Newspaper Page Text
TH WHOLE NO. 11593. Dii;i:ctoi;v for advkrtiskus. HERALD li RAN** 11 O I1'KICK. 1.266 BROADWAY? OPEN HAY AN1> NIGHT KOK RECEPTION OK AUVKI! I lsKMtNTS AND SALES Of PAPERS. A Vt I S KM i VIS?1st I'auk?6th coL A.-I Kol.OGY-Itu I'ACk?6lli col. Ill I.LI AllDs '.'n Pauk?6th col. HOARDERS WANTED?1st Pack?4th col. IliiAIlD AS 1> LoDGlNG WANTED?1st Pack?its ool. 11UO.IKI.YN IIEAL ESTATE KOK SALB?1st Pa OK?3d Clit, IILSIMiSS OPPORTUNITIES?7TH Pack. lM'slNKSK NOTICES 6tii Pack?Cth col. I'l.KUKs AND SALESMEN 2i> Pack?l?t colt. COACHMEN AND OAKDKNKliS?2d Pack?let eol. coastwise steamships?2? PAUK-nd ?ud 3d cols. COPARTNERSHIPS?7TH Pauk. COUNTRY BOARD?Iht Pauk-4tb col. i'ltV UOODK ?l*T Pack?6th cut. DWELLING HOUSES To l.KT. KUBNISIIED AND L'NKl'KNISIIkD -1st Pack?2d eol. EUROPEAN STEAMS HI PS--2d Pack?2d eoL K.I HOPE Id Pack 3th co) EXCURSIONS?.'.!. I*auk?3d and 4th coD. KIN A NCI A1.-7TM Paiik. KOIt SALE -1st Pack ftth col. KUKNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET?1 IT I'aiik?3d col. FURNITUIIB-Sd Paiik?6th col. HELP WANTED - KEMALES?2u Pack? lit oil. M KI P IV A M TKI1?M t I.KS? L!i> I'.ij.-KI ?nil 2d colt. HORSES. CARRIAGES. AC ? 1st Pack?Jd col HOTELS- 1st Pack?llli col. HOUSES ROOMS. ac.. WANTED?1st pAOK-dlh coL INSTRUCTION ? l?T pack?*ith cul LEGAL NOTICES-1st Pack?Jd nil I.OHT AND FOUND?1st Pack?Ut coL MACIIINKRY-Ist Pack?6th o..L MARIILK MANTELS? Iht Pack '.lh coL MKDimb-Uu Pack?dtli col miscellaneous advertisements??tb Pack? titb col. mi8ckli.ANF.OUS?Jo Pack?Nth col MUSICAL ?1st Pack?Uth col NKW PUUL1CATIONH?5tu Pack?tlth coL PERSONAL?1st Pack?lit col. PIANOFORTES. ORGAN'S. AO.?l*t Pack?Uth col. POLITICAL?Si* Pack?5t!i col POST OFP1CK NOTICE 1st Pack?Uth col. PROPERTY OCT OP THE CITY KUX S.YI.E Oli TO RENT?1st Pack?'id col KKAL ESTATE To EXCHANGE?1st Pack?3d col. REAL ESTATE WaNTKD 1st Pack ad .oL RELIGIOUS NO! ICES-1st Pack-Ut col. REWARDS ?1st Pass?111 enl. at auction-1st Pace-ftlh cs!. situations wanted?fkm a lrs?jh pack?ut col. situations wanted?males-jo I'ack-Ist i-ol. special notices?1st Pack-Ut ?nd 3d cols. sporting-dogs. u1kds. AC.?1st Pack?Jd col. simmer resorts?1st Pack?tth col. Ml P. trades?Jn Pack?Jd col. THE TURF? 1st Pack-Jd col. TO I.KT POP. Ill's I NESS PUUPOSES-lsr Pack?3d coL TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?Ji> Pack ltd c..| UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 1st Pack :<d col. WANTED TO PURCHASE?Jd Pack?.'>tli col. WATCHES, JEWELRY, AC.?1st Pack?Itli col. YACHTS. STEAM ROATS. AC.?Srti Pack-UGi col. . PERSONAL. B '-TSoSI-T liETvNGRY, liARLINOf'f WILL KXPLAlN o Address sumo COD. l^niTH-CIlKUlSlI FAITH, IIUPK ~ AaND TRl'ST. J J Shall I hereu tier addroM VilltU t V S. (). 1 N Pi > 1: M ATI ON W ANTK6?or TH K WHERK \ li< >UT8 I uI'ShiiiiioI lliracb. deemsed, roin o'clock of the evculaiir oTtlu) 2tftU of'April hint, until J o'clock of the morning ol tlio 27tli% uk whirl, timo ho was found in the Bast River, at tiicr 27; u liberal rcwaid will he civ on to aany person furnishing the required informotiou. Ad(ire?a box Poat oil) cu. INPOirM ATlON"W ANTED-OF THK~ilBIRS OK LEWIS Swallow or Wiflium Oyer, who lived iu Brooklyn in 1817. AddresM box 4'J Post otlicc. Brooklyn N. Y IK AUTHORS or "DA RUNG WII'K." vi;nu:k.'. "Brother .\loe," "Sigma," "Incoinpreliouaible." *kc.. will ?bo the party pcsnnallv they have addressed, will oblige otherwise uo utteiiliuu cau bo paid : "u nnble t? Uislingullh Mitel." MIOKATOKY. BOSTON" ?.PLEASK CCT^MIJNTOATK W ITU" M.". it "ill address. M. I AMY I\ NI NTH AVENUE ( AIt, I O'CLOCK." 4TII J Inst., blue dress, brown bat, laughed, please address L. II , box 137 llcrald oHico. Matt in, will be at central park garden this evening; plenty of amusement. OASTILIANO REV IK ItO. The address or the r u e n y l a undress is lest. T. 1WLLIK-DID NOT CRT NOTE IN TIME ; WILL MEET you Saturday, same lirao and place. INUOMAlt. 2"PECULIAR WAHMYTAST; I SEND OLD WAY to-day; 1 leavo town, leturn Wednesday. SURPRISE. KKC.1G10I Si NOT1CKS. "VLL^TATnTS' PROTESTANT KPI8COPAL~CHURCII A (Kov. William Diiunell rector), Henry st.,eornerof Kcanunel. Now York.? Services ovory Suudav morning at In 3U and every Sunday evening at 7 :3 K The rector will preach. Amebic an "k rkk cuuRCh. university building, Washington win are. Rev. C. 1*. McCarthy ?Tomo-row. 11, "Life In Clirist," and S, "The Ministry of Spirits." A"~" "side I ATI ON dp" S P (RITUALISTS. HARVARD Rooms, Reservoir Park.?Conference at P. M.; speaking and music at 7*4 All Interested cordially invited. ?1>l'.1IOU>, 11K COMETH WITH CLOUDS!" AN1) 1> IDs messenger. Bishop Snow, will preach In the Mi-diosl College, corner of -'3d st. and 4th uv., on Sunday, at 3 1' M. Seals free. Subject, "The Signs of the Times." Strangors welcome. ("~NHITllCh i.K 8T71|ARY THE VIUUIN, WEST 45TII ST\. ) near Broadway. - Sundays, 10, morning prayer; 10 V ...I.I...., I x v........ DIL DEEMS WILL PREACH AT THE CIIURCU OF the Strangers. Mercer st., uear nth, to morrow at 10:30 A. M. and 7 :15 IV M. Tho morning subject. "The Angel of the Loril Kticaiupcth." All seats free. |SoUIcTEKNTH STREET PKKSHYTK KIAN ClirilCIP r corner Vd av.?Rev. A, F. ltcnrd. 1). I)., of Syracuse. K. Y., will preach to-morrow at !0:3O A. M. and 7:45 1'. M. F" MUST REFORMED EPISCOPAL CHURCH. MAD? sun av. end 47ll? st.?Rev. Win. T. Sabine, rector, will preach at 10:'*), morning; Rev. John 1*. Bother, of the Presbyterian church, at < 45, evening. |>i;v. .r. II LIUUTBOURK WILL PREACH IN IV Seventeenth street Methodist Episcopal church (near M av.) morning and ovoniug. Eveningsubject ? "Solomon's iddri'ss to Youth." I MI K CtlLLRt; IATK UK FORM KD DUTCH ClIURCII KS i?t Lafayette place, corner of 4th st.. and 5th av.. eoruer if 20th bt., a ill he open for divine service at the usual hours in Sunday, August 6. rHKliKV. DK. TfiFYMOUR. Dean of the General Theological Seminary, will preach in St. Chryaostom't chapel, -tHtli ?t., corner 7th av., Sunday c von lug. August 0, at S o'clock. The other services on Sunday are at 7, U and 10}? o'clock I. M., wltk a sermon. _______________ UMT \ S I> rot !Mr. rOST?NK A R BROOME ST. A 0 O LDBNHn6c K KT, J with initials C. S.; reward $.'5. Return to C. S., 63 ith av. ]()ST?AI'Ol*ST 3, BETWEEN"jlfillHKV CITY AXD Broadw ay and John st.. a gold Chain anf! Locket. The Imlcr will he liberally rewarded by leaving it at 263 Canal t. IOST?POCKKTBOHK CONTAIN ISO COMMITTA J tlon ticket ; no question* asked. $2 reward by returning ticket to C. LOWSHKR,Jr., 140 West 11 th it, Lost^a black and tan j >6 g.~spottkd vkllow on four legs and eyes; auswert to the name of Bessie. A reward given bv applyiug ui 167 Lexlugtou av. Lost between dcank and south m, yka terday, a Watch aud Chain. The linuer will I* liberally rewarded by applying to KANE BF.HRKNS. 107 Pearl i;k\v a O REWARDf?LOST, A W1HTK SPITZ DOG, UN Thursday afternoon, on 6th av., near Hili st.; no Questions asked. Please return to owner, lilt* 6th av. $rf~HK\V AKlh-Li)ST\ A HOI D ENAMELLED f) laicket, containing a lock of hair on inside. The above reward will he paid by leaving tho same at 151 Clinton st., Hrooklyu. with thanks of tho owner. kfF REWARD -LOFT. ON AUGUST 5 (EVKHIRQ), $?) between Madison and Union squares, a young Scotch Terrier; yellow hair, black leather collar and yellow thong attached; mange on both hind legs; hair off. 55 Irving place. ' ^ SPECIAL fiUTlCEth *~I ?ISAAC G. BOYCK. 267 BROADWAY. LAWYER ? J\., Divorces obtained pramplly, without publicity; desertion. incompatibility, habitual drunkenness, influelity. in ! human treat nu m. nI?Mn ofMllJf rmprt*oblllMd. VrrKKTlOMI-DIBKANBN or MKX I'KIIM ANKNTLY 1JL cared, even of long standing; consultation tree. l?r. JAPOBY, 161 Blevcker sL_ "7 HEW CARTkli)7>K7~ KB i'EC IA lil j Y ADAPTED TO 2k. Indian warlaro, sporting, Ac. ; capitalists only. Apply in or address VA' 1 I.I.I AM U AST, Machinist, 45 Ann st. I A ?ROYAL HAVANA LOTTKRY. J\.? First Prise ?l(JO,(*si. Next Drawing August IC. Full explanatory circular* tree. I m Va?iu si, N Y. THEODORE Zap I luCll. A ^PAKKn, EMERSON A CO. J\ . Kentucky Stain Lotteries drawn daily. Koyat Uavaua Lottery, drawn every 17 day*. Kentucky Single Number Lottery, drawn August 2(1. Crises cashed, ialortnation furnished by addressing as tbove. leu> Broadway, row t II ?SMITH'S KKNTI I KY STATU LifmUtt ~ J), gg.sTCCkr?tllU clam fiTS. sou 1m7i> 77, 31. 1. *?. IS, 17. At. 21. 26. 3. 67. 72, 26. KkNTCCkT?CLASS S76, roil 1676. 69, 67, 23, 52. I"), I, 47. 22. 54. ."Ml. 74. 72. 48. All order, address II NATHAN. IS! Broadway. N. Y. Cum ERA t Mr ACKOPUlsA.?A WOKDBKFCL OCRS J discovered Circulars tent free Address Dr. THORPE, institute 116 Crosby si.. New York. (1 ?OFFICIAL rtRAWINOS KENTUCKY STATS LOTA teres.? SIMMONS A DIPKISSON. Manaysrs. BBMyrCKT. kXTas I LAJS SO. 467? ACCUST 4 1676. 14, M 72, I. 16. 13, 22, 30, 67, lis, 51. 50, 25. LKTccxr. class no 46"*?a thirst 4, 1S76. 13, 9. 31, 17. .7, 55, i.3. 20. 56, 71. 7."., 52, 74. UKSBV. KXTKA CI.ASS gO. 3>7?AUUUST 4, 1576. 10, 5, 41. 12. 26. .14. 73. 35. 15. 37. Ill, 26, 16. msur. class SO. 368? a Pi. 1st 4, I87G. I. 2. 11". 74, .Pi, 67, 25, 17, 47. I, 62, Hi. 19 Full Information by applying to nr Addressing J. CLl'TK k CO., 201 Hrugylway, rear room, llrst floor. M -SJISI.UAI.?SIMMONS At DICKINSON'S SINOLR LA nunilisr State grand itistrlbution, to be |r*?u ui:ii?l2l'.. six. huyal lint ana of Culm draws August in lull information by applying to or nddresting J. wLl IK A I t>.. No. 2nO Broadway, rear room, flret Wiser. !1 vlsKA >KS of MKN A SPECIAL IV. I' HEN'sV A. DAN1KI.S M. Ii., 144 Lexington av., tear 2l<tn st. utile* hours Irom S lo 3. |J AV'AN t LOTTERY"-NKXii DKAWINU 6COUNT 16 I L IS76: f Iki.KSI Ir. prixer Address li MARTINEZ A 2U Hankers. 1" W .61 it.. baeemrni. New York. Spsnlsb |,..ld and tins sua Bank Bills-bought and a..Id: Drartt on Uav.ina issued. K-Cll KOnTc 'AIAKkII. I i K a P \ Kss IMPituVH) . meibod: Instantaneous relief; permanent cures Dr IT< IDDAKD. No. d West 14th si. ' ITKNTICKV STATK LOTTKltY-UKAWS AUUCdT'M IV. Whole tickets, fill; halves, f>; uusrtert, #2 V>. Koyai Havana Lottery, tu b i rtrn? n August III. W b.du HcKeis. f2U; halve*. f|it; twentieths, i l. J AO t^1' N a CO., Uaukers, 2D2 itruadway. New York. [E WE spkciai. moticm. KKNTPC KV 0 vsil lUfttl I HI riOS 01 IMI' AN V. Kx-<iovernnr THO&. I'. PuK'fKK. MauHgiug Director. dk*\vs august 31. !?7?t, without FAIL. CAPITAL I'ltl/K flUUJM). WHO WILL DRAW ITT Ccrtilicute ol Farmers' Bunk of Kentucky. I TliU I* to certify that the Farmers' Bank of Kentucky, as | treasurer of the "Kentucky Cash Distribution Coinpauy," I will bold all the money deposited in the Batik by Kx-Uovct nor IViSIM r flfter, Uttierftl MlRtRtr, to the credit of the "Kentucky Cash Distribution Company." h? a special deposit lor the payment of ail otfmod gilts, to be paid out tor this purpose, and tills purpose only. GRANT GKLLN, Cashier Farmers' Bunk of Kentucky. Tickets, 5-12. Halves. . Ooaru r?. $3. o. w u arrow a co.. Bankers and Geuerul Kastern Agents. 710 Broadway, N. Y. XTERVOUS IxilAUSTlON. A MEDICAL KI8AT ix com prising u series of lecturos doiivured at Kahu's Museum of Anatoiuy, Now York, on thu ciiumi and cure of 1'reiuature Decline, showing indisputably how lost health may I* regained, a for ding a clear synopsis of the impediments to ...urrlage and the trentmont of nervous and physiI nil debility, being the result of .11 years' experience. Price iff# cents. Address tho author. Dr. L.J. KAllN. office and residence 01 Past If Ah st.. New York. Royal Havana lottery. --imijimj will bk drawn oii August 1H. Prires cashed; orders tilled; in torruatlou furnished ; highest rates paid lor Spanish bills, government*. Ac. fAVLOK .1 CO.. BanUcri. 11 W all St.. New York, QTUTTKKING.?U. s. SUMMERING INSTITUTE |l)? O WII1TK), 417 4th av . N Y ; beat references; uo pay uiilil perfectly cured. S?uu for circular. rp AMi;T: IMUIKN. -a LAXATIVK PUUIT LOZKNUK. 1 agrveable to take ; specific remedy tor constipation and it* coiineqiicnces. V. UklLl.OT, 67 Kue Kauibatoau. Pari*. Depot, CAMWKUU, HAZARD X Of)., New York. /\/W\ ?fiKKAT SPECIAL MONTHLY vO^^.Ul'v. drawing to tie drawn Ihia day. Auuusl \ |87tf; the lent day to gain a fortune for only a small out ' lay. Legalised by authority of tho Legislature of Wyom ! ing, to he drawo at Oheyetute. Wyoming. August 5, 18/U. I To he conducted by sworn Commissioners iu public. $322.(XX) to bo distributed. Capital Prise $T>0,000 single tickets $2 each, or 10 tickets for $10. Prun* cashed. Information furnished. Orders filled. Apply to or address K.V1U11Y X CO., Brokers, 31 Park row, opposite Poat office. New York city. * SPOKTIkG-DOGS. 1UUUS. tVc. Auction pools sold to day at joiinson s Pool itonm. corner 28tl? st. and Broadway, on all ball game*. Loch tuning received by telegraph. J IIATFIKLD. JUST IM POBTTD^ONT? ENGLISH MAST'lI-'K IHTC 11. largest and handsomest over soon, with pedigree; Pointers uud Setter*; fair trial. Setter and Pointer Pups, one Corker Spaniel, to* Terriers, Skro Terrier*. Black and Tans; rat Dogs of all breeds, watch I)og? of all breeds; rat Dog*of all breeds. J II. corner 5Uth st. and Broadway. 1>ooi.s SOLD ON BOAT Racks at Marvin UOUSH, Saratoga; also on the ground ou the mornings of the races; also oil the horse rtu es, morning and evening. WM. li. JOHNSON (late of Broadway and SIMth si.). J T. TCLLY. 1* >OOLS SOLD AT~~NKW YORK TUR~BXO U A NO B this afternoou on Athletic vs. Bostou. at Boston; Chi* cage vs. fiou sville, at Louisville; St. Louis vs. Cincinnati, at Cincinnati; Mutual v*. llarttord, at Hartford. SKIHEKT X McCLOUD. THE TURK 'auction, VSM&vrTinS uosi binatIun boo?S Jl sold this evening at JOHNSON'S Kooium, corner Broadway and 2$fh st., on the Saratoga race*, also on the boat races at Mtmtoga, which take place on Monday. T. B. johnson. | VUCtToN and PitkNCI! pools sold Til IS evening, at New York Turf hxebauge. l.? Writ 28th I. on Iho Saratoga regatta; French pools. 42 and 45; prompt ulteutiou gtveu orders by mail or messenger, KELLY. BLISS * Oft O A K \ TOLA BACKS. O 8F.CUND MEET! NO, 1870. Second Meeting?Tuesday, Hih ; Thursday, 10th; Saturday, 12th ; Tuesday, 15tb; Thursday, 17th, and Saturday, LDtb, August. Kaces promptly at 12 o'clock, each day. W. It. T HAVERS, 1*resident. JOHN MUKKISSKY, Leeaee. C. W ukatlky. Secretary. l'OOLS SOLD every day and evening, at the Saratoga Association l'ool Looms, 1,230 Broadway, New York. All entries telegraphed direct to this room. SEA VIEW FAKkT^NKW DoItF, 8. I.?SATURDAY, August a.?Sweepstakes $200.?Aeu Wilton's irr. ui. Madge; William Gallagher's blk. m. Black Bess: Mr. Van S.'s u. p. Blind ltoy; Benjamin Wilson's br. g. J. II. B. Same day - Sweepstakes 415<>?Asa Wilton's ch. g. Charley Mane; T. Crane's r. p. St. George; William Uaiiagber b. g. Tummy Moore. j'. LUBY. KELLY, BLISS A CO., Fool Sellers. SUMMER MEETING AT THE SPUING VALLEY Driving Park, August 2i, 23 and 24.?First dor?Purse 4150. lor 2:50 class: purse $200, lor 2:40 class. Second day?Furse 4130. ior class; purse $200, lor 2 :35 class. Third dsy?Furso $150,1'cr 2:45 class; purse $2uu, lor 2 :3S class. Entries close August 10. at 0 1*. M at Fair View house, Spring Valley; entrance 10 per eont; 5 per cent must positively Hccompatiy uouiinution. Address A. KUHMAN, npricg Valley, M. Y. A. FURMAN, Manager. rnATTKKBALL'fl, C5? HROaHW AY.-AUCTION JL poo 8 will b? sold ou Monday and every day mid evening on all races, ball matches. Ac., by Mr K. KOWAKHS, 11:0 a oil known and pbpular pool seller, late of John MorrLsey a Co.'s, who will be glad to seo bis frieuds on this ocoMtoa i HOHSKH. CARRlAUEb. ?u 4 MuKTGAGK SALE' OF EIGHT FAST TROTTING 2\. Horses, costly Carriages, Harness Ac.. Ac., on Monday, August 7, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the private stable 107 and lot) Lust 41st d., including the bay Gelding Chieftain. can best 2 :30; Gelding Nigger, can beat 2:30; Little Fred, can trot In 2:25; Lookout, can trot in 2:30; Onward, cuii trot iu Kdwin F., can beat 2:3u; Hilly Kay. can trot hi 2 :.5, and bay (h iding can trot in 2 :35; the above stock are now ou exhibition aud can be seen and catalogue. with extended pedigrees. Ac., obtained by permit at the office of CORNELIUS FARLEY, City Marshal and Attorney for mortgagee, olfice 7H Nassau st. HKCuNO POKY I'll A KToN, OKI DBPOT WAGOJT, Cutunder Uockaway, one side bar top 11(1 lbs. Brewster lload Wugoii, one full spring top \\ agon. WILLIAM II. OKAY, Carriage Factory, 1,404 Broadway, above 30th st# NY LADY DESIROUS OF MB1Al.M.Mi AT A BAR gain a handsome pony built Tlorse, spleudid inai u and j tall, and new city made top I'haeton. with Harness and everything complete, which will be exchanged tor Dinuonds ' or sold on monthly payments, will learn of a seller by addressing DEATH, Herald Uptown Braucb office. A -ONE OF THE MOST ELEGANT HOAD TUKNOUTS ever offered, consisting of horse Bay I'rince. ! "?. 1 high, (? years old, vcrv stylish; warranted sound aud kind; with training can trot very fast; also full spring lop Wagon ; top 1'bsetidi and single Harness; all by first class city makers and not soiled; coiue and examine, you cau buy very choup. 138 ?V est 31st si. ?177~OT AMI JTkoond hTm. HUSINKSlS . Wa?iiiii, 9125, lor xproii. grown, butcher*. l>?kvrt. milk. ailvertialnx, <li-|.ut, delivery wa^'oiia. A' " HKfdXI) HAND KIP IHAKHlN, IS GOOD order: 1 open do.; 2 second baud lop Depot \Vh<uih; 2 second hand Victorian ; Barouches. fix seat Phaetons; I l.anduu : B uH?U|l?r open Wagon ; Harness. Sheets. Whip*, Nets. Ac WM. li. liRAk, 2" and L'2 Wooatnr St. z4in will buy a hkautTkul "top rosy Phaeton ; h line Harness, $43; tup Wagon, $1(10. Private -table. No. 13 Well JTth ft. AN KLEUANT-KXTKNMION TOP PHAKTOW WILL lie sold cheap; also a good top Buggy and light doulile and single Harness. At liable first door vast of University place. In 12th ft. Akink brkwhtbr ruix mpkiho tor wason, cost f 175, price also liaudsoiiie Pony I'haeton; luuft he sold. No. 3 Welt 13l!i st. i --SKVEN WORKING AND HU8IXRM HoiisKS Ai cheap: trial allowed. Apply la rear, 37d and 37B Bower. opposite Mil it. ri'miAoi factory?krfairs pat currrnt V ) ex|>?nses?lor sale or exchange Tor Merchandise. Address X. X., llerald I'ptown Branch office. l/XOhl.l.KNT PABTL'RAGK Pull IIOKSRs AT .1 J Neslianie, N. J.; per month. Address J. II. VaN BC*KIKK, Kayonne. N.J. }jj1UK RALB?AT Is A. K1NM.V s STMU.K. IM WEST 4th st . near Washington arjnarc. a lop I'ony Phaeton, a very neat aud good one, uaod hut very little, in Brit rate order. TpOK BALB?A~DAPPLB GRAY HiTkhK,~iAS HIOU. 1 II years old; warranted sound nnd kind; very stylish and prompt driver; must he sold. Apply at 433 Last Houston ?t. "LVllT 8 A LK. HLoW?KXTRA HANDSOMK PAIR 10 P hands Kentncky Horsas, Randan by Ml", r A Stevens; in splendid order. Apply to WILLIAM, Tracy's stable, Bed St., near Madison av. / 4 P.KATKST BARGAINH IN M'.W YORK.- MP LEX DID \T assortment leather tup Buggies, front fl'JS; I'll I |IIO; Depot Wagons, #140; Itocsaways. ?13il. wvrtiinsnship guaranteed; Harness, every description, froin #10; Saddles, Bridles, Robes, Sheets. Nets Ac. JOHN MOOBB. W Warren M. r?OOD BOARD FOR TKN HUKINKBS HOR.HKS AT $20 Vx per month can t.s obtained in the Ninth ward lie addressing srAKLK. Herald I'ptown Hrancti office, giving address where can ho was. TTABSKSH.?CUBAPRMT IlAKNBSS STORK IN NKW J1 York. gond llnggy Harness, hau l made. IIS; good Grocers' Harness. t?>: gm>d douole Team Harness ?Ju. a good Horse Blanket, 11 50. Plaaaa call and axamine for yoarselees. I- loll Kit A OSBOKN. Mauafaotnrera. 71 Barclay st. HUKSKMKM?YOCK CIIKCK RKI.V CANNOT (JET unhitched when driving your trotter* of colu If you u?e Kilter a Check Rein Uuerd. Prepaid lor If* Agent* wauled al all trotting ground*. Addrun* A. J. KITTKU. bo* (17 Mali* way (.V J 1 P'rtofBe*. Hale$iai-si'lexdidnitw top express or Grocery Waguu, worlb $200. IioVKi 'S aiabla, 124 Wort mil ?*. QADDU HORSES roi -AI.I.. .'ALL a f K1A1N0 ^ Academy ciirntr jth *?. and Jttth at and in V'Y' Hull.a A CO.'8 flue Saddle and llerue** lloraea. (ruiu H A. >1 to 2 1' M ; right Iroei Kentucky: h?at city re le ranee given Troltrra al American l.'lul. Stablea. coruar lint i. at. and llroadway. Thoroughbred Marc# at Jaraay City Club Stable*. * rpo THb public -rill. BEET AND cheapest 1 I.leerc and Hoarding Stable* in the ally. 217 Wen lith it. near Mth a?. PARKBS A CO. fliWd LANDAUS, FIVE LAMiaLi.KTS. tl.N lol' j. Wairmia. liy BKKWHTKIi a CO , of Hrouoie at,, reerttid 1 hand. A. S FLaN'DIIAU, >f72 and 1174 tlroum* at., old I rtaad of ^rewater A Co. I U'AMKU-A TWO SEAT PHAETON, SECOND AT hand, city made. AddcnO MKYl.Kn, 13 Water *t. WANTED?A KOUR SEAT PARK IMiAKTON ; PLAT AT fiiTin ?pnng? ealeueloii top. atiglniy need; city 1 maaera preferred; muat be clc ap Call at 1.2112 iiioadway I Air A NTKD?A LlOHT DO IB I. h SECOND IIaNU MAY ' A A truck, In good order. Addrea* K., nation C. i Alf an I l l'i io iillU.-KoR TWO MOM 11Ai.OnD | W reliable nair of Carriage lloraei. for family nae In the country; inurt be kind and penile Addreaa room 22. 14 j W ,?il at., New York lkttair *otlck?. I l^OTIOK in HEREBY OIVKN TO ALL C KED11 OKS of the late Jeremiah Kngartr No <J?I Enat Dltli at., to aen I , In their rlaiuia i.cfore (he lit day of September. IM7?. a* no | laeaher claiuae will be received. JOH<( FottJJr?. W Y 0 NEW YORK, SATWD BROOKLYN PUOPKUTY FOR 8A1.B AM) TO LVT. CMIKKVWOOD HA1.K 1'I.OT FOR >ALK?(EVKXINO T lltrl!), hmulaoiuu mid d<?ir?bly lixmcd Apply lo W. Si KlMUEOU It. Superintendent. at GrMDVUtd office. PUOPKUTY Oi l OF THK < IT* FOB SALE on TO KKNT. \"r A SACRIFICE?MAUNIKICERT FARlToH TUR Deliwtro River, 0 miles from Htroedsburg ?a4 Delaw*r? Water Lap, U4 Acres; HU under highest stale of cultivation ; river (late; baiuuce good timlxr; substantial stone dwelling. U rooms, garret, attic and cellar; large barn, 30 by 50, stone stabliujr, wagou bouse, core crib, bog bouse, wood house, Ac.; excellent water tuiiuiug at bouse and burn iu pipe*; small stream through larin ; there is on the place a magnificent sluid fishery . exclusive coutrol; very profitable; abundance of fru I and shade trees; ofhred nt a sacrifice ou account of death of owner, location perfectly healthy; scenery grand ; excellent boating; a chanuiug home price only $7,Si Mi; teriun $?,riOO cash; balance easy. Address NKLSON PRIRSUN, Last Stroudsburg, Pa. A COUNTRY SKAT -liAKUAl.N ftUPBRlOH KXTKNsive buildings; five acres, beautiltil terrace*; ahuudance of fruit, shade, oriiiuueutai trees, Ac ; elevated; healthy; charm lag, seven miles; cost $UO,OUO; price KliSTuN. owner, 28 Liberty *L A FAMILY UOlNa ABROAD WILL RKNT KLBQANT Maiislou. completely iitrnisbcd, servants staying if desired; stabling; for seaaoii or year, very cheap ; at White stone, ou beach, near statiou ; magnificent bathing, fishlug, Ac.; no malarial diseases. Address box 1,830 i'ost oftico. Beautiful iioMKs pob sale ob rbbtI foFn* tain Hill. Iiethl**hcm. Ph.?Two hours from Philad. 1pbia. three from New York; seven daily trains to each place ; fond schools; good society; mouuiaiu air; mountain spring water; no malaria within 5(1 miles; education free, at Lo lugo uui versity ; Mua lor cii vuur TINSLKY JKTKK, Hethlehem, Pa. l?OK &ALK -TO CLOU AN hSTATK. oSl OK THB 1 tinest Farms in the heart of Dutches* county. *2IK Herts chotc* Uud And (rood buildings; II miles uortliaul of Pouglikeepsie; tew minute* walk from lallroad statiou uud ; Post ulficc nt Clinton Corners. To parties seeking to establish a home, no better spot can be louiiu, especially to bring up a family; good churches mu?I schools; surroundiuirs tin* exceptional; no liquor sold In the town for the last twenty years. City references ? Hon, Sinclair To user and K. V. Tripp, proprietor of "Tripp's elevator," foot of iMthtk CaII on or address subscriber, on ttie premises. N. P. CHKKSKMAW. For* 6alb?1.000 a0kb8 land 55 kb*ruckt; must sell; make offer. Addroas box 2,556 Philodcl* pbiA Post otlice. L^OH S ALK-0L1 FFSIuK. A~C0 L* N T RY~SKAT 0N T11K I Hudson, near Nyack, on hour Iroiu New York, uusiirpassed in iioauty o< situation; perfect health, puro water, dry atmosphere nud entire freedom from chills and lover; the mansion contain* 11 rooms, bathroom and closet*. Is built lor a rostdence in summer and winter; the lawn, gardeu and pleasure grounds are equal to any on the river: fruit* iu great variety in lull bearing : gardener's cottage and all nccoHssary outbuiidinir*. with 20 acre* of land. Ado.css vt it. DBA>. Nyack, S. Y Fioit S A L K -ON K OF ThTT hK ST FARMS IN NEW Jersey, iiO miles from Now Y'ork, on frit V. C. O. Kail roed; lot) acres; good building*, plenty of fruit aud water* with Mtock and crup. Apply at HtiH Wsfl 42d St.. New Y'ork* To ~C APTT A LI8TS.?I H AVK F()U " SALK A VERY valuable Pr?porty of About 1.3DO city lot* (upward <?t 100 acres), having a water frontage of nearly three-quarters of a tuiia, all lvtng intact, and all within about 2\ miles aud In Might or the Grand Central depot ao 42d st. ami 4th av. Any party or ostato disposed to make a sale investment with a certain increase of value within the next five years will do woll to examiue this property, which can be bought at figures which I regard as a bargain. HOMER MOttOANo. 2 Pine n. Sacrifice.-;mi st hi hold-beautiful farm of 36 acres, choice rich land, near village. 2 If miles from large town, I hour from Philadelphia, 14 trains daily; richest aud heat part of Jiucks county. Pa. ; flne substantial stone buildings, cost $6,000; 4 acres woodland, running spring water, variety fruit, stono house 20 by 40. hall and 9 rooms, piassa, splendid barn, extensivo stabling, carriage, hog and poultry houses; price, including Horse. 5 Cows, 50 Chicken*. Wagons. Farming Tools complete, end all the Crop*, only $5,500; terms $1,Sift) cash: balance very easy; possession any time. Immediate sale necessary. Cash market. Take 8:45 A. M. traiu toot Liberty sL, Now York. New Jortey ueutral Railroad to Bethlehem. Pa.; there tnke North Pennsylvania Railroad to fjuakertown, Rucks county. Pa.; arrive before 1 o'clock ; can return 5 P. M. Inquire at llinkie's Hotel tor G. L. WALKKK. Carriage waitiug. M0NTCLA1K. N. J.-AT A BARGAIN, AND TERMS easy. a very desirable Realdence. 12 room*, with ira* and billiard room; 'J I4 iters* of hiRbly cultivated laud; vegetable Rardsn, fruit tree*. Sue stable and outhouse*; all In pertuct order; 10 minutes' walk froui depot and SO minute*' by rail Irom N?w York; more land II required. Inquire at 14 Murray *t.. second ttuor. TO LKT?KKVKRaL KL1GUSLE HOUSES AT PORT Hamilton; Que sea vie*; easy coniiuuulcation with city; rents low. Apply to EDWARD ARMSTRONG, 24 Walker st.. Now York. U~ NKNtTuMBEREb LOTS. PEKPKCT TITLE, TO~EXchange for Cash, Merchandise or Securities; must sell; call and make olTcr. EWfc.N, 30 Nassau St., room 17. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. tlliNol4~pakM"WantED-ix 1'xciiangk >o? 1 near by c ty Dwelling. ruland a WHITING, No. b lloekman st. rpoTxOHANOE-A BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED CUUN- , 1 try Rostdence, one hour Irom City Hall ner Heiiusylvsula Railroad, for Farm Property. Address L. T., liera.d oQtce. WILL EXCHANGE FOR A FARM?A BUILDING situated ou a running brook, suitable for manufacturing, with steam appiiauecs. Ac. W Hl'BKlSSON, 107 West 18th st. ()r|\ ACRES OK GOOD TIM he RED LAND IN ^iJU Ulster county. New York, froe and clear; I will sell cheap for cash or exchange lor soiuo Rood Business lu city. Address J.IW.. box 133 Herald office. , HEAL. ESTATE WANTED. CAND WANTED -a ' LA It .E GRAZING OR LAND Tract, In a climate healthful for Iiiur troubles, in exchange for a line villa; 3D minutes from New vork. Address 1 UtVNfcR. M Vosey St., New Yurk. W~ 'anted?TO purchase for OASii. a UolfSK with ull modern Improvements, with lull lot, In urst class nelRUborhood, below 40th st.: price to be moderate. Address, by mail, JOHN andrews, No. 244 Pultun St., New York. 1lr ANTED ?KEN TU C K Y A XI) W EST VIRGINIA VY Lands. A. WYMAN. Steubenville, Ohio. ANTED TO PURCHASE-A FIRST CLASS TENKment House In a Rood location ; stale terms, Ac. J. it. HKlll S, ti.'iA llroudwsy. TO LET Edit ItlSI.NESS CIKPOMES "DENNETT" BUILDING 13 Fireproof Located on N'moii Ann anil Knit on ate. Kiret Klour to let; suitable lor bunkers. Insurance offices or lawyers: will be let ti'irelber or in parla; be altered to anlt tenauls if desired; adapted lor offices or stores. Reasonable renta. Alao route eligible Law Offices to lot. AI'I'LY on tiik premises. Take the elevator. Inquire for Janitor. OOK AT THIS ? FREE RENT TH LS MONTH~AND J oulv #100 per month; llouao lour story, 2."> feet wide; 23 Wert 3d at., near Broadway. Apply at 42 West 3d at. T" o Let?in wilsom's uliliunoo. corner ful ton and (lold atr.. on revond and fourth Hoora, well lighted Roonia, with power andateain lieal. JOHN I WILSON, 73 Fulton at. T~~O"'LKT?SPLEN 1*11 a K I.OOKS, 'doXSo, WITH STEAM olevater. power, Ac. IM Weal IMh at. rpt> LET OLD ESTABLISH E.I) DINING AND LUNCH I Kootu No. 4tf Whitokall at. Apply at 55 Whitehall at 1(4 1 HIVINOTiTn" st.?a laRtiK kivk story 1>'T Tenement llouao, well adapted lor a cigar manufactory; ran be occupied at ouce. 4(1 BROOME ST.. CORNER L)K BROADVAYFTtI Large Hooin on second floor. A It III fit WEEKS, 58 Wall at. DUELLING HOUMKM TO I.E.. CitrnlalKMl. IARGE FURNISHED HOUSE, :?TII ST.. NEAR 5TII J at.; rent tree till September. Addreu M. box 121) Herald olbce. 11 n Turn l?ne?l. House and store, no. 2.274 .in av.. to let.? Inquire of owner, KOHKKT 1. BROWN, 30 at., room 72. ElUMrllEI) ROOMS A M) Al'ARTillENTI TO LET. AT 12S EAST ISTII ST., SEAll'IkYiNO PLACE.? liandaomely furniahed Rooma for gentlemen, $2 aud Super week; references. A LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. BEDROOM adjoining, closets, gas, hot and eolti wetar; suitable lor light houses replug, $H a week. 417 4th av., near 2ttth st. ISL UNTSHKD KIIOM?SECOND FLOOR. NO. 7 GREAT i ' J ones at., near Broadway. Call from 2 ted. UHKMsHED PARLOR FLOOR OR HALF; ALSO I r Office and Bedroom; Italia, 62 and $2 30. 106 E.aat I Alia JC nAKMOMELY FURNISHED BOOM, without board: neighborhood ttneacrpiioiiablu: private fami lly teriua low. Address Hl> Nassau at.. room 4. M' RS. ROBINSON. 31 MADISON AV., HAS PLKASant. furnished Koonia to 1st, en anlt# or singly, traaj alantly or otberwtau. at aunimar price.. ! 7 "I1-" >t>" ni -niilivm u'Jn tw. ,<ivkui uii I I nl.bad aoeond floor Parlor and Uedronui. alto ottior 1.I.OK11 7' 7 KAflT IUTH ?T?FtKNISIIED UKsIkAIILR j 4 Far lor Floor, with kltolivu; aUo tingle Room; bouaoka oping or fontlomwh 1<\7 KAST 44TII >r. NEAR UUAND CENTRAL lU I depot?lloonaa, lurnialied completely tor hiiuaeI keeping. tor mall laimlioa or tingle geutlonion ; raat $.'> to | ?s per ???k Apply ou tha premia?>,or to WM. K UAVKY, 4N Hloookar H. _______________ ?)<tQ MART ??T ST.?FIRST CLAM rOMUMO | weUO Roonia; tornn moderate, no bill op. til." WEM1 '. III sr.. NKAR7TH AV.-Fl'K.N IjllKD I ?Ji) front Kounta to lot, all lUudarn Improvement*. from to $4 por wook. t>Kl UN IN IIK11 KOttM* A.\U APAItTHKNTtt TO LET. A~~CON VKNi KNT Till Itll FLO< IK, FI\rfc HOD* A. | private boner, for SJO, to qulal family. >J Watt 1 17 111 at. ________________________ t -flats from $m io'?7". look at tukiT J\.. noun cheaper t..r eecointuodalioiui Apply toJOllN n c'RIMMINM. I.UST7 id av. V parlor floor, TIIKKh , roomi and kitchen, aim Knnui. with hath, teruia moderate; reference No M Ur.ieeraity place. FtLATS?LhXINt.TON AV.. NEAR ?5TH ST, SIX : roonia aaeb, Juat nrwly painted throughout, tin. SAO nit.I t-14; III 7inli at., at rrducad renta. U aud 1<J roonia. beau ill..11) arranged. WW it., near Islington av., Second Flat, ii room a, ft": In .With ac, between ittl. anil 7th ava.,d riKimi oath $1", tC. and #nu a flararr, 7 f?? In l aNn> at , Sa.'oiad Flat. 7 ro >ma. So". and olhcra; a Ibrr* atory lloua*. Ill Till at.. uaar Lexington av , at t7"U /A rtKL, id av | X Tilfil "LITTLE UF.H "-OSK APARTMENT TO LET; ! 1 !? room*; .ill improvement!!; tmnlwood finish; Ji?*t j irovcotd; c*bin?t mirrors hii-i i-l?r uIhrwhr. \'24 hmm Mnh ' ni . iui)(hborliiMHl flrnl class ?76 ?i iiioiiih . tlie chance and , rt4t NN?urM?i#a. Address F /.I I 1 Ku, l.irjH liu v., or tne I owner. A J. JOHN-O.N, ll (irril Jimiii it ! rpj likt-nik kniiki. nwkli.iaxi; faiii of m'o 1 l.H Mti n* . 1? rooms; in iroo'i order : i?nl #75 por . L ua UiU AiiDlr I" * F. J a Y Ji. W ami J2d Mia { RK H AY, AUGUST 5, 1876. HOl'SK?, HOOMK, ?t:? WAMTBP. lit tlti. (in itttti liriMiUi v n* THREE STORY II 1(111 STOOP HOUSE WANTED- . 1V ly private family; iuii.1 ha in uuial noiirUbo'himd; reut nut lu exceed Sl.UOU por annuel, Addret* bun 4,b7(5 Po?t uflice A?WANTED. A KURNISHBU IKHKE. H>R A . *mall, .trictly private liuuily (no children), brtwren i Ttith nnil Vlih it*.. Lexington tu titb av.. lor aix or twolve , Boutbi Irutn September 1. I V. K. BTKVBKBON. Jr..?? 4 Bw 1. i t'NM KMsiihi) lidt'sE wanted KKI-TRMHKK I. J J Central Park ; -IHtb to tttd at. ami Mth to Laxltitftoii * ; all Improvement*; pricu about $1 Addrvaa ' PROVOST. I,..* 1.SM7 Pint oOw J flUIK ONLY do Alll'.Alt SvknTno-NBW8PAPK1C 1 1 WITH A LI, THE LATEST NEWS i AND TilK LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY EVENING NEWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STATES. IS THE EVENING TELEGRAM, KOIt TWO CENTS TirANTED?4 OP. 5 UNKUKNIHIIKD ROOM* IN * reapectahle ueif hburlinoil by it?utlein*n. wile and due child; tiiiuilioii uut inure than one mile from 'iRil ?1. and 1 4tb .v Atiilruni. with lull particular*. 1*. D. RANKER, 2'J Plna it. 'by loiter mil) I. 11' INTKIl ? A llU'l'l .1 IMl VI .III V I v i< sllkl'IVli YV rooiut to rent; a Huii! ?*u in t Fntncli u?i|;hborbood \ or Dwrlling in vxclun^v lor Pator?on Property. 1J ALL A SQUIRES, IftNi West 'i.'td mL ] vl'antkl) 1.) kkn 1 -l!v a 1amilv ok tiiiuk ] f f udulls, either a umall IIouho or tin* Lower Part of one, or ? Suit of i?ix rooms; rent must ho low. Address II. W, box S,iMU Post a dice. . U'AMKI' I'd UKM'-AT A MODERATS spm, AX l ? 0#c on Broadway or in close vicinity of KriMiivsv, I not above 4th *t. and uot t> o far down town . state rent and I location. Address K. L. R.. Herald Uptown Utaucb office. I DbARDKKg W.WiRii. 1"?PLEASANT ROOMS. LAllUK AND *maLL~W1TII tir t class Hoard; torsos uiodernle. 44 West lOili at., j uear hth ?v. 1 FRONT ROOM.SKOOMl STOItV; OTIIKU ROOMS 1 $5 to ttun.Hieot and day boarder*. 1JH West 1'1'th St., ( ncNi Broadway. 158 west 2bti1 8t.?witfl ok wituout board, ' desirable Koouis, handsomely furnished; suits an.I | singly > <>] it i $j i'e It day. t? i?u $10 i'KIt vvi-IiK. kink. | 0 I lar^e Rooms, iirst clans tabic, at Maxwell lintel, 174 i Bloeckcr ?t. UfiTrr., writ.?bomb elegantly pi bmsiird ; Rooms, with Hoard, can bo hail at the private rest- ' doner of the owner. No. JV 7. 1 | rn si.. WLsr, s:i. ':ir?, ;it. ? klklant booms, X i with Hoard; permanent or transient,*.' per day; , kept by Ktmlish lady. f? MAST 42D ST.?LA ROM and II ALL GONBBGT L?J ii?u' Rooms. Willi libernl Hoard; table hoard. m wkm1 81 st st., nmak sttt AY. klkoant -j1 Room*, newly turnialiod; transient or per innuent; summer prices; first class Hoard st.. pit! kast, nhall madison park. back i anor 1411*1 i". x iHiiKUMi ou urs?i noor. aim fungio auu double Uoomi. lurumlud. with Hoard; low prices OjU WKif 27TH sr. n! ;au mB<iadWaY?Tiand" OU Homely furtiLhed Room* to lot, with Hoard, to treutletiimn hikI wife or Miu^io ^ouihiiiioii: Iiouko, locution and table flrvt clats; reference* required TO WEST W ASH IN ( JT( > N PL AUK.?A "Ffiw" V ACAN jLO ci?? lor geutlanum. with brut claim Hoard. $5 to $7. V(t \VB5tT Hi ill sr.. NKAU UNION SQUARE^ X t/ Handsomely furnished Uouuii, with Hoard; transiently or permanently . $1 30 to $2 per day. 1 (W dTH AV'-XAOUtS AND GENTLEMEN DESIR X\f AJ hiK * quiet, respectable bourdiu? houte, with liotuo comfort*. yood attention and tine, airy Room* to sleep in; meals to suit your tune ; tonus, $4 to $ ?. table ??oard,*.*l 50. 1 HTTM A 01 SON AV.. M?AKM"sr.~llANDS( >MELY 1UU furnished Kooais to let, with Hoard. I I Q WKsr iS?5 ST. TO LKT, K1C8LY 1' I' IIliO mailed Rooms, with ilourd, $7; double Uooum, $1? to $ie 0] ? !JU~Av7?TO LK'r Wirif OK WITHOUT ol't Hoard. Urue and tut all furnished Rooms; table Hoard. K(\7 oRRBNWioa st.?furnished room Fob \)\J I two, with or without Hoard; private laiuily; terms low. ClhNTKNNIAL VlSlTf> 118 WILDTFND KIRHT CLASS J accommodation*, choice location, every comfort and convenience, at 1,(312 Summer tt., Philadelphia; $1 50, $2 uiul 85 6U per day. l>tKLADBLPUlA BOARDING -MRS. SAN DEM ANN, A No. 2*22 South 19th at., opposite KittculioiiHO square; elegant Apartment*, with choice Hoard; term* reasonable. Philadelphia -1,090 pink St.?puknisuko Rooms. 50c. ; with Hoard. $1 50 per da?. HELKKIl. ItOAlll) AND LODGING WANTKBh Vol'N.i lili.NTLf MAN DKSIitliS Ur"A private family; German preferred; lo.atlon central; reference* exchanged. Address, statin# term*, 1*. 11. box I Herald ??nice. OAUD \Y ANTED?BY AN AMERICAN LADY and child; uiU furniah their own room; 5th ward preferred. Address H. K., box M3 Herald olllce. QT1110TLY V \ ILST~CL~ASS~BO Ait D WANT ED ? KOll two peraona at $3U. Address I i'.KMAN liNT, box 147 11 ... 1 otiieo U'AM'Kli -IIUOMS A N l? HOARD, 1th TWKB N~ 3 f> it uiidhlli at a. and 40lh and 7'Jd slit , fur runtlo-aan and wilu ; nol tu exceed Sid iter week tur both; reforeueoa given and required. Address, giving lull pnrticuluro, W. T. 11., Ilarald ollice. \lrANTKl) IM \lR DIATK1Y? BOARD_KOR OENTLE?T man and wilu, one child throe yeors old and nurse; In. cutluii above -'3d at.. (tutween 4ll> mid Aitli ava ; two large Rooms required, Addroaa, with lull particulars, 11. C. MKYKU A CO.. 48 Cliff ok .1NTKD?ITNKUUN ISII Kit ROOM, WITH OR WITlf71 out Board, hy a widow lady; terms must be moileraie; relereneea exchanged. Addroaa, with particulars, HOME, lie raid Ualaaa Branch otllou. IIOTKh.t. AT NfcW KNltLAND tloTKL, 30 ~BOWER??AlX light, single Rooina; lodgings .Vic. nightly, fH weekly ; lor gentlemen only. Always orkn.-erankkort house, corner Krmikforl and Vt IlllaW Ma., toe.. Vie., $1 ; gentlemen, tuimlioa. / lAULK 3~ BELMONT HOTEL AND DININO ROOMS. Kill. Lift and 137 Kultou at. and 2A Ann at,?Special Notice.?On Saturday, August 0 the price* in the itealaurant 133 Kullon at., runniug tlirough to Auu at., will be re ducrd Iroin 15c. per plate to ltle.: In tnc Iteamuruut 137 Kultou at. from 25c. per plate to 15c. Lodging 50 cento. ST. OKUMAIN. 5TII AV. AM) .'3D ST.-"HKOADWAY Room a; all front; Kuropaan plnn, 41 to 45 our day ; American Rooina and Hoard reduced 43 a day; first class lii all rcspccta; ulevator . hatha. \VM. (i. TOMI'KINS, I'rop'r. SOI TllliRN 11OTEL?,v.M ; 1.1 CAN I'l.AN'. ?J A DAY; lineal location in eliy. 07 Broadway, corner 3d at. oriNHLKll HOUSE. UNION sy[' AKK.?CHOICE il Itnoina, flouting the square, at moderate prices; Rooina 41 per day and upward; trauaient ratoa reduced tu S3 per day. COUNTRY BOAHD. 1SOAICD A MO.'o, MOUNTAINS I'l N Kb. Ill iV'KS, I'UOUT i) brooks. Iruit: retired; good tables: (rush vegetables. mim anu i crru-N jiinunui ; uu?xcopuniiaiuc reierenre*. no mosquitoes; prices low. L. K. L)CI)LKY, Cornwall. Conn. |) OA III) KOtt TWO ADULTS ONE HOUR KKOM CITY; .1) boating and bathing; whore there are boarders pieforrcd; terms not to exceed per week. Address li.%'2'2D Macon ?t . Brooklyn. CIAT>uill MorsFATNJV IK> A KI > AT KAI:M 1KII .SK ) under tho mountains, near Plallekill Clove; 1J miles from CaUklli, M, mile* I root Kausortics; fino ruaos; bcauiitill scenery: trout stream at door; terms. $7 per w.-ck. Address JollN S. OVEUiiAUGU, ljuarryville, Ulster county. N V /1ITY B O A RIJ K KJTrv A.N T K1) - A MONO Til K CATS \ J kill Mountains, inquiro at West -litb st. J. 8. MILLER. OSI AWA.VA l.AKK IKMM:. ON TIIK BKAITIMJL lako of that name. In tho mountain*, above the llud soli; hosting, tiwliiiim. hunting; term* fin mid $1J per week. Reference, BushuelT A Albright. 287 Broadway. AlilJAlI LKK. I'roprietar, Peekiklll, a. V. SEAMl DK BOARD?BO I ill 8IDK Ol LONG IBLaND, ' two hours trom New York ; four traius dally each wsy; I terms to suit tho tlmea. Address H. J. BlriliOP, l'atoii OtfUf. L I. riVwo VERY* LARGE KOOM8TO LKT^Wmi BOARD; 1 one hour from the city, two minutes' walk trom depot; terms to suit Address II. II., Maywoml^ N. J. or ItOAKOKBS \V ANTKUs-25 MILK 8 FROM CI TV*: wt' weekly; healthy locality. Address boa 4JI, Matt. 4wau. .V J SIMMV.K IIKSOUTS. H\ni. L i lim I'ST gkovk HDI'I:!. v.\i> I'AVIL ion (late residence of ex-Mayor Ounther), with au audition al wilts', coutainiug 5 ) room*, troiitinc the bay and ocean; excellent bathing. IKhlntc, boating. Ac. For board applv on premises or by note to JOHN llOOPK. BATH HOTEL, RATH, L I A TRW DB8IRABL8 . jiooms, with llrst class Board: elegant bathing, Ac.; CWLOVIji white >i I.nil di'RIXUH UOIWL J neu Hudson, X. V.; Una air; boaulllul prove. >o. -d rttoni M r. XAHII. /SOLUM AN noon, ra rockaway, L L-obard V lutp on Saturday evening. Muaic by Kink'* Washington ' Band. HOWLNNI) HOTEL I/I.Vi; HKANCH.-Knlt IIOOMS a;.piy to 11. II(jWLA.Nl), MmI0I HAJULfOM BOOn. STAMFORD. OOXX _ S. T COZZKNS. JO BO BRANCH.-IOASUS UILK BOARD. ADJ drett Hrt TILTH A WOOLKY box 17* Toil olhce. Long liraneh. Relor to T. II. U..M1 Wen OOth at. VJ Ki ri N K UbURB, ROCKAWAY HKACH. U K Katnlllot doalrltijc Hoard for the teuton 'cheap;" all the couiforta of a boiua; a grand place for children. For terrae addreaa aa above. Captain A. R SAM CELLS, Tropriatnr. N"7i,PTL,liik IKJL'bK, O.N THE S<L.N1) NKW HO challe, N Y , 4<> initiuteC fnnu 4id at.. 1 it boura from Knllon lerry, dfi-ri under the new management Drat claaa arvetnuiodattone, cool grove*. ahadtol waika. fine tithing, bathing anil tailing pood Mahllrig; ternilnua of C-donel Delancey Kaue'a 1'elham coach route. -rud for elroular t.iir .. il. I FRLTOM, Maw Hacbalta X. Y. Oun.M ruixi Houiiit! toint, i. i. ittiated on tha extreme end of Long Itlanrt. fronting on the Hound aud liariltner'a liar, only a tnotuatit'i wall to the water. aplendld tea bathing, driving and aniline exeelleut Hahlng. band for cl re u I art. M. li. TAKrioNH. OCBAX IK)L'sR, CANOK l'LAOK. L. I-oTKN FOR boardert; terma moderate; beat of halting aud bathinc. Addreaa A. K. BUDINUTON fPAI'TAN ZKK IIOL'nK. NYACK. ON T11K HUDSON? A Z5 milei from .New \ ork ; aeceeslble by boat and rail; | a few choice Suit* of Houriit Jntl vacated. W. 1'. MLB ROE . *.\\fKST TO I .NT "oIKI, V> Weet T.ont, N Y The only hotel on the pott, llutet, B per day or (.'I per week. ALHkltl II CIUXE*. WATCH K*. JiCWKMt*. ml. ~ t T 77 HI.KKl'KKK ST., NK Alt IIIKl A IIW A V -MONEY il advanced on Diamond*. W'atchei. Jewelry, Ac., nlto Tannbrotert' 1'icketi bought of Diatuouba, tfatchct. Ac. 7? illaeckur at. , ERA! HA1.KS AT Al.'CTIO*. Auction >au: or ma.;mi h im hwi si:hou> Furniture, nropeity uf K. Uav. Esq., to be sold Til IK (Saturday) MORNING. commencing i?l II o'clock, at the elegant Use story urown stone mansion No. 120 West 23d St.. near Gth av. Two elegant r<M)wo<?d Pitnolorlti, ouc a Stain way A Sou, ind Windsor upright, cost $7lXJ and $1,00); magnificent use wood Ktagere*. lace Curtains, Mirrors, latust style inlaid Curler Rails, covered in satin, biucatel aud rope; iulaid Jeutro and Console Tables. Cabinets. Jardinieres, Brooxes, Jil Paintings, Ac. ; Chamber Suits, in black walnut; Dreaang Cm.cs. Hedsloada, spring aud hair Mattresses. Carpets, tr, ; Bookcase. HUU volumes choice Books, Ladies' Seeretarles, Librarv Tables, Turkish Suits, Dining Ko.tiu Buffet, Kt.ension Tabic ; solid walnut Chairs, in leather; Ciiina Dinler and Tea Sets, Louogcs, Hat Stand. Also basement and lervants' Furniture. Ll'KR FITZGERALD, Aucti??ueer. N. B.?Goods packed and shipped, city or country. Auction kale TuTi (Saturday? morning. commencing at IOI, o'clock, at live story brown stone mansion NO. 47 WEST 10TH ST.. HKTWB1CN r.TIl AN I > 6Tfl A VS. Sale positive; rich Household Furniture ;'17 exquisite Oil Paintings, bv foreign artists. Stniuway 71* octave Piauoforie, PARLOR RUITS, richly carved, iu "daiuask satin" and "silk brocadeTurkish aud Spanish Lounges, Kaav Chairs, ulaid aud marble t ?p Centre and (lonmls I'uhies, Cabinets. Ktagere*, plate Mirrors, Brouse Clocks Figaros. Statuary. SKDKnoM SETS, consisting elaborate Bedsteads. Dressing ['uses, Waahslaud*. Chiffoniers, linn hair sod spring Mattressen, Pillows. Blankets: ulso single aud double Bedsteads, Bureaus, rep, plush and haircloth >ults. DINING FCKNITUKK?Extension Tables. Sideboard, ['hair* in leather. Silverware, Crockery, Library and Secretaire Bookcases, Library Tables. Turkish Suit. Desk, two IIaM Stauds; velvet. Brussels and ingrain Carpets; Kitchen furniture. Ac N. II. -Sale positive. Take Sixth avenue or LTniversiiv place cars. Competent men to remove, pack or ihip goods. KOilKUT O. CASIIIN. Auctioneer. \ T Til"K~PKIVATK REsFi)K wTkT UtfEAST~limTSEI il iionr 4lli av.. arm* Household Furniture sale. this day (Saturday), at lOlfc u'eltwk, tnagu lUcent Parlor Suits. In sutln, brocade, rep-* and haircloth; ID Carpets, beautiful Pianoforte. Mirror, Paiutiugs, Oormliii. Tables. Ktagens, Bedstead*. Droaxiug b'ascs, bureau*, WashUends, Couituodea. ?priug and hair Mam esses, Wardrobes, Sideboards, lix tension Tables, Lounges, Chair*. Glass, China, Silverware, Cutlery, Ac. Itv order ot NV. Richards, K??|. Responsible men pack and thin goods for parohassrs BSNKST UOTH, Auctioneer. t OKOROK w. KBRLBR, AUCTIONEER.?ART 4,'V . Gallery, >3 Liberty st., corner of Nasrau. to-day. at l'J o'clock. Art Goods in Parian, Marble and liiaquc. Pureelain, Paiutiugs, Swiss Curving, hue Kreucvb Clocks and Li run sos. BY JOSKPII B. WE IG K KT\ A UC TIO x L Kit T\V TL L soil this dav, at 10)? o'clock, at KM* K*?l odth at.. Parlor Suit, Brussels and other Carpets. Kx tension Table, window Shades, Ac llnyer* and dealers incited. WK1GKRT A JO.. isciioMsrs, ill Sth st. I Si DO It K J SWAllZKOPf7 AUCTIONRKK, SELLS, 2 o'clock, ?4 ii? li. Furniture, Fancy (ivods, White Goods, Machines. Oyster Uonge, Confectioner's Stove, Ac. IS. \v RI N UK RGBlC AUCTlONBKiC SKfT.iT THIS day. Saturday. August b. at 10J*. o'clock, at sslesrooiu, T.i Bowery, Fnmiiuro. Dry Goods, Waichaa, Jewelry, Liquors, Cigars, Ac. TAMhS M VOU'D. AUCTIONKEtt, HULLS THIS DAY, at 192 3d av., at two o'clock, very largo and desirable assortment of Parlor Suits. Mirrors. Dressing Case Suits, black walnut Dining Itoom Furniture, marble top enamelled Suits, several Carpets Diuner and Tea China, Hookcato. Dressing B ureas, Wastutands, Centre Tables, Wardrobes, hair and other Mattresses. Ilatstauda, Oil Paintings. Chromos, Engraving*. embracing an excellent variety tor housekeepers mud others; Willcox A Gibbs1 Florence Sewing Machines J P. TKAVKU, AUG flONKER.-N fc HOLS A CO. will sell this day. at 11 o'clock, at 5y Great Jones <tt.. Furniture, Carpets, Desks, Counters. Sewing Machine*, Clocks. Teas, CoftW Roady-made Clothing, Fancy Uooda, Ac., Ac. J~ OSBPlI"slfoN(JW(Toi\ AUCTIONKKR."wTLL SELL this day, at IH>b o'clock, at 793 I'd av.. between 42d and 43d st*, Stock of Furniture, Feather lied*. Pillows, Matirosse*. Carpets, tttyj yards of Oilcloth, Stock of Birds, in cages, in lots, boaters are invited. MNUsSBAUM. AUCTIONEER. JtiT BOWKttY. 8KLL8 this day, at 3 o'clock, 11- Chrystlo st.. near Grand, 8t??ck and Fixtures of Saloon (cost over *1,0(Xb ; elegant Bar and Back Bar, Tables, Chairs, Icohux. Ac.; rare chance for buyers. 1 r A Its 11 A L'S SALK - HY VIRTUE OK AN KXKtTl ~ M iiui, i will Hell ut public auction, thla day, at )'J I o'clock M, at 041 Hth a v.. the following:?^ouuUim, Shelv InjL lias Fixture*, Ac.: without rotcrve. JOHN DUGUAN. Jr., City Maralial. J. 1*. Travkii. Auctioneer. MAUSIIAL'S SALK.-BY VlRTl/h OK AN KAI-.vU. tion directed to mo I will null on Saturday, the 5th hint., at 11 o'clock A. M., the Fixture* of a lirwi class Liirut lleer Saloon at 305 haul 47th *t. Jol/N 0. LVST, Mar alial. UKCEfVEU'sTAlS l'ur?uaut to an order of tbo Supreme Court, 1 horeby . olTer for sale on the Hth day of August. 187U, at l'J o'oiock M , at my oltice, No. 413 llroadwuy, Albany, X. Y., together or separately, the effect* of the welt-kuown and long eatab* llahed ALBANY AND CANAL TOW BOAT COM 1'ANY, cou?i?ting of lour large and poworlul Steamer*, with a touting? and power a* follow*, vU Hleamor Syracuse. OHO home power; tonnage, HOS too*. Strainer Oencrul McDonald, 40l> horae power; touuago, 541 ton*. Steamer Au*tiii. 400 home oower: ton n aire. 3S1 ton*. Sli-ainor Ohio, lUKt linrau power; tonnage. 1169 tom. 1 nUo offer fur aale acvun (7) atrong ami coiumodiooi Prctght Bargo*. with u touuago ?? follow*. via:? liarire Lewi* Unbend, tlniibl* docker; tonnage, -11 torn. Barge Buffalo, single dock; tonnage. litis! tout. Barge tlcorg? Moiileath, ?luglo deck; tonnage, 2Ut tool. Burgo Tompkins, ninyle deck; tonnage, 170 nil?. Barge Charles T. Unit, single deck ; tnuuage, '-''Hi tuna. Barge Marshall, single deck; tonnage, 1H6 tuna. Barge Thaddoua Joy. single deck ; tonnage. 917 tons. Alan throe largo t.'oal Barge*, via: ? Barge Washington, barge Voae. barge Clinton. Alan one Wood Barge, via>?The John Adams. Kur particular* eii'intre of the undersigned at his office. JACOB II. TKN EYCK. llocelTer. ao. N. Y., July JS. I87H. RlCHAKDTlKLD, ACCTIONKKU, HALKHKOUMS KU Bowery?Will toll thla day (Saturday), August 6, at lot, o'clock, paper Bogos. Safe. Desk, Counter. Shelving, (>a* Fixture*, Showcase, Table, Chairs. 1'raaa, Tools, Ac. Sub it iVk's ~ ani7 m o ktuauk salr. Stock and Fixtures or tlrst elaaa Liquor Store. KICIIAUD WALTKBH' SUNS. Auctioueara. salesroom 97 Kant Broadway, will sell on this day. August o, at 11 o'clock, at 064 .ltd sr.. northwest corner of 67th at., the Slock and Fixtures of an oM oatahllshod llrst class Liquor Store? via.,oleuanl Bar and Back Mar, Knglteh Ale I'ump, Iron Salo. Classwnre, tllass Cases. Pictures, Tables. Chairs, Bottled Liquors, Casks and Barrels of Wines and Liquors, Cigars, Ac. W?. C. CONNKK, -herlff. Wa. II. lUKRnix, Deputy. Joug T. Cakuoll. Attorney. "To AC UK KAIIM AT AtOTION-LAttUB DWKLXO ling: itbumlanco of fruit; 1 mite Ir.qn Mt. Vernon depot, tu village of Kast Chester. Westchester county, ,\, Y. W. II. BAUD. Auctiuiioor, will sell the abovo at uuctioa. without reserve, on the premises, Tuesday, August H, lH7rt, at 10o'clock A. M.; term* to suit. By order Norman Secur. KOll SAI.K.. A WKI.L KNOWN COU.VKU l.ii^i'OH'S I'ORK, ON A popular n venue. with lrtr<? assorted Slock, this d*y ut * sacrifice. LLdVU, Broadway. jobbing, retail AMD family liqcor Hiore At sacrifice; business c-ood; sutUiactory reasons lor selling. Address LLoYIJ. 2S Broadway. A HOOD- Pl.l M III NH AND " OASFITTIxd "'IH'sf nets; full stock of tools ; lu a good location ; east side. UArFNEY A SMITH, Auctioneers, 17 Cenlro st. FINE OOKNEU LlqL'OK STORK FOR *450; (Trent chsnee ; nlto b?%?t day sample rovms down town. Address MITCHELL, 77 Cedar st. AMI C B BBCOlfD HAND CAB I MKT MA OK BAB and Fixtures wanted; also Refrigerator and Cigar Cass. Address, widi condition and price, WINES, box lt>J UeruM Vwvmm Brtscb sin Downtown Dim no room, ooimo a good bust nets, v. ill i>e sold cheap as owner baa other business Address REST AC RAN I. Herald offi.v, T |BOO STORM-OLD BBTARLUIflBD, PROMINENTLY J / located in I'UiUtlelrdila. doing a good retail trade. Apply to Dr. KUUKKS, (Stf Ea?t 1-th *t , New York. IjllNB JKWKI.UY s'l'iiKK AND BUHINBSd FOB HALB r in Brooklyn, N. V.; parties dealrou* #f ptircliaaiiiK plfiiso address A., box luO Herald office; satisfactory reason for selling; this is a rare chance. DOB lAltK BBLF-RAISINQ PLOCB RUBIER**; r best preparation in existence; the only ono having no cheniicai (lavor or taste in baking; largo Son thorn and I?h**1 trade; will sell lor cash. Address Dr. J. II. BELIZEK, 2,1*6 Market st., Philadelphia. DOR fSALR?FOBIIAT lioi SK, CORNER CIlAUL r toii and West sts. Inquire on premises dor salk-thk old established book, hta r tionery and Variety Store No. -'iwHth as. Inquire on preelsea. r i x if cvii.' a v 111 i k i/u r a ki tmii i.-ik r/n i "vTt7vT doing a good buiiDVN. Apply at 514 Weal IMlib at. TOI BALK A Wf'.LL ESTABLISHED LAGER IIKKIl 1/ Salmon , will l>? Bold cheap. other ti'jaincaa lo allaad to. Call at 2M Madiaoii M>. MW#*? 7 an I H. iHala|. l70k s a lk cheap-valuable milk route nkw r York city. Inquire WM. K. BALDWIN. IIAI Broadway. New York. ? U.VKK CIIA.NCK KIKST >LA-S UKST A U K A N r~A~ND Win# Itnum . mual be told Hit* week ; down town. In <4*lre *t2JI Bowery. WHOLESALE AMI RKTAIL TEA. OUPKKK AND Spice lluatneaa for aale, If applied for at once , owner (nlng abroad : fine trail*: atrictly uaali; all the farlliliea for a large huaitikae. Call to-day and Monday at 1UH Newark v., Jaraey CIV: MACKINNH1. STRAM KM.INK. 6 Y I.I N UK K IIX 1 <AN EM SEEN ruanlng at 117 Prlnc* at.; will be aold cbeap. Ur.?NTKD?TO BUY AN ENGINE AND BOILER. J5 bor>* power. Apply to Oil. REIS, No. 5JH Greenwich at DRY UOUDt. lj..> lU.ANKKTS. H( Y Now 1(3 UNI'. ffffffS yi)i lllankria. *11 a pair; amall lota Ladiea' Yeata, g4t.; white Malting. 171,c (Jul thla out U7| Broadway. sruitohib. T.1DUCATION IN YUA.NCK -PAMILIKS Wi.Sli.IMi lo l j aend their daughter* lo I'arla for their atudlea will ntnl toe atu-ntluoa and conrlurla of home life at the liouae of M. ami Muro. K > IVKK I. I". But Vernier. m. Palvret .uperin temla tlie leuona. Reference*?M. Uncart, paator, IS Itue Deinoora. ami m Heralen, pnatnr, J1U lloulrraril Pereire HOLY LAND* and hyuia -hie pai.j.sriNK in dependent Tonrtata' office. at JafTa. under Alexander Howard, offer, laclltiiea to traveller*. tenta, guide*. hnrtea. e.corra, prot talon, and everything neco**ery(forjibe Journey; reaily at all timet In eonrny traveller* to all parta of Syria. Knr particular* apply to ALKX. IIOWAliD, Jernaalerp Store. Cauteunlal crounda. or M. (IA/.K A SON. 142 Strand, London. 1~ONt. rf~in.TEL.~NKW BOND ST AMI CLIPPCRD J at.?Thla well known eonrfortabla hotel for famlilea and gentlamen, the only one In thla central alio.lion. he. now * moat entnmndlou. anil luxurtoualy appolnteil .muting and reading mom. with a large bay window commanding a moat clieerlul view of tbia uuportaitl and faanioiiable thorough fare ; your vialt it aoncited ahould you not already have made choice of a hotel In the Weat Kud of London. Under lb* management of W. 1. and krv Chamber* .11A Kill. K .flA.i rPil.s.' VT PRIORS NRVRIl APPROACHED BKroltS Slete and Marble Mantela Largeat aaaortment In the city. I'KNHIIVN SLATK COMPANY. 60 Union a<|iiare. 1th a? and I7tlr at . New York. Mauulaclnrora of nil ktuda of MUM Work. LP. PRICE FOUR CENTS. AXUIKMBm. KELLY 1 I.RON S OPERA HOUSE. 23 D ST. KELLY A LKOVS MINSTItBLH. I ir?t appearance ol the L' <'unictiau. Mr OKOlitiE WATSO.Y Hirat weak of Lron'a uew ni'dalty, Mllu. Uv.-atello. Hirat work of Patchouli'* SoMieia to Ilia From, .Vr. L??t wank of Ilia lalamf of lioclirlor*. Saturday. August 12, OfTanbacb'M opera, Clinuplouri at llouie. lirOOOS MUiiKUH ~ WOOD'/. Tf THIS DAY. MATINKK at 2 EVENING at 8. C. W. UAUUY, o. W. 11 AKKY, iu Ui> o* ii Piny Drama ECHOES; A TALE OK I II If PAST. MILNES LBV1CK. LouisK 8YLVE8TKU, 1L \V. Ll'.IPIXOWKLL. COLTON, . \V A It J i, STEWART. yyallacick. the kloukncbjl TENTH WRBK and CONTINUED SUCCESS of the incomparable artintr. UK. AND M US Mr J KLOUKNCIt In their droat ocR.-inal impcraonatioti. or UOM. BAUDVVELL SLOTH. hiiJ M US OKNKRAL on,FLOII* la WiMiir Aiiieriean Cmiiuily of tlio MIGHTY DOLLAR. Performauce terminate* 111:.*!. IIutiueoa ilircoutlaaoA The audi tori it ui ol t Ii i a tinware la rendered DELIGHTFULLY COOL Ii* tlio ute of JOHNSON .S PATENT VENTILATING APPARATUS. i^OTHEUN MATINEE Of * Li ? rpO-DAT AT TWO. " ~ STII ATR NU HTI I K ATI!? BIIOAT7WTV~\NT> J8TII ST. U I'ruprietur aud Manager Mr. AUOL'STIN DALY MOOSE* CROWDED TO TIJK UoOltS I KVKRY NIUIIT AT a M A TI NEK TODAY AT 3. 839 OOO TTTTT H H HERE RRItR NN If S O O T II II K H UN N N 8 O O T II II K It It N N N 8SS o O T IIIIII It KKR ItRRR N X M 3 O O T II UK K U N N M t? O O T II II K R It N N N 833 OOO T 11 11 EKEB It K S NN as "DI'NDKKARY." FIRST "Dli X I)RK A ItY" M ATI X KK TO-PAV at X QILIIOIII COKOIIt OAKMU[ * Madison in-l It li uva. mid '.'(UK and 37th its. rol'l'LAIt MUSIC. This Saturday svenlhK, August H, 8VRRY PIECE ON TDK PROGRAMME A FAVORITE ? Ilti tint public. Aflrr tin* L'ltHt triumphs of QILMORR'S I NKIV Al.l.lll) MILITARY HAND rf?rln.> Ll... tiMtl w..?k in th.t t.r.i.lii.t Inn ,.f ~~ (JTtani5 V:la s s i c. w, "works, tin* management feel tliHl a night uf MATlON'AL, POPULAR AM) FAMILIAR MUSIC will fftve great pleasnro to the patrons of the Garden. PROGRAMME KoU THE POPULAR CONCERT T0? MtHI Till Overt ura Hoinlremtde...... ? Rossini 'A Kentarie My Maryland lloltiemao 3. Ccruot solo Whirlwind I'nlka Lev* Mil M. AKBUCKLE. 4. Snuc Mv I'retty June Mr. M. 11. MTANLKY. A. Overture William Tell Rossini 0. Aria frcim "Eraaui" Verdi Mine. EUGENIE PAPPENHEIM. 7. Concert uolk* liolden Ruhiu Ilaxiinct Ml I'artaoUK (.'hem|i?irne smie Srhiuoiur SYMPHOXIA QUARTET 0. Cornet solo Fantasia Knsae llertoien Mr. J. I.KVV. 1U. Plane tolo.. Servian Nnlinual March...Dctolel Mr. S. LIKHI.ING. 11. Glea.... Mvnheer Vhii Dunk........llirhop YOUNG APOLLO CLUB. lli. Quadrille ol'all iiatinnr Itillcit 13. Galop conih|ue .Southern life Casslity TO-MOllUOw'. SUNDAY EVENING. AUGUST 0. an entirely dilTereiit programme. Aduileaiou, 3D cnuii; Hniei (four plnccaj, $3 and <44. Bowery ThkatrkT ~~ Leal week oi ROIIKRT FEARER'S NEW COMIC TRICK PANTOMIME HUSH A II Y It A11V. AND A NEW OLIO OF VARIETY TALENT. 1J>AEIS1AN VARIEITRsTTlBfl' KT. AND ARIS1AN VARIRTIBS. I llroadway. Thrice the talaul I Competitor* I Treble the entertainment, i ANOTHER ROUSING IHl.L. New I Rich, I Ileal at and Rare. Entertainment Attractive. Racy | lu the world. CONNUBIAL COMPLICATION, / a domestic scene ef emotional Interest. tJ. Selling Under False Colors. I Our Candidate!. N EST HIDING. Zt The cbanulnjr and plea?hiurly ^rototquo Danes, rA LKH PAKl.SIK.NNfcS. f Z decidedly voluptuous iind he ui tellingly Mentation at. 2 a.-a. a,....*, TIIK^ VVOOlJ8. , ^ -W LAWKENCK SISTERS. 'f-'< JOHN (Jul III, \Y | Kit\NK M. WILLS. f-H MISS CARRIE AVERY. MISS MINNIE HALL. I MISS ALICE OIKARD M TUB KOXKS. MLLK. IIKKTIIA. I sKKOR NORISSIMO MLLE YOUNG. I MLLK. CLIFFORD. And ik eounlleaa number or popular favorite*. BvauJlig at S. Malinoa Tuesday, Thursday aud Saturday.^ riion v ~? astors new r i i it at re.' ~ A Wi igi|.'iH7 Broadway. opnnaite Met-opolitan Hotel. THE wonder great attraction. OK WONDKUS. This SATURDAY, AugnstS, A LIVING OIUL, the ureal Kraucb eyiiioaal. Uynaraold: Ml.I.E. LA FKROL. 'JO Inches high ; tba great Veutrilouuiat. weight. Air. PIIIL HKATII. ONLY ."> POUNDS; Tba Irish combine. Frank George, ouexhibitluu Nod Wainbold. Harry Phillip* daily, Tlerlioy ami Cronin. Sadie Dcahoii. from OA. V. Murphy and Shannon, Dutch eomlqne to 7 I'. M., Next week, Pat Itoonny. Admission 2r" conta. Mallneoa Tl KSDAY AND FRIDAY. yR?r YORK CRNTKNKlAL AIIT IXNIBRIoT rbe most Important collection or modern Painting*' by tha ([real Knropuau uiaatorH aver brought to tlila corvntry. Now open daily, from s As M tn 7 I*. M , at the LKAVITT ART ROOMS, SI7 BROADWAY. Admittance, She , Ticket one week, bOc.; one month, 91 NEW YORK CSNT8N NIAL loan F.xiiiMrrioN ofaeleciiona Irmp the Private Art Qallerlea, National Aaadeiny of Design, corner 'J34 at. aud Alb nr.I Metropolitan Muaeum of Art. No. I'JM Wait 14th at. Day time only. Ticketa, 'JScenta. TIIK 0NLY~00 AHEAD EVENING NEWSPAPER^ W1TII ALL THE LATEST NEWS AND THE LAUtiKST CIRCULATION OK ANY KVKNINO NEWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STATES IS THE KVKNINO TELEGRAM, FOR TWO CENTS ROY LB ROOMS. ST 11 AV. AND .TITU ST.. "RECHERCHE," "SOIREE," "D.VN8ANTR" KVL..Y NIG I IT, COMMENCING AT t) O'CLOCK. ENTRANCE ON 3UTII ST. (TBNTRAL PARE GARDEN SOCIABLES, 5MTII ST. J aud 7tli nr.. cvcry Sa urday afternoon and evening and ovory Tuesday and Thursday evening. Elegant floor and balcony; beaiitifal garden, flue innate; particular attention to straugara; enjoyment a certainty. PARTIES, ML9I1 k CO., Managers. Goal am III IV at. anil HTII AV HKTWF.KN yuril _L mi.I :< nli at*.. New York.?Free end Keay every even* lnir; 4') young leily etteiidnuta; r'U'l Yoonl unit Inalrnmen* talt'oiuert Iroin 7 uutil 1 o'clock. Adnilaaioii free. _ PIANOKOIITKS. OIIUANN, ?M,. " "^-FOIl SAI.h, A, MA(iNiri(l-.NT Klll'll KOUNI* Stein way Pianoforte for $200; an elegant rosewood can**. Improved scale, 7l* octave Windsor Piano. coat $1 'JOU# for ??; li a.h iru arautue au<t Mil of sale .Stool, Cover. Munlo Cabinet, cost box for ?litppiug. Call this day at prlveto residence 120 West 23d St.. near 6th av. -for uk NT, upright, sqi'auk anh oftavd l'latios of our own make; also for sale and rent, 6 number of fine second hand Pianos, In perfect order WILLIAM K.N A HE A CO.. No. 112 6th av.. above Kith st. A LOT OK SECOND HAND PlANOFORTKs" Iff thorough order, for sale at moderate prices, by CHICKKKING A SONS 1*10 ">th av., corner lMh it. VTPBIVATK RESIDENCE 17 WEST KJTli ST., ELK gent four round Hteinwav I'lanoforte : sacrifice; richly carved a^ratfe. overstrung Piano, all late improvements, used short time . box for nliipplug. / A LADY WILL SELL CHICK EEUfG UPKIGHI Piano, rosewood carved case and leg*. cost fMUO, at an immense sacrifice. 2H East 3d at., near 2d av. Horace waters a m?n>. imi hroadway. akb offering one of the largest and finest stock cf Pisnot and Organs in this eity. at prices that defy competition. Magnificent 7 i rosewood pianoforte for flHO; piano dealer oau make money on It; coat ! $MUD last May; family must sell. Residence .d East IHh st. x ipOtt HALE-PIANO. LITTLK^UhElTrCHKAP; PAlT.F fly leaving city; stool and cover. >7 East .'4Hh st. INVrUKTIDN. VNNorv emkm bpIcTaTL MKI?I<',\l and hen" tal Tuition : diploma from a chartered university whet I qualified. For particulars addrens Dr. ItOLMAN, l?<?* 4.U7A Post office. Now York. I / MIEGARAY INSTITUTE ~ " I \J (reopens Wednesday. September 2U) for young ladle* and mis***. UAar.lln? . rv.? lk?. W..W...I f ...... French is the Uncunce ?f tin Inniily. 1,527 ami 1,52'J >p> uce si.. Philadelphia. Pa Mini'. DHKRVIIH.Y. Principal. ! T \KAN I'Ol.LKOK AN I' OOJHKISV ATORY OK Mt'MIO ! 1/ tor jotintc ladles, Riacliaiiitiin, N V. ? Board and all tne extras (sxcsptiujt liarp and vocal **?.?. Kev 11, A. PaTEKSON. president PENNSYLVANIA MIUTAKY ACADEMY. CHBSTBR. 1 Pa , opens September CI -t'lrll iMt^lneorlnn. the classics and English iliurooclily taught Kor circulars apply to J M BOOKKT. Esq., No. I Nassau at.. New York Colonel THRO. HYATT President. Ar por buys in>.vim. scmoolino, iioor\ P*)?J per quarter ; tin extras. 8.(1 SlIOKTElOUK 'Harvard University A. M ), Media. Pa, 12 nillus Irons Pbiladel .... POUT OKKICK NOTICls. POST OK KICK NOTii'fc. ?IHK KOKRIilN MAIL* KOR the weak ending Sntorday, Auifuit 1*70, will clot? at I litis otbet* on W< ?1 [) ?(!ny. it 11 .n? A. VI fur i hurope. por ttc>tm*liip Hothnla. ?l? (/oitnrtown; on i Th aridity, a I 11:*) A M. for Kur?pr. per steam hip I'ammcrtnla, via J'lytnotith, Ch?*rbniir?c and Ham burg; on Saturday, at 4 A M. for Scotland direct, par leamtltip California, via ilk?cow, ?nd at 11 il" A. M., lor liarmany. l)#nmark. Hwedan and .Norway, par Btuamshlf Motel. via Southampton and Hrcinen. aud at 1 1' M. toi Franc# dirort, por ?t*am?iiit? J'enere, via Havre: and at l'i M f??r Karoo# p?r at#am?liip Cliy -A Montreal, via UneenMown All corremwnden. for .Scotland. Germany and France Intended for <J*?p*tcti by thia steamer mutt b? specially nddre?tod. 1 ha mull* for the Waft India*, Via Havana will leava S+w York AiiuruM 1. The mails for Am tralla. A#., will leave San Kraneieco Ainrnti 10. Tlio mailt for China. Aa.. will laav# San Francisco *?iit#mb?r 1. T L. J AMISS. I'.?si master. ' JaVitcAis. T^NWTii k JTco n s K K v Afo HToTUmiT. il? No. 5 s is.i 14th st., nesr 5th sr., next to Itelmetiloo'i. A SlMMKIi TERM In All brsnclies of music lor $15. C~VAKD?PRIVATE LESS ON H I'lANO. VlOUN. OUl" ) tsr. Sing>112. Circulars mailed Instruments frea fu* prsctlcs. J. JAY WA1AOA, llksUM, 42 Kast 1Mb at.