Newspaper Page Text
I TH WHOLE NO. 14,596. DlKKCl'OItr FOR ADTERTISEKS. HKKAI 1) BRANCH OPPICK, 1.1*5 BROADWAY? OPEN I?AV AM) MOIIT KitII RECEPTION OP AUVKKl 1SKMENTS AX D SALES OP PAPERS. AMUSKMKNTS-Ut PAROUS co'.. ASTKOLOOY?7tii Pack? tlili rol. Ml LLi ARDS?7tm PAOB-Sth rol BOARDERS Wasted?7th Park?Oth col. BOARD ASI) LOIHiINU WANTED?7ni Paci?5th eol. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR SAl.h?lie Park?lit col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES??tm Pari. 1)1 SINhSK notices Sni Park???h CITV REAL estate PoK SaLK Ju I'ark-IU cil. CLERKS and salesmen ?7th Park??h col. CLtirillNti?7th Park?Tilli ool. I COACHMEN and hardeners?7fu park-tth iod 5th coll COASTWISE STEAM SHI PS?2u l'ar?-2d and 3d coll. COUNTRY BOARD?7th PARC-5th and 6th col. DENTISTRY?7tu Pari??>lh coL DWELLINU llOl SES To LET. PUUMSUKD AND UNPURNISHKD-'Js Park?lit col. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?2i> Parb?2d eol. EL HOPE -7th Park -Dili col EXCURSIONS?2u Pack?3d and 4th cola. FINANCIAL?Otii I'ack. >'Olt SALE?Iat Pack 4th col. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET?2D fiO>- Ul col. FUKN1TUKE-7tii Paob-SUi col. HELP WANTED?FEMALES?7th Pack?3d ?ud 4th col*. HELP WANTED? MALES-7iu Pacb-541i eol. BURSES, CARRIAGES. AC?1st l*aok-2d 3d and 4th ' cult. DOTKL8?7tb Pack?fitb col. hol'sbs, rooms. ac.. vv ANTED?7th PACB-Othcol. INSTRUCTION?lrr Paok?Itli col. Lt)8T AND FOUND?1?t Pacb-Ui col. M ACII1NBKY?1st Pack?4th col. MAlttiLK MAN IKUS-7TH PACK-Gth col. MEDICAL?7tii Pauk?Glli col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?10*M PABB itll col. MISCELLANEOUS?1st Pack?4tb col. MUSICAL? -u Pack? let cel. NEW PUBLICATIONS .til I'auk-lith coL PERSONAL-ist Pack Ihic..I. PIANOFORTES, OROANS. ao.?lit Pack? OtU coL POLITICAL?Jo Pack?4ili col. POST OFFICE NOTICE? 1st PaOB-4IIi col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEM ALU? 7th Pack ?3d col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO KENT?2d Pack?let col. REAL ESTATE To EXCHANGE?2d Pack-Is! col. REAL ESTATE WaNTKD-2u I'AUK-l.l col. REWARDS? 1st Pack?Is. col BALKS AT AUCTION?1st PAUK-5th cel. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES-7th Pack?1st. 2d and 3.1 col*. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?'7tii l*ack-4th col. SPECIAL NOTICES?1st Pack?1st and 2d cols. SPORTING?DOGS. 1IIIIDS, AO.?1st Pack?2d coL SUMMER RESORTS?Till Pack-UUi col. THE TRADES?7tii Pack-GHi col. TIIK TURK?1st Pack?2d col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d Pack?1st col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?2h PACK-Sd col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2D Pack - Dt col. WANTED TO PURCHASE?2d PaOK?Ith sot. WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.?7tii Pack-GHi col. YACHTS. STEAMBOATS. AC.?IOth Pack-GHi col. PERSON A L. ^ FlKTII~AVKNUti THEATRE? WEDNESDAY 'NIGHT lttui, neurly liixt coming out; will lady in black druav. light lint, allow tall fair gentleman who aloud in her way Hid at whom sho looked hack to make acquaintance? Mention incident to avoid mlalake. Aildiess MTtANOKlt, Herald Philadelphia Branch office. ISFOIIM VI'icTy WANTK0 OK MICTVAKI, LABKIN. who If ft iilen Cove, L. I., about twclvo month* ago. by hi* wile. d'-iO Grand at.. New York. XK THIS SHOULD MKEl TilE IEYE oiF~ WILLIAM Martin Kulu, of Ulnsgow. his sister. Jessie 11*1 n, woold like to communicate witu hint at 'Jtrj East hth at. JACK-WILL bit IN FRONT ok YOt'lt MANSION to-day at I'd o'clock ; walk out If possible, have lust article* at the club. CI1ADO. Red and hlck.?white to me and it wux be all right; i will ba there. KEU AM) It I.I K-W KDNI4S&AY'(IK I'll lliSIlAY ANY i time alter two; there both days. A*tor; brine re* eelpt. STATHN ISLAND-SUNDAY BO \T, 5 O'CLOCK, Clifton to city- tall gunlleinau would like to hear front lady iu black. Address HOPE, Herald office. Sadie-waited>t)k you in kainT will be at Central i'ark Garden to night. VINCENT AI.DaO. tMIEWANAKA?THY IIKillIIT"sMILE HAUNTS ME C5 still. I* it possible, one word ot comfort to K., box 103 Herald Uptown Branch office ? ___________ LOST A til* rutnito. r LOST-SATl IIDAY APTEKNOOS, AT 7 O'CLOCK. IN vicinity of Stli av. and '.'7th or 3tith at., a roll of Kill*, remaining SIO). hy a woman who can ill afford the loa*. It the ?atuc is returned to the clerk of the Glcuhatu Hotel iSth av. and ?d at.I the finder will lie given $'JY Lost?on sati'kday july an. kithkii at coney Island or mi boat, two Pocketbookx, containing papers and some loo>e papers, of no value except to owner. If party llnding same will communicate with owner with view to restoration -address to be found on many of the papers! he can keep the money, he suitably rewarded, and no questions uskod. T OSTEON AUGUST I. ON HOUSTON STKKKT CARS, IJ trom Greene *t. to Jersey t ity lorry, a Hoi I ol Bills. |5J. Kinder will ho well rewarded by louviug It lor W. \V., nvrftlll tpi'jwn umuvu nuicu. IOST?IN*OK VKTINJTY OK WALL ST.. A HAIR OF J gnld tipecl<?cleit; I lie find.r will be suitably rewarded by thpin at <i. iT.JfAii SI.Yl'lv'S, at. LOST?ON THK ALBANY BOAT, "(IN TIIE l*3T~OK A Haunt, a rade.i i nahtuere hacque. The Under will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at -II Kant Ml at. AMO?. Alinvia BE PAID KOtt THIS JtKTUB.V OF A 5JI.L" " l.luo Skye Terrier Oon. H or 10 pound* weight; aorne hair off hi. back ; an.wer* name ol Jerry. !WJ haat JI at el. $t)il RBWAKD AVD NO QDB8TION8 ASKKD, FOR _iU rotura ol nmall black and tan l>oc, answering to the name of Tony. Ud Went 4tli at., lirat floor, over lager beer aalooti. i -II KKWARD.?tO?T, ON SATURDAY. STH INitx!". Ji)U an Kngliali K"ld Wateb. The tinder will receive tur above row aril, and no question* asked, by leaving It villi LAU'UKNOK COUZKN. So. 1- llatuiltou av.. HrookSw. SI'lOtlA In MWlCRIb. A.-A~ T' , DISEAKKaS OP MEN. The Importance of tlie healthiness of the nervtwis System cannot be overestimated; its power over life s'nd death and the direct hearing which it ha* on buuiiui happiness seem* to be recognised; it* capabilities, Its qualities and its power*; the importance of Its liualthful preservation, its moderate uses, the dtitiirer of overtaxing it, whether through thought, study, or intense application in mental investigation aud research: whether by the absorbing attention necessary to the conduct of complicated and momentous business interests, or by the excessive indulgence nt the appetites and propensities of the system All these are proper subject* lor consideration, as also the knowledge of what is moderation, w hat it excess, aud when these exist the absolute necessity of promptly seeking advice from an expert who. lor a long aerie* of years, has devoted his whole time and attention to the study, Investigation and treatment of all the maladies of this important department, to accurately determine the diseasod conditions, their nature, causes and origin, whether arising from the want of exercise, its irregularity or excess, and who, Irom his experience and practice, has learned to discover at once the derangement and um promptly apply tho remedy, thus avoiding the painfully slow feeling alter the truth, an common to the inexperienced and so annoying to the patletit. who. very uaturally, wants to know without delar what l* the matter, tbe extent o? the derangement, the probabilities of recuperation and the time required. A striking example of the value of experience and practical nh?ervati6n. as well as the usefultiass of the prompt application of suitable remedies, is found in the important statement, coming, not from one. hut a doten public institutions. not only at home but abroad, that a very large proportion of those who suffer from mental disturbance aud absolute insanity permanently recover, who are placed under treatment within u year after the first symptoms have manifested themselves, it the intellectual department of tlio brain lias become ex handled l.y intenne mental application. iieprivine it ui me rower < ! connected tlioncl't. it fan only recoverlU atrrncth y be in it properly fed ami uourUhed by t lie u?a of certain yMcmatle method*. It l? preelaely ?n in every other departnient. whether ol appetite, pr. .penally or pa??i?n, eaelt rrontriinr ? illtferent rein, nv lor it* recuperation ami dltterrnt mean* lorliriiiKiiicihemiiplroni their overworked ana exlinit^teil rendition* I he iinportnnre ol ton. I.rnneh ol medical practice can acarcely he overiated. lor it reachea even to tlie perpetuation of lamily name*, the ?ecnrlntr of hereilltary title* anil the retention ol eatntea in tlie aame family. Krmn a lone anil laree experience In tin* direction I have been able toeomtnan.l hv mt turret* the thanklnl appreciat ion ol mnia of the flrtt fainilic* in the city and nation ; and * I lertainly ean communicate nnirli to cultivated nilndx In tonnection with niy practical ex|.crienre In what pertain* to the over exen-Ue of cverv department of the nervnu* ?y?tem mo the mean* of recovering their powara. whether of brain, appetite, propeoaity or pavnon. UENUY^A, DANIELS, M. D.. 14-t l.eiinpton tr., near UtHh at. tlunra. 9 lol ATTkVtTOnT-'DIskask>1 f i r'-men I*kIt VIanKNTLY cur?d, ?*tti of long ?latidiny ; ^illation tree. l>?. JACOBV. H?I Hicrct?r (. A-!fBAAf O I. TCS m:o\[nv V V. leANVVr.K? liivurcti ubtaimd promptly. wiilmnt imblicitr; It on, incompatibility. !i*bttu*l drnrikefino??. Mifld?lity. inhuman treatment. conviction of felony. I'unsporia obiaiitud. ' _ i.-i ?v a i~ 11TV~\ V a "7 <?TtIf V A. KiraiVr'ita ?*? ilr.??inp ??!?( Koll xplanatorjr clrnltn irr? ' 18 N?>??u ?t.. N. y. TUfcOOoUK /.aCHuCU. "l ? I'Atlk"5t" KMKIIMIX 4 <*0 iV. Krntafhf >uii> Lnttarira ilrawn dall?. K?/ai itavana Lunar?. drawn aver? 17 ilaya. Xanmckv Mnflv Niinmrr l.uttarjr. drawu Annual '5. I'tiiva uavliad. iiilurtiiiliiiu luruiahcd IiT addraaaiiiB aa tliuvc. ISO Hroaiiway, roam A. B? .mini s KKX TL'CKY STlTK LorTKRIlM. ?>*rv<;*y. vsira CLiaa S7l?, ami 1378. 78. 4. 7. 28. 71. 74. 17, SB, ? ?. 18. 81. 73. inui'll (uu V?>. ion 1678 4i. ... v>. ii?. if. ou. :?. .rj. 13. 70, u AlloHtii allrw I. X .THAN. 181 Hroadw.jr. New York. nl.HKASKS Of MUX \ SPECIALTY. II SKY A. hanIKI.s. M. |i . 141 Laxlnpton aa.. ear Julk at. OOica Loar. from 8 to 3. 11 a v a a * :>iin KKT.-xKxr iinAWiVti ao^Tlst io, J1 |87?; ?0.aaua |iniai. Addrwaa II X A KTI N K7. k I n . Ilaahara. 10 Wall at . tiaaaraanl, >*? York. Spaaiali iialiaad Uavatia llink ililla'tniaght and told; Dralta aa II (ftna laauaaL IT LMTUCRY STATK l.OTTKKY ?UKAW8 AUGUST 28. ^ in prima. \Vl.nia lltVaaa, (III; liaivaa. ffi: nuartar*, 32 iVA Jlo/al Havana Collar), la bv drawn *a;o8 1(7. la in..* liraata. f-.Yi; haivai. 310; twanliaiha. $1 JACKAuN A CO . ilankara. JUJ Urotdaajr. Xaw York. a - ?CHRONIC CATARRH. DRAVMRM! IMPROVED Ik . meluarf, loalaritanaui.? ralial; partnanant cnrm. Dr. 3TUUDAKD, Xo. 8 Waat 14th tk [E NE ^NEW Y SPECIAL. NOTICES. M-oFMCTAt"im'AWlS6? KENTUCKY STATK I.OT . RTte. HiMIDNS * DICKINSON. KMTrCKT. HATHA CI. AAA HO. 471? AltOl'ST 7. I *76. 3!?, 24. 32. 64. JS. .V>. 43, in, HH. 14. 13. 22 . 27, 72. afmtcckt COM no 472?AlMWaT 7. 1K76. 22, 55, 27. ft. I. 42, 12. 14. 73. 10. 36 7<>, 57. HKMIT. AXTK A CUAIA Mil 371 ?A l>OI.? r 7. IS70. 4i>, 36, 74. 4ft. 76. ft. ftU. 39. 47. 6, 71. 61, 30, 73. IIKMMV. rLASli AO. 372?AUUU1T 7. 1676. 6, 44. 23. *t, 75, 02. 13. S2. 4. 07. 01 12. 4K Full information by applying to or addressing J. CEUTE A CO., 100 Iniwdvuf, r?*ar r??otn. tint floor. SIMMONS Jt nDickiNSON MKOLE Number Kentucky State Grand Distribution, to b* ?lra ft* ii August 2?'. A Do Royal Havana, of Cuba, draws August Dt. Full information by applying to or ad dressing J. CLtTE A CO., 20O 11 roadway, roar room, first ; floor. M~ Rh. DR W~ EST K UN kTTTi~fct TU11 fI Yn7~( oNS U LTA * ! Hot. troa. I&U West '25th at., between t?th and 7th a* a. Nervous exhaustion, a medical essay comprising a aeries of lecturea delivered at Kahti's Museum of Auatoniy, New York, on tbe cause and cure of I'rvmature Decline, showing indisputably how lost health ...... .n..Ai,.., . i. i.,..,!! menu io marriage and the treatment of mrvoui And jr*ica) debility. being the remit of 'Jtl years' experience Price 1'.') cents. Address the Author. Dr. L. J. K aIIN. office And rckioiiuv r#l East loth at.. New York. 1 >OYAL HAVANA LOTTKKT.-^?hUM> WILL BE Xif drawu on August 16. Prim raihod; order* tilled; in formation furnished; highest rniua paid lor Spanish bills, government*, Ac. TAYLOR a CO.. Bankers. 11 Wall at.. Near York. TT || llnFIIKlkiKR DELIVERED oNK BALK NEW f i bopa t?> Mo?m. kikivt A Win tor (brewers). Jtl *Ki Z\(I n?S Y aUTiTolti TY""O? as ?J)1 dOiJUU act of ttio Ut'iiltturi of Wyoming. State Lottery. To be drawn At Cheyenne, Wyoming. August lt?# l*7t?. to be conducted by sworu commissioners In public. $128,500 to bo ditlrtbuled. Capital prist*. $2r?,0U0. Tickets $1 each: 6 tor $ *?, or h package of -<> tickets for $10. and tbe liAlunce to l?o deducted (Only) from the prises d awn. Information luruished . orders tilled. Address EMORY A CO., Brokers, 31 Park row, opposite Post office. Now York city. SPORTI^Ci-DOUft. BIllDS^ ike. \UCTION POOLE SOLD TO-DAY AT JOHNSON'S pool rooms, corner 2*tU *L mid Broadway, on ail base ball ramus; each inning received by telogram. .i hatfield. I.IRKNCU COMBINATION AND COMBINATION 1 Hook on the four races at Saratoga.?We were the first to introduce in this country the popular feature* of brat and second place And the combination?; pool buyers will liuti it to their interest to cxaiiiiue our combination book, $1 5o for two. the combination not made; those already made Mr* quoted. Of BARD A CO., No. B Wnt inkh st. POOLS SOLD AT NKW YORK TURK EXCHANGE tikis afternoon ou Athletic vv Hurt lord at Hartford. Chicago v* Cincinnati at Cincinnati, St. Limit ??. l.ouU villa ut Louieville, Cbultea v?. Celiiurnta on Union nun. SKIBKHT * McCLODP. the tiiaft Auction*'an"d PkkncIi" poo??" ss?s~6m and evaulng at New York Turf Exchange, 15 Watt 2 H t h I., on th? running raent and regatta ut Saratoga; alto tho Rocljeetor trou. Prompt attention given order* liy mail or meuenger. KELLY*. IILISS A CO. Ct ats kill driving paitk_mtteth<g7tuesda'y ) Wedlieaday and Ihurtday. Augurt K, 9. 10; purtot al' filled; 09 entriot; Cat-kill tteamert New Champion and Walter 11 re It leave pier 42, lout of Canal at., dally, at ti p. m. Saratoga hacks. SECOND MKETINO, 1870. Second Mealing?luetdey, Sib ; Tliurtday, 10th; Saturday, 12th; Tuotday, loth; Thursday, 17th, and Saturday, lutn, Angutt. Itacea promptly at 12 o'cloflt, each day. W. H. THAVERS, Provident. JOHN MOUltlSSKY, Letteo. C. WutttLtr, Secretary. pools sold every day and evculng, at the Saratoga Awociation Pool Kuuiui, 1,239 Broadway, New York. All eutriot telegraphed direct to tliU room. Saratoga kacT<c as.siiKTation, 1.239 uroadway.? Auction. Preuch and Coiuhlnation Poult told evory day and evening on tho Saratoga racet, tho trott at Kocbetter, the boat racer at Saratoga, and ou all ball gamer; Combination Poolr, $3; Kreuch I'oulr, $5 and $2 .'al. All ordert by mall or tuexeeuger will receive prompt attention. JOHN MOKRIS8P.Y A CO. S~UMMEK MEETING AT THE SPUING VALLEY Driving Park, Augutt 22, 23 and 34.? Augutt 22. Purte #150, for 2:50 elatt: Puree $201). lor 2 :JO cla-t. Augiut 23, Purte fl.Vi. for 3Ski clan; Purte $200, for 2:30 data Augutt 24, Purte $150 for 2:45 clatt; Purte $200. lor 2:39 cla-t. Enlriet clote Monday Angutt 11, at 9 P. M.. at the P .Irview Uouee, Spring Valley. IJvo per cent mutt pntltlvely acoinpuL v nomination. Addrctt A. PI KM an, Spring Valley, N. V. A. PI KMaN, Managor. HHllSUS. CAIIR1A?K?. dtC. Assignee's in bank iil" i'ti i. ' tub attention or the lover* of fine hueo stock and the hiding public in gbnehal is called to the assignee's sale or eight high bkkd trotting road and saddle horses, together with the elegant carriages. harnesses, beankets. ac., the property of j. b. dokkmck. bankrupt. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION TUI8 DAY. tuesday. august s. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. at private stable, 116 east xcl) st., between lexington and 4th a vs. ample time allowed for trial and examination, laclsdlnic Til* (Inert team of black trotting Horse* in thi> city; fall brother*; raited tt Lexington, Ky.. tired by Straler't CUy, daui by Clark Chief ? aad 7 years old, ii\ hands blah! bare taken foor pr'.-lulnnit In Keulucky for being tbe best broke and lastett team in that State; the off bursa was | raised by Or. Her';, when Mve years old trotted over tbe Lexington track a full mile in under the name of Black Dan; the nlgb borne is known as Ralph, and ha? |{ot a record % of '2 ?2V over the same course : they trotted together ut t ho * Kentucky Stute Fair, held at Lexington. in 2 :Ik?, '2 :'17 and 2 when ibev were purchased by present owner, since which Uiue they have been used as a family and road team, tor wnich purpose they have no superior; they are prompt, pleasant drivers, do uot pull or shy ; can be driven a slack at speed; are extraordinary stylish 111 harness and are warranted sound and kind. High bred sorrel trotting Holding Dictator, sired by Jupi- j ter Abdallali, dam by Conkliirs star; is 8 years old, to** j bands high; trotted at Detroit. Mich., driven by W. Ileacock, three heats in 2 :2B. '2 :25W and '2.2114, beating a held of eight horses, if.eo "Wallace ? Turf Register.") He is a very stylish driver; does not pull wheu speeding; is sate for any ordinary driver; is warranted sound and kind, and is a good pole horse. The handsomest trotting hor*e in the city, Mncibririo Prince, sired by Hrignolla. dam by Kricsou; raised on Alexno ier's stock farm, at Lexington, Kv.; ia LY1-. hands high, 7 years old; a beautiful dark bar iu color; trotted at t'inciunati, Ohio, in 2:2B, 2 248. 2:27 V4. (8ee "Wallace's Turf i Register.") He is a very pleasant driver; d< e* not pull or shy ; is not oxcitatdc in company: does not wear boots when spce .iujc; is safe for auybody to drive; is a good pole horse, and is warranted sound and xiud. Beautiful light bav saddle au.i barneys Horse, Bismarck, ! raised in Cinthiatia, h>. ; sired by Denmark ; dam a halt bred l mare: is orokeu to all the different saddle gaits; guides by j mwtioii; has al trays been used by ladies and children. for which purpose lie is iu valuable, as lie is not atraid of cars or , anything else; sale under all circumstances aud can trot a 1 mile in '2 :50, aud is warranted sound and kind. Elegant bay trotting ge ding State of Maine, raised at 1 Bangor, Me; sired by Cvucrul Knox: daui a Withereil Messenger mare ; Is 7 years old. l'?Sj hands high: trotted, wheu purchased, throe heats in '2 ;j?i. 2 :3I, '2 since which tiiue ho has greatly improved in speed, us ho trotted two boats after three wests' truluiiig over Prospect Park ceur?c, 1 driven by H. Howe, in 2 :2U and '2 M}9% which shows that he ' is not second to any greeti horse in this country: lie Is a ' verv hue road lior-e ; prompt, stylish driver ; does not pull oraliy; can speed a 20 gall to a road wagon aud Is warranted sound and kind. Beautiful saddle and phaeton Marc, Nellie, sired by Su- ! pcrb, dam by 11 ambletoniau ; she is as prsttv as a pit turn and a perfect pet; !? perfectly brokeu to saddle and is sale . j tor ladies or children to ride or drive; can trot a mile in i '2 :45; is a very good pole inare and it warranted sound and , kind. The fastost grean llorse in this country, Chief, raitsd by [ Amasa J. Kprwgue. of Providence. It. I.; sired by apraguc s , 1 If ambletoniau. dam Eastern Star, by Aiuericau Star; Eastern Star bad#* record of 2:28; 15.3 hands high. 7 | years old; Chief trotted when 4 years old, at Providence, in ; . 2 winning Co?t Stake, slisn lie wsi purchased Iry pres1 cut owner; since which time he has greatly improved in ! speed, as he was driven this spring by H. Doble, on Hufiulk . < ourio, Phiiadeiplua, three heats in 2 :25, 2:23 and 2:21)*; he is a very pleasant, prompt driver; Is not excitable in | company, does not shy; is safe lor any ordinary driver and is warranted sound and kind. Carriages consist of one two seated extension top Phae- | !ton. One leather top Pony Phaeton. One White Chapel top Wagon. . One full soring fop W agon. One no top Trotting Wagou ; all bv the best city makers. Single and double Harness, by Millings ?k Duuscomb. Also Blankets, Sheets, Whips, Ac., and Imported laeies Side Saddle and Bridle. .V H?T1IK ABOVK STOCK WILL UK ON KXUIMTION AT KTAItLK AI.L TIM KM KftlOll TO SALK. WHKRK ALL DKslKAHLK INFORMATION CAS IIK ORTAlNKL FROM < OACHMAN' I AMM.IIiiOM IN A lTlCN OASVF.. HALS KOblTIVK TO FIlOHKhT II1DUKU. by ordar of cumw a uakliao. a*??s?. \liKN IT.KM A S II A - AS KNOLIStt I'cSV. 4 YKAliS old .laue l?.t, it h<l, kin I luid ir.otln It.r ipruig )V.;foti t?ii .in iu ..ut of luttda; will i.ll clio.u. Addrttt J. C. 1.'., .latlun T. \ VlHK ROAD lloRSfc. 81 UK BAR. To WtiioX it nnd Utruu. for a.l, at a bargain, a. ownar la b.rii up Kr money. A.l.trei. 0.. out 4,8|:< H.i.t oAica V1 rixs vdrrosr pharton, tiio haxmoxi aiitu oar top W ayon ; butt city maker.; noariy new ' flu- tinliaroatt. vary chsap, at privaia alablal No. U , We.t IM(N ?2 K V K S working AND BUltlNKBH dOKSKfi' tuiU cbaap: tnal allowed. Apply in raar of 378 and j 37b Bo. cry. oppuina it'.i at. ; * ?ONK OP TMFC MOd? F.LSOANT ROAU fl UNOOTH I JX. ?var offara.! eouaiatiatf uf liora. Hay Prluca. I > J I Ingli. H } ear. old. vary tlylitli ; warraulad aouiid aud kind; I with training can trut vary taai: .Ito ('ill tiiriug top Wagon; tup Phaaiuu aud aiugit llarntu; all by tirat ciatt cttv j tii.tker* and not toilttd ; c >m? and eiauune, jua cam buy | ttfj ebeAp ISflf Wilt llilil, VhA? KIFK K.-TWi) 1'ON V HOKSKri. 15 llAM?S. H kii.l Uy?4r? oli!, ?mrrnoU(l nmnd. prlc? aod $75; 1 tlto two Vt agon* And Hart.#**. BVJ ifudhoo it. AbVautikuiJVuYrTi*u top hid* bah wloosi full spring top Wagon. top Potty Phaeton. witb ?l?lo Uuipv let lluglc and doable Harness. *11 nearly new. unit b- sold tlii? week to clot* ui? ettaio ; uo offer within rcAioii relaitd. 151 Witt l&tli *t. A btautiful rosy khtailiihxint bat, 14 hadtl* . Phaeton And llarac*!, $24*t, one full ipriuf W:?goy :tf> Wtit 29th ?t. A?OLAREWCKH OS KAtfT TRRMH; $150, $B00. $400, $mju, CoAche?, $M) up; top Buggies, $5o up; 2 four| teal Phaeton*. No M ??. , AskcuM' hash lor row phaeton. *\*VU<?ukAWAf, $ &; Depot. $75. one Road Wagon, $60, out* t<?p Wagon, $101); aIi? a large luiortmtui of Ail kinds of Ca/riajte? and Wagone, llaruutv Ac., vurjr lour. WW. M. (litAY. 20 and 12 W ooater ei. A TRUCK HORKK: 20 oTIJKK IIOKMKM; Yob'NU mm] mh?4 . $$0, '. $155. HO Madleoa ! . ftabli. AT PaNK fKit f.B-rt'LL M'ltlNti lor WAHON, tide bar top Wagon and beautiful Phaeton. Private j it able No. 57 Kant dild ih W YO ORK, TUESDAY, AUGUST iioksks, cakk1agf,!). ?c. Auction house "ok arch. johnston. lit. 21. 211 ?ml 2ft 13th ??.. nr*r i'uivrnitv pliu-n. oldest ani> most kkliablk house ln the city. itki!i'lau sales or houses and carriages r i kvkby' tcksday and kit i day", at 10 o'clock x i 24 hour* to three .lay*' trial on ttorres warranted aountl. ,3 tim olilatt and moat relinbla houaai in th? city. ? j this day'. zt10 o'clock. ? 1 road establishment.?bay llamblatonian trot Iiiok lloraa. 15*4 hand*. 7 yeara old. kind in all har ncsa, free trom vice; bai been owned mid driven by (iremtit owner for putt year; he* not a fault or < | trick of any kind; duea not why or pull; i? one of j' i the bent roudrflrr* in the eoubtry; not afraid of . i anytliiul' and warranted touud. x j to i* koai) wagon, in cood order, by brewster, of ~ 1*r? oiiii' at < i elegan t dapple gkay iiorsk. 1h hand* high, ? r i yeara old ; uu vitally myliah. ihowy iad bnntlforao : ~ aired by edward everett; ha* been uaed single and > i double a* third horoe iu a carriage team, a too for r* i coupe and road horae and general faintly u*e : it | 2 i not afraid of anything: war not a vice or trick of X ! any kind; any nut* can drive him; ran trot laat d i ami 1? utte uf the finest borte* in the city ; war; > i rauunl miund. , 7t i elegant lan dal'let, tatln lined, by j. b. brewa* i "* I po*y*esrabllsll.yiknt? hlnrk no,i>'. 14*i X I bunds. i\ years old; ha* unusually lull uiaim and ! < I it very hmidsotne; Imi kvn uiod ai * family pet; 'f~ will ?t*ud without lying; women and cftildreii * ! run drive or rido lutii with ported aaletr: ha* not a fault or trick of any kind; i* not afraid of a ioconu.tiVH or unytldnjr ?l*c; is in every way perv. foctly reliable ; warranted eonnd. BASKET IMNY PilACTOM, in u'ood order, bjr 2 ouimby. t EXTENSION* TO I' FIIABTOX. In pood order, by i ? tjiihuby. UAlChK's EST A III.IS1I M EXT. ?Hark dapple cream Horse. IN?, hands, 8 years old; kind in all liar ; nnjih . free from vice *, hit* not fault, vice or trick o Z any kind . will staud without tj iuk . is hh excel* *" lent. ? >od worker: no *ds uo whip or urging; it in | ^ every way a thoroughly reliable horse for any use t ; 2 and wai raiiteu sound Set Harness, .tc. 1 TOP DELIVERY HA KICK'S W.VOON. t.ullt to order. | SIX SEAT EXTENSION 1'OP PIIAKTUN. by llurtun | I ? A Hot iiv I < H N K HAV COl'I'K OK ROAD HOUSE, JO HANIW i S tilirti, Hyour, old kind In .ingle .nd double liarlie*.; in ?u excellent rondHtur: can trot in :1lj miu' '{ litre; not alraid of it locomotive or anythngeleo: I '* hit. not trick or f-.uilt ol' aqv kind; ha. been need _ ae a general family hone to coupu and wagon; la < I x ill i-vt rr war reliable nod w trranlml noutid. I fc KLEUA.NT COl'l'K ROCK A WAV, NEARLY NEW, | I = by McNallv O KINK SKELETON WAOOX, IX CJOOD ORDER, HY ! "? K M. Stiver.. . FIFTEEN OTHER HOUSES, DESCRIPTION TIME i 2 ot bttlo. * SIX PONY PHAETONS. I FAMILY COACH. * EX-TOP PHAETONS. | El. EC A NT COl'PK, VYEsTCHhnTER KOCEA- I SIX TOP WA'JON*. w?y. LARUE ASSORTMENT OK EVERY KIND OF CARriagu. Wagou. Ilurnot. Ac., thin dav nt ARCH. JOHNSTON'S Mart, 1H to 35 llith at. Weather nevor interlorm uith our .ale. at 10 o'clock. uction iiol'sk ok vax tasski.i, a~eearnuy, lio a si) 113 East mil sr., NEAR 4TI1 AV. REGULAR SALES OK HORSES AND CAKKIAOKS EVERY TUESDAY AXD FRIDAY, i On every horae that In warranted .mind or kind and true in harness, from uuo to three days U i:tv?u to tent warran teen. catalogue oe this day s (Tuesday) sale at 10 O CLOCK. VERY STYLISH AND HANDSOME DAPPLE GRAY Horse, with long. lull tMil and tuauo. lo.Vtf hands high, H voir* old; Kind kikI true in nil harness; Tree trom vie.*; well broken to Muddle; an extra tine family hor?e; can trot close to three minutes; in an ux#ra l>ole horse: is sola for no faolt, and Is wurranted mm]nd; also u set fine single Harness and TOP PONY I'll A ETON. ON1.Y A KKW TIMES USED. GOLDEN hOKKKL MAICK. hiItED BY ETHAN ALLEN, l.V4 hands high. H years old; kind ami true in all liarueas; Iree from vice: a free, stylish and handy driver; a fine bole marc: has extra line >tvle and action: is i tale Inr the mont timid driver: an nil day traveller; rail trot in 1!:.V) sure. anil in warranted touud; alto net line siuglo Harness and NO TOP It (J A I) Wai.ON. NEARLY NKIV, BUILT BY Power* X Hunt, of Nashvilla. Tenn. IKON GRAY GELDING, UttKD IN KENTUCKY. lit hand* high, X year* old : kind and true !u ull harness : true Iruui vice; gi od style and appearance; n tree and pleasant driver; has all the Kentucky saddle units; IK In every way sate and reliable and 1s warranted sound; also sot single ilaruess and TOl* HIDE kaIt WAGON. BUILT HY VaNDKKGAW. C1IKS I'Nl.'T MAKE. I5?a HANDS liIGII. 7 VEARS OLD; kind and true ill all harness: Iron from vice; a aiylLb, priniiut and free driver: alraid of nothing; is au ealra roadster: has liven driven by ludlss and children; ts always sale and reliable and Is warranted sound; also set tingle Harness ami TOP PONY PIIAETON, AS GOOD A3 NEW. ELEGANT ItLAl'K TROTTING HOLT; LONG PULL mane and tail: si rod by 1IKNKY II. PATCHKN. dam by DANIEL WKBSTKK. he by LONG ISLAM) i BLACK HAWK; IS hands high; S years old; kind and true in all harness; tree from vtee : Is viyv prompt I an I remarkably gentle: is not afraid of locomotives ' and ran be driven by a lady ; baa never heeu handled I tor speed hut can show a It minute gait; if prop< rly handled wilt lie sure to trot fast, and la warranted sound; also set single Harness and TOP SIDE HAll ROAD WAGON. ONLY USED POUR times. PAIR BLOOD BAY CARRIAGE OR ltOAI) HORSES, sired by STKADUU'S CAS-IUS >1. CLAY, raised ai Boone county, Kentucky; K'J'KADKR'8 CLAY, by OLD CLaY, dam tCITTY. a thoroughbred; tliey are 1 \ handi nigh, ti and 7 yearCuld. kind aud true in all haruuss, free from vice; are vary atylUti. prompt and I pleasant drivers, good travellers; are afraid of notb- I Ing; are both well broken to saddle and have all gaits; am safo and reliable road or carriauo team, and are wasvsiitod sound: alio let floe double Harness. nearly new, nud OPEN PHAETON OR DOO CART AS OOOD AS NEW. built by Wood Brothers. BROWN HORSE, 15^ HANDS HIGH. ? YEARS OLD. Kind and truu in all harness, tree from vice, afraid of nothinic. ol tfreat bottom ami endurance; Irre and, ploasuin driver; can be drivvn oy a lady ; standi wlibuut tying and I* sold for want of um; also set tlnirle Harness and TOP PHAETON, RUILT BY VANDEROAW. BAY HORSE. lb', HANDS HIGH, S YEARS OLD. | kind mill true in all harness, free troin vice; bat been used to a furniture trui k ; l a |?ood driver and worker. GRAY TRUCK MARK, lf?\ HANDS 1IIGII, * YKAHH old. kind and true in all harne*s. freo from vice; baa Seen u?ed ton truck; is a good worker, and is war ranted Round: alno -ft Truck Harness, nearly new, and TRI CK I.N PER* ECT ORDER. DARK BROWN MARK., l")k HANDS HIGH, W YKARS old; kind and true in all harness. tree troio vice; a stylish and prompt nrlver; can ttoi in B minutes; has I Vt?n used by present owner ever since 5 years old: | It every way safe and reliable, and is sold lor want of ; also Met ?iugle IIaniens and TOP WAGON. IN GOOD ORDER, BUILT BY DINION A Kowon. BLACK PUNY. 14 HANDS HIGH, 6 YKARS OLD: KIND and true 111 all harness; treo from vice; hat been nted by ladies und children lu harnet* and under saddle ; Is in every way sale ami reliable, and can be driven by any one ; aL? Set shipie Il-riu s* and BASK h T l*OM I'll Ah 1 UN. Willi RUMBLE, GOOD AS Dew. built bv Brewster A Baldwin. ALSM 2 RUCK A WAYS. JUMP SKAT BOCK A VT AY, T CART. H11LI BY WOOD BROS, AND AS GOOD AS Vl.kVkV TOP SIDE.BAR BOA I) WAGONS FIVE r'i'1,1, SPRING TOI" WAGONS. COUP ItOOKAWAY. IS OOOU ORDER. Ml IOP POSV PIIAKTON, Saddles, Bridle*. snort*. Blanket*. Kolica. Whin*. Ac., He. ALSO UllAY TRUCK IIOKSE. Dl HANDS IIIOU, SOLD | lor *cc?unt of William Kllii, 43 Siionll M* T Al/CTION. TO MoltttoW (WEDNESDAY), AUGUST ?, AT II O'CLOCK A. M. SHARP. AT PRIVATE STABLE SO. II WEST 37TH ST., BETWEEN hROADWAY AND 5TII AV.. A BANKRUPT SALE OK FIVE VALUAKLB I AND HHill BRED FAST TROTTING. ROAD AND I FAMILY IIOKbES. ELEGANT CAItKUUKs. PINE HARNESS. ltOHKS. BLANKETS, AC., THE PROPERTY OF A ' BROADWAY CLOTHING MERCHANT. WHO HAS LATELY BEEN' FORCED INTO BANKRUPTCY, AND ALL OF WHICH MIST HE SOLD TO HIGHEST BIDDERS. KF.OARDLESS OK COST OR VALl E. INCLUDING HANDSOMk SORREL GELDING KENturky Buy, <> year* ulii. I.>t? hands; ran mitatyle auy trotter living; hMlMllf IMMtMlli I* Will bruit* iO *11 law ' nor; i* a prnmpt, free ?n<l pleasant ilrlrrr: tai.ra iiothingc. don't In* <>r pull; I,ecu driven by a lady, raised in Puns. Knnlucky, where lit took prrminni at State fair alien .> years o<ii, when hi* jcol a record of 3:311a; he Fa* irroatly Improved lu apeed. cm allow much faster now; sired by Golddust. dam by Pilot, craud dam by Orphan Boy ; b* is Iu:ly warranted sound and klud. STYLISH AND FAST BAY GELDING MOUNTAIN Buv. 7 year* old. Oik hainla; raised In Oreo** county. New York: sired by Volunteer, son nf Hyadyk'i llaiubletoinan. dam by YotiU|r Bashaw, aou of Grand Bashaw . wbcu 6 yoara i,In lie slioa-ed a mile In 3:37; purchased by Mr. Vanoerbilt. and with lit* mate could beat any team on th* road: be lias i abown 3 313 In privet*; be would make a very valuahlu I hur?M ftir truck, as ho hits gtcai endurance Mint uo record; ho is warranted sound slid kind in every partirulsr. tINK CHKSIXCT HKLDIMH STARLIGHT. 7 YEARS I old. loi* hand* : the most reliable road aud family horse | that cuii be found; well broken to all harness, single end j r double, ami good uhder sedule; been ridden and driven by a i-??iy. raised iu Vermont; sited by Danlol Lambert out of | a vt'iiithmp Morrill mare; trotted at Burlington. Vt.. in I j ;M. j .36?nd^:4U; he is warranted perfectly sound and i k,"?YL!MI BAY OKLUlNti IIAKKY, COMING 6 YEARS I old, l3Jj| hands; raised iu Vermont. sired by Vermont Hero, { dam by Mjitijc t loud. This young horse is worthy the alien j tiou ot horsemen or any who want a good, reliable horse, with tuy amount of endurance: strong. Hat limbs, all hone i and ntuscie , no road too lou?' for him; lie is very promising, < having a squarn, open gait; ue trotted live heist at Rutland, I I Vt., in - 4d. 2 .41. 2 JSH, 2 BS>, and 2 .40; ho is an exceiieut t Dole dorse ami is warranted sound and kind. | BKAUTIFCL CtlKsTM'T GKLDI.NU LITTi.K DAM. I 6 years old, 10 hands; raised in Vermont; sired by Honest I I Allen, dam by Waikill Chief: he took tirst premium at Mate ! I lair at Burlington. Vt., as the handsomest sad fastest live j year old; he shewed three heats in 1 :'U, 2 :'2H and J .'Jit; he ! must he seen te he appreciated; lie has bfen ridden and 1 driven by ladies and children ; he Is warranted sound and kind in every particular. N. B.-Tllfc ABOVE HORSES WERB ALL SELECTed and purchased for owner hv competent Judges regardless of ciMt. Twenty four hours given tor trial and examination, and if not found as warranted money will be refunded and ale annulled. All are invited to examine and rtdo behind any ot the above horses any time previous to sale. They will ail he Ion'id as represented Coach man iu atteudauco. CARRI AGES CONSIHT OK ELEGANT SIDE BAR AND full springs, with pole and shafts, by Brewster and other first class city builders. Fine double and single Harness, by Donscoiub and .Shillings ; Robes. Blankets. Whips. Sad dies. Bridles. Stable Fixtures, Keed. Hay. Straw, Oats, Ac. Sale positive rain or shine. No post pone in ent. i -BY J. 2 K K B A C11 K K ACCriONEKR. ' * K. B IIKMHV will -II on WKDNF.MiAY, A L?. I j(T D. al II o'elurW. A M.. I III. A iirtIon Kill (if T. piriliall. No.. 4o, CH .nil jo WniMitr ?t., IU head of Hot.#., all In good condition aud It fcr All pur. ?o?.c al.u :< t"i> Koad YVaguna. a Victoria, 4 a.ta alngla and and 'J lata d.iuliio llarn.aa, Hlaukat*. auaata and aummar rubca M?ie raiu or ataina. AiViVu Hokdhs ,*i naiii.k kmc iakmivu or any ImalBota; prlca $4& lo fl'25. 201 Urauil u.,uai Mull. iRK H 3, 137(5.-WITH SUPPLBBI HORSK.V CARRIAGES. ?C. _ | AKX I r >.,|;inv \KV Ith ll -IVI.hli \M> YKK'V I floMli matched pair of bay Grlnim:*. full brolbera, I bj Mrnry Ulat, Jr.. mil nf a Mar "Mare; ! "' biirh, ? and 7 | year* nil). nu? ,.f Mi** moat pe rfcc t driving tcama in Amrriw, and are warranted . nmd and kind. al?? flrn* il.uldard ?l> I** lu|i W aaun. built l>\ Uorriiiiia. and Mcarlt n . Ilarn**-*, ; J will in* autii puailiveli ie?*rve. **u Wrdi.e-dny t" | morrow . Auiciim u. nil .. clock. ai It A It K K U k MIX'S Ciljr Auction Mart and Sow York ratter.alia corner **f Mroadway and Will at. 1'rnperty now nil exhibition Auk yol' i.ook1sg for t good kamm.y HOIisE- ! All). you l.t.'OKI s'. for A business llOKSKr I i | A uk you Full a good work | mouse? > loo To THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND RK- | 15 i AUCTION MOUSE of AllCII I S i Joil NSI'oN. Ill lo i:, lb 111 sr.. NEAR I'M - I * I VKU.-I rv I'l.ACIv * "5 SAKE THIS MORNING AT 10 O'i Uli'K. |c you ai.wvys ksov\* exactly what you | nAUK Kit ISG MIII.N you A r ik Mi OL'K HAKES. SEE CATALOGUE ABOVE. ADVERTISED Ksrr.ius roR to.morrow's ore at morse sale. A I 11 I UK It II X SON'S NfcW YOKE TATTERS tLLH. CORNER OF Broadway arid Jt'th at., MUST UK luad.* before * KOUK I*. kl in day. VWUTIOX. Klil-.Si'll AND i'oMlllNAM'iS FOOlad auld tiltia morning and evening at Jotiimou'* Kuuiut. corner Broadway ami '.'Mb at.. >>u tbe running racrl ami | buat racoa at su- alug*. the tr**b al Knchreler and all ball guinea: each beat auu race loretved (tired by tele*.ra|ih. aal ordera by nail ur m?****u.i'r will I real vu panic jlar aitru tinn. T. U JOHNSON. io wag-in- at a SM'KIKIi'E; kim tu$l.'aj; lor n\pr. a*, grocer.. bakorw, butcher*. milk, package, advurflaing, depot, daltvciy wugofia. 'SM Spring at. CT aKill a<IKS ok BVKRY DKMOKIPTIOX, OCR OWH \ J make and warrnuted, at panic pr.cea. J t'oi.Y'KK A CO., .'Alt ilr-.udway, CVVUItlAOK J Kcpalra We arc now prepared to receive wtuter carriage! f..r re puira. deliverable in tbe auiumu. all carriage tiniabed with V wlxiiuiik ' M X i-i??rii*!kii mii.t?r)or tu nil til' fr?rt?i*?n mmufacturo in durability uud billlisncy; estimates luruislird Orders lel% at wart rooms, 5th a v. and 14th *t., or At factory, Broadway and 37th st. liKKVVsTKU A of 1. room e si. fjUMlLY 1IOR8K VM> OARKlAUli WANTED iult J? which I will exchange now llrwt elo*s i'iano, very best made. AdiirsM 1', t-<'\ liu ttyrald oftWta. tpOK SALE I?IIK AP.? Til 11 liK GOOD. USKFIU. HAY J? i!or*Ct?; double, single or saddle ; about l.?^ hands; separately or together; property of u gentleman having no furtiiri use fi r them ; nU.i 1 Cart and t p Hukk/* Private Slal'l . 1 Id i'.U.l mid ht tpou8ALK-HUOWX MOU8Rt 0 YKARtC 15TlIGH; heavy built; warranted sMiad; bind. MU vVudmitfton st. Tjiou SALK?A ITAPPLK UTCAY^JTohsk, 1&.3 HIGH, O 1? yours old; warranted sound and kind; very stylish and prompt driver; must bo sold. Apply at 433 East Houston st. WOll ,8ALE?EXKlTANT~TO? SIUK IVAK HOAU r Wagon, hiiudso:uo bur Mare nnd Harness; can trot in throe minute: lit f ?r lady or child t?? drive; separate or toauthor. No. :?H West 1 T?tli si. For SAi.fc. aTa bakgain?n7ck HoILslf. iTiaktoD and Harness; turnout complete: driven by lady tor past two years. Apply at 77K tab *v.. corner 44th st. IjH)H HALE -TWO Vm Sti. go! NO HOR8K8, $75 AND $i?o. not hull value; suitable for any buaiuus*. Apply at 4:tu ha?t iHib kf. fidit HALK?HAY" PACI.mV m)K.SK."-lT 11 AN OS high, sound and kind; good traveller; f side bar Top Wntron und llurnoss; will sell together or separate. Apply at Monluland stables, 1-SJ to IStl Portland av., near Atlantic uv., Brooklyn. J7IOR 8 A LK fllKAP- UiRNKW AND BU8Iuo?i> top Wit^on; nearly new. Call at 388 Kiuabtlh st., corner of lilee. Iter st. FOR SALE- AT A ~ B A RUAIX, < IOOD tki'I rK Horse, 1(1 kj bands hi;li; sound and kind; prico #lbO. Apnly ut 383 w??a 424 -t., N#w Turk* RATH KB TOP BUUUiKS. |1R; DKPOT WAUONA, Rock away*, Pliucjons, Ac., equally low; immense assortment Harness, Robes, Sheets, Ac. JOHN MooRK. 57 Wurrcn st. "iTlJLEd.?A VERY II ANDsoMi: PAIR. FIVE AND SIX 1Y1 year* old. l'i hand* liljcli. Kuod worker* a <1 drive Iree, iaat aub plcaaunt as road l:oree*. liUWoat Pltli it. A J OK liAKKLli'S Grout Hone Snlc TO-MOItROiV, <ii II A. M. promptly. AT :mril ?t. and Broadway. 0* LD AND N KvV ItUMlNKillt, UKOCIUtY WAOOWt, Trucki. coal and lirick Carta, llcrueaa. I epoaitury, liudioo at., corner 13th at. f|Vo TtlK PUBLIC.?TUB BKHT AMU CHEAPEST X Livery end Hoarding Stable* in the city. 317 Weat lTitli I., near stir nv. I'AKKKs A CI). T~Wi? I.ANItAls,-HVK "LAN4)AllLKTs7 TtN " TOP Wagon*. by UUKWSTKK A CD., ol Hruome at., aecond band. A S. Kl.t.NDIlAlI, 372 and 374 Broome at., old alaud of lire water A Ho. rjFfor ItL'tiliV. STIVKIts WAGON. PKKKr.rT~KOB X aale or exchange. Eagle Storage (mice. |l>3 Weat 33d at. rKTKU^iFoKinrmJUOY AND IIAltNESS, AH., IN exchange lor Ileal hatete. IIK.NKY TAPPKN, 22 Sew Church at.. Now York. \V 4STED-SOUNO IIOKSKT TDK ! AKM I'SH, FOB It uiotitb or two. by reipon*ihlc party; uhundant teed and pa'ture. Apply to E. J. 1(11.KY.857 Broadway. WlllTkl)-A sol Nl> MA.BK, DABK OOLQB, 15 IT haudaororer; trolling 2 :<0or better; will pay S35o and give a young. ~mnd. >tyilah and apcedy utaro. high. Addrea* llt/KM.. atatioii C. t,1 ii !*?. I1AI.K VALUE. TIIKK ANI) DKIV I v ing niinei, top nipnw w agou*. uirufit, uuuuio Truck. IH77?b i?v., aadulcrjr. A ? c/i ?COUPE uockawavT VTiJU. elegant, Hfeht. iu an|,erl> order. t HA UK Kit's, corner ol ilklli >1. and Broadway, KOR HAUL. WKCl~*1.<mA.! KD 1.1 Q'JUti sr6XT Tx fifk J\ Twentieth ward lor *.ile cheap. or un Wodncaday ol auction. (iAKKM-.V A .*MITII, Auutioneora, 17 Contra at. Aeoaiikft uguoH stork row ?mo; great chance; elan heat Samplo Ronnie. downtown Uealaurunta. Coffee and (lake Saloon*. Hllliard Saloon*. Lager lteer lalaoai. xiitoiikll. 77 Cedar ?t. A?pok sAi<K, rkuanoir, ts* rtkir oua * lJyoor Store OKI Sd ?v. Par. kular* in auction aalc* to-nierrow. (ao aco iL WKItiKRY A CO.. Auctioneer*, 141 Hth at. A~~ PIK8T OK ASS COB MB It TITQiJoR STORE KOR aaie chaap.-Un< Icaae : low rent; oanar other buallieaa. Call at corner Morton and Orcanwirb in, 1(1 to 2. I tltUO STORK IN BROOKLVN-ORKAT SAlIHIflCB; If excellent reputation :owuer haa oilier liueincaa. Ad4ihi lUOiUFIOl, ba> 1"3 Brooklyn Poat office. fH)B 8ALU AS Illill LSI AHLIollKD COAL VaRD, doing u good Iinainoaa. Appl? al ,14 Wot l-UUh at. Ii'OH SALK CMf.AI"-LKASK. OOUD WILL AMI FIXF turca o< the olilest e.liiDllahad and 0 le of tliu bet known Miid best located Toe. Coffee and lirocery Store. In ,\i ? York. rtotnz a enah down buaiuaia. arnruain/ SVm) per day. Apply lu ML it KIT I HROh.. 131 William at.. N.w Yora. I^oit SALK?v RUIT AMf soDA-watku BOH IN ESS] r t-ornur of l.'ortlaudt aud llreouwlch eta. IpOR SAUK UMtr?AKPLJI A?D LUNCH BOOM; ' day biiaineaa; doalrablw location; prutpcroua trade, lmjuiretor thrae data at l.lMtt Broadway, a -trend door. I.1VK SALK CIIKAP?CHA ItLKii URDGH'K OYSTM ' and Ico Cream Sai. ?u. Ha II IWl si, Mlllllla. H. J. 1)1 III.01: SUIT. ClJhKX I4KI*. IUOK WALNUT $90; also IS y.irda Kmcliab Rruaaala. Hi 2J yard; blur Cottage Set, $13; drap. (10; Tup Buggy, Stiver* llund Wagon (perfect), (1.0 aaeh: vary bandanme Hear lireeiia (In aruuud), Knglieh binary Wlieela, amall Iron Sale, (l'ii; Kid trlovae. -riduboard. tingle llarneaa, stuffed Kagle, Chandelier, Reclining Cualr. amall Counter, lea Bull, Offica Partition 1<?9 Weat 33d at. Storage oDIca. 11P.UXKS KO14 KVKNIN't DltESSKa; LONU, I.IUliT, durable, and at moderate prlrea. JOHN 1 ATTNACH, T3? Roadway. Two VALUABLE PAThNTS FOR SALK. 1)14 OX royalty; one id eaat iron and tha other of wood. Addieat boa M Tint ulii-a, Wealtibeatar, Waatcbeatar county, X. Y ] 1 MAO.NIFICBNT BLACK MAI4BLK AND 01I.T I. 1 uft'a Arctic Soda i nuniain. Ian syrupa and flvr in In crals will ba aold at auction by il'MS JlillNSUN thia day, | at 37 Naaaait it., at 11 o'clock. I rrTIf Ward LIQUOR ANI> LAOKU 1IKKJI SALOON I | Tor Mitt. Apply 10 :<H'U AKL? WALTKKa' 8OSS, Auc- i tiuO??r?, J7 Ku*i Broadway. >1 vCTliS RRI . | IIOILKK WANTED 4*?-M OllSK POWhK. LnWKST J3 cub prieo. Addreas S. A , bo* o,047 Po*t odiue. POST UFPI1I0 \OflCi*. posf office Norn Ka-riiK foiikiom hails kor X 1I10 waak andlutr Saturday, Auuuil I J. I87f>. will clo$a at ilili will co on iuwdiv, at P. VI. for humpc. Ofr nicain^hip Viltooiudn. via Ou<*t*n?iowu i on cduvaday, at 4 A H. for Kuropa, oar tWamihip Ab)Mtoia via ^utfcuiluwn . on Thursday. a 11 :JO a. m. fur hnropr per tiaainvhln Stiovia. via Plymouth, Wborbotirjr and Hambnrg; <>u .Saturday, at i A. M. for hnropv, war I toauuhip iftfriuaiilc, fla Ouacintown: corro$pondeueo for 1 Wrrtuauy, Kraiicc and Scotland lnieiid?d for ueapateU by i ihU u??mer tntfttt b? vpeciallr addre??od; aud at 7 A. 11., tor Scotland d.reel. i??r itr?ni>liip r.lliiopia, via liltiiu*; at 7 A M.. lur Franco IIreel, per ateiuiialiip St. lierioeln, via Havre: en l II JU A. I?r hiiioj.e. pur aieamthlp ltonau. via Southampton and Hrcmeti. 1 ha mailt for Auairalia, Ac., will leave nan Francitoo Aniriiti I'l. The mailt fnr the Weal India*. via Bermuda/will laavn New York An*u*t 17. The mailt lor China, Ac. will leava San Francieco September 1. T. I., JAMES, Poatiuip'.er. .Mist ki,i,\m-;iii s, JyiSf FOOD FOU i.NF.lKr.S'," applying the bljheat amount of nourlahmanl in thn meat digeallblo and ronvenlent form. SAVORY k MOOKK, 143 New Bond el., London, and all ehemlatt and etorekeepera tl:r<?ij[l>oul the United Stale* and Canada. 1) 1111, A Dl. LI'II Fa 'EXHIBITION. CROSSE k BLACK WELL'S pure Pickle* in malt vlnettar. rich Sancea lor Bah, meat and name, Potted Meat* and Bali. Oenuiii* Muatard. auperior Mall Vinegar. Jama, Jclllea, Marmalades, and othar table itelicaelea are displayed in the Aicrlcultaral llall, wtiero Iiivp**ctinn it inrtted, anil arr aold by all dealera In lltvt elaaa icriieuiioa In ill* I. hi led stairs ami Canada. Every iiauulne 'article la labelled i UOS8R k BLACKWLLL, Purveyor* to tbe Una**, Suho aiiuaro. London. [ERA: [BNT. SAI.KS AT AUCTION. \ucnoN hale riiiH .UKdav morKinu commcm-ini; at lov. o'clock, at five story In own stone nuroion KO,47 WKKT HiTII >T . ItKTVt KK.\ Mil AND liTI! A VS. Rale positive; rich liou?eli d?i Kurnitttrr . 41 Oil Paint U. hv foreign urtin j*. Hicma at 7 V4 ?H*t uvu Pianoforte. 1'AKhOK SCI rs. ric 1 v carved. in "damask mat in" and *'?ilk brocade ;* Turkish and Spanish lounge*, Kaay Chans, inlaid and marble 1 p Centre ?mi t duihIi fables, Cabinets. plate Minora. Hrouae Clock* Kitrurea. Statuary. HKfHtooM SKTS, coniiatinit elaborate iiodftteada. Dressing Ca**s. Waahstiiudv Cntffnuier*. fine hair and spring Mattress**, Pillows, Blanket*: nirj single and double Bedsteads. Bureaus, rep, plush and haircloth -tyta I>ININ(J KClt>i 1TC1CK?Extension Tables. Sideboard, Chair* in leather, Silverware. Crockery. Library ami Searetaire Ho'ikcisoa, Library I aides. I'urkMi Suit. Desk. two Huh Stands; veivot. lirussel* and ingrain Carpets; Kitchen l urnlturo. Ac X. H.? Sale positive, fake Hi silt avenue or Cnivvralty plate car*. Competent iuhu to ramose. pack or ship goods. UOBhUI C. CAH1UN. Aucilouurr. A TLNli JOHNSON. A I'c rioNhUR, old staud 37 Nassau at. THIS DAY. :it lf>?, o'clock. LAKUL SALS OK UolSLHOLD Kl* It MTU UK. Mirror*. HiunhcU ami In ;rum UarocN HKVKHaL KLbUANT PA It LOR SllTO. IX BLACK walnut and gilt, covered iu blu- fn:tiro?l borctln, tape-try. chiiitt. i?lin, bruwu, irrMit utrj criimvou; superb furkLh Knilr, wi.b Lounge*. Ka?r Chair* uud Rocker* to match. I'bree old Violin*, So?lu romitu'.u !u cuniuU'te order. Ac. Llc^jut r.>M) Ai?.?d Piano sud 2 Parlor Or/uiu. AUCTION mLii uK M AO NI PIC AST IIOUiMUOLU Furniture. oropcity o! K. ii??. Eswj., to be wid rin.S (VucoUf) MOfttXI.NO, coiuiucMcluir **t 11 o'clock, at the elegant live 4iL?ry nrwwu ?t??u* tuanwlou Su 1.0 We*t ?1 *t.. neurtith a v. Two clegaut rat*wi>tMl PUuot??rtwa. ??u# a Stein way Jk Man, ami W'ludanr upright. coat $7Ut) aud ?13**1: iu*cniile?ai ro?*?ood Ltagere*. lac* Curtain*. Mir mo, lauant tiyW hi In 14 Parlor Suit*, cov?r*d in vrUln. brocatel rtpa: Inlaid Centre ami Coueoid Table*. ??*Mn?t?, Jardiniere*, lhuutc*. Oil Paintings, Ac : Chambar Salt*, in black walnut; Dre?eiledaicida, *pr u.; and liair Muiru***#. CarpetJ. Ar, ; Bookcase. ?> *J choice B-jo4\, LadjcV Socretarie*. Library Tablet. Turk iah Suits Claia,? Ruatu ftutifot, K* tcmion Tabic; *oltd walnut Chair*. iu Leather; ('Iriua Dlunrr un<l Tea H?t?, ia>uu.rv*. Hat Stand. A No bawianul au?l aoroiiitc' Puratftarw. Ll'Kh PITZOKftALO. Auctleaeor. N. H. -(J*od? packed anJ hiur>"?l. -Sly ->r <:t> ; ur r. i LV'UKD LLOYD* A L0YI i > N h J \ KL urriCKM 29 Broadway, will, to-nmrruw, ut 1U:30, srli iu lata the Fixture* and Coutrnti of itml iu tbv Dime L>iu!u/ Sulooti lis \Ve*n jy *t.. Cowmen, 30 t'hatra. 10 Table*. 'tetters, (fU*Mwartri tea*. Puiuuv. Ac. Dealer* invited. Airr. " art. Mow on axbiMlton at IvKRl.Klt'S ART UALLLUY. I M Liberty at., cor'tcr of Nnaa.tu. a seleut colte"tlcm of modern Otb PAINTINGS BY aMKUICAX AND FOREIGN AUTISTS. To b? *trid ut auction. witbont iv*orvu. by | trkOUGH W. KKhLKU, ?n Friday uud Sat a id uy. Ausust II and 12, 12 o'clock taeh day. SSUlNLM SALE. 408KPH 8HONGOOD, H'lTlUNorr, will sell tbl^ day, ut ICj^ o'clock, ut 7'Jil 2d_av.v uotwomi uo ario kit, lUf aUoC* ol M?U I Uttd HO.fl' Clothing in lots; deader* iuvticd. UOTKOV SALB this l)av. tr XO O'CLOCK A. M ? Tho entire Stock and Fixture* of a lirn chu* Uroccrv, together with tho Furniture peoiuplouM of Ufteon rooms lu same house. 271 llr< omc at. Salt* punitive. BV J OS KIM I K. WlilHKUT. A 0 OTION KKl<?8KLl<H thU tiny, lu loin (to close business). commencing 10)? o'clock, at 771 7th av., entire Stock. Fixture*. Ac., eon tainod in that grocery store, iuolti ;iug Tea. Sugar. Coffee, ! Spices, canned Fruit* and Vegetable*, har and laundry Sonpn, Starch, NVcker A Ro.vul Flour, lUcoti. Brooms, Brushes, l'ails, other Moods. Scales, Weights, Measures, tea aud spies Cuiiulstor*. line Counters, Shelving mid comic** glass Cases, superior Icebox. Meat Uack, lltnch. lias Fixtures. Coalbox, Awning, Horse, Wagon uud Mar ncss, with which tho salo will commence, raiu or shine. Bnveit, dealers specially Invited. WKIMKHT A CO., Auctioneers, 141 Stli at. B~ r "WM. vAN~T'AS'HTKLij7"ACCT< oxekK, iUlice and auction mart lit). 11J Kast 13th st. Messrs. VAN TASSKLL A KKAKNKY will sell at aiictiou. On WEDNESDAY". AUGUST ?. at 10*^ o'clock, all the Furniture in house No. 53 St. Mark's place, near *Jd av., hlnck walnut and rosewood Suits. In rep; black walnut, rosewood aud celtuce Suits; spring and hair Mattresses. Mir r?r% hllverwarc, Dining Boom aud Kitchen Furniture, Brus* sets, ingrain and other Carpets; Bed and Table Linen Centre rubles. Bullet*, Crockery and tila*sware. Ac.. Ac., bulng contents of two large hoiisuN. Catiilniriw* ?t i?iu?.> luruliiK ot aale, and everything to l>c niim* u| immediately, niter ?lue. >k1o positive, without reserve. ruin or ahlnu. T JOSEPH a 1A'KliiLitr. al< c r I iinkliuT slTlUs morrn*, 1"}, o'clock, tlio flr*t elan LJi|uor Store tWM Lid ?v. do ecu it. Sulc |>orcui|itory. (SkMKNT AT At (THIN. -Ttl Bl'lUtKUS AN I) J others.?111.'KDEI'T A DKNN'IS will sell tlila day (Tneaduyi, at IV o'clock, within the alorc KM Hurlltm slip, J,Out) barrels prime dorruau Cement, about 40. i lbs. pur barrel ; all in flue order. UUOSSMANX. AUCTIONKER, NO. 754 HTTl AV.? Sella tomorrow, the Kuruiture ul a private family, via.I'ler Mirrors, marble top Wualistend, llureuua. Tablet, liruaaula Carpeta, leather Beds, hair Matlrue>ca and Kitchen Utensils. I'artirulara to-morrow. I S. WKI.NBI'.UiilMt. A I'CTION KK It. SKI.I.s" UUS . day (Tueadayi, Auauat 4, at In', o'clock, Kutnllure. Iteda and lieddlug, Hoc enamelled lledroom Suit, Tabiua, I-ounites. Clock*. Mirror*. Ac ; alto one \l heeler A Wilton Sewinu Machine, In perfect order; ulso consignments of Dry dooda, Cigars, Liijoora. JMOUIAKTT. At i will Indd u perciuutory auction aale of cue of the chuieoai atocka of Cabiuot and L'pholatery Kuruiture in Brooklyn, on Thursday, August It), commenclnir at 10 A. M . at .Nos. S'J and HI Myrtle ev.. corner of Luwrwuee at., ttio aale to be continued the next dav If necessary to dltpoae of ' Itoak. Ity order of John Kraucla. Hsu.. will be -olo $.s).IM> worth of Kuriiiture, eonprlsiiig rich I'arlnr Suita In satin, cotelaiue. rep. aatlne. haircloth. Ac.; alao Bedroom Mulls in rosewood, ulaek walnut, clieatnnt, enamel, Ac.; Dressiug Casus. Bureau*. Secretary aud l.ibrary Bookcases. extension Tables, Mullets. Lounges, Library Tables. Desks. Ac. llioae wbo daaire to purebaae should not fall to ha pre*ent, as every article will be sold to the blithest bidder Catalogues ready at tlio aale, AukusI 1'k Dou't forget the numbers. 4K and 44 Myrtle ar., Brooklyn. J~iia vest, Tal'ctioxkkb". okkickand sales room Ml) Kaat I-Ttli at., will aell vVudn-ada.v. Aintuat B, al Hi1, t. M . at Ml Kaat 10th *t.. the eutire coi.taiita ol a i ||?|HV novo hvi; hivh ovusv, L'OQkllllUK OI *lrr?M, | Piano. Carpots, bedroom, parlor, dining room and sitehcn luroitari, Tor account of wnnui It ma; concern. Catalogue and particular* ready morning of sale. v~~rha vkb. ai'cfionkkrT-by"virtue of a chattel mortgage, I will thUday cell at public auction at No. SS'J jut it *r., at 4 o'clock in the aftcrnouu, one >linv Case, two Counters, Scale*, lot of shelving with glints front*, Glass Hoi tie* and Gas Fixture*. WN. F. (jL'INN, Attorney for Mortgagee' I?RWIS OOIIKS. ACCTIONKKK, K'. OlttMl.\IID~ST\I. J t'OIIKN .t IIKI.M sell, ? o'clock, 517 (last Idth *t., iiiacnlflcent saloon. I.Ko IN t OHKN. auctioneer.-COIIKN a IIKI.M sell. II o'clock. 101 Monroe St., large Stock, Fixture*, Grocery ; **le peal tire. Mammal* salr? tviu, ski7i, tukshay. ait. (lot H. at 10 o'clock A. M., in front of i'vort llou>e. .''7lb *t., between Lexlugton and lid arc. one llorae on<1 Waiou, one Itiibbcr Ho*e and one sat of llarne**' also II >5 llotbed Windows, to lis told on *auie day abova mentioned, I on premises, 71st si., between titli av and lloulevard. JOHN C. lyst. City Marshal. ausiiai.'s salk-j. ikuaouik, ai'trrTox" eer. will sell tin* day. at 11 o'clock, at salesroom No d I Kiviagten *1., a lot ul t.utlery, Ac . custsilog of Kulve*. Forks, 1'enkuiye*. Scissors, Show Case. Ac. u a. ci'rbt, Marabal. M~~ ortuaor salr.-gmraro irtti a tX>. Auctioneer*. will sell by virtue of certain chattel mortgage, on Saturday, the liitii <Uy of August, 1876, at v uioc* /*. ?! ?>iv AWI?? *?., iirouaiVTI. three If# Hftrtfos Horses, Wagons, Oflico Furniture, ir. ; a)?o, Hon day, the 14th day of August. 1H76, ?t :Hg p. M , at West Cutup landing. Ulster countv. Machineries. Tools, Ac.. subject to first mortgage. LOUH LKl'BUSCIIEK, Attorney for Mortgagee. 7tf Nassau si., Now York. MGRTUAGK * A1J. I>Iih?ki-; .1 SWARZKOPK. Auctioneer, tei.s at 10 o'clock, I'M p.^t 14,1, sulendid Saloon Fixture* Bar. Hackbar, Ac., in lots. ?# kOh'lCSHKKG, Attorney for Mort|{l|IN* OK'I<TA?iK ? ALK. ?It Y VTKTL'K t>K A K?. I<Kclusure of a chattel mortgage, J. SKF.BACHKit, I Auctioneer, will stdl this ?1*y at 11 o'clock, at No. 21 i Jobu tt.( tha contents of a layer beer saloon and .restaurant. consisting of Oountori, llva Mirrors, 1'icturet, Usuge, Glass Ware and Kitchen Utensil* LOUIS LKvY. Ma Oiull and Attorney for Mort-a^ce. MORTOAOB HALE M. NUiHBAUTiT AU?JTIONKKIi, :0I Bowery. will sell this day at 11 o'clock, at No. 4'A* I Grand st., Williamsburg, toci, Fixtures aud Furniture of ' first class >aloon. Billiard Room* aud Howling Allay : ?Kl?I gant Bar and hack Bar. Ale Pump. 4 Billiard Tables, Hays | toilet. Howling Gailarr. Mirrors, Icebox, copper Boiler, walnut Table*. 7*> Chair*, Stores, Gas Fixtures, wire Hereon*. Oil Painting*. Glassware, Ac., Ac., without reserve. Dealers especially invited. MIX B N YKil-DnllFKK. A TO lONHKR. H LLB next Thursday, splendid Layer Saloon, No. 0 West M st., corner Mercer. PAWNBROiCSri S ALK. I', PIRLD! OKNIRAL AtC A tloueer, salesroom No. *1* Bowcrv, will sell this day. at 11 o'clock, 7'*i lots Men's and Women's Clothing, Dromes. Shawls, Kotnueiits, Underclothing guilts, Iduu kats, Boots, shorn, Ac.. Ac. Also 4(Xj lots of M u s Clothing, consisting of fall aud winter (fcrercoats, ha. k and Frock i Coats, a large assortment of Pants and Vests, itetiitia&kf of | Cloth. A?.. Ac By order of It Him peon A Co., 195 Ratirr. ! N. B. ?The sale ol loan's clothing will commence at 11 o'clock sharp. I)AWNil KGK hK H ~HALB TUIS I)A V ?J AMhs AOAlT Auctloucr, will sell, at T>9 New Bowery, .VJO lot* | Dresses, shawls, Kenitiauts, Table Linen, Underclothing | Sheets. Spreads. Boots. Shoes. Pillows, Coats. Pantaloons , ltd Vasts. By order of George Cudllop, 5'il Kast I'iih at 1 |) uVMllloKI-K'* SAI.K - THO*. J. MWRATH. Al'C day'. at II o'clock, >*>> l?ie man'* ana wniaan'e Clothlag, Draaaee shawla. Remnant*. (Jullu. Hlankela. Hartdtag. Root*. Shoo-, Ac.; aUo UitaU, Pant* and Vital*. Mi order jf I, Payaar, M ?. UHRRirrO *ALK OK KIXTURKtf OK AN KNiltfAV. O ing Patabllahnietil ? IIEKAltD 1IKTTN, Sheriff1* aur tionrer, will aell till* day iTtieadat), Auguat H. at 1J^ o'clock. at IKJ Old Church at., tbr future* of au Kncravtag kelanllahinent. WM. C. ro.V.VKK, Sheriff A. A a (una. Deputy. SIIF.RIKK'M s ALK. JACOII HKkllAI'IIKR Auctioneer, will a*U thla day. at l<> o'clock, at ealearonra So. 4 Kivmirton at., a Tina lot of ladiaa' and cbftdrrn'a embividarad Hec<|Uf*. geiilletucn'e Alicia, Pint, Hooka and Kyea, ladiaa- fait Cudorabirta, lloalary, Ac. WILLIAM C. CONNKIl. Sheriff. JilL< CUBkABkB. Deputy SHKKIKK'S MALK OK ARTIKICIAL KLOWK.KH. feather*. Aa.-OK.RARD MRlTjt. nuirllTi auctioneer. iwill tell thla llay iTucadari, Aur;uat H, at II o'clock, at 4sH Hruume ?t.. a qnauttty of Artificial flower*. Faathcr*. Ac.; eluo store Klvturea. Ac. WM. C. CONNKK. Sheriff Jaaaa far. Deputy. WTU K. MOUNT. AUCTIONKKK.?AsdlUN ICR'S KALR TT ofWIne*. Klxtpre*. Safe. Ac., at 515 St. Mark'* place, thla day 1 uaartat . Auguet 4. at 11 o'clock. My order ol K f. BERNHARDT, Aaalgneo In bankruptcy of C.Matty A Oat ^ I.VhTKl'l I'lllt. AUKADlATK OK Vt. MaKV'S H tlCf., Ili RLlbO (on. S. J . duslroa a position in a school or family. cau t**cli higher hotflish, music, drawing, French or Latin. Addr rm II II., 131 fMloAn, frughlwpiif, .V V Honk school koe six ouildrkk xoghil drto in llio family ; Hoard and instruction. including tvo-Uinn ami car# of clothing, $2ut-. music, vocal and Instru mental, drawing, farin and French if desired. For particular* addr was Uo* l2'4 Coal offloo, Syaofc, X. Y. LP. 1 PRICE POUR CENTS. AUIIIKMBIT*. BOOTH'S TIIKATKK. ~SAl'.K <)>~ SKAW. JAKKKTT A I'ALMKB l?.Hn Mid Managon (IB VXl> KKOI'BMVii'!! MB XT MONDAY KVKNINO. A./nil Ulh, 1H7U. < l'rodui'tiou tinder lliu direction of tho di?tnr:ui*lioddr*uialU scholar Mr. < !? vltLKS UALVKRT. ami for the br?t time ill America of LOKD BYICON'S KX^I IX Ilk liOMANTIC PLAY, > A h l> AN A P A LL'S. produced with in*r\*llou? (natures an<l in uuparallelod pi en dor. Mr. K 0. BAKU* *s SAKDAXAPaLUS AUXKS BOOTH an MYiUUJA This offering will b.? universally acknowledged as the most marvellous aud attractive spectacle yet seen in America, tar Hxcordili;' Iu splendor all loroicr glories of the stage, | and will tain inimediate acceptance a* a wonderful bistorti ca! picture, unfolding a period of civilisation in which lux| uriou?iies>. tuagniriceuce. and the wild and maddening lullu . ciuns of lova, war. l-oitqiicsl and glorious ruin unite to form ; a story of aingulai and exciting hum vn interest. kykbytiiFno new. Beautiful Scenery! Mattnithont Costumes! i.r.viol Tableaux S (J It AN 1 > IT A LI A N B ALLKT. Introducing the famml dancers. Mile. BAK TOLBTTI, protuiero dansotue iwiutluti of the tlruitd Opera, Paris, and I Sik-uor KUN . S TO \I AHHAUXO. of Milan, and the largest | and linest corps do ballet yet teen hi litis country. #* TIIE SALE OF KKSKKVKD SKATS fur any evening of the Urst week and for the SAIUK!' vf MvTINKK will begin uext Til U KSi?.\ V MoltN I N(?, ami no continued dally. The box u:bce will be open from S A. M. to 4 I*, M. WOOD'S MUSEUM. * ~ WOOD'S ? THIS DAY. KVKXIXO AT N. | MATINEE AT '2% C. W UAtCUY | I lie new drama In Ilia new play, | THE UAL1 KoKNIA ECHOES, PIONEER*, a tale id tlie pelt. I li. Cellon, SU Knllll rYll AVENL'K Till: VI UK. UltOAIMV W AXI) lUTH ST. tj Pioprivlor an'l .M ahatjer Mr. AUUUSTIN DALY SSd OOO T TTTT II- II KEKE It Kit R XX X S O (J T II II h II It N X N S U U T II II U H li X X X 1 SSS O O T 11 mill EKK I1KUK X X X | rt (> O T II HE K K X X K 8 ?) O T II II K It K X X X j B.SS OOO T II II KEEK It It X NX EVERY NIUIIT THIS WEEK. I Mil. 80TIIEUX a* LOItl) DUNDUKAKY. "DUNDUEAItY" M ATI SEE SATURDAY at 2. CHLUOItErt CONCERT UAIIDEX. JT Medium ami -1th ave. and -titli nnd *27tli its. THIS KVT'.mmi. at s OCI.i K'lv. Mine. EUGENIE PAI'I'KMIKIM, Mr. P. .v gilmoke. Mr. J. LEVY. YOUNG APOLLO I'I.ITI. Mr .M. AKBUCKLK. Mr VV. II. STANLEY, BYMl'HOXIA OUAKTKT, Mr. S. l.IKIII.IXO, LET90H. LKPEIIItE. BKaOIIT. dk CaBLO and GILMOKE* IXUIV.yi.lkd militaky hand. "On the?v sultry oveniilKt there is not a reeort In the matrupolis where one van uniru readily lor/et tbo discutulorti ot the terrible heat."?Ilvrald. Adtriesluu. otic, liexea (four plucoa). $3 and SI. .f AltlSlAN VAIMKTIKS, I fact torocnmuared with oibart lt.TIt ST. ANl' HHOADWAY. STARTLING, SENSATIONAL AMI KX li1LARATINO. I'KKIKM COMPETITION. 10 I llrllliaut Star Artima in J" Now Acta. 54 TilK DIZZY THREE. ?_ TaMINU A WIPE. I CIVIL RIGHTS BILL. < CONNUBIAL COMPLICATIONS. A keenX of i-iuullunnl interral. by Minn Roto Kleldlutt, > LKS l'ARISlENNKH, ^ | Decidedly Voluptuou* md Hewlichluulr Sonantl 'nil. Q Klrat anpr aranco In America of JEWEL OKORDIH, 6 hiitfl mil ? Moal Popular Senaatioual Vocaliat. H CLAKK liluns, | ANDY CULLOM, 111-HER and G l.I DI'E.N, ? tiie woods. i the pox kb, 5 Lawrence s?rKits ? MINNIE HALL. I ALICE GtttAlU), h Mlla. bertha and Honor NoVIHSlMo. * Mllo. YOUNG, I Mlla. CLIKPORD,. * JOHN GOl'RLAY, Kit AN K M. MILLS. | CHAM. llOKKMAN, and un omlltn number ot Popular Kavurllea. Wwi.t.iixr mt H Mufti*** Tin* ?il uv Thuruid* unfl .*iiALurd*? Ton* pastor's new thhatke. r.H7 Hroadwav, oppnaiie Metropolitan Hotel. last wkkk ok >S i'mmk it season, 1h7a. tin-: hkkatkst ok all stauk i It is iim k n, pat roonky. pat koonky. pat koonky, pat ICOOSEY. Tli# very pleating voeallat, Mita KMIt.Y PKOIR. I TUu Flying King* bv Ou exhibition MLLli. LA KKKOK. daily, I Soup. Dance ami Harp solue, frnni U A. X. I OHAKLKS DIAMOND, to 7 P. M . NKD WaMBOLD. Comedian. A LI VINO ilIItL, | PHIL IIEATII. Ventrlloqaiit. I'd year* old, j Tleruey and Oronln'e House and only Jo incbea high, Dancce. and wetghiin; | Murphy and Hbannon'e Dutch Fan. only :> pounds. John tiil'.ert, Krana (ieorgc, I Harry Phllllpa, Sadie Dethon. MATINKb IO DAY. AT 2 P. M, milUTtt OOK1QOI, ~ 514 ukoadway. IIAKKIUAN A IIAKT Proprietor* M. W. IUK1.KY Manager llarrigan aud liart, Adah Klchiumid, Hilly Harry, Hilly ( ray, Larrv Toolay. Hilly Carter, Alice Hauoett, aud all the favorite artiata. THK ulNHKIt RLUK8, by IIAHKIHAN and HAICT'S OH HOYS. Nightly and VYcdneaday ami Saturday niatineea. ALI.AC K'H. Til it PLORSNCES ELEVENTH WKKK of the SUCCESSFUL KNUAUEUENT of the iucoiupurahlo artiata. MR. AND MKH. W. J. FLORENCE. Ivarr evcnlug during the week er dlnA Au/uit 12, Woolf* Coinedv ol Ilia ? MIOHTY DOLLAli, lor the i man. ifl.i 17 .1 iro ?..l I7lil. iln,..l, ihli dti " Mr' and"".?ra7~ PLo'r'k'nC " nppaarluic In their aoiidt-rful creation* of HON. UAKDWELL SLOTK, MRS. GENERAL UlLKLORY. Performance terminate! 10: to. Maliueea discontinued The auditorium of ttiia tliuatre I* rendered DI.LIGIi TPl LLY COOL liv lint mo nf JOHNSON'S PATENT VE.MILAll.NU APPARATUS. j^ELLY A LiEON'H OPERA HOUSE, 23D XT. KELLY A LEON'S MIX,HULLS. Lilt llvi Nielli* of THE ISLAND OK BACHELORS. SAVI KDAY. AUtilsT 12, Offcnliecli'a (Vmle Opera. MOSS CIIOUKLKIRI Al HOME. T" IVOLI THEATRE. Mill ii, en?t ol Broadway, between 2d and Id J AC. AHKRLK Proprietor | Tin' coolcat place and tlio tliieat andcheapeal entertainment in llil* city. Entire new iiiaiiayaniant. New Stare. uew Acta, nuw Pantomhiia. Crowded houaci. Kirat appearance of the taiuouc Laaawlu Urna. ; ala?i Mile. Rlcci; Jean Barwy, mil comedian; Mi" CmIIi Le OMIl, I.u y Adume. Ony Liuimi. Sanborn, Eunice Moore, Lily Conalani ne, hvonnu Conitmitiiie; the pertoi in anre ironcludlnir wiih Ilia newly arranged Pantomime, J oho, Inclodlng all Ibe company. Kan. fun, fuu. Matinee itony pastou-s new t!ieat5* TODAY. PAT RODNEY I 2 P. M. | and llie Htar Troup*. NEW YORK CENTKNNItL LOAN EXHIBITION of aeUetloaa frooa tbo Prlvala Art flalUrloa. ' National Academy or De.iyn, corner J.i 1 tt. ana ?th av.f Metropolitan Nuaoani of Art. No. 1-8 Weil 14th it. Da/ time only. Ticket!, <15 ceuta. HG Y Lit KiVoMS. MTU AV. AND 30TH NT.. BKCIIKKCI1R.' "SOIREE." "DAXSAN'TE." KVKnV NIGIl I, COMMENCING AT ? O'CLOCK. KN rilAN'i-'K O.N HUTU ST. VTBW TORK CENTENNIAL AltT EXHIBITION. I he moet import out collection of modern Painting* b f the ureal Europein maatera urer brought to thie country. Now opeu daily, from 8 A. M. to 7 P. M . at the LRAVffT AltT ItOOMS, M17 llROADVVAT. Admittance. J . fldtot oho wei'k, Mlu. . one mouth, $1. TONV PASTOR'S MATIN NR. THIS ASTER.VOoN, AT i P. M. Pure lun end plenty of It. SAKDANAP4LCiT-OR!IERS KO R II IEKIItSTNlOIITf of tliU wonderful unectaele At KL'LLMANN'S TheAtro Ticket office, 111 llroadway. Chnicv*t neat*. OL'MMKH Xh HITS' rKSTlVkL*. I'KXTUAL PARC U Harden, f?lHh it., 7th av.. #??rjr Tuesday, Thursday and .Saturday evening; f?ehtunab1* rotort: cool, pleasant; onJmrncni ? certainty; particular attention to BtrAnmri. CAKTIKIt. ItL>?!! A CO.. Manager*. 1) A LA i s KoY AL." 4RR 6TII AV.. HhlWKKH 29T1I X And Joth Now York.? Pree ana haejr every evening lOyounc iadv attendant*; grand Vocal And luitmatB. tel Concert from # until 1 o clock. Animation froo. fMAJVOFOHTKS, OROAIVfli; " kUs. ] A" CLOtolNU"ot'T tfALh?LAItHK. KLRUAXT H TOVif Piano*, half price. HAKMoKK'!! W aru rooms, Mi | Hleecker *t.. $?<*>. $150, $**> A -Poll UK XT, UPRIUHtT HgU A~RK~ A JTD OR AMD h?u(M of our own io%lt; ?lw for itlt nod rent, A uumlmruf fine *ocond haud Pial0"* In perfect ordor WILLIAM ICNABK k CO.. Xo. I'll5tb ?v.. above liRh el A -roM MALK, A MAGNIPIUKW POCK HOUND . Melewey Plaaetorte for ea eieyaal rweewood caea, improved acala, 7toctara Wlodsor Piaoo. coat lljMR for baa guarantee and bill of eeie; Stael, Cover, Moaia UakiMl, net |IUi, Iwi lor tkippli,. Call Utia day at Mti rate reddence IJU Win it.1 it . near Sth IT, V LAD* MILL hell A I' C'raiwet I A Plaoo, ro.ewood carved raea aud ley*, coot VOL, MM. ' mente aecrlttee. it Kaei M ?t.. -ear Id a*. ^ * IiKAL'TIPUL CARVED ItOsKWOOU 7 OCTA?U A Pianoforte. $100. Uctldencp ll'i hill 90th at.. as : **d ?. a PRIVATE FAMILY WILL HELL EI.XOANT POUR i JV rouud yonuiue Mvtuwny Pianoforte. llama ' a ui riUci. richly carriil oaaratrnnc AirralTa Kiiao for i N. B.? Tba aatlr* Furniture of v:l ro.niii. conaiating of FarI lor. Library. Chamber and Dining Kurnlturv , B:i exqalatte Oil Palntlnga. Hrouica. Statuary. Ac. I,'all at brown *UT"T private roaldanca Na 47'Weat lHth it., between Slh auddth art. ' null ACCOUNT OF WIIOM IT MAY CONCERN r Will ha mid at aacllnn tlni day, at IV o'clock, by TUNIS JOHNSON, Auctioneer. ?7 Naeaau at., oua elegant roacwood Piano, eleo two i nu Parlor orxatia and two old Vtolina, ona by Ueruardu, VI yaara old. _ HARPMAN A CO. PIANO MANUFACTURERS. ARB offering unuaual bargain* In zrand, upright aud < wiuara Planna. at their clicht atnry Worha aad Warorooraa, I 17 lb at. aad loth ar. H OKA IK WATKKH 1 SONS. 4S1 BIIOADWAT. AMI offering ?aa of tba larr*?t and nnaat aiock al Pianot ' and Oricana In tiiia city, al |irtaa> to doTy competition. M' AONIF1CKNT 7 I S KOSRWOOO PI ANOFORTR lor f ISO; plaao dealer can niaho aionoy on It; coot I ?knm> I art May . family murt aoll. Residence .'>4 Knot ?th at. WKBKR SEVEN OCTAVES?ORRAT HAKUAIlf; Cblckerlnc. overstrung, fVUO; roata (4 Monthly; Uarictita. 7 in octavo, WO; Orgau. $60 OORDON A SON. ISF.oat 14th at. WANTED?A SECOND HANI) HTKI.NWAt PIANO IN good order, at low caab price. Address. striae mat* Haulers, PIANO, has *M7 Peat oBea. . m ?a w-e