Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,708. NEW YORK. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1876.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS. DIRECTORY FOR ADVKRTISBR8. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE, 1.368 BROADW AY? OPEN 1) vY AND NIGHT FOB RECEPTION OF ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES OK PAPERS. AMUSEMENTS-2d Pagb?4th, 5th And ?th col*. ASTROLOGY?12tii Pagb?6tli col. BILUAKW-Uth Raga?tith col. hoarders wantkd-2o pauk?2d and :m c?ia hoard and luDgino w anted?2d 1'agb?Ed eot BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE KOR SALE?20 Pagb? lot col. BUSINhs* OPPORTUNITIES?Orn Pack. BUSINESS NOTICKB-7th Pagb?6tb col CITY REAL ESTATE KOR SALE?2d I'AOK-lat col. CLERKS AND SALESMEN?12th PAGB-5th and 6th cola CLOTHING?1 1th Pack?4th col. COACHMEN AND HARDENERS? 12th Pagb??lh col. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?ItT Pagb?Oth and Utb colt. COPARTNERSUIPS-Otu Paov DANCING ACADEMIES?2d Pack?6th col. DRV GOODS? 1st Pagk?Clh c.L DWELL!NO HOUSES To LET. PCRNISHBD AND UN KURN ISll KD?2d Pagb- lit col. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?1?T PaGC-SthcoL EXCURSIONS?1st Pagb?6th coL FINANCIAL? St* Pagb. FOR SALE?11th Page?4tb cot FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2t> Pagb?lit and 2d cola FURNITURE?1 It* Par*?4th col. FRENCH ADVKRTI KMENTs?12TB PAGr.-Sth coL HELP WANTED-FEMALES?12th PA0K-5th col. HELP WANTED?MALES?12th PAGK-6tb C 'l. HORSES, CARRIAOES, AC.?ltT Page?3d, 4th and 5th cdlu. HOTELS?2d Pagb?3d col. HOUSES. ROOMS. AC., WANTED?11T* PAGB-2d eol. IN TBUCTION?1?t Pabb??th coL LECTURE SEASON?2d Pagb?6th col. LOST AND POUND?It* Paub? l?t coL MACHINERY?I<th Pa?b?4th col. M VHKLK MANTELS?lint Pagb?4th coL MvTRIMONlAL?11th PAOB-Udcol. MEDICAL?I2TH PAti*-6lh col. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING?1st Page?6th eol. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?IOtu Pack? tfth col. MISCELLANEOUS? IItii Pack?2d col. MUSICAL?2d PAf.K-Htb col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7tu PAGK-Oto coL PERSONAL Ibt PAGB-Ut col. PI ANOKORTKS. OKtlANS, AC ? Iltu Page?2d coL P(;0:. SELLING - 1st Pagb?3d col. PO-T OFFICE NOTICE?2i> Pagb?3d coL PROPOSALS .IItii Pagb?4th col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12tii Pa<i?:-5i1i col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO III'.NT?2d Pack-lot col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2n PACE-Iat coL SK aL ESTATE WANTED-2d Pack?lit col. IE WARDS 1st I'agk? lit col. IALKS AT AUCTION? 11th Paok?3d and 4th cola II I'UATIONS W ANTKD-FMMALE8-1 1th I' and titli cols, nnd 12tii Pagk?lit, 2d. 3d, 4th and 5th cola SITUATIONS WANTED-MALES?12th Pagk?5th col. SPECIAL NOTICES 1st I'agk?lit. 2d and 3d cola SPOR1INO ? DOGS. BIRDS, AC.-1st PAUB-3dcol. S I'ORAGE? 1*T Pack- 6th eol. I'll TRaOKS?Ivtii Pagk?6th col. rilK TI'BF-Irr Pack?3d col. In LET FDR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d PAGK-ltt col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?1st Pagk 6lli col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? ? r> I'm;:: 2d cl. A A v T' D TO PURCHASE?UTH PAGK-2d col. A ICHKS, .IEWKLRV At,'.?I2tii I'AOK-Htheol. ,\ ESIC11 EST!'.It C.OUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OK TO LET?2i> P.iGK-lttcol. A I i'.S, j.lgUOKs, AC. ? llTU Pagk?4th col. A* I?E RSON ALs. " _ .SON 7?AFOLoUY AMl'uE. W'lisL Jt?U GRANT AN lui\l '\v or give me letter nddross. W r 1 te n bemre. CASTELLAN o. Tb'.IGUr KYF.x. FRBTTY KKKT, BIRD IN HAT. TEL Degraplt building, iBkl at.?Lady sent message Fifth Av ?iine lintel to<1111rii)mi answer and took 7ad St. cur: gen tleman wild noticed rvuuests pleasure of interview. Ad Ires,. In confidence. staling circumstance to Identity, it ALTER, box 177 Herald Uptown office. CiVeaM?UOMK ~ WEDNESDAY; THURSDAY ft Thanksgiving. Am engaged. Ol'STARD. ftAilltIK KELLY?YOUkTeTTER RECEIVED! L>'Uld not glvo street or number. YOUR UNCLE. pAKRIK.~CONsUELO.?HAVE RETURNED; SEND l_Vmo your addross by mail or call any morning O'l yonr baby. aLLIK.^ Ella?cardinal streambruTyour turn now. CLARET. p hORGH?RETURN TICKETS FOR WATCH. CHAIN, UTriiiB. CROW. H -LETTER RECEIVED. WILL COMPLY WITH ? request. Failing to do so, will bo at hotel I named "t 6 F. M. LEWIS. INQUIRE FOR LETTER AT THE 1'OsT OFFICE. 1 OFKRTI. TNQCIRE FOR LETTER AT TOST OFFICE! I GO JLSouth at 17:30 F. M. to-morrow (Wednesday). MAOKNTA. Lady taking htii a v. car, 40th rt.-please grant interview or correspondence. Address II. B., Her- I aid Uptown office. LondoTn^whIsre WILL A LETTER REACH Your You need not fenr me. B?V. Lex!?am iToyesick! rend tiie mean's you meutUn. Advise wbon papa comes to New York. GRACE. Missing friends.?mks con wu?>oly. whose maiden name was Ellen Ciiiliaun, ofBnntry Hny, county Cork. Ireland Is earnestly requested to commnnlcstr with her brother. Timothy Cullluau. ABdresa BERNARD Mc KENNA, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. NTAOOIE HAYES-SUNDAY. DI8APFOINTED. I>^[w FRANK. OS |<4itK?LET ME KNOW WHAT TIME TO-DAY. PIN K?EXPECTED TO HEAR FROM YOU. BUT was disappointed. Suppose you bad won t reasons. TRUE i:LUE. \TTa3HIK-THKRE IS A LETTER IN THE NF.W It York Fust office lor you : Important. ? ? WILLIAM KINROSS. A NATIVE OF STIRLING, Scotland (and wlio Is understood to be at present, or Iras lately, a member of a musical company travelling in It.e States under Carl liosu or other iiiirtyt. will near of Ionic thing t<> bis advantage l.y communicating with Messrs HLACK .V WILSON. Solicitors, Kirriemuir, Scotland. KlUUIOIL Nov. lO. 187tl.__ LOST A M> FOUSID. t 6si-A CAMEO SCARF PIN!TKSTERDaY'.* A Mil Id rat reward will ne paid lor its return to J AMES GRIF FIN. 57 Warren at. IOST-A POURlkTBOOK. CONTAINING A LARGE Jiuiitel money, in South Ferry and Staten Island cars, I' from Veso.v at.. ,M udav alternoi.n. Finder will lie liberally rewarded by leaving the same nt Company's olDce. 1 ns r? \ SMALL BLACK ABB TAN DOG ; BAD J Jlong ears, tio teeth In Iront; hail on red collar. Kotiirn to 710 East 71st st.. reward; lost on : d nv.. near 71st st. I OST? PRINCE, A SMALL WHITE AND CKR \M Jj.-olori d Dog; short tall; bail on nickel plated collar t valtlvd as the onlv playmate of a little lor; a reward will be paid lor Ins return to .1. II. KURSitEL, dOtf tttb nv. ~RE\VAfi6i)i (hi - REWARD AND NO QUESTIONS ASKEP?SIL O I'*vor limiting case Watch, Inst Monday evening. No \ember 77, on University place ears, between 9tb and 14th st, _ W. C. 1,1 ON. 7 East 7 id st. ft'Ml IIKtYARL.?LOST. ON SATURDAY EVENING. V?i' 'In going Iroiu Canal t ? Worth st.. a bundle of black :iOtli iiiiinad" tio ks. liitnrinatlon leading to recovery of mine uili rveive above reward. Apply 413 Canal St., cur ler Morcer (cxpre-e office*. SPECIAL SOllCgj. ' A."A- ? ~ DISEASES OF MEN. The imrortnnco of the healthiness of tba nervons system vnnnot be ovorcsiimsted: Its power over Ilia i lid dentil and the direct bearing which It bus on litiiuHii happiness seems to he recognised: its capabilities, its qualities and its powers; the Importance of Its healthful preservation, its moderate uses, the danger <d overtaxing it, whether tl rough thought, study, or Intense application In nu-iital investigation mid research; whether by tba absorbing attention necessary to the condurt of compli cated and momentous business interests, or by the exces sive Indulgence ul the appetites and propensities of the system. All these are proper subjects lor consideration, as also the knowledge or what Is moderation, w hat Is excess, sml when these exist the sbsnlnte necessity of promptly peeking advico Ironr an expert who. lor a long series of V ears, has devoted his whole I inie and attention in the study. Investigation ami treatment ol all tlm iiiulndles ol this im portant depart incut, to nr.ornately determine the diseased conditions, their nature, ranee- end or-gln. w hrthrr arising Irnm the want nl exercise, it- Irregularity or excess, and who, from Ins experience and practice, ha- learned to discover at once Urn derangement and as promptly apply the remedy, llnis nv. idlug the palnlnlly slow leellng alter the truth, so eointnoii to the Inexperienced ?ud so ennnying to th? pa tient wl o. very naturally, want* to know without delay what i? tlie n atter, the extent nl the derangement the prohahl! tie- of rFcuperation and the time required. ' . A unking example of the value ot experience and praetl- j tn] observation, lis well its tho usefulness ot ilie prompt ap plication id suitable leinedles. is lull ml in the Important I statement, entning. not rmnt one. hut a omen public insiltn- I lions, ml only at home hut abroad, that a very large propor tion ?I those w ho suffer Irotn mental disturbance and nose- I lute Insanity permanently reenter, wbo are placed nuder I treatment within a year alter the t'.rst si mntonts have ttisnt- ! Irstet themselves It the intellectual iieuartmcnt ot the brain nai become ex- i hkustcil tiy Intense mental application, drpriiitig It ol the power ot connected thought, t'. can only recover Its strength Pv hclnc nroperlv ted ami nourished by the use of certain Iistrmatie mcthodr. It l? precisely so In every other de partment. w hether nl appetite, propensity or psssinn, each rrnntrlng a ditferont remedy tor Its recuperation and different 1 means 'or bringing them up fmtu their overworked ana ex hausted condition* 'I lie importance ot litis Iwsnch nt medi cal practice can scatceiv be overt ated. lor it reaches even to ' the perpetuation ol lainlly names the securing of hereditary ' titirs ami tlm retention ot estates in the same lamily. From a long and large experience In tills direction I haea i been al>l? mcommand by my success the thsr.klnl appreel- i atlon nl some ot the first lautllles In the city and nation ; and ! 1 certainty ran communicate much to cultivated minds In I connection with gty practical experience In what pertain* to ' the over-cxefelac of overv department of the nervous system | mill the inonnv of recovering tlielr putters. whether of brain, ; appetite, propensity or passion I HENRY A. DANIELS. M. D.. 14-1 Mxlngton sr., near 70th it. Hours, 8 to 3. A. -royal Havana'lottery. Ma* njf m-cd n???*r 1. OiiB prifi (Mi? prlld nf Jt j>0.1???>. Out priiv ul On ? ptiw ??f : One ; ri/.e ?>f *"?Mmic Tickets' H*>: halves. St?0; quarters, $10; elBhtb?, tenths. <4. twentieth!. *7. ^tUKOAWBuVscliUUH, 11? Kmw rt-. New York. SPECIAL, JiOTHEb. *"* stAf^rXorrtitY coMi'anv.** . tirand Drawlug New Orleans. December 4. 1876. 1 Capital 1'riso - 1 Caeitsl Prize a * ?? ? 1 Capital PrUe ? Jivl It) Prize* each of - LJ ga Prize* each ol .. 1<X) l'rliu. each ?f 3U0 Prize- each of Together with 'J.5J7 other Prizes Tickets. f'-bi. Halve*. Onarter*. Eighths, Sixteenths. Prize. cashed. For all Tufoiniatioii apply to WILLIAMSON * tHX. Broker*. 517 Broadway, New York. JTTENTION !?TWENTY YKAKS' PRUSSIAN IIOS. pital experience : discuses <6 tuau a soeciaity; contulta tiou true. Or. JACOBY, Idl Blercker si. A KFLIC I ED.?AN EXTENSIVE LONDON HOSPITAL practice. Dr. West's new reuieillea core* q Ick and permanently all complainte: consultation lice. 45 Bleeeker at., between Broadway and Bowery. A?ISAAC U. BOYCK. W7 BROADWAY. LAWYER.? ? Divorcee obtained promptly, without publicity; deser tlon, incompatibility, habitual drunkenness. Infidelity. in human treatment, oonvictiou of felony. I'aeaporta obtained. COMPETENT DKTECI1VE OF FtUS " HIS SKlf XLvicea, eepeclally In divorce cases, Ac. Atldreaa, conlidan tiaiiy, VIC TOR, box 300 Herald olllce. References given. Diseases of mrn a specialty. liBNKY A. DANIELS, M. D., 144 Lexington ae., near 29tk it. Office hours Iroiu 6 to 3. T\ISBA8fc? Or THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, TDK Ublood, eruptive humor* and all special complaint* cured by Dr. ORINDLE, 143 Weit 48th at. F OR SALE?A KINK ITALIAN ANDREAS AMATI Violin. Adcreea E. K.. 944 North 16th at.. Philadelphia. K-UHRONIC CATARRH. DKAINKSS; IMPROVED ? method; iustautaneuus relief; permanent cure*. Dr. aTODDAKD. No. S Weal 14lk st. K. -SOO.OHO CASH OIFTS. Kentuckv State Single Number Distribution. 10,379 Prltes and only SO,000 tlcUeti. SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Managers. To be drawn on Saturday, December 30, lt>70. Wholes, $10. Skarei In proportion. Royal Havana to be drawn December I, IN7U. Kentucky State Lotteries drawn daily. Address PARKS. EMERSON A CO., Haukcra, ISO Broadway, room 4. K?OFFICIAL DRAWINOS KENTUCKY STATE LOT ?terlea. SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Managers. tiRRTOL'RT, KXTRA CLASS NO. Odd?NOVkMBKU 37, lWTtj. 30. 04. .7. 33, 34. 3. 4", 34. 33. S, 1. 71. 7, 38. XKXTCCKT. CLASS NO. 664?NOVKMHKU 37, 1876. 37, bo. 03. is, 64, 33. 01. 40, 75, Ml, 5. 37. 0. BKNUV. EXTRA CLASS NO. 5?3? NOVKIIBKR 37, 1H70. 83, 38. 3, 30, 00, 40. I, 73, 44. M. .1. 10. SI, 27. HKNBV. CLASS NO. ,'l04? NOVI.MBKIt 37, 1873. 12. 36. 44. 18, 34. 70, 19. 33. 73. 71, 4. 38. 45. Tickets, information. Ac., by applying to or addressing J. CLUTE A CO., 3U0 Broadway. K-$600.00a?KENTUCKY STATE SINOLK NUMBER ?diatributiou; 3,031 prises, distributing $600,000. to l>e drawn December lk>. Tickets only $20. Send lu your orders ut ouce. Also ltoyal Havana. December 1. J. CLUTE A CO.. 200 Broadway. N-euvous exhaustion.?a medical essay comprising a aeries ol lectures delivered at Kahn's Museum of Anatomy. New York, on the cause and cure ol premature decline, showing Indisputably how lust health may be regained, affording a clear synopsis of the impedi ments to uiarriagn and the treatment of nervous and physi cal debility, being the result ol' -.0 years' experience. Price 33 cents Address the author. Dr. L. J. KAIIN, office and residence 51 Hast 10th St., New York. OFFICIAL DRAW I Nil OK THE KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY, CLASS L. DRAWN AT COVINGTON, KY? .SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 33. 1870. SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Managers. ,Vo. Prise.\No. Prise.iSo. i'W:'. I.Ya. Prist. 123..irll)00 300...23000 416 SOD 560 U*i 585 3i A. 8t4 100 Hun I'*' lOilrf 100 1561 600 13UO H?i 16 >3 260 1771.. ..K? 1933 250 1014 It* lit-tl lo 2402 l(*i 2570 Si JO 1745 lis 2889 SO 8108 llJO 3287. ...251X1 P4i!2 too 3123.. ..It* i 3733 260 3812 H*l 3811 1UO 38-3 ....230 3838 lis 4012....1000 4( 118. ...1000 83311 1 * 4497 10 1 4515 5:10 4520....51**1 4562 250 4587..!. .loo 40l?i .V* 460) 100 4732.... 1UX) 479 1 500 4830 250 5oHO 11*) 5220 H*)' 6.*)7 100 SSTO. ...25(*> 5447 50t 5599 2M 501O lOO 5073 It* 3777 10O 5957 11* 6030 5<* 6.e42 ID O.V>8 1(X) 6714 1'*' 6823 101) 6917 100 71 >20 7 04 lOU 7747 25 778.5 1U 7880 ...,5i* 7924 It* 82'8 51* 8357. ...11**1 8.X 0 8788 100 8814.... 1DOO 887!) ....X*X> 88 12 ....25o 8091....11* ooul li* 9141) ."8*1 0203... .100 0399 3& IVdtl 330 0723 lO i 0740 0*1 lWlil 250 0028... .351) 11**);) 0* iroili ft* 10081 H? 1O207.... 10001 10185 100 11)541 l'*i lt)5?i8 H* 11X419. ...25 *) 1H974 1'*) 11117 ....HV 11143 lOO 11228. ...2600 11.53.. 2*5277.... .9s MX) 11351.. ...UK) 25:i22... 114:14 . .. HUM) 25470... 12843.. ...500 25481... 12308.. 2HJ23 .. ..Km 12408.. 20274... ..100 12-528 . .Hnri 2?Vi08... . .54 K) 12738.. .. .250 .. .2504) ...100 204S0... .. 5t H) 12815.. .. .100 20575... .. loo ... 100 ?207W) 13100.. 2i)H60... . .500 13311.. .. 2."?( K) 27) 00... . ,25o 14<"ll . ..IOI*) 27087.... ,1000 I4i 105.. 271^)... .. 25<) 14310.. ...100 27242... ..UK) 14535.. .. .1'*) J70VKI... . .500 14813 . 27820... . .250 15JII3.. ...IOO 2ho:5... 15382.. ...500 28220... ..UK) 15528.. ...lO ? 2S2:m... ..250 1560V. ...IOO 28281... ..UK' 15714.. ...l'?) 28.XX)... .. IOO ; 373.5.. 281 H O .. lf?7:*i.. ...100 0002... ..IOO 1.51**1.. ... 25i 1 29245... . . |4 K ' 1.5950.. ...nm 29J52... .. llX) 159X1.. 20.55:1.... ..100 H* a i . 29 ?h; )... ..14 K) 10297.. .. lOi K) 20.197... . . 1?N? 164 ??.. 20714.... .UK) ? 16564.. 21925.... .. 100 16813.. ...UK) 2 058 ..254i Hk-87.. . .14RI 10921..*) RJOOO... . .250 17-3).. 20120.... ..UK) 17577.. . ]IHI :?t '202.... ..UK) 17094.. 80511... . .1<K? 17758.. ...250 ..UK) 77760.. ...250 ?*. 874... ..10)) ..100 17945.. ...100 81072... ...50O 183:6).. ...100 81580 .. ..14KI 18 -.97.. 816 9... .HKK, .. .25?i ..UK> 18974.. ...OK) 31809... ..UK? 10'**!.. 82206.. ..UIU 19155.. ...500 32.92... ..250 18256.. 82761... 19>87... ...500 :?*J76... 83244.. ? .. UK? 19663.. 38812... ..100 10897.. '3152... ..UK) . I'M K) 26-00.. ...UK) 33727... .2504) 2 >214.. 34013... .2. MX) 2(W48.. ..URN) 84114... ..250 -IH34. . .. UK) i i::05... .. t?K) 20848.. 34:195... ..2"M) 30093 . . ..5<H) 34529... . .500 20918.. .. .500 3i7:w... .UK) ) 21401.. ...UK) 34785.... . 260 21309 . ...100 ?4^48... ..250 21748.. ...2.5O 35124... .UK) 22073.. :{T 2 15 . 10 1 22230.. .. .'*2*50 3558.)... ..IOO 23233.. ..11K JO 3564 0... .. UK) 2221 0.. ..1000 807.2... ..UK* 22834.. . ..UK) :t5814... . .250 22*33.. ...UK* ?x>;6... ..UK) 2241 8.. ..UX) 36^56 .. ..500 22: 3*.. ...IOO 36444... ..254) 23204.. ...a5o .36475... 2:1307.. .. . UK) 36797... ..25U 23 ,35.. ...250 34 9,3... ..UK) 1.. 37088... ..UK) :;4U. ..UKK) 37< )MJ... .. 1<K) -?;? .. ...UK) 3724)6... ..UK) '2:7 Hi.. 372 22... 242H-2.. .. 100 37280 .. ..UK) ... UK) 373.31... ..UK) ?244a ....500 .37482 . ..100 247W2.. .. .1(H) 37 .*6... ..UK) ?24710.. 87552 .. 24773.. 376A1 251)63.. ...1U) 37771....$1U)0 37903 100 379 *> 100 37033 250 i.still) H*J :8613 259 : 18 81)7 100 IS875... 11*) 38901 11*) 0538 II*) 30116 100 39272 1000 30356 ....ID*) 39351 HA) 30358 5t*) 30772 H*) 0781.. ..11**1) 30871 500 39-68 KM) 3. 062 11*) KA >15 11*) 4i**C> 11*) KJ987 li.*) RI27D OK) 49 70 100 P 334 11)0 4O.I0 II*) 4 451 100 40481 100 4(H8"> ID") 4> 54 ) 100 P 094 (*) 41231 100 11315 H*l 41-168 lu Ml II.ail) 11*1 4! .25 500 41704 250 41 HI , HIJ 41024 IOO 42920 0*) 82)H) 11*1 42415 11*) 12910 11*1 43087 230 4 3240 li?) 43591 JiMI 4 680 600 43680 II*) 43000 11*1 4 1717 1(?) 43760 250 43853 2.X* I 44480 251) 41504 11*) 44818 1UK) 451:2 li*?l 45141 II") 4">3l'l ....!(**) 451177 11* I 45747.... 21 ***) 45014 1U) 9*118 H **) 4610! H*) 10 34 HK> 10673 .... 1000 4O-*0. ...It**) 47037 251) 47. 0 i X*l 4700.5 11*1 47145 HMKI 47752 .1*1 17.4-v4 1(**1 47037.,...2500 47974 109 17987.. .11**1 48152 11*1 48188 1110 48316 11**1 48:155 14 MJ ?18428 HI) 4814 11*1 4353d 114) 0**1 250 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. So. Prist. \ No. Prist. \ No. Prise. | No. Prise. 21)4 93UUU|20d.. ..#31**114.5748. ...#137.i|3H/8a. ..#!??) 265 21 *X) 45748 1375 45719 1375 89782 l(**l 237 ?. ..31* *) 45746 18751:19779 ...10*130783 1000 The 3.0 *) tickets eniRit't with figure 6 (the *nme as tl.e ending llgure ul the number drawing the first capital prize, $2-5 tXOi are each eutitled to $1UL fhe 5.000 tickets ending with figure 7 (tho lima at tlin ending figure id tile number drawing tho second capital prize. #30,000) ara each entitled to $5. Witiies, ear hands at Covington, Ky., this day (Saturday), November 25, 1876. 11.11. RAMsAY. L. D. CRONINOER, C'oiinnlsssionera Prise* payable In fall without deduction. 0X1 ,Y rilUEE DAYS LONGER. KENTUCKY OA.nH DISTRIBUTION CO., Draw* Thursday November 30. 11,137 Prise*, all cash, $31 * i.o i). Ticket*. $12', halve*, quarter*, $2 SO Tleaets lor ?alo by Til OA. H. HAYS A CO., 1107 It roadway. Parties wis hi no to avail thkmmklyrx op ilia cuance to make a tour months sea voyage to a liealihy tropical climate In a stanch taillnir vcaaol address ?tiCOYKK, Ilrralii office. For ge title men of 111 health this 1. a rare opportunity ? DQVAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Jtv Next drawing December I, 1S70. *25,000 ticket*, liK'i, a* follow*. I <r $200,000 1 ol liKi.UOO i ?r .vi.ouu I ol 25,1**1 1 ..i io,rno ?j .1 r $5/100 ioi*?i ?iol $i/?o 311,000 64.' of $300 321,u*l 2 approximations <>f $1,000 and 4 of $5(KI 4(**i Total nmonnt ol prlre* $750,000 Address 11. MAKI'lNKZ i CO., Rankers, 10 Wall ?t., baaeiiienl. New V ork. For 1*73 we sold the prise nT #5?Xl,0;*>, gold, and In Sep tember laet, tliat or f|i*i.OIXI and cashed It. We > uy and tell Spanish ir.ild unit Havana Hank bin*. Dratia on llavann issued lor any amount. KoyaL Havana i.ottkiiv -$7.v>.ono will he drawn on December I. I'rlae* cashed: order* filled: In lormntloii furnished; highest rates paid for Spanish bills, coveriimsnts, Ac. TaY1.UK A CO., Hankers. No. 11 Wall St.. New York. -no TIIE ApVucTKD-IMMEDIATE sUiCKSSYUL A .ioatiiM.'iit, Iroiu whatever < .;s-ured at the otbue ol Dr. and Mine. MACKICKAU, 12.1 Liberty tt. Advice trie. S7*)t) I ?J --all phizes and no blanks I _ ?J. 'J ?X?iIrcaifvl single Number Prise Drawing thai ever took place in -.lie I tilted Slater By authority of au act ol the legislature the next All I'rlse Ufa n.g wit take place in public, at Cheyenne. Wjr., positively November 30; Iri7d, and to be conducted by sworn commissioners. $72*2.243 to be distributed. Each and every ticket will be entitled to a prise. All prise* and no blanks. Within the reach ol any our to obtain a fortune for only a small outlay. Prise* payable In full. without deduction, on presentation at this office. Immediately after the drawing. 1 (iraud Cash I'rlse $75,000 1 (iraud Cash l'rise. gA.crio 1 tirand Cash Prise V 4 Grand Cash Prise* lO.lXSJ 4 (iraud l'**h Prise* 5,<*X> lOti Cash Prises, each I/X?) Ticket.. $2 each, ur package* id 10 tickets lor $10, and the balance tn be deducted only from the prise* drawn In lorinatloii lurnlslied. Orders tilled. Also agents lor the Royal Havana I-ottery. atnd all legalised lotteries through ont the World. Order* solicited. Apply to ur address SMOKY k Co.. Broker* .31 Park row. New York rltv. Ave71~7ww\ ROYAL Havana i.oithuy - JJl | ?}\/,xJlM '.Draws December I. Price* cashed. Cir culars Iree. Spanish Hold. Ilavuna Hank lllll* lament and ,?U. J. DUFK A CO.. Ranker*, 43 Nassau st., corner Liberty St., New York. SPECIAL, ?(>T1('E?. ji'f r'n /wwV-kdyal haVana ^m-ilky. $i OU.UuUi I'o tM drawn Friday. December 1. ?Capital prUe.330p.tMX-?-- ^inn I $tUU,UJU|l prlxo of... I p,|>? ;... *,W<> 1 prlse.ol a prises of much).... V.OOII 130 nrtow of (??ehl... l.?X? OK. prises tn >11. distributing $<?*'. 0 . Whole tickets, H ' Halve*. *3". Fortieths. $!? Kentucky State Lotteries drawn dally. Whole tlckets-Murulug. $1; evening. $5. J.H'KMi.S A Co., Hankers. Umadwey. New York. A7PI1 iwui ?ROYAL HXTANA wtiw 5j> I s)U.UUU.driws lie,ember 1. PriM* <Milled and circular. free. A lew lucky numbers left. P. C. DLY LIN, General Agent, 31 Park row. room ... New York. UPdRTIXU-lMIC'. UIKOS. W. GKKAT THANKSGIVING HALE of wagulllcent Breech-Loader*, bv Wuatlev Richard*. W. W Greener. Ucott. Ac., THIS DAY. at la o'clock, ni ilia sslesroora of TUNIS JOHNSON, 37 Xauau at. l*OOI, HELLING. LOVELL .? JUMPS. Ill WEST sstfl ST - A UCTION. French and combination Pools. ou tlie Petersburg ruu nlug race* aud billiard lunrnanieut; ticket*, $3. VTotice.-P \ RTIKS IIOLDIKO OL'li AUCTION POOL 1* ticket* ou the general result of the Prosideutial election can get their money rrtunded lie** commissions) by con aenl of the holder of the nppoiite ticket. Any ponton* who may *o desire we will meet every evening this week, be tween s aud 10 o'clock, at 13 We.t Until ?t.. and co-operate with them in bringing aoout th - desired reauli. KELLY A BLI.nS. 13 Wet 3Mjh s t. Notice.-all persons uoLofNO our auction Pool Ticket, ou general remit ol I're.ideutlal election wishing to draw their money, less commissions, cau do ao by conaentol bolder of otipo.lte tieket. For flirt her inlorma. tiouetpplv to JOHN" MoRRISSMY A CO.. I ,339 Broadway fili tUBh. ? At hhooklyn driving park. park'ville. l i Trottlui' 011 Tbauksgivtng day. Thursday, November ID, 12 P. II.: pt.r?e, $U*>, lor J :T3 cla?*; $50 to Hrat. $33 to sec ond, $15 to third, $10 to fourth: throe In five, to barue**. Same day, purae $35 lor the lior*u that trot* nearest to 3 ?uiniile*; entrance tee. In pereont; mine, will close at the Park Wcatu sday. November 39, S I*. M Admission to track, 5l)c. M.WILLIAMS A SON, Proprietors. HORSES. UAIUUA(iEk. AC . A llCTION UOUsK OF ARCH. OollNSrON, JJg IP. 31. 33 and '-'5 13tii at., noar Unlverilty place. OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RKLIABLK HOUSE IN THE CITY. REGULAR SALES OF HO USES AND CARRIAGES EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, AT 10 ll'CLOt k. 34 hour* m three day's trial ou horae* warranted ?ound. The oldest aud luoat reliable tioune lu the city. THIS DAY. AT 10 O'CLOCK, FIXE TEAM BLACK CARRIAGE HORSES. 10 hnmis. H aud 111 \* ir? old; have been used in city and country a* tamily hor?e*. single and double; are not ill raid of it locomotive or anything cDc; ure .ale lor any one to drive; have not u lault, vice or trick of any kind; are In etgry way thoroughly reliable and warranted sound. SIX SEAT EXTENSION TOP PHAETON, In good order, bv Mott A Co. LlUUT HAY IIOKSK, 15^ hands. 7 yours old; kind In all haruoas; Iron trout vice; has been 11 ,od in city and country a* family horae ; ha* not a vice or fault id any kind: has great endurance; a good horae tor anv purpoae; sold only for waut of use. Set single Harness; also TOP PONY PHAETON, In good order; by U. W. Stiver*. BRIGHT BAY COUPE HORSE, 13^ hands high. 9 years ole; kind In atl harness; free Iroui vice; ha* been used as third horse in carriage team and coupe li >r?e; i* lit every way thoroughly reliable lor anv purpose; '.old for want of us). LIGHT COUPE ROCKAWAY, in good order; by Dem urest A Co. LIGIH' EXTENSION TOP PHABTOX, by Brewster of Broome st. BLACK TROTTING MARE, 13 hands high. 7 year* old; kind mid true in all harness; free trnni vice; can trot a mile inside 3 minutes; I* a handsome, stylish driver; not alrald of a locomotive or any thing else; doe. nut sliy or pull; ha* not a trick or luult of any kind; warranted sound. TOP SIDE BAlt ROAD WAGON, nearly new; by George Mlllur. WKSTCTIhSTKIt ROCKAWAY, In good order; by J. K. Lawrence. LARGE DAY COUPE IIORSK. 10 hands high. 7 years old; kind lu all harness; Tree from vice; ha* been used In leant and coupo; has not u fault or trick of any kind; I* au excellent horae for any use; every way reliable: Wiirraatcd sound. LIGHT EXTENSION PllAETON. nearly new, by Kotl A Co. CHESTNUT 80RKKL HORSE. 13),' hands. 7 years old; kind In all harness anil tinder suddled has not a faint, vice or trick 01 any kind; ha* trotted a milu 011 track in Biuinutea: is not alrald of anything; doe* nut alty or pull; I* in every way reliable; warranted ?ouud. ll . TWENTY OTHER HORSES. Description time of sal*. ? SIX TOP WAGONS \NO SEVEN PONY PHAETONS, | to be sold for uccouiil whom ma) concern to pay I advances and charae*. LARGE ASSORTMENT of evory klua of Carriage, Wagon. Harness, Robes, Blanket. Whip, Ac., this -- | day. Weather iirver Interfere* with our SALES 5 I AT 10 O'CLOCK. AT PUBLIC AUCTION. A BANKRUPT SALE OK FIVE HIGH BRED. FAST TROTTING, ROAD. SAD DgK AM) FAMILY HORSES, TOGETHER Willi THE KLEUANT CARRIAGES. fink harness, iilack bear and otiif.ii robes, KERSEY DRESS AND STABLE BLANKETS, AC.. AO. THE PROPERTY OF A NESV YORK BANKER, WHO WOULD HAVE NONE BUT THE UflOlCUsT. mill all of which mast positively be sold to the highest bid ders, regertlloss of cost or value, bv MARTIN II. HOICK, Auctioneer. THlK DAY (TUESDAY). November JS. AT II O'CLOCK A. St.. PROMPT, AT PRIVATE STABLE. SO. 5 HUNT'S ALLEY, entrance on Henry st., between Remsen and Joralemon sts., BROOKLYN, commencing with handsome and fast brown Gelding BROWN DICK. 7 YEARS OLD. 13), HANDS; RECORD In 3 : .8; was sired by General Kimx: warranted perfectly sound and Kind and tu show the time mentioned. BEAUTIFUL BAY MARE L.ADY ALLEN, SIREI) liy Lilian Allen, dam a t'.olddust mare; Lady Allen I* H years old, 15)g hands, record in 3 rJ*'4 and warranted sound and kind, and to show th? time nentfnned. lUNDSoMh BAY GELDING YOUNO ETHAN, sired by Ethan Allen, dam u Messenger mare, very last: Young Kthnn Is tlyear* old, I3){ hands; he trotted three heat* on Gnsheu track In 3:2tl, U :38 and 3 :'J4; be Is fully wurrauted sound and kind, and to show tlte time men tioned. X. H.?JsADY ALLEN AND YOUNO ETHAN HAVE liecn driven together and make the handsomest as well as the fastest team goes the road. MTYLIRH AND FAST CHESTNUT MARE LADY LAMBERT. ?Irnd hv Daniel Lambert, out ol a Wtnthrop Morrllmarc; she is 9 years old, !.">)? hand*: a remarkable One driver; she trotted two beat* at Burlington. Vt., In 3:31 and 3:30'.; she Is excellent pole mare aud warranted sound and kind, and to shew the time named. VERY FAST DARK BAY ROAN GELDING FRANK TYLER. 15>4 bnnds, 7 years old: raised In Vermont; ?lred by Ver mont Hero, dam a Blacklist* U mare: he showed three heat* In 3:3A, 3:33 and 2:31'4 ; he is warranted sound and kind and tu show time 11 toed N. B.?THE ABOVE IIORMKS ARE ALL WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED: 24 HOURS ALLOWED FOR TRIAL AND hX A d I NATION; ALL WHO WANT A GOOD AMI RELIABLE HORSE WILL PLEASE CALL AT STABLE AND EXAMINE AND RIDE BEHIND ANY OF THE ABOVE HORSES AT ANY TIME PREVIOUS TO SALE; COACHMAN IN ATTENDANCE. AMONG THE CARRIAGES ARE ELEGANT FULL SPRING AND SIDE BAR TOP WAGONS, BEAUTIFUL PONY PHAETON. ALL IN OOOl) CONDITION AND BY BEvr CITY BUILDERS; very line light double aud single Harness: elegant black bear and other Robes, line Blankets, Jo Ac sale "III lake nlacc AT 11. O'CLOCK PROMPT. ON TUESDAY MORNING: KsIN OR SHINE, NO POSTPONEMK.NT; CROSS FULTON OR WALL STREET FKRIHKs A-major chas. w. barker. auctioneer. ? WEDNESDAY (to-morrow), Nov. 39. at 11 o'clock, AT BARKER A Son's, CJITY AUCTION Mart ami New York Tattersalls, CORNER OF Broadway and 39th St., GRAND SALE ol the MESSRS. HON All I E'S STABLE ol Ft Mill's ItACEUORSEb, INCLUIHNO SPINDRIFT. STANFORD. Huekleherrv, Psstor, Mllo, Orey Lag, Mollle Cnrew, New York. Business. Ac.. Ac, CATALOGUER. with Tnll particulars, at the Mart. sTOOK now ou exUihlliou. A ?MAJOR CltArt. W. HA KK Kit. At i'TfONEKU. iV.THK MOST bo will I I'u I highly trained Kentucky bred, combined rich brown 8ADDLK AM* HaHKKHH MAllKln America, 1liiirti. 7 yours obi. trot by Star Denmark, ctnin by Engineer: roes ALL KNOWN D A ITS tinder saddle; <?le?ratit ill harm's; perfect lady's itiHre. and warranted sound ntul kind; prito, fl'Ni. Also TI1K CHESTNUT trotting Mure KLfNORE. I6fc hlffii, ? ream old : got by the Archer Horse, son of Mambrlno Chief; lias a record of 2:34; WARRANTED TO HEAT - :40; price, ft. IK NOT disposed of urevlomly at PRIVATE SaLK will be sold at auction on Wednesday (tn morrow). November .0, at II o'clock, at HAKKt R k tiOX'h iJltv Auction Mart and New York Tattersalls, corner of Broadway aud aOtli Ht. where they can now be ShhX AN D TRIED. A -8. DINGER. AUCTIONEER. THIS DAY. at I2 o'clock, at Metropolitan Stalesto .in ? 4th a v., corner 25th ?t. Ibe llors 'ft, Carriage*. Harness, Ac., of a private gentle m ?n ooiiiLti.ig o! Carriage. Road and Kartn ll<M>es, Carriage, I'haetou. Depot Wagon and Hug try. by Stivers and other makers. Catalogues and lull description at ttrno of sale. ?EXTRA. KINK. LIGHT PARTS MAD'< LANDAU, ?.jvery styll*h. nearly new, cost j>u.:JoO. will bo sold very low at (IRA V'S Repository, 20 Wooster *t. i -MUST HE SOLD ANY OKKKR ACL'KPTKD. xa.*Kn?t votm / Trotter, line top Road Wagon, due Harness, Ac. Private stable 152 West 24th ?t. A KlMIIAl.L C1TTKR FOR #.V>. -ALSO FIVE others, #T i upward. HOVKY'S stitble 1J4 We.t Huh ?t. LHABli tIN.-A r I ? K SKT OF SINOLK STRAP TrucK Harness, al-o urolf and Up Robes, lor snle cheap, u.lres, ItOAl.STttK, but l'J4 Herald oilce. ? ?Jll.'HT UK Sl>LL> I'll IS i WEEK, A HANDSOME ?s' Road Anon. top ami no tup hxpr. s? Wagon*, lull! sent Speeding Wftuun, Wagon. two sets tine single Uarnees (lutiiil made), one I'nrtUnd Sleigh and ets. No. 2U Isth it.. Ii.'1-wbIi llruadw ay Mini ,?th 10 Blanket ? -WILL SELL CIIKaI* FOR t'ASII. a HKAl'TIKUL ' A.llgh! city made Hip llMil W.imn, top I'unv I'll i.ton, i single and no'iblu Harness. Portlmnl Sleigh. Inmilre lor I tin. fureiuin, Palette t'luu Stable. No. I 'M) Jiist 1'Hili .1. A FINE TKA.M OF BAY KENTUCKY MOUSE.-. 15JX I Attends Hitch. >1 tows olrl; warranted sound inn klni; great bargain. UOKDON'H stable*. Nus. 3 nnd 5 West 1.1th | \T ANY wFKKK?FAS!' TROTTING IfOltSK. HAND .<ni ' top improved spring Wagon. not Harness, almost Hew l.'ll West 35lh St. A?I lloKSKS FOR ALL BUSINESS P I'll POKES | ! ?young and sound; prices #-'5 to $135. No. I Bleucker ' ?(.. In H unk store. A bACKIFIt'K.-EXPRESS WAGONS. #?>. #100: OHO cer--, #73. imt.hors', #73; lUkere', $*>. #110: Bilk. #1*1. [Jailvery. #75. #100, HSIAO; Depot. #40. Wagon iMclnrjr. SMH spring si. Anew style drop ckn irk coach, equal to new : Lnudao, Clarence mil si* soni. il slelgli, on good term*: two Coupes. FITNKY'M, SO i 3<l *v. AIIOItsK THAT CAN TKOT IN U :30 ON TRACK: top Wagon, top Phaeton, Kimball Sleigh, bear liubo end l.Unknts; must uu sold this week; nu offer relused. 133 Weel 31st at. UOR8K8, CAKEIAUKH, sfcC X LOTION HOL.SK ok VAN TASSELL A KEARNEY Ji\. 110 and 112 East l.itb tt, v \EAR 4111 AV. * KEUCL.AU SILKS OK IIOUKKS AND CARRIAGES EVERY TUESDAY AND 1 K1DAY. On every horse that U warrants'] sound or kind and true In barusaa, Irani una to tnrau day* ia given la teat warrantee* CATALOGUE OK THIS DAYS (TUESDAY) BALK AT 1U O'CLOCK. BASIL DUKE. roan GELDING. l'OALKD l*i?. (tot by HIl'KY. lis by MAM HttlNO CHIEF, dam said to La thoroughbred; 10 hands high, kind ami truu iu all barueas, iraa (ram vice : a stylish, pleasant and game driver . ha* a record of 2:28, at Dvtruil. Mich.: La I* invaluable us a mad horse, beiug in-rlcctljr ITea Irani trick or tault of any kind: iu condition he can lioat hia record several seconds; ran trot In ?d :1U> to day, and Is warranted sound SANDHILL. CltAY OKLDINO, toaled 1H-7, got by PACING AIiDALLaII, he by MaMBHINO CHIEF, dnui by OKAY EAGLE; lu'4 bauds high, kind and truu in all harness, Irra froiu vice, a very avail- tem pered and driver, has a record of 2.31V, at Clovaland, Ohio ; is as line now as avc.; >n euudition CAN 1KOT in 2:23 and can show 2:33 to-day; as a road horse be has no suiiorior. and Is warrantea sound. THE HKDlOKhE slid l l.KKOItM A.M'I.S of the aliuva mentioned horses will be GUARANTEED; lor lurther particulars see TROTTING REGISTER . BAY ROAD 1 tO USB sired by COLONEL JAY'S MI WOO | l.'i1., hand* high, II years ohl, kind and true In all har ness. Iree from vice, a stylish and pleasant driver, trotted ou WHITE i'LAlNS i?i mile track) in 2:?0 without any training; has been used exclusively tor road purposes. If handled would trot very last; has no fault or trick uud ia warranted sound; set single har ness, and NO TOI* ROAD WAliON by It. M. STIVERS; Doctors' tup Phaeton bylllradlev, Dltle A Co., and Cutter by It. M. .-stivers, CIIEhTN L'T so it HE L COUl'K OR CARRIAGE HOUSE. It) hands hiiih. II ye.trs old; kind and true in all liar uess; free Ir-tu vlco; hasPlluo style and action, u tree and liaudy driver, ami is sold only lor wi.ut of use. BLACK HOUSE, 1.1 HANDS HIGH. 0 YE Alts OLD; kind and true in all harness ; ireo I'rom vice; a stylish and pleasant driver, n llrst class roadster, and Is tvar ranted sound; set single Harness mid PLATKOUM 8PHINU TOI* YVAUON, IN UOOD OBDEK, built by Wood Hros. TOP DEPOT V/AtlOS. PAlIt HAY HOUSES, I5)i HANDS HUH!. S AND 0 YKAUS 0LD;*kind uud true iu nil harness; free trout vice; have g -mi stylo ami action ; are prompt drivers, pood travellers, an extra amity team, and are war ranted sound; set double Harness and COUPE. IN thiol) DRUE it. BUILT lit' WOOD BROS. PAIR CHESTNUT UAKKfAUE HORSES, HS!4 HANDS HIGH, 8 and 0 years old; kind and tine in ail har ness; tree from vice, ot flue style and appearance; prompt ami pleasant drivers; one ot tlio flue si tauilly teams in the city, and nro wurrautod sound; also set double Harness uud LANDAU. IN HOOD CONDITION, BUILT BY ?IUL 1.1-v Kit, ?f Leamington, England. BROWN lloi.BK, nlRED BY AMER-ON'S LEXINGTON'; ?lain by B1I.I.Y SUMMERS. lo-V,' hands high, tt years old, kind and true in all barueas, free iront vice, a very superior minister. i? airald ol nothing, does not slivorpiill: can trot iu three uiii-iiles sure ; is one of the most perfect mud horses In tbo city, and is war ranted sound, BROWN IIA-aBLKTONIAN TROTTING MAKE. 15)4 bauds high, tl years old: kind and true in all barn as, free trom vice; a piotupt, pleasant and ,-asy driver; has had no iraiuiiig;cuu trot in 2 :30, aud Is warranted sound. PAIR HbOWN CARRIaGB MORSES, RAISED IN VER MONT, Hi hands high, 10years old; kind and true in all harness, tree Irow vlco very stylish; a handy and pleasant famllr team, sold only tor want ot use. IRltEL SORREL TROTTING OELIilNG. 15)4 HANDS HIGH, 8 years old: kind and true in all harness, hue Ironi vice; an extra roadster, a free uud pleaaaut driver, has lino style aud action; van trot in d>4-1; has great bottom and endurance, mid is per.eotiy salu aud reliable. PAIR BLACK MAKES lo HANDS HIGH, 8 AND 0 years old; kind mid trno in all harness, free I mm vice, free and stylish drivers; thoy trotted last spring over the Wuve'rly track iu 2:48; they can both trot much faster single, and are a first class mid very de sirable road team ; also set double Harness ami TOP KULI. SPUING W.GON, IN GOOD ORDER, built by WM. II. BRADLEY A CO. VALUABLE HKoOD MARE NINETTE, also called OLD MAN'S MARK, sired by Andrew Jackson, Id bands bigti: sbe bo* a record of 2:28 to wagon; she is the earn of 4 valuable colts, ono of tbciu now (3 yeara old; can trot 111 2 :3D; she Is kind and true In every respect, CHESTNUT SORREL GELDING, 16 HANDS HIGH, 8 years old; kind uud true in all harness; free fiom vlco; a good traveller, a Iree and nleassnt driver; stahds without tying uud Is warranted sound. QUAY HOUSE, 16 HANDS HIGH. 8 YEARS OLD; kind and true in all harness; tree from rleo; a Ire-- and handy Jriver; has been used lo a coupe : is not afraid oi anything and will stand anywhere without tying; also set single Harness and TOP PULL SPRING WAGON, by DU8ENDURY A VAN DU8KK. DAPPLE GRAY COUPE HORSE, 16 IIaXDS HIGH, 0 years old; kind and true in all harness; tree from vice; very stylish and handsome; afraid of nothing; safe for any one to drive, and is sold tor waul o. use. A 1 L I' I) s I ATlll/lf llfll'Cl/vl i lla'wlf *r ALSO several OTHER HORSES. DESCRIPTION time of aale. FOUR TOP PONY PHAETONS, THIRTEEN TOP WAGONS, three no top Wagons, (our Kookuwavs, ex tension top Phaeton, very light; Ci.OSE COACH, as good us new. built by BREWSTER, of Broome at.; CO( PK. bv WOOD BROS.; Victoria by John R. Lawrence; Harness. Kinukets, Robes, Ac., Ac. Sale commences at 10 o'clock. \ VERY LIGHT LANDAU, ?47.r,; 1 COUPE ROCK t\.away, tS5U; Pony Phaeton, $IHJ; I T Cart. $25ti; 250 lew and second hut.u Carriages, Gigs, top and open Express Logons. Sleighs, Harness, Robes, Blankets, cheaper than ver. WM. 1). GRAY, 20 and 22 Wooster si. A?WANTED?A OKI-DING, 15>4 TO I IMf HANDS, ? three minutes and n fust wulket. O. L, Herald ottlee, stating oelor, atre. price. Ac. A FINK SORREL lfORSff, 10 HANDS, YOUNG, xLsnund, kind and good traveller. BONNKAC, 174Ceiiire kt? U|> stairs. \ PONY BCILT HOME: TWO OTHERS; SOUND xLund kind, f8n. $45, $70. sol Oread it. BUSINESS TURNOUT. CO.MPLEI'k" fllO; HOOD Hoi.hi.-, top Grocery or Express Wagon and Harness, sac rillce. 2 7tli av. BREWSTER FAMILY CLARENCE, ALSO HAND tome Ught Jhre.'-quarter (llarentr, by Wood Bros., an jierb order; no fair oQ<*r related. 147 west 33th it. G~ ARB I AGE* ? SRCOND HAND; FOUR AND SIX fib sauger Roclcawiiys. Jump Seat W spoils. tup Wagon* elliptic and side bar Tmillug Wagons, i'liaetom, Lntidau lets. tbree-iiUHrter Clarence llos Carta, Ac it. M. STIVER*. 144 to 152 Fast 31 it at. AHRIAUES.?FINE ~ASSUilT.vlr.NT At I's.Ml! price*; Sleigh*, large or small; very low. J. COLYElt A CO...1114 Hr..adwny. TU'RhKA IIOBSE BLANKET CO.. c E 510 HroiKiwiiy, u|ip<inile St. Nicholas Hotel, ura offer ik? their stock nt retnH. Every variety of Blanket f.?r ntnble, ?t.~eet end road, at their wholesale price list. F OH SaL".-A SPLENDID PUR OK CAKRIAOE _ Horses lilood pays, I< 1. liauds lii.'H. s and l? years old; bold free drivers, vi-r.. stylish; also I handsome saddle Mure by I-eainlngtont color, dark gray; 5yoare old, ISJtJ hande high 5 very tiHtidsorae; a Splendid lady * taddic niare. being so ventle and kind. Tlic above boreea will be sold very cheap: If not sold HI private ? lie will it" sold at pablir auc tion on Friday. 3O*'lock, at Van Tni-e These louse have been used the past i years by pA'sent owner, and will ho warranted sound and kind. To be seen at 14<1 Wast ISth it. fitt>K SALE?TOP MILK WAUO , .TONES'MAKE. OK 'Brooklyn: Horse and Harness: all good order. Inoulre for two No. 7ns Newark av.. Jersey City. {NOR SALK-A SPLENDID PAlIt OF CARRIAGE Horses, sound and kind. 16 hands high, iveil c i tched and mated ; also s splendid octagon front Harris pattern l-uidsiil"i. as good as new, and a Hue set of double Har ness, used but a faw times; will be sola low. Inquire at iliiblc in H.'d St., between Madison aud -"itli ava. I No R SALE-TWO PAIRS 'EXTRA UANDSOltJt OAR ' rtaga Horses; pair chestnuts. 1(1 hands. tl years: jet black, l.iju hands and <i years; warranted sound and kind: without a h! niisli; tearless locomotives. UKOUUE D. LEHN. Kartells Fa. Foil SALE.?AN KXTRAODIXAHY BARGAIN IN A private Equipage, consisting of a large, ityilsb. dark bay Horso. Coape,-liver mouuted Ilurnesi, Ac. To he seen tor th ee days at 17 East 2S:h at, TNpU SALE-FELL"sVillN'HTOPWAliiTs, ONE SIDE L bar top Wagon, now; one Concord Baggage Wagon, with side springs, all first elate; no reasonable offer re I Used. JllW West :t7tli St. 171 OR SALE?FOR WANT OF 08 K, A FAIR OF * ityllsli dapple gray carriage Horses, 0 and (I years old; sound and kind. Apply at private stable. No. 17 Knit 40th st.. between 10 anil s o'clock. fiWIR SVLK-A.N ELEGANT IADDLR IlOKril; HOLD ' cheap for want of uso Private stable 41) West IMth it. JNoi: sal.K AT A l>AttdAtN-A GOOD BLACK a A HE, 111 liauds blgli, 7 yuars uid, sound and kind: price, $133; sold only for want ol use. Apply at 361 West 4Jd st. CLARK. 2.TH OXFORD 8T.,~LONDO.V ? Messrs. VAN WART A Mcl'OY. 114 Duanr st., X. Y W CLARK'* Fate NT llui?> tT CM I'l'ifVj ARK It .sll - lamped witlt nle name, both on the platei sud on the handles, woo.len and troll. Wei. HK'K FAT UN T HORSE CLIPPER?ALL ?purchasers are r -quested to Ill-tit on inch uame being so stamped, as none others are pen line. W CLARK'* PATENT HUMK CLIPPER* HAVE ? aciiuired a world-side reputation. CLARK'S ~PA f r.N I HORSE "clTfFER*" ARK ?used in all the Royal establishments. CI. Ai:K'S fa r KN I TlO RSK CMPPEK*~aRE ? recouimended by the French Minister ot War. \Y YV w clakk'* Patent clipper* ark ? adopted In the French ariny. : cTaRK'.s patent ho'rsk clipper* ARB ?used In sll parts of the world ' CLaRK's" patent CLIFFER* ARE ?got up regardless of e spcniu. clark-k patent iiorsiT"ijlippe its,? the ? best. and therefore the clieapatl. Cl'K 'I \1- NOTICE.?W'. t'." tkK~ BEON 10 INFORM ijthe public that he has Invented a -mall HOUSE CLIP PING M ACIIIN K. worked bv one hand only, to bo used in cumblnation with the above well ktiown clipper. By th e admirable Invention the operator. having one li.iml nt lib rro. van hold the animal In anv desired position, and thereby prevent Injury to liltntell and to the ma. bine. \\r CLARK'S "six;I,e h anDED CL1PPKM PRE* YY avents i s necessity rf the onerutor getting under neat It the I ally of the animal vrmle clipping that part, and enables him to assume a tolerably upright position. \\r Cl- tRIv'S sINOLE-ll AN DKH CLIPPER," 55 YY .useful to clip horses' heads, ears and throat. fir c'LAK K'p SlNGLK-H A n dkd ci7i fFK iR "So VY .handy lor running up the stille. leaving one hand at llbeity to hold the hock or tail. _______ \\.r ~0LABK'* HINtiLE-HANDED t'LM'I'K!'., TO YY .tie used tor all the dlitleult parts ot the animal. Tir" CLARK'S SINOLE-II AN DKD CLIPFhli, FOR YY .Clipping the legs, chest. Jtc. _________ W OLA it K'4 MINULK-11A N DKD ~"c LII'PKR CAN Vv .be used either wltli the right or lefthauu. |,tiAHK,|i '^IJ|,jitn.HANDBD CLIPPER MAE ?boon highly app>oved of in Her Mgjestv's establish ment*, as also In times if II. II. II. the Prince of Wales. Duke ol tlatnbildgn. Duke ol Westminster, and Is ? neee. ?ary article In entry stable. All machines repaired equal lo new and returned tniinndtnielv. skilled workmen being ?peeielty employed In this department. SOLD Bf ALL YTHULRMalB UOCnRi IN-NEW York, Chicago. Boston, Philadelphia, Ae. HOU?K?, CAUU1AUK9. LNOK KaLK-HI.AiCK, CHUNKY HORSE. $50; HAY I? Mar*. $G > ; must *eU. 11 Hmirr at., taad store. F"<<'U sale ok BXCHAXOK-A tlU. MATCHED TOuui, Iti hands high '? weight 3*> rwt.; suitable l?r heavy work. Can be Men until U .du.-.a"}'. WllITsON A SOX, 141 Kui 34th ?L II?OK HULK OH KXCHANUB SECOND IIAND ROAD Wagons. Can lege*. Harness. Ac., ai BARKER'S. corner Broadway and imtb >t.' 6IIBAY SACIUI CH.-NKW TOP DELIVERY OR Grocer's Witcuu, Canadian l'nur. now llaruusa, $100; worth F35t>; sell ??parala. IMnMe, HOT Weal Iwa ?t. HAVK TO MSUs DART. RXBRBM TRUCK, llottshs 15,VJ, 111 bands, sound; great bargains; RIO and 475. 73 Vaudain >1. SECOND HAM) CARRIAGES. 3 six-seat ~ seat Hot-kewaye, 1 urn out teat top Phaeton. 7 hull top Cabriolets, Cut under t>'|i IV agon, 3 half lop I'hiietoiis, Hrlttnn top \\ agou. Curtain Coach. Six-seal Phaeton. Depot Wagon; largo stock ol top and no top Wagons, A. 8. FLANI'HAU. Carriage builder, 373 and 374 Broome at., old stand ol Brewster A Co. WTAXTED-A LABOR BAY IIOBHK, TllOKOl'OHLY I' brokcu to tbu saddle. Apply to U. I'KLLOW, stable 1B3 Lexington av. VITAHYED?A DONKKY, FOR CHILDREN'S DR1V Tf Inc. with or without Cart and llaruoss. Address 0.. box ll"l Post nlttco. WANTED-BOARD KOK HORSES; $11) A MONTH i 11 warin stables; large stalls; best of carc: relsreneis given. Address L., box 55, Now Castle, Westchester county, fi. Y, WANTED-A LIGHT, SECOND HAND COVERED Business Wagon In good order. Not call, butaddiess WALKER'S, tilts Broadway. $75, X KOR in HANDS II loll, li YEA IIS OLD HORSE, all sound. 330 West ItOlh st. $100 KOR TOP BUGGY AND HARNESS. IN 1'Ell fect order. Store 3311 nth av., corner loth at. <|?1 i)X EACH.-TAKEN FOR DEBT, THREE HAND ?IP 1 -jcLoiuo new top Express Wagons. Stub l?th 500 8LEIOIIS, CARRIAGES. BLANKETS, 11 Ali ne ss aud Holies, all kinds, at low prices. WM. II. GRAY, 3d and '-3 Woostcrst. KC.'HOPE AX STEAMSIUPS. ^OST DlBj CT AND ECONOMIC ROUTE TO 1IOL ILAND, BELGIUM. THE RHINE. SWITZERLAND. AO., VI* ROTTERDAM. Steamer C 1LAXI) Dee. 7 strainer 8CHOLTKN Dec. 31 These beautiful stcumers. currying the I'nlted Sta'cs mail to thu Netherlands, are great favorite# with the public. Trips regular, rates low, coiulort ami living perfect For freight. For passage, KL'NCll, EDYE A CO. L W. MORRIS, 37 South William st. 50 Broadway (Morris' European Express. STATE LINK. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL. DUBLIN. BELFAST A>D LONDONDERRY, from pier 43 North Bivor (loot of Canai st.i r,. follows; STATE OF VIRGINIA Thurso -j, N'oveuiboi 30 STATU Of NEVADA Thursday. Dsetl&Jti 7 STATE Or' INDIANA Thursday, Dscatunar 14 STATE UK GEUBGIA Thursday, December 31 i First cabin, ^hhl and $10. according to accommodation; i return tickets. 81 111, $135. Secoud cabin, $4 >; return tick ets, $ckA steerage at lowest rates. Apply to AUSTIN I BALDWIN a CO., Agents, N't. 73 Broadway. New York. I STEERAGE TICKETS AT 45 BROADWAY AND AT ' THE COMPANY'S PIER. FOOT OF CANAL ST., NORTH ; IIIVHR (1UNARD LINK.?B. AND N. A. R. M. S. 8. CO. J NOTICE. With a view to diminish the chances of collision the steamers of this lino take a ipeclllc course lor all seasons of the year. On the outward passage irom Queeii?tnwn to Now York or Boston crossing t lie meridian ol 50 at 43 latitudo, or noth ing to thu north ol -Id. On (lie homeward passage crossing the meridian ol 50at 43 latitude, or nothing to the north ot 43. FROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEENS. W| | IV V TOWN. ?RUSSIA Wed.. Nov. 30 ALGERIA....Wed.. Dec. 13 PART HI A. ...Wed.. Dec. it 11A TAVI A... .Wed.. Dee. 30 steamers marked thus (*) do not carry steerage passen gers. Cabin passage, i'Sd, $1<VI and $130, . old, according to ac commodation. Return tickets on favor'able terms. Steerage tickets to aud from all parts of Europe at very low rates. Freight aud passage office No. 4 Bowling Green. CHARLES G. FitA.NCKIAN. Agent. T?A8*ENUEUS Per STEAMSHIP RUSSIA EMBARK lio a the i.uuurd wharf, loot ol Grand st., Jersey City, 3 P. M., oil VVcuiiosJ?y, -Dili November. ISTd. CIIAn. FRANClvLVN, 4 liowilug Greun. New York. HAMBU.G AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY'S LINE h.r PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG and HAMBURG. WIELA.nD Nov. 301 KU1SIA Deo. 14 HERDER Dec. 7 I GKlLKRT Dec 31 Kates of passage to Plymouth, London, Cheriiuurg, Ham burg and all points In EnglandFirst Cabin, $100, gold. Second Canlii, .fbO. gold; steerage, $3t), curreucv. KUMIAIIDT i CO., C. B. RICHARD A BOAS, General Agents. General Passenger Agents, 01 Hroa'd si.. New York. til Broad v. ay. New York. VTATIOMAL LINE?FROM PIERS 41 AND 47 N. R. it FOR LONDON. Franco.....' Iliarsdsy, December 7, DA. M. FOR QUKENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Italy Dec. 3. (1 A. M.d Spain Dec. 10. 3 I*. M. The Queen...Dec. 0, 11 A. M.l England....Dec.33, 10 A. M. Cabin passage. $."??>, s'OD or $<0, currency. Return tickets, $1(10. $110 or $130, currency. Steerage passage. $3B, currency. Drafts issued from ?1 upward at current rates. Apply at the company's office. 00 Broadway. Steerage ticxeta can also be obtained at the company 's liters, 44 and 47 North River. F. W. J. HURST, Manager. WHITE STAR LINE. YY FOR QUKENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIL. The steamers ot this Hue take the lane routes recom mended by Lieutenant Manry, U. 8. N., irulog soath of the Bunks on the passage to Quoeuslowu ull the year round. ADRIATIC December 3, at 5;30 A. M. BRITANNIC December Id, at 5:30 A. M. CELTIC Do<euiber 30. ni 3 I'. V. ADRIATIC Jaiinarv rt, at 10 A. M. From White Star Docks, pier 53 North Kivrr. Kates?Saloon, $so and $1<K), in gold; return tickets on reasonable terms. Steerage. $38. Saloon stHiorooms. smoking and bath rooms are placed amidships, where t ho noise and motion are least, affordluga degree of com tort hitherto unattainable at sea. For inspection of pliui* and otlier information apply at the company's office. 37 Broadway. Now York. It. J. CURTIS, Agent, A'OKTII (ir.RM IN LLOYD A! NTBAMSHIP LINE BKTYVKKX NEW YORK, SOL' I'll AM I" ION AN1> BREMEN. Company's pier tool of 2dst , Ilobokrn, NF.CKAK. Saturday. Doe. 2 I WfcSEll, Saturday, Doc. 10 AMK*<D'A, Saturday. Dec ?| 1(11 EiN. Saturday, Doc. 2!1 llatei of passugj Trout New York to Southuiuptoo, llarro or Bremen ; ? Klr?t Cabin. $U) >, sold; .'acoud Cabin, $00, gold; steer age, $?*). durreney. Cut urn ticket* at reduced rate*. Prepaid Steerage, i.t'2, enrrency. For Irolghl or passage apple to OKLP.1CI1S k CO., 2 Bowling Orenn. (s UK AT WESTERN STEAMSHIP DINK. VX TO HKlsTOL iKM'.LAND DIRECT, nailing Iroiu pier IS Dual Rlvec at follows;? CORNWALL, Stamper Saturday, December 2 SUMr.RSe.T. Western . ..Saturday, December It) Cabin patentee, $7<>; intermediate, $17; steerage., enr rency ; excursion 1 chela, SID'*; prepaid steerage cerilUcatea, S2t>. Apply to W. D. MoltUAN, Agent, 7u Sooth at. IIFILSOX LINK?FOR SOUTHAMPTON AND HULL, VV tailing from pier .1:1 North Klver at foliow? : ? HINDOO December i) | OTHELLO January d COLOMBO December 23 | XAVARINU.. ..January do Ftrat cabin. $70, currency ; second cabin, $47, currency. Excursion tickeis on very lavorable terma. Thruugn ticketa Issued to Continental nud Kalllc pern Apply, lor full par ticulars, to CIIAllLES i.. V\ ItltlllT k Co., 7u r-outh *1. Anchor line united states mail sikamers NEW YORK AND OLASUOW. ANCHOHlA.Dec. 2, li A. M. ETHIOPIA, Dec. HI, 0 A. M. CALIFORNIA.Dec.O,noon. VICTORIA. Dec 38. 10 A it. ro 6L tSOOW, LIVERPOOL OR DKKKY. Cabin, iftl.7 to according to accommodations. Intermediate, $17; steerage, $2S. kND LONDON. Nj'.W YORK UTOPIA Dec. J 7 A. M. E1.YS1A ..Dec. IS, 7 A. M. Cabin. fdS to $70; steerage. $2H. Cabin excursion tickets at reduced rates. Drafts issued lor any amount at current rates. Company's pier Not. 30 and 21 North Klver, Now York. HEN Df.KhON MHOS.. Auents, 7 Howling Oreen. 1 N.MAN LINK. MAIL STEAMERS. POR OLE NSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CITY (IK CIIK-sTER Satur.luy.Tlec. 2. at H A. M. CII'Y OS RICHMOND MtfMfday, Dec. 0. at 12 M. CITY'OS BERLIN Saturday. Dee. 33. at 9:30 A. M. From pier 4-7 North River. Cabin. $HUhfd$IU), gold. Return tickets on tnvorablo terms. Steerage $2H. currency. Drifts at lowest rates. Saloons, staterooms, smoking and bathrooms amidships. JOHN (1. Dale, Acrid. 1.7 and ::3 Broadway, New York. ONLY DIRECT LINK TO FRANCE. THE illiNKKAL 7 11A N S A T LA NT 1C COMPANY'S mail sieamer> between new York and HAVRE, CALLINO AT PLYMOLTH (U. 8,} lor the landing ot pa-.engcr*. Tlio -plendid vessels on tnl* favorite route for the Conti nent (e a in us provided with electric bells) will sail irum pier No. 41), loot ol Harrow St., Nurtu Kl.or, ?a follows:? AMKitlQI'E (Pouiala) Saturday. December 2. d A. M. FRANCE (Trudellei.... Saturday. Deeeiniier HI. ri A. M. LA JR.VDOi: taangller) Saturday, Decern sr 311,8 P. M, PRICE OF PASSAiiH IX tJOI.I), Including wtno-i? First cabin. $110 to #|gii, according to accummodatlone; second cabin. $72 : third cabin. $41). Return ticaets at reduced rates. Steerage, fgtl, with superior accommodation, Including wlno i milling and utensils without extra chare TAIL' " )l IS Ds. KKT'IAN, Agent. M Hroadway. A MKKIi AN LINK JlL Weekly Mail Steamehip Service between PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL, ending at Queeiistown, Bailing tvery Thursday Irom Philadelphia, and Sallin . every Wednesday Irom l.lveipo, I. The lollownig stoamers are appointed to sail from Phila delphia :? 1 Mil ANA Nov. 2J I OHIO Dec. 14 ILLINOI S Nor. #i| PENkVLY'ANNIA. Dec. 2l ?Lolto t'Ll VK. lire. 7 I *CiTY ot NEW YORK.Dec. 38 I'd If K OF PASS xOK IN CURRENCY, tlabln. $77 to f HO. according to locatlnn, Bterragii and iiitenii.dU.te tickets to ?nd Irom all points at the lowest rates. "-tenmers marked with a star do unt carry Intermediate. Pas-ru .rr aecoiumodatliin lor all class** nnsarpaesed. Fo. pa.-ago. rate- ol frelehl and other infortunium apply to PETER WItIUII i A SUN'S. Oem ral Agents 107 Walmtt st.. Philadelphia, (JEOIUIM W. C0LTON, 42 Brnatl st. New York. JOHN McdONaLD. Pa?-riiger Agent, No. 8 Lattery place. UNITED tsTATKs MAIL Lift6 ? I E VM To QUEENS T0*Y N AND 1.1 Vc UPtlOU Sailing on TI'i-shaV from pier 4t> North River. IDAHO.... Nov. 38.3?; P.M. I NK\ ADA Deal2.2kP. M. Montana.Dec. .7.", a m. I w !s,;iivsiN.Dee,U),.x am Cabin, i'lA. $70 and $?*?, rurr-ncy. Intermediali'. $4": steerage. $20 Passeasers hooked to and irom Paris, Hamburg, Norway, Sweden. Ac. Dra'ts on Ireland, England. Franco and (ler many at lowest rates. WILLIAMS k OLIOX. 2? Broadway. SPECIAL NOTICE. ?Till!. SPLENDID MAIL STEAM snip I DA IH I,, < aptalu Fro* man, tails from pier 4H North Rival fool of King si., lot Queen down and Liverpool, on TModa/, Jwveiubtsr, 38, at a 1)0) P, M. precisely; c ibln. In* termediate and steerage at lowest rates. AppiV to WILLIAMS A ill IDs. 2H Broadway. COAST \VIH17 NTKA NIHHiPN. I NOR NaBSAU. N. P.?RKOlfLAk MAIL STEAMSHIP LEO loaves New York December 13. at 8 P. M. MURRAY, FERRIS * CO., 63 Soath st. COASTVVISK STEAMSHIPS. Pacific mail and Manama transit "* BTEAMtHlP LINES. For California. Japan, chTna. a lath alia. NEW ZEALAND. BKlTWM COLUMBIA, OKEliuN. AO., sailing Iruiu pier North Itlver. For KAN KKAMCbMIU. via I * Ml M U> OF PANAMA. Steamship ACAPUL0O Satarday. Use. $ connecting lor Central America and south Pacific ports. frum san fhancisco ro Japan and ciona. Steamship OiTY OF 10KI0 .silardttv, Ubc. J Front SAN FRANCISCO to SANDWICH ISLANDS, AUS TRALIA and MEW ZKALVND Steamship AUSTRALIA Wednesday, Doc. 8 For Ireight or passage apply to W.M. P. CLYDE A CO., or II J BL'LLAY, Superluleioleut. No. is hvIIii (Inn, pier 42 North River. foot Canal st. STEAM IO ilKA/.IL AND RIVER IN.ATrDIR?CT~ The steamship DON ATI. Onplnln Watson. will bi tie* patched from Muriin's Stores, lirooklyn. M ediiv.duv, the IJil, December, for Pars. remnmbaco. Ilahla llio do J t Beiro, Monte Video and iluenus Ayres. taking Ireight and passengeri tor llio nul porta hi through r it ton. For freight or nnttii apply to BUSK A J E VUNF. Agents. 74 II. aver st. fjtoit IuiTfax" *. b-Zakd *t. joh n?. x p., r CROMWELL STKAJIslIIP LINK. Steamers leave pier 1(1 North Kiver following day* at S P. M. - GEORGE CROMWELL Tuesday, December 3 OKOHOK WASHINGTON Friday, Do ember 13 Most direct, die ape .1 and quickest route '.u Nora Scotia, Newfoundland ami tlie Lower St. Lawrence. Excellent pa -saucer aeeonnuodatioBM. For Irelght or passage apply to CL tIIK A SEAM AN. Sd Weal at N ew TORE AND Havana DIRECTMAILhiKK.? These tii at claaa steamships will aatl at 3 I*. M Irum pier Li North Itlver, loot of t'e lur ?t, for Havana direct, aa inline ? I ? CLVDK. Snturday. December J CoLlMHI'S VVedneadin December IS For ffelgbt aud passage. huving unsurpassed aoeoinmoda. llona, apply to WM. P. CLYDE X CO.. No. t) Howling Green. Mi KKLLAK, LCLINii X CO.. Age its In Hat alia. \r v., Havana \nd Mexican mail ns. LIME. if ?Stoainora leave pier No. .1 North Itlver at 3 P. M. FOR HAVANA DIRECT. OITY OF VERA CRUZ Wedneadav. November ?Jfl CI rv OF NEW YORK Wadneaday. Deeeuiiicr 4 CUBA saiuruay, Dei-ember I) FOR VERA CRL/. AND NEW ORLEANS, via Havana. Progruao, L'ampeacby, Tuxpnu and Tamplea C,i'Y Or Ml.rtiDA Saturday, December 14 * or freight or passage apply to F. ALEX CillllK a SUMS, 31 and 33 Broadway. Steamers will P.a-e Now Orleans Deeemhor 1 aud Decem ber 22 for Vora lire* and all the abovo |>ori*. UVjtt NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. ~~ J? TIIK CROMWELL LINE. The steamship ? HUDSON', Cantaiu linger, will sail on SATURDAY, December 2. at 3 o'clock P. M , Irom pier No. D North Miver. Tbrontrh bills of lading given to Mobllo and principal poiuta on the Mississippi River Cabin pas*a.-o. S-'ei; steerage, Apply to CLARK A SEAMAN, HI Waat at. Bermuda link ?the regular mail steamer CANIMA will mil lor Kurmu la on Thursday. December 7, a 3 p. M. For full particular* adilreaa A. K. Of 1'ER 1UUD..K, Agent, 30 Broadway. Maw V,,rk. OLD DOMINION MTlCAMIIiyP COMPANY, sailing frcnii pier 37 Nortli River. For Norfolk. City Point and Htcliiuuud, Tuesdays, Thnra day* aud Saturdays at 3 P. M., connecting with the Virginia and Teuueaaoe Air Line, Atlantic Coaat Line. Piedmont Alt Line, Chtteapeako and Ohio iwiilroad, and with ttin conn iiauy's steam lines to interior points in North Carmine and Virginia, NowUern and Washington. N. c. (via Norfolk), every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. l.ewoa. Oel , Monday and Thursday at 3 P. M? connecting I with Maryland and Delaware railroads. Passenger accuiumudationH unsurpassed. Through passage tickets and bills of lading to all polutl I at lowest ralus. Insurance to Norlolk, Ac., '.i pur cent. ' Freight roeelved iiiiilv at pi"r 37 Nerlh Rivur Conorai ; oflloes, 1117 tireenwieh St. N. L Mi CREADV, l'reaiileiit. rnKXAS LlN1 Foif (IALVESTtlN, T 1)1 tTtiINti AT~KEY JL Wuat, citrrving the United States mail.?The steamer STATE OF TEX IS, Captain ilulger, will kail on Saturday, December at 3 P. M , from pier .?> Kasl|ltlver. Tbroiiuli lolls of lading given to all |,oints on tbo Houston and T exas, Central lntcriia'.lonal, and (treat Northern, Galveston. Houston mid Henderson, an I the Galveston, llaarisbnrg and San Antonio railroads. Freight and insiiraueu at lowest rates. Fur freighter passage, having superior aceommod.i tlons, apply to 0. U. MAl.LORY A CO , 1.73 Maiden lane. QKMi-WEKKI.Y LINE Ftllt PORT ROYAL, H. AND OFeriiandiiiu. Fla.. sailing every Tuesday and Friday, Iroin pier -U East River, at 3 P. M. Steamer MONTGOMERY, Tuesday, November 28. Steamer CITY OF DALLAS. Friday, December 1. Tickets to all point* In Florida. Apply for Information and tickets to C. II. MALLORT A CO., 1,73 Maiden lane. MORGAN'S NEW YORK, KKW ORLEANS aNU TKA'AS -te.?mMuios.?TIio Btvaiuithtp LONb s'l'AK will n*U from pitir 3ti Nurth River on Dm-ember 2 tor Now Orleaii* direct. trniKterriuK Tcx*? frHcbt th?*ro t<? Mor^im'* L<?ui?i?ttri4 unit Tan* Uuflrund for Morir.ui City, tlionets per Mor.'im1* ntenni* #-n to Texun ports. Throu^'li k?i11 h of 1 nullum nI^iiocI to all >.?int? on the Mh*tUs|ppi River, Mohlle, (Jwlvehtoti. In C.-jo a. Corpus Chrihti, Ro^kport. Rre/os SmitUiro, Brownsville, uiid to nil points on tho Galveston, HarriMhurg and San Antonio, Houston and Texas Central, Interna tional and Gre?t Northern Texas l'uel lie and TnWH-Couti* nental Railroads. Freights lor St. Mary's and Fulton landed at Rock pert. Llirhtora/e and channel dues at Corpus Chrlsti and Bra* zoh Santiago at the expense and risk ot consignee. lUHttraiiue can he ell'ectod under open policy of the line* To Now Orleans. *4 per cent; to Texas ports. per cent. For freUUi or fu?thcr information apply to ItOGlCitT J MORGAN. Agent*; otllce, pier 3(3 North River. BV)lt IMIILADKLP1IIA.-TIIR A NO. 1 STB AM 4 f IIP AGNKS will I from pier Jill North River ovory Tuesday and ;*>tiirday, at 3 P. M. Freight at lowest rules. Insur ance under open poller of the line. l8 per cent. For lurcher iiitoruiailou apply to BOGNKT A MORGAN, Agents, pier lid North River. HUVRIiLKRr GUIDE. "4 LBANY?PEOPLE'S Ll*K -*PLhXDtb*~sTgAtf ?*\boai* leave pier 41 North Itivor dully, Sunday* ex cepted, ut 8 I*. X.. lur Albany and nil points .North and Went, C1aT.vKII.1i CHEEK 'LINK- S 1 KA MM It NKWViIaM" ,/1'ION or WALTER BRETT daily, tram Canal at., pier 41 North Uivor, U P. M. Pare, 3Uc. Berth* tree IjlALL III VP. It LINK TO BOSTON. ~ " 'via Newport nn.l Kill River?The world renowned steamboats BRISTOL and PROVIDENCE leave pier 1:i North Hirer, foot of Murray at. dally (Suudayiexcepimii, ot 4 :30 P. ,t|. Through ticket. ?otd ut nil the principal hotel* m the city. |^0R l'HILADKLPIII A. ~ vln Long Branch nnd the New der*ny Southern Railroad. Leave pier S, North Kivnr. foot Itrctor *t., nt II A. .St., t r Pliilndelphin, Long Brunch, Tom'* Hirer mil Vlualxnd. 4 P. U., lor Philadelphia, Lome Branch, Tom's Hirer, Wnretown and Tuetteriun. \V. S. SNKDEX, (i. M T>BNN8YLVANIA RAILROAD. 1 URKVT TKt'NK LINE AND UNITED STATES MAll, ROUTE. Train* leave New Vork, via Dcsbroases nud ?'ortlai:d| street I'errlet, ** follows: ? Expro** for Hurrisburi;, Pittsburg, the West and South, with Pullman Palace ears nttuclied, 8:1H A. and u;1l P. M. dally. For Wliliaiiisport, Look Haven. Corrv and Erie. at 8:'10 P. M.. connecting at Corry for Titusvilto. Petroleum Centra uml the oil regieus. For Wllllaiusport and Lock lluvsn, 8:.OA. M. For B Itimoro, Washington and the South, "Limited Wash lueton Express" oi Piillmnn parlor car* daily, oxc-pl Sunday. tl:.A> A. M.; arrivo Washington 4 :Itl P. X. Rei III..r ni 8:40 A. M.. I. li and It I'. M. Sunday, ti ami 0 P. M, Express for I'liiladelpulo, 7:10 8:3D. 8:4<> (S):Ki limited), 10:10 A. M , I,:?. 4. 3, 7. 8 :U0, 0 l?. M and ll' mailt. Sunday. 8:1 ' A. M.. 5. ?t. 7, 8dh> and 0 P. M. Emigrant and second class, 7 I*. M. Acconiniodatlou for Trotiton. 7 A. X.. 1 and 4:10 P. M. For trains to Newark. Klliohetb, Railway, Princeton, Trcn. ton. Perth Amhoy, Pleaiiugtou. Kmvidere and othel points. - e local schedule* at all ticket olllce*. Train* arriveFrom Pittsburg, H:1 audlOMOA. M. ana 10:.4) I*. M. daily: luilOA X anil ?M) V. M dnily, except Monday. From Waslilnvton and Baltimore, tl Ut?, 0: ai A. M , 4 :IU. ? :I0 and loyjo P. M.; Sunday, H-.1H. II:jo A. M. From Philadelphia, 3 Oi. tl^o. ti:hl, O^Vl,, 11 |5lf A. M , 1:l<>, 4:10,3:10,5:70, rt;30. rt:lo and 10 -1O P. M : Sunday, 5rX>, 0:10, (IdIO, 0:50, 11 u'?0 A. M.; tl ;.VI and 10:10 P. M. Ticket ortiee*. ?'?. rt and 014 Broadway; No. I Astor House mid foot ol I' >se* and Ootirilaoat sts.: No. 4 tlotirt ?t.. Ilrouk 1<n: No* 114, 110 and 111 Hudson st? llobokeiu Depot, Jereey City. Kiuiitrant Ticket ufHco, No. B Battery Prank Thomson. d. m. boyd. jr.. O noral Matiui{er. (lennrat PaeseiiKor Axnnt, STUN 1NC1T0N LINK FOR BOSTON^ RKDUl I KIN IN PARK. To Hostuu, lir*t class, K>4. To ProvlileM*. Hrst class, #1. Eiepant steamer* leave daily (except Sundays), from pier 11 North River, loot of Jav *t.. at 4 :10 P. M. PROVIDENCE LINE STEAMsHIP.4, Irom pier 17 North River, loot of Park place, at 4 P. X. EXCURSION!*. * ORAXb EXCURSION ACROSS TllE BAV TO ^LStateu Island. - Boat* loava Whitehall St., loot of Broad way. at 71?0, 9:15. 11:13 A. M ; 1:15.1:15.4:13.3^0 and ?dJl? P. X., lor New Uri/litoii. snuj llarhor, Weet Brlirliion and Port Richmond Fare only |Oc CIOD FI8IIINO EXCURSION THANKSOIVINO DAt) INnvriuber Ocean steamer SETIi LOW.?Leaving Harrison st.. North River, 7:15; lotb at.. North Klvor, 7:15; 8th *t.. East River, 7.33; Pier J7, lia*t River, n:11>; Whitehall <t., naltery. 8:1-1 a. M. ? cod tacklo, sea elaine nnd chowder on board; tickets, SI. AL. O. FCrtTKR, Manager. DRY OOOOS. A" T POLAND A SPIER'S, MANUFACTURERS. 374 I'anal St.?Jobbers supplied with Ostrich Fratlier Trim* lulliu m EXOVAI. -PR- PARATORV TO REMOVAL, WE are rotslllua our lmiuen*e stock of Woollens, Carpets, i IjRcloths, Blanket* ll->b ?*, Ae., at cost. ANDREW LEKTKR A CO..871 Bioadway. MILLINERY AND DIlKhSXAKIKU. ' I t TiKNTioN'?Ladies wihiiino to purchase I -Ixliaiiilsome fcvenlinr* can do their best by cal-intf ! ai 4.R 7tn a*., Ilr.t Hour. Mmk. camii,i,k dk i.acy. iiavino a lakok assortment of Imported Bonnet*, will sell them at hall the cost of Importation. H*1)^ Broadway, rear I nth *t. I 411 7 IITH AV.. BETWEEN I4T1I AND 13TI! nTS. I mmJ JL 4 OmiQiMi olegnntly iuikIo in tlie lnieit styl?*x: price! moii'i'ntft. 1 ? 1 ?-?a IWTUtlTll'.. An kxperienCed classical and mariikmar ical teacher, who i;ra.liiat-d with the highest honors, desires private pupil*: prepare* lor eoll--ge; inch-* city relcreucu*. Addre.s TEACHER, boa 145 Herald Uptown of,Ice. ______ An expbribnokd ladv WISHES A POSITION as govsrneteto in*truct I nullah brant-he*; wouhl act as poiiinaiiion: liteli e.unpoii*aiion no ol(Jeet. C. AULINO* TON, hex 130 XI Her loo, V V. BOOKKKKPINO. ARITHMETIC, CORRKSI'ONDENlK, eiielllui;.?Hour* suiting. Writing. 41 monthly. PAl.Hir, ?1 Bowery; up town, 184 8th ay. To TEACH KBSJOK SI NOINo ?BOA RIHNlI AND Loalgiug wanted, by a g-iuletnun going vh.ii to New York who wonld take evi-nln< lessons, eventually agaln-t les.ou* iu anv modern language. Please atato terms a* ones to COSMOPOLITAN, Herald office. Ledger Building, Philadelphia. STOUAttE. STORai.E"V()R Tt XII ftt'ki r Wan OS. AU.?HaX# usual rales; separate rooms: elevatori watchman*, furni ture moved MICUALKS A SON, :-8?4J Cmnilw 4. near HUeoaac.