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OTUATIOira W A \TF.D?PEMAIiFS. ClK)k?. iWr. IB. EAST 55TII ST., CORNER 5TI1 AT. (PRESENT KM plover'.),?A? Cnt rlin rook; uuderatauds her business thoroughly; uest city ro erence. ?>.> WEST 171'M >r. - as COMPET I M ?X>OK; WILL ? ? ? i??ist with ihe washing; well recommended by promt employer. A 'i EAST 5:D Vr.-A KKHPI- CTABLK WOMAN lOu good cook end to assist in washing; city or country. ~|t WEST I2TII ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYEE'S).?A T Tresprcluble women ee (rood rook end leuudreee; w illing end obliging. Cell between 10 end 12. (? 1 WEST ?4TH BT.-a KKSPKOTAHLB GIRL AS I 'Ironic, wmiirr end irouer in e privets Ininily; no objec tion to the country. (?(1 CARMINE ST.." ROOM 5.?A KKSPhCTAHl.E U t/roung women e? good plain cook, ?e.her end ironer end assist in general housework. C?e? HORATIO ST. If ANDY STORE).-A KESPHCTA ? '-ahlrrlrl as C""k (good beker) in u re.pecieble temtlv; no Objection to coerce vvevblng. t.'eli or address for two dev.. ? JANE ST.?A YOLXU GIRL AS COOK AND TO 'assist ill wushiug; good city reference from leet piece. 1||7 VTKST ISl'l) si 1 s: NT EMPLOYER'S)]?A J." I ri-vpecleble girl n. good c'ok, linker end leuudreee; would do h ti.ework; le neat, careful end obliging. Cell from B till 2 o'clock. I -WEST~ 1NTH 81-A !;KS I'Ef'lA I ILK WOMAN Jue good cook and to do coarse washing; city reier 9( 109 12 1'H ) Worth ST. ?As DINNER OR ORDER COOK IN ^ '' i ti est class restaurant or hot id; has a tliorough knowledge of tlie business: can take entire charge; cuu cut up meat* If rr'iuired; best city reference. ) WEST 2 U'll sr. Si CO.ND BELL).?A YOt'.N'U ?iMfirl as plain cock, wa.lier ani irimer ; good i eleteuce. 1?>v> V,"I ST lyTU sT. -A YOUNG WOMAN AS COOK, ?jOwn?her ntid irouer; be.l city references. Call Mon de} and Tuesday. !?>"? wkstbbd ST, BASEMENT, back boom.? 1 ?TAs cook, wmtier sgd ironer; city or country; beet city reference. _ ] < 1BKh> WH H AAV?A KKSPECTABLE OIKL !_?/** plain cook; a gaol washer end irouer; city or ruiuitry, 1?>( t W~KST }r?rH~iST.. IN THE STOKE ?A PRO!F.S" sM'lsnt woman as cook, wasner end Ironer in a ?mall private family ; understands all kinds ol cooking; best city re l e re nee. 0~\TKH T I9TH ST.?AN EXPKKIKNCED WO MAS ?''ejus tirst c Iumb cook; i* an excellent baker; best city 140 144 NVHST MIST ST.?AS FIRST CLASS COOK; rouiU ttiiin in washing: good city retereucc. ?VLST to t li ST.?A YOUNG COLORED woman n* first dust cook ; good reference. | ? Q W EST 27TH* BT., BBTWBKS ??U AND 7TH 1*1 </i?vs.- A very comp tent Protestant woman as cook; qo objection to .tHHitt with the washing: best city reference. 1 Uil K,\si :i? m >TK".\i;, \tnvi:. pltoT 1 v/V/eitJint young woman in good cook : will HBsist with washing, willing and obliging: all cards answered. iU |O ."ART otiTII~S1\ ?? A WhMAN AS COOK AM) TO housework: has a child two years old; city or rountrv. , 211 EAST 4UTH Si., THIRD FLOOR.?A SWEDISH conk. ??n WEST 29TH ST., FRONT BASEMENT.?A COM ?< 1 xpetent woman to cook, wash and iron ; is a good baker; city reterence. olo "?v E NT-85T11 ST. ? A YOUNG (UllL AS COOK; JL LgJwilllng to assist with washing; city or country; best city relerenee. 9'JD T."A ST 45TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE WO MA N ?j? )Oas ciHik. washer and ironer; go al rofcreuco; u young kirl to do light housework or take enre el children. 9i)o~KAsr~Sf5""8T.--A COMPETENT WOMAN AS sJ ? v first class cook; French. English or Orrinan style: c ii ink- fnll clmrge of a kitchen in a hotel, club house or large boarding house . no objection to the country; unexecp. tionaldo rolcrence. Call lor two days. 9 9( k~CHK Y ST I bbt: - a ~o bum a n FIRST ?' ? ''/class cook and to assist in washing and ironing; good reference. ')'/ | EA>T A4TII ST.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS Too I plain cook, washer and ironer; good reference. 0*35 BAST I2TN 8T.-iA8 QUOD COOK; CAS IB *J?'(_se?n at present employer's. ')J. ~i WEST 171'H ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN fci"x?'ascook and to assist with washing and ironing; >esi city references. *> 17 WKSI rt!SI' sr. AS first 'class COOK; b't 1 will lake lull charge of the kitchen If required. Can le seen lor two days at last employer's. 9AW W,:sT :'"nl ST-?A RESPECT ABLE YOI'NG I a xAJwoinan as good plain cook, washor and lruuer; Ighly recomnienileii. 9 "7 west -.(.in st. ?a voi Nii V;i::l as" good ' I plain conk and laundress ; best city reference. 318 I?- i-irtf i ?- i 1 i t iii,, e>r,\j\j^u r LUUn, uAulv.?A 'respectable girl u< good cook nuil excellent wusher ftml ironr: city or country; unod citv rolerence. tfj sj SoTT si.. NEAR BLEECKBR A PBOTBMTANT OX( 'woman its com! pin!ii cook ; Hrst rate wasncr una iron er; good and biscuit maker; boat city reference. tast aarh iht~jkwxsh gkumXv"girl na ci'uk. or to do general housework ; no postal cards. Ol Q KAST 27TH ST. A PROTESTANT WOMAN T(? *Xi C/take charge of cooking; cannot be excelled in Freucli and all new stylo* of cooking: dinners served (flr parties in tlio neatest manner; ptilet homo; wages reasonable; 30 years' experience; references from tlio lirst families. OOU EAST .V'lT ST.?A GIRL as oookTwasher OujOand lroncr in a private city family; best city refer ence 328 330 332 KAST 36TH ST.?A RE8P EOT A KI>R UIRL TO cook, wash and irun in u small family. EAST frtiTII ST.-AN ENGLISH WOMAN AS cook; best city references. KAST 89TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS cook or order cook. Of 1 KAST 87TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN 0"TAasgond plain cook, washer and ironor; no objection to a short distance in the country; pood reference. ? > tVfw ST ?b~8T:-AH~rOOK: UNDERSTANDS OHb''soaps, meats, game, desserts; is an oxcclletit baker; host city reference. 0,-(| WEST b'STH ST.?A"YOUNG WOMAN AS COOK OfJUill a private family; beet city relerence. 3( OOO KAST 1DT11 ST.?A RESPECTABLE I'ltOT 0'l?ci?nt woman n? good plain cook; wllliug to do the ooarse washing: heat city reference. 7?i I HAsriT Tifsr. - a Vouno woman as good T?jleni.k and baker; also lauudrosa; city referenco. Call Tor two days. to- in av. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'*!.?A RIL TO'.Jspectable woman as first class cook; can be highly recommended. j 71 7111 AV,' Till' FliOOR.?A RKSPKCTAHLK i i [ colored woman as flret class cook or luaudress; city or country, Call or address. (T/\l) WEST it:!!ST.?A YOUNG GIRL AS UOOiCT a )l I swasher hloi Ir .per, or to do general cbamberwurk in a small private fiiinllv; pood reference. C1U GRAND ST.?AN ENGLISH PHOTE8TAXTGIRL t) 11 to cook, wash and Iron ; pood city reference. aD \?. . OORMKE "D ST.-a RKSf! OTA RLE ? )| i woman as cook, washer aud ironer; excellent cook; If -oil city reference from last oiaco. (i/ifj ;!ll \V.--AYOlNU WO* VN AS GOOD COOK O V/1'and laundress in a private family ; city rafurence. ( hntiiix'i'iiiuitla. Ac. 0 K ASf MTil ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).?A RE f si ocia e Protestant girl as chambermaid and wuitre-s or t<> lake euro of children and do plain suwinir; three years' re Ice nee. | ?> . 1ST Sb ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL 1chainliermaid mid wallress; will assist with waahing; pood city retereiice*. i) I PRIM E sir.T-REAR.?A PRtlTKSTANT GIRL In-, i humberitiiilil or to do lljilit heuscwnrk, or to take care of children ; rolerence. o.y WEST 17111 ST.-AH EXCELLENT WAITRESS ?7 ?or chnmiieriiisid nnd seamstress; nnderttaiule dress inultlugj poo i recommendation* from preseLt employer. ? WEST I Hi ST.. P \ lil.Oli FLOOR. v HKSPKCT ) able col red glr as chamburnaid or child's mirso in a private family; can do plain sewing; i< will Inyc mid obliging; lest eiiy refereine. idill for two days., I - oi l K\ A REMPKCTABLE. TRtTSTWORTEY r 4 young woman todoelistnherwork nnd fine washing: le a III >t class laiindr.-sH; best city rclcrcnce. oVa nil! A V.?"a M<>> I' KKsl'kciAlii'.K I. N..!. i - II Qv) Protestant person as chambermaid and waitress ; one well accustomed to cliamberworn an! wait Inn In the best Americnn larallln: good reference, city and country. Call an or address AN NIK. . CORNER 5TII ST.-A GERMAN OIhL~A8 ? I chambermaid In an American family. iiti bart ami st. (Present rmpuiykk'S)?a ll'TmiifctsMs Protestant young woman as chamber rnald. Call lor two days. n~i~ WhSI Iiini ST.." FRENCH LAUNDRY?a KE 4 spcctalde girl as vbamhermaid and waitress; willing to assist with tlio WKS.lin r anil ironing; citv relerence. MAC!nolT(tAIi SI'.-AS CMAMBK~KMAID AND waitress or to do light housework. I.ii west fifli st?a young Woman ahcham I ermald and waitress in a private family; best city reference-. ?ft)/'last srii sr." fourth hull.?a young l^SOtierman mil to do chamber work mil take care of iblldreii; is capalile ol teaclnilit young children end wmnd make herself generully ueelui. Inquire lor two daye: city reference. _ ___ 1 .) 7 WI..-I 1711! .-r. (RING STABLE DOOR BELL).? J I \ youax American girl a. vliauibeimaid and wait ress ; best city reference. 1~o7\ ~WKsT i'tTlf ST.?A vol NG i.IHL AS OHaM t)Uhern:eid and laundress in a boarding honse or hotel; city reference. I??~j WEST lafil" ST.. R.AH.-A YOING WOMAN ?J-Ta? elimnliermatd end waitress or do housework In a private family ; v.-ry i est city relerence. -i | n' WEST BIST SI'.?A YOI'NO WOMAN AS CIIAM X'rUbrrniAld aud waitress; city or country; best reler ence. ! \sl 17I'll ST. A Yl/IJNU WOMAN AS CIIAM ^ ) .i rmald and laundress. 177 15 Oilfl KA.-.T lf.rn ST.?A VOl'NU OIKX AS cii VM [i 'berinsld anil waitre-s; would asal?t with washing , B | Ironing il re |tttrcd; good city reference Irom last piece. jwt a Wlis 1' :tkl> ST.-A RKSPKCTABt.E GIRL. AS F'xilist claeeohambrriunld anil waitress; willing to as est ?ith washing nnd Ironing; lest reiereute Ol U WFST IT'lll ST.-A RKdPKtif A BLE SCOTCH jL 1 Ogirl as chambermaid and nurse; tio objection to the t unity ; good reference. y \ I ill' T. a HIGHLY KRHPK?'TABLE '. j | iri to do tliamberw.irk und tewing; undcrstauds lislrdiessiiig; highest rofercuco^ F.a-T MTtl ST., FIRST FLOOR.-A RK.Nl'P.t T it ) I able Ku. person as maid and seamstress or Cham be > in aid and seamstress. )n WF.HT 37III SI'.. IN THK UUOt'KRY BTORR.? >)'/\ young w inntj as cliamherniaid aud waitress; boarding house prelerieii; gooil refertnen. 2. , WKhT :t mi ?t\ \ TOI : if WOM \N AH 'X db Cham liermaid and waitress or as nnrse and seam ?Utress; IW* >??r" t, a n EAST #TH ST.-OIBL AS CHAMBERMAID J, i I and objection to a private hoarding ]toia*e? r, nr wkht sOth ht.-an ACIIVK. obliging Osiri as chambermaid and waitress In a private faui il^ ; would aesLt with the washlug and ironing; best eity refers ueax IITUATIOIH WISTKD-PRMALKH. ('hitn>lwrmui(U. >V.r QFi) WK-T 3'TU .?T.. IS THK STOKE.-A ?K -?*)._*nreiaMo frotdlnl girl a* chambermaid at d wait ress; wlUii| to Mia ?Hk vtihliur or do willing and obliging; go id reference. ("all fcr two dats. EA 1' 33D SI'- ? A MHN.i A MURK-At GIRL OUOto uo upstairs work 10 a small pri.aie fsmily i?'?w? i-..v.-r 2&TM .sf~?A iitPKOTAMil YOU NO tJ-jV/i.ttl a? chambermaid and waitress, or would with any work inquired; williug un.1 obliging; good refer Mce. _ ! AST 5j[? ST.?AH CHAMBERMAID. ADORES* ?JOCt ' AST s.'D sr.?i O-i0t!HUMAN I.IKL. WEST I7TH 8T.-A YOUNG 0ISI< TO DO OOochaiuberwork and waiting or housework in a private lamily KDKKiKK Sl'7?AN AMI'.ltTOAN GIRL AS cbatnlie-maid and seamstress. t'nll for two days. 344 ?)-/? WEST 48C ST.-A YOUNG GERMAN GIRL AS O'/U -lun eimaid and waitress or 10 insist In taking earn of a child; good city relerenee. Call lor t * o days. 1 1C 7T1I AY!. BETWEEN 3C. II AND 3.VTH STR? TL""xOa respectab'.- young 1 ilgliill III >? Pheeibel MMliI en I waitress In a private I innly wilting to make herself generally uselul, l ost city reference from last place. A QO 1ST AV.. THI KI> Kl.OOIt. Klfi'NT?A YOI NO ' LO' "woman us chambermaid an I laundress; foul years' city rtlsrwM from lust placn. Can be seen tor two days r v/q~west .OTH kt7-T itn.-rK r a it i k young rJrlOglrl as cliamhi-rniaid and waitress; is willing and anllging; eight years' heat city reference trout Uur last place. Can he teen for two days. QflA 5fH AY., ~NHAH SfiT 11 ST.. hTrSI KU'OK-A Ov's'respectable girl a* chambermaid and walliess, three years' rolureiico. Q(I I (I A\7-X YUk'KU CURL TO DO ClIAlllMMts Oi/Twork or light housework, or to take care of children i no objection to the country. IfSZpi SOAV., NEAR H,vr II 1' I It ST KI.OOll.-A ? Ul-fOrespectableyoung girl as chambermaid and wait ress. >r would do general housework in a small private family Call on Monday. AN AMERICAN l.IKI. l.N A CiilOS'i lAN Tamii.y to do chsmherwork and lamily sewing; is thoroughly competent: can operate on it heeler .v w ilsmi's machine; llrst Class city reietuuees. AddrcssO. U., Uerald L ptown liranch uflieo. iiiTssinal.ers unci Svuinstressrs. TO EAST 12TH ST.?A KlttST CLASS !? BENCH Asjilressiuaker. good cutter and titter, by the day; good city reference. Address FRENCH DRESSMAKER. 1 f ??} WEST -iSfir ST (SECOND HEEE).?A COM. XUOpetent dressmaker by the day, to work at home or . o out; good litter and trimmer; terms low ; bent reference. Call or address. 1I?7 WEST _?!ITH ST.?AS SEAMSTI!KSS, TO CoTTFt 1U | by the day; understands dressmaking and machlue; (1 per day. 97l - W EST ;ilTH ST., TWO KUU11T8,FRONT /mom.? A llrst class seamstress and dressmaker would go out by the day or week; is a good operator; good references. oi u"EAsfaTru sr.?asseamstressand dues? ahflUinaker, work at homo or will go out by the day. Call on in' address Mrs K, D. fli.ti) 6TH AV., BETWEEN-!UTH AND 19tH s*rS.. wJ-iwln the hair siore.?A well educated young Caiman as seamstress or lady's maid: is capable of Uiefsiiiaking and tine lowing by hand or machine. 9 J S~BaST 8JST ST?COMPUTER* DRBASMaKKR, ^ft'Odesignor of fashions, cutilng and tilting in nil hrauoiics, also a good operator, wishes engagemenis by the day. Address L. KONHY. 9 I/? HAST a:.Til ST. ROOM 4.?AS FIRST CLA83 aji sjfiimiiy seamstress and dressmaker and operator on different machines; would assist with any oilier work; willing and obliging. Cull or address for two day s. " 0~M AUESON Xv.-Dlf lt'sS.M AKTXir AT Q?S? ^jOboui.s. Call on or address DllKSsM Al<Hit. 079" WEST" 1JTII Vt.?a GERMAN OIBL ?TO DO OI -Jsewlng or to t ike faro of one or two children or to do second work. Call or address. dill AT 11 AV.?A K1K.ST GLASS C0TTKM, FITTER XUXand dosiguer will go n^t by the day. I(\9 TTll AV.." BETWEEN IhTHAND 87TH 8T8L *Xt/-Jsecoud floor, front.?As ooinpeluat seamstress and dressmaker; is a good operator. fWlQ 8TH AY.. I* THK 8TQSB.?A TBIY COX ?i O rjpetent vt'otnau at fautity seamstress mid operator: can do all kinds of family sewing, geuilemon's and ladies' 11 derclotliing, children's dresses, embroidery and dress makers' finishing ; has her own machine : city relercocc. IX K U BKOADWa Y.?A VOL' HQ AMR ? J GAH t lilill ? OUOas first class seamstress and chambermaid; city reference. Call lor two days. A LADY WHO T ilOKODUHLY INDKBsTANDH dressmaking and millinery would like to make arrange, incuts with some good family to work for thein a part of each week lor her hoard, or would go out by the day at mod erate price: best of rclorcuco given. Address 11. la, Eagle oltlce, Brooklyn. General llonsetrnrlt. die. oq EAST 1ST sr., TII1UD FLOOR.?A HESPECT OrJahlu Herman girl to do general housework in a small Ainurican lamily; good lamily. A A~~i' 1KE 81".-A" KE8PECTABLE WOMAN TO ?D0 Tt^thousework ; has a smart little girl with her, 12 years old; best reference. XkkOY~sr., BOOM A HK8PE0TABLE GK1L man girl to do general housework in a small lamily. 54 Q7 EAST .fit ST., ROOM 13.?A KK8PKCTABI K WO O ? man, who has broken up liar room, to do general house work; low wages. 07 CUM8T0PHEK ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL O i to du general housework; no objection to upstairs or chauiher work in a small family; best city reference if re quired. 7 |iO EAiFlcdD ST.?A YOUNG I.IiU, TO Do XYlOhousowork: Is a good plain cook, tirst rate washer and irouer; host city reference. 7 117 WEST~S!5Tlt ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNtl iv I girl to du genetnl housework; good cook, washer and ironer; best city reference. 77 - WEST lif f ft t>T.?A BK8PBCTABLB VTOMAN TO xXl/dn genoral housework; would make herecli uselul where there are children, as she understands sewing. 7 t?.. WEST SOTH 8T.-A YOCNU Wu.MAN To DO XadMigunerai housework; is a good washer and ironertbest city relerenco. 197 mulberry I oml housework. ST.?AYocNU UIUL TO DO ULN 1J.1 VVK8r 2>,TI1 -ST-. REAR.?A RESPECTABLE It J young girl to Mo general housework in a private raw By; pood city relercnee mWKST 50T11 ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG girl to do geueral homework in a private laiuily; pood city reference. I17 KAttr U18T 8T.-A KKSPKCTAbLK IViiUAN l'l I to do general housework in a small family ; best r?f ?rencea. Between i) and 5. I k(1 W K8T 2HTH ST. -TWO YOUN (T WO MEN TO~ IfO AC/Uihe work of a family; city or country; excellent city references. 1 nit EAST 3UTH ST.. NEAR iiD AV". SECOND iaJUflonr?Respectable woman for homework ; pood plain cook, waiber ami ironer, aud bread baker; pood city refer ence. ? 1CQ BAST MD ST., THIRD FLOOR.?A YOUNG XtrOwoniHii to do light housework ; ie a pood plain cook, w.i?her and ironer; noon city relcrence. Iro WKST 1ST 11 ST., RK Alt, KIRsT FLOOR.?A ? iOrenpectable young girl to do cencrat housenork; ia a pood wualier and Ironer: pood reference. MWKsr 27111 ST.- V FROTH T a.M' Wh '.i AN TO do liuiiaework in a auiall family; pood r. fere nee. 91 v> tYKSI' 17111 ST. ?A YOU NO lilitL TO Do tiEX* ^ housework; two years' ro:erenco. ttftO HA.-l 41ST sT.-A RKSPECTAMLK CURL TO !^lu general housework in a private family ; pood rel erettcea. Call lor two daya. 91 Lf Win BTIII ST., RA0KMKNT.?A GERMAN LUgirl to do general homework ; private laiuily only. 99 1 wbSt nvrif ST.. in tub itK.vit.?a young ^j.JT:glrl to do housework ; la a pood waalier and ironer and plain cook; pood city reference. 991 WKST TII ST.? I'D Do "(ili V Hit AL~IH FUSE Lwork in a auiall private laiuily ; city reference. 1)1)9 WILLIAM ST.. (MRS UEKTKItM -A HER. iinan girl to do general hmiaewoik and cliamberwork iu a private American lamily; heat city reference. 9 1 9 WHsr Tiorii st.. near 5th "a\7^a~ vol no ^Tiewmii n to do houaework In a am all family; city or country; pood reference 2 KASI .mI II ST.?A RESPECTABLE UJUL TO jrOdo genoral houaework; pood city reference. WEST 4:ill ST.?A OK ItM AN U1RLTO DO general houaework; reference. aim aV . REAR 34Tti ST. ?A "rKSPKi'T ABLE girl to do homework ; pood city reference. umo east both rear 5d w. (present km O'.'Oployer's).?A reaped able young von.ui to do pen eral homework. 267 288 ?J| W' EAST 4'}TU ST.-A YoV.Nl) OIRL, LATELY O* 'UUmtod. to do housewurk ; or would mind clnldrwu ; it willing And obliging. OOI \ KAST 25I'll 8T.,-*.A UI2Hl'K(M ABLE TO UNO O-jt'girl, notion.' in the country, to do gpnornl house work in o urn nil private lauiily ; low wn^es lor a good home; good reference. 327 32 r 1 333 33 girl to do general housework; city reference. u -1 39TH ST.?A JEWISH UlttL To~DO general houaework. K.xsr 48TH ST.? \ RES P ECT A BLR OIRL TO 'do houaework; heat city reference. east aisr st.-a respectable uIKL'to OcMo general homework; heat city leleronce. 97 1 2D A v.-A WILLINO AND oWutflNO OIRL ? il'rto do general housework; is a good washer and 451 /111 WEST H9TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE OIRL TO DO T: l-lgeneral housework, or as chambermaid and waitress. Cell or undress tor two days. 1 19 WEST SOTII 3T.. REAR, top floor-a ?xJ-Oyouiig woman to Co general housework in a small family : good reference. '1 WEST 1MTH ST ?A YOUNG OEKMAN PltOT estsnt girl to do general housework. 4 CJ WEST 27TH ST.-A YOUNU OIRL TO DO TO I general houaework; la a good cook, waaher and ironer; city or country; good reference. fLftlt WKST :?JD ST.?A OTIDY'. SMART OIRL, tJUUaged 17, to do general houaework in a-mall fain Iv. 791 WASHINGTON ST.?A STEADY OIRL TO DO I Cr J.general liousewnr,, ii. a small family; can wash and make up well: willing nnd obliging. Cull lor tiro it., v.. 1 197 2D AV.. THIRD FLOOR. HACK.-A RIv 1.1a.1 I -pectahlo young girl to do housework, conk, wash or Iron; city reference. A PROTECTANT UBRMAR OIRL TO DO GENERAL housework. Seen at her present employer's, after 1 o'clock P. M.J. Kiddle, pianoforte warerooms. Id Waverloy place, near Broadway. flnuaelterisvr*. <Ve EAST10fH ST-AN AMERICAN AS WORRINO liuusekecper; city or country. Call for tbrea day*. Lanntlreasea. Ah. 1 E.VsT S6TH ST.. CORNER 5TH AV. (PRESENT KM Iployer's .? As Drat class laundress, or would do chamber, work; best city reference. (WIDTH AV. A K'.-PECTABLK WOMAN TO <10 ? M "inn by tbe day waabing or cieauln^; good reference. Call lot two daya .1 WEST I NTH ST.?A KKSPKCTAHLK WOMAN _ ' Jas laaudress; andersieads her business tnereughly; olty telersnee. 198 JL09J SITUATIONS WANTKD?FKJUALEK. tiH UIUI?'l'%Mf<. (Wl . WEST 26TM ST, IIASF.MFNT.-A KKSI'KTTA I I' bl# coh>r*d w.?mau wDhe* gentlauietPi or families' \* aa<i ins ; 'Ml cvrm t<?$ 1 fi <k) 1 *)>) Wl&T~2flTH RT.?TnKsr HELL). A F1KST J?* wl*** lautuiie>s iL?-ir? s gemleitieu'*or family wa*.i Ing: inaivp;ion* Mo reference 1 K SI JSTIi ST.. NK.VH Mt) AV.?A PsESPHPTA. I." HlhU wooiitii %s (ir>t clans latin _ mdrvs in a private lain. ily; btit city reference from tier last pUce. 9(iO LAST 44TI1 ST., FlIiST FLOOR.-AH L.VUN* *j" fi <1r -ax by tb? d.iv or w-ok. or to il?? housoclontiing. w::sr p;ni sr-v uesi'Eltahlr woman ? Ot'to go out by the day washing, ironing or liou*u il caning. 313 K-^T ST.?AN EXPEIUKN<Ki> LA UK to do iatlin1 and gentteVkeii's wschifMr and Iron > *g by the wcok or dozen. ?'m1I on or addrekK Mr*. KEN* KaLLY. ?)?)9 KA8T:?2D ST. TWO FLIGHTS. HACK.-A RE ? ? spectsbla woman wl?!t(>i * family's wsshfag at her own S'liuenrt. or would go om by the ?lay: boat reference. G?JO EAST 34TII ST.. SI CONU FLOOR.?A KKSIM CT ? V/?jabln woman to go wit by th* day washing and iron I* not afrntd of work; 1* also a good cook; good city referer OOC WEST 40TU HI . ~a THOROUGH LAIN DHhSS OuUwiibei ladle*'. gen tie oneti'a or families' w;t?hirig. Aim COLLINS. OJ O WEST 38TH ST., SECOND FLOOR. HACK Ol Oro >m ?A woman t?? go out to do washing and iron ing or iitiy kind ol work by the day. 4(11 WEST itrrtf ST.?A KI?ST CLASS LAUNDRESS * "J wMiea to go out by the day to wa*U and iron; can flute and polish: boat refer one *. 429 East nth ST.?a RKSPBCTABLK WOMAN to <1 > umIiiih! ut home ; host nTarem. ROSE MORGAN. 454p4*8 AV'~AS ruwf CLASS LAUNDRESS rote stoat; best city references. cbamberw. rk; three 7 4 O 31) AV. CORNER 4?lTH ST?AS IT It ST CLASS "I ?lauudres*: would assist iu cb? years' best city reference. Q7'T 1SI' AV" * COOK.?A WIDOW. GOOD ?' i Ovnahtr umt rroner, wishes to tnke heme gentlemen's ami family washing; ttutlug perfectly dune. Cell or ad dress. 0-/? SO AY.?AS nffll CLASS LAf.VDRESS; 0?T* 'good city rclercnce. 1.023c 2D AV., NEAR 54TJI ST.. ROOM 11.?FIRST sclaes laundress wishes to go out by the day: retoreuccs. Nuvae*. Ar. Ct\ UNIVERSITY PLACE. NKtRUTIf ST.?A RE f v/ipectabb? young woman ai t <ia nnreery maid: niidprstard.i t tie car:' of children from their birth: or an ream.-t real and chambermaid: unexceptionable reference; nouo but tint clans families need answer. Call or addre*s. TOM KAST AOTIf ST.?A COMPETENT PROTESTANT JLZit/gfrl "fffrl n* nuiHO and sr>iim*tr?t8 ; thoroughly understand! the care oft ii fan ts: no objection to an invalid lady or to travel: willing and obliging; five year-* city reference. 1 G /J LAST I2TI1 ST.?A COMPETENT HAllY'S .ID' Inttrie; a botin* more than wages wanted; no objec tion to (A*ist with older children. Mr: west Avrti st . near broadway.?a re ? Lpectahlo young girl a* nurse and to assist in cham ber work; wilting and obliging. "Hi! KAST 48X11 ST- UINU SECOND BELL.?A .1" fjLlady desires a situation for a mod capable and treat worthy woman; ha* been in her employ as nurso and seam strcH* for the past eight years. Cau be soon . bet wet n 11 slid 3 o'clock. ' "If'Q WEST 10TH ST.?TWO FRENCH PERSONS. a"JOProtoitanti, newly urrl' cd; one as nurse, the other as lad' s uinid or tiurse Call on or address to-day ILL. tiRANDLIEN AIU>, French pastor * 227 237 WEST.3JST ST. -A >iONTIII,V SUMS OAK MB engngeil ImniPilintely; unexceptionable referenc s. WB8T I?H St.?A TOUKO WtOOW AS WET nnree. EAST 24TII ST.?A YOUNG OIRL AS Nl'HSB ij') I nu I plnln sewer; can tench l-nglish; siunll wages; b Kt reference. 9?)Q EAST D4TII ST.- A OIRL. LATELY LANDRD, ^itlO 14 years old, to mind a baby and be useful. *)AA WEST 47TII ST.?A REHl'BOTABLE GIRL AS ??CI" rii'irse and soarantrcss; can cut and Qt tor children; best city relcrencea. 04 7 EAST 55TH ST. (RING FOURTH BELL).-A 2j"I" I eoinpeteut young girl to mind children ami do sew ing; referi'iice. 247 7 WEST 81 ST ST.?A FIRST CLASS BABY'S nurse; can bring up on a bottle; first class reler 977 7TII AV., BETWEEN 25TH AND 26TI1 HTS., j I I top floor.?A Fro nob Uroteetant mld'lle aged woman as nur? ?; can tako en lire eharue of youn t children and sew iu a privato family: good references. Call or addre ss. 9C)J AV C., CORNER I7TH ST?A VO NO AMKRT .can girl as nurso and seamstress; understands cut ting and flttimr; wtlliiie to assist with rhaniberwork; good reference. Call or address for two days. ?HQ MOTT ST.. NEAR HL.BKCKEH.-A YOUNG OlCUm ^American "irl to miud children and do plain sewing: best city reference. O97 EAST 'JI ST ST., THIRD FLOOR, FRONT *J?j I room.?A respeemble young married woman as wot nurso; wngos do object, besi reference. OO9 flTH AV ?A PROTESTANT NURSE ; IN AC O?y_jeiistomeil to the cure of an Infant; willing te assist with ebamberworK or sewing: city or country ; roferonce. 497 WEST 4JL) ST. (IN THE STORE).?A YOUNG mj I woman as unrso and sosnistress; operates on Wheeler A Wilton's machine; does all kinds of family sow ing; good relerenea. 4r.'i 4TH AV.. NKAR3JTH ST.-AS KXPERIBNOED ? ' ? nurse and seamstress; can take entire charge of an iulaut; city reference. Call for two days. 4,-9 WEST 19TH ST.?A RKSPKCrABI.K YOUNO 1 'wjrirl as nurse and do eliamberwork, or would assist in housework. Call or address for two days. 489 9TIC AV.. SE?;0ND FLOOR.?A YOUNG WOMAN Owith a fresh breast of milk as wet norm*. It ROOM K ST.?AN ENGLISH WIDOW WOULD X?7?)<to tlit? work of h small family, or an nurse and seamstress. Address M. W. DOQ ?TII AV.-A COLORED WOMAN TO TAKE *l?jOc?rc of a baby or growing children aud do chamber work, or would do general homework for a iiuall family. Cull lor two day*. 7 iM; 0111 AT., NBAS 48TH ITT. (RING ftlOOND I v"(bell).?A* intent's nurse; cau take full charge trom It* birth: boit city reference. Can be aeen for two days. 70Q ?TU a v., NEAR 418T ST.?A KKBFKCTABLB i \J v/yonng woman aa nurse and to assist with eliamber work; kind to cliildron; (our years' reference. A YOUNG ERK.NCI! WOMAN (LATELY ARRIVED) as child's nurse ; would do sewing; good reference. Ad* dess FRENCH NUltSE, Herald Uptown office. M'aitresies, tVt . K.tRT 41ST ST.?A RESPECTABLE ENGLISH Protestant as first clan waitress. 50 DO WES I' I.".Til ST., IN STORK.?A RERPECTAilLB s^igirl as waitress In a private family; good reference. Call lor two days. 9~1 T EAST tmi ST?A YOUNG WOMAN A8 FIRST .u J." fclnss waitress; is willing to assist with cliamburwurk; host city reference. Cu.l lor two days. i)( t?) iiLiiECRSR'irr., IN THB stoi;e.-1 <.01 fi> ?> s/OFrote-tins t young girl, of good reputation, as tine waitress; 0ret class reference. Address. OsJO EAST a-JD ST.?A GIRL, 14 YEARS" OP AGE, ?)^ w.u assist in waiting on table or taking care of grown cbildren: will De found wiiliug; good reference*. Address. ?Ji) I KA-.T 8trrn" ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO tj At T gil l aa waitress or to do housework in a small family ; no oujectlou to the country ; good city relrrenco. don east 1 fri 1 sr.T t h ( ru flog r.?first class 1" "/waitress; city ro(errnco. n"l ( IfiT II A v.- A K KSPKCTABLK GIRL AH COMPK Ot'tcnt waitress, chambermaid or laundress, or would assist with cither; best city relerence. Call or address. 7(1(1 OTH a v.. NEAR 41.sT ST.?A B&HPECTABLB I Us/young woman us competent waitress or parlormaid; three years' reference. a" "COMPETENT YOUNG GIRL AS WAITRESS IN A jflprlvate family or first cluis boarding house; hae live years' city refrrenco. Address WAITRESS, box 107 Herald Uptown Branch. Miscel! n neon a. A O WEST S6TII HT. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S.! ?A lOlsdy of refinement would take charge of a linen room In a lintel; it a good bookkeeper; unexieptiounble recom mendation. 1 sl^ WEST :t I ST nT., SECOND FLOOR.?A Rr.Ll l_?J.ible American woman to do light boutework for a ?mall lamlly. |?>?> 10 AV.- A FAITHFUL GIRL WITH FIRST JLO?class references; city or country. tlt)Q WEST u'itTII ST.. REAR.?A YClIINlT" GIRL, su?lOlntely landed, to do light housework or as nurse; city or country; willing and obliging. Call lor two days. 4-.) ?TH~tV,r BETWEKli 27TII AND V8TH STs.. ?) ? in the furniture store.?A Gerumu girl, IS years old, tu do household work. CJ.JkJ BAB i 17TM ST.- V KESriCTABLK GIRL TO rw-adu light housework and take care of children. \ LADY WIit~WRITIiS AN ELIUlMI.K 11 AM) IS gvd slrmis ol doing copying at home. Address FRANK, station D. w w w A LADY DESIRES A POSITION AS COM'A.MoN IN a borne or tu travel, or as governess; speaal French. Address U.. Ledger office, Philadelphia, i'a. A YOUNG WOMAN AS KITCHEN' MAID AND TO make herself useful in a private lamlly; ruterenca*. Ad dress RoTUClllLU, Herald Uptown office. Intelligence Office*. 17 M PLOVERS WANTING KKLIABLE SERVANTS J and girls wanting good situations pleaae call at Parla Agency, d'J3 Bth sr. _ PKOI'K?8IO.\AliSITU ATIONS WAIVTKLt? FKMAIigh. a ""lady will give "1/kssonh in draWi7?g. j\ Painting, in uil or water colors; Embroidery and Ne die work. In exchange for Hoard in a pleasant lamlly; refer ences. Address .Mrs. S. M., Herald Uptown office. 4 LaDY WILL teach ENGLISH, FRENCH AND gxnttisie In exchange lor board. Address N. P., box l'.'l Herald Uptown Branch office. IIF.LP WA\TKI??FKMAI.KH. '1~OIl'tfT WaNTKD-TO 1IU GENERAL HOUSEWORK"; Xxwagos n'it to exceed 8* per month. 13 Morton st. A GREAT KK DI C (I ON - TO TIIGSK E N IT RIN G Thompson's College, 20 4th sr., before December 1; Hook beeping, Writing and Arithmetic taught thoroughly; throe months; f"> each. A DEMAND FUR TKLBGRAPH OPERATORS*; lesrn and take positions; sitcces. guaranteed; taught practically; dny or evening. IIIOMPnGN'S College, 20 4th av.. opposite Cooper luaiitute. APRoTKMl ANT GIRL WANTBD-Ad GOOD PLAIN COOK, washer utid iroticr; wages <14. Apply, wltu city reference, at 331 West lsili st. ?Jjixi'BKIK.NCED FEMALE COM POSIT-IK WANTED? Aeriiatorned to justllvltig book-work. To a quick, lutein guut woman a rare chance Is offured. Address Mrs. T., Herald Uptown oilicu. WANTED- A girl" as' COOK. WASH KB AND Ironer; must nndoratsnd her bitsin-ss ; to such a one 814 per month will bu uald. Apply at 133 West 47th ti? httween id soil 1 j A. M. on Monday. AN I ED - A I'll A.V sl-KM AID AND TO AHMlMT IN waiting; private hoarding house. 333 West 33th st. J ANTED?GOOD COOKT "hPKAK FRENCH AND English; wages flH per month. No. 113 West 3Kd st. ANTED-A SMART GIRL. A ROUT 14 YEARS OLD, to mind children. Ull Anal UitA st. IIRLP W VMKII-rKJl ll'.lXTKIi -A i.ICI, Kott UtKKHAL Hot alKWOKK; ?' wage, f la Apply, * itli re, r, oca,, ?t No. t-l Lexitv too tv. tanVIp-iioubbhuLd uiiii. h.vaeast mtii if. w 141 MITT \ I'lu^ ** v\ a v j ??, t*?A 4 N KXfRRnCNrKt) WHOLESALE CLOTHING ilHAlfHiuitn, with large acquaintance among cash irade in Eu tern mid Middle State*. can s'Ciire a ? eotrable engage nti'Hl by addressing, with rattrinci's, OLOTlllKK, box liM Herald office. A COLORED MAN WARTS A S ITU ATI ON AS ilwHi'.cr or coachmau; heat reference.. Coll for two da>s at 4Mi West 37ill st. BV AN AMKiili'AN Ui) WILLING To DO ANY thing: bout references. Address J . LEIVEN, 161 Ki el rid g# St. 13MfifimiKNt~ WANTElX^ AS PORTER* WATOU. !i?u;ui or sinvr clerk ; experienced. nble> "died uisn; not afraid of work; best refisrouce. Addre.s D1X0N? 3 Co lumbia it., city. OlTUATlON ? \ SThI> HY A GLKM \ N. WHO SUE \KS OKugli*a?. mh porter or jau<tor. with or without wif?, w ho is o inntd cook, r> frjmva or security. Address JOHN F. WEST, *?o7 Broadway. i\ran i km?position as janiiou: is a iifiob it plumber, gas and Mourn litter; n ? :o k.-ep u large building in good repair; has plenty of tools; good reference. Address J AN I TO li, Herald office. WHS I auTli ST.?A CoLOREl) M AN \MSHKS~A situation an wuitr; re -rences. Ad tress K, C. W. CXERKH AND * K\. A SALESMAN \\ \NTKt> - full A lihl.vtV TEA store; ti ???' need appiV w o have not served h regular apprenticeship to the ousiness. Apply at Ml) Veeev at. A YOUNG Man, I'lloltoi GHLV CoMPhlc. 1 A A 0 /^.experienced .is a double entry bookkeeper, desires em ploytuetit. Address G. II. W., Herald office. "DETWKRN NOW~AND~JAXUARY 1, A GENTLE XJniau of address, ability and twenty years' experience as travelling salesman, desires a responsible position will) a good manufactory; satisfactory ruiureuce given. Address 1>. S., Herald I'ptowu otlice. \yANTED?BY A GENTLERAN WISHING TO 11K ?T in.cin iu th" States a situation in office, warehouse or any place ol trust: cash security if required. Address h. 0., I'ost office box ?, 1 Is. city. TjfrAN?KD~lN~A WHOLESALE UMBRELLA HOUSE. n Milcsiuan who can control a large trade ; none need apply, unless they have the above qualification and can give best reference. .<> A. M. .1 K. DAVIE."*. 4?1 itroadway. YV ANTED?A N EXPERIENCED SALES MAN, Wi l li M good references, to attend to a general hi rciiauuise store, to go South; one that knows the Southern trade is preferred. Apply, between 2 uuii 4 P. >L, at 117 Chambers sv.. New York. >ueond floor. Wanted?an exPeTukxokd cloak and huit siilesmati, toainaii who thoroughly understands the above departincnts liberal inducemeuis will be offered. A .Mil HOSE 1>A LY, 26 Catharine st. 60ACT1I1IEN AND UAilDENEIUl. A GKNTLKMAN WISH ES TO PROOUITK A GOOD ilbume for his coachman, whom he can highly recom mend as bolt) jr thoroughly capablo of taking charge of horses. Call for two days at 158 West 22d st., the residence of his preseut employ er. 4 SITUATION WANTED AS COACH.VIAN; IS A JrVfirst class groom and careful driver; can milk, do gar dening, Ac ; wages moderate ; undoubted re le re nee. Ad dress J AM F.S, ? u IIisst 32 d ?t 4 S CO AC H M A N. cFftOO M AND USEFUL M A N; .iA single; thoroughly understands his business; can milk, tend furnace; city or country; wages moderate; 4 years' satistuctory reference. Address J., box 147 llcrnid office. A S ~ COACH M AS ?BY A U K S !'! ?" C T A B L E. llAKD working tnau; thoroughly capable; willing to do any thing required : the best references. Address X. X., box 120 Herald Uptown office. Cto ACH MAN'S SITUATION \V A VIT.lV?H V \ YnVsG Jexperleneed man ; three years in la*t place; best of ref erences will be given ; has complete suit of livery to bring with hiiu. Address J. U., bO hast S'Jd st. (ToACHMAN-sfSOLE YOUNG MAN; Al<E Vhimsclt genera,ly ulefnl; best city and couutry refer ence. Address JCiiX, box 1 Herald office. CIO AC H MAN AND GROOM.?RY A SlNULE MAN AS A'OHChman and grooiu; good city reference; leave late pnmioycr on account of not keeping horses. Address GitOOM, lleraid Uptown office. CTeNTLKMAN DESiRKS TO OHTA1n""a SITUATION Tfor liis coaclimaii; satisfactory testiniouy as to character and capacity. 114 5th av., harness store. TT AEFUL MA N (81 NO L li) 7 V Sl)V U <TAN US F A K M - U lug. gardeiiiug. horses, carriagos, mtlaiug. Ac.; beat ref erence. r. SKEKY, 1.173 2d av. \^'?UNG MAN AH UHKKUL COACHMAN AND UAB X doner; good reference. Address , box 1JI lieraid office. UK LP W WI' K 14?31A I. KM. X iHTkaY "ft nifi Tio^?to 'TiiusK SSUSiU JxTlitniip.Mn's i!0 4th ,iv.. ti?(ara CtcinWr 1; Houkkcepni'.., Writing' aud Arillmietio twinbl tliorounhly ; three month.: $ ? Mch. 7 DEVAXD rott fivLBOSAl-U Of EB A TO KM: ^Xlenrn and lako poaitinni; auceea. euurani.ed; taught I>rnctlcull>" il.y or eveniua. THOMl'eiUN'd CoIIcku, JO 4th av., opposite Cuoper Institute. 13 A Man OK BUSINESS ABILITY KOK DEBAR I'Mr.NT ' oT our business: position permanent to suitable gentle man. WII 1 1 1 NO A CO., 5 Dey at., aecond Hour. Apply attor 10 o'clock. T. 8TEWA T A CO. WANT FIRST CLASS IIANUS ] .011 MKNS NKrKWl'.AR. Apply before U A. M.. at Uth ] St. entrance, Broadway and Oth st. AN 1NDUSTR10U5"oKHTLKMAN. WHO CAN OIVK good relercnrei. wanted to travel Ihr $18 u week and expenses: to axompetoub geiitletiian npermanent situation. Apply alter It'. HaM A MeBAVITT. sBond st. lOTtfl MAM WANTED?BBOHaNIG III WOODS ?iaprelerred. No. 8 llowanl st. A" (1K NTS.-"t 11K BHST"TKAS" AN 1> GREATEST IN nuremeuls sro oH'erxd by the OANTON TEA COM PANY, 148 Chambers St.. -New York. iinuBw-raiiu in Sin I il i no 15i lo yment or a prolltable character address box 102, Del Norte, Ool. C1LOAK MAKES WAN TED-OMR WHO IS A FIRST /class ratter auil trimmer, to manufacture or the store: work given out. Apply to W. K. PEYTON, 27/ ana 274 Bowery. ?pijItF. TKAR-AOENTS WANTKD; BEbTftTKRMS TO X scents selling to Inmilic* and large cnnsuinors; store keepers will Hint a lar .e stoca to select Irotu at lowest pi ires. THE WELLS TEA COMPANY, 201 Fultou st., between Church and Oreenwicb, New York. Rksi'kcta'Elr touTiirabout'IfT"wauHTfi Ncluntltlr toy store. l,2"h Broadway, from 12 to 1 o'clock. riiiiE latest"news first 1 SUBSCRIBE FOR T1IK EVKNINO TELE'I RAM. ONE Mo.NTII, !WC.: SIX MONTHS, $2 50: ONE YEAR, $.5. DAILY CIRCULATION, OVER 50,000. ADVKKTISlNO. 20C. A LINE. OFFICE, 2 ANN ST. \y A NTED?A lad" AS "TMI If;' ON I Wilo" CAN it play tiro piano preferred. Address EMPLOYER, Her ald office. WANTED?"at ffl E WHALEMEN'S- 11EADQU AR ters, li>9. South st., bost-toercrs, coopers, earpeiiters, blacksmith*, cooks, stewards aud stout American green bands lor whallpy voyages. T1rANTKD?A YOFNii MAN' TO ATTEtfD BAB. AT Y? ply at Tfi7 2d sr.. corner 41st St., at 10 o'clock. ty AN l EIf-FAHMEK AND "WIFIT~WITIIOUT 01 fil7 V? dreu, to take care of a gentleman's place and farm in the country: inan mu-t have experience and bo ablo and willing to work: wife mast Understand milk, butter ami poultry; to such good # ?;n? will be paid. Address, for tinea days. J. WILSON, Herald office. \XTANTED?AT ia~( 1KEKNWICH AV, A MAN TO IT build Arcs mid work In the kitchen; wages, $12 a mouth, board and lodging. f'l\ CENTS LEY I LY I'AID BOYS FOR DISTRIBUTING ?J' Mrciilars and delivering goods; write fully. C., I.ox 100 Herald office. west mm st.?hoy" wanted for lioii't work. 107 I HE I'llADES. ? (JboT CUTTER WISHES ' A sITUaT MiN^IN "A j 1 llrst class tailoring establishment; city or country: will sell place ot business In Brooklyn. Address A. NELSON, 27 Concord sk. Brooklyn. A FIRST" CLASS WATCHMAKER WANTED,"WHO has a knowledge ol tbe retail jewelry business. Apply at 7ft" Broadway. PAPhK~B?)XBS.-A FOKEMAN WANTED, ABLR TO X take charge of a factory; must tinderstuiid Ills business thoroughly. Adoress, with particulars aud references, C. M . ho w 14St Herald office. \ir ANTED-St ORE MY A COMPETENT ENGINEER TT and draughtsman; Is skilled In mechanical, free hand, ornamental. maps and chart drawing. Address W. FUR MEN. box ID ' 11craul office. CLOTHINts. IT MINT/S. 248 3D AV., NEAR 20TH ST., 50 PER ,1 cent more iu eaeh paid than elsewhere tor cast-otf Cloth ing, Jewelry. Orders attended by Mr. and Mrs. Mints. t -NATHAN'S OLD ESTABLISH MENT, :iHJ, ?TH near 4tlt st. The highest value paid for cast otf Ciotbluk. Carpels, Ac. Call on or address Mr. or Mrs. NA THAN. t T YLATTO'S UPTOWN KHTAHLISIt mknt7sTo UTH 2V?v.. near 40th St.. tho greatest prices In cash will ha paid for cost-off Clothing. Address Mr. or Mrs. FLATTO. At h tit rSTT .274 "b ko ad way, h Stw Sen :12 b and hid sis.?Broadway nrices paid tor ea-t-ulf Clothing, Ac., hy culling or uduressieg H. UAKItl 1,274. IMASUR, NO. 366 7"nT~AV7 POSITIVELY PAYS ? the highest prices for Cast-off Clothing. Carpels, Fur niture, Ac._ A.STKOUMiA . A" - $1,000"; Nb Ym POSITION ; UUKATKST BUSINESS .I'lairvoyunt ill America, lira FOSTER. 428 Oth av., cmucr 2Uth st. f A STROLOOKR.?LISTER, 3I8~6Th AV.. CORNER 20tli st. ; tne only on? In America: soud tor circular, CLAIRVOYANT who Mas BO EQUAL IN AM KB lea, all who urn sick or in trouble ol any kind should co suit her without delay; on lo-s and lawsuits, absent friends or business matters -ha never lulls. Mine. CLIF 'ION, 27s Wsst 2.5 ti. st.. east of 8th av. DK-TIN Y Fo KK I OLD ACtTl R VTELY-TKA grounds; satlifaction or money refunded 2hl West 2Uth st. Miss M. D G11that EUROPEAN CL Mttvt?VAN Fft HLLB NAMES;; I shows likenesses; 25c,. 50c. to $1. 150 West 2ftih st. MK. COLLINS, A RELIABLE AND TIU -TWOIM IIY lalrvoyaut; magnctlo treatment 275 Uth av,, near Mc A eL jlKDICAio A -MRS. WoRCK8T%R." I'll YsICl AN ? HOARD ANf> ? nursing. I4ti t;harles ?t.. hei Washington ami W?1? A -DR. AND MMK OK IN DLL CURE ALL KKMALR ?complaints, whatever the matter. 142 Wist 48th st. ?MAIL. RES TELL. MIDWIFE SINCE 18*0, NO. I Hst 5 2d St., fl rat door from 5t.i av. Advice free. ?DR. AND MMh lUI KIh'KAC; 00 YEARS' PRAC k.tice. Office. I-t' Liberty St.. near (ireexwlrli st. LL FKM \LK COMPLAINTS SPEEDILY Ct'RhD BY l Dr. anil Bme. DYER, 47 West 13th si., nearhtu ae. I) VICE FREE; t ONKi I >K.\TI AI. CONSULTATION j 1 ladles hoarded. Dr. and Mtzic. BO I I. I fttl West 26th at. (M'TOR EMERY'S NEW METHOD-SAFE. SURE mid i|tiick; all phaaes; advice tree. 132 Eaat 12th at. K WHU KIIEAD, 2'12 EAST 58TH N'f 7.NEAR 3D iv.?Females treated sale, sure and quick, for $25. Its LYONS, FEMALE PUYMiCIAN. CL UES ALL complaiuts; no curs no pay. No. 40 Ksat loth sv. O FEES UNLfcSn CURED.?*N ALL OAsKS CALL ?a lit. sr tai, WERT. 46 Itleaakae-ea. Xaaar Hrsaiaie KI ROPFA\ STEI^HlPfl. Mosi" Dlu CT ANl) hJ'oXOMi'' ROUTE TO^ HOL LAND. HKLGIl M. TilK RHINE, SWITZERLAND. M . 4*0.. VIA KUT?KIU)A.M. .* teamer R(>1 TP?H) A VI N??v. - J St. 4Rii>r CIIjA.ND '>t%t' 7 These ?>ehini!ill steamers, ( erryiug the lotted Btaiea mail lit the Netherlands. Hi e ^reil favorites v itIt th* public. Trips rr.'Uinr, rate* low, eoitilurl mi l living perfect Kur fr? i rut. For i?e**?3?*. KUN< II, HOT P. A CO. L VV VIOKRfS. 27 South William ?t. 50 Broadway t Morris' Eu rope Hit Kxprimi. LJTATK LINK kJNKW YOUK TO GLASGOW, LIVKKPOOL. DUBLIN. BELFAST AM) LONDONDERRY, from pier 4j North River (loot ol Canal *t.), as follow#i ? STATE OK VIRGINIA.. .Thursday, Novf-mlmr 3D STATE O: NKVAD.x inar?iUy IHu\ iu!n?r 7 STATE Op* INnlANA Thursday, December 14 STATE UK UtiUtUilA Thurttday. Dec#tuher 21 First cabin. ami $79. according to accommodation; return tickets, $1 It), $125. second cabin, $45; return tick* ets, $4U, Steerage at Ihwbo rule* Apply to AlT^TIN ilAi.oo IN ?k CO., Agents N . 72 Br >udway. S#w York. M'KkKAUK TICKETS AT .5 BROADWAY AND AT THE 1'DM PAN Y\S 1*1 BH, KOOl OK CANAL ST., NORTH HIV EH. / A U N A 111) 1.1 X K.-?li A VI > v A. R. M. 8 S. I'O. \J NOT I Oh. With it view to diminish the thanccs of collision the Mcuniur* of thi* lino lake h spec!Ho course lor nil seasons of tbf year. On the outward passage troin C?ueeii*to\vn to New York or Boston crossing lho meridian oi a*,) at 43 Int.tune, or uoih ita^r to the uorlh ol 43. on the homeward passage crossing the meridian ol NO at 4Jt latitude, ??r nothing to the north ?d 12. FROM NEVV YOUK KOK LIVERPOOL AND QUEENS TOWN. ?RUSSIA Wed.. Nov. it) ALG' IU A.. ..Wed., Dec. 13 i AKTHiA .. We<t. Dec. (I BATAVIA... Wed.. De? 30 steamer* marked thus (*) Uo nut curry **ucrnge pause ti ger#. Cabin passage. $80, $1<M and $130, old, according to ac commodation. Hot urn tickets on favorable terms. Steerage tickets to und trout ail parts of Europe at very low rates. Freight and passage office No. 4 Howling Croon. CHARLES U. PRANCKLYN, Agent. HAM ID C AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY'S LINE for PLYMOUTH. OHkRM H'RG and HAMBURG. WIKLA.nD Nov. 3D I FRLSIA Dec. 14 II Kit OKU Dec. 7 I UKLLKKT Dec. -1 Kates id' passage to Plymouth. Lomtoti. Cherbourg, Hum burg ami all points in England First Cabnt, $100, gold; Second Cabin, $00, gold ; steerage, $30, currency. Kt'XtfAKDT A CO., U. B RICHARD A HO VS. General Agents, General Passenger A genits, (51 broad St.. New York. 01 Broadway. New York. V"A I'lONAL LINE FROM PIERS 44 AND 47 N. It il FOR LONDON. trance Wednesday, December 0, 0 A. M. FOR OUKKNSTOWN ANI) LIVERPOOL. Italy Dec. -, 3 P. Si. I Spain Dec. 10, 3 P. M. The Queen. ..Doc. t), 11 A. M. I England. ...Dec. 23, IDA. M. t abiu passage. $56, $0 > or $70, currency. Hot urn tickets, $100. #110 or $130, currency, steerage passage. $30, currency. Drafts issued from ?1 upward st current rales. Apply at the company's office, 09 Broadway. Steerage tickets can also be obtained at the comp.tuy'h piers, 44 and 47 North River. F. W. J. HUltST, Manager. WHITE btaiT linr VV FOR OUKEN>ToWN AND LIVERPOOL. CARRYING THE UNITED STATES XlAlL, The steamers ot this Hue lake the lane route* recom mended by Lieutetiaut Maury, U. S, N.. going south of the Banks on lho passage to Oueenstown all the year round. ADRIATIC December 'J, ar ?::(?? A. M. BRITANNIC . December 10, at 6:3U A. M. CELTIC Do otuher ?<?. at ? P. t|. ADRIATIC lanuarv at 10 A. M. Frotu White Star Docks, pier 33 North Itivcr. Rates?Saloon, $*<? and $H*?. in gold; return tickets on reasonable terms. Storage. Saloon si ate rooms, smoking and bath rooms are placed amidships where the noise and motion are least, affording a degree of comfort hitherto unattainable at sea. I or inspection of plans and other information apply at tDo company*! office 37 Broadway. New York. K. J. CORTIS, Agent. V OR TII Tii ltM AN LLOYD IN STEAMSHIP LINK BETWEEN NEW YORK, SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. Company's pier foot ol 3d St., lioboken. NECKAR. Saturday. Dec 3 J VVP.SKK, Saturday, Dec. 10 AMERICA, Saturday, Dec it|KHEIN, Saturday, Dec. 33 Rates of passage from New York to Southampton, liavto or Bremen;? First Cabin, $10', gold; fecond Cabin, $00, gold; Steer age. $30. currency. Return tickets at reduced r ites. Prepaid Steerage oeitiflcates, $J3, currency. For Height or passage apply to OELK1CHS A CO., 2 Bowling Green. Gi KEAT W ESTER N STEAM SI 111 ?* I. IN E. $ TO BRISTOL (ENGLAND DIRECT, sailing from pier 18 East River as follows:? CORNWALL, Stamper..... Saturday. December 2 bOM .' RSET. Western Saiurd.ty. December 10 Cabin passage, $7?); intermediate. $13, *t? eraue. $3 >, cur rency, excursion icketi, $13'I; prepaid steerage certificate*, $20. Apply to \V. D. Mi) KG AN, Agent, 7u South st. YIMLSON LINE-KOR SOUTIl AM i TON V.NII TlL'LL, l\ sailing from pier 53 North Riveras follows: ? HINDOO December B I OTHELLO Tanuiiry6 COLOMBO .December 23 | NAVAUINO January 3U First cabin. $7U, currency; secund cabin, $45, currency. Kxtfttrsion tickets on very favorable terms. Throtigtt tickets issued to Continental aud Baltic ports Apply, lor tull par tionlara, to OilARLE8 L. WRIGHT A Ct)., fm South ft. Anchor line cmied states mail sVeamiTks NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. ANCil OKI A.Dec. 3, 0 A. M. ETHIOPIA, Dec. 10. 0 A. M. CALIFORNIA, Dec.9, noon. VICTORIA, Dec 33, IDA. M. TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL UK DEKIiY. Cabin, $05 to$MO, according to nccomiuodatioits. Iiiteruiediute, $35; steerage, $38. NEW YORK AND LONDON. UTOPIA Dec. 3 7 A. M ELYS IA Dec. 10, 7 A. M. Cabin, $55 to $70: steerage. $38. Cabin excursion tickets at reduced rates. Drafts ii>stted lor any uniount at current rates. Company's pier Nos. 30 und 31 North River, New York HENDERSON BROS.. Ageuts, 7 Bowling Green. I N M A N LINK. M AlL STK \ M?iiS. FOB QUE NSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CITY OF OIIK>TKK Saturday. Dec. 3, at 0 A. M. CITY OF RICHMOND Saturday, Dec. 9. .it 13 M. CITY OF BERLIN Saturday, Dec. 33. at 9:30 A. M. From pier 45 North River. Cabin. $80 and $100, gold. Return tickets on favorable terms. Steerage. $28, currency. Dralts at lowest rates. Saloons, staterooms, smoKiug and bathroom* amidships. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 15 and 33 Broadway. New York. ONLY DIRECT LINK TO FRANCE. rHK GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S Mail STEAMER* BETWEEN NEW YORK A.SO IIAVUK, CALLING AT PLYMOUTH (U. It.) tor cl>o lauding of passenger*. Tito splendid vessels mi ml* favorite ronto for the Conti nent (cabin* provided with electric Mil*) will nail Irani pier >i>. Tit. loot at Harrow at., Nortll Hi or, ni fallow*:? ASIKlllylK (PoiitaD) MtluriUy, December 2, 0 A. M. FRANCE (I'rudtdlol,.., . Saturday, December 111. 11 A. >1. LAhKADOU (Samcller) Saturday, Decern tr Kl, I P. M. PRICK OF PASSAGE IN HOLD, Including wines :? First cabin, $110 to ?luli, according to uccotuinodatiou*; kccoud Cabin. $72; third catilu. $40. Hot urn ticket* at reduced rate*. Steeratte. $211, with superior accommodation, Including wlue, bedding and utensil* without extra charge. LOUIS Or. HEB1AN, Agent, 55 Broadway. tYnited STATES MAIL Lfrii?STEAM TO Ob'kens" U TOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Sailinir on TUESDAY frmn pier 40 North Hirer. ID ABO....Dev. 28.2 k P.M. I NEVADA. Dec. 12, P. M. MONTANA.Dec. a,"*,'.A. M. | WISCONSIN, Dec. 19,7>i AM (' dun, $4(5. $7o and $so, currency. Intermediate. $40; steerage. Willi. Passengers booked to and train Pari*. Ilntnliurg, Norway, Sweden. Ac. Drafts on Ireland, England. Krunce and Ger many at lowest rata*. WILLIAMS A Gl ION, 29 Broadway. SPECIAL NOTICE.?TIIK SPLENDID MAIL STEAM ? hip IDAHO. Captain Freeman, rails from pier 411 North Hirer, lout of King at., tar (jueoiistown and Liverpool, on Tuesday. November, 28, at 2:HO P. M. precisely; cibin. In termediate and ateerage passage at lowest rales. Applrto WILLIAMS A Gl ION. 29 Broadway. COAST WINK NTBA31NHIPM. PACIFIC MAIL AND PANAMA TRANSIT STEAMSHIP LINB& For CALIFORNIA, .1 vPAN, CHINA, AUSTRALIA. NEW ZEALAND. BRITISH COLUMBIA, ORE.,ON, AC., sailing from pier 42 Noien River. For SAN FRANCISCO, via ISTHMUS OF PANAMA. Steumaliip ACAPULCO Saturday, Deo. 2 connecting for Central America and South Pacilie ports. I K <M SAN FRANCISCO TO JAPAN ami CIIINA. Steamship CITY OF TOKIO Saturday, Dec. 2 From SAN FRANCISCO to SANDWICH ISLANDS, AUS TRALIA and NEW ZEALAND. Steamship AUSTRALIA ......Wednesday, Dee. 8 For Ir ight or passage apply to W M. P. CLYDE A CO., or H J lll'Ll.AY, Superintendent, No. ti Howling Green, [tier 42 North River, loot Canal si (jiea.m ro brazil and nivKR PLATS DIRECT ? Oi'nc rtenin*hli> DONA 11, Captain Wnlaoii, will bo dc* patched lro:n Merlin'* Store*, llrooklyu, Vt cdiicudav, tho 12th December, for Para, PeriiauilMico, Hahia. Rio do Ja neiro, Monte Video and linonos Ayro*. taking freight and passengers tor the const ports at through rates. For freight or passage apply to BI SK A JEVoNS. Agents. 74 Beaver st. I" ilOR I IaTJf A X. N. S. AND 8f.JOHN'S, N. F." 1 CROMWELL H1BAMSHIP LINE. Steamer* leave pier 10 North River following day* at 3 P. M.:? GEhRGK CROMWELL Tuoaday, December ~> GEORGE WASHINGTON Friday, Do ember I"> Most direct, clieapest and quickest route to Nova Scotia, Newlnuiidland ana tho Lower St. l.awrenre. Excellent pasaenger accommodation* For freight or paasage apply to CLARK A SEAMAN, Htl West at. NEVY YORK~ANFhTVANA DIRKET MAIL LINk7 i heso lirst class steamships will sail at II P. M. from pier 111 North River, foot of ?e >?rst., for llavanadirect, a* follows : ? CLYDE ...., Saturday. December 2 CoLUMKUB Wednesday. Derember HI For freight and passage, having unsurpassed accommoda tions, apply to WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. No. 0 Bowling Green. McKKLLAK, LULING A CO.. Agents in Havana. NY.. HAVANA AXD MEXICAN MAIL SS. LINE. ? Steamers leave pier No. 11 North River at 3 P. M. FOR HAVANA DIRECT. CITY OF VF.UA CRUZ Wednesday. November 29 CITY OF NEW YORK Wednesday. Deer mher 8 CUBA Saturday, December 9 FOR \ ERA ORL'I AND NEW ORLEANS. via Havana. Progresu, Campuachy, fuxpun and lamplca CirV OF MRRIDA Saturday, December 16 For freight or .e apply to F. ALkXaNDKh V SONS, HI ami 311 Broadway. Steamers will leave New Orleans December 1 and Decem ber 22 for Vera Cms and all tho above ports. T.10K NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. J; TIIE CROMWELL LINE. The ste:imshlp HUDSON, t'antain Oager, will sail on SATURDAY, December 2, at 11 o'clock P. M., Ironi pier No. II North I Ivor. Through bi'is ol lading given to Mobile and principal point* on the Mississippi River Cabin passage $.'>u; Steerage, 925. Apply to I LARK A SEAMAN. SI West St. OLD DOMINION STKAMSil IP COMPANY, ssi.lng Iroin pier HT North River. For Norfolk, City Point and Richmond, Tuesday*, Thurs days anil Saturday* at H I'. M,,connecting with Die Virginia and TenursfWS Air Line, Atlantic Coast 1,1 ne, Piedmont Air Line. Chesapeake and Ohla I.allroad, snil with the eo n pally'* Steam linos to interior points In North I laroilna arid Virginia. Newbern and Washington. N. O. (via Norfolk), every fuesday, Thureday and Saturday. I ewes, Del , Monday anil I hursday at 8 1*. M., cotnuctmg witli Maryntnd and Delaware railroads. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Throngh passage ticket* and bills ,.r lasting to all pointe at lowest into*. Insurance to Norloik, A>: , per cent. Freight received dolly at Pier 37 S' rth River. General i.Bices. 197 Grjeiiwleli ?t. N. L Mil,'READY, President. fPKXAS LINK FDR O AI.VKSTON, TOUCHING AT KEY A West, earn-ing the United States mall.?The steamer ts'fAfh Ol TEXAS, Captain Solger. will sail on Saturday, Deeember 2, at 3 P. M , from pier O K**t|Klv*r. Through bills ol lading given to *11 point* on ttm Houston and Texas. Central International, and Great Northern, Galrcstou, Houston end Henderson, an i Die Galveston, llasrlsburg and Run Antonio railroads. Freight and insurance at lowest rates. For freight or passage, having superior accommoda omIt to G. |L MaCLoUY A CO.. 1M Maiden lane. COASTWISE *TK\MSIIII?S. bWM niaiC "if. ?'? ? KKO CT L> A ? J AIL HThAliitrtf LEO leave* X*'w York De< ?? n *t 1- at .'i I* M. Ml Kit A V, KARRI i .t ttoftth ft. T> hK~M UDA~U S K.?Tl IL Kbit iiAK Mil L STE v M R I > sNIM V will ,- ti! tor I'o m i 4011 I bur * day, 7, t .'II* M K ir l tit particular* addrc ?>. A- K. OUTER* BRIDGE, A gem. 2 ? Broadway, N#w York. CRMI-WKKKLV LINK U>K POUT lit >Ya l7s~.. AND k)i*erti-tnditiN. Fta . Mailing fviry Tuesday Hid Friday, Ironi |?i?ir O Kiilt K v.*r at 4 P SI. steamer MdNTdOU . Kt, lui?d?*y, Nuvimlirr 28. Steamer U1TY OK DkLLtS, Friday, December I. lirltetv 10 at!t point* in Florida. Apply lor information tad tickets to c. 11. hallory k co , 13 Maiden lane. MORGAN HNEvTy^HIv . N E \V O RL K A N a A N D T K X \3 d#*uiahii>? ?Th# *t? atushio LONh STAR will ?ail Irons pier 4.. North ltlver ou De< embor 2 lor Now Orleans direct, transferring Trxai freight lit* re t?? Morgan** Louisiana sua Texas li nil road for Morgan Cltv, tlirnev jior Mor an'* steam sra (u Tflxnii burt < I ftroitgh i?Ul? of ludng signed to alt point* 011 the Ml>H**ippi Kiver, Motl e, (inivtitoa, lit diatio a. t'Orput t'hristi, Ho'sport, Rrazo< Santiago, Br ?* ?. * vide, and to a I point* uti t u? <?alr? ?ion, flarr nbttrg ami Mm \ut?mio. 11 ?m "ton and IVxn* Central, Interna tional and N .rtisern Texas Padtte and Trans Conti nental iiM'lroiU->. Freights lor St. Mary's ami Knl'.ua landed at Kockport. Lighterage and channel ?lu?s nt Corpus Christ! aud Bra* SO* Santiago at the expon*** and risk d e??n*lgtie*. Imuran. can lie efl'veted under open policy of the line. To Now Orleans. \ per cent; to To* ?* porta. % per cent. 1-or irt i ,'lit or 11 tuer information apply t'? aOUEKT A MOHUaN, Agents; oittce, pier 'M North It leer. hdOH PHILAD LPIIIA. THE A NO. 1 STEAMSHIP AGNK> will sa I from pier lift North River every Tuesday and Saturday, at 4 P. M Freight at lowest rates. Inaur* ante tinder open policy of the line. \j per vent. For further information apply to UOGNltf A MORGAN, Agent*, pier 4il North River. TUA V K J. if. >: ItH* GUIDE. \ LHAXY-PKOPLIUS l.i N K ~>PLhN DID STEAM iVboats teiive ider 41 North Kiver daily,# Hundajrs ex cepted, ?tt 0 P M , lor Albany and all point* North and West, /tat* kiLi. i* 1;1;k link si kamkif sKw i;ifa\T VI'Ion or WAI/ri'iK KK TT daily, front Canal St., pief 42 North ltiver. tl P. M. Krire, fHK*. llerths free. Full i:ivi:tt link to iioston. via Newport and P ill III ver. --The world renowned steamboats BRISTOL and PROVIDENCE leave pier JH North Kiver, foot of Murray st. daily (Sundaysexcepted), *t 4 R 1 P. M. Throiivtli tickets sold at ail the prtucipal UoieU in the city. _____ pOR PHILADELPHIA, via Long Branch and the New Jvrsev Southern Railroad Leave pier S, North River, loot Hector St., at It A. M., 1 r Plilladeiphta, L >a; Branch. Toia's River and VluoUnd. 4 P. M , for Philadelphia, Long Branch, Tom's River? Waretown and Tuckcri. u. W. s. SNKDKN, G. M. PBNNSYLVANI \ RAlLKO m? i.KKAl TRUNK LINE AND UNITED STATES MaIL ROUTE. Train* leave New \ ork, via Dokbro?sus aud Cortlaudl stiuct ferries, as follow*: hxpre-i for II itrrlsbnrg, Pittsburg, the West and Rontb. with Pulhnan Palace cars attached. H .40 A. M.,0 and b;JJ P. M. daily. For Wiilianmport, Lock Haven. Corrv and Erie, at ?:.'W) P. M.. connecting at Carry for Tituaville, I'etroJeum Centre and tne oil reKious. For VVilliauihport and Lo.'k Hhvcu, 8: ,0 A. M. For It 111 more. Washington aibl the South, **Litn)ted Wash ington Kxpres* * ol Pullman parlor cars dally, except Sunday. P'..o A. M,; nrrivo Washington 4 :1U P. M. Rex* uiar at 8-4<* A. M.. I, and D P. M. Sunday,H ami U P. M. Express tor Philadelpuis, 7 :;??> 8.;tu, 8:4<i (B:3t) limited)? in tt? A. M , 1, B, 4. ?, i , 7, s :j;i, 9 p. M. and 12 night. Sunday, 8:2 A M..5, 8,7,8 30 and 0 1* M. Emigrant ami second class, 7 P. M. Accommodation for Trenton. 7 A. M., 2 and 4 :10 P. M. For train# to Newark Elisabeth, Rah way. Princeton, Treu* ton. Perth Am boy, Fleniiujglon. Belvl tere und ether poiuti. see local fctiediilvs at ail ticket offices. Train* arrive : Knun Pttl?bnr>r, ?MK himI ":*'0 A M. t.nd ln.ju I' M (Hilly: lU:10A M huiI (>:".() I'. M. iUiIv, except Monday, r r im Wnaliln.'ton and Italtlin.iro, ll :SU, P :'<0 A. M.. 1:111. mid I0:'JU I* M.; .-un lay, i!:???. y :'Mi A M. Front l" llrtdelphin. . :0">. 0:211, 0 lH:l(t. 11 s-'Xl A. M . 2:10, 4:10, ?'> :W, ti.Vi. rt :W and lOniOi' M : Miniluy, 50 :-0, tl :30, U AO, 11 :'Ai A. M.; li :.'.H and ln:JC I' M. Ticket uffice*. 0 *"d pi-i Hroadway; No. 1 Astor Il.nt.a and foot ul |)> and Oounlu ? <11 m No. 4 Coiirt ?(., Hrouklyn, No. III. 110 end lit* Htnl^on at., llobtik-n} Do|M>t. Jersey City, l-.micrauv Ticket oltioc. No. 8 Uattei/ I'llANK THO tl SON. ft. M. HOYD. Jr.. G> iters! Manager. Gonortii Passenger AgetiK STONINUTON LINK FOR BOSTON. REDUCTION IN FARE. To Boston, first class, <14.^ l i? Providence, first oia*?. 5L Elegant *t ? ttucr* leave ?*!tdy ?cxct pt xsundavs) from pier 42 N o'tli Rlvur, .f Jay st., .u I :? Ri P. M PROVIDENOE LINK sTKAMsHIPs, from pier 27 North River, loot of Park place, at 4 P. M _ KXt 1 ItSIitNS. \ (HIANit l-.Xi'lUSIO.N AfilO>S TIIK lt\Y Tti 1V ^'iMtoi' Uland. Boats leavu Whitch .il st., toot of Broad way. at 7 u<0 D i ?. II :l > A. M. , 1 :!.'?. 4:15. 4;L"?. 4:41) and i>:44.? I* y . Ro New Hii liton, Snug Harbor, West Brighton and Pert Richmond Faro only Bhj. FOR SAL!.. 4 N INiKLIJi.ENr M \N. PHVSICIaS OR nTHER a\wtK??, can buy the interest of a retiring partner in a val uable Specialty Practice. Address SPECIALIST, Herald Uptown uffice. AN EXTRAOKDIN V h Y HVROAIN IN PRIVATH u VKc|uine;rt! const ?tin : of lnrge. atyiish. dark bay Horse, Coupe, silver mounted Harness, Ac. To be seen for thruo days at 17 Ea t g8ih st A Ft RST CLAS 4 i,!Ql OR? M IXK AND BKKR SaI xVlouii, on account of u-uviag New York. Particulars (? the place. I,2??7 hruadway T>riu'liKl.'S I 1XTURKS. I'.iuLS .ND M A U111 Ne1( Y\ A^lhreu second liuud Carts. M A I li ES >N, 44ih st.. nenr 11th av. Bill OPENING MAKING MoNEV FAST. INiRSALk! i;.lendld Saloon ; largest Free and Easy iu the world] full every night; easy terms 17 East 7th st. /AOAL"VAltD~~ViiiC^SALE-A FIR8T cCaSB BUSl" \ 1 ik'nm ; cstiiliiidn d 2 i v :(i?. App.y at ?'J' West 21th sL Drug sidhk f??r sale"-a ? iianuk (>Vfe;;i:d otice in a lifetime; will sell, for $4,'DO cash, about hail the Inventory: everything now and modern; ovor oO.CVW nrescr.pti. ns on bonks. Address OPPOitTUNIi'Y, box 1J4 Herald oittce. Drug stork for ""balk?doknkiT flatblsb and Fulton a vs., Brooklyn, on Wednesday, 29th, at II A. M. See auction coiumo. ? D RUO STORE?RARE CHANCE FOR nifALL CAPI> laL HHI Loouurd Ht. M KIM 1ST A N iT KllltHui E?30 KC LT (> N~ sr. ; COO O I location , well established s ?>-i|lntr on hi nil of siak* ne?* Cull during llie wnok Iro.n 1 1' M. to 7 I*. M. inOR HAU-A Kl RsI' CLASS HAIt AMI LILLiAKli . Suloou, willi Basement. Inquire one week. 143 6th nr. Ill lit SAL|"<-Tt"a "mKICR Si (Nil. HY A PARTY OO# uf business, H> Hrnltliiiir Machines for braiding garments, Ac, iu good couditiou. Apply ut 4..K II roe in u St.. second loft. TjlOK SAl.e.?A Oil ANC I1, WHICH WA* NEVER OK Jy farad belore?An established Cu?tom Tailor Store, with h (wid selected stock und good trade; cause lor sellinip sickness. -!*l llowory. Bifllt "SALK-A SKOAR SIORB; hHTABUIIHBD 41 yuars; III I 73 Chatham nt TiltJK HAI.K-MI ST BE SOLli AT ANY I'KICK-Tl'tt r neatest R' Htnnr int. Lunch wild Oyster lliraoe in flail city, doing line trade, thoroughly Ural slits*; dwelling pari with 11 room*. uas and water every Ihmr; lorn, cheap lens# j everything perfect: very I tile cash will buy: Immeltata poescaaion. Apply to ClIAB. COLLINS, Olymplo liisii'ra bar. No airenta qamplk room -In >wn w ?wk t Day * bade : w k iTL tjanowu; largely patronised; sreriiiee price. Apply LLOYD. 2l> Mroadway. _____________________ yiicTi'i AEitfl * BOILKKS FOR SAI.K-Af" I.K.-IMK HOI Mill WOHK.+ Fear I st., between l.reene mid Washington. norih of Fen ii<? I van It Railroad depot, Jersey City. Repair* prompt ly attended to. IfMliOSSlNi; MACHINE Tor SALE-24 INCURS jwidc, in complete order; 3 vet* of Roller*. 'Km Centra It UOHI'.KSOX. 15 N i JINK WASTE D?RS AKLT N RW, < K)OD It K PA IR* J cite a p. Reply belore noon. II., box 1-9 Herald oltku. I BOB BADR-O 11K A F Fo|T TiXs h7"tH R COiPLKTg Equipment of Minill Factory lor grinding parposes? Kit. g ne, Bollar. Hurr Mill. Cruaher. Unit, Ac., Ac., uli in work ing cundlin a Addres? THE M1 LL.hR, Herald office. KuitiiTUilkT" "a PKIVATK FAMILY NEK IH NO MONEY ANiTiIa'P sAinc large four st >ri house full of Furniture, wmil I ?e|| the whole or part to ca*h purchaser*.?Elegant I'arlm .- ult*. la natln cost$.')> last May. lor one do , RiTY; Turkish Set, *75; lep let, 4Hl; alao Cbainb r net. Library and Fining Furniture, i'arnele, Hroneee, Panting*, statu* ary. Piano and teneral Household Furniture. Cail private residence 120 Weet 23d ?t. * I ( llii.S, M) lvAST KITH.?FURNITURE, CAKP..I3, AlMirror?, I'lano*. Wardrobes, Parlor Suite, Hedrnom Hots, Cabinet*. De.!<>. Ac., at private sale at suction prices. urvi ufiks in;' 1.1 xFnu~ hocskk keimnu ai?. dress Imina ilaiely i'Klsl. K, '2113 Hh av. Highest prical pal,I lor Carpal'. Furniture. Plunos. a ORRTLKMAX 1> FcLI XI Nl .lliiFsEKKKriNU fflli Visell (lie entire Household Ftirnitnra live storr brov t stone residence In lot-1 ? suit. vis.: ?I'arlor. library, cbans tier and dining roam Suites two satin patter Suits: one An $1 75; on. $1. rap Hulls, BIO; elaboral ? and plain Cltant. tier sets, ill fto to $l50;lCerpi't?. Bookcase, Aa Call residence -17 West l<Uh It. Iietwueu Mb and rtth avs. All the new and dehTra'hlk htylkh dl i ui nlture. Carpets, I'arlor Hade, Ac., at cash prices, on liberal term* ot payment, at liEURUB A. CLARKE'S, V tl Broadway. K" ~iii? PATER* POLDIRu itkus,"with mat tresses: the most useful ariiclns in Table. Buretn, Writ Inir l>#sk, Hookcase, Ac., manufactured by ft. KISS, 151 Prince at. T AltHKST"stuck" ANdTToWKST I'ithLuTpOK FlMt Jjniiure and Carpete forc ishor li beral terms of payment at COWI'KKTII WAlT'd 155 and 157 Chatham st. Tlur. teen large wsrernoin* MI & FI T~0 A BP h rs AN I Fo ILCLoTlIs" VERY CHEAP at lh' old place 112 Fulton rt. Call or ieud lor ex planatory price list. AARIILK .tlAiratskk Marble and marhlki/.ki) m ante la ' a i sireatly redoeed prices; also .M uinincots. Headstones, I'tuoilrars' nod Furniture -lav-, marble Counter* and Til ng A. KLAHRK, 1-vf and IKI Kant istli ?t., wear ttdav. STEWART'S SLA I K. MARBLE AND WOOD MAX~ tel*. new and alagant designs, from fill np; tba trado liberally dealt with. 2Wand JJj Went MM st. fill..LI \K1JS. If.UT UK SKCOXIl IIA.Ml BILLIARD TABt,lS?1[8 perfect order, equal to new. at very low prieee. II W CULLKN6kR. 7W Hroedway. AM Kit! CAN"srAN'HARH BEVEL BILLIARD TABLET with Iteiansy's wire cushion*, lodor.ed by all leading professional players; extra imiacenMnts now offered: s??> oud band fables at xrpai bargain. \\. II. tiRiFi*ITft A CO., eoVetteye*. ~ ~ ? ? ??3 WATCH KB. JEWELKT. dtb. a T 77 ltl.KK Kl R St'TRitAK KilOtltifXV - i(ViH| J\advanced on IHaioni ds. Matches, Jowelry, Ac.: aba pawnbrokara' li ken bought of HlaniouiU, V*atattes, Mb 77 blsecter at T"~rdH ilHUAI)tv7vY, UFFOtHTE I^TH ST.? 717Z meads. Watches, Jawslry. Ae.. liouglit und sold : loaiW negotiated. ROBERT J. KuSKNTHAU m BROADWAY." COitXKIl it I'll ST.?DIAMOND 1, Watches. Jew. try, camel.' hair Shawls, seal Snrkk Ac . bought an t ?old; I oans in collated. II. TllAUH A A UI7 HR0AD?AY. CORNKR I2TU ST.?MONEY AIJ. OJ I vanceil on Diamonds, Waiclies, Jawslry, Silks, Halb shawls. Local, UAAU BAKU, M7 ByaadWNk.