Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,709. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1876.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS. DIRECTOKY FOK ADYEKTISER8. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE, 1.385 BBOATIWAT? OPEN DAY AND NIGHT FOK RECEPTION OF ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES OF PAPERS. AMUBEMENT8-3? FAC*?4th, 5th ud Oth coll ASTROLOGY?12th Pack?eth col. BILLIARDS?12th Pack?Oth cuL BOARDERS WANTED?3d pace?2d and 3d BOARD AND LODGING WANTED?2d Pace?3d sad 4th coll. BOOTS AND SHOES-IIt* PaGB-2d coL-3 BROOKLYN BOARD?Un pAG*-4th cot. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOE SALE?1st Tage? 4th col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES??? Pace BUSINESS NOTICES?7tb PACE-flth c?L c:TT REAL ESTATh FOK SALE-Ut Pace?4Ut eel. CLERKS AND SALESMEN?1 2th Page-M coL CLOTHING?12th PaGB-tith col COACHMKN AND GARDENERS? l'-TM Pack?3d and 4th cols. . COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS? Irr Pack?5th and 6th col*. COUNTRY BOARD?2d PaGB-4th col. DANCING ACADEMIKS-Utii Pagk-W coL DRY GOODS I IT P At;*?6th col. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET-FURNISHED AND CE FUKNIBHBD?2d Pac*?l*t col EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?l.tT Pack?5th eel. EXCURSIONS? Is* Pack? 6th col. FINANCIAL?9th Pack. FOR SALE?Id Pace?4th coL FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET-3K Page?lit and 2d cola FURNITURE?12tm Pace?tUt coL HELP WANTED? FEMALES?13tk PaoB-8d cot, HhLP WANTED-MaLES?12th PaGK?4tt?ot HORSES, CARRIAGES, AO.?liT Pagb-24 3d mad 4th colt. HOTTL.S?2d Pigic?4tbcol _ HOUMRS, ROOMS, AC.. WANTED?12tk Pack?4th coL INSTRUCTION?2d PAUE-4thcoL LECTURE SEASON?1 lTH Pau*-2d col. LEGAL NOTICES?1st Pace?tith col. LOST AND FOUND-KT Pace? lat col. MACHIXBRY-ltT Pack?*th col MARBLE MANTELS?12th PaG*-4th col. MEDICAL?12TK Pack?Bth col. MILLINERY AND DRESS MA KINO?1?T Page?6th ooL MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS? IOtk Page? Clti coL MUSICAL- 11TH PACK-2d col. NEW PUBLIC ATIONS?7th Pags-SiE coL PERSONAL-Ist Page?lit col. PIANOFORTES. OKGaKS. iC.-IlTK Pack?2d col. POOL SKLLING-lsr Page?2d col. . POST OFFICE NOTICE?2d Page?4th col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS W ANTED?FEMALES? 12th Page?3d col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?1st Page?4th col. REAL ESTATH TO EXCHANGE?1st PAGE-4theol. REAL ESTATE WANTED?1st PAGE-4th cel. RELIGIOUS NOTICRS-lsr Pack. REWARDS?1st PAGK-Ittcol. BALKS AT AUCTION?12th Page?5th End 6th cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALRH-I 1th Page?3d, 4th, 5th and tith cola . and 12th 1'agk?1st and 2d cola SITUATIONS WANTED-MALES-12TH PaGK-3d col. SPECIAL NOTICKS-Ist Pack?lit and 3d col*. SPORTING-DOGS, BIRDS. AC.?1st Page ?2d eoL STORAGE?12th Pack?4tU col. THE TRADES? 12th Page?Itlrcol. THE TURF-Ist Page?2d col. ro LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2? PAGB-Ut col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE-Ist Pagk-BUi col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET 2n Pack?2d col. WANTED TO PURCHASE-Ist PAGK-0th col. WATCHES, IEWKLKY. AC.-I-'th Par.ic-Hth col. WINES, LIQUORS. AC.-IIth Paai:-2d col. PERSO.V.VL, B. BoYIOfEfc H A T~c uULfifi?P Le a^8""(0a?u ?8CHINDLER A CO.. Hatters, 1,167 Broadway, N. Y. M H. WATROUS WILL HRAR OF SOMETHING TO UAhla advantage by calling at 243 Broadway, room 14. /NHAKLES M. R.?ISAAC G. BOYCE, LAWYER, 2(i7 V' Broadway, ha* decrne awaiting yon. [NOR ADOPTION.?A BABY BO*: RESPECTABLE L parentage. Address A W., Herald Uptown office. KOKRlo-PLKASE KETURX MY LETTER, OB ?let me know why you have not. E. 8. Lady, monday evening, at Olympic?light felt hat. purplo feather. Gentleman in third seat he tind her would like to make her acquaintance. State eir lumstauce. Address DAN, Herald Uptown Branch office. ? Mrs. rosina p. d. d. m. y. and her sister. Ora Mlnerrali, who was married several years ago hy Rev Dr. Topman. Madison nv.?Her cousin. Vlviati Russ ord, is very low In conautnption: the would like to sea you. 151 West 35tli St., ovor Bnrntster'e office. M AGGIE HAYES-SUNDAY. DISAPPOINTED. FRANK. M RS. M. HOGART?PLKASK SEND ADDRESS TO AN old Friend. WILLIS, Herald ofllco. M ARR W.-WHY IS THERE NO ANSWER TO MY raetsmgo I Pickpockets who stole my pookktbook on Eighth avenun car leaving Canal at., Monday evening, about ti o'clock, will please return paper* contained therein, of no value but the owner, to BAD, box 141 llernld office. TO ADOPT-TO A LADY OR FAMILY OF HIGH so cial rank and distinction, a young girl lrom the coun try; very refined, wealthy and well born: lately bereft oi kindred: beat references exchanged. Addresa A B. C., Herald Uptown office. THE GENTLEMAN AND LADY WHO TOOK TRAVEL ling Bag through mistake, lrom hotel St. Stephon on Mon day evening, will cooler a lavor by expressing same to hotel. WALLACK'S. MONDAY-LADY RESTED ARM against gentleman on lett, and said "Excuse rae" and "Ihank you" during evening. Please address K. M. U., Herald office. WILL MARIE LF.TONG, FORMERLY OF 223. SEND her nresent address to Le Grand Officler* Address Herald Uptown office. OFFICIEK. ?JftTU STREET DEPOT TO FORT WASHINGTON, OUl'iteaday afternoon ?Will Blue Yell excuso ray mile nets* Can earnest admirer win votir recognition? If so, ad dress at onee, H. A N. PAXTON, American House, Bos ten. Mass. ItElil?IOlH ROTlCHta. tofcOOKLYN TABERNACLE. R?v. T. DE WITT TALMAQE will preach THURSDAY (Thankagivicg) MORNING, at 11 o'clock. C=== MINT AltD FOtlSlD; Y'osT-ATLInKKD g6ld CHAIN. BETWEEN "28til JJst and 5th av. and Wnverley and University place; lib eral reward offered. New York Hotel, room 128. T~blT-A SCOTCH fKKKIEK; AN HIVEiTs TO THE XJname ot Colonel. A liberal reward will be paid for Ida return to 318 Weat 32d at. ? T OSTEON TUESDAY AFTERNOON, A PEARL PEX Jj.lant; tlie finder will be liberally rewarded on returning tamo to St. Jullen Hotel, Washington place.| REWARDS. "J~" _ (fjT/t ke\vakB^Ti^"^i e k k sc gaum uTuM^lSut at ip_L\J Booth * Saturday night la returned to the box office of the theatre. $20 REWARD. NO OUBSTIONS ASKED.?LOST, ON laat Satunlay night, in the neighborhood of Weat Broadway, a cold Watch; II' the flndor leave* it at the linuor store corner Varick and Beach si*. ho will receive the above reward. REWARD?l-OR THE RETURN (AND NO ijL )Ui|iie?ttone asked) of a GOLD MEDAL, given by mis take within two months. 81 MESON. SOMERS A CO.. 27 Chatham at. DVERTIffB IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM AND HAVE YOUR ADVERTISEMENTS HEAD 11V OVER 60.000 PEOPLE AT A SMALL COST OF ONLY 20 CENTS I'KR LINE. ADVERTISEMENTS RECEIVED FROM 3 TO 250 LINES. SPECIAL NOTICES. A." FINAL NOTICE. KENTUCKY CASH DISTRIBUTION COMPANY DRAWS TOMORROW (THURSDAY). THE $0(0,1 Kk) OOINa A THANKSGIVING PORTUNBl I DRAWING COMMENCES AT 12 M. WHO WILL BE THE LUCKY ONES? THE LIST NEXT ~WEEK WILL TELL. THEY WILL BE PUBLISHED IN TUB HEBALD. COME OXE. COME ALL 11 THIS . IS "the LAST DaF7 I I $12. HALVES (t ' ? ' I O. v LANTERN A' ' ? " ' ?*W otlllOP. M A -LO0I? Grmc . i? tl t > ?? ? -' * 1 Cap" ?*.-?. ..$30,000 |0' -IIV . ..,. 20,000 1 < 10. wo ?' 1,1100 5 ?> ' ?>" 2(10 '? as ?? ? w .her I'rlies. . Eighths, Sixteenth*. i . . . i -m ?l uailnn apply to ?AMSON A CO . Brokers. 317 Broadway. New York. VNa LOTTERY. ?rawing December I. One prir-c of $200,W<k One iirlre nf lorj.fkiO. One pricA of fio.OWX One priae of V.'i.GOO. ? .. One priae of 10,000. ? .<0 nth?r pHre? nnle tickets. $4(1: halves. $20; gnerteri, $10; eighth*, lentil-, $1. twentieths. $2. Full egplanatory niri tiTjfca* tree. TlIKODoRK ZSCIltM II. 1 Id Nassau at . New York. A TlE.vriiiN rWEXTY TEAKS' PRUSSIAN HOS J t I'ttal experience : diseases of men a anecialtv ; consu.ta Hen free. I)r. .I tCOBY. 101 Bleecker at. A'TED.?AN EXTENSIVE LONDON HOSPITAL 2l|ir i ir |>r. Wen's new remedies curt* auick and permanently *11 fcmpMnta eunattltaiion fiee. 45 Bleecker at., between Broadway and Bowery. ?ISAAC G. IIOVC1., 267 BROADWAY. LAWYKR. .?I'lvorcea "btiined promptly, without publicity; deser tion, Incompatibility, habitual drunkenness. Infidelity, in ert treatment, conviction of felony. Paaaporta obtained. A. SPECIAL. NOTICES. A." THIS IB THE LAST DAT to Birr rs. THB CENTUCKX Cash DISTfUB I'TION company. <k W. BAKRUW A CO, GENERAL IaSTKSN AGENTS. NO. T10 BROAD WAX. OmCE OPEN" UNTIL 10 P. M. B. -300.000 cask gifts. Kentucky Stat* Single Number Distribution. 10,378 Prises anil only 50,000 tickets. SIMMONS A DICKINSC ' IN SON. Manager*. Te ba drawn on Saturday. December 30, I87?i Wholes. S10 Shares ir: proportion. Royal Havana to lie drawn December I, la~H Kentucky State Lotteries drawn duty. Address PARKS, EMERSON A CO.. bunker:. ISM Broadway, room A Diseases ok men a specialty. HENRY A. DANIELS, M. D., 144 Loxlngton ae., near 128th at. Office hours from a to 3. Diseases or THE NERVOUS system, the blood, ernntivo humor, and all apodal couuplalnta cured by Dr. GR1NDLE, 14J West 4hth at. ErPS' cocoa (Breakfast). Gratelul, comforting. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural lawa which govern tbo operation: of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the tine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Kpps lias provided our braakfaat table: w. the delicately flavored beverage which may save ua many heavy doctor:' bills. It 1: by the judicious use of such article! of diet that a constitution may be gradually built op, until strong enough to rasist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us. ready to attack wherover there is a week point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well Inrtitica with pure biood and a properly nourished frame."?Civtl Servioe Uaaette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. In packets and tint (>k lb. and 1 lb.) lnoelted JAMES EPFS A CO., Hommopathic Chemists, 48 Threadneedie :t. and 17<> Piccadilly. Loudon. Depot in New York?SMIT11 A YANDBKBKCK, Park pi ace. Headquarters, veteran corps twenty. second Regiment, annual meeting of the corps will be hel l at tho Armory of the Twenty-second regiment on Krtday. December 1, at 8 o'clock P. M. JOSEPH \Y. CUNUDON, Colonel. 0. J. McCombik, Adjutant. K?CHRONIC CATARRH, DEAFNESS; IMPROVED ? method; instantaneous relief; permanent cures. Dr. STODDARD. No 8 West 14th st. VfERVOlS EXHAUSTION.?A MEDICAL KsSaY lv comprising a ecrica of lectures delivered at Kann's Museum of Anatomy, New York, on the cause and cure of premature decline, showing Indisputably liow lost health tuay lie regained, affording a clear svnopaia of the impedi ments to marriage and the treatment of nervous and physi cal debility, being tho result ot 30 years'experience. Price 35cents. Addreae the author, Dr. L. J. KaIIN, office and residence51 East 10th at.. New York. New yokk. November 28. i8?a Mr. Joh.h Pattxx:? Dkak mk?ah I aui a uroperty bolder on Greenwich St., whose property ban been greatly injured by the Elevated Hallroad, t tuko the liberty of nrking you the presontcon dition ol the action which yon brought against that enm peny. Ait I understand It. you obtained an injunction aKninst the compauy, but as [ have seen no mention ot'your Inst case lu the papers lately. I fear that It baa been abandoned. Will you lie good enough to let me know the condition of your case, and obligo yours, very respectfully. ISAAC H. II AH L.MAN. 0 SLY TWO DAYS LUNGER. KENTUCKY CASH DISTRIBUTION CO., Draws Thursday November 3U. 11,157 Prises, all cash, $601 ),<MJ. Tickets. $12; halves. $6; quarters, $3. Tickets for sale by THOS. H. HAYS A CO., Gt)7 Broadway. -OFFICIAL DRAW IN (IS KENTUCKY STATE .Lotteries, SIMMONS. A DICKINSON, Manager*. KK.XTPCKY. KXTKA CLASS SO. 683? sfoVKXBKK 28, 1876. 34. 04 12, 44. U. 43. 53, 1, 14. 8. 41. 57. Kf.XTUCKY, CLASS SO. 668?NOVKMBKR 28, 1876. 38. 10, 10. 43, 51, 71, 40. 47. 4. 05, 42. 30. HKSKT, KXTKA CLASS Ml. 565?JtOVKWnKB 28, 1H76. 47. 67, W?, 27. 42. 43, 70. 6. 37. HO, 67, 20. HKSRY. CLASS NO. 566?NOVKMBKU 28, 1876. 16, 10, 2?, 60, 13, 27, 25, 20, 7t>. 39. 13, 61. Tickets, informaiien, Ac , by applying to or addressing J. CI.UTK A 0O..2QO Hr.o" _ O?$6l*>.t*NL?Ki.Nl'Li sTATK SINGLE N' MBKR ?distribution; .*>,631 pro ,, distributing #600,000, to 0e drawn Drccmber 30. Tickets only $20. Send in your or ders at once. Also Royal llav?"a. December 1. J. CLUTE A CO., 200 Broadway. OVAL HAVANA LOTTERY. " Next drawing December t, 18701 25,000 tickets, 685 prises, us follows. 1 of $200,000 1 nt 100.000 1 of 50,000 1 ol 25,01*1 ] ol 10,0(10 a of $r?.ooo moo.) SO 1)1 $1,(100 80,(100 042 of $5110 321,010 2 approximations of $1,000 and 4 of $500......... 4.(Kill Total amount or prises $750,000 Addrc-s B. MARTINEZ A CO.. Bankers, 10 Wall St., bu semen i. New York. For 1873 we sold the prise of $500,000, gold, and In Sep tember last, that of #100.000 and dished it. We buy and sell Spanish gold and Havana Bank bills. Drafts on Havana Issued lor any amount. TilK EVENING TELEGRAM has a"CIRCULATION t)F 50.000 COPIES EVBRY DAY. (NO THE AD VERIT8INU RATES ARE ONLY 20 CENTS PER LINK. OFFICE. 2 ANN ST. a7 niY hnil -royal HAVANA lottery. djJ I tjU.vJUU. To be drawn Friday. December I. ? ? Capital prise, $200,00.?? I prise $100,000 I 1 priso oi $50,000 1 prise 25,i stO I I prl/.e of 1U,0<*) 3 prises ol (each).... 5,000130 prixevef (each)... 1.U00 68.5 (irises In all, distributing $75<>,' O). Wholo tickets, $4 1. Halves. $20, Fortieths, $1. Kentucky State Lotteries drawn dally. Wholo tickets?Morning, $i; evening, $5. JACKSON A CO.. Bankers. 202 Broadway, New York. ATCH noil -ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY? JJl I c?U."V/U.Draws December I. Prices cashed. Cir culars tree. Spanish Gold, Havana Bank Bills bougnt and sold. J. DUFF A CO., Bankers, 42 Nassau St., corner Liberty St., New York. $7cn nnn -royal Havana lottery i UU.uUU.draws December 1. Prises cashed and circulars free. A few lucky numbers left. P. 0. DEVLIN, General Agent. 21 Park row, room 5, New York. S POIIT1Y U?DCHiS, lil IlllS, sfcC. A~T>VERrib1?~tN~ THE ~~ ' EVENING TELBOBAM. ONLY 20 CEXT3 PER LINE. LOSING THANKSGIVING SALE " of magnificent Breech-Loaders, by Westley Richards. \Y. W. Orcsner, boots, Ac., THIS DAY. at 12 o'clock, at (lie salesroom of TUNIS JOIINSON. 37 Nassau st. REEDMOOR JUNIOR 100.YARD RIFLE RANGE, under Broadway, In the old Pneumatic Railroad tnnuel, open tor practice daily from 8 A. M. te 6 P. M. Entrance Broadway, corner Warren. HaRRT HILL'S "HOFFMAN HOUSE," FLUSHING Hay.?Great sporting event of the season on Thanks giving Day. commencing at 11 A. M. Grand Plgneon Match. Turkey Shooting, "Devonshire Wrestling," by Browning and Ellis; Boxing, Ac. : Clam Chowder and first class Band of M ii?ic: Col. J. U. McLaughlin, champion wrestler, and Dr. Talbot, the "ciack shot," will be present. No uost ponemeuk " " POOL. SELLING. ?? iUCTfrt.^FitE.vcH" A ND"COM HI .\*AT ^6<TL3 sold at Johnson's Rooms, corner 28th st. and Broadway, en the running races at Petersburg, Vs. Full returns received by telegraniL T. B. JOHNSON. 10V k l is * 31 ? m fs. I* WE It awr h st.? ao ctio x, jFrench and combination Pools, on the Petersburg run nine races and billiard tonrnament: tickets, $2. EJOTICK.-PARTIEB HOLDING OUR AUCTION POOL tickets on the genera; result of the Presidential election ' their moncv refunded (less Commissions) by con ' ? holder of the opposite tihket. Any person's who ?Ire we will meet every evening this week, be If) o'clock, at 15 West 28th st.. and co-operate orlnglng soout the dosir-d resulL KELLY A HLlbH, 15 West 28th it. w'K ?ALL PERSONS HOLDING OUR AUUTTo* ..ot Tickets 011 general result 0) Presidential election blng to draw their money, less commissions, can do so by nnsent of holder of opposite ticket. For further Inform a, tiu apply to JOHN MoKRISSEY AGO., 1,23V Broadway The evening telegram ear aTJTrculatiom OF 5D.i*X) OOPIBb KVKRV DAY, AND THE AD VERTISING RATES aRE ONlsY 20 CENTS PER LINK. OFFICE, a ANN ST. TjIK -i'lfi,,; ^?!7l?ETW'0dD PARK. NoVEM BRIT 2tCT87<. .? Trotting to commence at 2 o'clock P. M. Match lor $21* 1, ratch weights Thot. Walker names h. g. Frank, to wagon. John McUuire names b g Sweesbrler, to fiarneta Also match for $2iX). R m. K. Weeks names s. g. Sorrel Jake, to harness. Jubn Mnrplty names rn.j; Fred Tyler, to wagon. Admission $1. GATtS II. H A R.N t RD, President. AT BROOKLYN DRIVING f ABIC PARK VILLI, L L? Trotting on Thanksgiving day, Tiitirsday. November 'JO, 2 P. M.. purs-. #U*>. lor 2;42 cl??s;$50 to first, KK to tec ond. $15 to third. $10 to lonrth three in five, to harness. Fame day. purse #25 for the horse that trots nearest to 3 minutes, entrance fee, 10 percent; entries will close at the Park Wednesday. November 29, t> P. M. Admission to track, 50a. I, WILLIAMS A SDN, Proprietors. s I WEST SIDE DRIVING I'iRK, J RESET CITY 1\.(Thanksgiving Day). Thursday. November 80.?Special premium racers, five entries; double teams, lour entries; running race, font entries; commencing ii-i .3oP M a<1 tnlssior., 5f) centa WM. VAN Kl'RKN, Proprietor. flHIK EVENING TELEGRAM HAS a CIRCULATION 1 i,K 50.000 COPIES EVERY DAT, AND Tile, AD VERTISING RATES aRK ONLY 20 CENTS PER LINE. OFFICE, -1 ANN sT. ttOllSKS. CAKUiAGKb. <fcC. ~ LKi'ftT landau. $475rr??6r*in?0(JK. ; away, dEf.'w>; Pony I'liSStM, tRfl 1 T t art,$250; 25D new and second hand Carriages. Gigs, top and op. n l.xp-ess Wagons, bletghl. Harness, hobes. Hlauke-s, cheaper than ever. WM. II. GRAY. 80 and 32 Wooster st. | HORSES, CARRIAGES, AC. ~TY"&~Xhkkk l 80\"S *~" Acitt auction mart and x. t. TATTERS ALL' 9. CORNKR or Broadway and 31'th st. major cha.> w hakkkR. auctioneer REGULAR >ALES e! Horses. Cimu'it, Ac.. MVRItr WEDNESDAY AND HaTChI/aY. TWENTY KOCH hoar* Allowed for trtaL THE ONLY driving track it the Bulk catalogue ok sale this daT. AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK, BEUINN'INO with the GRAND SALE OF THOROl 0HBREDR OKaND A.vLE of the MKSNRS. DONaH UK'S STABLE of KaM'II's RaCKHORSES, INCLUDING 8FINDRIFT. STANFORD. Huckleberry. Paator, Mno, Gray Lai;. Mollis Carew, New York, Hustoesa, Ac.. Ac. CATALOGUES. with full partlcnlarv at tale. IMMEDIATELY AFTER above an elegant eaddla and harness FONT; deeerlptlon at ?ale. TDK MOST baautifnl highly trained, Kentucky bred, euraolned rich brown saDDLK AND HARNESS MaRE In America. 1 5high. 7 years old; rot by star Denmark, dam by Engineer: goes ALL KNOWN OA ITS under saddle; elegant in harncae; perfect lady'e mare and warranted aonnd and kind. THE CHKstNUT Trotting Mare ELINORE. l'?\ high, ft rears old; got by the Archer florae. ?on of Mambrino Chief; haa a record of 2 84: WARRANTED TO BEAT J 4th THE CELEBRATED brown trotting Gelding, sangut, got by Genera! Knox. 151, high, 7 ycare old. a atyllab and extra pleaaant driver: haa a record of 2:3H; la gentle for the moat ordinary reinemau to handle et (peed, and It war ranted eound and aind. ELEGANT BROWN Coupe or match Horee, .10 high, 0 yaaraoid; cuperb style. action and appearance: coal the present owner 850G in Canada, anil le warranted kind. EXTRA DEsIKaBLK hay Vermont bred Mara. 151$ high, fa yeara old. la very l.andaome and etylleh; prompt, handy driver: can trot cloee to rtminutea. Also tup 1'ony Phaoton. by Calliper, Mamies Ac LARGE lot or Double and Single Harness. LARGE NUMBER of top and no top nice-bar and full spring Road Wngona, top Pony Phaeton*. top and no top txprcea Wagnna, Carriage*. Ac. BY ORDER of Dr George G. Palmer, to pay veterinary chargea and keeping, a bay Truck llorae, 10'? nigh. SEVERAL OTHER Horses. FULL DESCRIPTION at .ale. SALES KEVBR poatponed uu account of weethar. A T AUCTION. BY WILLIAM VAN TAS8F.LL, AUCTIONEER. Office and Saleeroom 110 and 112 Kaet 13th at. ORKAT SALE OK FINE OARRIAQE8. SURPLUS STOCK OF THE EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURE OF THE OLD AND WELL KNOWN HOUSE OF MESSRS. WOOD BROTHERS. VAN TASSKLL A KEARNEY WILL SELL BT AUCTION ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, December 6 and 7, at IOK o'clock, AT THE ELEGANT AND SPACIOUS WAKEROOM8 OF MESSRS. WOOD BROTHERS, Nos. 4!>. 51 and 53 Lafayette place. In rear of 740 Broadway, near Actor place and Sth at, LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ELEGANT CARRIAGES, the aurplua stock ol Messrs. Wood Brothera, nil soa aonahie atock, finished for tba belt town trade, com prising LANDAUS. WITH OLASS AND LEATHER FRONTS. LANPAULKTS. of different ticec. COUPES. Wild STRAIGHT and ROUND FROKTS. GLASS QUARTEl RED ana PANEL COACHES. T Cart". Dog Cart*. Vlctorioc. Charioii. Phaeton*. Roeka wav>. top and open Kond Wagon* aud Veloclpodas, Sleigh* of Portland and Albany aivle*. Also a lew aecond hand Carriage* in Hrat rate order. Stock wil! be on exhibition aud catalogue* ready Friday, December I. A ?A.?A.?S. DINGER. Anctionear. The *ale of the Unriea. Carriage a, Harnets. Robe*. Blanket*. Ac., of a private geullenian advertised to be sold on Tuesday, was adjourned to tnis dav (Wednesday), at 13 o'clock noon, when the sale will positively lake place, at private stables, 2- Lexington nr., two doors above _'3.| st . alter which the sale of Furniture will be resinned at the Metropolitan Sales rooms, Sth ar. and 25th st. A. ?SEVERAL broughams, ONE LA.NDAULET, ONE OLASS FRONT COACH, vary light; some our own make, and all In very One order. BRKWSfEK A CO., 5th av? corner 14th st. A GOOD" NEW MILCH COW, WITH CALF. FOR sale cheap. Apply at 383 Wait 42d (t. A" VERY LIGHT LAXDAC. 8475; I COUPE ROCK awny, f.350; Pony Phaoton, fix); 1 T Cart, #25i>; 250 new anil second hand Carriages, Gigs, top and open Kxpresa Wagons. Sleighs, liartn-ss. Robes, Blankets, cheapor than ever. WM. H. GRAY, 20 and 23 Wouster st. A~t retail, " 720 Broadway, for thirty day? only, AN IMPORTER'S STOCK of English Railway and Carriage Rugs, AT COST OF IMPORTATION. 85 to 835. A KINK SORRKL HO USE. CHEAP; 10 HAM'S; Aj ,.\ young, nound, kind ami good traveller. UONNKAU, 174 Centre ?t., up stairs. AKAST TKOTTKR. BEAUTIFUL SHIFTING TOP, IM proved sprint; Wagon and Harness, almost new; no offer refused. !.">! West 35th st. DVERTISK IN THE l EVENING TELEGRAM. ONLY 30 CENTS PER LINE. AT AUCTION.?LOOTS J. BEER SELLS. HJi o'clock sharp,"283 East 10th st., three good business, warranted and trial Riven. A?STOP EXPENSES. ?KINK, YOUNG, SORRKL. lfD* .Horse: decant top Wagon. covered; Harness; Port land Sleigh: Kobe ; $300; separated. 311 7th a v. -TWO CANADIAN 6 YEARS, AND TWO > .Horses, sound and kind. 11 Hester St., feed store. PONY HOTLT HORSE. TWO OTHER HORSES; Lin list sell; $30 to $70. 201 Grand it., stable. A FINE BLACK IIAWK MARK?DO WELL FOR parties wishing to Improve tits breed of horses; seen at No. 3 West -7th st., private stable; also a large. stylish dark Bay, fine saddle horse or eoupe. A?MUST HE SOLD.?NO OFFER REFU8KD: TWO ?last Trotters, two top Road Wagons, twe seta of Har ness, Slelirh, Robes. Ac.; also Pony Phaeton, Mutual Club Stables, 13S West 31?t st. A COUPE kockaway, in good order, for hall its value; light glass Coach, cheap. 333 Bast 53d st. B UGGY.-A BEAUTIFUL FULL SPRING TOP BUGGY. $125. worth *350. tlOVKY'S stahlo. 134 West l?th st. Brougham w>ntkd-must he in good order. one of Brewster's prelerred. Address J. M. W., Herald Uptown office. C1ARRIAGK REPAIRS.?WK INVITE SPECIAL AT ytention to the superior facilities of our repairing depart ment. All carriages, finished with Valentine's American varnish, superior to all of foreign manufacture In durability and brilliancy. Estimates furnished. Orders received at 5th av. and 14th St., or factory, Broadway and 47th st. BREWSTER A CO.. of Broome it. (30UPE, ONE PARK PHAETON, ONE SIDE BARTOP J Wagon, and one Dropfront Wagon, sulta bin for a doc tor. at a sacrifice, as tho owner Is going to Europe. At M. Curlcy's, HH East 13th st. IAOR SALB-A HANDSOME FOUR-WHEEL DOG ' Cart, built by Brewster A Co., of Broome at Apply at the iNarragansett Stables. 124 and 136 East 63d st. For sale-bay horse, fast trotter, six years old: Brewster Wagon and Uarnoss, Robe. Blank ets, Ac. Address FOR SALE, Herald office. KIR SALE-TWO THREE-SEAT COUPES AND FIVE Horses, at from $25 to $75 each. Apply at 378 Broome st For. sale-at half price, good rm ok horse, 16 hands high, 8 years old; sound and kind; weight 1,400 lbs. Apply at 863 West 42d st. pOR SALE-A COUPE ROCKAWAY, PRICE $J00: _ also a set Coach Harness, price $>0, and els-seated Sleigh, $135. Apply at 136 East tilth st. FOK SALE-GENTLEMAN'S ROAD HORSE, warrant) d sound una kind: can trot in 2:4-5. Can be seen et my stable 327 En-t 28th st. JOHN McDBRMOTT, 2 and 3 Washington market. For kalk-a roan hoksr. ie hands high, perfectly sound aod gentle; price $350; to be seen at 134 West 18th st. F OR SALE-A HEAVY DRAUGHT IIOP.SB, 1,300 welgbt. Call, for two days, 449S West 16th st. For sale?for want of use. a pair of styl ish young dapple gray Carriage Horses. Apply at pri vate stable 17 East 40th si. Great sacuifick.-newto" delivery ororo. eer's Wagon. Canadian Pony, new Uarnes, $190, worth $350; eeli separate. 2 -7 West I8th. H ORSE BLANKETS. SLEIGHS. Baggies, Phaetons. Rockawaya, Robea, HARNESS. Ac. Stable Blankets, 80c. ; Truck Blanket* from J\ Dress Blankets, fashionable colors. $.3 to (IS. Carriages. Harness. Robes. Ac . si bottom price*. Albany and Portland Cutters from $3k JOHN MOORE, 57 Warren et. Harness! blankbtsi; rob is, acim Handmade Harness. $15 5t); Blankets. $1 50; Bnffalo Holies, $.7 50; wolf Sains, piosb sod woollen Lsp Robes at prices to suit the times; truck Blankets In giest variety; save money by dealing direct with the tnanu-actttrer K. H.vHTLETT. 62 Warren st., cornor College plaee. Horses wintbrkd.-partiba wishing a Hume tor horses, with first e.laes slal-ling, where persona! *1 tetittoo will be giren. wilt find It twith best reference) br addressing B. II. SEAMEN, bouth Side stock farm. Mer. rick. L. I. Handsome light three-quarter clakkvcr. by'- - ~ " Wood Bros.; also Coupe Rockuwar, Pole and Shafts; superb order: no fair offer refused. 147 West 35th it. Mortoagk sale November .a. i?76 at iogth st. and 1st ??.-One bay Hon*, one set of Harness and nearly new top Wag ->n. platform springs bale at 11 o'clock sharp. By order ol attorney for mortgagee. Second hand carriages. 3 Rocknway*, Turn ont seat ton Phaeton, 7 half ton Cabriolets, Cttt under top Wagon, 2 half top Phaetons, Hrittor: top W agon. Curtain Coach. Six-seal Phaeton. Drpol Wagon : large stock of top and n > top Wagons. A. 8. KLANI'llAU, Carriage Builder, 372 and 374 Brooms st.. old ?tsrtl of Brewii-r A C?l SINGLE TRUCK. MILK WAGONS. BUGGIES, I'll \R ton sun Furniture Track for sale at FINLKY BKOfL, 443 West 42d st. TO LKT-PRIVATB STABLES 131. I8? AND 145 WEST West 17th and 114 West Wth st. JaMKS 8TIKKMAN, 76 Will it. 10 LKT-A SPLENDID, ROOMY STABLE, 43D ST., .rear 5th st.; rant reasonable. MARK LEVY, 778 6th .. o rner 44th sv TO LET?A FIRST CLASH THREE STORY BRICK -?-table In the Eighth ward, with box, stall*, water. Ac. Inquire of li. OSTK.a N Dfc 31)1 Canal St. mtO LAND.lULETS ,aT PANIC PRICKS; 2, 4 AND ? I. seat Sleighs: eery low. J. COLYKR A C 0., 594 Broad way. \lrANTED?BOARD FOR HORSES; $10 A MOUTH; Yt warm -tables; large stalli: best of care: references given. Address L., box 55, New Castle, Westchester county, N. Y, w ;'ANTED -A COCPR ROCKaWaY, SECOND HAND, In good order, not to exceed 9250 cash. Mrs. va, 631 Lexington ay. ft? ANTED?A GOOD SECOND HAND COUPB ROCK T? away , must be light. Address, stating lowest each price, J. R , box 136 Herald oftica. HOUSES, CARRIAGES, AC. xt*astki>?a i:orpK nsmn utfsr be mini TT or over and young, with good actum . Uflt not spend. Address P.. buz 2.1S7 Pott office. KACH.-TAKB> FOR DEBT. THREE UAND ?P 1 mttjtoma ntw top Express Waguna. Stable 13d Wert I'.Ah it ?-fM\ POR PKiVaTK TURNOUT.-H0R8K TROTS ipiH/vln 3.-40; Corbtlt lop Road Wagon. Harness 47 Br oner and Kimball Sleigh. alto top Wagon for $U0. worth $1501 Apply at thoo ttort 239 4th a? ~ CITY REAL ESTATE MR SALE. < rntrai. A POUR STORY BROWN STONE HOUSB. NO. 23 East 49ih sk, for salt or to lat, unfurnished. Cali ?t tho ' huato Opto at all hoars. N tcelj repairod and paintad. Now la eunipltto order ?RK D CCBD PRICES AND RENTS.?PRINTE D ?lilts at 4 Pino It. and 33 Ks.t 17th ti. V. K STEVENSON, Jr. BLKECKKR ST.. NE.\R BROADWAY. NO. til. WITH good Building, lor aalo low; terms atn. P. G i C. S. BROWN. 90 Broadway. OR sale,-th kkr storVbKOwN sToKEHOUSH; ?JOfeelwide; 45th tt.. near Broadway; $13,300; lease hold. TIPMSON A PERT, 1.4SS Broadway, uoar 44th .1. Park at,, kbar $5th st.-superb extra sizb Dwelling, worth 175,000; price. $43.0u0. WYCKOEF, SO Pint it. N. B. ? Bargain ou every aveuua and street. at greatest redaction!. The m'knim; tbl.ei.ran iiasa c1koulSIok ? >P So.000 COPIES F.VKRV DAY. and THK a I). VP.RTISINO RATP.S ABB ONLY JO CENTS PER LINE. OFFICE, 2 ANN ST. Wear tiiilr. A?POR SALE. Til HER STORY AND BASBMENT ? high ttoop brick 11 on?e and Lot. In good order, .'OA West Jnth sk. near ?th it. ; $H.500V half cuNt. Apply for two days to owner, at M. Letptiger's. 47 Waller it. Admirably adapted for comfort and con venleure, <15 West 5ltb it.; la well built and finished; hat every Improvement; price low for cnih. IjXOR SALE - nil'. NEW FOUP.VtuKY BROW'S STONE ' Home No. 3?'S Wen .'tilth at.; but little mouiy wanted. Apply to J. B. PEC K, 83 Warran it. SIX'NEIV MODERATE SIZEI) THREE STORY HIGH stoop brown Hone froul Houses; all modern improve menu; beautlfnlly iltuated on Weat 106th it., near 10th ?v.: price low : terms easv. Apply on premuai to D. U. KNAPP, owner. Mle<-r lluiieous. AT RKDCCF.D PRICES AND RENTALS.-RAROAISS in Dwellings, Busluess Property, LoU. aile, lease or ex change, in every aectiou. New York and Brooklyn. JACOB V D. WYCKOEF, 30 and 3J I'ine at. CTOTTAGK, J5~LOTS, WILL BE. SOLD FOR THE ./highest offer between this and Satin day; price, $425; make an offer. ROBERT MERKBT, feed atore,Cedar si., near West. BROOKLYN PKOPKill X Fult SALE AND TO LET. FobTaEK^ow* is your tixie to~iil'yT "sold cheaper than before the ivar . location splendid; situated on Loffert's place, betweou Franklin and Bedford avt.; three flrit class brown stone Iruuts. coriTeiileni to all the ferries; take Fulton av. cars; call Thanksgiving Day. Ap ply T. B. JACKSON, on premises, or 424 Cttntou av. Thk"evbnTno"tkleobam"has a" T.akg"krT:Tr CULATION TUaN ALL THK OTHER EVEN I NO papers combined, aoverusing rates only 30 CKNT8 PER LINK. PROPERTY OIT OF TI1E CITY Poll SALE AND TO RENT. ADVERTISE in the EVENING TRLEORAM, ONLY 20 CENTS PER LINE. VTI0K. PLEASANT HOME, FROM $SjO TO $5.- 00. ON Xx Initalroent plan, at KIDahethport. N. J.: seo circulars. KELLOGG. 3 Broadway, ntorniugs; 151 2d it., Eliiabeth pon, aiternoons. ORANGE, N. J?RENT. KUKNISHRD." LOW To" A good tenant, elegant Residence: stables; near depot; I perfect condition : excellent neighborhood: Improvements. HAMILTON .1 WALL1S, 30 PiSe. ARE CHANCES.?DAIRY. GRAIN AND POULTRY Forms, in Bucks comity. Pennsylvania; land rich its a gurden; 53 acres near town: splendid buildings; running stream : only $5,500; only $1.ujo cash rcgutred, balance easy: 30-acre Farm, three miles from largo town; good atone buihltugs, crops, one horse, six cows, hogs, poultry, carriage, wagons, tools. Ac.; only $3.5110: terms f 1.500 cnih; balauce remain live years; must be sold io close estate. Address box 50 Richland Ceniro. Bucks county. Pa. IIE EVENING TELEGRAM if-AS A LARGER CIR CULATION THAN ALL THK OTtlKR EVENING PAPERS COMBINED. ADVERTISING KATES ONLY 2D CENTS PER LINK. UKVh ESTATE Tt? EXCHANOfc. T VlXK RESIDENCE AND GROUNDS AT SUMMIT, AN. J., free and clear, to exchange for private House lu this city. EOI.IVER CARTER. 3U Nassau ?t. room 11. BARB CHANCB TO CONVBRT~UNPRODUCTIVE property.?-A Kesideuce and two acres, nice, healthy, ae reatnble location, within an hour oi city, to exchange lor Missouri or Southern Iowa, improved or nnituproved Lund. Call PHILLIPS, U3 Nassau, room 3, second Hour. A DVERTISE IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM. ONLY 20 CENTS PER LINE. DESIRABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY IN CHICACO to trade for Hi liberty In the city. Adilrew, stating description, or cell et room 13, No. (VI Broadway. i,ii7egant mouse on avrii mt.. exchange for iiJersey Harm, about 100 acres;location, lout's klverpre Icrred. B '? ? WOUI), 1,243}2 Broadway. }^XCHA~NGK-A nhjfora STORY BRICK SINGLE !i l'mcmi-nt. in Yorkvllle (small mortgage), with cash, tor property suitable for a grocer. O'BRIEN, grocer, 330 East 2Htu ?t. ARM wTnTED-IN EXCIlANUE HOR AN K8TAB Usbsd Besines* connscted with tho building interest. L. D. MACK, Od East Uin st. 1 II FOR EXCHANGE?FINK RESIDENCE, PROPERTY centrally located in Elisabeth. N. J.; also modern 1 .'welling to rent. Address ALLLNDORPH, 30 Water st.. Now York. OR SALE OR~KXO RANGE?FOR HOUSE OP SAME value in Brooklyn, 3 Lots, free and clear, on McDonough St., near Yates av., Brooklyn, worth cash $6.1 GO. Apply, 13:3D to 1 :HU. to JAMES A. PI8HER A CO., 281 Broad way, room 6, or 1,417 Fulton av.. from I A. M. to M P, M. Magnikcent ~fou k story dwelling, near 3th av.. to exchange for Country Residence < r Lot- un encumbered. M. Cl'KLKY, 12 Centre st. Rake OHAXCE?13 ROOM IFRENCH ROOK HOUSE, with all modern improvements, at Elizabeth; location beet in the city; to exchange for Dry Ooous. Address OWNER, box 111 Herald office. "tirANTED?A STOCK OH GOODS IN EXCHANGE VT tor a good brown stone House in beet part ol Brooklyn; good opportunity to close out a business. Address K., box 176 Herald otttoe. ' real Estate wanted. SMALL "PLACE ON TUB 8F.A SlIOKlC WffR water front; New Jersey coast, or soath shore Long Island; good shooting and Ashing; oo encumbrance; $3(Al cash. Address, with lull particulars, C. D. 8.. station G. HE EVENING TELEGRAM HAS A CIRCULATION OH 50,000 COPIES EVERY DAY, AND THE AD VEHTlSING RATES ARE ONLY 30 CENTS PER LINE. OH KICK, 2 ANN ST. FOR SAXiK, 'a Down T6tf7f^TuT1^"AN d OSVvE'd^foNKRY xLStnnd. in largest hotel, psyiug well; price $130; siso snlsnded Sample Rooms: easy terms MALONE. 3 Dcy ?t. MEAT stand in Washington mark stupor sale : also Restaorants, Sample Rooms, Cigar Stores, Confectioneries, Bakeries, Groceries. MITCHELL, T7 Geder it. * GOOD FAMILY OOAL YARO FOB SALE UP .TLtown. on one of the leading avenues; long lease: cheap rent. Apply to P MOKaN. 190 Washington it. A ~RARE CHANCE-TH E OIOAR STAND, HUR* utshed, 15 Wail st., basement; satisfactory reasons tor selling. AFINE~17lQJOR OTOBETw west ST.. rOR $.700; not half its value. MITCHELL, 77 Cedar it. hiMPiTkTnD LUNCH ROOM.-DAY TRADE; DO ing good paying basinets; sacrifice, through unforeseen circumstances LLOYD. 2H Broadway. K INTELLIGENT MAN. PHYSICIAN OK OTHErI wise, can bay the interest of a retiring partner in a val uable Specialty Practice. Address SPECIALIST, Herald Uptown office. _KOK SALK CHEAP, QROCBItY STORErSTCiCK end Hixturee; (HO; rent f 12. large store ; two windows. P. G AH r NE t. Bowery. MOTHER OPPORTUNITY-rOR LIQUOR MEN TO purchase splendid Saloon Hixturee: will sell ImmnlP stey to ulglieat bidder. JOHN COADY. 151 East 42d at. A" DVKKTISK IN i'VlE " EVENING TELEGRAM. ONLY 20 CENTS PER LINK. A. BUTCHERS, ATTENTION !-HUR SALE. HARE chance, ttie popular Broadway Market at Yonkers. eatab lished JO years, doing a first class business, possession given Immediately. Address J, P. WILLIAMS or T. O. rAIW I king ION,'Yonkcr*. N. Y. 1' poR SALE?LAG~R BEER SAIsOOM AMP WtSL tttres cheap. No. 337 av. B. I' 1UR SaI.K?OLD VaNDKWATER HOTEL. SOUTH ' Oyster Kay, L. 1.; rood business tbe wbole year . will i s sold within the next ten dayt at great tacriflce; terms easy to Hie right partiea. REYNOLDS. 131 JUh st . Williamsburg. FOR SALIT?BUMNE88 OP MANUFACTURING BIT tare, coloring, Am, with Stoex on har.d. Apply to R. TURNER. Ill Front st. F'OR SaLK-A FIRST CLASS WINB and IsAOER Beer Saloon, with large meeting room. Apply 221 East ikith st. _ BIOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-AN OLD MACHINE shop, doing a good business, good location. In this city ; rare chance for a practical mau. Room 65 Astor House. Hotel hor sale?so minutes from city, op postte depot, 10 minutes' welk Irorn rscs trsek . fully tarnished: bar, billiard room, barbershop and 35 rooms; long lease. Oil AH. h. MILLS. 1.21 ? Broadw. y. | TAMES GREEN A NEPHEW, ej OH LONDON, exhibitors of the large GLASS CHANDELIER la Main Building. Centennial, will now dispose of II at one-half its original value. Must sell, going away, splendid wine and I.iiptor Saloon - variety theatre attached , fine chance to makr money fast. terms easy 17 Last 7th at. Rare chance.-ei.aoo will buy htock. hix. tiiree. Horse end Wagoa of a Grocery on a prominent remcr nt s leading th >ronghfarn in Brooklyn : will leu,a store or ?ali premises. Hor particular* address WILLIAMS, box I3J Herald office. Agents not noticed. _ ,t? Acsli.s i-,kk . BOILKR-Sf OB 8A1.K-AT LF..-L1K BOlXEK WORKS, Pesrl st., between Greene end W ashington, north ol I'eunsylvanlx Railroaddepot, Jersey City. Repairs prompt ly atl-'Tided to, ^ ???? J3NOINE WANTED?25-II OlCSK POWER. ADDRESS, jiwtlh size, price, Ac., LESLIE BU1LKK \V ORKS, Jersey City. ? JlOR SALE-CHEAP POR CASH. THE COMPLETE 1 Equipment ol small Factory lor grinding purposes-En gine. Boiler. Burr Mill, Crusher, Bolt. Ac., Ac., all In work ing conditio*. Address THE MILLER. Herald office. ElROPEi.1 ?T BAMS HI PS. Most tmkIct axd economic route fB"|8K LAND. BKLQIU>!, TI!K RHINE. S?ITZERLaND. *C.. ?0., YIa KoTVKKDaM. Steamer C ALAND Dec. T steamer IwMOLTEX Dec. II These beautiful iicitntn. carrying the United State* mail lo-the Netherlands. are treat faeunte* <rttb the public. Trtps regular. rates low, comfort an : living perfect For freight, Far pf-age. PUNCH. EDTK * CO. [* MORRIS. 27 Soutn William it. 50 Broadway .Morris' European Ktpma OTaTKLINBT OSEW YORK TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL. DUBLIN. BELFAST AND LONDONDERRY, from pier 42 North River (loot of Canal it.;. a> followsi? STATE OF VIKGIXU Thursday, November BO STATE OF NEVaDA Thursday December 7 nTATE OF INDIaXa Thursday, December 14 STATE OF GEORGIA Thursday, December 21 First cabin. ?*>0 and $70. according to accommodation: return tickets. $i 16, $125 Second cabin, $45; return tlefc. en, #s0. Steerage at lowest rotes. Apply to aCTIN Baldwin A CO , Agents, No. 72 Bmalway. New York ceev a . . etnt'OT^ .at .a una , an' . .area .V sTKKKaOb TICKETS aT 45 BROaDWaY AND AT 1 THK COMPANY'S PIER. Foot OF Canal ST.. NORTH RIVER. DVERTISE IN THE L EVENING TELEORAM. ONLY 20 CENTS PER LINE. Cnunakd lixk.-h. and x. a. r m. s. s. co. J NOTICE. With a view to diminish the ehancei of collision the steamers of this Hue take e ipccl&o course tor all seasons of tb- year. Un theontward passage trout Queetutowii to Now York or Boston crossing the meridian ot ao at 13 latitude, or uoth lita' to the north ot CI. On tne homeward pismire crossing the merldiau ot SO at 42 latitude, or not mig to the uorth ol id. FROM NEW YUliK FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEENS. TOWN. ?RUSSIA Wed.. Not. 29 ALGERIA... Wed.. Dec. 13 PAltTHlA Wed.. Dec. d BA 1AVIA... .Wed.. Dec. 20 steamers marked thus (?> do not carry steerage passen gers. Cabin passage. $80, $100 and $130, cold, according to ac commodation. Return tickets on favorable terms. Steerage tickets to and from all parts of Europe at very low rates. ! Freight and passage office No. 4 Howling ilreru. CHARLES ti. FRANCKLY X, Agent. iasaENuzks per steamship Russia embark l oin tlie Cunard wli.trl, foot ot Grand St., Jersey City, osday. 29th November, 187th ai 2 P XL, on Vi CIlAS. i.. FKANOKLYn. 1 Rowling Green. New York. HAMIIUi G AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY'S L1NB lor PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG and HAMBURG. W IE LAN D Nov. 80 I FKISIA Deo. 14 UEUDER ..Dec. 71 GELLERT Dee. -'1 Rates .>1 passage to Plymouth, Lonuoii, Cherbourg, Ham burg and all points In England First Cabin, $100, gold; beenad Cabin. $Ko, gold; steerage. $.10. currency. KUNHARDT .t CO., C. B. RICHARD A BOAS. General Agents, General Passenger Agents. 61 hrnadst.. New York. til Broadway. Now York. UNITED STATEs MAIL LINb?STEaM Tu QUEENS TOWN AND LIVERPOOL, sailing on TUESDAY trom pier 46 North River. MONTANA.Dec 5. s>, .v. M. I WlsCOXSIX.Dee.l9.7K AM NEVADA..Dec. 13, 2* P. M. | WYOMING Dec. 20.1 P. M. Cabin. #<16. $70 and $80, currency. Intermediate. $4<>. steerage. #2t. Passengers booked to and Irom Paris, Hamburg, Norway, Sweden, .tc. Drafts on Ireland. England. France and Goi> many at lotrost rates. WILLIAMS A UL'ION, 29 Broadway. XTATIONAL LINE?FROM PIERS 44 AND 47 N. R XV PGR LONDON. France Thursday, December 7. 9 A. M. FOR QUEKNSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Italy.... Dec. 2. 6 A. M. I Spain Dec. 16,5:30 A.M. The Queen...Dec. 11, 11 A. M. 1 England....Dec. 23, 10 A. .'1. Cabin passage. $5.7, $60 or $<0. enrreney. Return tickets, $KU. ?110 or ?120, currency. Steerage passage. #26. currency. Dralis issued from ?1 upward si current rates. Apply at the company's office, .lit Broadwav. Steerage tickets can also bo obtained at the company's piers, 44 aud 47 Nortli Hirer. F. W J. HURST, Manager. WHITE STAB LINE. FOR QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIL. The steamers ot thia Rue take the lane route, recom mended by Lieutenant Maury, U. S. N.. going south of the Banks on the passage to Queenstow n ali the year round. ADRIATIC December 2. at 5:30 A. M. BR! TANNIC December t6, at 5:30 A. M. CELTIC December in. at i p, M. ADRIATIC Janaarv 6, ut 10 A. M. From White Star Docks, pier 52 North River. Ratoa?Saloon, $so and SH>U. in gold; return tickets on reasonable terms. Steerage. $2A Saloon staterooms, smoking and bath rooms are placed amidships, where 'he noise anil motion are least, affording a degree of coin tort hithorto nnattatnable at sea. For inspection of plans and other Information apply at the company's office. 37 Broadway, Now York. R. J. COKTI8, Agent. VfORTH GERMAN LLOYD IN STEAMSHIP LINE BETWEEN NEW YORK, SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. Company's pier Toot ot 2d st., lloboken. KECK Ail. Saturday. Dec. SlWKSKK, Saturday, Dec. 16 AMERICA, Saturday, Doc. It | KHK1N, Saturday, Deo. 23 llatea of passago from New York to Southampton, Havre or Bremen ;? First Cahln, $10 >, gold; Fecond Cabin, $60, gold; Steer age. currency. Return tickets at reduced rates. Prepaid Steerage cettiftcates. $32, enrreney. For Iroigbt or passage apply to uKLUICHS A CO., 2 Rowling Green. /A BEAT WESTERN STEAMSHIP LINE. VT TO BRISTOL (ENGLAND DIRECT, sailing from pier IS East lliver as follows:? CORNWALL, Stamper Saturday, December 2 SOMERSET. Western Saturday, December 10 Cahlu passage, $7'); Intermediate, ?45; steerage. ?.'tu, cur rency; excursion tickets, $120; prepaid steerage certllicavea, $20. Apply to W. D. MORGAN, Agent, 70 South st. WILSON LINE?FOR SOUTHAMPTON AND HULL, sailing from pier 53 Nortli River aa follows: ? HINDOO December 9 j OTHELLO Januarys COLOMBO December 23 | NAV'aKINO January 20 First cabin. $7p, currency; seroud cabin, $45, currency. Excursion tickets on very fnrorable terms. Through tickets issued to Continental and Baltic ports. Apply, for full por * CO.. 50 8, ticulara, to CHaKLKH L. WRIGHT A Co . 56 South st. Anchor line united states mail steamers NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. ANCIlORIA.Dec. 2. 6 A. M. ETHIOPIA, Dec. 16,0 A.M. CALIFORNIA, Dec 9, noou. VICTORIA, Dec 23. 10 A. M. TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL UK DKKIIY. Cabin, $6.7 to #*(). according to acrom modal tuns. Intermediate, $35; steerage, $28. NEW YORK AND LONDON. UTOPIA Dec. 2. 7 A. M. KLYSIA. Dec. 16, 7 A. M. Cabin, $55 to#70: steerage, $28. Cabin excursion tickets at reduced rates. Drafts ts?ued lor any amount at current ratea. Company's pier Nob. 2D and 21 North River, New York. HENDERSON BROS.. Agents, 7 Bowling Green. INMAN LINK. ?U1I. STEAMERS. FOR OLEKNSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL crrv OK CHBsTBR Saturday. Dec. 2, at 6 A. M. CITY OK RICHMOND Saturday, Dec. 9. at 12 M. CITV OK B Kit LIN Saturday, Dec. 23. at 0:30 A. M. Krom pier 43 North River. Cabin. $SU and f 100, gold. Keiaru tickets on favorable terms. Steerage. $2H, currency. Drafts at lowest rates. Saloons, staterooms, smoatng snil bathrooms amidships. JOHN u. DALK, Agent, 13 and 23 Broadway. New York. Red star line! " Appointed to carrv the Belgian and United States mails. The following steamers are appointed to tali:? 10 ANTWERP. Krom Philadelphia. I Krotn New York. NBDKltLAND Dee. ? I SWITZERLAND ...Nor. 23 VaDEMLAND Dee. 29 I KENILWOKTH . . .Dec. 16 PRICES OF PASSAGE IN CURRENCY. First Cabin <90 | Second Cabin $(*> steerage tickets to and from all points at the lowest rates Passenger accommodations for all classes unsurpassed. For passage, rates of freight and other Information apply to PETER WRIGHT A SONS. General Agents, 307 We nut St., Philadelphia. GEORGE W. OOLTON. 4.' Broad it.. New York. J011N McDonald, Passenger Agent, No. 8 Battery place. New York. I it OK LIVERPOOL. ' The new fast sailing steamship CITY OF SANTIAGO, Darke, master, will sail from Martin's Stores, Brooklyn, on Friday morning, December I, at 8 o'clock. First cabin passage. <60, C. 3. currency. Accommodations eunal to any first claaa steamer. No steerage passengers taken. For passage, apply to SIMPSON, CLaPP A CO., 1 IB Wall at. ONLY DIRECT LINE TO PRANCE. THE GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S mail Steamers between new yokk and HAVRE, CALLING AT PLYMOUTH (a H.J for the landing of passengers. Tho splendid vessels on this favorite route for the Conti nent (cabins provided with electric belli) will sail troin pier No. 43. foot of Harrow St., North Ulcer, as follows ? AMKRIUCK (Poussli) .-Saturday .December 2, 0 A. M. FRANCE (Trudcllei Sstnrday, December 16. B A. M. LABRADOR (Nanglier) Saturday, December 80, 3 P. M. PRICK OF PASSAGE IN GOI.D. Including wines:? Klrst cabin. $110 to <120, according to accommodations; second cabin. <72 : third cabin. <40. Return tickets at reduced rates. Steerage. $21). with superior accommodation, Inefndlng wine, bedding and utensils without uxtru chares. LOUIS DK KBHIAN. Agent, 33 Broadway. s COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS. Pacific"" mail and panama" transit STEAMSHIP LINES. For CALIFORNIA, JAPAN, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. BRITISH COLUMBIA. OREGON, AC., tailing from pier 42 North River. For RAN FRANCISCO, via IsTUMCs OF PANAMA. Steamship ACaPCLCO ..Saturday. Deo. 3 connecting tor Central America and South Psoitis ports. FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO JAPAN and CHINA Steamship CITY OF TOKIO Saturday, Dee, 3 Krom SAN FRANCISCO to SANDWICH ISLA.Nbs, AUS TRALIA ami NEW ZEALAND. Steamship Australia Wednesday, Dee. 6 For ireight or passage apply to IYM. P CLYDE A CO., or II J HULI.AY*. Superintendent, No. i) Howling Green, pier 42 North River, loot (.anal st. "team "to brazil AI*D RiVBR PLATE DUkcf.? I'lie eteainablp DONATE Captain Watson, will be des patched Iroui Mariln 's Stores, Brooklyn. Vt edneaday. the 13th Doceinher. for Para, Pemambuce. Hahia Rio do Ja neiro. Monte Video and Buenos A*res. taking freight and passenger* lor tRe cwnst ports at through rates. For freight or passage apolv to BUSK A JKVONS, Agents, 74 Beaver it. I* jioR ?ALIf A1 N. B -AN D ~'?T.~ jOH N5T N. P., 1 CROMWELL STEAMSHIP LINP.. steamers leave pier 10 North Ktver following days at 3 P. M.. GKOKGK CROMWELL Tuesday. December 5 GKOKGE WASHINGTON ...Friday. December 13 ; Most direct, cheapest and quiekoat route to Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and the Lower St. Lawrence. Bxeellent passenger accommodation*. For freight or passage apply to CLARK A SEAM AN, SB West at. \rHW YORK AND Havana dikkkt mail linb.? ll These first class steamships will sail at S P. M. from pier Ul North River, foot of Cedar St., for Havana direct, as iollnws : ? CLYDE Saturday, Dacambar 3 CoLl'MHUii Wednesday. DetVmber 13 Kor freight and passage, having unsurpassed accommoda tions, apply WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. No. 6 Bowling Green. MrKKLLAR, LUl.ING A CO., Agni.lsin I lav sua N" v.. Havana and Mexican mail .as. lixeT ?Steamers leave pier No. 3 North Rlrcr at 3 P. M. FOR HAVANA DIRECT. CITY OK VERA CRUZ Wednesday, November 29 CITY OF NEW YORK Wednesday. December 0 CUBA Natnrday. Decembers FOR VERA CRUZ AND NEW ORLEANS, via Havana, Progreeo, Cam peachy, Tnxpsn and Tampleo. CITY OF MKRIDA Saturday, December 16 For freight or passage apply to F. ALEX aM)RK .i SORB. 31 and 33 C roadway. Steamers will laave Naw Orleans Deoembar I aad Decem ber 23 for Vera Cm* end all the above porta M COASTWISE STKAMHH1PS. i AS>AU", V P.-Rl. .UL V! A11. >TEAMSHt> LEO leave* New York December 13. at 3 F M. MVKH W K> ..1.1 ? i da south it. TjiOR NEW OHLBAX* DIRECT '* r THE CROMWELL LINK. I'll* ?leaiu?hlp HUDSON, Caoieit Lager. will tail oa SATURDAY. December 3. >U o'clock P. X., trom plei No. d North hirer. Through bi!l? of lading clveu to Mobile and prturlpg points oa tlic Mississippi River Cabin passage AV): steerage, $35. Applyto ' [.ARK A Sii a M AN. 4d West St. BEKMUDa~LI>E ?TilK~KEGULaR MAIL dTKAMSl caNIMA aril I em L lor Hertn'ids on Thursday, Drcembai 7. a S 1* M For full particular* aildre,* A. K OUTER BRIDGE. Agent, 22 Broadway. New York. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY, ?ailing from pi or 37 North Ki?er. For Norfolk. Gity I'oinl and Kicluaond, Tuesdays. Thurs day* auJ Saturday. at > 1'. M.. connection with the Virginia mad Ttnnokee Air Line. Atlantic Coast Line, l'iedmoai Air Line. UUeiapckai; ana Ohio ..ail read, end with the com* tiany't steam line* to Interior points In North Carolina and Ylritinia. Nrwhem itinl Washington. N. C. (via Norfolk), every Tuesday. Thursday ai.d Saturday. Lewes, Dei .Monday and Thursday at 3 P. M.. counectlug wilt Maryland and Delaware railroads 1'issenger accotntiioilatloiiy unsurpassed. Through p??v? ticket* and bill* af lading to all polnta at loweet ratov Insurance to Nurioik. Ac.. pur cent. Frriirbl rsceivej daily at pier IT North Klwr General office*. 107 Greenwich ?t. N. I. McCBEADY, President. Tux t* link for dai.vkston. rortiuiiro AT Kb4 S'f<l. earying the United Slates ntall.?The atraniei STATE OF TEXAS, Captain Bulger. wriil ?all in Saturday, December J, at J I' M . from pl-r " Knst|Kiver. Through bill* vf lading given to all point* on the Hotteioi] and lex it. Central International, and Great Northern, Galveston. Ilouetnii anil Henderson. an I the Galveston, llasrlsburg and San Autnnlo railroads. Freight end Insurance at '.owe*t ratos. Far frentht or passage. Iiavin>r superior aecoinniod t tlons, a|iplv to C. II. M.tLLORY k CO . 153 Maiden lane. CBMI.IVKk.KLY LINK FOR PORT ROYAU 8 (!., A.Vfl OFernandina. Fla . saillug every Tuesday and Friday. froi? pier ill Ka?t River at 3 M. * Steamei Hl'NTKV'lLLK. Tueaday. ste.inte CIlY OF DALLAM. Friday, December I. Ticket* to all point* In Florida. Apply fur inlurtnation and tickete to ? C. II. MALLORY k CO.. 153 Maiden lane. oKi.AN > NK.V Y11 It K. NEW ORLEANS aND TLX AS teamahlna ?The *teauiahin LONK STAR will aail from pier It** North River or. December 2 lor New Orleans direct, transferring Texae freight thereto Morgan's Lotilaiana ami Texas Railroad lor Moriran City, thence per Morgan's steam era l? Texan porta Through uill* of lading -Igned to all point* on the Mississippi River, Mobile. Galveston, In diana a. Corpiia Chriati, Hockport. Santiago, Brownsville. and to all pointa on the Galveston, tlarrisburg aud Situ Anloiitu. 11ou*[on and Tcxa* Central. Interna tional and ilreat Northern Toxaa I'acilic and TransOoull nental Railroad*. Freight*lor St. Mary'aand Fulton landed at Hockport. Lighterage aud channel dnns at Corpus Christ! and Bra ins Santiago at the expense and ritk oi consignee. Inauranco cau be nlfected uinlor o|ien policy of the line. To New Orleans. *4 pur oont. to I'exaa port*. per rent. For freight or lurllior information apply to ItOUKUT k MURO t N. A genu; office, pier 38 North fvlvei COB PHILADKLPniA-THM a no i STEAMSHl j A I'JNK* will ?all from pier 38 North River every Ttie?daj and Saturday, at I if M. Freight at iotveet rate*. Inaur* ance under open poliey of the line, per cent. For lurtliei information apply to NOGEKT A MORGAN, Ager.ta, pier it North River. rfiHB BTRNINli TKLBRBAM ilAS A CIRCULATION I oF fa i.C?ay COPIES EYF.KY DAY. AND THE AD. rBUTIsINU RATES ARK ONLY 20 uHNTS PER LINK. OFFICE, 2 ANN ST. TRAVELLERS' (il lI)E* LBANY-PEOPLE'S LINK ?sPLKNDIli sTeaK aAboate leave pier 41 Norih River daily, Sandats ea copied, at it P. Yl . for Albany and ali poiine North ana Weet CTATsKILL CRKKK LINK -STEAMKK NKW CIIam! ,/PION or WALTER HRKTT dally, from Canal at., piel 4. North River, ij P M. Faro. oOe. Hortlia Iron. LT.lLL RIVER LINK TO MOSTON. ^ r via Newport and Fall Hirer -The world renowned ateimboKta BRISTOL nnd PROVIDENCE leavo pier id North Hirer, foot of Murray at., dally (Sundayaexcupied), o? * :.i P. M. Through tlcketa ao.d at alt the priuctpal noieUlA the city. pOK PIULADELPHlA, " via Long Branch and the New Joraey Southern Railroad, l.eave pier S, North River, fool Rector at., at II A. >1., fur Philadelphia, Long Branch, Toiu'a Hirer and Vlneiund. 4 P. il.. for Philadelphia, Long Branch, Tom's River, Wnretown and Tuckurton. W. S. SNKDEN. ft. M. PKNNS Y LVANIA RALLROADT * ORK.VT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED STATES MaIL ROUTE. Train* leave New York, via Deabro*saa and Cortlandl itreet lorries, a* rol|ow?:? k.xnrcia lor lltrriabarg, Pittsburg, the Weetand South, with Pullman Palaco care attached. B:30 A. M.. d and H'dXJ P. M. dally. For YVliliamaport, Look Haven. Curry and Erie, at s:30 P. M.. connociuig at Oorry for Tltuarille, Petroleum Centra and the oil regions. For Wllllamaport aud Lock Haven, 8: mj A. M For Baltimore, Washington and the South, "Limited Wash ington Express" ot Pulliiutu parlor car* daily, except Sunday. 9 .m A. M.; arrive Washington 4 ;IO I*. M. Reg ular at SHO A. M.. I, l* and 0 P. M. Sunday, tt and OP. M. Express for Philadelphia, 7:30, s;30. S:40 vO:H0 limited), 1O-.30 A M , I, 3. 4..'. d, 7, S .30. 0 P. M. nnd 12 night. Sunday, 8:3 ' A. M.. f>. n, 7, RiSO and $ P. M. Emigrant and second class, 7 P. M. Accommodation for Trenton. 7 A, M.. 2 and 4:10 P. M. For trains to Newark, Ki'.tahetli. Railway. Princatou. Tren ton. Perth Amboy, Kleinlngtuu. Kelrtdero and oilier pointa. ere local schedule:) at all ticket officea. Trains arrive:?From PitiaLnrg. 8:3 'aud I1T2WFA M. and 10:20 P. M rtallv: lu.10 X M. and ?:3H P. JL dally, except Mnuday. Front Waahlocton and Haiti more, 6 :A I P :.V) A. M.t 4:ID. 5 :j0 and 10.20 P M. ; ennday, P :50 A.M. From Pidladrlphla. f.jOi. 0:30, il:30, BaV), 10:10, lltfxi A. M . 2:10, 4:liy. 5:H). ftuho, 6j50. S:l0 and 10*21) p. M Mimlay, 5a?. il;20. fl :30. 9:50, 11:50 A M.; 0 :.MI and 1(1 :JO 1', M. Ticket offloes, 5.6 and Old Broadway; No. 1 Astor flnusa and foot ol Prabr ingoa and ('oiirtlan Jt ata.; No. 4 Conrt at., Brooklin: No*. 114, lid and lid Hudson at., Ilobokanj Depot, Jersey City. Emigrant Ticket office. No. A Biltory Place. RANK THOMSON. D. M. BOYD. Jr.. General .Manager. General Passenger Agent. HAS A CI KCUL \Tlof IAV. aNI) THE ADVhl 20 CENTS PER LlNil STONIXGTON I.INE FOlt BOSTON. REDUCTION IX FAKE. To Bovtnu, ilret ciaaa, ?1. To Providence. first clas*. #3. Elegant H-Tmcr* leave daily 'except Sundays), from yier SJ North Rival, toot of I ay at., at 4 :30 P. M. PROVIDENCE LINK STEAMSHIPS, from pier 27 Nortli River, ioui of Park piece, at 4 P. M. HE EVRNIN(i TEl.KiiRAM OK*.) COPIES EVERY DAY. TISINti RATES ARE ONLY OKKICB, 2 ANN ST. K AC L' X. ~~ A (IRANI) EXCURSION ACROSS "~Tllfc~ BAY~T< Statcn laliind. -Boats leave Whitehall it., toot of Broad way. at 7 JO. 9 .15. 11:15 A M.; 1 :1>. S 13. 4 ;15. 5 :RO *n( S:.'lii P. M., lor Now Brighton, Snug Harbor, Weft Brigtitot and Port Klcbmonil. Pare only l<ic. t DVERTISK IN~THE KVMIfillO TBLBOHBM A*! AhaVK VOUR ADVERTISEMENTS read BY OVEH hO.Oa" PEOPLE AT A SMALL COST OK ONLY M CENTS PER LINE. ADVERTISEMENT RECEIVED FROM 3 TO 390 LINKS. taoo ?kis11BitiF Ix<ft;rsion-t11VnSoftisu day, \y Noveralrer So?Oceen -tcamnr SKTU LOW,?Leaving llarriaon at., Nortli River, 7:15; ldth at.. North River, 7s!5; Hth ?t., Beat River. 7 .53; Pier 27. Ea>t River, 8:li>; Whiti'liail nattery, 8 :JH A. M.; cod tackle, sea clema nnd chowder on board; tickets, 41. AU CJ. POSTER. Manager. LEUAL NOTICES. "* DVF.RTISE IN THE EVEN I NO TI'.LEoKaM AND AUaVK YoUlt ADVERTISEMENTS HEAD BY OVER 5)1,000 PEOPLE AT A SMALL COST OK ONLY JO CENTS PER LINE. ADVERTISEMENTS RECEIVED PROM 2 TO ?J-') LINES. TO ~MARIA WAKBBN. THOMAS WARNBB, MARY ANN ELLIOTT, WILLIAM WARNER and AMY CLARK, or the lagal personal repre.eutatlvei of each of tlienr *? may be dead : ? In the Huh Court of Justice (Chancery Divlelon) In Eng land.?In the matter of au art yaaaed In the tenth and eleventh years ol the reign of her preaent Majesty (jueen Victoria, entitled "An act for better securing trust mnda and for tha rollef of truateea;" and in the matter of tha trmta of the will of John Wilier, deceased? Take notice, tuat. In pursuance of the provisions of tho above menti'ined act, an allldavU of Frederic Klttou, of the city of Norwich, In the c anty of Nortolk, in Kuglaud, tobac conist, the surviving executor of the will of John Wilier, of North Walsh em. In the aaid county, plumber and glacier, deceaaed, filed in the aaid High Court ol Jnatlce iChauoery Division.1 in itia above mentioned matter* on the 22d day of May. 1 Sid. an order dated the Both day of May, 1878, and the director!** of the Paymaster (leneral, of the Cnancery, Division of tlie aaid High Court of Justice, iho aaid Fred eric Kltton dnt. on the 2'iih day of May, 1870, pay Into the Chancery Division of the eaid High Court of Jnatlce the aum of ?.>73 In manner following?that la to tay, ?115 (being noe-ttlth part thereof) to tha account ol "the share of Maria Warner, ono of the childrett of the testator's sisters, Maria Warner, of the teatator'a eatate." ?115 being another filth part thorenfi to the account ol "the share of Thomas Warner, one of the children of the levator'* Mater, Maris Warner, ol the teiwor'a eatate.'' XI15 'being another fifth part tberaof) to the account of '?the share ot Marv Ai.n Warnar, one nf the cliildren of the teatator'a sister, Maria Warner. of the teatator'a eatate '1 ?115 ihctng another fifth part thereof) to "the account of too ahare of William Warner, one of the children of tha teatator'a aiater. Maria Warner, ol the teatator'a eatate," and XI15 'the remaining fifth part thereof) to the account ol "the abare ol Amy Warnar, oue of the children of the teatator'a idnter, Maria Warner, of the toatator'a eatate" And tunber. take notice that th>- aaid Prederick Kltton may be aarved with any petition, auinmon* or notice of any pro. reeding or order of tne aaid High Cnnri of Justice (Chan cery Division) or of the Judge in Cliarah-rs. relating to the afore.aid aum of ?575, or tilth parta thereof, at the otfiee of Mr. William Baaton. No. IS Clifford'* Inn, in the Cliy of !.ondon. England, Solicitor, acting aa the agent for Mr. Frederick Eny. "I 4he city of Norwich atoreaeid. the eolicl tor for tha aaid Frederick Kltton. WILLIAM EASTON. Clifford's Inn, London, Agent tor Frederic Fox. of the city of Norwich. Dated thla 23d day ol J one, 187H. DI1Y UOODN. TrwiJire *? *?tKit's, manurim-mtiuoTi J\' onai at.? Jobber* .applied with Ostrich Feather Trim muig. mHK~! VENINO TKLEiiAM HAS A CIRCULATToi I OK 50,000 COPIES EVERY DAY, AND TUB ADVKR. TIRING RATES are ONLY 3D CENTS PKR LIME. OFFICB, 2 ANN ST. . MILLINBRY AND DIIENKMAKINO. i"MENTION I-l,ADfE8 WlSHINO TO'PURCHAlfll handaome Evening Dreaeea eau do their best by caLIng at 426 7vii tr.. first floor. ^ A DVERTISK IN THE RVBNlMO TELEGRAM AND AHAtS VOI R ADVKRTIRKMEN fs READ BY OVER 6(1 iv?' PEOPLE AT A SMALL COST OF ONLY M lie,NTS PER LINK. ADVERTISEMENTS RECEIVED FROM 2 TO 250 LINKS. _ , , ' Mmk.~camillk dk lacy, uaVIso a large assortment of imported Bonnet*, will tell Ifeest at halt tlie coat of Importation. 8R2X Broadway, near lush at. 017 HIT! aV.:"BKTWKKN hth" AND L5T1I wf)TIL xjX I Ooammea elegantly made In the lateat stylet; moderate. WAvrfcii to hCftcHasST"^? "* wXNtkD w lobcgfirsr^ cENfRiraitc-wci'iA FT lugs and Lahtbit*. Send Ulsstrated prtea Ust la (An New York Cat bo lie Protectory. WanBsittfi X T. WBManted -fanoy iiooiis on~ooxsiiiMifcitBT ?tha holiday*, ut> to January 15, M *61 Bread#**