Newspaper Page Text
TH WHOLE NO. 14,594. DIRECTOR? FOK ADVERTISERS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE, 1.365 BROADWAY? OPEN DAY AND N1QIIT K(IR RECEPTION OK ADVERTISEMENTS AND NAI.KS or PAPERS. ANUBKMKNTS-Otii Park?Itli and 5th cols, ASTROLOGY?I 1th I'aok-BUi col. BILLIARDS?13th Pack?6th col. BOARDERS WANTED?I 1th Par*? lit Knd 2d col*. BOARD AND IXJDUING WANTED?1 Itii PAGK-3d *nd 3d c?D. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE POR SALE?2D Pack?Ut col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?Sth Par*. BUSINESS NOTICES?7th I'AOt-6th eol. CITY REAL KBTATK FOR KALE?2n Tar*?l*t eol. CLERKS AND SALESMEN?i3th PAGH-2d and :<d eolt. COACHMEN AND UAKDENKRK?12th Par*?3d col. COAL AND WOOD ?lm Pack?4th col. . . . COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS? Utii PAGB-5th and 0w calm. copartnerships?srn pack. COUNTRY BOARD?11th Pack?3d and 4th eoli. DANCING ACADEMIES?12tii PAUB-3th ool. DENTISTRY?1 1th 1'aok?4th col. DRY GOODS?1*T Pack?5th col. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURMSHRD AND UW? FURNISHED?2n PA?K~3d and 4lh col*. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?llTU Pa4W-3tb col. EXCHANGE?1st Pack?4th col. EXCURSIONS?IJni Pack?4th and 5th cola. FINANCIAI,?STn PACK. TOR HALK-Ist Pack ?Mb and 0?h colt FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 'in Fagk?Ith and 5th col*. FURNITURK?12tu ptcb?'Vth c*L , . , FRENCH advertisements?12th PinB-jth eoL HELP wanted?females?12th pagk-2rt eol. HELP WANTED?MALES?I2wi PAr.n-.3d *nd 4th cola UORSES, CARRIAGES, AC.-lrt fagb-2d, 3*1 and tth col*. HOTELS?llni Tack? Sd col. HOUSES, ROOMS, AC., W ANTED?Orn Page?flth eol, INSTRU(rriON-I*t Pack-4iIi col . VIr, ??? JERSEY CITY, HOBOKKN, HUDSON CITY AND BERGEN REAL ESTATE POR HALE?2D Pack-ISIcoI. LOST AND POUND-Ist P*c.B-l?t col. MACHINKRY-1*t I'AGK-Oth col. marble mantels?urn PAGK-flthcoL MATRIMONIAL?Ilni Pack?4thcol. MEDICAL?llTit PAOK-Sth col. MILLINERY and dressmaking?Irr Pag??4th col. MISCELLANEOUS advertise mbnts-IOih Paqkflth col. MISCELLANEOUS?12th Pack-CHi col. MUSIC AL?2d pack?Oth col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7tii PAGE-flth eol. PKRSONAI?- 1?t Pack?lit col. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS. AC.?2d Pack?flth eol. POLITICAL?5>th Pack?flth col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTKD-FEMALBS? I 2th Pack?2d eol. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY POR RALE OR TO RENT?2d Pack?lit *nd 2d col*. ^HaT. estate to exchange?2d PAGK-2d and 3d coll. REAL ESTATE WANTED?2d Pack?3d coL RELIGIOUS NOTICES?Ikt Paok-IbI ool. REWARDS?1st Pack?l?t col. I ALES AT AUCTION?12th l*agb-rtth eol. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?12th Pack?lit and 2d cola. _ _. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?12th Pack?2d coL SPECIAL NOTICES?I*t Pack?2d col. SPORTING?DOGS. BIRDS, AC.?lit Pack?2d coL STORAGB-Ist Pack?4th eol. SUMMER RESORTS?11th Pack?4th coL THE TRADES?12th Pack?4th col. THE TUKF-lsr Pack?2d col. ro LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d Pack?3d col. TRAVELLERS' GUIuK-IITh Pack?flth eol. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Pack?5th nnd flth cnli. wanted to purchase?2d Pack?flth eol. watches, jewelry, ac.??? p*oK-fl?hcoi. westchester county property for SALE or TO LET?2d Pack-I it.eol. WINES. LIQUORS, AC.?1*t Pack?4th eol. v ao jits. r>TK am boats, ac?10th H aim?6th col. pEKS()I(AL A" rtiyjci airfewrii r? Wanted, all partial who hare been ewindled under the artificial butter patents to lend their elaiins to me, ai there ia a \r ?>- to get them redreaied. Address HUBERT T. LAKE, New York Poit office. uo y^if~alive, return to your~distressed parents. ALUHL?ARRIVED" IN TOWN SATURDAY; WlEL meet yon at soiree dansante, Argylo Rooms, to-morrsw night. CENTENNIAL. BROOKLTN JOHNNY.?HAVE "GOT THE-HOUSE and left Mr*. S**1***; gone one street above. No. 133. MAUD WINTERS. B?AM VERY SORRY. WILL NEVER REPEAT OF fence. Forget and forgive. See yesterday's Herald. cod. Edith-cherish faith, hope and trust. Shall I hereafter address Violets ( 17. N. O. EDMOHD CROWE.?IF TnE~ ABOVE-NAMED EDmond Crowe, formerly of Miltown. in the parish of Knoekany and connty of Idmrriek. who emigrated to the United States about the year 1BH7, will communicate with Mr. JOHN BUTLKR. of BrufT. Cohnnerick, ho will hear of Something greatly to bis advantage. lie is requested to Write to him at once on seeing this notice. I" MFORMATION WANTED?OF THE WHEREABOUTS of Samuel Hirsch. deceased, ram lo o'clock of the eveng of the 26tli of April last, until 2 o'clock of the morning I the 27th, at which time he was fonnd in the East River, at pier 37; a liberal rewaid will be given to any person furnishing tbo required information. Address box 2,02.1 Post ofBco. I" NFORMATION WANTED-OFTHK HEIRS OF LEWIS Swallow or William Dyer, who lived in Brooklyn in 1847. Address box 49 Post office, Brooklyn. N. Y. JULY 39 LETTER RBCBlv?5?AM WELL. DO ITT worry. Bo happy. C. II. Lizzie?you are mistaken at my being angry with yu. When can I soe you I c. o. d., 8& j^AX-1127. R8. BERTIE MORRISON?THERE IS A LETTER in the New York Post office for yon. Boston, Angust 4, 1870 VflBS MABEL, FORMERLY AT MfSS H.'S, WEST 31 ST JV1 st. Have seen yon driving in the Park and met you last Wednesday eonifnr from Albany in tba Drew. Should yon desire to renew the acqnalntanco of on old Iriond address FRIEND, box 133 Herald office. VTOT HEARING TO DAY (SATURDAY), CONCLUDED J.V to detain package. Will bo In town Tnosday or weddfidir. demi. (7H8Y.--LETTBK8~ RECEIVED; MEET KB, BY AXL means. on the day appointed, a* I am ordcrod away and mutt sea you before I g? Yours forever. TORNY. PLEASE SEND ADDRESS. CAiuTuKKALD OKKl"^: also state If you thoroughly understand and will sctommodate "EUGENIE." Third avenue open oarTSaturday muhnino' down trip; tall lady, dressed In black, left the car at Ith at., about II A. M.. who noticed gentleman with newspaper. II agreeable, address A. H. 0., box 1115 Herald office. To jas 1>o1u7an-^botii will bk iikkk 4, OX Tuesday, at H. riik twTTTikntlkmkn who mkt the two la. dies in doorway, corner 14th st. and 5th av., about 8 9 VI or It Sa'urday evening, and the same gentlemen getting ,ii carriage, would like to make their acquaintance If agreeali.--. Address t'. I'., box 1K4 Herald Uptown Rrancb office. Il'll.l, THE GENTLEMAN WHO ANSWERED A H lade's letter last week, signing hlmrelf Kreeman, pb-a-e send address In orde.-to clear up a mystery t Address Si. M.. box lsl Herald I'ptown Brpuch office. "\rot'R f'OMMANDs TlAVE BEEN OBEYED. THE J eau-e of your uneasiness has been removed. Therefore dismiss all further anxiety. Shall be absent till Tuesday morning. MAGENTA. llhbKiim S NDTlC Eh. A~~8SOCIAT10N' OF SPIRIT IT A LISTS. HARVARD Rooms, Reservoir Pork.?Conference at 1'. M.; peaking and music nt 7^. All Interested eordlslly Invited MEMO AN TBM PKKANCE llNKEV MLEKCKHTR Building, Morton end Bleeeker sts.?This afternoon, at clock, address by Colonel II. D. Tyler, Startling fnets roneernlng "Iribnne Tall Tower Saloon Singing Irom Moody and Sankey collection J. B. Gi BBS, President. Tsoiii MrTi?itni, Secretary. KREAK BAPTIST CHIT RCII, BEDFORD AND Downing ste.?Rev. W. P. Stnbbert, of Hloomfleld, X. I., will preach Sunday, Bib Inst., at I0J) A M. MHUROlt "F ST. MARY THE VIRGIN. west 45TH ST. O near Broadway.?finndays, 10, morning prayer; 10Vhigh celebration : 4. Vespers. C* nora L. V TAPPAN w7Ll, LECTURE ATTOALLATIN ) Hall, 422 Pnlton St., Brooklyn, Sunday evening, at 8, prompt. Grace church? broadway and liifn st. (open all suramari?Services at II A. M. and .? P. M., Ihe rector. Rev. Dr. Potter, officiating T)bv. stephrn ii" tvno .in , i). n7, \vir l p?r.arii XL on Snnday at II A M in the Chart-h of the llolv Trinity, Madleon av and 4'Jd St., and In the evening at the overBow meeting of the Gospel Tent on -A4lh st. The rp.v dr. Set mode. Dean of the General Theological Seminary, will preach In St. Chrysostom's chapel, Huh St.. corner 7th av., Sunday evening. August 0, ai H o'clock. The other services on Snnday nre at 7, '. .and lfl'A o'clock A. M., with a sermon '?rriie religion of im'maxity?what it is J. and What It Is Not," will lie treated from n common rsnee poiat of view this evening ai Science Hall, 8th si., y Thomas t.'arn Edward*. LOHT AN D Mil Hi. rCNb^A'TOOTHPICK. wmril THE OWNER CAN have by proving propsrty and paying for this advertisement. 1B7 Prince st. LOST?NEAR BROOM K ST. A GOlTiEN loi'KET, with Initials C. 8.; reward $.'5. Return to O. S., 63 | Wh av. L' ost?AlTOlTsT 4, massive GOLD watch with hunting ease. J-*) will be paid for It at 207 Front st, | Mid no questions asked. r inur mi tiiiirsi a i?7'. rs witlTRH*r7T <-r i IJ C?me<? I.ofkt!: monogram J. If. The finder will retire a anitable reward by leaving the mmc At J. M. BECKEL'S, 4-"? Whitehall *t Lost-<iv irouht i is ooino Fr<7m Jersey City Height* to New York, a lint of Railroad Ticket*. Inrloted In a email pocketbook. A llbffil reward will be paid to Any one returning the ?arnw to the clerk ??f Stnrterant Ilouee. Broadway. >>w York, or T. S. WARDELL, 221 Sherman at..Jersey City Height* N. J. Lost-at central "park. s a n* ri>a y aptkr. | noon. Pearl Breastpin. The finder will he liberAlly rewarded by returning the ?ame lo.Vi WeM llth at. iT (isT IN i"lll ST. OR 5TH v v . CHAIN BRACK ?J let. Suitable reward at 17 We?t 10th at. l.k\N tlilK. ItFW U(|I l.'i-T ON Ali;rsT - i KV f N I N i.' . jp. ) balwnon Mnd Union a<|nnrnn. n younp drotrli Torrlar; ynllow h?lr. blank loathar collar and callow thong attaphod; mango on both html l?g?; hair off. M Irving pi Men. |f.l<k ItKffARl).?LOST, Tilt'KSDAt, ALOCST 3 tpHr going from i.raioi .t . Williamsburg, to Now Vork. an Ktrusran <lold i.orkct. with turn .i,.nr, |n toe conIro Tho ttndor will plaa.o tho ?ama at 111'NItoltKK .% MflKMMO. 744 Hrnalway. <& I n RKWaki* -roe v black abo tan ootT-, ?J.t/ Mniall also answering l? llm nam* of i.oml. Want 4ili ?i . first floor oror Ilia la-or boor saloon. Alt " KKWARD LOST. ON WM>.NK>|>AV, Jl? iva'r". ?n old Fngllah tin il Watch and Clialn, Tha finder will receive the above reward, and no iinostions asked, by I leaving it with W. j. T.. 214 Water it. k e [E NE NE^ SPECIAL SOTICES. A MEETING OK TIIK DEPOSITORS 0P~TYfipNlfcfc mitD Uptown Having* Hank" will be held to morrow. at Ml*. M., at Turtle Bay liall, Ht>8 2d a*., between 46th and < 47th sta., to receive the reports of tbelr committee and attorney. ?1 HA AC G. IIOVCE. 267~B KOADWAY. LAWYER. ? Divorces obtained promptly, without publicity; desertion. incompatibility, habitual drunkenness. infidelity. Inhuman treatment, eonriciion of felony. I'aaaports obtained. ATTENTION "-DISEASES <> K MEN PERMANKNTLY cured, even of long atandinir; rouaultation free. l>r. JAOOBY. 161 Hiercker at. A?PARKS. EMERSON k CO. Kentucky Slate lotteries drawn daily. Koyal Havana la>lterr, drawn every 17 day a Kentucky single Number Lottery."drawn August 28. Pricea raehed. information fnrniahed by addressing aa above. ISO Broadway, room 4. T ?ROYAL HAVANA ~LOTTKRY\ J\, Firat Priae $100,01X1. Next Drawing Augnat Id Fail explanatory circulars free. 1 is Naaaan at., X. Y. THEODORE ZBCUOCO. ALL~LADIK8 AFFLICTED WITH HUPEKFLOOU4 hair on the llpa, cheek, chin, arma, who have in vain tried the various depllatoriea In use for this purpose, may apply to Mine. JULIAN with the rertainty of euaranteed and perfect aurcees. Mme JULIAN lma removed this dlslipireinvut radically and permanently in the worst possible CNsea where all previous attempts hove failed. Application must be made personalty at her resideuee. No. 218 West Until at., from It to 4 dally. ?SMITH'S KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERIES. KKXTUC.ltY, KXTKA CLASS XO. 877. roit 187U. 2?, 18, 31, 4S, 41, 40. 47, XI. 8, 88. 58. 1, 4, 25. 4 KKXTUCKY. CI.ASS xo. 578. rou 1878. 62, 45, 27, 08. 1U. 30, 51. 78. 05, 36, 42. 16. 41, a. All orders address B. NATHAN, 181 Broadway, N. Y. 7VANCERS AND SCROFULA A WONDERFUL CURE \ J illKPflvAFAfi rirrtilMPtt aasnt frmn Arlflr?aa lir THORPE. inatltnte 115 Crosby at.. New York. CIKNTBNKIAJj " J Rhode Island Clambake on Mount Waeblnfcton, Toesday, Aagoat S, 1874 THOS. A. LKK. WM. B. BROWN. T\IBEA8KS 7>F men a specialty! ~ 1-J 11 ENKY A. DANIELS, M. P., 141 Islington a*., near 21Kh at. Olllee hours from H to 3. Ip'OB" 8 ALE ?1'A BI SI AN ~DRE8S FORMULA, $2; ' altindnril price, $IO; also Mmo Carolina's Improved Sacqne Shirt, Uc. Aildreag Mmo. CAROLINA, 23 Waverler place, enclosing; price, HAVANA LOTTERY!?NEXT DRAWING AUGUST Ifl, 187H; $.>00,000 ir. prlaea. Address H MARTINEZ A CO., Hankers, 10 Wnll at., huaement. New York. Spanish Gold an<l Havana Bank Hillsibought and sold; Drafts on Havana issued. IF~OUR CUSTOMERS WERE NOT MA KINO MONEY we could not afford to advertise. W. K. HU11 BELL A CO. * T^KNTUCKY STATE LOTTERY?DRAWS AUGUST 20. IX $3110,0110 In prises. Whole tickets, $10; halves, $5; quarters, $2 .TO. Royal Havana Lottery, to be drawn August 111. Whole tickels. $ _'<); halves. $10; twentieths,$1. JACKSON A CO., Hankers, 202 Broadway. New York. --CHRONIC CATARItll, 'DEAFNESS; IMPROVED method; Instantaneous relief; permanent cures. Or. STODDARD. No. 8 West 14th St. I" EGALCI.AIMS PROSECUTED AND COLLECTIONS J made, by an experienced lawyer; no charga anless sue easeful; other law business carefully and promptly m an seed by T. FRANCIS GIBBONS. Atlornoy at Law. No. 12 West 4th at., near Broadway. Office open from 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. If you cannot call, write. ?liFFfcVAl7DRAWING8 KENTUCKY STATE LOT. teres.?SIMMONS A DICKINSON, Managers.' iivnrrT kith n.iii so. 4SB?srrcnsT 5 1M7A. 51, 50, 61, 1. 14, SO. 40. 52. 4, i?. 10. 66, 73. KgNTDCXT, CLAM NO. 470? ACODNT 5, 1x76. 53, 60. 33. 30. 73, 63, 11. 33, 1. 51. 3S. 47. 31. UBNKT, EXTRA CLAM NO. 360? AUGUST 5, 1676. 63. 29, 15. 16. 14. 30, 74. 3, 17. 11. 75. 31, 55. I1KNRT. CLASS NO. S70?AUGUST 5, 1876. 47. 72. 60. .iO. 13, 71. 0, 4, 43, 7, 70 3B.J full Information by applying to or addressing J. CLUTB k CO., 2<JO Broadway. rear ruum, first lloor. M?*300.000. -SIMMONS A DICKf.\SON.-SINOLK number Kentucky State Grand Distribution, to be drawn August 36; also ltoyat II arena of Cuba, rdewn August 16. Kn 11 infornintion by applying to or addresalng J. OLUTR A CO., 300 ltroadway, rear room, first floor. NERVOUS EXIIAISTIO.V.-A MEDICAL PB8AY comprising a series of lectures delivered at Kahnls Mosonra of Anatomy, New York, on the cause and cure of Prematnre Decline, showing Indisputably how lost health rosy be regained, affording a clear synopsis ot the Impediments to marriage and the treatment of nervous and physical debility, being the result of 21) years' experience. Trice 25 rente Address the author. Dr. L. J. KaIIN. office and residence 51 Rest 10th st.. New York. RO YAl7~HAVANA IiOTTERY?1690.000 WILL. BE drawn on August 16. Trisee cashed; orders filled; in tormetion furnished; highest rates paid for Spanish bills, governments, Ac. TAYLOR k CO.. Bankers. 1J Wall St.. New York. STUTTERING.-U. S. ST A MARKING"INSTITUTE (DIL WHITE), 417 4th av.. N. Y.; best references; no pey until perfectly cured. Send for circular. The amatecu regatta. the boat races at Saratoga. PULL REPORTS BY SPECIAL DESPATCHES ON T11E DAYS OP THE RACES, WITH RESULTS AND PARTICULARS, IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM. U~ NEMPLOYED WORKINOMEN.?ALL ~LABOR ORgaiilsations who desire to co-operate In the parado of the unemployed ol this city next Thursday are Invited to send delegates to e meeting at Germania Assembly Rooms, 291 llowery, this (Sunday) evening. Xlifno' WILL DRAW IT I * I! The $100,000 Capital Gift in the KENTUCKY CASH DISTRIBUTION COM PANT, chartered fur the benefit nt the public achoola of Prankfort, Managed by HON. THOS. P. POKTKit, BX GOVBBNOR OP THB STATE. HON. ALVIN DCVAI.L, LATB CIJIBP JUSTICE OP THE SUPREME COURT. In addition to the capital gift of $100 ono there I* one of $50,000, another of $2\<* O, another of $".20,000, another of $10,000, another of $5 QUO. and so on down through a re plendeot liet of over 10,000 rift" ! I I THB DISTRIBUTION WIoL TAKR PLACE AUGUST 31, WITHOUT KAIL. Ticket*, $12; halvea, $tl; quarter*, $3; VI ticket*, $100; 27)* ticket*, $dOO; 40Ji ticket*. $500; 9">V ticket-, $1,000. Q. W. BARROW A CO., Banker* and General K a* tern Agent*. 7IO Broadway. SPOUTING-DOGg. BIRDS. ?t.. Extra kink dosc .ikst imported.-smai.l blue and ailver skje Terrier*. $ltl. $20 each; *plenilld Cocker Spaniel, $30; apotted Spit* $10. FANCIERS' AGENCY. 12 Cortlandt at. tlOK SALE CHEAT?A PEW ENGLISH PUGS: ALSO F 4U Skye Terrier*, weighing from 3 to 4 pound* each. Apply to W. COLLINS, No. 27H lit ay. 1)00 LA SOLD ON BOAT KACP.S ATMARYIN HOUSE, Saratoga: atan on the ground on the morning* of the race* ; al*n on the horae ra. e*. morning and evening. W.M. II. JOHNSON (late of Broadway and 28?h nt.;. J. T. tilly. POOL DOXES TO ORDKRHWARRANTKD IN ALL reapeet*; any plan dealred fnrniahed onickly and at reduced rat**. Addrea* MANUFACTURER, bos 201 Herald otTt. c. OOLB SOLO AT NEW YORK TURK EXCHANGE MONrtay on Mutnal ??. Hartford, at Hartford; Bnaton ra. Athletic. at Roaton; Chicago va. laoiiiyille, at Louiarille; St. Louta ra. Cincinnati, at Cincinnati. B1KBERT A McCLOPPk THE TVR jc. UCTfoS ani)" kkencIi Pools "stiff; ~?>ay and evening at New York Tnrf Rschange. 15 lint 2Hth ?t., on the naratoga running raeea and Rocheater trot*; French pool* on Saratoga regatta rloae 11 A. M. Monday. Prompt attention given order* by mail or meaaenger. kelly. hliss A co. CTATSKILL DRIVING PARK MEETING, TUE8DAY| J Wedneaday and Ihnraday. Align.! S, !). 10; pnraea al filled; Oil entrle*; Calakill ateamer* New Champion and Waller ltrett leave pier 42, foot of Canal at., dally, at 6 P.M. " FRENCH, COMBINATION AMI COMBINATION HOOK pool* mlil on Sarnloaa regatta Mondar morning; every ilav ami evening on Saratoga race*. The Ural >o introduce In thin country the leamraa of firat and ?erond plaea ami tlie combinationv The only place to bny ihe Combination Honk. lilllAKO A UO . No * RTw>aB>fc at ; / ' UK F.N VAI.i:" DRIVING I'AKK.-I'f KsK IIVl"; ' ijT Saturday, An -uat ll?; entrlea 10 par rani: entrlea rloaa Saturday, 1'dlh. at A. K. WKAVhR X t'O.'S, 01 month at., or JOHN TlltlKNK. Manager. Gleenwood. L. I. SARATOGA RACKS ?? - , 8KCOX D MEETING, 1M7U. Second Meeting?Tneadav. Hih; Thursday, Huh; Saturday, l.'lli; Tnaaday. loth ; Thursday, 17th, and Saturday, lOtn, \ Arnptal. r Raro promptly at 13 o'clock, aach day. ( W. R TRAVRRS. Pratldrnt. JOHN MoKlilSSEY, Lrnre. 1 C. Wna*Tl.*r, Hccratnry. J POOLS SOLD avary day and evening. at tha Saratoga I Aaaoalatlon Pool It,Mima, 1,2,'tti Broadway, New York. All | . rntriaa telegraphed dlrart to |hi> Khun | j SARATOGA RACING ASSOCIATION. I.23W BBOAD ? way.?Auction. French and Combination Pnola anld I ti erary dav and evening on tha Saratoga raraa, tha trota at I y Rochc>trr, ilia Im>?i raraa at Saratoga, and on all hall ' franira. Combination I'ooli. $;t; French Pool*. $o and f-.'ai. All orilara hv mall or meeirngrr will raratv* prompt alien- 1 J lion. JOHN MuHRlSSKY A CO. I T.AT7 K Urn A I.I. S. I.J.7 HkuADWAV.-4t CTION ' poo'a will ha mid on Monday and avary day and evening on all racea, bell Riatchee. Ac.. by Mr P.. KDWAKDS, I tha wall known and popular pool eellcr. Into ?f John Mor a ri?a?y .? Ga 'a, who will be glad to raa Ina frtenda on Ihia nmaaion r THE BROffiKBs Uii:ll.I,Ai!l> -llnw PAROLE : orat Oehlliree at Saratoga. krml "Stable Monaa.'* in _ NOAH'S sL'NOAY TIMES Oi to-day. For aala by all newi ? aaolara. HORSES. CAHRlAGKb. j V ?EXTIt\< RDINAHV RICH. STYLISH AND VRRY J j\ cloaoly mateliad pair >>f bar Galdlnr*. foil hrothart, ' ' by llanry t'lai, Jr., out of n atar Mara; IS high, 'I and 7 i year* old ; one of ilia ino?t p?rl,-, t driving trania in America, i J and aic warranted aound and kind . alao flue Goddard ?tyla r top \Va. on, I,nlit by Dnrrraiia, and nearly new ; Harneta. Ac.: will ha aold pnrltlvely without reaerve. on U'ednaolay j | neat. Antrim at II n clock, at RAKKKlt A SON'." City 1 Anrllon Marl and New York Tatteraalla, corner of Hroad- i il way and d'.ith it. Property now nn exhibition at nnr time 1 , up to aala. ________ \Blt.VL'Ti SI I. SADDI.K PONY." FOR GKNTLLWAN * or lady, jet black; lAhanda; la faat, trota or cantera. , a Apple to flirt AM SAM.MlS, Clermont iit., near Fulton, ; a Mrooklyn. , A ITptiR HALE, A PONY TrilNOI'T, CHEAP. AH J ?'\ . good a? new t an be aaan nt St Cloud Stable, 1,401 I > I,roadway, between ?nth and ?1 at Ma. A BARGAIN-FINK HOAII IIOKaR. TROTSTNSIDh I tnrec niiantca . aide bar no lop Waeon, bv lloaenbtiry ; r fn llarna.a, Ac.; flkkieaah. Addraaa or rail 'on OWNER, I No .'i llond at. room 14. i bTABLK For" SAI.E?fl? WEST 301II 8T., AI.I. J Improyrmanla. cheap. LESTER, owner, JM'i Walt S2d Ik |l W YO Y YORK, SUNDAY, AUG HORSES. CARRIAGES. dfcC. Amoktcaok sale. By virtue and under a certain Chattel Mortgage to ma delivered I will sell by public auction ON TO-MORROW (MONDAY). AUOUBT 7. 1878. AT TUB PRIVATE STABLKS NOH. 107 AND 109 BART 41KT ST.. BETWEEN LEXINQTON AND PARK AV8.. ADJOININii TilK ORAN1) UNION HOTEL. AND ONE BLOCK SOCTIl OF CRANO CENTRAL DEPOT. AT 11 O'CLOCK IN TIIK KOUKXOON. TUB KOLLOWINO VALUABLE AND RELIABLE STOCK. VIZ.: CllIEPTAIN, bay gelding, 18 hand! high, toalrd May 28, 1880. (lot by llerr'i Mamlirino I'atrhen; Brat dam by Pilot, J r.. second dam by Young St. Uennee, third dam by imported Sovereign (thoroughbred: thla la a very apeedy, linely galled and moat deairable young trotting horae; baa never had bat little opportunity to improve and can trot certain in 2 :.15 and speed a 2:20 gait; he it unoqmalled for gentlemen's road una, being a very easy and pleaaaut driver and good company hurse: in sound and kind. Handsome black gelding NIOQElt, aired by Darkey, dam by Rattler, ill. hands high, tl years old: trotted at Port Edward, N. V.. In 2 :2.s. 2 20, 2 :27V, ; he Is a remarkable pole home; very stylish in haruasa; sale for nnybody to drive; good galled, aonnd and kind. Very faet bay gelding LITTLE PRED. aired by Ethan Allen, dam a thoroughbred mare Colnmbla. 7 years old, 15Vg bands high; trotted at Rochester, N. Y., In 2:25, 2:25, 2 .25, heating Adelaide. Eva and live olhera. (See Wallace's Turf Beg inter.) He it without doubt one of the fastest borsos on me tnrf, as he has trotted a trial this spring, with three weeks'handliug, over Fleetwood Course In 2 :2(>l.j; he is a very One road hurse, does not pull or lug: Is good galled; snfe for anv ordinary driver, and Is aonnd mid kind. The fastest rond II ne In the cltjr. known as LOOKOUT. Hired by North titer Mainbrlno, dam by Merry Clay ; trotted three heats last fall at I'oint Hrene l'srk. Philadelphia, beating Hnow Storm, lloneet Aba, Ac., end a Held of seven horses. In 1! :30, 2 3 ; lie la very prompt, pleeaant driver: doea not pall when speeding ie not excitable In cnmEany; does not wear hoots; he Is a horae of extraordinary otloin end endurance, and aafo tor en ordiuary driver; la a remarkable pole heme; for e road horse lie cannot he surE eased, and lor track purpose a he la Invaluable; sound and itid, end rt yenr* old. KUW1N F., sorrel gelding. I5tj hands hl|th,loaled 1870; got bv I'nrlah llorae isire of Joker's), first dent by Felter's lianitdeionien (son of Kyadyk'a), second dam by Zouave, formerly Kentucky Hunter, by Hrvwn a Bellfminder. this is one nl the finest, handsomest end lies! dlapoaitioned trotters in America; wns never speeded e day In his life till purchased bypresert owner; lie had always been drlien slowly to pony phaeton by an invalid, and was sola only to close the estate ; he Is a splendid waited horse and can trot In 2 ;4.">, and It given any kind ot an opportunity will trot Close to2:i*>; his halt brother Joker has a record of 2 :?J4t?and ran heat J ;J0; bis dam is well known lor her powers nnd endurance ; Is aonnd and kind. The very last Trotting Melding MONITOR, If"1,' hands high. 7 years old: whs ruisod at Kalamamo, Mich., sod sired by Magna Charts. daot by Champion; owner has trotted lilui In tour races past seuson; has won first money In three and secoud money in one; he has a record ot 'J 't-, and was second in race at llarttord In DsMa; he Is an honest, all day trotter; tliia horse can beat bis record on Fleetwood track any good day and trnck?vis., J hi'J?and Is warranted to he one ot the safest horses In the city for gen tlemon's road use; he neither nulls nor lugs; is straight, promt.I driver; needs no check nor martingale; Is very stylish In harness sound and kind. Hay Ueldmg ONWARD, 1.">S? hands hlgh,6years old, got by Itorsay (loldduat, sire nf Fleety liolddust, the laalest sixyear old in the world; Tnrleton can beat "J :20, Rolla Oolddust ean best 2:2ft aud it host of others; Howard's first dam by lircy Kagie, second dam by Mambrlno Chlai, the sire of Lady Thorn; tills is one nf the finest colts in the country, he moves like a piece of machinery, and can beat'JidOto wagon, single or double; can speed a 2 :2ft gait and has no vice, tricks or faults, and Is without n blemish or fault. Handsome and fine bred large and fast Trotting fielding, I5Js hands high, 7 years old; raised liy D'Arsey, In Kentucky, auu sirel by Kentucky Clay; he Is, without excentlon, one of the finest styled trotters in the conntry;hoa fine action, great endurance, powerfully gatted and an excellent pole norso; trotted last .September, at Narraganset I'ark. In also at White Plains, 2 -.3HS?, and he Is speeding much faster now; owner was to place him In hands or a trainer on the 1st of next month nnd have entered In several parses coming season; he is sound and kind and as represented. Carriages Include one elegant I'ark Tkaeton, one canopy top Puny Phaeton, one top Utieen Phaeton, one full spring .?H ...... . 1,1. I... ..... P-.H u . ,.r H.II.. neaa, live >ei of ainfle Uarue**; elao Blanket*, Robe*, Sheet*. Whin*, Ac.. Ac. n. b.-thk above stock is now on exhibition and can be keen and tkihd at any time prior to sale by i'brmit from corn km us farley. city marshal and attorney for mortgagee. office 78 nassau st., room i. j^t auction. valuable and HIGHLY bred trotting and thoroughbred stallions, to be sold at auction by van tasskll a kearney, at their horse and carriage auction mart, tin and 112 Rut IMth *t., near -lib ar., on muday next, iith of august, at ten o'clock. the celebrated thoroughbred bay staLLION, IMPORTED CaNWELL, bred by Lord Newport. CANWKLL I* a dark bay. IB hand* hlirh ; not by STOCKWELL. the niott *!ieees?rnl aire ever known ; Drat dnm May Bell, dam of Strachtno, by Hetmau Platoll; aecond dam by Sultan, aire of Imperial Glencoe; third dam Salute, by Mnloy, *lre of Imperial Margrave; extended pedigree for IS gencrntioua. at time ol sale. STOCKWBLL, the aire af CANWKLL. wm the aire ol TWO DERBY wiuncr*; SIX winner* of the ST. LEGKR; ONE of the OAKS, and TWO eneh of the TWO THOUSAND and ONE THOUSAND GUINEAS. The monev won nv hi* get the l?*t Ave year* ho wa? at the xtud AMOUNTED TO NEARLY ffltXUKJO. f "3 AN WELL wa* Imported hy I'. LOKILLARD, . la ot a remarkably trnctablo diapoaition and hat proved hlraaelf a rure foal fatter. THE HIGHLY BRED YOUNG TROTTING STALLION ROYAL DICTATOR, pot by DICTATOR (OWN BROTHER TO DKXTKR), he by ltjartTk'f Ilambletonian. dam Lady tjueekenboa, by Mambrtno Chief. Full pedlgroe at lime of ale. ROYAL DICTATOR in color la a rlrh dark hay, ! 1* hlgn ; hai very clean, anund leg* and feet: tn general appearance and larre muacular development lie very much reaemblea hit apeedy relative DHXTER; he haa a very even, amiable diapoaition, and at ell time* ran be handled and driven by any one Willi perfect safety; he la thoroughly broken, although no attempi ha* been made to devalnp hi* peed; I* one or the most valuable and desirable young tallIon* In the country .and 1* warranted *ound and kind. THESE STALLIONS are now nn exhibition at the anetlnn mart ofVAN TAB8KLL AfliKAKXKY. and can bejpnrchased at private *ale at any tarne up to Friday noxt, when, If not disposed of, will be pnellPrely sold by auction to the highest bidder. UCTION HOUSE OK AlS?H. JOHNSTON, III to a.'. 13th *t.. near University place. 5 RALKR of nORKRS and CARRIAGES are held every r Tuesday and Friday. at 10 o'clock. * On every horae that I* WARRANTED BOUND fretn ~ at liunr* to 3 day* for trial. ~ The OLDEST ESTABLISHED end moit reliable bouse In the city. - GENTLEMEN IIA VINO HORSES or CarrtagA In y sell, or those wishing to bny. can rely upon lb# dime 5 strictly honorable dealing which haa always clmrw-iert, lied our house and wou the confidence and respect I, the entire onmmunlty. UCTION BALK OK ID)USES CAKRlAIJRtf AO". VAN TAS8ELL A KEARNEY'S NEXT It Kl a LA It RALE TAKES PLACK ON TUKRDAY, AUOUrif 13. AT Id O'CLOCK, when will he offered about 30 road, family and Business llorse*. among them several last trottera, -Also A'agons, Carriages, Harness of every description. ; AUCTION MART 110 and 112 EAST 13THKT., near 4th av. J FULL AND CON 1'LETE ASSORTMENT! OK TUB "Brewster Wagon." the standard for style and quality. 1 now ready for Inspection at our factory and wereroons, lirnadway and 47th st., 3th av. and 14th st. Special attention Is called to our Improvements side bar Wagons, which enables us to offer the llghtestf safest and best riding wagon ever produced. BREWSTER A CO., of Broome ft. AOKNTLKMSN HAS AN ENGLISH POM, 4 YEARN old .lune last; Is fast, kind and gentle.; Bar spring I Wagon and Harness; ain in want of funds; w|l sell cheap. Address J. c. C., station T. GREAT B AltO AIN .Tfrjir) WILL ItL'vVlIK HANDsomcst top I'ony I'liaeton In tbe city: Inst MUD last spring; Harness to match, $.V|; elegant top Wagon. $173, rost $43<>. At prlrate stable first door ea* of University place. In I2tli st. ?A SPLENDID LEATHER TOP jfl'otlY, A< new and hv first class maker. OXF. HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVK DOLLARS. Rocksways, from $ 13D. Phaetons, $110. Depot W agnns, from $140. HARNESS, greatest variety tn New York, $l(Jtn $20 ). Sadoles, Hrtdles, Rohus. Sheets, lets. Ac. JOHN MOOM, 37 Warren st. AC I T fox]?It K N C11 AND COMHIIATIUK FDOLK sold nn Mood at morning at JOtlNMtK'H Rooms. Broadsrny and 28th st , on the running racesland host races at Mtratogn Full wtsns By telegraph. I. ii. Johnson. | ?ONR COACH. OMR PHAETON, fITB NETS MAElira-, two .-addles. Ilrldlrt and thfre Horses AI'C. I ritiN X AHT. 4il and 4B Wooeter St. Sues ovary Wedne* lay. si 11 o'slsrh, A""?WE- OFFER THE FOLLOW INI HECOND HAND Carriages at low nncesI Cnaaln Coach. 3 Cah- j toleta. several T Carls and no top l'haewus; all in complete ' riter and mi>M or mem m our own maw-. iiKr.nsrr.H ,t ft., Ath nr.. ciirnrr inhM. T BUAKK FOR ImTkHKH? ruK Ml'mR K o?TiVINThR: line pim'f, wltli aprnig water: |'?<l horee- driven if lettred WX. T. CARI'HXTRK. Red'Aprtng. Oln Cstt. ni'V Vnl K < \ KKlA'.Ko DIRMlFKoM THR man I) nfacturer. Ihue ?avmi a dealer'dproftt ?f IA per . ni, IIIAKLKH CRt'HK. .MW ennui ?.. hadall klnde. of hlinrn nake, on hand, or will make to ortlr at manufacturer' irirri. J IMSISKSS WAIIO.VK AMI tflMMC TRL'I'Ks FOK l> mile?Ail alien to anil nil porpoiw_Hatched. Hiked, traced. Plumbed. Milk and Exprrm, a I arm mmbrr of erond hand. In good order * largo wnrimrni Mnatinllj n hnnd at the corner of Nary and J nwn ?t?.. Brooklyn. AAKRI A<iK U Repalra. i We ?re now prepared lo receive dlnter earriagea for re >alra. dellTeralile In I he autumn; alfrarrtagaa naiahed wlili ' dentin'? American carat all, rnPrier t? all nt foreicn nnnnfartnre in durability and bi' Inner ; etlmnie- furIlalied Order* left at warerooma, >?h a?. awd 14th at , or it tactory, llroadwae and '<7tli at. IIKKWSTRIU < <> . of Bm >tnc at [,'Xc kl.l.KNT I'AFTCKAOR POR IIOR.-Ks AT Hi Nenhanle, X. J.; So per root h. Addraat .1. II. VAN H'sKIRK. Ilaronne. X. J. IVTilANT I.AMKS Tt* RX >l'T. ? I* AIR XMiiU. Pi French lloraea. with l'liaaton alw Top Wagon: aellor achnnge tor Mcrchandlae Addrda 111 Kant JlHn at, bAoll n A I.I. A OOOti PAMiT MORAR: ol-MIK and perfecily Bound; rrat f: will be aald elieap. AdIrene Fax 873 Poet office. New A- # MOlt S A I.I - HAY ItAClNiif IIORAF. >". llwi'S P high, sound and k im!: good j reveller; aide liar Top t'agun ?nd llnrneaa; will aell toft tier or eepwrnte. Apply ,t .Monlaland alnblea, IrCJ to lWfortland a? , near Atlantic v.. Hrooklyn. j Moi; -a \l.l cons lo HAM*: A rRRVRi.T l.irri'.K P horae; Jnat front ihr Weet Mlantte at ate a. 10 and 1" ttlant c at.. Newark. X. .1, MoK sTl.F-rwo i IA M ? M K TIIORtKiillHItTT) P Ruddle lionet; eeeh 4;?vM4; It a weltchl rnr tor ; will be i*>ld rt'Atonjibl*. Ci be wen at Xo. 7 Weet :ilh nt. ^ / J blOK SAl.K \ KIMM V MAN IUIAM 1 lloree, )n?t from V?rwvlN band?. 7 yeani old; irlitb, prompt driver. and of ntRrmhle eftdnmnce; warAAtad |a ivarr raaoaak AMm BATIH, Ua? aid office. , I IRK H UST 6, 1876?TRIPLE SHI HOUSES, CAIlItl AGE!*. ?t. tj^or 8alk?a oops'try pbdlkk's two mouse r Yankee notion M'ngnn, nt SN and B7 .lane at., K. Y. For sai.k a 1xu H1.K hay a.M> rBKD TRUCK: made by Fielding, In good order; will be aold at a low figure. I5S Weat 41at at. For malk?a kkaUtikul bT7ack hobsk. i? handa high. 7 years old; he haa loatbiamate; driven eplendld in tingle or dnnblo harness; will be aold reuaonable. Can be seen at So. !? Want 13th at. EKMt s \i,K CM E A I" FOR CASII-OSK DolBI.E J? Track Tram and llameaa. one single Truck: aleo a aide bar road Wagon, Ilorae and llameaa. For further information apply to J. V. UlLDKUSLKKYE. IN3 South at. Sew York. OK~ SA I.E^filJO?A LMOST SEW 1.BATI1KR TOP Pony Phaeton, One Harness. 33 Sewam it., Iloboken. FOB BALK-A (1KNTLKMA.VS comPLKTh TURNOUT for the road; Iron gray horse, very handaome and strlish: eicht years old. Iirowater top Buggy, Harness, Lap Kobe. Sheets Whip, Saddle, Itrldle and everything complete; horso perfectlv sound, kind end gentle |n all harness; goes well either single or double or under the saddle ; price rfbkXt; reason for selling, going to Europe. Call on or address iA. coffin, us John st. Foil SAI.K-IIOKSK ANH KOI KAVi'AY: A ilENTEKL turnout; warranted a thorough Inmlly establishment: will sell low. Addraaa or apply to S. A. BEN N Kit, li) Old slip. I [AO It SAI.K-AT M'DON ALIi'SSTABLE. 144 AND 146 Kast 41 at at., two pairs handsome bay Morsel. 15)^ handa high; will be sold to salt the times. jjAOIt sai.K at a BaRUaLN?V hand SUM EKE NX1 tneky bred chestnut Ilorae, 6 yoars old, IB hands high ; aonnd very way except partly delectlve sight; Bl for any work; lias been used as coupe horse. Price, |l.r)U, Can be seen nt JIN We-.t loth st. TjAolt SAI.K?Till'. BEST and PRETTIEST PONY IN r the rltr, clear white, sound and kind for ladies or children to drive or ride, at S. 11. MASON'S Kmnire Stables. - Noil. 4 nnd t! Kant 23th st. I poll SALE CHEAP?THREE (MOD." USEFUL HAY Honrs: double, single or saddle: about 1 ">S hands: separately or together: property of a gentleman having no further nsr for them ; also T Cart and top Buggy. 1'rtrata stable. I lrl Kail 32d it. For sai.k-a bhkwstkr sidebar road Wagon, of 25th at., 123 pounds; or will exchange for a aide-bar Top Wagon: and also a line cheattint Road or Saddle Horse, and JO other loislneaa ami work Horses ; will be sold cheap. I). HlillhKliK A SON, 3|4 7th av. FOrtsai,k low?lasi?akhy mtnkk-k stkven8; sulendid order; handsome pair Kentncky ltVhand Horses. Apply ut WILLIAM TRACY'S stable, HJd at., near Madison av. CTRKAT S At' RI FU~H?STY LISH PAIR CARRIAGE T Horses, suitable far any business; sell one or both. MB East 73d St. Horses anixcakkiaoes, top itcooi. stivers Wairon, perfect, for sale or exchange. Eagle Storage Office. IC;t West 3.7d it. Horses sold cheap for want op dsE; prior $5t) to $100 each. No. 514 West l!?th <t. Handsome bay mark, warranted sound": liirht Wagon, Harness. Ac, Apply Mondny,tto BONNBA!', 17t Centre St., up stairs. Hating fink'wild take obntlk man's turtiont and keep froe fur use. Address M.. box WB Poet office, Rhluebeck, N. Y. URAXl) HORSE FOR 8A1.K CHEAP?FOUIl years old: thoroughly broke: suitable for polo: speedy, kind and geutle. Apply at Ferguson's stables, 103 West &!1d st. OLD AND NEW BUSINESS, OltOCHRY WAtlONS, Trucks, coal end tirlck Carts, Ilarnoss. I epoeiit.ry, Hudson St.. cornor 13th st. STABLE TO LET?WITH-NINE STALLS NEW, WITH all Improvements; suitable for sale or private stable; on Broadway, betweon 4l?th and aoth ate. Apply adjoining at HIIKKNREICII BROS.' coal yard. rpO~ THE PI'ltLIC ?THE BEST A XI) (7T F~ APE ST JL Livery and Boarding Stables in the city. 317 West 15th si., near run av, rAr.sfii ( i;u. TWt) I.ANDAirsj F1VB LANDAlf I.KTrC TKM TOP Wagons. by BKKWNTKR A CO., <>( Broome it., second hand. A. 8. FI.ANDR.AU, 272 a?<l 374 Hroom* St., old aland of Brewster A Co. rilHK AMATKI'R REGATTA. I TIIK KOAT RACKS AT SARATOGA. FULL REPORTS BY SPECIAL DKSPATCHES ON THE PAYS OK TIIK RACKS, WITH RESULTS ANI> I' A KTICULAR8, IN Till1: KVKNING TI'.LKGKAM. T\7"ANTF.?-A TWO SKAT I'll A ETON. SECOND TT hand, city made. Add'ess O. MKYKRS, 13 Water St. WANTKII TO III UK? FOR TWO MONTHS. A HOOD reliable onlr of Carriage Horses, for family use In the country; mast be kind and gentle. Address room 23, 14 Wall St., New York. WTANTBD? FOR"A" FKW MONTHS, TIIK USE OF A It gentleman's Tnrnout for light driving by a responsible party; the host of care taken and securitv or first class references given. Address V., boy 1.037 I'ost office, N. Y. TTfANTKO-TO MY AN K.MRA LIGHT C A UK I AO K Vt for four to six persons. Address CINCINNATI, Herald Uptown Hranclt office. riTANTBD TO PURCHA8E-A OOOIl KOCKAWAY T f Carriage, cheap. Address bo* H20 Post office. Plainfield. N. J. VXTAN TKII?A SI I ,V K R MOUNTED COUPE IIARNKS8; Vt must he in first class order and cheap. Address HAMIN, Herald Uptown llranch office. \\r 11 AT IS IT ?WON UK It KI" 1. KIIKAK OK ~N ATI ML II A remarkable living animal. In the shape of horseflesh, being an unaccountable ftouk of nature, said animal being neither horse nor mare, but being part of each?a hermaphrodite The name of this wonderful animal la Jenny A Thomas; will bo exhibited throuch the principal cities In the United Mates, (mm Maine to California, prior to being exhibited at the Centennial at Philadelphia, or will bo sold for JttO.OOi, and la now on exhibition at 37 Great .lones at., between Ilroadway and Bowery, New York. Admiaxion 1 5c. li,TIIITKcTiAl'RL. SWK BAR ToF RoaD WaOON, M new, full *eat. weight 23tlb*., very low lor cuh. 2Un Thr nip ?v., near Myrtle av., Brooklyn. AOC PKR MONTH.?HORSKrt KKPT OK LIVKRTt ip^i) bext nf enr" ; hriek atnhle. 124 Weet 10th at. ATirj"i for srrKHii Tor pony piiakton. eat". ip^oo eat atyle ard Improvement*; built to order for ft.V.1 lor the lata Colonel Morahan; haa tieen qaod but little. Apply to Major IIaKKEK, eornrr 3Uth at. and Broadway. iTTl/Wl ? fOK SAl.iT <>X ACCOUNT or sick". tPt.VyYy'*. ne?a. Half or Whole el old eatablia ed Livery Stable; beat aland In the city. Apply at 115 Jroahy at. TIIOKNE. in HTK tlCTlOK ' A"* <iKKAT " KEI)I'CTIoN. -HOOKKKKPiSuT Witt. In* or Arltlimetlc. per quarter; open all annimer, day or evening; ladlox department. Telem-anliy taught praetleallT; demand for operator*. TIIOMI'SON'H College, 20 4111 av.. opponite Cooper Inalltnte. B_OOKKKKPIMT PKSITANMIIP. ARITIIMRTIC. AC.? Dol.liKAK. 1,103 Hroadway. takea anrauier pupila, uay or evening. at half price. Dkan coi.i.kuk anu Conakryatoky or mi sTc for yonng ladlea, Hloghamton, N. Y?Weekly ell inette rlaaa. Hoard and all the extra* $300 (excepting vocal and burp). iter U. A. 1'ATKRSON. A. M.. I'realdent. GKUMAN LANtiC AtlR ANI> I ITKR ATUIUL?I* atructlon Imparted by I'rofeaaor KU1TNKK. Send for circular or call. 217 F.a*t 35th at. PA INK'S COLl.hGK. 02 HOWKRY?COMMKKCIaL, claa*lcal. all Kngliah branch#*, boara tuning; writing;, $3 monthly; vacation pnplla. RIVKRKIDR BRMINAKY. WKL.LAVILLK, Al.LE gany county. N. Y.?A Hoarding School for ladtea and gentlemen will open September 11; boating, bathing, gymnaatir*. riding achool. Send 'or circular. Addreaa CHAS. TYNij, Secretary, bos Odd I'oat office. Wellarllle, N. Y. SPANISH AND FRRNCH l.ANfiUAOK* AND LITKKAInre thoroughly taught; aummer prlera. ANTOJflO RAMOS, Mat 41 Waal 11th at. TO TKAVKI.I.RRS -FRENCH IN TWii MONTHS; apeaktng a apeclalty: leaaon free. Addreae SAVARD, Herald Uptown Hranch office. Vl'\NTKI?-A 1.4I>V KOK FRENCH. HERMAN A~ND V? drawing; a gentleman for ingllah hrunrhea, to go Weat. Apply nt TEACHERS' HI'KKaC. H7 Weal 35th ?t. N I'UUAbK. \I>VANCKS (NO BONIS) UST Pl kNITURK. PiAtio*. ate.. Ifsiorndii n^rerimer'* imrelioutet. Ad<Jre*% HIOKAUK, Herald l,'pt??wn Brunch offW, \?S roRAO K. WKsr > I!?K S To K A <?K, . WARE- ' !io?im?v 5M, HTM, IfcW lliitison ml., 77t* liieonwirli m. I nnil U) Aiiini'dmi Minarp. Htormri* smt kpMiiiu' for fur. nitiir?\ planoi. bairir?t:e. trnnki, mlrrora, ptununir*. ornament*. carpnta. theatrical proprrtlra; irooila and warra of every deacrtptlon received day or night: aeparate room* of any star: ..ideal leatahliaheil IHfn., lowaal in rale. moat eeomtniHlaitac. axienalve mid rraponaible eatahllahtnent In tne btiaineaa. il. TAOOART. owner and proprietor. Ofliee, M't llndaon at. (Abingdon xiuarei. ' IJtXPIRR STOKAI1K WAKfcllOCSKS KIIK FfRMJlJ lure, pianoa. mlrrora. baggage and mi-r?h*iidlii?. in aepa- | rate room*; theae llrat rlaaa trarrhonaea have more aecnrlty, | lower rule* of inaarance and lower i-hargea tor atnragv than anv atmilnr eamhlialiment ; inapenlon invited ; removing, boxing and ahipplng promptly attended to. II. 0'UbIM.Y A fit., l'roprielora, .Vbt. ,'lthI and ifflil llud-nn at. IjtAOIal PTORAOR WARKIIOI'skh ?c.xsi; Il I'A aseo j lor aa'e koeping of furniture and good* of every kind. Iljtl. 107 Welt .' at . one door weaterly froru tith avenne. i qtoraqe for pcmitvrb. piarm baooaob, t7 Jkt. : aeparale roonia; loweatrnlea; elevator: watrh. { man. Fnrnilttre removed. ?M It'll A I.Ka A aO.V. :t* |o dj Commerce at., near Hleeeker. l KXCII A.XtaK. C?l fifth'-willkxciiaBok for kkal ksfArr. VAa"""'''a a line Chop llniin, Mnar. five veart, Fixtnrea, At. AUdrra? JOIIX JllllRHOX, llerald office I CO Ala \\l> IVIHIII. J tl'IVrkll a U I'i'l.l KM <>F KRKell MIX fill X'kHToH }J Yf Coal furoUhrd to fnmillr* at wh<>lr?*|r cargo ri(#?; j Mrttiafartfon cu arnutr- ?!. ('nil on or addr*** A. *. LiJB- 1 !>? 1.; . ("1 4h. iv . t.rn^r Mil ?t. J WISH, I.KiKlltN, AC. ' It' A X I F. IP TII Bl'Y?FK'?M II.VK Ti) KIX B A Kit KI.S 'j Y? of Hoartrofi, one to threr yrar* old, cheap lor rash. l Addr?*BB or call at drnc store. ?tl? * y HII.MIKItY till OHHaaMAKitu. IT MMK. col.mvs' drkssm AK1.mi c af a HLfnTfT w JY niont. Jtt Wen Nth ft.. Indira can rely o i grttltiir per- el fret fining drra*o* made, trlmmrd In l/it??t ParlMan ttrlm. f |,rtdlr*? invltrd to ?*all. ai CILKAllANCK 8ACK OP ft J Jlonnera and Ilait. 5 tflecantly trimmed Preneh chip Ilonnrf? at from # *? tofl'i e.ich, j worth fr?>n? #1* to jf Untrirtimrd r**l Krrneh Cblpa at ? 51 ."?<?. worth ?-1. % Other jrooda at proportionate!/ low fi?nren. JOSKa X M aKKII AM,. 1 near 27th at. 1,117 Broadway, Xew York, hRBABM MADE UP AFTER TBI I.\I K>T PARM , faahlon. at the loweat ratea ; alao dreaa a and iMilon- . aiaoa cnt and heated by J. FI X KliXMTklX, 112 Weft 14th j at., tienr IMh ae. JUHKS CAX IIAVK HUKTTY -CITS MA OK FOR ! J J #"> up; atyiiah Hltk Malta, $10 op; aamplea ahown. 1.17 i b koat ddd it. [ 4 [ERA !ET. DRY GOODft. B~T, A c K" fi fiC K S EXTRAORDINARY. lack SILKS. black silks. special sale,. blyck silks. special sale. black silks. special sale. black silks. BLACK SILKS. of black silks. BLACK SILKS. BLACK SILKS. black silks. black silks. black silks. black silks. black silks. BLACK SILKS. PREVIOUS TO STOCKTAKING. BLACK SILKS. BLACK SILKS. FOR TBN DATS ONLY. black silks. for TEN dats only. black silks. kok ten days only. black silkh. black silks. conklino a company. black silks. conklino a company. black silks. conklino A company, black silks. BLACK SILKS. No. 763 Brondwnjr, black silks. BLACK SILKS. between Sih and 9lb all.. black silks. BLACK SILKS. one block below A. T. Stewart A Co., BLACK SILKS. BLACK SILKs. will offer tlioir entire rtock of black BLACK SILKS. allka. emulating of pitcea, Irom BLACK SILKS. loweat to lineal grades ?t a reduction BLACK SILnS. ui JO per cent from former prices, and BLACK SILKS. owing le the recent groat adr.uice la BLACK SILKS. the ailk market thej are fully .V) per BLACK SILKS. cent lower than the rame guode eau be BLACK SILKS. boogbt next fall, H.,aCK SILKS. BLACK SILKS. See whet the lending newspaper ol BLACK SILKS. tho continent anjra m.Al'lv Plbivn. irroin inc neiaiu, .tugasi a, in(o.j BLACK SILKS. HLAI'K SILKS. THK RAW SILK MARKET. BLACK SILKS. BLACK SILKS. There l? now considerable stir in the BI.At'K SILKS. raw silk market, not only here but all BLACK SILKm. over tlie world. The cause i* found In BLACK SILKS. the failure of the European eroua and BLACK SILKS. a diminution in the yield In China. BLACK SILKS. Indeed. It I* estimated that the EuroHLACK SILKS. peau yield will lali ahort tills year BLACK SILKS. about 6 Ul?l,< 0 > pounds, and the export BLACK SILKS. from North China, alone, i? irl down BLACK MLKS. at about JO.OOO bairn, or 2,.KJ0,0 II BLACK SILKS. pounda leas tuan laat year In Knrope BLACK SILKS. the prlcea are ranging high, French BLACK sil.KS. allka advancing nearly did. per kilo. BLACK SILKS. Tbe Chinese market la also art ire BLACK SILKS. beeauae of tl.a alioit aapply. The BLACK SILKS. American market wa? the lail to leel BLACK SILKS. the influence ot tins scarcity of the BLACK SIlKS. raw material, tba Drat symptom being BI.ACK SILKS. the recant shlpmoni of aeveral hundred BLACK sILKS. bales ot China slik to laindoti, and this BLACK SILKS. class ol .merchandise is even now sellBLACK sll.K->. lug here at lllty cents a pound Irsa than BLACK SILKS. Shanghai rates. It Is difllcult to deterBLACK SILKS. mine the effect this recent adranco In BLACK SILKS. prices may have upon the silk uiauuBLACK MLKS. lecturers here, as it la as yet too soon BLACK SILKS. to rstimata with eertaiuiv, but It Is HLaCK bilks. expected that the failure in the raw BLACK SILKS. material will embarrass home aianuBLACK sILKS. facliircrs In competing with foreign BLACK SILKS. houses, and thus result In a general BLACK SILKS. advance in pricat. BLACK SILKS. LOOK AT Ul'K LI8T OK PRICES. BLACK SILKS. BLACK SILKs. K.V.. 81. $1 25, $t 35. $1 40. 81 5 HLACK MLKB. 81 55. 81 tki, $1 62},. 81 65, 81 75, BLACK SILKS. $1 tti. 81 H , 81 1?. 81 95. 82. <2 10. BLACK SILKS. 15. 82 20. 82 25, *2 30, *2 35, BLACK SILKS. 82 4l?, 82 45, 82 50, 82 60, 82 65, BLACK SILKS. 82 75. 82 85, 82 95, 8-3, 83 IO, 8? 15. BLACK SILKS. 83 25. 83 5< 1. S3 75. 84. 84 15. 84 50. black silks. *4 75. *i>. $5 M, black cashmeres. also, black cashmeres. BLACK CASH MKRhS. Included In tha isle will be 250 BLACK CASll.Mr.RKS. piece* *11 wool blivek French BLACK CASHMERES. Cashmeres, of the lauiont gold BLACK CASHMr.KRS, medal brand, at the lollowiug BLACK CASI1MKKKS. extraordinary reduction Irom BLACK CAsII.MERKS. former price*. BLACK CASH MKKKS. BLACK CASHMERES. U2)(r.. former price, 75a. BLACK CASHMERES. 70c., tormer price. HOe. BLACK CASHMERES. 75c., former price. ttSc. BLACK CASHMERES. She., former price, $1. BLACK CASHMBRKS. $1. former price, SI 25. BLACK CASHMERES. BLACK CASItMKRKS. For ten day* only. BLACK CASHMERES. BLACK CASIIMEREH. Previous to stocktaking. BLACK CASHMERES. BLACK CASHMERES. BLACK CASHMERES. Make no mistake. Our number BLACK CASHMERES. I* 763 only. JOIIN R. KAUOHRAN, I CONKLINO k CO., F. W. 0111 WIS. > 7tW Broadway. W. II. CONKLINO, i between Sth and fith eta. I' ORD A TAYLOB, " J Broadway and 20th st. Strangers passing through the rity should not fall to Inspect our large stock of black and rolored Silks, bought belnre the rite. A." ' the largest stock or IICMAN HAIR GOOD8. unequalled in thUcity or Europe, positively L retailed at wholesale oiiees. L L Continued wonderful sueeeas of L THE MAKGL'ERITA WAVE. ], a great Improvement on the INVISIBLE, 1, forme COlKKURE for front and back, can LLLLL " be adjusted without a alncle halruln and will not rip or tour, from $Jt upward INVISTKt.K S'ltltKTS to mat,* la.ll... to Unity look bountiful, in new and original designs. f - per inch on real patent hair lace : 8 1 ner inch ou Imitation hair laca. 8880 SWITCHES of the finest qualUty, all 8 8 long hair, oneqnalled for elegance and B beauty. 8> and upward. CURLS. warrant8888 cd nntnrally curly, AO ceuta each and up 8 ward. 8 8 liBAT HAIR A SPECIALTY. 8888 COIKFt EES of all long hair, lateat styles, Irom $.'? npward. Oar late Invented STK.MLK8S BKA1D ran be arranged in any ntrle of coiffure within a few minutes; H IT price #10 and upward. II II COM KtJfOS made up. roots all onaj way, II II AO centa per ounce lllllinil LADIKS' OWN IIAIR TAKEN IN KXII li CHANHR. II 11 Ladies not beinir satisfied with their first II H choice are at liberty to exchange without extra charge. unrivalled beautifying bazaar a t'rkme blanche. AA or the MAOIC BKAUTCFIKK. for the A A complexion; IT 1.S DELIGHTFULLY A A COO LI NO, imparts a brilliant A AAA transparency; recommended by the A A nuisi prominent physicians. analysed A A by the bent chemists In this country and C roved to be not only harmless but very enrflelal to the akin. Applied at the store if desirod. 81 per box. WWW W WW W y. Condray's celebrated AURORA., to W W W W blench hair of any color a fine golden WW WW jblonde without Injury to the hair. I'rlce WW WW for three ontiee bottle, $1 SO; for six-ounce TV VV !bottle. 82 50. J. B. Kontane s wonderful W W " Iprrparatfon. DERM ATI NE. a sure care to remove all wrinkles from the face, 82 per bottle. A large assortment of all modIsm beautifying CoSMKTIOL'EB en band. no. 54 west i 14TII MT.. I Our new lilnstrated price list now ready, near Oth av? STORK will be kept open every Saturday .New York, {until 10 K M. T EU RICH'S. 7- ~" fearful slauohter. FEARFUL SLAUOHTER. FKARKUL SLAUGHTER. bummer suits. SUMMER 8UIT8. Our entire stock of elegantly made linen, lawn and batiste Snits and Oversklrts and Basques to be cleared ont this week. ( armenta formerlv sold at 815 reduced to 85. Navv blue linen Suits at 82 so; former price 88 SO. Ladles will find It to their advantage to eall earls in the week, as at the prteea we are offering theae goods they will soon be sold out. Special Inducements In all our other departments en account of our semi-annual stork taking. KflKICH'S, 287 and 28f? 8th av.. near 24th tl. res- fkTnok>T i onus ami tassel- made to order In any colors, at J ac kson's factory. 115. 117, I IS and 121 East 12th St., near 4th av. KRhP'B"CUSTOM SHIRTS MADE TO MEASURE? The very best. It for 8 '; not the slights*! obiigotion to I lake or keen any of KF.hl"* shirts unless perlertly satis- I factory. 571 Broadway and D2I Arch at.. Philadelphia. Lord a Taylor Bread way and 2fi|h tl. Everybody should see our new fall stock of domestic Cottons and Wooilrns and Housekeeping Goods irom the great .meltons. heap' Cheap:: Cheap'I.' KEEP'S PATENT I'AKl LY ?.tllK DKKSS SIIIKTfC. The very best. 8s for 8 I. ran be finished as easily as lemming a handkerchief. 571 Broadway aad 021 Arch St., Philadelphia. Lord a Taylor. Ilrosdwny sad '.'Oth st. I'arenls rail and see our HOT*' CLOTHINO STOCK. t rrry Mtlr at pricee le?t than yon rin buy mmrriik HEP** patent partly mai>k hress shirt*? i The eery heel. "1 for can he fiiitelird eedly et ' leinmm* * htwdhercblef. 571 Broadway end 921 Arch eL, 'luledelphie [ OKU A TAYl.OK. Li Broadway end Tftth It. Gentlemen trarellinr ahould tee oof Gentlemen'* Kurotehtn* Stork. Pine Shirt* et 41 ' per dnten. * EEP'M CCSTOM Sit I ItTS M tI?K TO M P. AS IKK V The rery heet. d for f'1. not the ellfhteet obligation to ike or keep nne of KEEP'S ihiri. unlr? perfectly ulii j tctory. .'>71 Broadway end H2I Arch it. Philadelphia. jl.AlTINC Ol ALL KIND* -embroidering. Hreidlni, Hhlrrinc Ac. O. C. STEVENS A CO lie art 14th it.. New York, nppo.tte Aradrtnr of .Moele. kirts, Cloekt. Ae, frum m?ufeet ofer* end draler* ee riled j111RTI.AIfiNO. ?"sH7K,~BOX AND APACFTPLAIT 5 In* dor* by machine, with creet Improvement*. Ho J5 irhe? wide . the box pleltin* don* by my machine* doei nt preeenl lliei net eppeerenre w> much diiliked by ledlei bo here It done eltewhere: emplei ren be hed free of tarre All I eullrlt ie e trlel. end I em ?ure I will rein our euetom. Shlrrin* end llemrnliiis aleo done br merMne I I Ir peryerd. t'elhon S. JOSEPH. the prectirel Pleltin* eker, HH Foreytli et.. neer Cenel; hrenrh oltlre 2i'2 Fulton . between (Iran** end I'lneepple *t* . Brooklyn KOH SALT,. \ GOOD CORNER r.fyUOR nfoRK FOR SALE rlieap; In perfect order; now rtoln* e *o..d bnelnree; w rent no reeeoneble offer refneed It told Immediately. 1 rtlealere of P. F'OSTHK, HUB Hudson et., neer Sprln*. No 1 *eiite VKK-rtn: AST DOING GOOD incsh-s POR eele lor helf Itevelee; bent loretlon down town MITCHKLL, 77 Ceder et VI. A HA* IIA VINO A VKKY HANDSOME WHEELER A W lleon heir ceblnet rew Meehlne inrlndin* eetre tcker. rorder, embroiderer, fire eeeorted hemmere, I inder enn roller* for 422. *4 Kent Hd et. . j V W F. 1,1, LOCATE l> IloTKL?PINK HA KAN If ' teurent. eomplete ; the beet reaton* riven . eold et erreln ei party lint to leave clljr. Apply to KKYNOLlfS i l TIIOMPBOM, 19V Broedwe/, { LD. PRICE FIVE CENTS. HOK NALR. A splksoid oiianck to rakk 7ohfornk.-a first rla?s Cash Mihiurw for sale. consisting of tiro hydraulic Cotton ( 'omprrater*. with nil Uio appurtenances, complete and in perfect ordor; chii eoinpreee 4<*> bales per day; ?ituated at fort Koyal, S. t\, at the wharf of the Port Koyal Mii<1 Augusta Railroad Company, Address C. h. CAMPBELL. dO Cortlaudt et., New York. Ariiurr cum liquor Stork and la hob stock of Liquors for sale or exchange; will take a until House in Brooklyn or Now York, or sutell Farm. Address ft. P., Herald office. AWMRMLRR k WIL>()V family half cabinet Machine no reasonable ofTor refused, also Wilcox A Uioba. No. 3 Woi'Ster at. A n KIsSOAKT whkklhk A VTlLiiOJf 9R ilwfXG Machine, all complete, for $15 cash; must he sold. 357 Rleecter st., near Charles. A LOT or FRENCH MIRRORS. CORN ICR* AND Picture Frames at low rates. KKHOl'riON k PA It* SONS. 2ia Canal si., up stairs. FINK PROMINENT CORN BftLiQUOU STOKH for aale. Apply to WALTERS JL BROTHER, 27 East Bvoedtiy. V" WELITKSi)WS OLD DINING ROOM. DOING A irood flue business for the la?t 27 years, including a goodbnr trade, near the Washington Market, must he sold by Wednesday on account of leaving the country. Apply at 10*1 West st. on Monday, or today at 147 Meauow at., first floor, Hohoken. a baku a in in kkmtinu M aC hin kh. -t wflffu . a w ouesi ics, new, mu men ; n neeier a wiimin, silver piated. case, <2A; a new Slneer, esse, side tlmwers end drop lenf. f3ft, si MACAULAY S Hater. Ill Hlercker si. AEIRST CLASS RETAIL DRV GOODS AMI) FANCY Gnnils House ; located on nne of tiio heel corners on the avenue in ilie city, bavin.* a larire end estehllslied reps, tsiion, suit commanding i very extensive trnde, with a regular profitable income; will l>o round s great inducement; best reasons tor selling. Address, at once, DRY GOODS M K ItC 11A NT, Herald Uptown Hrsnch office Bargain?cokkke and cake saloon, m west Ltd at., opposite Sixth avenue depot. Call for two days. CAMERA OHSCITRA KOK SALE?12 KKKT DIAMeter. price f."to I cash, or exchange. Inquire at Rockaway Resell, ny steambosl, tlftli landing. CVJRNKK DRI.'G STOKE Kit it S A L K ? I* A V I N(i VKitT ) well, l'rice, $7ftO cash. Address JaLAP. IM East tlHlh si. CA ALL AND EXAMINE (Hit STUCK OK SEWlNtj J Machines, from <00 to $.t.T ; Domestic. Wheeler A Wilson, Singer, Improved Wilcox A Gibbs, Wilson A Secor, iulljr warranted. f>tt7 ltd a*. CA AM 1'IIK LI. PRINTING 1' It ESS FOR Itlil aDT J dress KRESS, box .00 Herald office. Drug stork.?will skT.i, my stouk on leadIuk avenue, for casli. or will exchange for House in Kami near I lie city. Address DRUGS, llernld L'plowt Hrniieli nffico. RUG STORE KOH SXJE?IN NEW (ERSKY, 20 miniiles from City Hall doing nice bnsluesa ; principals only address DRUGGIST, box 11ft Herald ollico. 1JUNB JBWKLttYSTORK AND BUHtNKM Kttll SALK^ I In llrooklin. N. Y. Parties ueairoua of purchasing please address A., box 19.1 Herald office. Sstislactury reasons lor selling. This is a rare chance. ' For salk-a cigaii stor k.~i n~good"vriox with Fixture* and Figure ; other business ihe cause ol sale. Address Y., t>ox 120 Herald office. Btor sale?gig vit store in :id av. at itusox" able rutoa. Inquire at ill1, University place. FOlfs ALE C HE Al'-V A LEA HI, K M ILK ROUTE \ K W York city. Inquire WM. It. BALDWIN. 2ft 1 Broadway. New York. F'ORTSALE-IS NEWARK. N. .1., A FIRST CLASS Grocery and Provision Store, doing a (food cash trade; cash or first mortgage ; agents not noticed. Address K., box I.VI Herald office FOR SALB-AT a s'maI.'iT flGC'llK i'OIt CASH "oi trade. a miln11 atock uf Millinery, of St rawa, Kelta, Kluar or*. Kealbera, Or?, Ar. Addreaa STOCK, Herald nIHce. Foit salk-i.ot ok u'uod ( v is;"comic".""i'oijlri ral and trade. Addreaa BNGUAVHK, Herald oRtue. tfiOR S A I.K?LIQUOR AND I.AOKK IIKK.It SALOOX*? I Shuffle Itoarda and llaxatolle wltb lotn; I.enae , tormi moderate. Apply at 1*1 South 5th av. IpOR SALK -CONFECTIONERY AND TOY STORK VCI Uili av. N'oa:onta. FOIt SALE-IRON KOINIHIY 'AilXI411. WITH KNKlne, Boiler, Cupola, Crane, ShalMnc. TnoU, Wocona. Pattern < for houaelioid and Jobbing work. Leaio $S?U per year. Good running eater; will lie aold for #1,300, on eaay lorma. Addreaa J. WORK, US Knat S-ltli al. I TO It SA I.K O.NB OK Til k KINKST UQI'Oll STmtKS on Woat at. Apply tu SMITH .t LANK. 225 Canaln FOR sale?DRUG STOKlii HOOD KIXTI KKS. stock and Trade; aril cheap; other huainesa. Inquire on uremiaea, 1m Grand at., or addreaa H. C. HOSVVKLU Brooklyn, k. D. fJTOK SABB-A^KIItST class |,Ii;l o!t STORK; OB will exchaugre for a win a 11 Farm in Westchester 01 Hiatal Inland, Address OWNLH, Herald Uptown Braucb ofloa. IpOR SALK ?ON iTcCOUST OK SICKNESS OFTiIR owner, Iho 3liyear old Public House corner of lltli av. . and 21?th al. For particulars apply at J18 West 88th at. DOR 8ALB AT A H A RO A IN ? A RB8TADBANT OI9 1 leading avenue, near railroad depot: p>tablisbed *ev. eral years. Apply to MARK LEVY, 778 Gtli av., cornet 44ll> st. Fob 8alk?wink. riUAlt A.m> II ee It ~8aloo.v~ first cta?n ; lritti it., ne*t door to Wallack'a Theatre. Apply to II. II., No. 8 West llth st. TCU)r salk CM15aP-Kl itsT"CLa5SJRU KLItY btorb; lines In the city; nnw doing a good trade; owner mine Into other business. Audrt-ss S. A , Herald Uptown Branch of. Bee. FOR SALE?AN OLD MTABUIfliO I'LTiLin linmr, the Buret lodge room and best ball room In tha city, doing good business; satisfactory reasons given Tor eel line term* easy ; lorittian unsurpassed. MAX BAYERSLiORFER, 14 Chambers et. Oft HAI.K AT A SAOftiriOft?UTOCK. LRAftS Aftft Fixtures of an embroidering, lingerie and stamping establishment; a pood paying liueioi'lt; beet location in, the city ; eetanllehed IS years, with a good run of baet rity customers; stock entail and select; owner wishes to retire and will sell at a great sacrifice. Address LINGERIE, I Herald office. tjVoif saiVk riiktr-a kink large kike and I bnrglar proof Safe, with Inside vault. Address OFFICE, box 117 Herald office IKOjfSAFKS?TWO It!OX RAFFS. DOtfBLK DOORA larpe sire; one for ftet, other Apply at No. 4 How line Green. upper floor. IOKIIOl'BES FOR HUTCHKRS. LAGER-BRER, Hotels. Ac.; batchers' Fixture* and Tools. MATIIESON, 34th it. and 11th av. AUNDRY FOR HALE?IN BROOKLYN; OLD K8T.A"B^ llslied: doing a pood cash business Apply at (Kt9 llroadway. New York. IKASK, STOCK ANJ) FIXTURES FOR SALE?OP J one of the larpest old established Dry and Fancy lioods businesses on lltli nv. N. SCIIAINWALD A CO., Ill West 30th St. LD ESTABLISHED BAR AND CHOP HOUSE?A bargain, through III health. Apply at Uoase of Lords, East Houston at. Rare ciiance.-for sale, a wki.iT estaiT llslied llnrdware Business. In a growing near by city; rapital required, about &>,0U0. Address A. B., box 121 Herald ofllee. Rare bargain.-splendid new domestic lull cabinet Sewlnp Machine for $.V't; cost $IIA; can show bill of sale; inust be sola. 24U Hudson it, opposite Brooms. SHOE STORE FOR SALE?HAVING TWO STORElTl would ssll or exchange one (or a small lightly eneninber? ?' "(" -j m? " "itt "? " '"""'jThe amateur rkoatta. tiif. iioat racks at saratooa. pull reports hv special despatches o\ the pays ok tiik races. WITII IlKHULIS t ND PARTICULARS, IN TIIK KVKNIMi TKLKOKAM. To BARBksst?TO HK SOLD. Intm^SKQITEscFoP the drain of lhi> owner. the I#mi> and Untune ot a Berber Simp on Ne.?ark ar., JcrsryiCity Heights; the late proprietor. John Nai-inltn. ha? been writ nml favorably known in the trade Tor ;1I ?Mr?. Eor lull paritcnlara apply to Mrs. NAISMITII. I'd Kliotl place, Jersey Clljr Heights. The eesrcorker hhockey akp liquorstore In the Fourth ward fur tain, doing large caah business; reasonable rani. nvr years' lea*" ; owner la going to Europe an account nf III health. Parties whn mean bnslneaa pleaae rail at .Vil I'eari sc. renter Frankfort. No agents. WHOLESALE AND retail tka. COFFEE and Snire Hiisiness foraale. if applied for at once ; owner going abroad. line trade strictly rash ; ail the facilities for a larrc business. Call to-day and Monday at KM Newark ST., Jersey City ,-IMl BARKKl/S OLD CIDER \\NK DARIN LOTS TO sjv/l/ suit pnrcliaaera. T. P \ouKKS A SON. 1S7 Wa*hlng\>n si.. Xew York. ?11 iii ?por sale, in jersey\piret ou9 oi'U. ruriirr Liquor Store; lease fltVor ten yesra; rem leas then $'.'0; owner jrwtt I rise out of busXieas. Addrasa LHjl 1)11. Poet office Jeraey City. M l< 1(1 \ K IIV- * * KINK NO.- 2 B').;akim;s *ILL KOK HALgT. A cheep Apply tl No. I.t I'ttk row. 7 LARhK WT OK I,KATI!Kit KKLTINO IN OOflD .,'Y condition. from 2 to PI Incite*. double and tingle, fol ale clirtp bv ltKIDY A lIAKtKY, 62 Krauklort M?< York. jcioii OAI.K uK I, VI IIBS. " OKILLA 1 Tapping Machine-. Hhafllnr. Pulllea, Ac.. with TooJi hrlnngni if to eame . lino Block of Malleable Uae klllingt mid inleeellnneone Steam Kitting tioodi, at itt a ad 114 Ool4 New York. FOK HALE TTlKAP?at" HT7.<iKK ALP'S BKLTJNd and Hepalr Work*. * "> let a*. a Zl lnrh and a 17-lncl doable leather Hell, almoat new; a lot of entailer tleee alee on hand . belt* repaired with rood eacnnd leather at a great rednctlnn on new leather pricen; labor, cement and rleeei r.-.luce.i inin?i prteee F~OK OA L K-K N 6 INK, L AT IUK. PLANK MILL Milling Machine. Woodworking Machinery, Shafting, Hanger- and Pulleye. Tits Medi-on et. 1.YOK SALfc-A SO I COPPKIt STILL J.JUU HALr lone caparite. with eolumu complete. Sit in-hee dlameler. Initnlre of MATH KW BKAOY, Not. 4 and ?i Bridge at., Brooklyn. V'lt SALE CHEAP?A KINK J IIOHSK IIOKlZONTAt r tuhnlar Holler. Addreee i< ST.. box 117 llerald oflkre. STKAX KSOINK. Cv LIXDKR ISX.1; OAK Bl IXli rnontng at 117 Prince et. ; a .1 be mid cheap. iirantkd?portablk stkam enoink. * to 13 TT horee power Addreee. with lull deecrlptlon and price, h. .aMl fll. 4'.'2 Orand el.. New York. YlrANTKH?A SECOND HAND IITDKAULIO KAM IT and Cylinder. HI to 18 Inchee diameter, working Iroke from J4 to :i'i inchee; aleo an Aecnmulator. large rnoiigh to work the ebo?e at a prceeure ol To to lull tone. Addreee box .'4 elation U. Hrnoklyn. 11TANTBD \ 8BCOND HAND BAXTBR KMilNR. TT Addreee, etatlng loweel pr.ce, MKLaK, bo* 3.H71 Poel nllice, New Y'nrk. Yl' ANTKO-A OOOD SECOND HAND I'PHIOIIT KMIT glr.e and Holler, from two to lour borte power .1. i. m'tton. j17 caaei Me ~\XTANTKD?A OOOD BKCOXD HAND LOCOMOTITX TT Ibtller. Mo n fact In diameter and abont IS feat lone, with allconnectiona. Addreee J. IJIlLMK, beg 4,183 Pee* oltce, New Y orke h