Newspaper Page Text
CONGRESS. ? [CONTIKUED FliOM EIGHTH PAGE.] tommltlce. wbieh hid never been consulted in the Blatter Kefnrrcd to tbe Judiciary Com mil ice Mr. W^kkkx, (dem.l ot UdM., moved to suapeud tbe rule* and adopt a resolution instructing the Ju diciary Committee to inquire whether Judge hood, of the L'nlted Slates Circuit Court, in his receui action in lbu discharge of perron* tu custody under the order of tbe Supreme Court of south Carolina, transcended bis Jurisdiction or oxercisod It improperly. Mr. Kashom remarked tbut tuch an inquiry would be In tho nature oi an appeal trom tbo Circuit Court to the House of Kenremnt alive* Tbe motion wa* defeated?yeas 138, naye Tft (not two-thirds tu the alliriuativei. Mr. Hale, (repj or Me., uUcrcd a resolution for tbe prr.iocilon ol citizens in tbo of their right of pull rage. Tbe resolution giving rise to debate ft wont over, under tbe rule Mr. Baxxixo, (Qcm ) of Ohio, moved to suspend tbe rales and adopt a resolution calling for Genera. Sheri dan's report on the removal of Governor Wells, of Louisiana, in 1SU7. Lost?yeas 13\ nay* 18 (not two thirds io tbe aUlrmatlve. Mr. Hi'.vtbk. (rop.| of Ind.. moved to suspend tbe ruies and adopt the resolution Instructing the Ju diciary Committee to report on tbe amendment to ma constitution proUibltluc the payment of war claims to disloyal persons. Carried?yeat 1??0. nays 63. The i.ays are ?s followsi?Nr-*r?. fklusworth. A?h?. At kins. Mooiie. Bradford. ttluuot, 11 right. Itrown of Kentucky, Caldwell of Tennesao, Caldwell of Alabama, Cart, Cowan, CooSe, Cabell. Cu'brrtson. Davis, Dibrell. Douglass.a Dur ham, Fauikner, Keltou. KtuUy. Forney. Franklin. Uense, Good a, fiuuler, lUrri, of Ueeficia, Harris of Virginia. Hart, rldga, iiatelior. Hereford. Hewitt ot Alabama. Dili. Hookef. llunion, Kn'if. Lewis, Lvocb, MUlikeu, Mills, Money, U'Hrieu, Keiiym. Kiddle. Robbie, of North Carellua, Scales hrhlaielier. SibbIoIiM, Siemens. Itmltb of Georgia, l orry, Ttiidckiuurtou, fticker, t am-e of North Caroline, W ?lker of Virginia, Walsb. Warren. Williams of Alabama. V\ ilshlre, Wilsou of West Virginia, Wbitihorne and Yale#?Oh Tbo House then, at tbree o'clock, adjourned. The Stuck Market Strong?Lake Shore and Michigan Central at the Front. GOLD 107 3-4 A 108 A 107 3-4 Money on Call Loaus 0 and 7 Per Cent?Gov ernment Ponds Active and Firm? Railway Bonds Steady, Wall Sthkut, t Monday, Dec. 1H?0 P. M | The bull movement established at tbo end ut the week in certain stock lost cone of its vigor la to-day's proceedings, and, in fact, begau to purvado tbo rest o( tbe list pretty generally. AUliougb brokers bud Sun day as an oO-daj "10 think over it" tburo was no cbango ol opinion that tbo railway settlement oUcred a fair and legitimate basis for u further use. It seoins to be accepted now us u lact that the trunk roads have In a general souso knocked under to the views of Mr. Vundcrbilt so lar us un equal tariff on eastern bound Iralght goes, wbilo thoy buvo obtained concessions on such as may bo transported (or con sumption at or near tbc port of delivery. liul suppose this latter class of freight, carried at 13 u lb per cent cheaper rates to Uaititnoro and Phila delphia than it is to Now Vork, should by sumo hocus pocus llnd Itself on shipboard alter all (and ltdoes not appear that any means buvo bcon devised to prevent It), wbul avails llio equal rales and tbo equally favor able position claimed lor this city ? Produce und grain reaching Philadelphia and Ualtl. more under tbo lower achudiilo ol charges, aud pur porting to bo for homo consumption, may, novortlio toss, bud their way aboard ship, Ihougb not neces sarily through trick or misrepresentation. Once shipped, however, tney are borne away costing Just so much less (cuarges lor handling being equal) than a corresponding shipment Irom this city would cost, as tbo tariff by rail is less to Philadelphia and Uulllmoro tliwu it is to New Vork. This contingency may exist in a very swiatl way, or it may develop Into u very grout evil; ut any rate it l* u woaknoss In tbc agrocmcnt which seems to bo fatal to Its poruiancucy. In this view of the cuso It remains to bs seen whether tbo whole matter is not a oasc of groat cry and illllo woo; after all. tio fur, however, the inQnenco has bocn boncflclal to an advance tn prices, und it continued to exert that In fluence in u still uiore marked degree to-day. l.uku ttlioie rose to 60% nod Michigan Central lo 48, with the uutlro list sympathizing m u groator or loss degree, even too grange slocks, which havo been ex ceptionally weak lor some duys buck, Improving In Sympathy, and midur the report irom Washington that tile dupremo Court had uo decision lo render as yet. Lute lu the da/ prices yiuldod somewhat undor llio lead ol Luke Shore, it being rumored lliut the road Showed u decrease of $00.(101) iu earnings tor tbo ilrst week tu December, sad under symptoms of selling on the part of the Twenty-third street bears. Western Union joined the elect as a fresh convort this morning, advauciug irom 72\ lo 73)$. flood buy ers gavo imperunco to the points about higher figures, and batter quotations are promised and expected. Three hundred *ud forty-seven thousand pounds inoru bullion from tho Hank of England to-day, proba bly for this country, and soven per cent charges for carrying what it already here, weakened gold irom loS lo 1U7X. sat which prico it opened und dosed. Ttm HA I.KM 10-DAT wero as follows:?New York Central and Hudson, 1,600; Erie, 3,980; Lake s>horo, 63,11)0; Northwestern, 3.800; Northwestern pre I erred, 2,uu?; Kock island, 3,060; Chios, 1,300; Western Union, 10,476; Wabash, 2,330; Union Pacific, 400; Puclllo Mall, 4,IMJ0; St Paul, 1,UU0; St. Haul preferred. 10,360; .Michigan Cquiral, 28,000; Illinois Ceutrul, 1,000; 0. C. C. and L. 1,600; Mariposa, 1,100; Kansas aud Texas, 1,100. orKNiao, muiiaar a.m? uowkot imikks The lollowluit tablo shews tho opening. highest and lowest prices of the day Optning. UujUett. LowenL New York Central 104% 106 104', Kriu 10', 10% 10', Lake Shore. lib tilltiu Wabash 6% 6', 4', Northwestern 36% w.% 3 a1, Nui llnvrstorii preferred...... 60', - nut, 60 , lteck island 100% lol 100% Milwaukee and St. I'iiuL 2u% 2114 -0.', Milwaukee and St. Paul pref.. 6.1% 64', 63', Delaware, I .ark. and Western. 701,' 70% tlu % New Jersey Central 33% 34% 33 ', Union Pacific. oo UIJ 10 C., C. and I. C 3 3 3 Ohio and Mississippi 6% 6', 6%' Western L'uiou 72% 73', 72% l'aclhc Mail 24', 24% 34 % oi.oHi.xu run,Ks?3 r. m. OJ/nril. AtUil. Off tit I. Pacific *1 All ... _24% 24% Mil .1 M P pi.. 6u% m ??M'v .. -a/j ?* " . 4 let t I it ? ? I ? \r i , . iUI-s ild West Unlet.. 73 .3% C, C. C k I .. :? U 41'U All a Pue tut. 14% t:. i ( .,1V. n'% u (.(.clime 13 14 I'll. 1.4 II. . 7li 7ti% CnuksiiTcr 1)1. lit 21 Lite Hi', in . Mail. A >liu H.% K% lis. a S J 12% 13% MmLAMpl.. K.% 8% II a MJopU li .7 AdsiuiKs 01) III) LMII So. . m, ltd % A inei K* 66 6 >% Mit-li Central 47% 47;, I f- i'Xpiess .. 62% 64 N V A 11 uiIvin 1 0% 137', Via Is-1 a seta N4 s*% MO A II II. ...1114% li>4 Clue a A tun Kit tun 6 J I S.I .14% t in A N W :>?% .,ii% ijiiie .1 Mis. 1 t III A A W pi. iai , .'ill'. I'snsiiis 120 I3H ('III A II I a|ll li |% 'lei .V W shasll 4% 4-, Mil a lit Paul. 21 21% I uion Pavimc.. 60% ?*'.% aora.xck axd ukcu.xa. The following are the changes lu closing prices com* pared with those of Saturday Auvasuk.?C, U suit 1. U, % ; C.,C.,C. aud L, 2; Delaware nud lludsun Canal, %; Kric, %; lllinuls Central, I, Lake Shore, %; Michigan Ceutral, 1%; Jersey Central, %; Nurtltwest, 1%, da prelcrrrd, % , PaciUc Mail, , Kuek Island, % , St. Paul, 1, do. psclerrrit, % , W'eslcru Union, %. Uscuiaa.?Now York Central, %; Iielawsru and Luckawauus, %, Morris and Ci.-ox, %; Utiio auu Mis sissippi, % ; Wabash, X ; Union I'ai tttc, ,, Adams kltpiess, %; American hapress, ; Weils-largo, The test ul the list was unchanged. run ao.xst Banner. Money was more active to-duy and loaned up to 7 per ceut, at which the closing transactions were tnade. The rates of exchange on New Yoik at the under mentioned cities to-day were:?-Savannah, ,% ollorcii; Cincinnati, dull aud huuvy, 1-10 a ,% percent discount; Jl. Louis, $1 60 to $1 "6 discount; Now Orleans, conn ncrciai, % per cent; hank, % per cent; Churleslun, rasy, % * % per cunt, ,% u par uud Chicago, 76c. dis 'touul. Puroigri exchange closed firm at about 4.82 for ime bankers'sixty days' alerting bills and at 4.84 for deninud. Keicliinarks, U3% u 34% and 33% a 93.%. Cables, 94% a 36, Prime Puna, 6 20 and 6 17%. tii* uulu UAjtaer. Cold advanced (ruin 107% to 103, and later reacted !? the former ttgui e. The decline at the close was due to tbe heaviness of caih xol?l, which loaned up to 4 per ocul currcury to 7 per cent gold for cariytoy. OI'KHATIOXS AT TUB 001.0 BXOHAXUM BANK. Gold balances $074,111 Currency balances 1.0o3,;i75 Grcgs OlwnMM la.3JU.U00 CLKAltlNO HOl'aB STATBUKXT. Currency exchanges $53,212,820 Currency balances l.isu.odd Gold exchanges 11,300 Gold balanci s 1.125,350 TIIX CN1TXD STATES TKBASl'KY. Hi-venue receipts $500,000 Customs receipts 300,000 llaok notes received 1,000,000 GOVKItXUKNT HONDO. Government bouda closed steady at the following quotationsUnited States currency sixes, 121 'a 121)?; da da, lSsl, registered, 113)4 a 113)4; da da, do., cuupou, 117>4 s 117)4; do. do., 1805. registered, 109>4 a 110; da do., da, coupon, 10014 * HO; da do., do., new, regis tered, 10.-J4 a 110; do. da, do., da, coupon, 113 a 113)4; da da, 184)7, registered, 112.14 a 112V; da do., da, coupon, 115)4 a 118; do. da, 1688, registered. 113V a 113)4; do. do., da, coupon, 117)4 a 117)4; da tcu-fortlce, registered, 112)4 a 113 S ; da da, coupon, 112)4 a 113)4; da lives, 1881, reg.slercd, 111)4 a 11114; do. do., da. conpon, 111)4 a 111)4; do. ?Va, 1801, registered, 108>, a 100. TUB FORKIGV MARKKT. The London advices report consols and United States bonds firm. In the latter old 18ft5's wore >4 per cent higher and new lives )4 per corn higher. Erie advanced to 0)4 lor the cummou and 18*4 for the preferred. Three hundred and forty-tour thousand pounds sterl ing buillou was withdrawn from iho Bank of England to-day 011 nalaneo. The rate 01 discount tor three months' bills in the open market has advanced to 1)4 a 1)4 per cent. Bar silver declined to 57 a 57)4 pence per ounce The following are the latest quolatiou*:? Consols lor money. 03T4 a 04; da lor account, 93*4 a 04; five-twenty bonds, 1SG3, old, 104)4; live-twenty bonds. 1SQ7. 107)4; ten-forty bonds. 107)4; new fives, lud'-g; Erie, common sharoa, 8)4 ; do. preierrcd. 18)4; rente* on Paris are 104.05; new ives in Frankfort, 101V. RAILROAD HOST'S. Killroad bonds were Urm and higher. Colon Pacific first advanced '.o lort, suiting tunda 10 02, Michigan Central sevens to 102ft, Harlem. coupon flints to 118ft and Milwaukee and St. Paul cou.iottiUied sinking funds to 88ft. Chicago and Northwestern consolidated gold coupons advanced to 92 bid, with none offering below 1)3. Michigan Southern sinking funds fell oO' to 108 ft. This afternoon Harlem registered Arsis ad vanced to 119 and Lehigh and Wilkesbarro consolidated to Gift. Union Pucilio Urns brought 100, MlUvaukoe and St. I'uiil consolidated sinking funds 88ft, C and M. division 101, and Mlciiigan Central sevens 102,1 j. Chicago and N'orthwcstern consolidated gold bonds continued lu demand at 92, with none od'orlng below 93. The following wore the cloalng qnotations of Pacific Railroad bonds:? Union firsts, 105*1 a 100ft; da land grants, 100^' s 100 ? ^; do. sinking funds, 91ft a 92; Centrals, 100ft a 109ft. The following were the luteal bids:? Albany and Husq 1st....II I Huff A Kris new 100 B"?, ll A K ct 14 itulf A Kr e State L 7'j.loS Hiir.ll It .V SI IslT'sg.. 38ft Kulninnxoo A VVP let. SO flu-* A Ohio It's 1 at. ... 2Hft Dei. MAT lit 7?. 1900.106 ft Chicago A Alt sink I'd.. .Ho 1.else Share dividend.. 104ft Chicago A Alton let ...118ft Luke Shore con eon let. 106 ft Chicago A Alton Iiic . ..102 Lake Shore con r ir let.. 104 j St L .lack A Chic 1st. 104 Mich Cent can 7'?, 1902.102 Clil, Bur A (j 8 p c 1st ll'vft Mich t! 1st 8's, 'S2, * f.. 113ft Chi. It I A Pec let 7ft 111 V V Cen d's. 1883 H>3ft CentralofN J let new HlSft N V Ccn 0's, real eatate. 10 ? Central of N J lat con.. 71) S Y On 8'e. nib 100 Am Dock and Imp Ude . OS N V Ccn letc, 110ft .Mil A K P 2d. 73-11). I'D HSft N Y Cen let m. r US Mil A S P 7'e, f Rtd.RO. 102 llud It7'e. 2d m, ?f. 'So. ltd M II .V S P let. La C div. I "3ft Harlem 1 it, 7'e, reg. 119 MIA St P let, I A M D '.<4 North Mo let 08ft Mil A St P let, I A H.. K7ft Dlil.i A Mits con ( f. 7H Mil k St P let. 11 A D S7ft Ohio A Mies 2d. cou 43ft Mil A S P let, C AM... 101 Cen Pacific gold bonds..Pd) Mil A S Peon if .. SHft Ccn I'ucltlc, San J hr. . H'2ft Mil A St P 2d. CAM. 91 ft Cell l'?e 1st, C A O hr . 93 Chi A N IV emk fund... I'll Cen Pacific land gt hds. 94ft Chi A N W iutercet ha.. lot Western Pa< itlc ds ... 102ft Chi A N W con hda 103 I'nlon Pacific lat lot) CliioaN W ex tida 100 Luluii Pacific I g, 7's.. .. luo Clit A N\V cp gold lide... )>2 I'uion Pacldcaiuk fnud. 91ft Clil A S W icg gold tide 9 ' At A I'uclHc I g in 10 Uttlcna A Chiex ltsift So Puc hda of Mo 70 Pcuiiisuln lat, cunr lot) Pacific itit ol Mo 1st.... S 3ft Chicago A Mil let 107 Pllte. Ft \V A Uhl let. 120 C.C.C A 1 let, 7'a, a f. ;(>7ft Pltle, Ft W A Chi 2d... 114 Del. Lack A West 2d.. 108 Pitta, Ft W A Chl 3d. .IdJft Morris A Keeex let 117 Clcvc A Pitts cun s Id... l"9ft MorrfeA Keeex 2d KWft Cleie A Pitte 4th. . .HttjJ Morria A Keecx, conat'n. 92ft C.CAllat 37 Miir A l ee lei con g'd. . 03ft St Louia A I M 1st....... lolft F.rlo let in. ex 108ft Alton A T II let ....111" Krle 2d, 7's, IS7U.......101 Tel. I'eo A War, WD.... St) Krio 3d, 7'e, 1883.102 T?l, Peo A Warauw 2d... .<? Krle 4lh, 7ft, 18*10 ... 99 ft Tol A Wab let, ext.. .. 101 Hun A St.lo 8's con.... sift Tol A With 1st, St L div. 73 Duh A Sioux City let. ..11*1 Tol .It W equip hds 2oft Dnli A S City 2d div 100 Tol A Wab, cons, cniiv.. Soft Mich south <u c, 2d. ...102 Great West let. 1888... 100 M ich So A N IS f 7 p o. 108ft Great West 2d, 1SH.I . (19ft Clove A Tol of lot) Oulncy A Tol let, 1890.. 03 Clcvc A ltd new b ..llVT West i.'iiiun bds.lOOO.c. 1(1*2 Cleve, P'villu A A. old. I'M West Union hde. lWOO.r. 102 Clove, P'ville A A new 107 BANt SHARKS. llauk shares were dulL Gallatin National sold at 115 and Fourth National at 99ft. The latest bids are annexedAmerica, 130; City, 250; Commerce, 108; Contlnoitial, 70; Corn Kxcbunge, 127; First National 200; Fourth National, 09: Fulton, 150; Fifth Avenue, 212; Gerniou American, 65; Importers' and Traders' 187; l.oathor Manufacturers', 167; Markot. Ill; Mer chants', 117ft; Sew York, 110; Ninth National, 80; Park, 111; Phoaix, 85; Republic, TO; State of New York (now), 110ft. STATU HONDO. I In Stale bonds Missouri sixes sold at I07,t? u lOTjg, i and Tennasaoo, ucw series, at 41>?. A W'aabtngton | despatch states ibut the District of Columbia 3.85 , bonds liavo been declared by the Solicitor ol the Treas i ury exempt from taxation. flllLAbKLrHIA STOCKS. Tbo closing pneos of Philadelphia stocks srs ss follows:? City sixes, now. lulled Hull roads ot New Jersey... i'lliludel|itnu and Erie Railroad Schuylkill Navigation, proierred... Northern Central Railroad I.ehlgh Noviga lou Oil creek and Allegheny Railroad.. Hudon ville Railway BUL Aikfxl 1125,' 112* 13d 1, 1311 4S'i 48* 19 N, 10'4 48 41.1* 34 Oo UJe 10 1(4 26 27 2?<* 20s ** s , 23 *0 ?* 36* 40 sax ruANC1SC0 STOCKS. The following arc the closing official prices of mining stocks to-day in Ran Francisco:? Justice 23*i Ko-euth ll, Kcntuck Leopard., 0>* Mexican 10 A Northern Ilelle 32 Overman lbi'K Opbtr 31 Raymond A Ely 3 Silver Hill ? Savage. 11 .-eg belcher StiS" Sierra Nevada US' luiou Coti-olidaicd.. 1 tt*4 Yellow Jacket. IdjJ CUAXOKX IX SAX FRANCISCO STOCKS. The following table of prices ol the prominent gold and ailvcr mining abares, including tbo opening prices of to-day, us received by teiugrapU from San Francisco is furnished by William Ward, Drexei Building. Ati pricea ore in gold:? Alpha Bclcber . 13.4 licst .v Belcher Bullion Con. Virgiuia 44 Caillnruia. Cbottnr CO Conllucnoc Caledonia Crown 1'oint ? b'k Exchequer 12 Vt tlenKl /i Curry 13'* 11.ue A Norcruss... 7* Imperial 2* Julia Consolidnlod. 6?4 Uth. Vectl l&'A. Tiber- . Id.'A ISrA Changes. Alpha 36 36 33 Declined 2 14 14 14 BeetA Belcher........ . 44 46 44 44 Caledonia. 12 12 12 California. 48 43 47 Declined 2 Chollar-I'otosi . 81 63 S2 81 Consolidated Virginia. . 44 46 44 44 Crown 1'oiut . S 8 8 8 Kurnku Consohdatod.. . 11 1! u 11 Could .V Curry . 12 12 13 13 Advanced 1 tiaio A Norcroes . 7 8 n 8 Advanced 1 liu|ienal 3 t 3 ? J lint ICO . 26 26 26 24 DecltntM 1 Keuliick 10 10 10 _ Mexican 21 30 20 Declined Ophir 34 8.1 .14 Declined 1 Overman .113 114 111 113 Raymond A Ely 3 3 3 8 _ Savage . 11 11 11 11 _ Sierra Nevada . 12 12 12 M Declined 1 Sliver 11 ilt 10 10 10 10 I'hum Consolidated... . 11 11 11 11 _ Yellow Jacket . 17 18 18 17 ? AUXRICAX MIXING SOABS. Tb* following is tbt official record of solos to-day all prices aro in currency):? ?J i1 ?li? Aiplis.. 37*4 3?*) sb* Grant, 8*4 3t?.? Krlelier It., 5'J do t" :t>ai Bertha if old Co. . . It lb 11 itc r-'L 3 ioo Utk) Oreuville 3 40 4On Male A Noreroee... &.'( ecu no 4 V tit* 1 Julia Con *b, .tn do Sit) 4S't lull do tl'a tut) du lit) 4ni4 30U gik) Bullion :i3 l.'>o Justice elO 27 (2 1' Caledonia 1 'M WO do ?it> 27)1 lt>u uv 1:1% 3 U Kcntuck b30 In*, ll).iCalifornia... htl |ik> Kouuth I?. lt?J Cliolur I'ctoit . . 1>. 4t?. I.eopard >10 U>, .(10 SO'i |uu I.tiurrne I.A) do "10 Hi'!, 10U Mar A Miuere' & 'k) Clereiaad bbO '."a :t " Merrimae.. Itjti ..1. .. t?!e JUtl do 4J, 4 ? 1 Cou fiupcrfal - . Js.u jo 2 0 do 2?i lb Northern Hellenic II a 1 l.on \ trgluia .elO 4t? US) du. ?pi )i', likl ito ?10 4'Jt, .V> Overman.. .alt) 122 I.T11 Confidence ft1* ItayuiondAKljr.alO ?>'. gikl 1 ruwn Puiul .... 0 !?"! do alt) 3* III 1 .Tier ..alt) I .*i tut) Bnvae* 12 -Ot) viuuld A Carry .... It;* 150 Boar d Helcher.elO Jo SH'Oraut Hli I-X H*) do x', MBMOItAXDA. Tba attention of the iiockliolJori o! ibe old Toledo, Wabash Bad Western railway is requested to a notice from Ibo Purchasing Committee which wtil be found elsewhere. The privilege of subftcilblng to the stock 01 the ucw W abash llui.way Cuinpauy expires on Sat urday night. Subscriptions are coining iu rapidly, over 9,000 shares being taken during this ioreuoon atone. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES Monday, Dec. IS, ISTflL BELOUK CALL?10 A. M. 8 tha Clalialln N fik. 115 3 O lbs Mich Cea KB.. 47S ?ZS II*' aha II?r L.Jc M.. ,?d *X It) i u? bJ IIJO du .but) 8.1* 5 k) do I' ') ill ?J s , HI) flu ... . UUO Weal L'n Tel 72?, 1301 do 47 -* li?i NYC t lilt uR.. I'-4J* t**J do 471, 5tk) Oo 105 USD oo 47 ? llk'l'ac >lui;?S 24'* I2"l) du 47', 100 do bU 34.X li'iU- *1 a Hit i*) Ut'l do 34'* 10"0 da OJ ? 114) Chi A Ki KR 1" * 2MJU do D S 10 du 100). 150) no O'X j 51 I) do 1< I !>" ? do S3 till '* . I'D do IU"X -Ilk) do miX i 3*1 do 100 X 1 41 do ,e id, ! llOOErl. .Ik I 18.1 ? do sJ ?>'* I 01*) do 1"X -II )0 do U i?* 301) do *3 liiX IU 0 do s3 ?)?,' ! JUO do sit) H>X do OOX t?X> do ... I0-* 40v) Del. L d W lilt.... 7f* I 1U) do 11", 7 4) .1.. 7" , j 11*) Uo ... bJ 1 ?* 2'XI du 7li', 4'*>Chl 4 N W Kllpf. .'alt, 2'*' do 70, ! ad .V.% I'nTol A Wao BH ?? I : id) Mich Coo Bit 4iijJ UK) Mb 4 SI P BK *3 2"?, 1U>' do 47 2'*) At AM I'liUp, f>S , 51)0 do 4oX '-"Oi do .VI', MuO do -Hit, l'N) d ? 5 )'* l)"<.' do 4o?. It*) oo ft.', 7i 0 do 4"X III*) do Ml'* 1 I'lO do 47 2t)u do oil', !)UU do 473. 1400 do. Ml, 10:15 AS"1> 11:30 A. M. I 1201)0 US8X, r. 81. I!::?{ $2O0JO L" SM20, c, M7 11 X I 2U0" I - d ? c -i 117'* U***| ? c M I 10v*X)5*20. r,'tCi, n.bc 110 I5t>") do ne lll?, :> 0 I'd 5-21). r v7. .12)4 25 l" do 111,1, 1'IH.SJ BOAUD?10:.*IO A. M. fl2'*X Mo b.... H.73K v> ?b? L s a Ms rh.. <!?.?, 7l4x) lenil f's.n sarlei 41 , 30 do b3 BO, 8IXWC.0 0 A I H'7}, .1X1 vj tun* 20.W M I C In. C.....3 ?2), 100) do cOV 1001' XJ Coueom. a3 70 On do 8 >. 1.3IXX' 1- A W U sou.. . CI 1000 tlj b.f BO), 2ix*i r A i) in. i- )u. b'Bk' mo do u>i, 2'XI M .? m I ?oil %I 8H\ a >0 do tP)., SDaX) Mltfh South * f U'8>, 0 >0 Co ... ..ah CHe_ I'.JO MIchCauT's. . Ioj 1-0 uo o-,.. 1 OCXKt do UO 10-t; 0 0 do ..U3 ?.!?, 2'XK>0<t Venn. 78), bi ou .UJ Mil. 4000 Ij Pm a f 0- mx) do Cm, 2lX' i t.T. r?( .... lau. l'e.?; Id XJ do s3 IX) VAX) do IOH "JO oo Ct/i tOa OP lat. KU br. f2t, 300 ('hi A It 1 liU U. II (>-, lixxvi'aao Mi. I at. S3), 1 do..... Iix>', 7<<X) 8 I'm- bd. ol Mo ' 0 400 do lo >t2 IHW" liar 1st. .'?.e.b3 ll*V 10' do 101 I'UOC, C A 1 C 1st 37 IOO ft.. 100'; loxxi r.rA w.ut.KD oo aoot'bt * vvv rii be s'.< UIXXIT, PA ?,\f l)U3 so ?'?' o UJ 35W 100 I Till * ???'. lat |o|?$ . 'OC A MV KKpt.bc Mlj2 100 do.... 03 501 3am tol A W ?-'d.. lnsbs l-ourth Nat Hit. COJ, 1'?? do "*?>*? H ?c.c.oiTk-i-::: & |OOI>A II Oan bo BHV 150 do. 4( g-7-^.3 }ft g t= ^ 2,im i.u.. . .. ? 7 .Ji<( b3 J1( 17'0 do j, 73 a 4W do 40 v,V. do::::.::.:" io) p* 55i> I30*J MX) do .:;. 1)3 7:? OOO do "o'a d";; 7 1% I'O do 70, do "d "" do 70V tin Pac Mail Hs.bc.bB -4), tbxi do 70), too Erie HR bo lot, I'XW do . <0*. i.,t do lull 3 at do #()(, ilw d"iv uwMAstPRR.bc.b3 btoj |C Adams Kx be It'l*. lo.' oo ... ..sJ 20 6S) loo', I" ' d" dl.a "iiIT ft Kvoreaa 8'i1IUO do. . ........ 300 Mich Call 11 d7'i 3<x) Mil A all' UK 16CW d" *7V a'*' do 53*, 7a' do 47), 10J0 do 53), ItAX) do d'-la 10' do b3 63J? ?j o do 47*. 10) do 34 do...... 4ia - OJ do.. 34 V do 47J, Bd) do 31 do 4S 4ai do ; 4V do 47?; ft*' do a3 64 o? b3 48 l? MJ do 64 V do 48 46 ) Tol i IVab 6 30 do 4M 500 41 ?> do 53> 47^ 1UX) 1800 100 10) o. . aa) la) 700 lai N V ' .? 106 10 i Mo, K & 200 do ll>4Ji IDOUblo k M 6'2 I'O do H'4-U 4(X) do 6i! IK) do 104'J 3.X) do .. ?3 5. 100 111 Coo UK. ...lie asv 100 do 51, loo do ft3 6HJ? li? do 1.3 100 do.... ...3 i!8?i 100 C. CXICBK be 3 IBoO LSI m KRbea'J Bo,', BEFOUK CALL?12:3fl P. M. $70 too 17 8 5-20,0.'117 111) 81)1 aba LSA MS Kit. . hoi; IIX) aba Dot A IJud.a30 US)^ 10) do c Oo' 200 do COV 600 .... ... *"'a8 Bit' 8 O Weal I7n Tol 72 , 3' do.... ion" I'm Mar L. A Mlu. . .. 8V OK) do ,3 ?(. " 27 Mar 1, A Mill [if. H nil . do .. t;Uj* | HX) Adauia Expresa. . 100 30 I M A St Pacl Rlt 21t 20 . r.ti? KIC b3 III); 2n All >. r KR pf-.' 54 lail'ae Mail sS....a3U 24', :iOJ do.... 6'' aoo do 24), HI) ? Tol A MabitK. " ;?x) do 24?, r.60 do lOO .lo . *'41* dial D?i. I tiiiiiit 7,., 2UOChi? K IT SCB.. 1(10)2 6IX) do f!J> 10 ? III On Kit b3 BO 1U) do ,3 ?!()?' 1U) Mich i.'en 1111 47?i OX) do 70O 4")) Uo 47?, 8(X) #lo 70V 21X) do 47 , 14iX> ...i * 7IX) do 47j; 13oO do......... (3 mi': I'M) "" 0 " m.,7 I ; u 0 uo bo ~ 00 ..... ..a') tit) do.... a3 70 ?0t> .bl 36'a l?x) do 60'; l.mniil A XWllltDf... 6i'?? 11X10 Kunxaa A Texas.. H lOoCblAN WKR.... 30 WW a.. a3 100 do ...?? ?' iooCblA NWltltpr... 6i'V UXX) Kansas A Texas.. 8 2100 LS A US Kit BO); luu Obio X Miss KK.. 5>; a P. M. rwxw U S 6-20.e.'B6 n 113 ffOO O LS5'?.I0-4Oe.. 113 5 0.1 >.?'? " ? 7.. 115?; IOUOO t* 6 U'a, cur 121Jtf 5000 U 8 10-40. r. 113 1 SECOND BOAllD?I P. M. $10000 Mo B ? l b |I)7?; 10 ? lbs .tlleli U lilt... 47V :.o?i d? bo 107?; 2a) co 47'. 8.00 LAW II eou... (H), 400 oo 48 3' (X) MASK 1st, CAM 101 51. do 481* 3.XX) MA.-I eon si. >8V VX)LSA MS OoV 411S1 Mali Ceil 7's..... 102); 3d i do U>J* 12IXX) liar lat.r ll? (XX) do M,jl Iissm 1' 1st, > J br.. I'2)$ 1'x) do s3 Bl)', 2000 C, 0 A I C lat 37 2a> do tX>), j(>?/< II I'ae Ialbc.b3 11X1 7 0 do llXIsba D A 11 Cbc.stX) t.7); 24 do ttoa |(?i do s3 09,V 200 do BO'" 100 do alO 68 2l)-0 oo (to', 2 "Marl. A Mln. ... 8)4 Oil do IX)', sOO .llt'cn 1{I{ be IfSC 4 " P?e null .->.1.. be lo' .lo 8,): 30 0 d.. b3 24 *. 1 xi do Cm! 25 Adami lixprcss . ltxj,', la) VJ i ig rt?;.bc.a3 J3', 50 WelU-raryo Ex... 8*.l I'X) do .. , .a3 33', o" do HSt; 201 Chi A N W t'lj* 25 Amor Kx no 55); 3D0 do 3<) *.'(/) W L'n Tel be 7.", 2oj do Ml'; 4>?) do I>3 72H SOU do 3U>; l'CX) 'in . 71 ?X) do 3li-, CIS) do b'i '.3 7'XJ do . uL 1(? i do bl'l "?;)< 2.K)0 A .? W RK pf.oo Vi'; 2200 .3 3!XI do Ltt', .V?i do bi 73'; ICIi Mil ? -IP RB..b? 21'. .IS25 do 7.4*5 ?'i"' d" 21 3 O ilo b3 73'; 2'X) do 21',' 110) Uo 73'4 2 II MASl' UK pl bc.83 M'i 2MiX) do b3 73), 7lX) uo 63', j 2(A) .V rCAH tin d'X) do 53', I uiE l It pf .be Id I'X)Tol A T Hit be ? . LOtrtaRIt be 10'; "s...-. i* !???> tiu ...... IH', ?j!b?.V Ich 1 ?u .. J?c *Vi do ,?*3 ' /% .VMI iiii 4H HH? Oo sT?i do 4H Si 41 HJ (lo 4J> ^Uv> Uo 48', ;> u UO 4 8?, 3 ? 48 3 t.W do S.Jt SO) uel.i.A KK0..S1 cyr. 103 do 70 I'X) do 70 31K1 UO ...... "o.1, .is) do 7 , 2a) ilbl" u ... . bc.s 1 5'. 1 11 Jo...... ..bJ 6'a 100 do ) * ?' n 4 11 Mor A E? It (. ... 2 0 ?)" ? .be iM) 4 iXV-Sil A 15l 8:30 TO 3 p. M. flOOOO A M cotiaf.. N) 6>x. shs Li A M S RK a". 21X1 >Us -? c ??!.... 73', 10 .a) do. (AX) do . .,3 tw uL.::::"" : 73 2 100 < h t > ku lull d.. b3 73', VXjCANW Rltpf.bS 5B', lai.MorI.AM S', 3< do .. ........ 6d , l") ... 1 , 11 t. It! ... IIX' 10 ' b, b, L 1 1 UK... 41) 2(X) do I I), 2' XI , . rn 1- 24 100 Erie Kit i"*, 300 Tol ,t ?'*!iKU...a3 4,V 2(iu do ,3 li)., 1 Obi A 11 i 1111. mi :s.? MUb Can IIR... *??. Itw do b3 loi 300 do 4* llx) do la 1?; a.. 47 700 do IOI 4. ,!? 47V 2 mSIil 3V 40 ? Un Pae UK. (Xi 2' u *><il, LiW UK - 7u , 3.001,8 A M 8 B '*4 "aI do 71)-4 5 0 da S S I x) oo 11), |,,i.O uo S3 10.", 200 do s'J 7(1 ta>' do ?????? ' 0 *, 2'.11 *to ..? ? 10 ? 700 uo ?3 a.',V 200 do /u COMMERCIAL REPORT. cotton: spot quilt ; rvtubes closed j STEADY?FLOUR STEADY?WHEAT FIRMER- | CORN HIGHER ? OATS I1IOHEU?W21D-&KY j FIRMER?PORK HIGHER?LARD HIGHER - j PETROLEUM IRREGULAR?SPIRITS T CHI'EN- < TINE FIRMER?ROSIN FIRMER?OIL* STEADY CO! FEE FIRM?BUG AR NOMINAL?FREIGHTS STEAD V. Monday, Doc. IS?f. P. M. There wm more mormncut Id trade to-day, uotwllb standing the uuluvorulile weatlior, which had ? ten dency to restrict transaction* At the Froduoo Ex change Hour was stoady, with a modoiate inquiry. Wheat was decidedly Urmer, the adruuee in railway freight* being the principal cause. Coru was also higher from the same cause, com blood with a iqieeu latire inquiry lor prime old. Oats wore likewise Urmer and In lair request Whiskey was aUo liruior. l'ork and lard were lu hotter demand and decidedly mghor. Freights ws?steady. Cotton on the spot was quiet; lulurts closed stoady. Coffee was Arm. Sugar was nominal. Oils were generally steady. Petroleum.was dull and irregular. CoTTY.t..?I lie mnrket for Itlo was quiot hat dim. No sales were made Iruni ttrst houcla, oil' from second Hands 3.UBI hags mid ex lleta Pries. auppi? .1 to he til?4<'. lor or dinary. The lollnwlng sres?ei?*rr < ?! at Hampton Roads Sunday aud Monday. The I'rlnni with i ">10 hags Itlo; the Northern Mar, with ti.ytll mi,. da., ami the Ml.etas, wlin ??,II<U bags do. I be Mica here to-nlglit is 1 1.13i hats; at r-Hvaunuti, J.'ie) do . at llamplon Bonds, ll.Jtll do., and at Baltimore, ti.if.H do. ?# quote :-lliillnnry i srross, I0S4C. a lie.; lair do., lS'gu. o lUe. ; good no., Itl^c a 1 Vkt : prims, tM.'*e. a iOe. ; extreme range ior Ids, ItijaC. a . I.'?c. ; Santos, lair to good, IS at. a Itlo., gold, ninety days; J*vn, government hags, cue. a A.'e.; do., grass mats, die. a d lr ; -liigiiporo, lie a ISe. ; I'syluli, III 1,0. a ISJic. ; Mara t-aibo, lOfjt. a IK'jc.; l.aguayra, iut,e. a ISe.; Jamaica, l.'ljC. a 11;,c.; nt. Domingo, He. a l.-'jc.; Porto Rico, IUi,e. a lsy?e.; Costa ittea, Ida. a IWe.; Meaioan, 17e. a IXr.; Manila. IRt2e. a 17Se.; Ang.wtnra. imfe. ? inc. i ?HMttl, luc ? lac : t'ur.icou. l.'.J.c. a lii'ic. Canon.-The market lur ?put MtM wa< vary dull, but price* ?ur- unchanged. II.e ueatlier ?r*e veir ttiilavor ?kit, tud butine** tti re?lrlcted ua thai ????count. KuMira* opened with ?? advance at 1-ltlc. o:. Saturday's .do?lng price*. Tlie wj* ur*lty ilrg during the day. and cl m4 If iky. With * *!iglit iklUN <>n Saturday'* Hpu price*. Tb( clu*iug price* to-day compare with sturduy* ?? tot I owe*? NKf./.tiy, Of ruber id. J/.mi'Aiv. Dereml *r IS. Iieccmb'r 12 5--J2 a 13 3-ld Drcou.h'r 12 7-1.' a ? Jauunrv.. 12 U-H2 a 13 A Id January . 12 3-IK a ? Kot.ruary 12 17-32 a 12 (lis February. 12 17-33 a 12 9-ld Match 12 't a 12 33-32 Marco..., 12k. a ? April 12 13-10 a 12 31-32 April 12*1 VIC a 1J 31-32 Map 13W a- May 1SU a ? Juno 13,L a 13 9-32 June 13 11-32 a? July 13 13-33 a 13 7 Id July 13 1332 a 13 7-ltS A u gnat. US a? Aupuat... l.'lV* a ? ?'JuuiBlion* are ba?od on American ateiiuaru m claaaiflc-a tlua.atidou cottoo iu ?tom ruuulutr in quality not oiore tliiio tia.f a credo above or beloo Hi* grade -|uoied:? Are (Wm. CpmnU, Al .itnMO. aVcit UrUiuu. TrjcaA Ordinary |0'a 10'* !? 10 ? Strict ordinary In-, lt>>, 10*, ItM* Hood ordinary II , II , II', It', Strict pood ordinary., lit, i:'J 117-16 lllll Low miudling I'.S Il>a 11?, Ii% Strict low middling... 11', 12 12, 1.', M iddliuy 12-, 12'2 12.-Id 12-10 (loud middling 12 , l.'t, 12*. I'.'K Strict good luiJdliiig.. l-K 12'? 12Ti 12', Middling lair lit 1., , 1SJ2 is-' Kail 1-J'tf UJ| 10 14 ?Stained?(Mod ordinary, 10c. . irict good ordinary, 10,c ; low middliug, lie i midullng, ll.'.c. Spot ?ule? were aa follow* Jo Day, Hal'i/. ?ne% 2??'<>'. l/'ou?mnpttou UO U 143 Speculation 12'J 147 '27d Tot ill* 2ltl 2"J 4JI ?lK-liv*rod o.i cuntrMt, u*1 bulo*. For (uture dolirery I lie ulti ?m ?? follow*:?tint onlay, ulteronu 1". M.?Decem ber, 2u<i at I- l.'ci; I Hillary, at 12 H-W2. l,7i>' ?t 12 .'i-ltlc ; February. +H) at 12 17 22c.; Mmvli. 3i?? at 12 12*33*. WW it I'J^C.: April, .mi .it 12 :tt-ljo.; May, i I I',c.; J iiue, it> i at I2I4S. Total. bal*K- To ll ay up 10 two I*. M.?December, 2i?i at 12 5-lt!c., It*' at HI !>-.i2c.. 100 aliort notice at 13 2-141.' . I>* 1 at 12 W-12c.. Itort notice at 12 2-1 c.; January. l.?a>' at 1-J,c , ?U0 ' :tOO altorl notice at 12 2-1 c.; J.iuuaiv. 1,1*1.1 atl-'.e,*" at 12 II 2.V.. 1,.iM at 12 ..-itic . February. 200 at 12 Io- <2c ikK' 111 12?4c.. 1".' at 12 I'J 2.'c . 400 at 12?,0. ?.*?) at 1 12IO-32e .au at 120-1 tic . 40;'at 12 17 2.c . 0.1 at 1 2 ;? Itlc ; | Maiclt. !*K'ut 12 27-t2c.. 7.*I at 12 I 2-10c.. to W at 12 2 0 22c.; | April. GuU at 12 l-.'l2i'., 2i*> at 12c., !?>> at 12 21 22c. . May, 700 at 13 7-22C., 100 ?: 12 2-lttc. l lune, :?.?> at 12 0.22c. 1 I July, 200 at 12 12 22c,: Au:u?'., 2 ?J at 12 17-UJe. Total. 12.x 0 bale*. Orau.l total. 2o.Son 'ntloi Tile receipt* at llin poitii were ? I'ollcw*Ualveatou, 7.(110 baler: Now Orlyan*. 12.27ii: Mai.lie. 4.7i>iJ; Savantiuli. S.&77 ; t.'liailer ton. ?r,,27 I. \\ tluiineton, Hl2. N'arfnlk. 2,1178: llaltiitio 0. 12."i; Now Vnrk. ?17; Hoiton. 401: I'hllail ipnia. 122 To- | till. 42,702 Till I- ilay taM wrelt. 41.1*42 Till* ilny la>t year. it'.ftKK Total rlliee September I. 2.261.01V bale?. to Sat ur lat glglit- i'ultou IreisUt* eiuMd a* tblloa** : ?I'e Havre. | by iteant, T|C.. cornprctara; to Urciuen. by ?t#aro, 7io.. coin pie ,red. by tail. V- ?? to Livert>')Ol. 12 220 by ntcani: by 1 ?nil. 11-33 Klocii asv Ueaix?Receipts ~ Flour, I2?477bui?: wis* it. 137,0 )0 bushels; curu meal. Uo bbla. aud 5 J sacks; corn. 311,584 hu-mol*. oats. 33. 125 do. : rye. *, 17S do.. Nitrlf.v. id, 500 Uu.; barley malt. 7,450 J > I'll* flour market wit* steady. with a moderate inquiry. I he sules were about '.l. us/bbls . iucl'Kilug Suite. VI clem mi i S;.uioni. nt the NiitifXcd quotations. Rye tl >ur wu# quiet; the sale* were 1 about 30Q bbU. ('fliu weal was quiet; ?-*?? bbU. sold | at i-'t 50 for Brandy wine W e quote : ? Nt. 2 Mat* 84 "0*61 ~><v Stipertiue State 4 UO a "? -5 Extra Mate 5 4b h 0 no Choice State ?> 50 Superfine Western 4 00 a f? 25 Extra Western 0 40 a ?? to Miunuitott 0 ?xj it 7 - > Hound hoop Ohio, shipping brand*. 5 4b 4 5 75 Round boot* Ohio, trade urautis.,, iokjh tl 50 Family 0 it 7 .*?o fill. Louis. low extra 5 50 * 6 OJ St. Louis, straight uxwa 0 00 it M 50 St. Louis, choice douula ostm ti 5o t 7 -5 St. LouIk. choicv tuiuily 7 .To a 0 <H) lv>v Hour, fine to supcrtitiu,. 4 50 a 5 In Southern No. 2 4 -T a 4 50 southern, super!!no 5 ou a 5 50 Southern, extrw 5 7.? a 7 Southern, la.oily 7 '23 a D (X) Corn meal, ?Vattorn - 85 a 0 1<* Corn tucal, .Jorncy li s**? a 3 10 Com m#al. Hrm.tiywine U 55 a ? Corn meal, puucheuu* ...15 50a ? ?Wheat wit* in rather hotter demand and price! advanced Ic. a 2c. per bushel, the ri*o t?t Ireights trum tito Weal Ot'iii? the chic! cauae of '.ho hunrcveuieut. The aiiio* were about 75.1X10 uiulieU at $1 'XJ a $1 24 for old and new ungraded curing. $1 25 tor No. i Chicago new, $1 K) a$l 31 tor No. 2 New Vnrk. M 3t4 for No. 2 MilwauKoe, $1 38 tor No. 1 M|n uecota and $1 30 tor No. 2 Northwcct uov*. Corn was iu better Jcmutid. part speculative, aud pricea tvere about 1c. dearer. The tales were about I50.UUO bushel* at die. for old mixed.57c. a57>t'e, for new. uo crude; S0)gC. a tile. lor old No. 2 Chicago mixed. rXX*. lor ungraded Kauii is mixed, tor lo?r mixed aud dOc. for new South* eru white. Oatt were limner. We note sales of about 10 J.0CX) ousheli* at 37c. a 37 'ae. for rejected, 3 c. a 48^-. for range of Western tnixud. 4se a 50c. for Stale mixed, new crop; 50c. for state mixed aud white together, 50c. for No. 1 extra grade t and 4 fV* a 44^c. tor^ No. 2 gradi d white. Kyu was ouiet, abaul -.53 ? hnstiels No. 2 Wcstcru sold at 81c. Barley and barley malt were quiet. llxur am> Jutk. ? 1 tic.** was a tirtu market for jute butts, but not tuuch activity. lloiup was also tlrm but quiet. We quotes? American dressed. $100 a $JuO for single: a $225 tor double atnl $120 a $125 for rough; Russia, clean. $2'*?a$2lo, gold; Italian. $275 a $280, gold; Juto.d^c. a 5V4c.. currency; |uto butts, 3l4c. a 5 5-1 tic., cash and time, currency; -Manila hemp, S^c.; Sisal do., tic. ; 1st u. 5>?e. a 54wc.. all gold. Moi*a*sks.?There waa not a very active demand for Now Orleans, but prices were steady; lot bids, sold at 50c. a 58c. for good to choice. Kortitrti was dull. We queue: - Cuba, cuutrifupal and mixec, 28c. a 34c.; clayed, 35c a 30c.; do., tnustfovado refining. Htic. a 4tkr.; grocery, 87c. it 42c.; 1'orto Rico, 40e. a 58c.; Hugdsh islands, 3dc. a 50c.; New Orleans, good, 50c. a 5Jc.: prime, 54c. a 50c.; choice, 58c. Naval Stoiix.h.?'The market for spirits turpentine, tuflu ' encud by the strong toue of the Loudon and Liverpool ad vices, siras very tirtu; 200 bbla, merchautablo order, sold at 45l4c. a 4 >**0. Kosiu was also tinner. Wo quote:? Spirits of tarpcuttnr. merchantable order, 45fic. Rosin? Stratued, $2 10 a $2 45; good straiued, $2 4<) a $- 45. Tar?Washington, $1; pitch, $J 50 a $2 75. \dvic8s from Wilmington wore as follows:-Kosiu lino; strained, $2 10 bid; good strained. 62 10 bid. Tar steady. $1 80. Turpentine nim, u? a, tU; sots aud virgtu. e- Sa.i. apirits tirtu, 4-'c. bid. Stink. VartL JjUxit. Rosin 75,431 5 l?r t 2.072 . 2 'lurpetitiue 2.502 ? Spirits 0,731 two Oils.?The market for oils waa quint, with a steady feel ing iu uiml all kinds. Liuseod was generally held at from 02c. to G3c., but some were holding at 05c. We quoteLinseed, casks mid bbla., 03c. a 03c.; cottonseed, crude, 38c. a 42f4o . Southern yellow, 48c. a 50c.; yellow winter. 52c. a 55c.; white winter, 5Hc. a BOc. ; laru. pro tent winter, 05c. a 07e.; sperm, crude, $1 45; do., bleached win ter, $1 70; do., natural do . $1 05; whale, crude Northern, 7oe.; do., Southern, 03c. a 7uc.; bleached winter, 75c.; extra do., 85c.; winter bleached fish. 50c. a 52c.; crude Usl). 42c. a 45c. i'xrnuukt/M. ?There *u no liuportunt doinand and Hie market was dull and uiore or leu irregular Wo note sale ol 3..VJU bbls. naphtha at l/i.'jc. January delivery (1st to 10th) * as quoted at 3i"?c. for New Yura, 39l^c. lor I'liliadelpuia and -IN.', for Jleltimuru February delivery (1st to 15th) was quoted at 'SJ'^e. tor Sew \ .irk and -7c. tur I'iiiladelpliia and Malum ore. the closing prlcos were as followsCrude, In bulk. Idc.; do. m bills.. Inc.: rotinau in bbls., prompt, 33c.; do. In cases, :k'tc. a tta; naplulia, l.'ic.; refined at I'iiiladelpliia, prompt. Sic.: do. at Haltiinore. prompt, UOc. Advice, (rum tbe crook were as lollows Oil City, luKrkel quiet, <3 .'i 'ild; United, shipment uoiuiualiyr old Ut); barker's, not limit doing, dull, slilpiuent about #3 *.)5. I'ltoriMUNs.? Kcceipts-I'urk, g.343 bbls.; lurd. 4,310 tierees, 33o sags audMboxes; cut inouts, 4.0 111 packages: bacon, 5 Mid... 5 tierce... 43 bb.s and 4.J3H boxes: beef, lift Heroes, ltd bills, and 1,03*3 cases; beef limns, 75 bbls.; dressed boas, l.dtlli. The pork market was dodidu.tly firmer. and prides were higher ondir a good demand, flic sales were about 4 ikJU bbls., at <17 '33 a (17 05 lor ce cash and De cember. and $17 50 tor February and March. lhe closing ??call" prices were at follows1 'ecomber and Jauaarv. $iH asked: February. $17 35 bid. <1750 isked; March. $17 45 bid. $17 no asked. Macon was quint: miles 4<>0bo.\en, of which SMI .exes lung clear In Chicago at Ny . and 3S0 boxes do. bcic st be. Cut menu were ait very actlvu i'he sides were ..7 boxes belli.-s. 13 lbs. average, at ; 300 irasn bellies. 10 Iba. average, at IJjqc. . ".'im Iresh haiua. 13 lbs. average, at lO'^o , aim t,Uh( fresh hmus on pilvnta fruis. Fiesli hams are quoicd st '3'.|ii. a 13c., Irish bel lies st 8J4C. a lu'.jc., iresh shoulders ut do . iiicsled hams ut UKa. a 13e.. pickled 1C4C. s lUba, pickled moulders st dlqe. s tJ.'fc. slid box bellies st Sjie. s 10c. Mil,iked me ns were iiiiel at I3$.,c. a Ide lor hums and 7',c. lor th.oiiilers. Beei was quiet. We quote ,? M irr Is, ? xtr.i nets, ell f*1 s$13.7.,, plain mess, kni .il a $11 .a); packet. $14 i r'lj; tierced city, ektra India. $17. Heel bums: Suit bbls. rold nt <30 lof prime Western. iiressed hogs were quiet at ibr. a 7,'jc for ciljr heavy 'o light, and 7old slid 714c. asked lor Western, but without business !<ard wits ocidedly tiriusr and dosed ut the second ' call'' as follows ??December and J aniiurf, iP> HO hid. flu S3 asked : February. $10 i4J bid. $10 IT 7 A, a.iked; March. $10 $11 10 Ssked. The sales were 4.."a*T tlerues at III) h.1 lor December; 110 75. $10 nil, fio <3? and 110 s, f..r January, slid $10 HO s $10 9$ for February. Alter 'Change :lir maritrl w?s steady and 7u0 t erces, January, sold t $lu 7-'),; 350 do. do., at $10 77: >OT do., February. 11 410 3 1. tnd c.TOdo., Marsh, at <11 0.7 kpol sales acre aimut #<) tierces city steam st lukc., 300 do Western st Dki 'lo. at * 0 H7'j lie lined was quiet, with $lll *7. slid U ? ale*, f 10.1 tleriies koutn America on prlvatu terms and .70 ticrccs v'lty No. I at IOI4C. Kick. ?I titn was a good steady eirana for domestic ?ort>, and :utl price- weit paid. We jeote 1?t'areilua, lair. 5ka. s 3J|t'., good. 7J4c. * dc.: prime, rtjjc. s iljjc, , .'holce, d1.,,*. s 7c.. Louisiana. common .0 fair. 4>,e. a b'^c.. gaud 10 prime, J';c. a dc.. Pallia, 7Jqc ? 714c., uurrousy; liaugoon, to bond. gj.c s -\',c.. gold Suuxu.? Ihsre was still s dull and irregular market for raw sugar Refined a as quiet We quote .? Fair refining, o'.c. , good do . Inc.; Uuba. grocery, tuif to choice. ItFyc. a lOtj'c., do centrifugal. hint*. aud boxes. \.?s. * to 13. I 'i,c. s ll)qr.: lia, bllds mid boxes. \l.c a I'ortu Hiee. rertnlng, common to prune. I*Hjc. s 10'qC.. do., grocery, to can r?, Hi'.iC, d IMgo. . refined, Stulidur.l A. ,11'.|C a ll'.c ; oil A. IO?|C. a 11 ',c. ; crusliedt 13c. a l-),0. ; powdered, II ?c., granulated, | litis a lls.0 . >lo.. sceouil quality. H.'aC. a tl.'gc.; cut , lout. 11 ,'sC Hrn titixK. ? K, celpts?100 tierces, and 34 bbls. T be mar 1 kei was lirtu lofeet ThlaW. lte.vipts? I I lituis., 'J.'.b bbls anil 33 cusss. The ' market was quint The sales ware lUObbls at Uqe , and I t).?'gs) lbs. ai si,,-, s H',e. \Vutsks.r.- llciclpts?3<il bbls. The mnrkel was firmer; I IPs' bbls. chain oil hands at 31 13 u $1 lb'!., Fiici.itll ? Kates fur toiuutge 011 acre generally , he .1 -t-adyanu qui:# a lair business was uccoiiipllslied, nisiniy la petroleum vessels. Kooui on bsrili lor t rain win. ; lower per steam to 'llasguw. out ibis was tun 1 only ncileeabie change in hertu accommodation.. , Tbe enira fioriu- ware r.> t-lverpuoi, per steam. .70 bales . cottou, 'e'i.. U..0U0 bushels grulu. oil., ."ay.' box* s bacon. | 4.7s. J eheese, 'u>. >0 London, per steam, I 4100 tuxes , cheese, 45a To (Masymw, pgr stcaiu, 33.U?: bushels giniiij 74L, HOIus. The eliarters comprised :?A Mrllisl bark,H4. I too. roiu .vn bilk tw Lis. rpool 'till iottou, ill *'s ihl. per I register ton, irec ot stevedore aim compre.s'.ug barges; a ship, 1.070 tons, lateli theucs ! lor same voyage. with do.. it same rale, | Norwegian bark, 3< 5 tons, from Ricfeuioud a Norwegian bs.k, JO tons, frotu ItlcMionii te Mains, with fiour at 31 '37: a llrlitsh brig, '.03 ion., hence to itiibua. I'hssii, ,e? 01 rtan rebasslaa. wl h general. uialuly crain ion ilia I usis ut 3i>c. pet buitiel) st a lump into . at. llaltab b irk. .10 tons. Iiciicp to 1 a. seillcs. wit!i 3D..kSi bushels riiiiii at tls 4'f.i. per quarter) an Italian hark, from Philadelphia In tlor* fordfdars, with 3,t<XT qtiar N11 . in. ?>,!. ; a Norwegian oark Iroin HaitiitH're t. do,, with 3.MUU quarters, 'is. Ud., * Norwegian brig. 30b tJU?. hence to the Danish Haltlc.'with l.tkJO bhla rcllnsd petioloura. on private terms an American ship, 1.3. dl tuns, hence to Liverpool with 7,7a"' bbls rettned petro loum and residuum at -7s . a Ornish brig, sl'l tuns, henvt to 1-vlidun. Llturpool or llrlatoi. ? lih 3.iM? 1 bbls. naplitha, at Tie. 7$j,d.. a Norwegian bark .relet), 457 tons, from Mailt mors io L'ontliieut. witli 3.UI > bbls. refined peirole 11111. si tia. i'td ; sn American ship. 71)5 tenv hence to Havre, will: 4,7UO)ibls naplitha. at 5a. 3d., option of crude, 5s. ; an Americ in barkcntlue, 073 tons, from Baltimore or Havre or Dunkirk, with 4,tkJl) bbls. ufude petroleum, at lis. 1 ?,'a.; a Norsveglsn hark dh! tons. Iroin Philadelphia to Uork for orders to ('lilted Kingdom, with 3,rk$> bbls. reOnsd, at fit. Ud , optisn of Coniillvti 1. tls. 3d. kNaivV 1'OKK (JAlTiaJi MARKETS, VI j.xnav. Dec. Id, 107d kmikirte eon tint fast wkku. I'raii Ham pi as t 1'ards, Htetrt. ('net Otic*. I,-no'*, llogi. ?Ixtleth street 8,73d 41 Ml tU,?3il - Km t v.eighth street,. 14 13 11H'J ? Fortieth street ? ? ? ? 1H.47I Jersey City 6,033 ? 80 0,043 ltt.M3 Totals 0.773 57 735 23.103 3?,3.dl Wsssah IO-3.W U.73U ? 51 7.165 *060 n?*vr?.-There ?ft? a fair trade In irood qnillt? heeeef on this lorniiiitiH. Tin* Rrrivuli w?ri mode rale, end were In general ol cu' quditv. I'oor quality herd* rt umint'd ct*iett> uuM'ld Trices wcr# 7'~c. a per lb.; weights <;?! n ll'jcwl Al Sixtieth street yard* T O, h*?t iiu.i sold lot sell 23 car* of burned cattle. suit - a* follows:? 147 Kentucky steer# at iti'4c. a lie. per lb., wiiglilK^ cwt.; 28 Illinois steers at 10,'^c. per lb., weight owl.; 14 Illinois steers at per lb., weight 8?4 cwL; 26 Ill mots iteaii at 11c. per lb., weight 10 cwt.; 1*0 Illinois steers at 10/8e. a Il'j<v por lb., weight 9V- cwt,; 68 Illinois ateers at lOKc. a I lf|C. per ib.. welcht i ti. T Wheeler cold tor T. C. Kastmau 93 Kentucky ?! WMjt. a IIKc. per lb., weight h*4 cwt. C. Kdiu sold far %. Keeker 115 Kentucky steers ai IK*, a Jthif. por lb . weight 7 cwt. T. UIIIU told for 8. tiidner Hit Ohio steers at 11c. a 11!4c per lb , weight cwt.; for self 19 Illinois steers at 10*4c. per lb., weight 7', cwt.; hold on sale 1 car load of beeves. Ulcry \ ''arysold tor Uotf A* Co. 20 Ken* tucky steers at lUc a 1"?4C. or lb., wet *ht rtcwi.; 14 Ken tucky uten it Otic. a l(V. per lb, weight tt cwt.; for A Ulery t?9 Kentucky steers at 10c. a 1 1c. per lb., with a tew tal! end steers ai d1?*:. per lb., weight 1)? cwt- ; II clioice quality Kentucky Oxen at 1- 1 ji\ per lb . to dress d8 lbs. net on .'t.Utx) J he, live weight. O. IV Evans told lor s0t! 80 In* diaua steers at n)4c a Oj%C. per lb .weight <?*j cwt.: held on sale l id Indiana steers. 11. K. Hurcharn sold for W. I*. .folios 30 t J bio steers at i?*4c. i? I l)?o per lb., wuignt cwt.; for tj. Roberta, dl Ohio steera at 10 \ u 11 l4c. per 11*., weight 8,'4 cwt.; held on sale 191 Ohio steers ftrom J. O'Day* At Jersey tilt) yards. Coney A McPberton sold tor J. Hull 14 Kentucky steers at IOV4C. a ll V|U.per)b, weight KJ? cwt.; for 8. Biown, 9 Kentucky steers at ll)?c. per lb., weight llj.8 owt ; for J, Murphy 3 Christmas bull*, weight J,345 Its , to dress 3* Ins. net, at 12e. per lb : 8 ?toer?n: H)gC. a l*c. per IK, weight# 7t4 ewt. a 7 4 cwt. ; fur J. Holmes KJ Texas steers at 7',e. p. r lb, welgta ?-l4 cwt. ; 41 Ohio s eors at Sic. a 10c. per lb., $1 ofl per lieau eu 1 ? head, sold at tup rate, weights 7'4 cwt. a 7lj cwt. ; lor Holmes ?t Eafferty Hi Oltio steers at lO^c. a lie. per lb., weight 11)4 ewt.; II Ohio heifer'* ut B?. a UK*. por IK. wetchu d*4 cwt. a 7 cwt.; 4 Ohio oton nt 8)?c. tier ib., weight 8l4 cat.; lor I)adismau .V Ho. 1- Ken lucky steers at tMtc. per lh? with $1 ofT per head, weight 7' 1 cwt. ; 147 Kentucky steers at 0'4c., with $1 of! per head on Id h#.?d; with #I on per heud 011 13 head, and 1<> with tops at ii\V4e. a 111.c. p?r lb., weights 7* | c:wt. a 0l4 cwt.; for Kaylleld it Co 17 Ohio steers at H'.jc per lb., weight * 'A* cwt. 1). Waixcl sold for tVatxel A Allertoii 15 IltiuoU steers at Hl4'e. a 8?4'c. per lb., weights <l?4 cwt. a 0.*4 cwt. ; !??.' Illinois steers, a' tc. per lb. with $1 on per head, a per lb., tops from 10c. a 11c. per lb., wciirlila Hi4 cwt. a Kt4 cwt. H. A II We?tl?eimer sold for Will 1 rd A *'o , Id State s;cers. at He. per lb., weight 51? cwt.. S. O'Douuell sold lor 8. IV. Allertoii. 4.? Illinois steers, at 8)(c. a 0,l?c- per lb., weights d'4 cwt. a 7 cwt., scant; for u. V. iUrtlctt. 10 bulls, at 3)?e. por lb. 011 11 \ e weight. M Uoldschmldl sold for It, Moyno*, 97 Ohio steers. at lU*4e. a 11 *4c. per lb., wci rhts 8*4 cwi. a 10 cwt. 8. \V. Hbormaii a dd fur h \V Vllerton. i?4 Illinois steers, at 8c. a n?4c. per lb., wet ht? 0 cwt scant a U*4 cwt. II. Eauterbach s??i?l lor * VVai\#Is A Alleriou, l'J Illinois bulls, at tf9 :ki a $'i oO per cwt . 79 lllitiois steers, at H '4c. a t?e. per lb , with #1 off per head o.' ?'? head, weights t'? ewt. a ? *4 cwt. 15. Vogel sold for Klopfer itCu. "?4 .Vissouri steers at V'c.. with $1 of! por head 011 14 :i? ud, at tM4c. per lb., weights 7 cwt. a 7?4 owl,; for N Morri# ?? Illiiitd^ steers at B.^c. per lb.. w?Mgtu 7 cwt. strung. Shkkp a.vp l.iMRs,?Ttade Improved In both sheep ami lambs, the quality of the flocks being generally choice. Sheen sold at I\c. u 7?jC. per lb.; lambs, 4?ac. a 7,Lc. per lb, J Klrbysolu IOI Michigan sheep, weight <.700 10#., at 4 4c. per lb. . 49 Michigan sheep, weight 4.470 lbs., at 0/Mc. pei lb. . TP Michigan sheep, weight 18.77" lbs., ut 7)4c, per lb.; 1 .WlcUi.'iih sheep, weight 3 mi |b?., at lOc. per lb., value received for same. $9.j; these two best lots were I red b> W. Newton, of Pontine, Mich., and were bought by l)ewu? A Co.; 94 Canada sheen, weight 4.090 lbs., at ?>\c per its-, 4V? Canada sheep, weight l,87o lbs., at 7c. per lb t?8 State latubs. weight t?,.Vjo lb#., at 4J#c. per lb. ; 07 State latubs. weight 4,390 los,. at 4,a4c. per lb.: 4h Mate lambs, weight 9.980 lbs., at uj?c. per ib. ; 93 Slate sheep aud lambs, weight 9,77" lbs . at per In L)uw? A l!allct:beck sold 03 Mate lambs, weight d.840 lbs.. M do. per lb.; 50 St.itu she-p. weight 4,08 > lbs., at .'?l4c per lb. ; >3 State sheep, weight 7.77 lb* , at 7lBe. per lb.; 19H State sheep ar.d 1 lambs, weight 10,740 th*.. at &l4c. per lb.; 958 State sheep i and lambs, weight 35,800 lbs., at 5)?c. per lb. ; 352 Canada : sheet*, weight 34.800 lbs., nt dc. per II*. , sold for week cud sine Uecember 10. 1870. 5,788 sheep and iambs at 50 aver age per head. li. Kuowltoti sold 1*?W Ohio sheep, weight ! Id.510 lb*., at 5c. per IK; 102 Ohio sheep, weight 12,10t) lbs., at 5)?o. per lh; 130 Ohio sheen, weight 15,010 lbs., at $5 ho per cwt . 14.' Ohio sheep, w eight 10,010 lbs., I aide, per lb. ; 49 Ohio sheep, weight ti.3vKJlbs,. at d)4c. j?r?r lb.; dd Ohio sheep, weight d,.lHt) lbs,, at 75?e. n;r lb. i llumo A hlltott sold 913 Ohio sheep, welch*. Id.OiO lbs., I at 4ljC f*er lb.; 312 Ohio sheep, weight 10.050 iba., at ! 4\c. per lb ; 04 Ohio sheep, weight 9,540 lbs., at 5??c. per J lb . l-?7 Ohio sheep, weight 14,7/0 lbs., at 5)8c. per lt>.; l?3 Mate sheep, weight 0,7*0 lbs., at 4^c. per lb.; HI State , sheen, weicht 79kk) lba., at 5?.,e. per lb.. 100 Canada sheet), I weight 14,030 lbs., at d'4e. tier lb . ho Canada sheep, weight 11.trio lbs., at d\c. per lb.. -03 Canada sheen, weight j 30,010 lbs., at 0?4c per Ib., 74 Canada sheep, weight 0,980 I lbs., at d>8c. per Ih.; 124 Canada laiubs, weight 12, 80;bs., | at "*4c. per lb.; sold lor week < nding llecuiubcr hi, 1870, 1 7,533 sheep and lambs at $4 80 average por head. E. ; Newton sold 203 Kentucky sheep, woignt 110lbs. per head, at dc. per lb ; 130 Ohio ftiiuop, w eight 12d lbs. per head, at *0 85 ikt i-uft. .luilil .V Uitckii!i;liH:ii ?oltl I? Uhiu *hi>U|i, wulglit Ht lb.<. por head, m &c. i>er lb.; U>M Stntx kbl'cp, woluht Dtl Iba. por lieud, at U'.o por lb.; MJ MMO hIici'p, weight I 111 Iba., ut li'.o. pur lb.; I'll.) Siuto lamba, weiplit *?' lb,, per heinl. at TV,c. per Ib. t'u.e dc l'ideock aold 111" Ohio ihocp, wmir'.it ;vi Iba per bead, at 4<hc. por lb. ; 415 Ohio aluiep, weight 76 Ilia, a 61 ib?. per | lioail, at I'jf. per lb.; St) Dbio nbeep, ael.'Ul DO link per ' bead, ?4 4?,c. per Ib. ; auld Tur week ending lleeomber 10, i 1H7H, i,3ii'J aueep and iamb, at f4 04 averaao per bead. Milcii Cowe.? Ilio.ti on nand bold up tale. VgaLa axd CaLVcs.?There aero uu .alea on light at rlral.. liuiia.?407 Ohio hog>. aeoraga weight! dlO lbi. , 215 Iba. per bead, .old at tl'?e. per lb. ; /O Oblo hog!, average weight 27U Iba. per lioad. mid at #11 16', per ewt.: 154 Ohio hogi, avoraee weigbt 220 Iba. per iiuarl, .old at Si 20 per curt.; | 2H0 Obio bogn, average woiglit 2UU lb?. per bead, told at j (0 25 per ewt. DOMESTIC MARKETS. G*LVK<roN. Dec. 18. 187U. Cotton qulot: tnijrer* and aollera apart; luiilJlliii;, 11 '4o.; low middling, lOJic.; (ihhI ordinary. lu',u. Net receipia, 7,d;JO balei; tn>?. Et|ioria-Tu tJreat Britain. 8,880; to Franco. 2,170; to tlio t'outlueut. d73; oua?mi?e, 6,61'J. Sales, rod Stock. 114.1)57. Nk?- Ouu.ii, Dec. IS. 1870. Cotton tlrm ; middling. 11 )<c. . low middling, 11 ','c.. mind ordinary, I'i'.c. Not roecipta. I H.-70 bales; grra.. Itl, WIN I. Export*?To Croat Urlialn, ".881; to Krniico, 1.7UO; to tlia Coutluent, -!,5Ug, to tlio Chanuel, 1.64-j: coaatwlio, 1,101. bale* 0.000. Stock. JTJ.JlU. Dec. 18, 1870. Cotton t)uiat ami nteady; middling, 1 H?c.; low tuiiltlliuir. 1 good ordinary, lf'ic. Net receipt*. bales; gruaa, 4.757. hxpuria? lo tlio Continent, l.iKH); to tiiu Channel, 4.UU0; coastwise, 1.587. Sales. t'.'.OU. Stock. 00.38). Sara.i.iAii. Dee. 1^ 1870. Cotton quiet; middling. 111,0.; low middling, lli.e. s good ordinary. 1U?,jC. Net receipt*, ."?,577 bales; gross,'.'i. Export! coaattrlse, 2,487. bale*. 1.1UU stock, 82,480. Ciiaklkjto.i. Dec. 18. 1870. Cotton qnlot; middling. U:V'-. low middling, ll>?e. * 11 Jrc. ; goo.I ordinary, lu 'jc. Net rereipts, 5.374 Imi Exports?To the Continent,-.801; < coastwise, 12,848. Sales, I.UUO Stock, 85,550. Oswki.o. Dec. 18. 18^0. Hour In fair demand; No. 1 soring. $6 75 ? $7 25; amber winter, $7 h 97 50; white do., #7 25 a $7 75; double extras, $7 50a$H; sales 1,200 bbls. Wheat steady ; sales of No. J Mil waukee club at 91 55; extra white Michigan, $1 55. Corn unchanged; sales of Western mixed at 5Me. Barley quiet and nominally lower; No. 1 Canada offered at $1 ik); So, 2do.,D7c. Corn msal unchanged. Mill Iced unchanged. Railroad shipments?Flour, 1,400 this. liurrALoJDec 18. 187d. Railroad receipts?Flour, 2.800 bbls.; corn. 13,2<? bush els; wheat, 5.8UO do.; oats, 7,(XM do.; barley, HOO do. Kail road shipments-Flour, 2.-40 bbN ; corn, 10,-It*) bushels; wheal, \tiJ0 do.; oau. 7,lKM?do.; barley, 800 ao Markets generally \ery duil; only sales reported 450 bbls. Hour; prices iiiii'h uiged. Corn?No. 2 mixed Western at 54c.; 2,000 bushels new do. at 52c. Wheat?Males ot 400 bushels No, 1 white ut$l 37; 1,HOO bushels Green Hay club on un it 70c. vale terms. Barley l.'XMj bushels No. 2 .State at Grain In store lu elevators?Wheat, 4tn> H52 bushels; corn. 420,321 do.; oats, 73,22*5 do.. barley. 510,510 do.; rye, 8,010 do.; malt, 20,155 do. Total, 1,558, llH. Toledo, Dec. 18, 1878. Flour steady. Wheat steady; No 3 white Waba h, $1 .6; No. 1 Wlnte Michtyun. $1 34; amber Michigan, January. $1 33)?; No. 2 red winter. Fl 28, January. #1 .31; No. 3do.. $! 20, rejected Day too and Michigan red. 81 10. Corn dull; high mixed held at 47>,c.; no w do., 4tl4c?; new .No. 2, 44c.; now damaged. 42c. . uew rejected. 43Sttc. Oats dull; rejected, 20c. Clover seed, lis 10 Hogs held at $6 75, lOOOohered. Receipts?Flour, 300 bids.; wheat, I5,?XXJ bu lie Is; corn. 5I,i 00 do.; oats, 2.UOO do. Shipment*? Flour, ."aHi bbls.; wheat, 6,000 bushels, corn, 23,000 do.; oats. 6,0 JO do. Chicago. Dec. 18. 1976 Flour In light demand, but hoi'mi flrui. Wheat fairly avtiye and a shade higher, but un.cUled, No. 1 Chicago spr.ttg, $1 2D,s? ? J do.. #1 I*.'a, cash; #1 IPV*. Jiiitiarv; ? I -'"J*. February ; N??. 3 do.. #1 a $1 i.*8)a'; rejected, W i',0. a 90c. Corn in fair de.uaud, hut tower. N??. : at 44l?c., cash. 44M'c- b'd. Januar* ; 44i4u. bid.# February; rejected. 33c. Oats dull, weak and lower. No. 3. 35,lfte. ? .i'.il4c , easn;33*?c. a 331*4.. January; rejected, 23c. Bye easier 7ite. Barley Armor at tl&e.. cash. tM?? Kebrua _ ary. Fork active, but a shade lower. $10 40 a $16 45, cash . $10 45, January; 118 85 a #18 87)%, February; #18 *7's a #|H Hvi. March. Lard opened strong _ajid hiuher; closed at iusldo prtcef. |1U W, cash, $lll 37datiutry; $10 47,lj a #10 AO, February. Bulk incuts Arm nud un changed. Dressed hogs mis. ittted: iiponod active, but jloscd dull; heavy. #t. MO bid, light. $0 ^). Whiskey quiet but "tendv at 91 OS. Ileceipts?Fiour. 14JXK> bbls . wheat, 37,114? bushels. c?rn. 70.t><> do.; oau, 30,ou? do., r>r, 7.0U0 do.; barley. 1 a? do. Hhinments ? Flour, lOjkNJ bbls. . wheat. 3u.(4X> bushels; corn. itl.UHi do. ; oat *. do., rye, 12. (XX) do., barley. 9. oat lo At the alter noon call *6 toe Hoard?Wheat. #1 llM*. *1 uioary . #1 2'?l, a #1 20?c, February, t'orn iltuier it 44^,?t. .cash. 41^0 a 4 kc. January. Oats uotuiually uachaagfi. L.ud un changed. EUROPEAN MARKETS. COTTOX. IIrow. Doc. 10. is'.d. Cotton? Kulurea , upl.inJx, low cluuao, April and May d* .1 vrru:'l .iJd. OII.6. ? Lotwr. Hoc. is. 1S7.V, I'el.uod petroleum. Jt'd. * SIM. per gwllou t eplrltx of po troleuui. IUU. * ?.l. Jo. Spir t* of turpuiiliiiu. .11-. tkl. a b r par cat Tailow. 44? fit i <5*. Ileuter'* Telegram Company have x ir-patch trom kRtwerp quoting at 74f On a call fur a repetition the Bguree agalu entile. l.lvnirnoi., Dec IS. helmed petroleum. Jt^.l a Hi p*r gallon; xpirtt* of pe trol utn. ltd. i I "I Jo spirit, ji turpentine, 3a*. per tat. Liuectd oli, Jrt*. -id. par cat PHODUCfi. [X?t York Produce Exchange ileport. J Lovmuooi.. Dim:. IS, IS7G. Pork?Kxxtern dull al 77? ; Weettru ttml at iHJa Haeon? Ciittiborlanil rut 'lull at 44,. . iliort rlu ilull at 4ut . lung clear dull <1 48*. i abort clear dull ui 44a. cut ilnll it 4h, . rlioiililura dull ill ikia. ?kL Heei?lu-ila Ittta, .iuil at WUa.. extra do .lull at lii7?. , prime dot dull at sua. I, II .1 ? Prime Wcalen. dull al 5ll TalloW Prime oil* dill: at 4;i Gil. Turpentine?spirit! firmer at J.'ai. Itoxit.? Common -toady at tlx. 9.1. . due tinner at 11 lid. Chacr- American chotc* xleadr at hsx. I.a'd oil?None In mmkei Shutr?li\tra State Grin at'.'it V\ Ileal ? No. i apruig dull al lux. ad.; No. "J do. dull ut U > lil.. a inter dull al lux. so. lor s 'Ullirrii . do. dull at lu?. dil. lor W e. tern. Worn?Soil mixed dull at J7?. Ite celplx nl w .out tor the Week from Atlantic porta. IS.OUO quarter,: from Pacitlc porlx. JI, J.Vi on.; iroin other tourocv, I J.jijti do. llacelpt* ol corn, 4'J.O.iu quarter*. QUA IN. U?DOS, Dec. IS, IsTil. Tlte Murk hint Zxyrrrf in it? weekly review of the llmixh corn tra-la xayx report, ol th* tppdarance of the growing crupe boll: here and on tho Continent continue ?uti,l.:etory. Some ot our country marueM are firm, iMWillMtatidlng the Increased xitppllex, hut pr.ivinclnl trade la central.) latitat, Kic. Conttueoce hex not been xi.ukeu, lioweier. and liolde.i xuumlt to ibe temporary lull wltlmut endeavoring to preax ealex. Ibe week ? import! Into luuioiu were 14.1 JI quur tcrx. whereof ".'A*1 were from Amerluuu Atlantic pert,. It I, quit* po-xilne trail* will coutiuue quiet for the next few week! In eonaaqnanr* ol the ho.idnyt and the Indtx pot 111 on of miller, to acuminate it ckx at the end ol the year b it th* present condition ?f I role li healthy. Th* rate of im portation ix certainly below tha country'* esiimuind fit quliu.uentx CaUlornlau >upplicx are xtllf fa the dl,t in* \ aud the long pending quexti.m ol noace or wr.rln the had Ix .till undetermined. T lie aw render tho pre,, nt peri id a critical one in the cram trade. I eo lug etutlt Improved ? mica hut during th* weak, mainly In aun**qii*aea ol Uc croaeed liitporit of oat* and maitc. Considerable traneae lion, occurred in the lalt*. lot tuturd delivery. The *hl*f feature ol the float In; earg.i trado hax bean tho arrival at tailing portx ol xereral xteamerx laden with vinlrka wheat, wlueh w.ldpather lower. There hax been, *lw>, eouae re*, llait in top recent extduale* bualnexa In California wheat MMM, PlKAKrHli. _ AiiXitv iiAHKhr UKt'i>ui ok new voiiiTsfoTTk Iixebaair* Solos l< published daily ai 4 o'clock 1'. M., ami litailuU Irer lu auv address on rreai|)t 01' posiare (->*?. a nuiniu). Il.o Report will also coutum il>? fiuauclal article# uf til* Slew York Herald, Times, Tribune and World, repriuted same day as published in those papers, containing luiportaui inrormatiou for stuck speculator*. L. W. H AMILTOM 4t cq. 37 Bread si.. Xow York. At rkasox mii.i'.' hati i ioiil y unumd Endowment Inauranea I'alleles aad Mortgage* r*aine bought; lusuraucc ul all Mod* effected Willi best companies. J. J. I) ABKICH a CO.. I i'J Broadway. IlhTATK KUNDM TO LOAN AT REASON aHLH irate and very low expenses. HEM: v ,ioiinm).\, too Brnailarai. nai baiwwd. A Yd HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON MUKI(iA(i? Now York city I'ruperly , city Railroad Stocks and Huuda h>itir*bi and sold. H, L. AULA NT, 1 Mi jjiondwij, I OAK WAKTBD?RY A TRUE WdMan 'oT"CUAkZ J iclcr sad culture, sti'tiggling will! vicissitudes. Ad dress cunlulautially, iu good laith, EOUTll'CDli, box lbO lloruld ultice. N\V A VISTKKIIA M MA VINOS HANK. Depositors aic hereby nutilied to letno their passbook* at ones ut the bank tor comparison u itlt tlio books of the institution. In euelt ease it card will be given iberelor. Hank open daily Iroin lu A. .M. to J 1'. M. Evary evening except Saturday Iroin tl to 8 o'clock. RICHARD M. BENT. December 10, 187d, Receiver. N'utick^?<>yFieK ok tiik Manhattan tklk UKAl'll COMPANY. No 14A Broadway. New York, December Id, l*7U.? All nillmiriiod meeting of the stock holder., ul the Manhattan Telegraph Company will bo he'd at renin 7. second llnor of No. IJ7 Broadway, New York, at 14 fi. '"It>, 41st Inst., to receive report of commit ter. relative to proposed lease ut I be muipany's property uud such other** us uiav properly bo prosetitod. ALFRED NKLSUN, President. OK HitJE FU UCtlAMl Ml coil mittek7~ W A HAMI Railway Gouin .tiy. 3'.' tVillimu st., room 10?Now York, December is, 18,ii.?Mock bidders of the Toledo, Wabash uud Western (lallwav Company are hereby reminded that tin* tliue Inr participating in the purcna e ut the now Wubnsh Railway tkHsnaajr ,toek expires, by tbo liniltationa of the agreement, ou Saturday, the 444 of December, lust. O D ashlkV i ,,'l,r<:1"ul"!C k' K. (lOODNOW, J OoumartteJ fllRDBT KUNDrt TO U>AW t>.\ M OUTU AUB?GIT Y, i Urooklru uud Uuocus comity. _ LKAVIT1 A WOLCOTT._10 l'luo st SeiwI A MONTH TO ACTIVE urn BXIslslMll iliii ULettur Copying lions; tto pro.s or water used; sample copy, worm yd. tree Send stump lor circular. EXCKI.SDMl MANT CACTI KIND COMPANY, W VIa.tis.iii and 1J4 Dearborn st.. Chicago. Cil < HUH Loan at only ? PEU cent tpIO.U V'Ulur llvo years ou llr.t class e.ty property at no exiwuse of any kllid oxcept searches of title. Address A. ARLINGTON, Herald Uptown Hrnnclt office. aijjtlit H|)|\ W A NTH D?kTvii Yi.AltS. 8KVHN PER /.I ?V" /cent, on llireu lartro bouse*, worth more tan double lite amount. Addtc.s 81'IIOULK. 'Ml llUlli st. j>0/<J fWWI l'? LOAN ON MOltrti Villi AND VoUOiUU"3jil.HO.l mi life ami endowment policies. !'. 8. YOUNG. 14 l'luo st. HI SINKS S III'l'llltTlN II'I Ids. API KM OK GOOD STAN DING IN HAMBtJltll (ileruianyi, wishes to rcproseut respectable Atnerican bouses for the sale of American productions; very bo. t rut ? rcii.cs cuu be given; also security It rcipilred. I'or lurthor particular., address MaXDi-.L X KhaNK, Advertising dgllb, 47 William st.. New York. > A" ItfcMPUN*IIIUS MANUi ACTI7KIMO OOMPAM*. located out ol town, want a-cnorul city event; #4,000 capital ie-tn 1 red. thill room 44 Cosmopolitan lintel. AN OLD .VI lilii HAN'T. MUM is VI LANS AND UsUbsMif* wants responsible position moderately remunerative' BARTHOLOMEW, Herald ..dice. All t.'si N Ess MAN WAMT8 tO UO ur AM AOTITS pnrtuur In good, safe, paying business; iiinniitactiiring pre It; r rod ; w on id Invest a lew Ii and rod dollars ; bust ol rtltar* ence g.von and rctiulrad. Hl'Sl.Nr.rtts, box 410 Herald ottlco, N Ol'l'OHTUNITY MKLDUK UKKEtUiD A LADT or yeiitleman wliliafcw liniidrod dollars can have an (merest aim a la ly lu an elegantly, uuwly I'urnialied bouse In one at the pietticst locations upiuwtu Address EN'TKlt 1'KISK. Ileruld Cptown office. ~\ NY Fekbun or baumons with VKUX Ria.uub XVlo $:iu,0tXJ. which they wish to Illicit in a well cstab. lislii'd and prolltahli) banking business id the West, In the Uianayciiicnt of w hich th. y would lie expected to take nu active part, can learn of a good opportunity by a ddrrsslng lock box 4 >4 Bristol, Conn .Satialactory re tsons lor selling. QTATK AND COUMTV RIOHTs FOI; S iLK-ON OL'lt* Onew Lump ilurncr Extinguisher. Aleuts wanted. 7S Pultun at. Till IK UXDliKSltJXKD. UXTIL RECENTLY ACTUARY JL a! one ol' the leading lite Insurance companies, iW pro cured to m.iko all calculations relating to lift* insurance mid furnish itiformiitlon upon the subject free ot charge. Ad dress or csll 106 snd 107 Broadway, N. Y.. second tloor, front- S. M HEDGE*. TITANTHD? FOR TUB MOST USEFUL AND IMPORT TT mil business In Aiuoric?. a partner; filtering walor in ?II pieces liy meitns of .1 patent.d apparatus is the abject. This apparatus works lilcu suns metro, receives tho wntur Iroui ilia street, litters it immedi itely, mid distribute. it lllturad to ull parts ol ilia house without any loss of Its pres sure power, For more detHlls *ddress DONDKT, No. 2 Market St.. Philadelphia. AIT ANTED?IN A PROFITABLE MAN UK ACTUM.Nfi TT husiiiess mid sole agency for fcuioptmi products in Staple dcniuiid, ? partner with JAO.lXW; pones never out of fashion and uo waste. Apply GRILLS A CAllLKTON, UK Broadwsy. TITaNIED?$4,0U0 AN 1> A BUKINKSS MAN WITH A f T good linsiness record; 4f< per cent prillts; tho bushiest represents flA,Wiyearly. This advertisement representl a business with no tint lulls and not In debt mid well estab lished. We want a thorough husinuss inaii as well us tuou 1 to extend the same. THOMPSON A TOUEY.Uduv SMth st., Brooklyn, N, IT- _____ "ss?_l?ae*^?as WAXTKD-A PARTNER WITH 1IVK THOPliKO dollars ($'>.!*) M capital. To a part* liavln tho aiuouiit to invest a splendid business opportunity will be ottered in nn old established hotel doing 11 good business In Clucih niiti, Ohio Address Post oOi.o look box &I7, Cincinnati, iihto. WANT14D.-A BUSINKtW MAN HAVING CAPITA^ ?I-lies to buy cut or buy au interest in n flisl cla.-j l'ancv lirocery house. Address, for tlireu days, W. C. H,, 14 West Washington square, Philadolphia. ill 1 ~\ll WILL BUY STATIONER'S STOCK AN I tJ)T:?AYy Klxiurus, worth uoubla the tanuuy; Shelving, Counters, showcase, iron Safe, Desks, Cliairs, Ac.; utiisl bi sold this wuok. Address STATION EK, boa llli Derail ottice. Ar-iwt ?SMAIir. RELIABLE oKNTLfcMAN WANT V? JUU.cit imiuoiliiiloh, with this amount, its treasuier Tor tlie famous Collar.l .Iiibilro Concerts; must ho oulck uiaKiiiir change. Address II A RUING, Manager, saijj Broadway. (*..)? |t|||t IN CASH ttA.Mfc.D-A OllAND Op. "Upoituuity to purchase a large and prosper ous carli retail business; the entire time aud atteatlou id the present proprietors Is rei|Uirod in their wholesale hush lies 1. Pintles having cnsti only address E. A. S., Herald olliee. TI1E WOliK OF A YEAR. BOMB FACTH WHICH THE ANNUAL ItEl'OIiT OF THE EMiOBAXIOJi COMUIBblONEltS WILL CON TAIN. The Emigration Comintliionorn aro busliy engaged preparing iliotr annuel report, which is ta be sub united to the Leg.sUluro next tnoulb. This report will bo moro thub usually Interesting. (J|i to the pros eat time the arrivals at Castle (lurdoo Tor too past year loot up a grand total of 10D.VJJ, of whom 7d,t-dU were aliens. The greater part ol Uioau last weru r t.oiagn paasoagrra, forming a vory largo percentage o the total otituuer of steerage passengers, at.en, till c.-u and lormcrly resident, who were brought to U.irtle Harden during tho year LIiiUhi sent gj'.rdl emigrants, the Uuruiau Empire 'JU,07'J, and ltus sia, tboso turee nations contributing tiiu largufl proportion of the emigiauts coming to ttins country. Tho general character of the emi grants was lull} up tu tho level of previous years, with possibly a slight improvement in intelligence and pecuniary resources. ttoitiOllinee, however, .1 parly of paupers have Peon shipped over Iron, buropo. us re cently tu thecasool the Polish emigrants. Other ruses scarcely tear pitiable lluwi the ease ot these poor Poles the lejiort will allow of fmpiuui ncourretiuu. It seems to be u practice lot tpen living ubroad 10 pro. Ul? pas sages to this port on the emigrant simmer* lor women whom lliry have seduced uud who aro annul to heroine inoibors. pour onsen ol tbM kind have occurred during the past week, two ol which at least aro very rail stories. This clas* ol ivuinuu the Emigration Commissioner* generally sent buck, usually at their own expense, an that, in ?noil Instances, tins cheap and easy mot hod of "repu tation' which Hie men who send theru hero adopt Is nut ?- ell,.ctual as they would no doubt wish It to be. The commission In their report will call lor moro xtr.ngciit tcgi-latiou, so that those uriwelcome Im ports ions will be lew sud lar Oetwnon hereafter. A bill Is now being prepared for tho Congressional Com mittee 011 t'omiiiene, oy Mr. John Doveliu, the coun sel lor the Etnigratiou Commission, which the com mission think will In-ol decided assistance, 11 passed, toward the ntuitimutit ol tii.s oosirabiu cud. The bit/ provides II. i-1 a tag of yd a head shall be onlorned upon cacti emigrant, and will restrict Hie steamship lines to a tlxed standard as to what class ol pei-ou- I hoy ship to this cnuulry as em igrant.-. Mr. Jackson, the secretary at the commis sion. think* it impracticable to instltutu any restraint upoD emigrant* on ihu basts of morality, as is pro posed on Hie otbor side of Hie continent, but is ol tho opiaiou that the taws prohibiting the importation of paupurs cuu bo and should he strictly onforcod. TIIE liliUOKLYN UklDGE. The recent In ervlcw# In tho IIkhald, expo* ng (ha more ibau caroltas muuuer 10 wbich the ?peeIHeat oil lor the lotting of tho contract for tho wire e.ibiei have been prepared. uro now beginulng to wxclto coneid erwhlo Ul>ca**ioD among nciontitic men. Tho errors discovered lu tho "ulliin tie break lag itreuglh" and tho '?total lire left," by Mr. Albert H .11 having received tho direct liidorioinout ol General Krancla I. Vinton, frnferaor ol Mil ing end Civil Kugmovring ol Columbia College, it la generally believed ihul now cpecillca liuiia will buvu lo bo drawn out, ?elbelO*l?uf tdo wire lampion ir.nde daring tho pa*t week aro neoeaaa nly incorrect, being deduced from a lm?e bant*. The taxpayer* ol Now York autl Urooalyn uro vory much Intere*ted lu thl* matter, a* they huvo already paid out revolt m lliotii toward the work and will probably have to luruiab *01110 fourteen tntliiona more. A UHUKKK WI It K. Yorlorday tbero wua not much work truiitaclod on llio oi'idge and duntig tho luoruing ilia tolegrapli wira between too lower* broku oil. The engineer* engaged in tasting toe aamplca of wire rurut*b>d by the bidders ou me contract have not yet acnt lu their report to ttio Uoaril of Ti uatco*. It waa uudoratood tbata molt ing ol the II oar a of I'ruetce* wa* lu liavo neon hold ye>iortiay afturuoon, but, aa thorn waa no engineer*' report to Cotiaidor, tho uieetiug did uol take placo. Home aotion will probably bo lakeu on the matter la the courae of the aaxt two or thrss day a.