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The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, July 22, 1876, Image 8

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Oi.rs Cova, L. L, July 21, 187rt.
lu accordance with tho iuue honored custom tbe
Brooklyn Yacht Club are agaiu on tho eve of iu annual
cruise to the eastward Though tho event, in the
number of boats takiug part In It, seems less promising
than in yeura past, hopes are expressed,
and reason* even given, that the reuuion
villi eclipse any like our preceding it. During
yesterday alteruoon an I evening vessel alter
vessel dropped its anchor oil tms quiet retreat,
and when the flagship at suudowu tlrod her gun
nod hauled down her colors, uino boats in a.I were
. represented. Most of them experienced but little dif- !
Acuity In the run up from (iowanua Hay, and nothing
that occurred, so far as learned, occasions remark.
The day was fair for the rendezvous, and the large
number of guests on board tho boats were augmented ,
by the arrival of owners and Inends on lho .Seawun- .
huka, Irom New York, which madu tho landing shortly
nrler six o'clock
Al eight o'clock the captains of the various yachts,
by previous notification, assembled on the il-igship |
Madeleine and talked ot tile movements of tbo squadrnu.
It was xoou settled that tbo boat-, should gel uu- 1
der way this morning about eight o'clock and proceed
to Mgrris' Cove, whore they will lay over night, and on 1
Saturday start lor (irornport. Here It is anticipated
there will be a race lor both schooners and sloops, and
as the prizes that aro to be offered art- said to he valuable
an exciting contest maybe expected. From that
lime on the captains will decide upon the places 10 he
Just upon the adjournment of the meeting on board ;
I lie Madeleine toe uews was Hashed ucross the wire to
Commodore Ihcker-on ol the sad death 01 that spirited j
yacnteuiun, Mr. William 1. Garner, together with his I
wile aud Miss Hunter. The intelligence could nut al
llrsl he credited, aud despatches were scut to New |
York inquiring what truth there was in the report, i
Too soon It was found to he true. Nothing lual could |
have occurred would have lor the lime so adeemally
dampened the ardor aud enthusiasm
ot the yachtsmen ss this terrible news..
Though comparatively young in the pastime
the owner ot iho Mohawk hud made a name in yachting
circles, sccoud to none iu this or utiy other couutry.
From the nine he commenced to love the sport !
ou the deck ot the magic, through the ownership o!
the Vixen, his tlrst boat, the Magic, and theu his lust
trull, ex-Vice Commodore earner was ever looked upon I
as u model amateur sailer. There could have been no
more appalling news' to his Iricuds and lelluw yachts- i
men than this ot ins suddeu and terrible death. What ,
OtMM1 the club wib lake in ibe promlsoo to lOiyd
known, nut as Mr. (iaruer was a tuumner ul Hie e uh
there w ill doubtless be some expression of the great ,
lo.-s :t has, as an organization, sustained.
The following are the yachts that compose the j
fleet:? I
-Virmr. Otrner.
Madeleine Commodore J. >. tiickerson.
Clio Vice Commodore JuQU U. Piatt I
Tidal Wave William V. orli.g.
Pea Witch bran* II. .Srail.
Mystic .Charles IJ. Llall.
N'lantlc K. il. .'luntlcy. i
America John K. Tieadwell.
become II. Osbouru.
Besides lib above Mr. Godlrey Gunthcr is on band
with a liliputuu sie.im yacht, and irum the remarks of
one ol his guests she must lie a cosey crull. The Comet
was iu the harbor this evenlug, but did not anchor,
buu will, doubtless, be lound at Grceuport, with o hers
Im.unsiuu in !>.. snd, \lr 11 urn l..c- V ul,...i, V u
bruu uow and Him is lior "Ural appearance" lor uc- I
live service upon any waters. The has a saucy and !
rakish cut.
a II is possible thai the Canadian Yacht Countess or 1
Ihillcrin may jo.n us at lirei-uport. Major liitlerls has I
advised Couunodure Dickorson tout he will he iu sail- | ,
tug trim the latter pai l o( the week, and, II ho does ' '
not enter Ureiitou Keel race lor the Bennett Cup, will 1
Joiu the liruokh u lleel oil Midler Island ou Sunday. <
Commodore Dicker sou answered the recent letter ol ,
the Kogulu Committee ol ltie New York Club beloro I
he tell the chy yesterday, lie advised, in answer 1
to iho question, that iliu Madaleiue will return I
ahnui the lid pTWL, and then, Willi three or (
lour dai s to again get in good shape, the yacht will be
ready iu measure speed with loo Countess ot Dutlcnn I *
fur the Duron's Cup. During the cruise the British <
yacht Hoieu is expected to he lallen in with.
A suualt troni the northwest cooled the atmosphere
greally last uighi. It wus raining early this inoruiug, 1
but now there are mdicuiioiis oi lair weather. 1
Ni w Havkn, July 21, lbTC. 1
As described in my coiuinnnication ol this morning,
tbe run to this place was au exceedingly agreeable one, i
and bad It not beeu tor the sad news comuiuuicateU to
the tleet ou the way, would have been one of unmixed | '
oil Matinicock Point the tight was unusually am- 1
mating, though the number ol yuchls in Iriendly competition
was small. With the reliable Clio in tbe lead,
tbo stanch S>ea Witch next lu order, Iho slippery
Mudeltine third, Mystic lourlh, tbe new sloop N'ntniic
fifth, Favorite next, and then llio Comet, but little was
wauling to make the picture pretty in the extreme. ! 1
Tne Tidal Wave'* owner bat-lug cuiered her lor ibe ; ,
llr.nl.,, U?..l r...... ..I VI ^ I -I.- I 1
I be Don!* a short di-tance only, aud ibcu went to the
treat ward lu order to be in rcauiuvsa to (tart tor that
Important event.
At Kb. 45ni. the Clio bad increased her lead of the (
Beet Inlljr halt a tuiie, with the Sea Wlicb as before;
but the Madeirtno was last picking her up, while the
N auitc was showing her slippery heel', a lid, by the '
waV. ?>urinc the run here this uew laiut has shown that .
she nun much speed. The Comet at this tiuio was a
long distance to the leeward ol the fl.gship, white the i
Myrtle and Favorite were stll! further aslern. Ft I teen
minutes later the Muuelciue t? aaed the Magic to wind- |
ward, and tiom th.it point ou she una rapid y securing j
the leading position. (Kea.siou.illT the wind was very
light, and during much ot the tune it was pally,
while now and then it canto in big 'ctunkks."
binn all the interest wua centred on the Cilo,
Madeleine and Ntaiilic, lor the others wero so rapt lly
dropping astern that It was evident noth ng like a
race could be expected. At ten o'clork the Madeleine
hot through the ice ol the Clio, having bcou uenrlv
two hours in acromplh-liiug it, though the latter ear.'led
more sail thau the tlagibip. The Favorite and
ileum yacht New Atusierdam were out ol sight at this
Olf Norwalk Islands, the Madeleine was lead- I
ing the Clio about u quarter ol a utile, the Clio
cbowitw the cour-e to the Cotnet luliy
three quarte rs cl a mile ahead, with the ,
Niantu next doing excellent work, tod the balance as
beioie given. Here the America, the new sloop ol Mr.
Tretowell, was sighted, din huv.ng lett (lien Covo .
about (ill. 30m., making her way slowly to deatlna- j
tion. At 10b. Jirr.., the Clio sent down herJlhtopsall,
it no longer 1-cmg ot service, and at 10b. 4Aia, she
picked up and pa-red the America which had now
dropped 10 third position. Salutes were exchanged
with the Clio us they parted company, and though the
America's owner cou.d not lead tt> - Beet iniu Morris
Cove he seemed just as happy as If he were able to
do "o
At llh. 45m, the Nlantlc also placed (ho America
nsi/m. una on Stratford Point light the Madeleine
had KtKh a commanding position that she stowed her
muintopsail and ore-ail. running Mte balance of tho dis. '
lance under uiatnsail alone. The tho Comet left the
fleet and stood away lor (ireenport, snd, as tbe Mystic
had already adopted this course, there remained but
few to anchor in Morris Cove, u-ordered by tho Corn- j
luodoru Tho yachis arrived as follows: ?
n. v. // Af.
Madeleine I ni America -j ist
Clio 1 J-? I nitrite Not timed I
N'antic 1 " 1 New Amsterdam Nol tttn'rl j
Nes Witch.... 1 it
The distanee, over lorty mties. was thus mado tn
about live hours by tins Commodore'., and Vice t amnio- <
dore's boats. Soon every thing was made snug by the (
early ay vat*, preparatory to remaining until to-mor- '
row morning. At daybreak, or shortly alter, they are 1
expected lo leave lor Greenport, where other yachts j |
will M lOUBO.
the central hcdson yacht '
PoniHagrrxi*. July 21, 1*70
Ou Monday ueit tlie yac.bt* "I Iho Central Hudson '
Yacbl Club will atari <>n their flr?t annual crui?e 10
Albany, with lommmlnw Grtnnoll in command. They
will auip itl Poogbkeepeie, Itondout, llu.Uon and
yachting notes.
The follow air yaebta paeaed Whitestonr yesterday?
Steam yacht It11 pie (no ciubi, Mr. W ebb, Iroui New
York for Newport.
DreadnaugUt, N.Y.V.C., Mr. Oaborn, from New York
for New l.oodou.
Tidal Ware, N.Y.Y.C., Mr. Voorhia, from Glen Cove 1
for New York.
Ttie Peerteen, N.T.Y C., Mr. Maxwell, la at ancbor off
beacon l'auk races.
Boarox, July 21. 1878.
Summary of trotting races at Hca< on Park to-day;?
rnaaa 2.2#?ri nex fSOl), ihwuik.
>'lora Bell. cli. 2 1 1 1
Henry Cnaae, k g 1 2 2 2
lime, 2;ai?.-2:?',-2 *!' .
aWRKCXTAK?:-> HAI *?rt'RXK $2110 I
Lady Williams b. in 2 3 1 1 1 |
' May George b. g 2 1 j 2 2
Jady keiiiu. t>. m 1 2 3 4 I '
Ar'bur T.. I>. g. < 4 2 1! .'I
Maby Girl, l> in 4 > 4 die. ?
l ime. 2 44',?2 4.1k,?-I Ilk?2 4U I
< i.aea 2:22?rfnea $200. i
lady Nell, U m 1 0 2 I 1 i
Lady Daggett, g. ui 2 o 1 2 > I
Oeaerai, bik. a. a o 3 3 2
liana. 2.**??:3??2 22?2:3d.
Sar'atoca, July 21, 1H7S.
The athletic sports were concluded at Gleu Mitchell
to-day. Tho air haying cooled and the tra-:k crusted
by yesterday's rain put matter* in excellent trim for 1
good sport, and after a little delay tho three inile run I
was called at about hall-past ten. There were five entries I
for this event?two troin Union, two irom Wealeynn and i
one Irom Dartmouth; among them Krcar, (he Union !
stroke ?ar Onijr two started?Hays and E. C. Slln- j
sun, of Dartmouth.
Snnson went in 15.000 foet ahead of bis adversary,
and looking all over a wiuner, in Dim. and 21s., the
fastest i nue by far that was ever made by auy American
student, and 471.*. hcltci than Monell's famous
I?l ..... U * ... I
looks much done.
Among the bit who came up the score for this in- '
tcrosting rum were Nohle. ol Princeton; Mcrrltt, of I
liowdoin; Waison, who walked ko gamely in the three J
mile* yesterday und broke down, nud Drlscoll, of Will- |
iams, who wnr so leariully used lust year at the cud !
ol tbo seven-mile wulk. Spriuging away very last at I
tho word, utid looking as if all wero running. I
they at once strung out in the following order:? |
Drircoll, Watson, llorritt, Woodbrulge (ol Union) und i
Noble. Merrill got enough of it ubout 400 leot dowu I
the second quarter, und dropped out. At the
gate Wutson goes by Driecoll, but In a moment
the long six-looter?lor, by the wuy, he looks larger
every wuy sinco last year?m abend of hint ligain,
aud both going home at a groat pace, bo is thrown
out by tbe referee just before tbo (lniah. and Watsou
wins, to the great delight ol his Irieods. who surround
him, and he walks oil'briskly to dross, sheltered by un
uinhreilu. "Hoo! ray! C. C. N. V.I*" is the new shout
to-day, and the College of tho City of New York tallies
one and is rightly proud.
Mow us, of Weslevan, is well chased by Phlller. of
the I Diversity of Pennsylvania, tinstl up to the quarter
utile, when tho latter, saying "1 can't stand this today,
" nud drops back last, stepping out at tbe halt and
letting Downs finish at his leisure, which lie does in
tine lorm, dropping his hands und running in in
6m. 38a.
Mann, of Princeton, who threw the base ball so well
yesterday, pressed Pryor, ol Columbia, for a while and
did good Jumping, their two stylos being entirely different
He exemplifying completely the sideways run
and jump wlmo Pryor ran straight ut the bar, and
after many times clearing it with the utmost grace, at
last wtnniug by juiupiuu.
Slnuson, the fast Dartmouth man, again appears. T.
K. Green, of Princeton, being his sole rival, llul, to
tho goneral surprise, the latter runs away irotu In in nl
once, uuu by the quarter hoe put him 160 feet behind.
Hero Sum says lis he passes, "lie's too much
lor tne." But bis intention Is culled to a
tuct which does him good, lor Green hud
been holding his rich! bund hard against
Ills side, which almost certainly meant side ache.
Aud sure enough, though 300 teet uheud at the halt, his
stertorous breathing tells tho story, and he gradually
(alls hack, till tho plucky Dartmouth boy is level, then
pusses him. and In response to "Slitnson, make your
usual spurt," obeys orders like a iuuu, and finishes in
4m. 68>,s.?good lime, indeed, fur a fellow who had
heen through what he hud to-day. So ended a oapilal
day's sport, and all who saw it were pleased.
Midiiletown, N. Y., July 21, 1878.
Wlsner Murray, who was shot at Goshen, July 13, by
Robert H. IJcrdell, whom ho had horsewhipped for alleged
Insult to his tuoiber, died at 1:4o this morning
from the wound lu the head. He was thirty-three |
years 01 bkp; was rri'i.uvui vi mo Village ui liosnou
urn! ngS'Stani cashier of the National Bank ol Ornugo
:ouuty, ol which Ins father, Hun. A. S. Murray, was
president. He served in tho Seveuth New York regliueu(
at the I'cun.-ylvania Invasion in the late war. He
caves a wile and young child, the lortner a daughter of
Jhauncey Barnard, of New York, und sister of Berlell's
divorced wile. The divorco suit was the ilrst
jausc ol the trouble. Coroner Little, of Midulctowu,
:uuinienced thu inquest this morning. Alter taking !
iouie medical testimony the Coroner ordered a post- i
mortem examination. The inquest was then adjourned ]
until Saturday morning.
The investigation uel'nre Justice Coieiuan was continued
lor ibe prosecution. Charles J. Kverell idenn- |
tied Berdell's handwriting on envelopes continuing I
the ottcumve cards, the circulation ol which caused
the tragedy; also on a list ol lntuies ol parlios to
whom cards had been or wore to he seul, louudou Berdeli
when.arrested. The cards were otl'cred in evb
ilenco aud excluded. Among ti e addresses ou them
were the lollowing:?Widow P.irkhurst, ot tiosbeu;
Counsellor llednoy, dr. Judge Ceduey, Seducer Wistier
Murray und wile, Mrs. Hon. A. 8. Murray.
The prosecution offered in evidence the unswer of
Berdell in the divorce suit, In which he cliareed Winner
Murray With over 100 inherent acts of adultery
with pluiutitr Berdell's wile; ulso a copy of the complaint
in the action brought by Berueil against Wisuer
Murray und liertrude, Ins wilo, Mrs. A. A Murray
and Mrs. Harriett B. Berdell foi $30,000 damages by
the removal Irom Berdell's houae ol properly belonging
to him. i
All the documents were excluded by tho Justice.
The prosecution here rested.
Tho first witness lor the delcucv was Hector Moore,
d! Misdletown, who was loruu rlv on the New York
police iorce. His testimony differed materially Iruin
that of ilie oilier witnesses in reference to tho position
nf Berdell's body at the time ol the shooting. He
claimod lliut no saw the whole afl.nr Irom the hegio
mug, aitd ihut most ol the whipping hud taken place |
lielore Herdcll drew bis pistol; Hint he whs held all the .
while by A. S. Murray, and that when the whipping began
Herduli had iiu pistol in bis liaiid. .
In the examination tins ailernoon Thomas F.llrn, of';
oifloMi, tisliU'd to so.-iiu; Winner Murruy niter the ;
whipping put the inuiub and lirsl linger of (he right
iiand in bis hip pocket.
F.lsie Pierce, a young lady in charge of the lunch
room, teslilled positively to seeing a pistol in Wisner
Murray's right baud when altoui to jump over the
uiich counter. The pistol looked like one lounil ou the
loor where Murray tell.
Thomas Bailey, Herdell's colored coachman, saw Berlell
whipped by Wisner Murray while held by the IhI;er'a
brot er. Alter Wisher Murray Jumped over the
-ounier witness saw bis (Murray's) right liaud moving
rum side to -Id'- with something in it His band was
raised 10 the level ol Ins elbow and ho laced Herdcll.
Hugh Pinion, ot Kingston, saw most of the affray;
iswt'h'Unci V Barnard, tmhcrol Benlell'.s divorced wile,
raise au umbrella to strike Hrrdell; alter shooting witness
iold U.in not to sirike, und be did not; beard Heriell
say duriiig Hie wbippiug, "For Hod's sake don't
kill me."
Isaac Taylor, of Warwick, was sworn and testified, j
tnd bis testimony diMered niairriaitv Irom others' in '
reference lo tbo position ol the parties at the com- !
tioiicauieui. Spnucer Murray flrst -oued Bcrdeli- m '
irom, wlule bis biulber wbi|ir>ed bnn Iroui belnnd; I
ailcrward .Spencer chungou to Kcrdrll's back and lac.ed
him to W isnrr.
Public sympathy Is still with Bcrdel in the last
ihair, though the previous cause which led to Ins ,
wile's divorce is generally condemned Itciore the j
tragedy Wisner Murray's lather received a postal curd j
purporting to eomo irom au uoiuarricd wonian. asking I
itiin to meet her as per agreement in New York. The |
-ard was in Herdell's handwriting, not disguised. This 1
a as additional provocation to young Murray.
Oshorn Cross, Brevet Brigadier General United
-tale.- Army aud Colonel ou ilie retired list, who died
:>n the 1,'nh insL. was olto of the oldest officers in lit#
tervlce and a veteran of three wars, having been Hp- |
pointed u cadet in IH'JO and graduated In 182S in company
with the late Alexauder Dallas llactie. well known
ts Superintendent of (be Coast Survey, and Generals
Hubert Audcrsnn, ('birles P. Smith and Benjamin 11
tiger, ibe latter of the Conledrraie army. The only i
in. mo. r <>l the cliv-s ol IHii iiuw on the rolls <>l ih<
iraiy ii W.nliiD(lim Hn?fil, > rmrril colonel Krom
Julv I, l*"26. to January I, lvm, Ceuerai Cross was a
lieutenant ol iniantry, and Iruni 18IKI to 1mu> lie was on
stall iluiy in the QuMlrrasnln't department, La vine
b.-cn appointed assistant qu.irtnxsU r (lieutenant) Jann
ary I, ix.'tfi, captain July ivo*. major July 20, Iftii,
Jii'ilicnaot i'ii oik i and dr|>uly quartermaster general I
I'obrusiy -d, infill ami i onol and assistant quarter
master general July vB?, l>'wi Iniineniuie y on hie pro- '
motion to tha latter rank ho was placed ou llie ritred
list 0* direction ol tin ('resident, under section l'J,
act July T, lxfiii, having la-en mote than forty yeais on '
actttrn duty and being over sixtv years ol age linrina
ihe Klnrdu war ho nerval m minor n Colonel Perailer
K. Mttlth's regiment "1 Lnu.sUoa voiuuiccre, and in
tin Mexican war he n.iH en let quartermaster in (<cn- ;
cral Scott's arniv. l or meritorious services in the
Quartermaster's department durinj Hie lair w ar ' e w.u
brevettcd brigadier geturai, to dale irom March 13,
A despatch from Havana announces that Scfior Juan
Ansa. lor ten years director ol the /'iar? Je ,a Marina,
died last highi, ol ItVOf complaint.
To tiik Editor or tiik Hshai-o:?
I rule on the K.cvatei Hallway Irion Tli'rlielh street
low II. I lur u liiucli; tiu . at the same nine, it Would
lac an impr ivcineiil il bullies a..d pr.A Us .lira were
II. I employed i ll I llst-re ytns o..c ill lioa.il at
llnrtie h ati-.-i i (hi* nutmeg >>o in>- sterling < : the
> jo ira n aim lut*'led uiv p.i->eitg r? :iu.mi| k llnoivti
lit- w anted lo I. kilt Hie w ho.t-i ar Ii >..ii t ni,.is:il
end a II..til I - i initio Vigor aot| . oliliu spit'os ilito
ruining l-t I.kill J| III Jliwe. A cillln l -pun Wilt *
tictr w.tTx quite as well. Vo'.ire tfuiy,
A 1'U.iVbl.LKK.
Mi* tons. July 21, 1ft III
Tbe meeting of the committee appointed by Tarn-.
muDy Halite raako arrangements for tbe ratitlcatibn
meeting ot Tuesday night, was held at tbe Wigwam
yesterday afternoou. It woe announced that tbe following
gentlemen will address the meeting:?John
Hancock, Texas; J. 1'roctor Knott, Kentucky ; Charles
K. Hooker, Mississippi; J. K. Tarbox, Massachusetts;
J. 11. Cordon, Georgia; William Pinkney White, Maryland;
S. J. Kundail, Pennsylvania; ex-Governor 8. B.
Walker. Virginia; I.con Abbott, New Jer?cy; Roger A.
Pryor, Brooklyn; tlcnural Hooker, August Beliuont,
Wheeler H. Peek ham, A. O'Sulllvau, A. H. Purdy, '
Jamas Daly and others Mr. Cbarles A. Dana will preside
at tho mslde meeting.
An unknown man, about iwanty.two year* of age,
while riding on tbe top of a freigbt car on tbe Hudson
River Railroad last evening struck his head against
tbe bridge at Stxty-llftb street and was knocked between
the cars and dragged to loilb streoL Ho was
taken out dead und removed to tbe Morgue. Tbe deceased
had dark hair, and was drussed in a black
jacket suit vest, drab pants uud white spotted shirt.
An Inquest will be held next week.
Stramrr. | Sail*. DatinatUHk. j OJUr.
Utopit July *J2. London 7flovllnr'irtM
City of Richmond. July 22. Liverpool.. lb llroiidwev
Alaatia J u IV 22. (jln.vow ... 7 Huwlliiy Oreon
ilHin July 22. Bremen.... J Bovlinu lireie
Lnvland..... July 22. Liverpool.. b(>Hroudw,y
Bl. Laurent July 22. Havre ... ">6 Hrouilwev
Nevada............ Ju1v2b. Liverpool. ?1 llrumlvav
Algeria July 211. Liverpool.. 4 Howliugf tireen
Stuteef Virginia... July .'7. UIh.viiw. b Hroadwev
l.ellert Inly 27. Hamburg.. Bl Hroadwar
Kritanule.. July 29. Liverpool, 67 Hroadwar
Nevkar July 29. Bremen.... . Bowling Oreeu
Kuvpt....? July 29, Liverpool.. i>9 Broadway
Ancliorin July 29. (J lri.w ? Hnwlin*' ureea
Franc" July 29. Havre.. .*>5 Broadway
Bothnia AU' 2. Liverpool. I Bowline irreea
1st ate ol Nevuda.. Ang It. Glangow.... 72 hroadwar
Puunueranla tun II. Hamburg. > 1 Hroadwar
Kottnrdaiu Aug II. Ilotterdaiu. .'ai Broadway
city ol Montreal. Ang 5. Liverpool. 16 Hroailwav
l'eieire lug n.I Havre lib Hroadwar
Italy Aug < IJrernool. (Ill Broadway I
M ael til.' a. Bremen... Rowliniritraaa
California Any tilaairow... 7HowlingHraou
Aii?lr?!la \uy 6. I inn .. 7 Howling ilreen
Wl.con.in Aug 9. Liverpool. 29 Broadway
Aby-.inia m* 9. Liverpool.. J Bnwlinif (ireea
Plate ol Indiana Any 10. lllavrow... 72 Broadway
Soevia toe I". Hamburg.. Ill hroadwaj
The uneea......... Vii'2 12. Liverpool., (ill Broadwav
Ethiopia Any 12 l.endon... 7 Bowling Green
Ilnnau A ii tr 1 . Bremen... 2 Bnwllnir Ureea
r.ermantc Ann 12. Liverpool.. 87 Broadwav
llammonla An* 17. IIanihurir.. HI Broadwav
Celtic Any 19. Liverpool.. 97Broadway
Cltv ol Cheater.... Any IB. Liverpool, lb Broadway
Wyoming IA or 22.1 Liverpool.. |2U Broadway
Pun nacs........... 4 47 | Got. Inland......evo 947
Bud Beta 1 26 i Sandy Iioolc ovo 9 02
Moon Bets eve 8 46 | Hell (iata eve 11 32
PORT OF KEff YORK. JULY 21, 1876.
Steamer Neckar (Ger), Willi go roil, Bremen JulyH and
Southampton 11, with muse and 258 pa?*ru?ter* to Or 1 rich?
A Co. Had flue weather; July 14. lat 50 47, Ion 'id, was
boarded by a boat from actir A L Palmer tot M John, NB>,
and supplied tb iu with provisions; 17th, tat 47 10. Ion 47,
tiawsed two I irfco iceberg*; lBtli, lat 41. Ion til 31, save brig
T Remirk. from Cape Hreton f<?r New York.
Steamer Albemarle, (libbs, Lewes, Del, with mdso to the
Old Dumiuion Steauisbin CV
Hark i.mina (Hal;, Coii&tanza, Cadlx 35 days, with mdso
to J C Sealer.
Hark Doris KckhnfT, Hows. Havana 11 dsys, with sugar to
Chat Luting A Co; vessel to John ZUtioseu.
Sclir Addixa, Huntley. Arecibo. PK, via Delaware ' reskwater,
15 days, with molasses, Ac, to skiddv, Nluntord A Co;
vessel to Jed Krye A Co. July 1off llatteraa, taw brig
Ortolan, from Philadelphia for Havana,
hchr I- .Merwln. Pearce, Alexandria,
hchr John Iv Kirkman. Richardson, Virginia.
Sclir Ithoda Holmes. Burr, Georgetown. DC.
Schr W I* Hilton, Newton, Georgetown, DO.
Steamer State of Virginia (Br), from Glasgow, arrived
2t>tb. reportsJuly 15. lat 4t) 48. Ion 42 41, passed a
Herman ship showing signal with letter* QBM K in it. bound
W ; 17th, lat 43 l?7, lou 55 28, a Hamburg menuier do; 18th,
lat 42 4J, lou 55 (A), bark Harvester (Br;, from London lor
Baltimore. *.
Steamer City of Fitcbburg, Springer, New Bedford for
New York.
Steamer klectra. Younir. Providence for New York.
Brig Memphis iBn. Reynolds, Winuaor, NS, lor New
Brig Win II Parks, l.uther, Gardner. Me, for New York.
Schr IJortcusia, Larrabee, Dover SB. f ir No v Yoik
Schr : lien Bri, Hurhauan, M John Nii, for New York,
8chr A U Dawson. Mehrhon. Providenc- for ^ew York.
8cbr \Vn? O Irieh. Tlrrell. Warren for Philadelphia.
Schr Hannah L Brown, Backed, Providence for New
Schr Ann Sipple Bacon, Providence for New York,
Schr Helen Mar, Waid, Providence for New Yorn.
Scbr Lizzie I. Ml .la, Armstrong. Bangor for New York,
Schr Emerald, Knowles. Sag Harbor for New York.
8rhr Joseph Kogerj, Beiitley, Portland, Ct, lor New
Schr HannPal. Fenpir, Bangor for New York.
Schr Ltiriaii, Ball. New llaven for New York.
Schr Jobn A Curtis, Willard, Stamford for New York.
Schr Hulitres*. Brown. Lubec lor New York.
Scbr S Kockhtl , Hooker, Xorwatk tor New York.
Schr.laines English, Park- r. New London for New York
Schr Doretta Kahn, Carroll. Middletown for New York
Sctir h U.acktnaii. Aruola. Providence for New York.
S(hr 8 Uarney, Gnrnev. New Haven for New York.
Schr Baltimore, Francis, Norwalk tor New York.
Schr Josephine, Wakeley. Bridgeport tor New York.
Schr .1 P Hohin?on. Kobuison, Gloucester for New York.
Schr J J Wbrthingion Irucworthy, Providence for New
Schr Willow Harp, Norton. Kennebec tor New York.
Schr II F Woolaey. Tirre 1. Providence tor Ph ladelphia.
Schr Sallie Burton. Hurley. siamtora for New York.
Schr Mail. Mead. Ureeuwich lor New York.
Steamer George Washington, Whitehead. New York for
Haliiax. NS. aud St Johns, NF.
Steamer Delaware. Smith. New York for Fall River.
Steamer Tillie. hwing. New York lor New London and i
Brig Arabella (Br), llarvev. New York for Windsor, NS.
Schr Wonder. Woods. New York for Port Jerterfon.
Schr Florence, Sacked. Ilaverstraw lor Pawiuckei.
Schr Wb Yoorhia, ? oldftwith. llaversirnw for Providence.
Schr Geo Whistler, Crosby, Pondout for Denver*,
hvhr H T Potter, Atideraou, New York for Kennebec.
Schr Geo H Kergnaon. Ferguson, New York tor Haugor.
Scbr Richard Law, Eldriuge, Port Johuson for f'rovideuce.
Schr Po?t Boy, Stearns New York for Belfast.
Schr.I H Bartleit, Barrett, Port Johniaia for Providence.
Schr surpiise. Seaman, New York tor kcunobec.
Schr Margaret Kennedv. Ford. New York lor Stratford.
Schr James Croskey Wakely, Hon.tout or Bridirepoit.
>cur i* it ruin. \?rKii?m*. .-vniooy n?r .mill! iff town,
bcltr C*roiiu* Knight. t?ood, New York tor boston
hcbr >1 A OemtuK, llnardm an, I'ort .1 oUueon tor Hartford.
Scltr.la* I>i\ffrtv. (land. Port J oho son lor Providence.
Schr A A K Baker. Terry, New York tor Bridgeport,
heUr Clara Ben, Boxer*. New Yo for Kennebec.
Schr K K ViaiKl.au. Kane, New York lor Portland.
Schr B 1? Si oriuau, Allen, New York h?r Richmond,
schr John Xluuiote, Lincoln, Port Johoton for Providence.
Schr Ida Palmer, Palmer. Albany for Stamford.
Schr Samuel P lindwin. William*. Now \ ork tor Stamford.
Schr J L rrnaaiajr, reported in Friday's Herald, should
have read New Yora for Windsor, NS, not Windsor for New I
York. ^
Steamer St Lauront (Pr), lleinler, Havre via Plymouth
?Loun df ll.lii.u
Steamer Weorye Wa.hinrton, tt Imeliead, Halifax. NS,
ami St John*. NP?Clark A Seaman.
Steamer t'arondclct, haircloth, Somandiaa via Port Royal t
?C li MalKiry A t o.
Steamer Veaper. I mil. Wilmington. Del?A Abbott.
Steamrr Aun Elian. I'lrrcr, Philadelphia?.!?. IIana.
Hai a Ergo (An*1. ?tladroaaicli, Cork or I'aluioiitli for or- |
dern?John t! seaitci
Bark llil'la (>>??, Wolff, Stork holm ? Punch, Kilre A Co. |
HarkColilrn Sleeve .Bn, Arni.trouic, BerbaUoa?11 Trowbridge'.
liark Rebecca Carnatia, Johnton, Malatizas?Wajdell A
Bark Jone K More. Cailiala. Sngua?W aydell A Co.
Brl. t'oncerii lie Iraiaacaiai" lltnli, Troiubetta Briatol. I
E?Benlinni A Boyoaon.
Brie Wm Plilppi tllky), Sairtny. Aux Cave.?Y.lkp, i
Smith A Co.
Briy Arabrll (Br), llfknev, Wlnd.or, SS?J P Whitney A
Schr Thoraaa W Holder, tirky, lletncrara? l.ekvcrkft A
schr Joshua Urlndle, Frrethy, Porto Cabello?D B De?rborn.
Schr Sonrenlr (Br), Hatfield. St.lobni, XP?C W Bartux,
M-lir Stephen T W.lli, Walts. >1 John, Nil?A T lleuey
srlir Howard llold-r iHn, vVllliain., Krjderieton. SB?r
I Nov in? A Son
srlir >l*r? Mil.man Romern, Mobile?K l> llnrlhnt A Co.
Schr Annie E Cranmer, Bra.'x, Richmond, ?a?Stacht A
M-hr llhod.t tlolinea. Burr, Perth Ainboy. NJ?J B Pter?on
.? Co.
echrSarth alien, Cnllen, I'leltmontl, Ve.
r!ir I.ucv A wet, Hlih<>0. WelUleet, Mats? llavilaaJ A |
-chr Palladium. Ryder, WeillWt, Me>??Pi ryn.on A
Sloop hmperor, Uanick. I'awtu ket?Cariwrtyht A Doylo. |
ship limn* 1 lW?r ( ii-r for Hrrmon; b*rk? Lixxlo
Morry, Vutw rp Luito liruno iltm . I.Ubon. Mar*lltoii,
AdtUido; lorosi i armoIU Udrm, Oefllit ( ml).
Kri?t?>:; bulilru KIm o. Htrbn io?; Mb*. IIivuba; brtir*
M?ry l f?wr (lirt, i^ueonttown . Mmipm?. l-ndlx or Holiso;
Tyclio Hriho (Dnii . I-r* d rlcKahm en ; Deme
mri%; ??rlir h rrn Mnith. U^i t>r* mid I'orio r*i>cllo.
Wind At Hiimi, N VV . *t ni.Uni^ht, NNK.
hAroiu?i'*r a! tiMri. JHIlW. mi lO .HI ,'M. 30.1a.
MAUI l'I M K M l.->C K LLA.NY.
Suir dKo M Adivi, from ItiUopondonfi* B.-ir, drovo *t
hoi .i cIit u Jn.f ?, ?nd f u il liix UunivrgAiiMftir*.
c.*u?ivic tome iUhuiti to both vrotU
IUik iiuirNoiT iir Pur.it, f oui *? John. N0. for htib
lio. *o.it H-h rr. .?n,tv \ mi ti Iiklow H.-iMk; deck Itmil {
oi litiiotfi thrown ??v#r, iiO^tecci ??l * iticti were ptrfcod up
indole tr?io? H.4tiki h >U i.imie I nt W ?*?lord. J tilr l'?.
llti'K \?.\i * t' \ vi*i . I?r I.ni dry, llktiu tixlwiiy, in bxl1.4-t
n .iiH'.tuic ;ln* linraor ot \r.b**,?n gu| Nibwn btlliiid i
it. I.r .**4 e.. foil k .| i.ft \ \i. lull II
li kv i.i-i > J ' %. Ilff, from I'UII i.l?loi<ii, wl?Uli
toir (nil it i.-i?i > h, lemv, m a 41 il,? i i vfh: iiic.io* 1
n Airr por 4?'*?ir. * r* K-rn ??f tit* ??tl ted i??r 1: m AfTNRirv* 1
nu'nl* ne.,? mult? loi v?%v i.;iui . nr^.i um ilio I il?
!??;?? M .ram f.ou ( il.li If hi# York. %.bicb put into
ITIRDAY. JULY 22, 1876.
Newport 20tb, will discharge cargo for repair* ; her bottom
is badly damaged.
Br Hit Albert Paul, from Morinn City tor Clinton. Texas,
with timber for Morgan's railroad, rau ashore at oat July 7
north of Pelican Island. Galveston Bay. where s:ie remained
on the 14th, A steam pnmp was sent to htr in order
to pump away the sand which had accumulated arouud
Ken* Goli>stofaw (of Liverpool). from Boston for Donegal,
I, with ?*oru. before reported ashore on Dooran Kock entrance
ofT Donegal Harbor, was full of water J uly 12 and
the sea breaking over her.
Nriia Kairvikw. from Wi?caaett with Inmber. before reported
ashore on Ram (lead. Boston Harbor, was got off and
towed to Boston AM, July 21.
Schr Kastern I.ioht. before renorted ashore at Halifax,
was expected to be floated same night with little or no damage.
Sewn Hblkn Mar. of Newport. RT. will splice her fore|
tnaht and got a new inaintopmast be for proceeding.
I Two hundred and fifty nales of hemp which were landed at
' St Helena in March last from ship Melrose on her voyage
from Manila for New York were shipped on freight to London
bv ship Clyde (Br> which left St Helena June H.
Alexandria, .luly CO?The aohr Daniel Brown and an
unknown schooner, before reported, still remain' nshore at
Mathlas' Point.
Ellsworth. Me, Jnlv ?0?Schr Senator. Murch. master,
on the If inst. when off Boon Island, was struck hv li/ht
niug. which followed both masts to the deck, passed through
into the cabin and went out through the port aide. The
deck planks were badly shattered, and the bulkhead stove.
Ttie masts were split and splintered, and the mainsail set on
fire. Ibecrew were every roan knocked aenseless to the
deck, and some did not reeover for several minntes. 'I he
Senator arrived on Saturday, and is now putting in new
mails and reparing.
Halifax, July 19?It is reported that the wreck of brig S
V Colytnore <Hr>. drifted a few days since within a mile of I
Yarmouth (NS) light, and 'effort a were being made to to *
her into port.
New Hepford. July 21?Schr Florence I Lo-kwood (of
Norwalk. CM. from New York for Keanebnnh. in ballast, to
load ice. struck on Cuttvbunk last evening, out subsequently
was got off leaking, and was run ashore on the Data
south of Port l*h<ptiix. Fair Haven. She subsequently arrived
at New Hetiroru.
(ji'ebkc. July 21?The number of seagoing vesa-ls that
ha* arrived since the opening of navigation Is 512; the number
cleared 45H. leaving 54 in port. The ru?e of freight during
the past week has been upward, nntwithttandlng the
Into advices from Great Britain that the wool good* trade
win du'.l and unsatisfactory.
Rocki.axd. Me. July 21?Rchr F A Cotcord, of and from
Sear-port tor notion, with a cargo of nrickn and hay. went
ashore near Whitehead yesterday, and it a total long. The
crew were ??v d. 8h?* is 88 tons register, and waa built at
Suarsport in 1872.
Sa* Francisco. July 14?The bark Jas Theaton was
dropped off into the stream vetiierda.v from the mud. the
pumps keeping her free, until the can go into dock lor repairs.
Valparaiso. Joly 3? Ship Alida, from Lohosfor Europe,
hn? nut iu here leak}-.
Laitnchkd-At Rath. Me, July 20. by Brown k Stantial,
a fine bark of about 1,000 tons, not yet named.
notice to mariners.
Orrica or liehthoiisk Inspector. Third District, )
TourKixsriLLE. NY. July 21.187 . <
To rloar the wreck ot the .loop sunk In the Narrow* keep
Robbins' Reef light open to eastward or Fort W'odsworth.
Tho entrance to Northport or Cow Bay, Long Island, has
been bnnved a* follow* ?
No 1 -Black spar. on ?onth end of apit milking out from
writ beach: Lloyd's Harbor light, W by K 1, N, l1. miles.
No H? Black spar on east end of spit, of a mile K by N
from huar No I.
No 2?Red *t>ar on northeast end of spit, making oat from
Great Neck; Lloyd's Harbor light. W Iit N.
a C RHIND, Caot UsN.
I,iglithouse Inspector Third dislrlel
Arrlred at Feral June 25. schr Alerone. Fisher, of ProvIncetown.
having put in fur letter*. Had takea 210 bbls sp
oil since leaving home April 2<i. 1878.
Sailed from do lllih, bark Chat W Morgan, Tiltkhant, NB,
to cruise.
Spoken?Joly 11. lat 33 05, Ion 74 50. brig K II Adams,
of and for New Bedford. Had on bonrd 5il bids of oil obtained
from a whala caught on tlila side of tha Stream in
the latitude and longitude ?f Charleston.
Sl ip Rock Light for Quebec), from Iquiqu# for Plymouth,
E, June 23, lat 37 N. lots 39 W.
Bark Alice Graham (Br), Morgan. 64 days from Callao for
Liverpool, June 8. lat 3 X, Ion 2S W.
Hark Bella Mmlgt* (Br). .Mason, from Ranjroon March 28
for Amsterdam, May 17. iat 32 43 8. Ion 31 .33 K.
Hark Ocean Home (Kn, Kee*. from Dobov for Queenstown
(and hm supplied with bread). Julv H. iat 51, Ion 11
Hark KUhoti tiir?, Hewitt, from New York May 11 for
Shanghai. Jnne 1H. iat 4 .8, ion .3 ,' NV.
A new bark, showlug letters PNliJ, bound for San Francisco.
.lime 17. lat 7 N, lou 26 W.
A bark, showing NGTS (?), bound for New York, Jane 29,
lat 48 Sj Ion 9 W.
Brig K H Williams, Tucker, from Gloucester, E. tor Baltimore.
July 7, 40 miles KN K of Misxen Head.
Schr Kdwiu I Morrison. Lavender, from Liverpool for New
York. July 4, lat .30 13, Ion 1.3 35.
Schr Mary L Peters, from New Orleans for Liverpool, July
17, 6 PM, lat 29 20, Ion 7a
our cable shipping news.
Amstbkdab. July 20?Sailed, uhlp Asia (Gar), Meyerdeck,
Bkkmk.m. July 20-8ailed. ships Chas Luling (Ger), Wlcka,
Bsllimore; Derby (Gor), Uunacken, New York,
HKLrAST, July IB?Arrived, bark Embia (Br), McKanxie,
balled 10th, ship Republic (Br), Phillips, North America.
Bristol, July 20?Arrived, bark Falcon (Br), Westharp.
New York.
Sailed 21st, brig Csstalla, Whittemora, New York.
BoRDisrx, July 18? Sailed, bark Maria Anna (Ana),
Sopps, I*nited States.
Calais, July 1U?Sailed, bark Predomo (Nor). Jacobsaa,
l"niled States.
Pitslik. July 21?Sailed, bark Montreal (Br), Coalfleat,
North America.
Exeticr, 4plj 21?Sailed, bark Moxart (Nor), Albertsan,
New York
Gibraltar. July 14?Sailed, bark Emma (Ans), Levi
(from Trieste), Near York.
Gkkk.voCK, July 21?Sailed, bark JamoaRboyd (Br),
Baker. North America.
Hatrk, July 10?Arrived, ship Jotepblne (Nor), Smith,
New York.
Hull. July 21 ? Sailed, bark Leon Veneto (Hal), Fontanels.
United Slates.
It kltokt. J oly 20?Sailed, the Maria SehiaOno, for Philadelphia.
LivtarooL, Jnly 21?Arrived, steamer Islrian (Br), Kitt,
Sailed 21st, ship Saracen (Br), Hr-veron, New York; bark
(Icrinanla (Uer), Romberg. San Francisco,
I.omioi, July 21?Arrived, steamer Anitlla (Br), Murray,
New York; ship Fawn, Cleaveland. New York; barks Kate
Agnes (Br). Ferguson. Boston; Beatrice (Br), Bowley, New
York; also the Ellse, from .
Lcsai'. July 19?Arrived, bark Fredlg (Nor), Andersen.
Makskii.lk?, July 20? Arrived, barks Ahd-el-Radar, Spar- 1
row. New Y'ork; Lltiie (lurry (Br), Curry, do.
Port hi.ir abrtu, CGII, June 14?Sailed, bark A K Vldal i
(Ger>, Schreibor, Boiton.
(jckssstows, July 2D?Arrived, barks J C Williams (Br),
Vanghan, lisltimore; Isabella Ure (Br), Jenkins, do; 21st,
steiuuer Russia (Br), Cook, New York for Liverpool (and
proceed d).
Sailed 21st, steamer City ef Montreal (Br), Mtrehouse
(from Liverpool), New York.
Rottvrpa*. July 2(>?Arrived, bark Arlington (Nor).
Paluistrum, New York (before reported arrived 15th).
.-railed 19th, baik K 1) Bigelow (Br), McYVhinnie, United
Sl.ico, July I??Arrirsa, Dare Ambrosia (Son, ttoessn, j
WkxroKD, July 20? Arrlrsd, brig Alton (Br), Copp. Chatham.
Ssilm from ? .Inly 19. barks Trappaao (Ads), Marclch,
L'nitrJ Status; Trode (Itall, Uatilo. da.
Bristol, July 21, I'M?t;altn. On*.
I'ltsoutb, July 21, PM?Wind S, light; Bus.
Calcutta. June 13?In port, hip rbemoion (Br>, for New
York; Cash more iHri, May, aud Wlmtlngion iHr;, KutUven,
for New York.
>ailed from Saugor, June 12. ship Nagpore (Br), Yennis,
New York.
Chartered?Bark Charlotte A Llttlefleld. for Antwerp.
Cadiz. June 2t>? Sailed, berk I) Chapin. Bunker, Gloucester.
Mass: scb-W B Herrlek. Baker, do
Cardenas, Jnly 11?Arrived. brig Karen, Willey. IUTAna.
Balled 11th, brig Goodwin. Craig, Viitntssa*
Fatal, June IB?Arrived, bark Amitide 'Port), Mello,
Boston 'and sailed tame dav fur <i Micb*ej?i.
In port June '2b, bara Kate Williams, Hale, for Boston, to
sail ueit day.
Katiikr Poijit, Jnly 21, 4 PM?Arrived, steamer Austrian
(Br). Glasgow.
II at an*. July SO? Arrived, schr River t^neen, llobbs,
Bailed ."th steamer Wiiminjrtan, Holmes, New York ;
bark He Mnprfors tl>an) Glnge. do.
Kingston. July 2U, 4 PM?sailed, steamer Claribel (Br) ,
Ferguson, .New York
i,iv* it tool, .luly 17? Arrived, steamer Missiisippl (Br ,
Linda 1. Moatreal.
Vt a r a ax as. J uly JO?Sailed, >?rtg Malaga (Br;, Kerr, north
of llaneras*. schr haybre.tk, Hlak*. do.
Sliletl Mlh.?chrJ W BfPWn, Mnlth, CaidlVM,
Most real, July IH?Arrived, steamers Culiaa, Rollo,
Glasgow; Jiomocrat. Smith. Newcastle
Cleared IBth, bark Vslkyrlen, Atidersen, Cork : 19th, j
Steamer Thames Campbell. i,o?nJ..n
North Syhmkv, CB, J nly .(>?Milled, bark J as B Brett, j
Gibson. New York.
l.il* 1U isriud.l K.l_ L'J I VI
lei ".'" "M % '
(Jtmir. .1 tily 1ft? Arrived, traniers Alno Hrndberg,
<*nrk; Krl Kinv, Scutt, Ulupgow \%n Muitrail; barks Veritas,
Volts. Plymouth: Annie Williams. >nnu<r, m Yiucent;
brig* Maggie. itnwe. Newport lor Montreal; Vindex, Hubert
a, Huryport for do.
Cleared Ifttli. ahipa Westminster, M tin roe. Bristol; ArmIda,
liratno.-i: Hahnemann. I honaon. I .on d m; hark* HerII)an.
Keener, West Hartlepool, llortcnnia. Siuioufon, London.
>r HurNi June'21 ?Passed, ship Viscount <Hr>v Nlchol- I
urn. Iro-n ?'a? uit? tor S*w York.
St J a?.o, July 6? Sailed, hark Morning Star (Br). Sitson,
New ^ ork via Htun tan an o.
Svnxitr, * it, July IH-.\rrlred, bartt Merulo, from Liverpool.
s? Jon v. N H. .lulv JO? Arrived, ship Retina (Hr>, McHenry.
Uubhn: -riirs Anr-na i Br), \\ asaon, Klrnb; Ar<mIt?.
New Bedford: falcon, do; ?rhrs Joseph Souther.
Watts, l ensacoia; Canada. Providence ; Aatra, do; Pairs
(lit . Ni a \ ork
Sal ei| 2let. burka Chapman (Br , St Nat are: Hafrsjord
(Nor I.0111I <ii . Kotii.tnoM , Br now, Vlaler, Harrow, Kng.
v iniiii rn. Ns. July Jl?Arrived, brig Sophia (Br), Weil
I ndlra
VVtMiisn.v, N . July Jit-Arrived ofhr Plorence P Hal, |
Macli-a* an I sailed lor Alexandria, \ a).
Su ed _'Uh, hrii fair field (Brj, New York; tchr Aobie ,
W assou, Alexandria, Va.
'Par STKAum Ktmcaii.1
\AHiuta, July 4?Airivtd, ilauna, Christens#*, Rich- I
tiioud, \ a.
Ami Way 2*?Waited, Sir Wtn Wallaaa. Colrflle, (>?
Manila for New Vork.
Biijtui, Joly H?Arrived, Condor, Nordstrom, New Tern;
9th. Nicole Tommasao. fro-n do.
HAttCM.o.ta, July 4?Sailed. Palestina, Kurd. MareeiHe*
(and arrived at M 7th.)
Batavia, May 23?Sailed. Acate. lllbbard. New Tork.
CCIHAvkn. July 7-Arrivrd. Ulackwali, Cole, Lotos; 8th.
Lllllno Morris, Taakar, Iquiqni.
Cadiz, July 3?Sailed, neo Pcabudy, White, Uloncester,
Oval, July ft? Pasted, John Maetereen, (ilbson, Darien
for Tynne: iOtli, Valparaiso, Mlllt. Portland tor Hull; Kesolute,
Hond. Quebec tor Loudon.
Off 7th, J?a iuina. froaa Vt Isbeech for Sydney, CB.
Anchored Ktli, K W Meirnuau, from Londou for Sydney,
Put back Dth and anchored, Albertine for Quebec (and
ailed sunie nay).
Arrived 9th. Sidlow, McClaabier, from New York for London.
Sailed 9th. Ocean E A press. Crosby. Ualttax; Priucess tor
Dotkk, July 10?Passed, Antoinette), Scott, Hamburg for
Dtaux,.tuly S-Arrived, Pepplno MiKaano.De Martloo,
Now York: Talbot, Quebec; Dlb, itoycrotl. St John, NM;
liarvey. do.
Sailed 7th, I- A E ('aim. Costnan. Philadelphia; 8th, Chat
Cox. Uoudv, Miramicht.
Dcndalk, July 7?sailed. Mentor, Olilseu. Phlladelubla.
Kalmol'tu. July ??Ott, Britannia. Ward. Penaaeola for
Sailed 9th, Sylvanu* Blancliard, Oreen, Leltb.
Pasaed the Lisard lOtb, Stella. Jacobsea front Now Tork
for Aberdeen.
Passed Uth, Vasa. Nielsen, Philadelphia for Newcaatle;
Pictro Arrauie, Protests, do lor Leilh.
Ut.oi'CkSTKH. July H?Artived. Mora. Jorgensen Qnebec;
Musiris. Mariin. Lepreuiux, NB: 9th, Director, Stamper,
Mlramicbi. .Margirita, Soppar, Pensacola; Andrew Lovltt,
Darker, St John, MB.
Ulahuow, July 7?Arrived, Andrea Mignano, Lnhrauo,
Boeton ; I' (Ida, Anderson. Qnebec.
iiKi:KNOCK, July tO?Arrived, Mathllde, Tobl>?-n, PhlladelpliU;
East, Marshall, Quebec; Zambesi. Totherick, do;
Chippewa. Milne. Montreal ; Mariner, Corpal. Annapolis.
Hamburg, July 6?Arrived, Lady Elmer Brace, Glover,
Loboe; Florence Nightingale, Jone?, end Jolui O Poller,
McCiure, do; Hoy a I Standard ( ), Jobnsiou, New York, 7tb,
Diphalet Greeley, Watts, Pabetlon.
Sailed 7th. Stella. Mitchell, St John, NB i and from Caxhaven
same dayj; J II McLaren, Ludlow, Brunswick.
Livs rmol. J my 8?Arrived. Edmund Phittney, Bacoo,
Akyab. Tlios Daua, Wilbur, Saa Francisco; Lake Ontario,
Oilruore. Quebec; Abercurne, MeAuliffe, Portland, O; Bib,
Import -r, Sutherland. Si John, NH.
Mailed Mb, City of Philadelphia, Call. Bombay; Centennial.
Hearse, do iaud was off skerries same day); Bortha,
If ill. Rio Janeiro; Boadicea (a). Smith, Montreal; Supreme.
Bcrnler, Quebec.
Cleared 8th, La Plata, Matthews Charleston: Frank
Jones, Lots, New York; Eugenic, Porovlch, Ballini ?re.
Off the .skerries tub, John S Harris, from Liverpool for
Off Great Ormabcad 8th, Brato, Peters m, from Quebec
for Cnuway.
1,on don, July 8?Arrived. Parana, Larsen. Qiebec; City
of Montreal, Mudgett, New York; Cato. Kettleaeu, Charleston:
Concordia, Bail, and Avalanche. Jaroieson, Quebec;
Cana a, Ludvlgsen. do; Velox, Stubb, do; Seaward, McGregor,*
m John, NB; Pretty Jemima, Chapman, Amherst.
Cleared Sth, Snow Queen. Graham, Philadelphia.
Kniereu out loth, Nina Sheldon, Sheldon, for Philadelphia;
Plymouth Hock. Griftin, New York.
Arrived nt Graveseml sth, Orpheus, Quebec.
Sailed Hth, Australia (s), Sidey, New York.
Lkitii, July 8?Arrived. Annie Laurie, from Quebec; 9th,
Emm-re <*). Hoimau. Montreal.
Sailed 8th, Scmplice, Aggariui, New York; Elektra, Iversen,
Ltnn. July 9? Sailed, Stefaaino. Gesta, Philadelphia.
Leghorn. Julv H?Arrived, Kegina Totck. Ray, Genoa.
Sailed bth. J WilliaiUH, Williams. Glasgow.
ma a.sliis. July 8?Arrived. Heltiate, Martin, Charleston.
Sailed Kth, Tlior, Thorweldsen, Delaware Breakwater;
Perseverante. Kozso. New York.
Newport, July H?Arrived, Sea Crest, McLeau, Miraualchi;
H G Paull, Strange, St John, NB.
Nantk.s. July 7?Arnv. d, American Union, Collins, Philadelphia.
Plymouth, July 10?Sailed. Katie Stowart. McArthur,
Sydney ; Marv, Nielsoin, Miratnicbi.
Pknauth, July 8?Sailed, Geo skolfield, Fortyth, Rio Janeiro.
Qcbmhstowx, July 7?Arrived, Jeeeie Scartb, Mowatt,
Quebec; Mb. Golcouda, Wat tor man. Montreal; Maria Scamnull,
Thopin, Iquique; 9th, Champion, Allen, Philadelphia,
and proceeded for Bremen.
Sauea 8th?Valparaiso, Mills, Hull; Trl Linn, Pauer, London;
lionibor'suud, Ncilson, Lelth; Pletro A cca e. Potest a,
do; Danl Wuiiiu. Pottine, Ipswich; J A Brown. Greenish,
Hull; Vusaa, Nellsen, Newcastle; Minier, Towiuich, London;
Emily Walters, Perry, Ayr; Calcutta. Lauro. Gloucester;
Sti llcono. Vrauich, London; Sagatun, Kredrickscn, Yarmouth;
Kallisto, Tellefsen, Gloucester; Stella, Jacobsen, Aberdeen,
Adeliua, Piazzo, Loudou.
Swansea. July 9?Sailed, Satisfaction, for Quebec; Colonist,
lor do.
Sunderland. July 7?Arrived, Harlequin, Hill, Quebec;
10th, Ehenerer, Nielsen, New York.
st Catherine's Point. July 10 ? Passed. Champion (of
Greenock), from Philadelphia lor Antwerp.
Off Mart Mb. Island Home. Suiith, London for Baltimore.
St Helena. June IB?Arrived, Eastern Monarch, Donaldson,
Calcutta for New York tuud sai ed) ; 17th, McGUvery,
Jewett, Batavia tor do (and sailed 18th).
1 room, July 10?Arrived, John Abbot, Nelson, Quebec.
Watkreobd, July 8?Arrived, Maud C Rogers, St John.
american ports.
ASTORIA, July 13?Sailed, brig Hazard, Walker, Hau
I randans.
ALEXANDRIA, July 2D?Arrived. aihra Twilight, firotou;
Ehas Moure, and Arville H Peary, - lor Georgetown.
Salted? Scbra Lydla Middieton Jersey City; I'ncas, Norwich
; IdaEMason, au<l Jennie Kosallue (from Georgetown),
APPONaL'Q. July 1H?Arrired, aclir Helen, Searle, Perth
Am boy.
HUSTON. July 21?Arrired. steamers Johns Hopkins,
llellett# Baltimore; Saxou, Snow, and Rending. Culi.urn,
Phi a lolpbla; achrs Marion E Kockhill, l ockblll. Philadelphia;
Jauies li .Moore, Doanr, Alexandria; Albert W
Smith, Doaue, Baltimore; Pawn, holly, Weehawken;
Emma, Baron, Hoboken.
Also arrived sienoer Olaurus, Bearse, New York: achrs
C P Hawley. Barrett, Port J uliuson; Frank Atkins, Allen,
Philadelphia ; John A Lord. 1 hoinaa, do.
Cleared?Steamer Marathon (Br I, Garrett. Liverpool; hark
Western Sea. Clihh iliu. I'urt an Prince ; brig Arctic (Br?,
MrDnaald, M'lliniUilun, NO; erbrs Modena (tin, ilcRiide,
hi Pierre; Georue VV Collins, Uodgkius. New York ; Cabot,
Chase, do
DAL'llMORE, July 21? Arr ved. steamers Saragossa.
Hooper. Savannah; VTa Crane, Huwea, Boston. P Vv
Brune, Poster, New York; schr Purest Uak, Parker, Mew
Cleared?Steamers Wm Kennedy. Foster, Providence;
Martha Stevens. Chance, New York; ship Bertie Htgelow
(ltr), Pergusou, lluhlin; barks Anna A Kleli (Br), Murnry,
Cork; Andreas ItilsiNor). Salvurstn. Cork r Falmouth,
bri* Alpha iBr>. Wnlle, IIalil'ax ; achrs Kennie J Carlton,
Butler, Londonderry; ilelen. Perry, New Bedford; sadie
Wlllcutt, Marker, Portland; Aneroid, Ta.bot. do; Cyrus
llall. Hall, do.
Sailed?Snips David Stewart, Bertie Blgelow; barki Vaaca
de tlauia. Anoa A oich.
HaNiIUR, July IS?Arrived, schr July Ponrth, Wood,
New York.
19th?Arrived, bark Homeward Bound, Merryman, Buckoport.
to loaU fur Sicily.
Sailed?hriga David Buzbce, Staples, Palermo; George
Harris, sturra. Alexandria, Va.
HA I II, Jnly 18?Arrived, urig Flora Green (of Bangor).
??; aehra Seveut* six, Teel, Boston, to load lor New
Vers; Revenue. Oliver, do via Georgetown. Mr, to load for
New York; hate V Altken, Kmma I) Endicuit (of Naw
York), Katie li Itobiosun (of May's Landing, MY), -;
Nettie Lancdon. for Kowdouibioi. to load icr Mew York ;
Lucv A Hlos.-ntu. Chatlield, Barnstable, to load lor New
York: Sunlight. Btheridge, New York; George W Jewett,
Jewrtt. do) Tbns Potter, do tor Uardiuer.
Sailed?.Thr? So hia tindlrev, Y ouug. Philadelphia; Index,
Garrison, do, Ulla Hodsdon?Davis. New Y'ork.
I nth?Arrived, achrs Jas II Gordon. Champion, tu Inad for
Philadelphia; Mary Pree and. New Y'ork, do; P M Wheaton,
Norrls, New York, tu load for Now Y'ork; Annua M Pox,
New Y oik.
Salleil Sclire Wni II Howe, Whitmore, Albany; Mabel
Rose Sallie W Kay (of Grrat P.yg Harbor). Stephen Morris
tot Philadelphia). Juliet, Mary J Adams tof Portsmouth),
and Caroline Young. ; Mary K Mockham. Keen: John
Middleton. Jr. Towaiend; J G Huntington and Mary Klley,
Riley; Allen Ureea, Mickeraon. and Belie Hardy. Baker,
20th ?Arrived, schr Winslow Morae, Oliver, New Y'ork for
Gar> iorr.
BRISTOL. July 19?Arrived, arhre Potter A Hooper,
i'IHKLESTDV, Julv IS Arrived, sclirs Fanny Tracv,
Rodgers, New Vork mot Philadelphia-and cleared same I
day to return via Jacksonville); John Shay, Til ton. Phila I
deiphia. 1
"lit?Sailed, ichrt Margie J Lawrence, Haley, Now 1 ork ; I
PT W'illets. Whirls, Bridgeport.
ClIESI'Eii. Pa, Jiny .1?Arrived, ?chr Cbaa Sawyer,
M ulieu. Snllivan.
HiiiiiTON, July 19?Arrived, tchr Henry Allen, Tatem,
I'bilad Ipliia.
KkST tiRMP.SWICH, July JO-Sailed, aelir Bella Peck, |
At erv. New York.
Kr.dN AND1 ?A, July 13?Arrived, aebr Win !l Jones, I
Lino. Sew York.
Sailed ? Sehr Ann Po'e, Bunco (from Jacksonville), Maternal.
having reoaired.
t-oVI ltl.ss MON'UOE, July Pit? Pasted out, barka Nerao
0 (Aits>. !?r Vnjren?t<>? n
sailed?Berk Warwickshire Brl, New York (front Pisagun
: brig Daphne i trout Havana , Philadelphia.
Ulit? Arrived, brig Peirny -Nor), Mosller, Kl? Janeiro for
ordr r*.
-ailed- Bark (lustaf Adolf (Hw), Jansen (from Dundaik), i
J AnkSuNVIIiLK. .Inly I .?Arrived, arhra Kdwln 8 Tyler,
Miller ; Lena Breed, .Siiliweli, end Weotwortli, Brown, New
HaLYF.STON, July 'JO?Arrived, achr Alice Ball, Simnions.
New I ork.
Sailed -Steamer City of Austin, Stevena. New York.
CIJOrti.K I OiTN, si;. ,1 it y IT?Arrived. echrs Yrale.
Price. New \ ork; Jennie Keaerly. Harrington, Huckiport, |
IITANMS. July IS-Arrived, sclirs M it Read, Benson, 1
Philadelphia; Harriet R) an, Kobh.u. Nea York.
1,1 Bl'.O, July 13?Sailed. ?ehr? Huntress. Brown, and I
Pared h. Moraii'g, Now York
Hth ? sailed, schrv Lalieiua, Houghton. Peaarth Koads; |
I.ir/ie Dewey, Davis. t'alaie; Terrapin, Wnoaier, Naw 1
Itiih?Arrived, a.-hr I'arl It Lotlimp, McAlep. llil.sboro i
(and vailed lor Philadelphia!.
17th?."sailed, sclir lorpcdu. Allen. New York.
N. vY OHLKaNS. July ill?Cleared, steamer Ariel (Br),
Pas.??s. July JO?Sailed, vteanrer Unison, New York.
NORFOLK," July 19?Arrived, vcurs Oaoorn Curtis,
Alituii. New York; Jas Beyle, Coverly. do.
sailed?.steamer sau Jacinto tBri, Bicker (from Ualvettmi
. Liverpool
N e.W BI llVPORT. July :'0?Arrived. aenrs J G Collyer,
Murphy, Kondnut; M M Merriiuau, Tripp, do,
NEW Br.OKditli. July ? ?Arrived, acbr 8 II Sharp.
Webb, Warehaiu lor Ceorgetown, lit
JI tt?Arrived, schrv Florence I Corkwood, New \ ork for
Kennebec Hirer, leaking . see Miscellany); Jevaie W
knight. Baltimore
sa.led?II irK K W Wood (Brl Nichols, Boston; schr*
Samuel II -harp, (leoreetown, L)C; John Mayo. New York
N iVi'POKI, ouly Jo?Arrived, scbra Marietta Hand, Holdsmith,
Providence lor New York; L > Lovell, Borden. Kali I
Kit or lor do _
NEW LtiNDON, July JO- Arrived, tchrv K Flower, Rondout;
S J Smith. New York tor Provldeuee ; Leulsa Bird- |
sail. Aleaantlria for oroloa
Sailed?schr t'lalunie Mr), for Si John, N B.
N \V IIAVf.N July JH-Arrlveii. acbr Mary J Fiaber,
Fisher, UeorKftown.
POST fotVNShSD. July 13?Arrived, harks Osinyn,
Sanudeis. San Krauctsco; ,?ary liioser, Mitchell, do; Deacou,
Calhoun, do. ...
l.lliri.lll:!! K I .. . I ' ? ...?I K.t. mnrtlil I ?l
jcrmi. sati rr*u?MMo; \\ tl Parke iIihw), i??r Honolulu.
POKTLAMU, U, limy I.J?Arrived, oar It Dnwn, NeUou,
Sun Krinctacu; . rtjca Orient, Hwan, do; Sea Waif, mitU.
POUT RoYAl*, SC, July 21?Arrived, trainer City of
llaiUi lllne*, hernandina (or .New York tattd proceeded).
PHILAUKlPIIiA, July 21?vrrived, M?Mmrr% human,
Cmweil, Button; Tenewiinda, sheiman Providence; Antnrai'ltn
Oritinle?, Now \orfc; twBire Nellie *' Paint, Pierce,
Oaruiner; i> Poincroy. Br\ nut, do; Delhi, hrneiaou, Hailowell;
A M l??t, William*. t>r -*<!???. M*; I' B Wood, ll.tiilev, |
Boston; M iri* a hlicabeih, Pola, Kondoul. >alh?* Bn.eil,
Pernor, in-orjTPiown. Si!; Sarah A Bred, i.uptill. M*>a/o?/.
Pit, J M Poiulan. Kroomall, IIallow?li; Phi I ado I
pui*. lloentaii. II At It; Twenty ou? Kiionds J ffrie*. Ho-ton
? loured?steamer* Nor!oik. Ford. I-ah hirer ; Mayflower,
DiTiilfton, Now York, bark Monitor, baton. Stettin; *chra
Jan.oh VV Mr. Hn. Kane, itockp.-rt Howard A Hunt. Ku>?.
Boston; R S Miller, Smith. du;i" H Wood. Hauler, do; fthen
Ki-nor, Remold*, do; Paul I' Keller, llci.'dereoii. Sale in ; II
I Powell. SiDipsoti. F?il Hirer; liolle. Motto, Plymouth;
Thorn** Clyde. Pislier, Providence, Kobiu How J, Baker,
Waiterl). HI.
8???. *o?to?: bark, W
W lllaa Ox, (Br) Brawn, Lurk or Pol month; Loom fou
cold# (Ilal). Komo, do.
Palled?Steamor Kattloiaake.
?L*?"j Del. Jul, 21?Ontaido, bark drai B??? <A?*>
Rabillo from (Hantfow.
B?ioir?yK Kendrirk, Fiih, for Antwerp.
i, . M,. July IH-Cleared *chrf P A B,ll,9 I
Hutchinson. Kennebec. to loud lor Philadelphia; Oram
Cu?hitig, Hamilton, do, to load lor New York.
Sailed?Hrijc A II Curtis; scbrs Eva May, Maggie Ella*,
urace Cuahinr. and others.
21st?Arrived. *chr O J Willard. Philadelphia.
PORTSMOUTH. Ju'y 2" -Arrived. echrs Bruoetta. Rich
New York; Gen Banks, McKarland. Port Johnson; A F
IJowe. Kills, do: Isnla, Mavo, HobokenSailed
?Schr J C Nasi:, Croaley. New Yark.
PROVIDENCE. .1 iiiv Jo? Arrived. h*'Ii * Wave rarest.
Winch*nOr.ick, Georgetown. IIC; Henry Croskey. Terry,
and J nines M Vance Hurdfe. do: Sturm, Steak. Trentoa;
BenJ H Warlord, Sprague. Port Johnbon for Pawtuckel; k
T tir ihaia, Jarvis Coxsackie.
Sailed-Schrs Kate Kouim-1. Adatut, Philadelphia: Ellen.
Steven*.ui. Sayervllle. NJ; hllas Ross. l*owia, New
York: Win Stevens, Elwell, do (ar au eastern port); Mareeaa
Mmt*ou, Jr. Dayton; Chase, Ingraham, and Marietta
Hand. Goldsmith. New Yore.
2 1st?Arrived, steamers Florida, Crocker, Philadelphia; C
Whiting. Harding, do.
At the head o( Long Maud Sound 19tb. PM, bound east,
ohre Lottie H Friend, Win Dean. Hoax. K 0 Rankin, Heary
Parker, S.traU A Falcone'-, Heurv May. Saratoga, B Y
Brainerd, Tribune, Ella Jane, Johu Price, Freestone, Smith
k Darling, Isaac Snerwood, A J Chapman, Wanderer. J B
Terry, Chief. John s Mnulton. John Warreu, Paugusset;
sloops Ex ores* Harriet H Young, and others.
PAWTrCKET. July 20-Arrived, schr B H Wartori,
Sprague, Port Johnson
Sailed ?rtchr Anna K SafTord, Ketchum. Philadelphia.
RICHMOND. July 19-Saiied. brig Dauntless. W.Uiame, .
Trieste: aclirs S I! Uawea, Fort. Boaton; Kate k Luell. '
Bonsall. Albanr, NY; Maggie Bell, Hall, Jatnas River, to
load for New York.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 13?Arrived, brig Sheet Anchor,
Jurirensen, Coos Hav.
Sailed?Harks Frederics k Maria (Guat). Dam. Iqniqnlt
Tidal Wava. Heyno d?. Port Madison; Oregon, Kdwards,
beaheck; achr Kudora, Lennan, Kodlak.
2l)tli?Arrived, barn CeUos (Fr)f Oittett, Newcastle^
21st?Sailed. Miimer Granada, Caverlv. Panama.
SAVANNAH, J illy 2lt?nation. actir waae, r uuaueipuia.
"Jilt ? Cleared. aiiitmcr Somerset. Hrowo, Boston; brig
Joshua Kintt (Br), Howard (from Cardeuae), Liverpool, h?r>
Ing repaired.
Also cleared, echr De Mory Gray. New York.
SO.MEKSKT. J111v 10?Arrived,'actus K Kate Gilford. Bar
rett, I'tiiladrlphia; Wild Pigeou, Staplea, do; AT Cobs,
Brown, Uohokeu.
:S>lh?Arrived, acbr Florence Dean, Wentente, George*
town. DC.
bailed -Ruhr Billow, Morrla, Trenton.
STONIXGTON, July 19?Arrived, ackr Pochaaaett, Racket
t. Georgetown, DC. I
Sailed?Scbr Geo II Mllla, Tiliotaon. Georgetown, DC.
VINEYARD IIAYKN. Jnly 10? Arrived! scbr* Jane t?
Newton, Joanna Dougherty and Auioa Edward. Georgetown,
D C, I'or Itoaton; ED Wlieaton, Philadelphia fordo;
American Eagle. Hobolten for Salem ; Criaia, Phil <delphle
lor ilinehant; Nellie Eaton, Perth Amboy for Eaaiporl;
Willie l.nce. Port Johnaon lor Portland; Mary K Kenwiek,
Georgetown, D C. for ipawich; Ellen Morriaou. South Amboy
lor Gardiner; Ma iou Draper. I'ittalou. Me. lor New
York; Marv KGage, JoneaDort for do; Catawamteck. Hurricane
Inland Iwr do; Georgia B McEarlaad, Richmond, Me,
for Baltimore.
Sailed?Schri Georgia an I Kate Clark.
WISGASSKT. July 19?Arrived, acbra Bllen m Golder.
Meguthllu. New Yoi ; loth, D A J Lee, Smith, do.
atreet. near Catharine Market. Metallic and Wooden
Boats, all kind*. JOHN T. SMITH.
J Homely linlalied; 1 > feel long. Apply to E. WYCKOKK,
151 Weal kit It at.
For sale?tITe" "well known "yacht addii
Voorhies, one of the fastest drat claaa aloopi iu Amer
lea; alcganilv lilted up, in perfect order and fully tound in
every particular; now in commiaaiun with flrat claaa nailing
master, ateward and crew on hoard. For further partic'llare
address CORNELIUS ROOSEVELT, 40 Went ISth at.. New
For sale and charter-steamboats, all
sires and draught*; Steam and Sail Yachts, Launches,
Freight Propellers, Tugs. Ferryboats. Steaui Canal Barges.
GEORGE F. PLYMBK. 39 South at.
SLoot' \ atih t7 very fast, for salk; length
S3, beam 13 teet. Lies at STEPHEN ROBERTS'boat
building abop, foot ot 123d at., Harlem River, Price }o<Ki. i
J^Toyal Havana lottery.
CLASS 874,
Ho. Prise. |>'n I'rizr. I lie. Prist. I Ho. Prise.
239 *>01 9853 jf'UH) IWMfl 2S8J5 *500
145 5<>0 9862 1000 19U35 500 28S32 MJ
2tM .">00 9SH4 5 HI 10139 500 28950 .HO
27a 50O 99H4 . .. Itat t 10211 .Va> 29D42 ,.5U0
295 ;'H?> IW*?....50UK.I 10322 .'>00 20O43 500
aid .->00 10'tS"> >UO 19167 5U) 2!tO?3 500
341 500 10154 50(1 19.170 500 ^9108 .... 500
370 500 10104 500 1HHS 500 29220 SOU
;>tt44 ran) mi?t7 1000 19527 50J 29200 300
+29 MJO 10189 Mm 19500 500 29293 MX)
521 MX) 10 01 500 |90U> 500 293*2 500
523 MX) U?43 MX) 19899 MXi 29354 500
883 500 10385 50(1 19813 500 29301 500
821 MX) 11)404 'HIO 19844 MM 29403 5UO
827 50O 10155 MX> 19848. 500 29)01 500
087 MM 10183 000 19803 MX) 29557 MX)
988 500 111517 5(0 19878 MX 29723 5?JC?
1174 MX) 10598 XO 19883 50 ) 29740 5UO
111,0 500 IU01I 100O 198.1 Mm 29793 5<XJ
12MO ....XI* O 1O0O3 Mo 191 ?92 1181 29818 1000
123.5 500 10715 Mo 20108 500 **J')7 .'>011
1243 MAI 10785 MX' 202IH .'>00 3D1U1 500
134 1 Mm 10-O1 MJ<X> 2(>249 Mjo 39177 '00
1.572 1'.**) 1 )814 ..MX) 211294 MX) 3(1298 MJO
1822 MX) 11D84 .'XX) 20298 .'XX) 10311 5O0
1(123 Mjo 11179 MO 20427 ...1000 30428 .... 00
182-5 5UL 11230 1000 20441 jO l KJ480 500
lti.n 500 11237 (X' 21)492 5(XJ J')4 >7 MX)
178).., .MX*) 11295 50* 5)529 5O0 3oft30 5tXJ
1827 500 113'8 5C(I 20545 MX) 31)549 500
1870 5j. 11311 SCO 20585 ....lOOO 31X118 .'XX)
2(i8 i 5 11407 MO 20838 MX) KXfiJO HXm
21187 -500 11404 .".to 21X170 MX) XX180 MX)
228.5 M*? 1148) MX) 20726 500 31X448 '00
2275 50C> 11481 5 1 2?838 500 31079 MX)
2283 514) 11888 ,...1IXX> 21008 500 11398 00
24'>4 .500 11897 Mo 21118 MXJ 31410 KX*l
2478 .... MX) 11732 I(XX 211*3 .MX) 31522 "XX)
2848 M>( 11747 5(c 21451 limn 318 0 H?>>
270O 50(1 12077 -Mo 21725 .'XX) 317(18 500
2775 M*I 12182 l"UO 21783 500 31794 MXJ
2924 M*l 12222 .rX*ii21779 50o 31853 7XXJ
28 8 5.X) 12248 5 " 21924 ....500 31947 MXJ
3328 .5(1' 12497 .'XXI 21819 lux 31989 500
3314 .'XXI 12083 5!*) 21908 MX 31978 ....1(*?J
3372 1UUO 14828 "XJII 22 >18 200 32JX14 MXJ
3481 MX) 12982 .'.U-l 22072 MX) 32005 500
SulS MX) 12995 . 22114 Mm 32147 500
3529 .'XXI 131197 5" 22120 MX)|32181 MJO
3552 MX) 13189 IK) ) 22230 MXJ 322 )7 MJO
3717 MX) 132*>3 MX) 22387 lux 32332 MX,'
3725 1UXI 13225 5U' 22)08 50O 32374 5U)
3753 1MXI 1S250 Mm 22842 .'XXI 32447 500
3788 .'X*l 13313 50li 22844 MX 32587 MJO
3S'.X MX) 13352 XXI 22774 .'XXI 32744 500
41)47 500 13)58 MX) 22835 MX) 32778 MJO
4U59 (MX) 13485... 1(XJO 2244(1 .500 32909 MXJ
4075 MXJ 13515 MX) 22898 MX*) 32847 MXJ
4093 1U*J 13.52 1 Mm 22949 1(X> 1 32871 5UJ
4123 50(1 13588 M*)2X?i5.... 500 32912 MJO
4129 MX.; 13714 MJO 23025 MX) 32931 MXJ
41)44 ..Id O 13753 Mm 23,>311 500 3.XKJ3 .'XXJ
43.57 MX) 13888 Mn 2311*1 luxi 33978 Mm
44 .7 MX) 13883 MX) 23238 51X1 3 **47 .MJO
4)8.5....,.MXJ 13934 500 23*45 500 3 .(XXJ. Mm
4572.......XX) 13935 MX( 23318 lUXi 331.98.. ..2MX O
4730 10UJ 13970 .'(X) 23324 MX) 33.119 500
4751 'XXJ 11023 (XI 23 430 MJO 33589 MXJ
47 >8 ....l(? ?l 14.4X7. (?' 23*18 ....1U*( 33.487 Mm
41*49 MXJ l+ >47 (X> 23432 Mm 33 i 18 MJO
.M 07 MX) 14 >48 .. MX) 23594 .MX) 33351 .'XXJ
MJ21 Mm 1)117 Mm 2379) Mm 33789 MO
5972 5.XI 141)8 MX 237*8 MXi|33.J?> MXJ
5125 MX 1+191 MX) 237 12 MXJ .13918 MXJ
5*238 am 11 188 am -J??il Mm 34238 am
5H 1 am 142 1 aW 23W74 Mm 34324. ajO
5460 r?t 112.15 .WO 23307 501134418 5U0
5406 am wwjo. rim 24>m am 34*15 aw
.5543 am 143.0 am 241136. .M?l; 34 (75 ....11**1
5606 506 144114 iwm 24'l72 ym(34.->43 Mm
rwbo .... a? I4i4i a* .'417a aw 34757. aw
50H3 ....11*10 1*515 4*1 24110 .Mm 34093. .MW
581 I 500 14540 .V*i 241 17 .Mm :.MJ34 a?J
51)74 a*' i 4??! Mm if 4 i.V7 nm :1504a aw
80IU 1*1 1 o* .'w0|24165 am :?jo4(i aw
ttajtt 5<m i484-.? am 21:170 aw :t.v>7t aw
(U20 am in**) .Mm j?4io r.ou :?otfJ aw
em; am 152D3 am 21478 am : 15254 5u0
6523 .Mm 15271 ."WO 2D'.28 a W 35203 a*1
(1H08 ....11**1 15313 ....H?*i 24)1711 aml3521>l 10OJ
0827 a?) 13353 aw 246<?l aW|354l3 .51*1
f*2i4 am 153-m am 24811 am :ia55? am
obop .. . am loam am 24?i3 am wauo aw
6814 am 15400 am 248.58 amkiasm aw
88011 5C0 15 .14 *W0 21M78 .. ..1030 3 4131 M<1
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9730 8*l|lt?'2.1 MIU 28781
,V? Pnrr.y,: 'Vis- ;.V?. f'.-ivt. | .Va. 4W?-.
$100,000 i 430.00 k A1 "xnn.l.i | $3,000.
2-.2-i ??M Wera ."299. ? Ol
232 -3 IOr IOOJ0 000 27818. f 'OO 2-8H7.... am
23224. Mm ,27829 300 W88M .....Vo
8" 198-18 Mm
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2" 27 .'Oil J $1 ),0?J. | Hew.-. Mil
2 .228 Mm| $2.3.0CKX 180 3 ... 300 23*414 .301
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! id80l. 399118 MX! , t
94483 gM? I 1700 ..31*1
I 9983 X-l 1702 3UC
N?*t drawing Aaguft 1. I'nin r??h8d. Inform.tlM
furniihta fr??. TaVLOK A CO., B.nkerl,
Ma U 3**44.4., tiiilflk.

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