CITY HHAlt K9VM.TM Wit St!,'.
( ?atHi .
i sri'i.r.B i.AP.fl norJu.K dwelling, advir?'
.) cat <1, l. i sale very low.
V. lv. STKV JiMtN, Jr.
J\.m an.I 33 I., at ittb at . , !Ter, at ; y n .
(.ni , ? l?r;e anil small Houses, 'in and near 6th anil Aladuon
Furl sine.
TJtOH SALE?51.300 FOR \ Fttl'R STORY liRti'K
T llouii'. on 3:1 at., rent r ">. muli SI.lour story
brick, uu .il av., <ll.' Mi, cash $ .
MELROSE. 556 ltd av.
M rat vliter*
re taurant ; rent el. *1. Irtlc .nt; dulni: a ^ ot oust
ties*; m .o be-old o:i account ot ki, a: will sell for less
ttiau liilt Its value. fall at 11'J We-t 51 -t si.
L^oit kali-. a?. wr.iT rii si.. ioTiT v.. y
J? brown atone, 'J'.'x.iO, in nerl.ct "I r . nt
Irescoail; houao open lrom it t I I i 1 M i N .
l,-|Wt Hroadwsy, near -i-llti at.
5Ilsccltn r?<-oiiIr?0R
RAT.K?HAND.-OM KI.Y . \. :> It! ILK
atnrv bigli atoop blown stiuio 11 r ">0: SI '.
and Sl-t.OOO. ; .Mr-OS.1 r .'I',
1.4SS iirt, idw.iy, ueor -I It it at.
A \ iJ *."<> LUT.
F' i!OR SALE AT A SVfKlIlfl C f M. AVI LI.
buy a three story frame 11, n , w ' li ru.k no ot.
sontatnlllu" lit rooms u it! r un.l .. . , r; tl.o
Unus -cost S3.<r at In build. Iti-i .iri ot 11*3 I* r t a*.., li ookjrn.
E It.
PttOPKlf! At) > - k l-'OE
SALE t>? 'it' ' '
\MRVV FltKNOII HO.?l , )I-, \' 0 "MS.. T AD
l.oia : viow ol bat- mi or i,t -. - on 1 s' . ,1. en my
kuaw; ;"l,IMi; t roisca-1. i-AURt.N. I-' at
laiOK~kknt I 'f i ' i;'i ii. - in- m: vr lour
I 'In - -l r I'll. u . i.-ii! ai a . r -.1 . -?s (?. F.
1>AM()N, ....7 ? ;m
( jKA.N?;K, V .1. -I* ?M\! i LI \ I-.. t NFURl
* lliHhf.'. r>! t ;f t? : * t II *.
iverv in. ?J rn couveni .1 U ? duiai/.d
rnrwis ; lie kr d I "t. i I A M ! LT? > A V. 1 1 LIS, I <
I) vitK 4; v 1: .\i . . i". Mn.) , v*.M - . vr::LS.
I t with ? r , :.nt 1 >*? I
1 ciinsytvm.iH!, imar ihrivm ; vilui in, two :nli? ? IV ?ni hir-o
Iwwn.onc } ,ur from i in' i 1 ..hi a ; foiirio.n trams dally ;
lpIendid >??? 11 (11 > tfH, lur-e t . 111 hi mi:. I, -. .and 10 rooms,
pinr./u ; didiimo ww r ic r ; h .i m <. :ne ft Utt barn;
Mabliitj; tor U (,vr?m! Ilinr- > e r e. i and poultry
house*: five acre* fine woo lni.d ; nintiin^' water; a houutilul
and proiluv ti v ; p. i , inc . ' 11 'J i 1 or.. is. d < 'uw
Wa, t > 11 m Poultry, iitriiii'i 'loo'.--, vnlua lo ? 1 - ;Ac. .only
Ki.rxH); term v 1 x ,?:aiuo very easy 'l i e property
ol'a wnJow : tmrt {. 'Id >>.!.? A . M. 11 aln !" t
i?l Liberty*)., Nov. Vur;. i? H ,?tlib-ham, I'ti ; thoretake
North IVntis Lmu'.u Kul ' id to l/iink rtowu, l'u. . arrivo
betoru 1 u'c.o.'k . mill return 1*. M. lmpiir1 at Hush
House, opposite depot, lor ?1. L. WALKER. Carriage waitlug.
rj^OK WILL Oil ! \','11AN ..; !0i: FARM A 11NL
Husin;s* I'r p rty, wort 0 ea-l\ mi Hi li u v.
riMPSON A P. .LI, l,;-s Hrotulway, near lit list.
\\r AN'TRO \ PL'*! IN* o t ). M L i L1:Y.
A I Address I*LOT, A<)s> A*. <?*t -d.l
10 M;r FOK Klsi'o'HS i ? ItPOSES
Y in*proof.
Located on Nw uu. Aim niul Fulton sts.
First Floor ti? l**t; lor inin'uo s, insurance ofljees or
lawyer*; will Uo lot to ;hrr or in p.rts. to* altered to nuit
tenant* if desired ; ?M iptrn or oisirrs ?r i,torus.
Reasonable roofs.
Also nine eligible l, iw < ; . ; > .
Take the elevator. Inquire t?? juu,tor.
k COA vA11(p. ro.;\::it'oF JAM: AND WKST
1V sts.. *V>x I >. o'jjce, h al- s, stables and sheJu; immediate
possession ; 1 \r rent.
l; i.. a it. T BCfRKII a. v. OHO UuUon ?L
nuoAi'WAv OKH I. 10 i ; i? >i BI.L OK IF N
1 I first Moor. ' i led. r *: r my '? per month, includiii;.; Apply n* 17 < liro i.lw iy. r-nr ;in*e.
HO, \.\ s >:a: mi. n :>o AV. JTKTWI:' N
1-3iJ Hid Ihh . t ? let, for utiv business not now
>it the Idck i*xe :>t toe liquor bonnes.. Inquire of owner,
Koiti;K f 1. FiiFFA N, . n .Nipsau t . loom 7i_.
UO To. I# V \ s\C SP.TT'j I } T. IVFiYlE
at I ark llot< I, ?*< . n r K. a n . Mid Viikmiu *s
Po l.! T THE t'l'i'i K 1* AHT OF HO- Si; COKNFR
I lircrwi.'li mvl i _tx rtvs., for light busin v*; ,?j.j .-de
lell t u Market and nev Court lion < ; ouitablo lor law
fern' Mire*.
'Po U.T-i' i frif AV.. V i lli, f rLA>^TiAKKFV
f oven and all eomplote . rent ream liable. Inquire at
7th nv., in the grocery sn?rt
TO I. KI - 1*1 \ M\\I>, i\ I i!K 1. . iil ii WINE
J room. No. 17 tli a-.
rnu F!.ASK-!,'i: Hll.LiAFLS. Ill LAMiLUOoM
J. first ti ?r Id li. o!?man I.. I' . k lion*!.
DWEMilXu fF.h n?-'> ji ;.. .
V rt ria i -si. et*.
I -V. K >T: VI V-"V Id . N'> 4 FIN ST. AND . :
jtSt* Rw1 I7tli ?t., oITmi a| BMoiAliir rotiva utt lirii
mm sin ail Hons, on and it .,r .7 h ami M idib u a vs.
/ M11*. \. M IIOFS 1NNKW \ OKK~1M>
Kast 'tU st. is r.' ?nii?; rent verv low.
niU.MSllIJi KM,I IS1I HA d I N T lioFeK TO
I i nt o Muv I . ? !; ol the *st lor itmns on . th ;,v. :
4* ntiro; rf tit r- ioouuM . I'tiucipuU only hiItiri'si
II ARH S, Herald Uptown Itr.iiieh ? : * ? . #
U\ !>-OMi;iY Vx l? Ktl.l.Y I I I! NI s! | i.l?' I H)l> K
. ofji* rooms; loer.i.iji uto r, as i !ur ho ir<l ih; clw-cn
L'liiv -mi y p ; .it ! '< r < \\s . . n ar Siowurt's.
A pp!y to A Li) 1 N .y HUIUULU, No. - We* t 1 1th st.
All KklAY 111 L, N: vIt .TM ?\ M !,Y
?It1 Iui u.slia.. lioune to lot, owner ret'iitiill third It orattd
cfcKMifttoii *. I'Ail.i.Y ?> '> r?th av.
rro Mr a (MMiti :r\iii.v irKNi >11:11 fiiur.f:
1 sti.ry hrowit ?t > * lions*. I'or jm. ?c 1:. 1 y ?11 1 i.
premise711 Uo\in ton avenue
TO Ki:.M FIJI'S I All [) \ N I'M IIIS ; OK Ol.SI U-.vBLE
X iloUDO* At ri I od n I * J
\ K F.IUV YIU)S, 107 \v?it 23d ?t.
I lUUi ItittllCf!.
4 M'I'Kl.ll I : Ml \\ ti j: KO r 15 rows
a V- t iu' l>\vt?l' in .'. . ? V. K Si l\Y MNSON, Jr.,
No. -4 I'm.- t . or H i 1 t*.t I7tl >t
V rKiu-rci 1 . t;M v rAKK AV . FOI:U STOUT
. hiii' >t" p. l.r.ovii -tone, wtih 111.a go 1 tie nt Mirror*
avid uu.? i . \tares. ( aII lor two da>?
% \ 1 i 1: . \n :.irn.' rot 1: -1 ?. \ immnvs >T<>~nk
/v liifclt M" 't? c.i . : 1 i ilitul .i 1 r i- .umI ii?y li.\lur.'S,
only I,' * ?"><), \YM. II. I'ool.1 V. No 1 Fusty <i t.
VKIIISI ? l.\SN I'-.?1 it : T > : Y H OWN STIiNK ON
LYd ?t., n?ar .?> 11 'oUVLK.v CO.,
>?. Wot 'JJt.l ?t. (Filth Avenue Hotel.
~\ V K JM f.NS N, .11:.. III'! 11 1 S \U. 4 PINK
* il st. 1 m?i ... 1. : ITtl m ' crnllyreduced
- tits lur?e and Miiull IIduh> mi and near .-til did MuJb u
Episcopal ( . ll.'^o sevrul I Mil ?: op iona
trout lionet con t.'lining ichmi.s; 'i:ipu?t iti every |?artciiln-,
roceniiy painted and ele.ucd Ui.-o.i^li.oit. Aj?, ly
tOtilMle 4-; D. V ? !-!.maa 17- t't i? .. near :'i .^t.
HKNT r<? I.hi'. I'iiK ikki s stoky
It i :* i *' : liniiv, I r i ; r \ :.?- i.;.,
Nn Hi. i .i.m I , I.. r \Y tv.i. inittmi i'nr\ Apply In
A. BOt'HIIiot s. J.'i lii ..
| >I;I>: i l l- u M ; i I. , it. v mi. i
It ?t .1.1)1 I I'I k I' I-. N.I 1 ' . r. \ t I. : . . _ .,... , 1
K'?i|4iIi at., ti'twcn IVrrv uml \t -? H'.!i ... i. . iiii
iiti .(Tared t private lamiUe*. Apply i,. a. SOL lili.olS,
:i'i mil nv.
rp.i i r i iin: ki. i > v a mi iiam-:ji \ r
1 iI?m li..? " M i f' '.'J in.J newly painted
hiruuithi.ut', pii>* ssu'.i . Mii I. w to kujJ U'ltaul. A ply at
t.'!? heat -il-i i.
J'U I.El 111! H'lK > III..11 Mill.) IlKic'K
1 Uouir, un tii m lt..i. ?:i . i um, in Pitt
el.. ? or.l.r. N... I it li -i . between lit and 2 1 ml.
Apply To t Hi i!: 11 m. 'Hi iv.
mo I-El ? \ ill ;: k -i-'i.Y in it >p Hi'ifi;
I. House, mi if ill vt. ; 12 f1 .-inv. i' s7.> i er ... . !i.
Mi 1.1:11 t.l AV.
rp. it:.\ i sM.ii.i7~T m i ::n. - . 1:1? ii k, ri;\.
i t.l. $ 1 * >.:..! ) 1- 1 1.-; i A
A I'bhl. I,vi-' Hi >? Jw.t.. 11.... vl.
W'l. a 1 : :. \ m mi 1 : or . 1 i ...
V V i . 1 d 11 1 r. 1 *
.1m ... \i:im. in- W.-ti 2:111 >t.
I It!?. I n.? II aM? I HI .N -!!. I III
I ' V . ill: t ' . I I .1/ ; ! . 1 1 Ml.!
II AN KIN'S, .-4 A est t . t
U/? I.A- 1 2.11 sr., SEAII "'ill \ V,- -1'ilIKO
> ,M.*y; k > or! r. ' > 1
1 ?>< \VK I' 471 . I ) Y Il2i.ll i'liul"
1 _ ' . II , r i . r. 10 n t.
'){k(f Wi - 21SI M. I.i.iiil. Hil'lW.S
-t u? llontf. 1: iv pa... J; til i ,iiovi:.icul?;
rant, ei.Vi
riU '.ihi.Ml/ it>ti - t> vt'.Vit i'.>; w.N'I'M
1 I' VMII.V w. 1 . SIN ;;
A t'S .... I'VO t . ' .1 . r t..l ...
* itli pi! v .to :i(, ,i . ; urtua ten n. cnie IU'. Apply
il -No. Ill . * i i .. 0.
A " If < ' OM !. n - . II. i 5.1. I. I f V.
.'V blr lor . ..II *i. I Ml . I, M ... r. Ii 111. . >
it It it... nrir I7lh ?t.
Vi-t.i. ri. '.Ml' *.ii.i. ; \ l?si I ii.NK. . ! 11 j
|i .ill e!y lii'iiii . sjilA Ic lor I: In .u.i> m p
iii^. 117 4; :i wv , i xr _. i. :
\ !>L"11 ii It V ) I : .1,-1, 1> t.i \| M.|' x'
V TaI r t i.iit t\y.. In.. Irvto 4, ii i.**r
V ... J I l.ll-t I . .1 t.
i,' i.i:iian ti.v i , i. .i v . l. . i - so
I J ? ll . I I- r .1 I , ;
j*?, i,mli. mt cold ?uir; Hoard if rC'inir .1 x'n, 3o
y'l'tltbtt pmcc.
1/: H .M, s i \u . .111; .. . . 11 . . -, l.s'ti
l l. a i . .in oirh ? i.i mi r; i-ci. ?*: r . i ? oilier .'i??Tfu; ii . ... v nt.iitr.i Appiv to M till..
A UViiA, 1.. ,.l ?,|
t/i, it.MMU ;? ;w . :> ,s.i ti, . . , ,
I sly 1'irii.. J jif.t i . i -. i
in utal tio.el raitAiir at. tat on luotci ite. o7 l.aat
Un ii at
1711 It.MHll Kit KmtNT KOOM?*1 PKll MONTH l NO
i ..or b.'Hr '-r Jt I I 4 ,
i,'ni: sit,i m k R sn i >i :ii : i.i t t.i
I .-t; week ? re it. en h \t i . -t.
I f iXJl.-liMi.iiV KlitSi-liiii) Kn W -, l.\ k'lY
1 L i| . y iti' I l-ii' w .c ' a. . .?
u ?men. ,i| vt i Ii -t., i-.r . . . .A I.I
hi .. ... ii i.i.v ti iSTh ii k i > i.t >. im > i?n r.ii
mi l ur, anitablo or mat ..mtwi..- t. lijjiu h .uit
t , , i. fall ; r two m X . 1 < o >
KntiTU fVRXIMlO ROOM*. h* Kt'It O I
i.1 -urate; aaitalila for yantlnnt-n anil tba.r mtti ctt atoelc
tn riomaii; privilege iMht I. m-okoipitia; the l ration d
air it lila. bo. -i tt rat V. ,..niu?'ioa , .. .
V".Ail.Y H ..Mb i Kit K (IMS. I 14 t.i N I VEX
or 1,'im atiiad and wlla; tatma ni ?-tU-. X?. ii*'n.
(Uk at.
IhT I.M -ONK, Mill J X i.N Khii.M l.UUI
X l"t li^ht btniaakaiping. 40 tt It 1111 tt.
ptl I.:. I -I.All t.U. .Mlt'KlaY It llMMIIO ll"
J tii rd I! o . ??a unit batn. Prlrate linuna No. ltd* rail
-otii >t.: ra artaro.
foilMTli' LARtik rurslMli.I) IoOM~ 1- .
I ta:r b 'tiaa; b >:! r? ' . i anuic do. ..-, laitm. ( r
ae k. Apply tUI.'lVc .4 th at
1m iiol's:-: kts'r or : !.. >a: iv ?.t. to i.. t. ri'RA
nialo ! % li.iiu- r.e 1 -t l a It lino tptnritta;
privm* a. ill) ; ?p.iti .1. klon <>l auik two alp*.a a?n*
li.ttii.ti ; taut ??. ibi t\ ait 4?tu at.
rro i! ; i.'K'i \Nti.vTV?X!<!iki> Vai.lok ami i
I I !< ' uu :it I 'toor*. ai 7h hi. M?rk'? pl*e?.
I 1 *H X'ii PROM r M i s PLEASANT !
I iu ? ..!* ? : nicflv urtiMi t; uiodcrAfl term#; |
t ^ 'i.irilo.t couplet or u few > tii.lo entleinru . at
! No. ! . Irvla-X place.
c;-> '<<> I'kit wki-:k porh'a i k i ? ihii mi:
* - 1 irt mim, in a ntw hou>c with new furniture, at 17
! Uo ch at.
I.J n U D SooihTlTx n . FLuOK. T- tlT?
*? lital ! lor light housekeeping, and ouc aonglo Knom
U. *t
| "| () k.v ' i' i 11 st.. nkak i oatm a\ ro lkt
* liirti 'iifd, Parlor Hour, three roi m?, and Secoud
1 < >r, two r tut; t?rmt I r\.
v j >''i > r i ru sr.- ivvo iia \ i>s<? i ut
'1 ii hed II "tii-*. il rest II1L' room* uttuched t each, to
j y; ntlenwu. vritii Uvtrd.
i i'm on bqt uuk i. ikuki ury l: ohs,
* ? hcmi-onu'ly furnished, to rent. p*Tiuaueiiily or
; vt ontiv ; r--l.Ti?nci* oxelmnvd.
t | j \>t vni si-, iiavdso.mkly kvunisukt)
*"' i Uooitih ,*ii ??u i i . or v. ith .at h. ,r.l-. rofor
euc?ss exchanged.
~ ? ('LIN ION PLACi:. I \ii(ih K UKMSl7i7l~ KOOMS
* "J l?-f hou-i kttcpiii^ and lor ^outu'iueu; rout returnI
1 t 17 ^ 1 1 ' 1 ' K (IRANI) CKNTKAL D
1 ' pot. -K >otun famished completely lor houaekcep(
i . fur Miiiill f *i 1:1 i11oh or z.'O tulouitMi; rent $* to |'-S
! ! " Apply mi tlie promt.- -s or to \VM. S. (i A V KV, *18
! l.leoclter at.
{ WKni' :: j| II sI.. N'KA 1: i;iU>A ItWAV.- kxi'tT?
? * lent Kooma, hands umdy lurnibhed; brin^ refert
I 11 UN In. I : ,l> IUK?iis v\ IJ
\ f .. HEn i si'vu Kiiiiiffi WI7.TT i irST1
\ reived I >r several choice Apartments io "The Alhiin
j 1?-. ,es e\j?irii:j- .^epte'nb *r and October next. Address
J "THIS ALHANY,'' iirouil.vrty and 51*t si.
4 sr.tonii rLoou. \i jksk sr.,"hv'
! JY ; do Horatio St., fourth llm r. ? r "tns. $18,
P.I U.N HAM'S, (?ni? Hudson sL
t i)!'.siKAiiLl-; apaiumlnt in oood oitnKit.?
| X \ l.'iv.or I'uri 'il'lu' iM' m I"t, 111 ivinjc st.. i.*?tween Macend
\ trick, i.n el neighborhood: modAftts Mot;
j hImi, to let. three Ho..ins, ii I; ..'any house.
1 \ tiHST FLOOK HAS KM N : . - 5 WI 8T l - MI
J. V. bt.. 8 routu . irniniMiiti'? poss" anion; v ri* and water.
IV 1. ,v. H I. Ill UN II AM. U V liuds u xt.
V i-'lH.vr ii.h'iU >? I M.A>i. M K N i77 - IILT HUNK
I J\. to., to Set; "? ro r ts. . an and water.
I. I. P. I it. ItN VM * (?.! lludnon fti.
\ low hit r ik; u. iiousi; to lkt. it <>nt and
iV. l ; parlors, cxu .. ..mi lii'.lr-Miin, Iro it Hiid l?nho:
in it, hail be iro<> i <mi . ii.l li t'M , hot mid *<>t<1 water,
bath. ' iti mi i v :u fi stares, Ac.". ipVi per moutb. lit)
I 1 a ' ) M . . .1" l I \ jlO? |f,
\ i umkvm> i: m? i,oo.:> of mmvk iluoM.s.
.V \s :!i i:r>;?r ?v?mimmiU ; new houses; rent, 5?l*J to $2j.
Otlice 01 WaU 4Utli it
J\ . mi ! :-i . -;i l Finn. Till* Vili US' . Sect ml Kmt, 1(10 We-t
J i Ji ht. . First Floor, .11 TiIimw; First and Third Floors,
1 w I ??111 uv. .Fee;mmI Hut, 1 v) W-st I'.lth st.. uud lour Kootus
in 11 \\ a i'.i.h at., Iroiu $2j to #iO. T. BKKM I.Ntfll AM,
j lOJ Weet I9Ui ?t.
, J v West 1 itii >t., to private I t nily of ndu!ta ; all iuiproveHunts,
rent. $4'); rob-rome required.
11is11e<i, live room . ull modern improvements ; 91,1X0
j per ann u ui. 7i Lex in. ton a v.
: 4 WEST 5n H 3 r. UKFURNldRED BOOM8: OR
: J V v. umI I t nil tupr Floor; good locution for doctor or
dentist. Fall aller 11* AM
a nv"Tiespkotablk family wihhino to hire
J\. on a ot iboRO model Flats in houses Nos. 330 and 332
WoitT'th st. apply in 33o oi the owner, first Hour.
J . i ; pre/cntents; ^oo<l location; rental-J. 21()*20thst.,
lie.if .'Ml h\ .
i 1 : .i liwM'.iu.' or liM?t basin-'**. Inquire of owner,
KOBLUT I. BLOWN, 2(1 Nassau m.. room .2.
i_- j?i?i\-''.MtiiMir K?5.> to i '' per nnm;h ; cheapest in tue city
lor neeinmndiu ions. A ply ai 1 ,<K17 3d av.
i niiiiscii i i at> is aivutimi*:nt BULTTivVi i-.m
I to 1 <?KahV 31 that.: location central; several choice
unfurnished >uit> li^ht, commodious; completely anb\s
i.i th" requirement* ol any lainily; Btoam heat, electric
hfli , janitor, Ac.
I in three story homo | Oil irlus ht.; all modern iiuprovcni
'tits, linniiro on tin premi.-en.
rpo LKf?Niri,:>. \vn.: nii'i:nv^.\r nt.s";
X hw i.'lit. -3) W > t 3Utn Kt., between 7th ami hill a vs.,
second hell.
rp6 LK ? ?A FLOOR OK I OlTR or five ROOMS. IS
I g d order, with is mikI water. t<> mi American family,
it tin ut children. Inquire oi Fit AS. ROSS, 1107 West
SOtk *t.
rpo 1.; ii'. for ifot'-kk k Vi xo? TH fllll floor of
1 private dwelling 1-7 .at l- ib *t., nour 4th uv. ; rent
rpo Li.r-riKsr floor. fivl rooms, ai i7 licit
1 hi. : in -.ooii repair; mis, water closet. Ac. So. .'>t)l bin
?v.. corner :i >th at.
1 X all improvements; line order; rent $-5. 33b Last
: 5th St.
I i house No. 3* Lam rtli st., consisting oi two roomb, two
bedroom- ami mar b moment
mo i. r mi: s rosit floor of i torsi*: mi. uo
| JL i ?i . to a smalt family; convenient to all railroad*
0 ?) So. .171 : ; a 10 .1 st., near iompkln* square; all
i im rovetnen.x See owner, tjr-1 tloor.
JIOI SK.S, M A\l lib.
in Tins atv .mi Brool&tvn.
1 m \ i ? u-n . o Mi- , oc.i: ??d lu i ween h and 4.Hh *0. and
' 3.1 and 7th vs. mm t?? exceed ; 1,0'H) a year. Address,
O :.t 1.: . 1 i ill # V II ~! .. .. I)
/ . kvi i.mi v. \ni> win; woi'lu likk ro t.vkk a
\J I Inn* tnd r<l o'aikm, in : til I or par. pay nicut, n it u .1 ui'u . ? her ' narbors; rctVreiieos iriv.-u and re*
: quired a.idn 111* UN IT. b.?x 2*21? Herald office.
orV'iCM, n' r . . \ iii'. ANh -':n> -is., on"or
0 near Broudw \ . letijrs, btatiug tonus. Aud-os.i
, A..T11llt uild . dice.
1 y ANTlt<M?\t WITH Tf vm i^wkiiok w.ol/t
ii tim im i' h r mauninctuLn purp<>*' *, !? v.-?*r
! part or ,ri 11:i(I li ior. v. ..Ires , giving hi- h and am tutu of !
I i nt.f 'M"r iutli tail p.tri t> ulai r, location, Ac., J. S? j
! U?ral4 oflfee, '
TAM !> fl\ A L\1?T. AN I'.nVI'ifsisiITKO j
v.-c iids: :: -i.n mil all llooin, In private family.
Ad.Ire Mi1:. ? LA K ivId. 21'.' i\ st dl*t *t.
\v . i) i ? i: vr?ra ; wiioll iTk lallir v
1 i 11 : *. \.t!i .11 m.? icru improvements: um?t be
situated , n ;!i" u. -t ?. m-( t? i??\. pah -t , an 1 icut moderate.
Address i NANiT, box 2*<2 Herald ndice.
\\ran'tk1> to til M-rV ; HMALi I tMILV, FOUR i
V ; . <? 'obcr I, a S?'c? I Ki >or, ? or 'l r->" us, in a '
respect.*? I pi vile i' -a> , between oth and 2inh his,; rent
ii, tiver - > , a..a ::n. A hires Li. L-. box 1.) lleraal
i ? lU
i iDKK- \\ I'VTRIJ.
I .-m I" 11 111 I I i: ill- K1' \ i: I'M ..NTS, WITH j
1 ami uiii at to i. imv : I We t 2 ltd m., opposite Lif'th |
i AvcUUi- IL I . r : -runei n ?; .clianrod.
| HLO K ;?>d l; ; -1 \ I > \V \ V. in id-t 1i>th
! st. il.t- l ii m\ fu: ii !i i ?' )oju ?, v i;li first cl*i*?? hoard
ii;ir?>i i . > .??-. ated; central and li i > locution
1 .1 h'\ FKOM It :(M I) WAY. 1<W WK>T 2>TI1 ST. I
i :? in mi., il I' m. r nud Bedroom, wi.h or without j
lloa;<l, in email private lamilv.
isi IK ; >k. sri vvj >\n r fafk 213 k sTi.vniVr ? '
I H.ii. ?v. ? .a ii.s id lur," L nis. unit ex.."11 nt
\ a mi . .cu io i !???..- .ic ; 'iiciidt.ll eaten and neigh*
bwrbocMl. i
d i i - ruNN! i n :? a.v i. i. iVra i:::
1 . i i r. ' ihiiio No. i -1 wawiloy
nlncc, corner Wu>i.i:igio i mnaru.
.> <i Hi::. ii .\i'> di.LV i r?:.\ ^ai i? :;oimis
.. to 1 i, v. i 1? .. to 'a it i - ; a.Mi , ir^ c sin ic K.i m m,
i , l . .i v .i . b Mtten .a -o'.iinodafbd. No, j
:* 1:? We-ii 22d st.
i ,"TH A\.. ?i? MAOThON i'\ ... (OilKKTKBFlKLD !
* ) ?IL .ii.s. en >uita or h n-i ; table d'b no ?r pri- i
t vatc .liiliN r Wult>l Lia..
" l .l v\ . N??. -KoOMS, I N 1 1 I F (iK >l.\ai.V. |
* ) iih or u, .out private tabic; reierciiccs given ana rej
^ - I 7 I'. ii Wl.KK F 1 u I.OOMS, wnil KOALfJ: 1
? i it'- ino ? i: ,.i <ny low ; w;uor 1:1 r
j >7 i'liti.on pi:ii dlt si,
| (\ wrsT aiirr >r. -t\\uxokpiiuaahlk LitcaLtft.
' .< M'.p ini out . uitli II, urd, Air it.r nurliu
i for winter liou. J; r? leremvs.
mWAVi KU-.V i > .Ml BKOADWAY.?
r : o il, !?1 ' lor o w itli lu-.i; i : anisic
I K< i-ni*. trail- -nt p opto i ^,eu ; talne Hoard, *- !.
I ] :; \ ; n m\. ai: .. r?i a v.- ikm;;i.y
I 1 l r-t < ! f Uomi o r ? ami Attendance ; ?log lit :?tc*
iii, i i iuor; trA i*?ut, *2 |?r?r day.
] > i'A .K w -an kn.i.{k"h(?o.:! k> -nit; Oit
|?l urate.y, i.t.olN m i> :uritialicd, w *.!i Jin.ird; a.?o
1 m o hull Ho in-. . , o- on tniriu-di i cly . re fort ticc*.
Mill i\. M>: 'JIT \Vl-:si ?hLkiiANT 10? M KM
mi.if nl ?:n^h# with i' ard ; private taMe il de- i
j air J; rcltret?ce
MhmhVii .r,. kut, ill. a a;, 1 K-ari i rui ntetit or trAmient; 4L' per day;
I l.rj 4 by hn*li*ti lady
Nm -r 1 iii sr. ii vNi'-ov . !."v et km.-miku
ii?? a. a i ro rn suite. with superior Hoard; pri- i
I vaiet* le> i.* retired; re r, u . exciAn^ il.
| OA MVM IIV I 1 . II UOOM*, |
' - i i nt ?? d. private t*t lo; on
I pai or in .-liter tloov ?, , re'emice.
. > j - .x ITU AV SEW LY . ra*
it or or tftuiAit*
.)'!<> i . no > wT:vr. ?<1 a.vd^omkky ri*a? !
n >cJ i.. o ? for .?iuihe?, alto ?io?fo Kooat; laOfo
: ifl' ' ma f; n v'"a i;"i KJAitr
_<) i. lorn I; IMMkttltl |>*r n ir.
Mr*. ki.Nf.
)i; A I NK V i.U AV^liAN:>.-OMKLT
?' ? i :i i . t? r ? i;.i tir?l cl?m
It... r I ffoirl _
| t), ; I I UI-l M. ? A FKM .-I.I K T I'.< UUC.RS
? i . 1 I tii kU'nil* ot t *n..ri,: . t.. um
1 n? djf iit?; ?tricii v Dr*t cias*.
: ?)(?ii! r..; ki i ill v ->v hi bo u: '.T7kyis.
* ant * i s tjt lc? vf H a..a ,rout; rontii ttf wn*or.
e . rx.i ??siit i* ??. luottormtf t?rm?, otunr mrn*<
Kooint; r# rr ticf.
> l \\ <11 i ll *T M'A. I ,k.
t)i iii*he<i hooiii*t wiill Bf'-rtl, house, loctliM mid lal>l?
?>? kk K.- a I. i it'.. I At . I A 111 A V tMl .
t l a v r -nil v l.uuM' < ?1 K<H mi, sr.Ill Ho rd.
lid i .t*? una mk y for u .it ir? *o,l ueu:i' >t*M. t> r JhII muJ
' wimor, houno t?:ui k|ip9lfiltti?iiti tint t ints; lo aiion ver/
4jsiWiil?. I
?i' \V M \V v ill iv.f >S A ;F. K.N1IHK i ill HD
?jO f or, to Inn ?1t of adultt; hm??U nely f(?rh.slie?i?
?ur t hi : ; i> .?uitti; mom hilihful mid douxlntul
lot mioi? h? tbt cii>.
M\\: M Hill -i ?r\.S.)5?OiIKLY Vi itNlMlfcU
11 is?'. v%; I ?rd. double or tingl*; Urgo cioatts,
hot i?n'l water; !*<? tool.* <j?rd.
. - t vi M >T., h\K HiioUfWAY U?>?.MS,
*1 ' ) wit i V%; 41 ttowru, n^^oiUtUiOuu firm um;
ivUitncn* c*?ii*ag#4i [
si. '.v si. ir . m \i i.;.\ h" i " n I :i ;.t>
iii T)l i! otii.h, with Hide room* connecting:
I 'inn mi I >urth flour: l:' for iw?i {. .'titlemen : house. localion
i%u I attendance fir*t cla>: lerui* low; reference*.
JO UJ. T \\ A HIS TON pT.U'K, M;aK Mil AV.
*"1 . ^ m' on.! a . cI story.?Carpo *nd small Kuums,
with Hoard, tttul table b< ird.
>? > vcr* ity pi a ?. I .'on in*. en ?uite or slowly. f r P? unite*
or him le item lemon; tit t ciam French table; terms moder.1
. i . ||( AO *.
.- > \Y Ksf H? M U rDHlofl f.V f\ SnI HED
? )- ) Second 1 loor: uHo Furlor. I xteimion aud one bu?l oil
Third Floor; private table if preferred; n lereu**'.
11i ; 1 : 1 RSIHUK > i: k>mS ro HKN
1 l'? ) vr11ii Hoard, to tfLMitlemeti; references exchanged.
1 >m KA ST 10TH bT.?F LKiSANT KOoMS, E.V
I ' ." dte r single ; aUo Parlor Floor, uitli Hoard. Near
CI*ivudou Hotel.
>?) ront, v> Hli Board, to laniiltos tir Kendo men ; referiii,
i, v i* i .no I ^i' v i; i ? i i i* i vi 1' I *< !.'
! > v Ln.o.uid small Kooms to let, with good Board;
price* moderuin.
] ? w a v r: i i. k \ ri/.c k r'NKAR bth a v.?hand"
I rO sourly l Knouts; Hoard lor gentle , tn
mii wife or tulcni"ii; good to do; term* moderate;
American tuinily.
^V'U with l!'v\rd; terms, 94 to #7 per week.
fc> j | K\ST lllll M\ II AN hsolfKLY FUKnT? iTkl)
?p i / Room*, with pood table, on reasonable term..
?! ' i" l?o nd, for teuillio.n and gentle-men; terms modfcrntr
; also table boarders uceoniniod 11 J.
>/\|\ WKS'T " ii *ST~ ju:>r ri'.o?)Tr^i:TnTv
ul/u lumishcd Kootns. with or without Hourd.
V Itou o, bt:i uv., it ft-w block* below Central Park,
will net t:i iiou.i:, two or three . eui'ouieO with elegantly
In Uislud ii outs, M.tU t?r wttho t Hoard; references excluiti
:i' I Ail lnn."r. S., Ceroid I'ptown Branch olticc.
c n:N~r; kntii - i\ , c.i VVK r. NKAU :?Hi AY.?
t ' Kouiti*. with Hoard, f< r parti >*.< desiiin, a ri'tiucd home.
I' r !i:u' . l?n.a Loiin," oil) cities ; prion INte-lie?\ -d
\N * -1 ~ Uh .st., Nrw Yi ik fl.' it not n. i'lnl tdul phut.
:\> A i> >. u.i vti u VM co. "*
noA?;u wa.;li>-by a lauy am? iikit ><7n
1 I t in IhoiniK. in i ofwish f.imiiy: located ! itwecn I th
; i i -i Jtli Me. and -ill) and Tl!i ;;v>. Address H. V*'.. lleruid
J. without Ho.rl. tun obtain teuu ;rw by applying to
TXT A NT B U VI; I; M A N K M BO A Kll IN A * I* /J V A1 1 i
Vt Uniily, tor ri IjuIv an l two liule }Jr'n, "ihin
disiAtiC" of . w. I'tli or iVfi-tit !i street school; host ro.Vreuce*
gi ven and required. A?l?lrostating t? ruis (moderate
<>r rio attention paid, E. M., box 1UU Herald Uptown
. " Mori :Y7A.
aTIWavs -"I . n mSaHTTkoki iuTPSkJ "^ooTTsi it
1V Kini.kfort and William Ml ft. Room*. 35c.. >0c.; ^;e u t lo
in ii, tamilies.
" $ i wr Kly . tine Rooms, wall Hoard, $J daily ; be#?t Ioch- j
tii u in city: families and gentlemen.
I J diiccd to .fd ."?() and per day: great reduction I
made to permanent families
Cue of the safest and must pleisant hotels in America.
Having all the different safeguards Against tiro makes it
practically .fireproof,
lias leccntly undergone extensive improvements?a large
amonut of new lurniture added, making it one of the most
elegantly furnished hotels in the country?and the entire
building redecorated In a style that, for beauty of design,
surpasses anything of the kind in the world.
The ventilatiou of the hotel is perfect, having every modern
Cost of hotel $1,500,000
Cost ot furniture 4uu.0i.hj
Occupies iiu entire square, havinga fri?ntugo of 1,050 feet, j
Number of moras, BOO; suits of rooms, with baths con- j
necting, Uv'0; size ?.1" parlors, 1(11x30 feet; size of grand din- |
lag room, 130x68; -i/.o of ladies' proiuonude, 130x30; size of !
old CO, 17 ?x70.
Prices of rooms, with hoar i, $J 60, $-1, $4 50 and $5 ,
per day, according to location.
The table and s rvico unsurpassed, beiug the same to ull. |
A reduction will be made from the above prices to parlies j
remaining a week or more.
Rooms can be secured, stating price of same, by tela- j
graph, at our expense. i
jy \ l*;iTh 11tii si ,On i.r rofian plan bub lmi
14 tin Br'udwuVj N? v Vnr?. -'i'wu largo restaurants;
good .-ingle Rooms at J e. and $1; double Rooms at 50
and ?3 per day. Open nl tie. hf.
'i. J. COK X SONS, Proprietors. i
oT7Y:!-:iI\i aTs. in a v.," >i.. iiwjai>\vav.? I
kJ II'mi v ,.til trout), with Board, re Uiced, *3 per day; I
without hoard. $1 p r day '.nil itpwar r; superb location ; elegantly
equipped; elevator, mil i, .v .
NN ; 1,1.1 A M O. I'OlIPIvINfi.
Ol M'ttl iiOAi* >.
aV stead, live miles from Car-kill. on hig.i ground: no J
dust; terms $ "? and tr-V. K. W. i'L'LbAVAU, Leeds, (Jroene i
cotiuty. _ j
Mr f>T i: A.s IU) \ Kl> i' \ N BK OBTAINED iN A
I pUasaai rillaga, near tbi laashora; excell nt ftsbtiuk
liuAling, Mirf bathing, gunning, one rules. Ac, For n.ittic- I
ular> address 11LNRV UKEVES, Southampton, Long island, I
N. V.
lmkst class hoard, good i; ?75 i .. vrii o?
I shade. Address Mrs. HARRIET S.Mi ill, (,'oinv/all,
.V V.
I | I US N tUVER BOARD -FINI ilfi ITI f; ! . j II
jl l, i a wit.-, . ?i . ,. 4 121 * 11. >1.4 i i r tun water;
modern i (ipruv<-iiittui>; -JO im ui.t * u it. I ' Irma dapot;
term* mod t a e. A uir? ** 0. <).. Kurt W sli inptoii.
1 In i o ? nnlr* iru* i oily; Hoard rims nil Id. AtldiO*?
W. ILioW v l..)\ AT IVh alike, >j rin(; Voile*, itocnluud
canity, N. \.
Si i.ULH
i 1 V.M1LY III) i I.L.?n;t VM.I. Mill' S C \lS ; ON l.Y
2 V >i\ m i ip.lien' \? ur, lr at M?> ii'.Hia v. mi i ?Ui minute*
trmn N v V ork ; Jr.' o liunnm, v. ith .. i? ; venuith*; li >L
till<? i Id wuicr ; vr mi i i M . t. *jo tore* in lawn; foiiutitiu
mi l i. n; c i l it -dl nu-r. Write or circular.
Audi i >? Mill* NT v.\ HOI'S . tun h O mil .'??. N..I,
u ( MU.i /.. v '?. s., . . 0A1 MUii, t A.
?) M?tti> t" ."t. . m. .\ t ami ii . v, i. coo in midair
at r u- rate torn forkf period tr > n opleianar 1
('. !, V i. ;i ? h . 1.. limit i. lincno county. N V.
h s \i Cm ? s v FeTTieot ;
I ...lit; i . . . I j? -t r. /. i>. ,;it aim water Lu j
every ro; in. Ad'liv- - ; ' e rv
I akh ii >r imjin i.. i.. m ar <;ui vr south ;
I J it.i. Hiiti . < ; a; putv nir rt.i i water; : 1 eatin-' and
;u-i'vO*. K.i n-li.'v i . . ..rtoiiicn tie nin^" r ".tns tor
s; :. inn. ti. an 1 - p; ; to AM? >S . > ! I LLl.N \\ AV, or
?To Hroftdway, New Vm v, room
IMA.NOKOUTKS, i. ,il, \ \s, ^ .
)' T-, TAVK rton.\VO?li? AIM).
?\ * Kiun inrte lor s.. ? . S?1,mi for S Um ; brilliant
i uacd Stci i \f ay 1' a mo I i r *-! ?; -tool. Hove r. M mltM' ?Ma :
i'.ox tor pi AO Call at private r?a>i lenco *l'JO \Ve?t
Hd it.. i!T vi- <4h ;iv.
i roii fi.;vr. Ffti'.nr. m'/iam-; and" grand !
iV, I'tiiiiiii o. our iwt. uiak ;; ai-> lor >.i. n . rant, a ]
iiunb o. i'n hand t'i i:u?>. in pi ;e orti.-r.
WM. K N Alii. A CO.. No. I . . a; n\ . auu?e itUli A
\ i ii.NOr iK i--IN ? (). i) t ,.i? i;: I'... N ,H T
.V litt'ie lined; i.irice ?vOi% \ ? ! |? - t?t. tuare and ;iuud j
ITaiio t'IPmilNI b / ?. H AKH u v.^ .e CO., luaUHiii':* ,
tururs, I Oil) i4\. *nd *1.
% T ivvfi V ii. . \ V . .; LiaTa vTkoCB
. V i uini Chic'v : I*ii. i -to it' i *ri i-e . rlclily c-irvcd i
r 'v .1 c .'C. >,. *li v r run*: i'iu.n* a! nip < vem ma. !
;No uraad u -r?_ ; l'tami, on< fourth co t. Call ut
p.iv. : re??' no1 17 West Dill - , tHcen u.. aid i !li ?vn.
k ORKATO :: III. Dl '..ill M. N i .1.
A din ii a i.p _'(* h*.i'i*K .>i -:c! im i.cur and -ce-ind
hail-: ' 1 u;?. -lit .'ia .) . ..l Or^Auv xt lowor prices,
fa: c.) .1 diim . !". - nil. Miet until pn.d ur hs
j i. ?ct i 11 > i: A v >OaS, it r? aid way,
&*w Yor*.
\ OilKAT WAlHi V1N.-J30 ? WILL iU'Y AN KI.E.V
ii.. ix U" n Dp !'...?? ton . co.hI i0 i i-t pi iji;
M il* I 1 ? .tr R-i'i *ll'? II ' J. C-s U- I I ?i; VllU , * V. ? Ml ,
t I?u.* . ;i I'm t >nv l*limt*Coii; a I good us uow. and :
bia't to order > in*t etty t/ttiidur-i; iun*i be , .|<1 , ;uuedl* |
Hioiv . ii nriv *t *! ? o rear o? houta No. c?J Lnivcr*ity ;
I .? v ; tttiira << tn I Jlli
\ tiki , ho i> 7 oi : v\v piano. ;
_ V furitt, wiih iuxiI u. iver, lor $1( 0. 2)tl Kn?t 3lith $
4 HAP iAlN - 111; v N 1 7 a O i.Wj PI.aNO; COST
? uiutl be tuna; ?>*ner c %\ ^ CtvriM >ph?r m.
nKM'.\r > SKVi N ? IAVK MAN. . OMvKKR
.. . rw i- ? . *' ~ ; Webtfr, toveu inlaw, &RO;
enu red le* i, $123;
<? MilJOX ,t 80.V, 13 " an 14th At.
?/?A IIIO V S r SKI.Ij MA-i SIKICI.N :* 7 13 HOSE
| w . Pi ?i.'{'-?rt?v ? ';> ior tone, ri.h r ctrved, lour
round, mil *irr uTe. st it < _' l) two monibfl1 u?e. ,
K?*ideti.'C 30 K.ui \M.. M.? hear iiivadwey.
M >K .-Wi'. C i 1 f A P - A N K Li . A N 1 N i. \V i *T v NO '
I mH'I ever. il? ? k walnut hxun?. u table; ueirly
ti"w. ppiy at m? 8 4t .i nr.
/^h::aT HAKOAINC ? CFftlOHT AND sgt'AltS
If .>1 ? ID<1 i >r *n? on; . i.i> mid to rent, rem (3 1
upward. K. st ill I. hit, J( ?st 14tn ?i.
|??l N 11A U? SAINS KfMv t'A>H?I'lAMH FUH $50
I ii-I- net y mmthi) ptr'n nt. or ;.i vit, rent
i , urrh. i ll. K llAh At'hK, ILM i. werp.
\i ; \: it-, i 7 (icr.ivk ho-iUMi l> piano.
.'I r: . it.wn-i ar??U ! k*. Ac., only flK> At liOK
1>U t S 1 t? i a., *, r >t
p. IN"- Ft? NT Q.'l CM VVTBKNT
! . .r. < vnria'y. et-jr taunt, ?i M i.tliiHhl/S,
At*, t Odiod iu?r?.
plXsuB till 1LK1HLI, eill'l 171, IX iNSrALI
' r n' .i . i .r ili'.iert tuvli.d. i, 1
Maiiulucuir.r, No. 107 W?>t ?.i.l ?t.
II IMA I. ,11 t, M A Ut'iUiTllT AND
1 ? M J ? i .?re i i - ur on i, ru mill ic .ri\
I till .<1 tli . I'i\no I'll i.r\NiV, lo llroailwity.
t I r iihiffiii ft.\UK vV \ K K'iOM>, Nil .'>11
. V 11 ta i ii nt., it. i ; *r?l" ro int. lurnllur*. pian *. n."
i ' ai Uii.ilj j.rnvi rtv will bo i.trn m i?i?? lowor
Uian an) otuor u.u>. m tlio cny.
V. U. hull Lit, propria tor.
FGUST 28, 1876.?WITH SI
, Over $">bOf>Q worth
# magnificent Home hold K irulture. run* an4
o)bi:jr W orks of Art Steinwuy upright
am! Windsor roue wood Pianoforte, cost 51,OHO,
to b?* noli! \i public auction, thin <lav
MOM> \ V. Ati-unt 2*. rotumencinc at lOo'clock.
i run ai l ickbidknck 12" WKsr yui) ST.. nkak hth
< 'atato.'ue contain* over 40 > Ion. namely, *2 iuperlorsat io
: Drawui ? Kootn Suim, in ; centre ami ai<ieTable*; velvet
, and Hrm?oU Cants. magnificent inlaid Cabinet*, pier and
I Minora, Turki.-h and Oriental Kmy Chair*. rich im*
| p >ried Bronze*. fine Oil Paintinp*. * *> volumes choice
Books, library and secretary Book:* axe*, lobby Desks. Ac.;
bedroom* ?*<>ntaita elegant Bedn.o n Haiti, Bedstca Is,
Huichus and Dn-aciug Ow^e. ArnioinvadHce, 22 white hair
Mat tic' en. Kittle Sprin,.' Bed.?. niii^ln and double Bico Curmim
Pillowsi, BoUtors, Bed Linens, ,te.; dining room, lnr^re
n iu'k walnut Buffet, cost $250; extension Table, leather
i i n.lira, Chin* lea and dinner Seti, notirl Silver and Plated
! W are fine cur (Hun and Cutlery; nls ? all servants' and
! b is- iiH'iit Kit"hen Furniture. Sale po-dtive. By order K.
I liay LClvK FlTZUKKALD, Auctioneer.
CoodspackcJ to city or country.
^ DCfioS lill OF AXtUmOITB 00 A**
! The Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company,
the Cciawar" and liudkou Canal Company,
I the Delaware, Lackuwaiiua and Western Railroad Company,
nun the Pennsylvania Coal Company.
will sill at public auction, at 12 o'clock, on 1'ucsd.iy, August
I'll, it the coal salesroom. 2rt Kxchunco p!nee. New Vork, by
| )klt'A*ri. JOii N II. DRAPER A CO., Auctioneers.
5(1 ',0? V) toll*
anthracite Coal of tho production of the noveral companies.
President I' a. id U. P. ?tid I Company.
President Delaware and Hudson Cunal Company.
Prodileiit Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad
Co npany.
President Pennsylvania Coal Company.
A ?TUSIS J O IINSON. A C011 ()NI; K ft,
iV. old stand, 37 Nassau at.
On TUESDAY, at HRf o'clock,
be I'm;j the entire stock nlu d "?k manufacturer;
: also Iloo* .isea. Library ' able1 CI.airs, Secretaries. Ac.
By order ot AMI VKI.ES MILLER, Mortgagee.
On \YKDNKSP \ 12 o'clock,
H i Cedar ?t..
Cti ANDELlEliS; alio about 20line Desks, Partitions, Rail
iu^"?, Ac.
< )n Til I* Rfci? V Y, at 1 "J o'clock,
nt oar salesroom, 87 Nikhiiii *t..
On exhibition Wednesday, Aurn-t, bO.
with catulok'U s itnd Illustration*.
i.L STEIN WAY 7?. < >C IA \*E I IA ) FORTE.
Oil PaintinStatuary, Ac.,
i THIS (Rondnv MORN I NG, conuuo cine at 10 o'clock.
; NO. 47 WKS'f It'.ni ST.. B!Tv\ KKN f>l II AM) l?TII AVS.;
iu crimson, tan mid l'oIiI, dun .sk ti 11 ami brocade ; |
rn 014 not, vel\ t and Is Carpets;
luantti! t.nd piar Mrrors,
i Cabinets. Kta-rres. Turkish and Sp?uii?li Lounges. Kasv 1
i Ch um, inlaid M .irquotriP Tubli*Imported Rmnses, Freu h
I'li-ik", Musical H IM -. I.m o Centra and Coimolo {
lables, Library and S??r rot Hire B ok Cases, Books, Library \
i Tables, Desks. Turkish <uit in tapestry ; Bim|u Ornumcuu.
elaborate and u-uiu Bedroom Sets, inlaid and j. li Bedsteads, j
Pressing Cases, Bureau*. WaGist .n Is, single and double ;
Ki dilca N, .".i line bu r and spriti, M itlresses, feather 1*1 i- j
lows, ?*t.s, i nil el .>utv rep and plush Suits, marble lop j
Tables. Chair-. Rn. kf?rs, Kucliuiuj; Chairs, Lounges
DINING l UKNlTUBh, vlx fwn Lxteimion fables, inlaid
French wHitiut Sid-boord, i hair*, in loutb r; Silverware, i
Dm: cr and Tea Sets, i uklery, Ac. ; two hall Stands. Kitchen j
Mirr.iture. Ac.
N H.?-Sale positive. Take Oth av, or University place
cam HOlii' IM' C. CASI1IN, Auctioneer.
Competent tnen to puck or ship j;oods. city or country.
/v? cor sell* this day, at 11 o'clock, t th auction rooms,
c< iner Nth st and University place, a larjre and ? nernl ..*
s Ttnunt of Household Furniture. eons stint: of parlor and
chamber Suits. Dross Ca^oc. biaek walnut Bureaus, Wash- |
stands, Beus.eads, pier and mantel .Mirrors, black walnut j
II ill Stands, Wardrobes, bair Maitresses and leather Tillows.
(hi Palntincs. Chrotnon, Kxterision Tables. Clmlm,
l.ommes. Brussels and 3 ply Carpets. Crockery, China,
Kitchen Utensils, Ac. TIJo- II. SUB: IVAN I
Attorney for Mor ttrngoe. [
< -bines Thurs lay, Ao rust 31; great vaiiety; many I
standard makes. No ?; IT-ado t.
t i CTI N. c OTTON! Al CTION. ;
JY 1 HIS vMonday) MORNING, commencing at lO'J
nt the uri ate hou-o 1 5 Riot I3:h St., near 4th nv.,over5<>0
lots in i .a 11 tit ami * fill Household Furniture, 2\ C ir*
pets. - ma j ai li cent ro* wood I'iauolurtcs. beautiful Parlor
N uts, in criniM'ti and silver rnft! s. in jrr *eti satin rocadc,
1 rown and t nu n reus and haircloth ; lf? Chatn -er Suits, wit h
Pre-sin/ C.i* s; Bedsteads, Bureaus, WnHhtauds. Ward- i
roboM, I'omiuodes. hair and spring, Bedding,
ni rbio Tables, I, nnircs. Mirrors. Curtains. Pan tinus, 12 One
cidcboards, extension I aides. Clocks, bliiH< < hiita, >i 1 \ r*
ware. Cut!?'r\. vc. KLNL.sT IB)'l II. Auctioneer. Goods
pat ked ami d.-livorod for purchaser- city or country.
t lotion. i:x? KA lwjgk Vl < HON sale
Jv of ma.:nl!icent Household furniture,
tin* (Md Ihv morning, comtiieucinfc at Id', o'clock, at |
il Last 2' lit *t.. near Broadwav, I'm lor Suit', in crimson l
und tun cutciauie, aho rep and haircloth; Oil Paiuting*,
Viir ?rs, C'uriain*. Clicks llroMei, Bedroom Suits, with
l?ref*.iu>; 1 hm*s, liurentn, Witshstands, spring and Hair Mat*
tro*scs, Crockery, Cut'ory. Ac. N. I! ?Hoods must absolutely
bo sold, rain or tiiine. UENKY ZtNX, Auctioneer.
lJ i l l si>A\ Mil) WEDNESDAY. A ut! t 2H and $0,
at liMj V. M., ui our vtletrouiu,
so 1 Murray st ,
large trade sale of Hardware, Cutlery
and Hun*, of over 2dO lot*.
Southern and Western buvers will find a large line of
goods suitable for their trado.
Al*o I <rgo line of (j-orge Wostcnholin A Sons Porketkutve-,
tine tuuxzlo and brooch l ading, central lire Linn*,
Ac.. Ac.
; Kir*t fall sale, at the salesroom ?fl East l.'lth si , near
Broadway. on Wodiie*?ia', Aucu-t HO, al 11 o'clock, a
1 !-;o a?M?rtiuo ?t of rich Parlor. Bedroom and Dining i^mn
K rail me. Car; ct?. Mlrrora. three Pianos. So'a and Secrct
iry. Hen *. Ac . belli,.' the accumulation of consignment* lor
the last do days.
(tl'.ti'hiK 11 <?!. P. U(> >k, A LOTION KEK.?HOLHIH mTIc
T .? L'OoIJ Ns s <:l this d tv. at two o'clock, at 452. 451
and 45ft Canal t . Parlor and Chamber suit*. Pier and Mantel
Mirror*, Carp- t* la e Curtain*. Mattresses. Beds. . ed
ing, I'ri .k *iy. ? a..*, Plated Ware, kitchen i t mi si is, Ac.
J S WKINB BliKU . I 11'?N i : '. KBLL8 io!
I day, \ 41 jj . i - l .it 1 >L, o'clock at salesroom 7d Bow. rv, j
O - I ' ? ' "lid r. .. \; C . . HT'.
l.i.iiior**. *?<? pmr Ul iukets, Quilts; 1( damaged und sound
m k I ntbrel a?, Ac.
181 Do! 1 K\VAHZ i* . il'CTI >N 8*L! fif, ,
I 10 o clock. 51* Ea?t L th St., entire f ixtures of a
Butcher Miop, iti loth. Dealer* invited.
#1 without e -Ti c. on ii?e pieniLe*. Kuhh?mO* Neck, boiwfrii
St aor. lit end < 'relink- uud between lands of K. O.
il.i;;i'lii n ?n<i ... Pnnuly, Em,* , oil Tiursilay, \ugu^i 31. at
II o'clock A. M .. bv order ??! Messrs. Herd h Br??<. . 1W elc
jrnM Villa Plot#: el.'? nut vi^rsof Lonjr Branch. Vc. : cnlla- j
ti?n, Seventh r irlmi'Uf Inn I, Harriso", Balloon nscon-ion,
1 !u'i*. Tor m ipx and particulars apply to J K ItK. JOHNSON,
Jr., 21 J'urk row, N. Y.
IF Wirt N. A1* ("1 i?) > 1-. ! . R. ?l"%C) I l~K N X ilT.LM
J 11, at 1" o'clock, t 2* Kivin^ton st., Saloon and lar^o i
B ui din .; House In lots.
i (MI: err KOK HI .. ai cTT >N \r~* \7T7T[TMT- ;
JJ ton st ? eantifttl 1'iano. Household Furniture. Wednet- :
day, 10 A. M.
?? lock. 1 J?? lir.d ' st., Brooklyn, I'll 1 S;ock ol tiro- |
C?0 Store choice Groceries. j
1 tins day. at JO o'cloc . at Spring m. Stock ?inti ;
Fi\tures of > iloon. ? c.: ant baca Bar. I aides, Chairs, Mir- j
rois, .vc. ; positively in I ; dealers invite !.
Ma?c^iia;/> sai/k - tY vVurt k ?ip a WHir"T?F
atlit Imient rmi etet oli oi 1 will im? to julv at |
p.hlic miction, it ii. nt i \v a Itinir n si., on .monday, \u- i
co t g. .u :i ' ) k !'. v., i'.e . w - uoods, consisting
n( I lonr. Tea, s. ap, Mavh .?n I f an e.l Kr nt.
1,KH . MeHhKMOlT. Mar*haL
-\| Oil! ' . KITKfiUM MON8~ Al'CI lO?f.
a* I ?. er. will aclj >'oirl o, An mi-t 2>, 187d. at 12 M., Fix
tuiCd o' l>?ni" . mi toon I U 1:? v si.
SALMON . Sill ti/, Attorneys lor Mortgage ?.
JOMirif M- Hili. Wk.-? ml.
T>AA V ;??K: SAL A TUI> PAY. .1 MF.s AiiAK,
I Aucti oi or will 1. a*. . > N? llowory. r?i*5 lots
iires*.** s ?t \> if licMi:'! t?. ral?!o, I n leivl thin!
Sheet- sp IVimv% us. V intaloons and Yeats. JJy
or?.or of < ooive T iiulipp, i .:nt loth H.
T > ii '< AKf I w \ I fl'.K.V S< IN'A, At i r iiiV ! BK <? MORT- <
IV n "-.ile - ill mo] M pii.oy at ! ?k, at *i*l "? i
lit o's '21 i" iis hr ?: |v* y. sto< k ' 'irocerms, i'f .'*t i'olf'ck, '
M?. S . >. cjlaic -, TI.uu. . r.xtr*?ct?. Oil-. t omieit j
V?iIi;. l abile F >ap. U.tried j? i >r%% c? Feeclic . To- ,
n . : counter un-i p ; .-n <. .% ; ^r;iv Mire, :
1 >' !i i hit'Ji; uN ? n . 1! ?-rrin.ii*s I'liauipi -n double door i
? ' i !. luck I: l I y Si v; oti0 r ?r ? onicr, 1
TkIiIcs, iot.tirs, 1'iclui . ?/kerv. i ynltnrn Sieves .* .
J. O. MCiU'U Y, Attorney fttr Mort^airee.
I > 1? ! I ki.I? \\ >1. i.*' -I j.n S. A i ^ ion; . i: MdiJT.
i t . a r vilf?\\ hi sell T i--u.iv. ai ] '4 ? ce> k, it No. 37 i
>otit !i 4 (h fit.. 1'ro ?klyn, 1 i N. tlm vt H .ind ! i\tui ? ? or v J
cIht-m .lute! / , >T ??i(lii and Haeiv f'ar. ur nil
Ii. .Mi Ale I ..nip, two M 'o?rs. < ?)ass M' a: n 1 ahlo?. ( lit rs.
I.i. tch \ npt? v. one ! i*nt>; il us- n .i u ^ra n Harj ets;
FurtiU' r 'I. r ' re. Vt'?r rot.ef. Hi.ootha, AC. >ale posllive.
By r riicrot Altornex .'or Mori^a^ee.
v c? r
A*?t tj:??? !?' la ?>f Will a. L 'in r?, ?'hnuv ngrte*. Ciirar*. Ac.
Thl* U.iy M?o. .i\ . hU. tt H):j ocUcx. -it No l.'i j{o?r>
i?r\. .7!'ir:<? */! win" 'I Kotirh* n ;mi y W i?\p , cm4i
i xnit.'-s < mi. P r. err ami H n? W.tiei; co <
>i? i I ?k i- Vina.1*, i i r* i hi < !hmup urne*; huo an
n rt ti iu o' Seeu nn I iiaeaua ?'r%, tc salt piwrira.
i r ?.ri i t!II KK. A*-:gu*c.
QIIfclClFi S fl.U.K OK CIOAIW. KIWCnK. sih>Vf.
0 ?aa*- .u\? >. MKP.MAN, sh? (Ti nd goner*! antim r.
? Moo Jn Au ;ii-t J'4. u| If.l, So l? Hatvfy,
* I t i r ligtrena. FUnr?. Sit wen a. .tc.
Sale -nive. WliXlAM C. CONNbU. sheriff.
Kahk Deputy.
OfvilAHO Be. I T-. .* . oriiT'a Voctioticar. mil! aell this
lay Moo i *v). August at 1') o'clock, mi J(J Boeknian at.,
a quantity of Cutiery, shnemiAera' Knife* Scieson*. Ac.,
A<* AM. C. CONN hit. Miernf
Manx LkstQJLN, deputy.
CUIMI - > w i: or OOTUniY MA. L'KacTorv.?
1 ' oh . Vi\l> KF. IT>, .>heri!T? Auctioneer. *iil ?at this I
nay (\\ iutv , Ai: -t *t II clock, at 109 K.vtiigton j
t.c iit-n. >f a Out err Manufactory, consisting of timid j
1 imc st utoa, Lat 'rji, Pnlle)!, Uflliui;, ."h* tin Ac.. Ac
Mauk, l??i> ity. WM. ('. CUNXEU, sheriff.
k? i? lll<A l> KTTs, SnerifTe Auctioneer. mill sell thia j
day tMonday . Uiir s-t - s. ai 10 o'clock. At .Vi7 Hth iv . ;
)a?iie?' Hi#; chlldiiMi'a Birmn Shoe*. '.alter* an I Sl ppera, '
nirn'l and >oya' Hoot*. si.oea. Ac. ; also me right, title and
lut#r? st in .m l to the Lcace of M??re, Fixture*. .to
\VM. C. CONNER. Sheriff. 1
CI go. J. Wcuin, Depvty.
? I of. ee No. 3 Chambers at.
By virtue of a cbatiej taortgage 1 trill ^cli 011 th.^Ua . at 1
11 oVIc 't A. VI,, t:.0 Kixmr-a ind .uninurc el the hotel |
and hit iinl .00m it 14. vWn ?i , constating ?f parlor and ,
bedroom u?t?. three % *..: Diiitud l'*<Hr?. a large nn ruber ,
of Arm Chair* 'u 11 Ale I'ump etui fine Counter, 1
Chaudelicra, Cnrpet* and (XK- uth. Ac. hy order of
A. I.H II n.N.sTKIS ,t BKO., Mort,'KMi. I
WILLIAM .Ui 5 '7r~T7 Jl . N K.. H.
} 1 oflce No. ;1 Cfiarobera at.,
ily virtue of a battel Btortfu rt 1 will <( .1 on thia day. at 1
Ho I'lvcii ; M .the is ?.i ihr> fioccry ftore. No 1 I
raiim 11.. C 'U tera sheiTlnfUnd Yrrttii n mentioned In
t w aclii um ai-o. one tiorac. sv afon nd liarucs*, Ac. I
WlELlAM Aiiilui i, Jr., Attoroo/lor Alortgaged, j
"f 1 office N'o. 3 Chambers ?t .
Will it'll on Tuesday, at It o'clock. the Stock and Fix urea
of !it|uor store, 'tf ? South uu ?t\\ ; one eplrndld d-i-ud
A e Pu >!>, line Bagatelle 'labia. Khaffie Board. lino Marvin
Safe a good ?t<?ck ol" >tB3orteti Liquors, a quantity of it ?
Ci : irt >1 vtwKiin brauo*; i>;?!fndid Counter and Hack
Fixture*, Chanceu?r*. Ulussware. Ac.
AHASsmtswrf aft# pxuws^SUH IN frsrsiu
on, silver ru'llo*. rj.ed *ix muitUs, cost *1.'0?. tor
*>; una do., i van pi. a, Jjlfjo; rielt rep* Turkish r uit,
worth $S5(); one ."Mi; ??uperb *t -inw.iv <F Sona Pi in ?
I forte, cott for $2V?; MUOyarda Carpet. '?*>c ; over 3?*>
J lotn u?>e(ul ilouit*btt!il tioodit a; Hta. on tint dollar; mutt be
j foiil. no ream?iiable otter refuted. Call at private re?ul i;oe
1-U West -3d nl.. ueardih nv. E. GAY.
their Household Furniture: satin Parlor fi "t
* l-.r ?1 O; Cbickcrin^ Plato tort \ oi.iboruie
, Hedrooiu Set*. H dsira ls, Druj^tnu Chiffonier*. Vt\,
iplfV; single Bedstead*., Hu mis, Beddiii'. Library,
Diaiutf Furniture; Turkish suit. $7-*; r*p Suit. $tO; Faintin
m. Ac. Cull ui private residence 47 West ltith it., near
6ih nr.
Parlor Suit, e.?st ?(> ?'J, l ?r $1.70; uno d?.,# Muio
.a u telnet to style, in crimson mid silver ruMles| 5lli?;
l> roe at* I, rep and haircloth Suite, ird ? up; Carpets. -.*?
cuts up; Pianoforte , 12 Chamber Suit*, with dressing
Cases, $ (0 Bureun<i. hui: a "I pi Id.: Mattr-'Hsen.
Sideboards. Kxi ni??n I able. Silver ware. Cutlery,
Ac. ; h barjfiin. Call immediately at privuto house, 1<>5
Kiet 13th st., near 4th nv.
I Bedroom Sets, lluil Stumla, Armoiro*, Bullets. I>?? *k.???
Reds, Redding, Ac. ; private sale at hoc io:i prices, iih Last
13th nt.
Ipo!! SALE vbi.VET OAnrxra, LTHTTK CIKC.
Class, 7 octave Piano and an u.-h<? tmeut of Furniture.
Dealers need unt call. 128 VVcnI 47tl? st.
vT 7-*7 Broadway.
Furniture and Carta t Hoiae.
Liberal terms t > parties lurnt>iin- hou*?is or Freuch flats.
J~~ AIUSK ST BT( Ti 5K AS|> LOWkTt Vfii Est FOB FCltJ
iiiture and Carpets for cash or liberal terms of p ivmeut
st C??VVCiiK 1'UW A11 S, 1&? and 157 Chatham St. Thirteen
lur^e warcrooiiiv
\|ISFir I'A Kl'Krs,"nll.Cl.OTl'lS AND M \TMNtlS
Irl. vory cheap at the old place ; circ ilars sunt free.
j TT Militury. Naval and <*eueml Tailors,
1 No. 3 (only) New Murlin ion at. , L ndou, \V., England,
J'.stnididied 7? years.
First quality of ? mis mil*.
Ten per eerit discount lor cash.
Instructions f r s i measurement scut uu application.
51 M<l \ KBn.
1 blender OuiuLiuation i uhIi.'th.
il W. COLLEMDER, 738 Hroudway.
MKlUCAN ?r.\N(J.\KU Hi ELLA K I) i A i# Hi S -IVI ill
il IMunujr'a wire cushion*; inr^* ?i?*ck oi Trimming;
bCi'omJ liuud Tatlilcs at i; bari: ii:i*.
W. H. 4 Kiib; t ii X CO., do Vu?oy *t.
t lie renowned corned edg*; cushion, fall and cxu.uine
our now ntyle just JnirmJnc il.
E. DECKER ?t CO., c ?rtier Canal and Centre ?t?.
WAfff El) TO FuItcfiiSE;
\\' AN I i:I? ? A * 411 *:?:?> > VVfNiiiNO MA?JU1M ."
M Apply to BARRETT .NEPIl^WS X CO., Ao* OJohu
si.. New York.
Wt XES, liHilOKS AC.
KltA .EIi A OU., UO av. C. All kinds oi imported
E.i?;or bottled for Inmily use.
Shortly altor four o'clock yesterday morinug two
watchmen in Ockkersliatuen Brothers' lurge sugar
re&nery, at No. 3S0 South street, discovered llro
in the'rear of the building, near its southwest
corner. Some charcoal used (or rciinlng had become
overheated and set tire to the woodwork. It had been
smouldering for souio time be:oro it was discovered, i
and tbe llamas consequently burst forth with great vio- !
lencc. The men foolishly thought that they would be <
ablo to extiugumu the flames, aud lost several minutes !
in this attempt belore giving the alarm. Then one of 1
the men ran 10 tIt0 eugltie house of steamer No. 15 at ]
No. 201 Hcury street aud "told ttiem ol' tlio lire. Tho
other man toolc the key ol lire alarm box No. 159,
which was kept in the sugar retlnery, and ran to the
corner of Jackson and Front streets, sounding
tho first alarm at forty minutes past
lour. Kivo minutes later a second alarm was sent out,
und two minutes afterward tho third alarm. A special
call was then sent for another onginu, milking thirteen
in alt that were on the ground. The police l>oul Seneca
arrived soon alter and turned two largo streams on the
lire lroiu the sugar house slip.
Tho delay occasioned in sonuing out the alarms by
the two Watchmen gave tho lira great headway. When
the eng.ties arrived tho dames, which first broke out
ou the third tloor, rear, No. 324 Frout
street, had spread through the enliro upper
portion of the building, which was seven stories j
high. Tho iron shutters of the building were heated to
a white beal and the rool was curled over iiko paper. '
Opposite the rear of the builuiug iu Front street were |
several little wooden buildings whom inmates had been !
aroused by the fire. Too sap in the wood begun to i
boil, and had the Ure engines been a lew minutes later :
they would also have been in flames. l$y great exer- j
t.ous on tho part of tuo firemen ther were checked
in this direction. The occupants had ia the
meantime aroused the whole neighborhood, and
several thousand puoplo from tho purlieus of Front '
and Water streets were ou the scene. As the Uro progressed
Into lue lower stories, burning slowly down- !
v.aid, the large hogsheads of molasses began to burst
and a si ream of their contents llowo I irom the but ulug
building. Duly a lew policemen were present at
this cariy stage ol the conflagration. The crowd
undeterred, ou seeing the river of liquid sweets,
hastily suatcncd up old cans, jars, and suiuu of them
evou old huis, which ihey tilled from the flowing
stream. Others assisted in saving somo low ol the
Hunar barrels, helping themselves lu not a l.ttlcoi their |
contents. 15ut soon u terrible explosion caused tb< iu 1
to retreat In busty disorder. The tire bud burned I
through to South street an . tr.nlua lv down to the Urst I
lloor. Very little oi the upper Hours remained and only !
part of the roof wia left. Suddenly the b nl. r on the
Orsl Uoor. which \tas halt filled with water, becotn.up
ovcrnoa'.e.l burst and was lifted bodily up through
the remains ol six tioors to the root, lu.l ng
bick Willi a heavy thud to its previous position.
The roof Immediately loll in. Putt
o< the south wall lei I, crushing in the tool of the Asbestos
felling t:oinpau>'s Building, adjoining, on
front street, and ui li. J. Kudu A. Cu.'? oil t.iclory, on
Suulb sircel. Part of the upper loll hand corner of the
roar wall also fell, causing ttiu Oremou in Front street
to relr at a little. The en.ire building had been so
shattered by the force of the exp osiou that tbe walla
weie cracked Soou aft>r tbe norm wall fell, breaking
in the roof of l.i b I iv, ll.irtleit Kimble's 1
oil factory, an 1 partially destroying some building
Dialer ills in Murphy .V Nes ill's yard, on South
street. The scene now rh idled Hint d tbe great
llroa.lway Hre on tl.o.stli <u lust fobru iry. On Suulb
street tbe tire could be viewed to lUe great, si advantage.
although wuii tl.e most oaiiger, .. . the wiud was
blowing prettv ilrmig lrout tlio northw> si.
The lire extended on South tract iruiu A. T. ftr rgs'
sboi k . ard. II re v . re p led oil imiu-n o amount of
tdiouks or Iiok lead staves intended to lie shipped to
tbe West Indies, where they re mod- up into hogsheads
and s.ul ba< k hi el Willi sugar.-. 11,e wood
was very dry and III y mimed nrlgnlly at Erst, but
were s oil > xun.i.isbed by a lew well ,iu,t ed
streams from ibo .haulers on ii, dock,
whico were their water directly from l ie
North Itiver. .Next to tins cane lac lory ol H.
I J. Uudd .v i o , whose rool bud been irnsbed to by tbo
' tali nl the sou h ivail oi Orlti r h.iu-eti brothers' reiiu- |
cry Pen e v.. ume- ol b.wli smoke were ro.ili g until
and Utile rivers ol ol. stream* 1 out of the lactoiy, run|
nlug along the uors and into the Kail Itiver. N*xt to
th.* came tie loinnuis.. huildlhir el Oiker-li.ui?en
! Hi "II.IT*, ranuiug tnrou h front ,-?uth to Kront stroma.
I'be irotii wa.l bnii laiien ?s well us the ?iMe one-. revealing
? raging fumac* within. latrge *lml;s of
; mm, winch supported mimi'Ut pulley* loi Ilia
machinery, were bum nnj twisted in every dine.ion.
Tlie ante ua tai l.I. he in the northeast lUirinT of the
I building, and a atreain Iroui the poltco boat couae|
qn. nt'y turued on in that part of the building. Next
, to Una was ilia yard of Messrs Murphy .v Xeamtt, ,
deaiera in bniloera' materials. Tbev had neon r e. ally m a large am.-inn ol slock, pribe [tally consi-tI
my " letrreia of lime and lath*. The Inihing fan. m
I lire from tin- biaied brick* w h'Ch tell on li Irom the
I norlb wail ol the retlncry. When the hose
| waa direeled hero to put out if,is j
Same tbo lime began to work and
soon bur-t many ol the barrels, selling them on nre j
and ennitihit a disagreeable smoke. I hi*, however, l
choked llio tire, and it spread no lurlher in tin* diro. Iran,
tiu the Trout sired aide (he nre was mtlcii leas
taible on account ol [tie Uat bad been left alandIlilt.
Tue A* cue Kelt in loinpanV'a butklin.-, iwo
atoriea in height and separated irom ocker-li.iusen *
reunorjr or a stead yard, about twenty leet wide, wu*
tbe most dtaiant hiiildins' south that intd been injured
on mi) *;de flic corner ol the laning wall Irom
Oekorahauaou* struck the northern end of the
liuilu ibs. crushing in lite rool, causing n
smouldering lire, which, however, laaied oniy |
a lew momenta, and totuily doatroy nig
a ato an, ueaidea aeriously injuring a good deal
ot valuub.e machinery. In the little yard holer* j
m?nt.oned nenp* ol gravel were plied and preven'ed j
the tiro from doing a* much damage n* It would have
otherwise none. Ol the sooth wall 01 Uckeishauseu
brother*' relm ry only a small portion remained, containing
the lirsl three letter* of the (Inn'# name, which
had In en fa tiled along Hie ?avc* in large black letters.
The rear wall, tbougli cracked, waa stl.l ataudiug. lint
chim.?y towereu above all, blaCkatiad hut noun- ;
partd. Tb? grealcet display ?M luim#diat*ly I
7 ? V;
I to the north of tho refinery. As soo#
I as the north will of that building leil it crushed In tho
! root of Libuv, Uartlelt it Kimball's oil laotory, . t
; a largo number ol oil barrels were broken ope* I
j by tho force of the lulling beams and lignted by tho fj
sparks. Tho burniug oil rriu down to the floor below t
uu'l ignited a lurgo tunic there. Instantaneously
i n bright red llani"- sbot up irotn the building, several
hundred loot iu the air, vividly tlluiuiuuting the Kasl
! Hirer. Thouaunds ol pcoplo could be aeon gathered on.
1 the wharves oi Brooklyn watching the conflagration.
The boat on this side was intense. Next to this oil
; factory there was, fortunately, a vacant yard, used by
Jumoa Trcgarllien us a shipping yurd, which contained
> only a few pieces of old lumber, and prevented tho
I turtle r spread of the llaiues tu this direction.
Mr. George I'. Ocgershausen was on the scene about
< six o'clock, having been summoned from his house..
No. 'JilO East Nineteenth street, soon alter the tire occurred.
lie hastened to Stateu I* uud to inlorut tba
other members of the llrtn, und Ins nephew immediately
come up to the city, remaining by the burning outld!
tug nearly all day. He said Hint the sugar house was
| lined Ir in 1011 16 botium, aa tbev bad commenced to
I Use in stock about s'x week* ago, und were working
! tlie rolinery io it* lullest ca|iaclty. This stock, be said,
was not fully in ured. The lower floor of their building
was about eight toot below the lcvol of the street
i and wa* half tilled witu water und molasses,
As near as could be estimated in the excitement of
I yesterday Hie losses will amount to over 5:150,OOU
Messrs. Ockersbuu eu ISrcthers' buildiug was totally
desiroved; loss, uccorditig to the police estimates,
$100,000; loss on stock, according to tho same esti- ^
mutes, $175,000, partly Insured. Some of the InsuN
mice was said to be in tho following companies:?Nas<
s.iu, Obo; Williamsburg t-'lty, ift.liOb; Phieuis,
15.000, uud Vlontauk ii>,000. Tho other companies art >'
I Hoi ki own. t
Their building la a} N'o. 383 South street and No. 324 '
: to No. ; Front street.
Jho business office of tho lirin Is at No. 87 Wall
street li was louudml ill 1S62 under the name ot A.
F. Si li. J. Ockersbauseti. lu IStW they look tho
present name. ">u January 10 thoy wero compelled to
su-pctid their business on account ot the pressure ot
tbo nurd limes. Ai tliat lime their liabilities were
$.176, nut) ami their total a=sois wore $416,000, a great
part nt woicti wns In heavily encumbered real estats.
Tun present members ot tho liriu are Mr. Ailolpb P.,
I Henry O. Co, rgo 1'. and John H. Oekorshatisen. The
i three Jortner live in New York; the latter is a rest.
: dent ot Connecticut. The head ol the tirrn Is said to he
i in toelde In aitu. A refluery that tliey lurinerly owned
in Kose street was burned down many years ago,
' causing them a heavy loss.
! Meters. I.ibby, Harnett k Kimball, oil manufacturers
nt Not, 381 and 330 Front street, have their business
ofllee at No. lis M .iden lane Their building and stoclc
was totally destroyed. Lo-s estimated by the police,
$36,000: lu.- uruuco unknown
Murnhy ^ .Neaniit also lost a jrro it deal of lathing,
estimated at $600. They had recently been taking to
Stock of lathing, lime, oriel; una plaster.
Too Asbestos Felling Company,, csianiished in 1868,
occupy No?. 318 to 822 Front street. Their machinery
and stock were dumugod about -2,000 by tbo tailing
wul a. Their stock was worth about $8,000; not tulty .
tn.-urod. 'Ihe building, owned by tbu Fry or estate, '
wu damaged about $2,003; Insured tor $12,0 (0.
11. .1 Kudd A: Co., oil luauutaciUrcrs, wore, perhaps,
the heaviest losers of ait. Tbwr stuck unit building wul
ilk wise totally destroyed. Their litile buildiug was
iiiBiued lor $1,000 In the City Insurance '
Company and their other building in Hie same com- '
puny. Their oilico Is at No. 160 Front street. Their
sto(k, worth about $10,UOO, was entirely uninsured
uud will prove a total Joss. The ilrw was burned out
last February and they did not expect to navo a similar
calamity so soon. Mr. Clover, tbo junior member
of the lirui, "did not expert lfRbtuing to strike twice so
soon in the sumo place," as lie remarked, with tears la
his eyes, to a Usual.n reporter yesterday altoruoou.
By noon tho llro was comuctely unuer control, and
the men soon begun to pull down the walls. The Ur?
was at lust coullnod to tbe large oil tank ol Libby,
Itartlott k Kitubull, which was still burning late last
right. Croat credit is due to Chief Bales o the Firs
licpariniout and to tho bravo men of tho Fourth baW
taliou. wlio prevented tlio lurtliur spread of the flumes,
and thereby saved a vast niiioiiiiiot valuable property
in tho immediate neighborhood.
About twenty mlnutra to eight yesterday morning
Officer Dale, of tbo Fourth precinct, while on post In
Becktnan street, noticed a volume of smoke issuing *
from the doorway N'o. 42 Heekin.tu street, and at ones
gave tho alarm of lire. Fortunately Engine No. 9 wag
on its retnru from the fire in Montgomery street, and
was on tne spot almost at the sumo instant the alarm
was given. Ttio door was broken open and in a very
si.oil space 01 lime n sternly stream was
pouring on tho lire. The tiro originated immcdW
utely under the hatchway anil burned through
to the tinrd story of the builatug. which is a six story
one, and Is occupied by W. U dcliicllelln & Co., importers
oi drugs. Owing to tho timely srrivul of tha
engines the llauies were subdued tn less than hnlf aa
hour, ami Hie fire was extinguish d with a loss of
itlioiu $">,000 to the Block unu $'d,0t)0 dntnango to tha
building- Considering ttic liill.imiunble nature of tha
material on which the fire hud to work the loss might
be considered slight; lor had the lire live minutes mora ,
headway the lit emeu would very likely not have been
able to save the building. Tho house ot Schioil'elin &
Co. has been in existence since 1789. When llrsl or?
ginizeu it was under the Urm name of Scbieflelia
Hrothers, and was changed twentv-eignt years ago id
W. 11. Schlcllolm ti Co.
exhibition of "tim uussitrs hefobr haum?.;
BUBO," BY nechuti.Y, AT DARKBK'B OAIr*
The exhibition opened a lew days ago, at Borlccr'f
Gaikry, Nob. 47 nud 49 Liberty street, or au historic*
painting by a Russian artist, named Nechutny. Th<
picture is the property oi Mr. A. D. Strauss, and ra
reived a premium at the Vienna Exposition in 1373
J he subject ot the pututlng is au incident in the bis<
tory ol Germuuy, at the time of the sixteen years.
war, lu which the Emperor Siglgiuond was many tnne(
deloatcd by the loaders of the Bohemian or Hussltg
arum s. John /.isca, and, alter bis dcatn, Procoplua.
The cause of the war was the opposition ol the Inhnbl*
tants ol Bohemia to the Papal rule, and resulted la
the religious liberty of the Hussites in 1437. After gain*
lug several victories I'roeopius, then leader oi lbearmyk
luaile preparations lor besieging or burning tne town ol '
Nuuiuburg, on ths ZSth ofJuiy, 1431. The bishop ol
the town, G.ich, was a strong partisan of the Emperor
and ono of tne council who had voted lor the burning
at the stake ol John Hu-s, iu 141?. Ths town was
poorly loriilicd and unable to withstand a siege, suit
under tho cin umstances, tho inhabitants expected no
mercy from the conquerors. The rulers ot the town
mot, and, niter proposing the most extravagant plans
to avert the expected disaster, one ol their uuinber,
iiam d Hollo. pro|>OMil s-nding the key ol tbe town la
l'rocopius by tne children ol the place drsssed iu their
giave clothes and ted by the lather confessor ol ths
cai This is Che Incident which ths
artist lias ct aMa, and the uiomcut reprs.
seined is when the liltlv girls and hoys
uie Ki!'sohu8 h lore the tierce looking warriors holding
up the great iron key on a yellow satin cushion. Ths
scene is mid in the camp, on au open plain, with lbs
city wul.s seeu dimiv in tUu distance. The aged sol.
Ui?r is sealed .ma has thrown down Ills helmet. Ills '
perp.cxitr is shown in the manner iu which he strokes
Ins while beard ns he looks kiudiy at the chlldruq
kneeling be.ore b in. kurpriss >s expressed iu ths 1
i;ouiiien?ui-"? ot the soldiers standing around the chief.
inn group oi crnldruu contains title en or twenty ligures,
the three lor. oust km . ling .and holding liiu cushion.. >?
Iieipod them kin-els the priesi, whose careworn lac*
coniro-u loroitily itiu plump r s> onus of ths
c intrcu. (Ine little round uccd boy looks as it al.oul
lo ci. at I'm lleice looking soldiers lit minor, but III*
In /girls niiit'-r look up with i-bi'.dwh curiosity or
hoigtneir mim.Ih bu-hiully. I U<> er.pres, ion in llm
dolor.nt ;aci-?, is string ly marked, and 11 one ul llie
mi,si .v elective qualities in Hi" work. 'I'll" light la
C'iii,eiiiriletl on th>' central groups, and tbn color In
kepi in sulaloed tones even In lhi; lir ghtcsl light. Ik
Hie ch ddron's lignros tboro U some line drawing; hul
Hit- s?ltlnT*. especially tit-- llgure 01 I'rocoplm, are beJly
proportioned ami |Niu<l?rut|s. The a lilud"* ol many
of the tig ores iro c uvi ntioual ami lack variety. In
getu-ial color the loregioun i groups are warm ami liar U
ltimas, Ittt the transition to too g a,v ol Llie middle '
t.. latiee is harsh #ml Inharmonious ami has noalin ispun'.
lake man) pi -tut. ut iho Munieli srhnol
this vii o n- mining in th" individuality of the figures.
All-., hot I* Vi'ao n. in UI .ty. II." sue ol the picture II
a ul h- i hy live. It will he exhibited at this
place during the lali.
a xsw- riori itn.
A portrait has just neen c. uiploiert by J. ()gd?n
Woqu. >Jii TH-. a ay, of a Lavarack seller dog, '
Ti-t," in* propi-riy ot Mr. Merceiioit. The mouieut
n( anion re; r. -tuieil i? when llie animal has sloppedsudden
> and is pointinit t ibe mono. One lots lima
i? rained iioin luo ground and Hi eve* are looking lorward,
lull ul Ire, a* il ready lo bound oil in au ic.iant
through tlii' t i l ? the ine.iiow or its mallow
jioihh. The coiupoMtiou mikes an attractive picture,
tioili the dog and ilia k irroaudi.,* auilscapo being wall )
| .i.ul.-d with a ooivl, Ireu touch, nn<t a curreatugns of
dvtail in action, that shown carelul study ou tho
part oi the arti>t, ami tliat ho uiulerstandn
mil pnes a-ea the .-alii nocesanrr to correctly portray
tho tn >?fiiii ota ol the annus.? and supply appropriate
surroundings. I'lie do. will ha i-ent to grace the ex?
hibiuon of canines .it tho in September.
\ir. Wool lots had hie lltnd so completely occupied
with painting portrait* ol fatuous horses, dogs, cattle,
.He., thai ho ha< been compel,ad to glvo lip lna usual
mminer skclitiirg lour, out haa taken an occasional
runup Into WustuboaiiT county uud other places la
tho to nity ol New York to obtain malarial lor tail
next winter's stud.o work. I
A me ting will be held on Wednesday next by lb*
creditors ol Max Stadler ft Co. lor the parpoae of
hearing the report ol their special enintuittco on examination.
lite Coinmillao was appointed on lha lBlfc
tnat., sBd the meeting la called by the lirm al Ibo ro?
Udost ol ibo cb.itrniun, Mr. W. W ilanlngion.
Marks Tully, aged twentylbreo years, of No. ?6T
Seventh avenue, loll ont ol the second story window of
his residence yesterday iiflaruoon and was lainlly in*
jured. lla wan takan 10 ma Mmtty-AinUi airno* Hon.