Newspaper Page Text
fo THE INDIAN WAR. Erroneous Statements Corrected by General Forsythe. MORALE OF TilE TROOPS EXCELLENT Terry and Crook Within Easy Supporting Distance. FAVORABLE OLTLOOK FOR Tllfi CAMPAIGN. Bishop Whipple, of Minnesota, on Our Indian Policy. THE HORRORS OF A HUNDRED TEARS. St. Paul, Minn., August 10. 18T6. General Forivthe, of General Sheridan's stuff, passed through lliia city yesterday, huvtng tell Terry's camp, at the mouth of Itio ih.sebud, a week ago lust 'fuosday. lu conversation with urmy ollicerri while there General Forsytlio corrected several erroneous staleinents recently telegraphed Ironi ilistnarck and lorwarded from this point. TUk ALLKUKII KKTKSAT Of TKItRT. It was staled that General Terry had lallen back e'ghty miles, which Is the merest uouseuse, end gives (also impressions to the public, 'lhrro was no tailing back at all. The evening belore General Foraytho left Geucrul Terry a scout (rum General Crook's commaud had reached General Terry. General Crook was thou somewhere Dear tho headwater of tlio Uoscbud Itiver, or between that and Tongue Itiver. Now, at this time. General Terry wus at tho mouth of tho Hig Horn ltivor, and tn order to make communication between himself and Guneral Crook easier lie dropped down the river to the uiuuiu 01 uie i.oM'tiuu, uciwceu wuicu puiui aim u?ueral Crook's command Hie distance was no greati r than from the luuuih <>1 tho 1>Horn, while trio couutry to bo traversed was Intluitely more favorable lor the march or the troops. A MlUtiKSTlVK INDIAN T1IAIL. Resides, tho scouI alluiieil to furnished the news that an ludiau trail had boon found loading to Ilia east, between General Crook and tho Yellowstone; and the Juiict.ons of Generals Terry and Crook at a point further east ihail the ft g Horn was likely to j revent the c?cii| e ef the Indians to the east and north of the present scene of operations. KKBLIXU OK THK TROOPS. Another misstatement found is to the effect that the troops under Ueucrol Terry are disheartened at the proe|mct before them. Colonel Smith, who accompanies General Korsy the. utterly contradicts the baseles story. <iu the contrary, (Ieneral Terry and his men lie in the best possible spuds and aro only too anxious to meet the horde of savages in a lair und square tight, lhcio are no lours as lo the result. T1IK BCALl'IMi RTOKY DliNIKD. Another correction, which, in simple Justice, requires to he made, is ill regard to the scalping and quartering oi an Indian by Ilavo Campbell, pilot of the steamer Kar West, und a party from that steamer that left ill a boat to attack some Indian marauders that were fouud at a point above Kurt llulord, where a supply of forage was stored. The telegraphic account of that affair Is mainly correct, but there was no scalping Hid mutilation of any Indian. One of tho men of Campbell's parly who was wounded by the Sioux was brought back 10 the bout, but ho died shortly ullorward from his Injuries. POSITION OK Tilk INDIANS. The Indians, as tar as could he learned (although tho Information was by no means delintie), were aliil supposed to he mussed somewhere between tho Rosebud Itlver aud the Dig lloru. The impression prevailed that ono or two alternatives was left them?either lo scalier to the eastward ami toward Hriltsli America or retire southward to the Dig lloru mountain-!. Though tboy w?re in front of and tu close proximity to (ieneral Crook's command, It wus not believed that they would show tight or allow GcnerM Crook or General Terry lo get a chance at them in a body. Tin; T KLLOWSTONK I OUTS. Regarding tho work on the Yellowstone posts the Information Is corroborated that it would be tmpossl. ble to get material up the river by boats as tho water on the Yellowstone is very low. Tlie supply bouts lor General Terry's command were unable to cross ttio shoals and bars and hud to bo lightened !n order to uake the trip with partial loads. The steamers which were freighted with material lor the netv posts dia charged their cargoes at fort llulord, where they will remain till spring, when tlio work on I ho proposed toils will bo coiunietieed tiik sirt.iTina fAvoii.tnt.K. Altogether it liuy be luted, on the authority of those best iiiiorined and who bring the very latest news trout lie I era. terry, that the situation n- rcgai eied as highly Saturable. fully -1, is WW in en are In the held uuder the u iy bc-l ot ollicors. 'I ho ineu are in excellent eonulltou and spirits. Thu supplies of all kinds are c<|Ual to every rtquiremeut. The chances lor an early coalittuu between the lories ot Generals lerry and Crook ale extremely tcvorablc. The Indians, though active, are unl ..i.xious lor a dooslvo engagement, and, iu all respect*. no danger ot reverses to the national troops Is to l? appiehctided in any quarter. ABBIV.tL or TIIK C I K INDIANS TO JOIN THE 1 BuoPS?A BATTLJt ANTICIPATED TO-DAY WITH CROOKS COMMAND. M idioms liour, Wv. T . August 10, Ibid. The Utes arrived this uliernoon. and went into tamp. Extra arms were issued to theui, and the band leave lor fort Kettermaii probaidy on Saturday morning A war dauce is nuiiouuced fcr to-morrow night. Several additional scouts ro|*>rted to-day. A HATTLK ASTICirATRDe Their Inforniaiion is that Crook will have an engagement to-morrow with uneven chances. Communication with the lioops and fori I'utUriuan lias been reestablished, uud couriers airived yesterday. A COCUIkU ATTACK CI) B* INDIANS AND COXrXLLID TO RKTCUN. Omaiia, Neb , August 10, 1ST6 A courier, sent to Red Cloud Agency troin fort Laramie on Monday last. reluruod there during last uiglit and reported that, when near Rutin tug Water he Was inei by six Indians, who rliut at him and wounded Lis horse, nut he hid among laud hills aud escaped. troops JOB THE INDIAN COUXTRY. CebYK**K, Wy. T., August 10. 1876. Company E, Fourth cavalry, arrived at hurt l.nranno to-day and will leave tor Camp Uobiusou to-morrow, bishop Whipple's dlfkrce op the peace POLICY?tub RESULTS ok our management OP tue aborigines kob a hundred TEARS-PLAN kob the solution op tub rusting difficulties. WAsmaarox, August 10, 1876. The following letter liaf been ?onl to tlie President:? WamiinoTom, July 31. lNTfE To His Excsllsnct run Pumiuknt or run L'mtid States:? You ar aware ol my deep interest In the welfare of the Indian* and I alu *urc will ponder this letter. We have entered upoo anuihcr Indian war. which, I tear, will l>e one ol the ntuel memorable in our history. I do uot lear the lew thousand* el hoiliie Indiana, Cut i do lear that eternal law ol a righteous God, "Wluliuever a niau aoweili. that shall he reap." A nation Wlncli sow* broken laith, inju-lico and wrooc will imp a harvest ol blood. Thousands cry lor extvi ininatluU There is One who exterminates. and a people who h >te more than hall a luiliiou soldiers' grave* w iibiu their borders ought to know that nod i* not bi nd 1 yield to no man in niv sympathy lor the bravo men kl (ho border, who are always toe it re t Victim* ol sue ttc ttalc. t.very geni-roii* leenn,- m mj i.i ju .?<? out lor the brave soldier* \rlio. without one thought "I it, |iu iodic; "tid y?t I mi> i??l that lor every lil? IoaI In audi a war the tuition i? guilty. Which tor lt? yaura lima i?r?i*ifd in policy w kit It ilway* rrnli iu maeeacre and war. K.rcry irtend of the Indian wee you a deep debt of gruliiude lor botically Hying give u? a batter policy ma Mt? roLicr. The *o-ralled peace policy wt? commenced when we *eru at war The tr bo* were cither openly toalilv or milieu and turhiilcnt. The new puliry wraa a oiarrellotu auccva*. 1 do honcatly behevo that it baa NEW YOR done more for the civilization of tb? Indian* tnnn all winch the government but don? helure. Its only weakness vtoi llml tlio system was not reiuruied. lite new policy was loliorod by all the faults ami traditions ol llie old pulley. The nation leit 300 UUO luen living within our own borders without a veallge of government, without personal rights of property, without the slightest protection of person, property, or Itlo. We persisted in lolling these neatbeii tribe* that they were independent nations. We rent out tlio bravest and be-t ol our officer*, some who had grown gray in the service of the country; men whose (lighteat word was as geoj as their bond ; we lent them bp .J Ilea Ilia I|,.I.?||- Iii.iil.l nni a U Iflliliiir I Imniir A Mil tM* THCATY Ihcr marie a treaty and they pledged the nation's fattli that uo white man should' enter that territory. 1 do nut discuss its wisnuui l ire Kxecutivo and Satiate raulled it. Hy the constitution of tho toned Slate* these treaties are the .supremo lave ol the land and are binding upon the individual* and State* who compose the ualiuo. The constitution vesta the power ol makiug treaties In the Senate und Kxecutlve. This treaty was so made, and it was in ail of Its provision* the supreme law of the laud, it was a question lor the Scuale und Kxecutive to decide whether they should or should not make such u treaty, but when inteo made It wu* a solemn compact, the (ultllincut of which the nation, by Its own organic law, was pledged. A violation of its plain provisions was an ACT or OKUUKItATK I'SKJl'UY. In the word* of General Snerinau (gee report), "Civilisation made its own compact with the weaker party ; it was violated, but not by the savage. " it was done by a civili/ed niiliuu. The treaty was approved by the whole nalien I ho people and press approved It It ended a shameful Indian war which had Cost us fd,OUU.OOO aud the lives of ten wlnte men tor every ludian slum. The wuulo world knew that wo vlolalod that treniy, aud the reason of the failure of tiro negotiations of Inst year was iliat our own coniimsaioners did uol have authority irom Congress to oiler the Indians inure than lie third ol tho sum llioy wer* already receiving under the old treaty. chadactku or run i'sacs koi.k t The poace policy has never been understood by the people. They supposed it was some vacuo plan to give Hum unity to savages w ho commit crimes, when the tirst thing which tnc friend* ol the Indians ask is lawr lo punish crime. You did all that you had tho power to do und that was tu provide lor houual men to U11 the ' agencies. You said to all the religious bodies of the | country who hail executive committees to muuage | their uiissionury and charitable work. "If you will i uumihuto to me a man for Ibis Indian agency and your I Church wi l bo responsible tor bis tldollly, 1 will appoint lulu." You provided lor the honest purchase .if Indian supplies. There have been mistakes. In u tew Instances dishonest and incapable men have been up' pointed, but not one where there wus a score under the j old system. You look in vain lor Tlltc MII.tMlil.KSM l(>>1111KKIKS which were common when su Indian agent was api pointed as a reward lor political survice, aud a lortuno | wus made in lour years upon $1,600 u year. There uro ' made out 01 shoddy und glue, no list ol broguus witti paper solos, no stool spudes uudo out or sheet iruu. There uru tic mles ut Indians toil upon tbo soup niudo out ol ttio ontruus unci diseased moat ol dead tattle, do i stories ot Christian women picking ovor tho dung of cavalry horAs to got bull digested kernels ol grain to ' save their cuildreu Ironi death. The peace poncy did not lull; It was a success until our lallli was broken. It was dillicull lo Innl the uien tilled lor this work who would go to a distant agency upun a salary or $1,500 a year; hut mnuy ol tho host men iu the land liavo done | this woik and been rewaided by leading many ol llio i Indians to Christian civilization. TIIK PROroSSO Til ANSI'Kit. 1 have loured lo have the ludiau Ituroau changed to the War Department, because it would be u condemns. ; tlou of the peace policy. It was a inakcshtll; nothing j was reformed. It was iho old system in another office. ! You cannot make a bud bank note good by changing < pockets. what tiik DL'RKAtl ought to uk. ! My own conviction is that the Indian bureau ought | to la> an iiidepeudeut department ol civilization, with one ul iho best men in the nation at us bead. It this were 1 done and we then gave me to ludiaus the protection j ol law, personal rights of properly and place where i they urn live ny the cultivation ol the soil it requirod j to labor; II provided with necessary aid In the work of c.vihzuiiun; ir Christian schools and missions wero protected tuna plighted laith kept sacred, we should solve the ludiuu problem and bring down upon ourselves the blessing ol Cod. 1 sometimes almost despair, and llicn 1 think it is so plsln the people will sec. TWO PIOTUHKS. Here are two pictures. On one sldo of tho Hue a nation has spent $500,000,000 in Indian war; a people who Iiuyo not loo miles between tlie Atluntic and the I'acillc wlncli has not been the scene ot uii Indian uias| same; a government which lias nut passed twuuiy years without an Indian wur; not one Indian tribe to whom it lias given Christian civilization, and which celebrates its centeunial year by unotber bloody Iudutu i wur. tin the other side of the linn there Is tbo samo ! greedy, dominant Anglo-Saxon race and the sumo 1 heulbou. Thev have not spent $1 in Indian war; lliuy I u.ive uau uu iiiuiun uiasgacie. ?> ..y r In Canada the Indian trouty cutis theso men "the In| dian subjects ol Her Majesty." When civilization np; proachu* toeiu they are placed on ample reservations; ! they receive aid in civilization; ihey have personal riichtt of property; Ihcy are auici'.able to law and lire protected by law; they have school-, anil Ohrisllan people delight to give theiu their host men to teach them lh-i relig>on 01 Christ. We expend more than (100 to their $1 In caring lor i Indian wards. . A I'LAN Kl'UOKsTKD. 1 Will you pardon me II 1 suggest a plan which may | obviate some ot Ibe evils until Cougress provide." a | remedy r I doubt whotber Congress will adopt any ; new system or appoint u commission to devise one. j The end pii.y be leached by a simple method. First?C'licenirata the Indian trib-s?via , place all ol tiiu itioians in Miuucsota on the White Kartli reservation; the Indians of New Mexico, Colorado and l Sioux, in the Indian Territory; the Indians ou the Paci no eoasl, upou two reserves. The Sioux can not be removed at ouce, but probably twenty bands would i consent to go at once, and ibcir prosperity in tbcir , new bullies would diaw others. If the government i adopt the plan ibu eud can bo reached. Second?Whenever an Indian iu good faith gives no his w ild It c and begins (o live by labor, give bun an : honest title, by patent, ol ItiO acres of land, and tnuke 1 ll inalienable. Su long as the reserve is held by tbo | tribe it oilers a premium In ihe greed ol whito men. ' The certiUvnlcs ol occupancy tiro not, us titles, worth i the pa|>er upon which ihey are printed. I hint?Piovlde government lor every Indian tribo 1 placed upon a reservation. Congress might authorize 1 tiie Pre.?nieot lo appoint any Indian agent ex officio a I'uiteJ .States Commissioner with lull power to admin- i | ister law on tbo reservation. The liuiled Mates Mar- j | slial In whoso district this reservation is might he an ; thorl/.ed to appoint Hie requisite Dumber ol civilized Indian.-, or men of mixed blood, to net an a consiabu] lary lorie Tlie Polled Males J mice might be required , t j hold one session ol his Court on tho reserve each I your. It itqulres no new inactnuery, no great exj petisp. H ero are lort.v reservations where tho plan could be : In lUutir.ited ul once. As it Is now, tho civilized and I Christum Indian I* pitiably helpless. Two yeurs ago a brine killed an Indian woman on tho White Kurlh reserve lu open day. The ludtans arrested hiui. He was taken to Port Itinlcy. Alter two months tho Secretary ol War ordered hint to tie discharged ticcause there was ! no law to puulsh an Indian. I believe I can count ONK llttXtlKKO Mt'ltnkKS j by Indians wblch have taken place in Minnesota in tho ' p.isl soveutocn years. No one asks any quusllons any , more than II they were swine. They havu almost unlloi inlv been committed while under the mtluvucc ot "lire water,'" lurntshed In violation ol law by white men. When *n Indian has become a perfect Ishmuelttn wo quietly allow hint to join some hostilo sorer- ] etgn like Sitting Hull to murder our soldiers. I'ardon this long loiter. You havu odeti aided us in tbls work, and if you can aid in this simple remedy I shall ho deeply grateful. I do believe that n just and Immune holier, worthy of a great Christian nation, 1 will save our poor Indian wards and bring upon us the | blessing of Cod. Assuring you of my kln<l regard, I am, your obedi' ont servant, II. H. WHIITI.K, Hishop of Minnesota. j UNITED STATES SIGNAL SEltVICE. At tho exchange rooms of tho Maritime Association . yesterday the following memorial waa circulated for signatures:? The undors.goed, members of tbo Maritime Association ol tbe Port <>t New York, respectfully represent that tho curtailment of the efficiency ol the L'utted Mates signal strvict, by the discontinuance of important seaboard stations and by the relinquishment ol valuable services by ihoso remaining, must result du? j astruusly to the interests ol commerce. We respectfully urge that the public good and true economy demand that the usefulurss and elUcieucy of the service be enhanced rather than diminished, slid we protest against any action or policy to the contrary. I'ne memorial wits signed by A. A. l.ow H Hro , lirowu tiros A i n, Morton, lilies ,v Co. ; A. Ueitu h. tu, i i'reaei, Morgan x i u. , Miner ?v iiu??ui??i s* ] t'ibol Wird. William W All's Son*, Williams a (tuion, ' National Maamahlp Company, Charlwa l.uiitif & Cu, I U W Cutiiorun, Junto* Henry, 1'helpa, Dodgo A; to.; j J. A \V Seligtuan A co. ; Louis ae Hebiau, i I> dt. Dearborn. tilyphaut A Co., W. K. draco A Co., I Hnl?on, lluruito a Cu ; Ueiricha A Co, W 11. Van ' i. Hrunt A; Brother, W. I'. Civile A Co., Pacific Mini ! St. amship Company, \V. It Harrison, Hoyil A Htnckeu, ! C H Marshal. A Co.. Hcissner. Ackorinan A to. ; John I I ZlllloM'ti, J K. Whitney A to., Nestnith A Son*. J. T. I i.ilchrm, Amadou V atable. Munu A Jenkins, Lawsou, liayne a Co. ; llvnry lluwrlng, J. 1* uud ( . C Kohiu- I hoii, Andrew Hitldwin, Kvnua, llall A Civ ; lttehard A lloae, K. J. Coma, Henderson Hrother*. Jewell, Harrison A to ; s. > Snortlaud A Co.. i hark* 1.. Wrignt A co.. H. I) A J. W. ftrookhiau, lunch, KJyo A Civ ; It. I'. Curriv A Civ, (ieorge K. Uullcy, Thiitiia* Dunham's Nephew A Co.. lien ham A Hovesuii, l>e Craw, ! Ay mar A Co. ; W. 11. J. Hughe*. It K. McicaU A Co., Marcus Hunter A Co, John Norton, Jr., A Co. ; riiomae Norton A Co., anil many other*. A SINGULAR ACCIDENT. A strango accident that will probably prove fatal occurred ia*i evening at six o'clock ou Weal Uroadway, , near the corner of Duano street. Mr. Antonio tirimtn. of eightieth street and the Boulevard, was walking in company with bta wile, when a scream Irom the latter attracted ni* attention, an i looking around he raw b t dress in tlamea. Hie frightened woman darted away, and the tire rapidly gmtied in volume. Several passers by Joiued wuli the husband lit hii ctlorta to extinguish the j Haines, but made only little progress uuiu a young man, uauied ticorgc Kneisel, cum* to the rescue wnb n blanket, which be wrapned tightly around the burning woman. She war then taken into the drug store No. 13 West Broadway, where temporary rel el was given. She was thou removed to the Now York Hospital. It was K HERALD," FRIDAY, A1 louoJ that both of her leg* war* badly burned and also aoine ponton* ot the body. iwo hour* alter her arrival at the hosplta her coiiuillou had become so dangerous that it uai deemed prudent to lake her aute-tnorleai siatemeui and Coroner KickhoR was summoned lor that purpose. Neither the lujuied woioau nor h?r hnahatnl cat satisfactorily account tor the origin of the tire, al though both think that her dross muat have caught hro troin a match with which Mr. C.riinm had hgbioc his cigar f-onie inlnute* prior to tho discovery or th< flame*. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN HTEAMER8. DATES OF DEFARTCRKS KHOM NEW YORK FOB TBI MONI'Bl OF A CO CUT AND HKFTKMMKk. >U timer. j NtllZ* J HnHMlMkl (tpwr. uk I liivcrsuoi.. w Brotdviv hthinpi*- | Aiik 12. j <.|4t|fnw,... 17 Howliuir Oroea J9'11*" ! UJ* Irl* i?r#ID#n- ' Howling Uraea (ierm?D>c Aujr 12. | Liverpool.. S7 H road war Llvtla..... Auk 12. London..., f Bowline 'treea hi Lerinain Auk I fUvro .~).r< KmiuIwhv Kueeia. Auk lj?. Liverpool.. A HowlingOroaa r l mIand Au2 17. hotterdaui. V) Hrouuwar JI ammonia. Auk 17. Hamburg.. Hi Hroadwar Labrador, lAu* lB.iHavre. .... r?*> Hroadwar j^hli aok 1ft. Liverpool.. 97iireadwa> CUv of Cheater.... Auk 19. Liverpool.. l.r> Broadway peiu .. Auk 19, Bremen.... vHowlinir clreea Victoria Auir 19. lilanirow... 7 Howlinir tlreea *"IC Liverpool.. Hp Hroadwar WyorainK Auk -'2. Liverpool.. 29 Bmadwav Hcytlnu. .... Aar29. Liverpool.. 4 HowlinirOread Si me .if Panns'lxAuk 24. Daiirow.. 72* Broad war Wtelano 4 IIK 24. haiul.ur-r. . Hi Hroadwar City of liiebiiiond. Aue 2H. Liverpool.. ].*i Hnuulwav 191 or Au-r 2H. nromen.... 2 Howling ? Jroea Bolivia..... Aiik 2??. (iIumimiw. .. 7 Howl'ug4Jr??ea An'lie Auk 2*1. l,ottd'*n 7 Bowlintr liroea Kuirland *uk 2'?. Liverpool.. HP Hroadwar ( iitctda Auk 2?t. Havre fti? Hroadwar viik -'o. Liverpool.. 4 Howling (ireeo KrMn Aiik HI Mimhurc.. '?1 Broadway W A Rcholten.... ai. Rotterdam. r>u liroNiiwar Al-niia 2. ( laetrow.... 7 Howlinir <>reen Kirypi h?M t 2. Liverpool.. f<9 Broadway Main IS -p* 2. lire men.... 2 Kowlinu lireen I'lonla p?'pi 2 ' oudon .. 7 "win k rcca Britannic iSept 2. Liverpool.. 97 Hroadwar Jdatoi I Sept ft.I Liverpool. 129 Hrona w-ir riinbrU . . I -"Opt 7,1 llnmliurK.. i^l Broadway State of Vlr-'niH..|S??pt 7. (ilaaeow.... 12 I'readwar Cllv of Berlin.... tSept 9. i Liverpool.. lift Hroadwar Gellert ISept 14. i Hamburg.. 101 liroadwar almanac for new york?this day. si's a*i> moon. i hih1i watku, Sun rises 6 00 | Oov. Island ovo 12 18 Sun set* 1 04 I S.indv Hook.. .morn 11 dd Moon rise* ovo 0 64 | Hull i.ntv ovo 2 03 POUT OF NEW YORK, AUG. 10. 1870. ARRIVALS. RBPORTXO RT TI1K HKRALI) 8TKAM YACHTS AND HKRALU WIIITK8TOM TKI.KO UAI'll LlBtk. Steamer Old Dominion, Walker, Kiciimond. Cltr Point and Norfolk, with mdno and pa.tsenuors to the Old Dominion StcaiiiMiip Co. Ship Carnarvon Cattle (of I.ondoii), Robinson, Calcutta April 14. with ludso to Atkinson, Tilton A Uo; vessel to \Y D Morgan. Panned Cape of Good Ilopo Juue 15, St Helena 3(>th, and crossed the Equator July 14, in Ion 41; had lifht winds. Hark Maria (Ital). Ambra*ano, BrUtol 42 days, iu ballast to Henharn A Boyeseti. liarK Kate llowel (Br), McNaley. Lynn 58 days, in ballast to C \V Hertaux. July 19, lat 48 12, lota 47 27, passed a larvc iceber . Hark Maipo (Sp>, front, Havana 13 days, in ballatA to Bookman, Oerllu A Co. Hritr >iioe (Aus), Stapparich, Gloucester 37 days, in ballast to Slocovich A* Co. Brite Priscilla (Ger), Hisehotf, Aberdeen 40 days, in ballast to C Tobias A Co. Schr.Ies?e Carll, Underbill. Hanaro* 10 days, witu irult to Gome/ A Pear.?all: vessel to K .1 Weubertr. Schr C C Berry, Seavey, Doboy 8 days, with lumber to Ordor; vessel to 1( W Loud A On. Schr Gettyshtiric, Corson, Charleston, 80, 10 days, with mineral rock to K I) Ilurlbnt A Co. Schr S T Winterdon, Jackson, Powell's Point, NC, with melons to master. Schr J L Atkins, Waterfleld. Virginia. Schr A 0 Bowers. Voreanea, Virginia. Schr Jennie, Hall. Virginia. Schr K Dai per. Laird. Vlrtrloia. Schr Jennie. Osborn, Virginia. Schr J V Lanprell. friowers, Virginia. Schr E H Wharton, Hush, Virgin! <. Schr Vary Price, Campbell. Virginia. Schr Win NazycK, Nelson, Maryland. Schr Adeliue Townseud, KohIvd, Philadelphia Tor N w London. Schr J C Nash, Crowley, Bath < days, with ice to mister. ScW Nellie Star, Collins, Kennebec River 5 days, wliu ici to Knickerbocker Ice Co; vessel to master. js^rHark Silo (Nor), from Hr?mon. which was anchored In the lower bay, cuiue up to the city 10th, AM. PASSED TH K0GGH HELL GATE. BOUND SOUITL Steamer City of New Bedford, Fish, New Bedford for New York Steamer Galatea. Walden. Providence for New York. Brig fr. aglet, Kelly, Bowtori lor New York. Schr John Farnuto, Kennebec lor New Y ork. Schr Kobt Myhan. Joiich. Providence for New York. Schr Sarah a Falconer. WI.moii, Providence for New York. Schr Urbana. Allen. Somerset lor New York. SchrMarv Stowe. Bacon. Pawtucket tor Now v-?rk. Schr Boat mi, Nickersoti, Bowdoinham for New York. Schr Allsion. Fitr.yorald, Burlington tor New York Schr Mary Potter, Potter. Block MhiiiI for New York. Schr Haxelton, linger*. kennebeu lor New York. Schr Ida. Deering. Taunton tor New Y'ork. Schr II Blackiuau. Arnold. Providence for New York. Schr A S KLhuiii, Y'ouny. Providence for Now Y'ork. Schr Heading UK No 41, Adam*, New Haven tor New York. Schr M (J Carroll. Carroll, Providence for New York. Schr Aunoii Brown. Libuy. Norwa'.k for New York. SchrJat Boyle. Smith, New lla\en for Pliiladelphia. Schr K Waterman, 1J In ok ley. Providence for New Y'ork. Scbr Lillltf hruosthie. Wells. Bridgeport lor New \urk. Schr Kunny Fern. Kuinn, Kenuenrc f?*r New York. Scbr Luna. Wells, Providence l??r New York. Schr Joseph ? Potts, Howard, Port Jefferson lor New York. Schr Hannah K Brows, S?u?kett. Newnort for New York. Scbr Rlisa Pharo, Watson, Newport lor New York. Scbr K Brazos, Kayiior, Providence tor Now York. Scbr Helen M Condon. Stocking. Bat ? for New York. Scbr Henry Lemuel. Jarris. >ag Harbor for New York. Schr Belle, Simpson. Bridgeport for Now York. SchrJas K Polk, Buckley, South port for New York. Schr Fair Wind. Bowman. Wurehum lor New York. HOUND BAST. Steamer Eleanors, JuIiiimiu, New York for Portland. Steamer Glaucu*. Boarse. New York for Boston. Steamer Albatross. Davis. New York for Fel' Hirer. Brig John Bnghtiuan, Hanson, Now York lor Kali Hirer. Schr Laodamia ihn, Parsons, New York tor Charlotte* town, PKI ?anchored off Whitentoue). Schr Delta (Br). Turner. New York for Doichcster. KB* Scbr Xebec, Shropshire. Port Johnson tor Providence. Schr G 0 Burrtett, Rogers. Auiboy for Now Haven. Schr Plymouth Rock Park r. New York for Boston. Schr t>rro Gorno. Champlulu, Port Johnson tor NoririeA. schr hencue, Kelly. Port Johnsou for Providou?e. Schr Sedona, Hart, Port Johnson lor Boston, senr J B Knovrle*, Waas. Ilohokeu for Boston. Scbr Freewind, Frinby. New York lor K ttery, Mc. Schr Alruna, Graves, New York for Bancor. Scbr Charles L Ijoveriug, Scars, A to boy fur Now Haven. Schr D Currie. Pease, New York lor Portland, Ct. Schr Fannie \V JoIiumiu, Houston, Port Johnson tor Boston. Schr Yeloclnede, Rogers, Now Y'ork for New Loudon. Scbr VVm M Jones. Duv.a, New York for Port Jetforsor. 0jT*Schr George G Jcwctt, lor St John, NB, went to sea today. ______ CLbAliKD. Steamer State of Indiana ?Bn, Sadler, Glasgow?Austin Baldwin A Co Steamer Suevia (Gcr), Franzcn, Hamburg via Plymouth ? Kuubardt A 4Jo. Steamer Isaac Bell, Lawrence, Norfolk, City Point and | Richmond?< Md Dominion Steamship Co. Steamer Beverly. Wallace. Philadelphia?Jim Hand. I Steamer Kleauora. John sop, Portland?J K Aino? Steamer Chesapeake, Mangurn, Portland?J F Aines. ( Steamer (rlaucus. Boirrs, Boston?H y Diuiock Bark Johanna iGer), Koepkc. London?0 foidas ?lc Co. Baik i L Carucy, Jackson. I'lyinoulh. K?K Murray. Jr. Bark Johauue (Nor), Muller. Cork f>r orders?Fuucli, Kdye A Co. lU k PaciAk (Nor), Grung, Cork or Pulmouth for orders ? | Hockmnuti. Oerlin A Co. Bark Triton (Aus). Cattarinich, Cork or Falmouth for orders Slocovicb A Co. Bark Drouning Sophie (Nor), Lindtner, Stockholm? Ftiuch, F.dye A Co. Hark Johu Head (Br), Decker, Arendal for orders?Punch, Edve A Co. Brig Peggy (Nor). Mollcr, Madeira-C Tobias A Co. Prig Fortuna (Port), Me*?juha. Oporto?ltagemeyer A Ri nun Hi ig Sea Bird (llr), Liudt. Porto Calodlo-Peuiston Jt Co. | Schr IIattic V Kelsey, Kuudail, Genoa?Beuiiey, Gildersleeve A Co. Schr Mtdlle, Atherton, Georgetown. Dom?Jed Frye A Co, Schr A P Merrill. Kauetrup. :v Thomas? Penistou A Co. scbr Nellie Clark. Clark, Si John, NB-A T tleiiey. Schr Admiral, stnallwood, Charleston ? Bunt ley, Gilder sleeve A Co. Scbr Laura Kobineon, Kellv, Washington, DO?W Chal* inert. Schr Matoaka. Smoot, Baltimore?A Abbott. i nut. I'Bwiv*. iMnuua Haven?lanwright A Do/le, SAILED. Sttffcmeri Sucv ^ (Utr). (or ilernbur:/. State of Indinua (Br, iJlatirow , Isaac Bell. Uicltninnd, Ac bark* LUbou, Du> kirk Pnp<i Ltiui C Itah. Gibraltar. Cru?ader, Irieate; >kuIuit (Nor . Hull; lirrlii* (Nori, do; brig Alphonte (Br), Kin Janeiro; Kxceitior fBr>, Berinuda. Wind at iuiim'I >. midnight. >\V Karoiuoler at tnnaei. gti; midnight, 3 MA1UT1ME MISCELLANY. *#-K or 1o?? of ?ltii> N W Blethen (Br), from Baltimore for l*on?!ou. to* new* Column*. Siiir NoaTHRR* Light, from Liverpool for San KruncUco, put Into Km J aiteiro prior to Aur ti. with Capt kenoey aick. I ha vetaol proceeded lt?RK Knakk, nov at Montreal baa been libelled in the Vice \dmiraliy Court lor damage* at auit of I'm owner* of the American tithing *chr Joe Johuaion. ' cforo reported ran into and ruuk oil the Bank* of Newfoundland by the Prank. Brig CaftftKlf (So\ wi? totally wr eked on the Mexican coaat during a g ?le of wind night rtf JnW -J Crew saved. Si*IIk VV J Mi >4H.HTu.\ at Philadelphia Bill inn from Cliickahotniny. I.nd her foretnpmast bead carrnut away during a heavy blow, while Pealing around Deacon'* Point. The wreck of a ve?.*cl of about 4 <? ton*, cut in two. waa parsed July 3D, in Ut 37 47 N, lou o7 NV, by b.rk C h Jm>ne. at Philadelphia Auy 10. NoKrt>LK. Aug H?Ye*terday a ?tirver was hel-i on *chr Msry i nuly. Moore, from New York tor St Aun'e rtnv. Ja, vs .tti an aiMirtftl cargo, wtilcii arnvrd here Saturday alter* no n, leaking, end the Board ordered her cargo to be di*ehar. ed in order Diet an examination could be hold, .alio it discharging at Campbell1 wharf mx KhaM( I*co, An/ MV?The aclir Banner, which left thit pori la*i Mart!) on a ft* hill If and trading voyage, bat been wrecked among the Japanete Island* Captain McClellan oted front exposure The crew were ell s.ivod. I.Aim uro?Ai Knightville, Htn m*t, bar* Edith Davi*. front the > ard <?t J r Kandall A Co. >ho i? H3U ton* now measurement and t? own **4 by J K Kandall A Co, li Lewi* A Co. Capt H V Met;arty, who will command her, aud other* WHALEMEN. A letter from Capt Taylor dai *d July 2%), ef eehr Hiving Sua. ot Provinc *t?>wn. rops>rts hftr on il altera* Uroand with h;? tibi? ?p an i .U? ft oil. be porta tchr ?dut?k*tep, Jiiggiu*, ol do, J ill/ JO, with 4b Phi* *p. UGH ST 11, 1876-WITH SU] I A teller from Cap! Rid red. of tcbr Thos Hunt, of Stoning- I ton, report* tier at Flore* July 4, having hod au 18'lavs' passage out, and sailed same day for ftleuth heua. All well, j 1 | ,? j SPOKEN'. 1 Hln|> Kheuir (Br). Hlurk, from Glasgow for San Francisco, July J\ Ut 47 HG S. luu 10 W. t Ship i, X IIasaltine, Gilkey, from Reval for Baltimore I Aug N. off SMuaocock. , Ha^k Windward (Br), Baker, from Dublin, via Sydney. CB, for Haiti more. Aug *. oir bhinnecoi-k. An American bark, Meeting W, showing signal tetter* ' JUKG, Aug no iat. Ac. llrig ilMiiU'ika (Ger), tram St Domingo for Havre. July 28. Iat :?7 :.???. l?n V. 40 I Hiig Mary K i<add, PoMer, from St John, NB. for Wo*, ford, no date, Ac (by stennn'r Scotia, at St John, NB, Aug o). NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND CAPTAINS 1 Merchants, shipping agents and shipmasters are Inforioad that by telegraphing to the Hkuai.d Ixindoo Bureau, addrcr>*tug "Heutietl, No. 46 Fleet street, i?oudon," or to the Pans ofttee, addresMug "Bennett, 01 Avenue do 1* Ope re Paris." the arrivals at and departures troiu Luropean and l&asteru porta of American and all foreign vessels trading with the l ulled States, the saute will he cabled to this country free of charge. 1 Captains arriving at and sailing from French and Mediterranean ports will find the Paris office the more economical aud expeditions lor telegraphing now*. OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Ascension ? Arrived, Rxploratore. from ?. A.vrwKiir, Aur 10?Arrived. barks Kill* Avollna (Br), Muuro. l'hiladelphia; Iron Ago, Ovurlou Tome via Queen*, toon. Hiiistol. Aug 9?Sailed, barks Jobu Hamoutt (lt?l). C?duiH, Lulled States; 10(h, l'etl liubruvackl Uutl, ClierteI uax. Near York. ! Bauhow, Auk 0?Sailed, bark Chimoea (Nor), llaave. Culled Male*. Bkutast. Aug?? Sailed, berk Addle 11 Caon (Br). Jenkiin. ('ailed State* hukmkn. Aug n?Sailed, ehip Krledrleh (Oer), Bruggemaa, UlliU'd Slates. hniiukx. auk 3? Arrived, brie Ca?tillan (Nor). Dolled Sliitra ('ataxia. Ab, i?Sailed, brie Amy A Lane. Coetlgan, { Culled .Stale*. Caiii/.. Aue ?Sailed, *chr Joseph Wilde, Bead, (Jloueeelur or Boston. Daatzic. AurO? Arrived, bark L<alla (Br), Cunningham, New York. I'.lmxouk, Aug 6?Ait!red, brig Eva farker (Br), Sloeum, Ulcliiueud. lli.oui'kSTBa, Aug 10?Arrived, bark Uaau (Au?), Maressl, New York. Ok.noa, Aug 5?Arrived, bark Siuiieto (Ital), Vlvano. New Orleans; Uili, *Uit> Vigillate, Fultou, New York via Quite nslown. iiI'll. Aug 9? Arrived, bark Marts (Aue). Domino, l'hlls delphla. Suited loth, bark .1 A Brown, Greenish, Button. Uamrukg, Aug S?Sailed, ship Tramiuebur, Waterbome, Uiiitod Siatea IIavuk, Aug 8?Sailed, ships John Banyan (Br), Scovllle, 1?lilted Stales; Josephine (Nor), Smith, do. Hose Kokii, Aug 3-Arrived, ship Importer, Sherburne, Cardiff. Kings Lynx, Aug 9?Arrived, bark W \V lltrvey (Uer), I I*CIf 11, ritllHUOipUIH. i I.ivk pool, Aug IU?Arrived, stonmer Oberon (Br). Han" : ih'.v. Now Urluam; bark Priueo Cmberto (Br), Scott, A?lo! rlu, O. Sailed loth, (hip Importer (Br), Sutherland, Mobile; berk Meud Scainmel (Br), Thompson, United Stele*. Log POM. Auir lo?Cleared, berk* Nine Sheldon, Sheldon, I Philadelphia; Kale Akiic* (Br), Ferguson, United Stetea: Alfredo (Itel), Gaxxola. do. Sailed loth. ?hlp City of Montreal. Mndgett, New York. Arrived in the English Channel Otli, atilp Onkel Felix (Frl. Lopere. N"ew Orleau* for Havre; bark Carrie E Lone, Park, Now York for Dunkirk. I.ONtxjdtiKiittV, A112 0? Sailed, bark Mary S Gib*on (Br), Sloan, United State*. Limkbick, Aug 10?Sailed, ahlp Ilcbus (Nor), Pedersnu, United State*. Madriua, to Auk0?Arrived, ichr Annie Murcliie, Gibbs, Calais, Mo. . l'hnaktii, Aug 9?Arrived, brig Moment* (Br), I.orkliart. Now York; 10th, bark Angelica (Ital), Marti no, llaltiiuore, Qi'mnstow.v, Auir 10?Arrived, bark Antonio Ferraro (Ital). Ferraro. Sew York. lioL'KN, Aug 0?Arrived, bark Carlton. Coggins, New York. Bottkkdam, Aug8-Sailed, bark* Collector (Nor), Olaon* United State*; Gruco (Bri, Wade, do, SotrTllAHPTtix, Aug 0?Sailed, bark* Glacomo (Ital), flearpati. United State*; lOtb, lioblnsou Cruaoe, ftubius m. do. HuRbkRLAXP, Aug 10?Sailed, bark Nlobe (Nor),01*en> United States. Sailed from a port in tlie United Kingdom Aug 10. steamer Menxalch, for Philadelphia; ship Eight Brigade tBr), Aeke, United statet. Aauhi'I'k, Aug 10?The American bark Ellen Dyer. Capt Clapp, which lelt New York June 1 and arrived at FredI orlrkaliarou Aug ">, has beeu totally destroyed bv Are In Aarliuu* Bay. The crow were ?aved. |The Ellen Dyer was I built ut Brunswick, Me, lu IS04, registered -i'-J ton*, and I was owned in Portland.J WEATHEK 1IK PORT. | Bristol, Aug 10, PM?Wind NE. FOREIGN PORTS. It atabamo. Jnlv 2H-Arrived, brig Erie, Sparks, Iriona; 3'Hh, Hchr Maud Harbour, Pahnke. Truxilio. It itinuKWATXH, NS, Aug 4?Arrived, bark Angler, Uadolph, 1 Boston. Cixsrv'Kcns. July US?Arrived, bark MB Chapman (Br), 1 Eve. New York >itj)t>(l 2 'III. Hctir R W Denham, Carter. Philadelphia; Hint, brigs U s Soule, Soule, New Y'urk; Ana t8p). Beltron. ] do Cardura*. A hit it? Arrived, brig Isidore Uiunda (Br), j Nichols, Havana Sailed Ju y gl). Uark* J3?*ie Coolwin iBr), Kelly, north of j llattoras: lliil. Isabel toy). Mercenonn, New York Cow Bay, CB, Aug 8?Arrived, brig Nellie (Br), Hood, | Tcrceirn. Sailed 8th, brig Kelna i Br). New York. DkmekaRA, Aug H-Arnved. rctir Kale Wenlworth, Mead. New York?will loud and leave lu a lew da) > on her return to New Y ork. ci.asuow. Aug A?Arrived, steamer Canadian (Br), Mc1,0'in. Montreal; 7lli. ship St I'atrlrk. Stirrau, tiu. Cotmkrhiku, Aug 3?Arrived, bark Nef (Nor), Christian' aen. New Y'ork. IIavaRa. July Ml?Arrived brig Sparkling Water. Illeh ' born. Utile illace Hay; i-chr flco Sealy, Kicker, tialvestou- j <ai il sailed Amr 4 lor .'harleamn) . Aug J. sieaiuer C W : Lord, Cotton. Sew lirleana ami sailed Aug 4 lor New Or, leans) ; Tappahuntiock, ( ooksev, do (and sailed Ud Tor do; 1 Md. bark T I Jttuea till ', lteiry. Caledonia, Cli ; 4tli brig ' i Mania Hri. Koch", llalltix. t j sailed .lulv S:I. barks Maino <Sp), Font. New York; Pedro , Plandulit Spi, Uoiee, Haul uoro. brig Torrent, Neill, Philadelphia. Mist, steninwie I'lir of Norfolk, staples, Ind auola; J Aug 1, t'lijr of Havana, Phillips. Vera Cruz, Ac ; bark I sea * ! (Itrl. Mathews. New York. _M. sehr Woienah Ituylev, i llanesitil. bark Seguudo f r ion To dp), Isaei, Baltimore: I schrileo K llalch. Murplir, Boston. ' I'learod Aug 4. bark Cahieres .Sp). Harreno. Baltimore. In port AIIg f>. barks Crestiua (Hr . Soreda. lor New York ; Olintpin Hit). Nodal. Savan isli, to load for Barcelona' .1 It ] Lopez, White, for north of IIaltera* ; brigs Havana. Mever. lor New York: Kdwin Kowe, sholti, for Lewes; WtuBeld. Blhlier. for Boston: I' II Jennings, Mahoney, for north ol llaiteras; srbrs Theresa II. (lulierres. for New Orleans; ltiver (Jneeii. Hibb*. tor lit. Halivai. Aug 8?Arrived, bug Alpha (Br). Baltimore. Arrived 7th. brig Kllie H Hotter iBr), Willleiua. Havana; I j eclir Setli M Todd, Norwood, lnagua. Matanzis. July Ml - Arrived, ichrs O K <Br). Thompson, i I Si John. KB: Ann Hole. Ituiire, Jacksonville; Aug 1, brig ' lieu vlllebrist. Oreutt. Koriiaudlna. In port Aug 4. brigs F J Morryiran. lieeraw. noc: Manlius t Mr i. I odd. for north ot Hat,eras: sehrs Ralph Carlton, Hatkne**. for do; Mo.lie Knnna. Sleeper, unc : and otliors. VosTKKAL, Aug 7-sailed. steamers Mauhew Cay, Taylor, London; 8th. Ssrdluiaii, Ilutiou. l.isurpool Pout >1' Pui.Rvr., July 28?Arrived, brig Wai Mason. Adums. Boston. PHTor. NS. Aug 1?Cloared. hrlg Katie. Le Blauc. New Bedford; 4lh. sehr <1 rare llarls. Davis. Prnvideuce. kJcv.Rvc, Aug 7 ?Arrived, ship Nora. Moulin. Qtieonstown ; 8th. steamer Waldensisn. Stephen, lilasgow ; b irk* Lebanon. Hatfield. Dunkirk ; Thul -. Wartsland. Liverpool; brig I Hebling. J or .-? nken, llreenock for Montrral. 1 t'leaiel sth. ilsiimrr Avomlale. Could. Igindon: barks I j Mary Ann dohnaon, Ulaister, Cresnock ; Kliaabeth Ahrvn*, ; , * Aine, sharpness. Km Jiskiko. Aug K?Arrived previously, ship Northern | I Lluiit. Kennnv Liveroool lot Kan Krsnenen n*s lti*,-?l. I I l?nv. S voi A, July 'J'J? Arrived, brig Sagut, kluuday, l'hiiadvl, plilit. Sullvd U!Hb. bark Ikli, Hunkor. New York. ! St .1 ii.ii. July 'J7?Ariimd. brtgv ZnloUu (Br). Walsh, Cardiff; Fmrviicu (Hr>. Halloo, Driaerar*. ST John. Nil. Auk??I'learvd, *ehr l.ubellu J watt, Kogg, Wa.binvlou. Cluarcd Hili. bark Lothair, Hollywood. Belfast; brig Adrla. Evrrltl, Traleo. Clrareil I >tI<. bark T J Southard. Woodwartb. Liverpool. Arrived lilih. ?ehr AlUttro, Kaiiey, New York. Vit'ToRia, July HI ?Arrived, ?hl|? <>rpii?u> ((?er). Michael, I San Iiark Colombo liri, lleuer, Honolulu, i Sailed ;tl?(. alvanicr Lily of I'anama, Sembury, Sau SranI ciaeo. Vtivmou, NH, Am 1? (,'lear-d. achr ff R Harry. New Yurk: I'd. bark .iulin A llarria iuc?), Delaware Breakwater. Y'aumoutii, NS. Aug I?Arrived, iclir krneat, Bagaa, New York Cleared July lit), brig Sarah L. Hall, Morrill, Queeoatowa. AMERICAN POUTS. ALKXANDKIA. Aw/ 0?Arrleed, tchr Carrie Holmea. lor Herf^gvtown. Hftlkwl >tiir? lenrj FlielLJtrMf City: Mary II Stockhain, V Morrii Perot, Daniel Brown and Jaraeelown itrom : Georgetown), . HUSTON. Aw* ID?Arrived, uteaiuem John* Hopkins. Ilalleit. Baltimore . tYutipede. Miller. Philadelphia. Cleared?Steamer Achillea. Macon. Philadelphia (an*1 I tailed*. Sailed? Barks Masonic. I lay tin Brown, und H W Wood. HALTlkOKK, Vt; M?Cleared, ?rhr* Nellie. Culliaon, Charleston; Klla M Watt*, Watts. Boston. HHh - Arrived, -tenia r F W ISrunv Foster. New York ; I barV Naltomic iHri. t'tknidj, Londonderry; schrs Mary J I Ward. Warn, Mayaffm/.. IMC I Cleared?Steamer Martha Stevens. Chance, New York; all11* Kiitv'leader, t oflin. Salt Francisco ; bark Flora (Span). | Ailcqin a. Mwe?'ii?towo ; brig C s Packard, AmeaOurv. Hot I toil. soliraTnoiuae N stone, Pitcher, do; tiovernor, Katon, | Bangor Also cleared. eieftnere Falcon, Kirbyt Charleston; William Uwrrn e. Kennedy. Boston; Biih-Uh, Oliver. Wilmington, NT. shin Mag* alette titer), ilincko, Bremen, sailed? Brig Filing scud. B aNooK, Aug H ?Arrived, brig Iteporter, Kjrdtr, Ballot*; rhr s F Seahury. Irint. Baltimore, t leafed?Schr Charles Heath, nandiett. New York. HA I ii. Aug *?trrived. ?chr* ? ?? W Jewctt, Jewett. New York, Kate M Hilton, Adams, do. Sailed?Scltrs t'haa K Page, ol and for Philadelphia; Alaska. I hitrndlae, New \ or*. A .Hit -sailed. %chr? Tarty Not. Cnnrib, New Yorn; Cohaei set. Maker. do. H A \ V KHS. AogH?Arrived, schrs Jamea II Deputy Mc j Mulioii. Pertit Antony; J P Uobiiiton. Harding. New Writ, i Diuil fuN, Aug 3-Airivad, aubra iluattr. Fly, Pluiadel PPLKMKNT. Bhiu: Tillfe E, Haskltis. Puncbkoepele: A Ho Panle?, labon, Newark; Phuhe Kllxabefo, Mnpes. Now York. KKY WKMT. An?rt?Arrived. steamer Oily of Houston, Deerhir. (inlvrii u and nailed U*t ^ow York). llAi!lllAS, .lug J?"vailed. brig Alice Tarlton, Nickeraoti, CloitJueffua. Nh\V OKLKANB. Aug 6?Arrived, schr Sunt > Oiori. Pissalt. I'tilla. NORKOLK, Aug 7?Arrival, aciir Mechanic, MeOrlnic, New J e rare. NRWHURYPOKT, Auf H?Arrived, brir Nasariue. Nieol, Ponce, Pit Pth Arrived, whr Fr'inconia. Ballathy, Rondotit. N KW HKDPORD. Aug 8?Arrived, achrs liar lie Perry, Cha**. Philadelphia. Sailed ?Hchr* Ifenry A Tuber, HcKwrn. Philadelphia; K Applcifate, Matthews. New York ; Joseph Manh. Hrown, do. 9th?Arrived, sehr? J ease NY Star. Frink, Philadelphia; Allen (i roe lie, Nicker hod. Haltiiiinru. Mailed?Bchr^ Hastings. Cliaae. New York; Annie E Martin, Handy, do; NV \V Braincrd. Fitch, do; Henry (iihbs. Coffin. do; Wm .M.Cobb, Cleveland, do; T NY ?>poucer. Courser. Ilaventraw NKWPOUT. Aiie M. PNf?Arrived, schrs Bloonitield. Knjtley. Norfolk; Win O Irish, 'iirrcll, Providence for Philadel phi*. Oth. AM?Sailed. wbr? Hannah K Brown. Rackett. and Potter A llooper. Hradhtiry. ?of Ilaverstraw; J*me* ? Boyle, Cuboerlv. Providence for Powell's Point. NO; Tlio# J Owen, m* I leek. Somerset for New York. I'M? Arrived, schr Mar/ U Mifliin. Ferris, Woitjo lor Uobokou. I Sailed?Rchrt W'm O Irish, Watchful, and Harriet. NKW LONDON, Auir 8?Arrived. schr Ida Birdsall, from Alexandria tor Allyns Point. Sailed?Schr Buckeye. Now York. 9th ? Arrived achr Fauny Kern. Bangor for New York; B Washburn, IJuvet straw for Norwich. i Sailed >chr* Marit Fleming, and Bela P*ck, New York. NKW HaVKN. Auir 8?Arrived, brig Minn liaba (Br), Mitchell, Barbados; achrs John B Ourriujrton. Parker. Georgetown; Jacob Hirdsull. Uirdtall. Savauuah via New York ; Forest Oak. Parker. Baltimore; Mary C Arnold, Arnold, do; iJarry Landel. Taylor. Georgetown; \V S Leverin sr. Smith, do: Julia A lieikl. y, .-.uudeison. Philadelphia ; Lucv Jones, Way land do. Cleared ?Schr Loretto Fish, 11 a Ion a. St Mary River, to load for New York. 9th?Arrived, achr Stepheu J Fooks, Cranmer, Georgo- j PORT MADISON. July 31?Arrived, hark Tidal Wave. Reynold*. San Francisco. PORT TOWNSRNI). An* I?Arrived, ship Dashing Wave, I Nickels; harks Cambridge, Avlla; Fremont, San Diego; Revere. Mclntvre. San Francisco. PORT GAMBLE, Ant: 1?Arrived, barn* Victor, from San Pedro; Powliattun Swaiiton. San Francisco. 2d?Arrived, hark Uiicnu Vina. Hardies. -*an Francisco. PHILADKLI'HIA. Auk lo?Arrived. steamers Vindicator. Rogers. Providence; Norfolk, F-rd. Fall llivor; Anthracite, Gmmley New York; schr* Campbell, Marshall, Rockport: W H Hopkins, Mystic, Conn; J D McCarthy, Totnliu. Dohoy. Also arrived, steamers Pcrkiomeu. Pierce, Boston; Rattlesnake, Snow. do: Pottsville. Winnett. do; Leopard. Albertson, do: Kllie lvnight, Kaycold, Sasaafrass River ; F Franklin. McGlaugliliii, do; li L iluw, Piorsou. Baltimore: "hip Forest Belle <Br>, Scott. Belfast; hurk C K Jayne, Osborne, Rio Marina; schrs Nellie 11 Benedict, Thompson. Now Haven : Etiwan, Priuce. Georgetown, SC: Mary L Van Kirk. Walker. North Carolina. .arrived ??t Quarantine?Kchrs Lillian May. from Havana; Abraham Richardson. from West Indies. Cleared?Steamers Hercules. Suisse/. New bury port; Pan- ! th r. Mills, ; A C St liners, Warren. New York: wbri Mart a A iBr>. OUi?, St John. NB; Oliver Dyar. Falker. Hnco; E A Kndicett, Carroll, Boston; Almira Woolcy. King. Danvcrtport; II II Mullock, Matlock, Itinghaui; S L Simnionds. Candy. Fall River. Also cleared, steamer Lancaster. Mills, Wiliiamaburg; bark John II Poarion. Harding, Trieste; schrs Speculator, Wiltbauk. Old Providence; Bennington, Edwards, Boston; E J Meraty. Borers. Murblehead. Sailed?Steamers Ohio. LancaHter. Hercules, and Pauther. ^ JjKWKS, Del, Aug 9?Passed in. brig John Welsh, Jr, Now York lor Philadelphia. Arrived 9tb, bark Jennie Swoony, Hudson, from Cette for orders. Mdh?Arrived, slilpa Nouantum. Foster, llarro; Annie Binguy (Br). Bremen : bark Elena (Itnl), Molledo. Liverpool; brig lleloi.H iOer), Borirwordt, Bristol; schr Ida A Jay no. Arecibo. PORTLANL>. Mo. Aug 8?Cleared, schr* Sally Oodfrey, Yates. Baltimore; Flora M Crowley, Crowley, Kennebec, to load tor Philadelphia. Uth?Arrived, schrs Eri, South Air.boy; Lacotiia, Rondout. Clearod?Schrs BJ Willard, Philadelphia; Mary Susan, Newark, NJ. Huh ?Arrived. US steamer Swataru. Halifax; schr Alice Barnhatu, Philadelphia. Cleared?Ship Southern Rights, Bath; bark Kloreuce Peters. Cardenas. PORTSMOUTH, Aug 9?Arrived, #chr Sophia, IIaiuiiton. Gardiner tor Philadelphia. fk Sailed?Schr Ceres, Moult>11, Philadelphia. PROVIDENCE, Auk B?Arrived, schrs Ellas Moore, Lewis, Georgotown, DC; Nnncv M Rose. Smith, do; Louisa Frailer. Crawford. Philadelphia: Sarah A Buice. Sotnors, do; J Rlcordo J ova. Little, do; Fred Tyler, Tyrrell, Rondout for Pawtuckot. Sailed?Steamers Totawanda, Slierman. Philadelphia; Vindicator, Rogers, do: schrs John S Beucham. Woodland. Haltituoro; American Ragle. Bennett. Vi-rpl ink's Point; Amos Britrgs, Dunn, linvcrstraw; Bertha, Conover; Liltie O Wells. Wells: Cynthia June, Gardner; Adelaide, Riyoor; Elian Ross. Lewis; J H Burnett. Uasmu-scn; Tunis Bodine, Silvio, and Connecticut, Allen. New York. PAWTUCKHT, Aug 9?Acrivod, schr Smian E Nash, Nasi., Westerly. Sailed ? Schrs Major Henry Wordell. Goldsmith, Haverstr'w; B H Warford Sprxgue, New York. RICHMOND. Aug 8?Sailed, nteuruo Old Domiuion, Walker, New York: schrs K A L Cordery, Hi-.* bee, oo; Lit xie C llicKmai:, Vent, do; Edward Stanley, Dyer. do. SAN FKANcLCO. Aug 1 Sailed, ships Lathley Rich, Lewis, Antwerp: Shirley, Mathews, Tacoina; bark D C Murray, Fuller, Honolulu. 2d? Arrived, bark Emerald. Lofcren, Port Gamble; brigs Sea Waif. Smith, Columbia River; orient. Swan, do. Cleared?Bark Dawn. Nielson Portland. Pth?Cleared, steamer Constitution, Nolan. Panama; ships Cast!? Roy (Br), Butchcrt, Liverpool; Silverhow (Br), Dougal, do: Nightingale, Palmer, New York : burk Great Broughton (Br), Kdkln, Liverpool Itnis? Sailed, steamer Constitution, for Panama. SEATTLE, Aug i ?Arrived. bark. J B Hell, Pox. S?a Francisco: Diacovery. Ontinnr, do. SAVANNAH, Auit x?Arrived, brig I'rofete (Sp), Aiaiue, Havana. lOtb?Sailed, brig Pepe (Sp>, Haynoa. Bnrvelnna. SALEM. Auk "I?Arrived, achr Mary E Auiedru, Baker, I'ort Jolinron. 8tb?Arrived, ?chr? Jennie F Wllley, Trefethen. Baltimore; Wealey Abbott, Mllliken. IVrti Atuboy: J <' Crafts, lir. cley, I'ort Inhn.mi: i!e? A Pierce. Kelly. New York, litli ?Arrived, ?ebr tlio Nutter. South A III buy SOMERSET, Aug 7?Arrivnd, ecbr* Blast, Martin, Trenton: Urhunna, Allen, II ken: Helen .Mar. Xickereun; W II Brown, Jack Hon. and Harvest, t'orwiu, d<>. STONINHION, Aug X?Arrived, eehr tie.trco II Mllle, TlllcUon. Alexandria: Sea Flower. Lincoln, l'Uiladclphia; Artlat. Forrester, south ambor lor Somomet. TaOOMA. Aug 1?Arrived, abip Dashing Wave, Niekela. Snn Franvlsoo; bark t.'arollne Ueed. Seymour, do. WILMINt!TON, NO. Aug 7?Arrived, aleanier D J Foley. Price. Baltimore: brig Lilli n illrt, Campbell. Hoatuu; clirs Susan, tiiflnrd. Philadel|diia; E S Powell, Williams, Baltimore. Cleared ScUr Andie M Cliadwick, Bird. Itoaton. Sib?Arrived, ?chr Dick William*. Campbell, Phlladolpliia. WISCASSET, A a if 8?Sailed,'aclir Klleu M (I olden. Mejutblin, Now York. Sth- Arrived, acbr Rhoda llolmeA Bnrr. New York. 7th?Sailed achr Sle'?i>n. Lewia, New York. WARhllAM. Anir 7?Arrived, eclire Artist. Clement*; Rlackntnne, Nlrkerson: Rote, .--tiekucy, and 0 Kill*. Torry. Sew York ; Fair Wind, Howmaii, do ilalter nailed Sth to ro.ii hi. WIOKKORD, Aug R-Arrivod, achr Ply. SDellinan, lloloken. W\RIIKX, AugS?Arrived, ecbr Licaie I) Small, Tice, Philadelphia. It'i?Sailed, ecbr Mary II Mifflin. Kerrla, Hohokcn. YACHTS. STK VHBOATS. ML. k ?11)0 ROATS READY. M ETA LUC "LIFEBOATS* A, Spoon Our*. iktS >outh at., nour Oouveriicur slip. STEPHEN KOBKUlS. A"'r TICK OLD ESTABLISHED PLAO K 404 Water ft . nour Catherine Market, metallic uud wooden* ot Mil kind*. JOHN T. SMITH. bp ok sale?v Fust class sloop yacht, pr r1 feet order And completely found. 5'Jx 17, two Quarter ulid two large glaterooina. Inquire on board, Uatii mdgc. Hobokon. POtTBALK CHEAP?THREE XKW TUG BOATS, three new Steam Yachts, throe Dredging Machines, rapacity Irotu "?(> to *J-P>0 cubic yard* per hour, and one lar e Slotting Machine, with itii the latest Improvements. For )?nicui?n NDpi/ iu,o iiuruuuvowo. s. J. ElOR KALK-TIIK Klltsr CI.ASS sLooP yacht r Addio v outbid, in perfect order *nd completely tumid. \ COUNKLlL'S KOOSKFKI.T. No. 4U Writ 18th ?t. AISCELLAlfEODk. ABSOLl TK IHVOIiChS DHrAI.Mil> I'KOM isiffxtu ent Milci for mimeriiu* ciuon. advice free. FREDERICK KINlS, Lawyer. Na H St. Mark'* place. N'krvol'M DKHILIIY. WEAKNESS AM) K IXI > K E O diaeaaea of men apredily ami permanently cured lijr WINCll I.SrKK's SP-KCIKIO pill, texted tor 3D yeara a itli uafailiti^ auceer*; two to aix b?xea are uiuhIIt autlicleut; price #1 per box: aix bnxna, $. . by mail, aocuruly seated, with full direcliuni. Prepared by WINCHESTER A CO., Clietuiala, 3fi Jottn at. . New York. j^oyal havana lottery. LIST OF THE OFFICIAL DRAWING THAT TOOK PLACE AKliCST I, 1876. .Va Prit* LYo. Prtae. I Xn. Pritt. IN*. Prir*. 47 *. ??) rd2 ... iool7 ae iiil'tO Jtvo tc.l iw.Hl .TOO I'.nH-i li?ai 39346 500 313 of*' 9071 MM 18113 MXI 39440 ..l<JoC Sis .a?> ioi37 .Mai 1931) sob 395m4 .mx) 4"3 MO lul.53 .500 193.53 .. ...*HXP 39018 Han 471 .'A* 1UU"3 M"i 19448 .'Of 3ta.3.5 3tt) .",33 "HO UrVki MO,I9.H7.. ,'xo 3!<C44 .'a*> f>Mj MO lliM4 VO 19511 40 .90.3 TMo 180 .'nil lu'.ls .'HO 19545 fHju 38654 MX) 743 MX' 11 ?i3 I MO 19*45 5UII 38719 MX) 817 oio liiT.'di .'?) 188.8.1 mo .9888 ,'mii 868 HA) 1077.1 MX I iwd.'i ,'H*i 38873 .'HO 911 ."HO, I' '7*4 .500 3t>|78 Map 3981li Mo 1 977 MAI lu-o 1 Itao 311-8I ,-haj 39934 Mxl 991 ."HAP i08io ,'HXJ 31 i-'f > i .'HO AXJl.'l MO 1<133 aa? |i?4l? .'HJ 39347 .'HA XXimi MO lial-4 MX' Iliaki .'. IP 3fPf*HI 10(0 .?o8d Mo IDVi HOI 11334 HOP 3841,1 ."hx)|.hx03 S4X) 1075 .'HAi 11330 Mx 3'a a 19 MX' :Xi34J ."HO 113.1 .'HO 113 .3 .... MAP 3-PHll .... MA) 30307 MX) 1144 MX) II ill) MX I .'ii8.Pi.. ..MX) ? 4D318.... Mao 117)1 MH> 114 al MX' 3>'H7lS..,. ."HO XXI3.5 ...3.5)DO 1319 )" ll'X'. ... Ito . 30943 MX) .Juft|8 Mo 1378 map 11'.14 in 3liaX) 5txi .**l3 mat 13.8 MO| llO.'J Ma i3ll.ll .... 1IXO 3fxi8tl MX) 137.1 .Ma 1; 117.a 1 MO 31143 500 Ml>7?R) lOlO 14.54 Mo 1177.4 Mi ,J1317 MO :XI931 1(*X) 1543 MXIl 1183.5 .".10:31309 Mai 3I1H3 MX) 1>74 v>* 21313 :I11U VX) it.17 .'xxvinxw . ijJiiHi vjo 31229 vx> 17IH V)H 11945 VI>i2l.Y)0 X.*' 31473 VII 1792 ?> 12159 Vxi|_!944 HVH vx> !? ? VI '21*1 .V?|.'|t(K( Vll 31527 .XI) I*'*' V? 123)19 xivjl'IHS XI) 31.542 Vxx 1912 xxi 12395 v>i|217<x' .11 ix vx> |!'3) .?? I211D Vi)| JI772 Mil :?1 H.*?7 VXI 11)32 50Oi 12*15 .... M?I.21H 7 Vxi 31999 v?| 2MI) Vul 12117 ." 211*14 "XXI 32?79. .'"Xi 22 "4 XXI 12.V*I .XX) 219-9 500 32117 fx*) 2218 X") 12 ' .I 5* 22DI9 IXI 32129 .'.Ill 2318 .VX) 12i?i7 22137 MX* 32139 .'XX) 2377 Vll 2 IX) VI) 22119 500 32175 ....1i??i 2379 51X1 129IX x X) 122229 .'XX) 132249 .'XX) 2H9 .VII 12ft45 Xxi 22239 VII 32310 .'XX) 2415 ."XXI 131)31 5)?i 222149 5tx) 32325 .'XX) 2 V .7 VX 13211 VX) 22324 .'XXI 3211 HI VX) J.r.xi '?! 13229. V"> 22379 XXI132V14 VX) 2991) 1 I. 12 .?xxi|2J45> "?r?l3J|i?4 ixxi :u>)7 VX'j 1.3819 .'<Xi|2253! VX>!324xU .'XXI 32^7 .'x?)|l 1.15 5"':22 X-9 .'X?i 8214>2 .'ill 3-124 .xx 1.1149 ...1WXXI 2JMM VII 32117 Mil 38H VI. I317U .Mil 22751 .XXI 32719 VX) 34*19 VXi 13723.......500 22784 MX' 32729 .'xx> 3*71 .'XI. 13775 ... 11 xij 2992... . .'XX .2752 .'Ml 3>)I2 .'XXI 13791 .2"! 229 .1 .'X*| -12 *79 VXI Slillt ."XXI 139.53 V*ij23li|H VXI 329-1 ..,....'1X1 8742.... VXI 119)13 .XXI 2*121 Vll 3314)1 .'IXI 3713 .'.Ill 13-119 ....11X11 2-3020 rxxi 331)14 .'XXI 392.5 Vll 13-97 VXI 23 *49 lull .13 47 Vx? 3:? J . .. Iixxi il .. .."xx11J3133 .VXi 33299 .'XX) 3 19.1 ."XI M|4 ill) 5l?i,23l3l ."Hi.3 '414 VXI 3I-5 xxi MI9I) V0.23IV; Vjn 33". 19 xx) 3 1-7 ... VXI 14244. . Iixxi 2319.5 .lixxx.,33 luxi 3 "i."? "I 142 )1 VXi|2:l2i?) xXi.33.Xxl VX) 4 14 i VI 14 911 VII 23:9X1 :XX)j339 ! Vxx 4121 VI 1451)1 VX) 2 1401 MX)! 3-txx V) i 401H Xii Ui .7 VI) 2 ! xr2 #,?' ".1929 .Mil 424)1 1 1474 xxi 23-M 5011.139)15 .'XXI 4277 .ID) 114-1 Vx>|23iJO Si' 3492)1 Vxi 4?Ol VX)il4v>? 5t0i28701 50C'|34MOU MJ \ 1 MlBCELLJUnEOtS. .. Xu. Prit. I Wa \lic. Prlxt. |J0? 4411 MX) ] 1574 ....1*11)12371)3 MX) 34110 MXJ j 4?5a floulunau aoulasatti suoiMiAft sul d 4 1 800 147 4 >00 23 n6 MDSdW MX) 4*177 MJU 14779... . MAi 2J920 500 34375 MM 4i-?i siw ii7?a luun .5022 sou 4787 lt?>' 147:114 MX) 2.0)41 MA) 344" MX) 4*8H 4AI Unm Ml) 30.4) MA) 34480 50(1 SOU MA) HUM Ml 24-'28 MX) 34)93 MX] 8184 ... I'll) 14K0> .... 80O 24)ft4 lUO'i 34*124 MIO 81.17 Ml) 141)74 Ml) 24 1 77 MA) 34*129 MX] 8172 Ml) 14091 1000 24.77 800 34*131 MA] 818 ' ... Mi) IV *1 llXD 24281 MA) 3487V MX] 8317 Ml) IM>73 MA) 24338 TAX) 3t7<?> 1*AA) 8249 MA) IMlK) ?*>|2433V .... 1(H) 347)11 MA) ,V*47 MAI 13150 MA) 243H2 Ml) 3(790 .*11 8*77 -Ml) 181(18 Ml) 21*82 t.tlll .MA) 8882 MA) 1VIMO .Ml) 2441 AW Ml) I!!!lit) MAJ 5817 .I'm 152)1) MA) 24M1V .MA) 34O03 5<XJ 8T2D MA. 18218 500 24*113 MA) 38()4o MA) 88 11 AA)* 15220 "AA> 2471)8 MX) 38 HI f.00 8hi I> VV>| I.V24<) MA) 24784 KAA) 85UOO MA) .j< 12*) 5'A'. 18253 MX) 24-4)9 5*A) 3">2li) Sol) 010) MX) 1.53*1 MA. 2181*1 MA) 382 0 MX) 02 19 NX*I15447 "(X) 24924 MA) .38*18 800 rt-i'iH 1(XH)||M3I |UU) 2.5'13 .... 1' A A i 3i*491 ?800 *430 i 5)I>| 1.5*1*1 ..ill 250 II MX) 35.57 1 800 tU 3 10*All 1.5870...., MM4|2.5138 MX) 35 .83 MO it*. 8 Mai 1 i!i25..^^^^b.5294 MAI 35544 MM ,1122 Mn lV!A59a^^^^B[>324 MH 35*159 800 05) AI MA) !^^^^^K(57 MA) 35782 MX) *>825 MAI MA) 3 A-U.1 MA) 8*All ' Ml) 3*1188 tXVIO 5) ti MK) 3t.'2i) &)0 ?wi ixni ....5<*> 311903 :>uu .Mit) . .jiii 36055 500 .,789 MX) 37007 50U0 oho. ao>, 07045 mjo i.'isi r?4> "'?*) 37065 uno 711)7 Mxl 500 372 I 600 70I4 ....sum Mm 37209 600 71x11 6mi 5'm 37321 rmi 7192 .'00 5m I 373H5 51)0 71-.V4 500 IOiU^^^^^HT'HOO 1000 37392 1000 ....1001) liiT^^^^^B'iOOi lorn 37411 .VOu 731)1 .Mai 167^^^^^V~>076 500137138... 500 7470 500 '24 500 T7484 500 7534 MX) '-'? ) li**i 37525 11**) 7677 7(0 loo^^^^Bi 20108 -MXi 37532 MO 70 il 5mI 17> 20213 M*l 17501 50O 7005 51*1 17 20247 .5)*) 37)1)0 500 7719 5mi I7I^^^BM> 26010 .Mm 370.57 700 7721 fiOO 2)17)4 .... 5"'37767 5U> 7K 0 .')* 172)^^B.M 10 2)I7K5 .51*1 37788 500 7863 Mm 171-J^^K.V*) '26<15 ....DXX) 37887 500 7)11 5 500 l73l^Mr*?*i 20005 5'*) 3913V 7**) 8131 . .Mm 174.5^^I..VOf) 20910 .500 38187 .M*J W2.V3 ....ID O 17 iii^llioi 27i*)S 5(M 39 122.... 500 8255 ..'?)*> 1702:^H. ..Mm 271)18 5)*) 3141*) 72)0 8340 501) 177.53M..5J0 27133 S0O38431 500 83.8 5m 1 I77i'.t?..5<*i 27171 500 38508 78*) 812) 50O 177)12 H...500 27178 50? 38008 V00 8)37 .MX 1 17712 ..)*) 27334 7**11380It) D**) 8511 Mm 17850 50)I 27352 72*138)147 5)*) 8027 >'?) 18'*)7 VII 274))I SOU IH708 500 8719 . ...50O 18037 .Mm 27401 5(?) 31843 74*1 8724 ....500)1 18018 MX) 27600... .1000 38863 IOIX) 8737 Mm 18220 MX) 27622 .Mm 38061 500 8K57 .Mm 18310 .Mm 27ti!*4 If**) 3.8988 5)*) 8025 MX*)! 186*) MX) 27S43 5)*> 39))<0 500 1X127 Mm 18420 Mm 27858 501) 30164 MJ0 0132 .Mm 18 128 .Mm 270.5 .MXI 30235 500 9150 .Ml) 18020 MX) 28013 Mxi 30272 7 00 0167 .VOL) 180*13 500 281)45 .Mm 30358 low) 0181 Mm|l80O8 ,M*l 28157 M) i 30415 MO 92 9 .MX) 1SWS9. ...25mm 28258 5mi|3O407 500 03 0 500 18073 500 28447 M*l :??L50 74X> 1)373 Mm 18)102 .Mm 2847H 600 30713 500 03H2 .MX 1 18755 .Mm 28525 MX) 30730 M*) 057!) 5 ? 1881)1 MX) 28 .70 .MXI 197.58 501) 11.181 lux 18<2.v ,M*i 28702.. .. 50li|:t0789 10)*) 071 I) 54 * 1118839 M * 1128842 51XI 30912 500 0723 74*1 18008 7.0 ) 28081 MDIt3<J02]^....500 0813 500! 10 05 500129307 MX)| approximation prize& yn. Prise. | Xc. Prtzr.iXo. /'? #y..\Xo. Prfn\ fwvHvm 1 iw. 1 a*.. j_ k rwvt * ---< Al "lUUUU 1*1141 *9*> 208 ill $500 Idaiu. 87-*. $00 IB 14*/ ?J0 20821 500 KI32* $'*0O 87/5 i> O 1 < H 4 -S 500 :?3-6 500 1081 500 1(1143 5(JU 1(134 300 1(114(1 50 1 21(113 :V0 1(1147 ."0? $10,0CXX 21*14.1 500 1(148 rnw $23.00a 37000 "01 1*1140 JlXj 18(4.8 *500123180 5U 371108.O > 1(3150 50O 18B70 5(J0| 17343 300 17:4(5 . ..'411 I Al scffundo 30317 5(>0 I idum. 30310 500 113448....$500 7013 .. .500 |l3450 5001 7o45 500 Next drawine August 18, 1870. l-'or particular* H<*<lrsas B. MAKTINKZ A CO.. Bankor*. 10 WkII at. New York. J^OYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. OKV4C1AL DRAWING AU0U8T L NEXT DRAW1NO AUGUST 18, 1878. Ax ^rtae.lJVa Prist. | So. Prim.\S<k Prim. 47 tSOUn W/442... .?6uu 19017 29450 83*10 00 500 8808 300 1W4KU 1H0T. 28248 508 312 500 0074 5U> 19115 JXP J(*440 .. ..10lC 818 5U> 10127.?...WIO 19212 SOU 29584 5M0 4(3 509 10153 ioo 10253 .. ..500 2U81S 1U>J 471 500 10208 iOO I9M8 900 29825 900 532 500 1U388 iOo 19 2/7 500*29844 .500 582 ;?J0 1(614 MO 19511 54IO 29853 500 48(1 500 10513 .*<? 19M5 J*tU *29864 6(10 742 .500 lt?2( .500 19845 50O 29719 500 817 5(*> Ki7i? i?*l 198*6 ."*? ? -988S 500 808 50O 1(1778 500 19945 500 29872 .'2J0 911 500,11/784 500*20178 5(?l?2?ine 500 077 lO?J HOi 20.*1 SUO 20024 500 hhi sou loHtM 300 uuiJtw ....m/j toiH3 sui 1032 SOU) 10018 SO 2<tH7 5(X>3t*SU soo 1138 -**.. 111**/ > O 2)K*i8 11MJ 31VJH6 J>00 1035 .54X1 11*24 . It*X> 2IMK.1 500 :*X)03. 500 1075 ISOU U2i"0 JOC 2O4M0 54*' 311048 500 1130 50H U312 501) 2i?ll 500 30307 500 1144 500 llilll SOQ 20H.O....S00" *H1H 5UJO 1178 51*1 114>6 5U> J?w70 50 * 3UM35. ,_SBOOO 12/9 ..00 110! 15 101 to 20O43 SOU .*1518 500 1278 .100 111114 Oi 2KW0 500 JOH23 .LOO 1358 5011 11062 SOC 21128 ....11**1 3tW**l 500 1S7i? 500 11750 5(*> 21142 500 3WW8 10UU 14-54 50fl 11778 SO 21217 U*> 31*1:1 10UO 1542 500 llh2S 500 21MW .600 31102 500 1574 5* ll>? 5(1. 21313 4*131114 Ml 11*17 5lO 11000 :??. 21483 500 31229 50U 1718 SOU 11045 50(1 215*1 500 3)4.3 30*1 1782 5.10 12158 50O 21844 **k 1154)4 4<?) 10K7 504 12180 .Vii 21883 Son 31527 5UO 18211 600 12.*18 5OO2180M 500 31542 SOU 1012 500 12385 Mi 121700 500 3H/J4 500 11-60 5ffc 12410 5U0J217TJ K**i 3I*?7 50O 1032 500 12415 ....11JOO 31827 5UO 348H8......50? 2140 50O 1 5M7 50 21014 500 321/78 5O0 22 H ?00 12530 500 210-8 2810 32117 .500 22 W. 5(K> IJ551 S.i 23.?10 OO ,32120 'OU 2348 600 1JH1J7 6 23137 5t*i 3213M ?W 2377 50(1 12*4)0 5<m 22180 SOU 32175 1IIUU 237 8 .500112848 18J0 22*28 SOU 33248 500 2300 SOU 12*45 500 23238 500 323)0 SAO 2415 MX) 13168 500 ?1286 500 33:120 U? 251/7 500 13311 6uO 223M SOO 32340 3UU 2506 50O 1322D 500 22T70... ?U) 32384 500 2*W' 50O 13282 .'4*>|22*S i 64)0(32 104 3UO 3107 SIXi 15310 05 22531 500)33420 300 3287 ....500 13.15 SOD YSiNB 5?>)3S*tt 500 3324 .**/ 13440....1UUU) 22.156 500 32317 500 8**ll 500 13478 D*? 32751 34*1 33770 500 3480 50>i 13723 M?) 22784 1001. 327211 J*M 8171 500 13775 ll??? 2H94 51k 22-/32 500 8?12 **i 13701 5(*) 2?r>l .**. W97H 500 s?u; son i:?s:i fioti 2?n? sixi 328*1 ux> 3712... 54*113863 50)334121 SOU 33)441 MB 8743 500 I1-0K ....10011 230.41 5U> .33184 50O 3825 .Mm 13-107 601) 23/#41) ....KIOO 33 47 51X? 80.2! 11**) i r.Ml MX) 23133 MI! 812HH 54)0 31*** 1 50*>11 8)40 51*/ 23)34 50013 414 51*1 30-5 500I141H0 500 2313C 500 Wil* 500 80 .7 51*114241 l(tf*i 23I.-S MO. * . !33 188 MX*) ?oor? .?* i4a-n. .vki 23200 ano xtKW ....jam i'MS soo Mil 23,?m mm 3 3*11 si) 4134 500 14316 500 2)491. 00 -il-m* jjti 41ho ioo 1 4357 5oot2::v?i mm 4240 am; 14474 mm -isoM 500 :muo% sou 4277 1<> ?) 144*4 500 23730 M*> 34ttW MM 44ol 500 i4">84 MX) 23761 500 34 mo mm 4hi 54x> 14.74 .... kxx) *002 sim 341io .'4*1 4473 5(lo 14033 500 234*1 MxiRMISS NO 4 411 SOI) 147 4 50O j3vx>5... 503t34llxl) SOU 4677 mx) 147714... . .'4)0 11j0uu jmuu 31275 sod 4"-*1 5im 147*5 1000 23022 w?> 31j0u 1mo 47?7 ioo 147311 .501) 21.041 mm li?4<? 500 4-t? 30o 14*1x1 sou 238mi 5)00 31460 r.00 M>ll MM 14*55. MX. 24o2*.... MM 341311 MM 5154 .... 1(x<) 14365 500 341r4 kx?>?3:?24 mm 5l?.7 .V? 14*7* MX. 1 24177 MX) 34615) MM 5172 .'xxi 14034 1000 24 77 500 34031 km 5>)hi ... 500 1.vx41 1(xxj 342*1 mx) 31675 .'mo 5247 son 1mi73 500 245115 SCO 347(10 101x4 5246 MXI |5<*to MX) 24355 .... 1?M 3TOU 50O 51147 500 1515.11 mm 243*2 mx) 2471x4 .mm 5477 5(X> 1MB* 5<XI 244*1 1UX. 3i904 SOU 55*2 MXI 151*0 500 244!*) mm 34ff!P MM 5617 nxx. I.WM MX. 24505. MM s48)>3 MM 57211 mx. 1521* 500 j44xci 5txi :?44n mm 5?)| MJUI15220 mm 247(1* 500 3.vj41 500 5*60 5. v. 15240. mx) 247*4 kxx) 35030 MM 602o 5?. 15250 500 2t*0tf mx) SliilM mm tilol nio 153x) mx) 21*16 mxi 352l? mo 62)3 "<x> 15447 'MO 24924 MX) 35(1* MX* 62*4 kxx) i.v3i 1000 25 03 ....!(? '354141 .wo i hud) mx) i5"66 mx) 2m4 0 500 355tb mx) f 6353 ... lOrt) 15*714 SO" 2513* 300 35 .1-3 mm 614.5 nx) 1*35 fol) 26204 mx) 355*4 mxi 6)22 mx) 15)456 .'00 26324 Mxi S5B50 SOU usui . <?) i.'4178 00 25357 500 357*2 mxi 632.5 .... 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