Newspaper Page Text
THE TURKS' VICTIMS. APPEAL ON BXHALF OP T11K EXILED CHEIS TIAN8 OF THE BALKAN PUOVINCKB. Yentnor, England, Nov. 29, 1870. To the Editor op the Herald:? Will you give me space in your columns to make an appeal to tbe American people on behalf of the people ot the Western Balkan provinces exiled by tbe meas ures luken by tbe Turks for tbe repression of tbe in surrection? 1 bavo been in tbat section since Sep tember 1, 187&, and am, therefore, competent to speak ol that portion of tbo refugees 1or whom 1 plead?those who have taken refuge in Croatia, Daiinatla and in Mcnteuegro. Of theao there are in Croatia alone, according to Miss Irby, an English lady who has been working among the refugees more than a year, 72,000; along the Dalmatian iruntler, north or the Narenta, probably about 10,000; in the district of Kagusa alone 16,000, and in Catlaro proba ably 2,000 or 3,000 more. Those in the district north of the Narenta we know so little about tbat only an approximation Is possible. They have no committees to care for or register them. But in Montenegro alone, whoso poor and valorous population is nearer kindred by race and roliglon to the hnntedChristlans of Herze govina, and to whose mountains they lied, when It was possible, In preierence to Daiinatla, there are 76,900 souls thrown on the charily of a population which Is the smallest and poorest ol all tne independent Chris tian States, being only 120,000, the total revenue oi the country being abont $260,000 and tbe total In comes of the whole people probably not rnucn above $1,000,000. 1 do not allude in any way to the refugees In Servia, or the mlsorable living victims of Bulgaria, bocause I do not know anything personally ot them; but their number la nothing like so largo as those on this side Ihe Balkan Peninsula, and they are already looked after ?y poworful English committees, under the direction >1 Lady Stronglord and others. Of those of whom 1 mow 1 can say, unhesitatingly, no destitution can bo (reatcr than theirs Most ot them have now beon in. ixilo for moro than a year, and are entirely dependent in charily?living in tents, in hovels, stablei, barracks tastily put up by the committees, Ac. 1 have soen as nany as thirty souls, young and old, huddled in tbo liable ol a kindly peasant, where the pigs and sheep and cattle were mixed up with children auu sick. Thou sands died lost winter Irom Hunger and cold. On one Sari of tbo frontier the Austrian guard told me, in [arch last, that all the children under three years bad died already. One unfortunate band ot relugees brought in tnelr arms tH'iy-fonr dead bodies ot their children wtio had dtod In their flight, to give them burial in a Christian land. Even all summer long they were dying in numbors of "starvation typhus. " Lust winter the Austrian government allowed tbem In some districts about four cents each, but in tbe sum mer tnis was withdrawn, and the winter new setting in dads them without resources, except the Utile aid Liu local authorities and private charity gives them. We may succeed lu so calling attention to their condi tion that the Austrian government must do something ugain for those on Its hands, but what 11 does will bo barely to prevent starvation, and the question ol their clothing In the cold, bleak hills of Dalmalia is almost as important as food, and for this the governmoni baa uot done and will Dot do anything. lu Moutcnegro the moans of tho government are tlready exhausted. Tbe bread supply ol tbo country s never enough for Its own population. The crops >t this summer are nearly exhausted already, and the ;ailant little people which for 400 years bus been at tlmost continual war wltb tbo Turk oitber to preserve is own frcodom or to aid Its kindred Herzegovina, is now menaced with starvation from too great hospt tiility. In the district of Ragusa one of the first cares of tbo committee was to orgauize schools lor tbe children of the refugees, none of whom could read, and by the help ol tbo priests they established seven schools, which have provided over 600 chlldron with tho rudi ments o( a substantial education, with some clothing and a small pecuniary contribution to their living at an expense ol about $140 pur month, everything in-, eluded. This has now to be given up, the need for bread absorbing all the meaus ot the committee, and being miserably Inadequate oven for this tn the limited district in which It works. As things now stand at lsast 100,000 of these refugees must die of sold or starvation n we oannot get moro aid lor them, i calculate the cost of carrying them through the win ter at about $6 each. 1 want to ask a practical and tlmplo question. How many people are there lu the United Mates who are willing to charge themselves with one soul at that cost? 1 should like to see soino of the geuerous deeds of our past outdono?ships loaded with broad, with grain, wheat or maize, coming In an Imperial way to bring tho aid of the groat Repub lic to thuso martyrs to tbe cause of lreedom, to tbe race which has endured centuries of slavery rather than abandon its faith?a great, a splendid race, one of those which will one of these dayB divide with our own the sovereignty of the world, but which has now hardly got its head above tbo waters of oppression, and whoso very name Is a synonym of servitude. I should like to ace ono of our biggest ships come to Catlaro bringing its fullest cargo ol bread to the noble l'rlnce of Montenegro?that oasis of liberty in the desert wnleh Turkish oppression has made and Europeau imperial jealousies maintained?to enable him to teed hta people and their guests for another winter. I should like to aoe bankcra' drafts lor aomo hundred thou sand dollars come to relieve tho im mediate strain of this Immense misery and show that the American people is as roady to aid the poor and oppressed In' this hemisphere as In Its own. Will the American people do a splendid thiug lor the starving Christians ot Horzegovlna and do it in the quick and splendid way it can do such things? WHERE fiCllSCRIPTIOXS MAT 1)> SENT. Money by post olQce order or London bunkers' draft may be sent to me, Vontuor, Isle ol Wight, England, or by drall on Loudon or Trieste to His Gruco Hilarlon Rogonovlch, Bishop of Montenegro, Cettinge; or Baron Ghetald! Gondola, Ragusa. Yours, truly. W. J. STILL MAN. HEAL ESTATE. Tho following sales were effected at the Real Estate Exchange yesterday:? James M. Milior sold, by order of the Court o( Com mon Pleas, in foreclosure, Wiliiam H. Leonard referee, a liouso, with lot, 10.8x75x49x44x32.4, on Ninth ave nue, east side, 4&4 leet north of Fifty-third street, to B. C. Thornbill. Also, by order of the same Court, in foreclosure, same referee, the building, with lot, 26x100.5, on West Forty-eighth street, sonth side, 150 feet east of Elev enth avonue to B. P. Fairchtld. for $9,000. Scott & Myers sold by order of tho Supreme Court in foreclosure, F. A. Paddock referee, live lets, each 25 by 99.11, on 120th street, north side, between Sixth and Seventh avenues, known as lots Nos. 289 to 293 Inclusive, on map No. 180, tiled in the oflice of the Register, to William A. Bigelow, plaintiff, lor $10 each over a mortgage o( $1,000, with interest from Decem ber 17, and ull taxes and assessments. E. H. Ludlow k Co. sold by order of the Suprome Court, in lorcclosure, Sidney Do Kay referee, a house with lot 10.10 by 100, on Fifth avenue, east sldo, 105 8 lout uorth of Twenty-seventh street, to Sarah M. O. Sherman lor $40,500. TUAXsrxaa. 51st St., n. a., 190.5 ft. w. of 10th itv., 51.5^x100.5; Octavin Andrews to O. V. Andrews $5,000 BOtli it., o. t50 it. w. of 9th sr.. 50x200; Kleater Goldsmith to T. S. Van Volkcuburgh Norn. 10th -iv., e. 75.3 It. n. of 50th St., 25x73; George Uardt and wile to G. Zehnder 18,000 3d av.. II w. corner U7th St., -5.2}ax55.0; John llntrhlDKt and wile to K. J. Hutching* Nom. Mudisou av., s. e. corner 42d sa, 74.^x118 0; Ed ward J. Lewis and wile to M. K. Watson Nom, Uedison *v., 57.5 ft. s. of UHlU et., 20x95; Robert v McCaffsrty and wife to J. Neweombe Nom. 11 Ith st., e. a, 170 ft. a, ol 1st av., 25x11*1.10; Coruel ins Sullivan and wifo to Thomas Sullivan .. 1,700 $5th st.. s. s.. betweewavt. A and B; A. T. Holly and wife to M. flcbuck Nom. Willow av.. n. w. corner of 133d St., 329x100 (23d ward): J. M. C'SbaughuOfSy and wife to Port Mor ris Luud Company 13,000 Willow uv . n. w corner of 132d st., 154x290; 11. A. Wslsli aud husband to same.... 14,(XXI Clinton st., w. s.. 125 It. u. ot stauton, 25x100; J, . Sieeg aud wiu to William Guitdlach. 15,000 $5th St., s. s., between avs. A aud B; F. Schuck to A. K. Holly Nom. Maiden lane (No 56), n. s.. 32 ft. e of Frout St., 19.7x49,7; tl. K. Russell to 3. W. Russell Nom. 5th HV., w. s., 100.10 ft. s. of 117th st., I50xlrregu lar ; also 5th av.. n. w. corner of llHth St., 140x52; John Lindlcv (referee) toG. K. Beits 16,250 6tb av., e. s.. 50.5 ft, e. of lUUtb st.. aoxltxt; W. i". Dixou (tefuree) to Mutual Life Insurance Com pany 10,000 12th st., n. a., 335 tt. w of 2d av., 25x103.3; 8. De key irvturus) to Hank f ir Savings 10,000 MdUTGAGKA. Byrne, K. anil wife to C. Don >uue, n. w. corner of liiti. av. sod ilktb st.; I year* . * $750 Cendee, J. W., to G W. Candee, n. w. corner of av* A and 25th st. ; 2 rears 7,000 Christie. U., |o P. r. Woodbury, n. e. ot Kjtli st., w. ol 1' tit av. ; 5 years 12,000 D .Iy, A. a,id others. t<> K. M. Strebiegh, s. e. of 3:<d st!, w. ol 6th ?v.; 5 years 5,<>X) Gumllat-It. IMdlain, to F. Gtsttnor, w. t. ol Clinton st. n. of Stuiiiun ; 4 years f 0,000 Jcnniuys, Joint and others, tu U. llroiison mid others, s. s ol dfttli at , c. of Madison av. ; 30 days. 20JXX) LyCrit. and husband to A, Maraolf (EX.), n a. 5tt!i >1.. te. ol 9th av.; 3 years 6.ut) Pllua. M . fo t'. J. Kagan, w. s. of 3d av., n. of 81?t St.; 1 year 0,000 (Juti.u, I) , nod wife to John (Juinn, e. e. corner of ?Hi av. and 13Hli st : 2 years 2,000 ltustell, J. W , to a. llavcns, o. s. of Maiden laue, e. ol Front si ; 3 year-. .. 8,053 Fwau, t). D., snd wile to K. II. Swan 71.592 Savon, John and wile, to I), smith; e. s. of Llnd av. cj'tit ward) ; I vetir 1,?XI0 Welsh, It A. and husband, to W. Field, t. s. of 135th St., e. ot St. An i'sav. (2.51 ward ; demand 28,(XXI Maine to Port Morrie Land Company, s. s. or 13 ,th it., e of SI. Ann's ?v. ,-3d ward) ; 2 years s.WX) Lluuiertiede, F andothors, to F. del t a'vo; s. s. of 23<i st., ?. of 8th av. ; it years 3,5o0 A GAMBLEli'S BAD DEAL. An alleged notorious lliroo card monte gambler, named llIrani Pierce, was yesterday arrested by con ?tibe Newell ol Rockland county, on a warran granted by ajustice of the peace ol the! county, charg< tug Pierce with defrauding Abrani Finmn, of Sprlo; Valley, out ol $1,700, by tlic three card moutn process, several mouths ago. Pierce was arrnigned at tbo Tombs Police Court, where tho constable's wnrrnui was indorsed, and un ofllccr detailod to accompany htm with ul( prtaoner to the Nyauk boat. LIFE INSURANCE. THE POLICY-HOLDEB8 OF THE CONTINENTAL STILL WAITING FOB A STATEMENT?HOW THEY ABE SOLICITED BY THE NEW JE11SEY MUTUAL. Indications strongly suggest a lively struggle for ttie rights of the policy-holders ol the Continental Life In surance Company. The evidences of gross mismanage ment by the officers ol that concern have aroused the Indignation of the public, and will bo likely to result in an exceedingly close scrutinising ol Us slfalrs. Al ready a meeting haa been bald In Philadelphia, where some 1,37.1 policies of that company are held, and a committee baa been appointed to leok out lor the in terests of the assured. The Insurance Superintendent, Mr. William Smyth, Is tully alive to tbo importance ol the matter, and will rigorously perform bis duties tnerein. Policy-holders of the Continental have waited pa tiently long enough for some Intimation from the receiver concerning the vsluo or the contracts which they possess. Mr. Anderson has been Ove weeks in office, and not one ray of inlormalion has in that time been afforded. The necessity for some explanation of the Continental affairs has previously been made ap parent through these columns. It is Just to suppose that Mr. Anderson knows something of the real condi tion ol tho concern, and it seems equally Just to pro sume that the Court which appointed aud gave him Instructions could have no objection to his furnishing tbo anxious policy-holders with such facts about the situation as are already established. They are atked by another company to make a transfer of their old policies and accept new ones In its stead. Upon what basis can this be done, except that ol blind specula tion? The policy-holder aoes not know the value of that which he assigns, and tho New Jersey Mutual, according to the statement of its President, is simi larly ignorant ol the value they accept. The latter are, of course, in the bettor Informed condition, and it is not likely they will enter inte anything unprofitable to themselves. Mr. Anderson by his rotlcence indi rectly aids In 8upportiug this unequal position. His sxcuss is that the instructions of the Court do not allow him te make any approximate declaration. He says that the long pfocoss, by which aknowledgo ot the precise condition ol things will be determined, must be gone through with before any information whatever can be given out. Mr. Chandler, the Actuary of tho company, further Informed tho writer that be cannot hope to complete bis labors until after sixty days at least. He says that a specific calculation has to be made upon each of 20,000 policies; that clerical help has boon reduced, and he has now otght assistants, and that sgents have shown a provoking Indifference to tho rccoivor'a requests for a final statement of their accounts. Policy-hoidors may thua see that their patience Is to be tried much longer, according to the present pro gramme. RBUPOX8K TO POLICY-IIOLI)KliS. A number of communications have reached tho Hsuald from different parts ol the country, asking advice in regard to the Continental contracts hold by the writers. Theso contracts are of ail descriptions and all stages of fulfilment. By way of general roply, It may be stated tbat any company which asks the assignment ol theso contracts will not be likely to afford the hold ers much the best of the bargain. Those policies that have any reserve, or any return to the ownors due upon lliem. mu>t have somo value; aud from what has been shown and stated by the recotver it would appeui advisable to hold on to ibem tor such payment. The policy-holder can tako out a new in Buruuco and let the olhor remain uuassignod, or ho can, it necessary, do without insurance lor tho tlmo that may Issue previous to the Continental settle ment. As the matter stands it is a speculative busi ness anyhow, and on this basis tho policy-holder is at a disadvantage in dealing with his agent. Several in quiries have ucen made upon thosubjoctol "lapsing," and in this regard it should be understood that no policy which was paid lor up to October 26 can lapse or go out of existence. A little examinatiou into the statomonts made upon the first ol the year by both tbo Continental and the New Jersey Mutual Clio will shortly be publlsbod In these columns, and policy-holders may be able thore Irom to form somo opinion as to tho extent of the in solvency ol ono and the solvency of tbo other. Here is one of tho communications received:? "Tkoy, N. V., Doc. 7, 1876. "To Tub Editor of thi Ribald:? "The commendable manner In which you have fol lowed up tho exposition ot the Continental Lite In surance fraud is deserving el the gratitude of all the victims of tneir contemptible trickery. And 1 doubt not the whole pubho feet under inanv obligations to you for the light thrown upon the subject of llfo in surance. Cau you tell me if thore wore auy proceed ings instituted agalust tho Continental prior to October 12, or had they auy right to receive my premium due on that date ? Mine is an endowment policy. Any information yon cau give on this point will be grate lully received by yours, rospectlally, ??J. K. P. PINE." In rcsponso to tho inquiry eontninod in the above it may be well to state that tho suspension of tho Conti nental was aunouueed upon October 25, and any col lections made alter that date wore unlawful. HOW IT IS DONE. 1UU tuiiuwiuti circular mummies UIO memou pursued by former agents ot the Continental to induce their policy-holders to transfer their contracts to the New Jersey Mutual Lifo:? "Kochkstxk. Doc. 1, 1876. "Dear Sir?You have probubly learned that a re ceiver has been uppointcd tor the Continental Lifo in surance Company of New York. I liuve been with the company since tin organization, anil always believed it souud in every respect, and the appointment of a receiver has been a grout surprise to us alL The question at once arose, 'What will become of our policy-holders?' Our goueral agents at ouco met and held u consultation in New York, to ascertain vrnut arrangements could bo made with somo good solvent company to protect our policy-holders from loss, and last week arrange ments were completed with the New Jersey Mutual Lite Insurance Company for tbut purpose, so there will he no loss to thoso tnat transfer thoir policies to tbem. It may bo that agents ot rival companies will try to mlslend you; but ullow me to assure you that it wtli be lor your interest to send mo at ouco, 'or to any ol my agents,' your policy with last paid receipt for transfer. 1 will be pleased to furmsb you with any Information you may desire. KeBpcciiully yours, "W. H. MONTGOMERY, Nu. 13 Powers' Block." The ubove is printed upon the regular letlor beads ol the Continental, having the names ol that com pany 's officers at the top and Abe following:?"Conti nental Lite InsuranceCompany of New York. Roches ter Branch?W. H. Montgomery, manuger." That agent was odo ol the flrst to form a connection with the Now Jersey Mutual alter the Continental falluro, uud no longer can bo said to represent tho latter, un what grounds theu can he continue to use Continental blanks!1 It is plainly an effort to mislead policy holders with tho impression that the transfer Is mudo by the sanction ot both companies. Tho languago used in tho circular is evidently Intended to couvey the same idea. Yet the President of the New Jersey Mutnal says In his statement concerning the transfer ol policies:? "So coercion is used; uo misrepresentation is author ized; no deception is pructiscd." It should be remem berod that policy-holders are not coerced with "shot guns;" hut in their dependence upon their agents are easily managed with a little sharp practice like the above. A UKEZZK FROM NEWARK. The New Jersey Mutual Idle Insurance Company has Its ncad otneo in Nowark. it would appear from tho following that its operations do not meet with entire ap proval, even upon ??its natlvo heath. " Tho Newark Daily Courier, alter reviewing critically the recent statement of President Siedwell, and the relations of the New Jersey Mutual to the Continental, thus con cludes:? "We have sr.arco patience tr pursue this company further. As lar as all outward appearance is con cerned, taking tho la?t state.nculs as a basis, we sec little difference in theso two companies. It looks as If they were u scheming set of men whose business is that of life insurance wreekine. Wo are sorry tho city of Newark Is ihe held of their operations. We are glad, however, that they are not of us?that their management Is not by our own citizeus. Us presi dent comes every day from New York, and its directors are from New York, Marion, Patursou, Tren ton and other places. The company is only u squatter lu re. We don't own tliem, aud wo give lliem lair no tice that their plans and their schemes shall ho ex posed. Wc trust also that tbey may receive sucli utteniion from the Secretary of State and tbe forth coining Legislature as will teach them that, while liiey w ill lio allowed to do a legitimate lile in-urnnco busi ness here, life insurance wrecking must Ins slopped. New Jursoy lias never been a field lor wildcat*. Thanks to our efficient Slate management insurance frauds have been kept out of the citato. Wo do not want tbem and we don't moau to have them. In this answer to the card of tho New York President of the New Jersey Life wo nave not gone ns fully into detail as we intend to do in iutnre. That wouderlul arrange ment ot blending the Hope Lite with the New Jersey must and shall he placed side by side with tho blending of tbe remains of the two with the Continental. " ST. VINCENT FEliBEB UNION. This association of youug gentlemen, for tho most part member* of the cougregutioa ol tho Dominican Church-ol St. Vincent Ferrer, on Lexington aveuue, has recently taken possession of Its new and spacious bouse in East Sixty-third street. The Union now numbers nearly 100 members and represents the elite of the Catholic families ol llio upper part of the city. Its objucts are worthy, and comprise the moral, physical and menial improvement ol lis members, besides fur nishing a met hod or social intercourse. The officers recently elected for the ensuing year are?Mr. John F. Doyle, President; Mr. J. H. Unmet, Vice President; Mr. John P. Cullsuan, Secretary; Mr. Bernard Muldoon, Treasurer. The spiritual advisor of the Cuton is the He v. Father McKeuna, the well known Dominican. It is the liiienuon-of the St. Vin cent Ferrer Union to give n formal opening of their bouse in the near future at which It Is expected th*re will be present a largo uumber ot distinguished clerical aud lay geuWeraeu. i IAUES AT AUCTION. \UKAND AUCTH>N SALE ' will take place, beginning on Th urinlay 1 Iri-en Ijiir 14. itWoiu] Bru.'s late Carriage Repository. . u ,740 AJi" 74- Broadway. or the following goods l.jJ'iO pairs real Swiss Lace Curtain*. -,oO?pairs Nottingham l.ace Curtains. EMBROIDERIES ofevery description, including sets Collar* and Cub fur holiday gift*. Ladle, a id gentlemen's embroidered Initial llanderchief* lor holiday gilts iu every letter. real lacks in sets collars and cipra. point lack bar una REAL rOiNT LACK IIANDKERCHIEKS. REAL VALENCIENNES LACK II AM) KERCH IE PS. lack by THE Yard in real point CARDINAL AM) VALENCIK.N\ES. FICHUS AND VALK.NCIKN.NK.S. RKaL POINT Lack DRESSES. t!vw5I ','A\LASIf. rAhLK CLOTHS. IN EVERY SIZE. kin km Damask napkins to match DaMVSK AM) MUCK TOWELS MARSEILLES TOILET GUILTS. IMPKRAIRICE OKIlaNDIES ItV THE PIECE SILK POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS AND MUFFLERS. ISO finest QUALITY SHETLAND SEALskIN 8ACQUES. Ml pes AND floAS, LARIIK VtKIKTV OF MOROCCO HAOS. SATCHELS MUSICAL ALBUMS. AC., AC. SILVER AND CLASS WARE it inimouse variety and finest <|uallty. lu addition to tha above there will be other varieties of goods auitahle for the holiday reason. A large proportion of the above offering is consigned di" rect from the exhibitors at the Crntonuial Exhibition, the laces being ol the grandest description. Sueb au npinirtu* tiity to secure bargains of the choicest goods baa never be fore Teen offered tn the public and can never be repeated. Hoods wtli be ou exhibition on Wednesday morning. Sals will begin on Thursday, at 11 o'clock prompt. II. It. CORDON. Auctli H. GORDON, A'ictlonrer. Art sales. " this- week'. I be Messrs. LKAt ITT, Auctioneers Now on exhlbitiou. day and evening, free, at the Art Rooms No. 817 Broadway, and nuitl the time of tale. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, at 3 o'clock P. ii. Ilaviland or Limoges Kulenea. Porcelain I'ato-Tendrs. Tills famons exhibit of Faieuce la the projection of the most celebrated Ceramic artists ol France, and represents the highest development ot the potter's art. _ Also Dnulton ? Lambeth Faience, tine English porcelains and pottery Iruin Minion's and Cupelami ?, Royal Berlin and Dresden chinas, Sevres porcelains, Ac. lhe Messrs. LEAVITT, Auctioneers. Now on exbihltii n *t Clinton II all until time of sale, the entire collection of . Engravings aud Painting* belnngmg to Cepu?s U. Thnoipsoa, Esq.. the engravings comprising examples by Vandyek. Marc Antonio. Harto lozsi Agosuno, Uulliiel Morglieu, Cuiiega. Edelink. Picart Perelle, Sir Hubert Strange, Heath. Sharp, C It. Diirand. Cheney, Andrews. Surtaln. J. U Von Mitller. Bolswerts, , ? *c" the whl,l? lormlng an unusually choice collec tion, Now on exhibition. The Messrs. LEAVITT, Auctioneers. 'Centennial" Turkish Exhibit. Grand Display of Fine Hoods from Turkey, now on exhibition at Clinton Hall and until time of sale, THURSDAY MORNINU, at II o'clock, superb goods, comprising rich Embroideries and Tapes tries Antique Persian nod Saghistan Rugs, Ancient Weap ons from Bysniit, Mosqne Furniture Irom the Kuat Jewelrv Antique Furniture In camel's |halr, embroidered in silk and go d, Ruinous Opera Cloaks, superb Jackets, In silk and velvet and gold. The Messrs. LEAVITT, Auctioneers. Fukugawa's Exhibit of Japanese Goods from the "Centennial." Japanese Porcelains in great variety. Mammoth Vases, Ac., Ac. On exhibition at Clinton Hail, ground door, Wednesday and until time ol sale Friday and Saturday. A ?UK MS OF' MODERN ART! IMPORTANT HALE OP the private collection of PAINTINGS belonging to Mr. CHARLES W. SEAHURY. of Boston new on exhibition at the KURTZ OALLERY, NO. 6 EAST 23D ST. Madison square, fowluK tlle r*r0bt a"<1 rer> bo"t ?"mPle? ot the fol CELEBRATED MODERN MASTERS, vis.Achonliach, Boldlnl, Bonguereau, Reckcr. Koughtnn Breton. Laiiublaiichl, Couture, Conrbet, Corot. Dupre. Dins. Detaiile, Dauhiguy. Esoosura. F'romentiu, Jaime Kaom m.ereri.L?b.r"V. '"ajnlilnet. Michel, MHdrnr.o. Plassan, Rossi, ? Ico, Stefnliell, slmonettl, Sorhi. Tlssot, Vihort, Villegas. \ ollon, Zeim, ZaniHcoi.H and other*. Every painting In the collection has been scloeted with the neatest care, and is au example possessing all the best qualities ol the artist. place on * b* P?8'"volT without reserve, and will take MONDAY' EVENING, DBCEMBER 18. at 8 o'clock. FVli?rmin?vWln ru(J ,bo Paintings on FREE mi i 'ION, from t) o clock A. M. until 11) o'clock P. M. till time ol tale. ' DANIEL A. MATHEWS. AUCTIONEER. Auction hale of magnificent household Furniture. I'ronertv, Ac., worth over lUO 000 to ho sold THIS iTnesday) MORNING " commencing at 10 o'clock, nt the elegant live story brown stone mansion No. 12<> West J3d St.. near Otli av. jW?.? .I>nt vosewood I'lanofortos, one a Ktelnway A Son and Windsor upright, cost S7dO nnd Sl.Orif); magnificent rosewood Ktagoreo. lace Curtains, Mirrors,latest stylo iulnid Parlor Suits.' covorod In satin, brocatel and rep; Inlaid e. "n.U ( on,lole Tables, Cabinets. J ardluterus, Hroures Oil I a linings. Ac.; Lhuinher Suits, in black walnut; Dress lag Cases, Bedsteads, spring und hair Mattresses. Carpets Ac.; Bookcases ?*) volumes choice Books, Ladies' Kecreta' ries Library Tables. Turkish Suits, Dining Room Buffet Ex tension Table; solid walnut Chairs, in leather; China Din ner and Tea Sets, Lonngei. Hat Stand. Also easement and servants' Furniture. LUKE FIT ZUKRALD, Auctioneer. "- U.?Hoods packed and shipped, city or country. A -TUNIS JOHNSON, AUCTIONEER. ~~~ ? old stand, 37 Nassau st. THIS DAY, AT 11 O'CLOCK, at No. 1 Maiden lane, near Broadway, GREAT SALE OF FINE JEWELRY finperb Clocks, Brounes. Mantel Sets, fares. Figures, sets MusIc'box'c? Lockets, and any quauttty ol flue The above sale will be continued every day until the en tire stock is disposed of. A?t L JI3 JOHNMUN, AL'UTlUNKJtH, ? old stand. 37 Nassau it. THIS DAY. AT 10>? O'CLOCK, ut our aalciroum. 37 Nassau it., SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF H.VE CARPETS, Brume!*, Velvet. Ingrain and Stair Carpot*. FINE PARLOR SUITS, IN SATIN BROCATP.L AND reps: carved block walnut SldeBuardi, Extension Tildes. Bedroom Suits, Chain und Lounges in great variety. Curled 11 air Mattremes. I'outlier Beds, sheet*. Pillow Slips, Due Vincent Parlor Organ, black walnut aud gilt Pier Mir rors, Office Desks, Revolving Chain, Bookcase, Books, Oil cloths. Hugs, ike. Tliu above carpet! are in line ordor, being little used. Auction sale-rich household furniture? THIS (Tuesday) MORNING, at 10o'clock, at live story brown stone mansion NO. 47 WEST itn il ST, BETWEEN 5TH AND 6TH AV8.. Chlckering upright 7jL octave Pianoforte. Kteinwuy's four rouud 71, octavo 1'ianolbrte. Painting*. Work* of Art. PARLOR AND DRAWING BOOM SUITS, richly earved Tn*<-wood end walnut Frame*, covered in crimeon, tan and Eold brocade, satin and cotelnine: Turkish ami Spanish ounges. Easy Chairs, inlaid marquetsrie and gilt I'eutro aud Console Tables, rosewood Etageroi, Cabinets, French plate Mirrors, lace Curtains, French Msntel Sits, sixty-day Clucxa, Musical Boxes. Library and Secretaire Bookcases, Books, Library Tables. Turkish Suit, Writing Desk. BEDROOM FUK.NITUBE. consisting of elaborate and plain Bedroom Sets, Inlaid and gilt Bedsteads, Dressing Cases. Bureaus. Washstands. single and double Bedsteads, 33 fine hair and spring Mattresses, feather Pillows. Blan kets. Toilet Hots, rep and plush isnits, marble top Tables, Chair*, Rocker*. Kcrllaing Chairs, Lounge*. DINING FURNITURE?Extension T ables, Sideboard, Chair* in leather. Silverware, Crockery, two Hail Stands; velvet, Brussels anil ingrain Carpet*: Kitchen, servants' Furniture. Ac. Take Sixth avenue or University place car*. N. B.?Men to retnovo, pack or ship goods, city or country. ROBERT O. CAMUS', Auctioneer. A?T EXTRAORDINARY. The great Chinese Exhibition. BARKER A CO.. 47 AND 411 LIBERTY ST. Now on exhibition the entire collection remaining untold in the Main Centennial Building belonging to Lee Ring A Co., of Canton, China, consisting of elegant nilvcr, ivory, and gold Jewelry, Bronies, various colored .silk*. Embroid eries. earved Fans, lulaiil Cabinet*, lacquered and gold in laid lioxen. Chinese Doll*, cosily Vases ol every variety, from 13 to 4S inches iu height, together with exquisite ivory and wood Carvings, Chinese Jewelry, Ac. The above is In charge of tile geutlomanly commissioner, O W. Young, who will take pleasure In showing them to the ladies. They will lie sold by auction on Thursday. Friday and Saturday, December 14, 15 and 16. Commencing ut II o'clock. BARKER A CO., 47 AND 4!t LIBERTY ST. A?GEORGE W. KEP.LER. AUCTIONEER.?FOURTH ?lares, peremptory sale of AUTISTIC TRIPLE SIL VER PLATED W.tKK AND CUTLERY, designed and manufactured by the MKRIDEN BRITANNIA COMPANY, RotJEKB BROTH ERR and other leading manufacturer*, to be sold ut million, without reserve, at 83 Liberty st., Tuesday and Wednesday, December 13 and 13, at II o'clock. A -A. -H. DINGEK. AUCTIONEER. , THIs DAV. at Metropolitan Salesroom*, 4lh ST., corner 33th it., at lOH o'clock A. M., 11 elegant Parlor Suit*. In Cliuiuher Suit*, new and second hand ; extension aud marble top Tables. Bookcase*, Desks, Csrpets, Redding, Chair*. Mirror*, Chrome*, Paintings, Billiard Tallies, us- Fixtures. Ac , Ac. S. DINGER hold* regular suction isle* it abovs sales rooms, every Tuesday and Hatniday. of Household Goods and general Merchandise, and or Horses, Carriages, Har ness. Ac., every THURSDAY, at 12 o'clock. Special attention given to isles on owner's premises. Lilieral cash advances made on merchandise A?GERALD BKTT8, AUCTIONEER. .ENTIRE hTOCK OF TRIPLE Hli.VER PLATED WARE, AND ROGER.*' TaHLe CUTLERY, to be sold peremptorily, by order of the NATIONAL SILVER PLATE CO.. consisting- f Tea nets, tsbeilield \\ oilers. Ice Pltcbors, Fruit Dislics, Tureens, Baking Dishes, Toilet Huts. Ac. Also a full assortment of ROGERS' CELEBRATED KNIVES. FORKS, AND SPOONS, mid new rich Goods of artistic design of MKRIDEN BRITANNIA CO.. ROGERS BROS.. to lie sold at auction, without reserve, at til Liberty at., Tussdsv and Wednesday, December 13 and 13, at 11 o'clock. a UCTION SALE OF IIANDSOMR AND USEFUL ?*Y. Household Furniture, this (TUK DAYl, at II o'clock, at the private re-idence 11 West t!4th It., between 3th and 8th avs,Velvet, Brussels anil ingrain Carpets| Mirrors, Paintings, t'hr.imos. Vases, Clocks Parlor Suits, in satin brocade, cotelnine. rep* and haircioth; Pianoforte; Bed steads, Bureaus. Dressing Cases; Wnshvtands. Wardrobes, iiair and spring Mattresses. Bedding, Blanket*. Lounges, Tallies, Sideboard, Extension Tables, Glass, China, Hllver ?ua Cutlarv Htair Caroets. Ac. K. KOTU. Auctioneer. KAJL.KB AT Al t l ? v?I'. \ EE'S SAI.K. It V J(?>EPI1 K. WKIGF. f Auction-er, of choice Uroccriri and Cigar* Will sell tliia day, commencing at 1*>S o'clncx at 2411 South Nth av., tW'i duuri< above Canal at , gt?*fu and black IcM, Ctilftti. Supara. Flour. Sxapa. 11 niter. Eggs Salt. Canned Guode, it ice Barley. Farina, Sardines, Ka situs, Currant*. i'llrou. Imported and domestic Pickles. French anil P.uglith Mus tarii. assorted Splcel, Starch. Ac., thirty.five thoiiaaini tH.'),iXMii choice thwart, Chandelier. KeHector. two silver plated Show Cases, a good Hum- Dealers anil ai>eculatora Invited II KOIII.RB, AhI(h??. LJDBN A BUKBILL. Kcal Katate Brokers and Aiictiuuevri, No. 2 Weal 14th >1 , corner hih av. By ROBERT SOMKK V1LI.K, Auctioneer, will tell thla day, December 12, et II o'ulock. it 0 A. Tro vett'a lurtillure rooura. 27. 21* and 111 East 1 litli at., corner University place, the Contents of Hue hoiiau. So 51* Vtcsl l'2ili at., couaiatlnit ul bedroom, parlor, kllcheii and illiiiu t room Furniture, ( arpet*. Mrror*. Mnttressea. K igravihg*. line Painting*. Ac. Sale positive and uureaerved. BISSKI L. WELLS \ WILLBT, AUCTIONEERS. This day, Tuoaday, December 12, at Hd* A. M., at our Salesroom, No. I > Murray at . lar re peremptory aaje of over "'*1 luta of Toy,. Fancy tiooda, Vanes aud Cologne Sett, comprising lull line, ot Holiday Goods, auitable for the city mid country trade. BY Jose I'll K wSlOEBT, ACCTTOWBEB ? ILL I)?*il. tomorrow. Stock and Fixture* of Ural cleat Grocery Store on 7tk av JjJU?'AKD dCUHNCK. ACCTION E KIL ORAND EXHIBITION AND SALE. TIIK FINEST OOODS ONLY. SUPERB JAPANESE, DAIMIO BRONZE VASES AND CLOISONNE WARKS. VERY CHOICE SPECI MENS OF SATSUMA, KIOTO. SEVRES, IMPERIAL BERLIN, ROYAL DRESDEN, CAPO DI MONTE AND WORCESTER PORCELAINS, FRENCnAND ITALIAN "MAJOLICAS AND FAIENCE. SEVRES CHINA AND DECORATED DINNER SETS, OLD SIXTEENTH CBNTURY STYLE. GERMAN JUGS. TANKARDS AND FLAGONS, PARIS BISCUIT STATUETTES, pakians FROM COPELAND, M IN TON AND OTHERS, TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION AT NO. 17 UNION SQUARE. ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. DECEMBER 14 AND 15. AT THREE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. sale peremptory and without any reserve. On exhibition everyday until 10 o'clock P. M. WARBURG. AUCTIONEER. SELLS. 11 O'CLOCK. ,1117 uv O, entire Stock ol Fancy Gnuda Store; alao Fixture*. Showcaaea, Ac. Puaitively In let*. Dealer* in vited. H. u HERTS A SONS. AUCTIONEERS. U. S. DISTRICT COURT. ? IN BANKRUPTCY. I IN THE MATTER OF WILLIAM DE OIUAF BANKRUPT : j ?r.) ASSIGNEE'S SALE RICH AND ELEGANT FURNITURE, BEIKO THE ENTIRE STOCK OF WILLIAM DE GRAAF, BANKRUPT, TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION, ON TUESDAY. DECEMBER 12, AT 10? O'CLOCK, AND SUCCEEDING DAYS UNTIL ENTIRELY DISPOSED OF. AT TnE WARE ROOMS? NO. 267 BOWERY. The itock comprise* rich Dressing Caao, Chamber Suit*, perlor and dining room Furniture In great varieties, and arc worthy the attention of all who desire to purchase first claaa goods. The styles uauully kept by Mr. I?e Uraaf arc too well known to need anr comment, and not audi goods ai generally found in Bowery store*. TERMS OF SALE. CASh! BY ORDER OF THEODORE J. PALMER. Asalgcee. || B. HERTS A SONS. AUCTIONEERS. "great PHILADELPHIA EXHIBITION SALE OF GOODS REMOVED FROM THE CENTENNIAL, AT C1IICKER1NG (old) HALL, 11 EAST 14TII ST. The largest and moat complete assortment of Diamonds, Watches, Brontes, Clocks. .Mantel Seta, rich China. Ma jolica, Faience. Pnllsay aud Kngliali Porcelain* ever olTered at public *alo to thla enmmunity. SOLD UNDER THE PERSONAL DIRECTION OF THE VARIOUS EXHIBITORS. THIS DAY (TUESDAY), DECEMBER 12, AT II O'CLOCK. WILL BE SOLD. WITHOUT RESERVE, WATCHES AND DIAMONDS'IN EVERV VARIETY, COMPRISING THE OEMS OK THE EXHIBITION. Also AT 3 P. M., BY SPECIAL REQUEST, THE ENTIRE EXHIBIT OF REAL BRONZES. admitted to be the Snout collection evar offered in tbil country, embracing the work* ot DUVANY, MOKE AC MATUEY, T. DORIOT, J. MOIGNIER, i'AL' I'ROT, rFIEFFKR, JULUS DE MEuKN, A. CAN A, TOLMSON, CIIAt)7uSSE. PALMSON, H. DUMAIUE, P. J. MKNE, Ac.. Deicriptive Catalogue* of which era now reedy and may be hud on application at the hall. Exhibition open daily till Hi P. M. NOTICE.?'Tho tale of fine Oil Painting* will take place on Thursday and Friday evenings, December 14 and 15, at 8 P. M , fuil detail* of which will bo given to-morrow. H. STONEX, AUCTIONEER. STONE Y A MAPES will sell, thl? day, at 110 Fulton it. and 42 Ann at.. Good* fro in the late Exhibition?J apaneie, Chinese and French. Tula will he a rare opportunity to make aelectiona of elegant good* for the holiday* Old Antiques, .Jefferson Hookcaaei, inlaid; old mahogany Inlaid Furniture, Andirons, Pendera and hundred* of old antiques. Patent Sofa Bed*, Boukcaae Bedsteads. Bureau Bedstead*, Table Boditnads, a new article altogether; adapted to all localities and institutions. ENRY LOTZ.AU CT10 N EE It, S E LLS, W ED N BSD AY, Docember 13, II o'clock, at 77 Warren si., BOHE MIAN VASES, MOTTO COFFEES, CHiNA TOYS, FANCY GOODS; also FLINT GLASSWARE, ItOCK and YELLOW waro, CROCKERY, Ac., suitable for Holiday trade. S. WKINBEKUKK. AUCTIONEER?SELLS TUES ?day, Thursday and Saturday of this week, at 10Q o'clock each day. nt iilcsrootn 73 Bowery, a variety of Kuneral Merchandise, Clears, Liquors, furniture, Clothing, Jew dry. Ac.; silk Umbrellas, Blankets, Glove*, Ac, IMDOR E J. IW A BE K O P F. A OOTIO.NEER, SELLS, 10',' o'clock. 43U uth bv., near 34th it., largo stock Stoves. Range*; tin. iron, copper, Hrlttanla. wooden and willow Ware, Cutlery. Showcase*: alio Hor?e and Wagon, large lot Wringer* nnd Fluting Machine*. Ac- Positively without reserve. Dealer* aDd trade iuvited. J" AMES mT FORD." AUCTIONKKR. AT 3 O'CLOCK' at Hi.'Sil nr.. an excellent assortment r.f parlor, chain her. bedrootn and dining room F'lirnltttre. pier Mirrors, Parlor Bed*. Wardrobe*, library and*ccretury Bookcases, tine velvet body lirussols and tapestry Carpet*. Oilcloths, Cutlery, Curtains, hue hftir Mattresses, Bedding. Holsters and Pil low*. Also, by order of whom it may concern, lfF) yard* cocoa Matting. 5 Stove*, '.' Sewing Machines; also three loads of Furniture, of ail description*, from storage; the whole presenting an unusual opportunity for housekeepers, Kale regardless of weather. Dealer* invited. HAVEN, AU<JTIONEER. ? Office and salesrooms, 30 aud 41 East 13th, will sell, Tuesday, December 12, at lOJw, at 73 Lexington sr., entire contents of four story house, consisting of everything In tho housekeeping line?An upright Piano. Parlor Suits, Bedroom Set*, Mirror*, Painting*. Engravings. Curtains, Lambrequins, Carpets, Beds, Bedding, Glaa*. Crockery and Silverware, Ac. P, TRAVEK, AUCTION ERR?WILL SELL THIS ?day. at U>?, o'clock, at 77 East Broadway, Counters, Back Fixtures, Bar Fixtures. Table*, Chairs, Mirror*, store. Picture*. Gas Fixture*. Ac. L'eo HRKTKBBKU, AUCTIONS,EhT^KLLS. ?><? o'clock, 42H East Itith it., large Stock, Fixture* of Gro cery Store In lots. MN'USSHAUM, aCCTIONEKK, 391 BOWERY, ?sell* till* day. V>H o'clock, No. 274 Hudson it.. Stock and Fixture* of lirst class Saloon and Concert Hall. Elegant silver-plated aeven pull Ale Pump, with Mirror ; three largo Mirrors, splendid Bar, Back Bar. Bagatellu. Mack walnut Tables, large quantity Chairs. Engraving*. On* Fixture*. (?Isiset, Stock Ales, Liquors, Ac., Ac., without resorve. Dealers, Ipwtlltett and buyers liu Itcd. MNI'SSBAUM. AUCTIONEER. 2'tl BOWERY, ?sells tills day. 2 o'clock, at 42K East 10th at.. Stock aud Fixture* of Grocery .-lore, in lot*. A I AX BAYKKSDoKFKI!, AUCTIONEER. 3I?? BOWERY, ifl sells 10 o'clock. 13 Park row, opposite Poet OHice, lirst class Restaurant and Barroom. Max haykksdorfer. auctioneer,300bowery, sells 2>, o'clock. 033 3d av., first else* Butcher Shop Fi X lure*. MarshaL'SBalk ? ry virtue ok skveral executions, to mo ilircctod, 1 will sell this day (lue* dayj, at 12 o'clock, at tho Auction House of M. E. FAVOR, 13 East llth st., tlie Contents and Fixture* of a Cigar store?show Cine*, Counters, onlside Figure, Mirror*. Shades, Furniture, Cigar*. Cigarettes, Tobacco, Pipes, Ac.; al*o lot of C'ntiory aud Fancy Good*. _ CORNELIUS FARLEY. Marshal. 7H_Na?*aa ,u MARSHAL'S SALE-ON WF.I)NKnDAY, MUMIMt 13, at 10? o'clock, at n Rivinglou, of a lot ot fine Household Furniture. Full particular* in to-morrnw's Herald and Daily News. A~RSH AL's ?AlA?J. BBBBAC'HBR, AUCTIONFKR, will sell. Ill's day, a! ION o'clock, al salesroom, ti Riv in at on it., the Stock M a lirst class Liquor Store, consisting ot Brandies. Kunis, Whiskey*. Champagne*. Klilue Wines, Cordial*. Gin*, Beer Pumps, Counter*. Ac. Dealer* invited. TliOS CUNNINGHAM, Marshal. 75BTGAGB HALh.?RY~ VihTUK OF A i HAI'lEL mortgage, made by Joliu McDonald wceliallhell Mills Mors, at Inwood, New York citv. at public auction, at 2 o'clock P. M.. on December 13, IW7H, two lloraea, a Wagon and certain Store Fixture* ami Utensil* SPIEKF.KilANN A VOI CE. Mortgagees 1>aW9S3iK Ell's sale; ?Til 11"DAY, 71MBB AllXiT X Auctioneer* will **11. at salesrooms60New Bowery und il Oliver st . SOU lota silk llNMri, velvet .*>anque*. Fura, iirocbe and woollen Shawn. Remnant*. InMc i.inen, i ndeicloth ing Sheet*, Spreans, Blanket*. Quilt*. Beds, Pillows, Hoot*. Shoe* and Coals, Pantaloon* and Teats, at 11 o'clock allarp. By order of B. I^iy, ?>!.'> Hudson *t. PAWNBROKER'S KA I,F. -Till >M AS J. '"mnTraTH" Auctioneer, U"?8 Chatham *t , corner Mnliterry, will noll tin* day, II o'clock, lira's arid Women'* Clothing, Urv?ae?, Shawls, Remnant*. Quilts, Blun el*. Bedding, no ita, Shoea, Ac.. also Coat*, Pauls aud I ael*. By order B. Peyser, 2d av. SA!,I'> AT At < "i IOW. 1 > UN MtHMlvi-.K - W I WAfCllK- N.sD jKVfVL'dfif. 1 K KIKIil), v?'Otril Auctioneer. iftlt**r?M>ni 8;? H iwerv. will itill thin <J*v, 11 u etcvk, f I ,&0O worth of W.itches and Jewelry do It# ?.?ld in lot* as p!> dgodt, c<>tiio*ittig wCTOOIot* fine 4?i>l*i and Silver Watch**. Diatnoud and U"bl Jewelry. 1*1111. King*. b4rrlnft?. Gold Guard. Von and Ve?t ChiiiDi. Ac . Jtc itmi) (#iiu?. PDtoL. Opera Qlaoci, Mn?ieal and Mathematical inurnment!, Cutlery. Ac . Jtc. By artier K. Hirrpnon .% Co., IUj Htiwrry. N. H.?Tiit* tile will rum tumor at 11 o'clock {iriciirly Denier* arc requested to be in attendance by iIihi liict I' IT RIFF'S HALE OK Ma CM INKKY, JtV?OKKAKD OBBTT8, Auctioneer, will irll on Tuuadaj, December L', ul 11 o'ciiK-k. at 120 William ?t., tut of Machinery, consist ing of Lathe*. Kulliyi, Shafting. Hunger*. Ac . Ac. Jams.* 11. mikii..?. Deputy WM C. lONNEB, HlitriB. T~ R l/STLMP RALE T ofthe Baltimore Academy of Musio. We will, in virtue of a decree in equity, mill by public auc tion. at the Exchange Salesroom, ?t? the city ??f Baltimore, on tbe I4tti ihy of December. 1*7(1, ?t 1 o'clock I* M , tne h*nd*oti?e and tHpacInu* edifice known a* the Academy of Momc, haing a front of about Hi*l feet, with a d> pth ot 'it I feet, together with all ofthe f urniture, I Ixtures, Scenery, Ac., Ac.. botoii lug to it. ftie Academy l? centrullv and fashionably located, on Howard at. The MibMaulial con-truttioti and elegant orna mentation ofthe building nro well known. and it! iu;i?*rior adaptation to dramatic Mini lyric representation isittti* vernally admitted, it comprises a beautifully ilecorat* d auditorium, with 1,li.'i5 velvet folding seats a mpsrinr a tuck of scenery, mostly by Huaaell Smith, elegant dressing rooms, a handsomely frescoed concert hall, that cap accom modate 1 ,050 persons; butlers' pantile*, connected by dumb waiter* with a well furnished kitchen in tin* basement. On cither aide ot the main entrance U a spacious and elegant cafe ami a barroom in the basement. Terms of sale will h made known at the mile. HENRY JAMEH, i J (J ALL PLEASANTS. ^Trustee*. jos ii. hie man, ) LUTHER M. KEY MOLDS, Solicitor. I LI J AM "a HID )TT. AUOTH) N EE K >\ IL L S K iX, ON this day, December 12, lour full Lot* of Land, with the three story and attic House and Collar with Store nud Stable; alao one two story Dwelling, with largo garden, fruit tree*. Ac., on the southeast corner of tlrand and Acad emy ats., Astoria. Long Island City, ou the promises, at 12 o'clock, noon. Terra* at sale ??r hi tho oftice ol the auction eer, No. J t'hambers st.. New York. pLLUM ABBOTT^ kt'CTlONKER, OFFICE 1 If Chamber* at., will sell on tin* day, 12tli inat.. at 1<?1, o'clock, the Stock and Fixtures of the Grocery Store south east corner of Grand and Academy sis., A?toria. Lunif Island City; fine Horse, Wagou, half spring (-art aud namo*?, Pouiirv, Swine, Ac. ; 300 loot of Fire Hose. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS. ONLY DIRECT LINK TO FRANCE. rilK (i r.N KRAL TK A N s ATLANTIC (lOM I'ANY'S MAIL STEAMERS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND HAVRE, CALLING AT PLYMOUTH (U. B.) lor tne landing ot pas*engjra. The api??udiil vessel* on thin favorite route Tor the Conti nent (cabins provided with electric bell*) will sail from pier No. 41 J, loot of Harrow at.. North River, a* follow* ? FRANCE (Trtidolle) Saturday, December 16,6 A. M. LABRADOR (Siinurlier)... .Saturday, Dot umber JO, J I*. M. A.VIKKIOLE (Pouxols) Saturday, January Li PRICK OF PASSAGE IN GOLD, including wine*; ? First cabin, $1 Hi to #l2i>, according to accommodations; secondcnbin #72; third cabin,#40. Return tickets at reduced rates. Steerage, $26, with superior accommodations, including wine, bedding and utensils without extra charge. LOUIS DE HKBIAN. Agent. ?5 Broadway. H1TE gfAlTLTNE FOR OLEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. carrying the UNITED states Mail. Tho at earner* of this line take the lane route* recom mended by Lieutenant Maury, U. S. N., going nomli of the Hank* on the pa.ssugo to i^ueciiMowu ail the year round. BRITANNIC December 16, at 5:30 A. M. CELTIC December JO, at J P. M. ADRIATIC January n, at 10 A. M. BRITANNIC January 30, ut a. M. From White Star Dock*, pior ."?2 North River. Rate*?Saloon, $H i and #10;f, in gold, return tickets on reasonable term*. Steerage, $2H. Saloon Ntuterooms, smoking an'l hath roonn are placed amidahips* where the noi*o and motion are least, affording a degree of comfort hitherto unattainable at *ea. For inspection of plan* and other Information apply at the company's office, 37 Broadway, New York. K. I CGIM IS. A int. A NCIIOR LINE i'MTED SIATES Mil!, Si K AM EKs! A new York and glasuow. ETHIOPIA, Dec 16, (i A. M. I BOLIVIA, Dec. 30. 2 P. M. VICTORIA, Dec. 23, 10 A. M. | ALSATlA. Jan. 6, 11 A. M. TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL oil OKRRY. Cabin, $0-'? to #S ?, according to accommodation*. Intermediate, $.!?">, steerage, $.8. NEW YORK AND LONDON. ELYSIA Dec 10,7 A. M. I A NO LI A ...Dec 80, 1 P. \1. Cabin, $"?5 fo #70; steerage, #28. Cabin excursion ticket* at reduced rates. Draft* iiHiicd for any amount at current rate*. Company'* pier Noh. 'JOaiid 21 North River. New York. HENDERSON BROS., Ageuts, 7 Bowling Greeu. T NMAN LINK-MAIL STEAMERS. 1 FOR O U E EN STOW N AND LIVERPOOL. CITY OF RICHMOND. .Saturday, December 9, at 12 nosn. CITY OF BERLIN.. Saturday, December 28, at9: 0 A. M. CITY OF CHESTER .^attiruay, January IS, at 10 A. M. CITY OF RICHMOND....Saturday, January 13, at 2 P. M. From pior 4."> North River. Cabin. $8J and #100, gold. Return ticket* on favorable term* Steerage, #28, currency. Drafts at lowest rate*. Saloon*, .staterooms, smoking and bathroom* nniidtihipo. JOllN G. DALE. Agent. 15 and 33 Broadway, N. Y. NIT ED STATES MAIL LINE?STEA if TO QUEENS* TOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Sailing on TUESDAY from pier 40 North River. NEVADA. Dec. 12, 2% P. M. I WYOMING, Dec. 26, 1 P. M. WISCONSIN.Doc. 1!' T'.jA.M. | DAKOTA. Jim. 2, 7 A. M. Cabin, #<>.?, #70 and $8<) currency. Intermediate, #10; strorag , #26. Passenger* booked to and from Paris, Hamburg, Norway, Sweden, Ac. Draft* on Ireland, England, France aud Ger many at lowest rates. WILLIAMS A GUiON, 29 Broadway. SPECIAL NOTICE.?TilK S1'LKM)II) MAIL STEAM ship NEVADA, Captain Guard, Kalis from pier 10 Ninth River. foot of King street. Uir Quconstowu *11(1 Liverpool, on Tuesday, December 12lli, at 2:80 P. M. precisely. Pus sengar* leaving by this steamer will arrivo in time tn spend the holiday* nt home. Superior accommodation* tor cabin, intermediate ami moorage passenger* at loweat rate*. Ap ply to WILLIAMS A- OUION. 29 Broadway. CTDNAKD LINK.-B. ANI?JT. A. B. M~ sTiToO. J NOTICE. With a view to <11 miniali the chances of colltston the steamers of tills lino take a spcctlic course lor all seasons of tli'J year. On the outward passage from Queeustnwn to New York or Boston crossing tlm meridian ot no at 48 latitude, or noth ing to the north of 411. On ilie homeward passage crossing tlio meridian ot ray at 42 latitude, or nothing to the north ut 42. l'KO.M NEW VOUK FOB L1VEUPOOL AND QUEENS TOWN. ALGERIA. ..Wod., Doc. Li ABVSSl.NlA .Wed.. Dec. 27 BATAVIA Wed.. Dec. 20 ?RUSSIA Wed., Jau 8 steamers marked thus (*) do no) carry steerage passen gers. Cabin passage, $8(i, $100 ami $180, . old, according to ac commodation. Return tickets mi favorable terms. Steerage tickets to uud Irom all parts of Europs at very low rales. E rsight and passage office No. 4 Bowling Groeti. CHARLES 0. FKANCKLYN, Agent. PARKS NO BBS PER 3TE a MS 11 IP ALOBBIA EMBARK Irom the Cnuaril wharf, font ot Grand St., Jersey City, ut 2 P. M.. on Wcducsdav, December 18, lH7ii. CHARLES G FKANCKLYN, 4 Bowling Green. New York. OTATB LINE. ONEW YORK TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL. DUBLIN, BELFAST AND LONDONDERRY, from pier 42 North River (loot of Canal st.j, a. billows ;? ST A IK OF GEORGIA 'I'hnrsday, Deccmbor 14 STATE OF INDIANA Thursday, Drceinbcr -1 STATE OK PENNSYLVANIA Thursday, December 28 First cabin, $00 and $70, according to accommodation; return tickets, $110, $125. Second cabin, $45; return tick ets, $80. Steerage ut lowest rates. Apply to AUSTIN Baldwin ,v (Hi., Agents, No. 72 Broadway, New York. STEERAGE TICKETS AT 45 BROADWAY AND AT THE COMPANY'S PILlt FOOT OF CANAL ST., NORTH RIVER. ObT DIRECT AND ECONOMIC ROUTE TO IIOL LAND, BELGIUM, THE RHINE, SWITZERLAND AC., AC.. VIA ROTTERDAM. Steamer SCHOLTKN Dec. 21 Steamer MAAS Ian. 4 These beautiful steamers, carrying the United States mail to the Netherlands, are great favorites with the public. Trips regular, rates low, comfort and living perfect. For freight. For passage, PUNCH, EDYE A CO.. L. W. MORRIS, 27 South William st. Broadway (Morris' Kuropcun Express) IN.MAN LINK. MAIL STEAMERS. FOR QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CITY' OF BERLIN Saturday, Dec. 28, nt 9:80 A. M. CITY OF CHESTER Saturday, Jan. 0. at 10 A. M. CITY OF RICHMOND Saturday, Jan. 18. at 2 P. M. From pier 45, Ninth River. Cabin, $S" and $100, gold. Return tickots on favorable terms. Steerage, $28. currency. Drafts at lowest rales. Saloons, staterooms, smoking and bathrooms amidships. JOHN G DALE, Ag. i t. ' 1ft and 88 BroAdway. New York. National une-krom piers 44 and 47 N. r. FOR LONDON. Cunuda Saturday, Dec. 10 5:30 A. M. FOR QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Spain ...Dec. Hi. 5:30 A. M. I Helvetia .Dec. SO, 7:30 P. M. Egypt Dec. 28, 10 A. M. I England. Jan. 0, 10:30 A. M. Cabin passage, $55, $tin. nr $7o, enrroncy. Return tickets. $100. $110. or$l20. currency. Steerage passage, $20, currency. Drafts Issued from ?t upward at current rates. Apply at tho company 's office. 69 Broadway. Steerage tickets ran also bo obtained at tlio company's piers, 44 and 47 North River. P. w. J. HUBBT, Manager. American link. Weekly Mail Steamship Service between PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL, culling at Quecnmown Sailing every Thursday from Philadelphia, and Sailing every Wednesday from Liverpool. The billowing steamers are appoiuted to sail from Phila delphia:? OHIO Dec. 14 1 INDIANA Ian. 4 PENNSYLVANIA ...D-c, 21 ILLINOIS Ian. 11 ?CITY of NEW YOKK.Dso.2S | ?LORD CLIVK Jau IS PRICE OF PASSAGE, IN CURRENCY, Cabin, $7 > to $10O, si cording to location Steerage and intermediate tickets to Slid from all points at the lowest rates. ?Stoainers marked with a iter do not carry intermediate. Passenger sec lUtntodatloii ft r all classes unsurpassed. For passage, rates of height and other Information apply to PETER WRIGHT 4 HONH, General Agents, 307 Walnut st., Philadelphia. GEORGE W. COLT!IN. 42 itrend St., New York. JOHN MCDONALD, Passenger Agent, No. 8 Butter) place. North i.erman lloyd siEamciiip line: between new yoke, smi TIUMI'TON AND BREMEN. Company's pier, foot of <1 st., Hanoi en. WF.6F.R. .Mimrday, Dee It I MOSEL... .satnrday. Dec. 30 Kll KIN . .Maturday, Dec.-i | Saturday, J in. 6 Rates ol passage from New York to Southampton. Havre or Bremen :? First* abiu, $100, gold; Second Cablu, $00, gold; Hteor age, $:ki. currency. Return tickets at reduced rates. Prepaid steerage certificates. $22, currency. For freight or passage apply to OE.i Eft 118 A CO.. 2 Bowling Green. HAMBURG-AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY'S LINE lor PLYMOUTH. dllKKKOI KG and IIAMIil.'iili. FK18IA Dee. 14 | I'd M M K R AN 1 A Doc. 28 OBLLKKT Dec. 21 | SUKVIa Jan. 4 Rates ol passage to Plymouth, London, Cherbourg, Ham burg and nil points In England Wrct Cabin, $100, gold; Second Cabin, $tki. g'dd; Steerage, $80, inrr ncv. KUNHAKDt a CO., 0. B. RICHARD k BOAS, General Agents, General Pa-senger Agents, 61 Broad at., New York. til Broadwav. New York. C1 RE:AT WESTERN STEAMSHIP LINK T TO BRISTOL (ENGLAND DIRECT, sailing Irom pi?r 18 Lust River as billows:? BoME.RHE.T. Western ...Saturday, December 16 ARKaGMN, Syitiont ? Cabin passage, $7H; Intermediate, $45; m> erage, $8H, enr rency; excursion tickets, $l2tlt prepaid siaeraga certiHcates, mm Abpiy to w. ii morgan. Ageet. TtiBoudlieti T APSCt tTT'S orrics, 8tl MOUTH ht. Kemitauces to <>real Britain end Ireland. Drafts lor ?1 aud uuward at reduced rates. EURO HE Alt STftJl.USIIlPS. ti^rtSoN LINK. ?KOK HOI Til AM t"l ON ANlTkbtK n K?iii(iuc from pier 3 iNorih Kivcr, as follow* ? C()LOMH0....1>ec?,mlMr 23 1 HINDU January 21' OTHELLo. January t$| NAVARINOO. February .1 First cabin, ||fl, currency; ?croud cabin, $45, currency, Excursion lirl>i $a on vary favorable terms. Through ticketi issued to Continental and Baltic ports, Apply fur full par ticulars to CII UU.I.H b WMlUHf X I'O,, South it. COAIiTUlKK STFAMSIIIP*. PACIFIC MAIL AND PANAMA TRANSIT STEAMS!! IF LINES. For CALIFORNIA, JAPAN, ChTn A, AUHTRALlA, NER ZEALAND. BRITIM! COLUMBIA. OREGON, AO., saiiiug from pier 42 N'orUt River. For SAN FRANCISCO. vU I>THMU> OF PANAMA. StsAiuitiip CRESCENT ClJ Y Saturday. Dec. II connecting lor Central Amorics un<! South Pacific ports. FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO JaPAN and CHINA. Steam "hip CITY OF PEKING Monday. J?n. I From SaN FKANClSt-O to SANDWICH ISLANDS, ACS TK A LI A and N K W Z E A L A N I). Steamship CITY OF NEW YORK Wednesday, Jan. 3 For freight or passage apply to \Y M. P. CLYDE it CO., or If J IIULLAY, Supuriuieudetiit No, (i Bowling Green. pier 12 North River toot Canal st. Fyok new or leans direct. ~ THE CROMWELL LINK. 'I ho steamship K NICKERHOCKER, Captain Ke ruble, will mil ou Saturday, Dec* uit>a r ir?. at 3 o'clock p. m , from pier No. U North Kivor. Through biil* of lading given to Mobile and principal points on ?? MiH?i?hlppi River. Cabin pus-arc. $.*?<?; steerage, $25. Apply to . LARK a se a m AN. mB West St. N" Y.. HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL SS. LINK. ? Steamers leave pier No. 3 NoYtlt River at J P. M. FOR HAVANA DIRECT. CITY OF MEKIDA..,. Saturday, December II CITY OF VKKa CRl Z Wednesday. December 2C CITY OF NEW YORK Wednesday, Decetuber Hi FOR VERA CRUZ AND NEW ORLEANS, via Havana, Progreso, Cunipeaclty, Tuxpan and Tampleo. CITY OF MKRIDa Saturday, December 16 For freight and passage apply to F. ALEXANDRE A SONS, 31 and 33 Broadway. Steamers will leave New Orleans December 22 and Jan* uary 12 for Vera Cruz and all the above ports. MORGAN'S NEW YO K. NI.WoKI.hANS AND TEXAS steamships.?Tito steamship MORGAN CITY will sail horn pier :p? North River on \\ eiit?*?day. December 13 and steamship ALGIERS on Saturday, December IB, foi New Orleans direct, transferring Texas freight there tc Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad for Morgan City, them e per Morgan's steamer* to Texan ports. Through bills of lading signed to all points on the >fi?*i*?lpt>i River, Mo bile, Galveston, Indlanola, Corpns Christ!. Reexport, Brazos Santiago, Brownsville, and to all point* on the Oalv ??toti, liarrlsburu and San Atitonto. Houston and Texas Central, International and Great Northern, Texas Pacific and Trnnfr Coutincnuti railroads. Freight* for St. Mary's and Fulion landed at RockporL special rates via there tor Suu Antonio freights. Lis:hterago and chaunel dues at Corpus Ctiriul and Bra. cos Santiago at the expense ami risk of consignee. Insurance can u?* effected under open oolicy of the lino. To New Orleans, *.t percent; to Texas ports, "W per ecnl. For freight or further inlormation apply to HOOKRT J MORGAN. Agents; otllce, pier 30 North River. OTEAM TO BRAZIL AND RIVER PLATE DIRECT.? kTI'he *te .mslilp DONATI, Captain Watson, will he des patched from Martin a Stores, Brooklyn, Wednesday, the 13th December, lor Para. Pernambtico, Hahia, Rn? de Ja neiro, Montevideo and Buenos Avres, taking freight and passenger* for the eou>t ports at through rates. For treight And passage apply t?? BUSK X JEVONS. ?4 Beaver ft, tjlOB NASSAU. N. IV -HK.ill.AU \l AiLKTKAMSUl? I? LEO leaves New York December 12. at 3 P. M. MURRAY. FERRIS x CO.. Hi Sonth si. NEW YORK AND HAVANA DIREKT MAIL LINE. These first class steamships will sail at 3 P. M. from pier 13 North River, foot of Cedar St., for Havana direct, as follows ? COLUMBIA Wednesday, December 13 CLYDE Saturday, December 23 For freight and passage, having unsurpassed accommoda tions. apply to W.M. P. CLYDE A CO.. No. IS Bowling Greets Mt'KKLLAK. LULINO ,v Co., Agents In Havana. fjlOR HALIFXX, N. g~AND BL JOHNS. M. 9 r CROMWELL STEAMSHIP LINK. Steamers leave pier 10 North River following days at 3 tiKolUJE CROMWELL Tuesday, Docembor5 CiKOKGE WASHINGTON Friday, December 13 Most direct, ehoan.'st ami ?|iiickost route to Nov* Scotia* Newloumilaiid and the Lower St. Lawrence. Excellent passenger accommodations. For freight or passage apply to CLARK A SEAMAN, Hit West sc. OLD DOMINION STB A M S11 i P~t>MPAN Y, sailing frmu pier 37 North River. For Norfolk, Cltv I'olut and Richmond, Tuesdays, Thure days and Saturdays at 3 P. M .connecting with the Virginia ami Tennessee Air Lino. Atlantic Coast Line. Piedmont Ail Line. Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, and with the cons* puuy's steam lines to interior points in North Carolina and Virginia. Newborn and Washington. N C. (via Norfolk), every Tuesday. Thursday ami Saturday. Lewes, Del., Monday ami Thursday at 3 P. M? connecting with Mary laud and Delaware railroads. Passeuger uecominudatioiis unsurpassed. Through passage tickets and bUD of lading to all pointi at. lowest rates. Insurance to Tertolk, Ac.. I4 per cent. Freight received daily nt pl?r 37 North River. General OfBeas, i'?7 Greenwich st. N L MrCREADY, President. muxk'h LINE FOR G ALVESTDN. TOUGHING AINKBY A West, carrying the United States mail.?The steamer RIO GRANDE, Captain Bolger, will sail on Saturday, December IB, at 3 P. M , from pi r ?? East River. Through hills of lading given to all points 011 the Houston and Texas, Central International, ami Great Northern, Galveston. Houston ami fleudersou. ami the Galveston, Harrisburg and Nail Antonio railroads Freight and insurance at luwosf rules. For freight or passage (having superiorsiccoinmodo tious) apply to C. II. Si A LLORY X C(J , |f?3 Maiden lane. SEMI WEEKLY LINE FOR PORT ROY A L. SC , ANC Ferunndlna. Fla, sailing every Tuesday and Friday, ir?ai pior 2D East River, at 3 P. M. Steamer CITY OF DALLAS, Friday, December 15. Sioamer MONTGOMERY Tuesday, December 12. Tickets to all points in Florida. Apply for information and tlck' tslo C. H. MALLORY A CO., 153 Maiden laerw FOR IMIII.ADKLPHIA. THE A NO 1 STEAMStlT? AGNES will sa i from plerlltl North River ovory Tuesday and Saturday, at 3 P. M. Freight at lowest rales. Insur ance under open policy of the line. ???r cent. For further Information apply to 1JOGKUT A MORGAN, Agents, pier 36 North River. TIIAVKM.KKS' GtftDK. Fall'river link for boston and'fjUftCXtflR Leave New York daily (Sundays excepted) from pier W North River, foot of Murray m.. Hi 4 :JO i*. M. Fares re duced. PEN NS YLVANIA It AILROADj ? GREAT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE. Trains leave New 1 ork, via Desbrosaei ana CurtlanUr street ferries, a? follows:? Express for llarriiliurg, Pittsburg, the West and South, with Pullman I'alace ear? attached, rt :3U A. M.. C and S:M 1*. M. daily. ? Kor Wldlanisport, Lock Haven. Oorry and Erie, at m:30 P. M.. connecting at Corry for Tituaville. Petroleum Centre and the oil regions. Ear Williunispart and Lock Haven, ?:..<> A. M. Kor >1 Itlmore, Washington and the Somli, "Limited Wash ington Express" ol Pullman parlor cars daily, except Sunday, tf ;3U A. M.; arrive Washington 4:10 1*. M. Itog nlar at H :4C) A. M.. 1. ii aud !i I*. M. Sunday. 8 and 9 P. a. Express for Philadelphia, 7:30. 8:3il, 8:40 (9:.'I0 limited), lunuA. M , 1, 3. 4. \ 7. 8:3(1, ti P. M. and 12 night. Sunday, 8:3 A. M., 5,0, 7, 8 dlU and # P. M. Emigrant and second class, 7 I' M. Arroinnioilation lor Trenton, 7 A. M . 2 and 4:10 P. X. Kor trains to Newark, Elisabeth, Railway. Princeton, Trea ting Perth Ant hoy, Fleming! on. llelvidore and other points, see local schedules at all ticket nllices. Trains arrive:?Protu Pittsburg, '1:3 and 10:30 A. M. and |il:20 P. M daily: licit) A. M and B:.*iO P. M. dally, except Monday. From Washington and Baltimore, U :3iJ, 0:.'i0 A. M.. 4:10, fi:10 and 10:30 P M. ; .Sunday, 0:10, II :.V) A. M From Pi iladelphla, 5 01. 8.20. 0:30. i):.VI, 10:10, 11 :M> A. M , 2 ID, 4 :f0, ?'? :10, 5 :50, Hi.'iO. 8 GO and lO-30 P. M. : Sunday, 5 :U3. ti :20, ti :30, I) :ra), 11 -.50 A. M. j ti :Vi and U):30 I' M. . Ticket ollices. 5.J1 and 014 Broadway; No. 1 Astor House and loot of Dcsbrokscs and Courtluodt its.; No. 4 Court it., Brooklyn; N'os. 114, ll'l and 118 Hudson St., Hobnkeu; Depot, Jersey City Emigrant Tickot office. No. 8 Hatter/ Crank Thomson, d m. boyd, Jr.. General Manager. Genera: Passenger Agent. Iyoir PI 11 L A 11K LP 11 I~a| " via Long Branch and tho New Jersey Southern Railroad. Leave pier 8. North River, foot lleclor sL, at 11 A. M., for I'lilladelplilit, Long Branuli, Tom's River and Vluehiiid. 4 I'. M , for Philadelphia, Long Ilranch. Tom's River, Ware town and I'uckorion. W. 8. sNEDl-.N, O. U. CTONIMM'ON LINK Foil BOSTON. ~ O reduced fake. Elegant steamers leave daily icxciDt Hunda/o from pier 33 North River, loot ut Jav St., st 4 :3o P. X, PROVIDENCE LINK (freight only) SIKAMeKS Irom pier 27, North River, loot of I'erk pi iee, at 4 P. M. A BXC'tlUSIONH. GRAND EXCURSION ACROSS THE HaY 'TO Statin Island. ? Boats leave Whitehall st , loot of Broad way. at 7 :3", ft. 17V. 11:15 a. M ; I :15. 3 15. 4:1.">, ?"> :30 aud 0:3111*. M., tor Now Brighton, Sling Harbor, Wost Hrigbton end Part Richmond Fore only inc. *?OST OFFICE VOTICiv. |>OsT OFFICE NOTICK.-TIIK FOREIGN MAILS Fo"8 X tho week ending Saturday. December lo. 187 h will close al this office on Tuesday, at II :3 I A. M . lor Europe, by steamship Nevada, via Queonitown; on Wednesday, at 11 A. M , for Europe, by steamship Algerin. via Ouoenstown i on llnirsday, at 11 'JO A. M , It Europe, liy sieainship Frisls. via rivmontb, Chrrbonrg and Hamburg: on Batnr nay, at 3 A. M . for Europe, bv steamship Britannic, via (jiieenitown (correspondence or Prance. Germany aud Scot laud to b? forwarded ny t lit a atesiner must ho specially ad dressed), and at 3 A. M., lor Scotland direct, by steamship Ethi 'pla. via Glasgow, and a' 3 A. X., tor France direct, by steamship Frame, via Havre, and at 11 i'KJ A. M , lor Kit rope, by steamship Wes-r, via Southampton and Bremen. The steamships Nevada, Algeria and llrituonlc will not take mails lor Denmark. Sweden and Norway. The mailt tor Nassau. N. I*., will leave New York Decani Iter 12 The mails for the West Indies, via Bermuda and St. Thomas, will leave New York December 21. The malls for China, Ac., will leave San Francisco January 1. Tho malls lor Austra lia will leave San Francisco January 3. T. L JAMES, postmaster. ~ INSTRUCTION. Algebra, bookkeeping, arithmetic; iioiiii suiting: writing, #3 monthly. P.IISh.ilenerv; uptown. 284 8th av. EC. NCII LESSONS GIVEN BY A I'AllTsT\N~lADY U with a pure prononnclatioE, in private . lainlllus or al residences; terms moderate. 43sRtliav. IJKNTlS I ll Y . " KAUTJKUL ARTIFICIAL TKKtH. $'G HUM. $s1 single. <1 ; warranted NEW YORK DENTAL KOOMB, g'.2 Mb av. Established 1881. w-111 TO ??>?BKTB of TEETH ItV MONTHLY IX* ?J) 1.' rstalments, at Dr. WIII I K'S, Nit. till West 14tbst? Inriiierly ol lft.'t titli av ii WINKS, LIIiUOKN, MC. "AftlllKAi; LKFKVRE." THE OLDKSI AND MOSl all French ol Champagnes. VICTOR K. MAL'gKK, I1C Reads st.. N. Y. ______ CLOTH I Nt.. A -NATHAN'S OLD ESTABLISHMENT, 33* "Of?! .av? near 4tIs st. ?Tim highest valua paid for Cast-oil t milling, Carpets, Ac. Call on or address Mr. or Mrs. NATHAN. \T MINTZ'H, 24s 3D AV.. NEAR 30111 Bf., .'at PER .cent more In cosh paid than elsewhere lor cast off Cloth. Ing. Juweiry. Orders attended to by Mr. and Mrs. Mints t mTrKS?jol ?TI|"aV.. OPPOSITE bth ~st~ ,'Vil.s li> ? and gentlemen will he astonished at the high uric; ? paid iu ea-ti lor Cast-off Clothing, Carpets, Laces, Jewelry, Ac. Ladies waited mi by Mrs. Marks. Orders by mall will receive prompt attention anthology. " \ STROLOGEk'-LIsTEK, BIB lirri " AV." tJOitN'iTfi al '.'t>th st.: the unly one III America. Send lor elrenlar. / ' III' Ar EUROPEAN CL UKVOVAST: TELLS NAMEMl XTallows likenesses; 25c., 5<>c. to$l. 15(1 West .'5th st. ME ROSA, 472 CANAL ST., K K V K AL? " YoUl whole llle. from tho cradle to the grave; $1, M