THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,681. NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 1, 1876.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS. DIKKCTOIIY Hill ADVKliribEIIS. BRANCH OFUCE, l.aCS BROADWAY OPEN DAY AND MuHT FOR RECEPTION OK ADVEKTISEM l.Vi'S ANl) SALES Of PAPERS. AMUSEMENTS?Jti Pauk?4th. Otti and tkh col*. astrology?r.'iu Pauk??>ih coL lllLLlAltDS-ai. Pauk? 30 on.> WANTED?Ut Pauk?4th. ">th and Otb col*. I???-vliIt ASH LODGINC WANTED? 1st Pausi?Oth coL IK"O l'> AM) >lloEh Ju I'AUK -3d cut. iiKi OkLYN REAL ESTATK FOB SALE?tin Pack?1st ???l. If L SI >Khf ori'UKTUM ! IBM?1*th PaiHL UL'SISKS* NOTlCK??- lOrii I*AGE?8th col. UlTV REAL ESTATE FOR S.W.E-ap Paub-UI col. wUKKk VXD SALESMEX-la'TU 1'aub?ad and 3d col*. CLoi IIIXu-au PiUK-3d col. I'OACII MEN A N D ti tRDE.NEIlS? I-'IB Pauk?3d col. JOAMAV ISE S l i. A viSM I I'S? I jiu Pauk?iiU and Otu col*. CO I* AIM N KUS1111'S?9m Pauk. DANCIXu ACADEMIES?an Paub?Otb col. IM-.NTIS'I KV-ju I'AUK-Sdcol. dwelling houses to let. furnished and UN FUKNtSliED?an I'AUA?Ut mid ad cols. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS? 1-"tu 1'aux?oth coL EUR' iPE? IStii I'auk-CGi ni. EXCURSIONS- lam I'auk -Otb col. F1XANCIAL?Oth I'auk. Milt SALE ai> I'Auk-OtUcol. PU ll\ISilhit Rooms AMI apartments TO LET? an I'auk?ad col. FURNITURE?an Paul?3d col. FRENCH advertisements?12tb Pack?3d col. Ut.LI* WANTEU?FEMALES?lar* Paub? 1st and 2d HELI'V ANTED- MALES?lam coL HoRSE*. i'AllKIAlibS. Ac. ?1st Pauk?3d and 4tb col*. IIOTEL?? 1st Pauk?Oth coL Houses, itooms. a?:.. waxted?an Pauk?ad *ud ad eel*. INS I RUCTION?I th Pauk?3d col LOST AXIl FOUND ? Isr I'AUK Ut col. Machinery?an pauk-oiii coi. marble mantels?at? pauk?oth coi. M A I KIMOXIaL? 11 Til Pauk Wl col. MEDICAL?l'-'Til P .??: hurd to bear; Taosdar eveuin?. GRace. J IM.?I HAVE WHAT you LEFT BEHIND. COFOB J,letter Thuntday. H. ARK?look "AY 338 A 33 AMU LtF'ME KTNOW b*lore In to-dnv. M M AKK YOUR BETS. GENTLEMEN.-THE CUE IS irivoii daily by "Rudolph.'' A curiosity. mH~E POLITICAL ISTRAW IS BLOWN DAILY AT JL "Rudolph's." Watch its course. riMIE GENTLEMAN WHO FOLLOWED THE LADY I with small boy from Union square down Broad wii) will luel i;rAtul'ul il'sha will grant him an iuturview. To avgiil inlstaKo statu color of dress. Addross B.. box 151 Ilerald olticu. T17 ANTED?THE DRIVER Of THE COACH WHICH TT stood lit Broonitf St.. between Kldrid|(e aud Forsyth st-.. on Saturday ovenlnir, Octobcr ai. 1S7U, betweou S and 0 o'clock. Will be liberally rewarded. Apply to Scperln tcuilcnt WALLING. Police Hcauiiuartrr*. ~ J A. P.?A LL discovered. WILIi HOT PROAE cuto. tt rite where I can see or meet you. DICK. \U)U THE lady in" light" buff dress, I! dark plush jacket, permit acqnaintancu to tb* ceittle lii.hi ulio win. so interested iu her at the Jolu^tou collection Tuesday ? Addiess II. H. BASIL, Herald Uptown office. ' ueliuioi i \oTicuk. ' 1)I.WS IX THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY", Mixllaou av., corner 43ews tor the ensuing tear. I.OHT' A!*l> FOtMU. (ISi'-A l)fA.MOXI? EARRING. I.N WEST a7TII ST , AJhctwuen :iad and a 1st. A liberal reward will he paid and no questions asked lor its return to 3a West a7th st. E. B. FOSTER. IOST-PI-OM MY OARBIAGK, WHILE STANDING J it the a.iii st deor of the Filth Avenue Hotel, on Sun dar evening last, an AUhsn mursed with my name. If rcuiriied to tho office above named hotel a reward of $10 ?lli bo kIvcq. AZAIUAH BOODY'. ITMBRELLA LOST?LAST EVENING; LIBERAL RE ) ward lor Its returu to lau ad av. FRANK 11. EATON. KEWAUDa. ~ <{? ' REWARD -FOR RETURN OP GClj5~lKYE tptj^lasses. lost Octolier W, in Fifth avenue staice. Ad oienL. SKIDMOKE, U3 Xaasau St., New York. REWARD-IF THE COAT TAKEN FROM 11TH St. laat evening doos not ftt send by express C. O. D. REWARD (AND NO questions ASKED) $10 51)LUUwill bo paid for tho return o~t the Cold Watch and Chain stolen on street car in Philadelphia. October O; nioiinurum "A. A. K." on outsido of case and No. 7AU.64S on movements Address box toy Baltimore Post office $X?000corery ot tho Good* stolen ftoin the stc ' Broadway, Sunday, October att. consistinu of Cam brcllas. Baps, Opera Classes. Kulve.r .lewelry. she! and Ivory Portomonnales,,Ac. ABM. BESTllOl Broadway. New York. SPKCIAli aOTlCifc." A? ROYAL HAVANa LOTTERY. . New scheme. Next drawiuj; November ' One Prise of ' One Prlsn of. ?-"v One Prise of One Prise of W Dne Prise of..... 1 * and W<> other prises. Whole Tickets, HO; halves, KIU; quarter*, t |S, tenths. Ct; twentieths, $a. Also, Ko.vul Saxon Government Loiter f-t.rtU.Uia, irold, to be drawn, couiniuucini; on November ti. * Whole Tickets, (60; halve?, f:*?: quariers, f MS a&. f ull exnlanat'iry circulars free. THEODORE ZSCHOCH. 110 Nassau n A -ISAAC tl. BOYCE, ?:7 BKOADWA .Divorces obtained promptly, without tiou. IneompatlOllitV, liahltual dritnkenii bureau troatntent. conviction of felony. Pesi mil i?a.B*4 american INSTITUTE.-A IIP.GU. ?, ?' J\.ol the meinbi'rs of this Institute will ' i day, the ad day of November, at M rooms in the Cooper Union. CllAS. McK. LEOSER, Re Afflicted take xoticb.-di hlooi!. nervous s.v?tcm. Ac . cured si aovicu tree. Dr. W EST. Bleecker r >?" ~ . AltBNTIOM!?TWENTY YKAHt pit ..I experience . iliscaaes of men Hon tree. Dr. .IACOHY', I Si 1 III eck CI H KONIC AILMKNT.-~N ERVt" y?tlnat* Dlseiisos, Ac., >peedliy ? nlaints it sio'cialty. Dr. FKA.VCf rrndsssorshlp) member Imperial A near 4-lth. Consultation tree. Diseases of men a spec HENRY A. DANIELS. M. I> I MHO st. ortlce hours from s to 9 D" AY ? XPRf SsT BOUND KA I v" i Milchiucly b 'autllul hrnnoti , i, II conler ?n >'VerU?tiiiir lavor hv .in. man sne addressed when loavii . ;'%Y IikEAM. Herald office. .VlmTtbTc heI'Ts "for iy. UCall of send for eircnlnr to i 1* "V. WILSON, >EER ilAN J.nsture, will u'>o b|s I- iik at Kepuklicau Hall, S6 West 'Imis sion. -oc. _ /^Blft'IXE ELECTRIC I .8 OP VTmi n Book Iree at dep. V Y ?00.000 IN 0ASI 10.37'J prise tjalv riO.(St) tickets, fl Number DlitrltMN to ho draw isturdsy, Ki.venibef a"?. IM70. loyal Havana draws . Seuil In your ordcis t' oMwny E K lil'ECIAL \OTKES. TTTTT U II 1'EEE T II II E T 11IIIIII KKK T II II K T II II bk.HH NN II liliBW A w Y Y 00 KRB K K N S N S w W W i Y o O '( 11K K NN N R W WW Y V O O'i HK K N N MB W \ V W V V O O ' lilt I N Jl N i:EK WV V\V VV O 0'?: i; k k N N X E x n v e N NN KEEB H a EE KB Run II 11 E II It E II II E IIUUII KEB DDD KOli SALE ALL OvEK THE CITY AND VICINITY aT CENTS i'KIl OOPV. K-orrwML nuAwiNiis kkntdokt itati .Ljt'eries, SI M MONS. A DICKINSON, .Managers, hi Ml l'KT, KXTIU CUll M). OI7? OCTOI1KI! HI, I8.ll. I, 3'.>, a, H4. 11, 51, a7. UU. 1". 22, 77, 59. KhNTICKV. CLASS X<1. ('.18-llCtOHKtl 31, 50, 42 24. .%<>. vs. 6ft SI, 57. )'?>. 10, 7ti, ?. 00. ttl.MIV. Kltu CLASS NO. 517?CK.TOBKH ill, 1870. 00. 3, 24. 23. ii3, 80, < 8, !12. 40, 'IT. -1!*. 03, 10. II K.\ U V CIAS* NO. 51M?OCTOtlKK 31, 187t'i. ?. 17, 41, >?', .11, 58. (??, 20. 48, 5. -Jl'. 37, III. l ull information by itp|>ljrllji to or addtcssing J. CI.L 1 E A Uli , -Ul Broutlway, rear room, Hist Hour. K?CHRONIC CATARRH, DEAFNESS: IMPROVED ?method: mat am a neons relief; permanent cure*. Dr. 810DDARD. N". ? W??t l lib *t. IAIHKS DESIRING KIKSI' CI,ASS ACCOM MODA Jtious during ronfinuaient. with competent medical Ht - tvndunce. can secure the t est of euro at a very moderate r\piMi.i' lii 4 strictly private tuinlly hy addressing M 1ft. IIA3CELINS. 317 5th st.. Jersey Cliy. N. J. MEDICINES. Itescrlptlon mill price lint of Standard mid Ofllclitl Medi C'MH "out tree to anv uddrios: no .|U>ick or secret medi rln?squoted. NEW YilitK CHEMICAL MANUFACrUB* 1X0 COMPANY', 783 Broa 'way. MRS ANNA E. PARK. MEIUCAL KLEUTRICIA.N, Iihm ri'inor. d Ironi Brooklyn to 334 W??l 12th ?t.. Me?f Yoik betweenGr on?Icli end Washington ?ts. Nervous exhaustion.-a medical essay comprising h sorb ? ot lectures delivered Rt Knhn'a Museum of Anatomy. New York, on the cause and cure of prem.ituro decline, showing indisputably how lost health tnnv be regained, affording a ele*r >ynup?l? of the impedl ?ileum to marriage und the treatment ol nervous and Jhysical debility, being the result ?i 20 years' experience, 'rice 15cents. ' Address the author. Dr. L. J. KAHN, otHce and residence 51 Kssl loth ?t.. Now York. OLD KENTUCKY"STATE LOTlERIEs! "SMITU^." KK.NTll'KV? KXII1A CI.ASS 7l'5. FOU 1870. 23, 57, "|S, ?W. 1. 37. 7.'., I rt. HI. -13. 70. 72, 20. KkSHTKY? CI.ASS 72H, Tor. 1870. 1(1. f'7. .'>8 li . 73. "4. 21. oj, r?r.. HI, 70. 5. 7'. All orders address H. NATHAN, 181 Itroudway. New York. P?3iK),llllll CASII UIKTS. * Kcntii kv State Sliiirle Niimhor Dlstr hution. 1(1,370 Frl*es anil only 50.000 tickets. SIMMONS x DICKINSON, Manager* To be drawn on Saturday, November 2T?. 1870. Wholes, $10. Shares in proportion. Ro>i.l Havana toi.u drawn November 2. 1870. Kentncfcv State Lotterle drawn daily. Address I'AKKS. KMKRSON A CO.. Bankers. 180 Hrosda-ar, room 4. TJAILROAD TICKhTs ARE BOUOUT AT THE NEW IVEiicland Hotel. 30 liuwory, hy R. M. TAYLOli, 'ticket Agent. Tickets may be sent to me by mail, and the best rut? paid will be i.t once returned to the sender by next mail; or describe the route and i;ivo the length of time ticket is good, and 1 will replj telllug you what I can pay you lor it. R OYAL SAXON LOTTERY. 'I ho main drawlnir of tlio itoyal Snxon Oovernment Lot teileecoiumeucei. November 0 and ends November 27. Out ol 86.0JU tickets. 30,00*1 will win prises amounting la all to ll,853.oiM Relcliamark, or over $3,f)U),( in t'urroucy. Capital prli?a ns follows 1 piise of mark, equal to dollars gold 120,000 1 prise of mark iiCK>.(? * to dollars ?old 72.1 *J" 1 priso of murk JiUtl.lWli, equal to dcllars gold. ,???,, 48JW) 1 prise nl'murk IoIMjOi. equal to dollars gold 30.1 **i 1 pri/e of m?nc 1' eifnul ti> dollars irold....... 24.1*0 1 prize of mark ?xi.(*)0. equal to dollars cold 12,COO 5 prises a 30,00 ? matk l.MI.UOO equal to dollars gold. 30,UU0 and others. All tuitber information iurnished by ftACllSMANN 4 CO., Bankers, 75 and 77 Nassau St. Royal Havana lottery.?nbxt no % ember 2 Only 25.(iOO ticket* divided iu 20th and 4<>th; O-si priies. amounting to %7rA),(i00k llijrhosi prise S2O0.OM0 and next ol'91"0 (.**'. On April, 1873. we sold the $5,OU0 l.rlse and on September 1, 1870. we sold and cashed that of *100.000. B. MARTINEZ A CO., Hankers, lO Wall St.. New York. Spmiish Ooiil and Havana Bank Bills bought and solu. Dralts en Havana Issued. Royal Havana lottery.-?70o,ooo will be drawn on November 2. l'risis cashed : orders tilted; In formation Iurnished; highest rates paid for Spanish bills, envcrtiuicnta, Ac. TAYLOR A CO., Byleh, No. 11 Wall St.. New Y'ork. EOT Alt HAVANA LOTTERY".?DRAWINO NOVhM ber 2.?Prises92 lios uitbin 20th and 40th 7tb avs, and ho much of tba Twelfth and >nd ward- as is cast of 8th av., and s > much of null and Twenty-first wards of said city as lies av., and Ward's and Rundall'a Island, in tbo city . In the county of New IS ALSO IO III-. ELECTED i SAID COUNTY. -one Member*of Ai-sembly. iff, in the placo of William C. Conner. aty Clerk, .a the place or William Walsh. Coroner*, In the place of Richard Croker, Henry ii Ji aud Anthony hlesolf hose terms of oflico expire on the last day of Decera it. u Justice of the .Vlsrloe Court. In place of James P. ? tl, appointed by the Governor to till the vacaucr d bv tliw death ol Alexander Spnuldii|g. o a Jndgd or the Superior Couit tor tho city and ty ol New York, In the plaoe or Clandius L. Moneil, ased. so a surrogate, in the place ?.f Deninn I J. Calvin, ap. ited to fill tacaiicy caused br tho death of Stopbeu D. .1 Hchalck. U?o a .senator for tho Fifth Senatorial district, Iu tb* see of James W. Hoot i, deceased. The attention of electors and ol town and city election oanfs, inspcctoi* and csnvasM>rs of election Is respectfully Irected to chapter 345. Laws of 1870. entitled "An act ta .rovide lor ml.iulti lug amendments to the constitution to the electors of the State." parsed May 15, 1870, which act provides for submitting at the said general election, on the 7th dec o| .November uext. proposed amendments to articlo 5 of the constitution of the State ..r Now Yorh, and pro scribes tbo form of ballot for voting thereon, which pro posed amendments to the constitution, with said act. pro scribing form ot ballot and mauner of submission era pub lished as provided In seld act. Rtspecilully yours, JOHN BIOELOW, ? Secretary of State. Sttkiitrr'a Orrto.. i , ..... . , Nkw Youa. August 3. 18711 | I certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the election notice received by me this day from the Secretary of State. o Mr r.i WILLIAM O. CONNER, sheriff of the city and county ol New York. 47 '"yH (WW) 7,,A*?NA. H'lTKR* DRAW* Hi. ?!> | ?l\l,\J\ 'V/.day ; a few lucky tickets lett. Apply to 1 . C. DEVLIN, General Avetit, 21 Patfc r..w, room 5 47 ~i(t IUW) -??'Val Havana LorrMlt; ?P i OvivvUi lobe drawn November 2. 1'rises sf $'.VI.UWI, Sliai.tUt1, us c,1**!. Whole tickets, $40; halves, $2Ms fortieths, $1, Ki ntaeky ntate Lottery, drawn dally. Morning, wliole tickets, if t ; evening, whole tickets. .1 AC KS.jN A *.'(> . il.inkcrs, 2(12 lir..a.t?ay. New YorlT (WWt ROYAL HAVANA LOTIEKY. | tJv.UUl's Draws November 2. it few lucky tickets left. Prises cashed. J. DUFF A CO., Bankers, 42 Nassau st., corner Liberty, New Yerlfr KPKIIAL. HOTICEk. a>7i)>i .? I ?? ? emory x co.V'rkoKRbS. ai v I i O, 1'ark row, No?r York city. f luviu.' eitfttilinlicii in iliv principal dtitfi l? i ho fill* toU Muii"* fctfice IKI^. offer (a tliu public one of the frtndcM Ciili J)Utrtbulioi.i? tlmt over look place lu litis country. $7'J'.YJ *?* to l?e distributed. All 1'rtx.e* and no Blanks. Hy authority ol mi act of the L*trUlaiuie. th? drawing will Hike place iii ptiplic lit 4'lu?> 1*11110. W).. |ui?ilnuly November 15. IhTM. und to t-e conducted by sworn Coin m iiislouers. Each und evei v ticket will 1m riiiillo.l to a prize. Ail I'riwi nod 110 Hh.nW Wlihlu tho reach of any one to ootain u iortuna tor only ?i ?mull outlay. Prises payable In lull, millionl deduction, on presoutatlon at thlioffio* immediately after tho drawing. 1 Grand t'mill l'ri/o ol $73,'*** 1 41 rand ('null l#i ? > of 'J i.lifll) I tirand r??h l*r?s ? of 'JO.UUO 4 tirand Ch?Ii I'ruut ol..,,,,....,, *??...? 4 (trniid tTumIi Tri/. ?# ol 5,?*i0 AO Ca?li I'rlxe* e???h of 1(K)CuhIi i'rixfi each ol.. I.UtJO 1'iacb and every ticket will be entitled to a prlxe. 1 lcket? f'J ouch. <>r n paek*st<* tin tickets) fur ?1". and tlio bal ance to be deducted ouly Iron, tho prises drawn. Informa tion furnished. Order* filled. AUo u^entu for the Havana Lottery. Orders ?illicited Apply or tnldre** I? MottY \ CO , lirok, is. :il Park row. New fork cily SIPOUTING-UOUb. illttlMi. "" BKAUTIPL'L TltfOri OF SlLVEIt POLAND#. ULLK Skv?* Terrier liuchex, Carker Spaniel l'U|f Hitches, M?tU'U Hitches, Jim imported. I'J Cortlandt. S M.K l.!V !. t) I v IL ALSO V fAlH oi !M . potted Mit U'se Dogs, Rabbits. IIS FANCY l?oi#s A N I? lUKDsi* l-t) Park av , New York, near (Srana i\ n'ral depot. l>Olt *ALE?KOU WANT OK IsK, \ .\KAKLY NEW r Leli*vre (Svr.cnne) Damascus barrel* breech loading t?un; warranted equsl to tho be*t I tulixlt leaker in e\ery renpeci. it ii* I >it one half the prue ; lt> bore; weight w)a lbs; leuirth Inches; hlil of purcliaao will be shown. A ad res* II., box l.UJl I'okt ollioe. CM'NS.-I'OM'IM Ai'lDN balk or QUMtf, THIS V*day, at HAItKHK ?V CO.'S salesroom, 47 and Hi Liberty St.. at l'1 o'clock ; also Tom. an Imported black and tun seft ter. .'t/u years old; broken ; good r*.t reiver ; tplendld none and gMH) action in tlii fleUI. Further purtioalsn time ot sale. 2COTT BREKOI1LOAUKH, U> BORK, PIiiTOL UBlf s: top lever. lu leather case. wlllt fall set Implements. II. 1'. SOUIKES. 1 Cortluudt ?t. rpi'Slrt JiillNSON'S SALE OK M I*Kit 11 BHEECII* 1 l-iaours wlil lake place till* tiny mid lu-iuurrow, at I ui ltHK. ul-his iMle>r>M>iu. U7 si. _ TBI TV ill'. AT WfcST SIDK DRIVING l'AKK, JKKSKY CITY. WeUno?.l?y, Novomber I. J !'. tf.?I'urito ***>, l?r 3 in.null- ?!*???P. Miuu'o's br. in. Kllrtiiliuil. !>Hiiial Biirilii's b. in. liriU'u. J. llruwu'* b. in. Mary K.? II. K. William.' '? It. Snip. A l.)iln'?vh if. Uonulna, J. I'.. Jurvi*' bllt. u A. t!. Whli?nu'? oil. in. Kollv, K. S. li.iiiictt?i ?. if. Wnite Hone, Aliarp'n br. m. I.lttlu Ni'll, P. Oalndu'ii b. ir. Kildi* U., rimrluk lluiiiiv's b. ir. Wiiidmir, I>. tluimlntrliitm'M ft. *. SIIhs Itlcli. O for 2 ::tO clan*?I*. Man.o'? ? jr. MMriou, Ch?rlu? I)li-koriiiuii'? ch. m. Liidy rrltclmril lor Jvnny K.. T. Johnson h b. jr. Vrod Tyler, louav l*?wllnir'? tf. k "ally l.cwU. M. n'? n. ?. Herde, (I. N. Kon'y'n l>. k. Tommy Kyan, J. S. Horlin'x blk. K- Tom. J. T. UuldMiiltlfK b. ^ l>urlc. K. II. Iliirlburi s b. ?. Ilumilt. The J li :40,:'J7 mill 2\V>c awe? Ivlt upuii; eiilrien received al the Park until 7 P. M , November 1. All parties previously entered uill please secure tlieiu. Adniisxoii. $1. IV. VAN KKUKK.N. Proprlotor. A ?FLEETWOOD l'AKK, M OI'.Ki.sAN I A.?W t-ltS t?>, Nov. I. at 2 o'clock P. M. SueepNtiikt* tor #I.?iK*. tiAI.KS II. HAKNAItD, President. ALTTION. fit km:, I A.\l) ?:omhin u-Ton POOLS sold all day at JOHNSON'S Hootus. Hruadwar, corner 'JHib St., on tue runiilui; races at W unliinuton : each heat and race by teleKraph direct; a tlombiuation Hook open on all events; nil orlers by mail or mcK?oiiKcr will receive par ticular attention; also every day and evoiilni: on the Male and Presidential Elections. T. It. JOHNSON. A IC I ION, KKK NU1! AN'D COM il IN AT I ON~ P< K) I.S, sold day and evenlnir. at ti?- New York iurt KxcliaiiKC, 15 West 2Mth st., on the ruiiniujf race* at Washington; also on the Stale ane Presidential Klcclion Kiench Poo.a open on tho general result and ou the result iti the State of New York, to close every evening; tickets Orders by mail or messenger will receive prompt at tention. JOHN MOKIUS8EY X fiO. rPATTK KSALL' S, lT'i-7 BUO AH WAY?AUCTION 11?'M)I?.?Krencli pools (tlekcts Ifl eaelii every dar ai.d evening un Washington races, elections and all sporting tTents. MoDOUUALL 2 t:o._ UOBKU8. VAUK1AUK6. iKt. 'AUCTION THIS DAY. A WARKANTKD SPKRD. OKOROR W. JKNKINS. AUt'TlONRKR, WILL SKI.L AT PUBLIC AUCTION THIS DAY (WRDNhSDAYi. NOV J, AT 11 O'CLOCK PROMPT, AT TIIK UNION CLUB STABLE. NO. M 1STII ST., HKTWKKN BROADWAY AND 5TII AV., UENTLICMAN'S SUPKItB ESTABLISHMENT, CONSISTING OP the fast trotting bay mare Daisy, 7 years old 15^ hands high, gotby old Haiubletonlan. dam star Mars; IS KNOWN ON THE ROAD Ad THE (IILMORK MARIS; she Is very easy to drive ; the moit timid person can drive her with sateiy. and is afraid of nothing; pure galled; don't pull or lug ou the bit: WARRANTED SOUND AND KIND This mare when in condition cau trot on tho track ? mile iu "J :&>, and is warranted to trit In 'J :4i this day. ALSO Top Uoad Wagon, by Brewster X Co.. nearly new, with Har ness to matcli. ALSO the bay Trotting Team, Kltarley and Mate; sound and kind; l.i>4 hands. 7 years old; they are very handsome: a slutt ing top Koad Wagon, with polo aid slialts not aullad, with Harness to match. ALSO singlo seat Speeding Wuuon; top PoBy Phtctun, full springs; lio top J agger Wagon. ALSO a celebrate1! chr tnut sorrel Horse, l.ri^ bands high, 0 years old; sound and kir.d; warranted to trot ou day oi tale lu 3:10. ALSO two lino snts of donble road Harness, two sets fin. single Harness, furr Robes, Sweat Blauketa, Stable Blaukots, Whips, ?kc. N. B. ? All the above stock is first data and In flno order; has been used only a short time, AND WILL POSITIVELY BK SOLD TO TuK HIGHEST BIDDER. SM HOURS ALLOWED FOR TRIAL AND EXAMINA TION. THE SALE OF (iENTLl-MEN'S HORSES AND CARKIAUhS solicited. yl'ICK SALES AND PROMPT I(F.tCh.MS. GEORGE W. JENKINS, Oeneral Auctioneer. At private sale. LANDAU, by BREWSTER X CO., of BROOME ST. I COI'Pr., good as now, bv WOOD BIIO. 1 COUPE, trood as now, by J. R. LAWRENCE 1 THKi'.E-QUARTER CLARENCE, by MINER k STEVENS. 1 COUPK ROCKAWAY, by MINER X STEVENS. I SIX SEAT ROCKAWAY. by MINER X STEVENS. Four and sis-seat I'ark Phaetons, Barouches, top and no top Wagons, city built; do|M>i Hi ekaways. Harness, Robes, VAN TASSELL X KEARNEY. 110.113 East lath at. T REDUCED PRICKS. * A hue stock of LANDAUS, HOCEAWAYB, LANDAULETS. DOCTORS' PHAETONS, t'tJACIIEs. DEPOT WAGONS, COUPES. TCAR1S. IIKOUUHAMR. ROAD WAGONS. Trimmings of imported moroeeos and clotlts; paintings of rich and durable colors, all of iliu most olegaut designa. A. S. Fl.sNDUAlf, S7"J and 1)74 Broome at. (old stanu of Brewster X Co ). A AT AUCTION, by LOUIS J. REEIi, Auctioneer, at -arti?ulai>; no coiuuiuiiieatiait noticed unleaa price le stated II. A. II.. Ileiald oOiee ASAi RIPICE VERY HANDSOME BROWN HoRSE lj'4 hands, warranted voting, sound and kind; Hue driver. HONNEAL. i74Ceutro sk, up stalls. Tt a sacrifice-tbS BUSINESS wagons'fHUTO wi\.fl&", new and second hand, fur express, irrocer, butcher, basei. milk. |Miekage delivery XN ispring'st. A "BREWSTER FULL SPRING riH' BUGtiS'-AND Kimball Sleigh, very clieap. IIOVEY'S stable, W vat I ' ll It -t. AT ANY oFFKB?FAST~TiiOTT!NG MAKE. TliP IM proved sprlu.' Wagun, Phaeton and sat Harness,ailmost new. I.. I V. est 8.'itli >t ?sui i abli; fok~countby iiacking'and Lt>w ?pricod, 1 Coacbes, 1'? Phuotons aad Brett's light *a? ons Irom Via) up; Pony Phaetons Irom ?7b up; Rockawars yw up. extension top. two sett*, light I.' LaudaiiMI; X Ceil pes. Landaus, Lamlaulet, a line Clarence Coupe, itock aways, #J7.1 up; also .Vsi new and second band Carriages and Sleigbs. WILLI HI II itit.W.lisnil W IVnown.^ i;IIA.N?;K-?IA' IIA Li V*A LLk.,1 IAN DaOME NE>4 top Express Wagon. IIOVEY'S stsble, U4 Wu,t 19th st. A?FOUR HORSES. FOR ALL BUSINESS l'til ?po>os; yotiug and sound. 57 Great Jonos st. \Vl M ii SOLD. NO OFFER REFUSED, TWO ? last Trotters, two top Koad Wagons, two sets nf Har ne?s, stelgh. Robes, Ac.; also Foay Phaeton. MutaallC 1 ub atabie, IW Wast 31st si. I lOll* Kv CAKIU.%CiE?. 'W ? AT hAlikKB A SON'S ?..nill,,g CITY AUCTION MaBT AND N. V 1A rTEllsALLS. COBNKB HKOADWaV AND 3?rilsf ? BAJOIl ( IIAitl.K- W. KAUKKU, AL'CTTOSKKB. UKOUI.Ait >ALKS OK Horses. Carriages. Ac.. hVi' UY WEDNESDAY AND SAlUIIDAY. TWENTY' Mil' K hours allowed for trluL TilK ONLY dining track in the Slate. UATALOt. Ut OK SALE MIS DAY AT El EVEN O'CLOCK. commknci.mi witii r A IT A IK OKoKi.E 1). II ANSA'S, OK BOUUIION count;. Kentucky NINETEENTH UKAN1) AND UNPABAl.LKl.KD SALE of higitlv bred TttoTTCNo, coach and saddle stuck, JUST AK1UVKD tniiu Koa.lucky. AND comprising TWENTY'TWO IIKaD, several of the_ fastest 1 jrreen trotters in America. that can tint In fiom J :j 1'iiUr Ftinoloii*. ToI' ASH NO iii|> Expies* HUH llusinosa Wagoni. I BOCK AW AYS. Dog Carts, C.ureuco*. EXTENSION ror mill I'.irk l'liueton*. AND EVhin style m vahlole. T11K I. V lit i KST sleek over offered at auction. I.AUUK I,Ol' of double iiu.l .iuglo It AllN ESS. TWELVE oTIIEK Horses PULL DHSC it I I'TION *t sale. hAl.ES NKVKU |iu4|kiiilli st., II good Work; Milo positive, without ronerve, tu liiglic.t bidder. Bay make, h hands. black. chunky house* young and sound; 161 Chatham at.. salooo. /IKVI'KN.MAL VLSI t'OUS SAY THAT tlBUBB, alii V/Canal ?l.. build* the HKS l' llug.-y, Pliaoloti or Carriage ot auv kind !or ilio LICAST MONKl. ^ /'loUPK. LANDaULET AND I.loiiYiToCKAWAYS \ yiluutrle*, tr. ; iianic price* ? J. CoLVElt A CO.. MM Broadway. /lAllUIAiiE UKI'AmS-WE INVITE SPECIAL AT V>teuiiou to tlie .uperlor lucilitfe) or our rep?irln? depurt turut All carriage* llnl?lied with Valeiitliie ? American rariiikli. *o|>utior l?> ull of lorelcn mnuiUeiurc In durability "mid brilliancy. Estimate* lurnUliecl. Order* iccelred at 3tti av. und Htli *1.; or factory, llroadwajr and 47tli *t. 1IKKW8TER .? CO., of Brooiuc ?t. E XIIIBlT10N.-ENia.ISll C A Kill AUKS' C. Thorn'* Carriage* aro now bciurr sold ? AT A OoNSlDBUAHLE KEDUCTION, to *ave rot II HI expense*. Applv to ...... J. W. PAINE, Kti^ll-ih Carriai'Cl. Exhlbilloa. Mi dill mill DiplmuM awarded. ]MOK SALE?A KINK BOAX HOUSE. M HANDB 1? Iiifth, oi^ht years old; sound and perfect every way. Cau be seen at the private ?tabie No. I East st. Foil SALK-BY A UEM'flifaMlN UKTUKNiNO KRO* il?o country, a team of Horses, color bay, wiin black points; lu^ hands liltfh, cob build, good action nod |wr* feet I v bound and ircutle. May be scon at private stable. No* 11 fc*?t :iuu? si. TjK)B SALK-A PAIB l?K STYLISH KENTUCKY I1 Uor?ca; liuht bay, clo?e mated, I5?.4 hand* hiish, per I act lv sound, uood drivers, and sold to do?u an estate; eight to ?line ) ear* old. Call, lor three day*, at MM Eaat Jtilh *t., Maltle No. 6. . i?OK 8\LI'.-IIOKSB AND l'llUCK. INyl.'lBK 2d3 JP Ureenwich *t. IiMJK 8ALK?A I.IUIIT TOI* B LSI N k8H WAt iOH ' llorsu and Harness, goiid as new, cheap. 4UU7thav,% between ?f*?b and a7th tits. Inquire tor one week. VblTrtTLfc-A-r lULK VALUK. A BAY HORSE. 15>g r hands biscli, 7 years old, sound and kind, suitable for any butluess; price 81210. Apply at JJBil West 42d st. TTIOtt BALK-TEAM 1BAY~ilTMBLLTt>XIAN' IlOKhEB' J] u Miid 7 years old; sound and kind; l&J-j, hands nith: liaviuc no use lor iheiu will sell separate or together. Call between III und IU A. M. at private (table 7 Wa*lilUKl0U alley, roar of North Washington square. _ I'.Tok sale-a iiay IIOilsk~w YkaTH OLD. 17 " hand* lilgli: perfeei In every way; or *upcrl?r *tylo and aetlou ; a |[ood traveller; he l? one of the be?t coupj or carriuKO hor*e? In the city; I* al*o uood under ikddlo; alto a cut under liookaway. Apply at I1U Ka?t .'StII *t. Ilui: nAl.h?II Al.K VALUE. TWO MOUSBBl fmIHt ' luoit aoll; no work. -Ol Grand *t.. *lable. I loll SAl.I. CHEAP-PAIR MUAO MAULS"; WKLL 1 matched; trot together a H :lfi gait: well bred; pedlitri-o ennrauieed; c?n !?? tiled before purchu*ltir; alao Saddle lloi'te: perlect lor lady and child; alnitlu footed racker. Cull ?l *ti.lilo 'J 1 K??t *Kltb *t. Houses caukd kou duuinu tiik" k'nsuino w inter on rcanouable terms. Apply to JOHN h. UUn LEY. Piiilnheld. N. J. lle*t ?! rotcrem e. H\ NI'.SS ?CHKvl'EST llAUNl KS STOKE IN NKW Ynr*. (iiKul Bntticy H*rtiu?? hand made. ?lo: pood tlrocer*' IIari.e**, KUi; Koo.d Double Team 11 ari?*. ?*>: ? K?Ml llorse lllai.ket. *1; W aterprool aiid Sw-at Blanket*, .trapped und un.trapped. Ploa?e caU and examine lor >ouri> clvt*. FISllKB k OSBOKNK. Munulaeturera, 71 ?riol4*-afc nOlWE HLAXKETS?IMMKNsK STOCK; BOTTOM prices; *t?ble Blanket*. *1 to*/ iO; Imputable to tear; dress lilanaet*. taahlnnable color*. *3 St' to ?-0; truck llliinkels. lame variety, leathered, Irom ?J 5U; bear, but falo m iilf lathes, ttc. S6 to W^). ? 1 JOHN MOOBE, 57 Warren it OKU 4 TAYLiiil ~ aro now lellinu kin tie llor*e HI mketa at package price*; llorso Blanket*, rcadr ma.le, at ?1 50 and upward; ?? eat and colored BUuket*. lu all griide* und qualitlM. Grand. Chryitie and Koriyth *1*.; Broa to ?> latitat., near Univeralty place. Pony phaetons, lkatmkb top, *'3^- bock awuys, #117; depot Waunu*. *18 >; Coupe Bockaway*. ^_CX.; leather top BuitKien. \ woiainauahlp guaranteed; iiarnas*. every dencriptlou. *11 to #-?*)._ _ ' ' JOHN MOOBK. VI Warren *t. a I LA D E LP IIIA E X1 IIBITloN. BEHT LONDON MADE CABllIAUEK. 1'iisold Carriage* of the iiiuler.itiiied ill BE SOLD AT A BKDUCTION, to avoid expeute of packing and Irelght back. IIOOPKK A CO.. Coichmaker* to the queen and II. B. 11. the Prince of Wales, 11^ I ictorla *t.. London. Apply to Mr. J. W. l'aiue. II. A Co.'* Agent In tM Car riage Department Philadelphia Exposition. .Medal and Diploma of Merit. Zj ADDLK ilOK>E KOR SALE?YOU NO, SOUND. Ouentle, hpeedy; broken to harness. KAKLKY'H itablu, 1(18 We?t M ?t flit) LET?A UltSi CLASS BU1CK STAHLK IN WATTS 1 at., near Caunl. with box alalia, waler, Ac. Inquire or II. OSTItANDKB. ittU Canal ?t. mo LKT-THE Kl'usr CLASS PUIVATE STABLE. 13& | Wc.t J7th ?t. Addre** box Itt'i Po?t ofliee. xu \NTKD lloll-lv- TO BOAKD. ADDBESS J. VV IIEILLV. Auiityville, L. I. \l'ANTKD-A L1VKICY STABLE IN EXCIIANOK FOB ?V a good larm of 1L0 acre*, w ith *tock and crop*; HO mile* Iroui New York. Addre** S. B. 11., Herald olBee, Up town Hraucb. JrsKCOND HAND SIX-SKAT BLF.IOHrt, Til BEE Ol'ony da, all in good order. W1LL.1AM II. (iBAY, 20 and 2- Wooster ?t. C>1 -M - TOP BO AD WAdOK AND IIAUNESS, IN V>I? )U ,|K'rlcct order TJM Htli av.. corner l ?lh st. 1 Ve KA;,| -?:,!? ST.?BENSON HBOTIIEBS HAVE XOOone topside bar gentlemau'* Iload Wagon; cheap. _ Jll IjH \ H. K\ ASll) DllK.HsMAKtJIta. A?KABIB T1LMANN. OK l'AUIS. ?LATEST KINKST ? l'aris Millinery. Largo, unique assuFtiuent of rare ele ganea. 4'-'J ?th av., near '-'?lib M. New good*. AIM K OALOUPKAU, 03 KAST H'TII ST.. WILL iVl oiwii her last importation of Pari* Millinery for wlntor on Wednesday. November I. IlllAlt OKHH W ANTED. 1 DOOll FltoM MADISON SqUAIlK. 3.1 'ftAST Xlb Xsti?Klfffittiy furnished Kloors, sHlh pirlval# tapw?. ITakoe. iiand^ome^y Vuunimiieh' hoomh, Xwlth closets, on second floor, front, with Board; nouse owued by yccunant; reference#.^ 1J4 Kast 'ilth st. ViTutlTK KOOM AKir'TWO CONNKCTINO BOOMS ON I sec'iud lloor, with Board; hot and cold water; clonel*; terms reasonable. 137 Macdougal, near Washington square. ' 1 UBCKKTION AND HANDSOME KBONT BOOM 1 southern exposure, warm; all conveniences aud good llonrd. J>?> Wost 1 Jib *t. _ I SUIT or FURNISHED BOOMS ON' SECOND llloor, with Board: terms low. lj.6 Kast 'J7tti *V T -PAKTliTs DBS IRI NO CNKXCKPTIONA B LB 1.boarding accommodations are furiiished lull, paitlealar*, free, at WOOD'S DIUKCTOBT, l.J?3|? Broadway. 1 hUir VBUV DF.SlKAIILK SECOND hTOBY BOOBH. Xw|th Board. 15-f Madison av., corner tt. :> liksiba'b'le boobsTlakoe closets. TO LET, ^with Board, anitoble for families. 1,4^6 Broadway, ?? tween ?Md and 44th sta. on KLOOIL-A SUIT OF LAROF. ROOMS. ELBOANT Jparlor, Ac., with prlrate table; llrst class appointments HUll iilgnest references. 14 West >-d ??., between 4tl? and Madison avs r" kast ao'rii st.?boobs, witu fikst class 0 Board, en *olte or ?lngly. . PROSPECT FI.ACE (EAST 41ST ?T.. NOr BKUOB Olyn).?Persona wtaliing a home while boarding will und It at 'lie above aitilresa; alcove Boom. ?l<*. CTI! AVZ**, BETWEEN 11TU AND 12TII sTfa? Ospaclou* Suit ?r Apartmentfc. ou parlor floor, witb or wlti? oat pi irate lalla _ -I'll AV . 31W.-TIIIBD FLOOR. WITH OK WITHOUT Op^vate table: also one double Room oa lonrth floor tor gentlemen; references. . TT1I AV.. Ol.-PABLOR FLOOR. WITH PRIVATE TA Oble ; al*o, other koous, en suite . t *tu iy ? rjMraM 5tii AV.T^MlT^BRS. skavkr.?apattbknts, with Oprlvate table. "rli^AvT'^. COKNER IftTH Sf.?Ki.EOANT ROOBS, Owith or without Board ? riTl AV., lA-kKCOND STORY BOOBS. WITH O.lrlclly first cluas table; others for gentlemens tanaa luodirate; references. ^7l, AV., 4H1, BETWEEN 41ST AND ?D 8T8.-PAB l)lor floor. Willi Board: alsT.-Roow>. WITll oii WI lllnlt 'J Hoard: partly furuUiiod or furuuhcd to urikr; tr*n&ieut ptiriien tttkou. jJnir iuo HT.?l*AKLOE BfcliUOOM. FaRLOK UKUwir; S?cuud Klwr, four liubt raiMui; alio b?ll Kootu, with Board; private ubl? if K lUHiXH, *iTfu Oe&celletil table; coin foru ut private family; term* rea mubMi SRAUT SDTU M . HI.1W hi: N 5TI! AXi) vaI>I^>V *v*.?-Pltto hull* and studio Uooui* to let. With lloard, lor Uuiilii-s AndflltlUBtll. n WKaii iist sr. -cniumhahhki) LooatioK; ?/very desirable appo?utrucuu aud pli*a?aut Uootn?, witU Uouru: rctereucei oichuHKcd SI5l J3l? *?.?PAULO* A.Mi TWO BKDKOOM8 ou tUirU Uoor; *l?o Kooiu? on fourth lloor, with Uourd. 10 1 n wayeklby flacb, near bboadwav.?front A "Rooms 014 tu tlri tor two. with Hour J . transient. <1 j(> day; table liiard. $i; stoaiu boat. UKAsr jhiii kt.-strictly first class hoard; and attendance ; diulug room on parlor Hour; handauiue second (lour Rooms; Umiiua for gentlemen. 1~) wiiilk ST.. HETWKEN Oil i:< II Y.\I? WEST Xai Broadway.?Suitable lurnishud Hootna to let; ulko Hoard by day or week. 1?jTU ST.. l:*i WBST, XKAlt 01'11 AY . 1'RIYATK ?dl>uu>?.-One or two handsomely furuiahed Rooms, with kwid| moderate terms; relereneea. 10 wkst j*.itii sr . two oooiw rsoij oiuir Olluiiae.?Board; well furnlalied Rooms; elujaut Hecep UWi ST 5utii ST.?TWO TilltCJ> STORY FRONT' Roouia; lourtli Uoor Room*; excellent labia; moderate tern*. UTII SI".--FRONT i:R* en suite; another Room, with Board, In a family at re-* linemen!. IO AND JU LAST 2STII 8T? HADISOM ANU 6TH' J Ouva.?Uoo on East iI5f^aRtTiTirAxduojTeLv "furniiT 4-or Koutlemun, lourth llour. 9] WEST 31 ST ST.","JUST OFF OTIC AV~K1VB KlStiC a^-Lc'nt Koouix 011 Ud lloor, nowly lurolihiil; llrat rUi Hoard and every aeoomiuodatlon to roapectablo partiea ; Uueat lueation iu city. 01 ST sr.. 4-J BAST ?Tlriltu STORV FltO.NT KUOMi: ^ltu let. with Hoard. t/on sr.. a:?7 WKST ?SyUAItE ROOM. WITU uoarU; tor two; tranaienta taken. W., SO. 4^ WkHI.?Jk. PAKUtH AMD HiUM ^^rouui on aecond Uoor, Iront. with auuny expnaure, to* let. with Hoard. Heat reference i;ireti aud required. Oa^I?" ST.Ta? XVKStT?TO I KT! \VlTil~BOAHI>, A| ^^third atory lar^o Room, aouthern uxpoaure; alao Hall Boom. *?>J WASHINGTON 1'LACB, IIB7M hEN . HltOAD - md'Jway aud Waaluuvtou aguare,?Furn^iliod Roouia, with. Board, to |>ermaiiont or tranaient partiea. oj" WEST attrjl ST?ThIro TuwFaNI) sIliE ^alTltooiu, leparato or tOKnther, with Board; teraia rea-< ?uoabla. i) J Til ST.. IS4 EAST.?A LAIttiE, IIANHtStJtillil.V i furniaUod Room, aoeoud Uoor trout, hot and edit wa ter ; huiiae and table llrat elaaa; refertiueoa. Q?? west 1 Srrl 1 ?'i\ nkau airii avTIlioons aniUalngly oreu auite ; tablo d'hote or )>rlvato table. OijrTl ST., 4S WEST.?TWO LAROH AN D ~ONE ^lUamall Room, accoud Uoor; alto auuie alti(rle Ubouia. with Urat elaaa Hoard. 417 WBS1 i!7I'll ST.. NEAR BltOAUVV AV?H^lND mi I soiuely turniabod 1'arlor Floor, with privatu.table tl de aired; other dealrable Boomi. without board; houao Brat elaaa; rutereueea. OQ WEST aau ST.?IIANDSOMKLY FUitNl'slifX ^UORooma on third and fourtb Uoort, with llrat claa* buard; teruu moderate; refereueea. 9Q EAST- aTtfr ST.?ONE LAtini-AJfl) IIALl^ ^it'Uoiiiii, with Board; day boarders aeceuumodutcd; airlctly tlrat elaaa. ?J|i BAST MD ST.?TWO HANDSOHM.V FUR Ovulalied coiineetlnic ltooma, tecoud Hour,.with Hoard; hall Room; retereneea. 'JO wBST 27TH ST., NEArVtH AV '-llA-VIIStlUELY O^Ufarnlahed Room*, with Hoard; nioderati>> price*; every borne eoinlort; Urat claa* family; referuueea. ST., NKAB &Tti~AV.?T1I1RU FEOOIt" TO LET; auuny R. 00; home, location, table, atartuMiitc " unaar 1'artlcuUra, SHOVE A CO., under Urdcd lloteL ?JO WEST 33D ST.?SECOND FLOOR>80NT*HL'MXT OOSulte; superior Board or private table; also hall Rooms. O'j wBsr ?o> sr., frontimJ"rkservoir'.park~ OOllaudoome Apartmeuts, newly furnlsUud, wBU excel lent Hoard. 32S, 33 AND S7 WEST 14TII ST. V Rooiua, with Hoard, en suite or singly. C'euteuntal visitors, per day. 34 WKt,T >-T" ?T.-TO LKT. FURNISHED, WITII Otout board, three largo Uoouis, couiuiuuieatiu^.ajn t jo hc >ud Uoor, to a party, or separately ; alao other Itoetna. ') I Til ST., I3M WESi. NEAR HKOADWAV ?IUAJoT O'Xsooiely furuished Ruuuis, on seeoud aud thiffciUoura, wilh unexceptluuable Board; relereneo. Til ST., i*TWEST.? ROOMS ON FOURTH FAOOlT with llrst class Board; lelerenoe. oTtiY ST.. Wkst, 4ii?laroe front imkjm, 0*1;wltb Hoard; neighborhood excellent; Elevated do|>oi corner; family private; references. ?J/JTH ST.. CORNER MADISON AV.-.V SMALL) OUtaniily can be haudsoroely aceommodatod with a Ana buitot turaialuw Room*; private table. 214 Meulinun av. ?J7 WEST "afsr sr.?llANDSOMK room! on"FIRST OI Doer, auitablu for geutleiuaD and lady: labio first dais; highest refureuee. *>U *>. 4JAND44 WKST 14TH ?T? KCNMM, WUFS OO.Board, eu suite or singly ; liberal terms lotpuroiauciM parties. Ill IRV1NU FLAOK.-VBiTy iiBfTlBAIILIi ROOMri^ *lUwitbor without Hoard; strictly private;; ruf eroaee. .1 1~WEST ^JTH S'l.-AN ELEOANTL1 FUfllNISIIEI?' *XAl'arlor and Hedrooin adjoikliiK, alao third lloor front Room; all southern exposure, with Hoard; releresiees. I O CLINTON I'LAt'K. CORNER (?F "iJNTVI-.RSlTV X?i place. ? Uooma on firat and soion I lloora. front, with Urat class Board, famllte* or parties of gontiouien ; terms to suit times. ,1 - 1II sf, WEST, A FEW DOORS FROM BBOAO TTC/way.?1'loaaant Rooms, with Urst class Hoard; refer ences. a /tin mt., nbar the winimoR,Jrwo larob xUltooms to let, with Urat dais Hoard; $?ii> ana fcij .for two. Addresa WINDSOR, Herald Uptown oBlce. A 7 WEST H5TI1 ST ?A LABOR SIZED HANnSlMKI.Y X I lurnlsbed Third Floor; front Koom unil hull Kooin coiumunieatiiiir If desired ; also Rooms for sluglw?entlemou, with Hoard; reference*. EASI' ^.ril - SINULE littOUS, TO 910; FLEA saul double, $13 to VAI; bouse aud Hoard Ural class. I (\ WEST 10TII ST -IIaNDSOMLY rURXlMHBD X t7Kooina, wilh Hoard, to families or gents; alao sinicio Rooms at *7 and *8 per week. |Q WPSI '32D ST. ?It AN DSOMKLY FURNISH ED 'l t/back 1'arlor to let. witb excelleut Hoard; also siuglo Rooms. ri\ WKST i;?TH S T. ? 81' AC IOI' M F1 KM I' FLOOR c)USiilt; other lar^e aud single Rooms ; first clais Hoard. r| liASr i I ST. ?F ABLOB FLOOR. NEWLY I'UH I JXlilslied, bath, elosels, Ac., wilh privato lutile . also slu kle Koom: referencea exchanged. f-T? wkst 3-jd sr . corner of" hroadway~ Neatly turulshed 1'arlor aud Hodroom to let, with or without Hoard; alsounfurnlsliad Flour. AND HI 11 AVS i*n suite or siu;;) 47 r I lUTII ST.. BETWEEN ?TII . tJ'XBIegaully furniabud Room* to let, with or without Hoard; tuodciu Improvements; privi family; relerences. BAmT 411111 STV^A FLEAS ANT SECOND FLO also other Rooms, Willi Urst cIh?s Board ; relereuei 7/t WEST -lUTII ST -Al M lift. OOODHEIM s" I V/lor Floor, en suite or singly ; also Room on tblr> n brsl elass Hoard; private table if desired. 54 71 BADISON AY.?ROOMS ON SECOND A> lor Moors, tingle or eu suite, with Board; rete 77 MACDOUOAL ST.?FIHST CLASS BOAR.' <\ I I bla second Haor Iront Room ; larae cloaela w: , suitable lor gentleman and wile; single K . out. newly paluled; no children; no bill on bjas 1. , . required. Q1 tVEgT 11TU 1ST. ?IIANDSOMBLV ?' 1 II Ku tjXllooms, Brat or second Uoor, with partial i . i,v.K ? tlemen. Till WKST 4aD ST., ONE DOOR FBuM 1 '? v XU i Furiilshod Rooms te let, wttli drst'-i *i'tjard;i , , moderate. 1/Wj WKST 4ITH ST-A 1'RIVATf > . AUlJlel two Rooms, on second or tlilr .enll, ,lv, or gentlemen aud wires, with Board? ' use ai. 1 iai>i,. da**. _ I AO 4TH AV.-FROBT Ri "fcF \v , , ? 1'JOllrst class Hoard, stfl'J, * ?? -.q ? , ??,??. T n.? EAST I'?!'!! ST.-LAI i> ,R ^two ball Rooms, uealy t wli> i|(. suae* exchanged. II | EAST 1HT1I ST.. SF * I 1 .< N l'( ll'XRo. ma. with Hoard 1 *??! MADISON AV?I . ?> HO , .- oLAsi X?iOBoard, with or " . prw-t#. ablr reteieuve. Mr*. JOHB B. COLLV\ ? 1 t??J liAir l?f 1>, ill it (Ml MS TO lOimnl, with li' sij n ta.: >. ilemeu , refcr eucea. <* 4MTII sr. SKaII I '.111.11 *. LA RUB,HAND" souiely lira. lie.1 ??, too. Ituoa, witb ifourd; t?rixm pi-r *? t 156 \VK> .li t' - I - .8 OFKU'K T?i LRT, lUb i?r ill** ?it ?*' ? t < two cuninctiiii' Koouu. unfiiruUbed. MAl>l*So\ AV. a 11A X 1>H O MKLVKt'ftiflHilED 4mm i r )?M '???>! loot Will* t ? r V. iUlOIII pi ? _ oljZ WKMT I..MI rff.?7*V ? *01 Mi MEN U*WO ?J' )Udie? can tu w j wiK>'l Hoard la a Ma all limily. one stair up. WEST '.?!? Ml I > I J.I WITH HO AllO, Al?K ? ' I wly funiihl.c.l .lk>om?. /.rule or on ?uito; low tout to permaiit'D 1 p.uiu ? ait I home euuifort*. ?) WEST .?*?) ST.?AS ELEGANT PA It LOR - wKloor. with or*withm?t private table, at ft low (irici in consideration ol parilea ioruuliiug; highest rcteruiicss icivotl. \i>km.;a);li:. S4 vsv. IKCOJID VLOOVL FW)Kf Uu.-in, nictflv furtu?hed lat??? cIohoIs; good Boaru lof two. Ul Weil lOtltM. 'forms reasonable. A OEVfW PAY iTcBhiiNVUL EXHIBITION (COX ^Vuoaedi. The Convention of AKtflii*. Teacher# and otlu'r^ out of hii^uoiii prolonged till clone of ExiKiMtlon. Meeting every duy ftt I'entisy IvhiiU Kducotlonal 1*mldiuji wl noon, uud l.lXKS Arch at. every ovenin*. For lulorrna lion, board uud lodging* At low rate#, address It. F. 0?)LT, Airi'iit*' Home, :t47 Broadway, Now York, or l.fNtt Arc la ?t.% Philadelphia. A LADY UAVLMi TAKEN a UOUSR. OKK BlAJOd weal uf ltruaoway, will ronl Room,. hundaoim-ly fur nWtied ur iin.uriilabcd, with or wltliuut Bo?ril, at low pi-icet. -'-14 Weat 13.1 ft. T heauFikuIlly furnished second kldok, .iYwIih ur without private table, to dealrable partica, u? oilier bnurdora. Apply at l'? Weat Ultli it. I'l.l.ASAM IIOMI. AND MOTHER'S 1'AllE KoR children : inatrucrtoii In hnululi brain Ilea and mi tide it dolled. I'ont oiHce box 12S. Weal Now Brighton. S. I. I*lain prTvatk Tamilv woi;1,0 aTTTT^mui ._dalo a limn and wilt*, two aiuglc iruutlowen ?r two ladies -?Uiiaged out during the day; will lind good, auuateniial ltoar.1, with home nonilort*; beat rotcroiice* required, Ad diMa I. II., Herald oAh, Vwiwr adjoining r?fii a v.. nkaii i iiT; wTxTJ ^V?<>r. ?Two handaoiue Room*, Willi Hoard. 7 Weat 1'IU ?t. Releicucc*. PARLOR AND UKUULKm; NEWLY Fl'RNIMilKi>! aupcrloi Hoard: Mudiaou av. ainl :i4th >t. Add rem PRIVATE IaMII.V, Herald I ptowu oiKee. genn.isvt vn anT? wiVk can iiavk a ilAitiliC ploaaaut Inn: Itooiu and cumlortablo hotue lu a privat* lauiily noar I .?cr viitratii'u to tuc l'ark; lurtu, vary low. Aiidrciia CuN l>.XTMKNT, al.itloii II. BoaIuX-iuu ~ka?t Tt.vFic st." fukSwiTko Itnoiiu, I'll?ii I tu or a.N> l-OR "niiiKla |(eii;loinaii; location, Madiaou av.. betwvoii 3 Id aud >-ltb ?t?.; relurancua required. Adilreaa IXTKL.1.1 liENT LIVING, Herald Uptown Uraucli olHoe. rpo l.l'.T?TO TWO i>KN I'l.KM K N, A 8EC(>X U~KU>OB J. front Koom, wltli Hoard, Including lire aud u> a, $11 par week. 2-'l> Weat 11th at. Z PRIVATE BOARDING, DOUBLE ROOM*,"lli TO ?$0U; all location*; Hat I'roe. UROROR II AN KINS, i'H Won ?.'Utli at. 1SOA11U AND LODU1NO W A.VJ'KU. IjADV WISHES A SINCl.r: IIOOM, Willi HiJAltD, iu a private family ; location betwron lUtli aud Ultli ?t?. Addroaa, wltli particular* and relerencea, ART, box .0 I'oat oAice. New Vork. VOL'NO LADV DEMHKS BOARD IN PRIVaTB family; term* n >t exceoilln r $5; Jewtah prulerrod. Ad dreaa COSMOI'Oi.lTAN, Herald olHce. kamilY OK "hvk ADULTS REQUIRE AM liN tlre Floor, with Hoard, In a private lauiily; location b*> t ween 14th mid 3<4th at a. Addroaa, with Mrmi, Ac , C., boa 14U Herald Uptown ollice. MIDDLK.At!ED~LADV~W"oUI.D iitlCH A ROO*3| with Hoard. In amall lauiily: will furnlaU her own rionk Addreaa, lull pwlwUH, W. fe. O., 586 Hroadway. Board" w a x ted^-bv a youko ladvT'ivHIluooS with another lady ; tvrma not to exceed K*J per week, wilt ilicatod room. Addreaa IIOMK, box lilU Herald Uptown , H ranch oflice. Board wanted.-a saleslady wants i-khma. ?lent Hoard, at m^tlerate price, with Ion* widow, uea( Uadlaon aijuare. D. C., Herald Uptown oltlce. l>OARD AND I.OOdlNCl WANTED?LADV AND J)janj(littr want either lloom, with Board, or turni*lir4 Kooma, compleia for llglii hoiiaekeepiaif, in private family, above -l_d at. Addreaa K. D., box 1U8 Herald Uptown Bmpdli Board' for winter i~i htrictly frivatr laiuily. by mother aud daufhlnr: can largely lutiiWb; location -'3d to JSth at., I^oxinxlon to 7tu av.; pric i <111 month ; Invlicat relareuco given and roqulrod. Addrclt B., 41 Wen Utttli al. F Board wanted?in private family, for jell. wife, two chililteii. under three yearn, and iniraa; rooms, connecting, with urate, lire and private table If w reiiulri'd A'ldieiu, atatliu; location aud lowcal Mrmi, A., box a,ti74 Port ottice. New Vork. t"%BS?TLEMAN AND WIPE WANT pleasant RO?>* Ton aecoud floor, with UoarJ, nt moderate rate*, near -U.i at. Addreaa H, bex 194 Herald o!lice. Heated room. *Ttii Mabb-ms a (ucio man, betweon l >th and atith Ita. Addreaa IIAl'l'V, Herald Uptown branch oltirc. mUBSB CKNTUiMEN WANT rooms. WITH BOARD, X g*? and Hie, In good vli iiiity; private family prcterrod. Addreaa, atatiug parli^iilarn, II , box 5,444 I'oit oltace. rpwo FRONT KO?)M^, W l rVr BOARD Tou thki.e X peraona. on or near Ath av. Addieaa, atatlug location auu lowent lerma, F. U. II., llernHI L'ptonu Branch oXcc. ANTEO-HOAUD FOR OANTI.I.MAN, WIPE ANfT ?on: one front room, aecond or third ttory, and small room adjoining prepared; all convenience'); * IU to Addreaa R., box t)14 I'oat oRlce, Yonkera, N. Y. "IITANTED?BOARD FOR gentleman ANI) WIFRr TT two rooiua eonuectlng; location between 11th end i-d *ta.. between ot'i and ?th uva.; lull particulara an i leter eticea only will bo atti'iidcd to; term* uot to exieed par week. Addien I> K. M.. Herald ollice. Wanted.-a gentleman' wishes a larcb lUioiu, either furnlalied or uiifnraiahed, with Brat claat Hoard, in a privavo family. Addreaa WALTER, Herald Up town olllc". ANTED?WITH "BOARD, BY MOTlIB R A N D dauehter. a targe uulurniaiied Roum, with pan try : cen tral location; teruit uiuat bo moderate. Addroaa U. BltOVVN, Hot aid Uptown otlice. WANTKD-SINNV SKCONJ)~rtToRV ROOM AND other*, with Hoard, for alx adnlta aud child; ainte low eat terina. Addreaa ARTHUR, Herald Uptown oltlce. WANTRD-llY THREE GENTLEMEN. TWO )7i '< errttely large Hoouia. with Hoard, In a central h i nric i not to exceed ^40 per week. Addreaa box 1 . id Uptown Branch ollice. WANTED-TWO ROOMS, WITH BOAt.J'. hn; , geulleiuan, wife and daughter. 1J )?u id t no: to exceed Di'r weak. Aildreaa. ' ' a > , NEWHAI.I., Herald L'ptowu o(Hce. WANTBD-1IY A GENTLE' * .?.!? V, , N?, aluglu genilemau. Hoard nod RiivOia, wIC' M5 nfli Wiper monlti. Addroaa W ?i?i I ollice. WAN I'ED ON DKCRM.' Kit !."? T^incleiT '?$&?. MM Mrf wl o. two Bom <. M i r ,it,i , iahed, with full Hoard. Iii a alricll v pr. , , nli?; locn lion eaat aide, lietweeu 40tn and ,, . Uite* ueed not apply; rntorencea uxchange u . .. lh lull par ticulara, A. C. T., atatlou M. "V'OlJNO GENTI.KM \jf( HKSIRRX liOOD slzTo i'.nooi th lulli or .ftrllal Board: below 30th at., oa^l nrei* C' jrcaa lull particulaK, P. OARDNKR, HOTKLft. ii.anii h11ikl -LocoJ.Vgs, a.; cnSrS ritlemfn only ; 3>Jlight, aepurnte Koom*; Bayard. A' BEI.MO.MT IIOTRL, 1XJ, m AND 1ST i . and '.'m Ann at. ' and I j cent* per plate. ? id ig* nail ice cream, 10 cent* par plat*. ,i. j to a, i eenla per cup. ? . 51 eeula to #1 a night. aud cheapen restaurant In Ihe world ? V.UH OI'EN-prankport HOUSE. CORNER f . a,iKfort and William ?ta ?Room*, 35c., SOe.; gentle (.inlllea. / IIOTKL~CORNKK~HRi)ADWAY_AaD HTH ST~^ I . 'I Room*, if I per day; tubla board. $ I perday;elo , t : u 'in' eu lulte. k: KELL 1IOUSR, W, 40. 42 AND 44 WEST HTH ai - Kooma, with Board; American plan; tranalent; tetra^ |1 per day. VT .)TICK.-W RLCRRB'd, washington. FIFTEENTH . a |t,, between Now York ai. aud II *t., will re-open Wed n 1 at) and $J per day. CT. QKRBAIX (OPI*OSITB madison I'AIIR), Olirimdway, u.'d 5th av.?All rr nt Itoouia, with Board, reduced per day; wlthont.*1 and upward; elecataly equipped; elevator, naihe, 4a flNOLER IIOITNE, UNION B4JUARR.?OKEAT-KB dnetion of price* to tamillee and alagla genllamea; tran*lent,$3 per day. WlMTkA HEMOHT*. A IKP.N, S0CTII" CAIIOI.INA ?BKH'T ""CttUAtB TS tlio United state* tor Invnllda. Comfortahla Room* and good table Hoard, with a private family, can be eoonred by addreaaing box >v.i I'oat ofhee, Aiken. Terma moderate. THE ROYAL VICTORIA HOTEL, NASSAU (BAMAM\ lalanda), now open; T. J. FORThR, Proprietor.?Steam, era leave New Vork October JX and November'2(1. For Ihll Inlbrmatlou apply t