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THE NEW YORK HERALD WHOLE NO. 14,834. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1877.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS DIUKCTOKY FOR ADVERTISERS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE. l.*B OI'KN DAY AND NIullT ^OR KECtl'lION OK ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES Of PAPERS. AM USKMKNTS-12th Pagk? itli. 5th and Bth cola AKTR(JLOgY-2i> Pagk?6th col. MILLIARDS?1st PAi!*-:?4lr.." . ... , hoarders wanted?an p auk?4th md nth eoia BOARD AND LODC1NU WANTED?Up P.\oii-5th ??l BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE KOK SALE-2D PAGK-l?t col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES??T* Pack. BUSINESS NOTICES?7th Pagk?44h cel. CITY REAL ESTATE KOR SaLK-Ud Paok-1?*co1. CLERKS AND SALESMKX-IUth Pagk-lit and 2d col*. CLOTHING?12tu Pagk-3d col. COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?12tii Pag*?2d col. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?UD Pack?Sth col. COPARTNERSHIPS-!*!! Pack. COUNTRY BOARD?2n PAUK-Mh col. DANCINO ACADEMIES? 12th 1'AGB-Oth col. DENTISTRY?12tii Pack bth col. DRY OOODS? 1st Pack?4th col. DWELLING llOl-'SEs TO LET. FURNISHED AND UN KURNI8HKD?2n Pack?3d col. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?UD Pagis?3th cud6th cola EUROPE?lUrn Pagk?3d col. EXCHANOE-Utii Paok?lit col. KXCUKnIONB?Un Pagk-OiU col. FINANCIAL?Otii Pagk. FOR SALE?12tii Pack?I'd col. KURNIsllKD ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET?Ud Pack?2d mid 4th rola FURNITIIRK-Htii P.tGK?lat col. 1IKLP WANTED?KKMALP.S- 12tii Pagk-1k? col. HELP WANTED?MALES?12th PAGK-Ud cud 3d coll. HORSES, CARRIAGES, Ac.?1st Pack?2d ?oil 3d cola HOTELS?2ii Pagk?5tli col. IIOl'SKS. ROOMS, Ac.. WANTED?2d PaGK-4Hi col. INSTRUCTION-Ict Pagk ? Sth col. JERSEY CITY. IIOBOKKN, HUDSON CITY AND BER GEN REAL RaTATK FOR SALh-2? PAGS?let cel. LECTURE SEaSON-IUth Pagk?(Kb col. LOST AND FOUND-1 IT l'AGK-lit col. machinery- jars pack-js coi. MARBLE MANTBLS-1*t Pagk?3d col. MEDICAL?2d I'auk?Htb col. MILLINERY AND DRR-8M AKINO-ln PAG?-4th col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?lOril Pack?Oth col. MUSICAL?12th Park?Uth col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7tii PAQK-6th col. PhKSONAL-lMT Pagk?lit col. PIANOFORTES. ORGANS, AC,?12th Pagk?6th col. POOL SKLLINU-Ut Pagk?2d col. POST OFFICE NOTICE?1st l?AUK-8th col. PROPOSALS?1st Pack?Sth col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES 12tii Pagk -let col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR JO RENT?Up Pagk? l?t and 2.1 cola REAL ESTATE To KXCHAN'OE-Uo PAGK-Ud col. REAL ESTATE WANTED?2d Pagk?2d col. REWARDS? 1*t Pagjc?lit col. BALES AT AUCTION?1st I'agk?4th. 5th and Bth cola SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES- 11th I'AGK-Ud, 3d. 4tli. Sth and tlth col*.. and 12th P.igk?let col. SITUATIONS W ANTED?MALES?12th Pagk?lit col. SPECIAL NOTICES?1st I'agk?lit and 2d cola STORAGE 12th Pagk-3d col. THE TRADES?12th Pagk?3d col. THE TURF-1st Pagk?2d col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS 1'UK POSES?2 D P AO*-2d Aud 3d coli. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE ?2d I'AOK-flth col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2o Page?4tb col. WATCH i<S, JEW I- LRY, AC ?12th Pagk-?I1i col. WK8TCHESI Kit COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET?2n Pagk ?lit col. WINES, LIQUORS, AC.?I2th I'agk?Bth col. YACHTS. BI RAM BOATS. *0.?10TII Pag AUK?6th col. PERSONAL. Amelia?the" only freno'I? BAkT iTahqub Wodnetday evening, April 4. lloetliovcn Hell, 5tli it., ncor B?werv. OEORGE. Biiooklyn bink,~last Thursday.?do ?you live In 34th st.? No. Wo meet quite often. HARltlE, box 133 Herald office. Beatrice?you ought to bb happy to rate cured mo of itijr lni|uittltivcnoaa: no*- It in all the eaino tome: ttlll I hid your friend and with you nothinir bnt ha >py day*. It was nil your own dotugi and I am not to be blamed. KIlllJUDKK. c I.?NOT TO-DAY; NEXT TUESDAY. IF A0R8KABLE. WILL l.ADY WI10 NOTICED GEN tlemur, with herald In Grout Town cur Monday morning, grnnt Interview ? Address OAK Herald office. IF THE LADY ~IN KDTlf AVENUE STAG it WIlT) wore preen leather In her lint and who got out at 320 Broadway wlaliot to make acquaintance of gentlemnn who int oppotilo, pirate addrctt HONORABLE, ilornld office. IF '.MIC-. MAKiiALKT MARSHALL. WIFE OF ADAM Marshall, who four yeart ago, or thercubunti, wnt living nt Mr. MrArthin'i, grocer, coruor of21tt tiiusre. Market it., Philadelphia. U. S.. will communicate with tho under Rlgned, she will hear of aomeililng to tier advantage. In cn?e the may be dend. tliu iimlcridgnod will Irrl obliged to any nerton who will cominiinlcale the date and place of her death. KIDso.N, SON A McKENZIE. Aoiicltora. Si'Mikhlami. county Durham, England. March 13, 1S77. I "WILL" BE "THERE (JOS) AT 10 T1118 " aTsI -7 OR come to the homo. will" mket my FaTr friend-at"" Would prelor oliewhcre. With to reply, l'lonie write. J~~ 0 ?LETTER !x"OFF.UE, SATURDAY, 30TII. LADY-BRUNETTE. YELVKT WAIST. READ TRIM mlng, re I rose on bonnet, Fourth trtnuo car Ironi I lib II. down from church Mindav. Tim gentleman who mood In front of her wnnld be pleased to miiko her uc<|iiniutauce. It Sgteeabl* please address. aiming >01110 circumstance, BLONDE. llornlil Uptown oflice. WtlON'lI."KhTrNE 14^54 MOT rl E K 18 DYING. IK any ot hiK friend* see this please despatch It to him. -AM OUT OK TOWN; CANNOT SEE YOU NOW. Address letter*. care llernld nllice, S. C. II. T.-TLEftDAY, n D~. " T M M M POOL.?CLARKE WILfON VS. AX AMATr.UR, BEST In 111, tills evening. at (Reason's Billinril Room, H3 ftfhaOM. RAZORS. PUG.?M A KK IT 4~ ?? OK ft " APRIL. PHOTOt. it A r 11K It. ? WI bb U GEO. H RADKORD, formerly connected with Frauk Leslie's photographic do pHrtmeut. call in "iH7 Fell >1. f OO IIAD?NOT BEFOUK SATURDAY, OKe7~TWO, tinoe, four Hinl live received today. DEMI. WILL TUB HE W TIKI';. UADY~ WHO. FROM buck window ot cnupo when going up Hroadway ycster (iuy sltcriionu, kindly returuol gentleman's salute who Stood in front of lintel, please millions honorable admirer? 1. II. WIIKATOX, l.eriild I ptowu Brsncli olllce. LONT A\I> KIIUSO. SMALL ViO'M OK MUX hi K.HIN l> IN fiTlTHoW' cry on illltli Mnrrh Inst. Mrs. MAilONY, tW West W ash lagton place. New e ork ABLAOK SU-F UMliRKLLA-L( 1ST?MARKED "A. M..I." Ben aril given if returned lo J. PHITCIIAItD, ih Union square. 11 IS I -A N oi*KN FACED SILVER WATCH; B. K. JH.'rigicy. I'ort Bvron. N. Y.. engraved on worss; suite le reward mid no questions. Address D., box 121) llerald oltice. L? 1ST?ONr Til K~IlitOAinVA Y OAKS, ON SUNDAY evening, a gold Hunting Case Watch. A liberal reward will he paid and no questions asked lor its return to 1U1 Broadway, baseiueut. ]OST?A STEEL KUIISK, COMING KROM HTII AV* Jand 43d to 23d and 7ih nr., or in the Htti av. ears. Please return il to WORKING GIBL, 171 West 23d st. Alien S7.-KOUND. A SMALL HUE OP MONEY' liicli owner can have by proving property and paying ?sea. 14."> East 2otli St., rrom 7 to It 1*. M. to-day and KEWAUDNi d?-n u'i'.WAitb and no q'uest!onT amkkit. Vok tp t JV/return ol Shawl ami black silk Dress, lust 011 Friday last, from l")ti West It-Ith st. ?SPECIAL NOTICES. VA SPKI-.DY cCltK IJ C A B An/KKD IN ALL ./Xspeclal coraplniots bv Dr. GB1NDLK, IIi West 4Hth st. Attention!?twenty years- Prussian* iios pitsl experience; diseases of men a specislty. Consulta tion tree. I Dr. .1ACOBY, lfll Bleeekor st. A ?11IBODOKR RMCHOCH. , havium lluyiker onil Broker. removed from 11?t Nassau st. to Jit Park row. room 4, opposite I'ost otllee. A CERTAIN CUBE FOB IIKADACHE. OONSTIFA tIon, piles, Stomach, liver or kidn 'V diseases, weakness, Ac. BKtlliOH TON'S Invigorating Syrtip, 2Se. per bottle. Incurable cases solicited and cured or money returned. Ad vice free. 41'.? Broome st. eeiul tor pamphlet, gratia MARTINEZ A~C0.7 Bankers, 10 Wall st. (basement), bay and sell Spanish Bonds, Spanish Gold and Havana Bank Bills: drafts on Havana issued and negotiated. DISEASk7h OK MF.N A SPECIALTY. ~ HENRY A. DANIELS. M. It., Ill Lexington av., near JRtth ?' ' tlllco hours Ironi A t" 3. tniskakes ok mew-requiring bkilfiTl AM) J /Cunlldi-ntial Ireatir.ent a s|iei lalty. J. J ACQUKd, M. D? 4.'> East Utll St., near llioadway, New York. Ollico hours. 111 till *-! and .1 to a P. M. Dlt. WEST, IN IILKKcKKIl ST., NEAR BROAD way.? Extensive London liospltal |iraetleo. C'oimilta lion Iree in ail complaints. Divorcer kpkbidly ohtainkd without run. Ilcity; desertion, Incompatibility, other causes; having uiin-oal advantages success assured: advice Irer. ISAAC (i. ilOYCE. Lawyer, 1017 Brondwny. 17LKOTRuT lIKl.Ts FOB PBKMaTUKR DEni I.ITY ? jTjOctitlcmen, call or send lor circulars, ltr. KAKB, H32 Broadway, New York. I/UNE BY,- VilIISKEV. KttUR YEARS ? >LD. #4 PIIB r gullon; $1 per largo bottle. iN. VAN 1IKIL, 8S Cham bers st. I.Trs CP BED NI-7l:vV)i s"7)Tsi7As77s VsPE.CIaI.W"; .L dyspepsia and alTertions of stomach and Intestines cored. Olllce hours It to 7 daily. Consultations Iroe. "Sanitarium,'' 23* East 12th st.. New York. New York historical society a TJtaTED meeting will lie lield at the Idbrary, on 1'nosdey even lug, April st is u nlock. General John S. Clark.Ht Ail bora, S. Y , will read a paper on "The Ohaiiiplaiit Expeiil loin ol I'M ? Igaiiisi the Onoiidagus sod the Authenticity ill 1 lie M Up." VTERVOUS EXHAUSTION.-A MEDICAi. ESSAY. i.x ceittprlsing 1 series of lectures delivered at Kahn's Mil sentn ol Anatomy, New \ ork. Oil the cause and cure of pro mature decline, showing iudlstmisiily how lost health may lie regained, allordliig a clear synopsis ol 1 lie impedimeiita to marriage and the treatment el nerrons and physical de hllity, being llm result ol 20 years' experience. I'rire cents. Address the author. Dr I.. J. K.\H.\. oDieo and residence XI hast tilths;.. New York, 1)11 vsiciann. ac? who desire: chartered university degrees can addreis J. B. YUILI.E, Huston, M ii^. rr77\Tit \t aiid f ax pa vers' assouiatiun will J meet Tnesday, Apnl Ii, 1S77, at D?s Alien st.. at S n'elocx ft'. >1. I, E'iNCK, Clialrmau, Di si 10:1 si-it. Secretary. BROADWAY. mU-j JACKnON k CO., Bankerh SPECIAL. NOTICE!!*. DISEASES OK MEN. The Importance or the healthiness of the nervous syetem cannot be over estimated; lu power over life and death and the diced bearing which It tin* on huninu happiness neeins to ba recognised ; it. capabilities. It. nuslltlss and It. puw ., 1 of It. | art; Ilia importance of It. healthful preservation, lu moder ate UMi. ina danger of overtaxing It, whether tiirnuuh thought, study or inteiue application lu mental Investiga tlon and re.enrcb; whether by the ebwrbluir nttautlou lie ternary to the tondutt ol compllcntrd and momentous busi ness Intere.ta, or by the excessive indulgence of the appe tite. and propensities of the system. All the*e are prnper .object, lor consideration, a. also tbe knowledge ol what I. moderation, what I. etcrn. and when these exi.t the abso lute m-ceuify ot promptly seeking advice Irom an ex pert who lor a long .cries of year, haa devoted Ills whole time and attention to tbe atudy, investi gation and treatmeut of all tbe maladies of tin. tm lairtnnt departtnent, to accurately determine the di.ea.ed condition., their nature, cau.o. and origin, whether arising Irotn the want ol exercise. Its irregularity tr excess, anil who. irom hi. experience and practice, has learned to dis cover at once the derangement and as promptly apply the remedy, thus avoiding tlie tiaiiilully slow feeling alter the truth, so common to the incxperiruced and so annoying to the patient, who. vary naturally, wants to know without delsy what Is the matter, the exleut of the derangement, the probabilities ot recuperation and the time required. A striking example of the value id experience mid prac tical observation, as well as tbe usefulness of the prompt application ol suitable remedies. 1s found in the important slutement. coining, uot IVom one. but a doson public insti tutions, not only at home hut abroad, that a very large pro portion of those who sutler Irom mental disturbance and sb solute Insanity permanently recover who are olaced under treatment within u rear after tbe first symptoms bare mani fested themselves. It the intellectual department or tbe brain has become ex linustedJay intense uirntul application, depriving it of the -cover lis st rawer of connerted thought. It can only recover us strength y being properly led and nourished by the use of certain systematic methods. It is precisely so In every other do partmeut, whother ol appetite, propensity or passion, each reiinirtng a different remedy for Its recuperation and differ ent mentis for bringing them up Irom the r overworked and exhausted conditions. Ihn importance ot this hruncli of medical practice can scarcely bo overrated, lor it reaches even to the perpeiustiou of family names, the securing of hereditary titles and the retention ot estatee in tbe same faintly. From a long and large experience lu nils direction I have been able to command by my success the thankful appreci ation ot some ol tbe first families in the city mid nation : mid I certainly cur. roiuuiiinleutn much to cultivated minds In connection wtili my practical experience in what pertains to the over-exercise of every department of the nervous system and the means of recovering their powers, whether of braiu, appetite, propensity or passion. II EN It V A. DANIELS. II. D., 144 Lexington a*., near 20th st Hour*, 8 to 3. <it7 fWlH -J- DUFF A OO., BANKERS. 43 ?3> s tlU.UuUiNssisa st., corner Liberty. Xow York.? Spanish (told. Silver, Havana Xiank Notes bought aud sold. Jlavuua i'rlxe Tickets cashed. POOL. 8ELLINU. rflXWiSRsA Lli'S Tl'U FAUEN 0 Y, 1 L Motdlo Races April 3, ,'t mid 4. Turk agency. 10 west jsru st.-mobilk races April 2. 3 mid 4. THE Til 1(K. hTESorE's uauDEn?~~ THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, APRIL 3. last night of the racing season. Four great Trotting Contests, a grand Trotting Match and a Running Race. All the favorites will be eutered, as well as many other teuious horsea. 50 cents. Admission SO cents. A HOUSES AND 1AHUIAOES. UCTluN "HOUSE OF ARCH. JOHNSTON. Ill, 21. 211 and 25 Kith st.. uoar University place. OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELI ABLE HOUSE IN THE CITY. REGULAR SALES OF HOUSES AND CARRIAGES EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK. 34 hours to three days' trial on horses warranted sound. THIS DAY (Tuosday). AT 10 O'CLOCK. BEAUTIFUL LIGHT HAY MAKE, 15% hands, 5 years old; kind and true in all harness; Iree from vice; docs pot sliy or pull; Is an excellent driver of great bottom nnu oudtiiance: Is an Xxtra fine, promising young mare, and warranted sound. TOP HI In-. Bar ROAD WAtiuN, IN GOOD ORDER, by 11. M. Stivers. MORTGAGEE'S SALE TWO ELEGANT CLAR ENCES, in ado by Wood Bros., by order of J. L. CLARKE. .MGRfGAGEK. ELEGANT BLACK HORSE. Kjt| hands high. 8 yoare old; kind and true in all Harness; free Irom vloe; Is a good, ifroe, nil-day travel er, nf great etirinr anco; neods no whip: can trot * tulle In 3 min utes; is a first class roadster and an excellout horse for nny use. and warrnuted sound. EXTENSION TOP CABRIOLET, butit to order by Fred Kyer?. VERY FINK HAY MARE. 15% hands high, 8 years old (no older); kind in slugla and dnnlde harness; has not a vice, lault or trick of any kind; very spirtlod, stylish driver, of greet bottom and endur ance; Is n nrst class road or family horse, in every way reliable ami warranted sound. SET SINGLE HARNESS, m*do to order by Campbell. nlDE BAR ROAD WAGON, In good ordor, liy Wood Bros. VERY LIGHT COUPE, cloth and satin lined, by J. B. Brewster it Co. SUPERIOR BROWN MARE, 15% hands, 7yoarsold: kind and true in all harness: free from vice; not alrniil of anything; la pcrlectly gentlo for a lady or any one to drive ; a good uiaro tor any use, and warranted sound. ELEGANT COUPE, morocco lined, by Monks A Camp hell. TWO SIDE BAR ROAD WAGONS, In good order, by Dusenbnry. l'RUCI LARGE KAY 1'RUCK HORSE. HI bands high. It years old; Is a good fast walker; lias born used to a coal cart; Is a willing worker; noods no whip, and sold only for want of use. ELEGANT LIGHT turnout seat Dog Cart, by Brewstor, ol 2'no st. THREE TOP AND NO TOP EXPRESS WAGONS. CROSS MATCHED TEaM, gray and sorrel 15 bands, 7 and S years old; kind In nil linrnena; froo from vice: have I n?ed III city and country; are good workers and roadsters; ovory way reilablo, mid warrantod sound. ELEVEN TOP PONY PHAETONS and ROAD WAGON ; sold to pay advances. FIFTEEN OTHER HORSES, description time of sale. LARGE ASSORTMENT of every kind ul CARRIAGE. W At .ON, HARNESS, BLANKETS, Ac. Weather never interferon with our SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK A-MaJOR CllAS. IV. BARKER. AU?;TH)XKKK. ?Mlt. HORATIO P. CONNELL. Propriolor of the ASII WOOI) FARM ihome of Amoi' CLAY, sire of AMERICAN 'IlKlt, 2;|RE), Darby rnnd nml Church lane, Kltiscsiftnit. Twenty-seventh wnril. Went Philadelphia, mid partly in Delnware comity, Pa., has tlie honor of announcing a lilt AND peremptory SALE; of TKOTTINO, CO AC II, COL1 PE and SADDLE. Mock, principally id hid OWN It It KK III NO. to take place to-morrow (WodnesdarL April4. at II o'clock, at HAKKKIt A RON'ft Now York Tattersails. corner of croud wav nnd 31Rh st., and comprising ShVKXTEE.N HEAD of undoubted speed and rich breeding?bays. Iirownu. chest liut* uod dapple grays -iricluillnir noma green Imr-es that can trot In from 2:.'a>down to 2 tip); several One coupe nml T cart Horned: three of I ho moat extraordinary teams of IAV In Dl'u MATCHED COACH HOUSES vet known of, and n number id superior combined, ull galled SADDLE nml HARNESS HORSES, nil wurrnnted aound and kind nnd tne yet of Camilla M. Clny (aire of American ilirl). Trafal gar. Ernnk Pierce, Comet, Daniel Weostcr and Black Slier man, St<a:k now at tho mart for exhibition and TRIAL. Uenileiaen are reuueated to come to-day, rain or shine without fnil, and teat their SI'KEi) (aaddlu and driving qiialiilea). Catalogues at the Spirit, Turf and mart nflicea. The puldie will hear in mind that ALL represen tatlona are strictly warranted. Sale positive and without reaervo Will he shortly nnnouncod tho sale of Mr. Con netl'a stallions and brood marcs. NINE PASSKN'iBR. OI'r.N PLATFORM, CI,'T nnder Wagon, by Deinnreat A Co.: Hrowsier, ol Broome al., Jagger: Doctors'Phaeton: two lull spring Top \\ agona in iroml nrA-r; line Coupe ; Berlin Coaeli: alao assortment of Top Road Vt aijona. my own make. WM. II. DRAY Car ring* Factory, 1,4IS Itrosdway, between Tilth aud 40th sis. ~BO.ND ST. K1RR DAMAUKD WU,nt?) WOKTII <)> ?Carriages, which will he add lor the heat offer to close out belore nay, HAM, It-Vt Broadway "i -SIX HORSES. 11 TO l?l TlANDa; SUIT ANT " ih ail us is Ml West 3 tit it., 10th ar, - j,Y HalF RK ASONABLK~bFFKIt WI LLmTy, AS the owner has no use for them, henutilul hay stallion. A got by Rysdyk's IIamhletonlno, dam Crabtree's Bell founder; ? years old. sonud and kind; beat2i,'IO; pednrree guaranteed: faahionnble ored Mare. I-W 7 ycura; aoiiml and extra kind; bent 2 :l<i; extension lop Phaeton, pole ami shafts, seats four persons; irold mounted Double II nrness to inatrli; lull sprint; Top W a soil. Improved -print; Top Wagon, two aliiule sets of Harness, light doutile road set; all the latest slrle, nearly new; best clly makers; club sinblo; sell a'parntelr. 127 West 2Mb at., near Hth av. (NO. I!)' VESTRY ST.) TO KEN I?ROOM for several irucks or coaches; stalls for 12 horses, good loll. Also otlior small St utiles JAMES PRICE, 2m Hudson rt. "V It LACK MARE. IV, HANDS HIC.11,1) YEARS OLD. -/Vsmtnil aud kind In all kinds of Itariiea-, for sale, at 222 Manton at. AT COST?:tt) BUSINESS WA'IONS. ALL SIZES. aLL priees; Km to 412-"> for Express, tlr?cer. Butcher, Baker, Milk. Depot, Delivery. Wagon Mnntilactory, 23R sprint; su THB KUBBKR CIJmTTIONRD AXLK. A. ?Tills now Invention for saving wear ami tear nnd niak. in; the only easv aud truly coinlortahle riding vehicle known I will apply to old and new work and at a trilling cost compared with the ninny advantages trained. Try It. JOS. KIMI'F, 22'i East Htii at. V- -SECOND HAND CAB Itl At j KM AT REDUCED ? prices; litrbt cortnin Coach and T Carl, by Wood Bros.; stanhope Phaeton, by Brewster, of llroomo si. ; top I'tiae toll, by Duaenbnry; have also a full line of Landuua, Coaches, Caleches, Barouches, four and six seal Buck aw ays, four and six seal Park Phaetons, extension lop Phaetons, top and open Phaetons. Depot Wagon*. top and open Itoad \\ agon*, oy city makers. WM. II. URAY, 2D nnd 22 Wnoster st. A BREWSTER (ioUPliT AXsSl) A FINK VICTORIA, j\ made by Wood Hruthors ; must be sold; ureal bargain*. No. -i We*l Lllli st. ?TWO-PON IKS, TWO OTIIRH WORK IIUKUBE; ,?ull any business ; K'Ci to ?!?l. II Hester St. A. t VERY sTYLISII BAY IIOR-K, l-V, HANDS Illllll, ,\i'i tears eld, pony male, warranted sound and kind; ?ritlioitt a fault. No. II Wast 13th si. Y "top KDAl) ~WAOON AND IIAKNitHS NEARLY , \ new ; also Top Phaeton. In good order: will he sold at a -re it a.u-ritl'-r. Apply to eenrliman, 12* East liiih at. A?ON ACCOUNT OP OOlNfl ABROAD. I WILE .<ell a light, handsome extension top Phaeton, ;f:i2o, ens I ftkYO ami only used lour times; II has pole and shafts] made by one of the best city makers. Mr. Wnlull l', l a, East 2'ith St., cast of 4th av A' ~clXiucNCK. fFafi'to "moo; new coIcu and ? loupe, uew style, at bargains. J. IV. PITNEY, 4UD 2d av. HOUSE* AMD CAHK1AGKII. 'i'tivTlUS 11 (> L' 8 E ~o F VAN tasskll m kearn'kY A 110 AND 112 RAST 18TH ST., NEAR 4T11 AV. REGULAR SALES OK IIOKsKS AND CARRIAGES EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. On every horse thai it warranted sound of kind and true In hartieta, from on* to three days it glten to teat war rente*. CATALOGUE OK THIS DAY'S (TUESDAY) SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK. HANDSOME PAIR SLACK MAKES, IB* HANDS high, 0 and 7 years old ; have extraordinary One knee action ; are alrald of nnthiug; have uo vice or trick or any dr?rrlptiou: ore leiitarkably kind and gentle; thoroughly btoken to single harness; are tale Tor any to drive; have good niauea and tailt and are warraiiiied e mid ami kind; net of very KINK slLYhR MOUNT ED DOUBLE HARNESS, good a* new. made by WOOD GIBSON ; a anita ol line Clothing. 3 drett Blanket*, 2 Hiding Seddlet, double rein Bridle. 3 eett Knee Cana.all bv the name maker, and LANDAU. IN PERFECT OKDEK, TRIMMED WITH bine aallu, hnllt by Wo-id Bros. ? __ YKKY HANDSOME BROWN TKOTTINO MAgF. GOT BY .MaMIIUINO CHIEF, DAM BY KRICSBON, 1>W hands high 7 year*old: an extra etylith. prompt and handy roadster; llrtt claat pol i mare : the trotted last tall over a third ol a mile iraek a tuli mile In 2 :4H. auu ran trot In condition better than 2:H): It uot alrald of locomotive or anything; It tale lor llie luotl inexperi enced driver; het a line open gait, and It warranted sound and kind; alto act tingle IIarueet, nearly uew, BERLIN CANOPY TOP PHAETON, but UtileJ**-,. . VERY LIGHT CLARENCE, EQUAL TO NEW. built by Brewster of 25th ?t. .. ,.,y?.?nj BAY HAMBLETONlAN TROTTING MARK, IIMf IIANDn high. S yenra old: a prompt, handy and pleasant driver; alraiil ol nothing; ran trot in 2:45 tttre. aba baa great bottom and endurance and can trot lour mile heats; wltn careful training will trot InIt ?add on account of owner giving up riding, aud It war ranted found and kind. BAT Gc.LDI.NG. Go I' MY ETIIAN ALLEN. 1*X HA.vDS high, 7 year* old; kind aud true in all liurneae; free from vice; a prompt and agreeable driver; ran trot in 2;?>> aure; it afraid ol nothing; hat a llue open ga t; hat great bottom ; it tale lor any one to drive at speed, aud It warranted round and kind. PAIR BROWN HOUSES, I5>i IUNDS HIGH. 7 AND ff jcart old; kind and true In all harness. free front Vice; Iroo. prompt drivers: an extra team for carriage or bualnett purpotea, and are sold for want of u*e. VERY HANDSOjih AND EXTRA MTYLISH CHESTNUT Gelding, 13>? hand* high. 7 yean old; can trot In 3 nilnutet; is not alrald of anything; stands without tying; l< an extra aadd'.e hone. tale for a lady or ehlla to ride or drive; it free Iront spot or blemish ol any description; ha? ft epiendid inane And tan ftnd t? wfti ranted Hound. a CHESTNUT SOKKEL MARK. 13* HANDS HIGH. S yenra old; kind ftnd true in nil hanidju; free from vice; c?n trot in H minutes or better; free. ploft??ut mid hnndy to urive; afraid of nothing end is war VE R\ **ST Y LI sTl BROWN OELDING. l.W HANDS bitrli, 0 years old; kind and true in nil harness: irea from vice; a very superior Aaddie home; a tree, pleas nut driver: one ot the ttnost family horses in the city, and is warranted sound. . _ n BROWN MARK. 15 HANDS HIGH, S YEARS OLD, kind and true in all harneaa; free from vlco; a Irae. prompt driver; standi without tying; learleot of any thing. and la warrantod touno. . _ a mahogany hay house, h,X hands high, s yearn old; kiuci end truo in all harness: free from * Ice: very ntylish: n free und ea*y driver: can trot close to 3 minutes; not Afraid of locomotive* or anything; ssro for ladies' use. and warranuM souud. BiiECiA.NT HAY I'ONY, K> HANUd ttlGfl, 0 \KA!.ft OLD: kind and true in all harness; free from vice; verv stylitu and handsome; Irea. easy driver; hat been uacil by a liidy to a phaeton, and It warranted BAY PONY. 14 HANDS HIGH, 0 YEARS OLD; kind and true In nil harness and under aaddle; tree from vice: can trot close to II minute*; salt) lor any one to rido or drive, and it warranted sound. .,nt,aoa ALSO ABOUT 14 FAMILY AND WORK. HORSES, TOP ANI^NO*T0P,<SIDE BAR AND FULL SPRING WAGONs, top Pou* Phaeton, lop Phaet'n or l)og Cart, elegant double Harnett by Wood lllblon. flu* Kngliali Clothing In complete aultt. EnglishHuddle* aud Hridlot, 21 aett tingle llarnef, Robel, Whips, Ac. HALF. COMMENCES AT TEN O'CLOCK. "7 TOP WAGON, TOP PHAETON AND HARNESS: .Amuat b* told at any oiler; they are at good at now, 1JM West 31 at at.. Alao very fitat Uoad Horae. ~A ?FOR BALE, s HOUSES, SUITABLE FOR J\ .farmer or any bnalneaa; sold for no fault, on account of dentil. 311 xitith olll ?v., near lllercker, bin a ahop t ?MUST BE SOLI). TO SKlTLH AN KHTAIE. A .iY.hlacK Mare, by Daniel Lambert. 15)? hail'la. fl year*; can beat 2-3.V, naorrel Elban .-lien, lat, hand*, K venrt; can trot In 2:45; very atylialt; both marcs are pleasant drivera and good double; Fully warranted, sound and kind; also two elegant Ton W agon*. aide bar and lull aprlug; single Harness. Private stable <1 West Joth at., Aral door weat of 5th sv. "k BEAUTIFUL FIK8T CLASS TOP SIDE BAR AWagon with Hrowtter't Improved springe; alao atelol Single and Double Harnett; will bo sold at a bargain. Pri vate stable 83 Last 12th at. TjiKAUTIFUL SADDLE PONY FOR SALE. CREAM iicolor, 13 Itandt, black point*; sold for want of use. AO ply. from H till 11. at private stable, 1 West 30th it. lYKAUTIFUL T<7p PHAETON." FULL SPRING; JJBuggy, nearly new; must ho told: no offer relusod. ou West HHli it. CI A RHI AG KB.-FOR SALK, BAROUCHE. #2?>; CON Overtime Welsh Wagonette. 84011: English maker.AppIv 2GS East 2<Mh St.,or WILLIAM BOSW r.l.L, 43 William St. Express wagons in great variety, top and no top, at rcaaoiianlo prlecs. WM. II. tIKAY, 20 and 22 Wooster tt. FoFsALK-HOP.SE. TRUCK. HAKNK?s AND WGRK ior$200. SMITH, corner Chaiuhert and Washington ste. ivtOR SALE?A VERY HANDSOME BAY CARRIAGE Tor phaeton llorto; smind and kind; line action; last travel lor; alio superior gray Horse; sound and kind; can trot In 3 minute*. an rxcollent carriage, phaeton or road Homo: Bet double and sliitflo (Wood Olbnon) Humes*; blco Saddlo and llrlillo. I'rivato stable, 12:1 Weat 411th a!. Foil MALE?A HANDSOME TEAM OF FRENCH OA nadlan Ponies. 5 and tl yeate old; weigh 2,4<?> pounds; warranted without a bleinlah; sale only lor wtul of o?e, Apply to 338 loth sr., corner 41 at St., end get a bargain. FOR SALE?13 HORSES; SUITABLE FOR ICE wagons, grocer, farmer or trucks; any hiisincaa; war ranted. 113 Harrow at., near Greenwich. 1BOR SaLH-IIANDSOMK PARK PHAETON. BUILT 1 by Stivers; to lie seen at Morrcll'a storage ware houae, 4th av. ami 32(1 at., or addrea* W. ft. C., No. 2 Oort landt at.. New York. TAOR SALE?LARGE TRUCK OR CART HORSE; r also a Team of Canadian Horses, ? and 7 years o d; war. ranted. 44B* W*et I6lh tt. T.30R YOUNG HORSES. SUITABLE FOR r trnck, grocer, fanner, any butineta; mutt tell: war ranted. 5112 Washington at. rv KOBIIk"GROGIIRGAN, AIICTIOXKEH. OFFICE 2?) 1 X.'Hth at. near Htli av.. will sell this dny. April 3, *lx good working llnreea. oneCoupo and Express Wagon, at (,arum's livery stable, below lltth sr. /I ODD HOUSES: SLIT FARMER, ANY BUSINESS. V.T 83-"> to 875; new ton Express W a gone, #3o, 811". 4"lli av. HORSE. WORTH 82<?) FOR COUNTRY WORK. 843; aure feet; Canadian, sound but thin, f2.?. HS Now Chambers. HARNESS. LIGHT DOUBLE. ; BUGGY II Alt n(u, $11 upward : Double'Iruck. $3*1; other styles, Im mense assortment, my own manufacture, equally low. JOHN SIOoKE, 57 Warren st. tTiTitect tiiino ro~ do?on ru archTjoTTn SIGN'S aula tills morning; buy n horse. Yon alwari know exactly what you are buying at our liouwi. A aloriuy Uny U the bent to boy ehsnp. I" IVBBY ST AII I* K To KMT?147 AMD 140 W88T JRTith nt.. near llroailway; 70 Italia; good carriage room ; dell ventilated and lighted. ANDREWS, 131 Beet 35th at. NEVER MIND TUB WEaTHBR. A STORMY DAY good for bargains He stirs and attend AIU.'II. JOHN STON'S aale tills morning, see catalogue. N" KW TOP DELIVERY Wagon, ?135. PATfcXT wheela, case harden axlci. worth f J.Vi. Heon 134 Went lltth nt. ON ACCOUNT OK MY HUSBAND'S DEATH,t Horses; aiiltalilo for truck, farmer or any business. 3!l Hleccker ?t, ner.r Bowery. SECOND HAND UARItlAGBS. k) Top Wagona and I'liaetonn, 3 Coupes, II nix pnnncnger Rockaways, I Coupe Rockaway, 3 Curtain Rockaways. :i Cabriolets, Extension Top Phaeton, T Cart. Pony Phaeton. Depot Wugoti, Clarence. 3 .lump Heal Boggle* tl pn?*. Top Phaeton, Turnout soat Pliaoton and other vehicles. A. S. PLAN DRAG, 1173 and 1174 Broome nt. (old stand of Brownter A Co). g?rXBD.-rOK SACK CHEAP. KOAN HOMME; CAN "trot In 3 :3D; price. i|250. Can be seen at private stable, 134th St.. between 6th and 7th avn. SEVENTEEN WELL BROKE KENTUCKY MULSH, Irom IS to 17 hands high. Inquire III East 34th It. QTABLE TO RENT?IX WEST .villi ht.. NI'.ar 7ru IJav.; 4 stalls, cotehmsn's mains, Croton. can. water doses. Ac. : Hit lit. airy and well voiitilutcd; rent 77 >i per nullum ; possession 1st May. Apply to J. S. ABKCASIH, 41 Beaver nt. fPKAM OK HOUND AND STYLISH BAY IIOKHKH A with Harness and Coupe Rockaway et low price; togotlior or singly, at WILooN'S, 340 West 3Hth at. rilAKK NOT ICE.-JUST ARRIVED, AT NO. 10 BANT 1 With St.. second ear load ol tho fluent Conch and T Cart to be found in Western New York. B. J. CON It 1,1 N. TO LET?PART OK STABLE.'WITH GOOD ACCOM modalioni, or will lei from nix to eight stalls, with wagon room. Inquire Ii3"> Hudson at. WANTED -TWO HORSES, THREE COW*, TWO Tt I'lgs, fire Sheep and one Spring Farm Wagon; must be low for cash. Address M. C. IIAMRLER. 1'utt oihec, Jamaica, I,. I. UfAXTIO TO PURCilAHB?FOR cash. DOC RLE it Truck, to flour 25 barrels Hour, with Homo and Harness Ol wlihooi. .'d'lress KVKltT. SMITH A CO.. Herald gffloe ANTED?AS OPEN HRMAK, FOR PAIR OR IdCR horse driving. address. Including price, \ , hox 12/, Herald Uptown uillce. OtTi) PER MONTH?PRIVATB HTABLB. KOI It Yfstallt; every convenience. Apply on premises, I III Went 47til st. A NEW Hfc'f OK LIGHT DOI IILE HARNESS; .single, gjli; Road Wagon, 635. 124 West Huh si. $50 $100, ?A MINER A STEVENS' SIDE BAR TOP Wagon, flret class order. Mean 124 West IHth si. (Jil lVr, WORTH .f'J7."i?Hi'l.l.NDID I OP OROCKR ?pi ^.t J Wagon, four Horses. *4n. $?*>. slnglo and double truck Harness) Mules, $3.T. JH7 West ItHli st. iiisLIARDl. A LOT OK SECOND HAND BILL! AUD TABLES IN perfect order, euusl to new. at very low pricos. II. W, CULLENDER. 73R llroudwsy. American standard bevel billiard tables, witii Delattey's Wire euehlmts, indorsed be all leading professiounl players; extra Inducements now offered . second hand Tables at great baigalna W. II. OKIE PITHS A CO., 4<l Veaey at. MAHHliB MVNTKLH. AT PRICKS NEVER APPROACH I'.D' hekork. Slate and marble Mantels, largesi assortment in tho city. PBNKHYN SLATE COMPANY, 00 Union square, 4th av. and 17tli et.. New York, uianulactureri of all kinds of Slato Work. Pit* GOODN. Beht body Brussels from ci WTfb 62 per yaro ; best Tapestry Brussels Carpets. Irom W*. to 61 |?. LORD A T vyLok, Grand. corner Chrystle. nn<l *3 and Hi Fnrsytii at. Best three-ply carpet. from ?i to ?i av boat Ingrain Carpet, from 33c. to 91. LOUD A TAYLOR. (?rand, corner Ohrjrillt, and K1 and H.1 Fortytli it. F RfcSH IMFORIATION " OK SPRING WHITE GOODS. 8AKDRINGII AM, FASHETTA A XI) MATELASSE CLOTHS, STRIPED AND FLASH LAWNS. MI LLS AND ORil t N DIES. LACK PIOUE8, PIQUE MI'SLINK IN COKDS AXU FIGURES. FRENCH. ENt; LI.Ml AND SWISS F All RICH t)K LATEST DESIGN. WHITE, COLORED AND SPANGLED TARLATANES IN ALL THE NEW SHADES. EMBROIDERED AND TUCKED J <COS?-Tx AND CAMBRICS, ENGLISH S.\T KENS IN COLORS. FRENCH COL'TlL IN Hit All AND WHITE. together with MANY NEW AND SEASONABLE NOVELTIES IN THIS CLASS (IE GOODS. TO WHICH WE INVITE INSPECTION. A. T. STEWART A CO.. BnOADWAY. 4TH AV., 9TH AND 10TII RTS. MATS. RUGS AND MATTINGS. IN EVERY VaRIBTT and style, at LORD A TAYLOR'S. Grand, corner Clirya. tie. and 68 ami s;, Fnnvth at. OTi7;l<)ths7 all "widfttt pbom s to m feet. all prices. Linoleum, tho heal snhstltnte tor uilcloin, n specialty LORD A T V V LO R Grand, corner Chryatle, and S3 and S3 Forayth at. opkTno exii iRirio.N. We beg to annonnen that our regular semi-annual open ing of COSTUMES, OVERGARMENTS, TRIMMED ROUND HATS AND BONNETS, and ? general opening' throughout our entire eitabllahment *111 take place WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, April 4 and 5. Onr customer*, friends and tha public generally are requested to pay us a rlslt, as this will bs one ot oar llntst exhibition. RICUARD MBARE8, 6th ae. and llHh st. MIL.ta.NKKY AMD XNUBSUKAKUfOe A?FAR IS MILLINERY, NO. 7 WEST WITH ST.? ? Mm-'. Korrero'a sucoesaor, Mllo. ELIsE COUDEN, lu.s now an elegant cltolce of .-spring Honnela nnd Round llats. At MARIE TILMANN'S iFROM PARI8). AGENT AND Importer of llnrsi creations in I'ariMttn art Millinery? New, ricli involca French Rouneta, Tuesday. 423 (Hit ??., near 2Utlt st. LAD!Es STRAW AND CHIP MATS ALTBRKD AND proesetl to new stvles lor .'si cents . Hi st class work. CL'RRIK'S. 301 West 2Hh St., coiuor ninth av. Mme. oamTlle dr lacy Has the handsomest ami most exmiisile strles of Imported Bonnets and Round llats, which she will sell nt less than half cost of Im portation. KH2t? liroadwsv. near Itttli st. SALES AT AUCTION. A" uction sale. " t?[(3 day THIS (Tuesday) MORNING, nt 10 o'clock, PRIVATE RESIDENCE, NO. 47 WEST KITH ST.. BETWEEN VI'll AND ATII A VS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, WORKS OF ART. ?BLVKT. BRUSSELS AND INGRAIN CARPETS, INLAID WALNUT CHAMBER SETS. STKINWAV 7>4 OCTAVE pianoforte, CIIICKERING UPRIGHT PIANO. Parlor Furniture, comprising Drawing Room Suite, lnlnid wnlmit frames, covered In crimson,ton, satin, spring edge silver ruffle. Parlor Suits, Inlaid gold Iranies. covered ill silk rep cotelaluo. Inlaid Tables, Tennessee marble. Imported marquetry inlaid Cabinets. style Laporla. Fine selection nn ported bronse Ststuary. French lirione Statuettes, t'irsnr and Mntk A in eng. Milton and Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet. Mateppn and Xantippe. Oil Paintings, Kngraviugs. Chromo*. ,ve. 1'ier Mlrrrrs. mantel Mirrors, French Mantel Seta, 6tt-dar Clocks Mnslo Boxes. laea Curtains. Lambrequins, Jardinieres, Becrotary Book east-. Music Cabinet*. Library Tallies, Ac. Bedroom Furniture eonaists Elaborate walnut Chamber Suits, Esstlake Chamber Suits, Dressing Cases, 40-lb. hair Mattresses, Hrdsteada, spring CbilToniers, Pllows, Holster*, Turkish Suits, Blankets. Toilet Sets, Rep. plush. haircloth Suits, Centre Table*, Chairs, Rockers. Dining Room, comprising Richly carved walnut RnRbt, Extension fabla, Side Tahle, Chairs in leather. Suits to mntcli. Large assortment French China, Dinner and Tea Pets (I4<l nluces). Sheffield Cutlery, solid silyer Casters. Urns. ritchers, Kporgiies. Knives, Forks, Spoons. Clocks, Crystal out Glassware. N. II.?Tako Sixth nvonue or Broadway cars or Fifth ave nue stage to Weat I Rtli at. Experienced meu tu pack, ship or remove goods, city or country ROBERT C. CAHUIN. Auctioneer. A?TUNIS JOHNSON. AUCTIONEER, ? Old Htaud, 37 Nassau st. ON THIS DAY. A Pill I, 3. AT lO'J O'CLOCK, at our anlearmun, 37 Na?*au at., CONTINUATION OK THE HA LB OK KINK SECOND band Furniture, by llerter Broe. and other*. SUPERB SOLID ROSEWOOD AND IILACK WAL nut Parlor, Dintiiit Room unit Hedieom Knrnllurr, Hat stand*. Kilt I'ler Mirror*, velvet. Brussels und ItiKruIn Car net*. Chinawarc, III4H* are. Oilcloth*. A NT 10 UK M A 11 Ot> A N V HUKKACR, BNCKETARIES. Loo Table*. I .'to iik and CotliiKe Bedroom Hull*, ivith nil the le.ither llnd*. ItAir Mnttre**!'* *nd other Bedding, l.aeo Curtnln*. Cornier*. Shade- nnd Window Lambrri|iiin*. of fice l)e*k*, Katlina*, Chnlr* nnd Partition*. AUa I Una and InrKe Stile. Alio A superb oil 1'iiliitliiK. "The SleenlnK Magdalen," 7x4 feet; * superb do., "The Snerllleo," SxO feet. I'helnn 4-pooket Billiard Table- _____ UcffoX SALE. AUCTION NOTION. LAIKiK BALK THIS DAV (TUESDAY M0KN1NU) ruin or shine, ? COMMF.XCINi; AT 10 O'CLOCK. AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE OK J. D. PARKER. ESQ.. 120 WEST 33D ST., BETWEEN OTII AND 7ril AVS. Kl0K*nt imported Kiirnitiire, made t? order tor the pre?ent owner In Part*; uingiiitleeiit Stelnway A Son* ro?e?oo<l 7'i octave 4 round Plnnolorte. coat $1,000; al?o *uporb 7'.. oc tuve Windsor upright rosewood Pianoforte. co?t I'ler and Mantel Mirror*, Bronte*. Ac., Ac., in line urder, *nld In eontetpience oi the owner going abroail to renlde. at fol low*. vie. PARLORS CONTAIN elegant Moquet Carpela, doublo and single Parlor Suit* in llneat nnallty crlm*on *atld hrncatol: Jaenranda wnid Secretary Bookcase, flOO volume* Book*. Ktagere and Tablo to mateb, cilmtoii brocatel and lace Curtain*, rich Bronte*. Clock* nnd Mnntel Oruainente, line potcelaln and china Vate*, Ac. LIBRARY CONTAINS Moipiul Cari>et?, elaborately carved Krencli walnut Halt*. In rep*, with Bookcase; Cabinet Table, Ma ttel Mirror*. Li brary Table. Oil Painting*. Curtain*. Bronte*. Clock*, or namental Side Piece*. Ac. Velvet Carpet*. Jacarniide wood Lounge nnd Chair*. Jnr dirih re*, embroidered broedclolh Lady'* Escritoire, ebony mounted Card Table end Lndv'a Work box. en *ulte. DIXINO ROOM English Brn*t*ele Carpets, Bunet, Kxten*ion Table, and Chair* covered In leather to me.t alt, noltd Froneh walnut; Wilder'* Klre ?nd Bur. lar 1'rool Safe; ?upcrh Dinner Ser vice. fr-Mti the royal factory of Berlin, about A'>0 pieces, co*t $?JO; Krench cut lll>t*-w*re, Ac. BEDROOMS. Kngllnh l'ru**cl* Carpet*, carved Krench black walnut Suit*, Dressing Cain*. Bed-toad*. Bureau*. I'llrklull Chair*. Lounge*, rep Suit*. Chair*. 33 curled hair nnd spring Met tre??e*. Pillow*. Bol,ier*. Ac., aim Bnsement and Servant*' Furniture. Over dot lot* by catalogue. LI KE KlTZHKllALD, Auctioneer. N. B.?-Oooil* packerl nnd -hipped, city or country. Take SI tih avenue car* or Cwonty-thlrd ?truct Mage to door. Auction sale. this Tuesday. ALBERT KKKAMEK, Auctioneer, will sell this (Tite* dav) morning, commencing at 10 o'clock, the ontlre rich, costly and plain llourchold Furniture contained In the lour story residence RIO East 16th St., between 3d nv nnd Irving place. ONE BLOCK EAST OK UNION m/UAKE. comprising rosewood Pianoforte, magnificent Parlor Full*, I.itest *tyle, covered In satin nnd Inlaid frame*, cost fcVJO; also large and small r*p nnd hulreloth Suits, Turkish ( liair*, lainngee, Centre Table*. Ktag 'rt*. Bookcases. line hroote*. oil Paintings, handsomely framed; large, elaim ratelr curved Clinmber Suit*; i*rge and hi*.nil walnut Hen. ? lend*. Dressing C*?i*. Ilurean*. Wash-laud*. Wardrobe*. spring and hair Mattresses, Pillow*, llolsteri. Sofa Red*. Lounge*. Chair*. Rocker*. XI Brussels, ingrain and elalr OsrpetitCartelre. Two handsome Pier Mirror*, largo and small Looking OleewM. K\ten*lon Dining Table, exquisitely carvetl Unlet, co?t Insi August BRAO; .'4 Dining Room Chairs, Library Table*, Silrerwnre, Itiri piece- Olaasware, Cullary, two flno Hall Stands. Basement Knrntlnre, Ac. N. IT. Tone Heeond. Third. Fourth avenue or Croastown car to Itlth *t-. or ?nv of the Broadway stage* or ear* to Union Square. Competent men employed to pack, I mix end ?htp good*, city or country, safe dellrery gna'anieed. A KT.-NOW O.N bXlllHITION at the RCUEXCK ART OALLEET, No. ft() Liberty ?t., one of the FINEST and mo-i ATTRACTIVE collection* of modern OIL PAInTINOS that havo been offered nuywliere Hit* ?ca*on. embracing en. tlrely new picture- of the American, Bnlgian, French anil Italian school*, to be sold at auction ON Til UK-DAY AND FRIDAY, APRIL AND ii, AT fjfi O'CLOCK. EDWARD SOIIEXCK. Auctioneer. A"- T BARKER A~CO.'S, 47 AND 4H LIBERTY ST., MOKTOAHK MALE OK KCRNITUItE, ROOKS, MIRRORS, I'AtNTINUS, IIEDDINil, Ac., Ac HARK Ell A CO. will sell by auction to-morrow (Wednee d-yl, April 4, at II o'clock, a their salesroom, 47 and 411 Liberty *t., a general aoaortment of Household Furniture, consistings't Bedsteads, Ilurean . Centre and E*ten?l n Table*. It< iikea*",. Wardrobe*, Mirror*, Cornice*. Parlor Suit*. Eta/ere-. Chiffonier*, hair >lnitie**e?, feather Bed*, Do-ki, Anuolre* a fllace. Sewing Maohlne*. V *?li*tande, Lounge*. Ac., Ac Hy order ol .lo*cpli CoutrrH, Attorney lor .Mortgagee. Personal attention given to sale* at private residence*. tlEOIIOK I. B vNKS, Auctioneer. A SCHWAB. ACUTIONKEK. 3HS BOWERY*, SELLS J\*11 n'olock, 143 I'rtnee *t? elegant Fi*ture? ?if-restau rant. Hnr*. 1 able*, f hairs, lb-ska, H loot Jiang* and Boiler, Crockery, Kitchauware; tale* invited. NALKH AT Al'( T10.\. A' UCTION SALE nf ()VKH (OOLO'fr~"" elegant Household lurnltitie. THIS (lur-dayl MUHX'N'U a| iUtj o'clock at the lour storv private house, ftl West vith St.. between hroaiiw av and titli nv . near Fifth Avenue Hotel; house kcopora, don't (nil 111 attend this large sal- 17 flue <, " Parlor Sulla, It Pianofortes. Certains, Mirrors, Palm intra, hnarnvinaa, Vaaca, Bronxes, Clocks 9 I'hanbaf Sulla, Bed steads, bureau*. Wash-lands. Wardrobes, balr aim spring Mstire-se-. Bedding. Chairs, Laiiaiai, Table, Ex tension Tables, Sidiboarl. crvstel cut Glass, I'lilua, Silver win a. Culler). Crocarry, iron Kitchen ware. I?4h*x Oilcloth, Hall St .ml. Stair t'arpota, Ac. K BOTH. Auctioneer Goods packed and delivered lor purchasers, eny or nMUrf, Auction saw.. io oav. ti kbdav. I.iirvre mid altractlre aale of magnificent Houecbuld Furniture, commencing at I" o'clock, at the elegant five story Kngli-h uaarmeill house No. 2GH Weal 2"'tlt at,, naar 7ih av. brilliant tuned stelnway auil upright Piano, nave late iniprnvetneiila; ratlu. cotallne and yep Parlor Sulla, Mir ror-. Curtalna, Bronte-. '.Thicks. centre, aide and eotiaolo Tables Ornatnenta. elegant lledataada, Dre-aing i;mi. bureaua. Washslaml-, Wardrobe*. Iialr and spring Mat' treaaoa. Pillows, Holster., llnokcaaea. Writing lleaita. Li brary Tablea, Till Paintings, Corner Stand*, dlniiitr room Purnilure, Extension Table, bullet, I * li . ... hair*, Silverware, Knives. Forks, epoous. Caatera; tft elegant Ilriiaarla and ingrain Carpeia. Ac bare chance. I1 oinekeepers invited t" tbia large vale N. B ?Good. packed and slilppod to all point.. Sale poaltitre, rain or ablno, HENKY &IXN, Auc liuneer. Take iltti. 7lli. silt or Ittli* A-l). J. OKKEN'GUUll. AUCTIONEER. THIS OAV, .Till'. JKWELKY sTOHE NO. 779 BROADWAY. HAVINO maim, arrangements Foil TIIKt'SBOF Til K STOKE FOR TWO OH TIIRKK iaVSMOKK WILL CONTINUE THE HvLK OK DIAMONDS. WAT< HKM, AKWKLKY.UF.Ala COivAL. SOI.ll) slI.VKR AND S11, VEK PLATED WARK SALK COMMENCES I'RomFI. LV AT II AND J O'CLOCK. BALANCK OF SToltK FIXTURES WILL III-. SOLD AT 2 O CLOCK. Akt sale. by o. W. KELLER. Anetioneer, NT Liberty at., on WK DNKSDA V and Till* KSD A Y, April 4 anil 5. ai IJ o'clock, perercptnrv aale ol 2111 Oil Paintings and Water Colon, by loroign and Ainertrun ariiata. AUCTION NOTICE?1|. SCUDDKR, AUCTIONEER; 71 Tncaday, April .'I; anlo Woolena, I'lotlilng and Clothing Good*. Wednesday. April 4, aale fur and wool llata, nml atraw Ooo la. at 7 audit Oreeiie at. UNDERBILL A SOUD DKK. Auctloneera. Auction balr. PKTKR BOWK, Auctioneer, aalearooma corner Stli at. and I'nlveralty place, aeila THIS DAV. lit II o'clock, at No. til Rleeoker -t , a genera! iiHiorlnietit of llioiaeliulil I- uritlture. consisting of Parlor Suita, rosewood Hed-teudx. rosewood I'laiioa. Drese ing bureaua, Waslistniids, Kxtautmu Table, Mirrors, Clock.. Chrotuos, Engraving*, Table, Cltaira, hair Ualtressrs, BruaaeL and Iiigruiu Carpets, Crockery, Kitchen L'ten Slla, Ac. A S. DINGER, AUCTIONEER.?THIS DAV, AT IDW ?o'clock, at Metropolitan Ealusriium. dth av . comer 2ftlu St., large sale of rich, medium and low priced Parlor, Chant her. Library ?ud Dining Ptirnilura. t-omiirl.lng Die., lug Case Sotta. Bedstead., lire,.ing Cams, bureaua. Cora mode., Washalanda. Chairs; Itnir, lui-k ami utlier Mat tre*se?. Pillows, Bolsters, Springs, Ao.. Extension Tablea, UufT.-i* ami Dining Chair*; Pallor Suit., ill rcpa. haircloth and inu.llu; Loungoa, Sola Ueda, Chiffonier,. Bookcase a. Deaka, Library and marble top T iDleat al.o un Imiuciiae lot of line OmckeTy, lila.a unit Kartlionware. BV II hN KY li. MINKU. AUCTIONEER. Dllice and art gulleriea, hi,'. Ilrnitdwity. THIS DAV (TL'KsDAV). AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M? at MINKK'S nrt galleries, (t+ft Broadway, aiiciiuu aale ot a rory rich and varied a.aorttuent of ORIENTAL GOODS, FROM TUNIS. TUHKKY AND PKltSlA, late Importation, of Messr*. Vuienal brother., representa tive* of Tunis at tho Exposition at Philadelphia, comprising Tapeatrie*, ancient and modern Embroideries, In silk and gnid on cloth: Curtain., Persian mid Algerian Bugs, Mo roccu nud Caslimero Carpets, nnciviit Anna, Inlaid with gold and silver. antique brmtsea, enamelled nud engraved, am ber and antique Jewelry, Ac., Ac. BV HEN It V D. M IN KB, AUCTIONEER. Ollice nud art galleries, S4ft brondway THURSDAY. AI'itlL ft. at Hbj o'clock, at the re.ldenco No. 211 V nrlck at., corner of beuch, GENTEEL HOUSEHOLD FUBMTUHK, 0AitVRD ROSEWOOD PI ANO. Mirrors, velvet and Hruasels Carpets, Ac . black walnut ami mahogany Parlor, Dining and bed room hiirtntiire, con:prising Parlor Suita, bed.tends, bu reau., Wsshalands. Etagores,Centre and Side Table., Ward robes, Lounges. Itockera. Euay Chairs, bullet and Hall Stand, beat hair Mattro.-r., feather llol-tera nud Pillows. Also an assortment of bod antl Table Linen, consisting of Sheets, Pillow Cases, Napkin., Table Cloths, Cntnlortera, Ac., Ac, BV WILLIAM VAN 1'ASSELL, AUCTIONEER, Office ami -alesro< lit 22 Union square, 4th nv , near loth at. Mesara. VAN TASSKLL A KEARNEY will sell, on WEDNESDAY. April 4, at ID o'clock, lit No 3D Wo.t 2Td st? between 0til and tltti avs., the entire Furniture, bar Fixtures Gins.ware, Ac., of the Club House of Bnriotv of Engineers and Aaaorlntce, Arm mid Side Chairs. In morocco; Billiard Table, by Phelan A Dnllsnder; Library Tablea, marblo Olockn and, Books, Steel Engravings, black walnut circular De.k, Glassware. Bar Fixtures, Water Oaplrrs; Parlor to let. Cntalogitaa now readv at office of au4t! uicers. Br. THOJCAS, AUCTIONEER. WILL SELL 'T'ES-' ?day, April 3, at IDt^ o'eloek. at store 12s West broad way, tile entire contents, consisting ot Weather Vane-, wire scroon.. Hailing, coppersmiths' Tools, Patterns, Forge, Anvil, Metal Lathe, blocks. Rope. Ac.; a general assortinent in great variety; tu bo sold without reserve. Catalogues on day ol sale. BILL'S HEAD STABLES?WILLIAM KEN NELLY, beriir. Auctioneer, will sell at auction, on Thursday, April ft. 1*77. at 12 o'clo k, at the Exchange Salesroom, No. Ill brondway, the valuable Property Nos 14b and Iftli East 24th st., between .Id and Lexington nva,, now used ns sales stabl a; largo Lots, 20x1*4.9. Mnpo nt auctioneer's onico, ft,1; I'ine st. iittendea; prompt return*; flrnt cleat reference*. 01*1 Y Kit Hit VAN, Auctioneer, 2! Kiuhir bbtta a co? auijfion 1 bra. Store end salesroom 7 Old slip. BY JOHN A. DUNN, AUCTlONKKH?SELLS THIJItrt dsy, 5tn ln?t. all the Furniture. Bedding, Carpets, Counters, At-., of tho Hotel de Kotns, No. 3fl East Houston el. I*?rticnl?rn Thursday's Humid. BTJOSKFH E. WJ5II)BKT, AUCTIONKRH-FOB AC count of wliom It may concern, this day, I'lji o'clock, .it 2H3 7th av., near 27th st.. complete K11 rti11tir?? of private mansion, consisting of elegant 1'nrlor Suits In brocntel, velvet, reps; rosewood mid walnut Dressing Oaves, bureaus, bedstead* nnd Waslistands, marble-top Centra fables, Curtains and Cornlees, Mirrors, l.tagerrs, I'tckardt's Sola llod, Pillow and boil Lounges, rosowooit llookeases, Ward robes. Painting*; tine Hodroom Suit, cost $7'S>: and 30 rooms W llton, vrlvot ami Brussels t'arpets. Sale com tnonces with Crockery and Kltrheuwure. (NARD.?MALES OK 11()U8EHO0D FUKN1TURK.-1 J.IOIIN II. DRAPER A CO. have established a hritnrh olllre nt 1PH Hroadivitjr, corner ol Pine st., aud ure prepared to tnnke Miles of Household Furniture. Dm. seaman. aictionbkb. ' , Handsome Household Kurnltore. I'lano, Ac. Mortirugo sale nt tinctloii. Thursday, April 5. at !')*? o'clock, in private residence, IKS Kust BNth st.?Curved him a wulnut Pallor .-ults. In plush nnd ropn; Etagere, Arm nnd Easy Chairs. In sailn: Centre Tnhlos, Uj?ri lit Piano, roses wood and III nek wnlnut iledstemls. Hurnnus and Wash stands, I'llmnton llikbtelrfit Armnlre-adlace, Escritoire, hrontu Clock, bookcase, llullet. Extension Table Ince Cur tnlns, Lambrequins, hair Mattresses. Velvet and Urtissets -Carpets, Ac. Catalogues nt 14 l*ino st. (JOCTON, AI C riONMKH. ? , On WEDNESDAY. April 4. at II o'clock, at flic salesroom fill East Cttli st.. nunr Broadway, rirh llouechold Furniture, belnr the entire rmitetits of n largo private residence, ro moved from a storage -vert-bonss. embracing elegant parlor, bedroom, dining room nnd lllirsry furniture. Carpets, bedding. Table Linen, rut glnss aud china Dinner Sets, rosewood I'ltim. pewlng Machine, ,tc. HetaiUon Wednes day morning. Iloods will he on exhibition Tm-sdsy. Cata logues early on Wednesday morning. There trill also he 2<t or HO good Carpets, of Atihiisou, velvets. Brussels. Ac. , also two rosewood I'liiiins. The carpets will be sold about .T o'cloea. 13 U It NIT U R E AND-OTHKR~SALB8?PF.RSONALLY 1 nttendea; prompt hfJYklt IIRVAN, Auctioneer, 22 Pine, G TCKSDA Y, .? prll It, at 11 o'clock, within the store. OROOEKIBs?Lot ol aasoried Groceries, Toas. Colfoes, Fruits, M?euronl, Vinegar, Ac. ; also black I-ead, Ac.; office Furniture, Ac. Also WHISKEY?11 hbls. Ronrbon and Rye Whisker. IVlNF.s, Ae.?Invoice of rlicrry, Port, Madeira, Cognne Brandy, Cordials, Ae. /A WARBCIHI. A UCTIoNI'KR. OFFICE Ik". HOW VT?err. sells III o'clock, at 21* Bast III st st.. entire Furni ture of private residence, consisting of elegant Perlor oets, line black walnut Chamber Sets velvet and Brussels Car pets, elegant Pirn Mirrors, Paintings and Engravings, (?rand I'lano and 7 octave rosewood Piano, Dining and Kitchen Furniture. Ae. This sale is worthy tlio attention of housekeepers and denlors. Catalogues ready. CI KONIOSBKKO, A tJCTlON ERR. WIM, SKI,I, AT r?puollr auction, at IHS Htlt ?v., Household Furniture. Ac., hNtty, at In A. M. GEO ROE OBOOBROAN, Al'CTIONEKR. OFFICE No. 2HH34tli st,. near 8th sv.. will se I this day, April 3, nt l'l "'clock, the Fixtures ot butcher Shop, comprising Ice box, Ac., at 7X1 11th ev. tt ir~U8irr? * sons. auctioneers.' "* SPECIAL BALE OF RICH CAR1NBT FURNITURE. TUB LA ltd EST KTOCKfK v K ft OFFKRKD AT AUCTION. THIS DAY (TtKsiJAY), APRIL 3. AT CIIICKKRINO (OLD) HALL, 11 KABT 14TII RT. ?The Messrs. IIERTS Ink* pleasure In announcing that tliey have received Instructions to rlose out positively, wiih out reserve, the surplus slock of several large and well known cabinet makers, mid lor thai purpose have leased the above spacious premises, where the goods are now offered lor sale. Its lug to Inclemency ol tho weather for the past several days the sale has been postponed, hut will positively take place to-day. rnln or shine, ?l 11 o'clock sharp. The stock Is without excaption the richest s-d most com plete ever offered at public auction, and parlies nirnlshlng will And this an eaC'llent opportunity to purchase. b. 11K l ITS A HONK. A COTldU KKKH. ~ OBKTBBL nOL'HI IIOLD FURNITURE, ON TUESDAY, APRIL :i, AT 10>{ O'CLOCK, AT NO. 23H WEST .WTO HT. H. B. IIP.RTH A SOSH will sell as above, the entire Fur nliure. Carpets, Heds, Sodding, t.'hlui, dlass and silver Warn. Kitchen Utensils, Ac., Ac. rnlslogties at sale. Ht'dtl N, CAMP, AUCTIONEER. Elegant Household Fumiture, Billiard Tallin. I'lano, Mirrors. Ae., nt auction. HVOII X. CAMP will sell at auction on WEDNESDAY, April 4, at private resldenro 171 Media in av . between I fill and 34th ?t-. .mil o'clock A. M., nil the hendsonio Furniture contained In said honsc. eon sislllig In part of nlcgatit Parlor Hulls, Inlaid cabinet Piano, Billiard Table, henilsome Pining Koom Furniture. Freueli and Dresden Chtnswaro, large essnitmcnt of Cut dla>?, bedrooiu Milts, catvnl In rosowood, black walnut ami mountain ssli; nlegaut Window Draping*, velvet ami Brus sels Carpets, Mirrors, Ac.; also Kitchen I tonsils, together with other furniture pertaining to a eompletely furnished private residence. <analogues at office, LVJ llroadway, room I. ISIDORE I SWAItZKoPF. I t'TION'l-.Ml -HELLS to-day. lib , o'clock, nt HI West 21th St.. entire elegant Fixtures and Furuiturn of llrst class parlor restaurant; splendid walnut Tables. Chairs, Silverware, Chtnaware. O lass ware, Table Linen, largo lot cup per were. ( upper Cof lee Urn.enatlv Ituuge and llroller; also large quantity ele gant furniture. Itrussels Carpets. Oilcloths. Parlor and chamber suits, Redding, Hair Maitressea, Ao.; positively in lets. Dealers aud the trndo Invited. II. SMsKH AT AUCTION. ISIDORE. .1 BWARZKOPF, A ID TtoXKfcK, 35J BOW? ?*r> . ?lll i?|l twiiturrct tl*x?ti| Klilurai, liar., lour Pull \)? Pump. Ac., ??f liquor store 1 JT WKINJIEKOKII. AI' I InNhi.ii. "hi,, I HIS J .'lay (TufMluv). April II. *t 1?>', o'clock, at ?ulu.rootn. 71 Bowery, Cigar*. '!'*? <1?.<ou Toilet Soap, h Ixrgf as Miiimvul of nrw Furniture, Carpet* and Oilcloth. a largo turcica of Imported h.U I'mbrolia., Ac.; aim 1> gllno* pure Blackberry .line*. JO II Nl I. ~V 1 LSI iW.AUlTfT ONKKrt. WILL MKLL AT public Nuc'lon.ou lfa liifl?4ar April 4, IH77. 10^ A. M., >o 177 llro utie el., corner ? lint ?ri, alt of the Stork audi splendid Kilturra In ealuoii called (lie **i'uurt Khadva," mb< Mating of ?p 1 nil Bar and Hack liar. m?ewo ?<1 4 pull Beer rump, cut <;ia?nwnr\ Decanter*. Lb-ck?. MIrrur*. Stova and copper Boiler. Engraving*. oilcloth*. large K?irigero tor; Brandies. WnUkrye, liin*. t-laret and other Wine*, Ac.. Ac. )7mkFii s7ionTToou. \11rriox"&ku. sklls this day, Iff o'clock abarp. 122 \Vc?t ?M.?tli I'onteiita of tho limit", Bed., Bedding, Mattrrora Chair*. Table*. Mirror*. Wardro c, I'arprh and Oilcloth ? a ??? Bar t muter. Mdo Fl xturen. Bagatelle. everything belonging to a liquor store ; l.ljftf) Cigar*, itt lot ? Dealer* invited. Sale rain c?r ahlitr, JOHN A DC N N. AUf H I ON K K It. SELLS Tills DA I I o'clock, iu -4in av between 73d and 74il? at*, natality oi liouachold Furniture. consisting ol lled*t?ad?. Bureau*, Chair*, i'arlor Furniture, Bedding, Carpet*. Ac. Dealers in s ited. JAMH-nirrottD. GKNRftAL AUCTIONEER?AT 3 o'clock. 11)7 Hd av., an abtiudant variety of Hmi?ehot<fl Furniture, embracing in part 7 I'arlor Suit*. Botiroein. Chamber and Dining Boom furniture of 3f? ro?>tn?. together with the Carpel* from a hotel. Pier Mirror*. Ptvoipioii and Paine I'arlor Bed*, hair Muttren*<M, Bed*. HoDtur*, I'll low*. Bet.nag, China, ?<la*t. Crockery, t'ut.ery. Oilcloth. Shade*. Mantel Ornament*, Curtain* and Commode*, oil Painting*. Engraving-. Ac., together with th? Kitchen Fix* Itiga, with which the tale will commence Kain or *htne. J"IvTcaMPBRixr^j H~Af.VKEU. KELLS TO ?dey, lft|g "'clock, at St. Churl"* Hall. B4H Sth av? la lot*, entile Fixture*. including 2<*? ('hair*. Carpet*, Hoe Fixtures, I'artltlou*. Ac. Buyers, dealers invited. JMAVK.V, AUCTIONEER. OFFICE AND SALES? ?room. Hit and 41 East 13th. will *oll Thursday. at 11 A. .M., at 43 haat 13tli, Content* ?>f private dwelling. ] OI hi XElilKR WI LL HKLL AT PI BL1C aT'CTION Jut the Exchange Salesroom, No. Ill Broadway, on Tue-rtuv. tprilU, at 12 M., ttie large English ha?d rent llun*e No. 3 hast 14tt? ("VOxl'tOi, formerly occupied by L. Delinonleo, K?q. F??r further particular* apply to the o tioueer, otlice 74 Cedar. MOIUtIS WILKIN'S, AUCTIONEER. ?? Handsome Household Furniture. Mirror*. Engraving. Silver Plated Ware, China, Ola** Ware, Ac., at auction. E. il. Ll'DLOW A CO. aili?el! at auction ott Wcrine* day, April 4. at II o'clock A M.. at ??1S East tllHh ?l., carved rosewood I'nrler Milt*. In satin; rosewood Library Bookcaac* and Table-, Pier Mirror, Extension Dlntnir Ta ble, I.lack walnut Bullet. Diuing t hair-, Tur <Db Lmitige* anil Chair*, block walnut Banstead-. Bureau* and \Vad? staods, Axmlnttet aod Benssels Carpet*, hair M*Hrmit> feather Pillows, Ac., Ac. The Harlem and Morrisauia boats land at tho foot of lb* street ch?*e by the premise*. OKK1S WILKIN'S. AUCTIONEER." * M' llou.o iinil Lilt No. II". Eul D till at. K. II. LUDLOW A go. Will Mil Ht auction, on WKDNKSOAY. April I. M77, ,( 1 ~ o'clock, m I' x<'l>Hiiii? liHliiiromu, K ..t liith ?!., tile very ilmiritliit' lour .lory brown atoim liitrli .to >|. llouM and l.ol, Jii |i)v.<>xluH.ll lout, known n. No. Ii- nl :i4tti ?t.: iIioIioims i. In Aim ordor, and ill. carpal*, mirrnr., roruicea and flxiiiro. will bo Ijiulinb d In tho >.l? . lilt] por cent may remain an bond and lunrtna^o lor three nl five yearn. .Map. and full particular, at li I'inn nt., New York. OttTOAUH HALH AT mIMI MlNti" AfKIL 13 Tlie dciralile I'roperiy known at I'lrlou I'lder Mill; c<?H burn, dwelltiiK lioil.e, lurirn curdeii and two leuiiineiil lion .e*. nl I In centre ..f ilie vlduce . two minute* Irom depm | cider mill I. I VbUi; two .lore!*, cellar* and *ob cellar* woll liable I and H Inch brick wall; gond *uweriirj.'e and cl.tcrn of hiki barrel, capacity; three elder preaaae. dlatlllary and en pine. I'arliea ilcelrlup a inaiiiiraciiirniK place an tho river kbiiiild not nil*, Clil. opportunity. MOimiAUK SAI,K.-IV r>AII.Y, ADCTTONEKR, WILL ?ell tbl* day, at I*1.' A. M , tile liar, Kixturea, Ac , of th? Wine Kooin No. II Turk row. By order of I). A. SpeilUajr, nttnrney lor morlunpee. n1?hbhaUm, auotii>nkk"TT am boWrky, ? ?oll? lilt* day, at 10', o'clock. l".l l!e?ier *t., Kurnitura of Ibrue *t'.ry lloardliiu Hoiim I'arlor Suit, Hedatead,, Mirror*. Ilurcnua, Ofuckery, Ac., In lot*. Denlera invited, 1>AWNBK() KK It's s All'.?wXfcUKS AN i? JKWl . eiry.? rhfadar. .1 AMKS aiiaK, Auctioneer, will *.ill, at New Bowurr, nt II o'clock. ?> ?> lot* Kold and ullvrf Wutcbe*, pold and diamond Jewelry, Upon Glaaeea. Mans, I'latol., Silverware, Mu.lcul and .MulOomatical Inalru moot*. Fanny Good*, liy order ot A. II. Barnura. lid av. Sllhl'.IKF c SAI.h ?VAN TAHoKI L * KKAliNKV* tnetioneora, will aull till- day, nt 12 o'clock, at No. 40 Morrny at., the Control* ul a Glamwar. and Lamp Htoro, ooliaiatlux of Gla**warc, Lamp*, sltolvliia, Ac. BKUNAIUi ItKil.LY, Sheriff. i' Tneuron, ivpnty. rpnk""umu. uu|Tirrt auotiombbbs. THIS (Tt'KSHAYi A FT KK NOON, at 3 o'clock, at th? Art Uwoni, No. hit Broadway. Now on exhibition. Without reeerve. CENTENNIAL EXI'OSITION SCULPTURE. R. IL PARK-Carri?ner'. ltau^htar. Purity, Summer. Iio. Ho*bad. it I rd i n it IN1 ? Annelid and Merlora, Tho Rainbow. r.. 1? 1'AI.MKIt?The White Oaptlro, ItANUOLPII BOGKltS?The Saorillco of Una* CLASSICAL VASES. A superb collection of CaMelllnasnd Agate Stone Vases, Willi artistic K--lievo?. executed expressly for the late I'm teriulal Exposition. Tbo lineal and only specimens ever marie tor ar.y expositloli TITILLIaM O. cUMNEtt. AUCTIOMSKH-WlLb BBLIi Tf st salesroom Ouroer Broadway ami It It it., Brooklyn, K. I. Thursday. at IJ o'clock precisely, the good three alorjr brick limine, moiiorn improverm-tils, No. 170 division av. Also frame llou-n No. 1117 division av , with extra led running through to llroadway; valuable for business pur POUT OPfXCB NOTICK. Pi is 1 o>rioit tiotufk. ' The foreign mails lor the week onillnir Halurilay, AprU 7, 1*77. will close at tills otttce on Tuesday. nt It A. M , tia Euruge, by strainer Nevada via Ijueeusiown ; 011 Weiinee day, at il.tli A >1.. lor Europe, uy stunner Italavla vis (jiieeiistnwn (correspondence lor Franca to 1 n tnrwrarded by tlila Meauier nu>l lie specially addressed , and st II :J0 A M , lor Kranee direct, ny steamer Canada via llaxre.on Thursday, at II :!*' A. II., lor Kuropo, cy ateamer Ciiubrii via I'lyiaoutb, 1'beriming and Hamburg; on Saturday, at |i: F) A. M , lor Europe, by steamer llrnaiiiitr v|a VuneiistowB (coirespoii.ieiico for (lermanv. Acntlam* and North ol Ireland, to be inrtvurded by this steamer, lit 11 1 ho speelally addressedi, and at It A. M., lor Scotland anil North of Ire land, by steamer Anrhorla via Movllls and lilasirow, and at 11 :'.V< A. M? for Enrope, by steamer It blue via Southampton and Bremen. Tbo steamships Nevada, llat a via atnl Britan nie do not take mails lor lientiisrk. Awrden and Norwav. The 111 at I a lor Nassau, N. P., will leavu New York tprll *7. Hie iniill for the >X est Indies via lioriiiiid.i anil St. Thomas leave New York April III. The malts lor I'nrto ltieo leava New York April 14. I ho mslls lor China sad Japan will leave San F ranciseo A|oli 17 The mailt for Australia, Ac., will lease San Francisco April 23. t. 1.. James. Postmaster. N*w Yoitk. March HI, 1H77. PHOPOMALH. G it AN U TKUNK UaILWaY COMPANY of Canada. Tenth-rs lor Coal. Tenders are Invited for the billowing estimated quantIIlet of steam Coal required hy this company, to be delivered an under, durliix the period of navigation, IS77, vtx. .? At the port of Montreal, about Ji.'kFi tons, more or lest, of 2.240 pounds per ton, to ho delivered In equal monthly In ttalmenis, the eoal to oe ilollvere-1 Iroo of all charge* and discharged at such wharves as shall bs pointed out-by the coinpanv.1 scent. At Portland, about 14.'"HI tons, more or less, of 2.240 pounds per ton. to be dellvernn In about ennui monthly In stalment* at the company's whnrl, duty paid ami free ol all charges, tleliv-ries to commence about 1st of June next an I to ho completed on or before 1st of Debemher, IM77. The coal to be Iree lr?ni all extranomia substances, and to lie screened over a screen ol uot leas thau olio and e { quarter Inch meshes, Fayiuente will be mode In cash or by notes at short dates, bearing Interest wllhin tho mouth following the delivery of each instalment. Parties tendering to designate the name or kind of coal they propose to deliver. Tru-ier*, indorsed "Tender for Steam Coal,"for tho above quantities or lor fractional parts thereof of not less than .>,(?? 1 tons, will be received hy the undersigned on or before April 7. 1*77. I'lie company do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tomler. JOSE I'11 HICK AON, flencral Manager. Mn.vTKKSl., March l,|S77. E>ltOPOAAL8 POK INDIAN SUPPLIES, OOOUS, AND Transportation. n-nion, ) Arraign, } h .71. 1*77. J I)KrAitrai nt fir rnn Iisti ition, ttrrtCk nr 1 niiivn ai Waani.vuTO*. March Sealed proposals. Indorsed "Proposal* for Hoof, Flour, Clothing. Transportation," AC., ?> the easo may be, and directed to the ConiUtlssloner of Indian Affairs, No 4<) l.oouard st . New York, will ho reeelvcd until 12 M. of Tuoa ?iay. Mav H, |H77, fin furnishing the following supplies, go-els. and transportation required lor tho Indian service lor too hscal year ending J11110 it, I*-'-:? Pounds 1 Pounds. Beet no the hoof . 34,*-tH,< ?sl I Hominy | >:t,is Flout o.7tVt,."sS? I Hard bread fki.tirsi Itacon i47lt. usi | Sugar.. Mtst.nisl l orn U,4tH..V?? I Coffee 4-Vl.;*?l lleatis. 1 ?>I Haklag Powdet 2A,B4<I Kiev M.t ii si | Tea A.vmo .VI t.ei. M..|? |I4,7!W) I |H. 12" l,ard 14,1k*) Vest Pork 71*1 Utile. Also. Blankets, pairs 3H.47I1 lllon?cs 3.123 (Frercosts H-171 Hoys'salts 2.213 Sack r- n's 7.Huts and caps IV,7*4 Vests tt,-|*l Mines, pairs 14,1)71 Pants, pairs H.sSIH Dry tiouds. Hardware, Notions sml Me-llcsl Supplies. AI -11. transportation lor *nch ol the above supplies as may not be contra, led to be delivered at the several Indian agencies. .schedules showing In detail Ills kinds ami quantities of all goods required at each agency ami In rose, transports* tloti r utos. time and place of delivery, ronditiona to lie ob served by bidders and terms of rnntruct ana payment, to? gather with blank proposals, tortus ot contrast, bond. Ac., wilI be Iurnlshed on application to this uffleo {in Washing* toil, or at #1 Leonard St., New York); to H. M. Klngsley, IKM llnton plaec, New fork: to Wm II. Lynn. IKI Broad way, Now York; to hut. Mcle-l-on, Mtpe rlntendent I ml'ait Affairs. I.awronce, Kansas; to tbo Commissaries of Subsist* e III- ?. I . A. A at St Dos Is. ? bun ;u, .slo-tx City, Iseavste worth, At. Paul, Omshs and Cheyenne J. 11 sjiiTii, t'ommissioner. I\*TKI CTIOV AldlfcllKA, lit JO K K 1.1,1' IN 11, A It 11' 11 M K lit!, K.Nlh li*li bfMtichon, writing. $1 monthly ; 1?%/!I?? ?** <lc?tiitrt merit* VMSK ?t;! Ilnyrory, alim 2*I *tl?*v. A YOU Nil OKKMAN LADY AM (iOVKK.N Ki*W FOB ehildrvn; 0?rtii4ii nm! French, mmic mirl miuk ; hind Iraniman I morn lot?k???! nt Hutu nni*r\. ItituriiiHiioa ah OHKTsHCll A M A\\S, i*\ hiu| Kuitun ni. "X III HINKAA i'AlHtHT Full V?'.. YTHiKKKIIY AM? J Votie can make a living. Cati at |HJ West 24th st. iM US. W O. 11(1 \ N' S K M IN AH Y' for Yuuug Ladles, Datavta, H, Y,