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I * nn it 1JL A WHOLE NO. 14,64:9. DIRECTORY FOR ADVERTISERS. BEAM) BRANCH OKFICK. I ->05 BROADWAY? OPIK i)AV AN!) NlOtlT KOH IIECKYTION OK A D VHUllsKM K.Vl'S AND SAl.KS OK KA1'E1U>. J All USB MR NTS?i'n KAttS-l?l.2d mil 3d coU. Or ASTRoLl k. Y?IJtu 1'iua?Oh coL ' i BILLiAHhS?-V I*agk?dih cut. I * * BOaRDRRS WANThU?I2TII Kac?-3?1 ?od 4th coD. " v r HOARD AMD LObOINu Was VISD? 12tm I* auk?ith coL // KROOKLYV BOAXD-13TH PAUK-ithcol. < I I BROOKLYN UX Al. KSTaTB POR SALE?Ul Facik?ith j HUSIMtUS OPPORTUNITIES -&TU PAOK. BVttlNKSa NOTICIH 7tu Pack' ttlli cot. OITT RBaL KhTaTB KoK SALE-ls- I'aok?ith col. ULBRKs AJ.D SALhStt K.N ?I'jiu 1'auk?2d tud ad cola. ; CLOTll I NO?2i> Pack? 4th eol. COACUMBN A SO <1AKDXN KRS?12th Pauh?'W cuL i COA.sTWl.SK STEAMS HI1'S ? l'irn I'auh?3tli oad Gth j coL C0PAKTNRHSH1PS?Pro Paok. | COUNTRY HOARD?I 2tu Pack?ith col. D.\NC< NO aOaOKMI bS?In PAGK-Oth ?ot , . DBMT1NTBY 2> P auk-Sih coL _ ! UWKLUSO ItODsEii TO LET. KPENI8HED AMD 0*- ' I FURNISH PAG*-5th col. V. RUROPRaM STEAMSHIPS ?12tu Park?6th col. EL'KOI'B?2u I'aok- ith eol. ?/ KTHS AND KARA?.'D PAU*-3d coL ;/ MXOtTRXIOSS? 12tii Paum?dth coL /. FINANCIAL?thu I'AOK. M* HKB AKIN-2u Pack Slh col. , FOR SaLB?2i> I'aok? 4iu col. FUKMhllKD ROOM8 ASD APASTMRSTS TO LBT? 1st PaON?ilh aim 01 h colic FORNITUUI-I^tii I'aok?Oth col. 8KLP WANTBrV~KKMALi.H-l.lTii I'aok?2d coL UKLP WARThD-MALKS?ISrn I'aok?3<1 cot. HO RUBS. CAllltl Aiil'.s, AC.-lar pAUM-3d Aui 4th ohU. j KOTHLS? 12tn Pauk -Uh col. TIOUSBS. ROOMS. AC.. IT A NTKD?its Pack?Alh ool. INSTRUCTION-2D Pack?3d col. LOST AND KOUND?1st I'aok?2d coL MACHINERY?2? I'aok- till col. MAllKLK MANTELS?2d I'aok ?Ith coL MEDICAL- 12th I'aok?4th col. MTLLI S RRY AND DRHSSM aKINO?1st Pabn?ilh coL MISCELLANEOUS AD VKUT18K RENTS? lOra 1'AU?? Sth col. MUSICAL?3l> fAOK-ith col. MEW PUBLICATIONS-" P.\cK-?tb col. / PERSONAL-1st Pauk?Ut col. { riANOKOKTMH, OKiiANS. AC.-2d I'AGK-ith eol, ' POUTIOAL-12tii Pack?ith col. POST OFFICE NOTICE?1st PaOK?6th eoL PROPOSALS?2p Pau8-!UI> col. rKurnMiiuiNAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEEAI.ES? i'iTM Paok?'-'d enL PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OB TO BhNT?1st Paok?ttli ami "'th oil*. REAL ESTATE TO excu ANHE-l.vr Paok?5th col REAL ESTATE WANTED? 1st Paui?6th col RELIGIOUS NOTICES?1st paok? 1st ud 2d col*. REMOVALS? ,'u I'AUK-tith ooL RESTAURANTS?2? Paok-3<1 ool. REWARDS?1st P*ok-2d col. KALES AT AUCTIONED i'AGs-5th cut. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?12TII Paok?Ist Aod 2d col*. r1tuations wasted?males -12tu Paok-2d col SPECIAL notices?1st Pauk-24 *nd 3d coll. ? spouting?dogs, 1ukds, A<\?1st Pack?3d eoL l{ htokaoe-ao Pauk?fttti col. T1IK TRADES ?i2tu Paok?3d col. THE TURF?lit Paok?3d col. to let for business purposes?tsT PACK-6th col. travellers' GUIDK-ijtii PAGK-?th col. unfurnished rooms and apartments to lbt? iht paok?HGi col. wanted to purchase?2d pack?Oth col. watches, JEWELRY. AC.?2d Pauk?5th col. yachts, steamboats. AO.?10th Paok-chi col. PERSONAL. ^'^Y?DON'T FlliUJETGRAND SOCTADLE"TO-friOIlT. jc\,Central Park Garden; meet uu oalcouy. DE COSTA Ii! H1>1K?UON\T FAJL TO MKKT U 8~ AT IBVTNG a-suau jm.ineu aoctauio mis uitoruoon at 4 o'clock sharp. <a.uB. CAN "VALE" LET ME UO WITHOUT HKlTPKli onal benediction ? L8IE?SOME HOOD NEWS FOR YOU; WILL SEE you at Argylo "Soiroo Social" to-night. UARTfUKD. G-postal card from ahtouuTnot cons1d ered complimentary. N. I" NFilitMATK)N \VANTED?OK HABAIi ELIZABETH Pigeon (licr maiden name), by Iter undo, Jaiuea Coa, prove. Address It., box Jl.JOt Post office. IK CAPT.-JOHN IUJUEKTSOST OK CLEVELAND. Ohio, will call at St. Nlcliolaa Uotel ho will uud lua friends Iroin England. IK YOU WILL~ GRANT AN INTERVIEW THE PE1L son dressed in black will sign himself A. H. K. IF JAMES C. iT"HARTLEY, FORMERLY"OK UKLlaat. Ireland, will cull on or communioute with Messrs. ueokoe KAKUaEL X co., ioj South Front St.. Philadelphia, he will hear of something greatly to his advantage. 44 TACK"-WA8 THAT tfoU WEDNESDAY T ItKO member busy f Call again; wish to sue you very much. "mansfox." L~~ TO K.?B. CANT. YOU AlULANGK TO~MEET ME next week. 1 wish you lo write wlsnt you referred to. Mamie?will see you at Tim no hal iTsoci ablci this evening at 8 o'clock; bring your tricud. BROOKLYN. ary W.-IM1'OHSIHLB TO-DAY. SUNDAY IK YOU can, or Monday. sorry not to eeo you yesterday. AMY W.?SHALL HE "THERE" AT ?:4o7-UOPE you will bo early as I mutt leave by 10:30 sharp. This le my second to-day. WILL BE READY THIS AFTERNOON OR TO morrow. PACK 8HNIIH TliI8 l'KOM VOUK 8UMMER KESIdeuce; write to him at his until April, an he leave* in May. TWENTY-KIU8T. 1M) WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.-JULIUS MYKR .will ploaea tend bis address to me at onco II. 0. A MY Kit. Buffalo, N, Y. 11QTIL-UOOU EVENING. WHEN CAN~ l' SEE YOU uOtrtii at same eoruer I LOOK'T MACK. jio K w7?0A.N YOU' CALL ~OlT~ME NEXT eta I\ M.T Wrlle KKhlClOl S> N'trAICKS. a SBUuY MhSuolifrif episcopal cliuucii, f5K AXincrly or Oreuue St.?Preaching by tho pastor, Rev. J. A. Edmonds, Sunday inorniug snd evening. Seals tree. 'a LL SEATS?kkee?-no p evvr enta?U8Uhiw at ?fXtbe doors to welcooio all Into the American Pree church, University Building. Washinglofl M|uare, 11 A. M. and < :JU I*. M. Subjoct to-morrow?"Love's Characteristics," by Btr. U. P. McCarthy. I T PIKTIl AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH, 4MTH 8T? JliSunday services and preai hmg. by Or. Armitage, pastor. Morning, Hi: a), subject?"Christ's Heavenward Look;" evening, 7:30, "Inspired Prayer." LL HATNTS' TKOTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH litov. William Ounnell, rector), Henry St.. cornur of bcummcl. New York.?Seivices every Sunday inorniug st 10:3n aim every Minday evening at 7:30. The rector will preach. Association ~ op spikTtualisT.s, harvard rooms. Reservoir Park.?lie v. C. P. McCarthy speaks buuday, at a P. .\i. subject?"What 1 iteceive and What Reject of Modern Spiritual!: in." Coufereueo at 3 and o'clock. T WAS I i'lNi.TON SQUARE METHODIST Ei'lsCOpal cliureh?Morning, Rev. l>r. J. M. . old., Itev. William Lloyd win close the scries ol sermons upon Scepticism. Suuyect?"There Is No Rock Like Our Hock: Our Enemies Themselves Meiuir Judges." AT "chick Kill NO HALL, 3TH AV., CORNER HiTii St.? Tu-inorruw is opening Sunday oi Union Cospel services; Kev. Samuel Colcord will preach at 10:io A. AJ. and Kcv. T. He Witt Talmape at 3:3i> P M ; singing led by Charles L Uuuii anil a chelr of nearly JO) voices, services ontiiiutU every Sunday ; lb minute.' service of song, then hurt service and eeriuon. Scats free. Prayer meeting t.asw -. otvi S.I. -.. .. .s Tiled. A new dfchainrril?as?kicax thmpkkanok Union will bold IniarviitiUK axerclMS on Hiiuil?)i,.limbn 1, null waekly tberaattdr In Meiuway Hall. kieicl>a>? organ voluntary, ringing by choir, Hddrti.ii by liev. h. 11. Virgin, D. 1*.; recitation by Mra. J. K. I'nrkea; Ircimn "On Alchohoi tail ll> Ltfocu" by T. S. I.ambeit. M H.. I.L. D., ftbiacily J. 11. U1 HliS, I'maideni. Tuom McTaog.kt, Secretary. A 'l TIsPKINU STllKtr" KKtfBYTKlllA.V lUUCH, KEV. CLMfred H. Moiuont, pantor. ?At 10:3')A. M. suujcct. "The Devil Threw Hint Down." Evening. ? Lccluie Ml 7:?<?, the tirst of a series. Subject, "Paui a lioy at Home ?ud in College." All are invited, heats arc tree. g idoEL*N~~TA IIKHNACLIC Bev. T. De Witt Talmmg* wfl1 preach Sabbath morning and evening at 10){ and 7>? o'clock. BK&AN DArrisr ciIl'RCii, COK XEr of hed. lord am! Downing hit., L. G. Barrett, Pastor.?Morn lag. ''Christian Architecture;" eveuiug, A Man of One Idea;" cordial welcome. * TJLkeohLEit srKKKi i~nTve1cs.vlTst ClllfkCh.-AAltev. A. C. Swcatser a ill preach to-morrow morning and evening at lU:l.r> aud 7 :1k) o'clock. Cojuiuuiuou service and reaepttoa of tueinners alter moruing service. Bishop *n. >w,?>k tuS ^athoXTc ouuvtcn or Mount /.ion, will preach in lint college corner of X'.d *t. sua eth ev.. on Sunday, at I*. M. Scats free. Subject *'Tuo .Micond Advent ol Christ: Its Timo, Manner and Be nits " strangers welcome. CTmOKCH OP rilk IUVIm; i'ui i:;?ii v, ?tii a\\ /corner *5th st.?liev. Dr. K. II. Chapin, pastor, will preach ' to-morrow mot rung at 11; evening at 8, vesper Mirrae; Sunday school, '? ' X. SI ("luinyrciruRlra. &TII A V. AM> jam ST, JOUX J kullort, D. rector ? Morning servico end holy communion. 1U:Jil A. M. ; evouing service. 7 :JU. / 1 H IC K I. i. I S <? STaHH UMOX GO PKL HlRVUiiii v&iu ev.. corner lath ?t.?To-ui?htow He v. Saruuci Uoicord. lU .4b A. M . Itev. T. I>e Win r*Jmage J ; Jo P M. Singlag by Charles I.. Gui.n and choir of 'JVK E" o. wil^u> LK. ri iu.> AN D o. vKTrik-m FOB for Society i'rOKf'^sh? spiritualists, thsir liall, f*5 We t at., 10*g A. AC. 7>% M Children's lyceum meets ; ** tVllKTllRMU HtKkl.T fltSsF.YTKItlAN CHURCH, | X corner ill ildav,?Iter. 1''. 11. Marling, p..lor. Semcr. I M 11 A. a. Mil 7 ;SU I*, a. yiRSf ItKKtihllKI'KI'ISi oI'M CHI .It'll. M lIMMtX ' X ar. a lid 47ih il.?Sunday u. 1.?-01 at I* i.Vlock. Kav. I ttilliam T. Sabine, rector, will preach IU:oO morning, 7 :4:> j IvauliiC. I IjHHmii ViiiiMiimiAN < 1111:111. Jtni si . : ' near ItroailwB*. Kev. Jn-epb K kerr. I"', A. * , 7'i | I I*. M. bvrriiiit: lubjait, '"Ilia >ilt I.lie." >1 I^kkTT maVtihi' . urn stTnka 11 tiTU 1 Jl a*.? He* Mr. Unwell will i.rnac.i at I i Ml. " llniile ring | liia <?>?ii?l. ami ?i 7 I . "IfaagarMM H*)Mli|." iltiCt CUAfKU, l.ASi urn ST.?SKRVlCBtf tr II \JTA M ami 7 : .0 I*. M 7ua pa-tor. Ker. William I. L?- j b.rt wl.l oTIiiate Ma iii si in a \ i.n i r exrorm i d chorum. cormr i oi ?l.~K?*v. O. \V. Hire!*, of IndliHHpiiib, will ' on f^urnl ?v, oct'.l.,T I Hcrvtivi p| il \ M a hi ? )'. II, MADISON AVKNL'K UKI OKMUDCHLUCII, COUNLK ' o7lli it. ? Kev Dr. <?. \V. K. llirch, nt ItnliniiMpoti*. I nil., j to ill Ikloliflir I. at 11 A. >1, Mibjoet. "The ('Ins of I a hajv*ti-'ti.'' ayd al 1 I*. M., subject. "TI10 Lord's Wit- I r ihmi." " ________ KHV. JAM KS M KI NO. 1'ASTOR, WILL I'KKACII IN | tIt* St. John's M. K. chiin-h, 6.M Nt , t??ar llrnadnay. al j 10 Jo Aa M. 1'raUa and ftacramuulal service It 7 .JU 1'. M. | E NE NEW HKIJGIOIS NOTICES. r)>.V"sAMt'KI. M UaMII.TOS WILL PRKACTf"TW t.-v/uuh Preabyteriau church. 14th at., near Bth aw., at lit :?> A M. aud 4 P. M. Ui:v. h. "w. knjut "wTLl pkmaoh ? fiTa pikst MWsluu Haplial Uiiureh, comer Lelicht and Varick ?ta,. tti 111 :Wt a. M.. und 7 :.'K) P. 11. Subject, morning?"Winnine I lie Prwe." Kvouluc?Tub Standard aad the Trumpet." REV. J."d. IIEUR.' IVVSTCHl ')P~t'K.NTK.U. BAP tut church, wnat 4Jd at., will preach utornlui; and evoaintf. Stranger* alwaya welcome. rIEV-J. II. I.TlSIITBOi; KN WI I.I, PkKACMI IN SKVkiiiiteeiilli atrdel Melhndlat Kpi.corial church. Subject, A. S-"1M St?|w of a Good Uan Ordered uf the l.or.L" 7>a 1*. M.-"Prucru?liueliou." T)KV J. iplicii UENXA11D. PASTOR PIIAJUFM -? ?" < &?"?? vowrvu. ??.. Mill mnuini .^iituuiiiiuiii' log ?t ID-.iO. evening at 7:.7l); ilw tdilrouu by Aihriaiian workers. All welcome. I) KV. \V V. P A OB WILL PKK^CU Si THE kA\ eat Eleventh iinti. I'retbytorian cliurcb. betwecu Gib uil "lit twuioriu* at HI JO A. M . and 7 3 ' I* M. ST. IU21 Alius* CUrucH. 4orU KT.. RETWKBN 5TH and tilli I?i, Or Kwor, recur, odlcialilig.? Servicer 7, 0. 10'.. II A M., 7*4 1' M Stranger* cotdlally intilvd. OTANi < iN STKlifcT U A PTItiT UIIC K l; M. ?WM~ II AY.VK Ol^eavell. pastor. will preach at 10 JO A. M. ; aubjecl? "1'rajrorat 7 SO P. 14.. taijJeel?"Ministerial Position." Strangers luvitetl SIXTH ATOHL'B TtKKOUMKU Cll l* UClT- KhV. William II. MerrlU, perlor, will preach Sunday, October 1, at 10 30 A. M anil 7.Jo P. M. All welcome. OAINT TIM?mA8' OHURGlf 5TM AY AND mtmsT^Oltur. I>r. Morgan, rector; Hnv. Frederick Courtney, aaalelant; ??reiee< Sunday, October I; morning prayer at 'J o'clock; Litany Mitiinn and Holy Communion at lt'>4 o'clock ;|atlernoou aarrlce aud anion at 4 o'otoek. The chukoii op the stkanukiVs, meuckr sr.. ttenr Hi It. ?Dr. Decnia ou "Cbrlat'a One Sacrifice" at 10.3(1, morning; on "Manliaeen" at 7 NO, evening. All aeate free. Cabers meet at ran c'ori on entrance. rp aiSi knaolkITa mihTcu u kcii , an a v. and kith J. at.?Kev. J. Lauaing llurrowa, D. D , of Louisville. Ivy., will preach. Morulas "The I itches and Poverty ot Cbrlal evening, ' Trim Worshippers." All cordially incited. Ujrest~rwkkttITiird nth air Tuksuytkkiax TV cbitrcb dice. Eiaklne N. White, D. D.t pastor;.?SerJlcoa at IO:3U A. M. ami 7 -.30 P. M. LOS'r WD~ Pi)tjnfjuT. Io'sT-TWaHTir s"f., iVr u "Tfi m>th " a v ?Xt) I am d nd J Earring. Pull value will be paid. 312 3Hlb at. IOST?IN A FIFTH AY KNUK OMNIBUS, tiUPTElfJber a package of Pana. A reward paid by returning to Miss L. (!. U., Piftli Aveuue Hotel. LOST?A POCKKTHOOK, CONTAINING A RUM OP money end tickets. going frout 45th at. and Gth ay. to Temple, corner 5Ut ee. aud 13d at., on Thursday afternoon. The bndcr will be ltborally rewarded by returning to 155 Weal 53d at. L"OST?GOLD BBACKLHTVWEDNHSUAY KVBNINO* September 37, coming frout Brooklyn by Uoado avenue ear to Griuid street furry, or la New Vork. In the Urami atreot and Fourth avenue ear* to 38tli st. Liberal reward ouerca Bl ao p.usi jus ?. Lost"-w uewahb, for skye TKRinfu~~wi7o answers to the Mm* of Jock; bit mulcr tooth project. 41) Weil 28th at. ~ = dj? REWARD OPfKRfiD FOR~ A <3RA"Y~JCOTCII ipJltrrier, lo?t from tlS Knot 88th st <? J /V RRWARD wi LL BE~ PAID FOR A OEN?P*X v'llemna'K cold Watch/and Chain. lost at the St. tier main Hotel, und no questions asked. flense ooumuuloata with A. S., care ul box 210 Now York Peat otttce. <j? < l\ RKWARD?L08T, ON WEDNESDAY' LA8T. ?P"X Ubelwcori M) Liberty at. and 208 Broadway ;by way of Broadway) or In one of tuoae building*, a Russia Leather Puckelbook. If tbo Under will return the pocket hook, coupon and paper* to room 32 No. 59 Liberty at., lie U welcome to the two $20 gveouback* which wore iu the book. diefji' REWARD WiLL BlTrAll) AND NO <4UK8qprJUtiou* aakrd it irold Watch and Chain which waa mislaid In private parlor udJotntng room ITS Coleman House, New York, on night of Septembor 27, 1878, be returned to C. C. 1IKOWN. piorS North River. ____ SPKC1AL mofiCEbT Attentioni-DisEASEs '6r~hi&~ in eVery form, oven ot long standing. permanently cured: eousultatiou free. Dr. JaCOBY, 161 Bleeckerat. A ME RICAN VOCAL "INSTITUTE. 103 WAVE RLE Y Ja.piaco?All edncational eatabliahuient for treatmont of stuttering. Reference aud clrcnlara lurnislicd. -ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERr a Next Drawluqa October 2 and October 16. Ooo Priao ol (200,000 Ono Priao of 100.0UO One Prise of 50.1X10 One I'riae of 25,000 One Priao of. Two Price* of each 5.UUI Thirty l'rixoa of each 1.000 and it|S other Whnlo ticket, (40; Ilalvea, (30; Quarter*, (10; Flfllia. (8: Tenth*. $4; Twentieth*. (2. Full explanatory circular* free. THEODORE Z8CHOCH, 110 Netean St., New York. Buy ? TTTTT OO DDDD A T T T OODD AA TT T OODD A A YY T O O-D D A AAA YY T OODD A A Y T O O D D A A Y T OO DDDD A A Y or on Monday, so ae to be in time for the great drawing of the industrial Exhibition Company (of which General John C. Itobinaon. ex-Lieutenant Governor of this State, ie President), to be held positively ou MONDAY NEXT, October 2, at 5 o'clock 1'. M. $5 will aecure Ave certlttcates and the nsnal agent's coinmlia'on, consisting of a half full paid bond of the above company. (In will eccuro 10 certlicatea and boaldea a whole full paid bond will be delivered to the purchaser aaJila commission. 8 Ingle certificates are (1 each. Postponements are impossible nndar this plan. The company ha* bad eighteen drawings already, bat uover a postponement. Premium* are ranging as follows:? 48 prise* of. each 25 prises of....835.000 each 21) prDo* ot.... rtO.lUO each SO prise* of.... 3 ,< 00 each lo prizes of.... 7U.I) O each 10 prises of.... 25.0OO each 2D prizes of.... Oo.OOl) each 50 prises of.... lu.oon each 28 prizes of.... 50.1KV) each 100 prises of.... 5.000 eaeh and thousand* of others. All orders received on Monday, October 2, before-the drawing, will tie promptly lllleu , 11 received later, will be returned with next mail. Aridr?? ... ..II hi(l,?nl .1.1*. MOKGKNTHAU. BRUNO A CO.. Bonkers, U Perk row. Mew York. Fort ofllce box 1,197. N. )l.?Remittance* on Moudetr should be teul through the We.rtern Union Telegrapn Company. CMl ICONIC AILMENT.-. NKKVOI 8 11KB I I. ITY, OB? Atihate diseases, Ac., speedily eradicated; female complaints * specialty. Or. FRANCIS GoULAltl) (Parisian professorship), 1,479 HrmUvay, near 45th St. Consoltataon tree. DMBA8E8 op men a specialty. " ' IIKNUY A. DANIELS. M. D., 144 Laxlngton a*., near 2Pth at. Ofllce hours from H to 3. INLXCTRTo BELTS POB Fill ATURS DUUITf. liCsll or send Tor circular to J. KaKR, BUI! Breadwity. Grakbvxtkaokuinary HINOLh number draw" lilt, to take place at Cheyenne. Wyominir. positivelytins day (Saturday). September 30. 187H. By autbot ity of a special act of the Legislature, the drawiug* are to take place in public and to lie conducted br sworn commissioners. B332.000 to be distributed. Vow Is tbe time to iuveil to gain n fortune for only a small outlay. 1 Grand Cash Prize $11(10,000 1 Grand Cash I'rlso 7ft,ItO 1 Grand Cash Prlzo gS.iSkt I Grand Cash Prize lft.iXS) I Grand Cash I'riiu lO.tsai I Grund Cash Prize .'i.tftKI Tickets, $1 each; 0 for or a package of 'jtl tit fccls. costing #-' >. for 810, anil the balance to lie dedui"led only Irooi the prises drnwu. Apply to or adilrass EltOK Y a CO.. Brokers.a! Park saw, uyystits Fstt?Bts, New York eity. IVEK.V PATENT ANTI-FREEZING, SKI.F-ACT1 NG, inodoroas Water Closet eaanot leak, traeze or bees 'Oil offensive. lilt* 4tb sr. J^ASTDAV. ORAN1> DRAWING TO-DAY OP TUB KENTUCKY STATE DISTRIBUTION. 10.379 PRIZES. $:?I0.1W(' IN CURRENCY. TUB BEST CHANCE EVER OFFERED TO .AC | CUMULATE WEALTH WITH A SMALL INVESTMENT GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE. $25,000. OTHERS FROM $'jn,outl DOWN. BUT EARLY TODAY: ONLY A FEW TICOT8 oN Hand. TICKETS, $10; HALVES, $5; gUARTERS. $2 ftO I TIKIS. II. HAYS A CO.. 497 Broad wat N'otick Is'"given that the stook ' fodders of the Central Cross Town . Railroad Company of .New York will bold their meeting iu llie city of New Yra k. at tbe ofliee ol lbs company, a*. A, between J-M and 23d sis., rm Tnssday, Oetobrr It, |M7b, at I'd o'clock noon, lor fbo election of a hoard of directors aad three Inspectors of elttetion lor the ensuing year w. & walcott. secretary. Mnw YoNt, Sept. 29. XTBUVOt'S EXHAUSTION.?A MEDICAL ESSAY i t comprising n s> rt a ol lectures deliverad et hahII's ; Museum vl Anatomy, New York, on the ceuse and euro of premature decline, showing indisputably how lost health j }U a) f.e res allied, uflurding a clear synopeis of the imperii- ' omits to marriage ami the treatment ol nervous and physical deidlity, being tbe result of JO years' experietieu. Price .5 i nula Addrs.s the anthor. Dr. L. J KaIIN, ofllce and residence 51 East I'Uh St.. Naw York. xri'.w YORK THROAT AND EAR IN8TITUTK, 39 p.a?t "th si. f tee examinations 11 to I only. N* It.?ON aVD AFTER OCTOBER I, DCri. THE srrtsil price of milk will he 111 cents per <|tiart to families and 8 cents to ealooua and stores. Ity order of MILK DBALKK'B UN ION._ VTF.W TOILET ARTICLE.?INDISPENSABLE TO iN every female Rend lor circular to Mrs. KINLKY, box I'D Herald ofllce. N" ??*?,< GO CASH IlIPTM. ~~ s Krutockv State Single Number Distribution. li),37V ft'rUaa and oiilr 6<i,Oi*> ticket* SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Manijm. Ta ba drawn mi Saturday. Srp.emliar -*), lttSd. Whiiln. (In. Hilars* iu proportion. Baytl llaran^ to Iw drawn O. ioUrr a. IH7B. Adorr** I'AKKH. LMKItSON k CO., Ranker*, I Hi) llroadway, roon i rnc.AL~M-Atv.NtJ KKJITUCKT KTATK LoTlarW. HMMONH A UlClfl NHOJt.* aasTi'CST. *?ti? CLais an. 5*3 aarraaaaa Vfl. 187*. UU, VJ. .W 3 74, JO, it, 67. 7. M. 34. SO. aasTCtar, class to. .VM- iarraaaaR 3U, 1h7?. Id. :i 73. IM, 47. ua, ">, H, 4a. Ii7. 70 ftfc IIKBKT. aiTRA CLASS wo. 468 -iBPTuaaaa 3V. JH7.1. 61, 64. 3 ' 14. 64. II. 34. 71. 17, 30. 13 ?), 63. IIKSBT class so 404 iarrraaaa 3H. 1H7G. I 4 61. 47. 13, 41. 40, 3d. 77. 7. H>, 07. 70. | roll lhf<irn>atl*n >.y applying to or addreeaJae J. CLUTZ I k CO., 3U0 Broadway, rant room, Btat Boos. I WTO YORK, SATURDAY, SEPT SPECIAL iVO'l'ICKS. 0~?$60,000 IN CAUf PoK ONLY ~~ . 10,871) oritur. dlatrOxilln* Only SO.nxi ticket*. llie Kentucky State single Number Distribution l? ?e draan at Ibivlngtou, Ky.. on Saturday. September Di, 1 87*t Bnyal Havana ilraaa October U, 1H7II. Semi in your orders to lUn ijutiural Aveuls. J. LLL1U. ?? l'U. oruMw>y, 0~" LI) XHNTUCKY 6TATK L< >TTKK1K>-SM!Til \s. KKBTLCKV. KXrUA CLAD3 071. k'OU 1878. 20. 70, 08, 58. 441. 42, TO. 51, 55. 34. 27, 11, 2. Ek.NTl'l'JLY. CLASS 072. WU 1870. 40. 50, 57. 3U. 31, 10, 45, 47. 41. 14, 54% 77 35. AllordersAddrewB. Nathan, i-i Bromwy, N. \. F?$3U>.u o CASH c; I KTrt Whole Ticket*, $10. Kentucky Hintflu Number Lottery draw* Saturday, September 30. 18m A Ivor ticket* left. Sale of tickets will ?Uip at 11 :30 A. M. I'AUKS, KMKJtSON X CO.. Aceiit* aud liaukers. 1m? II roadway. ruoin 4. OYAL HAVANA I.OTTERY -NK\T DRAWING OC* lobar 2. Only 25,0 O ticket* divided in 2'Kb and 4? ?t!? . 885 prises, uniountiDg to $750.0 1) Highest prise $2f*l),UlA> aud next of ' )h April, 1873, wo sold the An*).o,)0 prise and on September 1, 1870. we mid and cum bed that of fclUO.OUU. H. MARTINEZ X CO.. Hankers, lt? Wail M., New York. apiinLh (Joia aud Havana Kank Hills bought and sold. Draft* on Havana issued Royal HAVANA LOTTBBY bluWS 6CTOBHB"2.t'apital Prises. $2()0,mX>, gltki.OOU. $50.tkk?, $25.O0t?. Important information iriven by K. SONNENHERO, Post oftlce box 1.1S5. Now Haveu. Conn. Royal "Havana lottery 3750.000 1will, bk drawn on Oct. 2. Prises cit*bodl orders filled: information furnished; hip:host rates paid tor Spauish bills, government!, Ac. TAYL'iK A CO., Hankers. No. 11 Will St.. ?ur York. Rheumatism and ALLOTUKU PAINKULDISEASE cured by m tun m; tic treatment. C. BARNEY, 202 Eo?t I5m St. THE AXCT STUDENTS* LEAGUE WILL OPEN THEIR Life and Portrait Classe* on Monday. October 2. st their ruouut, 108 Nth av. Por particulars apply personally or by letter. fPAMAK IN 1?I KN ? A L A X V j I V V. EUUIT LOZKNiiE X agreeable to take; special remedy lor coustipation and Its cousequencca. K. OK1LLOT, 37 Kue Itauibaleau. Paris. Depot, CASWELL, HAZARD A ( ? h.No.v A ork To raUOY HOLDERS IN THK united staies l.ifs Insurance Company.?Imoraialiou of the most iuiportaul character will bo furnished t you respecting tba present condition and future prospects of your company, and tho emu which the capitalist* who have obtained control of tt have in view. Send your namo. number uud amount of police aud post otlice address to INSURANCE, box 140 Ileiald oftice. Cl'liMi fW\i\ IN 0A*l! DISTRIBUTED^ JpOUU.UUUlCKNTCCKY STATE DISTRIBUTION uraws poaiiiTeir nr.i~ i r.jinc.u ou. Capital priae, f-'~>,(Ml 10.379 other priae* Buy at one?. Sale of tickets clorea this day at II A. II. JACKSON AOO.. Benkcra. 302 Broadway, New York. ? in 7u\h -Ki-NTL'CKY ~~ktatk lottery, ?POUv".vUU. drawa Salurdav, September 3U. Circular? with all lulortnatiou Ore. J. H IK I' A CO., Ranker*. 43 Nassau at., coruor Liberty, New York. SPORTING?DOGS, UI11DS. ~ "* A 8ILVKK BLUB 8KYK FOR SALE?ThE aYflnest and prettiest lu the eity; two years old; weighs three pomida; aleo other pure bred blue Skyva. Itlurk and Tana, pure white Fox Terriers. Hull Terriers. Cocker Spanlela, blue l'lUKliali tlreyhound, Siberian Bloodhound, Setters anil a lew choice Terrier I'upa. Can bo auen at my place, Sth av.. corner of SSth at. Wit. T. ALLLN. Acctio.v i'ools~soiTd~saturiiay, skptembkr .'Vi. on Kutliert'urd Park regatta; pools told on the grounds: take Erie road, foot Chambers at. J. 8. TUKMKK. -koiT >ALE7 ALL KINDS OF FANCY DOUk. Birds, Ac.; Medicines for all diseuson; 1'repared Food lor uiockiin; birds, at II. U. DOVEY'S, No. 3 (Greene at., near Canal. IiH)R SALB?A YO CNO STAC TlOUND~PU RB BKKKD. Andreas HORNS. Herald olliee. ^KW YORK ATMlkt1c CLUB. " Seventh Annual Fall Games Amateur Cbamplonahip of America SATURDAY. September 30, 1870, 3:15 P. K Mott av. and ISOth at.. Mott llavett. Harlem Railroad train leavas tiraud Central deuut 1:3 > 1'. M. Boat* from Peck aiip aud Fulton at. every fifteen minutea. special accommodation* lor lauies. P" "oOLS SOLD aT^NKW YORK TURP EXCHANGE thli afternoon ou St. Louis vs. Hartford, at St. Louis; hostou vs. Louisville. at Louisville. SE1BKRT k McCLOUD. THK TVRir. AMERICAN JOCKEY CLUB. * Kail Meeting, 187(1, at Jerome Park. Slth September, Sd. 6th. 7th. KHh, 12th and 14th October. Races commence each day punctually at 1: Ki P. M. A. BELMONT President. C. Wusatlt. Secretary. A" "UCTIOX. ?d^RENOff AND COMBINATION POOl^S told day and evening at Now York Turf Kxchaaire, IS \\ est 28th st., on the Jcrnino Park ruuning taces aud Philadelphia trots. Combination pools. $'J; French pools. $2 and If5. Combination book open. $6 liable to win Sl.lKJU. Open ('3-s A. M., prompt. Attention given orders by mall or inessender. KELLY k BLISS. UCTtON AND PP.KNCU POOLS BOLD AT THOMAS' EXCHANGE. NO 3 BARCLAY ST.. ON THK RUNNING RACKS AT JEROME PARK; FRENCH POOL TICKETS. $3 EACII. t;FORCE M. THOMAS. Auction, French ani>"'"combination pools old all day at JOHNSON'S rooms. Broadway, coruer 38th ?;, on the runuiug races at Jerome Park. Each heat aud race rcc-oivod by (olograph direct A combination book open on all events. French pools open at 0:30 A.M. All orders by mail or messenger will receive nnrticular attention. T. 11. JOHNSON. NEW" YORK AND HARLEM ~KATLRO<D.?JEROME Park Races, September 30, October 3, 6, 7, 10, l'J and 14. Special trains, with reserved cars lor ladies, will leave Orand Central depot on rave days at 12 3S5 and 12 :3() P. M., returning alter tbo races. For regular trains see time tabic. Fourth avenue cart run direct to depot. Excursion tickets, 4t> cento. C. M. BlsHELL. Superintendent. P60LS.-FREN011 and comeTsatTon poolk~anD Combination Hook sold at No. l'J West UStli at., 011 the running race at Jerome Park, every evening and aftornoou. this aud next week; also on trots and all sporting avents. LOVKLLAND JUMP S Pool Room, l'J Wsst 2Stli st. ARATOOA RACING "association, 1.231) BROADway.?Auction, Krooch and Comliinalloii Pools solil, day aud evening, 011 the Jerome I'nrk rams; French and combination tickets. 1(3; also French Pool open on the October elections in Indiana and Ohio, to closo every evening; tickets. *6. JOHN MOKKI88KY A CO. TA.TTBKKAL.Ld'. I jot BROADWAY.?KBW com HInation I'uol, ticket* dl each; open tonight. TaUersalls' Auction Pool* every evening, at H o'clock. TattertallsFrench I'oota; tickets #1 each, Tattorsalls have their ofllce on the hill, at Jerome Park. Book on every race. Mi Do I'd ,\I,L A OO. HOUSE!). CAUBUOBk. "T HAKKKK A SON'S'"" CITY AUCTION MART ANI? N. Y. TATTEKSALL'S, CORNER OF Broadway and itilth ?t. MAJOR CHARLES W BARKER. AUCTIONEER. KIKIL'l.AR aALKUnf Humes, Camagus. c., HVi-HY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, TWKNTY-Koi;K HOURS allowed for trial. TIIK ONLY driving track In the State. CAT A LOU I' K OF SALE THIS DAY, AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK. KLEGAKT EXTENSION top Park Phaeton, pole and shafts, very light and nearly new. THE CLOSELY matched pair of hay trotting Mares ETTA IRWIN and HIXTON Ul KL, 15?i hiirh, toaied IH4W and ISH'J, lull sisters, pot by Middle town, ion ol Kysdyk's IIam'detonian. dam Sally lidL, bytne Ogden home, ton of Vermont Black Hawk; are gamo and very stylish driver*; have shown a trial of JsMiJj to tlio pole; have no eifoal aa a gentleman's road team and are warranted aouuil and kind. TOP Kl'LL spring Road Wagon, by Vandergaw. TWELVE HEAD of low priced line young bneineaa Horses, all w.r>anted aouud aud to be ABSOLUTE!,Y SOLD WITHOUT regard to ralne. TOP PONY Phaeton, by Terrell. SPEEDY ttltoWN I rutting Mare, lft high, 8 yean old; a One free driver; eau trot In three loiuutea; due under tad die, and is warrant-id sound aud kind. PKOMISINO YOL'Nti black Maro, lo high, 4 yoara old: a prompt, handy driver. can trot in three ciluutea, and le warranted aonnd and kind. ItOti CART, nearly uew. by Wood Brothers. LARGE LOT of denote ami single Harness. OK.VILKMAN'S ROAD Turnout. comprising a desirable hay Drilling, high. s lgars old, a very Irce and pleasant driver, sharp traveller, and warranted kind; also top aide bar Road W agon, Harness. Ac. LARGE NL'MIIEIC ol ton and no top Road Wagons, Express and Business Wagons. Carriages, Ac. EIGHTEEN OTHER Horses FULL DKSCKl. TIoN at sale. SALES NKVER postponed en account of weather. NOTICE. ? Wedneoday. October 11, sale of COLONEL L. A. II ITCH COCK';> entire stable ol famous RACE HORNER. A" BREWSTER. OK BROOME Hf., (Jt'AKTKIt WAGON fdr sale at pitvale Stable IRS Wesi Mill at. AuodioN bale?this day, at it o'clock, of now and second baud lop Riiggict. l'haetous, llockawaje, Uoainass Wagons, several Horses, Haruoss, Blankets, Holms, Ac., by COLE A MURl'IIY. lli? Fulton sc. Brooklyn. A?TUNIS JOHNSON, M LIBERTY ST* , Horse Blankets. Lap Robes, light Harness, Ac. Just recelvid frein u hard up Boston maker the best and cheapest lot of Biiinkrts In 13 years. Very lino real Malacca Whips, ?1 .Vworth S.i ho. Best New Hampshire Blaukets, large, two (trap. $1 SO. -JEROME KACKX"HIND80NlTSlTsH AT PIUE.ton and T Cart, with stylish Teams: also single and . t.wsble light Turnouts to let. BERNSTEIN'S staples. West I *>th st . near Broadway. t ?MAJOR CHARLES W. BARKER. AUCTIONEER. J V, COME TO DAY and ride behind Captain George D. II. ulna's, ol Bourbon county, KENTUCKY, extraordinary lo ol last ORE EN TROTTERS, matched COACH and Tltol ri; to TRAMS coupe and TCAKT llortos. coiuhined. >11 irmi wO sadli.k ami harnnaa lu>r??-?. la: xisktkkm llkldto be ?old un wednesday next. october 4. at ii ivioek. at barker a bon's city auction mart and New york ratleraalla, carrier of broad*ay and :onli M.i NO SUClI nock ha* been aeen In >aw york lu TWKN'TY yeera; all an-of the beat KENTUCKY iiw,k( and thoroughbred blood raid all warrantod in ovary particular: no l'lumik to uiak ? a tulatake the KPKKI). auddle and driving quellu. own 10 everybody before the time of ?nlo . come a onck and ride and KNOW what yon are biddink'on. An klbgant pair ok carriage horses-hay. lhhar.ala, perfectly matclied and broken, high atepoora and very rtyilsh. Dan lie aeon at lit Kaet Hit at A very fink and beavtip0l arabian mark, about mi band*; thnronk'hly broken lu raddle: color -block. inquire central t'ark riding school, 7th a*, and 6rnh ?t. A hkili.lvln't saddlit horse, very highly trained, ci lor black, very beanlliul. would make a magnlbi eni leader for a tandem, lor aale cheap. inquire ceu trai i'ark uldtner school, 7th ar. and bttth >t. A l'okv iii'ilix iioksk; team of other hohsf.s; eparate or towetber : hi, (7i, (ml ii heater at. Abeautipi/l top sidb bar waoon. with brewater imjar wed eftriuga. almoet new. lea* than half coat. hi weet uee ?t m ?r brjadwey. Atof wao.-x n.p pbarron anh harjirssj muat be fold a* any otter; they are ae goad ae new. iim waat dut at. RK H EMBER BO, 1870?TRIPLE HOUSES. CAKlUAIiEM. ?C. SO KK!l CENT LESS THAN COST OK MANUKAf.. lute. Received t'rniu a bankrupt ttrin a tat at tine leather lO|> Hu.-irt'.'i at SI J.'i: l'kactnn>. ?I ': Item,t . \\ apon*. $1-10; Uockaways,' $l:JO; llaruc^k, S'1 Va ifL'iei, immense etock of tlui'ce Blanket . coin e elicit.Iv dainaued, *1 great bartraina. JOHN MOORE. .vi Warren at. DK?WhTKU HI* It I NO SIDK BAUTOI* UOAl> W kOON, JlJ9105, cost S-Vk>; liuu Trotting llorae, SSl'dlt. biggest bargains ever aMti (T Croat JuBM at Ci A tut 1 aces AMI KOAii WAGONS. EXCLUSIVELY Jot our own manufacture ; a slock uiiei|iiallod tu extent nuil ijualily la Hoar ottered at our wa'er.i.inta, 5llt nr., corner lllli at. Stranger* viaititiir tliu city are remolded thnt we liuvc no relali' its with a Joint stuck company organised uuder a aim Itur Uauia. ItKKWSTKR Jk CO., of Uruoiue at. KaMory. Broadway aixl (7th -t. COAL carts koR sale-two fikst class. clie?|i Factory 75 1st ar. /TITV MA OK CAICUI Ai.hS. -ttf JOY, Silo : Kt?Alt \JWauun. SI35; extension ton I'liueton $l-.ri: I'nra loo. $6-5 : t'larciicu. $-'03; Coaches. $141# lo $1H*?; must he ..it4. 2111 U 691 mill ft! 0wmal park ftlpino #oflool lilifa, enchaure. Training and Hoarding Stablea. Till ikv. and r?8il? kt.. New York, one block ironi cut rune- lo I'mk Board for fuddle horse*. with u?e of manege. Fine hortio". of u!i kind*. 1.ought and sold uq coiuiuiuioa, and trained lor ovuiy purpose. J. KNUELHARPT. Pnprleto*. Fob mlk-a bTroaik^a stylish hlack Home, llarnenv nud lull spring leather top Wagon. Stivers' build, nearly new mid now in period order; ti?? ho*** is perfectly found. gentle, S vcare old, (lno traveller and driven mostly by a lady the present season. Inquire of the owner, 4$i4 l-.a-t 57th ?t. For svlf a pair of varETauE hurses! 5citabin (or a private family; tonnd, kind and rtylivh driver?-: will be ?old foronc hu f their \ulue. In?<nir.* tor JOHN" KING, at Farley* viable, llu West 5lid St.. where they can bo seen. fjVHt BALE?vkry CHEAP, STYLISH HOUSE" 1 \ r hands. trot in J .50: light Silver Ode bur i'op Watioii Hint II antes*; must be mid ut oiico. 355 Clinton st., Brooklyn. HOUSES iVoAlVlM-iH-T'oll FALL AND WINTER?at Prospect Kami. Caldwell, New Jers-y : cayc b.v experlaoced and skilful horsemen : Colts broken ; Horse* trained. Address C. M. HARRISON', Proprietor. 1-1 Pr:?nkltu st.. New York. Harnkrh, saddle beidlk blanket a and Robot, the largest stock iu the city, st the lowest price*. K. HABTLKTT, 82 Warn n si. I|vkk> STABLE "~To 1.KT-1U* been I.Mab Jlished 14 years: in East 33d st. : 18 stalls, offices. plonlv carriage room; good tenant, $60 monthly. Inquire 340 llowery. Notice"?i have openkd a~~sevv~i7iv k ryand Hoarding Stable at 181 ChrystL it, near Kivmgt<*n, which contains alt the latest improvements, anil where horse* will be attendee to by experienced y'rooms being heulthil\ located and well vuutiiatcd and having u bath for horses, ft is, iu (act, the most beautiful stable down t??ww . plenty of rootu for stotago of Carriages. All are invited \o call and cxaiu'uo for thenisolves, and thay will find I will substantiate m> assertion. 11. BftKDAK. PALISADE MOUNTAIN' llOl'SK STABLES. - -shVKX miles from 43d st. ferry. New York: gentlemen's Hordes wiutered at reasonable rates : good caro : first class accommodations. TAYLOlt A STKVINS. Knglewood, N. J. Removal wood brothers. Carriage Manufacturer*, have removed the entrance of their w sic rooms from 740 Broadway to the rear of their premises, Nos. 40, 61 and 63 Lafayette place, where, with diminished expenses, they aire prepared to sell their stock ot finished Carriage* at greatly reduced prices. These Carriages were tuade for litis season's sale, of the best material and unsurpassed workmanship.*and comprise every stylo of pleasure carriage. WOOD BROTHERS, Now. 4'J. 61 aiid 63 Lafayette place, rear of their old stand, uext door to Aster place and Hth st. Richard walter?' son ? auctioneersMortgage sale?Will sell Saturday, September 3j, at I0W o'clock, at salesroom 27 Kaet Br wad way, 4 >lear?es, 5 Clarence', 5 sets of double Harness. 0 llorses. Rale positive. H. J. RHILLY. Attorney* SECOND"HAND lanT)Auljit" IN ~ KINE~oiU)EK; very light Laudmu. in fine order; several Coupes and Coupe Rockawaya, one Doctor's Phaeton, six-seat Rockawuy>, four light 'Coaches, several sets of second hand H artiest* 20 top and open Wagons, by city makers, at prices to suit the times. WM. IL GRAY. 20 and 22 Wooster st. O ECO NO HAND CARRIAGES. k^Olasa Coach, very light. oar own build, la fair order. T Carta, aoveral. In good order. Cabriolets, our ewn build. Brougham, little uaed, our own build. BREWSTER A CO., .'.til av. and 14th at. SeveraTTroad housesVou SALE AT210 west 4Mtli at. STABLE OK PART OF STABLK TO LET?NINE alalia; carriage room lor two establishments: two auita of roonia for coachiuon; reut moderate. 17 Weat 44tli at. TABLE TO LKT-221 WXST 4L-T ST.. SIX alalia and two box alalia, coaehtnan'a rooms. Ac.: rent reasonable; possession at once. JAllt.l> U. WaTEKLUVV, MSI Oth av. SECOND II AN II?U LAND A I* LETS, CO AC II, 2 OLAKeucea, 2 liorae Coupe. 1 O-aeat llockawxy, 4 and o-scat Phaeton a, loop iront Pony Phaetons, 2 top Pony Phaeton*, 2Ui top Koad Wagons. 3 no top W axons, double aet and single set of conpe Harness, A 8. FLARDRAU, Carriage Builder, 373 aud 1)74 Broome at,, old etaud of Mrowator A Co. TO LET?FI R8T~ CUASS BKIOK~STABI.ES ; ALSO single Stella, in Watta aud Crand ata.; room for carta lnquiro of H. OSTKASDEK, 301 Canal at. HIPS. We have Juat received n carefully selected assortment from the celebrated LONDON maker. CALLOW, lor whom we are sole agents in the UNITED STATES, comprising FOUR-IN-HANDS lor Park and Koad. TANDEM, SINULB and PAIR HOUSE Driving Whips, some very handsomely mounted, no rare "ticks. BKEWSTKK A CO., 5T11 AV., CORNER I4TII ST. ANTED?A GOOD hORsK. WAUON AND HAKnesa, ill exchange lor a uew upright or square Piano; beat city maker. Ad rest W,. 14 East 14th at. WILL SACRIFICE" HY"SIDE-BAR TOP WAIBIN, double and single llariieaa, by Co-ninerford, for cash. No. 183 Prince at., in stable Q OOOD WOKKINU HORSES i-OR SALE CHEAP. trTaqutre hhh moi av.. eocaier Add at. Aloe HALF value-SPLENDID NEW LiilllT '.'Ix'/.lnii nipreii or unlivery n agon. nosey ? mauie. 134 Wolt llHb ?l. MIIililNKUV AXI) DltKSSMAIviv t?. At POLAND A "^KPlKK'il, MANLFACTIRKKS Ostrich Feather Trimming, 374 and 370 Canal at., Job burs will fltid a lasblonahle assortment. ? M Alt IK TILM ANN. OF PA It IK, OFKIiKK A large. recherche assortment of Until I'ariaiaii Bunnell of rare elegance, Just opened. 433 0th av., near 301b at. (late Mli'iiel'ai. 1>AKIH MILLINERY.?NO. 7 WEST fk'TH.-MLLE. KMKE COI'IIKN, successor to Mmo. Fcrrero. Iiuajiiat I returned Irom i'arla with un exquisite aeleetlon of fail and winter llimtels, which will be displayed at her select opening mi Thursday. October A. Invitation carda will l>? duly tent to all cuatoincra and putrona of Mine. Ferrcro. trri 1< KiVL. ES'i'A'i'R eoit liAI.K. ' ~ C entral. * FOK KALE?HETWKKN 34TH AND 40I II KIV., 4TII and Otli avx. a well llnlshed four *t>>rjr Houao: torina c?a>. Ad ires. W <U I'rt'AIKK. Station K. $?m nnn WILL purciiark pour story no ijOiUUU4 Eaat 43d si. Owner aeeu from 4 to 0. Kwnt Kide. TTtOR PALE OU TO LET IV BAST 830 ST.-A SMALL r brick lJouen; all Imprurenieala. Apply 33b Eaat 7blb a(. W ?*al bide. 1.1011 SALE Oil TO RENT?TIIK LALOK HOUSE NO. r 403 Waat 33d sh JAMK3 K. EDWARDS, 107 Woa; 33U at. NlncrllatM'Oun. K NY PARTT Willi 55.000 C AX BUY TIIRKK STORV - Yhit'h stoop brown atona Home; uuexcoptionaily furnished. hard pan prico; liuuiedlate possession A. DAI LEV. 060 Otb or. fPO CAPITA LIS ID.?1 1IAVK KOIl SALE A VERY A .valuable Property of about l.tbsl city lots (upward of lit) aeies). having a water frontage of nearly three <iuuriera of a mile, all lying iutacl, aud an w nli.u about 3tj miles aud in sielil of Ilia Urand Central depot at 43d st. and I 4tli ar. Any party or estate disposed to make a sale tinrstiurui. with a ccrtaiu increase of value within the next | Ave yours, will no well to examine this property, which can bo bought at figure* which I repaid as a bargain IIOMhH MO 1.(1 AN. No. 3 Pino at. BROOKLYN I'UllPEKTl KOU MALft A.\U TO IjET. At $10,500?1 i K EAT BA ICt 3 A INS; TWO NEW'FIRST class tnrcu storv lirown stone House* Noa. 133 and Iil4 Mactoi si., near :be iuricliou of Knlluu au.l Marry ats, 3iixl5xlO', cabinet IniUli, black ami French walnut, w ains cole I. French plate glass, gas ftxiurrs. location unsurpassed; healthy, coiieenient to churches, schools and cars; those bouses aro relieved to bo superior tu any evor ..tferud ; them; open daily. Apply to J. E. DUFF on premises. All A fill AI .V - 31, STORY STORK. 3iO HIOB ST.; rent fbUO; price $4,00o. I'oOK, 335 Washington St., Brooklyn. Bargains in hourer?Brooklyn.?rou kale. on Si. J sines place, corner DeKalb av., hela ceu l.a ( layette ami UeKalb av., being olio ol the best neighborhoods In Brooklyn, near churches, schools aud cars two usw three story brown stouo Houses. 311x43: one new three story brown stone House. 17 bx43; also, on Ureenv av . second west of (fraud av., one three story brown stono House. Itlx45. The ahove homes, just finished, have been buhl in the most thorough nianuer, are complete In evarv respect aud strictlv hrtt class. Inquire ol llio owner, on the preiu 11 ... ii t u ..,.1 Ms s.II.ooioj ii i ; w'aaliiniVon ar'.' fromiiVo VlC M.'Toll"* kACUKkiioU, 31 It Washington nr. TlAlNiAlN -r'OR HAL.K, THK ELBUAXT TIIKKE J Jatorr nod basement brown alone 11 num., complete In evary reaped: all modem improvements; site it'i \ >x 1(10; Aral class locution on l.'nrrnll at., belaeen 5tli anil Hth ass., near 1'totpocl I'ark. Brooklyn: vary acce.stble; 25 intnulaa irom larry : open every dar and bnuday Apply on pretn isra or address W. J. U.,owner, boa i n"! Na? Vork foat ofllca. Will be sold at a eery ureal socrlAre. FOK SALB-fM.iai.-WirillN IIIIIKK JIIXUTKH' walk of Prospect Park. Hrooklyn; three story Iimwi sioaa liousa. avrry inodarn Impiusa ini'iit and convenience; perfect order . nearly new ; oxcelleat nsiphborbond. Ka? Ilktares, Ae ; terms. It applied lor Immediately. #nn down, Wn*J tv one rear, balance can remain, luttulre of owner, C. L. KlkKK. 01 l>ey st jPllOPKltTY OUT OK THK I 11 1 KOH SAlsK OH TO HK.\T. AMOOEKN XTOXK MANSION TO LET "fan >011 a*i??Mabto* a lis] outbuilding* complete. In p?r^c( >r tici, wltlt 24 ACftff. t>na ot Ui ftnoai tr.tct* of land on Orange Mountain aldo. on? hour from York, 4 Cm) feat xliofr Hoe waitT IwiUlt ?f I MlWll com maiulm ? >pt?p(JlU vlewa; aofl aprlii# wat?r fit-win*; to all room* ic*? ana c\?ry coi?vfini?nco . lor UoMlthrulue**. Inautjr of location an ! a? < ???*>!lit> tlirr? 1? no inor?* dolrabit louattoa star N?? Vurk cltjr. A. BALDWIN', Ii6 Broadway, rood 17. __ aruatSAdl ER'Al SIIEKT. PROPERTY Ol'T UK THE CITY KOIt SALE OB, TO HEAT. I v*l: NM-: AACRlPfUR CHOICK KAliM OP 9* I acre*: mi? mil* from two mil** from Urife town In ntica* county iinu garm-n oj ruuus) i v*iiin>. i?iif four rruin i Fail adelohta; large. handsome building*, stone Iivuh', renin*. pi xaaa; plenty shade. !)u? timo Itiru, ctrriu^n, hog hiuI poultry huu?e? . eight acres heavy timber, pasture ?ipi pieuti water; 1UU choice bcariug fruit trees: h beautiful and healthy lu?mc . unco. including crop*. horse and car1 ru^u, 3 cuhi. cliicKoiu, uuly ti-run, $2,IXIU o??o ; ! haluuce can remain tDe year-. lake H AJ A M tram, loot | Liborij it., New York. New Jersey Central Kali road, to i He thl i'hem. 1'a. ; I here lake North IViius* Ivatlia | to lakertowu. I'm. . arrive before ? o'clock. cau return 5 IV M. lu?|uiie m| llu?h House. opposite depot, lor Mr. U'ALKKil. Free carriage waicitt*. 0~ UANMli. N. J -si'i;? I \ 1 1 \ FOR RENT. FULLY furnished tUid BftlMrablMNl II u-e> HAMILTON 1 WALLlH,SO!'lat. TU) LKT-AT KLUSUINO. L ! . KENT VERY LOW TO h good peity. a uice Cottage, hi the best part ?>f Hie village and only three minute-' walk train the depot. Apply iu K U OKRGti, No. l llower> to uk xt rUK kkm i>kn< k ok ! i! j: late will 1 turn KedtiioitU ntui South Omu, . N J For purlieu ar? ap|oy to u w. IlKhMONH, IS Exchange place. HACRK F \ 11M a.M) HAVING ?ti >I\l h> IN IKlV ?? > tor $7.5DU.- Fine lunU. good building*. Iiealthy; everything pleasant; near depot. HOUallOL'T. Engraver, .'.a Liheity -t? real estate to exchange. DKsiuablk hhdhekty'nkak new yoke will he exchanged. free of mortgage, for appvovod New York or Hiooklwi rroperty. lightly mortgaged. Address INVESTMENT. 210 Herald office tjlOR SALT OK KXOUANOK-ONK OK THE MOST 1 beautifully located and healthy i'laoe* on the llud-.<>ii j Kiver; it contttiiit between 6 a:id 7 acre* of flue lond | situated upon one <?t the b? ?t ridge* in Wi-mc'.outer couuty, I with very extensive views in ah dir. ctiour. including that o! the river of at least fifteen miles; the buildings, consistlug of large, ionveiiieut house, cottiiwc, stables. Ac., uud grounds, are In perfect order; on the lawn are ornumeutal I trees aud shrubs, ami in the gardou choice fruit; it is ? nc j h? ur'? ride from New Yore ny liutDou Liver Railroad. ulso I l.v steamboat: price moderate. For all the particulars api plv to A. d. lUCliAitlift, owuor. No. 7 College place. New York. heal i:.staik vvamho. j TIT" ANTED-NEW YD UK OK IIUODKLV.V HOUSE, r vurui ?lii pay c?iii Juuor?n?i ii- authored village Property near Ne.? Imk mmo Incuuibr.iuocs it any. Address HENRY. Herald ullice. TO liKT KOK Itl'SINKs* I'CUHWKS BENNETT DCCLDixb. Fireproof. Located on Nassau, Ann and Fulton its. First Floor to let; suitable tor buukuis, iusur.tuce offices or law yers; will I c lot tugellier or in parts; be allured la suit tenants if desired; adapted lor oltlcos or stores. Kcasouubic rent*. Altai nine eligible haw Offices to let. APPLY U.N rills PKEMIBBR. Take the elevator, Inquire lor jauitor. VSTuKF. TO LIST?AT A LOW lie NT~iON~OKB OF si ratest thoroughfares In the city. No. it Deebrusses st. lJlSlNFSS nil PRIVATE RESIDENCE?A~ FIRST JXlase four story brown stone basement llouse. No. t) tt est Mk st. I > ASkMKNT TO LET-WELL LIGHTED, AND SUIT J Jahle lor any business : also I'art of second floor; three windows front. AM Howard st., near Broadway. ClOAl. YARI) TO LET ON 1ST AV. AND E AST 2BTH /St.. ouuiplete Willi runs, sheds, stable, olllce and Fair hauKs' scales . immediate possession ; rent low. Iiigalre 432 1st sr., corner 25th si. OTF.AM POWE1L-TO LKf. LARGE "ANTJ SMALL ijlloomi, well lighted, beatud and steady power. JOHN Mcl.AKKN. Bit er M . Iloboken, N. J. rpo LET-STORKS 90# GRAND AND 73 ALLEN ; No i. bettor loeatioii tn city, and itl loss rent than yot offered. rpo LET-TO SMVl.L FAMILY, FOUR OR FIVE 1 Rooms, in a private English basement house, Including kitchou, with aii tmprnvouieuts: rent $Bt> or #3.1. Inquire of the owner, on the premises. No. 3VJ Ao?t 42d St. . / ]' 7 Si ll A V.-STORE, HASKMKNT: IOO WEST v)l) I 28th st.. Third Fiat. s. RICH, 74 Murray si. l>WKL.laI.\U ilubnEb 's'?? BL>. Kuriiisnet;.' A HRAUTIFULLY FURNISHED, FULL SIZE FOUR JVstory House on 35th st., near 1'ark av., tu rout lor winter and year. I'uruiiM at 4 Fine and 33 F.aal 17th at., V. E. STEVENSON. Jr. NY ONE WISlilNti It) RENT A COMPLETELY furnished House, in or noarSlh nr., until May tioxt, ititv hoar of a tuost desirable tenant by addressing A. U , buz g.BSl General Post oUico. AT $4.HUU?SUPERBLY FURNISHED FULL SIZE four story brown stone House, West 32d st. near .'.(It av.; nt (I.SOB hast 50lh st.. elegantly freanoed and furnlahed three glory brick, l'J rooms, choice location; al $2,5UU. elegantly furnished full vise four story brown stone; 100 others; rout from $300 to $7.ui)i>. JACOB V. D. WYCKOKF, 30 and 3.' Pine (t. "7~N ELEGANTLY Fl I.LY FURNISHED HOUSE; ?BTH JXsl near fitlt av.: rent till June. POOLEY, I East - 2 .1 si. AT $175?HANDSOMEI.Y " FCRNI-HED HIGH stoop brown stono, 48th St., hetwouli Brouilteay ami I'tli av. S. H. GOODALE A CO., 5 West 23d St., Fifth Avenue Hotel. A T $150?11ANDSOMELY FURNISHED HOUSE rouuia), near 14th st. wud 7th av. S. 11. GOODALE A Co Jo West 23d St., Fifth Avenue Hotel. CiHKAI'KST FURNISHED HOI SK IN TIIVf Cl7Y~fo /rout. 222 West 53<t st.; all newly lltted up ami in comp'.e n order for linmedlnto occunancy. Apply at house or to J. W. BART LETT, hill Broadway. fiL'itNLSI!ED BROWN STONE HOUSE TO LET^Tn West 14th st., now occupied by owner; lully furnished and iu line order throughout; would leuse l<>r one year or more to atrklly private family. Apply to S. P. JAY NK, 200 HANDSOME THREE STORY UHOWN/STONE FURnlahed llouee, -Kith at., noir llrnadwHy; very mode rnif rant to flrat cla*a party; board for two ndnlta l akau as purl rent. Addrcea U. I', it., box 4,'tut foal ullice, N. V. Murray ' Elegantly furnlehed and trescocd medium aizud brown atona high atoop Houao, 121 Uaat 3Sth at. Kent low. Seen from II tu II morning, 4 to U Hlteiuoou. O LET?A SMVLL HOUSE, l'AKTLY FURNISHED; cemrallv located; board for gentIonian and wile taken tor rent. Cull ut 't'J Woat 2Mt h at. l7{(I WAVKKLRY IM.ACK.-rilKHK STORY BRICK J.l) r/Houaa, liandaniuely fiirnialied, to a private family ot adult* only ; terma reuaonuble; poaaeaaiou at once. Apply on premier*. (2? 1 <:|W1 - -TO SATISKACTORY I'HIV.VTK FAMILY. ??1 ** )l "U.tlireu youra1 Leaec; !Wrt Woat 23d at.; well furutalied; thorough order; I'd Sonne; near Klevutod road. U a fu rn 1 an ?*?:. A FIRST CLASS FOUR STORY BROWN STONE llouaa ou 31th at. to let. For permlta apply at 210 Woat 34th at. "a ttiuui.' STIIttV AMI ItASKMKNT 11(11 UK :< > I j\ West ldth it.; 12 rooms; all improvements; immediate puawulou. A" ?T?r hi' 1T TIIK TlMkjt^a" HOUSE, ONLY *? per month, and another #70; desirable neighborhood, near liroadwav, immediate possession 1'OTTKH KKOTIIKRS, 4 Warren it. T IMOIl-fUT 4;iI'll sr.. N'KAK r.TII AV., KLEpnut lull site lour story hrown alone; superb mirror*, chandelier* and fixtures. I At'Uil V. I). WYCKOFF, 30 I finest.; others In every location. A' " POOR STOItY HIUlWN STUNK IKMSK TO LET? M West 4Mth, betweun 5lh and dill *v.; splendid situaI Hon. AT~$1,200-A TIIKKE STOltY 11 Kill STOOP BllllWN alone llourO. on 30th at., near Lsxlmtton a v. J . II HON A0IIAN..40I 4tli ??.. corner 'JStli at. EL BOA NT UORX8R llol .MC. 'Ill A v.. NhAK bciiuonico's, lotli at., noar Hroadwov *1 <ua?. POOl.liV, I East 2'2d at. wink bl.'owy hTuNK iiol'SK, n'kar iiaki.rm " U.iat landing, $*">0 par month. Apply No. 410 Kaat 12Jd I. i emi\ IIOl'SK, .Ill" av. AX'i)"" 131*11 si'.-jist X Jeompleted, several very iurge mid magnificent Sulla, suitable tar largo families; meals at option ot tenant. A, j isl'tjks. Manager. fpolkt-iiandsomk Mill' into a n"s i o> i. dwette X tog. 145 H3d at , near Lexington ar.; ail Improvement*; sing'tut mirror; loir rant; good neighborhood, keys neat door. rrTo let hiuek ?tory hrown stoke iioubb. i in aplaudtd order, Hid at., near Lexington at,; rent very, very, vary low to a good party. Apply to It. (?. liltKtitl. 3d sr., or No. 1 Bowory. fflO Lfcr-KIOR IIOt'sE, I5H KAS I' JSTH sT , l?) X Koouia ; in good order; neighborhood aueieeplnmible t. Si.l.DEN. 1 ill Ea.i 12th at. rrii let :> mini sr.. nkaii 8tii a v.. a small 1 throe story House. 10 rooms, hi good order end all modern improvements; immediate possession, rent #7o a a j Dh.Ml a.m a Ell . dial West dlld ,t. riiij lir-rouit rruur rnulish basement 1 House, .tlIrror. Shades and Oilcloths, 3J(! West Add st ; Hue neighborhood ; IHUti a month . house open from 10 to Id. EDMUND II. IIA KIT NK. Hroedwey. rpo eki MI UI'.AV hill uandsomx medium X sited four story hrown atuua lioiiao. Apply on premises. 147 Kast 3Jth st. A STORY HIOU sfti<iV Hot BR. 14B WKST i.ttii SI.; TT17 rooms, fine ortier; rent $I.5M>; Trench Flats, all aud Dine rooms, ou Wost 14th at., between 5th and Hth tvs. II J HKAMan. log West 14th si. KlKNlkllUUltiNinb A.XU AHAUTMKKTS to let. 4 LAIMK IlilllM. lilt TUli lDKItlS t'DNNKt'TINvi", J\ liHMinoiucl.v furnished, in (ro'tiUtiieu, wit bout board 21 H HI -'Till li. n.n.r ?U. H AVOl NG MAKKIKD ??>i I'Lt. OWMMI \ KIKitT class house oil oil# of the prettiest blocks on Murray lull, ?Ti)ulil let one or two elegant furnished Rooms, to gun tletuen. without board, at a uioilerato reut. 146 hast J7th st, near Lexington av. Ai|y? LA MOB, NACXLY KURXlHIfKD FRONT ROOM, Bedroom adjoining, $10 a week . another. $6 : hath , suit I able for llfhl housekcrplug. 417 4th av., near 2*.lib st. V' KBW SICKLY KL'UNl.HI KD kooM* IN' AN KLB tram ptlvate home near L'nion square, to gentlcuieu j only, st $ I and $K I'M Kilt 1-th St. V' Font BTORY BROWN (tTOXB il?>l sh. FULLY furnished, 34th si., near Till av ; . HTLBKUr rhi k. g?/? Wo.t :i4th ?t. DKhtKABLK M KM>iihi> -1 11 ol ttlMULK Room to let In private house hi West 16th st. Alamos fukjuahkd loom. *i noiu ros gentleman and wife or single gentletuen; rent low. 261# | Weal ItHli al. AHL'IT ()F APAltTMKNTH, fHKKK ItOOMH llhKF, with alcove, handsomely furnished <batu on same (loon, to gentlemen only, without hoard; can ho had eu suite or singly. l*t>2d av , southwest corner ol st. Akkw MUfc.LV klkmmikd rooms to lkt?at mederate prices, near several restaurants. 247 4th av. \ LAUGH. Wl LL r' UMwhrO WITHOUT hoard ; private family. 431 West 21st si. Terms moderate \PRIYATK PAMILY WILL UT TO dioTi.hMKN. ultixul, Hlttiugt Uonm .ml it.drmim, ti.atl; lur III.hod; .1.11 1*1) l.f-e H?rtro<im., puiolod under pelml; riiti.uwi by> plbcn, n ** | 14 th.I. dKikn) *nm .D. PRICE FOUR CENTS. | Kl KJMIMIKI* A>D APART" WKVTS TO LKT. "i\K>ni vtn.i: ituxisiir:r> i-ohms prtu liF.XTr.H J /u.oti. without l?o*M in r?t cIam* iiou?<j. ?uclU'U( *?c<* 111 II.??t| A t f ?II? ?* v\" I'kl 'J.'il.i ftf. IAI.Ki.ANTLY KCUMMIfcU UOOMS to U'iiO lauui buHrvl, u| t.4 Kant -JU ?i. h' jiv us is ti kd rooms-two vkbv xu:j;lv i-Tn ni?hc?: Kooiii*. ou the Ivuith J runt of So <>'J Kn?| I I7tli II., fruuiing luiou square; to ;cui e;utu uulj;baU> ! ait<1 water closet on tli camo floor Apply to janitor. ! puiixiHiiKD for not skkkki'Im; hoit hours I <.u !ir?t fiooi, {routing Mli to . tlOwookljr. tlOO \T j*i OWll, ml HAXDftOMKLY l-t'KS isiikii KKi >>*i KUOMlfs I'i'.I American family; ou childrru. 67 bast 6t#ih sfc?, j innr Madison 4v, N KATL\ KtHMHUlTp HgUAK* ROOM*] *1 -F ward . irftiitirNt <?r (Hiiuitiitul; near Cooper luhiitui* H|| M * > h i > I \rKWLV K1 UM*IIKl?~ ROOMS. WITHOUT IIOAKD, li> 'rl l?* a? >*i ru<?i> oul% . ca*. hoi and cold water if ! rooms t'ririit 14K? F*%l 54 th *t. \rKVV KI'KMsUKO KOOV1* aT MOOKIiAlK ItATKS, Ml J*. ??t 4th ?!., between Bowery and .'d *v. ft'lease . ilUtf life bell i QKVKRAL II OliHfVIKLV FURBISHED~ KOOMS,*K2f ?Siuic or ?iu?l evur. requisite for housoKeepiUtf. J8I Went IMIli, near Elevated. rno LhT-HUH;i-.>TLKv FN OS LY.XWTIOLE KTR31 1 Floor. lnri;r urcl handsomely furnished; hot and cold# water extension ou tin* rear; wculd m??? or for bustuoif' purposes also u sruiill Bedroom I" West -4th St. rpo LKT?KKATLY F U it M .> 11K D SEUONU STOKY 1 Ir *ut Boo in. to unu or two ^oiitleiiiro. without board. 138 West 4th st.. between Merdougai uud tith nr. IOIl TWO CiKNTLE MEN I) KSI It IN <7 KLEGAjfT Apartui* fits, wlioie they can enjoy toe freedom and coinforts of home, Coii address Ch.Vili \L. box 101 llerald Uptown Branch J BOOMS. >i ITAULE FOB Hoi ShkhhIMNO, FUKOnithed or untiimftshnO with tf??s 4'JM tth av . corner Lftftb it, 7 WEST UTU >l. WITHOUT BOAROi fUKNlBBU Apartments. ,?reut and sin ail. sinyly or en suite. Ill bast kid 5t parlor \\i> bedroom" or | awpc;ii;i?. num. m-wij xxiMil'iu **|?w?uiw, - kooin* on fourth floor. l i WEST WA HHINQTON PLAOB.?TO LIT TO Otlf* J tleiucii. board, Rooms, nicely furniihod; touilieru exposure. nTH sr . 1(14 EAST." llBTUThKN UMOK SQUARB Mini Irving place. ?IIundsoiuety furnished Rooms, witbout board, lor gentlemen. no WEST 26III ST.. A KKtVDOOKS KKOB UBL^ /mortice's. Elegantly furnished Rooms, for Keutlumon, without hoard; references OOD sr. MVi W EST. - N K ATI V FUR N IS H RD LAROB ^ub?u-.l Rooms for gentlemen or light housekeeping. Q|% RfSf UffM 5f . MB \K l \ l v7 ivSlTY PLACE.? OU Suit of handsomely furnished llooiu?. all Improvements. to let to tfeulleuioii; references required. 00 STUYVKSANT S1.7 HKTWKEN 21) AND 3ITAV5C, OOnvar Cooper lustituie?Handsomely furnished Rooms for geut emeu do?iring a strictly private and (lr?t class home . tenon moderate. T/ 9TII ST.. Nh Ail BROADWAY. ?L ARO K AND OOtmnll Rooms. nicely furnished; breakfast It desired; twodorulu fit?. 1 vq wmst 34TII st.?handsomely ~F C R nISliKD i^Olar|(? Room and Uedrooin adjoining to rant to tws geutloiuen, without board; reference*. im ay., two FLIGHT* UP.?A YOCSO lOlwidow lady has a nice furnished Parlor to lot to (fentlonian. UMFtii.VisiiKii noon* a*u APABT* MEM'S TO LET. A FIRST CLASS FLAT TO LET?UNFI'RNISII KDt all modern improvements; tine rooms. 71 Lexington i.e. Apartment mocsk. r?fn av77 i o k7n kk"Tt?tk st One largo and one small Suit to let; also one Suit, hand* soitiely furnished. "ilTlUlT FLOOK; sTx ~rt(T()MS; IN FINErORDEItj water and gas; privilege ill hath. S03 Greenwich. A"rasi;mmnt. fiknt7 skoonr and POCfRTB floors, of seven Rooms ea-ti, with all modern improve* uients, in the private liouso, 31 East 45th St., nsar Madison v. AFOU itTil FLO OIL 4U HORATIO ST.; VIVE ROOMS I $1h. 47 Jane st., secoud Floor. $25. AT LOW ~RKN'f 8?ELEGANT FLATS; 251 F.AST 1 Kith st.. comer 2d nv. Applv ou premises, 8 to 2 o'clock, or R. MeCAFFKRTI1 A CO.. 5th nr., betwoen 51st and 52d sts. All improvements in flours-high STOOP, 347 Win 17th u., near Uth ?.; low rant. BURN IIAM'R ?~P AllLO It FLOOR-FRONT AMlT back bakr ^Liueuli md umot'i room on third lloor. :.03 West 53d it.; low rent; occupied by owner. M. X. V III END. 01 Droxol Building, Broad St., corner Wall. A PA IIT MEN Trt! ?iw3 WEST li.'.TU. ^r"T() ""$?TOj H'tieil families; par<;uot Boora; hatha; apacloua, ueal grounds: artntlv. A part oV a iiousk to lkt -to-^fam7ly~op uduila, where the occupant and wife will board with the lumily If deairaele. Ini|iilre At No. 7 Weal 33d at. A FINK FLAT I.N PRIVATE HOUSE 54 clinton place, between University place and .Mh a*. DESIRABLE "FLAT" TO LET ?NO. 33B 3D AVZ near 30th at. A"" pl^sanTkloorT In pluvTreTToi'sk, to lot to a small lamily : Bathroom, Ac.; rent, $33 par month. 2t?7 West 37th at. NEAT KLOOK-131 EAST 5I9T sfT"nKAir~LF.x" iugton av.: parlor, kitchen, three light bedroom*, bath, stationary tuba, gas natures, wardrobes, Ac,; (35 pal mouth. Avervl-ar<7e pront room and bedroom to let, newly painted and papered; wall adapted Lw light housekeeping. No itu Baat 3Nth at. PA HTM KNTS. -BAR A TOO A" HU 1LDINO:" IfKATRD] elovator. variety ol Plata and Homes from (30(1 ta (1.11 O. .1 W. HfKVKNS, Saratoga Building, Broadway and 53d it. LEO ANT FIRST CLASS. FRENCH PLATA?FUlh. 'jnlalird and unfurnished Apply to Janitor, 20 Weat Ola* at., or SIDNEY K. MORSE. No. I3S Chambers at. Floors 33II AND 334 EAST 37TII STT"APPLT~ll( East 'Mill St.. or at HO, from Id to 12. ta looks to let three and pitb rooms. at I lill aud Dl I M eat Hit at. . rente f 7 and (31*. Apply on pretuiaes or to K. UltKACKN A co., 443 Weat 3tat at. LH.OOK TO LKT-IN PRIVATE IIOL'Sfc iVlTWBflT r 15th at , between fltli and 7th art TjiUKSlSHKD HALL AVI) SQUARE ROOMS: HOUSE U baa all Improvements. 10 Kail 14th it.. near Tiffany's. ITMtKNL'll KI.AT8?KI.EO A NT AI'ABTMKMTK, STH a*, ami Carroll <1., Brooklyn; eight roorna; bath ?ta tinnary lul?, [invite ball, dumbwaiter; rant low: Willi avenue can tear* l'ltUon. Wall and Suutk forriai. Apply on preml*ee, or to A. II. POMKOY, H 11 road at.. Now York, open Minidoka. "lAKKNCH IHATUKKNTS TO KENT?IN THK FIRST r class apartment lioitaa. tha Saratoga, !Wd at. and Broadway ; ban juat b -on put In Itun order and fre?eo.>d. Apply at apartment Kit S, drat floor , rent, $r*l par month. 1~KSOX HOTsk. STIT av. ^andiJTH ST JUST Jeowpleted; the finest Aparlmanta In tho city to rents menln at option of tenant. A. J. Itt.'TJBS. SBCOfcD Flat-sink iuk.wh; all modern i51 provemeiiti. In Drnt claaa buildlnit, 177 Mncdougal at. Inquire ut Janitor. SVCONDANDTH IKD KLOOB8?5 I i A R DK N ~ROW s llaaanimil, Kind Kloor No. 4. In<|ulra 71 VVaat 12th at. rnt) I'liVSICIANS.-OKKICK AND bed boom, ALSO 1 I'arlnr and Kitchen, very enmtilate, to let, in Racquet (Huh Building. corner -''Itli at. anddlli av.. entrance on 'Jilth I at.: good location and low rent. Apply to janitor, club en| trance, adjoining. ! mo LKT?It A H KM EST AS D TWOl.llWli R KLO( IRS or 1 line brown atone houae 3W1 Weat 32d at.; rent 87U; to I reapccinble partloa. ! rpo LKT?A VKKY DESIRABLE SECOND FLOOR fjC Ailiree atnry houae lilt Charles at,; modern Improverurnta; Immediate poaaeaatnn. Inquire on the premlaee. TO LET-IN A CIKNTKEL IIOUSK. SECOND FLUOR; live large, airy rooma; all light; rent moderate. 181 I Kaat lUtli at. I ran i r vp avonvn er non with ettwauiw tm J 1 kitchen. <n piivHte houso lll'l Eftet 104th iL, etw LeiInclon hv. ; rent hl*i > rpo I.KT lM l kmsiii;i\ large front AND BACK i i K?oiu, fmirth floor; private ho urn, 711 Parry at.; water, , icut on.I i'-ub , rent. fflBb rpo" leY kkoond floor foiY dwelling ob ! 1 business. Ul't 4lh itv, : uUu rear Workshop. fftO liKT-HKCOND FLAT IN HtOH HTUOF Rtofi X *t?ua lions.- No. 4ltJ Went Slat, six rooms; all light; all moilern iininomnieiits. Apply DAVID christie. 4jo | Weal 4"tli. rent. _ TO LET. I NKCUNlrtllKD?AT LOW KBXtt PART OF a Kiour. to a mail American lanilly, at No. J 81 Luka'a I pie o Uiphl hitii'I hrIL rpo i.kt?tO'LKNUI I) til i k?T floor. five rooms | 1 beautiful neiulitiorhood. S17 West Slat at. fll't let?a floor, four rooms, uah and ! 1 water, brown itoue Irout, near Cooper liilitnU. Inquire No. 13 Ii<I *v . between 7til and Kth tit. rpo LET?THIRD klook. KIVK rooms; LOVF kjb N t~; I at Ml Hth ar. I rpo LKT near grand" "JkntiYaL depot, TUB X Third Floor *n.| haaemeiit Kitchen or the English basetoeiit house Lf7 Kaat tOlh at. ; cas. bath. UK KICK NOTICia. ~ ' J)OST OFFICE NOTICE.-THE FOIlKlO.N MAlLtifok vlie week ending Saturday, September ttitti. I?7d, ?UI | cum* at ihie office on Tuesday at W A. .d . for Kurope per I , ilt arotr Wikioniln via Queetietown; On Wednesday at d A. i M., for Kurope per steamer Scythia via t^ueenstown: i?n Thursday at 11:*# A. M , for Kurope per steamer Hutvlt via IM. mouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg, on .Saturday at II .*1 A. M , for hurope per steamer City of Richmond rit l^ueentown. corrospoudeuco for Scotland, Cermaniy and < France to be for ? ai ded by this steauier must be put 1 ally sildrrusif, and at 11 J<> A. M., fur tic r in any, Sweden. Dtp. mark ami Norway per steamer Khelu via Southampton and Hfinru; and at 11 ..H) A. M , tor Scotland direct per steamer Victoria vie <Jla*irow. ami at 13 M for France direct per steamer St. Germain vie Havre; the steamers Wisconsin, Heytliia and City of Hichuiond will not take mails lor Denmark, Sweden aud Norway. The mails for the West Indies vie j utiuiaui iiii "I . mviki*" wu> ..?w lun ikiwiuwi an. I'lio luail. lor Chink. Me., will Icavo nan iraacUca October I. I'll* mall* lor Au?lrali*. Ac., will Ukve daa PrtnclN* 0?t?liH II. r. I. JAUKS. I'uilatthl UiWCiNU AlAI)KNIK?. 3 LLK N l>o I?WO II f H H l? A N<: I Mi m;Ho<5T^ iY.rcinove<l to V> tWl jtli a*., conuuanco* ok Hklardkf, October 7. Kor particular* Mtrnl for circular. AT WTmosk IYAXOINO acaokmy. ?ai TTH AV? claaac* now open. h*otl tor circular. SoIlM ovary Taaa da.t and Salunlaj _ \ s iiAxci o AOAbiat riiim-'4 11 Building. rttuvr??*nt and 9th %%%. Privau Umoi ' I ii"ur. (ilidv, Doublt Olidi and tpHialiiay I I T JAY \VATM)X'S I'HlVArK rl .I'kii Mtli *1. ?Wo tlkun, no uooaottao. 1 illitAliuU. ~ J uii. TEMori AC a dkm v Of Da if ci M iVl Lyric IInil. itii av . Ka.crvclr Mktardaaa V LMWin* MoiiiUj*. Tiicfl***, I hur.dar*' nirnalaa. ' Tatlll attaad at thotr eoiirauiaac*. I