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GOSPEL LIGHT. Sermons by Clergymen in Various Churches Yesterday. MAN'S SPIRIT. Father Ho^an on the Neces sity of Penance. PROFIT AND LOSS The Last Sunday of the Au tumnal Rush. CHURCH OF THE DISCIPLES. QOD WILL KELP HIH COVENANT?SEItMON BY MB. HXrWOBTH. Mr. Hepworth preached yesterday morning to en unusually large congregation Irom the text xvil.,7?"And 1 will establish my covenant between me and thee, und thy aeed alter thee In their genera* tlona, for an everlaatlng covenant, to bo a God unto thee and to thy aeed alter thee." it l? the notable prerogative or man to hold communion with bif Creator. It is a communion that approaches fallow, abtp and suggests spiritual friendliness and Intimacy. A nui Inn the power to work with God, to work for God and to borrow energy Irom God with whlcb to ac complish the task. We aland alone In the order of creation, completely isolated Irom any influence which might come up to as from the brute creation. Our heritage is not from below: It cometh down from above. It la not tho earib that teaches as God Is oar schoolmaster; it Is not from that which 11 low or base or mean that we I" our power: it Is drawn Iroui Him wuo u eternal, and wbo so loved us that He sent His only Non into the world to tell us tho story of that love. We are, Iheo, so godlike in our natures since the Almighty hath put Hit tiugor on our body and mind and spirit that tbe end which God hath In view respecting us is the end we ought to have in view, thoush It may lard through temptation and trial and suffering. Man's ; happiness Is in (foil, and nowLere else, lie who puis his hand upward In Inilh tliat tho angels will lake hold of It receives inconceivable strength, boundless hap piness, fathomless joy, which the world caunot givo, and which TUX WORLD CANNOT TASK AWAT. Now, In reading history I have come across one or two facts which are very Interesting, which as a spir itual impulse we ought to meditate upon and receive. I dud God has made two covenants with the human race; that he.has confederated with men on two sepu ruie occasions; that be not only manifested Himself, ?bowleg His presence in an indubitablo way, holding cotnmuulon by word of mouth with men, but He has also made a compact which involves our welfare in tnia life and which has to do with our weal when tbe cur tain falls upon the present and we stand in tho midst ?f the future. The first was a failure?may 1 dare to nay UI Not a (allure ou ilia part, but ou oura; anil the last couipart la not yet a success, exoept here and there iu Chris tian hearts. Oh, that it might he a success the wide world over! I pray to God that lite spirit uiay jet sweep over the world like a tidal wave, drowniu* out all that is base and tilling It lull of power and joy and the consciousness ol purity. , ? The second covenant was made with Moses on the top of Slnal. It wus a compact of obedience; the laws were written on stone; but that was broken too; that could not be kept. It was not kept by the Israelites, it is not kept by you lo-duy. We cannot get on ou the ground of a covenant ol work; It Is impossible to succeed in that direction. W o either won t or cannot keep the taw. There is somewhero a teariui twtet in our nature. The Ton Commandments wbi. h ware tbunoet"d torth irout Sinai are broken in roar lite and il you couid win a title to heaven by limple ooedleure to those laws you would lose your title on the instant, and you would coulees your etitiro no worthiness to cross the golden threshold of the eoluen city. And so up to the time of Chriit the compact that demanded obedience uo the part ol man was a tailurc. It never succeeded, and it we aro to bo naved we must be saved ou other grounds. I,ook at the other covenant. When Josus camo he put a seutcnco into literature which stands ulone, ine MYSTERY or SCIENCE mrA lb* problem of religion?"Believe on me and ye ?ball be saved." I tbink that sentence is the most ?lartltng one in the literature of the world. It ilauds out in bold reliel; il is an assertion that seems to bavo the authority ot God behind it. O blessed Lord, what is It to believe on Thee* It sectfls to me a new way lias been opened through the durkness of night right on the ruins ol the old compact ol work. A revelation has come down Inllultely more hopeful God has Srovcn His love for us; He has stretched out His and to lilt us out of the gloom of mid night. Fa'.tb is our hope? taith in our best ftTond, faith in God. raith In the Holy spirit. Wueo I look at the compict graven iu atone 1 look upon what Is u flesh of my tlesh, but when 1 look on the other 1 look ?n the eternal spirit of things. I cannot look on the cross without looking through It, and 1 eee the great Bsvtour rising higher and higher and?at last taking Hie place on the right hand ol God. When tne command comes Irom God simply to obey your heart grows cold, but when God looks down and says. "My children, I love thee; keep your eye llxed on me. Open your beart and understand mo; do just sa I tell you and all will be well," then I seem to bo lilted up above ordinary human nature; the spirit ol God tukes pos session ol me, and there is a jweet and blessed com munion between ine and all things holy, lor that it the priceless gut or the second coveuunl of God?the cove nant of atlh ... Look v. the covenant. 'What does God say ' II you will nave faith in me, it you will try to obey me, I will be your God. What is it to be a god to you ? A god Is a beiug who protects; then God must be your pro tector A god Is a being who preserves; then God must be your preserver. A god is a being who exor cises a watchful providence over all tbo details ot our Ills'; God promises He will be ell that to you. But uo not Christians suffer someilincsr Yos, God does not mske a compact to include what you call good fortune; but God says that the true end of life is happiness, and if you will obey God you will be happy. Tho world promises and keeps oo promise. What the world gives It only lends and takes back ogam, but what God gives Ho gives. God's covenant le a sure one; it gives u clear title to everything. The compsct made with Mosea God stands ready to mako with you I would that you ntabt appreciate this fact. God wants to make tho compact with you now. It only you will trust in Jesus Christ you will secure yourselves against all lulure contingencies. So lung as you lail to givo alls giaucu to the right King you aro against Him. If V?u are out of tho Chuich you ?ro hi danger. Are you Inaido and on God's side, or outside and on the Devil's Udov This is a serious uucatiun, and involves your Serealler. Ob, brethren, let your footsteps bend hllherward Come into tho Church ot Christ, for He bath bu Idod It with His own hands, and whoever be lieveth shall be saved. Il ii tho promise ol God. MASONIC TEMPLE. ?H? BPIRIT IN MAS?8ERMON HI H*Y. O. U. FROTH INGHAM. Kev. Mr. Froiblngham delivered an eloquent dis course yostcrday morning iu Masonic Ternplo upon the spirit in man. The object ot this discourse, said the speaker. Is to show that there is something worthy ?f beiug oalled a spiritual nature in man. The word ?ptrit Is one ol those vaguo words that mean much or little with different men and women. In roinittoii It means an element, a prlnc.ple. It means brea k, whleh to most people suggests tho propelling power by which nun is related to in visible creatures But however regarded it is considered as a distinct lorce or principle by virtue ot which a man is ? metnbor ot the ideal or spiritual uui versa II ta the power of reasoning, by virtue of which he i? immortal; by wbicn on earth he tnay lire ? large, grand existence. This .-pint is supposed to be not a person and yet personal. II is spokeu ol as being in the body und as leaving the body wbcu man Ilea This view hns passed out of popular regard, there are several things against it. In tlie tirst place, we are troubled by physiological objections. We can not flui any such thing with our most perlect instru ments; we searched lor it. but In vain. There cannot be such a principle. That nigi.inont is not strong. for what loot cau penetrate a prin ciolev What instrument ever can investigate r If there be ?u. b a principle >n nun ol necessity it is not yet reached. tt e are on the out skirts as yet ol our conjecture; n hae not ><t reached the point to say what ?*a?tkat U not do. II we should any it cannot be .omud.tkai s different irom ssyiug it '? "ol '"ore. The Sweden borgians hold the theory that the spirit in man Mauls a spiritual bong. I he .p.rii doe. not*dwell n the lorro; It is Ihe lortu. The body in the communication lurougn ibo body the? man bet m Visible, out ibe man is not lbs bouy. There are ob lection, to ibis view-oamrty, ttimt he cannot tmd ihie epir'tual toru! ... .he outward form. AMer a.ludmg'o the difference between nun and the animal crestiou the speaker ?etd;?The spirit Is not universal in man kind Kverv creature mat walks on two Iret and holds bis head high is not by its .1 fact a splrimoi naiurth lt Is not en nun lUat one should be outwardly a mam There are people who seciu to have no spiritual nature whatever but regard all the attributes ol a aptritua nature as'vVonary, superstitious dreau.s Tney may have capacities; it tnay be possiblo mat one ol those days to another slalo ot being, those capacities may be developed, but as far as can nc seen they are devoid ?r a spiritual nature. They aro creatures ot organiM imb. sad tbero aro othere whose auiinaliem i* so sup pressed that we almost ioie sight of n altogether Look at tbe dlffereuce between Judas Iscariol ? nd Jesus?the man who bstrsys bia friend fur thirty pieces oi silver and the man who ierga\e his be trayer. Now what it thts spiritual nature? What Is the sign ot spirituality r It Is not intellect. Intellect Is not spirituality. Knowledge is uot spiritu ality Power that u in iisell is not spirituality. Kaphael covered the walla of hntisos anil temples and mres of canvas with his tuual glorious forms of beauty?forms so maiestic iu their grandeur that generations of tneu stand en wrapt in awe and wonder be fore them. Tnev such height of beauty, ?uch life in it. sucb nninre to do erihe, it is a miracle in the world. This is not spiritual! y; for suppose it were true, and as it has been believed to be true, and possibly was true, lb it Raphael, although a wooderfut artist, was u man wiib no robust prtuciples ol life , a man who lived an illegal lite, except as regarded his art; a luvurtantly selfish man, would you say be was | tpir tual* Take Hi-ethoven, who was a miracle of I musical genius; suppose you resd that this lisethoven i was a morbid and morose creature, living by himself : (be was not that, but suppose mat he wasi, would you | say bo was spiritual' that his art made bun spiritual* | Snakespearc stauds alone in creative art: a man who | had an invisible eve tor the play of motives In all bu I man beings; a man who could writ* dramas without 1 end. What of it* .suppose ;we know nothing of i Shakespeare) htm to have bepii an idle, strolhngactor; { suppose htm to have been a man who was bad in pri vate life, would you say be was spiritual m.udcd' That all the genius represented in those pisys of his were evidence ihul he had the spirit iu linu " There 1 may have been uiore spirit in the humblest of his players. Neither is the spirit evident by devotional I ardor. Here, all ovor the world, are people straining ' every nerve to send the llible uito every part of the j universe, to bring people into their church and ncrept their creed. This is not spiritual uiindidness. It , may he the reverse. It may be pride of | ! power,, pride o! miliience, pride of opinion. ; llow niuca spiriiuilily is there In that? l'he element j j of spirituality is human. It is the bumau element 1 | that is the essence of >t. Tho power oi devotion lo j some urge interest?the power lo lose ail thought of . ' sell in the thought of others?ibis is spirituality, and i always rccogu:/ed as such. Humility, meekness, gen tleness, charity, love and iorgivcness?this is spirit uality. Two things In this society of ours seem to be Im portant. One, tbat men should believe they are not clods; that they ur? sot heterogeneous lormalities out of tbe dust of the ground, to return to it again. Men have the capacity at least lor something better and higher. Another tblng is also important, that lie ahould not associate these spiritual elements with any thing so mean as dogmatism or sectarianism; with anything so transient as emotion; with anything that passes swav as knowledge necessarily doss or must. It Is a human reality. Wo are spiritual in proportion as wo are men and women. We are unspiruuff in proportion as we lorgel what it Is to bo men and women. Let us i remember thai. No strain irom heaven will wuke us I Into prayer if tbe solemn music of uur humanity stirs { us not. No spirits will long beckon us upward If the ' spirit ol sweattie8S, patience, sympathy, Inllh and ! hope in oar own hearts do not lend us their invisible i baud. PLYMOUTH CHUHCH. TBS LAST HU.N1MY O* TBS "CENTENNIAL ItUBIl"?MB. BMCHEB ON JUSTIFICATION. Yesterday was announced to be the last Sunday on wbich tlr. Becchor's poople would retrain trom hear ing hint preach in order to give the many sirangors now in this city a chaooe to hear the great preacher; and the crowd about the doors an hour belore they were opened bore ample testimouy to the dcaire of that class to tako advantago of the opportunity. Belore the service began much comment was current among the 3,000 persons fortunate enough to gain admission about the plainness of the edifice; but when Mr. Beecher bad taken hit seat their attention was turned to him, and when, under the sympathetic touch of Colonol H. C. King tho big organ rolled forth a pno lude to the opening anthem, and the fine ?olces of Miss I.asar. Mr. Werrenroth and Mr. Heary Camp, asalsted by the volunteer cbolr, un oer the direction ot the latter, filled tho building with hariuoulous sounds, the buzz of conversation was hushed, and tberealter the congregation were as de vout as the regular flock could nave been. Mr. beecher read, belore tho sermon, tho names of ? num ber of persons w bo will |oin the church, by letter or profession ol latlh, ou Sunday next. He proceeded to tnank his people lor making tho sacrifice of remaining away for three Sabbaths from their places to accom modate strangers Next Sunday, he said, the usual system ot things will be resumed. There were, bow. ever, always 500 seats lor visitors, and many families were in the habit of making room in their pens when those seats proved insufficient. If it. ukrchkk'h sermon From the sixth chapter of Kpbesltns Mr. Ileecber chose tho text of his sermon?"Wttn good will doing eervice as to the Lord, and not to men; knowing that whatsoever good thing any than docth the same shall be receive ol the Lord, whether he be bond or slave." All the way through the old Testa ment, be said, right living is the theme, end though there we* now mud then e fiash of light that had re spect to the lilo to come, yet during ell the centuries that men treated of the measure of the Old Testament the meeeure ot ibe life to come was not employed In instruction, nor as a penalty or a reward; but the laws 01 Uod by which right riving m this world turns out prosperity end by which wrong living turns out ad versity. Tbeee wore the sacred ibomea of the Old Testament. In the New Testament was fonud. a dissuasion from work, and men believed that If they only had piety work was uot of much consequuuce. It wee a question betwoon personal In fluence on tbe one aide and Institutional ihfiuonce on the other, and be who adopted the new 111# and tbe new impulse would find a far better way ot right living opened up. Wbon we come to tho actions of dally life it was wrong to say that a man could not be jcwnriuD hy works. The text contradicted that statement. The eeonomios ' of life by wblcb men were laced to each other were pre eminently the moans ol grace. Uod did not Intend that men should leave the workshop and the office and crowd within cathedral walls In order to save their soula If tiioy could not do good in lile tbey could not do good at alL A soldier would be foolish to assert that he could not be brave in battle, bnt was courageous If permitted to run away. "Wbero your duties are every day," said tbe preacher, "there is to l>e your religion, It anywhere." Mr, Brother beld that morality came through the conduct of lite, through the spirit of the Lord, and in tho education ot a true Christian man hood, aud that it Is placed in the ordinary conditions of human tile. Ideally the conditions in which men find tbemsolves lortu tho conditions wblcb should de velop manhood iu them; but considering humanity as weak and irangiblo, it was found that as a matter of fact men are tempted perpetually by their afTalrs toward a low line of living. So that while bard work was meant to be a means of grace It did not prove to be so. Men were born on dlflerent planes ol strength and ca. pacity, and these should place them in relations to ward each other which should tend to elevate their good qualities, but In reality PRIOR TOOK Till FLACK O* ASPIRATION and rivalry that of affection. Ono of the benefits of tho family was that It lurntshed a wholesome and numerous chance for tbe exercise of power, which every man loved. Speaking of love Mr. Bcecber said it was like well digging, dome men found It within a very lew feet of the surface and It lusted them through the rainy sea son, but tbe moment summer drought came It dried up. Some again found it as incn dig wells in a rock. It was a long task, but when they had ouce gained It It was for life?loreTer. lu Illustrating another point of hts subject Mr. Beecher, quoting tbe words "Slavos, be obedient," Ac., asked whether tbe sons and brothers of bis hear ers had not during the war lougbt under unworthy and Incompetent officers, and yet (ought on, knowiug they wero carrying out the will ot the commander-in-ebicl expressed through those officers. Just in that spirit men should bear nil the Ills of this life, knowing that whatever wrong is inflicted upon tbem by tbeir lellow men there is One above ruling all. CH1CKE1UNG HALL. PBOFIT AN1> LOSS? SEBMON BY BKV. SAMUEL COLCOBD. Chlckering Hall was tilled yesterday morning by a large and select number of people, who assembled to atteud the divine service which ror some weeks past has been held there. The singing, both the choruses and the solos, was excellent. The sermon was preached by the Kev. Samuel Colcord, from Mark, vliL, 36? "For what shad it profit a man to gain the wholo world and toso his own soul f " It Is difficult, began the preacher, lor man living, as wo do. in the turmoil of business, amid its numerous excttoments and alluretneuts, to stop and give a carelul consideration to the momentous question of me vast amount ol time we give lo the things of this world and to tlio small heed we bestow upon our next life. The great j m iss of men of to-day will acknowledge all the great i truths, us wuli as the necessity of -nvnig ibelr i-tiul.<, 1 and yet they will not act up to Ibis conviciion. Now, to tax* an every day view ol this, how unbusiness-likc is such a o?ur>*! A Wiso man before embarking upon any enterprise first estimate* the costs, the risks and the profit lo be gained. Til IS most inoinentous ques tion, however, ol ' profit anil loss" between ibis woild > and the world to come which Christ puts in the text 1 most men hardly slop lo consider, and it. perchance, toey do think over it their mode ol life is quite con irary to si* leaching. Their whole aim is the world, j lo enjoy it. to | tusess it Possess the world! How futile the attempt, how lit- j tie do we get of it! Our In-aos are gelitug gruy, our ? limbs Weuk aud unsteady, we begin lo breathe with difficulty, and what have wo gained? Nalistaciion' No. Aiuxuider had conquered the whole world and he wept thai there was not another oue left lu bo sub dued. .Summon, on the pinnacle of luuie nhd glory and pleasure, cried out, "U vanity ul vanities, all is , vanity." Ihe soul is too grtai a tning, us capacities are loo immense to be est sited hy ihv empty miles ot I this world. (lou made it tur Himself ami He alone can ! satisfy it. TYr might pursue happiness as much ss we j want, we might gam uil we desire, sod still wo will not \ be satimlod, still we will nut he nappy. Besides, eron If we should get ail we want In this i world, it would he a very insecure possession. When ; 1 give a great price lor a tiling it must bo for -ome thuig that I can keep. What toes the world give us, | after all our weary labors, our sleepless nights and Ic- I verish days of business? uniy > grave. What la the soul' A Being capable of tbe highest I jov sod the pro'ouodosi woe; bow appalling its capa cities! What shall lie lis tutors? >eo Cod's estimate ol it. He gave Ills owuSon lo recover it, who laid aside His robot ol royalty and the crown ol t>cav<n. ana came down lo die sn ignominious Jeato upon (ho cross. Realizing ibis, who will give bis soul to ihc world? Listen to tbe sweet voice of Jesus.?"dive It to ?a" Whatever keeps you from answering this call, be it ainbitiou, love uf pleasure, love of money, love ol esse?ibat is ibe price of your soul. It is the price which Satan bids. Does it deserve attention be mle l Lie nagoanlmoaa offer which Christ makes. au eternity ol bliss and lellcity, a never-ending preaunco in bis lominuy * Lose cverytbli g tben, cast away everything, but do not lose your own soul. Give no boed to the seductions of ibe tempter wno promises you the world snd us happiness, which is nothing compared with the value ol ibe soul, and it ao inse cure, out coino to Jesus. Ho will not deceive you. He will not csst you away. Take Htm at Hia word and yoa will be saved. OLD JOHN .ST. METHODIST CHUBCH. AXNIVEBSART OP THE DEDICATION OP THE Ft KMT METHODIST CHUBCH IN AUEHICA? HKIIMOM BY REV. JOHN M. UKID, D. D. Yesterday the anniversary of the dedication of the first Methodist church in America on tbn "old ground" in John street wan celebrated in tbe plain, informal manner of tbe denomination, tbe recogni tion of the day finding expression only in tbe htatoric sermon preached by Rev. John M. Held, 1). D., wno iound bis text for tbe occasion in Hotrais, zt., 19, 20, 21?''Thou wilt say than. The branches were broken off, that 1 might be grafted in. Well, because ol uu belief tbey were broken ofT, and tbou standest ny faith. Be not bigb-mtnded. but fear. For If God ?pared nut the natural brauches, taze heed lest He also spare not thee." In, as it were, hia introduction to bis historic discourse the clergyman noted tbe fact that many of tha heathen deities were represented as entirely quiescent, and that many of those who bung tbeir belief on heathen deities bccamu absorbed by that same quiescence. Uur God, however, was every where active; and we mast be like Him. To enlist tbe favor of Goo we must work incessantly. God. whether in His care lor the fruits and tbe flowers of the eartb, or in His providing for man, brought to us tbe bigbest evidence ef His great care for us shown in earthly things. But in Ills care for our salvation lie had placed us where wo were to act in consociation with Him, and in that He bad sbown liow wuudcrluily ws bad been honored by being made laborers logetber tb God. a colaborer was tbe position held by the I minister of God uu earth, aud inerolore was it a very i grave disgrace lo be dismissed from tbe work to which : the minister bad been assigned. Tbe dlegraco ol a | tall irom tbe ministerial position was not because tbo {-minister of God was placed on an equality witb his ? Master, but because evi-u tbe instrument In tbe ! hands ol nis Master was honored as was the chisel ol tbe great sculptor, tbe brush of tbe great painter or tbe pen with which Lincoln signed tbe emancipation proclamation. All were honored. Bo, loo, were tbey. tbe ministers of Gou, glorified by tne fact that tbev were coio^orers with tbe Father aud tbe ill* Bon, and therefore ibe moro honorable til* work the i greater was tho fall w hen a fall lrom grace occurred. In work for tbe benefit of man "OOP KXCKI.I.KU MAM RVKKT T1MK," and Ibe salvation ol man was His greatest work. Tbe sacrifice of Christ, His Bob, in order that we might be raised lrom our fall to an inheritance In heaven waa the reason why wo so exalted His name, and there waa so uiuch of dignity in being u ielluw worker with God. In lumber consideration of a fall lrom grace in tbo ministry bo behl tbat tbe extent of the tail depended greatly upon the extent oi tbe good wuich the minister might have done bad be continued true to bis position as a teacher iu the Church. His bearers would remumber that God bad singled out tba few to teach and be the instrument by which the many might be suvod, and that Christ chose lor His disciples only twolve. And since tbo earliost leaching of religion to the present God bad observed tbe same rule as when Luther, In Germany, and Wesley In England and 1 Ireland, were chosen to do tbo nee<tad work of refor mation. The fall ol a minister waa grievously great when a great minister put bis bead in tbe lap of Deltlab. He was shorn of bis strength snd bis usefulness destroyed; snd yet when even the great fell there was tn assurance that God would supply their places. When Moses passed away there was a possibly still boiler Josbua sent id bis' place, and woen Judas fell bis place was vastly more than filled. It must be under stood tbat when unworthy candlesticks were removed tbe light was not extinguished. These tuets left tbe assurance that tbe work of salvation was lo be accom plished, and tbat tbe crown would be given to tbose in tbe ministry who deserved it. Ages bad passed since Judsb was sot aside by God as a ruling teacher and the place occupied by Koine; ginco then Rome bad fallen until the condition of tbat Church was very properly exemplified by tbo feebleness of the old inan in tbo chair at Rome. Yaars followed Ibe rise of Komauism In tne Church, and then, commencing tn England, it was found tbat tbo l'uritanistn of a Cromwell followed, and Wesleyanism was born. Tben, when tbe luxuriaoco In wrong, and when tbe cold, unemotional Puritanism waalound in sufficient for tbe salvatiou of tbe people, Wesley arose, and the pooplo who wore not a people ol God became a God-serving multitude. He tben passed in rapid review wbat tbe Wesleyan Metbodlst church bad done, not only In England, Ire land, Scotland and Amoricn, but throughout the world. When Methodism waa ravored by God both tbe bead aud heart of man were sick and needed restoration to health aud strength. Wesley auu his followers came wuh the new doctrine, by wblcb emotional religion was recognized and taught and Us great truth bad been finding root in a greatly Increasing number of souls every year. In tho great change which bad taken place in tbe wider spread of religious truths, puro aud simple, ainee tbe days when the Romish Cbureh w. s triumphant, be claimed that it bad been the loremost worker. Ho recited its work in tho Reformation, in religion, in antl-ilavery work and in temperance work; claimed lor it tbe origin of effective missionary work In neurly all desirable regards, and In conclusion called upon those of the first dedicated church tn America to stand by tbeir Church and Its doctrines, be lieving It to be tbe Cbureh beat adapted to tbe salva tion ol man throughout the world. CHURCH OF THE TABERNACLE. TRIBUTE TO TBI RATE BISHOP J A RES?BET. DR. FOWLER'S XUI.OQT. Tbe Fre? Tabernacle church, in Thirty-fourth street, between Seventh and Eighth avenues, was crowded yesterday afternoon, tbe occasion being a memorial service to tbe late Bishop K. S. Janes, under tbe aus pices of tbe New York City Church Extension and Mis sionary Society, of which be was vice president at the time ot his death. Tbe services were opened by sing ing tbo hymn commencing, "Lo, round the throne a glorious baud.*' Prayet was followed by a voluntary by the choir, tbe reading ot portions o( the Scripture and the singing of another hymn. The Kev. Dr. C. H. Fowler delivered tho memorial address. It was a brilliant eulogy ot the talents, character and life work ol tbo dead Bishop and was listened to with almost breathless attention throughout. Dr. Fowler said:? "1 do not Intend to take any text other than tbe occa sion which baa brought us togother. 1 be great Napo leon, while orcssing the Alps, saw an old peasant woman hastening through the mountains. 'Whither aro you hastening to this sharp morningT* 'To yonaer pass to see the Kuiperor, * she said. What have you gained with htm more than Willi the Bourbons? Have you not exchanged one despol lor anoilierT* The womau thought a moinont and said, 'The Bourbons wero tbe rulers of the rich and powerful; Napoleon is our ruler.' We are here to-day as tno Missionary Society ol the City of New York to pay a tribute ot grateful remembrance to tbe cherished and honored dead, because Bishop Jaues was the bishop of the common people. Wub a scholarship that made n.m at home in the company of the learned and philosophical, with lastys that coulu revel in the re finements of a select lew. With resources sufficient 10 make these varied advantage* a delight ana not a bur den, he still remained iu his convictions, in bis habits, in his homo, m his syinpuibtes and iu his affections the brother ol tbe laborer and tho friend of the poor. The calendar history of Edward Sloror Janes is very simple. He was boru April, A U. 180", iu Sheffield, Berkshire county. Mats. ; taught school and studied law from 184* to 1SJU; deacon In lKdg and 'elder in 1834; came iruin Philadelphia to Muluerrv street as iwtstor in 18dW, was elected Financial Secre tary of the American Bible eociety Iu 1S4U, elected t>isiiop In 1S44, died September 18, 1876. I'pori this simple outline was Uulil one of the richest and grand est lives in the history of the Christian Church. The elements out ol wlneli Bishop Jams' greatness was constructed were simple and easily apprehended. For simplicity as well as lor aocu racy we will divide theiu lulo two general classc, via Ills gills and ins acquirements. Let us place reason at the heud ol the list, not that it was marked above other gifts, but It tonus a basis on which oilier and mightier faculties rested. Uo had reason In its best development. He was uot In the strict sense ot tne term philosophical or logical. His work in the pulpit and ou the putlorm was rather the j work of slating results. He conllncd'his preparation , chiefly to seeking the most direct and authoritative statement of lit* convictions. Everything was reduced I to the dead level ol fact. What possibilities of art slumbered in his rich and powerful naiure we oan never know in this world, lor (ins received not the slightest alien lion. Twelve times he pursed within the sound ol Niagara's roar before be turned aside to see its brainy and majesty. Five unit* be passod wiintn a lew moments ol Baden Baden, but never lurried to visit this retreat of tourist*. Tho senliiuciual poet may look upon litis as an evidence nl intellectual sterility, but it had the t rati ?use oi the race that revel* the forests, builds the cilie* cultivates tliu comments, explores the sea*, J frames the governments, plains the republics and ] lound* tno civilisation ol tne world. Those who knew ! bun best were molt certain hi Ins practical judgment. I The most conspicuous element ol hi* mind was his common sense, and with this supreme gilt he could ! plead in ibo hovel ol the poor man or the cabin of tbo ; pioneer, so lhal llio unlettered and uncultivated foil him to l>e a brother, and he count persuade in the ' palaces <>i princes until ihuse who were ruler* hy birth, j scholars hy inheritance, staiesmen by habit, -aw in i hi in a peer and bowed iu acknowledgment ol his 1 ^rvalues*. He worked us one who knew that lutura i ages were hi*, and tbai, holding all he coultl get. lie mnsl I ultimately get all h# desired. He will he known mr ! many generation* a* tho 'common sens* Bishop ol I Mclliodiaiii.' We next are brought Ince to lace with I liis conscience. lhl* was clear, delicate, scriptural!/ trained and absolute in authority. He was a man ot convictions; h? moved under Divine authority; his ptllpit was a throne; he received and believed iuti de clared the truth. No holy ambiguity about his tuach tng. Hi* conscience was king?bis convictions were supreme. "We must here mention among nit gifts his ambition. This I* a royal disease?the distemper of kingly souls. Profane history ta fall of It* bloody movements. Saintly tools have erted oat agaiuat it, but, liko the gilt al agency, it it necessary tn farming llie greatest character, an t, like mat, it la exposed to abuse. Indolent souls w ho have not the euergy to put lorth a manly effort for any cautc cloak their laziness under a pretence of piety and excuse their wortblessae** on the around of being saved from this world. God lurtnd that I should hiu der or annoy the teeblcal satnt, but ! must say that I nave no patience with ? Indeed 1 cautiot lind language to express my contempt and loathing Icr the shift* leas, nerve,ess inasa of pulp, without grip, without | courage, without heroism, wilDout a great, all-maxter ! ing purpose, who pretends to be u man and claims to I be a saint, and yet in this world of agonizing mtensi { ties, with An Infinity of want within us and an inuniiv ! of pain beneath us and un Infinity ot fulness before us, poised iu the Tories of thoo due Infinities sod turn the frown of sanctimonious hy pocrisy epon the heroic soul that dares to hear the cry of the Master, 'Agonize to enter tn.' Bishop Janes had a graat, fiery, uncompromising ambition, that knew no bounds but conscience. He sbouteo. '1 mean to gel as near the throne as Paul,' and he pushed this ambition day and night, year in and yoar out; and would to God tnat a thousand young preachers tn the Church to-day would take up this mantle und inhale this spirit aitd emulate this ambition ! They would lake this world for Christ id this century. Turning from his warrior qualities, let us consider one ot the more winsome elements of his nature?his alfecllon. This was a tide of tenderness flowing through the rocky channel of bis rugged nature, l.oviug God, whom ho had not seen, he loecd ins kind, wuom be had seen. Had he no other gift ha would hare loved his way up to greainoss. Hia love of his ktua was no stil ish desire to serve his own ends born of a prudent phi losophy. Springing irom a divine fountain it fittod down upon the rest of his character as though it had grown upon him. It was quietsundeinonstr?tivo and /outline. He administered over great interests with marked executive ability; but be had such a sympathy for tho afflicted he acted in his decision like a father, i His will was most absolute. This kept him up to the lino all the tune. Kxternally the most irregu lar. travelling at all hours and In all sea | sons, sleeping by chxnee aud eating by acet j deut, ha wus nevertheless bold invariably by the power o 1 bis will to tbe greatest regularity and i rigid system. He wss a machine; a divine machine, , like that :n ancient prophetic vision, wheels within i wheels and all full o: eyes vital, growing, flashing, I moving, forever propelled by a steady, resistless, om | utpniem. sanctified will. His constant communion : with God pave bint enduring patience. Any vtew of Bishop Janes' character tbat did not empbkatzo bis living, constant, victorious faltb, would fail to present him as be was. He walked with God. His faith was Indeed the substance ol thing* hoped for and the evi dence of things not seen. Whatever else was neglected bis devotion stid prsyer wero always attended to with scrupulous care. Another marked charac teristic was his economy of power. He never made himself conspicuous in board meetings or conferences until ttio moment he thought something was going wrong, bo long as things were going right ] ho remaiued quiet. lie wus au orator ol superior ; purls, a thinker able to trace and reveal tbe hidden re lation* of truth, a writer of great ability, a statesman measured by tho wisdom of his administration, an organizer handling with ease tbe system of suparln leodencies that constitute Methodist polity. He was a leader in every casentlal and an administrator working a system that depends upon moral power Tor Its con tinuance. As a bishop be was a model whosa close Imitation will perpetuate Methodist polity lor many generations." ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL. THM NECESSITY 07 PENANCE?8EEM0N BY BET. FATHER HOOAN. There was a very large attendance at the Cathedral yesterday, the weather being everything that could be desired. Tne officiating clergyman at last mass was the Rev. Father Kane, and the surroundings were, as usual, solemn and impressive. 'Rev. Father Hogan preached the sermon, taking b;s text trom the gospel of the day, Matthew, xvili., 23-33?"One was brought to him that owed him ten thousand talents," Ac. The reverend gentleman explained that in the person of the servant mentioned In the parable who was so deeply indebted to his master were represented not only great sinners, but man kind in general. The design ol the parable was to make every one sensible of the obligation to remit or pardon others who were indebted to him. II the Almighty treated mankind according to the rigor of Ills justice lie bad a right to charge ns with Infinite faults. After alluding to the many ways In which sin was committed, the reverend preacher showed that beneath such a weighty debt Christians bad no retuge but to fly lor succor to the clemency of God, and" con fiding wholly in Hla goodness, Dope to move Him to mcrcv. In referring to the promise made by the servant mentioned in the Gospel, "Have patience and I will pay thee all," the reverend gentleman said that in practising the penance required for the payment of their debts Cbrlstians did not relinquish their dependence on the mercy of God, since they relied principally on the aid of His grace for the performance of it. The Almighty does not dispense with their payment, bnt gives sinners the wherewith to pay. What we have to fear la not that we shall not have the wherewith to pay our dents, but that we should neulect the opportuni ties of paying them which God puts into our bauds, as wag>he case with tbo servant refusing to remit the inconsiderable debt which hla fellow servant owed him. We were surrounded by temptation and dangers and with evil spirits striving to destroy us. We re peatedly offend God, yet when difficulties nrlso oue must appeal to Him for mercy. If wo have the mislortune to tall into sin, there is the consolation of looking to the Almighty, wdo never torncd ? dent ear to the repentant. Wo must do by our lellow men as we woald be done by, and not follow the example ot the hearties* servant who was handed over to tor tare, the fate of all who followed the way of the foolish man who met with such prompt and well merited punishment The mass performed sh by Menu dante, in G minor, Professor Gustavus Scnmitz presid ing at the organ. The work was most creditably pro duoed. A DESTITUTE HERO. To tei Editor op the Herald:? On tbe 7th of October, 1859, the British steamship Connaught, 4,000 tons, sprung a leak, which gained upon her to rapidly that ny the next morning tbe water had extlnguised her engine fires, leaving her a coffin for 001 human beings, sinking slowly but surely In a heavy sea. In thts condition, and while 150 miles from Boston harbor, fire (which had been ?mouldering for some days unknown) buret out and doubled tbe chances ol death. She was an Iron ship, and soon her sides became so hot that they hissed and steamed at tho rolled deeper and deeper. There was a race between lire aud water tor all those lives, and do tbe best tbey could the boats woald not be able to save a third of them from one death or tbe other. # The American brig Minnie Schaeter, 198 tons, Cap tain John Wilton, saw tbe blazing, sinking steamer, and bora down to her aaaislancc. So slow and difficult was the labor of getting tho passengers into and out ot tbo boats tbat only 200 could be trans ferred to tbe brig before sundown. Then John Wftson said:?"It is a horrible aitair to see the tbe sun going down and so many people yet on board tbe wreck, settling down and burning up. I will ao all In my power to save them." He nobly kept his word. At good a sailor as he was a man, he came down to leeward of tbe wreck, made fast to bcr, and before midnight tbe last man on her deck?tbe Captain?bad natsed into safety. Try to picture it A great ocean steamer, with water pouring in from without to fill bar up. and fire roaring within to burn her down, and over 400 lives in the balance! Any lurch she made nngbt have been bcr Inst, and If the bad rolled over end sunk what hope lor tbe little brig ? She did not amk juat then. John Wilson left her a sheet of flame, and landed his prioeless cargo sale at "generous Bos. ton." In recognition of hit courage, humanity and good seamanship the British government gave him a gold watch and chain. The company to which the Con naught belougod presented him with $1,300. Boston added a silver service, and medals, testimonial* and subscriptions in plenty came in. Nor were bit crew forgotten in the general enthusiasm. Then cutno the war. Home sums granted to blm were withheld, property In which he had Invested his money was captured or destroyed. By whlcn side T Whou I stale that he Is sixty-four years ot ugc, is Uis- ? abled by failing eyesight from following bis profession, tbat liis wifo is a confirmed invalid, tbat all bis testi monial ptlts have been soid or left in pledge fer bread and that tun once self-reliant and always brave snd true man is utterly destitute, is it worth while to ask? Wben ho made fast to the burning Connaught he said nothing about politics. Humanity has no pol itics. Shall we not paraphrase his own words and say, "This is a horrible atlair, to ace the son going down upon the wreck with so much good yet on boar J. We will do all In our power to belp htm " Beloro 1 make an appeal abroad lor this affiieied hero it is only fair tnat bis countrymen should be given tho opportunity (1 may almost say the prtvi ego) of assisting hnn. His residence Is No 340 Franklin street. New Orleans, and subscriptions may be sent to Mrs. Hill, No. 306 Baronne street; Mr. Creevy, corner Union and Carondelet, or to r A. 1)R FONBLANQUE. No. 13 Carondelet street. New OrleanSL SMOTHERED IN BED. About nine o'clock yesterday morning Thomas I*ni gan, of No. 204 Hamilton avenue, Brooklyn, was found dead in bed by hi* daughter. It appears that the de ceased, who lenves a wife and several children, re turned to his homo at a Into hour on Saturday night, being under the inilueuce of liquor. He compelled bis wile to sleep in an unoccupied room and was last feet) aiivo at five o'clock. Whsu the body was found it was lying on tiie lace, oa a pillow, and bleeding front tbe mouth- Coroner Slmm* was notified to bold an in quest on tho body. AN OLD MAN ROBBED. Thomas Stanton's rooms, No. 307 East Twenty lourtb street, were forcibly entered on Friday night last by thieves, who stole about $150 worth of wear ing apparol and $50 in oath. From tbt description given by Stantou of tbe thieves Officer Handy, of tne F.ighteeutb precinct, arrested John Reddington, of No. 260 East Twouiy-tourih street, and being fully identified at the Filty-seventh Street Police Court yesterday, he was committed for trial in default ot $i ,000 bail. Stanton concealed the loss of the money irom his wile, fearing that she might take it to heart too much, and complained thai now in bis old days he was leu completely destitute. IMMORTALITY. TH* THKOBY OK MWABDS AMD POMI8HMSMTS TREATED BY PEOYKSHOR FZT.IX ADLEB. Yesterday morning Professor Adler addressed a large audience on the above aubject lu Standard Hall, j He began?tt'by la It that bad men live and prosper, j ?ce their bomos peaceful and their wealth increase, | while the good are otten oppressed and the righteous down fallen? The one dies aaied with every manner of delight, the ottior with an embittered spirit In the ! thought of never having tasted happiness. Yet they sleep together in the dust. The problem of the dis parity between virtue and happiness, that has so often engaged the attention of thoughtful minds, loses none of its pungent point when viewed in the light of our own lives and surroundings We see the same contrast between merit and actual reward exhibited on every side Here it la the Ignorant aod nnscrupnlous politician who outstrips the states man iu the rsce for honor and position; here It Is the j quick success of sham worth tbst marks the alow, j | painstaking efforts of honest Inquiry; here some < | Ignorant knave Is lolling In wealth and squandering i ' his Ill-gotten gains in foiblea while modest merit ] I shrinks in corners The qualities that might adorn i the race are cfrippied and the native royalty of talent | plays courtier 10 the kings and princes ol lucre. In view of such experiences, and leellng the j justice ol the universe impregnated by the existing order ol things, men have taken ' ; refuge In the thought ol compensation and ! constructs 1 an ideal hereafter iu which what- 1 j ever is wrong here shall be righted, in which the last | shu.l be first, and every human being receive Its dual | | reward ol punishment or lellcity. it was among tho I ancient Greeks that the philosopher Epicurus was the i first to advance the proposition that all virtue Is an j enlightened sell-Interest The same view has in mod I ern times been frequently adopted and extolled. I "Pleasure." says Epicurus, "is the only true end and 'purpose of our lives." In tho garden in which be | taught was inscribed the motto:?"Stranger, here may ' thou rest; here dwells enjoymont? life's highest j good.'' , Tho speaker. In a well constructed argument, here ? showed the folly or this principle, and said that Kpt | curus himself, a man ol fine tastes sud fastidious ' habits, shrank from the very coarseness of the passions, | Mini counselled on his part the virtues or moderation, | friendship and benevolence. Sot because be rocog i nized them of superior value, but because he perceived j those were tho only pleasures. The thought of com | peusatlou in the hereafter lessons the urgency of re ? form in the here. Christianity refers the poor to the ' Kingdom to come for a requital of their present misery, and to ibat Kingdom tho poor are especially I called; while of the rich man It Is euhl:?Iiardlv shall ! a rich man enter into the Klugdom of Heaven. If this ? is so we should congratulate' Mailer street on its pov | eriv; we should form institutions and societies rather j to relieve the rich of their riches than tho poor ol i their distresses. CAPTAIN G. W. SMITH'S FUNERAL. Tho funeral of the late Captain Goorge William Smith took place yesterday from his family residence. No. 109 West Tweuty-tliird street. The neighborhood was crowded wiih a tnrong of friends of the deceased, who had gathered together to pay a last tribute of respect to the remains of their old and cherished associate. In pursuance to company orders tho members of H company ol the Seventh regiment, lately commanded by Captain Smith, met at their armory at noon yes terday, in citizens' dress, and proceeded to his late residence. A general Invitation to the regiment to at tend in citizens' drese was also Issued by Colonel Emmons Clark and a largo representation was present each member wearing on bis arm the usual Insignia of mourning. Tne veterans and ex-members were also present in numbers. The members of Atlantio Lodge F. and A. M., of which the deceased was Past Grand Master, met at their rooms and came in a body to at tend the luneral. It wns tbe request of the family that there should he do escort of any kind, so the trlends and associates who had come for that purpose after taking a last lareweil, of the deceased' quietly dispersed. Tbe casket containing the remains was stationed in the parlor and surrounded by beautiful acvicos in flowers, the tributes of the friends und comrades of deceased. A beautiful white I floral monument stood at the bead of the casket a I regimental lauguo cap resting at the base, and to tbe left a large shield bearing m the centre tbe regimental monogram, surrounded with the motto "Pro Fatrla et Gloria" The burial service of the Episcopal church was read by the Rev. Dr. Lawrence' of the church of the Holy Communion. The irtende and relatives took their last sad leave ol tbe departed veteran, and the body was borne to the hearse bv some or the members of his company. The remain's wero tuon taiceu to the lamily cemetery at Kiaita bridge for interment. THE KELSEY TRAGEDY. The Impression which has gone abroad that at the recent term of tbe Circuit Court lor Suffolk county, on, motion of District Attorney Wickham, a nolle prosequi was entered in the cases or Rudolph and Royal Sam mis, indicted for complicity In tbe murder of Charles G. Kclsey, is incorrect The facia aro these:?Mr. Wickbam stated to the Court that in hia opinion tbe defendante were not guilty or tho crime. He had been advised by General Barlow in April last to nave s nolle prosequi entered, but did not then wish to take the re sponsibility, as tbe case was not properly in bis hands hince then, however, the Attorney General bad com nutted tbe case to him, and he felt that be could not go to trial with any certainty ol conviction. If a nolle prosequi was entered now a new indictment could be lound at any limo. when new evidence might warrant It; but U tbe indictment went to trial and an acquittal should result, no inrtner proceeding could be taken no nintter what evidence might be discovered. Judge Bernard, however, viewed tue matter differently and advised that tho caae be brought to trial, that the ac cused might be relieved from the odium of hsving tho Indictment remain any longer. He consulted witn his associates on the benca, and the unanimous conclusion was against permuting tho nolle prosequi to be en tercd. The Judge then said that Mr. Wickham could haro the benefit of Judge Dykman's erder made in April, that the delendanu be discharged on their own rocogulzauce. and Mr. Wickham concluded to accept tho propoaitlon. Judgo Barnard accordingly directed on order to be entered releasing tbe ball, and discharg ing the defendants on their recognizance in tbe sum ef $1,000 each, no proceeding to be taken against them oxcept after aixteen days' nolle* * A MURDEROUS ASSAULT. Joban Kleebn, aged thirty, residing at the corner of J Twenty eeventh etreet end Tenth avenue, and em ployed in a lumber yard at Twonty-socond etreet and Eleventh avenue, was arrested yesterday In Hoboken by Folic# Officer Gerken for committing a murderous assault npen Charles Scbubmaker, e boy. of No. 72 C?ori etreet, Hoboken. It appear* that the prisoner and a Iriand had beea on board the Hamburg steamer lying at tbe loot of Tbiro street, and when they reached Hudson street some boys called tbera names, tpou this Klectin caught young Schulimaker and struck him with a heavy whitethorn stick on tbe top of his head with all hia force. The stick wts broken, but Kleebn raised the remaining portion to strike the po*?r bev again. The brutal assailant Is over six feet high and the wounded boy is a puny lad of thirteen. Tbe'pris oner was bold by Kocorder Uobnstedt for examtna Hon. The boy remains in a very critical condition. UNACCOUNTABLE SAVAGERY. Jams* Jenkins, No. 638 Eloventh avenne, had ths temerity on Saturday night to refuse treating William Flynn, No. 433 West Forty-sixth street, and Thomas Loe, No. 644, West Forty-sixth stroet, to drlnka The result was disastrous to him, going within an see of costing him his lite. By a sudden and unexpected movement Fl.vnn seised Jenkins around the body pinioning bis arms by his tide, Lee then stabbed bim twice tu tbe back with a knife, aftor which both fled The.v were subsequently arrested by Offlcer Lebnhardk Twenty-second precinct, and were held at the Fifty! seventh Street Court to await tbe result of Jenkins' Injuries. He was unable to come to court: still the wounds are not considered fatal. A DOG'S FUNERAL. [From the Cleveland Plalndealer, Oct. 27.J There Is eorrow too deep for utterance et No. 37 Burtoa etreet, west side. Mr. John K*y lives at No. 37 Burton street A few days ago Mr. John Kav owned a lovely pup of dtmlnuilva stature. It waa small, but oh jlmmlny I It was a pup full of promise. But'the pnp is no more. Right opposite tbe residence of Mr. Jobn Kay Is the headqearters ol a Tlldeo club. Mr. John Kay's cunning lull# pup look tba contract of barking down that clnb, and couldn't deliver. lis poor little throat gave out, and on Tbursdav at four o'clock A. M.. the dog was gathered to Its 'father* When It looked a* though* the j? wis up,* Mr. Kay a pup Mr. Kay rushed around to the medical scientists for relief; but none ol tbe medical scientist* teemed to think that their praeiice lay in that direc" lion. So the pup passed peacelully atvay Mr Kav determined to give Fido a Dice luneral. So he bought a beautiful child's coffin, painted white, lor which be paid f JO; next be bought a rough ouuide bo* for the colli n lor $2. He attired Fldo in an elegant dress of while silk, with a splendid red silk overshirt. Dresa the undertaker, furnished til these. The lamily then formed a luneral cavalcade and moved iiioumlutlv out .to the Monroe street eometery. As they were about to pass through the portals of the cemeiorv with aH that was mortal of the defunct yelper they wero met by Superintendent Ward, who refused them admittance. Mr. Kay and the rest of tbe mourners retraced their steps with streaming oyes and returned home like a sprinkliug cart. Kido will be planted in Mr. Kav's bask yard this evening. The friends of tbe family and several distinguished citizens nave been invited to come and weep with the bereaved family and partake or tbe luneral baked ineata. Mr. Kay has Invested handsomely in whiskey and beer, and ia determined to druwn liia sorrow ia the uttermost depths of food cheer. The weal aid* baa not bean so exoltad sine* Parka was buna. UPPER MISSOURI INDJANS. V THS SIOUX BAIDING IK THS JUDITH BASIN? DANOXBOUS OUTLOOK ON THK SOBTHXB1 HOUKDABT. {From too Helena (M. T.) Independent, Oct. 19.] Sen Riier, M. T., Oct IS, 1870. It was reported bar* yesterday that the Sioux bed wiped out thirty todies of Kiver Crows in the Judith Basin. The news was brought by soma Hex Farces, and, in consequence, they bava gtren up the Idea of going south of the Missouri: they intend going on the Marias Instead and join the I'logons to strengthen themselves. The Sioux have also killed two Groa Ventres near the mouth of Beaver Creek, about seveoty miles from Benton. The Crows, Gros Ventres, Flegans and Bloods are now our skirmish Una, and tn n short time they will be driven in or will join the enemy. It will be impos sible for those Indians to make any reasonable resist ance against the Sioux, as they have no means of re newing their supply of ammunition on account of the eruer against the trade of it. The River Crows num ber about 260 lodges, and will average four men to tho lodge, and Inhabit the country around the Judith and Bear's Faw mountains?all within seventy-five or a hundred miles of Fort Beaton. They are disposed to bo lriendly to tho whites, and are well armed with tho government needle gun and Win chester carbines. They are good horsemen and take the best care of their stock. The Gros Ventres inhabit the same country as jbe Crows, but oiten extend north ot the Milk lliver country and the Marias. They nhm her over 250 lodges and were very powerful until the measios and smallpox killed them off, in 1866-7 and 1809-70. They are friendly with the Crows, and equally well armed and mounted. Both tribe* are at war with tho Sioux and baud together for deleuelve purposes. The Assiniboins range sometimes through the Crow and Gros Venires territory, but more generally farther east and north, taking In the lower portion of Milk River, Wolf Point and the Cypress end Wood mountains. Tnese Indians are poor but numer ous, have but few horses and are poorly armed They are forced to he friendly with the Crowi and Gros Ventres, &? they often meet on the sami hunting ground, but there is no good feeling existing between them, aa the Crows and Groa Ventres know mat tho Assmibotns affiliate with the Sioux. Ther* are also several bauds of Assiniboins wno reside tn the British possessions and who seldom come south of the boundary line?only for the purpose ot stealing. Among those northern Assiniboins we tlnd the Crees, who extend from the Cypress and Wood mountains on the south, to tho main Saskatchewan on the north, tho Qui Appelle lakes on ihe east and the Rocky Moun tains on the west. This tribe is very numerous and ere friendly to ell whites travolling with e British flag. They have no lovo for anything American except thtli borsos, goods and provisions. It has been the policy of the Hudson Bay Company t? make those Indians hate the sight of aa American. The Crees end Assiniboins have inter married considerably, and may be countei trlenda end ready to make common war against their enemies. In the mountains and along the foothills of Bow River there are about sixty lodges of Assiniboins, commonly called "Stonies" by the Hudson Bay Company. They are very peaceable, and have bed a hard 111* ot H until the past two years, when they mado peace with the Blackfeet, and are allowed by theui to go t* the plains lor buflalo. The Bluckloet proper Inhabit the country abont Elk River, Bow River and Porcupine Tail Moun tains. They number between 300 and 400 lodges; hevt been very poorly armed until the lest year or aa Since then they have been arming steadily with the Winchester carbine, end In e few yean wilt bo as well armed and mounted as anj Indians on the plains They were at war with the Creel ana Assiniboins until a year or so ago. With ths Blackleet wo And forty or fifty lodges ot Sar-Sees wbe apeak a language of their own. But little le knows about these Indians?none appear to know from whence they come. They ere very quiet and herd working Indiana The principal CHIEFS OK THK SLACKFSXT Are crow Foot, Kmgle Rib, old dun and Running Rab bit. To the south of the Blackleet comes the Bloods, numbering over 300 lodges, having many so-called chiefs, among whom we find tho Hind Bull, Red Crow, Medicine Sun, Old -Sun, Blackfoot Old Woman. Many Spotted Horse*. Three Bear*, The Father of All Children, Hainy Cbier, Eagle Head and many others. The Bloods are well armed and have some excelled horses. Their young men ere the finest looking In dians on tho plains and pride themselves on theli dress and arms. They speak (be Blackleet language, and many of them have Bleckfeet women for wtvee. They tuhabit the country from Bow River eonth to lbs Marias, cxleuding east from the main chain to ths Wood Mountains, end often as far north as the "Hand" on Elk river. This tribe la capable of doing greri damage should they declare war against the whites. It wee they who KILLSi> THS ANGXVINR AND BURROWS party, at the mouth or tho Marias, twelvo miles from Benton, In 186a. At present they regard the whites as their friends and will remain eo unless toe Sioux will influence them to the contrary. They love war for the sake of the excitement and spoil, and It makea bnt little difference to them who they war upon, providing they can get the best of it. Many of them were quit* anxious to take the Held against the Sioux last sum mer, and as they are line shots on horseback they would do well. Among the Bloods there live slxtj lodges of North Piegans, under the lead of Bad Boy, Crow Eagle Chief, Red Crow and Gray Eyes. Thesi Indians are similar to the Bloods, speak the sami language, are armed tne same and are aa eager to com mcnce war on any one as the Bloods are. The south Piegans occupy the Marias, Milk River Sweet Grass Hills, Birch and Badger creeks, and oftei as far north as the Belly and Lost rivers, Chin anl Green lakes. They number over 300 lodges, end ari the best mounted Indians among the plain tribe* They nave been very peaceable, with a lew exception* since Colonel Baker visited them on the Maries is lk? winter of 1So9-70. They never will have any love foi tho white man, and It is questionable If they ever bed. Tbey have committed more depredations in Montane than all the Indians combined. It is true It cannot ell be charged to the Piegans, foe the Bloods as well as the Bleckfeet assisted In the work. A war party ot eight or ten would atari from Bow River, out ol a Btacktoet camp, come south to e Blood eamp ou Belly River, get ten or twelve re cruits and come on the Cut Bank or the Marine, find a Piegan camp aud swell the party to fifty or sixty. The Piegans were supposed to bs the most friendly of the tribes end had the coufldonce ot the men on the frontier and knew where good henls could be made. After the raid was made the Piegans went to the Blood camp and got horses in exchange for their portion of tho epolla. The Bloods got Blackfeet horses for their own end the Piegans' share, end the Blackfeet turned them over to tho Hudson Bey Company and were encouraged to repeat these tripe as oiten as possible. A WOMAN WHIPPED IN VIRGINIA. [From the Washington (D. 0.) Star, Oct. 28.] Mary Brown, a South Washington alley ranger and kleptomaniac, with skin the color her name indioatea, last weok extended the field or her operations to Alex andria, where she was canght shoplifting and taken before a magistrate, who, finding the charge sustained, sentenced her to receive thirty lashes at the whipping post.' The officer whose doty It Is to carry the sentence Inte effect administered twenty of the lashes and turned her loose, directing her to eome hack te th? city on the 10th of November to receive the remaining ten lasbea On her way to the boat to leave town Offi cer James Smitb necked her again, and, accompanying her to this city, obtained a search warrant and recovered some perlumery and otner article! from Mary's domicile, in an alley In South Wash ington. which she bad stolen in Alexandria. Again enjoining upon her to return on the 10th lor the re maining lasnes, be left her, but Mary has no Intention of obeying the admonition. This is a regular practioe of the Alexandria authorities, and that community is troubled with a less number ol thieves et the petty class than any city in the country. The "whipping post" there is nothing more then the prison doors ol the cells, to wmch the culprits are tied, making them form what the officers Jocularly call "spread eagles," and receive a portion of the stripes named in then sentences, when they are terned oat with orders ti return on s fixed day for the balance. Not one hai ever been known to return to the city. THE OLD, OLD STORY. Nearly s month ago e handsome Italian girl, names Valeria Aoerbl, left her home In New Orleans Hei brother. Salvatore Acerbt, by eonstaal inquiry became convinced that she had left the Crescent City with a Frenchman, named Laurent Fsscalis, a muaieiaa, for merly engaged as s baritone singer in tbs Aimde French Opera Troupe. Mlla Acerbi was nineteen years old and of prspossoasing appearance Pas cal Is was torty-flve years old and married, The girl, on leaving home, bad taken with her $200 belonging to her brother, who came to thin city and reported the (seta to Superintendent Walling. Detec tlve Tessaro, ol the Second preoinct Court squad, owing to bis extensive acquaintance among the Ger man end French population of the city, was detailed to investigate the ease. He ascer tained that Tuscans was ono of the artiste who participated in the concert given at Tammany Hall for tbo benefit of Julius lllanc, the French pro teisor ol music, who subsequently shot bis wile and child and tben committed suicide, at nia residence in West Thirty-third street. He at once began inquiries among the foreign musicians residing in the city, end after a great deal ef trouble learned that T as calls was a paid member of the choir oi St. Francis Xsvier's church, in West Siitoenth street. By watcoing the church he' succeeded in track ing Tuscans to his residence In Twenty eighth street, near Filth avenue. Having discovered Tascalts' roiideuce, Detective Tessart celled on Goveraer Tllden and requested him to sign the warrant ol extradition lor the arrest of the girl. The Governor, on being Informed of the tacts in the case, evinced the utmost interest tn the matter, and not only granted the extradition warrant, but per sonally endeavored to assist Detective Tessaro In the r CONTINUED ON NINTH PAO&1