llaabury 45 Illinois steers at 9,'ac. a l'Hs. per lb, , ; weight 8 cat it. Vail >okd fur n?f if 52 Illinois I steer* at per lb., weights il}g cwt. a 7 cat. I lery X C'ary sold for M. Rerchway v?> Illinois | steers al 9*-4<\ a lOko jM*r lb.. with $1 off per need on the I top steers, weight* * cat a H't cwt. O. P hvans sold for , self It* Keittucfct steers at M'4C per lb., weight 7,4 cwt. ; for M. Eva m |H Kentucky steers ut 9>te. | per lb., with fl off per head. weight 7*4' cwt. I II. K Bur chard sold for J. U. Pay Illinois steer* ?l U\tc. I a per lb. wei.lit 7,4 cwt.; for tieukin X to. 4ft j Illinois steers at i?l4c. per lb., weight *4 cwt ; for Runaiu A IKsburv 17 liliuots ate?rs at lOc. per ib., with rl off the ! lot, weight 8 cwt.; for iiatikin A riiuritusnti 98 Illinois steers at Vl?ac. a 9*4e. per Ifi.? weight 7 4 cw t ; 8 | V\ astern oxen at 74c. per lb., weight 7', cel. T. I (iiile* sold for self nt? Illinois steers at f?*4c per lb, ! weight 8 cwt. scant. S. Mo*e? sold lor sell 4> lllinoks ? , steer* at 94c. per ib . weight 7 cwt. Hiegel At Meyer sold ] tor Morris at W aixels, 7ft Illinois steers at h14c. per lb., i wfigiits .">*{ ewt. a #4 cwt.: 78 Illinois steers at 9c per lb., | weight# cwt a 7*4 cwt,; 18 Illinois steers at 94c. per lb., ! weight 614 cwt.; 1ft Jillnois *t? era at 9)ac. per lb.. weight 7 j cwt-; *.'* Illinois steers at 9,4c. per lb., with fttic. on per head, weight Hfe cw i : i*# Illinois steer# at l?>c. per lb. witb , $1 on per need, weight H cwt.; held on sale 40 Illinois ! steers. At Jersey City yards Coney .t M<-f'hereon sold ! ! lor Holmes A l.aflerty t& grass ted Ohio ?te-r? nt Hr. a Ihc. ner Ib. weight 7 4 cwt. ; for l>. Mci'hernnn. ?ii Illinois steers ( at 9\c. a IOV P"*- *b.. weight 7), cw t. ; t ?r J. Ml ' Kentucky steers. I.ft7UIbe. per bead, at l?*r. per lb , with ! I off par head. Martin fuller A Co. s id for 1 1 8. W, Allerton 94 Illinois steers at per I lb., with $2o on *4.7 head, weight 74 ewt. 8. W. alieriuan sold for H. W. Atiiermn 17 Illinois steers at I 94c. yer ib.. with #1 ofl per heau, weight 0 cwt.; JJ llUttuia I i steer*- at 94jc. per lb . with VKr. off per het'l on 16 h??ai, weight h*4 f-wt. ift Illinois ?te<* rt at l^io. per lb with $1 ? tf per hea.I. weight t>5? cwt. B. ant II Westheiiuer sold on comuiiaslou >j Mii>c|ri i(?er? at 8c per lb with $1 off ner bead on il heal. weights 8 cwt. m 6'4 cwt.; 10 Miiwuri stoat* at il',c. per lb., weight lV4 cwt , scaut; -9 .Mi'ieuri steer* at OV^e. per ll? . weight ??l4 cwt. ; 22 Missouri at era i at 4c. per lu.. weight ?fw cat Mimr ami J,a MB*.?Trade at>M slow; quality Iruui roarer to good Sheen so d at 4S,c. a *ac. per lb. ; iamb* at tl^c. a *'.4^ per lb %lu id A Buckingham sold 11s Ohio sheep, urei/lu n't Ha. per bend, at 4,4^0 per lb. ; 2O0 Ohio sheep, weight 75 lb*. per head, at o>4c. per lb.; Htf Kentucky I 1 tints, weight tW lbs. per head. at t?*4. . per j lb. lvaso Jt Pidcock sold 82 Ohio sheep. weight | 81 lbs per head. at -t^4C- per lb.; 19ft Opiu neep. weight 91 lb*. per head, at ft^c. per lb.; 3ft Prunail I Viiuia latubs, weight hi lbs. per he id at 7*40. per lb. ; Mi ; Jersey tauihs. weight 31 lb*, per head, at *l4c. per ib NN. [ Elliott sold Iftl Kentucky lambs, weight H.Hfolb*., al T^c. 1 ner lb : 18 Kentucky Mice p. weight l.s7?> lbs.. at ?l4c p?*r | lb. 11 it 111 e mid Elliott so d 9 Kentucky iamb*, weight .?10 lbs., at tiV.o. per lb.; 11H Kentucky laiub*, a eight 7,.'>00 Iba.. at 7 44c, ; ill! Kentucky lambs, weight O.tJUt 10*.. at 7)*c. per lb. Cows. ?No change lu the conditiou of trade : qual, ity inferior and prices the same us n our last dally report. Vsals anp Cai.vub. ? N" smooth quality eeals tcehatid; or dinary quality cat es alow ot sale at he .1 7 4jc. per lh. : grass ted calves sold in sui >11 numbers at :?4 70 a #?* per head. I Hour.? 1ft head 0! .Slate nogs, groat weight 2.31U lbs., told at "l4c, per lb. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Galveston. July 21. 1878. Cotton unchanged; middling, lie.; low imddliug. 10c.; good ordinary, 9c. Not rvcipts. 43 bales Exports coast- | a, 738. >ales, 3i O . Stock. <4,971. Weekly?Net receipts, j | 331 bales; gros->, 332. Exports coastwise, 1,014. hales, 1 l.i 38. New Orleans, July 21, 1878. Cotton quiet: middling. 1144r.; low middling, lOVc. ; good o dinars tif4c. Net receipts, 691 bales: gross, 808. j Export*?1<? Urvat Britain, 1-4. coa*twi*e. 14. sales. 26U Slock, 52.172. Weekly?.Net receipt*, 2,238 bale*. grots. J.015. i xports?Great Britain, 1,250; Coastwise, 1.071. Sales, 1,76a Moiiilk. July 21, 1876. ('otioti quiet; middling, 10V4 e.; low uiiddh'ug, l^c. a 9*4c. ; good ordinary, S^4e. Net receipt*, 124 bales. Ex ports -oast wise. 302 20U .stock. 5,2/5 Weekly ? Net receipts, 271 bales. Exports coa?twi*e, 796. Sales, 1,65 K Savannah. July 21. 1H76. Cotton quiet; middling, 10J4c.; low middling, 9r,c ; good ordinary, .Net receipts, 4 bales, sales, WJ. Stock. I,.581. Weekly-Net receipts, 218 bales ; gross, 3 *8. Exports coastwise, 319. Sales, 137. Cm tKLKSTOJf, July 21. 1876. Cotton quiet: middling. 11c.; low middling. 10%c. good ordinary, 9%c. Net receipts* 5 ? bales. Sales, 25. Stock, 2,314. Weekly?Net receipts, 344 bale*. Export* coa*tai?o. 32U Sales, 385. Wilmington, N. C.. July 21. 1876. Spirits of turpentine steady at 27 %c- Bosiu quiet, but steady; stiaiued, $1 20. Tar lirui at 41 75. Oswkuo, N. Y.,Julv 21. 1876. Flour unchanged; sales 1.50U bbls. \\ I. rat dull; sales of extra a liite Michigan at 41 41 : No. 1 Milwaukee Club he d at 4l IS; No. 1 white Michigan, $1 36. Corn steady ; tales ut 65c. ; t orn tueai uuchnnged. Mill feed unchanged. ("anal freights i unchanged. Luke receipts?Wheat, 27.8UO bushels ; lumber, | 796.006 leet. Canal ehipments? Lumber. 555,006 feet | itraiu on the canal .roin Buffalo and Chicago lor tide water j yesterday noon ? Wheat, 700,U O bushel* . corn, 844,0 0 do. ; I ! oat*, 226JXJ6 do. ; rye, 23,000 do. ; peas, 4,-RM do. Burr alu, S. Y.. July 21, 1876. Keceiptt by lake?Flour. 146 bbls.; wheat. 8.?x4) . ushols; ! corn, 54.601) ilo. By railroad?Flour. 3.6U0 bbls; wheat, j B.OJO bushels; corn, *2.606 do.; oats, H.OvKJ do ; barley, 800 uo. ; rye, 1,666. Shipments by canal to tide water ? Wheat 16,OU) bushel* ; corn, 8.606 do. To interior points? W heat, 23,000 bu*boi?. By railroads? Flour. 3,oO> hbls ; wheat, 31,066 busut'ls, corn, 62,066 do.; oats. H.OUO do.; barley, H>A> do.; rye, 1.6m) do. Oana! freights dull and lower : wheat, 5%c. a 5*4c.; corn, .V4c. to New York, tolls included. 1 lour quiet aud uncli niged. Wheat continues unset tied and entirely nominal, consequent upon the shrinkage ol values. Corn .iull; sales of 5,060 bushels No. 2, lu lot*, at 50c., buyers hoi 'iug otf for lower rates. Oats, rye ami bsrlcy inactive, l'ork quiet at $20 56 for heavv iu**s. Lard dull at ll>*c. Highuines nominally 41 IJ1 4 a 41 13. Toledo. July 21. 1876. l'lour quiet. Wheat quiet but steady; No. 1 wnite Michigan. 41 20; No. 2 do., 41 0<; amber Michigan, spot, hold at 41 05; 41 64libid: September. 41 07; No. 2 do.. Hk.; No. 2 red winter, 41 14: No 3 Laytou aud Mlchiga , H)c. Corn dull; high mixed, spot, 49c.; August held at fOc., September, 31c.; low mixed. 48c.; no grade, 46%c.; damaged. 30c. Oais quiet; No. 2 aud Michigan, 31c. Km-eipt* Flour. 50ii bbls.; wheat, 3.0UO bushels; corn, 19,006 do. oats, 2.900 do. Chicago, July 21, 18*8 Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat unsettled. but gener lly higher ; No 2 Chicago spring 8oc. a 86'^c.. soct; 87 Vkc. a 87%c., August; 9l>ac. a 91\c., September; No 3 Chicago spnug, .2c. a 75c,; rejec ed. 58c. Corn moderately active ami higher; No. 2 at 44'gC., spot; 44t*c. a 44>4c., August; 44*nc. a 44%c.. September. Oat* fairly active aud a shade higher ; 27*c. a 28c.. spot or Auiru?t. Kye tirm ai 60c. Barley tiruier at 31c.. spot; 65c., aepteiu' or. Pork in fair demand, but lower; 418 60 a $18 65, spot; 418 72%, 80pteiuber. Laid in fair demand, but lowet; 410 96 a flu 92%. spot; 411 02%, September. Bulk tno.iis weaker; shoulders, 7%e. a 7V*c.; short rib middles, W*ao. u ; short clear middles, lOc. Freights weak; corn to Buffalo, 1'je. Kail road fro.gins to New York. 20c. Receipts ? Hour, 6,00J bbls.; wheat. 42,oo() bushels; corn, lsl.MIJ do.; oats, 47,006 Uo.; rye. 965 do.; barley, 406 do. .shipment*?Flour. 6.006 bbls.; wheat, 15,00) bushels; corn. 22 '.6 A) do. ; oats, do.; rye 466 do. ; barlvv, 1,206 do. At the afternoon call of the Board:?Wheat easier; 87%c?, August. Corn easier; 44c. a 44%c., Augtfst; 44%c., September. Oat* unchanged. Porn dud and easier; 418 60 a 418 62%. August; 418 75, dcptciuber. Lard l'.rmer; 410 95, August. COTTON HECEIFTS. The following are tue total net receipts at all ports since September 1, 1875 t'oru. nairm. iwnnt. r.tuet, ( til vest on 4??.a.'4 Baltimore 18,5o4 i Now Urlentu 1,H5VJ.4(W New York 217,473 i Mobile 3bi?,j09 Boston 7I,H7> Savannah 315,0.">9 Providence. t-harlenton 887,349 Philadelphia N4.H47 Wilmington 77,72?> Port K??yul 21,3*9 Norfolk 462,003 ludianola 17,487 | Total 4.081,321 EUROPEAN MARKETS. J I.onuo.v. July 31?Evening.?Linaeed uil, J3a. 6d. per CWI. I.onhon, July 31?5:30 1*. II.?Produce?Spirit* of tur; pontine. 2 * ltd. per cart I.ivkhpool. July 31 ? Evening.? l.inaeed oil. 24a. per cwt. I Antwkiip. July 31.?Produce?Petroleum, 35 A, f. lor Sue p*le American. FOAitClAL. _ I A" T KhANOXAllLK UAIts-MONKY U.V~L1KK AMI) , Endowment iuauniic# Policiea. Mortgag#* end oilier ! eeartiiee; luauranee ol ml made effected witU beet compeuiue. j. j. HAUKK'U a OO.. liiSraMnfi Tj3t)R SALE-A KILK SKY/ YOKE SHIPPING LIST, 1 hound in yearly roluinei; 1844 to 1.174. Addreaa box 2,853 Poet office 1~ WAV T ?5.1 IM KOK Tl X MONTHS, TO K.N AH IJK MR to lnvren>e uiy manufacturing lecillllea; will giye Bond endoreed note* lor the amount, unit obtain lor n tunable perlon it peruiiinent position in una ol the beet houae* in tbll city. I' or nu interview, aildreaa do.OUtl Herald ulBve. MOKTG Uih.i WA.VIKU $ I .i' moi roToAX I.N ONE or more tuina, on good city Property. K. G. J.OI hK, 1JP Sth ft., near Hroadwey. OTKIGK UK 111 K NluN CUNsOUDATKU MINING Company ol Trniicaoee, 31 nud 33 Broad at.?In con (in mity with a iinnn in >ua rut# of the flock, repreteuted at I lie a ii it u h I Hireling licbl 33d June, 187(1, and tiie rr?olutioua nl tliw Board ol' director* ill accordance therewith, all of which are art forth in a circular lhl< day Uau-d by the <oinpany. and to he ohla.nrd at lla office, ilie dlrectora of the above company hereny notify ita atockboldera, wltlmul delay, to acml their nock certlOcalea of #1(1 aharea, iioiiimal value, to lie exchanged lor #H?l aharea. nominal value in tue proportion ol ten aheroa for one. ALPKED KIMKKlt. Nnw VoiiK, .111 y Jl. laps. Secretary rij SHAKES "IMrKli sXcTK.X X* Pltfcss " ~4G ksif mii 11 r* r njjMir uuiiMri miiiinii . aunarn ireaaura a: 11 i'M Cm*. I.IMM.hV MUKKAT, SKJtl Hi i?d? p?y. iTil >)||n Mi ll I lAIAN llN HuN * AMI MDKT <51.-UU.UUU gnua At tf per cant. WOOD A t I.OYH Jd.Nr.S, 136 11 re ad w? jr. I?l ?U\ K*S O.'I'OHTIM I'IKK. V"* ccoi NTs AMI HO IK- M II.vm it: W.I.A fiT. r??tig*t*d. balanced and closed by expert account nut*; terms and li >ur? to suit. Address A. II. K., box 2,0*3 Font ottct. 4 KEAUH I r KSY i.KMLhMt.N WANTS TO J\ iuaK* an in h pendent fortune with a little nntlav ho will bud it by auurcssing. for interview, NKW ARRIVAL, Herald office. j^oii HALE OR A im. TAXIS A PARTNER POR A " newly invented and most improved Wringer .Maibine, lo be seen tit 3d av. tit Mi HALK?ONK OV FhK niiiK'bi' MXDIUM I? silted Hotels; doing a flue business; Lease and Furni \ ture at I ?w price For i information apply to WM. BTKvVART, Mewart s Hotel, Broadway and i^th at. I^oR DISPOSAL?ONK OF THE HKST MAKKKTH OS * the west side; leading avenue. Full particulars of TAYLOK A LANK, 7tJ Barclay st. / *OOD O PORT! MTV I WISH TO MAKK TUB kC \Jf quaitttance of a gent b? mm or lady havinz about \ $3,<x<Ocaidi tor a legitimate* undertaking; for use of coli and service* I will pay a large salary, or on conditions i w mid take a partner;goou references. Address.!fcWKLKY, ! fftraid office. j J>AHTNKR \^ANTKD? ATTIvlt P.U KKI'.KKU, WITH tifuxteud the business ol a 'iianutaclory of ; staple proprietary* rood* for manufacturers' me; unex- I cent tollable mere nee. Address C il K *1 It' ALs, Herald ; office. p \IU.\hll W AS I I.I"> W 11 II I HO VI ?|...l?K> ro SJ'. 4M, J. to extend mi eatabllahed. profltttMn liiiaiue.a ol Irt jrenra' Handing: mail bo *n uerpetl.i, thorough huaineas niKU ; uwin# to .tendily iiicren.iiif liu.lne.a addition*! capital *nd help ia reqalrail at once; rcfererio-. plren ami required : bK.lueM i. iia/uiir 1" to *> par cant |>cr anuum. Ad tire.. .M. t , box li?7 ilemld office. "OA UTSI'iII WASTKD?WITH Sl.vT) TS HI'KCIAI.TV, L iliKt .nil nia.e Ineeatment niouthljr; icool ikIktk and nxpemea allowed; niuat nave the rnali and give thue to buame.a Addiea. IILTIM ATU S. Herald office. CTATK HIUHTi' K<?* HAI.E, OTI1KK TIlAS NRW O nianitfnctOTe j<v>d? now baaing ready aale; capl ?l required, $.',i?>? to Vd.KHI; itiveatlgalion aolicltad. I ur M.ifrvir ? aiiore*. M. A H., 11 r Al ?i Md.r.v rjVnh lvk.m.w i Ki.Ki> k \M, WITH ALL 1IIK LATKHT NEWS, li tbe only Lveuin/ P?jnr that li raad by all clatari for two r*nt?. Ur A.VIID?KOR CAMIt. AT A RASUAU, A MTUCK ol Lry (iooda, not oyer ffl.iMl A HLOMQVIAT, 130 yimi it. U 'A Mhl)- A HI s I .\ r. N s VI A S v\ I l it "fit . ?i To tV 9I<>,""? to take Intereit in wed c.tacili.hrd minulaituriny hutilieii; Inee.tlyalio'i di.lred. rviirencei ?M chanfid tMrm h 11 11 . jjj Win 4M it. WtNTRD?PARTSbITwITi] 95.UOO PuR OXK THIRil intere?t In inamilai'turinic em: poi. I. In demand lor railroad., imlL, Ac.:'principal* ouiy. Addreai III DSuS. HarvM offlca. Ur.\vThl??AN At'TIVK MAX. Willi Ml r.S] larita buiioeia already citabll.hed; rare rhaara. In nmra lor HAS KURD, Van liyka llouae. comer Hay aid and Venal. WILL INVKsT IMMKOIATKL1 Hi v MI S3 11*11 new or ealatillilied unwrr with lull partlcn- I Ian. At TlVh HIMMl.lM MAS. Herald nitrr. d.|(Wt A MONTH ? V N BK M vl'K HV IN V Kit TI Nil pi "I" fpnine lexitnnale mi. Kor particalan adiiii'iv I.A1MK PKoPTni, ilaritld nlHca. liO" (Hid WANTKb ' N UK-! BONO AM. Paw* ? a "I""/ Mortgage. on Weatern tlanutartnrlng Property, co.t and worth anil doing proaperoua bu.lnra-, print Ipal and Inter*.t iroarant'ed and paid by a thoroughly rcatmn.lbl* New York flrm. Kor lull particular! aodrvia MAXlPAOTUKBrt. boa B.tHJ Coal nltca, < >1111 (Will T" IN HIM- III SI II I.N a> ?U" ".a MM / cllir or country, .Irraey or Saw York Property. II. I'., 110 It road may. room 4tt. $1,000,000 , ,NI Jttuk V. U. WVCKOFP. : jT THE COURTS. Several days aco Nathan t'lman was arreslad on aa extradition warrant from Governor Tildrn. (runted on the requisition ?t the Governor ol Pennsylvania. I'lima n it charged with obtaiuiug goods under fa Ire preleuce* at Lrighlou, Carbon couuiy, Pa. A writ of halreaa eorput was obtained id hie caee returnable today, and at the same t me a w rit ol certiorari waa Issued by Judge Woatbrook Governor TiMeo to send to the Court the papers upon which the warrant of tltrudiilon was grunted. the two writs bong made returnable yesterday. I'pou the case being called Judge Weetbrook staled that bia attention bad been called to the sending of a writ of certiorari to Governor Tlldeu, and added that It w .? usual In tins district to lasuu write of habeas coi pus and certiorari to the same person at the same tune, and bavug signed tbe habeas corpua to the Sheriff'he Indorsed without examination Hie certiorari. Ho lelt satiatled tliut no authority waa glvou by Ilia statute to issue such a writ to the Governor, and as soou us he discovered his mistake he revoked the writ. He then expla ued at leugtb the office of the certiorari writ. Counsel lor ITlman stated that bo applied lor the certiorari because his letter sent to Albany lor the papers was unanswered Attorney General Katrchild (Hissed up to Judge We?lbrook a return I rum Governor fildeu. giving copies ol lha papers <>n which iho warrant was Issued. Mr. Fairchild slated mat lliu Govarnor in Uin reiarn wishes to rail the attention of the Court to what His Honor had just suid, tool the certiorari is not in tended to review tho reasons for granting that uiaudale. In rosponae Judge West brook said that there was no necessity lor thia, the Court having do it for itself. Prisoner's counsel staled that Cllmaii is a citizen of this Slate; that bo nought two horses irom u man iu Carbon county, giving $50 cash and his note lor the remainder; that he allerward paid $35, alter which lie failed in business, paying only ill ty per cent; that the man Irom Pt-uusylvani'u then came here hiuI threatened to have Ulluian arrested unless he paid $50. now; thai Ulltnan did not have the money, aud that thereupon tho man went to Albany and obtained the requisition fur bil arrest After some lurther discussion the urgameni of the case wae adjourned till next Wednesdny. Tin following is the lettor of Governor Tilden referred t? above, the accompanying papers being simply lh? atlldavlta upon which the warrant of extradition was granted:? To TH* Sl'PHICMK CoraT or thk State or New York:? 1 have been served with u writ of certiorari, eouinminting me to certify to the lfon. T. R. Westbrook. or one ol the Justifies ol the Supreme Court of the Slato ol New York, hi the Court House In the city of New York, on the 21st day ot July, 1876, at eleven o'clock A. M , the day und cause ot imprisonment ot Nathan Ulluian, aud to produce copies ol the requisition and nltlUbviis irnut the Governor ol Pennsylvania. 1 have not the said Nathan I'llman in my custody or under nty power ol restraint. On the 5th day of July, 1876, I received a requisition from tho Governor of Pennsylvania for the return to that Statu of the said Nathan 1,'lltnan, c ti urged therein with tho crime ol obtaining property hv lalso pretences. On tho fltb day ot July, 1676, iu pursuance of said requisition, I Issued tny maud itu lor tho arrest ot said Naihas I'llman and lor his deltvory to Joseph S. Webb, tin agent designated by lite Goveruor ol the Stale of Pennsylvania lor that purpose. I mn not Informed whether tny mandate ltss been executed. 1 attach hereto a copy ol said requisition and of the papers accompanying the same. I dctiv, with great respect, tho right of the Court to issuo said writ of certiorari to me or to review directly my ucllou in discharging the duty imposed on mo by the constitution ot the United Stales with respect to the surrender of fugitives from justice. 1 also claim that the Court bos no power iu this man nor to cor.ip i iho production ol the papers In question now voluntari.y submitted. Albaxy, July 21, 1676. SAMUEL J. TILDEN. THE AUSTRIAN EXTRADITION CASE. In the case of the examination of I.eopol L. Netlel, the alleged Austrian lugttive, whose extradition Is demanded by tho Austrian government, all the testimony to Judge Ulatchlurd, ol the lotted States District Court, on appeal from tbe decision of Commissioner Osborn, holding the defendant for llio action of tbs Executive, la presenting the case of bis client and appealing on the exception taken by bim and overruled by the Commissioner ox-Juuge Juacbimsen laid particular stress upon what be dooms tlie principal point lor tlio Judge's decision. He contends, among other propositions, that the whole of the evidence sboult liave been considered; that there was no conceivabh legal reason lor ibe Commissioner's rejection ol' tb? evidence ollercd on the part ol Hie accused ; that uoos ol the lucts testiiled to by bim were contradicted; tbul there was nothing whatever in bI* testimony inconsistent vvuh truth or defying belief; that such rejection of the deietfdum's testimony was arbitrary and a legal liervers.ou ol a discretion uccosaarily aub'iiiitidd to ihs inagislrale. Counsel suggested that it waa perhaps a salve lo the Commissioner's conscience that the accused being an Israelite he uiigtit not have believed In ibe sacreduess ol the oatli administered to bnu, as tf between Jew and Christian there was any question of lbs authenticity ol ihe Scriptures. Counsel contended thai there was no precedent lo show where, alter an oath had beeu legally administered, without objection, and ufiersllreci and cross-examination, mat tins question of religious bcltel has been allowed lu be entered upon. In *11 cases the Court is bound to credit tbe assertion o( the witness that tbe oalti in lorm presented by law Is binding on dim or her to tell the truth. Counsel said he would feel deeply aggrieved il tbe ruliug of tbli Court should inaKo a precedent that a Jew's assertion that bis individual oonscieuco is saustled by tbe forms of tbe law o! his couotry is not to be accepted, but lliut lu order to boontue u credible witness be is lurced to submit to wbai the Jung# may believe lo bo essential ccreincnles, but which. In lact, are only ceremonies wholly separable aud distinct Iroin his rolig.en, whatever tenets ol latlh may be in cmoed therein. This would bo the selling up of aa ecclesiastical lest foreign to our laws and repugnsul is our constitution. Counsel contended Ibis was a question very maierial to ibe issue now, but bad no bearinjnn iha i-aii* whan lielora the Commissioner: thai ii< introduction hud been objected to, out tout, tbo Commissioner having admitted it, it vitiated the whole proceeding*. 'lb* Judge reserved his decision. IMPORTANT TO TOBACCO DEALERS. An injunction was granted yesterday by Judge Wast* brook, in Supreme Court, Chamber*, on application ol Mr. lame* J. Thomson, prohibiting Henry H. Watts Irorn packing, selling or having ou band any smoking tobacco labelled ijenuine Durham Smoking Tobacco," or using the word "Durham" or the devise ol a bull, or aay initiation of Ulucltwell ,t Co.'a label. Judgment vat also rendered against Watts tor damage* and coil*. Tins matter u*? beeu under llligaiiou Tor several vcari In tho I'ateul oflico, in the United Slates Circuit Courl and in various .suite courts, and with uniform deculoni In lavor ol the plaintiff, it Is now determined to prosecute any intriugement, whether by manufacturer* or teller*. DECISIONS. UPRBMS COURT?CUA1UE1B. By Jtidgo Westbrook. Fagan vi Beggs. ? Order granted. Uu.-smgcr vs. liould. ? Memorandum. Hurden vs. The Farmer*' Milk Company #t al?Motion domed. Dluineutbal vs. Anderson cl al?Order grtnlod for allowance. By Judge Doi.ohu*. In the matter ol Roosevelt. ?Denied. Jo cpli D. Hogan vs. Margaret V. Began. ? Report ol reieree r.outt/med and decree of divorce granted to the plaintiff. HUPRXUR COUBT?OEN KRAI, TERM. lly Judge Brady. Klertted ct al vs. The Orange and Alexandria Railroad Company; same vs. Same; Will* el al. v*. Simmons el al. ; Sain* vs. Same, and McDonald vs. Tbt Mayor, kc.?Order* settled. HL'PKItlOR COUIIT? SPECIAL TKTK. Hy Judge Sanford. Marvolt vs. Thayer.? Order granting ilSO allowance to delendaut. Chad wick vs. Sateroth.?Undertaking approved. Cssbmau vs. Weber et al?Order cnnoilllng lit Ixiim-TV Tb* Mutual Idle Iniurunee Company, of N?w York, v*. Conner el aL ? liclcren'i report continued *nd Judgnitiii oi loreeloeure and ante ordered. flio Dry Dock Having* Institution v*. Cobb etaL ? Order coiihrtning report ol referee and order ng pay merit ol surplus money*, Ac. laidw. ll vt Ke.'ler el. at ? Referee's report confirmed, and Judgment ol foreclosure. Arc., ordered. Wliitmau el al. va Hortoo. ?Motiou denied, with $10 coil*. The Dry Hock Saving* ltank vs. 1'epper ol al ~Order denying motion. hli'ilJ.Mt COURT?CIRCUIT?PAST 1. fly judge Donobuo. Nichols va. Sicgei and .mutter?Settled. COM 14<'X PLEAS?SPECIAL ThllM. Hy Judge Nan IIrunt. Ilurni va f.uta ? Ordar settling prupoeod caae on appeal. Hnlnn va Sherson, and Huego va. The Providence end New York steamahlp t'oniiuny. Ordera eigaed. Urumbacber v*. tiotiwald.?order of relun-Dce. MARINE OOl.'Rl?CHAMBERS, fly Judge (>oep|\ Landcruan va Roger*.? See opinion on flla Snnp*ou va Ouest.?Order dismissing action conditionally. Cochrane vt. (ir.usmuk. ? Order overruling demurrer, a'.tli $20 coet*. Arkelletui v*. I'etera?Order striking out anewer a* aliowii, with $10 costs, Ac. Lang et al va Ihonias et al.?Order den ring motion to vacate attachment, with $10 co?t* Carroll va. Conner, alierifl, Ac.?Order to file undertak ng nunc pro tunc. Hrv?riy va l.icbtcnatoin.?Order striking out portion ol answer a* abown. Alluiayer\a. Magiun; Clayton va Rand; Appel va ?Order duconiinuiug action, without ctwta Wehli va. Tailinudge.?Order appointing Adolf Ctakl aa roleree. Or.>ao va Taylor.?Order Tor examination of witnets. belore trial. Albright vt. Hewitt cl al.?Order extondlng time to answer. l.a? rente et aL va Keyei, aa receiver.? Undertaking approved. Harry va Springer.?Order appointing guardian, Ac. The Hover Rolling Mill Company va Keardon.? Order duniisitug notice of lumiUoailon of bail, Ac. Heisaecibuttel va Cordea?Order lor Judgment en anewer aa invuioiUi