Newspaper Page Text
TH : WHOLE NO. 14,648. DIRECTORY FOR ADVERTISERS. GERALD BRANCH OKHCK, 1.265 BROADWATOPKN DAY A NO MUIIT FOR RECEPTION OF ADVERTISEMENTS AND KALES OK PAPERS. AMI'S* UK nts- |2t? Pack-OIi. 5th and Oth colt. ASTRO LOO v-1-2th i'ack-tUU col. BILLIARDS?11th Pack?lot roU Hoarders WaNTKU-2i> PAOK-3d. 4th *n<l 3th cols. > bo ard and LODtiINO WANTED?2p Pack?5th col. brooklyn hoakd-l'n l?ACK-5lh col. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR KALE?2d PAQE-lit Col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?&Tn Pack. BUSINESS NOTICES?7tii Ptcr-Htli col. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?L'n Pack?lit eoL CLERKS AND SALESMEN?11th Pack-CHIi col., ud l'-'Tll Pack ?Ut col. CLOTIIINO?1 Itii Pack?liteol. COACHMEN AND HARDENERS?12th Pack?lit eol. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS? I2ru pACK-2d and 3d cola, COPARTNERSHIPS?HTH PACK. COUNTRY Hlliltl)- >i. I'.ck?5th ml. DANCING ACADBN IKS?Ist P*0K-6th eol. DKNTI*TRY-Ist l'agk-Sth eol. 1WT. 1 DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND CNt FURNISHED?2d Pagk?l?t and 2d colt EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?12tu P.?uk-Jd coL EUROPE-1st Pack?Hth ol. EYES AND EARS?I2tii Pagk?WcoL EXCURSIONS?12th pagk-adcoL FINANCIAL?Rth Park. FINE ARTS-lirr PA.iK-6th col. FOR SALE?IItii Pack?1st __ . FURNISHED rooms AMI APARTMENTS TO LET? 2|> Park?2d and 8d col*. FURNITURE?2d Park?Hth col. HELP WANTEI>?FEMALES?lint Park?6th coL WKLP WANTcot HOKflKS. CARKIAOES, AO.?1st Pack?a4, 4th, ath and Oth coin. HoU8K^ROoM8K"ic.'! WANTED-IIth Pack?l?t eol. ^E^^M^^I^KSON CITY AND HER(JEN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?2dPagk?lit coL LEGAL NOTICES?1st Park?6theol. Lost and found?i*t Pagk-ih col. MACHINERY?IItii Pack?l?t col. MARRLF. MANTELS?I at I'AGK-dth col. MEDICAL?12th Pack?6th col. _ , , MILLINERY AND DRESsMAKI.NO?1st Park??th col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS ?lOril Pack? 6th col. MUSICAL?I at Park?6th col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7th Pack?Cth col. NEWSPAPERS?1st Pack?2d col. PERSONAL?1st Pack?1st c?L PIANOFORTES. ORGANS, AC.?1st PACK-9th col. POLITICAL?11th Pagk?1st coL PROPOSALS-1st o PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? PROPE'ITY* ' OI^'TIIB CITY FOR SALE OK TO BBNT?2l> Pack-lit eol. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d Pagk?l?t col. ' REAL ESTATE WANTED?2d Pagk?lit coL REMOVALS?2n Pagk-6th col. KP.W Alius? 1st park?1st col. SALES AT AUCTION?PAGK-fith and 6th cola. SITUATIONS Pack?2d. 3d. 4th, 5th nnd 6th cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES-llTH PAGK-fith eol. SPECIAL NOT1CES-1?t Pack?1 at and 2d cola. SPORTING -DOWN. AC.?1st Page?3d col. STORAGE? 1st Pauk-M col. THE TRADES ?12th Paok? 1st and 2d cola. TIIK TURK?1st Page Sd col. TO LKT FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2n Page?lat eol. TRAVELLERS' GUIDK-12tii Page-.M col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? i> Pack?id col. WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.? 2t> Page?fitli col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY KOR SALE OR TO LET?2? PAGK-lat col. YACHTS. STEAMBOATS. AC.?IOtii Pack-6th col. PERSONAL. ABY?t~AM~1fE RK. Brunette in black silk?accompanied by gentleman and lady, who noticed Kcntleinnn wiili companion, nhout 5 P. M., on Broadway, yesterday, and who was lost sight ot at l'.Hh at. It shn will address II. T., Herald Uptown office, she will not have causa to regret, CAN "YALE" LET ME GO WITHOUT llBR PERsonnl benediction J IiMML Y-GRA Y1 SI 1 OVERDRESS, BLACK U.NDERijskirt; not positive; miss* d vou; about whero did you tap or turn oil' Broadway. M. S., Herald Uptown Branch. F" LOSSIE-RK AT IRVING HALL MATINEE SOCIAblca to-morrow at 4 o'clock, or in the evening at H. SAINT OMER. I WILL NEGOTIATE KOR TIIE RETURN-OF the umbrellas nnd ask no ipieationa. LYON. 1" F OH AS. SOHKF'KER S.. FORMERLY OF STRATford. Conn., cnmmutilcates with K. L., Herald office, be will hear of something to hia adrantatrc. ULIUS MEYER WILL I'LEASK SEND HIS ADdreaa to roe at once 11. G. A. MEYER, Buffalo, N. Y. T OVELY GLOVES. ?TARRYTOW.V TRAIN, MONDAY JLjereniiig. ISth mat.; salad and champagne. Send new addreaa to BROWNE. Herald Uptown otllea. 7ss noNOKA o'lkakyr"formerly west 46TH at., please send address. DUBLIN. Herald office, IKMIB RACY WILL BE THERE AT TIME stated. P* ItOKESSOR F. SBARL.-V LETTER AWAITS YOU at Hartford, another at Nnw Hnvon. Please write. T3ETURNKD LAST NIGHT; JUST RKt'EIVED~YOUE Always your own MIOXON. THKLADVwIIO K K I'T appointment at cornrb ofCl.nt m (iv.. Wodiualay evening, will find letter at the Brooklyn Putt office. ' LOST A jf I) F(H\u. INTHK POCKKT OP"A CO AT TA K KN BY MlSf Xkfc from Sweeny's Hotel were two small Safe Key*. The Under. to whom tliey can be ot no me, will please leturn thetu to abore hotel through the Poet office. LOST-A~UOLIMjockKT AND CHAIN. A REWARD will be given to finder at 573 8th fiv. L~OST.-LEKT OX SIXTH AVKNUE CAB YESTERDAY, a black leather Satchel contain* two watcbee, chain. Waiters, Ac. A liberal reward will be paid Tor tame at 74 Weil 83th at. OST?THURSDAY. 28TH INST., ON BROADWAY, between Coleman House and tlrand Hotel, a Russia leather Pocketbook, containing &1HO in bills; a liberal reward will be paid for return ot came. Address E. P., Lox X Pordham Siation (X. Y.) l'ost office. _ * HKW4 itDS. jfrl /\"REWARD.?LOST ON TilTTToTH' OP SEKdDJLV/tember, a small, white long hairy Poodle, (slut) black ears and eyes, and black stains on the oudy. Return to Onenther's Pavilion, 71) liowory. up stairs, alter 13 o'clock. 51 <1 REWARD.?LOST. ON TUESDAY,'PROM PRT ?PJ t/vnte stable. 124ih St., between fltta and 7tli av?., a brindla Bnll I)ob, win white ntrtpe 011 neck. The above reward will be paid for liia return to the atable. <!? ()Z REWARD AND NO QOBSTIONS ASKED <Jp^jlJror return or gold Watch taken at llnmliton ierry. Wcdncaday afternoon, about six o'clock. Addreaa (). T- B., box 720 New York i'ost office. At?C REWARD ILL BE~ PAID FOR THE REtfr^jrJtnm or Inrormatlon of a little Black and Tan Doit, trayed away on Thursday rrenniB. September 14. (lull at or addreaa IS Weat Slat, or 313 0th av., in tbo atoro. No questions naked. dfctn reward ~w7L17Tik paid for a oknag> rv/tletnan'a (told Watch and Chain. loat nt the St. (ior main Hotel, and no question* aaked. Bleaae eommnnieate with A. S., care of box 210 New York Post office. AC/I RK~WARD WILL BE PATO AND NO QUES?(>? JUtiona aaktd 11 gold Wnteb and Chain which was mislaid In private parlor adjoining room 17H Coleman House, Mew York, on nlicht of Sept >mher 27, 1870, be retnrned to C. C, BROWN, pier S North Hirer. d?7= REWARD WILL BE PAID. AND NO QUES?P I U tlons aaked. for r-turn of Bold \Vntcli and Chain, Ctolen September 37 from irentleiiian at coul sale, on top floor of 36 KxchanKe place. Addicas A. U. W.. Herald office. SPKC1AA. AOTICKJ*. \ TTKNTION!?DISEASES OK MEN. IN EVERY J\lorm. eren ot Iodb atandinit. permanently cured; consultetiou troo. Dr. JACOBY, 161 Ulcocker ?t. -is aaoi i~ "SoYO f~ $07 BROADWAY. UWTBC^ Divorcee obtained promptly, without publicity; desertion. lncompntlbllitr, habitnal drnnkonnefs. lntidellty, In- ! bum an treatment, conrlctlnii nt felony. Passports obtainedA?ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Nej.t Drawings October 3 and October 10. One Prlee ol $900,000 One Prise of itn?.tj> a? One Prise of N),imn One Prise of 25.1*X> One Prise of. 10,000 Two Prises of each 5,01 W Thirty Prises ol each 1,000 nd 648 other prise*. Whole ticket, $40; Halve*. $70; Quarters, $10; Fifths, $8; Tenth*, $4; Twentieth*, $3. Full explanatory circa ar* free. THEODORE ZSt, lloCH, 116 Nassau st.. New York._ A?OFFICIAL DRAWINGS KENTUCKY STATE LOT teries. SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Managera. asurucKT. sxtha class no ."nil? SKfTKMnKIt 38, 1876. 4. 2M, 30, 01, 3.N. 15, 08, 77. .r?N. 04. id. 74, 37, OA KCHTCCKT. CLAsa HO. 562?SKI-TKMBSR 3S. 1870. 46. 40, 31, 33. 4(1. 38, 37. 34. 33. 30, 41. 13. bemkt, kxtba clas* HO. 401 ? S'lTKWIHIt .8. 1876. $4. 17. 68, 71. 70, 34. 40. 37, 55, 34. tifl, 51, 63. RlStr. CLASS HO. 402-SKrTNMnKK 28. 187?. 40. 31. 20. 20. no. 7o. 01. 33. 8. 71. 79. 48. Fall information by applying to or addressing J. CLCTE k CO.. 2<)0 Broadway, rear room, fir-t floor. A?$50,000 IN CASH FOR ONLY $10. 10,379 prises distributing $3*0,000. Only 60.000 tickets. The Kentucky State Single Xnmber Distribution to be drawn nt Uoviugton, Ky., on Saturday, September 30. 1876. I lloyat Havana draw* October "J. 18(6. Bead Id your ordor* to the lieneral Agents. J. OLL'TE A Co., 2(K) Broadway. ? TIT IT OO r>DDI> A T Y T O O I> ? A A Y \ T O O D D A V y Y T O <)?i? l> A AAA Y Y T O O D ? A A Y T ODD OA A Y T OO ODOO A A Y tr wad your order, ao a* to he in time for the great drawing Be Industrial Exhibition Company lot which Oenrrnl 0. Robinson, ex Lieutenant lioverncrnf tbla8t?lc,ii dent), to he held positively on MONDAY NEXT, October ii, at 5 o'clock I'. M $.' will eeenre Ave certificate* itnd the usual Brent's comnlss'on, consisting of e hell full paid bond of the above (ompatiy. flu will eeenre to certificate* end beside* e whole full paid bond will be delivered to the purrhaeer a* hit commitdon. hlosle ccrtillcetci ere $1 oech. Postponements are Impossible under thie plen. The comaany be* bad eighteen drawing! already, but never e postponement. Premium* ere ranting en follows td princ* nf.,..$l<*i,t**> eecli 2'? prlte*or... S3,-.,0nr> each 'TO prises of.... 80,0110 each bo prises of.... 3 ,<00 recti to prises of.... 7O.0 0 each 10 prixea of.... V5,(M> eaeh 10 prises of.... ('<(),(**) each Ml prixe . of.... Kuiisi each IB prira* of.... Wi.iK*i each IBM prim's of fi.OliO each and thousand* of otli-r*. k All order* rereived on Miadey. ttciohrr it,before the drawW Ing. will he prnmptlr (llle-< , il recei?ed laler.lhe money will [ be returned with uext mail 1 ' Address, or cell, without dslay, MORLBhTHAU, ItKL'NO A CO., leaker*, 23 Perk raw, Mew York. Post office boa 1,887 E NE NE^ SPECIAL. KOTICKS. Americas vocal ixstitctk. ios "~#arefihxy place ? An educational exlahllihruent for treatment of Cntlerinir. Kefereno and eucularo liiruiahrd. CiliRoxic AII.MK.NT>. NKKYors DEBILITY, OR,/attnair dieeaaei, Ac., .peedilr eradicated; female com plaint! a specialty. Dr. francis UUULaRD (Pariiiin professorship), 1.47'J bro dway. near 45th it Consultation free. ISRASKS OF MEN A SI ECIAI.TY. " HENRY A. DANIELS. M. D.. 114 Lexington a?.. near2:*th it. Office hour! Ironi hi to 3. Electric belts fob pkbmatckk debilitt. Call or tend for circnlar to J. K A KK, S fj Broadway. CN RAND EXTRAORDINARY RINOLfc NUMBER I Drawing. to take place at Cheyenne. Wyomlug, positively. Saturday, September 3D. lerTfi. By authority of a special art of the Legislature, the drawing! are to take place In public and to tie conducted by aworn cummisaionere < 1. _.<?"> Ill ui niMI milieu. Now la tba tlma to inveat to train a fortune for ouly a small on t 1st. 1 Grand Csah Priae fl00.000 1 Granu Ua>h Priae 75,o 0 i Grand t'aah Prise 25,000 1 Grand Cash Prise 15,<?ai 1 Grand Cash Priso 1 Grand Gaah Prito " 5,000 Ticket*, $1 each; 6 lor #5, or a paeknjre of 30 tickets, costing {lit), for #10. and the balnnee tn I" deducted only front the prises drawn. Apply to or address EMORY A CO., Hmkers. 31 Park row, opposite l'ost office. New York city. JMPORTANT TO ADVERTISERS. The circulation of the EVENING TELEGRAM for tba woek ending September XI, 1870. waa Monday September IH 117,150 ADVERTISING RATE, 20 CENTS PER LINK. Tuesday. September Hi 87,800 ADVERTISING KATE. 20 CENTS PER LINK Wednesday. September 20 87.850 ADVERTISING KATE, 20 CENTS PER LINK. Thursday. September 21 50,500 ADVERTISING RATE. 20 CENTS PER LINK. Friday, September 22 41.31X1 ADVERTISING RATE, 20 CENTS PER LINE. Saturday. September all 30.800 ADVERTISING RATE, 20 CENTS PER LINK. ADVERTISING RATE, 20 CENTS PER LINT." Total 247,800 ADVERTISING RATE. 20 CENTS PER LINK. Dally average 41.300 office, 2 ann st. vtotFce i shereby givkntITat the stocki.4 It ddrra of tltc Central Croaa Town . Railroad t;ompany of New York will bold tltelr meeting iu the city of New York, at tha offire ol the company, uv. A. between 22d and 23d at a., on Tneaduy, Oetober 3, IS7tl. at 12 o'clock noon, tor the election ol a board of directors and three Inapcctoraof election lor the ensuing year w. a walcott, Socretary. Nkw York, Sept. 20. Nervous exhaustion?a medical essay comprising a cries ot loclurea deltverod at Kahtt'a .nuseum oi Anatomy ,>ow 1 orx, on tnc cause ana cure 01 premature decline, snowing indisputably how lost health may lie retrained, affording a clear synopsis of the Impodlnients to inarriaire and the treatinont ot nervous and Physical dehllity, being the result of lit) years' experience, 'riru :5 cents. Address the author. Dr. la J. KAll.N, office and residence 51 Kuat Kith St., New York. NEW YOKK THROAT AND EAR INSTITUTE. 23 East '.MUh st. Free examinations 11 to 1 only. vr -laio.doo cash gi ftk. J.N , Keutnckv State Single Number Distribution. 10,379 l'rixos and only 50 (100 tickets. SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Vannjera. To be drnwn on Suturdar. September 30, 1870. Wholes, Jlo. Shares in proportion. Royal Havana to lie drawn October 2. 1870. Address I'AKKS. EMERSON A CO., Hankers, 180 Hroadway, room 4. LD KKNTUCKY STATE LOTTF,RIK8.^TSMITU'S." KRNTrOKV, KXTUA CLASS (i?9. roit 1870. 34, 35, lit. 14. 1. 7(1, 41. 20. 33. 71, 58, 43. KKNTUCKY. CLASS 070, TOR 1870. 39, 18. 38, 45. 02, 37. 17. 33, 7. 54. 48. 50. AH orders address B. NATHAN, 181 Broadway, New York. P~?$300,0-j0 "<J ASH "GIFTS. . Whole Tickets. (HO. Kentucky Single Number Pottery draws Saturday, September 30, 1870. A few tickets left. Sale of tickets will stop at 11:30 A. M. PARKS, EMERSON A CO., Agents and Rankers, 180 Broadway, room 4. ARTIES HAVING! LEGAL CLAIM'S IN ANY PART ol the United Stales, Canada or Korope, and no muney or time to prosecute, can Qnd assistance by addressing D., box 133 Herald office. N. H.?Best of references; no dtvotco cases taken. IIKUMATISM AND ALL OTHER PAINFUL DISEASE curen by magnetic treatment. 0. BARNEY, 202 Bast 13th St. Royal Havana lottery.?next drawing october 2. Only 25,0 0 tickets divided in 2Hth and 40th ; 085 prises, amounting to <750,0; *1. Highest priie S20O.IJU0 snd next ef $loO,(ski. 'In April, 1873, we sold the $5<>U,U>i iirise and on September 1, 187t>. we sold and cashed thai of 111X1,000. B. MARTINEZ A CO., Bankprs, 1(1 Wall at.. New York. Spanish (laid and Havana Bank Bills bought and sold. Drafts on Havana issued. R~OYAL HAVANA LOTTERY DKAW8 OCTOBER*^ Capital Prises. (200.01X1. (lOil.OOO. $50.(10(1 $25,000. Important Information giron by E. KONNENBERG, Pott office box 1,185. New llayen. Conn. Royal Havana "lottery.?$730,000 will, be drawn on Oct. 2. Prises cashed: orders filled; Information lurnished; highest rates paid for Hpaniah bills, governments, Ac TAYLOR A CO.. Bankers, No. 11 Well St.. New York. T^IR" ART STUDENTS' LEAGUE WILL OPKN THEIR Life and Portrait Classes on Monday. October 2, st their rooms, 108 5th av. Foe particulars apply personally or by loiter. fjlo-morrow, ~ saturday, rrptexber 80, UU.X'I rAlli IU 11ULU A IIU&E1 1X1 TDK UKAAU DRAWING OF TIIR KENTUCKY STATE DISTRIBUTION. $3 x\000 DIVIDED INTO 10,879 CAKII GIFTS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED BY LOT TO LUCKY TICKET HOLDERS. 1 GIFT OF 185.000. 1 GIFT OF $30,000. 1 OIFT OK fin.ono. 4 GIFTS OF $3,00n EACH. 10 GIFTS OK $2,500 EACH. 50 OK $I.OOO EACH. 10,340 FRO* $2,00!) DOWN TO $10. EVERY GIFT PAID IN FULL. REMEMBER THAT THIS IS THE LAST DAY. TICKETS ONLY $10 EACH: HALVES, $5; QUARTERS, $2 30. THOMAS H. IIAY8 A CO.. General Earn era Airente, <1!>7 Broadway. The alum patent ? ahead. The VALENTINE A BUTLER SAFK AND LOCK COM. PA.NY have received the highest award for fire and burglar nroof (ale* at tlio Centennial. hoan <w\n ?Kentucky statu lottkry, 5]pOl/U>UUU. Slnitle number, llnrnDtpUii, draw* Saturday, September 30. Circular*, wttli *11 Information free. J. DUFF k CO., Ranker*. 42 N'aaaan at., corner Llbortyr New York. aqiwi /win il<l:AsTrr)isfRTirrT?a " ?pOUU."U" Kentucky State distribution. Drnwi positively September 1*1. Capital prise. 10,:i7? others from $20,000 down to $100. Royal Havana Lottery draw* October 2. Huv at once, only one day left. JACKSON A CO.. Ranker., 202 Broadway. New York. INSTUCCTION. A"y6i'No~1Lady wishes a' kkw'more young pnplhi on piano; Irae special aptno.a tor Instructing | children, with whom alio ha. much experience; terra, very moderate. Address J. box 2<U Herald office. SOUTH JERSEY IXSTITUTK. llRIDGETON. N. J? Kor both sexes. College preparatory ; Institute, classical, and scientific course.. Building brick; modern improvements. Climate mild; Very healthy. Instruction thorough. Begins September tl. Sand (or catalogue. II. K. TKASK, Principal. TI'AnteF-PUPTIX~BY A YOITno LAIVY QlTALIIf lleil to tearh Knsllsli branchrs and Oerman ; Brooklyn preferred. Address AS8AK, Brooklyn Post olllce. \\TANTED?A FRENCH PROTESTANT LADY FOR A It boarding scliool; also a lady for Oerman and music. Apply at Teachers' Bureau. 07 West it.lth st. r#t cents a lesson conversation al UV/French, by a Parisian isilr rilplomee; translations; frea lectures .Mondays, at 3. Mile. VhLhL, 1,207 Broadwuy, room 23. (S>1 CII A YEAR?BOARD AND TUITION. ADDRESS 3PIt WPlMOOPAL . >( t DK M . . Iladdonfleld. H. .1. NEWSPAPEUH. gAlXif from the battle field. Indiana It the Battle Field ot' the Campaign. The greataat political contest of the century is being waged within her border*. The talent of the nation, the flower of both tlio greet pnrtiei la in the struggle. Would 70a like to recelre deilj the falleit end most reliable newt from the front? Send ne One Poller end we will send you the INDIANAPOLIS DA1LY~~AXD SUNDAY SENTINEL during tho Campaign?that is to any, from September SO until Xovomber 9, 1876. Six copies tn one address. Fire Dollars. The Sentinel Is the reeognlsed orgen of the Iodiena Democracy, and will be fonnd to be frill of lint Shot. Campaign Weekly twenty-lire cents. Office of the Indianopolls Pally, Sunday and Weekly Sentinel., Intl., Sept. 24. 1870. ' STOltAUK. A? GRAND t ENTRaL STORAGE W All V. H oTJfflFT o ft .Furniture, Piano*, Baggage. Ac.; Inspection ir.rlictl. Broadway and 47th at. MORGAN A BROTHER. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, I'lANOS, BAGGAGE, Ac.; aeparste rnoma; lowest rates; olevator; watchman; Ittraltnre removed. MICIIALKS A HuN, KM, 42 Commerce at., near Mleeckrr. STORAGE IN PLASTERED ROOMS AND LOFT8, FOR tnrnlture. baggage, carriages. As. 109, 111, 113 and 114 East 44th at. W YO J YORK, FRIDAY, SEPTET SPORTIN&?DOGS. HIHDS, ?M/. At'CTHtN POOLS SOLD SATI KDAV. KKI'TKMBKR 3li. tin RutlirrruH Perk regatta; ptmln unlil on the irrounile: lake Krio rtiatl, f<ntl Chamhcre ?t J. 3. TUKKKR. IJ^OR SALE?ONB KUSSI AN MLTOOUIUU'SDJ r Urtrrttt ??,! hand-omeal In city: one St. Hcrnartl, yrry larire and hendiome ; Setier l'atm: Kokhonnd I'upe; New fnuiilland Pap*; Dalian Hound I'llpo; black and Tans, Kmteh ud Ktjrp . Dogs of ill breeds. II, Cj,\ttUXEU, corner ,"?4it 11 it. mid llroelway, New York. YORK ATHLETIC CLUB7 Seventh Annual Fell (itrntt, Amateur Chnmpionihip of America SATURDAY, September 80, 1870, 2 :13 P. M. Mott nr. and IVHIt it., Mott Haven. Harlem Railroad train leave* tirand Central dco"t 1 :S ' P. M. boats Irom Peek kiln and Fnlton it. every liftminutes. Special accommodations for ladies. OOLM BOLD AT 318 Rl ILKDtlE ST., NEAR Union Orouiids, this afternoon.?Chelsea vs. Alaska, Union Grounds; Hartford vs. St. Louis. St. Louis; Louisrllle vs. Boston. Lunltvllls. SKIHERT A IIcCLOUP. THE TVHK. A?FLEETWOOD PARK. MOKRIHAKIA. 8E>T. 29.? Trottluif to comuianco at 2 o'clock; match race for B-vsi. W. Fisher names U g. A. T. Stewart. John Rogers names li. m. Carrie Myers. Also Match Race for $"><). C. H. Johnson names b. m. Miss Drew. James Casey names by. m. Panic. Hotli best 3 in b in harness, owners to drive. Admission..Vic. HATES H. BARNARD. President. American jockey club. Fall Meeting. 187(1, at .lerome Pork, 30th September, 3d. Mh, 7th. loth, 12th and Mth October. Races commence each day punctually at 1 : Is P. M. A. BELMONT President. C. WuatTLr, Secretary. Auction, frknch and combination pools sold morning and craning at JoII NSON'S rooms. Broadway, eorner 2Sth st., on the running races nt Jeroino Park and trotting at Philadelphia; each lieat and race reoelv.-d by telegraph direct. A combination book open on all events. Freuch Pools open at 0: >o A. M. All orders by mail or messenger will receive particular atleutloii. t. b. johnson. UOTION and french PooLa'soi.D AT TII(??aS* exchange. no. 3 Barclay sr.. on the runNl.Nti KAUK.i AT JEROME PARK; FRENCH POOL TICKETS. $3 K At' il. Ul-.OKGK M. THOMAS. Auction.?French-and' combination pools sold dny and evening at New York Turf Exchange, 1.1 It km 2Sth st., on the Jerome Park running tuces and Philadelphia trots. Coinldiiatioii pools, f J ; Froncli pools. 42 and $.1. Coiubinatlun book open. $T liable to win td.lso. Open H,': A. M., prompt. Attention givcu orders by mail or messenger. KELLY A BLISS. TYREEDERS* CENTENNIAL"TKOTTINU MEETING, jj ennoia rnrx, rnimuripciu, September -7, 28, 211 and 31), 1870. FIRST DAV?Wednesday, September 27.?Revolution Raco. f2.3UO. Tor inreu .veiir olds; eleven entries from fulllitrniu, Kentucky. Pennsylvania, New York. Connecticut end New Jersey. Also Independence Knee tcr flveyesr-nldt, $2,u(> >. Following entries;?Governor Sprague, Blackwood, Jr.; Klsle Good, I'iedtuont, Lsdy .Mills, Freshman, Nell II?mliletunion Mnnibrino. SKOONI) DAY?Thursday, September 28,?Continental Race tor 2:40 stalilone, S2.5tt>. Closed with Thorndnle, Aberdeen. Hnnker. Robert Fulton and Nil Desue raiidum. Also National Stallion Cup. now on exhibition at Bailey A Co. 'a, value #1,<J00, for fastest stallions against time during tlio meeting. Governor Sprague, one trial; Jay Gonld, on < trial; Sam I'urdy, one trial; Blackwood, Jr., two trials; Commonwealth, one trial. THIRD DAY?Friday. September 29.?Republic Race for four-year-olds. $2,but Closed with ten entries?Kchora, from California; Girl K. (Jiieen, from Kentucky; Hlsrkmail's Miranda, from Grange county, New York; Saidie Hell, from Virginia; Montejuma, from Long Island ; Lady l'atclien. Host Hoy, Helle Hewitt and Woodtord Chiof. from Kentucky; lllnse Medium, from 1'hlladelpiha. Also National Stallion Cup. $l,t*>0. Jay Gonld, one trial; Sara I'urdy, one trial; Itlackwood, Jr., one trial; Commonwealth, one trial; Aberdeen, one trial. FOURTH DAY? Saturday. September 3CX?Federal Race for aix-yenr-olda, #2,&UU. Following entries;?A. J. Mcliiuiiiiin's Rlacawooil, Jr., from Tennosaee; Dnme Trot, Irom lioston, Mass. ; Rosewood, from Long Island, and Magenta, from Keutucky. Also National Cup, valno ?l,U*l Jay Gould, one trial; Governor Sprague, two trials; Sam I'urdy, onotrial; Commonwealth, one trial; Aberdeen, two trials; .Montesuma, three trials. NOTE.?'The horses will he started promptly each day at 2 o'clock I". M. Special trains to Snflulk Park will leave i'hlladelpkin, Wilmington and ilaltlinore depot at 12 M., 12:33, 1 and 1:3.) 1. M., and from tho same depot to l'nschall Station, near the track, at 7, 8:10. U:3U, 10:30 A. M., 12: it) and 2:30 1*. M. Go early and avoid overcrowding. Tickets and reserved seats at HJl Chestnut st , Philadelphia. KELLOGG A CONLBY. INALL MEETING OF THE WKSTCHBSTHK DRIVING Park and Agricultural Association, at the Fair Grounds, White Plains, N. V., October 10, 11, 12 and 13, 1878. Purses, $3,0)1); entries to close September 30, 9 P. M? at the Orawniintun Hotel, White Plains, or at Johnson's Pool Rooms, Broadway and 28tli st., New York. For programme see "Spirit ol the Times" or the "Turf, Field and Farm," or address J, O. MILLKR, Secretary, White Plalna, N. Y. Tho business stands and privileges will bo let at auetion on Saturday, September 3t>, Intl.. at 1 P. M., at the Fair Grounds. UEOUGK M. WOODWARD. Chairman Committee. Saratoga racing association. 1.239 broadway.?Auction, French and Combination Pools sold day and evening on the Jerome Park Karos and on the Philadelphia trots; combination and French tickets. $3; alto French pools open on the October elections In Indiana and Ohio to close every evening; tickets, $3. JOHN MORRISSEY A CO. ATTERSALLS'. 1,227 BROADWAY.?NHW COM 111iiatiau Pool, tickets $1 eaeh; open to-night. Tattersalis' Auction Pools every evening, et 8 o'clock. TattersallsFrench Pools; tickets $1 each, 'lattorsalls liavo their office on the bill, et Jerome fork. Book on every race. McDOUGALL A CO. HORSES. CAlUilAGES. (Kb. Attention is called ' ~ ? to tub executor's sale, AT PUBLIC AUCTION. THIS DAY (FRIDAY), SEPTEMBER 29 AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.. SHARP, AT PRIVATE STABLE NO. 31 EAST 12TH ST.. betwren Broadway and University place, COMPRISING ALL THE PAST TROTTING. HIGH BRED ROAD AND FAMILY HORSES. TOGETHER WITH TIIH elegant *i agons. iiarm-si, nones, ac., belonging to the estate of the late O. H. .1 RHOMB, DECEASED, commencing with the BEAUTiriTL BAY GELDING HAY PRINCE, ft years old, 15>? hands; raised in Orsnge county; sired by Bysdyk's llambietonlan: dam, tho Iloo mare, by Wilson's Mir Henry; gtand d>im by American Bclinse; lie trotted three heats on Goshen track in 2 :2S, 2 :_''i end 2:30; he trotted on Prospect Park track in 2:24: lie Is a Hue pole horse : lias been driven by Indies; he Is warranted perfectly sound and kind. TIIK STYLISH AND FAST SORREL GELDIXO HARRY LAMBERT, raised in Vermont, slrod by Daniel Lambert, dam Nancy, pot by Monarch, ton of Kysdvk's llamblctonlsn; was entered in 2 :40 class at Bethel, Vt.. winning in 2:3l, 2:29 and 2:3t>)?; he won second money in 2:30 class, beating Tanner Hoy and several others: lie Is 0 years old, 15*^ haitda;a prompt, free, pleasant driver; fears nothing, and is warranted sound and kind. HANDSOME CHESTNUT MARE KENTUCKY GIRL. 6 rears old, 15'i hands: raited at Paris. Ky., sired by Alexander's Abdallah. dmn Belle Brandon, by Hugh L. French; took first premium at Covington, Ky., as thu handsomest and fastest 5-year-old. show lug three heats in 2:211. 2:2? and 22211)4; she trotted lla. ry Lambert to tlie pole on Prospect Park track In 2:34: they make ono of the handsomest as well ns the fastest gentleman's teams that goes 011 the road; can be driven at speed by any ordinary driver: she Is warranted sound end kind in every particular. very handsome and hio iihkkd black gelding black i1awk. .IK., raised III Vermont, sired by Vermont Hisck llaw-k, dam i.ncy Brerklnridge, by Breckinridge, second dam Rebecca, by imported Glencoe; he is 7 years old, 15)j hands, line, clenn limbs; beautiful nrehed neck, hue head, flowing tail and full mane: tnl young horse is worthy the attention of horsemen, as he lias wonderful endurance, a* well ns his great speed makes hlin n very vnlaable liorse for turf purposes: lie has good disposition; kind and gentle in all harness; any lady can ride or drive liini: ho was entered in 2 :Ti class at Bethel. Vt., wliero lie has a record in 2 :'J2)?: he showed severnl lien's under 2 :20 in private; It he gets In good hands lie will rank with the best: he I- warranted perletly sound and kind, RELIABLE AND FAST BAY GELDING REPEATER, 6 years old, 15,l4 hands, raised in -Orange county. N. Y.; sired by Ethan Allen, out of a Messenger mare; lie Is perfect In every way; flue, pure gsited, square trotter: has trotted around rleeiwood track to a ponv phaeton in 2:50; lie is tho best Iters - for ladies' use that can he fonnd: lio is warranted aonnd and kind In every particular. ELEGANT FULL SPRING TOP WAGON, WITH POI.K AND -SHAFTS. BEAUTIFUL TOP PONY PHAETON, vivtr Rtm.- nan T(it> wsiiiiv I.ATKST STVr.R KINK LIGHT DOUBLE HARNESS. VKBY KINK SINGLE HARNESS. ELEOANT BLACK BEAR ANI> OTHER ROBES. Kersey, Dress, Swcst and Si?bl( Blanket!, all of wIiIl'Ii must positively be sold to highest bidders, re jnrdless of coat or vslue, without limit or restrict! >n. Any (.'Otiticman wishing to purchase n rrll.iblr horse trill please call and examine and ride behind any oftlin above Imrsca. Coachman In attendance. Sale -.rill take pldhe at I > o'clock, rain or shine. No postponetnoul. Twenty-lour hours itivn lor trial. By order of C. O. W. HERRING.) M. P. MILL::II. 1 Kxecutora. A? MAJOR CHARLES W. BARKER, AUCTIONEER. OitMK TODAY ami ride behind Captain George l>. Ilnnna's. ul Bourbon countv. KENTUCKY, extraordinary lo of ta t (IRKKN TROTTERS, matched COACH ami TROTTING Tc.AMS coupe and TCAKT Horses, comliined. 'II giilted SADLLE and harness horses, Ac.; NINETEEN ItEAlJto ho sold on Wednesday next. Octol>er 4. at II o'clock, at BARKER A SON'S City Auction Mart and New York Tattersalls, corner of Broadway and dllth St.: NO SI OB stock has heen seen in Now York in TWENTY years: all aro of the best KENTUCKY" troitinit and thoroughbred hiood and all warranted In every particular; NO CHANCE to maka a mistake : the SPEED, saddle and driving qualities SHOWN to EVERY BODY BEFORE the time ol sale; come AT ONCE and RIDE nnd KNOW what yon are bidding on. -MAJOR CHARLES W. BARKER, AUCTIONEER Will t>e sold to-morrow (Saturday), at-11 o'clock, at Barker A Ron's City Anction Mart and New Y'ork Tattersals, corner of Broadway and .'ilHh it., the closely matched pair of bay trotting Mares, Etta Irwin and lllxtnn Ctrl, 15Hi high. foaled istis end IWIII, full sisters; got by Middletown, son of Ryadlck't llamhletonian, dam Sally (2:.T4) by the (laden Horse, son of Vermont Black llawk; are game and very stylish drivers; have shown a trial of 2:40% to the p ile; hare no equal as a gentleman's road team and are warranted aoiinil and kind . now on exhibition at the mart. At a sacrikick?ten business wagons, wo to PI.TO, tor express, grocers, butchers, bakers, milk, laundry. advertising, delivery. Manufactory. 220 Spring it. "I" CHANCE TO Bl Y A TROTTER AT YOUR OWN JVnrlee. ?Auction aale of Horses, Carriages, Harness, Ac , ' lila'morning, 11 o'elork. at K Wrat :!Otli at. A' T ilAliK COST-11A NOiuM i TO? HIDR HAH bar Wairon. with Hrewater'a Improved aprlnga, elmoet Dew. 1.11 Weal 35th at., near Broadway. A -Kbit 8Al,K. lINK OK TilK KINK ST BAY CDUPK. .carriage or family road lloran in the btate, " yeara, I hnnda: aonud end kind; can trot In about ! rainutea. ('all at atable No 'ill Heat IHtli at., near Broadway. Lao PER CENT LEffb THAN COST OK MANUKAIV turn. Received front a bankrupt flrnr it lot ot fine leather top ilitcglca at 9121; I'haetona, #IUO: lie pot Wagon*, $14"; Kockawitya. #12"; Harneaa. $il to $21)0; Inimenar atock of Horae Blanket*. torn alight Iv damaged, at great bargain*. JOHN NIH1IIK, o7 Warren at. GOOD CLARENCE, #450 ANI) Inoi NEW KTYLB Coach, cheap; aix aeat 1'haeton, half price; new aad aecoad band Boggiei and Wagona. 400 Sd av. RK H 1BER 29, 1876?TRIPLE ? HOKSKS. CARBIAUEH. AC. A GREAT ASSIGN K K'S BALK THIS DAY THIS 1?AY THIS l)Al (FRIDAY). (FRIDAY), (FRIDAY). KEPTkm uk It 2f, SEPTEMBER 21), SEPTEMBER 21). AT K) A. M. AT 10 A. M. AT 10 A M. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT I WILL SEl'L "V ITHLIC AUCTION. EIGHT VALUABLE TROTTINO, CARRIAGE. ROAD AND SADDLE liOKSF.S. together with elegant carriages, ROAD WAGONS, I'll AETijNS. DOUBLE AND SIN CLE IIA ICS EsS. ROBES. BLANKKTs, SHEETS. Wllirs. AC., AO., AT 10 O'CLOCK THIS MOUSING. AT PRIVATE STABLE S WEST BOTH ST., BETWEEN BROADWAY AND :>TII AV? SALE POSITIVE. RAIN (lit SHINE. TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. WITHOUT LIMIT. RESTRICTION OK RESERVATION. ALL HORSES WARRANTED SOUND AND KIND. TWENTY-FOUR HOURS ILLOIVKD Foil TRIAL AND K X AM I \ ATI ON. lnelu<!iinr ^ ERV HA.NDSOMK AM) STYLISH LIGHT HAY Trottinjr Gelding General IHx. ruined at Auburn, tin* State, irrd bj Champion the *iro of the Auburn h?#r*" facile Hoy, Lady Ruckus and other noted oin s. H? hands high. 7 year* old ; he la very powerfully mil. Iitts great bottom and endurance ; trotted at Auburn in 2 :42. '2:4*1,2:11 when ho wa? purchased by present owner; lie ia one or the line*! big horses in tbis city; hss hern uaed a* a coupe anil rood horse lor the laat year, lor which purpose he has no anlienor; he is a prompt, pleasant driver, doea not pullnrsliv; fa very good united; has line knee action: safe lor anybody to drive, and can trot a mile bettor tln n 3 minute* with two persons in atop wagon, and ia warranto.I sound and kind. VKKY FINK 5 VKAK OLD TltO IT1NG MAKE LIVY Fowler, aired by Oolddtist, dam by Htrotler'a Clin; l"v\f hands hitch; golden sorrel in color; wah purchased from L. I*. Dorsey. of Louisville, Ky.. when three year* old, at a cost ol fl.tkHi; has never been handled much for speed until thla sprint:, when she showed two heats over Prospect i*ark course In 2 :4G and *2;37^;shn U a very prompt, pleasant driver; does not pull or ally; has a mild, amiatho disposition, safe for anybody to drive, and Is warranted sound and kind. VKKY HIG1I BRED TROTTING MARE. LADY Augntta. aired by llilly Denton. he hy old llnnihlntonian, dam by Conklin's Star. .1 years old, IV hands; light hay in Color; is very powyt fully made; has line loins and quarters, and is very good gfited; trotted, when live vears old, over Goshen half mile ,rnrk live lieilt* in *2 2: tV 2 : J.'?, 2 :H4*4. 2:3H, sin. o which time she ha* been used as a road*mart*, for which purpose she cannot he surpassed : site is n prompt, pleasant driver; does not pull when speeding; does not shy; is a good pole insre, and I* warranted sound and kind. VERY HANDSOME BLACK GELDING. VVolllKN; Ired by Walklil Chiet. he by old Hamhletoniau. dam n Clay mare : l?? hand- high, 7 years old; l? very stylish In harness; trotted at byrucusa, N. V., in gentlemen's road race to a road wagon, driven by ownar, three heats in 2 :IH, 2:40. 2 .3RS*; he la very go?ai galled, and n very light stepper for a big horse; he ia one of the pleaaantest drivers to he found; la not afraid of cars or anything else, and U sale lor nnybody to drive, and is warranted sound and kind. VhHY HANDSOME HLOOD HAY SADDLE AND phaeton marc, Nelllo. rulaod at Lcxutfrtou, Ky., sired ny Denmark, dam a half bred mare, H years old. 15^ hand' high, and very pretty; litis boon used all summer by ladies and children, lor which purpose site ia invaluable; will stand witiiouiuinft; it safe tinner all circumstances; la broken to all different saddle gaits, guides hy motion and Is warranted sound and kino. VERY FAST TROTTING HOKSK BEN BPTLER, sired hy Darkness, dam hy Pat Malloy, l.Y>, hands high, 7 years old; raised at Paris, Ky.; he is a very line road horse. Tins great bottom and endurance, is very good gnitml, and can speed a 2 :Ho gait to road wagon; In* trottod a mile when purchased in Ket.tieky in 2 when five years old, since which time he has greatly improved in speed, a* he was driven a half tnlleover Fleetwood by ownor to a single seat road wagon In i :14, and owner thinks that ho can heat 2 :30 this fall with two weeks' handling; he is a pleasant driver, does not pull when speeding, does not need boots, Is a good pole horse, safe for anybody to drivo and is warranted sound and kind. ELEGANT LIGHT BAY TROTTING MARE KENtacky Maid; raised at Ijexlngton, Ky ; sired by Almont; dag a thoroughbred tnare. by Lexington; 13^4'hands high, 7 years old; has great bottom and endurnuce; has trotted evrral two ami three mile race* in Kentucky, and wm never beaten: alio nlmi trotted in mile bent race at Lexington Fair, winning the third beat in 2 Uf-j; olie in a verytine road mare; ilooa not |>iill orah.v; aale lor anybody t-t drive; can trot It* mile* in ono hour, and is warranted annnd and kind. VBUY HANDSOME AND FAST TROTTINO PONY Yonng Ethan, aired by Ethan Allen, dnm l>y Woodpecker; la about IS lianda lilith, t' yearn old; dark dapplo bay In color; ia very pretty, aod ia the fiuleat horae ot liia niae in tbia country; trotted at Beaton, beating Fanny Hit-ley and Put in 2:33, 2:22, it :S3>?; alto trotted at Providence in doiiblo team race with Hickory J nek In 2 :3ft, 2:3}, lie la one of the flneat driving ponioa to bo lound; iiaa been imed principally by ladiea and children tor tho laat aix raontha; be la not all-aid of cara; will aluud witbont lying; can beat 2 :4U on day of aale, and ia warranted aouud aud kind. CARRIAGES CONSIST OF ONE EXTENSION TOP PARK PHAETON. POLK AND SHAFTS, SEATS FOUR PERSONS. ONE Fl'LL SPRING TOP WAGON. ONE SIDE BAR TOP WAGON. OXK LIGHT TROTTING WAGON. ONE PONY PHAETON. ALL BEST CITY BUILDERS. ONE SET OF COACH HARNESS. ONE LIGHT DOUBLE HARNESS. THREE SETS OF SINGLE HARNESS. ROBES. BLANKETS, SIIKEiS, WHIPS, BOOTS, AC.. AC. PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE ABOVE HORSES. AS TtJKY ARE ALL WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. AMPLE TIME WILL BE ALLOWED PARTIES PURCHASING TO TEST Til KIR SPEED AND SOUNDNESS. SALE POSITIVE, RAIN OR SHINE. BY ORDER OF MARTIN J. COSUKOVE. ASSIGNEE. UCTfON HOUSE" OF VAN TAHSKLL A KEARNEY*, 110 AND Ita EAST UlTll ST., NEAR 4TH AV. REGULAR 8Aa.ES OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES KYHVY -^URRDAY AND FRIDAY. On every hnrte that la wiirranted aimnd or kind and true In liarneaa Rem one to three daya ia given to teat warrantee. CATALOGUE OP THIS DAY'S (FRIDAY) SALE. AT 10 O'CLOCK. GREAT BALE Of VERY FAST AND HIGHLY DRED TROTTING HOUSES. PAIR BLACK MARK* PULL SISTRRS, SIRED BY Superb, (lam by Black Hawk: pedigree guaranteed; 1ft bends hitch, fl und 7 years old. kind and truo in all himient: free from vlco, irick nr lault; very stylish ana handsome; superior roadmen; trotted laat leatoii over the I'oughkui psie trark to road wagon in 3:15 and can trot much taster now; are Ireo aud pleasant drivers, fear nothing and are warranted sound. Bel light double Harness; set single do . by DnutcomD. TOP ROAD WAGON. IN GOOD ORDER. BAY TROTTING HORSE. SIRED BV ETHAN ALLEN, dam a fast Vermont Korean mare, 15 hauda high, s years old; kind end true in all harness; free from Ire; has fiue style and action; is a prompt and pleasant driver; ran trot close to 2:3<>: is superior to the pole; docs not shy or pull; it oncol the finest horses for gentleman's road uae in the city and Is warranted ouiid. Also set single llnrnesa by Wood Gibson, and TOP ROAD WAGON. GOOD AS NEW. BUILT BY Brewater A Co.. of Broome St. MAHOGANY BAY GELDING GEORGE. FOALED 1ST.0, got by General Knox, dum by Hiram Drew; Is 15Ji bands high; kind and tme in all harness; free from vice; very stylish: a free, enty driver; neither shies nor pulls'/afraid of nothing; safe for any one to drive; can beat 3:35 to day sure: Is one ol the moat perfect road horses in the city slid Is warranted sound. Alto set single Harness by Kerne A Co., and TOP ROAD WAOON. NEARLY NEW, BUILT BY Miner A Stevens. BRIGHT BAY MARK. FOALED 1AG!?, SIRED BY EDward Everett, 15Fj hands high; stands anywhere without tying: any one can drive her; Is prrlectlv gentle snd reliable In ovory way; she can trot In 3 :U or better to-day: has nniltnlted powers of endurance; Is a very pleasant and prompt driver and Is warranted sound and kind. Also set single Harness, but little used, made by Bergen, and TOP ROAD WAGON, NEARLY NEW. BUILT BY Duseiihnry A N'elson. BLACK TROTTING GELDING WILLIE K.. FOALED ISttA, get by .Inpiter mt of Kittle Hunt, i.V9 hands high ; one of the steadiest and most reliable lioraes In llic city: has not a fault or trick of any description; a lady nr child can drive him with p -rleet safety; will stand without tying; can trot in 2:3M sure and is warranted sound and kind. Also set singlo Harness, mado by Baker, of Boston, and NO TOP ROAD WAGON*. BUILT BY K. M. STIVERS. CHESTNUT TROTTING GELDING, FOALED IHHD. OOT l.y Toronto Chief, dam a thoroughbred ninre. Ift'i Iiiinils high : Is a pleasant, prompt aud fieo driver; an extraordinary pole horse: can bent 3 : > sure, sintle or double ; la in every respect u flrat class horse for gent'eutun'a road u-o'and is wnrramed sound and kind. Also set single Harness, near y new, made by Dallou, and NO TOP ROAD WAOON, BUILT BY BREWSTER A CO., of Brnoine st. BAY COUPE HORSE. IB HANDS HIGH. 7 YEARS old; kind anil true In all liarneas; fio< Ironi vlco; prompt and stylish driver; lias been driven to a private carriage and la only sold for wnnt of nse. Also set Coupe llarncssjand ^ ^ DArl'Lk'JjBAV RiVvDMAltE."''l-V "'i<AS|)S HIGH. 0 vear. old; kind mid trim fti nil liainon*; free from vice; n (ant traveller; prompt nnd >ty 11?11 driver; * flrat cln?a mnrn for Kcmleniati'a road unc; alto ret alimle llarnoaa and TOP WAGON, BUILT BT CORBBTT A 8CII ARCH, IN wood order. AT COUPE ItOKSK, I.*?K HANDS 111(111. 7 YEARS old; kind and Irne in ail liarnoaa: free from vice; liaa tine atyle nnd action; a free and ple-iaant driver; lean nothing: a tlrat rlnn linrre for coupe or family carriage. Alan aet dlflr llarnen und EXTENSION TO I' HIAKTOX, ItV SARGENT. OF BOSton. BLACK HORSE, IV; HANDS HIGH. H YEARS OLD; kind and true In all liarneaa; free from vice; a prompt and handy driver: leer* nothing : trota eloae to 3 minuter. and la warranted aonml. Alan net aingle Harueta and TOP WAGON. POLE AND SHAFTS. BUILT BY DU8ENliury A Van Doner. ALSO l.i OTHER Kt>AI> AND FAHILY UOIISK8. DEacriptlon time of nnle. bTANIIOl'K PHAETON, IN GOOD ORDER, BUILT BT .Million A Gniet, Paris. FOUR-SKAT PARK PHAETON. SIX-SEAT EXTENSION TOP PHAETON. FOUR-SKAT PONY PHAETON. NEARLY NEW SINGLE TRUCK. NEARLY NEW; ROCK A WAYS. PONY I'haelona. Ac.. Ac. RALE COMMENCES AT 10 O'CLOCK. AT A SACRIFICE. THREE WORK HORSES; MUST ell: no work. 078 Greenwich at. AHRKWSTER. OFIIHOOME ST., QUARTER WAGON for nalc at private atuMc 133 Went Mlk ?t. A CHANCE SELDOM EQUALLED?THE FOLLOW. Inn Turnout will be aolil ak a buyer a price Olio Gray Mare, 1!>?4 lianda, 8 yeara old, aonml and kind and can tru't in "J:50; one Stiver'! top Road Wagon, weight litis ponnda; one act aingle Harneva, Whip, Kobe and Blanketa, complete; all the above art Idea are In thorough order and can Dt aeen At w ntn uuin n. N RLKlVANT PAIR Or CARRIAOK MOKSKS-BTT. 16% hand*, parfaetly mulched mid broken. hluh atepnera ami very atyllah. On M INI It IM Will ll'tat. rOM* Bl'ILT HORSBTTEAM OF OTIIRK IIORRRH; operate ur menhi r. #?.' . f7 >, $!(0. II llmKr si. 7-Ton SALE (AT A lillKAT HAKdAlS IK HOLD thli week). 0110 flno leather alii ft I ni; top aide liar Warun, on* lull aprinu top; alao una Inula 'ant Ro id Wag. on nnd one two aaat llepnt H'njron. with I'ola and Shaft a. and ons Pony i'harton; two acta ?l city niado -Inula linrneaa ami ono double aet; all aa Rood aa new. Call at .'O haat lhth at., near Hroadway. . A" WORK IIOISSE FOR HAI.K CIIKAI' OH EXchanuo tor a Truck, Wagon or Kiirnltnre. tiAKI'XKV, 17 Cantra at. A SPLItNDID FKHSII MILK DiUIIAM <: w i c i7t aala, milking 2b i^uaria ol milk per day or no aa>a. No, t.iit haat l.'itli at. -7 JIORHKH, FOR HITCHKR. HAKIll OH UKO car, trial Rtren. 67 Ureat Jouai it. ERA1 SHEET. own, cajuu Mn, <vc . AUCTION UOI OK ATO li joYI ssfoK in. j\, a:t ?n?l x*> iuih ?t . I hoar L'nlvorilly placo. OLDHST AND MOST KKTUHLS llOl'SE IN THE | 4.1 TV. I RBllULAR HALES OF HORSES AM) OAIMUAOKH j hVKKV TLTKSIMY AND HUDAV. AT 10 O'CLOCK. I 24 hour* to three dnys trlnl on lior*c? warrnntrd nound. ITbi ilUent unit moat reliable hoiiu* in the city. 71I1S DAY, AT in O'CLOCK. FAMILY ESTABLISHMENT; TKA.M DROWN I HOUSES; I'injr uinito and tnils; l.'i^ hand*; S And i? vonra; kind and true in nil hat ne** ; free from vicr; Irt-o dftVvii. A f::*t rl t*s MAOI I??r ^ lumily. cirriaira or anyone: have been used in ? | city a ud country; in every way thoroughly reliable; C sold tor want of n*H; .set Double harness, Itlnnkeie, J I Sheet*. Whin. Ac. ; und 9 | COlTPK ItofKAWAY. CITY BCILT. in jrood order, c I TRACK SULKY AND SKELETON Y/AHON, by Peek 2 | RLKdANT TRAM STB EL UKAY HORSES. 1!)% hands, 0 yenn; kind, gentle und true in ? i single or double hornet**; tree Irom vice. Inult or J triru; very line traveller*; handsome, tree and i -- i atviikh iiriv? rj?; not nfr.iid of ativthiuu: can he I driven by any one. untl are in every particular a I !ir*t diuK and reliable team lor family, carriage * | or road use; warranted sound. Set tine doube | Zr Harness and UIKLBUAXT B SKAT WBMCIIEMTBIl ROCK AW AY, ~ i by.I. R. Lawrence. ^ I VKRV STYLISH HORSE. HANDS, fl Y12ARM; -- i kind aud trio* in ail harness; free from *y vice: good saddle home: an excellent, Ireo and ui stylish driver: a llrst class limily home; in every X way reliable ; warranted sound. ? ELKOAKTT CAKT, NEW, Bl lLl* BY MINER A 7 Steven*. ? VERY HANDSOME DARK CHESTNUT HORSE, ^ lf>U hands. 7 .vear?: kind ami true in all harness; "2 free from vice ; can trot v rv fast; I* ti very Ireo ^ and pleasant driver; not afraid ??l Anything; a jrt lady can drive lilin ; 1* a perfectly reliable and sale home tor any u?o ; wan anted sound. H NO TOP HDK It A It MURKY WAGON, MY BUBW8* tor. or Broome ?\ = COUPE KOCKAWAY, NEW CITY BUILT TO OR H der. 5 GRAY HORSE. 15J? HANDS, D YEARS; KIND lf) and true in all names*; free from vice; an ex :t cellent horse lor work or loudness use. Set Bind^ lies* Harness. H TOP BUSINESS WAGON. NEARLY NEW. COUPE ESTABLISHMENT-Blown Kentucky bred ? Mare. Id hands, 7 yours; kind and true in all har ness; free from vice; good traveller; very stylish t? and prompt driver: superior mare for coupe, fain I 5 il.v or carriage use ; warranted sound; set line city s made Harne**. Blankets and * ELEGANT COUPE. IN PERFECT ORDER, RY 'Z5 ADAMS A CO. 5 SHIFTING TOP DEPOT WAGON, in good order. 2 BLACK GELDING, Id hand*, 7 years; kind aud trnt rr. In nil harness; free front vice; can trot in three minutes; very stylish and free driver; not nfinid Z ol a locomotive or anything else ; can be driven by C anyone; superior horse for family or road pur^ poses; warranted smiud. . TOP SIDE MAR WAliON, by I. Conse, in good order. B DARK BAY MARK KENTUCKY BIRD. 13>, bauds, ^ 7 yards; kind and true in all harness; good uudor ^ aaddle ; free iruin vice; iroud traveller; Ire. driver; ' enn bo driven by ?ny one ; not iitrmrt of nnythlug; . firit clit.H find reliable more lor *nv u?e. ELKOANT OUhKN PH AETON, new built to order. EXTENSION ToP PAKE PHAETON, by Wood rtror, Pol. nnd Sli.ifte. TWENTY OTHER HORSES. d-acrlptlon time of ml.*. LAKOK ASSORTMENT OK EVERY KINO OK CARrlfitf-n, Wagone, ilitrneae, Seddtee. Hlnnketa end weather never interfere! witli ear ante, at TEN O'CLOCK. A""T PRIVATK HTABLf, NO. 3 WEST I.VTH ST.. CITY made top Ro.d Wagon. with covered Uarneaa, [for aale low: but little uaed. All kinds ok family carriages, rest quality, lowest price*. j. > OLYF.k a CO.. .194 Broadway. oombiSXtHTn saddlr and-drivino mare for $12.1, or exchange for Pony Phaeton. Stable 159 East 32tf ?t. A"* BREWSTER * CO. (OF BROOMK ST.) TOP BIDB bar Wagon. good as tisw. Apply 32 Walker St., ap stairs. TOP WAOON, TOP PHABTON_ AND IEARNERS; must be sold at any offer; tliey are as good as now. 138 West 31st St. GREAT HARUAIN?$140 FoiT AN KLKOAKT TOP Pony Phaeton and extra One Harness, at St. Cloud Stables. 1,401 Broadway. C~ 1ARRIAOEH "AND ROAD WAOONSTKXCLURIVRLY Jot oor own rannnfueltire: a stock tinei|tialled in extent uad quality is now offered at our warerooius, 5th nv? corner 14th st. Strangers visiting the city are reminded that we have no relations with a joint stock company organised under a similar name. BREWSTER k CO., of Broome St. Factory, Broadway and 47tb st. CARRIAGES.?FALL TRADE: ORRAT REDUCTIONS; CHARLES GRUME, 3(10 Canal, has largo stock Carriages. Pony and Park Phaetons. Baggies, Rorkawaya, Ac., of hit own make, at manufacturers' prices; they will bear examination and nse. Don*t forget auction sale of trotting Ilorses, also Csrrlagcs and Harness, ibis morning, 11 o'clock, at S West 3()th st. Elegant coolFe. ratin linrd. by adams aco. BEAUTIFUL T CART. BY J. II BRKW8TKR. SIX-SEAT ROCKAWAY, BY J. It. LAWRENCE. EXTENSION TOP PIIAFTON, BY WOOD BROS. SKELETON WAOON AND TRACK SULKY, BY p,q l'KCK A CO. Su SIX PONY PHAETONS, CITY BUILT. COUPE. DRAB LINED. BY WILL1SS. TWENTY-FIVE HORSES; description time of sale. Ihls day, at ARCH. JOHNSTON'S Mart. 19 to 28 ~ 13th st.. near University placo (weather never Interferes with our sales), at 10 o'clock. See catalogue above. VERY-DRSCRIPffoN OF FAMILY CARRIAOEB? best quality; lowest manufacturer's prices. FLOWERS A HILL, P.74 Broadway. FOR KALK-A DOUBLE TRUCK. STRONG AND good; price moderate. Can he seen at 142 Essex st. FOR BALE?BOUND YOUNO 110ltSK AND BUTCHER Cart. 298 10th av. OR SALE?A WOOD BROTHERS' VICTORIA; ALSO an English double llnrpess. Apply at No. it East 52u st. FOR-8ALK?A BIDE BAR, TWENTY-FIFTH STREET Brewster Buggr, nearly now. To be tern at LA SB'S stable. 5Sth st., near Madison av. FOR BALK?SACRIFICE?HEAVY TRUCK OR CA~RT Horse. 7 years: warranted: prlre, $85. Also Canadian Horse. 15 hands; $7i). 155 Christopher st. For kale-two" horse coupe, in" perfect order- would stilt a nrlvate familr : will be sold for one fourth of It* value. Can bo aeon at CUDLIP Stable. 7ili iiv., 55th ?t. GEO. GARTAN. FORTALK-GOOO HORSE. Ifl HANDS; StTT TRUCK or cart; munt awl cheep. 299 Wpat l"th at. jraOR WANT OF I SK. TWO HORSES; M?"aNI) $65; r leaa than half value; Canadian Pony Wa^on cheap. 4 7th nr. For sale cheap?pgr want OP work, four po.iil lloraea: Irlnl Riven 215 Writ 26th rt I NOR SALE-TWO CIIINKV HORSES, n AND~7 1 .roar*; mtiat oall, no work; warranted oound. 592 Waahlnnton at. IN KCARRIAOKH at low price*. Landnua. Roeknwajrt, Landanleta, Cabriolet*. Coachea, Phnetnnii, Coupon, Doctor*' Carriage!, Broughams, 7 Carta, Ac. A. R.IFLANPRAU, Carriage Hallder, 37i and 374 Hrnnmc at., old atand of Hrewater A Co. HANDSOMEST POXY IN THE CITY FOR SALE ATA greatbargain. THOMPSON. I3H Koat 13th at. HOR8F.fl BOARDED?FOK FA 1,1. AND WINTER?AT Prospect Farm. Caldwell, New Jereey; care hr exportenooil and akillul horaomon ; Colt* broken : lloraea trained. Addroaa '!. M. HARRISON. Proprietor, 121 Franklin it.. New York. HoroK. piiaeton and harness, eaoa Apply nmtheaat corner 36th at. and Dili nr. J M PORT ANT TO ADVEKFISERST " The circulation of the KYKN1NO TELEGRAM for tba week ending September 23. 1H70, wra* Monday, Sentcmbcr |K 37.5SO ADVERTISING RATE. 20 CENTS PER LINr. ! Tueadar, September HI 37,Hon ADVERT.SING RATI.. 20 CENTS PER LINE Wodiu adav September 20 37,800 ADVERTISING RATE. 20 CENTS PER LINK. Tbnradav, Soptomher lb 50,00 I ADVERTISING RATI?, 2 > CENT - PER LINE. Fridav. Septomhor 22 41,300 ADVERTISING RATE, 20 CENTS PER LINE. Saturday. September 23 30,500 ADVERTISING RATE, 20 CENTS PER LINE. ADVERTISING RATE, 20 CENTS PER L7NK~~ Total .247 X00 ADVERTISING RATE, 20 CENTS PER LIME. Daily average 41,300 OFFICE, 2 ANN ST. IF YOC WANT TO HEY A TROTTER CHEAP ATland great auetion tale of faat lloraea and line Carriages this day, 11 A. M.. at S Wait 3 til at. PALISADE M OUN T AI.NTI <7 C SI. ST A It I.ES. ?SEVEN miles from 42d at. ferry. New York : gentlomen'a lloraea wintered at reaaonahle rate* : .rend rare : Oral rlaaa aecom* inoilattmia. TAYLOR A STKVIXS. Knglewood. N. J. PR IV AT E S r A RLE. N1A R GRAM K ROY PAP If] TO F t Six stall*. ample earrlairo room eoachrtian'a room*. Ac.; will let part or whole. Apply 2J3 Eaat 2fhb at. RBMOVAL WOOD BROTHERS, Carriage Manilla, turera, have removed the entrance of their wnreroomt from 740 llruadway to the rear of their premlte*. Not. 49, 51 end 53 Lafayette plaee, where, with dlminiahcil expense*, they are prepared to tell their aiock ot (Inlahed Carriage* at greatly reduced price*. Tlieae Carriage* were made lor thl* aeaaon'a aale. of the every *tylo of pleaaare carriage. WOOD HltoTIIKKS, No*. 411, .11 mid '>3 Lafayette place, rear of (heir old ?tend, next door to A'tor place an I Hh ?t Richard Walters' sons, auottokkkrsMortgage aale?Will ?rll Saturday. September at 1U', o'clock, at aaleeroom 27 Kaat Itrndway, 4 ilear***. 5 Clarence*, 6 eete of doable Ham***, 0 Horace. Bale politico. II. J. RBILLY. Attorney. SECOND HARD I.ANDAULET, IN FINE" ORDER: verr light Landau, in fine order; eererel Coupe* and Coupe Bmikawaya. one Doctor'* I'haeton, *lx*aat Rocka. *r*v?. four light Coacliaa, ecveral *et* of ecctind hand liarno**. 2t>top anil open Wagon<. Iir city inakor*. at price* to ult the time*. WM. II. HIIAY, 2t? and 22 Woo*tor at. ORCOSO HAND OAKill AOKrT OOlaaa Conch, very light, our own build, in fair order. T Cart*, nereral. In good order. Canrlolet*. our own build. Brougham, little u?ed, oar own bnlld. BRKWSTKK A C" . a* and 14th ?t. SOLD-TO ~I\\Y KRRD HILL I.AItOK HAY Home; ?ult coal cart or truck; warranted everyway. Fend itore, ll7il lludaon. S\CKIF|fK-0 IN Mil \N I 111 Ml. TWO HEAVY chunky Home* lor any work ; three Raprea* Wagon*, double Truck and Harm**. 2117 Weal I'.Mh at. STABLE, OORTAININII TWO HTALlJit, TO LKT, cheap; ga*. water, rood loll, wagon or truck room. Inquire ef MlCUALKB, M Commerce *?. L. D. FKK/E FOTJB CENTS. I1UU1RS, ( UUUAUKU. ifeC. TWF.f.VK HkAl) OK l.DVV I'KICP.U NOl'NO YnPSil Hii*:na?? llor?r? will In- mild m-inorrow (Sutuplay), at 11 j n'rliirk. without ram-rva, a' HAHKKIt X .SDN'S, rornar of # llrimtlway anil :t.Hh ?t , wliarn I hay ran lie ?cn and triad today. No reamina" la prlvat nffrf flu-rd to-day. mi I.KT -?*UI\ At K y.TABI.Ki IIOIIM KUiK h IIi1RSP.M> ' J. all improvement* ; rent cheap. W M M. T: 1 < >'t AS. ."><>8 nth ar. urair* ? I We have Jiint received n enrrfnllv aeleeied naaortment from the celebrated LliXDliN maker. HALLOW, fur whom we >r< ?>lu ngenu iu tliu I'MIlI) STATES, come prDIng FOt'R-IN-llAXDH tor Turk and Road TANDEM. SINGLE and I'AIK IlilliSE Driving Whip*. tome Tory handsomely mounted, on rare ?tick?. HKhWSTEK k HO., .'.Til A v., CORNER I4TH ST. TXTILL SAVKTriri: mv *ii>.- war tor wai.on, bt It llrewaier, ami double ami Single llarne**. br Commar ' ford, far en?ii. IS i Prince ?t.. In (table > GOOD WOKKI.NO HORSKS IORSALK CHEAP. Olnnulrc S8m stli av., corurr Vld at. dime half vaLi'ii?spi.kndii> mbW'lioui >!)iaJO<lop Kxpreasor Delivery Wilson. llnrey'i Stabla U4 Waal ltK It ??. I - - A STVI.I.MI Kill i: WHEEL l>< Mi HART OR J* I I ?J.T Hart, (hllting top, reverallile neat, platform prlnjra, polo and liant, by iiood olty maker; Juat too thing lor Ihe moot; dirt cheap. 14.'Ka?t 4l*t at. tflliUXEItV AMI l>l< KSSAI A K I Ma. AT POLAND .1 BPIER'S, MANIFAHTURRR8 Oatrlcli Anther Trimming, 874 and S7II Canal it., Jobber* will find it tithliioniilile assortment. A" """-MARIE TI LM ANN. OP PARIS. OFFERS A largo. recherche itMioriniont ol linen Parisian llonneti ol rare cleumice, Just opened. I-U Uth av , uaar litflh it. (Into .Mlohel'si. ?ARIS M l I.LIN KKV.-NoV 7 WEST 3oTII. ?MLLE. RLISR I'll! HEX. nuccewor to Mnte. Eerrero, haajnat returned from IV.ria with an e oinialte aelectlon of fail and winter Htnnet*, which will he displayed at her select opening on Thursday, October.A. Invitation carda will he duly sent to all customers and patruna ol Mine. Eerrero. PIASOPOUTKM, ORG A *8, Ah. \ ?DECKER BROTHERS? l\.Invite Hitention to tip tr large stock nf Grand. Upright mil nquurr iimium , j> ,.-w i iiiiiiii m uii.wwii m po,. (tu t orucr, nurd but a ariort limn, are ollered At low tlgurei And on liberal term*. Send fur Illustrated catalogue. 33 I'nlon aqunro, Now York. A* " PRIVATE KAMII.Y, tiOINl) AlUlOAn,~WILL bell to cash pure, u*era u niHgnlticeiit 7*^ octavo lour rnnnd roaewood Pianoforte; prominent maker*; cunt for S'J75; atool, Cover. Mtialc Cabinet; Elegant steinwny uprlirlit quarter eon : Box for alnpping; alao antin Parlor Suit. 7 piece*, at a aacrl lice. Cull till* day at private real* doiice. 12t> Went 23d at., boiweon ttth and 7tn urn. K. GAY. -KOK KENT, I' I* It 1111 IT. SQUARE AM) till AND I'lanoa ol' our own mate; al?> lor aalo and rant, A number of lino arcond liund I'lanoa, ill perfect order. WM. KNABE A CO. No. 1 12 ar. above ltltli at. Lli PERSONS DKSI HI IIS OK PURCHASING A dennine aeeond liauil Stolnway grand annum or uprlirht 1'iaiio will llnd a lino aaaortijont at our wareroonia; every Inairuiiicnt In perfect condition and aonie of tlieni nearly new; alao aecoml baud I'lauoi of oilier maker*; beware ol begun pianoa bearing our nninr or one cloaelv reaeinbliug It, ft 1'. I.N WAY A SDNS. 11)7, 111 Eaat 1 -ttli at.. New York. great reduction fob cash, on instac menta and for rent, to milt the tliuea; now and aeeond hand Pianua end Organs, upright*, aquarea, irrande. S. X. BALL A CO., 15 Eaat 14th at. PRIVATE KAMII.Y WILL SK 1,1, EI.EGANT~STEI1*3 way Piunoforte (at aaerltlce) ; a 7>? octave, overatrnnir, lull aurnlTe. lour round roaewood I'lauoforte. richly carved caae and log*. all Imp'oveiuonta, coat #975 lor | .HI; Stool, Cover; a hand* mie Chicscrlng uprlirht Pianoforte, #2<10. N. H.?Mnat be aold. Oall to-day, flvo ltorv brown atoor private rratrtonce (lumto oncn 9 A. M. to U P. M.) No. 47 Went ltltli at., between .">tb and 6th ava. T 8 AC KI FX CE?M A< i N fiK IC EST 7 1-3 ROSE WOOD, Pianoforte, cost 4IXJ0 laat June, for fiN)auperior tone, exqulalte carvinics and (Inlah. Call realdenee 50 Eaat nth at. OKKAT OKKKK.-WK WILL DISPOSE III' 1 '.<I I I ItST claaa new and Hoconil hand aquure and upright Pianoa and Urgnu*. previ >ua to removal, at extrnorduiHrily low price* lor ca>h or luataltneut,: to let, from 6J to 6*1 per month. HORACE WATr,US A SONS. 4MI Bn.adway. Lot of second hand pianofortes" in tuorI ouirti order, for aale at moderate pricea; alao Planolortei to rent of our own manufacture, by ClIlCKBttlNU A SONS, 13115th aw. corner 16th at. x"BKAl'TIKUi," PIANO. ONLY fIOi.?A STlilNWAY ./* Pianoforte, 7 octave, overatrnnir. every Improvement* great aacrldee for cash. J. lJIDDLK, 13 Waverley place, near Broadway. A" Lady will sell less tiianFsioo-bosrwood fourround cornered 7 octave I'ianuforte; coat 6*V>); per* lect order. 2S Eaat 3d at., near 3d av. BEKuKKPURC 11A8INO CALLTSEE, TRY AND COM. pare our Pianoa with any others. LY.aCLl A UOMIKN, 1,101 Broadway, between 27th and 2StU ata. Ciiilckerino "amT stoddabt second hand /Pianos in aplendid order cheap; aoveral low priced I'lanoa. j. W. french A Co., 2 > Eaat 14th at., N. Y. C~lTlVficir OKU AN ! '< l II SALE LOW?A NEW 20 /atop two manual Organ, with two octavea ot pedal*; the Inteat improvenionta; auperior In tuiin and Unlah. w. ii, DAVIS A SON. Uullderi, 4') Downing at. aon ik i* I en t 7 octave rosewood- piano* forte. 666; elegant tone; fully guaranteed. Soon el gordon's, 157 Bloecker at. PIANOS.-7 OCTAVEs, flOO; 7 1-3, WEBF.k", 6175: Upright* and S- : i a re a. rents, SI monthly ; Organ, 64D; rent. 67. GORDON A SON, ldj-atatJ4th ?V "diano wanted.-will give free and clear X Brooklyn Lot lor Orb'. cla*? Instrument. rhLlA, lleralg office. W~ANTBD?UPKIOHT PIANOFORTE; SMALL SIZB preferred: mate price, aiae and maker. Addreea il. D? Herald Uptown olDce. 47 C ROSEWOOD BRADBURY, SEVEN OOTAVKS.? I A/Chickering, Stelnway, quarter price: (Treat harffainh WATSON'S, 33 East Hth at. (7^7t MASON a TiamlinoioAJf* at very |nw prlcea.?In order to di?po?e of k number of atylei ol our Organ* which wo hove dropped from our catalogue, and of which we intend to inannlacture no more, we ahall offer them nt retail until disposed of nl greatly reduced pricea; thoae nro new organ*, fully equ?l to nuy of tho?e made hy u*. differing only in that the re?e* are not of the inoat modern and fashionable styles; they will ho aold fut caah or lor eaav payment*, or be rented tiniil rent paya. MASON A II aML(.V ORGAN COMPANY, - "> Union square. 40(W\ -I'OWKIIFUL NEW I I'Kit HIT A syCARB Fini-.u*. Factory. 163 Itlcocaor: ware room*. Mil) Broadwar. UNITED STATES PIANO COMPANY. _ Ml Sit" A I.. A" (IK.NTLK M AN <)F (i It F A I' K\ l'Klli hNCr. Vilve.t inatrnclion on piano, organ, harp and hartnotiv at pupil'* reeidancc : $10 a quarter; reference. Addreaa, with re*iiionre, TEACHER. box I3H Herald Uptown ofllce. A' YOUNO GENTLEMAN OK CULTURE, HAVING A finely toned baritone voice, dealrea an engagement. Addree* it. ().. Herald Uptown ofllce. A YOUNO LADY, LATELY ARRIVED FROM KNO land, a profeaalonal planiat, deeire* a ?ltnation; no oh JectIon to travel; relerenee* given and required. Addree MUSIC, bo* 130 Herald ollire. _____ ALHION CLUB. 31 EAST 15T1I ST.?MUSICAL RH union* are held on Wednesday and Buturday erenlnga. (TARD.?PRIVATE LESSONS, PIANO, VIOLIN. GUI,/tnr, rdnring. Circular* mallnl. I. JAY WATSON, Director. 33 Ea*t 14th at. DANC1ND ACADEMlEn. A" LLEN DODWORTH'S DANCING SCHOOL, removed t? No. tisi otli av.. uoininencca on Saturday. October 7. For particulars send Tor circular. At fbrxando's dancing academies, now open. .Villi it. corner lid *?. (bunk building). ?For circa, lars address private academy. .">7 hast .V.'tn at. Private In* utrucilnii at any hour. Reception every Thursday. In nrdef to have them select I have Issued Invitation tickets. No person admitted without presenting the same with my slgnntare. J. FERNANDO. ?CAKTIKK'8 DANCING ACADEMY. rUMITON'l Building. Stnyvesaut and IHh sts. Private lessons anj hour, Glide. Doubln (Rule and .Newport specialties. Mb. trexor's academy ok dancing, I.yric Hall, lith av.. Reservoir square. Dessons Mondays, Tuesdays. Thn radars and Saturdays. Pupils attend at thrir convenience. Nee eircular. itllfllOPE. ~~ CAAIRO HKLOUAX. NEAR CAIRO' (egypt) -TEPfii ,/aiilphiiron* spring* and baths; air rurative station; first class hotel with board and residence Irom * to 10 shillings I day. Telegraph office and railwavs at hand. Small oot t air si to bo let. The belli sui goon. Dr. Winkler. Cnderths management of the Boy o Administrating. "PENSION dk WALLA It d. PARIS.-mme. d1 JL WALLARD (Mrs Taylor) desires to intimate Ihsl, haw Ing no longer a direetrlce for her "Pension da Camilla," eha now rei|nests that all letiers and applications may be ad> dressed to Mine. <la Wallard. 70 nv, Kris-Hand, i aril, and hopes Hint by unremitting attention she may continue to receive the same liberal patronage which has been accorded to her Cor the last eighteen years. hKHAI. MiTUEh. IN PURSC'ancK OK AN ORDER MADE bV fin I lion. Charles P. Daly, one of the .Indues of the Court at Common i'leas In and for the cily and county of New York, silting as County .fudge on the 77th dsy at September, I*711. notice |s hereby given to all the creditors ana persona having rlaims agalnsi ilehoiakim Davis, lately doing bust* iie-.s In tba gltv and e-iiniv of New York, thnt thay are r*. iitiired to present tlislr said claims, with the vooehers theretor dnly verified, to the subscrl iar. the duly appointed assignee of the said Jeltolaklm Davit for the benefit of his creditor-, at his place of transacting hntlnass. No. 5 Day St., In the city of hew York, on or before the Id day ol January, 1*77. IlL'Gil PORTRK. Dated Nkw York. Kept. 27, 1*78. Assignee. PROPDSAJ.N. ' Proposals will be received dp ftTTflicffiC er I, 1*78, liy the trustees of the New York and Hrnnfe lyn Bridge, at their offiee, 71 Water si., Brooklyn, n. Y., for the inaniitnetnro and delivery of 3,?*)net tons of No. I galvanised steel cable wire, to be used In ihe constrnctlor of the main cables ol the East River Suspension Bridge. Printed specifications containing full information will bl furnished upon application to this office. w. a. hobbling. Chlnf Engineer. KINK ARTS, " * QOLONEL BANK'S COACH. .Font pnblleDea, a apiennid i iiromo i-iinrigmpn. mus, m Colonel Kane'a ( null on tho raid, for aale U oouriL'R. _ Mh av. and Ud It. ??? MAltlll.K J?AHTM<n. MARBLE AND MAKLK1ZRD MANTKL8~AiroftifS? ly reduced prte?e:al?o Monument*. Ilaadetonoa. I'lumb rr* mid KurilIturc flab*. marble Counter! and Tiling. A KLAHKR, Ltd and ISO Kant Mth at., near lid W. STEWARTS SI.ATE, MA Kit LB AND WOOD MAftTKLB new aud iilegaiit d*ti<ut, Ironi #t<? np; tba trad* Ubar ally dealt with. UJ'I and il2J Weal VUd el. DKXTISTHT. : ? SET OK TKKTII IN THREE HOURS: I'lUt EH JV?iilt ?li?* timet: no dopnait repaired. N KV? UKOCtitt I\\ rrt :Hlli >1, BKACTIKIL ARTIFICIAL TKKTH. |S: Oil*. M, Single, ?1, warranted. "N. Y. DENTAL ROOM*," S| atk nr., mm Ithh. Kelabltahed 180 L