Newspaper Page Text
2 CITY RB/Ui EST AT? rim IALK. t rnlnik. Attkxtion or itkciiaskkh pcclallj- called to the new Hoi.aea, built Oy Cornetine u'Hellly. 1<>. 3J net 4 W rhi 4' >lti at. The bnuwt are (Iralirnrd ami tlniaheit in tlin mull (IpcioI tO'i careful manner, with the l#e?i material* .they are offeree m caali parcbaaera at ptiee* tu auit the lltnea. A-4HTH ST.. N I'.AK MAIMSON AV. AM> TMK aWlmleor.?Exceptionally ileaitathlo medium aired Dwelling ; io exiiutaite order; a barg'tli). V K. ..TKVK.NSON. Jr. "T~hasi>s?)MB Korit stokv ukuwn stunk ./Ylinuhe tor aala, on 4Cth at., eo.r 5th ar ; 'Ji i.r>i55; lot, 10 .5. price. yar.UOft K. H. LUDLOW t0 . ? Pine B A R0 AIN. TBI III.M UN!'. O TUBRK STUKY MtkaMMM hrna ii ||>M Hoaua lOttfxtOOi feat tlaaa; eTery Imprnramenl; bail! nlmnat by d??'a work ; locution. Carroll at., between 5th anit tith nn Thn*e who wirb a home. or inveitora, will Hint it to their inlcrct to rxamlue, alwitya open, or addreaa D. J. C., ewnei, box l.s .l Mow York Koal otllce. ru. u wKsr MiTii sr.; *-' ? mn, rui s J? stories, high stoop brown well built. in perfect order and best location. KLI AS G. BKOWN, owner. 2i) Noawwu at., or No. 9 West 5bth at. F<?i: saI.K RR iUTlKUL Hi ' 81 fS M fS ST., tweeu 5th and titb ar*; low price f r c**U. WINANS A DAVIS, 128 Broadway. T7TH~KT., B KT W K K N 5TM AND JTII A VK.?A Tt I liHiiilMotiiw four story high ??> ?t> stone House in fee, fr?*?<*oed wod in fine condition. or smc at * bargain. Apply to ISAAC llONlii, ill Bro?dviy, room* li aud 11, basement. 49Q AAA WILL F RC IAJU TO R v BO. t/*vUv4 Ksit 42d at. Owner seen from 4 to il. Kad .side. A SMALL KHAMK HOIJSK. CONTAIN 1 NO SKVKX rooms and rellwr, and two Lots lor inlo ; second lot riss stable room for three horse*, li ay .olt, Ac . situated <?.? feet lr??iu Lantern Houlevaid. K? r"|rrn?s which are very low. snd full particulars, apply to Mr. JaMES ROR K, No. 917 3d HT. Knit 8ALR?94,000 WILL PI \ rHRRB story high ntoop House, every i nip rove 111 (TTit, on 143d St.; also ouc for U, (Ml); good location. 111NK A i.KAY. 557 Cth av. e??t ?ni?. A FIRST CLASS BROWN STONK IIOI'SK? IN) WEST N.'ld st.; Just b' twht under foieclostire; offered this w-ek only at a great ^arir.ilu. inquire of owner, No. 141 West 63d si. CMTY LI T i FOR a 1.B rHKKf IRHT CLASS Jbu 1 ding Lot*, situated on West 4'2d %t . between 7th and Hth hts. ; will be sold nt a bargain to close an estate. BAltl.AlN, box 224 Iierulii otllco. HI lure 11 u iteeni. \ BARGAIN?MUST BR SOLD. ON 51RT ST.. Til REE story brown stone. 2Ox.r>0xl00. TIMPnON X l'Eii'f, 1.488 Broadway, near J ltd -t. iiitOOKLYN PHOBKUTV Sx> It A \ I > TO I.KT. Bargains in uoisks?Brooklyn.?pok 'balk. on St. James place, corner DoKalb uv., hot worn Lati etie and DeKulb av., being ouc of tho best neighborhood* In Brooklyn, near churches, schools and cam: two iiyw throe story brown atone Houses, 2Ux4 ; one new three story brown *t ne House. 17 <>\42; also, on Greene nr., sec end west of Grand av., one three story brown mono Monro, 1Hx4?*>. Tin* above houses, ju.-t finished, have boeu bulu in the most thorough mmnnr, are complete in every respect and strictly first class. Inquire ol the owner, on tlio prerni-es, Irorn 9 to 11 A. M. or at bis residence adjoining, 313 Washington av.. from 2 to 0 I*. M. JOHN MACOlthGOR, 91 :t Waahlogt in an Brooklyn houses to kknt ghkapT tUint"ii st.. near Carroll, a throe story stono front, 13 rooms*, every improvement: ran*. tfHtm). Amity st., on the Height*, a throe story brick; ?5 feet j front; every improvement; rent $*?*). Prospect place, between 5th and (lth ars . a three itory I brick, 12 rooms: every improvement; rent sf-VK). 7th nv . near Snckett St., a three story *t ne front, finished In hardwood; every improvement: rout $700. 1st st., near full nv., a new two story mono front, 10 rooms; every improvement; rent-53 month. Also Houses in all localities; rent from $20 month tipward. Apply to LEONARD MOODY, iteXi Mrntamo ?L, Brv -klyii. INTBSTMENT JAKE, SROURfi SHALL HOUSES, well rented to on- family, paying 10 par cent. Address OWNER, box 11K M s ii I fpO LX1 I' l* U M > 11 KI > oil i'NH MS'lll). IN _m. j>r?oKiyu, a uiri'i' mory oruwii sioue ihmisc ; iow r? ni. 0. T. BA NI v, - Broadway. \TERY cheap TO R . SI. if RaHWAY, N. J., only two or three blocks Irom station, nlco House, seven rooius; improvements; good order; rent ?1 '<?. JAMES PRICK, 200 Hudson *t. WKSTC IIKSTKU COt YTY PROPERTY FOR 8 ALU A AD TO KENT. AT TAHUYTOWN, ON BROADWAY. -TO LET, FINEly furuLhcd, nil conveniences, 11 gentleman's Residence nt $100 per month till .May. S KMBKRj-ON. O'dt ?>th hv. nANDSOM ELY FURNISHED HOUSES AND COT. tage* to let at Tarrytow/i, all modern cnnvcuicnoes, at very low rrn's. S. KM IIKK ON, <>'?0 *>ih nv. JERSEY CITY, HOHOKEY, HUDSON CITY A\D BERGEN REAL ESTATE. For Snit. UACRE FARM AND PAYING BUSINESS. IN JF.Raey lor $7,fK.<>.-Fine land, good bnlldings; healthy; rverything pleasant; near depot. BOUivliOUT, Engraver, SO Libei ly at. To Let or Leune. TO LET?AT IIKBGKN POINT. BE A UTT #*tT LLY SITUated Cottage on Inch ground, two minutes' walk Irom Ac not or boat; owner would bonrd. Address S. (?., Herald Uptown oflleo. PHOFKItTY Uri OF THE t I'l l' FOR SALE Oil TO JtEYT. A?FRUIT AND POULTRY FARM, 20 ACRES. 10 room Cottage, latere, well blinded lawn; spring bremg, rrove, Ac. ; ten in lies from New \ orn ; boats or cars to city; |6,nU0; toronct?y C. 11. OL1YKK, 102 Broadway. BKsT~ SAVINGS nASK?$ 1,J**> CAsHI, HOl'SK five room*; lull lot; near depot, Klisahethport. .V .1.; pays 1<) per cent ; rent vory cheap IvKLLOUG, 2 Broadway. Rent low-new modern house: all improrements . surrounding* unsurpassed; PI him nd tor:ace. New Brighton; near two ferric.s . do minute* fioru city. COLLINd, 2ft Ph.. *t. mo LB ?A GOOD POULTRY FARM 1" ICRKB; 1 good six rooms, at Little Falls station. Boon ton branch of Morris and Essex Railroad, New Jors.y; one hour from city; #H?m nihlv will le ??e ai low rent. OTIS T. BEDELL, t>7 East 10th st.. Now- Y'ork. TO LET OR FOR SALE?AT PLAIN FIELD N. J.. A three *tor linn**, M room*, in gonl order, opposite the Bipti*t chu'cli. In Front st. ; good garden and main? ; plenty r-iii of oil kloct Apply ?'7 Wen 2d st . Noo York, TO KKN i i hk REsTlTkNCK OF i hb LAfh will mm Redtnond near Sonth Orange, N. J. For particulars apply to U. W. KEDMOND, let Exchange place. ARAL BSTATK t? EICHA1VGR* Lit IAb YAiIU AM) Fi.lU) STOKK-wOI LI) I XJchange fur productive Heal Estate. J. HAY, 41 Liberty li HANDSOME DVVKLbfNiJ; ALSO s K V K KAI .LOTS IN Brovkiyo, to exchange lor lit*r)?%nt or r?iu*mriit Propirty. 1). ( I RLr.Y. lJ Centre hi. 11.r ILL SELL EXCHANGE K()U CITY PROPERTY? Tl Two Truck or -lock Karma, near city. it? and * acre* together or separate; lightly mortgaged; beautiful w.itor front, tWIilup, boating; large barns. near depot; libei al l?runt for New York House; state very lull particular*. H. L. KIDKIt, l.'dt Kront st. REAL ESTATE WVlTKo. CVilr.ES wool) I.OT WASTKIi-OIVK LOWKS I CAdTt Xprice and particulars. K. K. ML'MHY, box 2lX? Herald tfflce. IT VMM' -FOR < UUT \~FTR8T CI tSS DWELLING. r at hard pan price, below 50th *t. Address IMMLolA IK CASH. Ilctald oilier TO LET KOU KlflllVKSH FI'UPOSEi KNNKTT BULDINTL Fireproof. Located on Ntis**b. Ann and Fulton st*. First Floor to let; suitable lor hankeis, instir nice offices or lawyers; will be let together or in parts; be altered to suit tvr.snts if dcslrrd : adapted tor others ur stores. Reasonable rent*. Aim some eligible Law Offici i to let. APPLY ON THE PHK.M 1SK&. Take the elevator. Inquire forjanitor. 4 SM ALL CORNER STORE TO 1.K T- G0~I> HCrtlJr\.nc*s stand. Krankiort House office, 20J William st. A STORE TO LET?AT A LOW REST, ON ONlToF greatest thoroughfare* in the city. Deshros*"* st. B\l< IN PROMINENT DOWNTOWN IIOTKL~TO I ^e?One of the best locations in the city. Address HOTEL BAR. box :i, ?H9 Post . the . CIOAL YARD TO LK1 oiTSl W. AND KAHT 2 F6 Jtt. . complete w.lh runs, shed*, stable, office and Fair banns'; immediate possession ; ront low. Inquire 432 1st av,, corner :'.ritli st. STORE AND HOUSE 12.-74 3D AV., BRTWRRN~12 ID and lJ4tli *ts , to let for any business not now on the block, except the liquor business. Inquire of RoHKK 1' I. HKOWN, 20 Nassau st., r. otii 7'J STORK* TO LET JIB WK8T 32 D ST..O.NK OK THE he?t stands in tlie city tor grocery bn?i;iosa; aUo 311 Madison anil 5j7 East 11th st*. I'llO.M AS McGl.'IRK, tH4 ltd nv. ~r*7 EAST TtTH NT. A FEW DOORS WHS! OF HUttsD. tJ I wav.? An elegant Parlor Floor, unfurnished, to rent, for business or private purposes. OU'ELLiAbi lIcTi ?K > . it*' II r ii l*ll(w;. A BARGAIN.?WILL RENT A SMALL FOLK STORY brown stono House, West 44th st . between tith slid 7th avs , furnished, very low, with|lminrdiat? po?>ci?Kion, or sell cheap. Address X., box 1**7 iieralu office. \ THREE STORY Hot -K. JUST PAINTED AND han.tsoinely furnished, on 53d st. ; rent #1.jO month, t'. 8 PI K, 0 ' Attention :o > .s. kmd; fKO rem.-. CAlL for printed lists Morris b. balk a co.,72 west 34th st. ? B IK KM AN HILL; 11,3 I \\ K T 11 I.I ST , W est 43d, *l,*? ); \\ est 80th Sl.tkO; nntnr. nlshed ? Wast lilt Ii st , fl.3''<?; West lltb, #I,2i*J, Wed 25tb, R0UO; West 2oth, f l.o MR others. I!ALt S ,t SQUIRES. 2 > '. West -'3d st. A FINE MIUlfsToOP HKICK HoL'SK. ALL MOD*, erti, to let, nicy furnished; atiirhb.-rho.?? unexcip. tionabio; terms #70 par month; owners will board with I rt tf.'tsirtd Apply 1. 52 4tb av., near 824 st. A -A. ? rilKlvfc (HOICK DVVt M.IN .S, AUJol.MNO .1th >., with And withiiHt?xtena inn, in lei l..w bio ae I M adi *011 nv f."?'"O 12th at , with stable... a.OO" :?th at a.voi till lit 4Wtll ?t.. .ri.<"XJ Permita aud complete now data at 4 Pine nr '(S i t.t 17th H. h - i h VKN ' US, ,1 r ?kleoantlt ri;knihiip/i) mtuiih] mi'rkat Hill, near 5th a*.; rent lor wiuter; haiR.iln. W. PVObhT, 1 Kant CM at. AKKWI.Y FITTK1J. KUBNISIIHD TIIHKK .STORY lieu*,' to rrnl?Cheapest Iri the city: in beautiful order tor immediate ocCnpancy centrally located. XSI W?t Mil It., naar Broadway; threw linea i arv Klevated K.ulrnad and Park. Apply at bouse or J. .V. UAKIKKIT, i.iu Broadway. 1 TJIINKLY rURNlHHBD IIOL'RK TO MCT-1SN KAsT J? til at at., ketwecn 1/cxlnxton and At li ara.. to a amall lamlly. Apply to 1. S. HUl'HoN, ? 1 I'ark^row. Fuknikii kh llocsK ro run; in \vk- i hiii st.; acuta and boarding linn ,o keepers need not apply. I'ali lor p.<rticalan on tha owner at No. 30 Weat olst at., between 10 mu4 < FUKMlitHKO KOl'R SToltY IIoI SK. IIKI.OW 1.1TII at,; two pcraona would Board It agreeable - D S| \ I K I R,i 14th at, rsi It>IMII.H rol'R nToICi mii.Nr. mi. I , C 44th at., l eiweea i'ih ?v. and llrioidw*>.?.<>i ner month; ethers, near 5th ar.. f i.Vl mid edOIJ. XliU'aO.N M i'ikl, I, V,4?B Broadway, aaar 41th at. EJ.jl It 'i & NEW YO: orsuiHb norsF-s to let. PuraiibMii rpo LET Kl'KNISHKD hXTKA W1DK HOCK, I'TH I ?l. urar Mh a?. . rent l"? lu rceponaible t-i.aiv TVIn an S A UaVIKH, 118 UromUatr. rpo I.K'f (KXOKI'T PIIY.Mi IAVS OKEICii?*A~ DB1 Birable furnisher! llnqm in qiHul location. rent moderate tu * -mail p'imia faintly. Appi). between 10 ami 11. at MS I.f sllifil.iu av. rpo RENT i KUMRBK or uMMl'Mi AMI rv. I 'urntahed l|i>u?ra, at ? it low rant, from MO" ap MINE A iIKaY. V>7 ilih a* KTfl AV AMI MURRAY mi EXTRA MIR "AN t'awm. with or wnlinnt eiabla, ttiruiaheit with a deeree of . laaie ?nit at an expi-ii?r< dmn mat with . low rant to a Oral I c a?a t-nail. V. K. slEVKNRON. Jr . 33 East 17th anil 4 I I'ina at. ! rTii \v TWUTKAT "SfLu. Bi-RtUNTLY KUR. IttUh A rn Mr! I .. tea ,?# .? Unno. ?r!..t. 'i.mll* < 11 ; 0?" '1'A.I.K <t CO. {Fifth Hotel), 5 IT.iat j.Rd ?t1 Ol I'lllt -TO RAT I sir AC TO K V i*KIV\TK I'AMII.V, 1 vl.'l'iu.dim 7??r(' I?oaea ; W1 \Te?t 2Sd ?t.: well lurnulicd; thorough order*. 12 r nm; near Kievated road. Vnlurni>li<Ht. 1 ?A.?TIIK^H CHOICE niVKI.UNrtK. ADJOINING -.'Y.'dli ??? with and without Ktlrndnm to let, low : 111. er I Park ?r fa.'**) :i8d at 2,V)0 MMh >t t.0Uo|d4Hbat l.saiO Permits and complete new )Ut? at 4 fine or'14 Beat lTtltst, V. K. ftTKTRNSON, Jr. AeJTKG AHT C0RSHR Hoi si;, ;,TII AV., NEAR l'elmouico's, near Broadway. H.'KVi PtiOLRT, 1 Fan 334 st. \FiRsf claN roi'R Storv ifiowS stoxb bitsruieut House. luqnira on premise*, No. 8 Wtd 'JMill it. \ KI MT CLASH BOCK 8TORT BROWN HTOBH J\ House on 3 till at to lot. Kor permits apply at 2111 Wont 3ttk at. Am k p. e"sto ry anTi has km but wi on s kTjwi W.-.i I2tli it.; 12 rooms; nil improvements; immediate pone- Ion. t ?TO* SUIT tHB TIMRK-A ROOMI, OWLT N it ?per niontli; and another, ?7'>; desirable neighborhood; nenr Broadway ; uuneolns Immediate. I'OITKIt HltOTIlKHS. 4 Marten ?t. t I.AIUIB rvKI'ltSlRHKIl Mtil'RK OX 22 D ST.* ibnear .'>th av., possession at ntnr : rent f 1 ,iVk > pe annum' 0. 14 PBOK, 8 Went 8Mb si. . AT feirn?AN ELEGANT FOUR STORY 1IROWN stone House on 3Hd at.. uoar avenue; unfurnished. Wl I ! 1AM 1170 K hi:, 220 8th nr. TTHNTIOH.-17TH ST., NEAR 0TB AY.; 91,900; others; call for printed lists. MORRIS H. ! IA K R > CO., 72 W??l 3?tli st. t Fol' R SToRY HROW N STONE IIOI SK ?131 WBBT /v"Dtet.. near oluvato 1 railroad, at low rent. Apply 1-7 hist si. A T11V: E'' KTO :Y llTtll* STOOP HOUSE. TWELVE ^Vrooms, till improvements, 337 Was' I2lh at.. fS25. OBUSTALUS, 17 a hingdon si,uare. 7~F.NOX llorsil, f.TII AV. AN1> 13TI1 st.-.TCST J Jroniploted. several eery large and raagnlflcent Suits, suitable lor large families; meals at pilon of tenant A. J. DOTJIR, Manager. rpo LET?THE TWO NKWFnUR STORY HOUSES No" L 131 \V'?t 15th ?t. : lust being finished. for terms. Ac., apply to the OWBT, 188 West 1 Ith st. rpo LET?A S M AI I j lin'uSR, Nt?7ant{ HUBERT ST. J. Inquire corner of Washington. Also four Stalls lor horses. rpo LET -I HAVE IlKKI.I.IMI HOUSES, FLOORS i and Stilts of ttiree, 8?e and six monts. to let. at reduced rents, Irom October 1. NATHANIEL ROE. IIMVsrlckst. rpo LIT.-120 AND 128 WEST 38TH ST.. ELBOAST i brown stone houses, near avenue; immediate possession; rent, $l,20ll; also flS West Houston St. Iuquiro W. WEBER, lift West 2rtth si. rpo LET HOUSE Wl WEsT OTII ST; TWO SlUltY 1 hiir'i stoop ; 12 rooms. Apply at <>2 Wast .'kith st. rpo LET-MURRAY"" MILL IIAMDROMB MEDIUM 1 sired four story brown stone House. Apply on premises. 147 East 117th st. ^ FMl\lMllKl> ROOMS A \ I) Al'AltTMENTS TO LET. \FEW NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET.7All modern Improvements. 13.T East 12th st. ATTRN'Tf ONI?TO LET, WEST S5TI1 ST., FUBnUhcd or unfurnished. Apply on tho premises. YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE, OWNING TTIRST class house on one of the prettiest Mocks on Murray 11 III, would let ono or two elegant furnished Rooms, to gentlemen. without board, at u modonite rent, l is Lust 37th ?t , near Lexington av. A LARGE ROOM, OR TWO ROOMS CONNECTING. hnunsotuely furnished, to gentlemen, without board. 22 Wort 27th si., near ">th av. PARLOR FLOOR, FOUR KooMS, FURMSUKD for housekeeping; gas, bath, hot water, piano and heater. also Second Floor, tnreo or four rooms; private house; moderate terms. 171 Kwt 87lh *1. PRWATS PAMILY WILL LET NICELY FURtiishcd Room to one or tw ? gentlemen; terms low. 137 East odd 8t. near Lexington av. SPLENDID M IT OR SINGLE ROOMS, NhWLY furnished. at first class private residence. 2df>J?*st 1 ui> it t N ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR, HAND80MBLY FI 5> J:\nisltsd; will lei together or separately, with or without Board. 11) West 28th St. SECOND STORY ROOM. FOR ONE OR TWO gentlemen; all modern conveniences; neighborhood and house lirst class ; references exchanged. Cull 07 West IHh st. t PRIVATE FAMILY HATE A COMFORTABLY xjlfurnished Room t?? e single gentleman, without beard. No. lid West 20th st. AT 128 EAST ~18TU ST., N.KAR CLARENDON 2x Hotel.?Large and handsomely furnished Rooms for gcu tir men ; *'4 and $7 per week. \ ilAN 1)80MELY KI RnTsTi"F.O UO(7m7~SECONT> Moor, front, $5: also hall liedroora. i'2 50; for geutle| u.en. 1 IB West 19th st. A FRONT H ED ROOM T< > TTITTFU KN1SI1 hD, TO ONE .xAor two gentlemen. 45B)f Fth av., near 28th st. t PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET Mi'ELY FUR iXnlslied Rooms to gentlemen; all improvements. J30 Kast 12th st. References. At in east" Trim ht., between broaivway and 5th av. ? Flessaut furnished Rooms; gentlemen only; prices moderate. 4 LLIiiK. NH'KLY Ft* RNIS rl KI? FRONT ROOM J\ Bedroom adjoining, $10 a week . another, $5; hath; suitable for lifht housekeeping. 417 4th av., near 29th st. A ROOM AND HALL ROOM, CONNECTING. WILL Ho rented, furnished, to a gentleman aud wifo, light housekeeping; ttrni modsmti lit Wet! 18tk DB8IR\BLK FURNIBH cD BOOM8 fOR OEM TLB* men. without hoard, in first clans houso 34 Went 2. tb st.; excellent accommodations. lk?. ANTLY KORMIHHBD ROOMB TO LBT?WITH Joul hoard, at 124 Kast 28d st. FjUTknlnliKI)?TO OI5ntlkM kntvvttHout board* large Room, water in. f t. Ha l Room, closot in. 2>; ruforonccs. 223 West loth Nt h^URNIBHKO ROOM 8. TWO VERA N10BLT fur* nsshed Rooms. on the fourth Hour, front of No. 33 East : 17th at., fronting Union square; to gent omen only; bulb 1 and water closet on the same floor. Apply to Janitor. i EWKNHHBD ROOMS, lJkOR AM) sM.M.I,, KtROLR I U and c ommunicating, to let to ceutlomcn ; house first | class, terms reasonable. Call at IMS Last ltftb st. i j71urkibhbd rooms for huunkkkepino?s3l | r W? ?t 42d it.; moderate rent; Broadway green earn pass the door. liukn^rbd neatly for housbkbbfing-par ] I? lor. Bedroom, Kitchen; closets; fit at floor, fronting Mb ! av.; terms moderate. BO.) West Uttth tt. 1 TLVURNISMBD-A fioWi PARLOR] WITH IMA.SO; ; 1? also Room on thirt floor II desired; good 1 cation for doctor or music teacher. 238 West 30th ot. LH'KM-II d. -dksikablb front parlor; TWO r gentlemen or light housekeeping; use of mtchou; refer* euce. 77 Bast 10th at* bUfRNl>IIK!> LARUE kND SMALL ROOMS FOR gentlemen. BO Irving place, opposite Westminster llotcl. I/*OK llOUBBKKRp'iNO?THItKK T)? KOUlt NKATLT 1 furnished Rooms, Miiitahle tor a sma-i family; gas, bath, I t and cold water and stationary waaluubs. 2i>2 West 40th si. Uv NDBOMRLY KUKNf?HRD KOOMH^ WITHOUT Board, for gentlemen, at tU Clinton placo; ruiercuccs required. Handsomely furnished apaktmb5fsf t<> lot, without board; references exchanged. 54 Wo-t 21'd. UANMDSOM K 14V rURNISHED FRENCU FLAT complete lor honsokoeping; also uulurtiished Flat. Apply 433 West 4tl sf U AN ?> s M F. .'? Fl KNI8HKD ROOMS, HINOLT OR "ii suite; private bath. 45 West 2VHh St., lour doors west of llroad way. H andsomely furxVshk d hack"parlor, for one or two gentl-inou, $10; another for rd; private ! family, 220 West .iHth st. UANDSOMKLV i URN IBM* D iui i OF ROOMS; convenient for light housekeeping: also single ilo.ius. A. i> AIL r. V, ?6>. Bth a v. I \ \ pTllV ATR i 16 u H R V 1 iANDBOM K F u RXI SHED I wooin for light housekeeping, to respectable party. W I Rh I r i I . AP AR M11N I Bl'lLDIN L 121 Tf> 130 I. V T XJ4tU st.?One handsomely furnished suite; complete for housekeeping; to It i till May 1 to d*>drublo party, without small children. |>HI I Fl BUI l (BIX ROOMB . WITlfoWN] : . HAND* 1 I sum- brown stoue; second flight ; neatly furnisbod; per feet order: 725 7th av.; $ ?5. Broad**} ctrsp***. pl.iH i.D PKIt . s - R(H 1MB FOR i. MI.KMKN, Ik/.ntbout Board, co suite or singly. Irom 42 upward, in the modern house I, 111? Broadway, corner 44th *t. vjPLKNDii) FU MSIIKD SKIOVJJ FLOOK"TTTlkt, i Jieat d by beater, at per work; hone private. ?o Prospect place, between Baal 42 and 43d sis. fPO LET-A N KATLY FFRXIMIIRD KKt'OND FLOOR, I to gentlemen only, without board. Apply at 14 East i th "i rr<> LK 1 ?'! II UKK ROOMS. COM r'OKTA BLY FUR1 nlshed. Mutable for reapei-iaMo couple housekeeping: < - ttsgr 1 11 W?fi '??U "l. : pleasant, healthy neighborhood; tlio Room and Bedroom. ivt weekly. I rpo LI T?at 4J9 tVRHT 1WTH M\ ruRVKNIKNT T<> A KI m'H J Railroad. |wo Hrpii htritlnhed Kminio, on rtition* ame term*, li> permanent lodgers; reference* given and required. *) OR 5 II (KI8IIKD HO(Tm5; NUITABLK FOR ^housekeeping. <4ii8 0|U corner ol'Jdth at. AND ITWARI) FOR IIOl'HK K EBFINtl; t?6St. Jpletciy furnished Room or Rooms; honee private; *l?o | iarnishod brovn stone House, $7.'> ranir.lily. 3it) J.**t 13tu M. ||j AlfS 14 KA0T "Stll HI . MRTwKRK 6TH A.M> J.V/Madi<ntn nrs.? IInadsomeiy furnished Rooms; Urge and small; all conveniences references. 1 O WKKI JtfTH 01 W rfiliji A FK* DOORS OF lOhelmonleu's-Xcvlj furnished Rooms, without board; best references. 1-111 r. fiS WJK8T HI VI AL HANDHOMKLT J ') umlshcd Rooms to lot, to ladies or gentlemen; all iru* I . miii I ( t SArtT 1 ll'tl v I K K r ?r)' S INDN - J\ ARK AND 1. fJ and 3th av. ? KurnUned Rooms, on second and tnird II oor*. I QTll sr., NO . 1 . KaST.-NICELT Ftfi N . I. RD J. O Rooms, with every con. uionc*, ou firs; Uoor; house kit I location denrable ; term* moderate. . t{ k KVHT MTU ST.?OANliiiuMHLiV ruiMHib L,?Mpurtim d??, lor utntlnmea only. en .nils or vii-Kly: r? >rn?c.?. ?>d KAMTiorii 5T. NKAII Dnivkumitv PI.AOKT? ?* tj li ftirnl.hnl Kuniim, with moilorn Improvemnntt. to l.t, for ftullncicn ouiy, la % pmnto lautiiy; refur| tuce r??uir?d. RK HERALD, FRIDAY, S3 i ri'rkimlkn romiiih ato apaktlUBim TO LBT. 3?? *!'PT 20TII ST.?lUJtDSOMK rAROOR HI*!)room*, oa third floor, loatbtru; f?.r jtoaiU* ! ax?n only. jT 0 R K K W W I(Tf~A v7--l IANH/soWiTlWi K \ MM kb | Ot Rooru* ??n ih?? ftecond en ?ulio or < ri^ly, for 1 ireotlouioii or ccutlemau and wife. C*II :??r I o days. ! qi rnVINO rLArB.OI'POKITP. T1 IK W T5ST MI N ST Ml I ?! IIU..: _K,. i , t without ' Hoard, to Krulivmrli of rp?p?<l?l.lllly only. ; ?>Q WKHT IOTII ST.-nAN1H0MBI.V rtJHNUIHKD OOkn.vtu. to n ut, without boutd. to g.ntli-men; term* j reaeonahle. * (J WIST -nil ST.?rAELOR n.'X?t| AI40 Moll | * *7on Mrtinri Boor. nicely lurnmfccd. 1 fn- i:ast ;tisr sr.. i.K-. iru and Ckxino. I 1 ?.'/ton are. ? Nicoly tarnished I'..miiu* to let at a very | low price. 1 ?>U WEUT'MTU HT.?HANI)SOMKLY PURNISHKP I^Olarge Honm aud Bedroom adjotiiiug to rent to two gentlemen, without board; reference*. WEST UD RT.?CHOICE or ROOMS FOR TWO, md 1 ' Rift, Mi l it week . gM Mini lire oiln wkst i.vrn sr.. two vhnmtks khow mtii Ow*dit. * tat Ion. Klevsted Railroad.?H endtom? I'aelor and Mod room; n*e of piano; private family; quirt ntlffl txarfli i.i'i. \ rr naiMibifl termij giititttn oeij. t WFLUM.ellKil HiH)>ts A ill APAItTMKXTM TO LET. A HOME ON 5TI1 AVKNTK To Itont or Lea*? on favorable term*, lit the elegant new Apartment Hon*? Oabnroo, No. tM'?l 5tli nr., between 52d and Oild itf. A whole house on cash floor, emulating of lira win it I'.oom, Parlor, Library, Dining Room, Butler's Pantnr, 6 Bedroom*. I of whicu larg?; Bat broom. Kitchen, l.auudi jr. I coal and wino cellar and inanv florets. Each unite has 4win* no?<( <?u '?th ar. ana window* In every room. Warmed throughout. An elegant (Hie elevator for the u*e of the family, and one for furniture and marketing in the rear. A few of the nuitea yet remain, aud can ho ?f^n from li o'clock A. M. until ft P M. by applying on the oremiset. ~k FIRST ( LASS FLAT TO LKT?I'NFI' It N IS!I FI); Jlall modern imurovomenta*. fine rooms. 71 Lexington PAKT.M K NT HO U SK. 5TH AY' COBKBB ISTH ST.? One larne and one small Null to let; nl*? oue Suit, hundgoim ly furnished. YT'ARTM KNT8?2113 WEST 28TII ST.; $4K0 TO (TOO Ai'rr annum; parquet Uoors; ranires; baths; spacious rear irarden. A THIRD FI.OOKY SIX~ ROOMS; IN FIXE ORDER; water mid itas; privilege In bath. HOH Qreeuwlch. ABAfln.ME.VT, FIRST, SECOND AND FOCRTII floors, of seven Homos ea-b, wtth all modern Improve, ments, in the privatu house. 32 Kast 45th St., near Mndlsun ST. A FLAT TirLBfUvKYRHTII AV. APPLY TO~MISfi DOVER, aw West Hsth at. I --TO LET. fV HOl'SK 337 EAST 9TII ST.. FOUR .f\ .Rooms and extension Room, one (light up; $2 > 50; in pood ordsr. Apply to housekeeper. ATTK N TIO N. ? F R K X <' 11 K L A TsT 34T M ST ; flROOMs"; $25 upward MORKlfl B. BAKR A i'O., 7-' West 31th st. T~24fl" ~WKST~ V>TH HT?FEOO RS FOR BOD SEkeepimr; rent $25 to $35 per tntmth, -FIRST 01, ABS PLATS, WITH ALL IMPBOVB loentt; brown stone houses; .mod nebrhborhood: one seven and one four rooms; rent from $16 to $20. Inquire 300 East fli'd st. 4~FIXE ChllSRK FLAT A COSf PI KTELV EUR J\ nished Flat. A Flat of 8 rooms, carpeted. A fir-t Flat, adjoinlnir corner. J. It. IIAY, 997 Oth a*.; or K. T. BARRY, Ha Broadway. A FOURTH FLOOR 4f ! I' Ml \ TTO ST,; FIVE ROOMS; $18. 47 Jane st., seeond Floor. $23. AT LOW RRNTS?ELEGANT FLATS; 251 EAST 1 ICth St.. corner 2d sr. Applr on premises, 8 to 2 o'clock, or It. McCAFFEitTIl A CO., 5th nv., between 5Iet and 52d sts. AV ELEGANT NEW FLAT7TF~EUJHT ROOM8. WITH all Improvements, at 323 Kast 13th st.. nea-2d ar.; central location ; irood neighborhood. Call at premises. ?TWO ELEGANT FLATS LEFT: $T> AND t$-?0; ID rooms; splendid location ; perfect ord -r; extra improvements; Janitor Permits 12"> East 31th st. A" ?FLATS.'SEVEN ROOMS, BATH. RANGE, TUBS, .pas, Ac . brown stone honse 452 West 40th St. : Second Flat, $35; Third Flat, $30. TIMPSON A PEET, 1,468 Broadway, near dlth st. N BLROANT 8BT OF PLATO. WITH A LL MODKRH Improvements, contalnlnir six and cl-M rooms light rooms, 358 West 29th St., to let; Rood loeation for a doctor. Inqalrn building. AFLAT, WITH klTOHRN IN THE BUILDING. BTH nr., northeast corner 28th st. Inquire at 1 East 28th et, DBRIRABLH FIRST A I> 81 '('oxII FLOORS, SITnatcon 3d snd Lexlmrton a vs., of from 4 to fl rooms each, with conveniences. Apply to MATTHEW HYIINES, 112 1^LK<;A\T KltRM'H Kl.AT* AT HP!T)t'CED RKNT;"7 IJorhlariro nlry rnnnertlnc room*; nil modern improvom?nt?: first rlnaa brown atono honse 180 Knst "lilt at. In(inlro In bnaamnnt. tjl IKK APART* K NTS.?F f, \ T?~ AT I.O W RUNTS, MTH r at. nod 1'lth nr.; nil llirht roonia; to * rtnairnMe tnnnnt low rent: mnv bt> aren <1*1 It from 0 A. M. to fl P. M during this wrok. For lorma npply to (\ A SKA IIS, 7 Warren at. Tjll.OOHH 22(1 ANI> '4 F.A-T 27TII ST. APPLY 1 111 r E??t not It at., or ?t ".'SO, from 10 to 12. FmrVRooVfs TO I.ET~KIMVM >10 TO $14. IN 41 Ijnwia at., corner Pelanerv at : nlao Roonia and Bedroom* in It I Lew I a at. Inquire within. Fit* NCil Fl .ATS. >17 ~ ri'WA KD; Al.I, IMPROVEmenta; elevator. Ac.: R54 Bth nr.. near !Wh ?t.; Janitor In ttendnncn. MORRIS B. BAKU A HO.. 72 Watt S4th at. T.TRK N*: II ~A PARTMP.NTS TO UT?Nf-IN* flfl't FIRST JP cl ?*? apartment hou??. the Saratoga, 5?q ?t. and Bronlwar; h*? jnat h?*en put In fine o^der tnd freik?0',d. Apply at apartment No. 3, flriit floor: rent. $*<0 per month. T7ILf>l)K (IP FIVE ROOMS?AL-O OTHER S I'TTS* r it-wly fitted qp; private tables if desired. At 275 Madison *v. GKNTF.K|7AI* \RTMKNTS, l.Vt'.tDAV., 3KS :il? AV~; also Secon I Floor*. 31 ' sn i 218 East 45th st Apply nfllce corner lid ar. and 12th it. HVRI.F.M -TO UK NT, T' IK THIRL)- FLOO R. Til It EE rooms, closet. Ac., In linn stone house, 210 Rntt 116th it. ('loulevnrd.l All Improvement* and In perloct order. Apply at 115 Rest 30th st. IN THE APARTMENT SPILDINO" litTrCI 130 KAST 24th *t.. between 4th and Lexington nvs.. n single nnfnrnlshed Suit to let: every room light; steam heat electric hell, janitor: every requisite for the comfort and convenience of any first class family. TENOX "linrSiCT 5TII AV. AND 1STH ST J~UST Jcomoli ted; the finest Aparttnonts in the cltv to rent; meals at option of tenant. A.J RUTJES. PART." PTVK ROOMS. PRIVATE IIOITSK 23T1 JKnst H4th it. ; (tas, bath, range, Ac.; nlco order. Seen any time. TOWER PART PRIVATE HOP8K 221 EAST 51ST ST: Jtrood order: tnime Mate possession, $35. I'NDUEwool*. liltEllOK A \l I I.I.Kit. 3d av., corner 50th st. PLEASANT APARTMENTS OF 0 A Nil Id ROOMS IN French lists 011 East Tilth St., near 2d av. Apply ol janitor. Ir. 3IH. OREO NO FLOO R, ENFC-H xiSMEDrfIIR BE_ ROOMS t^and closets, to a smsll, respectable Amerienn family; adults: bath and iras. lldRast llthst.. near 4tli av. To~physk:ians.-offick ash bedroom. Parlor mid Kitchen, very complete, to let. In Rni' ioet Olnh Building. corner 20th st. and 3ili av.. ent ranee en "J 1' 1 h st.: (rood location and low rent. Apply to Janitor, club entrance. adjoining TO I,FT?TWO OK THOSE MOPETT FLATS IX PROPerty 32H, 33d and 332 West -ISth. near Sth av. ; In first class order; onlr r> snectable famllua need apply. Inquire of the owner it 3: O Weal l>-tfi si . first llonr. TO I.FT?A FIRST FLOOR AND RARKMKXT, m brown stone house. 283 Ess? 33th st.; just painted; cheapest rent In the city: good neighborhood. TO I.KT?It ASK ME NT ANP TWO I.OWKR FLOORS OF line lirnwn stone house 361 West .12d st.; rent $7(1; to respectnlile parties TO LET?Till R |) FLOOR. SIX ROOMS, A LI." F If 11 NT. rorner 2"tli st. anil 4th av. Inquire of Mr*. WARD, on the ymlnt To let-Is no .toj-east* IitTi-st.. first "doTir from 2d av.,fonr handsome Rooms, second floor. Inquire for ownor. rpo LET IN PRIVATE DWELLING NO. 78 8T1 Mark's place. Second Floor; very reasouoble. fPO LET -THE SECOND FLOOR IN IIO USE'WITH J owner. Apply at 140 West 2tlth. TO I.KT^-A PAKTMKNTS OF~FOUR ROOMS. IN A verv desirable neighborhood, No. 151 We?t 44th st. ; rent $13; also a nice rear llon?o of Ave rnnma; $13. TO RENT?A slTT OK THREE-ROOMS FRONTINO ell Broadway: suitable for n man and wife lor holiness purposes, Avoir st 5110 Broadway, room 1. rPO LET?A SPLENDID SECOND FLOOR: Kit MIT 1 rooms; newly painteiL Seen from 10 to I. 221 West 31st it. rpi 1 LKT-SBOOKD IKIxhlr BROWN BTONB HOIIKH: JL all light rooms; Improvements. Apply 23S East n2d st. rpo LET? v SECOND FLOOR, RIX~L ROE ROOMS, I with ess and hat ; hut five other persons (adults) In the house; ml h.w Applj S CAHDwI LL. 538 3d it To let?a front floor over tailor store 227 7th av. one door from 2.3d st.; four rooms, suitable lor dresamalter. Apply on premises. rill AV., 224." OPPOSITE HOTEL ItTi f NSWICK. /iVatlni and Second Floors; also IVonl basement, as physician's office. Q|<* PRE MOXTH.-PKIYATR AMERICAN FAMILY O | I Iwlli r. tit a Floor, vvcry Imorovemcnt, nice location, j 31 East IJil st.. near 2d av. Hoard II desired. IIWAXililit %? A.11TUU* i : *; .;N i 11?.i> ?ooM\ riu.-r r\,\. s ft oa ft ft; inaient, #1 ."x? per day. 11U Waverley place, near A aablntrlnn mum re. IsKoorb floor room; auio si.vhi k room; nnilorml) fooi tabla. 101 Wnvrrley plneo, corner Waili. iiii(t?n aquare. 1 HKOoN l> SToRY FRONT ROOM. $I5~: Till It I?. 4>lT; JLamall, AO: tranaient ami labia bonnier*. 128 Wetl JUib at., near Broad*ay. i 8r0ond floor. third 8tort rooms, 8unxt J expomire. with ibard. 107 Weal 44lh at., i.etwecn llrajway and fltli a*. Kelrraneaa.. 1 booR raom xadmom squarb, m bast 23d*ntly furntahed Floor*. with private table*. 11IAMXSOMK FRONT ROOM; ALSO ONK SMALL one, well tnrolahed, with pood Hoard. 35 Went 12th at. i h ir os /lkoaxt koom-Tto i.kt wini 1 Hoard, aultabla fnr pent Ionian and wile. 1,433 Broadway, )>etweau NM and 441It ?t*. k) iiboi km ~iFrom bkoa forat.-handsumkly aariirnirlied room*, with flret-claaa Hoard. No. 14J Kant SIM it,, '.ramerty I'ark j LAHUK ROOMit.'wiTII HOARO.Vt> K <iKXft,KM KR ?J tin! wire* or alngle irrntiemon; lint and Cold water; taunt reatnnabla. 137 Macdcti^al. near \A italnnjcton aQiiaro, Tranaient* aeenmoiodated. -4 I'lto-n.t i' Flack kast disr nr., noi brook. *iyrt> II att 'aome frenl alcove Kn.irna, well Inrnlaliod.wlth good ami ample Hoard; etery oonveuienca lur tnmlloa; ;ernu vert m.'derate. ;-TM AM" tfril AYS.?VhKT DhftlRAHLB rooms, Jwith Board, on eillta or aeparat*. 38 Weal 10th at. lieferancea. -Til at,*. M?RLKITAXTLY H NINIIKD SKITS, ON aJpa'lor, aecond and third floor*, with priTtit tabla ; relarancea. 3PTEMBER 29, 1873.-TRIP ROAKDKIIR WANTED. fTTII if., BKU>W MTIi -A KWEKTI.T itWffltlTtt *tmy, in ut, with Mui><*rior table, for a married roipU. in * private family: reterenc* Addr**??, with kie*ne. W ISllIK'lTOX, box 1?V\ Herald Uptown office. r H AY.~ :i4i -MI'S. SEAVKH OKKKRS BU1TB OK tJ Apart men**: pnvatn table or without board; transient visitor* n^corum<? ;atod. rru a 7.7 w7. shah wind?oh hotkl.?lakoe! fJ rin'nn on* and element Apartment* riebiy fnrtaiehad| witU or without private table; desirable lioomi tor i;eutie* I inert. ! n:i a v., t. i KARLOQ FLOOR. WITH BOARD; AlJO j Ji!-*oTua on ?bir.l door: term* very moderate to deairnble fljC K' "$U ?COMFORTABLY FFBNISHKJ) KOOMS. IwJwitli Hoard; ploaaant and convenient location, 3Co Writ 3<>th. { 11 AST ::. !> ST -KSTIKK ShCONI* FI.OOK, 4 I.IOIIT OrnotiiM. with Hoard; alio tourtii floor Koomi to pentlnmen 7 BAST 4-.T11 ST.-uK.-l lAltl. . Rt>. >MS. WITH Board, for familiar or gentlemen ; private table if desired. 7~LAKAYKTTK PLACK, NBAS OK AND OeMTBAL Hotel.?Ilenirnhle Koonm and Hoard: mo lerate trim ; p<-rinnneut |.anion, centennial visitors, Ac 7 WEST 4.TII ST. ? 0 K SI It A H I. K IM it I.MS, WITH first class Board, lor faiuilira or sinule gentlemen : re..sou able. (YTU ST.AtWKsT. NKAIXY Pl.'tiMSH ID I'.DOMH r "to lit. with Hoard; tlcnlcnnial tonrnta accommodated. "1 n?WAVKi:l,KY PLACK, NEAR BKOADWAT.^TBOM* Xv/Rooms. {14 to {IS lor two, wiih Board; tianilout people taken: tnblo Hoard. {4. i t^Tii sr., in.-T, ??.?hasusoWb"1mh>ms_KOR 1 ?np irtioi of gentlemen; lint claaa Board; price moderate ; relerenees. 1 V> EAST "Trill ST.. BKTWKB.V .Vl II AV. AND 1 -.Broadway.?Well furnlali' d slnsrlo and double Hooma, with Hoard; terma moderate; reference. "J 4) W KST 98TH ST., OTFOMfl BTUBTBTaNT 10 lion so.?First elaaa aecouimodatlom. with Hoard. Highest referencea exchanged. -1 > PARK AV, HEAR 35 f 11 ST?-TO O K N r LK X KNUR LOfainilia , a liaudrom.-lj furnished Floor, rn snite or rparatrl.T, with or without private table; alao two hall Koomi: refe'encer. "1 J "WEST 2BTM ST.-TWO HANDSOMELY HJRJ Xnl-hed Kooiun on the aerend floor, fronting Broadway, to let. -ingle or en auito. with Hoard. "I | Til ST., 217 WEST.?RECORD FLOOR AND OTHER X Xeicgnii l'nomv with Board; private table if desired; retere ares. "i J Til ST., 257, BETWEEN 7TII AND 8Tli ays.? X x Single Rooms for gentlemen with substantial taMe; terms rcnsonahle to desirable an 1 permanent purlieu; cleanDriest n specialty; references required. MtTi hT.?SOMiTklKOANTLY FUitMHHr.i> K(mm8, with or without Board, in owuer't residence, 227 West; ri-forenMt exchanged 1 fffi 7t. WHS I S.i, H7. KI.KwA NT UOOMS 1" r wiih Board, for th winter mm a 11 tablet) ; kept by KngIInil lady; Centennial visitor*, $2 per day. m FAST 820 ST. ELEGANT ROOMS. SINGLY OR lOen unite; lion to and taole first class; tranneut visitors accommodated; references. Ol WEST BOTH ST.?ELPGANT APARTMENTS TO ?^llet, witli Board; second, third and fourth floors; bouse first class; references. 91 WEST :<is r ~^T, near 5TH AV.? KLEcTaNT. J I newly furnished lloom*. third and iourth Moors; first class Board; either gentlemen or families; reference. Ol CHARLTON ST., NKAR MACDOUUAU?HANDJU l.Moinfly furnished Rooms t?? let to a gentleman and wifewlth Board: single gentlemen and table board rs accomruo. anted; house and location first clans. Ol WEST ;i)Til ST. NEAR BROAD WAV.-IIANDZd ir.onie Rooms, with Board, en suite or singly, to gentleman <?r (kni lea, OOD srTT318WKST.-HANDS<> MK LARGE ROOMS' _ first and sec ?nd floors; Urtt class Board; excellent neighborhood; moderate terms. OOD ST.. 2 O \V EST.?KL EG AN T ~8 111 T~ O V R Oil MS*; ^uOpriviiie table if desired; also single Rooms; first clans Board. 9 1 "WEST"23D~ST., OPFOSTTE FJFTiT~ATENUE i Hotel.?One or two elegant Suit'*, with first class Board and attendance, for the wiutcr; proper references asked. Off WEST SoVr.-tO LET, AM ELEGANTLY I'l'limUnished Second Floor, ample closet room, eu suite or singly ; private tahle ; terms moderate. 27TH ST., 47 WEST, BETWEEN BROADWAY AND I 6th hv.?Furnished Rooms, Southern exposure, to let, with or without Board, to gentlemeu or gentlemen and wives; references. 9OTi! ST., WEST, W.-HANDSOMELY FURNISHED .w1 ','toom, with board; large closets; hot and cold water; $10 Tor two. t)OT11 ST.. sTtTwKST.-A SMALL FAMIUY"WTLL ^jOlet a handsome Room ; Hoard and location lirat class; homo pleasant: terms moderate. nft jAjiITST -TLEASANT ROOMH, WITH BOARD; Zi t/terms moderate ; all iinprovomonts. <)Q EA>T li 1 ST ST. ?E LEO A N TLY FURNISHED j'JRooma, with Hoard, en suite or slnirly; moderate prices; strictly first class. o|i East Tjst st.-dksiuablk" rooms, wlth OV/Bourd: also a Room suitable for it docior's odico. 0?J~ fllTian ST.?SECOND AND TUMID FLOORS, OOfrunt; sunny suits; superior Hoard or private tables. *> 31) ST., 801 BART.?BOARD. Wim ROOMS: OOlarge and small, singly or en sulto; families or gentlemen ncoummodnted; cas, bath, lire. Transient, $1 per day; $.' to $tl per a oak. JO wEST 4iD ST., FRONTING RESERVOIR PARKlH OOlloiiso near; elegant Apartments, with or without private table. OIWhST 32D ST.. RETWKEN KUOADWAY AND O'X.'ith av.?Eleaaant Room* to let. with Hoard. O I TH ST.. 13$ WEST. NEAR BROADWAY.?IIAND0*xmmely furnished Rooms, with nnuxceptionable Board; also sing e Booms; reference. oVril ST. 130 WEST.?FRONT ROOMS, 0> THIRD Orfcand lourth lloors, with first class Bourd; references exchanged J J Til ST.. 107 wkst7-uands om fT "r oo m s and O'i'ball Koom. with excellent Board; refurences given and required. O - liKAMhKCY I'laoe (ti^ ^\^T~20ttr~KT)"? <J'JHamlsoinely lurnisbed front Room, with first class Hoard; also smaller ones. >7[ CLINTON BLACK, NEAR BROADWAY.?FUROUuisliod Itnonis, with Board, lor married or single; day boarders taken. FAST 21TH ST., NEAK BKOAD WAY.?II ANDODsomrly furnished Koumi, with Board, for families and gentlemen; re ercnec. 'JO WKhT 1WTH ST.?HKNTLEMKN OA.V KIND OOpleasant Apartments, with Hnt elau Board and attendanee; reference*. J( \ WBSf 12TU ST., BETWEEN 5TII AND 6TU AV8.? Otj \ tiilril story front itoom. with alcove, to rent, with Hoard, to gentlemen or gentletunn and wife; alao ant*11 Boom* to rest; reference* required. 11 WSHTiMTH ST. I) h SI ll A It I.K IffX) Si S, WITII "iJ. Hoard. for fumilf * or gent*; table Board; reference. 4?j 7tii av.?mxtu.1t anu floljhllv WELL fultOniahed Booms, with first clu*s Hoard, at hard money prl es. J/?Tv EST 5 IS r ST.?KOOMS, KN SUITE <)H SlNtli.K; TEvJonly those wishing to pity for llrat vlua* accommodation* ami Hoard need apply; reference*. Tori sr.. west. Ml. H.-H <ivatk famu.yiiavk 'xUnewly furniahed Second Floor for gentlemen or married couple*, with Hoard: price* very reasonable ; reference. JljTII sr. lot!. NKAtv UKUAHW AV.-i.AKiiE II AX IIXTvJsontoly iurnished Hooin* to lot, with Board; house and appointiiient* superior; rrleroncev. A 7 01. IN TON I'LACK, MKAK 5TI1 A V.-ELKUAKTLY *X I furnished S c md Floor, with Hoard, to a family or parly ol gem lemon ; other Itoom*. *<\ west fern st7 handsomkly furnished tuilooin*. witli Hoard, to litmilie* and gentlemen; also liali Rooms; table hoard. A (\ BAST-2lsf"sT.? LARUE, newly KHUN ISIIED X t/Hooin*. cn suite or singly, with or without private taiile; relrrence* exchanged., bf. -nWllvHllil.V rTltNISllFJJ ! tJl/ltoem* o lei, en suite or singly, with iincxceplioiiaola j Board; re I erenee* exchanged I LKXINO ION AV , NEAR 2>TII ST. ?HOARDERS tJ Xwanted, to suit the tunes, also Suit of Room*. C/< WIST Bill II ST., SKi ONI) FLOOR,-ukivat"; s) I liable if required; large Itoom and hall Hoom oil fourth floor. cq west ~mtii si"_sTTactTful furnishkd rJOApartuicnis in a privaie lamlly, witli or wlihuut Hoard; reference*. G't ai'.sT i.i'ii siC," )ii;r\vKhN ani?"?t'ii Oav*.. nud 17 Clinton plac > <MtU si.) ? .Nlcclv furnished Kooiu.i lor tuinilic* mi.I permanent or transient, witli excellent table ; also taldo JloftliL Off IRVING PLACE*?.NICELY FURMiiUKD ROOMS, t ton sails, slnxly or in floors, to lot, with Hoard; private table if preferred; n-Icrences. 7; MTDIHON A V. -KLKO VNT SSCONO PLO<>R ANI) I Luther Rooms to let, with Hoard; references required. 7?J kant '61 st.?FIRSTclass HOAKD; iCOMK-MADE I Obremt, pie*. Ac.; two front Alcove, southern exposure | and other i.ouins. 7.7 M riTlSOM av. rARLOR PXOOR* WITH RVKRY dconvenleiico ; private : tble only; aiso Rooms on second una third Moors; references exchanged. 1(1 ? LINTON PLACE (wkst"rtyh ST. ?NEATLY XV/(JfuriimUctl Room*. lor Inmily or nintrle fremloiiieu, wifb, without lloard; terms moderate; Ku^lish, French, German spoken. 1 1 I :iilli ST., TillIRK DOORS FROM PARK XX lav.?To let, with Board, inr^j and small Rooms, eii suite or fin . y . i o! rence*. mi-; ast inth ~h r. "ska jYcla :t h n pox HOTEL*? Uo 111?, si i|?l or uii suite, eu second Moor; tabic Uoiuucr* ; rcierimce*. 11 ffa s 1 k'.;t ?f?n i sr.?with boa a t>, i 1' )h ui.!,'iituu Rounis, for .'.unfiles; small Ho 'ins tor Ktxitlemcu; terns very ruxlerato. I^ KAIIY h?ni sT, MOAii UNION HQ U A if 1.^ -!>! ;X )' Jtimulo Rooms, with board, on sulio or singly; vsAvisni rs islrsi ___ I ? 7 kas r r7t"sT.-small, rAMit.v or adults IO I will runt now nnd liaml.ouiely furiiielied Kocnud ntury Iront nUuve. iiml ulii.T line Loumv an unit* or > >>^l> . ? in or witln ut firm t'BKH l.onnl, to wdnItw only; ..uitberly oxpvaurc ; nil convcnlouaaa; ouiiveulanl to tight car and tin e 1 in.'a; ml riincci Uil EAST aVfll ST., SKAH LEXINGTON AV.? agllHiiaaomny !iimi?hc<l Unnin* to IctrWtth Board, tn alia ni alngiy; reltreiicra oxchancciL 1 LK WEST "J 1ST ST.?IIANDMTMKI.Y FURNISHKD I'lUnaik I'nriur and aceonu floor through, eiliglo or ail iai(0, with flrat class llonril, 91/ WEST 41111 HT.?1IANUSOMKI.Y FURNISHED 11) Itn.uii.. anmij oxnnaur*, w.tb Ural cine* Hoard; near Broadway ; term, moderate. ',>1U KA <r :!!> Nr.?with 1ioaro. nicely fl'r awAtViiialiad llooini; torma moderate; relcro.ieos ox. changed, 91 () WEST I AT (1 ST.?LAKUii A.VO SMALL ROOMS j mIvih lei, with Hoard. 2<l/\ WEST 10TH ST.-SMALL FAMILY WILL LET 'pinna nit Room*, wllli good Board; moderate tonne; ail convtitiivncM. 91) - K \SJ laTII ST.?TWO HANDSOMELY KIR aal^a'/itlslicd cooU 'i'tlng Haoiui Witli good lloaid; tan.a boaidors accommodated. r.i.rrou'i, 90 I W. sT I7TII ST.?PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH ajOl Hoard; all llio Modern . .ouiente. ox'i west 555 st.-a iikmt.mian anTi "wife xw^lrOor two frcntlrmeu ran lecura a nicely Throf ' ?d Room, with Board; liou t Drat elaai; private fauiily. LE SHEET. BOARDERS WASTED. OOhlrtur *>TII ST.,"?KAR HTII aT.?TO* LET. large fiirnioha i Know, wilh or wilboiil lioarii, aultablo for two: also ball ltoom; prirats tainily. JUS KA>T 11SI s r.. NEAR JD at."?BOARDERS < ?Or/arautort; iroo.l tatdo.airr Itonraa, well furniibed; but an l cold w?i.T nod jrao: pricti low. J OD TUT -lai n *T.?TO LIT. WITH OR WITII.1 ODout lloard, Konmv or will bo r.nto'l furniohod for liirhi hoii-eko.-nin r In orl.ato Uouao and rinall fomll* ton*'* modTaie. neiguOorho iU good; cumeuieril ^ Elevuieu curt. 4.3Q-W K S Fj:? D ST.?FURNISH KL> HOG MS, WITH utjw wtUwt HwC _ A Stkictlt private FAMILY. in rilKIK OWS -/xhouse on bth ar., below 4.jth. will let inagiiilic utlr an 1 newly furnished Second Floor, Willi privilege of more room on third flour, with superior table. lu party de?irina the eomlorts of a refined borne; no oilier boarders: the tino-t euile, at a moderate price, in the city. Address. with tall nam". M AN >FI Kl.l), box lot tiernlil Uptown nAtti PKIYATB PAXIL? WILL BBKT SOME NIUBLT fnrnlahed with or witliont Hoard. No. 71 Luxiugtou av. A LADY LIVING AldlNh, NEAR 1ST. CLOUD HO tel. would rent a Kootn to pent and wife; with or witliont Hoard, for lady. Address PIEKOE. Herald Uptown hruneh olSco. A I.AItY II \ \' I Nil A N" K LK< i AN' TL Y t F!' It N IS II ED hou-e In deeirable neighborhood desires to let. *fH? ltuard for lady only, second story lloom: bathroom and water eh-art attached; comforts #f h-one cuarranteed. Addreii Mrs. lie II., I Ml Uptown Herald office. nANDSOMLLV K K.N IS If Kl) SECOND (lit THIRD Kloor to let, wltn Board, eu suite or singly. ID Kast iHlli at. J ^PORT/INT TO ADVERTISERS. The circulation of the EVENING TELEGRAM for the week ending September 73. 1S76, was Monday, September IS 37.5X1 A I) V h Iff Isl N O ItATB. 20 CENTS l'Blt I.I.N K. Tuesday. sep'ember 1U. 3".WI0 ADVERTISING KATE. 2' CENTS I'BR LINK. Wednesday, Sru'emher 2(1 .'17,<>0 ADVERTISING l< ATE, 20 CENTS PER LINK. Thursday. September 21 5G..XJ0 ADVERTISING KATE, 20 CENTS I'Kll LINK. Krlnar, September 22 41,'ktO ADVERTISING BATE. 20 CENTS PKh LINK. Saturday, September 23 38,800 ADVERTISING KATE, 20 CENTS PEE LINK. ADVERTISING KATE, 20 CENTS PEll LINK. Total 247.* 0 ADVERTISING KATE, 20 CENTS PER LINE. Daily average 41,300 OFFICE, 2 ANN -T. I' AMI AND NBATl.T FURNISHED BOOM. WITH Joul Hoard, with nil convenience*: excellent neighoorhood ; private family. Add re ss 431 Went 21st St. Z~-handsome-boa rhi no " accommodations!. Vicinity 23d it. HA.VEINS, 28 West 2Bllt St., west of Ilrnudwity. Z?NEWLY KUKNISHED rooms to IKT, WITH Hoard; winter arrangements. 53 West 48th st., ucnr Otis ??. HOARD AND i.iiotOM. WANTKD. Avoimi kkkncii tii-.N i ekm an, ji sr Aiotit i;i?. of good education musical and otherwise, will give piano and Kr licit lessons for his board in a resprcta .le family; best references. Address C., care Lynch A Uotnien, 1,164 II road way. Bt)TuD WANTED.?TWO DOUBLE SUNNY ROOMS, with good Hoard, lur a lady, maid and two children, 3 years and 2D months; permanent pay: $100 per month; uptow n priratn family. Box 3,313 Cost office. BoardTvantbd!by a number of young gen. tiotucn in re <pcstahlo, ttuiei families where they could pursuit their studies during the winter: terms must bo moderata. Address, stating tortus and nil particulars, TV. H. It. YNOLDS, J an it or Huma'patbic Medical College, 23d St. it nd 3d sr. jiOABD WANTED?FOR LADY AND CHILD. WI1EUB Jvbaby two years old can be minded; terms, $7 a vers. Address FOREIGN, Herald Branch office. ^TATTED - BOARD, BY A GENTLEMAN AND IT wife. In a Jewish private tamily, with large, well furnislied front Kuom and Bedroom, on iirat or second floors. Address PUK1M, box I7M Herald office. No communication considered nniess price iwhich must bo moderate) Is positively stated. \ITANTED?BY ~A GENTLEMAN AND*TVIVE, A TT frout Room and Bedroom, unfurnished, witlt Board, situated between 12th and 2nth sts. Pleu-e slate toruts, whinlt must be moderate. Address a. B., box 175 Herald l'ptown Brunch office. \lrANTED?A LADY HAVING ELEGANT furni?? ture, Carpets. Ac. for parlor, two bedrooms and dining room, wishes to exchange with responsible party lor Rooms and superior Board lor self, two children aud servant. Address W 0.. box 110 Heratd Uptown Branch office. WAN I ED?2 HOG Ms, FURNISHED OR UNFUUnlslicd, and rttporior Tablo, for lady, little daughter, nurse and child; no other boarders preferred; moderate terms. Address il. H , box 125 Herald Uptowu Branch office. _ BROOKLY N liOA III). ~~~ Mansion mouse, hicksttf:, brooklyn.?'five mi nil urn' wnlk from Fulton ferry; Htranicfrs vicitinir the city will Huil ample accommodation!!, permanent or otherwise ; $3 per day. MO-FiTCftZ "* -M'PYKE'S HOTKL, 35 CLINTON I'LACK |3TU ^V.sU, near Broadway),?Haiidsoiuely turuished Booms, with or without Board, at reasonable rates; transient uud tukle boarders taken. NtiKL'S TLKKISH AND BOM AN MA T11S ?1)AY and nib'hI ; laities day nnd evening; pleasant Booms; excellent table; transient accommodations f- ho per day. T NKW ENGLAND HOTKLT 30 HOWK BY?ALL litrlit single Booms; Lodging* 5<>c. nightly; $:i weekly; tor gentlemen only. LtfikYH OPKN?FKANKKOKT HOUSE, CORNER Frankfort and William sts. Rooms 3oc.. ?0c.; tfoiulonieu, famiiits. CKNTRAL HOrbid. 3 CANAL 8T.."IkTWKKN harlo's Hotel and 11 road way.?Single Rooms, 75c. and $1; double Rooms, 81 50 to $2 per day. C1ITY~ llOTKIs," 1JU'> Al> W A V A N I > HTTi ST. ? It <7?)MS /aud Board, daily; rooms, $4 weekly. Elegant Rooms en suite for lainili**. MARION HOUSE, EAST BROADWAY, CORNER Catharine at.?Established 1830. itouuia, nightly, iUc. nnil 30c.; weekly, $1 30 and $3. RhVKRK TTOUSK?ON EUROPEAN PLAN. NOS 808. -KM* Brnkdway. Now York, corn ?r Houston at. ; two large restaurants: single Rooms at 73e. nnd $1; double Rooms at $1 60 and $J par day; open all night. t. J. cok A son, Proprietor!. COlN'lHl If OAlltL ' " a vkry'8." katoxali, westchester county.jxHeautiful mountain lake scenery. autniiiu lea vol, rowing, fishing, hunting: house healed; piano; straw rides; near depot, Hoard, #5 to $0, b~VVLL AND WINTER liOARD-AT DUNKLLEN, N. J., on Central Railroad of New Jersey: nno hour from New York; two mlnntes from depot; first class tuhle and large, warm rooms; $0 and $7 per week. K. GORDON. nudsi>s "iuVer-hoard, tall and-winter; tine situation; modern improreinonts; hig . grounds, law us. atnbles; JO minutes out; lo from depot; term* very moderate. Addr"M 0. 1 >., Fort Washington. SALES AT AI I'TIOA. Auction sale of maunikicent household Furniture, pr p rty of E, Gay. Ks.|.. to he sold Til id (Friday I MORNING, comiiienctng at 10 o'elnck, at the elegant live story browu stone mansion Nil. I'.'O West 23d St., near tttli ar. Two elegant rosewood Pianoforte*. one a Steiuway A Ron, nnd Windsor upright, cost $700 and Sl.ixx); magnificent rosewood Ktageres. Race Curtains, Mirrors, latest st> le litis d Parlor suits, covered in satin, brocnlol and eps. Inlaid Centre and Contoie Tables, Cabinets, Jardinieres., Oil Paintings. Ac. ; Chamber Suits, in black walunt; Urea sing Cases. Bedsteads, spring aud hair Mattresses, CarpelsAc.: liookcase, 800 volumes clinics Hooks, Rattles'Secretaries, Library Tables, Turkish Suits, Dining Room llullet, Exrension Table; solid walnut Chairs, in leatlier: China Dinner and Tea Sets, Lounges,-IIat .stand; also bsaeuient and servants' Furniture. Ll KK FITZGERALD Auctioneer. N. H.?Goods packed and slipped city or country. \ ?TUNIS JOHNSON, AUCTIONEER. Old stand, 37 Nassau at. THIS DAY. nt 10V? o'clock, at our salesroom. 37 Nassau ?t. LARGE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 3 VERY ELEGANT FRENCH PLATE MANTEL MIRRORS. 1 superb carved Fountain, suitable for a garden, with a large assortment ofhousehul I cflecls; hascmcut and kitobon Furniture. 16 English body Itrnaaela and other Carpets. About 100 fancy Oil Paintings, Chronios Engravings, Ac. A.s Metropolitan Salesrooms, 337, 33V) and 3ti -Oh nr., corner 26 th at. F. 11. STEWART, Auction and t onimission Merchant, Liberal cash advances on consignments. Regular auction sal# on SATURDAY, September *>, at 10)4 o'clock, ol an extcnsiv- assortment ol Parlor Furniture, in brocstol, satin and reps, rosowood Pianos, black walnut Library, lie Ivojiii and Dining Room Furniture, Roukeases, Desks, Wardrobes. Chairs, Sattoea, Cries, U iecsar Tunics, and a line of used Furniture. Carpets, Redd,in., Ac. Auction hale. PETER HOWE, Auctioneer, so lis this day, at 11 o'clock, at the auction rooms corner sth st. and University place, a general assortment ol Household Furniture, consisting black wa'nui Parlor and Chamber Suits, Dressing Bureaus, black walnnt Bedsteads, ilail Stands, .Sofabeds. Pier >nd 4 anlei Mirrors, Etagi-re*. Washstands, satin figured Curtains, extension rabies, marble too Tames Chairs, liar and spring Matlrrsses, Brussels nnd three-ply Carpels, Copper, Glass and Crockery Wire, Cut lory. Kitchen t ten-ils. Ac. .walnrrtay, September 3n, at II o'clock, contents of house No. .">2 Clinton place, consisting of House.mid Furniture. Auction park rich household furniture THIS (Friday) MoKNlNU, commencing at II) o'clock, nt five stun brown slono mansion, NO. 47 WF.ST It.Til ST MKT . I EN M il AND 6TH ATS., t bickering upright 7,'j octave Pianoforte, Htsinwky s four round . L octave Pianoforte, Puintings, \t oiks of Art, PARLOR AND DkaWINO ROOM Si ITS, richly carved rosewood and walnut frame), covered in crimson, tan and gold brocade satin and cutclnine; Turkish and Spanish Lounges, Easy Chairs, inlaid mar>|netrlc anil gilt Centre uml Console Tables, rosewood Ktageres. Cabinets, French piste Mirrors, lac- Curtains, French Mantel Sets, (M> day Clocks, Musical iioxas, Library and Secretaire iiookcascs. Kooka, Hlhrarr Tablre, Turkiah Suit, Wrllinr !> ?k. HKIiitU'iM Kli K.N ITt'Hi., CONSloTiKU clnooratc anil plain Hedr mm Seta, Inlalil anil ?ilt H ditcad", lirassini; I'.ucf, Muretua, Waahatanil", eintle nuii ilouhla Hedaicud". XI Mil'1 liair anil "priii* MattreaneH, feather Pillow", illankets. Iullot Seta, rep ami plii"h Suite, uiarhlo top Taliloa, their- Kiickura, roclinlkR Ohnira, ImuniiO". UI.MXil TV KNITUBK?K.xtononn Tallica, Sldohoard, Chalra lit leather, Silverware, Crockery, two Hall Stand*, eel vet. Hrumels and iutfraln Carpet*; Kitchen, aorvaute' furniture Ac. Time Sixth avenue or i'nlverelty place cara. N. II.-Men to remove, pack or "hip ffooda. city or country. Kwltt'fir tWsill.v, Auctioneer. I ?UKORHK W. KKKT/KR, AL'CTIONKBR. J\.t Art Uallerr, "<3 Liberty at., corner Nuaaait. Ti)-I)AY. at il o'clock, larce peremptory ?ale of FINK PIR.VIill CLOCKS tilncle and in aetai, in black niarhlr, briinia and Kill; elegant Brume FIkurea and (irmipa. Parian Statuette ami Uohuminu Vaaua; alao a cuniUniuenl of Student Lumps. I L'CllliN. T11K I.vKi.llSI Hi,I sLIluLD HUM A tore tale. Til IK (f rider i AKTI-LX< >i).N, c> tnmencimt at I o'clock, at the farce double resilience lit'i Kant Hull at., *e?nd door I front ttli av., over um> worth eleiMiu Household Kuml I luro: as Carpet*, s rnh Parlor Knlta, 1.1 Hedroom Suits, Maitreaeea, Bedding, Mirror*, Curt .In", Tallies, ht mores. Lounges. Parlo . Chamiier, Library, Dining Furniture I tiluaa China. Sliver Ware, Cutlery, Plaaofotte, Kitchen, | borvanti' Furniture, Kale positive. ! BALES AT ACCTIOM. TTMTOSBVh h a list A HIKSKLL. IVKLLK8 A MILLET, Auction## . . 1'KIDAY ?nd SaTI'KDAK. Kvpieinbtr 91) ?nd 31, t ?t IOV, A. St., * | byordsrof IssUs Meyer, rdq.. a*sifcneo. the entire stock of IJ.irdwnre, Cutlery aud Guns of Messrs. Meyer A Kesior, ai No. 129 Duatie ?t., i comorf?in(r in pari a ireuer I as?nrtujeni of Hardware; also j lb*. Chain. 7'r> tingle and doublo (Suns, 17$ dose? j Fo ardor Kia?k?, 475 n ebony, plain and scored handle I lluntin* and Htitrher Knives, l(j?) iloien Wade A Butcher's I and 1 tod:? or*' ll?x ?rN, MJO dozen flue Scissors, H(4i dor.en Table Knives and Forks, l.fkKi do/en I'acitic aud Siainforth'a Fuckei Knives. 2*m dozen Woeienbolm's I XL Pocket i Knive*. Ac.. *c. Tti ?*!? U well worthy the atteutiou ol I c?t>' nnd countrv trade, I i I'cno.N StLK. ~MODKHMTwI) antique. jtV llMwhitld Furulturo. >' aunl'nrte. Ac. Parlor Sails, Bedroom Suits. Car ets. Ac. This day (Fritltri, wmm?Mla| >i I ){ o'olock, at private O. resident'#, *1 East'JOtli ?(., near Broadway. of magniricriil a Parlor Suits. In sstin, rnteltine, rep and haircloth: Pianoforte. Lounges, Turkish ('Italia. Oil Paintings. Mirrors, Cnrlalnt. Clocks. Vaeea. Tables. Bedroom Suits, Dressing Case . Bureau*, spring and hair Mattresses, Bedsteads, Bookcases. Meska, Kxtoiision Tables, Millet Chairs, Crockery, Cutlery, kr : sale positive. lain or rhino. llOlU' ZINN, Auctioneer. A UCTIOJf SALE OP Til E STOC^K AMI FIXTURE* OF J\ ' WINK \NI? SAMP UK KOO.M. Will ba sold at piiblie auction on Friday. September 29, 1N7H. at II A. 1.. at No. 901 Broadway, all tho elegant Fixture* in said saloon, eonsistiuir Bar Counter and Fix, tores, French plate Mirrors. Wine Cooler. Ice .Box, (Ml ; Paintings. Engravings, Showeaaes Cut Glassware, Deran, tent, oilcloth, Chandeliers. Ar : also Whiskeys, Brandies, V I Qia>. Ac. i everything appertaining to a flrvt class saloon. ' By orderof JOHN M. ACKKKMAN. By J. cock, auTTtionkkk! " Klegant Household Furniture. Entire Contents private restdeiice, . removed Iront Westchester conntr to salesroom corner 125th at. and lid av., ji to be sold SATURDAY, at 10)4 o'clock. r Klegant Grand Uuehesae Parlor Suit, luagiiiileeiit carved walnut Bedsteads snd IliitoitHa. rosewood 7)4 octnve Piano, rosewood Preoption Uoom Suit. {lining Kootn and Bedroom Bulla, complete: Sola Bed*. Brnssela Carpet", Silverware, Paintings, Stores. Mr. Cooke cottiltiots the auction business in a milliner ulllorent from any liou-e lu the city, absolutely refusing all goods w ith limited prices. All goods offered arc positively sold. gDWARD SCliK.NX'lv, _AC'CTION EER. ~~ THIS DAY. 29TH INST., MORTGAGE SALE OF ELEGANT FIRST CLA38 CABINET FURNITURE. at 11 o'clock, at No. (10 Llborty it.. , consisting of every variety of Parlor and Chamber Anita, Bookcases, Lounges. t bill oilers, Easy Chairs, Inlaid aua marble top Centre I'nbles Tit DWAIt0~1;KTT1 N(1 ER. AUCTIONKBR?SELLS TIllS JVlsr. It 1)4 o'cloc k. Contents Printing Office, 399 Grand si . conslsiing Herman and English Type, Presses and everything appertaining first class otlice. Catalogues ready. Geohok holbrook.> auctioneer.?holbuook A ROLLINS sell this day, at J o'clock, at 452. 464 and 4 4) Canal St.. Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room Furniture: Mirrors. Lounges, Tables, Chairs, Curpets, Mirrors, Mntt'esses, Beds, Bedding, Crockery, Glass, Platedwaro, Sewing Machines, Kitchen Ware. Ac. ' f H. OORDONT^tPOriONEKR. "" 1 . GORDON A HICKOK, 61 Murray St., will continue sale of MARBLE STATUARY, BRONZES. Ac., this day (Friday), September 29, commencing at 1] o'clock. f | | II. HKBTTreNS, AUCTTONKERB. MORTGAGE SALE OF HoUSF.HOLD FURNITURE, ON FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. AT 10)4 O'CLOCK, AT NO. 105 WEST 13TH ST, The entiro Furniture, Carpets, Mtrrora. Bedding, Kltchea Utensils, China. Ulassaaio, ..o , Ac. catalogues m <>mea <it Auctioneers, 17 Park piiico. By order of J. J. Blair, Mortgagee. HENRY ~D. MINER," AUCTIONEER (Into Henry II. Leeds A. Miner), Office and Art Galleries. 845 Broad sray. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. at lOW o'clock, at the store, 734 BROADWAY. OPPO-ITB NEW YORK HOTEL, a general assortment of House hold Furniture, Carpets, Bedding. Ac., removed from private residence. Details hereafter. Parties desiring to contribute can send tboir Roods any time before r> P. M.. on Friday. JOSEPH SHOXiOul), AUCTIONEER, SELLS THIS day at lOSj o'clock, at 7<k1 3d hv., corner 38th st., Con* tents of a Candy Store, in lots. J HAVEN, UCI'IONKER, OFFICE AND SALES* 1 room 3i< and 41 East 13th st.?Special attention gitrea ' to sales at private rosldouces. JOHN J LlSSNElir AUCTIONEER, OFFICE 13 CEN* tr st , sells, 10 o'clock, 138 ittli nr.. Stock and Fixtures ol Variety ami Candy Store, lit lots. MORTGAGE SAI,li.-li. FIELD, GENERAL AU(itlnneer, salesroom No. 83 Bowery, will soil this day. at 10.',,' o'clock, at No. 37 Chatham St.. the contents of Star otlic .c insisting or Sates, De-ks, Chairs Carpets, liookCasea, Stan is. Ac.; also Printing Pr-sses, Proof Press, Composing Stands. Galleys, Nonpareil, Minion and other Type, Hoisting V achiiie. Wood Cuts. Ac., Ac. By order J. NICHOLSON. Attorney for Mortgagee. ORTOAllE SALE?MV NUSSB A U mT AUCTION EES .'til Bowery. sells this dav, lx o'clock, nt 5 Eldridge st., Slock and Fixtures ofllrst clas^ Saloon ; lilack ^walnut Bar, spicuuiu n tk lllir, f *n,r avrIIV i ainus, UUIIIB, ivvuuji, Airror, Ac., poaitlToly lu luti. MNVSSUAUUTION K K It, 2? 1 BOWERY, SKUA thin day, 2 o'clock, at l,l?i 1st av., uear Glat at., Stock and fixtures Grocery Storo, Coffee, Tea, Countera, Sealet, w j Fixtur. a, Ac.. In lots. ' PAWNBROKER SALE.?R. KIEI.D, GENERAL AUG. tinueer, a ilenroom No. SO Bowery, will sol tntaday, at II o'clock, UOO lota men's and Woman's Clothing, Ore tea. Shawls, Keinnants, Underclothing, i/nilts. Blankets, Bed* flint. Koota, Shoos, Ac.; also Coats, Pauts and Vesta My order lluirh McAleenan. 2d ar. P~ AWN BROKEK'S~SA1bE.?THIS DAY, JAMBS AUAR^ Auctioneer. will * II, at oil Now Bowery. 5(K>lots Dreasoa, . I Shawls, Remnants, Titbla i.ition, Underclothing. Slseeta, I Spruads, Blankuis, vjuilts. Boots. Gaitera, Coats, Panta* I loons, Suits, lly order of I). <?. Ferguson. Broome at. RICHARD WALTEKe' SGNS, AUCTIONEERS. " hrst class Household Furniture, will sell Friday, Sept.-mhor 2U,at 1 'J* o'clock, at No. 223 Greene St.. a ami general assort in .nt of Brat elass Furniture. Parlor Milts, elegant hl.ick walnut htagere, French plate Mirrors. Cbmraoa, lace Curtains, msrhla top Tahlaa, Lounges and Mantel Clocks. Itrnsaols and ingrain Carpnta, splendid black walnut Bedstemla, Dressing Coses. Wash Htaudajfenther Beds. Mattresses, Extension Tables, Kitchen Utensils, Ac. O HERMAN, SHERIFF'S AND GENERAL AU(L kj? tloneer. Mortgage sale of Furniture, Billiard Tables. Iloraaa, Wagon and all other personal property of John F. Schultheiss, l.sq., Jones tS and? By Tlrtuo ot a chattel mortgaga 1 shall axpoio to sell, at public auction, on FRIDAY. September 30. at 10 o'olock A. V., all the personal Property In said mortgage described and now In Jones' Wood Colo-aoum, in HHth anil Both sts., between av. A and the Fast Rirer, In the city of Now York, consisting of tho entire Fixtures, Furniture, Billiard Tublea. Horses, Wagou, Una uoss, Ac., in J one*' Wood Colosseum. Bv ordor of the Attorney for Mortgagee. 11eiim AN", SHERIFF's ~and general au<? tiuneer. Auction sale of Wines, Llqnnrs and Cigar*. FK1DAY. soptember JO, at 13 o'olook M., nt the salesroom Mo. 13 Bowery, a large and general assortment of Imported Liquors an<| Wines, vis., about JiHJ bbls. choice old Bourbon and Kra Whiskey, casks of imported Brandies, Oin, Ac.: also 250 casks imported Sherry and Fort Wines. French Spirits, Ac.} also 1,200 cases Wines, Liquors. Champagne and a large lob Cigars, Ac. Sale positive; dealers invited. S "Tie km an, sins rifk's and general auctio*. . oer. Marshal's sale ot Leaf Tobacco, Cigars, Monlds, Ac. FRIDAY, September 29, at ll>e o'clock, No. 13 Bowery, 2J cases Leaf Tobacco. a lot line Cigars, Cigar Boxe^ .Moulds, Ac. Sale positive. MATTHEW r. Ill RM*S, Marshal. ' K IT KM I 1 L il fc. ^ v'1'rtvatk"ria.mlly, k sidisttat 120 wlfs1? J V 23d St.. between tttli and Tth a vs.. going abroad wilt ho.l to cash purchaser a magnilirent richly carved satin par- ? lor Suit, 14 pieces, cost 91.20U. lor 9J25; one do., f 170} Vienna marhle Tables. Ktugercs. Hronses. Hne Oil Faint- a tugs. Chamber Sets, wilh dressing cases, .'SMI up; Turkish I Set. $l|s?; reps set, $<U: Bookcases. Books, Buffet, twa Extension Tables lonn 14 feet). Chairs in leather, Carpeta, Clocks, Ornaments. Spring Hair Mattresses and other household goods too iiuiiioi on* to del ill. C ill this day. E. UAY, J i t the leading- furniture "and cakpb? ' A'V house. on tliu instalment plan, } OEOKGh A. CLARKE, 747 Broadway. , nil the new and desiraile styles of goods at redneeA 1 prices and on tho most IHiernl term*. ' French Huts turnishod to order. FAMILY. "OCCUPYING A FRENCH FLAT HAND- ' somcly and completely furnished lor housekeeping, will (lispo-e ol ail at a great sacrl-.ce it purchased ho fore October 1. Fartles purchasing may rent the Hat If desirahlo. Call at 74 West odd st . near Oth av. Y FKIVATK KEsiUKNOElmiiAST TFTH ST., nba! . 4th av., magnificent -atin brocade latest stylo Farlot Suit, nearly new. cost $575, lor If I.V); one do. crimson and silver ruHlcs, $1U0; i'lanolorte, Carpets, Chambet nnlt, Map trusses; girocatel. rep and hiiirclotli I'nrlor Sails. lf:t(l apt Sideboard, Extcnsioa 'I able, Silverware; a sscrilice; fumllj leaving city. At auction FitlcKtCrirkniturb, carpet^ Mirrors, Bookcases. Wardrohon. Desks, Farlor Suits Bedroom Sets, Beds, Bedding, Steiuway Fiano, Chlckerluj I'iauo. 39 l-.ast 13th st. FAMILY LKAVIsTT CITY WISH TO DISPOSE oj their Household Furniture; satin Farlor Suits, cosl If-*. 41. for $A?i. flail; Chlclterlng Fianolorte, f 2-'o, elaborate Bedroom Sets. Bedsteads, Dressing Cases. Ac., $50, $I50| single Bedsteads, Bedding, Library, Dining Furnitnrn Turkish Suit. #75; r-pSnlt, #3<>: Paintings Call privatt 4 residence 47 West 10th St., near Sth av. Largest stock and lgwksi prices for ruifc niture and Carpets lor cash or llhernl terms of payment ar COWPKKTH WAIT'S, 155 and 157 Chatham St. Thllk teen large wareream*. ^ Misfit oari-bts. oilcloths and matting, very cheap, at the eld place, 112 Fulton St. Explanatory 1-1 re- u I rs sent fr>e. ' KENDALL. Payne's patent parlor, sofa and lounge I loots. No. 1*> 1 4th av W ATCHB8. -i E W K LU Y. MC. ' J \T 77 BLKKCKK,: ST., NEAR HKOADWAY- MONK.'i advanced en Diamonds, Watehes, dowelry, Ac.; als4 Pawnbrokers' Tickets buught ol Diamonds, Watches, Ac. 77 Bleccker at. T 397 BKOADWAY. COKNKH 4TI1 TT _51 AMOfTDa! Watches, Jewelry, Silks, Laces and Forsonal I'repertp ef every description bought and sold. Loans negotiated. JAMHh P. .MATTHEWS. < MKKICAN OFFICE?Of *V? DIAMONDS. WATCIL os. Jewelry, Silverware \ altiablos Ac., bought aint exchanged; Loans ellocted; decided bargains In Diamonds. Watches, Ac.; established IS >4. .1. 11. U vRlilNGKR. Dealer, 735 Hroadway. k/tomky ON dumTINDA, fults, ac. DIAMONDS: 1*1 Watcnee. Jewolrr, Silverware. Curaul'* Ualr She wit. Hah! Sacqne*. Silkn Ac., bought, and mid buck lit n Yore ?nia 11 Advance. OKO. 11. ALl.KX Jeweller, I, I'.'O Broadway, near J.nh at. hkAOVALC fvtnraoxioos " ? I / removal. I,. DKI.XONICO M will remove irmit S nth AT. and 14tu el 1 to 4 Broadway, i?h AT. and Jtitli el. (Malleoli aquare), Monday, September 14 V