Newspaper Page Text
12 EITUATIONS WA2ITE2>-rKl?lALRK. Cooki. ln? WEST 27T1! ST.?A RESPECTABLE COLORED JLvM) woman as cook; restaurant or club house preferred. TZM WKST~7HTH ST., TOP FLOOR.-A YOCNO -LvJJ. colored girl a* good cook, washer and ironer; first class city reference. Call on Monday. <)m WK8T USTIi ST.?A COMPETENT WOMAN AS ?TrX rook In a private family, where a thorough cook find baker is required; understands marketing; no waahiug: reterenno. Can be seen on Monday. O A I ELIZA MET!I ST~ ATRESPECTARLE OIRL AS xx cook, washer and Ironer; no objection to the country ; beet citr reference. Call for two days. QO/k BAST litfTH ST .ONE i- LLiUT, FRONT.?AN' American woman of experience ns rook and to do other work; understand* ail kinds of housework. TOO 3D AV.-?A YOINC WD M K N AS FI RST CLASS jlOO English cook; competent in ail its branches; no objection to a hoarding hoimo ; reference. C'Iin-iiil>t*rmu*()K. Ac. mO EAST 3KT1I ST.?A NICE YOCNO AMERICAN Alu girl as chambermaid nnd waitress or to take rare of Ohildren: is not particular nhont wages, bat likes a good home. Cull for ?WO EZTT ' *T 11 AV., BETWEEN 418T AND 42D 8T&?A UU*I respect able young Low bormsn girl to do upstairs work and washing and ironing in a small family in which ?o other girl is needed, or to do upstairs work in a large family. Dreismaken unci Seamstresses. ( EAST dOTIi ST., HASEMENT DOOR. AS BEAMI strew*; either hy the day, week or for a mouth, to sew In private family: can ? nt and fit nicely; no objection to the country ; satisfactory reference. 8 JAN* ST KAMILY KEWIKO OR DRB88N MUNQ by the day; good operator <>n machine; specialty. chil dren's and infants' clotbitn;; would altor and repair in city c?r country; city reference. Call on or undress Mm. Will ANT. O/J WK8T 4Tii ST.?A KIH8T CLASS"DRRdSMAKKR Ov wishes engagements; highest references; $d per week; $1 2o per day. OA VfKBT lldl'MoS ST \ i' 11 K M'M LADY OU dressmaker, who understands cu ting and fitting, and having giveu directions in Paris and London, desires a plat-o at forewoman in Mew York or vicinity. Address A. M. tin ka8t 5fh iT. compktj m dhfchhmaking; fitting ? specialty; all kinds of family sewing, operating and children's clothes; would send otil hy day. n~~ O WKST 1?4TII ST.?A comPETKNT YOIJNU LADY O as resident drt stmakcr and sournstress; country preferred; salary not ho much an object us a good home. Address ADVERTISER. Oi 1 NS SOT 5St? 5t I oikl, i m>m:>t\NDI\T; OtI dressmaking. to do any kind of sea lag in a family ; willing to take care ol a child. 7~1 AD \ V. AN AMERICAN LADY. I N I M MTTI ol diate want, wishes shirt making and turaily sewing. Mrs. IK)1m;K. Oj_Q 31) AV.. IIA kleMT^-A yo UNG~ WOMAN TO u.h dressmaker ami seamstress by.the week or month; can operate on Wheeler A Wilton's machine. Address A. M. F1H8T* CLASS DKKSSM AKEK?II KLD~l7OsTTInNS many years in London, furls and New York, desires a position or would go to families; tin exceptionable reference. Address Y. Z., Herald Uptown Rruucli offiee. private "dressmakkr will wait upon laaies at residence and take work at home, perfect fit and style guaranteed; Princess drew a specialty. Address H. C., Ilerald Uptown Rranch office. U day; first elass cutter ?ncl fitter; stylish trimmer. Adir?u M. I)., box 107 Herald L'plown lirnurU office. General Houarwork, Sir. 9<? ST. MARK'S PLACE. ROOM ft.-A YOINO TROTestaut German girl to do housework; good rofereueea. iii') 4iii avT"?:oknku -i<rn >i a new enoTajO land woman would uo housework in a widower's family. 19( I aiJ a v.?a :voUncTu i kl to no gkjTriiaI TssU housework In a private family; rctcreuees. Ilouaekrrpers, Sir. 7 1ST ST.?YOINO GERMAN WIDOW AS llOUKBbeeper; not afraid of work. CV^-IRVING PLaCE- AN K\I'KIIIE.NOKlVvorN<> *.)') German lady as housekeeper In a small family, German or English, and to assist holy ot the house; a m od home preferred more than way,os; best reference. Apply between 10 and 4 o'clock. VIQ EAST S3D HT.?AN AMBKICAN AH HOU8EJ.I?" keeper; fully competent; best reference. 1i)0 WEST do I'll ST.. NEAR II ROADWAY-A sdO widow lady of middle age. in good standing, as housekeeper in a hotel or widowor' family; best references furnished. Call tor threo days. Inquire for liOUbhXEEPKK. A repined lady would like a position op trust in an elderly gentleman'* household. Address, Willi particulars, M. II. L,, llerald offlos. A' Ml I'M..". AGE D Mil.KHAN \SIHO A'. WHO IB about to hreak up houavkeepinr, wishes a position at working honarkreper. where she could have her little daughter with her; no salary expected. Address Mrs. P. ORIS WOOL.. Post office, Jersey City. N. J. A" COMPETENT AMERICAN WOMAN AN WORKING liousek.-rper; would do the work of a small family; city or country Address llOI'NKK EE PER. Herald olllce. An mil n mun oe ItnoJ address, aged 33, In n first class liulol or widower's funnily; trustworthy. Address. lor tliree days Mr>. II. i stk\ KIM, Malioa L. AS~iIol: SE K K E l' b R-^TN I) K l{ 8 T A MIS THE MANairrmrnt of servants: la fully competent; or would take entire charge of * .sntali tarm ; cnn miiko hotter; la n good baker nnd not afraid ot work. Address Mrs. WILLIAMS, box 113 Herald ollice. Liinmtressea, dK "lOO WEST 20T11 ST. (HELL NO. 4).?A FIRST XaLawl clnss laundress would tnko one or raore families or gentlemen's washing. 1 IIO WEST 3'IT 11 ST~ SKtltlKH FLOiML?A REX Xd1 spcetablr colored woman wleliea families' or treu Uemon'i washing bv tbe week or raoutli. Address LAUNDRESS. lOQ DELANL'ET ST.. ROOM 10 ?A ItESI'EHTAHr.H iajO married woman as 11 rat class laundress, or would )>e willing to do anything where she could have her child with ber; he is walking, very quirt and would make no trouble; wages not so ranch an ol.jecl as a hoiuo tor both. Call ou or address, for two days, A HI KKTIM .ll. 1 ??Q EAST 13T1I ST.?A VOUMI WOMAN. UNDEttOt" standing washing and ironing, to work by the day; good refrreners. iT;q WBST 318T sr-A FIRST-CLASS WAHHKB ItJt/ and iriiner wishes to go out hy the day; best city referenco. Inquire for Mrs. O'KKRFK. i L' 1WEST at'TIl ST.?A WoMANWISIIKS WASH1U1 ing. J. MOKssIb. 1()J east .'.Mil st a sl'LENUIll s!lIKT I It ON KB At/O would like washing to do at homo. ohc HTB AV. -A tloLOKKH WOMAN wishes TO i'/o lake in washing hy the week or day. Jill EAST 31 ST ST.-A FIRST CLASS LACNDRB88 Oil' wants washing at h?r own home ; references. *Ji)A KAST ill'D sT.-A WOMAN TO DO WASHING U^j'l or koueecleanlng I'.v the day. Tl l\ HAST 1STII ST.?A I1K SI'M'TAIILh WOMAN. tI" a compe.ont laundress, wishes tome families' washing; terms, 76c. per do/.en. Tl 7 WKHT a?TII ST.?A VIKST CI.tSS I.Al'.NDKESM xi I to go out hy the day or week; city reference. Cell ?r addreea. ? Ty Q 6TII AV.. ROOM 6 ?A lttsf KCTA1U.K lOO women to <lo family or gentlemen'? washiug; good lltjr reference. i"! Ia") - L> a v.?a woman 7(7(7(7 out" infifk L*xl-+J day: moderete wages: reference. cioon wasiii.i; ani> p.os: u and to assist wanted at 1ST West H4th at. A NT h Li?A POSITION As llKAj/l .ACNDKE8S IN a hotel. Addreta Mrs. itOWDOlN, box 104 Herald office. Keraes, Ac. CI7 RKNWICK ST . NKAK OANAI. ST.?AS KXPF.RI? I enced nurae in any kind of tick neat: reference. tje? w:-:m MTU sr. lmknkk STB a v.?a oooo I O nurae, of lone practice, wiahea one or two engagementa; moderate terms. Call or write. i] - w i;sr -2 .Til sf. r?>i* ki.ooh. front room".? J. J.tJ A rrapectabla married women at wet nurse. Can he seen for two days. I~" *) I WKST VII > st"--a" MA KNGLAND NCRSB ^ 1 and aceoncheuae is now prepared to take ladiea iminc confinement; beat care and lowest terma. Adoroaa If CMS K. inu RAJtT I.ill if v VOUNO MARR1KD IwO woman, havinir hat her own bane, at wet nurae; irood references froui physician and others. j." I WKsTLin >T. V> WET KURSK. B ITU BR AT OliT private reaideucea or at her own home. Mrs. PMUL AJ)A. RAST >T 7 A'KCTAItiik XieT married woman at ?et nurae; good relerence. Call for t wo daya. JCO WB8T 43d ST.?A It hSl'lsCI Alll.K WOMAN AS rt'AO wet nnrae ; has recently lost her htisbaud; her hauy fs els week" old; best reference. eio fUT 44in st a voi So ambri< an oirl, cJaO aged 17. aa child's nurae, or would do light housework. Call on or address tiKKfKP I ?K. 7*>j" bTH AV. ?A RKs I'KCTAIII.K WOMAN, WITH At her home. Ur**' 7U7 wrfi a v.?a ioi'no wuma.n a* oaiiii IOI nurw>; city reference. 707 lorn a v. \ vmlm. .makkikd ?u)i.i.\Ts I ul wet nuree ; medical relereuee if required. 7 fU? STII AV. ?A HRSKECTAHLK t'ltl.OKKD HIkL I 0\J ?" oor>t rind arani.treaa m a private laiuily; ?ood farmer. ('Mil tor 1*0 d?i? A" RMPSCTABLX WOMAN AH Xl'RSK TO AN If. valid, or to attend mi elder.y lady. Addre*. XI K.sK Herald ofBce. WJkXTKD-t MM ML IN"; \ KK.M-K.TAM3 Tf ilvrmari <trl, it- nnr-a or chambermaid; f.wl rulerHMA Addraaa D. l?>x IJ3 Herald office. Walirenei, dM . SITCATIOX WAXTKl) IN A I'HIVATK FAMILY A8 waiireaa or nnr?e and waltre**, by n<tind. willing girl. field iro to England with a family. Addre** I?, box 17* Herald office. niieellanroiM mWILLOl'GllBY ST.. I1KOOK1.YX. U I.-AX American young lady wlahea a allnaiion In a rinra or office, or at anything .lie can make a living at decently; wood reference. Any |.?r*)n bar lint audi pica,* call on or addreaa LlHHlll 111 N I In. HTIi AV A WOVAX WITH ...)<?!? KKFKir. XOO encea ai eompanion to an elderly ladr ; no obyactlona to an Invalid. Apply, from 2 to 4. Monday. Qlllk KAsT IfrtTH sT.-AX AM KHIl'AX (IIHL <>F U OawVf III a afora or aa (opyl.t; had experience in belli. JJ 10 AV.-A Ytii Mi LA MY A-> i OMI'ANION IN O^U a family, or lo a lady; baa no objection to travel or to aaeiat in the atndiea of children; wiratd be willing to aaaiat in houaekcrpinit aud aewlng. Addreea II. II. round LADY. RKKIXKD VXD KIllUATRD. wlabea a poaition aa companion to an invalid or rbild; la eapali e of managing a hoaaebold ; would accept any poaition not menial ; convoraea 111 <?ermend haa unexceptionable reference*. Addteea V V? II*. i. e. T YOUKu LA lit WldliSS \ ronlTIOli KH <<iM J\. panion In return lor board. Addreaa I'OMI'A.VK'K, Herald l.'ptewn Bral cli aBMa AX AM Kill CAN LADY OK REFfNRRF.XT AND education, reduced in rlrranialancca, dealrea to place one or both of her dauttbteta ?17 aed !.'? yean re.pectlrelyt with a Bret elaia American lanilly; one aa ladiea'maid or (tovermeea; the other In aoine liftit ocenpatloa; bigbcal rcfI Ofaaaaa, Ailtm L, box 104 Herald oflleo. k i c,' 11* *Vv. NEW YC BtTTrATIOWB WAHTED-FBMALES. 'Hisr<*li>an<*?u*Ar.OOD AND HAPID PEXWOMAN WISIIKB COPTinir or to direct enrelo|?es; beat reference. Addreaa K. WOOD, Herald Uptown Branch office. TWO KKSHBCTABli TOUNU LA DIBS HoBBIr! poaitinni u eaahtcra or employment of any kind not mrnlal; refrrcueri Klren. Addreaa IiMPIiOYMtiNT. Herald office. UrAjfTKl)-A~POMTION A8 COMPANION. BY A YT lady ; baa taete in mnkinit and arranoni: dreeaea and all kind* of sewing; or would take care of an Invalid: any poaltlou not menial; city or country. reference given and required. Addreaa MAM, Herald Uptown liruncli office I>K0k'K8H10AiAL SITI ATIOKS W AJVTKU? PIMAUBfc. "A "" v.; KDITC AT KI mnfij RTn^fn o? A ninthly aequalnted with Krencb aud Oerraau. aeeka a aituatlon ue ttoverneaa or ccinpanlou; city reforeucea. Address UoVKIlNKSS. Heraldofcdd. AI.ADY WRITKK (UlNK 1DKMIAI, AND BUSINESS letter*; ladies, 36 conta, gentle uteu. 60centa. 31 Clinton place, third floor. Can be acen on Sunday. I>EiYaTE~ INSTKid.'TltliSo DhSlltKS "PUPILS IN English and innaic; refcra 10 pntrona. Addreaa IN* sTKUCtUESS. Herald Uptown Branch office. WANTKITTMM EDI ATEL. V-A P< ?S 1TION AH NUBsery itnvorneas, by a young lady Inlly competent. Addrma IRKNK A. II., Herald office. WANTKD?A I'OSlTlOX IS A FAMILY AH A V1SITInc itovorneaa by a young lady quallbed in all reapecta for the poaitlon. Addreaa-S. K. L.. hoi 14tS Herald Uptoan Branch office. ' IIEIaP WASTKD?KKM.AJUK # A Hivr" LAUt AHKNTH ^ANfRK^-'fo' H*Lt AN Ix. article wbicli no housekeeper can be without. Apply, from n to 13 and A to Y>, to MIi'HKL P. l;AKKK A CO., Itfi P.nst I7th at. ANKAT AMERICAN WOMAN*. WHO THOROUGHLY understands dressmaking and housekeeping may find a pleasant home at 331 5lh >>.. .South Brooklyn \ T ?17 IlltoADWAV -LAMIKS' T A I'll IIT ~\\ l!< I OR 2\. art drcM and cloak making by actual measure and designing trimmings. A ?YOUNU T/ADIKR TO IJ3AKN TKLEfiUAI'IIY; -,'V. positions secured immediately when cjunl.lle-l. TELEl.llAKII INSTRUCTION i'UMI'A.NY. 21 I'nrk row. A~C IIA NCR. ?lkalin ri'.LKUKAl'HV DEMAND KOB operators; stirrers guaranteed, commence Immediately; tcrina low: day or evening. TilOMl'bON'8 College, 20 Hit a*., oppnalta Cooper Inatiluta. A "WORKWOMAN roil rilK MASUKACTUKINii OK lace and nuitlin goods; none but those of long experience and good reference need address A. II., Herald Uptown Branch oilier. A.N EDUCATED* UllY aHOKT :<:.YEA~ilriOK AO fcf, jV to Lake charge of a widower's house sud two children (lioysi, unexceptionable references will lie required. Address. with full particulars, W. f. C., box 81) Tost office. A l'i.AIN ('OUNTKV OIK1. WANTED i OR GENERAL 2 V. housowork ; two In lamlly ; per week. Apply, before 12. at No. <V| West loth si., hull d--or. BUsinksSTvvoman wanted?will bomb enterprising, refined, discreet, lone woman lake a new three--tory building, and start some paying business, millinery, dressmaking, fancy goods, variety store?and let the upper rooms, giving half profits instead of rent! Address I.AN DLOKD, care of Mr. Hay, 3d sv. and 55th at., Brooklyn. ALTAIAN ,VT'7)7:i3l AND~33a 6TI1 AV., WANT AN expert hand, tltoroughly posted in ladles' and cliililreu'a flue underwear, to take charge ot stock and to receive work ; one having some knowledge of dressmaking ami snits preferred; a permanent position will ho olTered to a lady fnlly answering above requirements, who ean bring unexceptionable references from former employer. Address (by letter onlyj, stating lull particulars, qualifications t iLOAKMAKE38 WANTED?EXFKRIKNCED HANDS \J only need apply at II. a. OLAFUN A CO.'S Warerooms. 40 and 42 l.ispcuard st. PlItBT CLASS MILIJNKKS WANTED FOK THE country ; bent wages given. Address A. FlhEIl. 2.226 Jid ar. /''IK L WANTED FOK OK NKRAL HOUSEWORK, VT washing and Ironing; one speaking French preferred. 1If.'i \\ urertey place. MILI.INKRK^WA.NTKU, A FIRST CI.A8S MII.L1NHK to take charge of work room and pet np styles for a lar<e House in New Ilaven, Conn.; also saleswoman for the different fancy food* dopartmonti. Apply to M. K. IIIOOIX9,..a Weil 14th at., or address KDVVAlU) MA1.I.KY, Now llavrn. Conn. RII. MACY A CO.. 14TI1 ST. AND OTH AV.. WANT firat class milliners and trimniors. Apply to the superintendent. lE NACY * {io? 14Tlf fir ANDHTH AV., WANT a womnn to take eharge of their dressmaking department; must understand cutting and fitting; one who lias had a dressmaking business preferred. Apply to the superintendent. Q A~L KSI.ADIEfi FOB LACE, RIBKON, UNDEKWEAK, O corset ami suit department wanted; none but those lim ing been especially employed and practically experienced personally, H. ALT.S1AN A CO., 3 >1 and 333 DGi nv. UK AMTTKUR REG ATTAT " THE UOAT HACKS AT SARATOGA. FULL REPORTS HV SPECIAL DESPATCHES ON THE DAYS OF TIIK HACKS. WITH KKHULTS AND PARTICULARS, IN TUP. EVEN I NO TKLEOKAJI. TV ANTED?A IIR8T CLASS CUTTER AND TRIMMER II mi Iiidltn' cloaks, who can act ni foreman. Inquire at 23 I Church nt., up stair*. \VANTKI>?A PROTEST ANT Vl'lllT"PO ^GENERAL IT housework, in u small family iu the country, a short distance from Now York; reference* required. Apply at 427 Went 23d at., on Monday, August 7, between 10 and 12 M. WANTKD-A FOREWOMAN IN A GENTLEMEN'S necktie manufacturing home ; thorouirhly competent to take charge of the wurkroom. FLE1SCII A CO., hB6 Broadway. TV ANTED IMMEDIATELY?TWO FIRST CLAS8 MILIT liner* to go Sonth . liberal IndncementH to the right portlea. Apply to JOHNSON BROS. A CO.. 405 Broadway. TV ANTED ?A GOOD COLORED HULL. 14 TO 16,' T1 roust l>e a good waaher and Ironer; neat and clean. Apply tu Dr WHITEHEAD, 202 Rant 5ilth >t. Wanted?experienced iiovvmakers" and embroiderers; work ciTen out; deposit required. Apply alter 11 o clock at 880 West l.'th at. TVANTKD-TWO FIRST CLASS SALESWOMEN FOR TT Ladies'Underwear department. Apply ahont 10 A. M? to Mr. PARKER, Lord and Taylor's, Iiroadwny and 20th St. TV A NTKD-A YOUNO GIRL (UKRMAM OR SWEDISH) tt for general homework in a family of two; one that enn appreciate a good home to high wage*. Apply at 204 East 14th st. "1VANTED?GIRI, TO WASH JAND 1 RON AND TO AS' TT nist in general work, tit) West 52d st, \VANTED-A GIRL WHO UNDERSTANDS MAKING II pills. Address PILLS, bo* 1 III Herald office. "lUANTKU-A lilUL LIU A SMALL PRIVATE II family; one who is fond of children and a good plain seamstress, aged from 20 to 3D; English. German or Amerienn Mr. It I i.1 IVnv.rlitv nln.A \\TA NTED?A YOt'NG LADY TO ATTEND IN A it lunch room. J. D. OILMOK A CO., :2t)5 Oreenwicli it. IITANTKD?WET NCKSK AT 2 6 WEST 36TH IT. M Call at once; bring baby. tfAMKH-A YoI' Nt; 1.ADY OK~ LITBRAUY CAII tutcity lift correspondent. Address M. A., box 110 Herald office. "1 (U \ fi KST 'CLASS OPERATORS-WITH T11 KIR 1UW own in noli I ne* (Wheeler A %VIIncoend Domestic .to work on Indies'fine cloaks; also hands to finish. at :t:?7 si.. np stairs, third floor. Also an operator. with her own buttonhole machine. SITUATIONS \V A\TKI>?AIaKS. A" N ACflTK. INTKI.LICtKNT YOl Xu MAN HbMllKS a situation at mi) respectable businoai; good security. Address WILLIAM KaNI,, )') Harrow at. bROETHAND DESIRE* A BITCATION n? iftnismieniift: writes Manson's system. Address HTENOO, Herald office. YOl'XO COLORED MAN WISHES A SITUATION to do housework in a private fnmiljr; best reference. Address 1 OL'Nti, box 1H6 llerald office. A" PARTY HKTIItlNO KROM BUSINESS 18 DESIR". onft of obtsininc s situation for hit porter, a trustworthy men, who lias h?en witli hint for 15 years; can furnish ibe very best references. Address box 217 Herald office. yocniT" ok km an wi Sues a- situation ah porter or onvthinc else. Address HUOO KRIDRICII, Id State street. STOUT, SOBKR, KELlAHLR COLOKKTI MAN end wife desire a ill nation in the country together; he to take care of horses and make himself generally nsefal: she us plain rook, washer and irouor. Call at iki West llHh IL, rear. T~~ci roiTOKR or VewsTaFeiis or other cltlea?Wanted. an engagement as New York cor rest>gpid> nt bv an experienced writer. Address READY VV.Jf. Herald Vptown ltraneh office. rmvo Iti'YS, ONK 17. ONE 10. DKHIKK SITUATIONS J In any triHid bones or office down town; tyod penmen and good rclerence?. Address to RKllINAULT A DE TIILKBK. 49 Exchange place. New York, room 11. JXTAITRRIR A PRlTAti FAMILY ItY a TOC1TO II Englishman; has been living with the beet New York families: best reierrnce. Address EDWARD, Herald Uptown Hritnch office. \V AN I KD-HY A COLORED MAN, A SITUATION AS f T ralet. with experience. Address VALET, Herald Uptown Branch office. \r"olMI MAN. ~ABLK AND CAPABLE OP DOING almost anything in or outside of an office, desires employment. Address M.. box 105 Herald office. CLERKS \.\l> sAhKSMEY. AKKHI'KCTAIILR TOCNO MAN. WHO 1IAS TRAV. riled a ureal deal, wants it situation in a place of hnsl. nv<-, writes a good hand ; w<<ll educated mid intelligent. MMM W. Vi . ho* 180 Herald oftirr. >T KXPE1U KNCF.I) BOOKKKRPKK WISIIKS TO employ spare time; terms reasonable ; hu t practical knowledge of general business. Address G. K., Do* Post office. THOROUGHLY RXPBRlfeKCBU MAN WANTED to take charge of md i or for * notion and trimming department in a large nnd first class dry goodt hnnse In Hrooker; an excellent < pportunlty for an eneriretie and competent ;.a?ty Address, with full partlrtilara, A. II. C., box Post office, Hrooklyii. Yoi NO MAN DKMRBB v POSITION All BOOSkeeper, attiatani or aa collector; moderate salary. Addreaa t . K . Jr.. 14 Maednngal at.. New York. N KSTABl.lSliHD REAL KsTATK AMTc'iiMMISslon broker doan town will give an Intaresl tu a young man with goon references; EVX) rash required. Ad dreaa KINAM'IAI., Herald nffli'S. 1 FEW KX PERiENCKD AND KKL.IAIILK 0AN-, ji. rusting salesmen ran have immediate and prod tel.I a employment; tlio?e who hat e heen In the sewing machine irnde preferred. Apply at 31 Union square, alter II A.M. Monday. NEW Y V?K klH'TToN flOUNK DEftlKB THIi services of a jiwnj mtn lanilliar with the th.ehust n. ?? and rnmpeient to act at auctioneer. Address, with relerencea. bo* J.5NA Poet office. ~s PRACTICAL BOOKKBRPRIL3T. WILL REM OMR J\ his services In any position et ?i? per week; raferance. Addreaa iMMPRrE.Nl, bo* 170 Herald I piuwn Branch office. 1.JA5 llreadway. APOTIIKCAKIRa AND DKDOOISTS -A YOUNG MAX, years of ace. wishing to devote hit evvnir(ft to the study of medicines, offers hla arrelcea gratuitously; references if desired. Address XATKKIA MK1HCA, Herald o dice. ATIIOItoL II Hl'SINKKS MAN, FIOHT YEAK8 ON the road as talesman, wants n situation to travel lor manafartiirsrs or lergr Jobbers. would (o Wsst. Mouth or ebreed; speaks German and Kngllsh, ran give good refera oca. Addreaa W. IL, Herald Philadelphia Branch ofllee. )RK HERALD, SUNDAY, J CLRRKI) A\I) IALRH!IIR!T. "ftoolprfsVKSTluXfEb, BaLaNCkT>"aND WRITTEN J) tip ; c*?n?aUinfr ai.<1 working accountant. JOHN 11. CO MP. li? No. U Murmj ?t. C11.KKK OK BOOKKEEPER-WANTED. A hlfcT) lion as itiovf by it gentleman with considerable expeI rlenoc in offlr. business baring been twelve years In an Irish bank, where lie held the position of chief accountant, end subsequently actio* secretary to the liltb Cattle Trade Assoaiation. Please address M., box UOl Herald office. DHDrrcCKKKrQUALirrKD, AC.. WANTS A TEHmanenl situation an manager or otberwlae. Addresa Ai,I'll A. Ileruld office. T,1 MI'I.OYM K.N'T WANTED IN A HAW OK OTHER J a office, by an experienced clerk, an Anieriean ; soven years in last place; lair writer; able and wi III nc; plOpcr week; city reference*. Addree* S.. box lt>5 Herald office. IflMrieOTMBNT WANTED? IN A CLERICAL CjC J pocity, by a ouDi|ieteiil accountant. city or country: temporary or perinauent; would like a manufacturing bullneat. Address t). K.. Herald office. /lOUD GROCERY OI.ERKDKSIRKS A POSITION?13 VJT capable ol running or managing a atore. Address li., box 106 Herald office. TTRN KRAIY E XI' E KIK N C EI) TRAVELLING KALESVJT men. both In and out ol city, by a manufacturer of lace and innidin good*. Ihu?e with tha best of references only need address A. 11., Herald Uptown Branch office. 1YKA1. ESTATE OWN Kit HKyCIKKS MAN TO Cob J I lect rents; must deposit <1,0<J0 cash. Address 11 IJ I.'S 1!S, Herald office. SITUATION WANTED?AS CITY OR RESIDENT buyer or manager for ladies' salts, cloaks and under. a car; 10 years' experience; A1 teferencos. Address HLrYBit, box 127 iloruld office. SOAP.-A I*ARTY 'WITH ACQUAINTANCES AMONO manufacturers, hotels snd laundries can do well with "ur Soap; goods meritorious, and sell alter a trial. TAXiOINE, Herald office. T~ O DRUUG1UT3.-A COMPETENT AN I) GRADUATE pliamiaclst, speaking English, PrecciL and German, with over teu years'experience in the ntosrleading stores In i ho out, having unexceptionable references, desires an engagement. Address <J 11KM 1ST, Herald Uptown Branch office. rpilK A M ATHUtt RKHATTA. 1 THE HOAT HACKS AT SARATOGA. FULL REPORTS MY SPECIAL DESPATCHES ON T11K DAYS OK THE HACKS. WITH KKsL'LTK AND PAHT1CC ..AUS. In the evemno tkleukam. WTanted-liquur salesmen for"cm* and vicinity; only pnrtlee having an acquaintance need apply; aleo a lew yunng men tu tako casli ordcra Ironi tnnilliea. Inquire, belweeu M and 10 A. M., at jsn Broadway. WANT ED-A SITUATION AS SIllPPINU OK ENTRY clerk; reference and sccnrity given. Address, lor two daye. J. M.. box 1J.'> lleruld oilice. T?,' ANTED?A KRTATL SaI.KMMAN KOR HOSIERY Yl and gentlemen's lurniehtug department. JOHN tiHILLITu i CO., Post office box aJDI, New York. an'TkIc?Assistant resident buyer ok kmbrolderiet and ladiea' furnishing good*; state retail experience, l'oat office box 5,iUl. ANTED?IN A LARUE JOBtilNU HOUSE, SKA RT, active ycunc men, with some experience ; one in dress goods, one in hosiery and one in while guods and linen departments. Address C. J. 0.. box 218 Herald office. "ANTED?MY~iA YOUXO MAN OK 81X~YKAUS' EXpurlcnce. a situation in the wholesale or retail grocery business. Address 1*. VY. 0., box 175 Herald office. WANTED-^OSIT 10N ASHOOKKEPER, SALESMAN or collector; will loan (d.UOO on real eetate seenrity; salary ijH.JOu; reference unexceptionable. Addrust JOHN, Herald ollire. Alf ANTp;U?POSITION AS PRACTICAL BOOKK.KKP <T er, salesman or cashier; can loan Sb.OOU at interest, I first mortgage security no first elms real estate; salary ! $I,.Va>; reference* Ural clues. Address LEDUiilt, Herald officii. \~\rA>TKI7?YOuno ~kANPWHo~HEAI?S^1JSIMK88 ft and positively ha* $.iUO cash to manage our branch business in Michigan. 46 Bond at., 10 to 3. WANTED?IMMEDIATELY, KOK SAN .KttANCIHC'O, two salesmen, one lor shawl department nod one lor laces; It la useless to apply unless sober and competent. Hail Iroui one to two o'clock, Monday, August 7. J. f. COSTKLLU, 49 West Broadway. \1TANTED?P1U8T CLASH, EXPERIENCED OANVAtiTV eers in every city and county In the United States to sell a new "portable burglar alarm tastener" lor doors, wiudows, Ac. ;Qso!netliin;( very popular and cheap aud is one of the best selling articles in the market; respectable and first class canvassers will find this a rare opportunity; only a small capital re<iuireu. Apply to or aituress WILLIAM KDtSALc. otlice <9 Nassau at., New York, second door, back, room 0. ANTKD-A SINlJLE YOUNll MAN WUO CAN write and llgure rapidly; preference given to one with some knowledge of dry goods. Address, stating age, relerenee. Ac., D. U., Ilerald office. ANTED?1>RCK;KEY 1 K ADE-IN A WHOLESALE grocery house, three salesmen. Address, slating real name and references. A. <?.. box 10.4 Herald office. WANTED-A EE W EiFKKlE.NCEU TEA CLKKK& Apply at 81 Vesey it., Monday, between 0 and ID A M. WrANTED-A SALEftMAN OK ABILITY, INTKUKITV and otlior qualification* to travel lor a Unit class staple fancy good* house; entirely new Roods, flense address, with real name and reference, D. M. 0., Herald otliee. WANTED?TilKEK YOUNG MKN To LKAKN BOOKkeeping from i>ractlcai bookkeeper, evenings, Brooklyn, near City Hall; terms moderate. Address COLL1N8, Herald oflice. WANTED?BY~A~YOL'NG ENULI811MAN. AUED 22 a position as clerk; experienced in stationery business', good bookkeeper; relerence lurnisbed; salary moderute. Address 11. k., 1,4:17 d'i uv. U'ANTEU-A YOUNU M~A~N WHO TIIOKOUUULY TT uiiuerstnnds boos keeping ami lias some knowledge of the livery business. State where employed and if able tu give security. Address ElVEilY, box i42 Herald Uptown liranch oflice. \LrANTED?A 1'KUl'KSSlONAk VOL'Nil .MAN OF I TV good christian character and habits nrgemly desires a situation as private secretary or corresponding cierk, has ' acquired souio experience us an editor; is willing to make I htmsaii useful; best nl testimonials furnished; low wages I satinacteiy. J, G, WILLU, ilpiinifteld. Mais WANTED? A KIKST CLASS SALESMAN IN TUB I tinting machines; one wuo thoroughly understands I the business and acquainted with the wholesale hardware \ mid house furnishing goo-Is trade, position and business permanent. Address KElTI.Nii M AC ii IN Ko. Herald oflice WANTED?A ETK8T CLASH S.VLKsMAN ; ONE WELL ! acquainted with the Broadway dry good* and notiou jobbers, tu sell ruching and linen collars and culls; no others ; need apply. A KEDL1CM, ill Walker st. j ApANTKD-BY AN KXl'KKIENCED BUSINESS MAN, I TT who thoroughly uuderstands the line merchant tall- ! oring and tine clothing business, a position with some good New York house; would prelrr ono that lias it tine custom trade; to such 1 can bring luem a flue trade from the city of l'ittsnnrg und locality; rclpreiices nf the very best char- i actor. Aduress 11. VY., Herald 1'hiladelphia Branch oflice. \VrASTED-.\ TRAVELLER EOK LAD!Eh' hi" IT AND TT cloak house in I hiladclphia, for Middle and Eastern Mates; mast h ive experience ; salary moderate. Address, stating terms, Ac., K. L. It., Herald Philadelphia Branch oflice. tji -A YOUNG MAN OF TIVK YEARS' KXPBR1 iPOU, enee in tho counting house of a large maiiulnctory, having Id months' experience in the entry (10[nirtment aud 12 months their bookkeeper, will give the above amount lor a position where his services will he atmrrciated: best ref erencr turnlshed; willing to leave the city, Address IN- I TEUKITY, llermid office. COACIIMK.M A.M> ti AliOK.V KKST A gentleman wishes to kind a situation for hi* riiarlitiiau and gardener. Call on 0. II. EAKTKllHiE, 121) Broad st. GENTLEMAN WISHES A SITUATION FOR niB coachman, a trustworthy single <<mue man, whom l)? can hiKhlv rccomuieniL Address k., Herald Uptown lirancli office. RESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN' W" ISI1ES A HlfUAtlon as conrlunan and groom; fonr .years' city references. t'nil at present employer's, 36 East 12th st. CNOACI1MAN AND OA EDEN It It.-~1) Y ~A SOBER, J trustworthy end reliable man (bsrmtal, understands care oChorses thoronghly ; is a safe and rxperionced driver, city or country; understands all Drenches of gardening. Nblers to present employer. 11U .lidin si., N. V. CNOAOHMAN -BY I1 ROT Esi AN T~YU U N (I MAM; TUOB- i J otiichly understand* horses, harness and carriages; 19 a | tirst class driver; strictly temperate ; has the hem of references. Address, for the week. .J,, box 14t> Herald office. C^AKDENKK OH AUKlCULTUiU8T~ BY A .SCOTCn; X man. married, without encumbrance; ha? a praciica knowledge of hot ami cold graperies, greenhouse plants* vegetables, Ac.; ?l?o a general knowledge of farm manage' incut; eleven years' certificate from lust employer. Address J. C., box IH4 Herald office. CTaRDRNER THAT I HDKRHTAND8 ins BUSIKM0: T greenhouses. graperies, fruit, (lower* ana vegetable*; reference satisfactory. Address K. T.% box 175 Herald | office. ITUATION8 WaNTKI)--BY MAN AND WTriT MAN aa coachman andgardoner: wife to cook. wash. Iron, j iKsen' ? A *1*11 Awn l?. * I. t H., Flushing Post ofllce. \X7 AHTBD M AN AND W1KK.1 M AN AS SIKsT 0LA8S i 11 coachman : wile at drat clna* cook. Only 1'roteaiant* I nerd addrpsa, with beat referenrei, M. 11., box 125 llprald i I lLmc*: j AVr ANT P. I)?A SITUATION BY A SINOLK MAN, AliKD 11 32, ellctly temperate, a* vpgatatile gardener; under tanda llic caro ot Itoreoa; can milk, mow and mako himself j generally ua-ful on a gentleman's place. Addrraa WHIT1 AKI'.II, 13S East Cumberland at., Philadelphia, I'a. I HELP W WTKII-HAI.Ka. K)l WANTED TO I.I.AKN Till. PltY UiYopS commission bnslnesa: one Urine with hia parenta and on# wuh anmp pxpprlonca preferred. Addrcaa, in handwriting ol applicnni.T. A. M., Herald office. Vfi FhW 1.1 VII TOY. STATU>N1 UY AND NOTION trirallera to add llfrnt sample* salable goods on com- | miaeiou. Apply to manufacViirer. 1IH William at. K t CI wki.i. TOOK Part. ai and MaKK most money selling leaa lor tlio OANTO.N TEA COMTANY, MS i'hamoors at. New York. A ?I HATS ft SO: WANT Y0CNO MAN WITH UXK 2Y. amount to Join me in business lolly in rest! gated, bearing large profit*, f all Monday at J'si it eat 23d -t. TITOROUOHLY KXrKIUKNfKD LADY WANTED^- J To take charge and bat for an underwear department in a large and llrat class dry gm da hjnso In Brooklyn ; an excellent opportunity for a competent and energetic party. 2m! AYOPKU man. or LAROK KXPhRlKNCB i* tbi manufacturm* atatloneyy trndc, dealr-a a partition; will ana*** for a modarata alary, city ratarrnrr*. Ad.lreat 11. II., tnrx 4,1111 Now York r-M|?ft|rr. a KI R.ST CLASS IlAltllKIl AND I'.UO I. I!\V ANTKD? ?JL At Lonrr ltraneh. Apply, lirimrni 10 anil U o clock Monday. to N. S. K. A CO., it"D It roadway. QKNTs WAKTKD?ALL OVBK TUB UNITBD State*; oar pond* ?ell at alffht. rood agent* mako tSK* n day TaLLMADOK MaNI'KACTUKINO COMPANY, ttsj Itroadway, Now York. UKNTH wantbo?to 8bll rut. QRRaT aMKHI can Dockage containing So woriti o| rnlnahle Hood* lor 2'<c.; alao rampiign Kngrannira, lladrai and Lovea*' Trle-raph. AMKKICAN MaNL'KACTI'IUMJ company, ;a?i uroadway. Abo* wawtko?fob an or kick ; onb that rraldc* with hla paronta. Addrcsa, in own handwriting. T M . Imh 1 In llrtaiil ,'rtirr. A OK NTS W tNTKII K VKK V \Y II I.KK IN I K V. COK fro and apicea, heat plan nlTerad. Apply to ths OKKaT AJdBRICan KBPUBLIC TKA COMPANY, HI liarclay at. AOKNT--DCKS IS TIIK ONLY PIRM TIIAT CAN tarnDh the (tnnlnr apeakln; telegraph in unlimited piantltiea. -ample* l>y mail '- ? rr-nta. sIMI'SUN A PHAltCK. li.lar at Open Manday. \C11AKCK '.RARH TKLKORArilY; DKMaNO POR operator*; anccaaa guaranteed: rnrnnirnia Immediately. larmw low ; day or earning THOMPSON'* C?ll?(t, M 4th ar., op partita Oooper Inetitate. LUGUST 6, 1876.?TRIPLE HELP WASTKD-MALKh. Hof 'wan ted?To> Ujtfan d1 m > chores; w.voki 93 SO per weak. Address J UDGE, GUtU at.. Lexington av. I) XLTMANA CO.. 331 AND :i!? (JTH AV.. WANT I). to employ two ynnug men. not over 31, who reside with their parents; one a* stock clerk, with some kuowled e of office itiiiien, and one with some experience lu general rorrcsponileneo. a? assistant: applicant* most state former employment, If any. ace, expectations mid lull referonces. or their communications will not bo noticed. Address by lott> r only. Ct BOCKSV?WILL OIVE~kXOLUSIVK ROUTES TO r rirht parties to sell our Tallow Laundry Soap; each l*i\ contains one <-oseu free samples nnd Mens. Address TALOlNK, llerald nllce. J>AK1IES LOOKING FOR HT'SI N KSS (IN T11KIR own account call at No. 1 (Irent Jones St., room 11 Tiik amateur regatta TIIK BOAT HACKS AT BARATOG A. FULL REPORTS IJV SPECIAL DESPATCHES ON TIIK DAYS OK T H K RACKS. with results and particulars, in the evening telegram. ANTED?AGENTs"TO CANVABH FOR~THE Authentic and complete Lire* ol both Hayes and Tilden. Apply to J. 0. HUTTRE. 4M Franklin St.. New York. lUANTKII A J1AN (MAKltlKl)) I'SKl) TP DRIVING. " taking care . f cow, Ac., to no on private munir residence near by. Address, with reference, age and other particulars. W. r., box 10O Herald office. "TATANTED? A HOY-TO ASS 1ST IN OFFICE WORK; TT must write a neat band and be quick and correct at figures. Addros. H. S. W., Herald office. WANTED?A TOUNG BOY OF IB. WITH KXPKnence in a law office. Address, in handwriting, with terms, A. C., box lit) llerald office. ry.V.\TKI)-LlVE MEN; fzr, A DAY MADE .SELLING M the Eureka Letter Copying Book and Ink: no ores*, brush or wster required. EUREKA MANUFACTURING COMPANY. .VI Rea.le at. TSTANTKD?TWO OK THREE WOOD STEADY DUIVTT ers, to drive cellar cart*. Only those who aro accustomed to the business need apply.with good reference, to J. KKIIOE. ?34 Kant IHtb at. fXTANTBD?A STRONG BOY FOR LIGHT PORTER TT work; mn?t live with parents and be well reronttncndod. Address, slating aalary expected, box 120 Herald ufflee. TVr ANTED?A STKONO BOY. ABOUT l?i Y'KARS OLID ft wbo understands how to pack stationery and to keep atock In order; best references required. Addrvas, with loll particulars, box 131 Herald office. \\r A NT k D?DOO R AND OFFICE BOY IN I.AROB It boarding house; inuat lire In the house. Address, slating wages expected, U. II., MM Hroadway. TXT ANTED?A RESPECTABLE YOUXW IRISHMAN ft as book deliverer; position permanent; must have ssenrity. Call after 13 o'clock. JAMES 8HEKUY, 33 Harclay st. TIIK TilAOKS. A kelta^xjfactiis 1st aTid engineer, wrrft first class references and no eucntnhorance, would accept a situation in any part of the United States. Address F. BAKKY, Herald office. SITUATION WANTED?AS SUPERINTENDENT OR manager, by a first class American mechanic of fifteen jrears' experience In the manufacture of guns, pistols, sowing machines. Ac.. Ac. : can lurnisli the best of reference. Addrcrs SUPERINTENDENT, box SSI. station A. New York. T" O ilATTKHS" -WOOD pT.URif" SEWF.K WANTED to work in tho shop; also sn apprentice to learn the silk hattinir who hat a knowledge or the business; none others need apply. browne. merrie a hall, 174 Centre st. o printers?two brothers desire emplo>ment;one (17) Is capable of setting 35.000 cms per u....L . *i._ tm.?A I I. ... A., ~ti;,... WILLING, hox 191 Herald office. \\T ANTED^AT 8ITUATION AS HITPKKINTKN DKNT "OF Tf tho ninnnfacture ot'fur or wool hat*, or both, by one who Hah had many years' experience. Addrosa S. U.S., lioralii office. T|7ANTKb-A FIRST CLAH8 DIE MAKfcifKOK TUTVr ting die*; also Tool Maker. GILBH A WRIGHT, 13 Maiden lane. WAR TED?SIX "STOVE OUTTBRS, TO GO TO GARrlaon, N. V. Apply, Monday, 10 o'clock, 1.2M3 Broadway. "IV7"ANTED IMMEDIATELY?A GOOD MASON AND M plaaterer for repairing work, for which free apartment* Riven. LICHEN STL IN. 144 Kn?t 44th ?t. xi'HEIkCH ADVEKTISEMENTS. ~ YTS SorsWK DKHIHK Ilfa.S Ltc'oSTlTSK FKANCAlS U d'nncjeune etjolie parielenne. Adreseer Monelenr W. W., Herald Cptown Branch oflicj. KXCUKSlONs. ^TLANTig""ocean ~and "1<ockaWaYBEacEl JARRBTT A PALMER'S palace of the ?ea. tho PLYMOUTH KuCK, will THIS SUNDAY, and every day, moke TWO GRAND TRIPS to ROCKAWAY REACH AND THE ATLANTIC OCEAN. MUSIC bv the Madrigal llors, Mosart Glee Club, Church Chimes and the PLYMOUTH ROCK MILITARY BAND. MORNING?Leaves the foot of 22d st? North River, at 8 o'clock, and pier No. 2, North River, at S :30 o'clock. A PTKHNOON?Loaves foot of 23d St.. North River, at 1:30 o'clock, and pior No, 2, North River (adjoining the Battery), at 2 o'clock. PARE EIPTY CENTS Single Trio Tickets, to or from Rockaway 3ft cents . .MOONLIGHT EXCURSION up the HUDSON tomorrow (Monday) evening, and to the HARVEST HOME and MOONLIGHT HOP, at Rockaway, on Tuesday ovrning^ Moonliuht on the Hudson! TO-MORROW MONDAY EVENING. AUGUST 7, the palace hotel steamer, the PLYMOUTH ROCK. will make her fifth GRAND MOONLIOHT EXCURSION np the noble Hudson, returning to the city by 12 o'clock No sail could he more charmingly ROMANTIC, tne placid wators of the beautiful river being silvered o'er by the rays of a glowing moon, and the PALISADES, looming up in all their grandear. sending hack in soft resound 1 11 - ? lUC BUIITWJIIMJ4 IUUOIV IIWU. IUV IKHWWMB VI ?IIO PUJJCI l? steamer* FARE FIFTY CENTS ENTERTAINMENT BY TIIK MADRIOAL HOYS. MOZART (SLKE CLUB, CHURCH CHiMES Mud the PLYMOUTH hOOK MILITARY HANK. Boat will leave tlio but of Uil el-. North Hirer, at 8 o.elock, and pier 2 North Kivor (adjoining tho Batten), at 8 :A0 o'clock. UK FRESH M KM S ON BOARD. . Hleecker itr?et can, running Irom Fl'l.TON FERRY, and care on another branch of the line running Irnra tho corner of the Bowery anil Canal atreet, will etnp at the pier foot ol 2l!d at , Nortli River, to and fro. The Twenty-third trrot llr.e will have on an extra number of care. . TUESDAY EVENING grand HARVEST HOMK AND MOONLIGHT FESTIVAL at Kockaway The rteaincr TWILIGHT will bring the ilrooklrn, Willlamabnrg nnd New York leant lide) paaacngera to the i'LYMOUTU HOCK before nhe ntnrtn from pier 2. See time table oelow. gUNKAY ON THE" SKA AND AT ROCK AWAY HKACI1.?The PLYMOUTH ROCK will make TWO grand excunloni thli SUNDAY, leaving pier font of 22d it.. North Hirer, at S A. M. and 1 :3t> 1*. M., and pier 2 North ltlver. at 8:3k) A. M. and 2 P. M. qoUntry festival rall~at ROCKAWAY NKXT Tuesday evening. The PLYMOUTH ROCK will make the excursion. J?ARVBcT HOME AT KOCKAWAY ON TUESDAY evening. The PLYMOUTH ROCK will leave the foot of 22d it.. North River, nt 7:30 o'clock, and pier 2 North River (adjoining tho Battery), atSo'ciock. FARE FIFTY CENTS which Includes the HOP. The steamer TWILIGHT will carry passengers to the PLYMOUTH ROCK for the downward trln, leaving Ronth 1st St., WILLI AM SHU P.O. at 7:15 o'clock, Grand it, NEW YORK, at 7 :30 o'clock, and Fulton Ferry, BROOKLYN, at 7:45, connecting nt pier 3 North River. QKOOKLYN AND W11,1.1 AMSB? Kit AND NEW YORK. J1 EAST SIDE, excursionists for the MaKVKST llOMK AND MOONLIGHT HOP at Kovkaway on Tuesday evening can take the steamer TWILIGHT, which will connect with the PLYMOUTH KOt'Katpier 3 North River. Sec time table above. iiK amateur-REGATTA. ' THK 1IOAT RACKS AT RARATOOA. FULL REPORTS BY SPECIAL DESPATCHES ON Til K DAYS OK THE RACES, WITH RESULTS AND PARTICULARS, IN THK EVENING TELEGRAM. ^ A?SUNDAY EXCURSION TO ASTORIA, llARI.KM, Morrlsanla and High llrfdge The steamers MOKRlSANlA, HARLEM and SHADY Leave Pulton Markot Slip. | Lonve Morritnnla. 0 :3" A. M. 3.15 P.M. I 8:15 A.M. 3DO P.M. 1O4J0 A.M. 4 sst P.M. I ltd.** A.M. 3:45 P.M. 11:15 A.M. 4:30 1'.M. | !':4"> A.M. 3:30 P.M. 134)0 M. 5:30 I' M. , 10:HO A.M. 4:3(l P.M. 1 .4*) P.M. 0:30 P.M. 11 :15 A.M. 5:30 P.M. 1:45 P.M. 7:15 P.M. 13:15 P.M. 0:15 P.M. 3:3<) l'.M. HSO P.M. | is*) P.M. 7:OP.M. Lnmling nt Grand st.. 33d at. and 110th at. Connecting wlih boats for High Rridge. Passengers by this line will he admitted to tho great submarine excavations under llell Gate. G. II. LONG8TREBT. Superintendent. A?A.?A.?A.? Steamer SYLVAN DELL for Newlmrg. Cornwall, Colli Spring. West Point,nnd Iona Island, on snndny, Angus i 0. Leaves Harlom Rridge. 7:30 A. M.; ISOth St.. 7:35; lOHih st , 7 :IO; East 33d at , 7:55; Kent St., tlreenpolnt, 84.<?; Grand St., Now York, 8: 1"?; Peek slip,"; l.eroy St., S:45; West 33dSt., B, nnu Manhattanvilla, D-.I5. Excursion ticket, *1. No spirituous lii|iinrs sold on the boat. ?REGULAR SUNDAY MORNING BOAT lor Keyport, landing at Elliabethport, Rogsvlllo and Porth Amboy, will leave New York from pier 34, North River, foot of Harrison at., at OA M. On returning leaves Keyport 3:30 P. M., making a pleasant family excursion. The MATTEA W A.N leaves pier 34. N R., daily at 4 I'. 51., returning from Kotport on Saturday, nt 7 P. M. A -A.-TO CHARTER, STEAM HO AT FORT I.KE; will aeeommodate 40" passengers; price (50 to $1U0 perday. Apply in the nfternonu at 47 Kultyii st. A?FOR EXCURSIONS.?SALOON STEAMER WYOM ing, barge. Kepi" lie, Chicago. Haldwin, Cale onla and Anna. Oriental, Exeelsior, naritan Itesrh, Alderney Park. Cold Nprlnr and luna Island Groves. Office 384 Wesi I., oppoette UnrUtopher at. ferry. II. B. CKOSSKTT. A?A DAILY AND SUNDAY EXCURSIONS TO Fort Lee, 1'leaianl Valley and Shady Side.?Steamboat! leare Canal ?t. dally *t and 10 A. M. ; J, .1:1.1 and 7:1.1 |?. M. Sunday at tf, 10 and 11 A. M.; Id M.. 1, i, 3. 4,0 and 7 1". M.; landing at 'J4th and 34th ata. idally and Sunday) 10 minute* lator. Konnd trip, da.; children half priee. \?OH A NOB Or riMi.. r n: FAYUUTK MTKAJUR . LONit HKANCIl, Captain Cnrtla, will commence her roTilnr Sunday tric> to Newhnnr for th? aeaaon, itn and altar June 11. I.eare loot of ftth at., lloboken, 7 del A.M.; Fulton ferry, Brooklyn, at a l.i A. M.: Went loth at.. D A. M.; Went U4th at.. >1:30 A. M.; landing at Ynnkera, Sinit Sing Camp Meeting, Ion* Inland, W ent I'olnt, Cold Spring ami Cornwall. Kituming loaren SewhurK at 'J: 1 > r M. W arm mealn and refren'm-.entn norved on board at reaaunahle ratea. Fare for round trip, $1. V? KROtt.AR SUNDAY BOAT FOK NKWAKH. On and after SUNDAY, May 7, the faat and well known ateamboat THOMAS F WAY will make her regular Sunday trip between New York and Newark, leaving Commercial Dock, Newark, at S A.M.; leaving New York, pier No. UJ North Hirer, foot ot Yeaoy it, at in :3o A. M., itopptng at Bergen I'olnt eaek way. Fare 35 eenta. SHEET. KXCtnsToim. A?EXTRA ROOK A WAY KXrrRKIOnia Tho muunivtb pleasure aloauier WILLIAM COOK, with spoelons decks and broad awnings, will leave everv .day, Snuduvs included. from West 24tU ?L. at 10:BU: A rut HUli at. at ii>:45. piar .No. 3 North River at 11 and Brooklyn at 11:10A. it Proceeding directly down tho b<u!>or and ont on tho ATLANTIC OCEAN to the mo?t popular watering place in this country. Wbsra passenger* are alio wit Til IthK HOURS TO AN JO Y TIIK COOL. HKKK/.Ko ON 'HIE URACIL Returning, laaava Rock a way at 4:ikj P. M. Fare lor tha whola excursion So cant*. (ONTKHNO'S CKLKHKATKD i!5l> RKdT. BAND. PHILLIPS' GLKK CLl'B; PROFESSOR SOLTAU, TIIK RENOWNED COKNKT PLAYER AND PIANIST, will entertain pasx.-nger* on tha trip. Return tickcta arovundon tha AMKKICUH and NHTiill blNK lor thoso wlio dc-Jre to slay on too beach later. A?FIRST CLASS KOCKAWAY KXOCKSTOK lto AT.? No rum. hut plenty-of Bin. The clipper steamer .SUNSllINK. Captain John It. Holmes, will make DAILY and SUNDAY EXCURSIONS to ROOKAWaY URACIL Irom Ilnrlcm and Morriaanta, leaving '-'d ar. and 120th at at S:1kI; Nrtr llavon Railroad .lock, H:55; Il!>th st..S:45; H-lth at . S:50; and at.. 0; Grand at., 11:15; Fulton Market alip,?:.m Returning, leaven Kockaway at 5:45 I*. M. Music and re. fr> ahmcuts on hoard. Fare. 55 conta. Kxcursiuu tickets, 50 cents. Children over ten years, full laro. C. II. LuNO.s i ItKRT. Proprietor. -HOCKAWAY EXCLUSION EXTRA. Seven excursions on Sunday. August R. Jn addition to the regular atramhoate AMhltiCUS and NKVKJISINK (see adrerilaeuient In thl> column), tbo swift and commodious ARROW .SMITll will leave 2dth St.. North River, nt 0:20 A. M. and 2 P. M.; West loth at. ?t 9:3'l A. M. and - :1"> I*. it.; pier No. T North River. 0 :4 > A. M. and 2 P. il.; Fulton ferry, Brooklyn, 10 A. M. and 2 if > P. M. The mammoth pleasure steamer WILLIAM COOK, the favorite excursion steamer ol New York, will leave 24th at , North River, at 10:50; lOlli at. North River, at 111:45 A. M.; pier 2 North Rivor, 11 A, XI.; Fulton ferry, Brooklyn, at II :lo A. M. CUNTKBNO'S TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT BAND un<: PHILLIPS' GLEE CLUB will furnish musical entertainment. Passenger* can return from the Beach by boats leaving at 4 :3t), 5. 5;oO and 6. Pare, 33 rents: excursion tickets, 50 cents. Return tickets good on any of the above mentioned boats. ROOK AWAY BEACH" EXCURSIONo." ~ TWENTY MINUTES ON THE ATLANTIC OCEAN. KITE EXCURSIONS DAILY by the favorito and roninioUious excursion steamers AM ERIC US, NKVEKSINK uud WlI.i.lAM COOK. Mnstcal entertuinmont by the celebrated OKPIIl'.US OLKR CLUli AND CO.NTEUNOS CELEBRATED TWKNTY'-TIIIRD REGIMENT BAND. AM KKICl'S LEAVES 24th St.. N. R., I loth si., N. II., I Yescy st., I Fult, at., Blkn., A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. A.M.P.M. A. M. P. M. 8:3U and 1:1ft | H:43 and 1:25 U.-00 1:40 | !?20 and 2:00 NKVEKSINK LEAVES EAST RIVER Ath St., K. K , I S. 1st, Wtuabg. I Grand St., N.Y*., I Brooklyn, A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M l'.,M. 5 KX? t 12:45 | 8:15 and 1 KKJ | 8:30 and 1 :IO | ItOOA 1 :30 The WILLIAM COOK, with music, leaves dally, 24th St., North River, at 10:30: West 10th St., 10:45; pier No. 2, 11, and Brooklyn, 11:10 A. M. Steamers leave Koekaway at 11 A. M., 4 :30, ft and 5:15 P. M. Fare. 36 conts. Excursion tickets. 50 cents. Return tickets good on either above boats. NOTICE.?No delay from low tide. Only boats making the upper landings at Roekaway. -KISIIING HANKS EVERY DAY (SATURDAYS * excepted).?Ocean steamer Hf.TH LOW. leaving Harrison st., s. it.. 0 ;3D; Ath st., E. H., 7 : pier 27 K. R.. 7:15; 10th at., N. 11., 7:t0; pier 6 N. K.,'8 A. M. Tickets, 411. AL. G. FOSTER, Mansger. A" ?GOVERNOR'S ISLAND ~>PEN TO VISITORS^? . The steam yacht GOVERNOR'S ISLAND leaves tho Custom House pier st the Battery every hour daily for Governor's Island. Concert by the depot bsnd this afternoon, followed Immediately after by dress parade. OR BATH PAlTkTToCUHT GROVE AND CONEY Island?All tho railroad landings. .. ? l To Coney Island 4f> rents. ) Round ( To Bath Park and Locust Grove... 30 cents. ) trip. Single fares, 20 cents. Steamer PILOT BOY will leave nn.1 V..O. Ul <1 .J'. A VI .?S S.VO P U loth ?t.. North River 0:5a A. M. and 2:40 1*. St. Finn kiln at.. North Hirer 10:10 A.M. and 2 :50 I*. M. I'ter 2. North Kiver 1<>:20 A. SI. and It P. M. Fulton ferry, Brooklyn....;..- 10:05 A. M. and 3:15 P. m. Passengers by this bout will have the choice of null water and surf bathing and will find drat claaa refreshments at the bar nt reasonable prices OR KX0URS1ONS?LOW PRESSURE PKOPBL.LKR Restless: splendid acconimodntions ior private parties. F. \V. bTARK, 03 Coentles slip, corner Sonth at., Now York. FOR BXCUR810N8 TC7 CITA KTER,""SIDEWHKKL Stcainboat: carry 500 passengers. GKOKOK F. PLYMRR, 39 Sonth St. Grand ski.ect and "moonligiit excursion, THURSDAY. EVENING, AUGUST 10; If stormy the following Monday night. The elegant steamer WYOMING will make her First Grand K?onll(rbt excursion down the Bay and up the lludsou to Excelsior Park, tmder the managunt of the WALTON GLKE CLUIt. Grand chorus of 50 voices, and DON PANTALKON, "the Man Kioto." V.S, Kv (Innlsmn'R Tu-pnl v.third Rorrimont Band Tickets. ?1, admlttinp pentlemnn mid lady. Extra lady's ticket, SOc. Steamer leaves 24th at.. North Ittver, nt 8 P. M.; loth el, 8.13 P. X.: Fulton ferrr, llrooklyn, 8:45. Down the liny aud returning, making landings at Fulton ferry nt 11 1?. M.; 10th nt_, 11:30 1?. M? and 24th St., 11:45 1*. M. Then up tlte Hudson to Excelsior l'ark. Rockaway reach. ~ ~ Opposition Line. Fare redneed. Mingle Tickets 2">c. Excursion .....40c. The fnvonte and well-known steamer TWILIGHT leaves every iln.v. 22d st.. North Klvar, 0:3 I A. >1.: loth St., North Klver, 9:15 A. M.; pier No. 2 North River, 10 A. M.; Grand street. East River, 10:1.') A. M.; Fulton ferry, lirooklyu, 10:50; .-vtuth ferry, llrooklyn, 10:40 a. x. Returning, leaves Uoefcaway 4 J*. M., arriving at C 1*. M. Music aud refreshments. ROC K AW AY REACH 8TKAXA0AT MARION LEAVES daily ioot loth st.. nt 0:1(IA.M.; 5th st.. llobokrn, V ::n A. M.: Franklin St., 10 A.M.; Pier 2, North River, 10:15 A. M. ; Morris St., Jersey City, 10:00 A. M. SEA surf bath is g. Chance of time. Hourly Trips to coney island. Every hour from 0 A. M. to 4 I'. M. North River landing* only. The steamers IDLEWILL). ELIZA 1IANCOX and GENERAL SEDGWICK will make daily excursions to Coney Island Reach as follows:? 24th st.-t?, 10, 11 A. M., 12 M., 1. 2.-5, 4 P. M. 10th st.-9:10, 10:10, 11:10 A. II.. 12:10. 1:10, 2:10, 3:10, 4:lo P. M. l'...ieiu at ?r?.on irw>n M -aft A \r i .on > .?>iy 3 :3< i. 4-WP. M. Pler3?0:30.10:30, 11:30 A. M., 13:30, 1:30. 1:30. 3:30, 4:3(>and ft:10 1*. M. S~~UN DAY EXCUKBIOK8 TO UAKLEM AND ASTORIA, lauding at lltli it., Astoria, and 130th St.. each war. Tho steamer* SYLVAN (1K0VE, SYLVAN OLKN nnd SYLVAN STREAM will commence tba following trips on SUNDAY. August 0. |H7?:Hoats leave llarlrin. Ilonts leave Peck slip. S3)0 A. M. 3 sr' P. M. 0:4ft A. M. 8:J<? P. m 9:1ft A. M. 3 WO P. M. 10:30 A. M. 4:lft p. m. 10 WO A.M. 4 OOP. M. 11:*) A. M. fiWOP. M. 10:45 A. M. ft WO P. M. 13 :15 P. M. ft :ftO P. M. 11:30 A.M. ft :4ft P.M. 1 WO P. M. 6:40 P. M. 13 :.TO P. M. 0:35 P.M. 3 WO p. M. 7:30 1'M. 1:10 P. M. 7:1ft P. M. 2 P. M. 8 WO P. M. Leave 11th st. ten minutes later than Peck slip. 'Land at Kabensteln's Harlem IliTur Park. X. It.? Ilnats connect with boats far High Bridge. Picnlo parties and schools taken on week days on reasonable terms. Kara, 15 cents on Snndara. HARLEM AND NEW YORK NAVIGATION COMPANY. SEA W A NUA K A SUNDAY EXCURSIONS to College Point, (irent Neck, City Island. Sand's Point, ( len Cove. Sea ClifT, tilan Wood an.I Roslvn. The steamer BKAWANIIAKA lenves Peck slip every Sunday at ? A. M., Oth st. at 9:<>5 A. M. and 33d it. at 0:15 A. M. tor the above places, returninir to the city about 0 P. M. Dinner nnd refreshments on board. rpo lontv ilRANCU ()n_sundayst The fine steamer CRYSTAL WAVE, of the New Jersey Souiherii Railroad Line, leaves pier 4 North River, foot of Revtor St.. 0:30 A. M. Returning, tho train learei Long Branch 5 P. M. W. S. SNKDK.N. O. M. \l'i:sr POINT, NKWBURG, Poltil! KKhPSIK AND TT return name day, by day line steamers. PURItllTlIRL. A -WEEKLY 'AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAKEN lor furniture, Carpet* nnd Bedding at B. M. COWPERTH WAIT A CO.'S. 155 and 157 Chatham st. An ln>MM Stock at low prices. AUCTION ROOMS. 33>.AHT l.TTlfsT "(WHITE BANneri.?Every nescrlption of fins secondhand E'nrnlturo; large stock; low prices: no fslr offer refused. Call and examine. T PA Ml LY. 105 PAS r ~13TH ST.. NEAR r|i A~V^ 1\. sell lor $135 niagnlllcont satin brocade Parlor suit, coat $M?: ope do., #75; rep and haircloth Suita. #3ft; Chamber Suits, Mattresses, l'taiiotorte. Cnrpota. Extension Table. Sideboard, Silverware, Ac. Housekeepers, apecttls: tors and dealers call immediately, this .Sunday or Monday. fjUJKNITL'RK?8(JIrAHLK PUR AN 1 NSl HANCR OR J1 banking office, can he purchased at a low figure. Apply ui 117 l.iberty St., between tho hours of 10 and 13 o'etocli a. m. IslUKNlTURK. CARI'MS, MI llltiTlt.i AND I'iANOsj JU Arinoltea, Bookcases. Desks. Heuroom Sets. Parlor Mills, Chairs. Sola Beds, Beds, Bedding, Crockery, Glass, Sliver, stoves, Ac., at private tale at auction prices. 30 and 41 East 13th st. TOOK S ILK-PA IlLOK SU!T\ ..KEEN-REP, BLACK I' walnut. 5:*); also IS yards English Brussels. #1 3.5 ysrd; LI ne Cottage Bet, $13; drap. $10; Top Buggy, Btlvers Road Wagon (perfectI, #10 each, very handsome Ever greens tin around). English Eittery Wheels, small Iron Sale, $'J0t Kid talovos. sideboard, sliisle Harness, stuffed Eagle, Chandelier, Krciining Chair, small Counter, Ice Box, OlAce Partition 1<'3 West (EM st. Storage office. G1 OOD 8KCON n HA N D AND MIS I'11 ENOLIBII r Brussels, three ply and Ingrain Carpets; Oilcloths. Ac.., very cheap, at the old place, 113 E'ulton st. 1'rice list tree. M. J. BENDAI.L. I ace: and E'uhnitukk for hale?of hourk on J Aliiav.; fitted up for g-ntlemen's in Iglng house; best location in the city: sickness the csuse of selling Address HRU N8WICK, II cralil Up toss Br such otflev. Private BALI-AUCTION pkk ks-large as soriincnt rich and common E'urnitnre (parlor, bedroom and; alto Pictur s. Mirrors. Ac.: owners must teii. PaVOR S Auction House. 13 E.ast 14lh ?t. fpilB LEADING E'UKMTUKK AND CARPET HOUSE T ON THK INSTALMENT TLAN.^ OKOKOK A. CLARKE. 74' BROADWAY. The high degree of perfection to which we have brought our system ot payments enables us to furnish the best goodi at the lowest prices and upon the most liberal terms. rpiiE: etrnituhk or a small nicely eir. A nlilicd bonne ; eenlrnllr located ; near Hrondwny and Union M|n?ri ; will bo nold low for cnali IT "ol<l immediately ; rent rprj low; riMim* nil rented; no deaths or irolnp to Knrnpe. bin pood reaeon? for selling; ? K-oid place lor n elnple lady. Address ijl'lftt, Herald ofTiedi lyANTr.D- M'' I >: KN MAKHI.K TOI? UAI.NfT IT liedruom Mill; good condition; state lull partirnlarii nd lowest raiili price. Address K. K. MKOWN, No. /L, Ulinion pUco. UV.Vfl.M, ACAOK.MIKN. A< m<riki: > BTfKcfSa u aokmv, iHTT*PruS> Hinlclin;, Star omul and Hth sis., reopens neplenibei I 4. Now open for private initrnctioa. at auction. AT AUCTION?BY WILLIAM VAN TASSKlaL, All? Hub ear, WEDNESDAY. August 9. at 10V,' o'cliK-k. II Ilia Furniture contained In the foor story brown stone house 'I St. Murk's place, between l?t and lid avs . consisting of hinck walnut and rosewood Parlor Suite, black wal* lint and colored Chamber - alt*, spring, wool and lialr Mattresses, Mirror*, silrurware, dining rutin, and feitcben Furniture,, ingrain and other Carpet*; ited and Tabla i.inen. Centre nud luumlt fables, Crockery, Olaos. a a. Catalogue* will l>e prepared and may bv obtained Mi Tuesday at the o Ilcc of tl.e auctioneers, sale poailire and without reserve. VaN TAbsEt.L A KEARNEY, Auctioneers, 110. 112 Knit ldtti *t., near ttb ?. A?TUNIS JOll NSI)\7AUC HON E RR, ** old atiiml 37 Nassau st. On TUESDAY, at 10)4 o'clock. LAKCK SALE U IIOUSEIIOi.D FURNITURE, Mirror*, Brussels and Ingrain Carpets. RKVF.UAL KLKOANT P.VRLOit SUITS. IN BLACK walnut and gilt. covered in bins floured boretto, tapestry, eliintk. #alin, brown, green and crimson; superb Turkish Suits, with Lounges. Espy Chair* and Kockers to match. Thrto old Violins, Soda fountain in complete order, A& Elegant rosew.eMi I'iano end 2 Parlor Organs. ASMtlXI.E'S .-ALK.- .IOM-.ri| SllttNtiOOD. AUO tlnneer, will sell Tuesday, Sth, at 101, o'clock, stock ol .Men's and Boys' Clothing: more particulars day of sale) dealers look. A SSIilNKK'S SALK. ?tiEoTIfSCOTT. AUCTIONEER JV will sell o i Thursday, Auirust 10. 1S7H, at II o'clock A M.. on the premises. the valnuble Lease and Fixtures ol tha Coal Yard Nos. 72, 7-1 and 70 Manxin st. By order of Fred. A. Potts, Kan . Assignee For further particulars apply te SCOTT A MY'F.RS. Aiu-tioueers. No. tl Pine St., or to Q. P. IIAWKS. Attorney for Assignee, Evening Post Building, New York. A~ SSIONKK'S SALE.?GEO. II. SCOTT. AUCTIONEER, will soil on Kridny, August 11, 1H7H, at 11 o'clock, on the the valuuhle Lease and Fixtures of the well known Coal Yard Nos. SIW and 3-H) lat av., next to the southeast corner of 2titb st., formerly cartied on by Win. Meyrr A Co., Including Horses. Carts. Scales, Ac. B? order Fred. A. Potts, assignee of Win. Meyer A Co. For iTurtber particulsrs apply to SCOTT A MYERS, Auctioneers, No. fl Pine s|., or to UUA.NVILLE P. HAWKS, Attorney for A*si| nee. Evening Post Building. A~ KSIONKK'S SALE OF WINES. LIQUORS, Oil Alt pau-ne. Cigars. Ac?By S. HERMAN, Sheriff* Ano tiooeer, Monday, August 7, at 11 o'clock, at No. 13 Bowery, the entire Stock of an importer and who'.eaale dealer, visof abouI 120 casks and uhls. Brandies, tiin. Bourbon an? Rye Whisker; Port and Sherry Wine; also about fiOO easel various \\ icon, Liquors, Champagne. Cigars. Ac., In lota M nit dealers. UEO. J. McPARLAKD, Assignee. (NERARD BKTTS A O677AUCTIONEERS. X Store and salesroom. So. 7 Old slip and 101 Pearl st. TI HSDAj, August s. nt 11 o'clock. within tlie store, Groceries?Sales of assorted Groceries. Arrowroot?45 bbls. prime Arrowroot. Tacks?15 case* Tacks. THURSDAY. AngiiRt 10. at 11 o'clock, within the (tore, by order of the importer of the samples drawn In bond, Largo aalu of Win?s, Liquors. Ac., comprising 1.807 packages Sherrv, fort*. Mndorins, J amalca and Bis Croix Kum, Gin, Scotch and Irish Whiskies, Cognac Brand/, Ac., in quarters and eighths ; also 211 bbls. old B mrbon and itye Whiskies. Also 1,500 cases Bordeaux Claret. 11 bales Soda and Vial Corks, Catalogues and Snmples Wodnesday. Slth lust. SATURDAY. August 12, nt B),' o'clock, foot of Amity St.. Brooklyn, | Mortgage Rale, Tlireo lee Barges, largo lot Horses, lot Tim Wagons, lot Harness, Scales, Office furniture. Safes, Ao. By order attorney lor mortgagco. MONDAY. August 21. at 3J^ o'clock P. M.. at West Camp Landing, Ulster connty. Mortgage R ile large quantity of Maehinery. Scales, Uorsee, Wagons, Ac. By order attorney for mortgagee. TUESDAY, August 22. nt 12 o'clock, noon, within the store, for account ol whom it mar concern. Steamship Alabama, with Boilers, Engines, Ac. Steamship Slag, with Boilors, Engine*. As. Steamship Mercedlta. with Boilers, Kngiues, Ac. The above steamships can be seen at iigit of 19th st. and East River. For full particulars nnd inventory Inquire ol Uuintard Iron Works, foot of 11th st. nnd Kant itiver, or ol the Auctioneers. No. 7 Old slip and 10-1 Searlst. "TTARD TIMES."?RICHARD WALTER8' SONS, \ L Auctioneers. 27 East Broadway, advance cash to any amount on furniture, IM anos and Merchandise; goods stored or sold; established 25 years; best reletcnccs. HAVEN, AUCTIONEER^ " office and salesroom, 39 East 13th St., will sell on Monday, August 7. at 10)? o'clock A. M.. at 890 Broadway, near W ullnck's, 75 l'nrtition Boxes, for toys and Jewelry; 25 Scientific Toys and Games, Uloss Shades, Showcases and Shelving; two handsome Counter Showcase!, Partitions. Show Figaro. Glass Show Cards, Chandeliers, Stools. Kellcctors, Ac. JOSEPH SllONGOOD, AUCTIONEER. SELES TO. morrow, at 10)^ o'clock, the Contents of a Furniture store. .More part lenient day of mile. Dealers, look. JIAVKN, AUCTIONEER?OFFICE AND SALES. room 39 East 13th si?Will sell Wednesday, August li, at 10>? A. M , at 31 Knst 10th St., the entire contents ol a large throe story high sloop liooae, consisting of Mirror*, 1'iauo. Ourpets, bedroom, parlor, dining room and kitchen .Furniture. Catalogue and particulars ready morning of sale. J" 11AVEN.AUCTIONKKit?39 AND 41 EAST 13TH St., will sell every day, at private sale, at anctloa prices. Furniture, Carpets, Mirrors, 1'ianos. Chairs, Bedroom Sets, i'arlor Suits, Armours, lieds, Bedding, Ac. AROK AUCTION ~ SALES BOOTS AND SHOES.HOYT A BRADLEY, Auctioneers, 222 and 224 Cuurch st? corner Lispenard. will sell, on Monday. August 7, at 10 o'cloca A. M., their first tall and winter trade sale ol Bouts, Shoes and Brogans. a catalogue of 400 samples now ready. OKIGAGE SALE.?GERARD BlflTS A CO.. AUCtinncors will sell, by virtue of certain chattel mortgagee, on Saturday, the 12th day of August. 1S7G, at 9U o'clock A. M.. at the loot of Amity St.. Brooklyn, three Ice Barges, Horses. Wagons, Oilice i urnlture, Ac.; also on Monday, the Htli day of August. 1H7(1, at 3>, o'clock F. M., at Wert Camp Landing. cuter connty, Machinery, Tools, Ao.. subject to best mortgage. LOUIS LEU'BLoCllKK, Attornoy for Mortgagee, No. 7(5 Nassau St., New York city. OBTOAOK SALE.?OAKKNBY A SMITH, AUCTIONeors, oilice 17 Centre St., soil on Monday, Auguat 7, at Itl o'clock, the Fixtures of the Liquor Store 42* 1st a v.; four-pull 1'ump, Counters, Ac.; also excellent young Mare and truck, warranted. AWNUKOKEkF" SALES.?BY JAMES AGAR. A COtioueer, at salesroom 09 New Bowery and No. 9 Clival si. Monday, Augnst 7?000 Iota gold nnd silver Watches, golf snd diamond Jewelry, Silverware, Opera Glasses, It* volvers, Uuns nod other valuable Goods, by order of IX Abrahams, 4u Chatham st. Tuesday. August S?Men's and Women's Clothing, bf onier of George Cudllpp, Host 12th si. Wednesday, August 0?Men's and Women's Clothing, by oraer 01 j. nnriAii. fiM nuns *n n. Thursday, August ID?.Men'# and Women's Clothing, by order of M. Nattenhoinier, 3d av. Friday, August 11?ODD lot# gold and silver Watches, Jewelry, Opera Glasses, Guns, Pistols, Fancy Goods, by order of J. A. Jarinnn, lHd Varick at. PAWNll7t<>KKK.V~sALES.-UY It. FIELD, GENERAL Auctioneer, salesroom ho. 80 Bowery. Tuesday, August N, by order K. Simpson A Co., 185 Bowery. 700 lots Men's Clothing. Coats, Pants, Vests, Kemuants of Cloth, dr., Ac. ; also. 300 lots Women's Clothing. Friday, August 11, by order llngh Freel, Rose St., 800 lota Cloth) ug. Monday, the 7th, sale of a Restaurant at 11 o'clock. PAWN rt KOK hll.S' SALK8. ' By THOMAS J. McURATII, Auctioneer, 138 Chatham St., corner Mulberry. Tnesdny?Men's and Woiueu's Clothing. By order B. Peyser. 3d av. Thursday?Men's and Werner's Clothing. By order James Mulvthill, Mutt #1. ICIIAHX) WALTERS' SONS, AUCTIONEERS. Marshal's sale of Groceries, Tens, Cnlfees, Ac, Will sell on Monday, at ID1, o'clock, at salesroom 37 East Broadway, a large assortment o( (iroeerios, vis.Chests black and green Teas, bags and boxes Java Coffee, boxes Soap. Castile s.isp. Condensed Mils. Canned Goods. Pickles, Oils, Spices, Extracts, Rice, Coffee Mills, Scales, Ac, RICHARD C, WALSH, Marshal. Also, at 11 o'clock, mortgage sale of extension top Phaeton, in first class order. IiKUIS LOUBUSCIIKR. Attorney. 1CIIAKD WALTERS' SONS. AUCTIONEERS.?MOR11 cage sale Monday, at 11 o'clock, nt salesroom 37 Kasl Broadway, one ex.elision top Phaeton, In first class order. LOUIS LEL BL SCI IKK, Attorney. HERMAN, S1IRR UK'S AN I) GKNI-.RAL AUCTION* eer, sells on Monday, August 7, nt 11 o'clock. No. 13 II....... -a), a,til ..i.-k- ,.r flriitiilia. llln 11..a, ItTkl-k... French Spirits, Hurt mid Snerry, Chnmpsgne. Ac,; also a large assortment of Seed nnd 11 avunu Cigars, Sales, Office Furniture, Air. Sale posilive. SI I K HIKE'S saL!'. ~ OK CKOCKEttY AND GLASSwaro.?GEKAhU BKTT8, Sheriff's Auctioneer, will sell. .Monday, Angus! 7. at II o'olock, at 346 1st nr., a stock ac China, Glass anil Crockery. WM. 0. CONNER, Sheriff. J auks II. Snr.iiji, IlPplltV. "I ?J ACRE K'AKM AT A UCTION?L.VKGB DWKI# It) line, nhiiiiilance or fruit; 1 mile lri>m Mt. Vernon depot, ill village of East Chester. Westchester county, N. Y, W. II. HA til). Auctioneer, will sell the above at auction, without reserve, on the premises, Tuesday, August H, 1H78, at III o'clock A. .M.; terms to suit. Ity order Noruiao Seeor. IllliLIVKiia. VNOTIIKR (1REAT IM I'UOVKMKN'T IN STANDAR'6 laivrl llllllard Tables, second hand Tables, Photon ao4 Coileuder Combination Cuehtoua. II. W. Col,LENDER. 738 Broadway, ' ? XK'.V ?\s IIKVI.LI,CD llll.l.I Altl) TAIII.K, KVkUY? il tiling llrst class; also a second hind I'heUn, 4\xl?, for sale at I'lsno Wsraronin, 311) East 33d st. American standard milliard tahlrr. wit^ the ijuicsost cushions in use; large stock Uioth, Balls, Ac.; second hand I aides at groat tin-gains. W. il GUI l- KITH A C0..40 Veseyst. HkVl.N0 RKKOVKD MV WA KB ROOMS TO TIlS building occupied by me ss a manufactory I am prs> pared to sell Itilliurd Tallies at reduced rates. GKDKUK K. PIIBLaN. 36tb st. and 10th av. lllM K.LIiAXKOrs. : VLI. KI.MIS M. v.MhitlC \N . v .N 11 .-siiiri'll i it A N it**; .Vmnuni'ntfl and llendMnnes erected; alto df?roa? tarr lot* Inclot *d at reduced price*. WILLIaM K1LKIIO. .k v Murk* st ark, Me J. iuT;STah 1 .k \vi xd1)W srRKKNS at aoc. kac'h, at .^MITirS l'arlnr Rod Depot, ?lfl Broadway. Alto two necond band Sofa Bed* trom to 045. GKi>rvif7" 5kT\< H7 HIIIPBLTLDTNO AND IRON Work*. Norfolk, Vp.-Billder* of Steamer*. Tnsr?, having eiianilvt foundry. machine and boiler simps. saw mills, marine ratlwaya, wharves. with nil appliances for buililintf and repairing vessels <>r machinery <>( any deacrintl,>11 with deapiitcn at very low prices. Estimates on appihration. 1.1 X V KLO1 K S Tsi > "c I Hi; IT I .A Rd "ADD KKSS Kirn Pj ji 7."| prr 1.0UU Adrtrrss S. A. 1'., but rtIM Post olTlca, Now York. 1,1 V J- Ri lilKKNs IN KINK" TK\.N-1'I.ANTINU 0O>D? Jtj tlon ; choice atock; ?onr mora liandaomo; cheap. 103 \\ eat EM at. Ijliu)TlrKoiTF~ROOT I'AIN TH. ?11KKAT UKOUirriUll 1 In prlcra. American, to a trallon; Knullsh. NO rent*. I'atent Liquid Slaio for leaky nm a, t*)ernta. bend l,.r teatlnioiiiala. At\V lOHK CsTk OIL CO Ml* AN Y, 118 Maiden l ine. J?TRUSTWORTHY CONfULTATION ON EVERT , business. No. 1 , J ?i Mruadwav, rcaim .1. Kea. hike. It TKAS AT WHOLESALE PRICKS, IN tjCANTITIri ol a pounds and upward cheaper than any houao lu thn city. at I'llK WhLLs IhA l'oMI'A?Y, IWI Kulion at., between Church and llrecnwlrli. tlTURR OUR STOMACH* TORRENT I'd WE IIAVH 1 11 usually ourarlvra to thank for It. Indiscretion in ratI tun and drink inn are tuo usual enuaea of induration Hul wnethrr the atotuacli lias lieen thus disord'Tod or 1a Internally weak L'dulpho Wolfe's Scnledam Schnapps ia Ita beat and plaaaantrst regulator and Invlforator. Tlila popular I and nrolesalunullj rei oininendrd henltli bevarairn also remediei general debility, urinary disvrdara, rhauniattam, goni and lucipiant dropsy.