Newspaper Page Text
i CABLE NEWS From All Parts of the Old World. THE WAR IN SERYIA. An Important Battle Fonght near Trebiqje. THE TURKS HELD PRISONERS. The Emperor and Empress of Brazil at Gastein. KING WILLIAM AND WAGNER. An Insurgent Chief Shot in Cuba. , The English "Four" for Philadelphit in Want of Fnnds. THE DORY "CENTENNIAL." WAR IN THE EAST. * shoxjsk 8ubobons to bb sent to attend thb wounded tubes in sxbvia. Lonnoir, August 6, 1878. The Turkish Ambassador bare announces that he has been authorized to engage twenty or thirty English surgeons for field service In the Turkish arm lea the tubx8 desert neum?a battue touoht nbab tbebinjk. Ragvha, August 6, 1878. Yesterday the Turkish garrison at Neum, the Turkish portion oi Klek, destroyed the fortifications and embarked for Antlrnrt. There was a battle yesterday near Treblnje, but no particulars have been received. reported battle near oubousovatz?tbb servians decamp in the direction of A T FYTVA TT Constattikoplb, August 8, 1878. Private despatches received here state that a battlo h is been fought near Gurgusovatz In which that town was set on Ore. The Servians fled in the direction of Alexlnatz. TBI NATURE OF THB SULTAN'S ILLNESS?NO IMMEDIATE DANGER OF HIS DEATH. VraxsA, August 6. 1878. The Politic*! Corrrrpondencr has a telegram from Constantinople which states that It becomes Increasingly apparent that the Illness of the Snltan is of a chronic natnro. SO IMMZDIATZ DANGER. It appears, however, that the danger of an Immediate catastropby has disappeared. The Saltan continues to be inaccessible to members f the diplomatic body because his nerves are very much affected and he must not be exposed to any ex' citement. THE INSURGENTS BESIEGE TBEBINJE AND HOLD THZ TCEK8 PRISONBBS. Raoosa, Angus! 8, 1878. The Insurgents have commenced besieging Treblnje And are occupying the roads in that neighborhood. It is stated that Moukbtar Pacha dare not Ten tare to attack the besiegers. TURKEY. AN T7NDBB8TANDINQ ARBITZD AT BSOABDXNO THZ SALONICA INDEMNITY BBTWBXN THB FOBEION AMBASSADORS AND THB FOBTB. Const ANTrzonz, August 8, 1878. The differences of Germany and France with the Porte relative to the Salon lea outrages are now definitely settled. ROUMANIA. tTWACCODNTABLE ACTION OF THE ROUMANIAN i MINISTRY. Bucharest. August 5, 1870. The Roumanian Ministry have resigned. No cause It assigned for this action. ENGLAND. * FINANCIAL EMBARRASSMENT OF THE PROFESSIONAL FOUR FOR PHILADELPHIA?FATAL RESULT OF A STORM?THE EDUCATIONAL BILL PASSED?ELECTION OF A CONSERVATIVE MEMBER TO PARLIAMENT?FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL REPORTS ? THE PBICE OF SILVER. London, August 5, 1870. Bell's Life rots:?"The Thames professional four who are to participate In the regatta at Philadelphia And difficulty In obtaining lunds to defray their expenses." FATAL RESULTS OF STORM. Upward of forty Qahermcu and sailer.* of coasting raasels perished In the ode which prevailed on the soasta of Scotland and Knipmd last Thursday. URCOL-KT SAL DOS'8 B DUCAT ION A I. BILL PASSRD BT TR F. COMMONS. After a long and bitter uitcnsslon and many divisions, chiefly In consequence of tbo reactionary amendments made hy private members and accepted by tbe government, Viaronnt Saudon's Education bill passed tbe House of Commons to day by a vote of 119 to 4A. The House met at noon for tbe purpose of considering tbia bill, and although the bill passed through tha eororaittoe last night It was under three and a half boars' further debate to-day. ILRCTION OP A CONSKRVATITB MKMRRR OP rARI.IAMOT. Mr. Walter Burreli, conser?atlPe, bas been elected to Parliament for Shorcbam, in place ot bla brothor. Sir Percy Burreli, deceased. TRICKS OP TSA, COFFRK AND SCtlAR. In Mincing I.ane during the past week ordinary co'. fees have been difficult to sell, even at a further reduct.on, and tbe stocks havo been very large, notwithstanding tbo steady dtmand for colorr sorts. For plantation Ceylon last week's rates were not always obtainable at the public im The sugar market continues arm. Iteflned is also better. Tea ban been further unsettled by numerous public Mies and additional irrivals. Fine flavored and strong leas alone have naintained their values. Rice has been In active denand, but at unchanged prices. Saltpetre has been |uleu nsaxcml rrsiar ron th* r*srr wsit At the Stock Exchange during the past week consols have been one eighth lower, and India stock has also been weak. The condition of the discount innrket has been unchanged, money being exceedingly plentiful and tnc rates very weak. Kngllsh railways generally were strong in the early part ol the week, hut subsequently became weaker, and yesterday relapsed briskly, lu consequence o( un snilsfnctory dividend announcement*. A majority tell below last week * average.. In the foreign department tho tendency, wiih n few ixccptions, has been favorable. Egyptian* huvo been especial.y strong, and hero a'' meed 4 n fty. Hungarian. Austrian, French, Italian, Russian and Spanish have Jkcii in demand at a marked improvement. t rgeiitlne, Mexican, Peruvian, t ruguav and Turkish bavo declined. amerie-an governments have been meagerly dealt In NEW YC and the changes have been sllgtit. Illinois railway bonds have boon 3 lower. English railways to day have allcbtly Improved. Egyptians bare continuod advancing, one loan gaining foer per cent. Hungarian, Russian and Turkish bonds-bare fractionally advanced. ms rairs or sn.vifR. Messrs. Xocatta k Goldamirf, bullion brokers, quote silver to-day at Sid. a51'4d. per ounco as the nearest price. Heater's Telegram Company quote it at 61 '4d. The Timft in Its llnancinl article today says:? "Silver yesterday was inactive. There were no sup. plies, and, tn the absence of transactions, the nearest quotation was 51d. per ounce; but this is purely nominal." Monday next being observed as a general and bank holiday causes a dulness on tlio Stock Exchange tort* j- e TOM DOBT CEMTINNIAL SPOKEN. London, August 6, 1876. The dory Centennial, en route, from Gloucester, Mass., to Liverpoo', was spoken July C3 In latitude 60 degrees north, longitude 19 dogrecs west. KING WILLIAM. HE WILL ATTEND THE WAGNER FESTIVAL IF BIB HEALTH PEBMITS. I .ox no*, August S, 1878. I Ktnperor William has written to the King of Bavaria | saying that If bis health permits he will attend tho Wagner festival at Balreutb, which takes place this i week. AFRICA. i THE BLOCKADE OF WHYDAH, WEST COAST, HAIRED. Madura, August 5, 1870. Intelligence received here from the west coast of Africa announces that the blockade by tho British squadron of the Wbydab coast has bcoo raised. INDIA. i THE EFFECT OF THE FALL IE 8ILYEB ON INDIAN FINANCES?AN KBA OF ECONOMY INAUGURATED. , Sun.a, August 5, 1878. I The Official Oatrtte, of India, publishes a resolution of \ the Viceroy in Council, reviewing the condition of the j finances una staling it afforded gravo cause [or anxiety. The customs revenue is declared to be unfavorable and orders should therefore be issued to stop all preventive outlay. The expenditure for extraordinary public works should be largely reduced with the object of lessening the threatened deficit The resolution conclude.! as follows:?"The financial disorder is solely due to the rapid fall In the value of silver." THE EMPEROR OF BRAZIL. BX 18 HJCABTILT RXCXITZI) AT GARTBI1T. Gastxix, August ft, 1870. The Emperor and Empress of Brazil arrived here today. They were heartily received. CUBA. OFFICIAL AKMOTTXCXMXNT OF TBH DXATH OF CK1U4UE BEftlS, UilAB iflULLBUU, BB IBBUlf GENT CHIEF. Havasa, August 5, 1870. It la officially announced that one of the principal Insurgent chiefs named Knrique Reeve, alias Inglesito, was killed in action In the jurisdiction of Cienfuegoa. Bis body was IdontlQcd. THE FISHERIES. NEWFOUNDLAND VESSELS DRIVEN AWAY BY 1 FRENCH MA.X-OF-WAR?CONFLICTING REPORTS FROM LAB? ? **>??* GOOD CATCH AT CAPE BBROK Halifax, X. R, August 5, 1876. The French are said to be ncting In an outrageous manner on the western shore ol Newfoundland this season. A letter published In the St. John (N. F.) papers says that at HHber's harbor a Froneh man-of war drove out thirty Newfoundland fishing vessels, and warned them not to return, homo were towed out of the harbor, a British man-of-war looking on meanwhile. Reports (torn the I-abrador fisheries are conflicting. In some quarters cod are reported scarce. On the whole the prospects of success are fair. The Newfoundland shore fishery has Improved of late. In St. Pierre the fishermen have secured plenty of bait, and the fishing prospects are good. In Cape Breton the catch ot fish has been below the sversgs except In a lew places. PROFESSOR KING'S BALLOON. TOT A IB SHIP OVXB MOHRISTOWN AND JU'KING RIDGE, M. J., TESTES DAT MORNING. Mottnttrrows, N. J., August 6, 1*76. The "Buflhlo" balloon passed over about five mites sonlb of Morrlstowu, going due east, at six o'clock this morning. The balloon was about 400 fret from tho ground, and conversation was had with the people in .it. A farmer invited tho tourists to breakfast, which tlicv declined, saying they Intended to take that meal id new i or*. Bakxiro Ridok, N. J.. August 5, 1870. The balloon Buffalo passed over this plnco at ballpast aix o'clock this morning, going north liy cast. A BALLOON CROSSING THE HUDSON. Pocr.UKKRrRiB, X. Y., August 5, 1878. A large balloon, containing one man, passed over this city at seven o'clock this evening, In a northeasterly direction. PEABODY EDUCATIONAL FUND. BL.KCTTOW OF COIA>NEI. LTMAN, OF MASSACHt*BETTS, AS A TIU'BTBE. Wtrrrr Sct-enr* Spriros, W. Vs., August S. 1876. ' The Board of Trustees of the I'rabody fund to-day elected Theodore I.yman, of Massachusetts, to till tbo , vacancy occasioned by the death of Governor Clifford I Mr. I.yman Is comparatively a young man, but Is I highly recommended by Hon. R. C. Wtnthrop, whoso Indorsement is ti sufficient guarantee of Mr. I.vman's i fltt?cis lor the position. Besides the election ol Colonel I.yman nothing of Importance was done, except the adept ton ?i the report or the Hmstirji, t tyttepma ol ! which was published In the IIrrald of yesterday. The I dlitrlbntlon ol the lund* lor the ensuing vear was lelt I to the dl?r.retlon ol the F.xerutive Committee. Tiro | Board adjourned tinr dir. j iron an1) STEEL WORKERS. a genkbai, PltOTECTIVr. ASSOCIATION FOItMID. I'lTTsnracs, Ph., August ft, 1878. Tho United Son* of Vulcan and the Healer* and 1 Rollrra' National Association were yesterday merged into the National Amalgamated Association of Iron and Sieel Worker*, thu* settling the great question of amalgamation In the United Stat"* and the Canada*. Joseph Bishop, of Pilisourg, was elected President, with eight rice presidents Irom different section* .if the country. The association comprises all tho iron | and steel worker* In the United State* and Can ida and I* lormed for their protection in slrllco*. arrest of a train robbt r. St. fsir *. Augut 5. 1878. Detective* Ha/en, of Cincinnati; I.awlor, of St. Inula, and Stanton, of Ottervllle. arrived at Hoonvllle, | the connty eeat of Cooper county, \fo.. with Hobb* ) Kerry, one of the aopposed Miatourl trein rohbers, thi* morning. The party proceeded to tne law office of Cosgrove k Walker, where an examination w** held and the prleoner hound over In #10.000. In do fault ol enretiea he wa* coinmlltod to jail. safe robbery. Uiuitv, N. Y., Augnrt 5. 1878. H. Sllngerland't office, at t.'aatleton, was entered by burglar* la*t night, w ho gagged and bound a negro In charge of the place and blew open the *afe, from which they took $S0o in money and bonds worth several thousand dollar*. naval intelligence. Pour Royal. S. C., August 5, 1878. The corvette Huron. Comm*nder Charlie Carpenter, which arrived ye*terilny from Vera Cm*, ha* been quarantined Ave day* for observation. All on hoard are well burned to death. Sr. Jonxsacnr. Vl., Augnat ft, 1878. Two children of John M. Smith aet Ore ton barn accidentally and one of ihem wa* bnrned to death. The flamea spread, deairoying several building* IRK HERALD, SUNDAY, COMMODORE VANDERBILT. bis cojromo* this mobnino?his pulse obowhio WEAKF.ll?an impbes8ite scf.n at the bedside of the supposed dyino MAN?his mental and spibitual condition?new schemes. About twelve o'clncK on Friday night Mr. Vanderbilt | waa aoized with a nervous chill, which occasioned some anxiety; but at two o'clock y cm onlay morsiug it had worn away, leaving him somewhat weaker. At the I Ccminodore's request two or three hymns were then sung by Kev. Dr. Deems au<t thcotber persons present. The sick man aeemed to derive much satisfaction from this, and, leebly joining his voice in the melody, finally tell Into a Ueop and undisturbed sleep, which lasted till alter daylight. He awoke much relreshed, and partook heartily ol a breaklnat of eggs, beefsteak and toast. Drs. Klliott, Llnxly, Austin Flint and tiescholdl met in consultation at half past nine o'clock yu?lorday morning, and, alter a prolonged discussion, staled in reply to the questions of anxlona inquirers that, while they hud scarcely any hopo ot tho Commodore's recovery, (here was no probability of bia passing away Immediately. It was possible that he might even rocover. but not suttlcienUy to transact bis business as of old. . Dr. I.iusly, who bad passed tho night by tho bodsidn I .1... .. ?l ,h.. .... I.e 1x1 occurred within tbo preceding lorty-eight hours, but be seemed to regard tbo death ol the Commodore as a question of a few weeks at the utmost. Dr. Klliott did uot think there was any visible increase of feebleness in his patient Irotn day to day, but perhaps there was from week to week. Tho case was a remarkable one altogether, bo said, and the Commodore was not to be judged of by rules applicable lo people In general. That be might live a mouth or longer was by no means impossible. About three o'clock in tho afternoon the Commodore ate a light dinner ol milk tousl, after which be dropped asleep. Drs. l.lnsly and Elliott were in nttondunre throughout tbe day. No chango look place in the con<liiton ol the Commodore, however, and at eight o'clock in the evening he ate a light supper prepared lor htm under tbo direction ol Dr. Kllioit. TIIK COMMOIKIRK'S SPISIICAL CONDITIO*. Kev. Dr. Deems, who is IB almost OOPlant attendance, as well as others wno are iu communication with the Commodore, say thnl be is in an atniosphcro of spiritual peace and is quite ready to d e, nlthough wishing to recover. The reverend gentleman says the Coinmo lore was always a firm believer In the Scripture*, and never jiermillcd any one In his presence to make a Jest ol sacred sublects. Dr. Deems also says that the Commodore has expressed a desire to make reparation lor any injuries be may have inflicted upon any one during his career. Kl'MUKKD CtUMTABLK SCMkllKS. It was rumored vesiorday about town and apon Staten Island, that Commodore Vanderbilt had under consideration for some tune previous to Ins Illness a comprehensive scheme for the benefit ol workingmeti, the delads of which were lo be kept strictly secret until alter bis death. Tho rei>orl was published in some ol the morning papers of yosterdnv and wus - ?> Ik. ?lih tl... ..Milmn that there waa good lor the statement. It was raid that a part of the scheme consisted in converting a portion of hm landed estate ou the Foulb shore of Staleulsland into a city similar to Mr. Stewart's tiarden City, on Island. It wns further staled that a ferry aonld connect tbo proposed city with New York, the faro to bo placed at tne eery lowest rulo at which expenses could be earned. Mr. K. 1). Worcester, Vice 1'resident of the New York Central Kallroad. and President and Treasurer of the I.ake shore road, who has been In dally conference with the Commodore, stated In the coursu'ol a conversation with a Hskald reporter Inst night that there was no truth in this report. The commodore had, he said, contemplated for same time a scheme of great magnitude, but it was ot an entirely diflcront complexion from that Indicated in the reports referred to. Wuat the scheme was llr. Worcester peremptorily refuted to tell. The mind of the Commodore is ss clear as ever, and ho converses with hia friends in a manner that shows his Judgment ot men aod events to be unimpaired. Hia wile and her nother, Mra Crawford, are almost eousiantly by his side, and oecisionally a Irtend who calls is admitted to the siek room. It is said by those familiar with the Commodore's manner, that he talks much than when lie was in full heultn. for the nrst six weeks or so of his illness he suffered so much that he was almost oblivious to external events; l>at he is now quite tree rrom pain una listens attentively while one of hie attendants road* the daily padere to htm. On Friday he spoke for three hours at a stretch tp Mr. Worcester, more than he astisily spoke In a week when in health. The subject of his remarks was tho condition el tho roads In which he Is Interested or.d their proper management. He rerommended a conservative course as In many respects the most expedient. In that connection he spoke of the defeat or 1 General Caster, and expressed the opinion that the I latter bad been guilty of some rashness or indlacrotion ] in the manner el conducting hia fatal campaign against the Sioux As an evidence of the clearness and vigor of bis mental racultiea it la -slated that while hustle engaged in discussing business matters with Mr. Worcester, on Friday last, it was announced to him that his barber was In waiting. Oh! let htm go; I won't he shared to-day," said the Commodore, and then, changing his mind, ha added, "Tell him to come back at two o'clock this afternoon." it was evident from this speech that ho fully realized the time required to transact the business In hand. Tbla little Interruption of tho conversation lasted about one minute ana a ball, and, at its conclusion, Commodore Vanderbllt turned to Mr. Worcester nnd taking up the thread of his story Just whero ho left o(T continued to the end. THR t.ATKMT FROM TBK SICK ROOM. At one o'clock this morning Commodore Vandcrbllt's pulse was growing weaker. He slept uneasily, and was iretluL All bit physicians were present at hia bedside. FATAL ACCIDENT. Moxtrkal, August 5, 1*76. Three workmen named Raymond, I.osanrd and Rodertqua fell from a scuflbld at St. Tatar's church last evening and wero kill d. TERRIFIC THUNDER STORM. Ci.cvRi.Avn, Ohio, August .S, 1876. * ?" ?:H* (knmlAP uinrnt nnaarri OVAT *!> Ail* nn.t vicinity 10-day. Kigtit bouses sra reported struck l>y lightning, and a little girl natned Barbara Ksijh wag also struck and tuslaolly killed. MIDNIGHT WEATHER REPORT. TV AH DEPARTWEXT. ? OFFICE OE THE (HIKE SlOKAL OrFICER, J WAsitt.xiiTos, August C?1 A. it ) I'rohabihtisr. For the Middle and South Atlantic Stntes. slight chances in barometer, stationary to rising temperature, southwest to southeast winds, and clear or lair j weather. For the Gulf States. Tennessee snd the Ohio Valley, rising, followed by falling barometer, e?sterly toioutliertv winds, stationary or rising tompcraliiro, partly cloudy wcnthei and rain areas. For tho lake region, railing barometer, southeast to southwest winds, increasing to brisk and possibly ' high In the upper lako region, and veering to westerly, generally warmer, cloudy or partly cloudy weather and rain areas. | l or tho Upper Missis?ippl and I.ower Missouri val' leys, partly cloudy weather and rain areas, suereeded by rising barometer, winds shifting to norihwcsterly and northeasterly, and cooler, clearing weather. For Sew Kngiand, rising, followed by falling barometer. westerly to southerly winds and generally warmer, clear weather. The Mississippi mvrr, irozn r>i. i.ouii io i irasntirg. will continuo to fall slowly and liio Central Ohio to rise slowly. Cautionary signals continue at Duiuth, Marquette, Kecaaaba aud Milwaukee THE WRATH *11 TE8TERDAY. The lollowing record will show the changes In the temperature for the past twenty-four hours in romper ison with the corresponding <lnte of last year, as Indicated by the thermometer at Hadnut'a pharmacy, H aai.i?" Building : ? 1874. 1870. 1875 1876. st.m tih 70 8:30 p. m .... 84 8.'. 6 A. H 71 71 6 I'. M 77 81 9 A. M 75 75 9 I'. M 72 78 i 12 M 80 85 1-' I', if 70 74 Average temperature yesterday 7T>* Average leniperature lor corresponding date last year. 187 V 1876. Weekly average 71 1-7 71 3-7 CENTRAL PARK OBSERVATORY. abstract Of report for the were ending at one. p. m. ArounT 5, 1876. Barometers-Mean, 29.982 Inches; maximum at nlno A. m. August 3, 30.IOC laches; minimum at seven A. 'm. July 31, 29 699 inches; range. .467 inches. Thermometer?Mean, 71 degrees; maximum at one p. M , Atifiist ft, 82 degree*; minimum at live A. M., July 31, 62 degrees; range, 20 degree* Remarks?.July 30, rain Iroin halt-past nine a. M. to twelve i'. M., i amount ot water 1.56 inches; July 31, ram from two A. M lo three A. M., amount ni water. .09 Inch; July 31, rain Irom twenty tninuie* to two p. M. lo three p, . M., amount of water, . 14 inch. Total amonnt of water lor lhe week, L 79 inches. l)l<lanctf travelled by tbs I wind during the woelc. 1.103 mile* AUGUST tt. MS-TRIPLE THE SIOUX WAR. A General Movement of Troops from the Indian Territory to the Meux Country. I REPORTED FIGHT NEAR FETTERMAN Rain-in-the-Fece, with His Late Hostiiss, Coming to StSbding Rock To Be Fed. GENERAL HARNEY ON THE WAR. An Army Officer's Views on How the Savages Shouid be Fought. St. I<o;:is, August 0, 1870. A cnneinl dotnnleh frnm i nnvnnwnrlli (Cnnaas KM VA | the goncral movement of troops from tho Indian Territory to tho ft ion x country has already com men cod, Cenoral McKenzie, with two compunioti of tho Fourth camlry, recently stationed at Fort Sill, Indian Territory, having departed Iroru that post yesterday, to report at ltcd Cloud Agency via Caddo und Cheyenna Tbreo companies ot the samo regiment havo also been ordered front Fort Klllot and Camp Supply, and w III go in a day or two via Fort Dodge, according to an orj der recently Issued by General Johrr A. l'ope. Second I.,ieuteunnt Fred. D. (Irnnt Iras been promoted to a first lteutennncy In the Fourth cavalry, j I vice Robert 0. Carter, retired, which citrries Grant to j | Fort Klltot, Texas. Lieutenant Colonel Wesley Mcrrltt, who so gallantly I repulsed and arovo back tlio Cbeyennes, under White Antelope, who sought to elTect a Junction with tho Sioux, has been promoted to tbe colonelcy of the Sixth cavalry, vice Emory, rotiren. INDIAN FIGHT NEAR FETTEItMAN. CmrAoo, August S, 187(1. > Advices received at General Sheridan's headquarters tins morning state that a fight occurred nonr Fetter- | man, between a party or herders and a bnnd of Indians, ' on the 4lh Inst One Indian was killed. The whites ! succeeded in capturing a considerable nnmlier of ponies. * BETUBN Or DATE BOSTItiEH TO STANDING BOCK AGENCY?MOST OF THE BUCKS STILIj ABSBNT?ESTIMATE OF THH 8IOUZ FOBCE. Sr. Paoi., Minn., August 5, 1870. Advices by the way of IlisraarcE havo lieen received hern to tho effect that Rain-ln-the-Face, accompanied by 220 lodges of Indians from tho hostile camp, have arrived at Standing Rock. This Indian mordered a trader of Stanley's expedition, in 1873, and was arrested therefor by Captain Tom Caster, but escaped, and Is aald tobavo cat the heart from Captain Custer's body, and to have flred tho last shot at General Custer. An intelligent and trustworthy gentleman says that though special effort was made on the part of the agent and the Indians at the issue of beef on balurday to mako a showing, still there wore not 500 hncks.present, while there should have been over 2,000, from which It would seem that large numbers are with the hostile*. i Those who are well informed rate tho Sioux fighting force at 27,000, and believe thore are 10,000 woll armed warriors now in the field. INDIAN ATTACKS UPON BLACK HIMJSBS?A CAMP BUBPBISED BT HEBDBBS?OTB INDIANS AND TROOPS OOINQ TO JOIN CBOOK. CmtTSirxR, Wy. T., Augusts, 1870. On the return trip from Deadwood the atnge was attacked by Indians at Indian Creek. The slock was j stolen, the mall bnga eat open, the coach destroyed and one passenger wounded. A ramp of fUteon Indians was surprised and attacked at Old Bridge Ferry, forty nules north of Fort Laramie by a party of horders. Ono Indian and two ponies wcro killed and lourteen pomes captured. Bauer and Davis' train, while returning from the Ifllls, wag attacked near Owens Ranclio, twenty-five miles south of Fort Laramio, yesterday, losing ten horses. A sergeant, eight cavalrymen and a number of ranchmen started In pursuit of the Indians, but tailed to overtake them. There Is considerable excitement among stock men in tho valley and horsos arc being corralled. Curtis, wiih sixty-live Utes, arrived at Rawlins to- I . day. Tliev proceeded to Fort Steele to bo armed and j | will then start north to join C.enoral Crook's command. ' onmnanv nf thn 1'nnrtli cnvitlrv lnft hxrn ?rl. >h,. I ' J morning for Fort Laramie, Another arrived tbis evening. They mo.o north as fast na they arrive. Several companies of the fourteenth Infinlry aro en route Irotn t'lah. GENERAL HAUNET ON THE WAR. General \V. S. Harney, whose reputation as an Indian lighter was won in many a bnril fought coulcsl among llie Florida Everglade* and on the great Western Plaina, and who, finec his retirement irom urroy lilo, lives at his eounirv scat, near Mcrninoc Station, Mo., I was recently in St. I,nuts. He was interviewed by a ' reporter ot the Republican, to whom lie guvo his views on iho present Sioux war, which bo cum-idcr* wholly I unnaccsaary, saying:? If they had curried out the treaty I mode tvlih 1 the Sioux mi Kort 1'ierre, in IS">4, there would j have b?-t n no war. The Indians are, fond of distinction, and I originated n echetne, inviting the ytung warriors to become soldiers of tiiv L'nited Slates. I'liey were to receive uuilorins, \ \ he loruied into companies, and hold tliemaelvrt in readiness in assist the armies of ilie l'nited States whenever railed upon. Crrtitleaiea 01 enlistment were 1 issued in thein, by wiliirn their nainrul pride was grao- | lied and Ihev exulted 111 Inlng recognized ms soldiers. ' In tin* new relation they became |a*t friends ol ino l olled Stales. and it I* > (act that in IsdT, when the Iticltan l'oaot < ommiMion, or wiiirh I *.?> n niomixr, 1 ! tinned the ."<1011* tit itic I'pper MIxaouri, hundred* ul ; middle ?ged britve* came into tin; count II. and, ?? an | evidence iIihi they hail ever hcon on Iriendly term* ; I with the government, puilcd out from tln-ir belt* the { original certificate* mailed to tin ru Ig 1,10 elovcn years j lietorc. BOW TO FIGHT 1HR IKDTANft. Fort Sii.i, I. T., July 27, 1870. | To Tit* Kimtor or tiik Hkrai.ii ? 1 forward you herewith lew remark*, drawn loitb by ) our editorial releir-d to, Hiid wbu n, in my opmtou, j cannot lie otroreatiinateri for the logic and found sense ; embodied ihereui. 1 cannot be accused of liastr Judg- | inent reyard'ng my assertion mat we require more cavalry, tor I have been at this work?vix., Indian 1 arnutlDg?since 1854, nearly twenty-two yearn, having Drat joiued the regular arm? in that year to yo on the "Uig Slom Kxpedttlon," under General William S. | llnrney, and nerved all through that expedition in the i Second dragoona. and 1 bnve been continuously In the j | aert lee Irom that day to thin. Twenty yearn ago ooe | company ot our cavalry could, and often did, make 200 or TOO Indians fly, beeauat the Intlianx hrid lew, it j | any tlreorma; and I have been in the camp of 500 | I Ch'eyennea in thoee dava and saw bill one revolver ; I (Coli'a), which a chief had, and for which I learned he ' I had trailed two poniea. Sluco then the Indiana hare gradually become Inlly armed with the Iwst gutiH made and nearly three, foiirtba ol any ! one hody <d tliein will also have revolrtra, unit i plenty'i. ntnmunlilon lor both; they will nowaday* 1 fight ii? aimofi man to man, yet In consequence of amall comt>anlea ami regiments the same nuinher of men will Ik> aent out on a *rout na thero waa twenty . year* ago with ihia diflerence, then the Indian* ran I rom u*. now tbey aland and every now and then wipu SHEET. us nut. Just Imagine companies of cavalry, the an- [ thori/.ed strengtu of which I>? U? is sevculv moo, with hard work to rako up from tliiriyflvo to lorly-Ove If wanted in mount nml start on a arnul. lov>k at Colonel .Mrrritl w ith eight companies Kntb cavalry aald to havo 400 men. when they ought to he odO. It Is ao all through the army Our companies and regiments arc not kept up, nnd when an emergency does arise the men to do tho work are not there, aud recruits lor cav nlry service are almost useless till drilled for several months. We have u?-> rnuclt infantry sod not enough of cavalry. am*, moreover, our infantry are kept in many places where tticy are useless. I.ook tit Korl MrKavctt. five companies Tenth infantry, and Knrt Richardson, lour companies Eleventh infantry. Texas? hnm posts little or no use, ss they are eloso to other I and tnoro Important posts ami arc also out ot the frontier lino, too fir In. AN ARMY OFFICER. j OAKLAND PARK. j dan yoob1iees a winner in tiirrk stratoiit iucath. | San Francisco, August 5, 1874. j ' <n n trotting race at Oakland I'ark to-day. mile beats, | f.eEt three In five, for $1,000. be'ween Iian Voorhees, I Mag Ilnward, Defiance nnd Chicago, Dan Voorhees I won In throe straight heats. Tlllta. 1 H IM f SHOT AT THE CARD TABLE. 1 Drthoit, Mich., August 5, 187A John Schueler and Michael Top'n quarrelled while playing earda In a Woodhridgo street saloon to-day, ; j;l about noon. Schueler finally drew a revolver and shot # Topln In tho right breast, indicting ii wound winch ^ prov d fatal. Schueler is believed to liavo fled to ' Cab ado. j * LITERARY CHIT-CHAT. ??? ! O, "firoombr'dgo's Handv Coneordaneo to tho New j U Athtntrum superior to nil other'. t| A learned Frenchman named Felix Ju Ion has pub- , si lished a great philological treatise under tlic t tie o( 1 "j "A Voyage to the Land of Babel." tl The British national roller!Ions of pictures and statuary nrn to be illustrated by a series of handbooks (| from tho competent pen of Mr. Uonry lllackburn. Ii All the tneetlnps ot the ltrltlsh Itoyal Copyright t ' Commission ?ro held in private, and none of the en- j tlence ol authors and publishers m vet permitted to . leak out. A serond sornts of Mr. J. A. Nyra.ind's "Studies of | tho (ireek I'ooia" is out In London, and embraces | p learned and scholarly essays on Scphoelcs, .fischylus, ' Parmenldes, Ac. ! ' Mr. T. W. HlnrhtilT's "Over the Soa and Far Away" j p rontinues to win grout praiso as the freshest, most I h charming and unaffected book of travel round tho j j world yet written. Tho late Oeorpe Catlin's Illustrations ot "The Mac- j ners and Customs of tho North American Indians,-' I f joug out ol print, lias boon reissued bv Chatto A Windtis, 1 p London, with 3U0 colored cngruvt'igsr- j t EX, AND WHY. ! b d Houlion Rimmnna nf VtinlrArv an itT.nnllrtamnn nf ' the Nino Wen tli precinct, wns arrested in the Twenty- ! socond ward on Fridat night on a charge of disorderly I conduct nud hold bv Judge Wundoll. at the Fifty- | seventh Street Court, to keep the pone for six months ! In udditlon to a fltio of $10. No outlawoa ruflinn could ' net worse than ho did. Wblio drinking in the lager I beer suldoii of Joseph Heclit. In West Forty- [ o ninth street, ho drow a revolver, and, without ^ any app.aront provocation, brandished it around his head, threatening to shoot every one present. Having * cleared the saloon ho then went out on the street in (i search of other t'tme. Seeing two olllccrs approach- , tng on a run he fled and threw hts revolver Into a vacant lot. In his eflorls to resist arrest he kicked 0 the skin olf Officer McArdle's shin, and It was only alter u|>air of handcuffs had been put on him that ho was locked up. FARMERS IN REAL NEED. y Yesterday Supervisor (iiibner, of the toVn of New p TTtreeht I .on or Island notified Simcrinlendent of Police Patrick Campbell, ihnt several farmers ot tliat loclion ! oT Kings county had recently been robbed of truck, o which had Iteon taken from their wagons while on the way to markot. Tito thieves cut the cover* and take oat the back of the wagon*,* so as to remove the vegetables the more easily. If the former* attempt te j protect their property the miscreants stone thltn and otherwise endanger their lives. A majority of such rohberlos have been commuted on Third uvenue, at Ihirty-slxlb street, and along Hamilton avenue to the ' ferry. The Brooklyn police havo been instructed to tako special care of the larmera in the future, and sevoral arrests aro contemplated. ERIE ECONOMY. Thn Krio Railway Company has ordered the em pluses at the Jersey City shops to be placed on eight hours' time, and fifty men havo been discharged. It Is estimated that the working foreo along the line will be reduced 1,000 lo l.fton men. Tho Ireignt and passenger traflic or. the road ?as never bettor, but tho low rales and stringency of the money market compel reduction. 1 i NEW JERSEY STATE FAIR. i The direetors of tho New Jersey State Agricultural j ! Society held a meeting at their grounds, at Wuvcrly I 1 Park, yesterday alternoon, and dined a largo number ! t of invited guests, principally representatives of tlie ' press, after which there was some lino trotting under ! ihc direction of tho Newark tiestlemen's Driving As- 1 ' sociatlnn. The lollowing geniIcmcn were appoinicd a i I . I * n..rm It It II ? ? H n, ...I 1 ........ ....... ...... ... ...... , J. Ttlden to visit the annual exhibition ol the so- | clotv In September:?Joseph T. Orowell. Amns Clark, : Jr.tleorge A. Hslsey and John Metlregor. The I 1 grounds nro being put in exrellont roiiihtinn and new buildings erected. It is the intention of the directors to make tlio fair this yenr stt|terlor to any preceding : t ones, especially us Its great rival, the Newark Indus- j ' trial Institute,'Is now no longer In existence. INCENDIARISM AT BAYONNE. | i i On Friday night oarn on the premises of f'dward | * Way, foot of Twenty-ninth street, was destroyed, together with the ndjotning greenhouse and other out- ] buildings. The loaa is about $.'l,t)00. The family has been ahsniit for some time, and the c ause of the fire Is unknown. The loss Is covered by insurance. At two o'clock yesterday morning a sloop lying at the coal dock took tiro Ironi some unknown cause, but It was discovered In tlmo to prevent serious damage. The citizens are alarmed, and think there are moro incen- I diaries than those arrested last week. KINGS COUNTY BUDGET. ( At a mooting of the Kings County Hoard of E-stimnta ) yesterday nftornoon tho budget for 1377 was considered, whon it was resolved that an aililitlonal aum of $1,1?47 7.1 ; 1 should ho placed In tho tax levy to pay tho water tax , J biil* of tho Hoard of Commissioner* of Charities. Tho ' Hum of ?4,.">h1 was approprtatod for maintaining tho f I'rospeot I'ark 1'arado tiroimd and tho Coney Island I r l.onrii Concourse. Tin' item of $lon,ooo lor tho county j contingent fund watt also ngreed upon. ' j A VERY FOOLISH WOMAN. | l On Friday lira. Mary O'Nell, ol Mo. 4.">1 Wort Thirtyninth street, drew sonto money from tho hank and got ' drunk. While in this condition alio was robhed, and t the loss of her money, aided to IDO elTecls of tlm b liquor, made her temporarily insane. She was seen liy , J a policeman In the art ol throwing herself into tho j North Hirer at the loot of Forty-eighth street She > was sored Irotn drowning, and .fudge W indell eoni- t milled her to the etro of the Coinmi??i?iiera of Chart- I' ilea and Correction. # ANOTHER WAIF. 3 Officer Andrew*, of tho Kighlh precinct, yesterday > morning found John Mulligan, a hoy aged ahout tbir- J teen rear*, wandering about I'rince atrool and brought I' him into the Ktghth precinct station house. The boy anid that two nnd-a-half years ago his uncle and his II mother had placed h m under the < are of the Juvenile a tlnardian Society, He was sent to u farm at Cornwall. Henry county. III. There he wns had it trcaied and f came here *? a stowaway un the l'ltl?t>urg. Fort Wayne and Chicago llailrnad tin coming here hl? une e or ore him away Irom the door. Tho uncle, whose name ia Hubert Andrews. keep* u fancy store at No. 'J4S Spring ! street. Justice Smith sent the buy to the Hotno for ( tb* Friendless. DROWNED. ! J Yeatcrday afternoon, about half-past two. Andrew Dari*, porter with llallard, llalllday Ac Co., importers of flowers, liroadway, while in bathing l>etween the Nap time House nnd Surf House, Un.lcawsy llearh, was 1 drowned. His friends warned him not to go too far, , . hut lie went out ami was seized with cramps. ticorgo j Samuels. of the Neptune House, rushed to his assist ? stire but on being brought to shore he immediately ; expired. He belonged to the North ol lielaml, and j leaves a wile and four children. . I A FATAL FALL. 1 Miebnel Murphy, ol No. !M'> avenno H, fell from his ] house to the yard and was killed on Friday night. 1 A CORRECTION. The statement communicated to a BKBat.n reporter , and published on July P, that the puraar ol tne steam- t ship Holland had a model miniature yaeht which ha j intended to aail against air of the local lamlare ! yacht* on Communipaw Bay la lacorrecl. i 1 f AN OMINOUS FAREWELU Mn. Oliver Long. wife of a lithographer who hae estdcd for several years past at N'rw Lots, L, I., called it the llrooklyn Police Central office yesterday afterloon, and In a most ended and nervous manner rested the circumstance* which caused her to te.*r that icr husband had committed suicide. Mr. /.one, who if hlrty-llve years of age, was employed in N'ew Yorlc n an extensive lithographic establishment until within he past few months, when die.was discharged owinf o tit- depression tn trade, lie b"eatne very much llapirlted in consequence nl his Inability to obtain tork elsewhere. Two weeks ago he tried to shoot ntnself with a revolver, bit true frustrated in (he atempt. He has frequently since threatened to shoot I'tnself. Karlv yesterday morning he asked his wife o accompany him to Now York, which she tfd. it Pulton street he invited her to fnke glass of soda water. When she had* inrtnken of tho soda tie kissed her and said, "That is he lust time you will ever drink with me. " He then an hurriedly away from the surprised and distracted roman. Mrs Long went to the shop where he had jrmcrly work- d, and was there told tlist her huehand ud railed in and wished them "goodbjr." The nn.ssin| tan Is live leet nine inches in height, had light chin ihlskers and mustache, wore it light hst. dark coal rid vest, dark gray pants and dark gray calico shirt. LAYING ON THE WRONG GREEN. A persrn called nl tho Comptroller's office on Friday irt, f iNcly representing that lie wu? James Halpin, ao soman on ti e roll of the Depirtipetit of Public WorKt, warrant to Il.ilpln's orh r for $02 -io was given him, ud he (hereupon signed Hatpin's r-.nino to the roll. Thl aud was Immediately discovered and payment ol the lieck was stopped. Ilslpin soon alter entered the lire and rri|uo*ieu Ins cheek, pretending not to know ut pay men I had hern made. Upon lieing questioned v the paymaster, ho admitted that he knew the party nd offered to accompany Mr K. H. McOurk clerk itt te Loin pi roller s oince, to a li<|ii<ir mure ;u nuourr reel, where the party was lound, wbu proved to l>o i.c James Mclaughlin. Ilo was arrested and taken to io Kilteenth procinot station lions* and looked up tor to night, together with llalpiti, w hu coin milled t> nn accomplice. Voateraav morning both wore brought before Jttsop Stoith, and, w.nvmi an examinnticn. Mchtnain n was coiiinullod and Halpiu hold a> a willies* against is Irieud. FUtE RECORD. ? Fires occurred yesterday In the lolh.wtn; plnrns:?. No. UJ Koude street, occu|i|od hj J. I?. tiiottl k Co. lamige to stork and nuildiiig. i70t) No. 1,400 Broadway, restaurant of C. Siiherhrandt. iimage, ?I,goo. No. M! Baxter street, store*of James Coldsteln. lanugo, glbO; caused oy the explosion of a keruscoo tni p JEWARE OP TRAINS IN MOTION! In Newark, yesterday morning. Mr. William Henry Ivans, a clerk in Hie store of Wheeler, Parsons Ac tr...Inn l?.? Vn? Vni-lr Ou.,1 In mini, nil thn imi rninut)** p.-ist hcvpu trnin o; llio Nowark ami New 'ork lUilronU, a* it was ?luriinu aero** I ho Mulhorry trooi croaaiDjr. Somehow h? clipped. was dragged unci' (bo earn and wan almost cut in two. HOTEL AllJtlVALS. Sir John Hawksliatc, of logland; and Captain Anrye, of flit) French 1.elation at Washington, aro At the Irevoort House, l'jofessor ThomiiH Archer, of tlx Iriltsh Centennial Commission; ex-Senator I. S. Harria, f Louisiana; and Ocorgo W. Smallcy, aro nt the Klitk iTonue Hotel Chief Knginee r William 11. .-hock, 'nlted Stalea Navy, is at the Metropolitan Hotel. F. lordon Dexter, of Hoston. la at the Windsor Hotel. . M. Tliacher, formerly 1'nlted States Commissioner f PatenIx, ia at the St. Nicholas Hotel DIED^ Cdttir.?On Friday, August 4, D. Crrrtit, aged 71 aura. FunernI from liis late residence, .'ifl 3d av., Sunday, itiyuat K, at hairpa?t two P. M. Friends are roipettully invited. For OtfiT Draih? A>r Eighth Page. HOW COMELY IS A CI.FAR COMPLEXION. T* bteln it witwi with Ducks'* Sii.rucu Soar. Hill's Hair Uti. blark or brown, .Mie. A.?DENNETT BUILDING. FIREPROOF. jocatf.d on nassau. ann ant> fulton st& handsomely and well heatf.d offices to let on very reasonable terms. suitable for jawyerr'. bankers and insurance offices. apply on the premises. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS.-AIN ANSWER In "Alphabetical." in your l?l la.iie, for a remody lor eonmmptimi In tin Aral alairr*. I can recommend Dr Pir.RrK'R* Manual. Diat'ovkrt, IT ink'n aeeonlinc to dirrc lone. for it baa been thoroughly tried in my family, and tha eaiillt were eloriona. 'Alphabetical'' mint nut expect una toltle lo do lb.* work?my wile look thrre bottle* before aha Miuld diarnrer any rlianL-e, bnt after tile third bottle every in e aeenied to MroiiRtlieii Ilia lunca and now aha la well trfd hearty. If "Alplialietienl" will write to 111 I will car vllne.aea to the above. IIKNitY It. II. PATTON. I.AWHrarr, Marion county, Ind. Ulneiunatl Tlmea, Fab. 4. IH7A. A.?THE 8ILKTLASruTfliUssTSOLD ONLY RT FI.ASTfl' TltlteS COMPANY. llM.'t llruadwnv. aoon ner uinenlly cnrn rupture. a fact for these'tim'ks'.?'thr~difference tetween ?li? moat Improved stvle. ni tin* ordinary sewing narlilne and tbe "Nut AtrTOHATte" if the WILLCOX <t IKHS SKWINti MACHINE COMPANV s.Imply m?rvelon*. and nuts the littler lar ahead of everything hltli-rtn uvented in sett ing machine*. On view at the I'enieifiial rtarliinery Hall, section C 7, ro'. 'si, and at HhS Hr. adway, tie^Ymk. a warning to ruptured sufferers 13 lie feet Hint four nut of flee nf the worst suTerers arc vielots of "elastic" cotton or silk humbugs. Tun VtCTog rnt'ss, No. .1 Veeev ??., alone Insures couilort and aatistao lou, or no sale. beautiful women ' usb "palmer's invisl. ii.k. the most charming ol all lace pur dera. I'rieu J t ceula. It drng sloies: also by mall. IJ risit st? New Vorlt. crista doko's hair dye accomplishes its work splendidly. Instantly, sorely; wholesale and retail, S3 lolin si. certain PLEASURES VANISH WHEN tiik eeth decay, visThe pleasure derived fr<>tn eating; Hie de oars arising from the consclonsness of posses trig* street ireath. ami the pleasure ol Knowing that a snnle In purling he rosy Hps reveals now heaitles behind them. Kendcj hose pleesnres perpetual hr the regular use of SozonoNr. CANCER' CURED WITHOUT THE KN1PE OR >aln, and positively guaranteed, by I'rofessor J. M. lOMI.NS. M. it.. :! .' Islington av. Itooks sent free cancer radically'' cukbltwifuout knife, rnustlr or minerals . pamphlet tree. Itrs SHOWN A HIODIIAKR. No. 8 West 14th st. dyspkpsi A TRAVELLERS AM) TOURISTS ihould supply themselves with Sharp's OoiaiKSTKSTrl iiabi'oai. pll.i.a. npeeide si'ainst Indigestion. IIAKTSKri 's iltitile llonsei Pharmary. electric "Skits?for debility in men "all or send lor eirrnlar to J. KAICK. KIJ Broadway. HOLMIM** AGUE AND LIVER PAD CURIE vithout inedirlne , the mos reliable remedy ever riiacov. ired. sst.lohnst. headquarters for "political open-work Jasvs.hs; I'oktiiaits on hand or to order. II. II. UI'IIaM k I'll., J-'st and -*i- Canal st.. rornsr Klin. IN LOW, ".MaKSiIV NEIGHBORHOODS AND rverlth climates use nl'KKK'.s I'r.itt vian .iiTTr.rts. a sure ireveniatlie and rure. if you wish to enjoy again the u?i power, of body and mind ir i-.i.tcrrmrif tr from Dr. 'IUMHK.KLIN. No. 7 West 14th st. Consultation iree. politicaj^kkr"bannkrs, klag3, portraits, "ransparenc ev *' .; old I I<|iiarters. 11 o.l K. It a OK IIIAM. D7 Duanest. parisian diamonds ?the result of valable dlteoyety made by a French rhrmi.l. I y which rrys. sis are routed wiih a pure diamond surface which cannot e scratched, marred, blurred or tarnished by wear, wnlle hey arr as bright and beautiful as the genuine and deiy election by daylight or gaslight i citing Solid gold). :l* 'IIA fill HUMPHREYS. Jeweller. No. 77.1 Broadway, iew Turk, sole agant tortile I nltrd Mates, Cood* sent O. II., with privilege to examine. Send for Illustrated rlrellst. I have nu sgruls. PALMER'S TofDIN, THE CHEAT SKIN MEIIf. uir, has no eompelitors with those wuu have tried It. At rag stores and Id Piatt st. rupture?a pkkman en t cure by dr. IA H S11. Irnal.iienl: Mlk.* Stockings; Abdominal tells, rtliouhler braces nud surgleal appliances ol every de. ripilnn No. 2 Vtsvy St. lAstor House., opposite ht. 'am* church. SPKF.RS PERUVIAN III ri KRS?llIE MOST RE able tonic and sure ci rlor lever, at sI'KKK's native wi|t epot. .11 Warren St.. corner t'hnreh. New \ork. SODA WATER APPARATUS Foil MAKING all icrated Beverages. JOHN MATTHEWS, let sr., and 2t?tb at., city. rpser's peruvian bitters- sprr pkkvkxline null r? lor ferrrt e.'ne* paint in tne llmlit and rtd. ?l NPBI'.K'S native wine ilepot. :t4 Worr n tt., comer 'hnreh. Wli;s, TOM'KKS ?(}. IlAl'CHK I ISA, PRACTICAL fit-maker end Importer ot llnmen llelr. No. 41 beet Kill tt. ' \Y KST POINT IIOTK I? We?l Point, N. Y. The only hotel on the pott. Helot $4 per dey, or #Kt .el per week. AI.MI.ltr II. ORANTY. WHOLESALE tuti ?; TRADE -APPERIOR EXCEIr enre. Urrr hell a million iiMei>l'*Tti> I'livnT inn Lino 'eoTn ioe* .old latl peer. ISAAO A., tole men* iferterer, 7?>l Broadw^r. ihui.icmtioas. ' ' ASit'Kll.S?A NKW rRK ATISK KXPl.A IMMiTII HI R i.J tnroettfnl treatment, tent tree. lire. ItltuW.S k MToD. ?A HI*. No. " Weit 14th tl. [ TOW PAHOI.R HK.A1 in IIIl.Tio-K AT lUKATOOjC II Kaed ". "table Monte" In .NOAII'S sL'NoAV TIMKM >i to-day. ? or tale t.jr all newtdealert. MAIUIVO.MaI, aiivkktuek KtUt 4UUUft#| prlre III renlt. Adilrett box "i,.">!?i I'ott office, Nam fork. OIHee. 411 t'liethem ?t. rllk INIMOTMKIT TKIauTorvioTIOK a*d hrx tenee of llr. I ilOTK for tend'.n*. ?" **i nilo^cd, Oe nxntt Ppdwr ATio.nt, ete.. thron rli tl.e U. S mailt. itoad he l>?ct ir a V inniiATinn In the Supplement to too II i. ALT It MONTH LV lor An{ii?t. A paper of merlin* Intvrett. Ait. eljr tOTour newtnten lor It. Price Witt., by me.l I. ordered. MURtfAY HILL PC BL1SIII MICOMPAS Y, lJ'J Lett -SU it., Hew York. i A