Newspaper Page Text
t TH WHOLE NO. 14,646. DlBKCTOIir FOR ADYKUTISERS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE. I.2CT. BROADWAY? OPKK HAY AND SllillT FOR RECEPTION Of ADVERTISEMENTS AND SA1.ES Or PAPERS. AMUSEMENTS? Dtii Pack?4th. 5th and Oth cola. ASTHOLOf.Y-2u Pack?Oth rot BILLIARDS?Mth Pack?3d col. hoarders wasTKI>-2:? P?..K-4th. 5tb andHth cola hoard and I.ODOINO WANTED?2d Pack?Oth coL BROOKLYN board-'-'n Pack-SHi col. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-20 Pace? lat col. I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES-Sth Pack. * BUSINESS NOTICE--7tii Pack-BHi col. CITY' REAL ESTATE KOIUSALK?2U Pacb-I?1 O?I. CLERKS AND SALESMEN?12th pack-2d and 3d cola CLOTHINU?-d Pack?oth col. UOACIIMEN AND OARHE.NKRS-I2TH Pack?3d eol. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?12rn pack-ith and 6th cola COPARTNERSHIPS?Sth I'AOa COUNTRY BOARD?2n 1'agk?Sth eol. v DANCINO ACADEMIES- 1st Ptca-Mhcol. DENTISTRY?12tii I'auk 6thcol. I DRY GOODS? Ikt Pack?6th col DWELLING HOUSES To LET. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED?2ti Pack?l?t and 2d cols. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?12TM Pack?5th eol. KUKOPE-Ut Pack?Sth col. RYES AND K.AKS-lvr I'ACK-fltb coL EXCURSIONS?I2rn Pack?Oth col. KINANClAL-STit Pack FOR SALE ?litt Pack?Oih col. FURNISHED ROOMS AND '.PAUTMENTB TO LET?3D Pack?2d and -id cola FURNITURE?2n PACK-Stb eol. FRENCH ADVERTISEMENTS- 12th Pack?3d col. HELP WANTED?females I'-Tii Pack? I?t and 2d cola HELP wanted?malks?12th Pack?3d col horses. carriages, ac.-lat l'auk-3d. 4tb, and 5lh cola HOTELS?Un Pack?6thcol. HOUSES, ROOMS, AC., WANTED?2d Pack?3d and 4th cola INSTRUCTION- 1*T Ptc.K?r.tli col. IROll. MiTIiTS_I,t I' a i: v ? Ntli col I LO-T AND FOUND-lai I'agk-lit cuL MACHINERY- 1st I1 auk ?tit h eol MARBLE MANTELS ?ru I'auk?3d col. MATRIMONIAL?HtM 1*ai:??Mrt col. M Klin: a I. -Orn I'agk - 3d c?l. >111.1.INKKY AM) DKESSMaKIKO-Iit PAOK-Sth eel. MISCKI.LANEOUS-Ist I'agk?6th col. MUSICAL?3th I'agk ad col. NEW PUBLICATIONS-7tii pagk-Cth col. PERSONAL? 1st I'agk?1st col. PlANOMiKTES, ORGANS. AC.?9tu I'agk?6th eol. POLITICAL?iirii I'a ox?ad col. I'OST OFFICE NOTICK-Ist I'agk?Oth cot PROPOSALS?12tii agk?Oth col. PROFESSION AL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? Urn I'agk? 1st eol. PROPERTY OUT ok THE CtTY for RALE or TO RENT?2o Pagk-IaI col. REAL ESTATE TO FXCI1ANGK-3D PAGR-Ut col. REAL ESTATE WANTED?2d I'agk?lit col. KKI.KilOUS NOTICES?1st F agk?lit cob REMOVALS?Htm I'agk- 3d col. BKWARDS-Ist t'?i;*-l*t col SALES AT AUCTION?12th I'agk?3il, 4th and Mh col*. SITUATIONS wanted?FEMALES?1 1th Page and Uth I'agk?1st col. SITUATIONS wanted?MALES-l'.Tn Pack?yd col. SPECIAL notices?1st I'agk?lit, I'd and ad col*. sporting?dogs, Ml iids. ac. ? 1st I'agk?ad col. Til K TltADES-12i rt I'agk 3d col. THE TURK?1st i'AC.K?td col. To LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES 2n PscK-lat col, TRAVELLERS' g[?IDE?12tr I'agk-Oth col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LETUP I'agk?3d col. wanted TO I'l IIOIIa8e?Oth Pagk-S.Icol. watches, jewelry. ac\-i?tii Rags-oth col. TACHTS. STEAMBOATS, AC.-lOra Paok 6lh col. ~ PERSON Vu. X' Ii: fcT"t)7^com k "to PF.f.ll am" jTanoTT land and lionae salo ; enjoy the oxcnrtioii; Morriasanta boat; Thursday morning. Iiotulra nv 1S7 Broadway. NKW BORN IN K A XT~ FC)R ADoPTION - VERY pratty and healthy. For particalara call at 112 Wcat ISlh at. ROADWAY. NEAR DUANK ST.. YESTERDAY, about 4 ?Will the jrawf lady whom gentleman rMOC* ilied from carrlagor, IT agreeable, send addrcas 1 W. K. Herald Uptown Branch office. IKOKLE. LL'NDI, 2'. SKPTEMBRK. ?HERAIT-IL rpes.<,ble de purler a cette dmno charmnnto i|ul a su attltor I'aUenlloc dc tea deux voisina ? ROBERT, Herald Uptown office. ARCUL?REPLY TO SAME ADDRESS WHERE letter may reach yon. R. Page sknds so many thanks pur such dear tetter*. Will appear on a May merninir. TWENTY-FIRST. PRKDITTA^RECEIVKD"" YOURS; WILL MEET YOU this evening at time and place appointed. UTAH. O KPT KM 1IBU 20. ?LADY INHBL ACK, E80ORTEDTO About 1 ?0 1*. XI., uleaae send address to UMBRELLA, box 4.3JS General Post office, Nov York city, when ample explanation will be inntle. S" END ALL LETTERS TO KREEMAN, UPTOWN HERald office. Xcw York city. Tub address ok mr. antonio mathieu a ill bo thankfully receive I by his brother, XI. MATHIEU, 07 East 17th at.. New York eltv T" IIANNS.?SE.NO tt"OKI) TO OFFICE WHERE and wheu to meet, tiivo full particulars. Thursday tirel rable. SWEETHEART. firiLL THE LVLTYIVHO SAT IN f IKAT ZTSRCTION il A, rlirht. Wallack'a Theatre, Monday ereninir, and who nicked up opera glass dropped by gentleman sitting hack of ner, please return ?ho saaie to MULLEK BROTHERS, 42 East I4tli st , Union square? 07 Til ST., MA DlSoN AV. TO Tfll A v., TUESDAY. N Ml lltjo clock.?(ientlentan desires acqnaintance of lady who got Into Kunrtlt nTcnne ear. Address FRANKLIN, Herald office, or pass between Madison or 4:havs.,eame block, Wodneeday or Thursday, 12 M. OUTH ST., JUNE 31.?KLKAflK~CALL WEDNESDAY. 004 P. M. ~ ttEL1010lS"N0TrCKh. CjTthiMe who wish to sliiv or learn will he entitled ton seat and ticket for the ch' ir (name and residence on back of ticket) at HKNJ. ALBKO'ri, 333 West 36th at. All are incited. Thursday eveningi. LOST" AIVIX KOtBu. ^6sT^16i^c<tAffB"YA>?^oT ATji'sW tftsftiTTTK AJname of "J ipsmall spot on Iert eye. Take liira to L. BURLINUAME. 36 Dey St., who enitahly rewards. OST?GOLD U it EAST PIN, CAMEO AND PEARL setting, coming from Knlton terry. Leave Sweeney's , Hotel. Liberal reward. OST-A UOLl)~HCARKPIN (DOG'S HEAD). 8U1TAJlile reward to Qnder upon returuing It to CHARLES K. EXOW, 31) Nassau St.. and no questions asked. L'oST^a'iTlI INST., NEAR A. T. STEWART'S. A BLUE Kan, with autographs. Ac.. on It. The Under will he rewarded by leaving it at 11. M. GUTTER'S, 130 Pearl st. OST~LARliK POGKETilOOK. lO.NTAINING PA pers of value ; will pay roward 01 f5> If relnrned to me at V Ashland House. J. PALMER REjtN. L*-OHT-E-0 REWARD?A SJiYE TEKKIKH, ANSW ERS to the name of Kannie. lost on Tuesday, September 26, SII 1 Ith St.. between 1st and 2d avs. Return tu 17s 2d av. and receive reward. {3TOLEN?ON~TilE MuHT~ OK SEPT. 21. FROM ON tjboard the Herman hark Hermann, off Staten Island, a Ship's Boat, 17 feet long, painted brown. Any one giving Information leading to its recovery will he lairly rewarded by DILL A KAOM ANN, ageuta ol said vanel. No. 3 Willtam it. llfcW AltDB. " df? r. REWARD?LOST, ON SUNDAY ISVEsfxtl, FROM J)' ?No. I) 3d av., a white Cat, with oollar marked "Snow Halt." The above reward will bo paid and no questions asked. jbl ( RE WKRU-fim "THE" RETURN OK WORSTED ?Pl.'*l!ug (figure of lion) to 334 West 46th at. No questions naked. REWARD.?LOST ON THE IOTH'OF 8EF| M^lUtemlier. a small, while loug hairy Poodle, (slut) blavg r ears and eyes, and block simoa on tun nody. Return to Vaentuer I llinn, IJ umcii, U|| iinini, IIIHI AOC KEW AKD.-TAKK?:. rnouAuf y by miST'axk. C?<) from Park A Tllliird ?, eo-??r -lal at. mid way. a lady'e Hand Satchel, containing a variety ofartii'lei. ainonff them anntr Irrmnirrtl aniiveuira. The above reward > will l>a rrtlrlall}' paid IT returned to Hie owner at 22 Waverlay pla> . fr.n KKtYAItO Wlf.l. Hi. I* All) AN It NO tjt'KR yyUtione oaked lor 'lie return of a dnulilo rave tlnUI atcli, Nik W,.VM. M. I I it.i .* X (In. ttmkera; aalil watrli wn loet or atolen Irotn llio own -I in llrooklrn or on Ilia way to New York on the HV'i ol .May. |H7'k Tho watcb lea family relic. J. >!.C. 1 n Liberty at. ~ iPKCIAL JlOTlCES. " A?It? a aITo. B oycfc, 2'<7ii ro a n w a t; la w v i: rU Dtvarees obtained promptly, wlthnnt tmbilritr; deaartint. Incompatibility, habitual drunken net*. iulidelitr. In > kuinaii treatmont, convletlon of felony. I'aaaporta obtained TTkirriON I?DISXA* KM or MKN. in kvkrV form, even ol lunx Rlaudmg. permanently cured ; conaul. latino tree. Ilr. JAilttHV. 11*1 Kleecker st. A~-roy If HAVANA LOTTlliiY. J\ . .Neat Ltrau lug itctolier 2 and ttetober 10. One Prlae f2tr.'?i . (tne I'nae of Ilki.tkKl One I'rite of Mi.tait flue I'rlae of 2'1,U*) One I'rlia of Ili.ikai Two Prlaea of rach J.iMt flilrtj Prliei ut nfli t.ixm till 048 other prtaee. Whole ticket, $?); llalret, $20; Quartan. $10; Fllllm, |A; Tenth*. $4; Twentieth*. Fall explanatory eircu nra Ire*. THRODOKF. /..Si.lloCll, 116 Naixan it.. New York. 1 fet i?"TY*B ~ I j) Be In lima l y lie In lima far the Orand Drawing, for the llrnnd Drawlnc. fur the Grand Drawlnc. Renlnrkr State Dtxtrihntlna, Kentucky Stale Dtairilintioa, Kentucky State (ilatrlbulloa. BATI HD W. September 90. KaTURPAV, September SO. SATURDAY. September 3U. $300,000 la ea*h dlafrlnnted. $:VjO,i 00 In eaeli dlntri lulled. $3011.01*) in eaali distributed. )ri.37!? rtda Capital. $3\t*n In :i7n cltia Capital, fih.tttX < 10.37!) glfta. Capital.$23.1X11 One ticket In four arena One ticket in four drawn. One ticket in fonrdrawa All irlftx paid In Inll. All trUta paid In inll. All clOe paid In fnlL Wealth, rftre and liianrr. Wealth, raw and luxury. Wealth, eeae and luxury. Only a email Inrretment needed. Only a email invretment i a-dcil. limy a -inall inrcetrnent needed. J Ticket*, $10; haleee. Sf?: ipiunure. $3 90. f" tiios. m. hays a co, Setteral Baetera Aganta, ha. W7 Bread a ay. I . m \.te. 1 k E NE NEW RPFXIAIi .-VOTICK*. AMERICAS VOCAL I.VSTIIIT".. 108 "WAVERLEt pii??An educational aialitislmienl fur Iruatuienl o tuilrriair. Reference and nitculara liirninUeii CTIIROStr AILMENTS. KKUVOL'K DEBILITY. OB Jatiuaio dlHHMii, ii*., ?pp?dilr nr?ilicAUi|; tcmale com plainta a prelalty. Or. FRANCIS (iOlTLAKO tl'aritiar priifeeeoreliip), 1.470 Mm idway, near 4otti at. Conaullaiini free. CVENTEN.MAL VISITORS will FIND TUB BES1 J aisorimrnt id KINK HATCH KS, JEWELRY. Sirrlini: Mint ami Plated Ware, at tho popular and loi priori! Jewelry IIout of J. II. JOHNSTON. JfiO I'nwery, rorncr Braime at.. New York. D"~TsKasks Of "men a specialty." ll'rNKY A. Di.MKLS. M I) 144 leilnrton a*. near 2tHh at. Oflire hour* Irom H to 3. RAND EXTRAORDINARY HIN< Nl'MBRF I Ihiinint;. It take place at Cheyenne. Wyoming post lively, >aiur*inv, Scpt^niln-r 3U. lw7R. By authority of I special art ?f ilia Legislature. tin* drawings lire to tuk< n public and to he comiucttit l?v sworn commissioner* to b oUtrlhated. Mow is the time to invest to gain a lortune for only a total outlay. 1 Grand Cash Price $1(K>,<MX I < ratio Cash Price 75,0 < 1 Grand Casli Price l!5,(.Nk I Grand Cash Prlro 1 mm 1 Grand Cash Price 1 i?rMud i sub Price 5.Of* Tickets, #1 * tic 11; fl for $ ?, or u puck aire of ^0 ticket* muini: $'Jti, for $ 10, au?l tiie balance to be deducted oitl; Iruni the prices drawn. Apply t?- or addrenii KMUKY A CO. Brokers. 31 Park row. opposite Post office, .New York city VKW YOIIK. SEPTEMBER 5B. INTO AT \ MBBTINt 1\ of the Board of Directors of (l?e National Park Bunk liel't tlds day. -lames I*. Worth wis unanimously ei?rt?{'resident; E. K. Wright. paving teller, was nppointe Cashier, nud Thomas Ellis, note teller, was appointed Pay ing To?ler. * NTrrioK^thkuk w ill iik am kictinil of till t rusters of St. .lohtCx College. K??rdh int. N. V., on th Nth of Oetolior. at 1(1 o'clock A. >1. My order of the Presl deal i?f tha Board. KlUHOLAtf H AM RAH AB? Secretary. NSBTOI s i:\ll At STlnS.-A M BDIC \ L B8BA1 comprising a sort s ot lectures drtivorod at Kabu'i Museum of Anatomy. New York, on the cause and cue ol premature decline, showing indisputably how lost healtl may he regained, n Hording a clear \vttopaia of the itupedi nienta to marriage and tho treatment of nervous and physical dohility. being the result of *dU year*' experience, Price *-.*1 cants. Address the author. Dr. 1.. J. KaIIN, othct and residence 51 East loth at.. New York. VTKXV Y()i:ic" TliKi )Af AXL) EAR 1 S ST IT L' TR7"2! Xi East 20th st. fMMMkiMlNi 11 to I only. 01-1) K I'.NTI't'KY .-TATi: EoiTKKIKS. "8MIT01 KSNTCOtr. KXTflA CLASS MIS. roR 1870. 27, 41, 14. .14. .r>. 20. 7.1. 21. 65. 0 10, 30, S3 RrNTL'CKT, CLASS > >? .. rOK 1870. 51, 52. 47. 2. -JO. 12. 00, Oil, 7. 17. .'.7. 10. 4) All orders address II. NATHAN, box, 181 Jlreadway, N. \ 0-omeiAL dbawAIOH ksntugkt state I.OI .tcrttn.- DICKINSON. Manaiters. RRxTi'CKV. nmt CLASS so. 337-sKrTr.*HRK 20, 1870. 02. S3. 71. 70. Ml. :ia, 2(1, IS. 13. IK', ID. 76. 15, 11 RKNTITCRT, ci.its NO. .WS-janjxnK? 2(1, 1870. 0. 24. l.'i. 14, 33. 37. 23. 51. 2i>, 45. 31). X II K.N UT, KXTUA CLASS NO. 457?SRPTXUH Kit 20. 1K7B. 38, *.), 1.,. 53. 1. 77. 41. 25. "4. 2 . 55, 3. 03, 73 HKNIiT. CLASS NO. 458?SRPTXMDKIt 20. 1876. 41. 54, r.4, 73. 12. 72, 0. 23. 32. 47, 22, 40. Full information by applying to or addressing J. CLL'Tl A CO., 21") Hroadway, roar room, first Hour. 0?$50.1X10 IN CASH FOR OKLV $10. . 1(1.371) n rises. distributing $300,000. Onlv.lO.OtX) tlrkets. The Kentucky- State Single Knm her Distribution to oe drawn at Covington, Ky., on Satai day, September 30, 1876. Royal Havana draws Octobers, 1876. Send In your orders to the General A cents. J. CLUCK A CO.. 21)0 Broadway. 0?$3(0.(00 CASH (ilFTS. Kciiiocxv State Single Number Distribution. 10,379 1' and only 50,000 tickets. SIMMONS ,t DICKINSON. Manager*. To be drawn on Saturday. September 30. 1876. Wholes. $li(. Sliaros in proportion. Royal Havana to be drawn October 2. I *70. Address I'AUKS. EMERSON A CO., Hankers. 18) Hroitdway, room 4. OTALTIVAVANA I OTTKllY ?X KXT DttAWINO OC Leber 2. Only 25,0 O lirkets divided In 2(>th and 40t!i li8o prises, amounting to $750.(4X1. Highest prise $2'si.iju and next of $1(0,000. On April, 1873, we sold the $5(0,00 prise nnd on September 1, 1876, wo sold and cashed thai r $ltO.0(O. II. MARTINEZ A CO.. Hankers, 10 Wall st. New York. Spanish Hold and Havana Hank llills bough nnil Hold. Draft* on lluvaua Issued. RuvaiThavana lottery drawst:mtobkn -rOapital l'rises. $2lO,i*.X?, tflOit.OUO. fW .<*)>, Important information given by K. SONNENBKBO, i'oi office box 1.1H5, Now llaven. Conn. RnVAlT~iTA\'AN A LOTTERY?$7.'iO.(iOO WILL, Bl drawn nn Oct. 2. Triers cashed: nrdors filled; tnfoi motion furnished; highest rales paid for Spanish bills, gov ernments, Ac. TAYI.uK A CO.. Bankers, No. 11 Wall si.. New York. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY.?Next Drawing October 5 Capital nrlse f'.'OMMi Kentucky State Single Numbe Isiltery. Next dritwing September l!0. Trisea cashed. A[ ply to 1*. 0 DEVLIN. Cenrrnl Agent,21 Park row. STATE OK NEW YORK. OKKICE QK THE SEC tar> of State. Albany, August 1, 1*711. To tho Sheriff of the County of New York:? Sir-Notice is hereby giren that at the Coneral Eleetloi to lie held in this State nn the Tuesday succeeding the flrs Monday of November next ^November 7), the lollowind ofll eers are to be rlected. to wit:? A Governor, in the place of Samuel J. Tilden A l.inuteuant Governor, In the place ol William Doi shelmor. A Canal Commissioner, In tho place of James Jackson, Ji An Inspector ot Htnte Prisons, In the place of ltenjaml S. W. Clark, appointed by the Governor In the place of Muse K. Piatt, deceased. An Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals (for a ful term) In tho place of Robert Earl, appointed by the Ooi ermr In the place of Martin Drover, deceased. All whose terms of office will expire on the laat day o December next. Tliirtr-nve Electors of President and Vice President o the United States. A Representative In the Forty-fifth Congress of th Untied states for the Fifth Congro-sional district, composei ot the First, Second, Third. Fourth, Fifth, sixth. El .-litl and Fourteenth wards of the city of New York, Uedloe' Island. P.llia Island and Governor's Island, In the county o New York. A Representative In the Forty-fifth Congreas of th* United states, for the Sixth Congressional district, com posed of tins Seventh. Eleventh and Thirteenth wards of th city oi New i or*, in tne county ??< ,>ew i or*. A Representative In the Forty-fifth Congress of tb United States, lor the Seventh Congressional posed of the Tenth and Seveniccuth wards of the city o New York, in the county of New York. A Representative or the Forty-fifth Congress of th United Mates, tor the Eighth Congressional district, com posed of the Ninth. Fifteenth and Sixteenth wards, and thn portion of tho Eighteenth ward lying within 14th st., *20tl st. and 4th and fith avg., in tho city of New Yoric, in th countv of New York. A Representative In the orty-Rah Congress of th United States. for the Ninth Congressional district, coin posed ?>f so much or the Twentieth ward as lies within 2fitl St.. 40th st.. 7th nv. and the Hudson River, and so much c the Twellih and Twenty-second wards as lies within 4oth st. Spuvten Day vel Creek. Hth *%*. and Hudson River, in tlx city of New York, in the county of New York. A Representative in the Forty-fifth i on press of tho Unite Mates for th* Tenth Congressional district, composed of s much of the Eighteenth ward as is nan of 4th av., and s much of the Nineteenth and Twenty-first wards of said rlt; as is east of 3d av , and Jilaekweli's Island, in the city ? New York, in the county of New York. A Representative in lue Forty-fifth Congress of tho Unite States, for the Eleventh Congres-imini disirlrt, composed <i so much of tho Twentieth want as lie* within 28th and 40t ta, fit 11 and 7tli avs , and so murh of the Twelfth an Tw imit v second wards as is east of Hth av., and ? > much ? tho Nineteenth and Twenty first wards of said city as He west of 3d av . mid Ward's and Randall's islstid, in the cit ot New York, in th* coiintv of Now York. OFFICERS ALSO TO HF. ELECTED iN 8AIJ COUNTY. Twenty-on* Member* of Assembly. A NherifT. In the placo of William O. Conner. A County Clark, n tlm place of Wiiilam Walsh. Three Coroners, in tho place of Richard Croker, Henr Woltman and Anthony EiCKofT Ail whose terms of office expire on the last day of Decora her next. A No a Justice of the Marine Court, In place of James f ftinnotl, appointed by the Governor to fill the vacauc caused bv the d?aih of Alexander Spaulding. A No a Judge of the Superior Court for the city an Coiintv ol New York, in the p!acu of Claudius L. Moiiei deceased. Also a Surrogate. In the place ??f Delano C. Calvin, ap pointed to till vacancy caused bv the death of Stephen 1J van Schalck. A No a >enator for the Fifth Senatorial district. In th place of James W Hootn. deceased. The attention of electors aud ol town and city electio: hoards. Inspectors and csnvASterm of eleetioti i* resuectluil directed to chapter .345, Laws of IHTfi, entitled "An act t provide lor submitting amendments to the constitution l the electors of th* State,*' pursed May 15, 1H7H. which ac provides for submitting at tin* said general election, on ih Tilt ?Imv of November next, nrnnosed .iMiernfm.-m % 10 xiticl ft of t!i?* coimiltiition of the uf Now \ ork, find |>r( crthee the form of ballot for voting thereon, wInch |?rc fM??nl mnfmlinenb in the constitntion. rriili raid net. j?rc crihin/ Inrm ol oaltot nnd nunner of "obtnlsaioti, urn put Malted a? provided in ertd net. Heaped fully joura, JOHN iJMJKLOW, Secretary <>( Stat*. Siikisji-f'* time*. t KKW York, AUKU*I :h ) f certify that th? forceolim I* a trim copy of the ?lectio notice received by tuo this day from Hie Secretary of State WILLIAM O. CONN ML Sheriff of the city aud county nt Now York. QTftAM COMMUNICATION BSTHBIB KlMOiTO* Jamaica, and Now York, OlLOXIAI. Hri RKTAUV'M OWC*. > J 4 Mite a. ># plci.btr 1^7 ?. I The Kovrrnrncnt of J nine ca i* prepared t<> recni v-ftenden for the aervire of m direct Meant t oiumiinication betwee Kingston ami New York lor n period of flvo yeara, comnirni I tie from 'lie 'J'Ji I day of Align*!, 1877. The tenner* are to be addte**?*d to **Tho Colonial Seen lary, Jatnuicn," and are to Ije sealed and rnnrked* on th outfthle leit hand corner of th* etivelopn "Tender for atoar cortimuniration between Kinictitn and Now York.'' No tend r will be reccited after tlu loth day of Januart 1877 The government of Jamale-t duet not pledge Itself t accept iho li?weal or at.v of the tender* that may be tut milled The tender* must atate the amount of *tih*idy required the mini nt *1 ? speed at which the vessels will >? run. th maximum number of days and hour* required for the p'?i NfllMiU Of ti?" voyage, the gross and rffdMlttd tefUtag and amount r.f muninal hor?o power of tIter vessel* propose to he employed, the amount of frtoght spare that will be et clndvely appropriated to the .Linietea eenriro, the tnuxtniui rate* or freight and pa**auo nn-noy pntp<iwi] to i c charged together with any advantage* of eouatrartion and fitting whtekjbe ve*?et* may noxsefri far the i-nrt < ui.?r nervier r? i (itiirtfH such adaptation lor rtirrylnji panam^er* and f< conveying trnlt or other light and perishable cargo. A agreement moat be ontered Into by the parly whose tcndr U no epted In forms bf the specification. of whirl* copies ra li?- had on application to the officer* of the Crown agents I l?ondon. of Iter Hritannic M ajesty'a Oonsnl (Jcnernl at Ne' York, and o the Colonial Secretary In Jamaica. My com?nand. (Signed.) RDM AKI) K. RCSTf WORTH, Colonial Secretary ol Jamaica. Adiwi i\l\i\ IN rxs 1 niuTRtnuTKn. IbtjU'Kentucky State distribution. l)r?n% positively Saturday. September ilu. Buy at once only a ew da/a left. Capital prise. 10,370 other* from frJO.Ofif) down to $100. Royal Havana Lottery draws October 2. Ra tnro and hny a ticket Trom JACKSON A CO., Bankers, 202 Broadway. Raw York. W YO YORK, WEDNESDAY, SEP! SPECIAL SOTICEB. ' Vl-K.Vwi.IM, > II lltLKM AND M AN II ATTA N" VI I.I.K t 1 Rr wery tiuuril.?Ail lueiuhrra are relucted to be preeeut at lJriin it. mid I >th a., for roll cull. at 7 o'clock A. M , I Thursday, Sept 28. Kahenttein ? 1'ark will lie open lor ndmiasioii o| Jnuice* and lurited irne?t? at I I'. M By unlet ; of the Captain. C.J i.KOIIMAS V Secretary^ > ^>)n diiii mill doni- kail, ro >km> at Vmi'iUIML'lUUalrint $1, or A<ar|IO, liofore next j, Monday, If ynu drtlre to lake part ill the great drawing to be held on Monday, October 2, at 5 o'clock 1' M. Any portion sendm; an order Inr lire Certificate* will recelre the usual agent'* romniiaaion. consisting of one-Lalf lull paid Bond ol the Iutliutrlal Exhibition Company ol New York llteneral John C. Robinson. ex-Lieuti-nant tJorernor ol tills State, I'realdentl ;jiremluin* ranging an folloera #IUO,<il*l, #:i, Sj.ikMi. Ac.; no blank*. Send lor a circular, and address all urdrre to MORC.KN rilAP. BItCNO A CO.. " liank'.-rr, 23 Park row. Now York. ', Poat office box 1,387. * SPORTTBi OwibOOI. IllllDS. alio. ' ? ?Kf/U S \ l.E?ALL KINDS OK FANCY DOtlft. a\?!Mrd*. Ac*: Mk*(lirliH*n for nil di^nit-i: prepared Food 1 lor m rkinij bird*, ai il. ii. DuVliY'ri. No. 3 tireone ?L. near Canal. i>OOLi BOLD TB US AfTERNOON AT 318 KUTTRKIKMI a Jl Bl.. nenr Orounds, Brooklyn. on picked nines, tl New York vt.*Brooklyn, ai L'uiou; lioeton v?. Clnj eiimtU, il OinsiiRNil. 8BIAKRTA MoOtODD. ? rniK ?.I;K AT SAIN OK TIII-: \i AONIKICKNT JL Breechloader* by W. A C. Scott A Son. W. VV. Greener, r Westley Richards, Partly atm other* will take place . THIS DAY at 12 n'rloek, by TUNIS JOHNSON, Auctioneer, 37 NMan ?t. ; TIIE T(IR?. j \ - i-'I.i< ><"! > l'.\ 11k. Ml IKK1S AM A, X V. WKl). >i jv.iim?,Ii?v, Scpiciulirr 27, l*7(i, trotting I* comm.ut. .1 - 2 o'clock I'. M. 2:U CWt, 111 Rntrirt, s 2:11 Cln?, > 111 Rtitrifs. ' Aduiimion. 91. OATHS II. 11AHX A IIP. Prclilcnt. ?Hl.KKTWOClYi l'AH k7 MOUUISaM a, N V. The ?re*i Free-lornll will l?e trotted on i Thursday, September 1*8, a* 2 o'clock P. M. f P.add Dohle enter* U. in. G?ild*iiittli Maid, i Win. 11. Humphrey enter* rh. g. Jnd*o FuRerton. I'. S Green enter* bv. in l.uctbe ( lda>t. 1 Admission, $l *t!Ar^ M RAltNAKD, Presklmfc "A MKKJCA5 JOCKKY CLUB ' Kail Meeting, 187B, at Jcmmc Park, 2 3iMh September, 3d, fob, 7tl?. IOth, 12th and 14th October. Karen gummeticc each day pnuctuaiiv a? 1 :V? 1*. M. A. BtiLMONT President. \% C. Wiiicatly, Secretary. Alt Tit?N *-FkKNC II "AND COM III NATION* POOL8 *old day and evening at New York Turf Exchange. 15 I \t eat 28th at.; extra day at Louisville , Ten ltroeek v*. Pellowuialt a time, 7:!H>*; alio Philadelphia trots and rillo match at Wanning ton, ComMit ation Pool*. *2: French , Pools, 82 and $5; often ?t: Ml A. M.; prompt attention fflven orders by uiuil or messenger. KELLY A BLISS. Alt 'Tit >N FRENCH AND COMBINATION POOI5 sold, morning anil evening, nl JOHNSON'S rooms, Br.?nd way .corner 28th *t.. an the running race* at Loul?. villo ami Culm. N. Y., and the trots at Fleetwood and Phila> dclphiu; each heat and ra o received by telegraph direct. !. A t ouitdnuiion hook open on all events. French Pool* open at 0:ttO A. M. All order* by mail or mexxengor will iccelve particular attention; - also on tho elections in Indiana and R Ohio. T. B. JOHNrtON. T> KERDKUS' rh VI hN Nl A L THoTTInTT MEETING, 1) SufTolk Park, Philadelphia, Septomhc 27, 28, 29 and 30, 1870. ^ HRST DAY?Wednesday, September 27.? Uevolntlon Race. 82.500. for three-jear olds; doveu entries from Gall tornia, Kentucky. Pennsylvania, New York. Connecticut and New Jersey. Also Independence Knee lor flve-yearmolds, 82,5UO. Following entries;?Governor Spraguo, Blackwood, Jr.; Elsie Good, Piedmont, Lady Mills, Freshman, Nell 11 amhlctonlaii Mambrino. SKCONI) DAY - Thursday, September 28.?Continent a Race lor 2:40 stallion*, 83,500. Closed with Thorndale, Aberdeen, Hanker, Robert Fulton and Nil Derperenduni. Also *\annual mmiikd cup. uow on e\iinution hi tfaileyA Co.'t, vitlno #1.000, for fastest stallion* against time during, the meetiUK. Coventor Sprtigtte. one trial; Jay Could, oq > triali Sum Pttrdy. one trial; Blackwood, Jr., two trial*; Coiiiruoiiai'nltli. one trial. TlltKI> DAY?fritter, September 2U.?Kepublle Race - for four-year-old*. $2,50(1, Cloned with ten entries?Ecliora, ' front California; Ctrl K. (Jueen. from Koutucky; Black: man'* Miranda, from Orange count), New York; Saidle 0 Hell, front Virginia; Montenima, Irom 1-ong laland; Lady '' Palcheti, l'oat Hoy, Belle llowitt and Woodford Chief, frotit f Kentucky; Hlnee .Medium, from Philadelphia. Alto Na. ttonal Stallion Cup, Sl.UUO. Jay Gould. one trial; Sam t Pttrdy, one trial; lllackwood, Jr., one trial; Commonwealth, one trial; Aberdeen, one trial. KOi.'ltTIl HAY?Saturday. September 30.?Federal Race 7 for six-year-old*. f-'.'e?). following entrie*:?A. J. Mc1 Kintmin'a Blackwood, Jr., from Tenne?*ee; Ditma Trot, irotn Holt on, Man.; Rosewood, from Long Itlnnd. and Magoutu, front Kentucky. Alao National Cup, value #l,00U B Jay (Ionia. one trial; Governor Spratrur, two trial*; Sam Purdy, onotrial; Commonwealth, one trial; Aberdeeit, two trial*: Muntetunia, three trinls. NOTE.?The It one a will be started promptly each day at 2 o'clock 1*. M. Special truin* to ntillolk I'ark will leave Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore depot at 12 M., I. 12:35, 1 and 1:3-> I*. M.. and from the same depot to r I'aacltall Station, near the track, at 7, H:10. H .SO, HI :3U s A. M., 12 :K0 and 2:3d I*. M. Go early and avoid overcrowdIn it. Ticket* and reaerved seats ?t S21 Chestnut at , Philadelphia. KELLOGG A CONLKY. Fleetwood far k m oh hi san i a h kptf.mukr 27; trotting to continence at 2 o'clock; match race for $50U. Q William Plsher name* b. g. A. T. Stewart. t Jobu Hotter* name* b. nt. Carrfe Myers. I Best 3 in 5 to hurne**. GATES II. BARNARD, President. IftRRNUU POOLS SOLD AT THOMAS' EXCHANGE, 1 No. 3 Barclay at., on the Louisville (extra dayl running race*; direct re?urn* by telegraph; ticket*, #3 each. <1. M. THOMAS. CKA VIEW DRIVING PARK, NEW DORP. 8. I ? OPuraeflOtt; #ttt Hrat. #25 second, #13 thrd; for SaturII day, Uctober 7,1H70; entries close Saturday, September 30. Addre** Til OS. LL'BV, New Dorp. f i UORSEk. CAKlilAGKS. dib. a ?AN EXbCUTORS' BALE. 1 A. WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, BY ORDER OP KXECUTOK3 (TO-MORKOW), ?. THURSDAY, SRPTEMHhR 2*. AT 11 O'CLOCK A. J M. PROMPTLY, I AT BOARDING STABLE CORNER LAFAYETTE \ PLACE AND 4TII ST., THE PROPERTY OP 1 SAMUEL S. 8UYDAM, DECEASED. I Vi'I llllivn A <11 YIP klT If k IIV PDAYIUT 1 VfY agreeable blood hay trotting Horse. one of the greatest and ? fastest horses in this country, about 10)* bands high, H years old thin spring. la an extra, prompt, free, ea*y and pleasant 8 driver; was brought to tbla city by Port Leonard, who considered him one of the greatest road horses alive; he can ,( trot 16 miles In an hour to a road wagon and can trot a single ml'e in k :30 on any good irack; was bred and raised in s Kentucky Is three-fourths thoroughbred and warranted i. sound and kind, without spot or blemish; must be so en to he t appreciated. J KABT, HANDSOME AND fllOU BRED BLOOD BAY e trotting Msro. about I5)? hands high, H years old; sired by Ktlian Allen, dam by Juniter; wna raised in Orange a county ; she has morn style nnd action tliun any trotter to i- be found; trotted last spring at Prospect Park a trial, In h k :< ?) ; driven by John Lovet. with live weeks' preparation; if timed by Vunderbilt, Cory, Work and several others; can be referr ed to; she has fnll mane nnd tail, fine set of limbs 9' and requires no booting when speeding; has a ragged constitution. great power of endurance, aud II properly handled d would trot low down in the twenties; she can boat 'J;tit o ! any and every day, and warranted sound and kind, without o ! fault, trick or blemish. y I N. B.?THE ABOVE TWO HAVE BERN DRIVEN TO. if pettier, and make ore of the styllahost and lastest teams that goes park, road or lane ,1 ALM) t)NK OK THE HANDSOMEST BLOOD BAY if Trotting Mares in New York. l!t\ hands high, 13 years old, li sired by Henry It. Patchru. dam by May Day; was raised at <1 Mount Holly, .a. J., anil brought here by Henry Middleton, if and when It yeara old showed k:44 nnd has never been on s track sinro. hut has been used exclusively lor road purposes y and has improved in speed- greatly; she can pull a road wagon better than'?:s0: I steady and holiest, with amiable D qualities aud Alio disposition : elogant driser, without vice or trick; this is one of the finest mare* lor gentleman's private driving ever offered, and Is also valnable for track purposes and is warrauted aouud and kind. itKAIJ IIKIL BLACK MARK BELLE OK ROCKLAND, y riiisrd in liockland count v by Mr. Conger, sired by Wilkes, ho by llamb eitralan, dam by Conklin Mar; Is IV 1 high. It I- years old. Mowing mane and tail, nnd is as pretty aa a pielure , trotted when 4 yeara old ovet Spring V alley half mila track in k:43, and repented ink :4k; is very fine galled, ami if ? | handled cull trot in k HO; I. a vury pioasant. stylish river; does n it pull or shy; is neCocily Irroken and sale for a lady d to drive, and Is one of the finest pole mares in this country, I, and warruntod round and kind, without spot or blemish ALSO TWO KLKtiANI' Bilk.Witi Kit, OF UKOOME i- st.. sirln bar shifting top Wagout. pole and shafts, equal to >. new. one open Road Wagon, by Brewster, of Brooiue at., nearly new ; oue open Wacon. by Waterman, in perfect or* iter, two sets of Single Harness, try Coiner ord. eqnal to new ; me set "I single Harness, by rerguson. new: one set ol > double llariio-s, by Comorfnrd, witli English nod breast col. X lars. In peifect order; also mie Englisli paddle and Bridle; O also illaiiknis. Robes, Whips, Kly Nets, Ac.; the whole com* ? prise* the fin-'st stock ever offered at either public or private 't sale in this city. e PTOCK NOW ON EXHIBITION AT STABLE, WHERE o i aan !>.. tupii nnd lull itnrtirii!A.m n?trnrtninntl ieIe noil. live, ruin or alitor. 11? order of > KLIStAllKTU. 8CYDAM. Exreutrtx. C MUHOAN Y Si; I l?A>l. Jr.. Executor. T kob SaLB AT a tlKKAl" "saOKIHOK. Til K JV.II"rvo<. Wap'otn. llama*', Uol>ra anil Hlanketa, Ilia property of Mr. few*. ut jirirAte rta'da No. 13 Weat 27lh ?!., lielwaan Hroadway anil ? ?J? *v. n ^ ?SECOND HAND OAR III AUKS. A Relit circular Iront llrooglmm for 4 orranna. oar make; It In -pleodid onSar unit naver revarnialiad( cont |l,ttOUi will b>-n|c| vriy low to cloie an eainia. , Alan 1.amino. In good order, hlph wliarla. onr maka. Coach lor city mid country urn . high wheel*. Itoeaaway lor 11 pnrxrna; aold hy llrowaler * Co. KonU Wairontul beat oily niaxera. j. b. brewster a co-. 14."> Emi 25th (t. , Waretiouan 5th a?.. and 2lit it. " A." john a. dunn. auctioneer, WILL Sc.l.t, Tills DAY. AT II O'CLOCK, ? AT STABLES ki AND 4* WOOsTBR ST.. 8 one cloae Coaeli. 4 top and no t< p Waffona. on# Kxpreai n \\ ttr? ii, llarneaa. Illanaeta; elan if Work anil Draught lliiro'i, Ir' iii and lil'( high; all horaea war ' rami il -4 Boara trial trlven. n "a"?mi st itl mold to "close a.n estate.? J\..llainl>onin bay llorae. l-ofl hands, 7 yeara old; sate for a in iv to drive ; can trot In 2:45j warranted aoiuid and kind; I, elegant full apring Top W'nnn . ample Uarnetl; will be aold 0 reparut". Apply at I to East 22d at. j! k ?riyk hokhb*! SI IT ABLE Foil FARMING. J] ^V,.butcher, baker or irroecr. 57 tireat Jonea it. > t "stable] i# Vestry st., to rent.?room tor n ,/Y several trutka or roaches; Italia for 12 horaea; pood loft, 1 exci-l enl order: alio other small itablei. Ac. JAMES ? ntlCE. 200 llndioo. )r i ? rt'? cent less tit \n ''i>st ok MANUKaTv n ./Valine. Received troin a bankrupt flrtn a lot ol Ana r l.o.iher top Htnrplos at $125; I'liactoni. $120: Depot n Wapons. $140; iiockawaya, $12H; lliirue-*. $11 to $21*1; ii Immense stock of llorea Blanket*. aomn iliuhiIv ilamaired, ar at grant barvains. JOHN MOOKK,.i7 Warren it. PRIVATE UENTLRMAN WISHER ro si.LL IIis Horse, Entity *?d Harness at ball'of coat; a rare opporluiiliy for any one dealrlon an extra Dna turnout; aatialaclion In every reaped irnaiantaed. Address H. (!., Herald Uptown Branch office. ' Acorn;, A LITTLE SHOP WOMNi# CLARBNOK, lady a I'ony Phaeton, Depot Wagon. taken In exchange ; aold for half price. A lull assortment of winter Carnages. HAM. IIMI Rroadway. ll kinds OK KA mTlT cAH it IAOEsT hr8t qnalily, loweat prleea. J. COLTER A CO.. MM Broadway. RK H 'EMBER Iff,1876.?TRIPLE HORSES, CARRIAGES. AiC. JnkK.vr EXECi'toiVs sale. ' TO-MoRRoW TOMORROW TOMORROW (THURSDAY), (Till ItdDAY). (THURSDAY). HKPTKMItl It i>7, PKPrP.MBKK '27. SEPTEMBER .'?. AT 11 A M . AT 11 A. M.. AT II A. M.. PRIVATE STABLE 57 KAST S3D ST. OPPOSITE A. T STEWARTS SEW Bl'lLDINO, CORNER OK I'AltR A V., GREAT EXKt'L'TOK'R SAI K OK EIGHT VALUABLE IllUllilRKO TROTTING ROAD, OARRIAGK AXI? SADDLE IIORSKS, THE GETS OK II K.N RY i LAY. GKNIKAL KNOX. llAMHLKTOMAN, PKAIISALL AND OTHER NOTED STOCK IIOKSKS. TOOET1IE It W1TII ELEGANT CARRIAGES, ROAD WAGONS. I'HAETONS, COAOII HARNESS. LIGHT DOUBLE AND SINGLE, IIAKNEaS, ROBES, BLANKETS. SHEETS. BOOTS. WHIPS, AC. AC.. AC, THE PROPERTY OP J W. I.UINKKLL, DECEASED WILL BE SOLD BY PIBLIO ACTION TO TDK HIGHEST BIDDER WITIIOCT LIMIT. RESTRICTION OK RESERVATION. ALL HOUfcks W A KKa N TBO HOUND AND KIND. TWENTY-FOUR HoURA \LLn\\ KD run TRIAL AND EXAMINATION, including ELEGANT BROWN TRt> i'TINO GELDING MAIL Hoy. sired by Krustu* OiirnniffS Hurry Clay. dnm a Memid IDmbUlotiian; riiietl bjr V'. W. Bowman, Gnslieti, Orange county; 7 year* old. |?> hand: high; trolled m (hmlicn, Inst season, when purchased, three heats tit 2 :?W. J :34, 2 . since which tin e he lias been used as h intnilv and n-ad horse, lor which purposu he has no superior; he Is were stylish in harness. prompt, ploa-aul driver; does not pull or shy; c.m he driv n at speed with a s'ack rein; is very good euited add lias great hot to in and endurance. and if handled lor speed would trot below 'J is one of ttie finest lug horses in the city ; has flowing inaue and tail and is warranted sound and kind. VERY HANDS. ?ME BLOOD BAY TROTTING GELding Cattaraugus Chief, sired by Hliicher, he by Long Island IIlet'k Ilawk, dam by American Star; raised in Cattaraugus County, New York; 7 year* old, l.'dj hands bigb; he is a very handsome, pcrf ctly made horse ; has fine limbs and feet, long, arched rock and sho t* hi* breeding; trotted at county fair liehl at Lockport. N. Y.. beating live horses over a half mile trar^ and trotting four Items in '2 did, 2 ;.t*2, ^ '.'Id, when lie was purchased for present owner, and hss been used us a road horse tip to present time. l!e Is a very pleasant driver, very siyiisli In harness, dee* not need check or martingalesis very good gaitod. lias a hold, rcso- j lute way of going; very mini, amiable disposition; is tint excitable In company; doos not pull when speeding; Is not atrahi nt care or anrthiug olse; a good p<de horse, ami is one of the finest gentleman's roud horses in the c ty, and is warranted sound and kind. VERY FAST HAY TROTTING GELDING BAY EDDY, raised at f'ortlutid. Me . si ed by Genera Knox, dam a Withered Mcss'-uger mare; is 7 years old, lhV, hands high; blockv built; is very tough and tugged; trotted at Bangor, Me., heating State of Maine, Dashaway and three others in 2 :'U, 2 fit)}*, 2 :3t) 2;J|; also trotted nt I'ortlai d. boating stylish, prompt driver; doc* not puil ? r aiiy; I* very aquure gaited; has never been beaten down the road to a top wagon; does not need hoots when speeding; is safo lor anybody to drive and la warranted sound und kind. VERY HANDSOME BLACK TROTTING GELDING Emancipation, siro.l by Strnter's Clay, dam bv Kysdyck'a Hambletoninn; 7 years old, 15)^ hands high: trotted at Albany, N. Y , three !??*ata 2 :2i?, '2 27, 2 :2S>^. beating lien Smith and two other*; also boat George Mitchell nnd Chancy Green at Saratoga in '2 :Htt, '2 :2P, 2 ill t^, over a very nandy half mile track ; be ta a plcasunt driver, very rapid Kilted, does not need boota when speeding; Is a very good company horse; can bo driven at speed with a slac k relu; does not pull or aby ; la safe for ??nr ordinary driver; is extraordinai y stilish in liarnesa; ia one of the last est polo hoiaoa in this country, aud is warranted sound and kind. VKKY HANDSOME BLOOD BAY MARE FIDELITY, aired by the Mapcs horse, he by old Hamblctonian, dam by Genorai Knox, 7 years old, IflJ* hands higii; lias very fine limbs and feet, and ureal power ami endurance: has never been handled much for speed, but showed two heat* wneii live years old in 2 .14 and 2:32>6, which shows that sue is a remarkably last toung mare ; sin* is a vary prompt, pleasant driver; lias a mild dlsposition , does not pnll or shy ; is not excitable in company ; is >ery pure gaitcd. and a line double mare. Any gentleman in want of an extra line Hotting or road horsi* should call and examine ibis beautiful mare, as she is a genuine trotter; together with her immense stride, game and endurance, she cannot help tint rank with the first horses of this country; she is warranted sound and kind. VERT HANDSOME HIGH BRRl) TROTTING MAHIi Sincerity, sired by renrsull, dam a thoroughbred mare, by Kentucky, 7 years ola, 15*4 hands high; light bay in color; trotted at White 1'iaius when .*? years old in 2 :3fl arid 2 ;34; trotted last summer over Fleetwood Park in 2 :32 and 2:30)^; she Is very handsome and very stylish in harness; has great bottom and endurance: can trot two or three mile beats; Is very good-guited. and if bandied for speed would trot low iu the twenties; she U a very prompt, pleasant driver; does not pull or shy; is safe for anybody to drive and is warranted s? und and kind. VKKY FAST Y01TNG MARK JULIET. SIRED BY Fearsall, dam a second Hamblctonian. H years old. l.Vj hands high, light buy in color; trotted In four-year old colt stake, beating livo other colts, at Fleetwood i'ark. In 2:Ht, 2 lilt!. 2:37; also trotted at Prospect 1'ark, in 2 :36 class, boating Chester, David, Colonel and two others, In 2:34, 2:32, 2:32; she is a vcrv prompt, pleasant driver; is not excitable In compauy; does not pull when speeding; is good galled; U a good pole mare and is warranted sound and kind. THh ABOVE TWO MARKS HAVE KEEN DRIVEN TOGETHER AS A FAMILY AND ROAD TEAM. THEY CAN TROT IN 2:40 DOUBLE; ARE DA KB FOR A LADY TO DRIVE AND ARB BOTH i'KRFErTLY BROKEN UNDER THE SADDLE. VERY ELEGANT AND FAST DARK GRAY TROTTING colt Spsrtaccus. sired by the eclebrated running tiorse Gray Squirrel, who had a record of 1 :45; bo by im ported Eclipse, darn by Imported Glencoe ; Spartscns* dam DJ Uill niinilllliuilliuii 1 (IIU, I "'4 uaiMja mjiii, i> Tor; i handsome and very powerful); built; hut fine limbs and I (eat; Ik good (tailed and baa an Immense utrlde; trotted at I'ronpect l'ark I an tall In 2:4", 2:45. 2:40 with only tlireo weeka' handling: he la a eery prompt, plenaanl driver, doea not pull or aby, haa a very mild disposition. is perfectly broken, alnptle and doable, ami is aafn lor a ladv to drive; If handled lor apeed would make a wonderful faat horse, aa he la Rood (tailed and allows aa much trot aa any rolt ot hla ii(te with the aar ? aoioont at handling, and la warranted suuud and kind. ? Carriages consist of? ONEBAROUCHE. ONE EXTENSION TOP PHAETON. SEATS POUE PERSONS; POLK AND S1IAPTS. ONE LEATHER TOP PONV PHAETON. ONE FL'LL NPKINO TOP WAGON. ONK SIDE BAR TOP WAOON. ONE OPEN TROTTING WAOON. ONE ELEGANT SET OP COACH HARNESS. ALSO Hour DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS, BLANKETS. KOKKH. SHEETS. WHIPS. AC.. AC. COACHMAN AND GROOM IN I ATTENDANCE, WHO WILL SHOW STOCK AND GIVE ALL DESIRED INFORMATION. SALE POSITIVE. KA1N OR HHINB, AT II A. M. SHARP. I By order of O. L. PECKII AM. MARTIN U. GII'SON, Executors. N.B?ANY PARTIES WISHING TO PURCHASE ARB INVITED TO CALL AND DRIVE ANY OP THE ABOVE HORSES BEFORE THE SALE. T SON'S CITY AUCTION MART AND N. Y. TATTERS ALLS CORNER OP Broadway and 39th at. MAJOR CIIAS. W. BARKER. AUC I'll INFER. BBOULAR SALES every Wednesday and Saturday, TWhNTV-POl. lt hours allowed lor trial. THE ONLY driving track In the State. CATALOGUE OP SALE THIS DAY. AT II O'CLOCK. COMMENCING WITH tbe celebrated and beautiful chestnut trotting Mare, LADY LOWE, IHS hands high; foaled in 1870; bred by Colonel Lowe, of Lexington, Ky.; KOI by Jnalin Morgue, son of Ktlian Allen, dam by Imp. Unicorn; started aa a GREEN MARK this spring, and naa trotted In NINETEEN RACKS. THIRTEEN of which SHE WON first money; Iter best RECORD IS 2 33, obtained at Suffolk I'atk. Philadelphia, July lb; Is a mare of extraordinary PROMISE sod OKKAT HOlTOM;can trot now IN 2:2b, and will BEAT2:20oelore the season Is over; is unequalled for gentleman's toad nse, being an easy driver and no puilar; is warranted sound and ktnd, without a spot or blemish: also Clothing. Snlkuy and Harness: PEDIGREE AND ALL KKPIt KSKNTA HONS STRICTLY GUARANTEED. IMMEDIATELY APTKK ABOVE MIC. It. HUOLKM'H Of HENDERSON OOUNTY, KKNTOCKT, UKPRKCKDENTEI) SALE or TROTTERS. SADDLERS. MATCHED PAIRS, COUPE AND BUSINESS HORSES JU>r ARRIVED PROM KENTUCKY, sod comprising SIXTEEN bead, constating of PAIR SORREL Geldings. 1?A< high. and I) years old; an extra fine COACH or DRAUGHT Team, bay .Mare MAYFLOWER, Id high, years old. gut by Shakespeare , can beat 3 minutes; bay Gelding, '.JONKSV JOHN, l.'i^a high. r. years old: got hv Tom Crowder; can heat '2 (VI. Day ( elding, IJE.XKY IIA lit,'Of K, l.'ijj high, S yo?ri< old, got by Ulne Hull; duo Raddle and harncse horse Itav Celding. W11,1.1 A M SHANNON, 16)? high. 7yeers old; got liy ltoek Chief; stylish mi l speedy M.inngsny hay (i Id'ng. MAIN H 1IUTCII V AN, 16)$ high, 7 yearn old ; got liy Denmark ; an elegant rnmbini-d saddle and harm s* horse; goes all fait*: can Irol belter than 3 minute*. Chostnut Holding, KKMI.NOION ,IOK, Kit,' high. S years old. got ny Clay's Mambrlno; is aa extra fine road horse. tirayCeldlair QKAV CKOKOK. Id high. D year* old; a raddle and harness horse. Hay Mare KATK CltOWOKIt, i.S high, ti years old, got by W elox , Is a combined saddle and harness mare llrown slarn LET I ICR IN high. f? years onl. not by Cnrhesn ; broken to double harness. Mahogany bay Held tnf H'KANK WI'.BHKK. I0V4 high.7 yeai. old, irol by llrrr e Mambrino I'atclicn; ha* taken a PREMIUM for finest driving horso at EVERY KAlK that lie lia* been shown, can trot IN 1!: iii. Chostnut Holding HixENTaNO, 1 51, lilith, d years old. Rot by Copperhotlom. Well broken double bay Oeldiug .1 r.r>SE ARMSTRONG, Id high. years old. gut hy Kern Wonder: Is a eery stylish snd promising coll. HA III closely inalclied chestnut Mares LADY KKKNK AND MATE, Kit* high. 7 year* old. off man- got by falcon ; near mare's pedigree not traced , are an aalraordinary road or I ROTTING ThAM ; can beat ,1 inluutes. AHOVK AKK warrsnted souud and kind, and base been ode and droro by a large iiumhor of gentlemen, and prouounced eron faster and belter than represented. CATAi.OCI'KN WITH full particular* *t sale. TIIK IIa.NDsUME and tremendously spe, dy hay trotting Mare PANNIK AUSTIN. lo lilgli. losled Ist'iU. gut by the I'arlsh lloise (sire of Joker), first dam hy Young Columbus, second dsm by Itsrrls' Ifambletonian ; the gsmeet littlu insre that *tnnda on Iron ; lias a record of a fourth beat In if ;,'C4; tins Shown a private trial cl'J :<tO'a ; is one of the he?l road marea In tlia state. and la warranted sound and kind. SINGLE SKAT lioail Wagon, by Hroomn st. Hrewiter. Top S11)R BAR Koad Wagon, by Howard. BI8.Nf.SS WAGON, by George II. Young. TOP I'ONY Phaeton, by W. E. Perritl. HOCK AWAY, nearly new. by Newton. TWENTY OTHER ton and no top Koad Wagon*. Carriage*. large lot of double and alugle Harness, Ac. HFIhC.N OTIIKH Horses. fl'LL DESCRIPTION nt ?i*lci. BALES NKVKIt PON I PON ED on arronnt of weather. A BARGAIN.-BID" WILL BUY A PIRST CLASH tnp Wagon; a One Harnase, ft"). hnndsotne bay Mare, Lhli, at private (table No- 31 Raat 131b st. Atop waoon, top piiakton and harness; mn*t bo sold at any offer; they are as good aa now. 138 West Hist at. Avery kink hide bar hhewhtf-r top waoon. (Ingle and double liarnesa; all first class and (heap. 183 Prinee st. baroain.?handsome shifting top hidr bar Wagon, with Brewster's improved spring, almost new. 161 West 3-"ith st., near llrnadwey. AT A HACRlfICE?TEN BUSINESS WAGONS, $30TO fil.'iO; lor express, grocers, butcbers, bakers, milk, depot, delivery Wagons. 2'itl Spring st. LANDAU. ON* CLARENCS. ONR COUPE." ON* 1'arg Phaeton, one jump sent Wagon, one doctor's Wagon and nue English limiting Cart, ail at a*ucr!lt,-e. io be seen st M. CIKI.KY'S, Hr.t l-.ast 13th tl . near 4ili av. rTvk YEAKo old CHEsTNUT BORRhL Oi ld ftiite: good road liorsc wi lt stvlle'i action; kind and sound; also a neat I'ony Phaeton, noarly new, and Harness. Inqnlre at Hotel di Rome, 3ii East Houston st 1 COMBINATION RADDLE AND DHIVINll MAKE A*for fil'J'i, er exchange for Tony Phaeton. Stable, ISO EE A SHEET. HOUHK8, OARKInv. ' . AT iPcriok; ~ HY VAN TA8SKI4< A KRARNBY, AI'I'TIO.NKKKS at lUei: Mart, 110 and 113 haul 13th ?., near 4th nr., ON FRIDAY. HKITKMBBK 2d, at IO o'clock, TIIR FOLLOWING VERY FAST AND LIIUULT BRK TROTTING IIO ICS KM PAIR BAY TROTTING IIORMKS; ONK IS HAI. brother to the rtlfbrHtnd trotting mim flailo (reco 2 J1 ' ; the other U sired by Kt han Allen, dam a vv fast maio, bred in Ygrinonl. They ire 15 hands blu H and S voars old. kind and tiue in j?I1 bar net*. p< ifflly tree from vice or trick; are verv prompt ai pleasant drivers; can trot better thau 2:15 lotlie p?d and can trot in 2 :2U or better single; are airaid not hi n ft. and arc warranted i ?an | and Kind MAHOGANY HAY GELDING GEORGE. FOALED 1*' sired bf GKNKRAL KNOX, dam bj kfiraaa Drew. Ifl hands Uiyh; very stylish: a free. t .tsjr driver; can tr In 2 25; warranted sound and kind; the most per fa maJ horse in the city. DiliKMi ha 1 .n/\ur., o11\r.u it i r.i'W MHi hxndi hitch, 1 year* old : *tond* without tyiu ( ?t. beat '2 :45; anyone ran drive her; rclinble p?p wav: warranted aoiind and kind. BLACK TROTTING GELDING WILLIE K.. HIKED II Jupiter dam Killie hunt, I5!| hand-* hltrh. R yea old: very ateudy and roll aide; can trot In *2:HR: a la? or child can tlnr* him; a perfect road homo: wit r.? led kovud nt.ii kinds CHESTNUT TROTTING GELDING. 81KKD BV T< ronto Chief, dam thoroughbred, ir>>, hand* high, year* old ; a nentleraan'a Imriv in every reipect; d bent 2:40; an e\ t roordiiiurv polo borte; wunanii aotpnd and kind HAY GkLDINO, SlliKD BY ROYAL OKOKOR, DAM ?' Ryhdyk'a 11 am bit;Ionian, 15J4 linndu hlrlt, H vea old. very gentle; trotted a year a.-o a lull mil a 2:31},; can heat 2:iO today; warranted hound a: kind. TOP AND NO TOP ROAD WAGONS. BY BREWSTER Co . of Pro one nt ; single iliirne*?hv DI'NSCOMItl double llhtiini. I>r WOOD GlllSoN; Blanket Robea, Whip*, Ac . Ac. Theae lioraea tire now on exhibition at tlin Mart. Pi rbaeera are invited to call and examine litem previous the ?4uv A BAY I!OKSK;TEAM rToRSKiT"YOUNO \Nrn soi N m p ir 10 or to^et iter . $45, $75, ffiU 11 Ifceier lit nlCK BTABI4SM TO LET OH LBABEi GO >D A commodatlona; plenty truck room. Addreae MAKK1 34J East 31 at at. Hrewhtkk spring ride BAH TOP "W AO on, f i 0i one in $125, nearlv new; greuteal sacrifice over know 310 Weal 52 d st. CI A R KI AOKS."f A LL TRADE : OKR AT REDTCTION /Oil iRLER ORITRK. 2W6 Canal, baa Drgo atock 0? , rlngm. Pony and Park Phaeton*. Hugjrtea, llo kawaya. A of bla own make, at manufacturers' prices; they will be examination and uao. / CARRIAGE FoK~s"a!,K~ IN PERFECT OR DE R;W 11 Vba ;oh! lor on* quarter ofita value Can he aeon at n vale stable JIT Weal HHth at. GBOHUil gaKLaN. pASU WANTKD?TO PURCHASE A SECOND ft AS \ /top Pony Phaeton: price not o exceed $tlU. Addrc La WREN Ok, box 20 J Herald ollice. TOINK CARRIAGES. I1 Strangers, hi viattingour city In tie arch of fine Cnrrlnjrr at niodoriite prirea, are respectfully requested to favor with an inapccttou of our work before purchasing elaowbei Our atock comprise* n lino uaaert incut of ^ liAKUXia, ii'ii.ivAnain, CANDALCI'.Trf, C VHKIOI.KTR. COACH KM. I'll AKTO.NS. HHolUiIIAMS, DOCTORS' CARRIAGES, COl'I'KH. T OA UTS. AC. Also, with ilia relrbreted aidu bar coupling of Mess Brewster A Co.. of llreome at TO I* ItOAO WAGONS. Our stock la f)nlshod w Itli pleaslnu and durable rotor*, ai special enra i? taken to avoid an vt lilnn that ia conepiono or ronimoo, tryinir to make everythiiiR modest and riclufl A call ia solicited. A. S. FCANDRAU. Carriage Btilliler, 372 and 371 Kromno at., old ataiul of Rrowater A Co. Poll SACK TWO CIMNKKV HoHSKH.' T"ANfT year* old; warranted sound; must aril. MI2 Wash lout at. _________ IjlOllSACK-TKN SOUND "YOUNG ifoKHBK. ' SUIT 1 Ida for any kind of hsavy work, and four low price suitable Tor tanners. 17 Corny at., near lileecker. L"tOll SAl.K? II ANDSOM'K Btv M A HE, 15 HANDS P years old; (ntltlM free HUH8d lit., BraaMjIt }AOR SACK?SOME \'KRY KINK OKNTCHMKN'S KO/I * llorsosiKooil double and sintrle ; one bey Horse, 15. one bay Horse, 15.2;one sorrel Horse, lS.2;one brown Mai 15.1; one brown Horse, l*> bands; one lull sprint; top Wap nearly now, price $250; one ItRlit Kxproaa Wagon. $50, DAN MACK'S (table. 2111 West IMIi st. "LtOll SACK- A CHESTNUT HORSE. WAUON At 1/ Harness; a pood roadster. Call at 1 Kast 35tb at. 1"thoTsXi^i^c\in;k it ayIiorsk;"8t:if*co5 ' curt or truck; sound aud kind; Uno walker. Feed stoi 370 Hudson. FOlTSAIsE-BLKOANT. YOtJNO~ FAST RENTCCI Horse, sired by Curtis Clay, dam Woodpecker, brow without spot or mark: long Uowinic mane and tail; K hands; naed to the city; unsurpassable neiitleniau't inadal and nund and kind; warranted pedigree which pros ilia rich breellnRl urico reasonable. Address K. J 145 Herald office. inon ~ kace-a doubck truck. sTiioNti jT: r pood; prleo moderate. Can lie seen at 142 Kaaex at. I ft OR SACK?CH KA1*; $050; ~C A N I) ATJ BY MINI and Stoven|: In splendid order. Apply at 47 East ti St., near Madison nr. For back oil k\6ha nok?roit a ridk~bar t< Wagon of first class make, a t'ark i'haeton. built Miner A Stevens, In first rlasa order. Address D. U. UK KINGTON. Knrdhnm, N Y. liVHt SALE LOW. KOIl want (IK USE ONLY?PO] r built Hons, tollable fur ?n? 11 -tit hnetnraa, 90S; a Expreaa Wairnn and llarneaaf, rtO. 37-"> Weil 12th it. TjlOR" HALE OR TO LET?A TWO 8TOKY BRII r Stable extra Inrice. In Weat 18th at., near flth BT.; i alalia and two box Malta; all in perfect ordar. LOC MKHI hit, 74 Cedar it. Horrrr boarded-por :pali7~and wintkrII'rotpert Earm, Caldwell, New .leraey; care br expr enred and aklllul borwmen; I'nlta broken ; Horace train, Addreaa I. M. IIAKKISON, Proprietor, 121 Franklin i New York. HOKS?. LIGHT BUSINESS WAOON ANDHARNE! V120; two other Horace; Bntcber Cart; cheap. ! Weal 3.7th at. Lai;ok hale oFTiorbrh at anctfos.-j.fToi will aell on Wednesday, September 27. at II o'clock, the at aid- a of the Proapect Park and Coney lalcnd liailroi corner of Oth nr. and 2(>tb at. Brooklyn. 28 gnod lluraee, at only for want of uae. Catalog-net at aale. PALISADE MOUNTAIN H( I USE STABLR8.--skv1 in 1 lea Iront 42d at. ferry. New York; itentlemen'a Hon wintered at rcaaonahlo ratea ; jrnod rare : Brat claaa aeon mndationa. TAYLOIt A 8TKY1N8, Kniclawood, N. J fcllARD WAT.V?lwibN3, AITTTONEERII?MOf .-aire aale, will acll, thla day, nt 10 o'clock, at anlearoi 27 Kaat Broadway, 4 Hearaea, A I'tareiirea 5 aeta of doul llarneaa, 0 lloraea. By order H.j. KEILLY, Attorney Murlpairoe. Removal! wood rrothers, Carriage Mauulai luiera, bare remored tbe entrance of their warerooTUB from 7 Broadway to the rear of their premiaea. Not 48, 31 and '>3 Lafayette place, where, with diininialie-l expenaea, they are prepared to anil their alock ot Hnlahed Carrlacea greatly reduced prlroa. Three Carrlagoa were made for tliia aouaon'a aale, of t beat material mid unaurpaaaed worktuatiahln, and eomprl erorv atrle of idi-naurr carriage. WOOD It BOTH BUS. N 4U, I uml >3 Lafayette iilnoe, roar of tbelr old stand, no dui>r to Astnr place and Hlh at. QEOIIND HAND LANDAU LET, IN FINE OKDK Ovary light Landau, In tins order; several Coupes n Coupe Rockaway*, one Doctor's Fliaeton. six seat Rocl ways, tour light Uoacliss. several sots of second hand H n"??. 21) top and open Wilsons liv city inakora, at prtcoa suit the times. WM. II. GRAY, 2U and 22 Wooster it rpRUCKING.?AN Y BUSINESS HOUSE WANTINO 1 first class Team and Truck can have ono of the bout the city, including a strictly sober driver. Address II. 8.. stailon II. TO LET-SOME FIRST CLASS Bit ICR STABLE also single Stalls In Watts and Grand sta., near Canal Inquire or 11 (iS I'll ANDEIt, ::lil Canal tt. Wanted?set tandem harness in oood 0 dor and cbuap for caab. TALI.MAN, 47 Groat .Tories st \VT ANTED?A LAITY'S SAD DLB HOUSE. A BOUT YY hands nigh: not whits: prico moderate. Address 11. K., Herald offieo. dbltlJT -HALF VALCt.?SPLENDID NEW TOF F O J- l?prcsa or Grocery Wagon. HOVE Y'S stabte, I Wert ilHb it. LEU AL. iVOTICHi. t>rclclama. ~ J. In Huelfen betrcllsnd die TodcwtrklArnng dee am .Inll 1M42 geborenen Aucust Wtllielm Winter. Sohnos i vsratorbencn Klislsute Kintassn Jobann Winter und a line, geboreno Kalui. so Dworslsko (Jetst Wllbeluismsrl warden der August W llhelm Winter, weleber augeblleh Jalire ISB?nacli Ainerika nu.<gsw*nilert|lsi and sicli don Soldnt hat anwerhen lasseo, seltdem aber verachollsii I siowie die von linn etwa r.urnckgelnsseoou nnbokauai Krhen nnd Krbriebmer su dent anf DEN 14. JULY 1K77, VOItMIII'AGS 12 UIIIl, ZIUMI NO I anberaumten Tannine mit der Aniline gelsden. sieh i odor in dein Trrmine bet dein niiterseicliiieleii Gerlefat o< In desaen Bureau sclirlltlicb oder pvrsi.nlicli su mulden u dasolbal eeitere Anweisuugtu erwarteti. wldrlgeufalle 1' voaat lur todt nrklart werilen winL SCllWkTz In Westpreusaen. den W>. August, 187R. KOKNIOLICll PRE! Sit I SO II K.i kltelsgekict L AKTIIKILUNU. DA.VCIYG A<Al)KMl??7 "r^Atrsi:s'"Dtntcing 'cnxs*scminrsawn iV.Hall, .V. Wast 3 M>l: Masonic Mali, 114 East 1.1th s Itrovuori Hall. 1'vt East ."Will tt. PRIVATE LESSONS a linnr. CIRCULARS at private academy 212 East 11th at Allen dodwoktiis dancing school, removed to No. HHI .">th av., commences on Katordi October 7. For particulars sen t lor circular. a t wilson s dancing academV, isl ttii av Classes now onan. Send for circular. Soiree every Tn ilny wnl Saturday. I PKRNAX InPH UANClNil ~^UAOKMIRM, Nl. open, 11th ?!., corner nd ar. fbans hnlldiniti. ? Kor fir 1 ur? address private academy, <17 haet intn at. Private etrneilnn nt any hour. Reception every Thursday. Io or< to burr them aeleet I have lamed Invitation ticket*. No n on udmltled without preeeatliiR tbo i?n? wlih my ?U tore. J KKRNANIX ?caktikr'm mancimi ai; aokmy, p fan pro] Htilldlnc, intersection Sturveaant and ftth ?l?. Prlv lieaaona nny hour. Ullde, Double olldu and ffowp penalties. Br?iokes^danui.mi adadkmy. :?u hkooiTb I will open for lbs aenaon Tneadny, October 8, IKifS. All the fashionable Ounce, in one course of lessons. PRIYATK INSTI1I ilTION at all hour*. Theau room* are c ntiollv located and eeey of seems ft all porta of Sen York. Brooklyn aud other adjacent ell All tlinac aubacrlhinic now can rucalre private Inatruct in separate rooms ana no estra charge !>otn claaa prima. D" 1'llAR'S DANUSU ACADEMY] .4 WKsT 4TII S All dances tauirht perfectly P?r quarter: al* faahiona dances porftclly in si* private leaaona; waits, (lido i double glide rpeelaltlea. MR. riiENDK H AI.ADKMYTIY DANUTNUT l.yr.o Hall, Hi i av.. Reservoir aqoaru. l.eaaona Mondays, Tuesdays, Thnradara and Saturdays Pupils attend at their e oivrnlenre. Sen circular. MlltCKIiliANltOlS. UfrftsrjTcisR LAITNURV K(>r-tAi)iJsr?5^] ? tie seen at Her 134 West Jtttb at. L D. PRICE FOUR CENTS. MIY GOODS. J fcTToiiNsfos. i5ro?<lw?r. bll> sr. and 23d ?L. Inrit# pnttnu? aud th. pobllt :n tliulr ,r oooolnic tliln <l?y rd 11 li, French Culinntn. ,r. Suit*, id Clunk* .tnd , M nut In .>1110.1 \ K K V A > l? li it. KS S >1 A~klNla. 4 ?. \ T POI.ANO A Sl'lBR'rt, maki KACTDUKRI \ AOalrirti Kcatber Trimniuitf. 374 and 370 1'auul su, Job? bsrs will IImi a l**hlonablc ussurtment. Ct t -KAM. OPKMNo"? XMK. ROHFNKON WlLt Tt A*?hnw Wcdnf?fitir mid Thnradaj, September 27 and 2H, e; ?li nHUt de?mi? in imported I) uineta and Hound 11 ; al-o ry many nnvaltie* lit the Milliner/line No. 361 Oth ay., b? iween 'J I st and 2.'d ?ta. '* ? -,UKt;CI,AU FAI.I. ul-IM NO HUH. K. UAY WILI J* /V #<>pen a now ease ??f Imported llonriet* and Hound IIhM * no Wednesday and Th?in?dnv. 27th ?n I 2Hth, *t HOI titti ar, between i 1 at ami If.'d *tn. N. H.? Stringers will do well M r% call before purchasing elsewhere. 1 T71A LL ~ OP li KI NO OK ??????? ? ii 1/ I'd trimmed Ponnets and round HaU. (Y Infanta' and children!* Furnishing Goods m and other Noreltles. '"d Tliur ad ay, September !IH, li. A. MORRISON, 8i*n Broadway, between I'.Hli and 20th sta. u. Vf MR GALOrPE\l\ NO ?? EAST loTH ST. NhAfl JT1 Broadway, will open her importation of Paris Milhnerf ir- fot Lito lail on Wvdnuidty, 37 tb inst. AJuiimooo bf to card only MMMh AMI'JN WALTON. Ktt BROADWAY. ABOVE UNION _ I'jtmre ? Open to-day; norelticfl in Bonnets and Itoiuid Hals; alto the Polo lint. S FOR SAidTu. H> ? Wkf.lTToC VTEI) AND l>lSl'\o'SAlX)0? _ jVfor sale cheap This day or on Thursday, nt atiction. 0; OAPFNBY A KM ITU. Anettnassn, 17 reutro st. " A OOUNKK I.fyl'OR STORK ONE of TUB BEST _ jVl"OJiti(iu? in tint city, nllotud tin* ilny nt half Tula*. S; I.I.OVIt. Bn>n<1wny. " A ?FOR SAI.R, RKHTAURANtS, COFFER SALOONS^ ?** /V.Hitiiipln Knnmn. t'lenr Htnn<u. I.i<|iiur Store. Itnkcrlns, ,ir SlrilM rlMN, (Irix.irii't MI ft: 11 Kl.l., 77 Cedar ?tJ ? ?DOWN TOWN Mvnik STOKK.flll.S DAYj 1, _.\ .?t>ry rlicop; or on Fririny next nt miction. IjLOYL), Aucll ? i? ?r. Uroatlway. p, r TjgUOIt BAR. OYSTKIt IIOilHh; PKIVATB ./Yrotiiii*, sleeping n^oniv Ar.; cheap; weli established; p*y? Inc trade , near Rroariwav ; Nitfc investment for any part/. _ <. \;TM;V A SMITH, 17 <>ntr? *t. FIRST CLASS rOlCNKK LlglTOlT~ST(?KR FOR J\ ?nlo or exchange. Apply to I . UAKFMKY, 287){ Huwory. Br .1 W. CAMI'llKljuTti7 AIHTTIONKKK -IK YOU want n bargain attend CA.Ml'BKLL'H Kate, 1U3 West >L, this dny. at 1 1 oVlorft. 1> KKWKUY." NO 14:7 ~KAST~ 4JD ST ,~WILL BB SOLO ' I Pat * Inn cniti; rapacity 12i:i Iihi r?*l* per day; largo trado; rBm buildings can be leased on favorable tonus. Apply oa premise*. . TAKl o'lfrOltK FOR SAI.K AT UltlXBL'lto' U~d n" J /excellent chance. Particulars at STKICKLAND'S, 81 01 Bookman st. D"RIJ5" STORK FOR HALE CIIKAP-AT iialf~TT5 Inventory value. Apply at 3^0 Broadway, WilltamsImrg, ~7 TpAMlf.Y I.KAVlNl! CITY \Vll7l, SKI,I, (' 11 KA P ~K<? R oo f cosh Parlor Organ and Wheeler A Wli.mi Mahine, good as new. Address Al.TOONA. Herald oilier. A noil SAI.K-A WEI,I, KHTABUSliElTCIGAR 8TORB, 'J. I with two show windows aii<1 coiiAr; bu.inflss and loealioa Rood. Inquire 147 fltli nr. ,5 T.K1K S A l,H ? II A It l> WAItK,' 110 0 SK K U U NIS111H fl r Store and Jobbing Sh?p. on a le-iding avenue, doing f, lair business; good reason, lor selling ; chance for .mail tmnllstt Address ItAlUiW tllE. llorAld HrAneh office. 1JIOR RAIjR?STOCK AXI> FIXTURES OF A SUCCESS, on f lul Millinery Store in a thriving and hoautirul town oa At tl<o Central Kailrnnd of New Jersey; business paying: sola reason for soiling. Ill health of tho owner. Call on or address J. I,. KI,Y, 141 (IrHnd St.. Jersey City. IP( It S ALB?FI It ST C I ASS SAMPLE ROOM ANTTcT1 gar Store. rt!>3 Ilroadway. ro, TpOll H ALE?VfXTU RKS (H' A CI O A it~M ANUFACF lory ami the Ixtfts to let. on lower part of Bowery. AdJY dross CIIAIU.KM K WKHKR. Herald office. n. TpOK SALE?KRl'lT A Nil C( ).N KhCTH iXKRY "sfoillC >\ J? BleeelterSt., ono door trom Broadway; good location. es i?<>K SAI.K FACTO It V." WITH A Ll'CRATI VKBUsf. L, F nasa; has been estahllshod ISyosrs; this Is a rare eh anoe ' for anyone desiring a steady and paying business; satlsfae* ?, tory reasons for selling. Address ST. JCillN, Herald olTloe. <D Tpolt SALE?A Nli'l'l OIUAK STORK, WK 1,1, I,o" ? F rated, H3 13th st.. one door Irnm Ilroadway, with Stock ?R orwlthont; rontfM*' year; good tor any line of bnstnesa. >2d Kor Information call at 43 University place. P. ESTRADA. 3P TjVJR HALK CHEAP?TON KKTTLK8, 8AYERYMAKlT; by r JO and '?l gallons. 3tt East 3Hth st. ,K" ITtOlt 8 \LK-Wlfif Kl'vi; YEARS' LKASK. IiTr AND ? I llllllsrd Saloon, with tine Ball Itnom, Club Itooms. large i i ifrltl llooni, who sxira une ainri*; npianinu apannK'niK 10 I so livoln; hot and colli water: oath room Inquire on Ilia promisee, Cooper'* Hall, ill end 33 Newark nr., Jersey City; Tjv no agnate or latter* noticed. id * T7ll)R BALK-TU K oXDBtfTA N D bSteWaBLDIH ED in r Tea and Grocery Store uptown, with Ho??e and Wagon and etork complete; sickness ranee of selling. Apply at ^ coal yard corner 4Hd et. and nth ar. rl- T7IOK MALB?OROCERY STORK .TIH K A ST :*ST!I ST.. I'd. J} with fresh Stock and eplendld fixture*, location. TTiOR 8ALK?OYSTER." SAMPLE AMD LUNCH KOOMJ ? P heat In the city; oppoelte Stock Exchange. Inquire 5 IS, New et. 150 n KOOERV STORE I OR SALE* CHEAP; RENT LOW. _ u GAKSNKY A SMITH, 17 Centre et.4 at T 1QCOK AST) HI I.I.I Alt!) SALOON FOR SaLB .,i JLicbeap?On a principal avenne. (|j OAIT'.NEY ,V SMI Til, Auctioneer*. 17 Centre et. S~OAP WORKS.- KXTKNSiVU PACTOKY. COMPLKTB lor eale. II. K. IHTCIICOi K, .YJ Hroadway. WILL BUT OOOD UQOOR 8TOBJL?BTDOf m" cY^UUliquors anaouutlug to prlr asked , licenses paid. LLoYil, ail Hroadway. ' Jn TiuuuVeri. II* "I bTARTI?K"~A"rfb AN KKIIITU SlRfilffM JOB lor JxPress. ut a K'eat bargain M. I, IIUMI'. O'l Ann et. ? TNOR SALE-ONE 3 HOUSE*I'OWBB KNOINE. LAKOl .T iiollor, Shafting. I'ulleya, Belting, Sausage Chopper, Lard Kettle, I'reaa and Cooler; will bo Mild whole or In parte. Addrete A. MARKS, box 307 Pott office, Oraugo, ' 40 Si. J. WANTED TO IT UCII ASK (SECOND YlANDl-A T ? Power Pro**, a email Hear Cntter and a etrong Shear J at elate particular* and n'ice. 41 Klvingtnn ?t.. baeernent. ke inini ivt v i ? T^fTT:xrEiITS nuK it"( .L assWJal aTTumTFRWa?>* -/Victl n??c:ier. cla*s>ral gold mcdalliftt of foreign untvi-rt xt ity, denroH private pupil*; prepares tor college. English or American; bUhost city reference. Address TEACHER, ? box 145 Herald Uptown office. I.2H5 Broadway. n<j A NUCCKSKFII. TKACHKIl llESIKKs A~KKW MO KB ia. a\pupils; Kngllth branches. I.atln, French, drawing: lilirh* ar. cat lelercncea, one week fine. Addreas Mum 1... Herald l.'pto town olflce. \ dvanced fhonookaphv anti khoktiiaxd J\ Reporting taught practically. WALWORTH's I'houo* A graphic Institute, .'PI Eu?t 14th ?t. I'rivate leSSOOa. H" \ LAOY WISHES TO EXCHANGE KNHL.I8H Ol uLXOermen Jfor French, with a gentleman; I'ariaUn ac? colt. Addreaa H. U. Herald Uptown. f?! tlkllevl'k lTosPITAL ICKDlCAL collhub. roor J)of Eu?t 2'lih at ?Thn regular course of Irairnctlon la _ tbla inaliiutioii will noen on Wednesday, Sept-uiber ., H I1. M., with an introductory leciuro by I'roleaaor A. B. Crosby. Tlioan Inlcreated In medical education (Including ladleal are respectfully Invited I attend A. FI.INT, ,lr . Secretary. V ijOOKKEKIM.Nli -AN VTHINU IS I* UN M ANSIIII* Og JLX.op?Infr dune at a modoratf ralo in free evening boon, ddro?s KXI'KitT, Herald oflicre. IN ICKI'I.Y TO NtMKKOI S INQUIRIES, J lir KICHAItl) 8. ROSENTHAL., late Interpreter geno? rat, will commence a cnurae of cleat Inaiructiou in German, French. Italian and Spanish. by lilt ~ cki.ritka tkd mastery system. . "So completely did the Maeterr Syalcm eindioate itsprao. tlcahllity. that alter a atndy of leaa than two weeks Iwaa i able to analaiii conreraation on a treat variety of sabJoels "-Rev. K. M. Uallauhel. I). D. i Aiiplicetioni will bn received ut l>eclter'e I'iano Koonit, Union aquare, every afternoon, from .I to 3. Olaaaea, tlirea *' leaeons a week, ten weak-, tflo each person; private lessons, " giua "" HUCOKSN 111 .... "This system, by Its ilnbllcilT, enables the student to muster foreign languages in a vory short time."? London ror ^TtrW; . 'nrt m(?UTII .1HICSK Y 1NHTITUTK. hkidukton, N. J a OPor both sexes. College preparatory; inelitule. rleeeicnl, and eclentifln course*. Building brick; modern improve* merits Climate inlld ; very healthy. I net Taction thorough. Begins September U. Bond lor catalogue. H. K. TKASK, " t'riuripel. = r./l OkStT a LKA.H0N. CUSTKMiTIOIAlb tJV/Frencli, by ? Parisian Indy dipinnieu. trnneiolione; j( free lectnrre Mondays at tbroo. stile. VKUKL, 1,1'ttT I . Broadway, room d3. 'nr li!l a vkait.-boaki) and tuition. ADDRESS t_ rJHUV/kpiscopal aOaUHMV. tleddonneld, M.J. "JU1 "Til AV.->KKNCH l.HSSONS. WITH A I'UKB ey, J.OJ.proriuticialion, given in private familias or at I'roleeeor * residence by .M. liAKKAl . lormarly a magistrate and member of the l.'nlverslty of Prance. HOST OPKIt'K. NOTlCfc.. ? pOST OF KICK NOrit!K.-TflK fOUKIU.N MaTCSToR )W I the weok ending Saturday, September 3-dh, |s7?l, will ru- clone at this ofllre on Tuesday al ?A. St.. for Knropo per In- eteainar Wisconsin via (Jueenetnwn ; On Wednesday al B A. dar Al , tor Kuropi per steamer Scythla via Queenetoa n ; on per- Thursday as 11:5k) A. M , lor Kuropo per etesmsr Suevla na- via I'l.mouth, t.'herhonrg anil Hamburg; on Saturday al i. 11:3-1 A. M.. for hurope per steamer City uf Richmond via ,,7JJ Vneentown ; correspondence fur Scotland, Oerinamy and ' j* 1 ranee to be forwarded by tliii steemer must bo eoeeially ad-lreseed; and at II -3)1 A. M., lor ttermany, Sweden. Ilea" mark and Norway per steamer Klieln rla Southampton and Bremen; end at 11 dkJ A. M., lor Scotland dlrmt per steamer If, Vloinrla via tilaagnw. and nt Id M. lor France dirret per ......... .In .1. II..? It... .reamers Wise-main Koytlila anil Cm of it If h mood will noi take mail* lor Denmark, Sweden and Norway. The mail* lor tlia Weal Indlaa ela am Hermuda and Hi. Thome* will laaea New York September lea. **"!? mail? for China, Ac . will laaea San Fraoclae* ion Ortoliar 1. The mall* lor Australia, Ac., will laaea Haa Kranclaen October II. T. L. ,1AM Its, Poatmaaler. rZ 1 bjCIIOFK. 3 bl? iHTEKSATIONAi. KXIUIUTIO.N UK PrmiTPc rSol? "'s 1 the Dairy, at Hamburg, In Fobrnery. 1K77. Programme* ?i thia aalilbltlnti may ba had (gratia) of tha Serrt-larjr in the tiB'li-riiftnnil commlltva. Dr. Itichard Neeiein.imi. Mr. A. H. C. Ktrope, Uumburg, , tint ham-olive Committee. ? EVkiiiio kAiiir. * TTOTmrar himajTe yk?. iussnrnsst til- Aimnorted onea, made to order and Inaarted without aula. Dr. P. bALCU and P. UOUOLKMANN, *8 bnaake* at.