Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,707. NEW YORK, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1876.-WITH SUPPLEMENT. PRICE THREE CENTS. WUKCIORY FOR ADVERTISERS. AMUSEMENTS?let Pag*?lib. 5th And CiU col*. AMTROLOOY-Ttu Pag*???h col. B1LLIAIU>--<-5th Pag*?Hlli cot. HOARDERS WASTED-20 Pag*?2(1 col. liDAKD AND DiDUlXIl WASTED?2o Pag*?2d col. MOOTS AND hllORS -20 1'AGt?2d col. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE Full SALE?2d Pad*? I At Clil. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?9tii Pag*. BUSINESS NOTICES?7tu Pag*?0*1. coL CITY HEAL ESTATE FOR HALE?20 Pag*?1st coL CLERKS AND SALESMEN?7th Pagx?4lb eol CLOTHING?7tii Pagk?4th col. CO ACUMEN AND ii.VHDK.NEK8?'7th Pag*?Ith col. COASTWISE STEAMSII1 PS?7th Pagk?6lh and 6th cola. COPARTNEHSHIPS-Urii Pagk. DANCING ACADEMIES?1st Pagk??d eol. DRY OOODs?1st I'agk?3d ?ols. DWELLING HOUSES To LET. KURNISUED AND UN PURNISHKD?2n Pag*?1st coL 8UROPKAN STEAMSHIP*?7th Pag*?Slh col. EXCU KSDlNS?7th Pagk?Gth coL FINANClAl.?6th Pagk. FINE AK'IS?20 Pag*?2<1 col. for sale?7th Pauk?<ith coi. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2i> Pagk?1st cot. FCKNITUKK-7th Pack?8tb eol HELP WaNTKD?FEMALES?Tth PAC*-3d nod 4th coll. HELP WASTED?>1 ? ? - 7t" -4th col. HORSES. CAKUlAi R8, AC.?lit PiAx-idand 3d col*. UOTELb?2d Pack?-., .u. HOUSES. ROOMS. AC., W A STUD?2D P*GK-2d col. INSTRUCTION?1?t Pag*?3.1 eol. LECTURE SEASON?1st Pai.k-M col. lost and pound-is? p*?*?i?t coi. MACHINERY?7t?i Paok??th col. MARBLE MANTELS?7m Pag*?3th col. MEDICAL 7th Pagk?4th col. MIL* .IKHRY AND DRESSM A KINO?1st Pag*?3d col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?Uttu Pag* 6th eol. MISCELLANEOUS?2d Pag*-2d col. MUSICAL?1st Pago?3d col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?5tii l*AC*-0th coL PERSONAL?1st Pagk-UI coL PIANOFORTES, ORGANS. AC ?2d Pagk?tth coL POlH, SELLING-1st Pag*?2d col. PROPOSALS-2d Pagk?2d col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 7th Pag*?3d 0"l. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO KENT?2d Pagk?Ht col. BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d Pack?1st col REAL ESTATE W ANTED?2d Pack-IaI col. REWARDS-I ST Pagh?Ut col. SALES AT AUCTION?2d PAG*-3d and 4tli cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?7rii Pagk?1st, 2d and 3d cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?7th t>AC*-4th ooL SPECIAL NOTICES-Ut PAGK-lst nnd 2d cols. SPORTING?D0C.8, BIRDS. AC.-Ist l'A0S-2d ooL THE TRADES?7th Pack?4ih coL TO LET FOK BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d PAOB-lst coL TRAVELLERS' (?UIDE?7th PACK-Uthcol UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2D Paok?1st nud 2d cols. WANTED TO PURCHASE?1st Pack??th col. WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.-7th I'AGK-Sth ool. WINES. LIQUORS, AO.-2P P*G*-2d coL PERSONAL. GRATRFUL FOK SERVICE RF.NDEREtl'ME.'IWILL scud to *11 desiring it the name *nd address or * pbysi clan, educated, skilful, kind sud worthy the confidence of the afflicted. Address ELSIE, Herald office. IF MR. 11 M ILL ARIL L AT K~F RO M ENGLAND, WILL scud his address, ho will hear of something to hie advan tage Iroui an old triend. Address W. M., box 107 Uernld ofili-e. A P TOWN- m?^rkal. Missing friesus.-mriToon whooly whosb maiden name W? Kllru Ontlinan. ol Cork. Ireland I* earncMly requeehed to 00,V.,? wnVrH lie. her brother. Timothy Cutlluau. Addre** bhUNAIUI MC KENNA. Toowooniba. tjneacalaiid. Au?tr*Ila. b -A LETTER WAS RECEIVED; YOUtt SUSPICIONS J.ere correct: will follow the of a np. *" ' _ ?Q "_U. NO MY PO?- IN N. 0. DON-NOHOW TO ^.proceed. a aUFKHhIl_ TWKSTKRLINO?YOUR BROTHER HAS ARRIVED .home. _ i^ST" ANir FOUND. Ylirtf^Kl^^oCKETnk'NfPh ; OWNER'S NaME Jjengreved on beudle; probably dropped In building. The tinder will be liberally rewarded by returning It loMM Pearl ft. ???? RJfi'VIZARDS ? Jjl'/v"REWARD?FOR'~RETURN OP AN *MITATI0~N tblUeeal Laprobe. lout on Saturday evening. Return to TALLMA.N'S atablae. 59lh ?t . near 8th av. S*fp HtWARD. ?LOST, ON NOVEMBER 14, NEAR .|>15oram!e. N. J..a blue ?kye Terrier. came or "Mulf" The above reward will be paid by return roTh.mto45Ea.tWth et.. New York, end no unction. aiked. ___ _?^^^31=====: ? SPEC!At NOTICK8. .. "a TTENTION ! TWENTlf* YEARS' PRUSsYaiT" 1108 Apltal experience; dlaenee. of mou a.oecialty; coneulta dun free. Ur. JACOBY, l?l Hleecker ?t. ___ "a ?ISAAC u. BOYCK. 207 BROADWAY. LAWYER.? A.Divorcee obtained promptly, without publlelt^deepr tion Incompatibility, habitual drunkennesi. infidelity. In human treatment, conviction of felony. Paeeporu obtained. Tp?LI?TED.-AN EXTENSIVE LONDON HOSPITAL A practice. Dr. We*C? new remodlee cure, qlck and permanently nil complaint*: cou?ullatton ftee. 45 Bleeeker between Broadway and Bowery. ? -ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Drawing December 1. One price or #200,000. line pritt of lflOjUW. Una prisa of .riU.(XKi, One prla) of V6,000. Oua priia of 10,000. ?wW.HcketT^; helve a #20; qunrten, 110; eighth^ ?5; tenth., $4; twentieth.. #2. ^yrE^rREVscHoTHTie *t. Naw York. A."~2vntuck v**a te'simr fo Number Distribution. Ill 379 I'ritee and only 5tbOOU ticket*. ' SIMMONS A Dlt K1NSON. Manager* To be drawn on Saturday. December 30, 1S7B. Whole*. $1" Shore. In proportion. Royal Havana to be drawn December 1, 1h78. Kentucky State Lajturie. draunj daily. Addru*. l AltKS, EMERSON A DO., Hunker*. IS" Broadway, room A "? -LOUISIANA 8TATK LOnRKY COMPANY. A. Grand Drawing New Orleau*. December 4. ???. ^ I Capital Prl*e - . 2"'.0.*> 1 k Huitul 1 rue in<pri 1 Capital Prue^ ".'{Xj 1(1 Price* each or. 25 Pri*c? each or ,,,, lu. Price* each of \?M ?(A.' Price* each of ???*, " Togetiier with 2.->'27 oiher I rice*. ? Ticket* #20. Halves. Gunner*. Eighth*. Sixteenth.. Price, cashed. For all information apply to ,r"0 WILLIAMSON A CD . Broker*. 317 Broadway. New lorlc. "l WORD to THB hiiffkrixq!?no matter"wHat A vonr diaeasn la. or where located, von enn have a pcrlect Mid'nariuHiia?! cure I*/a ptrft?nnl call or ad?Jra??#ing Mra. M o. BROWN. Pr.?ldeut Metaphyseal Lulveriity, 51 Bend it... New York. ."COMPETENT" UKTKCTIVK OFFERS HIS SKR Aeice* especially in divorce ca?e?. Ac. AUdreaa. conllden SmG?vioi,OK. ho* -U" Herald office. Rclerence.given. Diseases of men a specialty. llhXRY A DANIELS. M. D., 144 Lexington av.. near 2tUli ?u Ollice Imnr. Irom H to 3. ISpi'S' COCOA (Kreakfa.ti. flratetiil. comforting. ??n. , thorough knowledge of the natural law* which govern the operation, oruige.tion mid nutrition and by a caudal application of the tine properties of well "elected cocoa Mr. Epp* lis* pmvidod our breakfast table* with a 2|fou"y flavored beverage which mav *ave o. many heavy doctor*' bill*. It I* by tlie Judicious u?e of *uth article* ol diet that a eonatltntion may be gradually built up. until strong enough to resl.t every tendency W?H^*?. It uudrede of .ulitte maladies are tloallng aronn.l u?. ready to attac* wherever there I* a weak point. W e may escape niaiir a fatal *h?lt by keeping oureelve. well lortiflc.. aith pure blood and a properly nourished Iraiuc."-Civil Service Gunite. rfw ,r w,th bniilng water or mil e In packet* aud tin* M^5"^y??$' l i'o llonucopiUbic t)i?6ii?i*ti, 48 ThriftdnAidte kt. and 17?> Piccadilly. Undoo, Depot iu New York-.-MlTIt .t VANDKRHKCK, Park place. K-TcHRONIC CATARRH. DEAFNESS; IMPROVED ?method; in?tautaneou? relief; permanent cure*. Ur. (TODDAItD. No H W.?t 14lb at. EVrUCKY STATE DISTRIBUTION. CLASS L Ticket ho. 200 drew *25,1*10. 45.747 drew $20.UA> ! No. 29 7n| Irew $10,000 -All tickets entiiux with Sot. ti and 7 ere prtxe*. JACKSON A ca. Banker,. 2.C2 Broadway. New ,ork. SLY mURK DAYS LEFT. LAST NOTES. 0? LAST WARNING. > KENTUCKY CASH DISTRIBUTION CO.. under the able management of DOS. YUOM.VS P. PORTER. EX GOVERNOR. drew* on Thur?d.y next. HRNCE THERE ARE 1ILT THREE DAYS LKPT ! Jtsrsz WEDNESDAY BVENINO.^^nfou^dur"'n^lyV?fcauM? FIRST COME FIRST SKtlVKD 1 FIRST COME FIRST SERVED t ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT I I ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT ! ! W BARHOW A CO.. General Eastern AlP-ntx, N?* 710 ?to^^yriCF.10 KN(E('if'?'(NEW ST.! BROOKLYN BMalnCi!ic?.ONoW7l0,Bfo^IlwalJ.8,lnd uptown office open j gntil 10 P- M. j KhyaL Havana LoriERi. ,o-,t Next drawing December I, IS" ? 25,000ticket.,. OR"' prize*, a* loilowe. ^ 1 "l * i(*l]0Wl lid :a i.i?iu 1 of ???? "5 ini I of I".!"*) 1 III Ill 1**1 2 of *5.1*1" 31 l.UUO 3" of 321,'?i0 *V approximalfotii of $1 j* *)184)6" 1. 4 U?1 AddVeee" HUDM Aifrl"e'k' A* CO.. "iVanicer*. io W.ll *t.. M^?"H7ilw?.o\drtk.;.prl.cof ??*>.iM. B.rld. and In Sep. ?feryWilSSST'r'Kf -WU. Rank bum Profit oy Uovhbo u?uvU lor mBJ amouul. \ T 8PBC1AL NOTICES. VfWVSW EXHAUSTION.-A MEDU.'Ali M0AT J> comprising a series ol lectures delivered at Knbo s Museum of Auammy. New York, on Hie cane* and curelot premature decline. showing iMUHttW' 7.,i ir nut be rininM. affording a Clear sy uopsia of the Impedi menti U. marriage and the treatment of uervuus and phvst oil debility, being the result of >*?'e'?aperiene^ Price 25 cent a Address tbe aut I nie, Iir. L /. K A1 i N, uflloe uud reeidence 51 Heat Hnh St.. New Ycrfc. S~ omcilL drawings Kentucky state LOT. ? tenet. SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Managers, uncoil, anna clam so. 8*J1? wovKkiEB 25. 1876. 40 51. -*>. 75. h.t. 71. 10. 72. 4.1M 21. SI. EEWTL'CEf, CLAM *0. 662?WOVBMSIB 25. 18.6. a. 3370. It. 41. 12. 21. 3-V 86, 7h 24. 9. 7. HKKKT. EZTUt OUli NO. 561? NOtKMEKB 25, 1870. 50. 4H M. 78. 44. SI. 22. 50. OS M. 41. 14, 51 1IXNET. CUES WO. 502? NOrcmEB 25. 1470 51. 41. I . Its. 4. OS. 52, 1?. ill. 78. ?t4. 44. SI. Full information by applying to or addressing J. CLL'TB A CO.. 2UO Broadway. 0 _$3<B)iy*> KENTUCKY STATK SINGLE NUMBER O.Distribution. 10.379 Prises distributing $30 >,(>?; to be drawn December 30. Tickets only $lu Send ID your orders at once. Alto Royal Havana December l. J. Cl.L'Th A CO.. 2<?i Broadway. Q ?TH K FOLLOWI X?i N V MBK MSU vT111 if 0 API. Ij.tal In ihu Single Number Kentacky Distribution, drawn at Covington, Ky . November 25, 1870:? No. 266 drew $25,000 No. 45,747 drew 2O.00O No. 50,781 drrw lO.OUJ J. CLUTF. A CO., 21) i Broauway, room No. H. UK LATEST li JEWS Tilt ST. SUBSCRIBE K0R THE EVENING TELKORaM. ONE MONTH. SUC.-. SIX MONTHS, $2 50; ONE YEAR. 05. DAILY CIRCULATION. OVER 5<),000. ADVERTISING. 2t?J. A LINK OFFICE 2 ANN ST. <to*7 Zt\ (HH1 ?ROYAL HAVAN A LOTTERY. <1^ 4 OU.Ul/U. 'To be drawn Friday, December 1. Capital prite. $200,020. ?? ? 1 prise $100,01X1| 1 prito ol S5U.OOO 1 prise 25,i*wi I prise of 10.000 2 prises of leech).... 5,1410 I 30 primes of (each)... l.nCJO 0H5 prises In all, distributing $75", (V>. Whole tickets, $4''. Halves. $20. Fortieths. $1. Kentucky State Lotteries drawn dally. Whole tickets?Morniuil. $1; evening, $5. JACKSON A IK).. Bankers, ,ir2 Broadway, New York. SPORTING?DOGS, BIU1>*. sfcC. A"" -f6r' SaLKV~aLL' kinds of fancy dogs. ? Birds. Ac.; Medicines lor all diseases; Prepared Food for Mucking Birds. Ac., at B. G. DOVKY'S, No. 3 Greenest., near Can at St. * 4 I.L THK CHOICE BREEDS OP DOGB FOR BALK? xk.And Stock prepared: English l>og Medicine fdr ail d.e eaaea. D. P. FOSTER. No. 3 West 3d at., near Broadway, up stairs. RE AT THAN KBOI VINO SALE Ijr ol magnificent Breech-Loaders, by Westlev Richards. W. W Gmener, Scott. Ac., THIS DAY and TO-MORROW, at 12 o'clock, at tho salesroom of TUN IS J OHN SON, 37 N assau st. - POOL SELLING. ~ I" (JVHHTFjUM PS, D.rWEST 2hth ht!?aucTYon. JFrench and combination Pools, on the Petersburg run ning races and billiard tournament; tickets, $2. M~ "oticK.?ALL PERSONS HOLDING OCR AUCTION pool tickets on general result of Presidential election wishing to draw tlissir money (less commissions) can do so by consent of holder ol opposite tickois For further in formation apply to JOHN MORKI8SKY A CO., 1,239 Broadway HOR8E8. CAliniAOEb, ?C. a ? STCcf fiTST " J\BY VAN TAS8KLL k K BARNEY, AUCTIONEERS. AT Til EI 11 HORSE AND CAKKUQE AUCTION MART. 110, 112 KAST 13TH. NKAK ATI1 AV., ON TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 38. AT 10 O'OUH/'K, THE FOLLOWING WELL KNOWN AND VALUABLE TROTTING HORSES:? BASIL DUKE. ltOAN GELDING, KOALED I860. got by HIPPY, he by MAMBKIKO CHIEF, daw said to be t ho rough b re d : 16 hand* high; kind and true in all harness; free from vice; a stylish, nlensant and game driver; has a record of 2:38, obtained at Oetrolt, Mich.: he is Invaluable as a road horse, being per leetlv free tram trick or fault of any kind; In condition be can beat bit record sevyal seconds; can trot la 2 :35 mi day of sale and it warranted sound SANDHILL. GRAY GELDING, KOALED 1867, GOT BY PACING ABDALLAH, he by MAMHKINO CHIEF, dam by GRAY EAGLE; I6S, hands blith; kind ami true in all haruata; free from rice; a very even tem pered and pleasant driver; liae n record of 2:31*4 Ht Cleveland. Ohio; Is aa flue now m evar; In condi tion can trot better than 2 :30; can trot to-day in 2:35 or bettor; as a road horse he bat no superior and is warranted sound. TUB SPEED UK BOTH THESE II0RSB8 A.8 WELL AS THEIR PEDIGKE ? AND PERFORM ANCES will be QUAHANTKBD. Kor further particu lars see TROTTING REGISTER and catalogue on dav oi sale. BAY ROAD HORSE, el red by COLONEL JAY'S MINGO. lf>?, hand* high, !? years old; warranted sonnd. kind and (true in every respect; trotted on the White Plains hall-mile track In 2 :5U: has never baen handled for speed ; witli a little handling will trot much faster; is In every respect a Brat class road horse; set single Harness. Robes, Ac., end NO TOP ROAD WAGON, by R. M. STIVERS. TOP DOCTOR'S PH Ah I ON. bv BRADLEY. PRAY A CO. CUTTER SLEIGH, by R. M. STIVER-*; Belle. Ac. ALSO AHdUT THIRTY other ROAD. KAMILY and BUSINESS HORSES. Knll description In CATA LOGUE and under this HEAD on the MORNING of SALE. LANDAU, on C and ELLIPTIC SPRINGS, nearly new, made by MULLENN. of LEAMINGTON. ENGLAND FAMILY COACH, trimmed in satin, made by BREWSTER A CO.. of 5th av. TOP and NO TOP WAOONS. TOP PONY PHAETONS, KOOKAWAY8. DEPOT WAOONS, SLEIGHS, ROBES. BLANKETS. AC.. AC. AtpTdblio AUCTION. A HANXRHM BALM OK FIVE HIGHBRED. KAST TROTTING. ROAD. SAD DLE AND Ft MlLY HORSES. TOGETHER Willi THE RLEGA T CARRIAGES. FINK HARNESS BLACK BEAK AND OTHER ROBES, KERSEY DKES3 AND STABLE BLANKETS. AC.. AO. THE PROPERTY OK A NEW YORK BANKER, WHO WOULD HAVE NONE HUT THE CHOICEST, and ail of which matt positively he told to the liigheet bid den, regardless of cost or vnlne. by MARTIN B. BOICB, Auctioneer, on to-morrow (TUESDAY), November 28, AT II O'CLOCK A. M.. PROMPT. AT PRIVATE STABLE. NO. a HUNTS ALLEY, entrance on Henry ft., between Remsen and Joralemon its.. BROOKLYN, commencing with handsome and fast brown Gelding BROWN DICK. 7 YEARS OLD, 15.** HANDS; RECORD lo2:'S; was sired by General Kn->x: warranted perfectly sound and siad and to show the time mentioned. BEAUTIFUL BAY .MARE LADY ALLEN. SIRED by Ethan Allen, dam a Golddust mare; Lsdy Allen Is S ; years old, 15>f hands, record In 2 :2HL and warranted eonnd t and kind, and to show the time mentioned. Handsome bay gelding youno ethan, aired by Ethan Allen, daui a Messenger mare, very last; Yonng Ethan IsHyears old, I5C hands; lie trottedlhree heats on Goshen track In 'I'M, 2:28 and 2:24; he le lolly warranted sound end kind, and to show the time men tioned. N. IL?LADY ALLEN AND YOUNG ETHAN HAVE been drivou together and make the handsomest at well aa the fastest team goes the road. STYLISH AND FAST CHESTNUT MARE LADY LAMBERT. sired by Daniel Lambert, out nt a Wlntliron Morrll mare; she is H year- old, 15JX hands: a remarkable flue driver; she trotted two heats at Burlington, Vt., In 2:31 and 2: Hp;; she is excellent |.elc mare and warranted souud and kind. and to show the time named. VERY FAST DARK HAY ROAN GELDING FRANK TV LB R. 15*4 hands, 7years old: raised In Vermont: sired by Ver mont Hero, darn a Hlackbawk maro: he showed thrte beats In 2.24, 2 .23 sad 2: I'a; he is warranted sound anu kind and to show lima natueil. N. H.?THE ABOVE HORSES ARE ALL WARRANTED AS RKPH KSKNTED; 24 HOURS ALLOWED FOR TRIAL AND EXAMINATION; ALL WHO WANT A GOOD AND RELIABLE Horse WILL PLEASE CALL AT STABLE AND EXAMINE AND RIDE BEHIND ANY OF THE ABOVE HORSES AT ANY TIME PREVIOUS TO SALE; COACHMAN IN ATTENDANCE. among the carriages are elegant full SPRING AND SIDE MAR TOP WAGONS. BEAUTIFUL PONV PHAETON. ALL IN GOOD CONDITION AND BY BEST CITY BUILDERS; very flue light double and singlo Harness; elegant black hear and other Robes, flue Blankets. Ac , Ac. sale will lake place AT II O'CLOCK PROMPT, ON IUK.-DAT MOKMNO; R\IS OK RHINE, NO POSTPONEMENT; CROSS FULTON OR WALL STUP.E T FERRIES. T At'CIloN, BY \*M. VAN T.tSSELL, AUCTIONEER. (Iflice end salesroom I In and 112 East I3.hst. GREAT SALE OF FINE I' *RltlAGES, WOOD BROS.' MANUFACTURE MESSRS VAN TASSEI.L A KEARNEY WILL SELL, BY AUCTION. ON WEDNESDAY A Nl> 11II ItsDA Y. December II end 7. at IUW o'clock. AT THE SPACIOUS WaKKROOMH OF WOOD MHOS., Not. 4(1. 51. 53 LAFAYETTE PLACE, tu rear of 74t> Broadway, near Astor place and xtli s(. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ELEGANT CARRIAGES, the surplus stock of MESSRS. WOOD KIMS., all seasonable g ods, finished for the best town trade. COM PRI-ING LANDAUS, with GLASS and LhATIIEK FRONTS. LAND tl'LKTS, of different sires. COUPES, with STRAIGHT and ROUND FRONTS. GLASS QUARTERED and PANEL COACHES. T Carts. Dog Carts, t ictories, Chariots, Phaetons. Roeka ways, top snd open Roan Wagons and Velocipedes, Sleighs of Portland and Albany -lyles. Also a lew second hand Carriages in first rale order. Stork will he on osblbition and catalogues ready Friday, December I. T~ PRIVATE SALE. AUCTION PRICKS. Fine stock of Horse Blankets, Harness. Whips. Ac ; Wolf, buffalo, beiir. fox. wildcat and wool Robes; go-id stable Blank el, U"c.; ll pound. .V II . lull site, #1 4<i. TUNIS JOHNSON. 58 Liberty St. Auction sale of kailroad axd "work JOHN A. DUNN, Auctioneer.?Will tell on Monday. .November 27. at liiyj o'clock, at the old Third Ave uuc Kailioad -tablet. <*ilh st. ami 3d sr. : 4-1 Railroad and Work Horses, to bo sold tu the highest bidder. s VKItY L1 OHT'LANID A U. $475; 1 I'OUPK MOCK: Aawar.BS5U; Pony Phaeton. $1*4; 1 T Cart. $25n; 250 li?W and second liat.d Carriages. Gigs, top and open Express Wagons. Sleight, Harness. Robes. Blankets, cheaper than ever. WM. II. GR lY. 2 anil '.'2 Wouster -I FtVANTf.;D-A GELDING, 1SH TO 15V HAND8, ? thioe minutes and a fast walkei. G. L, Herald olHce, staling color, age. price, Ac. \ ?NO OFFKIt RRFU6KD; FAST TROTTING IIORMB; ?top Improved spring Wagon; set single and double Harness. 151 West 3.?ib st. A-TilltH-. Ill iitsK.-t, Si)lrNl)TNT;TlMT."W0;?50. ?gil'i; Truck. Wagon. Harness. 2HI Grand st , gssla All LAG K CANADIAN PONY: TWO MARES. YOUNO and sonnd; tiro Express Wagons. 11 llo-ter St., IsoJ A GREAT BARGAIN? $136 WILL BUY A BBAUTI 2Vlul too Pony I'liaelou. cost #MU last Juno; a lira* class li p itomii Wagon, ii-5, eo-t 44 OJ; a Una Harness. MOt el- gam black Bear Kobe, $4-*, at private stable 128 East lUtbsl. Atop delivery express or grocery wagon. Horse snd lUruoss. only IhW: great sacrifice. 4 7th av. a IIORSK THAT CAN TROT IN 2:30 ON TRACK; J\ tun Wagon, tup Phaeton, Rimbaii Sleigh, bear Robe and Blankets; luusl ue sold this week; no oiler related. 138 West 31st st. B HOHSKH, CARIUACUCM, AC. J* ?MAjok Oil.IS. W. H VKKKIl.Al'l'TIoNKK.R."* ? WEDNESDAY NEXT. No*. 39. ?t II o'clock, AT BARKER A Sob's, CIITT All'TIOS Mori and Now York Tettersalla. L'UKNEK UK Broad" at ind 39th St.. UBA.ND SALE ol the MESSRS, HONAltl K'S STABLE of PtMoL'S RACEHORSES. INCLUDING ?? SPINDRIFT. STANFORD, llu.kle berry, Pastor, MUo. Grey Lag, M.lllu Carew. Ac, Ac. s CATALOGUES. with full particulars, at the Mart. STOCIt now on exhibition. A -MAJOKOHAM. W. 'BARKER, AUCTIONEER. A.TIIK MOST beautiful. highly trained Kentucky bred, combined ricli broerti SADDLE AND HARNESS .MAKE in America, 1V4 high, 7 year* old: cot liy Star Denmark, dam by Engineer; goes ALL KNOWN UAlTS under saddle; oleiraut in liarae-a. perfect lady's mars, aud warranted sound and kind; price, #400. Also THE CHESTN'Lt truttinc Mara ELINORE. 15*; high. 8 years old: gut by tbe Archer Horse, sou of Mambriuo Chief; has a record of 1! :34; W AKRANTED Tu BEAT 3 :4U: price, IP NOT disposed of previously at PRIVATE SALE will be sold at auction on Wednesday next, November -9, at 11 o'clock, at BARKER A SON'S City Auctiou Marl and New York fattersalls, corner of Broadway aud 3Utb St.. where they can now be ShhN AND TRIED. A- Yction NOTICE,?THR MMIe CARRIAGE* Harness. Ac. of a gentleman's private stables, removed fr uit tbs country, will be suld to-iuorrow (Tuesday), at 13 o'< lock, at Motropolitau Salesroom*. 4th av.. corner 35tli at.; also tbe i'uruiture of bis residence. Catalogues now ready at the salesrooms S. DINGER, Auctioneer. A BAY HORSE. 15* HANDS. M YEARS, WAR ranted. $13; two grocer er express Wagons and llnruuas lor half value. Kxpreas otticu, d'C Hudson st. RKWsTfcit CLARRNI K : HANDSOME THREE quarter Clarence, bv Wood Bros., und Coupe Rockawa*. pole aud shaltt; superb order; no fslr offer relused. 147 West 35th si. Ijiok UUM IAV MABET IS HA1IM B1SU, s years old, eheap lor cash, at lOHth a*. jfM>R SALK?A TEUCK~OU CART HOKSB, 7~ YEARR 1 old; wamtated. 149* West KUlt St.. nenr llHIt av. BjVill SALE CHEAP?BLADE llORSK. 18 IIAND-'.Y years old; suitable lor truck or coal cart or any business: warranted sound aud kind. Call lor two days at store, 334 llud-ou st. I ROB BALE or to let-tee hobbeb, pour to# Wagons. Inquire 133 South 3th av. Spoil" RALE OH KXCIIANUK - V WELL MATCHED Taatu, It) hands high : weight MO . wt.; suitable lor heavy work. Can be toen until Wednesday. WHITSON A SON. 141 East 34th st. FOBUBD TO 8 KLL?SHIFTING TOP GROCERY OR Express Wagon. $33; bay llorse, $30. 550 West 35lh sk Harness: blankets:: robes. A'ciT: Handmade Harness. $13 fa); Blankets. $1 30; Buffalo Robes, $3 60; wolf skins, pluslt and woollen Lap llob< * at nrices to suit tbe times; truck Blankets In great vsrlety; save money by dealing direct wltli tlie manu uciurer. E. BAUtLETT. $8 Warron st., corner College place. H* OJUX, WAGON AND HARNESS?PRICE $-h>; ALSO llorso, 15* hands high, souud, kind and yuntig. 433 West ldth St., crockery store. ~ ECOND HAND CARRIAGES, 3 six-seat Hockswara, Turn out teat top Phaeton, 7 hull top Cabriolets, Cltt under t"j> Wagon, 3 half top Fhaetons, Button lop W agon. Curtain Conch. Six-sent Phaeton. Depot Wagon; large stock ol tup and no top Wagons. A. 8. FLANDKAU. Carriage Builder. 373 and 374 Broome st.. old stand ol Hrewstor A Co. Stable"blankkts. bocTtri'ck blankktsTr5T. nten?o asso-tmoiit, from $3; elegant Dress Blankets, $3 30 to $18; Portland Sleighs. 83t>; Harness from $11; light Carriages nt bottom figures. Robes. Ac. JOHN MOURE. 37 Warren at. SACRIFICE.?$133 NEW TOP EXPRESS OK GROCER Wagon, worth $'30; new business Harness, $30; Cana dian Pony, $?3. 137 7th nv. ANTED-X" TROTTER! RUST* SHOW 1IILB ON t -sek; give description and lowest price. Address K. A . H?ralil uptown office. WINTER BOAKD~KOlt HORSES.?TERMS $10 PER month. References. T. Stewart. 4 and tl Joint and H Warren st.. New York, and Captain 11 E. Bishop, staatner Matteawan. foot Harrison st.. North River. Address J. L. CONOVKK, Holradol, N. J. fir ANTED?A LARUE BAY TlORSh, THOROUGHLY TV broken to tbo saddle. Apply to U. PELLOW, stable 193 Lexington ay. WAN'TElT-SECOND HAND* LIGHT TOP~BCSINES8 Wngoits: something that needs repairing. Call or nd dress 3-d Spring st. D" GOOD"W()Rk1iORSE8. 15 TO 10 HANDS, 8CIT able foi business purposes, frem $-3 to $300 ; 4 fast stylish trotters. 413 West 13th. SoTt PER MONTH?BOARD KOR KOAD HORSES MAJin tbe best private stable in the city; room for IO more, also three due Box Stalls, $30 each. Centennial Stables, 319 and 331 West 40th at., near Broadway. sleighs, carriages, blakketb. har ness and Robea. all kinds, at low prices. WM. 11. GRAY, 3J and .3 Wouster st. s 500 DRY UOODh. AT POLAND A SPIER'S, MANUFACTURERS. 374 r*ii*l ti.?Jobbers supplied with Ostrich Feather Triiu tuiug. B LACK DRESS 81LK8. at popular prices. R. H. MACY A CO., 14tli st. and dtli avenue. RH. MaCY A CO., . 14tli st. and tlth ay.. New York. Ualike any other establiahni?nt In tho country. Korelgn Drv Goods, Fancy Goods and Novsltis European steamer, tirriers by mail reoeiyespecial care. Catalogues free. li MAC Y A CO. Yam, Kurt. Oar Par department i* complete with a very choice itock of Seal and Silk Sacqaee and Wrapi. Seal. Mink, Sable. Ermine, AI ??Ice Sable and Lynx 8ete. Alio due imitation Set* of all klude fur indies, misses and children. The Uncut assortment of Kur Trimming* in the city at very law prices. Alio a bankrupt stock of Ileal Russian and Hudson Bay Sables and Kruiino Sets and Capes at one-fourth the cost of production. 14th st. and 6th nr.. New York. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. Attention'.-ladies wi.sni.vt; to purchase handsome Kvsnlne Dresses can do their best by calling at 43U 7th av., Drst Hour. ?M AHIB TILMAN'N, OK PAR'S. IMPORTER ? finest Paris Millinery; lloiinets from best makers; rare new Uoods. 4*43 6th av., near 30tli at. Notice.?mme. lekoux, Parisian dkksxmak er. able to execute as desirable toilets as any Hr-t class bouse; receives the latest Patterns from bent Parisian houses; drtires work in private Umllies; also makes chil dren's dresses; don't speas English. Address67 Hleecker st. PLAlTIXtj.?HIDE, SPACE AND BOX PLAIT!SO. HY machine, in seven improved styles; apace plmtliiL- no extra charae; shirring and hemming 1 rent per yard ; pink ing in various styles; samples tree. S. JOSEPH. 3M Kur' syili st.. New York. Branch nflee 303 Pnlton st.. Hmokljn ?>17 ?TH AV.. BETWEEN 14T1I AND I5TII sTS.? suJL I Costumes elegantly made in the latest styles; prices moderate. t H WE t'CTlOib . ASKXPKKIKSCKD CLA.isil VI.' AND AlTim: mXi* leal teacher. who graduated with tin? highest honor*, <1e*ir?t* private pupil*. prepare* lor colli'**?; bighorn city reference*. Addrob* TEAC1IKU, boi 145 Herald L'ptowu ofliett. AN AKTItfT WILL KK0K1VK 1'CPILM IN OIL J.\ painting and In water color* at the studio, room 5, No. 1.I.?a litomlwiiv. AUKKAT KEDUCTION.-THOSK EN TK HI NO THUMP soN'.s Colifjfv, jo 4ih hv., before Dcittabvr i, book keeping, writing, arithmetic, ii month*, $> each. Tele graphy and J'houograptiy taught. N EXPERIENCED CLASSICAL ASH MATIIKMaTI Leal teacher. who graduated with the !ilpbe?l iHMiuri, do as private pupils ; prep.ire* for college; hi lie*l city roi nice. Address TEA* II Kit, box 11 ? Her* d Uptown uilico. A GERMAN GENTLEMAN UK GREAT KXPKItl enet) In teaching ?erwau grammatically and conversa tiouallv desires more pupil*; r-<? a quarter. 1*. 11., 11 ?? Ea?t I'Ttli *1. BOY.S' BOAKDLVG SCHOOL AT WILTON. CONN.? Home comfort*: healthy location; tcrtus tu'derate. Addrete AUuCrtTUrf Will 1'LOCK. DO LIIE A K' S 0GMME?<C 1AL COLLEGE, l.liKI BIIOAD way ?Applicant* t.,U week secure private desks at haif price; bonkkrepini; {10. SJOIIOOL KOK YoCNt. LADKKft AND CillLDKhN: Jpnard and tuition, $10; raiuuctesiu toucher's clns-. *'i7 Last SftHh st. Alt MICA a*. TTS ?"goCoArKB* ICady. oV ' 'puAc'f i'Cai. lxpe aXrieuce, sn uccoiiip.ished vocalist, receive- pupils-tor pianoforte and vocal culture, gin per quarter, highest ref erences. CHANTKUsK. Post uilic.i but J.lift. A?practical ixsrituonoN ox tiik piano .forte: llie tasie educated nnd elevated; terms within the reach of ail. 367 West 37lti st. IU.VCINU AlADK-lIlEn. \ lT.EN SwVuirfff ? I'I N if I \ i i "fit 'I I mil,, jAiemoveii to No. IMA 5th av.. now open for the reception of pupils, for particulars send for circular * -CAKTIKRS DANCI.NO ACADEMY, PLIMPTON'* | .aX.BiiilUiiiv, and btli sis.?Private lessons; | pi id.- specialty Soiree .Mondays. Brookes'dancinu acadkbt, mi BRikiME t)T^- I Ail the fashionable Dances In one cuti'te of lc?ton*. Ihe first lessuun cau betaken privately, and no extra . char ye front class price* # j BaLLE fMASI'Eli 01'MAil'ri T*KJVATE OaNOING j \ cade my, 24 West 4th at.? Lndit *', gemlemon'* nnd | cuildren's ciaH*e?; six dance* taught perfectly ill six priva-u 1 lesson**, wait*, glide w .'t/. specialties. DuiioKD it dTncino school, adklphi build ing. Ilrosdwav and 53d st.?The most reasonable and salislactory arrangement ever offered. JNKRNAN IMPS DANCINO ACADEMIES, 55111 ST. corner 3d av. (hank building).?for circulars address Private Academy, 57 East 5Uth st. I'rlvste lessons any hour. Receptions Thursdays; Ineltalotis Issued; no ad. milteacu without being presented with mv signature J KK UNA NIK). SAUSK'S DANCINO ACADEMIES. 114 HAST 13TII .5 West 33d. 154 Ksst 54th; PRIVATE LE.sHUNs any hour CIRCULARS. 313 ha t llth si. THE LKtTHlE sBASDN. i'MEKICAN tlhO.IRAPlUOAL MOCIKTV.' JX Addltieael. On the second evening of the reception at the Society's house. No. II West "ii'ih st., November 3D, at M o'clock. Mr. Alexander Humboldt van Per Horcx will give en act omit of lilt recent Journey from Spitsbergen through Lapland to the stilt of Bothnia, and the lion Manuel XI. I'eraite, Xlnl-ier R s dent of Costa Klca, will read a paper upon tht protected ?anal across the Isthmus ol Dartea. AMVSE.MKRT*. A 6 a dWy~o f IrtrJtlc. "" ilKr. J AM Ks W. MOKRISSEY Mansgnr OPENING OK Tin: MUSICAL SEASON. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING. AT S O'CLOCK. GIUKD MUSICAL CONGRESS AND CENTENNIAL THANKSGIVING FKfcTlVAL ??I' tbs mum dDUueundiod LYRIC AND INSTRUMENTAL ARTISTS In tbs United State*. In conjunction wltb Til EODOIlh THOMAS AND HIS UNRIVALLED OROHKKTKA. who will appear in a wrlM or iiietruiavntal mid OPERATIC PERFORM ANCES unequalled fur GRANDEUR and PERFECTION. Among tbe Important leaturea are :? Tbe gems ul the 'Bohemian lllrl." bv Siguor H RIGNOLI; "l.ucrcxla llorviu " .Mia> ANNA DKAsDIL: "Mlgnou.'' Mr. CHARLES KK1THCH: "North -tar." Miaa EMMA TI1UKSUY; "Cinderella," Hpier KERRANT1; and the most important worksof Mendelssohn. Heethoven and Liail, by Mini). MADELINE SCHILLER. Mine. CARENO wAU RET, Mr. S. H. MILLS aud Dr. OUST AVE 8ATTER, In conjunction with THEODORE THOMAS unrivalled orches tra. Weduea.lay. second leatlval night, "Lohengrin." Fri day, laat IVi.llvol night. Saturday, tnrewell Matinee. POPULAR PRICKS. Notwithstanding the >elf-ertdeiu uxpente of tblt combi nation the |irlc.-? will be:?Rererved Seats. SI So: admit lion. # I . Family Circle. So cents: It. sua. i". jta amfflU SKATS, BOXES AND ADMISSION TICKETS new on tale. WALLACE'S! HtlUCICAULT. ?V'. LK TKIS WALLACK. Proiirletor and Manatrer Mr. WALLACK la graliiled to ami..once the engagement of tbe eminent drain a tin and comedian, who inaugurated l.Dpieaent seaaou with the comedv "FORBIDDEN KRUIT" aa a brilliant prelude t. bis appearance as CONN. In bif celebrated Iriall drama tba Sll AUUHKAUN. Tbe engagement of Mr IIOUCICAULT being iiecesaarily limited to a lew weeks, the comedy FOK1IIDDBN FRUIT. suspended during the run of TUB SIlAl'iillKAl N, will be resumed alter his engagement, alter which u new drama, entitled ALL FOR HER. will he produced. EVERY NI01IT AT 8, EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT 1:30, w III performed THE SHACGIIKAUNi with the orlt'lnal cast, including Mr. Joltu Gilbert, Mr. II. J, Montague. Mr. Har'.v lleekett, Mr. K. Aruntt, Mr ('. A. stevcUMiu, Mr. E. Holland. Mr. Kdwlu. Mr. Leonard, Mr. Peck, .Mr. Kytiuge, Mr. Atklu*. MUa Uyaa. Mine. Poulal. Sllw Rose, Miaa Josephtna Maker, Mrs. Sell on and Ml** Mlalsdell, aa originally represented aa Wallaek's Thea tre in 1814. Uox office open dally front S to 5. Placet may bs iccurod lour weeks in advance. THANKSGIVING MATINEE. Nov. 30. at I :U0 P. M. Eagle theatre, Broadway and ssd st. Proprietor and Manager .Mr. JOSH HART ENTIRE CHANGE OF MILL. EVERYTHING NEW. Second week ot the great German comedian, MR. GEORGE S. KNIGHT; tings bia favorite souga and plava hit tkslch. WESTON. THE WALKIST. First sppearance of the uoeqiialed Irish srtitta, rickey and harney. They appear in three groat sketches. WILD'S OLD MAN AT THE REHEARSAL. A new farce by A. II. sbeldun, in nor water. First nights of Wild and Rlchtnoud's local tksMb, HUGO T,lB tragedian. Harry Richmond at liugg, tbp tragedian John Wild ? as -Ivory, lbs Nigg MISS JENNIE HUGHES In a collection of now songs. A NEW OLIO OF FUN. EXTRA MATINEE THANKSGIVING day at J O'CLOCK. MAllNKEs WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. P. T. BAKNUM'd MENAGERIE, MUSEUM AMD CIRCUS. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY. SUPERS DISPLAY OF AREXIC PROWESS, BY THE GREAT CORPS OF ATHLhTBS. THRRE COMPLETE EXH1HITIONS UNDER A SINGLE BOOP. tub hark back riders, FISH. SOW AND! AND COSTKLLO. 1IAWLKY AND VICTORIA IN TBEIR PEERLESS AERIAL EVOLUTIONS. Mr. WM. AT.MAR IN TUB LAUQH MILK COMIG RINO ACT, AS PRTK JENKINS. Mitt JKAXEfTB WATSON, THE EQUESTRIAN QUEEN OF THE ARENA. THE CONGRESS OF GYMNASTS AND ATHLETES. A DROVE; OF TRAINED HORSES. MUI.KS, PONIES AND ELEPHANTS. SATSU.MA AND ALL RIGHT IN DEXTEROUS FEATS OF EQUIPOISE AND STRENGTH. THE FAVORITE CLOWNS. FUNNY ALMONTE. SAM LONG AND HOLLAND. THKKK PERFORMANCES ON THANKSOIVINO DAY. ADMISSION, 5"c. CHILDREN under nine years. 25c. ORCHESTRA SEATS, 25c. EXTRA. Doort open at I and 0:JO, Perlnrmaueet at 2 and S o'clock. Theatre CuMIQUK. HARRIDAN A HART Proprietor* M. W. I1AN1.KV ...Manager tiiiAND extra matinee tii an ksgivino day Pronounced success of Edward Harrlgan's great Romantic IrDh Drama, IA6CAIRE. IASOAIRB. An unequalled caat of characters. Edward Herrlgan in hi* great creation of Michael Dclaney. Toujr Hart In hi* life like rendition of the luscuire. rpUB GRE AT~~NK W YORK AQUARIUM. Broadway and 35th at. THE WONDERS AND REALTIES OP NATURE. Ten thoueand Ocean Marvel*. Ten thouiand Lake and River CnrioeitUt. Mammoth Mounter*, little fishes. Bird* of the Ocean, Plower* of the do a, NEW FEATURES. "Klugiyo," or triple-tailed Japan*** Fish. Rare (potted Codling, White Whale, Intelligent Seal* and a thousand varletle* of Anamooe. Marvallon* Flshlistclilng Department. Skuto*. Shark*. Baaa, Pike, Oar. PickereL CHOICE PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENINO, DIRECTED BY IIAKVKY B. DODWoRTH. KLLEIt S WONI) K H TlIEATKK (lata Globe), opnnalto New York Hotel. IIK l-HER'S WONDERS. EVERY EVENINO AT ft. ROBERT HELLER. ROBERT HELLER, ROBERT HELLER. ROBERT IIKLLER, Prestidlgitstenr. Plnnut and llnnioriet. He haa the ability tu make the old aoem new by nl* man ner of treating it. ROlil'HlT II ELLEIt la ono of the bed comedian* of the dm ? a natural actor, reminding u? of Charlea Mattbnw* in hi* beat day* Everything he doee smack* of tbe lowor region* MIS- IIE.I.lF.R, MISS HELLER. MISS 1IELI Eli, Miss IIKLLER, In the fumed phenomenal wonder, entitled HUPERNAiUIUL VISION. XI Iks HELI.EK 1* young and beautiful and of commanding presence. All Iter predecessors ha<*beeti charlatans and ouneler*. Nothing like Mia* Helter'a manifestations have ever been witnessed in tills or anr oth r country. THANKSGIVING DAY MATINEE, TltURsOAY, UO, at o'clock. ORANO MATINEE EVe.sY SATURDAY AT 2. Prices-Orchestra reserved balcony reserved, T5c.. family circle, 5ftc. : amphitheatre, 25c. B ROOkLi N THEATRE. Lessee* and Managers Messrs. SHOOK A I'ALMRR The two great Tiagadtans, Mr. Lawrence Barrett, .Mr. e. u Davenport, in Shakespeare's JULIUS O.KSAR Mt F. II tVARDK as M AMI) ANMiNY. December 4 I IIE. UNION SQUARE THEATRE COMPANY in THE TWO ORPHANS. / i RAND OPERA HOUSE, VJ ? h ?v. and 23d St. PuOLK A DONNELLY Lessees and Manage:* POSITIVELY LAST WEEK of UNCLE TOM'S CABIN With Its MAGNIFICENT CIURaCIERISTIC SURROUNDINGS Ki. AllfMTlC PLANTATION SCENE and SPLENDID CAST OF CHARACTERS. IMA I I vEEs A'KDN'BDaY AND SATURDAY. grand extra HOLIDAY M criNEE oN THANKSGIVING day. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, MONDAY next, the rising star. Mis- I.EI TIK ALLEN, in her new anil p.,w,-rltil emotional flay, AGE. In preparation lor production in gorgeous styla the: rLack crook. ITCH COCK'S T HIKb" A V K N UK TIIEaT K E. Monday. November 27; everv evening, at s P M and Wednesday. Saturday and Thur- .?v (Thanksgiving Oar' Matinees at 2 I". M. t he laniotts hoLLIN ill OVA RD HI'ItLE.SQUK DRAM A I'lC I "M PANT in "Lttrllne, the Moral Naiad Quean ottlie Rhine," and ' Char lotte lamp!*. Adni.sslutl 'JOc.. it).-.. ;.Oc.. 75c 8AN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS | OPKR V HOI SK IN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS Broadway and-Hth st. SAN KKANi.ISCO MINSTRELS. I The Minttiel I alac* SIN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. I The Minstrel Palace. T!IK CKEMK DK LA UREME OF MINSTRKI.SV. <j> <*> Side-.-plltOng Jokes. <?> - *> llircn. I Glorious Singing. I Thirty | | W in,b .ld, I Comic Dances I I iisekuv | Received with -creams I Artist* I <? every night. r.> <?> The funniest entertaiuoient In the cllf. M VTINKK Tll.lNKslilVINi: 1>A? AT a. Beets secured /xermanIa theatre. I TAD NEI'KNDOKE'E' Dltectur. Monday, Novcmhor 27. DIE KKLKUIKTKN STl'DKNTEN. C"inedy, In fonr act*, by Henedix. Box ofllre open ilal.y from Still t o'clock. /I.tit KKKINO HALL-MR. AND M?. CARL FEIN IN VllWll series ol live recitals ol composition* for voice, violin and plan,,, by Heethuved, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Ran, Guldmttrk liaae. A, . Ac Fir-t heeual, WEDNESDAY, November JV, at s P. M. Sttuscripium tickets to Hie series, with reserved seat. $5 | eacn. to ho bail until 12 Nl. November 2t> at Sclilrmcr'a, 7ul Rrnsdway, ainl at CliicUerluv Hall Single admission ticket*. f I : roservcl seat. Nk extra. MAHILLK THEATRE?IMTI1 ST AND 3D AV. KVE.UV KVENINU AT S. MaTIN'KE TO MORROW AT v. All entertainment overflowing with splev srn-atioiie aid novelties. THE. BEWILDERING AND DhLIGDTFUL MAU1L1.E .Ml I'll. Illustrations of Parisian Life i 30 Que-us ol Beauty in a delicious whirl ol exciting - peci*;ties. t)i R BEAUTIFUL 01.1SSICAI. ART GROUPING*. by 20 living models, so perfect in their glorious symmetry at to enthrall nl. I,-holders. The most Irresistibly charming pt-rfui ma,ico in the city. /TOLUMBIA OPERA HOUR*, \J of Greenwich av. end 12tli at. HOI SK.X CROWDED To DIE DOOR*. First week of the GRAND DUCHRss, also YOUNG LA DIES' PASTIME AI LONG BRANCH and PARIS BY KIoHT; or the OA YE TIER OF MAHlLLE. together with an i-ntiru new scneationai Variety Olio by n first class troupe of star artlsta. acknowledged to be at tb* bead of tlia profession. Eivery evening st S. Matinee* Tneedays, Tknre daye and Saturdays at 2. ANbbCMEMT*. KINO LKA&.-f?lk St I.K OK SKATS ~jTOR fSS gre*t revival mid *pp?ar*nce of Mr. LAWHK.NCK BAH Uk IT in lb? liiU eliArHeiei of the sublime tr*Ktdj ; return of Mr. is. L. DAVhMPuKT end the groat tthakospoariao t'oiupony of Booth's Theatre will he begun on WhUNKfi* J>A\ morning at the box uthce Wludows open from HA. M. to 11 P. M. B OOTIDS THKATKK. FINaLB. J Alt LETT A CALMER. Uiuei lad ilMiiiin SARDAN A PALI'S. Six lilt DticliU of III* VV.'Dilroui Pageant! Six teen b conaecutlve week ul lite Spectacle I Hundred and twelfth Conaecutlve PerformaticeI The management reapectlnllv direct general public Atten tion to the clote proximity of tbo FINAL RKPKESENTA TION of LOUD BVKON'S charming romantic pley, which will poiltlvcly be riven on next Saturday evening. Decern bcr K. r the eapieaa accommodation ot those who have neglected to witness thia inuat remarkable offering ol the American at age the box odice 01 the theatro will tu kept open cotitluuouily every day tbi> week, from S A. M. tu the cioae of each eteulng'l performanee SAKDAN A PALI'S will be given cverv nirht tlila week, ?l the M tTINKK ON TUaNKSUlVINtl DAY and at the KAKHWELL MATINEE NEXT SATURDAY, with ail ol itagraud featured. Mr. F C. IIA.VOS ae SARDAN APALl'S AUNKa Booill H? MVRRUA THE NEW URAND ITALIAN BALLET of ona hundred auperlor arllits, Including Mile. BARTO LETT1 and Stguor M ASCAli.NO. KINO LEAK. ??? NEXT MONDAY KVlXIND. Dec. *. relnrn of LaW. RKNCK BAKKETT, who will appear a* KINO LEA It, the MI .lime tragud.r given tor the flrat time lu thia theatre, E. la I'aVKNI'OKI (who la especially eueuved) to appear aa KODAK. The production will be remarkable lor ihe .liatrl button of rli.iraclera. beautv ami elanorttleneaa ol acenery, novelty in effects. eostliuosa and currectucaa ot appoint ments and aeatumea. il.e whole lortuiug one of the (fraud eat and moat atrictly legitimate Shakespearian revival, yet presented. THE SALE OF SEATS will be begun on Wudueadny morning, at S o'clock. TuLo'S DAKDEN. BA*A. N1 /?J.IUND OAl.A MATINEE. TITUaN KSUIVlttu DAY AT FST 11 KSKKVED SEATS FOR MATINEE ONE DOLLAR. HAHA. AohriNu8MAT11I?5!" AT T,1K 9XHA THANKS. T"w?mB|A Jlllv'VKs;,IVIN,i "matinee TERM IN ere dinner hour" vUlwr* ?,UP"? "?uo to reach home B OX OFFICE NOW Ol'KN. SECURE SEATS AT ONCE. HAEA. N'lHl.O'S oakokn, bah a". UENaEN SHERWOOD Director. BABA. Continued auccer* of Mia* ELIZA WE A III KltSBY, Mr. W. II. CRANE and tbe Premiere* Aauolutaa, Miles. EL1ZABETA and I1KLENE MENZELI. Mr. BKNSEN 811 r. RWOOD'S incomparable Seenle Effect*. MAKKTZKK'S MUSIC. Mr. W. E. PEVKUNA'S ARTIsTIC PROPERTIES. THE URAND BALLETS. THE AMAZONIAN MARCHES. THE ?MARVELLOUS TRANSFORMATIONS. and the Incomparable REVELS OF THE ROSES. MATINEE SATURDAY AT I :RU. In active rohuaraai and abortly to be prcaeniud, with now cotlumt'i. accnery, effect", innate nod proper lie, a THOROUGH RECONSTRUCTION OF BAdA. j>ARK THEATRE. " GRAND KKOPKNIN'O MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 27. AS A COMEDY STAR THEATRE, under tbe rannngemuut id mk. henry e. ai.uey. Firat appearaueo In tbree veara of the Inluittabla LOII A. and Brat production lu thli city of Fred. Maradon'i drama, entitled MUSETTE; OR. THE MYSTEKY OF GUILD COURT New and appropriate aeeuery, an augmented orcbeitrn and a powerful caat. Muaette, "Little Bright Even"..... Lotta Sir Hugh Tracy, tbe Sled Knight J. W. Carroll Adnlaute ibi* original cbaracteri I'. A. Amluitru Win. A. Hokua. a bud about to Uloeaoiu Tbotnoa U Initio Squire Hokua, who believe* In 111* wife T. E. Morria Timothy lltua, aomewbat uncertain auii Oe ctuedly uiipitaaatit Belril Ryan Pb.lip D'Arcv, a man of fair wordt W. J. t'ogtwell Maud, an exolie anionic wild Ituwera Annie Ediuonaou Angela D'Arcy. a llrin believer In beraelf Sara Steven* belinda Hokua. with whom duty la law.Mr*. D. B. Vanduaau Act I. ? I be Home of the Uypale*. Act It.?Rainbow Full*. Art 111.?Parlor in Redmond Hall, seata on aalu at tbe principal botelt and at tba theatre. NOVELTY THEATRE. 622 BROADWAY, 02t COLONEL WM. E. SINN Manager ADMISSION, 19c,, 294.. 90c., 79c. and SI. MA UN EES, I Sc.. 29c. and 9Dc. MAIINKK THANKSGIVING DAY. I ALSO WEDNESDAY AM) SATURDAY. Mr. ALF BURNETT, tbe Great American Huinorlat, and the talented Come dienne, MRe HELEN NASH In tbo great Comic Sketch, MR. AND MRS. CAUDLE AT HOME. Firat appearauce of the groat European celebrlllei, the 3 LEOTARD BROTHERS. J The ci arming B* India!, mi?* marie wuirriNuiiAM. SCANLON and CitONIN, S. D. BOND. lrl?h Ecee ntrlca. Mualcal Expert. WEAVER and LAWTON. JAMES McKEK. Negro Uomediaue. Comic Vocallat. SAM DKVERE, the fevorite of all, the Bote. THE AINSLEYs, CHARLES ARIZONA, In Song und Danee. Modern Sampaou. mi** Lulu dklmay. mi** makiun taylor, with the Dramatic Company, In thu Thrilling Drama, entitled lloMe. AGAIN; OR. 1 ME SAILOR'S RETURN. A g, | DON'T FORGET THE MATINEES, ! WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, SaTUKDa^ WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY, SArt/UDAY. WEDNKsDAY. THURSDAY. SATURDAY. GRAND HOLIDAY MATINEE THANKSGIVING DAY, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3D. Paris!k.s valutas IlUTI1 t,T- AND bkoadwaV ' TKMPLK*OF SENSATIONAL ART. K veil in ir lit h. .VI lit i nee Tuesday, Iht:r?d*y und Saturday wt 'J. Grand Malineu Thuukiigiviiitf !>*> "t U. 18 act*. Fun iur hour*. (>reuto?t Company in America. Lou don jilau -Half pries altar 4 utid lit* M. &U?h Irene Mtirdock, The kiiierMiut J Mphct in Search ol a Father. Paatiuiea on the Levee. Haiulvl v?. hip Nun Wiuklc. *!."? for a lied. Suit Sn.ip. Frit* an?l I .una. Artist*' Trotibiaa. Goitii to the Centennial. Living Piciurea by 'iU beautiful Jdodel*. Jennie und liollie; The lie FurruMs. Frank and Judu; 11 aw ley and Noon, tenor Carded a. Lew Spuncer, 11 orate VVeiltni, Georae Atkins, Charles P. Senbert, . Mi.i Minnie Hail, M ihi liliinclie Libert*, | VIImm Alice liirnrd. Liixie Tlnnelte, I Maud Leialt. 1 Luinm Wvaton Sudle ICol tiiii. I Li**ie Lowrey, I and twenty other*. ~ sTiilNVVAy iialE E' hie triumph of art, A* Mil IK KSslPOFK, the lllu.trtiiu* l'Uni*t?. Ilerlan week tbut on.) in New York. MONDAY EVEN ING. November 27, NINTH CONCERT. An .vt niug with the Poet of tb. I'lanj, CHOPIN. CHOPIN. CHOPIN. CIIOPlN. Mins ANNETT E ESSIPOFF will p *y BALLADE, BERCEUSE, POLONAISE, mazurka. ETUDE, NOCTURNE, tarantkllb. Flral Joint appearance ot Mute ANNETTE ESSIPOFF and M, VIVIEN in a Graud Duel lor Piano and Violin. AdmWIirn. ONE DOLLAR. Reserved Scat*. SI 9,'). At Srhiiberth'*, Sleinw iv'a nnd lit ?ud 1,164 Broadway. WEDNESDAY EVENING?HKBfHOVfcN NIGHT, IT KLLY A LEON'S MINSTRELS. I OPERA HOUSE EhLLY A LEON'S MINSTRELS. I 2M*t iml ?th av. VI'IIK PARLOR HOME of MINSTRELSY.*,* lititir. change of bill. Brilliant programme. Lucrriin <r> ^Mutual Sketch. Borgia. I THE ONLY I.EON I Zopehlla Cblng Chow HI. I AS HOIflll >. | Lmrvtla Clinic Cliow III. *> <t> Borgia. REGULAR MATINEES commence SATURDAY, De. cenioer 2. special Matinee 'I hunkngtvlug Dev. nt *2 o'clock Hox olliro open dally from It A M. to ID P. M. AKGYLE HgOMS. AR'.YLK BOOMS. ijTH A v. AND WITH SI BRILLIANT TKKPISCHoRKAN 'MEKTAINMBNT. ONLY PLACE Of AMUSEMENT OF THE KIND IN THE CITY. OPEN EVERY NltJIIT. COMMK.NCl.Ntf AT It O'CLOCK, ENTRANCE ON WITH ST. Ballet: balleti ballkti Manatcr'a etna, Ulfnplr I licatre. 624 Broadway, New A oik. - Wanted lor a long bullet <u-a?on a full and conipictn Bullet Troupe. Firat oluua Uorypltroa. Mr-t, aecoml, t.'nrd and foorib Due Dancing Ludln*. inuat be young and umlar atnnd thrtr bualnee>. Apply at tba Manager * office, Olympic Theatre, Tueadav neat, November 2s. oetweau lb. bout* ul land 4 o'clock P. M.. or by latter to WILLIAM K SINN, (tA/l WORTH OF CHOICEST BONOS FOR S2 flG. ?UTv/"Wcrtd of Song." tin* .lay )>ubllah.d, contaioa nearly HX) auiig* and ballad*, all ol which are gam* and lb. moat popular of ill. day. 21* pag.a lull mu?lc ala*. A mar vel oi neauty. clienpuaa* an.l elegance. Price S2 90, tent postpaid. IHTSON <t CO.. 711 Broadway, New York, and .22 Clierttiiit at.. I'liiladelplila. ? GENTLEMAN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. ?pejUU.with nbi'va amount, aa tbe treaaurer for tuler** Jubilee atngera, Adureae UaRDIMG, ?W7), Broadway. AMV8KMKWTH. irfi aVKN&'fi theater. 5 M rpilANKHGlYINU DAY. ATI N EE. S YOU LIKK IT. fTTH AVENUE TIlKATKE. ul Proprietor nail Mauifer Mr. AUUUSTIN DALY. BRILLIANT SUCCESS OF THE OLD COMEDY SEASON. EVERY NIGHT TUI9 WEEK. Mr. DALY'S SUMPTUOUSSI! aKKSPEHIa.N REVIVAL ol AH YOU LIKE IT. Mtu davenport i Mr. cogulan* ... at ROSALIND. I ORLANDO. Mr. William castle . with ilia Original Souk*. Mr CliAULKs KIMIKK a* .Ui|ur? Mr. WILI.IaM DAVIDUE nt I ouch.tniin! Vits JEKKUK Y8-L*-WM aa Cvlla. III.. SYDNEY CoWELL at Audrey, Mlta MAY >1 I N HK at Plm-bo AS YOU LIRE IT M ATI N hK TH ANKSGIVING DAY, ?it a ..'ci'Hjfc, LAST AS YOU I.IKE IT MATINEE. SATURDAY. December a, at hall-past I. TUESDAY EVKMNU, December ... alter months af elaborate preparation, a SUMPTUOUS REVIVAL ol Ilia celebrated I'riiice ol Welea Veratou ol SHERIDAN'S M*u ual of English Coined*. the Sl'llllOL SDK SCANDAL, with Mr rOOl! I.AN at CHARLES -UKTACK (aa played bv it? in tOG ii|Hits in I.oiiiIoiii. and with Mlta DaVEM'OR'I in lier Miperb iicrsoniilou ol I.AliV TEAZLE, and a fur lliei CAS I Or UNPRECEDENTED K 'KCE. Including Mr JOHN BROUGHAM. Mr WILI.IAM CaSI'LE, Mr CIIAIILKS KIHIIKK, Mr Ja.MKH LEWIS. Mr. WILLIAM DAVIUGH. Mlta JEFFREYS-LEWIS, Mlta GfcoKGIK DREW, Mr?. K II. GILBERT, Mitt MAKY WELLS and Mr. I>. II. IIAKKINS. who will make hla Drat appearance Ibta teatoit ?? JOSEPH M KNACK. CTH AVENUE Till. AT,.K ~~ u 'atinkkUp """* M' Y'S VOU LIKE IT. rpHANMSUIVINO DAY. UN ION syOARE I IIKATRK. Propria tor Mr. SlIEIUDAN SIIOOE Manager Mr. A. M. PALMER Begins at 8; over at 10:5u. Saturday Matlnea at I :30. Erary nlgbt, except Saturday, antl at tho Saturday Matlnaat will be given ibe runrvu.tuua Drauia, MISS MULTON, every repreaentatlua of wbleh thus far has bssa wit netted by a CROWDED AND ENTHUSIASTIC AUDIENCE. Characters by Mlaa Clara Mnrrin. Mlta Sara .lewalt, Mrs Marls Wilkltta. Miaa IIIJou Heron, Mlaa Luults Hylveatwr. Mlaa Mabel Leonard. .Miaa Helen V'lneeut, .Mr. James O'NIvi Mr. J. II. Mndilart acd Mr. .lobii Paraelle OATUKDAY. SECOND MATINEE OK O AT 1 JO. ?? MISS MULTON. (SATURDAY, U'HOTU ?3 AT PERFORMANCE HERE OP H. THE TWO ORPHANS. IMlANKSGlVIMi DAY-AT 130. EXTRA MATINEE OP Tli It TWO llliril AN'S. TilANKSUIVINtr NIGHT, AT s-MISR MULTON. J^YCKUM THEATRE?UTII ST. AND UTH AV. EYEKY NIGHT THIS WEEK, EDWIN BOOTH ?a RKRTPCOICL THE JF.RTER, lu Tom Taylor'Gpoarerful Drama, TIIK POOL'S REVENGE. THURSDAY, THANKSGIVING MATINEE AT 1 :30 P. M. TIIK LADY OK LYONS. EDWIN BOOTH ? a CLAUDE MELNOITI SATURDAY. MATl KB. IIKL'KMBKK 3. THE S RANGER. EDWIN BOOTH . . . aa TIIE STRANOEB SECURE YOI'K SEATS AT THE THEATRE. > No aperiiiatnra allowed about tlda theatre. Our next production, KING RICHARD II. mOMY PASTOR'S N S V TUBA JUL. A MAMMOTH Alllt \Y OP ARTISTS. Commencing tills (MONDAY) EVENING. NOVEMBER 37. During its week and at the ^ 3 MATINEES 3 the great Comedian. BOH HART. (he baatuitul lady Acrobats. THE CLAIRE SISTERS; the talented Duo Terpalchtrean Artists. THE PKASLKYK. JOHN and LKAII: the gilled Italian Canton lee. MISS BLANCHE CDKElLI ; the vertatils Comedian. C.iaractar Vocalist, instrumental 1st and Daucar. MR. DICK RALPH; the greet Scotch Highland Sword Deueer. . MR. JAMES KENNEDY; the b'.ralar and Irre.istlbly funnr Irlih Coaale, TIIE O'BRIEN BROTHERS, ^ TONY I'ASTOK and hi* lamons troupe of stars in connection with the above attractive artists. OUS WILLI A Mn. BRO'lHERS WILKINSON, the laiiioue boy* nj Unilinear MR. WILLIAM CoUKTRIUUT, the original Pluwy Kiewy Tb* Artistic Delineator or the old Sontbarn Darky, MR. llAKltt WOODSON. KECOLLBCr, 3 MATINEES THIS WEEK. REGULAR MATINEE, TUESDAY. EXTRA. MATINEE. THURSDAY (THANKSGIVING DAY), and the REGULAR MATINEE. FRIDAY. All the great stare will appear tt tha 3 matinr i Reserved seats now for sale for THANKSGIVING MATINEE. BO A' Kit V THEATRE. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2T, Graud production of tbo great Southern ruinaooe, IIDK OF LIKE, with brilliant ncenory aud powerful mechanical rife eta. Aleo Duucaui' cclu'iraled OLD DOMINION SLaVK 'IKOUPK and 100 colore" KM*, wouicii and children. TlIIEO. r 11OMAS' tiY.ilT'lllINVOliNUERTS, "" at STEINWaY HALL. WKDM-SDAY AFTERNOON, November 20. at 1 SECOND FILL PUBLIC REHEARSAL. NOTICE.? I liar, kigl vlng Dny being appointed tor Tbura day, November :*J, the Public Reheanal for tbe Second Symphony Concert, advrrtlaod to take place on that day, will be given tbe day previous, WEDNESDAY, No vent bet SECOND SYMPHONY CONCERT, On SATURDAY EVENING, December 2, at & Solo.ete: Mine. KKMlNtA KCDKksDOKF. Soprano. Mr. H. A. B1SC1IOKK. Tenor. OVERTURE-Scberao. Finale, op. 52. Scbumana VuKSPlKL?(ioelterdaommerung M agncr St MPilON V No. 4 in B Hat major, op tkj Beethoven Tbe sale of tickets for bota tbe Public Uebaareale and St mpbony Cuucerti will commence tliia morning at tbe bos office ul Steluway llall. at E. Scliuberth'a, 23 Union eqaars, and 111 Broadway. AilKULK.v TIYOLI THEATRE, ' ~" sth at., between 2d and 3d art. AMERICA'S OWN MUSICAL PALACE. TUIS WEEK. Orand Hal lei and Variety Troops. Cecil Lo Compto and family Wentwortb. Admieeinu, 2b ceule. Saturday Matinee, 13 cent* C MUCKERING IIAldk ) TUESDAY EVEN I NO. NOVEMBER 28, R. J Dh CORDOVA, dabject?"OUR NEW CLERGYMAN." 'Iickete et l'ond't, 2U Union >quare. fPUE LAI EST NEWS FIRST. 1 SUHSCKIBK FOR THE KVEMNO TELEGRAM. ONE MONTH, 50C. . SIX MONTHS, <3 50; ONE YE iK, DAILY CIRCULATION, OVER .'O.OOO. ADVERIISINO. .DC. A LINK OFFICE, 2 ANN 8*. tS TE1NWAY IIALL. NEW YORK MOZART CLUB SECOND GRAND CHAMBER CONCERT, I?KXING, NOVKMHKIt 28. TUESDAY Full particular! and programme in to-morrow morning'! paper!. J^ILLIARDS. OEI.ANEY'S National Grand Tournament. 91,500 ll lour caab prDea. A A> 0 Billiard Table to the player tusk Inn tbe beet general average at Tamurauy Hall. MONDAY at 3 P. JU ,1. Dion vs. O. Slates*. Evening at 8. M. Dalj v* A. P. Kudoipbe; A. Garmer ra J. Sbaefar. Ladiee, accomnauled by gentlemen, admitted free. Admiaaloa. .Vicente. Iteeerved icnin, 91. N'KW AMERICAN' MUSEUM, lui BOWERY, NEAR uraud et. -I0.UUJ living and etlier curiositlca. Exhibi tion! from ID A. M. to 10 I. M. Ticket! 13 ceuie. New music for Christmas, ibto.-"CALM on the Llatcuiiig Enrol Night " CLn-imn? hymn in aiitbeua lorm. with mi.o, lloluen, W >c , "Now When Jeeue wan Born," anthem, with aolua. i|uariette and ckeraa, Jnooby. 71?o.| ".-teeel Bale- ul Bethlehem." anthem, with aoloa, quartette and ciiorna, George Wot. Warren, .iOc.; Te Drum. G W. Morgan, ti 23, "Sweet Charily" (olfertory lor MiDrauo and Kit"). Warren, tOe . near and heautirul carets by Motunlbal, W arrea and othera; conlt! stalled. W M. A. POND k CO., 5S7 Htnndway and SS Cutou nquare, New York. SACHE'S solkkKB?Masonic hall, ih east GHIi, next I neiday, BRUNSWICK H ALL. 3h Watt 33d, 'I II AN KSGl VING night. DANCING Irom l? until S. CX RAND FENCING EXHIBITION. -tMlRCO-KON AN r A renting. Holing ami Gymnaitic Kxerctaei. arranged h< Pruhitor L. rrieilrlch. at New Yora turner Hall. *H, tirt Eait Slh it . on Tueeday eveuing. Nor ember 2S, 8 u'eloCS. CI K?*i.-RECEPTION I'ARLOR, AROYLK SHADOW /?"Daaianle," ti-nlgnt, rain or III ne. GOOD CUKEH. Pklltdelshla Amuupmenia. ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN. KAIKMOUNT PARK. IMIIL. phla ?Open daily. A large collection of llelnt wild beaita. blrdt and reptile!. Admiaainn, 25c. ; children, lUe. if I MA LEY'S A1.IIA.MBKA PA I.AC I ~" (V Inauguration of the Winter Beaton, Monday, No*. 27. every rreniug and Saloniay Matlnen, a/URINK: OR, VOYAGE To TUK EARTU. KW NATIONAL TBKAl'llK. PHILADELPHIA. THE PEERLESS MOnLACCllI in L'RriPIONNR FKANCAlSE. Kverytbln* new. Saturday Matinee at 2. w WANTED TO PPBCilAti. ANYkD-OFPICE 'pARTfrloN, riMt Ion*. Inquire 333 Broadway, eecond 8net>