Newspaper Page Text
TH WHOLE NO. 14,616. DIUKCTOIIV t'Olt ADVERTISERS. 11ERALD BRANCH OFFICE, J.265 BF.OADWAYOPKN DAY AND NIUHT FOR RECEPTION Ol ADVERTISEMENTS AND BALES Or PAPERS AMUSEMENTS?1st Pace?5th and 6th cola. ASTROLOGY?7th Page?4th coL BILLIARDS?2d PACK-6lh coL BOARDERS WaNTKD-'.'d Page?3d and 3d ools. BOARD AND LODOINO \VaNTED-2d PacE-Sd eoL BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 2D Paga-U col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?Rrn Page. Bl B1NKS8 NOTICES .'.tii Pack??th eol. CITY HEAL ESTATE FOE BALE-.'d Page?lit eol. CLERKS AND SALESMEN Ttu Page?3d and 4th cola. CLOTHINli?7tii Pauk?4th col. COACHMEN AND tiARDENKRS?7th Page?4tli eol. COASTWISE STEAL SHIPS?7th PatiE-oth and dlli coll COPARTNERSHIPS?Bth Pact. COUNTRY BOARD?2d Page-3d col. DANCING ACADKMIK8?1st Page?i?th sol. FURMSHRD Ml UNFURNISHED?2? 1'age? 1st col. european steamships?7tu Page?5th eoL BU ROPE?2d Page?Sth col. EXCURSIONS? 7th Page?6th col. financial-!) !'.?? . . FUSM'HH'ED" BOOMlT AN'D 'AP ARTMBNTS TO LBT-2 Page?ltt and 2d c?l?. SUKNITUKE?2D i*AG?-6th eol. RLP WASTED?FEMALES?7th Taos?3d coL SM.^Ii^AVELSK^^A?iAd 3d col.. HOUaksT koo^ms. AC?. WANTED?2d Pace?3d coL INSTRUCTION?It 1'ag*?-HI col. LOST AND FOUND?1st Page?1st coL MACHINERY?7th Pao* 4th col MARBLE MANTELS?7th Page?4th eoLJ MEDICAL?7th Pao*?4th col. MILI.INKi V AND DRBSSM A KINO?1?T PAOS?3d col. MISCELLANEOUS AD VEKTIShMKNTB?lOxm Pace6th coi MISCELLANEOUS?'7tn PAOB-6thcoL MUSICAL?1st page-Slb col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?6tu Page?6th coL PERSONAL?1st Pagk? 1st col. PIANOFORTES. ORUANS. AC.?2d Page?3d eoL POLITICAL?1st Page?otn coi. PROPOSALS?1st Page?4th col. _ _ PROPERTV OUT Or THE CITY POR SALB OR Tl RENT?2D Page?1st col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d Pace?1st col. HEAL ESTATE WANTED?2d Page?1st col. REWARDS?1st Page?l>t col. SALES AT AUCTION?2D 1'agB?<th aud 5th cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?7tii Page?1st, 2 nail 3d cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?7th page-3d col. SPECIAL NOTICES?1st Page?1st and 2d cola HPORTINO?DOOS. BIRDS. AC.?in Page?2d coL SToRAOE?2D Page?3d col. SUMMER RESORTS?2D Page?3d coL THE TRADES?7th Page?4th col. THE TURF?1st Page?2d col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d Pace?1st co TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?7th pagb-Uth col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LRX2d Pag*?2d col. IVAMTCn T i DITDJ'll Act? -1- D . ? r..L * WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.?1st PatlB-Ud coL WISES. LIQUORS. AC.?2d Faun?5tb col. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS. AC.?IOtk Paub?6th eol. PKRSONAL.. BtEECKEff~^fh'efet car"to i^UI'tM HfSki Sunday afternoon.?Young lady. In black dress, wit parcel, pleas* seud address to gentleman with shawl. At dress C< >NS IANT, Herald Uptown Branch office. M.-IF POSSIBLE, I WANT TO SEE YOU TO-DAl - end me word, Ac. E. C1ENTKNNIAL.?WILL GIVE $10 FOR WALLET AN J contents. M. A CO. It~THE MAN WHO TOOK~THR~WHlTE TERRIE Dog Sunday morulng. 2 o'clock. corner of Orand au Forsyth its., will return him to as Eldridge at., he will ri eelve I{t3. L' ADY IN 8TU AV. CAR. SATURDAY NIUHT.~ o'clock.?Gentleman asked where you lived, punned tli u or as you were going I'lease address note. Herald U| towu Branch odice. to JOHN H., when and where I can ae you. Don t tail; very anxious. PKT^COMEWHKN YoOWlLL YOU ARE WKLCOM tome. DU MA I.-ON ROUGE. T"wctoentliemen that on TUESDAY. 32D.. P. it in Bowery, corner 5th St., taking refuge troin the dui produced by the broom machine ; the lady that had to d the satue requests this party to leave their address. Ai dress Mrs. cora, Herald office. lOLLT, DARLING?TWO ACCOMPANIED ME; I SE but one lace, fear but oue voice; indeed uiy tutferin? equal yonr's and increase daily. When can I see or writ you f Esto Udells. UNO. WillImrs. brown, formerly miss mofiat be kiud enough to address CHARLES F. BUDI) Filth Avenue Hotel 1 WILL BEAUTIFUL BLONDK. WHO WAITED Pj tiemly in parlor, permit the acquaintance ol "Will, who tent for pearl colored hats t WILL BLANK, Fifth Avenue Hotel. LOST ANl? rut M'. Lost?a small,"okay. 'Tailless ^aT~(man cat). A suitable reward will be given upon its retui to 31 West :i2d at. LOST-A PEARL BREASTPIN. GOING FROM WEc llth st. lo Dr. Deems' church, Sunday Burning, liberal rewnrd. Return to 4H West lltii tk LOST-SEPTEMBER 2t5. AT ROCKAWAY BEACH, gold Locket, with letters C. K. (I. in monogram. I I nder will bo liberally rewarded by addressing KIMHAL. Ax ISO Herald office. Lost.-sunday morning, stth, a large blai: and gi t Kan, white painting on black silk, bctwet i!4th and 4 d sts. A liberal rrward if returned to the As land House on 4th av. REWARDS. H. r."KEW\Rd7?LOST on SaTI>RDaT~&0RN fnil little Spits Slut. answerlnc to tho name of Flora. Tl above will be paid on return of same to 2U7 East 21st st. CI* rz RKWIKD FOR THE RETURN TO 22 WEST f>T iJ>J st of is black ami tan Do*', red collar, lock and ta bells: answers to name Tom. til H BEWAKD-Lo-T IN HAMAD ST.. A SMAL ipLV' Box, with steel Cutters. DeliTer at 37 lienry m Mew York. No questions wiiljse asked. SPECIAL. KOTICKS. JC9T TWO DAYS LEFT JUST TWO DAYS LEFT JUST TWO DAYS LEFT la which to aecara tickets of the Grand Drawing of the KENTUCKY CASH DISTRIBUTION COMPANY, KENTUCKY CASH DISTRIBUTION COMPANY. KENTUCKY CASH DISTRIBUTION COMPANY, which is to be given in aid of the PUBLIC BCliOOLS OF FRANKFORT. PUBLIC SCHOOLS or FRANKFORT. PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF FRANKFORT, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31. 1876. THURSDAY. AUGUST 31, 1876. THURSDAY, AUGUST 31. 1870. Agents throughout the country are peremptorily ordere to send In complete reports uu AUGUST 2.1, end If an dckets are returned from them they will be sold out fror lay to day whUa thoy last, at New York and Frankfot inly. BUY AT ONCE. There is no safety In waiting nou Arrangements havo been made to keep a supply av the Nei York olBce as loug as there is a ticket anywhere. Kemern Mrtbtri in only 100,000 tickets in the scheme, makin Ike chances one in nine. LIST OF (HITS. 1 grand cash tri!V..$ i tl.000 I 1UU cash gifts of $500 1 gratid cash gilt... 50,ia?) each $50,CO 1 grand cesli k>fk-.. 25.' OO | lis)cash pills ot #4W 1 grand cash gi t... 20.1"Ol each 4i?,00 1 grand gilt... In.i O > i Km c ??h gilts ol $3(X) I grand cash gilt... 5,000 eacti SO.tXJ SOcailt (Ills ol?l,(JOO I 2U?eaxb girts o! Ul?J each $30,00) I ihcIi 40,0) I 60U cash glltiuf$100 ( each 60.00 | tlklkjo cash gills of | $12 each 120,00 1 Total, 11.13d gilts, | ail cash $000.00 " '.CK OF TK KETH. Whole tickets, ?12, halves. $ !; quarters, $3; 9 ticket! $1110; 27s tickets, $3oo; lirkets. $>O0; Hi's ticket! $I0U. The Distribution Trustee* have latrasted the butinei msnsrenient of the cnnipeny to Hon. nx-tiovertior Till)' )'. I't)KI hit, ol Kentucky. New Vork other rstahliehe under h s especial direction. (Jue chance in nine I- sure t win. WHY S T itI Y NI\h TICKETS FOR ?1"?). s as to havo the ties; possible snow to get your rn npv hack a least. Of coursr, no Ktiarant-r can ' o ntaor to any patticc lar buyer or ela-s of buyers ot receiving gilts, except tboe whom tha drawing may show to he entitled to them. Dotting ol that kind could be done where the distribution i ' conducted fairly. TF.LEQitAM FROM OOV. PORTER. Kasjskroer, ky, August 26?3 P. k. Messrs a W. Banuow Make your returas to reach us on the 29th. sure, as tb drawing will poeltlvaly take place on the 31st. THUS. P. PORTER, f General Manager. U. W. BARROW A 00.. U. Vf. BARROW * CO., i. W. BARROW A CO.. ( eneral Eastern Agents 710 Hroadway, N w York. Odlraopen until 10 P M. till August :?). ATTENTION DISEASES DK MKN PERMANENTLY cured, even ol long standing ; consultation lice. ' Or. JACOBY. ItH Bleeckerat. ' A ? ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. ' As Next drawing September I Kentucky Stat# Single .Number Lottery. Next drawing September 3U. THEODORE ZSCHOCtf, liu Nassau it., Saw York. x * V I [E NE NEW 1 SI'KCIAI, SOT1CK*. k~ -isaai' <;. BDYI'K. _tl7 BROADWAY. LAWYER JV Divorce" obtained promptly, without publicity; dcxo tiou, incompatibility. habitual druukeuneM. iulldellty. inK huoinn treatment. NMMh at tcluny. l'a??por'.? obtained. ^ t\iseasks "ok men aspkcialty U UI.NllY A. DAN I HI.8. X. D.. 144 Lealntstou nr., near 2lHh at. Office hour* from H to II. IjALKCTRIO BELTS I'm; 1* IIII 11 AT I" RE DK iTTTTl TY* 'J Call or aend fur circular m .1 k A KK. Broadway. % /1BAND TRUNK" RAILWAY. ' T Tendera are invited lor the purchase of old Iron Rati*, delivered at followa About o.uoi tone at Montreal, Toronto. Saruia, Detroit Junction or Buffalo. Aliout 2.0IO ton" at Portland. The company ha" wharlatre accommodation for ihlpment by water at Toronto. Saruia aud Portland, and dellveriee L would be made through the "uuiiner ami nututnu. Illfera "tatinir the price per ton I of 2.240 Iba.) and the place of delivery will he received by the uuderaiined un to the 15th September. JOSEPH IIICK80N. General Sltoipr. 0 Montreal, August -'4. 1878. HAVaNaHmVttKRY ??i at.lKJU WILL BB DRAWN September I. Spanish fold and Havana Bank bills bought aud sold: draft* on Havana issued. H. MARTINIS A 0(1, in Wall st , bascnieut. ?CHRONIC'"CATARRH, DEAFNESS; IMPROVED method; lustsutaiieous relief; permanent cure*. Or. STODDARD. So. H West 141b at. ENTVCKY STATE LOTTEilV-lnfAWS SEPT. 3ft Whole tickets. $10; shares in proportion. Royal llavuna Lottery, draw* September 1. Capital prlia. $( 1 <X>.0t??. Whole tickets. $20; helves. $10; twentieths,$1. JACKSON A CO.. Bankers, 202 Broadway New York. VTERVOC8 ExTTaOSTION.-A MEDICAL lis AY It comprising a scries ol lectures delivered at Kabn'i* Museum of Anatomy, Now York. on the cause end cure of Premature Decline, showing indisputably how loot health may be regained, affording a clear synopsis of the fmpodi? meats to marriage and the treatment of nervous and physical debt ity, being the result ot 211 years' exper enee. Price. 25 cents. Address the author, I)r. L J. KA11N, office and residence&l Bast 10th it.. New York. OLD K. 8 N TI' OKV~8TATV. LOTTERIES-SMITH'S. KF.NTCCEY. EXTRA CLASS SO. 618. TOR 1870. 60. 37, 75. 13. 25. 12. 5. NO, 32. 78. oil. 3, 18, 29. KENTCCEY, CLASS SO. 614, roK 1876. o 55. 75, 8, 14. 44. 0. 26. 06. 59. 2. 15. 00, 52. 68. All order* address B. NATHAN*. 11 Broanwny. N. Y. Royal Havana lottery.'?$??v*w~wfLL BE drawn on Sent. 1. Prizes cashed; orders tilled: inlormation Inrniahod; highest rates paid for Spanish bills, gov, ernraents, Ac. " TAYLoK A CO.. Bankers. No. 11 Wall et.. New York. ?PARKS~ *P,M 1 U80N A CO. Kentuckv State Lotteries drawu daily. Royal Havana Lottery, drawn overy 17days. Keiitncky -Single Number Lottery, drawn September 30, Prizes "allied. lulormHtion uriiiilted and circulars Irae. Address as above, 180 Broadway, room 4. CJ ?OFFICIAL DRAWINGS KENTUCKY 8TA.TK LOTO. taries. HiMMONS A DICKINSON. Managers. RKHTIiCRY. EXTRA CLASS NO. 5(15?AUOCST 26, 1876. 40. 58, 62, 44. 48. 13, 50, 18, 29, 34. 6, 7. KENTVCEY. CLASS NO. 500? AOGCST 26. 1876. 5, 45. 41. 22. 6. 3. 06. 17, 32. 11, 50. 42. 51, 68. HENRY. EXTRA CLASS NO. 40 >? ACOt'ST 26. 1876. 52. 35. 17. 40. 25. 57, 51, 45. 76. 27. 5. 26. MERRY, CLASS NO. 408?APOCST 20, 1876. = 36. 69, 75. 34. 58, 72, 50, 33. 02. <8, 3. 55, 23. 52. Vnll li,,n h> anlrlntr t.w.r n.l.lrA.Un- .1 rl.HTK k CO.. 2WJ Broadway rear room, first floor. h Q ?$3C1.IXJO. ?SIMMONS & DK~KIN SO N. ?81X GLK 1- O. number Kentucky State Grand Distribution to be drawn September 3d. Also Koyal Havana of Cuba. Drawn - September 1. Full information by applying to or addrenaingJ. CLUTE k CO., -iOi) Broadway, rear room, first floor. D $322.000rOBEAT BS legalized by anthority of the Legulatnre of Wyoming, o to be drawu at Cbeyenne, Wy., September 5, 187ii. ,j $333,1100 to be distributed. To be conducted by sworn commissioners in pnblic. In the reach of uny one to gain a fortunj for only a small outlay. 9 Capital prise, $50,000. e Bingle tickets, S3 each, or apackag of (10) tickets for SID, >- and tno balance to be deducted!(only) from the prises drawn, e Information furnished, orders filled. Apply 10 or address KMuRY A CO., Brokers, 31 Park row, opposite l'oat othce g New York city SPOUTISiG-DOGS. BIRDS, <Vo. For sale?a young female rhinoceros, male and female Tapirs and black Leopard. Apply at 10 123 Front St., room 0. l" t ookout~for thFsaLIk op superb breech _I J loading shot Guns, mado by J. A W. Toiler, of Blr* E niingham, England, and 39 Maiden lane. New York, is They will be ?old on e thursday, August 31, at 12 o'clock. On exhibition Wednesday, August 30. p At TUNIS JOHNSON'S salesroom, 37 Nassau St. T>OOLS BOLD ~ X at the International Exchange. - No*. 804, FOC, 808 : snsaui st , rear of Continental Hotel, I- Philadelphia, Pa.. on a'l bponing Event*. Special arrangements made for receiring each half mile - and result ut each heat and race of the Begatta on Schuylkill River, X The only direct wire from the grand stand. n Prompt attention given to orders by mail or tslogTarh. MILLER it CO., Philadelphia, Pa. A npoi*"lever" double'boltDamascus barrel X lireecbloader, in case, with implements, at low figure. H. C. SQUIRES, No. 1 Cortlanut st. a mattkrsalls. 1.237" k rc1adw ay? FKENC h "pools, J? X $1 tickets ou internatioual b at race heats aud race. THE tukp. K A UCTION, FRENCH AND COMBLN'ATYO'J POOLS jlV. fcu'.d day and evening nt New York Turf Exchange. 15 ! ' West 2>th it , ou the Philadelphia Regatta and Hartford trotting and running race?. Combination Pool*, $2; French _ Pools, .f j and $5. Open 6:30 A. M. Prompt attention given orders by mail or messenger. KKLL\, BLISS k CO. 1 UCTION ?FRENCH AM) C <7M BINA TION~P< > O L 8 A i\. sold Ibis morning at 10 o'clock at Johnson's rooms. ,e corner Broadway an i 2vth St., on the trots at Hartford and the boat races at Philadelphia Each heat and raco re" reived dire* t hy telegraph. French pools open nt 6 A. M. All rd rs by mail or uiesseuger will receive particular at* '? tentlon. T. B. JOHNSON. TTA~TFOKl> RACES. L XI Charter Oak Park. ? August 29. 30. 31 and September ? 1 Tuesday's programme.?2 :J4 class; Id entries; May Bird. Little Fred, Blue Mare. Nellie Irwin, Annie Collins, - Nettie Barlow, Coininonwe 1th, Belle Hrasfield aud others. 2 class; 12 entries; Mamhriuo Kate. Enfield, Dick ^ fewivelcr. Lafittc. Ac.. Ac Running race; 7entries: Bambino, Violet, Pastor, Olasgow, Loiiena .Leamingtor.ian. Burgoo. All railroad trains run dire t to the entranc- gate. HURDETT LOOM IN, President; AutXAJunca Harbison, Secret a-y. OARATOOA" RACINH1 ASSOClATloN. l.'I'V BROAD w?y.? ?T|U hii uhj niu pTfliiiuu ud me trots at Hartford *nd on the Philadelphia regatta. JOHN VtoKRISSF.Y A C0._ HORSES, CARKIAOEH. dll'. A~~T~AUCTlON. ' ~ on tursdat, august _1?. at 10 o'clock. BY van lasskll A kearney, auctionkek8. at their Maht, 11", 11'J east 13th Ml., near 4TI1 av.; twkn I Y seven euperior IIOKSKS, suitable for road. family nn?l business u?e; alao extra Hue lot of fine second IIaND carriages, wagons, harness. ac. Full dettriolloo in TUESDAY'S HKKALD, under this HEAD, and in PRINTED CATALOGUE at AUCTION >PART; alao, at private sale. LANDAU, by BREWSTER A CO.. ftf BROOME ST.; CLARENCE, by .1. ? BREWSTER A CO., or J.Vni ST.; Tor SIDE Btk WAGON, by BREWSTER A CO.: TOP ULL SPRING W At ION. bv R. M STIVERS; \? LARENCK. be MINER A STEVENS: OOl'1'K. polo and ahatla. by W. II. BRADLEY A CO.; COUPE KOCKAWAY. pole and ahat'la, by WOOD BKO.; T CaKT. pole and abafta, by DEM ARKST; _ W EEL DOG CART, by WOOD BKO.; d Five and ?ix ?eat Park Pbaetou, l.y Wood; I BAROUCHE, iu fluo older, bv WOOD BKO.: . I EXTENSION TOP PHAETON, bv \V. II. BRADLEY A CO.; n Doctor*' ffnroaa. top and no top Pone Phaotona, Jump aeat and Depot ltockawaya. top and no top Wagona, in t ureal variety. VAN TASSKLL A KEARNEY. 110, 11J Eaat HJtb at., r. near 4th nv. ?GIDEON, JR.. HAMHLBTONIAN TKOTTINO COLT. MAJOR 111 A>. W. BARKER. AUCTIONEER. GIDEON, Jr . daik iron pray celdiug, nearly ltl high, foa'ed J uue 4. iB7l ; bred by G EoltU K 1,A N CAstER, E-i|., iM ilanpor. Me . *nt by Gidruli. *oti of llyadyk'n RambleIonian, dam of Mesteilifoi deeccnt; pedigree STRICTLY K-iarauteeil: liaa had uo band log to develop apeeil. and can ' Tl'.lli A FULL Mil,i'. IN'J :"ai. dayle or double, anil show I BE i TKll than a Inrty salt; a tbe GK.ANDKST. flnrat dispo ?.J *v?v un?i appcaruiif am J I bant biv?l jreldhii; of hi* M/.e KVliK KKB.N or known: is of I extmordlitHrv I'KO.MISK: can be driven by ANY ONh at ^ j peed; require* no bt otiajf; ha* splendid full flowing mano an . tall, and !? warrantad sound and kind. Almi superb no ^ ; top aide bar Koad Wajjon, built by KKKWSTKK A i'O., of _ Hroom at. atnl n? w tw ? nionihi upo; M?t tine single ar 0 nrs?, Clothm*. Ac.. Ae? the property of a f*ROMI NENT MKKCd ANT c impelled to to abroad on account of ill0 ( I..- .lth Will bo a,i|.i p.?iilv?ljr on WKD.NEsfM Y NHXT. I Ani.".i>t '1 ' at 11 o'clock, at IlAKkKK k M>VS Oltjr Auc ^ I tion >1 art and New \ ork Tat Ismail's, comer of Broadway | and JiHth -t. Now on exhibition. A FOR BALE; v M M. AMORTMKKt OF fkOorfD hand ?'vrUf*?. all in (in? order, at reasonable prices. 1 Brou-'hania. i 2 t'a riol ta No top l*hneton? and T Carta. Half apririir T"P Wnjfonc it 1'ony Phaeton , BKFWSTKK L CO., Sib av., corner 14tb it. d \ ?kxtr mikhinaky haroainb.- rirv made " J\* top Bogey iu splendid orii?r. fl.X), bankrupt m>ck of " j leather top Hnglflds. CIJ.V Kockawute. ilj.'i; phaetons, 1 *ii) Dapnt Wagons, turnover teat Huirifles. Ac ; Harness. 1 tirrr de^TtpiInu, trom $lo; Hmnlirn, kheili, N'cu, Ac. at J Coat. JUHM MOORE. 57 Warr. a t sivi.i-h vol iiacaruaiiihuur wanted j\ Fall l-V.i hnnD high . mail lie a very d?r!? brown, with black points well broken to doable and single harness, a ; high ste-oprr. sound. .entle and free troin all vices. for ; <v It teh a liberal price will be pttid. Address C. It. 1'. Herald I'pt wn Branch oflice, aiatin.. price and where he aeu be even. \ kiikjIAI.k, v 1.1'iHr.J. ii BKKWSIKlt mVkii ?r\ C"iip?, u*ea a lew limes at a largo discount from the a original price. MWTtm A CO., M ttt W, t pair OF MULES FOR HALk OHEap?voUN0. al a 'und end kind, warranted In every particular. Apply to It. FIELDS, SB Bowery. \?SEt'OND IIA.M) oarriaukn at~A > At'RI Flflv b? a private laniily one Linden. one Clarence, una INigpr.t one I'b.trton and one top Wagon. To be eeeu at M. CURLEY'S. 11?t? East I3iii !.. near 4th nr. \N ERULIHH HUNTING CART, TUB ONL1 OVE~OF the klr d in this country To be son at M. UUULEY'N, | lot) Fast I Jin ?l., near 4th av A HANDSOME PONY FOR BALK CHEAT.-TO BR seen at litp last I .it Is at . neat 411 a?. A -SEVEN BUSINESS AND Willi KINO HORSES; . cheap. Apply In rear of :?7B and 37S Bowery, opposite '.ali st. \ FOR BALI HANDSOME BAY FAMILY OR ' 7V. business Horse. 11 years old. I5\ high; trots In 3 minutes. warranted round and kind In ertry respect, trial irOen at half vidua, reason fcr selling will i e g ven at owner's stable. SB West 3d it., between riulllean and Thompson. 1 HAKUAIM?FOUR IIORSEH, FROM 15 TO if! Ji liana* Inicb; all warranted good workers; from $i0 to $5W 1m stable, Oi-i Hudson st. W YO fORK, MONDAY. AUGUST | llORSKS. CARRIAGE!*, dit. A~ N EXECUTOR'S SALE. ATTENTION OK GENTLEMEN WISHINO TO PUHCHASK FINK IIOKKKS IS CALLED TO THE EXECUTOR S SALE OK EIGHT ELEuANT IIIOIl BKEI) TROTTING. ROAD. SADDLE AMD KAMILY HOKSKS. TOGETHER WITH ELEGANT CAIl 1AOKH. KOAl> WAOONB, HARNESSES. BLANKETS, AC.. THE PROPERTY OK HALTER GARNER. OECKA8ED, WILL BK SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON TUESDAY. AUO 1ST 29, AT 11 OCLOCK IN THE FORENOON. AT PRIVATE S ABLK 67 EAST 330 8T ALL HORSES WARRANTED. A MP LB TIM* ALLOWED KOK TRIAL AND EXAMINATION. t Including TIIK FINEST OF.NTLEMA.N'8 ROAD HOUSE IN THIS city. Defiance. raised at Cynthiana, Ky., aired l>y Yellow Jacket (the aire of Thomas L. Yon rip, record J: I IP, data a hall hrod maro: trotted when purchased three heals over Cynthiana course in 2:32. J :3'l ami 2:11)* He It an extraordinary stylish horse in harness, sud a very prompt, pleasant driver: vary square Raited, with line knee action; 7 years old. 16bauds liigh; bri|(ht bay in color; haa very tlat, ci'ray aet or limha nod tine teet; mild, amianle disposition : does net pall or shy; is not afraid of the cars; is safe tor anybody to drive and can pull a top wagon equal to any horse in the city, and it warranted sound aud kind. IIKALTiriL BLACK TROTNNG GELDING RURprise; raised by Colonel Russell, of Boston; sired by fearnought; (record ol 2 23); dam by Yoetijc Murriil: I6C bauds liich. N years old; jet black in culur, and for style and beauty cannot he surpassed; trotted In gentleman's load race over nunctui iriiv'K, nn?U'n, u awim: a io?> driven ov owner, three heats, is 2:ii-, -itf, 2:.i8>?; he Ik a very promnt. game driver; in uoi excitable in company; doe* not pall wheu speeding; doen not wear onots; it good gaited; hat got a very bold, resolute way o! going, and, it handled for speed. can trot in 2:35: la sate for any ordi nary d . ver, it a good double horse, and is warranted sound and kiud. %'hliY FAST THOTTING M A KM LADY WELLES, raised in Orange county: sired by Iron Duke, he by old Hambietonian. daw by Crablree's lielltounder: Is 7 years old, bands high; trotted over Prospect Park course hi 2:28, 2 :2 . 2:25lu, beating Grace Hertram, Lady Backus and three others. (For other performance* tee Wallace's Turf KegDter.) >bo is a very pie <suut driver, d'?e* not pull or shy. Is good gaited, hat extraordinary bottom and endurance ; can speeo a 2 :2U gait to a road wugoti; lor track purpose* she la invaluable at she is a good breaker and catcher and no excitable in company, and can be driven hy uuy ordinary driver, warranted iound and kind. THE HANDSOMEST AND CLOSEST MATCHED team of Trotting Mares In this city, full sitters, 6 and 7 3ears old, 1. \ hands high, beautiful dapple black in color; raised tiy Colonel Perkins, of Manchester, N. 11.; sired by Gtlbretti Knox, darn by Young Morrill trotted at fair held in .Muucneater three heats in 2:40, 2 :39, 2:41, taking fir?4 premium, also trotted at lair held at Hrattleborou> k. Mass., three heats in 2:41.2:37,2:40^, taxing first premium; they are perfectly broken, single and double; either mire can beat 2 :35; drive together like ? ne horse ; do not need checks or martingales; carry heads ami tails exactly aliko and are galled alike ; they have very mild, amiable dispositions, are not excitable, do not pub or shy. are not afraid of cars, are sale for a lady to drive, cannot be out?tvled by anv team in this city, and are warranted sound and kind. BEAUTIFUL SADDLE MAKE MAGIC, R USED AT Paris, Kv.; sired hy Melbourne, dam a half breed mare; It 7 years old. lf>^ hands high; dark hav in color; is penectly broken to saddle ; guides hy motion ; has all different saddle gaits; nun taken three premiums in Kentucky ns beinc the lianritnmcst and best broken saddle mure in that State; in broken to harness; carry a lady or gentleman with style and cum', and is warranted sound and kind. ELEGANT GOLDEN .SUI1KEL TROTTING GELDING Dauntless; sired by feck's Idol, dain by Eureka: is 6 years old, l>% handt high: trotted in Kingston, in four-year old Colt Stake, winuinr first premium in 2 .30, 2:34. 2.3">f$; also trotted at lair held ut Kntwalk. Ckmn, in 2:34 clans, winning llrst premium in 2:33, 2 :3I, 2:2!i*i; since which time ho lius been used on the read: he Is a very pleasant, prompt driver; ones not pull or shy; Is not excitable In company . is vety irond trailed; has trot remarkable endurance; is safe for aiiytuidy to drive ; is a very fast pole horse, and is warranted sound and kind. V ERY nTYLISH TROTTING GELDING. DUKE, sired by Er stus Cornina's Harry Clay, dam by Uysdick's liambietunian, 9 years old. 15% bands high: dark brown in o dor; trotted at Albany, N. in 2t-9. 2 :27, 2 beating Ben Smith, flog Terriil and two others; also bent Lady Aiicusta and Charley Green at Saratoga in 2:30, 2: 9, 2 .33tj', over a very sandy half-mile track ; he Is a pleasant driver; very rapid galted. does not need boots when speeding; is a very good company horse; can be driven at speed with m slack rein ; does not shy; is tare for any ordiuary driver; is extraordinary stylish in harness; is one of the fastest pole horses in this country, and is warranted sound and kind. OA ItitI tOKH CONSIST OP ONE ELEGANT IMPERIAL W HITECH A PEL EXTENSION TOP PARK PHAETON; SEATS POUR PERSONS, WITH POLE A NO SHAFTS. ONE LEATHER TOP PONY PHAETON. ONE FALL oPRING TOP WAGON. ONE WHlTBCUvPEL T,>P W tUON. ON E OPEN TROTTIWO WAGON. ONE KLEGANI COACH. A I.I. BEST CITY MAKERS. DOUBLE AN l> SINGLE HARNKSS, BY DUXSCOM II A DEM A UK ST. BLANKETS RUBES, WHIPS AND ALL STAHLE UTRNSILS. SALE POSITIVE, RAIN OR 8HIXB. By order of Dr. \YM. H. MONROE, CHA LKS N. 1'IPKK, Executor*. T ARCH. JOHNSTON'S MA":'!-.'!!) TO 25" 13TH ST^ NEAR UNIVERSITY PLACE. | THE BALANCE OK THAI KLBCIANT KENTUCKY o STOCK. TOOTHER WITH A NUMBER OK H I OTHERS NOT INCLUDE0 IN CATALOUUK. 2 I ALSO. ? I E LEO ANT TEAM MAMBR1NO CARRIAOE - HORSES. HALK BROTHER-', HI HANDS, li AND 7 2 I YEAR.-: IN EVERY WAY RELIABLE; WARRANTED SOUND; WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION IO^ MORROW (TUESDAY), AUOUST 29. AT iOO'CLOCK. g IK Not PREVIOUSLY DISPOSED OK AT PRIVATE a SALE. NOW ON EXHIBITION AT THE ABOVE < I .MART. BAROAIN SELDOM OKKKRED.-TliN WILL BUY A Brat class city built top Wagon; cost $t.Vi last April; a tine Harness. #4*>; bsautitnl top Puny Pbaetou, <11 IK I. worth $.'150; a h*ndiome young H?mbletoni*n Mere, $J( 0, worth $500 sure At prlrate stable. No. 11 West 27th St., uneadoor east of Broadway. A PONY BUILT HORSR. TWO OTHER HORSES, young end sound, #55. $sn, $100. U1 Canal st. HANDSOMH TOP PONY PHAETON. SlIIKTINO top Wagon and set Harness, nearly new, lor sale cheap. No. 151 West .'t .th St. A~KUR SALE THIS DAY, THE ESSEX LIGHTS INU . Ko.l Company's Horses, six in number, very cheap. 48 East 28th it. BU Y YOUIRCARRIAGES DIRECT PROM TH KMAXUtactnrer. thus saving a dealer's profit of l '> per cent. CII ORl BE. 3?Xt Canal St., has all kinds of his own make, en hand, or will make to order at manufacturers' prices. CNo AC II ESC CLARENCES. LANDAUS. LANDATLKTS". J Victorias, Coupes, coupe Itockawnys, extension top I'ha. tuns, top and open Pony Phaetons, top and open Road Wagons, new and second hand Harness, sheets. Whips Nets. Ac. WM. II. CRAY, 20 and 22 Wooster st. CTARK1AQKS FOR TOW IT OR CO U NTRY. j Prieea reduced. Extension Top and Central Park Phaetons, Cabriolets. Pony Phaetons, Kockaways, Depot W?iron?, Central Park i Watruii.. Top Quean Pony Pbaetotia In now druisna, elegantly fini lied. A. 8. FI.AN DIIAU, 373 anil 374 Broome it. (old it anil of Brew.ter A Co.) TOXOUANOB?ONB OP rilK BBSr BRKD 8TAU10M Vj In tlio rountry ; sound, kind, handsome and font; coat , $3,000: will be exchanged for Furniture of llko va ua. Address oWNKH. no* 3,016 Pnat oAce, Now York. FOR BALK AT AUCTION?OR MONOAYTAUGUST S8. ?i M, P M . In front af the West Knd dotal, by J. W. I MOKItl i. a tenni ot dork bn_v<. HI'J bands; not icarcd at 1 locomotives; Land u, by Wood Bros.; city mado ilarnaaa; owner lea-inir lor K irope. TJKM s vl K TWO BAY IIORSK3, 16 HANIJ8,~KriT F able lor truck or cart; cboap; jcot to be aold?nothing to do. BBS West 10th ?t. fjv>K 8AI.lT? BAY MAP.A.VD8. H YKAK8 OLD; ' warranted aonnd tor ladies or children to drive or other , business. Store 334 tiudao i at. H* AkNEH.i^c"IIKAPESTHARNKSB STOKE IN NEW V ?rk: good liuggv llarneM. hand mad*. $15: good I Grocer'* Harne**. $#>; good d-uble Team tiarue**, #3U; is | good llorte Blanket, $1 GO. Please call and examine for Hyou sclr^s. PIS HER at OHBORK, Manufacturer*, 71 Baralaf sl> or TALUK? H()RStS. KliDM Hr? TO 51 GO. FO~ any km a of work ; two top Expreie Wagoai. No. 137 | ?tfc If. MURTOAGK SALfcT?TlIoMAS KKJLY, AUCTIONEKK. Holla n onday, 28th iD*t., at 10% o'clock, at No. 113 j Barrow *t., nine flue work Horse*, ttuitubit* for any basl' iiw*4; Trucks. Wagon. llnrneM, Ac., by order of JOiiN ; ON A C CO I* NT OP MY HUSBAND'S DKATll TWO ; Florae*. suitable tor farmer or any buniues*, at half | value. H?i <\ est 3d it., between Thompson and Builivuo. QBCONU HARD 1. \ N I > a I . CLAHENCE, coupe, , ^ 4 Latidaiiief*. Extan*ion Top F'hiroton, Coupe Rock- j aw it*. ) l'M*H*ngor Phaeton*. Cabriolet*. T Cart, Depot j I Wagon* and a few Brewster k Co. Koad Wagon*. A. H. klandrau, 373 and 374 Broom? *t "id itund "I Brewster A Co. To"! T TtiB PRlVATi 8TABLB BEAR OP KO. 110 Weil 47th ?t. ; r#nt low. Apply on premise* IITANTKD If GOOD and oukap pair work T? Horse* ot Mules Address H. C. ft., box 3,626 Putt j I otnee. New York. 8 Vol NO WORKING HOIUBN?ARONO TIIKil A tine team suitable lor any work; sold lor vant of use. BLACK UURMC; 7 TIAH, 16 gMO". hand.. fiat traveller; warranted sound and , Kind. 21(1 Wnl Mat at. (HM-IMKHV \\l> DKKSSMAKlNC. A-A.-HTRANGERH VISITING TilIX CITY WILL . do wall to call and ?ee our atoct of Kali and Winter ' i Millinery lor mlsae. and children, alto Indie.' Urea. Cap. and Booming Millinery. Mr. MYKK. . 22 Kant 14th at.. ! between .'ith e.v. and (Jnleeralty place. j I N>TItl t a H? v. Af'TllKMI'SciN S dil.l.: (IK, .'(( till AV ni'l'ilMTK I Cooper Institute.?H.mkkeeplnir, Writing, Arltli'neiie, I I Grammar. Spelling . Instruction day or evening; ladle' depariruent; Telegraphy tan gin practically, with instruments ; demand f r operators; commence immediately ; lerma low. t TODKO IVInriiA LADY, Of HIGH Ml'tlOAL /l atanding. Irrtdnated' teacher or Krencli, Herman ami ' l.ngllsh languages, drawing, Ar., wlahet re-engagement for | ! next ciolier ? reaidenl or vlalllng teacher In actiool or family; higheat referencea. Addreaa W. E. box 204 llarald ! i oOice BI lA KDING A NO DAY SCHOOL?FOK YOI'NO LA die?. under the charge of H,iters de Notre Dane, will ' reopen oept ember t. 1S7U; hoard and tuition per annum. flV>. Apple to SCPKRloKKSB, 21ft hast 4th .1., v V. "QOOIf KRKPINO. PENMANSHIP. AttlTHMKTIC, AO.? Jj UOLdBAK'S Commercial College, 1,193 Broadway. Private deaka aeeured tlila day half price. /AAI>Y. WILSON'" A WALWOKTH'S""BFSTNp!sS COle \J lege, aonthw at corner I'nion square. reopena neptetnber4; iaereaaed fecilitlea; reduced prices \\ ATI HK?a. JKVVELHY. Aic. A" T ?lf>7 II iOADWAY. COKKKH 4TI1 sT.-Dl AMOSDsV Watchet, Jewelry. Silks. Lacea and Peraonal Property ol every bought and aoln. Loam negotiated. IAMlis r. MATTHKW& (MOAHS ASH HUM I.N'DS PIRCUA.SKD FOB CA8U. J Ad>ire.. M J. GKOHJINSKi, No. 11 Tample place Uoaton, Maaa. MONI'.Y OX DIAMONDS. FURS, AC.-DIAMONDS- ! Watches. Jewelrv, Silverware, camel's hair Shawlsseal Sacquea. Lacet, Bilks. Ac., bought and aold back at a very atnali adv OhUKGK C. aLI.KX, Jeweller. 1.Ilk) Broadway near 2tMh ek. )( 1 N ASM A V ST.. ROOM HMP P OBI T it 7)LD POST O'/ oOLn..? Diamonds, Watchea and Jewairy nought and sold. HAYMAX LkOruLD. I RK H 28, 1876.-WITH SUPPLE? _ PROPOSALS. "Pkoposals kok inui a n goods, medical sUp . X pliee and Groceries. UaraimtrsT or Til* IxrEBIOK, j Ornt'k or Irnii.t Ahum, WaiHINliTON, Augiiet 10, lH7d. BBALKD PROPOSALS, indorsed "Prono.aU lor Indian | Gooda, l.'laas No. " (I. J, ", 4, S, 0. 7, S. B or 10, ea tbe J caae uiav bo), wil be received at Sot. 40 and 4U Leonard at., New York, uutil ISo'uclock M. on Ihnraday, September 14. l?7e, lor lu mistime, in the (|uantitlea herein given, aur or nil <>t the article, uauied in tlie tallowing litt : ? liie above place will bo open lor buaiueaa on and after Tuesday, September N. CLASS NO. I MACKINAC BLANKETS-PAIRS. a Point. .-Point I d Point. 1>, Point. k)*7J 54x6tt 4d*M Hix.'iO inches, to inches, tn incline, to incliee. to weigh S weigh 0 {weigh 5*-? weigh 4>, pounda pounda I pounds. pounds. White a,: l! 1,77ft l.<> 0 7.'iO ccuriri I ^D.V,| I I ,?"? ? I ? Indigoblue 4,2451 2.1*15 ? Gvn | 1.17 ?| 1 1? '| 7J'?| ^ ~ Letter* "U. S 1. L> mutt t?e plainly marked in ctuire of Ach blanket without injury to ibe fabric. i U8S NO. 2.-WOOLKN GOOD8. 12,60* yards waved 1 .ist Cloth, blue. 12,91)0 yards saved List CIolli. scarlet. 15.400 yards Flannel, blue, twilled. 20,tl50 yards Flannel, red. twilled. 55.7SOyards Lin?ev, plaid I,OiHdoteu lloaa, women's. 1JLCT7 do ten ilose. cltlldreu's. 9U* dozen Socks, men's. i ?tep Shawls, H 4. 31 doten Scarfs. 5,2" o pound. Yarn, assorted colors. CLASS NO. 3 ?COTTON GOODS. 37,150 vards lied llckinc pood uuality. 2H0 OOo j ards Calico, standard prints. d3.M50y.rdH Drilling. Indigo blur I,70(>yards Drilling. .1.1. tfor dress lining). 111,35(1 yards Duck, standard, A-ounce. varda Denims. blue. 704 doten Handkerchiefs. 23,8. *>yard. Kentucky Juuua. 12,100 yards Satinet. 200,1*10yards cheating, brown, 4-4 ntandard, heavy. 500 yards Sheeting, bleached, 4-4 standard, medium. 8,300yard. Hickory Shirting. CLASS NO, 4.?CLOTHING. 300, lined. 3.7*it Costs, t.ti-k. for men, assort d sites. 1.328 Overcoats, sack, for men. tarns sites. 4,258 l'nnlt. for meu, aasorted site*. 4<3 .suit, (Jacket* and pants), for boyt 5 to 10 yean of ago. 800 Suits coats, pantt and vesta), for boys 10 to 10 rears of aire. 2.234 Vests lor men, assorted sites. 8.005 Sbtrts. Iilrkury. 4,4"*) Shirts. calico. 7.073 -hlrts. Hamuli, red. II,4'd) Shirts, tlannot, gray. CLASS NO. 5.?SI10H8?OOOD QUXLITT. O Os ill .... I U..J. .....I 1.465 pairs Women's, assorted sizes. 058 pairs Hoy's, Xo?. ? aid 8, 835 pain .Misses', assorted slses. 176 pairs Children's, assorted sites. CLASS NO. 6-HAT.S A.NO CAPS; 3,350 Huts men's wool, assorted suet. 1,522 Hats, boys' wool, assorted sizes. 1,000 Caps. casslmere, heavy. CLASS NO. 7?HA Kit W A KB, AC, 704 dozen Axes, best cast-,tee!, 3 to 4% pounds. 283 dozen Axes, hunter's, best oust steel, bandied. 830 dozen Ax handles. 30-incli, No. 1. 002 dozen Sewing Aw.a. 48fl dozen Sewing-awl Handles. l,4J7ldozen Caps, tin, pints and quarts. 221 dozen Dippers, tinned Iron long handles. 20fl dozen Fry-pans, short handle, Noz. 1, 2 and 3, In oqual quantities. 04Sdozen Pans, tin or iron, pressed, 2, 4 and 0 quarts, in equal quantities. 410dozen Flaies, tin. 583 Camp Kettles, in nests of three. 182d 'ten Hatchets. 3t?) dozen Planters' lloes. No. 2, best cnsl steel. 2O0 dozen llou Handles. 3fl6 dozen Fish Hooks, assorted sizes. 210 dozen Fish Lines assorted sizes. 04 dozen mill saw Files 230 dozen Saw Files, -taper, inch. 1,078dos. n Hutchcr Knives, flinch. 40t>dozeu Hunting Knives, flinch. 67 dozen Skinning Knives, flinch. 847 doz-'ti Knives and Forks, good quality. 8< IS dozen Spoons, table, linued-iron. 44l>dozen Spoons, tea, tinned iron. 245 dozen Sneers, cast steel. 7J? and Sloebas. 180 dozen Sieves, wire. 18 Keaver Traps, Newhouse, No. A 24 Ulnk Traps. Newhouse. 1,025 pounds Indigo. CLASS NO. 8.?NOTIONS, AG. 7.025 bnnclies Beads, assorted colors. 054 dozen Combs, coarse. 424 dozen Combs, II e tooth. 44 dozen Mirrors, zinc. 184.' 00 Needles, assorted sizes. 77.UOO Needles. (Hovers'. 241 dozen Thimbles, open. 1,270 dozen Spnol Cotton, standard make, 200 yards, 3-cord and fl-rord, equal quantitiez. 1,872 pounds thread, linen, stand ird make. Not. 30. 35 and 40. two thirds dark blue, one-third whitay 1,K00 pounds (illllup Twine, 2 and 3-cord, equal quantllirt. Nun :?>, 35 end 40. H75 pounds l otimi M elite, for Seines. CLA.-b .SO W. ?MhDICAl> SUPPLIES AND HOSPITAL STOKES. Schednlei shoring In detail the character and quantity of the articles herein called lor will be turnUhed "ii application to thisoQho, or at No. I Leonard at.. Ne ? York. CLASS NO. 10.? UKOCKIIIES. I g-rtjxEVES^JisasicsatSs!?? i s 35 - | ^5 15=3 cS 5..* * 2 ,ji J? TZ hh2 2 7?' ? ??' Jr!T*p n ?2j' H: : *2 : : ?iv: : ? 5: -??: : a? jo hh$? * : ir;.: : fSVaS^ : ?> : : : -5 3 ? hiJ: -5 : : B.: :::::*: ? 2: r : : ~ 3.5 ?I : i iillliil:!!SP!i!Jff*?!j b I p r*o? 8]S .!*??.?m; c ; ?11< 11 i-iSli 11 11 Hi 1 1 1-1*51 11 jj_ r If 9 i' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Si 11 1 1 1 1 1 ?gli 1 1 11115 - ; ? ? l";-i~-i'ii w*c ~,r -j<?i5 ~ I g I V? ? J.h ii'?l*is?'!ili'ls!il?gl'll! Ill if y 1; y is ? ? .a V-1o Ki ?1OD ?i ? 15 J a o -e!< 5,i,o.3*,?, :p5v'w" 2 3 = * "PS<?ididMQP*r?*P?'Ssjs:P5?0?P*P | ^ ? 3 | t; *.1515 kttASS-4 ? ~ V 3~. CO ? U g ? _j '?! 11 ?ggi sill s'ifl'liiff f isl'i IJl *" I - ? I ='? I I'll 1 ,8,is, 1 loll 1 I lilisfil 11 |J_ i I ? y.-> 5 \l\ I II 11111 ?111 ll 11 gjl 111 ?1111 i l-l r li| CD ? ? 15 J- -15 w I B I 2 V | a fi 5 'P a vc *0 1 3 2 el 51 I I I c3l el si I I M re 1 I I I l_j 1 5; 1 _ The bids will be opened in the presence ol the Board of Indian Commissioners and a committee to be do-ignaled by the Secretary of the Interior, and read publicly In the order given above. ltidders mint designate their place of business ami I'oit otlice address. They are iuvited to be preient ut the opening ol the hole. Bidders residing out of New York must furnish a New Yuik reference with their bids, and their address while in that city. haoh bid uiust give the names of all parties interested In or parties to it. must have a copy of this advertisement attarh-d thereto, and must be made upon blanks, which will be furnished on application to this office or to Nos. AO and 42 Leon aril St.. New York. No bids will he considered from persons who have in any re-pert defaulted in any bid hcretolore rnude. Any or all bids, or any part of any old. will bo rejected If dectaed lor the best interests ol tho government. Kvery bid must be accompanied by a certified check or draft, partible to the order ol the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, upon soma United States Depo-itory. or upon smua one of the lollowln . hanksChemical National, New York; Metropolitan National. New York; National Hank of Com nioree. New York; i'l iladclphlu National, 1'hiladelpliia; Kirst National, Kaltlmore; Second National, Washington ; Third National. Cincinnati; Kirst National. Detroit ; Mil -C ... V ,ii..nul ol Wi i-nntin U , I wu.. e .... I *.,(.. > . Nati<>nh1. < liicago. National Hank nl the State of Missouri. St. I.ouls?wblcli check or >1 nit kIimil he not lets titan lira per centum nn the amount of supplies proponed to oe furnished nod .hell he forfeited to tiie l:tiited State* in case anv bidder r oeiving an award ?h ill fail to execute , promptly a cotitrnct. with good and sufficient sureties, accatdlntr to the terms 01 hie hid: otherwise to be returned to th? bidder. Th- checks or gratis of all bidder* trill bo hold until the successful bidder eseeutes a contract. I Kidder* are required to furnlah sample* of the article* bid for. except In I'laas 9, markinir the priro on each sample. The ?..raple should not indicate the nania of the bidder, hut lioitld he identified with the proposnl by a private mark, which should be the same upon tho proposal a* upon the ample Special care ahould be taken to adopt such a private mark a* will insure distinction Irotti other bldilera. No ample will be opened anlll alter all tho bids shall hate been publicly read. In esacntiug the contract the rlitht still he reserved ta 1 Increase or diminish tlia quantity of any or tins articles am- ' braced in the foregoing schedule, and the lurther rlahl will I be resorvod to iecreasa or decrease the amount specified in I | any contract to an extent not exceeding twenty-five per cent. A Joint and several bond, In the mil amount of tho contract, dulv estcuted. with two or more sureties, and condl- I ti rned for the t'a thlul performance of the contract in all its I particulars, must accompany tho same. The sulllcleticy of . the sureties must be evidenced by their affidavit as to the j value of their property. , No contract, or part thereof, will be permitted to be anb- ; let or assumed to or tilled hy any other party wltbout tba written consent of the Secretary ol the Interior. All articles furnished tinder contract must be delivered at the places designated lor their receothm, packed and marked according to directlnna tor shipment, without exlra t charge lor cases or baling wlien in original packages, and I will he subject to inspection by the Board of Indian Commissi,.ners. and such articles as mav In any respect tail to conform to tba samples will be rejected, and tbe contractor held to furnish others of llie required quality witbin five | days; or, falling in that, they will be purchased at his expense All the goods, excepting the blankets, will be required to ; he delivered in New Vera, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago. St. Louie or St. Paul, on on before the 2ii of October, eacli bidder to specirv place of delivery. The blankets are to be delivered at any of the places above named within | thirty days from the date of the award. I he Orocorles must l>e delivered in New York, PMladel- I nhia. Baltimore, Buffalo, Chicago, Must city, St. Louis. St. Paul, omaha or Kansas City, mi or be lore tbe lid of October. IH7H, or at tne respective agenda- witbin a reasonable time thereafter. Twenty-five per centum of the beans, sugar and cn(Tee for the lied Cloud and Spotted Tail agenelei will be called lor at once: the balance at such times end In each | quantities as mav hereafter he required, tea days' notioa to begiven. The Tea must be Oolong, superior te One trade claaaification The Coffee most be delivered In double saccs. The Sugar must he delivered la barrels, lull head-lined. Tbe Tobacco must be Navy plug, light color, made of leaf and sweetened only enough for preservation. Payment will be made on the presentation at this office of lavaUes property approved. J. Q. SMITH. Ueaaaiatfoaer. ERAI AENT. iKI.IBMUTa. QILMOKF.'S GARDEN. ~>IPT? CENTS. | Madiaon and -lib avs. mid l!Htit sod 27th (la. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING. Ampin 28, Mr. J. LEVY. Mm*. EUGENIE PAPPENIiElM. Mr. M. AKBl'CKLE and GILMORB'S GREAT MILITARY BAND. I. Overture. "Oberon" Weber Concert Walla. "Krolla HalklanK# LutnLye 3. Cornet Solo, "Seventh A?r Vane" Lie Bcrriot Mr. SI. AKHL'I'KLK. 4. Overture. "TanuhauRer" Warner A. Grand Aria, "La Favorite" Uunlielti Mum. EUGENIE HAPPEN 1IKIM. 6. Divertlsaeuient, "Puuat" Gounod 7. Waber Grand Solo, "Erin" Salter Or. UU8TAVK BATTER. 8. Cornet Solo, "Alexia" Hantaan Mr. J. LEVY. P. "March or the ' ameroo Men" Scotch YOL'NO APOLLO CLUB. 1'>. "Croat Exhibition Quadrille'' Julllen Vic ? Admi??ion (JO. JJMO.S SQUARE TIIKATKK. Pioniletor Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK Muuager Mr. A. M. PALMER PRELIMINARY SKA SON open* MONDAY K Vi.MNO, August '.'8. with BRET If ART .'S new play, written lor the favo'ite Comedian of this establishment. Mr. STU'AKT RoBSON, and entitled THE TWO Mt.N OK SANDY BAR. Th* pluy will be acted by the following CAST. Colonel Culpepper Starbottie (Leiritl Adviser of Mr Morton. Sr. . "Responsible. ?ir personally responsible" Mr. Stuart Rohnon Jobu Oakhurst, ( Two Men of t Tbeo Hamilton Sai.dy Morton, I Sandy liar, ' II. S. Murdoch <Ilia first appearance In New York . Concho, a Major Donio II. W. Montgomery Don Jute Castro II. i. Daly 11 up Sin ir. Chinese Laundry nuiii C. T. Psrsloe PrlL hard, an Auatrallun Convict l.yaauder Thompson Soapy, < , , . i Mr. Wilke, silky, S UU f .Mr. Qultcluy Jackson, Morton's Clerk Mr. John Matlhow* Capper (a policeman) Mr. W. II. Wilder Servant Mr. H. Ayllug Miss Mary Morris. School Mistress nt Sandy Bar, Miss Mary Cary (By the courtesy of Manager K. M. field, ol the Boston Museum), The Duchess Ml** Ida Vernon Donna Jovita Castro Miss Laura Dnu Mauuela Miss Maud Harrison Yaqucros. Malo and Female Attendauts, Ac.. Ac. The Scenery, which Is all new, haa been painted by Mr. Heister, from designs furnished by Mr. the following:? ACT 1st.?The Runcho of the Blessed Innocents and bouse of Dun Jose fust ACT i!d ?The iiulch of Sandy Bar. ACT Jd.?Hanking House of Alexander Morton, Sr., Hun Francisco. AOI" ?t?i.?The Villa of Alexander Morton, Sr.. near Sao Francisco, with distant view of tbo city by moonlight. The Music in entirely ordinal, end It by Mr. II. Tissiugton. MATINEE ON SATURDAY AT 1:30. AULE "THE A THE. Broadway and 33d at. Mr. JOSH 11ART Proprietor and Manager. CHANGE OF bILL. BUKLRSQUE COMEDY and MINSTRELSY First appearance ol the great Irish vucaliat, Mlt. PAi BOON KIT. MR. PAT ROONEY. <S> <?> ^ MISS MARION FISK. ^ and the talented comedian and vocalist. mb. john air,en. Silt. JOHN ALLEN. The entire eorannny o: English -t*n> and America's favorite* appear nightly and at the matinees every WKDNK.-DaY Hud NATL' it ISA Y. _ OOO L Y Y MM MM PPPp It CCC n O O L Y Y M X M M Jf {, II O u O O Li Y M MM M PPPr It O O OL YMMMP II C r OOO LLLL Y M V M P II CCC1' N0VELTY~~T7I K ATRB. COLONEL W*. K. SINN MANAOEB S17CCBSH DECIDED AND EMPHATIC. The Now York Tribune ol August 23 sav*:? OLYMPIC NOVELTY THEATRE.?If varfetlea have been offered before upon the New York stage in a better form than they take at present in the Olympic Theatre we have not chanced to see them " MClilLY and ATINKK3 during the week. S> ? T NOVELTY TROUPE | <$> J NUMBER j[ TWO. J lit NEW SPECIALTY STAR.3~ COMPRISING ALL SHADES OK VARIETY, and an EXCITING I It A MA. THE GHKiN RKOTHKKH. in their won terful Head to Heed Balance. Mill CKCILK LECOMTE, MASTER MARTIN French Vo aiist, in JIM JAMS. Mr. JOHN COT I KEI.L, FREEMAN SISTERS^ . Running Olobu. 8ket> h Artists. HOii, LITTLE MAC Ebnniicd Oraturr. in his Essence. WALT ItS and McKKB, POOLE BROTHERS, American Eccentricities. Pedestal Dancer*. BOH BUTLER, D. T. CORBIE, Pantotnlmiat. Caricaturist. LOUIS MESTAYEK, O. If. WAITE, J ULI k PARKER. Every lace new, with the exception of the Hnes, SaM PKV'KitK, who will remain a tew weeks lunger. Tito beautiful and exciting Drama. THE HIDDEN HAND. Miss Florence Ellis, Maggie Winchester. Julia Parker, llarrv Pearson. J. 1!. v\ slab. C. W. Allison ana other* This magnificent Entertainment will be given in full at Iho I MATINr.ES, I ?. J wednesday I al 2 I SATURDAY I <Sj> & I'. M. <& <g> Sum > ns at Evening Performances. MATINEE PRICKS?ADM1SS ION.. . ... .15 and 2.'? eenla RESERVED SEATS ... SO cents BOWKKV THE \TltK.-M(IMIVyT AUGUST 2H, ~ENgauetnenl of the popular artist. Mr. UkU. 0. BONIFACE, for ilx nights only, supported by .Mill Stella, in Augoitni Pitou'l rotnantie drama. AMERICAN'S OOI-D. Also ilia bnrletta ol Wl V DON'T sllK MARRY ? DAS FRANCISCO MINSTI1EI.S I OPERA HoL'SlT UJ A N FRANCISCO MINSTHl-.LS. I Broadway, cor. Jbtli it. OKANI) RKOPKNIXO MONDAY, AUGUST M, 1S76, with the bast and most successful organisation In tba world. THE GREAT QUINTET. W. H. HAMILTON. Baritone; H. W. PK1LLMAX, Baiio; CllAS. STKVi N.S, Alto, their first appearance; I). S. W AM HOLD and CARL RUDOLPH, lenori. MULLALY'S'RA. THE GREAT RICARDO. E. M. IIALL. the loimita le llanjoiat. THE FAMOUS Cl (MEDIANS, JOHNSON and POWERS, ADD RVMAN. HILLY KIRCH anil CHARLEY BACKUS. Seats secured. Matinee Saturday at 2. NBWFAKK NOVELTY TlfEATlta ~ Brooklyn, N. Y. Colonel william r. sinn Manager (Also ol Olympic Norelty Theatre. New York.) Monday. Augustus. |H7<I. GRaND opening night, and first a|ipeurance of the STAR NOVELTY TROUPE. THE GREAT HERMANN. Me. ADDIF., Master TOMMT FISH, . John rielly, jknnik en gel, RICHMOND SIsTERS, LITTLE TODD. LOUISE BOSH ELL, JOHN D. KELLY, a ijkok<t? i:. kdesoW, jame> cooper. james tiuiie. SAMUEL weight. all in a brilliant rill. MATINEES, WEDNESDAY mid SATURDAY. Admtaaion 13, JO, und 7f> centa. Matineea 1.1, 2.1 and Ml rauit. Aroylb rooms. i ?th av. and 30th st., "recherche," "soiree," "dansante." BVHt.Y night, commencing at tf o'clock. entrancr O.N JOT ii st. Banjo, ouitar, sumo and dance, jig an"> I'lni; 1'anciUK tauirlct by jour OALMABi 241 !>th bv. New York centennial loan exhibition of selection* from the Private Art Oallerlea. National At-adcmy id Deaiirn, corner J3J at and 4th ar.; Mi tropolitan Muaagm of Art, No. I2S Weat 14th at. Day time only Tic ket*. 2.1 ccnta. Remember to-morkow 'I'i esiTaY) evening". CEN I'KAl, I'AKK tiAKDKN. MRU at and 7th ?r. society -oclablo* every Tne?day, Thuraday and Saturday. BOX 3. CENTRAL I'AKK HA IDKN. SATURDAY night.?Meet me at (JanJnn fneaday evening. CARRIE montauob. ' SOCIETY SOCt ABLES"?EVERY SATURDAY EVENO lute; Eeirero'a Aioiemhly Room*. Tammany Bulldlnir, llthM. C AltTlkR A I'll ILL! I'b, Manager*. T IVO LI "THEATRE. Sin it . between 3d and 3d ar*. Tho flneat and cooleat theatre. Every evening thla araok CiKA.Nl> VAitlhlY PKKFOKM ANtlfC. Thirty new Artiste, JO young Ludlealn the Mallet. niHICAI.. "i"''L'koV iiH"'WaSHIVA' "VffiffiQ A w.tiiei to give inairui'tion on the piano in exchange or board; reference giren it desired Addraia K. (i. L'KI.AN, Herald Philadelphia Branch office. C1AB0.?PRIVATK lessons, piano. violin. gui> ter, hinging. Circular* mailed. J. JAY WATSON, Director. 32 Kast 14th at. l>t\CI\U ACADKMIEn. ? S AI > K S DANCING AC A i> KM IKS WILL K KOI'FN at Maaouic Hall, 114 Kant 13th at., on Turadar, Sap lumber 5 ; Hrunawlck rtall, ,V> Weal d id *t . Thursday. Sapem. er 7; Urero.irt Hall. 154 Kast 54lh at.. Wedneaday, September 18; PKIVaTK LHK.-ONS any honr; CIRCULARS at J1J Kaal 1 itli at. "*~-MAKS* ACADEMY OK DANCING, 3d /a. Mleeeker at ? opening eolreo Monday evening. Sen ember 4. Ciaaaei begiu iaeaday aveuing, September 5. Sand for eircnlar. A -WILSON'*"DANCING ACADEMY. 451 7111 AV? reop nt Tueaday, August 2U. Sand lor circular; soiree came evenlnir. ?CAKTIKK'S DANCING ACAIM-.MV. I'M M I'TONH Building. Siuyve-am and ?th ata, reopena September I am o?o? Cf prleata Inatractlos PGMIH tlo CAMPAIGN KgCIPMKNT.s ?CAI'KS,'"CAPS AND Hats, any color and atyie, with t' rchea aold at factirr prleea. For particulars call on or addrsas C. K. SI'KitLlNG A CO , U4 Duaiio at . New t or'a. Political political Campaign Campaign Kqulpmcuta. Kuuipmanta. Ciuba, organise at oaoa. that victory may crown yonr efforta. Wear onr Imposing Coatineutal Hat and Capa. tnada ol blue aad yellow, wall aileer eaglet on hate. Fall aeta af Campaign Equipments. conaiatiug of llata lor Capa) and Capea cany color and atyle), with patent doable swing tine Torch and Stick, fnrnialiad to cluba at factory prleea. Sand lor full particulara, or come to beedqtaartere, WM. II. KNAUSS, Jwa Broadwar, New York. [>OLITICAL CAMPAIGN SU IT*.-C A P, CAP*, i Torch and stick far 01 SO, at WM, PlMDLEM'a Mas Stare, Newark. N. J. S Li D. PRICE FOUR CENTS. A.Vl'SEMRHT?. ^yAl.LACK SL MltJHTY DOLLAS PulKTKKNTH WKKK! fOL KTII MONTH! of the iuccawsful cuifsjffmenl of Mr. and Mra, VvT~j. KLOUENCB, wtio will apxear BVBRT K VK.NINU THIS WEEK, alto SATl'RDAV MATINEE, In their wonderful erawtlona of tha Huu HAIlllWELL SI.OTK anil Mr?. (IKNFHaI. UILKLOKV. In tho : onnlar Amerlcmi Comedy of tha MIcillTY DOLL a K. for the lHMth to llMth time In thliclty. r.TTI AVKM'K THIATKMBOADVAT AXOVrH It ' * Proprietor wild Manager Mr. auul'stin dal1 LAST III Mi JUTS OP SSS OOO TTTTTT II TJ KEEK RRB NJf N S SO O T II II K It R N S S * O o T II If R It K N S N 8NS O () T IIIIIIII EKE ltK.R!t N N N H O O T II IIE K It N tt S S ? O O T II IIE It K N * M MSS OOO T H II fcEEE R R N Mi MONDAY. Ao'Gt'sr 28. AND EVERY NIGHT THIS , WEEK ONLY XIit. SOTHERN will appear In bit laraoiu character ef GARRICK, in J. TO. Roberteon'e great Comedy, In three acta, entitle* DAVID UARRICK, tbe citat including Xtlae LINDA DIKTZ, Miee ALICE WYNDIIAM, Mia* ANNIE DELANO. Mr. TO. DATIDGE, E. LAMB, M. C. DALY. J. V. BENNETT, UAINUHIDGK ead other*. ONLY OARItlt'K MATINRE. BATI/RDAY NEXT. AT 2 O'CLOCK. Mr. SOTHKIIN'S ENGAGEMENT cannot poaalbly be prolonged, ami his FAREWELL WEEK will iucluile a fear representations ot HOME, lu which lie will uppenr for t lie lirst lime In this city In Me OKIOINAI. CHARACTER, acted lor IIUN I'Khl> - ill' NIGHTS in Loudon. BOOTH'S THEATRE. SPKCIAIs. Mr CHARLES OALYKRT will bare the honor uf mldro-s nthe audience in Uooth'a Theatre to morrow (Toe*day evening. AngtKt 21). bidding tarewcll to America helore h s departure for Kngluml the uext dar. IXOOTH'RTH ATKK. OVER AT II. ) JAKRETT A PALMER Leasee* and Managerl "THE GLORY OK THE STAGE!" EVERY NIGHT at a. B.uT,'KDAY MATINEE at 1:3a TIIIUI) WKICK OF TI1K TKIl MPHANT production, under tlio pTKonal direction of the diet In. guished dr.itimtlc nctiidxr. Mr. CtlAKLKS t'AI.V KttT. ol LOKD UYKOVS i:\yi:i.>IIK ROMANTIC PLAY. SARD t aAPALUS, given with marvellous fruturoa uud unparalleled splendor. Mr r'. 0. BAN'is as SaKDANAPALI.'S a<JNKB BOOTH . .** myuuua SUPERB STACK EFFECTS. ACT I. FIFTY THE ROYAL PALACE from the benlw ol tho Tigris-Bplenuld realistic aceiie?The TIGRIS IIY MOONI.lli' IT end DhFvUTURK OF HARUANAPALUS' KOYAL THOU- HA 1(0 E. act it. Introduction nt the G RAND ITALIAN R.Ue I.El unit wonderful stage grouping in the SANO SIMM K B PA LAC. OF SAltUAN Ar ALL'S. ACT III. THE FrAST OFSAKDANAPALUBIN THE HALL OF NIMKol). lu thia scone occur* HAVE the startling effect or the disturbance of the orgies by it TLKBIFIC alorrn of TIIPNDi'.K hiiiI I I III fMNli, tho moat wondertul uud impressive stage representation ever wit8EEN ne-aeu. ACT IV. IMMOLATION OF 8ARDAN VPALL S nnd the tilthKK SLAVE? Burning of the Pala'O ? IIS | l.isln -ol the Tableau Curtain upon Taltiu'a I magnificent painting, '1 HE Bl'INS OF NINEVEH. Or the OB AND ITALIAN BA LI.F.T are the renowned Mile. BABTOLI'.TTI, premiere danseuse aeaolnta of the Grand Opora, Paria. and Sig. MASCAGNO, of tb* Has Carlo, Naples, and Scaia, Milan. AUUMI.NTBD ORCnESTKA-OPEBATIC CHORUS. Theatre comiquk." 514 BROADWAY. 514 onpoaite the St. Nicholas Hotel. IIARRIi AN ft 11 ART Pronrlttoi* m. W. UaNLKY Manager DECIDED TRIUMPH I The original . HAKRIOAN AND HART. Flrat appearance tide season of ^ who will Introduce one of the i ureal niutlcal trull aval uOereil 10 the New York public, ua Til K TUMBLERONlCON. LAZELLB AND MAFKITT, the wouderfUl Ovniuaete end Acrobats. Tlie new, original Irieh Sketch, S. c >. T. SONS OK TEMPERANCE, by Edwnrd Herri gun. Muaio by Dave Braliam. Philip McQorern..... ..Edward Harrima hilj Dounovan Tony 11 art Brilliant reception and continued enocaae of THE HAKD> OK TAilA. KELLY and RYAN, who will Impenonate 'The Scrubbing Winner," '"Percy ant Dan," "The Merry Tinkers,'' Ul'lhTKR aud OOLdKICH, "Sweet Slumber*." ADAli RICHMOND'S I BILLY BaRRY, new song. I "Will You ? Won't You ?" | In liie Budget of Fan. HILLY OR tY. "A Trip 10 lleailey." LARKY TOOLBY. ALICE BENNETT. BILLY CARTER, "A Day on Coney taland." T DOWN IN ItlXIi.: 1 ? I Or, LIKE IN MISSISSIPPI, | by EDWARD HARKIUaN, with new and beautiful ncenerr painted br R. L Wood all the MAMMOTH COMPANY appearing. Date Braham'a excellent Orchestra. Every evening. Wednesday and Saturday Matlneo. KKliLY A LEON'S OI'KRA IIOI'SK, 23DVT. ItKELLY k LEON'S MINSTRELS. I Laettlx mghte ol KELLY * LEON'S MINSTRc.LS. Choufleiirt at CH I V Jk l.kllVN Ml VK rn ELS. Illume Saw brat KELLY A Ll-.O 'S MINSTRELS. I part introducing K; LLY A LEON'S MINSTRELS. 'The Brl;mud?." KKLI.Y A lil'IOS'S MINSI'UI-.U Our Club," 4e. KELLY A LKOn'H MINSTRELS. | Th# "Old MlrvSIR DAN O'PALLAS Sent. 4. J atrels." silt l> VN O'PAI.LAB Sept. 4. WOOD'S- M U SBUM. WOOD'S. Eeenlnic *t s, THIS DAT. Afternoon at 2, The AIKKN COMBINATION THE MU.-KL'M STAB In TaMINO A UO0SE COMPANY and In TUB OMNIBUS MOLLY and MAOUIKKS. SEKOBANT'fl Wlfg. PARISIAN VARIETIES. AN ARISIAN VARIETIES, EYE PARISIAN VARIETIES, OPENER. PARI'IAN VARIETIES. TM? week, endlur Sept. 2. I8TII ST. AND BROADWAY. MATINEE TOMORROW. A red hot bill end r< ole?t theatre in New York. 100 Star ArtLte I Spire, I Mint popular all J In a new and Freoclty, I I e?t entertalnBrnl attractive Dili. I pi nianL I In the world. POOR LONE WIDOW. AMAZON MARCH. I i.OLDEN BHOWBR, TABLEAUX VIVA NTS. hv twenty of the handeoineet female models In Amertr% first time In New York of the threat eensutional burleaqae, LEOS ON THE BRAIN; Or. SATAN'S VENDUE, predneed under the direction ol' Harry Sprlgga, With MM scenery. costume*. Ae THE MaCARTHYB. HARRY AND LOTTIECHARLES HARRIS and LOTTA CRAY. HORACE WESTON. S MILTON BROTHERS. | MOORMAN BROTHERR HARRY SPKIOt.S. Prank M. Mill*, I John Krnnrla. Minnie IIhII, I Minnie Parrell. Alice lilrard, I Alice Sneppard, Mile REKTlt A. Clare Martin, I Lirrlo J,mine. I Amy Goodwin, I.ydl* Clarke, | Koie Simmon., I Tllley llenderion. Evening. at S. Matinee* Toe* ley, Thuraday and Saturday t> w. iiin in hi iv s i unto tVKMK theatre, Jj. between liOlh and 31 at ata. H if. HITCHCOCK .. Proprietor and Manager JAMES VINCENT Stage Director Tlie flne.t entertainment in tlilaclty. The greateat t-tll erer pro,anted. J-'.OLI AS MINSTRELSY. lOMi.HY. HIRLESQCE, and a brilliant CORI*s Iih HAL LET. Tlie graateat of all Irlali comedian., KICKKY A BtKNET. The oelabrated aperlaltr artiat-. M???r?. Sllt.KlDAS AND MACK. The young American prima donna. Ml.. eds A MakKLBY. The charming comedienne and aocali.l. mi.a dolly wakkkn. The pleaainr young acire.., Mi.. BESSIE WARRET*. The cbamplou clog and >ong dano artlate, Mi.a ELLA SAI SDK US. America'. own premiere dan.en.#, Mlae IDA DETERS, and St'PKltH HAi.LEf, inrlu ling the following ladle*:? Ml.. Kmiiy Herbert. Ml.. Ida Mintnu, Mile. I.aelnia. Mi? Marie lllggin.on, Mia. Hertlia Howard. Mlaa May Kaeaaaglb Mi.a Kama Seeley, Miaa Oeorgle The prince of comedian.. Mr. JAMF.S Ql'lNN. The great rcrntrtc romrilian. Mr. ilAUKY IIaRT. Tbe excellent acrobat .ong and dince performer*, IIK A LEY and HaHKY ^Jhe local lavoHl# Mr. E I|Jo lOjni*(L_ Plrat appoxranre In New York of lb* >601>I AN y I" A RT KT r K. First appearance ?i thlt thextre of the wonderfkl VICTORKLLf II ROTH KKS. The popular actor. Mr. 11. <>. MimiKLb. First appearance of tba wall known Irlab comed'aa, Mr. sAM KTAN. First appearance of tbe popular comedian and bnrlaafM art in, Mr JAM Krt VI.VKSr. Reappearance of the farorite p a n torn I m let, Mr IIA UK V LKsLIE. The Ethiopian eonilque and hen) 1st. Mr. GEO. WARRRIT. The svenlnir's entertainment to conclude with tlia grand ballet pantomime entitled ibe IIKIUA.ND CUfKP, Introducing entire 1,'OKI'S I?H Bvl.I.E I" Doors open at 7 Parlonnencea in mmmanra at 8 o'clock. Grand family Matinee WeJn -da- and Saturday at 1 f. M, General admnai a. Joe. Dress Circle. Mir, llrcbaatrc Cbalra. Tdc. Keaerred Heats. $1. ('Grata Boxes, 9t and 94. Seat* In Gallery, 16e. TK BRACK GARDKN THKATKK. ITALIAN OPRRA. II. UKAC Man are* Grand Opening Night, FRIDAY, September I, at 8 P. M. Klotow'a Opera. MAKTIIA. Pint appaaranea In tkia octroi the young Mexican prima donna. Mile. HI'/.7. TTI, and raacpearaaew of too renowned contralto. Mme. CLARA I'KltL. Slpor BACCKI. Hl/nor Ke.IN A and Hignor LOCATKLLk Grand Chorus and Orchestra. Mnairal Director and Conductor Hlpnr Trati Adulation, SOe.; reearved Mfc. extra am a?aa at larraaa Garden open Wadnatday, AagaMMk