Newspaper Page Text
_ CIT* REAL KRTATK ?*or. N\bK. C fkireu *'**' " A?BRDUCED PRICES ! : I ! ! f f BPW COMPLETE aI for ; also to let. ^ bftVHXHlN, ir 4 Pin* mid U.* l.rnmt 17th A flSK FOI-B STOKV FILL MZE BnuW.N .-ToSE Iouio [m| fctlf 1*11 5tli ?r., on UoIubiUh Collotce prop "J?Jn Io?. ?<*>? Apoiv to k. h. LLDLoW A CO., 3 Pino it. A? LEXINGTON AV.. NhAR 6IHT~ST -VlPEP.B. ? medium iiz* modern brown stone Pwellitttr for sale or *? 2,Bi' ninWipaa or unfurnUiied, low. Permit* nt 4 Plna ?t MX Km I7tk >k V. k. BTk VKKiutf, J u. gVMIKU TBLEURAM. ADVBRT1BINO, 2?i CBNTS PER LIN'F. ADVERTISING, -.0 CEMS Pi.R LINK. ADVERTISING. -J" CENTS PER LINK. City and county of Now York, sa.-William E. Hall, ??sinoaa manager of the livening Telegram, belnj; duly ?warn, aayi tliat the tasue of tlia said Evening Telegram no 1 liuriJay. Noveuibor 0. ?>i 112,700 cjpiea. all of which were printed and circulated. WILLI v.M E. 1IALL. Sworn to belore me this Kith d*v of November. D->7ti. JOHN ToWXsHEND, Notary Public. ADVERTISING, 2?r CENTS FEU LINE. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION. Ml,DDI COPIES. ADVERTISING _?<? CENTS PER I.INK. average daily circulation, pi.smi copies. ADVERTISING, Jii cents per line. AVERAGE 1>A1L\ CIRCULATION. HI,391 copies For 8ALK?A~~r-j'lV D.isfRABUJ TIrsT CLASS J7.K foot brown stone llonae. ninth side o> H'lli -t , Just west 5th av . built by the late on ner for bis owu use At> plv to E H. Li Dl.OW Jt CO , 3 Pin# st IfOll SALE HANDSOMELY lTk aTKD ON ~4>7l H ST., 3 story high stoop II u??. in complete Older 915IOO' tarm> easy. TIMI'SO.N A FEET, 1,4*^ Broadway. 'ucar 44tii it. $3 1' II ?t ?.!?'? ftfWl r"R THREE STUKY HOUSE, NEAR O.Ol/lJIIar.em Brl Ige; bargain. DI'I CIlETT, - New tube UHOOKLVN PUOPKIITY FOR SAL.K A\U TO LET. fpo LET OR Foil SaLE-PARTLY F&RNLSHED 6fl3 1 Henry nt .nmr Carroll, Brooklvu, thr. e story biiaoraent ,1V*.1.' -?'x,ai>0 Court street . ura, FultOu forry; runt till M*v nominal, very cheap thereafter. Anplr to L SCOTT. 41 H.n lay st . Now York, or L. FOWLER 377 ]? ultoii ?t. Brooxlyu. PUOl'KltT* ?>l 1 -;K illK (in |. ,>lt SALE Oil TO IlKXT. t HAROAI.N.?THIS "JANSOX FARM." OXE OP THE mi Clater county ; IMI odd acres : c xcelUut story Hoin* liuus<*, inoilern iinprovt*iuei . extra Inr^e bMrn uuii 0"tbiiildi"K?; well watirad uml Iruitu ; livu rnilex from I'ine Orange county. i>r. SHERMAN, owner 1 Ann ?t ??O ld ueljiliborliood; ci urvh. tcliool mid nture liaudy. at nkw briuhtoe-Furmihhed am. CNKIR ,.r,nt lf-:> l"u""' and upward*. JAMES il. I A i I?<>K, 1 I no ?t. ?\J!V' S,m Kl,IM!S. TO LET?A1 RUTUKRPURD. XX.V J. 1 lie lioat<1 of h young man will Oe tHken .n? mi ?MinvHl.?nUor r;;nt. Addrvtt JAMho I). lilUN KhUiluFF. KutliorluiU, J. * Cloii SAL1-. \ , a ORE AT BARGAIN?HOUHE AND I I ... Here, (.round, finely located . Ilv ? ml. U|?' walk lr,.in rti 'l'iil at Moutclair. N. .1.; only little money fpo LET?A I.ARUE OOONTHV liorsE. Sl'ITA RLE 'or " unardinii lloiue. -Kl lulnutei bv bout Iron; loot of ! t anal ?t. two muiutoa' walk Irom ?trauii> at iaudiiiir; beau- I t in: >v?uerv. excellent boating* and ?aillu.. fair batbin.'- ! poa^oaion lmtueiliatel\ ; nbnut 3 . rooin?: uho a ( ottaKe, i jiear Hie above, containing ten rooni?: |ioi>e?siun Ut May, I lh?.: rxatiiiin' now almn tbe cnuutrr ia easily nccekiible. , >pply to Q8CAR SMEUHKRO. 43 Wall at. ' rO KENT?A /DRNISIItU HOTEL AT KOOKAWAT .'''acli. Address CHARLES JOHNSON, Herald U;ito?u RS iWWt KUiNI- |IK1 AlHiES (iT)OD LAND, 1U P(-'??""" 'miles Irtiin to ?n. i cash, ba'ai oo can r U l'h 1*. WKKGliN, SotneiviUe. .N. J. URAL. ESTATE TO E.U1IA.VUE. A IL(o\V.V -Ton')'. ilOL'sK. IS EAST r>71 11 ST TO ?kevrl 11 .ue tor Kaitn near Nc-.v Votk. Address IIA ItiJ A1N ! I |.ton u i ierahi oftlce. j \ manukacturbb in copper. k?as5 and I J \ ir.m ortiatneuts. with toundry luavhinerv. dolnir uoo.l ' I'U'.mejs will cxchanse f"r Real Esinto; prefer lanu. Ail- ! t?rfi? ONt, lli'rxld office. VSi:ilANUk-A HOUSE AXD LOT XN.TKE NINTH 1 J??rd. this chy. o.jul-y ^11,":(A), Tot n iri.od Farm In New i lor*?y or New V.rk, OWNER, box II4S Po*t otllce. ' C1XCHAE0K? KINS hoi sk. LIQhTLY ENCUM- I l a " r-il, an,I First \fortir?|r.-s. Tor lelerted Dr> Oo d . iatioH or Stove bnainc^; A?o Bnu l arm lor Harlem House. I Jwnet < ci 11 on DKMAREST, Uev ?t.. ro.oii El. Ly\Cl. AS..I. C0l.Nh.ll STORE, I STORY BRICK ! I~2 new), on 1th ut. ; uiorcli aiuliso liken: Lots with build- i it s loan. a. P. CARL1N, 51(1 Dean at.. Brooklyn. C*OK BXCHANdK?SPLENDID COUNTRY SEAT AND ' rr?w"r."Ii I"' cla.1. Apply to JOSEPH P. PAY ION. i:>.> Henry at. TOVVA LANDS.?110 ACRES. WINNEBAUO COUETT, Auuencuinhered, will ixchntiKe for citv Properiy J. D. C'o.Nurjr. 25 Pine. 1X7 atbidk house. Barn and sheds, us miles ' * Eonif Island. Sd.iXKI; mort^iiuo. fl.Htin. HO'lEE lleruld otlice. ' WASTED TO fciT;HjTn'OE?WESThBM CITT LOTS ' TT r..raatoek nl Boots and hoe. For narllcularscall on i Iraddreu JOHN W. sTOI r. *17 T.irk Placi. Now York city. ! fin rL'V'' ,' OIS- UKsT 'hS'll ST., NEAR Till. PARK ! ('first clnaa location lor Mats; would exchanire lor impro-ed I ? oper y lithtly encumbered. Owner 4:111 West ITtii st. Real kstvtk \va\tei>. Wanted to purchase?a private dwellinq ol throe or lour atorirs. 23 to '.'3 leet wide. I.etween 2d I and -4th avs an.l 8th and 23d stv Address, lock sue aud Ko*. PRIVATE DW 1.1.1 SO. Herald Uptown omce ?\\rANTED "ici PURCHASE FOR ( Ash?A HfiT'SE I TT sltnaled ajioye ISth st. an.I between ltd and (Ith av ,u" particulars, price, location. Ac. LKS'OV , liar.ild office, IIOAHUKIIS a ?_ > i j<;o. 1st IIOl SK ST1 '.VESANT P'.RK, 211 E AST I ST If i"f'?i ,^w boarders acconimo latod; handsomelv fur niahod Room a; iplon did neighborhood, 1_ SI',T OF VEKV pleasant SECOND HTORT XKoom-. with Hoard, ISt Mndii-.-i nr., eoniar S3d st. 1 Parlor feoor. HANDSOMELY FURNuFhId": i.*. U- .KV!'.*, ,iUBl" (feI"'emeu; unexceptionable Board." \\ ??st 44t!i st. 1 FLOOR, riiRBH LA RGB KOOMl BATH ?ni m t*'i -li- triVMl,f table; Koomn lor k'?ntlemen, with' ?ut ii'taru. sly *OtU. 1 -,;?Ml'ORTARLE FUliNISlWCD RO( iMS, WITH A.Hoard, lor Inmili. a or single ntlemen. 2(1 East 4th st. I RECEPTION ROOM AND llANDSOMK SECONH P?rT* -.,^V.ll'!t,l2Vh ,r; -? - l!"od luu^wftu^Jyi&KStUy OKM ?"***>* 1.ELEOAN r SECOND FLOOR . IUO OTHER ROOMS: T'st*' claia: private ir desired, refer'encos. IH East 1 LARtlE SUNNY FRONT Ri I." WITH BOARD; L American family; terms easy. 7 ) West 42d st. I -DESIRABLE ROOMS, WITH EXCELLENTluRn Illiterate prices; Drst class house. 53 tVeat '.Mth at. ' 9 CONNE(;tn.S(; RooMH-NICELY Fl'RMslIED.WrrH i) BLOCKS from H '{ ? \! >\\ \ v. i. aRui; v\7) ? am111 O.rna to lot. Brit ,1,.,, it,,.lr , 63 Eail dhst. V5 sn",:v. front, labor room' with nxsr r*? u" '? ? n'c* "'"fie Room, prate fire. In 154 u,,J 1. 6 V\ a v it ley place; t -rms moderate. 5?S " I I. M-RN.sHED ^/K<w'n>,<? nit il good Hard; home comforts A PIECE-TWO TO UNO MEN. UPPER rirm M.* I'dTWeaV25th*at* l,rtf?kr??t 7'a o'lllocK.' ;"I" tl ' iv,n OOUble ROOKS on tiiihr> ? Jfl ...r back . aho. .il r.iurth floor, sunny rooma; table ami joc itiou uuescpptiotinble ; reference. ATII AV.. NEAR 30-riI ST -PRI vXtITfaM 1LY OFFFR ^hnndsomely furnished Suits, with atrietly first clss. Hoard, rererencea exchiwiired. Address M. B box ?? 4i? 1 oat offlc-. 1 ? C PROSPECT PLACE^ EAST 41ST ST., NOT BROOK ti.yn. ?Handsome aleore Room, with Board; |lrt tor t?o perioua. 1 r.'hf,i!'K" ^k -boai^ with yery dk C*/sirabla Rooma, nieely fiirnMied; caa and Bre'hou?o dTd0 .V,T'.I',,:; "r tr"l!"""u ?"???? ft lJ?i?7 f'KH WEEK?kor ROOMS. WlfTl BO~\Ri?* ?t/famllle? accommodated equally low s7 Clinton piNC6 (ntU St.) i^-'L:*ojhw*i?v jruExisrav far* r i^! ';?,n; d ?'l"?ro Room, fourth floor with or without private tahle : relerencea C E\ST |?TII ST-EEEOANTLY FlRNISIlED PAR yrivatoVable? reforencei! n. stsT St i msurpabsed locality* indl'ttjly? *Pf.rr|n'?",t,; Ko<""?? wUh Uo?rd- ?" 107" !"?'? "EAR 5TH AV., NO. 12.?IIANl)S()SlPLY 1 'furnished Suits of Rooms, on first, second and third ?o?r?. fWnt and roar; excellent table. ? fft we.kk -a~ married couple ^1,1 ... " Kood Board and tiloosout Ro.-ms? h. t and m ater ; IQipOi table nelghbol, 7lH>Oroiawleh at UhtST 2hTII ST.?CHOICE SECOND STORY i asa?Dn,r m": dln,nlf room on parlor a, or; table firat I OTll ST 135 WKs'T ? SECOND STORY FRONT L^squaro au.l hall Rooms, with Board ; southern axt osure ? ample closet room ; urate fire or lurnaee: ?Ul"ern | OTII ST. IS; WEST P R l\ \ ; . u ISD & I >)}' " WEEK KOR PA (1, WITH IoARD> H'nST Room, win, tire 114 'A isorloy plooo Hall'SeewSO I %^h" h"1" ' J1 "/'.? 1 FUBSIftllED ROOMS W 11 i( lur"n'^: f-'r"1*"" ; ??ma low ? nnEAflp->fH 8T.-HASDIM)MK~ SINflI.? ^Vf, L^double Room*: faralll-a or gentlemen ; Bood Board ? arm. moderate; private family. a "' I OTll ST.. 73 WEST.-MNNV FRONT AXDHaTi, I^Room, separate or together . also good Board I OTll ST. 132 WBsi a LaBUB Third STORT .... .K,,0,n? wlt_h Moord; family small; re erencea j PARK AV., ESAR 95TH ST.?H ANDSOMh:ET I 1 R lOolshed alcove Room and larxo back Room oonnictinir ^jj'thor <?? ??paratoly. with Board; terma roaaouable; rel | JTH ST.. 17, WEST.?ELEOASt ROoMS. BH l'X?o(te or alo?ly, with Board; private table if desired ? rerencea, 4 ijTM ST.?ELKO ANT ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT t * Hoard; private 227 Welt; reference ex hanirod. 14.? st. 317 East.?.WITH board, double axd ?odJrlta * M wtond and third floort; Urtut | I WEST I6TII ST., NEAR 5TII AV.?TWO LABOR, i, snltabie for fumlilea or contliinen, *lib al conveniences and Urat clase Hoard. I 4^TH HT. 34"? EasT?SPLENDID ROOMS ON SEC lujlv11 *? rlh fl?or, *u let- *Uh Hoard, en suite or I 4Ts?i.i"T--*-* ? 24H ~^RLEUANTLV PI R.VIslIED 1 AiMoiHl and third rioorn. t<>K0ther or mtiniriinlv ur ' **l>l> **d 'ffutatiniuia Brit oloas{ KOAKOEItH WANTFD. Tfif sT ll-< AM? M* WEST-WITH BOARD HAND . . me seeond -'tore larire nnm* for families: also. .mall room- tor entlemea , terms very moderate. . 1 - ill ST 144 WI8T -A >ICR L T FURNISHED l>)large Room. with Hoard for ladv: price ?l2^reekly. 14: v .III i?T 131 WEST?A FULL FURNISHED 8BCOBD >,t..ry sMtnr Buom. wltb Urge closet, to let, with good HoirJ ; nIiu ball Koom. TO EAST 1KTH ST.. NKAIl 5TII AV ? IIAN DSOVIELY 1 Pffcrnlshed with Hoard. m ta S? ?a* *?? Ol WvTKRI.BV oLaCE. NEAR B'O \DW aY.? _ 1 l.?r*? well furnished front Koom and connect!!! Room oa Bret floor. with Board and hum. comforts; oilier Booms; references. f)1 -T <T . 2fle~WEhT?LARtifc J-ECOND SToRY SUITE ? I handsomely furni.Uei, ?itU excellent table: ?1??. one room on parlor floor?roftrooeo* ()1<T It! 157 WIST DKSI ItABl.K HOdMS ^Inr en ?nlte. to families or gentlemen, with first class tabls; refereocea. __ OIST^BT! s-WKST.-nKSIKAHLK BOOMS WITH Jj I Board: delightful locality; Boom., en suite and singly; reference, 4)1 ST ST. 40 WBUT -A LADT. WHO HAS JU*T jL 1 taken this el**anj brown stone hou?e. 4??W?t to> let. w it It Board. Room*. eu suite or singly: references given and required. _______ nil;r ?T M-t whst-?to let. with hoard, one 22sultofR?,m. on third floor alsoone ball Room,fourth floor, front : southern exposure. OOB 55 NO 3 Wl.ST .OEHIRABLB ROOMS, OBJ 22seeond floor, to let. with Board; reference, irtven and required. OOD St SIR WEST.-TIaSdSOME ROOMS. SECOND 2.2**nd tiiIrd floors: families ?r slujrle irentlemen . superior ? able; excellent location ; moderate terms. ^ ood if .44 West"- nicely furnished Imm. J.^wltli icood Board; prlcos lo suit the timet; family small. rhetn ST WEST '.'5 SKI'OM) FLOOR ROOMS. 2o'on?l.?ni expo-ure. with board. fo.- families or gentle vti'B; roferonee. 0?J? -T i?? wi st -HANDSOMELY KURNtSHED .??> Rooms. single and en ?nlte. with first elm Board. nOD ST. ai WK ST.?THIRD PLOOR. TWO ROOMS; mirth floor, for [tnlhniD! superior labia; references exciiunged. O I Til ST 43 WBBT. -OIIOICR OF KI.F.CA NT 24 Rooms, With Hoard, within half block of Fl:tb Avenue Motel. _ _ O I Tll"sT ." 44 WEST.-TWO FRONT ROOMS ON ^"rfourth floor to let. with Board, to itentlfftnon: i?l?? tab'e Board; hou?e uud table fir>t clais; relercncei ex changed. orrii sCTmrast-i* a first ci-ass house wo larirc mllolninv ?ooth Rooim, furnUhed. ou I'-cond IIInr; alio, on tlilr.l floor, on" nqtiare liooiu, front; with or Without It aril . refcrtiticoa exchanged. 26. . ,J - WKST TbTH ST. NEAR 3t? AV._SKCO.SD ^v)Floor, en lulte. four light roomi; al?o other Ruotin. _ t)/? EAST 47TII 'sT.-8F.c6SD STORY Al.COVE, JJt )al?o fourth ?!ory front Room, with fir?t ylaaa Hoard Ctli EaS? MIT 11 ST -^IM.EVDH)""rooms''on THE J^Oaarnnd (torjr. for families or ?lnule liautieinen ; excel lent table reN-r nce?: OOTIl's-r; 3 17 WEHT.?HA^DBOMELV FIJRNISHED. jJSsunny fiont Itoom. with Board; n'"to Hro;$l.l for two; alio staple Room OQ WEST ?TH ST. - LAROK HANHSoMK ROOM^, mO^IH. if 1H. $ O. for two persons; exrellunt Board ; tran sient. #1 GO a day; reference. ()(| WEST -til'll ST?I' apartments, ?j?"witli II ?t Clans Board and attendance; reference. <1(1 BANK ST-PARTIES OWNINO Tlll-IR HOUSE X-' ?'have a handsomely fuinl?hed lecoml itory Room, with Hoard. . I OH Kl'sT JI ST ST.? sgl'AHK AND HALL ROOM. . JjVjw\tb Hoard; few ta .lo boarder? accommoilatod; , strictly flr?t clasa. _ ! <1(1 WKST 80TH s*f il aNDSO.MKLY FURNISHED j ^?'R.o.nts to let with Board, on second and fourth Honrs; Rooms foi imImiir. j ?>/\Tll ST." NEAR '.Til AV-I'.I.K.iAN] I Y FUR. OUnlshad suite, front, sunnv exposure, with Board; I particular*. WOOD. I.URf1* Broadway. ?JO WEST mil, EXOELl.l-Ni 1,111'VTION FEW ,">^,lo,.rs west 5th hv. ? First cla?? Room*, with Hoard; moderate |>rlee? reference*. ?>?) SB. 87 WEST 1ITH ST.-ROOMS. WITH BOARD. *)?).to permnnent |inrtlea; ?mall tables; C'etitounial vis itors. |ior day. (i i t 1 i SI WfTsT, 413.?BUNNV FRONT ROOMS, O Twith Board: family private, neighborhood excellent; Elevated depot corner: reference. .? i KAftr BHD ST? BLBOtMTLiT""and K.LAB ?)*-ror.itely fnrnl?li?d Rooms, with Miperlor Hoard, in prl \ate family ; char.inn j- toe rtlon: rofWtMH excliaimed. oTtII ST. IW WEST NK\U BRO MiWAY.?ll.WD *) I somely furnlsheil Room*, on second and third floors; with or without private table; reference. yf-TU ST..ILrTwist.'-""first class hoard for OOmiirrled parties and *entt?mon; $13 per couple, lu cludint; firo and ens. .>7 e \ST Jirfli-ST -FURNISHED Rt)OMS. WITH ? ? I first el ISS Board; references exchanged1 i)- WEST 331) ST. ?r*RI.'?R AND BEDROOM. ?1 i with or without Board . third floor, front; French fain il; ?lu 5a and u west ii?5 bt.-rooms, with OO. Hoard, en suite or singly, permanent or tiansleut. _ ijn WKST vfiTII Bi.-AN ELKOANTLY FURNISHED ?)?'Second Floor, southern exposure, all conveniences, with 111st class Board, at moderate rates. , l\ IHVINti I'LAfK. 11 '.EASaNT ROOMS, DOUBLE ^Utnd slnu'le, with or without Board; strictly private family s reference. TV) t LINTON I'LACK, CORNER UNIVERSITY *r-iplaee.?Front Booms, on flrsi and second floors, with first class Board, for rsiullle^: terms moderate. 4ETII~ST.!_ I OS - TWO reaO'tiful rooms, con OapctlilK, with first class Board, now vacant, in thsf ele jjant brown stone houso; couducted bjr owner; no movla* id .May; rcforences. i |i WES I' B2D ST.?LABOR. HANDSOMELY FUR TT Mulshed Room on first floor; alto hall Rooms, with excel lent Board. ?? ri AND 53 WEST 2STH ST.. NEAR MADISON ? IAsQuare ?Elegantly furnished Boom, or entire Second Floor; private table If desired; also pleasant Rooms, for gentlemen: house strictly first clsss. KST In! 11 ST.- FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, 0_jwith or without Hoard. f?? WF.ST 331) S=T. ?I.ARlIK HANDSOMELY FI'R OOnlshed Room on second floor. Table first class; refer ences. r I \ND WEST .mtTi ST.. BETWEEN 5TR, ?TH t)T ivs -Reom? for tsm.lles and rentiewen. with Hoard; pr.vato table If desired ; best refer nces given and required Mrs. SADI.KR iformerly of 14th et.) -/? WEST .IT!! ST.?LABOR AMD MAUi 1?mR ? )t 'most elegantly furni?!.ed, with Brst class Board: family (ierninii. 58 60 77, WERT 5ffi ST.. KRAR 'iTH AV. ?A Nlt^KLY furnished Room to let. with Board ; price moderate^ perry st.?iiasdsomrT7y furnished rooms with Board; all conveniences. MACDOUOAL ST.?a HANDSOMELY FUR I ? nlslvif -eeond floor Irouf I'oom, abundant closet room, su table for ircnflemau and wile or two g ntlemen, Willi excellent Bosrd. at moderate price; also single Room; n ? kill on bouse ; rrf rencea. ? "I /\ I \vl-.sT I'.'D ST.. ONE DOOR FROM ''TII AV.? 1 v'<XFnrnl?l,e I Booms, with superior Hoard, en suite or sfntfl.v: termp moderate. . Titf WEaT 44TH ST.?ELROANTLY FURNISHED J U i Rooms, with itoard. In the four story browu stone home ; terms moderate. U.? EAST lilll sr., NEAR BROADWAT.?HECOND tjftor. front Room and connecting hall Room, separate or ? 'kCther. with first class Board: reference required. Vi a kAsTioTTsr.. between7"4th and lexinu I iTton Itvs.-A sunny back Parlor; also very defirable Rooms for g'litlemon; private neighborhood; tab.e flrsl cla s: terms moderate. 11/1 EAST J7TII ST.-PARLORS AND SECOND XArtFloor* to let, with Board. ? II - WEsT 2-iTll sT.?HANDSOMELY FURNI-HED XX')lront Rooms, second and third .torlee, with or witlHiut Hoard. ________ ________ WRHT IflTH ST., NEAR HTH AY.?PLEASANT front Booms, furnished, with Hoard; reasonable terms. TOO- MADISON AV-FRONT PARLOR AND TWO X^^stngle Booms on third floor, with Board; relerence e.' cbaUKud. i,-)! KAST J7III ST.-TWO CONNECTING BOOMS X^Xto let. witli Board; also one single Room ; references given and required. IOff WK.ST4JD ST.-BEAUT1FULSUNNY UOO.US To )renl, with orwilhont Hoard . ftltftMM. IOC F.A.-r l'ttTH ST.. NhAlt UNION sQUARE.-DE, oDslrable furnished Rooms, with Board, on second floor; references. fo7~EAsT 23Tir 8"r" (PRIVATE FAMILY).?HAND. I ?> 1 somely I .rnlihed aleoee'aad other pleasant Rooms; first class Board -fT) 7 WES I lATrl ST-KICEL* "FURNISHED ROOkS it) | on second floor to let. with Board; references. 1 *2(1 WRBT ifr'n si -SECON D FLOOR, At I I'll FIRST J Ot/clalB Hoard: Isiinly piivaie; terms moderate. 1/.o WEST 4..TH sT -i i.NK SINliLK, THREE JOOdoiibli- desirable Rooms: unexceptionable table; terms reasonable: references exchanged. <)1 Q WEST" 241H " st"-LAkTjK. SUNN? FRONT l tJRooni-. suitable for two, nicely lurnlshed. with or without Hoard: everv convenience; terras moderate. Ol " WEST 14'lH ST.?ELEGANT BOOMS, WITH ^ 1 f )fir?t class tal.le. t)1/.~lt>.8T 43D ST.. NEAR BROADWAY.?HAND m 1 furiiished Room lu let. witk Board; family small; reference. qsjTTwK'T **TH ST? H'aNDSOMRLY FURRISHED _J.)Ulnrio Itmiiiis. witli superior Board : home comforts; reasonable terms; bail Rnemi, |S wRii 4.tii si r\M? NEWLY PVRRUIlRD )< )i;?oius, gentlemni and wl.^, or single gentleman; references. ()/.n 4TH AV MRS. WILLIAMS. -TWii DEsiRAHLK ^OUsalts: private table sift | WEST 31 ST ST.?TO LRT. WITH BOARD A sfU'Xcoiiple of neatly lurnlshed front Itonms and hall Room, to iteuilemon and wives or single gentlcmeu; ex cellent table, with ln-me comforts; terms reasonable. ?iTij LExTnoTON A v.?Rot 1MB TO* LET, WITH Oli/Bosrd: references required. 0k)0 WEST JtHTf"st -DEsIBAULN FURNISHED OaiOriioiiis, wltb or witboat Hoard, tor gentleman and wile or for geutlemea; term, moderate. ^>irwsia?n LaRI>e!PLKtBANT ROOMS,Wnil O^OBoard; private family; terms moderate; also small b Room. Illli WEST 2UD - ST.?10 LET. WITH SUPERIOR *1 " F" FHoard, i iic lar:.e -quaie Room, on Be ond floor; also one on third ; southerly exposure ; ta Is Itni.rd 4 1 - W E I 3H . -1 A I.AR..E FRONT ifVoll 10 i sJlet to II s.n Is gentleman ; two minutes' walk ul the Elevated Railroad terms, #l4pe- week: firs end sa*; tabia first class. A" LA. V WOULD LIKr. T*o UK TilRKh CIIILDltEN to II ard, *lth a mother's csre. Address La1>V, Trs mont, N.Y. \OSN I LI X tN \SD Wll K C vN i IND t hand ?mtely I urn shed Bonn, with lull Board for lady. Ad dress M. C , Post I.fliee. New Vurh ally. Al.AtiY. IIaVINO A SMal'i. lloTsi7"flKWLY A.\D elegitli'.ly furuislied. living ipilet <nd aloiis. would 1st a Ri.- in to gentleman and wife, with II..ard fur lady ealy. Ad raee A. U.. box tt?i Uutuwn Herald office. HO All L) UIl'" WA^iTEP. TTtBv has a Kt.A i i,v i i .i-.i. :? PAitLoR A. and Kedroom to let: sellable fur one or l*? ptoileiue#; with partial iHiwi ?I1 West !flit *t. ^ t LARUE II AMKOMEI.V ri ERISHRD SECOND Astorv Room. will. Hoard, fur <t???Uui*? ?Bd ""J ' [ or two slnule frnllemen. in * private family. 4-> Ea?t -??" ?t.. near Midiw.'t ?v. nVh.SlNu fiLBGHAM. ADVEKTISINU. SO CENTS PER I.1NR. AliVKRTISINO. ^<1 CUN7S PE^ HJ-fe' ADVEKTItil.NO. *> CENTS PER LINE. City and comity of New York sa.-WllHam K. Hall, busine** manner of the Eveulur Teleiratu be ?? ??? ' ?worn. *ay* that the l?*us nf the *ald Kveuln* Telerrajn on Thursday, Nov. m er 9. was 11X700, copie* all of wMcb were printed and circulated, WILLIAM fc..JJ[ * * ** Sworn to before me this l"tli a?y ot November. 1H?". JOHN ToW.M5IIE.ND Notary Public. ADVERTISING. 20 CENTS PER LINE. AVERAGE I'AILY CIH(:Ul.ATI<>N, h| *I| C0PIE8. ADY'liRTISINO. -O CENTf. PER LINE AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION. ?L3ttl *.OPlE6. ADYI-..RTIMNG. -<> CENTS PER I'iSL AVERAGE Daily CIRCULATION. 81,3tl CO HIRE. FIKTII AV . Ol.-VKRV DES1R VBI.E AND HAND somaly famished Suits: nther Room*, witli or without private table ; highest references. MAGNIFICENTLY r'L'RNIStlRD FLOOR. PRIVATE hatli. with or witnout Board. to Bautlaaieu: linmedisto vicinity of Fifth Avenue Hotel. Apply ?<> O. 8 , Broad way, opposite Metropolitan Dotal. SEVENTH.' NTII ST.."01 WEST.?CHOICE SECOND _ and third Boor Rooms, with flrst claw Board and appoint. incut*. _ mo LET?FURNISHED AND BOARD. A SE<U?KD A itory Irunt Room; also, u hall lluoiu. 14* \N ett 43u ?t. ? re to re nee. ? BOARS LoDttliiu WANTED. A LADY ACCOMPLISHED TEACHER <>F I'IaW. wisheato exult <nu? loksons lor board. Addrots C. K., Herald Uptown office. Board wantud-kor a yoi no lady and neIce or i:i ii. h piiv I* retpectable family or ?here there are but r. w boarder*: Slttiuir Room and Bedroom, with lite J and #a* ; term* not to exceed *.'? per nii'iith : relereuee* ox- | o'lan.'ed. Adtlre??. with full particulara. I ROM1 I I At. j Herald oflice. B ( OARD WANTED?IN A NEA1 Pi!IVATE FAMILY, | #fi,r ??ontl'-inuu. wile. two oblidreuil). aud J year* old) and servant: two lar^o Koonn, comiretlnic. oil second or third llonr : only plalo. substantial Board required; PJ'*!** j table preferred; location went *ldu. between Ht ? and .Vltli | Ma. . releroiices axclian-ed Address, wllh full {""I'Jf and term*, which rnual ba modarata, W. S., box IJ4 Herald ofttce. Board wanted-ry a gentleman wife and child between -BtU .rnd :i5to uta.. Broadway ?nd 4th av.: u !i?ri40 lioot.i aud lialt Room: ternn jnual be uio.ieraie. reference* ret,nired._AddroMi D . f-'.Y Herald I ptown .iBIca. I Board wanted?for uadt-. i .lid central locauou ; term* $7 wuealy. LON?TA>l-lA, llertld Hrmieli. Bovuli wanikd-in a 1'RIVatk family, in a yiiiinc lady, in bu*lne?* dnruirf the da v. daro??. Matiiirf ioweat terms, HOARD, b.ix l"4 Herald I | lawn "llice. B1IVKD W AN" TIOD? It Y \ Yol.'NO MAN, IN A Pri vate family, a. ove JUd .t.'we.t of I.exinKi<.ua^;.tmo or urate lire AddreU. with particular*, D. s? Herald Lp town Brunch office. /GENTLEMAN WANTS ROOM AND BOARD-BELOW |jri. ih where there are ladie*. Addre**, with particulara, CASHM'aN, Herald olllce. ?* !? NILE M YN AND \VI I K WANT KRONT ROOM. WITH TWourd ^.Ml Kraie lire, below .xeeeuhitf $UI weekly. AddreiM iiLNUN(iI>OM, Hernia Uptown otHce. x \\T\NTKD?HOARD FOU AN ELDERLY LADf, I* A TT (|Hlot houie or lamlly. Addre**, itatiiiK tenuii, Ac., M., Herald office. \\TANTKD_IN A IPEIVATE FAMILY. ABOVE i'OTII W ?t two adlolniu* Itoomi. with or ?lth?nt Hoard: part nayiurnt In instruction; reference* e*ohanuaX Addre** Tr.ACHliK. Herald Uptown Hrauch. 11TANfED? HY' A YOCNU LADY WHO IB OCCU W pled durli.It the day. a pleaaant Room : a widow * lain Iiv urrlerrod where tlieru are no other boarder*. Addre**, ?tatluK tarin*. M. C., box 141 Herald tpiown oBlce. 11V\NTED-BY ' IWO ul.NTI.EMEN TWO NICK VV lloom* on second lloor, bathroom on Kreaklavt tnd lire included: location between J.ld a'id 4Htlt *1*. and Madiaon and tith av?. Addreta. *tatin|[ term*, box lnO Herald Uptown office. ' IIUDOK.I1I K ?it>YIll>. /V.VroLCMHIA HEUirtTS:*; overlookino HIE I ) Hay. ?Lari:e ana *mall nicely fiirui*hod Rooms, wilb or without Board ; relcrence* exchanited. H((TK|i|Si cXitLE S "HKtMO.NT HOIKL, 113. ANL) 137 /X Fulton ?t. hiiiI -H Ann st. Meat* 1U ;iiid 15 cent* per plate. 1'Im, pudiltiif* wnd Ice cre?ui. 10 cents per pi ate. i'oilee end tea, 5 conu per cup. :.uu Boontt. .<> cent* to SI * night. Tho beat and cheapest Restaurant In the world. Always upbn-krankfort house, corner KrauKfolt and William ?ta.?Room*, 3ic., 00a ; uentle nien, families. - Vr NEW ENOLA.NO IIOTEL-LODClNOS :*> CENTS Jxuli;htly; -"o li*ht *eparnta Room*, lor pentleinen only. Oornar Bowery and Bayard *t. / iity HOTEL, BROADWAY AND 8TH jfT -BURO V pear, and Aiuerlc in plan; pood Room* iac, f 1 dally; Hoard and Room *7 weekly. ? CARLE'S HOTEL, CANAL ST.. NEAR BROADWAY.? !iSpecial rate* for fauillie* and sinpie icentleitien lor tbe winter; Room and Hoard, ?? 6 ' per day. FOlIRTHAl-BNUE HOTEL. NO. lol AND 106. NEAR l tli *t - A new lacll* hotel, eleuaul large Room* with good Board. ROSENBoURtill A CO.. 1'roprtetora. Hotel st. rtepiienTiith st., between buoad way and Unlver.ity place.-New houM; uewfy.fur uUlied: *lrlctly llrttcla**: niooarate prlaea. HEYEIVk HOUSE. EUROPEAN PLAN, U0H AND 6ti8 Broadway. New York, corn-r lloii*ton at?()pen all niirlit ? two lirifo re*taurant*; klnitio Boon-.* at 7.. cant* aud $1 per day, double Room* at SI M and CJ per day. 4J I'INtJLER HOUSE. UNION sgUARE.-OUEAT RE Oductlon of price* to families and sintile pentlemou; trail ?lent $3 per day.^ ST UEIlMAlN, OPPOSITE MADISON PARK. 5TH *v VJJcL. Broadway.?Nawly liirnlahed Ronni*. all front, wilb or"witiio?t Hoard ; moderate rate* to permanent par tie*: trau?ient reduced, ?3 day; European plau leaar; ale valor, Ac. - HE BRISTOL?ol AND WEST 11TH ST.; A FAM ily hotel: *trlct attention paid to ihe comfart or >:ne*t?; reference* exclianpod; table Uimnl, {5 |mr week; transient, 91 n y?r day. ________ YYlM'EU UESORT>. rpHE ROY'AI. VICTORIA HOTEL, NASSAU (BAHAMA J lalana*). now open; T. J. I'ORThR. Proprietor.?Steam er* leave New Yorx October -J* and Novem er Korfull lulormatlou to J AMES LIDOERWOOD A CO., 7j8 Broadway. N?w Tork. _ HOCMKft, KOO.n s, A.C .. A ME1J. Ill Oil* City und Uroolclyu. Furnished house wanted?in new York, rent not exceeding $150 per month. Addreta, with par ticular* a* to ?itualion and numbur of room*, S. W. r.. Herald oflice. I BURNISHED HOUSE.?WANTED. A FULLY FIR 1 nlahed But clax* Dwelling House, for five or-*l* month*, between l^eXinitton and Htn av*. ?nil J3d and 4'_"d at*.; rent not to exceed per m??ntb. Apply at ?J3 Naskan ?t, TO Jill H. _____ ? - liUYE OR SIX UNFURNISHED ROOMS WANTED?IN 1? m private iioum*. by ladjr and two children; rent, J Andrei* SEOLUL?KI>, Herald office. W rANTED-BV Gr.NTLEMAN AND WIFE. ONE rloor. furnnlied or nnlurni*bod. without Board: hon*r and ligation flr*i cla** ; no flute, not balow ?j4th *t. Mention term* aud addre** RELlABEF, box 130 Herald Branch oflice. 1 .'Mi Broadway. ______ WaktFd^a" comfortable floor, in a re Spi ctal.le neighborhood, lor *inall family of adulti, lo catiou between 3d aud 7th avi, below 34th *?. Addre** box 1.041 New York l'o*t offlce. TANTED-PERMANENTLY. Ft EST OR (SECOND ,1 Floor. furni?hed, bel .w 24ih *t., oetween ad and Oth av*.; rent about $.">?> p r mouth. HI RTON. station D. \v Wanted?two 'or three furnikiied rooms for hotiaekecplnn. by a ueutleiffan. wife and child, within aa*y walking di*tance ol corner Broadway and !!4tb *l. Addre'**. with particular* and term*. J. W. W., Herald U ptown olllce. ?tlTANTKD? AN UNFURN1811ED ROOM. WITH URATE. TT between 'JOth aud :<0tL >t* . 4tli and Nth av*. Addre** L. II., Wc*l 37th *t. WANTED-IN a PKIVATE FAMILY. FURNISHED Room, by a ireutlemaii and ladle* who are lu towa twice a week. E. Herald Uptown ollice. WA NtT.D?A Ft illR sTORY HOUSE. BY A P RI VAT A family ; immediate po**euiou until Mav I; rent not to axceed til JO per mouth; mini ha In itood order aud fully turnl.hed ; location :<Stn to 5uth *t?.. Park and 7tb av*. Ad dress B. 0 K., nox 4.40^ Post oflice. \v ANTED-FOR a TERM OF YEARS. ONE LARUE or two eleicanliy furnished llouies, ocunoniieally di vided lor a cia?* of boarder* willln* to par for exceptionally nica table and real comfort lu other appointment*; one al ready or*aiil*ed preferred: location within eiitht blo?k? above -3d ?t.. between Maditon auu Bth av*. DIsl'ATCH, lie.-ald Uptown olllce. ~ K uWlTtlllh. ?"?iX'AT'Piu Ya r.. rk>h'/knc?Ti5) W?'sf J\..23d ?t.. near Otli av., Parlor .Suit*, 14 piece*, covered 111 satin, coil f I.tJ"kJ. lor ; one do., $1 -i; Suit*. rep aud haircloth Suit*. ^'1.'* ar.d Inlaid aud Kilt black walnut Hodatvadi, Diessluir Caae*. Bureau*. Waali ? land*. Wardrobes, hair and tpriui; Mattresses. Dining Fur nlture. Extension Table, Buffet. Ctialra, Ac. N. B. Auele ?rant roaewood lour round Stelnway .It Soli*' Pianolorta, f.iKi, a baritaln; i:ia',-iiiticeiit .Vintl.or, #:k?i, cost ::Ut>i. AT PKl\ ATE ftESH5ENTE. 47 WEST 18111 ST.. BE iweuii ftth mid nth av*.?Doa t tail to eail and examine ? i. ttani satin Parlor Knrnlture, complete Library, ?Jhauioi r and Dinlnic Furniture offered lor *ale at one quarter eost; 4>) pound hair Maitr?s*e*. Hll; Stelnway Planolort". $-i-">0: ebance for tpeculalor or private lamlly. Action. SB I Uf IRTH WT ? PURMTURK, < \R .iiet*. Mirror*. Pianos, Purler Suits, Itedro ni Sets, Bads, KeiidlnK. Cabinet*. Armolret, Desk*, rubles. Ac., at private *alo at auitior. price* LAROMTITOVl and LOWERT PRICES for FUR nuure and Carpet* lor cas t or liberal term* of payment at CO WPKRTII Vv All'S, I."kY and 157 Chatham si. Thir teen lariro warerooina. M Is PIT CARPKT* AND OIL CLOTHS VERY CHEAP, at the old placa 11-' Ful'.on st. Call or **ud for axplan atory prica list. ? ANTEO-FURNITURE, CAUPETS. AC.. IN EX cliauk* for two atory baaeiuont brown stone House. ?lAl^l ES, T<? Asf.r house. DE.V'i'lSTKV . AKUFICI aL "I EKI" A sPEClALfV.-RUHHEM Set* Irom #*> upward: *nb-tiutlal v made, caralnlly Ailed and ituaraiitaod to hive *atisr.ctiou. J. C KENNEDY. 03 Boud *t._ 1JEVUTIFUL ARTIFIOAL TRK1II. ?.. <X;i;UM,*IO; .1 Jslni e. fl; warrm;ed; silver HiIIiik , .Vi o. nts. Mi1* YuKK DENTAL ROUMS, "itii llth av., near It ih st. Estab Il?hed^l861. R. T. U. WAIT, 46 EA>T MART.?PIR*T CLASS ii. ntistiy at low. ponular price* Call and examiiic, .ItARllLM .ilA.t I'hi.s, T PRICES NKVF.R APPROACHED BBFo*tE a i.-slate and Murole Msutes Largest ?*soi tmanl In me rliy. PEN Kll YN SLA I E OoMPAN V. JU Union *i|iiare. 4th av. and 17tit *t, New tor*. tl.tnufaetiiru.sol alt kinds ol Mate Work. Marble and marmleisedmantels atorbat iv reduced prices; al*?i Moaamontl. Headstones, Piuinb* ers' imd t urmiure M ibs. marole Counters *ud illlng. A kLAllLK, 134 and 1M East IStb st., naar 3d av. w I) A AMUIKVI1T?. B HELLER'S WOJfDRR THEATRE. ? , Late GLOBE. Oppoaita New York Hotel. ROBERT HELLKR, " ROBERT HELLER, TUE WORLD i-aMED PRESTIDlGlTATEtR, 1*1 k\IST AND HUMORIST, In bis sories of entertalnmenta entitled HELLER'S WONDERS at tliia entirely remodelled aud redecorated theatre. Til IS AND EVERY EVEN I NO AT S O'CLOCK "The muit uliiuuillug Neciorn uncy of lb? blu<(i?itlli century." "Tin clevereat trlckaever atteraoted.'' FIRST APPEARANCE IN vMI.RIOA Of MISS HELLER. who will make her debut In til* Umous phenomenal won der entitled ? ?.. SUPERNATURAL VISION. GRAND MaTiNEK ON SATU RDAY. AT 2 O I LOCK. I'rliM of ml uiaaiou : ? Reserved Orchestra Chairs. pi. Balciiuy Reaervod Seu'.a, ?'"> cent*. Family Circle, SO cellta. Amphitbe >ire. limited. 25 cents. ARNUM'S MBNAGEltlK, BARNt'M'B MUSEUM, _ dARNUM'S hippodrome, AT GILMORF.'S ii a II DEN EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. CHANGE OK PROGRAMME. First nppesranee of HAWLEY AND VICTORIA. the wonders of tho age. in their terrific mid air flight om the iriiieio CHARLES FISH. CHAMPION "BAREBACK" RIOIR, ROMEO SEBASTIAN. THE GREAT "RAD" RIDER, WILL RIDE FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP <?F THE WORLD SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 18. A COMMITTEE OF NKWsPAI'ER MEN WILL DE CIDE THE CONTEST. THE GREEK NOBLEMAN TATTOOED. Admisslou, 50 cents: children under nine yeari, 25 cents; orchestra null. 25cent* extra. I)oor? open ?t 1 and U:.'V>. Performancss at 3 and 8 o'clock. "TTHAVENUE THE ATS 'TT~ tJ ?f IKE." AsT NIGHT BUT ONE. J AST Or THE oNOW BALLET. AST OF BONFANTI. I L L L P ARE WELL MATINEE OK "j^ir*,? AST OK LEWIS' CoMiCaL PAS SliL'L. C .\TURDAY NEXT, AT 2. r^TU AVENUE THEATRE. "LIKE" uiuit positively be withdrawn alter the MATI NEE on KAiUKDAY next. The fiftieth performimerf oc vui? on WEDNESDAY EVENING. On SATURDAY EVENING next .Mr DALY will produce. In elaborate com Jiletencaa. Sha?eapeare'a brilliant coiuedy of "AS YuU .1K E 11'," with Miss DAVENPORT as rosalind Mr. COGIII.VN n? ORlAnDo Mr. CASTLES us AMIENS and Mr. Fisher as Jit<|iit-a ? diss Jeffreys Lowla.*a .Celia Mr. Daviiluc aa.Touc atou,- Mlsa SyU. Cowell.. as. Audrey Mr. llitrdeubeg aa.. Adam Miss Mary Xunes..*s. .Pbifibe *?*BoX SHEEI NO>\ OPEN. Bowery theatre-cii ^xge of bill. BUFFALO BILL, Hon. WILLIAM F. CODY, in the great icnaation drama LIFE ON I HE BORDER. Preceded ^y the lares ol POOR PILL1CODDY", 0NION SQUARE ~THEATREr proprietor Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK Manager Mr. a. m. palmer last times of i la-t times of Last times of I THE TWO ORPHANS. LAST TIMES OK , Last times of LAST TIMES OF MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 'JO. will be pro duced Tor the first tint - in Ainerlcit Messrs. Ka> and Helot's powerful Drama in Uv? acta, entitled MISS MULTON, In which MISS CLARA MORHIS. MIS8 SARAH JEWETT, MRS. MARIE W1LKINS, MISS BIJOU HERON. MISS Louise svlvestek. miss mabel Leonard, mr. James O'NKIL. MR. J. H. STODDART and MR. JOHN PARSEL1.E will appear. The play will bo pn-ieiitsd with entirely new and beauti ful nceiiery Irom tho bruah of Sir. RICHARD MAR8TON, with new furniture and apDolutmcuts and with new tnuale by Mr. IISS1NGTON. Salt of ?eata fur flrat representation of MISS MULTON will commanoo on THURSDAY MORNING next at tt o'clock. rpHE iUAT Mttw YORK AQUARIOM, BROADWAY AND 35TH ST., OPKN DAILY FROM ? A. M. TILL 10 P. M. GREAT JAPANESE CURIOSITY. THE "KINGIYO," OR TRIPLE TAILED FISB AMERICAN ANGLER I WHITE BASS I LIVING WHITE WHALE I SEALS AND SEA HOR8ESI 170,000 OALLOXS CRYSTAL WATER IN CONSTANT MOTION. THOUSANDS OF OTHER curiosities MARVELS OF MARINE LIKE. ELEtiANT promenade CONCERTS EVERY AFTERNOON and EVENING (Sundaya excepted). HARVEY B. DODWORTH. Director. OOO L V Y MM MM PPP? II CCO O O L Y Y M M M M P L il C C O O L Yl M MM M PPPr II O O O L Y M M M P II C C OOO LLLL Y M M M P II CCC NOVELTY THEATRE. COL. WM. E. SINN Manager ADMIS.MON. 15. U5, Ml CENTS. R oERVED SKATS, SllC.. 7."*!.. *L MATINEES. 15. 25. 5ii CRM 18. GANGEKO'S ROYAL JAPS. T Eni{1and'a greateat aarlo-uomlc v.'callat, MISS KAT "CASTLETON. The beantirul and daahinit cbaraeter Mmgatrera. Ml?S Lt'LU DBLMAY. GIOVANNI. THE GREAT MUsICaL ARTIST, In lii? pleaain/ oiitertaiuinant, entitled LES VEKRES AUPIIO nNES: THE CaWTHORXEB. MASTER 1IERBEI.T AN'l) LITTLE JOE. The wonderful PERFORM I NO CANARIES. SCIIoOLCRAF'i AND t.'oES. (I I I.DAY AND GINIVRN. ' The lntereatlnit draiua. entitled AGAINST THE STREAM. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AMD SATURDAY. KRMANIA THEATRE. AD. NELENDoKFF Director EVERY NIGHT THIS WKE*. THROUGH NEW YoRK IN EIGHTY HOURS. Local Hketch In eeven tableaux, by Ad. NeuendorH I tf.I ? Box office open daily Iroia S tf.I 4 o'clock. HITCIICOK'S THIRD AVENUE rilEaTRE. Adinlaelon JUc., "lie.. .r'Oc. Gkllery 10c. The Chenpeat I'rivea in ih* World. MONDAY, NOV. U -UUHiKii THE WEEK, the exciting draiu* of IRELAND AS IT WAS IN 'tM. ANII IRELAND IN 187? WITH PANORAMA. Evahinge. S o'clock. Matmeea YVedneadny aid .-at. at 2 P.M. CtENTRAl. FARK GARDEN^ 5HTil ST." AND WTlAVT /'Great uxciteiueut. Great excitemeut. For three daya. For tbrea daya.'For three daya. For tlirau daya. Thura day, Friday and Saturday evi-ninga. Lady Padeetriau againat a Gentleman. Ml** MARY MaRmIIALL, who walked alx daya and nlghta during the lait week, baachal lenge-l Mr. PETER VAN NESS Ior$3i*> to walk l!0 mllei each evening, beat two out ol I brae, tbo winner of any two nlghta In auceeaoiou to returu half the money. See below certincate of doctor:? Notcmrkr 14. 1H7?. I have thoroughly examined Miaa Marahall. and caa ?ay that alio la In good condition to walk the match. CHakLK.i H. RoOF. m. d.. No. J.U Weat 5Stli at. C"whickering iiixfTrZ fanny Uanziger. J FIRST GRAND C0.NC1.RT OF x'as fanny danziger. ? 4 THE Yul'NO AMERICAN PIANIST, from the Roval Conaervaiory of Mutic at Lalpeie, TO MORROW (Kridari EVENING. November 17. at 8, at C DICKERING HALL. with the aaelatanea ot tha lollowing eminent artiata Miaa liENIUEITA HEEBK. eoprano: Mr. CHS. FHITKCH. tenor; Mr. S. B. Milla, pliniat: Mr. K. F. MULLER. or gnnlat. Tieketa, with reserved aeall. SI to ba had at Schubertb'a, 23 Union ?>|imre, aud Rullmau'a, 111 Broadway. J^AST~THREE DAVl?. * W *? I tsaa SATU RDA Y, 10 P. M.. AMERICAN""INSTITUTE. Fortv-flflb Graud National Exhibition, 2d and 34 ava., be tween (Md and U4tb ate. Admlaalon, 25c.; children, I'm. A MERLE'S TIVOLI TIIEtTRE. Hth at. between 2d and ltd ava Four houra ol line Variety. The heat talent In tha elty. CEC1LE LE t'OMPi'E. ol Parla. Opera BoulTe. Grand Itailet 2 i La..lea. A Pantomime. Admlaalon only NanU, Saturday Mntinee. 15 canta. A?VICTORIA CLAFLIN WOODUULL . VICTORIA CLAKLIN WooDlll'LL VICTORIA CI. AI 1.1.S WOoDHULL will dellear her farewell I.actura, Chlckerlng Hall, Novara bar 21. Tieketa now nn aala at 111 lirnadwajr, 29 and 33 Union aquare and Chickering Halt. 1.1SS1POFF. HTr.INW.VV HALL J FRIDAY' EVENING. Novamher 17. Third Concert. I \inie. ANNI.TT.. KSSlPoFF will play with orchestra BEETHOVEN'S Grand Concerto In G malor. IIENSELT'S Grand Concerto and MENDELSSOHN'S Grand Concerto In (1 minor. Mom. VIVIEN will play I'rnme'a Melancolla. saturday, FIRST ESsIPCF* MATINEE at 2. Ad miaolon. ONE DOLLAR; aeuu eil-eata, t'l. SeatiatSchn berth's, fleinwiij'.. and 111 and 1.104 Broadway. CtDICKERING HALL. MONDAY. november 20. ) KliV DR. RICHARD S. STORES "THE OLD AND HIE NBW IN EUROPE." Tickets at POND'S, !W Union aquaro. OAl'iK'H RECEPTION DANS ANTE THIS EVENING. Oltrnnawlck Hall, .">5 West 33d ?t.: claasaa Monday and Tfcnredny nrenlnya. IJILLIARDS. JjGranil Championship Match Tor Ilia De'.aner Medal and a-|,i?ai, between GaRNIER AND JO>EPII DloN. at Tamiiiany llall. Tli'iraday evening. November 10. Gaina, l??) point-up. to na iiiayed on tho iiritlitb table, with Da laney wire riiahioita., licketa to be had at Mauriae Daly's, Splnc'.er Honae, Gamler's. No. I..U2 Broadway; Dlou Hrothera'. No. 1.310 lluHilway PARIS Mi ll fl. POOl.S ON THE GVRMER AND Dion billiard mauh at Maarlaa Daly's Room a, .iplaglar Uonsa. PASTORS N!?: \V THEATRE. MtTINiE TI'EsDaY AND FRIDAY. rpoifv WILIINHOh BUOTHEKiiTi l "h\ THOMPSON. AUSTIN BROT IERS. | A | McCULLOl'O!' FRANK BF.NNElT. T and EVA HRNNKTT. I I I CARET. JENNIE MOROAN. | N (MINNIE FARRELL I E I J I LIA ? El WIL-ON. OUS W11.Ll AMS. RICHMOND MSTERS. I R WALTER GALE. vaudeville. I d i operatic ob*s. HlRLKSyUfc.. A I I.IKE UN THE FRON 8PECIAI.TV. V. | TIER. LOCAL sONGS. 'klegant comedy JOSH 1 A WlllTCOMB. A SPECIAL DRAMATIC L'JMPAN*. SUPERB MUSIC. Ot.Ri.1 OCS COSiUMES. BOYs UK MI L.LI.M1AK. PlIORTV WINES. WHEN Tilt FRANKLIN BILl. POMKRo\. ARRIVES MMR NEILSON THE Hi.ACK MISS PRIMROSE. MOCKING HlllD. B Thirty Brilliant Artiste. CCOLUMBIA OPERA HOUSE. J corner of Greenwich nr. and 12th st. HOl'SKS CROWDED TO I HE DOORS. First weak ol the UKAM) DUCHESS. alto VI)UNO LA DIES' PASTIME A I J.UN(i BKA.Nl It and PARIS BY NloHT: or the GAYF.TIKS OF MAUiLLK. together with au entire now sensational Variety Olio by a first claai truii|i? of atar acknowledged toba fit tha head of the profession. K?ary eveaing-at A Matlnaaa Tuesdays, Thars dayi and S^ardaya at 2. E VENINO TELEGRAM. ADVERTISINO, SO CENTS PER. line. ADVERTISING. A> CENTS PER line. ADVERTISING, *0 CENTS PER link City and coanty of >'?* York. a??William E. Hall, business manager of tha Evening Telegram. being duly ?worn. aayi that the laaae of tha said Erinlni Telegram on rbuitday. November 0, wat 1I2,7'?i eoidea, all of wtitch vara printed and circulated. WILLIAM E. MALI* Sworn to baforo me this I'Kh day of November. IH7H john TOWNSIIEND. Notary Publle. advertising. 2(t CENTS PER UNE averaoe daily circulation. hi,?i copies ADVERTISINO. SO CENTS PER LINE AVERAGE DAILY ClRCULtTION. Hl.?i| COPIES. advertisino. i*? CENTS PER line. AVKRAOK 1>AILY CIRculation. SI.3W1 COPIES yy ILL CLOSE SATURDAY EVENING, NOT. 14k AMERICAN INSTITUTE, 2d and 3d avi., between 03d and Mtb sta. lasi' days OK THE FORTY-fifth GRAND NATIONAL EXHIBITION. Adulta, 2"ic.; children Iftfl. ARGYLE rooms. ARgYLE rooms. HTH AV. and 3"TH ST. BRILLIANT I EKPISCIIOREAN N I EltTAINMENT. only PLAl K OK AML'SKMhNT OK THE KIND IN THE city. OPEN EVERT NIOHT. COMMENCING AI l> O'CLOCK. entrance on aorn sr. BAL I-T.ANCAIS HE L'll AEMON1B, IRVING 11 ALU Thursday evening, November 10, Tieketa and private boxes tor sale at tMft ilroadway. "DAUA1S ROYAL." 4?W H i II AV.-STRANOKItS VISIT L in if ilie city anonln not fail to wlilt tbla plaoa; 40 young lad; attendants: Mtmiaai >n free. C' HOICF. RESERVED SEATS FOR LYCI UM THEATRE /first night and during Booths engagement and all plucua of amusement. theatre ticket office, Caion 1'laaa Hotel, 14th at. aad Ilruadway. BOOTH'S THEa'TR*. SARDaNa TALI'S. JAIIRETT k PALMER Lessees and Matiaireia Th* present la the FOURTEENTH WhEK OF LORD Bi RON'S exquisite. romautle plav, sardanapa'lus. which hai already had ninety-two repreaeu tallont, and oa Monday evening, the Jtitli Inai.. will have been PERFORMED ONE HUNDRED CONSECUTIVE TIMES. and before delighted, auurinoua auillenoea. asrirreijatinir TWO HUNDRED AixD ?EVENTY-S1\ THOUSANDS. The powerful caat of the play Incladea Mr*.CiC JiAiL'if SARD A N A PA LIS AGNhs BOOTH a MYRRIIA Oaa ol tba moat churtnlng feature* of the wonderful ajiac taclu la THE NEW GRAND ITALIAN BALLET, the brilllaut d*nc-itig corjia IiicIuiIIiik Mile. M aLVINA BAR TOLETTI. pruttilcra danaenae aaaoluta. from the Grand Opera, Parla. and .sljninr MASCAuNll. of tlie Mill Carlo, Naplaa. and lUJehoaan ana newly coetumed ilaiiaeaaea. ?.?TO-MORROW (Friday) EVENING. Nor. 17. BENEFIT of Mr. F. C. BANGS, upon which occaalon he will have the honor of apiicariiii; tor tha uiiietr-aeveiith rouaccutlra tlnia a< SAKDANAPaLUS. ??* Notice will be jrlven of tho return of LAWRENCE BARRETT, who will appear aa KINO LEAR, the ?u <lime tmicfily irivau lor the llrit tune in thla theatre, E. L DAV ENPORT iwho iae?ti<<clnlly eniru-ed) to appear ?> EDO A It. The aupportlugca'.t to > a or itraat power ami tha dittrlUutlou in ita entirety Drohablr the m<>at reinark?ble iet maile in the United >tutca lor a Shakeaperian representxtion. ANCS' BENEFIT, TO-MORROW, FRIDAY. "SEATS ?uay be secured. W" ALLACKK BOOCICAULT. k'. LE-TEIt WALLACE. Proprietor aal Manager Mr. W \I.LACK ia icratifled to aiinonncu the ennairement of tha eminent drnmiitlai ?n<l comrdian, wiio inanjuratod bia p'-eaent .teaaon with the comedy "FORBIDDEN FRUIT" ai a brilliant prelude to hia appearance aa CON.N. lu hla calahrntad Iriah drama the UllAUGHRAUN. Tlii cBsagemeut of Mr. BOUC1CAULT being necaaaarily limited to a few weeka. tha comedy FOulllDDKN FRUIT, auapendeil durlni; tha run of THE Sll Al'i.liK A U N. will b' reauiued alter ha eiiuaKeniant. alter which a new drama, entitled ALL POR HER, will be I produced. EVERY NIGHT AT s. EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT 1 :S0, will ' a performed THE SllAl'iillRAUN, with tha original eaat. Including Mr. John Gilbert. Mr. II. J, Moutaitue, Mr. Har<-y Beckett. Mr. E. Arm tt. Mr. t:. A. Stevenaon, Mr. R. Holland. Mr. Edwin. Mr. Leonard, Mr. Peck, Mr. Eytinge, Mr. Atkina, Miaa Dyaa. Mine. Poui?l, Ml*a Ruin Wood, Mlaa Joaephina Baker, Mra. Seftou and Mi?a Bmiadell, aa origlniilly represent ;<1 at Wailack'a i'iioa tre in IS/4. Box office open daily from S to 4. Placei may be aecured four weeka m advance. rpH r.ATRE COMIQUE. mTTkuADWa7. lllAKRlGAN AND llART t'roprietora. M. W. IIANLBV Manager. IIARRIOAN and IIART in Edward llarrltran'a comic drama. DARHYaND LANTY. DaRHV AN D LANTY. ALLIB DRAYTON', BILLV HARItV. VANETT1, DICK SANDS. ADAH RICHMOND. BILLY CARTER. Edward 11 arrigan'a new akctcb, H \Ts CALLED IN. DARBY AND LANTY. DARBY AND LANTY. New inualc by Dave Brahain. Wednetday and Saturday Matlneea. Academy of music. Mr. JAS. W. MOURIRSEY Manager OKAND USICAL CONGRESS AND CENTENNIAL thanksgiving FESTIVAL of the moat distinguished LYRIC AND INSTRUMENTAL ARTISTS AND MUSICAL CELE1IRITIES IN THE UNITED STATES.? %* Mr. JAR W Ml?RRl>SKY hua the honor to announce that he has made arraneementa with tlie lollnaring UNPRE CKDKN'TED ENSEMtlL.-. of retiownuil MUSICIAN'S and COMPOSERS fur the CiiMPLKI'E and PROI'KIt produc tion of a periea ol GRAND MUSICAL FESTIVALS and OPERATIC PERKoRMANCI S, which lor MAGNTTUDB and MERIT Ima herctol'ore not been attempted in this city, REG IN NIN . M'iNDAY. MU. 27. thanksgiving WEEK. FIRST?THE RETURN TO NEW YORK OF MR. THEODORE THOMAS and hla UNRIVALLED GRAND ORCHESTRA OF EM IN f NT SOLOISTS. SkOiiNO?The engagement IN CONJUNCTION with THOMAS' GRAND ORCHESTRA of the loilowinL' ceie united LYRIC STARSi-Mlaa EMMA THUESBY. the American Itepreientatlve Prima Donna; Miaa ANNA DraSDIU Prima Donna Contralto: Mra. I'HII.IP Ol LA OER. Prima Donna Soprano: Slgnor BRIGNOLI, Primo Tenor Oil* Hrat appearance with Ihomaa' ilrand Orclicatrix ; ?ir. t'llAS. Fi.lTSt'II, 'lenor de Oracia; Siguor FEE RaNTI. the famous Baritone Continue. AND FINALLY?in order to give additional brilliancy to tllll extraordinary tralhoriiig ol renowned artists--Mine. MADELINE SCHILLER. Mine. CAKENo 8AURBTI Dr. GUSTAVE SAI'IER -n . Mr. B. MILLS, THE FOUR GREATEST PIANISTS IN AMERICA. THE thanksgiving FESTIVAL will be divided Into TllReE GRAND PERFORMANCEs, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER .0 (Thanksgiving eve), and FRIDAY, DKCEMKER I. The SALE of SUBSCRIPTION TICKhlS for the three perlormancei will l.egin on Monday next, November JO. ut DECKER BK(h'. PI iKO W.\ Rl-.R.iOMS. S3 Union aquare. The SALE for SINGLE NIGHTS will begm on the THUIISDaV following at the Aoademy. Til PRICES.? Notwithstanding tlie self-evident ex pense of this combination will he. Subscription 'tickets, with chulce ol reserved aeati for the aeries, ^4 50; Boxes. SU, tS and $lll each. PRICES FOR SINGLE NIGUTS.?AdmlMion. 91: Ro served Seals, MJ cents, and ?>l extra, according to location. FAMILY CIRCLE. 5) CENTS. Brooklyn theatre. Engagement of the world-lamed Comedian JOHN E. OWENS. who will appear MONDAY and TUESDAY ii. VICTIMS and SOLON -IIINGLE. ? WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY la DOT. FRIDAY and SATURDAY la OUR BOYS. Next week. J. T. RAYMOND us COLONEL SELLER*. Kelly a leon-s minstrels, i opera house ELLY X LEON'S MINSTRELS. | .'3d at. and (ith ar. ri'E FASHIONABLE MINSTREL TEMPLE. Great Hit. I CIIINO CHoW 111. I .Vatinee Offeabach'a I 1,'IIINO CHOW III. I Thanksgiving Opera lloulTe. I CIIING ClitAV HI. | Day. Terrific flight of the ONLY LEON from the DOME tiP TH M Til KA I RE. BEAUTIFUL IMPORTED COURT DRESSES. 40 Artists. "IMPERIAL JAPS." 40 Artists. Box office open dally front W A. M. to 10 P. M. PARISIAN VARIETIES. I WINK YOUR EYE. AKISlAN VARIETIES. I BEDROOM TROUBLES, lutli st. and Broadway. HOUSES CROWDr.D. | HUNDREDS TURNED AWAY. "t tO-DVY AT 2. MATINEE TO DAY ATI. ? | ONLY MATINEE IN NEW YORK TO-DAY. | FRENCHY. SPICY AND PIQUANT. Sparkling comedy, sensational larcea, emotional sketchei. exhllaratlug aonga. bewitching dances, startling noveitlea, humorous bagatellea, brilliant apeclaltlea, eleiiant vailetiee. musical morceaux, Ac. Every evening at H and at tlie Matlaee, Tuesday. Tl.ursdny and Smaruay at 2. HURLEY AND MARR. GEORGE ATKINS I !i. D. GOODING. PROF. DONALDSON. BDWARD DILLON. I HARVEY COLLINS. LEW SPENCl R. HORACE WESToN. I BOBBY WESTON. hiss minnie hall. MISS BLANCHE ELBERIS | MIS8 ALICE GEBAUD, aad lifty ?thera, the liveliest eaterialnmeat In America. Fifty handsome young ladies with good figure wanted. SAN francisco MINSTRELS. I OPERA HOUSE, AN khancisco MINSTRELS ! Broadway and 211th st. SAN FRANCIsCO minstrels, j The Minstrel Palace. SAN FRANCISCO MINSThELS. I The Minstrel Palece The Crame de la Creine ot Mlnstrelay. # Side Splitting Jokea. Kirch, I Glorious luglng. Wambold, Comic Daocei. Backas I Recelvid w tb Screami ^ I very Night ? The runniest entertainuiaat In thi city. MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2. SK Ts SECURED. MAB1LLE THEATRE, S4TH ST. AND :iD AV. hrenliig at S. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at 2. A programme of dallclout r'rench tioteltlea. O eat saccito ol the iimai bewilderln i of aenaationi THE MYSflCAL AND MYsTEKIOU.- MABILLE MYTH, irresistibly charming living models In BBAl'TI FLL CLASSICAL, ART groupings. Slaglug lleadi, Heailes* Bodies, startling Tranalonuatloni. Olio ot novelties by :m Oral claaa specialty artists. The most dellghtlal amuieuient resort In New York. SRS II AHA. GRAND BAL1.BT8. SWEET MUSIC. BBIOHT COMEDY. MF.Iil.lM NT. SCENIC WON DEBS. KVtB SEEN. SARDANaI'ALUSA LESS Til AN ?JoO.OU* ba?e Men the grand BURLESQUE OS JARKET A PALMER'S BARDANAPALU8. AMI IKM K.1TS. .wWk^ardex *~IXEC CHAI'LhS It. AKNOLD. Lc-sfx uml Mmu er " TilK MOST \l WiMKiCKXI si'EC TAl'l-K I Vl.R i'KOlll'OVI). TUB BA.tVKL OP TUB .sTAUfc. Introducing M(m KIIi.a WaHtliersbv, Mr. W. H. < rni)o una full dmnmiic *?mp;?ny: tit* premieres *w,lut*s i k'l**be>ll Atnl Helena Monzeil; thr**e prtnisren aud two distinct cwrpt do* oalieii; ur. llonseu Slier* Wutiueis ill ?ceuic Effect; Me* -MortizeIt's ?? e*t music ; Mr W.B. !>e venin's uitlslic properues Ho* office a?lfy kswilev .-HlurUux M 1 :J<A EA,iLI?KT^;?JAV- ! ~"~'rUE BEST ' pSoPRIKTO Si ' BUBLKBQCB M It. JOHN HAHT. KV HY EVENING. PAT BOON KV. MODERN Mill OL. crazy quratbt. HEMALK HA 1.1.I-.T. THE GRRAT KIRK. Til K TllUNDcR STOBM. WILD. RICHMOND. 'fEAD. Bit xDRY, SHELDON. Ml HPHY, JR NIK II1/till EH. LIZZIE KELSEY AND 50 Ladlea unii Qentlenien IX THK BUilLEsuCB, SARDANAPaLUb. , Evar.v Kvenlnir and Mutlnee* Wednesday and Sktnrrinv LTCiaM THEATRE, ItTH ?i'. A\U d. tl .o. J. II McVlcker. Manag r; I). Waller. Stage Mnua-cr MOMIaY, November :l>. uud during ibu week * EDWIN IIOOTII Ah SATURDAY M ATI N EK AT 1 .30 P. ||. EDWIN BUOTH A- CLAUDE MKLNOTTE. Price*. '.on.. 31, $1 Mi, according tn location; boxo* ft? mill #1-. Seat* secured now lis dav* In advance ut In* <*>(Hc? of theatie. HI Broadway uud Murku't .Utile Storo. 1,144 Broadway. PhilAileluhia AinasrnicnU. ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN, FAlltMOUNT PaRK. PIUI, adelpbia.? i ipon daily. A lnriro collodion ?l living wlij bi ?itn. bird* huiI rooilles. Admission, 23c. Children. 10c. trlBALTY'S A Ml A MBit A PALACE. * JX The fashionable reaort ul Philadelphia. K1RALFY BROTHERS bole ProprUton ABOUND TI1K WORLD IN 80 DAYA Secured tents two weak' In advance. The "gi^af "sikgb or paris. -exhibition DAILY. KBoM 8 A. M. To 10 P. M., EasT OK THB PHILADELPHIA MAIN EXPOSITION BlUuDING. VEW NATIONAL T H EAT It E, P HI LADELP H U.-T HI ll BLACK CROOK, with the PEEBLES* MOKLACCHL lUo grandest entertainment In the city. KEEUTZBEBG'S GREAT EUROPEAN ANATOMICAL anil lliaioricnl Jlmtum. 72? Cuestnut st. Philadelphia. Tli*>.1>! Mini most couiplute ertr exhibited lu Atuorlca, Open daily PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM. 9TH AND ARcTTaT.c UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. BOBBY NEWCOMU at T?'. MV" vil,# JUBILEE SINGERS. Metineei, THE TWO ORPHANS. PIANOKOItTK*, 01UiA.\S, iVt,. A-KiJlt RENT, UPRllilll'V SQi'AKE AND GRAND .PImio> or our own make ; nl>o tor >ale and rent, a num ber ol linv M' onil haiiit I'lauoK, in pvrOct nrdar. WM. KNABE A tit).. No. 11J &th av., abure lAtll It. ? KoS"'it \ LE. A MAGNiVTcENT FOUR ROUND ?Steinway I'ianurorta lor $200; an elegant ronowood ciw. Improved >c>ilu. ~li octave Wlud>or Piano. Coat 31. 00 lor SKI. m; lint Kuaranteo unit bill of xxle; Stool, Cover Mii?lc Cabinet, tout $HNI; b.ix lor ahippin*. Call tliia daj at private re>ideni'a 120 W?>! 2'ld it., near uth av. A PINK ~ ASSORTMKNT~(~l7 FlltST CI.A.1S PiANO lorte> lor >nlu at very modorate prlret, ou eaiy and r?? MHiHlile tonus, at IIAINKS BlttlS', cornar 2d av. aml2l>t it. A few Planm that huvo ben oned a little verr low. A LOT OK "SEOOND TlA.VD pFaNOKORTEfi IN thoroiiKh order lor Hale, at moderate price?; alio Piano I lori.-sto rent, of our owu maimliieture, by CHICKERING j A SONS, IJO.'itli av., cornel iBtii it. BKAUflKuL ROSEWOOD pianoforte ONLY L?Ik): in-talment>, f5 monthly, J BlDDLK. 13 Waverloy plaoe, near Broadway. ?KLKtlAVr STUCK PUNOS NOSV OFFE RED ? ItAl:MiiRE'S Wureroouii, 908 Bleecker it.; low prlcei; 3100, 3125, 313o. A~ LAltGi? STOCK OK UPRIGHT AND SQUARE PI an<?, f 123 upward; rent ?4 m.unhlv; double reed Or.-au, 3-Vi. K. SCHULER, 26 Eait Uth it. A Private family,"no!" 47 wbst i?th st? will tell their <lnuble Steinway 7>j octave Planu lorte Tor $2<K>: a 7'. octave (.'bickerinK upright Piano, coil $U50, for 31"o: box tor nhippinj;. A CHANCE TO PURCHASE PIANOS AND OROANI right at the fai tory, lavlni; the prollt made by the re taileri ; y..u can ulio wo the material lined In manufacturing Hr-<t rlau inniruir.euti; rent <1 or nd on mont'ily pay meutj BILLINGS i WHEELOCK, 54 We?t 13th it., op poilte rear ol Macy'i. A FEW 8ECOND HAND WEBEkT'IanoS AT VERY itreat bnrgaim; ioiiio ol' their, uied but a very iborl time by our best musician* and really ..lmoit ai xood a-, new : fully warranted in every rcipect. Pleaie eall at tb< Weber waremom>. 6th av. and lHth ?t. -WHOI.BBALE AND ~RETAIL, Til OOTAVB ? Plant?, 315 I; alinoit new; iniialiuenti taken; rent >5 CABLE, I0< Went ^Sd It.; factory S2i? Won 24tli it. B~a .gains.?7 octave pTanjlOTj^MAMK. elb unnt ca?e. three nioulilln^ii 3150; rent, $1 monthly doable read Organ, fdO- OOBDON k HON, IS Baal Htbut. / t It EAT BABGaTnS.?NBW A Nil S- CON D HAND \.TI'lanoi, or powerful tone, at FlSCHElt'd, 42"> We*' 2Stli it. Great "bab Tains.- heautTful parlor oband (3200) levea oct >ve Piano, carved leg>. 3125; iiutal tu? nt? taken. PEEK A SUN, 23 Clinton place. 8tb it., near Broadway. KRANTcTi i BACH. Grand, hquaro and L'priiflit Pianorortei; wareroomi Noi. 241 and 243 Eait 2 d it. Hli.'beit award at the Ceutuuuial Exhtbltipu; a few iccond hand Piaiioa, alraoit m-w, ol our own make, on haud. AMY WII.L KELL 7 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO Iperlo t order, le? than 3lOl. 28 Eait 3d >t., near 2<1 av AONIKICENT 7 octave rosewood" pi anc forte. 373; beautiful tone; great bargain. Seen il GORDON'S, 157 Bleecker >t. 1MVU sec6*nd"ha.nd pianos, in perfect order . u>e<ri>nt three montha. and ai ^ood ai new, for lasi thai one-third coat. .-sTANDaRO AMERICAN PIANO CO., OJ Welt 14th >1. W~ ANTED?A SECOND HAND ORGAN OB MELO deoii; muit be in good order and cheap. Addreu. witl full particular!, JOHN B. LOBD. 4tf Cranberry st.. B*uek lyn; d>9Q(| -powerful NEW UPRIGHT ANU SQUARB tP & U\J. Pianos, l-'actory, 103 Bleecker: warerootuv 811/ Broadwav. UNITED SIATES PIANO COM PANT. il'SlCAn. "a LTIVaIKTT^Dr*l?K LARGE~EkPERIkNc! iland acko.'wledged muiical talent, alvoi Plauolorte anc MngtuK Le?>?ui: 31" per quarter; Ingbeit retereneei. Ad dreta tM.ASSlC. box 3, >74 I'oat olBce. HE NIL EM A N (UKEAT FXPERlENCR) (1IVE< luiiruction piano, organ, harp and iiarmony; pupil'i reiidrnce; 310 quarter; bait relerence irlveu. AdareM TEACIiEK, box IJV Herald, 1,915 Broadway. Ji*nWARI' MOLI.ENHAUR. THB UBLEBBATBD vto Jilnlit, will give inatruction on the viollu to beginneri and udvauceil playera at 147 4th av., and for downtown Brooklyn and Joriey papila at 2U Broadway, room .11. Ap ply trora - to o o'clock P. M. Musical.-wanted." thb use "of a carpetei Kooui. about 2<>x40 feet, an I I'lauo one evening in eael week, at a reasonable price, lor the reheamali ol a small aim teur vocal society : location must be central, in tliia city A44r?ai GILBEKx. bog 3,Oti New York 1'on oHi'-e PROkTTiUD.SON-MAS ItKsf MED IlirPIANO ANi kinging leiioni. Addreii U> 5tl. av., corner 17th it. WantedIboVs"to""lka"rn singing, fob a choir of a Piu;a?tanl Eplicopal church; vary far up town; lalary noniihat. Addre<? 11., itntlon G. O.WC'INtr AC A DK.1I IKsi -CAktIeiVs Dancfnti aOa6emT. PLIMPTSn^ ? Buiidiug, ."turveiaiit and Bth ill., private leuoui an< boaar; t,lide upocialtv. DIAMOND'-. DANCING SCHOOL, ADBLPHI BUILD Ing Broadway and 52d it.?Ladies and children, Toea d.i.v and Saturday alternoona; geutleinen, Tueiday aud Fri day evening!. TjlEBNANDOS DANCING ACaDEMIkS, WTH 3T r corner 3<l av. (bank building).?For circular addrem l'ritata Academy, 57 Ea?t ">?th at. Private Iriiona anj hour Recent Ion Ihute.layi; invitations iaaued; no ad mlttanca without being presented witb my ilgnatura. /. FERNANDO. THK LECTIRE NK.vso\;. A*~ LUcTl'BE ON "SCIKNCK fN AMERICA'^ WILi be delivered by Prolenor John W. Draper before thi American Chemical Society, at Chlekerlng Hall, on Thurt day. November 1H. at 8 P. M. The public are Inrited t< attrntL L M nsi'iticTiOA. ' ABHj N experienoed. cLXssic'aL aTd'-MATHEMA? ical ti aelier. who grai'.tiated with tlio higlieat honors drilrea private pupil*; prepare! lor college: hlgheit eitj relerence. Addreia TEACHEH, box 145 Herald Uptowi office. FRENCH 1LA 1>Y WILL GIVE LESSONS AT MOD erate prlcea. Addrrai B. F.. box 130 Herald Uptowi olliee. 1)OYS "BOARDING SCHOOL AT WILTON. CONN. J Jllonie comtorti. hoalthy location; teruii moderate. Ad dress AUGUSTUS WlllTLoOK. f'" KNTLKMAN DESIRES LESSONS FROM A COMPB fti-nt German teacher, male orleiuale; low term*. IN 81 RUCTION, ll. raid office. FRuM FRANCE TO AMERICANS. I r'aiuily'a livlug aud French leaaone to yonng men fren SI llr.KM ANN' ?ho iii,i French I eacher in London foi manyyeara Ihe towi aad the neighborhood where ho re ?Idea are v?ry pleaaant and iltuated between Parli anil R in-n ; (Will lor rrlcket and baae ball; cuinlort ol all kind! in Hie house ; iiunlerata teruii; boarding; tlrst claaa refer enct-s. Apply t? Mr. H. llKitMANN. lu Louvieri (Eurei. Franca. \f MS KI'MONDS RECEIVBh CLASSES IN KNQLI8II ^f| lit.-raiure. coiopoalilon. Ac., apalling. reading, writing. Kiatmuar jirlvately; Kindergarten department; paplla t< B?.,rd. 37 ?aat mk a*. (JI ANiSH ART ACADEMY - DRAWING, PAINTING k^la ell and water colore; Spamili coloring a apeclnity. 14 UK r.LOKRIAGA, Prolu-.ot. Claaaei lor ladle! and (*? tlenten. Addlwea 44 West HUtb at., city. WANTlD?BOARU AND INSTRUCTION FOR A boy la the country, in a rellgloua family. Addreaa HIIBKUaN. Uptown Haralil office. 11TARTKD-A LADY PKOFK.hSOB OF 8PANI8B. TT tddreaa A. D.. Herald ftlWI iiranch o:Bce. (jw amity i?ri hitoiiKi.YN-a touno nnal t/Olady, fully competent to Inatruct In Freuch and Italian ai goveroeaa or a? Indy'a conipanion Call on or addreia U. H WlfiHll. JEW Ei,ltV. AH.; f . Y.Ni ll ItlH BROAD* AY. NEAR UlWt"WtX _ lllanionda, Wat*lias, Jewelry, silverware. Ac., bought aud ?dd; loaiia negotiated, laillei' private office. A if DVANCES, -373.0UU.?aT V ALUA HLK^Dl AMoTTdS Waichea. Jewelry. Sllveiwitro. Sealakina. ka., bought aold and exehangoJ. I.oani eflei toil. Eatabllabed lttotT J. ll BABKINOJtB, TH& Broadway Diamonds at istmbnsb~iiargaI>#; 12 si.alhkii I nacqiiea, 4 Mink Sacqaea, very low prlcaa; rlclieit bra caded Mlkl in the eltv. MILLS A COLEMAN, 18B Grand ll Money on diamonds, fob*. *c?diamond* M atrhea. Jeweiry, Silverware, Caroel'i Hair slaawla 8?al Sacquei, Ac., bought, ana rold hack ut a very amall ad vauee. GEO. C. ALLEN, Jeweller. I.IHO Broadway, near 2Utn at. nun broadway, cokITkr htiTst:?dTamonds[ I 1) I Watcliea. Jewelry, eameli' hal? Shawli, Silver, Aa^ bought aad aold; loan* uigotlated. H. TBAOS A