Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD WHOLE NO. 14,839. NEW YORK, SUNDAY, APRIL 8. 1877.?QUINTUPLE SHEET. PRICE FIVE CENTS For* Directory to Advertisements See Fourteenth Page. PKRIOSAli. Aini jflTR N OWINU ~ A N Y TIII NO" ?<' *? *? whereabouts ol Christopher tounty Down Ireland, will be r.wardert by rommuiilcaUQf villi EDWARD 3Qth St.. Chicago. ^-WIUD.AMSON .1 OO..IU-OKKKS. ^ y, rk^ "VdDIK.-NOTKRhCElVKD TliO^DATK K'tR An*v; ... y>m Awl* "Shsdow ^TK()p,)Ln AN. tlffut. Z ? A doption-a beTutTpud pkmai.k inktwo Ainoutbs.dd; American. Addreaa, on* wsek. D., bo* l la Herald Uptown Bioncli olflc*. ?? ANCIRKT ORDER Of (OtltlAb MtiNKS MdNaS tery of the .North.-preparatory grand e,^oYU DDI'S. 'a t.v HOT STUCK " ON ANOE WOOD'S" SINGING Xscliool and lrlib opera; much better than theatre; t ? take* the cake." --1. V I'vvil K\l AN i.N MIDDDK I.IKK, KXCKPDhNT A aoHrti position, honorable but not wealthy, not In latblon ^r?cl.ty woold like Hie acniialutance o! an a?reeabl. lady, or pure character, lor mutual lmprov*-m<-ua ai?a pleas ant aoclity. baaed upon atr.ctly honorMh e pr n.lplea. Aa a setitlem?n ctcort <>r HC<iuami*iiO# the ndrariUtr wunm ?? credit no lady In striit confidence with such particular, as a lady may with propriety communicate, aildreaa HONOR. Herald Uotowit ol#ce. "TdTFpTION - v PROThM'ANT ORPHAN GIRD, M TO Aiuyeara. Adilreea, one week, PRIKND, Herald Uptown olbce. ?? TJLARUHE?COMfc. TO Tills LAST "PADA IS R?YAD'' Xjllall, 4M0 Oth av., Thuratlay night; Shadow Dans.nit? at BIjONDK HAIR?WOUDD DIKE TO SBK YOU, IK only lor U?o minutes; addreaa it "?"^bKKKOUB. ROOKDYN-HAVE MOVKD PROM I.B?7 BROAD way. AddreiM Mrs. .1. W., Herald Lptowu office. f1HARDIK-I HAVK JaB?r 106; YOU WILD FIND MK Ijat lid, oun streri bttot, A .Mr. PABflKP. ST RATON. I,ATK OKI I.I BROADWAY. ? ? UREASE .call lor coniniunlcntlon irotn Mr. Browning, olr ? leve atud. at Averill Uheiuical I'atnt Company e offlee. 3d Bur Dug Slip L) E F "d-thkmindrkadrksuccrkdbd; told in Itlale oil watch conoidlyd teal mm your.ell. B D. OULVRtt, INVKWTOR. WIDD UKAR GOOD new. by addressing llOl'K, box DM Herald olUce. jlOR "ADOPTION?UnY_ OK I; VBARS"; OKr'IAK: _? American naretit.. Audro'. M. 11.. bo* D*> Herald tnlice. 11 CKNOll BADU THURSDAY-DOST ADDRESS: J Fourth Street Hotel, alter :t. btTStTK?TIaVR- YOU k'oKGOITKN BERTHA.YOU met In 27th at.; have been ?lck. Addro.a box 1SJ L p town Herald office. TTEIRS OK flAROU PUCIDDY', PoRMKKDY OK XX M h nil at tan villi-, artilreaa .out wilt he or iiilcre.t to them. KANE, 00* 1? Herald ofHcw. TTK.NRY KIND AN KnG DlSII M AN, TOOK Ol'T N iT jiuraliiatlon papers In Mlnoeaota '"J*?. aiid lelt iliut State five or rix veart afterward; #?> will lie paid lor III* ad drees or bis legal heirs. Addreaa ho* o.lUt Now York 1 oat ofttce. KN RY?ATTEND DKOTURh AOAlhVI KKB,Vi A Aleve Wednesday. ISth. at Chlekerlng Hail, and J"1'"'11 cive up your mietrese aud return to yonr wllo. WABBb Hvndysidk. any PERSON KNoW1.NO WHERE about, or Annie llandyslite will bear or M.matblug to uei odvautugo by add re*.lug tD. Herald Uptown oW-e. H I WIDD MKh'l' .MY KAl II KR1KND AT OHUBCH. [will he at forty-second Street Depot Tuetday. 4 I. M. Flense write saine addreaa. If"TDK LADY WHO noticed tub gentleman AT .'i:4i> P.M. la.t Sunday, aa he pasted opposite her rest lonce In iflth st. (and until be entered house around the ?timer), would like to make hi? acquaintance ?he may address, in contldencc. A. D. I . box 14.1 lli-ral.1 uflRe. IP PARTY' ADVERTISING for ALBERT T. WILL lama will make an appointment in New Y ork city by ?y"d lug letter to box 'At a I Hernia Uptown oflice the desired Inlor mtitiou may bo obtnlned. - 1T~~WA8 CAMERON, AND NOBODY ELSK BUT CAM iron. IK THE LADY WHO RECOUNIZED UENTLKMAN IN loarriage corner of Htl. ur. and Wttl. at.. Saturday alter noon, desires his acquaintance, pleuac addieaa I Ra.NKDIN, bok 127 Herald oBlce. TTKTIIK KI.DIS?MOVKD PROM NEW. YORK TO J\. Brooklyn Ml at March, there i? etter at D> lloratlo st. FlMM write to 44 Qr#?ttpoillt Mend. W A I ial* CULUIi. L ITTDE I'. DON DK AND DITTDK SHOES. 42D ST. and Bth av.. Thursday inorniug?Please send address to OAV, box 222 Herald oflice. tTjkaisb-bdess your"iiKAitri do you dove Lma still t The ebariu of life withers in your absence^ M ODDID?ARRIVED Tlfis MOKNINO; UADDED AT No. I. as you wrote. Send your address immediately, box 162 llerald Uptown office. _1! _ T^PHIDADEDPUIA TRAIN dast year. ?Where ceo I nee you ? flILVElt COIN. ^ KS. L , NO. K.9.-WHERE HaVK YOU OONK f Answer hi my expen?e. DOsT BO >RS. M M On?rAW"??^.N,it1Yo?T 'Seru'iape" T>W)D.?KNIOIIT Vs. PARTR1DOE: f X Tuesday evening. Oleasou'a. Duanost. MNRTY-aia. PI DOT? IMHTsitE^Yoil AT SHADOW "DANSANTE." Argylo Rooms, to morrow night. Reception piPEIDHEIDSlKCK AHEAD OK KVKRVTliIN'O. IF.TURN MONEY~'FaKKN PROM i5 EAST IMME. bdiatrly or you will be exposed. sAN PRANUISCO MINSTREDS, UODORKD SOUIKTY k)l'lsy ?Ava every eyenlug tills week at S P. *J-BOKf.E miiE dawykr doorFno KOR THE PARTIES AT 4.Y X iutit Rt. can And them nl 15 jiid i3w ?t. TTRBANA WINK UOMPANY. UOLD ShAD; KN tJ courage home Indnstrv. Ke dl W; rHEREAlli iUTS WANTED OP MY BROTHER, John llennny. of county Armagh, Ireland. 2Ho hast 2<nh st. _ TI>IDD DADY DRESSED IN BDAOK WHO RECOO V\ I,ited gentleman entering Kranklyn llou.e Pater.on, on Kridav. about ::m. .end her address to PONHDhN TIAD, Post oflice, Newsrk. N. J. . 11r IDD THE GKNTDKMaN IN TW P.NTY-THIRD W street stage at<i o'clock Saturday, ami who left at .nth St.. address, stating incidents, DAVY llENCD, Herald Up tofvli office ? - friDD EDOIRE BERTRAXD. WHO WORKED UN V i ..a U* ?M.U1a I> o vl a in I N , t r? It 11 Y uer and see WIDD F.D018E BERTRAM). Wim vuitiyr.u c.v YV uer ray superintendence at %r'Vv r. Wcst WRh'.t and see me st once. Mme. Dhl.OY. 72 West otltli st. 1877. DRY GOODS. 18&: JJ 000 NX J J O O N X ?000? N XX EEEE SSSS?t <> Opening, April 1<) and 11. Elegant display. Spring styles. Suits, Cloaks. Millinery, Ae. Dress Goods, 'A Z Milliner Z Z , Salts. Baeques, Z Z Parasols, Kancy Goods, J OOO NN N EEEE R88q z .10 O N N N K 2 Z ? JO ON N X KEE sSS^ Z J ? _ ? S Uwow 90.3 7' 8.N Z '> I EIGHTH AVENUE EIGHTH AVENUE aTd NINETEENTH STREET. NINETEENTH STREET. J ooo NN N EEKB bSB? Z Z JO OSS N E S * Z Z JO O N N N KB BsSa Z Z J J O O N N N K s C I Z JJJ OOO N NN EEEE BSSB Z Shoes, Z Z dull:!, Z Z Ribbons, Z Z Inderwear, ?? Z Z ? Underwear. Z Z Carpel), Z Z Upholstery, Z ^ Z Plated Wara, Furniture. ZZ House Furnishing Goods. <l> Tlie benefit) of our great advantages In the market we effer to our customers, tints sarins to thero a large percent age. In this extensive and popular establishment Compe tent buyers and managers are in control of each depart* went, and without attempting to give quantities or price* ?'usunlly fictitious," we would simply announce that our large and varied stock Of choice goods will enable our patrons to procure whatever desired at marked bargains. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Catalogues lent iree wbon desired. JOHN, corner of 8th av. and 19th St. TjlUftNITUKB OK EVERY FIRST CLASS MAKE, including TBASTLAKR, QIEKN ANNE. MEDIEVAL., AT PitlCKH VERY M U Oil HKLUW TAR ^ ORDINARY dealers. THE LARGEST STOCK IN AMERICA. ~ LORD A TAYLOR, ^ HROADWAV AM) JIlTII ST. IT HEP'S PARTI.Y MADH DRKSH SIlIRTSt THE .very best; ? for fit: >? in be llnisbed as caiily as hem- \ loin.'a liaiidkcirliiel. IMS Hruudw iv. tJINb.M'I'LK III' EsS ttOOI>S. liaKr. OLD JAPANESE CLOISONNE. uLUKiiE 1'. iuLMAl.N, 110 DUA.NE ST. DRY GOOD*. Ar KKKK KICK* I1ITIII KKKK KKKK llillll KKKK KKkK JIIIIII KKKK KKKK III II il KKKK KKKK llillll h KICK KKKK 11111II KKKK KKKK 1111111 KKKK KKKK llillll KKKK KKKK I! 111II KKKK KKKK Willi KKKK KKKK IIIIIZI KKKK KKKK Willi KKKKKKKK 1111111 KKKK KKKK llillll KKKK KKKK Willi KKKK KKKK llillll KKKK KKKK llillll KKKK KKKK Willi KKKK KKKK Willi KKKK KKKK llillll KKKK KKKK IIIIIII KKKK KKKK llillll KKKK KKKK llillll KKKK KKKK llillll KKKK KKKK llillll KINZEY. 707 AND 769 BROADWAY. KINZKY. KINZKY. RUNNING THROUGH TO KINZKY'. KINjfe'.Y. 60 EAST NINTH ST. KIN .ii Y. K1N/.I'. I. Goods told at the prices advertised. KINZKY*. KINZKY. GOODS SHOWN FREELY, KINZKY. KINZKY. NO URGING TO BUY. KINZKY. KINZKY. Department Tor Umbrellas and Paraeol*. KIXZKY. KINZKY. Department for Oentlemrn'i Furnishing Goods. KINZKY. Kl NZKY. Department for Worsteds and Patterns. KINZKY. KINZKY. Department for Silks and Velvets. KINZKY. KINZKY. Department for Silk Trimmings. KINZKY. KINZKY. Department for Flowers and Feathers KINZKY. KINZKY. Department for Ribbone and Naehee. KINZKY. KINZKY. Department for Ruffling* and Collars. KINZKY. KINZKY. DEPARTMENT FOR TOILET GOODS. KINZEY. KINZKY. DEPARTMENT FOR TIBS AND SCARFS. KINZEY. KINZkY. DEPARTMENT FOR HANDKERCHIEFS. KINZEY. KINZKY. DEPARTMENT FOR HOSIERY. KINZKY. KINZEY. DEPARTMENT FOR GLOVES. KINZKY. KINZKY. DEPARTMENT FOR WHITE GOOD8. KINZKY'. KINZEY. DEPARTMENT FOR LACES. KINZkY. KINZEY. DEl'ARTMRNT FOR INFANTS' GOODS. KINZKY. KINZKY. DEPARTMENT FOR UNDERWEAR. KINZKY. KINZKY. DEPARTMENT FOR EMBROIDERIES. KINZKY. KINZKY. DEPARTMENT FOR JEWELRY. KINZKY. KINZKY. DEPARTMENT FOR TOILET SOAPS. KINZEY. KINZEY. DEPARTMENT FOR SILVERWARE. KINZKY. KINZKY. DEPARTMENT FOR FANS. KINZKY. KINZKY. Department for Portemonnnles and Bags. KINZEY. KINNEY. Department for Hats and Bonnets. KINZEY." DEPARTMENT FOR FANCY GOODS. KtNZKY. KINZKY. DEPARTMENT FOR STATIONERY. KINZKY. KINZKY. DEPARTMENT FOR NOTIONS. KINZKY. DEPARTMENT FOR DOLLS AND TOTS. KINZKY. KINZEY. DEPARTMENT FOR HANDKERCHIEFS. KINZKY*. DEPARTMENT FOR BUTTONS. KI NZKY KINZKY.' DEPARTMENT FOR ALBUMS and FRAMES. KINZKY"! DEPARTMENT FOR PARIAN GOODS. KINZEY. KINZEY'. DEPARTMENT FOR CRYSTAL GOODS. KINZKY. KINZKY. DEPARTMENT FOR BRONZES. KINZKY. KINZKY. DEPARTMENT FOR WALNUT GOODS. KINZKY. KINZKY. DEPARTMENT FOR JAPANESE GOODS. KINZKY. KINZEY. DEPARTMENT FOR SWISS GOODS. KINZKY. KINZKY. DEPARTMENT FOR FANCY BASKETS. KINZKY"! DEPARTMENT FOR RUSSIA GOODS. KI S'/EY KINZKY'! DEPARTMENT FOR BOHEMIAN GOODS. KIXZKY. KINZEY. KINZKY*. NOTION DEPARTMENT. KINZKY. KIXZKY. Clark's best six eord Cotton, 5c. spool. Coats' best six cord Cotton. 5c. spool. Job lot Clark's best 2tJO yard Spool Cotton 2c. snool. Good sewing Cotton 6c. dosen spools. Larue lot Linen Floes lo. spool, Cllward's best Needle* 4c. paper, xcellent gold eyed Needles 3c. paper. Having had so many complaint* of Rlood'a Ilclix Needle* we are giving up keeping tliem. What we have yoa can hny at 2c. paper. Good Pins, full papers. 2c. paoer. Best English Book Pin* Sc. English Hair Pins Ic. paper. Steel Pointed llalr Pins 3c. paekngo. Swan Bill llnok* and Eyes Ic. card. Best Shoe Polish Mc. bottle. Wide Garter Elastic Sc. yard. Fine Alpacca Skirt Braids 4c. piece Best machine Silk, 3c. spool Best siubrotdery sin. 2c. skein. Best Nursery Pins, 6c. card. Rubber Skirt Protectors, Oc. Freoeh Cms* Braid*. Sc. piece. Flue twilled Tapes, 2c. rolL Elastic Garters, 5c. pair np. Best twilled Tapes, lc. piece. Best linen Tapes, Ic. piece up Embroidery Braids. I<>c. dozen. star and Serpentine Braids, 15c. doren. scissors, tlair Nets, Braids, Ac. KINZEY. KINZKY. KINZKY. BUTTON DEPARTMENT. KI.NZr.Y. KINZKY. Silk Rnttonx, 5c. doren tip. Fancy Buttons, 3c. dozen up. Crochet Button*, every style. Kllx Buttons, every stiade. Pearl Buttons. 5c., Co., Ac.. 10c. doren. Pearl Button*. 13e., 13c., 2t)e., 25c. doren. Rose pearl Botton*. Smoked pearl Buttons. Ivory. Jet, gilt, steel, rubber. Porcelain, lace and linen Buttons. Lot* of Dres* Buttons, closing out Irora from 3c. to lOo. doren. KINZEY, STATIONERY DEPARTMENT. Bores of Pencil*. 5c. np. Pocket Knives, 20c. ua. Writing Desks ami Rolls, Stereoscopes and Views. Dictionary Blotters. Music Molls. Books end Games. Picture and Building Blocki. Large lot of Pictures and Y'lewe. 10c. to 25c. each. Portfolios and Casea. Itk| ,.nd Inkstands. Work and Jewel Boxes. Glove and Handkerchief Boxes. Dressing and Travelling rase*. Jewel and 1'erfiinio Cases. KINZEY. KI.NZr.Y. KINZKY. 8ILVER WARK DEPARTMENT. KINZEY. KINZKY, Silver Plated Ware be*l goods, | st the very lowest prices. Knives, Forks. Spoons. Ca*tors, Cups, Vases. Ladies, Pitchers, ?'ugar Bowls, 1'lckle Stands. Cake Baskets, Butter Dishes. Best plated Napkin Rings. 3"c. op. Best plated Cups, gold lined, tie. up. KIV7EY Tdllft ?(t?iflhrM Kl aZKy! pt.r.i. 7>c. 10 $(> s*i k!\ZKY" Cfj-stnl Hoqnet Holder!, I3e. up, Kin* Ohms Y ?*e*. l->c. up. Bol .miiti Vim, lirg. iit.i, 2*>e. i ryitM \ii.l, gold bind. J >c. WlX Crying Dolll, lOe. to f2A. Doll*' of ill ki:.d?. Chins Cap. ind S.??.r., I V, up. ^ ^ l0e. t0 r>0#, Cap. ind Ssuc.ri. ^ Crvitll Flow.r Viiei, 30c. up. Fin. Boh.mfsn Tofl.t S.t*. Ink ind gold Mitch Boxes, 2.1c. flrlM mlrbl. Dogt. 1,1 ?lr?i. K incy I hill! f Igarev 2.Cull, cryttsl ind gold, Fr.nchdr.MCd Doll.. Te. S.D, 23c. on 1'orc.l.ln Flow.r. In pot*. KIN/.EY. ZEPHYR WORSTEDS. KINKKY. K1N/.KY. WORSTED PATTERNS. K1NZKY. KIN/.KY. CANVAS AND PERFORATED HOARD. K1NZEY. KIN/.EY. SCHOOL BAGS. 23a EACH. KIN/.EY. KIN/.KY. LCXCH BOXES, RXTIRKbV NEW. KIN/.EY. KIN/.EY. BROADWAY AND UTll sr. KIN/.EY. HHOADWaY AMI UTll SI. KIN/.EY. BROADWAY AND VIII ST. KIN/.EY. BROADWAY AND UTll SI. KIN/.EY. BROADWAY AND Bill ST. KIN/, h V. BhOADW AY A ,N D t ? T11 >1. kin/.i.v. hhoaDWay and utii sr K I.N'ZEY. HhOAllVlAT AND VIII ST. KIN/.EY. BROADWAY AND Ufll di. DRY OOODS. A" NNNNNNN NNNN NNNNNXNN >>-VNS KMNX NNNN XNVN NN NX XXXV NNNN NNXX XXNX XNNX X N N N N N N X X N > X N X X X X N N X N X X X NNNX NXNX XXXX XXXX XXXX XNNX NNXX XNNX XXXX NXNX XNNX NNXX XNNX NNXX NXNX NNXX XNNX X X X X NNXX X XXV X N XX X N X N x X N X N .N N X X X X X X X X X X N N X XNNX KXNX XXNX X X N X N N N X X X N X XNNX NNXX XX> X' N > N X X X N X X * > N KXNX XNNX NNNX XNNX XX NX XN.nX X v x V X N x X N X X V X N X X X X X N X X N N XNNX XXXNX.NX A NN N DDD AA NNN D D A A N X N D D A A N N N D D A A NNN D B AA AA NNN D D A A N N N D D A A N NX 1) It A A N NN DDD .? KINZEY. KINZKY. IJAT DEPARTMENT. KINZKY. | KINZKY. French Pallern Bnnneta. Trimmed Bonnets In varletr. Millinery In order. popular prices. , i French and Belgian I.hip Bonnets. i English and Itallnn Straws. I Leghorns lit all new shapes. Imported round Hats. Every new ihape at -non as out. Til K FOLLOWING NEW SIYaPES:? I MvllOLERITK. FRONTIER. IIA N It' 11K CPS. ROeaLINlJ, FIFTH AVENUE. GERTRUDE, BUCKINGHAM. NOKMaXDY. Kot'KSTKIAN. LAKE GEORGE, WARWICK, PAelllON. aLMA, C L a X TON, MaUTIIa. KVa. GERTRUDE, BRIGHTON, K()a*. CAPRICE, CKKFOKNT. WAVE. LKMoNT, OXFORD. t,-11A KM, MlU.NON, TUt'KlST. THAMES. CIKOTA, ELAINE. LOROUX. GIPSY. CAMEO, AYKXUK. NKPOX, LvL'KKT, ZKNOHIA, DAISY. AMOttET, XOHINK. waldo. bita lltn \rb, THAMES. AlMEE. MAUINEH. In all the plain and fancy hi awe. Frenrh Chip Bonncte 81 10 up. Fancy etraw Bonneta, 43c. up. Mlaaea, and boye' lUte. Seaside and Sun Hate. KtXZBY. KIN'ZEV. FLOWERS AND FEATHERS. KINZKY. K,'NZliY- a The finest aaenrlment of French Flower* In he tonnd. Over 200 dilferent styles Wreathe of Ivy leavea and harries. Wreaths ot dalalee and violate. * Wreathe ef apple bluseouis. Lily of the Valley. Rosee, Rnda, II el I.It ropes, Forget me note. Mignonette, Grapes, Ac., Ac. Kl.NZEY. KINZKY. KINZKY* SILK8 AND VELVETS. KINZKY. KIXZKY. AH the new ehadee In Bonnet Sllka. ?2c. to 82 yard. Fancy Silkt, new shades. 81 yard. Auction lot Silks, all eilk, Me. yard. Lining Silks 2.1c.. HSe.. .Vic. yard. Hi agonal Silka Vie. yard. Millinery Mike 5(lc. yard up. Trimming bilks 30c. yard up. Silk Velvets, every eotor. Black allk Velvets. $1 up. Colored silk Velvets, 81 up. Velveteens, colors and black. KINZBY. KINZKY. KINZKY. SILK TRIMMINGS. KIXZKY. KINZKY. Great red net Inn In Trimmings. 23e. Passementerie Gimps reduced to rtc. yard. Vic. Passementerie (limps reduced tf IHc. yard. 75c. Passementerie Hi rape reduced to 15c. yard. NO.fgsl yarda colored and black silk Trimmings re duced from 25c. to 5c. yard. Colored silk Velvets. 10c. piece. Wide silk Velvets. 5c. and 10c. yard. Fancy Trimmings, half prlee. 23.000 yards beet black silk twist Fringes, worth flOc. yard, reduced to 15c. yard. <500 pieces worsted tassel Frltures, all new shades. 12Ko. yard. All the new style* in worsted Fringes. New styles In black Fringes. All shades In Silk Fringes. Novelties In uetr Trimmings. Silk Rrelds, all enlors. Mokair Braids, all colors. Fancy iiratds, usw styles. Pique Trimming, very low. Ornaments. Loops, Ac., very tow. Bullion Fringes 25c. eutire piece. KINZBY. KINZKY. KIXZKY. RIBBONS AND SASHES. KINZKY KINZ&Y. No. 5 gros gra'n Ribbons, fte. vard. No. 7 gros grsln Ribbons, 7c. yard. No. 11 gros grain Ribbons, He. yard. Xo. 12 gros grain Uihbuna, 10c. yard. 130 boxes Xo. 1(1 all silk Diagonal Ribbons at 17c. yard. 150 boxes Nos. 22 to 40 all allk Diagonals, worth 50c., at 23c. No in rich plaid and lattcy Riboona at I2'?c. yard. No. 12 Paris styles ill 15c. yard. No. in lace Ribbons, 10c, yard. Lot coril Edges. Nns. 2 and 4. 2c. yard. Nos. 5 and 7 cord Edges, 5e. ynrd. Nos. 9 and 12 cord Edges. 10c. yard. Doubled laced Neck Ribbons. 5c. ynrd. No. 4 satin laced Ribbon*, 5c. No. 7 satin laced Itlbbons, 7c. Xo. 9 satin fac <1 HI >bons, 12','c. No. 12 satin faced Ribbons, 12,'.,e. No. in lace Ribbons, 10c. yard. Xo. 12 new shades Figured. I5e. yard. No. Ill silk plaid Ribbons, 12',c. Xo. 22 silk plaid Ribbons, 15c Sis inches wide, all silk. Bnllei sash Ribbons. 25c. yard. Six Inch black gros eraln. 25c. ysrd. Seven Inch black gros grain, die. yard. Six Inches wide fancy strlDftd saslt Ribbons. 15c. yard. Mx Riches wide plaid sash Ribbons, spring colors. 2(>c. ysrd. All silk sash Ribbons full seven inches wide, 25c. yard. All the lancy spring colors in seven Inch sash Ribbons, 25e. yard. Closing out fancy all silk_ dsmassa sssli Ribbons, 25c. All our last season sash Ribbons, to close, half price. KINZKY. KINZKY. SILK TIER AND SCARFS. KINZKY. KINZKY. Silk Ties, all new ehadee. 10c, each. ( rape Dechino Ties, 25c. Grenadine Ties, spring colors, 10c. Extra silk 'lies, closing, inc. Embroidered lere Ties, loc. each. F.xtra lace lie", reduced to 25c. The new lace Hat Scarf. .'Ha-, up. The new silk Hat Scarfs. Cashmere lace Ties. 25e. up. Swiss embroidered Ties, 25c. Guipure laco Brails, low. Cathmcre Tie Ends, luc. W.nm real pusher lace Barber. Reduced trom 81 to 25e. each. H.issireal Pusher lace Barnes, Reduced from $1 50 to 50c. each. Silk and lace Pichns. Silk Ties, lace trimmed. Lot of silk Grenadine Ties, tl.k fringed, at 25c. KINZEY KINZKY. KINZKY. COLLARS AND RL'FFLIXGS. KINZKY. KIXZKY, 2 iOO fine linen Collsri, Closing out a*, lie. each. in.non pain fine llnsn Cuffs closlug out 9c. pair, Real Ure Collars at 23c. each. Real English thread Collars, 25e. each. 5.000 sailor Collars, trimmed Willi real Italian sal lace. lie. Hand crochet sailor Collars. 23c. Belgian point lace Collars, 39c. Real Clnny lace Collars, 25c. Sets el Collars and Cuds. Neck Ruffling*, every style. Linen Collars and Cults low. Fine assortment of children's lace > "liar* ami Ribs. Kixxr.r. KtN/.RY. WHITE TRfMMlNT.S. KIN/.IV KIN/.KY. Skirl RufT1iii*t, of every kind, Inc. tip. Morlin J'nltinu. Iruin He. yard lip. I'lqne Trlmmlnif*. 1 ? >c , IV piere up llru^elalace Kt.iRingi, 25c. pair. Mapio Knfllincv *1 w|.|tli? Coventry Kutllinpv, ali wldthi. Star Trlmmlnaa. 2.r>c. p a. a. Embroidery Triinuunga, 2Hc. piece up. Tape lrimniinpa, 1 le. a place. Iiiunty Ki.minCH. lire, a nice* up. fit I a??ortmrnt of Embroidery TrilUUilng* Irom 2'ifl. to #1 2d a piece. fancy Tucking* very low. Embroidered Skirl It nllling*. KIN/.KY KO/.KV, velvet IMiotoprnpli Frame*. 2f.c KINZKY. Velvet una Hilt i ranie*, ISc KIN/. K Y. KINZKY. Swl?? Carved Kaaol frame*. 25c. KIN/.KY. Velvet haacl Kraino*. SOc. KI -/.I.V. KIN/.KY. KINZKY. KIN/.KY. KIN/.KY. KINZliV. KIN/.KY. KIN/.KY. KIN/.I-.Y. KIN/.KY. KIN/.KY. K 1 v/.KY. KlN/.c.Y KIN/.i V. KINZKY. klNZEY. 11.oca frame*, 1 .'><?. to <? ?e. Vienna Bronae Frame*. fine I'orcelaina framed. hroadway AND ?? rii st. IIHOaDWaY AND l.'f M I'. HUD tIiM'A Y AN D Hill M. HKHAHH'o 1 AND HT?I M'. IIIIOADWaY AND HTII Si. ItltD AIDVaY AND 11111 sr. UUd li.WAY AND Hill SI RR(I mw IV AN D Hill ST. BltUADWAY AND 0111 tlT. UHY CiUODD. A." 7.Z7.Z7.7.ZZZ17.7.7.Z7.1/.7.ZZ7.Z7.7.ZZZ7.7. 1. /. /. 1. /. /. 7. 1. 7.7. 7. 7. 7. Z L 7. 7.7. 7. 71 7. 7. / 7.7.7. 7 7. 2ZZZZ/Z2ZZZZZZ2ZZZ22ZZZZ7.Z7.Z/. 7.7.7./.L 77.77.1 Z 7.7.7 7. L ZZZ.7.1 127.22 Z7./71 Z7.Z7.1 ' 7.7,, /ZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZ/.ZZZZZZZZ/./.Z 222/.22222222222/2222222222222 99ft 99 01) 09 BO 90 OK 0991 Hi) 90 00 99 9b 999 KINZKY. KOZF.Y. KINZEY. HOSIERY DF.PAKTMENT. KI vy.KY. KINZKY. KIN7.KY. KINZKY. Soma of the cheapest Hosiery Ever uflerrdln New York. Misses' fancy striped lime. ]Oc. pair. Miiaai1 cotton rltibed Hose, Inc. pair. Nlssfts' cashmere fancy Hose, loc. pair. Mleave' lull regular made. 12.',c. pair. Kisses' plain mole colore, l ie pair. Misses' turee thread slnped, 2'ic. pair. ?Jtl.ikX) palri misses' fall regular English atrlped lloae, al 25c. pair. Misses' English lloae. toll regular plain colors. 09c. pair lA.'XK) paira miaaos' French ana English full regular, 31c. pair. Misses' fancy Balbrlggans all sue*. Misses' silk embroidered llalhrigganx Misses' colored fancy embroidered. Missel' French Hosiorv. eery low. Ladles' regular made Hose, 17e. Ladies' niain mode eolora, 25e. Ladlea' rnooe colors, embroidered, .lie Ladiea' Lis'.e thread (lose, 35c. 1.000 dosen ladlea' Ralbrlggan lloae. atlk embroidered. 20c. pair. t.ilOO dosen exira llaibriggiius, ?Ilk embroidered, 25c. pair. 700 doien extra quality full regular Hslbrlggant, 25*. 2.'?<i dozen regular made Lace Hose,selling at 25c. pair Ladles' Lisle thread Uose. 25c. pair. Ladles' extra Lisle thread. 5fk\ pair. Ladles' plain crdors. regular made, 50c. I.adiea' fancy atrlped lloae, 20c.. 25c. Ladles' English striped Hose. .'Inc. pair. Ladles' striped silk clocked. 50c. pair. Ladies' llalbrig 'ana. worked In ?ilk, ill color* 25c., 31c., 3Hc., 40c., 50f l.sdles' Balbrlggans. enihMidered all the aray over the Toot In silk, MSe. pair. Ladies' full regular. In Ingrain color*, silk embroidered, 75c. pal; Ladles' extra French I,isle llose, 75c. Ladles' full regular, in blues nud piuks, 7.5c. Opening 3 case* genuine French , Hosiery for ladles, iu plain Lisle, in colors, fancy striped and ?ilk embroidered Hosiery, worth from $1 2.5 to $2 pair. 75c. and $1, flentlereen's English Half llose. He.. 12tie, pair. Gentlemen's lanry striped Half llose. 15c. 2.50dosen Gentlemen'! full regular throe thread Kuglish Hose, 20c. 300 dosen Oenta' English striped Half llose, fine qualltv. at 25c pair itenia' Hallirlggan, embroidered, 25c. Oente' fancy colors, embroidered, 35c. Gents' Lisle fhrend llose, 25c. Gents' extra Balbriggan*. 31c. to 50c. Gents' plain colored llose, 20c., 25c., 31c. Boys' English Half Hose, ltic. pair. Opening severel cases of Gents' fancy Half llose, at low prlcee. KIS/.KY. rUBSIBHlNO GOODS. KINZKY*. . . KINZKY. Closing ont onr winter rftock of Geute' Underwear, at z.?e. rents' Ties. Fowe, Handkerchiefs. Suspenders. Gloves, L'ndsrwoar;^^ Cu(f,, Hosiery. Kblrta, 1.500 Gents' white Bhlrti, made ol Wnmsutta mnslln. linen hosomi, linen bund end linen cuffs, uulaundried. ? very slse, at UDc. each. B'.srfs, Cravats, Ac., very low. KHeZBY. KINZKY. JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. KINZKY. K1NZEY. Pearl Eardrops, |0e.. 12c., 15c. pair. English Garnel Eardrops. Ie tngl. Aqua Marine Eardrops. 10c. to 50c. Fine Sliver plated Eardrops, 25c. Bwlss painted Eardrop, 25c. Turquo'ls and steel Eardrop, 12c up. Pearl and turqunia Earacrewa, 15c. pair. Ouyx and pearl Karriugs, L5e. pair. CareeU Ivnrr Pins. 25c. each. Japanese Pins, lie each. Rngliah garnet I'lns, lie. Pearl and steel hesrf Pine, 25c. Swiss painted Pins, 25c. Fine enainellert Enrrlngs, 5c. pair. Fine enamelled Pina, 5c. each. Torquuis and steel Pins. 25c. .lapeneae Sleeve Buttons. 11c. pair. Pearl Sleeve Buttons, I3e. pair. Tortoise shell sleeve Buttons, 30c. Swiss pointed Buttons, 25c. pair. Gold plated Sleeve Bnttnn*. Itn-lily mounted Sleeve Buttons, 25c. pair. I'isted studs and collar Buttons. Gentlemen's fine Scarf l'lns, 2.5c, Heal cornilne Sets, 25c. Fine gilt sets. 10c. set. Flue Japanese Nets, hoc. set. Swiss painted Sets, 5iic. set. Large rubber Crosses, 25c. Lorsetsand Medallions 25c. up. Whitby Medallions. Porcelain Paintings, 25c. Fine rubber Breceloti, 25c. Fir.e gilt Necklaces. 25c. Extra fine do., worth pi 09, 29c. Onyx anil gilt Necklaces. Stic, ? Fine shell Necklaces, 75c. Silver filagree Necklaces. 25c. Fine pearl Necklaces. 2.5c. Very One French gilt do.. 50r. Plateu Necklaces, 75c. to F3 50. 2,000 fine painted porcelain Pins, mounted, el 25c. eech. Lockets, fine assortment. I'ri.aaea, fine assortment. Kuhher and Jet Jewelry. Mililnerr Ornaments. A large lot of English silver and gilt Jewelry at 2.5c. KINZEY. KINZKY. KINZKY. LACE DEPARTMENT. KINZKY. KINZEY. Real Gttlpuro Laces way below gold eost of Importation, front one to five Inches wide ; price from 10c. In$l 25 yard. Large lot of Yak Laces closing from Uc to 3tlc. yard. Keal t'ashmere I,area. Or .Sc.. 10c., 12c. yard. Real Prince -a Laces, all silk. Cost to Import from ikVj. to HOC. yard, sll tn at out price, 25c. SniTrna Laces in all tilths from Oc. to 25c. Plotter out all onr real Veleucidnues at hall cost. Opening 30H pieces Real Torchou Leers, In every width, from dr. to 50c. yard. lama and real thread Laeee, Point Applique Laces, low. White Spanish Lacet. Black Spanish Lacaa Belgian Pnint Laeea. 10c. yard up. Clieiiy and Duchess Lacas. 200 piece* Point Gaze at half cost of Importation, 15a. up. Blaek French laces. W bite French Laces. Lallans Valenciennes l.aces lower than ever ottered 2c., 3c., 4e., Oc.. Nr., O'c . 12? . 15c . yard, np Very ande Italian Vsiencteunes rrdurrd. JOe.'. 2.'ic.. 2*c . 3le., .inc., 40e , yerd. S.000 Tarda all silk Grenadines. In colors, cost <Ue. vard. gold, to import, to be sold at 25c yard. 5iai real I'nsher Lace Veils. 5<V. 1.2'iOreal Pusher Lace Heibes, 25c. 1.500 Lace Scarfs at 25c Spanish Nets el low prirea. Silk llliisions, all widths Blaca Grape, popular prirea Silk Veil Grenadines, 3le. yard np. Itlack Brussels Nets, 3>*c. yard up. Thread Spoiled Nets. Npanish Mlk nets, 75c. yard. i I'nlnrel tllk I.aeea. He y>*r.I tip. t.Vloreil til* H'iiiiiIi l.are*. 2.?c yard. J Sewing tilk Vnln. /.'ie each. Lare Goiilu-en, "Sic. piece np. I'i'Int and Point Applique La.* ( nllan, worlli from f J in $?">, ?i #I each. Krai Uit llnrliet, cloning, H'? nek Thread I,are Btibti, 7'?c. I.nee II niiilkerrhleln. cloMUp. riien:lle anil goM npotied Lum Llama linen Sliawla, clutlng. I.lama linee Hnci|iie?, cloning. Ill ark ami Colored Crapat I llridnl ll'.utlon* low. Special b irgnlor in mado ( up Knee Omnia ? f nil allnla. All l lie new alyie wl Yeihnga, I ! KINKEV GOODS SELLING BELOW GOLD COST. I KIN/.KY. ' KIN/.KY. NEW GOODS FROM AUCTION BALES DAILY. I KIN/.KY. I KIN/,I V. W'P. HAVE EVERYTHING ADVERTISED, I KIN/.KY. ; KIN/.KY. AND SELL AT TUP. PRICES ADVERTISED, ' KIN/.KY KIN/, .V. FROM THE FINEST TO MEDIUM GOODS, f KI N/.I'.Y i KIN/.EY. , KIN/.KY. I K I N/.l.Y. i KIN/. K Y. ; KIN/.KY. K I N/.KV, KIN'/, p. V. KlN/KY 1 M.NZtY. HROADWAY AND or ii ST. HitOAIGV nY A\|i hi h sr. IGtoA ii\\ AN AMI or ii sr. lillo illtVAY AND OKI sr. HKOAIOV \ V AN O or ii s r. HMOADWAV AND or ii si. HIIOADWA V AMI 01 II sr. IIUOADW \ V A N 11 01 II ST. UUOAUWAY AND urn sr. A. RRR GO A B K It 0 o AA B It K 0 0 A A B h R 0 o A A KRR (1 0 A A B It R 0 u AAA A R h R 0 0 A A B K K 0 0 A A It H uo A A DRV EBEEEFE^EBEKEKEF.EEEEEIE E E E K E K K K (? EKEf KKEEkfcl >.K EtEEti.LKEhEtELfcEz.LEEE It E fc E K KKhK EE EE IEEE htfcH KEEK EE EE i EEE F.I EfcEEEEEFB FEE- KKfcr.EEK KLEEEEEEKEa EE EE EEC h KEEK KEEK EEE. EEKK V EEE KEEH 1. h KKFEEERFEEEFFEEEEEEE EE EEE EE E E EE KEEEEEEEKE EEELEEEEEbEEr.tEEEEEEEE Blid B B B b:ib B ? n KtN'ZEY'R KIN7. r. Y'S i KINZEl'S GLOVE DEPARTMENT 1 klN/.LY'S KIMZnY'K Opening IK*) dozen# Kid Glovea, two 111!ion. good colors and ???rjr me, ?old elaewhtre at 'JTo. and (1. at 5He. pair. A lo? of two Eutlon Klda. 23c A lol of dueakin Gauntlets, 25c. opening f>"" dottne IMSIkNi two lnittnn>. everv nine nr.d color, now spring ?hade a, regular $1 good*. al 5llc. pair. KINZEY. Three button Kid Glove, every color and size, 75c. pulr. KINZBY, Our Broadway Kid Glova. two button*, ovary pair warranted, KINZEY. Our two button fiiahman Kid Glove. every pair warrauled, 117c. KINZEY. Our two billion undressed Kid Gloves all tlia new shades, 75c. pair. KINZEY. 1)1' tliree button undressed Kid GloTea. all ilia new aliadei.Fl pair, KINZEY. Our lour button undrewed Kid tilovea, all Ilia now ,hades, f I pair. KINZEY. Genta' Kid Glovea, ft<)c . 75c.. $1 pair. Gaula1 Kid tilovea. $1 25, $1 .'a>. E1 75 pair. KINZEY. Misses' Kid Glovea. lull naaorlnient. Miaaea' real Kida, spring sliadra. KINZEY. Our re ui Kid Glovea, Iwubuttona, uew aliadea. every pair warranted, #1 35. KINZEY. Our real Kid Glovea. three turnout, new aliadea, every pair wnrranted, f I 50. KINZEY. Genta' Dogskin Glovea. 75c.. DOe. pair. Genii' Driving Glovea. closing out. KINZEY. I .tazi dozen due English Benin Glovea, in ladlea' alaea. coat f:l ilor.en to Import. We aliall throw them nil the counter al 5c. pair. 750 dozen fine English Berlin Glovea lor mlsse*. roat $3 75 dozen to Import, on the eounter at 5c. pair 25lidozen Ladlea' eatra laffctasilk kid make, 25c. pair. Extra heavy ailk Glovea, 19c. pair. Very Sno alik Glovea. 25e. pair. Two button Berlin Gloves, 20c. pair. Fine Berlin Gauntlet*. 20c.. 25c.. die. KINZEY. KlNZI'.V. KINZKV. EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENT. KINZEY. KINZEY. Hamburg Krohrnlderlea, 2? , Sc.. 4e. 11 iviiilni rjr Embroideries. 5c., lie., 7c 11miiilitiru Einbroloerlea, He.. Me.. |ne. Hamburg Kinlirolderlea, 12c., IV. Hamburg Embroideries, |Mo., 2ilc. Hamburg Eiubrnlderiea. 22c., 25c. Hamburg Knihrotdertea, 2Hc., 51c. Hamburg Embroideries, 55c., 3Sc. Hamburg Embroideries, 4Hc., 42c. Ilamnurir Kniurolderiea, 4t'? . 5nc. Ilaiuliiiric Embroideries. 55c., .Hie. j Hamburg ?fr.ninrotderie*. Ht>c, tWto. II ic Kinlirolderlea, 75c., mic. llanibuig Knibrolderiea. WN:., $1. Fmhroldered dimity Hand*. I5e. Keinnanta of Embroidery eneap. I.arpe lot of Inaertiona and Edgings, closing low. KINZEY. KINZEY. KINZEY. HANDKERCHIEF DEPARTMENT. KINZe.Y. KINZEY. I.adlea' ell linen Handkerchief!, ho. I.adiea' ell linen do. hemtnad, lie. I.adlea' nil linen, liemalltcheu. Inc. I.ndiea all linen, colored border*, lie. Windoreni I.adiea', all linen registered goods, all lieinined. eery One goods, lllr. to I5e. Colored borders, all linen, fe., |t?c.. 12','c. 6511doaena verr line alt linen, heiiiatltrhed. leaa than gold coat. H'e to 21c. nacli. Mourning llanukerchiafa, 15c. to 00c. 2.000 dozens linen, colored borders, ready hemmed, at llo . 12',c.. I.V, 2.i**l Belgian point lae* Handkerchiefs. doting at 25e. Italian eal lace Handkerchiefs, liuen cambric centres. 5Ge. .'nmdorena I.adiea' hemstitch, worked iuitiala, 12,V'. eacb. 200 dozens needlework and linen, heinatltoh, worth 75c., at 3Hc Silk llandkerchlela, lite. each. Extra silk llcudkarcblets, 25c. Large aire Silk Handkerchiefs clozlng way below roat. Hnya' colored bordered hemmed, 3c. Boys' linen Handkerchief!, tJc. 3,000 dozena Gents' all linen Handkerchiefs, white and printed borders he.iimcd and hemstitched, 12He.. 15c., I?e.. 21c., 25c., 31c , 3?c., 4'ic., 44c. and 5<)c . lower prices than before the war. KINZEY KINZEY UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. KINZEY KINZEY Neatly trimmed ('.hernia*. 39c. Tucked and trimmed i neiulse, 5de. Exiru line corded band (.'Itemise. ?b*c. Tucaed, woraeil and ruffled I'htfmlae, 75e. Cluster lucked lace ruffled (llienilse, IM?. 2n -u lea liner good* Ifom #1 to $2 50. Tucked and rnffled Diawcra, 3Hr Cluster tucked extra Drawers, .ule. Fin" embroidered und tucked, 5tlc. 'l urked and embroidered ruffle, 75c. Fine embroioered Drawers. !*ic 20 at) lea In finer Drawer., $1 to S2. Tucked and ruffled Nightgown*. The. do back and (mm, extra length, ofir Worked do., tucked entire leuaih. dl. Cluster embroidered yua* do . 41 J'.t. l ine puffed and worked do.. (2 19, 15 oilier styles from (I to 45. Cluster tucked Skirts, lull si/e .We. Extra tucked skirt, mil size, fwje. Tucked and ruffleu Sairta, ."Hie,. I ine side platted Skills, 75c Bias lucked .and milled do . #1, 2i> other siylea Imui 75c to t>> Dressing Sacqnaa from 51>c. up. l tllow "llama all qualities. Hip gora corsets, all sisea, 2l'c. Fiue asaortnieut ol woven ( oriels. Mia-e*' Underwent, full aiiutmrtii at low prices. Infants' Goods and Underwear of every desctlptl <n, very low. Opening ?<*> dozen# of I.adits' Eualish merino Underwear lur spring . nse. high and low necks, short and long sleeves, t.i be sold at .Ilk* each, about hall Importation coat. XI N/.F.Y. kiv/.i-.v. parabola and umbrellas. klN/.EY. klN/.ET. 500 silk Hon Umbrellas, steel frames, 75c. fa.i silk Sun Umbrellas, steel frames, $1 is), .'"i I silk Sun Umbrellas, sleel train**, el 25 .'eat >|lk Sun Umbrellas, steel Ireuies. j| hi. .M*lsilk sun Umbrellas, 7A. I ...rat twilled silks, paramo Itames. tmin #1 M to ft T\ Lace and fringed Parasol*, ivory, pearl, coral and shall handles. 3d i silk Bain Umhretlaa. .?losing out at low prices.' Parasols; good assortment. Carriage Parasols. Embroidered Parasols; all i all the other new atylea. K1N/.EY. KaV UK I'A KTII KNT. KIN/.t.V. On Imml f ai.ftu I an?, ? ilrtcrj ,ir? rtptloii whitli t intent to c;o.? out, from It, to f.t". KIN/.EY. K IX/.KY. MN/.f.Y, SWUf HOODS. K IN/.KV. S'nlM Mm. ', S ,r#t, I lc.. Kit., up. S*l.t Hook Slolna H? i??>, J?. to fl" s?i,? llratktla, l ie to f.'i. stVISS BOUQlKT HooOKka. I ink CARD RECXIYERU, Hwltt Carveil Frames, Ilk to flu KINXKV. I.AlOiE SWISS CARVINOS. KIN/.KY. kl.N/.EY, Napkin Rlnira.lie., |i>r.. lit., K>e. KIN/.I Y. Tool I ami Null It mail ltmk? KIN/.1 V KI.n/.KV. I'liotatfrapli llolilar..,"?e. each. KIN/.KV. Hot Mini < loak KlN/.hV, KIN/.KV. TOWEL RACKS and FRAMES. kin/.kv KIN/.1 KIN/.KV KlN/.hV S KIN/.KV 's KIN/.KVS KIXZKVS k IN/.KV kl.N/LV * BROADWAY AND tiril SI' HHOADtYAV AND 111II SI. IIKo.tliW tV A.NIl mil SI iikoaiiw.aV ami ihii sr. lino tint tV AMI KTII sr BROAIlW W AMI IT|| SI BROADWAY ami KTII si' BROADWAY AND UTU ?T DRY GUOIH. Ar VVVT WW WW WWW YY VVYYVVY YYVYYY 1 WW V V V V V WHY VYVVY Y\ 1 YY VYVVY VYYYV VYVVY WW Y DDD W V tV A D D W vv w AA n D IV W17 W A A u n W IV IV W A A n d \V W 1Y IV A A D 0 17 IV W IV A AAA D D W1V WW A A !> D VV vv A A DDD T V A A r 7 r y V T YY T KIX7.F.T. KlNZKY. K INZK. V. TOILET DEPARTMENT. KlNZKY. KlNZKY. KlNZKY. Everything In thlidepartmaal K I N'Z r Y. warranted genuine. KlNZKY. OoJjfi | ^. j ^ &?%"" ^srSsSSfc 1 ioJet to?w?. flonred'a Lily White, Sn under*' Powaar, Wane da Perl#, Keen Kun Powder, 10a Pnntlllea do Florence. Son. I'uiirdray'a Fleur do Kit, 33e. Toilet Ylnaigre, 71c. Oriental Cream, OHc. Mntrnnlie Balm, 4*r. I.ami'* Hlo.on of Youth. 4He. Sarceant* Secret of Heauty, 48d? Hacket Powder*, kite. up. (Irrman Farina Cologne, 4Wc. Huriiet A Hojrt'e Cologne. Plialon * genuine llair.ut* Colgate a Cuatueilca, all mm lolaine' Feeding Rottlea. Alorui*ere. Irom .'die up. Puff Hoar*. good nawirinirnt. ltr*t Medicated Paper, 13c. package* ftnrry'a 1 rlcnphernu*. HUe. Sterling'* Ambro?ta, H4?, Hiirnrtt'a Cveualiie. 71c. l.yon'a Kathuiruii. 3Hc. Ilell'a Heir Itrnewer, Me. chevalter'a Lilo of the 11 air, 62e* Ayer'a Vliror, ttllc. . Paitey'a Cold Cream, Tie. Ilegam an'a Camphor Ice. Itic. DaUev'* Magic Snl?e. mic. Savage'* l'r?itil, .Vto. Courarny'a Pomade. 2.">e. up. Itadwny'a Reedy Itellaf, 33a. Pond'* Kxlrarl, ItHc I arrant'* Sellanr, 7He \Viu*low'e Southing Syrup. Jttc. Courdray"* Phllneume, 4.1c. Ilaanie'a Pomade*. 31c. up. S H/glainuua Oil. 3H? Olycerlua Banduliue, Ac., Ac. Mnatard Learee. affc boa. Hoik irk'a Suawdnnt, N3c ttrlrntal Hal in. itSc. Ortautal Tomli Paate. 40c. Braedreth'a 17c. bog. Scheock * Pill*. I7r. box. Ayer'a I'lH*. I7r. up. M orm Loaenget, 30c. Tbnraton'a Tooth Powder, Mo, Colder'* Dentine, I'.'c. J oli it mmi ? Powder. I Ha Up. Keu Aaagllque, 7Va Allcoek'a Porou* Plaatera, l<>e. I'aaliuiere Huui|iiet no.ipa. 17a Kr*l Scouring snap*, da Pine imported Snapa Fine Money Tnllet Keep*. 5a Klna lllvcerlno scant, Nr. Pin# Kiown W indknr Soap, Nr. turtle Oil aud Elder Plover Soap. Oatmeal and Palm snap. Colgate"# Mnreery Snap, tienulne Ca*ule Soap* (?leu'a Sulphur Soap, Ida I*'?'t Brnwn Windsor Soaa l.uldn'* fine Imported Soap*, Horaa and Out Meal Soap. Pine Eugllah boapa Real ahell Hark Comb. Ileal Ivory Comb*. Kraalllan ahell Hark Comhl. 7.V, np. Pine aaeortment impurted Hack Comb*. Kulibrr lir#*ilng Cnmba, be. apt It i fti?l,i Drraning I'ombi. Hide and Pocket Comua. Jet and Curat Comb*. .N00 dorsn Knpllih IIair ltru*li**. worth liOc. each cloaiue at Air, Stilldoaen Hair Hru*lin*. worth 7.*a each, at 3>lc. each. Ivery llair llritahea. Inlaid pearl llair Hruahea. hug It* h Tooth Hriinhe*. 7c.. He. and 10c Bp, Nail Htttabea, full aaaurlmaut. Clothe* and Mat. Hinahea Hiibber Koiiiol Odttiln, lie. tip. Lot of llair French Hrualte*. INe. each. Hair Curlera and Crimper*. Toilei Mirror*, full aaaortment. Ham Oleeea and Belt*. Travailing Companion* Khali Hruahea, all kludu. KINZF.V. SllOF.3 KIN/.KV. itllUtS KIN/.KV. SHOE DEPARTMENT. KIN/.KV. SHOES KIN/.KY. SIIOKS KIN/.KV. Thli department la now under alluKS KIN/.KV. new nianaireinent. SIIOKS KIN/.KV. Prices all low and uonde SIIOKS KIN/.I-. Y. aacellrut in iiimllljr mid allots KIN/.KV. perfect lu fit. SIIOKS KIN/.KV. SIIOKS KIN/.KV. l.aille*' French IM llntton Root*, SIIOKS KIN/.KV. alloKS KIN/.KV Ladle*' French llrel kid Button Hoot, sllOKS KIN/.KV. 93 U8. SIIOKS KIN/.KY SllOKS KIN/.KY. Lkdie*' French Morocco Button. 9d HK SIIOKS K I N/.KY. Ladle*' pebble K0*t Bui lull Hunt, f I '.Ml up. KIIO C.S KIN/.KV SllOKS KIN/.KV. Lmllea' aerit* fined Billion Boet. $1 S7. SlloKS KIN/.KY. Ladle*' kill Newport Tlee, $1 ;?? up. SIIOKS KIN/.KV. SIIOKS KIN/.KY. Ladle*' French Toilet Kllppere, 9 I OS. SllOKS KIN/.KV. I.adle*' kid Slipper*. nMe up. SllOKS KIN/.KV. SllOKS KIN/.KV. Ladle*' *andal Slipper*. 92 -2. SIIOKS KIN/.KY. Moiee' French kid Button SllOKS KIN/.KV. SIIOKS kINZI'.V. Ml****' French Morocco Button SllOKS KIN/.KV. pebble gout School Shoe*. SlloKS KIN/.KV. SlloKS KIN/.KY. Nercnorl Tie? el low prices. SIIOKS KIN/.KY. Child * peb grain BuOuo Hoott. SI 24. SlloKS KIN/.KV. SIIOKS KIN/.KV. Clilld't pebble K<>et Button Bout*. 91 mh SIIOKS KIN/.KV. Chllil ? spring heel handsome Huttun, sllOKS KIN/.KV. 41 Wl up. SIIOKS KIN/.KV. SIIOIS KIN/.KV. Intent*' colored kid llntton. 91 4R. SllOKS KIN/.KV. Imams'black kid Button. 9".v. up. SHOKs KIN/.KV. SIIOKS KIN/.KY. lufente' drelr Itutlnn. 91 24. SIIoKm KI N/.KV. Spring frt cork sole Itultou Hm.ta.f3 OS. SIIOKS K I N/.KY. SIIOKS KIN/.KV. I.adie?' MiaUle In hand- SlloKS KIN/.KY. aewed woik, el belf ptice. SlloKS KIN/.KV. SIIOKS KIN/.KV. SIIOKS KINZKVi WIIIT1 GOODS DEPARTMENT. KIN/. I. V. KIN/.KY. Ilnney c.inb Towel*, *e.. lie. All linen llurk Towel*, l-'jc. All linen lllsaa Towels, lJlte. I.inen dnmeak Towels, Ate. up. TurkUb Hath Towel*, lerpa *i*e, .'lr. Tnrklali Weah Cloth*. He up. I.iiirn daitiHtk Napkin*. 7c . He up tieutleuten'a liow? shirt Huemu. Inw. Hand ? rocbet Tldle*. He. to 91. Fane? Braided Tldle*. d-'re np. , Braided Pique Mala, UN*, up Marseille* i ollet Corera, S>t op? Nottlncham laee Tidlea, 7e , inc.. I2e Noltitiitliam Id.-e Tidiea. I * . Ilk-.. 2 >??. N.dttiiphain late i Idiea, dike., .lie.. SC. Nottingham lace Tldle*. 4.V.. "dkv.rtdc. Nottliiithani Curinln I.ace*. Id1,a.. IV. card. Nottingham Curiam Lace*. doc , d*>c. yard. Noltlu^ham Curiam I.ace, :tlc., Use. y*rd. Nnuiinrhaiu Curt km l.acea, 44c.. .die. yard. Dreaa Lining? of all klfida I'aper Mnallua, tk ynr I Camhrle Miitlin? tie yat.l. Crinoline VYlgan Drilling*. .4'' I tunre.l Curtain Moalln*. ISr. yer4. Tucked Muahne, dm. yard up. Diapers, tery low I toned and Figured Swi?***. KIN/.KV. KIN/.KV. I'OKTKMONNAIKS AND BAGS. klNXKV. I.uta or I'lirremonnnle*. loc . I.'h*. Bnckakin lla^t, ItXv, l-n , JV Ileal Itixala I'urieiiionualee, doc. up. I'e nl uiid Shell I ard !'?*?*. Steel Pnr?e*. Willi rli'iiiia. I9r , ."die Steel I'liiaca. Willi chain*. dn- lo 7 .0 All the new at tie Bella He. up. \?l?et lia**. all *l?**,tllle. up. Tr ivdling and Khnpping KkgA .N111 n vii a Irom ??fir. 1.1 9'd1 ? Clear Ceaea, Match Sale*, Shawl Strep? |i>c. up. KIN/.KV. KiN/.KV. LARGE STOCK OF BRONZES LOW. KIN/.KV. , KIN/.KV. CANARY BIRDS AND CAGES. 1 KIN/.KY. KIN/.KV. MUSIC BOXES CI.OSI.VO OL'T. KIN/.KV. KINZKV. l'AltlAN HGIR1.S VP.HV LOW. K I ?/.KV. KIN/.c.V, Rl'SSI AN LEATHER GOODS TO CLOSE, KIN/. V. KIN/KV. BROADWAY AND HTII ST. kin/.kv, huoadway and hth sr. kin/.ky. Broadway and fvrii sr. For Oilier Dry Gtmtla AHverlHrmenla See Mnrlttnlh ktnl TwcKUtli Paiie*.