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8 __ "the courts. The Murderer of Sergeant MeGiven Sent to Prison for life. ( DEFECT OF THE LAW THE LOOPHOLE OF ESCAPE Another Chapter in the Flint Divorce Suit . Gilmore's Garden and the Police | Commissioners. ! Henry King, the murderer of Sergeant McGlren. Was arraigned yesterday in the Ooiirl of General Scations, before Recorder ilarketl. upon an indictment for murder In the first degree. Ii appeared before the Coroner that William Kreinourgh, of Na &0 Klrst venue, on the erentug of tn* lPih of July, about six 'clock, while walking along Kirat avenue, near 8lxlU street, was assaulted and bit watch and chain attempted to l>e taken by Henry King: he was detected In the act and mi away, pursued by some boya, who cried "Stop thiol I" Finding himself iniercepied by Officer Kennedy the fugitive ran across the street, where he was slopped by Sergeant Mo.iircn, Inspector M cllertnoU's aid, upon wnich McGlven cried out, "hold him; ho bus stabbed me." Officer Kennedy then captured him and found a large poekclknlfo in his bund, with which bo had slabbed the .Sergeant in th? Itomach. After lingering a few days In great pain Sergeant McGivon expired uud King was fully committed by the Coroner 10 answor (or wilful murder. I'pou his arraignment, and after the indictment was read to him by the Clerk aud hi6 plea demanded* Mr. Wllllain F. Kinumg, bis counsel, addressing the Court, said that the prisoner, acting by his advice, now offered a plea of guilty to murder in the second degree under the indictment. Mr. Kinlzing then said that there was no evidence going to show that the act was committed with a do11 l.?*r:ito m t > it nrom ...I it iln.1 .In.,,,,, In On,,It. nor auy evidence mat the act was commuted while ill the commission of a felony ; lor. said counsel, the blow wu struck one block away from u-hcru tho robl ery win attempted, and after the attempted crime of larceny wax complete. The prisoner was gnlliy of murder to the second decree, which was tho intentional Killing, w ithout any excuse ar ju- 11lientlun, whereupon counsel asked that the plea as the prisoner be accepted and recorded. Assistunt Dim net Attorney Rollins, addressing His Honor. said that ho baa carefully examined the facta and given tho caso much consideration. The facta, as elated by the prisoner's counsol, were substantially correct. It was true that It would bo Impossible lor tho people to prove that lb" act was the result of premeditation ?r deliberation. It was an act committed enddeniv. The sergeant was In cltlxen's dress and there was no proof tboy were acquainted. Mr. Rollins then said there-was a provision or law that would pnrniit a con viol loll of murder in llio first degree where the act was committed while in the jierjietration ol a felony, but ho did not think a conviction could ho sustained under the provision, as tho felony of attempt at robbery by the prisoner, King, wus committed a block away from where tho sergeant received his death wound. In conclusion, counsel referred 10 the ease ol Dolan, who was hung lor the tnunier of Mr. Noc. That ease, ho said, was dillereol I rout that in that Mr Noe met his death :n his owu house while Dolan was engaged in the perpetration of a burglary; while in this case Sergi-uut Mcfiiven met his death a Slock away irom where King hail attempted to pcrpe.rale a robbery, and in attempting to rsrapo. Believing that, upou (lie evidence uud tho lawr, It was a tnae ol tnuruer In the second degree, II tho Court con I.IO.I ...II. I. in. I.. ......LI .......... .1.. ..... Recorder llarkeit caul hp lully concurred wtlh the prosecuting officer. and that. In his opinion, the jury irouM not bo justified in convicting ol a higher degree, llio K enrder then commented upon tte (acts, characterising hie net as atrocious and revolting. and that bis j escape Iroui conviclion ol murder In the Ural degree and death was nilribuiahle entirely to the detects In the law, and thai it was htc duly lo administer the law us he lontid it. Whereupon he directed the plea aa offered to bo recorded. Mr. Kutlina then moved lor sentence. Recorder IlarltPtt, after a tew remarks to the prisoner, sentenced htm to Stale I'rison for life. Tho prisoner was evidently pleased at having thus escaped what must have seemed to him an uunvonlablo doom?death on the (allows. THE FLINT DIVORCE. I>r. Rufus Waggoner Flint Is still using his utmost pndeavort to obtain bis reloaso irotu I.udlow Street Jail, where ho was committed lor an alleged contempt of Court In refusing to pay tho connsel loo and alimony directed to he paid in the divorce suit brought by Ellen D irm Klint, his wild. The caso came yesterday before Judge l>onohtie. In Supreme Court, Chambers, on a motion lor his dtsclinrge. All that was dono was the submission of affidavits, when the case was adjourned for argument till to-morrow. heading the affidavits In supporter the motion was one by Or. Hinl. The Doctor slates "that his only occupation ami means of obtaining a livelihood la answering scaled letters as a Spiritual writing medium, which said occiipntieu is a portion ol deponent's religion, and from which ho novor expected to realise his expenses, but hoped thereby to benefit his fellow creatures, and for ihis ho felt an ample remuneration." He slates further that such occupation Is carried on through the mails; that during the time ho lias been in prison he has received eleven loiters lo l>e answered; that only throe of the letters containod money, the tola) amount inclosed being and that the other writers requested him lo answer tho letters as a favor, thry being unnblo to send money, lie alleges still further that during his service In the late war he ''contracted a complication of ftloooooo ?.-i- ?? -- - 1? ? - constitution," winch render him totally unOt to take | care of himself ami leuro him partly dependent on the tharlty of friend*. The affidavit then proceeded to Itate that lie led Ins wtie some four years ago; that (he alter that opened hie letters and wrote answers attacking him In the most bitter manner; that his Income was reduced in consequence; that Mrs. Flint Is a strong and healthy woman, and abundantly aole to earn her own livelihood; that Mio lives In Brooklyn, whrro she is carrying on the business of a developing medium; that while Itvjng with hint she esrneil nt this business ?12 per week; that be Is unable to pay (11 a week to her. ns ordered by the Court, or any other mount; thai his income is not suflleienl to pay tils own board, and that his fatluru to obey the order ol the Court ta front do intentiou to bring such order 111 : contempt The story as to Ills poverty hiiU poor health Is confirmed in other s'ndavtts. lit* landlady sava i that he occupies an attic room, and that ha in many j Instances paid his board irom monov riven to him by ; his Irlends. that she has opened all Ins letters since ho has been in Jail, and that only three ot them contained I money, the .amount so reclved heme (5, which was ' Inenltieicnt to psy lit* board. The Doctor's physician ; makes affidavit that he is suffering Irom disease of the 1 heart, and that his confinement lor sny length ol time | In prison would endanger his Hie. Voluminous affidavits wore offered on behalf of Mrs. | Flint. Tne first was that of Deputy rheriff BifU, who ; recounts the cireiimstnuces attending his srrest of the | Doctor. He finally succeeded, but not until he had | been savagely ahusen by an oiu man and a middle aged ! woman living in the same house, the latter k'saing the j Doctor very affectionately before his departure for' Lndlow Hlreet JaiL' Hull wrote a letter to the Doctor from the Windsor hotel, commencing with, "having heard of your wonderful power* ss i spiritualistic medium." and asking an appointment at the Doctor's residence The [Victor fell Into the trap wuh the result stated. Next in order w ii a lencthy affidavit of Mrs. yiinv Hhe says that the Doctor is in good health, and that hl? income lrem his #ti?*'r< to scaled Alters was about $10 a rtav hhe rrrtto. his method ot perilling with a tea kettle at herutoiorc explain*1 n Ihe Hkkai.ii. ?be s?ys. (orthir, -'that If there is any one thing he Is remarkable tor tt Is his utter disregard or the truth;" thai he ha* no right to call himself Doctor and that he "cheat* and rtetrauds the public." As O the person* making aflldaiit* In the Doctjr's favor she fays that one Is unreliable and of very bad reputation, that one cannot b* found and that another i* his mistress Anionic the other affidavit* were those of l>rs. Rurdtek and H irlley, who state that they railed on the lioctor at i.udhiw street loexamm* his physical rondntor, but ; that be refused to allow ihoni to make such oxamina- j tlon without tlrwt cotiKtiitmk his counsel oilmores garden injunction. ! Some time aince, whon the Polio* Commissioners j and tho loroe under their control (rave a sudden exhl lut ion of anal in 11)0 enforcement of thai portion of tlio | JCxelso law rclal'Pi; to the sale of liqoor? on Sunday, , Gilmore's Garden came in f>r .1 share of olllclnl attoo- j lion, and the arrest of tho*o cm ployed therein followed. Mr. Sbcridai. Shook, '.ho owr;or of the garden. Uieu commenced a sun through his attorney, ex-Judge A. J. Dlllenhoefcr, against the police authorities to restrain Utetn or any of llietr MibordwatrK or member* of the force from entering the ganl? n with ut payment of the rt-ifuiar admi.-eton fee a temporary injunction to this elleci was grauiod by the Court, accompanied by n order to the deleudanti to show cau*e a by 11 should not be made permanent. Hy virtue o( <11. act re. rnily pa-eei1 prohibiting tLe rertranlini ot public officiate t.y temporary or ex parte injunction the temporary Injunction in this caee wna vaoaiiil Sloet then argument on the merits ae to the right of plaintiff to a jer. mnnent injunction baa been postponed irom line te 1 NEW TORI time, npoo tbs understanding thai until a decision on the merits the police authorities weald I'Ol seek to enforce their alleged right to enter wllhunt paying tbo price of admission. Cp to last Sunday tbir understanding wee adhered to by defendants, hut i on lhat occasion Ihey ontered and made numerous arrests. Tbetrueo being thus at an end, and the police . authorities having threatened to continue hostilities on 1 Sunday nsxt. Judgo Dltteuhoeler obtained n parte from Judge Donohue of the Supreme Court, yesterday, i un order directing the poller authorities to show cause ! belore the Court to-day why tba rase should not be forthwith heard on ila merits, so that s decision may . bs reached belore Sunday. It Is contended en behalf I of thas liiuintlff in thn ?Ka# ma mallne Cf nelriomln I If one or a dozeu ?(Ucers have a right to enter without I jhiymeot ot the entrance fee. there te no reason why j ihe whole force, with the commissioners at their bend i should not proceed there in a body and monopoliac all j the pleasures of that popnlar resort, Including the j ?-eais, the fresh atr, the music of Gilmorc's band and I even Cornet Lory. Nor Is it much doubled that they would accept the lager also if toe law would out sustain | them In Its free uee. THE WEST POINT HOMICIDE. John 11. Rothelin, the United States soldier who shot Washington I'utnatn at West Point on the night ol the 8th of July, and who was bald by Commissioner Ovborn, was taken beforo the United Status (irsod | Jury. On InvesUgstion and hearing the witnesses in the eaee It was decided that the shooting was accidental, and no hill was found aguinat the accused. Koihelm waa then taken hciore Commissioner Shields, Commissioner Osboru bonis' absent, sad was discharged from custody. He returned in West Point for duty. GENERAL SESSIONS?PART L Before Recorder Hacked. Yesterday was another heavy day in this Court, the Recorder, assisted by Assistant district Attorney Rollins, disposing of nearly fllty cases, including that of Henry King, the murderer ef Sergeant Uciiiven. The details ol the sentence aro given above TUB PltKNCH WOMAN'S MOSKY. Oscar Cjniret and Raphael Ualtin were arraigned to answer en indictment charging them with stealing iroin Jeanne Alhonto. a Trench woman, with whom they were fellow passengers to this country a low week* ago, currency and j.wolrv lo the value of (1,600 i wtiiio the was absent lrom her apartments, at No. 3 j Varick street, on the 6lta Inst. The complainant stated that she had extended pecuniary help 10 liuiret on the I passage over, and Had taken cure ot hitn when they I arrived in this country. Uullin was- discharged by ' consent of Assistant liislrici Auorney Rollins. there being no evidence against htm, while Quirel, who bad | taken tho properly, admitted hi* guilt, hui stated that ; tno complainant had been Inn mistress; that she had ' stolen ihe money and property referred to from her I husband tn farts, and that ho (Quircl) and Ins friend ; obtained possession of It for the purpose ot restoring it to the husband. Recorder Huckdil >enteuccd ijmroi ! to four and a half years' confinement in State Prison, i His Honor did not look at tbo matter front the prisoner's point ol view. A nrcPPAVED BON. On the night of July 21 last John McCottroy, of No. 06 Greenwich avoquo. rollred to rest, placing under tils pillow bis vest, in the pocket of which whs $1,185 in greenbacks. His soa James, so enterprising young gentleman of twenty yours, slept In the sumo bed. When Mr. McCottroy awoke iu the morning his dutiful son was uilssiug and with him the $1,185. 8ourch was made tor the missing youth, but without avail un- t til the following day, when he returned home drunk, I with but $lioo remaining of the sum stolen. His lather 1 caused Ins arrest, and yesterday he pleaded guilty and was sent lo Slate Prison lor three years and sis months. AN UNPBOPITABI.E HOARDER. Charles Blank, alias Kinil Warner, an Austrian, twenty-lour veurs old, who gave his residence as No. 114)* Ks.-cx street, where be manufactured musical instruments, was arraigned to answer an indictment for graud larceny. On the 'Jtlih of July he onguged board lrom Mrs. Emma Storey, of No. 4 West Twenty-second street. He spent the evening in the house and curly tbo next morniug departed, carrying with him $00 worth of silverware. He was subsequently arrested, and on being arraigned belore the Recorder yesterday uu y* HUM. } ...v rill, u very |>allietio letter 10 His Uouor, representing himself a> having been out ol work and sorely tempted, and asking the Court to suspend sentence on condition tout be would return by the next steamer "to his mother" In Europe. He stated that he stole the goods in order to pawn them lor $l.r>, with which ho intended to boy a passage to the old country, whence he intended to return the vnltio ol tbo property by tnaiL a PAIR OF CONVICTIONS. Mnry Kelly, convicted of stealing a bag containing $8 14 from Eliza D'Oonnell at tbo corner of Washington and Spring streets ou the 15th of July, was sent to Stnlo Prison lor three and a halt yours. , Frank Smith, alias John Brown, convicted of grand larceny, was seul to the euuio institution for a Uka porlod. AN ARMY OF CRTMIKAT.8. The following persons pleaded guilty to the offences charged against them, andwero thereupon son I toStato Prison:?.lolin Hurt and Michael McKnab. stealing a watch Ironi the pocket of Michael Carran, of No. lufl Madison street. while the latter was Intoxleated upon the 1st inst., two and one-hall years; William McMekln, stealing |35 worth ol property from August Kastu, of No. 507 West Thirty sixth street, on Jane 22, two and one-half years; John McCarthy, of No. <*64 higluh avenue, culling Kate McCarthy with a razor on the 2d ot Juiy, three years and six months; William Stevens, scaling u lint, watch and chain and, breastpin trom linariCK rciiwnwr, oi . *(!. Atv .-e? emu utbkuv, wuiib iuu latter wan lying asleep upnu a bench in Washington iquuro, on the tilh met., three years and six months; Henry Lowia, obtaining $-4 worth of blank boo its from ltloomflrl'l Brower, No. 2U3 Broadway, by false prcteneea, three roars; 1'rank Smith, alias John Brown, stealing a horse and barnoas Irom Hubert Johnson, No. 2.340 Second avenue, oil the 3d inst., three and one-hall years; John t.agn, stealing $73 worth oi carriage cloth Iroui Wood Brothers, No. 1,330 Broadway, en July Id. two years and ail months; John Knowleo, stoaliuc ft- worth u( cloth Irom Albert J. rininmer. No. 03 I<eonard street, on July 11, two aad one-halt years; liaorge l,ewis, breaking Into premiaes ol Fred. Mattbewsnn, No. 90 llruca street, snd stealing $17 j worth of property, July 1W, two and one.hall years; , John MrCabe, breaking into premises ol Halthew Konipe, No. 220 Thlrty-iourth street, and stealing $6 I worth ol property, July 17, two yenrs and six months; James Hopkins, breaking into premises of (Jeorge C. Welmore. No. 143 West Rlcvenlh street, en July 27, and stealing a bronze clock and other articles, one year; Charles Shelby, breaking Into cutlery store of Uriawold I.. Ely, No. 83 Heads street, ou July lt>, and stealing property to the value of $100, two years; John Taylor, stealing $43 worth of property from I hoiuas Strang. No 372 Broadway, oil the 8tb ol July, two and ] one-hall year*; Joseph Marein, stealing $M froin IgDai/. Offner, No. 122 Sheriff street, oa July 17, one I year. There were sont to tho Penitentiary:?Charles Caspar, obtaining a coat from Ia>uis (loldsmith by false pretences, ou Juiy 8, six months; John l>a!y, picking the porket ol Juan Zumliado, No. 103 Tenth avenue, July 'J, two and otic-hall years. SUMMARY OF LAW GASES. la the suit of I'rtrle vs. Poelloa, which was brought by the p.ulntlff to recover against commissions for salt ; ??l IUC IIU'I ui? "J * ? ' " * ' >" | avenue. an order ?! discontinuance are* yesterday en- ; tired in the buperior Court. In ihe Winehotl dtvorre suit motion was made yea- | terday Delorv Judge Iionotiuc, in Sapremo Conrt, i Chambers, to aet aeutr an oritur fixing alimony, on the ground that pi oni ll fWlrd to pro-ccuto tba suit and | Ibnl the alimony allowed ??? lint Mitlicieni. DKCLSIONS. HCrr.KMR COITRT?CHAMBERS. Itv Judy l>onohno. Wood ra. Cornish, Tap pan vr. Cong; Same va. Same; , Strauss va. Dietrich et al., and .-Mnipkins va Hill.? ' U ran led. ! The Metropolitan Medicine Company re. De Orath and nnoiher. ? Motion denied. Karle va. Puryra, and tioiden va. Derringer et aL? i Orders grant- d VI'RKMII COURT?HPKf'IAI, TUTM. By Judge Van Vorev Theraeeen and another rt While et aL, executor*. ? j Orucr aeltl'd nvri' ion covet uriniii una. 11* Judge S?dnwiek. Even ?p Herrejr ei il, and Valeotlne va. P? Cntii t ?l.? Koterrnoea urdortd Macwnley et ?L v*. Hovgett et al.?Order denying motion. win.out "o?i? Colib *?. Ward, and Wood va. Unlock.?I'ndertakInip approved. Smith vs. smith. ?Bond approved. Tin lltarkatone National Itank af Boston va. Bogert. Kxtra allowance granted. ,\itn* ? vp Kenneth et .xL (Nop. 1, a, 3 *nd 4).? Or-lers lor publication. Valentine vp. I>* t'nnha. nnd F.rora v*. Hervoy et al. ?Report* of rt-lerec- conUrtned and jtidgiaome of loreeloMira and sale. Rothliele'fior tp. Reter.?Order denying motion, with tlo cost* 'o ii'ntle event, j O-rket. vv ITitte ?Order diachxrgtng defrndunt from Imprisonment. W'o?ton vs. Tlie .Vow York Elevated Railroad Compiny. i ?* sett oil and ordered on Hie. Fowler vp Haliyarttn. Com va. Same; Ward vp. Sxm.\ and Johnson vv S.xtne, llprtig vp. llahu etal.; Myers va. Hodman; Spader tp The New York Klcvaloii Itallrond Company; Yours vp. Sirup; man; Allen t?. Same; .tppnld vs. Same; A;water tp. same; Cliaaa | tp. Satin1; Clepp th. Sarea, Cornell vm. same; L'ooku t-. Sum#; Doolltlle tp Same; Down* va Same; i (Strand va sauso, ani Thoniaa va. Satna.?Order* i (ranted. H* JmljC" Spelr. IHtis v*. The Maj or, Ac.?Order COMMON 1 LV.K? ?CHAW Bit US. B> Jurtc* Vru Hoe?cn H'ltrbioock v? i,orjr ? Taxation of clerk nflirmed. Voces v?. Hitter.?-ee inen.orsudotn. KoDDo.iv v# MrKwmg. ? llxuepiioM 10 report orerruled. See memorandum In the mutter of Sarewitx .% Co.?See memorandam. Alexander rt. Caller. ? fcee memoranda a. : IIERALD, FRIDAY, AUG DtTlin Olmstead.? Extra allowance of fire per cent fi-an led. WiUiama va Foliar and another.?Maiioa denied. Bee memorandum. Farlnnd vs. liouongh.?Taxation of Cleric affirmed. Patten va The New York Elevated Railroad Com- j pany.?Motion to tile additional security douied. MARINE COCRT?CHAMBERS. By Jndpe Sheridan. Heeler va Grtawold. ?Motion granted, with $10 co?ih to plainttif. Ptekrri vs. McConnell. ? Motion denied. Bcbitwck va Sehllwck.?Motion granted. Rilfert ra Reppler; Derhnnt va Lynch; Meran vs. nillicr; Ferdinand vs. Uarliek; MMoul va Kessdell; | Scbltck v?. Scliltck.?Oroera granted. Myers va Matthews. ? Bond approved. Reives va Mi-sscrolo.?Order signed. COURT CALENDARS?THT8 DAY. r'umnva Copar?Cuavbbbs?Held l?y Judge Donebua?Nos 2. 8, til, 73, 74, 89, 100, 158. 178, 193, too ioo no a*m o'tf, 'ma oaa oao aim ov. oso '.180, 261. 202, 266, 276, 27li CociiT or Gkkkbal Sk.-biosb.?Held by Recorder llaek ell.?Tne People va. Jobs N. Armstrong, robhsry ml petit larceny; Sum* va. Own Ilrarty, robbery; K?me n Thomas Smith, robbery; Sumo vs. William Miirpbv and John McKenna, robbery; same. va. Sntnnol Tea*, felonious assault and bntiory; Same vs. Thomas Smith. leloniou* assault and battery; S.imo ; va John lirown, felonious assault and battery; same 1 a. Michael Kinncriy, felonious assault and battery; 1 Sam" vs. John llaggerty, felonious ??saull nnrt bat- . tery; Saute re. Michael Curry, lolonious assault and ; battory; same ts John Ktldea, lelonious assault and i battery; Pants vs. Martin Uurke. felonious assault und , battery; Samo vs. Ttiomaa Klynn, burglary, Same ; ) vs Joseph 11. Cornell, burglary; Same vs. William (.'lark, burglary; Same vs. Charles Hastings, burglary; Same vs. Wlillain Kelly, burglary; Same vs. Hnniol Murphy and Patrick McLnughlni. burglary; Same va. Achilla Wilbur and Micbaei Sullivan, burglary; Same va Joseph K. Howell, burglary; Same va Kilwnrd McLuughiin, grand larceny; Same va Mary Ann Jones, grand larceny; Same va Jnines Wilson, grand larceny; Same va John tl. Leach, grand | larceny; Same va I'airick Murphy, grand larony; . Same va Richard Hlttea. grand larceny; Same vs. Mary Kelly and Charles Williams, grand larceny; same vs. Gmtrled Mitchell, grand larceny; Satno va James McCioveru, grand lurenny; Same vs. Cnarlca Mack, grand Inrcony; Same vs. Guatave Neihoff and Henry it. Xoe, graud larceny; Same vs. I.uiiwig WolfT. grand larceny; Same vr. Charlos Haei nga, grand larceny; Same vr. Alexander T. McKay, grand larceny; Snmevs. I'eter Qtilnu, grand larceny; Same ! vs. Henry Wilson, grand larceny; Same vs. lolons : ISutlor, grand larceny, Same vg. John Short, a rand 1 ; larceny ; Same vs. Charles llerry grund larceny; Samo I vp. wont! rammicr. pranu lareeny; same vs. weorze j Fitxgerald. frrund larceny; Same vs. George Fitrceruld, i grand larceny; Same vs Mary Brown, grand larceny; i ! Same v*. Thomas Smith, grund larceny; Same vs. ! Jnrnee It111 and August Sprlngtnnn, grand larceny; I : Same vp. Kamcmbraoco k. Knowlton, grand larceny; s j Same vs. Samuel Cotib ami Samuel Iloskin. forgery; ! ' Same tj. George J. Slmppon, fHlso pretences; Snmo | ; ?. August Jacobs, false prctcncos; Same vs. J.ainea | Wright, talfo pretences; Same vs. Plilneas \brens, false pretences; Same vs William T. Karl, attempt at I rapo; Same vs Ferdinand rtoim, grand larceny; Same , vs. George Smith, lelonmus assault and liatterv; Sum# v#. Lewis Scboen, felonious assault and battery. POLICE COURT NOTES. John Horry, alia# '-Goit" Ilecry, a notorious thief, j was held for trial at the Washington Place Police Court, I yesterday, for stealing doth, valued at $.?0, from the j store ot Lonia Cohen, No 80 Ninth avenue. Tbo prls- ! oner has been out of the Penitentiary ono week. John Irving, ol Flahkill Landing, got drunk on Wednesday night and foil anlcep on a stoop In Woogter street. Georgo Hague, aged nineteen, a bartender, of No. 117 Sullivan slreot, stole his watch and chain, valued at Hague was arrested by Officer O'Shea, of the Kighth precinct, and held lor trial at the Washington Place Court yesterday. For some lime past a numoer of boy# bnvo been In the habit ol jumping on the wagons owned by J. C. Du laivarene, brewer, of No. 2'J1 West Kighleenih street, uud cutting open the malt bags, letting the tnall drop out in the street. Vosierday Charles Flyuu, aged thirteen, of No. West Taentv sixth street, was raught hy Officer Murphy, of the Sixteenth precinct, and on being arraigned h fore Justice Smith, at the Washington Place Court, was held for trluL ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY TIMES. Kate McNally, a notorious Kighth wartl character, was brought Into tho Washington Place Court yesterday for the 160th lime. She u known among tho police as "Jimmy" O'Brlon iroiti her frequently giving that natno when arrested. On the present oeca sion she was found drunk and disorderly In Sullivan street, and it reauired the united efforts ol two officers to bring her to the station. When Judgo Smith called liar name nit * anstvored, "Present," and inarched up to the railing with military precision. "Well, Kate," said the Judge, "how's this?" "<)h! vou know how it is yourself," replied Kate. "I'm ono obthe Imya myself, and 1 suppose I got tight. Just let up this once, Judgo. " Judge Smith?While I may earll at your first assertion, I teel that your sceend statement is irne, and inaainuch as It only required two odlcers to bring you in, Inatead of tho usual number, winch is lour, I will lemper justice with mercy, Vou ?r? Uned f A or five days. Kate?I<ong lllc to Your Honor. You're a rounder yourself. A THIEVES' DEN. i Seven weeks ago John Thomas, a burglar, who has , already sorted two terms of fire and three years In tho State Prison, started a saloon in the basement of Na i AO Houston street, which has alnce then been the retort of the most desperate thieves and abandoned characters. Should a respectable man by any chance enter the place he would be either robbed or beaten by the gang of ruffians frequenting there tin Wednesday ! night William McDormott, of No. 210 Kirn street, en- i tered the place, and on seeing an unfortunate woman j assaulted by Knea (I. Corlett. one of the gang, inter- ; fered. He was si once sot on by the remainder of the j ruffians and badly beaten. Officer Sullivan, of the Fif- ; teentli precinct, arrcstod Corleit for assault and Thomas for keeping a disorderly bouse. On their being arraigned beforo Justice Smith, at the Washington Place Court, yesterday, Corlett was committed lor trial In default of $.100 bail, and Tbuinas in default of $600 surely lor trial A COMPLETE WKECK. Edward I.av.arns, a comparatively young man and a member ol Ihe firm of Lazarus K Co., the William street merchants, was carried into tho WaRhir.eton Pisco Court yesterday by OITlccr Brcntiao, and, on ibe complaint of his broilior, Alfred S. l.azarua, of No. 966 Sixth avenue, was committed to the care of the Comtnlssloners of Chanties and Correction m being partially paralyzed and insapo. Judge Smith sent hint to the Tombs in oroer that bo might he examined by the City I'hyatcian. A WILY AUCTIONEER. Another complnlnant has been found in the ease of John W. Campbell, the auctioneer, of No. 7 West Third street, who was held lor trial by Justlco Smith Inst weelc on a charge of fraud. The pmsenl victim is Mr. Thomas Toweey, lately proprietor of a restaurant at No. 612 Broadway, which be ordered Campbell to sell out for him in the esrly part of Jnly. Csmpbcll returned him $20 as the proceeds of the sale, end Mr. Towsey claims to have been swindled out of $100. As the complaint in the other casv has already been sent to the Grand Jury, Mr. Towsey, nn staling the facts to Justice Smith, was referred to the district Attorney's oihce. A> he was leaving the Washington l'lsoe Court he informed a Ukhai.p reporter lhal Campbell had promised to make good the deficiency in the event of his not making any complaint. LEVYING HLACKMAIL Henry Scnitelder. formerly a telegraph operator In the employ of the Western Union company, was arraigned before justice .*m th. .it the Washington I'lneo Court, yesterday, by Officer Reynolds, ot ths Kighlh ttrnrincL cliMfUt'il With l?*lrtr? r*n un.ioe thai he was an officer. Min Mary Ashbark, of So. 74 Vandam street, te*ttfled th it on the *th inaL Schnolder" ailed on her, ntnl. representing himself as a detective, raid he hod a warrant for her arrest on a charge of assault He said he would arrest ner If she did uot give him $10. and ho further slated that lie had "squared" Sergeant llerghoM, ol the Second District Court, by paving him S1 '?- if ah* lid not par birr. he would srrest nnr She gave him $10 and promised to pay bun the balance to-day. She subsequently learned that he was not a detective, had no warrant lor her arrest and never saw eer.'eant Iterghold n hie life, iter geant iterghold testified In rniiftrniation of Miss Ash bnck'l staleinent. other charge* bung brought ! acaittet the prisoner Juatn e .?mtth held blu for trial la | datault Of $1,000 ball >IURDERKL> 13 V BURGLARS. Testerday at Barnabas Hospital, Newark, aboot tweniy flvo minutea to three, Officer Stanley Itrock died from lbs effect of a wound Inflicted by burglara whom he vii attempting to rapture on Thursday week In the hoce of Mr. Iledeil on Clinton arenas. Thomae Ryan and Charles Oschwald wore arrcsied a day or so alter the shooting and are now in custody awaiting the action of the Brand J ury and the Coroner's inquest which will tic held to day. At their examination liviore the Police J usi ice Mr. S usee 11 ind s colored woman, both of whom saw the men who escaped Irom Bedell's house, gave partly positive lestimonr that Kyan and tUehwul : were the torn. Both have had reputations A TEMPERANCE LESSON. _____ I John Cersr, ?I No. IV: Kim itml, died on W ed n ca | <1 *jr irom itie rfT?( U of * dore ol muriatic acid taken with suicidal invent Ctroy w?? a roolrr hy trade. Hs leave* a wife and three ch Mrcn. H? ?H mnrh Riven lo drink, aad at tha term-nation of n loof sprss snded bis ins in tbo manner described. I UST 11, 1876.?WITH SUP: NEW YOKK JOBBING TRADE. nrrobt9 or prominent merchants to bboahf titk vantage eos? bt thjb city since the war. Yesterday afternoon n meeting took place at the ofllce of the New York Mercantile Bureau, No. 1191 Jlroidwny, in which tba members of lha Bureau conferred with hotel men of the city upon the subject of a reduction in charges to country niercbants slopping for purposes of trad*. Among the merchants present were Messrs. H. K. Tburlier, 1). F. Austin. ?. U. Log. gelt, J. X. Henry, Danivl C. Kobhlns, T. E. Allen, J. J* Magovern. C. Y. Coolc. G. 1L Powers and 1. M. Bates' 01 the hotel tnen there were but thrqp present:?MP rt weeny, of Sweeny's Hotel; Mr. Bevora, of the Mor' Hotel, and Mr. P. Yranch, of French's Ho'ol. Mr. R. F. Austin, President of the Bureau, opened the meeting with a description of the organization known as the Now York Mercantile Bureau and the purposes it had In view. He said It was an attempt to j associate the jobbing trade of the city lor the protection j ol their business and the general mercantile interests ot Now York. Heretofore there hud oeen no unity ol anion, and tl any drawbacks occurred in any particular channel of trade ihe merchants hud not been in a position lor ellectire anion, since the great p.tnio in New York interior cities have made arrangements witli railroad companies to receive and transmit goods for s much less cost than it was possible for merchants In large interior towns to ship them Irom New York. The result was that powerful limit in the large tnienor cities shipped all the good* consumed In the country through their own huodt, and me city of New York had lost a great portion of na Jobbing trade. In hopes oi recovering this s few of the prominent jobbing ' merchant* of this city had organized the New York ! Mercantile Uurenu, tor rombinod efforts to induce the | railroad companies to equalize their rates ol Height to all interior points, boih largo aud small. They thought these companies had discriminated against the linero>ls of New York in lavor ol other large distributing points. By such action the rnilroada had injurou ilienisolvos tn well as the merchants and ihe city ul large. Ihe press ol this city had hot taken that amount ol interest in the mercantile welfare ol New i York to il the press of other places had in their own i particular loon I irude. Kroni ihe year 1.VJA to the | vear lstw tho water way to the Hudson guvo a powsrhn advantage to thin citr in me matter ot Interior trnile. Itul with the increase ol railroads New York was compelled to enter into competition with all other growing centres of trade. There l* no royal road to commerce any mure than there is to Individual wealth; j and Nt w York must take more jealous care of her own | Interests it (lie wishes lo maimain her lornicr prestige, i MM. ft. K. THUK1IHK. of the llrm of H. K. At K. 11. Tnurbcr At Co., said tho j efforts of tho Bureau were entirely for the interests of j the city ol New York. High local rates ot freight and ; reduced rules to particular points had given great | advantage to largo concerns in the interior. Tho Bureau since Its organization had obtained a promise | Irom tho New York Central and the Kris roads | to reduce lares somewhat to merchants who cittne to ] New York Irotn the country. This tho com panics had j already lultlllea. It yet remained lo procure like re- | (tactions In local rales ol freight against the special ! r Jcs which were given to such points as Syracuse, Buffalo, llochester sad Cite*. The Bureau wished lo go one slep further, to sen II hotel men in New York would not undo with the merchants to give an Idea to the trade that tbey could come to New York and livo in good houses at moderate prices. At a previous meeting two hotel* had promised lo reduce their charges to Interior mere haute, and tho sneaker hoped a nmnbor ol others would do the same. New York tins tho reputation ol being u most expensive place to visit or live I In, uud ii had been urged lo country merchants mat the cost of lure and ot slopping in this city would not | bu warranted by the extra profit made upon goods they | obtaiued. By pulling together we can mlorm the people j that they can come Here, and live here, and buy goods I here at tnuch less cost than they have beeu told (Inly j by such means can we bring trade to New York as wo j used to do. ijevernl other gentlemen expressed PI'KTUKK oris IONS UPON' THK SUIIJKCT.. Mr. I). 0. Bobbins, ol the tirui of McKesson At Kobblns. drug dealers, sunt the jobbing trude had changed extensively siuce the beginning of th civil war. lie accounted for It by tbc tact tnat previous to the year lstlo the business of ibe country was done largely upon credit New York was better able to give credit than any other city; but the uooessity lor shorieuiug credit hail changed this entirely. There was no mutter in New York which deserved so tnuch attention and received so little in comparison. Kilty years ago merchants soid goods upon six month*' credit; now they give but thirty or in some instances sixty days. In regard to hotel advantages, the sjienker had lroquently advised the merchants lo Join la building one or two first class hotels utid run them upon mercantile principles lor tho benefit of the country trade. i Mr. John K. Henry said thut goods were shipped lo unicago mr one-miru wuit wic interior towns id tue We?l were obliged to pay for freight. He advttcd cooperation of merchants, hotel mon and others In asking the railroad cempanlos to lower their rates of laro and froight between New York and interior towns. Mr. Austin again addressed the tneetltig, sad said the hotel keepers should, for their own interests, take the same new or this subject as the merchants. The latter do not expect to make large prollls at present. Tlio control ol trade and exisiouce of mercantile interests was going to bo a close fight for two or three years to come. The city ot New York had been loo libera' and must begin 10 take more care of herself. As an instance ol what iho railroads could do, Mr. Austin cited that some time ago Commodore Yauderbllt had thought it best lor the interests ol his road to uulie with Western routes upon a low rate of freight upon ceriain classes of goods to distant centres of irmle. After a little tuuo the Injury this arrangement did to llie business ot this city boraine apparent and Mr. Vauderhilt withdrew from hit compact. Tlio reaction at once set In, and New York, which was losing its grain shipments to Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore, toon received morn corn from Ibc West (han all those cities together. Mr. Cook, of Whitney, Cook A: Co., returning to the subject of the hotels, said he had called upon tho proprietors of ,-overal ol tbem. who bad said that in any other time they would gladly co-operate, but in the centennial season their houses were always full of guests and they could not afford to make reductions in lavor ol any class at present. A motion* from Mr. Thurber, to the effect that after farther consultation with hotel men the Bureau would issue circulars to the Interior merchants, eetuug lorth j tho list of hotels to which they might go for a modern to expense, was unanimously pnssed. The meeting then adjournod. THE LEASE OF CASTLE GARDEN. BAILBOAD CORPORATIONS FIRST SECURE THE BUILDING AS A LANDINO DRPOT?THEIIt COMPACT WITH THE COMMISSIONERS OP F.MIGBATION?THURLOW WEEDS PABT IN THE MATTER. A glance at lb* circumstance* under which the Commissioners of Emigration obtained possession of Castle Garden will be useful at this moment, when the city authorities sre considering the propiiotr md necessity oi restoring the Ilatterv to thetno-- it was ongicnlly Intonded as a placo of recreation lor the inhabitants of the city. In lAfta in* volume of immigration had reached large proportions and the Indira tions wrro that It would go on increasing. Tito transportation to the West of passengers arriving from Europe In New York had beconio .1 very Important and profitable branch of railroad traffic, and a strong 1 rivalry or competition prevailed among the principal lines as to which should secure the largest share of this j business. The communion nail been In existence | about seven years, but had failed to obtain. fiutahlo landing placri lor the thousand* of new comers who j wcro constantly reaching this port, and the I railroad corporations interested found the system i in operation either too loconven'ent or ton ex|>?nsive I for their purposes. At this juncture Castle Garden was 1 hired from the r.itr under lease (to run lour years) by one Conklin. nnd the pro-pert* of turning the building to advantage by the lessee were not at all encouraging. The railroad companies considered lite opportunity favorable to concent rale the lauding 01 passengers at one point. Three of the leading line* having eniered into agreement with that object, proceeded accord inel.v to negotiate for a transfer of the lease of Castle < Garden. They did not anticipate any objection on the J partot^heCommissionersol Emigration to establishing ' me landing depot at the Haltrry, and. in fact, the terms j I' ?, ,llc , Hoard. _ i BXCIPMVB PRIVIIKOKB TO RUtl.nOAIiA. The three companion i?irr^?e?l to pity the ; rent. and it return they were to onjoy the exclusive privilege ot telling passenger tickets to emigrants within the enclosure and contract lor ine conveyance Of luggage, It would seem, at Bitch rates as they might deem lit, lor It dors not appear that the Commissioners reserved to them?elvos any control over this vital matter. The companies were also to have the right ot app-uniihg empioyds, and of coarse, orrupy sll the space they thought proper tor the transaction of th ir business. This arrangement brought the Commissioners ol Emigration, in several Important respects, into a very anomalous position. Sole re it could be curried into ellect. however, it was necessary lor the'slature u> aanetion the occupation of Cattle Garden. There wns tome opposition to the transaatinn, and the services of Thurlow Wood were secured 10 put snc matter through at Albany. An act was toon | ns-ed atuhorixing the Hoard to esublish a landing depot at the B uteri. The throe railroad companies also look up their quarter* in the Vuildinp and have remained '.here ainre in the enjoyment el a rirooapoly oul ot which they mu?( havo realized million* ol dollars a aiRAi n or ram Hut the whole atory m noi yet mid. In each of the anuoal tinam' *1 reports of llio eon.mission more Is.'ii appear*, w.ih lew exceptions, among the disbursemenu Jlb.oOO reut of Castle Harden, showing that (he railroad ring had neglected or reluse'. to perlorui llieir purl of (tie orignui Agreement There n nothing whatever to shew ihai ihey ??cr paid a ceni 10 the city !or rent. These cnrporailon* nave, u i would ap|>eiir. tor over twenty year* oc uplod a large | apace lor olftcea in the garden without charge; and, ; wha! mak a in* matter worse, their urill tor i?r<- and i ire ^iti ol iocean works to the pecuniary injur) oi , the emigrant This abuse has been repeatedly ex- | posed, hut the Commissioner* arc unable or unwilling i to correct it, lor they havo never taken any action in | the premise*. 1 It most bo sodoku t from what baa bean slated that I PLEMENT. Castle Garden ?u not obtained with any view of benefiting emigrant*. but miner to tbeir detriment. Almost the role object id sotting possession of it was to firmly secure in the nrlnive rale of ticket* a railroad combination. There was eery Utile thought ol affording the strangers protection, though It must lie admitted that the depot in ua day has been Instrumental In nororapltahing tuucb good. The Commissioners are now merely tenants In arrear, and the dolies they were appointed to perform having reverted to the federal government thoy have no claim that the cllv authorities can properly recognise to maintain any longer an eyesore in one of tho most beaulitnl parks of New Yorx. BEAL ESTATE. The sales of real eatite at the Exchange Salesroom yesterday were at follows:? K. A. I-nwronce & Co. sold the house, with lot 24.4x76, on the west aid# of Second svenue, 25 feet south of Korly-Qfth street, for $15,000, to Mary 8. Trimble; also tbs house, with lot Hxftfl. 11, on ths north side or East 128th street, 248 feet east of Fourth avenue, lor fit.000, to plaintiff. ft V. Ilamott sold the house, with lease of lot WlvTI ? An Ih* n.?lk .1,1. L-... V|R. .I.Ik ...... ? ?i ?- ? - "? > V>ii feet cast of Firal avenue, leaned November 1, 1870, lor n lorm ot 10 rear* and 6 months. ground reul f 100 per year, lor $5.MK>. lo plaint ill; alao the house, with lease ol lot 20>ixf>7.2 4-3x20x98.6 3-5, on the north side ol Hast tillv sixth street, feet east of First avenue, ! ? .? dated May 1. 1870, for 10 years and 6 months, lor $0,200, to plaintifl. K. H. Lutllow ,v Co. sold a plat of land 174.10x300.11 X18&2x200x20x200, on the north side of Nnglc avenue, 7ft6 feet east of Klwood street, fort George property, lor $l.ntX), to plaintiff. William Knnnelly sold the house, with leaae of plat 5.V 7xn2x48, on the southwest corner of First avetnio and Sixtv-aecond street, lor ?8,000. to H. II. (Jnderhill; alao the houses, w'th lease ol property 40x32.0x40.6x SKI, on lhe soulli side ol Sixty-second aireei, 112 leet ureal ol First avenue, lor $4,uOo. to 1'etor Schonclt. TRsasrans. (IlirlMnphcr ?.. a ?. It. e. ol Wavrrlev place, II 8x4*0: M. <?. Broilen and Imshand to ll. 8. Hay $4,700 lf'th ?v., a. a. 100,8 ft. d. of.S4th it. Ihhxloo; Patrick tlranar and wife to John Ness 14,000 hr.iailwav. ?r. s., 1114.H ft. n. of .'toili it.. Irregular; Sarah Joint-* nud huahand to O. L, Jainra 10,0:10 Suh at., n. a . Ithl ft. h. ol 7th iv.. 2<4Kl* Kama to game 1,000 SOtb ht., *, ?..3I.ft. c. of 7th av., 16x25xirr?Kular iiiii? to game 5,000 30th ?t., t. h., iitnie propertv, I>. L. jumex to K. D. J amen 5/ft Hi Broadway, w. *., 104.H ft. n. of 30th ?t., irregular; Name to same .... 10,000 30th ?t.. it. h., 351 ft. e. of 7th itv., 24x08.9; same to ?a?i?e 1,000 Blrecker ft., n. 5.. 50 ft. w. of Wooster, 25x100; M. Knrr to F. 1*. Wandell Nom. , 2d av., w. t.. 49.41*4 It. u. of 25th st., .4x 100; M. A. Feftrgall to l'cter Albert 1,000 14-4th at.. 3 4.5 ft. o. of 3d nv., 25x100 (23d ward> ; I. Stark and wifo to K- hchnol .. % 4,050 niommngdule road. e. a., 3 lota. C. W. Sullivan ittid telle to T. Stoke*. 3,765 Gth gv.. c. .. 17.6 ft. a. of 127th at., 49.\H5; 1*. Teets and wife toJohn Galwey 5,400 54th ft., t. 120 ft. w. of lat a v., 50x100.5; M. liar! to My or Finn Nx>m. 54th at., ?nme property; M. Finn and wile to Georso '.V. FuliKim 8.0(A) 8th gt., g. 1? 0 ft. w. of av. A. 25x97.8; K. lvueiel and wife to F. J. Lam ert . 2,000 4th av., u e. corner 111th Nt., 25(>xlOO; 6. 15. McCafferty( referee) to J. H. Hloodgood 6,500 Madigon av., n e. corner 88th *t., 36.8x100.8; E. D. Gale rntrrro) toll. 1'. Dogma! ll,5(J0 Hetrent av., a. e. g 85th *>t grove, 75xlOS (24th ward) ; G. O. Bigelow (referee) to 11. Schmidt 1.875 MOKTUAOKX. Bur '.-hell. Henry J. and wifo. to II. K. Milligaa, s. a. of 52d it., e. ot Lexington av.; 5 year*. 6,000 Same to game, ?. a. ot 52d it., a. ot Lexingtou av. ;5 year a. 6.000 Begg, K. I>. and htnbniid, to John Robert*. a. o. corner 2d it v. and f?6ih ft.; 1 year 700 Beekinan, 8. F. and wife, to J. A. Wyman, n. w. corner 8th av. and 15th ft. : 2 year*...,, 2,500 Ilejrraaf. ILmry F. and wile, to M. It. VV hillock, n. e. corner Madigou av and 88th gt. : 5 yeara 8,000 Flnloy, John and wife, to A. Iselin, u. a. of 37th st.,. w. of 9th av.; 5 yearg 8.000 Friend, My or M., to M. Iiiedelbach,,n. ?. ot 32 vl st., w. ot 8tti av. ; 2 yearv 2,000 (iraner. Frederick and wife, to F. B. llegeiuan, e. a. of 10th av.. n. of 54th it.; 2 yearn. 7,000 Same to lunula J ?nhl, e. ft. of 10th av., n. of 3*4tU ft.; 1 year 3,000 tin tin* to K. B. liegeman, e. s of 10th av.. n. of 54th *t. ; 1 vear. 9,000 Lie**, liar.n* i and hnwhand, to D. Fraukavi, u. t. of Vtith lit., e. of Lexington av.; 3 yearn 2,500 Kirkland, Mary A., to A. Freutel. e. corner 12th at. aud Railroad av. (24th wnrd> ; 3 yearg 1,500 Keyger, John and wife to Thome* K. Lyde (execntor) 231 Bowery; also u. w. corner 3d av. and 42d st. ; 1 year 1,500 Nee*, John, to F. i*ranor, e. g. of 10th av., w.of 54th ftt.. 1 year 1,000 O'Neill. AmbroM' and wile, to 8. Herman, w. ft. of Molt nt. (Noi. 133. 135 and 137) : 1 v? ar 8.000 Sams, to Walter II. Hcebe. 133 Molt M.; 4 ream 12,000 Tucker, l>. J. and wile, to C. II. Livingston, No. 5 Knit 4!>th ?t. ; 3 yenri 8.500 Zollinger, William, to J. E. t.limai, w. n. of 6th nr. *. ol 18th at 2.250 ,THE JAMAICA JUSTICES. Judge Beach wai yesterday engaged again al the Town Hall, Jamaica, as referee to tnk? testimony In the case ot the Jamaica Justices charged with malfeasance In ottlre. The evidence lor the prosecution in the case of both Bennett and I.olt being all in, as well as Justice Lott's, II only remained to hear the defensive evidence for Justice Bennett, lor whom Genoral Crooke appeared as counsel. The Aral witness sworn was James Huesttug, whose evidence was chiefly remarkable lor the great number of incts winch escaped Ins memory, Ills rejoinder to ir.iAt questions being "I do not recollect." James Wiley testified ss to tbo charges mode by Dobson nnd Jaue Dick, asserting that the mistake tn these cases arose from grouping the chargos against Dick and Dobson Improperly. Witness made the chnrges IbruughouUroin bla head, except Hi such as he did not enow what tbo legsl charges werot A. Delmar Johnson's evidenco relative to the Dick an I Dobson case was favorable lo Justice Bennett, as was also thai of Edward 1'eitcrsen. The ev'dence of the other witnesses was in the same direction. BROOKLYN BRIDGE WIRE. Yesterday forenoon the first section of the chrome steel wire rope, which is to he stretched across tho I river In a few days, was hauled from the yard on the 1 Brooklyn side up to tho top of the tower. The rope, : which is three-quartets of an loch In diameter, Is 3,660 | leet long. From the lop of the tower ibe end wua i lowered lo the base on the river Ironl. In the after- ! noon another and similar cable was placed over tho j iiiwur. i in- rum m mr wirv rupu win oe uucurro Io me anchorage to-day. When these working ropes are In position. and (Irmly stretched from tower to tower, the temporary cable* (or the foot bridge and the "cradle*" will lie arranged lor tho workmen. ST. CATHAitINE'8 HOSPITAL. Yeeter.lay morning the now charity hospital ot Si Catharine, In Williamsburg, waa formally coDeerrated and dedicated to the cause of charity by Itlght Iter. John I, "ughlin, Roman Catholic Bishop of Brooklyn. The hospital is a magnificent structure, of Philadelphia brick and Dornhester stone, occupying the block bonnded by Husbwick avenue, Maujcr and Ten Kyck streets, with a frontage of 'J00 leet and a depth ot fifty feet, with dntlving wing and balcoay extending on each floor to the oud* of ihe wing, so that in larorahle weather erery patient can obtain fresh air. The Institution has been erected by the parish of Holy Trinity, under charge of father Michael May. and will be under tho charge of tho Sisters of St. Dominic. AID TO BROOKLYN POOR. At a meeting of the Supply Committee of the Kings j county Supervisors yesierday tho mode of distributing ' relief (o the poor was discussed, and various suggestions offered, including the one to distribute through the Brooklyn i'oor Association, which President Morns, of the Hoard of Charities, explained had saved the conuty $10,000 stone in bis district bv uniting offaOO unworthy receivers of relief. No derision was arrived at, the committee adjourning for further discussion on lbs lllili tnsl IDENTIFIED. The whbis found drowned off Tompklnsvillo on i Thursday bus been Identified?? Mrs Adeone Anderson, | aged forty-seven, who lelt her home In Thirty-tlfth street. New York, on Tuesday evening, stating that she i was going to a druggist's to purchase medicine. Tho | deceased, It appears, was forewoman in Pott h Porter's i haircloth works, in Korty-llltb si reel, in which she j and her husband had been engnged lor twenty years, | always going to work in the morning and returning 1 home at night together The husband died In May las', and Mrs Anderson had erer since been down hearted. There appears to be little doubt that she committed suicide NEW COURT HOUSE IN JERSEY. The noard of Chosen freeholders. In Jersey City, adopted a resolution yesterday sfiernoon to purchase a portion of the Harrison estate, at the corner of New ark and Pal:?ade avenues for toe erertinn of a countr Court Hunan. Tin* in an exeunt alte, overlooking Ihu bay and harnor and commanding a due view i?f ; Jeiaay Citv and New York. The preaent Court House ih the county, having been iwrlce presented by llio i;rand Jury on account or it* poor acconuiindationa (or the grand Jtirorn and ronntv ortlccrs. THE I'.IVEH'S DEAD. The body ot an unknown man, about Bfty yoara o! ago, was tound off Kort Hamilton ye?terdaj morning by officer, ol llio police boat Seneca. Deceased wan about nvr iret eight Inchea high, hail light complexion. tiald bead and wore black pa ma and veal, with a large patch on the hack, auil coarse Pool*, The body n aent to the Morgue and the Coroner was uolified. DOUBLY WUONUED. Mr. William Stirling, who was arresle I a week ago j on a charge ol larceny, and taken to Troy, wm arraignrd lie lore Justice Donuhuo, ol that city, and waa 1 nonorabiv acquitted. Inanmd of being a thief It a;>- ! pear* that he waa robbed. ?a well aa Ihe other viciun, and lost both time and money through the mistuke of thoec who fastened upon him the charge, which apoaaaad in aaiand af Iba nnwauanarx. ROTTEN TELEGRAPH POLES. 4 THOUSANDS OF THEM IN TUB CITT?OOBONEB'B INQUEST IV THE CASE OF MRS. X'omitH. Coroner Rlekhofl held an Inquest yesterday morning In the case of Mrs. Anna MoCuire, aged loriy liee, of Na 3 Iieetcr street, who was killed on the 34 Inst, by the tailing ot a telegraph pole en the sooth west corner of Grand and Suffolk streeia Alter a great deal of leatlmonv had bean taken the case was adjourned t# this morning al eleven o'clock. Kvcry one seenvd reluctant to claim ownership ot the rotten telegraph pole, and tbla point war not clearly nettled when the caae was adjourned. The following la the teatimony:? Amos Whitney, boing sworn, Mid:?I live at No. 3H6 Madison street nnd do business at No. 3l<0Grand street; ou the morning in question I was standing In the front of iny store slid saw the telegraph pole, corner of Suffolk md Grand streets, slowly falling; as It tell It struck a lady on the southwest corner of Suffolk and Grand streets; I did not see the pole when It slarlod, but only saw n wbeu ll was going; wheu Ibo lady was struck she fell over; 1 Hurled to go to Iter, but before I got there several persons wore belore me; 1 noticed tbe lady was dead; two children who were with her wero also knocked down; I know nothing as to the ownership of the polo that Tell; I did not notice eny person near the pole at the time it fell; 1 noticed a wire on tbe ground, bin cannot say whether it was a continuous line or not. Jnincs Crowley, being sworn, said:?I am the Superinieudeut of the Police Telegraph; tbe pole that fell on tbu corner ol Suffolk and Grand streets did not belong to the Police telegraph line; I do not know which company the pole belonged to; 1 took tbe responsibility ol culling down lour poles that were decayed at the oase in i.r>nd street; tnu polos wero reported ns uiisme before the accident occurrod; the poles would have been cut do* d titmice il' they belonged to the I'ollco line; the Hoard of Health ha* power to remove anything that is dangerous to life 111 the streets, and, our opluion. It la the duty of the Board ol Houllh lo remove anything that n'as dangerous us the poles ta the same decay oil condition; there are a number of poles in tho Bowery on the west side, Irnin Fourth street to Canal struct, and also lu spring street, belweeu the Bowery and Broadway, which are in a dangerous condition and which ought to bo removed. The following report, marked "Kxbibit A," was lhe? road lo the jury:? Folic* Dki-aktxkkt or the City or Nkw Toua, i No. 3l)i Mulberry Street, / New Voiik, Anguat lo. 1870. ) Ueobok W. Walling, Superintendent of Police:? Sin?The old decayed poles now sianding and held up by pieces of rusty, worn out wire, located on the west side of the Bowery. from Fourth street to Canal; Kprini^street. Iron Bowery to Broadway; Division street, from Catherine te Clinton street, and Ninth avenue, trom Thirty-fourth to Thirty-fifth street, nre all liable to fall at any moment should the wirj heroine dolnchod. as in the caao of the fatal liole in tirand street. It la probable that tho wire was loosened by hoys entangling their kites In it. Another pale on Fourth nvenne, opposite Tompkiua a arset, fell on Monday last, and several of tho poles above mentioned are so rotten that they may camo down at auy time. Theie seotna to be no owner lor these polos, though alter the erection of the new Fire Telegraph line by .nr. Chtrlrs T. Chester, ho . was understood lo be the owner of all the old Fire telegraph stock. Several poles in the vicinity of the one which fell in tirand street were removed by me. with the aid of the police, shortly after the accident occurred, they beiug in a very dangerous condition. 1 w .utJ respectfully call your attention to the urgent need ol the removal of all the poles above mentioned, it should he ilunu immediately hi order to avoid serious consequences. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JA*|KS URuWLfcY, Superintendent Police Telegraph. John n. Emerlck-boing sworn, said:?1 am Superintendent of the Flreft'elcgraph lino; the pole llmt tell on the corner of Suffolk and Grand streets did uot, lo the best of my knowledge, belong lo the Fire Telegraph line; 1 din not aware that there are any doeayed telegraph poles on the west side ol the Howery belonging lo the Fire Department ; there are no poles on the wosl side ot the Howery in a decayed condition; I think the old posts reverted to the contractor on the city ucecptlng the new system. David H. llaies.'being sworn, said:?I am Superintendent ol the Atlantic mid l'actilo and Franklin Telegraph companie-; the pole that loll on tho corner ol Grand and r-uflblk streets did not belong to the Atlantic and l'uciilc or Franklin telegraph company; 1 saw ' the pole this morning and examined it; 1 cannot say who owns tlio pole; wo have no office nearer that place than Kultou Market on one side and Tenth street on the other; wo have no lino running in Grand or Suffolk street. Ann Snaugbncssy, being sworn, said:?I lire at Na 82 Essex street; 1 kept a fruit stand corner of Grand and &uiluik streets, just by the pole that fell; 1 was ouly a lew leet Irom tho pole; deceased came down Suffolk street and spoke lo mo; she was going lo the dispensary lor inedtcino; while 1 was waiting on customer 1 heard a noise and saw tho pole giving way] It tell and I saw deceased lying on the sidewalk will) her head in the gutter; the cross piece was against hei head; tho wires pulled a brick otT Mr. Hoddeu's chimney and the wires also cumo around my leel; I bars noticed that the pole was rotten at the bottom; I told ray husband it was rotten and would (all; 1 saw it settling lor about three days before it lell, and It leaned against another pole that was standing near It. J allien Cunningham, being sworn, suid:?I lira at Not 62 Lewis street; on last Thursday morning I was standing on the southeast corner of Suffolk and Grand streets; looking up, 1 saw the telegraph pole falling; an old lady and two or three children were on the southwest corner, about to step up on tho curb; lbs old lady and oue child were kuockod down; I lilted the child up and found it had been cut about tho nos< and was blevditig; the old lady was dead when picked tip; she was taken away on a stretcher by the police] for a week or ten days before the pole fell 1 noticed If leaning against the wire attached to another pole which stood near tu James Smith, being sworn, said:?I mm nn officer ol the Dolice attached to tho Thirteenth Drocinct: 1 ez nmmed the pole that fell about a week previous to ths day It fell; 1 ordered the mau on post to report Its coo* dtiioc, und ho did so; the reports are made to the Superintendent of 1'olien. Superintendent Wuiling said that all reports coming to the Central Office concerning anything dangerous Id life or limb wero immediately referred to the Hoard at Health as the proper authorities to act In such matters. Tim CONDITION OK TDKBK POLKS. Wishing to ascertain whether the telegraph polos on the west side of the Howery were in as Irighiful a condition as represented, a Hekald reporter look a walk on that side o( the street Irom Fourth to Cunsl street yesterday afternoon. He touud In that distanoo twenty* six poles, all ol them deserving la be condemned, although perhaps not one-third being immediately dangerous to life. Tbo following are the results of his investigations:? t>evon of these poles, viz., those opposite Nor, 381, 206. 284. 268, 106, 112 and A3 are in pretiy fair condition. Tlicro are but few worm holes and very tew ol tbem are split. The more dangerous ones, those that are wormoalcn nnd worn away at the base, arc to be found opposite * Nos. 344, 320, 306, 272. 218, 178, 188, 166. 136. 100 aud 34. Many ol these poles resemble very closely the logs of a bearer's dam, being enten aw-ny around the base In a very lantastlc manner. The polo opposite No 218 is one of the best specimens ol this kind. The next class of poles are those that are literally crumbling away, and a smart kick will dislodge from them a mass of yellowish roltcu wood. These potet arc opposite Nos. 332. 328, 124, '230 and DO. There are two poles on the lino that, besides being lit tie rotten, are leaning. One oppodto No. 243 leans one or two degrees out of the perpendicular toward the street. Another ai No. 188, on tho cornor of Spring street, leans at least seven degrees out of the perpendicular,, ana right over the sidewalk, besides being a little rolten. This sums up twenty-live poles, one opposite No. 208 rem* enclosed by a triangular signboard, making II Impossible to discover its condition. I he polo opposite No. l'J4. on the corner of Grand street, is tlie worst o; all. The entire base of the poll is o.v i ll away, and only about one-tbird of the clrculai / rind remains, a piece about a quarer of an inch tbick and seven inches around the segment. This segment, by the way, is turned toward the sidewalk, so that n? one who did not. examine the pole carefully would imagine that it la so eateu away. Were It not for thl wires supporting it Una pole would long ago havt fallen. Another pteoo of negligence wa* man I rest at Not 17a. Here there were two poles lor an awning, roiv nected by an iron rod. The southernmost ot these poles is entirely eaten away, and does not touch th' ground at all, being supported by the iron rod front tbt other pole. In Spring atreet, from tho Rowcry to Rroadway. there are seven poles in little better condition thai tboss on the Bowery The new firo telegraph pole at the Coroners' building on the corner ol Houston and Mulberry streets, Is coo* meucing to rot, and leans a little over the street. NEW JEltKEY'S INSANE. At the Court House in Ni wark yesterday the Essex County Hoard of Freeholders held their quarterly meeting. A matter of considerable local importance was brought forward in connection with the Insane of the county and elate In response to e letter Iron the Hoard, Mr. Samuel Tilly, secretary ol the lnsan* Asylum at Morris I'laius, wrote saying thai the Plan l egislature bad fixed the price ot keeping any pcrsos I | wicre ai to ou j?f*r *FCfc, rAoiumve ui ciowung. A committee ol tho Hoard?Mesar* K. I). Rontons, ft S. Smith, William Cadmus, rt. Rally, K. Abrena and ft. H. Unrnetl?made n report setting forth thai the anions! *as grossly extravagant?twh aa much a* llie keeping of the inaaiie tn Kasex county cosla They conclude 1>y saying. "tUat hy experience in our county Institution, and second. by the admission* of llie Hoard o! Managers ol the Trenton Asylms, made to the Joint Committee of the Legislature, that our insane in lbs Stall- institution are costing its too much money Tin cost is beyond chanty, it Is a wilful aaaio. and haa s tendency io corrupt by crnafing ac indulgence Inod. " The report was adopted, an I a resolution pissed callmc for greater prudence and economy. It was reported that there were $T7,000 odd uncollected taxes, SHE LOS'l HER TRUNK. Miss Agnes X Roberts, of Hartford, Conn., arrived here from I'hilndclphia on Monday night. While crossing the Resbrosses street ferry from Jersey City her pocket was picked ol her purse, containing a baggage check lor hor trunk, containing property valued at f.Mu When she called (or her trunk, on Wednesday, the baggage master informed her It had been takes away. 1 be case was placed In the hands of Detectlvi Slovin. a ho ascertained that a hack named .yrui Lawrence, of No. * ? downing sire t, had taken the trunk irom the depot. <in - lug arrested lata rence said ho had been employe I br a stout woman I fCONTINUED ON NINTH FAGii.1