Newspaper Page Text
2 1T\ IiEAL ESTATE won. SALE""" ~ ( cntruu " A ?tSTH ST.. NEAR MADISON AV. AVU THE ^AaWlndaor ?Exceptionally di airable medium aired jAwolliuic; Id eiiauiaite order; a bargain V. K. hTEVKXSOH. Jr. A"~~ -aiction sai.f.Or'ituii.HiHi; lots in'haIt bin thia dm), at Exchange Sale-room, 111 Broadway. at 1- o'clock , I-til b at . north (Me, 375 teet rut ol Mb ??., it I.ola . 11'7ih at . aouih Mile. 4UU Irct mat Ml. ??.. I l.ol, by 8COTT A M VK Ho. Auctioneers. Office li fine at. lain!'. SALE-NO. 8 WEnT 56TH StT fBI r, TOUR T alonea, high (toop brown ato e, well built, iu perlect order aid beat location. KLIAS (I. BliOW.N, oeiii't, JO Nw au at., or No. M Weat 56th at. LhlK sai.k-BETWEEN~TtTrH and 40th sFs.. atii JT anil Oth ava.. a wi ll linl-iied four atory liouae; ternia eaaj. Addraaa W ol TWaII.u, atalioa E. vto. 149 east 93d st.. NEAR i. EX ingtq.n v ]' Tula elegant three atory high alovp Itouae, with lot &5x50xl0i.iW. with all the very brat and latvat Improvenicnta. wlao in moat perfect order, la lb-red tor -ale very cheap; terma easy. Imiuwe at C. A. SO 111 tiTER'b, No. oil it aiueu lane. col) r?t? between 5tii ami >,ti! a VS.-a first ?J?* claaa. well built lour atory brown atone Kerldmce; Alie, AlOxtJO. lot lUO.o, in perle. t order . price very low. II 11. tVILLlAMS, U117 bib av. Kitwt side. A small frame uocsk. iontaimm; seven roouia and cellar, and two l.ota tor aale; aocoud lot iiaa arable room lor three horaea, hay lutt, Ac., alturned 11 I'eet ami full particulars, apply to Mr. JAMES HOW E, No. Bit Bd nv. J7IOR Ba ! B UR TO LET, 1 RNISU 1) FTTl HAND 7 some lour story bio ?ti front House lo7 End r"lh kt.; nilt and occupied by owner; will hell cheap. Apply as fcbovs before 11 or atlcr 3. \\ t'Mt Slflt*. IpOK RALE?THE FOUR STORY MED! I'M SIZE first class Dwelling. No. West ."?7th si . hetw?**u 6th ami tub avs. C. \V. LUYSfEK. owner and builder. ? MiM'tdlnii coui. A PERSON EMBARRASSED WILL MAKE A GREAT Lxsacrltlce of their 1'ropertv this month it sold. Address PROPERTY, Uptown llsr*ld oilice, immediately. A NUMBER l- WELL BUILT, MEDIUM P I ED nrivate Dwellings, finished in hardwood, and admirubly arranged atid located; prices to suit the times. ?11 I EL, 1,026 od av. FjuT cXl'ITAi.Mra.-l 11AVB FOH~Sil.K A VEKV X valuable Property of about 1.w? city lots (upward of |uU acre*), having a water frontage of nearly three tjuuriers Sf a mllo. all lying intact, and at within about -lj miles and in ai>;lat of the Grand Central depot at 4-d at. and ilh av Any party or estate disposed to make ft sale Investment, w ith a certain increase ot value within the nest live years, will do well to examine this property, which can bo bought at ligure* which i repaid as a bargain ltOMhlt MORGAN, No. J Pine st. IiKOOK.l.Y.\ PltOl'HitT* [Oil SALE AMD TO LET. " T *" iKK.VI ISA I i?; A INS, r\Vo \ I- \V WlS8) -fVclass three stor* brown -tone Houses Xos. 133 and 134 Mucon st., near the Juuction of Fulton and Murcy a vs., ?feUx4nxl<> >, cabinet tluisli, black anu French walnut, wainscoted, French plate glass, gas fixtures; location unsurpassed; healthy, convenient to churches, schools mid ? ars; these boost > a.e believed to bo superior to any ever offered; sxamine them; open daily. Apply to J. E. DUFF on premise*. "t lTandhomb two Story iiousFh seven Jlrooim, iu hue order; rent low. Apply on premises, 36? Ljuiney si. IJKOOKLY.V?FOR BALK OH UK NT, NEW THREE J) i y brick !Iousu, ali improvements, leu minutes to 1c. re . price $t..'?4<0, terms easy, rout only $iK). Also l'arlur nml Base meat to l?t, Apply on the premises, IMV1H At' if KEY, HH II ay ward st. ]; KNIHUKO BOARDING HOUSE ON BROOKLYN . Heights, .'14 roouis, to louse. Address box New York Post office. mo RJ n i -PUUNIrillKD, FOR TUB WINTER, IN 1 iuoonh u, u nicely luniishod three story brown bt< n > House. situated iu the pleasantost location on the hill Address W. K L, box 5,<?24 Post office. New York. \YEST1IIKSTER CUtm PKOI'EHTY FOR 8ALB AND TO RENT. VfYONKKRS?ONLY $SO J'l R MONTH~ BJMCSSBTD Cottage; modern improvements: good location, near dl Ot. YOI MANS, Agent, Youkcrs. VI TAKHYTOWN, ON Hi:* ADWAY. TO LET, FINBly furnished, nil conveniences, a gentleman's Residence a. ^lUt'per month till -May. S. KM HEKtSON. 65b 6th av. , H" akdsomkly FT EnTsukd hoi 511 and i ottnges to let nt Tarrytown, ail modern conveniences, at ?er> low rents. S. EMBERTON. 069 6th sv. tUOl'KUTV Olil e>K '1HK ( IT* FOR SA I.K on TO KlvVT. IVKKM OF 76 Ai'KK.-, 4.> HKAVV TIMHEIt; GOOD house and outbuildings; 70 miles iroiu New York; splendid yachting. ffshing and shooting; price, free and clear, SI ,IXX>; \\ ouhi take throe unfurnished Booms us part payment. Address FAK.M. box 14b llcraid office. ttukm op 50 ro iao ioreI^ within fifty miles J/ of city wanted, in exchange lor good city Property or a Hotel. .Apply to JOHN KK1 fRKTl'ii, 000 Oth uv. tourn1uubd cottage in the gui ntry for J? sate or exchange tor Western or Southern Farm ; also unincumbered Lots for sale or exchange. JOHN >. BWEN, ay Nmw it., room 17. AVBNSWOOD VILLA ON RIVER BAN EL WITH stable, grounds, modern improvements: very low rent. WM. M.LbON, 24 Old slip. fpBHRJBLE SLAUGHTER!?HARD PAN 8TRI OK - n J. acres excellent Lund, good buildings, 4 cows, horse, wagon, harness, pigs, poultry, crops, Oneida county. also 75 acres in the beautiful .Mohawk Valley, new build iugt, N1 Broad* .y, room 7. fIiO LET T$SU MON I li)? A LA HUE, ll ANDSOMK J. stone House; elegant grounds; fruits and flowers in abundance; fishing, tenting and shooting; pure spring w.iter; oysters and clams; within one liour of New York; drives to Creedmoor, Garden Oily, Sea Cliff, Ac.; stables and barns; anchorage tor yachts. Also Cottage, nine rooms, witii or withuot Furniture, *20 month. Address J. 1*. THAVKits, 40 Heckman at. TO LET LOW \l CRANKORD. N. J., A rWO BTORY lit use. with 2V, acres of laud, about lO minutes' walk from depot. Apply to DKA.NK, FIEKSON A CO, frio RENT III! KKSlDKNi i; oi THE LATh WILLJ mm Redmond near South Orange, N. J. For particulars apply to G. W. REDMOND, 18 Exchange place. hkah estate to exchange. V" ?FOR hXOll AN OK. Ti:\A> L A.SUS FOR NORTH cru l'roperty ?-r Merchandise. Ac.; some money given If necessary. L. 10. EDWARDS, 4 Cedar st., room 18. I |>KOOKLVN STORKS AND DWELLINGS EX. j XJchuuged f< r Horses, Carriages, Merchandise, Farms, L>*?, Ac GEO. BROWN, 170 Broatlway, room 4, New York. Afternoon. TPItEE AND CLEAR STORK PROPERTY, WITH JP stock of Merchandise, about $1P>AX?0, t<> exchange for Ileal Estate rented. A. BLOMQVlST, 130 Nassau st. real estate w.wihn. /Vk .kn\vot/ii lot wanted?give Lowest cash | VTprico and particulars. E. E. MUM BY, box 200 lluruld ! ortice. 1 TFTMWN FLAT cR (.<R)D TEN EM K N T W A N YKDH U iii exchange for desirable brown stone Residence (Lexiugton ar., near 30tu st.) and some cash. Full particulars required, i? kNIKL < ONNOLLY, 103 Ith nr. ilTANTKD iN BROOKLYN, NEAR WALL NTKEKT T? ferry tand nowhere else), the best kind of House for cash and a beautiful brick Gothic House near Now York, having all the improvements and suitable for winter and summer, with staid# and acres garden ; splendid view. Principals only apply to A. li. JAN IN, 81 William st., N. Y". tg let for 1*1 sinks* ih eposes 1>ENNhTT BUILDING. JJ Fireproof. Located on Nussau. Ann and Fulton st*. First Floor to let; suitable lor baqke.s, insurance offices or lawyers; will be let together or in parts; be snored to suit tenants if desired; adapted lor otliccs or stores. Reasonable rents. Abo some eligible Law Office* to let. apply on the premises. Take the elevator. Inquire lor J an it or. A CORNER LIQUOR STORE, 175 AV. A.; ONE OF th - best business places in the c.ty; immediate posses- ' lion; evurythiug ready to commence business. Apply on tlie premises. i X>AK IN PROM IN KM DOWNTOWN HOTEL f51 JL#l?'.iSc?One of the bent locations in the city. Address liOTi L BAR. box 3,430 Post .flic . / 10 vi. \ * rd ro lri on i-i v. wi? . rrh st. ; complete with runs, sheds, stable, ollice and Fairbanks' scales immediate possession; rem low. Inquire 432 1st av., corner -5th st. 1<> it rill- I v.. BKOADW A. .? 1 > PER Juionth, 23 foot four story House; good order; basement will be cut out if wanted; bit* been a hotel; garden 50xb0; t>o?se??don immediately; hi so English Basement House 27 V ent 3d it. Se u froui 10 to 12 mornings. i \M POWER. ?LIU 111 ROOM 8 FOR WOOD AND O'Ton workers, with good power. WILSON, 2(J1 West 11th. L^TOItE \". 2,274 l> AV. i" LET IS . 1..:. OF ORilBEKl i. BK< 1WN 211 N issin st r mm . . Sit?RE TO KENT?UN D E R PARK IIOTEL, CORN EU Bookman and Nassau st*. Impure in hotel. bTOKKrt ro LEI . . . , ONE OP 1 i" O^cst stands in the city for grocery business; also 311 Madison and 537 Kiist 11th st*. THOMAS M< Ol'IllK, lH4 3d it v. rflTT L~T hr~A I'd ni F-f 4 Iii 1 s t i.uttiK riinvi w .1 "tore, 24x32, iu the new six iloijr buildings on tin* corner o! Washington ami Albany in., finished In .1 tirat clam manner. and the neighborhood u erf la a good drug store. AnJoy to I.. 111. M>i i.N. .So ;> .Mini: \ -,l rpo LET?LA ll< IK BOOM, : 10x40, KIP. ST PLOOIt; JL rent $35; suitable tor business [purposes. 85 and 87 t liaiham at. TO LKT?LOKT8, WITH STKAM POWKKl HAHKMKNT, 'trst ami Second floors; !*Jby I'A), of iu smaller #110. 2-t.i Vast 47ib it , Ttli and 8tb an. , A. P. SMITH. 1,304 Broadwav. mo LKT-AN OfPIOB AT NO. MB WIVT 421) ST.; X will ba vacant p u the 1st of October; a pbyalcian tatting It will succeed to a lair practice; would answer or real state. Apply iu the drug store, corner Stlt av. and 42d at. rpo LET?13! 1 LI BEKTY ST., LA HUE STOKE AM) X Itaseincnt. suitable tor almost any business. rpt) LKl Tit K OLD K VTA H LI sUKU oTtUCt K Y X store, corner ut 12th st. A. V. 0. imjuiro No. 383 Lower y. fflO KHNT?8TOBB 105 WEST BKOALWAV, AOML X r.ibly suited lor uny small business; will rent low. 1*ElltlE, 178 Broadway, OWMLUliio HtlbSES It) 1.1,1. Ji'ui-uialis'ti. A-KKDUOKD RENTS: NK>t COMPLETE * I Kainthed lull. Onicua. 4 Pino and 3d Knit 17th at. V. K. .HI EV fc.H.HOX. Jr. A Baku aim.?will rent a small kouk story liiun n atone lluuil, W a.i 4ltli at . between 6tl> anil 7ili ?>> , furuiahed. very low, wr.htirameliata poaaeaaioa, or soil ci.o p. AUilrcas it., box 1 <>7 Hernia ottice. "I LARU& KUURTOK TWO KOOMH iM'.Mi UN . ./xbuuilaumely umiuliod, tu geutleuian, without board. ? \\ oat -7 til at . mar Oth I v. Akiksi ?-l v.hs hoc k on aTsTr sr, nkakutu v., tu let, turmaheil, ur Kuruittire tur aula on eaay inannul uta Aduroaa PL KM I L Li., hux l./O lieraiu Lpt( ?g Branch. "* 1UTII ST., NK\i: .vni \V . HVK. L ? RUE HOI>K Al ?aml atabia to leaae extremely low; ltiriiisiieii ur iiulnr inahoil. \ k. - I hVl.N.M).*, Jr. t I'lUi and 11 l.aM lilli II. AN ELEGANT r l K.M.HIIKI) HOl/sf , dsTH bf.. NEAR <tli nr.; runt till May ur J un?. W. POO LEY, 1 East 224. "~k ?TO RKNT PUI.LY rCKNlBHKO, LOW TO A .prieatr raapuniibla party only, a brown atone ll'iuio un PI in at. ; lantrally In. ami; rant, Lin par niuntlt; owner *111 out taut lor boardore. JAMES R. EDWARDS, 1W7 Waat IMA NEW YORK Kw HOI MES TO LKT- . Enrnlihein IjU'KSIsHED HOl'SK To KKSI-IN WKr>T 44TH ST.: agents aud boardiuj? house keeper* need not apply. Call ' for p.triicaUrt on the owner at No. 3>? We?t .'iht ?t , between : < 1" It ! * j Ij^I'iiSISiiKL> roi R 8TOKY KRuWN 8TONB HOI 88. I 44th tt., betwi*en t?th av and Broadway. $'JuO per month; j other*. h?"*' Nth av . #J* u ami IIMI'SO.S A I'EKT, 1.4K-* Broadway, near 44th !. UOUKK COMPLETELY tUKNIttliKD; IN PBRFKCT order, pear Broadway arid Silth ?t.?uiiluriiUUed | , | boiueo cheap, a L) AILK Y. 6?>H 6th av. | Vfl'UKAY HI LI., ifi K ( .*Ltlv furnUhmt anrl frofccned medium sued brown stone high ttoop House. 1-1 Ku.t 18th at. Kent low. Seen from b to 11 morning, 4 to 11 HltOl IJOiU. rjno let- handsomely kur.vTsiikd house, is 1 one of the beat localities and streets in Harlem, to n small family, owner to board with tbeui. Address MERCHANT, bo* 5,.'j72 Post office. mo LEI \ HJ&AJLL PAETLY FURNISHED HOUSE, X cent!ally located: board tor gentleman and wile taken for rout. Call ut -/J Weal 'JUtli at. rpo LKV? KCKMSHK1 > HOUSETTn" WEST 14TH ST. 1 \] ;? to L, J, A J PHILL! i'. b Pine st. rth AV AND m I' Kit ay HILL-PXI Ka siz mant/siou, with or without stable, furnished with a degree of taste ami at an expense seldom mot with; low rant to first cl si tenant, V. K. hThVENSON, Jh.,u3 East 17th or 4 Pine si. IO EAST MIST ST. TO KENT FURNISHED. FOR *1 Otlie winter or year, at a low rent, to a private family. Apply for permit to K. ti. LUDLOW X CO., M Pine st. ) r.CJ LKXIXOTON AV\. "CORNKit" MOT!f~NT.?KOUR 1 * )?Fstory stone House, neatly furnished, good repair, to a responsible family; possession at ouce. Apply on premises. mo kasi j_* i? - 1 is good order to private X. w Ofainily of adults only, from November to May ; $loO. X' ltfurii lalit-tt. A ~REDUCED RENTS,? VOW COMPLETE, UXFURj\ msned lists. O Dices 4 Pine and xi East 17th st. V K >1 EVEN SON, Jr. j\ basement House. Inquire uu premises, No. 8 West 28tb st. * COMMODIOUS 11 <?i > i*;, 10 ROOMS, HIGH 1 Xgrouud. j.*6, bay mndott. till May only $25 monthly. W U. APPLE i ON. 1 Bona ?t. ?TO SUIT ill! riMRS.?A HOUSE ONLY'ftiU FEB mouth ami another $7U; desirable neighborhood, near Broadway; possession Immediate. i' iTTER UR01 HERS, -1 Wsrwtt st. i POUR STORY BHClWN STONE HOUSE TO LIT? j. \ 04 West 48th, betw een 5th end 6th uv?. ; splendid locals n A FIRST CLASS POUR STORY BROWS STONE bjueiuuut House. Inquire ou premises, No. 6 West 28th It. \ NEWLY PAINTED < DWELLING ON J\. Lexington av., $1 ,2U- >; a four story in 1st st., near 3d uv.,$l. <*); another, newly painted, 01st hL, near MudLou uv., cabinet trim. $1,80). Examine our list. Z1TTEL. 1.026 3d av. Tf LEG ANT CORNER HOUSE ON FiFTIf AV.. JUST Xiidecoralad; In first oliM order. W. l'ooLKY, i East 22. 1RNOX HOUSE, 5TH av. AND 18TH ST.?JUST J- nmpletcd, sevt ral very large and magnificent Suits, suitable lor large families; meals at ? pti u ot tenant. A. J . ii I i'J E.s, M an iger. KICKS TO SUIT TUB TIMES.?A THREE STORY high stoop brown stono House, 20x50x10*). with all improvements; in good order; location between Park and Boulevard; $7UO per year. TJMPSON ?t PEET, 1,488 Broadway, near 14th st. fPiiiti k siiikv i:ii.ii siVm?p niiow.N si()>] ;. all X improvements. East 3<>th st.; ;ii*' to retpouHblo tennant; other*. s. K1 Li\\ l BH k, 340 3d av. TO LET.?I HAVE DWELLING HOUSES, FLOORS J. and Suits of three, Ave and six rnonn, to let, at reduced rants. Iron OSober I. NATHANIEL ROE, 2u ? V art ok st. mo id T-THE TWO NEW FOUR STORY HOU8B8 NO* X 1 dO West 15th st. : Just being finished. Pur terms, Ac., apply to ttio owner, 13j West 14th st. rpo lei?in \n k *>r 5siii sr., neak"htii av., cknX trul Park aud rapid transit, a splendid brown htoue House, cost 0 ). tor $1,80J; wortli $1,00) more per year than the above Qgwrts. a. p. SMITH, 1.804 Broadway. fjpo LET?UNFURNISHED HOUSES, AT FROM $1,000 X to $4,OO0; luruiahed from $125 to $4(K). 1IALL A SQUIRES, 203 West 23d st moTisr?tiirkk' iro ky a nd b asement ho us k, X twelve rooms, nil improvements, tOtn st., near 7th av., > $1,000. EDMUND 11. MAUTlNh, l.BOl Broadway. mb LET?A SMALL HOU8E, NO. 26^ HUBERT ST. X Inquire corner of \Yusliingum. Also lour Stalls lor horsob. rpo K KNT^T I Hi EE STORY BROWN STONE HOUSE. X21 loot wide, good order; immediate possession. 146 \s est 4 Dili bt. H.UPSON A PEET, 1.488 Broadway, near 44th st. rpifB DESIRABLE Pi. st glass HIGH STOOP X brown stone front House. No. 3ti5 West 20th st.; located in the vicinity id the Episcopal College; containing 16 room*, khs uxturcs. ium. luruucc, mum* wmicr una every convenience : recently painted ami donned throughout. Apply to Estate of D, A. Cu*hman, 172 Uth ?v.t near 2l)th st. ?j d^JH PER MONTH R NT?NKW B&IOK HOUSE; <POtJa 11 city improvements; adapted for small fninily; lo c tctl 130th st. aud Alexander av., close to ilarlern and Mor- i risauia Muumboat landing, lid av. bridge uud iiarletn Rail" roud ijiiit-k transit station ; select neighborhood ; street sewi rod; croton and F. (1. St C, b? BROWN, 8U Broadway* d[Q(tA PKH ANNUM?POLE STORY AND HaSKI tP t/UUiuent brick ilouse. No. o3 Greenwich av. Apply | at 110 \\ est i7th st. I 4*1 *) / ji V I'EK AN Nl.M?Til it EE STORY AND I V I ? vM/basement brown stone llouso, No. 330 lid av.; > newly painted. Apply at 22U hast 41st st. O I I ?Aj \ ~r<T~.SaTTsF ACTO ItV PRIVATE family, ipliUUOithroe yoars' Lease; 503 \N est 23d st.; well furnished; thorough order; 12 rooms; liear Elevated road. KL KMMihh AtOOMM AMD APAUfMRNTS TO LKT. "k FKTVATE I V.\ULY WILL KENT TU~(J?E OK TWO JlVgentletnen a handsomely furnished corner Kuom, which can be used as parlor and bedroom ; large closets, with hot and cold water. Apply at 12J Lexington av., corner of 28th st. L VK<?K MOLLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, ?10 a week : another $.>; both suitable lor light liousokeoplug. 417 4th av., near 20th st. AJ\\HT.MIINT HOUSE,"STH AV., CORN. K l.VTH ST.? A party going abroad will sub-let, furnished, the ban Isome Suit of Apartments on first ttoor, frontiug on the avenue, side on l'?th st. Inquire of the Janitor, or for tarius to box 70 Tout office. V" KKW MChLY lUK.NlSlihD ROOMS TO LET?ALL modern improvements. 13,? i-.asl 1 .lh st. ASf-.l'DM) FLOOR. FURNlsHED, Fi I IK MCE 1 room*, buth, for bonaekecping or gentlemen, together or Hepwrute; exposure; term, low, 217 West 10th. full week. j \ WELL Fl'ENISUED KOOM FOR A SIMILE GENJ vtlfiiiiiu ; privut fninily; Lexiugtou ?v., ubovo both at. Mtrm D.. oox liii Utniitfln. j A I -HANDSOMELY FURNIsHED ROOMS FOR j\ L.geutleiuen; breukfuat If deKircd; roforeucc required. U Went -lull at. \X 5 \V EST U8TH ST.7~NEAR~BKOADWA Y?FUR- 1 ./Viiiahrd Kouma, iu baudaouie piiv.te bouae; ulao uufur. mailed Uooma. VT 10 FERRY ST.-TO A UK.NTLEMAN, A COMFORT- ' it'll* turuiabed Room, una, Ac.; i- per week, family binull. ANKATLY FURNISHED ROOM TO LET?IN FKI- 1 viii* bouse. 2.ii ity Hull pine.'. \ l'l.UAl'K I'XMII.Y AT 42 Wliaf W ASM I Ni;T(7n -.Apiece, will let liundaomelir furoiahod Rooms to g.utlemeii. \ T 75:1 II ROAD WAY'.?TO LET, A HANDSOMELY 1 uVhirulalii'd Hon 111. witli ljutbrooni nttached, aultuble lor pen tie in ii ii unit wile nr Mingle gentleman ; teriua uiuderute. \ PRIVATE FAMILY HAVE A COMFORTABLY V Ii, h ...I Itonni to i, -iiiinn .ill I.......I No. 123 \Ve?l Oth st. i PRIVATE FAMILY'-"WILL LET TWO NEWLY J\.furnished trout Koouis, southern exposure. .brown stuue No. -Ml West 2.U st. VIA I'JiK rUUNV KU()M. NEATLY KUKMfllLI), wall ii fireplace; alio a hall bedroom, lor gentlemen, 7th a v. VN KNTi in. sKcoM) KLOUK, TU ITTTNTLEMKN only, without board; convenient to the principal hotels; lauiily private; references exchungod. 131 Lust 17th st., tionr irviug place. 1 T 7 ? harrow st.. NBAE hudson ST.-FTIL .a Vnished Room* to let, suitable lor one or two gentlemeu ; gu? unci bath; owi. house; no luovlug. FEW ROOM 8, NiCKLY FURNISHED, TO LET AT moderate prices: near several rcstnuiants. 347 4th nv. * voi kg widow wiahlm ro i i.i nicely riJi> .aYmslicd 1 looms (location central), to gcntieuicu. Address 4. 1'., Herald oilice. % NEW , 11 A~ND>0MELY FHRNI~SHKD!'KONT~PAKJ\lor; also other largo Rooms; hail Rooms; all modern iiuproveuients; near prominent hotels, restaurants and theatres; nu?t desirable locution in tbe city ; gentlemen, gentlemen and wives. 1,2jo broadway, 31st st. i ? ro 1.1 V FURNISHED PARLOR, WITH PR1^\.*vate bathroom, suilab for three or lour gentlemen or gcntic'lliatl Mild wife. -71 Went -2d st. 1 8111 (IK \ rA it I M i-.N fs, TII KEE rTiOMS DEEP, ./a. with alcove. handsomely furnished both on same Hour), to gentlemen only, without Hoard; can ho had en suite or sin, Iv. ISU 2d av., southwent corner of 12tb st V LAD1 U A SMALL, < OSKY PARLOR AND BSD room lor genileiuan or lady; small private faintly; vicinity ot Manisoii square. Aduress Ut'lOiihlt. lleruld Up-town Branch othce. t PRIVATE I AMlLY WILL LET TO GENTLEMEN, XJL without board, neatly Ini unhed bedrooms, en suite or m -e> tic ; tire, gas and bath ; references exchanged. SO University place, near 14lli st. 1 \ ESI K ABLE KLKMsilhT) ROOMS ~ FOR UKNwithout board, in first class house. 34 West 2otb si. Excellent aceommodutions. J ii LbUAN T flksf CLASH KRKNC1I kITXTh?Fl 11.1 J' and unluittiflhed; heated witn steam. A iply to j.tuilor, No. -d West UUt St., or SIDNEY E. MORSE, 138 thumb'-r* st. [/ 1 NTLY FURNISHED SUITS AND SINGLE J jRooms, Conveuieut to hotels; prices reduced. a. DaILEY, ta*i oih av. 1/. N Istii D RO ?M> - ro LET, IN B&OOKLYN, POUR blocks from (ernes to Grand and Roosevelt its., N. Y., t o nicely furnished Rooms. gas, fiot and Cold water, bath, Ac. v ail on or address Vt OK TU, 214 W ashiuglon st., N. Y. C. l" ut iltli i.u. i.i an*. ? 11axdsome^ "complete | A UriiB llilrd f loor, n*?. water, cooking iileiuilii, * > pwr ween ; no oilier tenant*. "M Monro* ?t., between In on.I -.1, lluliofen. Id tliort block* Iroui lerry ; will b* divided. I/llKMl?HhD ROOMS fOR HOUSBKBRPI.NO, 888 >\ e?l Wio >k , coiivciiioul to elevated road Mild cro?? town cur*. i LM KMSII KD AI'TRTMKNT* KOK UK.vTLKMK.Y- 1(M J? knit Hub II., uo*r dtli iv. Lb llMSIIhO ROOMS TO LtT-fa TO Sill, TOOLSJ? 11.- in * n ; Una location, J K*?t yoih it., near bin ?v. I.HIK llOLsr.Khfcl'INO-lHKIiR OR KOI K NKATl7Y V IHrntetaed Itooim; llul Mini colli win or, nm, bam, tutu.nwry ?a*l.tub*: rent moderate. 2 -2 VVeit turn it. EIOK rilYSlciAS OR DK NTleT.-KCRM1 sHKU BX A l?uwiou I'arlor la private brown ?tou* dwelling. lorl kul idNtli ?t. ( Ua\i? imii.i.y i . i:m.wii:ii. two iTakok RikjoTs on waci iid Itorj; al?o .initio room*; all modern Improvein in*. 1 If It ct tint ft., lintwrfnu Hruaiway wud Utti av. N'' KVV i.Y HUM nil Kit ROO MS~ * ITUtlUT ROA Ffj). to :?t to gentlemen only; nan, hot aud cold water in room*. Krtvate Uvuee 14U Rait MUt M? HERALD, THURSDAY, Fl'ItXISHKD ROOM!* A to APART* _ MEATS TO LET. Vk'iK K'*i I\T RooiCPULLT KIKNOIO-D.' KOR 1 Jhous?*keop!ng or light. respect ahie business; rent from F4 to $7 par week ; splendid location. l.-P'J Broadway, near .T5th st. Private family will let pleasant. well turniAlied Uoorua, with ail improvements. to gentlemen only, without boiri. 57 West 21?t st. fT 1.1 i 81 COXD FLOOR; 11 A SMALL IFAMTLV. 1 furnished or unturnis ed; has ail modem Improvements; no other family in ; he house ; rent $18 per month ; ten rnln me*' walk from ferry. No 15.' Kutledge ei., between Lee end Bedford eve., Brooklyu, E. D. rr<? I KT FI'KM IIKli ROOMS. "Af" NO, 86 WRIT J. '5th #t.. near th ??v.; private family ; references. fPO LET iif PRIVATE linlSK-l'WO BANDSOM !Y J. furnished Rooms, with breakiast If desired. 117 East 27th st. rpotjKTHEu olt separately. Furnished X Lower Part of brown stone front No. 229 East 82d st. ; hem i,lock east of 4th av,; reception room, bedroom, back n >rlor Hud extension, with dining room, kitchen and use of laundry: all modern improvements. 9 furni8hed room* to let?togkthkr or ^separate, at 45 East l"th St.. between Broadway and I maerslty place. 4 Ft'knisiied rooms to let?FOR light housekeepiux. 31H East 57th st. fzrn a v. and hth kt.-a handsome suit TTf vJf'urniihcd Rooms, parlor, three bedrooms and private bathroom, together or separately. 4 West 1 Ith st. CT*H AV.; 224 ?PARLOR AND OTHMR FLOORS, 'burnished: also trout Bavement as physician's oJUce; references exchanged. 7vV EST 14TH ST.?WITHOUT BOARD. SEUOXD floor, frout; great and small; also fourtn floor Rooms. (\ BAB r 220 H7 ELEGANTLY FURNISHED A/sonny Rooms, on first ami second floors, to lot, without board, restaurant second door; references. 1 M AND 14 EAST 28TH, BETWEEN AT II AND MADIX" "son av?. ? IIxndsouielv furnished Rooms, large and I ?.) WEsT - ! > -r. OPPOSITE Vl V 111 A VI. NIK lloJ ?ilel ?Newly and handsomely fumuhud Rooms to gentlemen; locutl.n uusurpn^sed. 1>> MAXK_ST.?ONh I.AKCK FRONT ROO.MTSOUTI!Onrii exposure, nicely tiirnishea, all conveniences an J convenient to cars; turini moderate. 1 WKST :m || M , VICHY NEAR DKL.MUNICO'H.? 1? 'Handsomely furnished Rooms lor geutlemeu ; sunny exposure. 1 / t?"'sr.. n i hasr.-To LKT, a nicely knfJ " flushed H>nn second Hour, Iront: term* $14 for two; also one on lliirn Hour, ?1J; room* well licuted. UTH . T~oi~KAsf. BKtWfSIN UXfON SQLABB nnil Irving place.?Furnished Rooms, without board, for gentlemen. I (| T11 ~ST.. NO. 34:1 EAST.?EAKOK NICELY FUK .L'./nishert Rooms. with every eonyenlence, on tlrst floor; house and location desirable; very unideriito term*. s^iWt. _*.->i west I vt:visit: i? i.ouKit half -i J o lloui>e to let, complete order, with owner. o I WKST 13TB ST.. NKAII 5TH A v.?FURNISHED O'r Room* to let, to trentlemen, without hoard. ?77?TU ST., J? WJsBT.-HANDSOMEEY KUuNlSIIKl) 00 Rooms, both large and iiuiiil, at moderate prices; family private. Vl WEST 9TII ST.?ELEGANT ROOMS, JEST NEWLY "X lftiriiislied, with or without Hoard; .-fugle Rooms for gentlemen; parlies wishing tor pleaaaut home should call at once. Vi \vest 29tti st.?handsomely furnished llJLUooius, in suits or single ; relerence, J -VTII AY.-I)RSI UAHLK FURNISHED ROOMS XTt-ffor light housekeeping; hot and cold water, bath, gai, Ac., Ac. C/> NINTH ST., N1 EAR HKO AllWAY.-N 1C E L V ? JDlurnished lloor, also aiuglo rooms; breakfast if desired. Terms modcra'.o 7 r WEST UiTll ST.?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED 1 e./Rooms to let. l/t Y-WAVY it KEY PEACE. NEAR WASIll NliToN I' / xsnuiiro. ? I ront hall lledrooiu to let. comlortahly furnished, with stove if required. without board. I l\7 FASf IOTH SI\-FUKN18IIKD_KOOM, WITH 1W | Hodroom. Furlor uud Kitchen, suitable for doctor's oIHco; nil conveniences. II ft MACDOUOAL sT.-FUKMStlliD BOOMS. WITH HUrv ry convcnlouce lur housekeeping, to let, to rospectsbio small Ihiiiillos* 1 1 O WK T-3al) ST., NfclAll UltUA*DWA Y.?11A1* D1.1 Osomely furnished First Floor, parlor, two bedrooms, kitchen dining room, laundry: price m idoruto. ltll w K.ST Suit "St.?two PLEASANT Fl'KNIsHKD J gj_Lltooui? cotnplotu for light housekeeping; terms *o per week ; house private. , UIlABLES ST.. NKAU QBBEN WICll.?TO LET. AUbufboawl; luruished 1'nrlms, also llaaeinuul ana hail Kooms, to gentleineu or housekeeping, from up. I tlQ WEST 34TH ST.?HXNDSOt'lKLY FUBMHI1KD 1 _Olarge Boom and Bedroom uojoiuiug to rent to two gentlemen, without board; references. fr.7j~TvKsT 45'fH sr. ?HANUSUMKLY FIBNISIIKO It/U Alcove Room ; also, other Koouis; terms model ale. ih 5 west sso st.?choice o? booms fob two] eIO#ij, if IS mid #JI a week ; gas uud tire. J 1 7 FAST ItlTIl SI'..M.A 14 *_'ls AV -FRONT ItUOM Ol I nod Bedroom, gentleman nna w ife or party of gentlemen, without board, cheap. A Cm VV 1~;ST tidDsT.?FURNIS11K1) KOOMS. SUIT TL'OUablo for buusekeepiug; suits ol Brooms, also other Booms IMFt'ltMlMHEU ftUOMS AftO APAilT iUK.VI'S *l'tJ liHil. ^ ^ I "T fThs? class fl at to LbT?unkijEnTshkD; JYnll modern improvements; line rooms. 71 Lexington aw. PAKTMhNT IIOL'SK. 5TH AV., IOKNKK 15TII ST.? One Isivo mid uiie tun till Suit to lot; Ills ' uno Suit, handsomely lurulshed. FAKT>|T^TS-^? WKST 25TII ST.; $4HU TO $7WO per annum; parquet tloors; ranges; hatha; spacious roar garden. A F AV DkSIKAKLK FLATS, WITH MOUKUN 1M.Improvements, to let ut reduced rates. For particulars app.y to II OK AOL S. LLV,22 Fine at. FOLK'l II FLOTiTltTIIi)liTtI'lo SI.; FIVE KOOMS; $! >. 47 lluaue at., second Floor. $23. NEAT KLOOK," 130 LAST Hi ST ST., NKAlf LKXIngion hv., to let: parlor, kitchen, throe light bedrooms, uata, stationary tuba, gas tixluros, wardrobes, Ac. , $23 per month. __________ COSKV FLAT OF FIVF KOOMS ON FIKST Ki.OOli on lith av .near the l'ark; rent $3<>; all improvements] jniy one ollu-r tainily in the home. AKIilthh, ni l tiili av. ' A SKOOnTT FLOOK, illKI'.K KOOMS. HATH. OAS, Ai'lown, W8 W?t loth at., near 7th ?r.; rent reduced; Btaadlata ptaiwlli. 'PIIISTOTIASS-FLAT TO LhT ON FIRST SIOKV ul aOi Went .'Mdli at.; S rooms, none dark, heated by team ; every convenience. Apply to Jiiuitnr. ?FlKST (JL A.-sS KLAIS,T\Tli7 ALL l.Ml'KOVK ments; brown stone houses; stood neighborhood; one even and one lour ruoma; rent from J IS to $2tl. Inquire 3J0 Last S2d at. FLO<>liT>K SIX.KOOMS, WITH WaTKK CLOSKT, and aeparatu kitchen, to rent at No. 222 West 28lh it.; rent lowr. Apply 257 West 2Uth at. Sh.OoNH FLO. lit. K1 V r, KOOMS." IS llltitl kTOOI' house 33t> Weat 51 at at., with use ol bath, $25per mouth; owner Uvea in the house. A -FLATS, ALL LIOIIT" ft Oil M is, Vt. \V I. Y OIL painted, modern ituprovemeuts, new Hrat class brown atone I'.otiio >-- west -tstu. t.ont trom 10 s?u. A~ PaKTMKNT.x op SEVEN KOUMS, INTllUSllKlliriT claw brown stone houses, 51(i, :>1K and 02U West Slat at., one block troin Elevated itailroad; all the modern iniprovelucuta; Urav apartment. second, #24; tbird. $23 per month. Inquire on tne preiuiaea. TiSi.ATs-rH>fir sr., Peak otii av.; .? ki)om>: all J? improvements; rent low. Janitor in 131; others, in variona locations, at $2?, $30, 5-.KJ. .a 0I, $ In. $00 and *70 ; K.oors at $20 ami $24. ZlTTKL, 1, Stl 3j av. LMNr. ArAUT.Ml.NTS.'I'l. vVs. aT LOW KKNTSt'ooTM JP ?t. and 10th av ; may be wan dally this week lrom 0 A. .V. to U P. M. for tcrma npply to 0. A. SKAK3, 7 Warren it. FL ATS TO 1,KT, FIRST CLASS, KKOAI 825 TO $3tl Apply to janitor, on premises, 123 West lltb at., between nth and bill at a. b>LATS TO LET-IN HltUWX STONE llul'rE. seven rooms, all liuproveiuonta, perlect order. titts btlt av. TjVl"aT8 TO LET?ALL I.M PKoVKMK.NTsl 11 ALLS 1? frescoed; rooms painted; rout low. lunula e at Aoti Last 52d st. 171 It E N OH KLAIS TO LKT-OONSlsTiNO OK SEVEN J? Kooins, In perlect order; wide_ marble hall; Kruasels carpet on stairs. Apply to Janitor, 7 a A eat odd St., between blh nud tith ava. ttilooks to lkt-witii all tue modern ill". r provements. Apply at 247 East o2d st. "Til LOOKS KOUii ROOMS; ALL VkoNT; CO UN Lit J house; pcrleet order; nlso one three rooms; immediate possasaien. UAILKV, 331 Hudson St. / i iTsTEFL APARTMENTS. $14i KXlKNalON FLOORS, \_T#I3; CottaKes, $J&, formerly #t>0; exceedingly beulthy llclellborilood. Il l \\ I at 32ll st. IN TIIE APAKTMKNT UULDINU, 1.0. l:iu EAnT Jltli st.. between At la and Loxlngton ars., a ln?'lc unlurmsiicd Suit to let; every rooiullKot; ateuiu heat, electric bell. Janitor; every rci|iilslto lor the comlurt olid convenience uf any lirsl cla'ss laiuily. 1 KNOX IH>l"XK. 5TI1 AV. AND 1:4 I'll ST.-JUST 1 Jco upletod: tlio fitirat Apartments iu tlio city t > rout; me?l? at upturn III U'liunt. A. J. KL'T.lhS. jlKUK front HOOK and bedroom, closets. Jail improvements, *11 per month; alao llawmint Fuor. uuu step ol aidonaik, plb por month. 2bS Weal dbih it, between itli end Ftc era. ]}aRlo|TAND BASEMENT FLOOR O.N TDK SOU I'lle?u corner ol 2ith at. end Utli ev.. overlooking college giouuda; contains ten rooms, ren.e, tiellirnoiii, dumb waiter, aeveu closets, and replete with every convaniance. Apply to catut* of D. A. CUSUM.YN. 17- Utli ev., near 2oth at. 1)ItETTY SUIT (SIX ROOMS), W1TU OWNER; HANUsonie browu atone; second Hiklit; neatly ruruithod; pur feet order: Tito Ttti er.; 5-'> '. Hroadwuy cara peae T)ARLOR FLOOR, EXTENSION AND ATTIl' ItOOM X to let; ball carpeted; rout 3i ?. No. 113 Clinlun place. KF.DUOI D ~RhN I S.?FLATS OF 4~ ROOMS, WITH hot and cold water belli and all Convenient er; 3d av., nunr 7Jd at. ; prtcea, f-il. 326, #3 ) per tnontli. TIMrSON A PF.h I". 1.4S.-I Hruedway, near at., or 1,246 3d av., southeast corner 72a at. Slit onuTLooh.?rwo i.akuk rooms in private louse, with belli room end largo oloaava. 223 West lutli at. SIX ROOMS, 3-0, IFOURTH FLOOR. 838 WKbi JlsT at., near l?tli av. OPLKNDID "FLOOR, KIOIIT ROOMS - 23D STT, Ouu ,r3dav , only $30.?Splendid Floor, S n oma, 3d av., near 27tli at., 331* 61). hlLPATHlCK. 3m 3d av. fTHl LET?A rieAT IN itfit CORNER Hoi hK in THE X beauliliil row , I buildings between t*Ub and Pint ata. ; only one loit; > nr.aiata ol all light room a; surpasses auythlni; In New York, p.irior, dlnilig room, two bedrooma, kitchen, at itlminry wuahtulia, private water clnaeta, cliendellera, nieible maiilela, llrusaeis cerpeta on Stairs. Italia lurniahed ana lighted, Janitor to keep tiella lighted end cleaned; the dentinal and beat kept house. end health eat locution in the tny, only miikII lemily with In at claae re.erclico uaed apply. OUicc, l.tilll 3d av., between tlutu anu Plat ata, rro ai t?upper part of two rtokt hriok X bonao: four ler-o rooma, bedroom, water eloaet, bath room, not water in uodruoui. kitchen, Ac.; gaa. heater: u?a ol to < in laundry, licwty painted: owner 111 the honae, rem ( KJk 'I i Kaat Mh at -d ev. f|W> Ll F,?FOUR II AN HSIIMK KooMS wVl II K V E It Y X eoti venieuca to e small ferni.y 111 house No. -t>'< Bieeueer alt nit ?7 par moath. SEPTEMBER 28, 1876.-TR] IMKURNIMHF.D ROOMS AMD APART. MEATS TO LET. TO LET?A THIKDKLofttCn V K ROOMS. IN PR I??tc h?uta; spleudid naiehborhood. 317 Went 3l?t ?l. TO LET A THIRD FLOOR; HOL'KB PRIVATE: tour r?om<. with balh, eluaet. Ac.; ?u a amall family of | aiiulta 127 Kaat 27th ?l __ To LKT?TLB LOM'hK PART OF HOOK 52."> LEX met"" a?.: liraa no Laraia to axuail qnial HhbU) ffU LET?NICE FLOORS WffB IMPKOVKMEKT8; Jiowretit. -3") Wnt 3S?t!i at.. between 7th and Htli ?n. rill! LKT? t VKIiV I?h>I KABi.K MfcCoSIl FLOOR IS I 1 throe Mory home 101 Cbarlee ?t.: ino-lrru imt rmomania; Immediate pueaeaaiou. Inquire no the preuilaea. | rpO Li.T-IN TUB MEW BffLDiSO OS 4TH AT.. , MSraiiHM . rent low. A t'flv ?! 17.'? -ttli ??., COMf 32d tTO LET?UPPER HAIII UK BROWN SIONK HOUSE; modern improvements; $10 per mouth. 13 Kiut 130th ?t. rpo LET?PLATS AXD FLOORS IN 2A5, 2.70 IllUSt>N I at., between Canal and Spring, -0 per reus cheaper than before the war. Apply IIW.aNo. Fordhiiui. N. V rpo LET?GENTEEL APARTMENTS, IN OOOD 1 nclghborbouds. Iroin two to eight rooina each, and Irotn $'j to ?30; ceutrallr located. E. SELDEN. 139 Eaet 12th at^_ 0 LET?TWO OK THOSE X()I)EL KLAT8 IN PROPerty 338, 8 to and 333 Weat isth, near Btb ??.; In first claaa orner; only r.snectablo families need apply. Inquire ill th" owner .11 33<) Weal (Hth kl . fi rat floor rpo LET-SF.<;ONDKTOItY INHOUSE~WITU THE X owner. |? Veat Mtk at. rpo LET?AT KE1)UOEiii RENTS, APAltTM ENTS OF 1 lour light room*. with slitlnuary tuba and closets. Apply on premises, 701 sub av , near 4Hth at. n\> WEST I1I H ST.. M.Alt bi ll aV^alsU 113 -D 'lav., corner 9th at ? Plata to let. i rpo rent?mcTkly klknTsh KOROOMS, togkntleX men . tertna moderate ; references At 103 Kaat 34tb at. 1')(Y MACLOlGAL ST.?FLOORS, $30 TO (iTT; Oo/every conveuienco for housekeeping. Inquire in buM'iueiit. hoarders" wasted. r? Kl It n 1 .-.i! 1.1> kuiIMm, "e,k>T i L ass~EuAKY?; transient. ?1 .VI per day, llw Waver.?y place, near Washington aquare. II.AROE. IIANIJSOMELY FURNISH EI> ROOM'! WITH Board; all conveniences. terms moderate ; relerence given and required. 3.VI Weat 3J3 si. SUIT OK ROOMS, PARLOR FLOOR, NICELY FURnirhed. with Hoard; alto other Rooms; terms reasonable. 41 Weat Ninth at. 1?UANDSOMELY FLUNKS lED ROOMS. WITH EX cellent Hoard, $?> and upward; transients aecommodnted. 19 Lexington av. 1?PLEASANT llooMS, GOOD BOAR0. OLKANU nrsa and home comlorts, lor 1 unifies or gentlemen. terms moderate. 14 West lutb at., near 5th av. 1" J.KCONU "STORY "Tko.vF ALCOVB Ootf. $l?; hack, $14; tranaient and table Boarders. 124 West 39th tt. 1suit O f fl'xnisi IK J) ROOMS TO LET. WITH Board; ulso hall Room lor enntlemen ; deairaole location; Broadway curs pas* the door. 1,4 >1 and 1,4.>3 Broadway, Astor block. I-O E N TKNNIAL VISI TOKS ACCOMMODATED IK Ural clans atylc ai $'J per day at No. 38 Eaat 13th at.. Hour Broadway. 1 SECOND KLOOK To-LET, WITH OR WITHOUT private table; alao small Suit; corner House, with Southcm exposure. -Vj Madison uv. 1 BLOCK KUoM BKUADWAY. 1H tAT'Fiuril ST.? Second tiiHir front and bank Itooms, newly furnialied, very ilOHirabie lor families or tingle gentlemen. with Ural dais Board; rolerunco. 1SUIT OK HANDSOME" BOOMS TO LET. WITH Hoard, or aepurate; suitable lor gentleman aud wile. l,4o.'? Broadway, Astor Block. I SECOND K LOO It KUDM; A L?;>" SIxTiLE~"itOOM*; l.iiuiiurinly good table. 101 \Vaverley place, corner Washington si(uaru. IluJoCK KKOM BltOADWAY, 114 EAST IttTU ST.? Kino Booms, cn suite and singly (eouthern exposure!, with ilrst class Board; cuutral and elegant location; day Board. 1"SUIT OK BOOMS AND 1 SINGLE ROOM. ELEscant and convenient in evury ro?ucct. with Board; family occupying their own house. 43 W est 33d at. Highest references exchanged. 2d av.7 isoT-elegantly kuknished rooms, with Ilrst class Board, in a lierman lamily. a ) BOOMS. CO MM IMC A UNO, TOO KTIIEH OK BKl'AwJiatciv, fiiruiahud or iiuluriilalied, Koullemen or families; liu other bonrdurs -IN East 34th st. II BLOCKS KKOM BKO AU WAY. -HANDSOMELY aksliirnirncd rooms, with Urst-clase Board. No. 143 East illit it, drsnsnjr Purl. r FkosFect"Flack ieast 4isr sr.. not brook". dlynj.? Ilnndsomo iront alcove Kooms, well turiiisbed.wiih good and ainplu Board; every convenience lor families; terms very niodorute. CTH_AV~~NO. 7.3, COKNEK OK 151'iT SI'.?LARGE /handsomely turnished second atid third lioor Kooms. w.tli or without nrivute talila : also other Booms' transient nar lies taken. - TII AY., No. "o7~ NEAR WINDSOR MOTEL.? t/Large, commulluus and elegant Apartments, richly furnished. with or without private table; deelrablo Koomi lor geutluracu. . -Tif A N I) Ul'M A VS.?VP,lit" DESIKA HLK ROOMS, ?Jwiilt Board, eu suite or separate, oil West lbth st. References. fTTH AV., -IH.--AN ELEGANT FAMILY KLOOR, WITH tjstipenar appoiatmout and private tabie; Kooiu lor gentleman. Hiil AV., NEAR 38TH sr.-A $TRIOTLY~PRIVATE E/Iamily will let magnificently turnislied Second Floor (superior table) to party desiring tlie cotulorls of u refined home: no oilier boarders; retureuce*. Address, with uuine, LEVINGSTO.NE. box 104 Herald Lntown ollice. stttavt." :i13.11ani)somely ivilnisiiku rooms ?Jio let. with Hoard, en -uite or singly, fur families or single t?e nllenien : terms moderate. Htu a v.. n17.aTTkith sr.?pkivate-family will ?. Trent Second Floor; also I'arlor and iledrooin on third Hour; handsomely furnished, with strictly first class Hoard; releionce exchanged. Address M. it., box if. t<i'ost tiilice. CTH " A^'~35F I Kt)NF~koOMs"oK ENTIRE FLOO~ L/handsoiuely furnished, with Board; terms moderate; mall family. av. hss^elegantly furnished suite on s/parlor and second and third Boors, with private table; reference. TO 98 PK ; WEEK?BOAhliTWITll VEKV I)KtptJalrnble Rooms, single or en suae, lar.e aud small; trnasieiit Board if I per day. HOI East Hid st. Q - TO $7 week F1111 it(jOMs, vvFit!ItOA kU; tpOfaitiilles accommodated equally low ; transient boarders taken. 87 tiliiiton place (8th st.) if ea.sF~ -rfir"St.?desirable kooms with 4 Hoard, lor OunlliM or geiitlomep ; private tahlu if de.-dred. L> kaot iiTu sr.-handsomely furnished Okooiii*. singly or en suite, lor famllses or gentlemen; su? periar laule; reference. (1 Washington place.?very pleasant room's c/to rent, with Board, to lainilies or geiitlemeu; transient parties accommodated. 1 ft WAV EKLKY" PLACE. NEAR BROADWAY.? J.I "Front Rooms, $14, $18 tor two; uansient people taaeu; table Board, $t. UT11 Si.7V75 vt EST?DESIRABLE DOUBLE AND single newly furnished Booms; excellent table; terms mode rule; relerence. nTH 81 . ittf WEST, NEAR BTH AV.?HANDSOMELY furnished second story front Rooms to let, with Ursl class Board; reference. Icvrfi""sr.", no"iSi" west.-small and large ?1 Rooms on second and third floors, with or without Board: inoderato prices. 1.1TH ST.. KA.-T, ~3H?HANDSOME ROOMS FOR ajparties of gentlemen; tirst class Board; pries moderate; references. ITTTII MM 43 KASI'.?KURMHIIKD OR UNKUR_>>1 tnliO'l Rooms. witli Hoard, to laruilies. transient board r> iiccoinmod ited. IOTII sr., K AST, 33,_IIAMISOMKLY KL'KM.-IIKI) asS loublo and single Rooms; excellent table; private table it neaired; tranaient or permanent. "1 O WhST JkiTU ST.. 01'I'O -1T K ~ SITKTKVaKT Ju douse.?Hirst class accommodations, with Hoard. Highest relcrences exchanged. UWr.ST 4i)fil hf ?ROD* TO UK NT, W1TU HOARD; leMneiee exchanged. 1 A Tir"sT.7~825 Bast, NUaR 3D AV. A Da ROB .L'XUoom; also Hall Rooms. to lot, with Hoard; terms uioiiei ate. lit SI., 310 ANlTsu wH8T.-~A. FEW SlNOLK and double Rooms, handsomely tarnished, with hrst cuias Hoard, $ > to #J0 per week. 1 ,| ru sr. 7111WKST.-KLKUANT BOOBS, l"! witli superior Hoard. 1 I 1 11 ST.," ij'l7 \VKST. ? 3 .I-M.MI FlooS AND OTHKK J.'le.egaut Rooms, with Hoard; private table if desired; rclurcuius. 1 -tirTT.. JIB WEST.?UANDSUMKDY HUKNITiFed XtJ.voorus. with Board, moderu improvements, to taiuilies and single gentlemen. 1- KA.vr D ST. ? ROOM AND HKDKOOM CON' )necling,Jroui. on second story, with unexceptionable Hoard. 1"j~ TESf JflTH ST., XIt A It DI.I.MO.VICd's.? I llandsoniely turulshud Rooms, single and double, witli tirst class Honrii. 1~- wssr :ti8T "st.? Floor, with or I wit.lout private table; suits and siuglo Rooms lor gcutieniou n- AM) in WKST 10.11 ST., Nll.VR 5T11~aV.?DRsir aide Rooms; superior Hoard; large front hall llooiu. Containing water, grate, closet. l J KASI Rl) ST.?KRKUAHT HhCOND AND THIRD J. 0 Moors; superior table; private if desired.; Centennial visitors accommodated ; house (list class. tnt ' w K--T lot II sr.. m:h; ;.TII * av.-kooms 'to xjl/lct in a puvate lamily to gentlomsu; tall or partial wsioard if desired *n WK8T OV11 .-T., NEAR 5TII AV.?KLKdANT 8CIT aj J.?( furnished Parlors mid other dooms. with Hoard, in a tirsl class house and iucniiun, iu n private American laintlr. wnero His comlorts of a lioinu will bs guarnntuod; ample table and neatness a specialty; private table it desired; terms ni.iderale Hall fur one week. 01*T, iau WEST UKHIRAbE B Boy MS. 1, a Kol wlor single ; first class taide ; terms moderate; relerencu. t)s? AND IK) WK8T 14TH fT.?DESIRABLE SUITS adnWul Rooms to rent, witii Hoard. 2sin ST.. NO. 4.1 WEHT.-DESIRAIILK ROOMS FOR njtnmiHes and single eiitlemen so let, eritii Hoard; beet reierence given and required O.J WKsl dil)?STT-A LARUE PARLOR* ALSO sis.)Rooms on iuurtli Hour, for gentlemen, with or wltliout Board *)'JB ST., 204 WK8T.-KLBOANT ROOMS,' \\Itil av?.)dressing rooms and ample closets; table first class, reierence. ?>OD hTTdm WEST.-11 ifsDflOMKLY FURNISHED aOdooius on third floor, en suite or siugly, to let, with first class Hoard; also one large single Koom, with hut and cold water ano furnace heat. s)?)i' ST. J 0 \VKHT~-BLKUANT SUIT OK ROOMS; 4wOi.rivnie table if desired; alto single Rooms; first olass Hoard. 2.)D ST.. K44 WEST.?A SMALL FAMILY WILL LET ?)Ki>oius, furnished or uufurnlsbed, with Board; terms ruasouable. OOD ST.. WEST. 440.?A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL|LKT sou an elega <t large Hunm, with hall Koom ; hot nun cold Water, ampie cios.-ls , southern exposure . also llmnus lor singis ueuilemeu, with fire and gas; tsrms moderate; every. Udae Asas ilswi [PLE SHEET. boarders wasted. 1S")D St.. wkbtT fut.'?WCSt \v it (("ho a k o. hanknurlj fnrniehvd Kin>nu; *! ? ?iui:le Koorn: reference*. nOD NT. 17 WBMT.?BOOMK. WITH BOAKD. K.H ^O.uiti- or tin -ly ; reception Koom, editable fur p'jyei cUn'i office. i) 1 WK.ST~.iab ST.. OPPOSITE FIFTH AVEM'E w t Hotel One or t? o elegant Suit-, witli iir-t clues il'.nrd nuti aiteulauce, lor the winter: proper relereute. ??.e<L *) si'Iirs ~NI' Kl.Y KI K* w'Jnirhetl front ana Intek l'*r!or?. with Ftten.ion Koom; baths, Ac., attached : first U-? private ml It). *):- '.t EST 40TH ST.?A PKIVATK'/AMYIIV"WILL LET i w 'Qnnuhoiiieiy lurmsuei! >e<-oiii t io? r im nosiru? ?>< WKBT29TH if . UNDER M UlS KV \NT ll<>i SK ! ZjyJ wild Hoard Iroru Sill to $&> for two, Bfl to 91 i .or one. in bi-Nt houies between Washington square unit I'-'lKh ; kit il(oni4tiM tn o. VOl LbAtKE. iff EAST ioTH ST.?EUtOAtfT ROOMS fo5 Kamiilies or gentlemen; table Qr.-t class; reference. OOTII sr. Hill VV EST. ? V SMALL KAMI1.V All.I, ijOli't a handsome Room: Board and location brat clan*; home pleasant; terint ui->derate. i)n W KST HIST ST.-n-HMSIlkn" U'AKTMI'NTS. AeQwith private table if deeirsd: aleo sing.e Sou to. wilt Hoard; references. OJ WK8T~a9TH 8T?KOK THE BEST PRIVATE ajOboarding accommodations, Floors ant r-uita. GEO. HAN'KISS. tlQ WEST 32D ST.. BETWEEN BROADWAY AND lib av.? Kiue Snite and sinale Kcorns lor first daae famlies and Kcntleiuoii, table drat class; roloreucca eichanged. <1(1 EAST .* 1ST ST.?Kt.KOA.VrY.T~ FURNISHED . Zd 'J llo una. with Board, en auite or singly ' moderate prices; alt icily Oral claaa. Of \ "OHKAT JONK8 ST.. NEAR (IRANI) CENTRAL | OlrHotel ? Elegant Rooms, with Board ; superior accommodation for the winter; terms moderate ; references. ?J( f EAST inn Sr.?HANDSOMELY KUKN18IIKD J" ' Kooma, with Board, eu suite or singly; alio slnglo | Koom; reference!. .Tl WEST "30ITI ST.. BETWEEN 5TH~"AV. AND Olltroadway. ?Fine Suit and tingle Rooms, for families and gentlemen, with llrat claaa Board; location very desirable; relereneea. QI M ADISON AV.?MRS. ROBINSON, KKOM N'KWOiport, K 1., has Itooma eu suite, with private table; also Rooms fur gentlemen. slo wKST 4I!D~ST.. FRONTING RESERVOIR PARK.? aJaJlli.use new: eleuaully Snlahod Second aud Third Flours. with or without privata lable. QO WEST J5TH 8T.?TO IJiT, SECOND AND Till KD OOFloora, en auito or eeparete. with or without private lable: also large Koom on fourth ti or. o~|tu sr.. so. aW west.?handsomely furOtulsbed Second Kloor; also other Rooms, with nncxceplionaole Hoard; families aud geutletneu; houie and leler| euro tint das*. 'J i Til ST\. ISO WEST. ? FKONT ROOMS. l.N THIKD O rand lourih Uojio, with Ural class Hoard; reforeucca each anged. 377 WEST 24'I'll ST.?HANDSOMELY FUKNISUED JRooma, with Hoard. -Til ST.. 1UW EAST.?FURNISHED KOOMS TU LET. -/with Hoard; terms moilerate ; references. Of* IKVINU FLACK,OFFOSITE TITK WKSIMINSTER OU Hotel.?Elegantly furnished Kooim to let, without Board, to gentlemen of respectutiillty only. 0(?TH ST.?A VKKV DKS1RABLE SUIT OK TWO OUlarge. handsomely furnished room* to reut, with Board. KIT .Madison nv , corner 30th at. 07 WEST dl'sr ST. ?PERFECT HOME FOB FAMILY O i or some gentlemen of respectability. '->7 WEST 311) sr.-FAKLOIt AND BEDROOM, ON O I third tloor, lu front; good table; French family. 07 WEST aaTII ST.?S ECOND FLOG K. WITH O % atrictiy firat claaa Board; a private tablo if deaired; references. O (jTA EST 13TH ST.. HETWEKNGTII AND OTU AVS.OO.K. tuird atory front Boom, with alcove, to rout, with Hoard, to geutlemen or gentleman and wife; also small Rooms to r< nt: relerencea required. A ft EAST ?TU SI?TO LET, WITH BOARD, LUtUB 71 V/and email Kooma; day hoarders accommodated. d ] WEST~35TH sTV?DESIRABLE ROOMS. WITH TrXUoard, for tamilloa or gentleman; table Board; relerencea. 7i) CLINTON I'LACB, CORNKK OF UNIVERSITY TxTaUplace.--Superior nccumniodatioua on the second tloor; excellent table; lor lamllies or single gentlemen; terms very moderate, A~0~WEST 2flTH ST.?UANDSOMELY FURNISHED Tr-Jor uuturaished Rooma. en suite or single; excellent Board; also tublo board. AO WEST Hi ill ST.?HANDSOMELY Fl'RNI.SHED 7E O Rooms, w th Hoard, en suite or slng.y; convenient, to Filth Avenue and other leading hotels. TCTH sr.. WEST, 319.?A 1VERY HANDSOMELY Tire/furnished Room to let, with superior Board, at a low rale to an agreoable party; relcreuce. A Y'TITST., WEST, NO. 41.?I'KTYATE FAMILY HAVE TEvJuewly turniahed Second Floor tor geutluinen or married couples, with Hoard; prices very reasonable, reiorence. i 7 EAST -'Sril ST.-A NICELY FL RNlsIlED T I Room, southern expoaure ; house aud Board liiat claat; low prices. to'vVhST lrj'TifsT.?larcE AND ELEUAN1' ROOMS TxOto let, with first class Hoard; alao single Rooma lor gentlemen; relerencea exchanged. TO EAST 31ST ST.?LARUE, NEWLY FURNISHED 7t t/Rooms, en suite or singly, with Lr without private taole; relerencea exchanged. i 11 vi-isrs i loin ni.?uAiiDnunALi run^iMinu Tt t/Rooms to lot, with board, to a tuiiiieuian, wile; alio a bull Room. ,7(1 WKST 3'Jl) ST.-FRONT ROOMS AND BKI>Xwrooms; aoutberu exponura; also single Rooms, wiih excellent Board. '7H soru sr.?a second story sunnv JUlloom to rent, witli Board; price tuoueruto; house occupied by o>vner. CsIU~ST71JAK 5TH AV.-ELKQANT Sl'IT OF rjujlii" m? to let, wild Board. to first class parlies; aiso single .looms lor gontlemeu. Address S. U. IS., iieratd L'ptowuTSrauch ullicu. -/ WEST dUTlT St.?SEOOND FLOOtt; I'RIVATE tJUtable If required; largo hoorn and ball itoum ou fourth lloor. ? b WEST 310 ST.?H ANUSOMhLY FURNISHED UOllooius on socond lloor to lot, with Urat cluss lioard; prl ate table if desired; also Rooms lor gentlemen; references. fitx U'KST 4r,r" ST.?LABOR. SUNNY BOOM. SKOUUnud lloor, adjoining bathroom, handsomely luruisheu, with Board. f?\j WEST 40T11 ST.. BETWEEN 5I'll A.SfMiTH AVS ? UOKlegantly furnished llooms; lamiliea and single goutlemen; unexceptionauie table. Oj w'm butTI sr. between .vrn and oru UOava.?Handsomely furnished Booms, with Board. rri\ iRViNu Plaok.?second floors three I 'Jrooms; large hall Booms, with tires, with Board; mod* crate terms. H 9 WEST 1IIT11 ST.-DESllfAHLK BOOMS TO I.ET, t _j?ith Hoard, ou second or third lloor. In a corner house ; locaiiou cemrul; references exchanged. 7 'J LEXINGTONTV.?FIRST CLASS BOARD, WXJ'U I Obaudsouiely turuished Booms, single or en suite. 7 > west :?Tti sr.?a second floor, consistI Oiug of three pleasant Booms, to he let, en su to or singly; other Booms, suitable lor geutlomeu, with lirsl class hoard. (Jrt LEXINGTON. NEAR 29TH ST.-NICELY FUR American family. 1 n.l MTU st.. neak 4th a v.?furnished kooms. lUwwitli Hoard; gentleman and wife Irom $1-1 to #1U, bin trio gentlemen $<l; good table. 1 11 i wes1' 42U st.?handsomely FURNISHED J_UtRuouis to let, with llr>t claes Board, to families or single gentlemen ; terms moderate. lnc e'astFTsFh si' -handsomely furnished jLUUKootns to rent, witii Hoard, to famlllee or gentlemen; hot and cold water; large closets; references. WEST 12 111 ST.. 1'KIVaTK RAYILY^TWO handsomely furnianed front itooms to gentlemen, with or without Hoard; all improvement*. ktutsos av.?handsom k~1rooms to let, with Hoard, single or en suite; Kooms tor gentlemen. 1 I ."t' wksr 12TH ST. ? front ito' > M o n second J.l?Jlioor, with Hoard, in handsomely furnished house, as above; relereuce. KAST 8HTH ST., NBAR l'AKK AV.~NllwLY and handsomely furnished second and third story Iront Kooms, southern exoosure, with Hoard; all Improvements; igirins moderate. lilt EAST 17 FTl ST.. XKAK with Hoard; also trausieut and table Hoard. 1.lj west Thth st.-roTFm ON second Vi.OOfT; Jj-Linrgo closet; good Hoard; terms moderate ; reference*. I*)i EAST 22U st.?FUKNINHMT^UHJ.VIs, with .' ).>r without Hoard; terms moderate; reference. "I ??bl EAST 17111 SL -llAND-o il-.I.V ! L ltMsilEU I il^ Itooms to let; prirnto table If desired. -1 >11) E"Ast 16th st.. NEAK "UNION"miuarb.?to J.?)bireut, with Ho.ird, a sec nd story front i.ooin; also single Rooms lor gentlemen. i or; east itith st.lteair union"square.?de1?Jt.)sirablu Kooms, with Hoard, en suite or singly; rolercnces required. 1 Mfi west 3dTU st. ?Fl'RNIsUKD kooms to LET, XOOwllli or witliuut Hoard, in a private lauilly. -1 I t) EAST U7.TU sr., NEAR LKX1 NtlTON "AV.? Xtcs^ Handsomely liirnlshed Rooms to let, with Board, 111 suits or singly , reference* exchanged. 1 | o waveklv i'laoi-.?ifandsomkLY mi'. XTrOnlshed rooms for families or party ot gentlemen; table good; American family; terms moderate. 1 / .i W.-.ST aisr sr.?hjrmrukd kuomb, first, lOl-ewind, third ll >re, or unfurnished, ?>th or without laarti Him molirMfc , 1 iiljKXINoios av.-iti~lei\ wl r11 bo,uTu7Tx 11)0.4 private Imully, h?ud?ouiely furnialiod ulcuva ttuoin, tcriu* tuoderftio f/jo Wl'.ST it 1ST sr.?A SKOON'i) STORY FRONT JLOOHooih, nicely rurnisbnd, to lot, with Board. till hAST 17fUsrT K hAli" STU YVKsANT' PARt^illIundsoineiy furnished Rooms. with Board; shim 11 family; quiet neighborhood; terme moderate to perinaudtit boarders; reference. QIO WEST J4TII ST.?TWU LARUE ROOMS, ON jUXO.lrst and second Hours, Iront, null Rooms connecting Uuutliaru exposure, with Hrst class liourd. m ( WEST 4?u sr.?io i.hi'-ii anosomrlv i i;u ? XOnisliod Rooms, suuny exposure, with Hrst c'ia.,i Board; terms moderate, % QYU BAET ;II? BT.?WITH BOARD. RIOIliV TUB d?Xt'iiished Rooms; terms moderate; references ex. * changed. sVt)?} hast l.trii st.-lai;?e. HANOsi>MhLY fuR AisOnished suit of Rooms, on aeeood floor, or slngu Rooms, with lull or partial Board, for gentlemen ; all cuu rentanees| Strictly private lannly; line ituiuhkurhoud. til 7 WEST 42 U~ST.?HANDSOMELY i'LRNIdIIBL AT I Rooms, with Ursteliiss Hourd. o r 7 -tT11 AV.-FK. VATK FAMILY WILL I.El Zd*J I front and hack Parous, three connecting Rooms untarnished, hot and cold water, with first class IS ard;slu gle i r together. llZ'Tj WhWI .30 sr.-It) LET, WITH HnARU, TWl ??v)Ularge Rootus. singly or an suite ; well furnished, am pie closet iooin; modern improvements. l.l'J iVKsi' .14I'll .ST.? A UHouili OK VERY DKS1R O^uable Rooms, with Board, for families) special ratei lor simile gentlemen. ilOO WK81 4.MH ST.-ROOMS TO LET. WITH O^aOtloaid. singly or en suite, to genileraen or geuue I saemaMsdwiCst terms moderate. \ uoak.okhh wasted. I *joq""wkst s.'rf st^pCIusant rrfffwfftiiRi , I ' ?? Room, southern tzpoAiirtt with BoAvd, UfiiUtBiS # 4 mud wit#; private family ; term* moderate. 9 JOO StrSt 32D ST- ri.KV>V\r ROOMS. WITH OOOHmird. tor Keutieman and wife or single gentlemen) terms moderate. TFA VVhvi jlrtT 8T..NEAR ELEVATfcD STATION.? I O'/V/Ni ely turn.ohed lar-e and single Kooom, with supe 1 rior Hoard; rfgjflOOti. J >-/ wu^r mb m -a i amilv or partt of 0?/\/gentlemen can e ue<-otnino<Ut> d with hunds mt )| ! furnished Rooms, stationary busius, h??t and cold water and h.itlt'.also a splenaid Hack Parlor. with or without privatl table, to parties of the highest respectability ouly. Addre?* 0T0 WRsT HST 55 -LAROB AND rilNOLB ROOM A Ol) 1 front, to et, with Board, in a ?tuall family of adulli! term* moderate*. ^, J 7 1 WEST 33D ST.?LOVi.LT ROOMS. WITH OB O I "x without Board: only a iuiunt?'( walk trim Elevated Railroad ami Broadway stage and several lines ot carat beaulltul location: reference. dOQ WKST 33 D ST.-rUBBIBHKD ROOMS, WITH without Board. A?PH I LA OKI.Bill A: PARK HOCKE, CHESTNUT Will, noar Willow Orove nation ; 35 minute, to Expos! tlou; ample tint cla-i accommodations: pure spring water1; room, secured by telegrapiinr. KKSPKUTAhl" WOMas WISTIES TWO YOUNQ men to Hoard; furnished Room ; eau accommodate vary nicely; tnoderato terms; call (or two days. Addraaa 383 3d ar., room >!. y T PRIVATE FAMILY will let, with board As arcoud mnry front Itoom. with llall Kontu adjoining* alio second ,tory back room, to gentleman and wlfs or siugls gentlemen. 1M West 31 ill >t ^ ^WLY~ FINISHED AND FURNISHED HECOND * lory Hiaim for a quiet gentleman and wife or two eintcU gentlemen may lie had, Willi ,uperlor Board, lu a private , family at 43 r.ast 33d ,1. A lady livINU IV A rFtTrED NKIOIIBORiiOOD, Atituaicd between 33<1 and 3!Uh da., Lexington and fltb ?v?., deeir a to let, with or without Hoard, entire or a? parate, the Second or 'l'hird Floor; bathroom and watoi closet on cacti floor. Addreaa, lor three day,, Mrs. HE V, Herald Uptown office. BOARD IN YOUKVfLLB.?BLBAHANT ROOMS 01 itfinii floor iu private family. 334 Eaat 83d it., betwoel _ 3d and 3d ava. CVknTENNIAL BOAKDEHB WANTED?A FEW yiect parties can be accommodated with Lodging and lireaktaal in a private :aiu>ly in 'I'wcnlyaeoond ward, Philadelphia (Ueriuantowii); steam curs run direct to aud from Centounlal Exhibition ; time 13 minute,. Addreaa M. E. 8., f 115 Haines st.. Ucrmantown, Pa. , Iff X riBE FLuOK, HANDSOMELY FURNISHED, WITH 3Hoard, low; en suite or singly: elegant neiirliburhoodj i private family; brown none toafdence. 118 Eaat 78th at., ueur Madison av. FURNISHED' ROOMS, WITH BOARD, FOR famiiies and siugls geuileuiou, at 71 Weal 30th at.; references. I HANDSOMELY FURNISHED KlIOM^ WITHOUT Hoard, (or ireutlemou, at 01 Clinton place; relereneet required. KITS ELL HOUSE, 38. 4t?. 42 AND 44 WKST 14TH li st.?Rooms, with Board; liberal turma to permaaed *S parties. Philadelphia.?low pike a*,-loduimg Xno i Hoard, superior, ai.$l 50 per d iy. BeCKER. QEVKNTKBNrh st., 01 whs'K NEAR 5TII av.?SECOotid Floor and other elegant Rooms, with Board, in a family ofrelinemunt. rPO LET?WITH BOARD, PLEASANT ROOMS, OH ? X second and third floors, front, southern exposure; modern improvements, at 105 West 31at St.: references required. r/ -CENTKNNIAL~VI81TOU8 MAY ENGAGE CHOICE * /J.Rooms will.i.ut chargo, delay or disappointment. urn class accommodations for select parties ami families at if J to $3 per uay. HANKlNS, 432 Walnut ut.. Philadelphia; - S want Mt? ?t., New York. BOARD AMD uhi(ilN? WANTED. *t n experienced' j.ady w JLl/byvk I.kssons IN As. French ill exchange tor hoard lu refined private family; references exchanged. Address PERFECT ACCENT, llerald office lady wants in a private family a nicely furnished. squ ire Irout Room, on second or third Hour, with closet attached, and hot and cold water, with ur without Hoard; price with, not excue liug #10; including tire, without, $4; location trom 1th tu 3dth at., near tllh nr. Address P. .M. W? 50 West 22<1 >t. LADY op REFINEMENT WILL (ilVK three hours' instruction dally, English and music, in exchange fur hoard. Address Pl'Pli.S, Herald Uptown Hranch office. B~Y A MARRIED LADY. TWO UNFUKN1SHKD rooms with board, between Oth and 2Sd sis. and 4th and ^ 7tii nv*.. not exceeding monthly; rel'erouces. Address LOUIS, ileraid-itfice. < Board wanted iiy two younh gentlemen in a private family, within 0 blocks of 23d st. and 4th av. t a sunny room with modern conveniences and Ore. Address, statiug terms, H. K. W., Herald olliee. B( 1ARD W A NTED-FOK A L AD Y AN D UK AND-laughter, six years old, with fire and light; a respectable place and moderate terms; rcterelives given and requi ed. Address Dr. GREGORY, 08 University place. Board wantkd-below 4-jd-st., for lady, girl 0years old. and maid; Parlor and two Bedrooms or alcove Room and large square Room ; ail modern conveniences; meals iu room or tanle in dining room for party; terms not to exceed $35; uo extras. J. B. FRANCIS, Herald Uptown Hranch office. BOARD wANTEI>-FbR UEN"r LEMANWIFE AND child, two juars old; uieely turnishe-1 suuny second story ir-nit Room, with fire, gas and private table; 9-5 or $80 nnr weak. Address N.. box H*i Uotown Herald office. Board wanted?with parlor and two con- , noctinx Badrooina, by a gent > man, wlf< and daughter, on west side, 23d it.: refer. -ces exchanged. A(1dre??, slating terms and describing rooms, K. W'., Herald Uptown Branch unlce, 1.265 Broadway. FOR $15, f 20 A WKh K- WANTED. BY A BACHF. lor, a large, comfortably furnished Room, with tirst rati Board loTenttnilly without board), between 20th and 40tb stH.. Irom 4th to tith av. Address directly, L. K., 31 Madison av. I PARTIES HAVING VACANT ROOMS, WITH ob without board can obtain tenants by applying to VOUL LAIRe, -0 Wost 2utb si., under Stnrtevaut House. Wanted-hy A single GENTLEMAN, room, with Hoard; loc itiou, 2 id to 40th sta. ; terms modtrata. Address L., bjx 127 Herald olli e. W anted? board for gentleman and wife (Itouiu and flroi. not to exceed $22 per week. Addrnat D., box Herald ollie-e. Wanted?by gentleman, wife and two cbildron aged 4 and 7 years, a large Iront Room am ball Room (communicating), with Hoard; terras not to ox cced S.'.'i pur week ; references exchanged. Addreaa COM MKKClAE, box 20d Herald office. TIT ANTED?AN OFFICE~FOR A PHYSICIAN, BR VV tween 20th and 4Uth sts., 4th and 7tb ava. Aadreaa stating terms, with and without Board, MED1CUS, box 131 Herald otlico. _ B ROD K CYM BOARD. IVLminutos' walk Iron. Fulton ferry; atrangera visiting the city will Und ample accommodation*, permanant or otherwise; $3 per day. HOTELk. TTTGEDS TURkISTT~ANI > ROMAN * J Jxand night; ladies day and evening; pleasant Rooms; ax- ' velleut table; transient accommouaiiuns $2 50 per day. t~ new kngland hotel," 30 bowery.?all light single Rooms; Lodging* 50c. nightly; $3 woeklyi tor gontleweu only. A" LWAYS oi'EN?ERA Nkkokt house. corner Frankfort and William six Rooms She.. 60c.; gentlemen, families. C'tlty hotel, h road way and sth st.?ROOMS 7a id Board, 32 daily ; rooms, $4 weekly. Elegant Roomi en suite lor families. IilAMILY Ho'fEL.?ELEGANT HOUMS, Wll.i IHIAttU' 1 lor the winter; small tables. 33,35, 37 West 14th at. Centennial visitors $2 per day. Hotel royal. reservoir square and 40tri st,-A strictly Urst class family hotel-, very quiet; the restaurant is of unsurpassed excellence; prices moderate; a few elegantly furnished Suits now vacant. J Kitsell house. ts._40. 42-AND 44 west UTH J st.?Rooms, with Hoard ; tran-lent terms $2 per day. J Viiwcio uwiiMi, rwv i wr ci ni.ilf Dl., (idaa axiu Jt steamers mid railroad stations.?ningle Rooms, SO cent*. H KVKRB HOUSE?<>N~Kl.'i??PKAN PLAN. NOS. ?U8, us Broadway. Now York, corner Houston at.; two large j restaurants: single Koomi at 7oo- aud $1; doubla HoomJ hi $1 50 and par day; upon all night. J T. J. I'UK A SON, Proprietors. 1 QIXT11 AVKNIJK HOTEL, CORNER 44TH ST. (EURO- I Opran pliin).? Rooms, (11 to $H; an aulta. $8 to $20; Ural class restaurant; prices moderate. tot StHy UOAllO. X^I'^'ATEVAM tfLY O uoOP CTJfiT'A" Tauu gTTFTB , JVsnbstautial suliurban residence, high irrouiid and splendid views, JU minutes Irura Forty-second street depot, will accominoiiute, witli tlrst class Hoard, one or more lamiltes , lor the fall aud-winter; carriage to and frO:n the depot. For particulars address 4. U., Jr., Heralu Uptown Branch o'llce. 4 Fall and winikr hoard can hk obtained at the Sooth Orange Mountain House, on Murrts and Essex ttallroad, six minutes' walk I'rutn Mountain station, at very moderate prices; house heated throughout with steami good .tab,log. Call on or a dress PROPRIETOR, South Orange, N J. I A TOURElTK HOUSE, BKRUKN POINT. N. J.?90 .1 iminutes (roin Liberty <t ; open all the year: one-half the usual rates for .'ail and winter. .1. BOWMAN. I TITANTrD-i.N ' OUNTRf. FARMER'S FAMILY. KX- J TT trn I or ire unfurnished liooiu ; (list yearly; meala ex- M tra wlieu re>|iiired; prompt pay; most unobtrusive tenant; nothing required that would bo worth any more. TEACHER, J box 7V station R ___ w flAKDLE JiAitrii.lj?. " 'I A~ T PRICES NEVER APPRUAOUlfiTittfFolSIC I Sluto and Mar Wit* Muiiteln. Likrcroiii nsMorlmant in th? cli>. 1'KNKIIYN SLATE COMPANY, 50 Union square. 4tli ?v. and 17th at., New York. Mnnutnciurers ot all kinds at Slate Work. f ARBl.K AND MAKLKIiiED M \NTKI.S AT OKKATly reduced prices ;ai?o Monuments, Headstones. Plumb- , era and Furniture labs. murble Counter* and filing. A. ' KLABKIt, 1 14 and 13li Kaat lHth at., near id nr. UlLLlAHlia. ANOTilKit ORE AT IMPROVEMENT IN STANDARD bevel lillliard fablea. second band fabloa. U be I an and Coiivndor Combination Cuahuina. H. w. COLLRNDER, 738 Broadway. MKKICAN STANOAKO BILLIARD TASLES-WITil IJelanry'f wire cushions; large atock ol Trimmings; aucond hand Tables at great bargains \V. It. UiilMllii A CO., 40 Vesey a A I ST tiTlTl C Ah. T T~- ii lT-ANiTii SfiToS i NO TCL KEMAOi XAacnmpiaiuta, wherever the inntter. 144 Weat 48th at. AZjdJIB. KKMTKLL, MIDWIFE 81 MOB IMMN& I L . Kent '?4d st , lirsi do >r Irom .itn av. Advice free. , A "--Mils. Wo lie' K s I'e. K f 11Y SI I i I ANT BO a?D AMD \ . nuralng. 141* Charles at., bet. Washington and Weet. \ I.I. KKMvl. i COMPLAINTS SPKHDILY OUMUTbV , and Mnie. DYER, 47 Weat lUtii at., near Oth av. A -DR." MARY VAN ~?U SKI KlC KKS11>BNOB 1M East Mild at., near Lexington uv. Calls out. "-DlC A5d~M M k7 M A uTttOKAU; SO YEARS' PR AO ties Oitico 1211 Llocrry at. Advice Ireo. I /TORriDLN'riAL CONSULTATION ON ALL KRMAL1 ^ | ' VVcnnplalnta. l)r and Muib BoTT. 13d Weat 40th at. Doctor emery's new method-hack, burB ' and quirk; all cases; advlee rree. 134 Kaat 14th at. Mk KS LYONS. FEMALE PHYSICIAN, CUKKS ALL a complaints; no cure no pay. No. 40 Kaat 2>>th at. . Cl'COMSKUL CURES UUARANTRKD?ALL CASES, Ob/ lit. or Mm WERT, 44 Ml?get Mm mm MMtoM \ I