Newspaper Page Text
/ THE NEW YORK HERALD [OLE NO. 14,679. NEW YORK. MONDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1876.-WITH SUPPLEMENT. PRICK THREE CENTS. DIUKlTUHV FOli AUYKKTISERS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE, 1.363 BROADWAY OPEN DAY AND Nli.HT FOR RECEPTION OP ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES OF PAPERS AMUSEMENTS?2d Pace- lit. 2d, 3d, mil 4tb cola. astrology?3d Pack?3d eoL ItlLLl.lUUS-Ilij PAUK?114 col. ? HOARDER* WAXTl.U-}>T Pads?Sth anil Hth colt. HOARD AND LODGING WaNTKD-Iht Pauk-HiU eoL Boors AND SHOEs?7th Pack?6lh col. BROOKLYN HOARD- 1st Pack-Uh col. BKOORUYN REAL ESTATE FOR SALK-lst PACK-4lb col. BUSINESS OlPPORTUN ITIEs?Dtii Pack. BL'SINKS.w NOTICES-5th Pack?3th aud 6th colt. 21TY HE A I. ESTATE Full SALE-Ut Paui?UIi eoL JLKKK.- AND SALK.vM EN?So Pack?2d col. ? EOTHINli?2n PacK-Utb col. XlACIiMEX AND HARDENERS? 3t> Pack-2.1 col, XIASTWlaK STEAM8HIPS-2D Pau*?3tb and Lib cell. 30UXTRY BOARD?1st Pack-6th cot. ?ANCINO ACADEMIES?An Pack?3d cob DENTISTRY?2l> Pack??th col. DRY HOODS?1st Pack?3<1 col DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED? 1st Pack?Oh col. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?20 PAUK-Oth eol, EUROPE?1st Pack?3d col. EXCURSION*?2u Pack?6th col. FINANClAL-em Pace. FOR SALE?3d Pack?3il col. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 1st Pack?4th and 5th cola. FURNITURE?1st Pack?tith col. HELP WANTED?FEMALES?7th pACK-flth eoL HELP V\'ANTKD-MALES-7tm Pack-6Hi col. HORSES, I'ARKIAHES. Ac. ?1st Pack?2d aud 3d coll. HOTELS? lit Pack?Hih col HOUSES. ROOMS. AC.. WANTED?1st Pack?3th coL INSTRUCTION? Sn Pack?4th eol. LOST AND FOUND?lit Pack?lit col. MARBLE MANTELS- 'st Pack?6th col. MKDD'AL?2t> Pact ? Hth eol. MILLINERY AND DKKsSMAKINO? 1st PicK-3d eol. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?IDT* Pacm tith col. MUSICAL?3d Pack?3d col. NEW PUBLICATION'S?3th Pack?6th coL Personal?i?t Pack? in eol. PIANOFORTE>. OKUANS, At:.?2d Pack?4th col. POLITICAL?2d Pack?Hth coL PROFESSIONAL Sir CATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 7th Pack - Hth col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO KENT?1st Pack?4th col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCIIANOF.-Ist Pack?4th col. REAL ESTATE WaNTED-Ist Pack?4th col. RELIGIOUS NQTICES?In Pack?lit col. REWARDS?1 at PAGK-lat col. SALES AT AUCTION? 3d Pack?Ut and 2d coll. 8 ITU ATI O X.N WANTED?FKMALES-Tth Pack?lit, 2d. 3<1. 4th. 3lli hiiit lltli cola. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES-7th Paok-HOicoL SPECIAL NOTICES?Id Pack?lit aud 2d cola SPORTING?DOHS. BIRDS, AC.-1st Pack?2d col. THE TRADES?3d PaCK-2dool. THE TURF?Iht Pack?2d col. To LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?1st Pack?4thcol. TRAVELLERS' HU1DK-2D I'AOIi-Sth col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 1st Pack?3th col. W ATI; I FES, JKWELKV, AO?3d PACK-3d coL WKsTCHKSTP.R COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET?1 it Pack?4th col. WINTER KKSOKTH-Ist PACK-ttth col. YACHTS. STEAMBOATS. AC.-lOril Pack?Sth col. PKILSOVAL. B. M.?WJI.L 11F, AT NKXTTrIDAY ATE A. B. M. DA?ARtlYLK SHADOW "DAXSANTE" TO NIGHT; Lyou know your promise ; come early; time apot. BALCONY. Dkst. darling?i realize, all that is bctore mot alter ilnrin^ alienee, after roiei ihnrni. Pity me. Ever, L'RS. IF TlilS SHOULD MKETTHB EYE OF MIL WILLIAM or MIm Elixa Hum, they ura earnestly rei|Ue?ted to coiu rniinlcite with tlielr aiater, Mr?. ROBERTSON, No. 40 Low Hill. Liverpool. . IF the GENTLEMAN that exchanged SATCHELS coming 1 nun Jeisry City terry Sunday iiiornini.' w ill re torn the tunic to Urund Union Hotel; lie can claim hi? own. JAMES LHK. OF SOUTH AMERICA, CAN ASOtR ihIh where hli wife In resldiuu by applyInK at Hi* Con cord nt., Brooklyn. N ED K. K.?COMB HOME AT ONCE; YOUR WIFE wants you. BARBARA. OTHER THAN I HE LETTERS. BETRAY NOT: IF you to write to nie addreai, lor tlio prcitcnt, W. T. C., i?x ISP Herald Uptown office. UNCHANGEABLE. s. li. WANTS lO SEE LEWIS K. CHL'UCU AT ONCE nt 40Court it.. Brooklyn. UUSIK.?GO TO THIRD AVENUE AND YOU WILL kV>l a letter. Yuuri, C. SUNDAY AFTERNOON. NEAR THE BRIDGE.? Ladies in a carriage met two Kcnilemoii in H Itu (ty. will the lady who howed and upoko to KeiitleniHii kindly favor him with her iui|UaintanceT Address SINCERITY, Herald Uptown office. Wasted-THE DRIVER of THE COAOlI WHICH 11 stohi't in Hrooiue st.. between Eldridue and Foraylh air., ou Saturday eveikinir, October 21, 1870, between S anil Wo'clock. Will he liberally rewarded. Apply to Seperla tcudeut WALLING, l'vlico ileauquurtera. KKLIGIOIS XOTU'Uh. PEWS IN THE CHURCH OF THE Hot.V TRINITY; Madison av., corner 42d St.?The Pew Committee of ,th" Church of the Holy Trinity will he in attendance at the church oil Monday and Tuesday. October 3o and 21. and Wednesday unci Thursday, November I and 2, Ironi 4 to H o'clock P. M.. to rem pews lor the ensulmr year. Uwr \M? Kl?i v s/. EOST?HANK BlHt'K Nu 72.4UJ. FINDER PLEASE rplnrn It to Fourteenth Street German Saving* Bank, una r 4ili av. LOST?KlIIIXG IN A THIRD AVENUE OA It, OK Satmday n >on. a niorocro 1'uckelbouk, containing two railroad baggage checka. three kefs and about fit). Re ward for tlto return of the above to D. R. GAKDc.N, 22 Cooper Cu ion I t 1ST?OS FRIDAY" AFTERNOON". AT sTKINVPAY JIUII. a nmss agate sleeve Notion, set In gold wire, of value to the owner u< a rcniembraDcv. Please return to 3D West Wmkluatea square. $7 KK \V AHDkk fZ REWARD AND NO' yUKSTIONS "ARKKD ' Kt?R ?/return of a gold hunt Inst case wnteh, stent winder. No. 135.8385 Inst October ID, ls7?l. Call ou Mr. NELSON. 12t) Fast 17th st kPBtlAL. lum'Ek. A --ROYAI. IIAVAXa LOTTERY. . New scheme. Next drawing November 2. One I'ri/e of $**?.?**> One Prise of lt*'.(*IO Ou/Prlxeof boost One I'liae of 35,(kid One Trite of ,. lO.UUO it it >1 tiso other prlzha. Whole Tickets. 9-10; halves, $2<); quarters, $10: eighths, S5; tenths. $4; twentieths, $2. Also. Royal Saxon Government Lottery, $2,H44,ftl2. gold, to he drawn, commencing on November it. Whole Tickets, tjtki; halves. IjSSl): quarters,$16 50: eighths, $m 25. Foil explanatory circulars Ire*. THBUDORK /.SCHOC1I. 118 Nassau st. New York. A. -:mhs.iiu > FASH tilFTS. Keutu kv State Slntrle Number Distr Ion ion. lo,37D Prircs and only SO.OHO tickets. SIM tinNS A DICKINSON, Manager*. To be drawn on Saturday, Noverrber 25, 1878. Wholes, $10. Shares in proportion. Royal Havana to be drawn November 2, l?7tl. Kent ticks St ute l.otterie drawn dally. Address PA KKS, F.MEKHON .* CO.. Hankurs. istl ilroadway, rooin 4. A -ISAAC <1. BOYCE, 3H7 BROADWAY. LAWYER.? .H vorces obtained promptly, without nnbllcitv: deser tion. Incoinpatlbilltr, habitual drunkoiiness inlideiitv, in human treatment, convietion of felony. Passports obtained t MKRIUAK INSTITUTE.-A REGULAR MEETING ./Vol the member* of this Institute will be held on Thurs day, the 2d day of November, at S o'clock P. M., at Ma rooms In the Cooper Union Oil AS. Mrti. I.EOSER, Recording Secretary. Attention:-diseases of mf.x in every turiu, even of luntr staudiug, perinaneni Ir cured; consul tation tree. Dr. JAUOHY. It'll bleccker st. AKPLHJTED take NOTICE-DISEASE.- OF the blood, nervous system, Ac., cured succe-sluTy or no fees;, idvicc tree. Dr. WEST. 43 Hlecekcr st.. near Broadway. ttAi riON.?INDORSED CERTIFICATE. NO. 1,023, /registered sig per cent Charleston city stock, issued Jan uary Itl. 18.10. lor $74o. has been abstracted Irom a lost let ter. All persons are cautioned against buying. fNHKONIO AILMENTS, NERVOUS DEBILITY. OB VTsthiate Diseases, Ac., speedily eradiest.-d; fetnaie enm tlaints a specialty. Dr. FRANCIS GOt'L VRI) (Parisian "role-sorsltipl nicinber Imperial Academy. 1.478 Broadwuy, tear 45th. Consultation tree. D!-EASES OF MEN A SPECIALTY. HKNItY A. DANIELS. M. I?., 144 Lexington av., near ihtli st. Olflco hours from H to 3. Dlt. AND MMi; MAUKICKaU DBmIKR to INFORM palienls. In response to numerous intiulrios, that they vntaln at th* same office, as for upward of 2o years, l:k idberty St.. near Greenwich. E .1 LEl'TltlO BELTS FOR PREMATURE DEBILITY. 'jCall or send for circular to J. K ARK, 832 Broadway. K -CHRONIC CATARRH, DEAFNESS. IMPROVED ? method; instantaneous relief; permanent cures. Dr. bfODI'AKI), No. 8 West I4tlt st. VTKRtOUS EXIIAI STH/N.-A MEDICAL ESSAY I Xv cent prising a series m lectures delivered at Kahu's Mu-eum ol Anatomy. New Vork, ?n the cause mid cure of ptemsiure decline, showing Indisputably how lost health m?v lie regained, affording a clear synopsis of the fnipedl- | mints to marriage and the treatment of nervous and i physics! debility, being the result Of 30 years' experience. Price '.ft 'elite. Address the author. Dr. L, J. K A11N, ollice I and residence M East llllh st.. New York. 0?OFFICIAL DRAWINGS KENTUCKY STATE LOf". I Vlories. S.MMONS A DICKINSON. Managers. kk.xtdckv. kitiu class .so. BI3?OCTOBKR 28. 1876. 17. .'.8, Til. Id. 12, 14. 2.'. 7H. 15. 44. 53. I 30. 13. Sf.XTlCKr. CLASS SO. RI4 ?OCTOOkR 28. 187C>. IP, ?|o. 22, 18. .V>. 14. .T8. 24, 12, 8. 75, 7U, 59. Ml Sir. K\ fits CLASS Nil. 513?OCTOPFB 28, IH7G. M, 3. 21 *. 17, 4<>, 72. II 75. 47. 4.1. 3?, IO, 28. iirxnv. class no. 514?ii.Tosck 28, 1-78 12. 13 57. 32. 18, ol. 7 7, 5'J. 2, 21. 74. Full Informstlen by applying to or addressing J. CLUTE A CO.. SfiKI Broadway. rear room, first floor. 0_$5nc??i IX CASH FOR ONLY #lu. 10,37bpri*c?. distributing $?*>,l?*>. 1 .Vr.OOo tickets. Ttie Kentucky -tste single Number Distribution to be drawn at Covington. Ky., ou Saturday, ciulior 25, 1870. RnvRl Havana draws November 2, 1870. ?send In Naur orders to the lieneial Agents. I. CLP l>. A CO.. JO) Broad way. LD K?>TL'l KY STATE LoTTHtlEs-SMITH S. X2NVI CXV-HTKA CLASS 721 CIIR I87U. (15 43. ???'. 44. 38. 4li, 13. 8. 77, 2, 14, 72. KV.XTL'CKT?CLASS 722 FOK 1878. 1:1 27 17, 54. 31. til 30, 38, 2V. 22, 4D. 77. .'dt, ?>3. .til orders address B. NAT II ASH SI, Broadway, N. Y. KOYAl, HAVa.Na i.orrKRr.?NEXT DRAWING NO yember 2 Only Vft.HOO lick' Is divided In 20th ami 40th; 8-5 pr K's amounting to $7ftn,UUD. Highest prire $2< o.iss) and next of $P*><**?. On April. 1871, wa s<dd the t nri/c and on September 1, 1870. we sold ami cashed that of (lisiliiai. H MARTINEZ A CO., Hankers, Hi Wall st.. New York. Spanish Gold and Havana Bank Hills bought and sola Droits on Havana Issued. Rdyal Havana lottery.-t75tM?ui> will he drawn on November 3, Prises cashed; orders lilted; in lormallon hirniahrd: highest rates paid for Spanish bills, ?UT'ta yV.UR A?00., Bankers, No. 11 Wall si, New York. II'ECUL SOIICES. A. NX N EERXW a W I 5 oo URR K K N X N K www Y Y o o 2 11K K N N N K w vv w Y Y o OH It K K N N N K www Y Y 0 Oil K K K N N N LEE WV YW YY o OKRK K.X. N St S E www Y o Oil It K K S N N B VV V? Y o 0 1 UK K N N N E w w Y o o R KK K N MN SEES V V Y 00 i u UK K 11 11 EEtE RUR A' L ODD II II E It R AA L 1) I) H 11 E R R A A L D D H H E K it A A L D 1) HIIHII LEE KRR A A L 1) 0 1! U E R R A AAA L D D 11 It K K It A A L D I> H u E K H A A L U D a u EEEE R R A A LI LLL DDD FOR $.\LE all over the city and vicinity at CENTS PKR COPY. t'irculiir*. with lull particulars. tree. Prise* cached; Span ilh Hold, lluvsun Hank Bills bouirht anil -old. Address .1. DL'PP A I'd . Hankers, 4'j N .s un it., corner Liberty, ,Xn> V^irk. Hl W Ml ?Royal H avana LOTTERY. | t)U*Ul/V? To bo drawn November 2. I'rlaea of ff-T> '.(4)0. 8100.1100. t'0,(?*A Whole tickets. $4". halves. $2H; fortieths. $1. Kentucky Mate Lottery, drawn dull;*. Mornlnc, whole tickets. f I: evening. whole ticket*. $S. J AC EBON A i'O.. Hanker*. 2": Broadway. Niw York. Sri'ti 'QSR ?Al4> PRIZES AND HO BLANKS | l)v'.0'/?).iiri ?ii'>t Nnylt Nuiuher I'rise Drawing that ever took place In the United State*. By authority of an act nt the Legislature the dcm Ail Pri/.e will take place in pnhlio, at t'he) eime. Wy., positively October Hti, 187tl, end to he conducted by sworn comuiistlonert. $7tiU.3.V! to be distributed. Each and uicry tn kei will he entitledM a prise. All prues and no hlmik*. Within the reach of any one to ohtaln a fortune for only ? small outlay. Prises payable in full, without deduction, on presentation at this office, immediately offer the drawlnf;. 1 Grand fash Prise f?r>,000 1 Grand f Halt Prise 2fi,i*0 I Grand f ash I'rite 20.H"G 4 Grand fash Prises lO.UIXI 4 Grand f ash Prise* a ;>,miO Hki fusli PrisM, each. 2,iX)0 Tickets, $2 each, or nackaires ot 111 tickets for $10, and the balance to he deducted only from the prises drawn. In formation furnished. Orders tilled. Aiso agents for the Royal Haviina Lottery which draws November 2, 1S7G; tickets. #40, $20, orders solicited. Apply to or ad. dress KMOKY A Co.. brokers .hi Park row New York el IV SPOUTING?DOCK. U1UU?. tkt. A ? KOIt SALE. ALL KINDS OP FANCY DOGS. AsBirds. Ac.: Medicines Tur all diseases; Prepared Pood for mocking birds, at H. U, DUVEY'S, No. 3 Greene at., near Caual. A?for sale?a pike lot op scotch, skyk, .Black anil Tan Terriers anil all other kind* of Dogs, Ferrets. Maltese Cats, Ac. Mmllciue* for all diseases. L. X. MKYr R, 4f? Great Jones st. NGUSll BKERCH AMD MUZZLE LOADING U0NS.? J Having Jus; received ? new ini port a t inii nl splendid Guns, by the following makers:?W. \ I!. Scot. A Sou. P. Wehlev A Son, K. A G. llackett. W. Moore A Co., W. For ?yth and others; also 00 eases of new Army Mnskets, which we will sell by auction, on Tuesday and Wednesday, October ill and November 1, at our salesroom, 47 and 41) Liberty st. Now on exhihitlon. BARKER A CO., Auctioneers. HE PALL FL1CIHT OP WOODCOCK IS NOW VERY ntimrrous?Guuil and partridge are plentiful, and the hays of Loin; Island and Delaware are swarming with docks and jjeese. In rousiuinence of the many inquiries for Une (inn* for tile present sporting season, we will olTer for sale on Wednes day and Thursday, November 1 and 2. at 12 o'clock, these Breechloader*, suitable for the above described game; to be appreciated mutt be examined before *nlu. TUNIS JOHNSON. Auctioneer. 37 Nassau St. O.M, AN IMPORTKb "ULACK AND TAN GORDON Suiter,3/4 years old. broken, good retriever, splendid nose end good action In the duld. tfiil be sold at auction on Tuesday. iietober 31, at the salesroom of BAKKRU A CO., 47 and 4H Liberty st. THK TUKI<. A?FLEETWOOD HAKK. MORKISANIA. N. Vf?THE ? following horses will start to-day mi 2 o'clock F. M. lu the 2 :30 elass .Inn. Splan. citr, ch. p. Cliaunev M. Buedlc. M. Koileii, citv, b. ?. W. 11. Breda. A. Straus*. city. cb. ui. Lady Low*. J .1. Huwon, UoMton, b. in. S'ira Hell. A. .1. E'aek. Syracuse. ch. it. Lysauder Boy. Jacob Fountain, F.lmiru, b. c. John Taylor. Matt Tanner, Albany. ?l. g. Moscow. J. II llarback, Jr , city, w. m. Fanny Atwood. .M. II. Whipnlo. Tarrylown. br. ?. Aeuiulus. Edwin llurllinrt. Croat Harrlnirton. b. a Result. John Williams, lloaton. ch. g. Gilford. Wallace Fierce. Sharpaville. I'a., g. lu. Cbaruier. Also 111 the 'J :s'J class :? G. Walker, elty/bl. in. May lllrd. Jno splan, cll.v, ch. it. Flanter. A. K. Dcllurt. lloaton. br. m. Hannah D. Haniel 0. Cameron, Foughkeepsie. g. it. Tanner Boy. J. J. Howeu. Boston, rn. it- Honest Harry. A. J. Keek. Syracuse, ch. g. Runner. Jno. Tronl. lloaton, h. it. Frank Reeves. David Mtickle, lloaton, b m. Bella. \V. W. Smith. Meclinnieavjlie, b. it. Joker. J. Hart W clch, Hartford. Conn., bl. a. Thomas Jefferson. Admission $1. GaTKs II. BARNARD, president. A UOTION, FRENCH AND COM BIN ATION FOOLS. Am M l ^M' ? - ~ "1 A.sold ibis morning at the New York Tnrf Exchange, 15 West JHtll st.. on tlic Trots at Fleetwood and In tlie evening on the Kiinnlnir Races at Washington and tlie State and I'reeidentiai Klectlon. All ordera by mail or tneasoncar will receive prompt uttenthm. KELLY A BLISS, Auction, French and combination* fools. sold tills morning and rreuluit at Jehnaon's rooms, cor ner 2*th St. and Broadway, on tlie Trots at Fleetwood, tlie Raees at Washington, and the State and I'residenflal elee tiona: each beat and raee reeeired by telegraph direet: a comhir.ation book open ou all events; all orders by mail or messenuer will receive particular attention. T. B. JOHNSON". A FOOL WILL BE OPENED MONDAY AT THOMAS' Exchange. No. :i Barrlav st . ou the Running Raees at Washington. Also the Frasldeutial and State Flection Ticke s. each. GEO. M. THOMAS. B ROOKLYN DRIVING FARK.-TIIK .'i-MINUTE las< advertised lor Saturday. October US, is hereby postponed lo Monday. October Jii. atF. M.: ten entries; admission SO cents. M. WILLIAM? " IS A SON. l'roprietors. rr AT f K Its A I.L' S. l.'.'JT BROADWAY -AUCTION A piMiis.?French pools (tickets #1 each) every dav evening on Washington raees, elections and all sporting iTVnis McDOl CALL A CO. HOUSES. CARRIAGES, die. A MAJOR CIIAS. W. BARKF.R, AUCTIONEER. ?CAI'T. cEOROK D. IIaNN'A, of Iloiirbon county. KEN TUCKY. nnnoniiies Ills nineteen!li GRAND and unparal leled aale of highly bred TROTTINO, COACH and SADDLK Mock, Just arrived rroui KENTUCKY, to take place at BAR KER A SON'S City Auction Mart and N. \ . Tatt Tatlersall's, corner ol droailwav and Jttih st.. on Wednesday next. No vember 1. al eleven o'clock, and comprising TWENTY-TWO HEAD, including several of the fastest green trotters In America, lluit can trot In trout 'J CO down to 2 ;So; several line coupe or T cart Horses; n number of I'RF.U IUM COM BIN ED. all gaitod SADDLE and harness HORSES, and the following MaI'UIIKD TEAMSFAIR Blacks, It!', high; FAIR of Dapplo Grays. 15)i high ; T Sorrels, 15', high, and a PAIR i?f Br PAIR of.Sorrels, I5!.t high, and a PAIR of B rownt, IB hlgb. all wsrranted sound and kind and all or the must fashiona ble Kentucky trotting blood STOCK NOW at the mart for TRIAL. All are Invited to coma AT ONCE, or at any time PREVIOUS to sale, and test tlie saddle and driving ijunll ies and SPEED ot any of the lot BEFORE bidding. CATALOGUES BEADY. Sale positive UCTIOS HOUSE'OF ARCH JOHNSTON, l I'd to 25 If til St.. I near University place. I SALES OF HORSES AND OAKRIAOES are held every Tuesday and Friday at ID o'clock. On every horse that Is WARRANTED SOUND front 24 hours toB days for trial. i The OLDEST ESTABLISHED and most reliable house III the city. GENTLEMEN HAVING HOUSES or Carriages ?o sell, or these wishing I.I liny, can rely upon the same I strictly honorable dealing which has nlwavs character iaerl our house and won the confidence nod respect of the | entire community. A T AUCTION. BY VAN I'ASSELL A KEARNEY, AT THEIR mart, lid and 112 East IJtli at., TOMORROW (TUESDAY). OCTOBER 31, AT 10 o'clock. POLO OR SADDLE HORSES. THE CALIFORNIA POLO CLUB. HAVING RETURNED Rum a successful tolir (hruiigh the Eastern States, will offer their entire lot of wkLl trained saddle horses AT Al I'TION ON TUESDAY AS ABOVE. They are all thoroughly broken to saddle, and are safe for any one t i ride. TIlEY WILL POSITIVELY BF. SOLD TO THE HIGH EST BIDDER. At any offer?Handsome top improved spring Wagon, almost new; also Plnseton and Harness. 14'.i West Kith st.. near Broadway. AUKKAT BARGAIN.-?IU0 WILL BUY A HAND' some hay Horse, H years old. Iftf-jj hands; warranted sound and kind and to trot in 2 :"MI; a good tup Wagon f I4'i; n line Harness #4<C beautiful top pony Phaeton tflMl. At stable No. 11 West 27th at., between Broadway and 5th av. ? TOP w ICON. 10I* PHAETON AND HARNESS; .iVniiGi he sold at any offer; they are as good as new. 138 West .'list st. s CIRCULAR GLAS FRONT COUPE KOCKAWAY AM'i; I nice B seat Rockau ay. gU SI; 1 lop Wagon. *125; 1 Pony Phaeton, fW); 11 Cart, ?225: I Landau, MHO. ,'iOD sleighs, very low. W.M. II. GRAY. 2?l ami 22 Wooster St. A sorrel TRUCK HORSE, TEAM BLACK HORSES I.V,. hands: separate or together; $4H, $53, $!M. |(V?' Gltsubeth st., saloon. , A -ONE LIGHT FULL SPRING TOF ROAD ? Wis.oil, h.v Brewster, of Broome st.; also one very handsome side bar top Road Wngou; mm single seat speed ing no top Wagon ; two sets of line double nud two sets of single Harness; *111 sell ?t ball value for cash. Inunirefor tlie foreman Clnb Stable. No 2D IBtb St., near Broadway, At a sacrifice?io business wagon*. p;*i To $15) 11 Express, Grocers' Bute hers'. Bakers', Milk, Deliv ery wagons. 22 '? spring st. APKI.sII MILCH cjjfir FOB SALE?MILK2 SB guaris ?l rich uiilk per day. UUt East 13tb st. ? A HOUSES, CARRI AGES. ?St . t AUCTION-BY WM VAX TaSSBLL, AtC TIOXRBR. ASSIGN KK SALE of HORSES. CARRIAGES, HARNESS, ROBES. AC., sold by (JKHKK of U. W. POWERS, ASSIGN EE. X(i|B. VAX TASSELL A KEARNEY will nil at AUC TION. by order of above, at their AUCTION MART. I Hi ll'J EAST 13TU ST.. near 4th av., ox Tuesday. octorbr at. ar III O'CLOCK. TEAM DARK BROWS' II< iKSKS. 10 hand* high.7 and 10 years old; kind and true in *11 li*rde<?. Irte trom vice ; are a trood rtvli-d and reliable family team CLARENCE, In goo TROTTING STOCK. TUOTTINU STOCK. VERY II AN DROME >ml "TVLISH BAY GELDING, SIKEO by OEM- II iL KNOX. I5f. band* high. 7yea'a?ld; kind and true in *11 bureaus: tree trom vice, irirk or fault of any kind, net dfeid ul lentMlive or auytbinir; Is perft'Ctly s he lor the mi?l timid driver; In lair rendition can J AND I" WARRANTED to BEAT J ;Mi TO DAY or St) SA1.E i? one of lite utnst perfect and desirable mad li?raea in the city, and in warranted sound. Also eel line Road Harness nntl i ii' litiAD wagon, nearly new omit hy minor A SIEVES.-. It a l HERDING, ITIIaN ALLEN STOCK. ISVi HANDS If I * ? II. B tear, old ; kind and true in a I Ikarecsi tree from vie* . a tree, handy driver; liae Hue style and action ; an ill dui traveller, and can trot clone to 3 luiuntee; Is an extra saddle burse . lias been used by a Isdc to ride and drive dur* Hi-" the eumiiier lliuntbe; also set single Harness and TOP I'OKY PHAETON. VERY STYI.ISH AND HANDSOME BAY MARK. IfttJ HAND- II 111 II. 7 year* old; kind And true in all harness; free Iroiu vice; an extra roadster , was driven b> present qwner la-t summer in 2:53 to road wmron; van trot iu J .? now ; la a came and resolute driver, aim is -old situply tor waul ot use . also set sincle Harness and N't< TOP ROAD W.wiON' in coed order, built hy BREW. HThlt A CO..M BROOMR ST. MAHOGANY BAY II AM BRETON'I AN O ELDING, 15', hands liisrh, 0 years old; kind and true in all harness; tree from vice or trick; lias ureal bottom and endurance, afraid <d nothing: a tree. promDl, pleasant driver , can trot in - 50, and is a sale ami reliable road or lainilv horse Set single Harness and TOP WAGON IN GOOD ORDER, hy Duscubury. rood order, b> BREWSTER A CO.. of BROOME -T BAllOl'CIIE. hy J If. LAWRENCE A CO. TOP WAGON, Pole and Hhalts, by DU.SENBURY k VAN DUZEK. SKT OOI.D MOUNTED CARRIAGE HARNESS, by monk, calhoun a c<> SKI SI EVER MOUNTED CARRIAGE HARNESS, by l.tiWDEN; also Que single Harness. Rubes. Blankets, Whips, Sheets. Ac.. Ac. Now on EXHIBITION at PRIVATE STABLE SO. Ill WEST .".ITII ST.. Ileal tiTII AV.. and will be removed early on morning of sale to Auction Man CARHiAUrCR?Carriages top wagons. CLARENCE, built by WOOD HRO., nearly new; ele gantly trimmed in siilin COl'PK, Pule anil Shaft; built hy Wnod Bro. CO' PK, Pole and Shaft, IMPORTED, made by MUL LEVER. ROAD Wagon, built by BREWSTER A CO., of BROOME ST. TOP WAGON, bv BREWSTER A CO.. of BROOMR ST. TWO SECOND HAND KOCK.tWAVS. Iu good order. TEN TOP and NO TOP sido BAR and full SPRING WAGONS. All above itnek to be sold wi thout reserve; la all in Qret class order, and all have been used by private parties for road and ratnlly driving. VAN TA."SELL A KEARNEY. Auctioneers. A T REDUCED PRICES. 2A. A line stock of Landaus, Rock away*. Laud.-inlets, Doctors' PliaetoDi, Coaches, Depot Wagons, Con'pen, T Carts. Broughams. Road Wagons. Trimming- of imported moroccos and cloths. Paintings of rich nud durable' colors, all ol the most elegsnt designs. A. S. KLANDKaU. Carriage Builder. 373 and 374 Broouie at. (old stand of Brewster A Co.) A?ONE PARK PHAETON", ONE COUPE. WITH 0 ?springs; one top wagon undone Doctor's Phaeton, all nearly new ; must he sold to settle an estate; to be sceu at M. CUKLKY'S lilt) East 13th tl . near 4th av. Bargain.??i33, iialp value for handsome new light top Express or Delivery Wagou. 134 West lBth tl. Blankets, blankets, blankets.?large as sortment of all kinds at lowest prices; Stable Blankets, fl 35. tVM. H. GRAY, 30 uDd 33 Woosterst. CENTENNIAL VISITORS SAY THAT OKU HE. 386 Canal it.. builds the BEST Buggy, Phaeton or Carriage of any kind for the LEAST .MONEY. /CLEARING OUT?NEW LEATHER TOP BUGOIES, \J#135; Phaetons, $13.7; Hock a ways, $117; Depot Wagons, $135; Coupe Kockawnya, $375, Ac-, to make room for sleighs: good stable B'laukete, $1 to $S; cannot be torn; road Blankets. $3 to $tS; leathered truck Blankets. $11 5'Mo $!); Harness, every description, own make, $11 to $2) ; hear, wolf mid buffalo Roues. $8 to $40. Orders by mail promptly tilled; satislaction guaranteed JOHN MOORE. 57 Warren St. 11XHIBITION.-ENGLMH CAI1KUUES' !i C. Thorn's Cirriagei arc now being sold AT A CONSIDERABLE REDUCTION, to save return cxuruw*. Apply to J. W. PAINE, English Cnrria'rea. Exhibition. Medal anil Diploma awarded. For balk?a kink roan horse, hi hands high. eight year* old; sound and perfect every wuy. Can be aeen at tbe private stable No. 1 Kant 38th at. Ill OR SALE?A PAIR COACH HOBBEH. HaV. IB ' bauds, bind and stylish in single and double harness, with no known tuulti; will be sold lor the beat oiler receiied belure Thursday to close the estate of Eunice Chapman, deceased. Apply to BROWN A BRO.. No. 370 Hudson St. For salk ohiip?tw<> conn rockawayst made to order by city makers; one never was used. Ap ply at private stable 137 East 36tb st.. near Lexington av. I poll SALK-.I PA ikT/fTi a NDSO.M kT LONG TAILED ' end luaued. black Horses, 7 years old; sound, kind; verr spirited; about 1 5 hands II inches; cau trot to the pole in 3:30. Apply to WILLIAM M. GILES A CO., 451 tith av. rYOR SALK CI IK Ap7 HIV HORSE AND DOO CART, r on account or the gentleman going to Europe. To be seen at 134 West 50th st. three days. TTIlNE DRESS BLANKETS, ALL THE FASHIONABLE JD colors, at greatly reduced prices. JOHN MOORE. 57 Warren it. OR SALK?A HANDSOME THOROUOHBKKD BAD die Horse, suitable lor either lady or gentleman; also a hue hay Carriage Horse. I5,'j hands 111 eh; lioth perfectly souud. Cau he seen at private stable Io7 East 1 tit ii at. F" OB BALE?the' OHOIOR OF TWO GOOD WORK Horse*; good eonditlou and warranted; $b5 and Bull. Keed store. 370 Hudson st. OK SALE?8ACBIKICK. MARK. 15 HAND#: SUIT able for any business; RHO; warranted. SB King at. FOR 'sale-no WOBK-LABOE TBUCK OB CART Horse: also Canadian llorae, 15 bauds; both warranted. 5M4 Washington at. Fob balb-waSt of use. browx hornh. isy bauds. S year* old; suitable lor all business. Kurulture store 334 llndson at. F IjYOR SALE?THREE HORSES. $45. $d;., $85; SUIT 1 any business; must sell, no work. 43U East ISth at. All NESS. HORSE BI,ANKETS,~TRUCK BLANKETS, Dress and Stable Itlaukets; largest stock at lowest prices; Ifand made Harness of every description; save money by dealing with the manufacturer. K. BAItTLBTT, 63 Warren at., corner College place. OMRS BOARDKD IN THE COVNTKT FOSPTHE winter; beat of Iced and care ; best ritv references Ad dress S. LOCKWOOD, Wood bridge. N. J. Horses 'caked mm: DURINO THE ENSUING winter on reasonable terms. Apply to JOHN E.DOW LET. niMbM, N. J Best of reference. j"ORD A TAYLOR are now telling single llorae Blankets. In all grades and qualities, at package prices BROADWAY AND SOTII ST. GRAND, CHRYSTIK AND FORSYTH ST8. PHILADELPHIA EX III BUTTON. ~ BEST LONDON MADE CARRIAGES. Unsold Carriages of the undersigned TO BE SOLD AT A REDUCTION, to avoid expense of parking and freight back. HOOPER A CO., Coachuakars to the (Jncen and II. K. II. the 1'rlnce of Wales, 113 Victoria st.. London. Apply to Mr. J. W. I'alne. II. A Co s Agent in tbe Car riage Department Philadelphia Exposition. Medal and Diploma ol Merit. SADDLE HORSE Foil SALK-Siit XD. GKXTLB AND speedy. FARLEY'S stables, 53d st., between Oth and CM OP.. a ORIFICE?PON V BUILT HORSE. $Hii; TWO C " nles, $3<l and RYU; double 'Inifk.llOll, 4 7iL-av. SLEIGHS, SLEIGHS. SLEIGH S - I'll r. LARGEST AND IIuest assortment in the city st lowest prices VVM. II. GRA Y. 3<i and 33 Wooster st. To~lkt-a first class brickTstabuTin watts st.. near t.'aunl. with box stalls, water, Ac. Inquire of If. 3d I Csnul st. Uf ANTRD?A FAMILY horse. pUITaRLB FOR A II ;?dy to rtrive; must be young and kin J, and low price. Address, with lull particulars, KDINGIOX, Herald ME, -ty INTER STABLING ?GRAIN AND HANDLING, VV $.i> per month ; plaiu f ed. flilper month. All stuck wi ll cated for. Address J, CAItl'KNTKIl. larryiown. N. Y. AO-T - ~FOR A CLAKKNtIE; HAN~ BEKN~PUT IN V*' I ' 'first class or.or; must sell to day. Apply at 31 Sullivan st. BMY~ aoooi^ ]> il. MAC? A" CO.. " 14th st. and 6th av., New York. Unlike auy other establishment in tbe country. Foreign Dry Ooods, Fancy Goods and Novelties by every European steamer. Orders by mall receive special care. Catelognos free. Bleck Dross Bilks at popular prices. R. H. RACY A CO.. 14th vt. and I'tli ar. Smith's pattern bazaar, i5 east" mth irCt near 5th av. ?Grand display superb Tall Costumes, ladles' Polonaises, Oversklrts, Cloaks. Ae.; large vsriety children's; Patterns, with cloth models, now ready. Cutting and hasting a speclsltj. __________ .1111,1,IN Kick \ \ II IJ H EX aMAKlith. A? MARIE tilmann, ok p ARIrt.?latest, finest ? 1'aris Millinery. Large, linlnue assortment of rare ele ganee. 433 Utlt av., near 36th at. New goods. \,|MK. GAl.OIPKAir. 53 EAST lHTll ST.. WILL JYI open her last importation of Paris Millinery for winter 011 Wednesday. November L _ * in clinton place.?DRRSSSS made in latest JI 'styles from $6 up; elosk?, $3; 111 rnaraateed. iibltttpr.. Nicg. ' _ Hotel des Anglais.?This first class hotel, faring the sea, and under English management, reopened iur the season on 1st October. II. BAKER HAYS, Secretary, 53 Coleman St., , London, E. C, G OWPl lIK.Vii UTATI ?<??. < *ntwi. A?NEAR r.TII AV . :*iTH. WTH, WTil. 40TII AND ?Mth ?i? K"iir atnrv . *1. net liniali and islrtriun Dwu.ltup. ?:40,0()0 to $Uo.UUI; barpuin. nfti. e- -I Pine "f 33 Eaat ITtli m. \ K. STEVENSON. Jr. A?KOI! S U.K. OS MADISoN AV , CROWN Of 11 III. an r|?Ktnl four ttOTf -J* toot llmi-ic . < ? u 11 ft by tli" owner lor III-ntn uae: price lately reduced. K. II. LUDLOW ,v OO., N?. :t I'lnr ?t. Iiiui s \i.k-on west aaiTii^tTkkni'Ral, tuio b . .tore liiph HMybrnwii . .me IIoum.* ; well built; mod em iuiprot ententi, and In po?d order . fid (">' JAUts l(. EDWARDS. 107 Wait J Jd it, Klt.l A?aSTH sr. NEAR 4TII AV It >1' It STORY HASP ? mrui Itealilenee: 17 rooina; JJxT lx |i?? leet: eery low. Otlicca 4 Pine or 33 Kind 17th .t. V. K. > I'KV h.NSON. Jr. \l eat Sole. bvoit BALK?Til K TWO BRICK HOUSES AND l.ota No. SI tti"l \Yadiliipton plate and IS| Won All. ?U t ?ri* well ret.toil; in excellent order; will l.e eold to. prthrr or amply. .Apply to U II.1.1AM .0 GILES. 4AI av. KltOOKI.V.V PROPERTY KOU MALE AMD TO LET. BltOWV STONE HOlSK-A Kit AM K HOUSE. WITH extrn Lot., tor.a a. on monthly paytncnla; miencnra bert-d f arm to exeliainjo. hiiulrt of JmB.N ANDREWS, 44 Court it.. Hrookly a, IiI. b N WuoD CRM K I KliV.?IB CUoIcK PI-O FS lor awl*; v?r.v low ha'urea. liKtlKUK WOOD A i'Cj , T07 Kulton at., Brooklyn WESTlIlESTKIt COl' NT N PUOl'KllTV POU SALE A >' 1> TO UK.N'T. OA KM to UK NT?NT. A I! MOUNT VERNON, WEST C c'lu-.'er rotintt . u line Ktirin til .\?? t Ml Her.'* to rout. K. r |.hito ulur. t|i|>l.t to JOHN t'OW.NSIIKND. Dennett Build nip, our ml el ami Ann at... Now Vurk. HA N list IM K LV KUHSI S~U KD COTTAGES TO LKT? At Tarry town. Tot SJ'c, ? 1 , and Sail per month ; beautl I it I Howaea, all ecnvcnieucea, at E5<i and sum por month. S K M It i. It So X. laiHiith av. VTTnkBRS M-: t.t DEPOT TWO Hot si;s, #:i:. t\L> 1 $4> j*#l* Ui null; illrt eho.ip; modern improver.if til*. \ O t M A .\ S, A^cut, A onk? r?. PKOi'KK I I OV'l vK TIIK i ITV POli SA LK Oil TO KK\T. AHAlMAIN', I III-. ? I \\><)N I aKM. dNK oKTIIK best in I'lttttrr countv ; '.??> odd m-re* . excellent 'J1., story fcioto-h.uisf . modern improvement*; exir i lat ^e b??rn and outLmildinv'?. well watered nutl fruited; live mill's from I'ine Ituili, Orenve county. ?)r HHKiOlAN, owner. I Aim m. taood iiei^UtiorUoufi; church. uml ?tore handy. rpcfLBT? lloI sfi, i<? itOOMS,' STnTTthS from I Oily 11 if ?! iii Ni'w Jor^'v #tii per rnonili; owner would board Add re em tJ. 11., Herald I'ptown Hruncii office. IIBAl BHTATK TO K AC 1ft AIV 010. % I*\fib BUSINESS 1'I.Af'K IN TUB l-ITY IN KX XjLciiaitire for city ??r country Property. Addrcus II., box lint lieruld otlu-c. av A. in ?t>,r ? ??? . TiA T IMS I INKS' TMBbKKH AND CASH V\'k,1' L*.va? lrTo?v;. ?*i.r?ai &?X _ ==x-?KK AI. KST.VTK WASTED. TO LKi' FOti BISISiMS J'l HHOUKS ijennkti ?Bi-n.Dis?rfpr(M;I: Al?? ?O"" f^T'l'. Yl'(In'"rHK 1"|? reu i sks. Take the elevator. Inquire ftit Janitor. ton Market. __ < ?rr BS8nis.ig?'^fr?fegto.' I^SsS Uptown. ... , ? t-TOUK-'^TOT AND year, Addreaa OFFOR I t NITT. Herald oltiue. ?? ,,, U,r nvn FLATIi CLASS SIloW ?IV SIVJl Slh at near corner Hth n*.: .educed to *18 enyN'nd*?;Roccpl.d at premnt T^^Ss?u.'ra. Kdfe'AaWa Weil Wo. ? OW BLLiliV' I. HOURKR TO Wft - KuruiKliei.. ???, ? i>viv*?3r> A MONTH FOB A BEAUTIFULLY n??r .rth ?v. I crum* at * y K STfcVhNSON, Jr. 1?Lii at mkab aiirr 'w^S?ff.rILv ror A.^UUed lull ' alae Man.lon; ouly*U.i?>0 a >e?r. V. K. SlHVRXBON. Jr. ??? id' low. new U.U at 4 Pto. ?r?? ?< ^oS. ^ AlSHSfu'?!*'! utf kv ?",Y LEY IJfcl Dwm it. a* el aire. ?, \ rfdfTS?"W nV!".^11 'JSL oSliOU m'UAINWAI.U. Ill Wot :ti.lU._ Vl iisisHho housi-.s TO *>? r per month; Wot ??-.0. at.. *f Wot Nth. 4*1. *:*?': ^eat .?d.- Weal ;"tu *2<?J: Waal .VUh. *U0: ^|.Vl U e?t -;'d. *1At . \ ? Kun J.?|, >I50; Wall sa^?i&7aw^&e~.K1WAlw. I?r7 Weil J3d It VTICBLY KUKNMIIKB IIOU*ll"ro" LET-UxVUR ^ t,l.lied II de.i red. 1 111 W eat 11 that. _ - ?-?otToXISIIFD Oil I N Ft' ItSISMED. KLh 'r? ! it .ill nee he?iiiifiil irroniuU. cirrUiro liouie. Ac.; 9to.5SSuS3W5TU ?*nur,'u ffS >tohv a | L'ND bit WOOD, ORhGOIl A Vl'7 LI.R. 3il i?v., corner 60th it. ?^rdATAdor.? WN.'n'raid Uptown ethce. tnturnlanHl. ?.T? T I OW HF.NT?TO OOOU TENANT. 22 EAST -.on^ A .t.l'notr At ha*.. three .lory Dwelling A ', ei I'll 5111 .V 22 FOOT IlltoWv STOVE si 1*1.Kit , r"J. v K sfEVENBON, Jr., 4 Fine ...Dwelling: rent#2,WJ". i.A.?"?a?aa. ?r 33 bait 17th it. - a ... - '<^5^. or K t?t I 'tli rno l-FI?W l l " deiiruuie lour ??orj ?? I , urate family 1\V(.? ja.l .t. ; I. an Ic bnslh j??t I,cell pu Sbl'llhW 8 Weal 23d .1. rjpo LF.T i .woii Hi'^-- B11 -rule-. ilinn ,','iyTo JA.MS.S Ml HAM. l.'ojVav.rl.y place . " ' ^T^llV'o^^L'^y de'^To^hoo'lor'y'Tod JL j rivate fniuliy 0,11 '.l., Jje., .jju 'J3tl *t.; li*i ?atiit* I1 Uirliili baii*i??pnt im uw * ? iiAii\ii>s\,S o ii beeS put ... co,niilein repair. Apply l? I ?AM*0)ll 8 SKIMIKW8 A CO.. H3 Broailaray. or A. I.KAWAS, ~~~ _ rllt. I <, s V1-: N1 K N t FOb'R 8TOBY IIIOH Tl t) LET--- i4?i wivcrlff i>??r ?Hli ?rv., in com \l..i -'2.1 ?t <11' " tV??t atil' M., ?a ( We.l 64th j"\i ESI' bUW A IU??. l'?J Waal 23d ?t IDOT'T'.;,.::!1. ^'in'-'od.' ?? Broadway. Ileal ..t-ended .o. KlllNUHEl) ?AlM> >fa AA,I> APA11T.MK.VT8 'I II liBtl ? ... j.p, |rl* BOOMS ilandhoJl KI.Y VVII.n 1811Kli. Ato kcutl^cn. without hoard. 22 )V..t 27th at. near 511. ? ? ? t iiw kii i. 11 |. IMIN r K' 'OM | I**V KKV eo.e.i. e I'al.n h" I **? ; rent to Mil U* ?? 1 Muck HW Weal 13th at. _ . a Mill \ tvii.l. LET two HAM!* A*on.a)y iurntahed Bedroom. ; term, moderate. Apply at 14 IrcfniC pi'tct*. ? * N S? SKKS TO*DAY?A iXaOK FRONT FAKLOB . : r ?'At-{SSKSS?tW!?l!Saaa? ,1 ?. :i . Blind at. . ^i'pt KTkbY FURNISHED FOR llol'sKKKRPIMO, . C r.r!or iwo Konnn KlWmn ! ^K">1 :w" nLBOAVTLY y ii: vi s 11K1 > rooms lo I.KT. WITH- j Knihua'd. nt 124l,,-l -'3d O. Kur'^u^'-Vr.l.rv.ii:.0^hlih. - tor. K..I I'lMinT V.j'r '?eiilPem'en !,M?^Vw?keepl??f Wl tKl water. 2ldlae? fatei.l. nnamallKri NEATLY FOB HOU8KKRETIMO -TAh Fw ?. 'rl??, Kitchen; llr.t ?oor; fronting on sth . rtrm.'moderata. 800 Weal ?etli at. hinl'hE?Vi,2;^Kh"^!?lor or week. SO Wo?t 3d .t. a | \ N lisov KLV FURBISH KD hMloy^WUttrtMtt 1 L.lory front Room.; prlaate o7 Kaat o?tn au. waur^lmU^prlVm.: z^::t ";r,:!;"T-"4 ";'R ia, I .owning at., ue*. t anek. . ptITwITHOI'T ROARH, IN A I'lUVATE family, J. !i wlM.hTVTimrl'with alio ?$.* improeament. 40 24th FLUMSIIKI) APART MKVTH TO l.KT. V'K I.I.Y Kt'HMSUhl) FLAT vN !? ?MK lYHIKR ^ A Room* to let. Hi JI East iOth *t,. near Broadw* rpo LET-FOHNIMl KM FRONT ROOM. ALSO BKD 1 i'uwui* A pjil v rpo l.l 1 JAtli KT? FI'lIMnMED It'?OM> AI NO Pi WliST ar 'nli iv fitiM'l) private, reteretic***. Q1 rn ? KIKM>II KD ROOM ID I.l.T IN A f KI ?pi cM'.rme family. t?? i uenuemcn -ml), at SD, darrow M . uear liuUKuti - Til aV . _'3A.?a l.AlUih H'KMSIIKD ROOM TO O/lel. to a ire ntU?iiimi. w ithout board , iNo Oilice tor piiyst emu . term* moderate. nrTII ST.. 10? LAST. HKIUKi N UMOV syL'AKK Mild Irfir.c ol.ic ? ?II AiiUn.'iU'iy lurnuhed Room*. with* out Mount, I 't jreutlemen 32 41) o 4 i. ast ioni st ?Tor floor front. $a '** i#KR ft'vek . reference iet|?ilred RAMI ? I il M ri o iarTk fu inured Room* on .eeond ttoor; *Uu single Kootna lkxixdton av. sear -.'.vrn st a rAiTomi Floor t?? r<M?t. also a Room for two geitileiuoti . llujtrd ?i it i r?*t1 13. I 41*I II ST. ?KLhti V N n.V FC RMSIIKM lor from to $?*? per wvrk. kast :mrn st ? furnished rooms to \ ? 1.1 e t. froui $'J up: u so o I kitchen if desired, modern j Improvement* i)?) | WKS'I iisr >T TWO FURNISHED ROOMS -lOTIn a p. ivale family for n jrc title man. without board, full t) to A. 264. WEST I1S1 THREE i : i:\l>ifr:i? ROtOMS illlijrljt. tr-ii* mid water. home comfort*. private WKST JJl) sr -TO LKI. FURNISHER. FoK i w 4 I liouaeknepiiii, two iroiu Room*, two hue* Rooms; j ?'I" tl OA term* ivu*onablc. tT\Krit\i!SHKi> \i> apart. MK.VTS TO LET. i iioMi u\ vr'i \ V tm k i ?: n r o i; i. i: \?i iv THE J\ elegant new apartment ]iou*? "O?0?irue," No. OtU itb AV. Knell Milt consist* of DRAWING ROOM. 1*A II LOR. LIBKARV. DIM NO ROOM HITLERS 1'ANTRV, si:; bedrooms <four of union lakok), RATHROOM KI TO II KN. La OX DR V. Coal and Wine Cellar ami many id octet*. Tho *'OHboriie*' i>h*m'nmu ?-oiuIort? and advantages. and for prices not to be bad elsewhere. Racli mil is a complete House, with 37*? f'eoi frontage <>u .?tn av with more and larger and handsomer rooms on one Hour il an ire contained In ordinary houses scattered over tour atone* renting ? 11 'nb av. from $"?,?**0 upward. The ittlf* are reached l?v an ele jf it lit Otis elevator, and are besides thoroughly warmed. The superior local ion and appointtii#i?t* of the *?< >*hnrne" are unsurpassed. Tlio suits have been rented from to $?r.5ui. I hose price* will re mailt but for a shot l time. There areottlv four suite left. )u<|iiire of the \Iunac?r. on the premises. i -rilUKK i'llKNOil FLATS. ITVE Rooms EaOIL i\ .347 West I Till *t. IIURNII AM, tan* Hudson st. N KLltlANT FLAT ID LET? ON FU RN I.SIIED; FIVE troom*. 71 Lexitiutoti ar. ANY RKSRKtvr\HLV F A MILY WISH IN*i To HIRE j.\ a second stor\ Flat, with all Hjrht rooms, all modern un provement*. in lirat class location, intjuire 3'R* Weal 4Hth ?t.. first floor. . Til |R > FLOOR, 47 JANE ST.. ft ROOMS! OAS Aeed-w*W? i iMirtii Ki?or. 40 Horatla ?t. i "a HAItT'MEN Is.-ffcNThRDKN. 2D3 WfcST 2 .rH ST.. jVsM'h rie'.i, modern l?provi'iu??iH?, tor miihII families, girden. Janlior. _____ ? yy nKSTKKI- K.VMILIES WAYl'lNti KL\I?? Al# jVj>ly wt ?*'-* .. _ ... - /tllKAP ?SECOND FLOOR. 2IST ST.. OPPOSITE 0 Ciller. sr..una.;prw.u^ -ivKIKAIILE FIRST FLOORS AM) BA-"FMKNTS? 1 );lii3 West 21Rli St.. ; 10th st., $40. MoNTAULE. 2.11 Wm 1W st. ______ - Desirable floors-.urn sr.. $aft; 21 st sr.. *20 and $22; 2,tli *t . UK< 257 West 21 st st._ T-ttHIB NICE LABuI LJOMT Vila Rooms, oii V Lecond Hour: closets. bath. Inclusive, ftoiili Basement, large pantry. washroom ; separate gas meter. 114 hast llilt si , near 4tii av. ? ?ro.nohs to f.KT?'t to rooms in TIIB THBR8 I1 s'l.irt and basement Houses. Nos. Itll and J11 \r no*r7ihav At.ply ou premie**, or to It. l.RBAOBN A CO.. 4)2 West 3l*t st. lTkcoND FLAT. MSK ROOMS?ALL CONCEIVABLE Sinodern Irutirovemeuts. In Ur.t class building. iilock of Washington square. Inquire of Janitor, 171 Mac doucnl st- ? - OECORS Kl.oOK-I NH RNISIir.l?, THREE ItooMS ^-'..<4 oii.M'ts to a miiall rcipaclablo American tmiiily of ; bath 'and gas. III! East 11 lt> ah. near 4tli av. ; - rrio LET?THIRD FLOOR OF ft ROOMS, WITH OAS AN1) 1 water. No. 233 7th av.. near 23d St. filO LET UMFUHKlHIIKIfe-THKKK LARUE ROOMS 1 to small rauilly. all coiivoniuuces, privalo house, R.kk 43S West 20th at. r ' u rixiTY FT?'TI1F I I'l'KK FLOOR. WITH FRONT BASE Tment'll required, with extra bath; rent. Including gas. $33. 2011 2d av.. near iath at. rst.i I if IN NO *>' IITII ST.. NEAR "l> AV.. FOUR TRooms, second lioor, $22 ; third lloor. light Rooms, ft.'O: by the owners. mo KENT LOW. TO OKNTLERAN AND WIPE. THE 1 Third Floor (3 riMims, ciosets, Ac.) In flue stone private loiitse 2IB Last 1 Kith st.. boulevard: all conveniences and I; perfect order. Inquire at I ti East ttotl. st __ PER MuNTII.-FINK LARUE FRONT BASK merit Apply "? premises, 13t) MacdnugaJ st. ^ WKsr 1?TH ST.?A HANDSOME THIRD FLOOR to let'; modern linproveinenU; relereuccs required; nhl.<33. _ i i HOI SEN. HIHIMX. .W .. W ANTED. sn title CitV and Unmltivn. * PHYSICIAN WOULD LIKE FOR AS OF FILE A A front Bs.einctit or hack Psrlor. in a private family; JX rJiiiiv nreferred- between 2d aurl 7th avs.. 14th and Nqh *1? Address M. U.. box 140 lleral.l olbce. stating price with nnd without hoard. ? , ....rq WANTED?FROM ISf OF MAY NKXf, KuR Tj? *'ti years' .-siabllshetl manufacturing business, In a i i.'...i.tino u-iih good lltht and steam power, some "Im"'"b?ie 'Honat.". -ml Worth and Bower, and Hud Miu st- lour Lolls. "ftsSi i feet, or an equivalent space. Ad dress box 2.7V Post office^ . nr aTTED?BV" *A THOROUGHLY UKSPON-alBI.K \\ part), two or tlir.-e uuluriil.'icd H."i-c, adjoining. st.U able 'or a lirst class-boarding house. Addiess A. J. E., Her aid t'ptoan oltice. * _ -serxKTVtl-A FIRST CLASS DHUO STORK IN A Weoud neighborhood. Please address DISCRK I'lON, Herald Uptown office. $10, 107, %TrAN TED-IN BROOKLYN, ON ??R AHOl l HIL \\ iieichts a small, neat, iresli painted, linn so for husband, wife and servant only; rout about *?*) ?Lrw' nnysble quarterly It. advance: hot retere.iecs Jlvotn' Ad it res' A.' It., box 12d HeralU otllce. ?fir VNTPD-TWO OR THREE SICKLY WRoom< wltlmnt meals, lor three adults; price not to exceed *2" a week, including lire aiid gas. Adureaa U. .. Herald Uptown Branch olHcb. ? IIOAHUKIIN hWfKi). 1 1 P VRIY <11- HI-.NTI.KMHN r\N OBI VI.N WOOD 1,Board and pleasant Rooms atJlO East 24th -t. _ T I Alt,IK 11A N DSO M ELY Ft RNISIIKII FRONT \ IIhh'iii wlli. : term* moderate. do?5 near Elevated Railroad. t KIIHWI SKI'OXI) FLOOR; Al.sti KL Eli A NT 1 StBt on Brst; terms very reasonable ; prtvate table if de sired. 2?t West 23d St. . .,i? rWh LAEUB RLEOANT ROOMS: ALSO ORE I 1 sliVJle Itie'm In smell fatull,; Board II required; rel ! ereuces. till \\ est 3Vtl. st. ; .sL-.qr -mil ST.. FIRST DOOR FROM oTII AV. Floor elth piivate talde if desired; ajso Rooms ~Xrd ..Id h.orlh do .rs. to get,Hen,.,, -'all all the v" ^v- s,\^\e,v:,o!-:::;d,^.rK!mr;,.c,:';e" 'eo'XTii.o'Rwm. lor gentlemen . t.hle strictly flr?t class; relereuccs. ? ? ? r, W'kAT S7TU ST.?CHOICE OF RixiMs. WITH I 8exceVle,,t table; comtort. ol private family; terms roa i lawtn k I.I. v PLACE. NEARBROADWaT. -FBtlNT ' 10 Room S $14 to $ IM lor two. With Hoard ; transient. ?i W ' oat ; table Board, ft: steam heat. _ r.yrii <r IV. WIST NEAR KTII AY.. PRIVATE 1 house ?One or two band ,.ly rnml.hed Rooms, with Board; moderate terms; references I ' -s'.r^tifpsTatfrii' ST.. two doors from "ILSBT I l^llouse.-Board; well furnished Rooms; elegant llecep TMrt<IIT 221 WERT.?ELEOART JlACK PARLOR I I 14 also large ball Room, with superior board. , X . Wfckr 41. r II HI'.?)l ANDSOMKLY Fl'RNISJlKM l^RooiiiV Willi or without urlvule t?ble ; "leRiralile ?iunl? Hooiiii; refrriticiii. - | 17 on!, Soor.'or dlW5fed t^otVier Ruoiu a.Vlth Board! foFpar ties seeking superior accommodation'. . .... xvTvit It L K V PLACE.-RTRANOKRS VISIT I NO I ^Os, w York can finu hr.t class accommodation- at $2 I -dky?;p.n en, parties taken at rsesonsbl. prices. ! s s ? ) 11 ST 21 WEST. ?fcl.EOANT ROOMS EN SUITE iMami a.,.. Board? referenees aebeA -hi qT 124 W BUT.?WITH HOARD. SECOND ^9rtory fru'nt alcove Room. $ld. si,tiny back Room, same lloor, $11. vxit WF4T VTI1 Sf.-TWO LARUE ROOMS. HARD ^9-onici . furnished, on second and third floors, to i?t, with ; a.HMl Roard; relereneoe. . . v-c - rwo CONNP.CTINO ROOMS, jsocond lloor; ball Room, fourth floor, with Hoard, rel W?? d | ;V, 9* A*^,^tTRiSJd! en^'i.ite or singly. " y Centennial visitor-, 02 per day. sTsx tVFBf nil -M nUNNY FRONT JSKt OMI FLOtlK 3ilSnlt; Board or privale table, a so Room, lor gentle i men. ?? ? ?? -j? \ .?.> WKST 3HTII.ST. BETWEEN -Til AV.. AND ? Jtiar??Uw?y.?Kino wnlt ?nd l(oom? lo l?t, to tmrtk | m.V"no gentlemen, with flr.t class Board i .. . ill sa"I 244 W'KST.?HARDSoMe.LY Fl RMIBIIKD i ,54 Rooms lor families or geatfemen ; Board and nodommo 1 jatloiis flrsl rlass; reference. _ i ix < Til s f i:,i WEST.. NEAR BROADWAY.-II AN D ,54s .melv 'lnrnished Room-, with unexceptionable Board; i also single Rooms lor gentlemen; references. I ii t WI'HT 32D HT . Ill; I'WEKN HROADWAl AND 'T" H-lav.-Second floor Rooms, with Hoard ; private table If :54 :5i: ril sr WEST. 2tc.-llA.NDSO ..ELY FCRRIhTiKD Hddme 'with Board . terms moderate seferviicei ,11 -.1 w KHT. 11 kRO.sOMK ROOMS. BR una or singly, with ur without private table, r.l ail a t ?\|) 44 WEST |4TH ST.-ROOMH, WITH .5H.B*;r4L en suite or singly ; liberal term, tu permanent 44 IfOAUDKItS a .Vii-il). I i\ i AST ? rH m to j,nr. wmi hoard lahef T*l./Itimuisuitable l ?r item ie men u11*1 wne* or i*i?tla men. I ) EAST I ri* M. NhAK MltOADlVAv.*?vvell X 1 I'MrUntil -4 Rooms uu lirst Hour to rout, with Hoard ?Lo Ho"ip s?a?rs ~i\) VVESl 2?iTH SI ? NEALV M UMSIirii t ?.fti suite or ?int'ly. with tftr?C cljrn* lluiird, *H>. ?nd fjn for tw?. lo iAif IlKPjH HT -AlCOVR KOnM (SOL'TIIKItS *X ?/exposure .hi4 tu<? Room- ?n imrlor Hftor, tu Kctitlriiui and v% i?*? or k'l iitlouiiMi, with iliiNrd, in niiaii private (amity, Hour Clarendon Hotel. WEST 24TII si -NIUKLV FlRNlSllKD Ko< i \| s" with Hoard, moderate tunui; home comforts; ruler ence. tablt* hoard. 4 *~ WEST i-iii ST IN ELfcti .Mi.\ IfUhVIsiTkU ? /Room. on Moor, with Hoard. I f ? Til T. I :>? I. NK.tR HKOAD\V A V. -LAHUK, TT v) handsomely (urtiiihrd, second Mory Irout Ho >m. witfc Hoard . urm? $2?~? per week tor two. I ( I WEST 14ru ST ? HAM>S0JkELY FUHNlsifKC jt tJitouno, en hqU? or separately, with Hoard; bouse aoi location first elites reference. so I I II WASlIf Noros S(/l AJtK.-liOOMS TC Oirt, witli or without Hoard, by the day or week. Q7 MADISON aV.-KMIIU; SECOND FLOOR. FlVH 0 I rooms, with first class urivHte table ; aluo desirable Koonift ou third Itoor ; reference. (jl VVKST UTli ST -HANiLISOMFLY FiltMsilKD U 1 Rooms. tir?t or second floor, with partial Hoard, to ?*0* tie men WKifi ii5 >1 M. DOOR JFKOM UTH AV - HamUoineiy furnished Room*. with Arat class Hoard at moderate prices. l[i~ oLivro.v flauk.Twkst htii st.-nicel' 1 vm/furnished Room*. En families or single ttcuOemea. with tir without Hoard ; tonus moderate ; English, French. Carman sunken. U- ;v?|'H ST. N K A K ilK'tvDW AV -A PAH .?Jlor and two handsomely furnished bedrooms. hath room aud ample closets attucbod, with or without Hoard, in a private latnily. | K A ST .'Till ST.-TO LET. Willi H?iAHD, X ?ri:two or three large eutuieetiug Rooms; reicieucet gu en and required. 53 104 WEST .MTU sr. N t: lit H ltd AD WAV. LAUOR id small Rooms, for f.tuilUc* and single per-oiia; tcrui* very low; table hoarders. K AS T ft IT 11 Si.. SEA It 'UN Ids sQl Ait K.^UNI X*J?*ortwo hattdaoiiielv furnished Room* to" rent, will Hoard, to gentleman and wile or two petiiletueti. EAST Dill! ST. ?DES I It A ISLE ROOMS TC rent, with Board, to Uuillits or gentlemen: refe* 128 133 1 I s> EASTtV.M II ST . HKTW El.N LICXINOTtS> ASH I I ?i.'d iivH. ? liaiidsttiucly luinUlii'd lfiK>iii*>. with tuieX* Ci'ptloiiablc Hoitid; alao siuule ituotns for Kv-utloiucu, r#f* 1 -.1 WEST i .Ml ST KLEti \ NTLV FI'HXIHIIBD lUTBrtck Parlor; also lar-? Second .T?tor.v, front, wilt also ha I U no in*, with Hoartl; ai: OO- WEST :1HT 11 SI Id EE,. Willi HdlltD, SIT ? ?)' 'tin-' Knotu mil He on second and third Hours; house first class; moderate leriin. O^TflnH a\ J ?r?I >1 TWO lakuk )? >Loom* to let, with Hoard; references. n C17 v,'?l AV. NKAH VMMXdit HOTEL ?ELK ? ','Kinly turiiishod Rooms on second and third floora: pitvate table ii desired. Room ou fourth floor front for ool or two Kcntleiuuu ; reference-. T vTiTmhv ladv woi i.rt like to i:V.\t hmT j V room and I'urlor to gentle man and wife. Hoard lor I any east side, Addrest FRANt'AEM., Herald I piowu Hrauco office. c 1KNTKXMAL VI-UliHS i'A.\ Fl N i) dddD HOARD for $2 pur day at S|t? Franklin st , Philadelphia. I IRON T ROOM TO RENT." Willi HOARD; Ft UN L 1 lure llie oest ; iieltflihorttoo l tir-i class. 211 c ast I tIt st. I \ RU E SI N N V fit)') M S- K \ K U V t 11> Vt.Mh MLij Jmiperior table; house and location tPst class, near Ele vated Railway; tertns moderate. !h?7 West -'(Hli st. LAItuk ALCOVE ROOM lo LET WITH HOARD*; also a in trie Room tor iron tie men. 10 East <1011 st. HOARD AND laoH.IMi WANTED. A (iENTLKMAN, W fi E. MOII1KR, TWt) ClflLDHE.M Jt\.ftiCed 4 nnd 2, ulto two infants utul three inn s ??, de?ire lour Hedrootmt and Parlor private table, in uuexcepthmable neighborhood ; terms $ttit I week, until J uly. Address COM FORT, 107 Herald Uptown office. <Th K Tl. E MAN V N 11 W I I K AND SlNt;L E t i Ii NTlTf5 man want H>i.trd fv?r i-t?."? uit t^tn per inontli, crate tut included, permanent it tuitod. Address REFINEMENT. Herald Uptown ullice. t\rA.NTKD?HOARD AND nTcK ROOM UV UEMLE ft man and wife tor $12 to $15 per week. Addre?? llo.VIE, Herald Uptown offlee. \y*ANTKU?BOARD FOR liKNTLKMAN, WIFE, ?V nur*c .mtl child; third story front Kttorn: r??Np<*ctabli neighborhood; teruo t?*?t to ?x? e?(| f'J'J wecklv; permammi if suited. A it?i iM C It K A \ , Herald I'ptowu Brunch urtico WANTED BY AiiKMl.Kil \ .S AND WIFE. PERM A* ?lent Rnwrd and Uikiuis; parlor. Udroutu, WHlcr ciuart and plenty of other clonal room . tit ml lie uvtwerti 7th and 1*?th hvk. ami n&h ami r?:id st*. AiMrnu, Mittintr dricni ? Hon and price, J. VitA.NOfN, Army and Nnvy Oub, :mth it,. Now York. BROOKLYdj ItOVItl*. lnifl |1KXRY s|?K!v !?: MINUTES' WaLK FROM A'/" f Fulton or Wall struct forrv, first class Hoard; toituf $5 to tit. boat ami gtt* included. mrrvAs*. A' . Franklort ami Willi.tut ?l?. ? Rooms, iloc., 50c., gentle inoti, faujiiie*. Ar NEW ENGLAND IIOTKL hi MUi I OOCl nightly; 'JOU light separate rooms: corn?r Bowery unJ Hazard ; tor gentlemen only. JJCCKiNGHAll HOTEL, Corner Oth avenue and 50th st, OaLE. FULL ICR A CO.. Proprietors, / V\ it | i.'.s i;i LMOM IIOTKL. FCLTON >T. NRAR VJ Broadway. ?European plan; Koutut, fiUu. mil upward; raiii?iy Rooms: open all night. Hotel kovau reservoir i\\i:k andI'Tii *t A very anirt. select Istitlly Hotel, with Ke*lai#rai?l of uusurpassed excellence; liberal arrangements made lor the winter. Kl I S ELI7" 110CHE, 3M, 40, H AN U 44 WKHT 14TIC *4.? Kooru*. with Board; plan ; transient; term*, per day. T ELAND Sit RTEVANT HOUSE. -DESIRABLE I J .** u U * ot Rooms or entire Floor*, w ith Hoard, fur fauti* hue. at reasonable prices for the winter in on the. I KNOX, I'll AY. tNli 1 dTII ST. TO LEASE Low" Jin in i?irfii ti ?*?* nt order ; carpet* in'liall and din in g room. Apply on premise*, or to J. M. FIN KN EV, J I Park place. OIMNGLErT HOUSE, UNION SQUARE. -GREAT lt? Oductiori of prices to iaiullics and single gentlemeni transient, ?'i per dav. CUUNT11Y jiOAHD. Board axi> oooi> home on a farm wanted hy n voting woman, tor two year*; term* must he moder ate; in Jersey prefer rod. Address L. U. T., box 2UJ Herald I office. - ? yyisiTKii ukkoiits. TIIK KOYAl. VICTORIA lloTKI* MA SUA U (BAHAMA lslamim. now open; T. J. FOKTER. Proprietor.-?Steam I ere leave New York October 'J* and Norenitier Jfti. For full 1 i ii form a tl on apply to JAMES LI DO KK WOOD A CO., 754 I Broadway, New York. yiiKNll'UHik. "" AniiifiBtrVAmi i.v i.i:.vvim; will ?e(|, tor immediate c*?h. all their elegant House ( hold !- urnittite, in lots to suit purchaser*?namely, niaatod i cent Steinway A Son Pianoforte *. also one Windsor upright riaiioiorte, cost 9I,UU0, for $'J75 ; ricli Parlor Stilts, covered : In satin; Turkish Suits. In rep*; Centre Tables, Pier and i Mantel Mirror*, flno velvet Carpet, i-.tayrres Bookcases, | hiii volume* Hooks, fin* Oil Fainting*. Imported Bron/es, i Easy Chairs. Lounge^. gilt Table. Flower Stands, Lace Cur I tains, China nd4 hilvsr \V*r?; 91) Bedroom milu. Dressing | Gases, Bedstead*. Hurfuiu, WuHistund*. tJimimodes, Miav? | inic Stands, curled hair Maitrraaea. aprlotr Beds, Carpets, ! r*i cents per yard; Corner and Book Stand*, milding, Ac. ( also basement and kitchen furniture; Extension table, fine inlaid Buffet, cont ?100; Cmirs. In leather, and a Uae I team of iiiatched t'arrlapu Horses, gtiid mounted llttrtirsn, ' one finu Coupe Horse. Cau be seen this day at private I residence bf11 West 'Jthl st., near Hill av. N. B.?Uoods can be packed for shipping. Cut this out. VLCTION. NO." "31 > KAKT I ( I II hT. ?KLKMTLKB, ? arpets. Mirror*, Piano. Armoirs, MnflTet*. Wardrouea, Desks. Parlor suits. Bedroom Set-, Reds. Bedding. Ac. Private sale at auction prices; all goods warranted as rep rw*cnt mJ or money r?iurn oi. a FAMILY LETl UMNO TO EUROPE WILL SELL iVtlioir entile HousehoUl Furniture, comprising handsome Parlor and Draw In-room Suites m satin, cost |S'iU, tor fi'Jo; Turkish Suits, $75; Inlaid ami eilt walnut Jbaiiber Set*, wilii Dressing $50, $I5tl: -ingle Bedsteads, Hurca is, hair Matti-ess. $s . Library and Dining Furniture, Fainting-, three Pier and lour Mantel Mirror*. Bronze*. Ac. N. li. -Elegant four roued stelnwav I'ianolorte. U'JtiH; e I 71, oi'iave, upright Flano, inlaid ease. 12115. Call private residence. No. 47 West ItHti at., between 5tb ami tUn av*. Aomsat MAumrtos pea camm iaoxipiMxt ?.tiu bnx'itd. I'xrlor Hull, na.rljr new, fur Worth | 9H<Ut nntlR..|7*1; I'lu.ofortt*, Mlrrnr, I-Mlilnt, I'.iut i inira. lAhrefy. UIdIh^, i mintur**. rrp nuil hulrclntli xininv Ku?ti Htlit., $<5 up; Cttpd*. ; tiUe%(;iiiux. Hllvrr Wnr<% ((ullvrx, Ar.; |>r?|MTtjr el Imuii. I li'Hrlnic city; ro.lil.ucu :?! \Vu?l Jlih m.. betweu r>th unit ? til av. ; i tioar 4roflK amd SDwstrr pricks rsa iuit. Ijniiun hii'1 I?nr|>?t? Inr < e.n ur lilii'ml (??run of pay.^cul XI i.iiWPKItTIIW AIT'S, 13ft xuil 137 Ob.ilietu ,t. Tliir [ teen lerue warcroomn. Misfit cakpkts ash oiun.oriis tut oaEAf ut tlie old piece, 11'J Kittton at. Cell or eciid lor ixj>Uii< eioey price Net. PAKTIKA DXm.ISI.VU llol.riKK RKP1MO, AHDRKSS immeiietelT Pr.lSKK. lltW Vtd or.; Uifftie.1 price* paid for t'urpels, F urnilU e, Pietio*. Beddlnf. FWNK'.s PaT1-,NT PAltl.UK IJAKlNKT AMI KOl'A lied.. No. 101 till Rv. liKUAi. N OifOtiir IS TIIK Clltfit'I# "?<?( ItT Of M lI.llittiKK td'fV? l?l the Mett.r of tlie tm?t octet* ?# Whiiahi Mellliicfcrodt A Sun.end ol the erttsrxte edttn ?! tl'iliiAiii Munincfcruili MdUwIl W. MeHtiudtredt <OWIM, tlii? VHlh (ley nl t?c(iw her. IdW, by th. t'lr.ett t!?erl ot Kellttnore city, thet i?r ville II Of wit A, trustee "t tlie roreifrtep iuit?lr>, plee notice, lit puliliealltui oftnl. .?nl?r twice r w. -'k for tiiree tfe.k. In tlie Sew York 11 ,? i'hI'I tind III tin- H iltiiuore Sen, to tit. creditor, ot tin' Unit id WIIIIriii MRlllnckrrxK & So* end of Wlllixm M.llliiM-kroth ami'it ltewi. M Mxlllnehrpdt to III. their clalntc. proper V proved, with lit. el.rk of/till, court, na < r briure the firt eey ol F.brufcry no ,i, n, t-penuory to a I dldtlbttlvtHeditR ROHKl.l (.11,Mill; 11ti j ?t,|ty? It -i Javks K. Mm wan, i lerk IUUHI.K r,k>?. \f AKBI.I ASH HARULKIXKH MANTKI.S ATOIlfc kt I irJ ly r*tiiice?i ;>rleeA; ,I? o X, uuineni., IleRit.iom*., I'luet i rr. xRtl Furniture Slab,. inRritlo i 'oumer- ?ud Tiling. A, Kit and th? Kaat IHlli ?l , iu:n Id av CTKWARrH Hl'.ATK, MAItRI.K aM> WOOD MAS I I*ifl?, new and elepant dr.trit-. Iront fill up, the tendit I dealt Willi. 2M aud -JIU W.At '2M ,1.