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cit% nu estatb ?on mii?m K*?l Sid* ABAKti.VIN.-3.2tl SD AV., SUPERIOR LARGE Store Properly. near 13l>th at- ; loimeu'.ate poseeaafou; ?cc.immodaiiui.' terms. H A mTAI AUO FOR PIVB STORY DOUR Ml ?/vTenemcnt. two stur*", ou i?t av. ; eon.ji'iete order; well hn<4l r?<t fJS.Olil). T. OUVEIl CARTER. Mj Ntwa It , II. B- tmM III AND CAlMTALIvf^ ATTENTION? Northwa?t comer Sd a*., 1 Villi St., luixl'l); low *ud ?it) ltrm>. W ?*at ??Mir Ii*f?K SALE-PROPERTY SOUTHWEST CORNER Kliit; ami >\?*? - Immediate vicinity ot European steamship plin; -libit intial buitdlBir "" 'ti l square, lour itorln and cellar. Willi < Hi- elevclor, en run* ??d loll r. vnMcrt to leaae till May 1, M7H. Ad.lrcss owner, K. P. K('Hl.VS, 104 Carroll it., Brooklyn. oixns w m?>dkra rk siiv.rT t!i'krr story tvrnwl iluni front 11 ouaei ; beaut ifully iitgil<4 ?i Meat ? ?*?>*?? at . iMnr IO?h av.; will lie iold ?r rented '<> drilnUi families hi moderate prieea. Apply uu prentiiei to D. Ii. KN APP, owner. _ B**TH AT., WEST "siDK?DESIRABLE LOCATION: Slur* uud Dwelling fur aale. Apply tu J. K. MAST1N, 73 Mldvijr. i 7 rxir-? EAPE?T fiorsh AMI LOT IN THE '? 4 ?.M'.ritv. now rental for only f^t.un cas balance by Instalment!; 31W Went 37th at. Apply nt 1,-ti" Mroadwa.trooui 1). >11 III III-Oil* Messrs. dugoin a cko.-sman. architects. <w KmHUi >t. liar- decided lo mark dowu their eleven n?? Uoiihi ami tnnr Itiblri t'> very low flKurei: send t?r anieuned pamphlet- iIhIik lull description. Ilouavi from Irs to Xj r.ei fruiit. Prices, ? 6.1*11 to toltUOKLYN PROI'EKTY FOR SALE AMI TO IiET. ItOK SaI.E-TII KEK Nt-.W HOUSES, WITH STORES; would lake a mi)aII Farm tcr some cask. M. MOIil,, toruvr Herbert nu>1 Monitor iti, Itrookljrn, K. I) IVESTCItKSTKK CtllSTl I'RUI'EHTY FOli KA1.E AM) TO IlENT. Pa km to Rent? near mount yeknon, west ehes'erconnty: ilw Farm ol over So acres to rent. Pot particulars apply i" Jo!IN TUAVSSII EM). Bunnell Build ing. corner oi Nmmu and Ann iti., Xew Vork. fPirXfT-AT~rn]iUMTTTlEKiHrs. AT a NOMINAL 4. rent until Ms> 1, a neat Collet*. barn, Ac., with 4U acres of ground; ?!? minutes' w ilk ir<'in ri.llro;id dppi.t and S<> ininmca trom Uii tt ; commutation 1- crnts. lin,nlrr nt JO UN HlilKlA.N, 1UJ JJ roadway, or WM. T. A. IIAKT, t>7 1'riiiro II. T1TOOULAWN OEMBTBRY HI/KIaT Fl.of KOIt t? ?nlo In tht* Hnr?t locution. Kor p.-irtlruluri addrpaa 0. W. M., Herald 1'plows Hrnncli nrttcr. mip werk t?IlOi?KHTY OCT OK THK CJTtf" KOU SAL.B OH TO REIT. 'i BA R'i A IN.?Til E "JANRON Ka It.M," ONE <?F THE jrtlhfhi in Ulitircaantyt HO odd norm , excellont IKuorjr (ton.- liou>?; modern linprovamrntu; extra largr barn and onthiiil<t? una: well watered ami Irnlted; lire inllr> iroin I'lno Unah, Oranii* rounty. Dr. SIIEKMaN, owner, I Ann at. (iooil nelulibnrliood; aburch, icliool and atom handy. ' A LL Loi.K.-HOMU<7oi>rtTTlEAT'TEVI:I rV pa'id /\.lor, m ar city, a: Elir-abetb, N. J.; pr(ce? .'fM.'iO to #'>,-<K>. Dirmlara fVrr. KKLLOtiO, 8 Broadway. At new HRiiiiiTo.N?to"Ter, piirnikmeo and ?itiliiriiiall>-d lluuiea. very low tor winter, or yearly, j-1 to $ ?" per month, JAM EK M. TAYl.OK, 1Pine at. J POULTRY FARM OE 40 ACKEH F'i ik BALK ?WITM all tin-Siook, t'ropa, Toola, I-armlnt Imp cmenta of all klnita, Purnltnre, Ac.. aituafd on liikh, rolling irronnd. per fect I y healthy and free fmra monqnitnea; anltntile for raUliiu poultry on a Inrue acalo : price for all, i-omplci e, f 1 ?.(? *); Itrius oaar. Addr?m POULTRV. bos lit! llarald office. T* S LRT?A NEAT SKVE.N-K()i>M t'OTI AuE. Tn Itrand View Park, Ktaten Inland h?nntlful viewa ol bay and ocean ; one boar from Wall ai.; tnro 1KI centi. Sir W ALHM. !?;? Naaaaa *t. KENT?AT ELIZABKTir-BKAUTIEL'L UWELL itb lirounda; all improTements. JOHN BULK LEV. H7 l!r?ad it., New Vork. rpo 1 J- In*. REAL ESTATE TO EXCIIAKGE. B" ROOKLYiT BRICK llOl'SE-STATK ST., NEAIt I'onrt. $10,000; loortira^o iM.oOO; rent fdott To e\ ibauit* lor amall conntry place tree J. D. DONOICT, -!t l'ine. SV>K DALK UK EXCIIANOK?EOK CITY OK XEaR hy country Property, a liue two atory and hlrh haaamepi brick House in II >lli it. Addreas, for one week, DOCIOK, box 15#J llerald Uptown Hranch ottice. ipLAKIBU MILL fOR HALE OR EXOHAXOE?ON I rallrnad in northern part of tliia State. Addreaa PLAN ING MILL, box 140 llarald ofllco. T- wo BRick iiousp.?7^)n a prominent ooiunk ot ICInion ?t.. Brooklyn, to exchange lor Karro, uncncuin lered or liirhtly uiortsaired. J. I) C0NDICT, J5 Pine. HEAL. ESTATE WANTED. I\rANTED rtl III'V OK KENT? A FAIIM OFlVi TO TT Mim acren of co"d craiinii land, with running '"ater, 35 lo !t0 miiea (liatanoe by rail from Jersey City; i>tato full par ticulara. Aihlreaa T. I)., box 3,1-t.i, New York. WANTED?FOlTlt STORY P RNIslIED lloTsK IN tint claaa location ; atate price. Addroaa HOUSE, a,<l.?l I'om offiee. _ TO LET KOR i:iMM>s ITUPOhl'Ig B' fe'NNE'l I fti'iLDIJHt. # Fireproof. I.crated on Naaran, Ann and Fnlton ata. Flrat Floor to let; auitnlde !or hanker-', InMirance ofllrea or lawyera, wilt tic lei i.<>f>-1h?-r orin parti; he altered tu suit tcnauia it dcaired; adapted lor tdllcea orator**, Kea-onahle rents. Alao some elii;ihli> Lnw Olhcc? to let. APPLY <>N THE PREMISMk. Take the elevator. Inquire lor Jmiitor. A" NY REASONABLE RENT OFPER ACCKPTEDn l'laieirlai- window and -tore Kixturea. CHOtplete; two b.'Ck Koines . ala ? t'cllar . aullable f>r any respectable btisi neas. 4/,'2 Weat 3d at., near Broadway, Waahlogton Kiuar?. AT e.n. i>8ll MONTH. 8T0RR KO. 100 XA8T SSfQ at., near 4th av . with iarI' show windows, j. II. MO.\ AliliAN. -101 4th ai-., corner 3IHU at. K.ST LiOMTkD SMALL LOFTB IN THE CITY; water cloieti, k??, Ac. ; new building. 10."> Fulton a(. J. M MONTUOMBRY. B B 007 roadway stork, *1?. CORNER rjTII ST.. TO let?Alio 1 ppnr Part ol 4S Eakt 13th at. Inquire at 4S. Ci11ak srokeTrent |ki, DO*toh n? rei i rns ?.V> daily . atock $.'<,<^>0, eaay term* LLOYD, 3t> Broa Iway S""PLKNDIl)LY LIGHTED LOFT8, .VtXHii, WITH ?team power, tn let lu the eleirun: new building corncr (forth and Mulberry ata. Ap.dr on the pren laca. J) DIIRAND. TO LET-STORB NO. 7 UNION SOUARH;" RKNT very reasonable, suitable for oyater ami dining inlocm or any other r-aocctable inidueaa Initttre at F. UNBR K tNT's real eataio and law office, 13 t'liambera it., New Yor!i._ ? _ TO I<BARK?A DESIRABLE OOKNBR ON IIOaK w?v; a!.-o no Inside Plot on I'niun iquaro. Applr t" K. LUHLOW A ('?>., H Pine at. a^O* RENT -low E iTp.V RT 16 DRY ST.; MOM INAL rent; rare opportumtv. VAN WYCK A GREEN. StAJ Pin* at. fp*?_ RKNT?ALL OR PART OKAEIR NIS111. D O F j. tlee. t Broadway, room tl. s ril A Y-STO KK. It AS E M E N T AND Al'AKT niuuts. rtii t'.tli av., Crat llo ir. S. RICH, 71 Mnrray at DWELIilNB IKICRHS TO lais'a. ? Euiiiistit'u. A COMPLETELY PORNISIIBD l|t>USR_H4TTI ST.. (xuear 7th av., to May, or leas ' rent. $l'2.*>; othnrs. MALI. A MJf I KUS, 3lM Weat 3:td at. A?NEW""otiMPLETli FURNISHED LISTS READY ? at 1 i'me or xi East 17th st. Y. k STEVENSON, Jr. DtoR rent. rT'itN?mu?. thrm mroiY~nion " atoop brick. 33a40, in complete order. Apply to owuvr, IS East jsth, between tth and Madiion ava. I.11' liMSH ED HOUSES TO KENT?OOODLOCATIt ?NS j T near Mb av.. ,tc ; JIJ ', $I7.'> #.'tm, #.'fki, if all ami f.'aat C-r month. TIMPSON ,t PhKT, I.4SS liroadway, near th at. IitPRNlSllED HOUSE To LET?BOARD TAKEN FOR rent If desired. Full particulars, tin Warren at IrtOI rt STORY BROWN Sl-ONE. t .Til ST., NKAK'.vrTl ' av. MORRIS It. BAER A CO..7 Weat :i4th at. VTKATLY ANI) COMPLr.TKLY FURNISHED HOUSE' LM oppuaiio Ucaervoir Park ; rent $?.tlt)ii A. D AI LEY, fKM Oth av. rOitET?RXCEPTOFFICE, DEslliAKLK FUKNISiTbD liouae; rent low to ainaM rcapouiiblo lamily. Apply at .411 Lexington a v., from l> till 3. I'dtMI'll tatiri*. * T n <> PER MONTH -To RENT, ONE OF TIIOSK [Vawell front llonaeaon ItHh at. near 5th av., a prlvnto anrll only. E. H. Lt'DI.AIW ,t CO.. M l'ine at. A ?Tt> RENT, t)N aril ST.. N E A It fiTH AY. A FOUR fV.sMr) tlonae, at the low rent of$l,."itll. Apply to E. II. <1 ULOW A Oo.,3 Pine at. ?CHEAPEST lloi'SE~ONIaJ IK) MONTHLY; XX .eellent nei|(hborliiHid. near Itroadwav. batli, rau^o, raahtuhs. I'OTTEIS HKOTHERS, 4 Wnrren at. It XMHlART EXTRA WII?K HASEMENT HOUSR , [You'.<>th *t . near ih **., to rent to a private familv only. B II. LUDLOW A CO . .1 l'ine at. hl<uwn stone ihh'-e on wi gr .'?7th St., near l-.lvvated l?oad; house in perfect order: to a reaouaibie party at a very low rent; poaaeaaion liuinedi ?t*ly. Apply to owner at :tS7 Bmtdvay, up -tairs ?KB DICED R RNTM.?NEW 5o MPLRTE UK FDR. iniibed Itats. Oltices 4 Pine and :<:t East 171 h at. Y. R. BTKVBNoON. Jr. TTOUSES TO I.KT?TIIRKK SfOUY IIIGH SToOP; 1 LWoat HStb St.. f.'Hl a tnontb . * ' h at.. U'ar llroaitn av, fl" ' a month EKMlND 11. MaRTINK. I,:*tl Broadway. I A ROK LIST OF UNFURN ISHED HOUSRsI GOOD JAoeationa. f'l.lnil, fj, ??l, S/.taa., #i.mi>i. /1 mi an | $7iai TIMPSON A P ET, 1,4*,s Broadway, near 141It at. M\ I)lKt>N~AV.; XMAR '!4T?r ST ?-A FULL MIER lour ai"ry lions* to let or lease. Apply to E. II. LI D Lo A' A CO . a l'ine It. Near union "hjuarx?most compXctthivate tlouae, well adapt *d Ibt Boarders; abotti 1?S roonia. iti.% Kaat IStb, adjoinlnK 4|h av. ; fH7 AO until May. Iimnediato poasesiton. H'EaFuSToN syi VKK, T1IREK DESIRABLE FLATS, M7 Ml NffiU.lM'J til everv facllliy for hoiisekeepittir. 1116 East lath, adjoining 4tli av. Private house lor thre* families only. Immediate i>?asessioa. T- ti' LET LOW?HARLEM?? STORY BtTtlWN RIONB. I ti' i ii I re No. 3 Weatervelt nlaca, I3Jd St., near taaml..<at landiuK -|io t.K'r-A HOUSE WITH ALL IMPROVEMENTS | 1 low rent, only #1.1*"' a rear. In tub at., near 3d a*. In. *alre ?f ISAAC IIOCHSTEK, Hi ri|b at. TO LBT-AOO M MO iuo l*S BRICK MO I* HE, IN A RE rpactahle locality lu the Ninth ward; all Improtemants. 'ti<|..iru No. I?) Chrlstopber il. r~"OLEf?L<>W ~KKNT?11 j WERT 3IST St. APPLY to iA M. M. THOMAS, IHjS 0th av,, betwean 3ilth and list ill. . FO KB>T.?SI'I'E i.IoR t|l>USE: .'Si."> LEXINGTON av.. corner Md at.: tour norlea, brown stone, hard IIu 4hedi In line order. R 11. II., Ill Kaat 34th at. Jto KhNT-A IDI It STOKY llROVVf sToNE "HOUSB A 491 IHtli st . between '.ih and ?lth ava ; rent low. Clil i.H. ,t ANOKliiON, 3Ui Grand i. ITU ST . BETWEEN .III AND "Til A VS. A FIRST 7e ass loer story lin.wn stone iiwelllnir;site, I7x'><n|i*i; In perlett order, tu tat. at a low figure. It IV VA I i.I.I A MS. S I7 t tl. av. rtRKIkliKD ittMtAis AMt APAUTMBITI TO LEI. A Lady t>rviN., i* ii eh own hoi >e woui.D give the u?e of an ?la?aui l ?rlnr on ibe brat tiuxr to a raatlwman wtlliaic W advance ft" monthly. Addresa CBN I..AL, Herald Uptown udi??. PI UNI8IIEI) UOfl.nK AIID AI'AllTMKS'r* TO LKT. COUPLE OK ROOMS, HANDSOMELY KUKNIMIED, > to gantUiBOn, without ?*>f%rtL 12 Wa*t *i7tu , near ?III AY. - A, 'i FEW ORR1LRMBX CAM WD PtlAMMT, COM j\lori*uly luruUhc?l llvoma, at iatc*, at Am A FRONT PARLOR KM M V FUHNIHIIRD. 134 ast at ; oilier Rums $3 to &'? ntnim* ".NICELY KI'IAMII II ROOM IIP LMT AT 813 BUM I !tli st? uear M a*. v M.Y I . KM>M Ml I' VI I. Hi AND BEDROOM, .A second lloor. Iruat, to let t? gentlem. n only, wltnoai b'.ord; family private. I Kill ITU tt..J?eet of Broadway. A 1'ARTMENTH. FUBRIRHBO! QUIKT KKtJPKCTA J\ l>l? hoiuet. housekeeping facllltl's #2 ??*' I" '*r''* fr .nt Stor- H..senieni iinil Laundry kitchen, c4. ?' "est :d st , Mir Broadway. Wathington *quare. a H SM ONI' KLOI<II<<K4 ROOMS FOR A. linage keeping'? private hotter, "in Abinrdon ?)"*rr.i l.alli, .as. hut and eolil water ln.,elre real estate ntn. e, i # Abiugdon square (Hth av.), between Hl-e. ker and 12ih A FIRXISIIED FLOOR, WITH EVKRY t ONVEN Aleiir. for housekeeping. t? let t-. * respectehlc small Umily. 91 M action it* I 91., ne*r r. ... i I.A1IV LIVINO ALONE DESIRES TO LET 1 ** A. furnished Rooms 1" ladle. or gentlemen; reference. I nil for one weak, 78 West ttfrth It. . Tj JS BARROW ST.. NEAR III DSOX^?FUR Roomt to let. tuiiabln t..r one or two genllrtncn, i;a? mul bath ; own hou?a ; no moving. 4 iiaxukomki.y ki KNisiiKD FLOOR. COMfUffB A lor housekeeping t private henee; Kle"i *St?wJVi lln.adway htrtyet ?top on corner; $3i> monthly. ? ??" With *t. / lOMFQRTABLB Bl>oM KOK ONE OR TWO OMWtjj V men. *4; li.ll Room,*.! LMt, hot IKli ?t. n?ur . d av. / 1 \N BESKEN To.yAV ?a LAIHiE KR< 'NTI'A,;''f?tl \j Itedrooni. handsomely furnished. for one ?r two gentle i. ..I Btf Watt 14th ?t.. Hi and'.ill av-, Bfiffji ay., 301, BECOND FLOOR 'IIAKDllOMBLT ' luriiitlied : "all appointments Or?t cl?e?; prtirate laoto util)-; ?rferrnea?. i; R>I?ilBD-TWO i ii.NNKf riMi ROOMS.gWTTH r tire, hot ami cold water; privtlaKe of bath. lUi Kaat 4ttk at. LM'ltXISllKH KOtlM. WITilOl'T H<,.A,a) ;| 'J.f., r Ji-rllon to llcrtit ho.i\ekeei.ini; near (.antral 1 ark and Klevatad road; rafarapea. Ml Watt t]U BU'TtXlsllhii RUOM Adb JIBOROOM KOR UOl'SB kaepini: 2-t W eat Hill ?t. ^. I II'KM.MI. II KCIK liK.NTLRMKN <>K LIOllT HOCSR r Weepln*; baek, 9U: front, lioni?a, naxt Union Siiuaro lintel, l'i i'nlon -qnira ntlRXIMIIXD ROOMR,KUITARLK KOR WStOLE Of.N r t ir inn ur hrlit llOB?kW ptn|H b?th ? ?' I ??? **' B?? * Dl i; S I-II1 li MK vTl.t KOK Hor>KKKKriXlS-rAR r lor, Kitchen, tir.t llo<ir ; frontlnij 8th ar.; term* moderate. 30 I Hfil -Ktli at. 1 non I.IOIIT IIOl'SKKKKI'lNil?T\Vl) WKI.L FI R* niched BfftiNd lloor Koonm; hath, ??*. *?. 4J UroTt St* VI' KLY rtTRHI8UBD KEOKT ALO( VK AND HALL itoom; nlfto M|UHre Itooiu to dvfcirftbla purlieu. 47 afnt lUth tl ATI 0 KLY rVKNISIIBD ROOM, SIITABLR KOR J> light hputi k. eplnK. *4. 417 4th ??., in ar JIHU at. XTMJhLY llKNIMIIl.O FLAT AND HO MB OTIIF.R IN Room* to let. at n Katt -Oth ?t.. near Broadway. N ,T >.WLV l-l 1CMSIIKI) UOO.MS. M. *4 A.S1> 8?; OOR nrr home in tquare. 141 Mecdoiiisal. PAHI.oR FLOOR. KOl'K ROOMS, FI'ltNIHIlKl); KI ano, heeter. bath hot water and fcat| Itouaa private; tarmn modarato. 171 Ka^t ^7tU tl. mo lkt?witiToOt Hoiltb. IN a PRIVATE family. I a whole Floor, with exWntlim. handtoniely furnUhed; w tHiltl answer lor hiialnesa piirpi??a?, dantUt or u?tctor: biw Inrre Iledr.iomj; evary modern Improveinant. 40 nut 124th kt. ml)"UT-A FUltNIHllKD ROOM. TO A H IN OLE URN II lain (in. 10 Kast 12th ?!., batweau 5tU av. and Univargity place. rro LEI kT kn imied-one la hue room, also a i hall Hoom. to gentlemen. ?> Irving place, oppoelt# We^tailntler hotel. Uri'KK FLOOR, in pkivate house. HAMfiMOVB* lv lurnlthed; moderate reut; for tnan and wife or adalia. Itrj hart Btth tt. -Til KV ???:?.-A l.A It OK KI.'KNISIIKD ROOM TO Olet. to ii Kantleraan. without board; aUo Omco Tor phytl cian; lermt moderate. c7h AY.. I?4? large FUllNIHIIRD FLOOR; RES Otaurant opponlte; alR? Ironl Suit, third lloor. cue -handsomely furnished lakoe hai-k JM).Parlor, lir?t floor, iwmthern expoioirn. for^entlenien or hi.ii'ekeepln't!; hall Room. N'? ;l 0 '??"'"t I 4th M. III WBHT 30TII HT.. WITHIN A FBW DOOR* OF 1 ?>D.-linonlro'?. ?Newlv fnrnUhed Hoomi, without board, Including llecrpiion llo.nn M flltt floor. WB8T WaHIiTniITON PLAOK. ?TO LKT TO OKV. tlcm??n, withoKt board, iioom* nicely lurni?bed; south i spa 14; J." WEST 2ATI! >T., NKAlt BROADWAY.?REAR AUPtrter Floor, wltkoa) baard ?i(\east sjsth stT-n 161LI fuknisiieu rooms ? ?/to let to (reutlotneii. oi OOTTAOB _ PLAOK^ NEAR llEHFoUD ST. ?l L Pleanaul furul<bid Room, well licatud ; ttoiitlenien ouly; if;t per w.-e*. ?? ???? "STI VVESANT ST., A BLOCK EAS" OF COOPER ?>OIn?tit'utc.?llandtomely furnlthed Roomt on a^cond and third floors lor gontlemen detirltijf n Dr.t elam home, without hoard. O I ill HT. 1U-* WKHT.-TWO LARC.R FURNISHED .j'xRoom* lo reut, without board, to gentlemau only; ref orencct required. ri\"WRST 16TH ST.. BETWEEN Mil AND Til AVS. 0' 'Nicely funnelled Roomt Tor genllcnien ; reference re quired. ^ ~lT7\ MACUOrOAL ST.?FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH 1 11 /every convenience for bouteekepinjj. to let, to re tpe. table Mil?U laiulliet. 1 o '? east :I7TI! ST.?A SUIT Q.F ROOMS ON SRC l^Oond floor; ?Uo other lar^e Roomt, all fronl, fur niKhed. 1 ,)?f WEST liOl'STOK ST.?A VRRY OESIRABLB | | Floor. *In roomt. lurnitlied. to a genteel small fam ily ; alto Roomt for pentlnmen. ' T?1 F. VST 1 ?T11 ST ?II AN D.SOM I'. L V KI" KNIKHRD 1 i)lRoi.m>. suitable lor Keutleniiiu uud wile or party uf gentlemen; B iard ii deal reft. OO'j WEST 3 n il ST., NEAR 7TII AV. CARS.? JJilNlriilj fnrniehed Roomt Tor II -lit hout?k?'<pin|{; alto oct mall Baaat; k*s an?i waii?r. nSii RTH AV OPPOSITE ii!'AM? OPERA HOUSE. ^l)?Convenient and handtnmoly furnlthed Kloor. suita ble tor llu'ht hontekeeplng; terms reatonahle lor quiet per tnanent parlies. .1 -n ? EST HSTII ST.-TO LET, FURNISHED FRONT Ji I WBnsfinent Room anil Ileilroom for llRlit housakeep Inir. suitable for any oue taklnc lu towing; ront per week ,1,17 EAST 41 ST ST.?TO LET. TI1KKE IIAND ? I tomely lurnlthed Roomt, on second floor. ?o uentla uian ..r tmall family) fire and en*. tmwlWr ..r aeparate. ixFL'HMRMKll RIHI.HS A*U APART. MKXTS TO LKT. N KLhtlAXT FLAf'tTnTht-unrcrrnisiied; FIVE iroome. 71 Lfxiii tun av. TIMR.I I'l.oou, 17 .1 A N F. ST.. S ROOMS, (ias and water; alto Fourth Floor. ?> lloraila tl. ~t PARTMKNTS -TbNTRRl?K>L Jtw WltST 25TII ST., ivft'i. ^.''I. rich, modem Improvement!, for small families; gtrden. Janitor. NY ORKTEEL FAMILIBH WANTINU FLATS AP t N KI iVromu A \.W iiKMKhli KAMiuaa ^ ply al :?4 W?-*t :14th Rt. __ 4 SK('ONI) FLOOW, SIX ROnMs. KINK ORPRR; 2i ^VWcht i:nh at ; rent to ?uii tha timi*a. 11UKMIAM, 909 llndson it. FINP. I'ARLOR FLOOR IM PRIVATE HOUSE 03 M. Mark's place (Hth it.); reut low. Inquire on the premises. 4 PART ME XT IIOirsE. HAIOHT Bl'ILDINO, Mil AV., iViorner l.'ith st.?Each suite hit private kitchen, or ton anti .hi.piled Irom the general culilna. "I SEC ON D FROOR (FOU R ROOMS) IN PRIVATE J\ house lt'AI West 23d st; reut *3.">. Apply at coal yard, 24th st.. near iltli av. l N l.l.l i. ANT FIRST FLAT. SIX ROOMS AKD IIATlf _A.ii.oin. ai l >7 4th av. Inquire lop floor. A TTKNTlOX"' ?REHUi'KH RENTS; FRENCH FLATS; A.433 West 34lh M.. near Klerated road; tlx roomt; ^22 apward. MOKRIS M. IIARR i ? <i. 72 W eat 34th. VRRrOND floor", six ROOMS; STHICTLY PKI vate; flnt clatt ocrupantt; tlx udultt. Apply to owaer, on prcnitei 04 Weil loth st* AN titer PART OF piuyatb HOUHB, 3W BAft 4.">th st.. I" rooms, f4">; will he rented separate if de tiie l; Second Floor, 223 East USth it., 4 rooms. 130 East |2th s?. _ _ A ?FLATS. ALL LIOllT ROOMS, NEWLY OIL j\ .painted; mo<l?rn Improvements; new, lirtt eiaat hrown stone home. 324 Wert 4sth it.; rent $4ii to (Sti. Alto one parlls furnished, rent *.Vi ANY OnS LOOKINO FOR FRENCH FLAT CON Atainlnaand s light roama, in a ahuice nalghborhond, apply H-XS Wail 'JIHh st. ESIRABLR PARLOR AND BASRMENT FLOORS; six rooms ; rent very reasonable. I 4? West lfilli st. I) IJ1LAT TO LRT?PaRLOR FLOOR, Ml BART IWH X/ st. Inquiro on preniitet, or at ROSRNBfcRit A CO.V 21 Walker it. _ _ NF.W FLAT, aRYRN ROOMS, LIOllT; ALL Improveuientt; 22d st west ol 3d av.; AI? Ml; best lu tlie price. SAMURL KILI ATRiI^K, 340 . d av. ORLRAKR FLATS Hill AV. AND :.7Tif ST.; ALL itnorovemcnitt: cowplcta ? rent f to $12. i ,1. EDO vU LEAYCRAKT,702 8th ae. 1>ARLOr"FLOOR AND BASRMENT TO LET?4A4 \\ est -'.ith it., opposite college grouudi; rent $Ut>; fourth Floor, h.ur rooms, #IS. ^i iTsT) KMXiii private nousB. nol thrrb Onil iuies froiu I'. nth or Tweaty-tblrd street lerry. 20* orchard si., Oreenp.nut. ___________ rpn |,KT?t'oRXRR FLAT, FIRST FLOOR, KIXR 1 light rooms lu p?rf,?ct order; rent low Owner, on prom ises. MM Nth av., corner ?l 2Hlh st. ri>o LKT-l'AKI.oK \N Ii RaHRMBKT FLAT OF 1 hrown stone housi In We.t J?th it .' One block; with ail the laieit improvement*. SALTell A LK V \ . ?wl'*Sth av. T>t? ttR.s I, LOW, To on.NTLEMaN AXO WIFE. TlIB Third Kloor (3 rooms, closeti, Ae.) In Due stone private house JIH Ea*t HOtli st.. Boulevard; til ci.nvenlei.cef and In perfect order. Inquire at 11.1 East '*>th it. T^J I.KT?KLotlKS OF FIVB ROOMS. PANLOR, ?lining room and t wo l.edrooms and kiteti^n. In the brown .tone front house* l .rlhwest corner ttlit si , 3d av.; watli tabs ^ndgat . rents from $13 to #|i. per muntli. Inquire oa i lie ptemieea, flrom ^A. M. t?> ? P. M.^ .___ TO LEI?TWO NICK ROOMS, THIHD FLOOR, PRI vale lioate. 241 Kast SAth si.; rent cheap. rpo LET?KIHST vl< OR. t ROOMS, SfcCOXD FLOOR, I ;? Ki.oms ; *;tj, $.><1. Kill >i|h av. TO LBT-'JHO EAST fJriTsT . TO A SMALL FAMILY. Part ol Kli.i.r lront>. 4 rent $1 . per nioatU. rpo LBT KLUORS iflTB Rooms. i LOSRTS, AC.) x *1 91" per month, on .<ih av.. I . minute- from Hamilton l-rry. Apply at HI MIllLU'S Real Estate oflme. S-.3 otll ?v., Rrooaiya. TO LBT?TO A SMALL FAMILY OF Alll LTS, AX elegant Floor of tour rooms, bathroom Ac., ia private brown tlone h.,u?e J*. Kast 7!Hh st. ; rent only RJti 4?/?|t WKsT 43D ST.?TO IIF.NT, I NFUttKISHUD. A ^|)t Ikaitdomie seaond Flaar; hou*? Rrst class, ront f3 ., inciadtag gas; reierence. Xt ST 2D ST. -TO LRT. IX A PHtVATR house, four oi uve Roouii, with ar without carpett. 301 ilOONM, ROOM*. \ vi KO. Ill tin. lllv ":????! tlpmihlvii. YOl'Nii M vN AND WIPE WOULD LIKE A N It e lecoud ylfH?r wllli a private faiiiili. mulled above 7") ? II call lide. Adure.i J. W. D.. box it?7 New,*or< I <??* ?Ifice. ^ .. XBATLY FURNISHED SMALL IIoL'SB, II Ylt'IM |?v loth In ???Hi it.. iietween M and 7lh av?. : itrlrtiy pr v^t?< family, reut muni be ramie rate; be*l nlfrinwi A<1 ilrrM t!. U. W.. Brooklyn Ually _ 4 VAULT i WANT YIVK OH *1X wYoMsi OS A Union xquirt, vUhool board. DKl'KVSTkK. lleruld l'|iM*> "We A A. 1 uFTh WAXTBD?FROM 1ST Of MAY NKXf". FOR lju .VI yenr*' e.tabllibed manufacturing business, in * modern Outlili 11 ir. wiln good llspt and .tciiui power, some where l-eta eeu llouitoo and Worth and Bowery and llnd M>n ?t; lour Lolls, 75*HO fret, or au equivalent ipace. Ad ilr> ?? box 2.7.H' Poet olflee. "DAIIT OK ST'okK WANTED in OOOD LOCATION: I hiuhII n-aee ill window and law feet of counter room, j-taie raol to Gl'TLKBY, 11 emld onkf. ___ \y a.mkh-a first 01<4M d'kuii a m yiMid neighborhood* l'lease iddrcM JJISl/RLTIO.'t !l?*r?ld ITptown AiTaKTKD TO KK.VT-A KURKIHtlRD KLAT-WITH W Kitcbfi), for a *tniill faaiily. Addro?a II. M., ?33 West 4I?t it. __ IIMMTBD.-A BMALL PKIVATK FAMILY DBS1RE A II well Inrniilied Home In ? good neighborhood. from the ]?? of December. Tor five raoniha: term* not to exceed *17? a month. Address S. A. Y.. Herajc office. \\TAKTBD?? BY A OENTLKMAX. A COMPORTARLR 11 Bedroom; .tale particulars and termi. Addreia I Bit MAXBNT. bo* 141 Hrrald office. 11 f ANT E D- FUR NIS11E D APARTMENT. TWO BSD if rootno und pnrlor, or small first dm furiilfhfd L *? nix tn-nthi. Addre-i I'ALMEK, Windsor llotol, Tuesday and Wednesday. _____ YITANTKn-FUItNISIIED HOUSE. 1<V RESPONSIBLE V| private family. between 4th and tith ava.. balow orttb n. COTTON BxCHAMOB. Herald Upfwn 0B0. WANTED TO HIBB?A HOUSE BITVkIX 4TH and I4ih it*.. Broadway md #ib l?. Addreas A., box 137 Herald office. fANTED?BY AX AMERICA* WIDOW, CIlAROE ,, 11I a house. In return for rent. Call on or address Mrs. K. RUSSELL. 341 Weat 33d ?t.. rear. w. F \1T ANTKll?HY TWO UK > KM. A KfHXl>llKI> Vf KiH>ni: private family preferred; I 'cation between Waverley place and 14th it.. Broadway and tilh ?r. Ad dreie, itaiinR tcrim, W. W.. Herald Uptown oflice. In the Caunlrv. Wantkd-in tub kahtbkn or middle states. a amall millinery ?nd fancy uoodi buiiliieaior itora. with flxtureii I'ompiete; iiianuiacliirtiig dlitrict prelerred. AO drew box 191 Herald offlto. FOR ~ ~ " Vi-iTal~"uI'hiI;Iit show casks with ^V.Stand. $15; coit $?'.<) 4?irominercn ft . rear Blueeier. ~t _OBNT?* KUKXIHIIIXh OOODiT"*T0UB, WITH A.braoch Lxnndry ; Ue,l ?an M nr0,dw.y_ -roR BALK. KAHV TKItMS. LIQUOK KTORRS. .Laser Bear and Billiard rteloonn. lieitaaranti. I Ijfar H(or?n, (irncericft, Bviter More*, liotllintf iJaninca?, Contvc tlonerlei. Bakery *^j||g|jji?g >j|0re Agency. 77 Cedar it. ""1 -KOrTaLK. A HIIST CLASS HKSTAUBANT AND A.Oyttcr lialann Apply to P. (iAKKN'KY.j2H73, Bowery. Aohoicb oornkr UQUOB STORE ox a ooop builnen tlioroniilifare; central localion ; cheap lor cull. flAKKXKY A SMITH, Auctioneer*. 1< Centre it. fFkst 11. ASS CORN Kit liquor stokbT the oldeit entabliahed In the 21it ward, now dolne flrit clan builnnii. Adarei* M. OWENS. Herald Uptown Branch. ~r~Tl RS T C LASS LIQU O It S TO ItK?N BI OH KO R H OOD ^\.nn?urpa!<iied : olio iplendld hamplo Room*; Reitiuraiiti, .Meal Market!. MALONB, 6 Dey it. A SAMl'I.K ROOM DOWN TO VN. DOINO* OOOD A paylntr builnen, cheap thla day. Ihroiifh dlMOlullon of partnership. LLOYD, 39 Broadway. TTTaKMOMRLY KITTED UP" CIGAR STORE" AND Ahnmple Room, rn Broadway, n*clearlng oeer per week net pmllt, can he bought ?*Tea?y termi; owner lias oilier bii?ine? and muM lell. All particular* of J. J. MALONB. ."i Dey at. \ FUST CLASS COKNKIl LIQUOR STORK ' FOR J\M?le or exchange, for free and clear properly. Apply to 1*. UAKKNKV. Uh7>? Bowery. BEAUTIFUL BBBTAURANT AMD OTSTBR HorsE Inr ?ale?Lovely ulnee; ?plendid bargain lor lomeone; moil he eold. Apply to A. P. HI TLER. Occidental Hotel. Bowery mid Kroonio between I and X /IORXBR LIQI'oit STORK. BKST IN THE WARD. \_yior nale ihrrnirh nnforeieen circttmitancaa. Apply LLOVD, ill Broadway. TARl tl STOIIKToX AVKXUE. NEATLY FITTKD UP. I /t'lipan: no reaionaiile offer refnied, hi I have other hull iiom; rent *1*. witn Bonn*. Dr. WEST, 4'> Bleecker. I^INK BI'TTKR SToKK FOR SALE?VERY CHEAP; II fViiica?h. Apply ?t l'-o K??t lloniton ?t. t5oR BALK?IX CONSEQUENCE OF ThR DKATI1 OF r proprietor, an old nnd well eitabllihed Tin and Homo Rooting Store, Stock und Fixtures. No. Ift 7th av., near Went 13th n. FOIt SALB-AN OLD I BTABLIhHBD COKNKR URO eery, with Block. Iloraa and Wniron. In the Twenty fonrth ward; a *ati?failory lemo will be given. Call at 174lh . Waihlnpton nv. tpOIt 8ALK-0OKNBR OROCKRY, U<> YEAR* E8TAB 1' liKhod. dntnir a Kood caih hnsineai; will only. For particular! apply at ?7 nv. C. I.i*OR SALE-A FINE CORNER MQCOR STORE, 1 with Laser B?T. Inqnlra So. 4flt HmUon ?t. Full RALB?A~l>KCfi STOKE; FIN!'. STOCK AND Fixtures; owner now doin^ * f?ir bu?ine??; will ?ell low and on en?y terras. Apply 123d ?t. end lit. *Vi JpOH 8ALR-A SMaLL UQUOH STORK, CHKAP, 1H 1/ full working order. Apply oa the premises, 4H'J Last lt>t U st. li^OR 8ALB-A COR.NER LIQUOR HTOljE IX TUB r Eighth ward. Addrm 0. R.,_box 17H llcrald office. Ipiou SALE?THE LI quoit AND LAOBR BEER 1 Saloon No. 31 Baxtar it. i/ott dALE?A FIRST CLASS, OLD-KSTABLISIIED T downtown Cainer Unmr riiore ; day trade. Innnlratt I Hth nr. DOBSOy. _ Im)R 8 A LB-AX KXCBLLKNT BAH. OYSTER AND " Dining Saloon. Apply on ihe premiiei. :1S7 lit av. FO R SALE (A B A KO AIXI -- A B UTC11KR S KII OP doing a good huiineu, lituated In a thickly populated neighborhood ; rent of iliop and four roorni, #J5; price, ?2t\ Apply 13t) Cherry at. VnR salb-cioar store nicely fitted n? r doing good builnau; prii-o $:150; bargain. Apply l.WH 3d av. IIQUoiTSTORB KIXTI'RES FOR SALB-A Lr> FOOT Jl.'ounter, with copper drainer; Back Bar and a S |.ull KnirlUn Ale Pump. *11 In good order. Inquire At 104 ^ ash inprton. corner of vro OFFRR MBFtraBD.?CORNRR LIQOOft BTORB, IS no opposition; wall litted; good ba^ne.n. hul mint be *1,1. ? LLOYD. - > Bi**dway. OPLEXblD IIAKRRY IX JRRSKY FOR SALE? Ot'au.e, ?inkneis. Wanted, ten men with ejuipnu-nti to M-It bread and crackon on comniNiloni. 310 Fnlton it. CTATIoNBRY, TOY, CANDY STORK, WITH I'aYkR OKonle, for aale cheap; near railroad and three m-hooli; eitabllihed eight year*. SOU M a*. T11K OLD ESTABLISHED PAINT SHOP AT III PARK piaee for lale cheap. <*') IMWl WILL BUY"tHK ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD Jp^.UUl/Fnrnitnre and Leaao of hoarding hou.e, 31 Kan 90th ?t., in ar Broadway >i \t iii ^STi^ . BKOWX A"siiaRPB i'Nf*KR8AL MILLINlJ MA rhino and Oulld and tiarrlnon Double Acting V aeuuin Pump. Ill Inch air cylinder, for aale by OEOROK PLACE 131 Chambers and ln:i Reade *t. O JBWkLLEKS.?FOR SALB, POWKR MACHINERY for niannfacturing pin tnniri.wlth Soldering Hacka, Stock and Material. Apply ut lUtt ad a*., Uro ^ ^UROASOM. TITAXTKD?PRIXTIXO PRESSES, FOREPART CASH l| and for I-oti In new ward*, convenient to horae aud steam can. Addreia H. L., box 144 Herald "fllce. WrANTKl) TO PURCHAsK?A~tlO'Tf) SKGOM) HAND Vf Printing Pr-s?. Type. Ac. Addre**, ptallng terms, or call S. k S., IKi Elliot place. Brooklya. N. Y. ^ mvSicai.. ~ ? jnn?RVA?feinLXbroF'i;ARuK kxphkiencb iVind acknowledaed iuu*lcal talent give* rianofuMe snd hintriag l.ei*om; #ld per i|iiartcr; hlgheit refurencos. Ad dren CLASSIC. Poit ofllec box :t,'.'74. Al'ANTKD? LESSONS IN HARMONY. ADDRESS, 11 with t: rmi per leiiiou, Ac., ALLEOKQ, lift) Herald Uptown Branch. " l)AiVCL\U ACADKJIlKsi ' i HAURK'S DAMCINO ACAHK.MIKS. WKHT^CID A.114 Kant i:uh. 1.V4 Eait-">4lh. I'IUVaTB LESSONS any hour. ClRI't'LAK^, -1.! ha*i lltli. r Mil. TRKNOK'S ACADEMY OF PANCINO, , i. I.vrie Hall. "Ill av . Ue*ervoir ? iitarc, Lo**on* every day nnd evening. Reeentlnn* on P^riday^ LLKN Df>DWORTII'S DANCINO SCHOOL, removed to No. <>M1 Ath av., now open for the recoptlon of pupil*. For particular* -end for clmilnr. T WILSON'S DANCINO ACADEMY. 4M 7TI1 AY ela**e* now open. Send lor Sjlreei erery Tuemlay nnd Saturday. ______________ A" ?js A It's ACADMMY ,)l-' DANOIXO, 3S? BLKKCKB" .?t,: pupil* can attend at tlielr eonvenieure. Send for circular. _ _' I-OARTlKlfS DANl'INi? ACAHEM V. PLIMPTON .hnlldlng, stuveiant and f?lh its.?Private lenons any hour. Ullde, double glide and Newport iperlallles. BIIOOKKS' DANCINO ACADEMY, .r.l BHOOME ST. A new ela*i for Tue.dny. All Ihe farhlonable dunce* In one couria of leuons. opening Soiree. Friday evening. NoreaiherJl l~Vl!M AK'S DANCINif AU A DKMY. 34 WEST 4TII ST. A I All dance* taiti;lit perleetly per i|iiarter. alx fashlonabl dance* perfectly In hi private le**oni. For ladiei, after noon and evening c.a?*ea. FERKANPO'S DANCINO ACADKMIKS, .V.fil ST. corner Hd av. (bank building) For circular addreis P v>'.|e Aoidainy. M Ka*l MHIi ?l Private leiaona anv hour ReceptionT'huridays; liivLtnllnua li?ued; mi admittance without being prexioteil with my signature. J. FERNANDO. LASKOS' tt.ADKMY FOB l>ANCINM.~l.4?i4 BKOAD ?< ay, commeneei Satardav, Oetooer 38 ilBKTSllTK). t KTIKIt IAI. TKKTII A SPKCI A LT?X-kMIM1 /\."eti from upward, *uh*tanilally made, carefully fttind and guaraiUeeil to give s*tl*lactlon. J. C. KKN NKDV, jJ Bond it AT 11 It. T 0. WAIT. 4"i EAST 38D ST.-FIRST CLASS itentl'lrr at low. popular price*. Cull and examine. HhATUlPUL ARTIFICIAL TEETH, fa?OUM. BIX [; warranted X. Y. Dental ltuoms. 363 RtU av near liith it. K?tabilihed IWI. D tu LL sktb, fi?; Partial, $4; oold fillimus $j ; Plallna, MM. Dr. ALBBRT KIMBALL. 34A 6lh av A?tlU)U)U\ VSrilOLOOKIl, LISTER. ??? I'TII AV ?eKND FOR rircul'tr. Addreis all letters to Poit office Ihix 4,S^fl N?* York. A T I KM riON.?KNOW THY DESTINY ; DON'T HK i\p led upon bv pretenders. Oo to l.VJ Weil 4lit near Broadway. A TTKNTloN?CONSULTATIONS ON Bl'SINE law-lilt* enemlei. lo?*ei, aw nt friend* |, m irriaga and death I pay refined unlr*a latiefled. Mine. SINo I :i <J ?th av. rUtl-.AT KUUoPKAX CLAlRVOtAXT TELL8 NAMES rihowilikeneiiei; 34c.. .n>c to$l. I-V? Wcit 3?th ??. MMBTrViMA CIIALLBMoES THE WOMI.D; BhVBALfl yinir wWi life) Ucaiei disoasM; comullatlon $1. 473 AMt'SK.tmJTfe. >\HK TIIKATKK, BROADWAY AMI *23 i? U?. BVEKY EVKNI.VO.~a7 K1QHT O'CLOCK. AXI> SATURDAY M \TI NE I', AT TWO, IA? most reuurkabie tilt of [hi lime, TOM OiiBB. TO-MORROW EVENING (first time in America), the Parisian htuulito, ADAM AND EVB. T1i? most amuaintr sntertainment la towa. Roar* of laughter and tlianderii of applause. 1 RAGLE THBATKK, BROADWAY &AOLE TIIKATKK. , ?? *??*, Proprietor and Manager.......... Mr. JOall 11AKT First nights of lbs new Butltnu on 'he ? TWO ORPHINS entitled the 1 AWFUL*. 2 AWKULfi. 3 aWFULS a AWFULS G. K. FORTBSCUB a. rr^ JOIIK WILD tbe AWFULS TUB SPELLINO IIKB T)m Lion ?nd ihe Lamb??? The Lion ??<i la# L#m?. WaLTKRh AND HtKKK.?? M WALTERS AND McK EE?WALTERS AND MrKEB.. i.A MAN A LA. .. ??? MI8S JENNIE HEAUCLERC. Mise JULIA HRAncLERO. Mice JENNIB HUGHES. Miss LIZZIE KELSEY. Mi.? MARIE (lORENPLO. ENTIRK NEW OLHI OK FUN. Con r India* with the Burleeque on tlie TWO ORPHINS Price* of Admission. Reserved Orchestra Chain * .f' lleaerved Halcony Chairs- . - ???7?? Family Circle, 'Hoc. Dreee Llwle, 80s. Hox office open dally from 0 to 5. MATIN KK MATINEE WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. BOOTH'S THEATRE. TWELFTH WEEK. JABBKTT k PALMEB Lessee* and Managers bKVENTY-M NTH conwcutive representation ol LORD BYRON'S exquisite Romantic Flay SABDANAPALUh. TO-NIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT and al the SATURDAY MATINEE, the overwhelmingly ?ucerufiil MEW AND RBAUTIFl.'L GRAND HALLET Invested by Slmior Mascagno and exceeding In magnitude, novelty and splendor anything Teriiaichorcan yet roeo eu tbe American Continent. Reynnd the GRAND ITALIAN CORPS of EXCELLENT AIM lots, sixty-eight la number and Including Mile. MA1.V1NI BABToLBTTI. premiere dan*ense asaoluta of the Oratid Opera, Paris, and Slgnor ERNESTO MASCAGNO, from tbe Fan Carlo, Naples, a force of nearly 100 carefully choson and newly costnmed add to the bnlllauey ol tbe wonderful spectacle. THE ORDER OF DANCING AMD MARCIIINO. 1. introductory GROUP, discovering the hill dancing corps aad force nf auxiliaries. a. PAS HE 1>Ktlx (Follies), Miles. Palladlao and Parrae lllaiil, prim in ale. 3. ADAOIo, by tre entire grand corps de ballet. 4. PAH DK QUATRE, Mmes. Palladlno, Mascarial, Httckel and Besestl, principals. 5. ORAM) MARCH, by the entire extra corps de ballet, adult and liny auxiliaries. a PAS DE SIX, Mmes. BaRTOLETTI, premiere; Pal lanlno, Ma<rarlnl. Stickel, Usscstl, principals, and Slgnor MASCACNO. 7. GRAM) KLOWr.B BALLET, by tbe entire corps de ballet. a grand pas de dbux, Mile. HABTOLKTTl and Slgnor MASCAGNO. 9. TAKA STELLA, by the nremierc. Mile. KARTOLBTTI. and Slgnor MASCAGNO; all the principals, tbe whole Italian organisation and tbe entiro oorps da ballet. Tbe powerful east of tbe plsy laelades Mr. H. 0. BANGS as. SABDANAPALrS AGNES booth aa. . myrrh A Hereafter the box office will be open continuously every day from 8 A. M. to the close of tbe evening's per form anco. 11 o'clock. T. BARNUM'S P. T. BARNUM'S ? P. T. BARNPM'H P. T. BARNUM'S GREATEST show ON EARTH, GREATEST show ON babth, AT GILMOBB'S GARDEN, AFTERNOON A.ND EVENING. AFTERNOON AND EVENING. MUSEUM, MENAOKRIB AND HIPPODROME. MUSEUM. MENAGEKIB AND 1iippodr0mk. LARHEIT COLLECTION OK BARE LIVING WILD ANIMALS IN AMERICA, Including the 93S.OOO HIPPOPOTAMUS. performing KLEIMIANTS. HOIlsES AMD PONIES. MOBE distinguished EQUESTRIANS AND ATHLETES THAN EVER BEFORE HERN TOGETHER. ENTIRELY NEW PERFORMANCE. NEW ATTRACTIONS. NEW FKATURES. marvellous HORSEMANSHIP. BEAUTIFUL LADY EQUESTRIENNES. ADMIRAL DOT. tbe handaomeat and sinelluat of men. TnB GRBEK NOBLEMAN. TATTOOED FROM HEAD TO FOOT. THOUSANDS OF Wt.NDi'KFUL CURIOSITIES. NOTICE.?'The Grand Fageaut will commence precisely at 2 and S o'clock. The Menagerie and Mnseura will be kept open one hour after the Circus performances. Tbe animals will be led In tbe presence of the audience at 4 o'clock. ADMISSION, V>c. CIIILI'EKN under nine years, 2!Sc. OKCllKsTRA SEATS, uf>c. EXTRA. Doors open at 1 and 6:80 P. M. Orchestra scale may be secured at the box oflics ono week in advance. ROOKLYN TSKATRB. Lessees aud managers. Messrs. SHOOK A PALMBB EVERY EVENING Mlsa CHARLOTTE THOMPSON JANE *KYRB, IB the favorite play ol that name, founded upon Charlotte Bronte's novel. Seats at Rullraan'a, 111 Broadway, at box office rates. (JlHE MOST ATTRACTIVE RESORT I THE GREAT NEW YORK AQUARIUM, BROADWAY AND :tf>T!l ST. FRESn ARRIVALS OK RAKE, CURIOUS AND MON STER FISHES DAILY ! NEW ATTRACTIONS AND INTERESTING FEATURES ADDED CONSTANTLY TO THE MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION OF LIVING SKA, ItlVER AND LAKE DENIZENS I MAKING THE FINEST AQUARIUM IN THE WORLD] A PLACE OF NEVER-CKAKINO PLEASURE, INTEREST AND STUDY I TUB GREAT LIVING WHITE WHALE devouring LIVE EELS, HALF A BARREL PER DAY! THE THOUSAND OTHER DIVERTISSEMENTS ! THE SHARKS ! SKA LION I STURGEONS I SEALS! STICKLEBACKS ! SKA RAVENS ! WINGED FISHES OF THE OCKAN! GREAT ARTIFICIAL FISH HATCHING. thousands OF HIGHLY PLKA8URKABLB AND INTERESTING SIGHTS. AND HUNDREDS OF GHAND AND GROWING FEATURES IMPOSSIBLE TO ENUMERATE. WHILE THE VISITObTTrE EXAMINING THE CONTENTS OF THE GREAT IRON AND GLASS TANKS DODWOKTH'S POPULAR ORCHESTRA discourses THE MOST ENTERTAINING MUSIC. OPEN DAILY 1ROM U A. M. TILL M P. M. EVERY MMBV tbe most successful Play ot the CENTURY. D'Ennery A Cormon's mar vellons Drama, THE TWO ORPHANS, witb its superb stage settlnirs and lis unrivalled caste, lit cludliiK Ihe follikwlau art lets:? Messrs. C. R. Theme, Jr.; John Parselle, Fredcrlo Robinson, James O'Neil, Clauile Burroughs, J, G. Peaks. II. W. Montgomery, Thumn'E. Morris, L. Thomp son, J. Mut! hews, W. H. Wll ?, H. Ayling, W Ray nou, B UNION SQUARE THEATRE. Proprietor, Mr. KI1BRIDAN SHOOK. Manaircr, Mr. A M. PALMER. Begins at S, over at 11:13, SATURDAY MATINEE at iisa "Those who have not seen the TWO ORPHANS a. pro duced at the Union Square Theatre linve not seen it at a!L"?Chicago Herald. liar, W. S. Qnigley, O. M. tlolhns and Misses Kanny Morant, Kate Claxton. Sara.Iewatt. Kate Olrard, Mrs. Marie Wil kin* and Misses Ida Vernon Roborta Norwood, Ethel Allen. I? Cleves and Mrs. L. ? E. Seymonr. Box office ope? dally from S A. M. to 10 P. M. B~ OWKRY TilEATRK" A GRAND HIT. Mr. BOIIBBT JOHNSTON lu the naw and original sens^tiou Drama, OUTLAWED. Preceded by tbe amusing Fur re of tha IRISH MORMON. LJAN FRANCISCO minstrels. I OPKRA HOUSE. OAN francisco MINHTRELS. | Broadway and Wth St. SAN FRANCISCO minstrels. | The Minstrel l>al..ce, SAN francisco MlNRTRKLS. J The Minstrel I'aluco. The creine de la creme or Vlnttrelsy. A? Slde-Spllltlng Jokes. ^ ^ Birch. | Glorious Singing. I Thirty Wsmbolil, j Cotulc Dance*. I Brlllinnt Backu*. j Received with Screams | Artl-ts. 9? Every Nlsbt. ^ Tbe funniest cntertalumcnt In the city. MAT1NBK SATURDAY at a. SEATS SECURED. All the ladies and children" will be at TONY PASTOR'S Tuesday Reception tbls day at 2 o'clock. CI KKMANIA THKATRB. Fad. NI ENDOHKF Director. TUEbDAY, October HI. Filth Siibecrlpllun Night. fVTHELLO, Tragedy in Ave acts by Shakespeare. Box office opnu daily Irom 8 till 4 o'cloca. American geographical society. Meeting, Twesdav, Octobcr 31, 1S7S, at S o'clock, at Chtckering llall, corner IStb st. aud Ath av. Commodore Daniel Amman, United State* Navy, on "Tha Survey* and Hc'-onnolsnnees from 1870 to 187.S, lor a ship Canal Across the American Istlnnns." Palestine Exploration lleyond the Jordan. Addresse* by Profesxur Roawell I). Hitchcock, 1>. D., Rev. Howard Crosby, D. D., and Profe**or William II, Tltomp aon. M. It. Thirty Stereoptleon View* will be exhibltci of racent ex plorations in Palestine. ELIaL H HALL. Recording Secretary. H AKRV. JOHN. HARRY, <fc laiuouc Dr Brln'a mini famous Droruios, In new Song*, Danocs and laaghable Comedy. c OLUMBIA OPRRA HOUSE, corner West 1:1th st and <ireen*leh av. Crowded nightly by ths elite to sec a parted biasaol splendor. A grand ParUlan Hallet. an affleient corpa of specialty artists. MBW ACTS, NEW SONGS, NEW MUSIC. Tbe sensation theatre ot America. EVERY evening at & Carriages at II. Matinees Tuesdays, Tbartdays ?ud Saturday* at X to . DAY, AT TWO O'CLOCK, tiU . ? WILLIAMS. OC 8. T 0(11 WILLIAMS, i WILLIAMS, uus, 4p <? Williams. The German Prince, supreme monarch of ths Tentonlo realm, will appear at TONY PASTOR'S fashionable Matinee. ABtfftUTS TIVOLI THEATRE, 8th st., between 2d and Sd a vs. Tbe finest entertainment In the city. Grand Hpeotsealar Ballet every niglit, Zouave 1-. volutions and Variety Perlormance,2 young ladl<* appearing. All Refreshments of a superior quality. Admission, J >c. Saturday Matinee, ANTED?A NURSE." APPLY TO JOHN HART, at i a'clock to-day, at TONY PAsTOR'S. "W Boxing, fencing and shooting academy, eio tith av.?Boxing taugbt lu 24 .eseons. Send lor circulars. COI.O.vF.L MONSIF.ItY. CIARD.?PIUVATE I,SHMOWs7 i'IANO, V1oLIJi out )tar. Singing. Circulars mslled, J. jay WAISOM, Director. S2PU*t 14th *k A>117 WW? I >. TliBATKE COMIUl'E. M4 BROADWAY. HAKRIOAN 4 IJART Froorietors M. W. HANLEY. Manager II Alt RIG AN AND IIAKT I* TUB MALORY FAMILY. 1 KA 1'AlNE, lha champion Pl??a Shot of llu world. FIELDS And MOEV, the greet Musical Coons; Billy Ur?y, Alice Uenn-i, Larry Tooley, Fanny L-Bnrt, Yearoan .-Isters. II ARRlGAN ANI) IIAKT IN MoFADD&N'S CANVASS. Now nntalc by Din llnlitio Wednesday and KatiriUjr Matinees. MM MM PPP. II ccc M M M M F ? il C C m mm m rer 11 c M M P II c 0 HDP II CCC ? Til K AT BE. T 822 A^D ?34 BR OA?* A* COL mi. J?. SINN Man Mr*' Admission. 15*.. 35*.. .*>0.. 75*. and fl. MiUmu, admission, 15c., tic. and Wc. ? , ? TUB ENTERTAINMENT at THEOLYMPIU III TI1B BKST IN TIIB city. 4 <k> T HAM DBYKRK. f TUB BOM COMEDIAN T1IK ORE AT ETHIOPIAN f schoolcraft and DUO, "I CO KB. MLLK. ZITTELLA, QUEEN or SO KG. ^ ''tub male SOPRANO. I chaelkb iikywood.| Miss FANNIE bkanb. STEWART II. DaRB. GEOKiiE A HALL, Pe.TE LEE, WILLIAM WYLIE. PROFESSOR PARKER'S PERFORMING IJOUS. The Intensely interesting doiuentlc drama, t ROSlNA; OR. temptations OP CITY life, f $ 4> MATINEE TO-MORJtOW 'WEDNESDAY 1. RLLY A LEON'S MINSTRELS. (OPERA HOUSfe, ELI.Y A leon'S minstrels. ! a:?d it. and Hth ar. THE FASUONAHLiE minstrel temple. Great lilt. | (MilNG-CIIOW-III. I lireal lilt. Offenbach's I I'HINO-CIIOW-HI. I Offenbach'* Opera Bonffe. I CIlIN'O-OllOW-HI. | Opera Bouffe. Terrlflc flight of "the only l^eon" from tb* ?dome or THE THEATRE." Beautiful imported conrt dresses. 40 artists. IMPERIAL japs." 40 artist*. Ho* oltlce open dally from ? A. M. to 10 P. M. N IBLO'S GARDBK. CIIAR..ER E. ARNOLD Lessee *nd Manager BENSKN SHERWOOD Director BAHA. A TRIUMPH. COMEDY. unprecedented SUCCB88 HI' RLESOCE. of OPERA Bol'FFE BABA BALLET. and PANTOMIME. TIIB GREAT BALLET. BABA, TWO PKBMIKRKS A'SOLI TAH. BABA ONE PREMIERE DANStiL'SE. and TWO SBCONDKS DANSEtKES. BLANIx iWHKI'H 48 coryphees BALLE1H. and a CORP* DB BALLET O* 100. Glorious reception accorded to iSHBBWOOD'S Miss ELIZA WEATIIERSBY I exeat as Amont. Miss ELIZA WEATIIERSBY ?a Amoret Mr. W. 11. CRANE as Bah*. Mr. W. II. CRANB as Hibi. Mile. ELIZaIIETA MENZELL Mil*. IlKLENK MENZELI. Premier** Danseuses Assoluta*. Slgnora ANTONINO, Premier*. MisslDA DEVERE. Mile. MAI.VINA. MAX MARE IZKK'S sweet music. SHERWOOD'S marvellous sarnie r(feels. Tb* great Transformation Seen*, til* KBVELte OP THE RO*ES. SUCCESS. SU0CBB8. Box OOte* open dally. 80th performance of BABA. November 6. change from (he ship on open ?ea to the Fairy Terrac*. Amanis March. De Terra's ?Propert lea. Rich costumes. Gorgeona Scenery. Perfection of Ballet. WOOD'S MUSEUM. WOOD'S. Wednesday evening, Norember 1, Benelit In aid of tb* Widows' and Orphans' Fond ol Naval Lodge, No. tltt, ?. and A. M. Look at lh* volanteers. Qtorp C. Boniface, Marl* Stella. A. 11. Sheldon. permission .)oah Hart, Esq. C. Starves, S. Morritt, Ac. Three pieces. "Sweet Heart*," "Orphan of Geneva" *ad ' Sarah's Young Man." TONY^pTsTOR. TO-DAY. OMY PASTOR. TO DAY. f GRAND MATINEE THIS DAY. * Tb* best Variety show la New York. Ta* largest and wo*! oelebrateii company on earth. M John* hart. T A ? * TIARKY WATSON, O OHARLMS T. ELLIS, N JENNIE MOROAN. Y . MOLL1B WILSON. JAMES sharpley. P FRED 81IARPLKY. A CHARLES SHARPLRY, 8 Harper a sianley, t GUSWILWaMS. o harry kernell, r - JOHN EERNELL, >8 bobby dalYj. TOMMY DALf, T Danny Daly. o widlie daly, d PAULINE PARKER, A Ladles' and Children's Grand Social Uraalug Room Reception <$> ^ To-Day. To Day. Every paper in the city and over 80,<K>0 de lighted citlsens univer sally proiiounce TONY PASTOE'S entertaln ii)ents superior to all others, lla* never been surpassed. It cannot be equalled <& LEWIS PARKER, Y. RAND OPERA HOtJ6lC ~~ sth av., corner 38d n. POOLE A DONNELLY Lessees ana Managers NOTICE.?t)win* to prtor arrangementa made with Hon. W. F. Cody, this will neeessarily be the last week FOR THE PRESENT of the icreat sneers* of "Unci* Tom's Cabin." Daring Mr. Cody'* eaasjrsmenl, however, new scenery and appointments will be prepared for the Imme diate r*proda*tlon *f "Unci* Tom'* Cabin," grander than ever. UNCLB ToM'8 CABIN. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. Mr*. O. V. HOWARD *s TOPSY. THE GREAT REALISTIC I "LAN T ATI ON SCENE, Introdndnic SLAVIN'S ORIGINAL GEORGIA SINGERS AND auo GENUINE SOUTHERN COLORED FOLKS. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. On'^UNDAY EVENING NEXJ, ^ GILMORE'S WORLD FAMED BAND. WITH A VAST ARRAY Of VOCAL TALENT, will eommence a series of SUNDAY BVENING GRAND CONCERTS. Mr. P. H. oil.MOKE. Condnotor , See lator announcements On MONDAV NEXT, Hon. WILLIAM P. CODY (Buffalo Bill) will appear lu his i;reat work, THE SCOUTS OP THE PLAINK THKO. THOMAS' SYMPHONY CONCERTS, WITn public rehearsals, season 1S7B-77, AT STEIN WAY HALL 8ubscbiption TICKETS to the remaining Five Sym phony Concrri* and Public Rohenrsala ran bo n*d during this week at the box office of Steinway llall. PRICES To Symphony Concerts, with reaerved seat. fO 75 To Public Rehearsals, with reaerved seat 3 r>0 jyMEltlCAN INSTITUTE. ~ ~ * 2d and 3d an., between 03d and 64th sts. FOBTY-Pirrll GRAND NATIONAL EXHIBITION. reduction-OF PBIGE8 from October 24 to close of Exhibition. Adnlta, ^5c.; children under 1ft years, lOe. The taLentud lewis and pauline parker la ahnlc* apcrltitles at TONY PASTOR'S Fashionable Tuesday Reception Matinee. This day. at 'J o'clock. ABILLE THEATRE^ ?4TH ST. AND SD AV., " will remain closed Monday and Tuesday evenings for a proper rehearsal or our new sensation. WILL BE-OPMN WKDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 1, ASA FIRST CLASS FAMILY RESOKT, with the grastost amnsemon: marvel of the age. pBOEKSbOK 11 t'GIIES' MABILLE MYTH, nothing Ilka It ever seen In this country, preoedud by a grand olio of 30 specialty artlsta. Family matineaa every afternoon at 4. Evening at A TTTb hTi a bi'lby brothers, musical phenomb mint. grotosqni's and eomedlans. at TONY PasTOR'8 Fashionable Matinee to-day. Scenre seat? early this morn 0 M KATORIO SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Dr. X. DAM Rose II ..........Condnotor FOURTH SEASON. Sahscrlbers ran now secure their seat* at tb* box olBce of Stolnway Hall. Oue Season Ticket, for four conoerta, with R**erved S*at Sr.. ISS MOI..LIE Wli^ON, TUB POPULAR BE RIO* comiqu* vocalist, to-day at I TONY PASTOR'S MATINEE. ? ^ WILL CLOHB NOVEMBER la NEW YORK CENTENNIAL LOAN EXHIBITION. from the prlvat" art galleries. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DB8ION, corner 23d st. and 4th av. METROPOLITAN MCSRUM OF ART, IJM West 14th st. Day and evening- cent*. Will close Friday night, November 10. MISS JENNIE MORGAN. TUB CULTl'RBD VOCAL lit, will appear at TONY PASTOR'S to day. Ladles' ami children's urand Tuesday Reception at 2 o'clock. A'""""" ""W?v. a?1> *o??a OF TUB KIND IN THE UIT? OPEN EVERY NIGHT. CO-MM KNCING AT U O'CLOCK. ENTRANCE ON 3UTII ST. JOHN IIART, THE COMfcDIAN KINO. WATSON AND hills, tbe lanious German Team, appear In their most laughable specialties at TONY PASTOR'S MATINEE TO-DAY. Secure sent* early Ibis morning. SYDNEY ROSENKKLD 8 illustrated FIGARO. Another brilliant number ont to-morrow. Another bril liant number out to morrow, with a sopplemont nf auto graphs. Read tbrfonly FLaro. The legitimate Figaro. Tli* irrepressible Figaro, t'nentotued and unlnjnncted Figaro. Sidney lloaenleld's Illiutrated Figaro. Tlx best weekly In America. No. 7 positively out lo-morrow. Price A cents. For sale everywhere. "nil)1U()US OATri AJAR," SONG, WfflTBLhY, \_TK)c. (sung hy San Francisco Minstrels) : "Pretty Vlolette," song, Orundler, H.%c.; "Secret Love" (as played by Nyer's orchestra at l^ong Brsnchl, Reach, !SOr.; "Sons or Temperance.'* song. Uarrlgan and llart. 40a. Copies mailed. WM. A. POND A CO.. 547 Broadway. Branch Mora. 30 Union square. New York. H ARKY, 4 t CHARLES, _AltRY, I WATSON AND ELLIS. CHABLES. IIARRY, > -< ? OilARLBB, (?real hit of these lunay p*ople. The great German Team. Six encores. The greatest hit ever made by any Dnteh cnnple. .-ee Watson and Ellis and yon see the heat rionbl* groiiina comedians on the stag*. Th*y appear only at TONY PASTOR'S. Matinee this day at 1 o'clock. CAUSE'S SOIREE, MASONIC HALU 114 EAST 1?TH; Otlils evening; BctUNSWICK HALL, M West aid, n.-*t Til L' It- li AY evening. "PALAIS ROYAL." 4SA~STM~aV.?STRANflEIlS VIS X ittng tbe city sbonld not fall to visit tkts plae* 1 40 ;nn| lady attcadaata. Admi?ton &?*. _ _ AMymmMun-rm. rttf A'r 'THFATRK w ,?ly?iv nil? Ol'roprietor and Manager Mr. A03C8TIN DALk l IIL",r"r"m"f eeee* i {{ fff Skb LLLLL l! P fcEEEB >l The GREAT COMBDT of CITYTYPES. with Mr. COG11LAN. John Broug tin in, Cbarie* Fisher, James Lewis, W. Davldga, Miss Goorgle Drew. Emily Itlgl, HrdilM Cowell, Marv Well? and Mrs .S. U. Gilbert. Tim (iraphlcsays"Tb* BALLET In tho SNOW .?! -LIFE" l? the moil ?? ouistle ever *e* n In thl* city, and BONFANTI hw . no equal on tbe stags. SATURDAY AT 2. LAST NIGHTS OF "LIFE.' LAST NIGIITS OK "LIFK.' LA&T NIGHTS OK "LIKE.' w MATINEE OF "LIFE SATURDAY EVENING. November II. flnt tpptuun thil wiuu of Ml** Kauny Davenport and brilliant produe lion of Kbtkripcuf'a nurril nf I'oniedy "AS YOU 1.1 KI IT." with mtL'iiillrtnl NEW SCENES and DKEb.sHS, aad a POWBRKUL CAST. ALL ACE'S. Mr. LESTER WALLACE Proprietor and Maaagat Every innln* at H and Saturday Matliiea at IK P. M. Laat Blue i/erlormauoes of (be new Comedy by DION BOUCICAl'LT. FORBIDDEN FRUIT. Mr. Well nek U obliged to announce the last nlfbti of thll comedy. In the midat uf Ita successful career. It nun be withdrawn lor the present, aa on,THURSDAY. NOVEMBER #, DION BOUClCAULT will appear aa CONN, la hi* Iriah Drama, the 8 H A Uu IIK A UN. originally produead la Wallack'* Theatre, and written to hit company. In addition to the features of the original ca*l, wbicb will be preeerved. Miss Kmi Wood, Min Josephine Baker and Mr. I'. A. Stevenson will api>ear aa Aria, Moya and Robert Flolllott. Mr. John Gilbert, Mr. E. M. Holland and Mra John Seftaa will, on thia occasion, make tbeir Orat appearance tbia season. Although "Forbidden fruit" will be removed from the table to make way tor "The .-<li*uglirauii," It will be ra placad betore the public when Mi. Boncicaull depart* te lulkl bla . ontbern and Western engagements. Tba CAST of the Sll AUGIIKAUN, aa repreaented at Wallarii'a Theatre. Father Dolan Captain Mollneux llarvev Duff Corny Kmchela.. Conn Kergeaut Reilly Sullivan Mangan Doyle Donovan Claire Flolllott... Mr* O'Kelly Bridget Nancy ? i 2 i i & ? * 3 * a1 i 1 I Mr. John Gilbert. Mr. II. J. Mont nana, Mr. Harry Beckett. Mr. Edward Aruott. Mr. Dion lloueieault. Mr. W. J. Leonard. Mr. E. M. Holland. Mr. C. E. Edwla. Mr. W. hytinge. Mr J Peck. Mr. T. Atkln*. Miaa Ida Dyaa. Mine. I'onlal. Mra. Sefton. Miaa lllaiadell. Entirely NKW SOBNERT, Dresses and Appolntmenta, " JEALOUSY, ITS ORIGIN AND ACCOMPANYING W Keanlla," a lecture on laablonakle society. with an Illus trated moral, will be deliaeated by aeveral public orator* at TONY PASTOR'S laahionable Tueiday Drawing Room Ba ceptlnn. tbla day, at 2 o'clock. PARISIAN VARIETIES. i MATINEE TO DAY. AK18IAN VARIETIES. ( I6TII ST. AND BROADWAY Evening* at fi Matinee Tueaday Thursday and Saturday at 2 100 ARTISTS. I Gigantic Array of Inlent. | GRAND OLIO 18 New Act*. | Everything New. Lively Timea fur Three Hour*. MY WIFE'S UARTER. THE AREA BELLE. I THE ETON BOT. SAILING UNDER FALSE COLORS. HUNGRY MUSICIAN. I Lh8 NKAI'OLITAINEE a TWO LONE WIDOWS. HORACE WESTON, the Von Bulow of baajolita, GRKaT LEO. miialcal wonder nl the world, CLARK BROTHERS, the ecaonlrlc miialcal comlqna*, GEO. W. TURNER, acrobatic aoug and dance champloa WALTER WENTWORTII, tbe peerle** contortionist, and 100 Popular Star Arliata appear at each perlormanoa. ONLY Til KATRE in the city where every aet l* e..cored. Benefit Harry Sprig**, Nov. 3. Great bill. CO volunteer* TOMMY" - - ? . f 4 DALY8, 4 J DANNY, ?> 4> BOBBY. maatera of the tloga and ecceutric song aad dauee expa neata. at TONY PASTOR'S to-day. H~ ARPER AND STANLEY, THE ONLY DOUBLE one-legged aong and dance performer* in the world, will make their first appearance at TONY PASTOR'S grand Tuesday Drawing Room Matinee thi* day at 2 o'clock. Phtl?dalDlkl? Amuiementa, IPOX'8 AMElnOA.N THEATRE, PHILADELPHIA. J? OPKN ALL THE YEAR ROUND. THE HANDSOMEST THEATItE IN THE CITY. OtlLOGIOAL GARDEN, FA1RMOUNT PARK, PU1I? adelnhla.?Open daily. A large collection of living wild beasts, birds and rentlle*. Admlisl' . 2">c. Children. 10a T7" IRALF V'S ALH AMBiTa PALACK. JV The fashionable re*ort ol Philadelphia. K1RALFY BROTHERS Hole Proprietors AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS. Secured seats two week* in advance. T~HB GREAT SIEGE OF PARIS. -EXHIBITION DAILY. FROM 8 A. M. TO 10 P. M.t BAST OF THB PHILADELPHIA MAIN EXPOSITION BUILDING. NEW NATION AL T HE AT R B, PIU LADE LP HI A T HI BLACK CROOK, with tbe PEERLESS MOULACGH1 Tbe grandest entertainuciit In the city. TTRKUTZBERG'S GREAT EUROPEAN ANATOMICAt JVand Historical Museum, 729 Chestnut st., Philadelphia. The gra*te*t and most complete ever exhibited in America Open dally. PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM, 9TH AND ARCH 8T8. The 1 i2th consecutive reproaentatlon of the TWO ORPHANS. Matinee every afternoon, TEN NIGHTS IB A BAR ROOM. A PI.VNOFORTKS, ORGANS, dR,. A"~TSTpltRS(SNs~des i roOToFpi; r CH a s'I ng^a anif. ulne second band Rteinway grand, square or upright Piano will Gud a flua assortment at our wareroom*: every Instrument iu perleot condition and some of them Dearly new: al*o second band Pianosof other niaker*; beware of bogus pianos bearing our natno or one closely resembling it. STEIN WAY A SONS 107 111 East 14th it. Now York. PRIVATE FAMILY. GOING ABROAD. WILL 6EI."I to eaVli purchaser*, a magnificent 7% octave four roan4 rosewood Pianoforte, prominent maker*, cost $1,000, foi $375; Stool. Cevar, Music Cabinet; elegant Stelnway up right, quarter cott; Box for shipping; also *atln Parloi bult, 7 pieces, at a lacrittoe. Call at private residence I2Q West 23d St., between Htb and 7tU avs. N. B.?Must be mid. N. B.?Box for shipping. B. GAY. ?TO RKKNT.U PRIG UT .SQUARE AN iT (J RAND aPlano* of our own make; also for aale and rent, a num ber of fine second hand l'lanoa, in pqrfect order. WM. KNABE A CO., No 112 Stli av., above 16th *(. "a FINB ASSORTMENT OF FIRST CLASS PIANO XA.Tories for sale at very moderate prices, on eaay and rea ?unable term*, at HAINES BROS.', corner 2d av. and21*t it. A few l'lanoa that hare l>e?n used a little vary low. clflCKEKINO, STEINWAY.~ \V?BER AND HID die's upright and square Pianolorte* $1U0 to $3U0; rent $3 to 9B; monthly lnttalments. 910. HI HOLE'S, 13 Waverley place, near Broadway. AN OWN ER MUST SAI'RI KICK M AGNI fIiIKNT \E\Y four round 7% rosewood Pianoforte, suporinr lone. flnl*h aud carvings, cost $011>, for Call residence M East Oth si. FAMILY. RETURNING TO EUROPE, WILL BELL elegant Stelnway Pianoforte (at sacrifice); a 7X octave overstrung, full agraffe, lour round rosewood Plauofotle, riehly carved case and leg*, nil improvements, co*tf?7\ for SV50; Stool, Covtr; a handsome Chickorinr upright Piano forte. 9200; also latin Parlor Sulta. coat fRAO, for (w<0, $I.Vi; rep Salt, $3'>; rieli walnut and Eastlake Bedroom Sot*, library and dining Furniture, Paintings; 3 Pier and 4 Man tle Mirror*. Hronzea. Ac . ly cost N. B.?Must be aold. Call private residence No. 47 W e?t 16th St., between Mh and Sth. A LOT OF SECOND HAND .PIANOFORTES, IN thorough order, for sale, at moderate prices; also Piano forte* to rent, of onr own manufacture, by CHICKERING A SONS, 190 5th av.. corner 18th at. N ELEGANT STOCK PIANOS.^BARMORR'S, 3fl? Blaecker si. ; half price; latest iiuprovemunts; fullj warranted ; $100. $126, ?ir>0. "n "rlegant stein way grand PIANO, AS OOOD La* new. for sale very ehnap. 104 2d st. A~ LARGE STOCK OF PIANOS. UPRIGHTS AND ?qnare*. our awn make, low; eash or Instalment* or for hire, at factory and warurooms. DECKER A BARNES, 127 .id av A LARGE STOCK OP* UPRIGHT AND~SQUARE PI anos and Orirans, for rash. In?t aluiciit* or rent, vary low. F. SCHU LEil'ri, 2d Eaat 14th st. FBW SECOND HANI) WEBER PIAN08 AT VERY great bargain*; some of them nsod but a very short tlma bv onr beet musician*, and really almost as good as newj fully warranted In ererr ruapect. Pleaae call at tha WEBER WARBROOMS. Mh av. and l?th at. A LADY WILL SELL, LESS THAN $200, OIIK'KBR lag square grand Pianoforte, cost overairungba**| ramlsrn improvements. 2H East 3d st., near 2<i av. PRIVATE FAMILY WII.irsELL CARVED ROSE wood 7 octave Pianoforte, $I0U 21(1 East 30th it., near 3d av. BARGAINS.-PIANOS H OCTAVE, $40; 7 OCTAVBs overstrung. $110; 7 1-3 octsre, elegant ease, 9150; rent*, 94; Organ, $??. OORDON A SUN, 13 Kant 14th st. JIOB BALK?8TBINWAY PIANtK STOOL, OOVBB, music rack, in good order; $25*1. 57 West 1 th *t. F NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A FIRST CLASS OB gan or piano at half price; closing out aale'of a large stock of Musical Instrument*. HILLINGS A WHBhLOCK, 14 Eaat 14th *t. RBMOVaL-IIOHaCK WATERS A HONS, HAYING removed to their new store, 4 > East I4tti *?., have loll at their old store, 481 Broadway, 2'i second hand Pianoe aud Organ* that they will sell at tha lollowlng low prlee*:? Piano* from Km to ^10i;0ri;?ai and Melodeous Irom $?'*) to 95.'<; soma not a-ed a year from 9fl" to $!'*>. PI .nos and Organa to rent at the old store at extremely low nrlree; new Pianos from $IH0 to $250, tor two days only. Sheet music from Na. to K*c. per pleea. STEINWAY OoKCBRT 0RAND-cT?ST"91^iin FOUR years ago; scarcely used; owner leaviag for Euroiie; will ~ ureal sacrifice. Apply to SHERMAN A Attn/k -POWERFUL NEW UPRIGHT ANU SQUARE Pianos. Factory, KM Blaeeker; wardrooms. 810 Jr^dwar UNITED .STATES PIANO t OMPaNY. ilTllMONlAL. T^wfiTrxs^GKKtLSMAN of trtftiffuwwrm AiHIoB and mean*, matrimonially Inclined, desire* to correspond wltli a r. fined young lady, brunette, of prepo*. *Laatasr iiuoearanee and Independent clrruinstanra* ; uae* Spti^rfta ""ler.naeand strict confidence. HEN BY A, wKS! Pbil?d.lpbia. Pa. MBUltAL. x^MsrtrTff^&LLr^iDwfKiTsfScir'iMti, 8oTi J\ .Hast 52d *t., first iliwr from Mli av. Advice free. _MU WORCBSTBR. PHYSICIAN; BOARD-AND . aarring. 14t? Charle* sV, bet. Washington and Weak SLLLADIB9 iiZrBLY"TREATED IN 24 HOURS OB aocharge. Dr. WHITEREAD, 202 East. flth *1. HBE "and" XXKI1RINI) 1. R CURB ALL F EM ALB complaints, whatever the matter. 142 West 48til st. NNA Bi. PARK, M. D , MBD10AL ELECTRICIAN, ;I3I West 12th St. ""nT FRMALB COMPLAINTS SPBBDILY CURIOBt LDr. and Minn DYER, 17 West 13th st , nlarBih av. rT"w"hit'ehbam. 2<i.! east .v.rii j,t , nkab sd a*.?Female* treated safe, sure and quick for 9-5. A A D D M N: OCTOR HMERY'S NEW METHOD?SAFE, Si RB and quick. All cases. Advice iree. 132 East 19th st. RS. LYONS, FEMALE PHYSICIAN, CURBS ALL complaints; no cure no pay. No. 4<> East 'Kith *t. O ?Mfc* UNLESS CURED. IN ALL CASKS CALL aa IK. at Mna. WEST, ii ttlaeckar ?>., aaaf Mroadwaff