Newspaper Page Text
witiATIOWg WAITED?rKHALEII. (ooki. (Vr. ~ The price of the Herald has been reiht ced to three cents per copy. ll.WPY?? *T.?A RESPECTABLE OIRL A8PLAIN *?*'?* wl,h washing andIroning in a private 5?2* Cl*y reference. I'aii Saturday and Monday. 17J^I'5fST.-A8 FIRST CLAM KMuUIB rfr..f"r?.'.CU7i0r ??fnir" #*od reference. Call uu or ad Press. for two days, M T. 207_.3A8T. RT.. TOP FLOOR.-A YOUNQ kTivl.w. ??? p,fln oooki|l*? W??h?n^ and ironiuK iu a yglraie ?*nlljr; good city reference. 221?KAS,' J!SI ST.?A PROTEHTANT Wl MAS v's heum r ?drreom 1??^ ' priv"u or private boarding 1 24-k.*?2T 311 ST ? BamBMBXT.-A BBSFBCTA* k'cook, washer and ironer, or to do house work ; city or country. 1 '27 WH,^T limi sT . BASEMKXT.?AS <K>OD COOK : reference*1- baker; will aaaisi with wathtoc; beat city 128 13 WEST luTH ST.?A RESPECTABLE til HI. AS cook; wnshfr and ir mer; good oily raferroote ~ WRsr 2STH SI., is TIIK (i KOt'KKY. -A UK ?peclal.le youuir woman an goad cook, waaher and Ifiiner, good city reference. 1 :V)aW.^' -7T11 ST.?A KBSPEOTAHLK WOMAN AS i vnrai cook; no ohjoction to a ttra clans hoarding aooaa or to ansint in lue waabinir; be?i city reference. ]'-{?> WhST 19TH HT., FIRST F LI ^7*7-AN KXPKRI enc wou?n ah lirst class cook; beat cily reference. 91 wkst ?tu sr. third floor. front?a tJUI?(l?LP#Ct * colored wouiau as cook. Addrrs* Mrs. 99 west IHTIi ST.?TWO s 18TKH8, ONE AS COOK IAundreHR; tho other as chambermaid and waitress; both are willing ?nd oofiainc; no objectiou to go a altort distance in the country; gm?d references. 9*"jX W.kliT -3I> ->r tf'RBRK.VT KM1'Id)VK R'S)7?AS UtJK jrood cook ami baker; wii.ingto ne*i?t with tho wasti ng and ironing; best city reference. Ol I EAST 38TH 8T. a"YOUNG WOMAN AH COtTiT; Mforenr w'tli WH,t'luK *ud ironing; good city SIR**? AT.?A YODNU BNfiLUB OIRL AS OOOD _-! *ml wn'1 washing; best city reference. ?J9?? WKsT 4ITII ST.?A VOONO GERMAN C.IRL TO WjUcuot, wash und Iron. d (\7 ",T" AV-> HKTWI-.K.N HIST AMI run sTs ? AN I active woman as thorough cook and baker; will aa list with washing; cily relert-iic.-. 4-71 'iT" \V '"VVIS' HOOK STOKK).?A FIRST 2*-. ? Ac lass cook; underalaiidt soups, moats, game, bread I take. ry ai.d d-s.-rls ,.| all Kinds; best rityVieques J f) I f\ IHI'H A v.?A YOUNG 1* KOl'K - T A N T'i 111 I, aIS ?n<* C0 "" wltl' Uie M"?l>t?lt; cily reler Cliamliorinaids. tkc. The price of the Herald has been reduced to three cents per copy. lLv^Iv^.V.T' 5TH ANDlTunTON jLAavs. ?A respectable girl as chambermaid and waitress Bvo vears'relercnco Address. waitress, 6()^?.EiWIC" , AVV TOP KLOOR. ?RE8PE0T .Vec^h': AXlc^n^inl'y '"1'"'1''0'1 "n'' r<" bill A V.? A KK>i'Kl'TAHLK l'RoTESTAXT ^ ,'Z.dW""",n ,? Chamber,na,d and waitress; coin ? ? l'r??rrod; one who has always liwu in good famiiiea goo<l rolerance. Call on or address S. S. * 8fii',lr" AV.?AN E.NUU8H KHOI'KpTAXT AS OltAM Ovjbermald or chainbarinaid and waitress. Address a. F. Tflfl.WMT. r"TH ST.-A TOinu OIUi A8 n?am drcss *" ci?y relersuce. Call or ad 110, Wl;sr ?T-A TOCnO OIK. A8 OBAX' irn 1 ilng* c'ltr 're'ferenpo.''? wiih w",lln" l32el^?T l51t" 8.T~A COIsOltKI) GIRL TO DO , r mberwork and waiting or housework 152andTw.l8.T;^A }.OCNOOI.kL AS CHAMBERMAID j.'/-sand waitress; city or country; city raference. 1 H;lk WESa M,TU ,8T -A YOL~NO OIKIs AS CHAM" iroVl?gb""tid,V?.7eV.,,~r*,,d l? WlU' -I relcrence from !as, place Call lor two days. * " ^ 4.51 hit" AT -A RK8PKCTARLK OIRL AS GUAM* Abermaid and laundress; best elty refeienca. (seneral Housework. Ac. The price of the Herald has been reduced to three cents per copy. Q OOTTAfiR ' Pl.ACK (PREHKNT" EMPLOYKR fl) A cook and 'lau'ndre'se. '? d? #,n"r'1 ll00"ewurki l3.^TJ^0Hrk^^g^?.7OMAW to po~55w OO Hl'BKItT ST.. 1-1RST KLiJOR A~TOl*N<) "pROT Sn^oVdvy^ud Molrday"'1"*1 "ou,ew<"k '? ?"? Call 33 I JiH.RY HT ?A OIRL TbT?7i OHXERAL liOESB ior2:;7tz^;ru "riva,, lam"y- ran O | WEST 44TII "W.?A "rKsEKHTABLK ' COI.ORKD jTc WOD',n ,odok,n"al '"'duework. Hall on or address 34 w ^ST" RT.?a you no woman to do ^ " ""oxceUent w?her 34.!!/inT ,4TH ST.-A COLORED OlRL~TO DO OEN- ' rill f l .i ?*"r '1 *. i1"0'1 c"ok ",,d ""?kos good bread pall for three dnys; ring f'Msement bell. ) 25? T,KST :,,HT ST- wbcond floor?A be. A-sjyiiabie American woman to do housework lor a small 1 40 i?V' KST In? ST:"V RKSPkCTABLR OIRL TO AtUdo general housework ; best city refereuce. l.i() -v,i;, r !:,T" fTJ. TOF FLOOR.?A PftOTBflTAXT irotll lamllj * ,0 d" *,ner?l housework in a 9()4.)ThST :l -' T~- A KK SI- K otaPl K" OIRL TO tfeitc? huuaeworfc; wllliug and oollging; beet Sty re" 243tod?KbT 27T,,w8T~A bmpbctablk woman ITl . w"rk or *" Plain cook, washer and Ironer. c.ity or country; good reference. 247^MteHWTH 1V-A KKsT'KHTaBLK youno fm,oh bell. Koncral housework ; best reference. Ring 3^SpEA.1T.-5.? 8T?A HKSPECTABLK AMERICAN a I , . ^r woman to do general hon.ework iu plain lainilt , two years' ref reuce. ramps* 350, WEST"T" ?T.-\ YOUXU WOmTn TO DO Donilastplaoe " * pr a Rood cty reference 3,)7 l-ASr 21ST ST.?A YoUNO WOMAN TO DO IJ' > I general housework ; good city reference. V90 NASI IITH ST., TOR FLOOR. ~A~rouxo<;mL "r ~ eliainhc rmaid in a Aj f I. ,?A8T id a 111 st. OROORRY.?A RB8PBOTA. r I I hie woman to do general housework in a private family; Is a Hrst class washer and ironer and plain cm.k 70SH? AV " HhnVKE* 4dTH AND 43t1TsTs Za I UOyoung woman to do general housework or upstair, reference* C?" "n'' R"Ud "od'rouer; good Mousekeeuert, Ac. The price of the Herald has been reduced to three cents per copy. 0(l BOA LK\ (IIKLU'8 UOTEI,).?A HESRKCTABLR wtTOerroan girl as housekeeper for a widower. >> I ILliRM RT.. ROOM 3.?A OK KM A If LADT 1 sinS" iilumHy fr?m U'rmSnv- " housekeeper In ? KMr *.KwT 4r" 8T J CORNKB SOUTH NTH AV UOfront basement ?A highly accomplished young lady a. liou5?*k#<*|>er for n wirlower. h y * f*| ?? OLIICTON flsACK. kiks, f LOO II BACK ErkTiir J 11)An educated widow an housekeeper; writei. IrtteiE t^acbffl in uslc. * aMkiia i-f(') a'KHF r'TV ST~V WIDOW, LATKI.Y . r<T. ' ,n mutencrs, as houaekaeper OnlT I pertiea of rnenna need call or addrFM. ?'niy 9 J 1 ?TH AT.. UP rwo FLlOHTR. TO FHB RIOHT. l" M I I \ yonug lads, aged'JO. as housekeeper, or would do ? liirtmakiug si noma. MIm HUHAFKEK. 1 ?9Q KA?1 : ? 111 ST Ia OKRMAlf LADI kM HOUffR. v)aJ?/keeper in a highly re.pectahlo American family fmfd'ayl. j? K|"Tt-t'4\obJ,ct *" " *ood hu!"? Address, fa j4pKts-.-7.iTM sl? BBTWBBM ATM. A AK0 ?2 I T"f IA respeetabls young Merman lady, with best re-er m/lLKK. '?r * Wld'"v? Inquire ol Mme. t N KXFRRIBNOB > HOI 8BK BPRK fftfBlR A ^Vpoaitiou lu Nome Southern hotel. Ad'IrenM M i? 16J Herald Uptown Branch office. * M bo* IsuunUrneaea. Air The pnee of the JlrraUl has been reduced to three cents per enpy. nr. nrvi.-ius si sirm- (??i.ook.-as lauvimTk^s i 'Jor chambermaid In a private family. 104 WKMT A1 .**T .>I" A 1'Uu 1 i iut Ni? ivi is vs m . Is rmt ..I... 1 _ . ? I ?v I ... ? A a l?t/ I J'..--, I I I?#l \"g | I man a, hrst cl.., laundress, best city r.-Ierrnce. IsJC WEST 191 II ST. YOUNO WOMAN .si nsr lZ')cln.r laundress;thoroughly understand, her bus! less theTr ; TelT^erV "",r"U'-""7 "Vh I "? WBtll ItTH ST. ? A HKSPKCI'ABhK Wii\r\~v Ik&Oto wo-k br the . , I, , firs, c,a.. la,,,,ure l al'd CQ"k I housecleanlng or any kind . f general work. 1 VI WKST i,ST "TV-'a FIRST I LtSh IsAUXpRMra -'7- """"????? '"'Ibiro 1(! ' H**1"'' ' {'U h ? n to AW rdo Wsiahinic and ln>iiiutf or to go out by the day u wiilme to do tinytdiii*. J * *? t)j-. I- isf "I'll ..T k BBSFBOTABlsB Roman L.yto take In washing by the month: good cliy euce, thoroughly urnlerslsmIs her business. i?6? 8T?A WOMAN WHO LIVRf) OUT AiJ-lJak laundress many years wishes line washing and ere nee* ?r W?? ''7 <,*>'5 K?'"i c"y ref. UI1U KA8T SUTH ST.?WOULD IHKK~i7l- vr7T. Sdre^Mra T?rM*ml W",M"K ?"ld ''"'?inx- Onll on or 313 7? ,AV1A Y0,'^u F.NOLISIi Ml ItL AN FIRST *yl?ycl?ss laundr.-as and chambermaid; best city refer ence; city or country. ' "" \\ K> I 'IHTJI is I., HI*. A It ?A RKsUI-'i TA HI I-' girl as Hrst class laundress: good city releronce. 330 ??~ 1 WBMT g.iii sr.. THIRD H.ook BACK Of J trcm -Arsspectabs w.-mao wishes wasting or to gn uut by tlie day ; good it terences. ') (1 WB81 lilTH HI v KRSI'KCTARLK WOMAN OOJlo work by the day or week ; best city reter-ncc. Mrs. DICKSON. * 1/) WEST RT.. A ltKSUKCTAHLE WOMAN IO jtiv/go oui by tns d.y or weak; first class washsr slid Irnnor mid Ijoiis, clssnar; good reference. #t33aD aV.-a HKaPhi Fable woman to take * ,,,W fn",lr,""l,', or Udl"' ?ashing; good roler rjA 9?v AT., OORlfRR JiTH st as first ci ars 4 -AZiaundresi In 1 private family, wsaes 810- t'lfreS gears' city reference from last place. * * ' ,lir?c SITrATIOM* WAWTEP-rKMALBfl. LaundrrMO. it. The price of the Herald has been reduced to three cents per copy. TtJTTd AV.-AI FIRJT CLA88LAUNDREB8; GOOD ' v city reference. > ii ? ????. Ac. NORTH VOORK fit -A KESPECTABLB MAR ried woman an wet norse. WK8T 38TII St.?A YOUNG AMERICAN GIltL as nurae ami to a?iat in cliamberwoik; city refer 74 133 rue*. ?t-1 q~WKsr jrrn kr -a Vtki>ng culorkd uikl ItOm nurse ur chambermaid. Call or address lor tlirce day a. IrQ KAfiT SOT II ST . KRCOsD FLOOR - A YOl'NO ? JOgirl a* nurse ?n>l seamstress or at chambermaid and waitress in a small family; best city reference, 111 I WSRT -?Till if A YoUNG WOMAN A 8 IN XUXfaul's nurse and plain sewer, or wnuid aasitl in cbaui berwork. Call ur address. OOA KAfiT 54TIII ST?A COMPETENT WOMAN AH _. ?jYrnurse; anderstaiiilt the care nf a baby truin its In fancy; ia a neat sewer; best city reference troin last place. tlljj'l WKSTItTTH ST.. BEAR.-A YOUNG FRRMOU ? * ?" "girl. IT years of aire, Just arrived from Paris, io take care of a child from 2 to in years uld. Address M AK1K. ?TH AV.?hNGLlsil l-Kol f.M AM WOMAN AS Ov)winlant's nurse; cau take entire charge fruni birth; Is a good sewer; several years' experience; bast city refer ence tXTAKTBD?SITUATION MV PtMTt CLAM <T American wuiuaii at utirse ur do general Imusewrok in family ol iwu. Address KOSCOr., llerald office. Witilresses, iNr. "IO WEST 44TII Si'.-AN ENGLISH PROTESTANT XOgiri as competent waiirrsa or ebainberiuaid in a private family. mo man arrfl nr.?a thoroughly oompm wi sJl< nt girl as waitress, or as c iani>>ermaid and waltre.a in a small private family; lira! class cily reference. Call or address. nitcrllanenns slt^r WEfiT 20T11 ST?A COMPETENT MIDDLE seseiJaeed lady as companion or assistant to lady or fam ily going south lor the winter; cumpcnsatiou not au object; best relereuce. Address or inquire ot M. 11. \ FRENCH LAOrii MAI 11. It PR A KING ITALIAN, would like to accompany a family going to Europe . irood re erenccs. Addreaa bog ite Herald Uptown Branch offine. i YOUNG MMUL1HU WOMAN AH ATTENDANT* FOR -A.VO! ape to Europe mill a month aflerwar.l in return lor paesare money: speaks French ; is a good sailor; first class retereuces. Address A., box T1 l'ust office, Klchinoud, Va. P1COKKSSIOX Alsftl'I't! A'i'IOXS W A.VTEU? FKMAIsEh. (T^idTTirrXltT^Xu.TrKc-Ts^ ? /<yernei?8; Kn^iish, French, munic, litfht gymnu*tic%; nu exceptioiiublu reference*. Address, by ietler, 1*. V. A young lady oaFXbuc of cox poring poetry withe* to make arrangements with apaueror miiK'x'.itif to contribute to it? column*. Address L. K., Hcrnl-1 office. \\rA s T\7l3-SlTrATION A8 CO It RK .s PONDING m clerk, amanuenKls ur copyist, hy a vunnu lady. Address II. 0. WHITER, Herald e. W Van fED-EEUA LGh The price of the Herald has been reduced to three, cents per copy. Aunts FoiLams wantkd-fob tiie skirt department of a large dressmaking house : must understand the management of girls and have best cltv ref erences. Address, by letter only, M. A. CONNELLY, 7 East Kith st. CVI AM BE KM A10 AND WAITRESS WANTED.? A PPLY )at 141 East -'fill st , liaaenieut door. fURST CLASS IVAl'l KKSfi WANTED.?NONE NKRD apply unless first class and cau give best city relerences. Call at 2li West II d st. C" UKL8 W ANTED-ACOUfiTyMBD TO OLOTH RACKS. rbuttonholes, cloak making and finishers, operate on Singer's machine; we desire no others to call. 571 2d av. \V ANTRD?A <4tu TOR SBWi N <7~FO K UP?OL TT sterer. Call at UN West 48th st . third lluor. "ll'ANTKD-A YOCNtJ WOMAN AS M H>K TOR AN VT Infant; must be willing to make herself useful and go in the country If required. Call, from lo A. M. until 1 1\ I M., at tho Mansion lioiiso, Urooklin. rootc 05. I TtTANTED?AN KXPE RIEN'CKt> DRESSMAKER TO v? cut, fit and take orders. Apply all the week nt 141 Greenwich st. WA N TK D?E kYa N I) ~G IKL8, ALSO A FEW Al' prentices at the dressmaking. Apply at No. 211 West 27th st. tu Mine. CA.VTE1. WANTED^ A~ Eiusr CLAfTfi" "COOK {COLORED) TO assist with washing; reference required. Apply cor ner 184th st. auri 3d av. Th'rKD ~A tTdY GIRL TOR ~LIOilT_TTtfTfilL work. 15 Morton st. "ANTED-TW0 OIBLR; ONE TO COOK, WAfill and trot.; the other aa ehainbermald and waltrrsa. Nona but those strictly comnctent need apply at 491 West 22d st. l) - / t RxFekIK.NGKD CLOAK riMEIIKK-s WANTED? -j'JUl irst class hands can make from $12 lo fIH ni-r ve-k all through the seasou. Apply at once, INDESTitCG. T1MI.E BUTTLE COMPANY. 354 and$56 Canal .t. SITl ATIO.N.s WA.VrKO-.liAl.Ea. The price of the Herald has been reduced to three cents per copy. SITUATION WANTED?Bf A MAN A8_PORTER; Lwllling and obliging. Apply st 22 West St. BOY OT IS WANTS A IM.ACE To BE CSEPUL IN s house, or would do any kind of woik; would go for small remuneration. Apply at 358 Nth av. A~ RESPECTABLE YOUNG COLORED MAN WOULD like a situation as waiter; city rrference. Call at or ao dreke 183 W e.t IMh ?t. A YOUNG MAfTi COLORED) \V 1811K H ASITLATI ON as waiter, onscluusn or porter In a store ; beat relereuce. -address 11. B. GILBERT. 148 W est 27th st. YOUNG IRISH PROTESTANT WISHK* A SITCA Hon in a private family ae hodman ur to inaka himself cenerally useful: first class relereuce. Address JAMES FOKBKS, 46 East 42d st. COMPETENT MAN WISHES A SITUATION AS nurse or attendant to a elck an 1 invalid grtitleman ; no objection to travel; good reference. Address 11EKVKY, box 120 Herald Uptown ofiico. A"~YOUNG COLOKKO MAN TO TAKK OHARuK OF furnaces, good relereuce. Call on or address GAR La.NO, 375 8th av. J 1 f I AT I ON WAN TK D-IIY A COLORE IT WAN. AS 'first class cook. Can be seen at L'l-'i East 15tli st. s MTUATION AS UATKItKIt AND BUYER 16 YEARS ?lo the hotel business. South and West; best city rerer uces. Address Y. K., iiernld office. Vita iter is i'iuvatl hoarding house; can V| take full charge; best relerencss. WALTER, llerald Uptown nttiea. TlfANTKD-BY AN EXPERIENCED FRENCH Vv waiter, a situation to serve dinners in a restaurant; speaks English and spauith. Address LA NOUVKLLE, 290 I'liompson it. _____ (LEIIKN AM) NAI.Ks.HK>. ~ The price oj the Herald has been reduced to three cents per copy. AM~aN TIIAT WILL LOAN $*10 CAN SECURE A situation; good salary and secnrity. Address FRANCES, Herald Uptown office. A' YOUNG MARRIED MAM. WHO SPEAKS FRENCH fluently,- thoroaglily undnrslsnds arlllimetle anil bus some acquaint,nice wilt; German, and can furnish heat ref erences aa to int-grilv, desires a position Ic any place or business at moderate compensation. Address N. C. K.. ller ald Uptown Ilianch office. FI Ite I HATE, BXPKuTeNCRD THAVKLLINU salesman wauled, who will be dealt with llhcrnlly,either on salary or commission. Apply to G. L. I11NKKL80N A GO., 141 81b si A- few oi..\8s iirrmiiiii salesmen for city wanted, w ho will be treated with liberally. None others need apply Address, with particulars, M. 8.. box 3,746 New York Post office. Accountants? Head the EVENING TELEGRAM. All the news for 2 cents. Advertising, 20 cents per line. Circulation, 46,006 copies. i SHOE I'll A.N I' WRITER UESI KBB A IIITUATIOIS fiVni private seeretary ur correspondent. Address PHONO, Herald office. Bookkeeper?a thorough bookkkkpkr. ac ouiitant and curreffp. n lent will be open for an engage inent on November 1 ; no objection to leave New York for .-ontlieru Mates or Texas. Address 6. A. C., Herald office. Drug clerk -a competent licenseo'drug clerk, with good rrference. desires a situation : city or country. Address ItllKl'M. Herald Uptown Branch oliics. Dry goods sai.kkhan wanted ? for >uit de psrtmetit; also oue possessing a tliorougb knowledge of tiousu Agstskilg. JON MM, Mb av. ti:;d ll'th st. oiioifUAMD WANTED, KM PI," V M ENT BY \N Oaccuraie aud rapid stenographer; long experierre as a correspondent. Address L. B.. office el New Yoik Herald, Philadelphia. rP RAYK1.LI NT? SALh8M A X WAN1TS STAPLE GOODS A on couiinieiion. KirCHELL, llerald office rANTBD?MY A YOUNG MAN OF GOOD KDUCA tion ii situation "s clrrk ; can give casil securltv. Ad dress CASH, Herald office \ \ ' \ N i' EI' B\ \ GENTLEMAN OF ITIoKOUGlfTN v* tegrily, a situHtion aa clerk or In anr capacity where he can make hini-rlt ueefui; good references; low salary, II., box 11*2 llerald office. WANTED. a BOOKKEEPER?A YOUNG Man to \\ keep the maniiiaciuilng books in a clothing hmi-e ; one who has experience as sucli prelerred; city iclereuce re quired. 1?. L. NEW BOlUS .* IIBO.. 47 Walker st. Wanted?hy an active man. experienced^ 11 gentlemen's Inrnisbing and hosiery; calculated lor most kinds of business; small salary; good reference?. Ad dress 1-, llerald office. Yl/ANTED?A Vol NO MAN ABOUT ix. TO SELL H gentlemen's Inrnisbing goods ami make himself use ful. J. WAKE A NGN, Ilia Grand el., W'iM.imsbiug. \I'ANTEI)-AN ACT I YE MAN TO fiOLlofl IN 3 R I vv in eonnertion with an old and well established ' business; east ami profit rble; pmmpt pay. Adnresa IN SI K.t.NCE. box |E4 Herald r.e YKTAMTRD?IN A MANUFACTURING RONIMRM, A I M young man who unucrstaiids b. okkecpiug olouhle en try) and will make liimsell otherwise usr fur. Address, slat Ing terms, references, Ac., H aNUFACTL KEK, station D Post office. 11'ASTKIi-Kiilt A LARGE WK8TFIIN ildUSR, A It gentlwmail who has lied extensive experience in dis pensing < redlts. Apply by letter, enclosing reference, tu box 1,626 Post office. New York. CO.M I1MKN AM) GAHIH NEIIX. The price of the Herald luis been reduced to three cents per copy. A PRACTICAL GARDENER AND FARMER (HER mam wants a situation lo lake cliarg* of a gentleman's place; wile a first class laundress. Address, Tor one week, box 118 llerald office. Agi.s ri.i.MA.N wishes to Tmit'ain a.situation for Ills coachman : he will highly recommend; single, so ber, reliable in on Address M B., llai East 281 h St. A" COLORED MAN, a 81TUATION AR COAOIIMAN; understands bis bnslneas; willing to mabe himself use fnl around toe bouse; good city reference. L UOKDAN, Herald Uptown office. COU'lINRX ASD GAKUKXKIll The price of the Herald has been reduced to three cents per copy. CI AHDKNER WANTED-^ YOUNG MaN OR BOTTtO Ttakc charge III m small greenhouse In til* country. Ap ply hi \t UITE'8 .Mali House. corner Wen and Hsthuno ?la. city. H'IR>K OAK CON IMJCTORS ? Head the EVENING TELEGRAM. All the new* for -J ??!>. Advertising, "JO eeuia per line. Circulation, 4H,tA)U Copies. . . HELP W AATEU?MALKfc. The price of the. Herald has been reduced to three cents per copy. A NtiELL'S HOT "Tl?~KOMAN 11 ATMS, dl LEX jrViaKtou nv., want intelligent, intlu?trioua American men end women, under '2>>, for betlte end ollice. J 5 V? rIV K. INTKLLuYfcKT BOY WAMKD-1N AN office . iduj*1 come well recommended, be willing %o make hituM'lf ueehil and write a good hand. Addte??. etatiug terniN. Ac., WAT^OK, box 1"! lleraiii ofBo*. A?.ool> CANTAM8Eft WANT Kl> FOR A ? oLLKUTIoN agency. AddreM KftUOl! KT, Herald office. OOKKHBPKH8? b; Head the EVENING TELEGRAM. All the new. for 3 ceuta. Advertising, 30 ceula per line. Circulation, 40,1X10 eoplaa. CaTiWKMA K Kit ? ) Head the EVENING TELEGRAM. All the news for 3 renta. Advertising, 20 cruta per lino. Circulation, 4O.O0O copies. PC IlKTSA M.?aTTk N T A WANTED E VERY W11 KKK t.i aoII tu families, hotel. and large consumers; largest st ick iu the country : quality and term, tho best; country storekeepers should call or write. THE WELLS TKA OompaKY. Till Fulton ?t., between t hurch aud Green wich, Now York. \\> ANTKD?(3AN VASSER!S~"To SKfx V Al.l'AMI.K T I work that offer. great inducement. Call at 107 Pearl at., room I. THE TUAUUli. The price of the Herald has been reduced to fhree cents per copy. A FRENCH DESIGNER OF SILK GOODS. PROM -fx. Lyon.. dr.ire. a situation In a silk or cotton print fac tory. AddreaeDESIGNER, i.o* 1,087 Poet oin.e. New York. yxaiNKKBS^ ' jRead the EVENING TELEGRAM. AM the new. for J til., -0 cent, per hue. Circulation, 40,000 enpie*. I^OIK PR1.SSMUN ?TWO ~ FOR I-ADIKS'AND TWO lor getit'emeii's garments. Apply at Mr. E. LORD'S dyeing establishment, 111 sth hv. E SOAU MAKKK-WANTM), A I'KACTICAL SOAP maker, who haa a thorough knowledge of tho uianufac ture of all kimU of laundry aonpa. A<mrt*ii'. with name and whore to be found, B., Adams hxprea* Company, tKJH Broad way. TO \VATUllMAkKIIS. ?YVA NTRD, A SITUATION BY a llrat claaa watchmaker (French), with the bant r?*fer c?ice?; doe? not Kpeat Btigliftit. Apply at 40 Maiden lano. \\ 7ANTED?sKVKRA I. FIBBT 0UM JRWELLBM, with good reterenoei. for etrttscan work. WILLIAM STKINHENKK A CO, 2 Maiden lane. WANTED?A GOOD TOOL MAKER AND DIF. CUT YT ter combined. Apply at onco to F11'OIl A Oil AITKU TON, 10 John at. ANTED?HAXD8 TO OKIND 1.KN5KS INTO SPEC lades Apply to SI'ENCEK OP.ICAL MANUFAC TURING COMPANY. 16 Maiden lane. New York. T*7AN#Kf>?A~ FIRST"CLASS "PAPER BOX MAKER It capalile of taking charge of cutting room. Address B., 333 Ledger otlice, Phitadelpnia. w uilAUDEUS WANTED. The price of the llcrad has been reduced to three cents per copy. i - ELEGANT" BOOM Si FIRST CLASS HOARD: TltAN 1 .aient partis., $1 30 per day. 110 Wuyerloy place, near Oth av. SUIT OK rooms] SECOND F LOOK. FRONT, handsomely furnished. to let. with Hoard; ?l<o hall Room on fourth Hour. 1 451 and l,45!t Broadway. A.tor block. 1st IT ROOMS ON PARLOR FLOOR; PIANO; second .tory ; front, $14; back, $13; table boarder*. 12s Wont 29th St.. near Broadway. 2 DOUBLE AND TWO SINGLE HANDSOMKLT PUR ni.hed Room.; excellent labia; term* moderate; refer ance. 373 West 11th St. 4 DOORS EAST OF 2D AV.~ 17TII ST. (8TCY re.snt Park).?Well furnished Second Floor, with first cla.s Hoard; terms moderate ; private table if desirud; rcf erencee. 5TH AV., 741.?ROOMS. WITH BOARD, FOB gentleman and wife; ul.o for gentlemen. "r.TH A V.. No. 35-11A NDSOM EL'yT UB XIS11F. D, WELL .'arranged Parlor Floor; baths, Ac., attached; private table. CTH AY., 81. FIRST DOOR BELOW 16TH ST.?A SUIT 'Jof three Bsotns. front, together or separately, with Board; also fonrth floor Room ; referonres exchanged. a?r TO S PER WEEK ?HOARI), WITH PLEASANT ?P.^front Rooms, noatly litrnl.hed (ga. aud lire t: small families or gentlemen accommodated. 3t)l I est 33d st. 8VBIT87TK ST.. four doors from BTH AV.? Home comforts ol a private family; choice Booms, siugle or eu suite; table unniirpa.sed; terms moderate. 1 OTI1 ST.. EAST. 3t?.-KLKGANTLY FURNISHED J. Jh Rooms. Ilrst cla.e Hoard, tor families; gentlemen and tranaieula aocommod*ted. 1.1TU st!, EAST. 4& -FURMKHBO ROOMS, WITH _Hoard; genllemeu ; $5 to87 per week; transient board ers. 1 ?J WKSTTStH KT , SECOND DOOR FROM UlLSEY XOllouse.?Handsome nccuiumodatious, with or without Board. TH ST., 217 WEST.?ELEGANT BOOMS, WITH Hoard, for centlaman and wife and slngla gentlemen. 14 14 Til ST.?KLKGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH Board, 337 Wost; references exchanged. nKAST 31 ST sr.. MADISON AND >TH AVS -HAND snmely furnl.ued Suit, ol Rooms; private table ; highvst references. Mr.. J. B. RKID. Ol r E AST 41STsT!?II AS DSOMELY V URN I slilui -d vSfcuntl and Third Floors, with excellent table. In a re fined and unexceptionable neighborhood; also sumo single Room, for gentlemen. t)EAST 4TH ST.?FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH ^Dor without Itnard. at moderate prsn; location most convenient to libraries, roading room, and ull city convey ance.. O7TII ST., 113 EAST ?CHOI0K OF ROOMS. NEWLY oL t lurnl.hed, singly or en -ulte; table unexceptionable; terms moderate ; references exchanged. Ol PARK AV HAKDAOMKLT PDRMItURD ROOMS OLto let, with Board; Jawiah private family. Call lor two days. 01 West :toTii sr.. between hroadway and Ol'itli av ? Rnoma, en suite or singly, with Hoard; a large extension Parlor, suitable for a physician; house and ap pointments first class. 31 33, PELL ST.?BOARD, 84 50 PER WEEK. 35 AND 37 WRBT I4TH ST. Konms, with Board, en suite or singly. Centennial visitors, 8- per day. ?>4? EAST 21ST ST.. NEAR BROADWAY U AND OUsoniely furnished Rooms, with Board, for families aud gentlemen; relerences. 38. 40 40, 42 AND 44 WEST 14T11 ST. Rooms, with Board, en suits or singly. Liberal terms to permanent parties. KaUT BTH sr.?TO LET. WITH Board, large and small Rooms. J it W EST 2t?TH ST.?ROOMS, HANDSOMELY FUR x 'nished or unlurni.hed, to let, with or wilhoiii Board, en suit or singly; house and table first class; reference. west a*rii st.- niof!ly. furnished rooms to let. wltli excellent Hoard; references exchanged. 47 in.; 4TII AV.-LADIES' and GENTLEMEN DKSIR. 1U wing a auiel, rospe.-tahle hoarding bouse, with hon.e comforts, ro' the winter; meals to suit your ttnio, with good attention uud plenty of fire ; terms, tf4 to 83. Tl 9 TIMT 38TH ST.?NEWLY FtfRlYtBHRD L L ^throughout; Rooms, eu snite or singly, superior Board; special terms wltli gentlemen. 1 t ?? > M A DI Si) nWavT?W KLL~F URN IS11K D U?() MS. A^Owith first class Hoard, wltli or wltlinnt private table; relereiH-es exchanged. .Mrs. J'OIIN H. CO/ZF.NH. I OC BAHT 2DT1I ST.. HRTWI.EN 4TH AND LKXING lw'lto'i nva?A lady, owning a cosay, first class nonse, would like 10 find a gentleman and his tumily to Board: two pretty Rooms, newly furnished ; don't object to 1 hilar, n. 1 "l|t I-.AST n-'.TII Sr.-JKWISII FAMILY HAVE Ax' 'two Urge and one hall Room, handsomely tarnished; goon Hoard ; reasonable. _ 1 c ?J LKXI Nil r< in AT.?I1AND80MRLT KBUlfflhO AOORaoins to lot, with Board; term* moderate; ret treuces required. ijij l east 3tiTH st.?TiiRKh lTrih-7dehVrabi!e swi w'IKoiiins. witli good board, to gentlemen and wires or sinsle gentlemen : hot and gold water and Urge closets In each room; house newly furnished: prices low. 27 ,1 WEMT 25TH ST.?N EATLY FURNIPIIED ROOM! I tin let, wltli Hoard, to n party of gentlemen or gen tlemen and ilielr wives; terms low. .J4V7 WEST 23D ST.?A FKKXt II FAMILY, SPEAK* ? )W I Ing Spanish, would take a lew select hoarders; French table ; reie enres exchanged. Address or call. ?>sm WKsT 3 ITII ST., N E A R MT It A V.?P KI \ A T F. Oxlxfamily: a pleas mt third story front Itimiif to let, with or without Board; n|so hall Bootn. O ~( I WEST 33 D ST ?A PRIVATE FAMILyTTi aVinTi *A> fx/mure room tl an they require, will taken Uiuily to Board only; references exchanged. A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE CAN FIND HOOD AvHoard in a private family; Room large and nicely lur uietied; fine location, near lower entrance to Central Para; terms very low. Address CONTKNTM hNT, station II, Post ofliee. HARDING HoU.xK KRRPK KM - Read the EVENING TELEGRAM. All the news for 3 rents. Advertising, 2U cents per line. Circulation, 40,(iHi copies. /tkamrrcy fark.?elegant rooms, with VJfirst clues Board. 31 tlranu-rry Pork. N'T). T NORTH WANHINIIIUN sgl'AKK.-ELEGANT Rooms to lat, with Heard; prices moderata; first class table, PHI LA DK L I'll I A." r.< wr"FlNk 'sf.-FI RSI CLAH8 Hoard snd Lodgliig lor 81 M per day. A. HKCKER. -NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS For COIPLKS ?or siugle gontleiuen, with Board, 53 West 4*lb. near bib av. BOARD AM) LODOlAii U ANTED. The price of the Herald has been reduced to three, cents per copy. gkntekma.n aniT wife desire a large, well furnished front Room and Redrooin, on first or sec ond floor, below .'filth st , in n strictly private family; break last and tea only, w?nte! In room; at a moderate price. Siate term., I Nyi'I KER. box I'M Herein office. A GENTLEMAN, WIFE AND DAUGHTER DESIRE a well furnished front and hall Room, connecting, with good Board. Address, staling terms, JOHNSON, Herald Uptown office. Board wanted?for a lady and hf,ii daugh ter; nobn dlnnere; one front Room, southern expo.ore, with smaller connecting Room; location, above 10th si. ami between 3d and 7th. av*.; references exchanged. Address, for one week, staling particulars and log*' 'srso O 0., Hoboken Port oliee. BOA HO AXD M)I)COQ WMTRIIi The price of the Herald has been reduced to three cents j>er copy. UrAVTKD?BY A FAETY Of POUR GENTLEMEN, well furnished Room*. with Board; b?cail?m Milt and 85th st* mid I rxiriKi n ami ? th sv? Address, with lull particulars, J ONES, box 3,282 Po*t office. Uf ANTKil?BY A I.ADV. A If AN DM>MKlVv H K nlshvd Parlor and liedro<*m In a private family or whrre th?r* are low boarders; tain# first rUu ; cviitrul location, kddrill ' K , 1 >.: Hi '?%.!* ny HOTKLK. The price uf the Herald ha# been red met I to three cent# iter copy. \LW AYrT OPKN-FKANKFOKT TIoTthE. COltNKH frankforl ainl William at a. Rooms 3 ?c.. 50c.; geuiie utfii. families. Ar NEW ENGLAND HOTEL 1 .<>?". i N < i S>C nightly; for gsotleraeu only , 2U? tight, separate Rooms. UiMitr Bewtrj ami Biyatd. CiABl.Ks BKLMONT HOTEL, PULTON >T. NRAB ) Broadway.-? Kuropean plan; Rooms, 50c. and upward; tuiuily Knoma; open all night. CI ITT HOTKIk CORNER BKOaDWAT AND 8th If A?o<>d Rooms, cl per day , table board $ 1 per day ; slcgant Room* en suite. TfKTlSC. IIiViVk KKrPKRH JjJKead the KVRNINU TELEGRAM. All fh? new* for 2 cent*. Advertising, 20 cents per line. Circulation, 40,000 copies. IpAMlLY HOTRL, *1, 55.17 WB8T i5ffi 5f -BUS gain Koiunt, w iilt lioar.l ; traii*icut. 82 !???' d.?>. (1 RANT Hot K. -ts SEW BOWERY, LAD I KB' EN Ttranrr4d.?Double and smgli Rooms; low prices, al ways open. nOTEL KOYAL, KRSKKVOIR HQIFaRR AND l"TII st. ?A strictly first class family hot?*l; very quiet; the restaurant Is of unsurpassed excollonoe; a few elegantly furnished A iit? vacant i prieet nsdtrtta IT.M.LL HOI 8K, lis. 40. 42 AND 44 WEST l'lTU ST. Rooms, with Hoard. American pluu. Transient terms, $2 pur day. PitILADBLPhTa7?PARK HOUBRi WILLOW OROTB Station. Chestnut Hill Railroad; eight mil** direct Ex position transit; ample first class accommodations, gas, spring water. PUCK'S HOTEI.. FOOT OF SPRING ST?NEAR ALL steamers and railroad stations; fatuity utul single Rooms. REverr house, on iTifuoPhan i', mk o <T, k)N Broadway. N. V., corner Houston st. ?Two large res taurants; single Rooms at 75c. and $1; donhle Rooms at f) (it) niiil h- per day ; open nil ui|(ht. SI'IN..!.: It \\OVAV~ I'MtiJi .-yUAKK liltKAT ::K inotion of prlcca; fetulliea nnd bIuk'u tcentletueu; treu eieut, #11 per duy. Qf, OF. IIM.AIN (OPPOSITE MADISON PARKc ltl?).\n. tOeey. 22d nnd fttli nv. ?Elegantly furnlabert llixtm. ( ill front t. wltli Himrd. reduced 4-3 per dny; wlllioiu, $1 nnd upward; elevator, hatha, Ac. COUNTRY BOARD. The price <>/ m JlcraUl htis btm rtditced to three coits per copy. F" M.I, AN D WINTBK HOARD CAN IIK OBTAINED at the South Orange Mountain House, on Morris and Ks aex Railroad, six minutes' walk from Mountain station, at very tnnderate prtcus; jiotme healed ihrougliout with steam; KRod stabling, fall on or address ritOl'Klhi'OU, .>unth Orange, N. .1, WINTER RESORTS THE ROYAL VICTORIA HOTEL, N V 88 A IT (BAHAMA lalands). now open ; T. J. PORTER, Proprietor.?Steam ers leave New York October 318 and November 2U, For full information apply to JAMK8 LILKiKRW'OOD A CO., 758 Broadway, New iork? FOR IAL&. K A The price of the Herald has been reduced to three rents per copy. B(,a HiMNU IIOUHK. WITH kT'TTn Frl: It K AND good will, for sale.?The iiotise contain* 12 rooms, uith 14 paving boarders; location,, K. D. within U minutes' walk of South Seventh street ferry; Sent low; terms reasonable. Address, lor three davo, MORTON, llerald Uptown Branch. 4 N~kUKGANf 8AKK FORT8ALR CHEAP.?APPLY 21 Park row, room 5. 4IOOI> hRUG~iTOKK, KXt'KLLKNT NKKIIIBOR -*.a1ioo(1, $d(X); also Livery Stables, Moat Maraets, Liquor Rtorae, MAI^onl, .? Dev *t. A-FOR SALE?CIGAR 8 f OR KM, 8 AM PLB BOOMS, ? Uestaurauts, tirocerlcs, Butter Mores, Bakeries. MITCHELL. 77 Cedar st. DOWNTOWN TRUCKING BUSINESS FOR 8ALB double and siugle truck; earning $>(JO per week; with extra single rig; a good chance lor au active man; terms cash. Address J. B. E., Herald oflice. AN BXORLLRNT oyster house and dining sa loon loraale at a great bargain. UAPFNKY X SMITH, AiK'tiuneers, 17 Centre st. UIOHKR 81101Mb'OR SALK CIIKAPT~TcK HOUSE and evervtliing complete; doing a good business, in quire Ka*t 35th st. Kfll 8Tt?HK; $f#tKJ; FDRTt NK FOR Pll Y8ICIA NOB urescribing druggist. lt>tl Leonard st. IP 1 XTURE8, scales and UTBN8IL8 OF A TBA ' Store, 2H3 Smith st., Brooklyn. A. G. BAlLKY, As signee. LIOK 8ALR-?A FIR8T CLAsS CORNKR* LIQUOU I? Store; a splendid location; good reasons given for sell ing. At lh<2 Pearl st. ijioit "8alf7-~a chance seldom "offered.?A J? Hotel. 40 rooms, all new furnished and occupied by a good claa* of boarders and well paying, will lie *old on ac count of sicklies* ot the proprietor; price $7,5 si. Address box ISO llerald oftire. TpOR SALE.?A HARK CHANCE, ON GRAND ST., BE r tween Lord A Taylor's and Ridley X Son.*', a corner More; rent very low as parties are retiring from business. Apply to CROWE X ANDKMhON, 280 t?r*ntf st. IBOR 8 A LB?FIRST CLASH DINING SALOON, STOCK 1 and Fixtures, on Broadway, doing good business; sold on account of dissolution of partnership; will be sold cheap. Apply KiCilARD WALTERS' SON>. 27 Khh( Broadway. tpOR sale OR TO LKT a SPLENDID KITTED UP I" Saloon, with other Atipiirtenance*. sitiiable tor club rooms; conditions easy. 225 East .'tilth st. Hotel, restaurant, barroom rbnt nom Inal; with or wiiImmU Furniture; good busln ess place. ROCKWELL, Herald oflice. I~~-1gu"oK^TOKK for haLc..? a party wiTTf two Jilne corners will sell one; can't attend both. Call at Imi lireeuwich st. M U iinrHiY . The jnrice'of the Herald lias been reduced to three cents per copy. No. H UOKtiON I'lthhS KOU H.M.B?BV A. J H1TK. aia Pe.rl ?l. ' BOI.T ?IAKKKn d.mA the KI'KNINll TKl.KURAM. All the new* for 2 cents. Advertising, 20 cents per line. Circulation, 40,000 copies. TVROa OKIXDhK - ijKeeUtlie KVEh.MJ TEI.EORAM. All tbe new, for 2 rent*. Ailvertl.iuK, 'M rent, prr line, (,'irculntlon, cuplm. OKI OV TlbSfl IMPROVED BW1M0 OSOM OUT Shwihk MhcIiIm-,. with K^oife. Ac. A'lurew lloX .MaKI.K Her..1.1 office. To FCROHAdK?A teltfB CUTTISQ XA ? 1 chine. In cut Irom two lncli?? down; etntn mnker'e inline, lowi-.t call price, full pertlculere, Addreae MA CIlI.Nh. box I'll ller.l.l office. Aw \Y \ UK A May i chant. ANTEII TO HI) V ?IIOlI.EK AND I'UMI* TO A 2 TO A borne power euytiic. ?t KU Attorney at. IIOl INKS, liOOMft, iV? .. VVA.NTKH. ' ' In tlile Citv ana llruuKlvn. The price of the Herald has been reduced to three cents pec C<>l>". NI<;KLV 1KUKNIrtlIKO IIOUHK WANTED?Tll-L, or louKer; not weal e*?li St.; privet, lemlly. Misit lirreld I. ptown office. Rooms KOK Itoi rlKKSKi-INO (MIX OK hllVKN) | waiiteil. In e Kood ueii(iioorhood, between loth end lOili .la. nnd 2d end *tli era. Addrc, with perticniera, J. II., atntlon it. No li.te "VITANTKI>?A HOUSE OK Wt~?,EHH THAN ~TKS Tr rooina, rlo-e to Centre! Fere, at low rsut. for ore or two yceia. with privilege of purcliaae. box 24 Iter ^en Fotol I'o.l office. TITANThi??A TMKKK HTOKV KUKNIHHEO IIOUhK ft or lower pert of e leruer one ; vleinlty, btlwrcl ilihl and nilih eta.; relerencea excheiiffcd. M rite perticulera to 138 heat Sitii ?!., New Turk. WANTKD-BY A OKHMaN WlliOrt l.AUV, TWO lurniahed Koonia for light honaeki-opinir. M. M., Ilrreid office. w AJfTKD - A KleAT OK SMALL. llOUHE. NOT EX If recdlnc fl.t**' per year. AffdrcaaJ. T. ilrreid I'p town Krench office. hMIKM I't llh. The price of the Herald has Iteen reduced to Ihree cents per copy. 2 Kolt S A I.E. AT I'lt I V AT.-, lil'.s 11 iKNC K. l.'l.WhaT ? 23<l at., neer lith ev.. I'erlor Mill,, 14 plerea. rovcrrd In ?etin. coat $l,<*?>, lor S2.MI; one do., $120; TLrklah Milta, .rial; rep end haircloth Suite, $:t> end |k>*>; iniald end Kilt bleck walnut Beoateul*. OteadnK Ueeet, Hureeua. Weah -i.iiida, Wenlroone, lielr end aprmit Mettrraaoa. I'lnin.- Kur nlture. Ektenalnn Teb e. Buffet, ctielra, Ac. N. II.?Anele Kent N'eedlieni H .top Eerier Oman. $I0U. i UCTION?88 EAST 18TII. -FUKNITUK1, OAbFrtc! A * irrora, I'lenni, I'erlor Suite, Bedroom Seta. l!cd?, 1 leakR, llcddiiiK, Ac t'rivuie ,ele M eWCtlnn prirex TjtCRNITUKK ' A LI. KINDS); FlANOS. OhOANS. p FeintInira. Mirrora. Ornementa, Ac., et M. E. Kevor'a. I.I Keal I4lh at. Frtvete eele, em i.nn price. Iuve.iineie. I AKiiKsT STOCK AND V.oWKSI I'KICKS K'TS FUR Jnituri'end Cnrp.te lor ce-li or liberal term, of peytnrnt et COWFEKTinVAlfK, 1VI end 1N7 Cliethem .t. Thir teen lerire wereroom. Moli.d makkkk | . Itrid the EVEN I NO TKI.RORAM. All the new. for a cents. AdtertlaniK, 20 cente per line. Circulation, 40.0H0 copi... _ _ _ MJsVl FcARl'r.TS AND Ol I.i ' l.o T ll>. VF.tiV t III. vF. et the old piece, 11. Fulton st. Cell or aend for cxplen etur.t circular Ur ANTED-SO NHE FINE OFFICE FUBNITUKB, Chair., le.unKe, Tehlc, Ac. State description and p. ice. Bo* 9 New Torh l'o,t office. _ . ciaOTHlSta. The price of the Herald has been reduced to three cents f>ercop(/. AT IIAKHIS", 1.274 DKOADWaV, HKTwkliN :i2t> enff 33d .ta, ? Broadway price, paid 'or ca.t-ofT ClotliiuK, Ac., by celling or eddreaainK -I. IIAKKIS, 1.274. V?AATHAN'S OLD ESTABLISH * K NT, 33H HTII ?ev , neer 4tli at. The hiffheat relue paid for ceel off ClotlilnK, Cerpete, Ac. Cell on or addreae Mr. or Mra. NA TI1AW. AMT VLATro'H, 810 8TII AV? NRAK 40TII HT., THE nm'-i eatonlahiiik. hIKheal prheawlll pootlv-l.r he t.eid in caah lor ceat off Clothiu,', by uddrra.inx Mr or Mra. Fletto. AT VINT'/'S, 248 31) AV. NKAIt 2DTU ST., 00 1*1% eent inoro la reeli paid then eleewhere tor cart-off Cloth In*, Jewelry, ord-ra attended by Mr. end Mra. Minti. KECKIVKD FHOM MY AOENT TO $20 .000 pnreheae fleet off cioihinc. Carpet., Ae , for Sonthrrn and Weatern tnerkele. The very hlKheflt prlcflt wjl) be paid. Uali ietmedUtely. J. A Ml ALT. No. 178 7th ev. RUROPRAN KTRAMIHIPA' The price of the llerold has been reduced to three cents \V ' , >/ IttiHTuW!) ?XD LIVERPOOL. CARRYING Til K UNITED >1 Al'KS MaIL. The steamers of tills Hue lake the Lsns Routes rs?im mended bv Lieutenant Muttry, U. 8. N., going Mouth Of the Hanks on the passage to Gtiernetown sli the year round. GERMANIC October 21, at 7 : A. JJ. ADRIATIC October 2H, at 1 :3" I >? BRITANNIC >oveiuliar II at 1:3" I* M. UKRM V Nit' November 25, at no >d* Krom White Star Docks. pier 52 North River. Rale, halnon. *H" and in cold . return ticket' ?? reasonable terms. Steerage, $3-. . . Saloon itateroonu, nuukiiitf ?n?l imlnrooin# *ltii4?htp?. whrre ll>e ioIm and motion Ate I<**??, anoraftti* a dogree of comfort hittierio unaUaiiialB# At tci. For iuapcetlo# til plan* and other information upply at to# company's oltictt, 37 Broadway, Now \ or^ 1C. J t'ORTIH. .\L'#nt. U UNITED STATE* MAIL 1.1m sIEAM tO QLiKKd TOWN tN11 LIVERPOOL. StiUn* on TUKHIlAY, from pier 4B North Hiv?*r. MONTANA.Oct. 24, 10 A.M.I WISCONSIN .No*7.9k, A.M. NEVADA, Oct. 31, 3 P. M. | It tOMINii, Nov 14, J V. M. Cabin. *"5 <170 nod fun, currency. Intermediate, $40; Steerac" *2? Passenger* bonked to ami from Paris. IIamour*. Norway. Sweden, Ac. Drafts on Ireland. England. Francs and tier I".v .?. ?t In* ? -t r OCIOM. M Broadway. kj I'KCI Al< NOTICE-TIIK SPLENDID Mill. STKAM Oship MONTANA. Captain He tine, anils Irom pier Ail North Klvor. foot of Kinc st , for yuaeustowu and Liverpool, on Tuaaday, October 34, at In A. M precisely. Superior ac commodation in cabin, second cabin and Sleeraire at lowest r.n-s. Apply to WILLIAMS A til I"N. 29 Broadr A NCHOK LINK, I. N1TKD S I'AI'KS MAIL, STEAMERS, ji NKW YOIIK AN l> GLASGOW Attcborla.,. .t let. 1.7 A. M. Ethiopia Nov. 4. 7 A. M. California . Oct. 2*. 1 J\ M. ^ icl??r?a Nor. 11,1 I. M. To ifil.ASUOtV. LIVERPOOL |>K DERBY. Cabins, *"5 to *H", according to accotnmodatioua. Intermediate. tdo. btecrace. NKW Y'OHK AND LONDON. Australia....Oct. 2H. noon. AiiffUa .Nov.116.7 A. M Nov. 4. 7 A. M. Utopia. Nov. 25, II A. M Cabin, $53 to *70. Sleeraire. #2*. Cubiu Excursion Tickets at reduced rates. Draft* issued lor any amount at current rates. Company's pier Nos. JO and 31 North Ktver, New York. HENDERSON BROS.. Agenta. 7 Bowling Green. o NLY DIRECT [jIN'K TO FRANCE. _,?|IK GENERAL I R AN A ATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL RTF. AM ERE BKTtt KKN NKW YORK AND 11 AY UK, CALLING AT PLYMOUTH (0. B.) tor (he I?atidiiiK of panne Th# aplendid vvmU on tliia favorite rout# for the t onil neut tcabtuspr. vlded with electric bells) wl.l sail Irout pier No. V.I. loot III Harrow st.. North Riser, as lollow*: ? ?.vr. LAURENT. LacbesnM..Saturday. October 21. ? A. m. FRANCE, Trudelle Saturday. October 28 . J I M ST. GERMAIN. Rectilnux.BstU'dar. Noyembor 4, 7 :3" A. at. I'Rli'l. OK PASSAGE IN UOLlJ lincliidliig winesl First Cabin. *11" to *120. according to accummodatiou; Second, *73; Third, *4" Return tickets at rodueed ratea. Steera 'r *3(1, wlili sotierlor accoinmodsllon, Including wine, bedding and uienslls. without extra charge. Steam ers marked ? do not carry steerage passengers. Lot*IS 1 ? K UK 141 AN. Agei.i. o.? Broadway. c tCNAKU LINE.?H. ASI> N. A. II. M. H. CO. j NOTICE. With ?? view to dimtniahlnir tli? chance* or collision th# ?teaitiera of thia liue lake a specillc conra# for all Toaaoua or On tiio outward pafna^c tr?>m Quoenatown to New ^ ork or Boatoii, cn?nHin^ the tneridlMtt oi 50 at latitude, or not!)" itlK to the luirtU of 43. m ? rRn.i on the homeward p?U*re, crossing the meridian or 50 at 4 > In!itiiitu i>r ttothiuu: to the n??rth of 4'J. FKOM Nh\\ V'uHK KUlUdVliUl'OOL AND QlIBENst sRl'SSIA Wed.. Oct. 25 ALOKKIA... .Wed.. Nov. ? SCY I III A Wed., Nov. 1 BO Til NI A.... Wed., Nov. lo Steamers marked thus (?) do not carry steerage paasen " Cabin oassage, #?". *10*' and *15". gold, according to mceouimodiitlon. Return tickets on lavorable terms. Steerage tickets to aud front all parts ol Europe at very low rate*. ? . _ Frciuht and pass R' ofhee No. 4 Bowline (Jrecn. ******* mu "llAKLES ?i. FKANCKLYN. A#ent._ ?OKI saLK-A CABIN F ASS AUK TO I'AlllS VIA _ Cnnard Hue. 0. 1'., I'ltiladolphia Brunch New York llerald. HOST DIRECT AND KOONOMIO ROUTS TO IIOL Mi.AND BKLdll'M, TIIK RHINE, SW1TKKRLAND. ac., AO.. Via hotteudam. Steamer ???? ? htoainer MAAt? aV'i ?n These bcitntiful ateamera..carryitiff the I nttod St ?tr* mall to the Netherlands, itro ^reut luvoriten With the puOlic. Tripe r?tf?ilar. ralea low, comfort and liviiik perfect. For freight, ? t'or/""i"i'o'..niiin KLNClV KDYB A CO.. L W. MORRIS, 37 South W illiam st. 5" Broadway (Morrii* Kufopean h*pr**na?^ nAMBl'Hht AWEHICAN FAt KETOOMBANY'S LINE lor I'LYMOUTH. CHKRBOL'RO and HAMBIKO. C1MHKIA Oct. 2ti BOM M KHAN I A.... Nor. 9 OKLLKHT Nov. 2 8LKY IA Nov. 10 Rates ol passage to I'lymoutb, London, t herbourg, lls?j burg and all points In EnglandFirst Luhtn, *1<K>, gold, bee nd Cabin, *H0. gold; Sleeraire. *:m..0'"?""' .... AS KL'NIIARDI' it CO.. 0. II. RICHARD A BOAS, Oeiieral Agents. General Passenger Agents. 61 Broad st.. New York. <11 Broadway, New York. F N A I ION AI. LINK?FROM I'lKRS 44 AND 47 N. 1L xs ?'?? LONDON. i Franca....Oct. 21. 7:3" A M. I tlreeee .......Nor. 4, 7 A. M. Canada ....Oct. 2b, 2 I . M. Denmark...Nov. 11,11. M. Foil QtKKNBTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. The (jueen. ..Tuesday. Oeiober 24. at 9 A. M. 1(1.1, Saturday, October 3?, at 2 1. -M. Cabtu passage, *."> ?. *?" or *7". currency. Return tickets, *10". *11" or *12", currency. steerage passage. *2H. currency. Drafts Issned from ?1 upward at current rales. Apply at the aompany s "in<J?i Broadway. Bte^rapo tickets can al?o be obtained at tha company's piers, 44 and 47 ""^TmCR*-r< \\TILKON LINE Ton BOUTMAMBTO.N A.xli iilLL, \V Mailing iroiu pior ?3 North Hirer, at luliowt: N WAKi.NO October 21 j 01 H ELLO November 18 COLOMBO November 4 | HINDOO November 25 Firat cabin, currency ; aecond cabin, f#?. currency. Kkcnmlou tirkotR ??? very favorable terms. Throughi ticket# ianued to Oontinontal mid Baltic porta Apply for full par ticular* io Oil ABLKS Ja. WUiOHT k Co., 56 Hornh #L N^MsSt^^IJ^WKKNN^YORK. SOUTHAMPTON AND HRKMKN. Compaay's pier, foot of Isd St., Iloboxen. KICKAR, MoSKI... Rales of pn ?7;rr;,";?u";n . *1" <. gold; Second Cabin, fflD, gold; Hteer age. * currency. Re-urn tickets at reduced rates Prepaid --t,.,.rage cerlltlcstes. *.12, currency. For freight or CO.. 3 BowUng Qenan. SneTv YORK TO GLASGOW. LIVKRPOOL, DUBLIN. BELFAST ANO LoffDONDKRKY. from pier 42 sorth Hiver tloot of Caual at.I. n? follows:? STATE OF NEVADA Thursday. October26 STYTK OF IN DI v N A Thursday. November2 STVTK OF GEORGIA Thursday. November a STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA Thursday, November I'l and every alternate Thursday thoraaltot. First eablu #<*> and *7" according to aecommoilatlon ; return tickets. *11", *12 > Second caldn. f 4 ?; return tickets. BHtt Steerage at lowest rales Apple to AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO., Agents. \i? 11 Broadwav. N#w York. hTEKBAllE lICKETeS AT 45 BROADWAY AND AT THE COMPANY'S PIER. FOOT OF CANAL ST., NORTH RIVER >bi?sv'i pier, foot ?f 2d st., Iloboxen. tsnturiiav, Oct. 21 | WESER.? .Saturday, Nov. 4 Saturday Oct. 2H I RIIKIN. passage in-m Nesr York to Southampton, Havre G UEYT W I'.S ! KR N b*l K A M-II IP LINK. TO BRISTOL (ENGLAND) DIRECT, sailing from pier IS East River as loliows:? SOMERSET, Wosteru Monday, Oct. 2.1 AKKAGON. Symone Cabin passage. $7"; Intermediate. *4 -; ateerage. *9". currciiev; excursion tickets, *12": prepaid steerage renin eale, *26. Apply to W D MORGAN. Agent. 7" South st. IX MAN LIN R^-M AIL ST E A M K IIS. FOR QUKENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. flTY OK CIlESTKK Saturday, October 2M, at I P. M. CITY* OF RItDIMl)ND...*aturdar, November 4. at 7 A. M. CITY Or BERLIN . ...Saturday, November IS, at 7 A. M. CITY OF CHESTER Saturday. December 2. at ?i A. M. CITY* OF RICH M( >ND..Saturday. December 9, at 12 noon. From pier 45 North River. Cnbln, *H" and *l<ki, gold. Return tickets on favorable terms Mrersge. *2S, currency. Drafts at lowest rates. Saloons, staterooms, smoking and bathrooms amidships. JOHN* G. DALE. Agent. 15 and 33 Broadway. New Yort COASTJWISHi STEAMSHIPD. The price of the Herald has been reduced to three cents per com/. Panama transit and pacific mail STEAMSHIP LINES. For CALIFORNI A, JAPAN*. CHINA. AUSTRALIA. NEW Zealand, British Columbia, orkoon. ao? sailing Iroin pier 42 North River. For SAN T HAM'ISCO, via ISTHMUS OF PANAM A. Htaamsliip ACAI'ULCO Tnf.,t,"T' <H"* 81 c niiccilug Tor Central America and South Parillo porta From SAN FRANCISCO to JAPAN and CHINA. Staamshlo CITY OF IOKIO Wednesday. Nov. I From S YN FRANCISCO to SANDWICH ISLANDS, AUS TRALIA and NKW ZEALAND. Steamship CITY OF SYDNEY Nov. 8 For freight or passage apply to W.YI P CLY DEf A CO , or II. J. BULLAY. Superintendent, No. tl Bowling Green, pier 42 North Klver, loot Canal st.? N EW YORK AND HAVANA DIRECT MAIL LINK.~? These llrst ela?s steamships will sail at :t P. M from titer I t North River, foot of Cedar St., lor Havana direct, as orescent city ?;TV'",r** 'v '' 2f COLUMBUS ...Wednesday, Nov I For frnicht and paaia^e, hkvlng unaurp##*cd accuiuinoda lions, apply^o^ p (;q _ o Bowling Green. McKKLLAK. LUMNtr A CO., Agents In Havana. S"~EMI .WEEKLY LINK FOR PORT ROYAL. II. U, AND Pernaiidina. Kla.. Bailing evary Tuosday and Frtday, from nier 2" East River, at 3 P. M. Steaiusr CAKONDKLKT, Captain Fairelolh, will sail Friday. November 3. Steamer IIUNTSVILLK. Captain J. Crowell, Octobers*. Tick- ?? sold to all points In Florida. Apply for information and tickets to 1,7 C. 11. MAI.LORY A CO.. 15.1 Maiden I ana. T.. HAVANA and MEXICAN MAIL ss. L1M& . Steamers leave tiler No. 3 North River at 3 P. M. FOB HAVANA DIRECT. CITY OF NEW YORK Thursday. Oct. 26 CITY OF HAVANA Saturdav. Get. 2M CITY OF VERA CRUZ... Wednesday. Nov. H FOR VERA CRUZ AND NKW ORLEANS, via Havana, Progreso, Campeaeliy, Tnxpsn and Tatnpleo. CITY OF MEXICO Ksliiidar. .Nov. 4 For freight and passage applv to F. ALEXANDRE A .dO.XS. 31 and :?N Broadway. Steamers will leave New Orleans October 32 and November 13fat i <*ra i ms and all the absw pone. TJTOR HALIFAX, N. S. AND ST JOHNS, N. P. r CROMWELL STEAMSHIP LINE Steamers leava pier f" North Elver following day*, nt 8 )? i GEOKGK (fltOMWELL Tuesday, October 24 OEOKGK WASHINGTON Friday. November 8 Most direct, cheapest and ipiickest route to Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and the Lower St. Lawrence. Excellent pas senger accommodations For freight or passage apply to CLARK A SEAMAN, 8(1 Wast st. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY, sailing front pier 37 North Hirer For Norfolk. City l'olat and Richmond, Tuesdays, Thitra days aud Saturdays at 3 I*. M, connecting with the Virginia and Tenneesee Air Line. Atlantic Coast Llna, Piedmont Air Line, Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, and with tbr com pany's steam linos to Interior points In North Carolina and Virginia. Newborn.and Washington, N. C. (via Norfolk), every tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I a-tree, Del., Monday and Thursday at 3 P. M., connoctlnj Willi Maryland and Delaware railroads. Passenger accommodations unsiirpassad. Through passage liokets and bills of lading to all points at lowest rates Insurance to Norfolk, Ac. M per cent. Freight received dally at plar 37 North Hirer, liwnoral Olilces 197 Ureenwlcli st N I.Mi'iGtEADY, President. filOR NASSAU. N. P.?REGULAR MAIL HTBAMHII1P J? LUG leaves New York October 28. MUHRAY, FKURI8 * Ca, ? 8oath at. COASTWISE STEASISHW*. The price of the Herald has Item rtdwced to three cents per copy. hv?u Philadelphia-The x so'i MTRlisTur AHN'KS win ?%ii ?r >m nftr >1 North Hivtr #vorj fu??* ilur on<i Htlurdftv at :t J* M Freight At lt?wr??l Tor ftit titer iu! urination Apply to O. A. WlliTJIliV & CO., pier S "i t It U > tf * HKKIII DA. -1 riloM KH \n KHT" I \ Dl Ks. TUB 'ttgular luitil hit*atii-lilp ?' AN I M \ will ?*il for liermula October connecting tli?*re with the uteHmer for St. TlfuiAs iikI West For freight ??r p? af?r?ly to A. I. Ul'I KUIKID'.K, 28 iiro tdwAv. New Y??r* fPFXAS LINK KOK iiTLVKHTOX. TOUClilMU AT KJtjf I Wen, carrying the I n led Stale* The ?te?iner CUV <>K SAN ANTOMIO. Cnpialn Pennlinrton. will sail on Saturday, October 21, 1H7K, hi I f?. M , from pier 20 En\| ICiver Through bill* ol tiding friv**n to ail point# on the llouaton and Tex#a. i'etilrnl International and Ureal North ? rn, tl aires ton. llouaton and Header eon and the (??Ivofttoii, ll*rri*liurg and San Antonio railroad?. Freight and in* runner at lowest ratea For freight or paaautre, havinsr ?ti loTior accommodation*, nnuir to C. H MALLOHY A CO. l.Vf Maiden lane. l^Olt NEW OKLEaNS DIKKtT. r Tllh CKOMWKLL LINK. The steamship llt'DKON, t aptain tiaeer. will sail on 8ATUKD ? Y. October '*?I. at M o'clock P. B., from pier No. V* North Kiver. Throuih hill* of lading given to Mobilo and principal points 011 the Mitel ?*ippi Kiver Cabin passage. fftO; 8teoiugo. AIy t i t I. V J. h .v > K \ M A N. H?? West at. MORUAJTS new \ ?> it K. M.W OKLKANH AND I EX a# M-artuhina.--LoNK HTAM ill sail from nier Nd North Kiver, on Saturday, October 21 at 8 1*. M., foi New Orleans direct, transferring lexa* freight there to Morgan'* J.oitUixn.i and Texan Kailroad lor Morgan City, tlicuce per Morgan'* *u*.tiner* to Texas porta. Through bills oi lauiug sl ned to ail point? on the Mississippi Kivcr# .Mobile, linircnton. Indianola, Corpu# Uhrl*ti, Kockport, Hraaos Nantiajto. Hrowiisville, and t?? all points on the Ual vent on. 11 nrrinhtir>r arid San Antonio. Ilotuton and Texas Central. ltiteriiHiional and Ureal Northern Texan Pacific and Trans-Continental railroads. Freights for St. .Mary's and Fulton laudad at Kockport. ? Lighter* e an i channel duct at Cnrpu* Clirlstl and lira soa Santiago hi the cxpcimo and riik oi conslgtioo. Insurance can bo effected under open policy of C. A. Whit* nop k Co.; to Now Orleans, M porocnti to riMi porta, per cent. For freight or further information apply to CIIAKLKH A. WillfN'KY A CO., Agonta; oflicc, pier .'<6 North Kiver. C11VIL KSHISVEHS- ~~ " ) Head the I.VKMNO TELEGRAM. All the news for 3 cents Advertising, JL> cent* per line. Circulation, 4O.UJ0 | COpie,. T1A.Y\ KhljFKk' (.biDh. * J Thv pr(<v (fit Ut ruUi hcu been reduced to thret lY/lt* l*T (DPI/. Albany?iicdson kivkk by daylight.? cen* tennial visitor# are Informed that the day boats will ran dnrini: tde Exhibition, and afford tiie only inoaua of enjoy* I tig all of the ntisiirpasaod scenery of the liudson ; the day boat landing adjoins Umi of the Pennsylvania Kailroad in New York ; close connection mane Irotu the West br the Ri. Lotil* train, and to tlie West by last train at H P. M. from Albany with Wagner's sleep in.' cars attached. Ticket# g iod oil Hudson Kiver Kailroad received lor passage. Albany and troy kyUay boats c. vibbakc and DANIEL DKKW.?-Leave Vestry st. pier *t H:1C and 24th st. ut 8:30 A M.? lauding at West Point. Newhtirg, Poughkeepsie, Khinebcck. ' ataliiil and Hudson; connco tlou# at Alhuny with new train at 8 P. M. for tUe West ovei New York Central, nrrtviug at Buffalo 7:H>. Rntpensioa Bridge 8; til, and Niagara Falls at h :2U the followtn.' merg ing continuous traius on Lake Shore and Canada Southern roads. To West Point and New burg and return same day. *1 ; Poughkeepsio, $1 50 Alter October 21 landing* wil be made only ul Newburg and Poughkeepsie. ["N IMPORTANT NOTICE To CENTENNIAL TKAV. Lidlers.? People's Evening Line.?Only $1 first class pas ?-ge on HtcnmerM netwoeti New York and Albany. Hud oi Kiver K tilroad tickets laketi for passage and state room berth. Centennial excursion ticket* taken tor passage an# cabin berth. Boats leave dally (Sunday excepted), at d P. .M.. from pier No. 41, foot of Canal st., near Pennsylvania Kailroad depot, connecting at Albany with morning trains for Chicago. Saratoca and all points North and West. .Mala rooms warmed by steam. Meals on the European plan. T>KOOKLYN, BATH AND OON1Y ISLAND ESC J Jroad Trains leave hourly for Coney Island from depot near lireenwoud Cemetery main entrance. ("lATHRlLL, (1RF.KK LINK ?STKAMKR NKff OHAM J IMON ?>rWALTSKSI(KTT dally, from 0?n# .l. D|sr 4J *ortb Kiver, 4i i*. M. Kurt*. 3"c. lierthn (>u.. / 10NKY INLAND.?KIIOKTKSr A.NI> MOST DIKSOT \ rout, trom Now I'ork: n.w .(.Am linfl (I' J'?rli mill Cnney l.lund ll.ilrnmli; tinin liom (ir?.nwn0ii t? i.'oiiey IhIhiiUi l.'i minuli'.: t.iku cm nt kulhni Irrry Inr n.? i'filr*ni;e lireiinwui d I'oniet.ry. pitniing tlirnuilj I'ro.iioel i'.rk. Fall rivrr link to boston. vl? Nnwp.irt nnil K.ll lilv.r ?Th? world ranown.d ?ta.nibii.t. IMtlSTOI, nnd l'BOV'IDKNOK piar M North Idvnr. font of Murray nt., dallv (Siiiirt iv.lnrludedl, fi I'. M. Tbroiiirli tickota .old at all tlia principal botalalu tha cltjr. ^OR NORWALK DIIU'.CT: rnnnectinK with Danbury. Nor walk and Naw Haven Rail ronda, by ati-amor AM KKICL'.s, dully (Sundajra azcaptad), from Jaw.-ll'a dock, ltrooklyn, at ?:dfl I*. M ; pier-17 Ka.l UiTer, at'i : to I'. M , and loot lldd at.. h*,t River, at 3 P. M. Fare d.'icenta: excur.ion tlcknt. oUvantt. "POR I'll I LA DELPHI A AND THE OK.A TENNIAL, via Imni Hranch and tha New .ianwy rinutliern Railroad. Leave purr W North River. loot R. clor at., at Hu4o A. M. it<? d 4 P. M, By thla route a delightful exciiraion la alio afforded In tha One ai eatnera JK8AK IIOYT and CRYSTAL WAVE aoroaa the hoy in full view of the Atlantic Ocean to Randy Hook, returning to the city at couveulent hour. W. s HNEDKM.q M. GKBKNWOOO OBXBTXRT.?THS Most DtSKOf route to Ornenwood la by the Court atreet or Third are* nue ear. lrotn Fulton lorry Brooklyn. Hudson rixkr hy Mooxi.ioiir 1 I Itlaaua* Line?Klexant aleamboata for Troy, Saratoga and all point. North and \\ rat leave daily (except Knturdayl ai <1 P. M , lrotn pier 41I North River. Firat claaa paaaaga only >1; deck pnaauye .Vie, Pennsylvania railroad. ~ (IKK at TkL'NK LINK AND I'NITKD STATES MAIL ROPTE. Tralna leave New York, via Deabroaaar aud Cortland! atrert lerrlea, aa follow. Kxprea. lor llarri.burK, I'll 1.1.urn, the Weal and South, Willi Pulluiau palaco vara ntlaclied, ? :H0 A. M., O and ti :30 I*. M. Sunday, It anil P. M For WIIHam.pnrt, Lock llaven, Oorry and Krlo, at 3 rtO and H:ll i P. M.. connectitik at Corry for Titnaville. Petroleum Outre and the Oil Kexloiia. For Kaltlmore, Waahlnirton and the Sooth. "Limited Waxh incteu Kxpreee" of I'udman parlor car* daily, except Sunday. II ..m A. M.: arrive Waahlnytoa 4:15 P. M. Heir ular HI M p> A. M.. J :4(), tl OA ami It P. M. unday. Baft and 9 P. M. Rxpreaa for Phlladelph.a, 7 .Iky. ?r40. 9 JO A M.. 12J0, - ,4iI, 3, 4 ft, tl 7, A:.'kj, 9 P. M., and 13 ni|{ht. Accum modal ion 7 A. M arid 4 :IO P. M. Sunday. H A. M.. .">, tl, 7. S JO and 9 I*. M. Emigrant and aerond claae. 7 P.M. Fur I'eiilenrnal Depot at o JO, n;30. 7 :1WI. K, M :40, 9:1*JA. M.. 12: '<>. 3 and 4 P. M. (in Sunday, h a. M Returning, leave llentennial depot at 7 K;lft, 10 JO A. M.. L 1:1ft, 3, it: O, 4:4ft. i.ikl. ?. RpV) aud 7.O. P. M. On Sunday. 7 :2>< A M. and 7 I*. M. For tralna to Newark, Klir.abeth. Railway, Princeton, Tren ton. Perth Am boy. r leiiilnitlou. Itslvidere and otbot point*, aee local acliednlov at all ticket olfleea. Truna arrive From I'lltaburir, ? :2<i and l'> ::t> A. M. and IO:2ii P M., dally: lO.l'i A. M. andflVUI P. M. daily, ex cept Mnnilnv From Waeliinirtoii mid Baltimore, t<:S0 and 9:f> A. M. 4:10, ft:IO and 111:20 P. M. Sunday, 0 til and 9:40 A M. From Philadelphia, ft :<?. ? :20. It 9:40 1O-10, 11 :ifll, 11 :ftO A, M , ? :I0, 3 ;fiO. 4:10, A:IQ, 11:10, tl :.V), 7 ft.'i 7 4'l, K :4o ami 10:20 P. M. Htindar, A SI'S 0 7J0, 6 JO. 0:40, 10:1(1, 11.60 A. M..fl:M) and 1OJ0 P. M. Ticket olfleea. ft'Jrt and 944 Broadway, No. 1 Aator limine end foot ol Dealiroaaea and Hortlandt at a.: No. 4 Court at., Brooklyn: Noa. 114, 1 IK and IIS Hiulann at., lloboVen; depot, JeraeyClty. Einl-ranl ticket olfice. No. S Battery P'fRANK THOMSON. D. M. BOYD,Jr., Ueneral Manaiper. General Paaaonirer AnenL Steamboat employes- * Read the EVENING TELEGRAM. All the newt for 2 cent a Adverti-lni;. 20 cent* per Hue. Clictilallnn. 40,(>W copiea. CTONfXGTON LINE FOR BOSTOm! * "^Steamer* RHODB IHLA.VDMd N litmn.?0.- . pier 3.1 North River, loot of J ay at. n't ft P M fr*t from nlar :n v a f,.',rovl*lenc? Lille, " " KLKCritA and GALa flia!"?; S'litO F J^**' 8M?ra*hlpe KXCUIlSIOfth. The price of the Herald has been reduced to Hired cents per copy. A GRAND EXCURSION ACROSS TIIR "bat TO Staten lalaml ?Boate leave Wliilehnll at . font of Broad way . at 7 :ito. It :1ft, II :1ft A. M.: I :1ft, 8:1ft, 4:1ft. ft:?> and ?l:iui P. M . tor New Brli;hlon, Siiuit llarbor, Wcat Brlnhton and Port Riehtnonil. Far* only Inc. SUNDlY BOATS Fttli ASToRI V, HARLEM AND Morriaania.?The aieamnrn Sylvan Grove and Hlintly Side will leave Fulton Market alip and Peck alip every hour from Hi A. M. until ti :4 > P. M , iandlnjr at Grand anil lllh at. each vajt. TG LONG BRANCH ON oIINDaY. Siindny, Oclolrer Ift, the lino eteanier CRY'STAL WAVB, ol the New .lervey Southern Railroad Una. leavea pier ft North River, foot of Keetor at., at l?:4ft A. M. Heturniay, train leavee Lone liraueh at ft P. M. IV A SN EDEN, General Manager. WEST POINT. NEWBURG. I'OI.'GIIKKEPSIB AND return tame day, by duv line eteamnra. BlLUARDft. " The price of the I It raid has been reduced ta three cents per copy. I?OT OK S KIT IN T7 11 AN It RILI.IARI) TABLES IN perfect order, et|ual to new. at very low prlcea. 11. \V. COLLKNDEU. 7iW Broadway. A CENTENNIAL MEDAL AWARDED T(l H. W, CGLLENDhlt, Nix 7i*t Hroadwav, New York, for tha be-l Billiard Tablea and moat correct ctithiona American standard revel billiardtabTes, with Doianev'e wire enabl.raa, Indoraed by all leading prolraaioual plavera; extra Invluccinenta now offered. W. II. GKIFk ITU A t tl . 4n Vcaey at. Billiard tablks at rbducbo rifoBi at PIIeLaN'S Factory and Warerooma, corner of ikitk ek. and MWh ?v. T"klSTIf,LBRS? II Read the EVENING TF. LEG HAM. All the new* (or 3 cent*. Advertlaing, 2H rente per lino. Circulation, 44i,tKfc ropiea. ItATCIIRN. JEWKIiKY. AC. ^ The price of the Herald has been reduced to three cents ]>cr coj>y. AT 77 BLKECKKK ST . NK \R II EGA D W A V - MONEY adveneetl on Dlantonda, ? etehca. Jewelry. Ac ; also Pawnbroker*' Ticket bought of Diamond*, Watch**, Ac. 77 Hleecker it. AT 7?7 BROADWAY?DIAMONDS. WATCHES AND Jewelery boucht mid sold; alett loan* nogoliatetl on tha earn#. II. TKAUB. C'fATTLK BROKERS 1 Head the KXKMNG TELEGRAM. All the new* for 2 cent a. Advertising, 20 cetila per line. (Ircnlatloa, 4O.0U0 copies. MOSEY ON DIAMOND# FURS. AC.?DIAMONDS, Watches, Jewelry, silverware. Camel's llatr ShawlA Seal Sae<|tiea, Silk", Ac., bought, end sold beck at a van mail advance. .... GEO, A). ALLRN, Jetadler, l.D*? Broadway, near 29th at. 1 PHILADELPHIA. - fSftll.uw IN W ATCIIKS. J KWKI.R1 and Diamonds, firm retiring from baalnvaa; cloving out at nuctlou: 7,0 SCheetflat ?t.; eatabllahed 1*47; ?alea mor? lugs, atte noona, evenings; articles offered singly to tall purchasers. UDQ broadwat, orposrrKTiTTi st-diamo*da SliSa.1"" ?"&a.ikrs'dda,war