Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14.706. NEW YORK, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1876.-QUADRUPLE_SHEET. ? PRICE FIVE CENTS, For Directory to Advertisements See Financial Page. PF,RSO\.VL. V r?*lt.-6RK YOU HAVE I A>*u wrou?. Whenever rou want ma write to former iddren. WU1 ask* it all rlcht. Anxious tn hearlrom you. WILL. 1.1*8. A LEX IS?RAIN Ok 811 INK. 55 KK-ARGYLK 8BAD Aow Ball. tonaorrow ni ;hi. 11 o'clock sharp. SARDAN APaLUS. At CABLE'S BELMONT HOTRL. RESTAURANT. 137 Kniton it., to-morrow. See hotel advertisement. B.H.-CASNUT SEE YOU TO-MORROW. LEAVE .town to-nii;lit. B B* m D EAUTT.-28TH ST. RESTAURANT WILL YOU PER U acqntlnUtei! CLARET, Herald Uptown Branch. ODI ITDARLINO?WRITE OR COME TO SEE MI; I am tick and unhappy. EMIL ECKERM V.V K<TrmERLY WAITER AT WEST minster Hotel, Paris, France. can hear of something to bla advantage by calling on Colonel CROSBT. Union CWw. 1'? 0. K-40I, YOU ASK NOT FORGOTTEN; WHY Li .do I not hear? Hop* too art well. J ULE. IJlAMILY WISH TO ADOPT A CHILD NOT OVKft . two weeki old. Addreas J. C. A.. Herald Uptown office . I ^FORGE CAM HELL. LATE OK CNITED eTATBS VXNavy, will hear ol something to I'M advantage, by ad dressing O. W., box 120 Herald Uptown olB.-e. OBOKKN FRIEND?BELLE,>Ru)l GOL~I>SMITH'S, la at 121, lirat block atove. H INFORMATION WANTED-OF JOHN A. GOETZ. Mary F. Goetz, John Dill, from Markteiniershein in Bavaria. Address DOROTJlKA KABETTE, 30 Robeton it., Allegheny. Fa, ears John Scbroeder. I" P MR. K MILLARD. LATE PROM ENGLAND, WILL Mild Ilia addreas, he will hear or something to lila advan tage from an old friend." Addreaa W. M., box 107 Herald oRica. I* "nFELICE.-NOTE FOR YOU AT SAME ADDRESS. J. E. P TOWN. MONTREAL. JOHN MULI.ANE. HARNESS MAKER. WHO LETT Brooklyn threw weeka ago. will pleaae communicate wltti tin friends at once, and relieve tbslr anxiety, Philadelphia tapers pleaae copy. Jl. Y. WILL NOT PROSECUTE; ONLY DB8IRE ?tho property. H. 1). MINER. 11K.-WHBN AND WHERE CAM I SEE YOU? J Auawt r. YACHT. LlLUl?TBAIB LATE KRIDAY. I'LL IBB YOU at Arigrle Shadftw -'Danaante" to-morrow nU'lit. NEWARK. Kj^AIR"-I WILL MEET YOU AT 4 O'CLOCK. M~ I88INO FRIBND&?MRS CON WHOOLY. WHOSE maiden name was Ellen Cuillnnn, of Bantry Bay. count v Cork, Ireland. 1* earnestly requested to eommuuicate with her brother, Timothy Cnllinan. Addreaa BERNARD Mc KENNA, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. AY D.', WHO LIVED OVER TWO 'YEARS AGO ON Oth nr., near 13th at., your old friend John wonld like to we you. Addreaa J. T.. Herald office. K.sT H~AUST1 N-HATTIH IS VERY SICK AT 121 Weat 29th it. Call at once. M M Matinee, booth-s.-willlady wfco sat next a gentleman pleaae and addreaswhere he can meet berf Mie held a leal skin sacqua in hntid: mention other clr ttimstauces. Addreaa H. DE VOE. Herald office. AGGIE?FIND YOUR ANSWER AT THE PRIVATE letter office. 43 Chatham it., room J. WILLY. VTOtTcB.?IF MISS AMANDA HOPKINS. KOR? BELY l* of Orleana county. New York, will make known her presunt addreaa, the will boar of something to her advant 1^0 M. II.- A. NCE.-SLEEP SWnEf; IN HEART AND SPIRIT*! am with you; klaa me In thy dreams. 0 IS OSK.?I MISS YOU SO MUCH. DO WRITE OR ome and aee ma. MOLLIE. SATURDAY, ABOUT 5 P. M.. FOURTH jAVENUE CAR. coliij; down.?Win the Indy addreaa gentleman opposite whom aba noticed and state some circumstance. to avoid miaiake? Addreaa 11. L. T.. Herald office. TO~ A DOl'T, "TWO HEALTHY. GOOD LOOKING hoy a (twiua) 4 yean ot age. Letters received A. B., box 123 Herald office. 1LL "THE PARTIES WHO ADVERTISED HOME timo ago lor inlormntion of the Orantman family ad lreaa W. G , box 743 I'ost office, Boston. Maaa. ? nXBDMBSDAY EVENING, SEVEN O'CLOCK, FULTON TT ferryboat. ? Brunette and blonds In dark dreaaea, gen Dcmati would he pleaaed to becomu acquainted: mention something to nvoid miatake. JAMES LEVERSON, Herald Uptown office. Z AIDER K. S.?CALL AT HERALI) UPTOWN Branch office for lettrr to-day. ?RELItJIorg !VOTKES. "at THE SPIRITUAL CONFERKNckT harvard jVilooms Bnaervoir l'ark. Mr. Milleaon, aplrlt arilat, will apeak on Snnday, at 2U, and Clinton Rocaevelt. Ext.. on ' Evolution," at o'clock. A" T CIIUKCir OK YiIH HOLY APOSTLES, CORNER 9th av. nndl'3d at.?Sunday, 2Ctlr Inat.. at 7:30 P. M.. Rev. N. C. Potter, D. D., rector of Grace church, will preach, belora tlie Younc People*! Mlaaionnry Aasocintlon. A lull km hem aervlce, rendered oy ennlr ol over fifty valcei. ' "a~M"e5 I CAN T?M P KBANC H UNION?NINTH OF THB /Vaeriea, Steinway Hall, tbil afternoon, 3 o'clock. Ex C:l?ei?Prayer, Rev. Robert S. .MacArthur; Supplementary ciiire on rood In relation to Alcohol (lllnitrated), by T. B. Lambert, M. D.. LL. D. Prof. Yanderweyde will Illus. trate the uolariiatlon of Hirht In relation to itarcb. dex trine. imzar. aicniiol. Addreaa by Misa Linda Gtlbart. the prlaonrrs' friend. J. B. GIBBS, Preaideut. Thomas McTacgart, Secretary. TT~cinckBRING*HALL, 8TH AV_ CORNER B1GH XIteentli at.?Sunday, Rev. Samuel Colcord: aecoml aer tnon 011 "Cliriat at the Door" 10:4.^; Rev. Thotnaa Armi tnire. D. D . 3:30 P. M. SlnvinR both service! by Charlea fi. Uunn and tha large choir. Seata free. Everybody welcome. ?J^ROOKLYN TABERNACLE. REV. T. DEW ITT TALUAGE will preach on ??HIS TRIAL HOUR OK THE NATION" Sabbath morning at 10J? o'clock. Will alio preach In the evening at o'clock. BlbfaOP WHIPPLE, or MllrftBBOTA. WILL PtJKAOR .it Grace church. Broadway and 10th at., on Sunday afternoon. Service at 4 o'clock. (" IHCRCH OP THE HEAVENLY REST. 5TII AV., Jnhcive 4-'itli st., Rev. Pr. Howland rector.?Services 11 A. M.. Ij( I'. M. Thankmrlvlnu Day, 11 A. M. LV A R V ? HI .'EC H~~4T IT A V. ANO 21 ST ST.?REV' JK. A. Washburn, O. D., rector; aervicei 10:30 A. M. and J:W> P. M. f SllURCH OK THK DISCIPLES,' MADTsON AV., OOR L^ner 4.">th St. ?Rev. George 11. Hepworth. Morning? "The Bruised Reed " Evening?"Cheerfulness in Relit;. Inn." Sunday school and Kihlc class service at 3. flRURCH OK THE ADVENT. PROTESTANT E PI SCO Upal. 3"th st. and 4ih av.? Services, 11 A. J*., 4 P. M.: Sunday school, 31". M. Ilia Rev. Joseph K. Jowltt will pive the concluding Lecture, "Travels In Enmpe." illus trated b.v the slervopticoD, Tuesday evening, H p. M. (friuKCH op THE NEW JERUSALEM (MTBDEN l^borglan). East 3."ith St.. between 4th and Lexington ?vs. 1. .. (' attncey Giles, pastor.?Services at II A. M. Sermot : 'The Steps in Man's Progress from Tiatnral to Spiritual Life."' /1 llrtlST CHURCH, 5TH AV. AND 3.VTH 8T.-8EK* \ 'rices at l(':3nA. M. anil 7:3 ( P.M. Rev. Dr. McVlcker, elia;ilaln at Sice, will officiate. I EVANGELISTIC SERVICES.?'THE DI8TINOUI8I1ED liN'ew England Evangelist, Rev. Edwin Burnhani. Seven teenth sirret Methodist church. New York. m"rnin^: licKalb av., Hrooklyn, Sunday. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. B- *ast baptist churoh, corner goverkece J and Madison sta.?Service* by Rev. Mr. Miehel* at lOfltf A. At. and 7 :30 P. M. Heats free. The public cordially in rited. BiREE EPISCOPAL-CHURCH OF THE REOOKCILIA tlon. 242 East 81st St.?Services and sermon by the Rev. E s. Wi.M' iuer. ai 10 : )<> A. M. aud 7:3:1 P. M. -unday ichnol at 9 A. M. A cordial welcome to all. triTvB POINTS XISSION (811 E~OK THfi old RREW* r cry). ?ll Park st. at H>ij' A. M. and at ~ P. M., In Herman. Sunday school at 3}? F M. Thanksgiving si-rrlces at2 P. M. Diuner at 3 P. M. Donations of motley, food or clothing thankfully received. Friends always w.-l coniH. C. S. BROWN, Superintendent. CUMMMIMI CHAPKL, 2I? av., BETWEEN r.VMh and olst sts.?Rev. Nicholas HJerriug. pastor. Dl rlne service, Snnday at 11 o'clock f Jrace CHAPEL, east 14TH ST., NBAB 4TU av , l_TRev. Win. T. Egnert, tiaatnr.-Divine service 11 A. M. and 7:80 P. M.; next 1 huraday, tn.i Both, being Thanksgiv ing Day. thero will be uu appropriate service In this rhanel; thr Kev. Saniui-I Osgood. D. D . will nreach the sermon. /"< REENPOINT-CHCRCH OP THE RECO.NOIUA Ijriinu, Noble, near Franklin. ?Rector i?l|| speak, morning 10:?<: evening. 7:?i; children's service, with instruction Thanksgiving. 11 M. Masonic temple, 2?d st. axd otii av.-o. h. Frothingham, pastor of the Independent l.lberai church, will prenrh on Sunday morning at 10:45 o'clock. Subject I The Advantages of Unpopularity.'' Service ior the young st 3i80 P. M. ?V"ELL1K J. T. H HICHAM, INSPIRATIONAL XI speaker, lectures for Society Progressive spiritualists 10^B A v., 1\ P. M. Their hall, 55 West 33d, near Broaa way. Children's lyceuiu. Si.1 a P. M. 0EE-HALF LAR'iE PEW IN 8T. THOMAS' KP1SCO pal church to Int; rent $K> yearly. Address J. it., box !!,?>?>? Post office. city. PROFESSOR I ELIX ADLEB WILL LECTURE THIS (Sunday) ni'.mlni.' at Standard Hall, corner Broadway and 42d St.. at 11 o'clock. Subject: -"Tbe Enlightenment of thu Masses." All interested are cordially invited to at tend. HEV. W. R. AlrfiRR WILL DELIVER A IHSCOI USE before the Society of Hnmanltv In Science Hall, 8th ?t , near Broadway, this evening at 7 :!.% o'clock. Rev. dr. p. h. ciiapin will preach in the t'hii'ch of tile Divine PalnrnRy, .'.th a*.. corner -t.'ith st., Suinfay raornin.-at 11 In the e\ening veapois and no ex temVMiraiicons address at s o'clock, ST. ANDREW'S PROTESTANT ElMSi OPAI. OHl'KCH, ilarlein (127th *t i nd 4th at.i-r-Mofrilng service st In ::ni, evening servloe at 7:3tlt Kev. A H. Moore will presch :n morning and Itev. Arthur Brooks, of the t'hurrii of tbe In carnation, in the even lag. T II IhTY-FOUR I'll STREET REFORMED ?'lll'Hfil, ivcst oi Hih M., Rev. Carles Mnrtyn. pa tor*?Divine ?r elre to morrow. Will last, .i In1, A M. iind 7 p. M ; creachlB* by tlie pastor. Strangers welci me. fpilE STORY OF ,V CONVERT.-A LKCTUKK O.N THE X above snbJeM will be delivered by H W Whltrher. Es>|., on Mindly ?letting. Nov. M. IsTH In Hie Hall ol St. Bcr narit s ' Ihiireli. We-t 14th >t., I et?-<???. 8tl. ar,.t 'tn i?s? Pro cee'l lor the benefit of tue pnur .if the parish . iwtnussn ?>, f.iicen's, doors open at li o Clork ; lecture rtnllfncf* at $ o'clock. I fjiiTV riArtk uablkm.?itvv. tikSSCl Alger will preach this morning on tue "Duties of l.lber Mb" Bcrvlcs begins at 11 o'clock. DRY GOODS. H H OOO ?" J?!C N REEE IIL L II H o o " N X K ? H L L II H O O ? N X N g |J I? J' H K O O K M N K II U L HHHHH O O N X * JJ X' II 9 O OK K N K |I L L ii h o o i xvj ity- D li H O O If X|E 11 L L II H ? OOO N NN BEEE II LLLL LLLL U CCC OOO A A C C O O AA C O O A A O O O A A 0 O U A A C O O A AA 0 O O ? A A C C O O AAA A CCC OOO ^ . 321 to .129 6th a*., corner30th it. Will ifuon MO> DAY. November 27, their stock of CLOAKS and suits at a reduction of 25 to 50 oer cent. Very handsome trimmed Cloaks, id place of rough beaver $4 70 All-wool CloaKs. trimmed with braid, very long 7 45 Our $10 and $14 95 Cloaks are worth tha attention of ever* lad*. Splendid assortment of One Cloak*, all price*, and at Im mense redaction iu prices of ltuit ueek. sss u u ii rrrrr sss S3UUII T 8 S ? U U II T ? 8 U 0 II ftI SS8 U U II T MS R U U II T 8 SUCII T 8 8 8 CD II T 88 88S CC II * S88 ? $."? 00 reduced from W 00 8 00 rednced from 11 'W 13 75 reduced lr?m M 50 16 50 ...... reduced from 35 00 Fine all-wool Ccshmero Suits, $19 50 from $27 50. 150 nll-w<>ol Cashmere ami Camel's Italr Suits, in all the neweat shade* and styiea, winch must be sold. Ladtos ?ill do well to examine our stock, ae we are offer ing special Inducements. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. A full line of DNDEBWEAK or evert description, FRENCH AND OK OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, which we will offer at exceedingly LOW PRICES. INFANTS' OUTFITS. BEADT MADE AND TO ORDER millinert GOODS. IX ALL THE NEWEST STYLES. ? <? | FRENCH FELT HATS ^ In all the newest shades and.shape*. SOU dosen Felt flu's, reduced Iroin $1 to 75c. All Silk Velvet Hat*. $2 25. Allslixdes of Silk Velvet Hats (the* latest novelty). 1,000 dosen fancy Feather*, reduced from $1 to 25e. 500 dosen Bandeaux reduced front $4 M and $3 to $1 SO and $1. Jet beaded Bandeaux in all style*. BIBBON8 AGAIN REDUCED IN PRICES in all tho new shades, 1 SASH RIBBONS. 7-Inch Pash Ribbou. 63c., al! nlk. 8-inch Sash Ribbon. *5c., all iilk. FANCY SASHES. BOM AN SASHiiB. TRIMMING VELVETS AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE. SO pieces black Velvet, $1 50, reduced from f'J 2Y 100 pieces black Velvet, $1 60. $1 75 $1 86, $2 and np ward. 200 pieces colored Velvet at $1 75, reduced from $2 75. In all shades. These good* are much below the manufacturers' prices in gold, and all of ilie first >ju?lity. LACE GOODS. FRBNCH LACES. GUIPURE LACES, CACHEM1RB LACES. THREAD LACES. FANCT LACE GOODS. Cashlons, Toilet Sets. Handkerchief* and Glove Boxea. Special attention to made-up Luce Good*. RulHiug in endless variety, all ol our own manufacture. H H OOO SSS II EEE RRR Y T HUGOS IIE R R T Y mm ii o o sss n eee rrr yy H li O O SHE KR V ?. H II OOO 88S II EEE R R Y ? for ladles, gentleman and children. In wool, cotton and me r no. All the newest styles. Full lines of Cartwright A Warren's and all the other leading brands <>l Hue MERINO underwear. Immense stock of Fringes and Trimmings of all kind*. <?> . .tf <UOVESt l.u> i dozen 2-Button Kid Gloves, 75c., all warranted. 2,000 nmeu 2-Button Kid Gloves, 95c , all warranted. 1.500duseu 3-Button Kid Gloves, $1 06, all warranted; all new shaaee. ladies' TIES. Closing out 500 dosen Windsor Ties at 25c. 2,000 dosen Silk Handkerchiefs at 25c. to 50c. H. O'NEILL A CO., 321 TO 329 6TH AV., CORNER OF 20TH ST. B LACK AND COLORED BILK VELVETS, $1 ?, $1 50, $1 75 AND UPWARD, at <}> I BLOOMS', I ?} 338 BOWERY, 340, near Bund St. LYONS SILK cloaking VELVET, superb quality, $4 10, $4 50. $5 and upward. SATINS. SILKS AND SKIRTING VELVEt% at at tractive prices. , T?1CU DKKStf GOODS. A. T. STEWART * CO. will open on MONDAY, November 27, ? very choice scleetion of FRENCH NOVELTIES, Just landed, which will Inelnda plain, plaid and corded sedan and tofted Saltings. in all dark colort. Plain all wool Sergea, * 5o Inches wide. Glenbam Salting*, ell^rool, and an exceptional assortment of Cashmeres and Merinos. Ail at very low prlcea. A lar(* addition to their stork or Lyons and German Velvets, superior in quality and eolora. Broadway, 4th ?? , !?tli and 10th sta. ? jt LEU A XT LAC is AS I) KMB R0I~DKRIE? POINT GAZE AND APPLIyLK SHAWLS, CHANTTLLY. SPAMSH, GUIPURE. french. VALEHCIENNES? TORC^OO, POINT DL'CH Ks, MALTESE AND CLUNT. SPECIAL BARGAINS. A very handsome line of MADE-UP LACS GOODS of wholly oew designs. The latest styles of plain and superbly Initialed fne French Silk lailics' and genii nien'i HANDKKU0HIEF8, raffled, teailoprd. inched, Ac., AT RKTAIL. A. T. STEWART A CO., P.ROADWAY. 4TH AV? 9TH AND 10TH STfl. _ j^URS. 1_ " A. T. STEWART A CO.. bare Just manufactured a large Stock of SEAL? KIN HACV l*i!8 of good quality, thirty-two to thirty-six Inches long, which they otter at prices that will give to buyers EXTRA "bargains. ? Also a tali stock of TRIMJII.NO FURS of the various qualities and atylae. Broalway, 4th nv? nth and 10th sit QLOAK4,' \VArj-.nrhooks ?u>h.\ino"y Sappers, LADIES , CHILDREN'S sn I INFANTS' COMPLETE OUTFITS of superior Satih aT LBM THAN POPULAR PRICES QIOTKD IN NL w77aPRP.S. q f , BI.OOMv, f <j. <t> KM BOWc.RY, 840 nesr Hoaii ft. ElSi' i: PATENT VaIiTlF killRT3, the rrry o??t ??.* fur W. csn be finisher1. n> easily as beniuiia* > hnmiksrciiirf. ATI Broadway, and Jill Areti St., riwlaftflpkiii. i I OUM' t >pfitr?. MANUfAtJTURERS. 874 mal ?t. - I nbt.rrs -npplled with oetrtch Feather Trim SI-.aI. SVCQVhi RED* hit TO LOOK LIKE new; rur- reltni't sn>i altered: work fcrat class; priies low. siIaVNK S FUR M aNUKaCIORY, Broadway, cornar l?th, Wailack s Theatre. DRY GOODS. gafcat rmcoction itT situt lord jk TAYLOR have marked down thkik entire stock 01 i rich COLORED dress SB BILks, ii-annual i> preparatory TO the1k SEMIANNUAL tntej*. tokv, AND respectfully ASK A.N INSPEC tion OK th KM, FEELING conkidekt they WILL HE koi}nd LOWER PRICED than EQUALLY rich goods CAN bb PURCHASED klokwhkrb rich WHITE SILKP AND SATINS jc8t RECEITED. also CHOICE shaden FOR BALL AND BRIDAL dress E*. BROADWAY AND 20th ST.. GRAND, CHHYSTIE AND s3 AND ss forsyth ST. takers GOODS. <j> LORD a TAYLOR 4 IN till8 STOCK THEY ARE OKKERIMO MOST DE sirable GOODS AT thk FOLLOWING extremely LOW ?i(,ES. COTTON AND WOOL MIXTURES, i2xc.j WOETH FANCY PLAIDS. 12?C.; WORTH I6C. POLON AISE CLOTH. ioc. . WORTH ."oc. camels haik cloth. 2SC.. worth aio. SNOW KLAkK CLOTH, 20C.; WORTH 25g. PLAID CAMEL'S liale. ALL WOOL. 85c.I WORTH 60C serges, ALL COLORS. 250.; WORTH 3101 SERGES, ai.L COLORS. 30?.; WORTH 370. POPLINS, ? o.; WORTH 40C. CASHMERES, IN ai.L color8, ?C.| WORTH soa FANCY PLAIDS, 2i>c.; WORTH 25c. fancy plaids, use.; worth aoc. FANCY p1.a1 D?, SIC.; WORTH 4<)C. fancy plaids, all wool, t?so.; worth $l FANCY PLAID*, all WOOL. x. *1; WORTH $1 5a mohairs, all colors, hoc. ; worth mc. MOHAIRS, all COLORS. 25c.; WORTH 310. REPS, in THE NEW KMT SHADES. 3?C.; WORTH 37C.. AND AT 370.. WORTH 40C. BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS. JOC. AND UP WARD. TYCOON REPS AND delaines, 120. AND cp WARD. IN THE FINER qualities OF DEESS GOODS we HAVE: 1'i.M'S IRISH i'OPLINS. ft: WORTH $2 RAVIER AND P0N80N POPLINS AT 870.; WORTH ft CAMEL'S HAIR. 54 INCHES WIDE, 75C.; WORTH (1 25. FRENCH CASHMERE. 46 INCHES WrDE, f 1; WORTH $1 7.? CAMEL'S HAIR, 40 INCHES WIDE, 50C.; WORTH BOO. SAMPLES OF GOODS AND CATALOOUES OF LADIES'. MISSBS' AND children'S KURMSH ING GOODS SENT FREE ON APPLICATION to all parts of the country. ORDERS FOR GOODS OK EVERY de scklption carefully KILLED WITHOUT CHARGE. AND GOODS PACKED ANIA FORWARDED to any desti NATION. broadway AND 20TH ST. GRAND, 0HRYST1E AND 8:1 AND 85 KOR8YTH ST. vjpllinbet. LORD A TAYLOR. GREAT reduction IN HATS. WE ARE NOW SELLING HATS AT 25c., WORTH 60C.: 75C., WORTH j1 25: IOC.. WORTn (1 SO. TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS REDUCED. GREATER BARGAINS THAN ANY YET OFFERED. TRIMMED HATS AT $2 SO. (3 50, $5, AND UP WARD. special ATTENTION CALLED TO OUR NOVEL TIES IN HATS AND BONNETS FOR DRESS AND EVENING WEAR IN SILK. VELVET, FLUSH, HEAL OTTER, KELT, AC, AC., KROM $10 AND *12 TO $25. CLEARING OUT SALE OK A LARGE assortment IN ALL COLORS AND STYLES OF LADIES' TIES, 25C.. WORTH 50c.; 50c.. WORTH $1; 75C.. WORTH ft so. ALL SHADES AND qualities OK HAT AND SASH RIBBONS AT *10, SI J. $15. *20 $25. $5(1 AND $75. THAT CANNOT BE OBTAINED ELSEWHERE AT SUCH EXTREMELY LOW PRICES BLACK SILK VELVETS. $1 25, $1 SO. $2, $2 SO UP WARD. COLORED VELVETS. ALL SHADES. AT THE SAME LOW HATES. bargains IN FLOWEBS, feathers AND OENA MfcNI'S. BRIDAL WREATHS ? SPECIALTY. LORD A BAYLOR, 255 TO 201 ORAND ST.. CORNER ohrystib, AND h3 AND forsyth. k ID GLOVRS REDUCED. WE HAVE MARKED DOWN the CELEBRATED GLOVES OK TREKOUSSE A CO. till AKTER the holidays TO the following PRICES: 2 BUTTONS, *1 75. 3 BUTTONS. $2 10. 4 buttons, $2 40. ? BUTTONS. $2 85. GANTS DE SUEDE, ok**Vhe SAME SUPERIOR MAKE. 3 buttons, *1 SO. 4 BUTTONS. $1 70. 5 buttons, $2 00. ? BUTTONS, $2 25. in ALL COLORS. including BLACK and WHITE. LOBD a TAYLOR. | it BROADWAY and 20TH ST.. GRAND 'and chrystie st& QROSSLET'S carpets. Large stock on hit! In conseqnsnce of onr determination to eat down the la ment* quantity of good* In nock, will offer treat Induce ment! In the way of prices. English velvets ...91 90 per yard English body Brussels....... ?. 1 23 per yard English tapestry, from 00c. to $1, Ac. Best extra super ingrains, 73c. Wool Ingrains, 50c. Largest stock of Oilclothe In the city at retail, to all widths, from 35c. up. Bugs, Drnggets, Door Mats, A a., Ac., la great variety. We shall offer unheard of bargains for the next 40 daya. Jit A J. W. cross LET, "t.'O and 323 Broadway^ comer Pearl st. QPECIaL a.nd important TO TUt. PUBLIC. THE OREAT annual OLOSIKO OCT sale or HOLIUAY goods, b* The IMPORTERS A.VLi MANUFACTURERS' combination. WHOLKSALK WAREROOMB. AT 699 BROADWAV. CORNER 4TI1 ST. Offer at retail, for thirty d*; a only, over $2r.0,000 worth of Clocks, lironses. Opera liiaoies. Pans, Musical Bot*s and Albums, quadruple I'lxted Ware, Russia Leather Goods, Inlaid Work Boxes, fine Bohemian Glassware, FHk Umbrellas. Pockctbouks, Cutlery, Perfumery, Stationery, ?? a Swiss Carving, fancy Cabinet Ware, Skates, Sleds, Sleighs, Velocipedes, Propellers and (00,000 other articles, too numerous to mention. j Dolls and Toys, In great variety, forming the largest stock of hoiiilar goods ever offered at retail. It is ?ot p ?sible for any retail houso to compete with oi In goods or price*, aa our orders in many eases to sail are absolute, and there is no mistake about ear Intention of doing se. Managers of charch fairs, charitable Institutions, Sunday schools and ?mall dealers will do wall to examine thla stock before pnrchasln?, as we are positively selling at twenty-Ore oer cent below the advertised prices of any other bo?*e. Don't furgrt the number. tf.rj H roadway, corner 4th St. QPBmxo, OPESIXO, opknino, Monday, MM?i?y, Monday, Khoo Shoe Parlor. Parler. Parlor. Rpanlth fpsnUa Mpaniah I Arched Arched Arched Instep ln?t*p Instep Boots, ? Bout*, Boots, connectsd wllli my Tsctory. JOHN H. nAPOOOD. 42 University place. Kew terk. OK V GOOD?. A." STERN brothers. SIXTH AVENUB AND TWBNTY THIRD 8TKKKT. 367 SIXTH AVKMHL ? ?B> ? 110 WEST i3D STRBET 110 -A ? -<3> ? 371 SIXTH AVENUB. 371 SIXTH AYK.NL* AND TWENTY THIRD STREKT. GENERAL reduction OF PRICES THROUGHOUT OUR BNTIRB ESTABLISHMENT. Id oar ^ SlLiK AXU VELVET L?K P A HTM E NTS. Spiendtd qualltic* BLACK SILK VELVETS. ?i 61 50, $1 73, $2, $2 25 * yard. COLORED silk VELVETS, tu tbe Uiort deairnble ehadea, troiu $1 50 a yard upward. BLACK OLOAKl.NO VELVETS, incboa wide, al $3 00, f4. H SI, f4 85 a yard. LYONS ALL silk CLoaK velvet, U? and ;kj Inches wide, at <>7 50 and $3 85 a yard. ALL SPLENDID VALUE AND URKATliY REDUCED PRICES, A large ?a?ortmenl of BLACK OROS GRAIN S1LK4. COLORED UR08 GRAIN silks, OROS DB suez AND . MILLINERY silks IN ALL imaginable SllADEa. Special attention it directed to our large and very attractive at nek of ? <* Made LI* lace goods, | ? t> our own exclntlve dFalgni and munnlaciure. sleeveless JACKKT8. POLONAISES, OVERGARMENTS. FICHUS, neck HANDKERCHIEFS, TIBS. collarettes, FANCY BIBS. lace SCARKM PIN CUSHIONS. TOILET SETST gloves. handkerchiefs, BOXKn AND PIN cushions. Lace covers, crepe du chknb and lace ties AMD AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF neck RUFFLINGS EXCEEDINGLY* LOW prices. An elecant atock of * KEaL lace goods, BBAL duchess, POINT AND POINT APPLIQUlf HANDKERCHIEFS, TIB ENDS AND BARBS. BBaL GUIPURB SCARFS. REAL duchess SCARF*. housekeeping GOODS. Special hargaloi in LINEN DAMASKS, TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS. towels AND TOWELLINGS, SHEETINGS AND LINENS, BMBROIPERI.D flannels, blankets, ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES. scarlet, WHITE, Ol'EKA AND CaNI'ON ILAN NBUB. and a lnrce line of FINE WHITE GOODS. Opening of noTe'tiea in unusually CHEAP. rAiit.-iAN pa*cv uoojjs. BLUE AND STEEL, ONYX. GILT, SILVER, BBAL AND imitation SHELL AND IVOBY JEWELRY, chatelaines. SATCHELS. PORTEMONSAIES AND MANY 6THER EXQUISITE ARTICLES, without exception THE M08T ELEGANT ASSORTMENT EVER OFFERED IN THE CITY, WITH DECIDED BAROAINS IN OUR <j> MILLINERY DEPARTMENTS. Monday, opening of new CLOAKS, DO MI ASS, CIRCULARS, WRAPS AND SACQLES, for LADIES AND CHILDREN. at DECIDEDLY REDUCED PRICES. STERN BROTHERS, SIXTH AVBNUE AND 23D RTRBET. BLOOMS'. BLOOMS', 33* BOW KRY. 340 between Bund and Great Jonei at?., hare opened Uve caae* of the moat elegant FRINGES ever imported at exceedincly low flritrea. Parisian novelties in bmbkoidekbd trim. MINOS. In elegant rtetitriia In VINES AND UAKLANDS OK FLO WEBS, copied from natme, not to be found else where In the citr. _ LTNRIVALLED beautiftino bazaar. J I CKKME BLANCHE, or tbe Mayic Beau L L L L L LLLLL RfSS n s s SSSS s s s 8SSS H H II 11 II II IIUUUH il ti li H H H A A A AAA A A W \V vrw vv w ft w WW w w w w w w WW vv w NO. 54 WEST UTH ST., near f?tb are.. New York. tiller lor the cutni'lexion, impart* a brilliant MMMKMQ; mtamwM by the MM prominent phrticlanv by tbe beat thcminU In thia country and prored to be nut only harmiraa bat very beneficial to the akin. Applied at the atore II de ?ired. free of cl.ari;e. SI per box. F. Coudray'a VhLVKTINK. an elegant and Inoupenrable toilet powder, SI per box. All fiUPKRI'Ll'Ors HAIR ON LIPS, CHEKKK. CHIN, AKMs, ?c.. REMOVED EFKECTIVHLY in the *or?t ponlble ca?-'i, ?hcre all previous attempt* hare ailed F COfDKAYS celebrated AURORA, to bleach hair of any color to a fine iruldcr. blonde without injury to tbe hair. Hrife for tbree-onoco bof.le. (1 50; for ?lx-ounce bottle. 50 J. B. FONTANE'9 wonaer- 1 fat preparation. DBKMATINB. a ?uro cure to remove ??! wrinkles from the face, ti per bottle. NO MOKE OKAY IIAIR. L. KHAW S I'ERSIaN KHENNA wiil rhanse *ray bilr te It* natural color without the o>e of I.CAD. Lao SULf IIUK or NITKaTB iOF SILVER Inun a D?an?ttnl ' rown to Mack, fl M> per box. A lar^r aaaortment o.' al! modern COSMETICS en .hand. I Tbe larient axortment of HUMAN HAIR liOODS pu?itl?f|y retailed at wholeaalc prieea. INVISIBLE FROST:*, eery faahlonable, and improving the looka ot aii ladlea In ?tantly, In Urate earletr. f- pcr'lnch on roa. patent hair lace anil naturally curly hair: >n Imitation. lace, fl per Inch. Vt I'aortmrnt of III MAN IlAlK SWITCHES, of the .lueat qnalitr only la truly wonderful. AH Ion* hair SWITCHES of the ftnrtt quality of hair a*, t*. 410. H2 and $15. aom<-th:nir nerer oftemi before at lee than doable that price. CL'RLS. war ranted to be natnrally curly, at f>0c each and upward Combine* made np In the meat approved manner, ? arranted to rle* ? atlafai'.ion. 11AI it TAKEN IN EX OH A NO a. ORaY HAIR A SPECIALTY IlAlKDlIESSINH Id the lateat I'ariidaa s?nd 'or our new lllaatrated Price Llav I t?ood? arnt to all parta of the eoantry, ONLY DEPOT,Iwhen prepaid, free or charge, or C. O. D.. ' wltli prl?ll*ire of examination. A _ a> I *>?-? MILLINERY OOODS I BLO( BLOOMS'. BLOOMS' aTm FBLT ANf? LATEST STYLES; all popnlar abapea, VELVET nATS AND BONNETS, OSTRICH AND FANCY PEATHKRS. BAMiEACX, REAL FRENCH FLOW: FLORAL. OaKNITUBBS, PTBEL, PEARL AND GILT ORNAMENTS a7 4? BLOOMS', I S3? Bowery, 340, BLOOMS', Mar Boadrt. DRY DOOM. A. KKRKRR RKUKKKR K!l KK Rll KK KH KK KK KK RR EBEEKB DODO D D KK E KK 8 KK RK RB KKRRR RRRHR KK KR KB RR KR RK KH KK R3 KH B B B B K BBEB RR B KR E ' KK B RK B KH B KR RR D D D D D O D D D BB BBBEEB DDDD D D D D U V 0 UU0 ccco 0 0 0 0 o o o o 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 o o cccc SWEEP1NO AND DECISIVE IB EVERY DE YIVE PRICES BARKED DOWN STILl. LOWER AND HOLIDAY NOVELTIES, LADIBS WHO ABE PBICE8 AND THIS WKES PAY A VISIT OF EE.BEEEBEB KI.hKfc.tEHE KK KK KK KK EK KKERKE KKEEEB Eli KK KB BR KBRBEEKEB KKKKBEBKB Nil hii ii ii ii it H H H.I 11H IIH 11 H IIII HII HI! lilt II11 HHHHHHHH II H1111IIIIII11 IIU Ull HI! 11II III! UH HU 1IH 1111 IIII 111! IIII h II HU RRRRRRRR KKKUKKKKR KK RU KK UK KIl KB KK HH KK RU KKKRRR HHKKER Un UK KH KIl KH KH RK KB KR HH UR KH RK KR III HI III in iii ii: in iii in in iii iii iii iii III iii 8TH AVENUE, THKBB UKKAT REDUCTION IN MlLLI.Nfc.KY GOODb. EXTRA QUALITY KELT HATS, telling everywhere at 85c.. reduced to -iHe. BEST REAL FRENCH FELT HATS, all solan, at 57c. BEST AMERICAN FELtITaTS, reduced to 23c. S1I.K VELVET HATS, Quest quality, erery iliape, re duced to 91 08. Over 40 different ttyles of WINGS, reduced to 19a A new lot of rich Hanrieaux, black, brown, navy blue, all shades, marked down to 52c. 1,000 down black real OSTRICH TIPS, rich, glossy bUck aud heavy bluet; branch of three for 50c.; One qual ity. *1. FEATHER TRIMMING reduced from 75c. to 40c.; from SI to ?0c., fmui 91 25 to 75c.; all colore reduced from (1 M to 91 per yard. OLONBSI GLOVES I GLOVES I GLOVES I NO REDUCTION IN TIIK "EURICH" KID OLOVE. It Ii the best kid glove lu New York city for the price. All the latest fall ihadee; two-button, 91 2U; three-button, 91 35. Silk embroidered Red Gauntlets, for ladles, at 75e. and 91. Large assortments orOloveH lor ladles, at 15c., 25c. and 50c. Children's Gloves at lOo., 12c., 18c. GREATEST COLLECTIOITOK GLOVES IN YHE CITY for ladies, missns, (tents and boya, confuting of Ann Gauutiets and Mitt, with boaver or ?tlier tnp?; ftoece-lluiMl (?loves, plain or lurtop; Berlin Gloves; cloth, from one to six button; Castor,knitted, dogskin, buckskin, Ac., Ac., ALL AT MODERATE PRICES. Noticeable reductions In Ratlns, Ribbons, Flowers, Crapes ORNAMENTS and everything in the millinery line. FFFF F F F rrr r r r r DO KBB SSI BR SI RMS R R S KRR SBS R R B R R S R R 8 8 B B 889 <8> WE URGE UPON LADIES TO EXAMINE OUR FURS HAVE A PRACTICAL FURRIER AT THE HEAD OF FURS ARE PERFECTLY CORED AND DRtSSED, THE MOST WORKMANLIKE MANNER. OUR RE SELVES- NOT THE SLIGHTEST MISREPREIEKTA TICLE GCABANTEED AS SOLD. REAL SEAL MUFFS, fine trimmings, at $1 SO, $7, $7 50, $H, $10. $12. $IS. fit) 50. $18, $20, $23. REAL SEAL SETS, MuIT and Long Boa, a. $13 80. $14 50, $16. $18 50. $20. $25. $28, $30, $35. REAL MINK MUFFS, all four-stripe, U $5, $\ $9, $10, $12, $14. $16. $1?, $22, $25, and up to *75. 500 FRESCU IMITATION HEAL MUFFS, educed to $3 19. FRENCH REAL SETS, Mud, satin lined, wlh patent furrinp, extra Long Boa, reduced to $4 40. FRENCH MINK SETS, Muff, sift-llnod. Long Ba,reduced to $3 00. Rani a Ltd* Set*. very line, at $6 75 and $8, FUR REPAIRING A GREAT SPECIALTY. SSS U U 11 TTTTT SBS 6 S IT U 11 T SB $ U U 11 T S 8 U U 11 r 8 AND SSS U U 11 T sun AND 8 U U 11 T 8 AND 8 U U U T 8 S 8 U U 11 T 88 888 UC II * 888 NEW ATTRACTIONS IN OUR SUIT DEPRTMENT OPENING EVERT DAY. CAMEL'S HAIR SUITS, at ?4 78, $5, $6 andpward. SEKGE SUITS Inall colors, at $8 75, $12, an?p. CASHMERE SUITS, black and.cotored. at $1 $25. $4ft. BLACK aLPACA SUITS, Ht $7,$10, $16 andpward. BLACK aNP COLORED SILK SUITS, a $30, $40, $45. *5<>. $75, $8U LACE AND SWISS POLONAISES. OreMrta aad Basques. In the latent utrles and loveit prices. Fall line of Misses melton and elotb Suits, afreatlj ra dnceo prices. CC L OO A K K II NN N GO C C L O O AA K K II K NN O G C L O O A A K K II X NN Q C L O O A A K K II N NN G C L O O A A KK llKKfl C LOO A AAA K K IIN NO GO C L o O A AKK II N N G G COL O OA A K K II N NOG CO LLLL OO A A K K II If N GO THE ClIRAI'EsT CLOAK ?D TRIM CLOAK VELVETS, 27 Inches wide, allk Iseanen back, reducud (rum $4 10 29. BETTER GRADE CLOAK VELVET, allk faclnen back, redaced frnrn $4 75 to V 'U. EXTRA QUALITY CLOAK VBLVET. IAUTIFUL SHADE, HEAVY *1LK FACE, LINBNIAC K, 27 IXCK8 WIDE. WORTH Pl'LLY #6. OBRED AT $4 IS. Very b??t r<*al OUINRT "CLOAK VELVET pore (Ilk face and pure silk back, redo<-ed m $7 758 75, $12; positively 'JJ per cent under market value. H H OO L II ~DDD k T T H H 0 O L II l> D A Y Y H H " O L HDD A Y Y n II <> O L IIDDA YY HHBH O O I. II D D A YY E H OOL HDD AA. Y |] hOOL II D D A i Y H H O O L HDD A k T H h OO LLLL U DDD A k T WB INVITE LADIES AXI) THE PUBI OBNER OF SANTA CLAUS. NOS. 2S?3 AND 205 8T AVENUE, BUSINESS. WB DEVOTB TWO ENTIRE 'ILDINGS AND SHALL MAKR THIS tTiR CREATE Oo^LhC THE UNITED STATES. TO Ol'B REGULAilOLIDAY MENTS, SUCH AS ROOK*. CANDIES, SIERWABE. SUNDAY SCHOOLS, STOREKEEPERS*'!, ARE -? E.IP.1CHS', ^ | Rlliur, | 2S7 and 2Su, Flghtli avenaa, 8 and 296. M*NB 24th aad 28tfe sta. DRY GOODS. A/ oooo o o o 0 0 o o o 0 o o o 0 o 0 0 o 0 KM NN s s V N N M N N N N N N N M OOOO N H N J? K N N K N NN rsss 88S888 88 UN KS 88 ?8 88 KS M 88 cti SS88 baSS 88 SS 88 88 88 88 6h 88 88 88 8SSSX9 baSS PABTMBWT OF OCB BUSINESS. OCB ATTBAO? TO MAKB BOOM FOK OCB ISCOX1NO TOTS INCLINED TO BOOItOMJZK SHOULD BEAD ODB EXAMINATION TO CO CO cc CO CO CO CO CO CO CO cc cc cccccrc? CLCCCCCO CO CO CO CO nn 1111 It 11 till Hit 111! MM CCOCCCCO cccccco I! If HM HII MM MM III! Mil HHIIMHHIIIf II I!II11MIII III iim mi mi Kir nil >i it mi nil HI! III! Hii mi HU HH S3RS88 8SSSSS8 S.i SS ss 8S SS 88 8SSS8S KSS8SS KS 88 SS 88 88 88 88KSBSS 8SSSS8 DOORS ABOVE S4TH ST. [ LADIES' UNDERWEAR-FRENCH AND DOMESTIC! CALL AND SEE THE 8TARTLI2IO REDUCTION I RKMFMBEB, PLEASE^ THAT THESE PRICES ARK FOU TIIK BB8T CI1A8K OP OOOD8. BEST MUSLINS, BEST EMBROIDERIES, BEST WORK. LADIES'CUBMISES, doubt* stitched band, reduced to 86c. ELEGANT CHEMISES, three point, with naadlawork Insnrtiou, or made en with (It* row insertion, trimmed above and balow with embroidery, reduced to 85c. LADIES' NIonTDKRSSES, trimmed full length, rob* ttjrlo. with 14 alternnte Ur?e and small tuck* and two row* ol embroidery, or oue wide ruffle of enibroldory, reduced to fl 21. RICH NIGHTDRESS, tucks and Are row needlework In sertion, reduced to 81 27. MAGNIFICENT NIGHTDRESSES, elegantly tacked aid pulTo I, with six row? of point embroidery, rich needlework ed^e. worth fully $3 50, reduced tu$I So aud $1 95. Ladies' Walking Skirts, 20 alternate large and amall Tucks; two clnater tucks and cambric rttdle; cluster of tacki and throe cambric raffles, reduced to 75c. Crest redaction In finest Train Skirta, Smyrna lace trimmed Underclothing, Corset Coven, Drawers, Ac., Ao. KEKNCII UKDEltWEAR STILL CIIEAPBB. In the aasortment, quality and prices of French Undew wear we stand unrivalled. we invite examination. Finest French Perculo Chemise*. entirely hand sewed trimmed with sixty tiny tucks and hanu onibroldery, rr ducod to 81 21. Attractive prlcea for French Nightdresses, Camisoles Skirts, Bands, Flounclngs Ac., Ac. CORSETS! CORSETSI CORSETS! A French Contllle Corset, side steel, reduced to fl. Beautlfal French Coatille r.orset, silk embroidered bail silk stitched, reduced to (1 50. Magnificent Cor?et, elegantly embroidered and silk aticlted toll BOO bona, worth fully ft, reduced toUIL Tbtipa lit* uhaupest Corset evee offered to ladies. ? rrrr r T r rrr r r r w UU RBB R B R B R R KRR R R It R R R B B 8SB 8 B B 8 888 8 8 8 8 888 <? BEFORE TUB DECEMRER KCSU BEGINS. AS WB THIS department WE (iUAKANTEE THAT OUB THOROUGHLY DEODORIZED, AMD FINISHED IN markable PAINS WILL SPEAK FOR THEK. TION ALLOWED AT OUR counters. EVERY AR. RICH ASSORTMENT of Mliwr Otter, Sliver Burir, re*l Lynx, Alaaka Sabl*. Squirrel and Ailrtku Sat*. Squir rel Lining for Cloaki, and circulars, Ladlei', Gentlemen'* and Children'! rtil Seal Cape, Glovei, Collar*. Ac . Ac. FUR trimmings. KI R TRIMMINGS. Wo invite attention In the nu/illtv. perfect sewing anA superior fnr of our Fur Trimmings. Wo give apeelal atten tion to the manufacture ol these goods. FUR TRIMMINGS of Black Coney, Sliver Coney, Brow* Coney. White Coney, Blue pox. Gray Fox, Silver Fox, Crpat Fox, Chinchilla. Kaecoon, Gray Krimlner,|811ver-polnt*4 Bearer or Otter. Alaaka Sable. Ac., Ac. 1,000 yard* of Rani* Lynx, extra width, at S5o-, wortk 01 50. CO L OO A K C S8S COL OO AA KKSB C L O O A A KKS C L O O A A K K 8 C L O O A A KK 888 C I, O O A AAA K K E C L OOAAKK 8 COL O O A A KKS 8 .. CC LLLL OO A A K K 888 ?? ARCTIC BEAVER CLOAK** reduced to S3 SO, $4 SO, $ft 75. ALL WOOL BEAVER CLOAKS, at $5 75. $7 801, (S, $8 60, *9. scotia BEAVER CLOTH, at $11. *12. $14, *13, flfll II RAW GERM AM A BEAVER CLOAKS, at ?17. $18, $19. $20. $22, $24. $25. $27. CHINCHILLA BEAVER cloaks, at SB, $?, SlflL $12. $14. $lrt, $18, $20 and upward. matala8se CLOAKS, at $fl 25. $7 Si), ?14, 931, $38, $35 and np. BLACK AND COLORED DOLMANS, at popular prtoM. sealskin sacques. f5".,$65, $75. $85, $85. V V F.EhB L V V KEEK TTTTT 888S VVE L T T I TBS V V E L VVE T8 V V E L TVE r 8 V V FEB L V V EEE T 88RS VVE L VVE T ? V V K L V V K T 8 VV E L VV I T 8 8 V BEES LLLL V BEBB * *888 MINQ VHLVETS EVER OFFERED. BLACK SILK trimming VELVET, reduced from $ I 23 to#rfc. BLACK SILK TRIMMING VELVET, reduced from $1 7S to $1 20; Irom $2 to $1 SO; from $2 75 to $2. EXTRA QUALITY all SILK colored VELVETS, in cardinal, myrtle green, seal brown, NAVY BLUE. PLUM AND all OTHER SHADES, REDUCED to $1 95. Extra width black Velveteen, lull 23 Ineh. extra heavy, foe trimming p?rpo>.ee, reduced from $1 so to $1. colored YBLiVBTBBKS, all shade*, REDUCED to 73? UO OO OO DDD S8S8 OO OOOO II D 8 S G O (* O O I> D S O OOOODD8 a #0 O O O D D 8S88 G GO <J O O <> D D 8 G G OO OO DD 8 OO OO OO DD GO OO OO DDD 8888 + ALLY to VISIT OUR NEW 1ilAGNIFICENT TEMPLB TWO DOORS ABOVE OUR WKI.L KNOWN FLACB OF to TUB display of TOYS AMD HOLIDAY GOODS, TION of holiday ARTICLES BVRR EXHIBITED IB VARIETIES we HAVE ADDBD MANY NEW DEPART THK NOVEL JA8KP0P.I GOOD*. AC.. AC. advised to MAKE THl7r~SELECTIONS AT ONOB. K H KlCI18', T I EHRlGHB'. 287 and 2SO, ki.'t) h avenue, 293 and 29ft, between 24lh nnd 2.>th it*. m Utliar Dry ttoodi AdrarUnRMlti Im ?UtNBth Fa?e.