Newspaper Page Text
, CABLE NEWS r- ? ? From All Parts of the Old World. THE WAR IN THE EAST. ' , Difficulties in the Way of a Peaceful Settlement. TRE SERVIANS AVERSE TO PEACE Possibility of An Austrian Occu,* pat:on of Servia. ^ THE FRENCH WORKMEN. THE WAR IN TURKEY. ' DIFFICULTIES in THE WAT or PEACE?CONTINUED ARRIVALS OF BUSSIAN OFFICERS IN 1 BXRVIA?riQHTINO ABOUND ALKXINATZ. Londos. Angus. 28, 1878. The Standard's Belgrade despatch Fays while Prtnco Milan Ib showing bis good sense in trying to negotiate a peace, Russian officers continue to arrive in great , numh.pi inrl OpnerAl Tr.hprniivrff* l.v ronentorl attnrlrd ! upon the Turkish lines, is dong lila boat to make tho < . oegoitations abortive. He bus hurried so tar that the I , Porte, to reply to a tondrr ot mediation by tho I'owois, , i pltinly declined to listen to tne proposal until Aloxi- ; cats surrenders; consequently tho lighting there continues. froarksk or the tires. The Servian authorities report great victories, but , Without foundation. The Servians may have driven i ? back the TurkUb columns which advanced from St. Stephen, and, getting off the lovel ground, were obliged j to retreat, but the Turks aro on the right and left hanks f tho Morava level with Alexinalz. i austrian occupation posstblk. There le a possibility of the occupation of the Servian > frontier and of Belgrade itsell by an Austrian corps of 1 1,000 uicn. Tho Austrians on the Save and Danube are ready to march at a moment's notice. thb servian people averse to peace. A Renter telegram from Belgrade reportB that the discontent among the people en account of the negotiations Is daily becoming more Intense. Among the other demands of the foreign representatives, tho cessation of hostilities is refused by tho Ministry. A despatch from Vienna asserts that the Porte requires that Prince Milan shall address his demands for peace directly to the Turkish government. Tho SlandardU Berlin special announces that at a council of the Servian Cabinet, I'rince Milan's resolution In favor of mediation was approved threo to one. TBI report of a servian victory confirmed. me previous reports 01 me eerviau victory on | Thursday laat arc confirmed by the lulest despatches, rhe Timet' Belgrade special guys TchernayefiT and Horvatovlch drove the Turks out of Brugovacz and Stance, and then joined their forces, which increases j the army ol tbo Morava 10.000 meu. Notwithstanding, | Kenm Pacha, on the whole, has mado a clever ad- j vance, being on three sides of Alcxinatz, which is de- : cldedly In danger. pcrtush rioiiTtxa. A despatch to the Daily Mews states that the fighting was renewed on Sunday rooming. A despatch to the Daily Telegraph from Paratchin reports that on Tuesday two columns >f Servian troops at Alezinatz mistook each ether lor the enemy, and a serious fight took place, bctore the error was discovered. Some Bulgarian volunteers have shot their commander, who srdered them to advance. The wounded man declined to have an operation performed by English surgeons, as do nine in ten natives In similar cases, although they know death will lollow In consequence of their refusal. EFFORTS FOR AX ARWISTICE. A Berlin despatch to the Post announces that the Power* have agreed to request the Porte to accede to a suspension of hostilities. Turkey is resolved to grant only a abort armistice for the purpose ol accelerating a settlement of terms of peace. FRANCE. BAHQTTZT TO THB RETURNED WORKIWOITEN'S DELEGATION. Paris, August 27, 1ST& A banquet was given to-day to the independent deVgites, representing the worklngmen, who have i returned from tbc Philadelphia Exhibition. M. Desmonlins described the visit, aud others made speeches^ 1 Letters from Victor Hngo and Louis Blanc were read, j A rcsointion was adopted tendering thanks to their ' friends In America for the cordial reception givon tbo ! delegates. ^ THE ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTISTS. Btffalo, X. Y.. August 27, 1876. Tlie Standing Committee o( the American Associalion lor the Advancement of Science have determinvd in recommend for officers for the ensuing year, to be elected at the session to-morrow:? President, Protestor Sunon Newcomb. of tbo Naval ibservatory, XV ishiuirtnn. I). C. ; Vico Presidents, Section A. Proiessor PickiTing, of Roslon; Section II, Prof >.-nr O. (1. Marsh, ol New Haven. Conn. : General Sect.irv, Prnles-or A. R. Grote. ol Hnff.ilc. N. Y. ; Sec-re. tiiry I Section A. PioicsnorH. C. Bo ton; of Secuon U, Prole-f-or \V. H. PalL Nashville, "lcnu., has been selected as the place for 1 holding tho next anunal meeting. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. Albakt. N. Y., August 27. 1876. At the Serond Assembly District Democratic Convention. which was bold yesterday at Moravia, Jonathan W. Clark, of Springport. was nominated lor the Assembly. I At the First Assembly District Democratic ConvcnHon, which waa held atCato yesterday, H. S. Stork, of the Auburn ATevi, was nominated for the Assembly, TEMPERANCE CONFERENCE. Sr* Gko\k, K. J., August 27. 1876. The National Temperance Conference resumed Its ( salons here yesterday, and was addressed by Profes eor Foster, of the University of New Brunswick. NATIONAL FOREST CONVENTION. Ska Grovk, N. J., August 27, 1876. Ttt* VitUnftl rnrril rnnfrri ncn mnrla h. r< b?r PAYMASTER CLARK EXONERATED. Portsmouth, N. H., August 27. 1S7H The naval court ol inquiry whirls iiiv< sii>;ato<l Lho ehargrs again-t Purchasing Payninat.- r A. J. Ciaik h.ivo rendered a unanimous decision completely exonerating him. TEE STEAM Kit JOIJN H. STAR1N. PtoriutXCi. It. L, August 27, 1S76. The new steamer John li Sianr, with a laig- party of ladies and gentlemen from New VorK. ic.tclied Newport tins moiiilng. Divine service wis h- Id on board this afternoon by the Rev. William Krothincliini. A BARROOM FRACAS. N?w Havk.\, Luna, August 27, U70. During the progress ol u fight in Michael Reynolds' saloon to-night Jam.* Kane struck David O'Council | with a tumbler, severing tho temporal artery. O'L'unnell lost much blood aud any die. SOUTHERN PENALTY FOR RAPE. ixqveflt on Tnr, cory or rocket Williams i khot i1t a mob. Aioista, August 27. 187?. i ^ An Inqurst was held over the body ol Robert Will- | lams this morning. The Jury relumed a verdict that | ^ the deceaeed came to Ins ueaili Irom gunshot wounds, icliicied by partub unknown. The l? dv wis uul.y ^kmiit i.tied. ihh galea leading to ihu j:ul were broKvn Miiuwii wnh a\ - Ti:o molt mi composed o: men irom Hh? country. William *a* abmt twenty years ot ago, ! mil Bra. Bridges, wlirnn be assaulted auil attempted to aec, in a married woman, agco niuctocn years. { NEW YORK THE CENTENNIAL SHOW. CONVENIENCES OP THE CENTENNIAI. NATION Ala , BANE?THE CEDEBBATION BT THE bWISB SOCIETIES?EXPECTED AKEIVAI.S TO-DAT. I'NiDAUEi.ruu, August27, 1870. To-mnrrow the offices or tbe lave Slock Department I if the Bureau ol Agriculture will bo removed Irom < Agricultural Hall to tbo live stock grounds ol the lu- 1 lernat oust Exhibition on Heiwont avenue. ' Tbo Crniennial National Bank has been recently designated by tbc Secretary of tbo Treasury of tbe ' United States as a depository ol public lunds. Tbe Collector ol tbc 1'ort ol l'bllndeiphia lias established at tbe bank a branch office lor the receipt oi customs du- 1 lies on goods at llio Exposition. Kills oi exebaugo on all pans oi tbo worul can be procured at tho bauk at J current rater and letters ol credit will be cashed. A delegation ol tiny-two workmen, sent by tbe F'cueb government. are announced to arrive at tbe , Exhibition to-morrow. A grain! Knights Templars Centennial excursion from Canada icll Hamilton, Out., on .Saturday, and Is ex- , period to arrive here to-morrow. Tbu grout celelualiOD ol ine Swiss o( America, comprising lie ^wtss socie'i s ol mail) ot tbo leading en las ol the I'tilted Stale.-, I cgau iu the Judges'hail, CentenDial grouuds yesterday, General John A. Sutter, or Calilorm i, presidium 1 bo exercises consisted of , music, both instrumental aud choral. mid an oration by Captain John K. Fillman, ot Baltimore, wuich wag replied to by Senator iiowc. of Wigconsin. In tbe evening tbe delegates proceeded to tbe Scbuelzen Bark, Kails of Scliu> 1 kill, wtiere a banquet was given in tbeir honor. To day tbo celebration was continued at tbe Scbuelzen Park, when a programme of interesting addresses aud music was rendered. THE DROUGHT. ALARMING EFFECTS OF THE CONTIGUOUS DBF WEATHER IN THE INTERIOR OF THE STATE. Ei.mika, N. V., August 27, 1876. The drought Is severely felt In tbls county in many ways. A clover hold belonging to George S. McCann, illumed juat outside of (he city and 'ell lor seed, look 1 dre from a spark Irotn a locomotive on Saturday morning, aud beloru the llauios could bo extinguished a tentore Held was burned over. The fences and buildings 1 on tbo lartn were saved with diUUutiy. On tbe same day several lielua of grass, being dry j and inflammable. look Ure from the samo cause, at Big Flats, some six miles east ol bore, and a uutnbcrol acres were burned aud several bouses enuaugeroa. 1 be lung grass :u a swamp just north ol bt-rc ulso taught lire on Saturday and blazed llerccly, iu somo places burning holes two or thiee lecl deep iu the ground. At the suroc time the grass on the fair grounds of tho ( Stato Agricultural >oriety, located between tbis city and Horseheads, caught lire, wbiou was comtmioicaied 1 to the long row ol stables at tbo north end of the nremlKi a. were alsu destroyed beloro the flames could bo stayed. Tito society will luso by lh? coollu pration at least $5,000, us there wits no insurance on llie buildings. II .a supposed the lire originated lrom sparks I ruin a passing locomotive. FiltEtt. nOXJSES, HOUSES AND vehicles burned in catskill. UtJDSON, X. Y., August 27, 1876. A fire broke out In Catskill, ou Friday night, In a barn, occupied by Clarke While, burning four horses. The flames were communicated to the barns of Gilbert Lusk and Messrs. Whotmore ti Bubcock, liverymen, tiuu uiao to the leuomeut house ol Mrs. Comlort, and auotucr situated hard by. A large nuraoer ol carriages and sleighs were destroyed. '1 he loss is estimated at $10,000, and is covered by an msurauco ot $0,000, which is distributed uuiong the .?uia, Lycoming, Manhattan ana Lancashire (Fug.) c.itnjianies. destruction of a HOUSE and barns. Rostov. Auirnat '2.1. 1876. An Incendiary Ore at llydoi'arlc this morning burned Peter Lanes' house uud baru, causing a luss ol $2,500, winch is partly covered by insurance. Mr. Marks' earn, with its contents, which was situated at Newton, was destroyed by Are this morning. The loss ts estimated at (2,000. ANOTHER MASK BURNED. Spki.nofield, Mass., August 27, 1876. The large farm barn of M. & S. E. Chapiu, o( ibo Maesnsott House was burned this evening, with 100 tons of hay and 200 bushels ol gram. The loss Is $5,000 aud the insurance (500. DEATHS AND ACCIDENTS. A MAN THROWN FROM A WAOON BT A LOCOMOTIVE. Hartford, Conn., August 27, 1S76. A. Frietag, of North Canton, was thrown Irom his wagon on Saturday by a locomotive at a crossing on tbo Connecticut Western Railroad, near Collinsviile, aud. tiriking a telegraph pole, received Injuries lrou which he died to-day. FATHXIt AND BOM KILLED AND WOUNDED. Toronto, One, August 27. 18761 Toney Watte was badly Injured and bia son Instantly killed by being thrown from r wagon at Bertie yesterday. A SAILOR DROWNED. liitSTOX, August 27, 1878. George Williamson, a sailor on the schooner Adelaide, of Rock port, in lumping Irom the wharl to the vessel last night fell overboard and was drowned. DIED FROM ACCIDENTAL SHOOTINO. Portsmouth, N. H., August 27. 1876. Charles Glmcs. who was accidentally shot on Friday I by a playmate, died last night In great agony. DROWNED FROM A BOAT. \I??? Animate? 19-fl I James Gtvene waa drowned in I^ake Quin.-iguinond by the upsetting of a boat last evening. AN UNLUCKY FRIDAY. ONB MAN KIJ.I.RD AND THRKR MORTALLY WOUNDED MY A TOWDER RXPI.OFION AND TWO LADIES THROWN FROM A BUOOY AND HI I.I.ED IN MISSOURI. St. I a) t'ls, Mo.. Apgust 27, 1576. St a republican meeting in Raymond. Montgomery county, Kau., la>t Friday, a keg or powder accidentally exploded while a aalute was being fired nod John Ihinzo was Instantly killed and Joseph Dodmn, Jamee Sharp and SvlV'ster Kessltnitor were mortally wounded. On tnosame day Mrs. Fessenrten nnd Mrs. Wright were thiown nut ol a buggy wbuo riding in Louisburg, Kan., aud killed. BOSTON BATHOS. Bostos, August 27, 1576. The remicontennla! anniversary of the opening ol Faneull Hall Market wa? celebrated by a grand bauijuet at Fauouil Hall last night. MIDNIGHT WEATHER REPORT. WAR DarARTnasT. ) Office of the Chief Sional officer, J Wasiiinutos. August 28?1 A. M. ) Probabilities. Daring Monday, In the South Atlantic States, higher barometer, lowor temperature, easterly to northerly W 1I1U* illjo yrfl i ij l.lifuujr KVBIUVI, wan viia-tivuni iBiua Id the southern portiOD. Id tho Gulf HU(m, stationary to fullinp barometer, winds mostly Ironi northeast to southeast, nearly stationary temp raturo and partly cloudy weather with rain areas, principally nloog the coast. In Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, rising followed by fulling barometer, cool uorth to east wiuds, shifting to warmer southeasterly, and generally clear weathor. In the lake region, slowly falling barometer alter a | rlsp along the lower lakes, winds inr^ly from soutbwesl 10 southeast, rising iernj>erature and clear or fair , weather, poastbly succeeded by rain areas along Lake Superior. In tbe Upper M sslssippi and Lower Missouri rat leys, slowly failing barometer, rising temperature, southerly to easterly winds and partly cloudy weal her. possibly with rain areas in the laiter and upper portion j of the loriner. la the Middle nnd Kastern States rising succeeded in the lormer by slowly fal.'lug barometer, nearly stationary teniperntura, northerly to westerly winds, ! probably backing to southwesterly lu the northern portions, and continued cool, clear weather. The Ohio River will continue to lull slowly. THE WEATHKH Vi:8TERI)lY. The following record will show the changes in the temperature lor the past twenty-lour hours, in c>m- 1 liar.son with the corresponding dale ol In t year, ns Indie.ted by ihe thermometer nt Itudnni'a pharmacy, building:? lt;,V. 1*7U, 1*711. iSTfii g M ol CM P. M,,., :? ;n i-.\ M til tiil ' I'. >1 74 7u u a. M 7 t 7 |/K M 71 77 12 >| 7.' T > I'd P. M 67 70 Average temperature yesterday 70>i < Average temperature lor corresponding ilato Inst | year j HERALD, MONDAY. At THE TRAIN WRECKER FOUND. ADAMS COXTKRRES IlKINO THE CBI1IINAL IX THE LATE TZEXDI8H OT7TBAOIS. BrrrALo, N. Y., August 27, 1874 George Adams, the ynuug man who no succetelully played the rfile of tbu hero in the late averted ruilrond iisusier ul Ealrporl, whs lust night arrested In this Bite, the evidence of his being the author of the outrages having beon worked up hy Special Dmeclivo Hugh Llaules. ol the New York Contra) Railroad. After his arrest he made a full confession, which, in substance, Is us follows:? He uloue misplaced the switch which threw the trnlu Ironi the track ul the I.uke Shore and Michigan Southern Kail road im the 11th in.-L, whereby the engineer and tiremao wore badly scalded and tbo enginu completely wrecked. On the morning ol the lOUi insl. he drew the spikes from the ties und the bolts from llie Iinla Joints, thereby throwing tho tram down tin embankment, wrecking the engine, three passenger couches and the bjggage uudpostal cars. rortutiately, tbo ouly person injured was \V. K. Clemens, n coniluclor ou tUe Great Western Railway, who uflerwnrd died of bis wonuds. His lust exploit was the attempt at Kairpurt, on the 20lh insl. Adams has already served a term In the Erie County Workhoiiso lor petit larceny, llo pleads, in extenuation, Ills intention to nolily tho train in lime to avert an accident, hoping thereby to place the company under obligations to luruieh bun with a situation. PROVIDENCE DISTURBED. Pkovidkvce, It. I., August 27, 1878. In a drunken row In tins city ou Saturday night Clinton Sun Hi Blabbed uud killed Frank Thornton. The uiurdercr is under arrest. Some demonstrations were uiudo toward lynching turn, liotb are niiilai toes. There was an unusual umuoer ot assaultB and disturbances ou Saturday night. FIGHT AMONG SAILORS. New IIavkv, Conn., August27, 1878. This evening there was u light on the I.oug Wharf atror.g sailors belonging to tho Knglish >sh<p luug Arthur, which lies in the harbor laden with ammunition for tho Turkish government, and one of the sailors, George .Welch, ' ?laboou live others, but dodo ol thorn fatally. Tho police went to the vessel und got Welch, whom the other suitors tried to lynch whlie on hoard, but did hot succeed. SHOT WHILE RESISTING ARIIEST. Cincinnati, August 27, 1870, ! Two brothers named lienham resitted arrest by a sonttable yesterday at Dourer, Cook county. Tho constable procured a posse ol citizens lo help him, but the Dcnhams still resisted uud wero shot dead. KILLED IN A TUNNEL. Boston, August 27, 1S76. George McKay, residing at No. CO Church street, was run over and instantly killed tins alturnoon in the Haul Boston tunnel on the Kevere Beach and Lynn Railroad, STOLEN GOODS RECOVERED. i Providence. It. I., August 27, ISTfl. Nine hundred pieces of silks and linen goods, stolen from tbo store of Corey A Smith, in Hartlord, on the Sth Inst., linve been recovered In this city by Detectives Swan and Waldron. The supposed thieves have been arrested in New York. SWIMMING MATCH. Sr. Louts, Mo., August 27, 1870. A swimming match took place to-duy in the Mississippi P.ivor, botween Prank Prince and William .-uu clifl'o, tor $o00 and tbo championship ol Missouri. The distance was liltceu miles. The match was won by Priuco in 2b. Stini. LITERARY NOTICES. Poor's Manual ok the Kailkoads of ths United States, for the Year 1870-1877. Niuiii scries. Tbc nbovo named work, just issued, :s tiio meet complete and valuableot its kind published in Araorlca. It embodies not only a description of every railroad in the country, including linancial statements and operation?, but a mass of general statistics with which till Investors should be familiar. We learn, for instance, that out of 601 railways only 140 puld dividends. Those, however, though less than one-lourth of the railway system in number, embraced many ot the more Important and costly Hues. The dividend paving roads have, in the aggregate, miles In operation, and stock, nmountiug to $1.047,887,83i Tho non-paying roads liavo 40,9:10 miles in operation and $1,160,773,443 In stock. Tho introduction to the volume embraces an instructive historical sketch of the internal improvements in the United States from 1770 to 1870, from tho pen of Mr. Henry V. Poor, and Is an admirnblo contribution to tho llteraturo ol this centennial year, especially that which relalos to the wonCorlul development uti t progress of our country. In tho course of his discussion of tho subject the author utters the thought tiiat "wo havo no right to expect that tho rate of railway construction in the tuluro will, for a groat many years at least, come up to that of the past. Two or three thousand miles may, and probably will, be built yearly. Tho progress to tic made in the future is to be in ilia reduction in tho cost ot transportation. We have already shown that tho rates of charges on freight have been reducod by at least two-thirds within twcuty-tlve years. In consequence of such reduction produce can now be moved 1,500 miles at the same cost as It could be moved 500 nules twenty tiro years ago. With every reduction of cost our available urea is extended, and with it our ability to compete in tho supply of brc'sdstulfs with other food growing countries. " Monkv or Au, Natioxs axii CcRRiixrr IIatkh or rlTKiuixo Kxc.'unub. By 1). William i'tgga vi no want oi it compuunon 01 me ciisracier 111*3tratod it) ibis llttlo book luu long been fell. Tin; disparity of Tallies nt tho money of different countries, and tbo mercantile transactions of Atnorirn with almost every country on tho globe, make it desirable to nil travcliore and merchant* to iiuvo a book ol reference I where they can turn and at a glance ascertain oquiv.i- I lent prices In American gold. Tho calculations hate j Rpparnmly been made with care, and will bo found useful. LltV.KAKY CHIT CHAT, We nro to havo a now lesne of Mrs. Anne Grant's "Memoirs ol an American Lady," with a liio of the author and notes1, by James Grant Wilson. Tills hook is a true picturo of manner* and scenery in America before tho American Revolution. The endless philosophical U scusslon about evolution has received a Irosh oontrlbutiou tn a German treatise, by K. Do Mont, entitled 'Trogress In tho Light of tho Teachings of Schopenhauer and Darwin." English Jurists *utid barristers are still busily multiplying books ami diseuasion- 0:1 llio new Court ol Judicature. Tho lutcst is 1). IV, llrailhwaiibc's "Oaths in tho Supreme Court ot Judicature." It. Claw igersu's "Hi.-lory of ijxation in France," in extensive work on tho whole subject ol revenue, has reached Its third volume, with more to follow. The best, and in lucl the only, extended American work on tho subject of taxation, is T. >!. Cooley s "Treaii?c on tho Law ot Taxation, Including tho Law of Local Assessments,'' lately priuieJ at Chico o. 1 DO Blivcr qutMiiuu 11.1.1 ucun iwiuo r iiiuininiieu oJ a little treatise of Herr Cohbstnill?"Zur -Iberlrage; cine Stndie," .last out at f rnnkfort-no-lho-Mnln. The great look of II. It. Uioun, in tie man, on the "Clarseaand orders <>1 tlio Animal Kingdom, Melonliiinallv Described in Text and figure?"." li;i<" reached its sixth volume, which is novated to the lishc". lo ttio air adv redundant literature of poorly told travels tnu-1 ho added "To Jamaica nu ! Hack." by sir Stbbnld David Scott. 15?rt. This baronet's Journal of his voyage shonld have hern kopt in raanu ?-rij?t lot hit la nillv. A Dutch clergyman has printed "Zn Jlsamhn In Anierika" (Six Months In America). The nnthor, Dr. Cohen Stuart, la an riithu-1 istic admirer of Amor leans ami American librralny in rclitglous matter*. SUICIDE OF A GLOVE It. K.trly yesterday morning Ottenr Killer, aged twentyeight, ol No. .">'.'4 West I'lliy-sccond strcot, km lound dead in bed. Coroner Klhngcr was not:lied ol tiie case, and his deputy, Dr. tioli'.schiiiiedt, tiuido a p.ost-inortem examination ol the decon ><L He was very inurh eiirpitaod to lind that the had rommltted suicide hy inking a large dose ol pro-sin mil. t)n ' Investigation Dr. (i.ildflchmledi learned that busmen* troubles led Mr. K'.er j to the noil net. He way a wholesale and retail | dealer in kid gloves ,ilid kept it large store at So. 1,1'US I Itroudway. .several tnoiiihH ugo s< mo buigler- hruko i into his establishment and stole gl.'>,ooo worth ol Ins stock. 'J ho property won never recovered and led to \ lurther bnstneas embarrassments, crippling Mr. j fcdler ao that hu waa itnaii/ driven to desperation. j JG-OST 28, 1876.?"WITH S WASHINGTON. General Sherman's Forecast of the Indian Trouble. TOE SIOUX TIRED OF FIGHTING. Preparing the Programme of the New Loan. THE POSTAL SERVICE EMBARRASSED. FROM OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT. Washington, D. C., Angust27. 1878. GETTING BEADY TUB .NEW LOAN BOB THE SYNDICATE? QIUTirYINQ ASSCBAKCES SENT TO THE SECRETARY OK THE TREASURY. The Secretary of the Treasury is of the opinion that in the early part of (ho coining month the syndicate will apply to hitn lor thn first instalment ol $10,000,000 of the four-and-a-half por cent bonds Just negotiated. They arc now being primed as fust us possible, and as soon as the Oral lot is delivered i.c will make a call lor the funding ol a proportionate uinouut ol live per cents and bo roitdy as soon as iho 1st of Sept ember to issue four-uud-a-hall per cents. Immediately afterward he will bo prepared to send to Europe the bonds required there and will take steps at once to curry oat the programme accordingly, lie has received a gratifying cable despatch lroni the Rothschilds, signifying their i-attsfaciion at the arrangements completed by him with those acting in their behalf, lor (ho share of the new bouds to ho taken on their bid. Telegrams have also boon rccoived by him from different sections of tlio United States, stating that about $800,000 of them can on Immediately taken up In this country for banking and Investments, in which thn tar oil'State of Texas joiua. Reports homo to him, in fact, irom all poiuts ol the eucouraging signs that the loan will bo well receivod everywhere and laken up quite rapidly. In regard to the lour per cents authorized by the act of July 14, 1870, ho continues to feel that at the proper time tl.ey can be easily disposed of, but he says that a little additional legislation on the part of Congress will bo needed to tbe effect, among other provisions, that they will bavo lorty years to run- Several inquiries have been made ol lum to know to what extent and how ho was going to provide for the sinking luud, but lie has not felt called upon to say anything positive about it Ho says, I however, that lie thinks he will he able to make lull provisiou tor it to the extent which Is required unJ will get ahead of it $2,000,000 by the retirement of ' fractional currency which is colna on in the substitu I lion of stiver coin. Secretary Morrill hopes that he will be able to get ! away from hero Tuesday and will therefore* probably ! be ut Long Rraucli on Wednesday, when he will call on | the President prior to going to his home in Maine. 11a I will make perhaps two speeches in the campaign, one his native town and ono in Angasta or entno other part of I ho State of Maine. Same changes contemplated in tho Treasury Department will not, It is believed, bo made until bis return to Washington, which will ho in about a week or ton days. GENERAL SIIERMAN OF OPINION THE INDIANS DON'T WANT TO FIGIIT. General Sherman continues to bo of the impression that tho hostile Sioux have been divided up or that they nrc endeavoring to get out of the Powder River and R:g Horn country. He says that ho ir of the opinion that they do not want to debt any moro and that they will endeavor to cross the Yellowstone to get uwny. If they can succeed In doing this, which he doubts on account of General Miles' patrolling forces, they will tnon be heard of at the agencies. There ore but three lords practicable for them on the Yellowstone and it will take so long to gut their old men, women, pontes and lodge poles across that they will be pounced upon by ilic United States troops hclure they can accomplish such a movement. General Sherman believes that the Indians under Sitting Bull would col have allowed the junction of the forces of Gener.ih Crook uod Terry if thor meant to fight, and to him ii looks as though with a broken up crowd of the hosiil-s, Silting Bull is likely to bo getting ready to surrender and secure tho best terms possible. At all ovcots no sncb determined lighting as heretofore is looked for. Beyond the 2,500 additional soldiers now being recruited no additional troops will be required. Hence there is not much probability that tho request of tho marine corps to be employed will lie complied wltn, unless it may bo dcotnod advisable to place them at the agoncics to carry ont the arresting of the returned hostilcs found at the agencies. The Commissioner of Indian A (fairs now looks to the army exclusively at tho Rod Clood and Spotted Tall ngeuclea to establish tho autnorlty of tho government and to conduct the management of Indian affairs there lor the time being, under which arrangement, if successful, tho commission will proceed to remove the Indians to the Indian Territory. GENERAL WASHINGTON DESPATCHES. Wasbisoton, August 27, 187?. THE COMMISSION TO INQUIRE INTO TH* UTILITY OF THE PRESENT NAVT YARDS AND SELECT A NAVAL RENDEZVOUS. The Naval Appropriation bill passed at the last session 01 uongress oireois tne secretary 10 organize a b 'aril of five commissioned oUlcers of tlic navy as soon as i racticuble?ihroo of whom shall be tl.o aonlor nulcurs on the list, whoso duly It sball bo to exurnmo fully and determine whether. In thtir opinion, any of the navy yarns can be di.-p. used with and abandoned and if so, to report the boat inaoner of making disposition of the same; and further, to inquire as to tho propriety ot establishing a naval rendezvous at Tybce Island or at Cockspur Island, in the Stale ol Georgia, or ut any other point on the const of Georgia or South Carolina, and whether any government property at said islands can be mad* available for such purpose. Two thousand dollars woro appropriated to defray the sj.* Incurred by the Bi.ard, and they are to report to ( engross through tho .Secretary of tho Navy at tho commencement of tfio next session. The three senior officers of tins Board will bo Admiral Porter, Vice Admiral Rowan and Rear Admiral C. II. Davis, 'lbe other two officers have not yet been dosignated by the Secretary of the N'avy, but will bo before the 1st of October, by which time the Board will be organized and proceed with the inquiry. Tho proposition to establish a navni rendezvous ill Tyboe or Cockspur Islands or on the coast of Georgia moots wiin some lavor among prominent naval officers, a? either cf those islands affords superior natural advantages for such rendezvous. The Savannah River bollig Iresh water is considered lo be tic most suit utile harbor for our Iron-clads. as the do Icrioratlon ol that class of vr?-rl? is not go great In fresh as s.ui water. The location of the islands is sncli that they rouM bo easily defended In case of trouble wlibuuy loi-i gn Paw. r, whllo 1'ort Iloyal. the present naval rendezvous on the Southern ro n.t, Is a most vnl ncrablo point, and would have to bo defended by a large force shonld we become involved in any foreign difficulty. M l ItF.TAT'.T i tMRBON'fl INTZNDXD TRIP. Seen tnry Cameron will return hero thin week, but will leave again early in September, in company wnh t.ruersl Sherman. lor n lour of inspection of tbo Fort l.i avenw 01 tli 1 ro-ori ami var ou* military posts in tbo West, senator pebrx'h pad p.xpebiknce. It Is mentioned as a red coincidence that the journey of Hon. 1. W. Ferry, President pro Um. of the .Semite, to Washington l.i.-t mil. Just previous to the opening of the se-alon, was to attend the obsequies of Vice 1'rceli) nt Wilson, toe presiding ofllror ol tho Senate, and Ins Journey homo at the close of the session was with the remains of Speaker Kerr, the presiding officer of ttie House of lleprco niativrs. The action of Mr. Ferry In delaying bis departure trom Washington when herereived Intelligence of the death of Mr. Kerr, in order that ho might pay his tribute of respect to the (load hUtemian and urcoinpany bla remains to their flnal resting plain. Is spoken of as appropriate, and the mauy (mods ol the deceased Speaker express tbelr ap 1UPPLEMENT. pronation of the thoughtful course of tlio presiding officer of the Sonata. EMUARBAHkMENT Or THE POST OFFICE DKPAUT- C KENT. and The Po?t Ofllco Department state* that etnre the npp passage ot theji'oat Office Appropriation bill, which sep- hiu; aratcd the atncunt of money to bo expended lor carry- ho ' Idl'the mails by stoumer routes from that tor tbn rati- i>rt ' ver road routes, the deparltiioul has been com polled to p, | decline to establish postal service on different railroads In the Slates ol New .Jersey, Pennsylvania, ticorgia, A Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, fcxas, Colorado and California, aggregating nearly 1.000 miles, and which would hure saved the government a very largo sum of money if tno service eouid ho transferred Irom tho Tiv steamer service to tho railroads. Neaily twice us ^ much as was needed was appropriated tor steamer , sorvicc, while lor ruilroad scrvi-.o the sum wa.t so suiall at to prevent uny increase whatever In thai branch oi the service, tor which application is daily being made. loll IMPORTAKT TO JCOTABIEH PTTEI.If. lies Among the important laws fiimscd oil tlio lust day of mo the lato session oi Congress is the lollowing, which lias T not been heretolore published, and winch will be louud UM. W III oi interest to parties having business with United i.u, States courts:? go. Uo it enacted, Ac., That notaries public ot the several 0". States. Terrilorios und the District ol Columbia, bo and they are hereby authorized lo take depositions and do 11 all other nc.s in relation to taking testimony to lie u-ed in the courts ol the I tilled S.nles, taice ncknowledg- J incuts unit alliduvlts in Hie tame manner and witn the . same etloct us Coiiuin .'adulters ol the United l.lates Clretui courts may now lawfully take or do. BALTIMORE TYi'OOUAPHlCAL UNION, a"i ______ wn Dai.iisoKK, August 27, 1K70. Ij"1 A meeting of the Daltunoro Typographical Uiiiud, , Xo. 12, yesterday Used the price ol composition on pre morning papers at lorty-live couts per 1,00U cms, a re- : ,rit duction ol teu per cent, and on ulterooon papers, 1{]. wiiere comiioslllon is douo by the piece, at 1'orty cents per 1,000 ems, u reoucnoiiol twenty )>or cent. (lu ullcmoon papers, where weekly liuuds uro employed, .j. a deduction ol len per ceut was made, which will pay at tlio rate ol $1(120 per w eek. I Im above . ca'o of '*ai prices wa.? adopted by a volo oi ion ayes to IN nays, 19 j giv go into ellect on the ilrst du) of September next. I () MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC NOTES. "u' art, Oireubach is writing a hook on America which prom- bo) Ises to bo very luuuy. "hd Mrue. l'uppcnlicun is studying tho r6le ol Sent a in ulr' the "Flying Dutchman." ] vo< Carlcton, tUo baritone of the Kellogg F.nglish opera ; t'11' company, has reiurnoil from Kugluutl. . ' Itanium will Introduce once more cirrus porformaiiCi-K at tlie Hippodrome, commencing on October 1. atti Mile. Albanl will ba one of tlio most attractive He features at the fortbeomng mu-ucal festival at Dinning- l>r? liam. Pri Miss Clara I.ouiso Kollogg, Br13n<> 1 i anil Ferrantl met !|o with ibo most flattering success at a recent concert in Saratoga. C01 Mme. Ptppenheim, with an opera company, will present Wagner's "Flying Dutclimnn" this season in New York under Carl Mcrg's ilirecuou. rue The regular drurualiu season at the Walnut Street i>" 1 Theatre, Philadelphia, begins on tho -1th of September, ^ j with Gsorge Fawcett Rowo in "ffrass." 1 sin ' Our lloys'1 is still running at tlio Chestnut Street I Theatre, Philadelphia, aiut last week witnessed its ' | ninetieth periorinanoe. The new n'.ock company at I ish ; this theatre consists of McKco Rankin, Georgo If. ' j"" Griffiths, Charles Stanley, George Iloiland, Miss lA/./.ia } I Ml.. I i 1111411 t \ invi'nv 111,! ! ' J Plnilina mill i me | 111 its I.i/r.w Harold. I A correspondent suggests th it It would be an excel- ; lent Idea lor the people of Noiv York to unite In ten- ; i ut dertng a testimonial to that illuntriwusi c\rf tVnrckeitre \ jlu Mr. Theodore Thomas, whoso recent engagement In jia( Philadelphia resulted in pecuniary failure both to liltn- ha< pel! anil Ins orchestra. The suggestion ought to he "" acted upon, and tfilmure's Canton woultl bo au appro- r(.? prlatc place for the testimonial entertainment. I the Mr Itelnliart KcUmelr, one of tho most, accomplished '** 1 Ull musical conductors in lite metropolis, propu.-os to give | I:,, a series of symphony concerts during the fall at-Stolu- ! 1111 way Uall, with n largo, well selected orchestra and 1 soveral soloists of local renown. Mr Scbmclz is tbo ; j?| leader ol one of our protniticut German musical socl- yei i ones, and has already distinguished btmsell by his J i scoring of grand classical wonts tor Qtluiore's bund. , ll(l 1 bo I"nion Nquaro Theatre opens to-night with llret wl I Harto's new play, "I wo Men ol Sandy llur,'- wlncli bus i ca on been considerably revised and improved since us first >v< production in Chicago. The carefully suiected cast no l will be as followsColonel Culreppcr Starhottle, "I!c- ' t sponsible, sir, personally responsible,-' Mr. Stuart Uoh- ' I son; Jobu Uakhurst and Sandy Morton, two men ol ru. Sundy liar, Theodore Hamilton and 11. S. Murdoch; j'ri' Concho, a major domo, II. \V. Montgomery; Don Joed I t.,, i i Castro, n. V. Daly; Hop Sing, Chinese laundry-man. r. ! an T. Parsloc; Prltcbsrd, an Australian convict, l.jreamfor j Thompson; Soapy and Silky, his pais, Mr. Wilkes and 1 j?,i Mr. Quiglcy; Jackron, Morton's clerk, Mr. Junn Mat- *'i thews; Capper, a policeman, Mr. W. II. Wilder; scr. ; j('nr vant, Mr. H. Ayiing; miss mary urrw, scnooi mi*- tin tret*, Ml** Mary Gary; tbe Pitches', Mi*s Ida Vernon; " Donna JoviU Castro, ilia* Laura Don; ,Manuria, Mis* Maude Harrison. ilSi MUSICAL KEVIF.W. I !'< ?W FlC Tbomas J. nail (lolo William Hall & Son), New York, ' publishes tbo following cotupoaltiona:? "Keiurn ot the Uirda." valse He concert. Henri Horn Andrew*. Taking tlicmrs, brilliant setting and yet accessible to all player*. I K "Undying Lore," song, and "Ave Marls," ofTertory I ac'' for solo and chorus. Louis Dnchaucr. Doth are worthy Tw< of the well e/rnod reputation ol the accomplished or- tho pan 1st of St. Ann's church. Tbe song I* a dainty ! IIitie heart Idyl, and theolTortory work has an exquisite ' onaccoiiipanied quartot, S. A. T. IS., anu a power.ully written Jnair for chorus. llr. J. H. Tbomas contributes one ot his very melo- ! 8 dious ballad*, written in Ills best vein to tho sound logic Wli conveyed in Iho wnr Is by Ge< rge Cooper. "You never 1 "ill know what > on can do till yen try." Wa "Sing, ISoiiny Itobiu," ballad. Mrs. .lane 8loman Tony A quaint lutio melody, jti-t suited to tie raid : *' Maxsey's beuulilui verses. I teu "Little Bright K>ca at the Window," song and | y(B chorus. D. 1'. Dank*. .Something above tho standard ; , ol the average "dailing" busings. tuking and pretty enough to bo very popular. I "r. "Longing lor ilm Loved Onej," soin: and civ rus. | ]|u| Kdwin Christie. Another 01 tbe true popular atyie of ^ melody. j 1 .dr. .-atnuel Jarkson hns arranged very cleverly, and with u great ileal u! ellect, llio well gnuwn "Marclie Ue 1 Null" ot UotlscDalk. ac< William A. Pond k Co,, New York, publish tho fob fc,.\ lowing:? 'Society Waltz." George li. Stout, Jr. It."tier dull A ihemes for a society waltz. "Does Ho l.ovo iter" rone. A. II. I'easo. A very charming liltio song, coquemah in its tripping mini, uros. . Mr. Albert IMWood Ins written two compositions? j.Af "Auroral 1'laswes," caprice, an i "Cora." mazurka < ! Al gnntc? arc lull ol grace and beauty. Tbnlormer ! \ is particularly attractive hi us light, olegint rne?siires. I -j r . "Dancing on tho l.awn," caprice. Henry Kleber. iir? A pretty, brilliant llulo work. I Hucoii A Co . New York, Philadelphia nnd Boston, . publislt Iho following works:? I co1" "i.a Creole Ga op." BtnL Aronaon. . This is an *r- | I! rani emcni 01 luriuni i??ra "r?ni ? i ion work l>y OH'enbacU. i T)ip "Tlio I.itilo Sbopter'lo-K," a summer idyL 0. L>. Wilson. A simple, piaylul little louo cmld. j im? Henry Maviaih Iiuh written uu excellent urrungoim-nt i . of the llraxlii <ti (.rami March. piowiTi- J rue llamo." Archibald Johnston, is a Hitlo gotn that will rival "Baby Mine" by the same \ talented composer. i u tl S. T. Goidon A- Son, New York, publish ibo follow- | j, "Murmurs," song. Thomas P. Murphy. A Tory atn- ' bilious eftort, ohtboiraloly worked < ni nud giving evideneeol abundant i .ire and experience, ll not ol spnn- | ^ i tai ciiy ol melodious thought. j Aer "Keening Jtreege," Waehtinann. Is from llio unlver pal library ol pelcctlonp Irom the lie t Kifopoau nuiliors published by this Ihiiim It 1- an attractive ;-ong without word*. / 11 'Kiret Mope." .1. D. KcrriM>n. A rather Interesting ' J ' work Willi vcry attractive themes, but reriaiuly?io(.i| 11 v ' a niiid ird of m'-ril to entillo tl to be called a cniri- II ! jmnion to fJoitschalK's "bin Hope." As well inipht the "SkidntoieUuaids ' be a coaipumon to a "Packet- * lant" ol Meyerlicer'-. "Nil lie.-pcratiduin." ft a I op. T. It. Murphy. Brill- 'T.I' lant, and yet m il bin thereacn ol auv pi nu-i. \\ yj Martens Brothers fiubi eh two acred quartet* by I'm William K. 1'e lior. the distinguished organist. which ? ? are admirable specimen* of niodero chinch musk and J\| j reveal the sklliul hand ol ttio thorough arii-i. J I., l'cters, Now York, still continues the inontlilv i publication ol his admirable edition > t gem- lor the p'ubO, unOcr tile llti" cl "I, k Cr. tne de la I rc III",'' ill which Hie most brilliant work-are giv? n at yery low I prices The most d. agreeable feature aboa*. the musical | publishing trade tin* year lr the cousiuut stream of i "tJenteninal," "\\ash log ton" a?d "Freedom" I rbapiodies. and an alagin n array of "Tilden MareUes" ' aud ' Hayes Galops." In nine ca-<-s eiil o. ten all j this Kill If is the\erie<i trash that was ever liillicted | upon a pnblie, and one can only wonder bow on earth any person can be looiisli enough lo purchase it. Yet j it is so. Trash sells and enriches the publisher whore I a rani gem la cast aside. .Nome ton ic songs havo I brought to their puboebers more itiau was ursr rv ceiTcd tor aoaie of the grandest oyera*. ,, g COMMODORE VAVpERBELT. nmmodoro Vaudcrbllt w?s much bolter yaeterday set up during iho irwiu portion of the day. Hit etito continue* good and he personally cspresa??t iself as feeling much encouraged. Dariog too day ivns callod upoo by i)r. Deems :ind the lion. L. 11. >oWs and Mr. Tnrubull, ot Mobile. Ala, and con* sed vviiu ibetn lor a sbort time. Me retired early lie cvuuiiig and at tuidnigtit was sleeping. tuiuutu to inn lath i>e, okscuiidt ei COMMODOnr. yandkuuilt. No. 10 wnsiii.suto* I'l.acl, I Nr.w Vokiv, August J5, lsiti. ) tbn family of Dr. astuony io.m'iikidt, no physicians in ntteiiuaiice upon ;,ir. Cornelius iderbllt desiro to cnuvcy lo iho lami y of their luto aciate uu expression of lho sorrow iclt by thoiii at unexpected drain. Thoy parted with Inm on .Satuy lint, liltlo tLi:iiIciDi; thai death would prevent tlio Uliug ol Ins promise to meet them ou the Monday owing. The hour lor consultation came, but Dr. 'cheidt was not with us. No one can tell our u in i it I a d solemn (cehnga 41 that lituu. ir. (lesolieldt bad been ino?t favorably known id lor year.-, md when In- name was mentioned as ouu oso counsel was desired by tbo 1 ouiiouduro and bis my we joy 1 uily accepted the proposal. Wo mot tober day alter day, and valued highly bis presence 111 count 01 his wisdom and skill as a physician, lie Commodore and lux (..lolly, as well as ourselves, 0 cheered and encouraged by his hopclu! wo'ds, : bis v.sil was uiway* looked lorvrard to with aasur;o that health would re-ult therefrom. Vblle doeplv sympathising with too alllicted family ihetr loss, we will elieeriuily hear testimony to bis uiowledgcd integrity. Ins unusual skill in the healing , and 10 Ids creditable ctlorts lu behalt of scienco 1 mankind. his was signed by ill- physicians, and tho Pillowing, tti n by the venerable Oorotuodore, and signed by isoll and wile, was appended:?"We are very happy ie allowed lo.ioiti most cordially with our phy*iclaus dieir expressions ol tyiuputby and in their nigh aptialion 01 tbo worth and skill of our lamented ud." MAILABLE DISCOURSE US COMMODORE VAS? DERUILT BV DIt. JOSEPH TREAT, ho ropes and stakes were removed trom fhe singe o! rry Hill's theatre last evening and the ureiia wan en up to Dr. Joseph Treat lor a proposed discourse Commodore Vandorbilt. The lecturer did not con 1 himself to too subject, bill overhauled A. T. Stow, Jay (iould and other men or largo (nouns. The a in tno corner were "doiug the grapevine" I practising the newest jig step on the rot b-.-low to wlulo away tlio timo till tha stor began, 'l'ho audience w,n not large lugh to satisfy him till lialipast eight, wben b? uiiied the platlorm. Throughout the lecture tha hence smoked, talked and drank, and divided their [ utiou equally between the Due tor and themselves, began by having the theatre was pro-eiuliiently tba parly ol humanity, and heartily thanked tho proclor lor its uso lit Its behalf. The subject with which was about to deal would bo handled in words which priest dare titter. He hoped tuey would find their y into tho papers that tuey might be read uy the uiuiodore. lio was glad tno Commodore was still re, that lie might not beclnrged with uttering words limit the dead, lie then dwell oil his enormous niih and possessions, and tho manner of their ace ulUtlon. lie bad not earned so much inouey; it was possihlo lor any mau to earn so miieh, and t;> i not be I ng to blm. II he had lollowcd thoji Iden words, "Do unto others as ye wou>U that thej aula do to you," he coulu not liavo possessed it II ougetl to those wtio earued it lor him, and any moi o owns so much is branded a lblel" by bis very a.Hi. No mau can hoard so much w ithout nnpovering inankuiiL As tor, who owned l!,7u0 nouses, wai ullier iiiMunco of lUo monopoly o! wealth, it was i rriblo thing, he thought, to see so many lauiilios In i'd ol homes and yet not able to gel litem without ring the prieo demanded, .lay <!ou d next eniuo lu au tfveroauliug. High IrelgbU and costly travellii| re duo to thu gigantic .uionopol e.s beaded by him. e produce of the west could not tie utilized In ths t willioiitlidding to bis wealth lrom the mouths ol > poor. A. T. Jjiewari bad atoued somewhat through ; wife lor tne evil of Ins life, hut Judge Hilton it uttered Wold* against tho Door such as tho world 1 never btilore heard. Jtov> rung again in bis subject Doctor spoke ol the dying roudit'on ol inu aged lliuniiairo and his spiritual stute. Ho was caluily ighc-d lo death, aud prnparod to go without making i reparation called lor hv hutuauity. I he itev. Dr. cilia at hla nedsidu naied hot remind hi in of hi* iy, hut consoled him with bread and wine. The lit rent* on tbo Hiblo, said tlio 1'outor, which is a xtttre ol some good und very much that Is bad. ru lie liuiucbed out on the <)uesliou of independence, I gave credit to l'otn Ptiuo as the author of the in* p 11.lence which we ce chruto in tois (.' . ?r." The great railroads and steamboats which lie lroin tho linnds ol Vaudoibili were prune lioru in civilt'/.utiun. The Commodore had douht made a will disposing ol his vast wealth, hut tat had he done with it .' tiail ho thought ot the use of humanity and givou it back to its righutil incr-r He loared not. lie trusted the Commodore oild bear his words before it was too late. It would t take nn hour to niaao out what should be done tb iL The Doctor xcry generously suggested that might retain enough to keep the railroad* and .<* going (probably looking lorward to n (reo le), out (lie rest, us near as tbo reporter could made ,ut. aliould be devoted to iho support ol tree Hies ?, soup houses, lunch routes und barrooms. In I. the ~p ukoe was in favor of a wpisro "divvy'* all <und, and his long lineu overcoat suggested i need ol a share. His remark* about a icral divide seennd particularly to please a leap, ig-haired, cadaverous looking old man who came iu :h tho lecturer uud airmailed the npplailM. The Doc. ' next aesallod untaxed churni properly, wnirh lit idly denounced It was .oblung tho poor to pav lot i rich. The Doclcr hero spoke ol what a crinia was of the rch to roo tbo poor, who hud llong, and how early it wn done jus? bocaus* y were poor, 1his was too deep lor solution. Caniciitly with Ins views on the "divvy" question the ' tor jioareu around the hat lor rather a wagre coll,on. In conclusion, lie annoifnced his intention lor a Sunday night ol "walking into" iho Mayor, tho union Council and tho churches, and guaranlood to MM tbo :ur lly. " FATALLY BUBNBL. [ato Meyer, aged twonty, of No. 324 Ki^btb avenue, uteuti.tly net Tiro to her clothcn at No. 238 Weal nnty-sevcoth street, and wan seriourly burned about body. Shu was taken into an aJioinlng houae and ?ndi'd i.y I'r. Jounson, ol No. 34'J V.*eat i wenty-aiztn uU Hur wounds aro eutd to bo latal. HOTEL AIlUiVALSJ. enator Algernon S. Paddock, of Nebraska, la at tha idsur Hotel. t tilted Stale* Circuit Judgo John F. Ion, of Iowa, and u.t Senator Noma Winsiow, ? turtown, N. V., are at ttio Kilth Avenue Hotel. J. da Sliva Coutlnho, Secretary of the Brazilian Cen tual Commission, Is nt the Hotel Brunswick. \\'i ,1* Ding, a Chinceo nuinilariu, un I VTillard Johnson Kullon, N. Y., are at tlio Metropolitan Betel, iter L. L. Maguou, ot Philadelphia, is at the St. Dealt ,u|. Lieutenant Conitnandur J. C. Kuunctt, Unite* los Navy, Is at the Sturtevant House. IIK SANCTION OF PHYSICIANS HAS BERK 'urded to that tiamiurd disinfectant liLrss's SnLrnul ?c Hill's Hail >?>i? Wmntrn Tivi ' tdsrk or brown,Sua, UKNNEfTliULIMNt.. UltlilMODK. \TI'.n ON NASSAC, ANN AND PULTOIt BTfc *ND>O.MhI.Y \NI? WELL HKATRD Of KICKS TO I.I.I ON VS. il V REASONABLE. TP.KM8. SI ITABI.:-; l int AY Kits', BANK Kits' AND INttL'RANCS OfTICEl PPLY ON Till. I'ltBMIsKS. .? VALUABLE REMEDY?YME"TlLK ELASTIC V .-old ..nlv by ELASTIC TltlsS COMPANY, AS] ?dwnr ; cure* rupture. ok iti:-rokinti"oifty hTiiTToTrs orimnai i I'AKlvl'. It's 11*11: Hu.-.m tins no equal. SSI HAD OF IMPURE tBOTOX USE APOLLINARM LLP'S PATENT PARTLY M ADE DRESS SHIRTS.? veri best, tor 9 I, una be Hnlabed n? o??lly Uenb '.# *.*71 .... ...a I,II .> IHhalplllx. KA & PEURINS7 WOHCISTKIWIIIKK Pacva jo oristinil and only Worc^oprahln annrp. NJtr ban.vkks, kuaosT portraits, n?i>*r 'ucioa, Ac.; Aid h*.nl<|iuirrara. 7l O.I KB a <?!lAIIAM, 1)7 Dtiiua at. I>I>A WATER APPARATUS *UU MAKING ALL aird B'tvitr-iain. JOHN MAITIIKWB, lit a*., and iMtb at.. city. > hi \% t'UMuil'AMOA l?. ~ iwm:- v M s rill VTIXK i K?UAINIXO THStR 'j t- rl iro.itrnt nt, *ctit Iron. Urn, KKDWN A 8TOIK ItU. No. X #.?l 14th - . *VW ANIf IV 111. I I ,1.It <1A M PAIIi.N sONO IIOUK. in onlloetlnti ol iridn-ayrakn, alirring aonxr, that will 'xc.-lloiil aorvlco Hi ca'.ipalu'ti meatlnsa. Tna liitx at tna <1<III<111 M il. tiring <J.uvu tlio battaa. A<1 ylaa clufoa and ticnl or;: <iil>.tlicua . hate n aujiplr I'rlca 1(*B. I j filNII A ;<>., ij 17 Brntilwijr; branch atom, -M on ai|Uitrt, Sec. York. Its. MAV A't.N l-.rt ri,l-.MI.N(? vi: ;. MAI A'.Ni S UfcMINlt'S Vrt-. Ma v AHaKs PUKMiMJ'S Mi-. Ma V A'iNKS H.-MiXU'H ? ?K.s MAV \UNKX H.fcMIMi'i NKtV s I UK V, M IV STttitt. MAV sloltV. MAV STOICV, MAV KTOltY. A M .'lUK GU Kits' A I.ITrLK QI'F.F.VI A I.ITTi.l. ?y< i I'M A LITTUK Ql'KKSt A l.trri.K WM KM A Ulili.K OUKKNI A IiITIIiK glKKNl A 1.1 II Lr* yi hJJNf A MTTI.ii vflTKN! A LITTLH yibltM ilKAi'V Til-DAT, IN l UK ?: \ i?v ti> da v. in Tin-, Itl.Ai'V TO-DAY. IN Ills s I. v\ VI UK \VM Ki.j. NKVV VOKK HRKKhV. NhW Yi'KK IVi.iKiA. MiW YORK VKKMX itlW YORK WJLfc.KJUt.