Newspaper Page Text
11 An Animated Stock Specu lation. GOLD 105 A 104 7-8. Government Stocks in Fair Demand and Steady?Railroad Bonds Irregular. Money 2 1-2 a 5 a 4 Per Cent on Call. Wall Htkert, ) Monday, April 2?6 1'. M. | Ttie Baltimore and Ohio Railroad having been ac cused of sharp practices in tho way of freight cutting, it wan eminently fitting that the allegation should bo disproved by a proper authority. Concornlng, as It does, a broach ol Attlo faith. It totlows phtlologlcully that Mr. Garrett is the muu to heal It. Consequently the board room has been ou tho qui vim !u expecta tion of this gentleman's arrival, and bis advont In this city, momentarily expcctod, waa regarded as ottering the olivo branch to wrangling railways. Whether Mr. Garrett has arrivod or has not matters littlo; it was quite sufficient that the operations ol the day were predicated upon that ovont and that the tone ol the market aflor tho tlrst hour decidedly improved in con sequence. Early dealings vroro elfocted to a declining market, thochlof favorites showing a sonsiblo depres sion from Saturday's prices; but lutor on, when It bocarno rumorod that a strong at tempt would bo made to heal existing difficulties between the railroads, a general Improvement set in which particularly benefited tho sbaros of the trunk lines and extondod to the rest ol tho list. A story, rife at one time, that the Baltimore and Ohio road were In the market as borrowers of hall a million or money, though mudo tho most ol by tho bears, failed to check the rally or provent the whole list closing up Btrong at tho fiuiBb. A rumor that Mr. Ortou had ro Blgned the presidency of tho Western Union Company was used to disparage the stock; but the Inventors bad the trouble for their pains, as tho price closed up at the best figures of tho day, with the depression or the morning moro than recovered from. The coal stocks were left qulto In the background, operators being in clined to tight shy until tho result of Wednesday's meeting shall be made known. Meanwhile the Read ing Company Is reported to have taken time by the forelock by contracting with the New Englaud States to tho extent of 1,000,000 tons of ooai, which they on guge to deliver within the coming twelvemonth. Although this cannot bo deemed any groat matter, it is suggestive ol anything but a strong appotlte for tho proposed combination. Boyond the tnterost expressed in the probable arrangomonts ol the belllgoront rail ways tho market was noticeably tree Irom exciting eausos, and closed up firmly, principally on tho settle ment ol short contracts TUB BALKS TO-DAY. The sales of active stocks to-day aggregated 284,000 Shares, the principal transactions of which being as follows:?Chicago, Bock Island and Pacific, 9,600; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 41,400; Lako Bbore, SO,600; Michigan Central, 28,000; Mllwaukeo and St. Paul profcrrcd, 6,900; Now York Central, 28.600; Pacific Mail, 8,800; Western Union Telegraph, 78,000. OPKN1NO, HIORBST ASD LOW B.ST. The following table shows tho opening, highest and lowest prices of tho day: ? Opening. lliglu-st. Lowest. Now York Central...... 89>4 DO1.,' 6 9 >4 Erie 4)4 4)4 Lake Shore 46>4 47 45)4 Northwestern 31)4 32 31 J, Northwestern preferred 60 50 X 49'.; ?Rock Island 97)4 98 90^ Pittsburg. 89)4 80)4 89 X Milwaukee und St. Paul 18 18 18 Milwaukee and St. l'aul pi... 45)4 46 4.1)4 I)eL, Luck. and Western..'... 68 60>4 68 New Jersey Central 9 9 8'4 Ohio and Mississippi 374 4 3)4 Western Union 67)4 &S)4 67 Pacific Mall 19 19)4 17)4 Panama. 120 120 119;u ?Ex-dividend. ADVANCE AND DECLINE. The following shows the advance and decline in tho eloatng prices of tho principal aotlve Blocks, as com pared with Ihoso of Saturday;? Advance.?Western Union, )4; Now York Central, 1; Erie, )4; Lake Shore, 1)4; Northwestern, X ? do. pre ferred, >4; Wabash, ),; Delaware and Luckawunua, 1*4; Hannibal and St. Joseph, >4; Delaware and Hud Bon, )4; Michigan Central, 1)4. Decline.? Pacific Mull, JB; Panama, 2; C., O., C. and 1., 2; Rock Island, '1\; St. Paul preferred, ),; Bur lington and Qulucy, i)4. CLONING PRICKS?3 P. K. The closing prices were:? Offtr'd. Atl.nL OjD'rred. Anhrd. Pacific Mail.. 1*34 18)4 MilAStPpt. 40 40), IV extern L'n.. 58 14 58J4 C, C, Oil... 22 24 At A Pacific.. 22)4 238, I!, C A It! ... 2 2'4 Quicksilver... 14 143, D, I. A West.. 0n)d' <JU?4 Juicltxiivi-r of 11134 23 Krlo ?>', Murl. AMCu 4 )a U HsnAStJ .. II'., .MnliAMpf. r?>B 7 Hun A St J pf 111 J* ^K> , Adaius Exp.. 100 l(*i?.{ LSAM8... 47 W7'd Ainiir rip.... 53 52), Midi Central. 38)4 38 J4 U8*.Xp 43 44)4 N Y A liar.... 13113, 1373, Wells-1' Kxp.. Kl Kc, NY UAH 11. UO)4 W", Chi A Alton.. HO1* Ml'J N J Central., H>4 K)? t'li'V A 1'itts.. HUW HtPi Ohio A Mix*.. 33, 4?, Chi A N W... 33 33)2 I'aniiuia ? lit, Chi A N \V pf. Mifj Wi'. Tol A Wabash 33, 4 Chi A It I I?7?i 07), Union Pacific. 07 6* till .X at P.... 18 1H14 Del a llud ... 30 60)4 THE MONEY MARKET. The money market wus easy this lorenoon nt 2),' a 3 per cent on call. In the afternoon tbero was a hard ening, when money, advancing to 5 par cent, closed at 4 per cent on call. The following were the rates of exebango on the undermentioned cities to-day:?Sa vannah, buying %, selling >4; Charleston scarco, 3, a ? premium ; Cincinnatisumdy, uuying par, soiling 1-10; St. Louis, 100 premium; New Orleans, commercial fi-16, bank %; Chicago, par. Foreign exchange was quiet to-day at 4.S4 lor hankers'sixty days'.sterling bills and at 4.80 for douiand. THE UOI.D MARKET. Gold opened at 103, and closed at 104)4, all tho Sales of the day having beon at thoxo ligurcft. Tho Carrying rates wore 3a, 1, 2> 1)4, 3 and 4 per cent. Loans wuro also tnado flat. Gold clearings at the Na tional Hank or tho Stato ol Now York:? Gold balances. $1,270,700 Currency baluucos 1.357.270 Gross clearances 24,017,200 CLEARING IIOCSK STATEMENT. Currency exebungux (04,218,878 Currency balances.,.. 4.301,174 Gold exchanges 12,707,333 Gold balances 1,050,471 THE FOREIGN MARKET. In London nnd Paris to-day, being Enslor Monday, Was held as a strict holiday. 1 it Montrcul stocks wcro ?cry weak this morning. Uauk of Montreal sold at 161); Merchants' ilank, 71; Montreal Telegraph, 105. UNITED STATES TREASURY. Tho rovenuo receipts to-day were (530,000; customs receipts, $410,OOO; bank notes received, $600,000, The exports of bullion from Juno 13, 1870, to February 28, 1877, wore:?Oold, $900,000; silver, (7,350,000, and tho imports, gold, $1,830,000; sliver, j (2,700,000, Tho following nro the Treasury balances , In connection with tho debt statement:?Currency, (8,180,000; coin, $08,800,000; less com certificates, (48,280,000. The public debt statement (or March shows a decrease ol $14,107,000, of which $9,552,000 are cancelled Uoneva award bonds. The total coinago lor the month ol March was:?Gold, $0,770,000; silver, (1,070,000. GOVERNMENT HONRS. Government bonds were firm and In good demand am> they closed steady at the following quotations:?United Klutes currency slxos, 123 a 123)4; do. do., 1381, registered, 111)4 a 112; do. do., do., coupon, 112>5 a 112>4; da do., 1805, registered, 108,?4 a 100)4; do. do., do., coupon 103),, a 103)4; do. do., do., now, rogls tsred, 108 14 a 108)4 ; do. do., do., coupon, lu8>4 a 108)4; do. do., 1807, rcglsiorod, 111)4 n 111)4; do. da, do., coupou, 111S 111%! 'lo. do., registered, 113 a 113)4; da no., coupon, 113 a 113)4; ho. ten-forties, registered, 110)4 a 110)4; do. do., coupon, 111'4 a 111)4; da fives, 1881, registered, 110,4 a 110)4; do. do., do., coupon, 110)4 a 110)4; do. 4)4's, 1891, regis tered, 100 >4 a 100),'. raii.Roan noNDX. Railroad bonds wcro irregular, with tho lollowlng changes in prices compared with lost previous rales:? An advanco of % in Union 1'aclQc sinking funds, >4 In Mow Jersey Central Urate, new, and >4 lu Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago firsts. Thcro was a tie Cline of 'J per coot In Milwaukee aud St. Paul consoli dated sinking funds, *4 lu Michigan Central acrcns, >4 In Lculgh and W.lkesbarro consols, )4 in I'Dion 1'aciQc Urals and St. I.ou;? and Iron Mountalu hrsts and in' In Erie third mortgage and Paoido Railroad of Missouri liryts. Tlio following were the latest bias :? Albany A riutqn'a I<>W Clev. P'vi.l A Asb, ui? IW W. Clt A Minn 1 at 7*? k. Mk Bii.Talo A Erie, new 11 titles A Ohio <'?'? l?l -si ICa. A Wirt P J.J... ???**? Cb c Jl aIteu 1st........HIP,; lui.MaTi.ii'i.ittw iw!) Clil A Alien iuc'c 1**2 Lake .-hore UtvldenU I'M 1. uDiaua A Mo lit g'U H.">)4 Luko Shore cou cp 1st.. DX) Mi., .lacksAl'bl 1st x Lake Shore con rg let..]W)4 Clil." Its 1 A Piic l?t TV M7'j MuricttI k Ilia 1st.. ...107 t'hl.ltklAl's t iuti'a.'U5lOg? Mien l! lst.H*s.*H2. ?> Central N J 1st now .. 104 N V Central H's, IA83.. lou.'f Central N J couvtrt.... 4tD4 M V Central it's. IM7.. ItKt i.eb A WBV con ti'd.... 27', X V Cea S't. reel est...D>2J4 Am Dk A1 nt|>'rani bd-.. 45 N Y Cen ?!'*, ?i.bsu'u...lyJJt MilAStt' let H's I'D . . .115 X V Cm 1st. cone. ???J}* MllASlP 2d 7 H-10 PD.. US Hud K 7'?, Sd. ? r. Ho.. .114 MtlHtP 1st La C L)l?... Hnrlem 1st. 7's, rag.... lis Mli.kStP let I AMD M'.4 Xortb Missouri 1st V'7.|4 MIIAMH 1st. 1IAD HO Ohio A .Misa cou I I.. MiiAMP cou?o! s f HO)4 Ohle A .Miss consul Ho), CblcAXW staking luud-lOS Ohio A Miss ad. con. ... 4t?H CbiAN W tnt bonds 1U"> Central Puc Stale Aid.U'i CbiAXWsxl bonds Itiu Ur.iun Pac 1st DM Clil A X W I st. 1<M I'nloti Pac Ind als 7'i.x. Dfljf ..alciioAClu extend... I'*> t'nlon Pac Sink Kuiiu . 02*4 Ct.iAMI ivsiikce 1st... list Pac K ot M.i 1st " ' WinonaAs-.P 1st 7<> Pitts. Kt IV A Clil 3d.. .112)4 I)cl, I. A West Urt liifDf Pitta, Kt W A Chi lid... Dal! I. A '"Vest 7's cm... 103)4 Clave A Pitta >ons s I. ..1 HI Morris A h?-o< 1st ID! ' love A I'ltts 4?It 0*1 .Morris A Essex an ..103)4 Col. Clil A lud 1st 30 M.irAHss 1st con HI1- St l.oulsA iron M 1st.. IH" j Eriu 1st in. oxieifled...1111 " Alton A Tarre It lot....KM Erie 2d 7's. 1S7P.. 102)4 lltton A T li *-'d, prcf... *7)4 . ^Ja? k" " UC;... 70J4 Erto ltd' 7's. 1HSII tiik" I Alton A T II '2d. Erie till, 7's ISrui lull. Hullv A So III 1st H's.. Krio 5th. 7's. IHSH 101), Tol, P A War. B D H3 I,onir Dock lloiuls 107 15)1, I A tVur. W D S;? lIull'.X YAMrie 1st '77 :is Tol A With 1st. ext.. ..102 Half X Y A"Kile, largo.. OH Tol A Wall 1st.St I, dlv. 75 Hun A-lie convert 74 Tol A W*b c.ns couv... 45 lnd's.Hloora'nAVV 1st.. 21)4 Hun A .Naples 1st ... US Midi South 7 p C 2d ... 1114 Ureal West 1st, lKnH,.. 103 Micn-A.N1 s t 7 pc.... Ill Ureal West, axeoup.. H7 ClevA'lol -Inking id... HJB Oniucy A Tol 1st, l-lk). "" ClevAT s Id new bds ...104 West L'n bds, Itkki, cp..105 Clev.P'vlla A Ash. old..; West UubtU. IIAAJ, rg. .HMJ* statu mix us. Slato bonds at tha Hoard sold at 1U0 lor Georgia sixes, at 106 a 106a4' (ex-lulorosi] lor Georgia sevens, | gold bonds; ut 106 for Missouri loug sixes aud at 42)4 lor Teuuessce sixes, new. District of Columbia throe sixty-lives sold at 74)4 a 74)4. In Now Orleans Louisi ana consols sold at til k. :t 02)4. 11 AXK SHARKS. Tho sales ol city bunk shares were 18 Comtnorco at i 111, 20 Fourth National at 1)8)4 aud 10 CunlralNaitooat at 101.' PUILADCI.PIIIA STOCKS. The closing prices ol Philadelphia stocks were:? City sixes, new 11*2 11214 United Kailrosds of New Jersey 134>4 136 Pennsylvania Kuilroad 3b 30*4 Keadlug Railroad 13*4 13)4 l.cliigh Valley Railroad 40)4 40)4 Calawlssa Kuilroad preferred 30 32 Philadelphia and Eric Ruilroad 10)4 11 Schuylkill .Navigation pretorred. 7)4 Bales. Northern Ucutrul Railroad lbSi -0)4 Lettish-Navigation 22)4 22>, Oil Creek und Allegheny Railroad.... 0 OS Hostouvillu Railway 14 14.'4 CoutralTransportatlon 33 33)4 MI.NIXQ HII ARKS. Tho opening quotations lor mining shares In San Francisco were:?Gould A Curry, 12; Savage, 5; Choi lar Potosl, 63; Ophir, 20; Lvlo & Norcross, 4; Crown Point, ti; Vollow Jackot, 0; Belcher, 0; Imperial, 1)4; Virginia Consolidated, 42; California, 46; Overman, G3; Raymond A Ely, 6; Eureka, G. V., 3; Best & Belcher, 20; Kontuck, (J; Union consolidated, 7; Alpha, 15; Meadow Valley, >4; Sierra Novoda, 0; Mex ican, 14; Cuicdouiu, 0; Silver Hill, 5; Eureka consoli dated, 17; Justice, 10; Julia consolidated, 3)4. Tho closing prices In San Francisco were: ? Alpha 16)4 Justico 11 Uelcncr 7 Kcutuolc 4)4 Best A Belcher. 27)4 Leopard. 4 Bullion 13 Mexican 14)4 Consolidated Virginia 43 Northern Belle 23)4 Culilorulu 46 Overman Oti Ciiollur 62 (iphlr 20 Cottideuco........... 7 Ruymoud A Ely... Caledonia 0)4 Sliver Hill. 4)4 Crown Point. 7)4 Savage 5)4 Exchequer 5 '4 Segregated Belcher.. 60 Gould A Curry 12)4 Sierra Nevudo. 0 Halo A Norcross 4)4 Union consolidated.. 7 Imperial 1'4 Yellow Jacket. 10)4 Juliu consolidated.... 3)4 Eureka consolidated. 17)4 Tho lollowing were the closing prices of mining shares In New York us olllolully reuorlod:? FIRST BOARD?11 O'CLOCK A. M. 100 ihs Alpha bSO 17 2IX) ?uh lluklll bc.o 4)4 1UJ do bill! 17'4 10!) do bc.c 4'a - - J 100 Belcber blO 7*a HX) do oc.c 4) 30D do blO 7la 25 do bo 4L ID) Borti.u gold Co... 21X1 do <7 4). 100 doT HJ? 5(K) do 4)^ 200 do ' H1, 700 do b3 4), KMt do 200 Lucerne 1). hxi KiiUlon bIM 14)J DX) Merrluiao 0)4 20 Culilornla 4H1,; 1(X) do HXJ Caledonia btk) 7 1<X) do. $ 100 do blXJ 7)4 l'X) do b.i 0)4 7*4 KX) do b3 0)4 KX) do bllO KX) Cleveland bc.c 0 DX) do c 0*? IIX) do bc.o H DX) do 0)B 11X1 do bo 0?4 100 do OK 21X1 do c 0 DX) Seator. Cou..he.h i 4), DX) do U'4 2<X) do be.h3 4)a 25 Consul Virginia.sll) 411 200 do bc.o 4)4 DX) Confidence 7)4 50.' do..... bo 4)2 ?'<?) tlrnnvllli- I'l DX) do be.h3 4?. 2(X) tlrnnvllle 2', DX) do bc.bH 4)a l(xi rime A Norcross. . 4'2 UN do..... b.'i I-, D?) lluklll. bc.b5 4*4 100 , do &3D 4)4 1DJ do hoc 4 "4 SKCOXD BOARD?1:30 P. M. 100 shs Cleveland....c ?! 100 *b? lluklll o 4) 100 do <i'4 DX) Lucerne 1)4 'UXI llnetl... Ml.: 1 (k> I flit !??_ 15 3U) Berth a. 100 do 1J, 20)) Uranvllle 2)4 2<X) Merritnac ID), DX) lluklll bc.c 4'a 10!) do b3 O'j DX) do blO 4*4 !?X) do ?H 1IX) do 4'!? llX)StJ. lead 5)4 100 do. b7 4'a l(M)Keaton be 4)g SALES AFTSK CALL. 100 shs lluklll 4>4 DX) ab? lluklll 4>.( HJO do 4*4 100 do 4)4 100 do 4'4 MKXORAXDA. It was stated to-day that Mr. J. W. Garrett, tho President o( the Baltimore and Obio Railroad, bas left Baltimore) Tor Now York, and It is generally supposed that bis visit Is In rcferenco to tbo present traalc lino war. Tbc stock of tbo Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, wblcb sold in Baltimore on Saturday at 120 cash and 124, ?'sellor" 00, sold to-day at 120, closlog at 110 bid and ottered at 120. Tbe following is tus report o( the executlvo com inUtoo or tbo Punaina Railroad Company, to be sub mitted to tbo now Board of Directors at tboir meeting to-morrow:? Receipts for Now York business $468,681 Receipts In Loudon 2111,608 Receipts on tbe lstbtnus and miscellaneous... 134,071) Total $840,008 Interest on bonds $105,000 Subsidy to United States of Colombia. 125.00.) Operating oxpeusus 101,000 301,000 Net $455,068 The foregoing aro tbo net profits for tbo current six months, ending March 31, 1S77, bused upon official returns for Ootobor, November and December, nearly comploto returns for January and February and esti mating tbe business Tor March. Tbo following is tno olllclal roport of tales at tbe open Board of Slock Brokers April 2,1877:? rIust CALL?0:43 4. a. 100 ?hs Erio lUilwny.. l(JO aha St Paul pfd.. l3 4~>K IOOSlew York Ceo.... sb-., KM Went Union tel.... 07H 80) Lake shore 4.>J? 200 D. L A We?t<a..b3 XI, l'Ai do >3 4*?t.i IIS) Northwest Ill '4 21X) 45), 10:) 1'uelUu Mall IDt. luuMlobc'eu :i >Si 100 Keck Island wok 101) hi Paul 1 >l'd 4fr'u second call? 12:31) r. x. 2m,h?OA Hud Can.. 4b',' 200 shs 41 Paul 17?i KMi Wi st U11I011 Tel... .78!-,, 2iK( Del. Lack A West. fiH't l(*> Erin Itullwav > 2<K> St Paul pld... 4.>L. .">UO Lake shore 4d'?' KKI do nil 4.7?? 20U do s3 -til\ KM) Oblo A Mien S4LKS ACT Kit CALL. 2(i>i ihi Luke Klure. 4ot: 21M) she Del, Lack A IV. 5'.)1. K)(i do l?:i Hi*. KMl tVeet Union Tel.b3 3M 600 do 47 K*l do r,7?(0 2UU Micb Central 37 h, 100 Allan A Pac Tel... 23 TiiiBt) call?3;13 r. x 100 ilia Jf Y Central... iMiv ikki ?ii-, 1) A llud Canal 50 2<X) Western Union.b8 loo l.aka shore ..I ? 4" 2O0 do ?3 X 200 do. .. U3 47K IOO do b.? X'2 KKI rlo 47 K*) do X(? |IM) St Paul s3 IS 200 Mlclik-ni Central. 3H>4 7(K?StPaiil prof. 4rt KM) do h3 :ik'4 2'Ki do . 4.7K KMI do t?3 UC,, 1(KI do... ?....1)3 411 ?J'el Del A Luck ltd', 2(MI North a ust prof.... 61 1*1 ??(a? do 6C> KM) Ohio A Mist. 4), IOO W J Central sj? 100 A A 1'Tel b.i 23 TUB ri'llLIC DKIIT KTATKMKNT. The following Is a recapitulation ot tbo public debt statement issued to-day Debt Unritig Interest in Coin. Bonds at 6 per cent $1)34,877.050 Bonds ut 6 pur cent. 703.266.650 Bonds at 4;, percent (70,1100,000 Total principal $1,688,143,700 Total interest 26,7*7,005 D'bt ll'urini/ Interest in I.awjul Money. Navy pension limit ut 3 per cent $14,000,000 Interest Debt on which Interest Has Ceased since Maturity. Principal $6,002,390 Interest..,, 158,273 D'M Hear inn -Vo Interest. Old demand and legal lendur notes $362,721,200 Certificates of deposit. $3,155,000 Fractional currency 23,440.512 Coin certificates 48,270,400 Total principal $469,506,208 Total unclaimed interest 8,707 Total Debt. Principal $2,177. So2,29S Interest 27,020,076 Total. $2,204,832,276 Cash in the Treasury. Coin $86,818,285 Currency..,. 8,184,863 Special deposit held for redemption of riTiiilcatos of deposit, a? provided by law CO.lftS.OOO Total. $130,168,148 />.iit Lett Cath to Ik* Treatury. lurch 1, IKT7 $3,088,711,143 i April 2, 1877 2,074,074.138 Decrease of debt during the month.... $14,107,018 Decrease ol debt s lice Juno 30, 1476 24,786,218 I iiondt ltsutd lo 1'aciiie HailroaU L'oiafoint'cr, /nttretl j l'Hyuble tit Lawjui Money. Principal (muuiiUuig $04,623,612 Intercut accrued aud not vet paid 060.362 ll'.toreil paid by United Slate? 34.018,023 luiereal lepnid by transportation of Uluil*, iic 8,044,004 i llaiauco of interest paid by the United States 26,071,820' I NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES Momdav, April 2, 1877. BEFORE . ALL?It) K. M. $1000 Dls of Col 3 Oft*. 74', mm.h, Lake Shore.... 4}',' "M/jy do | 74f, atrn do 431 5mA) do 741, I'XJ <|.> 4: V sou ?|o 74 S lit* HK U?> 4's??h tjijl > Uo 4,.?4m S4l? i,i 4iM4 Uo ]<KUI do IlliNt do 1 i N $t I luisi DelAHiid.111.rir. litjn NashADec't'r 1st *1*1 Dili" A Mis* 2d. __ 2'*j sbs Del 41 Hudson. lil'J Him 46*r ] ?I'di .?.v utt r.i m ? :i . ?'.??* ' 4-.\ I1 s 231) do 4H'? ftCX) 4 I'M no t!'*, I'lsi do 4" lm> A A I* IVIetiruDh.. 22', I'lmi do 4*? iimi Western I ninu.... .77';, l!?n do 4d 2'?H tlo :,-y. lit ?? 4.'> I.Tmi dci *|71., 2-7'I llilnote Ce "Irul.,, 4<11 I.Vm do 57'* 2IH do 4 ii? 1(KM do ,V7 I'm do 4U', KXX) .jH?X lit) do 41! I "I do r>7 ? 4mi Mich Ceulrel 3.'i1. 42'KI do 37',I KM do 35 V, 351 Ml do 5 7'' ?lit I ,1., " I., i 3300 do 37', iPM do HMO do 37V, Urn do M.\'J :imi do 57s, aim d?. :in 400 d" 67'a 7im do ill 112 ?inui m 11 w i >i.. it'll 2U*) 67** i<*? Uo ;n?4 1UO Wabaali it rec'pls.c ?'I;. 2m) do !'">? ami do til il'j IIIKI do. itmi Pacific Mail...,3 in UK) do "... a?0 21 tl do C 1.1'; I'M) ittit, .'at i Central ol N J !i 2'ti do Ill', lit) do e. in mm do 1 Hs , 2'tl I"', ill 11 do ... 1"', KXi Norlliwctoin 31S 37 do 2i t) do b3 31'., I't) Northwestern pi el'. 5(J 3'.) do ... 4" A, 51) 7it) lmm N Y <' A lludiuu.. 81) k Imti do 811 lit) do 88*; 1 lim do H'.l icti do 811M km do 8HV id 11 do H'.l'", lit) (lo 81)', lmm .Ill 8! A; 3mi do Hilt, 3.711 do UO lim Uo !ti>; 3m) do ;i" 13 Otic !, 11 A Ouiucy. .'am Lake Shore 2'X 1 do 4.V? 100 (lo 46 V4 2U0 H/; 6" do...., H?, 17d Bock Island. ..ex d 07'j 9110 do H 27i t) do H7>7 - - "? t.l? |i?) -St 1'uul pro! 45?, I'm do 4.7s,, limy do 471, I'm do ?3 4.7s, 4'III do 43k 21X1 do 4.7 s, nm do c 4.7m 2< 11 St Paul 63 18 27i?i Del. A Wot.. 58 it'll) Uo 58 J2 IUO do 58 C 2'Xl do 58V 71*) do 58? J 18i 41 do 511 15im do 58'? 21X1 do 68', II tl do 58\ 3i?I do 58?, ?1 10:13 AND 11:80 A. M. ?3XM UK8'? '81 reg.,3 II lk *5mxi U S 5-20'U7. ,6c. 11 I S lUOOO U 8 '81 cll2'J llttm U 8 3'* '81 c 1 111*, 51M do ? 112V 1000 U 8 5'k. 10-40..c III V 3mm U 85-20t'63reg.i. 108V 4it)il do belli*, SOU L' 8 5 20 '65, e.u 108>? 7DOO do .13 111?, FIRST BOARD? Hi-.llO A. M. $HW0 Georgia 6'e lit) mm ,|? N V Ci A U BR. 8H*; 11X4) 3a 7'h, S bdt.x 1 IG5k 5<X) Erie Hallway bo 4% 2000 tin 10.71, 3im do 4s, 1000 Mo 0't. I bill 105 4tm do 4*7 llXtrn 1 enn iV?, 11 a.atto 42V 2mi do 4?, 10000 Ditt Col it H-Vtbo 74S I'm I'anumu KB bo 120 IlKJO N.J Cell Int. con. 5.3 20il Uit Fuc lilt. be..bit 03 3000 NJ Cen tkl. new 104k 60 do... 07i% 11(100 Loll A W It, con.. 27 21) ('lev A 1' Bit j;t..bc hh!? 2(KX) Am Dock im 7's. 4.7 2im Mich Con Kit be 30?, HMO M .1 St Is, con k f 8(1 lit) do itd1, 401X1 Krlo 3d in I02S UXI do 301, 7000 Mkh Con 7's.... 103?, 000 do 3d1; lltK.rn 103 3UO do 36 5000 M Cen8'k, k I'.x I 110 2'tl do itd?, 1000 N'Y Cen d'k, '83.. b 13V 2i t) do 30*, lOUO t'u Fuc 1 g'k..X 1 Dili, lit) do 30*, lmon do di'S wi do 3d*, 5IXH) do bit DPS 2(>0 do SUV 1000 t-'u Pace r..... be B2k Smi do k3 30s, 21100 C11 Fae 104 4(ti do Milk It*JO Fae or Mo lkt... H7W CD do 3dS 1'XJO I'. Ft W A C Int. 120 OKI do 3d*, 2mm St L A IM 1st... 0.7 200 do. 3'.*, IIXX) do... 1I4S 1'Xl CliloAKl U7*, IttxlTol A Wab'id. 70 I4(t) do H7jJ 3itrn L A N c. 'lXi. x I 01 .'axi do hIM 07 18 kht Hk efCom Ill 2'tl do..... 07s, 20 Four tit Nat Hk lb)?, lim do 07 10Central Nat Bk.... 101 2mI 00V 1(8) Del A 11 ml ton. .70 I (XX) L S A M No 4o?J 50 do 60V 300 do 47s? M) Harlem Kt( be 1371, 7(JO do 43?, 68 Atl A Hue 22V 11(X) do 40 KXI do 22J.j 5))() do 40,S IXX) 23 5(XI do 4d*i 400We?t L'nlel 57V 25 do 45', 400 do 57s, 1830 do 4?S I4O0 do 67?, l(ti do u r.c (XX) do kit 67*, 1300 do sit 4iI'V 411 C .'X).) do 57', mm do 4(1', 25(X) do 57s, 7m I do 4'i'.. 500 (lo 57 5(t) do 4(1'. 200 do 57?, it'll m do 2iXt) do 58 14miChlANWKK.bc 31k ll(X) do .7 58*, 41 M1 iltt ? .681' 1 ? U1 I Oil Ultttll M..I I... 4IX) do c 58,S 40 200 do til 58 241X1 do s3 45V 141X) do 58V 21x1 do e 45', 1100 do 58t4 irnm do *3 4.6V lixxi do roc, 8<m do 45C iUXX) do 58>, lit) Wab KK FCK..bc.o KXXJ do 58*; 21m 1I0 3 am) no 58>? 41m do itk liirt <ft. AUi. Iixt/kfl..! r a. tir on 1... r^? ? 14(X| do. 58', liXX)Del, LA 68V 2OO0 do 58*J lmm do... 5H 2m*) do t3 58'7 21 ti do 51 ik liftil'ae Mull S8....6C in Hm do a 3W', 20(1 do I8?i mm do. 1<) American Ks 63 14m) do 5t)?U TO do 52S mm do 60 do 52', 700 do...... 511s. 2i)AiIamtBx be imik 4(t) do ...... in v, ...t. i. ....? 1.. ??! h;?*2 mki do.... r>0S Itl 321K1 do 611?, 6<*) NYC A H li KK.bc 21K) Uo 11)0 do ;tf m) U.) lim do If HI do U.? LHJO do 1H M > do :too do UMK) do 4f)H do 4< JO Uo 5fX? Uo 80?4 imiChlc A Alton Kit.. Ill ? 100 do be Dlk 80S 2im Chic, Bur AO ltK.. mi', 80*. Km do .he Ml'k 8!)?, l'X) do tilO 1)8', II I 11X1 Morriii A hk>ex KK. HdV Ik ik 1(X) do be 8I1V tXIfaf 1?X) do 8ds? It)*; .3.7 NY,Nil A II 132 UO'; lmi llan A St Jot KK . II mi lit) U A Mis Kll .bc.sl7 ilk HUT/ 3im do 3?, 81)*, BEFORE CALL?12:30 P. M. $irm U 8 ft-20, O, '08. 118% 3MX> slit Mich Ccn UK. 81;% SlIOMlTinnttV old,.. 43% Him do ;X>,% II.KMj Vlixniln il'?, con 82% law do 87 IN Kill M A M 1* con a ? 80', x? OU 37% 3IXXIC Pac, St.! br.x t 8(1 :xm do 3H?, 500 ?n? W.xt Co Tel... 58% ?#?> do .17 (III do -18 MX) do 8?V MX) do 57?{ 11*1 111 Cen Hit II ',, ;?*) tio r.71.. Ml L'olon Pacific Kit.. P7% . 4m> do ... 57s, KXIC, C, C A I lilt ... 24 Slaw do 57% **x> Luke Hhure IIK.i'l 45?; 7l?) do 57% K*l *3 4(1 IIU do 57% am do .8 4(11., 1(*W do 57% ixm do 4H% IX*> do 57V III'*) do 4(1 ? 4IK) do 57?, 3MX) do 4lt% 37XW do .*>8 8KW 40s, 4i*? do 58% 7(?i do *3 *Ml,1 a 17iW do 58% 10 Plttibnric 11K,.. 811 Ml*I do 58,4,1 11*1 do. *3 Mill, Mm do ?3 58 , 3iX> Xortbwoat Kit o III |l*l Del A IIml Canal.. 40'. ltm Sorthweht KK pf.. 4P% 100 do 411,17 1?*> Uock Island c* d. 00St 2(1 Adiinu Kxprus*. .. K*", 1**1 do 1X1% 3<X> l'acillc Mali 8S.... 10 -'(*? do 1*1'., o^ti do I8ji ax) do 1X1% Mr i do 8*) 18,% ft do 1*1 mm io am do .3 on*; ?J(*l ttrlo Kit ft 5tm ?''o....... (XWN YC A H K KK.. 8P% a*>8t PhuI Kit of I>% mm do 8p% 50 Ohl. II A Q ltll.... 08), ],*, do Hp i, IO do 00 41*1 do 8o(. Km WabllK Ueculpts.o 3% r, do 80S 1100 Del, I. A W Kit... ftp;, 500 do 80?, 11*1 do CI 50 mi tm :u?) do 50 ,; ?JU) do 1?>H lllOO do 50', (iir) do I*i*4 :rj?m do 50}, Mm IK)',' -ft) N V, S II A II Kll. 151 2'X) do im'-t 50 Ohio A Miss Kit... I', 10 ran mud Kit 122 200 .Morrl* A Kx KK... 81 !) P. M. $481XX) US 5-20. c. '67., 111 % $K*K*) US ft'., c, 'HI... 110X 251 wo U 3 10-40. r lit)?., SECOND BOARD?I P. M. $2i?*)iiaSt 7 * now ... 108^ ixm.lij N Y C A H It.. Pi'% KiUO Ch H A U 7't If*' I"" 1< * W 1, A IV Boon 27 am do b!l !m*? IUO> do 2U Km Erie Kit l> c b.'l 5', :i,**m do we 2*i :*?> do fi% 2(?*) Ch A A lit )1I Ill'; Mm Mich Ccn KK... be 30?, :??m M A 8t I* I A M d. 84% am do 30% It* *) .M A M 1' 2d m. .xl 87 KXO do Ho', 8i?*) I'll A M lit Ml Km*; K*) do 00?? i*?j.)cii A Sff coll K)5>, 7I?) do 717 I*I *) C A Nil con c K l>. 80 :*?l 37,% Villi)! Mcollil 88 12'*) 717*,, K*?I to r?c 7'? Ijr.... no?; I hi m 37% .'*?>) X Y C lat m run . 11 5% "in do 17}, Mrm do lift1, 4i?) do 717 21**1 lot A \V 1,1 m ... Kit Mm 1,8 A M S 401, .V**) Krlc 3d in KM*, cum do 4i>% .81**1 I' KK of M l*t m. 1)7}, 3i*> do 40% K?l ?lm Oiilekslivor .M . 15 2K*) 40,% 21M Coil C ol .Mil. ...lie 20 3|(X) do 40?; mi do 25 ram 4o% 21*1 D A II C Co be IP?, 3i*) Panama UK.....he 1 IP?, ;?*) 50 11*1 7i*I Wont I I) Tel he 5H% KJO Uu Pac UK he 07*4 7'*) do ...... 5h M) Hi Cculriil l-c 41', Mx) do .57'; Km O.C.C .1 I KK. .he 21, I .MkJ do 57 Ai II do 23 % IK*) do 57)2 Kmc A It I Kit he x d 07 K*m do 5m Km do... *3 no?; ik*i do ftMi; m*i do P7 |p n do 58 11X1 U Mist rpl be *3 15?, 71 Ml do *3 57% 21X) do *3 45*4 15 Adam* Ks Kx>,% KX) \V R P Co rce 3\, MX) Pac .Mail MS ho IP Mml), LA W It 1 c.... be 5P., loo do ... him im% imi*i 5P% llW N YC A If like ?8 ixi'? I***) do *3 5P}, lorn do l"i 31X1 do 5P?? im do 1x1V 71x1 ftp % |l*i I"i .51X1 do ftp}, II wi do IXi KX) X J South Kit I MX) do IX>>, 11*1 II A Ml.I pf. ... .lie 21?; 100 do I* 1 ?? 20 A A 811,4 Kll. ...he 00 1200 do DO?i fftixxi Del A Hud, r, '01 no K?x?) M A HI Paul e > f 7l>% .Man Li'lil^li A IV H 0 20 IX'2 alii Del A lliioaun. >M) 2IX) do Mi'; a*> 6H% 10 1 Quicksilver 14', ll*> Quicksilver prel . 21 \ MX) At A l'4u To I. ...b3 23 411 do 22% 500 Wcxlurti Union.... 57', 51 m do 57 % 1 vo 1 do 11 r c 57?, 20 1 110 57 I six) do 57% 300 do 58 :?*) do 57?; "1*1 do 5m 4?m do .58}; win do 58% 20 > Rrlo Knlitvu.v >5?, |i?X) do '>*, si) 1 M J Central m;., 300 Uo 8?, 2::io To ;j P. M. I'M him Micli Conlral.. 37), (i Ml (io 87% MM do....., I'M do ...... 37?; i:*M do 37% VNJII do .Wli.l ;'u 1IJ00 do :wm do 7l7?a MM 1MM do (WMI do ???? , 88'4 UO 1 do :im'. 41 Ml ami do liM'ii '??) ;mo do ?M% ?J' M 1 4?M do HH. f4M do 38 <i 7'Ml d> 88% JiJO Lake Hhoro.. WVbi 411% HJIW do 411}, KM do 4(1?, 5U0 ?*. IUO Pacific Mail 1??? IOOO do ???< l'*i itu |h'4 I ilu m 400 tit> IM |l?ai iiu iS 47 I") ?i . \-% V?< il" hi 47V _ _ do,. ..?J <1 IK", |iWi ilu 47 !?? doC, C.ts * 1 It *.??? 23.V l?l d.1 b:t !"?'* M do d3H m. ; l> Hal do :*?> du i*t, jio Reck Island ui o< ->>' Northwestern Hi V? |u> du 97^ 1 m do.... :|| V HW St Paul I" 4'?' do ill! Iki til Paul, pre? i 'li Nortliwctern oreL 4H?? i"> do b!l 40 I0O do .>i Itai do 4d>,' liens'r -It s'loga ? 5<?K VC .t Hudson... !?''? -lr?l Del, Lac A West.s3 .'??*? - " do ?:i ?uv dwo d> tt'asl do |H'. dfllj" do thi*j d.'xsl tin 59V QO :?>?, df|A do Mil do lui',, :;i<tl tiv fill do lx-r, I4'M do d'axi do. til Ittl do -b3 dlJi K* > do I?l", mo do. i'lO Ohio A Jllsa u.l llW I'm Chlc A Alton ?II 11 1 4 :**> Ohio A Nlss 4 COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON ON ? THE Sl'OT 1-8C. HIGHER; FUTURES Cl.OSLD QUIET?FLOCK FIRM?WHEAT EASY? CORN AND OATS LOWER?WHISKEY NOMINAL? POI.E 1-1UMFU?I.ARD FIRMER?PETROLEUM FIRM?SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE STEADY? ROSIN QUIET?OILS FIRM?COFFEE AND SUGAR NOMINAL-" FREIGHTS QUIET. Monday. April i!?0 P. If. 'ftie merchandise mttrlcou were without decided chuugo, being quiet at about prevloua prices. Ou 'Cbatige itotir was qulot but llriu. Wheat was dull ami heavy. Uoru and oats wuro a shade lower. Pro* visions were firmer. Whiskey was nominal. Freights were quiet. Cotton on the spot wus higher; luturos closed quiet. Codes and sugar were nominal. Oils and petroleum ueie firm. Koslu was quiet. Spirit* turpentine wm steady out quiet. Corn-it..? lu the absence of business tbe market lor Rio wus nominal; d,4')l hags sold, ex Messina, on private lerius. Mild collee was dull. TUn stock of Kio here to-night Is tKJ..">tUI hag., at tialvesteu 8,200 do., at Savauiiuh 9,000 du., at Uaiupton Roads 10,000 du., at Raltitiiore ?> 337 do. Total stock at all ports. Hill.037 hags; ulloat and loading tor United States to February 17, UU,4'J1 hags; purchased for United stales tu March 319, 141,otjii hags. We quote;? Urdiuary cargoes, 16c. x lU'.e.; lair do,, lH^e.; good do., inc.; piimoito.. 19'Vc. a 2llu.; eatreme range lor Iota, UK'. Ic ; Santos, lair to good, 1*,',;C. a 19c., gold, '.HI days; .1 ava, govoi iiuient hags, ddc. a .'lie.: do., grass mats, -'lie. a 24c. ; siugapure, 1 a die.; .Marucalhu. HVc. a dt h'ac.; Laguayra. I do. a dOV4o.; Jamaica, lac. a 19c.; st. Domingo, Hie a I'-CjC ; Potto Ulco, ISc. a dllWc. { Costa ltica, 18c. a die.: Mexican ISc. a die.; Manila. ISc. a lOjje.; Aligns* tnra, I He. it dllc.; savaiillla, IkUc. a dlkj.: Curacoa. lH;?c. a I He. Conns on toe spot was rnther quiet owing to the un favorable weather, bui prices wore marked up '?o We have nothing Horn Liverpool to uav lu euiweqiieuce el the Easter holiday. Our market opcuod ahout tell points higher than last '1 hitrsdav'x closing, but soon lost live points. About noun, however, the quotations tor shut cot ton Wore advanced '?c., Willi sales of about d 100 bales. which caused a decidedly better lot-ling, and prices gaindii seven Points Toward tho close prices Tell ofT again and lus: six points, April cluslng eleven points higher than Thursday 's closing. The closing prices to-day compare with Inst Thursday's olosti-.g as follows - ? Tlnirntuu, March dil. Mmuiau, -Ifrit il. April 11..Via 11.54 April 11.62 ? 11.63 May 11.85 a 11.UU May 11.71 a 11.72 June ll.80oii.8l June 11.87 a 11.88 July II.US a II '.'4 July tdlWa ld.01 August Id.HI a Id.OU August Id.lHiald.ll September ll.8dall.84 September..,.. 11.94 a 11.181 October II 70 a II.7d October 11.7:1 ? 11.75 Noveuibur tl.5Uall.tH November tl.63All.U3 December I l.ilj a 11.115 December 11.54 a 11.65 Juliusrv. 11.70 a II.75 January II 73 a 11.76 ?Quotations Are based on American stunriard ol cla-sillca Hon and on cotton in store running lu quality uut more than halt a grade above or below the grade quoted;? L'lJiiuiU. Alabama. If. Orleans, Tartu. Ordiuary 9 15-10 9 15 III 10 l id 10 l-ltl strict urdiuary 10 o ld 10 5-16 10 7 Id 10 7-ld nl ordinarv In II Id 10 1 l-ld In 111 It) 10 13-10 Strict good ordinary lo 15-16 1" 1.510 11 Ltd II LIU Low middling lie 11 J, 11 "q It' strict low luidilllug 11 'a ll 'i 11,V 11'a Middling II1. 117-u lib 11'4 Good nnddlitiK 117w Id ll)f Id strict good middling Id , 12V Id 121* Middling l-tlf Id', ld>? Id's Id1, Fair I.e. lit'., L1J, 13* ?Stained?tiood ordinary, 0 9-Hle.; strict good ordlnnry, tic. - 111 3-IOc.: low middling, 10>,c.; middling, tic. Spot stiles wei e as follows: ? To /At;/. Th'iimUiy. Total. Export ? . I .dim I,dtO Consumption 2511 7441 1.003 Ill I 1 .Dllt'a , ' l?V I I i'" "V ? , ~ " ? III II .11 I *-? , ?" r1 ' l\ ll.tBe., 2(X) at 11.04c., lit.i in 1I ."do . Ion at ll.Ure.; Mil) 2..*H*I at 11.750., Hot Hi 11.74c , I .illHI III 11.73*., 001) u 11,72c.. 3,uou m U.7lc.. ami?t 11.7110..?dh?i 11.74?., an Total* 2.39 1,940 2.20.) ?Delivered on contract, tk*i bales. Iunlitilol in the sales made alter I'huraduy's repsrl wore 1.2ml oalo* fur export and 371) fur spinning sold i hurstiny nlii For inline deliver) ihe solus ivero Ho follows;?Thursday. Hller live f. M.-April. "00 bales at 11.5.3c.. 300 al 11.Me.; May. '.'mi Ht 11.64a. 2,dun Ht 11.96u., 2.5011 Hi ll.UHo . Juno. 21 JO Hi 1 1.82c . 1,500 hi 11.Hie., 1,7mi nl ll.anc ; July. 500 at 11.95c., loo Ht 11.112c., 2m> hi 11.93c.; August. :too hi 12c.. 600 HI 12.01c., ami III 12.02c.: Mcptembcr, 21*1 at 12.H4e.; November, loo at It.59a, 100 hi ll.llle. 'total, 129**1 bale*. To-day, up to two P. M ?April. 100 bales 11.62c.. 4m I at 11.00c.. HOtl at ll.llle.. 2111 at May. at 000 at 11.75c.; at 11711a. joo al 11.77o.; June, omi ,.i ll.llle., 71*1 at 11.90c.,300 at ll.anc.. I,40o at I l.aac.. 1.400 at 11.87c., 400 at U.8ilc? 200 at 11.80c.. 4IA> hi ll.Udc . 100 at ll.llle., 200 ut 1192c., 2.m*l al 11.93a; July, 8m I ut 12.02o.. 1.300 hi 12.02c., 2mi nt 12.01c.. 1**1 at 12c.. 1<*> at 12.03c., 71V III 12.07c.. two at 12 117c.. 100 al 12.i**e. 1 August, 100 Ht 12.12c.. 31*1 at 12.10c.. 50n at IU.ohc., loo hi 12.00c., 100 at 12.11c.. 2i?l at 12 Lie . fiUlat 12 14c.. 1,300 at 12.15c.: .September, 200 al 11.04c. i November, 300 at 11.07c. lutal, HO.iUI bale*, (irntiil total. 47.0OO bal m. The receipt* Ht the port? were aslollow*lialrcsloti. 377 billon; New Orleans, 2,152: Mobile, 74; .Suvaiitiah, 784; Charleston. 430: Wilmington. 55; Norfolk. 4*is; New York, 117; lto?tuu.211. Total. 5.108 bale*. Tina iluy last week, 0,852 billet. Till* day taut year. 15.800 t,idea. Total alnce Septumber 1, 3,710,184 bales. Cotton Irclirlilt cloaed na fol low* I ?To Havre, by steam, 'yc.. compressed; by sail, fie. To Hamburg. )>y steam, J.ic., coin pre*?cd. To Bremen, oy steam. S,c., compraaaed. to Liverpool, by steam, ,'^d.; by still. 7-112c. a >4.:.. coi.ipresseil. markul i|ulet. F bo bit and iluxtx. Receipts?flour. 1,254 bbla.: wheat, no receipts: cum inoal. 4l*l bant; com. 102,182 bushels; uata. 14.81*1 do.; rye. no receipts; barley. 2,14*1 btisliela. 'I he Hour market was quiet, but very strong, especially fur shipping grades The sales were 10,51*1 ldr!a.. including State. Western and Southern, at the annexed quotations, llye Hour was lalrty active : sales were 350 bbls. Corn meal was also fairly active and the tales foot ti|> about 2.5m) eons ... 10 .hi a ? I and rather easier; good winter No. 2 $1 40 afloat; after '(Miairgo 5,1**1 bualiela sold at $1 HO a #1 40 Corn was easier; bbls. and bags at slightly uuhauced prices. We quote :? No. 2state., $4 s 1 a$5 511 NoperHu* Mule 5<*>a d 35 KxiraState O 25 a d ."hi Choice Stino li 50 a 7 Oil Superlloc Western II mi a 0 35 Extra Western 6 25 a d .'hi Minnesota 7 2.5 a 8 25 Hound hoop Ohio, shipping brands d 511 a 7 mi Bound h >op Ohio, trade brands 7 "hi a 8 mi Family 8 mi a 8 5o 81. Loins, low extra..... 7 mi a 7 50 St. Louis, straight extra 7 50 a 8 ml St. Louis choice double extra 8 mi a 8 75 St. Louis, choice lumily 8 75 a III 1*1 !!yu flour, siiperfliie 4 50 a 4 81 Southern, No. 2 5 mi a 6 5u Southern, innorhno dmia 0 25 Southern extra H .'Hi a 7 75 Suiitliern. family 7 75 a 9 25 Corn meal, Western 2 75 a 2 96 Corn luenl. Jersey 2 75 a 2 93 Com meal. Brandywluo 3 IV a 3 20 Corn meal, puncheons 15 50 a ?Wheat was dnil Milwuuaeu tool at I. ungraded spring sold we unto sales of about 11)5,1**1 bushels at 54)i,c. fur No. 3 mixed, 54lac. lor steamer. 55c. for loiv mixed and un graded mixed, 56c. lor Southern white afloat, and 57'4c. lor Southern yollnw; 12,1*10 bushel* steamer mixed told, alter 'Change, at 54)fe.. and 4,mm bushels old Western steamer mixed al 5,5)40. Kye ? Market quirt at sic. a85c lor West ern, nml 85c for Southern on track. Barley and barley mall doll, t.'ats wore rather easier, save lor extra while, whb li sold at extreme hemes: the sales embraced 4d,000 bushels nt 38c. lor rejected. 52a for No. 1 mixed, 43c. lor No. 2 mixed, 40c. for No. 3 mixed. 45i..c. lor No. 2 white, and 45c. a 51a tor white Ohio and Michigan on track. IIxai' AND Jutk. ?.lutH butts were- quiet. Hemp?Mar ket dull and weak tor Manila, hut firm tor Sisal. We <jautoAmerican dressed. $l:si for tingle, $225 a $23.i for double and 61HO a #135 for undressed; K ass I a, clean, #21 *5 a 6215, gold; Italian, $275 *$28ii, gold ; jute. 4c a 5J-?c? currency; jute butts, 3',c a 3'jc.. currency, cash, 011 spot; Manila bump, Ho. n8J4o.; Sisal do., 54*0.; latio, 5*.'tc. a6c , all gold. 0oi.amkx.?New Orleans wus in moderate demand, bnt steady. About 2mi bbla. sold at 4<>c. a .Vic lor lair to choice. 1'oreii.n wan dull We quote Cuba, cenlrl'iisal anil mixed, 27c. a 32c.; cluied, 33c. a 38c : do. muscovado rotiiiing. 34c. a due.: grocery, 85c. a 40e.; Porto Kieo, 41 >e. ? ."h>c.; hng 11-It Islands, 3 ic. a Die.; New Orleans, goon to prime, 40c. a 60c.. choice, 52c. a.Vie.; laucy. i5c. a 5dc. Naval Stokhs.?Spirits turpeoiiiie was ,-lcady. The t ales Were 11b oil 31*1 til Is. at 37)qr.. a .'18c.. closing at 3Hc. Knsln w us s'.oady and fairly acil vo; sales were luibhln strained nt $2 I'Tjg, )<*) bbls. good strained al $2 111 auu 2,5'*) bbls. stiained and good strained 011 private terms, 'far was steady, but not active. We quote Fplrits lunieiiiliie, merchantable order, 38c. Rosin Strained,62 IVi a $2 (17)4; good do , #2 111. Pitch, #2 2V a #2 37',. far?Wilmington, $2 25 a $2 37)4 Advice* Iront Wilmington were as I'ol lows;?Itoslu quiet; strained, #1 70; good do. Ilrm a' $1 75. Tar steady at r I <15. Tiirpoiitluc steady; haid, $1 .'Hi; solt and virgin, #2 50 Spirits lirui at 33>?'c. OIL*.?Market quiet hut llrni; lis) bbls. sperm sold at Now Bedford at*I 31. \Ve qaotu Linseed, casks and bbls., i?4c. Hi*k: t cottouseed. crude, Stic.; Southern yellow 53c a We. ; yellow wlultr, 55c. a <*k%; white winter. 02c. a 93a; lard, prim* winter, sue. a 85c ; sperm, crude, #1 35}do,, bleached winter, 61 65; do., iiattif al do., $1 00; w hale, crude, North em, 75c.; d n. Southern. 70c.; Idoached winter, 78c. , natu ral do.. 75c. a 7llc.: extra d ... 85c.; winter bleached Halt, 5lk', a 52*.; crude ILh. 43c. a 45c. PkT UObX CM. ?.Market doll, hat III 111. Salcr. Saturday at BallliDure uf 11.1**1 bbls. at iil',c. Toe closing prims u ere as follows;?Crude, In Inilk, lie.; do,, In bids., I tc, 1 re lined. In hltls., 17c. ; do., In cases. 21 tic. a 24c. : naphtha, I le. a 11.'4c. lor prime city; relined. at Philadelphia, H'OsC : do,, at Baltimore, 1H'p. Advices the creek were us follows ; - Oil L|ty dull I L'nitud, #2 stij? bid! shipments, nominally #2 142)4; Parker's market quiet; II. Ited, p2 8164 Kf'JSOjj; shiiimnuts, Uomlnalli #2 11,5. Pobi.Tny.?Market r.itlior unlet and barely sluady. Wo qnoioLive lewis. Statu olid Jersey. 15c. a 10c. per lb.; stato and Western, 14c. a 15c. 'Inrkeys, ntalu and Jorsuy, 1 e. aide,; Western, 14c. a 15a iluoao-Jersey, #1 75 a #2 25 per pair; Western, #1 ."hi a #17.5 per pair. Iiu ks? .lerse). 87c. a #1 2.5 per pair! Western, 7'k'. a >*>c. per pair. Dressed poultry?Inrkeys were quoted at Bb'. a lNe. lor good to prime State, 10?. it I Me, for pood to pi 1111* .Isr ael, 15* a 17c. for good to prime Western. Chickens were quoted at IHe. a 18c. lor good to prime state, lOo. a ise. for ; lair to good Jersey. Ilk-, a 17c. for good to priiuo Western, and 13c. a 13c. lor fill' to good do. I'novisiiin.*.?Receipt* I'ork. 1.194 bbls.: lard, 4,63" ttercus, 2isi casus and H tube; cut meats, 2,971 package*; bacon 35 tierces and 1.71*9 boxce; Ijeel, "2 tierces, 177 bbls. ami .3411 cases; dr. saed Ileus, 13. The pork market was quiet but firmer, and closed at tin- second "call'' as lolluo sApril, #14 75 bill. #15 asked ; May. $11 kii bid, #14 tsiaskvil; dull*. #14 8.3 bid, #14 Ifi asked sales wore l'*> bbls at #14 4*' a #15, ana "hii bbl*. at #14 70 lor April dolliery and #14 Mil for May delivery. (Sit meats were quiet; II)'?*> pickled llama, 1! lbs., sold at 9Mo> Smoked bams aero quoted at H>i'. n tie.; smoked shoulders at 7\c. Bacon was quiet; 7.3 boxeseliy long clear sold o* private terms, and .'HI boxes do. do, at 8H|C.; Western long 1 lear was bald at 7J?c. a He. Beef? About H*> bids sold within the range Wo quote ? -Bbls., extra mess. #11 ."hi a #12 -50; plain, mess, Pin .'Hi a #11 50: packet, #14 a #1 ?: in recti city extra India, nominal at #24 a #2.5. Beef li 111111 wore quiet at #22 a #22 50 for choice Western. Dressed hogs were about steady at "H0- a 7's'c. lor city, heavy to II.lit. Market pigs. 7J?c. ; olio car Western sold al "'al., and one car Detroit. Ire so slaughtered, at 7c. Lard w us Arm. under a fair demand The rioting "call" prices wcr. as billowsApril. # 1 8 1 bid. #9 8V asked ; Mnv, #9 HU bid, #9 92'J asked ; J line, $10 bid. f jilltv asked. The sale* Were 8,750 llsrces at #9 35 a #0 82)* lor April,#985,#9 87)*, for Mar and f^ 97)4 a #10'or June. Spot talus were 300 tierce* clty hi 914c ; I j.i do ?Su*ierti " f'9 8-5; 260 rturre* do.. to strive, at iH|V | on I lui tlercu* off giadu at 3c. u *'4c 45-hnut wasquiet >ui *te*dy. Sales w?r?' 'iCNUUrcdt tor '.lie Coutinuut At kl^c., 10" do. lor Juba At "?\c * mi At .teres* ctty \.? I si t V. Butter ? Receipts. 3 089 peck agr* Market oulet At 15*. a 2>c. for common to Stir Httttr *ud 13c. n Wc. for cmmon to duo Wen art. Cheese?Receipts, ? .?? hoxe*. trail* fair And price* firiu quoted At 14c. it I Be. for 8t sta and I3>#c- a I5ltc 'of MftMim. liter. was fairly relive uud firm. Wo ?|&oU,-4VoIida fair, 5(tc a 5J|?- . good, Yfpv' h j;4i; ; prime, tic* a ' choice, ttfic a 7c. LuuDUua. com noi? fair. 4f4c a i ?V4c. . to print*. 5*fc. t O^c.; I'mm, 7*fcc. a 7)4c,. cur I rcncy. Itangouu. m bono. t.\ . ifBc.. g ? .1 Sinak ? lu tin* absence ?>t Important trade Its raw prices ] remained nominal. Refined w?< quiet. Wo quote: ?*a*r , to lettuitiv, 8; ((oo*! do., 8?gc. . Cuba, irocory. fair t?? j choice, 9'?c. a o**c . do , ccutrtfuga', hint? aioI boxes, i N?'?. 8 i<> lit IL.t a 1?Hr . : do., iuoIhsmus. IthtD and Lexus, J 7*40. a **\c ; IVriu Rico, refining. tomtnou to prime, i 7?4c a Ik. : da., grocery. fmr to choc*, tl' .c n 9^jC.; rctmcd. standard A, I"*c. ? 1<?4 .c. ; "ft A, life. n H^c ; *ru?htJ. ) 1 l4c , powdered, l"r#c. ; /:etiolated, l"*pe ; cut lutf, 11 \c,; white extra 0*?. "V n 10c., j eliow extra C's, 9c u Bjjf. . olhur grades, incluatug O *. *'4c a 8%u Sts.AKiM.. ? Receipts. 41 hhd*. Market unlet at l"*?c. a 10l*c. for prima city and l"4jC u 10*4c. lor \Vu*terti Tallow ?Receipt*. 3 hhds , 7"" bid* and TO no\u*. Tho niiuket WU* unlet : 4",(K*' Ibv ftdd at 7f?c. it He. iVHliMKY.-Ktcrlpti. 1.559 bbls. I lie market wan dull and nominal. with SI 0. bid uud ft >7.*t atkud. Kui.tMira ?-The treuera! market waa ijitiei and with in* croaked arrivuU of ve?aoU rate* weie ucnk hn;u;i';. enla? To Li v#i pooi. per ?teatu, ?d.ikk?bimbo.? ^raiu ai 4^u., tat iba., a :aiii!*t 4d. iuat paid, allowing an advance of f(il. in tUla iimtuuce. and by ????!. I'm tlercoa lard at 17-*. da., IVi bulea cotton <u l4d. t'liartert?An Italian bark 41<> toim. heticd to Hclta^t. wit!- 'J 4'*i bbla. refined petroieuut mi H?. 4*^4. : a Norwegian bark. .*> 1.?toua, hence to mibraltnr ;or oruor?, with Aj nbife refined petroleum at 4!*. to the h cdiiei ranean. Adriatic. "?a. , ?? Norerepiau bark. B>W toim. hence io tin* ?ier man liaitic with J,Mkt bbm. refined petroleum mi 4*. a 4a. dd., according to lay daj's. a Norwegian bark, 41?? toim, hence to tlottenniirg with .'..W bl?a. rutitied peir Meutu at 4a.; a Norweglrtit bark 4?V? l.?ua. heiir*s do. with ?om bbla. do. at 4m.; an American bark. *?C l.?na fr??m I'i.tladel* phia to.Japan, witli iJo.iAti ca?ea refined at 4' c ; a itrittoh bark, Hwi tuna, heoce to Cork lur nnter*. with do a it at 7()*., ataudard; a Noiuregiuil bark. J*. *T toim, lieiico to Hftliia with Hour ?<t fl in full: it Itritlsli hark, *>7Ht ?na, from Haltfmore to \Iartlnl(|tie with coal, at^'J J."> per ton; a Jiritiah hark, Soj toua, :rom m. John. N. H . to Liverpool, with deals, at iI'm., ?inti?hird . u liritiah liark, tttK) toim, trom Pon?aco!ii to a direct Cotitiucu tai port, witli hewn tl.uber, nt 4 m.; .? Norwegian bark, re ported from Baltimore ichurtuiod there) to or Copvuhaaeu, with 3,'tlX) ituurtera graiu. at om. :id.. a hark, witli tl.oOO quarter* grain, from Baltimore to eu?l coaal Irolaud. at -Id.; one to weal eoaat 1 iiglaml frotii Buttl more, with P'.4mj quartorn, at .r>?. Bd.; a bark irotu Baltimore to lleifitat, with B.Tihi quartera, at 4# <?d. ; one, with quarters, thence to do.. h>u:i* rate; a bark from Baltimore to Cork lor order*, with Bjkk) quartors grain, at 5a. 4^4d. NEW YUUlv CAiTLfi MARKETS. MoNUAY. April 2, 1S77. RkCktpTs rot: thk paat wkkk VtaLi Shu it an t <i#t I Vault. il*ev 9. C'oic*. Caiitt. Lhu'm. Jluj*. sixtieth ktreel d,0B4 B1 1,115 ll.BHJ ? Forty oiuutii street.. ? ? ? ?. ? Fortieth ?trc?t ? ? ? ? 9.157 Jersey City 3,'JB.j ? ? 7,Htkj U,s25 Tot Ala D.HDU III 1,115 lB.liil JH.US'J Frcah to duy B.SUS 2.1 2iH 7. 44 4.IB4 IlKkVk.s?Oil a liglit run of goncruliy fair quality liorueU cuttle trade w ua slow. Fiicea raiiuea iroiu - u 12c. per ib. Frotu 5.? lbs. a 5S Ibi. hut been ullewud not. A( Sixtieth struct yards 1*. C. HaAtiuau sold lor aeil IBcnr.ot iioiuutl cattle, couaiatuig of the following hold*:?44 lilinoU | kleera, 112 liliiiola ateera, B4 liiiuoia i>toera. tUt Illinois atcera, turma not obtained. Coou X Itioiupaoii n?dd for Atflvei* 15 llliuola stoera at Idjjr. tier lb , with .'ak*. of! per i head, weight 7 >4 cm.; 30 ill mo Ia ?tfcr? ut K?Sc. per lb., ! weigut 744 cwt. ; held on aulu 31 liltuoia ?tccr?. ! II. r Burchnnl held 011 aale for ItAiikiu A 'Ibunipooit is litluoia Mteera. Ulery X Cary ?old for M. Klrcliwuy 55 till hoi* ateura ut O^c. u lO^c. per lb., woiglil 0*4 cwt , 111 llii hois ateera ut I0J4C. iter ib., wuight 7 cwt. . 4* atcur* lit I0>4c. u I Ic. per Ib , weight 7% cwt.; 85 lllmoia ?tocra at lie. u 1 l>gc. per lb., weights S^g cwt. u 8>4cwt. tiillia X Brown noid lor solves 20 liiiuoU ?iuerN ut loj^o. a 111 ,c. per lb., weight 7.1% cwt.; 23 liiiuoia steers at 12c. per ib.. weight cwt.; 24 liiiuoia ateers ut I2I4C. u I2,1bc. per lb., weight t)>g cwt. T. Vt heeler sold for sell 32 Illinois atocr* ut He a 12c. pur lb., weight 8 cwt.; lor J. stern 15 liiiuoia steer* at ll>ac. per lb., weight 8 cwt. K. Vogel sold lor N. Morris B5 lliiuoni steers at hl^c. per lu., with #1 011 pei head oil 14 licud, weight O'j cwt.; 34 Illinois steer* nt U^c. per lb., weight ll>4 cwt.; 33 Illinois steers ut per ih., weight 0A? cwt. P- Namurls sold lor N. Morrin .14 Illinois steers at Bj%e. per lb., weight 0'4 cwt.; 18 iliimns steer* at per lb., with ^1 off per head, weight IM4 cwt., 10 llii uois steers at loc. pur lb., weight 0'4 cwt. ; 10 Illinois ateers At I0S4C. per lb., with irl oil per heiul. weight 0j*4 lbs., 52 liiiuoi* steers ut iOe. a I0.l4c. per lb., weight Blt cwt., scant; helu 011 sale, Jo Illinois steer*. Mogul A Meyer sold tor *oive* 30 Illinois ?teer* at OSj.-. per lb., aith 5oc. ou per head, weight 0>a cwt.; 15 lllluois steers at iB%c. pur lb., with 50c. on per head, weight 0>4 cwt , 8u Illinois fleers ut 104ac. per lb , weight < *4 cwt.. B4 Illinois steer* ut pur lb., weight cwt. a 1^4 cwt. : 91 Illinois ttuers at lie. pur lb., with 50c. *?fT per head 011 ?k? head, weight 8 cwt. At Jersey City yaid* Couey X Mcl'liersou sold for a. Brown 28 Kentucky ateers at IH4c. a I25gc. per lu,,* weight V cwt.; for Dudisinun A Blown it7 Olilo steur* at lOjfcjt'c. a I l^e. per lb., weight B cwt., 14 Ohio steers at 12c. pur ib., weight Uj4 cwt.; lor O. Mcl'liersou 35 Illinois steers at 10c a lM>ac. per lb., weight cwt., lur j I). Thompson 100 Illinois steers at 84ac a lou per lb., | weight Beat.; for N. Klopfar. 142 Missouri steer* at lo.^c, | a Il^a pui lb., wolglit 7>| cwt., for N. Morris 92 lilinoU steers at 10){c. a 1 l)ac. per lb., weight 7)q cwt,; f??r 1> l,e fevru 17 I'cutiaylvAnia steers ut l.Bac. pei ib.. weight it% cwt.. for C Brown 17 Ohio steer* at 9l4c. a ItBjC. pur lb., weight ?i cwt. I?'f1ey k 8011* sold for A. Vogel 34 IIII uols steers at 9>ge. pur lb., weight 0 cwt. . for N Morris 33 liiiuoia steers at oLc. a W4c. per lb., wolgliv B.'4 cw t. ; <3 Illinois steers at inc. pur lb., weight d?t cwt.. 17 llfluois steers nt U?J%c. per In., with *1 oil per head, weight 7 cwt. D Wui&elsold for Wulxul X Allertou 29 Illinois steers at 9>tc a 9J4C. pur lb., with AOc. jU per head on 22 huad, sold at lop rate, weight dJ4 cwt, ?cant; .>4 Illinois alter* at I J>4c. a lo'^c per lb., w? igiit 0>a cat., strong, a 7'^ cwt. t. Kauu *old for Kahu X Final 27 li.mols stuers at 9>?c. poi ib.. weight H cwt. ; 72 llnuoia steer* ut lUc. pur lb., wetguia 5*.a cwt. audB4| cwt., with 4>l olf pur head *m |t? bead . tki I duiois stuers at lu^c a !o*>tfc. per lb., wuigiit B44 cwt.: 22 llliuois sleurs at B?A|C. pt?# ib., with Jd v?d pur head, wcigbl 7l4 ewi. L, Ituguiistelu sold for sell and Meyur 35 iliiuoii* stuutH at U4ac. pur lb., with $1 on pur head, weight t> cwt., 72 li)iuoi> steer* ui I He. pur lb., with on per bead oil 31 bead, wuights H,'4 cwt. uud iifA cu t . 18 ll.iliob *iu?rs ut lh'4t. per lb., weight 7 cwt., scant; 05 Illinois steer* at KBac. per ib., with <"?0e. ou per head on 15 head, wuiglu* 7 cw t. a 144 cwt., stmug; 43 IIB110U steers at IO-I4C. per ib . weight* 1 >4 cwt. a7>a cwt. 11. >, Ko*eutiiai .old lor *uli )??; Clieiokue steer* ut 844c. a 84ac. pur Io., weight 4^4 cw t. , 70 Illinois stuers ut IHc. pur lb., with $1 uii per head ou 20 head, weight* ??>, cwt. u 7 cwt.; 10 llliuois .leers at lUl4c. per lb., weight 7 cwt.; 12 Illinois stuers ut 10*40. pur lb., ueuiii 7,'a cwt.; 10 Illinois stuum ut K94c. per lb., weight O cwt,; 13 Illinois steers at IO.\c, nor lb., weight 8 cwt. M. GoldscUiuiUt soul lor A. Vogel 15 ililuoi* *teura ut 944c per li?., weight 0 cwt.; 30 Illinois ^teura ut lol4c. Ucf lb., weight 0!4 cwt.. scaut, lor II. Klopfer2fl Mln*ouri *teurn at I tie. per lb., with $1 ol per head, weight 0>4 cwt.; K> Missouri steers at 10>4e. a !0*ae pur lb., weight *?'4 cwt.; 49 >li**ouii steers at I Ic. per lb., with ?1 ofT pur head on 9 head and $Ji> otl ??n 27 head, weights OCy i wt. a 7'a cwt. S. W. Miuriuuli ] s?dd lor Wwixul X Allertou 35 Illinois stuers at 9l4e. per .b,, | with oOc. ou hur head on 18 head, weight. 0'4 cwt.; 20 I III inuik Ateers ut lUc. pur Ib .wulghl 0,*a cwt. b. tFlioiiiiuil sold tor Wuixui X Allertou 21 Illinois steers at 9*4c. pur Ib., weight Ocwt ; IB Illiuoi* iituer* ut 9^4c, per ib . Weight 0*a cwt.; 35 liliutdA steers ut K>c. pur ib., weight 0*4 cwt. I W. K. Dudley sold lor N. Morris 45 l.'liti ?i* *tcers j at 11840. pur lb,, with $1 ou pur head 011 30 I liead uud .0Jc. off pet head on 15 head, weight 0*4 cwt.; M. LauieroacU sold tor II. 8. Uoseuthal 43 Illinois steer* av 9*40. u 9)ac. per lb , weights .'?4, ca t. a o cwt.; 27 llliuois st> ers at 10c. a Ui'4c. per Ih., weight IK.4 j cwt.; B. X II. WeMlheimor sold for Christie X Co. Is Ohio j steers at l?)c. per 1 is.. weight cwt. , lor N. Buid, 43 M u li ' iguii stuers at HBac. per Ih., with ? 1 011 per head, weight 7Vk cwt.; IB Michigan bulls, live weigut 1.419 lb*, per l ead, ut 4c. t>1>r Ih.; for FasHuld X Co., 12 Ohio iloui.* ut K^c. per lb., wuight 7*4 cwt. mikup ax i? iiAMn.4.?We call I lie attention of our readers to tlie fact ol the transfer from Forty eighth street sheep yards ol the business heretofore carried on lu tho??* yard* to the live stock terminus of the Central New York and Hudson Llvur railways, located ut tlie toot of West Sixtieth street. I ho firm of Davis A Mullen buck and the house of J. Ivirhy have hi ought with them u large Accession of trade to tlio Hixiioth street yard*, am tho accredited salesmen ol several of the leading Western shipper* 01 sheep and other small ?tuck. Judd X Buckingham sokl 18" Michigan sheep, weight 114 lbs. per head, at |>7 55 per cwt.; 142 Kentucky sheep, weigut 107 lbs. pur head, at d*gc. pur lb. : 148 Ken tucky snuep, weight 102 lbs. pur head, at $0 8i> 1?t?r cwt. bold lor woek ending Marcli 31, 1877, 2,3ln *huop and lambs, nt 5Hi 73 average our head. K. Newton sold H13 VV u etc I'll sheep, weight 71 ihs. per iiead, at *0 45 per cwt.; 175 Western sheep, weight 71 lbs. per head, at ;?'ac. per Ib. ; 127 Western siiu p, wel.lit 92 H?*. per he id, at 544c. per lb.; >53 Ohio sheep, weight 102 lbs. ocr head, at 7l,,c. per lb. Kasu X I'idcock sold 174 Ohio *heup, weight 94 lbs. pur huad, at6*jjc. pur lb.; 150 Illinois ah up. wuigiit 111 Ib*. pur head, at 7c. per Ih. Sold lor week eliding March 31. 18<7, 2,740 sln ep and laiuba ut JO average our huad. T. Kirby sold 105 sheep, weight 8,JUS) lbs., ut tic. per lb., with $5 oil the Bock; 3H sheep, weight 2.59" lbs., at <0ac. pur Ih.; lift* sheep, weight 1".MOO lbs., at $0 HA pur cwt. ; 1B5 sheep, weight I r,4Ho lbs., at $7 pur cwt.. with $10 oft the Hock; 28 sheon. weight 2.25" lbs . at 7?ac. pur Ih. Diiluuti ck X Hume *wld |hj Ohio sheep, weight I0."4"lha., ut Biac. ptr lb.; 18.5 Ohio nfieup, weight 1".490 ihs., at B(3-c. per lb.; 199 Michigan sheep, weight 10,04" lbs., at B^c. per lb,; 189 Michigan sheep, weight 1H,3A0 Ih*.. at BJ4c. pur Ib ; 183 htate shuup. weight 14.37" lbs., at Be. pur lb.. 187 State sheep, weight i7,4l" lb*., ut B*ic pur Ih 12B Statu sheep, weight 18.540 Ih* , at 7c. pur lb.; 7B Siutu yearling lauibs. weight 0.19" Ihs., ut r*c. per Ih. Davis X llalluiihuca sold 199 Michigan sheep, weight 18.230 Ihs., nt 0'ac. per Ih.; 189 Michigan sheep, welglit 17,71" lb*, at 0k?e. j>er Ib.; 331 Michigan sheep, wuigiit 37,5""lbs , at 7,JiC. per ib.; 142 Indiana sheep, weight 12" Ih*.'per head ; ut 74gc. per lb. ; 2Wi Slate siieep, wrignt 23."5" lb*,, lit B'4c, per ib.; 10" Atnte iliecp, weigh | 7,7i" in*., at B^c. per lb.,; B1 Mate *huep. weight B.4 I" Ih*., nt 7c. iter ib. ; B'2 Statu sheep, weight 0,770 Ibi. nt 7'4c. peril).; 129 Htato sleep, weight 124 Ihs. pur liead, at $7 8" per cwt.; 103 Mate year* Bug lambs, weight 14.94" Ih*., at He. per Ib Hume X Klliott sold 185 Ol. Io sheep, weight 14,13D Ib*.. at Bfac. per Ib. ; It" Otiio sheep, weigut l".Bs" Ihs., ut B%c. per Ih. ; HI Stale aheap, weight 4,55" lbs., at Be. pur lb.; 129 State sheep, wright 12.080 lbs., ut 0;ac. per lb.; 1h5 State shtep, weight 10.22" lb*., at B%c. per lb.; 13" State sheep, weight 12.87" Ihs.. at 7c. per In,; 1*2 Stale sheep, weight 17.55" lbs., at h'4c. per Ih. ; 28 Male yearling lamb*, weight 2.570 lbs., at 8c. per lb. Sold, lur week end* III;: March 31, 1877, 1,208 *hoep and lambs at $<131 average per head. Ml f.< 11 Cows.-- No quut at Inns. V> a 1.8 ami C4IAK* ? No smooth quality veals to hand. (5.arse quality calves In over supply, slow ol sale at 0*flc. a 8\e. per Ih. lioi.a.?Two ear loads of Ohio liogt wero sold on lire weight; terms not obtallied DOMESTIC MARKETS. Caivi'TiiX, April a, 1S77. Cotton atoadlar; middling, lie.; low middling, |n',e ? good oiduiary, H>c. .Ni t recelpla, ,*i77 bale*: Rron, .imi, l.xporla cooalwla*, IK. haloa, I'll. Murk, 4*t,i?l3. ,\KW UMLi.tNa, April 3, 1H77. Cotton alrnng: middling. H'ir.; low middling, |n',c. ; (toiiil o dinar). Nut ruenipla, 2.1113 lull a; uroaa, 3.4-?4. l-.xp>rta to droit Hrllitin. 4,<ki3. Male*, HIUU. block, 34N.SW3. Mohilk. April 2, 1*77. Cotton (toady; middling, llo.; loir middling. IU good ordinary, HA', n Not receipt*, 74 lotion. Kx puili co.iitwIto. I. Holoi, l,i**l Stock, VJ.tta?. bat tx.XAH, April a. Iw77. Cotton very firm: middling, 11 ',c.. low nit'lilltiiu, 1n'uo.; pood ordinary. |tl'ax. Not recelpla, 7h| lone* Export* ? I'o ilio Continent, I.UUU; to tlio Clmniiol, 1,3<*I. balea, 41PU. Stock, 3'i, I :l.i. Chami.mtok, April a, Ih77. Cotton linn: middling, it ll\c. ; tow, ll'xc. h 11ftc ; pood ordinaiy, I'l^e Net rocolpto, 4.Id balea. Export! coailwia*. 87. bale*. .M*J. block, a.l.bin. Wilmixi.tox, N. I'., April a, IH77 Spirit* turpentine Arm at .l)l,c. Komi ipilut ?? u<l lirm at 41 7<> for oirHlmol. t rudo turio ntlr.e xtomly at $1 "id for Intnl. fa "id lor yollow dip mnl virgin 'I m atandy m fl ?>.?. OitrtuO, April 3. IK77. Klour Heady; aalee l*Jd libit., ot >7 .'?o a P1 tor No. I I aprlng, $7 7."r a#H a."> lor aiabur winter, $w ? $h o0 tor whlto do , $* jr. it $H 7.'i lor iloiiine ultra. wheat In liirlil do In and: No. I Milwaukee Club, $1 ."if; No. ado., f I oS; No, I white Mulligan, $) US; extru do. *1 its. Corn ateidy; Wealnrn tnixo.l, .Ak, Hurley imietivu; No. I Canada held nt l?kr u trje. : No. ado., 7So. it rot Corn luenl -Molted, f J "? unbolted, 134. M.lltccil --Short*. $311 *liip*lirfT?, $33; middling*, $34 n ?a >. Flour abipnienta, l.nai btda lltrraio. April a, l?77. Marked dull; demand light; only milling dotuuud lor ?b9ftt an J earn: fair demand for Hoar, bjst price* iia i"banged . iVJ'ubi* 4 orii - K*lc? of 7 v'.?rt .itw, j* imc* -tt .*I . car*, dt? . u??i? mixed At '*I Wheal ? .%n!r? *)| 4 cmi* wide 41 #1 ?*2; 1..ID* b*ii)#ii Nu. 2 N??rtb? *e*lern al private Irrikii lu*bl at II 42. I4*i ley ?>t d.u*M liUii.t'U v'hu ad a ?t privet* t?riu. 1V*? - riele* oft vtir C*i.hJ4 d H3c. Other article* u>i&iiH*ily iiucii?it^?d iu the ib?M4i of ?al*?. liatlmtuj fr**ier!t14 nncli enured. Ho r'iuar, 4,7(*? wiewt, IH.iMj bu*heU; com, tja : on!*, 14 7"0 t) ?.: l?4rlr?, 4.4<t * do.; rri?, H,2*** do. *hlj?8l*tll*?Hour. H,7Vt bol*.; * he*t. 21 d**) hu?liei? coru, 24*0>'do ; n?t?, 14<n?tlu ; barley, *4.4<*>dO. *, rye. A 2**? do. (?rAiii'lti ?U?e hihI ?i!o4i? Wheat. Km, 172 hurhe'.*; corn, 14? *. JI ? ? do,: (#*l*. 12,114 do ; bnlry. Uo.; rye, H.'ju 4 do. ; m1t, b'i.Tdi) du. Tolnl, W'J.H.jj hufttielv foikim. Apr.I 2. 1 ?TT. Flour nlddy. Whril iteady; No. I wtute >11 ? tlgaa. f! f?.%; No 2 do., ft 40\extra do. $1 5*4; *MWr Mkhigui, Apru. #1 : May f I ?"?"% No. I red wider. tpul, #l?iO N i ? do.. xp<*t, hi*id a! fl *?.'l \1 iy, $1 Vi; tale* of 2 i?*y?on *nd Michigan rod lit #1 ?? >; rHeeted red held it #1 '"S- *1 bid Com ?t*?4y; hljifi miked. *poi md April. 4"k;. Nu. 2. ?liot. 44^c.; May held at 4V;e., t>V4e. Ful: June held m| 4th* * eh.**, 4t?e ; rrjrrttti. 44,(2. Oa'.i i|iiiet; wiille. 4ic : Michigan, HG^c. Clovertova. #> 4<?. Keceiptn?WhtAt. - 7 4' Lu%h*U; corn. 7,4*** do. ? on!*. I.Fil da, Mintnicoi* ? Wheat. l4,oyi bushel*; cum. 7,U?*l do.} OMl s, 4,<**? Jo. Chic4go, April 2. 1^77. Flour eland/ and firm; Weiteru exic* $'* J ? a frl 77; >!u,i.en>t ? do , .'?(i ,i jf7 25: -Mnineaota, paten: pr<. #7 l!o it #:? *x ; wtt'er extra, 0i ilfM. Wheat active, firm nu?l higher Ui*.; unsettled; No 2 Ciiinn^o tprin;. .fl 'jii^ citeli or April; * I III i fcl HI M u> ; # I HI \ a #1 112, ,1 jue No. H do . Fl |l? m Fl 20; ?el*eied. tfeK*. u#l Corn in gaud demand and a tdtade lower ; .He. CAfli or April; 42s?e , *?y; 4*2,4i\. .1 tine: itjecied. H7l..c. tint* Ktundy; Hie c.i*li, HIshc. \Iai- l<>? ^1?a !v Hint iiiiuiiAiiifed. Hitriev ?te?dy mid no iineliAtiued. Fork * i rly unlive and a *liAde lii^lier Fid < a?ti; 11 4 |.% a e!4 !75.,', May ; f 1 4 '27,lt a #14 *? June. I.nrd in irood de??An?l nnd a ?liudo bi^iier; # * CH-d* I F'1 ?*e?, tlav . rf? i?o June. Ilulk innate in ^ond de? IHhimI mid n -liAdo M^'ier; Ahoulder*, b%.%e,; ?loTirlb*. 7'sn, :i 7.V-1 ???ort, clem Kiue*. d'-u. Wlti?key ?mu i; ?nle* at II 'u, cl.nlB} ?| $1 lie,, iitd. Kerelpt*?Flour. bblt.; whtfut ;i.4m?liit?heb; 'urn. liln.oii do.; oxte, IH.iimi do,; rye. 72<*do ; berluy. 7HI4no. >hipiuent'? -Flour, ibbl*. 5 wtuAt. 41, V*? bu%liein; corn, H7,'**> do ; out*, 11.?**) do.; rye, libido.; bailey. 5 ?VJO do. At tin* tiftcrimou ?nll o? tuo HoardWlieni eukinr, At #1 2H.1,. April. Fl k''^ a M U, \Uv. i'nrti (deader, nt 42t.|C.| May. Oaii iuch luuvd. Fork Artuer. ui #14 U"? a #14 Hi, ca*ti and April, #14 li) a #14 22}|. May. Laid unchatikv 1. P1UNTING CLOTHS MARKET. Phoviukxoh. R. I.. April i. HT7. 1'rliilliiK clctb* quiet uud quulHtiuua uru uuutiunlljr uo. ebung.iL FI WAN CI A 1m '? V It K A SON1 All I.I K A I'ijV?M' I \ h>Y iis ukk'aVR .Vl-.nduwmailt In.urunca I'lillct.. mid Miirlimm; .tma buuulit ; lu.uruiicu ol till kin<l> t* with b.*l rwiiipmi oa. J.J. HAimlOH A ||t> Brnxdwitv. A ?MKRtflt aNT-S O AN Witt MOW *BUO TO (XIWU O* iv.Mffi'lmilill*, by aniffiiiK t) JOHN !>., VIS, ttnutldru* tlul Uiok.r, 14 I'.rk |ilm; lioura troio 1 tu I. i (5TIVITV IMIKVAIl.S. ? sTOtflis AUK KIJ't'TlT jVulni.:: |iniliu run Iju 111 mln on |irlvil.|{?a av.rjr Jll diijra; ap.Ml.tvra nliuul.l u|iei tin on II lllttnd liAbilkty; lull port ICQ. lit:, trill by mail trur Hltd o \ pi UII1111 nil. aiVrtl III tllOM fall. Iiiit niua. JOilN IIIDKLI.Nil A CO.. ttaHara ind itrokera, 7J llromlwar. Now York. A?sfbi:k"PT7fv 11.kiTksAriCuosMMATKS. MBmj .lor uiiotuiioini itinl hook. llttAPLEY & CO.. 40 llrniiil aL V?Til LOAN, UN MOKTOAOK, (10.0UU, C3.IKI0, MJJOa .^l. aa) ami $.l,uOO; nindf' nln rliari;na; no ilrlat J i .Ml'.S KUICU, JU4 llnaaon at. Til lltOI'K\.N tf.Vi'j i'A l? fO I.U VN.-NHW VOKK, ftiilranklyn prnporty; buy muri^ajtfa. J. 1 b'TOL, 113 i.a-1 I Jtli at. .Nsrvii: kuni>> ri> loin-in sums to sTJIt, u* irlL'a.-r ItKi'Kl VKIt. mom K, Pa.t MulltUni;. J AM l'UKI-Altr.U TO BL'Y I'Olt CASH " itnyol ilie iaauraot 1.UMI ISl.ANO CITY HONDS. DANIEL A MO It AN, Nil. 40 W all at.. New Tort ALWAYS HAVK MONMT TO LOAN ON "murT ir?i?t! New York citv Prnporty; City Knilrnail .Still1 It a aud liuuda Uiiuitbi and mid 11 la U It ANT, 1(3 llmplwa). I WANT a LOAN '.IK fio.iawi, FOIl KIV'K YKAI'.S," ?>S i ill proved Farm Laud in Coutrnl Llin >U. worth (ilil. OHO. Call or addrraa T. II. VVALKKK, Li-'l at., room U, lot throe dava. IN %NVT6M WaNTKir? MONEY LOANED ON 0iTv I'rnpnrtr; lowe?t luioreal. i.AWVKIt, box I.HIU I'oat oltK'O. 1NSOHANCK ~P()L!ti!K? fORUH AMED?LOaK* ueeiitlated, iiiaiiraiu'u nfTiiflad; mniiat in iiiiirtracu OhoKliK MOONKV A CO., I7t? Hrnnnwar. ItfK AND E.NDOWMKN I' I'uLICiKs CASllKD AND Jlnnna mado ou their aurroinler valuaa. Its Broadway room in. ONBVTO LOAN ATA AND 7 HEM CENT.?N. Y. AND Biooklyn Improved Property, fl. sT.VKK, I m ICway. E M OKFICK OK CHI Souluu C ?olltiatad Oold nnd silver Mining Company, (I'd Bruadarny. New Vork. Marrli ill, ls77. The trn<tee> of thla odrrpmiv Hnve dartnrad n ellvldand of ana per vein ou lia cnpitul iluck. pit) able on tho ll'tti day ol Aurfl I r.Hitler UooRa trill bo clou d ou tho 3tl> and reopen on the 1 Itl. ol April. U. II. DL'JfCKL! F, Treatilriir. OFFICE UK THE 11 CHILE GOLD AND SILVER MINING COMI'AN V, N*? IT It> St.. t Nkw York. March Ul. I**77. I The Trustee* uf ihe llukill Gold ?<n?.i siivei M|ttiti? i'?m* punv bavc tiny 4iiy ttaclar? ?1 their regular tnatkilil% aivi* tloud of one |K?r cent on ? he capital ?!??? k .?f tin* v?>uiptuiyf l?u> ahlc on uiiti after April 10 at the otlico ol this cotnpMUjr mk above. Ihe transfer hooka will close April 7 uih! reopen April 11. WILLIAM II. n KT1>, Secretary. O FFICK OF THE MKKRIMaC SILVER MINING Company. Of Ncurbury port, Ma??., No 7U State at.. fl'taWlft. \ March Ml 1*77. ? The regular monthl> dividend of one net ?em h.?? brdii declined till* day ami ?Vi|l be PAvatde at the new ??f!i e ol the company. No. *7 Milk at., limit on IUki. an rne?.iay# April 10. 1S77, to all #lock holder* of . econi vpnl IS77 II. *' I I'.tHS, Treasurer rniu sT Fir.vDs loaned fkomfti.y ??s improved 1: New York and Brooklyn Property . lowest rates DAY Is A CO., N Fine at. 7h. AND lo FBI; CKST ?strictly tirst clnas citv and enmity Uuilroitd Bund* and ntlter eholce Securities, pn viiU' to lo t<> IN pur cent, for sale on favorable term- bv A LBhlM* II NICOLAY A OC>? No. 4M Flue vtract. New York. N. B.?In vestment Securities mir aped ilty JB yean UtUl 1 I \DS TO LOAN?AT SIX ?4)# /0\/ vM Iper cent. f? r live y ears, on improved t'liy Froprty. JAMES li. GIBSON, Jr., or B. M. GARKLTi* SON. 77 t-edar ?t. COPAimEliMUlPS. Vrfcty YOKK, APRIL -. 1H77 ? IIIK l-li.M of Parker, .1 nck-oti A Co , dolilkr buainemt at "Jon mid k'ml \Vc?i Wiw:.iO|iluii Market. In... tl.ii. nay, dissolved by ruu consent, J. A, I'm ruthiua frum the liriu. J. 1. I'AKKEH, W. t. J At.KSO.V, J. A. PAKKKIt The business will bo continued nt tlio Mine place by.) T. Parker uuil W. A. J.rouu under tlio irni nam, ul Parker A Jackson. >J. T. PARKER. W. A ,J ACK.xtjN. rpilE CoP A It I'M K It All IP HKRKTOKOHK EXISTING X uiiilor tint lirm tiuuiu uf Willi .tin K. Kidder A t'u. lias been iliMulvuii tin. day l/y iiiutunl couaei t WI l.i.l t M K. It 1 DDK II. iiazkn MOKSk. Hie btialnmis will bi? continued ?l till* old .mod. kill .lulln ?I by the uuilerslv'iieil, under tlio lion name of Kidder A Lairti. Ul 1,1,1 AM P. KIDDER. (iKoltUK W. LAlltD. Nkw Yoits. Apri| 2, IS77. uesivKsa oeiMntri \itiks. A II I'LL FIRM ok sriNHIXll AMV i'IiN. ivr iVntctlwil wishes lo represent " really Al liillow ship, liiiiu llntee. Address box uil Pout office. Hull, England. Am as ukactij kino company. contuoi.i.iTo monopolywmit" treasurer iin inmllatoly, wltli $l, ?U cash. PARR ISSON. 1 i*)'J llniail way, room t. PARTNER WANTED WITH ?7.",i IS liOOH Kg 1 tahlished liiuirdliiu mid Entry .stable. 17 East 7tIt at \YOt'Xi? tIKN I I.KM AN WITH $5,1*10 AT HIS l)Ift pti.iil ?iiii wrkN mi lutoroit in n very protltnblo und In. to ret I lir tin.In,b.1,1 raiereiMM exrlmnifed. Addrod KOKTI NK. b ix Prj Hur.ild nUii-e. \ YoUMI HKKTIjKMAS OP EKISCKB AND EN .'Vli-rprf-ii with $.">.< ?> I Clin buy iin Inti rom In ? trmllun *x. prdlllon to Airlce j Inric, proHl* ruiuiiluvii with aport und udvaulure. Addriia. 'I'ISX , box 111 llnritld ollico. jYcriiw Iin.- hi, cupltni mid enpneity fir ut tent km went* un in lliu, truatworlliv prrtner with ^.i.uai; b?> rqiml nniount llventod. Apply OllltiOn A CAIll.TON, let llrou .w?y. T/IK.HT Cl.AHS KITTKD I P LIQUOR HTORK, IN A p uoiiil lo ution, tor nnln ; no iiKunlu iiuod npply. Addre.a IIOWAUD, llornld Hruuiih ulhca. OARTNKU WaNTKD-TD TAKE KISANCIAE DK I pin tnicnt of it niuniiluetorlnK ti >iic,ru In tli. Iron Irnde, I'Nliiidislifd lo yeurt: ?*Kp11ul r,i|iilred, l|H,'XliI to$IO,UOO. Aililii'tt U, box lll'i llernld office. PARTNER WANTED IS riM8T VliAHH HIJHISKiMf mil?t liuio foi; win double money in abort lime. PIHKNIX, Herald PARTNER WITH I6.uO CtSII \SD HOIHI CREDIT X In iimiiului'turo of lud ladii-a' anil? and elouka; Inui-e aellliift lurxe JobhiiiK trade; riybt party cm have hill II i, an id at cuNtrols telitri'iice |l??a ami reipureA A. U. U., box 1115 llernld office. STETTIN ? AllEXT. ? W tSTBII, A RE-PECTAIII.K ttrin lor the importation ol potrnleam Trmu New York by lite uiulernKiied -leiini npeut ; ouly (1 ret cla?a buyera will itxaiuhi bunker a acceptitPee In t v lianim with ablpjilnu document.; reference, ou undoubted lirm a may be Inquired alter nt Hie office ol tlita paper. All.II REM TIIKUNR. rp<> >i anVeacti ?reru. i.aRhk piper mi i.e. vix I lliary llulldliiui Macbldery; natuial rock dmn;aeciirt I'rom lri"liola; T" Tent fall; mi pine power; near lludnor River, biiricaln. Hee pliotographa, U. II, OI.IVKR, III; liroitilway rpo mtosk diiksskrs tu a kiiim with larhk 1 facility Hint atonui power tlie free uau ol it ninchlM iwlih a view to' 11? Introduction) will be all riled mat will xicuily lucrum.# tlie prod del Ion nl aurlacei at n minimum omit. Ad ilrcaa Po-t office box tt,7'i.i. "117 ANTED?A PAR TV WITH tRdlTT #T,(??i IN AS yf Enifllali acency; yiaid pavlntr legitimate bunnen ; ono ac.pillule,I with liartlworn, in a nil I a, tuiea, uiacUiniata, Ac. Addreaa It. 8., Herald office. C*1H EVERY MONTH PAID KOli A LOAN UK fl<Oj vlt'i xrucer preferred. A nlreaa l.'OLLATKKAl, 8K CI 1(1 I V, Herald Bntiich. A "ita IO *.>.'??) INVENTED IN ASt Ht'8INK88 Jjpr)UlMli?t will make oolck return*. O.K. P., Ilcrtld I ptnwn office. ___ TO O.-PARTNER U ANTED; RI8 Atl /Will T(l O. ?PARTNER W ANTED; RI8 VwiDi'iriiil bu-i ie??; monopoly; no riak. Addraeo EX I i.SotON. box 115 llernld office. POLICE JUSTICE KASMIKEr The many Ineoda ol l'olico Juttico Uootro E. Ku> mlro will bo glad to lenru that tilk health haa bean completely rcitorrd, and Hint ha will on the 1st of May resume Ins plnuo M tho bench. Contrary to r*. port, Judge KiiMinro line boon emca bin retirement under no roxiiuiut whatever, und hie passed tba ureater imrt ol too tinto in travel, principally in tua Weal, lie la itssiKiied to tlio ll trluiu Police Court fof the uionilia ol May, June ana July.