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I1 ; SHE LOST HER TRUNK. [CONTINUED FKOM EIGHTH PAGE.] to carry the truck from the depot to the corner of West Third street au<l South Fifth i aveuue. The detective then learned that two nied had been seen currying a eiuitlar looking trunk Into house No. 47 West Third street. On searching the housu Detecttvo Sle\ in found the trunk owned by Miss Roberts iu the room occupied by a woman nutned Mary Mitche), who, on being arraigned bolore Justice Stuilb, at the Washington l'laco Court, yesterday, was held lor trial. HIIL UD I The Stock Dull ij ? GOLD ST&I^^^Klll 1-2. TncaJ^^^^Bt 10?u p. Broken laboring to-duy /wit" reiqied a reward too meagre o|llicr^^^^ftl4 the houaahold goda of tbo one or make lUe tbo other. It has been the sleepiest day ot^^^Hak and (be freest from variations. Tbo great have held their peaco, and tbo little onoa, fa^^Hbe war cry of a leader, have roared aa gentlf as-^^Blug do von. Consequently what activity did cxia^H limited to two or throe stocks only. Michigan Central, aa for aoino^Rra past, received a prominent share of attention, to-day tbo engine was reversed and speculation took tho back track, with little resistance from tbo brakes up to tbo very ind. Thoro U talk of a touch of funic faith in reference to the published enrniugs for the lust week in July, coupled with tho atateincnt that no otllcml return of business bas been made by tho compauy to the authorities of the Stock Exchange. A doubt, nt least. bus been rrnnt.'H nnd It allowed itaelf in it decline in i tho prico of from 43',' to 42, with ouly a shade butter bidding at the end. Of ibo miscellaneous stocks a few hundred shares of Pacific Kail and a few thousand of Western Union wero dealt in at figures that woru limited to a half per cent variation, so sculps woro scarce and scalpers (loiected. Kven the coal stocks failed to draw a full bouse, tho star performers keeping out of tho way and leaving the show to the mercies of tho stock company. Iftit these latter gentry, who bnven't a soul or capacity ubcw eights or quarters, uro chary of touching such toon uriul properties, except at the instance of a leader, and lousrquently per cent marked tho ups and ui.wtis .11 quotation and a lew thousands of shares the amount ot transactions. l.ako Shore, as usual, was the polo star of tho market, and resembled that lunury lrom Its fixed steadiness in the speculative sky. Although the party holding it must sometimes expcrlonco the heart sickucss which results from a hopo deferred, there is ouly a Hobsou's choice in tho rnattor, to wail for a general improvement in ratiroud matters and a market strong enough to sell on. If the railroads moan to live up to ?thoir contracts (made at present low prices) to cover mouths ahead, it would appear that a return to old rates would be inoro apparent than real in the light of an importuut addition to their exchequor. The lassitude of the slrure market was retlectod In the board room In tho limited amount of deulings, though prices as a rule remained Arm. Governments were olT a shade, in sympathy with the decline In gold and the suio of the Geneva award bonds | fixed for Saturday next. Taken altogether, it bus been a ragged shirt day, all play and no work to most of tho members, who, though deep iu tho Slough of Despond Just now, foresee a brilliant business In September, bright as tho leaves of Autumn tiik hl'binsfts ok ykstkhiuv. ... thn L'..h. .... I less active than on Wednesday. At tko opening prices advanced to >, per cent in soino instances, but this was followed by a decline of >4 to 1 per cent. Alter midday a firmer feeling set in and Ibe decllue was partially recovered. The principal activity has been in Michigan Central, tho coul roads, I. ke Shore, Western Union and St. Paul. Michigan Central rose from 42?4 .?> 48V, and later fell off to 42 V Delaware, fatckawanna and Western advanced Irom 06 to UO.V rcucted to 95 and rose to 05 V Now Jersey Central, after ris tag front 62 to 62 )a, tell oil to 61 v I.ake Shore opened I 4 64?,, advanced to 64', and subsequently sold down ; 11 64V. Western Union ranged between 11 and 71V I f l. l'aul coniinou declined front 37?, to 30 Ja, and the preferred irom GSM, to ?.0'u? l?ut the former afterward I rose to 37 and the latter 6i?V Delaware and Hudson ! Canal was quiet at 05V a 06. lio k Island declined from 100'4 io 10.','V and railiied to 106. 1'aciflc Mull was quiet ut24.'a a 24V Tho changes In tin; haluuco jl the list were s ight. At tho second call tho market aas null. advance and decline. Tho following are I lie changes in closing prices compared with those ol Wednesday:? Advance. ? Delaware and l.uckuwnnna, V ; Eric, , II arli til. V; Illinois Central. ; New Jersey Central, l ; l'roduee ami l'otroloum, ; Union l'aclOc. V Hkouni ?Atiuntic and Pacilic ltutlroad, '? ; Lake Stiore, Michigan Central, V ; Missouri l'ucitlc, '4 ; Noilhwtst, ; Not Ihwesi prsieirea, '4 ; tihiu utid Misnssippl, *.|; l'sclltc Mull, ; ltock Island, ; s>l? f'aul, V : Western l*uion, ; Cold, '4. The rest oi tho tuifrket was unchanged. STATE UONIlS. In Slate bonds this af.ernoon Louisiana consols told ' at .76) District of Columbia 3.06's advanced to 72Vi ?'-d j alturwurd reacted to 71 ' UOVKIINVKNT BONOS. Government l>on<la clOMtl quiet at tbe following quotations:?United States currency fixer, 12B', a 12J)s; do. do., 1881. registered, 113', a 11# *4; do. do., do., coupon, 120a 120;,; do. do., lsilj, registered, , a 110',; da do., do., coupon, lllij a lid',; da do., do,, uetv. registered, 117\all7>, ; do. do, do., \ eoupon, 117,', a U7'j ; do. do., 1807, registered, lid , 1 a 110>4; do. do., do., coupon, 110,', a 111", ; do. do., j 1808, registered, 121 a 122; do. do., da, coupon. ! 121 a 122; do. tan-forties, registered, 116\ a 110'. ; da do., coupon, 1 IS J, u IIP', ; do. fives, IsSl, registered, 110?4 a 117; da da, do., ooapon, 110^ a 117. KSILROAO 1ION IIS. Railroad bonds were quiet auil firm in tlia lato after ' noon dealings. Chicago, Uurlitiglou and Quincy rights ' lold at lU.'a, Union Pacific firsts at lo:>',, Northwest I consolidated gold cou|>on* at Ml, and Michigan Contrat tevenaatlCl. Lehigh and WilkesOurrc consolidated tdrauced to 80, fell oir to 85 and finally recovered to 15',. In tho attcruoon railroad bonds were stroug and in good demand. Michigan Central sevens rose to 101. Milwaukee aud St. Paul consolidated unking funds lold as high as Oil,. Northwest consul'dated gold cou. pons were Driu at till', end I'uion Purities at lu5 lor firsts and 95 lor sink nig lunds. New Jersey Central Consolidated firsts rose lo Jul, and Chicago, llurlingtun nd Qulnrv consolidated sevens to 111. .Vales of South Pacific of Missouri were made at till', a 70, against 07,', on Tuesday. Til S XO.NkY II AUK kr. Money closod easy at 1 j, s 2 per cent on cull. 1'oretgu exchange loll olT quiet at about 4.87 t 4 87 lor bankers'sixty days starling and 4.83 a 4.83)4 ,ur demand. The supply of commercial bills Is small, bat lbs ds and la also VOrV llullt. Till UOLO UAKKXT. Gold was weak in the afternoon, and declined from 111,1* lo lU>k on 1,10 expected sale hi the near future of the gold lo bo received by tbo Treasury lor Ibo Geneva award bauds advertised lor tale on Saturday next. Tbo carrying ratee were 1 and S per cent, l.ouus wore ulau made llui. (.LIARIXO HOCKK aTATIMK.VT. Currency cxebungea f 4'i,'.''l4.fi84 Cutriltcy ba unices 9,494,9:10 Gold exchanges. 7,?gi'J,177 Gold baiuticii Oii.ddd Bank siiakiis. Dunk shares sold at Ci tor Contineutai and 89;, lor Fourth National. roiiRiuN kxciiamo a. ' Foreign exchango la dull aud weak at 4.87 a 4 87 ?, for bankers' sixty days sterling and 4.89a4.89>? lor demand. Tbo nominal quotations were as follows:? Sterling:? Sixty days'sight 4.17 a 4.IS Demand 4.89 n 4 !K? Cable transfer* 4.90 n 4.90)4 Commercial 4.85 a4.8o>? Faria:? i Sixty days' ngbt 6.17 *? a 5.11)'4 Demand 6.141, a 5. 13 J, Cable traneiere 5.111, a 6 lu?, ComiuerctaJ 6. ga? a 6.90 NEW YOB Rrlebmarkt:? Sixty duyft' sight 94\' ft .96 Ik-munU .?6ti a .90 Cable transient 90', ft .90S' Commercial 94 a .04S llank or England rate Of discount was yesterday unchanged, tbo rata being - per cent. Cousols, at the cloaa of the latndon market, money and account, 90 0-101 Specie Increased in the Bank of Kugland ttio past week ?2411,000. two nnuarea anu sevenywue thousand pounds bullion worn into the Bank of Eugland on balanco to-day. Proportion of Hank ol England's rcstrvo to Uablllties, 68 Ji. aguinst 5"but week. Tbo closing prices were us tvilows:? Consols lor money, 964, a WJ-,; cousols for. account. IHSy, a 064, ; five-twenty bonds of 186A, old, 106', a 106V; five-twenty bonds of 1867, ltrj \ ; ton forty bonds, 109; now fives, loo\ a 106** ; Erie common shares, 121, a lit),; ?rle preferred shares, 194;. Bpccio in the Bank of France decreased 908,000 francs the past w eek. TIIK STOCK TRICES. The following table shows the prloes offered end asked:? closing pricbo?8 r. n. Psti?.< V.I' ... a4w a M'i kilAMppf I B*.!/; Western L'nion 7t a 7li? C.C.Cl I . 3-?; a ?<? A> lilt in,. t7*d h IB C.CA 1C .. . 34* * 4'* Quicksilver ... II a 14 Url.LeW ... 9as; u ? ? vu.c.?.rt?i pi. 14- a 18? Krie IS*. a ISMJ V?r 1.UI..IA M 7 It 84. II au A St .lo .. H>? * If1* ULtMlnol.. H a t?C lian A St Jo [>l 11", a 21 112 a 113 Lake Shore .... 64 a - -11 ? Auier Ex btlQ a ?H Midi Central.. 42W u 4'."4 t .' hxpreaa .. to1, .. 074* N \ 1 liar 137 a HO V e Is-KartoK 84 a 84'., N \ If A II II list a lOH'a Chick Allnu .. lotu 1H|>? N .1 Con ...... ?IV a 02 t' lev ,. I'itt. .. 16 a I'.M, Oliiu A Miss.. 13 u 13*4 Chi A N W 3-"', a M*4, I'unnma ... 126 a lSh i hie a VV p' iv 4k ? HJ?, Tul A Wab J a 24,' Cl II A It 1 lOf.Tj i lis; t liliui I'uoith*.. on I ? VIIA nr... . 30V " :?>' * VI..,.,lr i Pac B'4 a 7), MINING SHAKES. The following aro the prices of the promlneut gold and silver mimug shares, including the opeulug prltos of to-day, ss received by telegraph:? Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. i. o. v. ami. vrtun^w. Alpha 43 42 44 48 Advanced 6 Belcher. 20 i8 '-'0 140 ? Best A belcher. 48 48 48 48 ? Caledonia. 10 10 9 10 ? California. 00 00 02 03 Declined 1 Chollur 1'oiosi 03 05 04 92 Declined 1 Cou. Virginia. 53 60 60 60 Declined IS Crown Point 14 13 13 13 Declined 3 Kureka Con..........., 13 13 13 13 ? Gould A Curry 10 17 17 10 ? Halo A Nor crow..;.., 11 13 11 11 ? Imperial 5 6 5 0 Advanced 1 justice 35 36 34 34 Declined 1 Kcnluck 13 13 13 13 Declined 1 Mexican 35 35 34 35 ? Oplnr 53 63 63 63 I) 'dined 1 Overman 61 70 79 60 Declined 1 Raymond A Klv 8 9 0 0 Advanced 1 nnvugr 30 33 ,21 20 ? Sierra Nevada 18 10 16 15 Declined 3 Silver Hill 8 9 0 0 Advanced 1 Union Consul 15 15 15 14 Declined 1 Yellow Jucket 32 32 31 33 ? The following are the doling otllcial prices of mining stocks at San Praucisco to-day:? Consolidated Virginia 60 Crown Point 12 Caliloruia 01 Yellow Jacket 31V,' Segregated Dolcher.. SO Alpha 40 Oplnr 62X llelcher 20,V? Chollar 03 Conlldonco 17>4 Savage 30 Sierra Nevada lo?4 Consolidated Imperial 6 kxrbe<|ucr 17yt Mexican 34Overman 80,'^ Gould A Curry 16?,' Justice 24 Dest A rietobrr. 40 '4 Caledonia. 0 Hale A Norcros*..... ltJ;,4 MKMOKAXDA. hcceipls or produco, Ac., from August 1 to August 7, 1875 mid 1876, six business days:?Wheat (1376), 312,000 bushels; wheat (1876), 04,197 bushels; decrease, 347.003 bushels. Corn (1816). 720,048 bushels; corn (1879), 1,(8)8,954 bushels; increase, 350,200 bushels. Oats (1S75), 50,720 bushels; oats (1870), 173,763 bushels; increase, 123,263 bushels, ltye (1875), 6,do." bushels; rye (1876), 16,776 bushels; increase, 8.771 ' bushels, llarlev (1876i. 7.700 bushels: burlev ilSTOi. 9,609 bushels; increase, 1.909 bushels. Totals (1870), 1,109,099 bushels, 1876, 1,351.070 bushels. Net ill' crease, 1S76, 244,980 bushels. Flour (1875), 99,003 bbls. ; flour (1870), 38,043 bbls.; decrease, 1,320 bids. Hogs (1875), 44,054; hogs (1876), 49,839; increase, 1870, 5,785 bogs The American liming Hoard held Its first meeting foi the election of ofllcurs at room No. 05, Drexol building, nt two P. M. to-day. I,. P. Payne was appointed chairman and H. J. Hubbard secretary. The (ollowitijj ticket was elected:?President, William Word; Firsl Vice President, Lawrence P Bavno; Treasurer, Daniel butter Held; Secretary, II. J. Hubbard; Assistant Sec rotary, Walworth Ward; Chairman of Arbitration Cora| uulteo, William 11. burgoyuo; Executive Committee, i Galinol Nctter, Francis B. Korster, John F. Scott, George 1*. Townsend, Daniel Butterfleld, Joseph T. Tbotnpsou .and Andrew L. Tbompsou; Finance Coin niittee, JohnT. Daly, L. P. Uuyno, William Bruudretb, N. P. Hondersou and U. J. Hubbard; Membership Cuminlttee, Calixto Harvler. Waiter Bowne, Jr., Jumos Campbell, Joseph T. Rook, Samuel S. Rutsky, Henry Pohly and Francis H. Fogg. The steamship Servlu. which sailed for Kuropo yesterday, took out $200,000, of which f ISO,GOO Is silver bars ana the remainder gold bars. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES Tui'rsuat, August 10, 1874 RKKOKK CALL?10 A M. {jiyvi Pn Pa-sink f... 95 90:1 slit LM A M A ML .rti KUI :>ci iivau.. . >?% >.' uu ltl du ,.C 95', ISO <iu 54', Hii Will I Tel Jl'j 203 du ?1 5? , II k i do >'l 71 ItlO (In 4 i 1 xi I'ne Mail lis 43; du ...?3 -'id',' KXI do 24', 2 O rill Ii!? 34'.i JUO S'J ? en lilt .. . OJ lilt rill c 34', 2U' Co ?3 <>2', 100 Mil * SIT MR.. 7. ^ii du ' I '1 "u .... ?3 3.',' 2 i' Mlcli i au lilt. 4 I" du ? < 3 ', JlH) rio 4'J ? I" do o 37', :??) do 43 -Ml do . \.T, 1(11 ail C 43'; .VI I Mil A Kt I* RR pf.. 11", li O do 4? |i 10 do. ... 00', 7i?) do 4!'< 3h ?3 no', 1KI do 42', 1 ii CUi A N W Kit pf. 12', 3D rio 42'. 10 N Y, X II .k II 1(11. 131 1(H) do C 42', 111 ' i Mi... at blxxltlt..c 13', 4DI 424, I'M Dal. 1. Jt W Kit . I>5 25 do 4 . 102 do !>.V; rim do 4-'*, 1 ?l do ll o > 600 Chi 4 It 1 RR 1'd'i *>? rio 0512 5 do 106), I'D do 05 J, I'D L .3 o Ms lilt... 41, 2U0 do a 03', 200 do *3 54J, M?:li W'l 11:11 \. 11. ftioont'S'.Vr. "ft!.... lio1; tnoojUS 5-30.c.'?7.. li:>w luDU i>UVu Ml... 12? .', Hx>XI do 1 In*, KRXXi rio !.!?', lOUll I'Hii'i, cur. I2H', loixxi L'ri -'.M.c.'iS.n. H'4i 3UOJ do be 126, IOOUO l? 3'a.r, 117 Kinsr 'lout'.i?k. m. $s5(? MuCol 3.?5 i>.... 71', 1100 sin Mich 0 llU.bc 43 JOll'ill. I'.tyc II. Ill 211 ou 424, 2000 3 .. o'oo l"i. cou .01 I") do e 43 lix. I. .1 \| II lull. -5 3" wo 4 20U0JH S I' ton ? C. ?l?, 13 0 rio 42'. 1 Ki rio . . .be 01 KOI do 42', miij 811' lit.i'AXl be W, 3"o do 42', 1WUO M A R 7 a. *71. i"o do .. 4.', Son Mnr A Ka'.'d Ki7 I'm do (I 42', HmoC 1' k A>h new., lim I"" no ... 42', 71*3" .Mich l.'en To. . llll 2 <1 do 42', 2UOU > or ill JUo 1st... 11 3" do 42 , |:mi>Olilo.t MIm roil 02', KXI do ?5 42 3' xi i .-li I ? *.1.1 t... I'd", ;.o I do >3 42 lOXl Pac of Mo2ri... Hft KD do ... ... :i.iim I' br.. 04',' KM N J len UK. .bo ? >', KXXI t'P Ut.l'f'l br.. 02', 100 rio ?D ID 3D D I n I've KK l,t.. 1"5 l''l do o *12 Ox.1 . . i hi x In no. .. 05 11' > rio ............ 62 1IXXXI bo Paobdiol Mo 61"; I'D it.. .C 1 >, rixxxi rio w.i', ;;l" do 61', |i?m do 7(1 1 O Chi A. it I... .lie.J I K 3?m do 0y>? 250 do iMri, mis: I..V I It M... 1ii| KM o l'X> 3.XXI T * W lid, Sll.ri 66 KO rio ... bJ I'M Ctnlral Pac l?l. San 2<D do 105', .luai|iun br. In 2CM do c l"5J, jroti rdaj llxl 25 rio 10.', xlionld bav? 15 d I'll been Km Mil A Kt P UU.b a >6'; 300' 9 I'd 2D on .. .. Ki xlix I'nnlliieiil Bk.. 67 2 m do 3"*, 22. t'ourlli Sal Ilk 6", Km rio 3H , I ii |i?i ,v II 05', 4im MilJtSlP UK pfb.c 61", H do ?ki'; MA} .In ail 65', Km ?K> 96 l?m do <l", KXi P C 1. Jt PCo be II.*; 15 0 no (?", i . ......... i.. i... 11 i 1 11 .1.. i.'l (VI V\ oat In*3 71 "HI Uu ... bJ Wl'4 4im du <1 ami du lAU., dm ?lo Ilt^ aim do OU\, :??) do 71 X V. X II .V II KB |Aa', IdJ I'M tinli Ml,, cs -tl< 10 du ... ...Iio lot Ml do 24C I' ll Dot 1. .? VV Ko.bc 1110 iiii 31', I?i do ?3 0?'.i 4Hi do 9 i '4 3 m do ttijJ Id Krir Kit bo id', |o. do .. ?? I'm do I 'i oOlhl. H X V UK be ll'.l'r ;?ml, S I V > IlUurn.1 .4 . ti n lion A ol Jo bee 1> ITnj do 51',' I'D) All u t'mp... bo 2 IU oo b'i .>4', nil do . ... 2', .711 do k3 M'c 2" I do 2 I'm o? ...5 :>? In i I'bo Kit of Mo be 7 4'i | do Mi, jti do i )2 lur.KW m'KKifl 1<W JUUOhio* ,'d It), B/FOIU. b.VLIi?l i:31 1'. >1. $IU> O L? Con Mil .... 53 30 ? nbn I.-A M i KB. . 54Jtf 2<Ui t A W ilcea... "id I'm do 5? r 4(M1 do H5 2l?J N J Cm Kit. c tll)4 MMI uu ? ', aim Chi 4 K I UK. . lim &i? uCI.lMc a 2 b.l?3 >i aim m u m 1'Kit iii .il dU'4 1'OUII X J ' ou con*. V3), Jl'ni do..., .bJ id', ! irt i' i n I'.ii- illl Int.. It''! no b.? 0.1), 72 ?lin 11.1 II Coo 90 2<m do It ii ll ml I la tot .. 71 L, t'AI do 0.1 s, 2im do c 71', .01 d.i . b li Am du bJ 71ao i do ?i 4 m il.i 71', ll?W do CO', I0J do .. 3 71', d ' l uu. O.'t I"''1, loo I'm . oil ss ha 1.4'., mm do >:t amiMlcU Ctn BK...?a *' <? dim uo im?, dm Jo 4d 4 100 Mil * St P RB. c a] .vm du. 4a.J, am do . ... a7 1111 no .?a ll" Del, I. A Willi.. Uu', 7'1J do 4.', 'Al! do U.J?4 .1 U do 42-, aim do e tl'i, SUtl do 4'J'n 'OKI do e Kil4 KJO uu nS 4-)4 IOI do IXV4 ami do *a'4 mm do e Uu.i, - y. m. f5UU US 5-SO. 4, '#6.1 117X :K HERALD, FRIDAY, AUI SKCOXD BOARD?1 P. M. VtOOn DlaCel rR'.,bc 73% HO > aba M fen mi..... 43% I.OII', I1A gH'i. lit 1> 1 Ml do 43 7HOU Miili fell 7 ,. .. ! >1 HKI do 43% :***) Pec of Mo 3d ... 85 .'m N J tin Ult....b o ltd a " I In.- u I. I at.. |i f>% Him L S A M S RB. b o M1,' KUOritWe.tUt.SH. uavj.aoi do b:i 54', 83 alia IViiii fuel 338 3<?1 do .3 84 KM Merloni KK ..lie 137% ?'?' do 54 itODAMUen be 1*1 K4i do bt .'>4 I" do at.OUhtftRIRR .be 108 lid Weil tu'l'rl lice 7I'~ :"(i du 1">T? 1)0 do 71', 10 I Mil a ? fit 3" 400 iii' .... a3 71 aoj Mil ft St r pl.beeS 89% 400 do 7i lino do oil i'd fucitk ICR ,' c It ", ivio do tot", IIUI' Jh.N II VI...IC.?5 "3% 100 llhlo Mlae.b ilO 13% t o do .. o tl.?, aUJUel. L*W iilt .be 0.??, HJJ Mlcb i eu ICR be 41",' J m 95% In do 4J Km All A l'ee |>f. .be 3% loo do 4a", 100StL. K.U ft N 10?, r<? a P- M. JliiO" D Col J O.V. ,1 71% dUOalia till ft It I Kit. 105% &4W0 I. A W ti colli... Hi', 10.1, a A M - 54 3UJ0 I'D fee iii. tat.. 1"5>, K?J do ?4 ?4 lOO aba U?1 ft II f eu .. W 'JOJ do . ..bJ 54 10H Pro U L ft 1* Co. Il l 3.10 do o? U 0 rt >.l i II l?l... bd 71 M l Mil A St l'liK|>(i1 WV U> Tac M>|| Ha .. 24\i In? <l? .a HS?J? ln.1 <! at', aon Jo ?w?? KOChl JL NIVUR U8-. 4<KJ D.I i. .1 St UK... 40J Muli On UK ?UQ ^DIurttultK 1U1 "IW uo 4JS, COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON : BrOT FIRMER ; FUTURES 1-I6c. A 5-32c. LOWER?FLOUR DULL?WHEAT HEAVY? CORN QUIET BUT FIRM?OAl'8 QUIET?WHISKEY EASIER?I'OUK QUIET?LARD FIRMER?PETROLEUM STRONG-- NAVAL STORES QUIET?OllJj STEADY?GROCERIES : COFFEE quiet; suoar firm?freights quiet. Thursday, August 10?0 r. M. nusmesi was almost everywhere slow to-day, the markets still being generally called dull, while values were uncurtain us over, in sotno cases fluctuating constantly, though not materially. On 'Uhuugo there was not much life. Flour was dull. Wheal heavy. Coin liriu, hut quiet, Oats quiet. Whiskey easier, l'ork quiet an i tiriuor. Freight* woio steady. Cotton on tlio spot dull and easier. Futures closed easy. Coffee was quiet. ' Sugar was liriu. Naval stoics were quiet. Oils were steady. ' Petroleum was strong. CorrKLL?The market tor Kio was uuiet but steady. Mild j coffee was steady mid fairly active, especially so for Maracaiho, which is considerably lower in proportion to otaer kinds, and buyers are operating quite freoly. Wo note sales at auction of 441 mats Java at net cash. During the Dust week 8. U>7 uiuts Java, 8.U4U bags Mar?caii>o. 2110 do. Mexican and 337 do. Savanilla sold in lots fcr consumption j within the rango,and 1 ,51 >0 bugs St. Domingo shipped to ! Europe. The stock of mild coffee iu 11 rat hands is as I'olI lows :?Java, grass mate, HUSO; Ceylon, 10,540bags; Mars i cuibo 2U.3.VJ do.; Laguayra, 5,423 do.; St. Domingo, li.472 1,942 do. ; Suvuuilla, 3,025 do. Total stock. 410. 193 bags and i 04,989 mat* Juvu. Wo uuuto :?Ordinary cargoes, U^r. n 15 c. : lair an.. DUic. u UD4c. ; good do., X7c. ?* I714C. ; prime ' do..*. a I7'^c.: extreme range tor lota. 14*?c. u 18$fe.: Sao Ion. fair to good. lll^c. a 17c., geld. ninety Java: Java, government t ags, 20c. a 22c. ; d.?., erasa mat*. -Oc. a 23c.; Singapore. IHc. a 20c. : i'eylon. 10'jc. n 18c.; Maracuibo, I4*ac. a IG,lae., Luguavra. IG'yC. a 17c.; Jamaica, I ho. a 17c ; St. Domingo, 14c. a 14}ac.; 1'orto Itico, DOac. k 18c.; Costa Iticu, Die. a in1,.!'.; Mexican, I3*a'.\ a DPJe.; Manila, |5?a'c. 14 10Lac.; Angostura, 1 Ac. a I7'2c. , Savuuilla, 14.'.,e. a 18c.; Oitracou. 14c. a lii^c. Ootwn.-T1?? market for spot wm quiet and easier, but price* were not quotablv lower. Futures closed easy. 1 lie closing price* to-day compare with Wednesday'* prices us follows: ? Wnlmsday, August 0. Thursday % Any tiff 10. August... Ill .Villain 11-32 August.. 12 9-32 a 12 5-111 Sept 12 DIG a 12 3-J2 Sept 12 1 32 a 12 1 -111 October.. II 23-32 a 11 L October.. 11 21 32 a II il-ld ! i Nov IIS, all -1-32 Nov 11 9-plall 10-32 Dec 11 21-32 a 11 11 05 Dec II 9.10m II 10-32 } .lull 11 25-32 all 13-01 J <4U 11 11 *10 a II 23-32 Feb ... II IVIG a U 31 -32 Fob. ...11 27-32 a 1 1,7j I Match... 12 3 32 a l2ly M no i... 12 a 12 132 I ; April 12'i a 12 0-3.' April.... 12 5-32 a 12 3 01 May 12 13-32 a 12 7 01 May 12 V16 a 12 1 I 32 Juno 12 9-10 a 12 10.3.2 June 12*4 a 12 173 2 I Ju'y 12 23-32 a W4 July l'-% a 12 2.-32 - Quotations are based on American standard of clas.drtcni tion and on cotton in store running in quality not inure than j halt a grade above or below the grade quoted : ? I'/tftml?. A. 'it inn is. T* nit. | I Ordinary 0 3-lG 9 3 1G 9 3-05 9 3-01 Strict ordinary 9 I VId 9 13*141 9 15-01 9 15-10 ' Ciood ordinary lo 7-lti lo 7 1G 10 7-01 10 7-10 Mr? t good ordinary. 11 II 1-1G II 1113 II 1-03 Low middling 11'.,' 11,'. II4,j 11 f*J Strict !<>w middling. 11 15-141 12 1-141 12 3 16 12 3 1G Middling 12 5-16 12 7 03 12'. 121* Good middling 12 13 1G 12 15 03 13 1-01 13 1-01 Strict good middling. 13 V1G 13 7-ld 13 9 10 13 9-10 Muidllug lair 13 1110 1> 13-10 13 15-10 13 15 10 1 lair 14 9 10 14 11-10 14 12-16 1113 10 ?Stained?(?iK?(l ordinary. 9 3 10c : strict good ordinary, ODjc.; low middling, H)k?c.; middling, HJgC. spot sales were as follows To Day. / F.crniny, Coiiftumpticu 253 110 3H3 ' ! speculation 3 ?8 358 ! Total* 2"?3 418 721 . i ?Delivered on contract. UXJ bales. F'or future delivery the sal 's were as follows: ?Yesterday, alter two 1*. M. ? Scptem1 ber, l.'.tMat 12 3-32c.; October, iOO at ll4vc.; November, ; 3UU at 11 21 -32c.; December. 7'M at 11 21 32c.: July. 10 ' at 12 23-32c. Total, tl.uo >bulo- To-day. up to two P. M.?August. [ 12 3-lGe., 200 at l2J0c.; September, KXVnt 12 l-32c I 2U? at 12 1-lOc.. lOO at 12 3 32c., 2oo at 12 1-lGc., Pa) at ' 1 12 1.32c.. 3**> at 12 1 IGc.. OOO at 12 3-T.V ; . { October, 5u0 at 11 11 IGe , 400 at 11 23-32c., 3'JO at ll?*'c.;, 5ia? ut 11 21 32c.. I'M at 11 20 .at II 21-3jc. ? I 30O at 11 ?c., l.? o ? ut II li?-32e.. 400 ut I l-?e.: December ' 2?<U at 11 ",;c., 54>i at 1121212c . 5(*? at II 19 3 e., 2"0 at l 11 *(&, 0 O at II 21 32c.: January. I no at 11 25-3 c., 200 at 11 23 32c-; February. 3txt at 11 29-3ge., 3O0 I at 11 13-lrte.; March. DO at 12 3-.'.2c : July, lOO at 12 Tb? receipt* at the porta were a* follow?:?<Ulvvntun, Now Orieant, *-.'4; Mobile, 17; Suvauiiah. l^IiClurtoxlon^l; Norfolk, 411, Uo-ton. 3lt2. Tnlil, Wt bale?. ilua day la?t i week. I'tila day latl yuar, ?ll). Total sinee September ], 4,0-H5.hh0 baled Hotton freights ch a -d a? follow? To Havre, by steam, cooipretscd; to Hamburg, by steam, ^c. compressed: to Bremen. by alcatii, compreH?cd; to Liveipool bv ?U a u. " ?H.t : l?v nail. ;?-!? d r lot u ami tiUAiN. ?Receipt*?Flour. 7.H54 bbl*.; wheat, I 39.IU5 bushels; corn meal. l.5HObbl?. and Hi* sacks; oats, , 134 I.V.* busbd*: rye. 5*J 'do. ; barley, l.UUOdo. ; barley mail. 34,570 do. The flour market wa? dull. The sale? were i about I4.U0D bbla., including Stale. Western and Southern I at the annexed quotations. Itye Hour wa* unlet, with sales el 300 bole, at $4 *' ? h $" 15. tlnrn meal was unlet; 41 ft | bb!? Mild at $ I Jd a $J ^ lor Hrandywlue and 05 a $3 j for Jur?ev aud Western yellow. We quote : ? J No. 3 State ... $ I < 75 Superfine State 3 115 a 3 75 Intrastate 4 4<u 4 ti > Choice State 4 <5 a 5 35 Supt rtine Western 3 3 ? a 3 75 I hxtra Western 4 35 a 4 <15 i MiuuoNola 5 (JO a ill'.# Itouiid hoop Ohio, shipping bran m 4 .Via 4 *15 I Itoatid ho ip Oulo, trade brauds. 5(*>a 5 7.* Family (I 5) a 7 5o I .*"1. Lotii?. Itiwr extra. . 4 75 a 5 75 i St. Louis, atrattfht extra il Ula tl hi i St. Loi.ia. choice douuh* extra tl 5 ?a 7 V) { St. Limiih, choice taini'.v t? (Ma H 75 : By ? Hour, tine to superfine .. 3 7<U 4 35 Southern, No. 3 3 Vht 3 ?*> Sou! hern, aupvrtl ue 3 Via i o > i Southern, ostra 4 .V? a ti 75 i Southern, family tt 75 a h 35 i | Horn meal. \V??tern . 3 <* *? a 3 (tl 1 j Horn meal, Jer?ey 3 tl? a 3 DO 1 j Horn iiuft . Brandy wine 3 30 a .1 3'J Horn meal? puncheon? 15 Via ? , ! -Tlie whc*i i:i*rkct wa? heavr aud lower; llio ales were | about 13 sdJU liuiht h, at a 1*3.- lor soft No. 3 Mtlwisu kee, il Id for soft No. 1 Minnesota, 7dc. a IWc. ior N? . 3 priutc and itfHb lor Interior aiubor Toledo. Coin was ilrm , but not very active; the sale? were about <MJ, (NJnui. oU. at 1 fiti>*c. a ?.c lor sail mixed, tile, tor southern wliito. ode. j I a ?? *. for do, ytl.ow. 5Sc. for choice high mite 1 and 5th;. for j steamer. Bye wa? ouiet, at 01) \ n Hdc. for new crop Jersey. 1 75c. a 77c. for Canada in bond, vie. a tkic lor IVoatsrn mid I a 7ac. lor Mrio mid IViin>v>\nnlu. Hmilav and hurley , tii ilt * fie iliiii. i)nu w?ra quiet, but clns d firmer; the 1 tones were 70,?*) t huthcls, at 4;ic. n 47c. lor wlilte State. BJc. lor new Illinois ou pier, 4lr. ? 4l1_.r lor SihIj tui.\ud, and , 't c. for No. 2 t'llic 'oir luixod in store. IlKVr a.Nl> Jut*.?'I lie market lor Jute end .Into butt* rem ii> ue 1 steady. Hemp whs steady. We quote ? Amen an d< .'sued. ?lt*i n fj< KJ lor linxlc, a $JJo for tl ?ubl i'il l f luo a lor roitgrii: Manila hemp, 7c.. gold; i.u iia alaas,liJUaJtttU, noki; Italian ^I7A ai.t)u, n Id; Jntv.-;;4c. h'Vi**., currency ; jiiio butt*. V?.4c. a l*J?c., u?li; ! e?.s?sl he to p. .'k\ fi'rff.. coid; l?l.e..V.,c. i ?%c.. u? d. j Moi.aiim.?The market whs generally quiet but llrtn. The slock la J.1.H iihds. Huha, llkl do. I'ot to Kico, |.7l>l Ut*. Kngliah Islands and l.uti Mils. New Or.dans. c , j quote .-t'abu. centrllax il mii mixed. iic. a .'KJc. ;?layed, iJc ? .is,; i, MiHM?irsile rsfliils||, |ha ahb .?i . ai eery, ! J'Jc. h 4?>c ; Porto Kico. ilHc, a Vjc ; hnplish Island*. d_V h I ./>e.: New Orleans, lair to good, l'?o. a >Jc. ; prime to clioice, *i Ji*. H 'M', Say ai. Stokes ?The mtuket l*?r spirits tin prut, iio was dull but unchan/ed. Kositi was quiet but prices wore ii t materially cliiiiiqcd. Tar vsi driu. We quote Sprits of turpentine. Aliac. : rosin, strained. $1 o? a ? 1 <>, jtuod strained, $1 tk? a f I 17*^; tar. Wlliuiiigton mid Waiting ton. Tl -MJ a $4. Advices truus Wilmington were a* lol Itosiu dull; nut mucu <1 dtt? . tar iunl at 40; turpentine dull and uominai; spirits ttrfti. x7iti\ bid. OIL* remained quiet and ?ie.?tly at New ltedlofd; sales were made of U.J hbU. wiiule and Ijdtibu. speiiu <ai private terms (or toaHtt.'acturinu. We quoin >blosv<*<i, casks. m?o.; i cottonseed, crude. ;Hc.; dotilhorti yellow, W. a VM.; yel- j low wittier. Nta*. a disc. : while wittier, B6c.; lard, present [ niiuc. K3i-. a HAc.; sperm, crude, *1 Sdo., bieaehed w in I ! <ft>; do.. natural do a I '>.?; whale, crude. .Northern* j Ut?c ; do.. Southern. .Vic. ; bleached winter. 7tt? a 7'Jc. ; olive, I casks. $1 l~'j a f 1 'j . do . ca*o?. *4 .'! ? a f*4 4<>; * Inter . | bieached fls.i. 4 i 4^.; crude U?h. 43c a 36c. PKTKOt.KCM.?Theie was a In it lis* r advance on crude, hut there was no radical chaug* in roriiied either here or at j Philadelphia or Baltimore: hut the market was very string I about I tie satuo amount at Philadelphia kt I7*.c The ebbing price* were as follow* : ?* ru le, in bulk, l? c a lU'4c.; : do., ftr* bbls., 14. ; refined, in bbl . 17\%c.; do., in ea-os. -2c. . I Naphtha. lie.; refined nt riiiiaUclphia. I?*ac. ; do at ball*j urn;*, 17*|C. Advices from 11st* Oriik wenin follows;? ' ; I'snor'i drniiuur. Report* of large wei!? no'tr C. ntroville I see lis to be a canard; T- 41 '4 bid lor any part of SU.lXki tibia. ! ' of Lulled; Uuitedheld at $J 4(); Conduit, 1114; shipment i $2 d-I!j a $2 Ufi; Hil Cil> firm #2 4??bid, l ulled daud to- | morrow, no sellers: shipment. $J tkh i'kotiniomk ? veceipts? i'ork. 2d'? bb's.: lard. 1.4wi tierce* and eai< , cut meats, l? vhiIkkci. tat on, 7J tiuH < and 7?? 4 bux< i; licul, 2b tierce* ami 1* n bbl* I in* pork market was till ana nnch-ngod: the closing "call'* prices were as follows : ? August. #fti? bid. fib 5o asked September, Sfi bid. $lb 45 asked ; October. fib AO bid, $10 ii5 uaked ; Uo 1 bids incsa soid at $ll? *?. Cut meats were dull, ?alus were, .0 > fresh hums at I.'Sc., "?o ?fresh shoulder* at 7'4c., I 50) pickled suoulder* B'4c. and IO,(Mi lbs. picaled bcliir*, 11 lbs. average, on private terms. Krcab ham* were quoted at lOV. 11 ? fresh bellies at c a 10c.. pickled hams at I'Jc. a IJ'jC., pickled bellies ill lO^e. a 13c. and boxed bullies at 10'4c. a lik. Bacon v..?s ?tc tdy at lO^c. for city and 10'ac lor Western long clear; 250 boxes Western Ion,? clear sold on private trmi?. Beef ruled <full and mi* j c ianged. We quoteHarr??l*. o\tra age**. *11 a dill; plain uicro. $l? a $11, packet. $12 a $11; ' d cit>,* extra India, $10 a $21: India mu?a, $ll> nrne me. a. *1*. ( Beef bams ruled doll aud nominal ai $B l! rune Western Isud $i ' for fair to good snaoked meats ru quiet nt 141 ac% a lti'fc. lor batna and IOjtc. a 1 lc for shoulders, ilie lard marku. was firmer. lb* ulosiwg call" prices were ns followsAugust, $N Idd. $11 271 j asked: September, l $11 d2'a bid. $11 Js7v, asked; Octooer. $11 li5 biu. V 1 4b asked. .November, f 10 25 bid, $l<l 41) asked; year, f io I2*a bid. $10 25 a-ked. The sales ware about 3,.**) tierces >ti $11 2". Tor August . $11 *??. $11 H2,1*. $11 35 and $11 :17)?. for svptuinber; and, $1u 40. lor .November. spot sales were 75 tierces city at IiPp1. lie., an i 2-Tsj tierces Western at j $11 22HefineU wa? quoted at 12,1*0.. lor dontfi America; 1 l *#c . for Continent; and, lie , lor Cuba. Butter and cheese remained steady witn a lair demand. Kick ? I'lu-re was a good com.* mi lor domestic at tinchanged prices. WsquoU Csrolioa, lair t?? prima. a rl'jO.. Louisiana, fair to good, 5c. a 5*4c.. and do. common, 4c a 5c.; Rangoon, fair to good, nominally H'4c. a HJac.; I'ataa, good, 714e. a 7>ac.? currency; Kangooa In boud. 2*?o. a -*40.. gold causa. ? 1 he market for raw eager was strongsr. We [JUST 11, 187*5.?WITH SUJ note lairs of 84>0 lilids. tnuKovt.lo al N'Je., and I,Ctrl boxes i sutrllutrai at Itie Halim-n aa< strong. Wo uuotu ? Fair roHoiuit, U.- : g??d do..!)'** : I'uba trr .t r>, lair to choice, S>Jat. a l'\c.; do centrifugal, liliiJs an I lioxvo, Sn? H to 13, If ttc. a lil'yC ; do., luolaases, l.lujs and ' ono, "c a lie. : Porto Klttt, refining. coiuiuoa to prune. H'.iC. u ; do. grocery, fulr to choice, w'?c. a V',e. ; retliied, etuii'lsid A, lie.; off A. 10>?c ; crushed. ll'^c ; powdered. 11'?c.; granulated, llMc.; second duality do.. 11'.e.; cut loot, 115?c. Hum. liaji. JUtladu. Stock (ascertained by nctnal count, including anovulation!. AuiiuiI I. 187tl. ... (Ui.J-'l 4\7I4 la.'.'i'Jd 2.7)11 Uaacipts stuca August 1.... lu.ii'ja ?,k-<i 13.3 rd U7H Totals 7'?.t?7u 34.31)3 14?.( <>.'> 3.717 taalus sluco August 1 111,832 tiu,02l t>73 Stock tliia day, Aug. K). '7tl. UI.HoJ 44,tHJ 87,l7t 3. 44 Comparing with stock August 12, lss/o 134,023 31,733 137.838 I3.1M7 Comparing with atock August 13, 1874 147,013 03.0 2 170.130 1,037 Cotr.parluir wittl stock August 14.1873 1U2.317 40.371 213,388 7.37.1 Tkas ? Wo note aulca by aiiclion ol I.HAI hull chest* Moyuuc glean a) 13',c. a .38c. ; _')H do.. Japan, at 27'jt a 31c., nut cash, aud 3 A) do. loruioaa Oolongs at J2c. a 38c., lour mi1 tlia. KAIii."Sk. ?u?c?lplH, JJ tierces ami - I bi.M. I no market wm lirui at 14)?c. a 14?. c lor prime to choice TaLLoW.?Kcctipts, gv hbds., ?iU tierces and 4?>3 hhls The market wa? firm . silus were liVU io?. at 8c. and 15,UUO IUM. Ht ti'nc. NViu-kk*. ? Bocelpts. 470 bids whiskey. The market was easier, oO bbis. solo at SI k liiciuuT*.? Business in this market continued slow, but rates were steadily he.d. The engagement* were;? lo Liverpool, per fleam, It>,<>> > boxes coee**, o"?*., ami by sail, .am hhd?. tobacco, 38s. '.Kb ; 4UU bble. rosiu, 3i. I\?f. To l.oitUou. by sail, (tODbbls. (lour,'is. IML. and, per steam 24,dj i bushels grain, 84., standard. To lila-*gow per Meant, H.tkXi bushels grain, at lid. i>vr lib Ihs. I be charters em bracoti;?An Italian bark, hcucc to Cork for orders, with 3,liki quarters eraiu, at *b?. . an Vmericau schonmr, re porlud Iroui l'liiladclphia to Oporto, with bushel* grain, at 17c., in shippers' bags, ami IMki bids. rosin, ?M ; a Norwegian bark, thence to Cora lor orders. with 3.4IO ipiartots grain, lis. 74j?l. . a British baik lioin no. to Tutted King do in tiirsci. w tin j.tiUU '|uariv rs, at lis. , a British bark, report cd thence tor saute voyage, willt 7,i*Ki qua; lets, at ?. 7J4d. ; an American bark Ikxiioiis, laid on lite berth lor Liverpool witli general cargo at current rates; a Norwegian bars. 110 tons, lietico to Nantes, with bone dust at lot , a Mr.tub ship. I,113* tons do univeh huuee to London, wiib deal* at \hia ; au American bark, 838 (tins, hence to the Moditc ianean, with general cargo on private tcnus. a Norwegian bark, 488 tons, hence lit a direct Irish port, with J,-MX) bids, ic fined petioiouni at ?? ; a baik. Iroiu J'lin .idelph a in the Mediterranean. with -',8Ui lids do. on private terms, a British siiip from l'l iiadvlpliia to Bremen or Antwerp. with T.JUJ bills, do. at 4s. Ud . a K its* i a it bark, iroiu i'bllailelulila lo tiie Bailie, with 4.<XN) bids. do. ut B?.; a British ship, 7'dd tons, from Baltimore to Antwcrpoi Bremen, with .?,u>?id?U. do. on private lertu*; ? Norwegian bur a. rumored hence to the Baltic, with 2.41NJ hlds. do. at tie-.. < ui not aiitliculicated , a British baik do arrive;, lioiu Baltiiuoia to Cork lei oi' dors, with 1,OUO quartets grain at lis. 3d. DOMESTIC MARKETS. CAI.Vfc.MON, Auutut 10, 1870. Cotton firm ; olfcring* light; middling. 1 l*#c.; low middlnig, I0*fcc.; pood ordinary, lO^c. N?i rucviplv, 5J bdu?; i;ruiwt, liJ, bultii, iilO. Stock, l.W.1. Nmv Oui.ka.xi, August 10, 1870. Cottou firm; middling. ll\,o.; low middling. 1 Ic.; good ordiuurv. Uj|C. Net receipts, 34 bale.; gross, 40. Exports?To Crout Britain, 3,484 ;* coastwise, 1,264. Sales. UOU. Mock, 33,t)-'3. Wonii.K, August lo. 1870. Cotton firin ; middling. 11 )Mc.; low middling, lUjae.; good ordinal*', 8)ae. Not ruccipts, 17 bales. Sulcs. ??U. Stock. 4, IUU. SavannaH. August 1(1. 1876 Cotton steady; middling, llV^c ; low middling. 10jJ?c.; good ordtuury. 0c. Not receipts. 1-1 bales. Exports coastwise, lock Sulcs, lo. Stock. 407, CilAlti.fc.sTON, August 10. 1870. Cotton firm; middling, llJ.{c . low middling, I'VjC ; good ordiuary. O^c. Net recepts, II bales. Ivvpoits count wise, 361. Sales, 06. Stuck, 3. 318. OiWfcGO, August 10, 1870. Flour uuebanged; sales, 1.360 bins. Wheat steady; No. 1 .Milwaukee club, $1 18; old No. 1 white Michigan, $1 3d; choice white Canada. $ 1 43. Corn dull; sales, 3.000 bushels high mixed hi 66c. Coin meal unchanged. Mnllecd un changed. CmuaI freight* unchanged. Itailroud freights 1 unchanged. Lake receipts?Wheat, 14,3 10 bushels; lumber, 348.U0J feet. Canal shipments?Lumber. V)?0,(XJ0 leet. iUllrosd shipments -Floor, 1. i< ?> bills. Hin Ai.ti, August 10. 1870. Luke receipts?Coin, 50,0 M) bushels. hailroad receipts? Floor, 3,1 OO bbls.; whoai, H.iskj bushels; torn. 1H,UX> do.; oats, 1.6.IJUA do.; barley, 3.1*10 do.: rye, 1,3JO do. I shipments lor tidewater-None. interior?Wheat, lHtooo bu hols; corn, b'Miilo, H.iiiroad sliipnieiits ? Flour, 3.IOO j bbls.; wheat, ll.O'M hu*hel?: corn. 3H,ir.S) do.; outs, i 15,?K*J do.; barley, 3.0OO do. . rye. 1.30Udo. Canal treiglits unchanged. Fiour st'udyt sales 1,100 bbls. Wheal ? Very ' light milling demand: sales ? t tar lots Wisconsin spring at | $1 16 ; while whiter, *1 30 a 81 36. Corn dull and easy; sales tl.OO ? bushels No. 3 \\ estci li at 50c. Oats quiet; sulca I 3,80J bushels Western at 34c. ill lots. ttyo inactive, liarI lev iiogleeted. >e ui* ?Little doing and nominal. Fork 1 dull ut 810 7 ? for hea\) mess. Lard dull at ile. High wines entirely nominal; no sales. Toi.kno, August 10. 1870. Flour quiet; No. 3 white Wabash, new, 81 1 T)j; No. 1 white Michigan, new, $1*11'j; No. 3 ik, 81 '?3; aiuber Michigan, spot and Mpicuibor. 81 07Vj; do. new, spot, 9.\ l.i- \<> ill iiu v. f I *. No 1 r?id Uiuinr. liew. ill 17: An -do , now. $1 Id; Nn. li rod, new, ;pl ; September, No. 2 amber Illinois, now. $1 14 Corn quiet, but t?tcad\ ; l:inil mixed, -ilk- ; September, : I ?w do . sunt and .An-Hit. 4i<c. ; no grade. lt>c.; damaged, dlM^e. Oats dull : No. uew, Hi'^c. Ucceipt* -13 > bhls. flour, L3,tA)'J bushels wlie it, 38,(AJ) do. euro, 7, MO' do. outs. CHICAGO, All.'U.Ht |0. lK7tt. l-'loiir quiet and weak. NN boat uclive, but weak and lower; No. 2 Chicago spring, 81-4e, a_H7J4c.. September; HOo., October; No. i * hicago spring, 7lk.; rejected, llOe. utile, t out bruler; No. j us ^?t.. 45 Auffiiat; ! ?' September; sujectud, 41 \ko. Oat* leads; No. 2 at iioe.. spot; Wi'aC. it :VJ)aC.. August; d i'4c.. September. Kyo quiet and weak at .'KK'. Hurley dull anu noiuinui at f?Uc. a .?*, , spot. Pork easier; SIS 43 a SIS 170, spot ; $iS :?i?. { September. Lard steady and unchanged. Hulk | meats hteudy, with it fair . demand. NYhiskcv steady and unchanged. Kuilroad freight uin-hanged. liej ceipts ? Clour, 7.0*0 bblu. ; wheat. 0.3<k) bu. liel>, corn, ( 2<W.ouo do. ; oats, 22 JAM do.; rye. 4,30t) do.: barley, stl'j do, ! Shipment* - Flout, I.1KJO bbl*. ; vsbeat. llf.OoO bushels; corn, , Hlijumuo.; o.its, do : burlcy, 1-') d i. At the af.crj noon cu'l of the Hoard: ? Wheat lo. higher; 88* jit., SepteiuI her. IKJjjjC.. October. Corn firmer; 4 a 4 August; j like, a 43*j|C., September. Oats, HO'Ac. a .'IO' iC , sej.teiuIbcr. l'ork lower; $18 40, September. Lard uuebuugod. PRINTING CLOTHS MARKET. I'kovidkv k. II. I.. Aii/u.t 10. 18711 1 l'rhitin? elollo firm h( JO.c. for lie?l Ol'a, with Iar^i?r s^c> j and a ?euerail) wore aclivu utur.oU HAVANA MARKET HAVAN4. Au.fftst 10. 187fk KputiMi gold, 22(1*, a '227. txehar.gc easier, but no' quotably lower. Sugar in fair demand. I'll* caue fields ail over the Island promise an abundant crop. FIVWtlAI,. A." J. * W SKI.IOMAN Jt CO., -t> Hioud st , Now York, issue Letters ol Credit to Travellers, payable iu any part oi hnrope, Asia, Africa. Australia anil America; : draw Hills of Excbaujr* and naae Telegraphic Trauafcra of .Money to Kurope and California. OVAMCBM r.VO II.'M > l)N M KNIITkl., 1'I.VXOS. Ac., if stored ut it Ivor User's warehouse*. Addru^s S l OK At?L, Herald Pptown H.ancli office. t - in [ \v. vl AMI III i isun COAL HTOOK. I .A Houa lido bidders, ci titinue to hold atoek. Uoii'i be , intimidated by auv coiubinalion. not withstanding rumor*. (inarti yourself, and tlrti'i unload at present. There is not I enough stock In market to form a com tolliug Interest, which is sought. Kvbrj tliiir; pio?neroo* lor the no\t a-nilI Part only on i.''ouirt of abao.ute necessity. Delaw*r>', Lackuwanltu and NVesteni cannot absorb. A burnt ebiid dreads the lire. There lore guard voir mil. No. U ?. "T" T ItK ASON A H LK It ATK 4. ? MOM h Y ON LI K if AN D I JY I. ftdo win cut Insurance l'o?lele*. MortK'tgo* and other M-eurltic*' insurance of all kind* effected with be*t cotup n b .1 11 kHHICIf x UU, I ill Hroiulwajr. % Sixty day htkaddlea i m. put axd . V* call at s tmo pri -ei oil a<'tivo stocks on "Membeis New Nork Stock Kxclntuge" at reuxonable rates for s.-tlu* br L iPHLs N a H UUY. 71 HriNMluU| I MoNKY LOANED ON LIPK I'oLU'fLs.'oU HAMK 1 >,.! .H-ib/H tarnifl favoritblM LICK ANU I.HAN AS. MM'IAI'io.V IH'<! t'r?ed* nv. Vd'Ciii ExPiikS rowl*\XV. V.? Broadway, New York. ^HirihtU, 1*70. I he Transfer Books of this company will he closed from'J | o'clock 1'. M.( August 15, 10 the moailng of September J. | J. 0. IIAHi'OCK. Truiurer. MO N h Y T<) iJf \ N 17N LlKh AMMi N If J VV VI r N T V< >17i ictee; Policies purchased end i'r-tniuius nlvanccd. 1'HKMIUM LOAN AUr,NCl', 10r Broadway, sec ?nd floor. | ^Si'UND MOltrOAUfcH KO It SAIjK?A I* FA 11< !>lV J 0 count; miinll Amounts 011 lmpro\ed Business l'ro,>crty; I 1 r?( cIars bonds. Address MOitlGAUliK, box loll Herald , I lice. | ^rot k i'itl\iHKtlKS SI OR MUJOIlATiiD 0 by us ore taken hy hrok<ar? an margin. LAKSLfcY k BaZU.Y, Brokers, 74 Broadwav. j JKM'K OK Nh\V JKUShY UftNI'UAH RAILROAD ? ' w Milled At 7 A, lobe paid for In a desirable hiihII coin11 vKlace. free ??nd clear, ne ?r depui. In Berireu counry, Now Jersey, Address l\ \V. tl. , box I " ? Herald office. f|io LOAN OS MOKTUAOK?fgiifMt; HUMS ID .SUIT J owner*: improved properly, city limits or Brooklyn. Addi ?ss IXIIKHII AM I-., li t ild olflc ^|||j|HA>,l VV*ANTKI> Full V I'fcRKM TLY <7o57o Tn # "f r" I note of Sl.otvi hni inir elitli t months to run. a it h collateral. Inquire of MILLS, corner ol itf<th si. and Broad way. ; (Will ?KMTATK* KLNIH TO LOAN ON J IUHT V')iVVVi uiortgaao m improved New York city I'rop erly. i. II. IIAi.DlVIN, w.i .Nmhaii it. ^ |(} (\|j(| OR ftfMMI WAO'lvD-ioii lOI'R JplA/iUv'"/ months, ou t nor cent ner momli Interest; go?ul security given. Addrens llAKVKY. Herald office. W'J l\ tfWUI To ON ilu.NO AMI MOUIOAOK. vl)l/?*'UU in iiiuH from $d.<> si aod upward; New 1 ink or Brooklyn Property or hr?i class Lcasoh Ids. L\ K li \YDK.V, No. 17 W il.iam st. iTOOO.(KK) Si !?'?."* " V. K. MhVK.V.MON. Jr.. Xn. 4 I'iuo ?. $1,000,000 lV;X?p,*yn\. ?" ' MO"'T .IAuiih V. I? WlVKOKK, :v> I'in* u. uuwiMUM oeeouTi VI IIM. A J'AlcrY WITH fl.iffJU OK If'WAliU MAY HIV i J\. pari or whuln of an <'?tablislied Older Ami Vinegar ! hinduc*; investigation invlie<l. Apply at North Warier j L. J'ltiiadolphle, I'm. / 10 A L N KHD yOU H kZk Is \ I MM o LAii* tAJi V \ /, ami doing a g%??d Addivm II. L. M , ! dox II" Herald Uptown HrmiiM office. H \ VI NO A r&W HUXDKKD DOLL A IIS, WOULD i like to invent it in miqio profit.* ie business. Addie** > AiiKX, Herald Uptown iiranco office. MANI VA*;TLKKJIH OK ./OHHMI* UI-sikini; OOOIVS ; Introduced in Hraxti, by budiie*ft mail of mean* In ! tending to lt?cito in Hlo de Jftnoiru, ?ddr?M UH.UIL/AX, Herald Uptown branch office. "I>A K I'N KK WANIKI) -\UI II H If ALU UAI'I TAL, I N I. the ri al oditi and Innlnp^t, mrtlil; established; a thoioiiyliif lit** man only; l>.o?f relerenet given aud required. Addre*a i.NKIidk I It". 5JUA West JIM ht. Splk.xDId omiitri aitv nn; any hmaiu* \nd ho lift business man dnslroia of join/ iulo the hay mid iced boblfica; barge located In a central point on the hast Hirer: liiidmia oatabllslrad 1H.? ?; will -m-II Hitrge, Kit itiroa and (imidwill for $"**). rea*nns for selling. old ace alt I : d sire to retire I mm business Call on or addieiu S. w. bMITH, No. 4H I'liin *4.. New York. r\\ 1. (JIM A N D V I I fcHA . A It a I'?J. 11 s i i. , KOK i sale, tit< oiiif Merchant Tailoring Ketablishinent in a ' large New York manufacturing town; atock, tlx tore* and | trade ail brat class; bu?iite*s will boar ethical examination; terms very low aud easy, best of reasons tor selling. Ad* drtH PRACTICAL. t>u? liJ Utrtld wHiu?. I PELEMKNT. lit SI \ KHS OFH)RTl UJ AN TKD?A 1'AKlY A* nKSKttAL OU HI*ICC(AL partner. ui|(i tu julu utiitffi lu ?uat vd mu old ealablUhed Maple inauulacl urlnj,: bti*iue*? in this city, bavin# the best facilities of inuchiuery, skilled workmen And a trails- wiikli hah been held lor tnanv year-* None but AI parties need apply to or uddresi W. K. MlHtiliT, lb Heaver *t. C:T(in WANTED A CIOOO R1UAHLB MAM WITH *P I * Mr, tin* above amount, in a first i'Ium good pistil# liai and rap buslin. n> ii?K. Kor particulars appi> to J. 1*. i'KAVktt, 5W t.ieiit Jours ht. c rcn duo - si'ki i a pari nrr wasted; bvb My,l/Uv". Iness genteel an l aufe, principally cash; established JO year* ; will aboa* au annual uat profit of wm" cent ji? capital invested (or the past lb years, the above amount reouired in consequence ol the withdrawal of one ot the firm; ft desired the above autumn will be seemed <*u unencumbered properij Address 111 Sl.\i>S lM'hiiKl I V, Herald otlice. THE WATER SUPPLY. COMPLAINT among THE hotels?WHAT 1 U<>fihbjll CUANDLEU says?no UEASON foe A LA It M W'lt ATK VKB. Complaints about tbo Crotuo water multiply, ami them is a gouoral verdict tliut tbo water la uut aa it ought to be. A 11 kicalii roporter visited somo of tbo leading liotelg both up and down town yesterday?tbo St. Cloud, tbo Wiodaor, llietiruud, tbe Brunswick, lUe Killh Avenue, SI. Nicbolaa, Mutrupoliian, Aator Mouse, gwoeucy's and Krcucb's?and found that Micro was a uiiaoiiiioua concurrence In Hie belief tlial seme thing ?us wren? with tbo water, lir. Gardner. who is now deceased, advuncoil u theory onco lu tbe lolumiis Of tins journal ibat tbe accumulation ol dead lisb lu tbe waters ol the reservoir poisoned and discolored the sauio. This idea ol Dr. Caiduer's bus been intariably scouted by the onllgblciied sages of tbe i lluaid ot Health, l'hcy say bo was u clever and hi' gin.oils man, but be errod ouliruly In supposing tliut I llio iloiiil llsli. however u4ihi01 oils poisoned or dis- I i colored tbo water iu llio Crolon reservoir. Ibe ills- : colurutlbu lliev say is ut llio fountain licad, at ibc ' Crolon dam, where llio reiuso vegetable uialter at- J cuuiululua ou the antes ot Ibo lake and ig Din v kn ur uai.h sroiuu til upon :U? supply destined lor the city of New York. Tbo reporter was desirous ol seeing Mr. Llruwu, ibo eulobratcd hsbcrmuu at tbo loot ol N inoly-aoeoud street, Kual ltivor, but Mr. Brown bud bled away In tbo curly tuurniu* lor ?u exeurgiou up tbo Sound. H bits been iluted lliul llruaii was employed to catch Ibo llali in mo new reservoir. Mr. Kil/.glhbnu, tbo supcriu? lendcni. says ibut llrowu nl lor u day's loll only llslied out a buudlul. Tina Is' vory odd when it la considered that the reservoir awurma with ban, us everybody ueeualomed In walk iu the glimmer mouths around iib breezy enclosure can teslily. Killur Brown must havo goneio work witli very til-provided neia, or never gone to work at all, to account lor una miserable rot urn nl itsli with which llio superintendent of the lezervoir credits liini It muy ho well to bear wbul I'rolessor Chandler auya about tbo uhviulalry of water at ibis limn when tboio is go much agitation ainu r Tint ckoto.n. The I'rolesaor lias always upheld tlio purity anil bcalilililliiegs ol the Crutou. In lacl, he 19 disposed to believe Unit 11 is one or ihecliicl lacier* in kcepiug tbo health roeord ol Now York city ut its euuii'aruiivcly high gluudard. CHANDI.KK OX WATKR. In bis report upon ibo sanitary cliflinialry ol water thu following occurs and uiuy bo appropriately <|UOted hero:?Tbo organic nutter 01 a purely vegetabin origin, such iis occurs to the extent ol one, two or three grains |>or gallon in country gpiuigg mid wel.g, or in polldg and l iters even, when it conlnbu'.ca 11 11111 ol yellow to tbo water, is inliriny harmless nnd unobjectionable. The nltruies, nilnlos and umnioi.ia suits lound in wells in densely peopled lowns are themselves Inn 111b ss, but their presence proves the contamination ol I lie walor with tbo products uf decomposition ol aniuml reiuso, and shoal I always bo vie soil m the liitbl ol a warning ol llio prcseuco ol tmpciiUluy; dinger. The product of tbo decomposition ol animal mailer In water Is, however, by lur the most objectionubio luipurliy. organic matter produced oy llio ileconipoaitiou of vcgolublo giibstaneeg uro not especially dangerous, but lliu products o! decomposing audita) sunsiai.ees uro highly dangerous, oven when in minuio quantities, fbeau impuriilcs do not make themselves npparent to the taste. On tbo contrary, such waters are frequently cougblcrod unusually hue iu llavor. Muny diseases of Hie most laial ebaruotor are now (raced 10 llio use ol water poisoned witli the sonkago from soils charged with sowago and excreuiental mutter. I bis city during ihu lust century, li.l.iPii the inLiiiiilii'1 I.ill of Ihn I Ti Inn U.-111?' r ?*.?u j ravaged every low years by deadly epidemics, which arc l.olicvcd lit have l.ceu lavorod una luvitcd by llio j ' delllenicnt id llic wells then in use liy sowsgu and local I soakage. No .-acb visitation has occurred since ibo j luiroduciton ol Iba Crolon water and the completion i I ol lite system ol sewers. The charade.' ol the Crolon 1 I watershed is ol jt nature to guarantee water ol the best ' quality Nothing can be luund alone' the stroitni ; to render the water impure, llnj. .ed rocks or Urlgtil I I groi 11 pastures border them, Hwutnps occur in some I portions ol the watershed where the waters linger ou i peuiv deposits, hut Iroui such vegetable matter iiuthing ! is taken by tho water llial eau ill any way render it | . unwholesome. At certain seasons ot tho year, as I when tue snow moils hi tho spring, the water is olten ! disc oloMil when it reu' hes the elty, but wo have never | boon able to trace any sickness whatever to such ] sources. TUB UKAI.TII llll'AltTllKXT VIKWH. | Belwicn Mr. Oolderitian, ehlel' dork or tlio Health Department, nnd Dr. Kdward 11. Junes, who presides in I j the absence ol Professor Cnaudlcr, tho Hi.iialo reporter was instructed to believe Hint the e.ouditiou of i | tho water at the t'roton dam was owing so.'o y to i ' the imrural lulling In Irom tho banks of tho ! I tkes ol the vegetable plants that grow along their bor1 ders and imprt gnuto tbo water, despito ol all prccautiou. Tho loiluwiug is the latest analysis of the Crolon water lurnishcd tho Health Department by JJr. Wullor:? DxraRTMksr or IIkaltii or City or New Yons,i :i'it vim STIlkKT, xnw Yokk, August 7. 1m7u. j To Dr. I)s K. I)iv, M. D.. Sanitary Superintendent:-? I line 1 the Iniiinr to report the tulhiaing result* of the examination of the Crolon water lor tho week ending August J, 1*70 hamtaky taiii kh. h'Mii'i" in iiiic i'. .V. /'.iris in fin/, nj 331 IVaV In. I'XI.Osi. Appe irsnce. turbid light green. j (norinnio null er...... 0.7113 0.4 1 Organic and vulaltle matter? Latss on | Ignition (I Hid 1.4 j ! Total solids 111 solution (dried at'JIS) K.) i ol!) 7 8 ' I Sui|?end ol linpuritiea total solids, carbonate of lime or its | euuivalent, hardness. I.H41 3.Io8 ' I Owgeu re piiied to oxidise organic matter " ID' 0.31(4 Chlorine <> <*>4 II. Id'-' ! Dr. Janes was emphatic ill the assurance notli. i i ing whatever huh wrong with the Crolon beyond its I I trauslot mation of color. GONE INTO LIQUIDATION. ABINGDON Ht/L'ABF. SAVINGS BANK AND ITS j mrriccLTiBs?what hank xxamixku BKII) BEPOi>Tik Ai.IIANY, August 10, 1S7& The Abingdon Sqnaro Savings Hunk, No. '?i Abingdon M>|ii.trc, was elosoil to-day by an order ol Jusliro I.ati Ion, ol' Die Supr-mo Court, Chambers, sitting at Schenectady, on uu uppllcaiiou ol tin Attorney General at the request ol Iho Deputy Superintendent or the | lis 11 king Department, the Superintendent, Mr. Kills, being uhRcut nl the soaslde. The order was obtained August 6, but was uot served until to-day, when a messenger Irotn the Attorney (ioncrsrs ollico conveyed the order to the hank and ciosod Its doors The order requires the b.iuk to show cause, ou the loth itint., why I its business shoulu not be wound up, and III the meantime no pavmcnl or receipt ot deposits shall bo made . in uuy shape. The statement mode by Ibo bunk lor July lust, and ! published only last week, ptacod the liabilities at $llM.biiti lit) and tlie surplus at $7,4'J4 31, but upon all examination made since the rendering of Ibis report George W. Ileid, Hunk Kx.imincr, lotind that the Item ol "cash on baud" had been wropglully increased by the Individual check of the clerk of the bans lor I'J.HOO, Iho check being subsequently withdrawn. Mr. | lleid had iouud similar met bests ot forcing a showing for their | uhlishad reports on previous occasions. Once, in 1*74, he discovered that the secretary of iho ban k tiad dupositcd a "liogus" check lor f lU.Os) utu uig Iho asse s ol iho bank to create a good showing lor a forthcoming report. The examiner bad remonstrated Willi the secretary, who bad promised not to do so any | more. Subsequently H was discovered that the antm i ii. v lor tnu hank, Mr. Ilrown, mid Ins brother, had uiso pursued the same devices, and now tbo clerk ol tho bunk bus been found in tho same practice. Mr. , Itciu d cxumi nation itirtner Miotven mat the Dunk h nl be-on compelled to "bid id' 101111.1 of l? i-luto at it k>??, and tliitl it luiiiis on bon-l nml miiriuH^r Imvii iiimlj.liim..- Il bail cot rlit ol ull 11 <t I iii it'll Stairs liniiiiu, about f it.DO) worth, nun* 1H74, and bad apparently invested tr.oni m iioinl uml mortgage cipially injuil 11:101m. I bo lurniiiiru uml fixtures, reported at $4,000111 tlioir statement, would not br ino-e lliun fl, >ooui ii Ion cd Halo, utnl their rcul oilttie would prob. | ntii> aulfor nn iiio.i II f. The dctlciciicy, winch untlor such tmiiiUKi'inCiil couhl h irilly ho made good, w.tu 1 *7, li'i, with about l.uou dcpnait'ir* mui uti uinuuut one j ili'l .motor* of uoiucthiDK over gliri.noti. i'piin the receipt of Mr. I'old'u statement Mr. t.uiiih Immediately liniilo In-: re?|U "Hum upon the Attorney tifitcrul lor tlie closing 01 tin' bunk. Soon alb ruum Horutio I, Ave: III, a luwyi r n! NV* York city, attended on Mr. I.itnh one made several ni.'RiNtlonu lor a emuprom me. Mr. I,tttnh wouhi consent to only one -that the nttti'uru or trustee* should make tin- dellciency good by un .ihiolutc transfer of the .imount in ilelault to tlin asset* ol the biiuk; tliu certificate ol Kxammer lti'i'1 the dellciency Iwen ucluilly made good to be required as prool ol the Iran miction. Mi. Awrill thought lie could secure oiun Ibal couaunitontion, and w.i fivi 11 until Monday last to 1I0 It in. tin Motuluy a Idrthcr delay of one iiay *? requested by the president ol 1 Ii v built ami granted. baton t'ues day no word wm hoard Ironi any ol Hie bunk men, and Mr. latitil) directed the attorney to put hie pro coxa into loot Ion The papers were mint at unco to a law tlrni In New York. uml by litem were nerved tipoO the bunk. Mr. l.umb. In coutcrauiion upon tho subject, auld 1 that hia only objevl In onscntluif to give tho bank unI other cbuoce waa that depositors wight be benefited 0 g bjr their making the ileflclt (rood He did net belter* the bunk lOuld havo continued huuineaii touch longer under tin- ttiallioda by Which It hiti^iouu ho heretofore, making uch lujudiciou* invoaiiueul*. Ah io mo effect of the failure, bo thought it could not be very general, an the buuk wuH ?iu.ul, uud evou no big an luatllutioe ua tho Meebauica and Trader* had gone down with very little gcucral couimolion about it. THE liOAHD OF ALDERMEN. THK I'UOCffEUIXdh or THE liKCiC'CAll WEEXLJ MCETIMO. The Hoard of Aldermen met yesterday afternoon I* the Aldcruiiiiiic Chamber at hall past two o'clock, I'rcslueiil Lewie In the clia.r. Alter tho uouul routiue prehmiu try to business bad been goue through with AMeiuiau Sheila olTcrod a protest ol |iro|Mirly outers uguinut the removal of the Kiuigruut Department Iroin Itniprceeul site at Castle Harden. Kolorred to Committee on luiudg unit i'luces. Aidoiluau .Skviu ottered u |ielitlon lor nu uim iry l*r IIIO "nriwram IIVU|> vutwuy, ..?? umnuii, .i,u.ui N. V. Kelcrtod to Iho Committee on Military Alluirs. Alderman l'urrov oil'crod a resolution that iho Commil lee on 1'ublto Works be requested to place litem elves in communication with tbo beads of tbo several departments ol the city government lor tbo purpose ol obtaining such Inlornialion as cull be bad upon the subject ol utlogod noucomplianeo by sucli departments Willi the various city orillnuuces uo* in force. The resolution was adopted, alter sotnu slight discussion. Alderman llryati Keiily ollercd a resolution directing the superintendents ol murkois in remove tbu garbage resulting from Iho sale of country produce in such markets, and to dump it in the nearest convenient dumping place. Alter sotuo discussion tbo resolution was adopted. Alderman Hillings ollered a resolution to the effect tliut when iho liourd adjourn it shall bo to tbo lira! Thursday :u September. Messrs. McC'urty and l'urrov opposed the resolution on Iho ground ol pressing business beforo the Hoard, nud Mr. Hillings explained Ins reasons lor futhoriug ilia iesolutiuii. Tbo resolution was temporarily withdraw u. Aldertnau 1'iuckucy olfered the tallowing resolution : ? Res lived. That the f'uiiiuiiltce on Arts and Sciences and Education lie uml is liurvliy liireeted te iiniuire into and re* perl lo Una Heard with all uentoiiisnt >p.<ed what measures call be Iaaeu to propsriy ventilate tbe court rooms la this t'ouiii< i'ourt House ami the brown stone building in ths City Hall Hark. The resolution was adopted. L'nder tbo boa l ol coiuumtiicatloiis from His Honor lite Mayor threo or lour umiiiporiuul resolutions wsro returned without bis approval. Alderman Hillings' resolution ou ths question of adjournment to the tlrst Thursday in October came up fur decision. It received hul three ulllrinullve voles. Alileriiian I'lncknav called uii general order rosolU* (iuii Xu. (Jul, respecting ilio painting mid Icttoriug ul telegraph poles, which was putilishcd lust week. The resolution passed. Tim Com in I (too on I.i iuIm und Places sent lu a report npou I lie question luvulveil in tliu contemplated removal ol tlio ofllcc* ol Uiu K migration Commission, winch wax read. The committee tupurv that iheltoard of Aldermen havo liu Jurisdiction III the mutter, It hoing till ullair belonging tu the Cumiuisslonuia ol lb* Sinking Fund. The Hoanl then adjourned till Thursday. D E A T111. 11a uKit?On Tuesday, August #. Tuonan C. Bakkk. youngest sou ol John uud Mary Ann Baker, nguJ IS yours and 7 mom lis. Keluilvcs ami Irieuda of the family aro respectfully tuvilod to attend the Inderal, on Friday, Annum 11. It out his luiher's rusideuco, 4IJ Humboldt si., Williamsburg, at two o'clock. Cali.mki kii.?At Mad son, N. on Wednesday, August li. I'ai i.i>k, duugtilor ol liusluv and Leomo l'aiilino Calilneyer, aged J. years uud o mouth*. The tuuorul w ill lake idacolrom M. Viuccut'a church ou Saturday, the 1'Jtb of August, at eleven o'clock A. M. i.'AKHAUT.?At Cleuville, Coou., August 10, Uackali aii Cauiiakt, iii Ins sum year. Funeral iroiu the residence of his daughter, Mrs. John U Wlllaon, on Saturday, August l'J at two I'. M. Itclutivcs and iriends are rcspccllully invited to attend. Carriages will lie lu waiting at Fori Chester on arrival ol the 1'J M. train Irom Furty-accond atreel depot. (.'li teat At the lilen, Adirondack Mountains, August 1U, IIaitik A.. wile ol Kdwurd It. Chutiel, and oaly daughter ol then. W. and t'uriicliu Uailey. Notice ol funeral hcreuitor. Cl.t'XA.v.?Haxxaii i"l.i.x\x, who 111 juiurs c. ciniian, nl her roslilonce. l.od'J Atlantic uv,, Brooklyn, in Iba astli your nl tier ugr. l'liu funeral will tike plnco on Friday afternoon, nl two o'clock. Kolulivcs ami friends arc respectfully m> vlicit to ullotiti. Mum busier (Kuglaud) papers please copy. i imsA. ? I'lio rviuiiv'CM uml Irion lb nl .Ihiis Cokha aro respectfully luvited lo attend the lunsriil, on Friday, llio 11th mat., ul l ao o'clock 1'. M., lioiu tbo UelurtmnJ cburcli al VoTikciK. (.UAWyi'iin.?Al Ills residcuce. Weil Camp, t'Intel county, X. Y., J irks l a II K. Ckawhaiiu. Fuueral Friduy, August 11. m tliruo o'clock r. M. C'i'i.i.ks. ? Uu \Vednc-tUy, ibe Ulh ilist.. Maiiia, bo. loved ml'c ol the lalo I' dutlen, in ilia oOlh year ol bur i.gc, bile ol Alhy. county K bltire, Ireland. Friends ol llio rutin ly uro rei|ue>l?d lo ulteud I bo luniTal, Ironi bar lulu residence, lad lai uv., tbiu (frtduv) afternoon, atone o'clock. Hub.ill papers please copy. Daltus.?On Thursday. August 10, lHid, Mart A? Daltox, cldesl daughter ol' tlio lulu Domtnick and Auu Dalton. ' Hclullvcs nnd friends nro respectfully mvilcd to at* tend tbo fuueral. Iroiu her line resiiicuce, 1.0 I.udlow at, on Smiday. Auuuat III, is7b, ut two o'clock. Dark.?Drowned, ou Mouduy, 7th mat,Jawls W. I'aiik, .'17 years ol ago. Fuueral at two o'clock 1'. M., Friday, llih Intl., Irom the Middle Village Mcibouiat church. Curriuuri will bo iu waiting at a quarter lo one o'clock, at coruol ot llroudw.iy and-lili si., Brooklyn, 17 1). DchuoMi.?suddenly. August U. JkHKMIAU DkSXOXJ), aged 3U years, native Couutv Cork, Ireland. Friends will attend Itinera), Friday, 11th Inst., n| lour I'. M., froru corner st and lib uv., Brooklyn. Huston und Sun F rancisco papers pleaso copy. 1< ai ks.?On Thursday, August lu, Jamks Hayks, la the 34ih your nl Ins age. Tbo luncrul will lake piano (rom his Into residence, .V.iI l.couurd >l.. lirconpoint. on Saturday, August I'd, at three o'clot k. Friends ol the family are respectlullv Invited to ultood. M KIN KM AM? MlgUSt IN,II, ISAAC H. HKINKMAM, beloved sou ol Willnun and Louise liolnemuu, ugcJ 9 111 'II tils. Funeral will toko place Friday, at eight A. M., from residence, Xo. Wiiil 1 .Mil ifl. IIinki.kv?At Plain Held. X. on Tuesday, 8tb Inst, Kli/.aUKrii Uki.kkk, wife ol Wurrcn 3. Hinklt-y, lu II,o JSili year oi her ago. Kclattvcs and Irlcfid* are respectfully invited to at* tend the Inner,il, I mm ber former rostdcuce. Xo. lidt 4ili mi..- Jersey City, ou Friday, August 11, ul two o'clock 1*. M. ltowLsrr.?On Wednesday, Olb In at., after a linger* ing lllneil. Sisa.nxau, wile of tJonrgo Hewlett, In the 04Hi year ol her age, greatly regretted. Norwich ( papuis please copy. Isms.?On Thursday, August e>, Cuarles I.vmg, lata aculptor of Central Park. Xotieo of luiiorui horcafler. Kkkna.m.?On Wednesday, August 9. after n abort llllie-a, Ikiikssa H. Kkkna.m, agod 111 years. Funeral services will ho held at the reatdonco of her parents, No. 14'J Fust Houston sL, on Friday, at ono o'clock I'. M. Uclallves and iricnda aro reaoectlully int Jed to atiand. Interment in Fiatbush Cemetery. I .aw ii km a.? AtigUMt 9, 1876. Ida. daughter of John and Mary Lawrence, in lha Hist year of her age. Funeral irum the Memorial chapel, Harrison (New York and Now llatcu road), Saturday, at ball-past three 1'. M. Lovkjov.?On Thursday, Huh Inst, .at Ills lute residence, FJ4 Madison at, Joity Iaokjoy. uatlvo ol Boas* c.irhcrry, County Cork, Ireland, aged TO years. Notice of itinera! bi-reaitcr. I.t'in.ow.? At Islip, I .nog Island, August 8,* A. I.CliLoW, aged Id. The rolat.voM and Iriemls of tho I'amily are Invited la attend lloi luncial, at St. Peter's Church, Westchester, X V. un Friday. August II. at lialf-iuat one 1*. M.. without luriber notice. Carriaircs vrlit he in wailing on arr vtil oi train. Ilout loaves Fulton Slip at UrluA. M. Maxwki.l. ? In this eltr, on August 9th, 1870, Mr. Jam K.i Maxaki.i., ag. ?i t)t! > ear a. Relatives and Iricmls ol the family arc respectfully Invited to attend tlie tnnerul Irom St John's church, on Friday, at two o'cloua, ihonco to Ursonwood cometery. Mi-fiu-mr.???n Wednesday, t>tli mat., altor a short illness, Mrs. Ann, widow of tho late Hubert Mr.l .uoi-y. Relatives and tr ends am Invited to attend tho funeral, trotn tier luto residence. No. 9 Kant lfllb at., on Saturday, ldtb insL, at tbico o'clock, without further Invitation. I'.ti Kiiikij. ?On Aug i it f?. at Omaha flnrracks, Nebraska, alter a short Illness, Mrs. Maria I'acldiso, widow I the late frcderick W. l'uulding, ol Llobha' Kerry, Notice of fimernl hereafter IIowlami.?At Kiizaheib, N. J.. Wednesday, August 9, ls7d. WittiAS K Rowi.vxo, in his ;t9th year. Tho relatives and Irienda ol tho lataily, also tho memlie-is ol Stella Uilgil, No. 4X.i, f. mid A. M., are iuv.lcd to attend the funeral. irom the rvaldencs ol bis brother, siduay I. Hon land. SKtH Itrdford a v., llrouklyo, Saturday, August Id, at two I'. M. S< hmi i.ra. (to August 10, at two A. M., after a severe illness, K. 11. Si iimi'i.ts, aged 41 years, Id monll.e and Id dayr. IJc stives nn l Irielnls of tlio family, also failed Hr her.' Lodge. No. Aid, K. and A. M., aad the I.ind Wur.itcr Club, are rcspcciliilly Invited to attend the luncrel, on Sundsy, August l.'I, at two I'. M , from the Herman St. Mark's church, bin at., between let and Sid a Vs. St Tci.ivr. nit the'Jlh InsL, at forty- ninth street aud North Hivcr, Jomx S( Truer, aged 4d year*. funeral services at Newburg. from hie brother'* tosidenc'o, dio Water sl, on Friday, at three o'clock, Vki.ik. ? On Thursday morning, August 10, Jass A., wife ol Walter C. Vuhe. Helativi ? snd Irionds ol the lanilly or* invited to attend tho funeral, on Saturday, August I'd, at on* P. M., Irom the Church ol the Holy (Jomiuunioa, 6th eft, corner ol doth St. Watsox.?- At Livingston. N. J., Angnet 9, Unt 1'kixoi k, wiln of John I'. Watson, aged dfi years. funeral services on Saturday, Idth nisL, at 06* P. M. Carriages will ho in waiting at Orange to meet 10:40 A M. train Irom loot ol ltarclay at, friends aro Invited, without further notice. Willi*. ? iin Wcdoesday, uth InsL, st bis late rcaidcuce, JOd East dttb sl, William U, WujLle, *fudU yearn Notice ol fMoral Hmtfur.